Kasambahay Monitoring and Reporting Indicators

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(Guide Sheet)

Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &

Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting

A. Information Dissemination and

Advocacy Activities
Sec. 11 Employment 1.0 DOLE-initiated information dissemination
Contract activities Information Dissemination
and Advocacy Activities
1.1. Number of activities organized/ Refers to number of activities conducted/ Frontline offices in the regions
The DOLE shall widely conducted attended to by concerned DOLE agency with such as DOLE ROs, Regional
disseminate information to
the purpose of educating/informing domestic Branches of NCMB, RTWPB,
domestic workers and workers, household employers and other OSHC, etc. or by concerned
employers on the use of the stakeholders on the salient features of Batas DOLE bureaus, services such as
model employment contract Kasambahay especially on working conditions / BWC, BLE, BLR and IPS.
labor standards governing their employment.
Sec. 38 Information Such activities include orientations, learning Submit report to the BWSC using
Program sessions, discussion meetings, publication of RF-A1 not later than 15 days after
pertinent IEC materials through the reference quarter.
The DOLE shall, in print/newspaper, radio guesting, social media,
coordination with the DILG, provision of interviews to media and press BWSC shall consolidate said
the SSS, the PhilHealth and briefings. This includes in-house capability reports using the attached report
Pag-IBIG develop and building activities for DOLE employees (i.e. form RF-A2.
Kasambahay law focal persons, SEADO,
implement a continuous
LLCOs, etc.)
information dissemination
program on the provisions of
1.2 to 1.8 refer to participants/recipients of the
this Act, both at the national 1.2. Number of officers of LGUs/ information/dissemination activities referred to
and local level, immediately kasambahay desk officers reached under 1.1.
after the enactment of this
law. 1.3. Number of domestic workers reached
1.4. Number of household employers
1.5. Number of other stakeholders
1.6. Number of Private Employment
Agencies (PEAs) reached
1.7. Number of in-house trainings for
DOLE employees conducted

*Domestic Workers Act or RA 10361

Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &
Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting

1.8. Number of walk-in clients Refers to number of walk-in clients mainly

responded/attended to seeking information on domestic workers
benefits, terms and conditions of work and
related information responded to by the DOLE
Office/responsible agency. It does not include
responses/action to walk-in clients who seek
pertinent information and, eventually, request
for assistance (RFAs) in filing complaints. Such
response/action shall be counted as Request
for Assistance (RFA) under column 2, item C,
number 6 (page 4).

1.9. Number of calls entertained by the Refers to number of calls responded to by the
DOLE Call Center/ DOLE ROs DOLE Call Center/DOLE ROs concerning
concerning domestic workers’ mainly information on domestic workers’
benefits and related matters benefits and other employment related
2.0 Number of invitations attended to as
Refers to activities and events organized by
resource person/speaker in fora,
other agencies/entities including media which
interviews and other similar activities
aim to promote/advocate domestic workers’
organized by government agencies other
rights which were attended to by DOLE official/
than DOLE and other private
officer to act a resource person (i.e. speaker,
interviewee, etc.). This also includes
attendance and participation as resource
person in public hearings of the Senate and
House on concerns of domestic workers (i.e.
implementation of RA 10361, etc.).

2.1. Number of quadmedia interviews

(TV, radio, print, and social media) 2.1. to 2.2 refer to the breakdown of
attended to activities/events referred to under column 2,
item 2 (page 2).
2.2. Number of events attended to as
resource person

3.0 Number of news releases on domestic

workers published
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Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &
Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting

4.0 Number of special events (i.e. Araw ng Refer to total number of special events
mga Kasambahay) primarily involving organized and conducted
domestic workers’ presence/ participation
organized and conducted

4. 1. Number of domestic workers Refers to the total number of domestic workers

reached who attended the event.

Sec. 24 Minimum Wage B. Wage Adjustments

(wage setting)
5.0 Wage Orders
RTWPB shall review, and if For Wage Adjustments
proper, determine and adjust 5.1. Number of RTWPBs that have Refers to the number of Regional Tripartite RTWPBs to submit report to
the minimum wage rates of conducted review/ consultations/ Wage Boards (RTWPBs) which conducted NWPC using the attached report
domestic workers public hearings on minimum wage of consultation meetings/review on minimum form RF-B1. Frequency of
wage of domestic workers during the reference submission shall be based on
domestic workers
period. existing policy.
5.2. Number of Wage Orders issued, as Refers to the list of Wage Orders issued and NWPC to submit to BWSC a
necessary, increasing the minimum amounts granted by RTWPBs on minimum consolidated report of the
wage of domestic workers wages of domestic workers, as necessary. RTWPBs using the attached RF-
B2 not later than 15 working
days after the reference quarter.

