Fan Supplement For TOR Revised Edition PDF

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Fan supplement for the one ring rpg by cubicle 7 –

revised edition
By robin smallburrow
An overview of the game by CHARACTERISTICS 80 War-gear 112
Telcontar 5 Weapon changes 112
Skills 80
New Weapons 114
Songs & Poems 82
Quality & Condition 119
Guide to Writing Songs 83
PART TWO: Changed Weapon Skills 84 Life and Death 120
Revised Exhaustion 121
CULTURES 6 New Specialities 85
Recovery Summary 122
New Distinctive Features 86
Random Character Treasure 123
Generator 6 Virtues & Rewards 87
Alternate Treasure 123
Creating Custom New Masteries 87
Magical Treasure Index124
Backgrounds 14 Cultural Virtues 90
Miscellaneous Magical
Player Hero Examples 16 Revised Cultures 90
Items 128
Variant Cultures 42 Beornings 91
Precious Objects 131
Additional Cultural 44 Dúnedain of Arnor 91
Wondrous Artefacts 132
Blessings Dwarves of Blue Mtns 93
Famous Weapons &
Designing New Cultures 45 Dwarves of Dunland 93
Armour 136
Dwarves of Khazad-dûm 94
Enchanted Qualities 140
New Cultures 46 Elves 96
Elves of Lindon 97 Standing 142
Dúnedain of Arnor 46
Elves of Mirkwood 98
Dwarves of Blue Mtns 49
Men of Bree 98
Dwarves of Dunland 53
Men of Dol Amroth 98
Dwarves of Khazad-dûm 56 PART FOUR:
Orcs of Misty Mtns 100
Elves of Lindon 59 ADVENTURING PHASE
Rangers of Ithilien 101
Men of Dol Amroth 63 144
New Calling Virtues 102
Orcs of Misty Mtns 67
Rewards 104 Actions 144
Rangers of Ithilien 72
Cultural Rewards 105
Lists of Names 73
Dúnedain of Arnor 105 Journeys 145
Customisation 75 Dwarves of Blue Mtns 106 Journey Sequence 145
Dwarves of Dunland 107 Rules Summary 146
New Callings 75 Dwarves of Khazad-d. 107 Travel Boons 147
Optional Endurance 76 Dwarves of Lonely Mtn 107 Forced March 147
Optional Encumbrance 76 Elves of Lindon 108 Sample Hazards 147
Dwarvish Oaths 76 Elves of Rivendell 108 Caravan Hazards 153
Family Background 77 Men of Bree 109 Moria Hazards 154
Character Motivation 78 Men of Dol Amroth 110 Lake-town to Grey Mtns
Belief System 79 Orcs of Misty Mtns 110 Hazards 155
Rangers of Ithilien 110 Winter Hazards 156
Actions While Traveling157 Corruption 227 Eriador 282
Chases 160 Honour of Princes 227 The Shire 282
River Crossings 164 Tainted Treasure 227 Inns of the Shire &
Curses 227 Buckland 285
Combat 165
The One Ring 227 Western Eriador 288
Onset 165 Lesser Ring 229
Close Quarters 165
Shadow Lindon 297
Stances 167
Weaknesses 229
Damage 168 Rohan & Dunland 303
Combat Hazards 172 Adversaries 232 Saruman as Goodie 303
Called Shots 173 Adversaries Index 232 The Hollow Hold 306
Tasks in Combat 174 Special Abilities 236
Campaign Outlines 307
Non-Combat Actions177 Orc Tribes 236
Captain’s Warband 177 Nazgûl Names 237 Campaign Ideas 307
Origin of the Petty
New Adversaries 238
Encounters 179 Dwarves 307
Trolls 238
Encounter Hazards 180 Various Ideas 311
Wolves 240
Courtship 181
Undead 241
Wilderland Campaigns
Men 244
Dragons 247
Reclaim Orcrist 315
PART FIVE: FELLOWSHIP Animals & Other 251
The Spider Kings 316
DoM Ideas 316
Summary 183
Mines of Mirkwood 318
House Rules 184 PART EIGHT: THE The Wolfbiter’s Axe 319
Undertakings 184 CAMPAIGN 258 Strayhold 320
In Eriador 184
The Setting 258 Mansbane 320
Additional Holding Rules
Tide of Darkness 323
186 Wilderland 259
The Spider Ring 325
Town Building 189 Places in Dale 259
New Undertakings 190 Brothers Across the
Eriador Campaigns 328
Green Sea 262
Lost Realm of Cardolan328
The Bightlands 263
Balor the Black Wind
PART SIX: THE Mewlips Poem 265
Gathering At Five Armies
Rumours 266 Further Adventures 333
Game Session Sequen. 202
Restoration of Dale 268 Heroic Heritage Guide 333
Designing Adventures 203
Fellowship of the Red Nominating Heirs 334
Awarding Points 205
Banner 271
Dice Probabilities 207
The Toft 272
Loremaster Characters 209
The Old Ford 273
Black Tom’s Stead 273
Ire Within the Dark 275
PART SEVEN: THE Peoples of Rhovan. 277 List of Published
SHADOW 227 Adventures 335
101 Things to Do in Looking Supplements 439
Middle-Earth 338 Making Maps 439
Basic Adventure Ideas 344 A Little Ring: The One
Eriador Adventure Ideas Ring for Kids 444

More Detailed
Adventures 373
Wild Adventures 373
The Night Wanderer 373
The Missing Prince 380
The Slave Child 383
The Stolen Horn 385
Of Stones and Spiders
The Bats Are Missing390
Bitter Remedy 392
The Merchant’s Secret
Stash 394
The Pearl of Kings 395
Songs in the Wild 399

Other Adventures 406

The Ruins of Ost
Edlothiod 406
The Troll King’s
Hoard 410
King Under the
Mountain 412
The Nameless Dwarf
Glaurung’s Ire 416
The Fellowship of the
Spear 418
Solo Adventure 420
Escort a Princess 430


List of Aids 434

Resource Links 436
Creating Official
~Part one: introduction~
This work is an attempt at compiling all the work A fundamental part of this game is
produced by fans for The One Ring RPG by fellowship. The characters have an interest
Cubicle 7 on the One Ring Forums into one easy and bonds between the other characters in
to access Reference Guide. This Revised Edition the group and this is represented in game
will be the last (for the foreseeable future) as the
mechanics. The game mechanics are
amount of material has just become so great.
designed for characters to work together and
The Revised Edition keeps the same order as the
Rulebook, thus Part Two is Character Generation, look out for each other. Think of it in terms of
Part Three Fundamental Characteristics etc. the Hobbits setting out together when they
I have tried to indicate where possible the sources leave the shire (Fatty is an NPC).
of all information included, any omissions are This game also borrows some similar
unintentional -Ed. concepts from Pendragon. The game is
divided into the adventuring phase and the
fellowship phase. In the first the characters
AN OVERVIEW OF THE GAME BY are actively adventuring, this can be a few
weeks or months. The fellowship phase is the
device used to pass time and improve the
Setting: The game will initially start in 2946
characters. The idea being that your
of the Third Age five years after the end of the
characters will go out and confront
The Hobbit and take place in the Wilderland,
obstacles, achieve their goals, grow weary,
east of the Misty Mountains and north of
age, and eventually pass the torch on to their
Rohan and Mordor.
successor. Time will pass in this game.
Intent: Create the saga of a group of
Travel is also a fairly important part of the
adventures in the later part of the Third Age,
game with the characters having to plan how
by drawing upon literary devices like those
to travel and the fatigue and incidents that
found in Beowulf and other Nordic and
can occur. If one looks at travel as a thematic
Anglo-Saxon story telling traditions.
and story device in the Lord of the Rings as
Game Play: The game lends itself well to
something that affects the characters bodies
narrative play and I think would be ideally
and souls it’s pretty close to the mark.
suited to a play by post or email game. The
Combat is somewhat abstract and not as
focus is on narrative, theme, and exploring
detailed as the tacticals that have developed
the setting and nuisances of Tolkien’s
out of other d20 games. In this respect the
Middle-earth. Things will tend to be
game is a bit like 3:16 for those who have
stereotyped into “good” and “evil” as over
played that. Also treasure and rewards work
arching concepts. As such the characters will
a little different as well. Characters will not
be a force of good where intent and style
receive treasure in the form of copper pieces
count as much as actual deeds and actions.
and silver pieces. Instead they may find or be
The concepts of good and evil and how they
given heroic items or treasure in the form of
affect a character are represented by hope
points that allow a life style living etc.
and shadow points. As such characters
Objective: Spoil the plans of Sauron of
through the horrible things that they
encounter or a drift towards evil and
corruption will have effects on game play.
Random Character Generator by Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessing: Hobbit-sense
Trotteri Starting Common Skills: Awe 0 Inspire 0
Persuade 2 Athletics 0 Travel 1 Stealth_3
Awareness 2 Insight 1 Search 2 Explore 0
STEP 1. Choose Culture: Roll 1D6
Healing 0 Hunting 0 Song 2 Courtesy 3
Riddle 2 Craft 0 Battle 0 Lore 0
1: Barding of Dale
Endurance: 16 + Heart; Hope: 12 + Heart
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessing: Stout-hearted
Starting Common Skills: Awe 1 Inspire 2 6: Woodman of the Wild
Persuade 3 Athletics 0 Travel 2 Stealth 0 Standard of Living: Frugal
Awareness 0 Insight 2 Search 1 Explore 2 Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty
Healing 0 Hunting 0 Song 1 Courtesy 2 Starting Common Skills: Awe 0 Inspire 1
Riddle 0 Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore 1 Persuade 0 Athletics 2 Travel 0 Stealth 2
Endurance: 22 + Heart; Hope: 8 + Heart Awareness 2 Insight 0 Search 0 Explore 3
Healing_ 3 Hunting 2 Song 1 Courtesy 0
Riddle 1 Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 0
2: Beorning
Endurance: 20 + Heart; Hope: 10 + Heart
Standard of Living: Martial
Cultural Blessing: Furious
Starting Common Skills: Awe 3 Inspire 1
Persuade 0 Athletics_ 2 Travel 0 Stealth 0
Awareness 2 Insight 3 Search 1 Explore 0 STEP 2. Choose Calling: Roll 1 D12
Healing 1 Hunting 3 Song 0 Courtesy 0
Riddle 1 Craft 1 Battle 0 Lore 0 Barding of Dale
Endurance: 24 + Heart; Hope: 8 + Heart 1-2: Slayer
Favoured Skill Groups: Movement,
3: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain Personality
Standard of Living: Rich Trait: Enemy-lore - Enemy: Roll 1 D6 - 1:
Cultural Blessing: Stout-hearted Dragons;2: Giants;3: Orcs;4: Spiders;5:
Starting Common Skills: Awe 0 Inspire 2 Trolls;6: Wolves
Persuade 0 Athletics 0 Travel 3 Stealth 0 Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Awareness 0 Insight 0 Search 3 Explore 2 3-4: Wanderer
Healing 0 Hunting 0 Song 1 Courtesy 0 Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
Riddle 2 Craft_ 3 Battle 1 Lore 0 Trait: Folk-lore
Endurance: 28 + Heart; Hope: 6 + Heart Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
5-6: Warden Favoured Skill Groups:
4: Elf of Mirkwood Personality, Survival
Standard of Living: Martial Trait: Shadow-lore
Cultural Blessing: Folk of the Dusk Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
Starting Common Skills: Awe 2 Inspire 0 7-9: Scholar Favoured Skill Groups:
Persuade 0 Athletics 3 Travel 0 Stealth 2 Perception, Vocation
Awareness_ 2 Insight 0 Search 0 Explore 0 Trait: Rhymes of Lore
Healing 1 Hunting 1 Song 2 Courtesy 0 Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
Riddle 0 Craft 0 Battle 2 Lore 3 10-12: Treasure-hunter Favoured Skill
Endurance: 22 + Heart; Hope: 8 + Heart Groups: Movement, Perception
Trait: Burglary
Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
5: Hobbit of the Shire
Elf of Mirkwood
Beorning 1: Reroll
1: Reroll 2: Wanderer
2: Treasure-hunter Favoured Skill Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
Groups: Movement, Perception Trait: Folk-lore
Trait: Burglary Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness 3-4: Slayer
3-4: Scholar Favoured Skill Groups: Fav. Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
Perception, Vocation Trait: Enemy-lore
Trait: Rhymes of Lore Enemy: Roll 1 D6: 1: Dragons;2: Giants;3:
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets Orcs;.4: Spiders;.5: Trolls;.6: Wolves
5-6: Wanderer Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival 5-6: Treasure-hunter
Trait: Folk-lore Fav. Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness Trait: Burglary
7-9: Slayer Favoured Skill Groups: Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
Movement, Personality 7-9: Scholar
Trait: Enemy-lore - Enemy: Roll 1 D6: 1: Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
Dragons;2: Giants;3: Orcs;4: Spiders;5: Trait: Rhymes of Lore
Trolls;6: Wolves Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance 10-12: Warden
10-12: Warden Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival Trait: Shadow-lore
Trait: Shadow-lore Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
Hobbit of the Shire
Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain 1: Reroll
1: Reroll 2: Slayer
2: Warden Fav. Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival Trait: Enemy-lore -Enemy: Roll 1 D6:
Trait: Shadow-lore 1:Dragons;2: Giants;3: Orcs;.4: Spiders;5:
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power Trolls;6: Wolves
3-4: Scholar Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation 3-4: Scholar
Trait: Rhymes of Lore Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets Trait: Rhymes of Lore
5-6: Wanderer Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival 5-6: Warden
Trait: Folk-lore Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness Trait: Shadow-lore
7-9: Slayer Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
Fav. Skill Groups: Movement, Personality 7-9: Treasure-hunter
Trait: Enemy-lore Enemy: Roll 1 D6: 1: Fav. Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
Dragons;2: Giants;3: Orcs;4: Spiders;5: Trait: Burglary
Trolls;6:Wolves Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance 10-12: Wanderer
10-12: Treasure-hunter Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
Fav. Skill Groups: Movement, Perception Trait: Folk-lore
Trait: Burglary Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
Woodman of the Wild Hobbit of the Shire
1: Reroll Odd: (Short sword) 2 Bow 1 Dagger 1
2: Scholar Even: Bow_ 2 Short sword 1 Dagger 1
Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
Trait: Rhymes of Lore
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets Woodman of the Wild
3-4: Slayer Odd: (Bows) 2 Long-hafted axe 1 Dagger
Favored Skill Groups:Movement,Personality Even: Long-hafted axe_2 Spear 1 Dagger 1
Trait: Enemy-lore
Enemy: Roll 1 D6: 1: Dragons;2: Giants;3:
Orcs;.4: Spiders;5: Trolls;6: Wolves
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance STEP 4. Choose Specialities:
5-6: Treasure-hunter Roll 2 D6, choose 1 for each die
Favoured Skill Groups: In the case of doubles, you may reroll one or
Movement,Perception Trait: Burglary both until they come up unique.
Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
7-9: Wanderer Barding of Dale
Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival 1: Boating; 2: Old lore; 3: Smith-craft;
Trait: Folk-lore 4:Swimming; 5:Trading; 6:Woodwright
Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
10-12: Warden
Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival Beorning
Trait: Shadow-lore 1: Anduin-lore; 2: Beast-lore; 3: Cooking;
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power 4:Fishing; 5:Mountaineer; 6: Story-telling

STEP 3. Choose Weapon Skill Package: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain

Roll 1 D(Any) Odd: (Cultural); Even: 1: Fire-making; 2:Smith-craft; 3:Smoking;
Favoured_ 4: Stone-craft; 5: Trading; 6: Tunnelling

Barding of Dale
Odd: (Swords) 2 Spear 1 Dagger 1 Elf of Mirkwood
Even: Great bow_ 2 Spear 1 Dagger 1 1: Boating; 2:Elven-lore; 3:Fire-making; 4:
Mirkwood-lore; 5: Swimming; 6:Woodwright

Odd: (Axes) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1 Hobbit of the Shire
Even: Great Spear_ 2 Axe 1 Dagger 1 1: Cooking; 2:Gardener; 3: Herb-lore; 4:
Smoking; 5: Story-telling; 6: Tunnelling

Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain

Odd: (Axes) 2 Short sword 1 Dagger 1 Woodman of the Wild
Even: Mattock_ 2, Short sword 1, Dagger 1 1: Anduin-lore; 2: Beast-lore; 3: Fishing; 4:
Herb-lore; 5: Leech-craft; 6: Mirkwood-lore

Elf of Mirkwood
Odd: (Spears) 2 Sword 1 Dagger 1
Even: Bow_ 2 Sword 1 Dagger 1
STEP 5. Choose Background and Favoured Skill: Hunting_
Distinctive Features: (2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Just; 3: Fair;
Roll 1 D6 for the Background, then roll 2 4: Merciful; 5: Patient; 6: Steadfast;
D8 & choose 1 Trait for each die. 7: True-hearted; 8: Wary
In the case of doubles, you may reroll one or
both until they come up unique. Beorning
1: Child of Two Folks
Barding of Dale Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 6 Wits
1: By Hammer and Anvil Favoured Skill: Insight_
Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 7 Wits 2 (2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Fierce; 3: Grim; 4: Gruff;
Favoured Skill: Craft 5: Hardened; 6: Proud; 7: Tall; 8: Wilful
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Cautious;3:
Determined;.4: Generous;.5: Hardy;
6:Merciful; 7: Proud; 8: Stern 2: Errand-rider
Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 5 Wits
Favoured Skill: Inspire_
2: Wordweaver (2d8) 1: Determined; 2: Energetic;
Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 6 Wits 4 3: Forthright; 4: Grim; 5: Hardened;
Favoured Skill: Riddle 6: Robust; 7: Swift; 8: Trusty
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Clever; 3: Eager;
4: Fair-spoken; 5: Lordly; 6: Reckless; 7: Tall;
8: Trusty 3: Head of the Family
Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 4 Wits
Favoured Skill: Awareness_
3: Gifted Senses (2d8) 1: Curious; 2: Determined;
Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 6 Wits 2 3: Generous; 4: Grim; 5: Hardy; 6: Steadfast;
Favoured Skill: Search 7: Trusty; 8: Wilful
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Cautious;
3: Cunning; 4: Fair-spoken; 5: Patient;
6: Steadfast; 7: True-hearted; 8: Wary 4: Light-foot
Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 5 Wits 4
Favoured Skill: Stealth
4: Healing Hands (2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Curious; 3: Energetic;
Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 7 Wits 3 4: Forthright; 5: Grim; 6: Reckless;
Favoured Skill: Healing_ 7: Suspicious; 8: Swift
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Clever; 3: Fair;
4: Hardy; 5: Lordly; 6: Proud; 7: Reckless;
8: Tall 5: Keeper of Tales
Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 5 Wits 3
Favoured Skill: Lore_
5: Dragon-eyed (2d8) 1: Fierce; 2: Grim; 3: Gruff; 4: Hardy;
Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 6 Wits 3 5: Reckless; 6: Suspicious; 7: Vengeful;
Favoured Skill: Awe_ 8: Wrathful
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Cunning; 6: Voice from the Past
3: Determined; 4: Eager; 5: Generous; 6: Just; Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 4 Wits 3
7: Stern; 8: Trusty Favoured Skill: Song_
(2d8) 1: Generous; 2: Grim; 3: Proud;
4: Robust; 5: Steadfast; 6: Tall; 7: Vengeful;
6: A Patient Hunter 8: Wrathful
Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 5 Wits 4
Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain Elf of Mirkwood
1: A Life of Toil 1: A New Hope
Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 2 Wits 6 Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 2 Wits
Favoured Skill: Explore_ Favoured Skill: Travel_
(2d8) 1: Energetic; 2: Fierce; 3: Hardened; (2d8) 1: Clever; 2: Determined; 3: Merry;
4: Proud; 5: Stern; 6: Vengeful; 7: Wary; 4: Patient; 5: Quick of Hearing; 6: Swift;
8: Wilful 7: Wary; 8: Wilful

2: Far Trader 2: A Musical Legacy

Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 2 Wits 5 Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 4 Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Courtesy_ Favoured Skill: Courtesy_
(2d8) 1: Cautious; 2: Cunning; 3: Eager; (2d8) 1: Cautious; 2: Cunning; 3: Elusive;
4: Hardy; 5: Honourable; 6: Secretive; 4: Fair-spoken; 5: Merciful; 6: Proud;
7: Steadfast; 8: Wilful 7: Quick of Hearing; 8: Secretive

3: Bitter Exile 3: A Memory of Suffering

Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 3 Wits 4 Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 3 Wits
Favoured Skill: Healing_ Favoured Skill: Stealth_
(2d8) 1: Fierce; 2: Gruff; 3: Hardened; (2d8) 1: Determined; 2: Elusive;
4: Robust; 5: Secretive; 6: Stern; 7: Wilful; 3: Hardened; 4: Keen-eyed; 5: Patient;
8: Wrathful 6: Quick of Hearing; 7: Suspicious; 8: Wary

4: Eloquent Orator 4: Noble Blood

Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 4 Wits 5 Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 4 Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Persuade_ Favoured Skill: Inspire_
(2d8) 1: Cautious;2: Determined; (2d8) 1: Fair; 2: Honourable; 3: Lordly;
3: Energetic; 4: Honourable; 5: Proud; 4: Proud; 5: Quick of Hearing; 6: Suspicious;
6: Steadfast; 7: Wary; 8: Wilful 7: Swift; 8: Wilful

5: A Lesson in Revenge 5: Wild at Heart

Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 3 Wits Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 3 Wits 7
Favoured Skill: Battle_ Favoured Skill: Athletics_
(2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Cunning; 3: Determined; (2d8) 1: Cautious; 2: Clever; 3: Fair;
4: Hardy; 5: Lordly; 6: Suspicious; 4: Honourable; 5: Keen-eyed; 6: Merry;
7: Vengeful; 8: Wilful 7: Nimble; 8:Quick of Hearing

6: A Penetrating Gaze 6: Envoy of the King

Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 4 Wits 4 Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 2 Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Insight_ Favoured Skill: Lore_
(2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Eager; 3: Gruff; 4: Lordly; (2d8) 1:Cunning; 2: Fair-spoken;
5: Robust; 6: Suspicious; 7: Wilful; 3: Hardened; .4: Lordly; 5: Merciful;
8: Wrathful 6: Nimble; 7: Quick of Hearing; 8: Secretive
Hobbit of the Shire Woodman of the Wild
1: Restless Farmer 1: The Hound
Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 6 Wits Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 4 Wits
Favoured Skill: Craft_ Favoured Skill: Hunting_
(2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Eager; 3: Generous; (2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Eager; 3: Elusive;
4: Merciful; 5: Merry; 6: Patient; 4: Forthright; 5: Generous; 6: Gruff;
7: True-hearted; 8: Trusty 7: Hardy; 8: Proud

2: Too Many Paths to Tread 2: Wizard's Pupil

Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 5 Wits Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 5 Wits
Favoured Skill: Travel_ Favoured Skill: Song_
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Clever; 3: Curious; (2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Cunning; 3: Forthright;
4: Eager; 5: Keen-eyed; 6: Nimble; 7: Robust; 4: Just; 5: Patient; 6: Proud; 7: Swift; 8: Tall
8: True-hearted

3: Fairy Heritage
3: A Good Listener Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 4 Wits
Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 7 Wits Favoured Skill: Search_
Favoured Skill: Riddle_ (2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Bold; 3: Just;
(2d8) 1: Cautious; 2: Curious; 3: Energetic; 4: Curious; 5: Fair; 6: Reckless; 7: Tall;
4: Fair-spoken; 5: Honourable; 8: True-hearted
6: Quick of Hearing; 7: True-hearted;
8: Trusty
4: Apprentice to the Mountain-folk
Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 5 Wits
4: Witty Gentleman Favoured Skill: Search_
Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 6 Wits (2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Elusive; 3: Hardened;
Favoured Skill: Persuade_ 4: Hardy; 5: Gruff; 6: Stern; 7: True-hearted;
(2d8) 1: Cautious; 2: Clever; 3: Elusive; 8: Wary
4: Honourable; 5: Keen-eyed; 6: Patient;
7: Proud; 8: True-hearted
5: Seeker
Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 5 Wits
5: Bucklander Favoured Skill: Athletics_
Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 6 Wits (2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Bold; 3: Curious;
Favoured Skill: Awe_ 4: Determined; 5: Eager; 6: Generous;
(2d8) 1: Energetic; 2: Fair-spoken; 3: Merry; 7: Reckless; 8: Swift
4: Nimble; 5: Proud; 6: Quick of Hearing;
7: Reckless; 8: True-hearted
6: Sword-day Counsellor
Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 6 Wits
6: Tookish Blood Favoured Skill: Battle_
Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 7 Wits (2d8) 1: Bold; 2: Cunning; 3: Determined;
Favoured Skill: Explore_ 4: Fair; 5: Gruff; 6: Hardened; 7: Patient;
(2d8) 1: Adventurous; 2: Bold; 3: Elusive; 8: Wary
4: Generous; 5: Merciful; 6: Reckless;
7: Robust; 8: True-hearted
STEP 6. Choose Favoured Skills from STEP 9. Choose Rewards & Qualities:
Calling's Favoured Skill Groups: Roll 1 D10
Roll 2D6. Reroll if result is already a
Favoured Skill or if you get doubles. 1: Reroll;
2: Cunning Make (armour, headpiece or
Scholar (Perception, Vocation): 3: Close-fitting (armour or headpiece);
1: Awareness; 2: Insight; 3: Search; 4: Craft; 4: Reinforced (shield, unique);
5: Battle; 6: Lore 5: Grievous (weapon, unique);
6: Keen (weapon, unique);
7: Fell (weapon, unique)
Slayer (Movement, Personality): 8-10: Rewards (Based on Culture):
1: Athletics; 2: Travel; 3: Stealth; 4: Awe; Bardings: 8: Dalish Longbow (great bow);
5: Inspire; 6: Persuade 9: Spear of King Bladorthin (spear);
10: Tower Shield (great shield)

Treasure-hunter (Movement, Perception)

1: Athletics; 2: Travel; 3: Stealth; Beornings: 8: Giant-slaying Spear (great
4: Awareness; 5: Insight; 6: Search spear); 9: Noble Armour (leather armour);
10: Splitting Axe (axe or great axe)

Wanderer (Custom, Survival)

1: Song; 2: Courtesy; 3: Riddle; 4: Explore; Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain:
5: Healing; 6: Hunting 8: Axe of the Azanulbizar (great axe);
9: Dwarf-wrought Hauberk (mail armour);
10: Helm of Awe (helm)
Warden (Personality, Survival)
1: Awe; 2: Inspire; 3: Persuade; 4: Explore;
5: Healing; 6: Hunting Elves of Mirkwood : 8: Bitter Spear (spear);
9: Spearman's Shield (buckler);
10: Woodland Bow (bow)

STEP 7. Choose Favoured Attributes

Roll 1D6: Hobbits of the Shire:
8: Bow of the North Downs (bow);
1: Body +3 Heart +2 Wits +1 9: King's Blade (short sword);
2: Body +3 Heart +1 Wits +2 10: Lucky Armour (armour)
3: Body +2 Heart +3 Wits +1
4: Body +2 Heart +1 Wits +3
5: Body +1 Heart +3 Wits +2 Woodmen of Wilderland;
6: Body +1 Heart +2 Wits +3 8: Bearded Axe (long-hafted axe);
9: Feathered Armour
10: Shepherds-bow (bow or great bow)

STEP 8. Choose Valour & Wisdom: Roll

Odd: Valour 2 - Wisdom 1 (1st Reward)
Even: Wisdom 2 - Valour 1 (1st Virtue)
STEP 10. Choose Virtues & Masteries: 10: Fair Shot
Roll 1 D12: 11: Tough in the Fibre
12: Small Folk
1: Reroll
2: Confidence
3: Dour-handed Woodmen of Wilderland
4: Expertise 8: A Hunter's Resolve
5: Fell-handed 9: Herbal Remedies (Fragrant Weeds)
6: Gifted 10: Hound of Mirkwood: Roll 1 D6 - 1&4:
7: Resilience Support: Roll 1 D4 (1:Awe,2: Awareness,3:
8-12 Virtues (Based on Culture): Explore,4: Hunting); 2&5: Harass
11: Natural Watchfulness
Bardings: 12: Staunching Song
8: Birthright
9: Fierce Shot
10: King's Men
11: Swordmaster STEP 11
12: Woeful Foresight You have 10 points to spend on Common
and/or Weapon Skills.

Beornings; Even if I could come up with random tables

8: Brothers to Bears for this, you're much better off spending
9: Night-goer these points yourself (see p.76 of Rulebook).
10: Skin-Coat
11: Great Strength
12: Twice-baked Honey Cakes

Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain

8: Broken Spells: Roll 1 D6: 1&4: secrecy;
2&5: prohibition and exclusion; 3&6:
opening and shutting;
9: Durin's Way
10: Old Hatred
11: Ravens of the Mountain
12: The Stiff Neck of Dwarves

Elves of Mirkwood
8: Deadly Archery
9: Elvish Dreams
10: Shadow Bane
11: The Speakers
12: Wood-elf Magic (Stinging Arrow)

Hobbits of the Shire

8: Art of Disappearing
9: Brave at a Pinch
Creating Custom Backgrounds by with the highest value being 4 and 2 or 3
being most common.
Each culture has a list of 6 background Not surprisingly, Beornings favour Body with
"packages" that players can choose from. no value being lower than 5. Their Heart
Experienced gamers are encouraged to get isn't too shabby either, with values ranging
creative and use these backgrounds as a from 4-6. Like the Bardings, they tend to
baseline for creating their own. The formula have low Wits, with 2 backgrounds each for
for creating a background is quite simple, the values of 2, 3, and 4.
and I'll discuss it here.
Dwarves of Erebor:
Overview - What does a Background give Their high values in Body are reminiscent of
you? the Beornings, but their secondary attribute
is Wits (from 4-6) rather than Heart, which is
There are 3 big choices that you make during their weakness.
character creation that help to define your
character. These are your culture, your Elves of Mirkwood:
background, and your calling, and each Elves have an overwhelming majority of 6s
provides its own set of benefits. Your and 7s in Wits, their highest score. Only 1
Background is what determines your basic background goes as low as 5. Body is well-
attribute scores, it grants you an additional represented also, with mostly scores of 5
favoured skill, and provides a list of (though a range of 4-6). Like Dwarves they
Distinctive Features (Traits) that you can pick have low Heart.
from (you pick 2 out of 8).
Hobbits of the Shire:
Basic Attributes Not unexpectedly, Heart is their biggest
strength with Wits in second place. Being so
The math behind the generation of attributes small of stature it's no wonder that they tend
is mercifully simple. You have a total of 14 to have low Body scores.
points that you can split between the 3
attributes (Body, Heart, and Wits), with each Woodmen:
attribute having a value between 2 and 7. Here is another culture that places a high
For example, some combinations are (5, 7, value on Wits, as it tends to be their best
2); (4, 6, 4); (5, 5, 4); (5, 6, 3); etc. Some score. Existing successfully so close to the
backgrounds will be more polarized (an Shadow of Mirkwood must also require a lot
example being 7, 2, 5), whereas others are of Heart, because Woodmen have plenty of
more well-rounded (5, 4, 5). While there's a it. Relatively low Body is the price they pay.
lot of room for customization, there are also
patterns that each culture tends to follow. If Favoured Skill
you'd like a decent score in a weak area for a You gain one additional favoured skill that is
culture, you'll probably want to go with a in some way related to your background. As
well-rounded array. far as I can tell there's no strict pattern here,
though there is a tendency for the skill to be
Bardings: one that the culture has 1 or 0 ranks in. Still,
Generally speaking Bardings have a high there are enough examples of skills that a
Heart score, with the lowest value in a pre- culture has 3 ranks in that I'm hesitant to
selected background being 5 (most are 6 or make any kind of general recommendation.
7). They also have a fairly solid Body score,
with the lowest values being 4 and 5 being
the most common. Wits is generally low,
Distinctive Features
Your choice here will be pretty important, Elves of Mirkwood:
because you'll be invoking traits to earn Quick of Hearing - No sound escapes your
Advancement Points or to gain automatic attention.
successes quite a bit. I don't have enough
play experience to say which traits are flat Hobbits of the Shire:
out better and which are fairly weak, and in True-hearted - You are sincere, and your
any case the list is too long to go over in words and actions show your honest
detail here. It's mostly a matter of creativity intentions.
anyways, and I personally prefer to pick
traits that demonstrate qualities of the Woodmen:
character that I have in mind. Bold - You trust your capabilities to the point
that you are not easily daunted, readily
Because that's the whole point, after all. A placing yourself in danger.
player has this idea in their head for a
character, and not only having those traits
written down, but invoking them for
mechanical benefits, is a great way to
communicate these major qualities to the
other players and the LM.

That said, certain traits do seem to be

ubiquitous for a given culture, and I would
therefore recommend that any custom
backgrounds at least place these traits on the
list of choices. I can't tell without a much
deeper examination whether there are any
traits that a given culture never possesses,
but I would imagine that's pretty flexible,
especially if there's a good reason why that
trait should be tied to the background.

Anyways, what follows is a list of traits that

each culture pretty much always has. Any
adventurer from this culture should have the
opportunity to pick these traits.

Adventurous - Your spirit is attracted by new
experiences and challenges, especially when
they seem perilous enough to put your mettle
to the test.

Grim - Your countenance is threatening and
betrays the harshness of your spirit.

Dwarves of Erebor:
Wilful - Your confidence in your own
judgement makes you deaf to all counsel but
your own.
Player hero examples (By rich h Common Skills
Awe: 0
et al) Athletics: 2
Awareness: 2
Iwgar is of lean build, not powerful, but Song: 1
strong enough to survive the rigours of life Craft: 1
in the wild. His straw coloured hair is
worn shoulder length and a trimmed Inspire: 1
beard adorns his face. He has a ready Travel: 2
smile and tends to a relaxed expression, Insight: 1
though he is not comfortable when in Healing: 3
social situations. His clothing is hard Courtesy: 0
wearing, comfortable and usually rather Battle: 1
worn and patched as well as wearing
leather armour, round shield, and cap Persuade: 0
with nose-guard for protection. He arms Stealth: 2
himself with long-hafted axe, dagger, and Search: 0
spear. His hound companion, Wulf, is Hunting: 2
never far from his side and though only 28 Riddle: 1
summers of age, his skin, like that of many Lore: 0
Woodmen is showing signs of the many
days spent in the Wilderland – ruddy, Weapon Skills
tanned, and weather beaten. Brawl / Dagger: 1
Spear: 1
Equipment worn: leather shirt, cap of Long-Hafted Axe: 3
leather, medium round shield, long-hafted
axe, spear, and dagger. Valour and Wisdom
Valour: 1
(PC Stats) Wisdom: 2
Name: Iwgar ('Yew Spear')
General Information
Hound of Mirkwood (Hunting)
Culture: Woodman
Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty
Cultural Background: The Hound
Calling: Wanderer, Shadow Weakness:
Wandering Madness
Traits: Folk Lore, Mirkwood Lore, Herb
Distinctive Features: Bold, Elusive
7 (Shield +2)
Body: 3, Favoured: 4
Heart: 4, Favoured: 7
1d (Head Gear +1)
Wits: 7, Favoured: 9
3 (Ranged +0)
Thogrim is a sturdy young dwarf dressed in
his dead father’s mail hauberk, full helm, Inspire: 2
and the rich well made clothing usual for his Travel: 3
race. Lordly of appearance, his beard is Insight: 0
brown with hints of red and blonde in it. He Healing: 0
has a fine white scar running down his cheek Courtesy: 1
from near the corner of his left eye (a trophy Battle: 2
from the battle of five armies). He has a few
other scars on his body from odd skirmishes, Persuade: 0
but nothing significant. Thogrim has forged Stealth: 0
his own long-hafted axe and wields it with Search: 3
pride. He is in the process of engraving the Hunting: 0
axe head with his family history and an Riddle: 1
account of his exploits. The part of the axe Lore: 0
head near the haft is engraved with its name
in Khuzdul; “Felakrakhas” (Hewer of Orcs). Weapon Skills
Brawl / Dagger: 1
Equipment worn: mail hauberk (dwarf- Shortsword: 1
wrought hauberk), full helm, long-hafted (Axes): 3
axe, throwing axe, and dagger.
Valour and Wisdom
Preferred pose*: make him look as Dwarvish Valour: 2
as possible! He should be holding his full Wisdom: 1
helm rather than wearing it though, that way
we get to see his features – and scar! Rewards
Dwarf-Wrought Hauberk
Name: Thogrim Stonehammer
General Information 31
Culture: Dwarf
Cultural Blessing: Redoubtable Hope
Cultural Background: A Lesson in Revenge 9
Calling: Slayer, Shadow Weakness: Curse
of Vengeance Parry
Traits: Enemy Lore (Orcs), Firemaking, 5 (Shield +0)
Distinctive Features: Hardy, Lordly Armour
5d (Head Gear +4)
Body: 6, Favoured: 8 Damage
Heart: 3, Favoured: 6 6 (Ranged +0)
Wits: 5, Favoured: 6

Common Skills
Awe: 1
Athletics: 1
Awareness: 1
Explore: 2
Brand is a Northman of noble origin and Attributes
envoy of King Bard. Tall and strong-limbed Body: 4, Favoured: 7
with black hair not usually encountered Heart: 6, Favoured: 7
among his folk and unlike others of his kind Wits: 4, Favoured: 6
he wears a beard and wears his hair slightly
longer than usual but still shorted than the Common Skills
Woodmen of Wilderland. Brand wears the Awe: 1
livery of his king with pride over his chain Athletics: 1
shirt. Skilled with words as well as sword Awareness: 2
and bow, Brand is fair spoken and Explore: 2
adventurous. Song: 1
Craft: 1
Equipment worn: mail shirt, longsword, Inspire: 2
great bow with quiver of 12 arrows, and Travel: 2
dagger Insight: 2
Healing: 1
Preferred pose*: Standing slightly side-on but Courtesy: 2
at an angle so you can still see most of him, Battle: 2
hands resting on the pommel of his Persuade: 3
longsword which stands point down before Stealth: 0
him, he looks intently towards the viewer. Search: 1
Hunting: 1
A note on the name: Yep, Brand is the Riddle: 1
grandson of Bard. I said earlier that Rick Lore: 1
hasn't read LotR and he picked the name as a
bit of an in-joke between us as I GM'd Amber Weapon Skills
years ago with him and others (Brand was Brawl / Dagger: 1
the main antagonist in the Amber books). I Spear: 1
have an idea of making his character Great Bow: 2
somewhat important and eventually a man Longsword: 2
of high standing with Bard and his son
(Bain) - who eventually names his son after Valour and Wisdom
Rick's PC. I think that'll be a nice surprise for Valour: 1
him should the idea work out in play. Wisdom: 2

QUOTE (PC Stats) Virtues

Name: Brand King's Men

General Information Endurance Hope

Culture: Barding 31 14
Cultural Blessing: Stout Hearted
Cultural Background: Envoy of King Bard Parry Armour
(Note: this is a cultural background I 4 (Shield +0) 3d (Head Gear +0)
Calling: Scholar, Shadow Weakness: Lure Damage
of Secrets 4 (Ranged +0)
Traits: Rhymes of Lore, Old Lore,
Distinctive Features: Adventurous, Fair
Gilbrannon is of the Woodland Realm Battle: 2
ageless in his looks, he stands tall
(approximately 6’1”) and is slim and lithe of Persuade: 2
build. He has piercing blue eyes, long white- Stealth: 2
blonde hair, fine features, and often appears Search: 1
glum and quiet of aspect. He dresses in the Hunting: 2
woodland greens and greys of his people – Riddle: 1
his clothing is well maintained and Lore: 3
presented but is of an elegant simple cut
rather than rich in apparel. Weapon Skills
Brawl / Dagger: 1
Equipment worn: mail shirt, sword, bow Sword: 1
with 2 quivers of 12 arrows, and dagger Bow: 2

Preferred pose*: facing the viewer, staring Valour and Wisdom

directly towards them, his bow held in front Valour: 1
and across him with arrow notched and Wisdom: 2
string ready to be drawn.
QUOTE (PC Stats) Wood Elf Magic
Name: Gilbrannon
General Information 26
Culture: Wood Elf
Cultural Blessing: Folk of the Dusk Hope
Cultural Background: Noble Blood 12
Calling: Warden, Shadow Weakness: Lure
of Power Parry
Traits: Shadow Lore, Elven Lore, 6 (Shield +0)
Distinctive Features: Wilful, Honourable Armour
3d (Head Gear +0)
Body: 4, Favoured: 5 Damage
Heart: 4, Favoured: 6 4 (Ranged +0)
Wits: 6, Favoured: 9

Common Skills
Awe: 2
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 2
Explore: 1
Song: 2
Craft: 0

Inspire: 1
Travel: 1
Insight: 1
Healing: 1
Dragon-eyed Barding Warden HUNTER
Cultural Blessing: Stout-hearted (On a Fear
test, roll the Feat die twice and keep the best Likes: Smoking, Story Telling and on
roll.) occasion perhaps a little Burglary
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power Traits: Keen Eyed and Nimble
Standard of Living: Prosperous Favoured skills: Athletics, Travel, Stealth and
Specialities: Boating, Old lore, Shadow-lore Awareness
Distinctive Features: Cunning, Determined

Gear: Short Sword (a favoured weapon), Bow

Body 5 (8) | Heart 6 (7) | Wits 3 (5)
(he is a Fair Shot), Dagger, Leather Corslet,
Damage 5 (5) | Parry 3 + 2 (shield) | Armour
Cap of Iron and Leather
Endurance 28/28 | Fatigue 14 | Hope 14/14
| Shadow -/- By the numbers:
Experience - (-) | Valour 1 | Wisdom 2 Body: 4 (7), Heart: 5(6), Wits: 5 (7)
Wisdom: 2 (Fair Shot), Valour: 1
Skills Damage: 4, Parry: 5, Armour: 2d+1
Awe 1 | Inspire 2 | Persuade 3 Endurance: 21, Fatigue: 12, Starting Hope:
Athletics 0 | Travel 2 | Stealth 0 17
Awareness 1 | Insight 2 | Search 1
Explore 2 | Healing 2 | Hunting 0
Song 1 | Courtesy 2 | Riddle 0 Skills:
Craft 1 | Battle 2 | Lore 1 Awe: 0, Inspire: 0, Persuade: 2
Athletics: 1, Travel: 2, Stealth: 3
Weapon Skills Awareness: 2, Insight: 1, Search: 2
Long sword 3 | (Swords) 2 | Spear 1 | Dagger Explore: 0, Healing: 0, Hunting: 0
1 Song: 2, Courtesy: 3, Riddle: 2
Craft: 1, Battle: 1, Lore: 1
When fighting in the Defensive stance, add
the Encumbrance rating of the sword he is
using (Long sword 3) to Parry.

Long sword | 5/7 | 10 | 16/18 | 3 | disarm
Dagger | 5 | G | 12 | 0
Shield | +2 | 3
Leather corslet | 8 | 2d | Leather armour

Background: A Lesson in Revenge Culture: Woodman of Wilderland Standard

of Living: Frugal
Cultural Blessing: Redoubtable
Cultural blessing: Woodcrafty Calling: Slayer
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Talents: Smith-Craft, Smoking, Enemy-Lore Specialties: Anduin-lore, Beast-lore, Orc-lore
(Orcs) Distinctive features: Hardened, Wary
Age: 75 Body: 4 Heart: 5 Wits: 5
Body (favoured): 7 Heart (favoured): 6 Wits
(favoured): 7
Traits: Bold, Hardy -Common Skills-
Body-6(8) Heart-3(6) Wits-5(6)
Endurance-31 Hope-9 Valor-2  Awe: 2 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 0
 Athletics: 2 Travel: 2 Stealth: 2
Fatigue-16 Shadow-0 Wisdom-1
 Awareness: 2 Insight: 0 Search: 2
Damage-6 Parry-5 Armor-3d+4  Explore: 3 Healing: 3 Hunting: 2
 Song: 1 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 1
 Craft: 1 Battle: 1 Lore: 1
Athletics 1 Awareness 1 Explore 2 Inspire 2 -Weapon Skills-
Search 3 Song 1 Travel 3 Riddle 2 Craft 3
Battle 2  Long-hafted axe: 2 damage: 5/7 edge:
Mattock 3 Short Sword 1 Dagger 1 G injury: 18/20 enc: 3
Equipment: Mattock (Grievous) D:8 E:9 I:18  Spear: 1 damage: 5 edge: 9 injury: 14
enc: 2
Enc: 3
 Dagger: 1 damage: 3 edge: G injury:
Short Sword D:5 E:10 I:14 Enc:1 12 enc: 0
Dagger D:3 E:R I:12 Enc 0
Mail Shirt Enc:12 Protection: 3d Virtues-: Hound of Mirkwood (Support:
Helm Enc:6 Protection: +4 Awareness)


 Leather corslet enc: 8

 Cap of iron and leather enc: 2
 Shield enc: 3

Endurance: 25 Starting Endurance: 25

Fatigue: 18
Hope: 15 Starting Hope: 15 Shadow: 0
Armour: 2d Headgear: +1
Parry: 5 Shield: +2
Damage: 4 Ranged: 0

Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1 Experience: 0

Total Experience: 0
ALUN “THE SPARROW” would like to make this trait apply to his
Culture: Woodman of Wilderland mental faculties as well as his physical
Standard of Living: Frugal aptitude] caught the attention of Radagast.
Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty Enchanted by the tales and songs of his
Calling: Warden people, Sparrow finds himself following,
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power more and more, the teachings of Radagast.
~TRAITS~ Among the many lessons, Radagast taught
Specialties: Shadow-lore, Mirkwood-lore, Sparrow people not only needed a strong-
and Leechcraft arm to safeguard them, they also needed
Distinctive Features: Swift and Tall protection [HEALING and LEECHCRAFT] from
~ATTRIBUTES~ the physical ailments and blights leftover by
Body: 3 / 5 Heart: 5 / 6 Wits: 6 / 9 the Necromancer to haunt the inhabitants of
~COMMON SKILLS~ Mirkwood. Now Sparrow's tutelage under
Awe: 0 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 0 Radagast was more than just songs, history
Athletics: 2 Travel: 2 Stealth: 2 and healing. As Gandalf says in the Hobbit,
Awareness: 2 Insight: 0 Search: 0 "Never you mind. I was finding things out, as
Explore: 3 Healing: 3 Hunting: 2 usual; and a nasty dangerous business it
Song: 1 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 1 was" (The Hobbit, 24), Radagast must be
Craft: 1 Battle: 1 Lore: 1 constantly finding things out? Among the
~WEAPON SKILLS~ many possible means [of which the Wood-
(Bows): 3 Long-hafted Axe: 1 Dagger: 1 folk probably know little but speculate a lot],
he "finds" things out through his so called
Endurance: 25 / Fatigue: 12 pupil's among Wilderland Wood-folk. And,
Hope: 15 this is where Sparrow's naming comes in:
Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1 He's one of Radagast's sparrows, although of
Armour: 2d / - Parry: 6 / - the two-legged and upright variety most
Damage: 3 certainly bound to the earth. Now Sparrow is
~REWARDS AND VIRTUES~ still a young man of twenty or so; and,
Natural Watchfulness despite Radagast's wonderful tutelage, he
~WEAPONS~ hungers for a bit of the heroic. Sparrow's
Bow: D 5 / E 10 / I 14 / Enc 1 father was a Warden of his people as well.
Long-hafted Axe: D 5,7 / E G / I 18,20 / Enc 3 From his death was recovered his long
Dagger: D 3 / E G / I 12 / Enc: 0 sword, a rare item for a Woodman of
~GEAR~ Wilderland. Sparrow in some sense hungers
Armour: Leather Corslet for his father's sword and the skill to use it.
Headgear: None Shield: None He longs to wield the sword as once did his
Travel Gear father in the defence of their people.

Background: Sparrow's parents died when

he was young; before the Great Battle [of Five
Armies] during an orc raid from the
Mountains. While he had kin to look after
him, he spent most of his time at Rhosgobel
where his SWIFT mind [given his high WITS, I
Standard of Living: Martial
Culture: Hobbit of the Shire Standard of Cultural Blessing: Folk of the Dusk
Living: Prosperous
Calling: Slayer
Cultural blessing: Hobbit-sense Calling:
Treasure-Hunter Shadow weakness: Dragon- Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
sickness TRAITS
Specialties: Smoking, Tunnelling, Burglary - Specialities: Elven-lore, Mirkwood-lore
Distinctive features: Merry, Nimble - Distinctive Features: Hardened, Keen-eyed,
Body: 4 Heart: 6 Wits: 4 Enemy-lore (Orcs)
Body (favoured): 7 Heart (favoured): 7 Wits ATTRIBUTES:
(favoured): 6
- Body: 5 (7) - Heart: 3 (6) - Wits: 6 (7)
-Common Skills-
Valour: 2 Wisdom: 1
 Awe: 0 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 2 COMMON SKILLS:
 Athletics: 2 Travel: 2 Stealth: 3 - Awe (favoured): 2
 Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 3 Athletics (favoured):3
 Explore: 0 Healing: 0 Hunting: 0 - Stealth (favoured): 2
 Song: 2 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2 - Awareness (favoured): 2
 Craft: 0 Battle: 0 Lore: 0
- Healing: 1 Hunting: 1 Song: 2
-Weapon Skills- - Battle: 2 Lore: 3
 Short sword: 2 damage: 5 edge: 10 - Bow (favoured): 2
injury: 14 enc: 1 - Sword: 3
 Bow: 1 damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 -Dagger: 1
enc: 1
 Dagger: 1 damage: 3 edge: G injury:
Damage: 5 Parry: 6 Armour: 2d
12 enc: 0
REWARDS: - Woodland Bow
Rewards-: King’s Blade VIRTUES: - None
-Gear- GEAR:
- Weapons: Bow, Sword, Dagger (enc 3)
 Leather shirt enc: 4 - Armour: Leather corslet (enc 8)
Endurance: - Starting Score: 25 - Fatigue: 11
Endurance: 22 Starting Endurance: 22
Hope:- Starting Score: 11
Fatigue: 6 Hope: 18 Starting Hope: 18
BACKGROUND: Memory of Suffering. You
Shadow: 0 Armour: 0 Headgear: 0 Parry: 4
have greater cause than most to recall the
Shield: 0 Damage: 0 Ranged: 0 Wisdom: 1
suffering brought about the Necromancer
Valour: 2 Experience: 0 Tot Experience: 0
and his servants. You have lost family to
Orcs in the service of Dol Guldur. Your own
service to the Elvenking has not satisfied
your need for vengeance. so you have
become an adventurer to seek it for yourself.

NOTE: Tauriel is 600 years old.

CALARA AIRALASSE (Lara Redleaf) Rivendell, Mirkwood, and Lothlórien,
Calára Airalassë (Redleaf, if I'm not though Alyára, like her mother, preferred to
mistaken) is a distant descendant of spend her days in Lórien.
Fingolfin and thus has a rightful claim to
Ringil. Her story is an exploration of the Alyára herself had a daughter named Calára
hope that appears even in the darkest or Lára (Írimë's great-great-granddaughter),
moments, that any wound may be healed in in whom was reborn the adventurous spirit
time. Calára (Lára) descends from Írimë of and insatiable curiosity of Nerdanel and
the House of Finwë. Írimë, it is said, took to Yávindë, but also the kind heart and
exploring the Helcaraxë, finding in glittering thoughtful ways of Alyára. Her hair is red as
ice both danger and beauty. When she the eaves of Autumn. In her youth she took
returned to warmer lands she wandered, her name from ancient Quenya and kept it
finding many scattered bands of her people ever after; elders still scarred by the
and immersing herself in their cultures. It Kinslaying might have bristled, but to many,
was in this way that she met Díriel, son of it was simply an oddity.
Amras, far removed, and they fell in love. Unknown to Lára, however, it was a sign of
Their union was the start of healing rifts things to come. Destiny calls even those too
opened between the Elven peoples long ago, distant to hear its words, and her role in
when Elf turned upon Elf in the Kinslaying, Middle-Earth is to be a healer of old wounds.
beginning the mending of House Finwë. The scarred house of Finwë, torn by the
They had a daughter named Yávindë, who tragic acts of Fëanor, must be mended again.
remained in Middle-Earth even after Írimë Part of her destiny is in finding Ringil and
and Díriel returned to Aman following the taking it up, redeeming the legacy of the
War of Wrath. In Yávindë bloomed the fire of Noldor and of Fingolfin himself.
Nerdanel, it seemed, for she was given to There are a few possibilities for how she
adventure, driven by a thirst for knowledge. might come to learn of the sword, and how it
Yávindë pursued arts most commonly might factor into a campaign (including lots
practiced by men, and she was especially of cool opportunities for the other players):
skilled in the use of swords. Yávindë had a 1) The Elostirion Stone that gazed into the
daughter of her own named Alyára, who was West, had its sight drawn to a lonely isle (Tol
soft and delicate in every opposite way to Fuin) in the Sea, where lay Fingolfin's tomb,
Yávindë. Alyára was a songstress with few
eventually the Elves realize that something is
equals, and in her music would blossom
calling them to the area where Fingolfin's
visions of past glories, triumphs, tragedies,
and echoed most keenly the Music of the cairn lies cold and undisturbed for an Age.
Ainur. It is said of the two that they were They then might trace the rightful claim to
night and day, summer and autumn, fire Lára (after Elrond who has no need of the
and soothing water. sword), indeed Elrond may send for her.
Stories sung and spoken in the halls of 2) Elrond might already have the sword in
Rivendell tell of a fateful encounter between
his collection. It may have been looted long
a band of Elves (Yávindë and Alyára among
them) and several terrible Trolls. Yávindë ago, and eventually Elrond recovered it to
drew her blade and would have struck down place in his stores in Rivendell. When
the Trolls, but Alyára was first to act. She another heir to its legacy appears, he might
broke into a song so bittersweet and pure be willing to provide her (and her
that even the Trolls wept and none in either companions) with it.
group could shed blood that night. It is said 3) Círdan and the exiles might have seen
that those Trolls never again harmed a
the sword looted, and so when the group
traveller, and even that Alyára would
sometimes visit them when traveling to share visits the Grey Havens, he could have some
stories. Both women travelled between clues where to look.
CURULON by Curulon Beorn the skin-changer, who had received
him in his home. Thranduil welcomed
Curulon, Son of Curunar, was born in T.A.
Curulon to his halls, and offered him food
2894 in the land between the rivers Bruinen and shelter. It was here that he met and
and Mitheithel, known as the Angle.
befriended Nidhiel, a skilled Elven archer
Curunar served his people, the Dúnedain, as and hunter. Sensing the Shadow that fell
a Ranger of the North and as his first son,
over the Greenwood, Curulon sent word to
Curulon would inherit that duty. As a boy,
Halbaron of his findings and took to
Curulon learned the skills of woodcraft and
traveling the southern road through
tracking from his father, and trained in the
Mirkwood. He came upon a nest of spiders,
way of the sword and bow. As he came into
and soon a pack of orcs moving towards the
his own, he became known for his keen sight
Hill of Sorcery.
and skill in battle.
In November of 2941 Curulon spotted the
Curulon saw the reign of three Chieftains of
host of orcs of the Misty Mountains and Grey
the Dúnedain. First, Argonui served as
Mountains moving through the forest, and
Chieftain and it was during his reign in T.A.
he began to follow them. His skill of
2911 that the Fell Winter began. Curulon
woodcraft kept him from their sight, and
joined the Rangers and the wizard Gandalf
soon he guessed their destination. Curulon
in gathering food to provide the Hobbits of
joined with the united armies of Men, Elves,
the Shire, saving them from starvation.
and Dwarves and fought in the Battle of Five
Argonui’s death came in T.A. 2912 and his
Armies, his blade felling many orcs and
son, Arador, became Chieftain. It was during
wargs. Curulon joined Thorin and his
his reign that Curulon was sent to join the
Company in their charge, alongside the
Rangers guarding Sarn Ford, on the river
many Men, Elves, and Dwarves, his friend
Baranduin at the far southern borders of the
Nidhiel among them.
Shire. Arathorn II became Chieftain in T.A.
2930 after his father’s death at the hands of Despite the many losses on all sides,
Hill-trolls. Curulon survived to see the Great Eagles, led
by Gwaihir the Windlord, and Beorn the
Skin-changer arrive and turn the tide of
Arathorn’s rule was short, as he was killed
battle. Victory was secured by the Free
by orcs in T.A. 2933. His son, Aragorn II,
Peoples, and Curulon joined Nidhiel in one
became Chieftain then, and as was tradition
of the many hunting parties that went in
he was sent to Rivendell, his name hidden
pursuit of the fleeing orcs.
from the Enemy.

Curulon remained at Sarn Ford until T.A.

After the battle and the crowning of Dain
2941, when he was tasked by Halbaron,
Ironfoot as King under the Mountain,
leader of the Rangers in Aragorn’s absence,
Curulon knew that the Shadow still lingered
with tracking the Company of Thorin
in the North and orcs still dwelled deep in
Oakenshield as they journeyed to the Lonely
the mountains, and that his skills could
Mountain. Curulon came to the gates of the prove valuable to the Free Peoples. Deciding
Elvenking’s Halls shortly after Thorin’s
to remain in Wilderland, Curulon took
Company, having learned of their road from refuge amongst the Woodmen of Mirkwood,
taking the name Hafgrim son of Hord, a OTTO SACKVILLE BAGGINS by Falenthal
hunter descended from the survivors of Dale
Hobbits sure love their genealogies and
when it was razed by Smaug.
family trees. In them, it appears that Lobelia
Sackville-Baggins and Otho Sackville-
The Woodmen came to know him and soon Baggins only had one son, Lotho Sackville-
they called him Hafgrim the Watcher, or Baggins. However, some Hobbits of good
simply The Watcher, for few amongst them memory remember a brother of Lotho, one
could match his keen sight. Curulon soon named Otto that disappeared completely
befriended the Woodmen’s patron, Radagast from the fine detailed family tree of the
the Brown, and he revealed his true self to Sackville-Baggins family. This is the story of
the Brown Wizard, though it was unlikely he that boy, and the whereabouts that lead to
had truly been hidden from the eyes of a his deleting from The Shire registers…
Wizard. The Elves of Mirkwood, too, knew of Otto was in the guests’ room of Bag End,
his true identity and Curulon spent many measuring the walls to know if his bed
days hunting orcs and spiders with Nidhiel. would fit in his parent’s newly bought smial.
That was when the “deceased” Bilbo Baggins
appeared, all of a sudden, in the main hall,
For many years, he has travelled beneath the
dressed up in shiny clothes, and leaving a
trees of Mirkwood and along the shores of
pony loaded with sacks and coffers that
the Anduin, tracking the movements of orcs,
smelled of gold at the entrance. Bilbo had
spiders, and other foul things. He has made
been disappeared for a whole year and
his home in Rhosgobel, dwelling amongst
everyone assumed him dead. But alas! Look
the Brown Wizard and the Woodmen there,
who was standing in the front door, healthy
though he spends much of his days in the
as ever, with a shiny sword at his side and a
wilds of Wilderland.
glittering mail under his coat!

The stories Bilbo told from this day on, about

dragons, mountains of gold in caverns deep,
and gems and jewels the size of a hobbit’s
head,… reached every corner in The Shire.
Envy surrounded the Sackville-Baggins like a
mist, and Otto, the youngest of the family,
came up with a brilliant idea (well, in his
case, the simple fact of coming up with an
idea is brilliant in itself): he’d travel to the
place Bilbo had gotten all that treasure, and
would come back with even more gold than
this Baggins. That would make his parents
proud, and would put that black sheep of the
family to shame.
We must add here that Otto had always been Mountain, the only places he remembered
a little short of wits. But also he was very from Bilbo’s tales. Whenever Otto thought he
strong for a Hobbit. Not a great combination, was “already there”, someone answer that he
if you ask me. Every Hobbit smaller than him needed to travel east a bit further.
(which most were) did know better than to
anger this bully [Background Favourite
The Hobbit joined a company of traders and
Skill Awe]. His stubbornness was called by
travellers, working as a cooker in exchange
those who didn’t want to upset the young
for protection along the road. Little by little,
Sackville-Baggins just “unbreakable spirit”
he realized the task he had imposed upon
[Background Attributes “Bucklander” - Body
himself was going to be harder than thought,
4, Heart 6, Wits 4].
and that the dangers, perils and hazards
As Lotho had always been the favourite son
Bilbo had told him about, were for real.
in the house, Otto thought (if we might say
He learned what it meant to spend the cold
“thought” for something that comes out of
nights on the road, covered only by a holed
Otto’s head) he’d give his parents a surprise.
blanket and surrounded by the distant howls
As Bilbo did, he’d disappear out of the blue
of wolves [Calling Favourite Skill Travel.
and return in no time loaded with silver,
Only his pride (again, “stubbornness”)
gold and all kind of coins from distant lands
[Background Trait Proud] made him stay firm
[Background Trait Reckless]. Being in charge
in his endeavour and not return home.
of all the cooking for the family [Cultural
Trait Cooking], he had an easy time After weeks of living with the Big People, Otto
began to understand them and their strange
collecting rations for a few days from the
kitchen. Also he was a fairly good storyteller ways of thinking, so different from the ones
of a Hobbit [Calling Favourite Skill Insight].
(also called “liar”) [Cultural
Trait Storytelling with alternate use], so he Riddles, so common among the Hobbits,
delighted his travelling comrades that kept
convinced his parents Lobelia and Otho to
advance him the pay he received weekly. asking for more to have something to think
about during the unending hours of walking.
Lastly, he managed to “gain” [Calling Trait
They even taught Otto how to defend himself
"Treasure Hunter" Burglary] the family’s
with a dagger (which was like a short sword
heirloom: a leather waistcoat that did save
for him), that he was gifted with for the little
his grand-grand-parent’s life when some orcs
Hobbit’s delicious stews [Cultural
or the like tried to invade The Shire a long
Weapons Short Sword, Bow, Dagger]. Otto
time ago [Valour 2 - Cultural Reward Lucky
lost himself in the unending days and nights
Armour]. Well, or so the tales from the Green
he shared with the caravan, crossing tall,
Dragons Inn say, after a few rounds of beer
white mountains and deep, black woods. But
and some pipe-weed has been smoked.
a day like any other, without neither
expecting nor hoping for it, the group leader
So did Otto Sackville-Baggins leave The announced: “Look ahead, young fella! Lake-
Shire, heading east, thinking that in a few town! You’ve reached your destination!”
weeks he’d be back home, having
accomplished what the fool of a Baggins had
needed a year to fulfil. In his wanderings he
always asked for Lake-town and the Lonely
AODH by Glorelendil No, they didn’t “let” me go. I escaped, of course.
Although perhaps one of them helped me, I don’t
“I am Aodh. Yes, just Aodh. It is my only name. I know why. Perhaps he was a forest spirit in the
have not earned another yet. My people have guise of a straw-head. Or maybe not all of the
lived in these hills since before time, since before Forgoil are wicked. I think about that sometimes.
the thieving straw-heads came, since before even Some of my people are wicked, and have acted
the wicked sea-kings before them. with dishonour, but most of us are not like that. If
My father is Caomh the Owl. He is descended he was indeed Forgoil then I owe him a debt, too.
from Bradan, and so I am, too. Surely you know Perhaps I shall find him and settle that debt.
of Bradan Kingbane. Everybody knows that he
challenged the king of the sea people to single
combat, and fought him for 17 days and 17 I should like to learn about people beyond our
nights. He was only defeated because his Elvish lands. They say the great road used to see
servants used foul sorcery. And even then he stole travellers from the north and south, and all
the sea king’s magic stone and escaped. That’s manner of strange peoples would cross our land.
why the elves turned him into a beetle, and why I have known some Dwarves, and they are an
the bradanbeetles come out to sing their lament odd people, quick to take offense, but true to their
every 17 years...once for each day and night they word, and with long, mournful songs, beautiful
fought. in the way a fine axe-head is beautiful.
What other folk are out there?
Someday I shall have to see for myself.”
What? Oh you think you’re clever don’t you?
Bradan had his three daughters before the elves
turned him into a beetle, of course. Many of my Name: Aodh
people think that is only a story, but they are Culture: Dunlending
fools and goats. We were once a great Calling: Wanderer
people...and we could be again...but the others Background: Forest Dweller
think only of stealing horses and cattle. So I keep
Body: 3(6) Heart: 3(5) Wits:7(8)
to myself. I like to live in the hills and watch the
Traits: Wild, Nimble (or possibly "Curious")
Forgoil. I even cross the river, and they never see
me. Specialities: Tracking, Story-telling, Folk-lore
Favoured Skills: Search, Explore, Song,
Well, sometimes they do. That She-witch is a Arms & Armor: Spear, Shield, Bow
crafty one, and she caught me once. Only Virtue: “A Secret Folk”
because I got careless, though. She was a fool for
not killing me, and I am angry because now
when I have a chance to kill her I will have to let
her live. The first time, anyway. I only owe her a
life-debt once, so I will have to capture her twice.
The Forgoil fought over what to do with me that
time. I couldn’t understand everything they said,
but I think the straw-heads like to argue about
who is in charge. My father said their last king
was weak, and that’s why they bicker, but their
new king is stronger and that could mean trouble
for us.
AOBH (pronounced "Eve" in Westron) by Cultural blessing: Fierce Folk
Calling: Warden
“Is it the custom of your people to stare at Shadow weakness: Lure of Power
strangers? Or have you never seen
a tapduvh before? It is in the shape of a spiral Specialties: Herb-lore, Story-telling, Shadow-
because that is the most powerful of all magical lore
patterns, as everybody knows, and it winds
around my left eye because that is the eye that
Distinctive features: Nimble, Quick of
sees spirits.
“What a strange question. Small needles dipped
in potent dye and poked into my face? Of course Body: 3 Heart: 3 Wits: 7
it hurt! But what things worthwhile does not Body (favoured): 5 Heart (favoured): 6 Wits
hurt? (favoured): 8

“My necklace is a spiral, too, and it will grow -Common Skills-

longer as I find and add spirit tòcan. Spirits are  Awe: 1 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 0
attracted to different...what is your
 Athletics: 2 Travel: 2 Stealth: 2
word…’matters’, maybe? And spirits are needed
for magic. This lignum knot is for owl spirits, this  Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 1
amber is for tree spirits, and so on. Stag antler,  Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 3
silver coin, horn of ram...and this is the shell  Song: 0 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 2
from a creature of the sea, which I have never  Craft: 2 Battle: 1 Lore: 0
seen. I have many tócan, but I seek many more.

“Which one? Oh, that is a knuckle bone, from an -Weapon Skills-

enemy of my teagsaig. That is not a word in your  Spear: 3
language...maybe ‘master’ or ‘teacher’ is close.  Dagger: 1
 Bow: 1
“My teagsaig is the chief droidh of my people. He
came and took me from my family when I was -Virtues-: Ill Omen
little and made me his foghlainte...which was a
great honour for my family...and now I
am doideag, too. -Gear-
 Spear damage: 5 edge: 9 injury:
“The difference? Droidh and doideag are the 14 enc: 2
same thing, mostly. One is a man and one is a  Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury:
woman. Don’t you know anything?
14 enc: 1
“It was he who sent me north along the great  Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury:
river. He lay in a dream hut for three days and 12 enc: 0
nights and the spirits...well, it is enough for you  Leather shirt enc: 4
to know that he sent me to come here. And a
good thing he did, for these Northmen know little
enough about spirits. But maybe there are things
for me to learn, too. Such as these plants I found
on my journey here; will you look and tell me
what you know of them…?”

Culture: Dunlending

Standard of Living: Frugal


As a boy, Beldan saw the fall of Erebor. He He was born in T.A. 2935 in the Eastfold
fled from the Mountain as the dragon Smaug settlement of Aldburg. The eldest of four
descended on Dale. Together with his people, children, Éoheort grew up learning the ways
he roamed the wilds of Middle-earth for the of horsemanship from his father, a gifted
30 years of exile. He fought as a young horse-herd that bred many of Aldburg’s
warrior in the war between the orcs and the valiant steeds. He learned the way of the
Dwarves, to avenge the death of the King. He sword and shield as a boy, and he was gifted
lost many friends in that war, especially at with a horse of his very own on his 12th
Azanulbizar. He saw his family settled in the birthday. Éoheort named him Ethelwine,
Blue Mountains, but Beldan never felt at meaning “noble-friend” in the tongue of his
home there. He continued his wandering, people, and horse and rider soon became
selling his craft skills where he could to raise like brothers.
When Éoheort came of age in T.A. 2951, he
He was far to the south when the call came
entered the service of Esmund, son of the late
from Thorin, and missed his chance to take
Third Marshal of the Mark, Edwin. Wishing
part in the company raised to retake Erebor.
to do his part in defending his beloved
Beldan travelled to the Mountain when the
country, he joined with Esmund’s éored,
news reached him that the kingdom had
knowing that it was the most renowned and
been reclaimed, though mourned the
active of the Eastfold. On more than one
passing of the noble Thorin Oakenshield.
occasion, Éoheort rode to the far reaches of
Beldan has used his skills to rebuild the
the Eastemnet with the éored to guard
kingdom, and the city of Dale, to something
against invaders and outlaws and in T.A.
resembling their old grandeur. He has sworn
2953 he accompanied the éored to Edoras,
an oath to use his remaining years in the
where he witnessed the crowning of Thengel
defence of the kingdom and its surrounds.
He is home once more, the place of his birth
and the birth of his fathers. He will fight with During his years of continued service in the
his remaining strength to keep it free. His éored of Esmund, Éoheort grew to become a
sword skills may have waned in the long valiant and fierce warrior, never shying
years where he wielded no more than away from the battle-fury that comes upon
hammer and tongs, but he can still fight. He the warriors of the Mark. As a reward for his
carries a mattock, familiar with the weight deeds, he was given a helm crested with
through farming and woodcraft. Travelled great plumes of horse hair, and he pledged
from The Shire with Merry, having met on to lead his fellow riders through a bold
the Great East Road. Travelled with Merry example.
and Njal on the northern route to Dale.
In T.A. 2957, Éoheort’s younger brother
Éomód, a rider in a smaller éored of the East-
mark, was killed by orcs while patrolling
near the borders of the White Mountains.
Stricken with grief, Éoheort returned to
Aldburg to mourn the passing of his brother, Name:Eoheort
all the while swearing vengeance upon the Culture: Rider of Rohan
orcs that felled his kin. With the blessing of Standard of Living: Martial
Cultural blessing: Fey Mood
Esmund, Éoheort and his younger sister
Calling: Wanderer
Éohild, a shieldmaiden, took a company of Shadow weakness: Wandering-madness
riders from his éored and rode down the Specialties: Riddermark-lore, Horsemanship,
orcish host, slaughtering them upon the Folk-lore
plains. Distinctive features: Adventurous, Keen-eyed
Body: 6 Heart: 4 Wits: 4
In the years since his brother’s passing Body (favoured): 9 Heart (favoured): 5 Wits
(favoured): 6
Éoheort has continued to ride in the éored of
-Common Skills-
Esmund, now with his sister counted Awe: 2 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 0
amongst the riders. As Thengel King strives Athletics: 4 Travel: 2 Stealth: 0 Awareness: 1
to redeem the honour squandered by his Insight: 2 Search: 1 Explore: 2 Healing: 1
father, so does Éoheort strive to gain renown, Hunting: 1 Song: 2 Courtesy: 1
slaying those who threaten the Riddermark. Riddle: 0 Craft: 1 Battle: 2 Lore: 0
-Weapon Skills-
With sword in hand and Ethelwine to carry
(Spears): 2
him, he rides each day with a determination
Dagger: 1
worthy of the songs that fill the halls of Sword: 2
Edoras. -Rewards-: Glinting Spear
Sword: Damage: 5/Edge: 10 Injury: 16
Enc: 2
Dagger: Damage 3 Edge: G Injury:12/Enc: 0
Spear: Damage: 5 Edge:9 Injury:14 Enc: 2
Leather corslet enc: 8
Helm enc: 6
Endurance: 26
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 18
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 18
Hope: 12 Starting Hope: 12
Temporary Shadow: 0
Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Armour: 2d Headgear: +4
Parry: 4 Shield: 0
Damage: 6 Ranged: 0
Wisdom: 1 Valour: 2
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
BODIDBRAS “SKINNY” BOLGER by discover, document, and devour recipes
Glorelendil past, present, and future.

“Skinny” probably isn’t the first adjective one

would use to describe Bodidbras Bolger, at Bodidbras “Skinny” Bolger
least until his prodigious...and locally Hobbit Scholar
renowned...appetite is put on display. Even Specialties: Cooking, Herb-lore, Rhymes of
among Hobbits, Bodi can really ‘pack it Lore
away’, as they say, apparently without any Traits: Patient, Keen-eyed
impact on his waistline. He earned the Favoured Skills: Persuade:2, Stealth:3,
nickname Skinny less for his profile than for Search:2, Craft:3 (Also Lore:2, not favoured)
his astonishing ability to hide all that food Weapon of Choice: Sling:2
away in a hitherto undiscovered second Virtue: Fair Shot


Bodi’s parents told him early on that if
wanted more food he was going to have to Arinbeorn believes that he is called “the Tall”
cook it himself, so he did, and discovered by his fellow Beornings because of his
that he quite enjoyed the kitchen. Although imposing stature, but those same friends
not rich, he did eventually inherit enough could tell you that the nickname derives
that he never really had to work, and in more from the improbability of the tales he
looking for some way to “make himself tells in his booming voice, the
useful” he decided to write a cookbook. embellishments growing with each re-telling.
A decade later that cookbook, which at that As a boy Arinbeorn loved the winter, because
point was titled “An Encyclopaedia of Recipes that season afforded the most opportunities
of the Northern Kingdoms”, had grown to to hear the tales and songs of elders. He
several volumes and contained as much memorized all of them, but most of all he
history, biography, herb-lore, artwork, and loved the tales of dragons, and he decided
etymology as it did actual recipes. that one day he would kill a dragon. To this
end he put forth all his effort, constructing
and defeating elaborate mock dragons in the
But Bodi recognized that the information
woods, practicing lightning quick spear
available within the Shire was limited, and
attacks, seeking out imagined dragon lairs in
that in order to “complete” his project, he
the nearby hills, trying (rather
was going to have to venture beyond the
unsuccessfully) to build up an immunity to
safety of his lifelong home. He is no great
fire, and pestering any travellers for news of
traveller, and most certainly not an
‘adventurer’ but duty calls, and so he set
forth on his ‘Research Expedition’.
Arinbeorn was one of the few of his people to
Equipped with writing materials, a few
have believed the stories of a dragon on the
favourite pots and pans and knives, his
other side of the Mirkwood, and it was with
trusty sling (with which he fills his cookpot
regret bordering on despair that he learned
with coneys and game birds), and a map of
of the death of Smaug. He felt cheated. But in
the lands East of the Shire, he set forth to
the last few years he has convinced himself
that there are yet dragons remaining in the But Rook was troubled in his heart, wanting
world and that he will still have his chance. more than the world around him offered,
In fact, he has already composed the first few and feared the coming of his old age and
stanzas of an epic song about the deed. death. So he took up his bow and his three
short spears, and said to his daughter:
Arinbeorn the Tall
Beorning Slayer
"Alette, the Elves speak of the ithilroch, the
Specialities: Story-telling, Mountaineering,
Moon-Steed which runs along the hills and
Traits: Tall, Robust
meadows by starlight and moonlight."
And he laughed.
Favoured Skills: Awe:3, Athletics:2, Song:2,
Travel:1 "They say Elves are wise! We Men know that
Weapon of Choice: Great Spear:3 the Elven-King seeks the White Hart, crowned
Virtue: Great Strength with great tines."

And he held up his hands and made the

shape of antlers on his head, with which he
had delighted his daughter as a child. But
Fair-skinned, fire-crowned, emerald-eyed
she was not delighted now, and frowning,
Alette was of the People of the Buhr of
Maethel. That town lies at the confluence of
the River Rushdown and the River Anduin, "Many men have sought both Moon-Steed
and had as its origin a trading-town and and White Hart, father, and none so far have
outpost of the Men of Gondor, who in the claimed the bounty of the forest the Elven-
days of the Kings would come north on their King offers. Why not seek other game, closer
barges to trade for the bounty of river and to home? You might take a great black boar
forest. Those days are long-past, and now the in the woods, and carve horns from his
folk of the Buhr live in wooden huts and long tusks, and then men would envy you more
halls below the crumbling stone towers and than you return, rueful and empty-handed,
villas that the Men of the South raised, and in the fall."
the Éotheod maintained, but that none know
now the secret of their making.
But Rook the Hunter only smiled, and kissed
Her father was Rook the Hunter, who would his daughter on the crown of her head, and
range up and down the river and forests and went out into the hopeful spring of that year.
even into the marshes, and bring forth game. Alette planted her garden, and kept their
The hides and food obtained thus served to home. Throughout the spring she would
make comfortable himself and his daughter, have word of her father from other hunters,
and they were content. They might have lived and traders, who had seen him in the eaves
there all their days, and Rook had grand- of the forest and upon the slopes of the
children to dandle on his knee as his hair mountains.
turned white.
Summer came to Buhr Maethel. Alette re-
thatched the roof, and after much
consideration, slaughtered one of the billy-
goats. Now there was no word of her father, Spring turned to summer, and Alette was
not even from the night-walkers and skin- laying beneath a willow tree, debating the
goers, who would look at her with their bear- various merits of the Carrock against the Old
eyes and shake their shaggy heads at her. Ford, when a blue-banded, sharp-billed bird
By Autumn, Alette harvested her garden, alighted above her. Shaking himself regally,
carrots and cabbages and roots of all sorts to the Kingfisher Lord said:
see her through the winter. And she went
down to the river with the other women, with "Hail to you, Alette of the Buhr. You have
nets and salt, before it became too cold to come far from home with no wings to carry
work the waters. you."
"I seek my father, Kingfisher Lord," said
And there was word of her father. On the
"Have you seen him, as you take flight across
third cast of her net, among the good swift
water and stone and meadow?"
wriggling trout, there was one of her father's
"Your father is known to me," said the
three short spears, lodged amongst broken
Kingfisher Lord reproachfully.
tines of a set of antlers. Alette laid the spear
"He has sometimes taken my people on the
aside, and finished gutting and salting the
wing, when he grows tired of game that runs
fish, before wrapping it in a soft cloth and
on four legs."
going back up the hill. She would need the
"Yes," said Alette, "but... recently?"
fish for the long and lonely winter. The Kingfisher Lord looked at her sadly, and
flew away in a burst of feathers.
When spring came, Alette set out with her
best cloak and her grandsires long-spear,
Fall came, and Alette returned to Buhr
which her father had rarely touched but was Maethel, wiser but no less lonely. Though
all now she had left to arm herself with. It
she was offered a goodly price for it, two fine
had a good steel head, dwarf-make, and ewes and a honey-hive of bees, she spent the
would suffice. She came after some time to
months of snow and ice curing and sewing
the home of Amfossa the Trapper, and she
the last of her father's leather into a fine
corslet made for a strong young women who
"I seek my father, Rook the Hunter." perhaps had more determination than sense.
In the spring, she meant to set out again,
And she described his coal-black hair and and her story might have gone much
the carved leather quiver he had made with differently if not for a chance-meeting with
his own hands. Hwalda the Hunter, who said to Alette,

"Your father is well known to me, Alette of "Quests can fill the heart, but leave the
the Buhr," said Amfossa, stripping the skin stomach empty. And the purse, more
from a great mountain-cat. importantly!"
"Then you have seen him?" said Alette.
Amfossa did look up, meeting Alette's eyes, And she laughed loudly, in her way, for little
but silently kept to her work. After some could darken the mood or humours of
time, Alette took her leave. Hwalda the Hunter.
"The Woodmen-Town sends a caravan ill-omen. After some time, Alette rose up,
around the forest to the north, on the yearly shook the dust from her boots, and aimed
run to the town of the Lake-Men. They say all herself towards the camp of Bard the
news comes to the Long Lake, given time." Bowman and his host. Her purse was full, as
Airily, she waved her spear. was her heart, but it had occurred to her she
"You can keep the watch while I sleep, and might be at this for some time.
perhaps I will show you how to kill an Orc or
two." Beorning Wanderer
Traits: Beast-lore, Mountaineering, Folk-lore
This was the Year of the Battle of the Five Distinctive Features: Hardy, Robust
Armies. Though it brought peace and plenty Favoured Skills: Insight: 3, Athletics: 2,
to Wilderland and the Dale-lands and even Hunting: 3, Healing: 2
to Mirkwood, it was considered something of Weapon of Choice: Great Spear: 3
an inconvenience to the Woodmen who had Reward: Great Spear (Keen)
shepherded their wagons and pack-horses
the long and weary leagues north of the
forest, only to discover that there was no now REGNALD ‘THE FOX’' by Halbarad
Lake-town at which to exchange the bounty
of the forest for leather and wine and other Woodman Warden
fine things, merely a great horde of Dwarves Specialties - Beast Lore, Mirkwood Lore,
and Elves and Men, and an even greater Shadow Lore
horde of dead Orcs upon the field. Traits - Determined, Vengeful
Common Skills - Athletics 2, Awareness 3,
But there was a third Hoard as well, a Explore 3, Inspire 2, Travel 2, Healing 3,
Dragon-Hoard, and that meant gold. Stealth 2, Hunting 2
As she sat upon a stone on the edge of the Weapon Skills - Long Hafted Axe 4, (Bows) 3
field, watching the murders and clamours
and unkindnesses feast on orc-flesh, the Wisdom 3, Valour 3
great Chief of her people, Beorn the Skin- Virtues - Mastery of Expertise, Hunter's
Changer, settled down next to her. Alette Resolve
considered this for some minutes, and then Rewards - Grievous Axe, Cunning Made
opened her mouth to speak. Leather Corselet.

Beorn forestalled her.

Regnald, known as 'The Fox', was born and
"I know of your quest, Alette of the Buhr."
raised in a hamlet on the Dusky River called
And he held out his hand. Woodman's Ford. When he was barely three
In it was another of her father's three short summers old, the Wizard Radagast brought
spears, the wood stained dark and black a foundling girl child (Dagmar) to his
with blood. Beorn had torn it from the mother, who was currently nursing his
stomach of a warg during the battle. newborn baby brother (Alwis). Despite their
Alette accepted it with something initial misgivings, his parents accepted
approaching gratitude, and the Great Bear
Radagast's word that the child had no evil in
left her to her thoughts amongst the birds of
her and agreed to raise the girl as their own. realise that a dead hero is no hero at all.
She was, according to the old wizard, a He firmly believes that the Free Folk of the
special child and perhaps destined for great Wilderland must unite to have any chance of
things. survival. The shadow over Mirkwood has
rescinded but only fools believe that it is
As the three grew up together, they played anything more than a breathing space.
with the other children at the pool by the He has travelled to Dale to seek the
little waterfall, just south of the village, and patronage of King Bard, a gift-giver and a
it was here that Regnald first noticed her Dragon slayer, no less.
affinity with the water and gave her the pet
name of 'little otter'. So far he has failed to gain an audience. The
King is ever surrounded by an army of
These days, she is known among their people scribes and counsellors who have constantly
as 'the Foundling'. Regnald refuses to use the barred his way. He is currently at Lake-town,
term and continues to address her as 'little awaiting the opportunity which will prove
otter'. He regards her as his blood kin, even if his mettle and draw the King's attention.
she is not and he is prepared to fight anyone He has been accompanied by Dagmar(much
who suggests otherwise. to his consternation). He knows that he
His own name is 'the Fox'. As a child, his should not worry about her unduly. She is a
mother would often send him into the woods match for any young male warrior and he
between the hamlet and, nearby, Rhosgobel. rarely underestimates her capabilities but he
is her older brother and, sometimes, he just
"Off you go, little fox, bring us home a rabbit cannot help it.
for our supper."

Never once did Regnald fail in his duty to his

family, even if it took him three days. He was
a determined boy and would not return
empty handed. His parents, Acbold and
Heledwis, grew used to his going off for days
on end. They recognised his love for the
woods and soon gave up on forbidding him
to cross the river into the wilder parts of the

Now he is a man and the name suits well his

russet brown hair and beard as well as his
guile. He never failed in his duty as a boy
and he has sworn that he will never fail in
his duty as a man to protect his people. He is
a warrior of some skill but is wise enough to
ONAR MUSTYBEARD by Glorelendil
Culture: Ranger of the North
Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely
Mountain Standard of Living: Rich
Cultural blessing: Redoubtable Longsword: 3, (Bows): 2
Calling: Treasure-Hunter Shadow Wisdom: 2 , Valour: 1 (Virtue: Endurance of
weakness: Dragon-sickness the Ranger)
Specialties: Stone-craft, Tunnelling, Burglary Endurance: 29 (32)
Distinctive features: Energetic, Wilful Fatigue: 14 (weary margin of 18)
Body: 6 Heart: 2 Wits: 6
Hope: 14
Body (favoured): 8 Heart (favoured): 5 Wits
(favoured): 7 Parry: 5
Armor: 2d+1
-Common Skills- Bonus Damage: 6
 Awe: 0 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 0 Gear: Longsword, Leather Corselet, Bow, Cap
-Weapon Skills- Pertinent Common Skills:
 Mattock: 2 Travel: 2 (everyone needs Travel to avoid
 Dagger: 1 fatigue creep)
 Short sword: 1 Preliminary Role Skills: Battle: 2, Lore: 2,
-Rewards-: Insight: 1
-Virtues-: Broken Spells
Shadow Reduction Skill: Song or Craft: 2
Combat Task Skills: Inspire or Song: 2 / Awe
 Mattock damage: 8 edge: 10 injury:
18 enc: 3 or Battle: 2
 Short sword damage: 5 edge: Barding:
10 injury: 14 enc: 1 (not carried) B5/H5/W4
 Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: (Swords): 3, Spear: 1
12 enc: 0 Wisdom: 2 , Valour: 1 (Swordmaster)
 Mail shirt enc: 12 Endurance: 29
 Cap of iron and leather enc: 2 Fatigue: 15 (weary margin of 14)
Endurance: 30 Starting Endurance: Hope: 13
30 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 12 Fatigue Parry: 4+3 (7)
from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 12 Armor: 2d+1
Hope: 8 Starting Hope: 8 Temporary Bonus Damage: 5
Shadow: 0 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Gear: Longsword, Leather Corselet, Spear,
Shadow: 0 Cap
Armour: 3 Headgear: 1 Pertinent Common Skills:
Parry: 6 Shield: 0 Travel: 2 (everyone needs Travel to avoid
Damage: 0 Ranged: 0 fatigue creep)
Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1 Preliminary Role Skills: Battle: 3, Lore: 1,
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0 Insight: 2
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: Shadow Reduction Skill: Song or Craft: 1
0 Standing: 0 Combat Task Skills: Inspire or Song: 2 / Awe
or Battle: 3
Culture: Rider of Rohan Hoplitenomad
Standard of Living: Martial
Cultural blessing: Fey Mood Skills:
Calling: Wanderer Awe 2 Athletics 0 Explore 0
Shadow weakness: Wandering-madness Song 2 Craft 1 Inspire 2
Specialties: Riddermark-lore, Horsemanship, Travel 0 Insight 2 Healing 2
Folk-lore Courtesy 0 Battle 0 Persuade 2
Distinctive features: Adventurous, Keen-eyed Stealth 0 Search 0
Body: 6 Heart: 4 Wits: 4 Hunting 0 Riddle 2 Lore 3
Body (favoured): 9 Heart (favoured): 5 Wits
(favoured): 6 New Virtue:
-Common Skills- Wizard’s Blessing
 Awe: 2 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 0 A wizard character in the group increases the
 Athletics: 4 Travel: 2 Stealth: 0 company’s Fellowship rating by one point.
 Awareness: 1 Insight: 2 Search: 1 Additionally, when making a Wisdom roll,
 Explore: 2 Healing: 1 Hunting: 1 Wizards can roll the Feat die twice, and keep
 Song: 2 Courtesy: 1 Riddle: 0 the best result.
 Craft: 1 Battle: 2 Lore: 0
Callings: Scholar, Warden, Wanderer
-Weapon Skills-
Weapons Skills: Staff 2, Sword 1,Dagger 1
 (Spears): 2
Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 5 Wits 6
 Dagger: 1
 Sword: 2 Favoured skill: Lore
-Rewards-: Glinting Spear Specialty traits: Old Lore, Leechcraft, Herb
-Virtues-: lore, Region Lore, Storytelling
-Gear- Distinctive features: Cautious, Clever,
 Sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: Cunning, Curious, Just, Lordly, Wary
16 enc: 2 Virtues: Masteries (all), Woeful Foresight;
 Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: Broken Spells, Natural Watchfulness;
12 enc: 0 Staunching Song; Shadow Bane; Bewilder;
 Spear damage: 5 edge: 9 injury: Commanding Voice
14 enc: 2
 Leather corslet enc: 8
Bewilder (new virtue):
..Reduce the wizard's hope point score by one
 Helm enc: 6
to reduce the Parry rating of enemy to the
Endurance: 26 Starting Endurance: 26
basic combat TN of their chosen stance.
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 18 Commanding Voice (new)
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 18 Reduce the wizard's hope point score by one
Hope: 12 Starting Hope: 12 to restore one hope point to all members of
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Shadow: 0 the fellowship involved in the confrontation
Total Shadow: 0 (not including the wizard using the special
Armour: 2d Headgear: +4 ability).
Rewards: Cunning made, Close Fitting,
Parry: 4 Shield: 0
Grievous, Noble armour OR Staff of Light
Damage: 6 Ranged: 0
Wisdom: 1 Valour: 2 Staff of Light: The creature loses one point of
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0 Hate at the end of the first round of combat
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 fought while exposed to the light of the staff.
Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
TALORG by zedturtle EINTHE THE HUNTRESS by zedturtle
Culture: Dunlending Culture: Dunlending
Standard of Living: Frugal Standard of Living: Frugal
Cultural blessing: Fierce Folk
Cultural blessing: Fierce Folk
Calling: Treasure-Hunter
Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Dragon-sickness
Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance Specialties: Beast-lore, Tracking, Burglary
Specialities: Misty Mountains Lore, Tracking, Distinctive features: Hardy, Nimble
Giant-lore Body: 3 (4) Heart: 3 (5) Wits: 7 (10)
Distinctive features: Bold, Hardened
Body: 4 (7)Heart: 2 (4) Wits: 7 (8) -Common Skills-
Awe: 1 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 0
Athletics: 2 Travel: 1 Stealth: 2
-Common Skills- Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 2
Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 3
Awe: 2 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 0 Song: 0 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 2
Athletics: 2 Travel: 3 Stealth: 2 Craft: 1 Battle: 2 Lore: 2
Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 1
Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 3 -Weapon Skills- Spear 2, Dagger 2, Bow 3
Song: 0 Courtesy: 1 Riddle: 2
Craft: 1 Battle: 1 Lore: 1 -Rewards-: Fell
-Virtues-: A Secret Folk
-Weapon Skills-
(Axes)3, Dagger 1, Spear 1 -Gear-
Spear: damage 5/edge 9/inj 14/enc 2 (not
-Rewards-: Great Forest Axe, Grievous carried)
-Virtues-: Champion of the Hillmen Bow: damage 5/edge 10/inj16/enc 1
-Gear- Dagger: damage 3/edge G/inj 12/enc 0
Great axe: damage 11/edge: G/inj:20/enc: 4 Endurance: 23 Starting Endurance: 23
Dagger: damage 3/edge G/inj 12/enc: 0 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 1
Leather shirt enc: 4 Shield enc: 3 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 1
Endurance: 22 Starting Endurance: 22
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 11 Hope: 9 Starting Hope: 9
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 11 Temporary Shadow: 0
Hope: 8 Starting Hope: 8 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Temporary Shadow: 0
Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0 Armour: 0 Headgear: 0
Protection: 1D Headgear: 0 Parry: 7 Shield: 0
Parry: 7 Shield: +2 Damage: 3 Ranged: 3
Damage: 4 Ranged: N/A
Wisdom: 2 Valour: 3 Wisdom: 2 Valour: 2
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0/10
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 2/20
Treasure: 0 Standing: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
Dianach has been trained in the mystical by Blubbo Baggins
ways of the Dunlendings to be a healer,
emissary, and seer. Although competent with Culture: Rider of Rohan
her spear, she prefers to solve problems in Standard of Living: Martial
more subtle ways. Although still young she Cultural blessing: Faithful Beyond Fear
already thinks like an older and wiser Calling: Wanderer
leader, and masks her own intentions as Shadow weakness: Wandering-madness
effectively as she discerns those of others. Specialties: Minstrelsy, Horsemanship, Folk-
Why she is interested in Adventures is her lore
own business, but surely it must be for the Distinctive features: Adventurous, Steadfast
benefit of her own folk. In the meantime if Body: 6 (7) Heart: 4 (7) Wits: 4 (6)
her goals coincide with those of strangers
she is happy to be allies for now, although -Common Skills-
even if she tells herself that doing so is only a Awe: 2 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 0
means to end her sense of loyalty may, over Athletics: 3 Travel: 2 Stealth: 0
time, become a more important reason. Awareness: 1 Insight: 2 Search: 0
Culture: Dunlending Explore: 1 Healing: 3 Hunting: 1
Standard of Living: Frugal Song: 3 Courtesy: 1 Riddle: 2
Cultural blessing: Fierce Folk Craft: 1 Battle: 2 Lore: 1
Calling: Warden
Shadow weakness: Lure of Power -Weapon Skills-
Specialties: Herb-lore, Story-telling, Shadow-  Sword: 2
lore  Dagger: 1
Distinctive features: Nimble, Quick of  Bow: 2
Hearing -Rewards-: Ancient Mail From Gondor
Body: 3 (5) Heart: 3 (6) Wits: 7 (8)
-Virtues-: Old Songs And Children Tales,
-Common Skills- King's Guard (Horse-archery)
Awe: 1 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 2
Athletics: 2 Travel: 3 Stealth: 2 -Gear-
Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 1 Sword: Damage 5/edge 10/Inj 16/Enc 2
Explore: 2 Healing: 3 Hunting: 3 Bow: Damage 5/edge 10/Inj 14/Enc 1
Song: 0 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 3 Dagger:Damage 3/edge G/Inj 12/Enc 0
Craft: 1 Battle: 1 Lore: 0 Mail shirt Enc: 12 Buckler Enc: 1
-Weapon Skills- Spear 2, Dagger 1, Bow 1 Endurance: 26 Starting Endurance: 26
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 16
-Rewards-: Spiral Armour
-Virtues-: Champion of the Hillmen, Ill Omen Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 16
-Gear- Hope: 12 Starting Hope: 12
Spear: Damage 5/edge 9/Inj 14/Enc 2 Temporary Shadow: 0
Dagger: Damage 3/edge G/Inj 12/Enc 0 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Leather shirt Enc: 4 Armour: 3d Headgear: 0
Endurance: 23 Starting Endurance: 23
Parry: 4 Shield: 1
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 7
Damage: 0 Ranged: 0
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 7
Wisdom: 3 Valour: 2
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 10
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 21
Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
MEDELON OF STANSHELF by Falenthal those Rohirrim he sometimes meets in the
Culture: Dunlending Gap of Rohan, where he travels as much as
Standard of Living: Frugal possible, considering himself an errand
Cultural blessing: Fierce Folk knight that protects the borders of his realm.
Calling: Warden His chainmail and shield have the white
Shadow weakness: Lure of Power horse painted on them, and Mendelon hunts
Specialties: Beast-lore, Story-telling, Shadow- orcs and even rogue Dunlendings that
lore threaten the western borders of the
Distinctive features: Hardened, Wilful Riddermark. But even after his years of
Body: 4 (7) Heart: 4 (6) Wits: 5 (6) unasked service to Rohan, the Horse-lords
-Common Skills- still consider him an untrusty Dunlending.
Awe: 2 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 0
Athletics: 3 Travel: 2 Stealth: 2
It was Saruman the Wise, counsellor and
Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 1
friend of King Thengel, who approached
Explore: 2 Healing: 1 Hunting: 3
Mendelon. The old sage told him that by
Song: 1 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 2
lending a hand in the Wizard's plans, and
Craft: 1 Battle: 1 Lore: 0
proving his value, he would gain a friend
-Weapon Skills- Spear 3, Bow 1, Dagger 1
who could speak on behalf of him and the
-Rewards-: Heart-Seeker, Cunning Make
folk of Stanshelf in the Riddermark King’s
(applied to the Chainmail Armour)
Court. Mendelon trusts the words of
-Virtues-: Wild Onset
Saruman, and sees the logic in them.
After all this time of ungrateful service to the
Spear: Damage 5/Edge 9/Inj 14/Enc 2
Mark, Mendelon subconsciously begins to
Dagger: Damage 3/Edge G/Inj 12/Enc 0
hold a grudge against the aloof Horse-lords
Mail shirt Enc: 10 Shield Enc: 3
he is not aware of. But Saruman can see
Endurance: 24 Starting Endurance: 24
deeper than anyone into people's souls...
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 15
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 15
Note: I imagine Medelon as a sort of lonely
Hope: 10 Starting Hope: 10
errand knight. Being a Dunlending, the
Temporary Shadow: 0
game gives no chance of owning a horse
Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
outside of gaining it in the Adventure phase.
Armour: 3D Headgear: 0
It would suit Medelon to have one, although
Parry: 5 Shield: 2
it could also be one of his goals in life, a
Damage: 0 Ranged: 0
reward Saruman has promised him if he
Wisdom: 2 Valour: 3
works for the Wizard.
Also, Medelon has high ideals of his own
Medelon belongs to the Wulfings, the mixed-
making, but a certain rigidness is beginning
Dunlending folk of Stanshelf. A faction
to grow inside, as his desires clash with the
within the clan value their rohir blood above
reality of his people.
that of the Dunlendings and struggle to be
When fighting, he always chooses a Forward
considered one with the Horse-lords. Up to
Stance, profiting from the higher damage
now, the King in the Golden Hall has not
output (Wild Onset) and his high Parry (Wits
answered to their pleas for recognition.
5 + Shield 2).
Medelon tries to imitate as much as possible
Variant Cultures by Michebugio 2, Lore 1, Riddle 2, Stealth 3.
- Change their Standard of Living to Frugal.
Wayward Elves cannot ever choose
Base Culture: Dwarves of the Lonely
the Shadow Bane Cultural Virtue, nor can
they choose the Fellowship phase
The Dwarves of the Iron Hills fought several
undertaking Study with the Lampmaker (The
battles during the War of the Dwarves and
Heart of the Wild, p79).
Orcs, and they are known for being some of
In addition, when spending Hope to activate
the most fierce and elite of all Dwarf armies.
effects from the Cultural Virtues Wood-elf
After the Battle of the Five Armies, Dàin
Magic or The Call of Mirkwood (The Heart of
Ironfoot became the new King under the
the Wild p77), they can choose to
Mountain and he relocated to Erebor with
immediately recover the Hope point they just
many of his people, but not all. The folk still
spent and gain a Shadow point instead.
living in the Iron Hills mines iron, not gold;
for this reason the Dwarves of the Iron Hills,
although prosperous, are not as wealthy as BREE HOBBITS
their other cousins. Base Culture: Hobbits of the Shire
Bree is a very ancient township of Men. The
- Change their skills as follows: Battle first Hobbits came there from the east in
2, Riddle 1. about the year 1300 of the Third Age,
- Change their Standard of Living making Bree the only place in the world
to Prosperous. where Hobbits and Men live together side by
side. Their interaction with the Tall Folk
made them more open to the outside world
Base Culture: Elves of Mirkwood
than their parochial cousins in the Shire.
While most of Thranduil’s subjects heed
their king’s commands, some Elves are loath
- Change their skills as follows: Explore
to leave their play. These Elves are unwilling
1, Insight 2, Stealth 2.
to fight, preferring to melt away into the
woods and hide. They delight in trickery, in
bewitching or befuddling mortals, and in RESPECTABLE HOBBITS
petty-magics and illusions. Called Wayward Base culture: Hobbits of the Shire
Elves, they are a small but growing faction A respectable Hobbit is exactly how a Hobbit
within the Woodland Realm. They devote is expected to be within his society: a well-
themselves to the pursuit of pleasure and ordered gentleman who has never left the
amusement, and their japes are often cruel. Shire, with a love for strong traditions and a
So far, their jokes have all been harmless dislike for anything out of the ordinary –
fun, but the wilder the Elves grow, the less especially adventures.
care they have for the safety of mortals.
The Wayward Elves chafe under Thranduil’s - Change their skills as follows: Craft
rule, believing that he is too solicitous of 1, Travel 0, and Courtesy 4.
Men and too worried about the shadow of
In addition, you must choose one of the
things to come.
following weapon skill sets:
- Change their skills to: Battle 0, Hunting
1) Short sword 1, Bow 1, Dagger 1 WOODMEN OF MOUNTAIN HALL
2) Bow 1, Short sword 1, Dagger 1 Base Culture: Woodmen of the Wilderland
See Heart of the Wild but in addition, they
must choose their Traits from the following
list (that replaces that described in the
Base Culture: Men of the Lake. Adventurer’s book):
Men of the River Running are rugged
frontier-men living on the banks of the Anduin-lore, Fishing, Herb-lore, Leechcraft,
Celduin river, in the eastern outskirts of Mountaineer, Stone-craft.
Mirkwood and farther in the south-eastern
part of Rhovanion. They are merchants like
Esgaroth’s folk but more used to live through WOODMEN OF RHOSGOBEL
Base Culture: Woodmen of the Wilderland
the harshness of the wild.
The presence of Radagast the Brown Wizard
- Change their skills as has been greatly beneficial to the Woodmen
follows: Awareness 2, Courtesy 0, Craft dwelling in Rhosgobel, and his teachings
1, Explore 2. and sage advices have made them a more
peaceful and wise folk.
In addition, change their Standard of Living
to Martial. - Their skills change as follows: Battle 0, Lore


Base Culture: Beornings. Base Culture: Woodmen of the Wilderland
Men dwell in small numbers in the The Woodmen of Woodland Hall represent
mountains between the High Pass and the the “base” Woodmen of the Wilderland as
Eyrie. These folk are as hard and stern as the described in the Adventurer’s book.
places they call home, and speak their own
strange tongue as well as the Common
Speech. They serve Beorn, but remain WOODMEN OF WOODMEN TOWN
suspicious and private even when among Base Culture: Woodmen of the Wilderland
fellow Beornings. “As tough as the Mountain- With a history going back for more than nine
men,” say the Beornings, but when they are hundred years, the House of Woodmen-town
gone they also say “as cold as the Mountain- reunites the most prominent families of the
men”. Woodmen (even if Woodland Hall is the
largest dwelling of their folk). Its council of
- Change their skills as follows: Awe
1, Inspire 0, Riddle 3, Travel 1. Elders is given precedence in all folk-moots,
and many war-leaders have been chosen
- Change their Standard of Living to Frugal. among its warriors and chieftains.

In addition, you must choose one of the - Their skills change as follows: Awe 1, Riddle
following weapon skill sets: 0.
1) Great axe 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1
2) (Spears) 2, Axe 1, Dagger 1
additional cultural blessings by points he recovers after a battle or when
he takes a prolonged rest.
michebugio et al
Lone Landers by zedturtle
Woodmen of Rhosgobel CULTURAL BLESSING
-Woodcrafty - “That night they camped on a stony shelf with a
(This is the standard Woodmen’s Cultural rock-wall behind them, in which there was a
Blessing, from the Rulebook p.70) shallow cave, a mere scoop in the cliff.”

Woodmen of Mountain Hall Every time a Man of the Lone-lands takes a

CULTURAL BLESSING prolonged rest, he recovers one point of
-Mountain Fighters- Fatigue. This recovery occurs regardless of
(This is the alternate Woodmen Cultural the danger surrounding the company, for the
Blessing from Heart of the Wild). folk of Eriador know well the need for
watches and a light sleep. Even in the safety
Woodmen of Woodland Hall
CULTURAL BLESSING of a refuge, the Lone-lander will only recover
-Woodcutter- one point each night, for they are wary of
It took generations of axe-wielding comfortable lodgings and unused to them.
Woodmen to cut the large clearing where
Woodland Hall now stands, and even more Hobbits of the Shire
to build and carve its Great Hall. The sturdy CULTURAL BLESSING
trees of Mirkwood are not easily cut, and the -- Underestimated-
Woodmen of Woodland Hall learn from an
early age that powerful and precise swings If a Hobbit is in a company containing non-
are needed to chop the wood that is their Hobbits, enemies will attack the non-Hobbits
very source of shelter and sustenance. first (on a one-for-one basis) before engaging
any Hobbits in the company. If a Hobbit is
 When a Woodman of Woodland Hall
left unengaged and not attacked, and spends
wields a Long-hafted axe two-handed, he
uses his Favoured Body score as his basic an entire round preparing his attack
melee Damage rating. (whether close combat or ranged), on the
following round, if his attack succeeds, he
Woodmen of Woodmen Town achieves an automatic piercing blow at +2
CULTURAL BLESSING damage and +2 injury.
- Balthi’s Boon-
Men of Bree by Hermes Serpent
Woodmen Town is well known for its
greatest treasure, the Light of Balthi. This
ancient artefact is believed to have great - A Good Judge of Character -
healing powers, and the Woodmen who have A character with this Blessing may spend one
lived for generations near its eternal, bluish point of Hope before starting an Encounter to
light seem to show a lingering effect of these gain an extra point of Tolerance in the
miraculous properties. Encounter, or may use it to roll the Feat die
twice when making any Insight test and take
 If he is not Wounded, a Woodman of the best roll.
Woodmen Town uses his Favoured Heart
score to determine how many Endurance
DESIGNING NEW CULTURES By (Weapon Group) 2, specific weapon 1,
specific weapon 1. The second choice follows
frodolives this format: Specific Weapon (favoured) 2,
specific weapon 1, specific weapon 1.
Here is a basic guide to creating new cultures
& backgrounds:
10) Specialities: devise a list of six Traits,
from which the player will select two.
1) Attributes: distribute 14 points, with no
11) Languages: list one primary language
score landing higher than 7 or lower than 2.
and one secondary language (if appropriate;
Primary Attribute - 5 to 7
some races do not have a secondary
Secondary Attribute - 4 to 6
Tertiary Attribute - 2 to 4
12) Adventuring Age: list a range (in years)
2) Favoured Skill: select one skill
that characters of this culture most often turn
3) Distinctive Features: select 8 traits, from
to adventuring.
which the player chooses two.
13) List of suitable names for the culture
4) Endurance & Hope: distribute 30 points
b/w the two. OTHER OPTIONS:
Extracting the maths from Francesco's model
If you want to go even further and develop a is easy. You could thus do the following:
completely new culture, here's what to do:
5) Standard of living: select one from Poor, - Rather than giving each race 29 Spending
Frugal, Martial, Prosperous. Points to create their starting common skills
6) Typical Adventurers: select two Callings as with, and then having the player spend 10
being most common, and one that is rare for more points, you could reverse it: devise a
the culture. culture that spends only 10 points on
7) Develop a Cultural Blessing: this generally starting skills and allow the player to spend
allows the culture to 'break' a rule, such as 29 points as he sees fit.
ignoring the effects of being Weary or
Miserable during combat, rolling the Feat
die twice when making a Fear test, and so - You could expand it even more to include
on. weapon skills. The value of weapon skills in
8) Common Skills: using the skill costs TOR as written is 10 Spending Points. Add
(below), spend 29 points with no skill this into your 'free spending' pool to spend a
achieving a final value higher than 3. total of 39 points. No final weapon value
Underline one skill as being 'favoured'. may begin play higher than 3. Your highest
Favoured skills must have a value of either 2 weapon skill is either a weapon group or a
or 3. favoured weapon. In this way, you have far
greater latitude to create a character who
Skill costs: to begin with a starting value of 1, eschews skills for combat, or who does the
spend one point. To begin with a starting complete opposite. Level 1 in a weapon skill
value of 2, spend 3 points. To begin with a costs 2 points, level 2 costs 6 points, and
starting value of 3, spend 6 points. level 3 costs 12 points.

9) Weapons: develop 2 choices for the

culture. The first choice follows this format:
~New Cultures~
DUNEDAIN OF ARNOR by Kelly Pedersenii of Cardolan have been devastated by war,
"Of Númenor he spoke... and the return of the plague, and evil spirits sent by the Witch-
Kings of Men to Middle-earth out of the deeps of King.
the Sea... Then Elendil the Tall and his mighty Now, only the kingdom of Arthedain, ruled
sons, Isildur and Anarion, became great lords; from the ancient city of Fornost Erain, the
and the North-Realm they made in Arnor..." North-Fortress of the Kings, still stands as a
Elendil the Tall founded the realm of Arnor remnant of Arnor. But the Dúnedain of the
in the north of Middle-earth, after the fall of north have not given up hope. They still
Númenor. Arnor was ever smaller than its possess some measure of the pride and
sister kingdom in the south, Gondor, but the wisdom of Númenor, and are still ruled by
Dúnedain of Arnor have preserved their the line of Isildur and Elendil, who could
lineage and the wisdom of Númenor, trace their ancestry back to mighty warriors
perhaps even better than Gondor, despite and great elven lords of the First Age. The
there being fewer of them in the North- Dúnedain may be weary, but they are not yet
Kingdom. However, the fortunes of Arnor ready to surrender in battle against the
have waned over the passing centuries. After Shadow.
the death of the tenth King of Arnor, DESCRIPTION
Earendur, his sons disputed the kingship, Dúnedain are taller than other Men, usually
and the ancient realm was divided into three six feet or more in height. They have proud,
lands: Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur. noble countenances and are dark of hair and
Arthedain belonged to the oldest son of eye. Young men of the Dúnedain usually
Earendur, and the royal line of Arnor was shave, while the older men let their beards
strongest there. Indeed, it is the only one of grow, though they usually keep them
the three where the line survives at all. The trimmed short. Men and women allow their
lines of the King soon died out in the other hair to grow, though men often keep it
two countries. In Cardolan, the realm was trimmed just below the shoulder, while
ruled by princes of Dúnedain lineage, but women allow it grow much longer.
not of royal blood, while in Rhudaur, the Dúnedain usually dress in plain clothes of
Dúnedain were entirely forced out and the dark colours, though even the plainest of
kingdom ruled by Men of other blood, soon dress can be distinguished from common
turned to evil. clothing by the fine quality of its fibres and
After the breakup of Arnor, a new enemy of weave. The noble colours of the Dúnedain
the Dúnedain arose in the North - the are black and silver, and deep blue for
kingdom of Angmar, ruled by a sorcerer of Arthedain, and Dúnedain often dress in
dark power, the Witch-King. In the seven these when being "official". The symbols of
hundred years since its founding, Angmar Arnor are seven silver stars around a silver
has launched two great assaults on the crown, on a black field, and the banner of
Dúnedain. Rhudaur has been conquered Arthedain is seven silver stars surrounding
and absorbed into Angmar, and the people the Star of Elendil, the circlet that the King
bears, on a deep blue field. STARTING SKILL SCORES
Common Skills (copy from Table)
Awe 2 Inspire 1 Persuade 1
In this time of decline for their realm, the
Dúnedain of Arnor devote much time to Athletics 2 Travel 0 Stealth 0
crafting and practicing with arms, and
comparatively little to creating or buying Awareness 2 Insight 1 Search 0
more frivolous items. As such, their standard
Explore 0 Healing 2 Hunting 1
of living is Martial, though their gear of war
is usually of notably high quality. Song 1 Courtesy 2 Riddle 0

DUNEDAIN ADVENTURERS Craft 1 Battle 3 Lore 2

In this dark time for the Dúnedain, the King
Weapon Skills
needs every man or woman to do what they
Choose one of the following two Weapon
can to battle the Shadow. Every Dúnedain
skill sets & record it on the character sheet:
with any proficiency in the skills required to
1) (Bows) 2, Spear 1, Long sword 1, Dagger 1
survive in the Wild and battle the Enemy
2)Great Bow 2, (Swords) 1, Spear 1, Dagger 1
may find themselves being called on by their
Suggested Callings: Captain, Scholar.
Choose two traits from:
The North-Kingdom needs every soldier it
Horsemanship, Leechcraft, Lore of Arnor,
can have, and it needs skilled leaders for
Lore of Númenor, Smith-Craft, Stone-Craft
these soldiers even more. But even though
battle is necessary, the Dúnedain have not
forgotten that it was wisdom as much as skill
1 - Herald
in battle that made Númenor great, and
In these dark days of the Kingdom of the
many still seek to learn the lore of olden
Dúnedain, those who can brave the dangers
of the empty lands and deliver news and
Unusual Calling: Treasure-Hunter. The
messages between the lords of Arnor are
Dúnedain respect the heroes and great works
greatly valued, and you have served thus
of the past too much to find the idea of
since your youth. Many miles and many
looting burial mounds and ruins very
weeks spent in the Wild have made you
attractive. Those who would defile the
strong and fit. Your talents have been
treasures of Arnor should beware the swords
noticed, and you have become a carrier of
of its living defenders!
tidings, a King's Messenger knitting the
remaining Dúnedain together. Your vigour
assures that news of the Enemy’s movement
- Foresight of their Kindred -
and purpose is known to all who serve the
[This is as per the blessing of the Rangers of
kingdom, no matter how scattered they
the North, from The Rivendell sourcebook]
might be.
Basic Attributes: Body 8, Heart 6, Wits 3
Favoured Skill: Athletics you as an elf-friend to those who can see,
Distinctive Features (Choose two): and you bring the wisdom of the elder race
Energetic, Fierce, Hardened, Keen-eyed, to raise the spirits of Men.
Lordly, Secretive, Tall, Wary. Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 7, Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Song
2 - Counsellor Distinctive Features (Choose two):
(As per the background of the Rangers of the Adventurous, Clever, Fair, Fair-Spoken,
North in Rivendell sourcebook) Generous, Merry, Swift, True-Hearted

3 - Dreamer of Portents 6 - Noble Lineage

(As per the background of the same name of (As per the Kingly Voice background of the
the Rangers of the North) Rangers of the North)

4 - Exile of a Fallen Land DUNEDAIN OF ARNOR NAMES

Though the Kingdom of Arthedain still Male Names: Adrahil, Amlaith, Anardil,
stands, the other two successors to Arnor, Anárion, Anborn, Angbor, Arador, Araglas,
Cardolan and Rhudaur, have fallen to the Aragorn, Aragost, Arahad, Arahael,
assaults of evil. Your family originally came Aranarth, Arannel, Aranuir, Araphant,
from one of the fallen kingdoms, and were Araphor, Arassuil, Arathorn, Araval, Aravir,
forced to flee to Arthedain. The hatred of the Aravorn, Argeleb, Argonui, Arvedui, Arvegil,
servants of the Shadow thus engendered has Arveleg, Baranor, Belecthor, Beleg, Belegorn,
been passed down to you, and you have Beregond, Beren, Bergil, Boromir,
honed yourself to battle against the foes of Celepharn, Cirion, Damrod, Denethor,
the Dúnedain, hoping ever to reclaim your Derufin, Dervorin, Dírhael, Duilin, Duinhir,
clan's lost home. Ecthelion, Egalmoth, Eldacar, Eradan,
Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 6, Wits 4 Faramir, Findegil, Finduilas, Forlong,
Favoured Skill: Battle Golasgil, Halbarad, Hallas, Hirgon, Hirluin,
Distinctive Features (Choose two): Húrin, Ingold, Iorlas, Mablung, Malbeth,
Bold, Determined, Fierce, Grim, Hardy, Malvegil, Ohtar, Orodreth, Thorondir,
Steadfast, Vengeful, Wary Thorongil, Turgon.
Female Names: Averith, Firiel, Finael,
5 - Elf-Friend Gilaren, Gilraen, Ioreth, Ivorwen, Ivoril,
Though the years lengthen, and the First- Lalaith, Lothíriel, Morwen, Nilufiel.
born and Men become ever more separated, Adventuring Age: 18-70
still there are some among the Dúnedain
who remember their old alliance. You come PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE (As per the Rangers
from one of the families that still cherish the of the North)
elves, and when you were a child, you were
sent to foster in the Elven kingdom of Lindon ENDURANCE AND HOPE
where you learned much. Now the light in Endurance: 23 + Heart
your eye and the ring of your voice marks Hope: 8 + Heart
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains by quietly into the darkness. The fires of their
Kelly Pedersen hearts are hot with anger at the wrongs done
to them, and the fires of their forges still
"...for the Naugrim learned many secrets of craft
burn, producing armour and weapons of
in those days, so that the smiths and masons of
surpassing skill. King Eitri rules the
Nogrod and Belegost became renowned among
their kin..."
Firebeards from the mansion of Kalbarazud
(called Tumnogoth Iaur in the tongue of the
Elves), in the southern Blue Mountains. King
The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains come
from two Houses of the Dwarves who have Linnar III, believed to be the Father of the

traditionally allied with one another, the Broadbeams returned, rules in the north of

Firebeards, Uri's folk, and the Broadbeams, the Blue Mountains in the ancient mansion

the people of Linnar. They have lived in the of Buzdum-Mazar, the original awakening

Blue Mountains (the Ered Luin in the elven place of both of the Fathers of the Blue

tongue) for years uncounted, for their fathers Mountain Houses.

first awoke there, in the ages before ever the The Blue Mountain Dwarves guard their

Sun or Moon arose. But the history of the home range, ensuring that no evil things

Dwarves of the Blue Mountains has often take root there to threaten them, ensuring
that the Elves of Lindon may live at peace,
been troubled. In the First Age, they battled
and that the western borders of the North
against Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, but
Kingdom are secure. The dwarves focus most
they also fought the Elves, beginning a feud
strongly on the northern end of the Ered Luin
that has lasted ages. In the tumults at the
where their sacred awakening place lies, and
end of the First Age, their greatest mansions,
Nogrod and Belegost, were destroyed, and the monsters that populate the northern

many of the people left to swell the folk of waste come closest to their home. But the

Durin, in Khazad-Dûm. Kings of the Dwarves have great ambitions,

Through the Second and Third Ages, the not wishing to merely defend their old

Dwarves of the Blue Mountains have fought homes, but to expand outward again and

to avoid being destroyed. They founded new perhaps gain revenge on the evils that have

mines and fortresses, both in the Blue brought their Houses low.

Mountains, and eastward in the northern

spurs of the Misty Mountains. The mines in DESCRIPTION
Even more than most dwarves those of the
the Ered Luin have been worked for centuries
now and are running out. The delvings Blue Mountains are secretive and untrusting

founded in the Misty Mountains were of other races, nurturing ancient grudges

prosperous for many years, but the Witch and bitter over the loss of so much of their

King conquered them when he founded his heritage. They keep their dealings with Men
short and only as necessity dictates, and try
dark land of Angmar, and now one, Mount
Gram, is the home of countless orcs, while not to associate with Elves at all if it can be

the other, Carn Dum, is the capital of helped. However, the Dwarves of the Ered

Angmar itself. Luin are as fast in friendship as they are in

But the Houses of Uri and Linnar will not go enmity, and someone who wins their trust,
difficult as that may be, could have no firmer Callings attractive to the Dwarves of the Blue
friend. Mountains, as they seek to destroy the foes
The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains are, like that have brought them low, and recover the
all dwarves, short and stocky, with long ancient treasures of their Houses that have
beards and thick frames. Those from the been stolen.
Firebeard house often have red or auburn Unusual Calling: Warden. Though they may
hair and hotter tempers, while the defend their own mansions fiercely, few
Broadbeams are commonly even broader Dwarves of the Ered Luin care for what
than other dwarves, stronger of arm and leg. happens to other folk, and many would say
that all should suffer as the dwarves have, so
STANDARD OF LIVING that they might understand what has
Martial. The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains befallen the Dwarves.
do not have rich mines like their cousins in
Khazad-Dûm, and their ancient treasures are CULTURAL BLESSING
largely plundered or lost in the collapse of - Ancient Hatred -
old mansions. However, they still find metals "A warlike race of old were the Naugrim, and they
in the dark places beneath the mountains, would fight fiercely against whomsoever
and their skill in smithcraft is not lost. aggrieved them: servants of Melkor, or Eldar, or
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains are well Avari, or wild beasts, or not seldom their own
armed, and bear little that will not directly kin, Dwarves of other mansions or lordships."
help them in their battles with their many
foes. The Dwarves of Ered Luin are heir to many
ancient feuds and disputes. You have
learned to forge your hatred from these old
grudges into a weapon that can strike at your
When the Dwarves of Uri or Linnar's Folk
leave their homes, they usually do so to
avenge some wrong done to their House,
• Choose one category of enemy (see
either a recent slight or an ancient grievance.
the Enemy-Lore trait for appropriate
Often as the Westlands darken the Kings
categories). When attacking this category of
send out young dwarves to seek out the
enemy or using Common skills to harm or
servants of the Shadow and deal a blow to
discomfort them, a Dwarf of the Blue
them before they can attack the dwarves
Mountains' Attribute bonuses are based on
once more. Other people of the Blue
their favoured rating. Every time their Valour
Mountains see little prospect in the old,
increases, add one additional category of
played-out mines of their ancient homes,
enemy that this bonus applies to.
and roam the world hoping to find a new
place where the dwarves of their House
might make their fortune.
Common Skills
Suggested Callings: Slayer, Treasure-Hunter.
Copy table below onto character sheet:
Similar motivations make both these
Awe 0 Inspire 1 Persuade 0 Clever, Curious, Determined, Grim, Keen-
eyed, Patient, Secretive, Wary
Athletics 1 Travel 3 Stealth 1

Awareness 0 Insight 0 Search 3 3 - Wandering Exile

Your clan lived in one of the great dwarf
Explore 2 Healing 0 Hunting 0 holds in the Misty Mountains, Carn Dum or
Mount Gram. When the Witch King
Song 0 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1
overcame their defences and claimed them
Craft 3 Battle 2 Lore 2 for his own, the dwarves were forced out.
Unlike other families from these delvings,
Weapon Skills your family never joined one of the other
Choose one of the following two Weapon mansions, not wishing to sacrifice their
skill sets, and record it on the character independence. Instead, they have kept on the
sheet: move, seeking either a new place to found a
1) (Hammers) 2, Axe 1, Dagger 1 fortress the clan can call its own, or an
2) Great Axe 2, (Hammers) 1, Dagger 1 opportunity to reclaim the ancient holds. You
are heir to this tradition, and know the ways
SPECIALITIES of the world.
Choose two traits from: Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 3, Wits 4
Fire-making, Mountaineer, Old Lore, Smith- Favoured Skill: Travel
craft, Stone-craft, Tunnelling Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Fierce, Gruff, Hardened, Robust, Secretive,
BACKGROUNDS Stern, Wilful, Wrathful
1 - A Life of Toil
(As per the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain 4 - Guardian of the Place of Awakening
background) Your clan has had a hereditary duty to guard
the halls of Buzdum-Mazar, the ancient
2 - Ancient Delver awakening place of the Fathers of the
Though the dwarves have been forced to Broadbeams and the Firebeards. Their task
leave many of their old homes over the has been complicated, since they could not
millennia, they rarely forget where they were, simply forbid everyone to enter - dwarves of
and sometimes return to try to recover some other families have always wished to make
old treasure or re-open an ancient lode. You pilgrimages to see the sacred site, and your
were part of several such expeditions, and clan had to balance the site's security against
have studied old books, pieced together the wishes of the pilgrims. This task has
references from songs, and deciphered become harder lately as now Men and
broken runes to find their secrets and protect sometimes even Elves come here to trade as
your companions from protective wardings. well. You have inherited your clan's skill at
Basic Attributes: Body 3, Heart 5, Wits 6 diplomacy and ability to perform your duty
Favoured Skill: Riddle while offending none.
Distinctive Features (Choose two): Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 5, Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Courtesy Broadbeams: Afi, Anki, Aunn, Belir, Bóla,
Distinctive Features (Choose two): Brúni, Dómi, Endrith, Erli, Flár, Fúsi, Gási,
Determined, Forthright, Honourable, Lordly, Gísli, Grími, Guthi, Handi, Hár, Hior, Kári,
Proud, Steadfast, Trusty, Wary Lafsi, Nafni, Omun, Randi, Róar, Róin, Róki,
Selvi, Slóthi, Styrmir, Tindr, Ubbi, Varr.
5 - A Lesson in Revenge
(As per the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain Female Names:
background) Firebeards: Ádís, Birna, Ethný, Gróa, Holma,
Leith, Rótha, Uth.
6 - Envoy to Men
Beyond the gates of the mansion of
Broadbeams: Aerin, Bolla, Eyild, Gufa,
Kalbarazud lies the small country of Men
Ithun, Lúta, Signý, Valka
now called Galattar, originally part of Arnor
but in the waning of the realm of the
Adventuring Age: 50-100
Dúnedain it has become independent. Your
Dwarves generally start their life on the road
line has long been charged with dealing with
in their fifties, and do not usually consider
the human traders who come to the gates of
retiring before their nineties. Around that
what they call Tumnogoth Iaur to bargain for
time, they feel they can no longer stay away
dwarven goods, so your family has tried to
from their family, or want to dedicate
keep up with the times, and your experience
themselves solely to the perfection of their
with merchants from other cultures has
crafts. But Dwarves can remain active until
given you a persuasive tongue and the skill
they are more than two hundred years old,
to make others see your way.
and may return to adventuring if a great
Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 3, Wits 7
need arises, like the opportunity to avenge
Favoured Skill: Persuade
an old insult or injury, or to recover a
Distinctive Features (Choose two):
treasure or reclaim a long-lost dwarf-hold.
Cunning, Eager, Proud, Secretive,
Suspicious, Trusty, Vengeful, Wilful


Endurance: 30 + Heart
Hope: 5 + Heart
Male Names:
Firebeards: Abbi, Áni, Ati, Bifur, Begi, Bofur,
Bógi, Bombur, Brodir, Dari, Éldi, Erlend,
Flain, Fúlnir, Garni, Girgir, Grepi, Gurthir,
Hamarr, Hani, Hildir, Kani, Kúsi, Munán,
Óli, Ragi, Rithir, Róin, Sefi, Skúti, Stóthi,
Thrand, Túni, Vani, Víti
Dwarves of Dunland by Ernst-Jan STANDARD OF LIVING
Dunlander Dwarves are a destitute folk and
the hills of Dunland hold little riches. As
When Smaug the Terrible expelled the
such, Dwarves of Dunland are
Dwarves of Erebor from their mountain hold,
considered Martial.
they were a broken people, consigned to
wandering the Wilds, living off the land, and
having home nor hearth to look forward to.
Because their home provides them with so
Many of these wandering Dwarves led by
very little, most young Dwarves of Dunland
Thrór finally settled in the inhospitable hills
have little choice but to become adventurers.
of Dunland, at the bottom of the Misty
Mountains. There they lived for many years
Suggested Callings: Wanderer, Treasure-
peddling trade and craftsmanship to the
Hunter. Dwarves of Dunland are without
people of Dunland and Rohan, a shadow of
means and expend much effort in trying to
the people they once were.
support themselves and their kin.
After Thrór was killed in Moria by Azog, the
Dwarves went to war and fought on Khazad- Unusual Callings: Warden. The Dwarves are
Dûm's doorstep in the Battle of Azanulbizar, not truly at home in Dunland and do not
after which Thrain and Thorin took their love it. They will rarely raise arms in its
people further westwards to settle in the Blue defence.
Mountains. A handful of Dwarves, however,
weary of wandering and satisfied to eke out a
modest living in Dunland remained in the

These Dwarves and their descendants still

 Elves of Rivendell:
live here, a secretive tribe that survives
"Like all Elves, Elrond's folk care nothing
without a King and with little tradition,
for the plight of others. We return the
dependent on the coin of Men to survive.
favour in kind."
Dunlander Dwarves can often be found
wandering looking for employment, as  Dunlendings:
tinkers, smiths and mercenaries, returning "The Dunlanders are a base and cruel
only intermittently to their secret settlement folk, but alas, we must weather their
of Tumun-Gathol, the Hollow-Hold (see Part presence as long as we are dependent on
Eight). They still hold fast to what remains of their coin.
their heritage, but without a mountain over
their heads and the work of their ancestors  Men of Rohan:
about, the Dwarves of Dunland are fast "Though nobler than the Dunlanders, I
forgetting their past. Under the guidance of mistrust Thengel and his horse-wranglers.
their leader the Dwarf-Lady Thríma, they They live but briefly and their reigns are
have grown withdrawn and mistrustful. capricious."

 Woodmen of Wilderland:
"These Men are fools to live so closely to
the evil of Mirkwood."
 Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain: STARTING SKILL SCORES
"Our kin may have redeemed the Lonely
Mountain, but they must see it cannot be Common Skills
as it once was. Our realm is but a Shadow Copy the following skill ranks onto the
of itself, to redeem it is to diminish it." character sheet and underline the
favoured skill:
 Elves of Mirkwood:
"The Elven-King's folk are a provincial and Awe 0 Inspire 0 Persuade 1
cruel people. They will never extend a
Athletics 1 Travel 3 Stealth 0
hand unless it benefits their own."
Awareness 0 Insight 1 Search 3
 Rangers of the North:
"We have had no dealings with these Explore 3 Healing 0 Hunting 0
Rangers. Any who would willingly wander
the wilds of the West are fools." Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1

 Men of the Lake: Craft 2 Battle 2 Lore 0

"Canny traders and shrewd merchants.
Our dealings with them are sparse. They
Weapon Skills
are of no trouble to us."
Unusually, some Dwarves of Dunland have
 Bardings: come to favour the bow, as they are often
"I do not begrudge these men their burnt traveling in open spaces and the need of
homes. But they must know their renewed ranged weaponry is often great. Choose one
reign is bound to be ended again, by some of the following two weapon skill sets, and
evil or other." record it on the character sheet;

1) (Axes) 2, Short Sword 1, Dagger 1

2) Bow 2, Short Sword 1, Dagger 1
Dwarves of Dunland may choose
Choose two Traits from the following:
between Redoubtable (as per Dwarves of
Fire-Making, Mountaineer, Smithcraft,
the Lonely Mountain) or Wandering
Stonecraft, Trading, Tunneling
Ways as their Cultural Blessing.

-Wandering Ways- BACKGROUNDS

Dwarves of Dunland err far and wide, and
have developed a sense of direction that is 1 - Ranging Craftsman
uncommonly astute. Whenever a Dwarf of Traveling from Dunlending camp to Horse-
Dunland has to roll a Travel check, he Man Hamlet you craft that which the clumsy
may roll his check twice and keep the best fingers of Men cannot, and are remunerated
result. for the effort. Whether you are a tinker, a
mason or a blacksmith, the Men of the
region that are willing to pay for quality
craftsmanship have your skills at their
disposal. You range far and wide, wherever no true home, you are at home everywhere.
the coin is, and return home only rarely.

Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 3, Wits 4

Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 2, Wits 6

Favoured Skill: Explore

Favoured Skill: Craft Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Distinctive Features (Choose two): Cautious, Gruff, Hardened, Robust,
Cautious, Cunning, Honourable, Secretive,
Secretive, Wary
Wary, Wilful


2 - Mercenary Blade
Due to their harsh environs, Dwarves of
Your father was a warrior and so are you.
Dunland are slightly more hardy then their
However, for the Dwarves of Dunland, there
are but little fights left worth fighting. You kinsmen, but their situation has also left
instead offer your skill with the blade as a them bitter and without much Hope.
commodity, receiving coin for your prowess.
Wary travellers pay you to guide and guard Endurance: 30 + Heart
their way through the Gap of Rohan, and Hope: 5 + Heart
harrowed villagers pay you to do what the
Rohirrim cannot or will not do. You must
always be careful with what contracts you
sign. Sometimes the line between a
mercenary and a bandit is but a small one.

Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 3, Wits 5

Favoured Skill: Battle

Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Bold, Hardy, Suspicious, Vengeful, Wary,

3 - Wandering Soul
When your folk lost the Lonely Mountain
they lost their place in the world. Now that
the Dragon has been slain and the Mountain
restored, you, like many others, still feel
displaced, a stranger traveling lands no
longer his own. You have taken to long
wanderings, erring this way and that,
looking for a sense of purpose, or maybe just
to lose yourself in the wild. When you have
Dwarves of Khazad-Dûm by Kelly seeking the riches of the earth.
Pedersen Though no land is perfectly safe as the times
darken, the Dwarves of Durin's Folk are
"There hammer on the anvil smote,
among the most secure of the Free Peoples of
There chisel clove, and graver wrote;
Middle-earth. Their great gates and strong
There forged was blade, and bound was hilt;
halls are thought to be impenetrable by any
The delver mined, the mason built."
siege, and no orc dares lair within a hundred
"...Unwearied then were Durin's folk;
miles of their deep passageways. The King of
Beneath the mountains music woke:
Khazad-Dûm is now Durin VI, held to be the
The harpers harped, the minstrels sang,
And at the gates the trumpets rang."
return of the Father himself, a good omen.

The Dwarves of Khazad-Dûm for the most The mines produce great riches, including

part are of the people of the Longbeards, the mithril or truesilver, which every other land
House descended from Durin, the eldest of greatly values. The Longbeards fear little,

the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves. Some, and see no end to their good fortune.

however, come from the folk of the

Broadbeams and Firebeards, Houses whose DESCRIPTION

traditional mansions lie to the west, in the The Dwarves of Khazad-Dûm are considered
the most open of all the dwarven realms,
Blue Mountains. When the mansions of
more friendly to both Men and Elves than
these folk were destroyed at the end of the
any others of their kind. Of course, this is a
First Age, many came to Khazad-Dûm,
matter of degree - few dwarves even of the
swelling its numbers. The Dwarves of this
Longbeards are quick with a kind word to an
great city have built and smithed for three
ages of the world, and move ever on to new Elf, or generous when lending to a Man. But

and greater works. The Dwarves of Khazad- the bonds of ancient alliances are still

Dûm are the most powerful kingdom of the acknowledged by many of the people of

Dwarves upon Middle-earth, and they know Durin, and they are more likely to make new

it well. bonds than many other dwarves.

Khazad-Dûm itself is the greatest mansion of In personality the Dwarves of the Longbeards

the Dwarves in the world, and the oldest are confident and ambitious. Their realm is

continuously occupied by them, for it was strong and prosperous, and they know it

Durin's first dwelling after he left his place of well. The Dwarves of Khazad-Dûm are
always looking for new challenges and
awakening at Mount Gundabad. In the
common Westron tongue of Men it is called works to accomplish, and they are

the Dwarrowdelf, and the Elves speak of it as courageous and hardy in peace or war.

Hadhodrond (it is purely an Elvish insult to Like all dwarves, those of Durin's Folk are

call the great city of Khazad-Dûm by the short but broad and strong. The Longbeards
are slightly taller than dwarves of other
name Moria, "black pit"). The city is vast
beyond imagining, with enormous halls that Houses, and as their name suggests they

masses of dwarves can gather in, vast have longer, more luxuriant beards. Their

smithies where they can forge great works, hair is usually black or brown, like their

and mines that stretch in all directions, skin.

STANDARD OF LIVING Awe 0 Inspire 2 Persuade 1
Rich: The mines of Khazad-Dûm are vast and Athletics 1 Travel 1 Stealth 0
seemingly inexhaustible, yielding iron, the Awareness 0 Insight 1 Search 3
servant of the dwarves; and gold, silver, and Explore 0 Healing 0 Hunting 0
gemstones, their playthings. Most of all, the Song 2 Courtesy 2 Riddle 1
lodes beneath the Redhorn, Caradhras, bear Craft 3 Battle 2 Lore 3
mithril that all other people will pay dearly Weapon Skills
for. The Dwarves of Durin's Folk need not till Choose one of the following two Weapon
the soil or hunt beasts, for all food and skill sets, and record it on the character
goods can be theirs in trade for mithril. sheet:
1) (Axes) 2, Short Sword 1, Dagger 1
DWARVES OF KHAZAD-DUM ADVENTURERS 2) Mattock 2, Short Sword 1, Dagger 1
Suggested Callings: Captain, Scholar.
Durin's Folk value skilled commanders in SPECIALITIES
battle, for while their great halls have known Chose two Traits from:
peace for many centuries, they know well Fire-making, Smith-craft, Lore of the Earth,
that this is only true because of the skill of Story-Telling, Trading, Tunnelling
the warriors who defend their borders. Their
long peace, however, has also given many BACKGROUNDS
dwarves the chance to study the lore of their 1 - Far Trader
fathers and recount the tales of the glories (As per the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain
and tragedies of old. background)
Unusual Calling: Wanderer. The Longbeards
are secure in their ancient mansion, and few 2 - Minstrel of the Longbeards
among them feel the need to venture out You are one of the skilled musicians of your
simply to see the world. If they travel, it is folk, memorizing the ancient songs of glory
because they have some purpose to achieve. and of sadness, and becoming skilled on the
finely-crafted instruments of your folk. Your
CULTURAL BLESSING lays and ballads have brought the joy of
- Redoubtable - music to many a shadowed hall, and now
(As per the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain you wish to spread the songs of Durin's Folk
blessing) to other lands, so that all might know the
story of the Dwarves and the things they
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 6, Wits 3
Common Skills Favoured Skill: Song
Copy the following skill ranks onto the Distinctive Features (Choose two):
character sheet and underline the favoured Eager, Energetic, Fair-Spoken, Merry,
skill: Nimble, Quick of Hearing, Trusty, Wilful
3 - Mithril Seeker background)
At an early age you were enrolled in the
guild of the mithril miners, the most DWARVES OF KHAZAD-DUM NAMES
respected of the dwarves who delve for Male Names: Agi, Balin, Benir, Bóli, Dain,
materials in Khazad-Dûm. Your long hours Dori, Dwalin, Evi, Fili, Flóki, Fundin, Geda,
of seeking through the dark in quest of the Gimli, Gloin, Hara, Holfi, Kapi, Kili, Láki,
most valuable metal have given you a keen Nagli, Nori, Oin, Ónar, Ori, Rangi, Róki,
eye for small details, and a quick sense of Sibbi, Slóra, Tiorvi, Thorin, Ubin, Vathi
things that are out of place, for these signs
can lead to great finds, or warn you of Female Names: Áfrith, Borga, Dis, Eyfura,
dangers under the earth. Gulla, Jódís, Mábil, Sítha
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 3, Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Search Adventuring Age: 50-100
Distinctive Features (Choose two): Dwarves generally start their life on the road
Bold, Clever, Curious, Energetic, Hardy, in their fifties, and do not usually consider
Keen-eyed, Patient, Wary retiring before their nineties. Around that
time, they feel they can no longer stay away
4 - Eloquent Orator from their family, or want to dedicate
(As per the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain themselves solely to the perfection of their
background) crafts. But Dwarves can remain active until
they are more than two hundred years old,
5 - Bone-setter and may return to adventuring if a great
Hardy as the dwarves are, they still suffer need arises, like the opportunity to avenge
injury that needs healing from time to time. an old insult or injury, or to recover a
Your grandmother was skilled in this trade, treasure or reclaim a long-lost dwarf-hold.
and you learned at her knee, gaining great
respect for her steady hands and unflinching ENDURANCE AND HOPE
approach to the grievous wounds she saw Endurance: 28 + Heart
every day. You have tried to emulate her as Hope: 6 + Heart
you set out on your own adventures, and you
have found that many people welcome the
hands of a healer, no matter what race they
may be.
Basic Attributes: Body 3, Heart 6, Wits 5
Favoured Skill: Healing
Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Clever, Determined, Gruff, Hardened,
Merciful, Nimble, Patient, Stern

6 - A Penetrating Gaze
(As per the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain
Elves of Lindon by Kelly Pedersen Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, and are ready to
"...the last whose realm was fair and free fight the Shadow once again to prevent its
between the Mountains and the Sea." final victory over the world.

Lindon has been home to Elves for three ages DESCRIPTION

of the world, and it has rarely even been The Elves of Lindon (often called the Lindar,
threatened by the Shadow, let alone invaded. “the Singers”) are a peaceful, merry people.
The Elves of Lindon combine the wisdom and They often have no fixed abode, rather
skilled craft of the High Elves, the beautiful wandering from place to place in their land,
song and love of water of the Grey-Elves, and revelling in the joy of Middle-earth.
the care for the woodlands and wild places Sometimes such bands range outside the
of the Green-Elves. Blending together as the borders of Lindon, and grace a passing
centuries pass, these elves, perhaps more hobbit or human with a night of dancing
than any other still in Middle-earth, earn the and song that will remain a beautiful
name of the Fair Folk. memory for the rest of their lives. Others
settle in one place for some time, a season or
a year or a century, losing themselves in the
Lindon has been a kingdom without a King
natural beauty of a grove of flowering trees
since the end of the Second Age, when Gil-
or flowing spring.
Galad fell overthrowing Sauron in the War of
the Last Alliance. Since then, the Elves of
Lindon have relied on their lords and ladies The Lindar can seem so carefree to others as
for guidance, not caring to take another to be irresponsible, but the Elves of the
king. Círdan the Shipwright, Master of the seaward country feel deeply the hurts of the
Grey Havens, however, is the highest among world that the Shadow has inflicted, and
equals, as he is now by far the oldest elf in when it comes time to hunt the servants of
Middle-earth, and renowned for his the Enemy, they put aside the harp and pipe,
wisdom. and wield the bow or sword with as much
skill as they devote to their playing.

The Elves of Lindon are content to live in

their peaceful land, for the most part, and The Elves of Lindon have mixed the various
none have ambitions of conquering or elven peoples more than anywhere else in
expanding the Elven-Kingdom. However, the world and it shows in their features,
they know that as long as they dwell in the which have a greater range than other elves.
lands of Middle-earth, they are under threat Elves of Lindon can have hair of deep black,
from the Shadow. Some take ship when the silver, gold, or brown, and their frames
Shadow grows darker, as it is doing now, range similarly, from over a foot taller than
abandoning the lands of exile for the Blessed mortal Men, to more than a foot shorter. Like
Realm forever. But most are not yet ready to all elves, however, their faces are neither old
leave the Hither Lands or forsake its forests nor young, but always beautiful and full of
and streams, and many remember the wisdom, and they are subject to no age or
ancient alliances between Lindon and the sickness.

The Elves of Lindon take little heed of - The Land of Song -

material possessions, since they so often live "He stood as he had at times stood enchanted by
on the move. What they do have is made fair elven-voices..."
with elven-skill, however, and is without
exception beautiful. Elves of Lindon have a Elves have the fairest voices of any of the
Frugal lifestyle, but what possessions they do peoples upon Middle-earth, and the Elves of
have is of the finest quality. Lindon have the fairest voices among elves.
Even the hardest of hearts can hardly help
ELVES OF LINDON ADVENTURERS being moved when the Lindar speak.

• When an Elf of Lindon is involved in

Few of the Lindar ever leave their beautiful
an encounter, add a bonus equal to 2 or
land for more than a few months at a time.
their Wisdom (whichever is higher) to the
Lindon is a safe haven, but outside its
Tolerance of the encounter.
borders wolves howl and orcs gather in dark
In addition, whenever an Elf of Lindon
lairs, and it is a dangerous time to be
spends Hope to add an attribute bonus to an
abroad. Nevertheless, some elves do venture
Awe, Inspire, Persuade, or Song roll, they
out from Lindon, whether to assuage their
may add their Wisdom score in addition to
curiosity about the wider world beyond their
the attribute bonus.
bounds, or out of a sense of duty, a belief
that the Firstborn people of the world should
help to defend it before they leave it or fade
away entirely.
Common Skills
Copy the following skill ranks onto the
Suggested Callings: Scholar, Wanderer.
character sheet and underline the favoured
The memories of the Elves of Lindon are
long, and they hold many songs and stories
of the ages past, but many hunger for more.
And for a people who are ever travelling in Awe 0 Inspire 1 Persuade 1
any case, the idea of travel to new places and Athletics 0 Travel 2 Stealth 2
seeing new sights has a strong appeal. Awareness 2 Insight 1 Search 0
Explore 1 Healing 2 Hunting 2
Unusual Calling: Captain. The Lindar have
little need for commanders of great Song 3 Courtesy 1 Riddle 0

companies of soldiers. Even when they do Craft 1 Battle 0 Lore 2

fight, they fight in small bands or each
alone, trusting to their own skills. Weapon Skills
Choose one of the following two Weapon
skill sets, and record it on the character
sheet: years uncounted, your skilled hands have
1) (Spears) 2, Sword 1, Dagger 1 smoothed the planks for elven-hulls, and
2) Bow 2, Sword 1, Dagger 1 wove the white cloth for elven-sails. Now,
however, you wish to go out into the wide
SPECIALITIES world at least once more, before you take
Choose two Traits from: ship yourself, to see how the world has
Boating, Elven-lore, Herb-Lore, Story-Telling, changed and to spread the word of the
Swimming, Woodwright Havens to any of the Elven-folk that you can.

