NSTIC Sci - Manual Part 1 PDF
NSTIC Sci - Manual Part 1 PDF
NSTIC Sci - Manual Part 1 PDF
Part I:
Experiment Materials
(Student Worksheets)
Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC, Secretary of Education, for his vital leader-
ship, encouragement, and support of the Science Equipment Project.
Title Page
Preface i
Acknowledgment iii
NSTIC Writing, Editorial Team, and Support Staff v
Safety First ix
1. Never allow students to engage in horseplay inside the laboratory. A lot of accidents in the
laboratory are caused by horseplay.
2. Extra experiments can only be done with permission from the teacher. Never allow a student
to work alone in the laboratory as much as possible. If working alone inside the laboratory is
unavoidable, periodically check on the concerned student.
5. Instruct students to remove and keep safe any dangling jewelry. Pin, zip, tie, chip or when
possible, remove the article of loose clothing such as jackets and shawls. Enforce good
grooming by having loose long hair pinned back or tied back, or require also the use of hair nets
or lab head scarves.
8. Use only an equipment that is free from cracks, chips, and other defects.
10. For experiments requiring connection to the main 220-volt outlet, look for exposed wirings,
loose contacts, cracked plugs, broken receptacles.
Part I
Student Worksheets
Refraction of light
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. explain refraction of light.
2. measure angle of incidence θi and angle of refraction θr.
3. establish the relationship between the sine of incident angle (sin θi) and the sine
of refraction angle (sin θr).
4. demonstrate some ways of determining index of refraction.
angle of refraction θr
1. From Table A to Table C, study the values of the angle of incidence θi and the values of the
angle of refraction θr.
3. Calculate the sine of θi (sin θi) and the sine of θr. (sin θr).
1. What is refraction of light?
4. What are the limitations of the experiments you just performed. Discuss with your teacher.
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. determine the object distance and the image distance from a convex lens.
2. calculate the focal length of a convex lens.
3. compare images formed by a convex lens with the actual object, when the object is at
certain distances from the lens.
Experiment Setup A. Determining Focal Length of Convex Lens by Distant Object Method
Table A. Results for determining focal length of convex lens by distant object method
1. Study the values of object distance do and the values of image distance di. Do the values of do
affect the values of di?
2. Compare the values of image distance di and the values of focal length f.
3. Compare the size and position of the object image projected on the screen with the actual
object you spotted.
Experiment B1. Determining Focal Length of Convex Lens by Nearby Object Method 1
(lens closer to screen than object)
1. Assemble the setup as shown in the picture below. Make sure the candle and the screen are on
opposite endmost of the meter scale. Place the lens about midway on the meter scale.
2. Light the candle. Move lens slowly towards the screen. Stop moving the lens when you see a sharp
image of the candle flame projected on the screen. Record in Table B1 the following: object
distance do (distance from lens to candle), image distance di (distance from lens to screen).
Experiment Setup B. Determining Focal Length of Convex Lens by Using a Nearby Object
Table B1. Results of determining focal length of convex lens by nearby object method 1
1. Complete Table B1 above by calculating focal length f. Compare the value of focal length f with
the value of image distance di.
2. Compare the value of image distance di in Experiment B1 with the value of image distance di in
Experiment A.
3. Compare the value of focal length f in this experiment with the value of focal length f in
Experiment A.
4. Compare the size and position of the flame image projected on the screen with the actual
1. Complete Table B2 above by calculating focal length f. Compare the value of focal length f to the
value of image distance di.
2. Compare the value of image distance di in Experiment B2 with the value of image distance di in
Experiment A and in Experiment B1.
3. Compare the value of focal length f in Experiment B2 with the value of focal length f in
Experiment A and in Experiment B1.
4. Compare the size and position of the flame image projected on the screen with the actual flame.
1. From the activity, discuss how you may be able to determine the focal length of a convex lens.
Which method/s would you prefer and why ?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. determine the object distance and the image distance from a concave mirror.
2. calculate the focal length of a concave mirror.
3. describe images of objects formed by a concave mirror when the object is at certain
distances from the mirror.
Experiment Setup A. Determining Focal Length of Concave Mirror by Using a Distant Object
6. Do steps 2-5 with two more objects. Make sure the objects you aim are of different
distances from your location.
7. Record results in Table A.
Table A. Results for determining focal length of concave mirror by distant object method
1. Study the values of object distance do and the values of image distance di. Do the values of do
affect the values of di?
2. Compare the values of image distance di and the values of focal length f.
3. Compare the size and position of the image projected on the screen with the actual object you
Experiment Setup B. Determining Focal Length of Concave Mirror by Using a Nearby Object
Table B1. Results of determining focal length of concave mirror by nearby object method 1
1. Complete Table B1 above by calculating focal length f. Compare the value of focal length f
with the value of image distance di.
2. Compare the value of image distance di in Experiment B1 with the value of image distance di in
Experiment A.
3. Compare the value of focal length f in Experiment B1 with the value of focal length f in
Experiment A.
