Week 1 Assignment Solution

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G. S.

Sanyal School of Telecommunications

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

MOOC: Spread Spectrum Communications & Jamming

Assignment 1: Solutions to Problems on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

Due date: Max. marks: 20

1. Consider a DS-BPSK spread spectrum transmitter in the Fig. 1. Let d(t) be a binary
sequence 1101 arriving at a rate of 100 bps, where left most bit is the earliest bit. Let
c(t) be the pseudorandom binary sequence 100110111000 with a clock rate rate of 300
Hz. Assuming a bipolar signaling scheme with a binary ‘0’ and binary ‘1’ represented
by a signal levels ‘-1’ and ‘+1’, respectively:

(a) The final transmitted binary sequence corresponding to the bipolar signal sequence,
p(t), is:
d(t): 1101
x(t): +1 +1 -1 +1
c(t): 100110111000
g(t): +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1
Spread sequence, p(t) = x(t)g(t):
x(t): +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1
g(t): +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1
p(t): +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Binary sequence corresponding to p(t): 100110000000
(correct option iv.)
(b) The bandwidth of the transmitted spread signal is:
Bandwidth of the transmitted spread signal (DSSS-BPSK) is same as clock rate of
the pseudorandom binary sequence (= 300 Hz).
(correct option i.)

(c) The processing gain in dB is:
Processing gain = (Pseudorandom chip rate)/(data rate)=300/100 = 3 = 10log(3)
dB = 4.77 dB (correct option ii.)

(d) Assuming that the spread signal is not corrupted by noise, suppose the estimated
delay at a spread spectrum receiver is too large by one chip time, the despread and
decoded signal sequence (assuming majority logic decoding) is:
Despread sequence, (p(t))(delayed g(t)) =
p(t): +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
g’(t): -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1
r(t): -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1

Majority logic decoding (taking 3 bits at a time) yields: 0001

(correct option i.)

(e) The number of bit errors due to the estimation delay is:
Solution: In comparison with d(t), we see that the decoded bit sequence differs
in bit positions 1 and 2. Thus, the no. of bit errors in the decoded sequence is 2.
(correct option iii.)

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Figure 1: DSSS-BPSK System

2. A DSSS system transmits at a rate of 1000 bits/sec in the presence of a tone jammer.
The average jammer power is 20 dB greater than the average desired signal power and
the required Eb /Jo to achieve satisfactory performance is 10 dB. Note: Eb denotes
average bit energy and Jo denotes jamming power spectral density.

(a) The ratio of spreading bandwidth, Ws , to the transmission rate, R, is: (Hint: Ex-
press Eb in terms of corresponding average power, and transmission rate.)


Eb Pav Tb Pav Ws
= J  = .
Jo av Jav R

where Pav denotes average transmit power, Jav denotes the average jamming power
and Tb = R1 denotes bit duration with R being the transmission rate.


Ws Eb Jav
(dB) = (dB) + (dB) = 10 + 20 = 30 dB
R Jo Pav
(correct option iv.)

(b) The bandwidth of the spread signal is:

(dB) = 30 dB = 103

and R = 103 (given)


Ws = 103 .103 =106 = 1 MHz

(correct option i.)

3. A ground-to-synchronous satellite link is to operate at a data rate is 10 kbps with a
ground station antenna of 80 feet and a transmit power of 10 kW. It employs a 10 Mbps
DSSS code. The receiver Eb /J0 required for reliable communication is 20 dB. A jammer
with 100 feet antenna intends to disrupt the communication link. Assume equal space
and propagation losses, and that receiver noise is negligible. Note: Eb denotes average
bit energy and Jo denotes jamming power spectral density.

(a) The processing gain of the spread spectrum system is:

Processing gain, Gp = (Chip Rate)/(Data rate) = (10 × 106 )/(10 × 103 ) = 103 =
30 dB
(correct option ii.)
(b) The jammer power required to disrupt the communication system is:

PT =
Jo r Gp AeT
where PT denotes transmitter power, PJ denotes jammer power, AeJ and AeT de-
note effective aperture areas of jammer and transmitter antennas, respectively.