BACKGROUNDS Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 5, Wits 3

1 – Wandering Companion
Favoured Skill: Craft
For many lives of men you have been part of
one of the Wandering Companies, bands of
Distinctive Features:
elves who not only travel through Lindon,
(choose two Traits from those listed)
but beyond its borders. The world beyond the
Adventurous, Generous, Hardy, Keen-eyed,
realm of Lindon is wide and, while full of
Nimble, Patient, Steadfast, Trusty
hidden threats, is also populated by other
valiant peoples, enemies of the same
4 - Noble Blood
Shadow that your kin has fought for
(As per the Elves of Mirkwood background)
centuries. It could well be your mission to
find worthy and trusted allies to join you in
5 –Greenwood Hunter
your fight...
You are one of the Laiquendi, the Green-
Elves, and have walked the woods of Lindon
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 2, Wits 7
since the First Age, when it was Ossiriand,
Land of Seven Rivers. In that time, you have
Favoured Skill: Travel gained great skill with the bow and the hunt.
In the past, you hid yourself when tales of
Distinctive Features: servants of the Shadow were told, and
(choose two Traits from those listed) trusted to secrecy and your own knowledge
Clever, Determined, Merry, Patient, Quick of of the ways of the forest to guard you. But no
Hearing, Swift, Wary, Wilful more. You have seen too much of darkness
overrunning the lands to think that hiding
2 - A Musical Legacy yourself while others fall will save you in the
(As per the Elves of Mirkwood background) end. Now, you turn your skill at hunting the
beasts of the woods to hunting the fell
3 – Mariner of Círdan servants of the Enemy.
You are one of the people of the Grey Havens,
the port Cirdan the Shipwright maintains on Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 3, Wits 7
the Gulf Of Lune, one of the last places the
Elves can come to set sail into the West. For
Favoured Skill: Hunting become adventurers at any time after they
reach adulthood (at about a century of age).
Considering the level of ability of a starting
Distinctive Features:
hero, players should avoid choosing an
(choose two Traits from those listed)
excessively venerable age for their character
Clever, Determined, Elusive, Keen-eyed, – heroes older than 300 years old should
Nimble, Quick of Hearing, Secretive, Wary definitely possess the Elven lore speciality, to
reflect their deeper knowledge of the past.
6 –Harper of Gil-Galad
You once served Gil-Galad, King of Lindon Endurance: 22 + Heart
and High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth, Hope: 8 + Heart
as a harpist of renown. Though Gil-Galad
fell, you still live, and keep alive the songs of
the ages that are now past, ensuring that all
still remember the mighty deeds of old, and
can take heart in songs both joyful and full
of sorrow.

Basic Attributes: Body 3, Heart 5, Wits 6

Favoured Skill: Lore

Distinctive Features:
(choose two Traits from those listed)
Cunning, Fair-spoken, Hardened, Lordly,
Merciful, Nimble, Quick of Hearing,


For the most part, the Lindar bear names
fashioned in the Grey-elven language.

Male Names: Aerandir, Amras, Amroth,

Aredhel, Caranthir, Denethor, Edrahil,
Elladan, Erestor, Galdor, Galion, Guilin,
Haldir, Legolas, Lindir, Orophin, Oropher,

Female Names: Finduilas, Míriel, Nimrodel.

Adventuring Age: 50-100

Elves are invulnerable to age, and may
Men of Dol Amroth by Artorusaurus Dúnedain in the North. Though most now
are not purely of Númenorean blood, it runs
Rex stronger here than anywhere else south of
"[He dwelt] in the great fief of Belfalas . . . in his Eriador. Like the Rangers of the North, they
castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of are tall and lordly. Unlike the Rangers of the
high blood, and his folk also, tall men and proud North, they do not carry on their heritage in
with sea-grey eyes." secret or fear the direct gaze of the Shadow.
Shortly before the end of the Second Age and They will proudly stand against it with fire in
the destruction of Númenor, the Faithful their hearts and a thunderous
from that country began to settle along the determination.
edge of the Bay of Belfalas. The greatest city Their hair is dark and their eyes are often
in this region is named Dol Amroth, for a grey like the sea under a cloudy sky. In
King of the Galadhrim who drowned in the battle, adventuring and warfare, the Men of
bay trying to reach his wife, Nimrodel. To Dol Amroth can be recognized by the
this very day, Dol Amroth is the bastion of distinctive royal blues they favour in much of
Gondor where the Blood of Númenor flows what they wear, aside from wearing some of
strongest in the tall folk who live there. the most finely crafted gear made by the
These noble people have always been hands of Men in this Third Age of Middle
governed by a Prince, a title given to the Earth.
rulers of Dol Amroth by Elendil himself.
Just as Gondor is perhaps the most stalwart STANDARD OF LIVING
of the kingdoms of Men in Middle-Earth, so Nestled on the Bay of Belfalas, Dol Amroth is
the folk of Dol Amroth are perhaps the most a bustling centre of trade. There wealth flows
stalwart of the peoples of Gondor. They are a freely, as it did in the ancient realms of men.
people of both land and sea, whether they A thing in Dol Amroth is made to be both
ride atop mighty destriers or sail the grey beautiful and functional, whatever it may be.
ocean in the white Swan ships, they march, Art and practicality are wed and anything
sail, and ride boldly, without fear. made by the hands of a Dol Amroth
The most renowned warriors of Dol Amroth craftsman would be in high demand. This is
are undoubtably the Swan Knights. Lead by why their culture's economy is Rich.
their Prince, and with traces of Elvish blood
flowing in their veins, these dauntless men DOL AMROTH ADVENTURERS
are living reflections of the undimmed Though not the most common type of
glories of Númenor and the Second Age, adventurer to meet in Middle Earth, the Men
beautiful and terrible to behold. They are of Dol Amroth have occasionally travelled
Knights in Shining Armor, and as the abroad. Merchants, mariners, and knights
Shadow rises in the world again, one thing is errant have all called Dol Amroth their home
certain, wherever the great battle of the Third as they travelled the world. And fighters from
Age is to be held, there will be flying against Dol Amroth, weary of aggression from the
the darkness a banner bearing a Silver Swan- Corsairs of Umbar, understand the need to
Ship upon a sea of blue. go forth and fight the Shadow.

The Men of Dol Amroth are related to the
Suggested Callings: Slayer, Warden, but fires of hope! Erebor is now a beacon
Captain. The brightness of Dol Amroth and of light and life and inspiration to all.
its people is not just reflected on the high May it prosper."
towers and beautiful armour, it is also found
within the hearts of these men and women.  Elves of Mirkwood:
An adventurer from Dol Amroth is likely "Ever the noble Thranduil keeps his watch
inspired by the glory of the Swan-Knights to over Mirkwood. And that is a good thing,
go out and stand against the Shadow because the Shadow is ever drawn to that
wherever it can be found, both for the greater forest. So long as elves watch it, though,
good, and for renown as well. there will be a mighty challenge to the
Unusual Calling: Wanderer. The Men of Dol
Amroth hold duty as of the utmost
 Hobbits of the Shire:
importance, and most any who wanders
"Can't say I've heard of a Hobbit, before."
from Dol Amroth does so with purpose, not
simply for its own sake.
 Men of the Lake:
WHAT ANGELMIR, PRINCE OF DOL "The Bardings who remain on the Lake are
AMROTH SAYS… among the most resilient peoples in the
world. I cannot help but admire their
 Bardings:
constant perseverance. There is much that
"The Kingdom of Dale rises from the ashes
is hopeful and bright about Esgaroth's
of dragonfire to take its place once again
story now."
as the greatest kingdom of Wilderland.
Though not of Westernesse blood, the
Bardings show many of the noblest  Woodmen of Wilderland:
qualities found in Men. I believe they will "There are few peoples who know the
stand strong in the North as Gondor enemy as well as Gondor, but the
stands strong in the South." Woodmen of Wilderland are one of those
peoples. Though they live more simple
lives than we, they are very much like
 Beornings:
Gondorians in spirit. Ever watchful. Ever
"I know little of Beorn's followers, but I do
resilient. Ever on the frontlines."
know that a Beorning can match a Swan-
Knight in passion for battle! Yet, they rely
only on their strength, and it may take CULTURAL BLESSING
more than simple strength to match the
Shadow in these coming days." -Wide Open Skies-
The Men of Dol Amroth ride the plains and
sail the seas of Belfalas, and they fight the
 Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain: Shadow in the open, without fear of being
"The Dwarves have retaken one of their seen doing it. To fight under an open sky
lost kingdoms of old, and the Dragon is brings strength to their limbs and hearts.
cast down. Thus the fires beneath Erebor
in these days are no longer fires of fear,
 When in combat in open terrain venture.
(where the sky can be clearly seen), Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 8, Wits 3
automatically gain a bonus success die at Favoured Skill: Athletics
the onset of combat, in addition to the Distinctive Features: (choose 2):
number of bonus success dice you receive for Adventurous, Bold, Hardy, Honourable,
your Battle roll. Additionally, when Proud, Reckless, Lordly, Tall
Journeying in such open terrain,
all Travel rolls are made at -2 TN. 2 - Noble Merchant
Much trade goes through Dol Amroth.
Despite being of noble birth, you've become
STARTING SKILL SCORES a master of trade and barter, building up
Common Skills your mercantile fleet on both land and sea. It
hasn't been for yourself, though. It has been
Awe 3 Inspire 2 Persuade 1
your utter joy to play your part in bringing
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 0 prosperity to your city. But now, you grow
restless and concerned. You've always sent
Awareness 1 Insight 2 Search 0 others to take care of your business. It may
be time to step out for yourself, because all
Explore 0 Healing 1 Hunting 2
the prosperity in the world will not protect
Song 2 Courtesy 2 Riddle 0 your beloved city from the growing Shadow.
That falls to brave souls.
Craft 0 Battle 2 Lore 1
Basic Attributes: Body 5,Heart 7, Wits 5
Weapon Skills
Favoured Skill: Persuade
Choose from:
Distinctive Features: (choose 2):
1) (Swords) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1
Clever, Fair-spoken, Generous, Lordly,
2) Spear 2, Long Sword 1, Dagger 1
Honourable, Tall, Patient, Trusty

3 - Swan Ship Mariner
Choose two traits from:
You, like your father before you, are a sailor
Elven-Lore, Gondor-Lore, Enemy-lore (Evil
in Gondor's navy. There's nothing that can
Men), Boating, Story-telling, Enemy of
lift your spirits like the smell of salt in the air
and the foam of the ocean. You know the
value of hard work, comradery, and you've
been in a few scrapes as well. You are ever
1 - Swan Squire
vigilant, keeping your eyes on the horizon,
You grew up in service to one of the
watching for black sails. You've seen
renowned Swan Knights. Under his tutelage,
suffering at the hands of the Corsairs out of
your body grew hard and your spirit grew
Umbar, and you'll do whatever it takes to put
strong as he trained you in both combat and
down that particular type of menace,
courtly manners. Now you are your own
wherever it is.
person, though you've picked up knightly
ways. Perhaps you will continue on this path
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 7, Wits 4
and become one of the Swan Knights, or
Favoured Skill: Awareness
perhaps you will pursue another noble
Distinctive Features: (choose 2): generations, has often looked to your family
Bold, Hardened, Keen-eyed, Merry, Tall, as counsellors and sources of both wisdom
True-hearted, Vengeful, Wary and inspiration. You have been blessed with
the same position. But you find yourself more
4 - Emissary to Edhellond often learning from the Prince than you find
Very near to Dol Amroth is the southernmost yourself teaching the Prince. He has taught
settlement of Elves in Middle-Earth. There, you much about the world, especially in
many of the ships are built that either depart regards to Light, Shadow, and the Hope found
to the west or are sent to the Grey Havens for in all free folk. This man, you've decided, is
the same purpose. You are trained in the worth laying your life down for. You may not
courtly mannerisms and culture of these be as wise as your forbears, but wherever you
elves, and have spent many days among go, everything you do will be for the Princes of
them. There is so much life, light, and beauty Dol Amroth, for they are Númenor sprung to
in Edhellond, and you are sad to see them life out of history.
go. But if they must, you will do what you
can to give them a safe departure. Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 8, Wits 4
Favoured Skill: Inspire
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 6, Wits 5 Distinctive Features (choose 2):
Favoured Skill: Courtesy Curious, Determined, Fierce, Honourable,
Distinctive Features: (choose 2): Lordly, Proud, Tall, Trusty
Curious, Determined, Fair-Spoken, Lordly,
Patient, Tall, Trusty, Swift
Players creating a Man of Dol Amroth
5 - Drinker of Sorrow
You lived on a happy coastal farm in one of receive a higher amount of points to define
the previous experiences of their character.
the small fiefs of Dol Amroth, until the Black
Sails appeared on the horizon. You lost Players have 14 points to spend on raising
their skills.
much that was dear to you that day. Your
home, your livelihood, and your family. You
moved into the city and trained yourself
Even in these dark days, the Men of Dol
hard, harder than anyone you knew.
Amroth remain the closest living memories
Because you knew, one day, the Corsairs
to a greater era. They are a strong and high-
would return, and it would fall to people like
hearted people. Their easy remembering of
you to stop them. You will save others from
the glories of the past means they are a more
your fate.
hopeful people even than the rest of Gondor.
Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 7, Wits 3 Men of Dol Amroth characters calculate their
Favoured Skill: Battle starting scores based on the ratings below:
Distinctive Features (choose 2): Endurance: 22 + Heart
Fierce, Grim, Determined, Hardened, Reckless, Hope: 10 + Heart
Steadfast, Tall, Vengeful

6 - Devotee to the Prince

The Princes of Dol Amroth, through the
ORCS OF THE MISTY MOUNTAINS by The smallest among them are often referred
to as goblins.
“Isildur was marching north along the east banks SPECIAL RULES FOR ORC CHARACTERS:
of the River, and near the Gladden Fields he was
waylaid by the Orcs of the Mountains, and Orcs and Shadow
almost all his folk were slain.” Orcs are cruel and cunning, bearing orders
for all malevolent creatures with hate for the
DESCRIPTION Free Peoples. They are born in the taint of the
Bred by Morgoth the first Dark Power in the Shadow and they are often directly subject to
early years of the world to serve him in many the will of their Dark Lord: as such, they have
wars, Orcs are an evil race of intelligent totally succumbed to the Shadow.
creatures. Their malicious spirit is full of
hatred for all living things including their For this reason, Orc characters cannot ever
own kind, and when left to their own devices accumulate Shadow points, nor can they
they often end up quarrelling fiercely over ever choose the Heal Corruption Fellowship
futile questions. They are usually strong and Phase Undertaking. Instead, an Orc
agile, quick and robust, and ready to learn adventurer starts with the Murderous Flaw
or devise new methods or instruments of (p.228 of Rulebook) and all the four negative
torment. Traits related to his Calling’s Shadow
weakness, this means if the character’s
Their appearance and size differs from tribe Shadow weakness is Curse of Vengeance, he
to tribe, but many prominent features are must choose another worst Flaw from one of
common to all Orcs, such as swarthy skin, the other Shadow Weaknesses: Cowardly,
short legs and broad, slanted eyes, wide Thieving, Treacherous or Tyrannical, so as to
mouths and long fangs. have a total of five negative Traits).

Of the several different breeds of Orc serving Hate

the Shadow, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains Orcs do not have a score of Hope. They have
are among the most numerous: they are a score of Hate instead which they can use to
used to living and making war in the deep invoke Attribute bonuses or to trigger the
places beneath the earth, where their sight is effect of a Cultural Virtue. Similarly to Hope,
keener than any other Orc. When they are if an orc character finds his Hate score
encountered in their mines, they are savage reduced to zero points, he is spiritually spent
fighters and reckless in assault, but they and cannot bear to continue a struggle of
leave the dark under the mountains only any sort, so he will flee from any source of
when marching to war or to avenge their danger or stress. Orcs may recover Hate
fallen kind, as they suffer badly the light of during a game session by spending Shadow
the sun. points (see below).

The Orcs of the Misty Mountains are a wild Cowardice

and independent lot, bent on their own Cowardice points reflect the marks left on an
purposes and aims when the Shadow’s orc-character when his fighting spirit is
influence is weak, but ready to obey the will weakened by doubt and despair. Starting
of their Master when directly subject to it.
orc-characters begin the game with a Orc characters do not have any equivalent of
Cowardice rating of zero. a Fellowship focus and may never choose
When the Hate score of an orc decreases to
Orcs may recover spent Hate by tapping into
reach his Cowardice rating an orc is
considered Miserable. Check the Miserable the Shadow pool: for every Shadow point
spent, a character may raise his Hate score
box on the character sheet, and apply the
by one. To do so, an Orc player must get
effects to the character.
permission from at least half the other
members of the Warband. If this consensus
When an orc-character that has been made
cannot be found, he may either agree not to
Miserable by Cowardice gets a Gandalf
spend any points, or spend them anyway
icon on his Feat die, he experiences a Bout of
and gain a Cowardice point for each Shadow
Madness, in all regards equal to those of
point used.
normal player characters.
Orc Players may recover a number of Hate
In gaming terms, a player who suffered a
points up to their maximum Hate score, as
bout of madness cancels all the Cowardice
long as there are Shadow points left. For any
points he accumulated so far, and replaces
other regard, Shadow points work exactly
them with a single ‘Permanent’ Cowardice
like Fellowship points.

Differently from normal characters, an orc

cannot develop any more Flaws after
The Orcs of the Misty Mountains are a folk at
suffering a bout of madness (they already
war, carving a living out of raids, lootings
start with the worst!)
and depredations. They breed rapidly, and
their constant fights with the Free Peoples
When an orc accumulates Permanent
and even between themselves leaves them
Cowardice points equal to half his Hate score
struggling to do more than simply feed their
(rounded up), that character is lost and is
growing armies. Their culture ranks
taken out of play, probably as a consequence
as Frugal.
of a violent death by the hands of the Dark
Lord or one of his lieutenants, who have no
more use of such a pathetic creature.
The Orc chieftains of the Misty Mountains
cannot really oppose the many young
Shadow Points & Shadow Pool
warriors who express their desire to leave
An Orc Warband creates a Shadow Pool of their tunnels to plunder and prey upon the
Hate, which works the same as the weaker of their own kind, or to exact revenge
Fellowship Pool for ‘normal’ PC’s, thus the against the Free Peoples. Moreover, this
number of Shadow points available to a tendency is supported by a never-ending
warband of orcs at the beginning of the supply of enemies and adventurers from the
game is equal to the number of orcs in the Free Folks of the North, who frequently set
group. out to hunt them.

Suggested Callings: Slayer, Treasure Hunter.

Orcs make enemies readily, and many is the • Woodmen of Wilderland:
slaughtered chieftain’s son who goes seeking ‘Our closest enemies, with that
vengeance. Others, though, seek only to steal annoying Brown Wizard protecting
the marvels of other folks. them! But when Dol Guldur will rise
again, we’ll exterminate them and
Unusual Calling: Scholar. Brutish and burn their forest homes to the
savage, Orcs take no interest in study. ground!’

- Night-eyes-
"There's only one thing those maggots can do:
• Bardings:
they can see like gimlets in the dark."
“We already slew a King of Men at the
The Orcs of the Misty Mountains are adapted
Gladden Fields, we could have killed
to living in the pitch-black darkness of
Bard the Dragon slayer as well if their
caverns and tunnels. As such, all Orcs have
elf friends and Durin’s Folk didn’t
the Night-eyes Trait (see Part Three below) in
help him! But his downfall is just a
addition to their normal Traits. For the same
matter of time…’
reason they loathe the sunlight more than
• Beornings: anything else: they lose 1 point of Hate at the
“Beorn the Skinchanger killed the end of the first round of combat fought while
great Bolg at the Battle of Five Armies. exposed to the light of the sun.
We will have our revenge on him and
all his folk, soon!’
• Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain: Copy the following skill ranks onto the
“Many of their ancient strongholds lie character sheet and underline the favoured
in ruins, or they already belong to us. skill:
We’ll cut Durin’s Folk down to the last

• Elves of Mirkwood: Awe 1 Inspire 0 Persuade 0

‘The thrice hated Elves are growing
weak, and they are losing interest in Athletics 3 Travel 2 Stealth 2
things outside their Realm in
Awareness 2 Insight 0 Search 2
Mirkwood. Soon they will not be a
danger anymore…’ Explore 2 Healing 1 Hunting 2

• Hobbits of the Shire: Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 0

‘I heard about this small folk who
once defeated my distant ancestor Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 0
Golfimbul, but I’ve never seen one
myself. They must be good for a
Weapon Skills stronger than you, no more than a hound
Choose one of the following two weapon skill used to track down the enemies of the Dark
sets, and record it on the character sheet: Power. But when the Shadow was cast out of
1) (Swords) 2, Orc-spear 1 or Broad-headed his fortress, you managed to escape to the
spear 1 (choose at character creation), West, finding refuge below the Misty
Jagged Knife 1 Mountains. Now your tracking skills only
2) Bow of horn 2, Bent sword 1 or Broad- serve yourself, and you will finally have your
headed sword 1 (choose at character share in the hunt of the Free Peoples.
creation), Jagged Knife 1

Basic Attributes: Body 3, Heart 2, Wits 6

Favoured Skill: Hunting
Choose two Traits from:
Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Fire-making, Misty Mountains-lore,
Cunning, Hardened, Hardy, Reckless, Small,
Mountaineer, Orc-work*, Smith-craft,
Suspicious, Swift

BACKGROUNDS 3 – Son of the Chieftain

Your father is an orc chieftain of Gundabad,
1 – Goblin stalker who earned his status by simply being the
largest, most wicked and cruel of his
You are an orc of Goblin-Town, and the
endless cave systems below the Misty warband. You do not admire him, nor do
you feel proud for being his progeny: as soon
Mountains have always been your home.
You travelled stealthily from one tunnel to as your strength will match his, you will
challenge him to become the new Chieftain
another, looking for new passages and secret
galleries, spying upon rival tribes and of your tribe. Until then, you will prove your
cruelty on the battlefield, taking the lives of
stalking incautious adventurers who dared
Dwarves, Men and Elves alike, and of
to come too close to Goblin-Town. You
whoever will cross your path to glory.
learned that, more often than not, a well-
placed arrow shot from the dark was enough
to earn an easy prize of meat and Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 2, Wits 5
equipment. Favoured Skill: Battle
Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Fierce, Hardy, Proud, Steadfast, Swift,
Basic Attributes: Body 3, Heart 3, Wits 5
Vengeful, Wilful
Favoured Skill: Stealth
Distinctive Features (Choose two);
Cautious, Curious, Elusive, Hardy, Keen- 4 – Tough guard
eyed, Nimble, Small You were chosen among the strongest and
boldest to guard the immense halls in the
mines of Moria, the ancient dwarf
2 – Escaped Snaga
stronghold that now you call home. There
You are a snaga, a word that in the Black
you learned to trust your senses to recognize
Speech means “slave”. Serving the
each and every of the slightest sounds your
Necromancer in Dol Guldur, you’ve always
been considered a lesser orc by those ears could catch from the depths, from the
creaks of feet on unsteady stairs to the
distant splash of a rock dropped by someone Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 1, Wits 5
in the water. What couldn’t escape your Favoured Skill: Athletics
attention could not escape your blade, Distinctive Features (Choose two):
either. Bold, Fierce, Grim, Hardened, Hardy,
Vengeful, Wrathful

Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 3, Wits 4

Endurance: 23 + Heart score
Favoured Skill: Awareness Hate: 8 + Heart score
Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Bold, Determined, Hardy, Quick of Hearing, ORC NAMES
Robust, Suspicious, Wary Male names: Azog, Balcmeg, Boldog, Bolg,
Burzash, Ghor, Golfimbul, Gorbag, Gorgol,
Grishnàkh, Lagduf, Lug, Lugdush, Maghaz,
5 – Messenger of Lugbùrz
You are an emissary of Barad-dûr, sent on an Mauhùr, Orcobal, Othrod, Radbug, Radgul,
Shagrat, Ubhurz.
errand for your Master to spy upon the Free
Folks of the North and to rouse all creatures
with evil intent in the Wilderlands. You
spread your lies and promises of power
among orcs and fouler things, hoping that
one day you will command yourself a great
army to conquer the North and rule Men,
Elves and Dwarves with the iron fist of the

Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 1, Wits 6

Favoured Skill: Riddle
Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Clever, Hardened, Hardy, Lordly, Secretive,
Swift, Wary

6 – Exiled Uruk
You are a Mordor-breed uruk, stronger and
more cunning than most of your kind, living
in the caves below the Redhorn Pass. Your
ancestors were sent from Minas Morgul to
reinforce the lesser orcs of the Misty
Mountains, and under their command they
ambushed and killed Isildur at the Battle of
the Gladden Fields. Their strength in your
black blood still runs powerful, as well as
your thirst for battle.
Rangers of Ithilien by Zedturtle 1) - A Hard Fate
Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 2, Wits 7
Favoured Skill: Craft
Distinctive Features: (Choose two)
Adventurous, Cautious, Determined,
Suggested Callings: Warden, Wanderer,
Generous, Hardy, Merciful, Proud, Stern
Unusual Callings: Treasure-hunter
2) - Messenger of the Steward
Basic Attributes: Body 4, Heart 4, Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Riddle
Distinctive Features: (Choose two):
“We are truth-speakers, we men of Gondor. We
Adventurous, Clever, Eager, Fair-spoken,
boast seldom, and then perform, or die in the
Lordly, Reckless, Tall, Trusty

Rangers of Ithilien automatically add their 3) - With the eyes of the Eagles
basic Heart rating to any tests of Valour. Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 2, Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Search
Distinctive Features: (Choose two):
Adventurous, Cautious, Cunning, Fair-
Common Skills: spoken, Patient, Steadfast, True-hearted,

Awe 1 Inspire 2 Persuade 0 4) - Of an Ancient Blood-line

Athletics 2 Travel 2 Stealth 2 Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 3, Wits 7
Favoured Skill: Healing
Awareness 2 Insight 0 Search 0 Distinctive Features: (Choose two):
Adventurous, Clever, Fair, Hardy, Lordly,
Explore 2 Healing 0 Hunting 1 Proud, Reckless, Tall
Song 0 Courtesy 1 Riddle 2
5) - A Grim Fate
Craft 0 Battle 2 Lore 2 Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 3, Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Awe
Distinctive Features: (Choose two):
Weapon Skills Adventurous, Cunning, Determined, Eager,
1) Great Bow 2, Sword 1, Dagger 1 Generous, Just, Stern, Trusty
2) (Spears) 2, Sword 1, Dagger 1
6) - A Hunter in a Green Land
SPECIALITIES Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 4, Wits 5
(Choose from): Beast-lore, Gardener, Ithilien- Favoured Skill: Hunting
lore, Leechcraft, Old lore, Woodwright Distinctive Features (Choose two):
Adventurous, Just, Fair, Merciful, Patient,
Steadfast, True-hearted, Wary
names for blue mtn dwarves & Idis; Ingun; Jarnsaxa; Kára; Kari; Kolga;
Kona; Lofn; Mana; Mardoll; Mengloth;
others by otaku-sempai et al Menja; Nanna; Natt (Nott); Niorun; Norn;
Olrun; Orchil; Ragridr; Ran; Rana; Rime;
This is a list of names from Norse mythology
Rind (Rinda); Rist (Hrist); Roskva; Róta; Sága;
that could be used for Dwarves of the Blue
Seid; Sigyn (Siguna); Sinmara; Skadi;
Mountains, to distinguish them a bit from
Skamold; Skuld; Sunna; Svafa; Sváva;
the Dwarves of Erebor. Some were originally
Thogn; Thrima; Unn; Urdhr (Urdu, Urd);
the names of Norse giants, deities, etc.; and
Vanadis; Vár; Verdhandi (Verdandi); Volva;
some of them have been Anglicized a bit.

Male Names: Alvaldi; Alviss; Andvari;

Baugi; Billingir; Brokk; Brokkir; Draupnir;
Egil; Eitri; Fáfnir; Fjalar; Fraenir; Galar; MORE DWARVEN NAMES by Michebugio
Gangir; Gilling; Gullinbursti; Gungnir;
Male Names: (Azaghal), Balfur, Bali, Balin,
Hreidmar; Idi; Ivaldi; Járnglófar; Kvasir; Litr;
Bifur, Bili, Bofur, Boin, Boli, Bor, Borfur,
Mótsognir; Njord; Ölvaldi; Ottar; Regin;
Bori, Borin, Borli, Borni, Borvi, Dafur, Dain,
Reidmar; Sindri; Suttungir; Thiazi; Ullur;
Dali, Dori, Dwalfur, Dwali, Dwalin, Dwalni,
Durfur, Durin, Durli, Durni, Durvi, Farfur,
Farin, Farli, Farni, Farvi, Fifur, Fili, Flofur,
Female Names: Gunnlod; Idun; Iduna;
Floi, Floin, Floni, Flor, Frafur, Frain, Frali,
Ithun; Ithuna; Lofnheidur; Lyngheidur;
Frar, Frerfur, Freri, Frerin, Frerli, Frerni,
Ostara; Skadi.
Frervi, Frofur, Froi, Froin, Froli, Froni, Fror,
General Dwarven names Fundfur, Fundi, Fundin, Fundli, Fundni,
Fundvi, Gimfur, Gimli, Gimni, Gimvi, Glofur,
Dwarf Male Names: Alfrik (Algfrig); Althjof; Gloi, Gloin, Gloni, Glor, Grofur, Groi, Groin,
Alvis; Andvari; Aridva; Austri; Bafur; Bari; Groli, Groni, Gror, Kifur, Kili, Lofur, Loi,
Brokk; Dolgthvar; Draupnir; Duf; Eitri; Fafni; Loin, Loni, Lor, Nafur, Nain, Nali, Nar,
Fal; Finn; Fjalar; Frosti; Fundin; Galar; Grer; Narfur, Narni, Narvi, Nori, Oin, Ofur, Oi,
Har; Haur; Heptifili; Hledolf; Hor; Hugstari; Oin, Or, Ori, Pori, (Telchar), Thorfur, Thorin,
Ingi; Lit; Lovar; Modin; Modvitnir; Nar; Nidi; Thorvi, Thrafur, Thrain, Thrar, Throfur,
Nordri; Nyi; Nyr; Nyrad; Otter; Radsvinn; Throin, Thror.
Rekk; Siar; Skafinn; Skirpir; Sudri; Thekk;
Thjodrerir; Throin; Vali; Vestri; Vig; Virpir;
Dwarf Female Names: Angrboda; Auja;
Bara; Berchta (Perchta); Bestla; Beyla; Bjart;
Female Names : Adaldrida, Adamanta,
Blid; Bylgja; Disir (Desir); Draumkonur;
Duva; Eír; Eisa; Elli (Elde); Erda; Fenja; Frid; Amaranth, Angelica, Asphodel, Belba, Bell,
Frowe; Fulla (Volla); Gardofa; Gerd (Gerdh); Belladonna, Berylla, Camellia, Celandine,
Gersimi; Gialp; Gna; Greip; Grid; Groa; Chica, Daisy, Diamond, Donnamira, Dora,
Gudr; Gullveig (Gollveig, Heid); Gunnr; Eglantine, Elanor, Esmeralda, Estella, Fíriel,
Harn; Heidr; Hervor; Hevring; Hlin; Holla; Fosco, Gilly, Goldilocks, Hanna, Hilda,
Hildigard, Hugo, Lalia, Laura, Lily, Lily, Long Hom, Masterful, Merry, Muddy-feet,
Linda, Lobelia, Malva, Marigold, May, Nibs, Nick, Old Gammidgy, Old Rory, Old
Melilot, Menegilda, Mentha, Mimosa, Toby, Pimple, Pippin, Proudneck, Roper,
Mirabella, Myrtle, Pansy, Pearl, Peony, Rosie, Sam, Scattergold, theFair,
Pervinca, Pimpernel, Poppy, Primrose, thegreenhanded, The Old, Tom, Tom, Will,
Primula, Prisca, Rosa, Rosamunda, Rose, Young Tom.
Rowan, Ruby, Salvia, Tanta.
Family Names: "of Long Cleeve", Baggins,
Male Names: Adalgrim, Adelard, Baggins, Banks,Boffin, Bolger, Bracegirdle,
Andwise, Balbo, Bandobras, Bilbo, Bilbo, Brandybuck, Brown, Brownlock, Bunce,
Bill, Bingo, Blanco, Bob, Bodo, Bowman, Burrows, Butcher, Chubb, Chubb-Baggins,
Bucca, Bungo, Carl, Cotman, Cottar, Daddy, Clayhanger, Cotton, Fairbairn, Fallohide,
Déagol, Dinodas, Doderic, Dodinas, Drogo, Gamgee, Gammidge, Gamwich, Gardner,
Dudo, Elfstan, Erling, Everard, Falco, Goldworthy, Goodbody, Goodchild, Goold,
Faramir, Fastolph, Fastred, Ferdibrand, Greenhand, Grubb, Hayward, Hornblower,
Ferdinand, Ferumbras, Ferumbras, Filibert, of Gamwich, of Greenholm, Maggot,
Flambard, Folco, Fortinbras, Fortinbras, Oldbuck, Proudfoot, Roper, Rumble,
Fredegar, Frodo, Frodo, Gerontius, Sackville, Sackville-Baggins, Sandyman,
Gorbadoc, Gorbulas, Gorhendad, Smallburrow, Took, Twofoot, Whitfoot, "of
Gormadoc, Griffo, Halfast, Halfred, Halfred, the Marish".
Halfred, Hamfast, Hamfast, Hamfast,
Hamson, Harding, Hending, Hildibrand, Dwarves
Hildifons, Hildigrim, Hob, Hob, Hobson, Female Names: Dís
Holfast, Holman, Holman, Holman, Hugo, Male Names: Azaghâl, Balin, Bifur,
Ilberic, Isembard, Isembold, Isengar, Bofur, Bombur, Borin, Dáin, Dori, Durin,
Isengrim, Isengrim, Isumbras, Isumbras, Dwalin, Farin, Fíli, Flói, Frár, Frerin, Frór,
Jolly, Largo, Longo, Lotho, Madoc, Marcho, Fundin, [Gamil], Gamil Zirak, Gimli, Glóin,
Marmadas, Marmadoc, Marroc, Meriadoc, Glóin, Gróin, Grór, Ibûn, Khîm, Kíli, Lóni,
Merimac, Merimas, Merry, Milo, Minto, Mîm, Náin, Náli, Nár, Narvi, Nori, Óin, Ori,
Moro, Mosco, Mungo, Nob, Odo, Odovacar, Telchar, Thorin, Thráin, Thrór, [Zirak]
Olo, Orgulas, Otho, Paladin, Peregrin, Nickname/bynames: Ironfoot, the Deathless,
Pippin, Polo, Ponto, Porto, Posco, Reginard, the Last, Oakenshield, Stonehelm, son of ___
Robin, Robin, Rorimac, Rudigar, Rufus,
Sadoc, Samwise, Sancho, Saradas, Saradoc,
Seredic, Sigismond, Sméagol, Ted, Tobold,
Togo, Tolman, Tolman, Tolman, Wilcome,
Wilcome, Wilibald, Will, Wiseman.

Nicknames/Bynames: Andy, Broadbelt,

Bullroarer, Cock-robin, Deepdelver, Farmer,
Fatty, Ham/Gaffer/Old, Headstrong, Jolly,
~customisation~ “Those were happier days, when there was still
close friendship at times between folk of different
race, even between Dwarves and Elves."
NEW CALLINGS by Issachar et al For you the world is a brighter place when
folk draw together in common fellowship.
You would see the free-peoples of Middle-
"We are coming with you; or following you
Earth form stronger bonds of friendship. You
like hounds." --Merry Brandybuck
are a gifted speaker and see to the heart of
You have pledged your service to another,
matters and you would use your talents to
and will fulfil your duty until its completion.
strengthen the ties between the various
Whether you are a soldier, or a kinsman, or
settlements and factions of man, elf and
only a servant, it is the province of your
leader to decide a course; your task is to see
Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Custom
the errand through.
Trait: Peacemaker
Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Vocation
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Manipulation
Trait: Provisioner
Shadow Weakness: Forsworn Pledge
EMISSARY “The wide world is all about you: you can fence
"We alone here represent our kindred. We yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it
also will come." --Gimli out.”
For the safety and weal of your people you Many seek out the thrill and excitement of
journey abroad, bearing messages, making the road, of far off places and distant lands.
alliances, and winning renown for your This was not the case for you though; you
homeland. never had any intention of leaving you home
Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Personality and loved ones. Sometimes adventures come
Trait: Diplomacy looking for you and before you know what
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Discord you are doing you are out the door and in
the wilds.
Favoured Skill Groups: Vocation, Perception
Living near the sea your entire life has
influenced you in more ways than most. You Trait: Sensible
may feel at home on land as well as on a Shadow Weakness: Curse of Doubt
boat, but for you the sea will always be
important. You draw strength from the
rocking of a deck beneath your feet, or the LEADER OF MEN (CAPTAIN) by Kelly
cry of gulls in the distance, and no matter Pedersen
how far from the coast you travel, your heart "And as a great captain may to a young soldier he
will turn ever seaward. seemed to you admirable."
Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Custom While a captain can succeed with even a
Trait: Sea-lore small group of close companions, they truly
Shadow Weakness: Lure of the Ocean become a threat to the Enemy when they can
command a group of loyal soldiers. You
have been recognized as being worthy of
leading such a troop. When you take this
Calling you recruit a band of loyal fighters to
aid you in battle. While they are not as 30, Hobbits 21), except Elves that have now 2
individually competent as a companion, more (27, like Bardings) and Woodmen that
together they can act to bring down the remain unchanged (25).
greatest foes.
When you first recruit your warband, it is
Tiny, perhaps two or three fighting men who
all know one of the tactics described below: ENCUMBRANCE CHANGES by
Support Companion, Shield Wall, Defend cheeplives
Companion, or Harry Foe. You reduce your Encumbrance by your Body
You can later increase the size of your rating when calculating Fatigue Score, in
warband from Tiny to Small (4 to 6 fighters),
order to give a boost to the effectiveness of
from Small to Large (8 to 12 men), or from
Body and to penalize armour a little less.
Large to a Throng (16 to 24 men). Each
expansion to the size requires you to take the
Failed Fatigue tests now result in Travel
Recruit Fighters Undertaking (see Part Five),
and spend 5 experience. Fatigue as follows: In Spring/Autumn add
You can also teach your warband new tactics 3/Summer 4/Winter 5.
as an Undertaking (see Part Five).

REFUGEE dwarvish oaths by davio et al

Most people on the road are there of their "Baruk Khazad!" (Axes of the Dwarves) is a
own volition. They travel for personal gain, battle cry that is used in dwarvish and one of
or for the good of all. You have been denied the most used one. Could perhaps be used as
the luxury of making that choice. Driven out a curse.
of your home by violent attacks or imminent
"By all the silver/mithril in the mountain -
threats, you are forced to journey far. While
you used to be a normal, working person, that is the most stupid thing I ever heard "
you now seek but one thing: safety. "Dragons hoard, that is a treasure!"
"By my golden heart, I will stay true to my
Favoured Skill Groups: Survival, Vocation word"
Trait: Accepting "Taste like elfwine" (Something that tastes
Shadow Weakness: Curse of Fear weird)
"Like elfoath" (A empty promise or gesture)
house rules on endurance by "By Mahals maker" (Mahal is the dwarven
name of Aule, the creator)
michebugio "Orcspawn" (a reference that dwarves are not
Use Body instead of Heart when you
determine Endurance. fond of orcs)
Thus the new cultural base values are: "Oathbreaker" alternative "Oathbane"
Bardings, Beornings, Elves, Woodmen: "Goldwaster" for someone wasting resources)
22 + Body Attribute "Mahals wrath upon you"
Dwarves: 24 + Body Attribute "Goblin Dung"
Hobbits: 18 + Body Attribute "Elf gold and goblin silver" (worthless)
With these new cultural base values, all "By Azog's skull "
average Endurance attributes at character "Ten thousand thundering trolls (for the
creation are 1 less than in the original Haddock inspired dwarf)"
system (Bardings 27, Beornings 28, Dwarves "May the mountain fall on my head"
"By the Seven Fathers."
"A curse on your line." with his musical instruments, using them
"Feckless Smooth Chin." both to woo ladies of the court and entertain
"Whiskerless fool." his important guests. Fascinated by the
"I'll cut you down to my size." sounds emanating from the complex wooden
"You reek like a drakeling breaking wind." instruments you decided to follow in his
footsteps and learn the art of music.
"May my beard fall out if I'm not right."
Result: Gain the Speciality Minstrelsy
"On my word I will not parley with
6 A just man, your father taught you at
an early age never to lie nor to bend the
truth. Lies were the domain of the enemy and
Familial Background Generation the enemy only. Realizing the wisdom in his
by TheMonarchGameriv views you have followed his code of honesty
the entirety of your life.
Table 1: Lordly Endeavours: Result: Gain the Distinctive Feature
1 Your father was intimate with many Forthright
women in the court, you are the product of a
brief and meaningless union. Table 2: Renowned Battles:
Result: If this knowledge has tainted your 1 The battle has either tainted your
life, gain 1 Shadow Point. But if you accept father psychologically or he made an enemy.
the fact of your birth you gain your father’s Result: Gain 1 Shadow Point or an Enemy
wife as an Enemy (Loremaster Character). (Loremaster Character)
2 Your father discredited another noble 2 The battle has scarred your father
and his family dishonestly during an and you either mentally or physically.
argument for the King’s favour. In doing so Result: Gain 2 Shadow Points or -1 Body (to a
he ruined that noble and his family, Minimum of 1).
unintentionally causing them to be hunted 3 When your father was killed in an
down and killed as traitors. infamous battle against the servants of the
Result: If you feel guilt over this gain Shadow, you swore an oath that you would
1 Shadow Point and a surviving son of that make the world a better place. Now, you
family as an Enemy (Loremaster Character). begin to see that the only way you can do
If, however, you considered the gain worth that is by ruling it with an iron fist. Only then
their loss then receive 2 Shadow Points. can you truly destroy the Shadow.
3 Your father educated you in the Result: Gain the Shadow Weakness Lure of
intrigue and political machinations of the Power
nobles and they have always held you 4 Result: +1 Valour
spellbound. Knowing how to secretly 5 Gain Specialty: Mountaineering
influence others has grown your self- 6 Gain Distinctive Feature: Steadfast
importance; you don’t consider others quite
your equal. Table 3: Studies of Lore:
Result: Gain the Shadow Weakness Lure of 1 Gain 1 Shadow Point or a book stolen
Secrets from the Shadow that they seek.
4 Your father was selected as an 2 Gain 2 Shadow Points or -1 Wits (to a
ambassador to an elven haven, either The Minimum of 1).
Halls of Thranduil or Rivendell. He returned 3 Gain the Shadow Weakness Lure of
enamoured with their high ways and spoke Secrets
constantly of them. 4 Result: +1 Wisdom
Result: +1 Wisdom 5 Gain the Speciality Rhymes of Lore
5 Your father occupied much of his time
6 Gain the Distinctive Feature Keen- Result: +1 Valour
eyed 5 Determined that his son would be a
learned man in the ways of crafting and
Table 4: Mercantile Affairs: making your father apprenticed you to a
1 Your father’s business ventures local blacksmith while you were still yet a
usually paid off – but one of them didn’t.
lad. Although you went resentfully at the
Your family’s debt began to accumulate after
time, you have remembered your training to
this day, and consider it some of the most
Result: If you ran and disowned your name,
gain 1 Shadow Point. valuable time of your life.
If family was more important to you than Result: Gain the Speciality Smith-craft
money, and you helped your parents to pay 6 Inspired by your father’s suave way
off their debt, gain the remainder of a large with words, you listened to him speak with
debt to be paid and reduce your Standard of folk from all parts of life – both the nobles
Living by one level (to indicate most of your and the peasants alike – and practiced such
money goes to pay this debt, discuss with speech to yourself when others weren’t
LM). around.
2 Just before you struck out on your
Result: Gain the Distinctive Feature Fair-
own, your family received grievous news one
morning that your father had been killed by
a raiding band of orcs. After much
discussion on the part of your family and
your father’s associates, you were asked if
Character Motivation
you would take over your father’s place in Questionnaire by Mordagnir
his business.
Result: If you refused because you have your 1. What inspired your character’s parents
own plans gain 2 Shadow Points. when they chose his name? Does your
If you accepted that your plans would have character have any nicknames or epithets?
to wait and solemnly took your father’s place 2. Describe your character’s appearance.
gain -1 Heart (to a Minimum of 1). Consider, at a minimum, his height, weight,
3 You were born into a rich family build, hair, and eye colour. Does your
who’s money carried them a long way on the
character have any tattoos, scars etc?
backs of others. Although you haven’t always
3. Describe your character’s personality. Is
agreed with their business practices, you
sometimes feel a tendency at your core to he an extrovert or an introvert? Is he
consider your needs before the needs of essentially an optimist or a realist? Does he
others. consider every action carefully or typically
Result: Gain the Shadow Weakness Lure of act without thinking? Is he calm-headed or
Secrets hot-tempered? How does he prefer to resolve
4 Your father was a travelling merchant problems?
– a dangerous occupation in those times, 4. Describe your character’s mannerisms.
and even more so now. When he returned What are his favourite things and activities?
home from his travels he regaled you with Do others associate particular behaviours or
the finest tales of bravery against the sayings with your character?
servants of the Shadow – those struck a 5. Describe your character’s family. To which
chord in your heart, and inspired you to professions is your family connected? How
great deeds. does your character relate to his ancestors,
parents, siblings, and other relatives? - I will prove myself worthy to my
6. According to the Adventurer’s Book, “a companions, no matter the cost.
character’s calling is what motivated him to - My kin will one day reclaim the forest as
seek a life of adventure and keeps him on their own, and rid it from the taint of
that dangerous path every day.” How did shadow.
your character discern his vocation? - Elves are not to be trusted as they care little
7. A life in the wild, exploring dark places for the perils men face.
and fighting desperate battles, wears on the
spirit. How does your character banish In actual play beliefs have two mechanical
weariness, fear, and sadness? If it is through effects:
Craft, what things does he make? If through
Song, what is your character’s favoured form 1 Gain Advancement Points
of artistic expression? Describe your Just like a Trait, a Belief can be used as a
character’s greatest accomplishment in this means to obtain advancement points when
field. they are narratively linked to the use of a
8. How does your character define success? successful common skill roll.
What does he want to accomplish in the next
five years? How does he envision retirement? 2 Pushing Beliefs
9. Describe any major influences on your Once per game session a companion
character not previously discussed. What may ‘push his belief’ onto a common skill
major events shaped his life? Does your roll. This should be a roll that strongly
character have any regrets or sources of narratively links to that Belief, and its use is
guilt? What does your character fear? subject to the approval of the other players
10. What three words best summarize your and the Loremaster.
character? For the use of this common skill roll the
player may then roll the feat die twice and
Belief System by Jacen take the better result.
A characters belief is a brief statement that This mechanical boon also comes with one
gives a snapshot of his mindset. It could be a caveat however:
strong motivation, a long term goal or Should the companion fail the task at hand
desire, or perhaps an important opinion or he instantly gains a point of Shadow to
philosophy. What matters is that it shows reflect the feelings of self-doubt that creep
something important to the character and into his mind after his failure.
how he views the world around him.
At character creation a player will devise one Changing Beliefs
such Belief for his character. Inspiration A character may undertake a Fellowship
should be drawn from his culture, calling, phase Undertaking to change his Belief (just
background and personality. like changing a Trait). This shows his
Some examples of beliefs: changing outlook of the world around him.
- I will protect the borders of my homeland
for the good of all Free Peoples.
- I am good for naught save blood and steel.
- Don't look for a Took to do much on an
empty stomach (second breakfast included.)
Key to the skill groups is as follows:
~skills~ Personality, Movement, Perception, Survival,
Custom, Vocation.
Common Skills: Cultural Baseline Bardings
by alien270 3 Ranks: Persuade
2 Ranks: Inspire, Travel, Insight, Explore,
The majority of your starting ranks in the Courtesy, Battle
Common Skills are determined by your 1 Rank: Awe, Search, Song, Craft, Lore
choice of culture. This provides insight into 0 Ranks: Athletics, Stealth, Awareness,
what professions each of the cultures prizes, Healing, Hunting, Riddle
as well as what types of opportunities might
be available within a culture. Mechanically, Bardings tend to be well-rounded with a
it helps make the cultures more distinctive. large amount of skills with 2 or 1 rank(s),
There's obviously still room for which maximizes total number of skills.
customization since you get your "previous They have the fewest 0 rank skills of any
experiences" points that you can spend other culture. This opens up a lot of different
however you want, and as you gain options, giving individual Bardings a good
advancement points you'll obviously spend starting point to specialize in a wide variety
those to upgrade the skills that are important of areas. Given their privileged society, and
to you. good relations with both the Dwarves and
Elves, this makes sense. Their specialty is
Specifically, each culture's skill point "value" their persuasiveness. They tend to excel best
is 29 (based on the previous experience skill in the Personality group, with solid marks in
point table) and you get 10 "previous Vocation as well. Weaknesses are
experience" skill points to spend as you see Movement and Survival (which,
fit. So when you first create your character, interestingly, are strong points for the other
roughly 3/4 of your skill points are pre- generalist culture, the Woodmen).
selected. At first I didn't like this ratio since I
value customization, but I get why the Beornings
designers went this route now, and I might 3 Ranks: Awe, Insight, Hunting
actually prefer it this way the more I think 2 Ranks: Athletics, Awareness
about it. It says a lot about what life is like 1 Rank: Inspire, Search, Healing, Riddle,
for an individual of a given culture, and Craft
customization is gained through 0 Ranks: Persuade, Travel, Stealth, Explore,
adventuring. Song, Courtesy, Battle, Lore

Anyways, the point of this post is to provide a Beornings tend toward a deep focus in some
quick reference. While the skill rank table skills with modest investment (1 rank) in a
works very well for building characters, a list decent amount as well (if graphed they
would be more helpful for finding out what would have 2 large peaks at either end,
each culture does well at a glance. Here is having a lot of rank 3 and rank 1 skills).
that list. They are above all imposing, discerning, and
remarkable hunters. They place little value
on Custom and Vocation skills, and
surprisingly Movement, though to a lesser haughtiness and inability to relate with
extent. No ranks in Battle is very surprising mortals can easily explain the lack of focus
given their way of life (personally I'd be in Personality, Perception, and Custom
tempted to house-rule a trade between Battle groups (with the obvious exceptions of Awe,
and Inspire). Perception is their strongest Awareness, and Song).

Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain Hobbits of the Shire

3 Ranks: Travel, Search, Craft 3 Ranks: Stealth, Courtesy
2 Ranks: Inspire, Explore, Riddle 2 Ranks: Persuade, Awareness, Search,
1 Rank: Song, Battle Song, Riddle
0 Ranks: Awe, Persuade, Athletics, Stealth, 1 Rank: Travel, Insight
Awareness, Insight, Healing, Hunting, 0 Ranks: Awe, Inspire, Athletics, Explore,
Courtesy, Lore Healing, Hunting, Craft, Battle, Lore

They are the most focused of the cultures, Stealth and Courtesy are perfect for the
and it fits. They lean the most toward Hobbits main areas of expertise. Overall
maximizing ranks, meaning that they they're very well-represented in the Custom
specialize in fewer areas but are very and Perception groups. They're arguably the
talented in those areas. Consequently, they most polarized culture, however, since they
have the greatest number of 0 rank skills. have no ranks in any skills from the Survival
Despite this they're surprisingly well- or Vocation group. Everything seems to fit
rounded, with a focus (rank of 2 or 3) in 1 really well with what you'd expect from a
skill from each of the groups. They're best Hobbit.
known for their craft, resilience to
discomfort, and obsessive ability to find Woodmen
what they're looking for (or a stubbornness 3 Ranks: Explore, Healing
that keeps them from giving up). Some of the 2 Ranks: Athletics, Stealth, Awareness,
skills that they ignore are very surprising Hunting
given the source material, namely Insight 1 Rank: Inspire, Song, Riddle, Craft, Battle
and Courtesy but you could make an 0 Ranks: Awe, Persuade, Travel, Insight,
argument for Lore as well. Search, Courtesy, Lore

Elves of Mirkwood Not surprisingly, Woodmen have a heavy

3 Ranks: Athletics, Lore focus on the Survival group, with strong
2 Ranks: Awe, Stealth, Awareness, Song, showings in Movement as well. Overall
Battle they're really well-rounded, as only Bardings
1 Rank: Healing, Hunting have fewer skills with 0 Ranks. Like
0 Ranks: Inspire, Persuade, Travel, Insight, Bardings, they seem to strive for competence
Search, Explore, Courtesy, Riddle, Craft in as many areas as possible (tendency
toward many rank 1 and 2 skills). This
The Elves are unparalleled in their ability to makes sense given their lifestyle and frugal
collect (and recall) Lore, and given their standard of living; without a formalized
tough, immortal bodies it's not surprising division of labor and with scattered
that they are capable of great athleticism. settlements, each individual Woodman
Their rank 2 list all fit perfectly with what we needs to be able to perform a wide variety of
know about Elves. They're surprisingly tasks. Personality is their worst group, with
deficient in the Survival category a weak showing in Perception as well (with
(considering they're wood-elves); I would the exception of Awareness).
think they'd get at least a rank 2 in Hunting,
and perhaps a rank 1 in Explore. Their
Original songs & poems by After reading these, my hobbit was inspired
WbWeather et aI to write a few verses whilst their company
was tracking down some dwarves who had

I thought it would be interesting to share absconded with some gold. Later that night

original songs that people have written for he sang it for the company around the

TOR in light of the new Undertaking Write a campfire.

Song. Recently Tmepyans posted an

adventure summary with a couple of songs The Dwarf and the Troll:

he had written: “There once was a dwarf with a long black beard
And a great big chest of gold.

"Shadow falls outside the door, But with all that gold he still fret and feared
That some other might grow bold
the candle blazes light to pour,
As to take his chest that he held so dear
fear not, my child, the shadows flee
And to leave him without naught.
fear not, my child, my light's with thee.
Shadow falls upon the pane
So he made up his mind to disappear
the lantern's glimmer shines through rain
And to leave them all to rot.
fear not, my child, the darkness flies
fear not, my child, light stills your cries. " So off to the woods with his gold he fled
There to live his life alone.

and “My treasure is safe.” To himself he said

“And my whereabouts unknown”.

“And now I hear the road call me But not far away sat a big old troll
With other plans for that gold.
to sweep us off to who knows where
So into the camp of the dwarf he stroll
with wondrous things for eyes to see
And took that dwarf in his hold.
the joy of journeys if I dare.

Now off in those woods, with his belly full

Through mountain pass and hilly Shire
And a chest of gold in his lap
and forests dark with shady bough
The troll gnaws and gums on a dwarven skull
the spark within my heart shall fire
And settles down for a nap.
my hood I pull up o'er my brow.

Well, it seems to me to be poor in things

Come walk with me, my dearest friends,
But wealthy in friendships true
and spin the tales of magic fair
Is better by far than the wealth of kings
of men and elves, and evil's ends
If you wind up in a stew.
the song 'tis never ending there.

Dwarven hammer, hobbit hearth

does fill my soul with yearning strong
to walk these paths of Middle Earth
return, return, where I belong.
A Guide to Writing songs by decide on a story I made up called The Black
zekrish Swordsman about a Mercenary who has a
change of heart. The themes I will be
Now, being a literature major and having a
great love for the language of Tolkien I exploring are those of honour, judgment and

decided to write every single song my heroism.

elven character composes to add more The opening of a poem written in iambic

flavour to the already rich setting. Since tetrameter usually begins with an
introduction of the main character/concept
some people seem to think that it’s hard and
difficult to write rhyming exposes I’ve put or a request to be heard/inspired by muses

together a simple guide! Remember: always (like in The Iliad).

try to write in your own language.

For my poem we will start with an

Notes on verse and meter introduction of the main character: The

Most of Tolkien’s songs are written in a style Black Swordsman:

which is called ‘ann-thennath’ (roughly

translated: Long and Short Together) which “I will tell you a tale from the east

is identical to what the real world call Iambic of a man whose bloodlust never ceased

Tetrameter with an aabb rhyme.. Translated who only knew the lust for gold

in to normal speech this simply means that who in battle fought; strong and bold

every line consist of 4 iambs(= 8 syllables) He was a famous mercenary

whit every line rhyming ex: his skill with sword legendary
All knew that where his black sword swung
song of victory would be sung”
“There might and glory, wealth untold
Were wielded from his ivory throne
Step 2: the plot
In many-pillared halls of stone.
There beryl, pearl, and opal pale
The middle of the poem should continue the
And metal wrought like fishes' mail”
tale and lead to a satisfying ending. Keep

Please note that these rules are not set in your theme in mind and keep

stone. If one of your lines turns out to be 9 or writing stanzas. Use a Rhyming dictionary if

7 syllables it doesn’t really matter as long as you need some inspiration:

most of the poem consist of ‘’correct’’ lines. It

will of course take sound better if it’s made “One day he was hired by a village

correctly but that is very difficult. But enough fearing that brigands would pillage

of the boring stuff; let’s get cracking! The swordsman swore he would serve them well
As long as their wall never fell

Step 1: Theme and introduction The battle was fierce and long
the swordsman fighting in the throng

Decide on a theme for your poem/song: Laughing as he swung his sword

Wandering, Heroism, Beauty, The fall of his armour bloody, his voice a roar

Gondolin, A brave hero etc. For my poem I Then suddenly the wall fell
the villagers screamed and yelled Generic Weapon Skills & changed
they wished that it would have held
now awaited death for those who dwelled
starting weapons by Bocephasv
But there in breach stood the swordsman Dagger
who fought on and never ran Includes brawling, using/throwing daggers,
in the dust and smoke he fought using/throwing improvised weapons, using
and through the brigands a vale wrought clubs/staffs.
When the battle ended the villager crept
and when they found their hero they wept Sword
Includes using short swords, swords, and
around him lay all his fallen foes
long swords.
but the swordsman had taken many blows
They carried him to a quiet glade
and sung about his bravery and blade
Includes using/throwing hatchets (see
about how he defended old and weak
below), and using axes, long-hafted axes,
and refused to falter and retreat” great axes, and mattocks.

Step 3: The ending

It should be memorable and reinforce the Spear
theme: Includes using/throwing spears and using
great spears.

“The swordsman was so amazed Bow

as he listen to the peasants praise Includes using small bows (see below), bows,
never in his life had he thought and great bows.
that someone would remember how he fought
He had lived from blood and terror Cultural weapon groups and favoured
he forgot that love was so much fairer weapon skills would be gone. Instead, each
now when he finally went to sleep culture would get a favoured weapon within
he felt proud as he heard them weep” one of the weapon skills.

Last tip: Don’t get discouraged if you

find writing poems hard in the beginning. It Starting Weapon Skills now changed to:
does require some training and they usually
get better if you work with them for a while;
1) Bow-2/Spear-1/Dagger-1
always returning with a fresh perspective.
2) Sword-2/Spear-1/Dagger-1
Hope this guide helps!
Favoured Weapon: Great Bow

1) Axe-2/Spear-1/Dagger-1
2) Spear-2/Axe-1/Dagger-1
Favoured Weapon: Great Spear
Dwarves: Fortune Teller/Foresighted
1) Axe-2/Sword-1/Dagger-1 Gambling & games
2) Axe-2/Bow-1/Dagger-1 Geology & Mining
Favoured Weapon: Mattock
Horse Archer (see below re Riding)
Elves: Hypnosis
1) Spear-2/Sword-1/Dagger-1 Interrogation/Torturer
2) Bow-2/Sword-1/Dagger-1 Linguist (could be with historian)
Lip reading
Favoured Weapon: Bow Quick Draw
Riding [I notice previous treatment has made this
a virtue, but in my view s/be a specialty ]
Sea-craft (sailing etc.)
1) Sword-2/Bow-1/Dagger-1
Strategy & Tactics (military)
2) Bow-2/Sword-1/Dagger-1
Favoured Weapon: Short Sword or Small Trapping (this is a specialised skill as distinct
Bow from Hunting in general)
Unarmed Combat (especially for the monks!)
Weather Watching
1) Bow-2/Axe-1/Dagger-1
2) Axe-2/Spear-1/Dagger-1
Favoured Weapon: Long-hafted Axe "Better to have and not want, than to want
and not have," is your motto. Your fellow
travellers can usually rely on you to produce
a useful item at need, or small tokens of
comfort to keep spirits lifted.
~traits~ This trait was inspired by this quote:

NEW SPECIALITIES by robin "I keep a treasure or two near my skin, as

precious as Rings to me. Here's one: my old
smallburrow et al wooden pipe. And here's another: an unused one.
I have carried it a long way, though I don't know
Acting (includes Disguise, Dancing) why. I never really expected to find any pipe-weed
Administration & Law on the journey, when my own ran out. But now it
Alchemy comes in useful after all." -- Peregrin Took
Art (Painting etc.) Diplomacy
Astrology/Astronomy You are experienced in the arts of debate and
Beekeeping (especially for Beornings) bargaining, and can also invoke the might
Camouflage and influence of those you represent to
Cartography/Geography strengthen your position.
Circus Performer (includes Acrobatics,
Jesting, Tricks etc.)
Lore of the Earth (Dwarves only) New Distinctive Features by robin
The Dwarves were made by the Vala Aulë,
who they call Mahal, the Maker, and he
smallburrow et al
taught them much lore concerning his Ambidextrous
province, the substance of the Earth. This City Dweller (means not used to rural)
trait includes everything in the Stone-Craft Fell-Handed (like Helm the Hammerhand)
specialty, and it also includes knowledge of Flamboyant
creatures that live in the earth, both natural Hidden Strength
Lucky (careful with this one as open to
and those corrupted by the Shadow.
Lore of Arnor (Dúnedain only) Phobia (plenty to choose from!)
Though the Kingdom of Arnor has declined Rustic (not used to towns/cities)
since the high days of old, your line still Strong Willed
maintains much of its wisdom. You have Tiresome (tough one to play in a Fellowship)
learned from the old maps and tales of the Tolerant
great days of the Kingdom, and you know the
crossing paths of Eriador like the back of
your hand. Lore of Arnor bestows the
benefits granted by both Old Lore and Accepting
Region Lore (Eriador). You've had ill luck in your life lately, to say
the least. You've learned to make the best of
Orc-work (Orcs only)
bad situations.
Orcs make no beautiful things, but many
clever ones including machines, tools and
instruments of torture, and they are
delighted by wheels, engines and explosions. You have a healthy dose of common sense
You are especially crafty in these gruesome and you are happy to display it when the
and dreadful ‘arts’. need calls for it.

Lore of Númenor
You know the ancient tales of Númenor, the
Isle of Westernesse, and can both tell the
tales of its mighty glory, and sing sad songs
of its decline and fall. Your knowledge can
lead you to treasures of the Men of the Sea,
and perhaps guide you away from the dark
path many of them trod. You gain the benefit
of the Old Lore trait, and can speak the
ancient tongue of the High Elves of the West,
Quenya, which was used as a language of
lore and scholarship in Númenor.

You are a masterful mediator and diplomat
and know the correct ways to appease many
different cultures.
the total result matches or beats the TN.
If the roll doesn’t match or beat the Target
New Masteries by docbadwolf et Number and the player gets an Eye icon on
al his feat die, a piece of the armour breaks and
it becomes damaged. Damaged armour can’t
FIGHTING STYLE VIRTUE: PARRYING be used to Absorb Impacts and all Protection
WEAPON by docbadwolf Tests are now made as if the character is
You can use a shortsword or dagger in your Weary.
offhand to gain a +1 bonus to your parry
rate. If an enemy attack shows a Gandalf
If the roll matches or beats the Injury rating
Rune on feat die, your next attack against
AND the player obtains at least one T icon (or
them also disarms them, if you get at least
6) on his rolled Success dice, he halves the
one 6 on a success die.
Endurance loss caused by the attack.


You have become accustomed to moving and The character was taught the exotic art of
fighting in armour. two-weapon fighting by a dexterous master,
and can make rapid, dangerous flurries with
Reduce the Encumbrance rating of any both his weapons. While he is fighting with
armour you are wearing by its number of two weapons, whenever he hits an opponent
Protection dice. he can roll his Feat dice, and on a result of 8
This Mastery may only be picked once. or more, he deals additional damage equal
to his off-hand weapon Damage.

ABSORB IMPACT by Mogul76 If the result of this roll is also equal to (or
(Requisite: Armour Mastery) greater than) the Edge score of the secondary
weapon, the opponent must make a
Protection given by armour helps to prevent
Protection check against the Injury TN of the
wounding blows, but it can also soften the
secondary weapon to avoid getting
impact of less dangerous attacks. Instead of
letting themselves to be knocked back by
their opponent, skilled fighters may use their
armour to absorb the shock of an attack,
exposing none but the most protected parts TWO WEAPON FIGHTING Version 2 by
of their body. Rich H
You wield two, one-handed weapons with
Such a character makes a Protection Test lethal grace and potent skill. This is limited
against a Target Number equal to the Injury to club, dagger, hand-axe, mace, morning
rating of the weapon used by the attacker. If star, short sword, and sword. The
the result doesn’t produce any T icons (or encumbrance value of both weapons must
6's), the Absorb Impact attempt fails, even if be calculated for determination of Fatigue
(paired daggers have an Encumbrance of 1). In no case can this Mastery be used to inflict
One weapon must be designated the two Piercing Blows for the same attack.
primary; the other is the secondary. After acquiring this Mastery you may further
increase your expertise in this combat style
The bonus of dual wielding depends on your
by acquiring Web of Steel or Deflect as
current Stance: endeavours during subsequent Fellowship
Forward: Reduce the Edge of the primary
weapon by one.
Open: Increase Injury TN of the primary
Web of Steel: You may spend a Fellowship
weapon by two.
phase and 4 experience points to learn tricks,
Defensive: Add a parry value equal to the
feints and how to weave a web of steel at
Encumbrance of your secondary weapon to a
your enemies until they remain off guard.
minimum value of 1. This is not the paired
total, just a single weapon, so daggers have
You lower by 1 the result needed on the
+1 (due to the minimum value rule) while
additional Feat die to inflict extra damage
swords add +2 parry.
with your secondary weapon (and possibly
inflict a Piercing blow, following the usual
In all cases, only a single attack roll is ever
made and no more than a single target can
be attacked per turn.
Deflect: You may spend a Fellowship phase
and 8 experience points to learn how to
efficiently parry blows with both your
TWO WEAPON FIGHTING Version 3 weapons.
You have to choose which one of the
weapons you are wielding is primary When you are in a close combat stance and
(regardless of the hand which is holding it) are wielding two weapons your Parry rating
and roll your attack as usual. receives a bonus of +1.

If the attack hits an enemy, roll the Feat die

again: on a roll of [Gandalf minus your EXAMPLE
Weapon Skill in Secondary weapon], you Walcaud, a Beorning with the Dual Wielding
inflict an additional loss of Endurance equal Mastery, is fighting a Black Uruk in a
to the Damage rating of said secondary Defensive Stance.
weapon. He’s wielding his father’s Axe (Grievous, Axe
Weapon Skill 4) and a strange Sword (Keen,
If the regular attack roll didn’t inflict a Sword Weapon Skill 1) found in an ancient
Piercing Blow but extra damage was barrow along the shores of the Great River.
inflicted, the result of the additional Feat die He decides the Axe is the primary weapon for
is compared with the Secondary Weapon’s the round and rolls 7 (Feat), 6, 4, 3, 1,
Edge, and a Piercing Blow may now be beating TN 19. He inflicts 13 Endurance
inflicted to the enemy by the secondary points to the enemy (5 Axe Damage + 2
weapon following the usual rules (including Grievous + 6 Damage Bonus for Great
any relevant Reward associated to the Success).
weapon, etc.).
He now rolls another Feat die for the you may choose to simply have a normal
secondary weapon and scores 9 (10 was success on the roll, instead of rolling.
needed, he rolls a Gandalf so G - Sword
Weapon Skill 1 = 10), inflicting no extra Finally, if you invoke a Trait after making a
successful roll, the Loremaster should treat
Endurance loss and no Piercing blows
because his Sword Weapon Skill is too low, the roll as one step more significant when it
comes to deciding whether to award you an
even if the Keen Sword would normally
advancement point.
pierce with an Edge of 9.
Should Walcaud raise his Sword Weapon
Skill to 2 or gain Web of Steel, in the same SECRETIVE
situation he would inflict 5 more Endurance
"You are not wise to be glad of the Yellow Face. It
points (Sword Damage rating) and inflict a shows you up. Nice sensible hobbits stay with
Piercing blow requiring a Protection test at Smeagol. Orcs and nasty things are about. They
TN 16 (Sword Injury rating). can see a long way. Stay and hide with me!"

DEFINING TRAIT You know how to keep hidden and not

"Then Beren put forth his left hand, slowly attract attention while travelling, and how to
opening its fingers; but it was empty. Then he avoid speaking of matters that would draw
held up his right arm; and from that hour he dangerous attention while in company.
named himself Camlost, the Empty-handed."
Reduce the amount you contribute to the
company's Starting Eye Awareness Score by
Every adventurer has traits that make them
1. This cannot reduce your contribution
distinctive, but for some these traits go
below 0, but it can compensate for the
beyond the level of simply distinguishing
increased Eye Awareness from having high
them from others, and raised to the level of
Wisdom or Valour, or from carrying a
an essential feature. You have one such trait,
Famous Weapon or suit of Armor.
and when the minstrels sing of your deeds,
you will undoubtedly be known for it.

Choose one of your Traits. From this point STAVE FIGHTING by Zedturtle
on, you can no longer change this Trait as an You have trained to be an expert wielder of
Undertaking, it becomes a permanent fixture the long staff in combat.
of your character.
As long as you are not in a confined space
You gain benefits from integrating a feature you may add the Encumbrance value of your
so firmly into your legend. Once per session, staff to your Parry score.
you may improve the bonus gained from the

If you invoke this Trait to automatically

succeed on a Common skill roll, you receive
a Great success instead of a normal success.
If you invoke the trait to allow you to make a
roll you would not otherwise be allowed to,
VIRTUES by Kelly Pedersenvi
MIRKWOOD VIRTUES by Michebugio -Wisdom Learned in Sorrow-
"...for though the beauty of the Quendi in the
-Folk of the Dusk- days of their youth was beyond all other
When an Elven character is inside a forest or beauty..., it has not perished, but lives in the
under the earth, or it is night, his Cultural West, and sorrow and wisdom have enriched it."
Virtues (whichever he may have) change as The High Elves of the West know the Shadow
follows: well - it has weighed on their souls since they
Deadly Archery: The bonus attribute to came to Middle-earth, and often, the
attack given by the Virtue becomes Favoured weariness and despair it fosters is the cause
Heart score instead of the base Heart score. of their leaving Middle-earth again. But the
Elvish Dream: In addition to the benefits wisest of the Elves have learned that even
described in Rulebook, if the Elven character darkness can be turned to beauty, and evil
gets a prolonged rest in a forest, under the deeds nonetheless good to have been. They
earth or during the night, he recovers 2 can take heart that, in the darkest night, light
Endurance points plus his Favoured score of shines out the clearer.
Heart, instead of 2 points plus the base score
of Heart. To take this Virtue you must have at least
Shadow Bane: In addition to the benefit one Common skill already marked (as per
described in Rulebook, if the Elven character Rivendell supplement rules). Choose one
is fighting in a forest, under the earth or skill you have marked. From now on, when
during the night, when he is in the Forward you roll an Eye of Sauron on the Feat die
stance he uses his Favoured Body score to when rolling that skill you still automatically
determine his melee Damage against fail, but you no longer gain Shadow points.
servants of the Shadow.
The Speakers: No modifications. In fact, the first time you roll the Eye of
Wood Elf Magic: Sauron on the marked skill during a session,
Stinging arrow: when spending a Hope point you lose Shadow points equal to your
Wisdom. Further Eye of Sauron results on the
to obtain either effect in the description, the
ranged Damage for this attack is the same skill in the same session do not heal
Favoured Body score if the elf is fighting in a more Shadow points, but they never result in
forest, under the earth or during night. Shadow gain.
This virtue can be taken multiple times, once
Elf-lights: When in a forest, under the earth
or during night the effect is doubled (i.e. 2 for each marked skill you have.
points of Hope or Hate must be expended to
resist the effect, and the weary penalty lasts
for 2 rounds).
Enchanted sleep: Inside a forest, under the
earth or during night, the maximum
Attribute Level that can be affected is 7.
THE SHIRE) revised by Falenthal
" poor hobbit coming in from battle is easily
jamesrbrown ET AL~
overlooked.’ ‘It’s not always a misfortune being
overlooked,’ said Merry. ‘I was overlooked just
now by—no, no, I can’t speak of it."

-Animal Friend by Jamesrbrown-

By spending 2XP and taking a Fellowship "Beorn said something to them in a queer
Undertaking, a Hobbit who has learned the language like animal noises turned into talk.
Art of Disappearing Virtue can use it to his They went out again and soon came back
advantage in battle by learning Overlooked. carrying torches in their mouths..."
You have observed Beorn and his dealings
with his animal friends long enough to learn
Overlooked: During a Combat engagement
their strange languages. At any time you may
with more enemies than heroes, adversaries talk with the ponies, sheep, rams, dogs and
will tend to engage another companion if other domesticated animals that reside in
they can [a human sized hero can be the settlements of the Free Peoples. They are
engaged by 3 normal sized or 2 giant sized friendly toward you and desire to serve you
adversaries]. within their animal limitations. Evil or wild
animals cannot be conversed with, nor
If the Hobbit decides to use the Art of commanded, in this manner.
Disappearing ability and spends a Hope
By spending a point of Hope, you may endue
point to disappear from the scene at the
a group of these animals with subtle magical
beginning of combat (before Onset), he may
qualities, allowing them just enough power
reappear at any moment (during the to accomplish the tasks of men, such as
company's turn) attacking any target, even walking on hind legs while using fore-feet to
those in Rearward position. carry things. This power lasts for a few hours
and diminishes quickly if you leave their
For his first attack he can add his Valour presence.
rating to both Damage and Injury. He may
also use the Combat Advantages dice
obtained by his companions as usual. (As he DUNEDAIN OF ARNOR CULTURAL
has to disappear before Onset, the Hobbit VIRTUES by Kelly Pedersen
doesn't get to roll for Combat Advantages).

-Against the Unseen-

(As per the Rangers of the North virtue)

-Heir of Arnor-
"Already you have raised the banner of the Kings
and displayed the tokens of Elendil's House. Will
you suffer these to be challenged?"
(As per the "Birthright" Barding Cultural
Virtue, except that standard of living is only
raised to Prosperous)
-Deadly Shafts- You may either: reduce the Encumbrance of
"The Men of the Sea sent before them a great your gear by 6 OR reduce the Encumbrance
cloud, as a rain turned to serpents, or a black of both your gear and a single companion's
hail tipped with steel." by 3 for travel purposes.
(As per the "Fierce Shot" Barding Cultural
Virtue) If you use your mount in combat you put it at
risk. When you are engaged in battle, if an
-The Dignity of Númenor- attack aimed at you produces an Eye of
" have an air too, sir, that reminds me of... Sauron the blow hits and automatically
wizards." "Maybe you discern from far away the wounds your horse instead (in place of the
air of Númenor." effects of a normal hit). You may prevent this
The pride and wisdom of the Men of the West by taking the automatic wound yourself (you
is revealed in you. You gain strength of spirit cannot roll for Protection).
from your heritage, and others who you
A wounded horse is put out of combat for the
speak with are impressed, giving your words
remainder of the scene, and will return at
more weight.
your side at the start of the next session only
if you succeed in a Healing roll with a TN of
Add 1 to your starting Hope score.
16. If you fail, the horse will not recover until
the next Fellowship phase.
Instead of using Wisdom or Valour when
calculating the starting Tolerance for an The training of a Steed of the West is an
encounter, add both virtues together and use endeavour in itself. When you first choose
the total to calculate the Tolerance. this Virtue your mount learns one particular
tactic to aid you in battle as described under
-Steeds of the West- War-Trained below (without paying the
"And indeed the love that the horses of the Experience point cost). You can train him in
Rangers bore for their riders was so great that additional combat manoeuvres as well as to
they were willing to face even the terror of the Support you in the use of certain skills, as a
separate Undertaking during later
Fellowship phases, as follows:
You possess one of the mighty horses of
Arnor, descended from sires brought from
Númenor, and they from steeds brought by War-Trained: These abilities represent
the High Elves from the Blessed Realm. Such training in specific tactics of mounted
beasts are more intelligent and hardy than combat that your steed has received. Your
any on Middle-earth, and will face dangers mount knows one for free when you receive
with their riders and aid them in times of him. You can train additional tactics by
strife. spending 3 experience points and using an
Your steed is sure-footed, and possesses Undertaking, as described above.
great endurance. It can follow you on any Trample Foes: While fighting mounted in a
terrain you can travel across, and bear the Close stance, your mount has been trained to
weight of some of your gear. support your attacks with its own. When you
successfully make an attack, you may add
your Valour rating to your Damage rating.
Quick-Hooved: Your mount has been trained Many of the mansions of the Dwarves of the
to make quick dashes in to bring you closer Blue Mountains now lie in the hands of
to a foe and then carry you back out to servants of the Shadow, the lairs of orcs,
safety. When making close combat attacks trolls, and other, fouler things. But the
from Open or Defensive stances, you may Dwarves keep records and tell tales of their
reduce the combat TN by 3. ancient homes, and do not forget easily, and
Stable Gait: Your steed is an exceptionally a dwarf finds it easy to understand the
smooth runner, allowing you to make structures of the Dwarves even if he has
accurate shots from further away. When never heard of it before.
making a ranged attack from the Rearward
When you are in any structure that dwarves
stance, reduce your combat TN by 2.
once built you reduce the TN for all Travel,
Stealth, Awareness, Search, Explore, Riddle,
Support: You can train your steed to assist
and Battle skill rolls by two difficulty levels.
you in one activity. A horse can be trained to
support you when making any one of the
following skill rolls: Awareness, Awe,
Inspire, or Travel. It takes a Fellowship phase DWARVES OF DUNLAND CULTURAL
Undertaking AND one Experience point to VIRTUES by Ernst-Jan
teach your horse to complete an additional
Dwarves of Dunland have access to the
When you are making a roll using one of the following Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain
skills imparted to your horse, you may roll Cultural Virtues: Durin's Way, Old
the Feat die twice, and keep the best result. Hatred, The Stiff Neck of Dwarves.

In addition, they may choose from the

following Virtues.
CULTURAL VIRTUES by Kelly Pedersen -Well-Travelled-
Though your way is one of caution and
mistrust, you have had dealings with many
Blue Mountain Dwarves can access the Folk and have ranged far, and have
following Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain developed an easy manner when dealing
Virtues: Broken Spells, Durin’s Way, Old with others.
Hatred, The Stiff Neck of Dwarves.
In addition they can choose from the Whenever you encounter the leader of a
following Virtues. group or Folk for the first time, you are
considered to have an extra amount of
-Lore of Fallen Mansions- success dice to spend equal to your Wisdom
rating. These can only be used in rolls
"In the ruins of the Dwarves, a dwarf's head will
be less easy to bewilder than Elves or Men or involving Awe, Courtesy, and Persuade.
-Craft-Lore of Curunir-
Across the Misty Mountains lives the white
wizard Saruman in his sheltered vale of
Isengard. Of late, the wizard has been phase.
interested in many forms of craft, including Additionally, during any Fellowship Phase
jewel-smithing. He has recently learned of that you spend in Khazad-Dum, you may
the existence of the Hollow-Hold (see Part 8)
perform the Forge Mithril Undertaking (see
and its furtive Dwarves, and has, on
Part 5 below).
occasion, acquired the services of some to
assist in the interpretation of some more
-The Craft of Narvi-
obscure forms of smithing. You were among
these Dwarves, and though none of you has You have studied from one of the last
been of any significant help, the time spent masters of the line of Narvi, the dwarven
in the smithy of Orthanc has given you crafter of the Second Age who worked with
mastery over a few more refined techniques. the elf-smith Celebrimbor, creator of the
[LM Note: This may make for an interesting Rings of Power. Narvi’s secrets lend your
Adventuring Phase]. works an even greater degree of potency than
even the usual standard of the Dwarves of
You can now spend a Fellowship Phase Durin’s Folk.
crafting an Armour piece, customizing it to
the features of its intended bearer. If
You learn how to Evaluate Treasure when
successful, the Armour gains a +1 to
you first select this virtue. You may later
Protection. You may later undertake this
master the skill of making items of Peerless
again for a total of a +2 to Protection.
Craft as your undertaking, and spending 1
Experience point during a Fellowship phase;
DWARVES OF KHAZAD-DUM CULTURAL finally, you discover how to Enhance
VIRTUES by Kelly Pedersen Equipment by spending another Experience
point as another Undertaking during a later
-Mithril Crafter- Fellowship phase.
"The wealth of Moria was not in gold and
jewels... nor in iron... all things that they desired Evaluate Treasure: (As per the Evaluate
they could obtain in traffic. For here alone in the Treasure feature of the "Artificer of Eregion"
world was found Moria-silver... It’s worth was ten Cultural Virtue of the High Elves of Rivendell
times that of gold..." in the Rivendell supplement).

Among the many dwarves of Khazad-Dum Peerless Craft: Choose the Dwarven-
who are skilled in crafts, you are the elite - a smithing Undertaking (see Part 5) to craft an
worker of truesilver or mithril as the elves item of surpassing quality, which can be
call it. Your status among your people is used by a hero to make their tasks easier.
high, and you never run short of wealth, for
the dwarves say that those whose hands • You may make an item that grants a
shape mithril will ever run with gold. bonus to a Common skill. Choose an
appropriate item for the skill in question (a
Add +2 to your Standing. Your Standing will harp for Song, a staff for Travel, a fine set of
not decrease below 2 during a Fellowship clothes for Inspire, etc). The companion who
uses the item gets a +1 bonus to the skill. You last until the hero wearing it increases either
may later undertake to further embellish the their Valour or Wisdom. When this happens,
item for a total bonus of +2. the companion loses the associated bonuses,
but you may eventually enhance it again,
The improvement bonuses to an item last repeating the customising procedure.
until the hero using it spends Advancement Note that while certainly skilful, you cannot
Points to improve the skill it grants a bonus improve the craftsmanship of old: you may
to. When this happens, the companion loses only enhance a weapon that does not
the bonus, but you may eventually enhance already possess Enchanted Qualities.
it again. Restoring the bonus still requires
the Dwarven-smithing Undertaking, but in -Fast Friends-
this case only 3 crafting points need to be The Dwarves are bitter foes, it is known. But
accumulated, not 6, and no Treasure has to they are also firm in friendship to those who
be spent. If you already enhanced the item's they have given their trust to. You are known
bonus to +2 previously, only one new as one who gives their heart deeply when
Dwarven-Smithing Undertaking is required they form bonds of fellowship.
to restore the full +2 bonus. Raise your starting Hope score by 1.

Enhance Equipment: Choose the Dwarven- In addition, your Fellowship Focus is

smithing Undertaking to retire to your improved. If your Fellowship Focus is
smithy and improve a weapon to make it unharmed at the end of a session, you regain
more deadly, or improve a piece of armour 2 points of Hope instead of just one.
to make it lighter or more protective.
In addition, if you choose the Defend
• When you first enhance a weapon in Companion action in combat to defend your
your smithy, its user gains a bonus of +1 to Fellowship Focus, you may use your
all his attack rolls using the customised favoured Wits attribute for your Parry rating
weapon. You may later undertake to improve against any attacks redirected to you from
the same weapon once again, for a total your focus.
bonus of +2.
• When you first enhance a piece of -The Mountain Race-
armour, it gains either +1 to Protection rolls The Longbeards have lived in the hearts of
or -1 to its Encumbrance rating. You may the mountains for thousands of years, and
later undertake to improve the same piece of though they love to light their halls with
armour again, to either increase the first magical lanterns, they are not afraid of the
improvement to +2/-2, or to apply the other darkness.
improvement you didn't already choose. You never suffer a penalty to any rolls due to
Improvement bonuses to a weapon are darkness.
applied until the hero wielding the weapon In addition, whilst in darkness you may add
acquires a new level in the related Weapon your Wisdom to your Awareness, Search,
skill, whilst improvement bonuses to armour and Explore skill rolls.
3XP Elf Magic spell by aramis
(This Virtue is available to all Elves) -Blazing Light-
You may now cause your Create Light to
blaze with a magical flare of great intensity,
An Elf with this spell may spend several (3-4) almost as bright as the sun.
hours in a relatively safe place singing songs This blaze quickly dies out, but while it
of good cheer, in hopes of restoring the Hope burns, it is as though night turns to day:
of weary fellows. The elf gains no hope creatures who are harmed by the sun suffer
themselves for this, and rolls Song against accordingly (monsters with Hate
the local terrain's travel TN, with success Sunlight suffer the loss of one point of Hate,
level establishing the level of success others and those with Denizen of the Dark lose the
may benefit from. associated advantage for three rounds).
Those attempting to gain hope from the
songs must sing along, they must also roll -The Light of the Stars-
Song vs the same TN, regaining one hope on You learn how to bestow the blessing of
success, two on great success, and 3 on Elbereth upon your magic.
exceptional success, but never a higher level
than the elf singing obtained. By spending a point of Hope, you may cause
your Create Light to burn with the pure light
If multiple elves with this spell are singing, of the stars—bright enough to pierce any
others are limited by the total 6's rolled gloom. This light flares for a limited time (a
between all casters, and each caster is number of rounds equal to your Wisdom
limited by the total without their roll for their rating) but while it burns creatures of the
own Hope gain; their song roll to cast is also Enemy cannot engage you in close combat
their roll to regain Hope. No one may benefit unless they spend three Hate Points.
from this more than once per 6 days (the
elven week), though a given elf may perform In addition, you can scorch the Enemy with
the spell daily. one success dice of the Light of the
Stars damage, out to a maximum range of
sixty feet plus your Heart rating.
(usually only available to Elves) Once the Light of the Stars goes out, you can
cast the spell again at the cost of one point of
-Create Light- Hope.
You may create light, typically on your hand
or at the end of your staff.
You can vary the intensity and colour of the
light as you wish, though it is equal to that of
a strong torch at most, sufficient to light a
twenty-foot radius, under most
circumstances, or a slightly larger area at
night or underground. This spell lasts for one
success dice in hours per point of your Heart
ELVES OF LINDON CULTURAL VIRTUES Rulebook), you may then spend a point of
by Kelly Pedersen Hope. If you do so, the amount of Endurance
recovered by your comrades is doubled.
-Deadly Archery-
(As per the Elves of Mirkwood Cultural
Virtue) Fair Visions: You can cause the visions of
-Elvish Dreams- your mind to be revealed to others, whether
as images in their minds eye, or as the
(As per the Elves of Mirkwood Cultural
semblance of true objects in the world
(though they lack substance). This can be
used for many purposes, such as aiding in
-Shadow Bane-
accurate descriptions of people or objects
(As per the Elves of Mirkwood Cultural
you are searching for, but it can be of great
help when communicating, as those you
speak to can read the thoughts behind your
-The Speakers-
words, even if they do not understand your
(As per the Elves of Mirkwood Cultural
If you know how to create Fair Visions, you
may make a Song roll at TN 14 to
-Elf-Song- communicate with any creature who can
"But at that moment came a sound like mingled
speak and hear your words.
song and laughter. Clear voices rose and fell in
the starlit air. The black shadow straightened up
and retreated." Songs Against the Shadow: Before combat
You have learned the arts of elven-song, begins if all potential foes have attribute
which can bring the light of the Blessed levels equal to your Heart or lower, you may
Realm and the love elves hold for all the make a Song roll at TN 10 plus the highest
things of the world untouched by the Shadow Attribute value among the enemies, plus an
into your words. With the right song, you can additional +1 to the TN for every 3 foes, to
lift the spirits of others, turn back the drive them back.
servants of the Enemy, and call forth the
images of your thought. If successful, the foes will retreat for a time,
although determined enemies may track you
When you first take this Virtue you learn the and attempt to attack again later, if you
secrets of Songs of Hope. You may later cannot lose them.
master the art of Fair Visions as a Fellowship
Undertaking and spending one Experience In combat you may make an Intimidate Foe
point during a Fellowship phase. action using Song instead of Awe or Battle. If
Finally you discover the secret of Songs your roll is successful, you may spend a
Against the Shadow by spending another point of Hope and add 1 to the Hate points
Experience point as another Undertaking lost by the foes.
during a later Fellowship phase.

Songs of Hope : When you make a successful

Song roll to Rally Comrades (p.179
ELVES OF MIRKWOOD NEW CULTURAL round or are not in Defensive Stance. They
VIRTUE add +4 to the TN for hitting the original
target but lose their next opportunity to
Two-Weapon Fighting. attack.
If you are fighting with two weapons, both
must be one-handed weapons. The -Solid in a Fight-
secondary weapon cannot be larger than a
short sword* or larger than your primary
weapon. When you successfully hit an The militia of Bree are farmers and
enemy roll the Feat die again: on a roll of 8+ tradesmen but they are fighting to defend
you inflict an additional loss of Endurance their way of life. They take comfort in having
equal to your Damage rating plus the friends and neighbours around them in a
Damage value of your secondary weapon. fight. Having another Man of Bree
Your secondary weapon can be used to fighting alongside them gives them support
defend as if you were using a buckler (for a and a feeling of solidarity.
dagger) or as a shield (for any other
weapon). A Man of Bree taking this Virtue may recover
* Secondary weapons are limited to: dagger, twice the normal number of Endurance
short sword, axe or club. points from a Man of Bree using the Rally
Comrades Combat action.


VIRTUES by Artorusaurus Rex
-Militia Spearman -

-Knight of the Silver Swan-

The Men of Bree have long seen to their own
Through either years of long study and toil,
defence, not trusting to some remote
or a single, shining moment of heroism, you
authority to save them. However, the
have been dubbed one of the legendary
enemies they have faced in the past have
Knights of Dol Amroth, or Swan Knights.
been brigands and ruffians rather than
trained soldiers. The drilling of the militia
When you first take this Virtue, raise your
under the Sheriffs of the town were always a
Standing by 1.
source of entertainment and more an
occasion for meeting friends and sinking a Additionally you learn the skill First into the
beer or few. They have sufficient training to Fray.
stand together and keep their shield and
spear steady. You may later, as your undertaking in a
Fellowship phase, take a Squire under your
A Man of Bree taking this Virtue may spend tutelage at the cost of 1 Experience point.
a point of Hope to use Protect Comrade for
Finally, you may spend another Experience
an Ally even if they have not declared a
point and another Fellowship Undertaking to
protected ally at the start of the combat
become a Champion of Dol Amroth (see
below). fear you.

-First into the Fray- Increase your Fellowship rating by +1.

A Swan Knight, driven by both loyalty to Dol Additionally, when you roll a "G" in combat
Amroth and by desire for renown, will never your target loses 1 point of Hate.
be caught behind the front-lines.
-Elven blood-
Under any circumstances (unless you are "...Legolas looked at him and bowed low; for he
surprised) you may select a target after the saw that here indeed was one who had elven-
Opening Volleys of combat and make a blood in his veins."
melee attack. If you roll a "G" on this attack, Though thin, the blood of the Sindar flows in
you inflict an automatic Wound on your the line of Princes. And it is said trace
target. It does not have the opportunity to amounts of that blood can also be found
roll for Protection. If you roll an "EYE" on this among the rest of the Men of Dol Amroth.
attack, you take a Piercing blow. You may There is...something different about you that
roll for Protection, but you must roll the Feat has begun to manifest. Something ever so
die twice and take the lower result. slightly otherworldly. Perhaps there is truth
to the tales?
You have grown in stature enough that you Gain the traits Elf- Friend and Fair, and
have attracted a young person who requests Tolerance modified by +1 for all encounters
to be your Squire and learn under you. And with non-elves.
you have agreed to it. You will impart on
them all the training, wisdom, and
Men of Dol Amroth tend to have experience
inspiration you can, and they will assist you
with seafaring, whether they're true Mariners
with a variety of tasks.
or not. You are no exception, and you have a
strength and balance about you that only
Pick two common skills. From now on when
comes from spending time at sea.
using those skills, you may roll the Feat die
Gain one free combat advantage die at the
twice and keep the higher result.
onset of combat.
Your squire does not assist you in combat.
Additionally, if you are fighting on water,
Additionally, if you retire your character, you
boats, rafts, or other precarious surfaces,
may begin to play as your Squire, and you
each of your attributes (Body, Heart, and
will automatically start with a Maximum
Wits) is considered to be 1 point higher.
Hope 2 points higher than normal for
whatever culture your Squire comes from.
Fighters from Dol Amroth train from a young
-Champion of Dol Amroth -
age to use spears with great efficacy. Spears
(Requisite: Knight of the Silver Swan Virtue)
and lances are weapons of choice for the
You have become a Knight among Knights. A
Swan Knights when they charge into combat,
true reflection of the ideals and glories of
and also for the Mariners to throw from the
Númenor. Those who call you friend draw
decks of ships.
Hope from your presence, and your enemies
The first attack you make with a Spear in
combat will enjoy a free upgrade in quality if the uruks, black orcs of great strength that
successful. A success becomes a Great first appeared out of Mordor. Not only you
success, a Great success becomes an are larger, but you can withstand the light of
Extraordinary success. A failure is still a the day without being weakened and you've
failure. You may spend a point of Hope to do been trained in the use of better weapons.
this with any given successful spear attack
after your first attack. Raise your maximum Endurance score by 3
Additionally, from now on you do not lose 1
The Men of Dol Amroth have always, and
point of Hate when fighting under the light of
will always ride openly against the Shadow.
the sun, and the Encumbrance of any broad-
They do not fear to challenge the darkness.
headed sword and broad-headed spear you
At the onset of combat, you may choose one
wield is reduced by 1.
target. That target may only attack you for
the remainder of the upcoming battle, unless
-Goblin Archer-
it spends a point of Hate to attack another.
“He leaped into the waters, but the Ring slipped
This lasts until the target is defeated, or you
from his finger as he swam, and then the Orcs
are unconscious, or dead. Your companions
saw him and killed him with arrows.”
in Defensive stances may still spend points of
Hope to defend you from this target's attacks
Most members of your kin possess a natural
as normal. This skill may only be used
talent for aiming in the dark when using
against targets with 6 Hate or fewer.
their horn bows. You seem to possess that
quality yourself, as your arrows find their
target with terrible precision.
CULTURAL VIRTUES by Michebugio: When you are inside a thick forest or under
the earth, or it is night, add to your ranged
attack rolls a bonus equal to your
Due to the variety of orc breeds, they are said basic Heart rating.
to possess all sorts of malicious and
dangerous qualities. Many of these Virtues
bear the taint of the Shadow, and could be -Servant of the Necromancer-
attributed to the Dark Power's influence over “The Orcs in the service of Barad-dûr use the sign
the ages. What is certain is that nobody of the Red Eye.”
question the fierceness with which the Orcs You’ve been a servant of the Necromancer in
carry out their invasions, sparing no weapon Dol Guldur for a long time, torturing slaves
at their disposal. and acting as a lieutenant for the Dark Lord.
Your evil deeds have elevated you among the
-Uruk-Hai Fighter- ranks of the other orcs, marking you as one
"We are the Uruk-hai: we do not stop the fight for of the most cruel of your kind.
night or day, for fair weather or for storm. We
come to kill, by sun or moon." Raise you maximum Hate score by 1 point.
Additionally, you enjoy a bonus of +2 to your
You belong to an improved breed of Standing.
-Snuffler- first sign of weakness.
"Orcs were as keen as hounds on a scent, it was If you become Wounded or Poisoned during
said..." a fight, make a Valour check immediately
Your wide nostrils have made you a after the battle ends: on a failure, the Warg
"snuffler", a tracker of intelligent quarries. attacks you!
Your scent is greatly enhanced and lets you
Use the stats of a Wild Wolf for this fight
follow tracks or recognize a smell better and
(p.246). The Warg automatically wins the
at a greater distance than any other orc.
initiative and you are forced to fight in
When you make a roll using a Perception or Forward position for the first turn. Your
Survival skill in a situation where you can companions can join the battle and help you
use your sense of smell, you always add your fighting the beast only starting from your
Attribute score to the result, as if enjoying an second turn of combat, if they wish... and if
Attribute bonus. you aren't already dead.

-Warg Rider-
The Warg stops fighting when reduced to
You made an alliance with a Warg of the
half his Endurance or less, or if he becomes
North, which you now use as a mount.
Weary. At this point, he will keep assisting
Reduce by 1 the amount of Fatigue increase you and won't attack again while you're
generated by each Fatigue test during any healing (unless you become Wounded or
journey (as if you were riding a Pony), and Poisoned after another battle). If you kill the
you can now cover 30 miles of distance in an Warg you don't lose the benefits already
average day of travel, instead of 20. gained with this Virtue, but you won't have
You can make additional bargains with the the assistance of another Warg until the next
Warg, to gain the same benefits as those Adventuring phase.
described under the Hound of
Mirkwood Virtue of the Woodmen of
When you first choose this Virtue the Warg VIRTUES by zedturtle
agrees to assist you with one Common skill Rangers of Ithilien have the following
as described under Support (p.112 Rulebook) Virtues:
without paying the Experience cost. Birthright (as per Bardings Virtue)
Fierce Shot (as per Bardings Virtue)
You can bargain to be supported in Steward's Man (as per Bardings King's Men
additional skills, as well as to be assisted in Virtue)
combat (through Harass Enemy and Protect Ways of the Wild (as per Rangers of the
as per p.112) as a separate Undertaking North Virtue)
during later Fellowship phases and at the Woeful Foresight (as per Bardings Virtue)
price of additional Experience points, as
described in the Hound of Mirkwood Virtue.

But such benefits come with a price: a Warg

of the Wilderlands is a vicious beast, always
ready to betray his orcish companion at the
~New Calling Virtues by LukeZ et Linguist
You have a keen interest in languages and
al~ ancient scripts. Learn one additional
language of your choice (subject to LM’s
Adamant Resolve In addition, whenever making a Lore test
When making a Corruption or Valour test, involving languages, writing (magical or
add your Awe skill rank otherwise), or runes, you may roll the Feat
die twice and take the better result.
Master Negotiator
Once per game session can reroll the Feat die -Slayer-
for a social skill (Courtesy, Persuade etc.)
Dual Wielding
and choose the better result.
You wield two, one-handed weapons with
Magnanimous lethal grace and potent skill. This is limited
Requisite: Master Negotiator to dagger, short sword, sword, and axe. The
At the beginning of an Encounter you can encumbrance value of both weapons must
make a Persuade test to endear yourself to be calculated for determination of Fatigue (in
the other party to improve their reactions to this case, paired daggers have an
you. The TN depends on the other side's Encumbrance of 1).
initial reaction: TN 12 (Co-operative), TN 14
One weapon is designated the primary, the
(Indifferent), TN 16 (Unco-operative), TN 18
other is known as the secondary. The bonus
of dual wielding depends on the player-
-Scholar - hero's current Stance:
Forward: Lower Edge of the primary weapon
Darker Secrets by one.
Add your current Shadow score to all Lore Open: Increase Injury TN of the primary
and Riddle rolls. weapon by two.
Defensive: Add a parry value equal to the
Learned Insight Encumbrance of your secondary weapon (not
Add one to the player-hero's Standing for paired total, just a single weapon, so daggers
appropriate intervention determination. In have +0 while swords add +2 parry).
addition, for a point of Hope, add favoured
Wits to an Encounter Interaction task or test. Otherwise, in all cases only a single attack
roll is ever made with the primary weapon
and no more than a single target can be
attacked per turn.
When in a library, or other location of
exceptional learning, you may upgrade the Foe
quality of a successful Lore roll by one level. Add your weapon's Encumbrance rating to
In addition, you may comprehend and the Endurance damage caused on a
communicate in languages in a manner successful hit against your specified enemy
similar to a trader; you know a smattering of (via Enemy-Lore).
many tongues, enough to relate basic
Know Thy Enemy lets you re-roll one die, either Feat or
Roll one additional Success die when rolling Success, on the treasure rolls. Any single die
Battle to determine combat advantage can only be re-rolled once.
against your specified enemy (via Enemy-
Lore). -Wanderer-

Hard March
Ferocious You are accustomed to journeying through
The fury of your attacks can strike fear into hard lands and can travel through them as
the hearts of your enemies. When you swiftly as ordinary men cross unbroken
immediately follow a Great or Extraordinary ground. When you are on a journey, you and
success on an attack roll with an Intimidate your fellow travellers roll the Feat die twice
Foe combat task on the following turn, roll and choose the best result on all your Fatigue
extra Success Dice on the Intimidate Foe. Roll tests.
one extra die if you got a Great Success on
Versatile Traveller
your attack, and two extra dice for an
Add your Wisdom to your travel duty rolls
Extraordinary Success, up to a maximum of
(Huntsman, Guide, Look-Out Man, or Scout).

-Treasure Hunter- Add your Wisdom to all Lore rolls when
planning ahead for journeys.
Acute Appraisal
When increasing Standing, your Wealth cost Many Friends
is reduced by your Wits and any permanent In your travels you have met many strange
Shadow. Furthermore, when maintaining and curious folk. When encountering Free
higher standards of living, your Wealth Folk while on a Journey, you may make a
expenditure counts for two months at a time Riddle or Courtesy test. On a Success you
instead of one. recognize a name and recall something
you've heard about the strangers, or vice
Sly Fingers versa. On a Great Success you also have a
When picking locks (Craft) or pockets mutual acquaintance. And on an
(Stealth) you add your current Shadow to Extraordinary Success you've actually met. If
your rolls. any Success is made with an Eye of Sauron
the knowledge or acquaintance is negative.
Personal Stash
When determining Fatigue, you may ignore If engaged in a formal Encounter, Tolerance
one point of Treasure per current Shadow is increased by the number of successes. If
point. an Eye of Sauron was rolled, Tolerance is
instead reduced by the same number
Expert Appraiser
Prior to making any Magical Treasure rolls -Warden-
(according to the optional rules in the
Rivendell supplement) you may make a
You are one of the chief protectors and
preliminary Lore or Craft test. Each success
warriors of your people, charged with
defending your lands and brethren against roll one success die twice, keeping the better
the attacks of enemies. When you fight to result.
protect your people or lands you receive a +1
to the total of all attacks and +1 to parry STAFF OF THE MAGUS by Robin
Smallburrow (Dwimmer-crafter only)
When fighting to protect your folk, use your As part of your training to become a
favoured Wits to determine parry. Dwimmer-crafter you learn to craft your own
staff (or other personal weapon) as an aid to
Light-bearer casting spells. Note that the staff itself is not
If in their company during a Fellowship magical (so is just an ordinary staff to others)
phase, add your Wisdom to your but for you it is an aid to focusing, giving you
companion's rolls to cure corruption.
a bonus of 2 to the Fatigue test when spell
casting. This Reward can be chosen again for
a bonus of 4 to the Fatigue test.
If you successfully protect a companion
while in a defensive combat stance and your
protected companion suffers no significant
damage throughout the same combat, one ~Horn of Valour – A Reward for Wardens
point of Hope is restored at the conflict's by docbadwolf~
Heartens allies. Used with a Song or Inspire
Stalwart Presence roll during Battle.
When making a Corruption test due to a Increase Endurance gained by one per success
Blighted Area, on a Great Success you may step.
let a companion pass their test, and on an
Additionally, allies (and the blower) get an
Extraordinary Success you may do so for two
increase to damage on the next round of
combat on a Great or Extraordinary Success.

~Silvermoon Horn by Lara Redleaf~

The following is a Valour Reward that
becomes available to any character that
completes the Fellowship Phase Undertaking
MAPS AS REWARDS by docbadwolf.
Running With the Pack:
Available only after completing a quest for
someone in the region for which the map is For their most loyal of allies the Arferyth give
made. an item forged by Elven-smiths for Men in
ages long lost. It is a silver horn whose sound
Each time the company's Scout makes an is that of a great wolf's howl. When blown, it
Explore check in that region, or a single party can be heard by any wolf-kin for miles,
member makes a Hunting check, they may striking fear into the hearts of Wargs and
calling the noble wolves to aid those deemed
worthy. This horn, forged of pure silver and ~New Cultural rewards~
bound with delicate strands that shine with
faint starlight, is capable of calling upon the
old bonds between Men and Wolves of ancient
days. Using this horn with an Intimidate Foe CULTURAL REWARDS – DUNEDAIN OF
action grants one additional quality of success ARNOR by Kelly Pedersen
by one level (so an ordinary success becomes
a great success, for example).
Lord Elrond of Rivendell has made sure that
Alternately, against Wargs or Warg-riders, the wisdom is not neglected among the heirs of
character may choose instead to apply the loss Elendil the Fair, but a valiant man is given
of Hate from a successful action to every foe of great praise and reward by his peers in the
those types. North Kingdom, as theirs is a world at war.

Once per Adventuring Phase, a character may

~Heirloom of Fallen Númenor~
use the power of bond and Elf-magic of old to
(As per the "Heirloom of Lost Arnor" Rangers
summon a pack of Arferyth to aid them in
of the North Cultural Reward)
battle. She/he may take an action to wind the
horn and can only perform this action in the
wilderness. Within a number of rounds equal
to (8 - Valour) a pack of noble wolves appear
~Steel Bow of Númenor (Great Bow)~
to aid the company. Two wolves appear for
For many long centuries, the “Men of the
each enemy the company currently faces, or
Sea” sent cohorts of archers to deluge their
for each point of Valour possessed by the
enemies under a rain of steel. Some lineages
summoning hero (whichever is lower). The
wolves aid the company in battle and then of Dúnedain have preserved the great hollow
quickly depart. steel bows that the Númenoreans bore, and
the great arrows can sometimes be found in
These wolves have the following stats: ancient armouries and treasuries. You have
Attribute Level: 4 been entrusted with one of these great bows,
Endurance: 14 • Hate: 2
and can acquire the arrows from time to
Parry: 6 • Armor: 2d
Skills: Personality
1, Movement 3, Perception 3, Survival 3,
Custom 0, Vocation 0 When you get a Rune of Gandalf on the Feat
Weapon Skills: Bite 2 dice using the Steel Bow of Númenor, the
Special Abilities: Seize Victim, Strike Fear (vs.
target rolls one Success die less on his
Wargs/Orc Wolf-Riders only)
Protection test.

Summoning the Silver Pack this way uses up

In addition, this virtue gives the same arrows
the magic imbued in the horn. It may not
provide its bonus again until the owner as the "Númenorean Arrows" Rangers of the
spends another full Fellowship Phase with North Cultural Reward.)
the Arferyth as described in the Undertaking.
~Númenorean Steelbow Version 2 by masks resisted flame and warded off the
MattG~ gaze of the dragons that the Enemy sent into
When making a ranged attack using a the field.
Steelbow on a Great or Extraordinary success
you automatically inflict a Piercing Blow and Add two extra dice of Protection when rolling
add your Valour or +4 to the damage
to resist the effects of flame.
inflicted, whichever is greater.
In addition, if a dragon uses a special ability
This weapon can be paired with
on you that requires spending Hate to
Númenorean Arrows.
activate it must spend one additional point
If a Númenorean Arrow was used while of Hate beyond the normal cost.
making a Piercing Blow attack with the
Steelbow, then in addition all enemies with ~Knife of Azaghal (Dagger)~
Attribute Level 7 or less automatically lose 1 Glaurung the Golden, father of all dragons,
Hate Point, as this devastating weapon struck down Azaghal, Lord of Belegost, in the
inflicts fear in their hearts.
Fifth Battle of the wars of Beleriand. But even
as the worm crawled over him, with his last
stroke the lord drove a knife into his belly,
~Shield Of The Star (great shield)~ and Glaurung fled the field. In his memory
The soldiers of the Dúnedain bear great the Broadbeams still make cunning knives
shields emblazoned with the Star of the that can slip through a creature's armour
North, the emblem of the North Kingdom. and deliver a cruel stroke.

When you are using a Shield of the Star, your When you get a Gandalf Rune on the Feat die
Parry bonus gets an additional +1. using a Knife of Azaghal the target rolls two
In addition, once per combat, you may Success dice less on his Protection test.
attempt the Intimidate Foe combat task in
addition to your attack roll (instead of
forfeiting your action for the turn).
~Kheled-uzn Coat (Leather Corslet)~
Galvorn was the name of a new metal
devised by the Dark Elf Eol, as hard as
dwarven steel, but so malleable that it could
be made thin and supple, yet still resistant to
all blades and darts. The Elves never learned
its secrets for Eol was an outlaw among
~Mask of Gabilgathol (Helm)~
them, but he was in great friendship with the
In the First Age, the Dwarves of Gabilgathol,
Dwarves, and they preserved the techniques
the mansion remembered as Belegost in the
of making it. They call it kheled-uzn (‘’mirror-
Elven tongue, wore great and hideous masks
shadow’), and make of it a thin coat that is
into battle. They won renown during the Fifth
marvellously light.
Battle of the wars of Beleriand thus, for the
This armour has only an Encumbrance In addition, whenever the Dwarf is in what
rating of 2 (which can be further reduced to 0 the LM considers to be a rocky environment,
by the Cunning Make Quality), and it is so the Dwarf's Stealth TN’s are lowered by 2.
light that it can be worn under clothes, so
that you appear unarmoured unless
~Relic of Better Times~
someone touches you.
A relic of better times can be any of the
Cultural Rewards available to the Dwarves of
the Lonely Mountains or the Dwarves of the
Blue Mountains, an artefact that ended up in
DUNLAND by Kelly Pedersen
the Hollow-Hold and neglected to travel on.

~Walking-Axe (Great Axe)~

The craft of the Dwarves of Dunland
exemplifies itself through eschewing beauty CULTURAL REWARDS – DWARVES OF
for practicality. What few Dwarves KHAZAD-DUM
encountered the peculiar axes of the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm can choose from the
Dunlendish Dwarves both marvelled and Axe of the Azanulbizar, Dwarf-Wrought
were slightly disgusted by the stout, Hauberk or Helm of Awe Cultural Rewards
unwieldy-looking weapons. The Dwarves of of the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain.
Dunland's Walking-Axes are great, sturdy
axes that double as sturdy walking sticks.
The bottom of the shaft is coated in iron and
greatly alleviates the rigours of extended

A Walking-Axe shares the stats of a Great-Axe ~Blade of the Old Kingdom (short sword,
but only has an Encumbrance rating of 2. sword or long sword).~
Forged by the dwarves of the Mountain
~Grey Cloaks~ before the coming of the dragon. These finely
crafted weapons are heirlooms of the folk
Cruel Men may jest that the weathered
who fled before the wrath of Smaug. They
Dwarves of the Hollow-Hold already
still bite as deeply as the day they were
resemble boulders. Ironically, they do not
realize how true their jibes are. Some
Dwarves of Dunland wear thick, rough spun When you get a G rune on the feat die using
grey cloaks that blend uncannily well into a Blade of the Old Kingdom, inflict extra
their rocky environs. damage equal to your Damage rating
(regardless of the level of success).
When wearing a Grey Cloak a Dwarf of
Dunland's Stealth skill is considered to be
one rank higher. This bonus disappears as
soon as the Cloak is taken off.
LINDON The First-Born put their love of learning and
their love of the world into everything they
~Laiquendi Mask (cap of iron and wrought. While this staff first appears to be
leather)~ nothing more than a common and unrefined
The Green-elves have lived in Lindon for piece of wood, a dedicated user will learn that
three Ages of the world, and they know its it is capable of many things.
woods and groves well, and how to hide
within them. These soft masks are dappled Firstly, it functions as a capable, if not deadly,
weapon. When this Reward is taken you may
with the colours of the forests, and help the
convert any one Weapon Skill into the
elves hide until it is time to strike.
Quarterstaff skill. The weapon uses the
following values:
When you make a roll using Stealth, you
Damage 4 /Edge G / Injury 14 / Enc. 1/Disarm
may roll the Feat die three times, and keep [Note: Two-handed. A piercing blow with this
the best result. weapon produces a knock-back effect instead]

~Woodland Bow (bow)~ Additionally, it has two other special benefits:

(As per the Elves of Mirkwood Cultural Whenever their wielder is fighting in a close-
combat stance in an open area (i.e. not
indoors or underground), he may raise his
Parry score by 1. Secondly, you gain the
~Silver Harp (harp)~
Support ability:
Among the Lindar are many elves who still
maintain the skilled craftsmanship of the Support: The wisdom of the First Born is
High Elves of the West, and everything they entwined within this staff. When you first
produce is laden with some of their receive it, you may automatically gain a
enchantment. This small silver harp can be bonus (roll two Feat Dice and take the best) to
carried lightly in the crook of an arm while one of Awe, Awareness, Explore or Lore.
Spending one Experience Point and an
walking or riding, and keeps itself in perfect
Undertaking allows you to add another.
Harass Enemy: For the cost of one Experience
Point and an Undertaking, you learn how to
When using the harp to accompany yourself
use your staff with lightning quickness. Each
you automatically succeed on Song rolls if round, you may designate one adversary you
you roll a Gandalf Rune or an Eye of Sauron are engaged with... this adversary counts as
roll on the Feat die. Weary without further action on your part.
Protect Companions: For the cost of one
Experience Point and an Undertaking, you can
CULTURAL REWARDS –ELVES OF become a master of using the length of your
RIVENDELL weapon to clear a wide area. If you have this
ability, you always count as two people
~Staff of the Eldar by Zedturtle~ engaged in Close Combat for determining the
“...leaning on a thick rough-cut staff as he trudged number of heroes that may elect a Rearward
along...” Stance.
~Elven Steed~ roll when defending against a Piercing Blow.
An elven steed can do an extra 10 miles/day This is in addition to the normal increase to
compared to normal horses. They have been Parry the shield provides.
bred for speed, intelligence, strength and
power that is unheard of in other horses. They
can understand their masters' commands in ~Banner of Dol Amroth~
Elvish, and will bear no riders save their In the eyes of a Man of Dol Amroth, there are
masters and those their masters tell them to few more beautiful sights than the symbol of
carry. the Silver Swan flying high up in the breeze.
Many of the other Free Peoples of Middle
Earth cannot help but agree. You have been
given one of these banners, to use when and
CULTURAL REWARDS – MEN OF BREE by as you will. When you unfurl it, you and your
Hermes Serpent allies will find new strength of body and heart.

~Spear of Ash (spear)~

In battle, you may unfurl your Banner. From
A Spear of Ash is a stout hafted weapon with a
that point forward, if you are fighting in an
metal tang that extends down the shaft below
Open stance, you may take the Rally
the head and includes two 'wings' sticking out
Comrades combat task in addition to your
at right angles to the shaft. This feature stops
attack roll. But from that point on, all your
the spear from being stuck in a victim and
opponents gain Hatred: Dol Amroth ability,
allows it to 'hook' the opponents shield out of
and will attack you when given the
the way.
During an Encounter, the banner of Dol
When making a melee attack using a Spear of
Amroth automatically provides one bonus
Ash ignore any Parry rating bonus your target
advantage success die.
has that is due to them carrying a shield.

Full Swan Helm (helm)

These helms were originally made only for the
Prince's elite personal guard. A few, however,
CULTURAL REWARDS – MEN OF DOL have passed into the collections of the super
AMROTH wealthy or very worthy. It fully covers the face
for a great deal of protection, and beautiful
~Kite Shield (Great Shield)~ swan wings extend across the sides. It is an
The Men of Dol Amroth, and especially the incredible thing to look upon.
Knights, have always favoured large kite
shaped shields, often emblazoned with a This helm automatically has 1 Close-
Silver Swan or a White Ship on blue. These fitting Quality attached to it.
types of shields offer some passive protection
Additionally, when you roll for Awe add your
as well as increasing avoidance.
Valour to the skill roll result or +3, whichever
is higher.
So long as you keep this Kite Shield equipped,
your Armour rating is considered to be 1 point
higher, giving you an additional success die to
CULTURAL REWARDS –ORCS OF MISTY dead bodies of their fallen opponents. When
MOUNTAINS by Michebugio they find something of particularly good
Orcs make no beautiful things, but many quality, or that they deem otherwise useful,
clever ones including machines, tools, they keep it and carry it with them both as a
weapons, and instruments of torture, they are trophy and as an instrument of battle.
delighted by wheels, engines, and explosions, When you take this Reward choose one
and can tunnel and mine as well as any but Cultural Reward from the lists of Bardings,
the most skilled dwarves. They can make very Men of the Lake, Beornings, Dwarves of the
well hammers, axes, swords, daggers, Lonely Mountain or Hobbits of the Shire. Once
pickaxes and tongs, or get other people to chosen, it cannot be changed. From now on,
make to their design. you can use that Reward as if it was an Orc
Cultural Reward.
~Orc-poison (special)~ This benefit comes with a price, however. You
You learned how to make orc poison that you automatically gain the Flaw Thieving (see
can use to coat the blades of your weapons. p.228) if you didn’t already have it.
Additionally, any member of the Culture you
When you are attacking an enemy with a bow “stole” your Reward from will double his
of horn, a spear, a broad-headed spear or a efforts trying to retrieve what you have
broad-headed sword, if you roll a Great or unjustly taken, and is treated as having the
Extraordinary Success you may choose not to Quality Hatred (Orcs of the Misty
apply your Damage rating and poison your Mountains) when fighting against you.
enemy instead.

A poisoned opponent becomes partially blind

after a number of rounds equal to CULTURAL REWARDS – RANGERS OF
his Attribute level, after which he suffers a ITHILIEN
modifier of +6 to the TN of all actions for the
remainder of the combat. ~Ranger's Longbow ~
(as per the Dalish Longbow available to
~Spear of Boldog (spear or broad-headed
~Well-worked Leather ~
These iron spears are made after the one that
(as per the Feathered Armour Reward of
the Great Orc Boldog used to fight Thingol in
Woodmen but only leather, not mail)
the First Age, and are designed to allow the
wielder to take full advantage of his arm
~Staff of Lebethron~
They are made of the fair tree lebethron,
When using a Spear of Boldog, your melee
beloved of the woodwrights of Gondor, and a
Damage bonus is based on your favoured
virtue has been set upon them of finding and
Body score.

~Spoils of War (special)~ A bearer of this staff may roll the Feat die
A malicious habit of the Orcs is that of looting
twice and take the best result for
and stealing weapons and armours from the
any Explore or Search rolls.
Blueberry Ale
~gear~ Bold Stout
Personal gear Shire Spice Ale
Strawberry Stout
LIST OF PIPEWEED NAMES by throrsgold Ultimate Honeybrew
Dragon's Breath Winterberry Ale
Eagle's Nest
Fungo's Fuzzy-leaf General Spirits (All Heroic Races)
Gamwich Braid Ale
Gold-fire Beer
Hornblower Hard Cider
Lengalenas Mead
Longbottom Leaf Red Wine (W)
Muddy Foot White Wine (W)
Old Toby Dwarven Spirits
Roper's Twist
Beakbreaker Ale
Rushlight Bombur's Beard Lager
Shire Sweet-leaf Dragon's Breath Ale
Southern Star Elven Spirits
Southlinch Dorwinion Red (W)
Stonecrop Leaf Dorwinion White (W)
Summer Green-weed Limael's Vintage (W)
Sweet Galenas Hobbit Spirits
Sweet Lobelia 1404 Vintage Reserve (W)
Tighfield Choice Blagrove's Brown
Wizard's Fire Brandywine (W)
Green Dragon's Breath Ale
Old Winyards (W)
Old Withywindle
(W means a wine)
Thistleberry Brew
Black Tea Toad's Tongue Ale
Green Tea Whitebranch (W)
Westfold Bold Coffee Wooly-foot Stout
Westfold Medium Coffee Mannish Spirits
Westfold Mild Coffee Barliman's Best
White Tea Forsaken Ale
Forsaken Cider
Crafted Spirits Isenwine (W)
These are any types of spirits that may be Blind Troll Stout
crafted by characters. Moor-boar Beer
Apprentice's Ale Stars of Old Cider
Blackberry Ale Swill
Blue Bock Questing Reward Spirit - Bullroarer's Brew
~War-gear~ Thus a Small Bow is Damage 3/Edge
10/Injury 12 / Enc 1.
WEAPON RESTRICTIONS & CHANGES TO A Hobbit Short Sword results are very similar
WEAPONS & ARMOUR by Bocephas to a human-sized dagger: Dmg 3 / Edge 10 /
Injury 12 / Enc 1
Dwarves - Allowed to use clubs, staffs, I think that, due to the proportions, the
daggers, short swords, swords, hatchets, axes, Encumbrance should be the same: a hobbit
dwarven axes (a dwarven version of long- sized weapon is as cumbersome to a hobbit as
hafted axe), mattocks (which could be skinned a human sized one is to a human.
as a dwarven 2-handed axe), spears, small Alternatively, you could give hobbits some
bows, bows. other options for combat.
[Note: Great Axe has been removed as this should
be too big for them to use, as for the other ‘Great’
Armour List (see Table below)
Make the following changes to Armour List.
Note: Shields have been given +1 to Parry. All
Hobbits - Allowed to use clubs, staffs, daggers,
Armours have had Enc reduced to 3 pts/1D of
short swords, hatchets, axes (2h only), spears
(2h only) and small bows.
Damage Reduction (DR) and Travel Load
[Note: bows have been replaced with a new
(Travel) have been added as new columns.
category Small bows, see below].

Changes to Bows
See the Weapon table below for the changes.
Basically, all Hobbit sized weapons (i.e. all
weapons a hobbit uses) have a -2 to Damage
and Injury.



Leather Shirt 3 1D 0 0 Leather

Leather Corslet 6 2D 0 0 Leather (includes arming

garments worn under mail)

Mail Shirt 9 3D 1 1 Mail armour

Coat of Mail 12 4D 2 2 Mail armour

Mail Hauberk 15 5D 3 3 Mail armour

Helm 4 +4 0 0 Headgear

Cap of Iron 1 +1 0 0 Headgear

Table 1: Revised Armour Table

Table 2: Revised Weapons List Table


Brawling 1 - - - Dagger -

Improvised 2 - - - Dagger Can be thrown


Club 3 G 12 1 Dagger Wound counts as Knock-back


Staff 5 G 14 2 Dagger 2H weapon. Wound counts as

Knock-back instead

Dagger 3 G 12 0 Dagger Can be thrown

Hatchet 4 G 14 1 Axes Can be thrown

Axe 5 G 18 2 Axes -

Long-h Axe 5/7 G 18/20 3 Axes -

/Dwarven Axe

Great Axe 9 G 20 4 Axes 2H weapon

Mattock 8 10 18 3 Axes 2H weapon

Spear 5 9 14 2 Spears Can be thrown

Great Spear 8 9 16 3 Spears +1 parry due to reach

Short Sword 4 10 14 1 Swords -

Sword 5 10 16 2 Swords -

Long Sword 5/7 10 16/18 3 Swords

Small Bow* 4 10 12 1 Bows Requires 1 Defender

Bow* 5 10 14 2 Bows Requires 1 Defender

Great Bow* 7 10 16 3 Bows Requires 2 Defenders

*Arrows: All bows Enc rating includes 12 arrows. Add another 12 arrows for 1 Enc .
Table 3: Revised Shields Table

SHIELDS ENCUMBRANCE PARRY Optional rule: An archer or spearman can

shoot ‘every other’ Range/Distance.
Buckler 1 +2
For example, a Great Bow can be shot at
Shield 3 +3 Long Distance with a +4TN, and then again
Great Shield 5 +4
at Short Distance and also at Melee
Distance, both without penalty.

Table 4: Revised Weapon Ranges (in yards) Examples:

(Our Fellowship has a Hobbit with a Bow
Weapon Short Medium Long
and a Woodman with a Great Bow).
Range Range Range

Thrown 5 10 20 1) They encounter a group of Attercops

Spear in the forest. The LM says they've seen each
other at Medium Distance (at least 30 yards)
Short Bow 10 20 30
and allows two opening volleys.
Bow 15 25 35 Knowing that the Attercops don't have
missile attacks, the Hobbits decides to fire
Great Bow 20 30 40 his two shots at Close and Melee Distance,
without penalties. The Woodman decides to
do the same with his Great Bow.

OPTIONAL RANGE RULES by Falenthal 2) They encounter a group of Goblin

I think Opening Volleys could be divided in Archers in the open valleys of the Anduin,
six moments or phases: Long Distance, who ready their Horn Bows (ranges as Bow).
Medium Distance, Short Distance, Close The Woodman decides to try to reduce their
Distance, Melee Distance (temporary strength before the Goblins have a chance to
names). They should not be confused with shoot, the LM rules that this is at Long Range
Long Range, Medium Range, Short Range for his Great Bow and that there can be two
from the weapons. Opening Volleys (three for the Great Bow).
He fires at Long Distance with a +4TN before
Table 5: Revised Range Table (in Yards): anyone else has a chance to shoot.
The Goblin Archers (with just 2 ranks) will
Weapon Long Med Short Close Mel
wait until they don't have any penalty to
+4TN +2TN -2 TN
shoot (Close Distance).
Great 40 + 30 + 20+ 10+ LM’s
The Woodman decides to use his second shot
Bow Body Body Body Body vote
at Short Range(just before Close Range)
Bow 30 + 20+ 10+ 5+ LM’s without any penalty.
Body Body Body Body vote The Hobbit can risk shooting at Long Range
Spear 20+ 10+ 5+ 5+ No for his Bow (+4TN), and again at Short
Body Body Body Body pen. Distance (+2TN), trying to weaken or kill
some Goblins before it's their turn to attack. Injury: 16
Encumbrance: 3
With these rules, the -3TN of a Bow of the Notes: Two-handed weapon. A called shot results in
North Downs, or the possibility of adding Disarm. Cannot be used by Hobbits or Dwarves.
Attribute bonuses to the attack roll (such as
with Deadly Archery), or the "fly up to twice
its normal range" of Stinging Arrow, become AXES
more important.

~New weapons~

Greatsword or Two-Handed Sword. Pickaxe

The true two-handed sword is a relatively Damage: 4/6
rare weapon developed in Gondor to hack Edge: 10
through the strongest armour and the Injury: 16/18
thickest troll-hide (Isildur carried a great Encumbrance: 2
sword at the Disaster of the Gladden Fields). Called Shot: Break Shield
Because of its great length (up to 180 cm), Also learnable as part of the Hammers group
Dwarves and Hobbits are incapable of (see below)
wielding such a blade. Elves may use it but
they prefer more graceful weapons.

A two-handed sword cannot be used by a

mounted rider and is generally carried slung
across the back or shoulders, or hung from the
saddle of a mount, as it is too long to wear at
the hip. Wielders often use a specialized
scabbard or holster that allows the weapon to
be easily drawn from behind the back.
Damage: 9 Pick
Edge: 10 Damage: 4
Injury: 18 Edge: 10
Encumbrance: 4 Injury: 16
Called Shot: Disarm Encumbrance: 1
Notes: Two-handed weapon. Not usable by Dwarves Called Shot: Break Shield
or Hobbits (or small Orcs). Also learnable as part of the Hammers Group
(see below)

Greatsword Version 2
Damage: 10
Edge: 10
BOWS A long-hafted hammer, used to smash big
rocks when opening tunnels... and crush
Númenórean steel bow (Great Bow) metal armoured orcs to a pulp.
Damage: 9 Damage: 5
Edge: 9 Edge: 10
Injury: 18 Injury: 16
Encumbrance: 3 Encumbrance: 2
Notes: Only available to Rangers of the North Called Shot: Break Shield


Damage: 7
Edge: G-rune (axehead) or 9 (spearhead)
Injury: 20 (axehead) or 16 (spearhead)
Encumbrance: 4
War Hammer Version 2
Called Shot: Break shield (axehead) or Pierce
Damage: 6/7
Edge: 9 (2h)/10
Notes: Two-handed weapon. This weapon is
Injury: 16/18
also learnable with Axes group.
Encumbrance: 3
Reduced Spear Encumbrance Called Shot: Smash Shield
Reducing Spear encumbrance from 2 to 1.
Encumbrance is one of the few "hard" rules in Maul
TOR, and since the Bow is enc 1 and with Damage: 9
infinite ammo, the encumbering, one-shot Edge: 10
Spear isn't an alluring choice as ranged Injury: 18
weapons go. I think the Spear is a rather iconic Encumbrance: 4
weapon for the Wilderlands and needs some Called Shot: Break Shield
more love. The Spear is less encumbering Notes: Two-handed weapon
because it doubles as a walking stick.
Edge: 10
Injury: 14
Encumbrance: 2
Called Shot: Break Shield

Mace Version 2 *Any wound is replaced with Knockdown
Damage: 6
Edge: G
Injury: 16
Staff Version 4
Damage: 3
Encumbrance: 2
Edge: G
Notes: Designed to damage a heavily
armoured opponent and also cheaper.
Notes: 2-handed, part of ‘Dagger’ group.
+1 to Parry
OTHER WEAPONS If a Wound is inflicted, instead the enemy is
knocked back (loses his action next turn)
A Called Shot results in Disarm.
Damage: 7
Edge: 10
Injury: 14
Encumbrance: 3 Staff Version 5
Called Shot: Disarm Defensive grip:
Notes: 2h weapon, part of the Dagger group Damage: 4
Staff Version 2 Edge: G
Damage: 6 Injury: 14 (+1 Parry)
Edge: 10 Offensive grip:
Injury: 14 Damage: 6
Encumbrance: 0 Edge: G
Notes: 2H, part of the 'Dagger' group Injury: 16

Staff Version 2
Damage: 5
Edge: 10 Sling
Injury: 14 Slings have largely fallen out of favour since
Encumbrance: 0 the coming of the Númenóreans; however,
Notes: 2H, usable by Hobbits, part of the there are still Men of Eriador who use them
'Dagger' group for hunting and self-defence. Slingers in
Eriador will likely be using sling-stones
rather than lead or iron bullets. In addition,
Staff Version 3 virtually anything that can be thrown by
Damage: 4 (+1 to Parry) hand can be placed in a sling and flung for a
Edge: 10 greater distance.
Injury: 14* Damage: 3
Encumbrance: 0 Edge: 10
Called Shot: Disarm* Injury: 12
Notes: 2H, usable by Hobbits, part of the Encumbrance: 0
'Dagger' group Called Shot: None
Notes: Usable by Hobbits, part of the Dagger Edge: G
group Injury: 12
Encumbrance: 1
Sling Version 2 Notes: this is your basic ‘club’ weapon, no
Damage: 5 cost to make.
Edge: G
Injury: 14 Easterling Weapons by Halbarad
Called Shot: Piercing blow regardless of the Sabre - use regular sword
outcome of the Feat die. Nomad Bow - use regular bow
Notes: Ranged weapon (ranges as per Bow). Lasso - no damage, edge or injury. Special
Encumbrance rating is 0. Called Shot: Ensnare (as per the Shadow
ability Seize Victim).

Damage: 3

Weapon Damage Edge Injury Encumbrance Notes

Jagged 3 Eye 14 0 -

Bow of 4 10 12 1 Ranged weapon


Bent 4 10 12 1 Called shot: Disarm


Spear 4 9 12 2 Called shot: Piercing.

Broad- 5 10 14 2 Called shot: Piercing.


Broad- 5 9 12 2 Can only be thrown with Horrible

headed Strength

Orc-axe 5 Eye 16 2 Called shot: Break shield.

Heavy 7 10 16 3 Called shot: Break shield


Table 6: Weapons of the Orcs of the Misty Mtns by Michebugio

quality & condition optional rules
Heroes care about the quality and condition
by elfcrusher of their gear because it has a direct effect on
their fighting ability.
Weapons and armour are tools, and even the
best tools eventually break, are lost, or Condition determines the number of success
simply wear out from use. dice that can be used, either for attack rolls
War gear now have two additional ratings: in the case of weapons and protection rolls
Quality and Condition. in the case of armour.

Quality is a fixed value from 1 to 6 and is a For example, if a hero has weapon skill of 4
measure of both the materials used in the but the Condition of his weapon is only 3, he
weapon and the skill with which it was can only roll 3 Success dice when attacking.
crafted: A broken item, therefore, allows no Success
Junk: this weapon is crudely made, and dice to be rolled.
shows no signs of craft. The Quality of an item, regardless of its
Inferior: perhaps made by an apprentice, or current Condition, determines how likely it is
mass-produced for new recruits. to lose Condition points during use (in
Normal: perfectly serviceable weapon made addition to affecting the TN for repairing it.)
from decent materials.
Fine: a skilled smith took time and care When an item risks damage a Gear Test is
crafting this weapon. rolled, this is done with a Feat die and a
Exceptional: a king would commission such number of Success dice equal to the Quality
a weapon for his personal use. of the item. This should be done whenever a
Masterwork. This weapon represents the failure with an Eye is rolled (for attacks with
lifetime achievement of a master smith. weapons, or Protection rolls with armour) a
A weapon or armour cannot have a Gear Test should be made. The TN is equal to
Condition higher than its Quality rating. 10 plus the attribute level of the relevant
Thus, for example, a Junk weapon can never adversary.
have Condition greater than 1.
If the Condition rating reaches zero, the item
- On a normal failure the item loses a point
is considered Broken. Through the use of
of Condition.
appropriate Craft skill (either by a hero or by
- On a failure with an Eye the item is Broken
an NPC) gear can be repaired. The TN for
(Condition becomes 0).
repairing a damaged item depends on
- On a Gandalf, if the adversary is wielding a
whether it is Broken (Condition of 0) or
weapon and that weapon has a Quality
merely damaged (Condition 1 or more).
lower than the hero’s weapon or armour (as
applicable), the adversary’s weapon breaks.
Gear Repair TNs (Condition = TN)
Remember that the number of Success dice is
Broken (0) = 20 + ( Quality x 2 )
equal to Quality, regardless of current
Damaged (1+) = 10 + ( Quality x 2 )
So a Fine sword that has a Condition of 2
Under most circumstances adversaries don’t
would require a Craft roll of 18 to restore it
make Gear Tests, unless the LM chooses
to Condition 4 ( Fine sword means Quality is
4, so TN = 10 + (4x2) = 18.

The Loremaster may invoke a Critical Wound

CRITICAL WOUNDS by Rich H suffered by the character if it would have a
negative effect on the situation at hand. In
Critical Wounds occur when a player-hero is other words, it must be reasonably plausible
wounded, resulting in them suffering some that the character would have fared better if
kind of debilitating injury determined by the he didn’t possess the negative feature
weapon which caused the injury. Within the detailed by the wound. The Loremaster may
rules this is represented by the character invoke a Critical Wound to apply a Feat Re-
acquiring a temporary wounded trait, the roll. Usually, the Loremaster cannot apply
nature of which is dependent on the weapon the effects of the Critical Wound more than
dealing the injury. A summary of the once during the same scene.
Wounded traits and their associated
weapons and Weapon Groups follows: Feat Re-roll
If the Loremaster rules that a Critical Wound
• Simple Weapons, Staffs, Nets and Torches, is affecting the performance of a hero, the
etc: usually do not result in Critical Wounds acting player must roll the Feat die twice,
unless the weapon description describes and keep the lowest result.
Failure aggravation
• Thrown, Slings, Bows, and Spears: use the If the Loremaster rules that a Critical Wound
Puncture Critical Wound trait is affecting the performance of a hero, and
the roll he attempted was a failure, the
• Hammers: use the Crush Critical Wound Loremaster may declare that the character
trait suffers Failure aggravation.

• Axes: use the Slash Critical Wound trait When such a thing happens, the wound re-
(on a roll of 1, 2, 3 on a Success Die) or the opens and it is considered as no longer
Crush Critical Wound trait (on a roll of 4, 5, treated (another Healing roll must be
6 on the Success Die) attempted to treat it again).

• Mattocks: use the Puncture Critical Wound The character loses a number of Endurance
trait (on a roll of 1, 2, 3 on a Success Die) or points equal to the result of one success dice.
the Crush Critical Wound trait (on a roll of 4,
5, 6 on the Success Die)

• Swords: use the Slash Critical Wound trait

NEW STATES OF HEALTH New rules on Exhaustion by
Wounded (Crush)
The character has suffered a grievous, EXHAUSTED
crushing blow, which may have resulted in When a character's Endurance drops to zero,
any one of a broken/fractured leg or arm, a the character doesn't pass out as per RAW.
staggering blow, concussion or any other Instead, he can spend a point of Hope to
similar wound. gain a new condition: he is considered
These injuries will affect a character's
An EXHAUSTED character's Parry drops to
weapon skills and mental capacity (i.e. Wits
zero; he also loses any shield bonus. In any
related Common Skills).
dice roll (including attack rolls) except
Protection tests, all scores of the Feat die
Wounded (Slash)
counts as zero except the six (Tengwar) still
Characters wounded in such circumstances counts as a six (and also counts as a Great or
may exhibit injuries ranging from nasty Extraordinary success, where it matters). The
slashes to vicious arterial cuts resulting in character can still spend Hope points with
significant blood loss. the usual effects.

These injuries will affect a character's

Any successful attack against an
weapon skills, vigour and physical well-
EXHAUSTED character is considered a
being (i.e. Body related Common Skills).
Piercing Blow that doesn't deal Endurance
damage but requires a Protection test.
Wounded (Puncture) If the character gets WOUNDED when he is
A Character suffering from such a critical EXHAUSTED, or if he was already
wound may manifest this as internal organ WOUNDED when his Endurance drops to
damage or bleeding, muscle damage, or a zero, then he drops and he is dying, as
deep penetrating wound. usual.

These injuries will affect a character's

A character who gets EXHAUSTED can
weapon skills and their energy and vitality
choose not to spend a Hope point and drop
(i.e. Heart related Common Skills).
helpless to the ground, as usual.
When a character recovers at least 1
Treated Wounds Endurance point, he is no longer
For treated wounds a character may spend a EXHAUSTED.
point of Hope to ignore the effects of their
Wound for a scene, battle, encounter, fatigue
roll etc.
recovery summary by ieuane 5. Unmark Weary after a Prolonged rest
when your Endurance is higher than your
Short Term Recovery Fatigue.

1. An Unwounded character that rests

6. Unmark Wound after a Prolonged
for at least ½ hour after a battle recovers his
rest that results in Endurance reaching its
Heart in Endurance.
maximum value.

2. The “Rally Comrades” Task recovers

7. After a Prolonged rest, Fatigue is re-
Endurance for characters damaged in that
calculated by your current gear, armour &
battle (p.179).
weapons. Fatigue is not changed even if you
remove them AFTER a Journey except a Helm
3. Removing a Helm reduces Fatigue by (by 3).
3 (not 6) to delay or undo a Weary status.

Long Term Recovery

1. Healing Tests may be made once per

character per day.

2. Healing TN is 14

3. A successful Healing test designates a

Wound as Treated and improves recovery
from 1 to 2 per day.

4. Endurance recovery occurs after a

Prolonged rest (a day at camp without travel,
a night’s sleep).

After the rest:

WOUNDED & UNTREATED = recover 1/day

WOUNDED & TREATED = recover 2/day

UNWOUNDED = recover 2 + HEART

services will increase the cost. Securing the
~treasure~ use of a pony or a month's stay at a modest
inn should add a +2 TN modifier, whilst a
Alternate Treasure Rules by horse or a stay at a fancy inn might be worth
Zedturtle a +4 TN modifier.

TREASURE Treasure Tests

Heroes begins their adventuring careers Whenever a character wishes to make a
outfitted with what their families and their significant purchase of a good or service, the
culture have been able to provide for them. Loremaster may call for a Treasure Test.
But in the wide world they may often need
The player rolls the Feat Die plus a number
items that must be purchased from
of Success dice equal to the character's
current Treasure rating and compares it to a
The purchasing power of a hero is given as a TN based on the character's Standard of
rating of Treasure and ranges from 1 to 6. All Living, modified if needed by the Item Cost. If
beginning heroes have a Treasure rating of successful, the hero has made the purchase
1. without any complications.

STANDARD OF LIVING If the test fails the hero has the option to
A hero's culture determines the type and kind instead succeed by reducing his Treasure
of Treasure that they carry and how easy it is rating by one point. For example, if a hero
to agree with strangers on a fair price for a has 3 Treasure and fails the test, he may
needed good or service. reduce his Treasure to 2 and succeed. If a
A Woodman may carry fine wood carvings hero fails with a Sauron result then the
and a few copper coins whilst a Dwarf might Treasure score must be reduced by two
have many silver coins and a nugget of gold points to succeed.
on his person.
Gaining Treasure
The following table gives a base value for On occasion heroes may either find a cache
each Standard of Living's Treasure tests (see of Treasure or a Hoard and thus have the
below): opportunity to increase their Treasure rating.
Poor (TN 20)
Frugal (TN 18) Divide the Treasure rating of the find by the
Martial (TN 16) number of heroes. If this number is equal to
Prosperous (TN 14) or above a hero's Treasure rating he may
Rich (TN 12) increase his Treasure rating by one.
Wealthy (TN 10)
If a hero cannot (or chooses not to) increase
Item Costs his Treasure rating, he instead gains one
It is up to the Loremaster to determine if the bonus Experience Point from the find
cost of the item will affect the Treasure test. instead.
Simple goods and basic services should not
add to the Treasure test (and might even Treasure and Encumbrance
reduce it) while more esoteric goods and Treasure affects a hero's Encumbrance as
explained in the main rulebook (no change A platinum ring set with a green gem, crafted
in the rules). in Belegost to fit a dwarven finger. Worth 20
Treasure points.
Treasure and Standing
At Year's End a hero that has a Standing of 1
A golden circlet set with a pair of blue
or higher must reduce his Treasure rating by
sapphires, one on either side of a mountain
one to maintain his current Standing. To
design, made in Nogrod, of sentimental
increase his Standing to the next higher level,
he must spend Treasure equal to that new value to the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains.
level instead. Worth 80 Treasure points.