4. Compare the size and position of the flame image projected on the screen with the actual
Table B2. Results of determining focal length of concave mirror by nearby object method 2
object object distance image distance focal length comparison of
do (cm) di (cm) dodi (cm) flame image with
di do actual flame
1. Complete Table B2 above by calculating focal length f. Compare the value of focal length f with
the value of image distance di.
2. Compare the value of image distance di in Experiment B2 with the value of image distance di in
Experiment A and in Experiment B1.
3. Compare the value of focal length f in Experiment B2 with the value of focal length f in
Experiment A and in Experiment B1.
4. Compare the size and position of the flame image projected on the screen with the actual
1. From the activity, discuss how you may be able to determine the focal length of a concave
mirror. Which method/s would you prefer and why ?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. measure current, voltage, and resistance correctly using appropriate instruments.
2. differentiate an ammeter, voltmeter, and an ohmmeter from each other.
DC voltmeter
1. Check if the bulb lights by connecting it to the dry cell. If not, unscrew it from the socket and
screw it back. If after several attempts the bulb still doesn’t light, replace it with a new one.
2. Set the ammeter and voltmeter zero “0” by turning the adjusting screw of each instrument
clockwise or counterclockwise.
A. Measuring Current:
1. Construct the circuit as shown in Setup A diagram. Make sure the switch is open at the start.
Observe correct polarity, that is: the positive terminal of the ammeter should end at the
positive terminal of the power supply, its negative terminal should end at the negative terminal
of the power supply, and observe color codes: red for positive, black for negative.
2. Close the switch. Record ammeter reading in TABLE A.
B. Measuring Voltage:
1. Construct the circuit as shown in Setup B diagram. Make sure switch is open at the start. Again
observe correct polarity and color codes.
2. Close the switch. Record voltmeter reading in TABLE A.
C. Measuring Resistance:
1. Disconnect the bulb assembly from the circuit.
2. Using multimeter as ohmmeter: Turn selector knob to point to 200 Ω. Insert the red test lead to
the jack labeled VΩA. Insert the black test lead to the jack labeled COM.
3. Connect the probes of the multimeter (set as ohmmeter) to the terminals of the bulb assembly.
Note: Polarity is not necessary in measuring resistance:
CAUTION: Never measure resistance of any element in any “live” circuit (one connected to
power supply).
Ammeter (ampere)
Voltmeter (volt)
1. What does the ammeter reading indicate: when switch is open, when switch is closed?
2. What does the voltmeter reading indicate: when switch is open, when switch is closed?
1. What is an ammeter? How should an ammeter be connected in a circuit?
Ohm’s Law
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. determine experimentally the interrelationships between voltage, current, and resistance.
2. verify Ohm’s law equation: I .
Guide notes:
The idea of this experiment is to measure current and voltage simultaneously in a circuit,
and to measure resistance separately.
1. Set the ammeter and voltmeter zero “0” by turning the adjusting screw of each instrument
clockwise or counterclockwise.
2. Measure the resistance of one resistor. Record the reading in Table A.
3. Construct the circuit as shown in Setup A diagram. Make sure that the switch is open at the
start. If needed ask help from your teacher regarding connections.
4. Close the switch, and record voltmeter and ammeter readings.
5. Open the switch and connect a second resistor in series with the first.
6. Measure and record the resistance of two resistors combined (connected in series). Make
sure circuit is open before measuring resistance.
7. Complete the circuit as in Setup B diagram.
8. Do step No. 4 again.
9. Open switch and connect a third resistor in series with the first and second resistors.
10. Measure resistance of the three resistors combined, again isolated from other circuit
11. Do step No. 4 one more time.
12. Bring back switch to open position and start analyzing your data.
1. From the results of the table above, compare each value of Measured Resistance R with its
corresponding value of Voltage/Current V/I.
1. Was Ohm’s law verified?
2. Discuss the sources of errors in this experiment.
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. measure voltages at selected points in series and parallel circuits, using a voltmeter.
2. compare voltage measurements at selected points in series and parallel circuits.
Setup A2. Voltage measurement positions Setup B2. Voltage measurement positions for
for lamps connected in series lamps in parallel connection
Analysis Experiment A:
1. Compare the values of V1, V2, and V3. Which has the largest value?
Analysis Experiment B:
1. Compare the values of V1, V2, and V3.
1. What can you say about voltages across elements in a series circuit?
2. What can you say about voltages across elements in a parallel circuit?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. measure current at selected points in series and parallel circuits, using an ammeter.
2. compare current measurements at selected points in series and parallel circuits.
Analysis Experiment A:
1. Compare the values of A1, A2, and A3.
1. Construct the circuit as shown in Setup B1 diagram. Make sure that the switch is open at the
2. Carefully study Setup B2 diagram.
3. Now, connect the ammeter as shown in in A1 position. Be careful with polarities. Positive
terminal (red) of the ammeter should end at the positive terminal of power supply.
4. Close the switch. Record ammeter reading in TABLE B.
5. Open the switch and tansfer the ammeter to A2 position.
6. Do step No. 4 again.
7. Open the switch, transfer the ammeter to A3 position and do Step No. 4 one more time.
Analysis Experiment B:
1. Compare the values of A1, A2, and A3. Which has the largest value?
1. What can you say about currents along elements in a series circuit? in a parallel circuit?
Objective: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. identify some factors and explain how they affect resistance of a wire conductor.