Sec. 37 Settlement of C. Dispute Settlement For Dispute Settlement


The DOLE Regional Office 6.0 Number of Request for Assistance (RFA) Refers to number of requests for assistance DOLE ROs and NCMB Regional
shall exhaust all conciliation filed by domestic worker, household filed before the DOLE ROs or attached Branches to submit report to
and mediation efforts before a employers, or other concerned relatives/ agencies by domestic workers, household NCMB using the attached report
authorized persons in case of child employers, or other concerned relatives/ form RF-C1. Frequency of
decision shall be rendered.
domestic workers authorized persons in behalf of the domestic submission shall be based on
workers pursuant to RA 10361 and/or RA 9231 existing policy.

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Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &
Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting
( An Act Providing for the Elimination of the NCMB to submit consolidated
Worst Forms of Child Labor and Providing report to the BWSC using the
Protection for Working Child). attached report form RF-C2 not
later than 15 working days after
All labor related disputes shall 6.1. Mode of disposition of RFAs Request for Assistance (RFA) as defined under the reference quarter.
be filed before the DOLE Department Order No 151-16, series of 2016
6.1.a. No. of RFAs settled with or the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
Field/Provincial Regional
monetary benefit Republic Act No. 10396, or “An Act
Office having jurisdiction over 6.1.a.1. Amount of monetary benefit Strengthening Conciliation-Mediation as a
the workplace and shall go 6.1.a.2. Number of workers benefited Voluntary Mode of Dispute Settlement for
through the thirty-day (30) Labor Cases, Amending for this Purpose Article
mandatory conciliation under 6.1.b. Number of RFAs settled without 228 of Presidential Decree No. 442, As
the DOLE Single Entry monetary benefit Amended, Otherwise Known as the Labor
Approach (SEnA) Program to 6.1.b.1. No. of workers benefited Code of the Philippines”, refers to the request
exhaust all efforts for the for the conduct of conciliation-mediation under
settlement of the dispute. 6.1.c. Number of RFAs withdrawn Single Entry Approach (SEnA) to assist the
(Rule XI, Section 1) parties to arrive at settlement
6.1.d. Number of RFAs referred for
compulsory handling
a. to DOLE RO
b. Voluntary Arbitrations
c. Other government offices

6.2. Nature of Complaints:

6.3. Complainants to be disaggregated by Refers to the age of the domestic worker

6.3.a. Age
6.3.a.1. Below 15 years old
6.3.a.2. Between 15 to below18
years old
6.3.a.3. 18 years old and over

6.3.b. Sex Refers to the sex of the domestic worker

6.3.b.1. total number of female complainant.
6.3.b.2. total number of male

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Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &
Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting
Sec. 31. Rescue and D. Rescue and Rehabilitation of Abused Rescue and Rehabilitation of
Rehabilitation of Abused Domestic Workers Abused Domestic Workers
Domestic Workers
7.0 Number of abused domestic workers (in Mandated government agencies refer to the DOLE ROs to submit report to
The DSWD and the DILG need of rescue and rehabilitation) Department of Social Welfare and BWSC using the attached report
shall develop a standard referred by DOLE to mandated Development, Department of the Interior and form RF-D1 not later than 15
operating procedure for the Local Government, Department of Labor and working days after the reference
government agencies
rescue and rehabilitation of Employment, National Bureau of Investigation, quarter.
abused domestic workers, Philippine National Police and concerned Local
and in coordination with 7.1. Age Government Units pursuant to the Joint BWSC to consolidate the DOLE
DOLE, for possible 7.1.a. Below 15 years old Memorandum Circular No. 2015-002, 29 RO reports using the attached
subsequent job placement 7.2.b. Between 15 to below 18 October 2015, on the Protocol on the Rescue report form RF-D2.
years old and Rehabilitation of Abused Kasambahay
7.3.c. 18 years old and over Pursuant to RA 10361.