For example, if a character has a Standing of 2. WONDROUS ARTEFACTS

3 he may pay 1 Treasure in order to remain (at least one 't' result)
at 3, or pay 4 Treasure to raise Standing to 4.
If he does raise up to Standing 4, the next Nimphelos
year he simply needs to pay 1 Treasure in This great, white pearl was found by the
order to maintain a Standing of 4. Falathrim off the Isle of Balar and given by
Círdan to Thingol. Thingol, in turn, gave it to
the Lord of the Dwarves of Belegost as part of
~examples of Magical Treasure the payment for the delving of Menegroth.
Indexes~ Nimphelos is a large pearl the size of a
dove's egg, with a sheen like starlight on sea-
foam. Those possessing the pearl had the
CAMPAIGN: THE BLUE MOUNTAINS by ability to see into the hearts of others to
Otaku-sempai discern their true intent (a Greater Blessing
to Insight).
Campaign Members:
Loremaster: A clear crystal ground into a lens by an Elven
craftsman of Beleriand. When the holder
1. PRECIOUS OBJECTS gazes through the lens at a track left by a
(no 't' results) creature, he sees the creature's trail glowing
softly for as long as the lens is being used (a
A gold brooch crafted in Belegost and set Blessing to Hunting).
with purple amethysts, is of sentimental
value to the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains. This war-horn from Khazad-dûm is crafted in
Worth 80 Treasure points. the likeness of a ram's horn. It strengthens
the courage of any allies who hear it (a
A single, large emerald crafted by a Noldo Blessing to Inspire).
Elf, possibly even Fëanor himself. It came
into the possession of the Dwarves of A ring of braided gold and silver crafted by a
Belegost from trade with Caranthir (fourth High Elf of Beleriand. The Sindarin
son of Fëanor). Worth 120 Treasure points. word mellon ('friend') is inscribed in Elven
script on the inside of the ring (a Blessing to Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Courtesy). Banes: Dragons
A filigreed silver circlet set with three violet 1. Flame of Hope
amethysts, crafted for a Dwarven physician. 2. Superior Fell
The circlet calms and clears the mind of the 3. Superior Keen
wearer (a Blessing to Healing). Notes: This great axe is thought to have been
crafted in Nogrod by Gamil Zirak the Old for the
This segmented belt of bronze was crafted by Lord of Belegost. King Azaghâl wielded it in battle
a Dwarf of Belegost and enhances the ability in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad in the First Age .
of its wearer to leap (a Greater Blessing to
Athletics). Companion:
Item: The Coat of Kings
Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Companion: Banes: n/a
Item: The War-helm of Azaghâl Qualities:
Type: Helm 1. Ancient Close Fitting
Craftsmanship: Dwarven 2. Ancient Cunning Make
Banes: n/a 3. Rune-scored Armour
Qualities: Notes: Chain armour crafted by the Dwarven-
1. Ancient Close Fitting smiths of Belegost for King Azaghâl. The Lord of
2. Ancient Cunning Make Belegost was wearing the hauberk when he was
3. Special (see below) mortally injured by the dragon Glaurung in the
Notes: This visored helmet was crafted by Telchar Battle of Unnumbered Tears.
of Nogrod after the Dwarf-king Azaghâl gifted the
Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin to the Noldo-prince Companion:
Maedhros. The helm was worn by King Azaghâl Item: Shield of Belegost
when he fought the dragon Glaurung in the Battle Type: Shield
of Unnumbered Tears. The helm presents the Craftsmanship: Dwarven
appearance of a hideous visage. Banes: n/a
Special: If you succeed on an Awe roll, your Qualities:
enemy loses 1 point of hate for a normal 1. Ancient Cunning Make
success, 2 points for a great success, 3 points 2. Superior Reinforced
for an extraordinary success, on a "G" the foe 3. -
loses a number of Hate points = 3 plus your Notes: This kite-shield from Belegost is embossed
Valour or Wisdom, whichever is lower. with the image of crossed mattocks over a single
Item: Axe of the King
Type: Great Axe
A MAGICAL TREASURE INDEX for Tales Easterling in T.A. 1248, and many Northmen
From Wilderland by Michebugio joined his army. When he sent his son Valacar as
an ambassador to the so-called King of
Rhovanion, Vigudavia, he also brought this
Loremaster: Michebugio dagger as a gift and a sign of gratitude for his
Campaign: Tales from the Wilderland military help. The blade was not only an
Campaign Members: Varbrand the Man of ornament, as it was wrought to protect the
the Lake, Aeranthor the Elf, Egil the northern and eastern frontiers of Gondor from
Woodman, Carl the Hobbit the Easterlings and the wild wolves once so
widespread in those lands.
Note: instead of making Magical Treasure rolls, The blade then passed down to Vinitharya, the
the players in my campaign found the following son of Valacar and Vidumavi (the king’s
objects without rolls needed: to use them, daughter) who became known as king Eldacar in
however, they had to invest 3 Experience points Gondor. The blade was lost in the ensuing Kin-
for Wondrous Artefacts with one blessing, or 6 strife, the civil war in T.A. 1447.
Experience points for Wondrous Artefacts with a
Greater Blessing or for Famous Weapons and
Don’t leave the path
I’ve organized the index sorting the items by
adventure, indicating the occasion(s) where they
After the fragment of the Wolfbiter Axe is
can be found. obtained from the hermit and taken to
Woodland Hall, a character who passes a
Lore check with a great or extraordinary
success can make an offer to the elders of the
The Marsh Bell
village: to bring the fragment to Rivendell
If the players manage to find and take the
and convince Damron, the Elven-smith, to re-
treasure of the Mewlips, treat it as a T* and
forge the axe.
they will also find a strange refined dagger.
Regardless of the craftsmanship of the
The blade is long and broad, almost
original weapon (the history of the ancient
resembling a short sword, and the making is
item is up to the Loremaster), the re-forged
crude and essential, but nonetheless elegant
Wolfbiter Axe will be of Elven craftsmanship,
and efficient. If the characters choose the Go
long and lean, light and sharp like no
See a Lore-master Undertaking during a
Woodman has ever kept in his hands.
Fellowship phase, the dagger will reveal
itself as the Protector of the East, a famous
Item: Wolfbiter
blade forged by the Men of Westernesse.
Companion: A Woodman (if no Woodmen
are present the fragment could not be
Item: Protector of the East.
obtained in the first place).
Companion: Ideally, a Barding or a Man of
Type: Long-hafted axe.
the Lake. If no Bardings or Men of the Lake
Craftsmanship: Elven (see above)
are present in the group, it can be assigned
Banes: Wolves.
to a Woodman or a Beorning.
Qualities: 1. Raging
Type: Dagger.
2. Cleaving
[A LM who feels particularly generous at this
3. Foe-slaying.
early stage can make it a Short sword or even a
Notes: at Loremaster’s discretion, the axe may
have some additional effect if used against the
Craftsmanship: Nùmenòrean. Werewolf of Mirkwood, given its Bane and elven
Banes: Evil Men, Wolves. craftsmanship.
Qualities: 1. Superior Grievous
2. Superior Fell
3. Keen. Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit
Notes: In the fourteenth century of the Third Age,
If the characters manage to take the treasure
King Ròmendacil II of Gondor crushed the
of the goblins in their caves, among the
rubbish they may find something of value. Lamp-maker in the Woodland Realm, as a single
Treat this as a T** and roll for it. This may be Undertaking during the next Fellowship phase
a good occasion to let your players find (and without having to study with Ormal). He
objects especially suited for them (pick from must still spend the experience points for each
your own Magical Treasure Index). spell.
Additionally, the ring can act as the medium
for Elf-lights (and all other spells associated) to
work: so, instead of using a torch or a lamp, the
Kinstrife and Dark Tidings wielder of the ring can light the ring itself to
After the fight with the Spectre, the players obtain all the Virtue effects.
find a torque in the tomb near the ruins of
Haycomb. If not sold, the torque may reveal Also, Irimë gives her cloak to the group.
enchanted qualities (Blessing of Awe), at the Item: Elven cloak
price of a Curse of Ill-Omen. Companion: Any.
Blessing: Stealth.
If the players defeat Valter (either by killing
or subduing him), they can take his armour
for themselves. Doing so, however, is A Darkness in the Marshes
considered an act of thievery and the player At the end of the adventure, if the players
who will take the armour for himself will performed very well Radagast may reward
automatically gain 2 Shadow points. Also, the characters with one (or more) of the
the misdeeds of the original possessor have a following:
lingering effect on the armour itself, and the - An enchanted book of herbs and salves
player must make a Corruption test to avoid recipes (Blessing of Healing)
gaining an additional point of Shadow. - A wooden staff with a travel enchantment
(Blessing of Travel)
Item: Coat of Bronze Mail. - A pair of boots with a sure-striding
Companion: Any Man or Dwarf. enchantment (Blessing of Explore).
Type: Coat of mail.
Craftsmanship: Dwarven.
Banes: none
The Crossings of Celduin
Qualities: 1. Ancient Close Fitting
At the end of the adventure, generous
2. Cunning Make
Loremasters may let King Bard reward a
3. Cunning Make.
Barding/Man of the Lake player with an
Notes: This is a suit of ancient armour forged by
enchanted royal silver circlet made by the
the Dwarves of Erebor for a close relative of
Girion, Valter’s ancestor, passed down for Dwarves for Girion himself (Blessing of
generations until it came to Valter himself. Inspire).

Those who tarry no longer The Watch on the Heath

At the end of the adventure, Irimë will The hidden treasury in the Watch in
reward the players with the following objects Zirakinbar is a T***. Moreover, if the players
from her personal belongings. find the original lair of Raenar, they may
find additional items... provided they are
Item: Ring of Irimë experienced enough for the task!
Companion: Only Elves.
Blessing: Awe.
Notes: In addition to the Blessing, if the possessor
of the ring has the Wood-elf Magic Virtue, he may
automatically gain all the spells associated with
the Virtue, including those taught by Ormal the
miscellaneous magical items by Cursed Dagger
A small ceremonial copper dagger, carved
Mim ET AL with leering demonic faces. Player-heroes
(these could be considered as Precious Objects or may risk corruption handling this accursed
even Wondrous Artefacts, up to each LM) blade.

1–6 silver bars Haradrim Dagger

Each bar is a flat rectangle, two-feet thick by Haradrim gold wavy-bladed ceremonial
two-feet wide by ten-feet long, and weighing dagger inlaid with garnets
50-pounds, untarnished.
Darvik Burrower’s tobacco pouch
1–6 Tiles The renowned Halfling Treasure-finder
1–6 Dúnedain tiles of baked and glazed clay, ordered exceptional workmanship applied to
painted with scenes of swimming fish, and this pouch, which spews a faint, musty
with white pearls set as eyes, one fish per odour. It is now also of shabby leather, with
tile. an ivory toggle switch and a large, amethyst
ornament surrounded by rings of beading,
now worn and missing in spots.
A Black Númenórean amulet carved like
ravening serpents, set in milky quartz set in Dúnedain abacus
gold, depending from a gold chain. A chestnut wooden frame, about eight-inches
by 10-inches, across which several heavy
Balthalion (Si.’Strong Power’)
wires are “strung” parallel to one another.
A Black Númenórean scroll tube, of carved
On each wire are 10 wooden balls.
ivory, with gold-plated metal end caps.
Dúnedain arrows
Beggar throwing knives
1–6 silver-tipped arrows, though the
A set of three identical, finely balanced
fletching is worn.
throwing knives, with plates of polished
sardonyx set on both sides of the tang to
Dúnedain candle snuffer
form the grip, both beautiful and practical.
A six-inch-long, red cherry wood candle
Black Númenórean scroll tube snuffer.
Of carved ebony with silver-plated end caps,
Dúnedain coffer
each cap inset with a large-faceted half-
It is thought to have belonged to Mámandil
the Fat of Bar-en-Nimloth (House of the
Book White Tree), who is not remembered well. He
Halfling Cooking: 101 ways to liven up your was greedy and known as the Fat for his
meal, written by Gerontius Took, this ferocity at the dining table and other names
beautifully-illustrated book contains 101 besides among the women of the realm;
mouth-watering recipes for a variety of meals many were his debaucheries and
ranging from appetizers to feasts. indiscretions. He failed to sire a son, and in
this the people worried, for they feared what
Bracelet Set might ensue in the event that he died
Dúnedain platinum bracelet set with a black heirless, remembering the terrible Kin-strife
pearl set by the Dwarves. of Gondor. On a sudden in T.A. 1637 a
deadly plague came with dark winds out of Haradrim bangles
the east and struck Mámandil down—though 2–20 four-inch-diameter gold hoops, with
few rued his passing. The coffer is two-feet rounded edges.
high by one-foot-wide by two-feet-long, with
Haradrim silk
gold hinges and catch, of carved ivory
worked into a bevelled top, with a gigantic 1–6 bales, rolled and bound with leather
thongs and canvas outer wraps, and
battle scene of Dagor Iant Methed (Battle of
although the outer layers are rotten and
the Last Bridge) in the year 1409 of the Third
black, the inner ones are fine, comprising
Age, covering both sides and the top, all of
faint pastel shades, with the usable area of
the figures individually cut and exquisitely
each bale approximately four-feet-long by
Dúnedain purse
A leather drawstring purse about the size of Headdress
Dunlending golden headdress with emerald
a small fist. Whether it is full or holds only a
and topaz inlays.
few coins, no noise emanates from it.

Dúnedain tapestry Mothras (Dusk Horn)

Of wool and animal hair with a few strands It is said that this curved horn with an
of spun gold; it is a large six-foot-wide by adamantine mouthpiece was carved from a
twelve-foot-long tapestry, depicting three tusk of a great beast—some say a Mûmak,
maidens in skirts standing in a moonlit while others speak of Scatha, the Dragon of
garden beneath seven stars. The origin and Ered Mithrin. It was used for many years by
meaning of the scene is now forgotten, but The Circle, a dread band of evil Men and fell
the Wise believe it to represent the division of beasts that attempted to raise again the
the North-kingdom into its three smaller Witch realm of old that was Angmar, to
realms. summon their servants for battle. Heroes
utilizing it risk corruption...
Dunlending bracelet
Miramarth (Doom Jewel)
46 tiny white pearls strung together on a
A tiny black stone, a unique type of onyx,
gilded wire, fastened with a barbed hook
that seems to burn with a clear inner flame,
and a loop.
and is encased within a wondrous sapphire—
this presents a gem within a gem within a
Dunlending death mask
gem, as it were. It may have been borne by a
Of beaten gold & believed to be of Freca
Black Númenórean woman renown for her
Garter beauty named Yávien, who is also believed
to have been one of the fabled daughters of
Queen Berúthiel’s garter contains nine gold
Ool. She is recorded as having visited the
coins linked with gold wire, from which
court of Imshur (a Black Númenórean
hangs an electrum mesh fringe extending
down in six triangles to (at the tip of each) a loremaster) for study, but over time Imshur
became enamoured of her, and when Yávien
claw-held, cabochon-cut jacinth, the whole
spurned his lecherous advances, the
backed with a rotting black leather band.
loremaster ravished her. No more is known
of this tragic tale, nor of her fate.
Nauzgauga (Ring of Azog) lustre.
The mount of this rare, black gold ring is
cunningly shaped like an Orc-skull, with Sarn-i-Hîn (Stone of Children)
ruby eyes and diamond tusks (what sane This one-pound grey-green stone, probably a
champion of the West wants this?). rare form of a beryl, is depended from a
silver necklace. An unusual Dúnedain
Noldorin scroll case
heirloom, it was handed-down by the
A herring bone scroll case, sealed, that can
Rangers as a favorite children’s toy.
hold many separate scrolls. Even better, any
scroll placed within is kept magically dry, Scroll Tube
intact, and preserved, no matter what the Adder-skin-wrapped Black Númenórean
external circumstances. scroll tube.

Oromendil's tomb Sindarin bedroll

Within this barrow rests the mummified A grey, quilted, goose-down bedroll, sewn
remains of the dread Black Númenórean along the edges so as to make it a large bag,
Dragon Lord Oromendil the Usurper, who similar to a sleeping bag. Anyone sleeping in
lived between the years 2769–2835† of the this bedroll will remain warm, up to a +/-
Third Age. The mummified champion of the 30° F. ambient temperature difference, and
Shadow is wrapped in ceremonial bandages. dry, regardless of rain, snow, or other
Over his bandages he wears a rotting blue- conditions without, unless the bedroll comes
stained steel hauberk, set with precious to lie in more than one-inch of water. It
stones, garnets and onyxes, and a golden remains dry, however, even when covered
headdress shaped like a bejeweled scorpion, with un-melted snow.
with pincers protecting the eyes. The
Sindarin feedbag
shattered fragments of a black-stoned
An ordinary appearing horse’s feedbag, but
(obsidian) greatsword, its golden hilt shaped
of exceptional craftsmanship upon closer
like unto a stalking scorpion, rest beside the
examination. Once per day it can be placed
around a horse’s snout, and the horse can
Pouch eat its fill from the bag, with clean, fresh oats
10 tourmalines; eight sapphires, one and grains, that provide it a hearty meal, no
aquamarine, and a ruby. matter what the season. No food can be
[Note: The stones are uncut, but their value can poured from the bag, but it can be used
be quadrupled by a skilful jeweller] again the next day.

Ring of Fire Sindarin jewel-coffer

A Black Númenórean gold ring set with a Chased silver, with catch, depicting
large ruby carved with the word Ghâsh (“fire” woodland scenes with birds in branches on
in the Black Speech). The Wise believe this to the back and the sides, and a maiden
be a mockery of the Elven Narya — the Ring combing her hair while gazing at her own
of Fire.. reflection in a pool on the top, exquisite. The
maiden might just be a youthful Celebrían.
Ruby Scepter
This fabled Black Númenórean sceptre
glistens with an unimaginable, unearthly
Sindarin perfume built as an attempt for a dwarf to mimic the
A cut crystal bottle six-inches-tall, with a one- ability of an elf's vision.
inch-stopper, sealed with wax, that flares
from the base to its wider facet, and from
Unknown Mechanical Device
there tapers to a thin neck, that contains an
unknown, musky but pleasant and very A smallish box 1' x 1' x 18" made of brass
and steel with glass side panels. Within can
seductive perfume, soft and sensuous.
be seen an astounding number of densely
packed cogs, wheels, gears of various types
Sûlrostur (Master of Wind and Foam) and sizes, as well as numerous springs and
A beautiful silver ring set with a magnificent other intricate mechanics. There is a
star sapphire, wrought by the Dúnedain of keyhole on the back and If the key is found
the Guild of Venturers during the midst of and it is wound up, it will click and tick and
the Third Age. The final war that destroyed whirr and make other mechanical noises
the North-kingdom imperilled them and they and periodically in some kind of
set sail on a last desperate voyage seeking undistinguishable pattern on the front panel
Gondorian aid. Once per day the ring can there is a series of rows, of tiny "knobs" that
aid a mariner by summoning a unique spell- will pop up and retract again in odd-seeming
like power known as wind in the sails: up to sequences with no apparent reason or
one-knot-hour for up to one-hour-per every function that anyone can determine.
one point of Heart rating of the caster. [LM note: it is a mechanical computer, and is still
computing the last problem the artisan cobbled it
Tuning fork for]
A Dúnedain tuning fork, made of beautifully-
carven mahogany.


AstronoMecha- (Astrolabe)
Annayulma (Q. “Gift Cup”)
A complex instrument of somewhat useless Of sentimental value to all Elves, this is a
necessity but that of casual interest with silver chalice encrusted with emeralds that
numerous dials, needles, pointers, gimbals can pour Miruvor (a delightful and
and precision inscriptions that allows the invigorating cordial). The wielder may spend
user to predict with a high degree of a point of hope to fill up to eight glasses. One
accuracy, the position of stars and the moon, point of fatigue is restored to those who
drink. If the wielder is an elf he may do this
and even predict solar and lunar eclipses.
for free (no hope point) one time per
Now if it could only predict the weather... adventuring phase. Worth 90 treasure
Cylinder of Long Sight
A telescoping series of 2 or 3 tubes with Button by Templar72
polished glass lenses mounted at the ends of Mithril button worth 6 treasure points and
the tubes, that when pointed at distant being so light no encumbrance to carry.
objects that magnifies a small area and
allows the user to see details at a greater Durin's Gift
Said to have been given by King Durin II to
distance than with the naked eye. Originally
men of the vales of Anduin as a token of their - Jewel (think Radagast and the
close relations and alliance. It consists of a Hedgehog)
belt, a sheath and armbands of figured
leather, strengthened with mithril and Hunting Skill
decorated with white gems. The sheath is - A Horn
made for holding a sword. Any sword placed - Jewellery made of teeth or claws
in the sheath cannot be broken when in the
- A hunting knife ("Dagger")
sheath or when drawn in the hands of
anyone wearing the armbands. Worth 110 - A snare or leg-clamp trap, perhaps in
Treasure Points. miniature, perhaps just as pictures
- A lens - it helps you spot the prey
- A bow
- A bestiary, perhaps graven on copper
Wondrous Artefactsviii pages
- A Cloak of confusion (allows you to
IDEAS FOR WONDROUS ITEMS by sneak up on animals)
Glorelendil et al - Stag Pendant (enables you to find
Explore Skill
- An asymmetric gem hung as a Otaku-sempai et al
pendant; when dangled freely it always
- A sword or dagger from Gondolin
points West
that glows when Orcish enemies are near
- Dowsing rods
(but isn't very original).
- A map on metal - the discolouration
- Perhaps a Ring (or Staff) of
changes to show you where you are
Homecoming with a minor blessing of Travel
- Tie-on traction grids (for winter)
that helps to prevent one from becoming
- A cloak
- An orrery (a device that represents
- A wand with a blessing of Search that
helps one to locate medicinal herbs.
- A surveyor's theodolite, staff & chain
- A musical instrument (a lyre or small
- An astrolabe
harp?) with a blessing of Inspire.
- A spyglass (telescope)
- A pair of shoes, boots or sandals with
Healing Skill a blessing of Athletics that allows the wearer
- A soup bowl to leap for twice his/her normal distance.
- A small pouch stuffed with herbs - A canteen or skin that purifies and
- A small diary with meticulous notes keeps fresh any drinkable liquid placed in it
by a legendary healer (Greater Blessing of Healing?).
- A staff (traditional) - A pouch containing a small number
- A set of fine Chirurgeons' tools of mithril arrowheads, each with a Blessing
- A divining pendant - for finding out of Hunting upon them. They reduce the TN to
what's wrong bring down game by 2.
- A lens (In fact, a lens is a great focus - A Hair comb - minor Blessing on
for almost any skill that involves noticing or Inspire or Awe.
seeing something) - A pack - reduces the load of the
character by 1d - rolled at start of journey. Belegrond). Also costed as a Greater blessing
- A birdbone nose flute - minor for the same reasons.
Blessing on Hunting.
- Cleated clogs - minor Blessing to
- Wound Clips - look like hair-clips, but
with shorter teeth. Minor Blessing to Celebrían's Talisman
Healing. It is said that ere Celebrían sailed into the
- Mask or torc - minor Blessing to West she gave this talisman to her beloved
Orate, Song or Riddle (pick one.) husband Elrond. It is possible that he might
- A cookpot - +1 Tolerance if one can be willing to part with it to a band of chosen
cook using it. heroes for a special task. This red-streaked,
bright green beryl dangles from a delicate
- A fine map - that only can be read by
silver chain.
moonlight. Minor Blessing to Travel only if
owner is the Guide. The talisman enables the wearer to attempt
- A map on silk that always shows to speed their recovery by making
where you are and the surrounding 30 a Healing roll against a Very Easy difficulty
miles... (Greater Blessing to Travel) (TN 10). If you are not unconscious you may
- A ring of light - when the command attempt the roll yourself, or allow another
character to tend to you.
word is spoken for the first time since
sundown it provides 1 candle of light for one A successful Healing roll does not remove a
hour. Cannot be turned off early... Wound, nor does it restore lost Endurance
- Briar of the Storyteller – A minor points, but it lets you mark the injury as
Blessing to all of Courtesy, Riddle, Inspire, or Treated. The LM should not allow a
Awe if one is skilled with Smoking and has failed Healing roll to be repeated until at
least a day has passed, as the failure of the
pipeweed, as the smoke illustrates one's
treatment will not be immediately apparent.

UNORTHODOX BLESSINGS by Circlet of Eagles by Poosticks7

Scrollreader A silver circlet that allows the wearer to have
keen eyesight and speak the language of the
A Blessing of Secrecy for a cloak. It gives the
Great Eagles - it was later given as a wedding
blessing to both Riddle and Stealth but only gift to Beorn.
to hide the wearer's identity (not the wearer).
This seems fair to me as a 'normal' Blessing,
given the limitations compared to an item Collothalion (S. “Cloak of Shields”)
which fully blessed both abilities. A dark blue cloak trimmed with a white
border & stitched with silver thread into a
dazzling pattern. In battle the cloak animates
A Blessing of Protection (e.g. a jewel from and seems to come to life and the pattern
Eregion), treated as a Greater Blessing on the changes and dazzles attackers.
treasure index since it seems more potent If worn without using a shield the cloak
than a Blessing on a common skill. increases the Parry score of the wearer by 2.

A Blessing vs Fear tests (e.g. A war mask of

Corantir (S. “Circle of Long Seeing”) Gift of Melian
Golden circlet of elven make. Protects the Engwë's beautiful suspended medallion was
wearer as if he had a helm, and allows the a gift from the Maia it is named for. It is
wearer to see about twice as far as normal entirely a swirl of variously coloured laen, so
(Blessing to Awareness for distant things artfully put together that is seems constantly
only). in motion, though completely static. Blessing
to Awe and the wearer is immune to fear.

Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin by Mim Gimilkhor

It is woven with runes of warding, and A gold ring set with a single sapphire, this
carries with it an enchantment to foil the item was named by its maker. Spidery
Tengwar runes spell out the ring's name on
hottest flame. This magic works only in
the inside of the band.
battle, however, and it does not permit you
It gives a Blessing to resist magic of all kinds.
to walk unscathed through a bonfire—though If the wearer has to use a point of hope to
it protects you from-sparks near flames. resist any magic he/she may roll a feat die, if
While wearing the Dragon-helm you receive the result shows a Gandalf rune he/she gets
a +2 to Inspire tests. the Hope point back after resisting the magic
When you invoke an Attribute bonus on a
Protection test, use your favoured Body
Hilvar's Flute
rating as a bonus. Dragons know well this A silver flute which has a tracery of gold
work of the Dwarves, and will regard you as around each of the finger-holes. It belonged
a mortal enemy. to a particularly carefree Silvan Elf known for
his light-hearted song and biting wit. The
Elenya (Q. “Ring of Stars”) flute lightens the mood for those listening.
A lesser Elven Ring of Power made by A Blessing to Song. With an Extraordinary
Finculin with aid from Annatar and Success listeners to the flute that are not
Celebrimbor. It is a pale shadow of the might Miserable may remove one temporary
of the Three but it is still an item of Shadow point (only one per
considerable power. adventuring/fellowship phase).
The Ring of Stars is fashioned of mithril and
set with an amethyst. The ring can be
invisible and undetectable to all but other Horn of Battle by Poosticks7
Ringbearers if desired. When making a roll using Inspire, you may
The Wits score of the wearer increases by blow the horn to gain a +2 bonus, but the
one. The ring makes the wearer more user must have Battle skill to gain the bonus
empathetic to those he meets and gives a if in a battle.
Blessing to Insight. The wearer may at any
time spend a Hope point to become invisible
for a limited time and then have a Greater Lembas (Elven Waybread)
blessing to Stealth. Baked in small cakes and wrapped in leaves
to keep in freshness. As long as the wrapping
Curse: If the wearer is mortal he ages at is not removed they can stay fresh for days.
about half normal rate, but reduces body or One cake will provide enough sustenance for
heart score by one every tenth year. If the a Man to march a full day. Lembas also
body or heart score reaches 0 the wearer strengthens both body and mind and will
turns into a wraith. help a traveller to continue even when hope
[Ed.note: this item should have another Curse is lost.
that operates on all wearers given it was made While travelling reduce the difficulty of
with Annatar’s (Sauron’s) aid]. fatigue checks by 2.
Masterwork Dwarven Tools If he/she already uses favoured Wits then the
These tools are for fine detailing work such Parry rating is increased by 1.
as engraving/gem setting/lock picking etc.
These tools give a +2 to any Craft roll when
used for making a small item or for making The Ring of Hissael
something look nice, or to pick locks. A ring of silvered steel inlaid with gold,
bearing the head of a great bird with
Optional Drawback/Curse: emerald gems set upon its eyes that bestows
The owner must pass a TN20 Wisdom test to upon the wearer eyesight as keen as a hawk
give them to someone else, or do everything (a Blessing to Awareness).
in his/her power to get them back if they are
lost or stolen.
Furthermore, if the owner failed a roll when Scabbard of Westernesse
making an item, it would seem to be fine but A sword scabbard wrapped in dark blue
the same curse would pass over to whomever leathers with silver metal accents and
the item was given to, worse if a 'Sauron' was emblazoned with imagery of ancient
also rolled. Númenór. When a blade is drawn from this
scabbard, all who gaze upon it are
compelled to recognize the mighty presence
Maltilcala (Q. ‘Gold-gleam’) of the bearer (a Blessing to Awe).
A lesser Elven ring made by Celebrimbor
before the great rings were made. It is a gold
ring with no inscriptions or gems, but its Sigilnîr, the Necklace of Tears
gold is quite bright and shiny. The ring The Sigilnîr is a beautiful white-gold
increases the wearers Wits by 1 and seems to necklace of subtle design, wrought in Eregion
bring the wearer out of the most dire of old by an Elf-princess who travelled far
situations – the wearer can reroll any roll and wide whilst her daughter remained at
once per game session. home. A small locket inlaid with interlocking
motifs is its main adornment.
Placing a portrait of the wearer's true love
Mighty Warhelm by Poosticks7 inside will activate its strange magic: the
When making a roll using the Awe skill portrait will slowly alter to reflect the
whilst wearing the helm, you gain a +2 emotional state of one’s true love, whether
bonus. The helm cannot be dropped during
joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain.
combat to regain Fatigue as the helm is a
chore to don & doff due to intricate The item functions much the same as if the
workmanship. wearer had a second Fellowship Focus,
renewing 1 point of Hope at the end of a
session if the true love remains happy and
Miruvor (Cordial of the Elves) content, but also as a source of Shadow
A rare and delicious drink that invigorates should they ever suffer.
both body and mind. Even a mouthful will
relieve all Weariness.

Silver Ring
Nimrodel's Necklace This ring is in the shape of a bird, with the
This beautiful necklace of black and green
eye of the bird being a yin/yang style symbol
jade is a work of the highest Elven
of unknown semi-precious stones. The ring
craftsmanship. The necklace enables the
wearer to use his favoured Wits for Parry gave the user a +2 to any Song roll.
(Optional Drawback/Curse): ~Famous weapons and armour~
The wearer becomes a little wary and
distrustful when meeting new people. So
during an Encounter if the wearer wanted to
use any other skill except Riddle to introduce
themselves, he must pass a TN14 Wisdom Elven Dagger by Templar72
roll to use it. Does the same damage as a sword versus
If the roll failed then they had to use Riddle Orcs (only) and (like Sting etc.) glows in their
to make their introduction and roleplay
being a little distant and untrusting.

Andcarch (Long Fang)

Silver Wolf’s Head Pin A finely wrought Elven dagger forged many
This brooch/cloak pin gives a +2 to any years ago in Hollin.
Hunting roll. Type: Dagger
Craftsmanship: Elven
(Optional Drawback/Curse)
The wearer seems more imposing and Qualities: 1) Luminesence
intimidating to others who meet him. 2) Keen
So during an Encounter if the wearer fails an
Awe roll with a 'Sauron' on the Feat die, Anduril (Flame of the West)
Tolerance is decreased by an additional “Very bright was that sword when it was made
point as the character comes across as angry whole again; the light of the sun shone redly in it,
or intimidating. and the light of the moon shone cold, and its
edge was hard and keen.”
Type: Long Sword
Sulrosendil (S. “Friend of Sea and Foam) Craftsmanship: Dwarven/Elven
This ring once belong to Elros before it
eventually became a hereditary possession of
the Kings of Númenor, and is a Sister ring to 1. Flame of Hope
that worn by Círdan of Lindon. 2. Gleam of Terror
The favoured Wits score of the wearer is 3. Runes of Victory
increased by 1.
The wearer always seem to get a bit more Andúril, Flame of the West Version 2
favourable weather conditions than others;
Type: Long Sword
he/she ignores any Sauron Eyes when
making Traveling tests at sea. Craftsmanship: Dwarven
The wearer may also spend a point of Hope Banes: n/a
to control winds in the immediate area if by Qualities:
the sea or sailing on the sea. 1. Flame of Hope
2. Gleam of Terror
3. Superior Keen
Notes: The Elven smiths of Rivendell reforged the
Shards of Narsil, also known as the Sword-that-
was-Broken, into Andúril on the behalf of
Aragorn. It was given into his keeping prior to the
Company of the Ring setting out from Imladris on
the 25th of December 3018 of the Third Age.
Annúngil by Curulon Glamdring
Type: Long-sword The sister sword to Orcrist, Glamdring was
Craftsmanship: Númenórean similarly ornate, bearing the runes of its
Banes: Orcs, Undead Elven smiths. The Goblins called it Beater
Qualities: and hated it even more than its twin.
1. Superior Grievous Type: Sword
2. Raging Craftsmanship: Elven
3. Foe-slaying Banes: Orcs
Notes: Like Lara mentioned with Ringil, in my Qualities:
vision Annúngil remains true to its name and 1. Luminescence
does seemingly appear to 'glow' during the night, 2. Superior Keen
as if a star had come down from the heavens to 3. Runes of Victory
dwell on the earth. I don't think it would actually
glow, more of that subtle magic that goes into Gurthang ("Iron of Death”)
crafting a Famous Weapon that would appear to Type: Longsword
be more of a great magic to those who are not Craftsmanship: Elven
attuned to its sight, such as the High Elves or Banes: all living things
members of the Wise.
Qualities: 1. Superior grievous
Caladtegi (Lightbringer) by Beran 2. Superior keen
Type: Long Sword 3. Foe slaying
Craftsmanship: Elven [The sword of both Beleg and Turin, forged from
Anglachel, the black blade of the Dark Elf Eol. It
Bane: Orcs
is said that the iron of its blade fell to Middle-
Qualities: 1) Luminesence
earth from an asteroid, giving it unparalleled
2) Runes of Victory sharpness. A sentient blade that constantly thirsts
3) Foe Slaying for blood, its qualities show its propensity for
Forged long ago in Gondolin. The name of the killing single enemies fast - as evidenced by
smith and original owner are long lost to the Turin's slaying Glaurung in one blow. Alas, it is
mists of time. This blade has seen use in war also cursed, as its other name "Black Blade"
almost since it was first quenched. The last attests - its wielder will suffer from the "Darken"
known wielder was Arantar, one of Isildur's curse]
knights, veteran of the Last Alliance and
Champion to the King. Both knight and sword Iúyevanwa, The Never Lost by Lara
never returned from the Fields of Gladden and its Redleaf
resting place is not known even to this day. Is it in
Type: Sword
the foul hands of some Orc chieftain, at the
Forged in an Age long past, the Númenorian
bottom of a fen in Gladden or swallowed by
blade has been carried by the same House since it
Anduin the Great? All that is known is that if it
was first cooled. This shining steel blade and
ever returns to the hands of Men it will be a
black handled weapon is very plain, with only a
beacon to those Free Folk who continue to fight
single green polished stone adorning the
against The Enemy and his dark forces.
pummel. Traditionally, Iúyevanwa has been
Dorwin-nautr (‘Wineland's Gift’) passed down when the Eldest Child is married. As
it name implies, the owner who wields the blade
A finely crafted Dorwinion blade.
always returns home. Even those who fell had
Type: Sword
their bodies recovered and returned home for
Craftsmanship: Dorwinion proper burial.
Qualities: 1) Fell
You can spend a point of Hope after a recover when they established their ill-fated
successful attack to produce an automatic colony from 1989 until it met its doom in 1994.
Piercing Blow.

Ringil by Lara Redleaf The Wolfbiter’s Axe by Indur Dawndeath

The Wolfbiter Axe is a one-handed Axe,
"Seven times I wounded the Great Enemy, that
forged of steel by Dwarves of the Greydelve at
you call Morgoth. I hewed his foot as my master
the commission of a Woodman War Leader.
lay dying beneath his heel and did a hurt to him
Damage: 5 (+ Valour against Wolves)
that ever after pained him. Long have I lain in Edge: 9 Injury: 18 (Wolves roll the Feat Die
darkness, and long have I hungered for twice and keep the lowest result)
vengeance. Ever shall I strike down the servants Enc. 2 Called Shot: Break Shield (Piercing
of Shadow while true hands wield me." strike against Wolves)
Type: Long sword Intimidate foe ( Free attribute bonus against
Craftsmanship: Elven Wolves).
Bane: The Enemy Cursed by the Gibbet King:
The effect of a Bout of Madness while
Qualities: Superior Keen
carrying this axe results in a Kin-slaying
frenzy, that will not stop until everyone is
Foe-slaying dead or the holder is knocked out or killed.
Wolves are both afraid of the wielder of this
Dramborleg axe and at the same time extremely hostile.
Type: Great axe Encounters with wolves will develop, as an
Craftsmanship: Elves of Gondolin all-out attack on the wielder. All the Wolves
Banes: The Enemy will try to kill the wielder first before
Qualities: concentrating on anyone else.
1) Raging
The Axe of Dreadful Sounds by
2) Crushing
3) Superior Fell
Type: Great Axe
Possible curse: Ill omen Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Description: A beautiful double-headed axe Banes: n/a
engraved with wave-motifs. Qualities:
1. Gleam of Terror 2. Runes of
Durin's Axe Victory 3. Superior Fell
Type: Great Axe Notes: This Axe, when swung, makes an
Craftsmanship: Dwarven awful booming sound to accompany the
intimidation efforts of its wielder - a
Banes: n/a
particularly disturbing noise for all Shadow
Qualities: creatures. The sound increases in intensity
1. Cleaving the greater the display of passion. Dwarven
2. Runes of Victory runes cover its surface.
3. Grievous
Notes: This axe was an heirloom of the Aeglos ( "Snow Point”)
Longbeards, though it was lost when the Dwarves Type: Great spear
were driven from their Halls of Khazad-dûm by Craftsmanship: Elven
Durin's Bane the year 1981 of the Third Age. The Banes: Orcs
Axe was one of the treasures that Balin's Qualities: 1. Cleaving
expedition to reclaim Khazad-dûm sought to 2. Crushing
3. Raging 1. Superior Fell
[The spear of Gil-Galad that was used against the 2. Sure Shot
forces of Sauron in the Last Alliance of Elves and 3. Superior Grievous
Men in the Second Age, it was said that "none Minluzîr, which means "sky-friend" in Adûnaic, is
could stand before it," so I went with qualities not as iconic to Curulon as Annúngil is, but if he
that focus more on mass damage versus taking possessed a second Famous Weapon it would be
down a particular foe. No one knows for certain this Númenórean steelbow. I imagine it to have a
what became of it after Sauron slew Gil-Galad on deep blue colour, with silver accents along the
the plains of Gorgoroth, though some believe limbs, especially at the nocks. The ancient
Elrond brought it back to the Last Homely House] Númenóreans crafted hollow bows of a spring
steel that were much feared by the Orcs and other
Bow of the Galadhrim evil creatures of the Second Age. Only the
Type: Great Bow strongest of archers could wield this weapons,
Craftsmanship: Elven but they and their steel-tipped arrows were
Banes: Orcs devastating. The secret of manufacturing these
Qualities: weapons was lost in the destruction of Númenór.
1. Biting Dart
Númenorean Steel Bow Version 2
2. Sure Shot
Type: Great Bow
3. Fell
Craftsmanship: Númenorean
Notes: The Bow of the Galadhrim was longer and
Banes: None
stouter than the bows of Mirkwood, and it was
strung with a string of elf-hair. It was given to Qualities:
Legolas by the Lady Galadriel as the Company of 1. Superior Grievous
the Ring was departing Lothlórien on the 16th of (I thought that Superior Grievous made sense
February 3019 of the Third Age. for such a bow)

Belthronding by Arkat Grond ("The Hammer of the

Type: Great bow Underworld”)
Craftsmanship: Elves of Doriath Type: Mace (use Mattock)
Banes: Orcs Craftsmanship: Morgoth
Qualities: Banes: elves, dwarves, men
1) Superior Grevious Qualities: 1. Raging
2) Keen 2. Superior Grievous (as Elven)
3) Sure Shot. 3. Runes of Victory
Possible curse: Ill luck Grond was the mace wielded by Morgoth in his
Notes: Belthronding is made of black Yew, inlaid single combat against Fingolfin, when he
with knots of lighter wood, strung with bear cratered the earth every time he missed. As
sinew and can only be drawn by might and Morgoth desired to mar Arda above all else,
magic (Valour and Wisdom 3+). This bow Grond shares this desire: every time its wielder
belonged to Beleg Strongbow and was though misses its target with an attack, Grond
lost with the sinking of Beleriand. nonetheless damages the ground around its
opponent. Mechanically, the opponent loses any
Minluzîr by Curulon bonus success dice on each miss (one die per
Type: Great Bow (Númenorean Steel Bow) miss). If the opponent has no success dice, then
Craftsmanship: Númenórean instead they become increasingly hindered (-2 to
Banes: Evil Men, Trolls the defender's TN, cumulative with each miss).
Qualities: Curse: Shadow Taint.
ARMOUR Blessed
Craftsmanship: Elven, Númenorean
Mithril Mail Item: Close Combat Weapon
Type: Armour Special: Bane
Craftsmanship: Dwarven Touched with a remnant of the light of the
Qualities: 1) Cunning Make two trees, this weapon drains a point of Hate
2) Mithril Armour – Enc 6/3d from Bane creatures for each extra success
rolled during a successful attack (that is, one
point on a Great Success, two points on an
Braces of Belegost
Extraordinary Success.) Additionally, the
Type: Leather Vambraces
wielder may spend a point of Hope to cause
Craftsmanship: Dwarven
the weapon to flare with brilliant light for
Banes: n/a
one minute, increasing by one the number of
successes from any successful Intimidate Foe
1. Ancient Close Fitting
or Rally Comrade combat task.
2. Rune-scored Armour
3. – Destruction
Craftsmanship: Elven
Item: ( Swords)
~enchanted qualities~ Special: Bane
When Bane targets are killed by a Wound
from this weapon, the results are...messy. All
Bane creatures who witness this must make
Elfcrusher a test (Attribute Level vs. TN14 + Valour) or
Accurate lose a point of Hate, or all Hate on a failure
Craftsmanship: Any with Gandalf. Not applicable vs. mindless
Item: Bows adversaries.
Special: replicates the Hobbit Cultural
Reward Dwarf-wrought
When making a ranged attack, add to your Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Item: Mail Armour
rolls a bonus of +3, or your Valour rating
(whichever is higher). Special: replicates the Dwarven cultural
Bastion When you invoke an Attribute on a
Protection test, use your favoured Body
Craftsmanship: Any
Item: Shield, Helm rating as a bonus.
Woven with spells and engraved with runes
to protect its owner from the most fearsome Flickering Steel
abilities of the Enemy’s minions, this item Craftsmanship: Dwarven
grants the owner a Blessing (add Wisdom to Item: 2h Weapons
Bonus to Parry = Valour
roll) whenever resisting Dreadful Spells used
by adversaries. Hardened
Craftsmanship: Any
Item: Armour
Special: replicates the Hobbit cultural reward not wounded, all End recovery is halved once
When you make a Protection test roll the Feat hit with the weapon.
die twice and keep the better result.

Craftsmanship: Elven, Numenorean Craftsmanship: Elven
Item: Dagger, Short Sword
Item: Close Combat Weapon
Forged in Beleriand in elder days, this blade
Special: Bane
is infused with spells that allow it to cleave
Bane creatures recognize and fear this
iron. Enemies wearing non-enchanted mail
dreaded weapon, and gain the Hatred
armour roll two fewer Success dice when
special ability against its wielder. On a
making Protection tests against this weapon.
successful Intimidate Foe, however, Bane
Additionally, on a successful Craft test the
creatures engaged with the wielder lose all
owner is able to cut through normal iron
attribute level bonuses.
such as chains or bars.

King's Guard
Hope of Valinor
Craftsmanship: Any
Craftsmanship: Elven
Item: Shield
Item: Close Combat Weapon
When used for the Protect Companion
Spend a point of Hope to cause your weapon
combat task, this shield grants additional
to flare with pure light, causing servants of
Parry equal to the wielder's Valour.
shadow to despair (cancels their Attribute
Level bonus next turn) and/or giving all Massive
companions attribute bonus on Craftsmanship: Any
Fear/Corruption checks this turn and next. Item: Great Spear or Polearm (2h)
With a successful Piercing Blow opponents of
House of ...
man-sized or smaller are knocked down
Craftsmanship: Elven
(regardless of outcome of Protection roll).
Item: Shield
This ancient shield is emblazoned with the
Noble Protector
emblems of a great house of the First Age.
Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Servants of Shadow attacking the bearer gain
Item: Shield
the benefits of "Hatred of..." but in their rage
When using the Protect Companion combat
they lose all of their Parry.
task, your Parry is increased by your Valour
Insidious score against the intercepted attack. If the
Craftsmanship: Dwarven attack misses completely your point of Hope
Item: Close Combat Weapon is refunded.
Special: Bane
Weapon is harder to heal from for bane
Craftsmanship: Dwarven
targets; all wound treatment tests are +2 TN,
Item: Spear
and endurance recovery is impossible Special: replicates the Barding Cultural
without daily healing skill rolls. Even when
When thrown, roll the Feat die twice and weapon was a natural attack (bite, claw, etc.)
keep the better result. they suffer an endurance loss equal to their
own damage rating.
Craftsmanship: Elven Wounding
Item: Headgear, close combat weapon Craftsmanship: Numenorean
Special: Bane Item: Spear
An item bestowed with such a Quality gives When a Pierce is rolled the target continues
you a bonus to your Wisdom rolls when you to take damage, regardless of the outcome of
are fighting against a Bane creature equal to the Protection test. If the attack was a normal
your Valour. success the victim loses one additional
endurance every round, two on a great
Quick success, three on an extraordinary success.
Craftsmanship: Elven
Item: Bow
Special: replicates Elves of Mirkwood Reward
This bow allows the wielder an extra opening
volley, even when no volley would normally
be allowed. alternate standing rules by
Scion’s String Renown Points
Craftsmanship: Elven The new system revolves around a new
Item: Bow economy: Renown Points. Gaining ranks in
Once per turn, on a successful attack that Standing through the Raise Standing
results in a Wound, immediately make undertaking now takes a requisite number of
another attack against any enemy within Renown points rather than treasure.

Smiting Table 7: Renown Points

Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Standing Rank Renown Point Cost
Item: Great Axe
Special: replicates the Dwarven Cultural 1 3
When you are attack an enemy with an 2 6
Attribute level of 7 or less, if you get a
3 9
Gandalf on the Feat die using this axe, your
opponent is made Weary for the remainder 4 12
of the combat.
5 15
Weapon Shattering
Craftsmanship: Any 6 18
Item: All types of shields
When an adversary misses on a Gandalf,
their weapon shatters on this shield. If the
You gain Renown Points through your actions. Gain 1–2 Renown.
The focus here is on how one benefits their
culture. The character distinguishes himself as a
spokesperson for the region. This is worth a
~Good Deeds (player's own culture)~ different amount depending on the nature of
the encounter and the import of the other
Gain 1 Renown. party. This does not apply to secret meetings,
Do a good deed for your own culture. This is for word must be able to spread of the event.
something that could happen in your
standard adventure.  Person of import (town leader, general,
merchant prince, etc): Gain 1 Renown for
Examples: 5+ successes in an encounter.
- Rescue a villager from Orcs.  Cultural leader or Luminary (Thranduil,
- Protect a village from being pillaged. Beorn, Radagast, Gandalf, Saruman, etc):
- Thwart local bandits. Gain 1 Renown for 2+ successes, 2
- Return a cultural heirloom to a leader. Renown for 5+ successes
- Speak on behalf of locals to regional leader.

Public Spending
Great Deeds (player's own culture)
Gain 1 Renown
Gain 2 Renown in own culture
Spend 4 Treasure to the benefit of your
1 Renown in adjacent cultures.
Do an exceptional deed for your own culture. This can go to:
These should not happen as often and should - Aiding a village rebuild after a raid
be worked up to. This is only worth 1 Renown - Help finance public works or
if it does not benefit your culture directly, developing communities
rather benefits a nearby culture.
- Buying favour with local leaders.
- Save a town from destruction. Standing Upkeep (Losing Renown Points)
- Save a leader from death. If a character spends a Year's End Fellowship
- Uncover a conspiracy. Phase away from home, their Renown is
- Defeat a significant threat. reduced by their current Standing rating
(because the more you represent to a culture,
Legendary Deeds (any regional culture)
the more is expected of you). If this reduces
Gain 4 Renown. one's Renown pool to less than 0 the
Participate in a historic event that has lasting character immediately loses a rank in
impact on the region. The character must Standing. Their new Renown pool is half
make a significant heroic contribution. Just (round up) of what is needed to regain their
being there doesn't cut it. Standing.

- Smaug's attack on Lake-town
- Battle of Five Armies
- A few places in Darkening of Mirkwood

Famous Encounters
Part four ADDITIONAL RULES & clarifications for the
adventuring phase
If the Orientation Test fails AND an Eye of
~ACTIONS~ Sauron was rolled AND the player-hero
failed their subsequent Corruption Test,
THEN the missed detail when it comes to
TESTS: Does Fear Know No Bounds? By light causes the player-hero to be temporarily
eluadin Miserable until the scene is over.

Rules Used: Natural Watchfulness (p.112 If a player-hero possesses any number of

Rulebook) and Strike Fear (p.234 Shadow points at the time, then reduce the
Adversaries: Special Abilities) TN one level, OR for every permanent
When Natural Watchfulness (or similar Shadow point reduce the TN one level.
ability) is employed by a PC and an [This is because it is assumed that such PC's have
Adversary is found in the area, if that become 'used' to such scenes because of their past
Adversary has Strike Fear then they can use it confrontations with the Shadow]
to attack the player-hero with their Hate. The
player-hero must make a Fear Test as per the
normal rules even though they are not
directly engaged with the Adversary.


Savagery! by eluadin
Rules Used: Orientation Test (p.146 of

When entering a scene that could require a

Corruption Test because of Anguish and
some type of Task is required immediately
after entering the horrific scene, an
Orientation Test is required in order for the
PC's to attempt said Task.
If successful, then regardless of the result of
the Corruption Test the player-hero
undertakes the subsequent Task(s) without
any negative impact.

If the Orientation Test is failed, then some

important detail is missed that negatively
influences the subsequent Task(s).

~journeys~ If the Loremaster chooses to
introduce an encounter at this time,
the encounter occurs.


 If the Company makes camp for the
1. PLANNING night, and if anyone is not at full
Endurance points, they regain a
a. The Company decides on a number of Endurance points
destination. depending on their Wound status.

b. The Company shows the Loremaster

their planned route on their map.
 If the journey is not complete, go back
c. The Loremaster calculates the to Start of Day for the next day.
distance travelled.

d. The Loremaster modifies the distance

for terrain. 3. 3. The Company arrives at its
e. The Loremaster divides the modified
distance by the speed of the Company to get
the total number of days to travel.

f. The Company may opt to make Lore

rolls to improve aspects of the journey.

g. Company members choose their roles

for the journey.


a. Start of Day

 Players are entitled to two tasks each.

 If 3, 4, 5, or 6 days have passed since
start of journey or last Fatigue test, all
members of the Company roll one
Fatigue test.
 If a Fatigue test fails, the hero who
failed it immediately gains 1 or 2
points of Fatigue, depending on his
Travelling Gear.
 If a Fatigue test fails with an <Eye>, a
Hazard is triggered immediately.
 If the Loremaster decides to include a
Corruption test for the day's journey,
it is rolled now.
JOURNEY RULES SUMMARY by (1) Reduce the length of the journey by
jamesrbrown one day (to a minimum of one).
(See rulebook pp. 154-163) (2) Allow one character to automatically
pass one Fatigue test.
1. The players decide on the route. (3) Reduce the TN of all Travel rolls made
2. The Loremaster determines the length by one character by one level, (e.g. from
of the journey in days and the number of moderate to easy).
Fatigue tests each player will need to make. b) For every failed Lore roll, the length of
a) Measure the distance the Company the journey is extended by one day.
will travel (1 hex represents 10 miles). c) If the players are familiar with the
Include the hexagon containing the route, they may be granted a free Attribute
destination, but not the one containing the bonus.
starting point. 4. Companions assign roles for the
b) Check which type of terrain the journey (more than one character may be
company traverses for the majority of the assigned to
journey (at least half the distance) and then the same role except for the Guide position).
multiply the total distance travelled by the a) Guides need superior Travel skill.
appropriate modifier (very easy x0.5, easy b) Scouts need a decent Explore skill.
x1,moderate x1.5, hard x2, severe x3, c) Huntsmen need good Hunting skill.
daunting x5, good roads x0.5). d) Look-outs need high Awareness skill.
c) Divide the distance measured by the 5. Fatigue tests are all resolved at the
travelling speed of the Company — rounding same time for all characters by making
all fractions to the nearest whole number. Travel rolls.
The result is the expected length of the a) Determine the TN for Fatigue tests
journey in days. Travelling speeds per day based on the Region Type (TN 12 for Free
are: 20 miles on foot, 40 miles riding horses Lands, TN 14 for Border lands, TN 16 for
(horses cannot be ridden in any woods), 20 Wild lands, TN 18 for Shadow lands, and TN
miles using boats on a river downstream, 5- 20 for Dark lands). If a journey requires
10 miles using boats on a river against the multiple rolls, a Loremaster may apply
current. different TNs to represent the difficulty of
d) The Loremaster may decide to split the traversing different areas.
journey into legs for different terrains or b) Players that fail a Fatigue test must
regions. increase their Fatigue score by the
e) Each player will make a number of Encumbrance value of their Travelling gear
Fatigue tests based on the duration of the (2 in a warm season or 3 in a cold season).
journey and the weather conditions of the Companions on boats or ponies halve the
season. They will make 1 test every 3 days in total Fatigue due to failed Travel rolls (round
Winter, 5 days in Spring, 6 days in fractions up). Note: this rule only affects cold
Summer,4 days in Autumn. A Fatigue test season travel due to rounding fractions up.
will be made for each full or partial number c) If at least one player fails the test and
of days travelled. the Feat die shows the EYE (11) result, a
Hazard episode has been triggered.
3. ALL players may attempt a Lore test 6. At the end of a journey, if a player's
for the first leg of the journey. Endurance is lower than his Fatigue, he
a) Take the best successful Lore roll and starts the episode Weary.
consider...a success chooses one of the 7. During an average day of travel,
following options, a great success chooses players are entitled to make a maximum of
two, and an extraordinary success chooses two die rolls for actions (basically, one action
all three (the same option cannot be chosen attempt in the morning and one in the
more than once).
TRAVEL BOONS by Telcontar Regardless, a Fatigue Test is always required
If a Gandalf Rune is rolled as part of a for a Forced March; and, given the
successful travel roll (perhaps requires a aforementioned mechanics, it is usually best
Great or Exceptional Success) then a travel to make the roll instead of invoking the Trait.
boon has occurred.
Because of the lateness of the day of arrival
at destination a full rest is usually not
possible, this means no removal of Fatigue
Discovered an old ruin that was a former
Points from any failed Fatigue Tests during
elven haven, still has a wholesome feel - all
the march, and requires a full day and night
PC's recover any Weariness due to Travel
of rest the following day instead.


Rules Used: Journey Rules and Fatigue Test A BIG LIST OF HAZARDS by Rich H
(p.155-6 of Rulebook)
Task: To Perform a Prolonged Athletics Task All Companions
(Forced March) to attempt a vigorous pace False Friends (Dangerous Meetings)
while journeying within Mirkwood. If The company meets a group of Woodmen
successful, the player-hero covers more who seem friendly. All companions must
distance in less time.
make an Insight test. If no one succeeds, they
Failure indicates a Forced March pace was do not realise that these Woodmen have
impossible and regular Journey Rules fallen to the Shadow and will seek to
prevail. ambush and rob them at the first
Simple Success: The Fatigue Test TN opportunity.
increases two levels.
Great Success: The Fatigue TN increases one On the Path of Mischief
level. (Dangerous Meetings)
Extraordinary Success: The Fatigue TN does The company passes a pair of seemingly
not increase AND regardless of the quality of
friendly local inhabitants. A successful
success, the terrain modifier used by the LM
Insight roll suggests that the pair is up to no
when calculating the Journey distance lowers
good and have some serious mischief in
one level.
For a company to make a successful Forced
March, everyone in the company needs to Enchanted Obstacle (Misery)
succeed at their Athletics Task. If a player- The company faces an enchantment not
hero has an appropriate Trait, this can be unlike the Black Stream in Mirkwood. Failing
invoked for a Simple Success of the Athletics the test, they will learn soon enough as one
Task (examples include: specific Region lore,
or several of the companions succumb to the
Hardy, Swift, Determined, and Hardened).
dark enchantment.
Scanty Provisions (Misery) Unquiet Dead (Corruption)
The reserves of food have been spoilt, or Unbeknownst to them, the company shelters
prove to be too scarce. On a failure, the on the site of an ancient massacre of
mood of the company is ruined for the rest of Dwarves by Orcs. The company are plagued
the leg of the journey (all are Temporarily by ghosts for several subsequent nights and
Miserable). every companion must make a Corruption
A Gloomy Place (Daunted)
All companions must make a Fear test to A Night Time Chorus (Weariness)
maintain their resolve as they pass through a Throughout this leg of the journey, the nights
frightfully eerie place. are plagued by the loud chorus of frogs,
toads, insects and the like, all companions
Tap-Tap-Tap... (Despair) are Temporarily Weary for this leg.
The company hears an ominous noise
echoing in the distance. The noise is Bad Weather (Fatigue)
unsettling, and everyone must make a The company must all make another Fatigue
Valour test to avoid losing Hope. test immediately as terrible weather assails
them for a number of days.
Worn with Sorrow and Toil (Despair)
The company makes hard work of their High Road (Fatigue)
travels. All companions make a Valour test The Company are forced to take a higher
to avoid losing Hope. route than expected. The cold and the climb
affect all as they traverse this high road, all
Dark Embassies (Corruption) must make another Fatigue test.
The company is met by an ambassador of
the Enemy (or of their principal enemy). He Swarms of Midges (Fatigue)
may simply offer dire warnings but may also Blood-sucking insects descend on the
wish to negotiate with them. Or even ask a company. Everyone must make an
favour of them and give them a rich reward immediate Fatigue test, representing the
for merely considering it. The characters unpleasant conditions and the distraction of
should be tempted according to their having hundreds of insects snacking on their
respective Shadow-Weaknesses. blood.

Spellbound (Corruption) Treacherous Path (Fatigue)

The company is subjected to a terrible The company must cross a difficult natural
enchantment that befalls all who enter the obstacle such as a fast flowing stream or
area. All companions must make a Wisdom steep cliff using Travel or Athletics. Any
test. On a failure, a character gains a failures require another Fatigue test.
Shadow point and falls into a daze and starts
walking towards a dangerous end (perhaps
into a swamp or cave).
Deadfall (Strain) The guide brings the company to where he
The Company may fail to spot a precarious thought there was a friendly settlement, but
it has been abandoned/destroyed. Guide
dead tree, and it falls with a crash. Anyone
must make a Wisdom Test or be Temporarily
failing an Athletics test suffers hurt from the Miserable.
crashing wood and branches (1d6
Endurance, Wounded on an Eye). Very Nasty Dreams (Corruption)
The company unknowingly stops to rest on
Dumbledors (Strain) the doorstep of a dangerous enemy. The
The companions are plagued by blood- Guide must make a Corruption test as a fell
sucking Dumbledors. All heroes must make and evil dread falls across him.
a Travel test. Anyone who fails loses one
Creeping Cold (Weariness)
point of Endurance and must suffer any
If the Guide fails a Travel test, a combination
consequences from that loss.
of unusually cold weather and poor
preparation for water travel means the
Lost Baggage (Wrong Choices)
companions are Weary for the rest of this leg
Ponies topple into gorges, packs are of the journey.
dropped, etc making Fatigue tests for the rest
of the journey more difficult (+2 TN) than Lost Direction (Weariness)
previously. The guide has lost the path he was meant to
follow and scrambles to recover the lost trail
to keep heading in the right direction while
Uncomfortable Lodgings (Wrong Choices)
traversing a trackless area. If he fails a
The heroes have made poor choices Travel test, the company is considered Weary
regarding where to camp and find a shelter for the rest of this leg of the journey.
for the night. On a failure, the companions
sleep miserably and will face harder Fatigue False Trail (Fatigue)
The guide finds an old trail that leads away
tests (+2 TN).
from where the company wants to go. Guide
to make a Travel test to stay on the correct
path, failure means the company goes onto
the wrong path, requiring an extra Fatigue
test and an extra day of travel is added.
Ambush From Above (Dangerous Meetings)
The path leads through a gorge, above which
Ill Equipped (Fatigue)
Goblins lie in wait to ambush the
The Guide has to make a Travel test. A
companions. Guide must make a Travel test
failure means he is not appropriately
to be aware of this.
equipped for the route taken and he is
considered Weary until this situation is
Signs of Monsters (Dangerous Meetings)
The guide must make a Travel test to keep
the company moving through the territory of
Biting Insects & Sucking Leeches (Strain)
a dangerous creature(s). For example, trees
The Guide leads the company through an
covered in spider webs indicate a spider nest
area rife with blood-sucking animals. Guide
nearby. On a failure, the company is unable
to make a Travel test, failure means all
to clear the territory before being attacked.
characters suffer 1d6 Endurance damage
(Disease on an Eye).
Abandoned Settlement (Despair)
Hazardous Terrain (Strain)
The path ahead is difficult and the unwary No Stars To Light the Way (Daunted)
traveller might easily twist an ankle or break The way is dark and/or confusing. All scouts
a foot. The guide can navigate these make a Fear test as the darkness closes in
hazardous patches with a Travel test; about them and eerie shadows play tricks on
otherwise one PC at random injures one of their mind.
their feet (1d6 Endurance damage).
Separated (Despair)
Dead End (Wrong Choices) The scout becomes separated from the
The Guide makes a Travel roll; on a Failure company. The scout must make an Explore
he incurs an unexpected detour. Add an Test. If he fails, then he loses Hope as he
extra day onto the length of the Journey. searches for his companions.

Split Path (Wrong Choices) Washed Out Camp (Weariness)

The guide must make a Travel test to guess It rains heavily, making finding suitable
the correct path. If the test fails, the company shelter more difficult. All Scouts must make
goes down the wrong path, add an extra day Explore Tests. If none succeed, the company's
onto the Journey. gear is soaked and they are considered
Weary for the rest of this leg of the journey.
Cruel Weather (Fatigue)
Monsters At Work (Dangerous Meetings) The company is surprised by the changing
The scout spots monsters that are otherwise weather and is repeatedly caught in the open
engaged in some activity. Spiders could be by rain or snow, add +2TN to subsequent
weaving webs, a Troll could be digging out a Fatigue tests until they find shelter.
new den, or Wargs could be feasting on a
deer. The company can either attack or use Goblin Camp (Fatigue)
Explore to find a way around without The company is in an area with very few
drawing the creature(s) attention. sheltered places to camp. Every scout makes
an Explore test. Failure results in the scout
Out of the Frying-Pan Into The Fire expending more energy in order to avoid
(Dangerous Meetings) marauding orcs and goblins that patrol the
The scout makes an Explore test. On a area, the Scout gains Fatigue as a result.
failure, the company has been put in danger
by the wrong choices of the scout; for No Way Forward (Fatigue)
example the group enters the hunting The company faces an unexpected obstacle
ground of a dangerous creature. in its path and the Scout must go out of his
way to find a better path to follow. Scout
Dying Elf (Misery) makes an Explore test, failure means an
The company moves past a place where extra day is added onto the Journey (may
Wargs and Elves have fought. One scout require an extra Fatigue test).
must make an Explore test. If he succeeds, he
encounters a dying Elf who has been Falling Branches/Rocks (Strain)
attacked by Wargs. The Elf can warn the The scout must make an Explore test to mark
company so that they avoid the Wargs. A any dangerous branches or rocks that might
Failure and the Elf is dead and the Scout is break lose. Failure results in injury to a
temporarily Miserable for the rest of this leg random PC (1d6 Endurance).
of the journey.
Ruins (Strain) Tracks of the Werewolf (Daunted)
The scout must make an Athletics test to The huntsman finds a gigantic paw-print in
avoid falling through the crumbling roof of the mud and must make a Valour test. If
long forgotten ruins. On a failure, he loses successful, the character correctly observes
Endurance (Wounded on an Eye). Is the scout that the print is old and that the beast is no
trapped in the ruins? Does the company have longer nearby. If unsuccessful, the hunter
the time to explore the strange ruins? mistakenly determines that the print is fresh
and that a gigantic wolf is lurking in the
Between Hammer and Anvil (Wrong Choices) woods.
The scout makes an Explore test and
discovers that the company is caught Just Out of Reach (Despair)
between two perils. Circumventing them The huntsman spots a flock or herd just
causes delays and greater challenges than beyond some natural barrier such as a
expected. Add a day to the length of the rushing river or deep chasm. Hunter to make
Journey. a Wisdom test or become Temporarily
A Noble Beast (Corruption)
A Fallen Token (Dangerous Meetings) Unbeknownst to the huntsman, the beast he
The huntsman discovers a token of some is tracking is a noble and intelligent creature.
kind: a sign that someone has deliberately He recognises this on a successful Hunting
dropped or placed. Is someone in danger test. If the creature is killed by the
and in need of help? Huntsman, he will be asked to pay a were
gild to its family, and will also need to make
Haunted Grounds (Dangerous Meetings) a Corruption test to avoid gaining Shadow.
On a Hunting test failure the hunter
continues to pursue a seemingly easy prey Foul Foraging (Weariness)
but as soon as the beast’s blood hits the The huntsman makes a Hunting test. On a
earth, the air grows dim as an evil mist failure, he mistakes a poisonous plant,
descends and ghosts assail the company berry, or mushroom for a common edible
with dreadful spells. one. The company is sickened and
considered Weary for the rest of the leg of the
Outlaws (Dangerous Meetings) journey.
While travelling away from the rest of the
company the huntsman spies a small patrol Magic Mushrooms (Fatigue)
of outlaws approaching. Does the The mushrooms in the area are unfamiliar.
companion race back to the company, or try All Huntsmen make a Hunting Test. If no one
to hide? succeeds, the companions are plagued by
nightmares and restless sleep, all gain
Fat Pheasants (Misery) Fatigue as a result.
The huntsman spots a flock of juicy fat black
pheasants (or other desirable fowl). He is
permitted a single Hunting or Bow test to Scarce Game (Fatigue)
bring one down before the rest scatter. If the The company moves through an area of
test fails, the birds vanish, and the company scarce game. Can their Hunters successfully
are tormented by the thought of what they forage food? If not the company gains
might have had if they were luckier. Fatigue.
From Hunter to Prey (Strain) company can fight the monster, or they can
A dangerous predator has followed the hide if the look-out gives enough warning
tracks or the scent of a hunting companion. (roll Awareness). If anyone fails the Stealth
On a failure the Huntsman is attacked by an test, the troll spots them.
unusually dangerous creature and takes 1d6
Endurance damage (Wounded if an Eye). Scavengers (Miserable)
The company has attracted the attention of
Things That Bite and Sting (Strain) scavenging animals, who follow them on
The huntsman is attacked by a small their journey. All Look-Outs must roll
creature that quickly disappears – on a failed Awareness. If none succeed, the scavengers
Hunting test the hunter takes 1d6 Endurance have looted the company's provisions and
damage (Disease if an Eye). the companions are Miserable until they
reach a safe place.
Foul Water (Strain)
The river and streams of the area are A Fell Creature (Daunted)
corrupted. All Huntsmen make a Hunting The look-out spots a large bat swooping
Test. If no one succeeds all the company are towards him and must then make a Valour
Poisoned. test to resist the vampire’s dreadful spells, on
a failure he is Daunted.
Poached Quarry (Wrong Choices)
The hunter pursues the same quarry as a Spooked (Daunted)
group of Elves. One Huntsman makes a The look-out makes a Valour test to avoid
Hunting Test. If he succeeds, he has killed a becoming spooked by strange noises. On a
particularly fine stag that was being stalked failure he is Daunted.
by a group of Elves and they are not happy.

Look-out A Thief Is Abroad (Despair)

There is a strange, sad creature stealing
Hungry Wolves (Dangerous Meetings) valuables from passing travellers. All Look-
A pack of wolves are hunting in the area. Outs must make an Awareness test. If none
While they are unlikely to attack a bank of succeed, one item of value is lost. The victim
armed adventurers, a lone look-out might be is randomly determined unless one
easier prey, especially if he is a toothsome companion possesses a valuable ring, in
morsel like a Hobbit or a fat Dale-man. which case the thief makes off with that...
Lookout must make an Awareness test or be
surprised. No Way Out (Despair)
The companions feel like they are going
Monsters Roused (Dangerous Meetings) round in circles. All look-outs must make
The company travels close to the lair of a Awareness tests. If no one succeeds, the
perilous monster or a colony of wicked company loses Hope as they struggle to
creatures. On a failure, monsters are made overcome the feeling that they are lost.
aware of the company’s presence before any
companion realises that a threat is Spies and Thieves! (Corruption)
imminent, and attack. The look-out makes an Awareness test. On a
failure, one or more valuable items are taken
Wandering Troll (Dangerous Meetings) from the camp at night and the companions
The look-out hears something huge moving only notice the following morning. On a
nearby. A troll is wandering this way, The success, the company’s belongings remain
safe but the look-out is unsettled by feelings CARAVAN HAZARDS by fedifensor
of being watched.
Broken Wheel (All Companions)
Blanket of Butterflies (Weariness) One of the caravan wagons breaks a wheel,
A flock of purple butterflies flutter down and or even an axle. It takes a TN 14 Craft check
nest on the sleeping company. They are like to fix the wagon so it can be used. Failure
a velvet shroud; if left undisturbed, they means the contents of the wagon are
smother their victims. The butterflies hum a distributed among the people in the caravan,
lullaby as they land. The look-out must make
counting as an extra encumbrance point of
an Awareness roll to stay awake; if
traveling gear. This will increase the Fatigue
successful, he fends off the unnatural
sleepiness and drives the butterflies away. gained from any future failed tests from 1 to
On a failure, the humming of the butterflies 2. This lasts until the journey ends.
puts him to sleep too. The company are
saved when one of the insects is inhaled by a Bad Weather (Guide)
sleeping companion, and his choking snorts Storms batter the caravan, and the guide
wake the rest. In that time, though, all the must find an appropriate location to set
company were partially suffocated and feel camp for the night. The Guide makes a
drained, all considered Weary until next Travel test. If the roll is failed, the penalty for
rest. failed Fatigue tests is increased by 1. This
lasts until the journey ends, or a (Gandalf) is
Guttering Fires (Fatigue) rolled.
A constant freezing wind makes keeping the
fire alive difficult. All Look-Outs must make
Unexpected Obstacle (Scout)
an Awareness roll. If none succeed, they
repeatedly let the fire go out and all The way forward is sufficiently blocked that
companions are cold and fatigued when they the wagons can't get through, and an
rise in the morning from their restless alternative path must be found. All Scouts
slumber, all gain Fatigue (as if a failed must make an Explore test. If no one
Fatigue). succeeds, the caravan loses a day of travel,
and the Scouts must repeat their rolls each
Jumping at Shadows (Fatigue) day until one is successful.
In a dark and sinister part of the wood, there
are many noises and movements that look
Missing Supplies (Huntsman)
threatening but may not be. Look-Outs
Some of the foodstuffs are missing from the
should make Awareness Tests. If any fail, no
one gets a proper night's sleep. caravan. The character is sent to bolster the
supplies. All Huntsmen must make a
A Taste For Blood (Strain) Hunting test. If no one succeeds, all
The look-out makes an Awareness test companions are temporarily Weary as the
otherwise he wakes with a mysterious bite caravan is put on half rations. This lasts
mark (Failure with an Eye means Poisoned). until the journey ends, or a (Gandalf) is
rolled. If a Huntsman failed the roll with a
Midge Infestation (Wrong Choices) (Sauron) result, he is accidentally Wounded
The Look Out makes an Awareness test, on a
during the hunt.
Failure he encounters a large infestation of
midges and the company struggles to
circumvent the pests, all Weary until rested.
Runaway Horse (Look-out) enormous appetites drive them to feed on
A horse is spooked by a noise, and pulls free nearly anything. They are fierce, cunning,
from one of the wagons. A successful and superb climbers, and attack even the
Awareness test is required to grab the tallest warriors. Explorers in Moria should
animal's bridle before it flees. If the horse take care where they rest or sleep…
escapes, it slows down the caravan, adding Death Shrews
one day for each test remaining in the trip. ATTRIBUTE LEVEL 3
MORIA HAZARDS by Mim Personality, 1 Survival, 2
Movement, 3 Custom, 0
Cloud of Hate (Huntsman)
Perception, 2 Vocation, 0
The Huntsman discovers the deadly purple
moss known as Gorfang (Dread-beard)
Bite 2
nestling in a dimly lit cranny. The peculiar
moss emits a reddish tell-tale spray that
Bewilder (four or more) Fear of Fire
causes sleep; and on occasion, the Dread-
Bite Damage 2/Edge 10/Inj 14 /Pierce
beard’s juices can be fatal—once the victim
falls asleep, the moss covers the victim. The
Red Jaws (all Companions)
Dread-beard places you into a deep sleep,
A pack of these four to six foot long fish with
one in which you cannot awaken on your
large flat heads and huge red jaws filled with
own until the effects wear off. Other people
rows of sharp teeth scavenge within the
can awaken you by successfully testing
murky depths of the water. Woe to anyone
versus TN 14 in the usual ways — such as
who falls in, because these voracious eaters
jostling or shouting at you, or by splashing
can devour a Man’s leg in seconds (Convert
water on your face. This slumber lasts for up
the Death Shrew stats)
to one hour per point of Body rating.

Great Bats (Huntsman)

Tap-Tap-Tap (all Companions)
The companions enter a cave where Great
Ranging ahead in the darkness, the company
Bats hang hungrily from the roof. If the
hear a noise echoing through the rock from
company investigates, a number of the
far away and far below. Tap-tap-tap, it says,
unusually large bats flutter angrily around —
tap-tap-tap. The noise is unsettling, and
one for each hero. In the confusion, the
everyone must make an immediate Valour
companions will drop any light source,
test (TN 12) to avoid losing a point of Hope.
which will probably extinguish. Anyone
striking at the bats in the darkness may hit
their nearest friend instead of their intended Treacherous Footing (any Companion)
bat. The tunnel opens up into a chasm. A raging
underground river plunges into this pit,
falling into the uttermost deeps of the world.
Fine Eaters (Huntsman)
The tunnel continues on the far side of the
The Shadow corrupts Death Shrews into
chasm, and a narrow ledge runs along the
vicious and aggressive little rodents. Their
opposite wall of the chasm to the waterfall. HAZARDS FOR JOURNEYS FROM LAKE-
The company can — if they dare — clamber TOWN TO GREY MTNS by Lathspell
along this water-slick ledge to continue their
journey. A wise guide will advise the The Itinerant Dwarves
travellers to rope themselves together, and “The Naugrim looked at us warily. They were a
then have the most agile companion make suspicious folk made more so by the perils of
the first crossing. The first crossing requires bandits and things worse than bandits on the
roads this far north. Still they begrudgingly
passing an Athletics test (TN 14). Failure
agreed to share their fire for the night, and as the
means the adventurer falls into the depths
evening shadows grew conversation turned
and perishes, unless he is roped to other towards the journey that lay ahead of us”.
companions. If a hero is lost this way, then
all his companions must pass a Corruption The company encounters a group of dwarves
test or gain one Shadow point for the traveling between Erebor and the Ered Luin
distressful experience (see Rules on Anguish (or possibly the Greydelve) either to trade
of rulebook p.222-223). goods or to visit their distant cousins. The
dwarves are initially terse, but value Valour.
Sinkhole (all Companions) The usual racial modifiers apply, and a few
The constant erosion occurring within the acts of Courtesy, a Song or two, or a game of
limestone deposits beneath cause an Riddles might get the Dwarves too loosen
enormous sinkhole that effectively blocks the their tongues. (If the companions choose to
passageway. It measures twenty feet in share what provisions they have with the
length and disappears to a depth of one dwarves lower the TN by 2, or by 4 if they are
hundred feet, emerging into an icy cold sharing Beorning Honey-cakes.)
underground rivulet that flows hard and
strong toward the Sirannon (Gate Stream) or Results:
Glanduin (Border River) toward the 0-1 The Dwarves share their fire, but little
westward, or the Celebrant (Silverlode) else. They leave before the break of day
toward the eastward. without even a word of farewell.
There are isolated spots where the water has 2-4 The Dwarves are polite and glad of
worn the roof of its passage smooth with the companionship. They may share
time, thus allowing anyone falling in (and rumours of far of lands, or sights they have
taking the normal falling damage as seen while traversing the Narrows.
appropriate) to come up gasping for air. This 5-7 The Dwarves are pleased to have met
potentially allows for his survival by being the company and tell them of a hidden valley
swept downstream with the current, if he can in the narrows. If the heroes succeed in an
survive the bitter cold immersion and being Explore check they find the valley. Reduce the
slammed against the rocks en route his TN of Travel checks in the valley by 2, and
merger with the aforementioned stream — the journey is shortened by a day.
several miles on. 8+ Same as above but the Dwarves are
so impressed by the company they are
If the heroes secure a rope to the opposite
willing to delay their own journey slightly in
side with a sure cast (Athletics or a ranged
order to show the Company the way to the
shot at TN 14), they can swing or climb
valley, eliminating the Explore check.
across, Athletics (TN 14).
~The Unexpected Storm~ Endurance.
“The weather had been fair, ideal for traveling
and we had hoped to make good time. The storm,
when it came, arrived suddenly out of the north. ~Lost in the storm~
The formerly blue sky quickly darkening as A storm whirls up a wall of white, and the
clouds crested the mountains and blotted out the characters lose their way in the wilds. Roll
sun. The storm was upon us before we could find 1d6 and use the hexagonal pattern on the
shelter and within minutes we were all soaked to Loremaster’s Map to determine what
the bone”. direction they end up, disregarding the
direction they were heading in. They will
end up one day’s worth of travel in this
Mountain country can have severe and
direction before the Guide can try and find
sudden shifts in weather, which can be
their way again.
especially dangerous to those unfamiliar
with what to expect. If the Look-Out fails an Should the company fail to realize their
Awareness check (Mountaineer can provide mistake, they will continue in this direction
an auto-success here or possible AP) the until they do. Adjust the remaining number
company is caught in a sudden squalor. Lose of Fatigue Tests accordingly.
endurance equal to two success dice.
~Heavy Snowfall ~
~The Glacial Lake~ During the night snow starts to fall and by
In a valley the company happens upon a the end of the following day it is snowing so
hidden lake with icebergs breaking through heavily that it becomes hard to ignore. After
the sapphire blue surface. The spectacular two days of continuous snowfall travel
view might be enough to restore a point or becomes harder and harder, making the
two of hope (possibly requires an Awareness company slower than usual and more tired
check, with failed checks merely noting the from the strenuous journey.
water is freezing). If anyone in the company
wishes to go for a swim, have them make a The company loses one day’s worth of Travel
Valour check to steel themselves for the and 2 points of Endurance.
plunge (Swimming might at LM's discretion
allow an auto-success here). Anyone who
succeeds loses a few points of Travel fatigue, ~Snow-wolves~
depending on the level of their rolls success. The wolves of the plains, all white during the
One for normal, two for superior, or three for winter, are desperately hungry and looking
Extraordinary. for food. They will track the characters and
attack them during the night. Roll 1d6 and
add the number of heroes in the company to
get the total number of wolves (use Wild
HAZARDS DURING WINTER by Magus76 Wolves stats).

~Severe Cold~
The temperature drops dramatically and
freezing winds howl over the open plains.
Everyone loses 10 minus their Body-rating in
~ACTIONS WHILE TRAVELLING~ "Provisions" here refers to enough food (of
whatever kind) and water for each member

Travelling is a dangerous business, and those The Target Number is derived from the
who venture far afield must be well-prepared or Region Table (p.158), and is modified
have sufficient skills in order to survive in the according to season in which the journey
wild and untamed corners of the world, far from takes place and any other circumstances the
civilization. Loremaster may deem relevant (such as
traveling in a Blighted Area, particularly
While the rules as written explain that a hero can
only carry a week's worth of provisions, thus a barren land etc.).
Company must rely on their hunting skills once
Other companions with the Hunting skill can
their provisions run out, the rules don’t have
provide assistance, with every additional
much detail about foraging for provisions or the
consequences of running out of provisions. RAW success adding an additional 2 points to the
of 2 hunting rolls/day/character seemed overly hunter’s total score, and every failed roll
cumbersome, and since food often holds such an subtracting 2 from the total score.
important place in Tolkien's stories it seemed
important to establish some guidelines for Success
handling it in the game and especially what the If the Hunter succeeds the Company has
consequences of running out of food might be. enough food to sustain themselves for the
journey or that leg of the journey. A Great
Those travelling on foot can carry enough Success or Extraordinary means the
provisions to sustain themselves for one company has managed to gather more than
week. Travelling by pony or horse, or using a enough food. As a result, uninjured heroes
pack-horse or mule, means that two weeks’ heal using their favoured Heart rating per
worth of provisions can be carried. However, night, rather than just their basic heart
once provisions run out food must be caught score.
or foraged from the surrounding wilderness.

The designated hunter of the group can Failure

make a Hunting roll at the commencement Failure on the Hunting test means that food
of a journey. If the journey is long enough to proves to be so scarce on the journey to
be broken up into individual legs, then the sufficiently feed all companions.
hunting check is made for each leg of the Consequently, the Company can only recover
journey, to try and find provisions for the 2 Endurance per nights rest (except for those
group. with an untreated Wound, who only recover
the normal 1 Endurance per nights rest).
The roll represents how well the hunter does
in getting provisions from multiple hunting If a Gandalf is rolled on the feat die the
and foraging attempts over the course of the Company gains 1 Fellowship Point due to
journey or that leg of the journey, and thus, especially good food on the journey and an
how much provisions the Company manages improvement in morale that results.
to find beyond their carrying capacity.
If an Eye is rolled on the feat die the BONUS JOURNEY TASKS by Rich H
Company loses 1 Fellowship Point from their These rules expand upon the Journey rules
pool due to lack of food and a consequent presented in the main rulebook.
loss of morale among the Company.
Upon a Great or Extraordinary success on a
Fatigue test a player may select one of the
Hunting on a Journey Results Table:
following options, based upon the
Failure = The Company have not found
character's Role or Calling, and gains the
sufficient provisions for the week. Penalty of
benefit of the chosen Journey Task for the
+2 to Travel TN and the Company can only
specified length of time.
recover 2 Endurance per nights rest (except
for those with an untreated Wound, who
only recover the normal 1 Endurance per These tasks, listed below, provide small
nights rest). additional bonuses to other actions and tests
which may occur during a fellowship's
Success = The Company have sufficient
provisions for the week. When To Use Them?
Journey tasks are designed to supplement
story tasks, not replace them, so if the story
Great Success = The Company have sufficient
requires players to be undertaking specific
provisions for the week. Bonus of +2 to the
time-consuming tasks (e.g., searching for a
next Travel TN.
missing pair of dwarves) then the focus
should be on the story tasks.
Extraordinary Success = The Company have
found more than enough provisions for the Likewise, for narrative reasons, there may be
week, perhaps a large deer or an abundant times where nothing of interest happens and
grove of fruit trees. Same as Great Success the Loremaster wants to quickly move the
with this addition: next week's Hunt is characters from one location to another. Do
considered to be a normal Success. In other not use Journey Tasks in these cases.
words, the Huntsman need not make a roll
that week to find provisions. Task Descriptions
In the following descriptions “n” is the
number of successes (one for a Great success
Success with a Gandalf = 1 Fellowship Point and two for an Extraordinary success),
added to the pool in addition to the Quality obtained during a Fatigue Test that are used
of the Success as above. in the particular effect being described.

A Good Road Taken (Guide)

Failure with an Eye = 1 Fellowship Point
A competent Guide aids the company by
removed from the pool in addition to the
discovering and choosing better paths to
Failure as above.

Reduce TN by n for the next Travel fatigue

test rolls for all companions.
A Soft Bed & A Warm Fire (Scout) No Fear This Day (Slayer)
An able Scout fashions a good camp from A fearless Slayer is undaunted by dark
the materials at hand. visions and eerie feelings.

Increase the number of Endurance points Reduce the TN by n for the next Fear test rolls
recovered by 2n for all companions taking a for all companions. May only be applied
prolonged rest. once per Journey Leg.

A Hearty Meal (Hunter) Treasures Untold (Treasure Hunter)

The capable Hunter successfully forages for A sharp-eyed Treasure Hunter uncovers
extra provisions to provide for a hearty meal. items of value within dark caverns and
dangerous lairs.
Restore 2n Endurance points to all
companions. Can only be used in Wild Lands, Shadow
Lands, and Dark lands. Find 2n treasure
Sharp Wits Available (Look-out) points. May only be applied once per
A sharp witted Look-Out stays alert for signs Journey Leg.
of danger.
Paths Seldom Trodden (Wanderer)
Reduce the TN by n for the next test roll when The world-wary Wanderer aids the company
attempting to avoid a Hazard. by journeying along paths that are seldom
trodden; away from the prying eyes of the
Spirits Raised (Captain) servants of the Enemy.
A good-hearted Captain raises the spirits of
his companions when they find themselves Reduce the Fellowship's Eye Awareness by n.
at their lowest ebb. May only be applied once per Journey Leg.
Note: If a campaign has yet to employ the Eye of
Remove the Miserable or Daunted status Mordor Rules (from Rivendell) then the Journey
from n Companions. May only be applied Task for the Wanderer can be used instead to
once per Journey Leg. ignore the next EYE result on a Fatigue Test. As
usual, this may only be applied once per Journey
Secrets Revealed (Scholar)
A perceptive Scholar discovers vital pieces of
Against The Shadow (Warden)
information within ancient ruins.
A wise Warden recognises the signs of the
Shadow and wards against them.
Find n clues. The Loremaster must state prior
to this action whether there are in fact any
Reduce the TN by n on the next Corruption
clues worth discovering! Such clues do not
test rolls for all companions. May only be
have to relate directly to the current task in
applied once per Journey Leg.
hand or adventure and may be used by the
Loremaster to foreshadow and provide
information on future events. May only be
applied once per Journey Leg.
~Miscellaneous Journey Rules~ them, and they all fail their Hunting rolls, he
may declare the chase ended.
CHASES by Stormcrow

Treat the chase as an opposed action.

Why Chase Rules?
Decide how many "areas" the pursued are
"...they began to hear goblin noises and horrible
from the pursuers. Each opposed roll
cries far behind in the passages they had come
represents a day of travel. One success through. That sent them on faster than ever..."
increases or decreases the number of areas
between the pursuers and the pursued. These chase rules try to bridge the gap
between the strategic movement of travel,
Players may either roll for themselves or let covering days at a time, and the direct,
the character with the lowest skill roll. If they immediate, operational-level clash of arms
do the former, they split up as some gain that is a combat encounter, where dice rolls
more success than others. Anyone using fly almost as fast as sword-strokes.
mounts or vehicles may roll a skill assigned The One Ring has been lacking rules for
by the Loremaster. tactical movement, yet the setting is in need
Exactly which skill to use depends on the of them: Be it escaping from goblins in Moria
nature of the action. The pursued will or under the Misty Mountains, reaching
usually roll Athletics or Travel, as they will Bucklebury ferry before the Ringwraiths do,
usually be trying to move as quickly as outboating Uruk-Hai down the Anduin or
possible. If the pursuers know where the chasing them on foot over the plains of
pursued are, they will roll Athletics or Travel Rohan.
as well.

But suppose the pursuers have to figure out Hunter or Hunted?

where their quarry is: they may have to roll Whether the party is in pursuit, or being
Hunting instead to follow the trail. If the pursued, the rules used are the same. The
pursued are trying to hide from the pursuers, only difference is whether successful actions
they'll have to roll Stealth. advance up or down along the distance
category list, or, if that is easier to imagine, it
determines whether the list is flipped on its
If the pursuers reduce the number of areas to head. When the characters pursue, we shall
0, the two groups have a confrontation. If the call it a hunt, when they flee, a flight.
pursued stop fleeing, the pursuers may take
automatic actions to catch up, or they may Preparedness
continue to roll if they want great or The skill to determine the bonus success dice
extraordinary successes to get there faster. in a chase is Hunting. Preparedness can
mean having brought snares, driving the
adversary or knowing how to mask one's
The Loremaster must decide if the pursuers
approach or detachment.
have lost their quarry. For instance, if the
quarry has been using Stealth to hide from
Target Number While any category allows the use of
To keep in line with The One Ring's Athletics, each distance category also allows
philosophy of avoiding opposed rolls, at first the use of another special skill or action.
the target number of the chase should be
determined. Success and Failure

As usual the base TN is 14, modified in steps For a character to maintain their current
of 2 for comparative advantages or distance category, an ordinary success is
disadvantages. If both sides share an required, since the adversaries are not
advantage or disadvantage, it should not standing still, or there would be no need for
influence the relative outcome - thus, for a chase encounter.
instance, the difficulty of the terrain travelled
in should not influence the target number on Failure results in the change of one distance
its own. category to the detriment of the character:
towards immediate when escaping, towards
Tunneling capacity, state of mountedness or distant when pursuing.
natural speed, and availability of boats are
usual factors to be considered (, as well as A Great success lets the character advance
great differences in attribute level to valour one distance category to their benefit. An
and virtue of the party). Extraordinary success lets the character
advance next round without rolling (if any
Examples: A party on horseback pursuing special skill was used), and allows the
orcs on foot rolls against TN 12. modification of another companion’s roll up
one category to a maximum of a Great
A party without any tunneler trying to escape success.
from goblins underground deals with TN 16.
Rolling an Eye makes the character suffer a
A pack of tunnelling Hobbits boating along fatigue increase equal to the encumbrance of
an underground river in pursuit of an Elf on their travelling gear as they exert themselves.
foot against whom Saruman has set his will This has no bearing on the success or failure
rolls against TN 8 to take him to Isengard. of the test, and the success of the test has no
bearing on the fatigue increase.

Categories and Skills: Overview

Failing a test in the last category (immediate
for flight, distant for hunt) results in no
There are 5 distance categories, preliminarily
change of distance category, but incurs a loss
named distant, far, medium, close and
of 2 Endurance points.
immediate. The starting category is
determined by the Loremaster in accordance
with the narrative situation.
Addtional Actions per Category

"Immediate" should never be the starting Distant:

category unless by player choice; even if a Stealth
party just escaped combat with enemies that "When the goblins discovered that, they put out
give chase, they should start at least in their torches and they slipped on soft shoes, and
"close" category. they chose out their very quickest runners with
the sharpest ears and eyes. These ran forward, as Medium:
swift as weasels in the dark, and with hardly any Ranged Weapon Skill
more noise than bats." "Arrows fell among them. One struck Frodo and
sprang back. Another pierced Gandalf's hat and
stuck there like a black feather."
Closing some distance before the enemy
knows it is a chase, or slipping away quietly
Well-placed arrows may well discourage
when the distance allows. It is not necessary pursuit, or slow down an enemy as they have
for the whole party to adopt a stealthy
to dodge and defend. Note that this is not a
approach to allow a character to advance ranged attack, but simply a roll using the
using Stealth (or help the party along with it).
ranged weapon skill as if it were a common
skill. Shooting at someone still is usually
considered a hostile action, even if the intent
"But come! With hope or without we will follow
here is to slow down rather than cause
the trail of our enemies. And woe to them, if we
prove the swifter!"

Keeping spirits up when a chase looks Alternatively, in cases where the Loremaster
distant, or encouraging the last dash to deems it sensible, such as when chasing a
safety may speed the company on its way or single adversary, the archer may opt for a
at least means leading by example. single ranged attack when in medium or
close distance.
Give up Hunt (any category)
A character can opt to give up the hunt Close:
rather than continue rolling tests and risk Battle
suffering further fatigue increase and "Suddenly without a signal they sprang silently
endurance loss. If they do so, they play no forward to attack. Bows twanged and arrows
further part in the hunt, and likely none in whistled; battle was about to be joined."
the encounter that follows the chase.
Knowing stratagems, tactics and effective
They may be allowed to join at some point at
manoeuvring to bring about combat or
the Loremaster's discretion (especially if the
detach oneself from its immediate threat.
ensuing encounter is a social one and the
other characters persuade the NPCs to wait
for, or meet, their companion, which might
Give up Flight (any category)
require more than an ordinary success). "All the same he suddenly refused to go a step
further and flung himself on the ground."
Explore A character can opt to give up the flight,
"Swiftly now the pursuers turned and followed rather than continue rolling tests and risk
the new path. As if fresh from a night's rest they suffering further fatigue increase and
sprang from stone to stone." endurance loss. If they do so, they are
Represents an awareness for the best considered captured, or suffer any other
negotiable paths, shortcuts and escape consequence the Loremaster deems fitting for
routes. the narrative.
If the other characters immediately give up End of Chase
the flight to come to the laggard’s rescue, a A hunt ends when at least half the party's
combat encounter might ensue where it characters have reached the immediate
might be sensible to stagger the arrival of the distance category. Then, the Loremaster
other party members according to their takes the narration to the next scene, likely a
distance category. Note that the scene might combat or unusually a social encounter. The
perceivably change from a flight to a hunt if other characters should arrive at the
the adversaries subdue the laggard quickly encounter staggered by their distance
enough and are of a mind to take prisoners. category.

Delaying Action (Weapon Skill) A flight ends when all characters have made
"At this point Gandalf fell behind, and Thorin a successful advance from the "distant"
with him. They turned a sharp corner. "About category.
turn!" he shouted. "Draw your sword Thorin!""

Characters may decide to play Boromir to

allow others a chance to escape or catch up
with them. In case of a flight, this means they 1) The group who runs has a Starting
forego their Athletics roll to increase the Lead equal to the highest Travel/Movement
distance category. skill among its members.
Optional: If time is being used as the Lead, 4
A Hunting character does not have to fight a
hours = 1 Lead.
delaying action, he can simply keep his
distance category to await the arrival of his
friends without further rolling (or voluntarily 2) The pursuing group can make one
fall back again, etc.). Hunting skill check in the morning and
another one in the afternoon (TN based on
Whether hunt or flight, the character makes the difficulty of the terrain). If no success is
a weapon skill roll against the chase TN. On scored, the group cannot move, as it doesn’t
a failure he suffers endurance loss as if he know which direction to follow. Raise the
was in the last distance category. When Lead by 1. For every Eye rolled (even if the
rolling an Eye, in addition to the fatigue roll wasn’t a failure), the Lead also raises by
increase for the chase, he must also roll a 1.
protection test against the chase TN or suffer
a wound.
3) If at least one Hunting check was
However, while a character is fighting a successful, the pursuing group can continue
delaying action no other character can lose a the chase. Succeeding in a Hunting check
distance category. Furthermore, a Great doesn’t reduce the Lead.
Success lets every other character advance a
distance category.
4) The pursuing group can Force the
March to catch up with the running group.
Every character has to roll one Athletics (TN
based on the difficulty of the terrain) per
day. The Scout is allowed two tests each day. Each
test moves the company half a day’s journey
up or down stream (this may result in travel
A failure means an increase in Fatigue equal delays as the company may need to
to the Travelling Gear.
backtrack or replan their route once they
Even if everyone failed the Athletics check, cross the river).
the Lead is reduced by 1.
If everyone was successful in the Athletics
Once a viable area to cross the river is found,
check, reduce the Lead by 2.
all party members must then pass an
Athletics test (Riding if on horseback) to ford
5) The LM has to keep a record of the the river.
number of days passed, and apply Travel
The TN for this test is equal to 12 plus the roll
checks accordingly. of a success die. The TN is increased by +2
for spring (rivers running higher) and winter
6) If the Lead reaches 7 or more then (ice and cold).
the running group has escaped.
On a Great success a player may assist
If the Lead reaches 0, the pursuing group has
another player, on an Extraordinary success,
caught up.
he may assist 2 other characters.

For each failed roll, a player loses Endurance

RIVER CROSSINGS by Wbweather equal to the roll of a success die.

A player who fails with an “Eye” result on the

There are areas along every river that are feat die gains a wound. Once discovered, a
well known as easy places to ford. It is not ford can be marked on the map (along with
surprising that many of the main roads lead its TN) and used again by the company
to these crossing points. Travelling whenever they return to the area.
adventurers do not always stick to the main
roads, however, and often find themselves
many miles from a well-known crossing. At
times such as these, players may need to
search for a suitable place to cross a river.

Searching for a fordable spot in the river

requires a prolonged action by the scout
requiring 3 successful Search rolls.

A great success counts as two rolls, an

extraordinary success counts for three.

Any ''Eye" rolled on these tests results in an

additional day of travel (as the company
loses a day in unproductive searching).
“Players are free to describe the advantage
~combat~ granted by a free Success die in any way they see
fit, but should conform to the description by the

Allowing those who successfully Ambush
their opponents the ability to choose CLOSE QUARTERS
engagements in addition to gaining initiative
(which is the current benefit).
Change result of a Gandalf/Eye
Ambushing - Extra successes: Each level of
Rolling an Eye/Gandalf on an attack roll
success is 1 extra round of ranged attacks.
grants EITHER an automatic hit
Ambushing - Charging: melee types may
OR a Piercing Blow, not both.
make unanswered melee attacks on the final
round of ranged attacks instead of using a
ranged weapon.
The target of a close combat attack who is
aware of the attack and able to defend
Exploiting Combat Advantages
themselves is harder to hit if the weapon they
Expanding the use of Combat advantage dice
are using has a significantly greater reach
to include defence by editing the text of the
than that of their opponent.
Rulebook as follows:
Subtract the Relative Reach of the attacker's
"Based on the quality of the result, every weapon from the Relative Reach of the
successful Battle roll grants a hero a number of target's weapon and add it to the TN of the
bonus Success dice to use for rolls or for Parry
bonuses in Combat."

Each ordinary success grants one Success

Table 8: Weapons & Relative Reach
die, a great success grants two dice, while an
extraordinary success grants three dice. Relative Reach Weapon

Heroes may spend one bonus Success die to 0 Unarmed

add it to any one of their rolls during the
2 Dagger
ensuing confrontation (to boost an attack roll
for example) or to add a temporary Parry 4 Short Sword, Axe
bonus to his defence (by rolling the die and
adding the result to his Parry rating), or he 6 Sword, Great Axe, Mattock
may give it to another hero to spend it on
8 Long Sword, Spear
one of his own rolls (the hero who receives
the die must spend it immediately when his 10 Great Spear, Lance, Pike etc.
turn to act comes or when he is attacked). A
player may only spend one die per round.
Two Weapon Fighting Version 1 A character fighting with a secondary
A companion may fight with one of the weapon in his off-hand adds 1 to his Fatigue
following weapons in their off-hand in score.
conjunction with a primary weapon* for
greater effects: If the secondary weapon has an
Encumbrance value of 0, it grants the
Dagger (including dagger skill for torches following benefits:
and small improvised weapons), short Defensive stance: the wielder gains +1 to his
sword, axe. Parry value (as if he was wielding a buckler);
Open and Forward stance: the wielder gains
Spears, ranged weapons and two-handed
+2 to the Injury TN of his primary weapon.
weapons may not be used in two-weapon
If the secondary weapon has an
Weapons that can be wielded 1-H or 2-H Encumbrance value of 1, it grants the
such as a long sword or long-hafted axe can following benefits:
be used with a secondary weapon provided Defensive stance: the wielder gains +1 to his
that they are wielded one-handed. Parry value, as if he was wielding a buckler
Open and Forward stance: the wielder gains
Bonuses: +2 to the primary weapon’s Damage and +2
Forward Stance: reduce the edge rating of the to the Injury TN.
primary weapon by 1.
Open Stance: increase the damage rating of
the weapon by 2. A successful called shot with a sword against
a two-weapon fighter still disarms him of his
Defensive Stance: grants a +1 parry bonus as
per a buckler. primary weapon; a successful called shot
with an axe breaks his secondary weapon, as
Rearward Stance: no effect.
if it was a shield.

Two Weapon Fighting version 2 by

Two Weapon fighting Version 3 by
Any character who wishes to fight with two
weapons designates a primary A character who wishes to fight with two
weapons has to be skilled with both weapons
weapon (wielded in his main hand) and
a secondary weapon (wielded in his off- and need a rank of at least 2 in the main
weapon and 1 in the secondary weapon. The
secondary weapon must have a maximum
He must have at least 2 points of weapon encumbrance of 1.
skill in the primary weapon and at least 1
point in the secondary weapon, which must A character fighting with two weapons may
be a one-handed melee weapon with an re-roll the Feat Die on his attacks with the
Encumbrance value of 1 or less. main weapon and choose which result to
use, but if he does so he has to use the profile
of the secondary weapon instead of the main
one to calculate damage, edge and injury.
If he/she chooses not to use the re-roll, the Order of Action 0 (before forward)
secondary weapon provides a +1 Parry Combat TN: 9 + Parry value
bonus against close combat attacks for the
current round. Tasks Available:
1) Escape Combat
This is automatic if your enemy are afoot,
Since fighting with two weapons is tiring a
otherwise at the end of the round make an
character must increase his Fatigue score by
Athletics roll at TN 10 + highest opponents
1 every time he switches to this style or enters
Attribute Level.
combat wielding two weapons. This extra
If failed, you lose 1 Hope. If you succeed,
Fatigue is recovered in the same way as
your opponents lose 1 or more Hate. You
Travel Fatigue.
cannot do this if you were wounded last
2) Cavalry Charge Stance: You spend an
Two Weapon Fighting Version 4 by
entire round gathering speed. If your attack
in the following round is successful your
Fighting effectively with two weapons is
Parry is increased by 3.
extremely difficult for heroes not specifically
trained in this combat style and, for obvious
reasons such as size and function, not all ~Forward Stance: Grapple Fighting ~
weapons can be paired.
Any unarmed hero or hero armed with a
Each player hero can normally wield two dagger or short weapon may attempt to
grapple his opponent and gain an advantage
weapons from the list below at the same
while fighting.
time, but his only benefit would be to choose
which one he’s going to use for his attack roll When it is his turn to take action, he should
in the round. first make a roll of Athletics or Battle. The TN
for the roll is equal to 10 plus his opponent's
Weapons that can be paired: Dagger, Short Attribute level. A great or extraordinary
Sword, Sword, Axe. success is needed if the hero is engaged by
multiple opponents.
A character that acquires the Dual Wielding
Mastery (following the normal rules) is able If a Success on the Athletics/Battle roll he
to inflict an extra Endurance loss and has a can then make an attack roll at +2 and gains
better chance to wound his enemy. a +4 Parry bonus if his opponent is using a
long weapon.

These bonuses remain in effect until he

suffers Endurance loss or breaks the grapple.
~Cavalry Stance for Mounted Combat by While grappling, enemies also gain +2 on
Eldath~ attack rolls, unless they are using a long
"With astonishing speed and skill they checked weapon.
their steeds, wheeled, and came charging round" . If he fails, he may not make an attack roll
this round.
Defensive Stance: Evasive by Rich h 4) If a character rolls a Gandalf rune on
By sacrificing their attack for the round, the an attack his Injury TN increases by 2 for
player-hero makes an Athletics roll. The TN every Tengwar score on the feat dices.
for this roll is 10 plus the highest Attribute
5) Weapon Damage is no longer fixed,
level amongst the opponents faced. A
successful roll applies a bonus to their parry
rating dependent on their quality of success: Damage = Body + modifiers.

• Ordinary success: +2 parry rating With this rule all the weapons with Damage
• Great success: +4 parry rating 5 now have Damage equal to the wielder’s
• Extraordinary success: +6 parry rating Body; the other Damage values are obtained
by summing Body plus (or minus) a modifier
This bonus persists until the start of the to match the original value (Damage 7 =
player-hero's next turn. Body +2; Damage 9 = Body +4; Damage 3 =
Body -2, etc.).

A Great success now deals damage as above

DAMAGE x2, while an Extraordinary success deals x3.
Everything else remains unchanged.

~Piercing Blows for Extraordinary 6) Protection Dice given by Armour

Successes etc. by Michebugio~ reduces the amount of damage sustained by
the number of dice, thus Armour of 3D
1) An Extraordinary success (2 or more
reduces any damage by 3 and so on.
Tengwars) doesn’t deal an additional
amount of Endurance damage equal to 7) Armour assists recovery immediately
2xDamage. after combat = half its Encumbrance value.
Standard rules state that provided some rest
Instead, it deals basic weapon damage plus
(roughly half an hour) the characters
character’s Damage score AND is a Piercing
immediately regain Endurance = Heart.
With this optional rule, characters now
2) On Called shots with either Swords or regain:
Axes if the opponent is already unarmed (in
case of swords) or without a shield (in case of Endurance = Heart + 1/2 Encumbrance value
axes), a successful Called shot is considered of armour
a Piercing Blow. (i.e. 2 for leather shirt, 4 for leather corselet,
6 for chain shirt, 8 for coat of mail, 10 for
3) A successful Called shot that would mail hauberk).
be a Piercing Blow and also is an
Extraordinary Success increases the Injury
TN of the attack by 2 for every Tengwar after ~Increased Damage on Forward Stance
the first (+2 for 2 Tengwars rolled; +4 for 3 by Woodclaw~
Tengwars; etc.).
When a character fights in Forward Stance,
he always add his Damage rating one time
more than his actual level of success, up to a (arrow, spear etc.)
maximum of three times. d) As for a normal success and character can
reduce the Protection Value of Defender's
armour by 1d.
Whereas, a character fighting in Defensive
e) As for a normal success and character can
Stance adds it one time less, down to a choose an action such as Intimidate Foe as a
minimum of zero.
Free Action.
f) As for a normal success and character gets
Hence a character with a Damage of +5, a bonus success die to use later (must be in
fighting in Forward Stance with an axe same combat).
(damage 5) would inflict 10 damage on an
Ordinary Success, 15 on a Great Success and
Step 2: Defender rolls Protection Test
20 on an Extraordinary Success. The Defender rolls a Protection Test against
The Same character fighting in Defensive
the Injury Rating of the weapon, this roll is
would inflict 5 damage on Ordinary and
made even if no Piercing Blow was inflicted.
Great Success and 10 on an Extraordinary
one. If the Protection Test is successful the
Piercing Blow (if any) is ignored and any
Endurance Damage is reduced by the
amount the Protection Test was successful
~Optional Damage Rules by Robin
Have been thinking about how to make Body
& Armour more important, and as a fan of For Example, the Injury Rating of a Sword is
GURPS I came up with these ideas: 14 and the Defender gets a total of 16, this
means that the Potential Damage is reduced
Step 1. Determine Potential Damage (PT) by 2. A roll of Gandalf (or Eye for
PT = Base Weapon Damage (BWD) + Body. adversaries) counts as 12 for this test.
Thus an 'average Joe' of Body 3 wielding a This still makes Body and Armour more
sword will do PT of 8pts on a normal important (as per some fans input in earlier
success. messages) keeps it simple and also makes
On a Great Success PT = BWD + Body x 2, so more use of individual weapon ratings.
this is 5 + 2x3 = 11pts.
On an Xtra Success player can choose from Step 3. Determine Actual Damage by
the following options: checking Weapon Type.
a) PT = BWD = 3x Body; this is 5 = 3x3 = Slashing Weapons do 1.5x damage (round
14pts. up) to No Armour and half damage (round
b) PT = BWD x2 + 2x Body; this is 5x2 = 2x3 = down) to metal armours (no change against
16pts. leather)
c) As for a normal success (PT =8) and
character can also apply a Called Shot effect Crushing Weapons do half damage vs no
(Disarm, Smash Shield etc.) armour (round down) and 1.5x vs metal
armours (round up).
A Piercing Blow effect is only possible if
character is wielding a Piercing type weapon
Piercing Weapons do 1.5x vs leather armour ~Damage Changes by cheeplives~
(no change vs other types).
So in this example ED =2 x 1.5 = 3 pts actual On a given attack, if the attacker gains a
damage. Great or Extraordinary Success they can,
with each level of success, choose to either:
~Damage changes by Morgoth~ Add Damage Rating to the Endurance Loss of
In my campaign Body modifies the base their opponent OR
Increase the Injury Rating of their weapon
damage of your weapon. Someone with a
Body of 5 does normal weapon damage. for that attack by +2.
Someone with a Body of 6 does 1 extra
damage, 7 does 2 extra, 4 does one less, etc. So, if you get a Great Success you can either:

Thus Damage = Normal weapon damage + Deal Weapon Damage + Damage Rating or
you can do Injury +2. If you get an
Body - 5.
Extraordinary Success you can deal Weapon
So a hobbit with a body of 3 only does 3 Rating + (Damage Rating)x2, Weapon Rating
damage with his short sword. But the + Damage Rating AND Injury+2, OR
Beorning with a Body of 7 would do 7 Injury+4.
damage with the same weapon. It makes Example:
sense that a bigger, stronger, faster man Say Eboric smashes into a Troll with his
would be able to wield a weapon to greater Giant Slaying Spear... he rolls his Edge and
effect. gets an Extraordinary Success.. so he is going
to deal one Protection check as well as 13
Armour increases the amount of Endurance END base. He also has 2 Success Levels to
gained after a short rest. play with and chooses to use one on his
Damage Rating (+7 END Damage, or 20
Instead of healing your heart score as per Damage total) as well as a +2 to the Injury
RAW, Endurance gained is now:
Rating of the Spear for the Protection Test,
Endurance regained = Heart Score + making it an 18 rather than a 16. Or he
Protection dice of armour could have done 27 END damage and a
Protection Test/16 or 13 END damage and
So someone using a mail shirt would heal Protection Test/20.
endurance equal to their heart + 3 (since
their armour is 3d6). For rolls that do not force a Protection Test
[The rationale behind this is if you're wearing then use the normal rules (each Level of
heavy armour, you find your wounds are lot less Success adds Damage Rating to the
serious. Someone in a mail hauberk might find Endurance Loss).
some bruising after a battle while the guy in a
leather shirt might find that he has a lot of open
~Combat Stunts in The One Ring by can't move Rearward unless the usual
Woodclaw~ conditions are met)
(this rule replaces both Called Shot and the extra
damage from great or extraordinary success)
When a character rolls a Great or
extraordinary success on an attack he can Extraordinary success Stunts
choose to add an effect from the following Break shield: you break your opponent
table. It's possible to trade one extraordinary shield or knock it out of his grasp (special:
effect for two great effects, but each effect can axes and mattock can perform this as a
be chosen only once, unless otherwise Great success stunt)
Disarm: you knock your opponent weapon
out of his grasp (special: swords can perform
When a hero rolls an "Eye" or an Adversary this as a Great success stunt)
rolls a "Gandalf" this provides their opponent
one free level of success on the Stunt table. Knockback: you knock your opponent out of
Specific creatures or weapon might be able balance, denying him the possibility to
to perform other stunts depending on their execute his next attack (special: spears can
perform this as a Great success stunt)
abilities and weapons (e.g. Orcs' poison
Pierce Armour: you inflict a piercing blow
even if you didn't score an edge, but your
Great success Stunts
Injury rating is -2 (special: bows can perform
Cleave: you can hit two opponents with a
this as a Great success stunt)
single attack, if your original roll is high
enough, you can decide how to split damage
between them (exception: you can apply An Example of Using Combat Stunts
other effects -- like piercing blow or break On his way to the Carrock Aric "the Red" is
shield -- only on one target) ambushed by two Snaga trackers, after the
opening volleys the Beorning grasps his
Higher ground: you gain one Die of Combat great spear and attacks. Being outnumbered
Advantage immediately Aric stays in defensive stance and rolls his
spear attack, unfortunately his skill isn't
Into the fray: you can perform a combat task good enough to allow him to land a hit.
immediately, but this task can't benefit from
The Snags counterattack with their knives,
great or extraordinary success (exception:
both miss, but one rolls a "Gandalf", giving
you can't perform Skirmish after performing
Aric an opening and a single success to use
this task)
on the Stunt table the next round.
Mighty Blow (can be chosen twice): add your
Damage rating to the total damage Feeling a bit emboldened Aric switches to
open stance and rolls, this time he scores a
Skirmish: you can immediately move one
Great success, which gives him two great
stance forward or backward and this sets
successes to spend on Stunt. He chooses to
your TN until the next round(exception: you
Cleave through both of his opponents and
knock one of them back (usually an
extraordinary stunt, but Aric uses a spear). Defensive if already in Forward Stance; into
He splits the 9 damage between the two as Open if Rearward) as you lose your ground
evenly as possible and deny the one of the or the enemy forces you to reposition. If your
Snags the chance to counterattack. enemy has already acted, then you cannot
change stance as usual at the start of the
Into the Fray (Great or Extraordinary next round.
Stunt): you can perform a combat task as
part of your attack, you're limited to combat
You have lost your footing, and are
tasks available in your stance and you can
considered moderately hindered attacking
only roll a number of skill dice based on the
(+2 TN for PC) and defending (-2 TN for
level of Success (2 for Great, 3 for
Adversaries) until you spend a full round to
Extraordinary (exception: you can't perform
get your bearing again.
Skirmish after performing this task)
Skirmish v1 (Great Stunt): you can
immediately move one stance forward or Blinded
backward and this changes your TN You have been blinded by blood, dust or a
accordingly, but you can't change stance the poor fitted helm. You are severely hindered
next round (exception: you can't move (-4) until it is your turn to act again.
Rearward unless the usual conditions are
met). Dropped Weapon!
You’ve dropped your weapon, draw another
Skirmish v2 (Great or Extraordinary or spend a full round retrieving your
Stunt): you can immediately roll a die and dropped weapon, while being severely
add half the result (rounded down; hindered (-4).
minimum 1) to you TN until the beginning of
the next round. If you perform this as a great
stunt roll two dice and use the best result. Blindsided (If Close Combat)
Your enemy takes advantage of a critical
mistake and piles through your defences.
One randomly selected engaged enemy may
COMBAT HAZARDS by Indur Dawndeath
make a free attack against you using only
et al your stance as TN.
[These are all triggered after a failed attack by a
player with an Eye of Sauron. Rationale is to
Broken String (If Ranged with Bow)
provide more complications].
With a loud report, your bowstring snaps.
You must spend a turn making a TN 14 Craft
Accidental Friendly Fire roll to repair it...or do without for the
Weapon damage to a random companion remainder of the battle.
close to you, or in case of a ranged attack
close to your target. This can be negated by Cast Aside (If Ranged with Thrown)
spending a point of Hope. Your enemy plucks your chosen weapon
from its shield or the earth and casts it far
Caught in the Open away. You may not retrieve it during the
Cycle a stance forward (backward to battle and it is irrevocably lost if you fail a
TN 14 Search roll to locate it after. Cultural Battle Fatigue
rewards and famous weapons are immune A stressful movement or the sheer length of
to the latter effect. the battle at hand overtaxes you and you
must temporarily raise your fatigue by 2
Surprise from Below
until the battle's conclusion.
An enemy has feigned being dead, and
suddenly attacks you, your Parry is Halved
Who's Got My Back? (Forward)
with a successful Awareness test, No Parry
In your battle-lust, you wade a bit too deep
bonus at all if Awareness failed. The attack
into the fray, letting yourself get separated
will be a Called Shot regardless of success or
from your companions. Pass an Awareness
failure of the Awareness test.
test or a random Adversary gets a free attack
Falling Tree against you.
Make an Athletics Test to get out of the way
of an unexpected obstacle such as a falling Turtle (Defensive)
tree, failure means you suffer a Knockback, Your defences are so effective that your
failure with an Eye means you are Knocked opponents seek other targets. Pass an Awe
Down. test or one enemy with who you are engaged
uses its next attack on one of your
Orc Kamikaze companions in Forward or Open stance.
An Orc will charge head first into the
companion and open up the companion’s Stop Moving, Dammit! (Rearward)
defence for retaliation, unless the Pass a Riddle/Insight test or your attack
companion succeeds with a Battle test, struck a companion in Close Combat with
failure means companion is Moderately your target, the idea here being relying on
hindered (-2). intellect or instinct.

Poisonous fumes
You are temporarily blinded by the sudden
release of poisonous spores or similar
hazard under your feet, unless you make a ~Archer fumbling a Called Shot~
successful Lore roll to recognise the danger. When an archer fumbles his Called shot (i.e.
Failure means you are Severely hindered (-4) rolls an Eye + fails the attack roll on the
until a successful Healing test on you has called shot), roll a d6: on a result of 1-3, he
been made. Failure with an Eye means you has just one last arrow in his quiver.
are Poisoned.

Friendly Fire
Whether you over-commit on a blow or a ~Secondary Called Shot for Axes by
companion nearby your intended target Woodclaw~
wandered into line of your shot, they are When a character hits with an axe called
struck for your weapon's base damage (not shot, he can decide to apply the following
including bonus modifiers). Close effect to the target, instead of the usual
Combatants roll among themselves, Ranged smashing shield:
Combatants roll for a companion near their Tripping
intended target. A tripped target lose half of his basic Parry
score during the next round. At the LM adversary gains a point of Hate.
discretion creatures with the Great Size or
Horrible Strength traits might be immune to Hinder (Open)
this effect. Roll attack against an opponent. On a
success, instead of doing damage you
prevent that opponent from using Called
TASKS IN COMBAT Shot until the end of your next turn. On a
great success, you also raise the opponents
New Combat Tasks by Glorelendil attack TNs by 2; on an extraordinary success
you raise them by 4. On a failure with an
Hunker Down (Defensive Stance) eye, you fall prone: on your next turn you
You may forego your attack for this turn in can't attack, you can't change stance, and
order to focus entirely on defence. Use your you lose your Parry bonus (base TN by stance
Favoured Wits as your base Parry, and in the only).
event you are hit with a Pierce you may add
your Valour to the Protection roll. Evasive Manoeuvres (Defensive)
Opting out of any form of offense, a player-
Reckless Charge (Forward Stance) hero in the defensive stance decides to be
You attempt to fight past the adversaries evasive to present their most formidable,
engaged with you and engage with another and single-minded, defence possible.
adversary, including one engaged from By sacrificing their attack for the round, the
range. Roll Athletics or Battle against a TN player-hero makes an Athletics roll. The TN
equal to 12 plus 2 for each adversary for this roll is 10 plus the highest Attribute
currently engaged with you. level amongst the opponents faced. A
On a success you are engaged in close successful roll applies a bonus to their parry
combat with your target. rating dependent on their quality of success:
On a Great Success or better you may make • Ordinary success: +2 parry rating
an attack against your new target on this • Great success: +4 parry rating
turn. • Extraordinary success: +6 parry rating
On a failure with an Eye of Sauron you lose This bonus persists until the start of the
your footing and spend a turn recovering, player-hero's next turn.
suffering the same side-effect as a Knockback
(i.e., lose your next attack and can’t change Tactical Acumen (Rearward)
stance). Calling upon their own battle experience and
observation, a player-hero in the rearward
stance may employ the tactical acumen
Taunt (Forward)
option to bolster their companions with
Befuddle, ridicule, and confuse an adversary
who is attacking somebody other than you. timely assistance and advice.
At the expense of their attack, the player-hero
Roll Riddle or Persuade against a TN of 10 +
may roll Battle to determine combat
Attribute Level of target. If successful, the
advantage, just as is normally done at the
adversary will switch to attacking you for 1
onset of a conflict. Combat advantage
turn per success (e.g. 3 turns on an
determined in this fashion is delegated to
Extraordinary Success), beginning on the
next turn. On a failure with an Eye the
one's companions, however, but otherwise Defensive Stance: Retrieve Weapon
applied as usual. A player who has lost or thrown a weapon
may enter Defensive Stance and spend a turn
there to reclaim it. If an enemy forcefully
impedes them, they must pass a TN
~More Combat Tasks by Psychomachia~
10+HAAL Battle check in order to succeed.
Forward Stance: Assault
Where no advantage exists, you make one.
Rearward: Surprise Attack
Using Athletics or Awe at TN 10+Highest
A player may roll their Stealth or Hunting at
Adversary Attribute Level (HAAL), you spend
TN 10+HAAL to quickly fade out of sight of
the turn forcibly manoeuvring the enemy
the enemy as he prepares to outflank them.
into positions of weakness using displays of
When doing so, the player must also switch
raw force...or by simply employing your
to a melee weapon. They should also note
body as a battering ram.
the degree of success on their first roll. On
This ability functions in the same way as the
their next turn, the player must take a
initial Battle roll at the start of a combat to
Forward Stance attack against any foe they
determine advantage. These must be spent
immediately and apply to the character's
On a successful Stealth or Hunting roll, the
very next combat roll.
player raises his weapon's damage by 2. On
a Great Success, he also lowers his weapon's
Open Stance: Tactical Direction Edge by 2 for the attack. Finally, on an
The player may spend a turn to roll a TN Extraordinary Success, he additionally
10+HAAL Search or Insight check as they increases the degree of his success on his
visually scour the enemy lines, looking for attack by one.
holes, weaknesses, and tactical flaws. Doing
so successfully will lower the fellowship's
attacking TN on all enemies by 1, 2 for a ~Suggested Combat tasks working as a
Great Success, 3 for an Extraordinary
Fellowship (as per roles for Journeys)~
Success. This effect lasts until the start of the
player's next turn. Leader/Captain: Company Role: Organize
and lead (Inspire)
Frontline fighter: Role: Deal with confusion
Defensive Stance: Taunt Enemy
of close combat (Battle)
A player may use their turn to make a TN
Defender: Company Role: Make sure that the
10+Target AL Persuade or Song roll in order
defensive line is maintained (Athletics)
to goad an enemy into exposing its greatest
Archer: Company Role: Keep an eye out for
vulnerabilities. The selected enemy suffers a
new threats (Awareness)
negative to its Protection rolls equal to the
player's Heart rating for a number of rounds
equal to the degree of success(to a maximum
of three). A failed roll returns 1 point of Hate
to the creature. A failed roll with an Eye
returns 1 Hate to all enemies present.
~New Combat Stance manoeuvres by attacks; roll each attack with Feat die +
ThePat~ respective number of success dice; this can
be used to attack two enemies or one enemy
Forward Stance twice. [This is yet another Two Weapon Fighting
All-out attack idea!– ed.]
Add extra success die to melee attack, but
lose Parry bonus (only TN 6 to hit hero) Defensive Stance
Defensive Fighting
Smash shield Reduce a number of success dice from your
Remove 2 success dice from attack roll; if attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each
attack hits it deals damage as per normal success die.
rules and smashes opponent's shield
Second wind
Sweeping Blow Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on Great
can attack all foes with one attack. Success, 6 or Heart rating on Extraordinary
Remove success dice equal to total number Success); can be used only once per Combat.
of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with
remaining dice. Each enemy is hit if the Command
attack result is greater than the required TN Roll Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute
(6+parry). ranking of foes; Success: Next round one of
your companions can spend 1 extra success
Open Stance die on attack actions (2 companions on a
Disarm Great success, 3 on Extraordinary success) ;
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice.
attack hits it deals damage as per normal
rules and enemy drops weapon. Rearward Stance
Distract Opponent Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can
ranking of foe. spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success,
Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry (3 on great 3 on extraordinary success) on attack
success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this actions; (this can also be used during
and the next combat round. opening volleys).

Targeted strike Twin shot

Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then
attack hits it deals damage as per normal split remaining success dice between two
rules and the attack is an automatic Piercing attacks; roll each attack with Feat die +
strike independent of the roll on Feat die. respective number of success dice; Can be
used to attack two enemies or one enemy
Twin strike twice.
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then
split the remaining success dice between two
Targeted shot If an enemy hits the band has Endurance
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if equal to their Captain’s Hope + 10,
attack hits it deals damage as per normal multiplied by 2 for a Small band, by 4 for a
Large band, and by 8 for a Throng, and if an
rules and the attack is an automatic piercing
enemy scores a Piercing Blow the warband's
strike independent of the roll on Feat die. Protection depends on their Captain’s
Standard of Living: 1d for Poor or Frugal, 2d
NON-COMBAT ACTIONS for Martial, 3d for Prosperous, or 4d for Rich
or better.
Stupid PC Tricks Each Wound taken by the band reduces its
If a player comes up with a cool idea for effective size by one. A Tiny band that takes a
getting a combat advantage based upon use Wound is effectively disabled and unable to
of a non-combat ability, they may make the
roll to get a temporary -1 to Edge or +2 to hit. If a band's Endurance is reduced to 0 the
soldiers composing it flee the field. After the
battle their Captain must then make an
Inspire or Persuade test to convince them to
return, at a TN of 10 + the highest Attribute
OTHER RULES by Kelly Pedersen of the enemy they faced in the battle. If the
When in combat the Captain or Leader must Captain fails this test the warband disperses.
choose which stance their warband will be If the Captain succeeds then some members
in, the warband counts as a certain number of the band will still leave, but not all - the
warband decreases in size by one category,
of companions in that stance for the
to a minimum of Tiny.
purposes of how many companions can be
On a Great Success all members of the band
in Rearward stance: stay but they will be less effective, with only
Tiny: 2 companions half their normal Endurance in the next
Small: 4 companions battle. On an Extraordinary Success no
Large: 8 companions members leave and they will be at full
A Throng 16 companions. Endurance in the next battle.
In addition, the warband may use any tactic If a warband receives a Wound during
that it knows and its stance allows. combat some members have been seriously
If the captain has a warband larger than hurt and may die unless they can be Healed.
Tiny he may also decide to divide it into If circumstances permit either their Captain
smaller groups, in order to accomplish more or another companion may make a Healing
tasks. Such divisions count as Small for roll after a battle, TN 12 + 2 per Wound the
band received. Other companions with
purposes of any tactics they undertake. A
Healing may assist by making their own
Small warband may be divided into two Tiny Healing rolls at TN 14. Each assistant who
groups, a Large band may be divided into succeeds gives a bonus to the main healer,
two Small divisions, and a Throng may be +2 on a success, +4 on a great success, or +6
divided into two Large groups. on an extraordinary success. On a failure on
Enemies may attack a Captain’s warband in the main Healing roll, no Wounds are
order to reduce its fighting force. The removed. On a success remove one Wound
from the band, on a Great Success remove
warband has a Parry rating equal to half
two Wounds, and on an Extraordinary
their Captain’s Wisdom (round up), +2 for a Success remove all Wounds from the band.
Small band, +4 for a Large band, or +6 for a For each Wound remaining after the Healing
Throng. roll some soldiers of the band have died.
Each Wound reduces the size of the band by close combat attacks not against those in
one step. If a Tiny band has a Wound, it is Close stance. This increases to +4 for a Small
eliminated. band, +6 for a Large Band, or +8 for a
A warband is a large, obvious group of
people, and it is difficult to be stealthy or
remain unobserved while accompanied by
Defend Companion
such a group. Increase the Starting Eye
Awareness of a company that has a warband Stance: Defensive
with them by +2 for a Tiny band, +4 for a The band stays near one companion and
Small band, +8 for a Large band, or +12 for a prepares to defend them as best they can
Throng. from all attacks. The band acts as a
A companion may leave some or all of their companion taking the Protect Companion
warband behind in order to lessen how action, but they need not spend Hope to
obvious they are, but a band left behind will
defend someone. A Small band gets +2 on its
desert unless they were left in a sanctuary, in
which case they will remain there until the Parry against attacks redirected by this tactic,
end of the Adventuring Phase. If their a Large band gets +4, and a Throng gets +6.
Captain doesn’t return for a band left in a Harry Foe
sanctuary during the following Fellowship Stance: Open or Rearward.
Phase, they will desert in any case. The warband attacks one enemy their
Warbands reduced by desertion or death can
Captain designates, attempting to bring
be restored by taking the Recruit Fighters
Undertaking during a Fellowship Phase. them down. The band makes an attack roll,
using half their Captain’s Valour (round up)
TACTICS OF WARBANDS as their rating in the weapon skill, with an
Warbands may learn the following tactics to Edge of a Gandalf Rune, and a Damage and
aid companions in battle. Each tactic notes Injury rating based on their Captain’s
the stances it can be performed in. Standard of Living, modified by size of
warband below:
Support Companion
Stance: Close, Open, or Defensive, and must Poor or Frugal: Damage 3, Injury 14
be the same as the companion supported. Martial: Damage 5, Injury 16
The band backs the close combat attack of Prosperous: Damage 7, Injury 18
one of the companions in the company, Rich: Damage 9, Injury 18
attacking the foes they attack and distracting
the enemy so that the companion can make - Small band Dam +2/+1 Inj/Edge 10
more effective blows.
- Large band Dam +4/+2 Inj/Edge 9
The Captain adds his/her Valour to the
- Throng Dam +6/ +3 Inj/Edge of 8
Damage and Injury Rating of the companion
If this tactic is taken in Open stance it is a
being supported, and add an additional +2
close combat attack. If it is taken in
for a Small band, +4 for a Large band, or +6
Rearward stance, it is a volley of arrows. In
for a throng.
order to take a rearward stance, there must
Shield Wall
be sufficient other companions in close
Stance: Close.
combat stances to support the band: 3 other
The band holds the line against the foe,
companions for Tiny, 5 for a Small band, 10
forcing any enemy to go through them to
for a Large band, or 15 for a Throng.
reach those behind the line. Add +2 to the
Combat TN for all enemies who are making
response instead of the standard 7+
~encounters~ successes.

You could develop Encounter Gaffes for each

skill. These are triggered when a failed roll
also shows an Eye. For example, you are
setting up an Encounter with Beorn, who is
Encounters are a good time to earn in a gruff mood. If the heroes use Persuade
Advancement Points through the use of and fail with an Eye, they trigger a Gaffe. The
Common skills. The Loremaster should Gaffe you have chosen for the Persuade skill
make sure that all tasks proposed during an is called Beorn's Temper and requires a roll
encounter have tangible consequences on of Courtesy to remedy. They must apologize
the story, whether the adventurers fail or and calm Beorn down. If they fail their
succeed. At the beginning of an encounter Courtesy roll, Beorn goes ballistic and they
the players should focus on an objective and have to try it again at TN 16 and so on. This
choose their course of action accordingly. pattern continues until they either exceed the
Tolerance rating or they give up and forfeit
So, if a group of players were trying to any successes toward the objective.
convince Thranduil to come and help the
Beornings defend Woodland Hall against an Here is a full complement of generic
invasion of Orcs, they might start with suggestions on Encounter Gaffes:
Persuade to make their point. If they had
 Inspire triggers a Gaffe that
several points, they could continue making
Persuade can remedy. The hero
them with additional rolls of Persuade as
comes across as insincere in his high
long as they did not exceed the Tolerance
sounding speech. The only way to fix
rating for the Encounter. If they fail a roll,
this properly is to make some
they could switch to Insight to stop talking
reasonable points with his audience.
and just observe for a minute.
 Persuade triggers a Gaffe that
The Loremaster could roleplay their failure
by speaking of Thranduil's disagreement Courtesy can remedy. The hero gets
with their point. Afterwards, they could make his facts mixed up or
a roll of Riddle to ask a question. If they mischaracterises the subject. Now, he
succeed at this, they get their answer. If they must apologize and demonstrate
feel like they have succeeded enough, they humility to carry forward the
can stop the Encounter and the Loremaster conversation.
checks the quality of success. All of this is
 Courtesy triggers a Gaffe that Awe can
done by roleplaying around the table and remedy. The hero unknowingly
adds to the fun. insults his subject with inappropriate
hand gestures or words and the only
But to give it a little more tension the LM can way to gain respect now is to
change the quality of success scale. For demonstrate confidence and power.
harder to impress figures may require 9 or
 Awe triggers a Gaffe that Insight can
more successes to achieve the ultimate
remedy. The hero exudes arrogance
and pride instead of importance. To ENCOUNTER LENGTH by zedturtle
regain the consideration of his "He can be appalling when he is angry, though he
subject, he will need to be quiet and is kind enough if humoured. Still I warn you he
listen well. gets angry easily."
Not every personage the heroes have a
 Insight triggers a Gaffe that Riddle chance to speak with has an unlimited
can remedy. The hero does not listen amount of patience or time. For situations
well and comes across as where time is limited, the Tolerance of the
disinterested. To straighten things Encounter may be reduced as the heroes
out, he must ask good questions and overstay their welcome. At a set timeframe
prove his commitment to the subject. (no earlier than the second Interaction), each
further Interaction will reduce the Tolerance
 Riddle triggers a Gaffe that Song can
by one. This is to represent the impatience of
remedy. The hero asks foolish,
some for those who are long-winded, or
assuming, or drawn-out questions
otherwise waste the time or goodwill of
that the subject is bored with. Only a
important people.
sweet melody or rousing recital can
As for figuring out who should speak next,
break the monotony and draw
how about something like this? Whoever
rolled highest for initial Insight makes the
 Song triggers a Gaffe that Inspire can first choice, then they must select another
remedy. The hero forgets his words player to perform the next action. The
and cannot find the right pitch, Loremaster responses and then the player
causing his subject to cringe and who took the action selects the next player.
disapprove. He must now impress the
crowd with a heartfelt speech to
retain the subject's attention.
Other consequences of Failure: Dawndeath
Here are suggested modifiers based on the
1. Interruption by another individual.
quality of an encounter. These modifiers are
to be applied when the heroes next a. Use Courtesy to ask politely if this can
wait until your meeting is finished.
encounter this individual.
0 Successes, -3 Tolerance b. Use Awe to demand that you are given
time to present your case undisturbed.
1 Success, -2 Tolerance
c. Use Persuade to reason with your subject
2 Successes, -1 Tolerance
that your case is more important.
For TN modifications, these are a bit more
tricky to quantify. The Loremaster would
need to judge how difficult it will be to get 2. Natural disaster or accident.
a. Use Craft to extinguish a quickly
cooperation during the encounter due to
developing fire, perhaps caused by your
prior insults and failures.
b. Use Awareness to avoid the accidental
destruction of one of the subject’s personal
c. Use Athletics to catch a dropped item, COURTSHIP:AN ENCOUNTER VARIANT
to avoid its destruction. by Falenthal

The whole Courtship won't represent a single

3. Misunderstanding.
conversation, but a process that can take
a. Use Lore to correct a misunderstanding.
months. Every Test represents a whole act of
b. Use Search to help find the missing item
seduction, not just a sentence or dialogue.
/ map, before the conversation can continue.
c. Use Riddle to understand correctly the
Only one companion can take part in the
answer and avoid misunderstandings.
Courtship. If the LM allows it, another
companion might help with an Insight roll
4. Sudden illness. during the Courtship if he's at the same
a. Use Healing to help cough up a piece of location as the potential lovers. This can
fruit or a nut. represent advices to the suitor:
b. Use Insight to notice an illness in time "Let her have some time, so she gets to miss
to remedy. you"..”
c. Use Song to calm a child or animal that is
not feeling well. Options for Setting Tolerance
Option 1: The suitor can choose whether to
use his Valour or Wisdom to calculate the
5. Embarrassing moment. Tolerance. It is recommended that this
a. Stealth to hide an embarrassing item. represents his actual approach, e.g.:
b. Hunting to identify sounds as harmless "Hey, baby! Today's your lucky day: I've chosen
animal noises(e.g. Mating moose…) you to be my wife!" or
c. Travel to explain where the item you just "I have a lot of patience with kids. And am willing
stepped on can be repaired or replaced. to hear all of your troubles without complaining".

6. Doubt in your abilities. Option 2: As per RAW (LM chooses between

a. Battle to explain how you could defeat Valour and Wisdom). Maybe "wilder"
the problem / foe. cultures (Woodmen and Beornings, but also
b. Inspire to change his mind about your Dwarves) prefer Valour, as the family is a
ability. way of keeping its members safe from the
c. Explore to convince him that you are dangers of the world.
able to solve this from another angle. In civilized cultures (Bardings, Lake-towners,
Elves) Wisdom might be more appropriate,
as the members of the family need to care for
each other, have a job, keep a place in the
society, gain the respect of other citizens,...

Any Standing in the Culture of the beloved

one is added to the Tolerance.
For example, a Barding that is courting a
Beorning won't add his Standing, but will if
he first takes the Receive Title among the
Beornings (and gets property), then he will A trait like Herb-lore can be used to gather
be able to add his Standing to the Tolerance. some special flowers for her. What matters
in the Interaction is that the player describes
Preliminary Rolls are done as usual. different ways in which he tries to gain his
Optional: If a companion is at the same beloved's heart, not how appropriate a skill
location of the suitor and the beloved one, he is. As always, the Tengwars add to the
can do an Insight roll for extra success dice number of successes.
and give them to the suitor.
The Interaction is over when either Tolerance
Introduction: reaches 0 or when the player decides to stop,
This is a way of letting the beloved one know the number of successes are then counted:
that you're interested in her. Use Awe,
Persuade or Riddle, as usual. 0-3: “Sorry, but I don't feel the same for you”.
Awe: "Look at these muscles! You like them, don't The companion can't try to Courtship the
you?" same NPC again, and gains a Temporary
Persuade: "I can only see your face when I close Shadow Point (broken hearts will heal).
my eyes every night"
Riddle: "People say that we get along so well that 4-6: “I need some time to think about it...”
we look like a couple. Can you believe that? Can You didn't get a "no" for an answer. Maybe
you?" it's not the right moment for her, or she
wants to do some things with her life before
If the Introduction is failed the character she settles down. Or she needs you to gain
can't continue with the Encounter (as per some Standing or Treasure etc. before she's
usual). But as this is an Encounter of just one willing to marry you. You can try again in the
person, then the Courtship is also considered next Fellowship Phase, in the meantime you
failed: the beloved one isn't interested in you. gain 1 Hope as she didn’t say ‘No’.

Traits can be used to auto succeed: Fair, 7+ Wedding bells! She said "Yes!"
Well-spoken, Passionate,... can all represent without hesitating. You did bring an
something about you that caught the engagement ring along didn’t you? As per
beloved's eyes. There And Back Again Undertaking you
recover 1/3 of your initial Hope Score but
Interaction also 1 Permanent Shadow Point (because
Every test represents a whole action. The you now have more things to lose).
objective of these rules is to have a good
time, not to make things difficult for the
companion. So the LM should encourage
imaginative use of skills, such as Craft to
prepare a delicious meal or an engagement
ring; Travel to take your beloved on a trip to
Esgaroth during the Dragontide festival;
Riddle to remember her birthday and give
her a present.
 Create a Bond with your Fellowship (All
companions must be present)
 Take Counsel (see below, but this can
Lasts from one week to three months. Players actually be done by all PC's with Wisdom 3
narrate what they are doing: or more). This Undertaking requires the
presence of a Patron at a sanctuary. This
1. Sojourn (i.e. where are they
means that the PC is involved in important
spending most of the time). You can repair to
discussions taking place (like the Council of
a sanctuary, to heal wounds and listen to
Elrond at Rivendell).
stories, news etc.
 Raise Standard of Living by spending
 You can disband for a while and go
Treasure (only at home or where character
home to invest money and Raise Standing
has Standing).
with your people (an Undertaking).
 Raise Standing by spending Treasure
2. Spend Experience Points (XP) (can be done either at home or at current
 To raise Weapon Skills
 Train with a new skill (see New
 To raise Valour OR Wisdom:
Undertakings below).
Raising Wisdom: gains you a virtue, either a
Mastery (feats to boost skills) or a Cultural  Purchase/Obtain Items of Quality (see
Virtue (Barding archery, Elven magic etc) below).
Raising Valour: gains you a reward, either
better equipment quality or Cultural (a  Learn a New Language
famed weapon from house or history)
There are more new Undertakings in the new
Supplements as well, refer to these for details
3. Spend Advancement Points (AP
(such as Set up a Holding see below).
 To raise up common skills

4. Undertakings (usually only one 5. Year End Phase

allowed except at Year’s End)

 Meet a new patron The loremaster relates what has happened in

the world. Characters with standing can
 Gain a new Distinctive Feature or
influence this end of year tale with a suitable
skill test.
 Heal corruption

 Open a new sanctuary (All companions

must be present)
fellowship phase house rules by While a character can meet any patron while
in the appropriate Sanctuary, I also allow
rocmistro players to have a ‘Favoured Patron’, one
which they have particularly bonded to.
1. Party members are allowed to open To have a Favoured Patron requires some
sanctuaries independently of one another sacrifice on their part.
(and then, therefore, track them as well).
For example, Beorn requires an ‘Oath of
2. "Open Sanctuary" might be a free Animal Friendship’ for him to be a Favoured
"reward" for an adventure run particularly Patron. This oath includes such things as
well (i.e., usually the result of a successful not eating meat and not putting any animal
Social Encounter). into servitude, suffering etc.
Radagast would have similar requirements
3. Fellowship Phases last from 1 to 3 involving nature and animals.
"sessions" long, and allow for an equal Thranduil requires an Oath of Secrecy about
number of Undertakings. the location of the Woodland Realms, and
an Oath of Fealty (Vassalage).
A Fellowship Phase "session" is defined as a King Bard would require an Oath of Fealty
couple of weeks (2d6 weeks), 2 Fellowship (Vassalage), and so on. However, these
Phases lasts about a month (3d6 weeks) and favoured patrons would open up other more
3 Fellowship phases about a season (4d6 tangible benefits.

To determine the actual length of the

Fellowship Phase, each player rolls a
number of dice commensurate with the
length of the Fellowship Phase that they have ~FELLOWSHIP PHASE
agreed to take.
If they all did their Fellowship Phase in the
same place, then the total time is the
SHORTEST roll of all the players.
But if they spent their Fellowship Phase in
different locations (even one player), then the
Opening a Sanctuary in the Shire
total time is the LONGEST roll (represents the
Some possible sanctuaries might include:
time it takes for the different players to go off
and then regroup).
Bag End. Bilbo Baggins considers the heroes
to be friends and invites them to visit
4. All the Undertakings from the main
whenever they are passing by.
books are available, as well as some that I've
come up with. For example, a person with
Brandy Hall (Buckland). Heroes receive a +1
high Craft or Song might put those skills to
Tolerance rating with Bucklanders.
use to earn some extra coin.
Great Smials (Tookland). Heroes receive a +1
5. I heavily leverage the "Meet Patron"
bonus to their Tolerance rating with
undertaking as a way to issue ‘Side-quests’
that involve bonuses to Standing rating, for
example, or allow for other tangible benefits.
Michel Delving. The Mayor of Michel
Delving recognizes that the company has
performed a great service to the Shire. Pilgrimage to the Tower Hills
Heroes receive a +1 bonus to their Tolerance (High Elves only)
rating with Shire-hobbits. Any High Elf spending a Fellowship phase in
the Grey Havens or anywhere else in western
Open the Grey Havens as a Sanctuary Eriador may use it to visit the White Towers
If a company has entered the Grey Havens at Emyn Beraid and gaze into the palantír
during an Adventuring phase, the heroes kept at Elostirion to look upon the Undying
may gain permission to spend a first Lands. Any High Elf who does this recovers
Fellowship phase there. If they wish to one point of Hope.
return, they must all choose the Open New [Note to LM: The Seeing-stone of Elostirion was
Sanctuary undertaking to be accepted as placed by Círdan aboard the white ship of the
regular guests by Lord Círdan. Last Riding of the Keepers of the Ring in TA 3019
and returned to Eldamar]
During the next Adventuring phase, if the
heroes travel in Lindon, they gain a bonus of Researching Lore in Círdan’s Halls
+2 to any Travel tests performed in the (Grey Havens)
region. Similar to Researching Lore in the House of
Elrond. A hero gains a bonus Success die if
Open the Halls of Thorin as a Sanctuary he/she possesses an applicable Speciality,
(Blue Mountains) and another die if Círdan is a patron of the
If a company has entered the former Halls of company. Possible subjects include (but are
Thorin Oakenshield during an Adventuring not limited to): Astronomy; Eriador-lore,
phase, the heroes may gain permission to Marine Navigation; Map-making; Sailing
spend a first Fellowship phase there. If they (Boating on the ocean); Shadow-lore etc.
desire to return, they must all choose
the Open New Sanctuary undertaking to be Receive Title (Shirriff)
accepted as regular guests by the current (Hobbits only)
Master or Mistress of the Hall. The First Shirriff, the Mayor of Michel
Delving, has made a hero an honorary
During the next Adventuring phase, the Bounder of The Watch and charged him with
heroes gain a bonus of +2 to any Travel tests the protection of the borders of the Shire
in the Blue Mountains. when within those borders. The hero is
[Note: For my purposes Dís, daughter of Thráin, expected to report to the Mayor at Michel
is the Lady of Thorin's Halls having returned to Delving upon returning to the Shire and
the Blue Mountains after her pilgrimage to before departing again. A member of the
Erebor to visit the tombs of her sons and brother Watch is identified by wearing a feather in
in TA 2942. Dís may be taken as a Patron] his cap. The hero gains the standard benefits
of receiving a title.
Pilgrimage to Mount Dolmed
(Blue Mountains; Dwarves only) Visit Annúminas
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains (or their (Rangers of the North only)
descendants) who spend a Fellowship phase A Ranger of the North who spends a
in the Blue Mountains or elsewhere in Fellowship phase in Rivendell or at home
western Eriador may journey to the sacred may visit Annúminas on the shores of Lake
site of Mount Dolmed in the northern Ered Nenuial will find a degree of peace, allowing
Luin and may remove one point of him to heal one point of permanent Shadow.
permanent Shadow. The hero may only gain
this benefit once.
SUPPLEMENTARY HOLDING RULES by Holding is a way of demonstrating within the
Rich h system how Treasure spent to improve
Standing works - i.e., a character spends it
SUMMARY OF CURRENT HOLDING RULES on their Holding thereby increasing their
A Holding is awarded to a character based political/economic Standing within their
upon their Standing. This can be taken at culture.
any time during a Fellowship Phase as an
The overall rating of a Holding is the sum
Holdings have a Rating that may be total of all the improvements that have been
increased but each Holding has elements made to the Holding. Every time that a
that may be developed within it. Holding's rating is increased, the player may
The overall rating of a Holding is the sum select from the List of Improvements below.
total of all the elements/Improvements that These Improvements add flavour and
have been developed. These are things distinction to a Holding but they act/behave
like: Farm (Crops), Farm (Livestock), Iron in a similar way to traits for characters. A
Mine, Gold Mine, Hunting Lodge, character who owns a holding may profit
Stronghold, Vineyards, Fishing, Market, from having a matching Speciality; an
etc. innkeeper should learn Cooking, a Hunter
Beast-Lore, and so on.
Each Improvement increases the Rating of
the Holding by 1 to a maximum of 6. Maximum Number of Improvements
Therefore only 6 improvements are needed As each Improvement allows for the rating of
to reach the maximum rating of a Holding, the Holding to be increased, only up to six
but more can be developed (to increase Improvements can be selected in total and
Treasure revenues and/or insulate against therefore a Holding may only have up to a
Mishap Events). total of six Improvement Traits.