Given, Jo r
= 20 dB = 102


PT AeT (104 ) 3 (80)2

PJ =   Gp = (10 ) = 64 kW
Eb AeJ (102 ) (100)2
Jo r

(correct option iv.)

4. A DSSS system uses BPSK modulation for transmitting data. It is required that the bit
error probability be 10−5 , and that Ech /Io ≤ −20dB. Assume perfect synchronization
and negligible noise at the receiver. Note: Ech denotes average chip energy and Io
denotes Gaussian interference power spectral density (Refer Fig.2 and Fig.3 for typical
BER plot and/or Q-function table if necessary.)

(a) The Eb /Io ratio for the specified probability of error is(choose the nearest value
from the options below:
Probability of error for BPSK modulation:

s !
Pe = Q
Given that probability of error (bit error rate) = 10−5 , and referring to Fig. 2 (or
alternatively to the table in Fig. 3), we see that the required Eb /No (or Eb /Io in
this case since noise is negligible) is approximately 9.6 dB.
(correct option ii.)
(b) The processing gain, G, calculated in terms of the Ech /Io and Eb /Io , is ):
Processing gain,
Rc Tb Eb
Gp = = =
Rb Tc Ec
where, Rc and Rb are the chip rate and bit rate, respectively, and Tc and Tb are the
chip duration and bit duration, respectively.

Io Eb Ech
Gp = Ech = (dB) − (dB) = 9.6 − (−20) = 29.6 dB
Io Io
(correct option iv.)
(c) The minimum number of chips/bit required is:
Since Gp = 29.6 dB, which is approximately equal to 912, and we need the chip
rate to be greater than Gp , the number of chips/bit should be greater than 912
(nearest option is i, i.e 103 ) (correct option i.)

5. In a DS/BPSK system delivers a processing gain of 20 dB. The system is required to

have a probability of error due to externally generated interfering signals that does not
exceed 10−6 . (Refer Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 for typical BER plot and/or Q-function table if

(a) The Eb /Io ratio for the specified probability of error is (choose the nearest value
from the options below):
Probability of error for BPSK modulation:
s !
Pe = Q
Given that probability of error (bit error rate) = 10−6 , and referring to Fig. 2 (or
alternatively to the table in Fig. 3), we see that the required Eb /No (or Eb /Io in

this case since noise is negligible) is approximately 10.5 dB.
(correct option iii.)
(b) The jamming margin is:
Jamming margin (dB) = Gp - (Eb /Io ) = 20 - 10.5 = 9.5 dB
(correct option iv.)

Figure 2: BER plot for typical modulation schemes.

