Chapter Iv
Chapter Iv
Chapter Iv
Table 2.1 shows the differences between the alternative organic soap and
beauty soap for skin care according to effectiveness. Through the data collected
from the respondents, it was revealed that the most of the respondents strongly
agreed that the alternative organic soap as a nature intended and are completely
natural, thus no risk of exposure to synthetic chemicals compared to the beauty
soap with a weighted mean of 3.47.
Moreover, the students also agreed that the Muntingia Calabura and Aloe
Vera is an effective source of organic soap for skin care with a weighted mean of
Meanwhile, The respondents agreed that the Muntingia Calabura and
Aloe Vera is the partially to the fact that no pesticides and chemicals are used in
its creation with a weighted mean of 3.40.
On the other hand, the students agreed that the alternative organic soap
for skin care last longer than the beauty soaps with weighted mean of 3.23.
Lastly, some of the respondents agreed that the alternative organic soap
achieves the desired effect compared to the beauty soap with a weighted mean
of 3.00.
Thus, the table reveals that the alternative organic soap for skin care is
really effective substitute for the beauty soap with a composite mean of 3.31 and
a verbal interpretation of agree.
Based on the study, Balakrishnan K.V. & Duraisamy A. (2016), in their
explained study “Tyrosinase Inhabitation and Antioxidant properties of Muntingia
Calabura Extracts in Vitro Studies” and ” the present investigation deals with
identifying new potential skin lightening and antioxidant agents from natural origin
for treating the hyperpigmentation disorders. The medicinal plant, Muntingia
calabura was selected as the candidate plant for the present study. 10 % (w/v)
extract of various parts (leaf, flower and fruit) of M.calabura in different solvents
(aqueous, ethanol, hydro ethanol and petroleum ether) was prepared by
decoction method. The antityrosinase activity of the extracts from various parts of
the plant was determined by using mushroom tyrosinase as an apt model system
and it was found that the hydroethanolic extract of leaves from M. calabura
possessed the maximum tyrosinase inhibiting potential among the various parts
examined. The antioxidant activity of leaf extract of the plant was also
ascertained by using 2, 2-diphenyl 1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay
and ferric thiocyanate assay. The results showed that DPPH scavenging activity
of hydroethanolic extract of leaves was in a dose dependant manner with the
IC50 value of 8.5 μg. The inhibition of lipid peroxidation was almost similar in
aqueous and hydroethanolic leaf extracts of M.calabura. The phenolic content of
various solvent extracts of M.calabura leaves was also determined. The
hydroethanolic extract of M.calabura leaves exhibited the phenolic content to a
greater extent. Our findings revealed that leaves of Muntingia Calabura exerted
the potent antityrosinase and antioxidant activities. In addition, Avisado Nerrisa
(2016), Aloe Vera is a notably useful botanical that works against infections
caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. It works as an antiseptic that can kill
infective microorganisms in Candida infections and open wounds. This is also
why it speeds up the healing of burns - caused by either radiation, the sun, hot
water, fire, etc. Theoretically, it can replace a number of first-aid products or
make wound-dressing products obsolete.
In their study, Bacorro T.J., Calderon P.L.A., Cornejo J.C.F., Inabangan
J.A.S., Laurel J.C.T. & Reyes K.A. (2014) said in their study “Acceptability of
Aratilis Wine” Aratilis fruit is a minor but well known and wholesome fruit, borne
by a multipurpose tree and therefore merits inclusion. The abundant fruits are
round with red andsometimes yellow, smooth, thin, tender)skin and light)brown,
soft, juicy pulp with very sweet,musky, somewhat fig)like flavor, filled e!ceedingly
minute, yellowish seeds, too fine to be noticed in eating. This fruit is naturalized
and widely distributed. it is available anywhere, especially here in the Philippines.
Furthermore, M. calabura comprises proximate Water at 76.3%, 380% Energy,
2.1% Proteins, 2.3% Lipids, 17.9% Carbohydrates, 6.0% Fiber and 1.4% Ash . its
also filled with minerals such as Calcium at 125mg, Iron at 1.2mg and 94mg
Phosphorus and Vitamins like Ascorbic Acid, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin and
Vitamin A. These make the fruit healthy and valuable but it is often neglected.