Experiment Setup:
0.5 0.2
1.0 0.8
1.5 1.8
1. Compare the cross-sectional areas of wires and values of resistance. What happens to
the resistance of a wire as its cross-sectional area:
1. How is the resistance of a wire conductor related by:
a) its length?
b) its cross-sectional area?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. demonstrate that a magnetic field is set up around a current-carrying conductor.
2. determine the direction of magnetic field around:
a) a current-carrying conductor and
b) at the center of a current-carrying coil, using a magnetic compass.
Experiment Setup A:
The idea of these experiments is to introduce current into a wire conductor and observe the
response of the compass needle at some locations around the wire.
Experiment A. Magnetic Field Around a Straight Conductor
1. Construct the circuit as shown in Setup A picture above right. Make sure switch is open at the
start. Note: This experiment is best done if the observer is along the North-South alignment
of the compass needle.
2. You have six assigned locations to place your magnetic compass as shown in the diagram above
left. Study carefully how the needle of the magnetic compass is oriented with respect to the
copper wire, in each of the location.
3. Close the switch. Observe where the north pole of the compass needle is deflected.
4. Open the switch, transfer the magnetic compass to the next location.
5. Do step No. 3
6. Do step Nos. 3 to 5 for each of the remaining assigned locations.
7. Work out Observation Guide A1 below.
8. Reverse the polarity of your power supply and do step Nos. 2 to 6.
9. Work out Observation Guide A2 below.
Experiment Setup B
1. Draw with an arrow the direction of deflection of the north pole of the compass needle in each of the
locations shown.
2. What happened to the deflection of the compass needle as the power supply polarity was reversed.
3. Compare the magnitude of the compass needle deflection in this experiment with the magnitude of de-
flection of the compass needle in Experiment A.
Experiment Setup C
1. What causes the deflection of the magnetic compass needle when brought near a current-
carrying conductor?
3. When the direction of current along a conductor is reversed, the compass needle also
reverses deflection. What does this show?
4. The deflection of a compass needle at the center of a current-carrying coil is greater than
that of a straight conductor. What is happening here?
The Electromagnet
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. construct and describe an electromagnet.
2. discuss the factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet.
Experiment Setup:
A. Construction of solenoids
1. Wrap a single layer of transparency, 12 cm long, around a felt tip pen. Fix the acetate with
masking tape. At about 1 cm from one end of the transparency, wind for 200 turns a magnet
wire spanning a winding length of 10 cm. Pull out the coil assembly (together with the
transparency). Secure the coil on the transparency with a masking tape. Scrape magnet wire
of insulation on both ends of the coil.
2. Make another coil made of 400 turns of magnet wire. Note: Maintain 10 cm coil length.
B. Experiment Proper:
1. Construct the setup as shown in the picture on the previous page. Start with the following
combination: 200-turn solenoid, 2 dry cells, air core (nothing inside coil). Make sure that the
switch should be open at the start.
2. Suspend a single nail from the spring or rubber band, such that about half its length is inside
the solenoid. Close the switch. Observe and record how far the suspended nail sinks into the
solenoid. Wait for the suspended nail to settle before recording the position of the disc
3. Open the switch. Do step Nos. 1 to 2 for the following combinations:
a) 400 turns, 2 dry cells, air core
b) 400 turns, 4 dry cells, air core
c) 400 turns, 4 dry cells, iron core (made of 3 nails bundled together). Insert about 2/3
of the the iron core’s length into the solenoid by raising the muticlamp-universal clamp
assembly along the stand rod (please see picture).
4. Record your observations in Table A below.
1. Compare the position of the pointer and spring elongation for the different solenoid-dry cell
1. Describe an electromagnet. How does it differ from a permanent magnet?
2. Discuss some ways on how to make an electromagnet stronger.
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. define electromagnetic induction operationally.
2. identify and explain factors that affect induced voltage across a conductor.
Experiment Setups:
Instructions: The idea of these experiments is to move a magnet into a coil of wire connected to
a galvanometer and observe the response of the galvanometer pointer.
Experiment E. Should the coil move along or across the magnetic field?
1. Move the magnet along the coil (please see Setup E). Observe deflection of the galvanometer
2. Thrust the magnet into the coil. Observe deflection of the galvanometer pointer.
3. Record results in Table E.
condition coil w/o magnet moves magnet at rest magnet retreating from coil
magnet into the coil inside coil
pointer deflection
1. At which instance/s did the galvanometer pointer deflect? did not deflect?
2. Describe the direction of galvanometer pointer deflection when magnet was moving towards and when
moving away from the coil.
Table C. Induced voltage and magnetic field strength 1. What happens to the deflection of
number of magnets 1 2 galvanometer pointer as you increased the
number of magnets?
pointer deflection
Table D. Induced voltage and rate of 1. What happens to the deflection of galvanometer
magnetic field change pointer as you increased the speed of thrust of
thrust speed slow fast the magnet?
pointer deflection
Table E. Should the coil move along or across 1. Compare the behavior of the galvanometer pointer
the magnetic field? when the magnet moves along the coil and when
orientation of
the magnet moves across the coil.
along across
magnet and coil
1. In your own words what is electromagnetic induction?
2. What factors affect the induced voltage in a conductor?
3. What do you think is Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction ?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. identify the parts and explain their functions in a generator and in an electric motor.
