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Questions and Answers

1. __________________ theories address nursing interventions for a

phenomenon and __________________the consequence of a specific nursing
A. Prescriptive theories/predict the consequence
B. Descriptive theories/ speculate the consequences
C. Reflective theories/explain the consequences

2. Nursing's paradigm includes:

A. Health, person, environment, and theory

B. Concepts, theory, health, and environment
C. Nurses, physicians, models, and client needs
D. The person, health, environment/situation, and nursing
E. All the above

3. A ________________________ is a set of concepts, definitions,

relationships, and assumptions that:
A. A theory formulates legislation
B. A theory explains a phenomenon
C. A theory measures nursing functions
D. A theory reflects the domain of nursing

4. Theories will be tested to describe or predict client outcomes is an example of

A. Addressing nursing as a science or as evidenced-based practice

B. One theory will guide nursing practice
C. Nursing will base client care on the practice of other sciences
D. Concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions or propositions

5. To practice in today's health care environment, nurses need a strong

scientific knowledge base in nursing and other disciplines, such as the physical,
social, and behavioral sciences. This relates to which of the following?
A. Systems theories
B. Developmental theories
C. Interdisciplinary theories
D. Health and wellness model

6. Some nursing theories use a systems theory as a base. As a system, the

nursing process has the following components:
A. Concepts, definitions and assumptions
B. Grand theories, middle-range theories, descriptive theories and prescriptive theories
C. Input, output, feedback and content
D. Collaboration, cooperation and discipline

7. Nursing continues to grow as a profession. Theories generate nursing

knowledge and are used to prescribe specific interventions to improve client
outcomes. The overall goal of nursing knowledge is to explain the practice of
nursing as
A. Different and distinct from the practice of medicine, psychology, and social
B. A set of complex theories.
C. The nursing process
D. A phenomenon

8. Although the nursing process is central to nursing, it is not a theory. The

nursing process provides a:
A. The knowledge component of the discipline
B. A basis for theories
C. Systematic process for the delivery of nursing care
D. Foundation for acquiring knowledge

9. Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or

potential health problems. Health has different meanings for each client and is
A. Different in the clinical setting.
B. Dynamic and continuously changing
C. Static dependent on the nursing profession
D. Dependent on the medical profession for definition
10. Nursing's goal is to educate the client and family and to help the client reach
mature personality development. This focus on the individual, the nurse and the
interactive process is an example of which nursing theory?
A. Peplau's Theory
B. Nightingale's Theory
C. Henderson's Theory
D. Abdellah's Theory

11. Evidence-based nursing practice is the end result of

A. Use of practical knowledge

B. Theory-generating and theory-testing research
C. Application of theoretical knowledge
D. Prescriptive theory

12. The theory that involves care and helps the client attain total self-care is:

A. Roger's Theory
B. Leininger's Theory
C. Nightingale's Theory
D. Orem's Theory

13. The nursing process is an example of an open system. An open system

A. Is universal and dynamic

B. Represents a relationship between two concepts
C. Interacts with the environment by exchanging information
D. Does not interact with the environment

14. The nursing paradigm identifies four linkages of interest to the nursing
profession. These four linkages are:
A. Concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions
B. The person, health, environment/situation, and nursing
C. The individual, groups, situations, and interests specific to nursing
D. Description, explanation, prediction, and prescription of an interrelationship of nursing
15. Validity and predictability of nursing interventions are related to:

A. Prescriptive theories
B. Descriptive theories
C. Mid ranged theories
D. Grand theories

16. The phenomena within this theory tend to cross differnt nursing fields and
reflect a wide variety of nursing care situations, such as uncertainty,
incontinence, social support, quality of life and caring. Mishel's theory provides
a basis to assist clients in coping with uncertainty and the illness
response. This is an example of what theory?

A. Mid-ranged
B. Grand
C. Descriptive
D. Prescriptive

17. According to this theory goal of nursing is to help the person adapt to the
changes in physiological needs, self-concept, role function and interdependent
relations during health and illness.
A. Watson's Theory
B. Leininger's Therory
C. Roy's Theory
D. Orem's Theory

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