Values of Q(x) for 0≤x≤9
x Q(x) x Q(x) x Q(x) x Q(x)
0.00 0.5 2.30 0.010724 4.55 2.6823×10−6 6.80 5.231×10−12
0.05 0.48006 2.35 0.0093867 4.60 2.1125×10−6 6.85 3.6925×10−12
0.10 0.46017 2.40 0.0081975 4.65 1.6597×10−6 6.90 2.6001×10−12
0.15 0.44038 2.45 0.0071428 4.70 1.3008×10−6 6.95 1.8264×10−12
0.20 0.42074 2.50 0.0062097 4.75 1.0171×10−6 7.00 1.2798×10−12
0.25 0.40129 2.55 0.0053861 4.80 7.9333×10−7 7.05 8.9459×10−13
0.30 0.38209 2.60 0.0046612 4.85 6.1731×10−7 7.10 6.2378×10−13
0.35 0.36317 2.65 0.0040246 4.90 4.7918×10−7 7.15 4.3389×10−13
0.40 0.34458 2.70 0.003467 4.95 3.7107×10−7 7.20 3.0106×10−13
0.45 0.32636 2.75 0.0029798 5.00 2.8665×10−7 7.25 2.0839×10−13
0.50 0.30854 2.80 0.0025551 5.05 2.2091×10−7 7.30 1.4388×10−13
0.55 0.29116 2.85 0.002186 5.10 1.6983×10−7 7.35 9.9103×10−14
0.60 0.27425 2.90 0.0018658 5.15 1.3024×10−7 7.40 6.8092×10−14
0.65 0.25785 2.95 0.0015889 5.20 9.9644×10−8 7.45 4.667×10−14
0.70 0.24196 3.00 0.0013499 5.25 7.605×10−8 7.50 3.1909×10−14
0.75 0.22663 3.05 0.0011442 5.30 5.7901×10−8 7.55 2.1763×10−14
0.80 0.21186 3.10 0.0009676 5.35 4.3977×10−8 7.60 1.4807×10−14
0.85 0.19766 3.15 0.00081635 5.40 3.332×10−8 7.65 1.0049×10−14
0.90 0.18406 3.20 0.00068714 5.45 2.5185×10−8 7.70 6.8033×10−15
0.95 0.17106 3.25 0.00057703 5.50 1.899×10−8 7.75 4.5946×10−15
1.00 0.15866 3.30 0.00048342 5.55 1.4283×10−8 7.80 3.0954×10−15
1.05 0.14686 3.35 0.00040406 5.60 1.0718×10−8 7.85 2.0802×10−15
1.10 0.13567 3.40 0.00033693 5.65 8.0224×10−9 7.90 1.3945×10−15
1.15 0.12507 3.45 0.00028029 5.70 5.9904×10−9 7.95 9.3256×10−16
1.20 0.11507 3.50 0.00023263 5.75 4.4622×10−9 8.00 6.221×10−16
1.25 0.10565 3.55 0.00019262 5.80 3.3157×10−9 8.05 4.1397×10−16
1.30 0.0968 3.60 0.00015911 5.85 2.4579×10−9 8.10 2.748×10−16
1.35 0.088508 3.65 0.00013112 5.90 1.8175×10−9 8.15 1.8196×10−16
1.40 0.080757 3.70 0.0001078 5.95 1.3407×10−9 8.20 1.2019×10−16
1.45 0.073529 3.75 8.8417×10−5 6.00 9.8659×10−10 8.25 7.9197×10−17
1.50 0.066807 3.80 7.2348×10−5 6.05 7.2423×10−10 8.30 5.2056×10−17
1.55 0.060571 3.85 5.9059×10−5 6.10 5.3034×10−10 8.35 3.4131×10−17
1.60 0.054799 3.90 4.8096×10−5 6.15 3.8741×10−10 8.40 2.2324×10−17
1.65 0.049471 3.95 3.9076×10−5 6.20 2.8232×10−10 8.45 1.4565×10−17
1.70 0.044565 4.00 3.1671×10−5 6.25 2.0523×10−10 8.50 9.4795×10−18
1.75 0.040059 4.05 2.5609×10−5 6.30 1.4882×10−10 8.55 6.1544×10−18
1.80 0.03593 4.10 2.0658×10−5 6.35 1.0766×10−10 8.60 3.9858×10−18
1.85 0.032157 4.15 1.6624×10−5 6.40 7.7688×10−11 8.65 2.575×10−18
1.90 0.028717 4.20 1.3346×10−5 6.45 5.5925×10−11 8.70 1.6594×10−18
1.95 0.025588 4.25 1.0689×10−5 6.50 4.016×10−11 8.75 1.0668×10−18
2.00 0.02275 4.30 8.5399×10−6 6.55 2.8769×10−11 8.80 6.8408×10−19
2.05 0.020182 4.35 6.8069×10−6 6.60 2.0558×10−11 8.85 4.376×10−19
2.10 0.017864 4.40 5.4125×10−6 6.65 1.4655×10−11 8.90 2.7923×10−19
2.15 0.015778 4.45 4.2935×10−6 6.70 1.0421×10−11 8.95 1.7774×10−19
2.20 0.013903 4.50 3.3977×10−6 6.75 7.3923×10−12 9.00 1.1286×10−19
2.25 0.012224

Figure 3: Q-function table


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