The Aloe vera plant has been known and used for centuries for its health,
beauty, medicinal and skin care properties. The name Aloe vera derives from the
Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance,” while “vera” in Latin
means “true.” 2000 years ago, the Greek scientists regarded Aloe vera as the
universal panacea. The Egyptians called Aloe “the plant of immortality.” Today,
the Aloe vera plant has been used for various purposes in dermatology (Surjushe
A., Saple D.G. & Vasani R. 2018).
Table 2.2
Differences between alternative organic soap and beauty soap for skin care
according to odor
Weighted Verbal
Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. The odor of the alternative 3.23 Agree 3
organic soap is more pleasant than
the beauty soap.
2. The odor of the alternative 3.53 Strongly Agree 1
organic soap does not leave a bad
effect on the skin.
3. The alternative organic provides 3.47 Agree 2.5
a natural smell, which makes it
tempting to use.
4. The odor of the alternative is not 3.47 Agree 2.5
as strong as the beauty soap.
5. The odor of the Aloe Vera isn’t 3.47 Agree 2.5
really present in the alternative
organic soap for skin care.
Composite Mean 3.43 Agree
Table 2.2 shows the differences between the alternative organic soap and
beauty soap for skin care according to odor. It can be gleaned from the table that
the respondents strongly agreed that the odor of the alternative organic soap
does not leave a bad effect on the skin with a weighted mean of 3.53.
Moreover, three statements “alternative organic soap provides a natural
smell which makes it tempting to use”, “the odor of the alternative is not as string
as the beauty soap” and “the odor of the Aloe Vera isn’t really present in the
alternative organic soap for skin care” have been agreed by the respondents with
a weighted mean of 3.47.
Lastly, some respondents agreed that the odor of the alternative organic
soap is more pleasant than the beauty soap with a weighted mean of 3.23.
Thus, the table reveals that the odor of the alternative organic soap for
skin care is not as bad compared with the beauty soap with a composite mean of
In his study, Erich Kory (2018), Used cosmetically, Aloe Vera Juice can
hydrate, exfoliate, nourish, clarify, and revitalize the skin and hair. It helps protect the
skin and hair before and after the harmful effects of UV radiation, and it works to
repair the damage. It also helps to prevent and diminish the appearance of wrinkles,
acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis. It moisturizes without leaving skin and hair with a
greasy residue and it helps fade tans and stretch marks. Used in massage
applications, Aloe Vera Juice is reputed to soothe muscular aches, joint pain,
inflammation, wounds, burns, frostbite, and infections. It is also believed to stimulate
skin regeneration, enhance energy, and promote the development of muscles. Used
medicinally, Aloe Vera Juice works to eliminate bodily toxins, increase the body’s
antioxidant activity, balance digestive fluid, and enhance the body’s ability to absorb
nutrients, thus supporting the health and function of the immune system. It helps the
body repair damage to the skin and tissues and eases other physical discomforts,
such as the symptoms of arthritis.
In addition, Benjamin Roe (2020), Many commercial soaps use chemical
fragrances that are imitations of the real deal. Some of these chemicals can
actually be skin irritants and known carcinogens. With natural handmade soaps
you are actually benefiting from not having these chemicals on your skin. In
addition, some soaps use essential oil which have many great therapeutic
properties. Soaps used with Tea Tree for example will have anti-inflammatory
properties that are great for skin. With hand made soaps you are able to chose a
soap based on your skin needs.