Certain Improvements can only be developed However, such traits may be selected
in certain areas, mainly limited by multiple times (as limited within their
geography - for example, iron can be mined descriptions below). This allows (for
in mountainous terrain but farm (crops) example) for farms of varying sizes and
cannot be grown. rating to be developed by characters. In
addition, some Holding Hazards and Events
Certain Improvements generate Treasure may affect Improvements and their
whereas others require Treasure to maintain. associated traits directly, so selecting an
Treasure can be spent to invest into the Improvement more than once may be
Holding to improve its Rating (i.e., advantageous in such instances.
build/acquire new Improvements)
Rolling Gandalf / Sauron when checking
Events - check the Book of the Manor. The following section lists the various
Gandalf are positive events, Sauron are Improvement Traits that may be selected by
mishap events, while results in between the player when a character improves the
these produce results similar to that outlined rating of their Holding. These traits describe
in Darkening of Mirkwood - i.e., they either the raw materials available to the holding,
generate excess Treasure or cost Treasure to the trade or occupation of residents of the
maintain. Holding, or the actual goods produced by the
As a Holding's rating improves so too does a Holding in question.
character's Standing, therefore developing a
Apiary Ranging in size from a farmstead (a farm
An apiary is a bee colony. Their presence will housing and sustaining an extended family)
enhance all the crops, and provide honey to to the larger farms found within the
sell or make into mead, and wax for candles. Dalelands, these are of vital importance to
the well-being of the cultures they support.
Artisans and Craftsmen
The Holding has improvements relating to Fishing
artisans and/or craftsman; skilled manual The local area has a significant river or pond
workers who make items that may be where fish can be caught, saving a portion of
functional or strictly decorative, including their catch for local consumption with any
furniture, clothing, jewellery, household left over for trade to the surrounding
items and tools. Artisans practice a craft and communities.
may through experience and aptitude reach
the expressive levels of an artist. Foraged Foods
For those with such knowledge and training
Artists and/or Performers the wild can provide an abundance of forage
The Holding is the home of artists. These able foodstuffs such as nuts, fruits, fungi and
individuals or groups may produce song, herbs for both cooking and medicinal
paintings, poems or other such expressive purposes. These foods are often consumed
arts often travelling, both to neighbouring by those who forage them but can be
communities and further afield, in order to exported to surrounding areas and further
perform for others and to finance their afield if they are dried or preserved.
Gardens and Allotments
Charcoal-making Including the expertise to tend them, gardens
Using nearby forests and woods the Holding are an area of ground for growing flowers,
produces charcoal to use, and sell to other bushes and trees simply for delight and
communities, as a source of fuel to warm pleasure, whereas allotments are small
hearth and fire smithies. holdings for growing vegetables that are not
usually mass consumed, and for herbs often
Coneygarth used for cooking.
This is a large artificial enclosure
surrounded by water (since rabbits do not Horse Herd
like swimming), with prepared “pillow Located in large corrals, horses are bred and
mounds” where rabbits and/or hares nest used for labour, travelling or war. Highly
and reproduce. valued by commoner and lord alike they
provide a valuable service and source of
Dovecote income to any Holdings that have them.
This is a large “birdhouse” that attracts a
hundred or more pigeons for protection and Hunting Lodge
nesting. When it’s time for squab on the A hunting lodge is a cabin in the woods or
menu the cook goes out and opens up a little wilds that is suitable for a couple of nights
door in the back of the nest and grabs a few. stay. A resident caretaker keeps it repaired
This is an especially useful way to get fresh and tidy, and always has a small supply of
meat in the winter. food on hand in case his lord shows up
Farm and/or Farmstead
A farm is a collection of fields and buildings Inn and/or Public House
used to cultivate various crops and Generating income from those travelling
vegetables to feed the general population, through the lands of the Holding and
animals, and also to trade for other goods. therefore only available to those places on
established routes, inns and public houses water-driven, wind-driven or ox-driven. In
also provide the local community with news smaller, self-sustaining hamlets, each family
and information from the patrons that may use their own millstone instead of a
frequent them. central mill.

Kennel Mine
Used for hunting, herding or as watch dogs, Found within mountainous or hilly regions a
etc. This large kennel is a formal structure mine usually provides iron, gold or silver
with many pens, runs, a dog master and through the veins that are discovered
includes training dogs, equipment like therein. Such valuable raw materials are
muzzles, collars and leashes, etc. The sold on to smithies and artisans alike for
average kennel will have 25 or so dogs, plus various uses.
specialised hunting breeds. The kennels of
the Woodmen are impressive structures and Orchard
house their Hounds, the greatest of all the An orchard is a large grove of fruit trees.
hunting dogs of Wilderland. These may be apple, pear, cherry, plum,
chestnut, walnut, etc.
Livestock may comprise cows or sheep. Such Pipeweed
an improvement constitutes a large herd of a Grown predominantly in the Shire pipeweed
couple of hundred cows or several hundred is a tobacco that is farmed, dried and used
sheep. Cows are raised to produce milk, by hobbits and others to smoke within their
cheese, butter, meat and hides for leather. pipes. The cultivation and exportation of this
Tended by cowherds and milked by herb is a key industry in the Shire, especially
dairymaids they require a fairly large staff to in the south. Popular varieties of pipe-weed
exploit fully. included Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby, and
Sheep are raised for food, wool and Southern Star.
parchment. They are grazed on Wastelands
(areas too poor to support cows or horses) Smithy
and guarded by shepherds who also milk A specific type of craftsman. Smithies may
them and shear them in the spring. range from the production of weapons and
armour to the shoeing of horses and other
Logging beasts of burden.
Wood and forest wasteland may be logged. It
is an occasional activity. Harvested trees are Trading House
sold for lumber, barrels, staves, weapons Merchants use trading houses as part of
and ships. Reckless logging (as per the their business, the front is employed to
Numenoreans) will permanently ruin this receive other traders in order to negotiate
resource. and finalise deals, with the rear often a
warehouse used for storing stock purchased
Mews and/or transported from further afield.
An elaborate collection of pens and cages
housing a variety of hawks and falcons and Vineyard and/or Vintners
workers to take care of them. Particularly An expanse of land given over to growing
favoured by the nobility of the Haradrim and grapes, delicate fruits that are hard to
Southern Gondor. maintain. The grapes can be used in a
Winery instead of as income to make wine
Mill and/or Millstones out of grapes. The materials needed are
A Holding needs only one mill which all the specialised and requires an expert for
farmers in the surrounding area bring their continued success. The Dorwinrim are the
grain to be ground into flour. A mill may be master Vintners.
SIMPLE TOWN BUILDING SYSTEM by difficult to overtake, and provide 3 bonus
theMoon dice during combat occurring within the
[The inspiration here is Dale, which gives the PCs borders of Longwalk.
an opportunity to affect the restoration efforts
and measures their progress]
 Hunt for a suitable source of fresh
Below are jobs the adventurers may assist water. Several streams seep down from the
the settlers in to increase the rate at which Iron Hills. They are likely to be guarded by
the town grows upon arriving. Every wolves. +2 Progress, -1 Progress each month
Successful Test/Task awards the players an this task has not been completed. May only
amount of Progress points. These are added be successfully Undertaken once.
together to form a Total Progress number
(see below).
 Explore for a suitable pasture for the
Each adventurer is permitted to roll for two livestock. +2 Progress. May only be
Projects each month. successfully undertaken once. Livestock are
During Autumn and Winter the TN of all considered dead if not put to pasture within
Projects should be raised by 2 and 4. Extra 2 months.
levels of success represent a project taking
less time than expected, allowing attention to
 Enervate efforts and dispel fears of
be focused on others. A Great success awards
the rough wild with Song or Inspire. Add 2 to
1 bonus die and an Extraordinary success
the result of another character’s next Project
provides 2.
test, 3 with a great success, and 4 or the
companion’s Heart score (whichever is
 Explore for a fitting quarry for the
higher) with an Extraordinary success.
stone required to construct the town. A good
site can be found only a few miles north.
Only at night will the adventurers discover it
 Provide wood and stone for the
has been made the home of several stone
construction efforts with Athletics. A dearth
trolls. +2 Progress. May only be successfully
of materials will prolong the reconstruction.
Undertaken once.
Over applying oneself (i.e. rolling an EYE)
could lead to weariness or possible
 Explore the best location for a series
wounding in mining accidents. +2 Progress.
of protective watchtowers above the town.
Improper placement could lead to
devastating landslides. This allows for the  Maintain the perimeter bonfires to
construction of watchtowers. keep the wolves at bay with Craft. (Wolves
A landslide causes -2 Progress. and wild men are supposed to make monthly
raids on the settlement).
 Undertake the construction of
watchtowers with Craft. Wooden towers can  Assist in the construction of key
be completed with 2 Craft tests and provide structures, roads, and abodes with Craft. +2
warning of approaching enemies (lower Progress. May not be attempted until a
Awareness test TN by 2) and provide 1 bonus quarry is found.
die during any combat occurring within the
borders of Longwalk (See Erebor), but can
also be easily overtaken.  Hunt for hardy game with which to
Stone towers can be completed with 4 feed the town. +2 Progress.
Craft tests, they provide warning of
approaching enemies, are much more
 Patrol the borders with Awareness. TRAINING AN HEIR by zedturtle
Success prevents an ambush.
Training Sessions
Any other tasks the adventurers can devise At any time where a character may select a
should award +2 Progress, some examples: normal Undertaking he may instead elect to
Persuade: Get the local hunters/trappers in
do a Training Session Undertaking instead.
the area to provide food for your workers.
It is recommended that in Fellowship Phases
Battle: The right configuration for the
defensive wall, ditch, towers etc. where two undertakings are allowed (such as
Healing: to address any injuries/sickness at Year’s End) that only one of them be
that happens to the workers. allowed to be a Training Session.

Once the Total Progress Number reaches one Training Common Skills
of the below targets then the town is
The Trainer selects a common skill and
considered sufficiently rebuilt and the
adventurer’s contract fulfilled. makes a test using their ability at that skill.
The TN for the test is dependent on the skill
Total Progress Requirements: level being taught... going from zero to a
2 players = 20 Points ranking of one requires a TN 12 test, going
3 players = 30 Points from one to two is TN 14, two to three is TN
4 players = 40 Points 16, etc.
5 players = 50 Points
If the Heir has that skill as a favoured skill,
6+ players = 60 Points
then the Trainer may invoke an Attribute
bonus to the test without spending Hope. If
the test is successful, then the skill level of
the Heir is advanced. If the test produces a
~NEW UNDERTAKINGS~ Great or Extraordinary success then the
Trainer begins the next Adventuring Phase
having already earned the first AP in that
TRAINING by cheeplives skill category.
A character can train a single Weapon or
Common Skill during a Fellowship Phase. Training Weapon Skills
This costs 8x New Level ( in Treasure Points) Training with weapons works much like
for a Common Skill or 10x New Level training with common skills, including the
Treasure Points for a Weapon Skill to secure varying TNs depending on the skill level
a proper teacher and training facilities. Only being taught. However, the Trainer does not
one skill can be trained during any given gain any benefit from Great or Extraordinary
Fellowship Phase and no XP nor AP can be successes. Furthermore, he begins the next
spent on a Skill trained in this way during Adventuring Phase with Fatigue equal to the
the same Fellowship Phase. This cannot ever Heir's new weapon skill ranking. For
raise a skill above 5. example, if the Heir raises their sword ability
to 3 then the Trainer will begin the next
Adventuring Phase with a Fatigue of 3, as if
he went on a long journey.
Note on Weapon Skills and Weapon Groups LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE
For simplicity, weapon groups can be used to This is an extended action, requiring 3
teach skill in particular weapon in that successes of Lore. One success gives a
group (for example, (Swords) can teach the smattering, two gives a good knowledge and
3 fluency. The TN is 12 for dialects of a
Long-sword skill) and the reverse is also true
language already known, 14 for new
(a master of the Long-sword can impart languages and 16 for difficult, ancient or
enough general knowledge to teach the shadow languages (such as Quenya or Black
(Swords) group.). Speech). A teacher reduces the difficulty one
level, only having books to learn from (but
not hearing it) raises the difficulty one level.
Rolls can be made over several Undertakings
Characters can purchase Items of Quality
with Treasure.
For 2 Points of Treasure they can BOND (ALL CHARACTERS)
purchase/modify an item with one of the The fellowship spends winter in each other's
company, forging their friendship and
Qualities listed as a Valour Reward.
planning future deeds. From now on, as long
For 6 Points of Treasure they may as they are all present at a session, the
purchase/modify an item with two of the Fellowship Pool is increased by one.
Qualities listed as a Valour Reward.

This cannot be used to modify an item that DWARVEN-SMITHING by Kelly Pedersen

already was a Valour Reward, or any other “Telchar first wrought it in the deeps of time.”
kind of special item.
A companion with the Craft of Narvi Virtue
Thus you can't modify your Spear of (see Part 3 above) may retire to his smithy in
Bladorthin by throwing money at it, nor can Khazad-Dum to give himself unto the
you make Orcrist Keen or something like hammer and anvil to either enhance a piece
that, as these items are not given "plot of equipment or to enchant it.
immunity" like actual Valour Rewards.
To complete his work, an artificer must
accumulate 6 Craftsmanship points in one or
Thus Items of Quality may be stolen, lost,
more Undertakings.
damaged, or subject to any other whim the
LM might have so care must be taken to To gain Craftsmanship points, during the
protect them. same Fellowship phase the companion may
make a Craft roll, spend Experience points or
These items can only be gained during a gain Shadow, or a combination of all three.
Fellowship Phase and requires time spent in • Gain 1 Craftsmanship point on a
successful Craft roll, 2 points on a great
an area capable of manufacturing the item
success, and 3 on an extraordinary result.
(e.g. don’t expect to get your hands on a Keen • Spending Experience, you gain 1
Short Sword while hanging out with Beorn, Craftsmanship point for each Experience
but if you want a Grievous Bow the point you choose to spend.
Elvenking's Halls are a good place to start • Finally, you may acquire Craftsmanship
looking). points by gaining Shadow, at the cost 1
Shadow for each two Craftsmanship points
gained. This carries a risk that the item will
be cursed, however – see below. VISIT ANNUMINAS (RANGERS OF THE
NORTH ONLY) by Otaku-Sempai
In addition, for each Craftsmanship point A Ranger of the North who spends a
gained, you must also spend 10 points of Fellowship phase to visit Annúminas on the
Treasure (representing the acquisition of rare
shore of Lake Nenuial will find a degree of
materials and skilled assistants).
peace, allowing him to heal one point of
If the artisan doesn't succeed in permanent Shadow.
accumulating 6 points in the same
Fellowship phase then take note of the
number of points gained so far, to resume
the work at a later Fellowship phase (the FELLOWSHIP TREASURE HUNTING by
companion will have to choose the Dwarven- Etarnon
smithing Undertaking again. [Requires Loremaster Supervision]
[Can take multiple characters, and use the
It is possible to improve an item for someone highest of their skills but the Leader Rolls all dice
else. In this case, the companion who will unless specified.]
receive the item will have to stay in Khazad-
Dum for the Fellowship phase and take part The Companion(s) spends a Fellowship
in the making of the artefact by renouncing phase leading an expedition in the search for
to choose another undertaking. The artificer treasure. The more dangerous expeditions
will still make the Craft roll, but it is the are costly, because there is a need to hire
other companion who will eventually spend scouts, lookouts, and porters. Much of the
Experience or gain Shadow to complete the time, the adventurer will find only traps, or
work. monsters, frustration, and stress, and lose
their investment. But sometimes, with good
Cursed Items training, lore-knowledge, and a lot of luck,
If the artisan or the eventual owner of the they might find or track down a true hoard
item spent any Shadow points to gain worthy of a Prince, or a Dragon!
Craftsmanship points when creating or
improving an item, the darkness of the work The Adventurer goes to one of the following
may taint the item, creating a curse. Regional Areas, searching for Treasure:

The LM will check this in secret, rolling the Wild Area - Coldfells, East Nether Vales, Grey
Feat die a number of times equal to the Mountains Narrows, High Pass, Mountain
number of Craftsmanship points gained Pass, The Nether Marches, Northern
from Shadow points. If the Eye of Sauron Mirkwood, Redhorn Pass, Trollshaws, The
comes up on any of the Feat die rolls then the Upper Marches, West Nether Vales, West
item is cursed. Upper Vales, Western Mirkwood

The LM should design a curse (using the Shadow Lands - Ettenmoors, Mount Gram,
rules in Rivendell, p. 101), and let the Mountains of Angmar, The Heart of
players discover its nature in play. Mirkwood, The Long Marshes, The Narrows
of the Forest of Mirkwood, Vales of
Gundabad, The Waste.

Dark Lands - The Mountains of Mirkwood,

Mount Gundabad, Southern Mirkwood, The
Withered Heath

The Leading Character specifies the danger

level of the Area, pays the Expedition costs, +4 If the Explore roll was an
then makes the following Checks: Extraordinary Success with at least 2
Tengwars OR a Gandalf on the Explore Test
Wild Area Feat Die
No cost to fund the Expedition, since it is just
heroes, and pack animals. Leader makes an TREASURE HUNTING TABLE RESULTS:
Explore Test of TN 14.
Natural Sauron in Wilds
Shadow Land You Uncover an Ancient Haunted Barrow!
Costs 1 Treasure to fund the Expedition. You barely escape from the horrors that you
Leader makes an Explore Test TN 14, Travel experienced. - Make a Fear Check TN 14 or
TN 14, and Stealth Test of 14. gain 1 Temp Shadow.

Dark Land Natural Sauron in Shadow Lands

Costs 3 Treasure to fund the Expedition. You Uncover a Wight's Tomb!
Leader makes an Explore Test of TN 16, You escaped, but the touch of pure evil has
Travel TN 16 and Stealth Test of 16. tainted your soul - gain 1 Temp Shadow.
Make a Fear check or gain another 1 Temp
If the Explore test was failed in a Wild Area, Shadow.
the Treasure Hunters find nothing.
Natural Sauron in Dark Lands
If ANY test was failed in a Shadow Land You tangled with a Nazgûl, and lived, but
Area, the Treasure Hunters find nothing and you'll have nightmares forever!
they all gain 1 Shadow point. Gain 1 Temporary Shadow point. Make a
Fear Check TN 14, or gain 1 Permanent
If ANY test was failed in a Dark Land Area, Shadow.
the Treasure Hunters find nothing and each
gains 1 Shadow point. Modified Total of the Single Feat Die
-1 You have no idea what you are doing,
If All tests were successful then the Leader and have fallen or been injured, and it heals
rolls a single Feat Die (1d12) and consults badly. Leader must roll Inspire/Awe/or
the Table below (Hope cannot be used on Persuade TN 14 or all Lose 1 Hope.
this roll) All Individuals in Expedition must roll
Athletics or lose a point of Endurance
Modifiers: permanently.
-2 If no members of the Expedition have
the Treasure Hunter Calling 0 Your lack of training on how to
explore crypts and tombs hampers your
+1 If any members of the Expedition efforts. You strain yourself escaping danger.
have an applicable Lore Speciality [Regional, All Lose 1 Hope. All Individuals in Expedition
Racial, Or Enemy-Lore Specialty, or Beast-, roll Athletics, or lose another Hope.
Folk-, and Herb-lore), but non-cumulative
+1 If the Treasure Site is in a Shadow 1 This was a complete waste of time.
Land There is nothing at this site, not even an
+2 If the Treasure Site is in a Dark Land exciting fight. You trudge home, tired and
and then add only the better of: crestfallen. All Lose 1 Hope.
+1 Gandalf on the Stealth Test Feat die,
or An Extraordinary Success on the Stealth 2 You find Nothing! You have spent
Test. weeks searching through dusty dungeons,
+2 If the Explore roll was a Great Success and cobweb-filled chambers by torchlight to
with at least one Tengwar (6). no avail.
13 Minions of Darkness!
3 You get lost in a vast catacombs or You stumble upon and delve deep into a
labyrinth for days, and emerge exhausted, legendary Goblin site of the Underdeeps,
but alive. You rest up, considering this ambush the minions of darkness, and take
mostly a waste of time. their stuff, including some scraps of ancient
Tomes. Divide 20 points of Treasure among
4 You Travel to many possible sites, but the expedition, all recover 1 point of Hope. If
bad luck and bad weather take their toll, and your Hope was already full gain 1 XP
you return home, empty-handed, but alive. instead. All gain 1 AP for Lore in the
upcoming Adventure phase. Each member
5 You escape many dangers, and learn can also make a Lore check TN 16. If you
how to be a more effective Treasure hunter. pass gain the Speciality: Goblin-Lore. If you
All individuals gain 1 AP for Explore in the already have it gain 1 point of Standing at
upcoming Adventure phase. Home.

6 You get into a nasty fight with 14 Fighting Shadows!

something in a dark, slimy cave. It had no You delve into the most hideous crypts, fight
treasure, but it was an exciting fight, and you many denizens of the dark, and after days of
won. All Gain 1 XP. horrific encounters, emerge victorious, but
the fighting was epic and it has given you
7 Things of Silver worth 1 point of ‘the shakes’. Split 40 points of treasure, but
treasure. Who gets it? The rest get 1 AP for each member can only carry up to their
Explore and 1 AP for Search in the upcoming Endurance out. Each member gains 2 XP.
Adventure phase. All members must make a Fear Check of TN
14 or gain 1 Point of Temporary Shadow.
8 Coins worth 1 point of treasure each,
and a scrap of a map, or mouldy scrolls. 15 Escape from an Orc Lair by a Hair!
Each member gains 1 AP for Travel OR Lore Split 50 points of treasure, but each can only
in the upcoming Adventure. carry up to their Endurance out. Each
member can make a Lore Check TN 16 to
9 Gold Treasures are found worth 2 Gain Speciality "Orc-Lore". If you already
points of treasure to each member of the have it, gain 2 XP.

10 Gold Coins worth 2 treasures to each 16 Looted the Lair of a Dragon!

are found AND each gains 1 AP for Explore Each member can carry Treasure equal to
in the upcoming Adventure phase. their Endurance. Each member can make a
Lore check TN 18 to gain the Speciality
11 Platinum Treasures or Gems worth 3 "Dragon-Lore". If you already have it gain 1
treasure each are found in a Ruin. All gain 1 Wisdom.
AP for Explore in the upcoming Adventure
12 Find a hostile Camp or Ancient Ruins! 17 Explored a Hoard!
Quickly grab what you can in gold, gems, You find a sea of coins, baubles, and loot!
and other valuables before you are There's too much to carry so you all end up
discovered. Split 10 points of treasure among making multiple trips. You each end up
the expedition. All members recover 1 point carrying out Treasure equal to TWICE your
of Hope. If your Hope was already full gain 1 Endurance. Make a Lore check TN 18.
XP instead. Gain 1 AP for Stealth in the If you pass gain the Speciality "Dragon-Lore".
upcoming Adventure phase. If you already have "Dragon-Lore" then gain
1 Valour.
phase. The raven allows the Dwarf to roll the
Gandalf in Wilds: Treat this as a #12 on table Feat die and keep the best result in
above: Find A Hostile Camp, or Ancient Awareness, Explore and Search tests.
Ruins! or roll again.
As a fee the Dwarf is expected to pay 1
Gandalf in Shadow Lands: Treat this as #13: Treasure point when choosing this
Minions of Darkness! or roll again. Undertaking.

Gandalf in Dark Lands: Treat this as #14:

Fighting Shadows! or roll again. ~Honour Thorin Oakenshield's tomb and
the Arkenstone (Dwarves only, Erebor)~
This Undertaking can only be chosen once in
EREBOR & DALE UNDERTAKINGS by the lifetime of a Dwarf.
Roll for Wisdom (TN14).
Restore the Lower Sections (Dwarves Failure + Eye: Gain 2 Shadow points.
only, Erebor) The Arkenstone fills your dreams with greed
Roll Craft (TN14). After that, roll the Feat die, and desire.
adding +1 if the character possesses the Failure: Gain 1 Shadow point. You
Tunneling trait, and another +1 if he doubt that it was such a good idea to bury
possesses the Stone-craft trait. Add also a +2 the Arkenstone.
if the Craft roll was a Great success, or +4 if it Success: Gain 1 Shadow point AND
was an Extraordinary success. recover 1 Hope point. Thorin fought for the
Dwarves, but he also died in the end.
Great Success: Recover 1 Hope point.
Eye: You've entered a zone still blighted by
Extraordinary Success: Recover 2 Hope
the dragon's presence. Gain 1 Shadow point.
points AND reduce your Shadow score by 1.
1: Cul-de-sac. Useless work, without any Gandalf + 1 six or 2 sixes: Recover 2 Hope
reward. points AND reduce your Shadow score by 2.
2-3: Habitable zone: Gain 1 Treasure.
Gain also 1 Standing only for the next This Undertaking is interesting because a
Adventure phase. Dwarf has to carefully choose the moment of
4-5: Open the entry to unexploited mines: his pilgrimage. He should have a decent
Gain 2 Treasures. Wisdom to represent that he is "prepared" to
6-7: Discovered ancient storehouse: Gain do it. Also, those with the Stiff Neck Virtue
can see the higher results as not so positive.
3 Treasures.
And those without Shadow might lose the
8-9: Recover a forge: Gain 1 Advancement
benefit of it if their rolls are lucky.
point in the Vocation group, and 6 Treasure
points. ~Spend Time at the Toy Market (Dale)~
10: Restore a Great Hall Gain 1 You get two Hope back if you have no
Experience OR Hope point, and 8 Treasure permanent Shadow, or one Hope back if you
points. do.
Gandalf: Choose any result except 10,
or roll again. ~Visit Grey Stone on Durin’s Day
(Dwarves only, Erebor)~
~Hire a Raven (Dwarves only, Erebor)~ "Stand by the grey stone when the thrush
A Dwarf can use a Raven from the Lonely knocks, and the setting sun with the last light
Mountain only during the next Adventure of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole"
The Secret Door is destroyed, but a large, Barding or Man of the Lake with a Wisdom
broken grey stone remains on site as a score of 3 or higher may spend time studying
memorial. Same use and effect as the Visit and learning the old talents of speaking with
the Carrock undertaking. the birds.

~Work with Dwarven Craftsmanship The first time this Undertaking is taken the
Master~ player-hero spends one experience point to
Any culture but depends on location of learn to speak the language of thrushes.
Master (Erebor usually, possibly Iron Hills or
Blue Mtns). Further Undertakings may be taken to gain a
thrush companion for the next adventuring
Roll the feat dice: phase. A thrush companion will assist a
1-10 Gain one rank of Craft player-hero within reasonable limits. The
Gandalf Gain one rank of Craft and use player may narrate the use of the thrush ally
your favoured body attribute instead of and give the hero advantage (roll the Feat die
standard for the remainder of the next twice, keep best result) one time per game
adventuring phase session.
Eye Gain one rank of Craft but start the
next adventuring phase Weary
Additionally, taking this Undertaking allows ~Bring Back Some Old Toby~
changing one of your specialities to Stone- A Hobbit taking this undertaking gains the
craft, Tunneling or Smith-craft. Smoking speciality, usable only for a single
adventure. This Undertaking could also be
~Library Restoration - Help the Librarian made available for non-Hobbit characters
(Erebor)~ that have The Easterly Inn as Sanctuary.
Restore a section of the Library in Erebor
dealing with old dwarvish history.
Gives a bonus to Dwarvish Lore for the next
~Restoring/Clearing out a lower Section, Pedersen
collapsed passage or a Lost Mansion in
Erebor~. Choose one of the tactics:
This may result in the discovery of a family Support Companion, Shield Wall, Defend
relic or icon or other Dwarvish relic of Companion, or Harry Foe that your warband
significance. Dangers may include pitfalls doesn't already know and spend 2
and other physical problems to solve, or experience.
maybe denizens of the dark or something
"uncanny" that dwelt in secrecy beneath the Recruit Fighters
notice or concerns of Smaug. “Aragorn has need of his kindred. Let the
Dúnedain ride to him in Rohan!”
~Establish a Holding in Erebor (Dwarves A Captain can attempt to raise a force of
only)~ loyal fighters who will support him/her in
Usually results in increased Standing for a their future adventures, or replace men from
Dwarven character. an already-existing force who have deserted
or fallen in battle, by making an Inspire or
Persuade roll at TN 12, +2 for every size
~Befriend the Thrushes~
category the Captain wants the warband to
The player-hero is a descendant of Dale of
expand by, and an additional +2 for every
Old, and his forefathers had the ability to
Wound that has previously reduced the size
understand the language of thrushes. A
of their force (as men are reluctant to join the gained Shadow points as a result of the
force of one who has squandered the lives of death of the person being honoured, a
his soldiers). Success on the roll above heals 2 Shadow
points on a normal success, 4 on a Great
To remove this penalty the Captain must first Success or 6 on an Extraordinary Success.
make an Honour the Fallen Undertaking (see
below). Alternatively a companion who succeeds on
a roll with a Great success can Heal 1
If the Captain succeeds they recruit the Shadow point AND allow another
soldiers, but must then for their gear spend 2 companion participating in the Honour the
Treasure for every size category the warband Fallen undertaking to succeed without
is being increased by. rolling.
On a Great Success many of the soldiers are A companion who gets an Extraordinary
already equipped and the Captain need only Success can Heal one Shadow point and
pay 1 Treasure per size category. allow two other companions participating to
On an Extraordinary success all the soldiers succeed.
have their own gear and the Captain doesn’t
need to pay anything.
Honour the Fallen (HIGH ELVES ONLY) by Otaku-sempai
"Then the Riders of the King's House upon white Any High Elves spending a Fellowship phase
horses rode round about the barrow and sang in the Grey Havens or anywhere else in
together a song of Theoden Thengel's son that
western Eriador may use it to visit the White
Gleowine his minstrel made, and he made no
Towers at Emyn Beraid and gaze into the
other song after."
palantír kept at Elostirion to look upon the
Undying Lands. Any High Elf who does this
A companion may publicly pay their respects
recovers one point of Hope.
to those who have died, speaking of their
deeds or singing songs of praise and
mourning. Make a Custom, Inspire or Song
roll at TN 14 plus the Standing of the fallen
DUM ONLY) by Kelly Pedersen
Multiple fallen can be honoured at once, in You retire to the great forges in the halls of
this case use the Standing of the highest Durin and endeavour to shape mithril, the
individual to set the TN, + 2 for every wondrous metal of Khazad-Dum, into forms
additional named character being honoured, both beautiful and functional. If successful,
or +2 for each Wound to a warband a you will be richly rewarded.
Captain is trying to eliminate the penalty for.
Make a Craft roll, TN 16. If you succeed, you
Costly grave goods can give a bonus to this are awarded with Treasure, 5 points with a
Undertaking: success, 10 points with a great success, and
15 points on an extraordinary success.
- each 3 points of Treasure gives a +1 bonus
- Precious Object = +1 & +1/3 T pts (in
- Wondrous Artefact +10 if 1 Blessing, +15 if Hermes Serpent
2 or a Greater Blessing A companion can spend a Fellowship Phase
- Famous Weapon/Armour +20. studying the Lore, Healing craft, potions and
salves of Mab the Spinner at her cottage in
If the companion doing this Undertaking the Rushdown Woods.
to your love’s standing to win his or her
The companion has to work hard for Mab heart.
not only gathering herbs but cutting wood
for her fire, tending various bubbling pots, Roll Courtesy: Difficulty = 10 + Attribute
crushing seeds and plants in a mortar for Level + Difference in Standing.
An Eye of Sauron indicates frustration or
The companion can gain the benefits of the jealousy and gives you +1 Shadow. A
Rhymes-of-Lore speciality for the duration of Gandalf rune indicates euphoric love and
the following Adventuring phase. you regain 1 Hope.
If the character already has Rhymes-of-Lore
then he may gain two benefits from a Get Married
single Trait invocation (for example, he could If you have successfully courted a lover, you
automatically succeed at a roll and gain an can marry this person. You have to be in the
Advancement point). same location as your love and spend
Treasure equal to the highest Standing x10.
Alternatively the companion can learn how When you are married your maximum Hope
to prepare salves and healing herbs and rating is increased by 1. The couple’s new
where to acquire the necessary materials. standing equals the average standing of the
Gain a +1 bonus to Healing until the husband and wife +1.
companion acquires a new level in their
Healing skill. Raise family
If have been married and are in your home
Alternatively the companion can study the location you can spend time raising your
plants and herbs that Mab uses in her family. This Undertaking lets you regain 1
remedies and gain the trait Herb-lore for use Hope.
only in the Anduin Vales. Also roll one feat die:
Eye: Death in the family (random),
Alternatively the companion may study +1 Shadow.
Shadow-lore with Mab to learn what she's 1-3: Sickness, +1 Shadow
knows of the darker things of the world 4-6: No effect
gaining a +2 on Lore tests/tasks associated 7-10: Child born
with Shadow. G: Bliss, Child born -1 Shadow.

Settle down
You can settle down in any Sanctuary. Spend
treasure equal to your standing to be able to
treat the sanctuary as a home location.
You spend time trying to win the heart of RUNNING WITH THE PACK by Lara
your love. You have to be in the same Redleaf
location as the person you are courting. The Arferyth are the most ancient race of
Every time you choose this undertaking you wolves yet living in Middle-Earth. Long ago
have to spend Treasure equal to your love’s their ancestors became the hounds of Men,
Standing +1. but in time their numbers declined. Men had
domesticated hounds and after many
This undertaking is an extended test that can generations most had forgotten their kinship
span multiple fellowship phases and you with the wolves of old. Instead they hunted
need to collect a number of successes equal wolves that grew more desperate as their
territories shrank, and Men greedily hunted
their prey. As with many things, the dark Rhosgobel may choose to spend their time
powers corrupted many of their kind; wandering Southern Mirkwood and keeping
perhaps Morgoth himself worked fell magics a watchful eye on the area around Dol
upon them as he did to create the Orcs, or at Guldur.
the behest of Sauron evil spirits took wolf
shape and bred a line of wicked killers. This dangerous Undertaking will
Fewer now of the noble wolves remain, even automatically result in 1 point of temporary
as the numbers of the Wargs grow. Shadow as well as 1 point of Experience for
every companion taking part. If more than
Adventurers who meet the Arferyth may be half of the company chooses to take part in
tempted at first to attack, but if they learn of the Watch, the fellowship pool is increased
the pack's nobility, they may instead seek to by 1 point for the following Adventuring
form a bond with them. The wolves are phase. Increase the fellowship pool
proud, fierce, and unfailingly loyal. They temporarily by 2 points if the whole
hate the Shadow and its servants for the company takes part in the Watch.
misery it brings them, and perhaps the
ancient evil of creating Wargs. Their fiercest When a companion chooses this
foes are the Wargs themselves, and undertaking they must first roll an
the Arferyth hunt and destroy these evil AWARENESS test, followed by a roll on the
creatures wherever they are found. Daring table below.
heroes may spend time with the wolves,
learning the land as the wolves know it, This second roll is modified by:
becoming expert hunters and trackers. +1 If the hero possesses Shadow-lore
By spending two entire Fellowship Phases in +1 If the hero has the WARDEN Calling
a row living among the wolves and learning +2 If the AWARENESS roll was a Great
their ways, a character may gain either: success
+4 If the AWARENESS roll was an
The Tracking Speciality or The Song of the Extraordinary success.
Forest (both described in Horse-lords of
Rohan). This deep connection to the land Table Results:
allows them to hunt and live with the
wilderness as well as their own domains. Gandalf: Guardian of the Free Peoples.
Characters may spend a total of four entire You gain the benefits of the Shadow-lore
Fellowship Phases to learn both of these speciality for the duration of the following
abilities. Adventuring phase. If the character already
has Shadow-lore, then he may gain two
Those who develop a deeper kinship with benefits out of a single Trait invocation (for
the Arferyth may instead gain the greatest of example, he could automatically succeed at
their gifts of old. They must spend three a roll and gain an Advancement point).
entire Fellowship Phases with the silver However, you need to pass a Corruption Test
packs, fighting and hunting beside them, in order not to gain an additional Shadow
sharing in their songs of elder days. point during this Undertaking.
Furthermore, you get 2 bonus success dice to
be spent on any Valour or Wisdom roll in the
THE WATCH ON DOL GULDUR by uhu79 upcoming Adventuring phase.
(Optional: This undertaking can be chosen only
once at Year’s End and ideally before 2951.) 1: Tiresome Watch.
Nothing happens. You need to pass a
Companions spending the Fellowship phase Corruption test in order not to gain an
in Woodland Hall, Woodmen-town or
additional Shadow point during this to learn one of the ancient secrets recovered
Undertaking. by the historians.

2-3: Fearless Watchman. Shelter of the Earth, Warding Rune

Gain 1 bonus die for any one Valour test Your Spells of Prohibition and Exclusion
during the next Adventuring phase. have been strengthened, and you can now
carve a Warding Rune, allowing the
4-5: Unshaken Sentinel. fellowship to rest without worry, even in the
Gain 1 bonus die for any one Wisdom test wildest lands. Your company enjoys a free
during the next Adventuring phase. attribute bonus to Awareness or Hunting
rolls to avoid being surprised.
6-7: True Warden.
Gain 2 bonus dice for any one Valour and/or Additionally, you may spend a point of Hope
Wisdom test during the next Adventuring to reduce the difficulty of the next Fatigue test
phase. by an amount equal to your Wisdom for all
members of your company.
8-9: Vigilant Warden.
See 6-7, plus gain an Advancement point in In the Shadow of the Mountain, Rune of
the Perception skill group. Covering
Knowledge of Secrecy and life under the
10: Ranger of Southern Mirkwood. Lonely Mountain have protected your people
See 6-7, plus gain one Advancement point for centuries. At the beginning of an
each in the Perception and Survival skill Adventuring Phase, you may carve one Rune
groups. of Covering, and keep it on your person.

Eye of Sauron: The rune increases The Hunt Threshold for

Your hide-out is attacked by Orcs or any the company by an amount equal to your
other form of menace. You help in repelling Wisdom.
the threat, but you are injured in the process.
You begin the next Adventuring Phase During play, any member covered by the
suffering from a loss of 6 points of rune can expend a Fellowship Point to
Endurance. You need to pass a Corruption eliminate raising the Eye Awareness Score
test in order not to gain an additional due to a rolled Eye of Sauron or due to Using
Shadow point during this Undertaking. Magic (as defined under rules for Eye of
Mordor in Rivendell pg. 112). When you roll
an Eye of Sauron on the Feat Die or Use
Magic, you may choose to accumulate a
point of Shadow instead of increasing your
STUDY RUNES OF OLD (Dwarves Only) party’s Eye Awareness Score. This choice
(Fashioned after ‘Study with the Lampmaker', does not raise the Eye Awareness Score of the
Heart of the Wild, p. 79-80) group, as if triggered by the Shadow Gain
When Companions are spending a
Fellowship phase in the Lonely Mountain, Rich Veins of the Deep, Rune of Resistance
they may go and study under the tutelage of The stubbornness of the dwarves has long
their elders, who have recovered ancient foiled the plans of the Shadow. You may
texts left within the Halls of Erebor. A Dwarf carve a Rune of Resistance, and keep it on
who knows all the spells associated with the your person.
Broken Spells Virtue may choose this
Undertaking and spend an Experience point
You may add your Favoured Heart Score to
Corruption Tests as though enjoying an
attribute bonus.

In addition, when an enemy employs

Dreadful Spells against you, you may spend
a point of Hope to force the enemy to spend 2
additional Hate Points when targeting you,
or the effect does not take place. The enemy
still spends the initial point of Hate

If the Dreadful Spell affects more than one

company member, as long as you would be
affected the enemy must still spend the
additional Hate points. Your companions do
not share the other benefit of the Rune of


As a Fellowship Phase Undertaking, the

character may attempt to repair additional
equipment with a Craft test at TN 14. On a
normal success, he removes 2 points of
penalties from weapons and armours, or he
repairs a shield. On a Great success the
penalties removed increase to 4 points, and
on an Extraordinary success the penalties
removed amount to 6 points.

He can distribute these points as he wishes

among his items (for example, if he obtained
a Great success, he can remove 3 points of
penalties from his weapons, and 1 point of
penalty from his helm).
Part six – the loremaster
a tor Session Sequence have been occurring in the world over the
last year.
summary by Stormcrow c) Players with Standing ratings may
attempt to intervene with events.
1. Create the Fellowship Pool.
3. Distribute any remaining
2. Adventuring and Fellowship Fellowship Points.
Phases; repeat these as required,
continue to next step whenever ready: 4. Each character whose Fellowship
Focus was not wounded during play
A. Adventuring Phase gains one point of Hope.

i) The Loremaster presents the 5. Each character whose Fellowship

beginning of the adventure. Focus was wounded during play gains
one point of Shadow, or three points of
ii) The players choose a Company Shadow if his Fellowship Focus was
Objective. killed.

iii) Play out any number of encounters, 6. Award Experience Points

journeys, combats, tasks, and tests.
a. Each character receives one
B. Fellowship Phase Experience Point.

i) Decide where to spend the Fellowship b. If significant progress was made

Phase toward achieving the Company Objective
- Any place the company has but the adventure has not yet been
previously visited completed, each character receives an
- A sanctuary additional Experience Point.
- The company disbands
temporarily c. If the Loremaster's story was
completed in the Adventuring Phase this
ii) Each player describes what his session, each character receives one
character does during the Fellowship supplementary Experience Point for every
Phase. two game sessions spent in the
a) Spend Experience and Advancement Adventuring Phase.
b) Undertake a task.
c) Describe sundry details.

iii) Year's End (only if the year has

indeed ended)
a) Players must spend Treasure Points
equal to their current Standing ratings or
lose one point of Standing.
b) The Loremaster describes events that
~Designing Adventures by the canonical characters. In fact, I think
direct interaction can be worse than
poosticks7 et al~ indirect. (This brings to mind the old
adage about how strategically placed
Main Themes
clothing can be more suggestive than no
Friendship & Fellowship
clothing at all.) The "ghost" mentioned by
Tolkien emphasizes friendship as the
the Woodmen in Tales from Wilderland
only way for the side of Good to fight
is, I think, an excellent example. Or the
against the Evil that Sauron brings.
backstory to the Easterly Inn.

The ennoblement of the ignoble

And beyond just the characters, there's
In other words, show humble people
interaction with the history itself, both
doing great things.
past and future, which is probably more
important, e.g. Witherfinger.
Compassion & forgiveness : Tolkien’s
Without any direct claims of who or what
tales are full of this.
she is, anybody who arrives at a certain
conclusion is bound to get shivers. When
it's stuff that the players know but the
Middle-earth seems even more precious
characters would not it's almost more
(and worth defending from Sauron)'s like having a secret you're
because it is so loved by its inhabitants.
just dying to share.

Fear & doubt

One fun way to do this is to make
Facing and overcoming fear and doubt is
‘forward’ historical references. That is,
a key component of Tolkien’s stories.
drop hints of things to come, that the
Misplaced fear is also a factor.
players only know because they've read
LoTR. They might encounter the very first
shipment of pipeweed to leave the Shire
Continuing on with a task or duty even if
for Isengard...they'll get that tingle of
the going gets tough. If there is one virtue
recognition, but they'll also be tortured
Tolkien seems particularly to admire, it is
by the thought they have it in their power
to alter the future. But of course they
Player vs Character can't because the characters don't
Overall it's important, in The One Ring understand the significance.
more than other games, to acknowledge
the distinction between Player and
At just the right moment in time and
Character. What we're trying to do is give
place, the heroes might be sharing a
the player...the Tolkien junkie...the fixes
glass of wine with a Mirkwood elf, a
they seek, without having to turn their
young guardsmen who confides..."just
characters into the central figures of the
between you and me"...that lately he's
3rd Age.
had the curious assignment of guarding
a "special prisoner" while he climbs a tall
I agree with "interaction with canon" but I
tree in the Mirkwood.
don't think it needs to specifically be with
Continuity & History RPG campaign culminate in a world-
Next is continuity, or the sense that saving fight against the Big Bad Evil Guy,
heroes exist at one point in a continuous versus having a campaign that just feels
like a collection of generic RPG quests.
story that spans millennia. This goes
The middle ground is tricky. Here I think
beyond sprinkling Middle Earth with the key is to have the players (even if the
ancient ruins (not that there's anything characters don't realize it) feel they are
wrong with ancient ruins.) As I caught up in a small piece of the bigger
mentioned in another thread, I love this picture, and that the blow they strike
passage in LoTR, where Shagrat and today will weaken Sauron in the long
Gorbag (Frodo’s captors) are reminiscing: run. Or...perhaps better...their victories
today will make it possible for Frodo's
“What d’you say? – if we get a chance, you
mission to succeed in the future. (The last
and me’ll slip off and set up somewhere on
adventure in Ruins of the North does
our own with a few trusty lads, somewhere this.)
where there’s good loot nice and handy, and
no big bosses.’ The hard part is that this feeling of
‘Ah!’ said Shagrat. ‘Like old times.” relevance needs to be a nearly constant
presence; an adventure shouldn't feel like
It's subtle, but it's a sneaky reference to it's mostly just chasing treasure, or
Sauron's return, and how the orcs murder-hoboing, with some sort of hint
enjoyed a period of relative at the end that ties it to canon. (Unless
independence, but now the "big bosses" you're doing so intentionally for dramatic
were back in power. effect because you have a mind-blowing
Like the interactions mentioned above, denouement in store, and thus
these sorts of hints are best left subtle, or you want your players to think they're
at least unstated: maybe the heroes come just chasing some run-of-the-mill bandits
across a clearing on the east side of the or whatever.)
Misty Mountains where a tall pine has
been burnt to a crisp. Let the players Other Points
draw their own conclusions. There should be a sense of self-sacrifice
on the part of the player characters.
Fading & Decline
Maybe the most important theme in The player characters should have some
Tolkien is the fading of the Elves and the reminder of the past, be it through an
transition to the age of Men. Tolwen has interaction with an NPC, an ancient
written some great stuff on this, and how artefact, or a place. That's what makes
the Art of the Elves was focused on Middle-earth unique, the layers upon
preservation, as they attempted to keep layers of history.
the world they loved unblemished and
unchanged, an exercise in futility for The players should be presented with
those who are immortal. (Spoiler alert: it moral choices that have tangible
didn't go as planned!) So in addition to consequences.
the continuity mentioned above, the
heroes should face a sense of decay. That
the most beautiful bits of the world are Morality should be fairly black and
slowly disappearing. white. Free peoples may have flaws, but
they are basically good. Those who have
Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG) aligned with the shadow are basically
This was alluded to in previous posts, but bad, although the Children of Ilúvatar (as
there is a trade-off between having every well as hobbits and dwarves) should
always have the possibility of the path of darkness.
Evil seeks more than just power and
The story should focus on seeking conquest. Heroes and the good forces
knowledge and tools to fight the enemy love nature, the trees, and all of life, and
more than on treasure or glory. For as evil tends to destroy the same and seeks
much as it's easy to bash on Decipher's to eradicate or dominate it.
Lord of the Rings RPG - and it's true that it
often had the feel much more of a Teamwork, loyalty, and camaraderie are
generic, high-powered epic fantasy - there qualities that the good forces can use for
is a two-page spread in the Core Rules victory, but which elude those that are
that spells out the important elements of evil.
Tolkienesque gaming. I think it's titled
'The Quality of Heroes', IIRC. Often the lowliest of persons, like a
simple gardener, can achieve the works
It details what makes the Tolkien hero of legends and songs, often simply
different from many other fantasy through perseverance, loyalty, and
adventurers (what you might find in determination.
Game of Thrones, for instance). It
explains qualities like humility,
compassion, self-sacrifice, nobility,
kindness, empathy, and many others. ~awarding points~
Without picking on any alternate play
styles, the stereotypical "hack n' slash",
where roving murderhobos kill monsters
and gather loot (the stuff of a typical GUIDELINES ON AWARDING
game of "Munchkin"), the protagonists in
Middle-earth are more about defending
their loved ones, establishing truth and
0 Points
justice, and protecting the innocent.
Succeeding with a normal skill check.
There's a general sadness and
1st Point
melancholy, especially surrounding the
Elves and their passing of the torch to the (within a given skill grouping).
era of Men. The Darkening of Mirkwood
- Succeeding at a skill check and
captures this so well, as the world gets
more and more dark with the return of then Invoking a Trait/Distinctive Feature
Sauron in the latter part of the Third Age to narrate its success.
(the default setting of TOR). - Succeeding on a skill check with a
Great success.
Any chance to have the characters - Failing on an important but not
engage in songs and poetry fits the
crucial skill check by three or less points,
setting as well.
and then explaining what was learned
Good and evil should be sharply (if/when the difficulty is higher than TN
contrasted; there should be way less 14).
'grey' than you might otherwise see in a
game. Adversaries like Orcs and Trolls
are generally irredeemable, whereas
there's almost always still hope to restore 2nd Point
Men, even if they've started to head down (within a given skill grouping)
- Succeeding at a Hard skill check earned with the next tier of difficulty.
(TN 16 or 18).
- Using a skill that heroically aids
another by putting yourself in harm's SOME EXAMPLES OF FAILURE AND
- Succeeding a skill check with an PERSUADE
Extraordinary Success.
- Succeeding on a skill check w/ a Mungo Hornblower a Hobbit of the Shire,
Great success AND Invoking a Trait. decides to try to Persuade an audience
- Failing a crucially important skill that they should join his cause and go to
check by 3 points or less, and then war against the Orcs of the Misty
detailing what the character "learned" Mountains. This is a crucial element to
from his failure. (We learn as much from the story. LM tells the player that it will
our failures as we do from successes). requires Persuade skill check (since the
- Succeeding on a check that the LM didn't specify the difficulty to do so
Loremaster points out if you attempt to it's default is TN 14 to persuade them).
do this it will carry great consequences if It could also be made into a Prolonged
you fail. Skill Action requiring several successes -
but that's ancillary to this discussion).
The player rolls a 13 and just misses!
3rd Point
(within a given skill grouping). Instead of spending a Hope point to
- Succeeding on an Extraordinary succeed, Mungo decides to fail and
Success AND Invoking a Trait. explain why he almost succeeded and
- Succeeding on a Skill check that is why he should earn an Advancement
TN 20. point.
- Succeeding on a skill check that
"Everything was going just fine with the
literally saved another’s life.
speech and I convinced them that it
- Succeeding on a check that the
would be glorious to finally rid the
Loremaster points out that if you attempt
Mountains of Orcs and Wargs. They were
to this and fail, it will carry grave/death
all set to follow me until I told them
about the creepy, talking, giant spiders
and the long dark journey through
Advancement points are earned only if
Mirkwood....oh and how they would
HOPE points are not used to assure
probably suffer extreme hunger and
success. Each subsequent category listed
experience the strange enchantments of
trumps the previous one. Thus they don't
the forest....oh and I mentioned the
have to happen in order.
horrible storms and rock-throwing
If, for example, something in the third giants....and then I mentioned the icy
category happens at the beginning of a death cold of the region that sucks the
journey it will grant your first point. very air from your lungs.....after that,
The inverse is NOT true. Each subsequent they politely declined the adventure. I've
point in a skill grouping needs to be learned my lesson not to tell so much in
the beginning....maybe Riddle would be
a better approach next time." missing by only 2 points. She decides to
accept the failure, but asks for an
Advancement Point because she explains
Avina the Woodman, reaches down to
"Well, I know what I did wrong - I didn't
assist her wounded hound. The dog's leg wrap the leg tight enough. The dressing
has been badly cut and needs to be must then have come loose, and the
cleaned and wrapped to keep from hound must have gotten some dirt in the
infection and further complications. The wound. This aggravated it further. Next
LM states that it will be "hard" to do this, time, I'll be sure to use another method
and more wrappings to make sure this
requiring a Healing roll with a TN of 16,
doesn't happen again!"
or the hound will not recover for another
three months! She rolls and gets a 14,

Dice probabilities by
Effect of Armour on Dice probabilities by bezurkur
(and identity, and history. . .) are often in
~LOREMASTER question, no Hero ever leaves his
CHARACTERS~ company bereft of a smile. Couple that
charisma with a seemingly endless
supply of enigmatic, intriguing tasks and
FAVOURITE NPC’s by Zedturtle et al suddenly a Fellowship can't help him
enough! While his requests all seem
Irmgard (unofficial) benign, one can't help but wonder to
Irmgard is an itinerant farmhand and what end they all might be working
was first seen at the Easterly Inn with a towards.
hurt foot (to give my healer heroes
something to do that wasn't an Brienne (unofficial)
Encounter). He's since been seen there Brienne is a mix of The Bride and
every time someone comes to visit, and Amaleoda. She joined the company for
seemed to be some sort of lazy lie-about. one adventure and then retired to be a
However, it was recently revealed that full time non participating NPC and
he's actually spying on the Viglundings found her way to being the leader of the
for Beorn and comes back to the Easterly Black Tarn settlement. Had a brief and
Inn on occasion to report in. light romance event with one of the
players now enjoys being the leader of a
Viglar Woodmen tribe. The personal friendship
Viglar in my games has been pushed of the NPC and the company brings out
around by his father and other power some interesting things when Mogdred
brokers in the Viglunding establishment. tries to subjugate Black Tarn to his own
He loves his wine (and ale, and mead, rule or by tributes.
and beer, and...) and is a fun NPC to play
(especially if he's drunk, which is pretty Ruithel
much all the time). When one of my Ruithel bested my companions in the
groups decided that he was worth trying Lake-town Archery Contest some years
to save (or at least redirect), it took me by ago and they met again during the
surprise. We haven't seen yet if they were Questing Beasts. I like her own arc too
successful, but mercy is always a good with the dwarves and the Wayward Elves.
choice... I am planning to use her usually when I
need something from Mirkwood or my
Dragar (unofficial) players to involve in the affairs of the
Dragar, the Captain of the Guard in Dale, Elven-king. Currently she is at the eastern
is a staunch ally and long-time friend of borders of the forest to see the situation
King Bard. For a middle aged man he is with the Dale woodcutters and the Elves.
very energetic, and below his thin,
business-like exterior he is a very Ceawin
optimistic person, who is very passionate I enjoy playing as this NPC. The way he
about his work. If a Fellowship is ever acts with his new crown and his claims to
looking for (relatively) straightforward build a new kingdom worthy of the
opportunities for Heroics with Northmen of the old...etc. Really fun and
immediate, tangible results, he's your go- interesting. Sunstead is one of my
to man. favourite places in Darkening of
Garindel (unofficial)
Garindel is very much the stereotypical Durbag
mirthful Woodland Elf. Almost A Mount Gundabad orc held prisoner by
suspiciously so. . . Although his motives the orcs of the Greydelve. My players
encountered Durbag as a tortured cluttered space... almost it seems too
prisoner in the dungeon beneath an large to fit within the frame of the
abandoned dwarf watchtower. They cottage*. Birds flit to and fro, Kuäk flies
could not kill him without acquiring up to the rafters and disappears into the
shadow and could not safely let him go, darkness there. A thousand gifts, jugs,
so the orc travelled with them for some cages, blankets, casks of wine,
time. woodcarvings, scrolls, and other papers
are stacked in precarious towers of stuff.
I thought Durbag would pose an In the centre of the space is a table set
interesting problem for the companions, with breads, cheeses, jams and fruits.
but he became a really interesting NPC in There are eight chairs, seven for you and
his own right. The interactions have been one for the Wizard. He sits there, his eyes
prolonged, tense but always rewarding. glinting in the candlelight. "Come in,
From him the players learned a lot about come in... have a seat and tell me about
tribal factionalism and animosities in the yourselves as you do..."
period after the Battle of Five Armies. The
encounter got the companions thinking
how they might use internal orc conflicts
to their advantage. The players put
Durbag safely on the road to Gundabad, NEW LOREMASTER CHARACTERS
but I think they will meet up again.
Frithalf of Buhr Wenjan by Halbarad
Frithalf is the 48 year old Chieftain of the
Horsefolk village of Buhr Wenjan, which
INTRODUCING RADAGAST by lies in the shadow of East Ridge, some
three days journey south of Dale. He
stands almost six feet tall but would
probably be taller were it not for his bow
“As you follow the raven, you
legged gait, typical of his people. He has
occasionally begin to see white stones
bright blue eyes and tawny coloured
that you never noticed before in the
hair, greying at the temples and in his
ground. Soon enough the white stones
beard. Unlike the Bardings of Dale his
have become regular enough to be
folk tend to favour facial hair.
paving stones along the path. Wondering
at this, you turn to look back at
His people were among the first to swear
Rhosgobel... it seems faint and distant,
fealty to King Bard and this is a source of
like a sudden mist or haze has sprung
great pride to him. Since Smaug had
up, or twilight has come early.
scattered the folk of Dale, the Horsefolk
The path winds its way through the
had been raising their stock and selling
woods, travelling alongside the sharp-
trained horses to the fractious Lords of
thorned brown hedge that protects
the Running and Redwater Valleys. Now,
Rhosgobel from the wild woods beyond,
with the return of a King to the north,
and brings the company to a small
there would be a need for good
cottage in a little clearing. The lights of
horseflesh and for warriors to train the
the cottage are warm and welcoming as
new horsemen.
the night draws in. A horse eats grass
contentedly in the field beside the house.
In the three years since Lord Frithalf took
Kuäk flys up to the door of the cottage
his oath of allegiance, his folk have
and knocks on it with his beak. The door
grown wealthy. His riders wear coats of
opens, but no warden is to be seen.
dwarfish mail and rings of hack silver
As you step, you can see a vast and
adorn their arms. The womenfolk tie poet and a singer. He cares a lot about
back their hair with threads of gold. his appearance and only his success with
singing for wealthy men and women of
In return, the King has gained a fledgling the town allows him to wear expensive
force of Horsemen trained and captained clothes - his favourite is a tunic so richly
by a half dozen warriors of Frithalf's own embroided with golden and silver thread
clan. These warriors include his youngest it looks like it's made of shiny metal. (it's
son, Frithigern and his nephew, dwarven made and it actually protects
Frithismund. Other voices scoff that his the wearer like light armour)
loyalty was bought with coin, but Frithalf
cares not. Coin may well have bought his Beside a longbow he carries a long
oath, but now that it is given it will be straight knife and a buckler. He's always
honoured. looking for inspiration for songs, a great
saga if possible. He might even join the
Frithalf can be encountered at Buhr players just because it seems interesting
Wenjan for most of the year. His age and adventurous enough.
means that he is not so useful at herding
on the plains these days. Instead, he
leaves that business to Fritheric, his
eldest son. ~Angmarim Priest by Throrsgold~

He can be encountered at Dale during the ATTRIBUTE LEVEL 6

autumn months when he, Fritheric and ENDURANCE 20
other men of Buhr Wenjan bring trained HATE 6
horses to the stables of the King's Horse. PARRY 6
ARMOUR 3d (Mail shirt)
The Dalefolk usually try to lock up their SKILLS
daughters when the riders come to town. Personality 3 Movement 3 Perception 3
There is no little jealousy and antipathy Survival 3 Custom 3 Vocation 3
toward them from the locals. They do cut WEAPON SKILLS
quite a dash though and the King regards Club 3, Damage 4/Edge G/Injury 10/
only the men of his own guard more Dagger 3, Damage 3/Edge G/Injury 12/
highly. CS pierce
Quarterstaff 3/Damage 5/Edge G/Injury
10/CS –
Sword 3/Damage 5/Edge 10/Injury 16/
~Brísindre by Halbarad~
CS break shield
A very proud (sometimes too proud, he
certainly thinks a lot about himself) man
from Dale. He's not native to the place, he
Commanding Voice
wasn't born in Dale, Esgaroth or the near
Reduce the creature’s Hate point score by
villages, but rather came to the town
one to restore one Hate point to all
when he was about 12. Probably a sole
creatures of the same kind involved in
survivor of a raid on a woodsmen
the confrontation (not including the
settlement, but he doesn't talk about the
creature using the special ability).
past. Nobody knows his real name and
he just calls himself Brísindre.
Dreadful Spells (Blast)
Reduce the creature’s Hate point score by
He's very handsome and beside being a
one to force one companion to make a
very good archer (it's a matter of prestige
Corruption test. If he fails it, he gains a
among young men in Dale) he's also a
Shadow point and suffers caster’s
Attribute Level in Endurance loss. east, beyond the Sea of Rhun. He is well
travelled and has seen many wondrous
Dreadful Spells (Heal) sights.
Reduce the creature’s Hate point score by
one to restore target ally’s Endurance by Having led a life of adventure and
caster's Attribute Level or to remove danger, he has decided to settle down in
Wounded condition. the newly rebuilt settlement of Dale and
has opened a feasting hall called the
Dreadful Spells (Stun) Laden Platter with his dwarven friend
Reduce the creature’s Hate point score by Regin Stonetears. A worldly man, many
one to force one companion to make a come to his feast hall just to hear his
Corruption test. If he fails it, he gains a outlandish tales of adventure. He wiles
Shadow point and is unable to act for away many long nights standing before
1d3 rounds. the great hearth telling anecdotes to any
who will listen.
Hatred (Dúnedain)
When the creature is confronted by the Loremaster NPC Statblock
object of its hate, all its Weapon skills Attribute Level: 4
and Attack forms are considered to be Specialities: Rhun-lore, Storytelling
favoured. Distinctive Features: Merry, True-hearted
Endurance: 10
Parry: 7
~Kemic Farstrider by Poosticks7~ Armour: 1d
Physical Description & Mannerisms Skills: Personality 2, Movement 3,
Kemic is a dusky skinned man of middle Perception 2, Survival 1, Custom 3,
years, with coal black hair and beard Vocation 2
which are beginning to show signs of Weapon Skills: Dagger 2, Sword 2
grey. His russet coloured eyes twinkle
when he laughs, which is often. He walks
with a noticeable limp, from a wound he ~Regin Stonetears by Poosticks7~
received when he was a young man. His Physical Description & Mannerisms
garments are always colourful and well Regin would dearly love to claim the title
made. Although he speaks the Dalish of fattest dwarf from Bombur of Erebor.
language well, there is a noticeable The only time you won’t see him eating
twang in Kemic’s voice when he something is when he’s snoring his head
pronounces certain words. Kemic off. His copper coloured beard is bushy
unconsciously fiddles with his beard and decorated by the remains of long
when he talks. forgotten meals. Regin’s ever expanding
girth is adorned with a mithril and gold
Equipment Worn belt buckle, which adorns his oft
At his belt he wears a curved knife, which rumoured enchanted belt. His favourite
has a beautiful garnet in its pommel. He colour is blue and all of his garments are
wears clothing typical of the lakemen, of that hue.
favouring light shirts and sturdy
breeches. Around his neck he wears a Apart from his insatiable appetite,
pendent of silver, fashioned to resemble Regin’s most noticeable mannerisms are
a horse’s head. to call anyone he meets ‘my boy/lass’
even those of older years than him and
Background also to wave around his food laden
Kemic hails from the distant lands of the hands whilst talking in overblown
gestures to get his point across. ~Elven Tracker by Poosticks7~
Attribute Level: 6
Equipment Worn Specialities: Mirkwood-Lore, Woodwright
Blue jerkin and blue breeches, a dark Distinctive Features: Keen-eyed, Quick of
leather belt with a gold and mithril-lined Hearing
buckle depicting a mattock and a helm. A Endurance: 18
walking stick, which he rarely has need Parry: 7
of these days and a sturdy dwarven Armour: 2 d
dagger. Skills: Personality 2, Movement 3,
Perception 3, Survival 2, Custom 2,
Background Vocation 2
Regin hails from the Iron Hills, yet he has Weapon Skills: Bow 4, Short Sword 2
spent many years travelling the lands of Special Ability: Deadly Archery
the east as a member of a trade caravan. Spent a hope to add attribute level as
In his younger days Regin was a vigorous damage bonus after a successful hit with
and hearty dwarf, but his love of food a bow
and the finer things in life have taken a
toll on his physique. During his travels ~Dwarven Warrior by Poosticks7~
he became fast friends with a man of the Attribute Level: 6
east named Kemic Farstrider. The two of Specialities: Smith-craft, Tunnelling
them shared many adventures and saw Distinctive Features: Determined, Hardy
many wondrous things, including the Endurance: 24
halls of Regin’s distant kin below the Red Parry: 4+2
Mountains far to the east. Armour: 4d
Skills: Personality 2, Movement 3,
Now the two friends have put their Perception 2, Survival 2, Custom 2,
wandering days behind them and have Vocation 3
opened a feast hall called the Laden Weapon Skills: Axe 4, Short, Sword
Platter in the newly rebuilt city of Dale. Sword 2
They make a handsome income from Special Ability: Old Hatred
their investment, even if it seems at times Spent a hope to add attribute level as
as if Regin is intent on eating the halls damage bonus after a successful hit with
entire larder himself. a melee weapon

Loremaster NPC Statblock

Attribute Level: 4 ~Hobbit Bounder by Poosticks7~
Specialities: Smoking, Trading Attribute Level: 5
Distinctive Features: Forthright, Robust Specialities: Smoking, Storytelling
Endurance: 12 Distinctive Features: Wary, Elusive
Parry: 5 Endurance: 15
Armour: 1D Parry: 6
Skills: Personality 3, Movement 1, Armour: 1d
Perception 2, Survival 2, Custom 2, Skills: Personality 2, Movement 3,
Vocation 2 Perception 2, Survival 1, Custom 3,
Weapon Skills: Dagger 2, Axe 2 Vocation 1
Weapon Skills: Bow 3, Short Sword 2
Special Abilities: Small Folk (as a trait)
~Scholar of Dale or Lake-town by He has passed on some of his knowledge
Poosticks7~ of herb-lore to help the fragile race of
Attribute Level: 5 man battle the effects of disease, poison
Specialities: Old-lore, Storytelling and infection. He also helps fund a house
Distinctive Features: Clever, Curious of healing in the newly rebuilt city of
Endurance: 14 Dale.
Parry: 7 Loremaster NPC Statblock
Armour: 0 Attribute Level: 6
Skills: Personality 2, Movement 2, Specialities: Herb-lore, Mirkwood Lore
Perception 3, Survival 2, Distinctive Features: Fair-spoken,
Custom 3, Vocation 4 Generous
Weapon Skills: Staff 3, Sword 2 Endurance: 22 Parry: 6
Armour: 2d Skills: Personality 3,
Dínathrad by Poosticks7 Movement 3, Perception 3, Survival 4,
Physical Description & Mannerisms Custom 2, Vocation 2
Dínathrad is a soft spoken Silvan elf, Weapon Skills: Dagger 2, Sword 2
whose demeanour is of someone who
likes to let others do the talking. His pale ~Balin son of Fundin by Rich H~
grey eyes hint of a wisdom gained from ATTRIBUTE LEVEL: 7
his long years wandering the wild places ENDURANCE: 25
of Middle-earth. His hair is a warm HOPE: 4
auburn colour. He is usually garbed in PARRY: 7
robes of subdued colours which match ARMOUR: 4d + 1
the season around him. His mood can SKILLS
shift easily between a quiet melancholy Personality 3 Movement 4 Perception 4
and exuberant joy, usually triggered by Survival 3 Custom 3 Vocation 3
his time among the younger folk. WEAPON SKILLS
Great Axe: 4 [Damage 11, Edge 10, Injury
Equipment Worn 20, CS Break Shield]
Dínathrad wears finely made robes and Throwing Axe: 3 [Damage 5, Edge 'G
carries a satchel of herbs and reagents. Rune', Injury 14, CS Break Shield]
He wears a long sword at his side though SPECIAL ABILITIES
he is loath to ever draw it. Toughness: Reduce Balin’s Hope point
score by one to reduce the Endurance
Background loss caused by an enemy’s attack by 7
For many years Dínathrad has had a points.
passion for all things that grow. He has Traits: Keen-eyed, Energetic, Smoking
learnt the names and properties of
hundreds of plants found throughout
Wilderland. Having spent many years ~Beorn by Rich H~
travelling across Wilderland Dínathrad Attribute Level: 9
has learnt to appreciate the worth of the Endurance: 40
younger peoples of the land and has a Hope: 10
fondness for the tenacity and Parry: 7
indomitable spirit of the Men of the Armour: 2d
North and has spent some time amongst Skills:
the folk of Dale, Esgaroth and the lands Personality: 5 Movement: 5
of the Beornings. Perception: 3 Survival: 3
Custom: 0 Vocation: 3
~Thranduil the Elven King by Beleg~ ~Bilbo Baggins by Beleg~
Attribute Level: 9 Attribute Level: 6
Endurance: 30 Endurance: 22
Hope: 7 Hope: 18
Parry: 6 Parry: 4
Armour: 1d Armour: 5d (Mithril Vest)
Skills: Skills
Personality: 4 Movement: 3 Perception: 4 Personality: 2 Movement:5 Perception: 4
Survival: 1 Custom: 3 Vocation: 3 Survival: 0 Custom: 6 (mainly for
Riddle) Vocation: 1
~Glorfindel by Beleg~ Sting: 3, Damage: 6, Edge: 9, Injury: 16,
[I subscribe to the belief that Glorfindel is the Called Shot: Disarm
Glorfindel who died fighting a Balrog in the
First Age] Abilities:
Attribute Level: 10 The One Ring: Reduce Bilbo's Hope score
Endurance: 34 Hope: 12 by one to put on the ring. Reduce Hope
Parry: 8 Armour: 4d score by one for each subsequent round
Skills: spent invisible. While invisible, all
Personality: 3 Movement: 5 Perception: 2 attacks instantly hit, however, roll the
Survival: 1 Custom: 3 Vocation: 4 Feat Die to determine if the attack is a
Weapons: Piercing blow. If the Eye is rolled, Bilbo
Elven Glaive (those thingies from the becomes visible and cannot put the Ring
opening scene in The Fellowship of the back on while in combat.
Ring film, for lack of a better name): 6
Damage: 9/11, Edge: 9, Injury: 18/20, Riddle Me This: Instead of attacking,
Called Shot: Disarm Bilbo can make a Riddle roll [All 6 dice]
Abilities: against a TN of 10, plus the highest
Asfaloth: While Glorfindel is riding Attribute level of all enemies. On a
Asfaloth, he gains a bonus to damage of successful roll, the enemy is confused,
+2, and he may expend a Hope point to and the enemy's parry rating is lowered
reroll the Feat die. by 1, 2 or 3 points, depending on the
Elf-Lord: Spend a point of Hope to force degree of success, and the TN for the
all enemies near Glorfindel to roll a Fear enemy to hit is raised by 1, 2 or 3
test against TN 18 [Feat die plus highest depending on success, for one round.
Attribute Level of the enemies.]
A Gandalf Rune results in either
additional targets being confused,
(depending on the number of sixes) or in
the target enemy's parry rating being
reduced to the base stance TN for one

An Eye results in Bilbo confusing himself,

and lowering his parry rating to the base
TN and increasing his to hit by 4 for one
~Gandalf the Grey by Thror II~ Blessing, Voice of Command, Word of
Attribute Level: 11 [The Wizardry spells come from my home
Specialities: Folk-lore, Smoking brewed Magic in Middle-earth, in which
Distinctive Features: Secretive, Steadfast spells (ripped from the Decipher's LotR game)
are converted to The One Ring. I give Maia
and such beings 2 spells per Advancement
Relevant skills: Insight 4, Inspire 5,
level; Elves get 1 point per Advancement (if
Persuade 5, Travel 4, Sword 3 they are Noldo).
I assume each LM Character has Hope equal
Endurance: 99 to their Advancement Level for use in spell
Wizardry: casting].
Blinding Flash, Break Binding, Burning
Sparks, Enchant Food, Fiery Missile, ~Galadriel by Thror II~
Fireshaping, Flame of Anor, Imitation- Attribute Level 10
spell, Kindle Fire, Light-spell, Opening- Specialities: Elf-lore, Shadow-lore
spell, Quench Fire, Resist Fear, Distinctive Features: Fair, Lordly
Shattering-spell, Shutting-spell, Smoke Relevant Skills: Awe 5, Insight 4, Lore 4
Weaving, Mindspeech, Sundering-spell, Endurance: 22
Travel Blessing, Voice of Command,
Watershaping, Word of Command. Wizardry: Farseeing, Fog-raising, Fog-
weaving, Mind-speech, Misdirection,
Glamdring: Sword of Gondolin; Glows Mist of Speed, Power of the Land, Rain-
blue when Orcs are near; great or ward, Sundering, Veil
extraordinary combat success inflicts an
automatic piercing blow against Orcs. Nenya: Ring of Power.
A servant of the Shadow must have an
Ring of Fire: Narya (Ring of Power). Attribute level equal to the combined
The effects of being temporarily Weary or total of the bearer’s Wisdom and Valour
Miserable are negated for the Ring bearer to be able to enter the Ring Bearer’s
and those who travel with him; A Free sanctuary. Additionally, the ringbearer’s
Attribute bonus is provided to all sanctuary is treated as having a
companions for rolls to heal Corruption. continuous Veil spell on it.

~Radagast the Brown by Thror II~

Attribute Level: 10
Specialities: Beast-lore, Herb-lore
Distinctive Features: Secretive, Cunning
Relevant skills: Insight 4, Healing 3, Lore
5, Riddle 3
Endurance: 90
Wizardry: Animal Messenger, Beast
Protection, Beast Speech, Beast
Summoning, Break Binding,
Concealment-spell, Enchant Food,
Healing-spell, Imitation-spell, Light-spell,
Mastery of Shapes, Mind-speech,
Misdirection, Opening-spell, Power of the
Land, Shutting-spell, Slumber, Travel
~Gimli son of Gloin (Version 1) by ~Frodo Baggins by Angelalex242~
James Harrison~
Culture: Hobbit of the Shire
Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain Standard of Living: Prosperous
Standard of Living: Rich Cultural blessing: Hobbit-sense
Cultural blessing: Redoubtable Calling: Scholar
Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Lure of Secrets
Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance Specialties: Smoking, Story-telling,
Specialties: Smith-craft, Tunnelling, Orc- Rhymes of Lore
lore Distinctive features: Cautious, True-
Distinctive features: Bold, Hardy hearted
Body: 6 Heart: 3 Wits: 5 Body: 3 Heart: 7 Wits: 4
Body (favoured): 8 Heart (favoured): 6 Body (favoured): 4 Heart (favoured): 10
Wits (favoured): 6 Wits (favoured): 6
-Common Skills- -Common Skills-
Awe: 0 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 2
 Awe: 2 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 0 Athletics: 2 Travel: 3 Stealth: 3
 Athletics: 3 Travel: 3 Stealth: 0 Awareness: 2 Insight: 3 Search: 2
 Awareness: 1 Insight: 0 Search: 3 Explore: 0 Healing: 0 Hunting: 0
 Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 0 Song: 2 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 3
 Song: 2 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2 Craft: 0 Battle: 0 Lore: 3
 Craft: 3 Battle: 3 Lore: 0 -Weapon Skills-
Short sword: 2 Dagger: 1 Bow: 1
-Weapon Skills- -Rewards-: King’s Blade, Lucky Armour,
 (Axes): 4 -Virtues-: Tough in the Fibre, Art of
 Great axe: 5 Disappearing, Small Folk, Brave at a
 Short sword: 1 Pinch
 Dagger: 0 -Gear-
Short sword damage: 7 edge: 10
-Rewards-: Keen, Fell injury: 14 enc: 1
-Virtues-: Expertise Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury:
-Gear- 14 enc: 1
Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury:
 Great axe damage: 11 edge: 10 12 enc: 0
injury: 20 enc: 4 Mail shirt enc: 12
 Mail shirt enc: 12 Endurance: 23 Starting Endurance: 23
 Helm enc: 6 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14
Endurance: 31 Starting Endurance: 31 Hope: 19 Starting Hope: 19
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 16 Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 16
Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Hope: 9 Starting Hope: 9
Armour: 3 Headgear: 4 Armour: 3 Headgear: 0
Parry: 5 Shield: 0 Parry: 4 (6 with Small Folk)
Damage: 6 Ranged: 6 Shield: 0 Damage: 0 Ranged: 0
Wisdom: 2 Valour: 3 Wisdom: 5 Valour: 4
Experience: 52 Total Experience: 52 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Treasure: 0 Standing: 3, 6(in the Shire)
~Samwise Gamgee by Angelalex242~ ~Merry Brandybuck by
Culture: Hobbit of the Shire Angelalex242~
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural blessing: Hobbit-sense Culture: Hobbit of the Shire Standard of
Living: Prosperous
Calling: Warden
Cultural blessing: Hobbit-sense
Shadow weakness: Lure of Power Calling: Wanderer Shadow weakness:
Specialties: Cooking, Gardener, Shadow- Wandering-madness
lore Specialties: Herb-lore, Smoking, Folk-lore
Distinctive features: Eager, Trusty Distinctive features: Energetic, Merry
Body: 3 (6) Heart: 6 (8) Wits: 5 (6) Body: 4 Heart: 6 Wits: 4
Body (favoured): 7 Heart (favoured): 7
-Common Skills-
Wits (favoured): 6
Awe: 0 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 3
-Common Skills-
Athletics: 0 Travel: 2 Stealth: 3 Awe: 2 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 2
Awareness: 3 Insight: 1 Search: 2 Athletics: 2 Travel: 2 Stealth: 3
Explore: 0 Healing: 3 Hunting: 0 Awareness: 2 Insight: 1 Search: 2
Song: 2 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2 Explore: 3 Healing: 0 Hunting: 2
Craft: 3 Battle: 0 Lore: 0 Song: 2 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2
Craft: 0 Battle: 3 Lore: 0
-Weapon Skills-
-Weapon Skills-
Short sword: 4 Dagger: 1 Short sword: 4
Bow: 1 Bow: Dagger: 1
Rewards: King’s Blade, Lucky Armour, -Rewards-: King’s Blade, Lucky Armour,
Fell Fell
-Virtues-: Tough in the Fibre, Brave at a -Virtues-: Tough in the Fibre, Brave at a
Pinch, Small Folk Pinch, Small Folk
Short sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury:
Short sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 16 enc: 1
16 enc: 1 Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc:
Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1 Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc:
Dagger damage:3 edge:G injury:12 enc: 0 0 Mail shirt enc: 12
Leather corslet enc: 8 Endurance: 22 Starting Endurance: 22
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14
Endurance: 22 Starting Endurance: 22
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 10
Hope: 18 Starting Hope: 18
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 10 Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent
Hope: 18 Starting Hope: 18 Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Armour: 3 Headgear: 0
Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0 Parry: 4 (6 with small, but remember he's
Armour: 2 Headgear: 0 dwarf sized)
Shield: 0 Damage: 0 Ranged: 0
Parry: 5 (6 with small) Shield: 0
Wisdom: 4 Valour: 4
Damage: 0 Ranged: 0 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52
Wisdom: 4 Valour: 4 Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52 Treasure: 0 Standing: 4
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Treasure: 0 Standing: 1/5 (servant at
first, Mayor later...)
~Pippin Took by Angelalex242~ ~Boromir by Angelalex242~

Culture: Hobbit of the Shire Culture: Man of Gondor

Standard of Living: Prosperous Standard of Living: Rich
Cultural blessing: Hobbit-sense Cultural blessing: Furious
Calling: Treasure-Hunter Shadow Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Curse
weakness: Dragon-sickness of Vengeance
Specialties: Smoking, Tunnelling, Specialties: Beast-lore, Mountaineer, Orc-
Burglary lore
Distinctive features: Bold, Reckless Distinctive features: Proud, Wrathful
Body: 2 (5) Heart: 7 (8) Wits: 5 (7) Body: 7 (10) Heart: 2 (3) Wits: 5 (7)
-Common Skills-
-Common Skills-
Awe: 1 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 2  Awe: 3 Inspire: 1 Persuade: 1
Athletics: 2 Travel: 3 Stealth: 3  Athletics: 3 Travel: 3 Stealth: 0
Awareness: 2 Insight: 2 Search: 2  Awareness: 2 Insight: 1 Search: 2
Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 0  Explore: 2 Healing: 1 Hunting: 3
Song: 3 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2  Song: 1 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 1
Craft: 0 Battle: 3 Lore: 0  Craft: 1 Battle: 3 Lore: 0
-Weapon Skills-
Short sword: 4 -Weapon Skills-
Bow: 1 Dagger: 1
-Rewards-: King’s Blade, Lucky Armour,  Long sword: 4
Fell  Great bow: 3
-Virtues-: Tough in the Fibre, Brave at a  Dagger: 1
Pinch, Small Folk
-Gear- -Rewards-: Noble Armour, Grievous,
Short sword damage: 5 edge: 10 Keen, Fell
injury: 16 enc: 1 -Virtues-: Nil
Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: -Gear-
14 enc: 1 Long sword damage: 7/9 edge: 9 injury:
Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 18/20 enc: 3
0 Great bow damage: 7 edge: 10 injury: 16
enc: 3
 Mail shirt enc: 12 Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc:
Endurance: 23 Starting Endurance: 23 Leather corslet enc: 8
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14 Endurance: 28 Starting Endurance: 28
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14 Fatigue
Hope: 19 Starting Hope: 19 from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Hope: 10 Starting Hope: 10
Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0 Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent
Armour: 3 Headgear: 0 Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Parry: 5 (7 with small folk, but Pippin is Armour: 2 Headgear: 0 Parry: 5
dwarf sized) Shield: 0 Damage: 0 Ranged: 0
Shield: 0 Damage: 0 Ranged: 0 Wisdom: 1 Valour: 5
Wisdom: 4 Valour: 4 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52 Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 4
Treasure: 0 Standing: 4
~Gimli son of Gloin (Version 2 by ~Legolas Greenleaf by Angelalex242~
Culture: Elf of Mirkwood Standard of
Culture: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain Living: Prosperous
Standard of Living: Rich Cultural blessing: Folk of the Dusk
Cultural blessing: Redoubtable Calling: Warden Shadow weakness: Lure
Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Curse of Power
of Vengeance Specialties: Elven-lore, Woodwright,
Specialties: Smith-craft, Tunnelling, Orc- Shadow-lore
lore Distinctive features: Fair, Swift
Distinctive features: Eager, Steadfast Body: 4 Heart: 4 Wits: 6
Body: 7 (9) Heart: 2 (5) Wits: 5 (6) Body (favoured): 7 Heart (favoured): 6
-Common Skills- Wits (favoured): 7
Awe: 0 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 2
Athletics: 3 Travel: 3 Stealth: 0 -Common Skills-
Awareness: 2 Insight: 0 Search: 3 Awe: 2 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 0
Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 0 Athletics: 3 Travel: 3 Stealth: 2
Song: 1 Courtesy: 3 Riddle: 2 Awareness: 3 Insight: 0 Search: 0
Craft: 3 Battle: 3 Lore: 0 Explore: 2 Healing: 2 Hunting: 3
Song: 2 Courtesy: 1 Riddle: 0
-Weapon Skills- Craft: 0 Battle: 2 Lore: 3
(Axes): 4 -Weapon Skills-
Dagger: 1 Bow: 4
Short sword: 1 Dagger: 1
Sword: 1
-Rewards-: Axe of the Azanulbizar,
Grievous, Keen -Rewards-: Woodland Bow, Keen, Fell
-Virtues-: Durin’s Way, Old Hatred, The -Virtues-: Deadly Archery, Wood-elf
Stiff Neck of Dwarves Magic, Elvish Dreams
-Gear- -Gear-
Great axe damage: 11 edge: 10 injury: 20 Bow damage: 5 edge: 9 injury: 16 enc: 1
enc: 4 Sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 16 enc:
Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 2
0 Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc:
Mail shirt enc: 12 0
Helm enc: 6 Leather corslet enc: 8
Endurance: 30 Starting Endurance: 30 Endurance: 26 Starting Endurance: 26
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 17 Fatigue Fatigue from Encumbrance: 11 Fatigue
from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 17 from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 11
Hope: 8 Starting Hope: 8 Hope: 12 Starting Hope: 12
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent
Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0 Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Armour: 3 Headgear: 4 Armour: 2 Headgear: 0
Parry: 5 Shield: 0 Damage: 0 Parry: 6 Shield: 0
Ranged: 0 Damage: 0 Ranged: 0
Wisdom: 4 Valour: 4 Wisdom: 4 Valour: 4
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 52
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Treasure: 0 Standing: 4 Treasure: 0 Standing: 5
~Aragorn son of Arathorn by ~Tauriel - Elf of Mirkwood (LM
Angelalex242~ Character by Otaku-Sempai)~
Culture: Dúnedain of the North Standard Standard of Living: Martial
of Living: Frugal Cultural Blessing: Folk of the Dusk
Cultural blessing: Strong Willed Calling: Warden
Calling: Warden Shadow weakness: Lure Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
of Power
Specialties: Old lore, Herb lore, Shadow- TRAITS
lore - Specialities: Elven-lore, Mirkwood-lore,
Distinctive features: Just, Lordly Shadow-lore
Body: 4 (7) Heart: 4 (6) Wits: 6 (7) - Distinctive Features: Hardened, Nimble
-Common Skills-
Awe: 2 Inspire: 3 Persuade: 2 ATTRIBUTES:
Athletics: 3 Travel: 3 Stealth: 3 - Body: 6 (7) Heart: 2 (6) Wits: 6 (7)
Awareness: 3 Insight: 2 Search: 3
Explore: 3 Healing: 3 Hunting: 3 Valour: 2 Wisdom: 2
Song: 3 Courtesy: 2 Riddle: 2
Craft: 3 Battle: 3 Lore: 3 COMMON SKILLS:
-Weapon Skills- - Awe (favoured): 2 Athletics: 3
Long sword: 6,Dagger: 1, Great bow: 3 - Stealth: 3 Awareness (favoured): 2
-Rewards-: Anduril, Numenorean Steel - Search: 1 Healing (favoured): 2
Bow, Armour of the Rangers, Close - Hunting: 2 Song: 2
Fitting*2 - Battle: 3 Lore (favoured): 3
-Virtues-: Destined for Greatness (freebie),
Hand of Kings (all uses), Experienced WEAPON SKILLS:
Ranger, Enemy of the Shadow, Noble - Bow (favoured): 3, Sword: 2, Dagger: 3
Lineage, Confidence
Damage: 6 Parry: 6
-Gear- Armour: 2d
Anduril damage: 12/14,edge: 8, injury:
26/30, enc: 3 REWARDS:
Dagger damage:3,edge: G,injury:12 - Woodland Bow (bow)
enc: 0
Great bow damage:7,edge: 10, injury: 16 VIRTUES:
enc: 3 - Wood-elf Magic (Stinging Arrow; Elf-
Leather corslet enc: 8 lights)

Endurance: 26 Starting Endurance: 26 GEAR:

Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14 - Weapons: Bow, Sword, Dagger (enc 3)
Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14 - Armour: Leather corslet (enc 8)
Hope: 14 Starting Hope: 14
Temporary Shadow: 0 Endurance: 24 Fatigue: 11
Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0 Hope: Starting Score: 10
Armour: 2+2 Headgear: 0 Experience Points: 0
Parry: 6 Shield: 0 Advancement Points: 6
Damage: 0 Ranged: 0 PATRONS: - Thranduil
Wisdom: 6 Valour: 6 SANCTUARY:- Mirkwood
Experience: 0 Total Experience: Lots Treasure: 7 Standing: 3
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0
Treasure: 0 Standing: 6 (High King)
BACKGROUND: Envoy of the King. young Ranger woman travels across the
Misty Mountains to seek help from
Your parents were killed by Orcs when Beorn: they're worried about the fact that
you were still small. You were raised in someone's robbing tombs and something
the Halls of the Elvenking and (despite might awaken in them. Since the Ranger
being female) rose to the position of doesn't know the lay of the land, Beorn
Captain of the Royal Guard. As such, you asks the Company to escort her so they
have learned much about the nearby can find the ruined fort and the barrows
communities of Men and Dwarves. near the Misty Mountains (I'm describing
Sadly, you have also discovered how the it as an old fort that guarded a pass that's
Shadow is creeping upon the outside now impassable)
world gaining in strength with each Sure enough, they eventually get on the
passing year. You find it more and more trail of Shanker and realize he's been
difficult to agree with King Thranduil's taken by Barrow-Wights. If they risk life
isolationist policies. Are you not a part of and limb to rescue him, they'll see the
this world? guy turn a new leaf: he goes to serve the
NOTE: Tauriel is 600 years old. Rangers and returns to Breeland.

New Weapon: Mirkwood Fighting Knives.

Usually crafted in pairs, these ~Miriel by Finrod Felagund~
exceptionally well-balanced blades are Basically she's the daughter of Caranthir
meant to be wielded in a two-weapon and took the lead in the various
fighting style, similar to the Lake-men's Kinslayings. As a result she was banned
Cultural Virtue of Shield-Fighting. from returning to the Blessed Lands at
the end of the First Age. By TA 2950 she
If you get a "G" on the Feat die when lives in North Lindon at what remains of
attacking with an Elven Fighting Knife, Lake Helevorn, with the descendants of
you inflict double the normal Damage (3 Huan the Hound. She's a very Dark
+ 3 = 6). Goddess type figure - harsh and stern -
- Damage: 3 Edge: "G" and the greatest Elven Warrior in Middle
- Injury: 12 Encumbrance: 0 Earth. She's not evil but her story has a
- Group: Daggers tragic element as other Elves will not
speak with her, and she misses her father
and other kin. Mortal Men never see her
as she surrounds herself with a Dark Fog,
~Shanker’s (NPC from Of Leaves & but shiver in their homes when they hear
Stewed Hobbit) backstory by Jussi the thunder of hooves and baying of
Martila~ hounds in the distance.

Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit contains an Her eventual fate forms part of the 7
NPC, a tomb-robber called Shanker, he's Wisdoms storyline - just to say that she
a Man of Bree originally, and recently sacrifices herself, and in doing so finally
came across a ruined Numenorean ends the division between Sindar and
fortress that had a few barrows next to it. Noldor.
He was the first to find the barrows, so he
found quite a few precious items that he No pictures or music for this character,
sold in Bree later on. but I will say that the inspiration for her
This put the Rangers on his trail as they were a mix of Tolkien’s early creation of
got word of someone pawning off Measse, and the Irish Goddess of War the
Numenorean-made items in Bree. A Morrigan.
Draupnir Lord of Hargrod by Otaku- ~Dwerfin the Jem Cutter.~
Sempai Erebor, Dale and Lake-town. A Dwarf of
Iron Hills and a jewellery
Draupnir son of Dolgthrasir, also called trader/manufacturer.
Draupnir Forkbeard, is the Lord of the Skills: Craft 4. Insight 3 (precious stones
Dwarf-city of Hargrod in the southern & objects 5).
Ered Luin. Draupnir sees himself as a Traits: Financial mind; hard bargainer;
wise ruler; however, he remembers with Weapon Skill: Dagger 2.
bitterness the treatment his folk received Dwerfin has a set of crystal lenses that
long ago at the hands of the Elf-king enable him to examine objects close up.
Thingol and his people and he is Standing = 5 (Noble & wealthy Dwarf).
distrustful of all High Elves. He also Friend/companion of Dain (consultant to
worries about the security of his realm Erebor Treasury).
and might be susceptible to overtures Flaw: Like the Elven king he has a
from agents of the Enemy if he feels that passion for gems and crystals (banned
they might strengthen his position. from Thranduil’s palace following an
I imagined Draupnir as being descended unfortunate situation when he was found
from the Naugrim of both Belegost and too close to the unlocked door of a
Nogrod, but it is the blood of Nogrod that treasury there). Ex-president of the Erebor
seems to flow hottest in his veins. Assay Guild.

~Galion by Hermes Serpent ~ ~Marilla the Beorning baker, resident

Attribute Level 5 (disgraced Royal envoy)
at Lake-town.~
TN=15 when testing vs Galion rather
Craft 4 (cooking).
than TN14
She owns reclaimed fields on the shore of
3 ranks in Vocation, 2 in Perception and
the Long Lake - full of varieties of wheat
2 in Movement
and of rye used in her bread making.
Hates Dwarves, Partial to Fine Wine
These fields have beehives, which double
Elven Scout
as guards. There is a clear link to Beorn
Keen-eyed - TN12 to see or hear things,
himself here, but what else do they share
Stealthy Archer - TN10 to shoot enemies
other than recipes?
of the Elves

~Lothgar the Tanner~

His shop is built along the shoreline of
~Raddle the horse trader of Lake-
the Lake. His leather goods are well
spoken of. He can refine leather armour
A rogue and a swindler. Has stables in
– for a price - into, say, Awe inspiring
Dale, but is diversifying into travel goods
qualities (+1 Awe rolls), or into
and transport between the head of the
particularly cut-resistant materials (+1
Lake and Dale.
Bonus to protection rolls), or lightweight
Skills: Persuade 3. Stealth 2.
armours (-1 or -2 enc). Raddle the horse
Raddle has a distinctive greenwood cane
trader is indebted to Lothgar for the gift
with a golden pommel that he values
of a suit of leather armour that moves SO
greatly - as it was the last possession of
value of his first rival (who became
bankrupt in uncertain dealings).
~Liefster and Fornald~. ~Dame Miriel, Captain of the Carad
A pair of ferrymen/boatmen who will Ehta by Woodclaw~
take anyone across the Lake. They know Dame Miriel is over 700 years old, she
a lot of gossip and also take the currently holds the position of captain
opportunity to fish for the rarer fish among the Carad Ehta elves. Miriel is a
varieties only found far out on the Lake. bit different from the usual picture of
Traits: Boating; fishing; Travel (Lake-town ageless grace and elegance of elven
area) 3; Weatherwise (gets the weather ladies. The harshness she had to endure
forecast correct more than most); over the centuries has deeply scarred her.
Well-Spoken/Merry – they get their The pain, the loss and the worries are
customers to chat freely while on board. carved in her visage and her hair - once
They will not (they say) cross the Dragon chestnut - are now grey.
Water [Both are in fact agents for the new
Master of Lake-town and these two often Personal History
moor up for the night near to that House...].
When the Necromancer returned to the
~Joala the Artist and Scribe~. southern Mirkwood, Miriel was nothing
Has a real passion for cartography. Can but a young huntress who, along with
be employed to produce maps. Is always her parents and relatives, was doing her
interested in expanding her knowledge of part to reopen the old refuges in that part
Middle Earth: this is sometimes distorted of the wood by hunting down wolves and
by the tall tales of travellers. Joala cannot spiders. During her hunts she pushed
walk far or quickly (she is lamed from herself further than many, which brought
Smaug’s attack on Esgaroth) so her her in contact with the Woodmen, who
wanderlust is being resolved with this became close friends of her.
work. When the servant of the Shadow struck,
Craft 3; Persuade 3; Explore 2; Lore 5 Miriel fought alongside her relatives to
(Mirkwood, Anduin) protect their sanctuaries, only see her
parents slaughtered in front of her very
eyes. This tragedy weighted upon her
~Maedreil. Wood Elf of Mirkwood~. soul for a long time and is still an open
Wine purchaser for Thranduil. wound.
Friend of Raft elves.
Good orator (Awe 3). After the establishment of the Carad Ehta
Sharp-eyed and Keen sense of smell and clan, Miriel refused any kind of official
of taste; (Awareness 3); Lore 4 role and prefers to gather a fellowship of
(Dorwinion to Dale; Wine; Weatherwise;) elves who, like her, had been scarred
Insight 3; deeply and lead them into the wild to
Weapons skill: Dagger 2; Spear 3 fight the minions of Dol Guldur. The
Flaw: Proud; Dislike for Woodmen (they deeds they accomplished are something
lack fine taste! [Tolerance -1] of an obscure legend, still whispered
during long winter nights among the
Woodmen, which earned Miriel the
nickname of "The Grey Wolf".
It was only after many years of this dark
and wandering life that Miriel found a
little bit of peace. During a long winter
spent among the clans of the Northern
Mirkwood she fell in love with a humble
carpenter named Elgir and they married
shortly thereafter. leaves. When she roams the wilds, she
In 2946 Miriel is mother of two young adds a dark green cape with several
elves and accepted the duties of captain layers of leaves stitched to it in the use of
of the Carad Ehta over a century ago. The her clan.
happiness has made her less harsh and
uncompromising, but she's still very Her typical weapons are a small yew bow
ferocious in protecting her loved ones. - a gift from her Woodmen friends – and
Today she's more worried about how to a long spear, which shaft was made from
save as many lives as possible, rather the wood of the Southern Mirkwood.
than looking for revenge. For this reason
Miriel tends to command by example Miriel the "Grey Wolf", Captain of the
and prefers not to order people into Carad Ehta in The One Ring
dangerous mission by the force of her
authority, but rather ask for volunteers. Tolerance: Miriel is a warrior at her core,
hence she's more impressed with Valour
Personality than Wisdom.
In spite of her presently more controlled
demeanour, Miriel remains a warrior at Miriel has deep friendship with the
heart, she much prefers people who Woodmen and has been a revered guest
demonstrate to be able to follow their of Woodland Hall several times. If there's
words with decisive actions, rather than a Woodman present, raise her tolerance
those who think that everything can be by 1. Reduce the Tolerance by one if
solved with words alone. there's a Dwarf or a Wayward Elf
Her friendship with the Woodmen is still (opposite to many of compatriots Miriel
very strong and, when her isn't too prejudiced toward Wayward
responsibilities allow her, Miriel goes to Elves due their high number among her
pass the winter at Woodland Hall. own clan, hence she ignores the normal
During one of her most recent visits she penalty from the Call of Mirkwood
heard rumours about a mad elf travelling Virtue).
with other former slaves of the
Necromancer (Ash from Heart Of The Character Stats
Wild), but her responsibilities and the Attribute Level: 6
current agitation among the goblins of Endurance: 22
the Mountains of Mirkwood prevented Parry: 5
her from verifying. Armor: 2d+1

Appearance Skills:
Miriel is an elven woman of average Personality 3 (Persuade 2) Movement 4
height with a slim, but strong profile. She Perception 3 Survival 3 Custom 2
has grey hair kept long with a single Vocation 2 (Battle 3)
braid that circles her forehead, keeping
the rest in check. Her face has long and Weapon Skills:
well defined features. A pair of green Great Spear 4 (9/9/16/Pierce)
eyes, surrounded by worries wrinkles, Bow 4 (7/10/14/Pierce)
shine in the middle of her visage. Her
hands show the callus typical of a trained Specialities: Beast-Lore, Shadow-Lore
fighter. Distinctive Features: Determined, Just
Usually she dresses in earthly shades of
brown, over which she wears a finely Special Rules: Miriel's Great Spear follow
crafted leather corslet, reinforced with the same rules as a Bitter Spear.
small burnished steel scales, shaped like
Part seven: the SHADOW
The Longing
~corruption~ This sword increases the Lecherousness
of the character. The character gains the
trait "Lecher", and it applies in any social
situations where members of the
Honour of the Princes character's desired sexual partnering are
The Men of Dol Amroth are well aware present. Further, any social Sauron roll
that they are among the last to carry the should trigger either a slapping, a fight,
legacy of Númenor. They consider it a or an evening occupied with a new
high responsibility to wear that legacy partner. Cue also any usual
well. And when they fail to uphold their complications one's group is comfortable
honourable past, they feel the shame of it with for libidinous actions.
The Goblining Blade
When a Man of Dol Amroth suffers a While carried, this weapon makes one
Bout of Madness, he gains 2 Permanent appear to all as an orc or goblin of
Shadow points and the next two Flaws of similar stature to anyone not present
his Shadow Weakness. This means that a when it was first picked up. The effect
Man of Dol Amroth can only suffer 3 lasts until sunup/sundown (whichever is
Bouts of Madness before falling into longer) following the blade being lost,
Shadow, and being removed as a Player stolen, stored, or given away. Even one's
Character. own mother won't recognize one.



NEW CURSES by Glorelendil Sauron forged the One Ring as a master

ring to control the other Rings of Power,
and thus dominate the Free Peoples of
The Mark of Evil
Middle-earth. The words of the Ring-spell
The bearer of an item with this curse that Sauron uttered as he crafted this
gives off a palpable sense of evil. This apparently plain band of gold are etched
reduces tolerance by 1, to a minimum of along the ring’s inner and outer faces in
1. (In dealing with Servants of the Enemy, the Black Speech of Mordor:
it raises tolerance by 1.)
“One Ring to Rule them all, One Ring to
find them, One Ring to Bring them all
The Song of Readiness and in the Darkness Bind them”
The blade hums when in hand. The
wielder may not attempt to ambush When the ring is heated, the letters of
using this, as the song gets louder the these words glow as if lit from within.
more hidden the wielder is.
As a receptacle of much of Sauron’s
power, the One Ring is invulnerable to
harm. Only the fires of Orodruin (Mount Characters with an Advancement level of
Doom) can melt or mar it. It can hide 7 or more) can will himself to remain
itself from the sight of others when worn. visible. Those beings that exist in both
Also, the Ring can subtly change size, worlds (Immortals like Elves and
becoming large enough to slip off the Wizards) do not vanish when wearing the
finger of a careless wearer. The One Ring One Ring.
has a will of its own, and should Sauron
become aware of its presence, it will take Enhanced Senses
control of the Ring bearer during a Bout Because wearing the One Ring thrusts a
of Madness and attempt to reveal itself. character in to the Unseen World of
wraiths and shadows, it dims the sight
LESSER POWERS OF THE ONE RING (bearer is considered Weary for
The One Ring grants power according to Awareness and Search tests) but allows
the wielder’s stature. To lesser folk (those him to see in the dark at no penalty. The
of a combined Wisdom and Valour rating wearer can also comprehend and speak
of 6 or less, or Loremaster Characters the languages of all who serve the
with Advancement levels of 6 or less), the Shadow (Orcs, Spiders, Wargs, etc).
Ring grants merely the extension of life,
enhanced senses, and the power of
invisibility. GREATER POWERS
While wearing the One Ring, a person of
Life Extension sufficient power and will (typically one
The One Ring extends the wearer’s with a combined Wisdom and Valour of
lifespan—at least five times the natural 7 or more) can also exercise the following
lifespan of the bearer. As time powers:
progresses, however, the bearer feels
stretched out and drawn thin. Eventually, Domination
torn by lust for his Ring and despair over All skills in the Personality skill group
this burden, he becomes little more than (Awe, Inspire, and Persuade) gain an
a wraith. automatic Attribute bonus. Against
servants of the Shadow, the bonus used
Invisibility is the skill’s favoured Attribute.
The One Ring partially shifts the bearer
in to the Shadow Realm when worn. The wearer gains the Dreadful Spell:
While the character cannot be seen, he Command ability against anyone who
could be perceived through hearing or wears one of the other Rings of Power
smell. Moreover, he still casts a shadow, regardless of distance between them.
though a faint and wavering one. Nor It also reveals all things done in the past
does the Ring conceal any source of light or present with the other Rings of Power.
he carries himself. A being that lives in It likewise reveals the hearts, minds, and
both worlds (Wights, Wraiths, High Elves, thoughts of their wearers.
and Wizards) will still see the ring
wearer. Sorcery
The One grants its bearer the Dreadful
In combat, an invisible character’s Spells ability. A ring bearer may spend 1
opponent is considered Severely experience point during a Fellowship
Hindered. phase to gain 1 Dreadful Spell.

A character of sufficient power (typically

one with a combined Wisdom and
Valour of 7 or more, or Loremaster
Corruption Corruption test, with failure adding
The Ring bearer changes his Shadow another Shadow Point. The difficulty of
Weakness to ‘Lure of Power’ (if not the Corruption test is the characters
already). Mere possession of The One
permanent shadow point total +14, so
Ring requires the bearer to make a TN18
Corruption test, or the character earns 1 the more he falls down the path of
Shadow point. If the Dreadful Spell: corruption, the harder it gets to resist the
Command is used, the ring bearer influence of the ring.
automatically gains one Shadow point,
and must succeed at a Corruption test or
gain two more Shadow points.

Allowing another to see or handle the

One Ring requires a TN14 Corruption test FLAWS~
to avoid 1 Shadow point, and regardless
of the roll the Ring bearer becomes
temporarily miserable for the duration.
Voluntarily giving up the Ring, or
"Let him not vow to walk in the dark who has
subjecting it to harm, requires an Epic
Corruption test; failure results in the not seen the nightfall." --Elrond
refusal to do so, and the gaining of 3
Shadow points. If successful, the bearer 1. Sullen
will become temporarily Miserable A sullen hero follows the lead of others
should he see the ring again. grudgingly and with many complaints.

If someone succeeds in taking the Ring

2. Wayward
from a bearer by force, the dispossessed
wretch is made temporarily Miserable A wayward hero chafes under his duty.
and automatically suffers a bout of He may be prone to pick and choose the
madness by rage and lust for it, until he commands he obeys, or to fulfil them in
regains it. ways other than as instructed.

3. Unruly
LESSER RING OF INFLUENCE by Garbar An unruly hero is openly resentful of his
Anyone who wears the ring for the first bonds of service. He rarely submits to
time or keeps it in their possession will authority, choosing instead the ways that
gain 1 Temporary Shadow Point! That seem best to him.
point is not removed if the ring is lost or
given away. 'Heal Corruption' can never 4. Faithless
reduce their Shadow Point total to less A faithless hero has forsaken the pledge
than 1. he once took or the duty that was laid on
As a ring of influence, the wearer can add him. Others revile him as an oath-
a free attribute bonus to any Personality breaker. Breaking his oath/pledge may
skill (Awe, Inspire, Persuade). However, have other consequences as well (LM to
the shadow influence of the ring affects determine).
the wearer whenever the attribute bonus
is used, forcing him to make a
CURSE OF DISCORD by Issachar 1. Forgetful
"In nothing is the power of the Dark Lord You have started to lose interest in
more clearly shown than in the estrangement current affairs and current concerns,
that divides all those who still oppose him." -- being more interested in events in the
Haldir distant past (which to you seem to have
only happened yesterday). To others it
1. Parochial seems that you 'tune out' for periods of
A parochial hero is concerned only with time, as if you are in a trance. How long
matters that affect his home or his kin. this occurs depends on the situation, but
these occurrences will become more
frequent and the 'trances' will go on for
2. Quarrelsome
longer with each Bout of Madness.
A quarrelsome hero is callous toward the
plights of other folk, and tends to view 2. Prankster
them rather as rivals to confront than as The endless days, weeks & years have
potential allies to befriend. made you bored, so to relieve your
boredom you like to play pranks,
3. Belligerent especially on foolish mortals. These
A belligerent hero is not content unless pranks are not malicious (they usually
the interests of his people are don't cause death or injury), but can
paramount. He is ready to fight before result in other types of loss (economic,
yielding an inch on his demands. Standing etc.). This particular weakness
is why elves have a bad reputation with
4. Hateful many races. Examples: 'The Emperor's
A hateful hero has come to view others New Clothes', 'Fool's Gold', etc.
among the Free Peoples as the Enemy,
even to the point of considering the 3. Slowed
Shadow as a possible ally against them. You have spent so long within your
refuge (this could be as large as
Lothlorien or as small as a tree) that you
find the real world speeds by too fast -
FADING – NEW RACIAL SHADOW within your refuge you are unaffected,
WEAKNESS by Robin Smallburrow but if you leave your refuge you act in
(Elves Only) slow motion (-5 to most actions OR
As the long centuries have gone by, you everything is now a prolonged action for
have gradually lost interest in the affairs you). To others who enter your refuge
of Middle-earth, to the point where your time seems to slow down. Example: Rip
physical form has faded to invisibility. Van Winkle's tale, Thranduil the Elven
You can now only affect the physical King (after the Third Age).
Middle-earth through the minds of
others, and can no longer take the 4. Faded
Straight Road across the Seas for the Your physical body is now starting to
Undying Lands. fade, becoming invisible to others unless
they can see the Unseen World. Starting
with your hands and feet, parts of your
body will 'fade' in and out of visibility for CURSE OF DOUBT
varying times but gradually longer “A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust
periods, seriously impacting on your and longs for friendship.”
ability to interact physically with the
world. How this affects you in game In time even the most sensible of
terms depends on what has 'faded' - if individuals can begin to lose their sense
your weapon hand has faded, for of being. They begin to doubt themselves
example, you can't pick up or use a and others and as the corruptions
normal weapon (although you could use spreads in the hero’s spirit, that which
a special weapon such as Anduril). was good and decent about the hero is
slowly lost.

CURSE OF FEAR 1. Contentious

A contentious hero is likely to display a
Disasters can shake one to their core. If
fate has been so cruel as to steal perverse and wearisome willingness to
argue. They are often starting quarrels
everything from an honest man, might it
be cruel enough to do it again? As with pugnacious glee.
misfortune piles on misfortune, an
2. Fickle
individual's natural caution and
A fickle hero is susceptible to erratic
uncertainty can grow into an all-
changes in behaviour, outlook and
consuming fear.
beliefs. They lack any form of
steadfastness and are unpredictable.
1. Worrying
A worrying hero is loath to let anything
they care about go without their personal 3. Morose
protection, believing that some ill luck is A morose hero often slips into a sullen
sure to befall it. and gloomy disposition and will be
difficult to cajole out of it.
2. Nervous
A nervous hero is hard to motivate to do 4. Craven
anything involving a risk, real or A craven hero is contemptuously lacking
perceived. in courage and will look for the easiest
option to keep themselves safe.
3. Anxious
An anxious hero finds it difficult to let
their guard down, even if there is no
danger, or if others perceive their
“Have we ridden forth to victory, only to
guarded nature as being rude.
stand at last amazed by an old liar with
honey on his forked tongue? So would the
4. Fearful trapped wolf speak to the hounds, if he
A fearful hero has a constant dread of could.”
fate's next cruel stroke; their instinct for
self-preservation borders on primal. When a man is given a position of trust it
can become tempting to use such a rebellion against the Valar and did not
position to serve one’s own ends rather repent of their killing of the Teleri Elves.
than the needs of the many. As the A part of the Doom goes as follows:
shadow grows on an individual’s heart
"Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and
they can lose sight of their old goals and
ideals and replace them with a cold the Valar will fence Valinor against you,
calculating self-aggrandisement.
and shut you out, so that not even the
echo of your lamentation shall pass over
1. Judgemental
the mountains. On the House of Fëanor
Quick to pass judgement and to dismiss
the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West
the words of others, a judgemental hero
unto the uttermost East, and upon all
is both critical and unconcerned with the
that follow them it shall be laid also.
ideas of others.
Their Oath shall drive them, and yet
betray them, and ever snatch away the
2. Hard-hearted
very treasures that they have sworn to
Showing no sign of kindness of sympathy
pursue. To evil end shall all things turn
for others, a hard-hearted hero is often
that they begin well; and by treason of
callous and unmerciful.
kin unto kin, and the fear of treason,
shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed
3. Devious
shall they be for ever. ..."
A devious hero has no qualms about
lying and tricking people to get what he
wants. They are good at concealing their
intentions from others.
4. Amoral
An amoral hero will selfishly pursue their
robin smallburrow
own goals, with no concern of the
Key to Abbreviations used:
decency and integrity of their actions.
AL - Attribute Level
RB – Core Rulebook
LTS - Lake-Town Sourcebook
DOOM OF THE NOLDOR CULTURAL TfW - Tales from Wilderland
SHADOW WEAKNESS by armegil HotW - Heart of the Wild
The Doom of the Noldor DoM – Darkening of Mirkwood
The Doom of Mandos, also called the R – Rivendell
Doom of the Noldor, the Curse of RN – Ruins of the North
Mandos, and the Prophecy of the North, HR – Horse-lords of Rohan
was the judgement of the Valar
pronounced on the Noldor who carried
out the Kinslaying at Alqualondë in Great Orc - AL 7 - RB pg 237
Snaga Tracker - AL 2 - RB pg 238
Eldamar. It was given to the Noldor in the
lands of Araman north of Valinor as a Black Uruk - AL 5 - RB pg 238
Messenger of Lugburz - AL 4- RB pg 238
warning of the woe that would come
Orc Chieftain - AL 5 - RB pg 239
upon them if they continued in their
Goblin Archer - AL 2 – RB pg 240 Queen of Castle Hill AL 7- R.p.74
Orc Soldier - AL 3 - RB pg 240 Ettin Guardian AL 6 – RN p.58
Orc Guard - AL 4 - RB pg 240 Mormog AL 9 – RN p.59
Ghor the Despoiler - AL 6 - TfW pg 101 Fungal Troll AL 7 – HR p.125
Forest Goblin - AL 2 - HotW pg 112,DoM
p.132 Wolves & Animals of the Wild
Wild Wolf - AL 3 - RB p.246
Gorgol, son of Bolg - AL 6 - HotW pg 113
Wolf Leader - AL 5 - RB p.247
The Great Goblin – AL 7- HotW p.113
Werewolf of Mirkwood - AL 8 - RB p.247
Maghaz, Orc Captain AL 4 - HotW pg 117
Hound of Sauron - AL 6 - RB p.248
The Deadly One AL 7 –RN p.122
Nagrhaw, Warg Chief AL 6 - HotW p.118
Goblins of Carn Dum AL 2 RN p.122,R.
Dreog, Warg King AL 5 – R.p.70
Savage Wolfdogs AL 2 – RN p.10
Orcs of Mount Gram AL 4 R. p.73
Black Warg of Methedras AL 6 HR p.124
Radgul Orc-Chief AL 6 R.p.74
Great Boar of Everholt AL 6 HR p.26
Uruk-hai Soldiers AL 5 HR p.120
Stoneclaws the Bear AL 6 HR p.126
Uruk-hai Captain AL 6 HR p.121
Half-Orcs AL 6 HR p.121 Vampires
Goblin-Men AL 4 HR p.122 Great Bat - AL 3 - RB p.249
Orcish Wolf-Riders AL 4 HR p.122 Secret Shadow - AL 5 - RB p.249
Gazhur Three Deaths AL 6 HR p.123
Orcs of the White Mtns AL 3 HR p.123 Marsh-Dwellers
The Pale Ones AL 3 HR p.124 Marsh-Dweller - AL 4 - RB p.299
Hobgoblin - AL 4 - LTS pg 23
Marsh-hag - AL 5 - LTS pg 24
Attercop - AL 3 - RB p.242
Marsh-ogre - AL 6 - LTS pg 24
Great Spider - AL 4 - RB p.242
Hunter Spider - AL 4 - HotW p.116,DoM
Evil Men, Dwarves etc.
Thug - AL 2 - TfW p9, RN p.80
Fat Sarquin - AL 8 - HotW p.120,DoM
Valter the Bloody (Outlaw Captain) - AL 5
Savage Tauler - AL 7 - HotW p.121, DoM - TfW pg 56
Outlaw Archers - AL 3 - TfW pg 56
Black Tyulqin - AL 9 - HotW p.121,DoM Outlaw Warriors - AL 3 - TfW pg 57
Faron the Trapper (Outlaw Watchman) -
AL 4 - TfW pg 59
Easterling Warriors - AL 3 - TfW pg 78
Hill-man Warrior - AL 4 - HotW pg 115,
Cave Troll - AL 7 - RB p.244
R. p.72
Hill Troll - AL 7 - RB p.244
Wild Man Warrior - AL 3 - HotW pg 118
Hill Troll Chief - AL 8 - RB p.245
Heddwyn Witch Servant of Angmar AL6 –
Mountain Troll - AL 9 - RB p.245
RN p.34
Stone Troll - AL 6 - RB p.246
Ruthless Bandits AL 4 – RN p.40
Snow Troll - AL 8 - TfW p.146
Sergeant Cyrnan AL 5 – RN p.40
Bloodstump the Hunter AL 8- R.p.69
Caradog the Dunlending AL 5 – RN p.77
Ettins AL 6 – R.p.71
Uathach AL 6 – RN p.79
Armed Caravan Guards AL 4 – RN p.84
Dunlending Warriors AL 5 – RN p.85 Adversaries by Attribute Level
Armed Villagers AL 3 – RN p.86 AL 2
Thelred AL 6 – RN p.89 Snaga Tracker - AL 2 - RB pg 238
Lofar Lightfingers(Dwarf)AL 6 – RN p.130 Goblin Archer - AL 2 - RB pg 240
Thieving Dwarves AL 4 – RN p.130 Forest Goblin AL2 – HotW p.112,
Dunlending Raiders AL 5 – HR p.118 DoM p.132
Wulfing Riders AL 6 – HR p.119 Goblins of Carn Dum AL 2 RN p.122,R.
Gaesela Warriors AL 4 – HR p.120 p.71
Isengard Guards AL 5 – HR p.120 Savage Wolfdogs AL 2 – RN p.10
Thug - AL 2 - TfW pg 9
The UnDead
Grim Hawk - AL 2 - HotW pg 114
Night-Wight - AL 4 - TfW pg 30
Undead Warriors - AL 3 - TfW pg 78
AL 3
The Gibbet King - AL 8 - TfW 134
Orc Soldier - AL 3 - RB pg 240
Wood-wight - AL 5 - HotW pg 119, DoM
Orcs of the White Mtns AL 3 HR p.123
The Pale Ones AL 3 HR p.124
Lieutenant of Dol Guldur (Nazgul) – AL 5
Attercop - AL 3 - RB pg 242
– DoM p.128
Wild Wolf - AL 3 - RB pg 246
The Ghost of the Forest (Nazgul) – AL 4 –
Great Bat - AL 3 - RB pg 249
DoM p.129
Outlaw Archers - AL 3 - TfW pg 56
The Messenger of Mordor (Nazgul) – AL 4
Outlaw Warriors - AL 3 - TfW pg 57
– DoM p.129
Easterling Warriors - AL 3 - TfW pg 78
Fell Wraith AL 4 – R.p.79, RN p.70
Wild Man Warrior - AL 3 - HotW pg 118
Barrow Wight AL 4 – R.p.77, RN p.140
Armed Villagers AL 3 – RN p.86
Bog Soldiers AL 3 R.p.78
Undead Warriors - AL 3 - TfW pg 78
Spectre AL 4 R.p.80
Bog Soldiers AL 3 R.p.78
The Wight King AL 6 – R.p.81, RN p.139
Lord of the Nazgul AL 8 R.pp.82-84
AL 4
Hobbit Spectres AL 4 – RN p.68
Orc Guard - AL 4 - RB pg 240
Huldrahir (Spectre) AL 6 – RN p.108
Maghaz, Orc Captain - AL 4 - HotW pg
Dead Men of Dunharrow AL 4 –HR p.129
Drakes Orcs of Mount Gram AL 4 R. p.73
Raenar Cold-drake - AL 10 - TfW pg 150 Goblin-Men AL 4 HR p.122
Orcish Wolf-Riders AL 4 HR p.122
Miscellaneous Great Spider - AL 4 - RB pg 242
The Thing in the Well - AL 4 - TfW pg 21 Hunter Spider - AL 4 - HotW pg 116
Basilisk - AL 6 - HotW pg 111 Marsh-Dweller - AL 4 - LB pg 139
Grim Hawk - AL 2 - HotW pg 114 Hobgoblin - AL 4 - LTS pg 23
The Lurker – AL 9 – RN p.25 Hill-man Warrior - AL 4 - HotW pg 115
Huorns of Nan Mordeleb AL 7 –HR p.127 Ruthless Bandits AL 4 – RN p.40
Dark-hearted Huorn AL 6 – HR p.128 Armed Caravan Guards AL 4 – RN p.84
Wandering Huorn AL 6 – HR p.128 Thieving Dwarves AL 4 – RN p.130
Gaesela Warriors AL 4 – HR p.120
Night-Wight - AL 4 - TfW pg 30 Stone Troll - AL 6 - RB pg 245
The Ghost of the Forest (Nazgul) – AL 4 – Ettins AL 6 – R.p.71
DoM p.129 Ettin Guardian AL 6 – RN p.58
The Messenger of Mordor (Nazgul) – AL 4 Heddwyn Witch Servant of Angmar AL6 –
– DoM p.129 RN p.34
Fell Wraith AL 4 – R.p.79, RN p.70 Uathach AL 6 – RN p.79
Barrow Wight AL 4 – R.p.77, RN p.140 Thelred AL 6 – RN p.89
Spectre AL 4 R.p.80 Lofar Lightfingers(Dwarf)AL 6 – RN p.130
Hobbit Spectres AL 4 – RN p.68 Wulfing Riders AL 6 – HR p.119
Dead Men of Dunharrow AL 4 –HR p.129 The Wight King AL 6 – R.p.81, RN p.139
The Thing in the Well - AL 4 - TfW pg 21 Huldrahir (Spectre) AL 6 – RN p.108
Dark-hearted Huorn AL 6 – HR p.128
AL 5 Wandering Huorn AL 6 – HR p.128
Black Uruk - AL 5 - RB pg 238
AL 7
Orc Chieftain - AL 5 - RB pg 239
Great Orc - AL 7 - RB pg 237
Uruk-hai Soldiers AL 5 HR p.120
The New Great Goblin - AL 7 - HotW pg
Wolf Leader - AL 5 - RB pg 247
Dreog, Warg King AL 5 – R.p.70
The Deadly One AL 7 –RN p.122
Secret Shadow - AL 5 - RB pg 249
Savage Tauler - AL 7 - HotW pg 121,
Marsh-hag - AL 5 - LTS pg 24
Valter the Bloody (Outlaw Captain) - AL 5 DoM p.135
Cave Troll - AL 7 - RB pg 244
- TfW pg 56
Sergeant Cyrnan AL 5 – RN p.40 Hill Troll - AL 7 - RB pg 244
Queen of Castle Hill AL 7- R.p.74
Caradog the Dunlending AL 5 – RN p.77
Dunlending Warriors AL 5 – RN p.85 Fungal Troll AL 7 – HR p.125
Huorns of Nan Mordeleb AL 7 –HR p.127
Dunlending Raiders AL 5 – HR p.118
Isengard Guards AL 5 – HR p.120 AL 8
Wood-wight AL5 -HotWp.119,DoM p.137 Fat Sarquin - AL 8 - HotW pg 120
Hill Troll Chief - AL 8 - LB pg 80
AL 6 Snow Troll - AL 8 - TfW pg 146
Ghor the Despoiler - AL 6 - TfW pg 101 The Werewolf of Mirkwood - AL 8 - LB pg
Gorgol, son of Bolg - AL 6 - HotW pg 113 83
Radgul Orc-Chief AL 6 R.p.74 The Gibbet King - AL 8 - TfW 134
Uruk-hai Captain AL 6 HR p.121 Bloodstump the Hunter AL 8 - R.p.69
Half-Orcs AL 6 HR p.121 Lord of the Nazgul AL 8 R.pp.82-84
Gazhur Three Deaths AL 6 HR p.123
Hound of Sauron - AL 6 - RB p.248 AL 9
Nagrhaw, Chief of the Wargs - AL 6 - Black Tyulqin - AL 9 - HotW pg 121
HotW pg 118 Mountain Troll - AL 9 - LB pg 80
Black Warg of Methedras AL 6 HR p.124 Mormog AL 9 – RN p.59
Great Boar of Everholt AL 6 HR p.26 The Lurker – AL 9 – RN p.25
Stoneclaws the Bear AL 6 HR p.126
Marsh-ogre - AL 6 - LTS pg 24 AL 10
Basilisk - AL 6 - HotW pg 111 Raenar Cold-drake - AL 10 - TfW pg 150
NEW SPECIAL ABILITIES by Halbarad Flame of Udun
et al Spend 2 Hate. Roll a single Success die -
Wound that many heroes. Wounded
heroes die!
Saddle Born
A foe with this ability can attack and
Flaming Brand
defend as normal while mounted.
On a “piercing blow” the brand ignites
Additionally, he may spend a point of
the player’s armour. This fire is created
Hate to remain mounted if he has been
through sorcery, and will continue to
ambushed and failed his Athletics roll.
burn until the player extinguishes it. To
do this requires that an Athletic test
against TN 12 must be taken in lieu of a
Mounted Skirmisher
combat action on the next round. If failed
This foe can spend a point of Hate to stay
then the player must pass a Protection
at 'opening volley' range for a single
test against TN 12 or sustain 3 endurance
combat round. He can attack as normal
loss and gain a wound. This continues
with missile weapons but may not enter
until the fire is extinguished. Another
or be targeted in hand to hand combat.
companion may use a round of combat
to assist in putting out the fire with an
Steppes Rider Athletics test as well.
A common tactic among the nomad
warriors of Rhun is to hang down the
flank of their mount to avail of the extra ORC TRIBES by Mim
protection that it affords them. This Orc ceremonies include the burning of
enemy can spend a point of Hate to add foul-smelling substances, the beating of
their Attribute level to the TN of their great drums, and the clangour of bronze
defence against 'missile fire'. bells, together with blood sacrifices. Their
places of worship are old, filthy, and
Expert Ambusher
dark, adorned by grisly bones and skulls
Raise the difficulty level of the PC’s
(their crests are rampant upon the sickly
Awareness/Battle tests to avoid being
night unless otherwise noted):
ambushed by one.

• Uruk-ghâshoth (Fire Orcs)

Dirty Fighting Carn Dûm (Red Fortress—Leaping tongue
If an adversary hits with a melee attack
of flame)
he can immediately spend a hate point to
send the target to the ground, as if the
target was knocked back (but still • Uruk-ongrum (Skull Orcs)
suffering the full effect of the attack). Mount Gundabad (The pale Iron Skull)
Prevents the hero’s usage of voluntary
• Uruk-bagronk (Creeping Doom)
Mount Gundabad (A dagger dripping

• Uruk-burzum (Darkness-bringers)
Moria (The Black Chasm—Two crossed Dwar of Waw - Dendra Dwar, King of
red scimitars) Waw, Dog King or Dog-lord, the Third

• Uruk-gurhoth (Death Orcs) Hoarmûrath of Dír - King of Urd, Ice

Moria (The Black Chasm—A purple bat) King, the Cold One, the Sixth

• Uruk-durbatulûk (Orcs of the Serpent) Indûr Dawndeath (Jí Amaav) - Jí Indûr, Jí

Cirith Forn en Andrath (The High- Amaav (II, III and IV) of Mûmakan, the
climbing Pass of the North—A great Black Shadow of the South, the Cloud-lord, the
Adder upon plum)
• Uruk-ngaurhoth (Wolfin) Khamûl the Easterling - Komûl, Shadow
Mount Gram (A lurid green ravening
of the East, the Black Easterling, Komûl I,
wolf’s maw)
Hionvor of Wom Shryac, Mûl Komûl, the
• Uruk-Guniga (Orcs of Rage) Dragon-lord, the Second
Gorgoroth (Plateau of Terror—The Red
Eye upon a field of night, which they still Ren the Unclean - Ren the Insane, Ren the
wear out of reverent fear of the Dark Clean, the Illusionist, Fire King, King of
Lord) Chey Sart, Lord of the Chey, the Eighth

• Uruk-Gor (Orcs of Dread)—Mirkwood Ûvatha the Horseman - King of Khand,

(Red snake entwined within a skull) Lord of the Variags, the Slayer, the Long
Rider, the Ninth
• Scara-hai (Orcs of the Green Claw)
Durthang (Dark Oppression—Green The Witch-king - Er-Mûrazôr (Adûnaic),
Claw) Lord of Morgul or Morgul-lord, the
Wraith-king, the Witch-king of Angmar,
• Uruk-Strigurth (Orcs of Creeping Death)
the King of Angmar, Mog of Angmar,
Imlad Morgul (the Vale of Sorcery—
Bloody knife on a field of deadly Lord of the Nazgûl or Nazgûl-lord, the
nightshade) Sorcerer-king, the Black king, the Black
Captain, Chieftain of the Ringwraiths, the
• Uruk-Burzrik (Orcs of the Black Ash) First
Seregost (Tower of Blood) and Nargroth
(Fire Caves—Mount Doom erupting)


Adûnaphel - [the female one that was

originally addressed] Lady of the West,
Umbaratári, Haratári, the Quiet Avenger,
Ard Once Vain, the Seventh

Akhôrahil - The Friend of the Lord

(Adûnaic), Herudil (Quenya), the Blind
Sorcerer, the Far King, the Storm King,
the Fifth
himself further and further to find them.
~New adversaries~
It was in that time that she came. She
~TROLLS~ wasn't of his kin, but she knew of him.
She told him that the days of fire were
over and that the Northmen were
MARSHES by Woodclaw
returning to their homes. Over several
Perhaps only the Wise of the Third Age nights she weaved her spell, enthralling
would be able to divine the origin of the him to her will, until some adventurers
creature, but its lineage was once very came from the North and vanquished
well known to the Northmen in the old him.
days. A long time ago his kin breed true
in the North of Middle Earth. They were
giants of great size and huge strength,
The creature is an Ogre of unusually
whose roaring struck fear in the hearts of
small size. While he's not small (still 3
men and elves. They spread destruction
meters tall) he's shorter and stockier than
across the settlements of the Northmen,
his kind once were. His skin is of a dark
mangling powerful warriors with
grey hue with texture and hardness
impunity and eating their flesh.
similar to a rock and covered in several
layers of moss and water plants. This
This was before the days of fire when the
combination of colours allows him to
dragon plunged from the sky spreading
hide effectively in the depth of the
misery. As powerful as they were their
Marshes. His massive strength is very
strength was useless against the dragon,
clear in his arms, which are long and
in those rare moments he came within
layered with thick muscles. So long, in
their reach they discovered in blood how
fact, that on the ground the creature
thick his scales were. So they fled into the
sometimes moves as a knuckle dragger.
depths of the Marshes, where they were
His huge hands grant him a horribly
reduced to feeding upon unsuspecting
powerful grab, capable of wracking a
fishermen and the occasional raft-elf. As
man in armour with ease.
the time went on they started to
The most hideous element of its
disappear until only a handful of them
appearance is his face. While humanoid
were left.
it appears like an exaggerated parody,
with a thick jawline, beaky oversized
He wasn't the biggest nor the strongest of nose, small deeply recessed eyes and
his kind, so he liked to be alone, away long ears flattened against the side of the
from the others. Yet, he was also cunning head, a grotesque travesty of a human
and daring, so on moonless nights he (enough to be frightening).
slipped into the water and made his way
outside the Marshes, spying the human
Being more cunning than a normal Ogre
villages in the distance, hoping to score a
the Creature tends to ambush his prey
better meal. Yet the Northmen were
from underwater, by using his moss
slowly disappearing and he had to push
covered skin to hide in shallow waters
and toppling their boat. On the ground The Tolerance is set at 2, and cannot be
he tends to rush head first into the fight, modified by Standing or any other
favouring elves over men and dwarves as factor.
primary targets, due to their more tender
The characters can introduce themselves
using Riddle (TN 12), Courtesy (TN 14)
Uses normal stats for a Marsh-Ogre (see
or Awe (TN 18). After introductions are
Lake-Town page 24), plus the following:
made, the Giant explains the rules of the
“game”: the Companions must solve a
Covered in Moss: when inside the Long
diabolical riddle, or he will crush them
Marshes the Creature automatically adds
with his colossal fist!
his Attribute level to Stealth Checks.

The only skill allowed for this Interaction

is Riddle (TN 20). Any other skill roll is
THE LONELY GIANT by Michebugio considered a failure and lowers the
Tolerance by 1.

When a Hazard episode is triggered while If, on a failure of a Riddle roll an Eye icon
the characters are travelling in is produced on the Feat die, the Tolerance
the Sceadudene (the Western Upper is lowered by 2.
Marches, see the Heart of the
Wild sourcebook), if both the roll of the Results:
Feat die to determine the consequences of
the Hazard episode AND the roll to select 1 Success only
the Target of the episode produce The Giant is irritated, as the riddle has
an Eye icon, the characters stumble upon been barely solved. He yells at the
the legendary Lonely Giant’s lair! (No characters to go away quickly, or he will
skill roll can be made to avoid this). squish them under his foot. After they get
away the characters won't remember
Despite his enormous size, the Giant anything about the encounter, but if the
catches the Fellowship completely conditions described above are met
unaware coming out apparently from again while they are travelling in
nowhere, and sits on a rock in front of the Sceadudene they will find the Giant,
them. He then asks them to stop by and only that this time he will attack them
play a “game”. outright!

Treat this as an Encounter. A Lore roll

2-4 successful rolls
(TN 16) or a Scholar character invoking
Characters have solved the riddle, albeit
the Rhymes of Lore reveals that this is the
in an unremarkable way: they are
mythic Lonely Giant, and the roll can
allowed to pass, but the Giant grunts in
give hints on how to handle the
disappointment. After the encounter they
Encounter (thus allowing also an Insight
also forget where the lair is and what has
preliminary roll to gain advantage dices).
happened there, keeping only a vague
memory of it as if they got drunk. ARMOR: 5D
Any subsequent time they travel in the SKILLS: Personality 4, Movement 2,
Sceadudene, if the conditions described Perception 2, Survival 3, Custom 2,
above are met they will face the Giant Vocation 3
once again, and he will pose another WEAPON SKILLS: Crush 4
riddle. (Damage: Attribute
Level, Edge: Eye, Injury: 12, Called
Shot: Knock-down)
5-6 successful rolls
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Great Size, Hideous
The characters have solved the riddle in a
Toughness, Horrible Strength, Thing of
clever way: the Giant looks satisfied and
Terror, Great Might (from Rivendell).
nods in acknowledgement to the
Companions, letting them pass. The
In the (very unlikely) case the characters
players are awarded with 1 Experience
defeat the Lonely Giant, they are awarded
point each, and they won't see the Giant
3 Experience points each and they find
again, even if they return to this place
his hoard (essentially, the possessions of
those unlucky heroes that got smashed
by the Giant in the previous years). The
7+ successful rolls hoard is considered a T* (see Magical
The characters have solved the riddle in a Treasure rules in Rivendell).
brilliant way! The Lonely Giant heartily
laughs clapping his hands with
thunderous vivacity, and tells the
characters that they are now welcome in
his house.
The players gain 2 Experience points
each and can now elect the house of the CARCHELEK by Otaku-Sempai
Lonely Giant as a Sanctuary in the
Carchelek (Ice-fang) is the result of a
If the Company fails a number of rolls in mating between a Warg and a White
excess of the Tolerance rating, the Wolf. He resembles a huge White Wolf,
Encounter is over, as the Giant angrily but his fur is coarser and light grey
stands up from the big rock and with a instead of white. Consider him the
powerful roar attacks the Fellowship! equivalent of a Wolf Leader, substituting
the Deadly Elusiveness special ability in
These are the statistics of the Lonely place of Strike Fear. Carchelek leads a
Giant: large wolf pack (if encountered, assume
at least two White Wolves for each
ATTRIBUTE LEVEL: 9 companion plus Carchelek).
ENDURANCE: 110 He considers all of the West Upper Vales
HATE: 11 to be his territory, but he is not beyond
PARRY: 8 leading his pack into the West Lower
Vales in search of mischief and murder. Attribute Level: 5
He is a thoroughly evil beast. Endurance: 32
Hate: 3
Parry: 6
Attribute Level: 5
Armour: 3d
Endurance: 16
Hate: 3 Skills:
Parry: 6 Personality 2 Survival 3
Armour: 3d Movement 3 Custom 1
Skills: Personality, 2; Survival, 3; Perception 2 Vocation 1
Movement, 3; Custom, 1; Perception,
Weapon Skills: Bite 3, Rend 1
2; Vocation, 1.
Weapon Skills: Bite, 3; Rend, 1. Weapons:Bite:Damage:5,Edge:8,Inj:14
Special Abilities: Deadly Elusiveness; Called Shot: Pierce
Fear of Fire; Savage Assault. Rend: Damage:5,Edge: Eye, Injury: 14
Called Shot: (none)

WINTER (WHITE) WOLF by zedturtle Special Abilities:

Fear of Fire, Great Leap, Savage Assault
Hunters of the northern desolation, with
an ancient hatred of Men.

Attribute Level: 3
Endurance: 24
Hate: 1
Parry: 5 ~Undead~
Armour: 2d
Personality 1 Survival 2 by Lara Redleaf
Movement 3 Custom 0
Perception 2 Vocation 0 Bâlor is a Ringwraith, equalled in sorcery
only by the Witch King and in cruelty by
Weapon Skills: Bite 2 none save the Dark Lord. He speeds
throughout Eriador sowing seeds of fear,
Weapon: hatred, and discord. Bâlor maintains his
Bite fastness in the ruins of Utumno, dredging
- Damage: 3, Edge: 8, Injury: 14, the bones of evil things and fell weapons
Called Shot: Pierce from the cursed earth.

Special Abilities: Attribute Level: 7

Fear of Fire, Great Leap Endurance: 70 • Hate: 20
Parry: 9 • Armor: 3d
Skills: Personality 5, Movement 4,
WINTER (WHITE) WOLF CAPTAIN by Perception 5, Survival 2, Custom 5,
zedturtle Vocation 4

Empowered by their master to lead a Weapon Skills: Staff 3, Claw 3, Morgul-

pack on special missions. knife 3
Special Abilities into battle. Yet the tattoos are made of the
Has all Ringwraith Special Abilities same foul stuff as Morgul-blades, and by
Additional: putting it in themselves, the people who
Bewilder • Darker than the Darkness • join these warbands have doomed
Deadly Elusiveness • Dreadful Spells: themselves to become lesser wraiths.
Deathly Runes*, Dreadful Gaze*, These tattoos function much like the
Necromancy*, • Reckless Hate • Visions wounds from a Morgul-knife, only it
of Torment • Wicked Cunning • Words takes twice as long for the victim to
of Power and Terror succumb. Death in glorious battle or
while performing some righteous act will
Bâlor rarely chooses to do battle directly. free a victim from the curse.
When heroes confront him, he generally
uses his spells to harry and torment *Dreadful Spells: Dreadful Gaze
them. If he sees an advantage he will stay Bâlor can reveal his gaze to frighten a foe
to fight, but only in the darkness. Bâlor or slay the weak of spirit outright. Gazing
moves as a wraith does, a shadowy into the eyeless void of his dead face can
figure gliding about the battlefield. disorient and drain the heartiest of
warriors, who feel as though a door has
Tactically, he will first summon a cloud opened to reveal the grim visage of
of darkness to hinder his foes. As they Morgoth himself.
struggle with Fear he will then spend
Hate to weaken them with Visions of A hero who fails the Corruption test also
Torment and use Words of Power and becomes Weary for the rest of combat. If
Terror to negate Hope expenditures. the hero should fail and roll an Eye,
instead the character suffers an
He can also spend Hate to heal himself immediate Wound.
and reduce the Parry ratings of those
foolish enough to engage him, or become *Dreadful Spells: Necromancy
far more difficult to harm as he slides Bâlor is skilled at raising undead things
from shadow to shadow. from the darkness. Depending on his
location, he can summon different types
If pressed he uses his Dreadful Spells of of undead to attack his enemies. Near
Necromancy to summon other undead graveyards or battlegrounds, he
who beset his foes while Bâlor flees. summons 2 Bog Soldiers per failed
Corruption Test. In the dark woods he
*Dreadful Spell: Deathly Runes summons 1 Wood-wight per failed test.
Like a shadow of his master, Bâlor can Anywhere else, or if it seems more
ensnare unwary Men and transform appropriate, he summons 1 Fell Wraith
them into lesser wraiths under his per failed test. He can only do this once
command. Bâlor and his most trusted per hero in any given scene.
servants know this spell, with which they
set up warrior societies. Those who join History
him gain training in woodcraft, poisons, The Nazgûl hate the West, but some
ambushes, and other guerrilla warfare reserve a special malice for Eriador,
tactics, but this spell is given to the home of Sauron's greatest enemies. Chief
greatest among them. among these is the wraith who calls
himself Bâlor (or Balanar), known to the
Their bodies are tattooed with mystic Elves as Sûlmôrn, the Black Wind. He is
ichor that grants the bearer enhanced mightiest of the Nazgûl after the Witch-
resistance to pain, preternatural senses, King, a master of dark sorcery. Bâlor
and an aura of dread that follows them rides throughout Eriador and the North
seeking shadows and sowing fear. Thus he was gifted one of the Nine Rings
Ambitious and keenly perceptive, Bâlor of Power, and so became ensnared
sees wisdom in pulling stones from willingly in Sauron's web. Even before he
foundations, setting whole realms to became a wraith he was gifted at seeing
topple of their own accord. into the shadows, of kingdoms, of
people's hearts. He knew how to gnaw at
He seeks to raise up fell spirits and things the foundations, spurring tribes and
long left buried in the ruins of Utumno. clans with existing grudges against his
Bâlor is not the source of all evil, much targets to murderous action. In a
as Sauron is not, but his evil influence thousand little attacks he would wear his
taints the hearts and minds of his victims foes down, rip at their wounds, and so
and deepens the shadows in their hearts. destroy them slowly but thoroughly.

When the Dwarves began delving too In life he was a fanatical devotee of
deeply into Moria, Bâlor knew their Morgoth. Sauron had inspired many
greed, that they would dig too deeply and cults to worship the greatest of the Valar,
awaken something best left undisturbed. true lord of Arda, where wicked priests
He influenced the mithril demand such sacrificed victims in the name of
that the Dwarves delved ever deeper and Morgoth. Bâlor's fervour eclipsed that of
awakened their own doom. For centuries his fellows, and as the warmth of life
he has thus haunted Eriador, never faded from him he grew ever more
declaring himself openly but seeping twisted in his devotion. He held a
through the land like a plague. fascination with the mystical secrets of
the Darkness and night, and so it sped
Indeed he may have conjured the Great his corruption by the Ring into a creature
Plague of 1636 that devastated the of death.
enemies of the Dunlendings but did less
hurt to his former kin. Bâlor's ambition As a Ringwraith he roamed far under the
differs from the Witch-King's; he desires cover of night and so came to the ruins of
not open rule over nations devoted to Utumno, the first and greatest citadel of
evil, but his vision ranges longer still. He
Morgoth. Dark things lurked in the
would see all the nations of the Free
Peoples destroyed from within before he depths of the ruins, things more ancient
rules over their ashes as a lord of the than Bâlor himself, and restless dead
dead. things left after the Siege of Utumno.
Bâlor raised up these spirits and dark
Once he was a Man, as were all Undead in the frozen wastes, and
Ringwraiths, though he long ago forgot plunged into the evil shadows that
his mortal name. He was a chieftain of
infested Utumno's broken roots. He
the ancestors of the Dunlendings, and
thus ever bore a grudge against the commands them as his minions,
Númenóreans, who had begun cutting claiming that he hears Morgoth's voice
down the forests of their home. He led his lingering still, a quiet but terrible whisper
wild people to side with Sauron in the echoing in the bones of his great fortress.
Second Age, when the Elves warred with
Sauron. The Dark Lord seduced this grief-
Bâlor is unfailingly loyal to the Lord of
stricken chieftain with promises of
the Rings, as he was in life. Sauron is the
power, revenge, the realization of his
dreams of magic and great powers that intermediary between Men and the True
operated in the shadows. Darkness that holds ultimate power over
the world. Bâlor serves Sauron as his
greatest instrument of corruption among Attribute level: 4
the Nazgûl, sowing evil seeds and Endurance 19, Hate: 3
fomenting hatred across Eriador. Every Parry: 3, Armour: 2d
drop of blood shed by the Free Peoples is Personality: 1, Movement: 3, Perception:
one more victory for Bâlor, the Black 2, Survival: 3, Custom: 1, Vocation: 1
Wind, who rides like a howling gale and Two-handed axe: 3, Dagger: 2
brings ruin in his wake. In time he would Special abilities: Horrible Strength, Dirty
raise up a force from Utumno and catch fighting
Eriador in a deadly pincer between his
forces and those of Mordor. Only the The bandits
greatest (and perhaps unlikeliest) of A ragtag band of brigands, with old
heroes can stop Bâlor the Black Wind wooden shields, rusty axes and creaking
before all is lost. shortbows. They wear a poor mix of
armour items.