7.2. total number of complainants

7.2.a. total number of females

8.0 Type of Abuse

Refers to number of abused domestic workers
9.0 Number of abused domestic workers as defined under Section 4(a) of the Joint
referred for job placement/ livelihood Memorandum Circular No. 2015-002 of the
DSWD, DILG, DOLE, NBI and PNP on the
Protocol on the Rescue and Rehabilitation of
Abused Kasambahay Pursuant to RA 10361
referred for job placement/livelihood
Sec. 36 Regulation of PEAs E. Private Employment Agencies Refers to PEAs issued with licenses to recruit Private Employment Agencies
 The DOLE shall ensure and place kasambahay pursuant to
protection of domestic 10.0 Number of licensed Department Order No. 141-14 (Revised Rules DOLE ROs to submit report to
workers hired through PEAs/Kasambahay Providers and Regulations Governing Recruitment and BLE using report form RF-E1.
PEAs. PEA shall secure Placement of Local Employment) and are Frequency of submission shall
license and, if necessary, actively operating during the monitoring be based on existing policy.
Authority to Recruit and reporting period. They are also known as BLE to submit to BWSC a
Authority to Establish Kasambahay Providers. consolidated report of the
Branch from the DOLE. DOLEROs using RF-E2 not later
the 15 days after the reference

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Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &
Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting
Pre-employment orientation 10.1. Number of orientation briefings of Refers to the number of orientation briefings
briefing among domestic domestic workers conducted by conducted by the PEA among domestic
workers and their employers PEA workers and their employers on their rights and
(on rights and responsibilities responsibilities under RA 10361 or the
under Domestic Workers Act) Domestic Workers Act.
10.2. Number of domestic workers and
employers oriented by the PEA

10.2.a. Number of female domestic

workers oriented
10.2.b. Number of employers
10.3. Number of domestic workers Refers to number of domestic workers placed
assisted by PEA in filing by PEAS and were assisted by the same in
complaints or grievances filing complaints and grievances against their
employers as provided under Section 3(g),
Rule III of the IRR of RA 10361
10.3.a. Number of female domestic Refers to female domestic workers assisted
workers assisted with regard with regard to labor-related complaints
to labor-related/ legal
Sec. 11 Employment F. Employment Contracts Monitored Employment Contracts
Contract through PEAs Monitored through PEAs

PEA shall keep a copy of all 11.0 Number of employment contacts Refers to number of employment contracts of DOLE ROs to submit report to
employment contracts of domestic workers recruited and placed by BLE using report form RF-F1.
PEAs during the reporting period Frequency of submission shall
domestic workers and shall
be based on existing policy.
be made available for
verification and inspection by BLE to submit to the BWSC a
DOLE consolidated report of the DOLE
ROs using report form FR-F2 not
later than 15 working days after
the reference quarter

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Legal Basis Responsible Office/ Agency &
Indicators Operational Definition/Guide
(RA 10361 and its IRR) Frequency of Reporting
Sec. 16 Employment age

At least 15 years old to 11.1. Total number of domestic workers Refers to number of domestic workers between
below 18 years aged 15 to below 18 years old ages 15 to below 18 years old recruited by
recruited PEAs

11.1.a Number of female domestic

workers aged 15 to below 18
years old recruited

11.2. Total number of domestic workers Refers to number of domestic workers between
aged 15 to below 18 years old ages 15 to below 18 years old deployed in
placed in households households for employment

11.2.a. Number of female domestic

workers aged 15 to below 18
years old placed in

G. Organization of Domestic Workers Refers to number of active domestic workers Organization of Domestic
Rule IV, Section 1(j) of the organizations registered with the DOLE ROs Workers
IRR of RA 10361 12.0 Number of domestic workers’
organizations registered: DOLE ROs to submit report to
 Right to form, join or BLR using report form RF-G1.
assist labor organization Frequency of submission shall
be based on existing policy.
Rule IV, Section 17 of the
Refers to number of kasambahay who are BLR to submit to BWSC a
IRR 13.0 Number of membership of domestic
members of the kasambahay organization consolidated report of the DOLE
workers in registered workers’
registered in the DOLE RO disaggregated by ROs using report form RF G2
 Membership in Labor organization
sex and age not later than 5 working days
Organization after the reference quarter.
13.1. Number of female members

13.2. Total number of members aged 15

to below 18 years old

* Domestic Workers Act or RA 10361
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