2. explain the working principle of a generator and an electric motor.
3. trace and discuss the transfer and transformation of energy in these two devices.
Study the following basic parts namely, Armature, Brushes, Commutator, Rotor, Shaft,
Stator of your generator-motor model as shown in the picture below.
1) shaft
2) armature
3) rotor
4) stator
5) split-ring commutator
6) brushes
1. Match the parts shown in the picture above with the parts of your actual motor- generator
2. Discuss in your own words the function/s of each part when the model is used as:
a) generator b) motor
1. What is an electric generator? What principle governs the operation of an electric generator?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. identify the parts and explain the function/s of each part of an electric transformer.
2. explain the operating principle of an electric transformer.
3. discuss the differences between step-up and step down transformers by comparing the input
and output voltages.
1. Study and carefully construct the
setup shown in the picture on the left.
Switch should be turned OFF at the
2. Observe the galvanometer pointer as
you turn the switch ON.
3. Let the switch stay in ON position for
about 5 seconds. Observe the
galvanometer pointer.
4. While keeping watch on the pointer of
the galvanometer, turn OFF the
5. This time, repeatedly switch the
circuit ON and OFF. Observe.
6. Record your observations in Table A
Setup B1. Measurement of input voltage Setup B2. Measurement of output voltage
1. Carefully study Setup B1 picture above left and construct the circuit.
2. Set the variable power supply selector to 3 volts AC. The switch should be OFF at the start.
3. Set the multimeter selector to 20VAC.
4. Re-check your settings and connections.
5. When everything is ready, switch ON the power supply.
6. The multimeter reading is the input voltage. Record the reading in Table B below.
7. Switch OFF the power supply.
8. Now construct Setup B2 picture above right.
9. Do step Nos. 2 to 5.
10. Multimeter reading this time is the output voltage.
input voltage
output voltage
Setup C1. Measurement of input voltage (across Setup C2. Measurement of output voltage (across
larger coil) smaller coil)
1. Carefully study Setup C1 picture above left and construct the circuit.
2. Set variable power supply selector to 3 volts AC. The switch should be OFF at the start.
3. Set multimeter selector to 20VAC.
4. This time your power supply should be connected to the larger coil.
5. Re-check your settings and connections.
6. When everything is ready, switch ON the power supply.
7. Multimeter reading is the input voltage. Record the reading in Table C below.
8. Switch OFF the power supply.
9. Now construct Setup C2 according to the picture above right.
10. Do step Nos. 2 to 6.
11. This time multimeter reading is the output voltage.
If your meter cannot register reading when measuring voltage across the terminals of the inner coil, transfer
selector of your multimeter to lower range, e.g. 2 VAC. Make sure to return the selector to the previous
setting when measuring voltage across terminals of the outer coil.
12. Record your measurements in Table C below.
13. After the activity, switch OFF and unplug all connections.
input voltage
output voltage
1. From Experiment A, at which instance/s did the galvanometer pointer deflect? Did not
b) Experiment C
1. What is an electric transformer?
2. Explain how the principle of electromagnetic induction is applied in the operation of an electric
Accelerated Motion
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. describe accelerated motion of an object.
2. state the relationship between:
a) distance traveled and time elapsed and
b) velocity and elapsed time of uniformly accelerated motion.
3. calculate acceleration of some moving objects.
rail cart w/o
spring book
stand base
digital stopwatch
The idea of this experiment is to measure the time for a cart to travel at different distances
along an inclined track.
1. Prepare setup as shown in Figure 1 above. Set elevated end at about 3 cm to 4 cm high
(approximately 1 book thick) from table surface.
2. Measure and mark the distances shown. Note the start position of the cart.
3. Release the cart and measure the time for it to reach the 20 cm. mark. Do this for at least
three trials.
4. Do step 3 for the other distances.
5. Record measurements in Table 1.
Note: The same person should be using the stopwatch all throughout the activity.
Data Analysis:
1. Calculate the average time for each corresponding distance. Do you see a relationship between
distance d and average time tave ?
2. Square the values of average time. As distance d doubles, is average time squared tave2 also
doubled? As distance d triples, is tave2 also tripled? What relationship is shown between
distance d and average time squared tave2?
3. Using the values of distance and average time, calculate the average speed vave of the cart for
each of the different distances.
Use the equation: vave t
vf d
t ave t ave
1. A city driven jeepney moving out from a traffic jam attains a speed of 30 km/hr after 5
seconds. Find the acceleration of the jeepney.
2. If the jeepney mentioned in No.1 was uniformly accelerated, describe the motion of the
jeepney’s speedometer needle.
3.. Have you experienced being accelerated? Tell us something about your acceleration experience.
Free Fall
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. describe the motion of a free-falling object.
2. state the relationship between
a) distance traveled and time taken and
b) velocity and elapsed time of a free-falling object.
3. calculate the acceleration of a free-falling object.