Attribute level: 2 Endurance: 9

~Men~ Hate: 1
BANDITS OF THE WILD by roodie Parry: 2 + 2 (shield)
Armour: 2d
The Boss Skills:
Probably an ex-soldier, bitter, cruel and Personality: 1, Movement: 2, Perception:
slightly paranoid. He has the best 2, Survival: 3, Custom: 1, Vocation: 1
equipment, and can use it well. Weapon Skills:
Axe: 2, Spear: 2, Bow: 2, Dagger: 1
Attribute level: 4 Special abilities: Dirty Fighting, Craven
Endurance: 15 Hate: 5
Parry: 4 + 2 (shield)
Armour: 2d + 4(helmet)
Personality: 3, Movement: 3, Perception:
Böri the Warlord
2, Survival: 3, Custom: 1, Vocation: 3
Attribute level: 4
Weapon Skills:
Endurance: 15
Sword: 3, Dagger: 3, Bow: 2
Hate: 5
Parry: 4 + 2 (shield)
Special abilities: Commanding Voice,
Armour: 2d + 4(helmet)
Expert Ambusher, Dirty Fighting
Personality: 3, Movement: 3, Perception:
2, Survival: 3, Custom: 1, Vocation: 3
The Strong Man Weapons:
Every boss needs a strong man, to keep Sword: 3, Dagger: 3, Bow: 2
the lesser brigands in fear. Big & strong Special abilities: Commanding Voice
like an ox. With his huge axe, he can cut
a horse in half with one swing. Göktîg (Sky-Arrow), the Warlord's
Champion or Strong Man
Attribute level: 4
Endurance 19, Hate: 3 the emissaries of the Balchoth arrived.
Parry: 3, Armour: 2d The Hunkarim desired to make no further
Personality: 1, Movement: 3, Perception: war against the 'men of the west' and the
2, Survival: 3, Custom: 1, Vocation: 1 Balchoth left their camps having failed to
Weapons: recruit them.
2-H Sword: 3, Dagger: 2
Special abilities: Horrible strength The Balchoth were brutal and unused to
their overtures being refused. Within the
Raiders year, their armies swarmed across the
[LM: as many as needed, recommend at least lands of the Hunkarim, looting and
one per player-hero plus the above brutes] killing. Few clans offered any resistance
and those who did were butchered
mercilessly. A number of the clans
Attribute level: 2
escaped to the steppe lands north of the
Endurance: 9, Hate: 1
Sea of Rhun and by the start of the 26th
Parry: 2 + 2 (shield), Armour: 2d
century they had migrated across the
Personality: 1, Movement: 2, Perception:
Redwater and into the lands of the
2, Survival: 3, Custom: 1, Vocation: 1
Scimitar: 2, Spear: 2, Bow: 2, Dagger: 1
Although they lacked the numbers to
Special abilities: Craven seriously threaten Dale and Esgaroth, the
settlements of the plains and the river
valleys would suffer near constant raids
EASTERLINGS (HUNKARIM) by and skirmishing for the next hundred
halbarad years or so.
Hunkar is a Turkic word meaning 'Blood
Drinker' in English. I am using Turkic Finally, in the early years of the 28th C,
and pseudo Turkic words and names an army of Northmen was raised to drive
where possible. The term comes from the out the Hunkarim. The return of the
fact that these people take sustenance, in Dwarves to Erebor was the catalyst. They
times of necessity, from drinking the offered to equip an army to drive off
blood of their ponies. The name has, of these bandits who plagued supply trains
course, been misconstrued by the and caravans between the Iron Hills and
Northmen of Rhovanion as indicating the Lonely Mountain. Horsefolk, Dalefolk
something altogether different. and Lake folk all united and their
alliance was too strong for the
The Hunkarim originated on the plains to Easterlings.
the east and southeast of Rhun. They had
joined the great confederation of the The Hunkarim were defeated in several
Wainriders and supplied many of the small but bloody skirmishes and driven
horsemen in that horde. The great back beyond the Redwater River. To this
slaughter of their warriors at the Battle of day there remains an unresolved grudge
the Camp was still being told as a between the Hunkarim and the folk of the
cautionary tale around their fires when Kingdom of Dale. It s a grudge that can
only be erased by the complete Easterling (Hunkarim) Bayatur
destruction of the Dalefolk and it has led Attribute lvl: 4
to their falling into the servitude of the Endurance: 16
Shadow. Hate: 3
Parry: 5 (Inc +1 buckler)
The Hunkarim have remained a Armour: 3d+1
completely nomadic people living out of Common Skills: Personality 2, Movement
hide tents known as Yurts. They travel in 3, Perception 2, Survival 2, Custom 2,
extended family groups which are Vocation 2
constantly on the move. They have Weapon Skills: Bow 2, Sabre 2
learned to their cost that serving the Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice,
Shadow is not necessarily the same as Deadly Archery, Mounted Skirmisher,
being under its protection. Saddle Born
Their ponies are their livelihood,
providing mounts, clothing, food and
Easterling (Hunkarim) Tarkhan
bone for tools and ornaments.
Attribute lvl: 5
Endurance: 20
There is no centralised power structure,
Hate: 5
each group is completely independent.
Parry: 6 (Inc +1 buckler)
Their chieftains are called 'Tarkhans' and
they are usually the most experienced Armour: 3d+1
Common Skills: Personality 3, Movement
warrior of the band. The warriors are
almost exclusively mounted bowmen 3, Perception 2, Survival 2, Custom 2,
Vocation 2
although, a few of the larger groups have
a handful of professional warriors called Weapon Skills: Bow 2, Sabre 3
Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice,
‘Bayaturs'. Women are commonly
trained with the sword and bow in order Deadly Archery, Mounted Skirmisher,
Saddle Born
to protect the camp when the men are off
raiding. It is uncommon, though, for
Easterling Weapons
these women to accompany the men on a
Sabre - use regular sword
Nomad Bow - use regular bow
Easterling (Hunkarim) Raider Lasso - no damage, edge or injury.
Attribute lvl: 3 Called Shot- Ensnare (as per the shadow
Endurance: 12 ability Seize Victim)
Hate: 2
Parry: 3
Armour: 2d
Common Skills: Personality 2, Movement
2, Perception 2, Survival 2, Custom 2, Viglund Slavers
Vocation 1 Attribute 4
Weapon Skills: Bow 2, Sabre 1, Lasso 2 Endurance 16
Shadow Abilities: Mounted Skirmisher, Hate 3
Saddle Born, Steppes rider Parry 4
Armor 2D
Skills Foul Reek
Personality 2 Survival 3 Great Might
Movement 2 Customs 1 Great Size
Perception 3 Vocation 0
Hate Sunlight
Weapon Skills
Whip 3 Hideous Toughness
Cudgel 2 Horrible Strength
Special Abilities Reckless Hate
Seize Victim Unnatural Vitality
Savage Assault Weak Spot

Viglund Guards
Attribute 4 *Dreadful Spells: Icy Breath
Endurance 17 The undead cold-drake can indeed
Hate 3 breathe out an icy gale capable of
Parry 4 chilling flesh and turning bone to ice. It
Armor 3D+1 may breathe on multiple heroes if
gathered closely together, roughly
Personality 2 Survival 3
affecting everyone engaged in close
Movement 2 Customs 1
Perception 2 Vocation 1 combat with the creature.
Weapon Skills
Long Sword 2 The creature must spend 1 Hate point per
Bow 3 target to activate this ability. Any hero
Special Abilities that fails the Corruption test gains 2
Snake-Like Speed Shadow points, suffers Endurance
Hatred (Beornings) damage equal to Rinheleg's Attribute
level, and becomes Weary as the frigid
blast saps their strength.

~Dragons~ Killing Rinheleg or having a chance to

warm up (as by a fire) will end this effect.
IARWAIN RINHELEG by Lara Redleaf If the hero fails the roll with an Eye of
Attribute Level: 11 Sauron result, she/he suffers a Wound
Endurance: 120 • Hate: 18 instead of Endurance loss, as ice shards
Parry: 12 • Armor: 4d/3d* pierce the body and frostbitten bones
Skills: Personality 1, Movement 3, threaten to crack.
Perception 5, Survival 5, Custom 1,
Vocation 1 Weapons
Weapon Skills: Bone Claw 3 Bone Claw • Damage: Attribute Level
• Edge: Eye (11) • Injury: 16 • Called
Shot: Pierce
Special Abilities
Denizen of the Dark
Rinheleg is a terrifying foe. He takes the
Dreadful Spells: Icy Breath*
form of a skeletal Dragon-like creature,
with glistening bits of frozen flesh still
Fear of Fire
clinging to his bones. An eerie light
pulses in his eye sockets and radiates as rime as his body failed him, attesting to
a dark mist from him. He is so massive Morgoth's imperfect creations.
he towers over even Trolls, using his
great size and strength to tear his foes Many years later Bâlor the Black Wind,
asunder. In battle he rends with his among the mightiest of Nazgûl, came in
vicious claws and shrugs off blows that the Third Age to the frozen north from the
would fell giants. east. After the fall of Minas Ithil Bâlor
went north, passing through the
Unlike in life, as an Undead creature he
Withered Heath before coming at last to
can breathe out a deluge of killing cold,
the Northern Waste. He journeyed for
sapping the strength from limbs, even
many weeks under the perpetual night
destroying soft flesh with ice shards.
that gripped the Northern Waste for
An undead creature, Rinheleg is much of the year. Drawn by dreams so
impervious to normal weapons. Only the dark their touch could chill the heart of
stoutest warriors can hope to stand the bravest Gondorian warrior, Bâlor
before him. visited the ruins of Carn Dûm, which
even now smoked and reeked of battle
History and death.
Morgoth as the Dark Lord devised many
instruments of war and domination. His
Some ten years later Bâlor found the
cruellest creations were living monsters,
signs he sought along the ice-locked coast
some corrupted from the Maiar like
of the Forochel in the western arm of the
Balrogs, others of more unknown origin,
Forodwaith. Ruins littered the Cape of
like the great Dragons. In the dawn of the
Forochel, broken pieces of the realm
First Age or perhaps earlier still he began
Morgoth once ruled in the youth of the
to raise serpentine beasts, great worms
First Age. The ghosts of Beleriand still
and gigantic scaly horrors.
haunted these ruins, Bâlor saw, and so
Rinheleg was one of his earliest
he came to find the source of the song in
creations, an ancestor of the Dragons
his endless dreams.
that later terrorized Middle-earth. Fierce,
colder than a fish of the deep sea, Thus he found the ruins of Utumno, first
Rinheleg sought to slake his great hunger and greatest of Morgoth's fortresses,
on his master's enemies. though much of it lay beneath the icy
waters of the Forochel. Hungry shadows
He went to war against the Elves but an
and fell beasts laired in the crumbling
Elven hero with hair like flame wounded roots of what had once been Utumno,
him gravely, and sent Rinheleg retreating
called up by the presence of Sauron's
into the northern wastes that grew ever
servant. Many more Bâlor raised up with
colder from Morgoth's influence. There
powerful necromancy, dredging up the
he remained, lost to snowy wastelands, bones of ancient weapons and foul
and not even the Men of the Forodwaith
creatures whose like had long since
knew whither he had gone. Perhaps he
perished from the world. He knew at last
perished from his wounds, or from his
the purpose of the dreams which guided
broken pride, or simply vanished into the
him, and for many years he wove spells
of darkness in that place, binding the "I too serve the Dark Lord, who even now
wicked creatures of the night to his grows and takes shape in the East. By his
service. Ring I am bound, and so are you also bound,
ancestor of Dragons. Only to Mordor now do
The greater part of Utumno lay in ruin on you owe allegiance, lest the Master reach out
to shatter your bones once more. Hark! for
the frozen sea floor, but still something
my words will I utter only once: serve me as
called to Bâlor, a presence he felt through
lord and guardian of this place, and I shall
a few of the bones that jutted from the rebuild yet more. From ruin Utumno shall
snowy shore. An evil spirit still clung to rise again, that we may catch this accursed
the bones lying beneath the waves like land between ours and the fastness of
the bits of torn flesh that remained, Mordor. The Black Wind howls through your
preserved by ice-water from total decay. bones, and through me you shall come to
Bâlor sensed power here, and so he new purpose. Obey, Iarwain Rinheleg, most
began a black ritual. Many weeks of ancient of Morgoth's children, for you are
chanting and sacrifice followed as he given new life through darkness! Obey, or I
will cast it from you again!"
commanded the bones to rise up, to
consume once more the warmth of living
Rinheleg could no more resist the dark
powers of Bâlor, which had given his
By Balor’s power did Rinheleg's dark malevolent spirit form through his own
spirit reanimate its bones and rise from bones. He pledged his might to the cause
the waters as an undead Dragon. of the Dark Lord, and haunted Utumno
Shadow and frigid vapours wreathed his as once he had in life during Ages past.
bones and burned in his eyeless skull, To Rinheleg Bâlor fed the weakest of the
and he set upon Bâlor with savage fell creatures of those ruins, and the
hunger: strongest soon gathered to Rinheleg as
"Who has awakened me from my slumber, his brood. They haunted the lands to the
when I sleep the sleep of the dead?" south, and aided Bâlor in restoring
he roared, and sought to consume the remnants of Utumno to sinister glory.
Ringwraith. Bâlor eluded him and
Bâlor lairs there still, ever seeking the
answered in turn:
secrets of Morgoth's might. Rinheleg is
"Your spirit lingered, drowned in darkness, the most fearsome presence in the ruins,
until the Black Wind brought it up from the guarding them with malice for the living
depths to serve." matched only by his hatred for the Sun.
Bâlor's captives from his forays south
Rinheleg attacked again, seeking to seize into Eriador live only long enough to
the little wraith in his skeletal grasp, but
meet Rinheleg, if they are most
again Bâlor avoided him. At this unfortunate. Bâlor knows that the only
Rinheleg roared, and with his voice
thing that forces obeisance in the ancient
issued a terrible torrent of ice and drake's spirit is their shared devotion to
the glory of Morgoth and his greatest
"I was a cold-drake, beholden to none save emissary, Sauron. With many artefacts
the Dark Lord himself!" once sunken but now brought back to
Bâlor answered: trouble the world does Bâlor gird
himself, but Rinheleg wears only his AGUTA THE COLD-DRAKE by Otaku-
hatred and heartless cold as raiment. sempai

Rinheleg even now guards the ruins of Aguta is a survivor of the Great Battle
who fled into the Northern Waste and
Utumno, sleepless and cruel beyond
afterwards settled in the Northern Blue
measure. His old bones must be
Mountains. Her senses led her to an
destroyed and his spirit cast into the void ancient treasure chamber built by the
if the north is to ever again know peace. High Elves of the West that she took as
Those pursuing Bâlor to his stronghold in her lair. Aguta spends much of her time
the ruins will find their mettle tested by a sleeping; she awakes once in a century or
creature of death from a forgotten Age, so to leave her hoard and eat her fill of
any beasts or Men she can find and
more ancient and powerful than all but
search, with little success, for more
the mightiest beings to walk Middle- treasure. Her power is diminished but
earth. she is still a formidable foe.
Notes for LM: Rinheleg is a truly dangerous Aguta's range does not extend deep into
adversary, and the ruins of Utumno are full Forlindon or far below the Greater Lune;
of other grave threats. Only experienced the power of the land long inhabited by
Companies should challenge him, and the the High Elves repulses her and she much
Loremaster should feel free to strip away prefers the colder climate of Forochel.
Special Abilities if they insist upon having The Lossoth believe the Cold-drake to be
their heroes face the monster early. Perhaps a vengeful spirit and named her Aguta,
Bâlor has only recently raised Rinheleg from which in their tongue means 'Gatherer of
the dead, and the monster is yet to come into the Dead'. If Aguta should feel strong
its full power. Most campaigns involving enough, she might try to loot the Halls of
Rinheleg should feature the battle as a the Dwarves at the head of the Lesser
defining moment, and presumably only after Lune.
the heroes have acquired powerful magical
artefacts. Rangers of the North or High Elves
Attribute Level: 10
of Rivendell are potent foes of the undead,
Endurance: 120
and their assistance would be invaluable in
Hate: 12
destroying Rinheleg. Loremasters may wish
Parry: 12
to encourage players to bring companions Armour: 6d/1d*
along with the Company capable of aiding Skills: Personality 6 Survival 3
them in such a fierce battle. Movement 5 Custom 5 Perception 6
As a final word of advice to Loremasters, try Vocation, 4
running some mock battles between starting- Weapon Skills: Bite: 5; Rend: 3
level adventurers and Rinheleg to get a feel Special Abilities: Great Size, Thick Hide,
for just how deadly he can be. Then try the Savage Assault, Foul Reek, Horrible
same with more experienced versions of the Strength, Dreadful Spells**, Thing of
heroes, perhaps bearing some Famous Terror, *Weak Spot, Poison Blast
Weapons and Armor, to see the difference.
- Bite: Damage 10; Edge 8; Injury 18;
Called Shot = Pierce
- Rend: Damage 7; Edge 9; Injury 20

**Dragon-spell: during combat reduce

the dragon's Hate point score by one to Attribute Level 4, Hate 3, Endurance 15,
force one companion who is within her Parry 7, Armour 2d, Bite 2 (Damage 6,
baleful gaze to make a Corruption check Edge "EYE", Injury 14, Called Shot –
against TN 16. If failed, the companion
Pierce), Constrict 3 (Damage 8, Edge -,
gains one Shadow point and cannot
attack the dragon for a number of rounds Injury -)
equal to 10 minus his Wisdom rating. Special Abilities: Seize Victim and Snake-
The dragon can spend several Hate like Speed
points to affect an equal number of The serpent's main form of attack is its
companions at the same time. If used bite; if a strike is successful, then the
during an encounter, companions put creature uses its Seize Victim ability to
under the dragon-spell feel compelled to
Constrict the target. Serpents will use up
answer truthfully to questions for the
duration of the encounter. their Hate points in the beginning of a
fight, unleashing Snake-like Speed,
rather than rationing them.


Attribute: 4
BEAR! by attercop Endurance: 6
Attribute Level: 5 Hate: 2
Endurance: 25, Hate: 4 Parry: 5
Parry: 5, Armour: 3d Armor: 1d
Personality: 1,Survival: 4, Movement: 3, Skills
Custom: 0, Perception: 3, Vocation: 0 Personality 1 Movement 3
Claws: 3 -- Damage: 5 -- Edge: 10 -- Perception 2 Survival 2
Injury: 14 -- Called Shot: Disarm Custom 0 Vocation 0
Bite: 2 /Damage 5/Edge: <S>/Injury 14 -- Weapon Skills
Called Shot: Pierce Sting 2
Special Abilities: Hideous Toughness, Special Abilities
Savage Assault, Strike Fear Fell Speed, Savage Assault, Snake-Like
Weapon: Hornet Sting
Damage: 2
Edge : 10
These 20-30 foot snakes lurk among the
Injury: 12
reeds and the cattails of the marsh. The
Called Shot: Poison *
low pools and cool, damp soil provide
* Poison: The Hornet Poison, aside from
the ideal habitat for breeding and laying
the normal effects of being poisoned, is a
eggs. Adventurers should be wary of
strong and fear-inducing hallucinogenic
these creatures when they encounter
that will force the victim to make a Fear
them because of their tremendous speed
Test. If the test fails the character will flee
at striking and their ability to constrict
the scene in panic, with no regard as to
their victims.
direction or safety.
THE HIGH PASS AS AN ADVERSARY The LM then declares which of the
by Rocmistro Mountain’s “Basic” attacks is happening
(if any). The Mountain can make a
‘Cirith Forn-en-Andrath’ second “attack” (but no more) in a round
Attribute Level: 10 by spending a point of hate. (There is no
Hate: = to Fellowship’s current Hunt Level limit for Hazard Attacks because these
upon first entering the High Pass. are triggered by Hazard Episodes).
Endurance: 100
Protection: n/a Parry: n/a Once this is resolved, the player
Personality: 3 Survival: 1 characters then roll their Travel checks.
Movement: 1 Custom: 3 For each success, they do a number of
Perception: 5 Vocation: 2 “Endurance” damage to the Mountain
according to the table below.
Basic Attacks: Note: a successful Fatigue test always
(the first attack is free - the mountain can pay does at least the amount of damage
1 point of hate to produce a 2nd attack in the shown in the regular “Success” column.
same round.) Failed Travel tests accumulate Fatigue
- Set my will against thee! (next
gain as per normal, and “Eye” rolls
round of Travel TN’s increased by +2)
generate Hazard episodes.
- Ire of the Mountain (the next
player to fail a Travel automatically
produces an "Eye" result (hazard) Table 9: Crossing the High Pass
- Dreadful weather (force
immediate blighted land Corruption Test Path Success Great Extraordinary
@ TN14 or pay 1 additional hate to Success Success
increase TN to 16) Low 2 1+ 2 + Travel
- Foundations of Stone (the Road damage Travel Ranks
Mountain does not attack, but instead Ranks
recovers <Feat Die> in Endurance
Damage and 1 point of Hate.) Middle 4 Travel Travel Ranks +
Road damage Ranks Favoured
Crossing the High Pass + Heart Heart
PC’s do not make fatigue tests as per the
normal schedule. Instead, the LM and High 6 Travel 1 + Travel
players go into a sort of "combat round" Road damage Ranks Ranks +
sequence. + Heart Favoured
+ Heart + Valour
At the beginning of the Round, each hero Valour
indicates what “Path” he is taking on the
High Pass, either Low, Middle, or High.
This sets the TN’s for Travel (14, 16, 18 Once the Mountain reaches 0 Endurance,
respectively) and also the “damage” they the party has successfully crossed to the
can inflict to the mountain for successful other side.
Fatigue (Travel) checks.
If the Mountain ever gets to 0 Hate, it is
considered to now be dormant, and all Down! Down! To Goblin Town!
subsequent TN’s for Travel Checks and For every 2 points of Hate that the LM
hazard episodes are decreased by 2. spends (to a maximum of 6), he may
No further blighted land Corruption tests select a number of total Orcs, Goblins,
are required, as the mists disperse and Wargs or Trolls’ attribute rating equal to
the sun comes out. The mountain will the current Hunt Level of the party.
now sleep until the next New Moon, at For example, if the current Hunt Level of
which point it will awake again with its the party is 9, the Loremaster can pay 4
full complement of Endurance and Hate. hate and attack the party with 2 Orcs of
Mount Gram (4x2=8) and 5 Goblins of
Hazard Episodes: Carn Dum (5x2=10). (10+8=18 attribute
If the Heroes trigger a hazard, resolve the levels of Orcs.)
hazard as normal, but the LM is free to Against this type of orc ambush the
spend as much of his remaining hate as heroes are considered to have been
he wants (per any conditions below) to Ambushed, and the TN to escape this
affect the outcome of the Hazard. combat is 12+highest attribute rating.
The Mountain is free to spend 1 point of (This should be the culminating event of
Hate to increase the TN of the Hazard by such a Journey phase.)
+2 (multiple times to a max of TN 20).

The Mountain may spend hate to put into

a “reserve”. This reserve is set before
Serpent & Caran Gaur
rolling the Feat Die per the Hazard results
AL 2, Endurance 5, Hate 2, Parry 5,
on page 161 of the Core Rules. After
Armour 2d (highish Parry and Armour
rolling the Feat Die, the LM may then
represent the agility of a bird)
modify the result of the Feat die by an
Movement, Perception and Survival 3
amount in either direction up to the
ranks, other skill groups 0 ranks.
amount of Hate in reserve.
Attacks: Peck 2 , AL damage, Eye edge
Example: after a Hazard the LM puts 2
and 12 Injury rating.
Hate into Reserve. The feat die results in a
Abilities: Bewilder, Fell Speed, Snake-like
“5” (Add Fatigue again, twice again on an
speed, Fear of Fire
“Eye”). The LM doesn’t like this result so
spends the 2 Hate Points held in reserve
These creatures gather in great flocks and
and changes it to a “3”, which makes the
may give cover from the sun to those
Hero miserable for the remainder of the
creatures that are affected by the sun.
Journey, which the LM sees as more
They scout for the forces of Shadow and
report back the movements of enemies.
Their attacks are distracting rather than
Rouse the Fleas!
damaging and they are normally found
In addition to a Hazard Episode, the
sitting in flocks, watching while perched
Mountain opens cracks and chambers
on a tree branch.
within its sides that allows Orcs and
Goblins to spring forth. Small strip of Crebains
A small group of a dozen birds. They are
discreet spies quite difficult to discern be quite impressive)
flying off a ridge or hidden among other Movement : 3
bird species, like ravens or crows. Survival : 4, (they are more efficient in
Attribute : 2, Hate : 1, Parry : 5, Armour : larger bands)
1D , Endurance : 5 Perception 4 Vocation : 0, Custom : 0
Skills : Movement : 2, Survival : 2, Abilities : Bewilder, Hate fire, Fell speed,
Perception 2, Vocation : 0, Custom : 0, Strike fear(Spectators are stunned and
Personality : 0 unable to move).
Abilities : Bewilder, Snake-like Speed, Attack: Peck 4 ,Attribute level + 3 for one
Hate fire, Craven hundred individuals, Eye edge and 16
Attack: Peck 2 , Attribute level damage, Injury rating.
Eye edge and 12 Injury rating.

A flock of brawling Crebains LESSER BALROG by Zedturtle

This unit is made of about fifty
Attribute Level: 10
creatures to one hundred patrolling the Endurance: 100
land in search of information to report. A Hate: 12
lonely or injured individual should fear Parry: 7
these opportunistic scavengers. Armour: 2d
Attribute : 3, Hate : 2, Parry : 6, Armour :
2D , Endurance : 20
Personality: 3 Survival: 4
Skills : Movement: 4 Custom: 1
Movement : 2, Survival : 3 (they are more Perception: 4 Vocation: 2
efficient in this band)
Perception 3 Weapon Skills: Whip 3, Sword 5
Vocation : 0, Custom : 0, Personality : 0
Abilities : Bewilder, Hate fire, Fell speed Special Abilities:
Cruel Stroke
Attack: Peck 3 , Attribute level damage +
Deadly Elusiveness
2 for fifty individuals (max + 4), Eye edge Darker than the Darkness
and 14 Injury rating. Fell Speed
Flame of Udun
A thick cloud of Crebains Obscuring the Great Size
Sun Seize Victim
These hundreds of birds fly like if they Thing of Terror (TN 18)
were a whole entity animated by a
unique spirit. Whip of Many Thongs: Dam 5/ Edge: Eye
This cloud may be missioned by a Injury: 14, Called Shot: Disarm
powerful master and announced Red Sword: Damage:9/Edge:9/Injury:18
shadowy times to come. Called Shot: Disarm
All travellers must fear such a gathering.
Flame of Udun
Attribute : 4, Hate : 3, Parry : 7, Armour :
Spend 2 Hate. Roll a single Success die -
3D , Endurance : 50
Wound that many heroes. Wounded
Skills : heroes die!
Personality : 1 (seeing this multitude may
GHUL by Michael.harrel Vomit: 2
Special Abilities: Craven, Hate Sunlight,
Attribute Level: 2 Denizen of the Dark
Endurance: 8 Hate: 2
Parry: 3 Armour: 2d Weapons:
Skills: Bite -- Damage: 4, Edge: 10, Injury: 14,
Personality: 2 Survival: 2 CS: Poison (Vomit)
Movement: 3 Custom: 1 Vomit (Projectile) -- Damage: 2, Edge:
Perception: 2 Vocation: 0 EOS, Injury: 12, CS: Poison
Weapon Skills:
Bite: 2
Caragor by Michael.harrel Assault, Seize Victim
Attribute Level: 5
Endurance: 18 Hate: 5 Weapons:
Parry: 6 Armour: 3d
Skills Bite -- Damage: AL, Edge: 10, Injury: 14,
Personality: 3 Survival: 2 CS: Pierce
Movement: 3 Custom: 1 Rend -- Damage: AL, Edge: Eye, Injury:
Perception: 2 Vocation: 1 14, CS: --
(As the developers have said, a Caragor is to
Weapon Skills: a Lion what a Warg is to a wolf.

Bite: 3
Rend: 2
Special Abilities: Great Leap, Savage

HELL HAWK by Michael.harrel Weapons:

Attribute Level: 3 Beak: Damage:4/Edge:10/Injury:16
Endurance: 12 Hate: 3 C.S.: Pierce
Parry: 5 Armour: 2d Claw: Damage: 3, Edge: (EYE), Injury: 12,
Skills: C.S.: --
Personality: 2 Survival: 2 Hell hawks are smaller bird-sized versions of
Movement: 3 Custom: 0 the Fell Beasts that the Nazgul used as
Perception: 3 Vocation: 0 mounts, found throughout the mountains of
Weapon Skills: Mordor.
Beak: 2, Claws: 2
Special Abilities: Savage Assault, Fell
Speed, Foul Reek
MORGUL BATS by Michael.harrel
Attribute Level: 2
Endurance: 5 Hate 2
Parry: 5 Armour: 1d
Personality: 1 Survival: 2
Movement: 2 Custom: 0
Perception: 1 Vocation: 0

Weapon Skills:

Bite: 2
Special Abilities: Hate daylight, Fell
speed, Poison

Bite -- Damage: 2, Edge: (Eye), Injury: 12,
CS: Poison
~Part eight: THE CAMPAIGN~
about as far as their sales folk would go,
~the setting~ though I suppose a hobbit wanderer
might bring a few things over the
TRADE GOODS IN MIDDLE-EARTH by Mountains (or Dody and Dindy might
Glorelendil et al have brought some as well).

What are some likely trade items that I would also definitely include baked
would be shipped (or carried on ponies) goods from the Beornings. Even Gimli
around Middle Earth? We all know about raves about their artisanal breads and
Dorwinion wine, Shire pipeweed, and whatnot.
Dalish toys. What else? Not necessarily
based on citations from the texts, but Exports:
based on what we know what kinds of - Wood-elves: Apples and other fruits,
products would make sense? nuts, herbs, salted meats, rare woods,
woodcrafts, dyes, spider-silk and other
- Beornings: mead, wool products (yarns, cloths.
blankets) - Dale: Wool, cut stone, metalwork, salt,
- Woodmen: ? I think of them as toys, weapons, jewellery, glass, beer,
subsistence hunters/farmers pottery, musical instruments, dairy
- Dwarves: weapons, armour, jewellery goods, grain, flour, livestock.
- Dale: clocks, cutlery - Dorwinion: Wines, olives, olive oil,
- Lake-town: salted fish? I think of Lake- grapes, dyes, cloth, wool, shellfish,
town as the crossroads where goods from spices.
the east and south...spices, silks, wines, - Dwarves (includes Erebor, Iron Hills
rugs, oils...come through, rather than a and Blue Mountains): Metals,
place that manufactures for export metalwork, stone, stonework, gems,
- Mirkwood Elves: do they manufacture weaponry, musical instruments.
and export anything? - Esgaroth: Fish, barrels, water fowl,
- Shire: beer and...? herbs, candles, baskets, pottery, reed
Who would make writing paper? Fine - Beornings: Honey, beeswax, herbs,
cloth? woodcrafts, mead.
Many, finished clothing, - Woodmen: Woodcrafts, hide, furs,
saddles, most pottery...I would expect to herbs, salted meats.
be made locally and rarely shipped long - Rohan: Horses, horse hair, grain.
distances. - Gondor: Wine, grapes, olives, olive oil,
What else? Since paper seems available preserved meats, preserved fruits, grain,
somewhat readily, at least to a wealthy spices, herbs, fine cloths, finished goods,
Hobbit like Bilbo, I have to imagine that linen, jewellery, tools, weapons,
someone produces it in the Shire. I would metalwork, glassware, musical
say Elves and Dwarves must as well. instruments, livestock, wool.

LOTRO had a fun series of quests set on

the borders of the Shire where there was
a family of glassblowers, so perhaps
glass from the Shire as well. That does,
however, beg the question of who Shire-
hobbits would trade with? Bree seems
family kept it safe for over 170
~wilderland~ years until Erebor was reclaimed.

INNS & OTHER PLACES IN DALE by  Fraeg, a Dwarf, is a metalsmith ...

throrsgold his son, Frár, is a woodworker ...
combined they can create nearly
The Quiet Wife any toy of which you can think
Owners: Ronald & Hulda (e.g., puppets, wind-up toys,
miniatures & figurines, multi-
 The sign for this inn has a picture sided dice, thumb toys, climbing
of a stylized tombstone and grave. toys, push toys, pull toys, tops,
 Ronald is a middle-aged Barding puzzle toys, building blocks,
who opened his inn in Dale after merry go rounds, pendulum toys,
moving up from Esgaroth. string toys, jumping jack toys,
 The inn serves soft drinks and dolls, doll houses and
food, and provides lodging in the accessories, baby toys and
form of twelve private rooms, six accessories [cradles, etc.], wagons
shared rooms, and one large & carts, toy horns & drums,
common room. ornaments, etc.). Despite
 Ronald is assisted in running the providing what is, essentially, a
inn by his wife, Hulda, and their luxury product, business is
two daughters, Ronalda and thriving!
Kelda. Hulda is a high-spirited  Both Dwarves actually reside in
woman who does not tolerate rooms over the business. The
slights to herself or her family. It storefront is modest in size
is quite clear to any observer that featuring many examples of their
Hulda is in charge at the inn. So, toys, but with only a few that are
it is somewhat amusing that the for immediate sale. They
inn possesses its name as "the primarily take orders for their toys
wife" here is far from quiet! and craft their toys according to
Ronalda and Kelda, are cheerful the order. Toy complexity, of
young women: Ronalda recently course, determines the amount of
married a guardsman and Kelda time it takes to actually deliver the
is in her mid-teens. order, but Fraeg has a reputation
for very fast delivery. Neither he
Fraeg Stonesplitter & Son, Fine nor his son are ones to sit idle.
Toymakers Since III 2563 The remaining space of their land
Owners: Fraeg Stonesplitter & Frár is taken up by workrooms and a
stockyard for storage. Deliveries
 This business is located on the of metal ingots (primarily copper,
original plot of land that it did tin and iron) from Dwarven
before Smaug sacked Erebor and associates and wooden planks
Dale ... a fact Fraeg proudly (some quite exotic) from both Men
announces by displaying the and Elves are accepted at the back
original deed on the wall! Fraeg's gate of the stockyard nearly every
grandfather managed to save the week.
deed while fleeing the city and the
The Comfy Chair The Comfy Chair is currently renowned
Mungo Butterchurn arrived at Dale, in as, possibly, the most popular inn in the
the company of a dwarf named Bori, just city of Dale. It's proprietor (and cook) is
over a year ago. He hails from the village the gregarious hobbit Mungo
of Long Cleeve in the North Farthing of Butterchurn. The Comfy Chair is a half
the Shire. His father is Frodegar timbered building comprising a dozen
Butterchurn (of the Hardbottle bedrooms(two of which are Hobbit sized),
Butterchurns) and his mother is Marigold kitchen, common taproom and snug(as
Took of the North Tooks. Through his well as Mungo's personal quarters).The
mother’s family he can claim direct old thatched roof has been replaced with
lineage from Bandobras 'Bullroarer' expensive red tiles imported from the
Took, the victor of the Battle of Iron Hills and it sits on the Street of blue
Greenfields. Flagstones near the main Market square.
It is furnished to a high standard and
Upon the return of Bilbo Baggins to the patrons include Bori, his siblings and
Shire and amidst the subsequent small Bombur the Fat (who simply adores the
talk and rumours that followed, it did not little Hobbits cooking).
take long for Mungo to feel a stirring in
his 'Tookish' blood. He packed up some Such prestigious patrons and any visiting
belongings and set off in search of Hobbits are often invited to the snug to
adventure. partake of a smoke of Mungo's personal
supply of Longbottom Leaf.
He is a small fellow with a big
personality and fond of a tale or two. He
has many wild stories of his journeys Merchants of Mystery
with Bori, tales of caverns in the Misty
Mountains filled with gold and Goblins Einar (Lone Warrior) and his family
and of misty downs in far off Eriador, operate this establishment of misc. wares
where ancient Kings rest uneasily in their for travellers. He lost his right eye
funeral barrows. fighting Easterlings and now wears a
patch to cover it (as well as a
Whatever the truth of these stories, Bori considerable grudge against the
refers to his friend as 'little Braveheart' Easterlings). His wife Ronalda (Powerful)
for reasons known only to themselves and their three precocious but adorable
and he arrived at Dale with a mysterious, little rascals—Bondi (Peasant Farmer),
locked, chest and enough gold to Iwar (Battle Archer), and Run (Secret Love
purchase and refit an inn. and daddy’s little girl)—offer some of the
Although he revels in his popularity in finest goods and services across the
Dale he is starting to long for the North, and they are reasonably priced
meadows of the North Farthing, or at and normally well-stocked.
least for the company of other Hobbits. In
truth, he is starting to feel lonely and any
Hobbit who stays at his hostelry is
assured of right royal treatment. The Hungry Salmon

Bori has since taken up residence in This building serves as a lesser fish
Erebor where it transpires that he is a market—and smells it! Harold (High-Old)
younger sibling of, no less than, three of and Torwald (Thunder-Ruler) are
Thorin Oakenshield's company. brothers who share this load. Fishermen
by day and carousing roustabouts by
night, they are an unsavoury pair who
contribute little to the realm. They are at second in the middle of the west wall.
least somewhat trustworthy, however, The southern door is the main entrance.
because they are too dim-witted to be in It is large enough to admit a wagon and,
league with anyone but their own rapidly weather permitting, he keeps it open
swelling bellies. At the rate they put it during the day. The western door opens
away on their nightly forays to the inns, into the Paddock shared by the Smithy
they will top off the scales within a matter and the Inn, and is large enough for
of years for sheer girth. leading horses into the shop.

These two also reek of fish at most times, The latter is the reason for Knut’s current
as washing seems to be another quaint shift in business because he also runs a
custom that passes them by. Nonetheless, somewhat busy inn, offering competitive
they do provide a variety of fish, mostly fare and menu selections. His roly-poly
fresh and quite good, and are known for wife Dagna (New Day) and young and
a number of home salmon recipes that fair daughter Sigrun (Secret Victory) help
their family has passed-down over the him maintain the place.

Handsome Hides
The Hen and Chickens
These are just that and offer a fine
This is the house and shop of the selection. Asabiarn (Divine Bear), Holgeir
strapping local blacksmith Knut (Knot). (Spear-Like), Ranulf (Wolf-Like Advice),
He is a Daleman, but it is difficult for him Sigurd (Victorious Guardian), and
to make a living as a blacksmith because Thorburn (Thunder Warrior) are the
he cannot compete with the nearby motley assortment of hunters and
Dwarves. He nonetheless carries out odd trappers who work through here. They
work when required by those who cannot are all dedicated and experienced in
afford the Dwarves’ generally higher varying degrees, though usually a bit
prices. He hopes to be able to settle down toward stoic loners rather than being
and raise a family in peace amidst his very cooperative. They have the gamut of
beloved friends. the usual types of wilderness feats and
Since he often does most of the minor
horse related work such as shoeing and
such, he fits right in and is well-liked,
and treats everyone fairly and Keepers of the Cloth
courteously. He also makes and repairs
many farm tools used hereabout, and is The beauteous young seamstress Asta
an extremely capable blacksmith. He (Star), her older and scathing-tongued
fought in the Battle of Five Armies with sister Astrid (Divine Strength), and their
the Lake-men and still has his longbow, strong-willed shieldmaiden of an aunt
quiver with 20 arrows, longsword, and Raghild (Battle-Wise)—who some say has
leather jerkin, all stashed away secretly, actually fought against Easterling raiders
just in case. (!)—run this rambling clothier that also
includes a variety of reasonably priced
He divides his smithy roughly in half; the accoutrements for journeys and the like.
western portion is the workshop. The
shop has two doors to the outside, one on
the south side near the west wall, the
This building carries a variety of dairy
products and fresher foods serving as These pockets of civilization survived for
sort of a lesser market place. A number of centuries surrounded by foul enemies.
sellers also set up stalls without. Ingemar Given the military strength and cohesion
(Famous Son), his wife Liw (Protection), demonstrated by the goblins in 2941, I
and their twin son and daughter, Eric think the orcs and the wargs have
(Honorable Ruler) and Thora (Thunder), already destroyed every vulnerable
run this shop. They are an affable and village in these lands generations ago,
cooperative lot, liked and trusted by and those towns that survived till present
people hereabouts. time should be real strongholds. Strong
enough or hidden enough to withstand
the enemy: the Lamp of Balthi protect
Woodmen Town, Mountain Hall is built
White Heather in an impregnable position, Rhosgobel is
defended by the Brown Wizard, Esgaroth
Ingrid (Hero’s Daughter) is a stunning is built on the water, etc.
flaxen-haired maid of the most exquisite But, beyond military threat, the men of
mould, and provides an unusual respite the Wilderland faced infiltration and
from the cold North. She packs her tiny disinformation by Necromancer's agents,
shop with a bewildering array of herbs, bent on sowing suspicion and enmity
candles, ointments, and salves, food, among the Free Peoples.
jewellery, perfumes, incense, and the
usual assortment of such cerebral “The spirits of Elves, Men and Dwarves were
concoctions behind shimmering curtains embittered and made miserable by the
and beaded hangings. growing darkness of Mirkwood and the ever-
present menace of the great Dragon of
Running Stables Erebor”.

A number of shop keeps share this fenced The Bardings and the Dwarves are really
enclosure named after the Celduin (River dreaming of binding the Free Peoples in a
Running) and maintained by Brander great alliance. It's natural, after all: five
(Fiery Sword). The barn is fully enclosed years ago they were... nothing, just ruins.
and has large double doors in the wall. Just a dream. Now they are glorious
Inside are a storage area and stalls for a kingdoms with a bright future ahead,
dozen animals. An upstairs loft stores and they know that a dream can be made
hay and grain. There is a ladder in the true. But their prospective allies have
middle of the west wall to provide access different agendas, and different fears.
to the loft from inside the building. There The Bardings look upon the Woodmen as
are also small doors at both ends of the natural allies:
loft for moving hay and grain into or out
of the loft. They are available for sale or “brothers across the green sea”.
rental from the inn. The horses are
normally draft-types. But the Woodmen are wary of losing their
precious freedom: they lived alone and
without kings for... well, forever. Why
change now? Do they really need an
alliance, now that the goblins are
defeated? Can they trust these kings, so
fond of stone and steel and gold?
“Now the Bardings call us friends and allies, THE BIGHTLANDS by Voidstate
tomorrow we risk becoming their slaves...”.
Ruled by young King Aethelward, under
Sure the Barding and the Dwarves need the protection of his uncle. The people
the Woodmen's help to open up the trade call themselves the Gramuz or Aethlingas
route to the west: many Woodmen doubt (Horseless Men), a remnant of the
they need anything from Bard and Rohirrim who left the area who refused to
Dain... travel with their king.
Even more reluctant are the elves. The
Dwarves and the Bardings are new actors Military
on the political scene. Young, optimistic, Use spears and tall shields, or slings as
“expansionistic” kingdoms, eager to missiles. Armour is generally light, either
make their presence known in these padded, linen coats, or leather; with only
lands. It's no big surprise that Thranduil lords wearing boiled leather sewn with
looks upon them with some caution: he's brass plates. Helmets, however, are
been the only king in these lands for common, often elaborate and a source of
centuries, are these new upstarts possible great pride. Warriors also show their
rivals to his kingdom? Yes, they can be. status by wearing copper or silver arm
The Bardings talk about uniting the rings given by their lord. Although they
Woodmen, this doesn't sit well with ride to battle, most warriors dismount to
Thranduil because he wants to claim the fight, forming dense shieldwalls.
whole forest as his own. Settlements tend to be walled with
The elves remember when Greenwood palisades. Larger towns also have an
the Great was their realm, and they want outer ditch and include a motte and
it back. Many centuries they have waited: bailey fort within them.
now the Necromancer is gone, the
shadow is weak... and these humans Society
start talking about building their
kingdom across the forest that belongs to A King is elected for life by the seven Yarls
the elves. No way! of the Bight, who meet each year at
Thranduil is a sworn enemy of the Plainsmarch with their standing armies.
Shadow and doesn't want to wage war on Men are chosen to man the fortified
men and dwarves... but he cannot forfeit mines and hill forts, others to give two
what he thinks belongs to his people. He months of service as Road Wardens,
can accept the Woodmen living in his patrolling the borders and byways of the
forest, but they have to accept he's the East Bight against Easterlings, orcs and
rightful ruler of Mirkwood. wolves.
For the Woodmen, on the other hand,
Thranduil is a legendary king of the Surrounded by enemies, the Gramuz are
forest of ancient times, whilst they have suspicious, hardy and warlike. They tend
inhabited these woods for as long as to superstition and rarely travel outside
memory goes, so while the Elven King their lands. When angered, they are
disappeared to the north they lived in the terrible but the strict hierarchy of their
shadow of Dol Guldur. In their eyes, the society and plentiful enemies generally
elves have forfeited the right to claim prevent infighting.
Mirkwood as theirs.
All men are free and everyone has a
And Beorn? He's a bit of an enigma. The place in society, with yarls at the top,
hermit became a chieftain, but looks (to then warriors in service with a yarl,
others) that he's lacking political “vision”. followed by traders, craftsmen, “land’s
men” (workers: farmers, woodsmen, Close to Mirkwood, so men are tied up
miners) and “wind’s men” (men who defending outposts and keeping paths
have no fixed place and are “blown by clear (always loathe to grant men to the
the wind” - scholars, entertainers, king for other duties). Men here have a
travellers beyond the Bight). Any man reputation as grim and bringing bad
who has fought for his yarl is granted an fortune.
arm ring and is addressed as “lieberman”
(a man who has earned his freedom). Beenfleot (Capital of the Eastmark of the
Economy Eastern stronghold and trade centre.
The Gramuz grow flax, barley, wheat, Motte & bailey with great thorn-hedge
and rye; they herd sheep and cattle. They walls. Famous market.
hunt for skins and furs. Work copper, Men here have a reputation as rich but
silver and forge bronze. Iron and steel lacking seriousness. Other marks frown
are prized. Isolated - some trade with on the silks they import from the east.
Dorwinion and Easterling merchants.
Import wines, iron ores, pottery. Bur Ansgel Northern stronghold
Hill fort on man-made hill. Ditch and
Taboos wooden palisade walls. Ruled by Yarl
Never hunt the white deer of the forest. Rertstan.
Elves are held in reverence due to legends This is a farming province where men
of fighting alongside elves. have a reputation for stubbornness,
slowness and superstition.
Men: Adelard, Aethelin, Abelin, LOREMASTER CHARACTERS
Berengar, Cheldric, Clodomir, Clovis,
Hildebran, Humbert, Oddervard, Rothar, King Aethelward (the Pup).
Valdebrand, Vulmar (warrior and yarls Young and weak. His father (Markad the
often also take a sobriquet, such as “the Hound) was a great warrior and made
Hound”). yarls agree to accept his son before
marching to battle against Dol Guldur.
Women: Adallinda, Engelberga, Hiltrude,
Rosamund, Rotrude, Vara Yarl Caster of Bur Caster
Hates orcs; was great friend of Markad
the Hound. Is against sending any men
Places outside the borders.
Regions are named after the main
stronghold, so the lands around Bur Rertstan Woodwalker.
Caster are known as the Castermark, Was a friend to Markad the Hound. Left
Wirifmark etc. out in the cold by:

Bur Wirifas - The capital Avalard - Who is now the real power
The ancient stone city is in ruins; the new behind the throne.
city is wood, wattle and daub. Dirt and
decay reflects people abandoning town in
response to king’s poor rule.

Bur Caster - Western stronghold -

overlooked by a fort built on jutting crag.
Controls two mines - silver & copper.
THE MEWLIPS POEM (FROM With single sickly candle
And there they count their
The Shadows where the gold.
Mewlips dwell
Are dark and wet as ink, Their walls are wet, their
And slow and softly rings ceilings drip;
their bell, Their feet upon the floor
As in the slime you sink. Go softly with a squish-
You sink into the slime, As they sidle to the door.
who dare
To knock upon their door, They peep out slyly;
While down the grinning through a crack
gargoyles stare Their feeling fingers creep,
And noisome waters pour. And when they´ve
finished, in a sack
Beside the rotting river- Your bones they take to
strand keep.
The drooping willows
weep, Beyond the Merlock
And gloomily the gorcrows Mountains, a long and
stand lonely road,
Croaking in their sleep. Through the spider-
shadows and the marsh of
Over the Merlock Tode,
Mountains a long and And through the wood of
weary way, hanging trees and gallows-
In a mouldy valley where weed,
the trees are grey, You go to find the Mewlips
By a dark pool´s borders - and the Mewlips feed.
without wind or tide,
Moonless and sunless, the
Mewlips hide.

The cellars where the

Mewlips sit
Are deep and dank and
RUMOURS CIRCULATING DURING 3. The Elvenking won't be attending
THE GATHERING OF FIVE ARMIES by the celebration because some dwarf
Celebril pissed him off.

I should explain a couple of things: 4. The White Wizard has made the
a) The "King of Gondor" rumours are journey to Dale. (Saruman at this point
about a Rhovanion farm boy that I made in time)
up to entertain my players. When they
met him for the first time he asked the 5. A party of adventurers saved the
players: Woodland Hall.

"Would you like to buy the King of 6. Wargs have been seen around the
Gondor a drink?" East Bight.

He was meant to just be comic relief but 7. Bilbo Baggins has come to
the players had so much fun with him celebrate the Gathering of the Five
that he took a life of his own. So I created Armies.
a back story for him and started him on a
quest to collect misguided followers. The 8. No one invited Bilbo Baggins to
players will eventually meet up with him the celebration.
again. So that is why there are rumours
about him. 9. Prince Bain is the spitting image
of his father.
b) Bilbrane is a player's Hobbit character
who is a Pipeweed merchant but because 10. A lot more Easterlings have been
of how I introduced him to the rest of the seen in the Kingdom.
Fellowship he has a reputation of having
sticky fingers. 11. My brother was attacked and
eaten by spiders along the Elf Path.
Some of the rumours below are
completely false, some have a grain of 12. My cousin's wife's brother,
truth, some are completely factual and Oddvar, said he saw a dragon while
others were meant to potentially lead to traveling along the northern edges of
mini-adventures around the Gathering of Mirkwood.
Five Armies celebration if the players had
so chosen to investigate. 13. The Elf Path is haunted. I saw a
corpse peering at me through the trees on
RUMOURS my last travel along the path. I will not be
going that way again.
1. The sons of Grimarr the Friendly
(sarcastic), Jonar, Kelmund and Finnar, 14. I hear there is a new Inn between
have been causing trouble again in Dale. the Old Ford and the Forest gate run by a
(These 3 were involved in the story “Don't peculiar set of Hobbits.
Leave the Path”).
15. Someone said they saw Gandalf
the Grey earlier.
2. People have been getting sick
16. King Bard and King Dain are not
from something they ate at the fair.
on speaking terms any more.

17. Some say the werewolves of

Mirkwood are raiding outlying
settlements for food. But I don't believe 28. Did you see the Easterling on the
that old wives’ tale. Werewolves!? Bah, fairgrounds selling the Valar knows
too much mead and pipeweed me thinks. what?

29. I got really sick earlier from eating

18. "Did you hear?" "The King of Dalla the Baker's mince pie. I love her
Gondor has returned and he is here in mince pies but after that I won't be eating
Dale." her pies any more.

19. There is some lunatic going 30. I hear that Bilbrane Broadfoot has
around calling himself the "King of the best pipeweed in all of the Kingdom
Gondor". He looks like he should be of Dale.
calling himself the "King of Pigs". What
kind of King carries around a club as a 31. I hear that Bilbrane Broadfoot is a
weapon? thief and cannot be trusted. But I really
do like his pipeweed.
20. I hear that King Bard has turned
away the "King of Gondor". This could 32. There are Rohirrim traders here in
mean trouble between Dale and Gondor. Dale. Can you believe that! Now if I only
had the money to buy those fine looking
21. The Elf King saved the Woodmen horses.
from attack. Without his assistance they
would surely have fallen. 33. I used to be an adventurer like
you until my wife left me for a sailor.
22. I heard that horse stealing has all
but vanished around Southern 34. I was going to enter the pie eating
Rhovanion. Can you believe that? The contest but rumour has it that Bombur
horse-stealing capital of Middle Earth! the Fat is going to enter. I don't stand a
chance against him.
23. I hear there are old elvish ruins in
Northern Mirkwood along the Old Great 35. My cousin has joined up with that
Road that are overflowing with treasure, Northman calling himself Aldamir the
just waiting to be taken. Second, supposed King of Gondor. I think
he is being hoodwinked but he would
24. I hear the Eagles have been have none of my advice. Kept going on
invited to the celebrations. Who is going about how he was going to help the King
to pay for all the livestock they eat? return to Gondor. Idiot!

25. No one has seen Beorn. I wonder 36. Elstan the First Captain of Dale, is
if he is coming to the celebration. sure to win the horse competition.

26. My cousin just came back from 37. "I hear a young female elf from
Bree. He said he encountered several Mirkwood is the archer to beat in the
groups of elves on the road. I wonder archery competition." Another pipes in, "I
where they could be going? hear she is very pretty to."

27. I hear elves are moving back into 38. "The elves think they are the best
Southern Mirkwood. It won't be long now bowmen in all Middle Earth. They clearly
before we can hunt in those woods in haven't seen me shoot a bow yet."
39. "The dwarves seem to have all the when you will be in the realm of spirit and
good tent spots at the fairgrounds. That is man." "Take heed of my warning."
so unfair. I wonder who they bribed to
get those." Her eyes then snap open and she looks
puzzled for a moment and then says,
40. "I hear the dwarves are going to "Shall we begin?"
bring out the Arkenstone for the
celebration!" Another person comments, 47. "I hear the high pass over the
"No way would they do that! It would just Misty Mountains has become a little
invite every thief within a hundred more dangerous. The goblins seem to
leagues to show up." have been a little more bold recently. It is
best to travel in groups."
41. "There is a section of the side of
Erebor (Lonely Mountain) that is off 48. You strike up a conversation with
limits. I wonder what the dwarves are up an Elf. Eventually the conversation turns
to?" to Mirkwood. As if talking to himself he
looks off in the distance and says,
42. "If I would have known there was "Something stirs in Mirkwood. What it is
going to be a masked ball after the we don't know but it is best to be on
opening ceremonies then I would have guard."
sold masks at my booth. Those
merchants are making a killing." 49. "My cousin, who is a scullery
maid at the castle, says that there is some
43. "My coin purse was taken today!" big, important meeting taking place
Another person, "Yeah I heard there is a during the celebrations at the castle."
cut-purse ring that has set up shop at our
celebration." Yet another person, "I heard
there is a reward for finding the culprit or
44. "Did you hear, Gismund the sageryne
Jeweller’s prized Dragon Statue was
stolen, again." "He is blaming some
Hobbit." 2941 – Reconstruction Begins
- Dwarven survivors of the Battle of
45. "I heard that several of the Five Armies under the rule of King Dain II
merchants were robbed last night after reoccupy Erebor. Word is sent by raven to
dark." "They had things taken from their the Iron Hills and Blue Mountains that
tents." Erebor is retaken and there is a new king.
- Reconstruction Effort 20% Erebor /
46. You stop at a soothsayer's tent. 80% Dale
She invites you in and asks if you want - Focus is on restoring the
your future read. Thinking how fun and transportation links (roads and bridges),
harmless this must be you agree to have irrigation canals, and docks on the River
your fortune told. She appears to go into Running.
a trance. Then her eyes open very wide: - Some folk begin reoccupying the
most substantial ruined buildings in
"There is a great darkness arising from that Dale.
which was thrown down. You are in grave - The first, most adventurous men,
danger. You must steel your heart for the time veterans of the battle, from Esgaroth and
communities nearby begin to settle in
Dale. used to build new buildings.
- Trade begins, mostly food coming - Trade blossoms, products from
up the River Running from Long Lake. Erebor begin to flow in earnest. The local
- Source of food for Erebor: 10% trade nexus begins to shift from Esgaroth
Iron Hills, 90% Long Lake to Dale.
- More people come. Word has
2942 – Reconstruction Gains Momentum spread to the smallest communities in
the wilderness. Bard is a good king. His
armies will protect the farmers. A city is
- More dwarves from the Iron Hills being built. There is trade with the
arrive. The first trickle of dwarves from Dwarves and Elves. There is money to be
the Blue Mountains arrives towards the made. New settlers arrive daily.
end of the year. - Source of food for Erebor: 5% Iron
- Reconstruction Effort 40% Erebor / Hills, 60% Long Lake, 35% Dale
60% Dale
- Focus is on restoring the farms 2944 – Reconstruction Is At Its Peak
and agricultural areas so farming can
- Reconstruction of Bard’s palace - A few more dwarves from the Iron
begins Hills trickle in, but most traffic is now
- Some ruined, but still substantial commercial. The last major group from
buildings in Dale are repaired the Blue Mountains arrives. The
- Trade expands, Dale begins to remaining dwarves have decided to stay
take some trade from Esgaroth in the Blue Mountains.
- There is a slow but steady flow of - Reconstruction Effort 80% Erebor /
people coming to settle. Word has 20% Dale
spread. Settlers are coming from - Farms are being re-established at
Esgaroth and the villages around Long a rapid rate. The irrigation canals
Lake. provide water. The Desolation of Smaug
- Source of food for Erebor: 10% blooms again. The harvests are very
Iron Hills, 80% Long Lake, 10% Dale good.
- Reconstruction of Dale’s defences
2943 – Reconstruction Hits Its Stride are almost complete. Most of the ruins
have been cleared away. Construction is
everywhere. The streets are repaved with
- The last of the Erebor descendants coloured stones.
arrive from the Iron Hills. The first major - Trade is booming. There is a pent
influx of dwarves from the Blue up demand for Dwarven goods. Trade
Mountains arrives. The first Dwarven goods flow down the Forest River from
children are born in Erebor. It begins to Mirkwood, up the River Running from
feel like a city again. the Sea of Rhun, across the Brown Lands
- Reconstruction Effort 60% Erebor / from Rohan and Gondor, around the
40% Dale forest from the Beornings and Woodmen,
- The farming region immediately and across the High Pass from Bree.
around Dale and down the River - Dale begins to seriously
Running has its first big harvest. overshadow Esgaroth as a trade hub.
- Construction of Bard’s palace is - Immigration slows as those
completed; work begins on the walls and willing to move have done so. Esgaroth
gates. Many substantial ruined buildings and Dale bustle with people. New farms
have been restored. Ruins not worth are being established every day. People
saving are torn down and their stone is begin to have large families again. There
are many babies and children about.
- Source of food for Erebor: 50%
Long Lake, 50% Dale
2946 – Current Day
2945 – Reconstruction completed

- The Upper Halls of Erebor are

- Dwarves continue cleaning, restored to their former glory. The
repairing and rebuilding their kingdom. dwarves have begun clearing the Lower
- Reconstruction Effort: 90% Erebor Halls and started new excavations.
/ 10% Dale - Reconstruction Effort: 95% Erebor
- The banks of the River Running / 5% Dale
blossom again. Farms only a year or two - King Bard’s armies extend their
old produce large crops. The domestic patrols to hunt down orcs and wargs to
animals thrive and multiply. Long Lake protect the ever-expanding farmlands.
and Mirkwood limit expansion to the More than a day or two’s ride from the
west. Farmers concentrate their efforts on River Running the land is still wild and
the east bank of the River Running. Old unforgiving.
irrigation canals are reopened. - The farmlands of Dale produce
- King Bard claims all the lands food in abundance, enough for the
bounded by the River Running, the bustling city of Dale and kingdom of
Redwater and a line from Erebor to the Erebor. The farmers from around Long
Iron Hills. The term Barding comes into Lake have mostly moved east onto the
common use. The power of the King ever-expanding farms of the Bardings.
grows. The remaining communities provide food
- The reconstruction of Dale is for Esgaroth.
largely complete. New construction - There is little new construction
continues as expansion demands. The within Dale. Work begins on building
city is new and optimism abounds. and expanding a network of small
- The flow of trade goods along market towns on the eastern shores of the
existing trade routes expands. Ancient River Running.
trade routes are re-established. Goods - Caravans arrive and depart
and money flows. Erebor’s demand for weekly in all directions. Experienced
goods is endless. caravan masters, hardy traders and
- Dale eclipses Esgaroth as a centre veteran caravan guards are in high
for commerce, however the greater demand.
volume of trade caused by the rebuilding - The expansion of farming is
of Dale means Esgaroth is more limited only by a lack of labor. The
prosperous than ever. Esgaroth remains irrigation of the east bank returns the
an important conduit of trade with the area to its former glory.
elves and as a trans-shipment point for - New groves of trees appear here
goods flowing up the River Running. and there, some claim the elves are
- New settlers are few, but there is planting them. Whatever the source,
still a trickle in from the Wastes. More birds and other wildlife begin to return in
farmers from around Long Lake seek earnest to the Desolation of Smaug.
larger farms on the east bank of the River - Source of food for Erebor: 10%
Running. Several villages around the lake Long Lake, 90% Dale
become ghost towns.
- Source of food for Erebor: 25%
Long Lake, 75% Dale
the name of Carad Ehta and took their
THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RED place among the other elves. As time
BANNER by woodclaw passed elves from other clans and
households would join their ranks, out of
The elves of the Carad Ehta marriage, personal loss or simple
The clan of Carad Ehta (‘Red Spear’ in the conviction. By 2946 the clan is now a
Common Speech) is a recent and quite mixed reality, hosting both ancient
war-minded household among the survivors and those in the Southern
Mirkwood elves. Mirkwood, as well as those elves who feel
the calling to ward their borders against
History the tides of the Shadow.

When the Necromancer returned to Dol Lands

Guldur in the 2460 of the Third Age, five
elven clans - with the help of the In the years following 2471 the Carad
Woodmen from Rhosgobel - were Ehta asked and obtain the permission to
struggling to reopen the ancient refuges settle in the territory between the Forest
in the southern Mirkwood. They were River, the Mountains of Mirkwood and
primarily hunter with sharp, keen eyes the Long Marshes. While they're not the
and agile warriors. only elves dwelling in this area, they're
the only ones who actually live there.
Unwilling to reveal himself too soon, the
Necromancer tried to manipulate the The majority of the territory is still wild
elves and the woodmen into fighting and untamed, but the clan built many
each other, but his subtle whispers failed shelters. These are secret places with
to dent the bond of trust formed in those entrances are skilfully hidden and often
harsh lands. Yet, many were his allies, he protected with traps. Their most
pulled out of their slumbers some terrible important outpost is Dolen Nost (Hidden
beings that were sleeping in furthers Fortress), a large underground complex
depths of the wood and unleashed them build under the roots of ancient trees a
upon the elves. long time ago. Today Dolen Nost has
been transformed in a military complex
Many elves felt under the blows of the that includes many barracks, armouries
servants of the Shadow and the survivors and secret exits.
were forced North, beyond the Dark
Mountains, to the land of Woodland Customs
Realm. Once they rest the true measure of
their mourn was clear. Five proud clans It has been said that the Mirkwood elves
have been decimated and the survivors are less wise and more dangerous than
numbered scarcely a single clan. In that their noble cousins from beyond the
dark hour the survivors swore an oath, Misty Mountains, in many ways the
instead of scattering and disappearing Carad Ehta are the epitome of this idea.
among the clans of the Northern Living for many years close to the
Mirkwood, they tighten their ranks and Woodmen gave them a somewhat more
patiently waited for the hour to return pragmatic view of the world.
and gave their death proper burial and
satisfaction. While the Carad Ehta still possess the
love for beauty and grace typical of all
So it came to pass that in the year 2471 the elves, they have learned the hard way
of the Third Age, the survivors assumed that - sometimes - beauty have to be
sacrificed to protect life. This have
brought them to adopt tactics and skills exert itself in the world of Middle Earth.
different from the other elves, like the This means a more lawful and good
habit of sewing and stitching layers of leaning environment. On the other hand
leaves to their cloaks to improve their the ex-spies and informants of Dol
ability to hide among the trees. They have Guldur found themselves without a job
proved to be dangerous enemies, when Sauron fled. They banded together
relentless warrior and invisible sentinels, and now form the underbelly of The Toft,
who protected the border of the and call themselves Blackwold (which is
Woodland realm for over 500 years with a personal nod to LOTRO).
deadly efficiency
Main NPC’s:
It's a sad fact that many among the
Carad Ehta have felt the Calling of Avina is a red haired north woman who
Mirkwood and answered it, choosing to is in charge of Viduglum's household.
fade rather than sailing West to the She is kind of like Eowyn in that she is
Immortal Lands. This made them an fiercely devoted to Viduglum. She is
uneasy subject for other elves, but much incorruptible and idealistic. She is also
closer in spirit to their ancient allies from the point of contact between the
vale of the Anduin. Fellowship and Viduglum's court.

Gazrat is the orc leader of the brigade of

THE TOFT by Celebril orcs that Viduglum commands. When he
[a village in the East Nether Vales, see Heart saw the Fellowship dwarf he commented,
of the Wild). "Look master they have a pet dwarf".

So here is a little of the background of Holdred is the chief advisor to

how I prepared for the game. I wanted Viduglum. He is well travelled and wants
the Fellowship to adventure around The to see The Toft flourish and take a
Toft. First I needed to give them an excuse leading rule in this part of Middle Earth.
to go to The Toft. So I had them attacked He is practical and more predisposed to
by Tyrant Hill raiders. This attack set off favour the Fellowship.
Radagast who wanted to know what the
relationship between Tyrant Hill and The Maracar is also an advisor but if anyone
Toft was since the raiders had come has his hand on the pulse of the seedier
through Toft lands. underbelly it is him.

So he summoned the Fellowship and Aregisel is the mysterious leader of the

asked them to be his ambassadors and Blackwold. No one seems to know what
seek an audience with Vidugalum to he looks like or resides.
gauge his political leanings concerning
Tyrant Hill and if possible seek his
neutrality. Since there is precious little
written about the Toft I wanted to give it a
life of its own. In order to do that I gave it
an identity crisis which reflects the same
kind of struggles that the ruler,
Vidugalum, is having.

The top folks like Vidugalum want the

city to become a centre for trade and to

BLACK TOM’S STEDDING by zedturtle (Map key next page)

Key to Map on Previous page
N. Empty rooms, that the heroes might
A. Entrances to the compound. Each has use if they do well meeting with BT.
stones set in the ground on the outside,
so that the Trolls (or a band of men) O. Room occupied by another visitor to
could lug the stones in front of the gates, the compound.
for greater defence.
P. Family graveyard. Many of the graves
B. A crouched troll, turned to stone and are small, testifying to the harsh
showing obvious years of wear. A clue to conditions in which to raise a family.
the players about what they might see
inside. Q. Half-enclosed shed, containing odds
and ends, feed for the livestock, etc.
C. The young men's house, which kind of
serves as a guardhouse as well. No one is R. The new barn, for the few ponies and
here right now, because of the extremely cattle that BT keeps.
cold weather (this is for Reasons™ in the
adventure). The characters might be sent S. Sheep meadows
here to sleep, if they get on BT's bad side T. Pond, for both livestock watering and
but he doesn't kick them out. fishing. Currently frozen over.

D. Fallow fields, already harvested in the U. Orchard of Fruiting Trees (apple trees,
autumn really)

E. The old well, now covered by a stone V. Apiaries for the beehives. These
lid. northern bees don't produce as much
honey as Beorn's variety and are more
F. Vegetable garden, with some hearty temperamental.
winter vegetables still growing.
W. The old barn, aka the troll barn.
G. The main hall, where BT entertains
and eats. X. The mill.

H. Black Tom's separate meeting space, Y. Orchard of nut producing trees... also
for conferences with fellow farmers and ready source of emergency firewood.
Z. New well... exercise caution.
I. BT and his wife's private rooms

J. The kitchen

K. Main pantry, with stairs down to a

root cellar.

L. Family rooms, occupied by

descendants of BT and perhaps extended

M. Secondary hall, used by those in the

family rooms. BT's oldest son is pretty
much in charge of this space.
IRE WITHIN THE DARKNESS by inhabitants driven out by fear and death.
Haugar Thrain I’s cousin Halthor, granted
[this looks at the fabled Dwarven halls of permission by his cousin leads a great
Gundushatu in the Grey Mountains] host of Dwarves seeking to dwell within
the Grey Mountains.
“Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk,
Éotheod shame, In time they establish many great halls
He bore mighty Naurdagnir, and mansions within the Grey
Bane of mortal flame, Mountains. The most wondrous of these
He grasped Rista-Ihug, halls was Gundushatu, where the deep
Forever aflame.
lake of Shatur-zaram resides.
Wyrm-kin wrath did rend the world,
As fell winds did mourn,
Eldur Vindolk fought with rage, 1996
Against foul ilk born, The Cold-Drake Scatha plagues the lesser
Mighty the clash, enduring night, mansions and halls of the Dwarves of the
Fading with the morn. Grey Mountain, as well as the lands
Smote was laid the Wyrm-kin, beneath the Grey Mountains, home of the
Herald of the Heights, peoples of Éotheod.
Fell winds retreated,
Averted was the blight, 1999
Grey the bitter morn,
Thrain I, king of Durin’s folk and distant
Sorrowful the light.
Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk,
ancestor of Thorin Oakenshield, comes to
Where does thine shield rest? the Lonely Mountain and founds a
Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk, dwarf-kingdom. There, the Dwarves
Where is thine sword blest? discover their most prized treasure, the
Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk, Arkenstone, known also as the Heart of
Where does thine wound rest? the Mountain.
Lo, extinguished the flames of war,
Lo, did Death beckon Eldur Vindolk, 2000
Lost was he known as, “Forge’s Roar,” Fram, son of Frumgar, chieftain of the
Lost was he known as, Eldur Vindolk.
people of Eotheod, delves into the deep of
Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk,
Where does thine shield rest?
Scatha’s lair and there he encounters the
Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk, Cold Drake asleep. Scatha is slain by
Where is thine sword blest? Fram and his treasure claimed by the
Eldur Vindolk, Eldur Vindolk, hero.
Where does thine tomb rest?
Earlier that same year the Dwarf
OLD LORE Hamund son of Harung, who bore the
As pertaining to or of concern to the mighty shield Naurdagnir and wielded
history of Gundushatu. the sword Rista-ihug, met the wyrm
Scatha at the doors of Gundushatu and
“Long ago in my grandfather Thror’s time our there they had battled. In the end
family was driven out of the far North…” Hamund witnessed the mortally
wounded Scatha retreat in fear returning
Year 1980 Third Age to its vile lair. As Hamund son of Harung,
The Dwarves of the line of Durin Delve now known as Eldur Vinrok, watched, he
too deep under the Misty Mountains and soon fell to poisoned wounds inflicted by
awaken an ancient evil. After millennia the wyrm and he was buried deep within
of prosperity, the vast halls of Khazad- the heart of Gundushatu.
dûm, Wonder of the Northern World, are
abandoned the following year, its
A great unrest then arises amongst the 2590
Dwarves of the Grey Mountains, who Thror, the eldest of Dain I and heir to the
covet the treasure horde of Scatha as kingship, restores the royal house to its
their own. Fram responds to the Dwarves ancient seat in Erebor.
by sending a necklace made of Scatha’s
Teeth and the note: Branan (‘Border-town’, see Map next
“You have no such treasures in your page)
keeping.” History:
In the lands to the North, in the shadows
2026 of the Grey Mountains, near the Grey
Fram, Slayer of Scatha, is murdered by River (a wholesome river 'ere its journey
Halin son of Hamund, during the annual takes it into the depths of Mirkwood
Feast celebrating the wyrm’s demise. whereupon meeting unwholesome
Fram, clutching the necklace made of tributaries becomes known as the Forest
Scatha’s teeth, curses the Dwarves with River) is situated the village of Branan,
his dying breath. Ruin he invokes upon known as Border-town.
the Dwarves of the Grey Mountains, to
Halin and to those of Gundushatu he Established by the peoples of Dale in the
spoke: year 2945, Border-town is a beacon and
“Darkness dwells within your wicked hearts, shield for those travellers who journey
let darkness dwell within your realm, till ye around the northern breadth of
are naught by shadows within the darkness.” Mirkwood. A haven within the harsh
surrounding regions, the village is an
2027 alluring destination for merchants and
On the eve of Fram's death a year later, a caravans, who bring trades from distant
cataclysm overtakes Gundushatu that realms.
swallows the city whole and plunges it
into the depths of the earth. The Dwarves Population: 150; primarily Men of Dale,
forsake the realm where once although a host of Dwarves from Erebor
Gundushatu stood and call the area Uzn- claim residence as they construct and
duban. fortify the village.

2210 Government: Ottarr son of Tarros, known

Thorin I son of Thrain, removes the royal as the Warden of Branan, is the leader of
house of Durin’s folk from Erebor to the village. He maintains firm control
abide in the Grey Mountains. He carries over the village and not much goes
the Arkenstone with him, as part of the unnoticed beneath his scrutinizing gaze.
royal treasure. He was chosen by King Bard of Dale not
only due to his earned reputation from
2570 the Battle of the Five Armies, but as well
Late in the reign of Nain II a plague of for being a fair, yet harsh man. He
Dragons begins to afflict the Dwarven prefers Valour.
mansions in the Grey Mountains. The
Dwarves face a long and terrible war. Defences: Roughly about 20 soldiers
maintain the defences within the village.
2589 They interchange duties in a set rotation
The Dragons of the northern wastes these duties range (e.g. keeping watch
spread south to prey on the Dwarves. within the village, patrolling the
King Dain I and his son Fror are slain by surrounding the regions, and guarding
a Cold-Drake while barring the gates to travellers upon the road).
their halls.
Map of Branan

PEOPLES OF RHOVANION by Anduin Vales. At first, these

Halbarad 'Austarimenn' lived in settled dwellings
along the eastern eaves of Mirkwood, but
The Wagon Folk of Rhovanion (The they discovered, to their dismay, that the
forest was as hostile to them as it had
Austarmenni - Shadow People
been to the Northmen who lived there
previously. They moved out onto the
After the defeat of their horde at the
plains and adopted a nomadic lifestyle,
Battle of the Field of Celebrant, the
roaming the Rhovanic Plain in extended
people known as the Balchoth were never
family groups. Their homes are ox drawn
again to threaten the security of Gondor.
wagons and their Champions and
The vast majority retreated back to Rhùn
Chieftains ride into battle on chariots,
from whence they had come, but some
decorated with the scalps and heads of
few remained on the Rhovanic Plain
fallen foes. Long axes, pikes and bows
where they remained a thorn in the side
are their weapons of choice and they
of the Éothéod and other Northmen of the
wear armour of rust brown leather, platform of a chariot. He is clad in the
worked from the hides of the Red Cattle heaviest armour that his clan can
that accompany their clans. provide and visored helmets with leering
Warriors of less renown fight from the demonic face plates are preferred, being
backs of shaggy ponies that they also use obtained from traders out of
for herding their cattle. These riders 'Dorwinion').
favour long handled axes and short bows Attribute level: 6
in battle. Endurance: 24
Hate: 4
It is not known how many of these Parry: 7(6+1)
Austarmenn clans roam the arid central Armour: 5d+4
plains of Rhovanion, but Barding Chariot, Mail Hauberk, Buckler, Helm,
Scholars believe that if they were to be Long Hafted Axe, Bow, Spear.
united, they might pose a serious threat Weapon Skills: Axe 4, Spear 3, Easterling
to the Dalelands. They are related to and Bow 2
have broadly similar outlooks and Common Skills: Personality 3,Movement
appearance to the Erringmen of the 3,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom
Anduin Vales. 3,Vocation 2
Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice,
No Quarter
The Jangar
This is the word used by these wandering
folk to denote the riding men of the clan, The Blood Drinkers of Rhûn (The
the warriors, raiders, herdsmen and Hunkarim - Shadow People)
hunters. They normally fight from These Easterlings are the descendants of
horseback and rarely wear better armour those of the old Wainrider peoples who
than a leather corselet. They wield long refused to submit to the Balchoth
handled axes with wicked efficiency and conquerors and fled north, over the River
carry short recurved bows of horn. Running.
In the centuries following their defeat by
Attribute level: 4 Eärnil of Gondor, they had become a
Endurance: 14 peaceful and mostly sedentary nation,
Hate: 4 living alongside the remaining Northmen
Parry: 6(4+2) on the southern banks of the River
Armour: 2d Running and along the borders of
Leather Corselet, Long Hafted Axe, Bow, Dorwinion.
Dagger, Shield, Steppe Pony(Palfrey)
Weapon Skills: Bow 2, Long Hafted Axe When the Balchoth arrived out of the
3, Dagger 1 east, they easily defeated the armies of
Common Skills: Personality 2,Movement the Wainriders, who were betrayed and
2,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom deserted by their Northmen auxiliaries.
2,Vocation 2 Those who would not submit to the
Shadow Abilities: No Quarter Balchoth yoke, escaped across the River
Running and into the lands known as the
Assaman Nether Marches. For the best part of a
The Assaman is the chieftain and century, they feuded with their Northman
champion of the clan. His word is law neighbours. Finally, in the year TA2590,
and he can only be deposed by a warrior the Dwarves returned to Erebor from
who can defeat him in mortal combat. their failed holdings in the Grey
The Assaman of the clan is armed with Mountains. A new alliance was forged
axe, spears and a bow, fighting from the
between them and the Northmen of Dale, misconstrued the name to imply
with the purpose of driving out such something else entirely.
Easterlings as dwelt north of the River
Running and west of the Redwater. The Saglayan
descendants of the Wainriders were Saglayan is a Hunkarim title meaning
swept away in a rising tide of fire and 'provider' and it is the term of reference
steel. used for the raiders and hunters of the
Hunkarim clans. It is rare for these
They fled in panic across the Redwater, fellows to enter melee combat unless they
taking with them such possessions as outnumber their foes by a considerable
they could carry in haste and the first margin. Bows are their armament of
winter on the frozen steppes of the Kuza choice and their curved swords are,
Bozkir devastated these refugees. Fully usually, only drawn when victory is
three parts of the people were lost to cold certain.
and hunger. Yet, out of adversity, a new
nation was born. Those who survived, Attribute level: 4
learned to domesticate the shaggy ponies Endurance: 16
that were native to the steppes and Hate: 3
evolved into a culture dependent upon Parry: 4
their pony herds for future survival. Armour: N/A
The ponies provided meat and mare's
milk for sustenance, hides to be worked Steppe pony(Palfrey), Bow, Sword
into leather for clothing and bone for Weapon Skills: Bow 3, Sword 2
combs and needles. Common Skills: Personality 2,Movement
Adopting an almost entirely nomadic 2,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom
existence, the folk migrated across the 2,Vocation 1
northern steppe following their pony Shadow Abilities: Deadly Archer
herds and living out of hide tents called
yurts. The great wagons that they once Emekhtar
crossed the Rhovanic Plain in were gone, The Emekhtar is a veteran warrior, found
mere memories from a dim and distant only among the largest groups and
past. They are few in number and women charged with the responsibility to train
fulfil equal roles to men in their society. the young women of the Tigkizim (Arrow
Young, unmarried, maidens are trained Maidens). In such pitched battles as the
to defend the camps while the men are Hunkarim choose to fight, Emekhtars are
hunting or raiding. the most capable close combat fighters.
The bow and the spear are their favoured Unlike the Saglayan, the Emekhtar is an
weapons and around their campfires, a armoured and skilled melee combatant.
common argument is whether they Although not as well equipped as the
despise the Austarimenn descendants of Northmen of Dale and the Long Lake, he
the Balchoth or the Northmen who is not to be underestimated as a foe.
betrayed them more. Encounters with
either group are inevitably hostile and Attribute level: 5
typically end in bloodshed. Endurance: 16
They are known as the Hunkarim in their Hate: 4
own tongue, which translates into Parry: 6 (5+1)
Westron as Blood Drinkers. This is a Armour: 2d+1
reference to the fact that , in desperate Steppe pony(Palfrey), Bow, Buckler,
times, they sup upon the blood of their Sabre, Leather Corselet, Cap of Iron and
mounts for sustenance. Of course, the Leather
Northmen of the Redwater Valley have Weapon Skills: Bow 3, Sabre 4
Common Skills: Personality 2,Movement their homes.
3,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom
2,Vocation 2 Attribute level: 3
Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice, Endurance: 12
Deadly Archer Hate: 3
Parry: 3
Tarkhan Armour: n/a
These are the chieftains of the Hunkarim
clans. Veteran warriors and Steppe pony(Palfrey), Bow, Sword,
accomplished hunters, they do not rule Dagger
their people with absolute authority but
as a 'first among equals'. Tarkhans may Weapon Skills: Bow 2, Sword 2, Dagger 1
be, and occasionally are, replaced by the
mandate of their peers. This usually Common Skills: Personality 2,Movement
follows some catastrophic event that can 2,Perception 1,Survival 1,Custom 2,
be directly attributed to a decision made Vocation 1
by the Tarkhan.
Shadow Abilities: Deadly Archer
Attribute level: 6
Endurance: 24
Hate: 5
Parry: 7 (6+1) The Men of Dorwinion (The
Armour: 2d+1 Rouavalda - Free People)
Steppe pony(Palfrey), Leather Corselet,
Cap of Iron and Leather, Bow, Buckler, The land of Dorwinion has, long since,
Sabre ceased to exist save in the minds and
Weapon Skills: Bow 3, Sabre 4 writings of Scholars who have not
bothered to establish if the region they
Common Skills: Personality 3,Movement currently refer to by that name is, in fact,
3,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom the ancient land that is mentioned in the
2,Vocation 2 Lays of Beleriand.
Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice
The land, they currently refer to as
Dorwinion is actually known as
Tigkiz Rouavald by its indigenous inhabitants,
Unlucky raiders have discovered to their the Rouavalda. These are a curious
chagrin, that an absence of men from a people of mixed ancestry, exhibiting the
Hunkarim camp does not equate to an appearance and behaviours of both their
absence of defenders. The 'Tigkizim' are Easterling and Northman forebears.
young women, trained in the use of the The wines of Rouavald are of the highest
bow to defend their homes and quality. There are none to compare
possessions. elsewhere in north western Middle Earth
and it is for this reason that the Elves of
As soon as a girl becomes a woman, she the Woodland realm refer to it as
is expected to take a husband and have Dorwinion (a name that has become
children. Until a suitable husband is common parlance among the Northmen
found she becomes a Tigkiz. and other Westerners).

Although many of these 'Arrow Maidens' The Rouavalda are both pragmatic and
are barely more than children, they are opportunistic in their dealings with their
both fierce and fearless in defence of
neighbours. They trade happily with both Endurance: 24
Northmen and Easterlings and despite Hate/Hope: 3/3
their fluctuating allegiances, the quality Parry: 7(5+1)
of their wines and other exotic Armour: 5d6+4
merchandise ensure that their traders are
usually welcomed in the settlements of Courser, Mail Hauberk, Helm, Sword
the Free Folk. and Shield or Long Axe, Spear
(Rouavalda pragmatism and instinct for self
preservation means that when the War of the Weapon Skills: Spear 3, Sword 4, Long
Ring finally comes, they will throw in their lot Axe 4
with the Dark Lord's armies and become
counted among the Shadow Peoples.) Common Skills: Personality 3,Movement
2,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom
Druskja Warrior 2,Vocation 2
The finest warriors of the Rouavalda are
gathered by the Nobility into companies Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice,
of retainers called Wendruskja. No Quarter

Individual members of these companies Serjuk

are called Druskja and each man is The vast majority of the warriors of
trained to fight in heavy armour, both on Rouavald are members of local militias
foot and from horseback. Most of these known as Serjukan. These men are
warriors, but not all, come from families volunteers, well fed and well equipped.
with strong Northman bloodlines. They provide standing companies of
archers, axe men and pikemen for the
Wendruskja translates as 'Wine Drinkers' army and complements of sailors and
in Westron and indicates that these marines for the merchant fleet.
warriors are paid, in part, for their They are raised, for the most part, from
service in the exquisite wines of the among Rouavalda men whose families
region. Some few retain their wine are descended from Easterling
entitlement for trading when they retire bloodlines.
from military service. The majority
simply consume it. Attribute Level: 3
Endurance: 14
Attribute level: 5 Hate/Hope: 2/2
Endurance: 20 Parry: 3
Hate/Hope:2/2 Armour: 1d
Parry: 7(5+2)
Armour: 4d4+4 Leather Shirt, Spear and Shield or Bow or
Palfrey, Spear, Sword and Shield or Long Long Axe, Dagger
Axe, Mail Coat, Helm.
Weapon Skills: Spear 2, Sword 3 or Long Weapon Skills: Spear 2, Easterling Bow 2,
Axe 3 , Dagger 1 Long Axe 2, Dagger 1
Common Skills: Personality 2, Movement
2,Perception 2, Survival 2,Custom Common Skills: Personality 1,Movement
1,Vocation 2 2,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom
Shadow Abilities: No Quarter 2,Vocation 2

Druskja Noble Captain Shadow Abilities: No Quarter

Attribute level: 7
Serjuk Captain merge with the Greenway many miles
south of Bree and the Barrow-downs.
Attribute level: 5 Buckland is outside of the borders of the
Endurance: 18 Shire proper, between the Brandywine
Hate/Hope: 3/3 River and the Old Forest.
Parry: 5
Armour: 2d

Leather Corselet, Long Axe, Dagger

Weapon Skills: Long Axe 3, Dagger 2

Common Skills: Personality 2,Movement

2,Perception 2,Survival 2,Custom
3,Vocation 2

Shadow Abilities: Commanding Voice,

No Quarter

~eriador~ The Shire is home to many birds: finches,
robins, sparrows, swallows and the like.
Owls and hawks and nest in the woods
THE SHIRE by Otaku-Sempai and hills. Other wild creatures
commonly found within its borders
Just south of the Hills of Evendim is the include rabbits, deer, foxes, squirrels,
Shire, a region of Eriador that was ceded garden snakes, frogs and toads. Trout
to the small folk known as hobbits by and bass swim in the rivers and streams
King Argeleb II of Arthedain in TA 1601. of the Shire.
Covering an area of approximately
18,000 square miles, the borders of the Inhabitants
Shire stretch one hundred twenty miles Only hobbits dwell in the Shire,
from the Brandywine Bridge to the Far descending from three distinct lineages:
Downs and one hundred fifty miles from the Harfoots, Fallohides and Stoors. The
the Hills of Evendim to the Overbourne most common (and typical) of these
Marshes south of Buckland. The Shire is groups are the Harfoots who tend to be
a pastoral land of tilled fields, gentle browner of skin and shorter than the
hills, small rivers and streams, peaceful others. Fallohides are the least numerous
villages, and woodlands. There is little and tend to be taller and slimmer than
excitement here and the inhabitants other hobbits and to have fairer skin and
prefer it that way. hair. They also show a preference toward
forests and crafts. Marcho and Blanco,
The Shire is divided into four Farthings: who founded the Shire, were Fallohides
East, West, North and South. Within each out of Bree. Prominent Fallohide families
of the Farthings are various folklands include the Tooks, the Brandybucks and
and villages. The Great East Road cuts the Bolgers.
through the East and West Farthings
while a south road in Tookland stretches Stoors are often broad and heavy
from it, through the South Farthing, compared to other hobbits and some
across the Sarn Ford, to intersect and Stoor-males actually grow beards. Stoor
families often live on flat lands and sometimes seen in the Shire, usually to
riversides; and Stoors sometimes use visit with his friend, Bilbo Baggins of Bag
boats, fish and even swim. End in Hobbiton.

Hobbits are by nature hole-dwellers and Notable Characters

most live in hobbit-holes dug into hills,
downs, riverbanks, etc. Large hobbit- Bilbo Baggins
holes, such as Bag End, are called smials. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End is the former
Some very large smials such as the Great companion of Thorin Oakenshield who,
Smials of the Tooks or Brandy Hall can in the year 2941, was employed as a
house a hundred or more hobbits. Some Burglar by Thorin and Company in the
Hobbits do dwell in houses of wood, Quest of Erebor. Bilbo endured many
stone or brick, especially in places that adventures with Thorin, his dwarven
are poorly suited to hobbit-holes. The companions and the wizard Gandalf the
craft of such construction was learned Grey. Bilbo enjoys having visitors,
from the Dúnedain of old, or perhaps especially if they can bring him news of
from the Elves. Such hobbit-buildings his friends in Wilderland and Rhovanion.
tend to be low structures of one or two [LM Note: Bilbo lives by himself in Bag End
stories. until 2980 when he adopts his young cousin
Frodo Baggins (born 2968) following the
The major holidays in the Shire are the death of Frodo’s parents Drogo and Primula]
Lithe-days of Midsummer, between the
end of June and the beginning of July, The Master of Buckland
and Yuletide, the six-day period from 29 The Master of Buckland is the head of the
December to 2 January, including the two Brandybuck family and holds nominal
days of Yule. The Lithe-days are always authority over Buckland and the Marish,
observed with local festivals, feasts, and the home of the Oldbucks in the
other celebrations. Eastfarthing before the founding of
Buckland. In the year TA 2951, Gorbadoc
However, once every seven years a ‘Broadbelt’ Brandybuck is the current
celebration of special magnificence is Master of Buckland. Also called the
held on the White Downs and attended Master of the Hall, referring to Brandy
by Hobbits from all parts of the Shire. Hall.
This is the Free Fair, when Hobbits gather [LM Note: Gorbadoc Brandybuck is the
to feast, compete in crafts and games of Master of Buckland from 2910 until his death
skill, and to buy, sell and trade goods. in 2963. He is succeeded by his son Rorimac
This is also when the election is held for ‘Goldfather’ (later ‘Old Rory’) Brandybuck
from 2963 to 3008. After Rorimac’s death, his
the Mayor of Michel Delving.
son Saradoc ‘Scattergold’ Brandybuck
[Note to LM: Since the Battle of Five Armies, remains the head of the Brandybuck clan for
Free Fairs have been held in the following the remainder of the Third Age until his
years: 2943, 2950, 2957, 2964, 2971, 2978, passing in FO 12. Saradoc is the father of
and so on.] Meriadoc (Merry ‘the Magnificent’)
Most travellers passing through the Shire
are either Bree-hobbits or Dwarves The Mayor of Michel Delving
journeying between the Blue Mountains The Mayor of Michel Delving is the only
and eastern lands. Occasionally Men of elected official in the Shire. Elected for a
Bree-land might visit the Shire as term of seven years during the Free Fair,
merchants or traders. Elves sometimes he is effectively the mayor of the entire
wander through the woods of the Shire. Shire. He also holds the positions of First
The Wizard, Gandalf the Grey, is
Shirriff and Postmaster, in charge of the
Watch and the Messenger Service, Bounders
respectively. However, the primary duty Attribute Level: 4
of the Mayor seems to be to preside at Specialities: -
banquets. Distinctive Features: Hardy, Suspicious
[LM Note: Will Whitfoot is the Mayor during Relevant Skills: Athletics 2, Awareness 2,
the War of the Ring, elected in 3013 or Stealth 3, Short stave 2
earlier. Frodo Baggins becomes Mayor Endurance: 14
temporarily after the Scouring of the Shire to
allow Will to recover. He is succeeded by
Samwise Gamgee. ]
Notable Locations
The Thain
Bag End
The Thain is nominally the ruler of the
Bag End is a luxurious hobbit-hole and
Shire, a position that goes back to the fall
the home of Bilbo Baggins, located at the
of Arnor. In the case of an emergency the
end of Bagshot Row, Hobbiton.
Thain can call a Shire-moot that he then
Constructed by Bilbo’s father Bungo for
presides over. He can also call for a
his new bride Belladonna Took, Bag End
Shire-muster and acts as the captain of
is large and comfortable with several
the Hobbitry-in-arms. However, such
spare-rooms and an extensive larder.
emergencies are rare.
The Thainship was originally given to
Bucca of the Marish by the chieftains of
the Shire and the position remained with
the Oldbucks until the family resettled in
Buckland. From that time, the Thain has
been the patriarch of the Tooks of
Tookland. In recent years, the Thainship
has fallen to Fortinbrass Took (II) who
serves as the twenty ninth Thain of the
[LM Note: Fortinbrass II remains Thain until
his death in 2980. He is succeeded by his son Michel Delving
Ferumbras Took (III) until his death in 3015. Located in the Westfarthing where the
Ferumbras III is in turn succeeded by Paladin East Road meets the White Downs,
Took (II) father of Peregrin (Pippin)] Michel Delving is the chief township of
the Shire, home to the Mayor and the
The Watch Mathom-house.
The Watch is the official name of the [LM Note: The Lockholes, old storage-tunnels
Shire’s police-force, the Shirriffs. The converted into a prison during the War of the
Mayor of Michel Delving, as First Shirriff, Ring when Saruman controls the Shire, are
is in charge of the Watch. Each Farthing also located in Michel Delving]
is assigned three Shirriffs for Inside
Work: keeping the peace between The Old Forest
neighbours, catching stray animals, and Marking the eastern border of Buckland,
so on. A variable number of Shirriffs, the Old Forest is a remnant of the vast
called Bounders are assigned the duty of forest that once covered nearly all of
patrolling the borders of the Shire to keep Eriador. A river, the Withywindle, divides
out undesirable elements and dangerous the Old Forest in two, originating in the
animals. Barrow-downs to the east and emptying
into the Brandywine River at the southern
end of Buckland. A twenty-mile long respected throughout the community,
hedge called the High Hay, running from and many people confide in the couple,
the Brandywine Bridge to the which makes them a font of information
Withywindle, separates the Old Forest for those seeking gossip or intrigue.
from Buckland, for the Forest has an evil Their food is renowned and Hobbits
reputation. The trees have been known to travel for miles to sample the delicious
move and even to attack outsiders. Few fare.
know that within the Old Forest dwells
the being known to some as Tom DEEPHALLOW
Bombadil and his lady Goldberry.
The Cat and Parrots
Milo and Dora Sackville-Baggins
Their twin daughters Dora and Nora
mim Rollo Twofoot loves to spread rumours
concerning the goings on across the
BYWATER river…

The Green Dragon FROGMORTON

‘No thank’ee,’ said Ted, ‘I won’t. I heard tell
of them [dragons] when I was a youngster,
The Floating Log
but there’s no call to believe in them now.
"As evening fell they were drawing near to
There’s only one Dragon in Bywater, and
Frogmorton, a village right on the Road,
that’s Green,’ he said, getting a general
about twenty-two miles from the Bridge.
There they meant to stay the night; The
Floating Log at Frogmorton was a good inn."
Owner: Griffo and his charming wife
Daisy (nee Baggins) Boffin
Cotter and Poppy Tunnelly are the Hobbit
owners. Following their dismal
experiences during the War of the Ring —
Despite their airs as typically insular
Cotter was wounded during the Scouring
Hobbits, they enjoy good stories from
of the Shire—they have grown
outside ‘The Bounds,’ the more
increasingly insular and suspicious of
outlandish the better, though they will
strangers. They are business savvy, but
not acknowledge such unseemly interest.
will begrudgingly receive visitors to their
bosom if the strangers prove any
The Ivy Bush
assistance to Hobbits.
“No one had a more attentive audience than
old Ham Gamgee, commonly known as the
Gaffer. He held forth at The Ivy Bush, a small
inn on the Bywater road; and he spoke with GREENFIELDS
some authority, for he had tended the garden
at Bag End for forty years, and had helped Fletcher’s Roost
old Holman in the same job before that... Adalgar “Rakestraw” and Ruby Burrower
(from the interminable Halfling clan).
Owners: Hobman and Nora Milkflower—
they are pleasant and reserved Halflings They are close friends with Siric, and the
to strangers who provide courteous and Hobbits and the Ranger will certainly
prompt service. To friends, however, they help each other if either is in any trouble
are not as retiring and display amicable —Adalgar’s weapon is a blackjack.
behaviour and a marked sense of The inn is a former windmill that serves
humour. They are well-known and weary travellers, a tavern for the locals to
swap tales, a store, and a trading post.

LONGBOTTOM The Dog and Pheasant

Tall and thin Rowlie (Rowland)
The Red Fern Inn Gundigoot and his goodwife Ada
"‘No, more’s the pity,’ said Cotton. ‘There’s a (Adelard) bustle about the place. Two
good few down south in Longbottom and by daughters, a serving wench or two, and a
Sarn Ford, I hear; and some more lurking in pair of potboy apprentices assist. A
the Woody End; and they’ve sheds at young stableboy and a groom handle the
Waymeet. And then there’s the Lockholes, as draft and riding animals, and live in the
they call ‘em: the old storage-tunnels at stables. The host talks freely but says
Michel Delving that they’ve made into
little. He has a sharp eye and a good
prisons for those as stand up to them. Still I
reckon there’s not above three hundred of sense for judging character. He serves
them in the Shire all told, and maybe less. anyone who does not cause trouble. The
We can master them, if we stick together.’" cost of food and drink is higher than
usual. It is the only inn for many miles,
Owner: Findegil (Hair—Star). the place is renowned as its food is better
He inherited the inn from his father than average and the area is prosperous.
Dagorhir (Battle Lord), and is honest and
likeable but not the man his father was. The locally brewed ale and beer is
As a result, the villagers point out supplemented by wine, mead, and
Findegil’s every mistake. brandy from across the realm. The staff
Edward (Ed) Whortleberry frequents the serve meals on pottery, pewter, or copper
inn, he rarely bathes and sports a jagged services, according to the order. Various
scar across his left arm and shoulder, a leather jacks, pottery mugs, wooden
parting gift from Dagorhir. The wound tankards, pewter steins, glass flagons,
troubles him and he often massages the crystal goblets, or silver chalices serve for
area or flexes his arm in pain. Rowland potables.
(Rowlie) Goatleaf often meets with
Whortleberry. Mungo Mugwort the The upper rooms are very clean, and all
Hobbit Carpenter/Wheelwright is except the common dormitory are heated
extremely helpful and gregarious, and
loves to chat and joke. Ted (Edward)
Appledore the Mason is the village STOCK
Golden Perch
"‘All right!’ said Pippin. ‘I will follow you into
MICHEL DELVING every bog and ditch. But it is hard! I had
counted on passing the Golden Perch at Stock
before sundown. The best beer in the
The Coach and Horses
Eastfarthing, or used to be: it is a long time
Owners: Hobman and Nora Burrows the
since I tasted it.’"
Owner: Everard Brockhouse the Halfling
Their growing son Tomba (“Tom”)
suitably aids them, though he displays a
The odd fellow is a confirmed bachelor
distressingly adventurous “taint”—of
who repeatedly disappears on long
which the couple strongly disapproves.
sojourns —sometimes closing his
They resent the intrusion of the ‘Big
establishment for days on end to the
People’ but begrudgingly accept their
dismay of his clientele—and rumours
circulate that he has slipped across the
river from time-to-time for secret The Half Moon (Bucklebury)
rendezvous’ with strange folk along the Owners: Berilac and Salvia Brandybuck
edge of the Old Forest or even (gasp) has Their son Gorbulas and daughter
passed beyond the Hedge within. Dinodas assist

This inn provides a superlative

TUCKBOROUGH introduction to the scene Hobbit in a
Hurry involving Celandine Brandybuck
Barley and Malt and her overbearing father Marroc and
Owners: Ferdibrand and Rosamunda his preference of Longo Sackville-Baggins
Took for her hand in marriage.
Sons ‘Sigi’ (Sigismund) and Hildibrand
and daughter Belladonna assist. Popular
and usually packed with noisy Tooks and Briar Hill
their relations. Grindwall was a small hythe on the north
bank of the Withywindle; it was outside
the Hay, and so was well watched and
BUCKLAND protected by a grind or fence extended
into the water. Breredon (Briar Hill) was
The Bridge Inn a little village on rising ground behind
"It was after nightfall when, wet and tired, the the hythe, in the narrow tongue between
travellers came at last to the Brandywine, the end of the High Hay and the
and they found the way barred. At either end Brandywine. At the Mithe, the outflow of
of the Bridge there was a great spiked gate; the Shirebourn, was a landing-stage,
and on the further side of the river they could from which a lane ran to Deephallow
see that some new houses had been built:
and so on to the Causeway road that
two-storeyed with narrow straight-sided
windows, bare and dimly lit, all very gloomy went through Rushey and Stock.
and un-Shirelike.
‘So much for your Big Man,’ said Merry. The Hound and Duck
‘We’ll see the Chief later. In the meantime we Hamson and Garnet Goodbody
want a lodging for the night, and as you seem Their sons & daughters assist.
to have pulled down the Bridge Inn and built
this dismal place instead, you’ll have to put
us up.’ "
Owners: Seredic and pert Hilda (nee
Bracegirdle) Brandybuck Dedicemancometh

Their sons Doderic and Ilberic and Badger

daughter Celandine also work the place Barnby Overfloe
They are more inquisitive and worldly Barton in the Beans
than most Hobbits, and eagerly embrace Blacklock Hythe
newcomers who tell good stories of the Bleet
wide world, occasionally even imparting Blindby Yarns
some folksy wisdom in exchange to those Boghead
to whom they take a shine Boot
A homey, warm, and cheery hostelry, Broadwood
offering full and well-prepared meals and Bumbles-o-th’Green
beer and comfortable rooms, for Cowslip Green
reasonable prices Currie’s Whelps
Darndilly Moors WESTERN ERIADOR by Otaku-Sempai
Durdle The lands of East Lune stretch for two
Fatt's Bottom hundred forty miles from the Ice Bay of
Feelie Forochel in the north to the Tower Hills,
Fifteen Firth and includes all the land between the
Fredrick Goutfoot River Lhûn and the Hills of Evendim. In
Gamewives-by-the-Lee the northern marches, near the Ice Bay of
Goodyule Forochel, the land still stings under the
Hen Huddle icy influence of the Witch-king and his
Honeytithe Master. But the climate is milder as one
Idle travels south and permafrost quickly
Lalock-and-Shamble gives way to gentle, heather-covered hills
Kettleby and dales full of sweet grasses and
Maggyford wildflowers. Streams and rivulets from
Moon Thwart Bairnsloo the Hills of Evendim feed the Lhûn;
Mousehole particularly the Siruial (Twilight River)
Mumbles with its source just north of the beautiful
Nether Danks Lake Nenuial.
Nine Crimble
Plushly Vine-covered ruins of ancient stone
Puddle houses and mansions haunt the
Rymie otherwise beautiful landscape; ghosts of
Scaggle the Dúnedain realm of Arnor when the
Shillfallows Kill Men of the West ruled these lands. But
Slattocks none dwell here now and few visit--other
Smelly (Chirper-on-Smels) than Rangers of the North who come to
Snig's End gaze on the lands of their ancestors and
Steeple Bumpstead then move on.
Swerton Sluice
Tiltup Wildlife
Tincel-on-trow Elk, bears and wolves roam the North,
Twerton while seals and walruses swim in the
Ugley waters of the Ice Bay of Forochel. Farther
Upend south, the country was once nearly all
Wallow woodland, however the Dúnedain felled
Wiggle most of the forest for lumber and fuel.
Wile-Mile-Pence Still, groves of oak, ash and beech still
Wormie dot the land. Sheep and wild cattle graze
here among natural pastures covered in
summer with butterflies, bees and flitting
hummingbirds. Beavers and otters
inhabit the larger streams while falcons
wheel overhead. Badgers and foxes hunt
for hare and other prey. Wolf-packs
prowl the region, but not in great
Inhabitants conceivably dare the hike to Nenuial and
With the exception of the Lossoth in the might even try their luck at some fishing.
North, Men have not lived in this country But there is no record of any such visits.
since the division of Arnor when the To dare the lake would also mean
capital was moved to Fornost. Hunters challenging the ghosts and spectres that
and trappers occasionally try their luck doubtless haunt the ivy-covered ruins
while treasure-hunters might root and mausoleums that can still be found
through the ruins of ancient estates. among the hills.
Rangers visit now and then, but they
seldom linger for long. However, there In truth, the Dúnedain have striven to
are dangers that even the Dúnedain have keep the ruins of Annúminas free of such
overlooked, Barrow-wights inhabit a perils as Barrow-wights and other
handful of isolated tombs on the former servants of evil. The Rangers of the North
grounds of secluded manors that once still come to look upon the courts of their
belonged to wealthy Númenóreans lords. ancestors; although it is rumoured that
they maintain hidden refuges and caches
THE HILLS OF EVENDIM of equipment and supplies in the hills.
The Hills of Evendim, called Emyn Uial in
Sindarin, was the site of Annúminas, the Notable Characters
original capital of Arnor. The city was
constructed next to the brilliant blue Aegathir the Fell Wraith
waters of Nenuial (Lake Evendim), This former Captain of Arnor cannot
several miles south of where the recall the name he was born with; the
Baranduin (Brandywine River) begins its only one he answers to now is Aegathir
journey to the Sea. Annúminas fell into (Fell Spy). It is the name given to him by
decline sometime after T.A. 250; in the his dark master after long torment and
year 861 Arnor was divided into the torture with a Morgul-knife. Aegathir
smaller kingdoms of Arthedain, became a Fell Wraith under the control of
Cardolan and Rhudaur, and the capital the Witch-king and served him in
of what was now Arthedain was moved Angmar for many years.
to Fornost. The Hills themselves form a
ridge that stretches from the northern Now the Wraith has been given a
borders of the Shire northward for over mission: to search the ruins of
one hundred fifty miles. Annúminas for relics of the fallen North-
kingdoms that might have been left
Wildlife behind and lost in the sack of Arthedain.
Goats and sheep roam the Hills of The Enemy believes that one of the
Evendim; deer shelter in the woods and palantíri--the Seeing-stones--might still be
groves ringing Nenuial, its lake-waters somewhere in the ruin of Arnor's former
teeming with bass, pike and silvery trout. capital. If not then there may still be
Kestrels ride the winds by day while owls artefacts of value to the Dark Lord of
hunt under the stars. Songbirds can be Mordor.
heard throughout the hills, many of them See the entry for Fell Wraiths in Rivendell
descended from former pets of Dúnedain for stats.
ladies. Feral cats, also descended from
former pets, hunt on the slopes and
among the rocks for rabbits, squirrels,
mice and other small creatures.

The most adventurous of Hobbits might
The River Lhûn (or Lune, as Hobbits and
The Ruins of Annúminas most Men call it) has two sources, both in
The ancient capital of Arnor fell into ruin the Northern Blue Mountains. The
centuries ago, but there is still much Greater Lhûn has its start in the north-
haunting beauty in its tumbled white most ridge of the Blue Mountains that
stones covered with mosses and ivy. extends north-west from the ruin of
There may still be undisturbed chambers Mount Rerir to the Ice Bay of Forochel.
buried deep beneath the rubble where The Lesser Lhûn (or Little Lune) rushes
Dúnedain artefacts wait to be discovered. out of the foothills some one hundred
The city remained in decline and eighty miles from the gulf, flowing east
abandoned for many years before the for one hundred miles to join with its
court was formally moved to Fornost. sister to become the Lhûn proper.
One of the palantíri (the Seeing-stones Beyond the river's mouth is the harbour
brought to Middle-earth from fallen of the High Elves that is known as the
Númenor) was kept at Annúminas. When Grey Havens.
the forces of Angmar overcame
Arthedain, the stone was moved to The Blue Mountains mark the western
Fornost. border of Eriador, so the history of the
Lhûn is essentially the history of Eriador
When Arthedain fell at last, King Arvedui (as related in the supplement Rivendell).
took both the Annúminas-stone and the
palantír of Amon Sûl and fled with them The Vales of Lhûn consist of the regions
to Forochel where he and the stones were along the banks of the river, from its
lost. Many objects of value might have sources in the Northern Blue Mountains
been lost to theft, simple neglect or poor to its mouth emptying into the Gulf of
record-keeping. Lune. We will only be discussing the West
Vales as the East Vales are counted as
Nenuial (Lake Evendim) part of the North-kingdoms of Arnor and
Lake Evendim is one of the most beautiful Arthedain.
sites (and sights) in Middle-earth.
Sheltered by the surrounding hills, its Elements of Landscape
deep, blue waters are as a mirror, and at The Lhûn emerges from the rocky
night the moon and stars are reflected in foothills of the Blue Mountains. The
it. There are few sights more stirring to Greater Lhûn passes through the tundra
the Dúnedain of the North: of Forochel before it enters the region of
"Beyond the Lune was Elvish country, green Eriador and converges with the Lesser
and quiet, where no Men went; but Dwarves Lhûn; most of the territory through which
dwelt, and still dwell, in the east side of the the river travels consists of grassy plains
Blue Mountains..." and gentle hills.

From the icy tundra of Forochel in the Lone-lands

north, down to the gentle waters of the The Vales of Lhûn were never heavily
Gulf of Lune, the River Lhûn winds its populated. Elves dwelt there until the fall
way through over three hundred miles of of Arthedain from the forces of the Witch-
lonely grassland. The river is the king, at which time they retreated into
principle source for water for all of the Lindon. Dwarves still live and strive in
lands between Western Eriador and the the Blue Mountains, but mostly in the
Northern Blue Mountains, for little rain southern range on the other side of the
falls east of those peaks. Gulf of Lune. Today one can only expect
to find a few small Mannish hamlets
along the banks of the river and There are no easy passages through the
scattered, isolated farmsteads and mountains until one travels south of the
freeholds. There are no true inns or Bend, where the range turns straight
sizable settlements and no real roads. south. About sixty miles south of the
One can travel for days without Bend, with the head of the Greater Lhûn
encountering another human being. perhaps another thirty miles beyond that,
lies the Cirith Forod (North Pass) that
Natural Threats provides access to both Upper and Lower
Mostly, these are not particularly Forlindon.
dangerous lands. The most common
hazards are those found in nature: boggy The Lesser Lhûn emerges from within the
marshes; rockfalls in the mountains; mountains themselves, rushing through
drowning. Several varieties of dangerous a slick, narrow gully. The course of the
animals inhabit the region, but there are river turns gently to the north for several
no Orcs or true Wargs, the only Trolls to miles before resuming a more easterly
be encountered are Snow-trolls in the flow to merge with the Greater Lune to
northernmost portion of the Blue continue south towards the Gulf. The
Mountains. lands are less harsh and more pleasant,
Rumours of Giants persist but they transitioning into lush grasslands, hills
remain unsubstantiated. The Lossoth covered with heather, and riverbanks
(Snowmen) of Forochel speak of a spirit lined with groves of fruit trees and
or beast that haunts the northernmost willow.
reaches of the Blue Mountains; however,
if it exists then it has never been seen on Wildlife
the eastern side of the range. Many birds can be found in the West
Upper Vales in the summer months,
WEST UPPER VALES including finches, waterfowl, and birds
The head of the Greater Lhûn is fed by of prey. Grouse and owls are among
fast, cold mountain streams and rivulets those that are common year-round.
about seventy miles from where the Swarms of biting and stinging insects
Northern Blue Mountains terminate at infest the summer bogs. Foxes and
the Ice Bay of Forochel. The land near weasels chase northern hares, frogs and
Forochel is rocky tundra for most of the other small creatures. The Greater and
year; transforming into bogs and shallow Lesser Lhûn are both home to trout and
lakes over permafrost during the brief salmon.
summer. Where rolling hills dominate
one can find hardy grasses dotted with Herds of caribou, elk and moose roam
wildflowers, thickets of bushes and the tundra hunted by wolves, brown
shrubs. The region is nearly treeless until bears and white, arctic bears. When
one reaches the foothills of the Blue larger game is scarce the wolves survive
Mountains, where scrubby firs and pines on mice and voles or haunt the foothills
cling to cracks in the rocks. of the Blue Mountains seeking sheep and
mountain goats.
However, the landscape becomes gentler
and more pleasant as the river winds its The most fearless and fearsome
way south to where it converges with the predators in the Vales may be the packs
Lesser Lhûn. Stands of trees begin to line of White Wolves that also descend into
the banks of the Greater Lhûn and the lower Vales in unusually harsh or
wildlife becomes more plentiful; long winters. White Wolves are large,
permafrost gives way to grassy plain. powerful canines with thick, white coats
and large, well-furred feet. Treat them as
similar to the Wild Wolves of Wilderland, Cirith Forod
although they are not technically Wargs. Cirith Forod (the North Pass) is the
Some White Wolves may have interbred northernmost passage through the Blue
with Wargs resulting in hybrid pack Mountains. It is thirty miles north of the
leaders that may be treated as Wolf source of the Greater Lhûn. Sixty miles
Leaders (consider substituting the Deadly beyond that, the Blue Mountains swing
Elusiveness special ability in place of to the north-east in a one hundred fifty
Strike Fear). See Part 7 above for details. mile-long ridge known as the Spear of the
Elves dwelled west of the Lhûn until the Ice Bay of Forochel
destruction of Arthedain by the kingdom An large bay north of the Greater Lhûn
of Angmar. Today, the West Upper Vales and east of the Blue Mountains, the Ice
have no permanent inhabitants dwelling Bay of Forochel is inhabited by the
north of the Lesser Lhûn and few temporary camps of the Lossoth, folk of
transients. Hunting parties of Lossoth the Northern Wastes who dwell on the
visit the region following the movements Cape of Forochel on the north-west side
of the herds or spearing for salmon and of the Bay. The Lossoth survive off the
other freshwater fish. Trappers and land and the bounty of the Sea. They
birders from Eriador and the Lower Vales hunt seals and walruses and the herd
occasionally try their luck in the north- beasts of the Wastes. They fish using nets
country. Such folk are mostly the and go whaling with their skin boats and
descendants of the Men of the North harpoons. The Lossoth are not
mixed with the blood of the Dúnedain particularly friendly towards outsiders,
and possibly the stock of Dunlendings but they can be approached with courtesy
who migrated north in the Second Age and respect.
from their lands south of Eregion. Such
were the common folk of Eriador. WEST LOWER VALES

Dwarves no longer live in this part of the The West Lower Vales of Lhûn have a
mountains but they have left behind somewhat more uniform character than
abandoned mines throughout the region. the Upper Vales. They seldom undergo
When Angmar destroyed the North- extremes of weather or climate. The
kingdom of Arthedain in T.A. 1974, King summers are mild and the winters are
Arvedui and his soldiers were forced to cold, but the region is subject to less than
hide in these Dwarf-mines until they average precipitation because of the
could make their way to Forochel where proximity of the Northern Blue
they were taken in by the Lossoth. The Mountains immediately to the west. The
next spring Círdan of the Grey Havens Vales do see seasonal flooding in the
sent a ship to Forochel to rescue Arvedui, spring when the snows melt in the Blue
but after the king and his men were taken Mountains; however, the flooding is
aboard, the vessel became trapped in the rarely severe and the few Mannish
ice and all aboard were drowned. inhabitants of the region take them in
stride. The heaviest flood seen in
Notable Characters centuries followed the Long Winter of
T.A. 2758-59, but that was by far the
Carchelek (Ice-fang) see Part 7 above for exception to the rule. The mountain
details. streams and gullies are subject to flash
floods from either the spring thaw or the
Notable Locations run-off brought by heavy rains on the
west side of the range.
Thrushes, nightingales, larks and other
A pair of passes through the mountains songbirds nest in the rocks as well as in
lie within the West Lower Vales. About the trees that line the Lhûn. Owls hunt by
twenty-five miles south of the source of night, taking their toll on rabbits, small
the Lesser Lhûn lies Cirith Belegost rodents, lizards, snakes and amphibians.
(Mickleburg) Pass, which was formed
when the earth above the Dwarven city of Long-legged herons and storks wade in
Belegost subsided sometime after T.A 40. the Lhûn. The river and surrounding
Another twenty miles south of that is Nan wetlands support many other waterfowl
Nogrod (Hollowbold Vale) which is from ducks, loons and geese to majestic
screened at the western end by thick swans. Smaller birds catch swarming
forest. The eastern entrance to the pass insects, as do common bats that emerge
was originally the site of the East Gate of in the evenings from caves, dead trees
the Dwarf-city of Nogrod. The western and even ancient ruins.
ends of the two passes lie to the north
and south, respectively of Mount
Dolmed, a site held sacred to the Inhabitants
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains as the Elves lived in the West Vales until the
location where their founding fathers Witch-king laid waste to the North-
first awoke in Middle-earth. kingdom of Arthedain to the east. At that
time the Elves retreated to the Grey
The West Vales since the fall of Arthedain Havens and Lindon, west of the Blue
have become frontier lands where there Mountains.
is no rule of law. However, trouble-
makers should beware; when called
upon, those folk who live here enforce NORTHERN BLUE MOUNTAINS
their own brand of justice. Thieves and
other malefactors, if caught, are likely to Two of the Seven Houses of the Dwarves
receive any punishment from being sent are native to the Blue Mountains. These
off with a beating to lynching or worse. were the founders of the ancient cities of
Trials are rare and there is no nobility or Nogrod and Belegost, both of which fell
king's justice to appeal to. into ruin early in the Second Age after the
Blue Mountains were broken as a result
Wildlife of the Great Battle that brought about the
The Lower West Vales are teeming with fall of Morgoth. The Dwarves tried to
life. Besides the native creatures many rebuild their ancient homes, but the
beasts from farms that were ruined with damage was too extensive and the rock of
the fall of Arthedain returned to the wild the mountains was too unstable.
and prospered. The mountains are full of
wild goats and sheep. Pigs and donkeys A small number of Dwarves (largely from
roam the foothills where feral cats stalk Nogrod) remained in the northern Blue
birds and small creatures. Cattle and Mountains and established a new city
oxen graze on the grasslands guarding where an underground stream issued
their calves from wild dogs and wolves. from the rocks as the source of the Lesser
Wild chickens compete for food with Lhûn; this colony became known as the
native grouse and pheasant. Halls of the Dwarves (Naugroth in
Sindarin; Khazad-gundu in Khuzdul) and
Birds can be found in profusion in the is the oldest remaining dwarven city in
West Lower Vales. Eagles are common in the northern range.
the mountains, sharing the skies with
hawks, falcons and other birds of prey.
The remainder of the survivors migrated Lossoth brides. They live in isolated
east to the great city and mine of Khazad- farmsteads and freeholds or in small
dûm (Moria). Moria fell in its turn in the hamlets scattered along the River Lhûn.
Third Age when the Dwarves awakened
an ancient terror that slew two of their One such hamlet is Anthorp on the west
Kings and drove them out. Some of the bank of the Lhûn above the confluence of
Naugrim returned to the Blue Mountains the larger river and the Siruial (Twilight
to establish new homes and delve new River) that has its source in the Emyn
mines, mostly in the southern range, and Uial (Hills of Evendim) in Eriador.
they prospered in their way. Anthorp is little more than a trading post
and a handful of wooden homes and
In T.A. 2802 the Dwarves of the Blue outbuildings, but it is the nearest thing to
Mountains were joined by a number of civilization to be found between the
Durin's Folk: Thráin II of Erebor, his son Tower Hills and Forochel.
Thorin Oakenshield and their followers,
who had first been displaced by the
dragon Smaug and then been decimated Notable Characters
in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs.
Thráin established a settlement on the Dís daughter of Thráin
east side of the Northern Blue Mountains Dís is the only daughter of Thráin II. She
some seventy-five miles from the Grey is the sister of the late Thorin
Havens. Oakenshield and mother to the brothers
Fili and Kili who perished defending their
In 2841 Thráin resolved to return to uncle in the Battle of Five Armies. Lady
Erebor, taking several companions with Dís joined the rest of her folk in returning
him. The Dwarf-lord went missing several to Lonely Mountain after it was
years later, captured by Sauron and reclaimed from the dragon Smaug.
taken to Dol Guldur to be tortured. His
halls in the Blue Mountain became However, after a period of mourning for
known as the Halls of Thorin. Thorin her sons and brother Thorin, she found
Oakenshield successfully reclaimed that she could not remain there; the
Erebor in 2941, but was mortally memories associated with Erebor were
wounded in the Battle of Five Armies and far too painful for her. Dís was only ten
died before his folk could return. His years old when Smaug claimed the
cousin Dáin Ironfoot assumed the throne Mountain. Many of her friends and their
and became King under the Mountain. families were killed by the dragon and
devoured. Her younger brother was slain
The remaining Dwarves of Erebor years later by Orcs in the Battle of
departed from the Blue Mountains the Azanulbizar. Most of her happy
following spring and returned to the memories were of the Blue Mountains,
Lonely Mountain to be joined by many of where she grew to womanhood in the
Dáin's folk from the Iron Hills. The Halls Halls of Thorin, met her husband-to-be,
of Thorin serves now primarily as an wed and bore two strong sons.
embassy for the Dwarves of Erebor when
their representatives visit the Blue In T.A. 2944 Dís returned to the Blue
Mountains. Mountains and became the Lady of the
Halls of Thorin. She acts as the Mistress
The Men who live in the West Lower of the Halls, ensuring that they are well
Dales are typical Eriadorians, a mixture maintained and that chambers are kept
of Northmen, Dúnedain and ready for envoys from Erebor, the Iron
Dunlendings, some of whom have taken
Hills and the other Dwarf-kingdoms and nephews Fili and Kili in the Battle of Five
for special guests. She is educated and Armies.
wise, and can also be stubborn and
opinionated. She is also far too old to be Learning of the demise of the dragon
bothered with customs she considers to Smaug, Durin's Folk left the Blue
be outdated nonsense. While Lady Dís Mountains to return to Erebor. The Halls
carries an air of grace and dignity, she of Thorin have become the Embassy of
also defies the dwarven convention of Erebor to the Ered Luin and Mithlond,
'dressing down' in the manner of a male the day-to-day operations overseen by the
for outsiders and when in public. Lady Dís, sister to Thorin Oakenshield,
Dís is typically garbed in hooded, white returned from the Lonely Mountain.
dwarven mourning robes, elegant and
tasteful. While many conservative SOUTHERN BLUE MOUNTAINS
Dwarves are scandalized by this, she has
accumulated a following among the The east side of the Southern Ered Luin
younger set, especially with Dwarf- (Blue Mountains) marks the south-
women who are themselves widowed or western border of Eriador. The
have determined never to marry. mountains themselves stretch north to
south in a one hundred fifty mile crescent
Attribute Level: 8 from near the Gulf of Lune nearly to the
Specialities: Rhymes of Lore, Leechcraft, mouth of the Baranduin (Brandywine
Trading River). The southern slopes are thickly
Distinctive Features: Bold, Lordly, Robust forested, as are those on the western side
Relevant Skills: Courtesy 4, Insight 5, in Harlindon. A line of hills extends for
Lore 4 approximately one hundred twenty miles
eastwards from roughly the centre of the
Notable Locations range. These hills, the Emyn Romen (Hills
of the Sunrise) form a low ridge near the
Halls of Thorin Blue Mountains proper but rise gradually
The Halls of Thorin was the dwelling to culminate in a domed height called
place of Thorin Oakenshield & his kin in Mount Baldy, known as Amon Rûdh in
the Blue Mountains. Thráin II established the days of the kingdom of Arnor.
the Halls in the Northern Blue
Mountains, approximately seventy-five Several Dwarf-settlements are spread
miles from the Grey Havens, in T.A. 2802 through the range, the largest of which is
after he and his people left the land of Hargrod, south of the Emyn Romen. The
Dunland following the War of the ruins of a watchtower lie at the top of
Dwarves and Orcs. It became known as Baldy, abandoned early in the Third Age.
the Halls of Thorin after Thráin's Dwarves live in the Southern Blue
disappearance in 2845 when he was Mountains, mining for copper, tin and
captured by Sauron and taken to Dol iron. There are few roads or tracks in the
Guldur. Thorin ruled Durin's Folk in the region; the Dwarves maintain a road that
absence of his father and strove to begins at Hargrod and passes through a
improve their fortunes. cut in the Emyn Romen and continues on
In 2941 he and twelve companions, to the Tower Hills.
accompanied by the wizard Gandalf the
Grey and a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, Beyond the Baranduin is the region of
embarked in the Quest of Erebor, Minhiriath that made up the
resulting in the retaking of Erebor and southernmost portion of the kingdom of
the tragic deaths of Thorin and his Cardolan. The Far Downs to the east
mark the western border of the Shire, the
land of the Hobbits. The empty lands in Dwarf-city of Hargrod. Draupnir sees
between are dotted with the overgrown himself as a wise ruler; however, he
ruins of long-abandoned towns and remembers with bitterness the treatment
farmsteads. his folk received long ago at the hands of
the Elf-king Thingol and his people and
Wildlife he is distrustful of all High Elves. He also
Goats and sheep gambol in the worries about the security of his realm
mountains and foothills. Wild pigs root and might be susceptible to overtures
for food in the forests. Otters swim and from agents of the Enemy if he feels that
play in the delta of the Baranduin. Oxen they might strengthen his position.
graze in the dells bordered by the peaks,
the river and Hobbit-country. Black bears Notable Locations
roam the forests and hills; foxes and
wildcats hunt for rabbits, birds and other Hargrod
small animals. Larger cats lair in the In T.A. 1982, after the Dwarves were
mountains. Wolves are uncommon, as driven from Moria by Durin's Bane, a
they were nearly eradicated by the Men group of Dwarves who were descended
of Arnor and Arthedain, but their from the Blue Mountains established a
numbers have been recovering since the new settlement in the Southern Ered
fall of the North-kingdoms. Luin. Located south of the Emyn Romen,
Many raptors nest in the region, the line of hills extending eastwards from
including sea-eagles and vultures in the the southern range, they gave their new
mountains, and hawks, kestrels and owls home the Sindarin name Hargrod (South
in the hills and woods. The fens of the Delving). Finding rich veins of iron ore,
river teem with long-legged wading birds the Dwarves opened new mines; they
and other waterfowl, as well as snakes, also found other metals: copper, tin and
turtles, frogs and salamanders. even modest veins of gold. The Dwarves
of Hargrod trade their metalcrafts with
Inhabitants Elves of the Grey Havens, the Hobbits of
Men abandoned the lands near the the Shire and the few Men of Eriador who
Southern Blue Mountains in the wake of still dwell in the region, principally the
invasion, plague and floods. Eriadorian folk of Bree-land.
farmsteads can still be found along the
course of the Baranduin, but they are The Tower Hills
scattered and few. Elves wander for a bit The Emyn Beraid (Tower Hills) lie at the
through the hills and valleys before western edge of Eriador, about fifty miles
taking ship at the Grey Havens, bound from the border of the Shire. The hills
for the Undying Lands. Settlements of were named for the three White Towers
Dwarves dwell in the mountains as they built, it is said, by the High Elves for
have for ages their numbers dwindling Elendil at the time of the founding of
and swelling with the tides of history. The Arnor. A palantír is kept at Elostirion, the
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains trade tallest of the towers. This Seeing-stone
their goods for the wares of Men and looks back upon the Undying Lands and
Halflings and sometimes Elves. the High Elves sometimes visit the tower
to look upon the lands of the Uttermost
Notable Characters West.
Note to Loremasters: Within Tolkien's canon
Draupnir, Lord of Hargrod the Seeing-stone of Elostirion is placed
Draupnir son of Dolgthrasir, also called aboard the White Ship of the Last Riding of
Draupnir Forkbeard, is the Lord of the the Keepers of the Ring in TA 3012 and
returned to Eldamar.
LINDON by Otaku-sempai is notable for a single, large river named
the Linduin or Singing River, that has its
This essay discusses the lands of Lindon, source in the Blue Mountains about one
the only remaining region west of the hundred fifty miles north of the Gulf of
Blue Mountains to survive the sinking of Lune and empties into the Gulf at the
Beleriand at the end of the First Age. harbor of Forlond.
Lindon extends across nearly the entire
length of the Blue Mountains, its Several passes cut through the
northern border being at Mount Rerir mountains allowing travel between
where the range shifts direction to the Forlindon and the Vales of Lhun on
north-east, and is bisected by the Gulf of eastern side of the range. Notable sites
Lune to become Forlindon in the north on the western side of the mountains
and Harlindon in the south. include the ruin of Mount Rerir far in the
north where the Noldor once held a
Elements of Landscape fortress, and Mount Dolmed, only a few
In the First Age all of Lindon was a lush leagues south of the source of the River
river valley dominated by the River Linduin, held sacred by the Dwarves as
Gelion, which was fed by many lesser the birth-place of the Dwarves of Belegost
rivers that found their sources in the and Nogrod.
mountains of the Blue Mountains,
named the Ered Luin by the Elves. Lindon UPPER FORLINDON
is still a green, pleasant land, with thick This region is seldom visited even by the
forests growing at the feet of the Blue Elves. Grasses and plant life become
Mountains. However, the landscape was more hardy, giving way to tundra where
greatly altered by the sinking of Forlindon proper gives way to the lands
Beleriand. The old rivers and forests were of the Northern Wastes. The broken
washed away to be replaced by new remains of Mount Rerir marks the place
features. where a great spur of the Blue Mountains
stretches two hundred miles to the north-
Lindon is held dear by the High Elves as a east. About fifty miles south of Rerir, the
remnant of ancient Beleriand. Gil-galad pass of Cirith Forod (the Northern Pass)
and his people dwelt in Forlindon in the connects Upper Forlindon with the West
Second Age while Celeborn and Galadriel Upper Vales of Lhûn. Nearly fifty miles
ruled in Harlindon before founding the off the coast to the west lies the Isle of
realm of Lórien east of the Misty Himling, another remnant of lost
Mountains. Círdan and his folk still Beleriand. There are no paths here; no
dwell in the Grey Havens and live in one has lived in these lands since the
small communities in Lindon where they time of Gil-galad.
acquire the lumber for the construction
of their White Ships. There are still Wildlife
creatures in Lindon, particularly in There are no folk here, but there is life.
Forlindon, which can no longer be found Sea birds flock and nest along the coast
anywhere else in North-western Middle- where seals live and play to be preyed
earth. upon by toothed whales and hungry
sharks. Herds of caribou graze off the
FORLINDON land alongside large elk-like deer with
Forlindon, or North Lindon, is comprised great, wide antlers called belegrasaras
of all of the land west of the Northern (great-horn deer) by the Elves. These
Blue Mountains between Mount Rerir in impressive beasts stand seven feet at the
the north to the Gulf of Lune. The region shoulder and weigh upwards of fifteen
hundred pounds, with antlers that can of Strike Fear].
measure more than twelve feet across.
Notable Characters
Huge polar bears prowl the wastes north
of the Bend. Grey wolves stalk the herds. Totóru
Unique to Forlindon are huge, maneless The Lossoth are a wandering people with
lions that the Elves call talathrávi (plains few permanent settlements, following the
lions). These great cats stand four feet at great herds of caribou and elk across the
the shoulder and can measure seven feet tundra of the Northern Waste. However,
from nose to hindquarters without several clans have established small
including the tail. communities around the Ice Bay of
Forochel, sustaining themselves by
Foxes and lynx prey upon hares, mice fishing and hunting the marine
and white swans with black and golden mammals of the northern waters and by
bills. Goats are common in the carrying out trade with other clans.
mountains, as are large, brown bears
who fish for salmon in swift mountain Totóru belongs to one such fishing
streams and rivers. Reptiles are less village. Most of his folk believe that
common, but there are snakes and dreadful spirits haunt the land of Upper
lizards that can be seen sunning Folindon that will fall on trespassers to
themselves in the warmer months only to slay them or drive them mad. Totóru
curl up torpid in their lairs through the does not fear ghosts and he also has a
long, cold winter. taste for the herd beasts that frequent the
region. He and his sons may be
Inhabitants encountered in the area hunting for
Some Elves still wander here but they game. Totóru speaks some Westron and,
dwell in the lower regions, nearer to the if one can gain his trust, might make an
harbor of Forlond and the Grey Havens. excellent guide.
The Dwarves seldom come to the west
side of the Blue Mountains and never this Attribute Level: 4
far north. The Lossoth, the Snowmen of Specialities: Fishing, Hunting
Forochel, might come here at times to Distinctive Features: Adventurous, Wary
hunt; however, they do not stay. Relevant Skills: Explore 2, Travel 2, Spear
Snow-trolls lair in the mountains, but not
in great numbers. The greatest danger Aguta the Cold-drake
one is likely to encounter is from packs of (see New Adversaries in Part 7 above)
White Wolves that fearlessly hunt Men as
readily as elk. However, a much more Notable Locations
powerful threat lairs in the ruin of Mount
Rerir--a Cold-drake from an earlier age. Mount Rerir
This was once one of the highest peaks in
Note: White Wolves are large, powerful the Blue Mountains and one of the
canines with thick, white coats and large, sources for the River Gelion. The High
well-furred feet. Treat them as similar to the Elves of the West once built a fortress
Wild Wolves of Wilderland, although they are
here, but it was overrun by Orcs and later
not technically Wargs. Some White Wolves
destroyed in the aftermath of the Great
may have interbred with Wargs resulting in
hybrid pack leaders that may be treated as Battle when Morgoth was overthrown.
Wolf Leaders (consider substituting There are legends among the Lossoth,
the Deadly Elusiveness special ability in place though, of ruins in the mountains and
treasures of the West-elves might still lie and the banks of the Linduin.
hidden in buried vaults
LOWER FORLINDON The plains of Lower Forlindon are home
to many creatures. Hawks wheel across
Lower Forlindon is nearly bisected by the the sky scattering flocks of smaller birds.
River Linduin which has its source about Herds of deer, wild pigs and rabbits roam
thirty miles north of Mount Dolmed and the gentle hills and grasslands and
empties into the harbor of Forlond one shelter in groves of trees as do pheasants
hundred fifty miles away. The land and quail, wildcats, foxes and wild dogs.
stretches one hundred seventy miles east As in Upper Forlindon, the plains lions
to west from the Blue Mountains to the hunt the great, antlered deer and other
Sundering Sea. Several passes and herd beasts.
valleys were formed after the breaking of The vales of the Linduin host great
the mountains that created the Gulf of numbers of waterfowl: ducks, loons,
Lune. geese, cranes, heron and great swans.
Thrushes nest in the willows on the river's
One such valley was the Drowned Vale edge. The waters teem with snakes,
(called Nan Dolmed by the Dwarves) to lizards, turtles, amphibians and many,
the north of Mount Dolmed, where the many fish.
earth over the northernmost section of
Belegost subsided. Slightly nearer to the Of particular note are the large, beautiful
sacred mountain is Mickleburg Pass swans that ply the lower regions of the
(Cirith Belegost), and approximately river near Forlond. These birds sport
twenty miles to the south is the lovely white silver-tipped feathers and
Hollowbold Vale (Nan Nogrod), a pass are appropriately called Silver Swans
through the mountains that is screened (celeilph; singular celalph).
on the western end by thick forest.
Stands of poplar provide food and
South of Mount Dolmed thick forests of material for beavers. Muskrats seek out
beech and oak at the base of the range succulent water plants, eggs or small
furnish raw materials for the White Ships lizards while otters frolic on the banks,
of the Grey Havens. The vales of the river ducking into the water to avoid swarms
provide wetlands for birds and beasts. of mosquitoes, midges and other biting
The lush grasslands between the Linduin insects. Especially hazardous are swarms
and the Sea support herd beasts and the of Dumbledors resembling extremely
creatures that prey upon them. large mosquitoes capable of completely
Elves wander these lands but no longer draining the blood from small mammals
maintain large communities outside of (see New Hazards in Part 4 above).
the Havens. This is a land of peace and
plenty, all but free of evil. The forests at the feet of the Blue
Mountains are populated with numerous
The High Elves of Gil-galad dwelt here species of birds, including Nightingales
throughout the Second Age and it was and other songbirds. Deer take cover in
from here that they marched with him the forest eaves and feral swine root
and with Círdan to challenge the armies about for luscious tubers, fungi and other
of Sauron. Most of their towers and food. Bears are common, grazing and
houses have been torn down or have fishing in the streams and small rivers
fallen into ruin. Today, outside of the rushing out of the mountains. The peaks
Grey Havens there are just a few small, themselves are home to wild sheep and
peaceful communities dotting the coast mountain goats. Snakes and lizards
nestle among the rocks hunting rodents, Men. However, Gil-galad was slain in the
while eagles nest in the cliffs and the same battle where Sauron was
larger trees of the forests. Lynxes and overthrown. The number of Elves in
other cats hunt for prey, avoiding in their Forlindon continues to dwindle even
turn larger predators such as bears and today as High Elves take ship at the Grey
wolves. Havens for the Undying Lands.

