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Topic: Bane or Boon

Researcher: Adelyn B. Noroña


 Work in any definitely scientific outgrowth or group can be fundamentally

considered particularly good or substantially bad. Boon means “a thing that

is beneficial or helpful” and bane is something that causes distress or

annoyance. If someone says this they want to know what kind of result they

will get from whatever they are talking about. The manufacture of

nanoparticles is a technology being pursued by hundreds of hi-tech

companies around the world. They have discovered many useful

applications for them like boosting the efficiency of solar panels and

delivering medicines to tumors to kill them. That is a boon. However,

nanoparticles are small enough to cross the cell wall and will interfere in

the functions of the cell. Using nanoparticles to make zinc suntan lotions

even more reflective could prove to be a bane.


 In our hands of technology, boon or bean, it’s a topic with lots of

complexities, which are beyond the scope of this review. The fact is

technology has contributed to significant improvements in areas of

medicine, communication, travel, human living, and education. It has also

contributed to global warming, nuclear stockpiles, and mechanization of

human life. Technology is a boon as long as it is our slave. It’s when we let

it become a master, that it becomes a bane. Mind you on, It is own,

it become a master, that it becomes a bane. Mind you on, It is own, technology

can never be your master. We are light years away from robots who can control

humans and artificial intelligence, so lets not even go there first. When you say

technology is dominating your life, in a sense you are allowing it to do so. As

a human being you have a brain, to decide what’s wrong, what’s not, when to

stop, and when to get off. If you are unable to use that brain, you don’t have

any right to blame others for it. People complain that technology makes one

lazy and obese.


 This study focus the bean or boon, which is the bean or boon, something

that can be either a benefit or an affliction (pain or trouble). Boon: was

something like that gives you benefit & Bane: was something which gives

you trouble, worry, affliction or non- Beneficiary. Although it’s like “pros

and cons” and “advantages and disadvantages” and therefor that I can use

“Boon or Bane”.


 Madhu GuptaProfessor, Deptt. Of Education, M.D. University, Rohtak

(Haryana)Kiran RaniResearch Scholar, Deptt. Of Education, M.D.


Topic: Qualitative vs Quantitative: a comparison analysis

Researcher: Adelyn B. Noroña


 Methods engaging in a research project can be a frightening and intimidating

task for anyone. However, Polansky and Waller (2015) provide a six-step

process that is designed to simplify the research process by alleviating anxiety

and ensuring that the researcher is able to complete the project in a timely

manner. The first step is defining the problem so that it is clearly understood.

Once there is clarity on what needs to be done or of what is required, the focus

can shift towards completion of the project. Step two is laying out the research

objectives that need to be accomplished in order to arrive at a solution to the

research question. Next, a determination is made on the best course of action to

acquire the required information. Once a suitable framework is selected, it is

time to move on to the fourth step, which is gathering data answers the research

question. Finally, we arrive at step six, which means the research question has

been answered, and the results are ready for presentation (Polansky @ Waller).

Research in its most elementary form can be described as the activities that

enable us to expand our knowledge.


 Quantitative and Qualitative Research are complementary methods that you can

combine in your surveys to get results that are both wide-reaching and deep.

Simply but, quantitative data gets you the numbers to prove the broad general

points of your research. Qualitative data brings you the details and the depth to
understand their full implications. The comparison between the two types of

research are the following: goal or aim of the research- the primary aim of a

qualitative research is to provide a complete, detailed description of the research

topic. It is usually more exploratory in nature. Usage- qualitative research is

ideal for earlier phases of research projects while for the latter part of the

research project, quantitative research provides the researcher a clearer picture

of what to expect in his research compared to qualitative research. Data

gathering instrument- the researchers serves as the primary data gathering

instrument in qualitative research. Here, the researcher employs various data-

gathering strategies used in qualitative research are individual in depth

interviews, structured and non- structured interviews, focus groups, narratives,

content or documentary analysis, participant observation and archival research.

On the other hand, Quantitative research makes use of tools such as

questionnaires, surveys, measurements and other equipment to collect

numerical or measurable data. Type of data- the presentation of data in a

qualitative research is in the form of words (from interviews) and images

(videos) or objects (such as artifacts). If you are conducting a qualitative

research what will most likely appear in your discussion are tables containing

data in the form of numbers and statistics. Approach- qualitative research is

primarily subjective in approach as it seeks to understand human behavior and

reasons that govern such behavior. Researchers have the tendency to become

subjectively immersed in the subject matter in this type of research method.