1 stand base
2 stand supports
1 stand rod, 12.7 x 1000 mm
1 stand rod, 9.5 x 500 mm
1 stand rod, 9.5 x 250 mm
3 multi clamps
1 solenoid
1 pad switch
1 synchro-box
1 electronic digital stopwatch
1 meter tape
1 slide pointer
1 set metal, plastic balls
2. As soon as the push button switch is pushed, the solenoid circuit is switched off.
That means the ball will fall and simultaneously the stopwatch starts indicating the
time. As soon as the metal ball hits the gate, the stopwatch stops.
The idea of this experiment is to measure how much time the spheres (balls) take to fall
different heights and to find out how a free-falling object moves. Note: Each group will have
different kinds of balls.
1. Assemble the setup in Figure I and complete the wiring connection as shown.
2. Fix the gate switch about 10 cm from the table.
3. Fix the solenoid such that the distance between the ball and the pad switch
is 20 cm as shown in Figure 1. See to it that when the ball falls, it will hit the pad of the
gate switch and will bring it to "open" position.
4. When the gate switch is in "closed" position, hang the metal ball from the solenoid. (Adjust the
screw of the solenoid so that its magnetic strength is just enough to hold the metal ball.)
Re-check the distance d which is from the bottom of the ball to the gate switch.
5. Reset your stopwatch so that your initial time reading is "0.00."
6. Quickly push and then release the button switch of the synchro-box before the ball hits the
gate (otherwise the stop watch will continue counting the time). Measure the time of fall
in at least three trials.
7. Repeat for 30 cm , 40 cm , 50 cm, 60 cm , 70 cm, and 80 cm distances. Record all results in
Table 1.
Data Analysis:
d (cm)
of average time tave. Plot a graph of distance d 50
against average time squared tave2 (Figure3).
Describe the relationship between d and tave2 as
shown by the line graph.
3. Calculate the slope of your d versus tave2 graph.
4. Using the values of distance d and average time 0 0.25 0.50
tave in table 1, complete Table 2 below. tave (s)
0.10 0.20
tave2 (s2)
Figure 3
Distance-Time2 Graph of a Free-Falling Object
Table 2. Calculated values for average velocity,
final velocity, and acceleration
d v f 2v ave vf
distance va ve a 500
d (cm) t ave ta ve t ave
(s) (cm/s) (cm/s) (cm/s/s) 400
20.0 300
60.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
tave (s)
Figure 4
Final Velocity-Time Graph of a Free-Falling Object
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. state and explain Newton’s Second law of Motion.
2. solve problems applying Newton’s Second law of Motion.
Figure 1: Experiment A-Force and Acceleration
1 dynamics cart (w/o spring)
meter tape
1 electronic digital stopwatch
2 stand bases
2 rails (rods undersized at ends)
1 leveling pad ring masses
atop cart
1 stopper-fork assembly
5 disk masses, 50 grams each cart at start
5 ring masses, 3 grams each
hose level
1 string, approx. 80 cm. long
1 meter tape edge of stand base
1 piece modeling clay (friction clay)
friction clay
1 utility spring scale
1 piece plastic hose, 2 meters
Figure 2: Experiment B-Mass and Acceleration
To achieve rail horizontal level, proceed as
Fnet (N) t (s) tave (s) tave2 (s2) a (m/s2) Fnet/a (kg)
Fnet (N)
0.15 a (m/s2)
1. Compare the values of Fnet with the values of a. 1. What kind of graph is obtained between Fnet vs. a?
2. What can you say about the values of Fnet/a ?
3. Calculate the average value of Fnet/a.
1. What relationship exists between Fnet 2. What relationship exists between Fnet and a as
and a as shown by the ratio Fnet/a? shown by the graph obtained?
Page 58
Data and Results: Experiment B Graphs
a (m/s2)
m (kg)
a (m/s2)
mtotal=mass of cart + mass of load + mass of suspended ring masses (1 ring mass=3 grams)
= mass of accelerating system 1/m (1/kg)
a=2d/t2 a vs. 1/m graph
Analysis: 1. Describe the values of m in relation to the 1. What kind of graph is obtained between a vs. m?
values of a.
2. What can you say about the product of m x a? 2. What kind of graph is obtained between a vs. 1/m?
Conclusion: 1. What relationship exists between m 3. What relationship exists between m and a as shown
and a as shown by the product m x a? by the graphs obtained?
Page 59
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. explain the principle of the inclined plane and derive its formula.
2. determine the Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA) of an inclined plane at different inclinations.
3. list some common applications of the inclined plane and their importance in man’s life.
2 stand bases
2 rails (rods undersized on ends)
1 stand rod, 12.7 mm x 1000 mm
1 stand rod, 9.5 mm x 250 mm
3 multi clamps
1 spring balance
di=distance cart is pulled
1 dynamics cart (w/o spring)
do=distance cart is lifted upward
1 meter tape Fo=weight of cart
Fi=spring balance reading
The basic purpose of this experiment is to:
a) measure the distance traveled by the cart on an inclined plane, raised at different heights;
b) measure the weight of the cart and the force needed to move the cart along the inclined
plane; and
c) find out whether there is any relationship between the weight and the force to pull cart
along inclined plane, raised at different heights.