These forests are also home to an Notable Characters

exceptionally large and intelligent breed
of magpie that sports a head, neck and Faernen
breast of midnight blue; belly and Faernen is a Maiar in the service of the
shoulder feathers of pale yellow; and Ulmo the Lord of Waters. She inhabits
wings also of glossy, midnight blue with the River Linduin and in times past kept
primaries of white inner webs. The bill Lord Ulmo informed of events in
and legs are jet black. It is said that the Forlindon. However, the lands of Lindon
Elves have taught these magpies to have been at peace for some time and
understand and even speak Sindarin and Faernen is content to teach her songs to
that these birds often relay messages the small birds that nest near the river
from one Elf to another (sometimes for a and learn new ones from the High Elves
reward, anything from a colourful who linger in Forlindon for a while
polished stone to a small gem). before taking ship for the West at the
Grey Havens.
Inhabitants Should she encounter non-elven folk,
Legend says that the Dwarf-fathers of Faernen is favourably inclined towards
Nogrod and Belegost first awoke at Hobbits, is disdainful of Dwarves and
Mount Dolmed and with their mates and shy around Dúnedain and other Men.
followers founded their respective cities
nearby on the east side of the Blue Notable Locations
Mountains. But they only left their halls
to trade with each other and do business Mount Dolmed
with the folk of Beleriand. The first Men Located on the west side of the Blue
to cross over the Blue Mountains passed Mountains one hundred fifty miles north
through these lands but did not settle in of the Gulf of Lune, Mount Dolmed is
them. The folk of Forlindon were held sacred by the Dwarves of the Blue
overwhelmingly Elves, first from the Mountains as the place where the Dwarf-
lands east of the Blue Mountains and fathers awoke who founded the cities of
later joined by High Elves from the Nogrod and Belegost. Dwarves
Undying Lands. descended from those cities often travel
to Dolmed, usually through the
In the Second Age, Gil-galad fortified the Mickleburg Pass, on a pilgrimage of
coast of Forlindon with watchtowers and solemn contemplation. Some journey
citadels at strategic locations. Fishing further to the Drowned Vale to mourn
communities sprang up in the Bay of ancestors who lost their lives in the
Forlindon (south of Mount Rerir) and flooding of Belegost.
elsewhere along the coast. In the year
1700 (S.A.) Gil-galad, joined by a fleet GULF OF LUNE
from Númenor, drove Sauron out of
Eriador. The population of Forlindon The Gulf of Lune (Lhûn) is a large body of
dropped sharply at the end of the Second water that separates the northern Blue
Age when Gil-galad and Círdan led their Mountains from the southern portion of
forces in the Last Alliance of Elves and
the range. The gulf was formed at the end greatly prized by the Elves.
of the First Age, when Morgoth was
overthrown and the lands of Beleriand Notable Characters
were broken. The Gulf of Lune is two
hundred miles long from the Sundering Círdan, Lord of the Grey Havens
Sea to the estuary of the River Lune and Círdan the Shipwright has been Lord of
about ninety miles across at its broadest the Grey Havens since the founding of
point where the River Linduin empties Mithlond at the beginning of the Second
into the harbor of Forlond on the Age. Círdan is a good friend of the
northern shore. In Harlindon to the south Rangers of the North and throughout the
is the sheltered cove of Harlond which is Third Age provided aid to the Dúnedain
well-suited for the construction of ships. of the North-kingdom. He is also a
The Grey Havens are located at the member of the White Council.
eastern end, at both sides of the gulf. Círdan is the oldest living Elf in Middle-
earth. He is exceedingly tall, has a long
The High Elves of the Grey Havens are beard and has an aged appearance.
ruled by Círdan the Shipwright, who late Círdan should be approached with
in the Third Age is the oldest living Elf in courtesy and respect.
Middle-earth. It was Círdan who, when
the Wizards arrived in Middle-earth, Attribute Level: 10
gave the Elven Ring Narya over to Specialities: Elven-lore, Sea-lore, Ship-
Mithrandir (named 'Gandalf' by the Men craft
of the North). From the Grey Havens, the Distinctive Features: Lordly, Tall, Just
White Ships take the High Elves back to Relevant Skills: Craft 6, Lore 6, Insight 4
the Undying Lands in the West, never to
return to Middle-earth. Galdor, Messenger of Círdan
Galdor is the trusted messenger and
Wildlife envoy of Lord Círdan. A High Elf, he is
Gulls and other seabirds ply the skies of often away from the Havens on his lord's
the gulf while other waterfowl nest business and is frequently seen at
among the reeds and grasses of the Rivendell. Galdor's manner can be a bit
wetlands. Sea-turtles lay their eggs on formal at times; however, he is very good
beaches of stone or sand. Otters den in at reading people and their moods and
the nearby riverbanks. A wide variety of he can adjust his approach as needed.
frogs, toads and reptiles frequent the
region. The waters of the Gulf of Lune are Hadorion
rich with shellfish, crustaceans and other The Elf-lord Hadorion commands the
sea life. Porpoises cavort in the waves, citadel of Barad Mithlond that guards the
sea-otters dive for clams and fish. Sharks Gulf of Lune against attack from the sea.
and rays glide through the water scenting Born in the Second Age, he marched with
for prey. Gil-galad and Círdan in the Last Alliance
of Elves and Men. He is also a skilled
Inhabitants mariner. Hadorion's demeanour is lordly
Círdan's people are largely Sindar Elves and proud; he is hard to impress. His
who began the Great Journey but never brother Thandorion is the harbor master
sailed to the Undying Lands. The High of Harlond in Harlindon.
Elves of the Havens are master ship-
makers and mariners, as is their lord.
They are also skilled fishermen and are
warriors when called to fight. A common
activity is diving for pearls, which are
Notable Locations High Elves still live and wander here, but
in much smaller numbers than in ages
The Grey Havens (Mithlond) past. The most sizable community of
Established by Círdan the Shipwright in Elves here (outside the Grey Havens) is
S.A. 1 at the head of the Gulf of Lune, the the harbor and town of Harlond. Men of
Grey Havens is the chief harbour of the Eriador avoid entering Harlindon except
High Elves. From here the White Ships for Rangers of the North as special guests
carry the Elves over the Sundering Sea to of Lord Círdan. Neither do Dwarves
return to the Undying Lands. Also a seat delving in the mountains come here.
of knowledge and lore, the Havens is the They are uncomfortable under the wide-
only large settlement of Elves in Arda open skies and some do not get on well
west of Imladris. with the Elves. The land is a bit too wild
for the preference of Hobbits.
Barad Mithlond
A lighthouse and fortress constructed by Wildlife
Gil-galad at the northern point of the Gulf Life is plentiful in Harlindon. Sheep and
of Lune to guard the Grey Havens against wild cattle graze while large hares go
a sea-attack. A smaller fortress, Amon about their own business. Owls and
Harlond, is located on the east end of the hawks hunt rabbits, voles and other
harbor of Harlond. small animals. Small birds feed off of
swarming insects in the wetlands of the
HARLINDON gulf and marshes. Wildcats and foxes are
Most of Harlindon is a vast, grassy plain common on the prairie; spotted lions
bordered by the Blue Mountains on the have been seen but are rare. Other large
east, the Gulf of Lune to the north and the predators--black bears, and big cats
sea. The feet of the southern Blue mostly--restrict themselves to the
Mountains are heavily forested. mountains and forests hunting deer, wild
Harlindon might have once shared a pigs mountain sheep and goats. The
south-easterly border with the North- rivers and streams are full of fish. The
kingdom of Arthedain. The harbor of mountains are also home to eagles.
Harlond lies on the south shore of the
Gulf of Lune. Inhabitants
In the Second Age, Celeborn and Lady
Harlindon is not as large as Forlindon Galadriel dwelt in Harlindon for many
but is still sizable, measuring about two years before relocating to Eregion and
hundred miles from the Gulf of Lune to finally settling in Lorien. Círdan's people,
the north to its southern coast near the a mixture of Sindar, Green-elves, Noldor
estuary of the Brandywine River and one and other Elf-folk, have lived here since
hundred fifty miles from the Southern the beginning of the Second Age;
Blue Mountains on its eastern border to however, their numbers now are far
the Sea. There are no navigable fewer than they were. They use the forests
waterways; the forests and plains are to supply wood for the shipyard of
watered by fast-moving streams and Harlond and they take what they need
rivulets from the mountains and rains from the land, but only what they need--
from the Sea. The grasslands are covered no more.
in hardy grasses and wildflowers. Oaks,
beech and birches dominate the forests The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains have
abutting the Blue Mountains with a number of settlements and mines in the
coniferous trees taking over at higher mountains bordering Harlindon, many
altitudes. of them established after Durin's Bane
drove the Dwarves out of Khazad-dûm.
However, these are generally on the
eastern side of the range. ~Rohan & Dunland~
Notable Characters SARUMAN AS A GOOD GUY by
The Elf-lord Thandorion is the harbour In 3019 TA Saruman is clearly the great
master of Harlond and commander of traitor, without doubt. But what about in
the fortress of Amon Harlond. He was 2946?
born in Lindon in the days of Gil-galad
and is one of Lord Círdan's most trusted
captains. When Círdan went to war as Saruman the White in 2946 is generally
part of the Last Alliance of Elves and seen as one of the main leaders of
Men, it was Thandorion who was trusted general goodness in Middle earth. In
with the steward ship of Harlindon and 2941 he was among the leaders who
the Grey Havens until the Elf-lord's drove the shadow of the Necromancer
return. Thandorion is also an from Mirkwood. His advice is sought and
accomplished shipwright and engineer. given far and wide.
He is friendly towards the Dúnedain of
the North but his attitude towards lesser
Men is less favourable, as are his feelings Since 2851 he has been monitoring Dol
towards Dwarves. Thandorion looks Guldur and the Anduin Valley in search
upon Hobbits with amused tolerance. of the ring. Probably both personally and
through others. One of his main faults is
Notable Locations his distrust in others and because of this
he must have made rather a lot of
Harlond traveling himself, especially around the
The haven and harbor of Harlond was critical area of the gladden fields. He has
established for the construction of the without doubt many contacts along the
White Ships that sail into the West with Anduin and most of them are probably
Elves voyaging to the Undying Lands, decent folks, oblivious of the gradual
never to return. A small fortress, Amon corruption of Saruman’s character.
Harlond, was built in the Second Age at
the eastern end of the harbor to aid in the
defence of the Grey Havens in the event of Our sources of his motives in 2946 are
an attack by sea. rather sparse and problematic as they
are written "in universe" after the fact of
his treason in 3019. Remember that
Gandalf seemed truly surprised by
Saruman's treason and that the "Tale of
Years" was put together by Meriadoc
Brandybuck, a friend of Rohan. A rather
large dose of hindsight bias is to be

I would like to think that Saruman in

2946 hadn't really fallen yet. His motives
are still mainly good but his character
gets more and more twisted and
corrupted by his pride, distrust, jealousy,
lust for control and disappointment in
his allies. I think Saruman has great some childlike rural midgets. Radagast
potential as a problematic ally and sits in a cottage and talks to birds.
patron. He soaks information like a
sponge and hordes it. He might employ Saruman is chosen to be the leader of the
adventurers also, but will never tell them new White Council, since he has studied
the full extent of their mission. They are all the arts and ways of Sauron and his
tools, not friends, who work best at a servants most deeply, but is also opposed
need-to-know basis. by Galadriel who would have preferred
Gandalf as leader. His jealousy of
Example: If Saruman suspects that a Gandalf (who despite his lower rank got
ringwraith might have taken control over Narya from Cirdan) is renewed. Saruman
Gundabad after the death of Bolg he begins his study of the Rings of Power
might not exactly say that to the poor and their uses and history.
adventurers who volunteer to go and
have a look. 2759
Saruman takes up his abode in Isengard
Individual adventurers might be sent on as a warden of Gondor. His main
secret missions (surveillance, objectives are to safeguard the fortress as
information gathering, transport) for a neutral power, get hold of the palantir
Saruman during their travels with the and make peace between the Rohirrim
rest of the group. He probably has a large and the Dunlendings. He sees the war
network of contacts which often continue between Wulf and Helm Hammerhand as
over generations. a senseless waste caused by barbarism
Example: The dwarven adventurer Drorin on both sides.
trusts and willingly helps Saruman with
a “small task” because of the great help 2793-2799
given to his beloved uncle by the white Saruman lends great help to the dwarves
wizard during the War of Dwarves and during their war against the orcs and
Orcs. What he doesn’t know is that the strengthens his contacts with the
morality of said wizard might have Dunlending clans that support the
deteriorated since. dwarves. He succeeds in convincing the
Below is a more sympathetic Saruman Dunlending not to attack Rohan with
timeline with some personal inventions weapons received by the dwarves.
and extrapolations:
2463 Saruman aids Rohan in the struggle to
Saruman returns, after more than a eradicate the orcs in the White
thousand years, from the east where he Mountains during the reigns of Folca and
might have seen the corruption of the two Walda. The peace with the Dunlendings
blue wizards. The situation in North-East holds largely because of Saruman’s
Middle Earth, whose guidance he left in advice and persuasion. Among the most
the hands of Gandalf and Radagast, is horrendous effects of the orcish brutality
rather grim. The mannish kingdom(s) of and plunder are a number of half orc
Arnor are no more and Gondor is but a children born of rape victims. A few of
shadow of its former self. The ancient them survive childhood but are hated
realm of Khazad-Dûm empty and the and shunned by their societies. Saruman
dwarves of the west are shattered. takes them in; in part because of genuine
Gandalf mostly hangs around with elves pity but mostly as interesting objects of
that are stuck in the past and seems to study in his struggle to understand the
have acquired a strange fondness of ways and powers of the enemy.
2851 (maybe from Orcs). He is alarmed, but
The White Council meets in Imladris. says nothing to the Council.
Gandalf urges the Council for an attack
on Dol Guldur. Saruman overrules him 2941
and lies to the council: The White Council meets; Saruman
”For I believe not,’ said he, ‘that the One will agrees to an attack on Dol Guldur, since
ever be found again in Middle-earth. Into he now wishes to prevent Sauron from
Anduin it fell, and long ago, I deem, it was searching the River. This becomes
rolled to the Sea. There it shall lie until the Saruman’s first campaign as an
end, when all this world is broken and the independent military commander but the
deeps are removed.” effort is seriously hampered by the
unwillingness of Fengel to let him pass
He makes this lie as he has come to through Rohan.
deeply distrust the motives of the two ring
bearers Galadriel and Gandalf. He 2944 - 2946
projects his own desires for power unto Saruman at first felt more relaxed after
them. He can’t trust anyone but himself Sauron’s flight from Dol Guldur which
with the secrets he has unfolded about made his search for the ring easier and
the powers and location of the master less dangerous. He has also increased his
ring. Saruman then keeps a watchful eye number of contacts in the north by help
upon Anduin and he begins to search of Radagast. But Saruman has seen
near the Gladden Fields in hopes that it many worrying things in the palantir of
will reveal itself with its master so near. Isengard. Things move both in the south,
north and the east. When viewing the
2864-2903 happenings in Wilderland he gets more
Saruman’s advice is not heeded by king and more aware of the doings of Gandalf
Folcwine of Rohan. He breaks the peace whose hand seems to be involved in all
and re-conquers the West-march between important events in the region. Is
the rivers Adorn and Isen from the Gandalf trying to build his own realm?
According to both reports and the
2903-2953 palantir Gandalf has periodically clearly
King Fengel of Rohan is unwilling to hear been searching for something [LM:
good advice, regardless of source. His Gollum] and even acquired the help of
long rule is filled with gluttony, avarice wood-elves in said search. Does he also
and internal conflict. Saruman is met search for the ring? Was there a hidden
with scorn rather than friendship when reason to the Elvenking’s refusal to join
he visits Edoras. His growing household the white council in 2463, at the same
and military forces are now mainly time Gandalf “modestly” declined
staffed by Dunlendings and/or people Galadriel’s nomination of him as its
from Rohan who are discontented with leader? On his worst days his paranoia
the rule of Fengel. He decides that the knows no boundaries.
time of only giving advice is over and
starts to act more like an independent

Saruman discovers that Sauron’s
servants are also searching the Anduin
near the Gladden Fields, and that Sauron
therefore has learned of Isildur’s end
THE HOLLOW HOLD by Kelly themselves, and for commerce. Some of
Pedersen the Dwarves working on deepening the
Hollow-Hold secretly entertain ideas
about digging northwards, in the hope of
In Dunland, hidden among the entering Moria from within, conveniently
inhospitable foothills of the Misty forgetting the horrors that drove the
Mountains, lies a small, secret holding Dwarves out of there.
known to none in Middle-Earth but the
Dwarves that call it home. In their secret When searching for the Hollow-Hold,
tongue they call it Tumun-Gathol, but adventurers have to succeed at three
those few Dunlendings and Horse-Folk successive Explore rolls to find its hidden
that have gone deep enough in dealings entrance. Dwarven adventurers need
with these Dwarves know it as the only succeed at two.
Hollow-Hold. Hewn out of solid rock and
artfully hidden by Dwarven artifice, the Thríma, Warden of Tumun-Gathol
Hollow-Hold is humble, laughable even, Thríma, wife of Thrán and daughter of
compared to mighty halls such as Erebor Fraín, is the Warden of the Hollow-Hold
and Khazad-Dûm. and the closest thing the disparate
Dwarves of Dunland have to a leader. A
The Hollow-Hold is no grand monument hard and grim Dwarf-Woman, russet of
to riches and history, but a refuge from beard, she unexpectedly came to seize the
the plight that many Dwarves found leadership after her father Fraín, the
themselves in after Smaug the Terrible preceding Warden, and her husband
drove them from their halls beneath the Thrán, his successor, were both killed in
Lonely Mountain. Thror led them to a Goblin ambush.
Dunland, where they dug the
foundations of Tumun-Gathol hidden Thríma has had to overcome much
away from hostile eyes. War led them adversity, as the Dwarves felt uneasy
from there, and Thrain led them back. being ruled over by a woman, and put
much effort into displacing her. Thríma
It was not long, however, before many persisted and came out on top, becoming
Dwarves, led by Thorin, travelled further an unforgiving, stern Warden in the
westwards to the Blue Mountains, process. She rules the Hollow-Hold with
abandoning the Hollow-Hold and its wild an iron fist, preaching caution to her
lands ruled by evil Men. A handful of charges, for it is a dangerous world out
Dwarves, weary of travel and fearful of there, and there are no folk that can be
the future, chose to remain to carve out a trusted. She is wary of yet more attempts
modest existence in this strange land. to wrest control from her, and is said to
always sleep with an axe close at hand.
From a hidden entrance among rocky
outcroppings in a deep cleft between two Attribute level: 6
hills, the Hollow-Hold expands into Specialties: Stonecraft, Tunneling
several large chambers, which function Distinctive Features: Grim, Wary
as living areas, sleeping quarters, and Relevant Skills: Awe 3, Insight 2, Axes 3
storage rooms, sometimes all at once. Endurance: 25
Deeper beneath the Hold is a modest but
serviceable vein of iron ore discovered
when the Dwarves first dug out their
chambers. It yields enough iron for them
to construct tools and arms for
“I do! And what it tells me is to get going,
~campaign outlines~ to take a bunch of stout warriors and
craftsman, and set up my own domain.
Miscellaneous campaign ideas Or to take them down into the deepest
mines, where none before me has gone!”
By now an angry red glow had appeared
by Lofar
in the otherwise jet-black eyes of Lofar.
“Fool! I’m not telling you to follow each
23. Narvinyë 1852 3.Z
whim! Think boy, think! When you are
It was miserably cold in the dark, dank
told to obey your parents, do you listen to
cavern deep, deep down beneath the
every stray remark they utter, maybe
earth. But strangest above all was the fact
laden with sleep or trouble or anger? Of
that it was entirely still. No noise
course not. You think about it. And now
whatsoever could be heard, not even the
let me give you something to think upon
dripping of water, which surely must be
deeply. Another story, yes. One that will
there. The young prince shivered:
teach you – if you are to be taught. So
“Why did you take me here, makar Lofar?
There can’t be anything interesting down
What you will now here is a tale of
here. Any riches.”
shame. The greatest shame of all
Dwarves, even greater than the slaying of
Deep silence. Then the Makar’s voice
King Thingol or the closing of the doors
encompassed the whole cavern, slow,
of Khazad-dûm in our Noldorin allies’
sonorous, rumbling, like the tectonic
hour of need. A shame – and a guilt –
plates moving even deeper down: “No,
that goes deeper, that penetrates our very
here is nothing. Nothing but your own
being. It is something we never tell
wisdom.” A curt smile. “And mine, of
outsiders. One of the great secrets of our
course…” race. Have you ever heard about the
Nain, twenty year old son and heir of
Durin VI, King of Khazad-dûm and all the
“Yes, vaguely. Some mythical Dwarves of
Longbeards, high overlord of all
corrupted heart and bent stature. Either
Dwarves, sixth incarnation of Durin the
they died out in the Elder Days, or they
Deathless, let his rump fall
never lived at all. An old tale to scare
unceremoniously upon a pile of loose
“So do you think. Now pay attention:
“Why do I still have to go through these
‘It was in the days of Durin the Deathless,
lessons? I’m sorry old chap, but your only shortly after the awakening of the
stories don’t even interest me. You never Dwarves. The Ancient had already met
tell me anything about gold, or wars, or the other fathers, and had started to
the glories of my forefathers.” “You have gather his own following. He had even
others who do that most eagerly.” found himself a wife, young and fair
Már, one of the seven daughters of
His old teacher sat carefully down beside reclusive King Sindri. Now, Már bore
him, but only after having taken up one Durin a son, strong and fair and like an
of the stones and examining it closely. image of his father, and the Deathless’
“That is one of the reasons I took you
heart was at ease.
here. Learn to listen to your heart, young
But when his son Ónar the Bright-eyed chosen ones shall profit from my
had reached 20 years of age – just as you knowledge. Than will be the promise that
have now – he grew restless. Not content will create you a community of the eager
with the number of people his folk and valiant, for you to rule as you wish.”
counted, he went to his father and At this, Ónar was glad, and he took
complained: “Great King and father! Why Fangli to a newly discovered cavern
have you been idle these last years, when under a twisted hill, and there they made
you should have been gathering souls to their abode, and Ónar learned willingly
follow your lead? Our folk is too few in until it was time to meet the Kindreds.
numbers to achieve the greatest works,
hoard the largest wealth.” “Learn to wait, Now, as it was customary in these
son and heir”, the King answered, “for ancient times all seven tribes of the
ever the growth of our people has been Dwarves had assembled in the halls of
slow. You and I, we will live long, long Mount Gundazbad, trading, mingling
enough to see our dreams come true, if and marrying freely. When Ónar arrived,
we are patient. But your restlessness his father was glad, but his new friend
casts a shadow on my mind. Talk never troubled him – he did not trust that
again about these things, I tell you, or Fangli, who went about with a smile a bit
evil will befall you!” too warm, a voice a bit too kindling.

Ónar went away, filled with anger both at So when Fangli offered his knowledge to
the shackles of his ambition and at his Durin and the other Dwarf-kings, “for
humiliation, for they had conversed surely you will not reject your son’s
openly before the other Dwarves present, dearest friend when he is offering
and those had laughed at his wisdom beyond all measure”, the
impetuosity. So he left the halls of his Deathless replied: “None of us knows
father at Gundazbad and started everything, except Mahal, and that is
wandering under the stars. After six long good. For the soul of a true Dwarf
days where he went heedless of perils delights in toils well completed, and it is
and direction, he met upon a stranger. It his striving for knowledge that gives him
was another Dwarf, as it seemed, with life and purpose. I rather trust the little
hair and beard like fire, glowing in the wisdom and skill I have won with my
dark. Ónar stopped in astonishment. own hands and mind, than empty
“Who are you?” promises offered by a stranger, who
doesn’t even seem to belong to any of the
The stranger answered in a pleasant and Great Houses!”
musky voice: “Call me Fangli, the Fire-
hearted. I’ve come to help you, for I know And the other Dwarf-lords nodded in
of your plight and your desires. And what reply, for none of them recognised Fangli
you are longing for is only your due, after as their kin. But Ónar’s anger at this was
all, isn’t it? I can help you to achieve it.” fiery-red and he shouted: “If you do not
Immediately, Ónar was enthralled. “You accept my friend as kin, and reject his
speak rightly. Why shouldn’t I do what I knowledge freely given, I shall be no son
believe is best, as prince of the highest of yours anymore. I will found my own
house of all Dwarves? Show me the way!” tribe, and Fangli will be its first member.”
Then the two of them left the royal halls;
Fangli smiled, and Ónar’s heart grew but they did not leave Gundabad entirely.
warm: “Just take me to the next gathering
of the Kindreds. Until then, I will teach For they went about in disguise,
you many things that are hidden, the lore whispering in the ears of many a Dwarf,
of fire and rock, and you and your and thus gathered a following from all
the tribes. When King Durin found this deed, which left our fate changed. But the
out, he told his wife Már: “Talk you to murderers did not escape unpunished,
your son, since he has stopped his ears for Durin the Deathless and his guard
against the advice of his lord and father.” came after them out of the gate and
And Már found her son, in the midst of brought them to a halt.
his new supporters, with the ever-smiling
Fangli at his side. “Ónar-khâz, why do Then the King spoke. “I will not kill you,
you bring misery upon my life in this worm, for you have not deserved to gain
way? I suffer under the split between you access to the Halls of Mahal, whom you
and your father. Amend what has been have denied, nor shall you, Ónar, be
broken, and I am sure Durin the just will reunited with your mother, whom I must
give you a recompense beyond count.” lack. And any other Dwarf who will kill
one of you shall be thrice damned!
When he heard this, Ónar began to
waver, since any Dwarf listens most Instead, I curse thee, and all who have
closely to the advice of his mother. But furthered your course: Yes, you shall be
Fangli whispered in his ear: “See now, King, and you shall have your own
even your own mother has been bent and people. But Dwarves shall ye be no more!
broken by your father, she who has been You will diminish in stature, and lose all
proud and independent. Let not the same the skills you have, so that you will not
happen to you!” be able to live again in a great mansion
under the mountain, but will wander the
And Ónar hardened himself and wilds and lurk in caves!
whispered: “As I have denied my father, And you especially, Ónar the Faithless,
so shall I deny you – I have been shall get what you deserve. Since you
orphaned in a day, and am now Ónar claimed to surpass even me, deathless
the Fatherless, and a King in my own like me you shall become. But whereas I
right.” “This is blasphemy”, his mother shall live long and die content and be
gasped, “you know that. Only the Oldest reborn in a strong son, your existence
are fatherless, made by Mahal himself. shall drag on until the end of time, until
Surely, you cannot claim the same?” the years feel like mountains on your
shoulders. Then you shall see the power
“I do not need Mahal to make me, since I of Mahal the Maker!”
will be greater than even him soon
enough.” Ónar now exclaimed proudly. All the Dwarves of Ónar’s following were
“And now: get out of my way.” With that, afraid now. For the first time, they
he pushed his mother aside with such realised the doom they had laden on
force and malice that, she fell, hitting her themselves, and they cursed their
head against a rock, and died. adversaries, but above all themselves
Many of the Dwarves who had witnessed and the whisperings of Fangli. To this
the incident were aghast, and turned one Durin turned at last: “But you,
against Ónar, naming him ‘mother- Fangli, I cannot outcast of Dwarven-kind,
slayer” and ‘faithless’. since you never belonged to it in the first
place! Show your real face now, demon.”
But some stood beside him, and, incited And he struck him with his mighty axe,
by Fangli, they soon started to attack causing him a great wound.
their opponents. They slew many, and
made their way to the gates of the But Fangli did not die. Rather the wound
mountain. Thus befell the first killing of burst into flames, which consumed his
Dwarves by Dwarves, a most terrible Dwarven appearance, and out of the
burning corpse burst a shape much
greater and terrible beyond reckoning. It Lofar looked deeply into the young lad’s
was wreathed in flames, and had eyes, and what he saw made him
shadowy wings, and laughter mad with uncomfortable: a faint glow, but not
triumph: friendly; more like a ravishing fire buried
deeply somewhere, with a shadow cast
“You old fool! You have fallen into the over it. He cast aside these thoughts,
traps of Melkor the Great, Lord of Arda, laughing about himself. “Been caught by
to whom I will return now. But do not my own story, it seems,” he thought, and
think that I will forget your rejection, nor turned to the Prince:
the wound you have dealt me. I will
return to you, and when your line falls ‘You have probably heard the story of
prey to the greed and fraction I have Mîm, who claimed to be the last of the
sown, I will repay you a thousand times. Petty-dwarves after he was separated
Then call me as I have already proven from his son Ibun when being captured
myself to be: Durin’s Bane!” by Orcs. But, as so often, that old
miserable creature was wrong. Ibun
Then the demon spread his wings and managed to escape, and followed the
flew away, northwards. And Ónar and tracks of his father to the halls of
his people fled in terror before the evil Nulukhizdîn, or Nargothrond as the Elves
they had brought amongst their race, called it.
and went westwards into Beleriand,
where they became known as the But he found only his corpse, since Húrin
Noegyth Nibin, the Petty-Dwarves, Turin’s father had slain him, avenging
because Durin’s Curse indeed took effect, the treachery Mîm had perpetrated on
and soon they had all lost their ability to Turin. Therefore, Ibun gathered as much
work metal or stone, and their of the treasure as he could carry, and
craftsmanship declined, and they were travelled to the halls of his mother.
hunted like animals by the Elves until the Together with her folk, she lived in the
coming of the Dwarves. But after this south of Beleriand, far away from the old
event, Durin took another wife from his habitation of her folk in the higher lands
own tribe, and to prevent a further split between Sirion and Narog.
of the Kindreds, the Bonds of Blood were
sworn in Mount Gundazbad – the sacred After they had been hunted by the Elves
oath that holds all our people together in that region most Noegyth Nibin found
even today.’ it wise to abandon their halls at
Nulukhizdîn and Sharbhund, and went
The silence in the cave was now nearly south. Only Mîm and his sons, and some
palpable: thick as a fungus that slowly other few Petty-dwarves stayed, and they
but steadily presses on your body until it died out soon, except one. Ibun found his
becomes unbearable. Prince Nain tried to mothers kin, and – being in the
smile. possession of truly royal riches, he
“I know why you told me this, Makar. persuaded more than half of them to go
Don’t take me for a fool. It is a parable, a back east into the lands from whence
tale cautioning me against rash they originally came.
behaviour. I think you have achieved
your trick – for now. But tell me, what do And they followed Ibun and came to
you make of the Petty-dwarves fate after dwell in the deep woods of Eryn Vorn.
they came to Beleriand? I think I heard They only entered into the histories of the
that they died out.” West once again when they hired
mercenaries to abduct Dwarven women
for them. For their number was “That is for you to decide.” Lofar grinned
dwindling by then, and they wanted to maliciously.
reinvigorate their blood. But the ruffians
instead took some female Halflings “Maybe it is just a parable, showing us
captive, thinking them to be an easier that all Dwarves who show such petty
prey. However, Marcho, one of the behaviour as cruelty, pride, and
Hobbit leaders, was able to rescue these overreaching will be punished one way
women. Some claim that this has been or another. Or maybe it teaches us that
the source of the strange allusions to wishes might become true in fashions
jungle and moor in the poetry of the unlooked for. But every myth has a grain
Hobbits. of truth hidden in it.”

The rest of the surviving Petty-dwarves

remained in the South of Beleriand until VARIOUS CAMPAIGN IDEAS FROM
the land sank. Then they went back into RPGnet et al
Eriador, but took refuge in the halls
where their master had first received
instruction, a place that is now called 1. Go west
Cameth Brin. Whether any of these are King Elessar is in the process of re-
still alive I do not know. establishing his kingdom of Arnor has
granted "companies" to collect scalp of
But it has been said that Durin’s Curse Orcs in dangerous areas of his kingdom.
did take full effect, and left the Petty- Some of the reward could be coin, title or
dwarves susceptible to the state of even worse Lands in which to watch over
Undead, whether naturally or through (fancy watching over part of the troll
the vile sorceries of Necromancy. I have infested Greenway?).
heard as well that his son never died. Not
having the eternal youth of the Elves
either, he withered constantly, until he 2. Reclaim Moria
was nothing more than a shadow and a Now that Durin's Bane is gone and the
corpse. Probably he was taken to Cameth orcs greatly diminished, perhaps it is
Brin, but it is doubtful if he is still there. time for Durin's Folk to recover their
ancestral home. Can a young dwarf heir
But no matter where Ónar is, it has been with a small group of brave companions
prophesied that one day he will repent, venture into the underground Kingdom
and lead what has been left of his of Khazad-Dum, thus proving he's the
kindred back. And the Dwarves will have prophesised Durin that will lead the
learned as well, learned to forgive and dwarves to victory?
forget. And when that time has come,
Ónar will regain his strength, take up his 3. Clean up after Pelennor Fields
heritage as Durin’s son, and rule as Tasked with clearing out remaining
Durin VII and Last.’ troops of the Dark Lord, one wonders
how desperate they are to get to safe
Lofar said no more. Nain had become havens in Mordor.

“I will think about your little story,

Makar. That, I promise you. But tell me:
is it really true?”
4. Track down the Spider Ring and 10. While everything is transpiring
go head to head with a sorcerous spider down around Mordor, there was also the
cult and the Maia that leads it –see “The War in the North. Men of Dale along with
Spider Ring” below for more detail. Dain and the Dwarves of the Lonely
Mountain and the Elves of Mirkwood
were fighting an invasion from both the
5. The Witch King is upon you. Your Misty Mountains and from the
homes are burning, your people Easterlings. It involves men, elves and
slaughtered. Can you survive the fall of dwarves and a large scale war. The
Fornost, last of the cities of Arnor, and players are usually a sort of commando
perhaps save enough of your kin that group that have important jobs to do
Dúnedain will survive? (Third Age, 1974) between the various armies. They must
overcome their racial differences and
forge a trust among themselves and
6. You have travelled far, out of the convince their leaders to do the same. If
wild wood and across the goblin-haunted they fail to join the armies together, the
mountains, leading your people in alliance will fall apart and the North will
search of a new land. Find a safe place to be lost.
call home and raise a family, here in the
west. (Founding of the Shire, Third Age, 11. The Red Harpers have been
circa 1600) sighted for decades hither and yon. Some
say they (he?) came from the East, others
7. My wife's standard plot: the say from Of Old. Their strange music and
MacGuffin delivery. In this case, an unfamiliar tales are both exotic and
engagement ring/promise between an elf- compelling, describing a world both like
maid of Mirkwood and her Rivendell and yet unlike the Arda we know. Many
suitor. Deliver the ring to Mirkwood and Songs of the Red Harp have become
bring the prospective bride back. popular and spread widely, though with
little understanding.
8. Settle Mordor. A homestead in Of late though, things once thought of as
Mordor! With Sauron dead and "all" the mere fantasy have begun to be seen.
orcs gone, Mordor is prime real estate! Strange peoples speaking unknown
Especially towards the south near the sea tongues are encountered on the far
of Nurnen. Go forth and claim your roads, and birds never before seen now
patch of land! Watch out for claim migrate across the Wild. Unknown
jumpers, other wild west tropes, the orcs locales resembling cities from the tales
they missed, horrible evil waiting to be have been glimpsed from afar as one
uncovered, etc. would a mirage, only to flicker away
upon approach.
9. The Took family has long had The Wise fear that the Red Harpers are
trading interests outside the Shire. Now somehow seeking to supplant the Song of
it's your turn to do your part for the Creation with one of their own making,
family by travelling to the coast with a but have no idea how this can even be
caravan of pipeweed and fine cloth to possible, let alone how to halt its
trade for elvish goods from the Havens, progress. Some suggest that the sad old
dwarven metalwork from Blue elf that the Hobbits of the Westmarch
Mountains and whatever else you can sometimes meet as they watch the Elf-
get. It may not be respectable, but it's ships sail into the horizon may know the
important. Plus, you might even get to answer. He avoids his own kind, but the
meet some elves! Shire-folk know him as “Master
12. The Voyage of the Áralelyar, a tale of evil gathers to march on the Grey
of the Fourth Age. Havens to prevent the escapes of the elves
In the twelfth year of the Fourth Age King from Middle-Earth and only the player
Elessar laid a charge upon Séremanvo, a characters can unite the ragtag
sailor and lord of Linhir in Gondor, to settlements still existing in Lindon to
explore the strange coasts of Harad and oppose them.
the Furthest South, and offer emissaries
to the lords of those distant lands on
behalf of the King. This is the tale of the 16. I guess it isn't strictly within the
Áralelyar's fabled journeys... time of Lord of the Rings, but I’ve always
wanted to do a campaign that starts off
as 100% political intrigue amongst the
13. Rescue the Blue Wizards. Noldor in the Undying Lands and then
Tolkien originally said that only Gandalf, culminates with the destruction of the
of all the five, succeeded on his mission; Two Trees. The players would have to
but, later writings and interpretations by choose whether or not to follow Fëanor
both JRR and his son have suggested that against Morgoth, and see how far they
Radagast's love of animals wasn't a slip during the Kinslaying and the War of
failure, given the one who chose him, the Jewels that follows. You could even
and that perhaps the Blue could also wait till after that, and allow men and
have succeeded. But no one knows who dwarves as well, fighting Morgoth while
they were, or where they ended up. Not trying to help out the hidden kingdom of
until someone reads some of the scraps Lindon, and not offend one of the Noldor
of history and seeks to find them. (who are touchy as hell). The
Crossing the Misty Mountains, they find Silmarillion has a TON of open space in
a whole new world, made of strange which to engage player characters.
wonders - and the bound Wizards, in
need of rescuing. Who has bound them,
why are they trapped, and what secrets 17. A dragon has made his way down
does the faraway land hold? from the north to hunt and steal from the
good folk living at the edge of the
mountains. He's by no measure as great
14. "At Most Seven" and dreadful a beast as Smaug, being
Only three Balrogs were truly described - small and lithe, and when he moves he
Gothmog, their Captain; Lungothrin, self- travels on his belly, winding through
proclaimed Lord of the Balrogs and chief copses of old trees and pointed boulders.
guard of Angband; and Durin's Bane, His scales clatter like mail, his claws
who resided in the depths of Moria. But clink and scrape on the stones as he
writings indicate that, whether the only goes, and he hisses like a tea kettle at the
of their number or the only ones to slightest sound. Were that enough
escape, there were as many as seven warning, a befouling stench precedes
Balrogs that could be in the world. him everywhere he goes. So far three
Various texts may lead to the lair of one farmsteads have been burnt and ruined
of the others; does the party dare fight by the beast, and his appetite has only
such an insurmountable evil, or do they been whetted by these foul deeds. There
seek only to mark the area off so as to will be no peace until the beast is hunted
warn other travellers? down and driven off or slain.

18. Exploration of The Running River

15. Set in Forlindon and Harlindon for a potential reopening of trade with
around the time of the Ring War. A host Dorwinion.
19. Diplomatic overtures to the connection, then the outcome of the
remnants of the Wainriders in the east second campaign might determine
(you could have great fun here with the whether the return of the Shadow takes
PC's trying to work out who's pulling the the Free Peoples of the North by surprise
strings of the chieftains). or not.

20. Commissioned by King Bard and

Dain or Radagast to re-open the Old
Forest Road and establish way-stations
and semi-permanent, defensible
campsites for caravans and wayfarers.

21. Under the direction of Radagast

and Gandalf the PCs establish a
communication network between the
Free Peoples of the North that involves
regular couriers, watches, and
ambassadors in the various courts and

22. According to the Tale of Years in

2949 Gandalf and Balin visit Bilbo in the
Shire. It might be interesting to tie a
campaign into this event. The adventures
of the player-heroes bring to light
information that troubles both Gandalf
and Balin, and brings about their
journey to the Shire.

This event could be the culmination of

one campaign, and jump start a second
that ends in time for the release of the
Darkening of Mirkwood. In a sense
create a two-stage build up to the return
of the Shadow to Dol Guldur.

The first campaign can deal with the

theme of a growing disquiet and subtle
dread insinuating itself into the
otherwise hopeful times.

The follow-up campaign could see the

player-heroes responding through a
series of seemingly unconnected
adventures to what is in fact the
Shadow's preparation for its return to Dol
Guldur. If they help put together the
during one of their feasts. Also they
~Sample Wilderland discover that the orc leader plans to
Campaigns~ backstab "Bloodheart" to prove their
allegience with the shadow of Mordor.
Bringing the sword back to the dwarves
RECLAIM ORCRIST by Davio eases the tension between dwarves and
(based on the idea from the Norse mythic elves, discovering that the shadow was
history of "how Thor lost his hammer") behind it. Elves and Dwarves work
together trying to recover and find the
The Tomb of Thorin Oakenshield has last artefact, the Arkenstone.
been opened and someone has taken At least having a name to go by, some of
both the Arkenstone and Orcrist, both the wood folk clans and Radagast knows
important artefacts. The heroes chosen, that a symbol have been showing up by
by renown or promised by fortune and the trees in Mirkwood. Blood shaped by a
glory, try to figure out who has stolen it heart, investigation will bring the heroes
from inside the Lonely Mountain. to an ancient graveyard and a tomb
After investigation, they find a secret where they have to battle, or sneak by,
tunnel under the mountain that leads Bloodheart’s minions.
them to another secret passage (much Deepest inside the tomb they will find the
like the one Bilbo used to enter Smaug’s old vampire Blood Heart who is obsessed
lair). They solve how to enter the passage by the light of Arkenstone (like Gollum to
by its riddle, discover clues that indicates the ring) and almost enchanted by it.
that elves have been behind this. After they battle the vampire, he flees and
The Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain lets go the Arkenstone before retreating
then threaten to go to war with the Elves into the darkness. They discover by the
of Mirkwood if they do not return the dairy of the vampire his goal was first
artefacts. The Elves deny they have the just to steal Orcrist to win the orcs of
artefacts and feel both threatened and Misty Mountains to his side so he could
insulted that they would dishonour the build up his own army and take over
great Thorin. The Elves also blame the Mirkwood, but discovering the
dwarves are setting them up in this Arkenstone enchanted him and he only
accusation to gain more power in the cared to look into its light and feast on it.
After investigation, and perhaps with Bringing the Arkenstone back will cause
help from the Beornings or the Eagles, great joy both from the dwarves and
the heroes discover that the thief has elves. But Blood Heart is still out there,
moved to the Misty Mountains but all the and his increasing lust for getting the
Beornings & Eagles can tell the heroes is Arkenstone and vengeance to those who
that it wasn’t a goblin and moved "very separated him from it, the adventures are
wicked and fast". surely not to be over yet.

When heading to the misty mountains to -A plot idea might be that Blood Heart
try and find tracks they overhear a had sucked some of the Arkenstone’s
couple of orcs talking about how light from its source and the heroes need
"The sword who slayed the goblin king to relight it using magic somewhere in
has been reclaimed in the service of the the forest. That means needing to protect
blood heart". the stone during its transportation from
With too much goblins and orcs inside Blood Heart and his minions.
they have to sneak in or disguise
themselves as orcs, get near Orcrist
sword from the new orc leader and take it
THE SPIDER KINGS by Venger On one of their rescue missions, they
discover the tooth or claw of a werewolf
A Woodman Town called Buella less than that still carries an evil presence. If they
a week’s walks to the west exists in the take it for research, it carries the power of
shadow of "The Spider Kings" in the Corruption and draws evil to them along
western eaves of the Mountains of their journey. If they wish to get rid of it,
Mirkwood, who are three enigmatic they must burn it. But if they leave it
incredibly old and creepy Spiders and behind, they will have a harder time
their Orc retainers. convincing the Elves to help.
Radagast revealed their existence to the
woodmen. They do not lust for war or If Thranduil does help, he sends "wolf-
conquest but vie in mad alien bizarre hunting" warriors to go with them. The
contests that no man's mind can Loremaster should develop these
understand with the winner's prize of characters to be unique. These could be
mating with their Queen Neethra, player-heroes with more experience as
purported to be one of the line of well. Otherwise, the only help he gives is
Ungoliant so she may spawn brood-lings information about the lair of the
of their own kind. Werewolf of Mirkwood in the mountains.

Options for the player-heroes: This is part of the Darkening of

Mirkwood Campaign (as described in the
- Defeat the Spider Kings or specifically LB) and begins in 2952.
kill Neethra before they spawn an
indomitable force to contend with during
- Dwarves- Escort Gimli and company poosticks7 et al
across the Misty Mountains to attend the
Council of Elrond. The Last Good Years

- Rally isolated Woodmen villages and Year 2947

tribes, settling differences and prepare
them for what’s coming. • Take a reply to Ceawin the Generous in
the East Bight in regards to hearing his
plea to join his folk with the Woodsmen.
MIRKWOOD by jamesrbrown • Accompany a party of Dwarves
heading along the elven-path, and
Camps near Woodmen Town are being witness the horror of the werewolf of
attacked by unusual wolves. Dogs and Mirkwood.
children are dragged into the forest.
Heroes launch rescue missions and Year 2948
realize they need help when they
encounter a werewolf (a Hound of • Meet and escort the merchant Princess
Sauron). While the Woodmen build Una from Dorwinion to Dale. See off
defences, the heroes must journey to the bandits and discover that one of her
Elven King's Halls to find help...will they entourage wishes her ill.
return in time?
• Witness King Bard’s wooing of Lady
Una and stop a plot to disrupt the
budding relationship.
Year 2953

Year 2949 • An important Thain of the Beorning

community has fallen deathly ill – the
• Take part in the hunt for the ‘bloody heroes must seek out Mab the spinner for
ghost’ near Woodland Hall and discover the cure.
that one of the Woodsmen is using the
activities of the foul fiend to hide their • Two Rohirrim journey through
own dark deed. Wilderland asking for news of a man
named Lamas. During their journey they
• Travel down the Dusky River in a boat are captured by orcs, their local guide
with Woodsmen and get attacked by escapes to tell of their desperate plight.
Year 2954
• Accompany Beorn on his visit to meet
with elven dignitaries in Northern • The Elven king offers a rich reward to
Mirkwood. capture the fabled horse The Steed of the
Moon; it is believed to dwell in the Gore
Year 2950 of Anduin. The heroes must beat several
other groups that intend to claim the
• Scout the Mountains of Mirkwood to steed for themselves.
look for records or documents hidden
there by the Necromancer. • While visiting Rhosgobel the heroes
witness the arrival of a desperate man –
• Help Denlar a young Beorning with his Leoref is a merchant from Lake Town. He
crazy plan to steal the Viglunding maid tells of his flight from the Toft and the
Aestid away from the oaf Othbald (see disappearance of his family – they were
below for more details). taken by worshippers of the
Necromancer. The heroes must travel to
The Return of the Shadow the Toft and discover the fate of the
family (see The Toft above).
Year 2951
Year 2955
• Do a tour of the mountain folk and
farmers of the west middle vales on • Escort a caravan from far off Belfalas –
behalf of Beorn. Win the good will of meeting it on the road and taking it to the
Osred the Rider. Halls of the Elven King. See off bandits,
thieves and orcs.
• Investigate the mysterious lights of the
Grey Hearth and discover their cause. Year 2956

Year 2952 • Take part in the hit and run skirmishes

between the Beornings and Viglund’s
• Take part in The Battle of the Forest followers. A prisoner exchange is agreed
Gate. upon and things are strained.

• Attend the trade fair at Woodmen Town • Enter the Hidden House and explore
and stop a murder/misdeed. the lower halls and encounter a
malicious entity that drove the dwarves
of Bar-en-Thurin to madness and death.
• Rescue a damsel in distress – Mellwen
of Sunstead, who has been abducted by Pursuing a band of goblins the
the wild men of the forest. A companions find them hiding in some
complication arises when it is discovered caves. As they are dealing with the goblin
that the wild men used a dark artefact on infestation, they find a door hidden by a
Mellwen. A dark spirit enters her body – Rune of Secrecy (easier to find if they
she must be taken to one of the wise. have a dwarf in the party, but the rune
could be damaged if need be).
Year 2958 The door is much like the gate of Moria
and requires a password to open!
• Take part in the hunt for Man’s Bane Perhaps the password is the name of a
(see below for details). dwarf who did something so bad that his
name was stricken from history, making
• Discover what devilry the orcs of the finding his name all the more difficult!
Mountains of Mirkwood are up to in
regards to the Green River and put a stop Leaving the caves they then head to the
to it. Lonely Mountain (or Iron Hills perhaps)
to conduct research and find a way to
Year 2959 open the door. This could involve several
• Help with the retaking of Dwarrowhall
as a prelude to the retaking of Moria by When they eventually find a way to open
Balin. The hold must be secured with a the door, they find a vast complex of
small force and its defences reinforced, caverns that run under the Mountains of
and the Leofrings must be negotiated Mirkwood.
- I would treat the exploration of the
Year 2960 mines as a journey, with selected
highlights for them to explore.
• Help defend Mountain Hall from a
goblin incursion stirred up by the - Do they awaken something that should
Messenger from Mordor. have been left buried?

- Do they find a lost treasure horde?

- Do they find a lost clan of dwarves?

THE WOLFBITER’S AXE by indur 4th fragment has been found by Turin the
dawndeath Tinker (see Heart of the Wild) on his
Bargrim the eldest son of Baldred, Clan travels in Mirkwood. He is anxious to get
leader of the Woodland Hall, took rid of it, and will pass it on to anyone he
possession of the axe after his father’s thinks is up for the adventure.
death in the Battle of Five Armies. 5th fragment was taken by the Gibbet
Bargrim carried the Wolfbiter, when he King and brought back to Dol Guldur. He
let a party of brave Woodmen warriors to has left it at the scene of the kin slaying.
Dol Guldur, to investigate the abandoned The players may find it when they are
stronghold. The stronghold was indeed searching Dol Guldur for signs of the
abandoned by the Necromancer, but one informant [in Secrets buried].
of his evil servants, the Gibbet King, had
been hiding in the deep dungeons of Dol The Wolfbiter Axe is an heirloom of the
Guldur, and the shadow creature had Woodland Hall, and as such the players
just emerged, when Bargrim arrived at will never be able to get it as their own.
the Stairs of Woe. At first the Gibbet King But they may (if one is elected War
was surprised to see Woodmen in the Leader of the Woodmen) carry it to war
ruins, but soon realized that his own or loan it to combat the Werewolf of
presence would soon be noticed by the Mirkwood, if the Woodmen finds the
Woodmen. He could not let that happen. applicant worthy. But the Axe must be
He feared that he would be revealed to reforged by the Dwarves, and that will
the forces that had driven the require treasure. If a Woodman player is
Necromancer away from his stronghold. allowed to purchase it with Valour as a
So the Gibbet King assaulted the Reward, then they need to pick the Axe as
Woodmen with his spells and drove them a unique item for 2 picks at once.
up the stairs and into madness. The
Woodmen fell upon each other and all Description of the Wolfbiter Axe
were killed except Bargrim. The Wolfbiter Axe is a one-handed Axe,
When Bargrim realized what he had forged of steel by Dwarves of the
done, he broke his bloodied axe on the Greydelve at the commission of a
stairs of Woe. Took the pieces and fled Woodman War Leader.
into the forest. One piece he kept for Damage: 5 (+ Valour against Wolves)
himself, but the rest he threw at various Edge: 9 Injury: 18 (Wolves roll the Feat
locations, thinking (Correctly) that the Die twice and keep the lowest result)
axe was now Cursed, and was the cause Enc. 2 Called Shot: Break Shield
of the kin-slaying. (Piercing strike against Wolves)
There are 5 pieces of the axe. Intimidate foe ( Free attribute bonus
1st fragment was in the Hermit’s against Wolves).
(Bargrim) possession, until he gave it?
2nd fragment was thrown into the Black Cursed by the Gibbet King:
Tarn. It is in the treasure beside the Black The effect of a Bout of Madness while
Tarn now. [The treasure trove, that one of carrying this axe results in a Kin-slaying
the maidens reveals to the Woodmen in Years frenzy, that will not stop until everyone is
End 2954, or alternatively to the players in dead or the holder is knocked out or
Treacherous Waters –see DoM]. killed. Wolves are both afraid of the
3rd fragment is in the lair of the wielder of this axe and at the same time
Werewolf of Mirkwood. The Werewolf extremely hostile. Encounters with wolves
hates the axe, but was drawn to the will develop, as an all out attack on the
fragment and found it shortly after wielder. All the Wolves will try to kill the
Bargrim had thrown it into a crack in the wielder first before concentrating on
earth. anyone else.
A WILDERLAND CAMPAIGN BASE: relics of the old days, trophies of war
STRAYHOLD by Magus76 from centuries before. Can it be found?
Will the ruins hold more than just death
Some scenario ideas based around the and dust?
town of Strayhold (in the East Bight):
6) The ravine where Strayhold lies
Seek out the source of the orc raiding has many old buildings from when
parties coming from this part of Gondor ruled these lands. Many have
Mirkwood and find out why hunters fallen into disrepair over the years, but
disappear when venturing too deep into they bear witness to the fact that
darkness. Is it just the dangers of the Strayhold was originally a fortress built
forest or are the rumours of a sorceress from the very rock that surrounds it.
true? Many tunnels and halls have been found
and are used today, but there might be
2) Many have been attacked by orcs more, and in a place where bloody
when moving over the plains as well. conflict might be waiting around the
How do they escape the light of the sun corner, it’s good to have the upper hand.
and how do they stay hidden from view? Can they be found and what purpose
The hills are far between so they must could they serve? Has someone else
have tunnels that they use. Can the already found them and is using them in
characters find them and live to talk secret?
about it?

3) Someone is serving the Enemy MANSBANE (GRENDEL INSPIRED) by

within the town of Strayhold and has Arthadan
started to assassinate those who try to
stop it. Can the characters find out who it The Origin of the Beast
is? In the Old Days, the First Dark Lord
created all kind of creatures to trouble
4) Old conflicts and prejudice is a the Children of Ilúvatar. Thus came to be
breeding ground for hate and corruption. the race of Orcs, Trolls and many other
The Northmen, Easterlings and evils that still exist in Middle-earth.
Gondorian men have a hard time But his most powerful followers were the
accepting a shared rule even though a spirits he had corrupted and had joined
truce has reigned for many years. The his rebellion against Ilúvatar and the
influences of the Enemy have increased Powers of the West. These were the
the tensions and the characters are Úmaiar or Fallen Maiar and they varied
forced to either make a choice for which greatly in power. The most powerful were
side they are on or desperately strive to the mighty Valaraukar, destructive spirits
balance the forces out once again of fire and rage, but some of the lesser
through diplomacy. Úmaiar decided to embody themselves,
because by doing so they gained power
5) The stories of Strayhold tell of an over the matter of Arda.
old prison and military outpost used first Thus there came to be immortal Orc
by the Northmen and then by the warlords who returned to fight again
invading Easterlings. A place of dark after being defeated, great wolves full of
deeds, slave trade, torture and malice, flying vampires thirsty for blood
interrogation. No one has ever found the and many others.
remains of this place out on the plains,
but some say that it could hold surviving
This is the tale of one of these incarnated He was full grown now. Cunning as a
Úmaiar and her son. She chose to beget Warg he was, more merciless than an
warlords for the Dark Lord’s glory and to Orc, a natural born leader. No steel
be Queen of them all. Her true name is could pierce his skin and no sunlight was
lost in legend and tales but what is too bright for his eyes although he
known for certain is that she was with cherished the shadows of night as did
child when the Host of the West defeated any other evil creature.
her master Morgoth and she managed to Then the Witch-king was defeated and all
flee and hide. She paid a high price for of her clan perished, but the Misty
her survival as her skin was covered of Mountains remained a safe place for
wounds that would never completely them. With time, the Goblins increased
heal and her spirit was broken. their numbers and the Wargs roamed the
Her child was born and for years untold Anduin Vales. The son of the Mother of
they contented themselves with a Monsters went down the mountains
miserable life, always on the move. But hunting, it was then that he entered the
after centuries on the wild, she began to legends of the Northmen: they called him
regain her strength slowly, and her son Sceadugenga (‘Shadow-goer’) because he
grew stronger and also her hate for the attacked always at night, devouring
Children of Ilúvatar. travellers and lonely hunters. Legends of
In their wanderings they came to a forest his ruthless and terrible misdeeds and of
where Trolls dwelt, soon she became Angrboda (‘Mother of Monsters’) are still
ruler of them all, for her son even in his remembered among the Woodmen of
youth was stronger and bigger than any Mountain Hall and other Northmen of
Troll, and she was wiser and had powers the region.
beyond the reach of Troll-kind. Men Only the mighty shape-shifters dared to
living nearby were enslaved or oppose him. But soon enough the
exterminated, thus the region became gigantic bears were defeated one by one.
known as the Trollshaws. Those were The last battle against the bear-folk was
good times as the Goblin warlords came terrible and bloody. Sceadugenga was
to her to offer tribute of slaves and gold severely injured for the first time in his
in exchange for her powerful Troll life and on the bear-folk side only a
warriors. youngling survived. Sceadugenga was
But then men came from the damned believed to be dead, and the youngling
West, they were stronger and their steel went north to the forest and settled there
swords were sharper. The Troll clan as a loner. But Sceadugenga survived
smashed them, but they kept coming. So thanks to his mother’s powers, this
the clan retreated to the dark caves under victory gave him so much renown that all
the Misty Mountains, although some of the Trolls of the Misty Mountains
them remained in the forest. accepted him as their leader. It is told
Then came the rise of the Witch-king in even the Great Eagles were wary of his
the North and all of her clan followed the flying boulders.
call to war. All except herself and her
eldest son, for he was bound to her by an Her mother forbade him to go to open
oath he dared not to break. By this time war against Men or Elves, for she saw in
she was already known as the Mother of him the future of her legacy and her
Monsters because she had some other bloodline and he obeyed. So they refused
children over the years, Troll-blooded the call of the power of Dol Guldur,
ones. But her eldest was the most although they let some of his warriors to
powerful, the most alike to herself, and join The Necromancer’s forces. They both
the only one she called her own kind and remained a legend for the Northmen in
so she kept him by her side. their deep cave decorated with bear
skulls .Very few Men indeed had ever Mansbane will capture the Maiden with
seen any of them and survived to tell the a magic net made by Angrboda using the
tale. cobweb of the great spider Tyulquin the
Some years later a great muster was Weaver. Once Mansbane has offspring,
called by the orcs and war was declared Tyulquin will receive the Maiden to do
against Erebor to avenge the death of the her bidding. The remaining River
Goblin King and to seize a dragon’s Maidens ask for help to save Duskwater.
hoard. Sceadugenga was eager to lead
the Trolls to war but her mother claimed Adventure Three – The Shadow-goer (year
they had sworn no oath to the Goblins 2953)
and it was too risky. She was adamant, Mansbane’s attacks have become so wild
so none of their Trolls were present at the and bold that he has destroyed a small
Battle of the Five Armies. town. The threat he poses cannot be
ignored and a group of brave
This brought many ill consequences. The adventurers is sent to hunt down the
Goblins were defeated and perished in monster. At the same time, the
great numbers, so Men began to expand. Messenger of Dol Guldur has noticed
Sceadugenga was blamed for the defeat Mansbane’s power and will offer him an
and lost the respect of the Troll clans of alliance. If that ever happens the Free
the region, so he decided to break the Peoples of the Wilderland would have to
oath to his mother and began going out face a well-organized Hill Troll warband.
on his own. Recently he has left the cave Facing the monster will prove a bad idea
and settled in a mist-covered swampy and only through ancient legends the
valley near the Anduin river. From there, company will discover the antagonism
he has begun to launch bolder and that lies between him and Beorn.
bolder attacks against the Mannish But the chieftain of the Beornings thinks
settlements in the area to prove himself his enemy is dead long ago and he will
worthy to regain the leadership of the Hill be hard to persuade otherwise. If the
Troll clans of the Misty mountains. company manages to convince him that
This new peril the Woodmen are referring the monster is alive, the last of the bear-
to as Mansbane. Without his mother to folk will have his revenge!
stop him, he expects to become a
fearsome warlord on his own and a force Adventure Four – The Mother of
to be reckoned with. Monsters (from year 2955 until defeated
or Beorn is dead)
Adventure One – Mists and Blood (any Mansbane is dead and his right arm is
year between 2947 and 2950) hung in Beorn’s Great Hall for all to see,
A powerful monster is troubling the East but Beorn himself is severely wounded.
and West Anduin Vales, the company Angrboda will attack Beorn’s house to
will be asked to stop it. With the recover the severed arm and then she will
assistance of Radagast, it will be driven seek revenge, plotting to bring havoc to
away. all the Beorning lands and have Beorn’s
skull decorating her cave. She will pledge
Adventure Two – Scion of Evil (year 2952) alliance to Dol Guldur to get support for
In exchange for healing him, his mother her revenge, use her sorcery to assist the
Angrboda has persuaded Mansbane to Viglundings in their quarrel against the
have offspring worthy of his power and Beornings and instigate the Hill troll
she has found a suitable match, clans to raid the Beorning lands… and
Duskwater (one of the River Maidens), so when they are on their knees she will tear
the monsters make a deal with the apart Beorn’s head herself!
Parliament of Spiders:
TIDE OF DARKNESS: A SHADOW problem that brings the heroes in.
RISING by Venger
In late spring Galadrim scouts from
A Shadow is rising in Southern Lorien arrive in the town and meet with
Mirkwood, in early fall before the Radagast, informing him that this is no
harvest, bands of orc and troll begin random raiding and pillaging of Widu
razing villages and destroying crops and villages but a systematic genocide.
resources in a scorched earth policy. Radagast confirms this systematic
Fleeing before the onslaught, starving, genocide is led by one of the Nazgul
hopeless and facing a bitter winter, the operating from Dol Guldur and appears
people of southern Mirkwood (the to be cutting a swath of destruction
Gramuz) have but one choice. across southern Mirkwood.
The Widu have no homes, no food, no
Woodmen Towns along the interior employment and no means to support
fringes of Mirkwood in the vicinity of Dol themselves and are at the mercy of the
Guldur begin to become inundated with Woodmen.
these refugees from as far away as Buhr
Widu. The Woodmen call these refugees
the "Widu" (pronounced Vee-doo) from an The Woodmen are themselves being
expression the Widu themselves use to pressed at their borders, so are reluctant
speak of themselves, and Woodmen to give up prime hunting grounds and
being a noble and compassionate people lands. The Heroes must find solutions
allow them to winter in their towns. between the Woodmen and the Widu to
prevent infighting.
Widu speak like this...:
"Da Widu much die, an da cow and chicken
- The Heroes might like finding
orc all kill, an da crop too. Widu much
alternative settlements for the Widu or
hungry an cold. Widu needs da help... pliss
let Widu sleep safe at woodmaan place and some way of settling the growing
Widu werks for da for food. Widu no want disputes.
take woodmaan tings and Widu want frends
wit da woodmaan"
- The Heroes might arrange employment
to keep the Widu busy and some form of
In their broken common tongue the Widu
income to trade with Woodmen or to
speak of a dread and a darkness that
somehow try to get them on their feet and
precedes these attacks and warriors are
become self-sufficient.
sapped of their will to fight and flee in
fear before the onslaught.
- The Heroes can try to rally and muster
the Widu to take back their closest
The Woodmen’s own resources are
villages (only to find strong resistance),
stretched to the limits and over time
or find other lands for the Widu to settle.
culture clashes arise. It is a growing
- The Heroes must try to convince the to meet some threat. There are no wars
Woodmen to begin training and between the villages so their wartime
preparing for war (you’re next!). skills are also limited, when met with
seasoned trained forces or are faced with
sorcery of any kind will generally melt
- The Heroes can try to convince the away after a few losses.
Woodmen to adopt the Widu and their
They favour spears and bows over other
sometimes strange customs to bolster
weapon types and leather armours and
Woodmen ranks.
shields tend to be wicker type.
The Widu trade with the Woodmen for
- The Heroes might try to muster the Widu foodstuffs so they are not complete
into an auxiliary army and finance their strangers and the Widu are very handy
training and equipment for the coming with wicker work, pottery and trapping so
war. there has been some interaction between
them regarding trade of these kinds of
The Widu are actually a sub-culture of items.
Woodmen though they have long ago lost
their identification with them. They did
not advance in technology or culture and The Widu are a hardy folk, and their
remained tribal, more similar to early ancestry allowed them a high degree of
Celts or Picts with a mostly hunter- Survival instinct, they can survive for
gatherer society that is in the dawn of long periods of time off the land, a skill
their Agricultural development. which has been declining among the
They would be considered as Poor younger Widu who favour agricultural
compared to other cultures. advancements in recent years.
Their smithing skills are limited to simple So a cultural blessing and traits would be
bronze age type weapons but mostly they along those lines, Survivalists in the
use blacksmithing for daily use items. wilderland.
Any advanced armour or weapons they
own are limited and typically owned by What the Widu High Chieftain says:
individuals of significant combat skills, The Woodmen:
which they acquired from either trade "Woodmaan very strong and most time
with other cultures or picked up in the Woodmaan good to Widu. But if Woodmaan
make angry at Widu den Woodmaan come
wild and generally handed down as
Widu village and cut Widu down. Widu no go
heirlooms. So their warbands can look
Woodmaan town but by Chief say so and
like a mish-mash of cultural types. only wit trade for Woodmaan. IF woodmaan
in woods and need Widu help go help den
The Widu are a little superstitious and leave Woodmaan go wit good words"
tend to keep to themselves, hence their
lack of rapid development. Radagast the Brown has been spending
Warbands are limited in scope and time organizing the Woodmen and other
free peoples with whom they have been
generally consist of several warriors - up
associating and trading with.
to a dozen or so gathered from local
tribal villages assembled in times of need
RING by malkavian87
A Woodmen Town.
The name means "A Good Place" in
An obscure Elvish legend tells of
Woodman Speech. It is a crossroads town
Ungladaneth the Spider Woman, a Maia
where representatives and adventurers
who in the guise of a young Human
from the free peoples can gather and find
woman wandered Middle Earth during
resources and sanctuary.
the First Age. What exactly the purpose
behind her presence in Middle Earth was
In Buella Radagast has managed to help
is unknown. What is known is that her
establish special Councils that meet every
travels at one time brought her
month to discuss and disseminate
dangerously close to the Ered Gorgoroth.
information, these are called The Council
The Maia was attacked by one of the
of Elms and The Council of Oaks.
spiders that dwelt there, the creature
violated her. This horrifying experience
The Council of Elms
broke her mind, that day Ungladaneth
Three days before the full moon The
was born.
Council of Elms convenes.
This Council is made up of the
Sometime after her ordeal the deranged
communities and individuals of the races
Maia gave birth to a spider: Perungol the
represented in Buella.
Half Spider the Elves call him.
Each community meets and discusses
Ungladaneth grew attached like a mother
their own issues and settle disputes or
to the little monster. She is known to
discuss any kind of other happenings
have ventured south with Perungol in
within their own communities. The goal
order to raise the abomination in the
is to weed through all the mundane
seclusion of the wilderness. This is where
issues and bring any larger issues before
she disappears from Elvish lore and
the Council of Oaks.
history, both Ungladaneth and Perungol
were assumed not to have survived
The Council of Oaks
beyond the First Age.
Then on the night of the full moon the
Council of Oaks convenes and
But both mother and child did survive.
representatives and leaders from the
For centuries the two lived in a cavern
individual races air their concerns which
hidden beneath the deserts of Harad.
might bear consideration for the
Here they preyed on any beast or man
Township as a whole. The Council
foolish enough to go near their home, all
consists of Woodmen Leaders and one
were devoured by Perungol. Very few
leader from each of the major influential
victims were any challenge to them, as
Ungladaneth was after all a potent
Equal weight is given to all voices and
sorceress, and Perungol eventually grew
concerns are heard and considered, and
into a great spider only second to the
acted on for the good of Buella's citizens.
likes of Shelob.
In this way peace and understanding is
In time Ungladaneth grew frustrated with
maintained as well as brisk trade and
her inability to communicate with her
Buella has prospered from it.
son. He showed signs of advanced
intelligence but had no means to make
his will known. This made Ungladaneth
feel like an inadequate caretaker for
Perungol, her sole focus in life. She
wanted to know what he wanted, how time. But after less than a year the
she could serve him best. Although deranged love she felt for her first child
talking to beasts of any kind was not in came back to her. Ungladaneth went
her power, Ungladaneth knew magics to south with the Spider Ring on her finger
do so did exist. She decided to leave and left her daughter with Melannen,
Perungol for some time, only returning who eventually arrived with his child at
when she discovered the means to Rivendell, where they would make their
communicate with him. home.

For the first time in centuries she left the Ungladaneth made her way back to the
deserts of Harad for a journey across deserts of Harad. As she greeted Perungol
Middle Earth. Ungladaneth soon after her long absence, Ungladaneth
discovered much of what was happening heard him reply for the first time ever.
in the Northwest of the continent. Sauron From then on mother and child had
was declaring war on the Elves, in many conversations. She learnt that the
particular on the Noldor kingdom of spider had dreams of power, of being the
Eregion. She was intrigued by the king of a vast empire. He also wished
rumoured amazing skills of its resident that his kind would be given the proper
Elven smiths and decided to see for respect, especially their progenitor, his
herself. grandmother Ungoliant. In order to one
day reach these goals Ungladaneth and
While in Eregion Ungladaneth managed Perungol put a plan in motion to spread
to seduce a talented Noldo smith named their influence throughout Near Harad.
Melannen. In time she was able to
convince Melannen to assist her in the They started a mystery cult named The
creation of the Spider Ring, a minor Sisterhood, of which the first temple was
magical ring that would allow her to talk built on top of their desert lair.
with great spiders like her own Perungol. They recruited their members exclusively
It was a Mithril ring decorated with a from the ranks of unmarried Haradrim
spider web motif, but unfortunately its noblewomen. The members of The
creation coincided with the fall of Eregion Sisterhood learnt little or nothing about
to the forces of Sauron, Melannen and the history or true purpose of
Ungladaneth were among the last to get Ungladaneth and the Perungol, whom
out alive. they referred to as High Priestess and The
King, the sisters were attracted by the
As they made their way with the other promise of tutelage in the black arts, a
refugees to the future Rivendell their service Ungladaneth provided in return
group was attacked by Trolls. The couple for gold, regular human sacrifices to
made use of the confusion to slip away Perungol and the worship of both him
into the wilderness with the Spider Ring. and Ungoliant.
They planned to make their home in the
wild for the duration of the war waiting The members of The Sisterhood could be
for more peaceful times. This plan was easily recognized by their clothing, which
complicated by the fact that it soon consisted of a black garment that
became obvious that Ungladaneth was shrouded them entirely, including the
with child. entire face except for their eyes. The face
veils were decorated with a spider web
A few months later she birthed a red- motif in silver thread.
headed Elvish girl, Thiadvain they named
her. Ungladaneth appeared to be a
loving mother to the infant for some
During the Third Age women in such wagon. Following trade caravans north,
attire became an increasingly common they eventually reached the city of
sight in many cities throughout Harad, as Esgaroth where they decided to settle, as
did the lone towers that served as Ungladaneth has a plan to win the
temples to these cultists. Unknown to confidence and unite the many spiders of
anyone but the Sisters themselves and Mirkwood. And finally use their support
the many who disappeared from the in another bid for power.
streets in the cities where they were
active, in a dungeon under each such There is however one thing Ungladaneth
temple there lived a great arachnid. still hasn't realized, even after thousands
These had been lured from their homes of years. The Spider Ring doesn't really
in the wild by Ungladaneth with the work! Perhaps the Spider Ring wasn't yet
promise of worship and sacrifice as part entirely completed when Sauron drove
of cult rituals. Ungladaneth had even them from Eregion or maybe forging such
attempted to invite the greatest of them a ring simply went beyond Melannen's
all; Shelob, to make her home under skills. The fact is that although Perungol
their temple in Umbar, She declined the is an intelligent creature he has no
offer however. greater ambitions than feeding himself
(he now resides in the dungeon below the
Near the later years of the Third Age temple tower built by the sisters on the
Ungladaneth's and Perungol's cult had long lake's shores). The voices she hears
spread its influence among much of the when conversing with Perungol or any
noble families of the Haradrim, Corsairs other spider are all in her head.
of Umbar and Black Númenóreans. The
rise to power of the Maia and her The Ring does however have a slight
arachnid child seemed inevitable, but hypnotic effect on spiders. They will
things turned out differently however. never attack the wearer unless provoked
By the time the influence of The and can be much more easily swayed.
Sisterhood was at its all-time high, This explains how Ungladaneth was able
Sauron had already regained much of his to successfully transport several great
former power in Harad. It was only a spiders to her temples.
matter of time until he gave his servants
the order to take out the competition. Starting the Players

This finally happened in the year 2945 Start an adventure using this source
TA, and it was swift and brutal. In but a material with Melannen's daughter
few weeks’ time the Sisterhood temple in Thiadvain hiring the adventurers. She
every Harad city was plundered and has been kept completely in the dark
destroyed. The great spiders living in the about the past by her father. But recently
dungeons beneath were slain, the cultists he left Middle Earth and she was able to
themselves dying often gruesome deaths. discover a few things in her father's
Very few escaped, but those that did papers. She now knows about the Spider
succeeded in giving a timely warning to Ring and how much he regretted forging
Ungladaneth, at the original temple it, fearing what would happen if it fell in
hidden in the desert. the wrong hands. So Thiadvain makes it
her goal to use her few remaining years
The thoroughness of Sauron's minions in Middle Earth to retrieve this artefact.
made it clear that it would not stay
hidden for long. The dozen surviving Thiadvain believes her father lost the ring
cultists helped their high priestess take during the Troll raid on the Eregion Elves
Perungol north hidden in a covered fleeing to Rivendell. So the trail will at
first lead to some Troll hoards on the
slopes of the Misty Mountains. The ~sample eriador
adventurers could get some Ranger or
Elvish help for this if they need it, and
they probably will. Cause they will have
to deal with more than just a couple of THE LOST REALM OF CARDOLAN by
Trolls. Throrsgold
[I based the initial idea on an article called
Rumours that an Elf of Rivendell is on the Cardolan: A Middle Earth Campaign Setting
trail of some sort of lost magic ring has for 4E D&D. The campaign begins on 9 June
reached the ears of Mordor. To say that III 1650]
Sauron is intrigued by this news would After two centuries of slow but inexorable
be an understatement. A group of decline the few remaining Dúnedain of
Mordor Orcs that was originally on its Cardolan, even the doughty defenders of
way to deal with Ungladaneth and the the sacred Barrows are emigrating to
surviving members of The Sisterhood in Arthedain and Gondor in roughly
Esgaroth is thus instead sent to shadow equivalent numbers. The Gondorian
the adventurers and keep them from garrison remains in Tharbad but the
obtaining anything that Mordor would rotation of troops and commanders are
want. gradually ceasing so that they are
becoming a hereditary warrior class in
The adventurers should during or after a the decaying city. The people of Cardolan
confrontation with these Orcs be allowed continue to do reasonably well, but new
to learn of both their current and original settlements are made across the Gwathir
mission. This should lead them to in Enedhwaith, rather than east or north
Esgaroth and to the new temple of because of the increasing severity of the
Ungladaneth and Perungol, not entirely winters. Many of the common folk drift
sure how to continue from there. south, most often to swell the population
of Dunland.
By the way, it appears that there is a
consensus among Tolkien scholars that BACKGROUND
the ability to converse and understand After her husband Peledur is killed on 26
spiders was given to both Bilbo and March III 1650, a Cardolan widow
Gollum through their use of The One named Mîrithil decides to move to her
Ring. brother Faradil’s estate in Arthedain with
her children: Celedur (age 9), Lothwen
(age 7) and Hallas (age 4).
The player-heroes are hired by a family
friend named Amlaith to escort her
family from Tharbad, the former capital
of Cardolan, to Fornost, the capital of
Arthedain. The company is accompanied
by Amlaith, 1 House Guard Sergeant, 6
House Guards, 4 servants, and 6
teamsters in 2 carriages and 4 wagons.
They have to travel 325 miles by foot over
Moderate terrain, through wild lands in
the Summer. The journey takes 24 days.
Each companion must make 5 Fatigue
tests at TN 16.
PLAYER CHARACTER PREGENS realm of Cardolan and help escort a
The campaign has the following player- noblewoman and her family back north
heroes( if pregens are needed) to the Kingdom of Arthedain. Eradan is
excited about this assignment for two
Elwen reasons: the first is that it is his first
A 2003-year old female Elf of Mirkwood assignment as a full-fledged Ranger and
(Lindon) Scholar [Background: Noble he is anxious to prove himself; the
Blood]. Elwen is jealous of those who second is that the noblewoman he is to
venture out of Lindon in ‘Wandering escort is Lady Mîrithil, a woman who was
Companies’ and have ‘grand as a sister to him growing up! He is
adventures’. The daughter of Gaerdae, escorting her back to her brother,
Cirdan the Shipwright’s Captain in Faradil, who was as a father to him. The
Harlindon, she has taken it upon herself journey is really a homecoming for
to go forth and have her own grand Eradan!
adventure. She finds herself far from
home in the city of Tharbad. She is then Ivy Banks
hired by Lady Mîrithil, a very beautiful A 34-year old female Hobbit of the Shire
24-year old Dúnedain woman from a Treasure Hunter(Background:
proud noble Arthedain family. She has Bucklander
accepted a position to care for the Lady’s Ivy is a Stoor, the broadest and heaviest
children: 9-year old Celedur, 7-year old of the Hobbits and the only ones that
Lothwen and 4-year old Hallas. She is to wear footwear. She is a professional
be paid 1 gp/day and all expenses en guide of the Swanfleet Marshes, the
route, and 100 gp upon safe arrival at Mannish name for the marshy lands
the family’s estate in the Kingdom of above Tharbad, famed for their swans, at
Arthedain to the north. the outflow of the River Glanduin.
As competition in the area has increased
Eradan she has taken advantage of a job posting
18-year old male Dúnedain of the North in Tharbad and is hired by a man named
Warden [Background: The Seeker]. He is Amlaith to escort a noblewoman and her
the sole-surviving descendant of family north to the Kingdom of Arthedain
Celebindel Melosse, the last Lord of the for the pay of 2 gp/day & expenses en
Angle. His family, having fled to route, and 150 gp upon safe arrival.
Cardolan from their ancestral home for Other opportunities for profit may arise
safety nearly three hundred years ago, along the way.
has longed to return to the Angle and
reclaim their lands. Sadly, their struggles Korin
to accomplish these goals never achieved A 56-year old male Dwarf of the Lonely
much success. The Great Plague that Mountain (Longbeard Clan from Khazad-
devastated Cardolan’s population took dûm) Treasure Hunter [Background: A
from Eradan every blood-relation at the Penetrating Gaze].
young age of 4. At that time, he was sent Korin longs to be an Artificer (a crafter
to live with family friends in Amon Raith that cannot cast spells but can craft runes
in the Kingdom of Arthedain. When he that imbues items with magic abilities).
reached the age of 15, he was Not possessing the finances to gain the
apprenticed to the Wardens of attention of a Master Artificer (he
Annúminas, Arthedain’s Ranger Corps. requires 300 gp for the initial interview!),
After several years Eradan is a full- Korin is compelled to seek his fortune out
fledged Ranger and has been given his in the world. He ultimately came to
first solo assignment … he is to travel Tharbad, the capital of the lost realm of
south to the city of Tharbad in the lost Cardolan, and was hired by a man
named Amlaith to escort a noblewoman of the foes and placed them at the feet of
and her family north to the Kingdom of Kona’s body in the cairn which Mirni
Arthedain for the pay of 2 gp per day, himself constructed. Mirni attempted to
expenses en route, and 150 gp upon safe continue mining but found that his desire
arrival. Other opportunities for profit to mine died with his father. Securing the
may arise along the way. home which the father and son had built,
Mirni then travelled south along the
Mirni banks of the River Bruinen to the city of
A 42-year old male Dwarf of the Lonely Tharbad. Taking advantage of a job
Mountain (Longbeard Clan from Khazad- posting in Tharbad, he is hired by a man
dûm) Slayer [Background: Bitter Exile] named Amlaith to escort a noblewoman
Several years ago, a mid-sized number of and her family north to the Kingdom of
Dwarves from Khazad-dûm made a Arthedain. The tale of the noblewoman’s
mining colony in the eastern hills of Dor- plight to return to her family’s lands,
en-Egladil (S. “Land of the Elf-point”) or combined with her children’s loss of their
just “Egladil” (S. “Forsaken Point”), father touched a chord in Mirni’s mind
known as The Angle, an area of southern and he resolved to see the family safely to
Rhudaur. They mined for iron, gold and Arthedain. Accepting the pay of 2 gp/day
platinum and forged a small amount of & expenses en route, and 150 gp upon
weaponry for the men who inhabited the safe arrival is of a secondary concern.
Their colony named Smallforge is located Main NPCs
near Reedhaven, the largest Hobbit Amlaith: (Age: 42; Height: 6’4”; Weight:
settlement in the area, and they enjoy a 210 lbs)
mutually beneficial relationship with the A Dúnedain, Amlaith is a friendly,
Hobbits. The Dwarves provide the upbeat, devil-may-care soldier with the
Hobbits with farm tools, arrowheads and morals of a pirate, the appetites of a
protection, while the Hobbits give the hedonist, and a total lack of personal
Dwarves provender and other supplies responsibility. Now that Peledur is dead,
they cannot create. In order to secure a Amlaith has vowed to see his friend’s
better life Master Smith Kona brought his family to safety in Arthedain; it is he who
son Mirni to the colony. Fortune smiled hires the player-heroes.
upon their endeavours for many months Mîrithil: (Age: 24; Height: 5’6”; Weight:
and the pair prospered, but good fortune 150 lbs)
ultimately turned to ill. A very beautiful woman who is devoted
Before dawn one morning Kona ventured to her family, Mîrithil is a proud
out alone to bring water to their isolated Dúnedain lady from an old noble
camp and was ambushed by Orcs. Mirni, Arthedain family. After marrying Peledur
hearing his father’s calls for help, rushed (at the age of 13) and giving birth to their
to his father’s aid and slew many Orcs, three children, she functioned as a single
driving off the remainder. Mirni picked parent when Peledur went off to war.
up his father and carried him for several After Peledur’s death Mîrithil decided to
miles to Smallforge and healing. Despite move to her brother’s (Faradil) estate in
his son’s heroic effort, Kona succumbed Arthedain with her three children and
to his many wounds. Filled with wrath, household servants.
Mirni gathered other miners to pursue Celedur: (Age: 9; Height: 4’1”; Weight:
the Orcs who fled. Following them back 61.6 lbs)
to their lair, the Dwarves fell upon them Celedur is a shrewd boy with an
with righteous purpose and slew them in understanding of the world, people,
their entirety. philosophy, and politics that go well
The Dwarves then gathered the weapons beyond his years.
Lothwen: (Age 7; Height: 3’7”; Weight: like Amlaith.
50.6 lbs) - Rowan Roper: (Age: 48; Height: 3’1”;
Lothwen is an innocent, naive girl who Weight: 32 lbs) A Stoor Hobbit; the cook.
seems to almost always to be able to find - Dírhael: (Age: 69; Height: 6’; Weight:
something to be “glad” about no matter 190 lbs) A Dúnedain; the House Steward.
what circumstances arise. She lives in a - Kelda Booth: (Age: 18; Height: 5’2”;
fantasy world, fully expecting a fairy-tale Weight: 130 lbs) A Common (Wo)Man; a
life to be her due. maid.
Hallas (Age 4; Height: 3’1”; Weight: 37.4 - Holly Rumble: (Age: 25; Height: 3’;
lbs) Weight: 31 lbs) A Stoor Hobbit; a maid.
Hallas is an inquisitive boy who is prone - Al, Bob, Bert, Mat, Rowlie, and Woody:
to wandering off to visit any place that (Various ages, heights and weights) All
has animals. Although he is quite shy common men; the teamsters.
around unfamiliar people, he has no
hesitations around any animal. He is The player-heroes may be persuaded (i.e.,
never found without his fox ragdoll "Foxy" forced) to travel to Minas Malloth. If so
Peledur they will be met by the fortress’s insane
Peledur was the husband of Mîrithil, the garrison commander, Baron Turgon; he
Dúnedain lady who hires the player- has an irrational obsession with rooting
heroes to escort her and her family to the out threats of the Witch-king.
Kingdom of Arthedain. Peledur died
before the start of the campaign on 26 Supporting Baron Turgon are:
March III 1650 from a mysterious - Tarvarharn, the high priest of the
malady. He was a staunch, traditional Baron’s new cult dedicated to violently
Cardolan officer who struggled to rooting out agents of the Witch-king)
balance his personal beliefs, his duty to - Findegil the Bard, a manic minstrel
his superiors, and the needs of his family - 180 Dunlendings of the Razor-claw
and friends. Clan (i.e., paid mercenaries).

Supporting NPCs Minas Malloth is a decaying fortress

- Sgt. Brander Pickwick: (Age: 24; Height: located in the Southern Barrow-downs,
5’11”; Weight: 185 lbs) A Common Man; on the crest of a hill, and is protected on
the House Guard Sergeant. three sides by steep banks. In the Second
- Roddy “Rod” Gooseberry: (Age: 18; Age, the site was originally used by the
Height: 6’4”; Weight: 210 lbs) A Common Dunlendings. The Númenóreans used
Man; one of the House Guards. the site as a stronghold against
- Kipling “Kip” Dogwood: (Age: 19; marauding Dunlendings, and the
Height: 5’9”; Weight: 175 lbs) A Common Dúnedain of the North built a stone
Man; one of the House Guards. curtain wall around the perimeter and a
- Walter “Walt” Whistletree: (Age: 21; centrally placed citadel on a motte
Height: 5’9”; Weight: 175 lbs) A Common protected by a deep dry moat. A royal
Man; one of the House Guards. palace was established at the citadel for
- Stan Mawseed: (Age: 17; Height: 6’1”; King Valandil (who ruled Arnor for 247
Weight: 195 lbs) A Common Man; one of years from III 2 to III 249) and was
the House Guards. subsequently used by Cardolan
- William “Billy” Appledore: (Age: 20; monarchs.
Height: 6’6”; Weight: 210 lbs) A Common
Man; one of the House Guards. The space occupied by the town is nearly
- Amrick Petals: (Age: 16; Height: 5’8”; 2,000 feet in diameter, surrounded with
Weight: 170 lbs) A Common Man; one of a ditch, of immense depth, and two
the House Guards. He wants be a hero
ramparts, inner and outer: on the inner, SUGGESTED PLOT HOOKS USING
which is much higher than the outer, BALOR THE BLACK WIND (see Part 7)
stands a wall nearly 12 feet thick at its by Lara Redleaf
foundation, of flint and chalk, strongly
cemented together, and cased with hewn
stone, on which is a parapet with  The Company encounters a band
battlements. of slain warriors with one survivor, a
In the centre, on the summit of the hill, Dunlending. He beseeches the heroes for
stands the citadel, surrounded with a aid. He has rejected Bâlor's teachings
very deep entrenchment and a high and wishes to die a pure death, but the
rampart; in the area beneath, forming a mystical runes branded into his flesh are
wide space between the inner and outer transforming him into a wraith. The
ramparts, stands the town, divided into heroes must help him find a cause
equal parts, north and south; near the worthy of dying in battle to uphold, or
middle of each division is a gate … two else leave him to his damnation as a
grand entrances, with a tower and mole wraith of Sauron.
over and before each. Besides these are
ten other towers, at equal distances • A new and dangerous creature
round the town; opposite them, in a has begun to terrorize the lands as far
straight line with the castle, are the south as Bree. They stalk like pale ghosts
principal streets, intersected in the from the night and strike swiftly, silently,
middle with one grand circular street, impossibly graceful and painfully
encompassing the whole town. beautiful. Morgoth did many foul things
with his Elvish captives in the bowels of
Minas Malloth possesses an Utumno during the First Age. Some
amphitheatre and is used for gladiatorial creatures, if let out into the world, may
contests and public spectacles such as trouble it like the Orcs have, or prove
animal hunts, re-enactments of famous worse still. A heroic Company must track
battles, and dramas based on classical these creatures into the frozen north and
Númenórean mythology. The elliptical put an end to Bâlor's wicked plan to
structure measures 330 x 290 feet, with unleash an ancient evil.
the arena floor measuring 220 x 130 feet,
and can hold up to 10,345 spectators. • The Bree-lands are come to the
The arena has a series of underground brink of war. A host of undead and
tunnels used to house animals and things fouler than Orcs steal from the
prisoners, utilizing gear systems to lift ruins of Fornost, striking in the night and
cages up to the arena floor. claiming the lives of brave farmers and
woodsmen. The Rangers of the North
Baron Turgon uses the amphitheatre for wage a shadow war with these monsters,
public executions of the condemned, led by a dark sorcerer of incredible
usually with the condemned person power. Has the danger of the Ringwraiths
playing the hero of a story being killed in returned? Open warfare with a dark army
one of various gruesome but could break out if the heroes can't find a
mythologically authentic ways, such as way to stem the tide and put the horrors
being mauled by beasts or burned to of Fornost to rest.
death. Local animals that are used for
gladiatorial displays (and executions)
include: barghests, bears, boar, giant
spiders, giant turtles, neeker-breekers,
rats, wargs (though these are somewhat
more rare occurrences), and wolves.
~further adventures~ Adventuring with more experienced
If your companions are superior to you in
HEROIC HERITAGE SUGGESTED Wisdom and you are keen to learn from
GUIDELINES by Indur Dawndeath them, then every session you gain a special
Bonus XP until you have reached the level
10-19XP=+2XP: Your family wealth of expertise of your companions, which
Inherit 1/4 of the treasure form your can be used below:
father. Use it to buy Standing immediately.
20-29XP=4XP: Your fathers business As a descendant of a hero, you have the
Inherit your fathers Holding, Rating option to Purchase, for your starting XP,
limited to your Standing. the following items, if they are available:
- 2XP A Wondrous Artefact, if it is
30-39XP=6XP: In your fathers footsteps possessed by your father.
Gain the sanctuaries of your father. - 4XP A Famous Weapon or Armour, if
it is possessed by your father.
40-59XP=8XP: Fathers Trait
Inherit a special Trait from your father, Pass one object from the dead/retired
such as Elf Friend. character to the new one. Of course, invent
a story that justifies it. Think of The Book
60-79XP=10XP: Will you serve me as your of the Westmarch, that Bilbo passed to
father served me? Frodo, and he to Sam. Great Blessing to
Inherit a Patron from your father. Lore and gain the Speciality Hobbit-lore.

80-99XP=12XP: Fathers knowledge Give the new character a few more XPs per
The travelling role of your father is your adventure than the rest of the group to
birthright. Roll 2 FD and take the best, represent that he learns not only from the
when testing this common skill. (Travel, adventure, but also from his companions.
Explore, Awareness or Hunting)
Options for the new character to fit into the
100-149XP=14XP: You are the Hope group:
You are blessed with +2 Hope, because
your father was such a great a hero. - Make a new character with a
fraction of the old hero's XP and AP.
150-250XP=16XP: Toughest Training Maybe the Hope and Shadow points
The training you have received is the best should be fractioned in the same way.
there is, +2 Endurance.
- Make a new character with the
251+XP=18XP: Your father in You same XP and AP as the lowest of the
Once per Adventure phase, you may tap group. Equal also the Hope and Shadow
into the experience of your father, if you points as far as possible with the group.
spend a point of Hope, you may roll the
test as if you were your father. (Common - Make a whole new system of
skills, Weapon skills, Valour and Wisdom) granting XPs to the group: Just give 1 XP
per session to each player individually,
and the rest of the XPs go to a Fellowship
Pool. The players decide how to share
these XPs. They can be shared equally, or friend's character. This can relieve some
given to the weakest member so that he of the narrative incongruities, but
can catch up with the rest (group is as everyone will need to be on the same
strong as its weakest member and all page as to how often training sessions
that). Again, I haven't figured out any should occur.
numbers, so I don't know the best
proportion between individual and Creating the Heir
communal XPs. The above mentioned To create an heir, select a culture and a
quantity (1XP per session and player) was background for that culture. Record the
just a guess. starting skill ratings and the Heir's
calling. At this point you should have all
This last option can be used to simplify (if traits defined and all favoured skills
the numbers are set right) the extra selected. At this point, stop... the previous
difficulty for Rangers and Rivendell Elves experience starting points and selection
to improve their XP skills: Rangers and of Valour versus Wisdom will occur
Rivendell Elves cannot gain XPs from the during training.
Fellowship XP Pool.


No hero can strive against the Shadow

unceasingly; eventually every here will
either retire from his adventuring career
or be unmade by it. To this end, players
should plan for another hero to be ready
to step up when their current one is no
longer available. Special optional rules
are given here for nominating Heirs (see
Part 5 for the Undertaking’s training

The Heir
The rules below refer to the character
being created as the Heir, and the current
character as the Trainer. Despite these
terms, there is no particular expectation
that the new character actually be related
in any way to the old character, they can
simply be someone that the old character
connected to in some way.

Alternate Idea: In a stable group, it might

be interesting for the trainee to be
someone else's Heir. In other words, the
character who you are training is not
your replacement character, but your
LIST OF PUBLISHED ADVENTURES by Held annually in Lake-Town on 1
timb November for three days. Example in
Loremaster’s Screen and Lake-Town
Abbreviations used: Sourcebook (CB71004a), pp. 14-20.
GC: GenCon adventure
LSLTS: Loremaster’s Screen and Lake- Darkening of Mirkwood Events
Town Sourcebook 2947
TDOM: The Darkening of Mirkwood Any time (Rhosgobel) The Wizard’s Man
TFW: Tales from the Wilderland (dealings with Mogdred of Tyrant’s Hill).
TORB: The One Ring Rulebook Radagast keeping a watch on Dol
These suggestions come from the actual 2948
adventure set-up information. Midsummer (Rhosgobel) The Folk-moot
at Rhosgobel.
The Marsh Bell (TORB) Early Spring Summer Una travels from Dorwinion
Words of the Wise (GC2011) to Dale, meets King Bard.
Early Autumn (after the Gathering of the 2949 Any time (Elvenking’s Hall)
Five Armies) The Questing Beasts (Thranduil’s royal
Don’t leave the path (TFW1) hunt).
Spring, Summer or Autumn 2950 Midsummer’s Day
Of leaves & Stewed Hobbit (TFW2) (Woodmen-town) Secret’s Buried (Black
Summer or Autumn Tarn to Tyrant’s Hill to Dol Guldur)
Kinstrife and dark tidings (TFW3) 2951 End of Summer (Lake-Town)
Any time The Helm of Peace (to East Bight)
Those who tarry no longer (TFW4) 2952 Any time (Any Woodmen
Autumn town) The Staff of the Roadwarden (Old
A darkness in the marshes (TFW5) Forest Road)
Sequel to Those who tarry no longer
& The crossings of Celduin (TFW6)
End of November (Gathering of the Five
Armies in 2951)
The Watch on The Heath (TFW7) Sequel
to The Crossings of Celduin

Annual Events
Gathering of the Five Armies
2946 (Fifth anniversary).
Example in The Crossings of Celduin.
Proposed order of adventures from current published sources

LIST OF ADVENTURES FROM 2 ... iver/page5

x “The Hare and the Hill-Giant” (published
in Gygax Magazine #2 by Shane Ivey and
illustrated by Jerry Boucher
Official Cubicle 7 OR
Words of the Wise (Gen Con 2011)
The Wood-witch and the Wolf-king
(Cancelled Gen Con 2012)
The Wind from the South (Gen Con 2013)
The One Ring Collection (cancelled)
Non-official (?)
Dunkelbrink & Robin S.
A Light in the Darkness (Gen Con 2012)
Fell Things in the Wilderland (Gen Con
2012) Official adventures
Arc Dream’s campaign (play testers for The Marsh Bell (Core book)
TFW), Darkening of Mirkwood (not listing individual adventures here)
Don't leave the Path (Tales of Wilderland) Over Hill, Over Dale (Forums, Casey
Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit (Tales of McGrt)
Wilderland) Theft of the Moon (Forums, Zed turtle’s
Kinstrife and Dark Tidings (Tales of resources)
Wilderland) The Cup of True Love & The Hunting of
Those who tarry no longer (Tales of the Wolves (Forums, Jamesrbrown's
Wilderland) resources)
A Darkness in the Marshes (Tales of A Winter's harvest (Forums)
Wilderland) Treasures long Lost (Forums,
The Crossings of Celduin (Tales of WbWeather's resources)
Wilderland) The Dragons Ring &
The Watch on the Heath (Tales of A Kidnapping in Umbar (both from Robin
Wilderland) Smallburrow's resources)
Nightmares of Angmar (Ruins of the Departure & Homecoming (Forums,
North) Eluadin)
Harder than Stone (Ruins of the North) Terror in the Night (Forums, WbWeather)
Concerning Archers (Ruins of the North) The Gorcrow Terror (Forums, Venger)
The Company of the Wain (Ruins of the Fire and Shadow (Forums)
North) Halls of Durin (Forums)
What lies Beneath (Ruins of the North) Message to Sunstead (Forums)
Shadows over Tyrn Gorthad (Ruins of the Trouble at Eel Tarn (Forums, Hermes
North) Serpent)
Vales of Gundabad (Forums, SirGalrim)
Semi-official adventures (i.e. Clearing the Path (Forums, Falenthal)
Convention adventures run by
Fan-made adventures in French
Cubicle 7 etc.)
Caran Gaur part 1, Entre chiens et loups
Words of the Wise (pdf free adventure; no
(issue 8, p. 190)
longer available)
Caran Gaur part 2, Traque dans le Val
The Wood Witch & the Wolf King
d'Anduin (issue 9, p. 230)
GenCon 2012
Caran Gaur part 3, Fort-Bois (issue 14, p.
A Light in the Darkness (GenCon 2012)
The Grey and the Gold (Conpulsion 2012)
(Three adventures; Marauder web
The Wind From the South (GenCon 2013)
magazine issues 8, 9 and 14;
Red Day’s Rising (introductory adventure
for Oaths of Riddermark, PaxAus 2015)
o ... g&Itemid=7)
La Malediction du Changeur du peau
Fan-made adventures in English
The Hare and the Hill Giant (Gygax m ... e-peau.pdf)
magazine issue 2)
Fell Things in Wilderland (GenCon 2012)
Fan-made adventures in Spanish
To journey's end and Eagle's eyrie
Abriendo el sendero (variant of Marsh
(Forums, Rich H's resources)
bell, got this from forum user Farenthal)
Blood in the Waters (Forums, Eclipse)
Of Ghosts and Goblins (Forums, Eclipse)
101 THINGS TO DO IN MIDDLE- 13. Retaking Moria!

1. Escort elves on their way to the 14. Treasure hunt in deserted elven
harbour leaving Middle-earth. settlements.

2. Delivering rare tobacco to the 15. Search for the reason livestock
Shire. and now children are disappearing in a
small village. It's a wounded orc living
3. Searching for one of the rings. under a barn. Perhaps the sons of Elrond
passing through did the village a great
4. Stealing horses from Rohan. service by defeating some marauding
goblins, and this lone survivor has
5. Searching for female ents. crawled beneath the barn and is biding
his time whilst he heals, dining on first
6. As a hobbit, visit every corner of
livestock, and now villagers.
Middle Earth in order to write the world's
greatest cookery book.
16 Go to Dol Guldur to find
something Gandalf suspects he mislaid
7. Journey into the Old Forest in
at the gate when the White Council broke
order to find a rare herb to heal
it. Don't go in. Hope this isn't part of a
Esmeralda the hobbit of a terrible fever.
wider Mithrandir plan...

8. Track trolls that have run off with

17. Soothe the strifes of a Woodman
Farmer Giles' prize pig Fannella.
village whose headman seems to be
causing everyone a lot of problems.
9. Search for a missing Dunadan Unbeknownst to all he's made a pact
Ranger, last seen in the Trollshaws. with spiders and fallen into shadow since
his son became lost in Mirkwood.

10. Attend Bree's summer fayre and

win the archery contest by beating 18. Track down the descendants of
Cormac the Archer. wargs who fled The Battle of 5 Armies
and are terrorising the isolated hamlets
11. Repopulating Eriador/Arnor of Daleland.
(frontier! Wild west! Exploring the ruins
of Angmar!) 19. Escort a merchant shipment of
prized Honey Cakes from the Carrock to
Erebor for the king's feast. And stop any
12. Clearing all the old forts and hobbit PC's from eating them all during
towers along the Mordor border of orcs the journey!
and things.
20. The Gladden Fields has seen
much tragedy, being the place where
Isildur and his sons met their end. Many
things lie hidden there in the ancient fellow. Trolls are abroad. Surely she will
mass graves of the orcs ambushed by the find her way into a troll's belly before her
Numenoreans, and in the broken houses lover's arms! If his daughter is not safely
of the river folk. Whilst the tales tell that returned then the headman of the
the broken bodies of Isildur's sons were Beorning settlement will have his
returned to Arnor (Gondor? Memory fail!) vengeance on the woodmen that let their
they were not. roving sons capture the easy-won love of
By need they were quickly buried in
unmarked graves in Gladden, at the 23. What ails the bees of Beorn? Hard
banks of the river that was to be the pressed by goblins the leader of the
doom of their father. Now word comes to skinchangers cannot spare anyone to
the Forest Hall that strange lights have find the cause of the bee’s malady nor the
been seen in Gladden, and it seems the medicines needed. Doubtless found in
Enemy is at work there again. Whilst he Mirkwood.
was bearer of the Ring and it worried at
24. Rumours are rife among the men
his failing mind, what gifts did Isildur
and elves of Wilderland that packs of
give to his three sons that prevents their
wolves have been spotted travelling into
sleep? And were such gifts disturbed by
the deeper eaves of Mirkwood the Great.
the River-folk? Is the Gladden watched by
The PCs are requested by Radagast to
the eye of the enemy even now?
track down such a pack and follow it, in
21. The white wizard Saruman the hopes of discovering what drives (or
requires your help. Away to the North lies calls!) these creatures into the dark
a sleepy region known only as The Shire. corners of the forest.
A rumour has reached Isengard that a
25. A Dwimmer-crafty Black
great weapon of the enemy is hidden
Numenorean works from his lair in
there. Scout out the region, and
Southern Mirkwood turning beast and
determine if those folk dwelling there
bird against the Brown Wizard Radagast.
know of its whereabouts.
His foul crebain and wargs harrass and
murder the men, women, and children of
22. Gelvira, maid of the Beornings, the land and bring despair where once
has fallen in love with a Woodman she there was hope.
met crossing the Old Ford. Her father,
26. The War is Over! Hooray! But
headman of the settlement has forbidden
there is a great need to understand and
such a match and she has run away in
record what happened in the war. Armies
the night, seeking presumably to be with
of scribes are being sent out from the
her Woodman. Her friends summoned
White City all over Middle Earth to record
from their beds explain that they would
the songs, poems, stories and histories of
often meet in secret on a nearby hill.
the War of the Ring. And a party of
As the fellowship make ready to leave for scholars might just stumble on a little
this trysting place, the broken body of a adventure while scouring the land for
Beorning watchman is carried in by his new tales..
27. Retrieve the remains of Thrain II 33. The ruins of Fornost lie close
from the dungeons of Dol Guldur and enough to the Shire for an expedition of
return them to Erebor for decent burial. brave hobbits to explore.

34. A caravan is dispatched to

28. Go on a diplomatic mission to the resupply Gondor's signal fires.
Easterling peoples in the hope of opening
35. Expedition into the Barrow-
up trade and better relations.
downs: Search for old treasures and
forgotten histories, put the strange
29. Join a band of ruffians and go unnatural barrow-wights at peace, and
bullying Hobbits in the service of a restore the last resting place of the Kings
strange old man...calls himself 'Sharkey' of the West. Say hi to Tom Bombadil.

30. Dale has been rebuilt, but ruins of 36. The war is over and Sauron has
a far older place lie beneath it. One of the been defeated, but at great cost. The
dwarves who assisted the Bardings in the newly-crowned King Elessar is sending
reconstruction of their town approaches envoys to the lands east and south of
the fellowship with a tale of a door deep Mordor. Although they fell under the
in the earth. Can he be trusted? Surely shadow and fought under Sauron's
King Bard knows of this door? banner, there may be hope for the
survivors, and any ally will be useful in
these times of rebuilding.
31. Work continues within Erebor to
restore its glory after the death of Smaug. 37. Finding Maglor, the last
All dwarves are occupied with this, and remaining of Fanon’s sons.
so will pay handsomely for the supplies
38. Resettling and rebuilding Arnor
they need from across the region.
will still be dangerous. You can
Merchants always need protection, need
personally take up one perfect little part
faster routes to be scouted, and new
of it. The first task is getting there.
areas from which to buy the foodstuffs
the dwarves require.
39. Well before the War: something
powerful is terrifying Dunlendings,
32. The river that runs around the forcing their fealty, and preparing them
Mountain Hall is suddenly washing up for a war. How do you figure this out,
old bones on its banks. Who dares follow considering Dunlendings probably don't
the raging cataract upstream into the like you at the best of times?
mountains? This will prove most
perilous, and ropes and stakes will be
needed to climb it's banks and falls to get 40. You need to pry an old, shameful
secret out of the Elves of Mirkwood. The
first task is getting there.
41. The Necromancer is stirring, and covert attacks (from wargs to shady
sending many spies far south. Why? merchants who advise the powers that be
against the course of action) while
organising the construction of a complex
42. Rescue a powerful Ranger who's
piece of architecture in the middle of
been captured by some evil. Find out if goblin infested territory.
he's joined forces with it.
50. Brigands have always been an off-
43. Meet Húrin, still wandering the and-on threat to the people of Bree-land,
Earth. Make some kind of a permanent but when one such band of brigands
change to his situation or outlook. joins forces with the greater evil of
Angmar, things may quickly turn ugly
44. The Thain has taken an interest in
without some brave heroes to lend the
the world beyond the Shire, and is aware people aid.
that some of his maps are over 1000
years old. He calls for young Tooks and 51. An evil Dwarf-lord whose greed
others to go out into Eriador, see what's and lust for immortality drove him to
there, map it, and look for possible trade attack an Elven refuge and was slain for
or settlement sites. The Mayor opposes it during the Second Age has now been
such needless risk-taking. resurrected by a powerful necromancer
who seeks to use him, and the clan of
45. Similar thing, only out of Gondor.
Dwarves that he led, for his own foul
Time to be less isolationist. Land-
plans for Ered Luin and Middle-earth.
mappers into Dunland (what happened
to Tharbad, anyway?) or southern 52. Evil has taken root in the Red
Rhovanion, or ships trying to run Swamp of Haragmar, and the Dead walk
through the Corsair pirates and map the the land. Radagast the Brown has asked
western coast, perhaps looking for the you to look into the cause of this blight,
mythical Grey Havens. which turns out to be the necromancer
from above, and a corrupted river-
46. Or even the remains of Númenor,
maiden of terrifying power.
and the fabled Undying Lands...
53. Smaug was the last of the "great
47. Expedition to re-take Minas dragons," but there are still dragons in
Morgul and the Towers of Guard!
the far north, and a lesser dragon has
48. There are still several Palantiri already destroyed a dwarf settlement in
and one Silmaril unaccounted for. the Iron Hills. Dáin needs help tracking
("Thrown into the ocean" or "lost in the down the dragon before he can send his
river" as a way to dispose of something? finest warriors to slay the beast.
You must be joking.)
54. Help occupy and rebuild after the
49. A dwarven or elven patron of the battle of Isengard (Or Mordor).
party tasks them with organising the
55. Someone has been stealing horses
rebuild of the bridge over the Old Ford.
from the Rohirrim, you must catch them
First, convince Beorn that it's in his and find the missing horses.
interest, then fight the shadow's direct
56. You are a merchant trying to object of golden colour encased in
make a profit on a shipment of Dwarven ancient ice really be a dragon's egg?
axes to be sold throughout middle-earth.
61. Chill out and do nothing.
57. You run The Prancing Pony Inn in
62. Ah, there you are. Faramir's
Bree and have to keep it standing despite
dropped a note off, says there's an old
the constant influx of adventurers who
fortress we are to re-occupy - a short-cut
draw danger to the building and its
into the Black Land without having to
traipse all the way over to Gorgoroth.
58. A group of men are trying to forge One of the halflings apparently slew all
a new Ring of Power based on the old the orcs there already, so you should
methods used by Sauron, you must stop have no trouble clearing out the place.
them (or help them). Take a couple of lines of troops and have
a shufti around this Barad Ungol place,
59. In the Northern Mirkwood there is
there's a good chap. How hard can it be?
a chain of guard-fortresses, an arc of
It probably just needs a bit of a dust to
watchfulness. Built long ago they were
clear out the cobwebs.
concealed with cunning artifice, Dwarven
and Elven magics, subtle sylvan
misdirections. We don't know where they 63. Ah, you're back. Glad to see you
are. Those who built them are long had no trouble with the Pass of the
passed. Those who guarded them have Spider. Can't imagine why they'd call it
died. Smaug's ravages destroyed what that anyway. Another note from the King;
few records of their locations there were. please can you nip off to Minas Morgul
We know they were built to support one and bring back the panoply of King
another and that they communicated Earnil. I'm sure it's just lying around
with each other but not with the 'outside'. somewhere. Should be easy - after all, the
If we can find one, there may be clues Captain of the place was the sort of chap
that let us find the others, and we need to let himself get stabbed in the face by
do so quickly. We know some are hidden some angst-ridden neurotic horsey lass
in tree-tops, some are disguised as crags with a broken arm and a penchant for
or hidden across cliff-sides. Our only cross-dressing, so his minions can't be all
clue: the words of Boin, son of Barin; that tough.
"Three streams, two roads, chain's end.
Their numbers are our strength."
64. Something to do with having a
60. Orcs and wargs are systematically jaunt to Dorwinion to get exactly the right
exploring the Northern regions of vintage wine for a Northman chief in Dol
Mirkwood, clearly looking for something, Amroth, with orcs, Easterlings, fell
but what? The PCs investigate and find beasts, probably Woses and finally a
out that they are working for a similar party sent by a Dunadan chief in
mysterious "mistress" who they greatly Dale.
fear. Will they beat the servants of the
shadow to the prize? Could this oval
65. King Thorin III Stonehelm is 68. A ragged-bearded man in a
mindful of the offer made by a servant of glittering silver raiment, pointed hat and
the Enemy before the War of the Ring, to wobbling cart is wandering through
yield the last three Rings of Power of the small towns and settlements. He amuses
Dwarf-lords in exchange for the location crowds with displays of fire magics and
of “Baggins”. Now that they are but conjurings.
baubles with none of the malice of a
He visits with kings, trading "magical
Maia left within them, he seeks them as a
rings" from reputed dragon-hoards and
reminder that greed can have too high a
selling maps to other locations with
price. They're in the wreckage of Barad-
fabulous treasures there concealed.
The rings are real enough - this one,
There are none now, nor any dwarves
before, even Durin, who can match the chased with runes of blackened-gold
seems to make the wielder more
dwarves of Erebor in masonry - take your
imposing, to give a sense that their
tools and pore through the ruins of the
martial prowess is greater than it ought
Dark Tower until you find them.
to be. It does tend to make one feel more
self-confident than is warranted. It was
And if you find any orcs yet living in taken from the broken, well, that is a tale
Mordor, cousin Gimli says that even an for another day. There is no need to
elf can slay forty-one, so no Khazad return it. You may keep it, as spoor.
should do less.
I want you to find this man, and
establish the veracity of all but one of his
66. In Pelargir a fisherman has claims. The only statement I have heard
caught something strange in his nets, reported that I know to be untrue is that
something lost since the Kin-Strife - the his name is Gandalf.
Palantir of Osgiliath, fallen with the
King's Tower into the Anduin. But the
treasure has been seized by one high
among the thieves and smugglers along
the docks, one with enough Corsair blood
in his veins to see images within the
stone, yet not enough to wield it safely.
What visions of power and madness will
spawn among the longshoremen of

67. Find out whatever happened to

Nimrodel. Galadriel wants to know.
~Other Basic Plot/adventure stands in their way? What brought the
ruin of the village? What/who resides in
ideas~ the area now? Is the herbalist hiding
something? Is she blaming herself for the
CORRUPTED DWARVES by Bat fate of her childhood home? Can the
A corrupted trio of dwarfs have come roots be used for more sinister things
back from the Mountains of Mirkwood than healing? Should the group press on
and live in an abandoned building under regardless of the risks for the old
the southern Mirk-eaves. Wargs and herbalist and others health? Is the root
vampire bats spy for these dwarfs, as do the only hope for a sick child of a friend?
the crebain. Narl, the dwarf leader, is Is the memory and wits of the herbalist to
especially wicked and crafts nasty be trusted? She might remember things
surprises, usually made to look like important to their survival at a very late
acorns and other natural objects while hour.
the other two dwarfs can contain their
wickedness somewhat and try to lure the
unwary into their domain. BEORN’S RIVAL by Vidugavia
Discontent is spreading throughout the
The Woodmen have heard of strange Valley of Anduin as more and more
dwarves walking about at night at the sheep and cattle are taken by the great
eagles. Many of them aren't even eaten
southern edge of Mirkwood and notified
and are found mutilated in the fields. The
Radagast. He has sent out a few wardens
richest farmer in the area, a man named
(one of which is an elf that will find the Eirik, uses the situation to rival Beorn’s
PCs) to investigate. authority.

Beorn himself, who wants to make an

FIND A HERB by Vidugavia alliance with the eagles in fighting the
A very aged woodman herbalist seeks goblins, is absent as he seeks out
Radagast to get counsel. Is it really the
some adventurers who can accompany
eagles who are mutilating the cattle? If
her and her young apprentice back to the
not, who/what are? Has some of the
ruins of her home village, deep into the eagles somehow been corrupted by the
southern forest. As a young girl she shadow? Are Eirik’s motivations pure? Is
learned the location of a very potent he hiding something? Can the conflict be
medicinal root from her master and now solved? Are some unseen powers
she wants to see if it still exist, show it to involved?
Things that could happen:
her apprentice, gather some and if
Gwaihir agrees to come to a meeting with
possible bring some seeds or plants back the Beornings but the meeting ends with
to their current home. disaster as he is pelted with rocks by
some of them. Gwaihir is too proud to
The herbalist’s own health is fragile and listen and believes that the talk of
she is mostly kept alive by sheer will. She wasteful mutilation and escalation are
is at the end of her life and values the nothing but exaggerated rumour.
healing powers of the root higher than a
couple of more months among the living. A dead or seriously wounded young
Will they find the root? What obstacles shepherd is found. If alive his speech is
incoherent and feverish but he seems to
have been attacked by an eagle. As settlement was rich in silver and no real
Beorn is absent and "someone’s got to do explanation to the abandoning of the
something" a group of mysterious and mine is given. The dwarf is very weak and
somewhat unsettling hunters show up might die during the following night.
and are hired by Eirik. They lead an What is hidden in the abandoned mine?
expedition up the mountains to punish Why was it closed? Is it moral to use the
the eagles. stolen map? Is someone else looking for
the map? Was the dwarves capture of the
spiders just a coincidence or part of
A HURT EAGLE by Valvorik someone’s plan?
While travelling in the Anduin Valley, the
heroes come across a fallen Eagle,
dreadfully wounded from a recent battle ABSENT GUESTS by BobChuck
with Goblins, and on the verge of death. Another idea: a group of travellers,
Given their location, the heroes attempt including a friend of one or more of the
to transport the Eagle to Rhosgobel, on PCs, is expected to arrive at Beorn's or
the edge of Mirkwood, in the hope that
Radagast's, but they do not show up, so
the wizard Radagast can save it’s life.
the party has to go into the Misty
Mountains, find them, and get out.
A distant relation of Thorin Oakenshield
who is tainted by the dark, has decided to ENVOYS OF KING BARD by Halbarad
go to The Shire and recover the mithril
The festivities surrounding the fifth
shirt that "should not have been given to
a non-dwarf and especially should not anniversary of the battle of the Five
have been given to a thief". The party is Armies have been a great success. The
tasked to stop the dwarf and whatever splendour of Dale and of Erebor cannot
companions he is traveling with while fail to have impressed the visitors who
keeping it quiet so the king under the have come from far and wide. King Bard
mountain will not be shamed.
has decided that it is time to expand his
borders and with that purpose in mind,
he has commissioned an expedition
DWARVEN RUINS by Vidugavia along the River Running. Hundreds of
When wandering through the wilderness people have flocked to Dale in the last
the adventurers stumble upon a large
four years but thousands remain there
spider nest. Bones and prey spun into
large sacks of cobweb dominate the who have not yet sworn allegiance to
scene. One of the spiders’ victims, a their rightful King.
dwarf, shows signs of life as several great The Player characters will be envoys of
spiders attack. After defeating the the King in an ambassadorial role as they
spiders the adventurers are told that he offer each of the settlements the
and his friends stole some valuable old
opportunity to give Bard their fealty.
documents found in Erebor. Among the
Some settlements will leap at the
remains of the small expedition a map is
found. It leads to an old dwarven prospect while others balk, their own
settlement in the mountains of Mirkwood local magnates fearing loss of power.
that was sealed and abandoned long There will be opportunities for much
ago. According to other documents the social interaction and opportunities for
action with bandits/river pirates hiding The fleeing company will be pursued by a
in the southern reaches of the Long swarm of crebain that will harry and
Marshes, assassination attempts and slow the party in order to allow their
pursuers (12-18 Orc Soldiers riding
Easterling Raiders.
Wargs) time to catch up. The players will
have a mere minute-and-a-half of a head
SCOUTING ISENGARD by Throrsgold The company may find refuge in an Elven
The heroes are Rohirrim troops operating Outpost. This outpost is kept stocked with
out of Helm’s Deep, have been personally various supplies that may be needed by
ordered by Theodred, Second Marshal of ‘in-the-know’ Elves (located otherwise via
the Mark, to scout the environs of a successful Explore Test). Think of the
Isengard and report back. Confidentially, outpost as something akin to an "alpine
they are told that there have been hut" ... a structure located in the
rumours of a connection between recent
wilderness intended to provide food and
Orc incursions and the wizard, Saruman. shelter to Elves and their friends ... the
aforementioned ‘in-the-know’.
They are to look for evidence of that An Awareness Test will reveal a hidden
connection. They know that other entrance (via an optical illusion) to a
companies have been given similar stabling area. The stabling area has
orders. They know that there have been a
complete amenities including grain
greater number of raids into the Westfold
storage (225 pounds of feed) and water
by the Dunlendings this winter. source for horses.
[LM note: It is essential that the Loremaster
designate one of the heroes to have intimate
knowledge of the area above Isengard so that The outpost itself was once a temple to
they can lead the company to a vantage point Elbereth that has fallen to ruin. Clues to
overlooking the citadel] this are worn markings upon the walls
and markings in the remains of the floor,
The hero with the specific local formed of ithildin. The temple area is
knowledge leads the company to the surrounded on all three sides by steep
valley above Isengard where they used to rock walls, but is open to the sky. Built
play as a child. Things have certainly over an underground river, the temple
changed as the stream they remember ruins are now split by a crevasse which is
running through the valley is now a lake; now spanned by a 35’ long, rickety-
in places the lake is upwards of 100’ wide looking bridge. The bridge is enchanted.
and 50’ deep. At the valley’s end stands a When it is stepped upon, it gives off
dam that rises 30’ above the water’s creaks and moans that seem to advertise
surface. that it will collapse beneath the walker,
dumping them 90’ into the river below.
Atop the dam are 6 Orc Warriors An Elf may freely cross the bridge with no
standing sentry. Approximately thirty difficulty; all others must make an
seconds after the first sign of trouble, 1-3 Athletics Test. Failure dumps them into
Orcs will climb to the top of the wall the crevasse.
(using stairs and ladders) from the
Isengard side every 10 seconds or so. The There are supplies hidden in the back
company must be quick in order to gain corner of the ruins on the far side of the
a glimpse into Isengard as the tide of foes bridge. These are covered by a 20’x20’
opposing them can quickly get beyond tarp (that conceals as per Elven Cloaks)
their abilities. and weighs 300 lbs (or 12 oz. per square
foot). The supplies are packed in barrels A TRIP TO THE SHIRE by John Marron
and boxes and include: The fellowship has been asked to act as
• 22 pounds of lembas guides/escorts for a Hobbit living in
• 2 bottles of miruvor Wilderland who wants to return to the
• 23.2 pounds of Southern Star Pipe- Shire to buy supplies (pipeweed, etc.).
• 5 daggers, 4 maces & 5 longswords
• 6 longbows & 3 spare bowstrings
• 6 20-arrow bundles of arrows suitable A DEAD DWARF by Garbar
for use with longbows In the centre of the cavern is a pile of
• 3 shortbows & 5 spare bowstrings silver and gold coins on which rests the
• 10 20-arrow bundles of arrows suitable skeletal remains of a dwarf in rotted
for use with shortbows leather armour.
• 6 backpacks He is curled up as if sleeping with his
• 4 bedrolls hands clasped to his chest.
• 4 winter blankets Through the skeletal fingers you can see
• 12 days of firewood the light of your torch reflecting off metal.
• 6 empty sacks It's a disturbing image... a dwarf atop a
• 3 cold-weather outfits sized for adult pile of treasure like some dragon atop his
Elves horde!
The supplies cover a trapdoor that leads The dwarf succumbed to Dragon Sickness
into subterranean tunnels. The tunnels and died guarding his wealth.
lead back to the stabling area. Amongst his personal effects is a journal
of his exploits... along with a mention of
a horde in the Withered Heath that is
SOME ADVENTURE IDEAS by guarded by a lesser drake!
Skywalker & Arandil
1. To recover the ancestral treasure
from a Dragon (sound familiar?) MESSENGERS OF DAIN (A FOLLOW
2. To free Beorn from his
3. To re-establish Moria. King Dain and Gloin request the party to
4. To make safe a pass over the take a message to the Lord of the Eagles.
Misty Mountains. When: The Company may undertake this
5. To make the Long Marshes safe adventure shortly following the events in
6. To cleanse the taint from Dol the introductory adventure The Marsh
Guldur (this sounds like The Darkening
Bell. If that adventure was not run, the
of Mirkwood campaign)
7. Protect the halls of the Elven King timeline is early spring 2946.
(probably only for Elven characters, I Where: Esgaroth, Dale or Erebor.
imagine that there must be some threats Travelling to the Eyrie.
that the Mirkwood Elves have to deal What: King Dain seeks adventurers to
with from time to time). take a message to the Lord of the Eagles.
8. Rescue someone from the Spiders This message was originally taken by the
of the Mountains of Mirkwood.
Dwarves Balin and Oin, but they fell
9. Take a message to Lord Elrond of
Rivendell, over the Misty Mountains. afoul of a group of Marsh dwelling
creatures and were forced to hide in the
Wine cellar of the ruins.
Why: For those who have rescued Balin
and Oin from the Marsh Dwellers, King Angmar or the power of the One Ring).
Dain will personally greet them and ask The fact is she has become a killer of
for their assistance in return for a every Man, Elf, Dwarf or Orc who come
reward. Also, and for those who did not close to the shore of her lair (like an evil
play The Marsh Bell, the chance to make ondine, luring them to the water and
a name for themselves and to earn a drowning them). And she is responsible
reward from King Dain. for the fate of Isildur himself. In the
Who: Gloin and King Dain as quest original tale, she recovers her mind with
givers, the Lord of Eagles. time and full of regret and despair she
follows the river to the sea seeking death
or forgiveness. But it could be the
characters task to lift the dark spell upon
her, so she can recover her mind
Whilst fishing for eels in the shallows of
(probably Radagast could ask them to do
the Long Lake, young Enar came upon a
so), because she is causing trouble near a
strange little creature in his net. About
ford such the Carrock or near a fishing
eight inches long, it was to all intents and
village under Radagast protection. She
purposes an eel, except for the vestigial
may have something the characters need
limbs that sprouted from its torso.
to progress on their campaign (ancient
He took it home with him to his little
knowledge, a magic item...).
village at the Stair of Girion and showed
it to his father. His father instructed him
to kill it, as such a creature was obviously
ill omened. Instead, young Enar hid it, SOME NEW ORCS! by EN429
fed it and raised it until one day the A new Orc Tribe is rousting out the other
creature turned upon him and gave him Orcs and Goblins around the Mountains
a nasty bite. of Mirkwood. Why are they moving north
of Dol Guldur? What are they after? How
Enar threw the ungrateful creature into
many are there? The players have found
the well and promptly forgot all about it.
hints of some artefacts or magic near the
Some years later, sheep, goats and even a
Mountains as well. They are seeing the
child have disappeared and the village
regular upset of new baddies moving in
well has been poisoned. Enar wonders if
though. Goblin and Orc tribes are
the creature he threw into the well is
seeking new areas to live in and
somehow responsible.
combating more benevolent races. Some
trade has become disrupted and certain
items are harder to get or require
THE RIVER MAIDEN by Arthadan experienced groups to guard the
The story is about a lesser Maia ("Maie" merchants to destinations (trade from the
for a female?) who lives in the Anduin as Shire has essentially stopped at this
a "river maiden" akin to Goldberry and point).
Goldberry's mother. Basically, she's
driven mad by a dark power (I can't
remember if it was the Witch-king of
A GIANT SCENARIO by Jakob & Garn Mrs Giant complied, requiring his
The PCs are sent into the Misty assistance in designing and crafting them
Mountains by a group of Woodmen to - but they ended up too small (Mr Giant
investigate why the small river coming didn't know how to measure properly)
down from them has carried foul waters and caused friction between the courting
for weeks. In the end, they find a big, old giants.
giant who lies dying in a gorge, the pus
In a few months though, things were
from his wounds poisoning the river. The
patched up between the humongous
characters could probably kill him but
couple, and Mr Giant returned to Mrs
they could never get the body out of the
Giant, asking that she sew a bearskin hat
riverbed, so it would lie there for months
for the Giantess. Mrs Giant agreed and,
to come, still spoiling the water. So what
stalling, she was quite particular in
do they do?
choosing only the best pelts, lingering in
Mr Giants' company. But she had to
Backstory by Garn finish the project at some point, no
Years ago, while still an unmarried lass, matter how she felt, because Mr Giant
Mrs Giant came across a slaughtered kept asking about it.
caravan in which she found a unique
This time, Mr Giant chose not to try and
and remarkable treasure - giant sized
surprise her, but to have the Giantess go
needles! She was quite handy herself and
in for fittings. Mrs Giant "accidentally"
an excellent seamstress (well, for a giant)
pricked the Giantess, several times,
so on finding these incomparable things,
causing her to lose her tempter and, in a
she took all 5 of them. It took her quite
fit of rage, to damage the hat and spurn it
some time to gouge an eye into the
as a gift while berating Mrs Giant. The
needles, but she managed it. Setting to
Giantess stomped off and refused to have
work with one of her new, remarkably
anything to do with Mr Giant for over a
sharp needles, made the task of sewing
so very much easier.

Between her skill and these irreplaceable

During that time Mr Giant tried to think
treasures, she became moderately
of a way to regain the Giantess' affection.
famous for her sewing skills among the
She liked pretty and soft things - relative
giants. In fact, it was part of the reason
to a giant's stature of course. Until the
she managed to win such a capable
incident with the hat, the Giantess had
husband. Mr Giant was quite the catch.
sought to obtain anything Mrs Giant
Big, tall, strong and eminently capable in
should craft. It had become a mark of
those skills which are of value to giants
distinction among the giants to have
(I don't know... Hunting, Throwing,
such items. But now, he wasn't sure what
Crafting (Masonry), Combat?), he didn't
to do.
look twice at her - until he learned of her
sewing skills. Mr Giant had recently Mrs Giant suggested a coat, a special
obtained some leather and wanted it coat. It could be made with bearskin on
sewn together to make soft shoes for the outside but with rabbit fur on the
another Giantess that he was courting.
inside. Working with such a tiny another needle for her. Mrs Giant,
creature's pelt would show just how surprised by this show of affection,
much Mr Giant loved the Giantess. stopped crying and admitted that she
Especially if it was patterned just so, with had another needle that could be used.
only the absolute best pelts that matched But the loss of even one needle was a
exactly in colour and quality. terrible blow, she could not imagine who
would do such a thing. Everyone wanted
her sewing. Relieved that Mrs Giant had
Mr Giant immediately agreed, thinking
another needle which had been placed in
that such a remarkable coat would be the
a separate and more secure location, Mr
envy of every female giant and could not
Giant was very glad that there was only a
but help to win him the affection of the
short delay. He spent several hours in her
giant who wore it. Getting enough fur
company, trying to cheer her up and
took forever - nearly two years. It took
catering to her a bit. After all, she was the
nearly a year for the Giantess to even
only giant who could help him win his
look at him. A few months later she
love. Any negative impact on her was a
finally spoke to him. He was constantly
blow to him.
coming to and fro from Mrs Giant’s
home, trying to match up the last of the
rabbit pelts. Why, he nearly caught every So both Mr and Mrs Giant were stunned
rabbit for miles around! If they didn't in two days when, while both were out on
breed so fast there wouldn't be any in the their separate tasks, Mrs Giant returned
area today. to find another of her precious needles
had been crushed into a mangled tangle
But all this time and attention spent in
of metal once again. Now two of the
the company of Mrs Giant started to
needles were gone, destroyed beyond
make the Giantess jealous. The Giantess
hope of recovery. Mrs Giant wailed and
started to think that perhaps Mr Giant
her cries echoed through the mountains,
wasn't as constant a lover as he claimed.
scaring game off for miles around. It
One day, seeing Mrs Giant go out, the
didn't take long for Mr Giant to learn of
Giantess stole inside and finding Mrs the malign action against Mrs Giant. He
Giant's precious needle safely put aside,
couldn't understand these actions
the Giantess bent it into a tangle that though. Mrs Giant was a decent sort and
couldn't be used again!
was willing to assist others so who could
be so callous? Not once, but twice?
Mrs Giant, finding the ruined needle on
returning, was quite distraught. Mrs Giant came up with a plan. Mr
Obtaining the needles was a remarkable Giant, seeing that the completion of his
stroke of luck that might never occur project was endangered, readily agreed
again. To have one purposely destroyed to it or he might never win his love. He
was unthinkable. Mrs Giant was so would continue to act as normal and
distraught that she wept. Mr Giant, recommended that Mrs Giant do the
arriving shortly after the discovery, tried same. However while they were out, he to
to console Mrs Giant and (worried for his hunt more rabbits (despite his efforts he
own pending project) promised to find could not seem to find just the right
colour of rabbit pelt), and she to do those straw! Enraged with no one else to take it
womanly things no home is without, they out on, Mrs Giant fights with her
would hide in the vicinity of Mrs Giants husband, injuring him. He takes off,
home, so they could watch who came allowing the Missus to calm down, not
and went. It was in this manner that they aware he's pretty seriously injured.
saw, in just over a week's time, the
Worse, he encounters the Goblins, who
Giantess enter Mrs Giant's home, coming
use poisoned weapons against him.
out with a bundle of rabbit pelts that she
Injured, poisoned and ill from infection,
threw over the edge of a nearby cliff. Mr
Mr Giant crawls into the river chasm to
Giant was stunned into silence, Mrs
protect himself. It is the best he can do.
Giant nodded, knowing who the culprit
Mrs Giant has since calmed down but is
must have been.
worried for her husband who has not
Having earned the enmity of the Goblins, come home in a few days. She has no
Mr and Mrs Giant are forced to move idea where he is.
time and again to avoid them. Which is
When the PC's arrive, in her distraught
causing Mrs Giant to become quite cross
condition, she mistakes the tiny things
as her efforts at homemaking keep
for more Goblins and attacks them.
getting interrupted. This is the 18th time
Finally settling things with Mrs Giant and
she's begun to establish a new,
getting her to come to Mr Giant's aid, the
comfortable (to a giant at least) home
Company arrives just as the Goblins are
only to have to leave it all behind and
launching a final offensive against Mr
flee. Again!
Giant who is now too weak to defend
himself adequately.
One day while both the giants are out,
It's up to the Company and Mrs Giant to
the goblins find their home, and in
be heroes.
ransacking the place they find Mrs
Oh, and Mrs Giant is going to want her
Giant's precious needles. There are only
needles back, make no mistake about
two left now, one was lost as they initially
fled the first goblin attack.

Except these are actually not needles but

some kind of enchanted weapon (Spear
of Bladorthin? Or similar magical
weapon - Sorry, books not handy ATM)
but in a giant's hands, they're much
smaller items and, being ignorant of
Man's weapons, she saw them as sewing

So when the Giants return and Mrs Giant

finds her needles gone, she is beyond
distraught. It is absolutely the final
ADVENTURE SEEDS IN LAKETOWN children will assume he's rich beyond
by Garn belief.

a) A Bitter Cold Day e) Dinner Delivery

Lake-town citizens are worried because it As the party enters a tavern or inn, have
is getting cold (start of winter, mid- one of the wait staff, who is obviously
Spring?) but the charcoal maker has not extremely busy, thrust food into a party
come into town for some time. The member's hands. All the while talking
charcoal maker could be operating along incessantly (very "one thing drives out
the edge of the forest or the marsh. Living another") asking if they're the delivery
alone, the man has been seriously person, take this, and this, and this, and
injured (broken leg?) and cannot make it hurry and deliver it - the food won't stay
into town to sell his goods. Perhaps the warm for long, what are you doing
characters are sent to find the charcoal standing there flapping your lips, get
maker and then are asked to bring him going. Basically never give the characters
and his goods by wagon into the city? a chance to respond to any comments
and never let the wait staff finish
answering any questions they might ask.
b) A Beautiful Bouquet
Then shove the mistaken delivery person
A man has an argument with his lover
out the door. (This could be interesting if
and the party is there to witness some
the party is hungry or includes any
part of the fiasco. The woman can issue
an ultimatum that he "prove his love" or
the man may decide on his own. Either
way the man enlists the aid of the party f) Moving Men
to help him gather the flowers along the As they pass some docks, a harried
edge of both the marsh and the forest. merchant or trader offers to pay them as
The personalities and exact reasoning for day labourers if they will help (un?)load
the fight is up to you. his ship. Maybe both. Maybe the
merchant has different goods shipped
depending on the port. So he arrives with
c) Errand Boy
one good and leaves with another.
Particularly good for a Hobbit! Have one
Maybe a competing merchant, waiting to
of the snobbish upper-class citizens
get to market, will try to slip his boat in
assume that one of the Hobbits is a
while the original merchant is distracted.
human child and send him off on an
A shouting match ensues and confusion
errand of some kind. Maybe she is
amongst the goods.
paying off a money-lender who has heard
one too many excuses and wants to
accost the messenger. Or its cold or bad g) Word on the Street
weather outside and she tells the Hobbit While entering the city, the party
to run the errand (whatever it is) while performs some action (anything really)
she stays warm and dry at an inn. that is misconstrued by inhabitants
passing by. Suddenly the party finds itself
involved in an argument over an issue
d) The Dwarf Lord
they don't understand because it really
Any reasonably affluent dwarf might be
does not involve them. But now they have
pestered by the local children for
to get involved in order to clear the false
information, coins and toys from the
impression the city inhabitants have of
"Dwarf Lord" in their midst. Keep in mind
that unless the dwarven character has
made a point of saying he's poor, the
h) Broken Bread j) Something Fishy...
Walking through the city on their own The <insert fish name here> are running!
errands, the party come upon a strange The Long Marshes provide an excellent
scene. A bake-shop door opens and the breeding ground for the <fish>, but at this
baker escorts an apprentice baker out, time of the year (whatever season works
haranguing him to be careful, but quick, for your timeline) the fish are rushing out
to deliver the bread to the customer (a of the marshes and into Long Lake in
person or business as fits your needs). As order to mate. Everyone in the city (well,
you're a few steps back from this scene mostly, there are always a few hold outs)
and have a wider perspective, you can goes out to help with the catch as it
see that there are a couple of shady portends the start of a holiday/festival
looking people peeking around the once the fish have been caught, dressed
corner. As the apprentice heads out to and stored.
complete his transaction, the shady
people move in. However, this year something is wrong.
Maybe the Necromancer has introduced
What happens next depends on who the a normal aquatic predator from the Sea
shady people are: destitute citizens, of Rhun into Long Lake (river dolphin,
immigrants to the city, thugs, or my croc/gator, snapping turtle etc.) and they
favorite - family members bullying (or are eating the <fish>? Perhaps in
stealing from) the apprentice. To make it preparation for the war, Easterlings have
a bit more interesting, perhaps the quietly settled on the eastern shore and
apprentice isn't klutzy, but trying to save are harvesting the fish to deny the Free
his cousins from the law by staying silent Peoples and help themselves? Maybe
and claiming responsibility for their something has been dumped into the
bullying/stealing. Lake which the fish don't like so they're
staying in the Marshes? (This one could
i) Dragon Bones even be a semi-natural effect like run-off
Someone claiming to have magical from the smelting at Erebor, or the
abilities claims that they have crafted, growth of a particular mould.)
and are attempting to sell, a pair of dice
crafted from Smaug's bones. The
dragon's innate greed still exists
inherently within the dice themselves. A COUPLE OF IDEAS
With a small charm to direct that greed, by Otaku -Sempai
this mage says the dice will consistently A Dwarf-scholar from the Blue
win (mechanic: roll dice normally, three Mountains claims to have pin-pointed
times, using the best of three throws!). the site of Mount Dolmed which has been
Particularly if used against dwarves. Of lost since the sinking of Beleriand. He
course, they win so frequently that claims claims that the Dwarf-city of Nogrod lies
of fraud are common and without the beneath the Gulf of Lune, but he knows
enchanted dice the player cannot win as the approximate location of the ruins of
often. Belegost and wants to mount an
expedition to explore them. He hopes to
These dice can be used in any of a recover the great pearl Nimphelos, given
number of ways. Turning the mage in for to the Dwarves of Belegost by Thingol
disturbing the remains. Buying the bones Greycloak in partial payment for the
and putting them to personal use. delving of the underground halls of
Reselling the dice, perhaps to a greedy Menegroth.
An idea for Lake-town: weakened it structurally. The LM can link
The adventurers uncover suspicious them or replace them with HoTW foes.
behaviour from an Easterling trader. The
merchant is an agent of Mordor whose 2. “But Arvedui did not take his counsel. He
goal is to corrupt Lake-town officials and thanked him, and at parting gave him his
scout out weaknesses in the town's ring, saying: “This is a thing of worth beyond
defence for future exploitation. The party your reckoning. For its ancestry alone. It has
must gather evidence and present it to no power, save the esteem in which those
the new Master, who may want the hold it who love my house. It will not help
you, but if ever you are in need, my kin will
trader arrested, but might instead have
ransom it with great store of all that you
more subtle plans... desire.”
The Dúnedain afterward ransomed the
Ring of Barahir. A stranger arrives at
Bree, Rivendell, Lake-town, or whichever
SOME ADVENTURE IDEAS by Mim sanctuary fits your chronicle, from the far
1. Travelers disappear from time-to-time North, an emissary from the Lossoth.
while passing along the Great East Road. Bivdu the Hunter providentially finds the
As a result, the Councils of the Woodmen vale following a long and perilous
and/or the Wood-elves fear a return of journey of epic proportions, to claim the
the Shadow, and gather evidence and ancient wergild of his people. Bivdu
information to support their position: bears an urgent missive, written on
items like black-fetched arrows smeared sealskin parchment and sealed with a
and smudged with the Orcish fungus-like large, ornate glob of red wax bearing the
poison; stories like those told by seal of Arvedui, which he gave to the
Woodmen who claim to have ventured Lossoth of old.
close to the forest’s edge in pursuit of an
evil band, and then turned back after 3. Grimnir the Helegrog (Ice Daemon)
glimpsing dark, shadowy shapes in the sends his servants, Orcs, Wargs, Snow-
underbrush. trolls, and other things of cold and night,
to capture the Lossoth village of
They offer a suitable reward (a cultural Frostmantle. The village, known of old to
reward is obvious, but you can also have that people as Jielti (Blood)—allegedly for
them offer another enticement their former seal hunts—lies sheltered
appropriate to your game, such as behind a wooded ridge from the piercing
training, healing, patronage, etc.) to your rays of the sun and during the long
band of seemingly stalwart adventurers midnight of the northern winter. The
to investigate these disappearances. servants of the Enemy take the place, and
The servants of the Enemy seize and dispatch their captives a few at a time
corrupt a Wood-elf in an above-ground across the frigid wastes toward their
fortress, deep inside the Mountains of hidden stronghold nigh Ax Glacier-which
Mirkwood that serves as a base from flows northward and westward from
which they (perhaps led by a Black Gundabad or that area toward Forochel.
Númenórean or Variag of Khand Grimnir seeks some forgotten relic(s),
sorcerer) can raid travellers, funnelling perhaps the lost palantíri. Honour
prisoners and possessions by caravans demands that the summons cannot be
back to the lair, which is a huge refused, and Elrond or your patron asks
sycamore tree. They hollow out large the heroes if they are willing to venture
sections of the inside of the trunk to form forth to solve the mystery.
rooms and passages, but the tree is so
massive that the cavities have not
BIG LIST OF ADVENTURE IDEAS something to hold over a PC’s head and
by poosticks7 make them jump. This could be any kind
of threat from physical to social, but it
1. Any Old Port in a Storm depends on the villain having something
The PCs are seeking shelter from the – even if it’s information – that other’s
elements or some other threat (wargs, don’t have.
spiders, orc band etc) and come across a So now he is pulling the strings of the PC,
place to shelter (cavern, old ruins, telling them to do things they don’t want
abandoned settlement). They find they to do. The PCs must end the cycle of
have stumbled across something blackmail, depriving the villain of his
dangerous, secret, or supernatural and edge, and keeping him temporarily
must then deal with it in order to enjoy a satisfied whilst doing it.
little rest.
Twists & Themes: Twists & Themes:
- The shelter is in fact the dwelling place - The adventure hook involves the PCs
of the initial threat (warg den, spider unwittingly helping the villain, which
haunt, orc warren). allows him to later gain leverage over
- The place is a legitimate shelter of some them.
kind, but the PCs are not welcome, and - To succeed, the PCs must contact other
must win the trust of the occupants. folks that are being used.
- The PCs aren’t the victims of the
2. Better Late Than Never blackmail, rather it is someone they care
Some bad guys (orcs, bandits, raiders etc) about/are charged to protect etc.
have arrived and done some bad guy
things, (raping & pillaging, slave taking
etc) whilst the PCs were away. The bad 4. Breaking and Entering
guys have made good their escape but Mission objective: enter the dangerous
the PCs have returned and must follow place (dragon’s den, orc tunnels, bandit
the bad guy’s trail (to avenge or rescue or hideout) and retrieve the vital dingus
recover someone or something). They (jewel, journal, heirloom etc) or valuable
must catch the bad guys before they person (friend, noble, innocent etc).
make it back to their lair/home land/ Overcome/Avoid the area’s defences to
stronghold. do so.
Twists & Themes:
- The bad guys escaped by stealing a Twists & Themes:
conveyance that the PCs know better than - The goal is not to extract a thing, but to
they do. (Horses, River boat, Ship). destroy a thing or interfere with a process
- The bad guys duck down a (destroy the cursed item, slay the evil
metaphorical (or literal) side-road, trying warlord, stop the ritual, wreck the
to hide or blend into an environment invasion plans etc).
(perhaps one hostile to the PCs). - The goal has moved.
- If the bad guys cross the adventure’s - The goal is information that must be
‘finishing line’ there’s no way to pursue recovered and told to the wise.
them beyond it (Impenetrable - The job must be done without alerting
stronghold, dangerous environment etc). anyone.
- The PCs are not aware the place is
3. Blackmail dangerous.
Through trickery, deceit or from digs into - The PCs must replace a thing with
a PC’s past, an antagonist (a rival, another thing.
servant of the enemy, corrupt official) has
5. Capture the Flag property (an elf lord, a dwarven family).
The PCs must secure a military target for
the good guys (retake a dwarf hold, 8. Don’t Eat the Purple Ones
secure an old watch out for the The PCs are stranded in a strange place
Mirkwood Elves, capture and fortify an (deep underground, Withered Heath,
old ruin). There are bad guys (Orcs, Deserts of Harad etc), and must survive
bandits, Easterlings etc) there that prefer by finding food and shelter and then
that it not be secured. worry about getting out of the area.
Twists & Themes: Twists & Themes:
- The PCs must assemble and/or train a - The PCs must survive only for a short
force to do the job with them. period of time, until help arrives.
- The PCs are working with flawed - The PCs must work alongside a group of
intelligence and the target zone isn’t as adversaries for mutual survival.
- The PCs must coordinate their own 9. Elementary, My Dear Wolfgar
efforts with an ally group (possibly A crime or atrocity has been committed;
putting aside past rivalries to do so). the PCs must solve it. They must
interview witnesses (and perhaps prevent
6. Clearing the Hex them from being killed), gather clues
There is a place (ruin, barrow, battlefield, (perhaps having to prevent them being
spooky wood etc) where bad things live stolen or ruined). They must then
(wights, restless dead, wretched spirits, assemble proof to deliver to the
etc). The PCs must drive away the bad authorities, or serve as agents of justice.
things to make the place safe. Twists & Themes:
Twists & Themes: - The PCs are working to clear an
- The bad things can’t be beaten with innocent already accused of the crime
direct conflict. The PCs must learn more (possibly themselves).
about them to solve the problem. - The PCs must work alongside a special
- The bad things aren’t bad, just investigator (Agent of the King, Captain
misunderstood. of the Guard, Shirriff etc) or are otherwise
saddled with an unwanted ally.
7. Delver’s Delight - Midway through the adventure, the PCs
The PCs are treasure hunters, who have are ‘taken off the case’ – their invitation/
caught wind of a treasure laden ruin (old authority to pursue the matter is closed
barrow, dwarf hold, ancient elven ruins (often the result of political manoeuvring
etc) They go to explore it, and must deal by an antagonist).
with its supernatural denizens (wights,
restless dead, marsh dwellers, ancient 10. Escort Service
evil etc) to win the treasure and get out The PCs have a valuable object (kingly
alive. gift, precious scrolls, store of weapons,
Twists & Themes: well trained animal etc) or person (envoy,
- The treasure itself is something exile, dignitary, loremaster etc), which
dangerous (magic ring, cursed treasure, needs to be taken to a safe place or to its
foul sorcery etc) rightful owner, etc. They must undertake
- The treasure isn’t in a ruin, but in a a dangerous journey in which one or
wilderness (Forodwaith, Brown Lands, more factions (and chance or misfortune)
Gladden Fields etc) or even hidden try to deprive them of the thing/person in
somewhere ‘civilized’ (Dale, Erebor, their care.
Minas Tirith etc). Twists & Themes
- The treasure is someone else’s rightful - The thing or person is troublesome in
some way and tries to escape or side-
track the PCs. something immobile and vital must be
- The destination has been destroyed or tended to or dealt with at the adventure
compromised by the enemy, and the PCs location.
must take their charge to another - The PCs begin as part of the group that
destination. needs help and must escape and gather
- The person is someone attempting a forces or resources to bring back and
political defection and has important proceed as above.
information (A Dunlending, A Easterling,
A Corsair etc). 13. Hidden Base
- The PCs must protect the target without The PCs, while travelling or exploring,
the target knowing about it. come across a hornet’s nest of bad guys
(orcs, troll, ruffians etc), preparing for Big
11. Good Housekeeping Badness (raiding, pillaging, parleying,
The PCs are placed in charge of a large etc). The PCs must either find some way
operation (A dwarven mine, an Esgaroth to get word to the good guys, or sneak in
trading company, a collection of Barding and disable the place themselves, or a
settlers etc). And must, despite lack of combination of the both.
experience in such things, make it work Twists & Themes:
and thrive. - The PCs must figure out how to use
Twists & Themes: local resources (landslide, flooding, cave
- The PCs are brought in because in etc) in order to defeat the inhabitants.
something big is about to happen, and - There is more than one faction of bad
the Old Guard wants a chance to escape. guys; perhaps the PCs can turn them
- The people under the PCs resent them, against each other through stealth and
because their method of inheritance trickery.
looks outwardly bad and everyone loved
the old boss. 14. How Much For Just the Dingus?
Within a defined area, something
12. Help is on the Way important and valuable exists (magic
A person (or small group) is in a ring, lost heirloom, forgotten lore). The
hazardous situation they can’t survive PCs (or their patrons) want it, but so do
without rescue. The PCs are on the Job. In one or more other groups (servants of the
some scenarios, the hook is as simple as Enemy, agents of Saruman, unfriendly
a distant yell for help. neighbours etc). The ones that will get it
Twists & Themes: will be the ones who can outthink and
- The victim(s) are a hostage, or under outrace the others, deal best with the
siege from enemy forces (Trolls, Orcs, natives (Lossoth, Avari Elves, Forgotten
Bandits etc), and the PCs must deal with Dwarf Clan, Haradrim Tribesmen etc) of
the captors or break the siege. the area, and learn the most about their
- There is a danger that any rescue environment. Each competing group has
attempts will strand the rescuers in the its own agenda and resources.
same pickle as those in need in rescue, Twists & Themes:
compounding the problem. - The natives require the competing
- Those in danger aren’t people but rather factions to gather before them to state
animals (Eagle, Horse, Hound etc). their cases.
- The victim doesn’t realise that he needs - The valuable thing was en route
rescuing; he thinks he’s doing something somewhere when its conveyance or
reasonable and/or safe. courier was wrecked or vanished.
- The threat is environmental; natural
disaster, plague outbreak etc.
- Those in need of rescue can’t leave;
15. I Beg Your Pardon? not to make contact or let themselves be
The PCs are minding their own business known.
when they are attacked or threatened. Twists & Themes:
They don’t know why. They must solve - The target gets itself in trouble and the
the mystery of their attacker’s motives, PCs must decide whether to break the no-
and in the meantime fend off more contact rule in order to mount a rescue.
attacks. They must try to put two and two - The target is being observed by another
together to deal with the problem. group that also wishes to remain
Twists & Themes: unnoticed.
- The PCs are in possession of something
that the mysterious attackers want – but 18. Manhunt
they don’t necessarily realise it. Someone is gone: they’ve run away,
- The attackers are out for revenge for a gotten lost, or simply haven’t been seen
dead compatriot killed by the PCs in a in a while. Somebody misses them or
previous adventure. needs them returned. The PCs are called
- The attackers have mistaken the PCs for in to find them and bring them back.
someone else. Twists & Themes
- The attackers are only a diversion to - The target has been kidnapped (possibly
keep the PCs busy whilst a mysterious to specifically lure the PCs).
bad guy does something nefarious. - The target is dangerous and/ or
unhinged and has escaped from
16 Long or Short Fork when Dining captivity.
on Orc? - The target is valuable and escaped from
The PCs are a diplomatic vanguard, a place designed to keep him safe, cosy,
trying to open up (or shore up) either and conveniently handy.
political or trade relations with an - The target has a reason for leaving that
unfamiliar culture (isolated dwarven the PCs will sympathise with (refusal to
hold, Easterling clan, a Lossoth tribe etc). marry, seeks adventure, is mistreated
All they have to do is manage for a day or etc).
so among the strange customs without - The target has stumbled across another
offending anyone. adventure (either as protagonist or
Twists & Themes: victim), which the PCs must then
- What information the PCs have about undertake themselves.
the culture is either incomplete or - The missing ‘person’ is in fact an entire
dangerously misleading. group (an expedition, pilgrimage, scout
- The PCs were chosen by somebody who force etc).
knew they weren’t prepared for it – an - The target isn’t a runaway or
NPC trying to sabotage the diplomacy missing/lost – they’re just someone that
(pinning this villain might be necessary the PCs have been tasked to track down
to avert disaster). (possibly under false pretences).

17. Look, Don’t Touch 19. Missing Memories

The PCs are working surveillance – One or more of the PCs wakes up with no
spying on a person, gathering memory of the recent past, and now they
information on a beast in the wild, find themselves in some kind of trouble
scouting a group of unfamiliar they don’t understand. The PCs must find
neighbours or newcomers, probing deep the reason for the memory lapse (drank
behind enemy lines. Regardless of the from an enchanted stream, under the
scale or target, the primary conflict (at effects of subtle magic, drugged etc), and
least at the start) is the rule that they are in the meantime deal with the
only to watch, listen and learn. They are
predicament they have stumbled into. how to escape.