 This paper focuses on the appropriate research method to use for a research

study. First, it includes a summary of guidelines for the appropriate use of

qualitative and quantitative methods. In a pure quantitative study or for the

quantitative part of a mixed methods study, the researchers develops hypotheses

based on the theory, which are tested using statistical analyses. The results of

the study either support or refute the theory thereby adding to the body of

knowledge. In a qualitative study or for the qualitative part of a mixed methods

study, the researchers investigates specific questions that would provide

additional information on a theory or add knowledge. Some studies make use

of both quantitative and qualitative research, letting the two complement each

other. If your study aims to find out, for example, what the dominant human

behavior is towards a particular object or event and at the same time aims to

examine why this is the case, it is then ideal to make use of both methods.






Topic: Relevance of Research in Daily life

Researcher: Adelyn B. Noroña


 Research is actually an act of studying something carefully and extensively

in order to attain deep knowledge in the same. For being successful, research

should be systematic, arranged, summarized and recorded properly.

Research can be creative, exploring or just reassuring in nature. Each one of

us does some or the other research in our lifetime for sure. Research can

affect a subject both positively and negatively and can be constructive or

destructive in nature. Some people believe that research is mostly

destructive in nature. However, you need to understand that it’s not the

results from a research that determine its use; it’s the people who handle the

results. In the following lines, we have just tried to emphasize the

importance of research.


 The relevance of research in our daily life is to gather necessary

information, research provides you with all necessary information in field

of your work, study or operation before you begin working on it. Research

also helps them get acquainted with the processes and resources involved

and reception from the market. This information helps in the successful

outcome of the project. The second is to make changes, Sometimes, there

are in-built problems in a process or a project that is hard to discover.

Research helps us find the root cause and associated elements of a process.
The end result of such a research involves a demand for change and

sometimes in successful in producing changes as well. Another is,

improving standard of living, only through research can new inventions

and discoveries come into life. It was C.V Raman’s research that prompted

invention of radio communication. Imagine how you would communicated

have Graham Bell not come out with the first ever practical telephone!

Forget telephones, what would have happened if Martin Cooper did not

present the world the concept of mobile phones! Addicted as we are to

mobile phones, we need to understand that all the luxuries and the amenities

that are now available to us are the result of research done by someone. And

with the world facing more and crisis each day, we need researchers to find

new solutions to tackle them. For a saver life, research has made ground

breaking discoveries and development in the field of health, nutrition, food,

technology and medicine. These things have improved the life expectancy

and health conditions of human race in all parts of the world and helped

eradicate diseases like polio, smallpox, completely. Diseases that were

untreatable are now history, as new and new inventions and research in the

field of medicine have led to the advent of drugs that not only treat the once-

incurable diseases, but also prevent them from recurring. To know the

truth, it has been proved time and again that many of established facts and

known truths are just cover ups or blatant lies or rumors. Research is needed

to investigate and expose these and bring out. Explore our history, research

about our planets history and human history has enabled us to learn and

understand more about our forefathers and helped us learn from their

mistakes and absorb good things from their life. And last is understanding
arts, this helps us in literature, paintings, sculptures, and everything that can

be attributed with artistic touch. If no research is conducted into any of these,

we will never be able to understand any of these as per the artist’s

imagination. Also, a lot of great artistic work is hidden in the shadows of

history, which needs to be drawn out.


 This study focuses the relevance of research in daily life. As mentioned

earlier in the body, that the relevance of research in our daily lives are the

following: to gather necessary information, to make changes, improving

standard of living, for a saver life, to know the truth, explore our history,

and understanding arts. So, the importance of this in our daily life is it helps

us to become more knowledgeable about many things. It given us wisdom

how to discern to any situations. Lastly, it can help us become more

innovative. However, we should never let ourselves be fooled by websites

that are not trustworthy. This is because it could lead us to a wrong direction.

When you research, always verify if the articles you read are true or not.

The result of this study is without research, a person could eat food, go to

work, and have a family like an animal. Given the right resources, a person

could do all this without a problem. We don’t live in a world of infinite

resources. So given that, there is competition for those resources, and if you

don’t research ( have the best way doing things, like “finding food to eat”)

you’ll die. Research is figuring out how the world actually works, knowing

the best way of doing things. If you value life, ”research” in this world of

finite resources is essential. It is research even that arguably gave us

Christianity, as the Bible itself lists a number of lines of research done by

people to find God. Most of which were failures in some form or another,

leading to the advice to beware false prophets.




Topic: The Research Inquiry and Immersion a way of life

Researcher: Adelyn B. Noroña


 Most people don’t achieve the goals they set out to achieve. It’s not because

their goals are too high, it’s not because they don’t have enough money to

make it happen, and it’s not because they aren’t smart enough or any other

excuses you can think of. We as humans have limitless opportunity and can

achieve just about anything we set our minds to. The way to get whatever

you want in life is by committing yourself to one simple word: immersion.