1. Assemble the setup as shown in Figure 1. See to it that your working area is a flat and level
2. Measure input distance di, which is the distance the cart will travel on an inclined plane. Hint:
this is measured from the front end of the cart at start position until it touches stand base
above. See Fig. 1.
3. Measure the weight of cart. This is equal to output force F0. Record measurements in Table 1.
4. Set initial output distance, do at 20 or so centimeters. Output distance is the height the cart
is lifted upward from the “start” position. If you have difficulty setting output distance, your
teacher will discuss with you how it is done.
5. Slowly, pull the spring balance in the direction shown. While the cart moves with a slow and
constant speed, take the scale reading of the spring balance. Record your readings in the
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 for 40 cm, 60 cm, and 80 cm heights. Each time, record your readings in
the table.
Data Analysis:
Calculate the ratios di/do and Fo/Fi and record your results in the table. Compare these ratios.
Wait for the teacher’s explanation of Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA).
What is the effect of AMA if the inclination increases? (Be aware that the inclination of the plane
increases when the height increases).
1. You are an engineer and you are to build a road from the foot to the top of a mountain, in a way
that engines of cruising vehicles exert the least force possible. Show and explain your road
2. What is the AMA in Figure 2 and Figure 3?
force exerted = 20 N
force exerted = 30 N
weight = 60 N
weight = 60 N
Figure 2 Figure 3
3. As shown in Fig. 4, what would be the length of the inclined plane in order for an input force of
50 N to be able to lift 400 N load to a height of 3 meters? (Neglect friction).
w = 400 N Figure 4
Lever Principle
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. In this experiment, you will determine the force required to attain equilibrium (in horizontal
position) of the lever by hanging a load at different positions on one end of the lever. To
discover the principle of the lever, we have to measure the load L and the force F, the length of
the load arm La, and the force arm Fa. This experiment will be performed for the one-sided and
two-sided levers.
My experiment is: (Your teacher will assign you which experiment you will perform)
2. Hang the load of 250 g (≈ 2.5 N) hook mass 2. On one side of the lever, hang the load of
from position 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Take 500 g (≈ 5.0 N) hooked mass from positions
the reading of the force F from the spring 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Record your
balance at position 4 each time you move the readings in Table 1. Each time you move the
load to a different position. Record your load to a new position, read the force F on
readings in Table 1. Note: Do these the spring balance which is at position 4 on
instructions if you were assigned to perform the other side of the lever. Record your
Experiment A. readings in Table 1. Note: Do these
instructions if you were assigned to
perform Experiment B.
Data Analysis:
1. Compute the product of load L and the load arm La, and the product of force F and the force
arm Fa. Enter the values in appropriate columns in the table above.
2. What relationship exists between the two products?
Table 2
3. Based on your teacher’s explanation of AMA
Position AMA=L/F
calculate the AMA for the 4 positions.
Enter the calculated values in Table 2. 1
1. What is the difference between one-sided lever and two-sided lever?
2. Why is it easier to turn a rusted nut on a bolt with a long-handled wrench than with a short-
handled wrench?
3. Josephine and Mickey are playing seesaw in the park. Mickey weighs 200 N and sits at 2m
distance from the fulcrum. If Josephine sits 1.5 m from the fulcrum to balance Mickey, how
heavy is Josephine?
1. The handles of a wheelbarrow are 1.5 3. Why are the handles of shears for
m from the axle, and the load of 900 cutting metal longer than their blades?
N can be considered as 0.5 m from
the axle. How much force must be
exerted to raise the handle?
Figure 5
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 6
Objectives: After going through these experiments the students be able to:
1. explain the principle of a pulley.
2. determine the Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA) of a system of pulleys.
3. list some common applications of pulleys.
1. The Actual Mechanical Advantage AMA of a simple machine, when friction is negligible, is equal
to the ratio of output force (weight of load) and the input force (force exerted by the operator
of the machine). AMA gives us idea how much force we exert to lift a particular load..
2. The AMA of pulleys, as with other machines, can also be calculated as input and output distance
3. The AMA of a pulley configuration is also equal to the number of pulleys used and/or the
number of strands that supports the pulley system.
Note for the teacher: This is a demonstration activity. However you can formulate an activity
sheet for student work.
Reminder: In this setup the spring balance should be adjusted to zero in upside down position. To do this, hold the
spring balance upside down and turn the zero-adjust knob clockwise or counter clockwise (see User’s Manual).
1 stand base
2 stand supports
1 multi clamp
1 stand rod, 12.7 X 1000mm
1 stand rod, 9.5 X 250mm
1 stand rod, 9.5 X 500 mm
1 meter tape this pulley
assembly moves
2 double pulleys
with the load
1 spring balance, 5N
2 hooked masses, 500 g
2 m string (thick)
di = distance spring balance
is pulled downward
do = distance load is lifted upward
Data Analysis:
1. The ratios di/do and Fo/Fi are almost equal. The slight difference of the ratios is due
the force of friction between the pulleys’ moving parts.
work output Fd
2. Pulley efficiency can be calculated as: E% X 100 o o X 100
work input Fi di
1. Like other simple machines, the AMA of pulley is defined as the ratio of output force to the
input force.
di Fo
AMA = or when friction is negligible, AMA =
do Fi
1. Find the mechanical advantage of the system of pulley used to lift the body weighing 600 N by
a force of 150 N.