Twists & Themes: Twists & Themes:

- The forgetful PCs voluntarily suppressed - They were brought to the place
or erased the memories, and they find specifically to help someone in trouble.
themselves undoing their own work. - They were brought by accident, as a by-
product of something strange and secret.
20. Most Peculiar, Momma - Some of the PCs enemies were
Something both bad and inexplicable is transported along with them (or
happening (growing racial tension in separately), and now they have a new
Esgaroth, It’s snowing in July in the Shire, battleground.
A mysterious sickness, the pipe weed
crop has failed, something is killing 23. Ounces of Prevention
Beorn’s bees etc.) and a lot of folk are A villain or organisation (corrupt official,
very troubled by it. The PCs must track bandits, spy of the enemy, dubious
the phenomenon to its source, and stop merchant, dark cult etc) is getting ready
it. to do something bad (murder, robbery,
Twists & Themes: kidnapping, smuggling, dark ritual etc),
- The PCs are somehow unwittingly and the PCs have received a tip-off of
responsible for the whole thing (cursed some sort. They must investigate to find
treasure, a malicious spirit wants out more about the caper, and then act to
revenge, etc). prevent it.
- What seems to be a problem of one Twists & Themes:
nature (magical, personal, natural, - The initial tip-off was a red hearing
political etc) is actually a problem of an meant to distract the PCs from the actual
alternate one. caper.
- There are two simultaneous Bad Things
21. No One Has Soiled the Bridge on the way, and no apparent way to stop
The PCs are assigned to guard a single both of them – how to choose?
vital spot (a mountain pass, bridge, ford, - The Bad Thing is only a small part of a
ravine, tunnel etc) from impeding or much broader problem and the PCs are
possible attack. They must plan their embroiled in the resulting escalation.
defensive strategy, set up watches, - The Bad Thing is an act of revenge
prepare traps, and so on. They must then against an even worse thing (real or not).
deal with the enemy when it arrives.
Twists & Themes: 24. Delved too Deep
- The intelligence the PCs were given Someone (it’s usually dwarves but it
turns out to be faulty, but acting on the could be someone else maybe), has
new information could result in greater stumbled upon something which might
danger – but so could not acting on it, be best described as an ‘older fouler
and the PCs must choose or create a thing than orcs’ and now the terrible
compromise. ancient thing from the First Age is
shaking things up locally (this should
22. Not in Esgaroth anymore! probably be somewhere out of the way –
The PCs are minding their own business Harad, Forodwaith, Withered Heath,
and find themselves transported to a Oracani Mountains etc). Before the PCs
strange place (dragged into a nightmare, can even think of confronting the bad
re-enacting a past event, entering the thing, they must deal with the waves of
spirit world etc). They must figure out trouble already released by it (bad
where they are, why they are there and dreams, madness, orcs or other bad
things roused, locals cowered etc) disagreement, unleashing something
they shouldn’t have etc).
Twists & Themes:
- The PCs can’t hope to defeat the terrible 27. Running the Gauntlet
thing through force of arms, another The PCs must travel through a hazardous
solution must be found. area, and get through without being
- Only a certain dingus or rare esoteric bit killed, robbed, humiliated, debased,
of lore can defeat the creature, and no diseased, or captured by whatever is
one is sure where it is or if it still exists. there (Travelling through Mirkwood, a
trip to Fangorn Forest, a sojourn deep
25. Quest for the Sparkly Hoozits under the Misty Mountains etc).
Somebody needs a dingus (to fulfil a Twists & Themes:
prophecy, heal the monarch, prevent a - The troubles they encounter are rarely
war, cure a disease, or what have you). personal in nature – the place itself is the
The PCs must find the dingus – often an ‘villain’ of the adventure.
old dingus, a mysterious dingus and a - The place isn’t dangerous at all, and the
powerful (in the right hands) dingus. The various ‘dangers’ are actually attempts to
PCs must learn about it to track it down, communicate with the PCs by some agent
and then deal with taking it from or other.
wherever it is.
Twists & Themes: 28. Safari
- The dingus is incomplete when found The PCs are on a hunting expedition, to
(one of the most irritating and un-fun capture or kill an elusive and prized
plot twists in the universe). creature (something similar to the Boar
- Someone or something (dwarves, of Everholt, a Kine of Araw, a white
dragons, orcs, unfriendly strangers of crebain, a cave drake etc). They must
distant lands etc) already owns it (or deal with its environment, its own ability
recently stole it, sometimes with to evade them and possibly to fight them.
legitimate claim or cause). Twists & Themes:
- The dingus is information or an idea, or - The creature is all but immune to their
a substance, not a specific dingus. weapons.
- The PCs must use guile, stealth and - There are other people actively trying to
ingenuity to claim the dingus from the protect the creature (elves, rangers, a
group that possess it. cranky hermit type etc).
- The PCs must use diplomacy and - There are other people trying to capture
persuasion to claim the dingus from the or kill the creature.
group that possess it. - The creature’s lair allows the PCs to
stumble onto another adventure.
26. Recent Ruins
A town, keep, outpost, or other civilized 29. Score One for the Home Team
construct is lying in ruins. Very recently, The PCs are participants in a race,
it was just dandy. The PCs must enter the contest, tournament, scavenger hunt or
ruins, explore them, and find out what other voluntary bit of sport. They must
happened. win.
Twists & Themes: Twists & Themes:
- Whatever ruined the ruins (orcs, trolls, a - The other contestants are less honest,
dragon, Easterling raiders etc) is still a and the PCs must overcome their
threat; the PCs must defeat or escape the attempts to win dishonestly.
baddies. - The PCs are competing for a deeper
- The inhabitants destroyed themselves purpose than victory, such as to keep
somehow (a mysterious curse, a serious another contestant safe, or spy on one, or
just to get into the place where the event them.
is going down.
- The PCs don’t wish to win; they just Twists & Themes:
need to prevent the villain from winning. - The PCs are tasked with capturing the
- The event is a deliberate test of the PCs perpetrator(s); they must not come to
abilities (for entry into an organisation, harm.
to earn someone’s respect etc). - The bad guys have prepared something
- The event becomes more deadly than dangerous and hidden as ‘insurance’ if
it’s supposed to. they are captured.
- The ‘bad guy’ is much more than he
30. Stalag 23 seems (a sorcerer, undead, a good guy
The PCs are imprisoned, and must gone mad etc).
engineer an escape, overcoming any - The ‘bad guy’ is a respected public
guards, obstacles, and geographic figure, superior, or someone else abusing
isolation their prison imposes on them. their authority, and the PCs might meet
Twists & Themes: hostility from normally helpful quarters
- Something has happened in the outside that don’t accept that the bad guy is bad.
world and the prison security has fallen - A balance of power perpetuates the
lax because of it trouble, and the PCs must choose sides to
- Other prisoners decide to blow the tip the balance and fix things (family
whistle for spite or revenge. feud, rival claimants, competing factions
- The PCs are undercover to spy on a etc).
prisoner, but are then mistaken for real - The ‘trouble’ is diplomatic or political,
inmates and kept incarcerated. and the PCs must make peace, not war.
- The PC's have to escape in a hurry to get
to another adventure outside the walls. 33. Uncharted Waters
The PCs are explorers and their goal is to
31. Take us to Umbar and Don’t Slow enter an unknown territory and scope it
Down out, (the coastal area beyond Umbar, the
The PCs are on board a ship on their way lands of the Far East, the Withered Heath,
to somewhere safe when it is high jacked. deep under the Grey Mountains, Angmar
The PCs must take action to help the etc). Naturally, the job isn’t just going to
crew. be surveying and drawing sketches of
Twists & Themes: local fauna; something is there,
- The ‘hijackers’ are agents of the good something fascinating or threatening (or
guys (Gondor, Dorwinion etc) pulling a both).
complicated caper, forcing the PCs to Twists & Themes:
choose sides. - Either the place itself is threatening (in
- The hijackers don’t realise there is a which case the PCs must both play
secondary danger that must be dealt National Geographic and simultaneously
with, and any attempt to convince them try to escape with their skin and sanity)
is viewed as a trick. or the place itself is very valuable and
wonderful, and something else there is
32. Troublemakers keen on making sure the PCs don’t let
A bad guy (or group of them, or multiple anyone else know.
parties) is kicking up a ruckus, upsetting - Perhaps the PCs ship is damaged or
the neighbours, poisoning the water destroyed, or there is no clear way back
supply, or otherwise causing trouble. The home (a cave in, hostile forces etc) in
PCs have to go where the trouble is, which case this becomes #8 Don’t eat the
locate the bad guys, and put a stop to Purple Ones.
34. We’re on the Outside Looking In What: A dangerous man has
Any of the basic plots in this list can be escaped the town gaol in Lake-town and
reengineered with the PCs on the outside is believed to have murdered everyone
of it. Either the PCs are accompanying aboard the longboat of a prominent town
other characters in the midst of such a councillor, including the councillor and
plot (often being called on to defend the his wife, before fleeing to the north. The
plot from the outside, as it were), or they company is hired to track down the
are minding their own business when the criminal and recapture him.
others involved in the plot show up, and
must pick sides or simply resist. For Why: The suspect is a violent stranger
instance, with Any Old Port in a Storm, who must be stopped before he kills
the PCs could already be enjoying (or again.
native to) the shelter when a strange
group arrives. If the ‘PCs are unwelcome’ Who: The company meets Frida, a lady of
variant is employed, then perhaps the the Lake who's relatives have been
PCs will be the only voice of reason to murdered, Magoldir, a wayward Elf of
still the racial prejudice, mistrust of Mirkwood, Frár the Beardless, a
strangers, or whatever else is the source houseless Dwarf of the Grey Mountains
of the conflict. Narrows, and finally Skarf
Hammerstroke, a wild mountain-man
Twists & Themes: with a dark secret.
The PCs find themselves on the receiving
end of the adventure. Take any of the
plots and reverse them, placing the PCs
in the position where NPCs (often the THE SONG OF HAMMER AND ANVIL
Villain, fugitive etc) normally are. by jamesrbrown
Alternately, leave a classic plot intact but
turn the twists upside down, making Part One: A Broken Smith
them twistier (or refreshingly un-twisty). On a particularly cloudy day in Esgaroth,
the companions visit the town hospital by
invitation of a prominent woman named
KING ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN Runa, who is a volunteer healer, and the
by JamesRBrown wife of a town official. Runa is caring for
a man who is wounded and feverish: a
When: This adventure takes place smith from a village south of town who
any time after 2948, when the Desolation claims to have been attacked by large
of Smaug is green once again, but Goblins that carried off his magical
disrespectful Barding villagers are hammer and anvil while leaving him for
frequently trespassing into the Woodland dead. They said their master needed it for
Realm to cut down silver beeches (see The something important.
Darkening of Mirkwood, pages 13 and
17). These tools are very special and valuable
to him, passed down from many
Where: The adventure begins in generations before him. He swears that
Lake-town and moves through the all weapons made with them have
Northern Dalelands, into the East Gap of sharper edges. Without them, he has lost
the Grey Mountains Narrows, and all the all purpose and may even lose the will to
way to the Gamolberg, the hoary live. If the companions recover these
mountain. tools and rid the village of the Hobgoblin
threat, they may help to restore his hope
and become heroes to the hospital's on the eastern edge of Mirkwood is
volunteer wives of Lake-town. Just before dangerous and hard, but it is only 25
the man falls into a deep sleep, he miles and will only take a little over 2
whispers these words: "When the magic days to arrive at the abandoned village.
hammer strikes the anvil, the sparrow sings This requires 1 Fatigue test at a severe TN
it's song." 18 difficulty. The Loremaster can also
make 3 rolls of the Feat die to determine
The outcome of the opening encounter if it is a Blighted area (use the rules found
with the woman should give the player- on page 224 of Rulebook). If so, they
heroes rewards and blessings. Maybe must make 1 Corruption test each day of
something like this, according to their travel at TN 14 or gain 1 Shadow point.
The search for the hammer and anvil
0-1 Runa is slightly concerned about should be spontaneously narrated and
the company's ability and offers only a the player-heroes given opportunities to
small purse of coin equal to 1 point of propose tasks of Search, Explore, and
Treasure if they complete the quest before whatever else seems appropriate. The
the man dies. final clue should be the sound of a
sparrow; but this also brings a sudden
2-3 All the wives are satisfied with the revelation of horror that the tools are in
outcome and contribute to a reward current use!
equal to 1 point of Treasure for each of
the companions if they complete the Part Four: The Camp of Nasty Goblins
quest before the man dies. In a final scene, the companions gain the
advantage to ambush a camp full of
4-6 As above, and Runa offers the Hobgoblins busy sharpening weapons
companions free care at the hospital and using the magic hammer and anvil.
lodgings at her residence for the winter. Some try to escape west towards the
She mentions that her husband would Mountains of Mirkwood after the arrival
also be very interested to speak with of some Great Bats.
them about future assignments.
7+ Runa is very impressed with the After defeating the Hobgoblins and
player-heroes; apply the results above, recovering the hammer and anvil, the
and she gives them a bottle of Reedmace, company should return to Esgaroth with
enough for the entire company to benefit the items and to collect their rewards.
for the entire Adventuring phase (see Use the same numbers for the return
Lake-town page 21). journey.

Part Two: Hungry Ogres

Beyond the southern shores of the lake,
along an opening path through the bogs
in the direction of the man's village, the
player-heroes come upon a hunting party
of hungry, hate-filled Ogres. These
creatures of legend have been stirred out
of their holes in the marsh and are
scouting dangerously close to Lake-town.

Part Three: A Wondrous Search

The journey through the Long Marshes
THE FADED ONE by Venger The Chamber has numerous interesting
The following is the synopsis of two minor enchanted items, possessions of
scenarios that play into each other and I the Faded One and if taken the Faded
introduced them over the course of a One doesn't even notice. But the main
campaign with several other scenarios artefact is The Fountain of Vala which
between them to allow players to sports two small trees similar to bonsai,
possibly forget about the details of the one gold and one silver and they cast
one that connect to the other. gold and silver light in the chamber.
All about the fountain are a dozen very
a) The Faded One unusual pale, vaguely luminescent
Deep in the ruins of the fortress Nost cream coloured flowers growing in
Namba Megil, the Heroes discover a special pots.
secret chamber bedecked with art, tomes
and treasures. There is a library with Later either through a mentor, or by
texts, maps to now-forgotten places and using one of the tomes in the Chamber,
ruins and other writings and journals the Heroes find out that these flowers are
depicting life and places of the way all that remain of "Númenorian White
things were in the Second Age. [lots of info Roses" and are potted in Numenorian
on adventure sites and some information soil, flowers and soil rescued in the last
about the current scenario but it would take days before Numenor was lost.
years to digest all the material here]. The light of the two trees keeps them
invigorated and the water from the
It is the last abode of an ancient fountain keeps them refreshed. (Each
nameless Elf Lord who overstayed his Rose has the power to resurrect the
time in Middle Earth, who's Fee spirit has recently slain.) [or something equally as
consumed his flesh and has thus become potent if resurrection not possible].
a “Faded One". He doesn't fully realize he
has Faded. The chamber is both a blessing and a
curse, because although it is an asset it
On first encounter he resembles a ghost also a liability that has to be protected,
and the players may perceive him as one. since the Roses cannot be moved for they
In turn he perceives the Heroes as if they will die without the light of the two trees,
are like in a dream to him. He may nor can the Fountain be dismantled
answer questions but they will be vague, without destroying it.
like riddles. His main dialog is rambling
and undirected and is that of someone One of the minor enchanted items is a
who has now forgotten all who he is and box that has enough room in it to hold
was, even his own name for nobody one item the size of a flower, and within
speaks it, and he goes on about Lost Love it is a single red rose, preserved as if it
and how weary the world has made him has been fresh cut. The red rose is a
and recites sad poetry, and laments of memento the Faded One has been
this lost love. keeping, one of the last reminders of his
Lost Love and the one thing that restores
Yet he remains in Middle Earth searching his Hope and that that keeps him from
for his lost love who he feels is still in falling into Shadow, possibly becoming a
Middle Earth but cannot find her and will worse apparition.
not leave without her. He has pretty
much given up hope of ever finding her, This presents the Players with a
though he ventures out from time to time conundrum. My players chose to leave
to seek her regardless. things as they were and re-seal the
chamber. What will your players do?
Sit back for a few scenarios and let the SEARCHING FOR MIRRORWEED
conundrum you have set before your by Magus76
players vex them thoroughly. Try not to
get them killed, so they are not tempted The forest of Mirkwood is filled with both
to put the conundrum to the test. Then... wondrous and malicious growing things,
and there are some real treasures to be
b) The Midnight Maiden found if one knows where to look.
The Heroes learn of a secret grove set in a The characters are asked to either
valley between the crests of two peaks. accompany a skilled herbalist from Lake-
Each month at a certain time during the Town, or to set out on their own, to find a
full moon light from the moon specific and very valuable plant in the
illuminates the grove between the peaks green depths of the forest.
and through the boughs of the forest can
be seen an elvish maid who appears in This plant goes by the name of
the beams of the moonlight who sings a Mirrorweed and only grows in the
beautiful but very sad song. Naturally the shadow of certain trees and always close
Heroes will want to witness this wonder to water. It has a dark green colour on
themselves. the thin stem, with a pale silver flower
that glows eerily in the dark. The leaves
She is lovely, and appears ghost-like but on the stem are long and sharp, but the
she is not a ghost but has faded, just like petals of the flower could be compared to
The Faded One. She sings a sad song the wide wings of a butterfly.
about her lost love and never leaving
Middle Earth until their promise of The difficulty of this task, apart from the
leaving together is fulfilled. journey itself, lies in the fact that these
(The players may make the connection beautiful flowers produce a narcotic
between the Faded One and the Midnight nectar that attracts a certain species of
Maiden.) In the words of her song are hornets, very aggressive wasps the size of
clues, and should these clues get back to a small crow that build their nests far up
the ears of the faded one, this will enable in the trees above the flowers.
the Faded One to find her.
These hornets are quite evil creatures,
If the Players then return to the Faded and they will fiercely attack anyone that
One’s chamber and sing the song of the either gets too close to their nest or
Midnight Maiden the Faded One will interrupts them while they are collecting
know where to find his maiden. their precious nectar.
They will be re-joined and the Faded One
will bequeath all of his possessions to the The company needs to find these plants
Heroes. and harvest them without attracting the
attention of the hornets, whose poison
can be extremely painful and
hallucinogenic at best and lethal if the
hero is stung too many times. Like the
spiders these hornets can talk to each
other and they will send word that
intruders are moving through their lands
and attack if necessary.

It is up to the Loremaster how much the

herbalist knows about the plant, why
they need it and what to expect when THE DARKENING OF MIRKWOOD,
searching for it in the forest, but it is YEAR 2952: THE TALE OF AESTID
quite obvious that the less information AND DENLAR by Corvo
the heroes have when setting out, the
more challenging the adventure will be. Note: in my campaign, the Tale of Aestid
and Denlar take place in 2952, and is the
Mirkwood Hornets igniting factor behind the Battle of the
Attribute: 4 Forest's Gate.
Endurance: 6 My reason for conflating the two story
Hate: 2 seeds was to give my players some moral
Parry: 5 conundrum, instead of a simple “let's go
Armor: 1d bashing some baddies”. Viglund is a
Skills villain, but I strived to create a situation
Personality 1 where his actions weren't entirely
Movement 3 unwarranted.
Perception 2
Survival 2 Aestid is the daughter of Viglund (HotW
Custom 0 page 31). Shrewd and determined as her
Vocation 0 father, unlike him she's a kind and
Weapon Skills generous soul. Aestid knew Denlar when
Sting 2 the young Beorning was taken in slavery
Special Abilities by her father's men, in 2950. The two fell
Fell Speed in love while gathering firewood in the
Savage Assault Elfwood (HotW page 31), and she helped
Snake-Like Speed him escape. Since that time, the two meet
secretly in the Elfwood at dawn the first
Weapon: Hornet Sting day of every month. No one is aware of
Damage: 2 their love, nor of her role in his getaway:
Edge : 10 only the vile goblin Saviga (HotW page
Injury: 12 30) suspects something.
Called Shot: Poison *
* Poison: The Hornet Poison, aside from Last year Viglund betrothed Aestid to the
the normal effects of being poisoned, is a brutish Othbald, a powerful follower of
strong and fear-inducing hallucinogenic him, as a means of appeasing a
that will force the victim to make a Fear dangerous rival of his son Viglar (HotW
Test. If the test fails the character will flee page 30) to the Viglunding’s leadership.
the scene in panic, with no regard as to Now the marriage looms near, so Aestid
direction or safety. decided to flee, even if that means
forsaking her father: a cruel man to
many, yet a loving parent to her.

Her plan is to free all of Othbald’s slaves

on the night she flees: Othbald will have
to choose between his bride and his
servants, and will be unable to recapture
them all. And deep in her heart, she
wants to grant these unfortunates a
chance to win their freedom.
On his part, Denlar enlisted the help of
some friends: Arnulf, Avagis and Avina,
sons of Old Alaric, a renowned Likely courses of action (and their
homesteader that live near the border of implications):
Viglund's territory. They will wait for
Aestid hidden in the Elfwood. - Attacking the Viglundings. Viglar
has a dozen Men with him (some of them
The escape goes as planned, and before wounded). In three hours Othbald will be
dawn Aestid and Denlar reach Old there with another twenty, and tomorrow
Alaric's homestead with their friends. at dawn Viglund will bring dozens more.
Unknown to them the vily Saviga Gisalric has eight Men right now, and
shadowed Aestid till the Elfwood, and more will flock to the besieged farmstead
recognized the sons of Alaric. every passing hour. Many feuds will
The malice of the creature is so great follow this battle, and their shadow will
that, instead of escaping to Mirkwood, he loom on Denlar and Aestid forever.
comes back to Viglar and tells him where
his sister is hiding. - Appeal to Old Alaric to restitute
Aestid to her father. He has the authority
When the adventure starts Old Alaric's to do it, and he's angry at his son’s
homestead is under siege by Viglar and a brashness (he wasn't informed of their
dozen of his men: he doesn't dare torch plan). Yet he's proud and he hates
the building lest Aestid is harmed, but he Viglund with a passion: he doesn't want
asks for the restitution of his kidnapped to yield to his old enemy. The
sister. Some hours ago a group of Men companions need a good success on a
from nearby farmsteads intervened and Persuade or Courtesy roll. If they succeed
were met by harsh word: no one knows they can avert a battle, but woes will
who struck the first blow, but a fight follow: Gisalric will seek revenge for his
ensued and a Beorning, Cilderic son of son, and Aestid and Denlar cannot
Gisalric, is dead. Surely Viglar blames renounce their love.
the Beornings.
- Intimidate Viglar. Not easy, since
Now, grief-stricken Gisalric and his kin he sent messengers to Othbald: he knows
are raising a warband to attack Viglar's that reinforcements are incoming, and he
men, while at the same time Othbald is cannot look weak to his brother-in-law. It
coming with reinforcements for Viglar. requires an overwhelming force... or
Time is running short, tempers are maybe someone can convince him that
flaring, and Viglund himself will be here Beorn is nearby.
- Asking for judgement by Beorn.
The companions can be involved as they Viglund and his men know that they
are traveling through the region: maybe should act quickly to avoid the
they are sleeping at Gisalric's long-home, involvement of the feared Skin-changer.
and rules of hospitality demand that they It requires extraordinary cunning to stall
help their guest. Or maybe they are at the them long enough. If they manage it,
Easterly Inn (see TftW) and they hear the Beorn will make clear that everyone here
call to arms of the Beornings. is under his protection, and Aestid is free
to choose her destiny by herself. Viglund
A full scale battle is brewing, and surely will not challenge the Skin-changer
feuds will follow. There is still room for directly, but raiding and skirmishes will
diplomacy, but not much, otherwise it's follow in the next years.
down to cunning or arms.
- Giving monetary compensation
for the kidnapping of Aestid. Greedy
Othbald is ready to accept a tribute in ADVENTURE IDEAS IN ERIADOR by
gold or cattle for Aestid and the escaped Glorelendil et al
thralls: but he needs a lot of it, to impress
his underlings he wasn't humbled by the 1. Eriador is filled with ruined
Beornings. Viglund needs extraordinary towers and keeps. So find a reason (it will
riches to put aside his wounded pride. depend on the backgrounds of the
If that road is chosen, surely Gisalric will characters) for one/all of them to want
ask the Viglunding’s for blood-money for some kind of help or favour from Erestor.
his son's death. Erestor will help them, but for a price: he
has been seeking an artefact...more of
- Asking Viglund to let Aestid flee historical interest than actual
with Denlar. Surprisingly, this is power...and he's finally narrowed down
probably the best solution, because the possible location to an area of the
although Viglund is a monster his only North Downs. It was held in a secret
ounce of humanity is reserved for his vault below a watchtower built on a hill-
daughter (Insight, tn.18). Arranging such top. He knows the name of the hill, but
a talk isn't easy, tough: they need to unfortunately nobody knows which hill is
Persuade both Aestid and Denlar to which anymore. But if the Fellowship can
appeal to the tyrant's clemency (TN12 find this artefact, or at least find evidence
and 16 respectively, since Denlar hates that it's not in the location he thinks, he'll
Viglund), and Viglund too (TN18). help them in return.
What follows is a hill-to-hill search of
If they manage a great success with ruins in the North Downs. They can talk
Viglund, he will let them go, if Denlar to Talandil who might be able to help
promises to give a hefty bride-price them locate the right hill, or at least tell
within a year. If the companions them where they can find more clues.
managed just a simple success, Viglund When they finally find the right place, the
demands that the couple live at his home vault has been looted...ripped open from
and that Denlar swears fealty to him. the surface by something that could only
Othbald will harbour a grudge, and be a troll. And recently! That points to the
Gisalric will be refused reparation, massive troll they had already
though. encountered (and snuck around? run
away from? only saw tracks of?).
The troll dies hard, but the artefact isn't
there (however, there's other treasure:
Magical Treasure rolls!). They discover
tracks that suggest a man left recently.
Chase! If they catch him, he's some kind
of servant of the Enemy, and has the
Victory! Back to Rivendell and Erestor.
But...there's a mystery here. After
centuries, suddenly TWO people know
where to find this artefact? Erestor
explains how he came across the final
clue, which only came about because he
was talking to a recent visitor to
Rivendell, a learned gentleman from the
South, who doesn't fit the description of
the bad guy the Fellowship was tracking.
2. A merchant or group of carry the letter there.
merchants needs the Adventurers to Upon arrival at the former Fornost Erain,
escort an agent (or agents) whose mission they are informed of the duties of the
is to assess the condition of the Old South Rangers and their true role in Eriador as
Road through Eriador. Of particular wardens against the growing darkness.
concern would be crossing the feasibility The letter was sent by their leader, who
of crossing the River Gwathlo (Greyflood) was now in the south (Aragorn as
in Tharbad and the likelihood of Thorongil), telling the Rangers to
encountering bandits or other trouble strengthen the southern borders watch,
among the herdsmen and hillmen of as a powerful dark spirit had left Mordor
Dunland. and was probably heading north [LM: in
Boromir, in The Lord of the Rings, reveals fact it is the Witch-King, Unclad and Unseen
that his route to Rivendell took him to most except to Aragorn's almost elvish
through the Gap of Rohan and north up senses].
the Old South Road, where he lost his The PCs are then sent to Rivendell with
mount fording the Greyflood at Tharbad. indications of how to find this spirit, so
Is the ford dangerous year-round? they can ask Master Elrond for counsel
Perhaps Boromir lost his horse to bandits about this threat. Elrond tells them that
or swamp-creatures rather than to the such servants from the Enemy can't be
river. What folk or monsters might be beaten by the force of normal weapons.
lurking about the ruins of the town? Their only hope lies in recovering some
powerful artefacts that the Elves of
3. PCs are telling tales in the Green Eregion built an age ago, when Sauron
Dragon Inn, or having a beer in the himself brought war upon them.
Prancing Pony, in the first lights of the Travel to Eregion to find information
morning. Then, suddenly, a cloaked man about the artefacts (weapons?), just to
comes in and drops unconscious to the discover that they were sent to the
ground . "He's one of those Rangers!" says Dwarves of Moria as a gift when asking
the bartender as he spits to the ground. for their help against the forces of
"They're never up to no good". Mordor. The Dwarves closed the doors to
A Lore roll or Shadow-Lore trait indicates the Elves, but kept the gifts in their vaults.
that he is fighting against some Curse of The heroes have to enter Moria and look
the undead: he seems to have crossed the for the artefacts of the Elves in some
Barrow-Downs during the night. hidden vault.
As the PCs approach him, he stutters: "B- After that, they have to return to
b-b-bring this message to the Weathertop, Rivendell to consult Elrond about the
please... hurry, the Rangers must know artefacts and how to use them. When
before it's too late!" He fades out, finally having a weapon (maybe not
grasping a closed letter in his hand. literally a sword or spear) to confront the
Shadow from the South, they travel to
The PCs should travel to Weathertop Angmar... just to discover that the Dark
(maybe crossing the marshes and facing Spirit has left, but had enough time to
the neeker-breekers), where they meet a organize the Orcs of Mount Gram into a
small group of Rangers of the North hating bunch that marches to The Shire.
(maybe just 4 or 5 of them). Their captain Who will the PCs call for help? The
tells PCs that he must travel south ASAP widespread Rangers? The reclusive and
with some of his men, and one of the secretive Elves of Rivendell? The
Rangers must stay in Weathertop. But the Ghostbusters?
message must reach the ears of a bigger
group stationed at Deadman's Dike. The
PCs are the only ones who are left to
DEEP PLACES – AN ADVENTURE IN mouth, through swamps, fens and
ERIADOR by Otaku-sempai scattered woodland. Or, if the
"There are older and fouler things than Orcs companions wish to attempt a sea-
in the deep places of the world." voyage, they must sail about 500 miles
south from the Gulf of Lune.
The Bell of Aldarion
The companions have wintered in When the company reaches the mouth of
Western Eriador (perhaps in the Shire, or the Greyflood they find that the ruins of
with either the Dwarves of the Ered Luin the old haven are mostly reduced to
or in the Grey Havens with Cirdan's folk). jumbles of tumbled stones. The
Spending time in the Havens, they hear lighthouse is largely intact but empty and
stories of how the old ruins at the mouth disused. The companions can see where
of the River Gwathlo (Greyflood) were the Bell of Aldarion must have hung; but
originally the harbor of Lond Daer, it is long gone.
established by the Numenorean king Tar-
Aldarion. A small fishing community is located a
short distance from the lighthouse. The
The haven fell into ruin after the sinking residents call it Lonnsport, possibly a
of Numenor; however, it is said that the corruption of the old Sindarin name.
lighthouse of Lond Daer endured for They are skittish around the companions
many centuries afterward, kept in repair at first then settle down a bit after getting
by Men of Gondor who kept its beacon lit a good look at them. It seems that there is
and would ring the Bell of Aldarion in another, older community a few miles to
case of fog to warn ships away from the the south, called Shaddville.
shoals. The Bell was also said to ward
Lond Daer against an evil from the sea, The residents don't like to talk about
but the Elves are unclear about the Shaddville but, if pressed, will speak of
source of said evil. dark rumours of strange lights (especially
about a month following the Spring and
By TA 2510 Gondor had abandoned Autumn equinoxes), the disappearance
Enedwaith in Southern Eriador, leaving it of locals (including small children) and
to the Dunlendings and their of something odd or just plain off about
descendants. The floods of 2912 drove the appearance of the Shadowmouth
out the remaining inhabitants of folk. They don't look quite right; they
Enedwaith except for a handful of seldom blink and often walk with a
isolated fishing villages along the coast. strange gait.
Even Tharbad, where the Old South Road
crossed the Greyflood, was abandoned. The people of Lonnsport blame the
There is a rumour that the Bell of Shaddville folk for the disappearances,
Aldarion was never removed from the but they don't dare take action; an
lighthouse at Lond Daer and might still attempt against the town was made once,
be there to this day. but it was met with a terrible reprisal
from sea-monsters that attacked
If the companions wish to explore the Lonnsport, killing many residents.
ruins of Lond Daer then they have two
options. If they travel overland, they must Shaddville
follow the Old South Road until they If the companions investigate Shaddville,
cross the Ford of Tharbad, a journey of they find a fishing village much like the
perhaps 480 miles, then follow the one they left, but isolated and more
Greyflood for another 200 miles to its wretched-looking. Most of the wooden
houses look run-down and weather-
beaten. Of those that have two or more Deep Ones can interbreed with Men and
stories, many of the upper-floor windows a few coastal communities have
are boarded up. About half of the homes developed a bizarre, symbiotic
look abandoned and many of them are relationship with Deep One colonies.
also sealed up. There are few people on
the street; most of those stare queerly at Deep One/Mannish hybrids begin by
the companions with eyes that seem too looking fully human, and some remain
far apart and seldom blink. Some walk human for their entire lives. However,
with a shuffling gait--almost hopping in most gradually transform after they
some cases. Grubby children play reach adulthood, sooner or later
desultorily in bare yards. There are no becoming Deep Ones themselves. The
animals anywhere in town. stone building at the centre of Shaddville
is the temple of the Order of Dagon, a
One structure in the centre of town is a cult that worships Brother Dagon and
large building constructed of fitted, black Sister Hydra --and also another
stone. Elaborate carvings surround the mysterious entity (Cthulhu) that might be
arch of the lone entrance, including another rogue Ainu sleeping in an
weird pictograms that seem to depict fish undersea city (R'lyeh) somewhere in the
and more fanciful sea-creatures. A man depths of the Inner Seas.
in robes lurks just beyond the door; he
cannot be clearly seen, but there is an The companions must investigate the
unwholesome aspect about him. temple in order to find the Bell. To do
this, they must defeat or kill Xadok, the
In fact, the inhabitants of Shaddville are priest of Dagon who resides in the
not entirely human. In the Twilight Years structure, without raising an alarm.
before the Stars and the Sun, a Maiar
who was affiliated with the Vala Ulmo Xadok, Dagon High Priest
was corrupted by Morgoth and entered Attribute level: 5
into his service. When the Valar rose up Specialties: Shadow-lore, Sea-lore;
against Melkor in the Battle of the Distinctive features: Suspicious,
Powers, the Maia grew afraid and dove Wrathful;
into the ocean to hide from the Host of Relevant skills: Insight 3, Great Spear 4,
Valinor. In time this Maia began to breed Dagger 2;
with the race of Men. Endurance: 20

Some hold that her first progeny were If the companions succeed, they note that
Brother Dagon and Sister Hydra, the first the interior of the temple is covered in
of the race of Deep Ones, bipedal pictograms that depict the history of the
creatures that seem equal parts man, Deep Ones and their connection to
frog and fish that can live both in and out Shaddville. They include images of
of water. Others claim that either Dagon terrible and obscene rites, scenes of
or Hydra is the original Maia from whom human sacrifice, and pictures of horrible
all other Deep Ones descend. entities that should not be able to exist.

The Deep Ones founded undersea cities A careful Search (TN 14) reveals a secret
in the ruin of sunken Beleriand and later door in the floor that leads to an
in other parts of Middle-earth where the underground chamber containing gold
climate was temperate or warm. They jewellery and several oddly-proportioned
seldom have much to do with surface tiaras of disturbing and unusual design.
folk, occasionally attacking and sinking A chest contains a large and beautiful
lone ships for their cargoes. However, bell, its clapper wrapped in a thick
sheath of rags. This is the Bell of Return to Lonnsport
Aldarion. If the Bell is rung, each peal it
produces reduces the Hate of any evil If the companions manage to leave
attacker in the vicinity by 1 until the Shaddville unseen, their absence will
creature's Hate is reduced to zero and it soon be noted and a pursuit organized. If
flees. The range of this effect is one mile. the company is mounted it can reach
The Bell weighs about fifty pounds. Lonnsport without incident; otherwise,
the companions will be harassed until
If the companions succeed in finding the they reach the village (unless they use the
Bell and manage to leave the temple Bell to discourage pursuit). If the heroes
without attracting attention then they can have the Bell, they are welcomed. The
attempt to slip quietly out of town. If they Bell is reinstalled in the old tower and a
are seen then the alarm is immediately watch is set. If they do not possess the
raised and the pursuit begins. If a group Bell then the folk of Lonnsport fear
of townsmen manages to catch them, the imminent attack from the sea.
companions must fight their way free
before more townspeople can surround Several hours after nightfall the Deep
them. If anyone thinks to strike the Bell, Ones attack Lonnsport. If the alarm is
the attackers react to the resulting sound given and the Bell of Aldarion is rung
as though in pain. If the clapper is then the attack is quickly aborted and the
unwrapped and the Bell is repeatedly Deep Ones withdraw into the ocean.
struck then any attackers will be driven Otherwise, the Deep Ones attack until the
off. town is destroyed or until the attacking
force is destroyed. The companions have
If the company is surrounded and the choice of fighting to the death or
overwhelmed, the companions face the attempting to escape. If the company
prospect of becoming sacrifices provided arrived at Lonnsport by sea, it might have
they are unable to escape. A companion to abandon any plans to depart that way.
who swears allegiance and servitude to
Brother Dagon and Sister Hydra (or to
Great Cthulhu) might be spared.

Cultists of Dagon
Attribute level: 3
Specialties: Sea-lore, Swimming;
Distinctive features: Secretive,
Relevant skills: Spear 3, Dagger 2
Endurance: 12

Deep Ones
Attribute Level: 4
Endurance: 20; Hate: 5; Parry: 4;
Armour: 2d;
Skills: Personality: 2, Movement: 2 (4 in
water), Perception: 3, Survival: 3,
Custom: 1, Vocation: 1;
Weapon Skills: Spear 3, Dagger 2, Claw
1, Bite 1
Special Abilities: Great Leap, Hate
Sunlight, Seize Victim, Thick Hide.
Ingomer explains to the group that two
~more detailed months back rumours began surfacing of
adventures~ strange green fires burning in the forest
at night. By daylight when these were
investigated, all that could be found were
Wild Adventuresxii small clearings where the trees had been
felled and burned as great pyres. These
had been reduced to fine grey ash with a
pile of charred bones in the centre. They
The Night Wanderers by WbWeather
mostly appeared to be bones of deer or
other woodland creatures.
Part One:
Then several weeks ago a small
Encounter - Ingomer Axebreaker;
settlement was attacked at night and
burned to the ground. The surviving
Part Two:
woodmen claimed that green flames
Combat- Delusional Wanderers(Full of
rapidly consumed their dwellings. When
Hate); rising action
doused with water, the flames grew
Part Three:
larger as if empowered by some strange
Journey - Sanctuary; rising action
sorcery. Whatever was causing these fires
Part Four: Combat - Scuttling Spiders,
was slowly moving north along the eaves
Cave Troll Runt; rising action
of the forest. The most recent sighting of
Part Five: Journey - Demon’s Tower;
the fires was in the Western Eaves just
North of Woodmen Town. The people are
Part Six: Encounter - Hearing Voices;
afraid and the fear itself is beginning to
falling action, resolution
spread like wildfire.
He has asked for men to search out the
A new evil from the forest plagues the
source of this new devilry, but few have
Woodmen. Ingomer Axebreaker enlists
stepped forward for fear of leaving their
the company to discover the source of
families unattended (or perhaps just
this new threat and see what can be done
cowardice). He has sent a message to
to stop it.
Radagast and expects him to arrive
within days but would ask the company
Part One: Fires In the Night (exposition)
to take on the task of investigating the
strange fires to see if they might discover
While visiting a Woodmen settlement, if
their cause.
the company is known to Ingomer
Axebreaker, he requests they pay him a
Encounter Evaluation
visit as he needs their assistance. If they
This encounter should be based on the
have not yet encountered Ingomer, they
highest Valour in the company. Ingomer
could run into him as he is investigating
is not hopeful that the company will
reports of strange sightings in the forest
succeed, at least initially. So far any
and reports of arson in smaller
attempt to find the cause has been
settlements under the eaves of the forest.
Ingomer greets the company cordially,
0-1 Ingomer doubts the company will
but in a preoccupied manner. A
have any more success than the
successful Insight test might reveal that
Woodmen have and dismisses them with
there is some personal fear weighing on
no assistance.
2-3 Ingomer is somewhat encouraged. Eventually on one night the company will
He tells the group the location of the last notice an eerie green glow some distance
known fire and tells them that the fires through the trees. As they approach they
have been found about every 10 miles will hear muffled chanting. They have
moving from the south to the north. found the fire, but what lies ahead is still
4-6 Ingomer is heartily encouraged
by the group’s prowess, and offers to lend Should the players approach the source
them his personal hunting hounds who of light they will see a fascinating scene.
know the forest well. (Any Search test In the centre of a small clearing a group
sees its TN lowered by 2) of men and women dressed in furs
encircle a large fire. The fire is built of
7+ Ingomer does all the above felled trees leaning against one another
and confesses to the company his true in the shape of a tepee. At the top of the
fear, that his son Mogdred may be pyre, hung from a rope by its antlers is a
behind these attacks. buck kicking and thrashing and making
awful, terrified noises as green sinister
flames rise higher and higher up the
Part Two: The Night Wanderers (rising pyre. The strangers are chanting and
action) slowly dancing in circles around the fire
while one, apparently their leader calls
Once the group leaves Ingomer, they out in a mesmerizing cadence:
must begin their search for the fires. This
is a prolonged action requiring 5 “We are the Night Wanderers, the Ring
successful tests (Using Search, Explore Seekers, the Keepers of the Cleansing Fire. We
and/or Hunting) to find the most recent serve the Lady of the Tower, the Queen of the
fire ring at a TN of 14. South. With fire we cleanse the night. She will
keep us and protect us from the terrors of the
If Ingomer gave them the location of the
Dark One. She gives us the fire. To her we
last known fire ring, then the company give this sacrifice.”
can skip these tests and proceed to the
next step. At this point the heroes must decide what
to do. Should they make their presence
Finding the fire known the group of Wanderers shriek in
Having located the most recent fire ring, outrage and attack them, wielding axes
the group now must attempt to observe a in one hand and a burning brand in the
fire while it burns. With no assistance other, whilst their leader shouts:
from Ingomer this requires a prolonged
action of 5 more successful tests (Search, ” Servants of the Dark One, destroy them!”
Explore, or Hunting).
If Ingomer told them to expect to find the If the company chooses to sit and watch,
next fire about 10 miles to the north, they should still somehow be discovered,
reduce this to 3 tests. These tests must be perhaps a hound growls at the sight of
made at night and the TN is increased to the Wanderers or a companion trips and
16. falls. Unless the LM feels it best not to,
they should end up fighting the
Throughout the search reward successful Wanderers.
rolls with signs of a company passing
through the area headed north (signs
include: many footprints in some soft
earth, trees with broken or hewn limbs,
remains of a small campfire, etc.}
Enemy: Night Wanderer made their way east until they came
Attribute Level: 3 upon the Demon’s Tower.
Endurance: 14
Hate: 2 There they met the Sorceress of
Parry: 5 Mirkwood, Zimraphel. She presented
Armour: 2 herself to them as a vision of light that
Skills: could save them from the terrors of the
Personality: 1 Survival: 2 forest and the dark demons that haunted
Movement: 3 Custom:1 them. In truth she was using her sorcery
Perception: 3 Vocation: 2 on them to make them her thralls. As
Weapon Skills: such, she has begun sending them out to
Axe: Damage:5, Edge “Eye”, Injury 18, CS raid ruins and barrows in hopes of
Break Shield finding a ring of power. She armed them
Flaming Brand* (see below): with magical fire to chase away wights.
Damage 3, Edge 9, Injury 12
Special Abilities: Denizen of the Dark, She has convinced them that all others
Snake-like Speed (including the Woodmen and the
Companions) are minions of the
*Flaming Brand Necromancer and seek to take them
On a “piercing blow” the brand ignites captive again into Dol Guldur. They
the player’s armour. This fire is created believe that only in service to her can
through sorcery, and will continue to they be kept from this fate and that only
burn until the player extinguishes it. To by finding a ring for her will their safety
do this requires that an Athletic test be made permanent.
against TN 12 must be taken in lieu of a
combat action on the next round. If failed The Wanderers will fight fiercely until
then the player must pass a Protection half their number has been reduced.
test against TN 12 or sustain 3 endurance After that point the leader (or if he has
loss and gain a wound. This continues downed, one of the others) shouts:
until the fire is extinguished. Another
companion may use a round of combat “We will not be slaves of the Shadow again,
to assist in putting out the fire with an brothers throw yourself upon the light of the
Athletics test as well. Cleansing Fire.”

Add one point of hate to each enemy due At this point, all surviving Wanderers run
to their outrage at having their ceremony into the now roaring fire and are
interrupted. consumed by the flames, choosing
immolation rather than (as they believe)
returning to the dungeons of Dol Guldur.
History of the Night Wanderers This should be grounds for a Corruption
Test to avoid gaining Shadow due to
After the Necromancer was cast out of Anguish.
Dol Guldur, a group of human prisoners
made their way from the depths of the Any defeated Wanderers are not
fortress into the forest. They had no considered killed but instead are
memory before the terrors of the wounded or unconscious. Soon after the
dungeon, their lives as far as they could battle they will wake. They will fear the
remember began in pain and darkness. players, thinking them minions of the
As they wandered the forest being fed on Necromancer. It will be impossible to
by spiders and worse, they eventually convince them otherwise, that will
require the aid of a wizard or a Master tower they refer to is none other than Minas
Healer such as Elrond. Raug, or the Demon’s Tower. When we drove
the Necromancer from Dol Guldur, we
However, it might be possible for a discovered that he had built an eastern
outpost. I fear some former servant of his has
companion to find a way to calm them
taken up residence within that tower. I would
enough to travel without much
have you be my eyes and ears. Find this tower
resistance. Any surviving Wanderers and observe it. Take note of what you see,
should probably be escorted back to learn what you can of its ruler and return to
Woodland Hall. If the players question me in Rhosgobel with that information. Do
any of the captives, they will only repeat not attempt to approach the tower. I cannot
what their leader said at the fire ring say what evil dwells within but I doubt you
(“We are the Night Wanderers, the Ring could face it alone. Yet, perhaps there is yet
Seekers...”) or curse the players as some way to hold it at bay. ”
servants of the Dark One. “One other thing: long ago when the shadow
first descended on the forest, I assisted the
elves in hiding a sanctuary in the south of
Mirkwood. This was located just to the south
Part Three: The Forgotten Garrison (rising
of the East Bight. It was used as a secret
action) garrison for the elves for several centuries
until they ultimately withdrew to the north,
At Woodland Hall the players will leaving it abandoned. While it may have long
discover that while they were away, ago been compromised, I hold some hope
Radagast has joined Ingomer. that it may yet be secure, having been
Upon seeing the captives, Radagast concealed with a Spell of Secrecy and sealed
comments that they are obviously under with a magic spell. To open the door, one
some form of sorcery and takes them must simply lay their hand on it and simply
inside the Wuduseld to see if he can speak the word “Edro”. However, the door
break the spell. After some time he will resist entrance by anyone tainted by the
shadow. Should you find it secure, you may
emerges looking taxed and fatigued.
rest there and recover from your journey. If
we could reclaim this garrison, it could prove
The Wanderers follow him, now seeming useful to Woodmen traveling between
as if they have just woken from a dream. Sunstead and the western settlements. What
They are confused, but are beginning to you might find inside I do not know, but it
remember some things from their past. was known to have once held weapons used
One might be recognized as a long lost by the elves to fight the Shadow. From there it
relative of someone in the village. should be a fairly straight forward trip south
Radagast speaks: to reach the Demon’s Tower. I must rest some
and then attend to these poor souls who have
“Take these people to a house of healing. suffered so much. I will look for you in
Though the spell has been broken, they are Rhosgobel. Farewell friends.”
not yet wholly mended but in time their
minds will heal.” Radagast produces a map and shows the
companions the location of the lost
Turning to the companions he says, sanctuary and the Demon’s Tower. The
“Many years has it been since I had to work sanctuary is located just south of the east
my will so hard against a force as strong as bight near the bottom of the narrows of
the one controlling these people. I fear there the forest. The group then must travel to
are yet things of great power and danger at the garrison Radagast described. The
work in the forest of Mirkwood. I am wearied entrance to the garrison can be found by
by my effort but I did learn some useful any elf using Search at TN of 12 (for any
information. These people were under the
other culture the TN is 20).
control of a sorceress dwelling in a tower in
the south-east of Mirkwood. I fear that the
Radagast also gives the group a small taken and used by any companion.
cordial of amber liquid. When consumed
the TN for any search roll is reduced by 6. The company may rest here safely as long
There is only enough for three sips. as they like, recovering endurance and
Arriving at the location, they must search reducing fatigue as if they were in a safe
to find the door to the garrison. Long has place. However, soon after entering the
the entrance lay hidden in the side of a garrison, they begin to hear strange
hill. Centuries of detritus and noises outside. At first, they might catch
undergrowth have obscured it. Each an occasional scratching against the
player can search twice per day. door, as if it is a tree branch in the wind.
Radagast’s elixir can be used until it is Before long they hear a heavy thud or
gone. two, then silence for a while, then the
thudding again.
Once the door is found, they must open
it. To do so they place their hand on the Eventually it becomes obvious that
door and speak the word “Edro”. The someone or something is trying to get in.
door will only open if they pass a Loud pounding begins outside the walls
Wisdom test of TN 12 plus their current and continues, often up to an hour at a
Shadow rating. Each player may only time. For a while there will be quiet
attempt to open the door once per day. again, but before long the pounding
If successful in entering the garrison they begins anew. When they finally choose to
become the first to do so in over 1500 leave the sanctuary, they will be in for a
years. Inside they find a small armoury. surprise…
It might be possible to find an ancient
weapon of renown among the various Part Four: Company at the Door
swords and bows. There is also a
barracks with enough bunks for a Unbeknownst to them, the adventurers
comfortable night’s sleep. There is one were being followed for the last day or
room which appears to be the two of their travels through Mirkwood. A
commander’s quarters. There is a small cave troll runt had planned to ambush
desk covered in various utensils for them in their sleep at a convenient time.
writing. He was working out how best to do this,
when suddenly they just seem to have
In the centre sits a small but elaborate disappeared. After searching the area
wooden chest, embossed with golden and not finding them he retraced his
script. The name Daebeleth ‘Fading of the steps and followed their tracks to this
Shadow’ can be read by anyone with the particular clearing, where they seemed to
ability to read Sindarin. Inside lies a just vanish into the hillside. Confused, he
silver ring set with a bright emerald. This spent some time searching for a hole or
is a Wondrous Artefact with a blessing of cave but finding none, he now is
both Awe and Insight, both of which are attempting to tear down the hillside in
clearly indicated in the script on the his desire to find his missing prey.
Not only that, his pounding has attracted
In addition to these benefits the ring the attention of quite a few spiders that
allows the wearer to roll the Feat die now are eager to join the hunt for what
twice on any corruption test and take the may turn out to be a tasty dinner.
higher of the two rolls (in a similar When the players do exit the sanctuary,
fashion to a Wild Hobbit’s Shadow Sight). they will walk into a nest of trouble. They
The ring is worth 80 treasure, and can be will need to fight a Cave Troll Runt and at
least a dozen spiders (primarily
Attercops) but maybe with the occasional The Heroes feel a sense of dread and
Hunter spider thrown in to spice things must pass a corruption test or gain a
up if needed. These all must be defeated shadow point.
before the company can make their
escape. Of course they can rest again in Part Six: Hearing Voices (falling action /
the garrison if needed to heal any resolution)
wounds or endurance loss if they choose
to (this time they will not be followed). As the company watches and discusses
what to do, they suddenly find
After defeating the enemies, the company themselves surrounded by small dancing
might want to search for the troll’s cave lights like living candle flames. Any
and possible treasure. The LM may allow apprehension which they previously felt
this if he wishes, however the company suddenly melts away and a sense of
must backtrack a day to find the cave. peace begins to overcome them. Each
character hears gentle voices telling them
that they are safe from the shadow now
Part Five: The Demon’s Tower (Climax) and have nothing to fear.
Each player must roll a Wisdom test. On
Having defeated the Troll and spiders a failure they have given in to the voices
and rested as much as they desire, the and begin moving slowly toward the
adventurers begin the final Journey to the tower. If a player character is wearing
Demon’s Tower. This is definitely a place Daebeleth they pass the wisdom test
tainted with shadow and the LM should automatically.
roll to see if the area is blighted. The LM
should set a dark and foreboding mood Any characters failing the Wisdom test
for the journey. have succumbed to the enchantment of
the Sorceress and will not be able to
Failing a test caused by a hazard might participate in the next Encounter. A
result in the player character being player who is not entranced can attempt
temporarily miserable for the rest of the to free a player from the enchantment
adventure. When the companions arrive with an Inspire test, but any failure
at the tower, they should feel the full counts as a failure against the Tolerance
weight of their arduous journey. of the encounter and has no effect on his
As they finally approach the tower, they companion. A successful Inspire
see the following as described in Heart of awakens the other companion, but does
the Wild: not count as a success toward the
The Demon’s Tower stands in the heart of a
tangled thicket, its topmost battlements Any player characters that are not under
hardly taller than the surrounding trees. It is this enchantment sense a chill in the air
made of dark stone quarried in the and the night seems to grow darker. The
Mountains of Mirkwood; every stone bears
previously pleasant voices now sound
runes of power engraved by the lords of Dol
Guldur. Attached to the tower are a walled
harsh and full of anger. They demand to
bailey and several outbuildings. know who the heroes are and how they
came to seek out the Demon’s Tower. The
The tower rises above the tree tops and voices are actually the means by which
commands a view of the surrounding the Sorceress engages the company (she
forest. Within the uppermost windows of will not meet them face to face).
the tower, especially at night, flashing
lights of green and red can easily be seen. If she has heard of the defeat of her Night
Wanderers or their healing by Radagast
she becomes enraged momentarily, but 4-6 The companions learn the above
soon begins to question the heroes about information as well as that Zimraphel
their knowledge of the barrows near the seeks a ring of power above all else.
Old Forest Road. What is the likelihood
of finding magical rings within them? 7+ After gaining all the above
information Zimraphel makes the
If a player is wearing Daebeleth the ring companions an offer. If they relinquish
is immediately apparent to the Sorceress Daebeleth to her she will leave the
and her questions are focused on the ring Woodmen in peace. This should present
and its wearer. Where did the hero come the players with a quandary. If they give
by such a ring? Who was the maker of the up the ring they lose a powerful tool in
ring? What form of magic dwells in the fighting the Shadow, but they may buy
ring? etc. the Woodmen peace for some time, if
they trust Zimraphel to be true to her
For their part the heroes may only think word. If, however, they keep the ring to
to plead for their lives or they may themselves then perhaps they gain an
attempt to convince the Sorceress to enemy and put the Woodmen at greater
withhold any further attacks against the risk. If they agree to give the ring to her, a
Woodmen settlements. The company large gore-crow flies from the tower and
should also attempt to find out as much grasps it in its talons, flying it back to his
information about the sorceress as they mistress.
can to bring to Radagast.
As soon as the Tolerance for the
Encounter Evaluation encounter is reached the spell is broken.
Base this Encounter's Tolerance on the Any player still under the Sorceress’
highest Wisdom rating in the group. enchantment wakes up and sees a line of
Subtract one for any elf in the group. orcs gathering along the palisades. Their
If a hero is wearing the ring increase the welcome is now exhausted and they must
tolerance by 2 to reflect the Sorceress’ flee with what news they have gathered
fascination with the ring and her desire and report to Radagast in Rhosgobel.
to know more. The more successful the
company is the more information about
herself the Sorceress gives up.

0-1 The company learns the Sorceress’

true name (Zimraphel) and she allows
the company to barely escape for their
lives as orcs stream out of the tower and
begin to prepare for battle. Her
intentions toward the Woodmen remain

2-3 The companions learn her name

and that she originally was one of the
Black Númenóreans of Umbar and had
been taught sorcery by the Necromancer
himself. She finds any request to leave
the Woodmen alone at least humorous
enough to let the companions leave in
peace with a warning never to return.
The Missing Prince by Wbweather but he holds a bow, arrow drawn, and
warns them to step away or he will mete
Part One: Encounter out justice for the murders they have
Part Two: Journey committed. The company (using Insight
Part Three: Journey or Riddle) deduces that he is delirious
Part Four: Encounter with fever and thinks that they are the
Part Five: Combat same group that attacked and killed his
party. They must convince him that they
Rolling for the adventure seeds gave me are not enemies and that he needs their
the following (Lake-town Tables): help.

Part One: Encounter with Archers If they are successful, he allows them to
Part Two: Journey to an Ale House ; care for his wounds and asks them to
Heavy Burdens, Swift Travel take him to Dale. They can staunch his
(+1 to fatigue on failed rolls, Increased wounds and ease his fever, but he must
speed by 5 miles /day) be taken to Dale as quick as possible or
Part Three: Journey involving Copper he will die. He states he must talk with
Coins (Lower TN by 1) King Bard. The company must transport
Part Four: Encounter with a Raven him home as swiftly as possible, pushing
(Troubled Circumstances) harder than they normally would. They
Part Five: Savage Dog who is Full of hate travel 5 miles farther each day, but at a
(+1 to hate) and Weakened cost. Each failed travel roll increases their
Fatigue by an extra point.
The company challenge was investigate.
I have to admit, this mix of elements had Part Two: Bearers of Bad News
me a bit baffled for a while, but here is The group of archers was escorting a
what I came up with: young dwarven prince named Durin,
grandson of Dain Ironfoot, from the
Woodland Realm where he had been
Part One: An Ambushed Escort visiting during the hunt for the White
Somewhere along the eastern eaves of Stag. The Royal Archers were escorting
Mirkwood (likely near the Elf Path) the him back to Dale where he was to meet
companions come across what appears his grandfather and return to Erebor.
to be the aftermath of a massacre. Three After leaving the protection of the elves,
bodies lie on the ground, dressed head to the group was ambushed at night and
toe in black. Beside them lie great bows. the young prince kidnapped. Only the
These are Royal Archers of Dale. one archer survived.

As the company tries to ascertain what He attempted to stop his attackers, but
has befallen them, suddenly from behind was wounded and fell unconscious. He
a tree steps a fourth archer. He is woke the next day and made it back to
wounded and weak, shaking with fever, the site of the attack where the players
then found him. The players may learn The next day, the owner of the ale house
this information from the archer if they calls the company to his establishment.
successfully heal him enough that he can He holds up another one of the copper
speak coherently, otherwise they may coins, and signals the company to him.
glean this information from Bard in Dale In a whispered voice, he tells them that
if they can return the archer to his home while he hasn’t seen any sign of the
city. foreigner again, another man just bought
a drink with a similar coin. He is seated
When the company seeks out Bard, they in a dark corner of the house doing his
find him with Dain Ironfoot. Dain holds best to down as much ale as he can. He is
a ransom note threatening to kill his a local ne’er-do-well of questionable
grandson if a large sum of gold is not morals.
delivered for his return in a timely
manner. The note says that the King When questioned, the man confesses that
Under the Mountain has 2 weeks to he got the coins from a group of
gather the gold and await further foreigners as payment for running
instructions. Bard and Dain are both errands for them. He had been
quite distraught at the kidnapping of the approached a few weeks back and asked
young dwarf, they urge the company to to secure some provisions for the
investigate the crime and rescue the lad if outsiders. He also had been asked to
at all possible. They offer a kingly reward deliver a message in secret to Bard. He
to the company for his safe return. didn’t know exactly where the group was
located or what they were up to, not
Rumour has come to the attention of the
thinking it wise to ask too many
Kings that a strange looking fellow has
questions. He would leave packages for
been seen at a local ale house, and they
them in an abandoned barn 10 miles
suggest that the company begin their
west of the city. He had overheard one of
investigation there.
the men say something about their camp
being another 3 days south in the
Part Three: A Search for Answers
marshes near the forest.
The owner of the ale house tells them of a
strange man who had been seen a few
Should the company talk to King Bard
times over the last few weeks. He had
again before setting out, he offers the
noticed him in particular because the
assistance of a lakeman he knows who
stranger spent a type of copper coin that
can navigate the marshes, lowering the
he had never seen before. It appeared to
TN for all rolls by 1.
be of foreign origin. He tells the company
that the fellow had an Easterling look
about him. He suggests that they stay
close and he will contact them if he sees
the man again.
Part Four: Unexpected Help arrived and convey any message to the
Heading south into the marshes, on the lad the company wishes to give him.
third day the company notices a raven
7+ Above plus the raven causes a
following them (Awareness roll?) If they
distraction, stealing something of value
continue without noticing the bird, it
from the camp and drawing the outlaws
eventually makes its presence known to
away for a few minutes while they chase
them by repeatedly landing among them,
it down.
squawking at them, flapping its wings,

This is a raven that can understand the

Part Five: The Rescue
common tongue, although it is unlikely
that any of the company can understand
its speech (No preliminary roll of Insight In the camp are several outlaws and a
is allowed). It looks intelligent though savage, half-starved hound of
and is obviously trying to communicate humongous size guarding the dwarven
with them. If they can convince the bird prince. The hound is weakened (reduced
that they are looking for a young dwarf, it endurance) but crazed with hunger
begins hopping excitedly about, because (increased hate). The young prince is
it knows the whereabouts of the dwarven bound and gagged inside a wooden cage.
prince (being the prince’s pet) and will He is frightened and a bit bruised up, but
lead the company to the campsite where otherwise healthy. The company must
he is being held captive, if they can rescue him and return him to his
successfully complete the encounter with thankful grandfather.
the bird.

Encounter Evaluation
Set Tolerance based on highest Wisdom:

1-2 The bird indicates for them to

follow and then flies off in the direction
of the camp.

3-4 The raven leads them patiently to

the camp and indicates the number of
enemies (perhaps with a successful
Riddle test?)

5-6 Upon arriving at the camp the

bird will tell the prince that help has
The Slave Child by WbWeather for the Befriend The Beasts Undertaking

Adventure objective: Defend 7+ The company gets honeycakes

and 2 of the rewards from Befriend the
Part One: Encounter - Beorn Beasts
Part Two: Combat - Slavers (Full of Hate)
Part Three: Journey - Great Hall (Swift Part Two: Defenders of Freedom
Travel, Heavy Burdens)
Part Four: Combat - Orc Guards (Full of Beorn tells the company that the slavers
Hate, Weakened Enemy) have been threatening a small
Part Five: Journey - Encounter - A settlement just south of the Elf Wood
Princely Gift (Favourable Meeting) and asks them to head there. This is just
a day or two’s journey north. On
Part One: The Troubles of Beorn arriving at the settlement the company
learns that the farmers have been told
The company while traveling through to pay tribute in gold or be taken as
the Beorning lands encounters Beorn slaves. The Viglundings are returning
(either while visiting his house or that night. This is a group of people
perhaps meeting him in the wild). The barely scraping by and they cannot pay
great man is obviously in a state of the money that has been demanded.
agitation. He makes a comment that he
"really doesn't have the time to deal with That night the Viglunding slavers arrive
this foolishness". and demand their payment. When no
If the players ask him what is troubling money is handed over, they attack. The
him he eyes them carefully as if company must fight to defend the
wondering if they could help him out. If farmers. After defeating the slavers (or
they don't think to ask, he might just driving them off) the players discover
outright ask them for a favour. The that there are several captives chained
company must convince him that they in a wagon. Most of these are Beorning
are capable of helping him. men and women from the surrounding
There have been rumours of a band of area. They give their thanks for being
Viglunding slavers terrorizing the rescued and head back to their homes.
northern Beorning villages again. He
asks that the company head north and However, in the group is a young boy,
see what is going on and if possible no-one knows who he is or where he
discourage the Viglundings from lives. He is reticent about his
continuing their activities. background but eventually tells the
group his name is Eirik and that he
Encounter Evaluation needs to get to Mountain Hall.
In actuality he was traveling from Dale
1-2 Beorn is not impressed but must with his mother and some bodyguards
settle for any help he can get. when they were attacked by the slavers.
He does not know what fate befell the
3-4 Beorn is somewhat impressed and others as they were separated over a
offers the group some Twice-Baked week ago during the attack.

5-6 Beorn offers one of the rewards

Part Three: Escort to Mountain Hall seeking a ransom for the boy's return.
The company needs to escort the lad to The company is thus ordered to lay
Mountain Hall. Along the way if the boy aside all weapons and wait.
warms up to the company he might Before long a Barding man and woman
reveal to them that his family was are seen walking across the bridge.
relocating from Dale to Mountain Hall, Upon seeing her son safe and sound the
his father is an important figure in Dale woman bursts into tears of joy. The man
and is working on developing trade looks sternly at the companions. The
between the two towns for minerals group is ordered to let the boy go and
from the Woodmen's mines. As they make no effort to follow. Once he has
rush to get the boy to Mountain Hall, returned safely to his parents, the
they travel 5 miles farther each day, but soldiers step forward and take the
doing so increases the fatigue from companies weapons, then bind their
failed fatigue checks. hands behind their backs and escort
them into Mountain Hall. There in the
Part Four: A Gauntlet of Orcs Great House they are questioned about
After passing south of the high pass the events that lead to the return of the
when they near the foothills of the Misty boy by Hartfast and the boy's father,
Mountains, fate turns against the Einar.
company once again. They notice that Having already heard Eirik's account
they are being followed by a company of the mood has lightened somewhat and
orc guards. Despite their best attempt to the group meets with much less
outrun them, it becomes obvious that suspicion than they did upon arrival.
they are losing ground. They must pick (Increase Tolerance by 1).
a defensive point and make a stand. The They must still convince Einar that their
orcs engage them whilst they are intention was only to reunite the boy
probably weary, and attack at night with his parents and that they had
when the company stops to rest. nothing to do with his capture or no
Having defeated the orcs the company desire to profit from his return. Asking
then must continue their journey to for a reward will increase the man's
Mountain Hall. suspicion and count as an automatic
Part Five: An Anxious Meeting
Arriving at Mountain Hall, the group Encounter Evaluation
gets a less cordial greeting than they 1-2 Einar has his doubts about their
might have expected. Armed Woodmen true intention. He tersely thanks them
soldiers and a few bowmen of Dale and then dismisses them.
surround them as they approach the
Narrow Bridge. The company is asked 3-4 Einar is genuinely grateful and
what their intentions are. Eirik's mother offers them 1 points of treasure each.
and her body guards escaped the 5-6 Einar is very grateful and gives
slavers, but unable to locate either after each character 2 points of treasure.
several days they continued to 7+ Einar is eternally in their debt,
Mountain Hall to tell his father and to each player receives 5 points worth of
gather a search party. Seeing the treasure and a note that may be used in
company with the boy, there is Mountain Hall or Dale to increase
suspicion that they may be in league Tolerance in a future encounter by 3.
with the Viglundings and may be
The Stolen Horn by WbWeather During the night a group of orcs raided
the settlement, one of Viglund’s
Part One: Encounter-Viglund the Cruel personal estates. During the attack,
(Encounter. exposition) several things of value were taken. Most
Part Two: The Long Delves (Journey, upsetting to him, his Warhorn was
rising action) stolen. This has been his symbol of
Part Three: Snaga Trackers (Combat, leadership for many years, having been
climax) fashioned from a horn of a great auroch
Part Four: Old Songs (Encounter, that he slew in a coming of age
resolution) ceremony of sorts, many years ago. He
desperately wants to give chase to the
Company Challenge: To recapture the orcs, but must attend to more pressing
warhorn of Viglund, stolen by a band of matters, such as dousing the flames and
orcs. assessing the damage. He offers to
reward the companions if they can hunt
Tolkien Theme: Assisting those in need, down these orcs and return his
fostering peace warhorn.

Suggested Calling: This adventure might 0-1 Viglund is not impressed. He

particularly be suited for a Warden points to the west and tells them, “They
seeking to right wrongs against the fled that way.”
undeserving and help those in need.
2-3 Viglund explains that from what
Part One: The Stolen Horn could be gathered, this was a hunting
party out of Mordor, what they were
While traveling in the land of the doing in the northern reaches of the
Viglundings, the company sees smoke Anduin Vale is beyond him.
rising from a hilltop settlement. There
appears to be a flurry of activity. As they 4-6 Viglund confesses that the orcs
approach they realize that there has also took with them an orc which they
been an attack on this village and had captured and intended to use as a
several stout warriors are searching slave. The orc had claimed he was
about the area. If they approach the “some sort of important fellow to his
soldiers they will be gathered and masters in the south”.
brought to their leader, Viglund, who is
enraged at the attack. The Viglundings 7+ Viglund believes that the orcs
are not hostile toward the companions, were escorting the freed slave to the
but they are suspicious. Viglund Long Delves to the west at the base of
questions the company about why they the Misty Mountains.
are there. As they talk he begins to A Player character with Anduin-lore or
formulate a plan. Shadow-lore would probably be able to
surmise that the group was heading to
Encounter Evaluation the Long Delves on their own.
This encounter should be based on the
characters’ Valour. Part Two: Tracking the Trackers
Reduce the tolerance by 1 for any If the companions are aware that the
Beorning in the group. orcs are headed to the Long delves, the
journey is straightforward. If they just
know the orcs headed west, then they adventurers take turns with the
must make a Hunting test every day to Viglundings singing songs of heroes
keep on their trail. On a failed test, they long past. Emphasis should be on tests
lose the trail and must spend half a day of song, riddle and courtesy. Inspire or
a day retracing their steps. They can awe might also play a part. The
make up for the lost time by opting to outcome of the encounter will determine
take an additional Fatigue test for the the reward given to the player
entire company with all consequences characters and also influence the
of increased fatigue and hazards in relationship of the Viglundings with the
effect. other free peoples in Wilderland.
It should take the heroes roughly 5 days
to make the journey (depending on their Encounter Evaluation
starting point). If they lose more than 2 Base this on the character's valour, once
days of travel time, the orcs escape into again subtracting one from the
the Long Delves and are lost. tolerance for each Beorning in the
company, but increasing it by 3 if the
Part Three: Battle for the Horn company successfully returned the
As the companions reach the area near warhorn. If the company fails to return
the entrance to the Long Delves, they the horn, the encounter still can be run,
finally catch up to the company of orcs. but reduce the tolerance by an
These are snaga trackers from Mordor. additional point.
The orc slave taken from Viglund had 0-1 Viglund’s prejudices against the
been sent on a mission to carry Beornings and other cultures are
information from Mordor to the orcs in reinforced, although out of gratitude he
the Misty Mountains. His capture had offers each hero an amount of gold
caught the attention of someone in equal to one treasure.
Mordor and the trackers had been sent 2-3 Viglund enjoys the company’s
to make certain he either got his songs and offers a place to stay in his
message through or didn’t survive to lands anytime their travels might bring
speak it to any enemy of the shadow. them this way. They also get 2 treasure
The company must attack the orcs worth of gold a piece.
swiftly before they can flee to the safety 4-6 Viglund offers the company 3
of the Long Delves or alert the orcs treasure worth of gold each and
garrisoned there. As soon as it appears promises no aggression towards any
that the battle is lost, one of the Snaga culture represented by the heroes for
Trackers slays the messenger from one year.
Mordor, lest he be captured and give up 7+ Viglund offers the companions 5
his message. points of treasure or a small holding in
Among the belongings of the orcs, the the East Upper Vales (their choice) and
heroes find the Warhorn and gold agrees to seek peace with his
which amounts to the equivalent on one neighbouring cultures. For the next 2
point of treasure apiece. years there is a cessation of all
hostilities between the Viglundings and
Part Four: Peace through Song the other free peoples, including the
When the company returns the Beornings.
Warhorn to Viglund, the chief holds a
celebration in the companions’ honour.
This should be run as an Encounter. The
Of Stones and Spiders by poosticks7 within the dark depths of Mirkwood.

The Greatest of the Forests - Adventure While held there she befriended one of
Company Task - Recover the young bandits, little more than a boy,
named Wassa. The young lad took pity
Part 1 Encounter – Unexpected Company on her and helped her escape. The two
- Exposition fled into the forest but soon lost their
Part 2 Journey – Precious Stone - Rising way. They wandered aimlessly for days,
Action what supplies Wassa had brought with
Part 3 Combat – Bandits - Rising Action them did not last. They chanced upon a
Part 4 - Combat – Hunting Spiders – stream and desperate to quench his thirst
Falling Action &Resolution Wassa drank from it. He fell into a deep
Part 4 – Encounter –– The River Maidens sleep, his breathing was extremely
- Climax shallow, and Ethelinda could not bring
him round. Not knowing what else to do
Part One: Feast Interrupted Ethelinda dragged the boy into a small
cave and marked a tree nearby with a
While visiting Sunstead within the East simple mark, with the hope of being able
Bight and enjoying the hospitality of to return to find her rescuer.
Ceawin the Generous’ Hall, the feast is
interrupted by a sudden arrival. Some of She followed the stream; leaving marks
the village folk bring a beautiful young on trees as she went, hope fading. Fate
woman into their lord’s hall; the woman shone upon her though, in her
is dishevelled, weak looking and wanderings she had been steadily
obviously distraught. Through her tears moving eastwards and she eventually
she tells her name, Ethelinda, and after a encountered a logging party out from
healing roll TN12, she is able to tell a tale Sunstead and they gave her food and
of woe: water and escorted her back to Sunstead,
ignoring her pleas to search for her
She is the daughter of Leodgar of friend.
Woodland Hall; she tells how she was
promised to Ceneric, the son of a Ceawin is moved by the young woman’s
prominent elder of Woodsmen-town story and obviously intends to help if he
Daegmund Fiercebrow. It was to be a fine can, knowing he is in the company of
match and she was travelling to valiant adventurers he tries to ascertain
Woodsman-town with her two cousins whether the heroes would be willing to
Kenrick and Anulf to deliver her dowry to undertake the dual mission of searching
Ceneric’s father as a pledge of trust. for the brave boy and returning the Dusk
Stone to its rightful owner, he pledges to
Her dowry was a precious stone called lend the distraught maid whatever
the Dusk Stone – a treasured heirloom of succour he can.
her household, given to her Great
Grandfather by one of the River Maidens Encounter Evaluation
of the Black Tarn. Whilst on the journey
to Woodsmen-town the trio were set upon This encounter should be based on the
by a group of bandits. The two young highest valour in the company. Ceawin
warriors fought fiercely but fell in defence values bravery and honour above all
of their dear cousin. The loathsome else. The more they can impress him, the
bandits spirited both Ethelinda and the more aid he will offer. Ceawin's chief
Dusk Stone away to their hideout deep councillor Henlaf the Old is a cautious
individual and moves to temper Ceawin's
initial enthusiasm, The Tolerance of the
encounter is set at -1. Raise the Tolerance Part Two: The Search for the Sleeping Boy
by 1 if one of the PCs was successful in
the Healing roll to help Ethelinda. The company must follow the stream
back to the sleeping boy. Torsten (If
0-1 Ceawin is dubious about the present) will find the marks that
prowess of the company, he is too Ethelinda left but any hero can assist him
respectful to turn down their offer of help with hunting or search rolls. Play up the
but his initial fire to aid the girl is oppressive nature of the forest during the
somewhat dampened and he withholds search.
any aid.
When the last marker is found the cave
2-4 Ceawin is encouraged by the must be located. A successful explore roll
hero’s words. He sends his best is required to find the cave (a failure
woodsmen with them, an old veteran results in finding the cave after the party
named Torsten, who is a wily tracker. of bandits and alert the bandits to the
heroes presence in the next part).
5 Ceawin is heartily encouraged by
the company’s prowess and as well as
Torsten offers the aid of one of his best
warriors - Gama. Part Three: A Clash with Bandits

6 As above but also Ceawin offers A party of bandits have been tracking
the aid of another warrior - Leofwine. Wassa and Ethelinda and are in the
middle of entering the cave when the
7+ Ceawin is enthused by the words heroes approach. They will give battle
of his guests, as well as the aid of a third but will surrender if half their number is
warrior - Angrim, he promises them a defeated)
worthy reward if they can complete their
quest. He will give them a treasure worth The boy can be awoken with a healing
60 pts to the company/ or a weapon of roll TN 18 – if this is unsuccessful Torsten
renown on their return. and Angrim (If present) will offer to
return to Sunstead with the boy. If the
boy is awoken he will be well enough to
Torsten the Woodsman travel and will accompany the heroes or
Attribute Level: 4 return with Torsten (if present) to
Specialities: Beast-Lore Sunstead.
Distinctive Features: Cautious
Relevant Skills: Hunting 3, Spear 3 One of the defeated bandits will show the
Endurance 15 heroes the way to their hideout.

Gama, Leofwine & Angrim, Warriors of Part Four: Overrun Hideout

Attribute Level: 5 The bandit’s hideout is a series of cave in
Specialties: – the side of a cliff that overlooks the Dusky
Distinctive Features: (G) Stern (L) Merry River, at a particularly fast flowing part
(A) Just of the river. The main approach to the
Relevant Skills: Long-hafted Axe 2 hideout is following the River upstream
Endurance: 18 and crossing a rope bridge to an entrance
on the other side. There are several other
ways in and out of the hideout and they
are usually well watched, unfortunately 2-4 Silver Bell is still unsure of the
for the bandits while the group that was hero’s words. She will consult with her
chasing down the two fugitives was away sister Sunshadow and will eventually
the hideout was attacked by a large return the stone to Ethelinda’s family.
number of hunting spiders that came
forth from their nearby lair. Only the 5-6 Moved by their story, she gives
leader of the bandits, Kenhelm, escaped the Dusk Stone into their care; she also
the attack by desperately jumping into gifts them with a cordial which has
the river from an opening in the cliff that magical benefits. Taking a draft of the
overlooked the rapids. He had the Dusk cordial will remove a point of shadow –
Stone with him. there is enough for three drafts.

The heroes and their allies must kill or 7+ As above but she also bestows a
drive off all the spiders if they are to blessing on the heroes that will help with
search the hideout for the stone. corruption tests within Mirkwood which
Although there is no sign of the Dusk allows a reroll of the feat dice, the
Stone the bandits have a small stash of blessing lasts for the remainder of this
other treasure. adventure and the next.

Part Five: Song of the River Maid

The most elusive of the River Maids,

Silver Bell, was intrigued by the Dusk
Stone when she sensed it as Kenhelm
entered the waters of her river. She
recovered the stone from his drowned
body and has been singing a song to the
stone that the heroes will hear on their
return journey. It was in fact her sister
Sunshadow who gave the stone to
Ethelinda’s Great Grandfather, the
heroes can perhaps persuade Silver Bell
to return the stone to them so they can in
turn return it to Ethelinda, but Silver Bell
is not easily swayed.

Encounter Evaluation

The tolerance for this encounter is based

on the highest wisdom of the company,
but there is a -1 penalty because of Silver
Bell’s shy nature. If any of the heroes are
especially young for their race then the
tolerance can be shifted by +1.

0-1 Silver Bell is unconvinced by the

company’s story and decides to keep the
stone for herself. She will keep it with her
and it will not be seen by mortal man for
many years.
The Bats Are Missing by jamesrbrown The companions visit the granaries in the
Merchants' District of Lake-town to
STORYTELLING OUTLINE: witness the sudden shortfall of grain. The
harvesters on the shores of the Long Lake
Part One: Journey, Journey - Granary, are reporting that most of their crops
Mountains of Mirkwood (Swift travel, have been destroyed by insects, normally
Lower TNs) eaten by the great cloud of bats that
Part Two: Combat - Hobgoblin Raid make seasonal visits from the Mountains
(Weakened enemy; Full of hate) of Mirkwood; but for some unknown
Part Three: Encounter - Gandalf reason, the bats have not come this year.

TABLES USED: Lake-town Adventures It is suspected that a greater evil is at

work in the Mountains, working to
COMPANY CHALLENGE overrun the crops with pests and starve
Establish a revived bat population (-1 to the people of Esgaroth. This weighs
the Fellowship pool because the situation heavily on the entire population and
is dire). even the companions are affected by it
(the starting Fellowship pool rating is
TOLKIENIAN THEME lowered by 1 point).
The desecration and healing of the
environment. As the bat population is The player-heroes travel to the upper
dying off and the insect population caves in the northern Mountains of
increases, the crops, fruits, vegetables, Mirkwood to investigate the problem,
and a large variety of wild plants are using maps of known trails and routes
devoured. In turn, the Men of the Lake given to them by the grain farmers.
and others living in the region experience Perhaps one farmer joins them as a
a shortage of food. guide: a Man of the Lake possessing
high Travel and Explore skills, as well as
HEROIC DEVELOPMENT the Mirkwood-lore trait. He is a
A Loremaster can develop a common philosopher of sorts, interested in the
hero by setting up opportunities for him study of nature. Due to his presence and
to show kindness toward the farmers or the maps, the company is swifter and the
by placing his Fellowship focus in need of journey is easier than expected.
protection or healing.

Someone with the Scholar calling may be Part Two: The Caves of Disease
asked to narrate the scenes of great
discovery or moments with the Guide or Following a gruelling climb, the
Gandalf the Grey. companions enter a cave expecting to
A hero with the Adventurous or find roosting colonies of bats hanging
Mountaineer trait might lead the rest of from the ceiling, but instead the floor of
the company safely across a dangerous the habitat is filled with the remains of
ravine or be the one to climb the final thousands of them that appear to have
heights to reach the bat caves. died of disease during hibernation. A
strange yellow fungus covers their eyes
ADVENTURING PHASE: and wing membranes. The stench in the
cave is horrendous and the player-heroes
Part One: Empty Granaries may have trouble staying inside long
enough to explore further.
Going from cave to cave, they discover tell them the cure for the yellow fungus: a
the same scene, but eventually they find special garlic grown in The Shire. He
a few colonies that are diseased and happens to have several bags filled with
weakened, but not yet dead. In that it tied around his waist. But, this
chamber, they also discover a gruesome encounter will also determine whether he
new horror: the half-eaten body of a tall participates with them in establishing a
Orc who's eyes and skin are infected with healthy colony of bats that can leave the
the same yellow fungus. It looks like his mountains to forage once again.
rump and legs were butchered with a
cruel knife and large pieces of meat were Encounter Evaluation
taken off. Immediately after the This encounter is based on Wisdom.
discovery, drums can be heard coming
up the mountainside toward the caves. 0-2 Gandalf gives them the bags of
Boom, boom, thump, boom! Night has garlic and tells them he has other
fallen... business to attend to. He then
disappears. The player-heroes must
The company is raided by a band of figure out on their own how to
weakened hobgoblins, ravaged by administer the garlic to the bats
disease. The player-heroes must make effectively.
their stand in the cave, or try to outrun
their adversaries, but these are the Dark 3-5 Gandalf offers to stay and grind
Mountains after all and at night they are the garlic with them and helps to spread
likely to meet Wolves, Great Bats, or even it across the floors of the bat caves before
Secret Shadows! departing. Each player-hero gains an
extra Experience point for the time spent
It is a treacherous climb downward and with the Grey Wizard.
many dangers can befall them (see The
Heart of the Wild pages 85-89 for more 6+ As above, and Gandalf escorts
information about the area). The them back to the fields of the Long Lake
hobgoblins have nothing to live for and to magically bolster some of the crops
are filled with hatred (give each +1 Hate that have failed. During the journey, they
point). A careful search of their pouches are safe from all harm. In the end, each
reveals a strange sticky substance, companion also regains an extra point of
similar to pollen. Hope.

It may be the source of the disease they The garlic must be ground into a powder
suffer from and have passed on to the and spread on the floor of the caves
bats. It seems to be a recipe of their own where the living bats dwell. If the player-
making, for they are using it to lace their heroes do this, the bats return to the
arrowheads and swords. fields of the Long Lake in time to save the
remaining crops before harvest. Feeding
the bats directly will not work and may
Part Three: A Wizard's Cure even result in bites to the player-heroes,
who may then catch the yellow fungus
The companions receive a joyous disease themselves.
surprise, for they are visited by the
Wizard Gandalf! This can be to rescue If the garlic is left whole or in pieces, the
them from the hobgoblins if they need it, bats can still be cured, but they will not
or it might be in the morning after forage as far as Esgaroth. It will take an
surviving through the night. No matter additional year for their population to
when he appears, Gandalf has come to increase enough to reach it.
BITTER REMEDY by poosticks7 found (other than the Bitter Grass). He
also tells them how to identify the Bitter
Land of the Rivers - Adventure Grass and directions to finding the
Company Task - Search
Encounter Evaluation
Part 1 Encounter - Radagast - Exposition
Part 2 Journey - Gladden Fields - Rising 1-3 Successes: Radagast is
Action dubious about their capabilities but must
Part 3 Combat - Marsh Harridan - Rising settle for any help he can get.
Part 4 Combat - Snaga Trackers (full of 4-5 Successes Radagast is
hate) - Climax somewhat impressed and tells them that
Part 5 Journey - Dwarrowhall - Falling his friend will aid them, he points to the
Action &Resolution sky to a circling Red Kite (for the length of
the adventure, all companions benefit
from a free Attribute bonus on all their
Part One: A Chance Meeting Awareness rolls).

While travelling through the lands of the 6+ Successes As above plus

Beornings the PCs encounter the Brown Radagast offers to enchant their boots (or
Wizard on his way to a consultation with hobbit feet), for the length of the
Beorn. He seems pleased to meet them adventure bonus on all their Travel rolls
and quickly ascertains if they are able to (including Fatigue tests).
undertake a task for him.

He will go on to tell them that he has

received word that an old friend of his Part Two: Within the Mists
has taking deathly ill and will likely die if
he does not receive aid. The friend in The Company must travel swiftly to
question is Ranulf, Chief of the Leofrings search the Gladden fields for the Bitter
who are camped at Dwarrowhall. Grass, the journey takes 6 days, 1 Fatigue
(Radagast received word from a circling test at TN14 (they can push themselves to
Red Kite who spoke to one of the Brown make it in 5 days but this requires a
Wizards agents who travels with the another Fatigue test at TN 16. Once at the
Leofrings – Hamlin the Farsighted). Gladden Fields it is a gruelling march
through the mire and a heavy low lying
Radagast explains that the illness can be mist obscures their vision.
cured but the remedy requires a rare
plant called Bitter Grass found growing The marshes are home to many
only in the deepest parts of the Gladden creatures, from biting insects, and
fields, the Bitter Grass greatly increases nesting birds to swamp serpents and fat
the potency of the remedy. leeches. A further Fatigue Test TN 16 is
required during the search of the marsh.
The Brown Wizard will explain how to
prepare the Remedy: A Healing roll will Finding the Bitter Grass requires three
determine if they are able to follow his successful TN16 Search rolls. Each failed
directions – TN12, if they beat TN16 they attempt adds another TN 16 Fatigue test.
also raise the encounter success by 1. The As the last harvest of the Bitter Grass is
ingredients for the remedy are commonly found the Company have attracted the
attention of one of the more foul denizens
of the marshes. travel times are for on foot – Taking a
boat down the Anduin will reduce the
Part Three: Strangling Fingers Travel Time of the first leg to 4 days – 3
days if they push themselves.)
A nasty, spiteful Marsh Harridan has
been slinking along in the waters of the 12 – 15 days
marsh waiting for a chance to wrap her The illness is still in its early stages so the
foul fingers around the neck of one of the Healing TN will be 14 to successfully
company. At an opportune time she will prepare and administer the remedy to
make her move. An opposed Movement Ranulf. The Chief will make a full
roll versus a lone PC’s Awareness rolls recovery and gifts the PCs 6 treasure
will determine if she gets the drop on a each.
single hero. Awareness rolls for the rest
of the company TN 14 will determine if 16-20 days
they are aware of the struggle. The illness has the Chief in its grip, the
(Remember the Red Kite’s bonus if Healing TN will be 16 to successfully
present). prepare and administer the remedy to
Ranulf. The Chief will make a partial
Part Four: Vile Pursuit recovery and gifts the PCs 3 treasure
each. He will never be as healthy as he
The company’s presence has also been was and will suffer terrible raking coughs
noted by a band of orcs from the evil for the rest of his days.
hold of Dwimmerhorn, the orcs give
pursuit of the trespassers and will 21-24 days
eventually catch up with the company The illness has severely ravaged the poor
unless the heroes can shake them chief, the Healing TN is 18. Ranulf will be
somehow. The band of orcs mainly weak and infirm for the rest of his days
consists of snaga trackers led by a large and must relinquish leadership of the
brutish orc champion and a wicked Leofrings. He gifts the PCs 1 treasure.
taskmaster, they are full of hate and will
pursue the company relentlessly. 25+ days
The illness has already claimed Ranulf’s
Part Five: Dwarrowhall

The Company must make haste to the old

town of Dwarrowhall and prepare and
administer the remedy in time to save
Chief Ranulf. The Journey takes 16 days
hard travel 3 fatigue tests at TN 16 the
journey can be shortened to 12 days if
they push themselves, this adds a further
TN 18 Fatigue Test. The amount of time it
took the heroes to reach Dwarrowhall
determines the TN of the healing roll as
the illness takes hold.

Notes: the counter starts from the Old

Ford – allowing the Loremaster to place
Radagast wherever he needs to be in the
East side of the Beorning lands. Also the
The Merchant’s Secret Stash by begin to look for "the tree of crowns."
jamesrbrown After a gruelling exploration, they find
the tree and evidence that the merchant
STORYTELLING OUTLINE: has been here recently, but most likely
robbed. Some of the gold coins remain,
Part One: Combat - Swarm of Sting-flies however, and when the player-heroes
Part Two: Journey - Hoard of Treasure touch them, they are cursed by them, for
Part Three: Encounter - Soaked and they were originally stolen from the
Bruised hoard of a Marsh-Ogre of considerable
hate (although, they do not know this
COMPANY CHALLENGE: To destroy the information yet). The cursed coins have a
source of a cursed treasure hoard. 2 point Shadow taint (see Rivendell page
103) and can only be destroyed by killing

Part One: A Curious Bag Part Three: A Dying Wish

The companions find themselves After searching the area, the player-
exploring an area of Mirkwood 40 miles heroes discover the merchant soaked and
west of Lake-town just south of the Forest dying of bloody wounds to his body. The
River. Perhaps they are on an assignment player-heroes must introduce themselves
from the Elvenking or they are on their and convince the merchant that they are
way to Esgaroth after a long and tiring friends and not bandits. He asks them to
journey. In any case, as they cut through bring his letter to his wife in Lake-town,
an especially tangled section of woods, and to destroy the Troll and lift the curse.
they stir up a nest of Sting-flies: terrible Before the company leaves, he gives them
flying insects with a painful and the location of the Ogre's dwelling.
disorienting bite. They must fight off the
frenzy of creatures for as long as it takes Epilogue
them to reach the river and get into the The company travels to Lake-town to
water. complete the merchant's dying wish, to
heal, and to prepare for their next
Caught on the bank of the river is a Adventuring phase: a hunt for the Marsh-
leather satchel marked with initials from Ogre.
an important merchant from Lake-town.
Inside is found a letter containing a ALTERNATE ENDING: Perhaps even better
farewell to the merchant's wife in case he would be to change the bit about the
should not return to Esgaroth. It also Marsh-Ogre and make the Tree of
states the purpose of his journey so far Crowns a cursed location that taints all
from home: after recently considering treasure found beneath its roots. In this
their financial struggles, he went to case, the company must destroy the tree
collect some of the remaining treasure he to lift the curse...but the tree fights back,
buried in "the tree of crowns, beyond the threatening to strangle the heroes and
enchanted stream" in Mirkwood. swallow them beneath the ground.

Part Two: Coins of Darkness

The company must travel 40 miles

upriver, past the enchanted stream and
The Pearls of Kings by jamesrbrown ago by Thorin III Stonehelm, somewhere
in the dungeons under Minas Raug in
STORYTELLING OUTLINE: southern Mirkwood. Over the course of
the adventure, Beli's destiny is revealed
Part One: Combat - Cave-Troll; as a true hero. The Loremaster should
exposition, inciting incident (Orc place Beli in situations to prove his
Champion takes the pearl) status. For example, when choosing
Part Two: Encounter - Sorceress of engagements, the Loremaster pairs Beli
Mirkwood (Favourable meeting +1); against the strongest enemies. During
rising action narration, the Loremaster proposes tests
Part Three: Combat - Orc Champion; that if Beli passes, seals his leadership. It
rising action is also possible that Beli will find a
Part Four: Journey - The Hall of Ghosts; famous Axe in the hoard of a Cave-Troll.
climax This Axe was made by the smiths of
Part Five: Combat - Gore Crows (Full of Nogrod (see Magical Treasure below).
Hate +2, Easily Ambushed); falling
action, resolution MAGICAL TREASURE:
Companion: Beli
COMPANY CHALLENGE: To search for the Item: The Axe of Dreadful Sounds
Pearl of Kings, last known to be buried Type: Great Axe
under the Demon's Tower in southern Craftsmanship: Dwarven
Mirkwood. Banes: n/a
TOLKIENIAN THEME: Overcoming Evil 1. Gleam of Terror 2. Runes of
Victory 3. Superior Fell
hero is used as an example for Notes: This Axe, when swung, makes an
Loremasters who wish to develop one awful booming sound to accompany the
particular player-hero over the course of intimidation efforts of its wielder - a
an adventure. It's not that the other particularly disturbing noise for all
player-heroes are ignored, but this tale in Shadow creatures. The sound increases
the history of the company focuses on in intensity the greater the display of
him. passion. Dwarven runes cover its
Beli the Dwarf
Calling: Treasure-hunter (this calling
motivates him to search for the Pearl of ADVENTURING PHASE:
Favourite Trait: Fire-making (Beli must Prologue
build fires large enough to hold back an While getting much needed rest
evil onslaught of sorcerous black birds) somewhere in Wilderland (perhaps
Hero Type: Classic Hero (protect friends, Erebor), the companions listen to the
slay major enemies, face evil and story of the "Pearl of Kings" buried in
survive) southern Mirkwood. It is a precious stone
of considerable wealth said to have been
Notes: the gift of a raven, brought to Dáin
Beli the Dwarf leads a company of Ironfoot shortly after he claimed the title
adventurers on a hunt for a precious King Under the Mountain (in 2941). A
pearl belonging to the Dwarves of Erebor golden box was made for the pearl and
(worth 60 Treasure). It was buried years King Dáin gave it as a present to his
young adventurous son, Thorin III
Stonehelm (born in 2866), who one day of great strength on an upper ledge along
would be king (Dáin II would fall on with a few smaller followers. The Orc
March 17, 3019 during the War of the leader holds a golden box opened in his
Ring). grasp, revealing the Pearl of Kings. He
lifts the pearl up for the companions to
When Thorin III led an expedition south see and speaks:
to investigate a tower rumoured to have "You have come for this, you filth! But
been built by the Necromancer, he took you will not have it. Cowards will never
the Pearl of Kings with him. But when his find it.." With that, the Orcs escape
company was attacked by black birds of through a passage and disappear.
sorcery in the thick, tangled forest, the
only option was to go underground in the
dungeon caves beneath the tower. To Part Two: Zimraphel
protect the Pearl of Kings from being lost
or plucked away, Thorin III buried it in a Whether in the upper rooms of the tower
chamber, along with all the other gold or in a hollow in the woods, the player-
and precious objects in the company's heroes encounter Zimraphel, the
possession, intending to one day return Sorceress of Mirkwood (see p.107
and reclaim it all; but thus far, he has not of Heart of the Wild). She is a mysterious
found the courage and his father will not figure and the company does not
let him go... immediately know whether she is good or
evil, for she seems to be obsessed with
The Loremaster may choose to play out a plans for stealing a Ring from the Enemy.
journey from their current location to the But, for this encounter, she is friendly
Demon's Tower in southern Mirkwood, enough (+1 Tolerance rating) and can be
or this adventure may begin as the questioned about the giant Orc and given
player-heroes descend into the information about his possible
underground chambers of the tower after whereabouts.
days of locating a cave entrance.
Encounter Evaluation
This encounter is based on Wisdom.
Part One: Into the Dungeons of Minas
Raug 0-1 Zimraphel acts strange and
untrusting toward the player-heroes, but
The companions step down into the tells them the Orc's name: Gothgash the
gloom of the tower's lower chambers. It is Stingy. He has been plaguing her with his
there that they search for the burial nasty habit of robbing her dungeons. She
location of the Pearl of Kings. After a saw him head north toward the East
while, they disturb a massive Cave-Troll. Bight and would love it if they would cut
After defeating the Troll, the player- off his head.
heroes should find a small hoard valued
at Treasure 20*. It is here that a Dwarven 2-3 Zimraphel laughs wickedly and
companion (the developing hero) may tells the player-heroes the information
find the Axe of Dreadful Sounds. above, and she gives them a route
However, it appears this is not the buried through Mirkwood that he often follows
treasure of Thorin III. They must keep (making it easier to track the Orcs in the
searching... next Part).

An adjacent hall reveals a freshly dug 4-6 As above, and she warns them of
hole and many footprints. Looking his traps and tells them to expect 10-15
around, the companions spot a giant Orc Orc followers. Because of this, if the
company pursues the Orcs, they cannot death.
be ambushed and each member gains a
bonus Success die when determining If the companions choose a route around
combat advantage. the forest to the East Bight, skip this Part
7+ As above, and she adds:
"When you kill the Orc, you will not find the
Pearl of Kings. It will have been taken to a Part Four: Journey to the Hall of Ghosts
hall on the edge of the forest as an offering.
But, be warned, no man has ever survived Making their way through the gnarled
that house, for none have used fire to last trunks and dead trees of southern
through the night." Mirkwood will take several days to reach
the East Bight. The grey sky and canopy
of blackened branches weighs heavy on
Part Three: Tracks In The Dark the companions and the Loremaster
should check to see if the area is blighted
If the player-heroes hurry off into the (as per Blighted Rules in Rulebook p.
forest north of the tower, they must pick 223).
up the exact route of the Orcs or lose the
trail and face a possible ambush a few Whatever route they choose to the East
miles away. Bight, one evening they will travel along
the edge of the forest and see a
Once engaged, battle events should longhouse with smoke rising from a
include: avoiding deep pits, dug and chimney. An inviting porch welcomes
filled with thorny roots, or a hail of them with the smell of fried potatoes and
arrows shot after tripping on a vine trap. sausage in the air. If they step onto the
The Orcs do not all want to die. porch, a soft voice from inside invites
them in:
Therefore, if more than half are killed "Come, come, you look hungry darlings.
they will try to escape north into the It's time for supper. We have everything
forest. All but Gothgash flee, who is you want, just come and get it."
wearing dark cloths wrapped around his The voice sounds familiar in some way,
head and neck, leaving space for only but no one can place it exactly.
one yellow eye to peer at the They must decide what to do next.

Sometime before the battle ends he Part Five: Fires & Beaks
laughs wickedly saying:
"You fools! They have already taken it The companions can approach the house
from me, and if you go into their hall, in several ways:
you'll never come out...ever. You will die
in there, maggots." - They can enter it in some way.
If the player-heroes question Gothgash - They can try to burn it down.
about who "they" are, he only adds: - Or they can use Wisdom and abandon
"No one has seen them, only their nasty the quest while they have a chance!
pet birds! Better if I kill you than this..."
With that, he removes his coverings, Entering the Longhouse
revealing deep cuts and wounds as if Any player-hero that steps into the house
many birds tried to peck him to death. sees an illusion of a woman they know,
His right eye has been plucked out and such as a mother or sister, or friend. She
he is coated in blood. He fights to the has a kind smile and waves them in
toward a round table in the centre of the If there were any player-heroes left
room where she is filling plates from a outside, they witness the birds entering
frying pan. After a few moments, the chimney and hear the screams from
everything disappears as a swirling wind within. They too must decide what to do
blows out the fire burning in the and may even be attacked, for the birds
fireplace. The only thing remaining is the are not an illusion.
table, now old and covered in black
moss. Upon it sits a few gold coins and Burning Down the House
the box containing the Pearl of Kings. A If the player-heroes successfully set fires
voice, different from before and wickedly to the house through a difficult
sharp comes from nowhere: prolonged action, it will eventually
"It's time my pets. Come and get it!" This disappear before their eyes! But to thwart
is followed by many ghostly cackles that them will come a swarm of sorcerous
fill the hall with dread. black birds. The birds will continue to
attack until the house disappears. In its
Before the heroes can exit or take the place lays the Pearl of Kings upon the
pearl, the sound of squawking birds and charred ground. It is blackened and the
the flapping of wings is heard coming gold box has melted, but it can be
from the chimney. The front door slams repaired.
shut and the windows are suddenly
covered on the inside by growing vines Epilogue
pushing up from under the floorboards.
There is no escape! If the companions recovered the pearl,
they should return it to Erebor where it
The companions must fight off an belongs. They will never be the same, for
endless string of black birds coming they have faced evil and have overcome
down the chimney, powered by some fell it, for now. New questions and
sorcery (the birds have Hate +2). This will revelations about the Demon's Tower,
continue through the night until Zimraphel, the sorcerous birds, and the
daybreak. Hall of Ghosts are certainly enough to
either stay away from southern
There is no way to survive, except one: Mirkwood or to return one day to drive
the birds and their ghostly masters are out the darkness.
thwarted by fire. If the player-heroes use
torches or build a fire in the house and
can keep the fires sustained (which
should not be easy), the birds will be
unable to attack.

If they set the house on fire, they

endanger their own lives; but when it
catches in full, the ghosts let out an awful
scream and the birds fly away as the
house disappears, leaving the player-
heroes in the field with fire all around
them. The Pearl of Kings lays resting on
the ground if they have not grabbed it
Songs in the Wild by WbWeather
Encounter Evaluation
The theme for the adventure was Explore. Use the following to determine how
The Skill Focus for the adventure was much information the players will be
Custom. given by Hirgon.
The Attribute Focus for the adventure was
Body. 0-1 Hirgon is not impressed, but he is
There is a special focus therefore on a test desperate. He explains that a group of
of Song hobbit musicians has gone missing. If the
Tolkien Theme: Defending the innocent, company would care to assist the rangers
holding back the Shadow. in finding them, then they should head
toward Amon Sûl and look for the
Part 1. Journey to the Weather Hills Warden there, a fellow by the name of
Part 2. Encounter with a band of Arbarad.
Minstrels (favourable meeting)
Part 3. Journey to Castle Hill ( Decreased 2 The hobbits were traveling home
TN) from Rivendell when they went missing.
Part 4 Combat with hounds of Sauron
(full of hate) 3 The hobbits were carrying a
Part 5. Journey to the Orc Pits (Swift famous artefact with them when they
travel) disappeared.
Part 6. Combat with the Dark Sorcerer of
Rhudaur 4 The hobbits were last seen some
20 miles west of the Last Bridge. Tracks
show that they headed west, then
Part One: Journey to Weather Hills disappeared north of the road after
several miles.
While traveling along or near the East
Road, the company is approached by a 5 The hobbits have been lost for 2
grey cloaked figure. He introduces days now. There were signs of a struggle
himself as Hirgon of the Dúnedain. He at the last known camp of the minstrels.
asks if the heroes have perhaps come
across a group of minstrels? These would 6 The hobbits disappeared while
not be ordinary minstrels, mind you. under Hirgon’s protection.
They would seem mere children at first
glance. In fact it was a troupe of hobbits 7+ Hirgon was escorting the hobbits
from the Shire. across the Lone Lands from the
Trollshaws to Bree. He had left them for a
A successful Insight test will show the little more than a day when he went to
company that he seems a bit distressed. hunt down some meat. When he
He is in fact quite desperate and is more returned, the hobbits were gone. There
than willing to ask for assistance if the were signs of a struggle but no blood
company shows any inclination to help shed. One group of tracks lead east.
him. These appeared to be a mix of orcs and
men. Another set of tracks led west, these
This should be run as an Encounter. appeared to be hobbit tracks. They
Tolerance is set at the highest wisdom or disappeared into the grass north of the
valour in the group. Increase tolerance road some 10 miles to the west.
by one for any hobbit or Dúnedain in the
group. The ranger is obviously very upset about
the loss of the hobbits on his watch. He
meant nothing ill toward them, but was The rest of the encounter will take place
careless and put them in danger. He around the campfire.
holds himself completely responsible for
whatever has happened to them. Encounter Evaluation

Hirgon asks the company to follow the Base tolerance on Valour. Add one for
road west to Amon Sûl, looking for signs any hobbit in the group. Reduce
of the hobbits along the way. Arbarad the tolerance by one if the group mentions
ranger, Warden of Amon Sûl, should be Hirgon (the hobbit minstrels are still
able to assist the company. Little makes it quite upset at the ranger). Increase
into the area around Weathertop without tolerance by 2 if someone thinks to offer
catching his attention. If the minstrels the hobbits a bowl of pipe-weed.
made it that far, he would likely know it. As this is a group of minstrels, the use of
He bids the company farewell as he Song is by far the most useful common
heads north to look for any sign of where skill in the encounter. Reduce the TN of
they might have gone. any encounter roll with song by 2.

The company now must plot a course to If the company earns the trust of the
Amon Sûl. Along the way they may hobbits and Arbarad, they will be
search for signs of the hobbits. The entrusted with the task of rescuing poor
hobbits travelled north of the road to Rorimac Smallburrow (see below).
avoid being followed. If the heroes search Success in the encounter will determine
north of the road, they may find evidence what rewards the company gets after
that the hobbits came through the area successfully completing the adventure.
several days before. Searching along the
road will reveal nothing. Reward 0-1 The hobbits’ mood is visibly
successful rolls with little signs that the dampened. They see little hope of ever
hobbits are still alive and headed west (A seeing poor Rori or the King’s Clarinet
small campsite, a dropped handkerchief, again. If the heroes rescue the hobbit,
etc). The hobbits’ trail leads into the hills they will find him very appreciative, but
of the North Downs. their welcome in the Shire will be cold at
Part Two: Encounter with a band of
minstrels 2-4 The hobbits are impressed by the
Heroes. They will write songs of the
As the company approaches Amon Sûl, adventure and of the brave companions.
The notice smoke from a campfire rising For the next two years the company will
in the morning air. As the approach, they see their tolerance increased by 3 when
see a strange but welcome sight. In a dealing with hobbits, or while in the
circle around the fire sits a grim looking Shire or Breeland.
ranger and four dishevelled hobbits
wrapped in grey blankets. The group 5-6 The above plus the company will
should approach the ranger (Arbarad) each receive 3 treasure worth of gold
and introduce themselves. A successful from the Shire hobbits along with the
introduction should earn the heroes honorary title of Bounder. The Minstrels
enough trust to have a seat at the fire. write a song about the company and
Using Hirgon’s name will ease the teach it to them. The company can then
ranger’s mind considerably, but one add it to their song book and use it as if
might notice the hobbits’ slight agitation written in a Fellowship Undertaking. It is
at mention of the other ranger’s name. considered a Traditional song.
7-8 The songs written about the Apparently Bilbo had asked around
company spread far and wide about the instrument among his elvish
throughout the hobbit lands earning the friends, and even a few rangers and had
company the rare privilege of being come to unravel the history of the
adventurers of honour among the artefact.
hobbits. (The minstrels are still looked
upon as foolhardy to have gone off The King’s Clarinet was an ancient
gallivanting in the east with the like of musical instrument of the most cunning
elves and rangers). Bilbo Baggins himself make, said to have been brought from
invites the group to Bag End for tea, Westernesse. The story went that Marcho
where if they accept, he offers them 5 of the Fallohides, after founding the Shire
treasure each in gold and reads to them with his brother Blanco, settled down
from his first draft of the book he is and began raising a prodigious family.
working on about his adventures. (All One of his sons named Lindo was
previous bonuses apply as well). exceptionally skilled in music and would
often perform for the King in Norbury.
During and after the encounter, the
hobbit minstrels relate the following tale It was said that on one occasion, King
of what befell them. It is up to the Argeleb was so moved by the hobbit’s
Loremaster to determine how much of song he presented him with the ancient
this information is revealed to the instrument. He bade Lindo take the
players. It may be that the hobbits only instrument for a year and master it. If he
have a vague understanding that this could return in one year’s time and play
was a famous ancient instrument of the instrument in such a way as to stir
some import and that they will be in the hearts of all in the King’s Court, the
trouble if it is not found and returned to instrument would be given to the Shire as
the Mathom House. a sign of the peace between the peoples.
One year later, Lindo returned to King
Rorimac Smallburrow might have more Argeleb and performed a song on the
of this information once he has been Clarinet that left the audience speechless
rescued. The company may not learn the for several minutes before suddenly
entire tale unless they meet with Bilbo or breaking into a thunderous applause.
Elrond after the adventure. One of the elves in attendance claimed it
was as if he was hearing the music of the
The King’s Clarinet Valar.
After the return of Bilbo Baggins to the The Kings Clarinet thereafter belonged to
Shire the eccentric hobbit began the Shire. 1400 years later, most of this
spending much time up at the Mathom had been forgotten and the King’s
House in Michel Delving. He seemed Clarinet remained stored away in some
fascinated by many of the items stored chest until Bilbo found it and uncovered
there, and he began cataloguing and its secret.
researching quite a few of them. Of
course very generous donations to the The Hobbits can relate their story as
Mathom Society helped gain him access follows to the heroes:
and assistance. Apparently the elves in Rivendell caught
word of the Clarinet’s discovery
One of the items discovered turned out to somehow, for Elrond himself sent word
be the King’s Clarinet to the Shire that he should like to see this
[LM Note: this actually would best be termed heirloom. And so a troupe of minstrels
a chalumeau - a single reed predecessor of was sent forth to Rivendell to show this
the modern clarinet]. treasure to Elrond and to perform and
sing for the elves some of the music of the The rest of the hobbits were told to move
Shire. west as fast as their furry feet would carry
them or join their friend. Terrified, the
This group of hobbit minstrels was led by hobbits fled. They continued west down
none other than Rorimac Smallburrow the road, but soon decided to move north
himself, perhaps the greatest bard the a bit to avoid any more encounters with
Shire had produced in two hundred bandits, staying off the main road but
years. They had received an elvish escort leaving signs of their passage in case
from the Shire to Imladris. Rori had Hirgon should be looking for them. They
mastered the instrument, if not as well as made their way into the Weather Hills
Lindo, at least well enough to impress the and had become quite lost when they
great elf lord, which was no small feat. were fortunately found wandering by
After spending a month in Rivendell, they Arbarad. This is when the company came
had been given gifts by Elrond (each upon them.
hobbit was given a magnificent hobbit-
sized harp). For their return trip the
ranger Hirgon was chosen to escort them Part Three: Journey to Castle Hill
back to Bree.
Arbarad knows the location of Castle Hill
Four days west of Rivendell the group in the Trollshaws. He points this out to
had made camp by the edge of the East the adventurers on a rough map he
road for the night. Hearts merry and still sketches in the dirt. He tells them the
under the enchantment of the Last fastest way to get there and gives them
Homely House, the hobbits commenced advice about traveling through the lone
to singing and playing their instruments. lands. Decrease the TN of all travel rolls
by 2.
Not long after this a dubious appearing
stranger made his way up to the camp The ranger will escort the remaining
and asked if he might join the company hobbits to Bree and then head east again
for a bit to listen to their music and share to help search for the missing hobbit.
in the singing and exchange of news. The There is a Dúnedain refuge not far from
hobbits welcomed him despite hesitancy Castle Hill. Perhaps some of the rangers
on the part of Hirgon the ranger. there have seen something. He should be
The stranger was very interested in the about a week behind the group, but asks
hobbits and the ancient clarinet. He that they hurry as it has already been
departed later that night into the over a week since Rorimac was abducted
darkness bidding them safe travels but and there is no telling what could be
revealing little about himself other than a happening to the poor hobbit. He does
name, Shamus. warn the companions about the Queen of
Castle Hill.
It was several days later when Hirgon
had left the hobbits alone for the day to From Rivendell supplement:
go and fetch some meat for dinner that A solitary Stone-Troll named Rine haunts
they encountered Shamus again, this a tumble of ruins on a hillside that
time with a group of ruffians. They looted overlooks the Great East Road on
the hobbits, took their harps and the western end of the Trollshaws. She’s a
demanded the King’s Clarinet. Rori huge creature who proclaims herself
Smallburrow refused to part with the Queen of the Trollshaws because
treasure so the men grabbed him saying she lives in one of the few ruins that still
something about him making a fine offers enough shelter to protect a Troll
playmate for the Queen of Castle Hill. from the sun, and because she
gathered a number of old shields to cover “You’ll get a fair price if that halfling
herself with an effective suit of armour. makes it to Radgul alive.”
Other Trolls ignore her, except when she “Yes, but now we are forced to trust in
stumbles across them and robs them of orcs and hill-men to keep him alive.”
whatever they’ve robbed from someone “You say this to me when you planned on
else. Rine’s home would make a fine giving him to “Her Majesty"?
shelter for travellers, if they didn’t mind “What does your Sorcerer want with an
the steep hike and if they could contrive a old whistle anyhow?”
way to force her out. But sooner or later
some other Troll would remember the If the group scouts out the camp, they
Queen’s castle and take it over himself. will see two men standing near the fire
arguing with a large black warg. This is a
Hound of Sauron. The warg will stop
Part Four: Combat with Hounds of speaking once seen. It immediately looks
Sauron around and then growls:
“Fools, we are being watched. Draw your
As the company nears Castle Hill they swords and prepare to fight.”
should search for evidence of the group
of men who captured Rori. A prolonged If the company attempts to talk, the warg
action of three successful search or attacks. If they hold back, the warg
hunting rolls will lead them to a camp at begins sniffing them out and then will
the foot of the hill. They might find come crashing into the trees to attack.
evidence of regularly used trails, some The men will fight once they see the
clearing of the trees, etc. Hound of Sauron engaged in combat.

This is one of several regularly used Once the hound is dead any men still
camps of the brigands. They have an standing will drop their weapons and
uneasy pact with Rine. They leave her surrender to the company. If they have
“gifts” and she, for the most part leaves been knocked unconscious, then the
them alone. Where this group of men company will need to revive them to
hails from is unknown, but they are learn more about the fate of Rorimac and
outlaws that survive in the wilds by the King’s Clarinet.
taking advantage of travellers along the
road. They have been known to have Shamus (or the other man if Shamus
dealings with the Orcs in the Misty should meet his demise) will, if pressed,
Mountains from time to time. They also explain that they intended to give the
have some connection with a group of hobbit to Rine as a gift. He was quite
men descended from the hill-men of entertaining with his music and she
Rhudaur. might enjoy some entertainment. What
she did when she got tired of his music
As the group approaches the camp, they was not their concern.
hear a tense discussion going on. There
are the voices of a couple of men and a However, when they got to Castle Hill, it
third, deeper more sinister voice that turned out that Rine was away. They had
almost sounds like a low growl. The men planned to see what they could get selling
are arguing over payment, obviously the fancy elven harps. The hobbit had
feeling that they have been slighted. gone on about how special his little flute
thing was and so they thought they might
“The instruments themselves should be be able to get quite a bit for that
worth twice that amount.” somewhere.
While they were deciding what to do, the travel each day by 5 miles, but each
Hound of Sauron had come to them. He failed travel test adds an additional point
was a servant of a hill-man from up of fatigue.
north who called himself the Dark
Sorcerer of Rhudaur. Apparently news of Concerning the Dark Sorcerer of Rhudaur
the hobbits had reached him somehow
and he wanted the hobbit & clarinet for Most of the Hill-men of Rhudaur were
himself. wiped out with the defeat of the armies of
Angmar. Some however survived. For
A group of hill-men and orcs then centuries a group of men have lived on in
showed up a bit later and took the hobbit the hills near Mount Gram. These men
and the instruments for themselves by practice the dark sorcery taught to their
force and headed off to the north toward ancestors by the servants of the Witch
the Ettenmoors. The Sorcerer dwells near King. Fearchar is their leader.
Mount Gram in a place known as the Orc
Pits. Here he lords over a few surviving He learned dark magic from his father
descendants of the hill-men who once who learned it from his father before
dwelt there along with some orcs who he him, etc. He holds powerful sway over
uses to do his manual labor and other the men and orcs that dwell near him. He
darker deeds. What he wants a hobbit has the ability to travel abroad in spirit
for, Shamus doesn’t know. He does feels form as a warg and through this
he has been swindled out of a nice share maintains a watch over the area between
of gold and wants some revenge. Mount Gram and the East road. This is
how he became aware of the hobbits
The company needs to decide what to do traveling through the Trollshaws.
with Shamus and the other brigand.
While at Castle Hill, they could scout out He has a loose alliance with the orcs of
Rine’s lair, but they are in a bit of a hurry Mount Gram and their leader Radgul.
and who knows when the troll queen Long has he heard of Radgul speak of his
might return? hatred of hobbits. He intends to offer the
Shamus will give them the location of the hobbit Rorimac to the orc leader to use
Orc Pits and the Sorcerer if for no other for information about the Shire and
reason than out of spite and to see him whatever other evil purposes he can
pay for taking what wasn’t rightfully his. devise. The King’s Clarinet he intends to
keep for himself, for he collects relics of
The Orc Pits are located some 20 miles lost Arnor to use in some evil sorcery
west of Golfimbul’s Gully. The company aimed at raising the Hill-men into a
will have to backtrack to the Last Bridge powerful people again.
in order to cross the Hoarwell. He has sent his chief servant, a Hound of
Alternately, they can risk a crossing Sauron that fled from Dol Guldur, along
through the Burial Bog. This would be a with a group of men and orcs to seek out
faster route, but it might lead to a and return with the hobbit.
surprise should they stumble across a
Bog Soldier or two. (How fun would that Dark Sorcerer of Rhudaur
be?!) Attribute level: 4
Endurance: 22
The Company must make haste. The Hate: 5
Sorcerer wanted the hobbit alive but Parry: 4
what purpose he has in mind for the poor Armor: 2d
fellow once he has him is hard to say. Skills
Increase the distance the company can Personality 2, Survival 2
Movement 2, Custom 2 play this thing with some skill.
Perception 2, Vocation 3 Play us a tune. Prove your skill and
Weapon Skills perhaps you will have one last pleasant
Jagged knife 2: Damage 3, Edge C, Injury meal to fill your belly with before we send
14, CS - you away. If the boys here do not like
Bent sword 3: Damage 4, Edge 10, Injury your song, then I may let them have a
12, CS disarm little fun with you.”
Special Abilities
Bewilder, Dreadful Spells He hands the King’s Clarinet to the
shaking hobbit, who nervously begins to
The Sorcerer of Rhudaur is accompanied play. At first the notes come out feeble
by a group of Hill-Men of Rhudaur and awkward. The hill-men begin
(adjust numbers based on the Company) taunting him. But closing his eyes and
taking a deep breath, the hobbit lets out
The company will arrive not long after a beautiful melody that fills the cave and
the Rorimac has been led into a cave and transfixes his captors.
locked in a wooden cage. If they can gain
a vantage point, this is what they will see: The company must rescue Master
Smallburrow and escort him back to a
The Sorcerer and a group of Hill-men are safe location, be it Bree, Rivendell, or
seated in the cave discussing the fate of perhaps they might find Hirgon or
the hobbit. The men are examining the Arbarad, along the East road. If
elvish harps and the King’s Clarinet. They successful, they will be rewarded as
pluck at the strings of the harp, generally described in the Encounter Evaluation.
making a racket. Fearchar holds the Once rescued, Rori can relate more of the
clarinet and examines it closely by tale of the King's Clarinet to the player
firelight. characters.

He smiles a sinister smile, then he tries to

play a note, but achieves only a jarring
screech that causes the others to curse
and put their hands over their ears. The
poor little hobbit is dismayed, caring
almost more for the ancient relic than

The Sorcerer says to the hobbit:

“With this ancient trinket of Arnor, I will

be able to work great magic and harness
some of the might of the Old Kings for my
people. I have a friend who would very
much like to see your kind pay for your
past transgressions against one of his
ancestors, Golfimbul. I will make a gift to
him of you. I’m certain he will have many
questions for you about your precious
Shire. Tomorrow I shall send you to him.
It will be quite an enjoyable surprise for
him I’m sure. But tonight I have another
use for you. I have heard that you can
~Other Adventures~ Within the large basement, the spiders
constructed walls out of webbing,
THE RUINS OF OST-EDLOTHIOD by creating passageways. These web walls
Throrsgold are relatively hard (Endurance 12), but
(an ancient elven ruin anywhere in burn easily when exposed to direct fire;
Mirkwood, place wherever LM feels relevant). however, they inhibit or resist the spread
of fire. A successful TN16 Awareness test
reveals that there are openings
While within the ruins, an Awareness test throughout these walls that are winding
will reveal strange vines in the tunnels that allow the Spiderlings to
underbrush. Should they stop to examine cross through and attack from any point
the vines, a Lore test will determine that along them. They are not large enough to
the vines are actually dirty spider webs! allow the Attercops this same advantage.
A success reveals a camouflaged trap-
door in the ground made of webbing and Whenever the player-heroes turn down a
debris looking like the ground around it, web way or have to choose between two
just as an ambushing Attercop springs directions at a fork or intersection,
out to attack! several Spiderlings will sneak up behind
A Great success reveals the same, but them and web close the passageway. A
both parties instead act simultaneously successful Awareness test allows the
player-hero to hear the scrabbling of their
i.e. no Surprise. An Exceptional success
reveals the same, but the Attercop is many legs in the web tunnels behind
Any player-hero rolling an Eye of Sauron
Deep in the nest, webbed up, is the
plunges through the ground into a large
spider web and is immediately set upon desiccated corpse of the nest mother … a
by the Attercop. This pit trap is, in fact, very large Great Spider, too large to fit
the spiral staircase entrance to the large through any of the ruins’ entrances. The
basement of a once grand Elven dwelling corpse shows signs of grievous, edged-
known as Ost Edlothiod, presently weapon wounds that ultimately led to the
inhabited by a nest of Spiders of horrid creature’s death.
If the player-heroes retreat from the nest,
Spider’s Nest having caused any spider deaths, threats
The nest is comprised of 6 Attercops and may be shouted after them as they flee:
20 Spiderlings.
“Murderers! Thieves! Elves and Elf-Friends!
Within the nest, propped up near the
We have marked your faces! You still must
base of the spiral staircase (to possibly
leave this cursed land!”
frighten intruders) is the body of a troll,
turned to stone. This troll seemingly fell
There are various items of treasure to be
into the nest at some point in the distant
found with their previous owners’
past, resulting in the breaking off of one
desiccated remains in the webbing:
of its arms.
 68 Treasure Points in gems, gold, until you use me!”
silver and copper coins. The coins Should anyone try to destroy the axe,
are much more recent than those the ghost will take over the wielder’s
found in the pit. body completely (a TN18 Corruption
 A dead Dwarf in a mail shirt with a test to resist) and attack all present
great axe clutched firmly in its that seeks its destruction! The Keen
desiccated hand. The mail shirt Qualities allow the weapon to sever
possesses the Qualities of Close- the heads of those it strikes.
fitting 2 (Encumbrance: 12; Whenever a G-rune is rolled on the
Protection: 3d+2). Feat die, the weapon severs the
The great axe possesses the Qualities opponent’s head (if it has one) from
of Keen x3 (Damage: 9; Edge: 8; its body! Note: It only has the Keen
Injury: 20; Encumbrance: 4). Qualities as a result of its being
This axe is an exception to the rule
that Keen may only be applied once  1 mithril brooch – According to the
to any one weapon. The great axe words etched upon it, this once
displays ghostly Angerthas runes belonged to a guard of the House of
that announce the Khuzdul name Barahir.[Barahir was the 8th Ruling
‘Head Taker’. When the wielder kills Steward of Gondor]
an opponent, they hear a voice in  1 Gondorian helm.
their head (either in Khuzdul or  1 amulet with a crudely fashioned
accented Westron, depending on the crescent moon symbol … a Lore test
wielder): reveals that this particular crescent
moon is a Woodmen of Mirkwood
“He stands before me in combat. I want clan symbol.
his head.”  5 Orc scimitars.
 2 Woodmen long swords.
The Axe is Cursed: the ghost of the  13 daggers.
Dwarf that owned it haunts the Head  13 short swords.
Taker axe, attempting to force the  1 Rohirric mail hauberk with the
wielder of the axe to take and collect Qualities of Cunning Make and
the heads of his enemies, this Close-fitting (Enc:18; Arm:5d+1).
requires a Corruption test to resist  An ivory statue of a horse.
this. When the wielder is surprised,  A golden, bejewelled ring. This is The
the same voice may prompt the Heir’s Ring, a symbol of the House of
wielder to attack and “take” the Eorl (King Théoden’s family). Anyone
interloper’s head (also a Corruption who returns the precious signet
test to resist)! If the wielder attempts would be well rewarded in Rohan.
to discard or ‘reforge’ Head Taker, [This ring once belonged to Walda the
the ghost may fool the wielder into 12th king of Rohan. He was slain with all
believing they have succeeded (a his companions when Orcs trapped
TN16 Corruption test to disbelieve)! them, as they rode by mountain paths
from Dunharrow in 2851 T.A.]
The wielder will constantly be urged  Many other items in the webbing
by the voice to use Head Taker (a that are in too poor a condition to be
Corruption test to resist) instead of of any use.
all other melee weapons.
Failing that, the ghost will shatter the
other weapon … the ghost will hiss:
“I will destroy every weapon you pick up
The Pit the innate ability to detect Orcs. If Orcs
There is a pit in the basement, remnants are within 1000 ft., it will emit a blue
of an ancient water well, approximately glow, which gets more intense the closer
12’ deep. The spiders have used this pit the Orcs are. It does not indicate the
to toss refuse into it throughout the number or direction, only relative
centuries. As a result, it is filled with a distance.
large amount of treasure!
- 1 Long sword with the Quality of
- 395 Treasure Points in gems, Fell (Damage: 5 (1h)/7 (2h); Edge: 10;
gold, silver and copper coins. There is Injury: 18 (1h)/20 (2h); Encumbrance: 3).
currency from Eregion, Gondor, the Three
Realms (Arthedain, Cardolan and - 1 Dwarven mattock with the
Rhudaur), from Erebor and Ered Luin, Qualities of Grievous and Fell (Damage:
and even from Númenor itself! 10; Edge: 10; Injury: 20; Encumbrance:
- A small chest nearly buried in the
coins. In the chest are two items: an - 1 Elven long sword with the
ancient book and a large scroll. The Qualities of Grievous, Keen, and Orc-
ancient book, written in Quenya, is Sense (Damage: 7 (1h)/9 (2h); Edge: 9;
entitled “He Who Fled to the East.” Injury: 16 (1h)/18 (2h); Encumbrance: 3)
A Noldor Loremaster named Fëagon, the This blade is etched on both sides of the
original owner of this dwelling, wrote it. blade with Tengwar script in Quenya:
The book is a treatise on the Dindair … Tirin-Lirin-Dagor, ‘I sing, I watch for
what they are, where they came from, Battle’.[Rilya, a weapon smith of the Halls of
and how to destroy them. Ost-in-Edhil, crafted it]
The Orc-Sense ability gives the weapon
The scroll is a rolled parchment the innate ability to detect Orcs. If Orcs
containing a depiction of one of the final are within 1000 ft., it will emit a blue
battles between Morgoth and the Valar. glow, which gets more intense the closer
The artist, it seems, favoured the side of the Orcs are. It does not indicate the
Morgoth. Depicted are mountains number or direction, only relative
collapsing, dragons and Dindairs in the distance.
air and Morgoth himself towering over
the landscape with Grond held aloft over - 1 Elven long sword with the
his darksome head. Qualities of Grievous, Keen, and Spider-
Sense (Damage: 7 (1h)/9 (2h); Edge: 8;
In one corner of the painting, a shadowy Injury: 16 (1h)/18 (2h); Encumbrance: 3)
figure is shown lifting a large stone to This blade is finely crafted and has runes
reveal 5 additional shadowy figures — the on the blade (in Adûnaic), identifying it
Dindair! They are each named: He Who as Ungolcrist, the Spider-Cleaver. The
Fled to the North, He Who Fled to the pommel jewel is actually the lacquered
South, He Who Fled to the East, He Who eye of a great spider!
Fled to the West, and He Who Stood at The Spider-Sense ability gives the weapon
his Master’s Side. the innate ability to detect spiders. If
spiders are within 1000 ft., it will emit a
- 1 Elven long sword with the blue glow, which gets more intense the
Qualities of Grievous, Keen, and Orc- closer the spiders are. It does not indicate
Sense (Damage: 7 (1h)/9 (2h); Edge: 9; the number or direction, only relative
Injury: 16 (1h)/18 (2h); Encumbrance: 3). distance.
The Orc-Sense ability gives the weapon
- 2 Elven hewing spears with the darkness creep over the land, as if
Qualities of Grievous and Keen (Damage: something of shadow and of fear rose up
7 (1h)/9 (2h); Edge: 9; Injury: 14 (1h)/16* in the tunnels below and passed out of
(2h); Encumbrance: 3; Called Shot: As a the hillside … they may have freed
spear, plus increase the Injury TN by 4 if something when they opened the door!
wielded two-handed*). These hewing This check is made automatically, like a
spears match the Elven short swords sixth sense.
mentioned below.
Note: The player-heroes are not intended to
- 2 Elven short swords with the combat the Dindair at this time! It is intended
Qualities of Grievous and Fell (Damage: that the Dindair escapes to reconnoitre the
7; Edge: 10; Injury: 16; Encumbrance: 2) changed world, for it has been imprisoned a
long time! This is just the foreshadowing of
– These short swords match the Elven
future adventures for them to undertake
hewing spears mentioned above.
Leaving the Nest
Many other items that are in too poor a
condition to be of any use. When the player-heroes venture back out
of the spider’s nest they find three Lesser
Spiders — smashed by large rocks from
Another Trapdoor an unknown source. They find large
footprints leading off towards the
A successful Awareness test reveals a lakeshore. This is the handiwork of a
trapdoor in the floor of the basement, Giant who has wandered down from the
now camouflaged by centuries of debris, Mountains of Mirkwood. He is friendly
looking like the floor. Originally, the and the player-heroes may spend time
trapdoor was not hidden. The trapdoor is with him chatting, sharing stories and
recessed 6 inches into the floor, allowing songs.
for a locked bar to bolt into the door
frame. It is made from 4” thick dense If asked for his name, he replies that his
stone (weighs 1,290 lbs.) and screws into actual name is quite unpronounceable
a 6” steel frame covered in Tengwar script by non-Giants. He suggests they use the
in Quenya. name an Elf once called him Hîrgond
(Sindarin: ‘Master rock’). The player-
A successful Lore test reveals that the heroes may make a Courtesy test to
words are those of sealing and binding. impress him enough to call him friend
There are broken remnants of a and thereby receive his offer of help
mechanism that allowed the stone to be should they have need to cross the
lifted from the frame. Mountains of Mirkwood in his domain.

The Vault Beneath the Trapdoor

In the Second Age Fëagon sponsored an

expedition that actually tracked down
and imprisoned the Dindair known as He
Who Fled to the North. The trapdoor is
the door to the prison! Opening the
trapdoor will free the Dindair!

A successful Awareness test made by any

Elven hero will allow them to sense a
THE TROLL KING’S HOARD by chased him. Paranoid, he refused to
JohanStaaf leave his treasure and died under the
House rules used: tree.
- Invoking a Trait lets the player roll the Now Vali is in reality a greedy and
fate dice twice and pick the best result. treacherous thief who stole the map from
- Whenever a player rolls a Gandalf rune the archive of old scripts that are in Dale.
on a skill roll all characters affected get He was chased by two soldiers and
an advancement point in that skill group. therefore in a hurry he has approached
This is the only way to get advancement other heroes in Esgaroth but they turned
points. it down as they suspected Vali’s story.
The PC’s are in Esgaroth in spring 2946 However, he has since then come up with
T.A. They have busied themselves with the false story of his grandfather as he
some odd jobs but nothing permanent. tells the PC’s, and offers them half of the
They are called up by the Bardian treasure if they help him find it.
merchant Vali, who claims to have Two soldiers (now disguised in plain
inherited an old map of his now clothes) named Ilena and Bragi are still
deceased grandfather, who Vali says was looking for him. Ilena is patient and stoic
a greedy old man who hid a portion of while Bragi is more hot-headed and
his gold in Northern Mirkwood and the weak-willed. They have identified the
map will show where. thief and are now trying to find him. If
Indeed, there is a marker on the map and they catch up they will try to grab him to
a written note: bring him and the map back to Dale.
“At the hand, the five fingers points to the sky. However, there is a high risk of Vali
Dig deep into the palm. Therein is hidden the succeeding in corrupting Bragi, or they
enemy's offspring. Runes carving on account might be persuaded to follow the PC’s to
of the head showing where the black be find the treasure or even lending them
killed. From this location, walk where the sun the map.
falls until you behold Gámbâirs tree. Search Along the way the party encounters a
for the roots and crowns you find crowns of group of Beornings who are hunting a
iron and silver. “ group of goblins that have swept through
LM Note: The treasure is actually old the area north of the river but have now
coins of Angband as they all have crossed it and have started to cause
Morgoth’s crown on one side. problems. They are basically a nice
bunch and know the area well, but they
History cannot help that much as long as the
A long time ago in the war against the goblins roam, as the goblins have
Witch-king of Angmar, a troll king was already attacked a farm and who knows
slain in the woods named King Gûrbash. what they will do next.
His wickedness was great and his spirit The Beornings are six men and women
still lived there and caused all kinds of lead by the jovial and red bearded
problems. Therefore many years later the Bolvar.
men who lived there at the time asked The goblins consist of ten plus two wolves
Saruman the White for help. He raised that have joined, they are led by the
the five stones to catch the monster's fearless and shrewd Umash. Their goal is
spirit who now cannot leave the tomb, to find their way south as they have
but one of the men fell to temptation and heard that the Old Forest Road is starting
stole the coins that were buried with the to be explored by people, people they can
troll. He hid the money under a mighty rob and murder. They have also
tree in the woods and wrote a riddle to kidnapped two children named Foron
hide the treasure. Eventually, madness and Emla (approx. 12 years old) from the
afflicted him, and he thought the others farm to be used as hostages or living
shields (whilst Umash is alive, if he is The iron coins are basically worthless but
killed some orc will try to make off with if they take only silver coins it’s worth
the children for food). roughly 10 treasure.
The location where the troll king Gûrbash There are also two other items of notice.
is buried is marked by five stone pillars One is a small silver cup of elven design
that are unevenly spaced in a semi-circle. with green leaves of gold that wind
Four on one side and one on the other around the rim of the cup. All water (or
side, vaguely in the shape of five fingers. other liquid) poured from the cup tastes
The stones are moss-covered but are fresh and loses all harmful properties.
richly decorated with magical elven Second is a large troll knife (counts as a
runes (in Quenya) beneath the moss, short sword) made of some black metal,
created to imprison the monster's spirit. covered with runes in the black language
The circle of ground inside the stones is that say:
counted as Blighted and requires a "Morgoth the Beautiful denies you the
Corruption test for each day inside the song of Valar."
circle. At night the troll’s spirit awakens, Against creatures that do not belong to
it is invisible and relatively harmless. the Shadow the weapon inflicts 4 extra
However, a Craft/ Athletics test is needed damage and the target regains no
to avoid an accident (damage 7, wound: endurance without special
eye, injury: 12). If there is an accident, medicine/healing of some sort. The
the LM should roll the Feat die to see if Weapon is of course Cursed (LM choice).
there is a wound, the attack hits There are two dangers with the site. A
automatically if the PC fails their test to large spider has made the tree its nest. It
avoid it. is difficult to detect as it sleeps during the
When digging inside the circle, the PC’s day. It's pretty stupid and has lost all
will find the Monster's remains. Weapons intelligence except what it needs to hunt.
and armour are still in good shape but At night, it goes out to hunt. The treasure
are all covered with evil runes (in the has slowly corrupted the tree, enough
Ancient Black Speech of Angband), with a that it now lives on the blood of the
symbol shaped like a black iron crown victims that the spider drags up to its nest
with three jewels. A human skull with in the tree top. The Tree itself has become
runes on it is also present. The runes are a Hourn with limited mobility, it will try
of an old Northman dialect and describe to lull the heroes to sleep (as per Old
the place where the battle was fought (a Man Willow) so that the spider can kill
day's march north). A Hard TN 16 Lore them. If the PC’s remain for a while, they
test (without any special knowledge) will have to roll Wisdom or fall into a deep
tell the PC that some kind of monster's sleep. Should all the party fall into
spirit remains here and hence the stones enchanted sleep the LM should have one
purpose is to keep the spirit trapped. wake up covered in web up on the tree
They need to walk west from the site of top whilst the spider is sleeping. The
the battle for more than a day before they spider should be dangerous enough that
see Gámbâir’s Tree, it is easily a full party of heroes should be hesitant
recognizable as it is large and sickly, to attack it (and with good reason).
thick bark with dark furrows. The Trickery and cleverness should be
treasure is indeed buried here (along required if they wish to defeat it. The
with the previous owner's corpse). The coins and troll knife are obviously
treasure is composed mostly of iron and corrupt, so it is up to the party if they
silver coins from Angband. The treasure should take them at all. They will draw
is a dark influence and has transformed misfortune on whoever owns them, with
even this place to a Blighted place with a high risk that weak NPC’s (such as Vali
the same rules as the Stone Circle. or Bragi) will try to take them.
KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN but sad rather than comedic). Strangely,
by Yusei in one way or another, Thibur manages
to survive and escape on a regular basis,
Background always a bit worse for wear.

A dwarven mother who has a child At some point he is captured by a

without revealing the father's name for middling-level Sauronic force of some
some reason. However, during the time kind, perhaps an Angmar border patrol,
of conception Thror was in the vicinity of goblins in the Misty Mountains, orcs
the mother's town, general location or around Mount Gundabad, Grey
maybe knew her. Her son (who is not Mountains or Withered Heath, whatever.
actually related to Thror) grows up He's captured, tortured and abused more
nameless (effectively) in a society that than normal, but not critically. In the
holds lineage as being vital; after all, if process he reveals his supposed pedigree,
asked he is "Thibur, son of no one" which the Evil Leader scoffs at (hmm,
(although he would probably use his orcs might be best for this as they're
mother's name), but considering how rarely aware of dwarven genealogy) and
father-centric dwarven culture is, that eventually forces Thibur to admit he's
might be more embarrassing than being made it all up, that there is no proof of
no one's son. any of it.

Anyway, he ends up with a complex At which point Thibur totally snaps in his
about his paternity which becomes ever mind. He has wasted his entire life and
more worrisome and a central focus to undergone hardship for what he knew
his life. Eventually someone mentions to (but refused to accept) to be a lie because
Thibur he looks a bit like Thror. he was just another commonplace dwarf,
Astounded, he does some research and not one destined for greatness.
realizes the timing is right. He tries He suffers a bout of madness with the
asking his mother, but she's being glib or result that he completely disassociates
not answering for whatever reason. what just happened. His mind latches
onto the easiest lie:
So Thibur starts running scenarios in his He is the son of Thror. He's never lied to
head (mom was the king's mistress? himself. He has absolute proof he is the
raped? whatever) but basically deludes son of Thror.
himself into believing a bunch of
circumstantial evidence that amounts to This snap occurs right in front of the Evil
a false reality: that he is, in fact, an Leader, who is so amused by it that he
illegitimate son of Thror, King Under the informs Thibur he is in possession of his
Mountain. father's ring. Time passes with various
episodes of further torture, days of
It is possible that he does go wandering solitude in a dank cell, etc. Not too long,
after Thror, around the time that Thror maybe an extra month or so. Just time
leaves dwarven society. He arrives too enough for the Evil Leader to arrange a
late and has to follow what clues he can complicated bit of mummery to allow
about Thror's location. Unfortunately he Thibur to be released, in possession of
is so deluded at this point that he heads the False Ring.
off in a completely irrelevant direction;
engaging in adventures that are In their last meeting the Evil Leader
unnecessary and depressing, wearying, probably tells Thibur that Dain II Ironfoot
and hope-depleting (think "Don Quixote", is now King Under the Mountain,
possibly suggesting he stole the throne
from Thibur knowing the illegitimate son assumed they know). Gloin is suspicious
existed. The Evil Leader leaves the False when he meets Thibur, but Thibur says
Ring within Thibur's sight and wanders he has a proof that he will show only to
off; Thibur gets free, takes the ring and King Dain: he has the Ring of Thrain! He
escapes, and has perhaps some more sad really can show a ring, but he will only
adventures before he finally encounters let Dain touch it.
the PC’s.
So Gloin writes a letter that will allow the
Part 1: characters to easily obtain an audience
with the King, and asks them to lead
At some appropriate moment, the Thibur to the Mountain, but warns them
characters hear a cry for help. They find a to keep an eye on him. He also sends a
badly wounded dwarf surrounded by raven to Gandalf (because a ring is
three bandits. They fight or scare them involved).
away, but the dwarf falls unconscious.
He wears ragged clothes, has a broken Add any events you wish during the
axe, and obviously has travelled a lot. travel, depending on the time you've got.
When he wakes up, he tells them In my game the party stopped at The
“I am Thibur, son of Thrain, son of Thror, Drunkenstone Inn in Dale, and Thibur
King Under the Mountain” got angry at the sign. Afterwards, he
wanted to enter through the secret gate in
Dwarven characters may make a Lore the Mountain because he feared for his
roll to check that Thorin did have an life if he arrived claiming he was the real
older brother, that was thought to be king. But the party was able to convince
long dead. If they don't, Gloin or some him that it wasn't very honourable to
other dwarf that knew Thorin could tell enter by a backdoor.
them. But they won't find a dwarf that
knows Thibur's face. Thibur says he left
his family long ago to rescue his father Part 3:
from Dol Guldur, but was captured too,
and spent decades in captivity, until one The party arrives at the gates of Erebor.
day the Shadow left, and he got free. They ask for an audience, and it is
granted easily. They asked for secrecy, so
He has wandered since that day in there are only a few people in the room:
Mirkwood, and fought many evils, only King Dain, two guards, and a
searching for a way to escape and reach human dressed in a grey cloak and hat,
civilization. It soon becomes evident that standing in a corner, smoking a pipe. The
Thibur expects to free the mountain from characters talk for a while, introduce
Smaug, and has no idea what has themselves and Thibur. Then he talks
happened. Presumably the characters and tries to be polite with Dain but it is
will tell him, and he will look sad or obvious that he doesn't like him. At one
happy at the appropriate places, and point he draws the ring out of his pocket,
somewhat angry that his cousin Dain is and shows it to the room. Gandalf in the
currently King Under the Mountain. corner becomes interested. Dain gets up,
wants to see the ring. He puts in on his
Part 2 finger and...