Immersion: To involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest.

That’s the technical definition, and, in layman’s terms, what immersion

really means is to be ALL IN. In order to get what you want in life, you need

to fully immerse yourself in every single factor that will play a role into you

getting what you want. Unfortunately, it’s human instinct to be hesitant

when making decisions; thus, causing most of us often look for an exit

strategy, suffer from analysis paralysis or only be halfway in through the

majority of situations in life. This is where failure lies. This is where both

unhappiness and complacency live. Only putting forth 50% of your full

potential in ANYTHING is a recipe for personal regression. You can be

almost certain that you will never be the best at what you’re trying to do,

and that you will never dominate your space operating at only 50% capacity.

And how could you even expect to when someone else is

out putting in their everything? You will lose every single time. With that

being said, the fix for mediocrity is simple and it’s called immersion. So

into what should you be immersing yourself? How do you go about this

process? Here are a few things that the majority of successful people claim

are a must when it comes to immersion.


 Immersion learning, This research looks at the benefits of immersion

education, such as academic achievement, language and literacy

development in two or more languages, and cognitive skills; and also

exposes some of the challenges that accompany the immersion model, with

its multilayered agenda of language, literacy and intercultural skills

development during subject matter learning. Preparing the children for the

world of tomorrow. The positive impact this approach is having on children

and how their learning enhancing and enriching the school’s curriculum.


 This study focuses immersion a way of life, which is a method of teaching

a foreign language by the exclusive use of that language, usually at a

special school. And the action of immersing someone or something in a



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Topic: The Research Process: A criticism

Researcher: Adelyn B. Noroña


 Research module have become a common inclusion to graduate healthcare

program. To the novice researcher, undertaking a study or dissertation can

appear daunting. This article is the first of a series of four that aims to help

perioperative practitioners feel more positive about undertaking a project by

examining the research process and the theoretical frameworks of

qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research process is not a linear

process in which you must complete step one before moving on to step two

or three. You don’t need to put off writing your paper until you’ve gathered

all of your sources, in fact, you may want to start writing as soon as possible

and adjust your search, thesis statement, and writing as you continue to work

through the research process.


 The first process in research is, decide on the topic- or carefully consider

the topic that has been assigned. Narrow the topic- in order to narrow

search parameters. When you got to a professional sports event, concert, or

event at a large venue, your ticket has three times on it: the section, the row,

and the seat number. You go in that specific order to pinpoint where you are

supposed to sit. Similarly, when you decide on a topic, you often start large

and must narrow the focus: you move from general subject, to a more

limited topic, to a specific focus or issue. The reader does not want a cursory

look at the topic; she wants to walk away with some newfound knowledge
and deeper understanding of the issue. For that, details are essential. For

example, suppose you want to explore the topic of autism. You might move

from: General topic, limited topic, specific focus. Do background

research- or pre research. Begin by figuring out what you know about the

topic, and then fill in any gaps you may have on the basics by looking at

more general sources. This is a place where general Google searchers,

Wikipedia, or another encyclopedia style source will be most useful, and

can also create a research question- once you have narrowed your topic

so that is manageable, it is time to generate research questions about your

topic. Create thought- provoking, open-ended questions, ones encourage

debate. Secondary questions will address the who, what, when, where, why,

and how of the issue. As an example: main question, and secondary

questions. Next “answer” the main research question to create a working

thesis statement. The thesis statement is a single sentence that identifies the

topic and shows the direction of the paper while simultaneously allowing

the reader to glean the writer’s stance on that topic. Another is, determine

what kind of sources are best- for your argument, how many sources will

you need? How long should your paper be? Will you need primary or

secondary sources? Where will you find the best information? You will also

create a bibliography-as you gather and reference sources. Make sure you

are using credible and relevant sources. And last but not the less is write

and edit your paper, you will incorporate the research into your own

writing and properly cite your sources.


 This study focus the research process, which is theirs a processing in

research that we need to learn so that we will understand or know how to

make a research. Good quality research requires a researcher to follow

scientific approach. Researcher must follow scientific method in conducting

literature review, identifying research gaps, writing problem statement &

outlining research questions and research objectives. Researcher must

carefully select among different research designs, the selection of which

depends on specific research questions and the overall objectives of the

study. Decisions like choosing among data collection methods and sampling

techniques require researcher to exercise logical 26 reasoning.


 Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS

Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques, New

Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology 27

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