Fo = 600 N Fi = 150 N
Fo 600N
Fi 150N
2. A pulley system uses a triple fixed block and a double movable block. By using this system, a
man exerts a force of 150 N and lifts a stone weighing 900 N. What is the mechanical
advantage of the machine?
3. A system of pulleys, which is a combination of single and double pulley, is used to lift a load. It
can be noticed that the load rises a meter only for every 3 meters of pull. What is the
mechanical advantage of the system?
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. demonstrate transverse wave and longitudinal wave using springs.
2. differentiate a transverse wave from a longitudinal wave.
3. create standing wave patterns and identify conditions needed to produce them.
Student Worksheet - Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, and Their Standing Waves 1 of 4 Page 69
Experiment A. Transverse Wave. The idea of these experiments is to generate a transverse wave
and study its attributes.
2. Transverse Incident and Reflected Wave. With one a) Incident Wave (just before reaching
end of the spring fixed, stretch your spring to have boundary):
3. Transverse Standing Waves. Continue stretching your
spring as in No. 2. This time continuously move the free
end of the spring sidewards first slowly, then
moderately, then fast. Wave formations you see should
be different from the formation you observed in No. 1.
Sketch these new wave formations you just observed in
the box at the right. Hint: In No. 1 you only saw one kind
of wave formation all throughout. Here you will see
alternating and repetitive wave formations.
Student Worksheet - Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, and Their Standing Waves 2 of 4 Page 70
Student Worksheet - Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, and Their Standing Waves 3 of 4 Page 71
1. What is a wave? Define in your own words.
2. State the difference/s between a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave.
3. What is a standing wave?
4. What conditions give rise to the formation of standing waves?
Student Worksheet - Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, and Their Standing Waves 4 of 4 Page 72
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. produce sound standing waves inside a closed tube.
2. calculate the speed of sound in the air by analyzing sound standing waves inside a closed
Experiment Setup:
The idea of this experiment is to feed sound from a loudspeaker into a tube and listen to the change
in loudness of the sound as the length of the air column inside the tube is varied.
Part A. Setting Up
1. Prepare the setup as shown in the picture, AND DO NOT CONNECT POWER SUPPLY TO THE MAINS
2. One end of the inner tube has a stopper with a diameter that fits the inside diameter of the
outer tube. Position the stopper so that it aligns with the other end of the outer tube facing the
loudspeaker. For best results, the loudspeaker should be as close as possible to the outer tube,
but not touching the latter.
3. See to it that all controls are set to the minimum, the power supply is unplugged from the mains,
switched OFF, and set to 9VDC. The sound signal generator turned OFF (switch at the back) and
its sine-square wave selector switch pulled up to select sine wave output.
1. Complete your table by calculating for the average lengths the inner tube was pulled and the
the lengths of the air column inside the outer tube in which you heard loud sounds.
2. Make a sketch below of the outer tube and mark the lengths of the air columns in which you
heard loud sounds. Drawing to scale is not necessary.
4. Mark the NODES and the ANTINODES in your sketch in No. 2. Hint: NODES are always
formed at the stopper.
5. What is the wavelength of sound in your experiment? Explain how you determined the
wavelength of sound.
1. State in your own words how the speed of sound can be calculated by means of standing waves.
2. From the results of your experiment calculate the speed of sound in air by using the equation:
where: v=calculated speed of sound
f=frequency of sound (your assigned frequency)
λ=wavelength of sound
3. The theoretical value for the speed of sound in air at any given temperature is:
v=331 m/s + 0.6(T)
where: v=theoretical value for the speed of sound at a given temperature
331 m/s is the speed of sound at 0 0C
T=room temperature in 0C
Calculate the theoretical value of the speed of sound and compare it with your experimental
value. Explain the difference in values.
Introduction to Electronics
Objectives: After going through these experiments you should be able to:
1. identify and describe basic electronics components.
2. explain their basic functions.
Experiment 1. Identification of Electronics Components
1. Study the items contained in your electronics kit. Identify and describe each component.
Refer to page 81 for identification guide.
Setup 2A Setup 2B
Setup 3
Setup 4A Setup 4B
Setup 5
Setup 6A Setup 6B
Setup 6C
Table A. Capacitor
Discharge Time
(voltmeter as load)
1. Explain the functions of the electronics components you studied in this activity.
Department of Education Culture and Sports. Science and Technology IV SEDP Series. Manila: Instructional
Materials Corporation (IMC), 1990.
Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics, Eighth Edition. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Leybold Didactic GMBH. STM Science Teaching Modules, Mechanics. Huerth: Leybold Didactic GMBH,
Rogers, Eric M. Physics for the Inquiring Mind. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Science Education Center-University of the Philippines. Fundamentals of Physics. Quezon City: GMS Publishing
Corporation, 1979.
Science Education Center-University of the Philippines. Physics in Your Environment. Korea: Dong-A Printing
Co., Ltd., 1981.