Based on the study, Tinley Park (2017), The FDA does not require the
ingredients used to develop a company's trademark "fragrance" to be disclosed
on the label. This means that your "fresh rain" or "cherry blossom" scented soap
could contain hundreds of harmful chemicals without your knowledge. Some of
these chemical concoctions have been found to be skin irritants and known
carcinogens. Traditionally made handmade soaps are scented with pure
essential oils, never fragrance oils as that would immediately defeat the purpose
of being completely natural. When you use soaps scented with only essential
oils, you not only benefit from the lack of harmful chemicals, but you actually
benefit from the therapeutic properties each essential oil offers. Not to mention
the smell is amazing. This can also be an exciting feature for the consumer as
you get to decide what you want your soap to do for you. Example: lavender
soap lends it's relaxation and skin repair qualities, and citrus soap lends it's
invigorating and antimicrobial qualities. Need a pick-me-up first thing in the
morning, try a handmade soap that has lemongrass essential oil in it, not
"sunburst" fragrance oil. So let's see, harmful unknown chemicals or therapeutic
essential oils.
Table 2.3
Differences between the alternative organic soap and beauty soap
according to Cost
Weighted Verbal
Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. The alternative organic soap for 3.47 Agree 1
skin care is more affordable than
the beauty soap
Composite Mean 3.47 Agree
Table 2.3 shows the difference between the alternative organic soap and
beauty soap according to cost. It is shown from the table that the respondents
agreed that the alternative organic soap for skin care is more affordable than the
beauty soap with a weighted mean of 3.47.
Thus the table reveals that the costs of the alternative organic soap for
skin care is better compared to the beauty soap with a composite mean of 3.47
and verbal interpretation of strongly agree.
According to Alluvian (2016), It may be impossible to stop every consumer
to buy beauty bars, but it is never too late to raise awareness in every household.
By seeking alternatives, consumers can take a leap towards a better and a
healthier future. Organic soaps, unlike moisturizing bars, are produced by reliable
manufacturers who are advocates of a greater cause. Instead of using cheap
chemicals that are harmful to the skin and to the planet, the people behind these
products use ingredients that provide real benefits to consumers.
In the study, Coronel R. (2011), when asked about the Aratilis trees, their
common answers would be about the sweet and delicious fruits that they usually
pick directly from the tree. Some children would even climb the tree or throw
rocks or branches to bring the fruits down. During playtime, kids usually eat it
raw. No wonder it was considered as a ready to eat food and not only by actively
growing children but also by birds and fruit bats.
Based on the study, Kulveer Singh Ahlawat & Bhupender Singh Khakar
(2017), Aloe Vera has been used for its medicinal value for several thousand
years. Its applications have been recorded in ancient cultures of India, Egypt,
Greece, Rome and China. In biblical times the Egyptians hailed Aloe Vera as the
plant of immortality. The Chinese called it their elixir of youth. The Aloe Vera has
many common names and often referred to as burn plant, first aid plant or
medicine plant. Its name is most likely derived from the Arabic word “Alloeh”
meaning shining bitter substance.
F- Value Decision Interpretation
There is a
differences between
Significant Reject null
12.416 3.101 the alternative
Differences hypothesis
organic soap and
beauty soap for skin
Table 3 shows the relationship between the alternative organic soap and
beauty soap for skin care. The F-Value of the significant difference is 12.416 and
critical value of 3.101 which means that F-Value is greater than the critical value.
It only means that the hypothesis should be rejected and thus, there is a
significant relationship between the alternative organic soap and beauty soap for
skin care.
Table 4 exhibits the benefits of the alternative organic soap for skin care. It
is clearly presented that the respondents strongly agreed that the implementation
of the product helps to lessen skin condition with a weighted mean of 3.70.
Moreover, two statements, “alternative organic soap is environment
friendly” and “the main ingredients can be easily be found in the surroundings”
have been agreed by the students with a weighted mean of 3.67.
Meanwhile, some of the respondents strongly agree that the alternative
organic soap also contains glycerin humectant that attracts moisture from air to
the skin with a weighted mean of 3.56.
Lastly, respondents strongly agreed that the alternative organic soap is a
good substitute for beauty soap since it has a good composition with a weighted
mean of 3.50.
Thus, the table reveals that the alternative organic soap for skin care has
many benefits not only for the people, but also for the environment with a
composite mean of 3.62 and verbal interpretation of strongly agree.
