Water Resource
Water Resource
Water Resource
2-5 minutes This lesson teaches children about water quality, water use, and the water
1. Introduce yourselves and show where you are from (use map or
2. Today we are going to talk about water. Water is one of the most
important resources. Most of our planet is covered with water. Today
we will learn the stages water goes through forming a cycle, the
importance of keeping our water clean, and the partnership between
agriculture and clean water.
3. Why do we need water? How might a farmer use water? Expand on
how farmers use water.
I. Water Cycle
Distribute Water Cycle A. What is a cycle? A cycle is a recurring sequence of events.
Worksheet, scissors and gold tab.
A. Households
1. Litter
2. waste
3. oil
B. Industry
C. Agriculture – fertilizer, animal waste
The Importance of Freshwater
Before demonstration: Fill a gallon jug with water, add 1-2 drops of blue food coloring.
1. Introduction: Farmers are careful to be good to the environment. We need to preserve our
resources. One of the most important resources is water. Most of our planet is covered with
water. The water found in freshwater lakes and rivers is an important drinking source for people
and animals.
4. Could I have a student volunteer to hold out their hand to help me demonstrate just how little of
the worlds water is available for us to use?
5. Take 2 drops of water from 1/4 cup of water and put in student volunteer's hand.
These 2 drops of water represent all the water in freshwater lakes and rivers that is available
for people and animals to use.
Water is an important resource and vital for people and animals. Using biodegradable
products made from agricultural products, like cornstarch packing peanuts, is one way to
help keep our water clean.
6. Conclusion: Food and fiber products are friendly to the environment. They can be recycled to
create useful products and they keep the land and water clean. You can do this demonstration at
home with their family, to show them just how little of the worlds water we can use. Thank you
for your attention and remember to help conserve our water.
Percentage of water location
(Information for presenters only)
The oceans 97.2% Saltwater lakes .008%
Glaciers/ice caps 2.0% Atmosphere .001%
Groundwater .62% (rain/humidity)
Freshwater lakes .009% All rivers 0001%
(like the bay)
Name: ___________________________