The Center for Occupational Research and Development.LENSES. Texas: The Center for Occupational Research
and Development, 1987.
Williams, Trinklein, Metcalfe. Modern Physics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
Page 82
Appendix A
1. Quality and/or condition of measuring instrument. Some measurements either fall short
or go beyond standards. Make sure your instruments are of good quality. Other
measuring instruments may be affected by temperature variations and humidity
conditions. Examples of these instruments are those that are used in measuring minute
quantities, e.g. vernier caliper, analytical balance. In this case, you should be familiar
with the specifications and characteristics of your instruments.
2. Subjectivity of the observer. Consider three students studying the position of the
pointer along the scale of a balance. The student directly opposite the scale reads 560 g,
for example. On the other hand, the student on the left reads 565 g, while the student on
the right reads 555 g. The latter two students are to be experiencing parallax error.
3. The finest division on its scale limits precision of a measuring device. A standard
meter stick for example, is precise up to a millimeter. A vernier caliper is precise up to
a tenth or even hundredth of a millimeter. An analog wristwatch is precise up to a sec-
ond but a digital stopwatch can be precise up to a hundredth or even a thousandth of a
1. Before taking any measurement, see to it that the scale of the instrument is adjusted to zero.
2. When reading analog scales, make sure that the scale is at eye level and directly opposite
the eye to avoid parallax error.
3. While expensive digital stopwatches provide precision up to a thousandth of a second, this
exact value has little meaning for practical applications. In most of our experiments, we
have sources of errors, e.g. , other equipment used, reaction time, etc. So, therefore, it
would be impractical to be precise up to 1/1000 s for example.
4. When measuring lengths in the range of one or two centimeters, a fraction of a millimeter
may be important for measurements. Greater than these values, a millimeter precision
could be enough. In the range of several meters up however, millimeter accuracy has little
or virtually no meaning at all. Conventional kilogram scales are calibrated in 5 g divisions.
Should the pointer fall in between 2 marks, read the preceding division and add the
estimated location of the pointer. Suppose you want to measure the mass of a cart as
shown next page.
Appendices 1 of 7 Page 85
Notice that the pointer goes past the 80 g mark but falls short of the 85 g mark. Looking
closely at the scale, you may see that the pointer is about midway between 80 g and 85 g.
You report this reading as 83 g. Significant figures in a measurement include the known
digits plus one final estimated digit.
Appendix B
All measurements are taken using the international system of units, the metric units. The
following units are commonly used in mechanics.
Appendices 2 of 7 Page 86
Other quantities are derived from the basic quantities and likewise their respective units.
Appendix C
I. Reorganizing Equations
In some of the modules like motion I, II, and Newton’s Second Law, a number of
problems require algebraic manipulations for their solutions. For example, a problem
calls for the solution of d from the equation:
To do this is to reorganize the equation such that d will be isolated. Transpose t to the
other side by multiplying both sides of the equation by t.
v(t ) t
vt d
d vt
Appendices 3 of 7 Page 87
So, we have:
v t
vt d
(vt d )
v t
Put your finger on the variable you want and you can read the results:
Example: 1. Cover d with your finger. You are left with v t. So: d=vt
2. Cover t with your finger. You will see d/v. So : t=d/v
3. Cover v with your finger. You have d/t. So: v=d/t
Appendices 4 of 7 Page 88
One of the most important objectives in physics experiment is to find out possible
relationships existing between two quantities. In secondary physics education, about three
kinds of relationships are commonly encountered. In the real world, however, there could be
more. Sometimes, too, it is difficult to establish a relationship between two quantities.
a) Direct Proportion – If the ratio between two quantities is constant, the two quantities are
directly proportional to each other. Consider the following data shown in the table below.
load 0 5 10 15 20 25
elongation 0 2 4 6 8 10
load/elongation - 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
We see that when the load is doubled, the elongation also doubles. In addition, the
two quantities have a constant ratio. Note that in an actual experiment, however, the readings
seldom show such clear relationships. This is due to experimental and measurement errors
which are too difficult to avoid.
m 0 30 40 60 120 240
a 0 40 30 20 10 5
mxa 0 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
c) A direct square proportional relationship takes place when one quantity is directly
proportional to the square of the other. Consider the following set of data.
d 10 20 30 40
t 1 1.41 1.73 2
t2 1 1.99 2.99 4
d t2 10 ~10 ~10 ~10
Appendices 5 of 7 Page 89
III. Graphs
Another way to find the relationships between two quantities is by means of a graph.
These graphs come in different kinds. The following graphs are commonly encountered in
high school physics.
This curve suggests inverse proportional
relationship between m and a.
Plotting a graph of the inverse of m, 1
against a results in this straight line graph. We
then can say that, a is directly proportional to the
inverse of m: m 1 m
Appendices 6 of 7 Page 90
This curve appears to be parabola of the first order
which would suggest a direct square proportionality
d between d and t.
d t2
Note that in practice, plotted points seldom lie on the line. It should be pointed out to students
that errors in both measurement and experiment are always encountered, thus making the the
results approximate theoretical relationships.
Appendices 7 of 7 Page 91