According to Kim Chang (2018), “It contains antioxidants, enzymes,
Vitamins A and C, and it is highly anti-inflammatory. It can help treat burns, acne
and dry skin.” She added that when it comes to acne, Aloe Vera works best on
superficial surface acne rather than cystic or deeper acne. The enzymes in it can
also help exfoliate the skin to make it smoother, but if you are looking for
something stronger I would recommend using a grainy exfoliator paired with a
pure moisturizer,” she said. Although Aloe Vera can help moisturize, it can dry
out the skin. She says that the enzymes in the plant act like an exfoliator and any
time you exfoliate the skin too much it will begin to become too oily or too dry
depending on your skin type. Another benefit to Aloe Vera is that it can help with
future lines and wrinkles. “One popular question is, can it help get rid of my
wrinkles, and the simple answer is no. A big thing to differentiate is that it doesn’t
reverse your skin from aging, but helps prevent you from getting deeper wrinkles
and lines,” Chang added. Aloe Vera can also be used on the hair to treat
dandruff by rubbing it into your hair and scalp. Chang says the best way to use
Aloe Vera is to carefully cut open a plant’s leaf, scoop out the gel-like insides and
apply that to the affected area. If you don’t have a plant at home, Chang says
that products containing Aloe work just as well. Although a fresh plant is better to
use, the benefit of using products containing aloe is that the product will typically
contain other ingredients that will help with what you are trying to treat. If you are
looking to go the extra mile, Chang says you can even find drinks that contain
Aloe Vera. “Some people believe that Aloe Vera drinks might help support
collagen in your skin which prevents the signs of aging.
In the study, Marie Loden (2017), The commonly used skin moisturizers
are oil in water emulsions such as creams and lotions and water in oil emulsions
such as hand creams. Waxes, paste, salves, and unguents are used infrequently
because they lack “cosmetic elegance”. One problem with emulsion formulations
is that they tend to dry out over time, which results in the formation of a crust on
the surface of products in jars or plugging of pump dispensers. Cosmetic
formulators have used 1 to 3% humectants (glycerine, sorbitol, propylene glycol,
etc.) to retain moisture and prevent this product from drying up and plugging
pumps. Many early formulations used humectants primarily for maintaining
product integrity, with little thought about skin moisturizing benefits.
In addition to the statement, Kathirvel (2017), Muntingia Calabura Linn is a
plant that belongs to the family Elaeocarpaceae, commonly known as cherry
tree. In the present study, the ripened fruits were collected and extracted with
various solvents to detect its phytochemical constituents. The qualitative and
quantitative phytochemical studies revealed the presence of phenolic, flavonoids,
anthocyanins, ascorbic acid and vitamin E. The antioxidant activity of the fruits
was studied in vitro with DPPH assay, superoxide radical, nitric oxide and
hydroxyl radical scavenging assays. The in vivo studies such as anti-
inflammatory, anti-cancer activity and anti-stress were also performed. From the
experimental results it is clear that Muntingia Calabura fruit is rich in antioxidant
polyphenol and possess significant antioxidant activity, is an important and
interesting finding because these fruits constitute part of the diet of weaning
mothers in some countries. The work further exploits the potential of
phytomedicine over chemotherapy in disease prevention and control. Thus, the
incorporation of fruits into routine diet could prevent the risk of cardiovascular
diseases, ageing, inflammations and cancers due to antioxidant compounds
present in the fruits.
In their study, Fenskey NA., Richey ML. & Richey ML. (2017), “Aging-
related skin changes: development and clinical meaning” medical literature is
replete with articles that discuss the spectrum of sun-induced changes in human
skin. These extrinsic, actinically induced changes, more prevalent in the elderly,
include wrinkling and loss of elasticity; depigmentation; vascular ectasias and
hemorrhage; atrophy; and benign and malignant neoplasms. This article,
however, focuses on the intrinsic changes behind geriatric skin problems,
providing a non-specialist's illustrated guide to recognizing structural and
functional changes due to normal, chronological aging and how they manifest
clinically in elderly patients.