Unless they decide to trust Thibur blindly ... Nothing happens! But Thibur draws a
and lead him to the Mountain dagger and tries to stab the King. A flash
themselves, they probably will contact of light (from Gandalf) sends him to the
Gloin (the only dwarf of importance it is ground and the guards arrest everybody
(including the PC’s). Dain of course This could become very like "The Scarlet
survives, and Thibur will be interrogated Letter", with a story of its own that can be
when he is fit. Later, the characters are as complicated as you want to get into.
freed because Gloin says he sent them Heck, you might be able to lift the story
and they had nothing to do with the almost verbatim (although I don't think
murdering attempt, but maybe have there are priests in Middle-earth).
them do a few Awe/Persuasion rolls in
their defence first. Once the players have dealt with the
mother (in whatever fashion), know
The End Thibur's lineage and have absolute proof
of it, the characters must return with it to
Option 1: Thibur was absolutely not Erebor.
Thorin's brother (and did not come from
Dol Guldur) but had some reason to kill Part 4.5
Dain, and used this story as a way to
reach him. Also don’t forget the possibility that the
Evil Leader hears about all this and
Option 2: Thibur did indeed come from attempts to interfere with the Party's
Dol Guldur but was driven crazy. Either investigation and/or their attempt to
he believed he is the king but he is some return with the evidence (whether this
random dwarf, or he really was the means an NPC or an item) needed to
rightful king but is now too crazy and resolve matters. Particularly if he sent
corrupted to be able to rule. info up the line and other Servants of Evil
are on the lookout! (And this could be an
In any case, he of course didn't have the interesting mini side storyline arc.)
real Ring of Thror.
Part 5
Part 4
Now things get complicated. It really
Having all of your events happen, now depends on where you want to go from
Thibur has to be dealt with on the here, but either have Thibur die in
Dwarven level. Unfortunately maybe his captivity, or maybe some well-meaning
ravings are heard by others and, just as dwarves have released Thibur believing
with Thibur himself, there is just enough his story, or best yet, some greedy
possibility that the entire dwarven dwarves released Thibur in an attempt to
succession of the Longbeard clan (Durin's gain control of him and use him as a
Folk) is called into question. means of gaining control over the Lonely
The issue should be resolved peacefully, This would put everything that Dain II
without just doing away with the mad Ironfoot has done since the Battle of Five
dwarf. Requiring either that the Armies into a precarious situation.
characters are now charged to back-track - The money that Bilbo was paid after
Thibur's adventures (assuming his failure everything was done? Illegal!
to defeat Dain totally unhinges him so - The money spent to rebuild Dale?
further information is not forthcoming), Illegal! etc.
or if told, they must somehow convince
the mother to reveal whom Thibur's
father truly was (assuming she's still
alive), or even willing to consider the
THE NAMELESS DWARF by Garbar putting them in the middle of a goblin
band (perhaps a few troll instead).
The Entrance Although the name of the dwarf is likely
During an encounter with goblins in in Khuzdul, he may have forsaken his
tunnels near the eastern edge of race as they forsook him and it could be
Mirkwood they find a door concealed by in Black Speech, but I think Khuzdul
a Spell of Secrecy (RB p.107). more likely. The fact that his name is
Written on the surface (in Khuzdul) are taboo to his own people does not mean
runes: it's unknown to others.
“My name is not spoken, but only by
speaking it shall you enter my halls!” Elves may have a record of his name, so
This message refers to a dwarf who was Rivendell and the Halls of the Elvenking
driven from his homeland for a thus far are potential sources, but getting access
unspecified act. to that information may require they
perform a service, introducing a side-
Finding The Name quest to the plot. I see the tunnels as
The first part of the quest will be finding being something akin to Moria, although
his name, not easy as it was deleted from much smaller and with a lower balrog
the dwarves archives in Erebor, so they count. One entrance is never a good idea,
will have to seek an alternate source. which I why I considered an alternate exit
for the way out. Both doors were likely
Beyond The Door closed, but it's possible that one was
Once they get beyond the door they will found by an earlier explorer, or damaged
find tunnels, traps and creatures 'darker as a result of a seismic event.
and fouler than orcs'. It will be a long
journey through dark places that take As for the dark creatures, I was not
them under the Mountains of Mirkwood. planning on something created by the
dwarf or even bred by him, but that does
The Lake make my mind work in evil ways! The
I also see a large underwater lake in the Mountains Of Mirkwood are a place of
quest, with still water and something shadow and could have corrupted the
lurking beneath the surface. A boat will residents over the millennia, creating
be needed and a battle in the water variant spiders, orcs, men, trolls etc.
would make them hindered. The creature I like the idea of geothermal activity in
will flee when wounded, not die (Great the lake and mud flats can work, spitting
Size, RB p.233) and strike again when out blobs of mud on the unwary. It could
they are not expecting it. even be worked as a Travel Hazard, but
that makes the crossing a single roll of
The Enemy the dice and take some of the fun out of it
The 'big bad' at the end will likely be an Or, if we go with the flowing water idea
undead of some sort, perhaps with that you suggested, they may take a trip
minions to protect him. Not sure if an downriver as an exit strategy, perhaps
undead dwarf is possible in Tolkien lore using the barrels and chests taken from
though! the treasury of Nameless Dwarf as an
improvised raft. Throwing rapids and a
The Escape waterfall in might make for a challenging
Their exit becomes blocked during the journey for them! I do prefer the crazy
battle and they have to find another way dwarf idea to a friendly giant as a resting
out, possibly laden with treasure (some place, but not for recovering from
or all is shadow tainted of course), Fatigue, just a place to sleep.
GLAURUNG’S IRE by Haugar the characters that they are associates of
Josur and invite them to speak with him.
Synopsis: Act 1 Josur, bedridden and a bit crazed, was
At the behest of Cirran son of Cirdol –a found dying within Mirkwood by the
prominent merchant within Dale, has Wood Elves, and it was they who
obliged the characters to locate the returned him safely to Dale. Josur, a
whereabouts of a merchant caravan that scholar, had come upon information
was last headed towards the Southern regarding the Ered Mithrin and the fall of
realms of Rhovanion and Rohan beyond, a Dwarven stronghold known as
by taking a Northern route around the Shaturgathol. He relates that in his time
expanse of Mirkwood. The caravan he pursued the information, eager to
carried a heavy iron wrought chest that learn of all that he could, and that
was particularly very dear to him. In eventually he journeyed into the desolate
short in the midst of an ill fog, the and nefarious mountains, seeking the
caravan is discovered within the eve of fortress. The crazed Josur relates how
Mirkwood with its passengers disastrous his adventure was, and how
slaughtered and the remnants of the he lost a very dear friend to him. In the
cargo and caravans shattered. Cirran’s end Josur reveals that the treasure within
chest is not to be found, and orcish the chest is the key to discovering the
involvement is easily ascertained. passage to the entrance of Shaturgathol.
The journey leads the characters into the He denies any knowledge of how Cirran
Northern depths of Mirkwood. Amongst came to know of the key.
the ruins of a long forgotten tower the
players are encountered by Orcs who Act 2.
engage in battle. It should be obvious to Coming upon information of the
the characters as they fight that the Orcs Shaturgathol the characters are imposed
are fatigued and wounded. The upon by Josur with the task of obtaining
characters discern information from the the key from the Orc Sharku. He bade
Orcs, it is revealed that they did not them speak with the Wood Elves for
attack the caravan (initially), but were information; considering they reign
ambushed by Men who HAD committed within the area Sharku was last seen or
the deed. As they retreated into the the Dwarves for more information on the
depths of Mirkwood they returned to exact location of Shaturgathol. Either
their camp -the ruined tower. It was there choice shall lead them to some triviality
they realized their leader Sharku was that the characters must confront, but it
missing and they fell into argument and leads them to the discovery of an orc
fighting. corpse within the cluster of a hilly range
Sharku eventually appeared some time to the North-East of Mirkwood, some
later emerging from a heavy fog, he slew miles away from where the caravan was
his own folk except one upon whom he assaulted. The Orc’s remains, fresh from
burdened with a spoil of battle, a heavy an attack, were shredded and not much
iron wrought chest which they then remains of him, a knife is lodged in his
disappeared back into the fog. back, although queer tracks of slithering
Returning to Dale to speak with Cirran creatures head off to some nearby
about the unfortunate events, the caverns.
characters learn that Cirran has left Dale Heading into the earth the characters
under mysterious circumstances. After discover Cirran being tormented by a
some investigation, the characters are couple of Wyrm-lings. After the Wyrm-
approached by guards who inquire of lings are dispersed, Cirran is discovered
Cirran and the characters involvement. unconscious, having been knocked out
After some discussion the guards inform during the battle, clutching the key to his
chest. Cirran is returned to Dale, Act 3.
throughout his journey muttering the The characters can attempt to follow his
word “Ungash,” and there the characters trail, yet due to the broken earth and the
speak to Josur who rewards them for tormenting weather, they will not be able
returning his key to him and invites them to keep it long. The characters return to
to remain and enjoy his hospitality in Dale and seek the aid of someone with
their honour. In the morning a thick fog wisdom as to what the map might reveal,
lingers over Dale, and Josur is discovered Glaurung’s Ire, or the drake Ungash.
dead. A thorough search results in the Coming upon information they learn of
characters obtaining a map of antiquity Ungash’s plot to consume the stone after
that shows the location of Shaturgathol. a dark ritual said to incite Glaurung’s
The characters also come upon the flames, and where Ungash is; called
knowledge that Cirran was horrifically Gurihug (the desolation where dragon-
killed within the outskirts of Dale. kin go to die). After reaching Gurihug
The characters then journey to the characters meet with Ungash, who
Shaturgathol and after many adventures, reveals the capabilities to create flames.
they finally reach the aged Gates of Ungash also reveals that Cirran and
Shaturgathol, known as Shatur-u-zirak. Josur were friends of old and that they
Here they encounter Sharku, who here had stumbled on Shaturgathol, there
attempts to use the key to open the they discovered the fact that Glaurung’s
passage into Shaturgahol, yet is Ire, a stone said to have been wrought
unsuccessful. In frustration Sharku then from the foul belly of the great dragon,
attacks them. After the battle the was kept within. Ungash attacked them
characters obtain the key and with the and with a dragon-spell ruled over Cirran
map realize the means into proceeding and used him till the time they came
past Shatur-u-zirak. upon the means to open the passage. Yet,
Delving into the depths of the old ever after the encounter, Josur knew
dwarven fortress the characters are something was wrong with his friend and
assaulted by grim wraiths and possessed kept him at lengths. It wasn’t till the
corpses, who linger within the ruins. discovery of the key of Shaturgathol that
After some adventures they come upon Cirran appeared once more. After a
the heart of Shaturgahol where there is a climactic battle and the subsequent
giant statue of a withering Fire-Drake, smiting of Ungash, the characters are
breathing stony flames in defiance and in rewarded with the Glaurung’s Ire and the
fear. Set upon the brow of the statue is a subsequent journey to return the stone to
stone that illuminates with an inner Shaturgathol.
ebbing flame. The characters should
realize at this time that this is a statue of NOTES for LM
Glaurung who was struck down by Turin, 1.) Yes Ungash kills Cirran, as he is
son of Hurin. able to create mists and smoke, so when
When they exit Shaturgathol, a great fog an uncomfortable fog or mists lingers
lingers upon the mountain. There the within the story consider that Ungash is
characters encounter Ungash, a large nearby.
Drake (wingless dragon), and either
through will or force he attempts to 2.) The night of the festivities Josur is
obtain Glaurung’s Ire, the stone that was killed by Sharku (under the dragon-spell
upon the stone dragon. The characters of Ungash), who claims the key and
barely survive the encounter, yet they heads to Shaturgathol, whilst Cirran is
lose the stone. called forth to the drake and is disposed
of, not being required any longer.
THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE SPEAR spear’s finding. The Kingdom under the
by Throrsgold Mountain is abuzz with the news that
important documents have been
• When: The adventure is set in the early discovered concerning some Elven
Spring of III 2993. artefact. It is rumoured that King Dáin is
dispatching agents to locate this artefact.
• Where: Erebor, Esgaroth, Dale,
Rhosgobel, Moria, and Lórien. • Why: Although at first the company
believes that they are responding to a
• What: Ereinion Gil-galad was the last solicitation for treasure hunters, the
High-King of the Noldor when he fell at diplomatic envoy to Radagast in
Mount Doom alongside his friend, Rhosgobel instead provides an excellent
Elendil, at the hand of Sauron in hand-to- opportunity for them to make a name for
hand combat in the Battle of Dagorlad. themselves.
His favoured weapon was a long spear: a
long shaft of sturdy wood with an • Who: The heroes will meet the famed
intricate blade of elf-crafted steel. wizard Radagast the Brown, and Balin,
one of the twelve Dwarves that
While in battle, the blade shown with accompanied Thorin Oakenshield on the
such a brilliant white light that it was Quest for Erebor.
named Aeglos (variously translated as
‘Snow-point,’ ‘Snowthorn’ or ‘Icicle’). This
renowned weapon unfortunately was Notable Events
never recovered from the field of battle
that day, being lost among the carnage – • The documents are incomplete, yet
many feared forever, but it was not so. Radagast believes that Balin, the leader
of the new Moria colony, may be able to
Sometime before Third Age 1981 the lend some aid if shown to him. He tells
Dwarves of Khazad-dûm discovered the the heroes of the Spear of Gil-galad and
spear as a part of a great troll hoard in where it is now to be found. He gives
the Anduin Vales north of Lothlórien. them back the document, and tasks them
Recognizing the weapon immediately with traveling to Moria, meeting with
and knowing of its great significance to Balin to request his aid in recovery of the
the Elves, they took it into Khazad-dûm, spear, and finally returning it to the Elves
the grandest and most famous of the in Lórien.
mansions of the Dwarves. There, they
intended to return it to its former glory • Radagast does not know of the whole
and present it to the Elves as a token of perilous situation in Moria: how little of
goodwill between their peoples. the ancient settlement has been retaken,
how dangerous a journey under the
But with the unleashing of the nameless mountains will be, or the form of the
terror that that came to be known as great evil within its depths.
Durin's Bane the spear disappeared into
the treasuries of Durin’s Folk and was • News of a document concerning an
utterly forgotten when the great realm fell Elven artefact soon found its way to the
to shadow and flame. ears of Sauron. The news is garbled and
incomplete, but the Dark Lord knows
At present, the reclamation of the Lonely there is a document telling of the resting
Mountain has led to the discovery of a place of the artefact and that it is being
Dwarven document pertaining to the carried from Erebor by a diplomatic
envoy. He sends out his spies and one of
the Nazgûl from Dol Guldur to claim the heroes are more or less on their own.
document and acquire the artefact before
it falls into the hands of his enemies. • The spear resides in the Twentieth
None of the Wise know that a Nazgûl is Hall of the Dwarrowdelf, in the Seventh
in pursuit of the spear. Deep. This area is infested with Orcs, so
should give the heroes a challenge, both
obtaining the spear and getting out
Suggested Hazards/Session Ideas again. They should have plenty of
chances to actually try the spear out once
• The heroes’ rooms are broken into they’ve got it.
in the night by a thief looking for the
document. • Once they’ve got the spear, they’ll
need to get down to The First Deep and
• The heroes are ambushed by spies into the Dimrill Dale. On getting to the
of Sauron in the wilds. Bridge of Khazad-dûm, they find their
way blocked by Orcs and a Cave Troll or
• The heroes feel they are being more.
watched as they travel, and realize that
crebain are following them. They may be • Once outside, they find a host of
attacked by Orcs or wargs and wolves in Orcs, led by a Nazgûl (same as earlier if
the wild. The crebain may be sent as the previous encounter occurred), waiting
scouts by orc raiding parties from the for them. The Dwarves (and their allies,
Misty Mountains. the woodmen from near the Anduin and
Misty Mountains) rally to their aid and a
• While camping in some ruins, the large battle takes place. The heroes
heroes are first stalked by a Nazgûl. If escape but many of the Dwarves are
they confront it openly, they may be in killed.
serious trouble. To save them if they can’t
escape, send in a party of wandering With their numbers depleted, Balin’s
Noldor or possibly Gandalf. party has no chance of staving off the Orc
attacks later, so the players can feel
• In some long abandoned Elven they’ve played some part, if not a positive
ruins, the heroes encounter spectres of one, in the history of the War of the Ring.
the deceased, who entice them to their
destruction but in turn show them to Suggested Player Characters
heroic weapons hidden in the ruins. • Anar — a male Dwarven Slayer
Giant spiders, wargs, and/or wolves, or (Background: A Life of Toil).
possibly other fey creatures inhabit the • Beran — a 16-year old male Beorning
area and in underground passages Scholar (Background: Keeper of Tales).
beneath the city, the descendants of those • Hithriel — a female Elven Warden
Sauron used to attack the ruins. (Background: Wild at Heart).
• Saffron Gardener — a 40-year old
• Once the heroes get to Moria, they female Hobbit Wanderer (Background:
find Balin ... he is friendly enough, but Restless Farmer).
unwilling to spend much time looking for • Treowine — a 19-year old male
Aeglos – the Dwarves are too busy with Woodman of Wilderland Warden
their own concerns (i.e., keeping down (Background: Sword-day Counsellor).
the growing Orc menace). He may be
able to lend the group a warrior or two
(maybe replacement characters, if any
characters have been killed), but the
A SOLO ADVENTURE by Wbweather coughing up blood and he soon
weakened and died.
She buried him herself and continued
While traveling across Wilderland, the trying to maintain their farmstead in the
player character finds himself captured northern Beorning lands until one day
by Viglunding slavers. she was visited by Viglunding thugs, who
finding a beautiful woman living alone
- A hobbit might have been decided she might bring a fair price on
traveling to the Easterly Inn and been the slave market. She put up a fight and a
captured couple of the men had broken noses and
- Woodmen characters may have bruises before she was subdued. She
been captured by outlaws from the south mostly fears what will become of her
and traded to the slavers. once she is sold. She has the following
- Beornings would most likely have traits: Anduin-Lore, Cooking, Fair, Quick
run into the Viglundings while traveling of Hearing, Swift
north of their lands.
- Dwarves could have been Walcaud
traveling to visit the Blue Mountains and This 17 year old Woodman is the fifth
been waylaid by the slavers. and youngest son of a regional clan
- Bardings, Lakemen, or Dwarves leader among the Woodman north of
could also be captured by bandits or orcs Mountain Hall. He has hunted the vales
and traded to the Viglundings. of the Anduin along the foothills of the
- Woodland Elves might have been Misty Mountains since he was a child. He
captured by orcs and traded to is wood-wise and a skilled hunter and
Viglundings. tracker. He was hunting a bear and
tracked him 3 days north-east of his
The adventure could start after the player village before he had finally taken down
has been captured, or could begin with a his prey. He had built a fire and was
combat in which the player is too smoking the meat and hide when he
outnumbered to succeed. However he found himself surrounded by Viglunding
came to be captured, the player character slavers.
soon finds himself chained by the ankles
with several other captives: He was caught off guard and unarmed
and not only lost his game meat, but his
THE CAPTIVES freedom as well. He is young and fearless
Avina and will attempt an escape at the first
This 21 year old Beorning woman is possible opportunity. His traits are:
stunning in appearance. She is stoic and Beast-lore, Herb-lore, Bold, Elusive,
appears to have a tough fibre. She has Reckless
not led a privileged life and has had to
learn to survive on her own. She married Eldacar
at age 18 to a Beorning man, more out of This 47 year old Dúnedain is weathered
necessity than love. He had been a kind and worn, but still has a noble bearing.
husband to her and for a few years they He is obviously injured and as the group
lived together and began to develop a travels his health is gradually declining.
true bond of respect for one another. Initially he has a cough and fever and
Unfortunately a year ago, he developed a favours his left flank. As time goes on he
sickness in his chest. Before long he was begins having feverish nightmares in
which he cries out in his sleep. Soon he
has trouble travelling and one night you
see him making a poultice out of herbs primary motivation is profit. He does not
he has been gathering. When he lifts his tolerate any challenge to his authority.
shirt to apply it, a 5 inch gash is seen
along his left flank. The skin around it is Albair
deep red and there is a foul odour and Although a scoundrel at heart the man at
some yellowish, blood-tinged drainage least has a jovial nature and is kind to
from the wound. his prisoners as long as they give him no
grief. He is known to offer extra food for a
Eldacar had been scouting out the good story or song. Of all the slavers, he
northern aspect of the Misty Mountains is the most likely to speak directly with
and the Vales of Gundabad. He has the captives. He is not above making a
discovered some important information joke at the expense of the suffering of his
about the increase of the Shadow. captives, especially if they displease him.
Unfortunately he had found himself
waylaid by orcs. He fought his way free, Helgut
but not until a filthy orc sword had Of all the slavers, he is the most vile. He
opened up his side. He had headed gets enjoyment from causing pain and
south, hoping to find refuge and healing suffering whenever he can get away with
in the Halls of Beorn. it. Tegaer keeps him in check for the most
part. He still has a swollen nose, black
After 3 days of travel however, blood loss eye and aching groin after the capture of
and fatigue overwhelmed him and he Avina, so has a special hatred for her and
could travel no farther without rest. It has threatened her repeatedly. He has yet
was there the slavers found him. He has to assault her, but every night she
tried to hide how ill he is, hoping to shudders whenever he draws near.
escape as he gets farther south and closer
to a village in the free lands. It is Breon
becoming obvious that he will not The youngest of the slavers, he is just
survive unless he gets treatment soon by beginning to see his beard fill in. If any of
a skilled healer. the men have any qualms about the
morality of their actions, it is Breon. He
Realizing this, he wishes to entrust his obviously is enamoured of Avina. He is
secret to the player's character (assuming close enough in age to Walcaud that he
he has earned Eldacar's trust). He will ask sees him as someone he can relate to. He
the hero to deliver a message to Rivendell seems fascinated by the ranger, Eldacar,
for him if they can engineer and carry out and would listen to stories of the wide
an escape. Eldacar’s traits are: Fire- world if only he was allowed to sit and
making, Story-Telling, Foresighted, talk with him. The older men however
Hardened, Secretive are beginning to become concerned that
the boy is soft. They continually have him
The Slavers (there are 4) administer punishment to the prisoners
to help break him of this.
A cousin of Viglund, he is obviously the The adventure should start somewhere
leader. He is cold and calculating. There North of the Beornings' lands in the
is no empathy to be found in the man. He upper Anduin Vales. The player may
would rather slit his captives' throats want his character to escape as soon as
than to see them escape. He keeps them possible. If a player is really set on this
alive and treats them humanely solely option, he shouldn't be discouraged or
because he wants to make certain they made to feel forced into the story against
bring him as much gold as possible. His his will (although as a captive, he kind of
is). Should he propose a great escape slavers, finding a way to unlock the
plan and get amazing rolls to accomplish shackles, or gathering herbs to poison
it, he could still carry out Eldacar's the slaver's food (or heal Eldacar).
mission, although the LM will need to
think on his feet, allowing an alternate As they travel, it will also be possible to
route to Rivendell. It would be better gather information about the slavers and
though to use the circumstances and their plans. This might be accomplished
NPC's to discourage escaping through overhearing discussions
immediately. (Awareness) or through knowledge of the
areas they are passing through and the
For example, if the player broaches the direction they are headed in (Lore).
idea of escape with the other captives, he
might be overheard by one of the slavers Riddle will help the player piece together
and punished. Walcaud could reveal his what is being planned. A character with
Reckless trait and attempt escape on his decent social skills could manage to earn
own and get a severe beating for his the trust of one of the slavers and get
effort. Eldacar should urge patience. For them to share their plans either
now, the group is relatively safe. They voluntarily or unintentionally. Riddle or
have time to plan and look for Insight might prove particularly useful.
weaknesses to exploit. Every day takes
them further south into regions that the For every Success award the player with a
slavers do not know but that he is quite bonus success die. He can use these in a
familiar with. Better to act as if the manner similar to dice from preliminary
captives have given up hope and let the rolls. He might choose to spend them on
slavers grow complacent and let their hazard tests or save them for advantages
guard down. to rolls when the escape actually
happens. He should role play out how
The goal is to not let the player feel like each dice confers an advantage when it is
he is being forced along a path in which used, hopefully relating it in some way to
he has no choice, but rather that he is a successful task from earlier in the
biding his time as he and the other game.
captives plot and prepare so that when
the escape attempt is made it will be As they travel, the player character
successful. should learn about the other captives
and their captors. Of course the slavers
Once/day the player character may do not allow much communication and
propose a task aimed at making so the chances to talk are infrequent.
preparations for the escape. A character
with a decent skill in healing could Twice/day the player can propose a task
attempt to help Eldacar with his fever or with his common skills to interact with
wound although the TN for this should the other slaves. Not only should the
be raised as he has limited resources at player discover the NPC's backgrounds,
hand. but should also begin to learn about their
traits. For example, Alvina might
Characters could also use tasks of Song mention during a talk that she visited
or Inspire to raise the captives' spirits. It this place as a girl or that this stretch of
might even be possible to persuade their the river is especially beautiful in the
captors to show some kindness. Other autumn, thereby revealing her Anduin-
ideas might include trying to discover lore trait. One night the Slavers might
information about where they are throw a couple of coneys at the PC and
headed, fomenting distrust between the tell him to cook up a decent meal for
them. If successful, he will earn their escape earlier than expected, then the
trust and a bonus die to be used when Loremaster will need to modify the
carrying out the escape. Alvina can agree adventure somewhat.
to help and with her Cooking trait lower
the TN by 4 for a success. Walcaud could The slavers' plan is to make their way
find some herbs while walking using his south to the Wolfswood where they
Herb-lore trait and help lower the TN of a hopefully can gather information among
healing test when the player attempts to the outlaws that dwell there. They stick to
heal Eldacar. Eldacar's story-telling trait the West bank of the Anduin in order to
might distract the slavers for a half hour avoid contact as much as possible with
while the player performed a Craft test at the Beornings and Woodmen. From the
a lower TN to look for a way to loosen the Wolfswood, they will head to Trader's
shackles around his ankles. Island to acquire a raft, then head further
south into the East Nether Vales.
While the player may interact directly
with the slavers, most of their Recently Easterlings have been trading in
characteristics should be revealed by the the Toft and a black market slave trade
LM through their interaction with the has sprung up. They suspect they will be
player and other captives. Breon might able to sell their 'goods' at the Toft and
blush when Avina catches him staring at hope to get an especially good price for
her. Albair might offer the player the comely woman. They can
character an extra bowl of stew if he can occasionally be overheard joking about
sing a good song. Helgut will probably what a fine trophy she'll make for an
kick the player character in the back to eastern prince. In fact after a while they
wake him up in the morning. begin referring to Avina as the Princess,
or My Lady, snickering all the while.
The journey to the Trader's Island is
roughly 200 miles depending on where The journey south is generally uneventful
the player is captured. This will take and the slavers are not particularly cruel.
about 12 days and should allow for lots However, being chained and prodded
of opportunities to get to know and bond along against their will is a miserable
with the other captives as well as prepare experience at best. The player should roll
for the time to escape. travel tests as usual for a journey
although at an increased difficulty of +2
The captives should be thinking about to the TN, and forgoes the preliminary
escape this whole time. The adventure is lore roll as the slavers are not
written with the intent of having the particularly interested in what he knows
escape take place in or around the of the route.
Gladden Fields, however a creative
player could engineer a successful escape Any failed roll adds to fatigue as usual.
earlier than this although Eldacar will Hazards could involve twisting an ankle,
counsel against this. giving in to despair, getting caught in a
thunderstorm etc. Failed hazard tests
In forming an escape plan the player should result in increased fatigue,
should take into account all of the special temporary states of being weary or
abilities and traits of all the captives, miserable, or the gaining of shadow
along with their own. Escape prior to points.
reaching the Gladden Fields should be
difficult as the captives are all in chains Upon reaching the outskirts of the
and are well guarded. As stated before, Wolfswood the slavers decide to make
should the player manage a successful camp before going in. Tegaer takes Breon
with him to visit the outlaw camp and him overboard.
leaves Albair and Helgut in charge of the That night the others come back across
prisoners. While they are gone, Helgut the channel with a raft and the supplies
takes advantage of Tregaer's absence to are loaded. Albair breaks out a keg of ale
be especially cruel to the captives, in he picked up on the island and the
particular Avina. He begins to make Viglundings spend the night drinking
advances on her, but is stopped by Albair and singing until late into the night. They
who warns him what Tregear will do to do make certain to take extra precautions
him if something happens to the securing their prisoners beforehand
Princess. The next morning, the other two however, and so there is no chance for
slavers return. escape that night.
The news from the Wolfswood is that
there is indeed a caravan of Easterlings As the slavers snore the group of captives
visiting the Toft. The Viglundings now have time to plan. Eldacar does not think
make plans for transporting their he will live more than another day or
captives to the settlement. They will head two. He tells the group that tomorrow
to the Trader's Island and obtain a raft or they will be entering the stretch of the
boat in order to make use of the river for Anduin that passes Hag’s Island near the
the last part of the journey. mouth of the Gladden River. The Anduin
moves swiftly here. Hag’s Island is a
By this point Eldacar is very ill. He has so small tree covered mound of earth rising
far hidden the severity of his sickness out of the midst of the river. The Anduin
from the slavers only by sheer will and tumbles and rushes over treacherous
some virtue of the Númenorean blood in rapids to the east of the island. The only
his veins. Even the Dúnedain are mortal safe transit past the island is on the west
though and it is becoming harder for him side, but manoeuvring a raft into the
to keep up with the forced march. western channel is no easy task.
At Trader's Island the captives are Furthermore, at this time of year a heavy
chained to a tree on the west bank. This fog often enshrouds the island making
time, Tegaer stays behind to keep watch the passage even more dangerous. If the
along with Helgut. This is decided after slaves are going to make an escape, their
some argument. Helgut is furious having only chance might be while the slavers
been made to stay back with the are busy navigating the treacherous route
prisoners again. He takes out most of his past the island.
anger on the slaves. Seeing the Ranger
favouring his side, Helgut kicks him in Eldacar has little hope that he will
the flank saying, "Got an ache there?" The survive the escape, but will do what he
pain is overwhelming and Eldacar passes can to help the others. He entrusts the
out. player character with his secret and
makes him promise to deliver the
Tegaer comes over to investigate and message to Elrond personally. If they can
discovers for the first time how ill the manage to escape near the Gladden, then
ranger truly is. Helgut wishes to cut their the player character can follow the river
losses and put Eldacar out of his misery. west to the Misty Mountains where there
Tegaer is less willing to throw away a is a pass into the Lone Lands. From there
chance of gold if he doesn't need to. He he can head north to Rivendell. He gives
prefers to give the ranger a few days of a general description of finding the
rest on the boat to see if his strength Hidden Valley.
recovers but agrees that if he doesn't
improve he's not worth the food or effort
and they will slit his throat and throw
Eldacar’s Message the player can attempt to knock one of
While scouting the area around Mount them into the river with an Athletics roll
Gundabad at the request of Elrond and at a lower TN than usual).
Gandalf the wizard, Eldacar learned from For their part, the slavers are much worse
the Hill-men in the region that there were for the wear after their over-imbibing the
rumours of none other than the Witch- night before. All day long they bicker and
King himself visiting the northern curse one another. The raft will approach
mountain fortress within recent months! Hag’s Island late in the afternoon. This is
The ranger had investigated this lead at when the slaves should attempt their
great personal peril, but his efforts had escape. Unless the player can convince
been fruitful. He had gathered important the Viglundings to pull ashore, most
information. likely the group will find themselves in
While Wilderland enjoyed a time of the river, swimming for their freedom.
relative peace, the Shadow had not This is complicated by the fact that they
subsided, but was in fact preparing to are all chained together at the ankle. Let
make an even bolder move. Some said the player roll Athletics as a prolonged
that Sauron himself was even now action requiring 3 successful rolls against
building an army in Mordor and that a TN of 16 (14?). After 5 total rolls,
there were plans to retake and strengthen Eldacar loses consciousness and the TN
Dol Guldur. There were suggestions that is raised to 18 (16?). A Great success
Khamûl himself might even be leading counts as 2 successful rolls, an
the effort to retake the abandoned Extraordinary success counts as three. If
stronghold. the total number of rolls exceeds 8,
As Eldacar was fleeing south with this Eldacar drowns and the player must pass
information he was ambushed by a a Corruption test or gain a point of
company of orcs. None of them had Shadow.
lived, but in the conflict, he had
sustained his wound. As the group lays gasping for air on the
bank of the Anduin they suddenly see
There is no set way for the captives to Helgut rise up out of the river behind
escape. The player should be encouraged them, sword in hand. He is enraged and
to be creative and to take advantage of intends to make the escapees pay. He
all the captives’ traits as well as his own. storms over to Alvina and backhands her
There are several things that the group across the face. He then grabs her by the
might use to their advantage. The slavers hair and pulls out a knife saying:
are hung-over and their guard is down. "I'll teach you to run away from me wench.
They can certainly play the slavers I'm going to mess up that pretty face of
against one another. Avina could use her yours."
beauty to distract one of the slavers. "Drop the knife you idiot!"
Walcaud might be reckless enough to A voice shouts from behind the group.
attempt something bold such as Tegaer stands dripping wet on the bank
attacking one of the slavers or throwing of the river.
one off the raft. "I haven't hauled her all this way to have you
throw away our best chance of making some
The passage around Hag’s Island will gold."
require the full attention of the slavers, Helgut glowers at the other slaver.
lest the rapids wreck the raft. Let the "The stuck up she-bear has it coming."
player invoke the other captives’ traits for He raises his blade to her cheek and
automatic successes or to lower the TN presses the blade into the skin until a
for his rolls (i.e. while the slavers are drop of blood appears.
"Let her go now or I'll drop you where you
distracted by Eldacar’s Story-telling trait,
stand", orders Tegaer. an Orc or even a Man, his fate is likely to
Helgut points the knife at the other be a grim one. Therefore, wise wild
Viglunding. Hobbits hide in the undergrowth when
"You know, I'm about sick of you ordering me the Big Folk go by, and stay almost
around like your dog. You think you can take invisible in the shadows.
me? Why don't you give it a try?" Byrgol is a brave Hobbit. He found a
Suddenly shoving the woman to the side, sword in a wrecked boat — it’s really
Helgut charges Tegaer, swinging his knife more of a long knife — and stole it. He’s
at his chest. As the escapees watch, proved surprisingly successful in battle —
Tegaer deftly steps aside and runs his a well-placed stab from below has
sword through Helgut's abdomen. With a emptied the guts of more than a few
look of shocked disbelief, Helgut falls to Orcs.
the ground dying, and Tegaer quickly Attribute level: 3
finishes him off. Specialities: Tunnelling, Fishing
Turning to the slaves he says, Distinctive Features: Eager, Reckless,
"Good riddance. That fool's had that coming Nimble
for a long time. Now the question is what to
Relevant skills: Stealth 4, Travel 2, Sword
do with the lot of you? What punishment do I
come up with to keep you from trying
something so stupid again. I guess I’ll start Endurance: 13
with a good beating and then figure out what
to do next.” Encounter With Byrgol
He kicks Eldacar in the side. The ranger Base the Tolerance on the player’s
moans but remains unconscious. Valour. Add one if the character is a
“Looks like your friend here isn’t going to ranger or an elf, two if a hobbit. In this
make it. I guess I’ll show him some mercy case add one for Avina and one for
and put him out of his misery.” Eldacar (if still alive).
He walks toward the ranger and pulls out Byrgol had been fishing along the
a dagger. He bends over to slit the western bank of the Anduin when he
ranger’s throat when suddenly there is a noticed the raft. He followed stealthily for
flash of movement from the reeds along a mile or so and watched the escape
the river. There is a glint of silver in the attempt. At this point he has a good idea
afternoon sun and then Tegaer is of what is going on and is willing to help
clutching his stomach as red blood pours the captives, but he is wary and will not
out between his fingers, he falls to the take any unnecessary risks. The player
ground gasping out curses for a few can ask for help with getting care for
seconds until what appears to be a child, Eldacar, assistance with removing the
barely three and a half feet tall, steps out chains, food, a place to rest, etc.
of the reeds and puts a small sword For his part, Byrgol wants to know who
through his heart, stopping it. He bows to the captives are, who their captors were,
the group. and if he can trust them. He is not
motivated by financial reward, having
“Well now, what have we here?” little use for gold out here in the Gladden
says the Hobbit. "Looks as if you all have Fields. He has worked with some of the
yourselves in a bit of a fix." Dúnedain previously and shares in their
fight against the Shadow in his own
Byrgol small way.
In the Gladden Fields a brave Hobbit is
usually a dead Hobbit. This is not the Encounter Evaluation
Shire, protected by Rangers and Wizards 0 successes Byrgol does not trust the
— this is the Wild. If a Hobbit is caught by strangers and disappears offering no
further assistance.
1-2 The hobbit digs through the the Enemy. Arciryas saw many warriors
pockets of the dead man (Tegaer) and of Gondor who were wounded by Orc-
returns with a key to the locks on the poison and other devices, and believed
captives' ankles. Looking at Eldacar he he could heal them if only he learned
comments that the ranger probably is their secrets. When his research could go
done for. He mentions a man named no further, he went to the Tower of
Arciryas who dwells in the area that Orthanc and consulted with Saruman the
could help, if he can be found in time. White, who had himself long studied the
arts of the Enemy.
3-4 Byrgol mentions that he last saw Arciryas never returned to Gondor.
Arciryas, who is renowned as a skilled Today, he lives in the Gladden Fields. He
healer, a day's journey to the south-west is a student of herb-lore, and says that
a week ago. He helps point the player the medicinal properties of the many
character in the correct direction, making plants that grow in the marshes must be
the hunt for Arciryas easier (see below). catalogued. He is devoted to his work,
spending long days wandering the
5-6 The hobbit escorts them to a place wilderness, poking under reeds with his
where they can camp safely and rest. The long white staff. He travels south to
player character can recover lost Isengard every few months to report to
endurance. Byrgol also gives each of the White Wizard. Sometimes he suspects
them enough dried fish and berries to eat that Saruman has another purpose in
for one week. mind for him, beyond searching the
fields for herbs and roots. The people of
7+ All of the above plus Byrgol gives Mountain Hall know of Arciryas, and call
the group shelter in his own home for as upon his expertise for wounds that they
long as they desire. While not much more cannot heal.
than a large hole in the ground, it is Attribute level: 5
comfortable and warm and the player Specialities: Enemy-lore, Herb-lore
character can recover from fatigue as if Distinctive Features: Lordly, Steadfast
resting in a safe place. Relevant skills: Lore 4, Healing 5
Endurance: 20
If the player decides to search for the raft,
he sees no signs of it along the shore. It The Hunt for Arciryas
may be lost in the mists around Hag’s To find Arciryas requires a prolonged
Island, or the two surviving slavers may action involving Hunting, Search, or
have fled with it, if they aren’t drowned Explore. It takes 3 successes to find the
somewhere in the river. healer as he is gathering herbs. The
If Eldacar is still alive, the only way to player character can perform two tests a
save him is to find Arciryas and bring day. Once they find Arciryas, it will take a
him back to the ranger. If Eldacar dies, day to return to Eldacar. The ranger will
the player must pass a Corruption test or die if he is not treated successfully within
gain a point of Shadow. 4 days.

Arciryas, Servant of Saruman Encounter with Arciryas

Arciryas is a man of Gondor. He was Once found, the healer must be
once a Healer in Minas Tirith, and convinced to come and treat Eldacar.
learned the arts of herbalism and Base the Tolerance for the encounter on
chirurgery in the Houses of Healing. His the player character's Wisdom. Add one
curiosity led him to consult old, musty if the character is an elf or ranger.
scrolls in the archives, scrolls that spoke Mentioning that it is a ranger who is in
of the atrocities and evil spells worked by
need of healing lowers the TN to 12 for does not come) may attempt to heal the
all rolls. ranger as follows:
The wound must be properly cleaned and
Encounter Evaluation dressed within 4 days of the escape or the
ranger will die. One healing roll per day
0 Arciryas is not impressed and is allowed to attempt this.
cannot be persuaded to come treat the His fever must be eased, an additional
ranger. healing roll may be attempted each day
1-2 The healer states he cannot leave, to accomplish this. Successfully lowering
but he does offer a small bag of Eldacar’s fever will add an additional
Reedmace (see below) and instructions day to attempt to dress the wound (5 days
on how to treat Eldacar. instead of 4).
3-4 Arciryas agrees to go and see if he If Eldacar’s wound is successfully cleaned
can help the ranger. and dressed, he may yet live, but he is far
5-6 Not only does the healer go with from healed. This will require a
the player character, he offers to give the prolonged action of 4 successful healing
player character a bag of one of the herbs tests over the next 7 days. One roll is
he has been collecting (see below). allowed each day. A Great success counts
7+ Same as above, but the player can as 2 successful heals, an Extraordinary
chose three bags of herbs. success counts as 3.

MARSH HERBS OF THE GLADDEN FIELDS The player may choose to wait and see if
Eldacar pulls through, or he may take off
Reedmace TN for all Healing rolls when he feels he is adequately rested to
reduced by 4 for the remainder of the make the trip to Rivendell. Arciryas is
adventure. well known in Mountain Hall and agrees
Kingcup Rolling an Eye on travel to escort the other captives there once
tests does not trigger a hazard for the Eldacar is strong enough or dies.
remainder of the adventure. Walcaud busies himself hunting for food
Hagweed TN for all Corruption tests while he waits and Avina helps tend to
is lowered by 2 for the remainder of the the wounded ranger. She soon develops a
adventure bond with him and for now agrees to
White Water-lilies While at rest, care for him until he is strong enough to
Endurance is recovered at twice the return home. Two weeks after the escape,
normal rate for the remainder of the the other former captives bid farewell to
adventure. the hobbit Byrgol and travel with
Red Water-lilies Damage rating is Arciryas to Mountain Hall.
increased by 1 for the remainder of the
adventure. The player can equip himself with the
dead men’s weapons (which likely are
If Arciryas is convinced to come and tend the ones taken from him at his capture).
to Eldacar’s wound, he will find the The trip through the Gladden Fields and
ranger barely holding on to life. Healing the West Nether Vales should be fairly
him will take all of his skills. straight forward if the player follows the
river to its source in the Misty Mountains
Treating Eldacar (40 miles through severe terrain and 50
Eldacar’s wound is severely infected. He miles through hard terrain) where he will
is feverish and passing in and out of find the beginning of the Mountain Pass
consciousness. To save his life will not be (70 miles of daunting terrain). As he is
easy. All healing rolls are at a starting TN traveling alone, he must fulfil all of the
of 20. Arciryas (or the player if Arciryas travel roles. He may do so without
incurring the normal hope expenditure. veteran traveller will be confused by the
nondescript quality of the territory”
Hazards could be as follows for each
role: While Rivendell is certainly a remote
Guide place, the reasons for such travelling
The player takes a wrong path through a difficulties are not immediately apparent.
particularly swampy area of the river and In truth, Imladris is a secret valley,
unless he is able to pass a Travel roll, he hidden to the eye of the Enemy by the
must lose a day and become temporarily power of its Master and the Elven Ring he
weary. wears.
Huntsman When a journeying company approaches
The player runs out of food and must Rivendell, the Guide must pass a test to
pass a Hunting test or lose 3 endurance find the path marked with white stones. If
each day until he does. the guide of the company is an Elf,
Scout possesses the Elf-friend Trait or has a
Dark clouds are rolling in and soon a Wisdom score equal to 4 or more, then
thunderstorm is raging. The player must he needs only to succeed in a Travel roll
pass an Explore test or else fails to find with TN 14. A Guide who has none of
adequate shelter and loses 5 points of these uncovers the proper path only on a
endurance. roll producing a G-rune instead.
Lookout The Guide may attempt the Travel roll
The player is being followed by a pair of once a day. Each failed roll results in a
wolves, if he fails an Awareness test, they Hazard episode, as if the roll produced
attack. an Eye icon. Actually rolling an Eye icon
results in a Hazard episode AND in the
Orc Attack impossibility of repeating the Travel roll
Travelling through the Misty Mountains for the following three days.
is a dangerous endeavour for a full
company, even more so for a solitary Upon entering the Hidden Valley, the
traveller. One night, midway through the player character immediately finds
Mountain Pass, as the player makes himself surrounded by a group of elven
camp under a small outcropping of guards who demand to know what
granite, two orcs pass near where he is. A business he has in Imladris. This could
successful Awareness roll allows him to be run as an encounter if the Loremaster
hear them before they see him. He can so wishes. Regardless of whether he is
attempt to hide with a Stealth test. Failing taken as a prisoner or escorted as a hero,
to hide means he will be attacked by two the player character will be given an
Orc Soldiers. audience with the master of the house,
Once through the mountains, the player Elrond himself. After delivering Eldacar’s
must take his character 80 miles (40 information and giving an account of his
miles of hard terrain and 40 miles of adventures, the player character will be
moderate terrain) north through the Lone invited to stay as an honoured guest in
Lands and Trollshaws to reach Rivendell. the Last Homely House until he has
The Elven Sanctuary can be found as per recovered from his travels. He is named
the rules in the Rivendell supplement. an Elf-friend and is offered gold
“Adventurers attempting to enter Rivendell equivalent to 5 treasure for his efforts.
without leave or invitation from Elrond and
who lack an appropriate guide will find it He can take a Fellowship Phase in
very difficult to find the right path. To an Rivendell.
inexperienced eye, the landscape appears
devoid of any useful landmarks, and even a
ESCORT A PRINCESS by Indur - Persuade (To debate how many
Dawndeath men is necessary, how best to avoid
dangers, how to treat the princess, how
Una, merchant princess escort. to travel by boat or by horse)
The Heroes are hired by King Bard to Take part in the debate as opposed tests
travel to Erlands Ferry, where the against the other councillors and
merchant Princess is going to cross the merchant captains present.
Carnen (Redwater). - Lore (To plan the route,
Rich’s Dale supplement used for knowledge about the towns and the
locations, Bards councillors and hazards Easterlings). Use your knowledge to
in the Dale lands: point out flaws in the proposed route.
- Inspire (To calm the merchants
Erland's Ferry (Pop:250) not to fear a diplomatic crisis if Una is
North of Buhr Naurthauja, on the eastern attacked in Dale Lands). If this fails, the
side of the Redwater, lies the village of merchants will insist that Elstan First
Erland's Ferry. This is a Dalish Captain of Dale lead the escort.
settlement, built around the nucleus of - Awe (To gain the position as
an old Lakeman trading post. The master leader of the company). Opposed by the
of this settlement is fat and jolly old other mercenary captains. To win the title
Oyvind, a direct descendant of the you need to gain the other captains’
settlement's founder. Oyvind finds support, and especially Elstan’s support.
himself under pressure from the This is easier if the players have already
Easterlings who have crossed the river confronted their rivals before the meeting
further downstream and captured with King Bard. Each can be persuaded
settlements there. Despite his immense with Treasure or favourable positions in
dislike for Gaisemund, he is thinking of the Escort. Elstan can be persuaded as a
how best to get military aid from Buhr separate encounter if the players score 7+
Naurthauja without becoming 'too' successes.
indebted to its odious Lord.
Encounter Results:
The Middle Marshes
Between the Village of Celduin and Buhr 0-1 The men and you are grunts, with
Naurthauja is a fenland known as the no authority in the decision making for
Middle Marshes. This region is known the trip. Bard does not consider these
for the small bands of river pirates who men and their leader to be more than
make their home on the myriad of small cannon fodder.
islets hidden away among the reeds. The 2-4 Bard accepts your contribution
fen is also rumoured to be the home of and will reward you with 1 treasure, after
other, darker, things that attack trading completing this mission and your
vessels in the dark of the night. Wise holding (if related to Dale) will benefit
Captains and Traders cross the Middle from a +1 to End of Year roll.
Marshes in the daylight hours. 5-7 Bard respects your contribution to
the guard, but does not trust you to lead
Scene 1: Meeting with King Bard the escort of the merchant princess Una.
(Tolerance for this is Valour) You are part of the leadership and hold
Courtesy / Awe TN18(-1/Standing) (There the rank of captain of your contingent.
are many others who want to You will be rewarded with 3 treasures
participate…) and a +2 to the End of Year roll.
Introduce yourself and the company you 8+ Leadership of the guard for the
lead. Skills to use: princess requires Standing 3 or more.
(+1 standing for the person elected leader
so really Standing 2). As the commander Contigent captain: 3 treasure.
of the escort you receive 5 treasures and Escort leader: 5 treasures.
your Holding will automatically increase
by one point. Scene 2
Opponents in the debate: The trip to Erlands Ferry (4-5 travel rolls
Master Ulfred of House Tarm: City by the Guide + Each assignment rolls.
official. He is concerned about the crisis Fatigue to all)
that will arise if Una is attacked. He The escort consists of: the Red Banner
argues for a very large escort and for the (Travel), Brethil’s men (Explore), Doran
Kings guard to participate. the Quick (Hunting), Beldir (Awareness)
Gerrard, Captain of Harbour watch: He and other free mercenaries and perhaps
will argue for a trip by boat to get the the king’s guard.
princess. And for Brethil, the Captain to The Escort Leader assigns a company to a
lead the expedition. travel position, with The Leader being the
Brethil, the Captain: He will argue for the Guide. The other companies have a
use of boats, and will lend 3 Cnarras to favourite skill listed (Rank 3), non-
the mission as he wants to lead. He will favoured (Rank 2), it is up to the leader of
argue for a small force, since the space the Escort to choose the right position for
on his boats are limited. Attribute 6. Awe the other companies. Everyone will gain
3, Persuade 2 1 fatigue on failed rolls. Everyone rolls
Margös, merchant prince. Ambassador: their assignment.
He will argue for a land escort, since Una [Beldir will try to get the Look-out job for his
will expect this and she may have a large company because he plans to betray the
entourage. Attribute 4. Persuade 3 escort later. He will not know any specific
Elstan, First Captain of Dale: Will argue details, before meeting with Valdis' raven
for a land expedition with horses and Eyebiter on the road]
Forlin, Guildmaster of the guild of Gold: Hazards on the road
Worried citizen. He will question the There is plenty opportunity for trouble.
capabilities of the escort. And argue that Each may be averted by appropriate
Elstan, First Captain must stay at home to intervention.
protect Dale. “Not all is safe here…” Supplies (Hunter)
Harald, Captain of the Red Banner Supplies have been spoiled. Hunters are
mercenary company: He will argue for a required to salvage supplies or hunt for
land expedition and himself as leader. new
Attribute 5. Awe 3 Trouble (Guide)
Beldir, Spokesman for the Free Another member of the escort has a
Mercenaries. Secretly in league with quarrel with a random member of the
Valdis. He intends to be accepted in the party. Awe is needed to get the big
escort and when the time is right at night redheaded bully Hrothgar in line
on the return trip plans to slay the guards (Brigand +1 attribute, +2 Hate, +1 Axe)
and signal his outlaw group and Valdis Stealing (Look-Out)
by using her Raven “Eyeeater”. Attribute Trother (Robber, Athletics 3) will try to
4. Riddle 4. steal supplies from the players group.
Doran the Quick. Mercenary captain: He Awareness TN16.
is indifferent about the route. But is
interested in the reward. He learns that Hazards in the Dale lands
the rank determines the reward. Attribute If a Dangerous meeting is rolled any one
3. Awe 2 of these adversaries can be encountered.
Grunts: no treasure, just work. Andrag the Wolf, preparing to attack
Group leader: 1 Treasure. Erlands Ferry from the West. The
company may intervene and change the TN14 Awe opposed by the other
fortunes of battle. (Spotted by Look-Out) commanders. The best results of these
His men may ambush the Escort if the two tests will be chosen to lead.
players fail to notice. “What route are we taking?”
TN14 Persuade to convince her of the
Tarkhan Yumruk, a raiding Northman. travel route.
He is raiding in the area and may be “I will not be separated from my servants
recruited as help in the battle against and valuables!” (TN16 Persuade to split
Andrag the Wolf. There are however two up her servants and wagons).
sides to that coin, since Tarkhan will “Will the trip be dangerous? Bandits,
plunder Erlands Ferry if he gets the Orcs or Dragons? I have heard that all
chance. these enemies are roaming here in these
parts?” (TN14 Riddle to lie about the
Sviatobal, Chief of the River Pirates: If the dangers, or TN14 Inspire to calm her, if
company travels by boat, then this man the truth is told). (-1 tolerance, if neither
will try to stop to escort short of reaching is tried)
Erlands Ferry. (Ambush, unless spotted
by Look-Out) Note down the total number of successes
for later use.
Shagrul, Orc leader of the Hidy Holes: He
will ambush the company on the Scene 4: Return to Dale
Wineland way. (Ambush, unless spotted Treachery: Beldir will spring the ambush
by Look-Out) close to Mirkwood. He is on watch or
awake in the middle of the night. He will
Scene 3 Meeting with Una the Princess kill the watch and try to get away with the
Una is a very beautiful girl. She is valuables from Una’s wagons. It will not
traveling with many servants, as is the be all the wagons, but enough to upset
custom for the Merchant masters. There Una!
are wagons of trading goods and gifts, Clues to prevent this: [Beldir should escape,
and many servants. so he can be used later in DoM Helm of
Una is a princess so she’ll only speak to Peace]
the leaders of the escort. She expects that Awareness TN16
all of her wagons and servants will be Great success: A raven departed the
protected and escorted to Dale. camp from the area where the Free
The player leading the group may be Mercenaries are camped.
daunted by her beauty. Roll Valour TN14 Riddle TN16 will point the players toward
or lose the ability to use Hope in this Beldir.
social encounter. Insight TN18 will get the information that
Tolerance is Valour (-1 for hobbits as he is planning something and
guards. (Did King Bard send children to communicating with outlaws.
protect me?) His explanation is that he knows people
“Who are you fine commanders.” in this part of the forest and is headed
TN14 Courtesy opposed by the other home after this is over. His excuse is that
commanders. Una will choose who she he has a lover in a camp of primitive
trusts with her safety. woodmen. Her name is Vyla, he says.
“I will choose for myself who I want to Insight TN16 it is true, but he is not
lead this escort. Someone I can trust to telling everything. He will not betray his
keep me safe! What are your exploits.” outlaw friends and he will surrender
(The other commanders are veterans of without a fight, hoping to get rescued by
the Battle of Five Armies) the Outlaws later. The players should be
confused, not able to tell if he is lying or
telling the truth. They will not succeed but the experience
is horrendous for Una, as she is only
The outlaws can be spotted following the saved seconds before they manage to get
escort. Awareness TN16 (Look-out only) to her.

The night of the attack. Unless the A player who protects Una from the
players have specified a watch then they assailants for 3 rounds is awarded 1
will be woken by general commotion. bonus XP but faces 3 opponents alone.
Awareness TN14. Only those who pass
this test will be able to fight in Round #1. The total number of sacks missing is
Depending on the preparations and if the 30 – #sacks the players have saved. If the
plot is already revealed, it may take the number is zero or only a few, then award
outlaws 1-2 rounds before they can start every one fighting to prevent this with 1
to steal the sacks. bonus XP.
The players will see a wagon of valuables
being robbed by ragged thieves. The Scene 5: Meeting of King Bard and Una
thieves are not armed and look very There is a great feast in honour of
hungry. It is a misdeed to kill the poor Princess Una, and during the first day of
souls on sight, since they have been the festival everyone notices how King
forced to steal by the real outlaws. Bard is looking at Una.
Close by are armed outlaws (Ruffians
and one leader, 2 per player). They have Modifications:
killed the guards and will fight to protect +0 -+8 For the interaction with Una at the
the ragged thieves. (The ragged thieves meeting point at Erlands Ferry (see
fall if hit once). above)
+1 Player was leading the escort until
Awe TN14 can be used to command the the meeting point.
ragged thieves to drop their sacks. One +2 Player was leading the escort after
sack per Hate point removed. the meeting point
Every round fighting until half of the +2 Player saved Una from being
ruffians have fallen 3 sacks will depart kidnapped by the outlaws.
from each of two wagons. -10 If Una was hurt in any way.
On Round #5 reinforcements from the -1 for every 5 sacks missing.
other mercenary companies will arrive
and the ruffians will flee. 0-1 Una is not impressed and tells
King Bard. Holding has -2 penalty to EofY
Rafts on Celduin stand ready to carry the roll
outlaws across the river. On the opposite
side are horses ready to pull the rafts 2-4 Una does not blame the player
across. Once across the river the Outlaws specifically, but there is no praise either.
disappear into Mirkwood.
A well placed shot on the raftdriver 5-7 Una recommends player as the
across the river (-4) will delay one raft choice of the escort. Holding +2 EofY roll.
enough to let the pursuers catch the Una will reward 5 treasures of her own to
ruffians and some of the loot, 15 sacks the leader.
regained. 8+ Una and King Bard are impressed
by the way the situation was handled.
During the robbery 3 ruffians will try to Rank of Holding and Standing increases
steal Una whilst she is screaming for the +1. And they still get the extra treasures
warriors to save her belongings, unless from Una.
she is protected by one of the Players.
appendix: other resources for fans
BBarlow: Form Fillable Character Sheet
~List of Aids made for The One
Ring~ Men of Rohan
(pdf unless stated) Men of Dol Amroth

Official & Semi-Official JamesRBrown

Amado: Combat Summary
Clarification on Journey Rules Journey Rules Summary
Loremaster's Guide to Narrating Mythic
JamesRBrown, Jon Hodgson et al Battles (mass combat )
Expanded Index Rules Enhancements
Shadow Adversaries
Jon Hodgson TOR Battle mat
Greyscale Character sheets Combat Task Cards
TOR Wilderland Hex Map
Caul (Brian Gracey)
Francesco Nepitello Loremaster Tools (Excel) includes Journey
Clarification on Standing rules Calculator, Adversary Database & Dice
Heroic Ventures: Preliminary Rolls Roller
Journeys Revisited Version 3.0 TOR Character Builder & Character
Table of Failure on Prolonged Actions Builder Assistant (Excel)

Joshua Chewning
Fan Made Aids Creature Tracker (Excel)

Alien270: Some Dwarves from The Chrissett

Hobbit Editable Character sheet (Spanish)
Men of Rohan V.1
Armegil: High Elves Money in Middle-earth

Arthadan: Anduin Hobbits CodexofRome: Old Norse Names

Ashley G Truter: Daddystabz: Encounters Cheat Sheet

Battle rules (Word)
Collected Rulings
Journey Expanded Rules Daniel Di Rubbo: Editable Character
Magic Expanded sheet (English & Italian)

AvJax: Stance Card Dankers

Hazard Events Random Tables
Online Character Generator Dedicemancometh:
[Voted best Aid on the Forum –ed.] Game Structure Summary Sheet
Table of Skills, Traits etc.for Character
Generation Devil: Folkmoot at Rhosgobel mini-game
Diogo Noguiera: Dúnedain of the North
Shane Ivey: Dice roller
DocNova: Woven Shadows - Additional Jefferwin: Rhovanion Hex Maps
Doctheweasel The Dwimmer Road (magic rules)
Player vs Player Combat Loremaster's (GM) Screen
Falenthal: Battles in The One Ring TOR Spell Creator

Ferretz Kurt: Herbs and Healing

Fellowship Creations (Word)
Format Herbs List Lofar (with Rich H): Men of Dorwinion

Garn Majestic: Encounter Tracker

Hazard List
Monster Worksheets MasterSmithwise: List of Undertakings
XP Value Guidelines
Michebugio: Orcs of the Misty Mtns
GhostWolf69: Stance Cards
Narl: Stance Cards
Thomas Gingras: The One Ring Guide to
the Eldar Poosticks7
Additional Backgrounds
Glorelendil: New Adversaries
Character Optimisation
Underground Journeys Robin Smallburrow
Fan Supplement for The One Ring
GoingDown: Finnish Character Sheet Harad Desert Campaign Guide
List of Aids made for The One Ring
GorgonsHead (Dragon's Lair) Magic for The One Ring
Herbs Handout for New Players
Mounted Combat Compendium of Character Backgrounds

Halbarad RPOL: Online Diceroller

Riders of Rhovanion & Mounted Combat
The Leofrings Seosaidh: Journey Aid

Richard Harrison (Rich H) Shipwreck: LM Scratch Sheet

A Collection of Additional and House
Rules SirGalrim: New Herbs
Creature Template
A Guide To Dale Skywalker: Stance Cards
A Guide to the Shire
A Guide to Trait Usage SquirrelKing: Cards for The One Ring
Hobbit Cricket
PC sheet with Damage Track Scratch Stilts: Item Degradation
Hazard List (Excel) Stormcrow: List of Undertakings

Hawke: A Guide to Character Creation StudioRadd: Custom Character Sheet

Stumbler: Heroic Ventures Summary ~Resource links for The One
Ring RPG~
Telcontar: Battle Board Version 1.2
New Character Sheet & other resources
Tensen01 by zedturtle: (English)
Map of Dale
TOR Cheat Sheet
the1whowas: Magic for The One Ring FormFillableCharacterSheet-
Throrsgold Spanish:
Elladan & Elrohir
Player Heroes in Mass Battles 339017/TheOneRing-
Uhu79: Roll20 Macros for TOR
Maps of Middle-earth, The Shire, Eriador, 339017/15051-
Rohan & Gondor The%20Attention%20of%20Sauron-
Vardaen: The Wild Men of Dunland
Vivsavage: The One Ring House Rules for
Character Generation
Voidstate The%20Ways%20of%20Magic.pdf
Battle Board
Dice Roller 339017/The%20One%20Ring%20-
New Weapons %20Anduin%20Vales%20Interactive%20
Travel Mat
Windsurfjunkie: List of Undertakings
Zedturtle a4eOZ8ymZgJIyRQ/edit?usp=sharing
Anduin Vales Interactive Map
The Attention of Sauron Underground Journeys & Resources
The Ways of Magic (version June 21/2016) by Glorelendil
New Character Sheet
New Herbs & Vales of Gundabad by Combat task cards & other resources
SirGalrim (including Wild Adventure Rules) by jamesrbrown:
%20New%20Herbs.pdf?dl=0 184129/TOR/Combat%20Task%20Cards. pdf
2.pdf 184129/TOR/Combat%20Cards.pdf
Windsurfjunkie’s house rules &

Herbs and Healing by Kurt: Additional Wild Adventure resources by poosticks7:
ling.pdf 184129/TOR/2%20Wild%20Adventures/
michael.harrel’s home page on The
Fourth Age, with links to maps:
LM scratch sheet & other resources by
Shipwreck: 184129/TOR/2%20Wild%20Adventures/ Eastern%20Eriador%20Tables.pdf
haring 184129/TOR/2%20Wild%20Adventures/ Kingdom%20of%20Dale%20Tables.pdf
Blank custom character sheet by Studio
sharing Game structure summary sheet by
valLoIWVTRXSDZ6UVdOczg/view?usp=s Dedicemancometh:
haring bok31f/game_structure.pdf?dl=0
Encounter tracker by Majestic:
952597/The%20One%20Ring/Encounters Folkmoot at Rhosgobel mini-game by
.pdf Devil:
Degradation rules by Stilts: 25657/Folk%20Moot.jpg
u8cy1u/Degradation.pdf?dl=0 DOM Adventures Compilation by
An adventure called ‘Clearing the Path’
by Falenthal:
sharing My TOR blog by Heilemann:
List of Fellowship Phase Undertakings by
Stormcrow: Hermes Serpent’s TOR resources:
127c0bd56e98ec78&id=documents&resi 0BwzePBsqT0NFbklxdEZRMk9vVzQ&usp
d=127C0BD56E98EC78%2190145&app= =sharing
Rich H’s resources page & Hazards List:
48a4-9bab-908242fe50f5%2F%29 541775/Hazard%20List.xlsx

Journey Aid by Seosaidh in Word & PDF:

StuartJ’s TOR translations (WIP) & link to
TOR Quickstart rules:

Fire and Shadow: An adventure set in

Dale by tomfish:

Winter Harvest: An adventure by


Exhaustive Undertakings List by

~creating official looking ~MAKING MAPS by zekrish~
supplements by
jamesrbrown~ After uploading a picture of my
homemade TOR map I got a couple of
requests for a small tutorial. Making
#1. You need the right fonts: Ardagh, your own map is easy, fun and a good
Livingstone, and Aniron (for main titles); way to get some extra XP : ) Hopefully this
Dumbledor1 (for secondary titles with guide will make more people want to
small caps and other titles regular); Alois make custom maps for this wonderful
(for main text); Aaatord (for dice symbols RPG.
and sometimes numbers); and I finally
bought Tolkienesque (for special sections Materials needed: Paper (get the thick
of information). kind used for watercolours), Pens (Black,
Red, Blue, Brown) and watercolours
#2. Create a document and format the (ochre and a darker shading colour)
page to include two columns, with a
footer for page numbers, and margins Step 1: ‘’age’’ the paper
that leave you enough room at the top Even though most high quality paper
and bottom for any background graphics usually has a yellow tint I felt that a true
you might import. TOR map should be a more weathered.
So make a strong cup of tea and apply it
#3. Create a background graphic if you to your paper with a brush. When the tea
wish (otherwise you can just use coloured dries it will give the paper a nice ‘’oldish’’
headers and footers to give your look:
document a designed look.
#4. Finish typing and editing the
document, add your background Step 2: Trace the official map.
graphic, and save it. Simply print out the TOR map (included
in the PDF-version of the rules) on several
#5. Next, export it as a PDF. When you do sheets of paper (there usually is a ‘’poster
this, there are some options for function’’ on most printers). Tape it to the
resolution -300 dpi for good print quality. back of your prepared paper and place it
against a strong light source (a window
will do fine.) You should end up with
something like this (see below):
At this point it’s not necessary to be very Using a thin black pen start to outline the
accurate. Simply mark the edge of the rivers. Then fill the rivers in with a blue
forests, simple circles to show places and pen. A lighter shade of blue is usually
just sketch out the rivers. As long as the better since most old maps had little to
map is fairly accurate it’s okay. no colouring.

Step 3: Fill in the rivers

Step 4: Fill in places, roads and names Writing the names if the places can be
When filling in the different POI use a red daunting for some people but practice
pen and different symbols: makes perfect. Take your time and have a practice paper next to you. Use a ruler to
make sure you get everything straight!
Roads are simply red dotted ‘’lines’’. On Don’t forget to sign your map!
my map the only two real roads is The
Elven path and The Old Forest Road.

Step 5: Fill in the trees mountains) make a small vertical line

The trees are (like on Tolkien’s original symbolizing the trunk of the trees. You
maps) basically just small round circles. should also slightly vary the size and
Where the forest ends and meet other shape of the circles to symbolize different
geographical features (rivers, roads, kinds of trees.
Step 6: Fill in the mountains mountains on the opposite side due to
This is the trickiest part. Use a brown pen the sun raising in the east.)
to outline the mountains and then give Remember to make Gram and Gundabad
them an ochre basecoat. Add a little bit a bit bigger and meaner than the rest of
of a darker brown to the ochre and shade the mountains 
the mountains. If you’re unsure of where
the shade goes use the original map as a
reference (I choose to shade my

The result:

Close up of Erebor
Close up of Anduin Vales
~A LITTLE RING [TOR for Kids] by reached only 4. Needing 2 more points to
reach 6 and succeed, she decides to erase
Falenthal~ 2 points from her Magic score and
manages to free the frightened rabbit.
“...a little ring, the least of rings, that once he
stole. It is but a trifle that Sauron fancies, and Attributes and Character Creation
an earnest of your good will.” Every character has 4 scores: The main 3
* Things you need: 1 six-sided die, pencil are Body, Heart and Mind (you can call it
and rubber, character sheets, one or Wits if you like), and then there's Magic
more kids, one adult, colour pencils and (or you can call it Hope) that is equal to
lots of patience double the Heart score.

How to play First, choose a Background. A

The mechanics are very simple. In fact, Background consists of 6 points
there are only two mechanics. distributed among the 3 main Attributes
1) Tests: When the player wants to do (Body, Heart, Mind), with a minimum of
something special, he has to do a test. A 1 on each.
test means: Roll the 6-sided die and add
the attribute most fitted for the task (see Here you'll find 4 initial backgrounds,
below for Attributes). If the total result is suited for different kind of games
6 or higher, you succeed. (for younger (depending on your kids likings):
players, you can lower the required result The Strong: Body 3, Heart 2, Mind 1 -
to 5). Suited for Hobbit Bounders, Dwarves,
If the adult wants to add some Sprites, Wookies,...
granularity, simple tasks may require a 5 The Wise: Body 1, Heart 2, Mind 3 -
to succeed, while hard ones might Suited for Hobbits that work at The
require a 7. Shire's Post Office (they must know to
There's no auto succeed or fumble, but a read, at least!), Elves, Gnomes, Alliance
6 is in fact always a succeed, even for Diplomats,...
Hard Tests, as the minimum Attribute is The True-hearted: Body 1, Heart 3, Mind
1. 2 - Suited for Hobbits that like to talk to
strangers (even strange grey wizards),
2) Use of Magic/Hope: Every character Hobbits in general, Faeries, Jedi
has a number of Magic/Hope points at Apprentices,...
the start of every adventure (see below). The Balanced: Body 2, Heart 2, Mind 2 -
You can spend them to increase the total Suited for Bucklanders, Humans, Fauns,
result of any Test to reach the number Smugglers,...
needed for succeed.
After that, the kid can distribute 3 free
Example: Erika wants to push a log that points among those three main
has a rabbit trapped. She has a Body Attributes. There's no minimum and no
Attribute of 2. She rolls the die and gets a maximum, although putting all 3 points
2. Using the fingers of her left hand, she on top of an Attribute that already begins
adds both numbers and deduces that she at 3 should only be allowed if the adult
LM is going to use the rule of "Hard Tasks are still alive, they've won the battle.
need a 7 to succeed". If they haven't succeeded in their attack,
but are still alive, we make a second
Once you are finished distributing the round.
free points, count your Heart Attribute Whether they have succeeded in their
twice and write it down in the attack or not, if they reach 0 Magic/Hope
Magic/Hope box. This are both you points, they fall unconscious.
points for increasing your rolls, as your
Vital Energy (Hit Points). Once a Also, I add a picture in b/w of the type of
character reaches 0 points, he falls character to the sheet, so that the kid can
unconscious and must rest. colour it to his liking.
There's also a box where they can draw
And now, you can begin your the things they encounter during the
adventures! adventure: from an apple, to a key, to
bell,... whatever they want to carry with
Optional rule: Each background can them.
have 1 or 2 special
Traits/Powers/Abilities, depending on Finally, I must say that the adventures I
the setting. play with my daughter (and yesterday a
For example, Faeries can Fly and have friend of hers joined, too) are based on a
Faery's Dust, Gnomes have Lore and Faery's world (faeries, gnomes, sprites,...)
Animal Friend, Sprites have Fighter and and they all are based on classical
Lightning Speed, Fauns have Music and stories: Red Riding Hood, The Sleeping
Enchantment. This abilities can be used Beauty,... The characters are in the
as Traits are used in TOR: they allow for middle of this faery tales and hinder the
auto succeed in Test where they can be murdering attempts of the Wolf, help the
applied. Don't worry about balance, it's Prince find the Princess, guide the Hunter
good enough that a kid remembers to use through the wood, etc.
his Traits once in a while, and therefore
roleplays his character.

FAQ: How do you handle Combat?

In fact, I don't. I don't have special rules
that make Combat more interesting that
other options. If someone wants to attack
an NPC, the player just rolls his Body
against a difficulty (easy against turtles,
normal against pigs, hard against cats).
Next they have to roll Mind/Wits to avoid
being hurt. If they fail, they lose 1 point
of Magic/Hope against easy opponents, 2
against normal ones and 3 against hard
If they've succeeded in their attack and
As with the Core Rulebook, many listings have multiple references, underlined references are the
primary ones. I have tried to reference all the Middle-earth related stuff (people,places etc.), I have
only included game mechanic references where the reference either provides rule changes and/or
information on the rules.

Absent Guests (Adventure Idea) 344 Amon Raith 328

Absorb Impact (Mastery) 87 Amoral (Flaw) 231
Accepting (Distinctive Feature) 86 Amrick Petals 330
Acting (Trait:Speciality) 85 Anar, Dwarven Hero 418
Actions 144 Anarion 46
Actions While Travelling 157 Ancient Delver (Background:Dwarves of Blue
Acute Appraisal (Treasure Hunter Virtue) Mountains) 51
103 Ancient Hatred (Cultural Blessing:Dwarves of
Adamant Resolve (Emissary Virtue) 102 Blue Mountains) 50
Administration/Law (Trait:Speciality) 85 Andcarch (Dagger) 136
Adorn River 304 Andrag the Wolf 430-431
Advancement Level 216,227 Anduin See Great River
Advancement Points 80,95,179,205,206 Anduril 136,221,230
Spending & Costs 183,202 An Encyclopedia of Recipes of the Northern
Adventure Seeds in Lake-town 351 Kingdoms 32
Adventuring Age 45,48,52,58,62 Angband 312,409-410
Adventuring Phase 144 Angelmir,Prince 64
Adventurous (Trait:DistinctiveFeature) 15 Anglachel 137
Adversaries (Creatures) 231 Angle, The (Dor=en-Egladil) 25,328-329
Aegathir 288 Angmar 46,49,129,236,288-289,291
Aeglos 138,417-418 Angmarim Priest 211
Aestid 316,365-367 Angrboda 320-321
Aethelward,King 262-263 Angrim 387
Against the Unseen (Cultural Virtue: Anguish 144,155,374
Dúnedain of Arnor) 91 Animal Friend (Cultural Virtue: Beornings) 91
Aguta 249,297 Annayulma 131
Albair 420,422-423 Anthorp 293
Alchemy (Trait:Speciality) 85 Anxious (Flaw) 230
Alcoholic drinks 111 Any Old Port in a Storm (Adv.Idea) 354
Aldburg 30-31 Aobh (Dunlending) 29
Alette of the Buhr, Beorning Hero 33-35 Aodh (Dunlending) 28
All Out Attack (Combat Task) 176 Apiary (Holding Impr.) 187
Alqualondë 231 Appendix 433
Alun the Sparrow (Woodman) 22 Apprentice to the Mountain Folk (Woodmen
Amaleoda 209 Cultural Virtue) 11
Ambidextrous (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86 Anulf 386
Ambush 165 Arador (Chief of the Rangers) 25
Amlaith 327-330 Aragorn son of Arathorn (King Elessar)
Amon Harlond 301-302 5,136,197,221,310,312,339,368
Araman 231 Backgrounds, Custom 14
Arantar 137 Bag End 184,282,283,284,400
Arbarad 398-404 Bagshot Row 283
Archer/Marksman (Trait:Speciality) 85 Bain,Prince 18,265
Arciryas 426-427 Balchoth 244,276-278
Aregisel 271 Balin son of Fundin 138, 214, 313, 317,
Arferyth (Wolves) 104-105,199 346, 417-418
Argeleb II, King 281,400 Balor the Black Wind (Nazgul) 240,248,331
Argonui (Chief of the Rangers) 25 Balrogs (Durin’s Bane) 138,215,247,253,295,
Arinbeorn the Tall, Beorning Hero 32-33 301,309-310,312,414,417
Arkenstone 195,267,274-5,314 Balthi’s Boon (Cultural Blessing: Woodmen
Armour 112 of Woodmen Town) 44
Armour Mastery (Mastery) 87 Bandobras (Bullroarer)Took 259
Armour Table 112 Bandits of the Wild 243
Arnor (Northern Realm) 46-48, 52,86,92,105, Banner of Dol Amroth (Reward) 109
283,287-289,294-295,303,310-311, Barad Mithlond 301-302
330,337-339,403 Barad Ungol 341
Arthedain 46,48,281,288-289, Barahir, Ring of 353,406
291-292,295,301,327-330 Bard the Bowman, King 18,35-6, 127,
Artisans & Craftsmen (Holding Impr.) 187 184, 209-10,262,265-6,268-9, 275, 313, 315,
Artist (Trait:Speciality) 85 334 339,344,379-80,429,432
Artists & Performers (Holding Impr.) 187 Bardings (Culture) 6,8-9,12-15, 18, 20,
Art of Disappearing (Cultural Virtue: Hobbits) 37,54, 64,69,76,80,84
91 Barley & Malt (Inn) 286
Arvedui, King (Last) 289,291,353 Baron Turgon 330-331
Asfaloth 215 Barrow Downs 222, 259, 281, 283,
Assaman 277 327,330,339,368
Assault (Combat Task) 175 Barrow-wight 222,234,288,339
Astrolabe 131-132 Bastion (Quality) 140
Astrologer (Trait:Speciality) 85 Bats Are Missing,The (Adventure) 389
Attack Rolls See Combat Battle of Azanulbizar 30,53,293
Augrim (Dwarf of Lonely Mtn) 21 Battle of Five Armies See Also Year 2941
Aulë (Mahal) 76,86,307-308 17,25,35,42,69,143,210,260,267,275,282,
Austarmenni (Wagon-folk) 276 293-4, 318,321,337,344,413,431
Avalard 263 Battle of the Forest Gate See Also Year 2952
Avari (Dark Elves) 50,106,137,356 316,365
Avina 207,271,365,419-427 Battle of Greenfields 259
Axe of Dreadful Sounds 138 Battle of the Camp 244
Axe of the Azanulbizar (Dwarven Cultural Battle of the Field of Celebrant 276
Reward) 107 Battle of the Pelennor Fields 310
Axe of the King 125 Battle of the Powers 370
Axes 84,112,113,115,116,120,165,173 Battle of Unnumbered Tears 106,125
Azaghal,King 106 Bayatur 245
Azog 53,76,130 Bear 250
Beekeeper (Trait:Speciality) 85
Beenfleot 263
Beer, Ale etc. See Also Inns 111,257
Befriend the Thrushes (Undertaking) 196
Beldan (Dwarf of Lonely Mtn Hero) 30 Boats and Ponies/Horses (Travel) 146
Beldir 430-431 Bodidbras “Skinny” Bolger, Hobbit Hero 32
Beleg Strongbow 137,139 Body Attribute 12, 14, 76, 114, 121,
Belegost 49,106,124-5, 223, 292, 134,168-70, 398,443
296, 298,299,352 Bog Soldiers 233,241
Beleriand 106, 124, 139, 141, 247, 279, Bold (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 15
296, 299-300,309-310,352,370 Bolg 69,232,234,303
Belfalas 63-64,316 Border River (Glanduin) 155,328
Beli, Dwarven Hero 394 Border Town (Branan) 275
Belladonna Took 283 Bori 259
Bell Of Aldarion 369,371 Boromir 163,219,368
Belligerent (Flaw) 229 Bounder 185,213,283,399,443
Belthronding 139 Bouts of Madness 68,138,226-229,318
Bent Sword 118 Bow of Horn 117
Beorn (The Great Bear) 184,214 Bow of the Galadhrim 139
Beornings (Culture) 6-9,12-15,32-33, 43, Bows 84,112-114,116,120,140,171-2,323
64, 69,76,80,84,91,223,257,262 Braces of Belegost 140
Beorn’s House 420 Brand of Dale (Barding Hero) 18
Beorn’s Rival (Adventure Idea) 343 Brandy Hall 184,282
Beran, Beorning Hero 418 Brandywine Bridge 284
Berúthiel, Queen 129 Brandywine River (Baranduin)
Better Late Than Never (Adv.Idea) 354 281,283,286,288,294,304
Bewilder (Virtue) 38 Brawling (Attack) 84,113
Bightlands,The (East Bight) 262 Breaking and Entering (Adv.Idea) 354
Bilbo Baggins 26-27, 184, 215, 257, 259, Break Shield (Stunt) 171
265,282,283,294,313-14,327,332,400,413 Bree, Bree-lands 42,257,266,268,
Bitter Exile (Background: Dwarves of the 281-2,295,331,337,340-1,353,399,401,404
Lonely Mountain) 10 Bree Hobbits (Culture) 42,282
Bittergrass 391 Breon 420,422
Bitter Remedy (Adventure) 391 Brethil, Captain 430
Bivdu the Hunter 353 Briar Hill (Breredon) 286
Blackmail (Adv.Idea) 354 Bride,The 209
Black Numenorean 128-130, 318, 326, Bridge Inn, The 286
338, 353 Brienne 209
Black Speech 70,191,226,410,414 Bring Back Some Old Toby (Undertaking) 196
Black Tarn 209,318,334,386 Broadbeams (Linnar’s Folk) 49-52,56,106
Blade of the Old Kingdom (Reward) 107 Broad-headed Spear 118
Blanco 281,400 Broad-headed Sword 118
Blazing Light (spell) 96 Broken Spells (Cultural Virtue: Dwarves of the
Blessed (Quality) 140 Lonely Mtn) 13,93,200-201,375,414
Blessings, Greater Blessings See Brother Dagon 370-371
Wondrous Artefacts Brown Lands 268,355
Blighted Places 104,157,251-2,362,396,410 Bucca 283
Blood Heart 314 Buckland 184,281,282,283,284,286
Blue Mountains(Ered Luin) 30,49-50,53,56, Bucklander (Background) 11,27,184,328,443
93,124,155,185,192,223,249,267-8, 282, Bucklebury,Bucklebury Ferry 160,286
289-296, 297-301,305, 340, 352, 369, 419 Buckler 98,114,166,211,245
Blue Wizards 303,312 Buella 315,324
Buhr Maethel 33-34 Champion (Warden Virtue) 103
Buhr Naurthauja 429 Champion of Dol Amroth (Cultural Virtue:
Buhr Wenjan 210-211 Men of Dol Amroth) 99
Buhr Widu 322 Charcoal Making (Impr.) 187
Bungo Baggins 283 Child of Two Folks (Beorning Background) 9
Bur Ansgel 263 Circlet of Eagles 133
Bur Caster 263 Circus Performer/Acrobat (Trait:Speciality) 85
Burial Bog 403 Cirdan the Shipwright 24,59,303,328,369
Bur Wirifas 263 Cirran 415-416
Buttery, The (Dale) 261 City Dweller (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
By Hammer and Anvil (Bardings Background) Clan Razor Claw 330
9 Clearing the Hex (Adv.Idea) 355
Byrgol 425-427 Cleave (Stunt) 171
Bywater 284 Close Combat Attacks 165
Close Combat Stances 167
Close Quarters 165
Club 84,112,113,118
Calara Airalasse, High Elf 24
Coach & Horses,The (Inn, Michel Delving)285
Calenardhon See Rohan
Coat of Bronze Mail 127
Caladtegi 137
Coat of Kings, The 125
Called Shots 168,173
Coat of Mail 112,168
Callings 45,75
Coffee, Tea etc. 111
Cameth Brin (Twisted Hill) 307,310
Coldfells 192
Camouflage (Trait:Speciality) 85
Collothalion 133
Campaign 257
Combat 165
Canopy of Stars, A (Cultural Blessing: Lone
Combat Advantages 91,165
Landers) 44
Combat Hazards 172
Cap of Iron and Leather 108,112
Combat Stances 167
Captain, Leader (Calling) 45,57,60,64,
Combat Stunts 171
Combat Tasks 174
Captain Miriel (the Grey Wolf) 224-225
Comfy Chair, The (Inn, Dale) 259
Capture the Flag (Adv.Idea) 355
Command (Combat Task) 176
Caragor 255
Commanding Voice (Virtue) 38,211
Caravan Hazards 153
Common Skills 80
Carchelek (Ice-fang) 239,291
Company of the Ring(The Fellowship)136,139
Cardolan 46,48,288,294,327-8,330,407
Condition Rating 119
Carn Dum 49,51,232,233,235,247,252
Coneygarth (Impr.) 187
Carrock, The 34,171,196,337,347
Confidence (Mastery) 13
Cartography/Geography (Trait:Speciality) 85
Contentious (Flaw) 230
Cat and Parrots,The (Inn) 284
Corantir 134
Cavalry Stance 167
Cormac the Archer 337
Ceawin ‘the Generous’ 209,315,386-387
Corrupted Dwarves (Adv.Idea) 343
Celduin See Running River
Corruption 226
Celebindel Melosse, Lord 328
Corsairs of Umbar (Black Sails) 63,65-6,326
Celeborn 296,301
Council of Elms 324
Celebrian, Celebrian’s Talisman 130,133
Council of Elrond 183,315
Celebrimbor 94,134-135
Council of Oaks 324
Celedur 327-329
Counsellor (Backgd: Dunedain of Arnor) 48
Ceneric 386
Court Lover (Undertaking) 198 Darkness in the Marshes, A (Adventure)
Courtship (Encounter) 181 127,334,336
Cowardice (Orcs) 67-68 Dark Sorcerer of Rhudaur 403-404
Craft-Lore of Curunir (Cultural Dark Tower (Barad-dur) 71,100,342
Virtue:Dwarves of Dunland) 93-94 Darvik Burrower 128
Craft of Narvi, The (Cultural Virtue: Dwarves Dauntless (Cultural Blessing) 72
of Khazad-dum) 94,191 Dead Dwarf, A (Adv.Idea) 346
Craven (Flaw) 230 Deadly Archery (Cultural Virtue:Elves of
Create Light (spell) 96 Mirkwood) 13,90,97,115
Creature of the Long Marshes 237 Deadly Shafts (Cultural Virtue: Dunedain of
Crebain 252-253 Arnor) 92
Critical Wounds 120 Death & Dying 120
Crossings of Celduin, The (Adventure) 127, Death Shrews 154
334, 336 Defend Companion (Tactic) 76,95,178,196
Crushing (Damage) 121,169 Defender (Warden Virtue) 104
Cudgel 118 Defensive Stance (Combat) 20,88,93,98,
Curulon son of Curunar, Ranger Hero 25-26 100,102,104,166,168-169,172-178
Cultural Blessings 44 Defiance (Cultural Virtue: Men of Dol
Cultural Rewards 105 Amroth) 100
Cultural Virtues 90 Deflect (Undertaking) 88
Cultures 42,45,46 Deephallow 284,286
Curse of Discord (Shadow Weakness) 229 Deep Places (Adv.Idea) 369
Curse of Doubt (Shadow Weakness) 230 Defining Trait (Mastery) 89
Curse of Fear (Shadow Weakness) 230 Delved Too Deep (Adv.Idea) 358
Curses, Cursed Items 76,128,134-139, 192, Delver’s Delight (Adv.Idea) 355
226,230,275,308,318,393,406,410 Demon’s Tower (Minas Raug) 374, 375, 377,
Customisation 75 394,395,397
Cylinder of Long Sight 131 Denlar 316,365
Desolation of Smaug 268-269,361
Destruction (Quality) 140
Devious (Flaw) 231
Daebeleth (ring) 376-378
Devotee to the Prince (Background: Men of
Daegmund Fiercebrow 386
Dol Amroth) 66
Dagger 84-85,112,113,128,141,165-167,235
Dianach, Dunlending Hero 40
Dain I, King 275
Dice & Die Rolls 207—208,352
Dain Ironfoot, King 25, 223, 262, 265,
Dignity of Numenor, The (Cultural Virtue:
267, 311,313,346-347,379-380,411-413
Dunedain of Arnor) 92
Dale, Dalelands 6,8-9,18,26,30,35-6,187,
Dimrill Dale 418
Dindair (Adversary) 407-408
275,315,334,339,344,361, 383,409,412,415-
Diplomacy (Speciality) 85
Dís 293-294
Damage (Character) 168,178,306
Disarm (Stunt) 171
Damage (Weapons/Other) 87-88, 112, 113,
Disaster of the Gladden Fields (Battle of) 67,
Damron 126
Distinctive Features (Traits) 86
Darkening of Mirkwood, The 143,186,205,
Distract Opponent (Combat Task) 176
Dog and Pheasant, The (Inn) 285
Darker Secrets (Scholar Virtue) 102
Dol Amroth 63,341
Dark Lord, The See Sauron the Great
Dol Guldur (Hill of Sorcery) 23,25,69-70, Durin, Prince 379
100,199,229,233,262-3,270-1,293-4,302, Durin’s Axe 138
304,313,318,320-2,334,337,339,346,374-5, Durin’s Curse 308,310
377,403,412-3,424 Durin’s Gift 132
Domination 227 Durin’s Way (Cultural Virtues:Dwarves of the
Don’t Eat the Purple Ones (Adventure Idea) Lonely Mountain) 13,93
355,360 Durthang 236
Don’t leave the Path (Adventure) 126, Dusk Stone 386-388
265,334,336 Duskwater 321
Doom of the Noldor (Flaw) 231 Dusky River 35,316,387
Doran the Quick 430 Dwarf-wrought (Quality) 140
Dorwinion (Rouvald), Dorwinrim (Rouvalda) Dwarf-wrought Hauberk (Cultural Reward:
137,188,257,263,277,279,312,315,334,341 Dwarves of Khazad-dum) 107
Dorwin-nautr 137 Dwarrowhall 317,391-392
Dovecote (Improvement) 187 Dwarves (Durin’s Folk, Naugrim) 69,274-
Dragar 209 275,293-4,310
Dragon(s) & Drakes 32-33,106,125,134,194- of Dunland (Culture) 53,93,107
5,237,246,261,265,275,312,340-1,346,416 of Khazad-dum (Culture) 56, 94,
Dragon-eyed (Background:Bardings) 9 107,368,417
Dragon-helm of Dorlomin 125,134 of the Blue Mtns (Culture) 49,73,93,
Dramborleg 138 106,124,185,289,292-295,297-299,
Draupnir 223,295 301, 340,369, 394
Dreadful Spells (Special Ability, Sorcery) 28, of the Iron Hills (Culture) 42,268
140,201,211-2,227-8,235,240-241, 246, 249- of the Lonely Mtn (Culture) 12-15,
250,321,323,355,372,374-5,378,397, 403 42,51-52,54,57-58,64,69,76,81,85-
Dreamer of Portents (Background: Dunedain 86, 93,107,112,127,257,267-
of Arnor) 48 269,293-294,311,314-315,339,342
Drinker of Sorrow (Background:Men of Dol Dwarven Axe 112,113
Amroth) 66 Dwarven Ruins (Adv.Idea) 344
Drowned Vale (Nan Dolmed) 298-299 Dwarven Smithing (Undertaking) 94-5,191-2
Druskja 280 Dwarven Toys 131
Dual Wielding (Slayer Virtue) 102 Dwarven Warrior (NPC) 213
Dunedain, High Men, Kings of Men 46-48, Dwarven-wrought Hauberk (Cultural
52,59,86,91,105-106,287,434 Reward;Dwarves of Lonely Mtn) 107
Dunedain of Arnor (Culture) 46, 91, Dwimmer-crafter (Calling) 104,434
105 Dwimmerhorn 392
Rangers of Ithilien (Culture) 72, 101,
Rangers of the North (Culture) 25,47-
Eagles See Great Eagles
8,54,63,91-2,101,105,116,130,185,192, 221-
Eagles’ Eyrie 43,336,346
2,249,287-8,300-1, 331, 333, 368, 398,400-1
Earendur, King 46
Dunland 53,294,302,305,368,327,340,435
Earnil, King of Gondor 341
Dunlendings (Culture) 40,41,129,232,242,
Eastemnet 30
Easterlings (Hunkarim) 118,126,232-
Durbag 209-210
3,236, 244-5,259-60,262-263,265-266, 277-
Durin I, the Deathless 306-310,342
280, 311,319,339,345,352-3,380,422-3,429
Durin II, King 132
Easterling Warband 243
Durin VI,King 56,306
Easterly Inn, The 196,203,209,366,419
East Farthing 281-282,285 86,92,94,108,137,185,197,216,223,
Eastfold 30 249,289,295-301,326,333,368,400
East Lune 287 Sea (Teleri) 231
East Nether Vales 192,271,422 Elvish Dreams (Cultural Virtue:Elves of
East Ridge 210 Mirkwood) 90
Edge Rating 113,115-118,166,177 Elwen (Elven Hero) 328
Edhellond 66 Emekhtar 278
Edoras 30,31,304 Emissary (Calling) 75,102
Einar 259,383 Emissary to Edhellond (Background: Men of
Eirik 343-344,382-383 Dol Amroth) 66
Eitri, King 49 Enchanted Stream (Black) 147,326,393
Eldacar (NPC) 126,419-428 Encounter Gaffes 179
Elementary My Dear Wolfgar (Adv.Idea) 355 Encounter Hazards 180
Elendil the Tall (aka the Fair) 46, 63, 91, Encounters 44,60,92-93,99,102-103,109,
105,295,417 136,143,145,155,163,179-180,182,184,238-
Elenya (ring) 134 239,362,372-373,377-378,381-388,390-391,
Elf-Friend (Background:Dunedain of Arnor)48 395,398-399,425-427,429,431
Elf Lord 215 Encumbrance 76,87-89, 92, 95,100,102,
Elf Path 265,379 107,112-118,123,131,146,153,161,166,168
Elf-Song (Cultural Virtue:Elves of Lindon) 97 Endurance 6,44-45,48,52,55,58,62,66,
Eloquent Orator (Background:Dwarves of 71,75,87-90,97-8,100-104,120-122,133,141-
Khazad-dum) 56 2,145-6,149-154,156-9,161-4,167-70,176-
Elostirion 24,185,197,295 7,193-4,200,235,246,251,332,374,427-8
Elrond Halfelven 24,53,105,133,139, 228, Enedwaith 369
337,346,353,368,375,400-401,423-424,428 Enemy, The (see The Shadow)
Elstan, Captain of Dale 266,429-430 Envoy (Calling) 75
Elven Blood (Cultural Virtue: Men of Dol Envoy of the King (Background:Elves of
Amroth) 99 Mirkwood) 10
Elven Cloak 127,345 Envoys of King Bard (Adv.Idea) 344
Elven Dagger 136 Envoy to Men (Background: Dwarves of Blue
Elven Glaive 215 Mountains) 52
Elven Heirlooms (Wondrous Art.) 132 Eoheort son of Eobrand (Rohirrim Hero) 31
Elvenking See Thranduil Eol (Dark Elf) 106,137
Elven Outpost 345 Eotheod 33,274
Elven Steed 109 Eradan, Ranger Hero 328
Elven Tracker 213 Erebor 30,42,64,155,185,195-6, 200, 223,
Elves 24-5,49,51,56,66,75-6,79-80,93, 96, 244,257-9,267-9,275,277,293-294,305, 337,
106,115,127,131,135,204-5, 222, 229, 241- 339,344,346,379,397,407,412-414, 417, 441
2,247,266,282,289,295,299-301,309,312 Ered Gorgoroth 324
Grey (Sindar) 59,62,300 Erestor 367
of Lindon (Culture,Green,Lindar) 49, Eriador (Westlands) 281
59,97,108,291-292,297,300 Erland’s Ferry 429
of Lorien (Galadhrim) 63,139,417 Errand Rider (Background:Beornings) 9
of Mirkwood (Culture/Silvan/Wood Eryn Vorn 309
12-15,26,33,42,54,64, 69, 81, 85, 90, Escape Combat 161
257,262-263,268-70, 279, 304, 311, Escaped Snaga (Background:Orcs) 70
314-315,339,375,415,419 Escort a Princess (Adventure) 429
of Rivendell (Culture/High) 53,59, Escort Service (Adv.Idea) 355
Esgaroth See Lake-town Favoured Patron 184
Establish Holding in Erebor (Undertaking)196 Favoured Skills 6-14,45,48,51-52, 54-
Ethelinda 386-388 55,57-8,60-62,65-6,69-72,75-6,84-5,190,333
Ettenmoors 192,403 Fëanor 312,339
Evasion (Combat Task) 176 Fearful (Flaw) 230
Evasive (Combat Task) 168 Fear Tests See Valour
Evasive Maneuvers (Combat Task) 174 Feat re-roll 120
Everyman (Calling) 75 Fell-handed (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Exceptional (Quality Rating) 119 Fellowship (Points, Pool) 5,38,68,98,157-
Exhaustion, Exhausted 121 158, 175,183,191,199-200,202-3,332-3,389
Exiled Uruk (Backgd. Orcs) 71 Fellowship Focus 68,95,135,202,389
Exile of a Fallen Land (Background: Fellowship of the Red Banner 270
Dunedain of Arnor) 48 Fellowship of the Spear,The (Adventure) 417
Experience Points 48,66,76,80,88,92- Fellowship Phase 183
94,97-98,101,108,123,126-127,183,191-196, Fell Wraith 233-234,241,288
199-200,202,227,239,332-333,390 Fell Winter See also 2911 25
Expert Ambusher (Special Ability) 235 Fengel, King of Rohan 304
Expert Appraiser (Treasure Hunter Virtue) 103 Ferocious (Slayer Virtue) 103
Eye Awareness 89,159,178,200 Fickle (Flaw) 230
Eye of Sauron (‘The Great Eye’) 100,236,428 Fierce Shot (Cultural Virtue:Rangers of
Ithilien) 101
Fighting See Combat
Finculin 134
Faded (Flaw) 229
Find A Herb (Adventure Idea) 343
Faded One,The (Adv.Idea) 363
Findegil 285,330
Fading (Shadow Weakness) 229
Fine (Quality Rating) 119
Faernen 299
Fingolfin, High King 24,139
Failure Aggravation 120
Finwë, House of 24
Fairy Heritage (Background:Woodmen) 11
Firebeards (Uri’s Folk) 49-52,56
Faithless (Flaw) 228
First Age (Elder Days) 46,49,56,61,106,110,
Fallohide (Hobbit) 281,400
Famous Weapons & Armour (Treasure) 136
First Into the Fray (Cultural Virtue: Men of
Fangli 307-308
Dol Amroth) 99
Faramir 341
Fishing (Improvement) 187
Far Downs 281,294
Flamboyant (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Farm/Farmstead (Impr.) 186-187
Flame of Udun (Special Ability) 235,253
Farmer Giles 337
Flaming Brand (Special Ability) 235,374
Far Trader (Background:Dwarves of Khazad-
Flaws See Shadow Weaknesses
dum) 56
Fletcher’s Roost (Inn, Greenfields) 284
Fast Friends (Cultural Virtue:Dwarves of
Flickering Steel (Quality) 140
Khazad-dum) 94
Floating Log, The (Inn, Frogmorton) 284
Fastred, Rider of Rohan Hero 38
Foe (Slayer Virtue) 102
Fatigue 44,76,87,101-103,122,131,135,
Folca, King of Rohan 303
Folcwine, King of Rohan 304
Fatigue Tests (Travel) 76,101,103,134,145-
Folk of the Dusk (Cultural Blessing:Elves of
Mirkwood) 90
Follower (Calling) 75
Favoured Attributes 12,44,50,90,95,110,
Foraged Foods (Improvement) 187
Forced March (Journey) 147 Gap of Rohan 41,55,368
Foresight of Their Kindred (Cultural Blessing: Gardens & Allotments (Improvement) 187
Dunedain of Arnor) 47 Gate Stream (Sirannon) 155
Forest River See also Greylin River 268, Gathering of Five Armies 265,334,365
270,275,393 Gazrat 271
Forge Mithril (Undertaking) 197 Gear 111
Forgetful (Flaw) 229 Gems See Treasure
Forlin 430 Generic Ranger Hero 37
Forlindon 296 Geology (Trait:Speciality) 85
Fornald 224 Gerontius Took (The Old) 128
Fornost Erain (Newbury, Deadman’s Dike) Gerrard, Captain 430
46,288-289,311,327,331,339,368 Ghul 254
Forochel (Ice Bay, Northern Waste, Giant Scenario, A (Adv.Idea) 348
Forodwaith) 49,242,247,249,275,287, Gibbet King, The 138,233-234,318
289-293,296-297,353 Gifted Senses (Background:Bardings) 9
Forsworn Pledge (Shadow Weakness) 228 Gift of Melian 134
Fortinbras II Took 283 Gilbrannon, Wood-elf Hero 19
Fortune Teller (Trait:Speciality) 85 Gimilkhor 134
Forward Stance 88,90,101-102,166- Gimli 75,217,220,257,315,342
169,172-176 Girion 127
Fountain of Vala 363 Gisalric 366-367
Fraeg Stonesplitter 258 Glamdring 137,216
Fram (slayer of Scatha) 274-275 Glaurung 106,125,137,415-416
Frár the Beardless 361 Glaurung’s Ire (Adventure) 415
Freca (Dunlending Chief) 129 Gleowine the Minstrel 197
Free Fair 282 Gloin 346-347,412-413
Frida 361 Glorfindel 215
Frithalf 210-211 Goblin Archer (Cultural Virtue:Orcs) 100
Frodo Baggins 162,204,217,282-283,332 Goblining Blade,The (Curse) 226
Frogmorton 284 Goblins See Orcs
Frostmantle 353 Goblin-stalker (Background:Orcs) 70
Full Swan Helm (Cultural Reward:Men of Dol Gold See Treasure
Amroth) 109 Goldberry 284,347
Golden Hall, Meduseld 41
Golden Perch (Inn,Stock) 285
Golfimbul, Golfimbul’s Gully 69,403-404
Gaerdae 328
Gondolin 83,132,137-138,216
Gaisemund 429
Gondor 33,46,63-66,72,110,115,126
Galadriel 139,216,296,301,303-304,342
128,131,188,219,247,257,265-266,268, 276-
Galattar 52
Galdor 300
Good Housekeeping (Adv.Idea) 356
Galion 223
Good Judge of Character, A (Cultural
Galvorn 106
Blessing: Men of Bree) 44
Gama 387
Good Listener, A (Background: Hobbits) 11
Gambler (Trait:Speciality) 85
Gorbadoc Brandybuck 282
Gamolberg 361
Gorbag 204
Gandalf the Grey (Mithrandir) 22, 25,143,
Gorcrows 252,264
Gore, The (of Anduin) 316
Gorfang 154 Gurihug 416
Gorgoroth 139,236,341 Gurthang 137
Gothgash the Stingy 395-396 Gwaihir the Windlord,King of the Eagles
Gramuz (Aethlingas) 262-263,322 25,343
Grapple Fighting (Combat Task) 167
Great Axe 39,84,107,112-113,125, 138,
Hadorion 300
Great Bow (Longbow) 84,105,113-116,139
Hag’s Island 423-424,426
Great Eagles 25,133,266,314,320,343-347
Hagweed 427
Great East Road 30, 281, 283, 353,
Halbaron 25
Halberd/Polearm 116
Great Goblin, The 69,232,234
Half Moon, The (Inn,Bucklebury) 286
Great Plague, The 242,328
Hallas 327-328,330
Great River, The (Anduin) 8,26,29,33,88,114,
Hall of Ghosts 396-397
Halls of the Dwarves (Naugroth, Khazad-
336,342-4,347,384,392,417-425, 433-5, 442
gundu) 292
Great Shield 106,109,114
Halls of the Elvenking See Also Woodland
Great Smials 184,282
Realm 222,315-316,334,346,414
Great Spear 84,113,138,141,165,171
Halls of Thorin 294
Greatsword (2H Sword) 115,130
Halthor 274
Green Dragon Inn, The 27,284,368
Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ Gamgee 284
Greenfields 284
Hammers (Weapons Group) 116
Green River 317
Hamund (Eldur Vinrok) 274-275
Greenway (Old South Road) 281,310,368-369
Handsome Hides (Dale) 260
Greenwood Hunter (Background: Elves of
Harad, Haradrim (The South) 128-129,188,
Lindon) 61
Grey Cloak (Cultural Reward:Dwarves of
Harald, Captain 430
Dunland) 107
Harbold Hornblower, Hobbit Hero 23
Greydelve,The 138,155,209,318
Hardened (Quality) 140
Greyflood River (Gwathlo) 327,368-369
Hard Fate, A (Backgd:Rangers of Ithilien) 72
Greylin River (Grey) 275
Hard-hearted (Flaw) 231
Grey Havens (Mithlond) 24,59,61 66,185,
Hard March (Wanderer Virtue) 103
Harfoots (Hobbits) 281
Grey Hearth 316
Hargrod (South Delving) 295
Grey Mountains (Ered Mithrin)
Harlindon 301
Harlond 302
Grey Mountain Narrows 192,361
Harper of Gil-Galad (Background:Elves of
Grim (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 15
Lindon) 62
Grim Fate, A (Backgd:Rangers of Ithilien) 72
Harry Foe (Tactic) 178
Grimnir 353
Hatchet 84,112,113
Grond 139,407
Hate 38,67-69,71,90,96-100,105-106,125
Guardian of the Place of Awakening
(Background: Dwarves of Blue Mtns) 49
277-281,365,371,374,379,382,389-398, 403,
Guide (Journey Role) 103,133,146-147,
Hated (Quality) 141
Guild of Venturers 131
Hateful (Flaw) 229
Gulf of Lune 299
Hatred (Special Ability) 109-110,141,212,
Gundushatu (Uzn-duban) 274-275
Hazards 147 Hilvar’s Flute (Wondrous Art.) 134
Haycomb 127 Hinder (Combat Task) 174
Headgear See also Helm, Cap 112,142 Hire a Raven (Undertaking) 195
Head of the Family (Backgd:Beornings) 9 Hirgon 398-404
Head Taker (Axe) 406 Historian/Scribe (Trait:Speciality) 85
Heal Corruption (Undertkg) 67,183,216,228 Hithriel, Elven Hero 418
Healing (Recovery etc.) 101,122,170,434,436 Hoard See Treasure
Healing (Skill) 120,122,132-133,207 Hoarwell River (Mitheithel) 25,403
Healing Hands (Background:Bardings) 9 Hobbiton 283
Health, States of 121 Hobbits 5,25,44,59,73,82,89,93,140-
Heart Attribute (Spirit) 6,12,14,48,52,55,58, 141,152,161,170,188,205,257,259,265,267,
62,66,71,76,121-122,134,168,170,251,443 281-286,295,299,301-302,310-311,329,337,
Heart of Mirkwood 192 339,346,351,376,398-404,431,433-434,443
Heavy Scimitar 118
Heirloom of Fallen Numenor (Cultural Of the Shire (Culture) 6-8,11-15, 42,
Reward:Dunedain of Arnor) 105 64,69,73,76,81,85,91,110,112,114-
Heir of Arnor (Cultural Virtue:Dunedain of 115,117-118,185,206,217-219
Arnor) 91 Holding Improvements (Undertaking) 186
Heir’s Ring,The 406 Holdred 271
Helcaraxe 24 Hollin (Eregion) 133,135-136, 291,
Helgut 420,422-425 301,325-326,368
Hell Hawk 255 Hollowbold Vale (Nan Nogrod) 292,298
Helm 106,109,112,122,125,134-5 Hollow Hold, The (Tumun Guthol) 305
140,172,201,262,277,314,431 Holly Rumble, Hobbit NPC 330
Helm Hammerhand,King 86,303 Honour of the Princes 226
Helm of Awe (Cultural Rewards:Dwarves of Honour the Fallen (Undertaking) 197
Khazad-dum) 107 Honour Thorin (Undertaking) 195
Helm’s Deep 345 Hope
Help Is On the Way (Adv.Idea) 356 Hope of Valinor (Quality) 141
Hen & Chickens, The (Dale) 260 Horn of Battle 134
Henlaf the Old 386 Horn of Valour (Warden Reward) 104
Herald (Background:Dunedain of Arnor) 47 Horse Herd (Improvement) 187
Heraldry (Trait:Speciality) 85 Horse Archer (Trait:Speciality) 86
Hermit,The (Bargrim) 126,318 Horsemanship,Riding (Trait:Speciality) 86
Hero Creation (PC) 6-15 Horses 28,30,35,41,53,92,108,123, 130,
Heroic Heritage,Heir 190,332-333 146,154,157,161,164,187-188,197,210-212,
He Who Fled To the East (book) 407 223,257,260-262, 266,277,280,316,337, 340
Hidden Base (Adv.Idea) 356 Hound, The (Background: Woodmen) 11
Hidden Fortress (Dolen Nost) 270 Hound and Duck, The (Inn,Briar Hill) 286
Hidden House (Bar-en-Thurin) 316 Hound of Mirkwood (Cultural Virtue:
Hidden Strength (Trait:Distintive Feature) 86 Woodmen) 101
High Hay 284,286 House Of...(Quality) 141
High Pass (Cirith Forn en Andrath) 43, House of Eorl 406
192,251,267-268,383 Houses of Healing 214,375
Higher Ground (Combat Stunt) 171 How Much For Just the Dingus? (Adventure
Hills of Evendim (Emyn Uial) 288 Idea) 356
Hills of the Sunrise (Emyn Romen) 294 Hunker Down (Combat Task) 174
Hill Trolls 25 Hungry Salmon, The (Dale) 259
Hunter in a Green Land, A (Background: Ivy Bush, The (Inn, Bywater) 284
Rangers of Ithilien) 72 Iwgar the Woodman Hero 16
Hunting Lodge (Impr.)
Huntsman, Hunter (Journey Role) 151-152,
Jagged Knife 118
Hunt Threshold 200
Jangar 277
Hurin 309,340,416
Joala (Artist/Scribe NPC) 224
Hurt Eagle, A (Adv.Idea) 344
Josur (NPC) 415-416
Journey Resolution Steps 145
Journeys 145
Iarwain Rinheleg 246 Judgemental (Flaw) 231
I Beg Your Pardon?(Adv.Idea) 357 Junk (Quality Rating) 119
Ibun 309
Imlad Morgul (Vale of Sorcery) 236
Improvised Weapon 84,113,166
Kalbarazud (Tumnogoth Iaur) 49,52
Inferior (Quality Rating) 119
Keen (Quality) 406
Ingomer Axebreaker 373-375
Keeper of Tales (Background:Beornings) 9
Initiative (Combat) 101,165
Keepers of the Cloth (Dale) 260
Injury See Wounds
Kelda Booth (NPC) 330
Inn/Public House (Improvement) 187
Kemic Farstrider (NPC) 212
Inns 258,284
Kennel (Improvement) 188
Insidious (Quality) 141
Kenrick 386
Insight (Skill) 44,81,124,134,147,173,179-
Kheled-uzn Coat (Cultural Reward: Dwarves
182,238,367,372,376,379,381,398, 421, 431
of Blue Mtns) 106
Inspire (Skill) 81,93-94,104,124,127,132-
Kine of Araw 359
Kingcup (herb) 427
King On Top Of the Mountain (Adventure
Interaction (Encounter) 182
Idea) 361
Interrogator/Torturer (Trait:Speciality) 85
King’s Clarinet,The 400
In the Shadow of the Mountain (spell) 200
King’s Guard (Quality) 141
Intimidate Foe (Forward Stance) 97,103-
King Under the Mountain (Adventure) 411
Kin-Strife,The 126,128,342
Into the Fray (Combat stunt) 171-172
Kin-Strife and Dark Tidings (Adventure)
Introduction (Encounter) 102,182
Invisibility 227,229
Kipling Dogwood 330
Irimë (High Elf NPC) 127
Kite Shield (Cultural Reward:Men of Dol
Irmgard 209
Amroth) 109
Ironbane (Quality) 141
Knife of Azaghal 106
Iron Hills 42,189,196,213,223,244,
Knight of the Silver Swan (Cultural
Virtue:Men of Dol Amroth) 98
Isengard 93,161,203,233-
Knockback, Knockdown 87,108,113,117,
Isen River 304
Knock Out See Unconscious
Isildur 46,67,71,115,137,304,337-338,347
Know Thy Enemy (Slayer Virtue) 102
Isle of Balar 124
Korin, Dwarven Hero 328
Isle of Himling 296
Kuza Bozkir 278
Ithildin 345
Ivy Banks, Hobbit Hero 328
Laiquendi Mask (Cultural Reward:Elves of Lond Daer 369
Rivendell) 108 Lone Lands 44,398,401,423,428
Lake Evendim (Nenuial) 185,192,287-288 Lonely Mountain,The See Erebor
Lake Helevorn 222 Longbeards (Durin’s Folk –eldest clan) 49,
Lake-town 27,35-36,143,155,209,214, 56-57, 94,197,274,310,413,417
223-224,238,257,316,334,351,353,361-362, Longbottom 285
389-90,393 Long Cleeve
Lamp of Balthi 44,261 Long Delves 384-385
Lancer (Virtue: Men of Dol Amroth) 99 Long-hafted Axe (Long Axe)
Land of Song,The (Cultural Blessing:Elves of 44,84,111,113,126,166,277,280
Lindon) 60 Longing,The (Curse) 226
Languages 45,52,83,91,97,102, Long Lake (Dragon Water) 35,223-
133,183,191,196,212,227 224,268-269,326,347,352,362,389-390,408
Lasso 118,245 Long Marshes 192,237,270,345-346,352,362
Last Alliance,The 59,137-138,299-300,302 Long Or Short Fork (Adv.Idea) 357
Last Bridge,The 129,398,403 Long Sword 84,107,113,136-138,165
Lead (Chases) 163-164 Long Winter 291
Learned Insight (Scholar Virtue) 102 Lonnsport 369,371
Leather Armour 110,112,140,169- Look,Don’t Touch (Adv.Idea) 357
170, 223,262 Look-out (Journey Role)
Leather Corslet 106,112,225 103,146,152-153,154,156,159,430-432
Leather Shirt 112,170,223 Lore (Skill) 81,102-103,126,145-
Lecher (Flaw) 226 146,173,181,191,194,238,332
Legolas 99,139,220 Loremaster, The (LM) 119,123,126,145-
Lembas 134 146,157,159-163,179-181,183,192,202, 249,
Leodgar 386 389,394,433-434
Leofwine 387 Loremaster Characters (NPC) 209
Leoref 316 Lore of Arnor (Speciality) 86
Lesson in Revenge, A (Background:Dwarves Lore of Fallen Mansions (Cultural Virtue:
of Blue Mountains) 50 Dwarves of Blue Mountains) 93
Library Restoration (Undertaking) 196 Lore of Numenor (Speciality) 86
Liefster (NPC) 224 Lore of the Earth (Speciality) 85
Life Extension 227 Lorien (Lothlorien) 229,307,322
Life of Toil, A (Background:Blue Mountain Lossoth (Snowmen)
Dwarves) 49 249,288,290-291,293,297,353,357
Light-bearer (Warden Virtue) 103 Lothgar (NPC) 223
Light-foot (Background:Beornings) 9 Lotho Rumble, Hobbit Hero 20
Light of the Stars,The (spell) 96 Lothwen (NPC) 327-330
Lindon 296 Loudwater River (Bruinen) 25,329
Linguist (Scholar Virtue) 102 Lucky (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Linguist (Trait:Speciality) 85 Luminescence (Quality, Orc-Sense) 407
Linhir 312 Lune River (Lhûn) 289
Linnar III, King 49 Lure of Manipulation (Shadow Weakness)
Lip Reading (Trait:Speciality) 85 230
Livestock (Improvement) 188 Lure of the Ocean (Shadow Weakness)
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins 26-27 75
Lofar 233-234,306-310
Logging (Improvement) 188
Mace 87,116,139 Men of the Lake (Lake-men) 43,54,64,116,
Maedreil (NPC) 224 125-7,196,212,222-3,244,260,278,380,389
Maedhros 125 Men of the River Running (Culture) 43
Magical Treasure Index 124 Mercenary Blade (Background: Dwarves of
Maglor 339 Dunland 53
Magnanimous (Emissary Virtue) 102 Merchants of Mystery (Dale) 259
Magoldir (NPC) 361 Merchant’s Secret Stash,The (Adventure)
Mail Armour 112,140-141 Merry 75,218,282,302
Mail Hauberk 112,125,168,170 Messenger of Lugburz (Background:Orcs) 71
Mail Shirt 112,170 Messenger of the Steward (Background:
Maltilcala 135 Rangers of Ithilien) 72
Manhunt (Adventure Idea) 357 Messengers of Dain (Adv.Idea) 346
Mansbane (Sceadugenga) 319 Mewlips 126,264
Many Friends (Wanderer Virtue) 103 Mews (Improvement) 188
Maps (as Rewards) 104 Michel Delving 184-185,282-283,285,400
Maracar (NPC) 271 Mickleburg Pass (Cirith Belegost) 292,298-9
Marcho Middle Marshes,The 429
Marilla (NPC) 223 Mighty Blow (Combat Stunt) 171
Mariner of Cirdan (Background:Elves of Mighty Warhelm 135
Lindon) 61 Militia Spearman (Cultural Virtue: Men of
Marish,The 74,282-283 Bree) 98
Mark of Evil,The (Curse) 226 Mill (Improvement) 188
Marsh Bell,The (Adventure) Minas Malloth 330-331
126,264,334-336,346 Minas Morgul (Ithil) 71,247,340-341
Marsh Serpents (Adversary) 250 Minas Tirith (White City) 338,355,426
Mask of Gabilgathol (Cultural Reward: Mine (Improvement) 188
Dwarves of Blue Mtns) 106 Mines of Mirkwood (Campaign) 317
Massive (Quality) 141 Minhiriath 294
Masteries 87 Minluzir 139
Master Negotiator (Emissary Virtue) 101 Minstrel of the Longbeards (Background:
Master of Buckland 282 Dwarves of Khazad-dum) 56
Master Ulfred (NPC) 430 Minstrelsy (Speciality,Musician) 40,77,85
Masterwork (Quality Rating) 119 Miramarth 129
Masterwork Dwarven Tools 135 Miriel (NPC) 222
Mathom House,The (Michel Delving) 400 Mirkwood 14,22,25-6,32,35-6,43-4,53-54,
Mattock 64,147,192,206,209,236,261-3,267-9, 275-
84-85,111,113,120,125,139,165,171 276,302,314,318,326,337-338,344,362,364,
Maul 116 366,375,379,386,388,393,405,412,414,431
Mayor of Michel Delving (First Shirriff, Mirkwood Fighting Knives 222
Postmaster) 184-185,282-283,340 Mirkwood Hornets 250,365
Medelon of Stanshelf, Wulfing Hero 41 Mirni 329
Melannen 325-326 Miruvor 131,135,346
Mellwen of Sunstead (NPC) 317 Miserable (Misery) 45,68,134,144,148-
Memory of Suffering, A (Background: Elves 152,159,216,228,252,377,422
of Mirkwood) 10 Missing Memories (Adv.Idea) 357
Menegroth 124,352 Missing Prince,The (Adventure) 379
Men of Dol Amroth (Culture) 63
Men of Gondor (Men of the Sth) See Gondor
Misty Mountains 5,25,39,43, 49, 51, 53, 67, Musical Instruments 57,77,132,257,400
70-71,93,160,204,222,259,267,270,274, Musical Legacy, A (Background: Elves of
305,314-16,320-21,327,344,346-48,383-5, Mirkwood & Lindon) 10,61
419, 420, 423,427
Mithril (Truesilver) 56-58,76,94,131-132,
Nain II, King 275
Mithril-crafter (Cultural Virtue:Dwarves of
Nameless Dwarf,The (Adventure) 414
Khazad-dum) 94
Names (for Characters) 73
Mithril Mail 140
Nargothrond 309
Mithril Seeker (Background:Dwarves of
Narl 343
Khazad-dum) 56
Narrows, The (Mirkwood) 155,192,375
Mogdred 209,334,373
Narya (Ring of Fire) 130,216,300,303
Mordor 5,71,100,226,243,248,255,310,
Natural Watchfulness (Cultural Virtues :
314,327,337,339-340,342,353,368, 384-385
Woodmen) 144
Morgoth (Melkor,Great Enemy) 49, 67,
Nauzgauga 130
Nazgul (Ringwraiths) 193,233-234,
312, 331,370,407,409-410
Moria (Khazad-dum,Dwarrowdelf) 49-50,
Witch King, The 49,51,240,311,403
53,56,70,94,124,138,154,160,191-192, 236,
242,274,293,295,301,303,305-306, 310,
Necromancer, The 22-23,70,100,224-
312, 317,337,346,368,414,417-418
Morose (Flaw) 230
Most Peculiar, Momma (Adv.Idea) 358
Neethra,Queen(Spider) 315
Mothras (Horn) 129
Nenya (ring) 216
Mountaineer (Trait: Speciality) 389
Nether Marches, The 192,277
Mountain Fighters ( Cultural Blessing:
New Hope, A (Background:Elves of
Woodmen of Mountain Hall) 44
Mirkwood) 10
Mountain Hall
Nervous (Flaw) 230
Night-eyes (Cultural Blessing:Orcs) 69
Mountain Pass 192,427-428
Night Wanderers,The (Adventure) 372
Mountain Race,The (Cultural Virtue:Dwarves
Nimphelos 124,352
of Khazad-dum) 94
Nimrodel 63,135,342
Mountains of Mirkwood (Dark) 192-3,
Nimrodel’s Necklace 135
225, 270,315-17,343-4,346-7,353,362, 377,
Njal 30
389, 408,414
Noble Blood (Background:Elves of Lindon &
Mount Baldy (Amon Rudh) 294
Mirkwood) 10,61
Mount Dolmed (Buzdum-mazar) 299
Noble Lineage (Background: Dunedain of
Mount Doom (Orodruin) 227,336,417
Arnor) 48
Mounted Skirmisher (Special Ability) 235
Noble Merchant (Background:Men of Dol
Mount Gundabad (Gundazbad)
Amroth) 65
Noble Protector (Quality) 141
Mount Gram
Mount Rerir 297
Noldor See Elves of Rivendell
Movement Skills 80-81,392
Nomad Bow 118,245
Mungo Butterchurn (Hobbit NPC) 259
Non-Combat Actions 177
Murderous (Flaw) 67
No One Has Soiled The Bridge (Adventure
Music of the Ainur (Song of Creation) 24,311
Idea) 358
North Downs 367,399 Oromendil the Usurper 130
Northern Mirkwood 224,265-266, Osgiliath 342
275,316,341,409,415 Osred the Rider (NPC) 316
North Farthing 259 Ossiriand 61
North Pass (Cirith Forod) 290-291 Othbald 316,365-367
Nost Namba Megil 363 Ottar, Warden 275
Not in Esgaroth Any More! (Adventure Idea) Otto Sackville-Baggins, Hobbit Hero 26
358 Ounces of Prevention (Adv.Idea) 358
Numenor (Westernesse) Overbourne Marshes 281
46-47,86,140-142,188,222,338,340,363,369 Overlooked (Undertaking) 91
Numenorean Steel Bow 105,139,221,363 Oyvind 429
Numenorean White Roses 363

Parliament of Spiders 321

Oath of Animal Friendship 184 Parochial (Flaw) 229
Oath of Fealty (Vassalage) 184 Parry 38,87-89,95,102-103,106,108-
Oath of Secrecy 184 109,112-114,117,121,133,135,140-141,165-
Oaths, Dwarvish 76 168,173-174,176-178,215,241
Of An Ancient Bloodline (Background: Parrying Weapon (Mastery) 87
Rangers of Ithilien) 72 Patient Hunter, A (Background:Bardings) 9
Of Leaves And Stewed Hobbit (Adventure) Patrons 184,221
126,222,334,336 Pearl of Kings,The (Adventure) 394
Of Stones And Spiders (Adventure) 386 Peacemaker (Speciality) 86
Old Alaric’s Homestead 366 Pelargir 342
Old Ford, The 34,265,275,338,340,392 Peledur 327-330
Old Forest, The 283 Penetrating Gaze, A (Background:Dwarves of
Old Forest Road (Old Great Road, Mirkwood Khazad-dum) 58
Road) 266,313,334,378,409,440 Perception Skills 81,100,200
Old Hatred (Cultural Virtues:Dwarves of the Personality Skills 75,80-81,227-228
Lonely Mountain) 94 Personal Stash (Treasure Hunter Virtue) 103
Onar Mustybeard, Dwarven Hero 37 Persuade (Skill) 80-81,93,102,174-
One Ring, The 226 175,177,179-182,190,193,196,206,227-228,
Onset (Combat) 165 366-367,429,431
Opening Volleys 98,114,171,176 Perungol (The Half-Spider) 324-327
Open New Sanctuary (Undertaking) 185 Petty Dwarves (Noegyth Nibin) 306
Orc Axe 118 Phobia (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Orchard (Improvement) 188 Pick 115
Orc Pits 398,403 Pickaxe 115
Orc Poison (Cultural Reward:Orcs) 110 Piercing (Damage) 170
Orcrist 137,191,314 Piercing (Quality) 141
Orcs 49,76,86,115,118,136-139,150,171, Piercing Blow (Combat Stunt) 171
204-205,209,216,231-236,252,271,310-311, Piercing Blows (Combat) 44,88-89,99,
314,319,321,327,337,341-342,345,368,383- 105-106,108-109,121,138,165,168-169,171,
385,392,395-396,403,407,415,434 176-177,215-216,235,318,374
of the Misty Mtns (Culture) 65 Pilgrimage to Mt.Dolmed (Undertaking) 185
Orc Tribes 235 Pilgrimage to the Tower Hills (Undertaking)
Orc-work (Speciality) 70 185,197
Orientation Test 144
Pipeweed Ranged Attacks 44,54,90,92,100,105,
110,133,188,203,257,265-266,311,345 114,116,118,140,155,162,165-166,172-173
Pippin 219,283,285
Platinum (Treasure) 124,128,194,329 Ranger’s Longbow (Cultural Reward: Rangers
Player-hero Examples 16 of Ithilien) 110
Poisoned 101,110,152-153,173,250,365 Range Table (Revised) 114
Potential Damage (Damage) 169 Ranging Craftsman (Background:Dwarves of
Prancing Pony,The (Inn) 341 Dunland) 53
Prankster (Flaw) 229 Ranulf,Chief 391-392
Precious Objects (Treasure) 131 Ravens of the Mountain (Cultural Virtue:
Preliminary Rolls Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain) 94
103,182,238,381,421-422,433 Reach (Combat) 164
Prolonged Actions Rearward Stance
147,164,206,229,373,397,402,424,426,433 91-92,108,166,171-172,174,176-178
Prolonged Rest 44,90,122,159 Receive Title (Shirriff,Undertaking) 185
Protect Companion (Defensive Stance) Recent Ruins (Adventure Idea) 359
108,141,178 Reckless Charge (Combat Task) 174
Protection (Armour) Recovery 44,121-122,133,141,168
87,92,94-95,106,109,112,133,168-170,177 Recruit Fighters (Undertaking) 76,178,196
Protection-spell 142 Red Banner,The (Carad Ehta) 270,430
Protection Test 87,89,92,99,105-6,119,121, Red Fern Inn,The (Longbottom) 285
134,140-1,163,169-70,174-5, 223, 235, 374 Redhorn (Caradhras) 57,71,192
Protector of the East (Dagger) 126 Redoubtable (Cultural Blessing:Dwarves of
Provisioner (Speciality) 85 Khazad-dum) 56
Purchase Items of Quality (Undertaking) 191 Red Swamp of Haragmar 340
Redwater River(Carnen)210,244,269,278,429
Quality, Qualities 136,140,183 Reedhaven 329
Quality Items 94,140,191 Reedmace (Herb) 362,427
Quality Rating 119 Refugee (Calling) 76
Quarrelsome (Flaw) Regin Stonetears (NPC) 212-213
Queen of Castle Hill (Rine,Troll) 232,401-403 Regnald ‘the Fox’, Woodman Hero 35
Quenya (Language) 86,191 Relic of Better Times (Cultural Reward:
Quest for Erebor See Also 2941 Dwarves of Dunland) 107
282,294,417 Renown 142
Quest for the Sparkly Hoozits(Adv.Idea) 359 Rertstan Woodwalker 263
Quick (Quality) 142 Researching Lore in Cirdan’s Halls
Quick Draw (Trait:Speciality) 85 (Undertaking) 185
Quick & Easy Human Mage, Hero 38 Respectable Hobbits (Culture) 42
Quick of Hearing (Trait:Distinctive Feature)15 Restless Farmer (Background:Hobbits) 11
Quiet Wife,The (Inn,Dale) 258 Restore the Lower Sections (Undertaking) 195
Restoring/Clearing Erebor (Undertaking) 196
Retrieve Weapon (Combat Task) 175
Rewards 104
Radagast the Brown 22,26,35,43,69,127,
See also Cultural Rewards and Qualities
Rhosgobel 22,26,36,43-44,199, 210,
Raddle (NPC) 223
Rhudaur 46,48,288,329,398,402-404,407
Rally Comrades (Open Stance) 97-98,109,122
Rhymes of Lore (Speciality) 198,238
Rich Veins of the Deep (spell) 201
Riddle (Skill) 80-1,102-3,133,136,173-4,176 Saruman the White 41,93-94, 161,
179-182,206,215,238-239, 379,381,421, 431 265,283,302-304, 338, 345, 356, 409, 426
Riders of Rohan (Culture;Rohirrim, Horse- Sauron the Great, Annatar 5,59,67-68,
lords,Men of Rohan,Horse-folk) 31,38, 100,134,139,199,203-5,226-9,236,240-2,
40-41,53,55,262,266,303,305,316,340,345 247-8,271,280,288,293-4,298-9,303-4,310-1,
Rilya 407 325-7,339,341,368,373,375,417-8,424,443
Ring, The See The One Ring Saviga (Adversary) 365-366
Ringbearer 134,216 Scabbard of Westernesse 135
Ringil 24,137-138 Scatha 129,274-275
Ring of Hissael 135 Scholar (Calling) 6-8,12,47,57,60,69,
Ring of Irimë 127 102,159,238,277,279,328,352,389
Ring of Thrain 412-413 Scholar of Dale/Lake-town (NPC) 214
Rivendell (Last Homely House,Hidden Valley, Scion’s String (Quality) 142
House of Elrond) 24-25,77,105,126,136, Score One For the Home Team (Adv.Idea) 359
139,183,185,300,325-326,346,367-368, 398, Scouring of the Shire 283-284
400-401,414,420-421,423,427-428 Scout (Journey Role) 103-104,146,150-
River Maiden,The (Adv.Idea) 347 151,153,159,164,428
River Maidens 321,347,386,388 Scouting Isengard (Adv.Idea) 345
Roddy Gooseberry 330 Sea-called (Calling) 75
Rohan (Riddermark) 257,302 Sea-craft,Sea-lore (Trait:Speciality) 85
Rorimac Brandybuck 282 Sea-Legs (Cultural Virtue: Men of Dol
Rorimac Smallburrow 399-404 Amroth) 99
Rowan Roper, Hobbit NPC 330 Sea of Nurnen 311
Royal Archers,The (Dale) 379 Sea of Rhun 212,244,268,352
Ruithel 209 Search (Skill) 80-81,95,110,132,164,173-5,
Ruins of Ost Edlothiad,The (Adventure) 405 181,194-195,227,362,370,373,375, 391,426
Runa (NPC) 361-362 Searcing For Mirrorweed (Adv.Idea) 364
Running River (Celduin) Second Age 59,63,94,139,242,291-
210,261,268-269,277-278,312 292,296,298-302,330,340,363,408
Running Stables (Dale) 261 Second Wind (Combat Task) 176
Running the Gauntlet (Adv.Idea) 359 Secretive (Mastery) 89
Running with the Pack (Undertaking)104,198 Seeker (Background: Woodmen) 11
Rushdown River 33 Sergeant Brander Pickwick 330
Rustic (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86 Serjuk,Serjukan 280-281
Servant of the Necromancer (Cultural Virtue:
Orcs) 100
Sensible (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Sabre 118,245
Shaddville 369-371
Saddle Born (Special Ability) 235
Shadow, Thexiii (The Enemy, Dark Power)
Safari (Adventure Idea) 359
Saffron Gardener, Hobbit Hero 418
Shadow Bane (Cultural Virtue: Elves of
Saglayan 278
Mirkwood & Lindon) 90,97
Samwise Gamgee 218,283
Shadow Points, Pool, Rating 67-68,151,226
Sanctuary(s) 178,183-185,196,198,
Shadow Realm (Unseen World,Spirit World)
Saradoc Brandybuck 282
Shadow Weaknesses 228
Sarn Ford 25,281,285
Shagrat 204
Sarn-i-thin 130
Shagrul 431
Shankers 222 Smith-craft (Speciality) 78,196
Sharbhund 309 Smithy (Improvement) 188
Shamus (NPC) 401-403 Smiting (Quality) 142
Shards of Narsil 136 Snow Trolls 290,297,353
Sharku (NPC) 415-416 Snuffler (Cultural Virtue:Orcs) 100
Shaturgathol 415-416 Sojourn (Fellowship) 183
Shatur-zaram 274 Solid in a Fight (Cultural Virtue: Men of Bree)
Shield of Belegost 125 98
Shield of the Star (Cultural Reward: Solo Adventure 419
Dunedain of Arnor) 106 Some New Orcs! (Adv.Idea) 347
Shields 112,114-116,118,121,133,138, Song (Skill) 6,9,11-12,60,79-81,94-97,
140-142,166,168-9,171-3,201,262,274,323 104,108,133-135,175,180-181,184,189,197,
Shields Table 114 385, 398-404,421
Shield Wall (Tactic) 76,178,196 Song of Hammer and Anvil,The (Adventure
Shelter of the Earth (spell) 200 Idea) 361
Shire,The 281 Song of Readiness,The (Curse) 226
Short Sword 84-85,87,97-98,102, Songs 82-84
107,111-113,126,141,165-167,170,191 Songs In the Wild (Adventure) 398
Sibil, Rider Hero 40 Songs of Hope & Home (Virtue: Spell) 96
Sigvald son of Sigmund,Barding Hero 20 Son Of the Chief (Background:Orcs) 70
Silver See Treasure Sorceress of Mirkwood (Zimraphel)
Silver Bell (NPC) 388 374-377,394-396
Silver Harp (Cultural Reward:Elves of Sorcery, Dark Magic See Dreadful Spells
Rivendell) 108 Southern Mirkwood 192,199-200,224-
Silverlode River (Celebrant) 155,276,446 225,266,270,322,338,343,375
Silvermoon Horn (Reward) 104 South Farthing 281
Silver Ring 135 Speakers, The (Cultural Virtue: Elves of
Silver Wolfshead Pin 136 Mirkwood & Lindon) 90,97
Sindri,King 306 Spear of Ash (Cultural Reward: Men of
Sindarin (Language) 62 Bree) 109
Singing River (Linduin) 296-300 Spear of Boldog (Cultural Reward:Orcs) 110
Sisterhood,The 325-327 Spear of King Bladorthin (Cultural Reward:
Sister Hydra 370-371 Bardings) 191
Skills 80 Spear of the North 291
Skirmish (Combat Stunt) 171 Spears 84,99,112-114,116,120,166,171,262
Slave Child,The (Adventure) 382 Special Abilities 235
Slashing (Damage) 169 Specialities (Traits) 85
Slayer (Calling) 6-8,12,50,64,68,72,102,159 Spells See Wizardry, Dreadful Spells
Sling 117,120 Spend Time at Toy Market (Undertaking) 195
Slowed (Flaw) 229 Spent (zero Hope) 67
Sly Fingers (Treasure Hunter Virtue) 103 Spider Ring,The 324
Small Bow 84-85,112,113 Spiders 232,315,324-7,344,346,388,405-8
Small Folk (Trait: Distinctive Feature) 213 Spoils of War (Cultural Reward:Orcs) 110
Smallforge 329 Squire (Virtue: Men of Dol Amroth) 99
Smash Shield (Combat Task) 176 Staff
Smaug See also Dragons 84,89,94-96,108,111-113,117,120, 127, 132
26,30,32,53,107,143,196,210,224,258,293- Staff of Lebethron (Cultural Reward: Rangers
294,305,312,314,339-341,352,412 of Ithilien) 110
Staff of Light (Reward) 38 Survival Skills 6-8,12,80-81,100,200
Staff of the Eldar (Cultural Reward:Elves of Sviatobal 431
Rivendell) 108 Swanfleet Marshes 328
Staff of the Magus (Reward) 104 Swan Knights 63
Stair of Girion 347 Swan Ship Mariner (Background:Men of Dol
Stairs of Woe 318 Amroth) 65
Stalag 23 (Adventure Idea) 360 Swan Squire (Background:Men of Dol
Stalwart Presence (Warden Virtue) 104 Amroth) 65
Stances, Combat 167 Sweeping Blow (Combat Task) 176
Standard of Living Swords 84,88,102,111,113,
6,42-43,45,78,81,91,123,177-178,183 115,120,140,168,171,191
Standing 142 Sword-day Counsellor (Background:
Stan Mawseed (NPC) 330 Woodmen) 11
Star of Elendil 46 Swordmaster (Cultural Virtue:Barding) 20
Steadfast (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 77
Stealth (Skill) 80-81,103,107-108,127,133-
Steed of the Moon,The 316
Table 1 Revised Armour 112
Steeds of the West (Cultural Virtue: Dunedain
Table 2 Revised Weapons 113
of Arnor) 92
Table 3 Revised Shields 114
Steel Bow of Numenor (Cultural
Table 4 Revised Weapon Ranges 114
Reward:Dunedain of Arnor) 105
Table 5 Revised Ranges 114
Steppes Rider (Special Ability) 235
Table 6 Orc Weapons 118
Steward’s Man (Cultural Virtue:Rangers of
Table 7 Renown Points 142
Ithilien) 101
Table 8 Weapons & Reach 165
Stiff Neck of Dwarves,The (Cultural Virtue:
Table 9 Crossing the High Pass 251
Dwarves of Blue Mountains) 94
Stock 285 Tactical Acumen (Combat Task) 174
Stolen Horn,The (Adventure) 384 Tactical Direction (Combat Task) 175
Stone-Trolls 189 Tactics See Warband
Stoors (Hobbits) 281 Take Counsel (Undertaking) 183
Stop A Crazed Cousin (Adv.Idea) 344 Take Us to Umbar and Don’t Slow Down
Stout-hearted(Cultural Blessing:Bardings) 20 (Adventure Idea) 360
Strategy/Tactics (Trait:Speciality) 85 Talandil 367
Strike Fear (Special Ability) 144,253 Tale of Aestid & Denlar (Adv.Idea) 365
Strong Willed (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86 Talorg, Dunlending Hero 39
Study Runes of Old (Undertaking) 200 Tar-Aldarion,King 369
Study with Mab the Spinner(Undertaking)197 Targeted Shot (Combat Task) 177
Study with the Lampmaker (Undertaking) Targeted Strike (Combat Task) 176
42,127,200 Tarkhan 245,279
Sullen (Flaw) 228 Tarkhan Yamruk 431
Sulrosendil 136 Tarvarharn (NPC) 330
Sundering Sea 298,300-301 Tasks in Combat 174
Sunshadow 388 Taunt (Combat Task) 174
Sunstead 209,317,336,375,386 Taunt Enemy (Combat Task) 175
Support Companion (Tactic) 76,178,196 Tauriel, Wood-elf Hero 23
Surprise (Combat) 98,152,175 as an NPC 221
Surprise Attack (Combat Task) 175 Teamster (Trait:Speciality) 85
Tegaer (NPC) 420-426 Training (Undertaking) 190
Telchar 125,191 Training Heir (Undertaking) 190
Tengwar (6’s) 121,168,182,193 Traits 85
Thain,The 283,340 Trapping (Trait:Speciality) 85
Thandorion 300,302 Travel (Skill) See Fatigue Tests
Tharbad 327-329,340,368-369 Travel Boons 147
Thengel, King 30-31,41,53,197 Travelling See Journeys
Theoden, Prince 197 Treasure 123
Theodred, Second Marshal 345 Treasure Hunter (Calling) 6-8,12,47,50,
Thiadvain (NPC) 325-326 53,68,72,103,159,192,355
Thibur (NPC) 411-413 Treasure Hunting (Undertaking) 192
Thingol, King 110,124,223,295,306,352 Treasure Test 123
Thogrim Stonehammer,Dwarven Hero 17 Treowine, Woodman Hero 418
Thorin II Oakenshield 25,30,74, Trip (Attack) 173
185,195,259,274,283,293-294,314,344,417 Trip to the Shire,A (Adv.Idea) 346
Thorin III Stonehelm,King 342,392,394-395 Troll King’s Hoard,The (Adventure) 409
Those Who Tarry No Longer (Adventure) Trolls 24,76,139,205,232,237,247,252,
127,334,336 320-321,325,327,337-8,401
Thrain I,King 274-275 Trollshaws 192,320,337,398,401,403,428
Thrain II,King 53,305,339 Troublemakers (Adv.Idea) 360
Thranduil,The Elvenking 23, 25, 33, 54, True-Hearted (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 15
191,209,215,223,229,262,265,304,316,393 Tuckborough 286
Thrima 305 Turin the Tinker 318
Thror the Old,King 53,274-275,305,411 Turin Turambar 137,309,416
Throwing Attacks 84,113-114,117-118, Twice-baked Honey Cakes (Cultural
120,142,172,175 Virtues:Beornings) 382
Thrown Spear 114 Twilight River (Siriual) 287,293
Tigkiz,Tigkizim 278-279 Twin Strike (Combat Task) 176
Tiresome (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86 Two Weapon Fighting (Cultural Virtue: Elves
Tirin-Lirin-Dagor 407 of Mirkwood) 97
Toft,The 271 Two Weapon Fighting (Mastery, Dual
Tolerance 44,60,92,99,103,133,136, Wielding) 87-88
179-185,224-226,238-239,377-378,381 Tyrant Hill 271,334
-388,395,398-399,425-426,429,431 Tyulquin the Weaver 232,234,321
Tolerant (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Tol Fuin 24
Tom Bombadil 284,339
Ulmo, Lord of Waters 299,370
Tookish Blood (Background:Hobbits) 11
Una, Princess 315,335,429-432
Tookland 184,281,283
Unarmed Combat (Trait:Speciality) 85
Too Many Paths to Tread (Background:
Uncharted Waters (Adv.Idea) 360
Hobbits) 11
Unconscious (Knocked Out) 100,133,138,444
Torsten 387
Underdeeps 194
Tough Guard (Background:Orcs) 70
Underestimated (Cultural Blessing:Hobbits of
Toughness (Special Ability) 214
The Shire) 44
Tower Hills (Emyn Beraid) 295
Undertakings 184
Trade, Trade Goods 257
Ungash 416
Trader’s Isle 422-423
Unknown Mechanical Device 131
Trading House (Improvement) 188
Ungladaneth (the Spider Woman) 324
Ungolcrist 407 Wanderer (Calling)
Ungoliant 315,325 6-8,12,53,57,60,64,72,103,159,257
Unruly (Flaw) 228 Wandering Companion (Background: Elves of
Upper Marches,The 192,238 Lindon) 61
Uruk-hai Fighter (Cultural Virtue:Orcs) 100 Wandering Exile (Background:Dwarves of
Utumno 240,242-3,247-9,331 Blue Mountains) 50
Wandering Soul (Background;Dwarves of
Dunland) 53
Wandering Ways (Cultural Blessing: Dwarves
Valandil,King 330
of Dunland) 53
Valar, The (The Powers,The Gods)
Warband (Captain’s Band) 177
Warden (Calling)
Vales of Gundabad 192,420
Valinor (Uttermost West, Undying Lands,
Warder (Warden Virtue) 104
Blessed Lands, Blessed Realm, Aman)
War Gear 112
Warg Rider (Cultural Virtue:Orcs) 101
Wargs 101,104-105,150,199,232,234,239
Valour 12,50,77-8,89,91-2,95,105,
265, 291,297,320,337,341,343,345,402
Warhammer 116
War-helm of Azaghal 125
War of the Dwarves & Orcs 42,293-294,303
Valour Test (Fear Test) 20,45,72,101,133,
War of the Jewels 312
144,148,150-4,159, 200, 215,250,365, 431
War of the Ring
Valter the Bloody (Adversary) 127,232,234
Variag of Khand 236,353
War of Wrath 24
Versatile Traveller (Wanderer Virtue) 103
Wassa 386
Viglar (NPC) 209,365-366
Waste,The 192,269
Viglund (NPC) 316,365-367,384-385
Watch,The 185,283
Viglund Guards 246
Watch On Dol Guldur,The (Undertaking) 199
Viglundings 245
Watch On The Heath,The (Adventure)
Viglund Slavers 245
Village Well,The (Adv.Idea) 347
Ways of the Wild (Cultural Virtue:Rangers of
Vineyard (Improvement) 188
Ithilien) 101
Virtues 87
Wayward (Flaw) 228
See also Cultural Virtues and Masteries
Wayward Elves (Culture) 42,209,225
Visit Annuminas (Undertaking) 185,192
Weak-willed (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 86
Visit Grey Stone on Durin’s Day
Weapon Ranges (yards) Table 114
(Undertaking) 196
Weapons 112
Vocation Skills 6-8,12,75,80-81,195
Weapon Shattering (Quality) 142
Voice From the Past (Background:Beornings)
Weapon Skills 84
Weapons Table 113
Weary, Weariness 45,87,90,101,108,122,
142,146,148-153,196,216,227,241,246, 422
Wainriders 244,277-278,313 Weather Hills 398,401-403
Walcaud (NPC) 419-424 Weathertop (Amon Sûl) 289,368,398-9
Walda,King 303,406 Weatherwise (Trait: Speciality) 85,224
Walking-Axe (Cultural Reward:Dwarves of Web of Steel (Undertaking) 88-89
Dunland) 107 Well-Read (Scholar Virtue) 102
Walter Whistletree 330
Well-Traveled (Cultural Virtue:Dwarves of Wizard, Wizardry (Magic) 29,38,42,91-2,
Dunland) 93 95,102,131,134,140-1,148,151,200,216,
Well-worked Leather (Cultural Reward: 226-7,249,300,312,314,325,328,342,347,
Rangers of Ithilien) 110 350,352,355,357,361-2,374-5,378,388,443
Wendruskja 280 Wizard’s Blessing (Virtue) 38
We’re On the Outside Looking In (Adventure Wizard’s Pupil (Background:Woodmen) 11
Idea) 361 Woeful Foresight (Cultural Virtue: Rangers of
Werewolf of Mirkwood Ithilien) 101
126, 232, 234, 266, 315, 318 Wolfbiter (Axe) 126,138
West Farthing 281 Wolf Goodman,Woodman Hero 21
Westfold 111,345 Wolfswood 422-423
West Nether Vales 192,427 Wolves (Adversary ) 239
Westernesse See Numenor Wondrous Artefacts 132
Westmarch 311 Woodcrafty (Cultural Blessing: Woodmen of
West Upper Marches (Sceadudene) 238-239 Rhosgobel) 44
West Upper Vales (Anduin) 192,239 Woodcutter (Cultural Blessing: Woodmen of
White Council, The (The Wise) 129-130, Woodland Hall) 44
137,237,300,303,304,311,317,337,418,443 Wood-elf Magic (Cultural Virtue: Elves of
White Downs 282,283 Mirkwood) 13,42,90,127,183.341
White Heather (Dale) 261 Wood-elves See Silvan Elves
White Mountains (Ered Nimrais) 30,303 Woodland Bow (Cultural Reward: Elves of
White Towers 185,197,295 Lindon ) 108
White Water Lilies (Herb) 427 Woodland Hall
Wide Open Skies (Cultural Blessing:Men of 43-4,126,179,199,225,265,316,318,375,386
Dol Amroth) 63 Woodland Realm
Widu,The 322-323 19,42,127,184,270-271,279,379
Wight (Adversary) Woodman’s Ford 35
193,222,227,233-234,288,339,355,374 Woodmen of Mountain Hall (Culture) 43-44
Wild At Heart (Background:Elves of Woodmen of Rhosgobel (Culture) 43-44
Mirkwood) 10 Woodmen of Wilderland (Culture)
Wilderland 258 6-8,12-13,43-44,53,64,69,101,406
Wilful (Trait:Distinctive Feature) 15 Woodmen of Woodland Hall (Culture) 43-44
Will Whitfoot 283 Woodmen of Woodmen-town (Culture) 43-44
Withywindle River 283-284,286 Woodmen-town
Winter Wolf, Winter Wolf Captain 240 35,43-44,199,261,315-316,322,324,372
Wisdom 12,77,103-4,181,183,227,332 Wood Wight (Adversary) 233-234,241
Wisdom Learned in Sorrow (Cultural Wordweaver (Background:Bardings) 9
Virtue:Elves of Rivendell) 90 Work with Dwarven Craftsman (Undertaking)
Withered Heath 196
192,247,346,355,358,360,411 Worldly (Wanderer Virtue) 103
Witherfinger 203 Worrying (Flaw) 230
With the Eyes of Eagles (Background: Rangers Wound(s), Wounded 44,87,92,99,101,
of Ithilien) 72 113,117,122,133,140-142,145,149,151-153,
Wits Attribute (Mental) 12,14,131,134,443-4 157,163-164,167,170,177-178,183,189,196-
Witty Gentleman (Background:Hobbits) 11 197, 202,207,212,235,241,246,374,410,427
Wounding (Quality) 142
Wraith (Adversary)
Wulf 303 2802 293-294
Wulfings 41,233-234 2835 130
2841 293
2845 294
2851 302,304,406
Xadok (NPC) 370
2864 304
2866 395
2894 25
Yarl Caster 263 2903 304
Years’ End (End of Year) 2910 282
123,143,183,190,199,202,429 2911 25
2912 25,369
2933 25
2 330
2935 30
249 330
2939 304
250 288
2941 25,261,267,282,293-294,302,304,394
861 288
2942 185,268
1248 126
2943 268,282
1409 129
2944 268,293,304
1447 126
2945 269,275,326
1600 311
2946 5,225,269,270,302,304,334,346,409
1601 281
2947 315,321,334
1636 242
2948 315,334,361
1637 128
2949 313,316,334
1650 327-330
2950 222,282,316,321,334,365
1852 306
2951 30,199,282,316,334
1974 291,311
2952 315-316,321,334,365
1980 274
2953 30,304,316,321
1981 138,417
2954 316,318
1982 295
2955 316,321
1996 274
2956 316
1999 274
2957 30,282,317
2000 274
2958 317
2026 275
2959 317
2027 275
2963 282
2210 275
2968 282
2460 270
2980 282-283
2463 303-304
2993 417
2471 270
3008 282
2510 369
3013 283
2570 275
3019 139,185,302,395
2589 275
2590 275,277
2758 291
2759 291,303 Zirakinbar 127
2769 130
2793 303 i
Only uses the original six cultures from the
2799 303
2800 303
ii xii
These cultures are all part of The Kingdom Generated using JamesRBrown’s ideas
in the North campaign, see Part 8.
xiii Main references only as numerous

All Dwarves receive a true name at birth
that they do not reveal to members of other
races. In their dealings with other people,
they adopt personal names in the language of
other friendly cultures. The Dwarves of the
Blue Mountains are no exception, and
commonly use names after the fashion of the
Men of the North. This custom has been in
use for so long that a number of names have
become traditionally associated with
Dwarves of a particular House, and are used
almost exclusively by them. Dwarves of
renown are sometimes given a byname,
usually an honorific title celebrating an
exceptional deed or distinctive quality (eg.
Thorin Oakenshield, Dáin Ironfoot).
[This is an optional system designed to give
players more background options, 1-3 are
bad, 4-6 good. All rolls to be done with 1d6, a
player can do as many rolls as they like on
whichever tables they wish, but choices
should be consistent with Cultural
Background chosen, or players can do this
before they choose]
This is a complete change of how weapon
skills work in The One Ring.
These are optional virtues to be used
Travel load adds to Fatigue due to Failed
Fatigue Tests on Journeys
Some of these items also include optional
curses, up to the LM & player to decide.
These were put on the forum before the
release of Erebor

x This is not comprehensive as Cubicle 7 has

not provided an official list as yet.

xi These are Adventure Ideas etc. by rpgnet

(they only got as far as no.68!)

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