Global Transmission Report January 2016 PDF
Global Transmission Report January 2016 PDF
Global Transmission Report January 2016 PDF
Poland’s Investment Plans for Network Among other ongoing domestic projects are the under-
development 400 kV lines, namely Miku³owa–Sìwiebodzice and
Expansion (Contd...) Krajnik–Baczyna; the Baczyna-Plewiska line; and the rebuilding
of the existing Miku³owa–Pasikurowice line. These lines are
crucial for connecting the Polish transmission system to the
the existing assets. According to the transmission system
proposed third interconnector between Germany and Poland
operator (TSO) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne’s (PSE) Ten
(400 kV, double-circuit Baczyna/Plewiska [Poland]–
Year Network Development Plan 2016–25, new thermal capacity
Eisenhüttenstadt [Germany]) in the long run. The interconnector
of 9,832 MW is expected to be added during the plan period
was originally planned in the medium term, but eventually,
along with decommissioning of 4,859 MW, taking the net thermal
based on PSE’s analysis evaluating the effectiveness of the
addition to 4,973 MW. Additions from renewable energy sources
construction of the third interconnection with Germany’s power
account for a majority 6,434 MW. Renewable capacity addition
generation system, it was established that it is possible to achieve
is motivated by the objective of meeting the national target of
the planned increase of cross-border capacity through the
increasing its share to 15 per cent by 2020. Poland is also
internal Polish transmission network. Therefore, PSE and its
preparing for the development of the country’s first nuclear
German counterpart, 50Hertz, decided to concentrate, in a first
plant, the first unit of which is expected to be commissioned in
step, on the proposed reinforcements in Poland and to consider
2024 and the next, within the subsequent six years.
the construction of the third interconnection line between Poland
New generation capacity will help meet Poland’s future and Germany, in a second step, in 2030.
electricity demand, which is forecast to increase at a compound
annual growth rate (GAGR) of 1.5 per cent over the next decade In the immediate term, by 2017, the two countries are
to reach 190 TWh by 2025. These developments require upgrading the existing 220 kV Vierraden (Germany)–Krajnik
substantial investments in electricity transmission. During the (Poland) line to a 400 kV double-circuit line along with the
10-year period between 2016 and 2025, PSE plans to invest installation of phase-shifting transformers on both sides at
over PLN13.5 billion on the expansion and modernisation of Vierraden and Miku³owa. While this will help in increasing the
the Polish grid network. The main objectives of the planned cross-border capacity to some extent, limited grid connections
investments are to increase security of supply, to connect between the north and south of Germany result in unscheduled
new power plants, including renewable energy resources flows to Poland, thereby restraining the capacity available to
(mainly wind farms), and to develop cross-border connections. market participants. The issue requires a long-term solution
through internal investments in both the countries.
The total investment will be divided into PLN7,080 million
In terms of other international transmission links, as
and PLN6,435 million across the two five-year periods. During
mentioned earlier, the recently completed LitPol
the first five-year period (2016–2020), 78 per cent of the
interconnector, with a transfer capacity of 500 MW, connects
investment will be spent on new construction, while only around
the Lithuanian and Polish transmission grids for the first time.
18 per cent of the investment will be dedicated to the
The interconnection is part of the Baltic Energy Markets
modernisation of the grid. The undertaking of new construction
Interconnection Plan (BEMIP). About 100 km of this line is in
is motivated by the need to connect new generating units to
Poland (from Elk to the border with Lithuania) and the
the grid as well as the need to adapt the transmission grid to
remaining 50 km is in Lithuania (from the Alytus substation to
the variable flows associated with renewable capacity,
the border with Poland). The project also involves
particularly wind power, which is increasing its share in the
reconstruction and expansion of the Alytus and Elk substations.
generation mix.
A back-to-back converter station near the Alytus substation
During the second five-year period (2021–2025), expenditure will also be built. The link is being developed in two stages.
on new construction will constitute around 67 per cent, While the first phase has been implemented, the transfer
restricted mostly to the first two years of this period, that is, capacity will be increased to 1,000 MW by 2020 in Phase II. The
2021 and 2022. In the latter three years, the major focus will be majority of the investments were made in Poland at around
on the modernisation of the grid, which constitutes around 30 EUR430 million, half of which was funded by the European
per cent of the overall expenditure during this five-year period. Union (EU). Investments in Lithuania amounted to EUR150
million, of which EUR35 million was funded by EU funds.
In physical terms, PSE plans to add around 4,434 circuit km
of new transmission lines and 18,210 MVA of transformer In the long run (beyond 2030), Poland is planning to
capacity at 400 kV and 220 kV voltage levels. This excludes strengthen its cross-border interconnections with the first new
the TSO’s plans to decommission 220 kV lines aggregating HVDC link with Denmark (Bjæverskov [Denmark]–Dunowo
1,310 circuit km as well as transformers aggregating 3,375 MVA [Poland]). PSE is investing in augmenting and strengthening
(across 400 kV and 220 kV levels) during this period. Besides the transmission network in order to integrate new capacities
this, PSE has planned the modernisation of several circuit km as well as to ensure smooth cross-border energy exchanges.
of transmission lines (mostly at 220 kV level), as well as the
Given the transition phase of the sector’s energy mix, Poland
expansion and modernisation of several substations.
became a net importer during 2014 from traditionally being a
Some of the key internal projects include 400 kV lines such net exporter. During this phase, the country may continue to
as the 123-km ¯ydowo Kierzkowo–Gdañsk PrzyjaŸñ Line, the depend on external sources of power to meet its energy
174-km P¹tnów–Jasiniec–Grudzi¹dz Wêgrowo Line (both to demand. The greater integration of Poland’s grid with the grids
replace the existing 220 kV lines), the 61-km ¯ydowo Kierzkowo– of its neighbours is essential to ensure supply security as well
S³upsk Line, and the 83-km Pi³a Krzewina–Bydgoszcz Zachód as to build an effective internal energy market. Overall, there is
Line (both to support the country’s upcoming projects to significant activity taking place in the country’s electricity sector,
increase wind capacity). which is expected to continue over the next few years.
Mexico’s Power Sector Reforms (Contd...) The guidelines define and specify rules and procedures
for the administration and operation of the wholesale
competition. The new firms will include at least four generation electricity market in Mexico.
subsidiaries, and the allocation of power plants between these These guidelines are divided into 19 sections and cover
companies will be decided by the secretary. various aspects of the market’s structure and operation,
For power distribution, the secretary has recommended including the following:
the establishment of separate units for each of the 16 divisions • Requirement of registration and accreditation of market
served by CFE. For each company, CFE will act as a governing
participants in order to conduct transactions within the
body to ensure efficient management.
The horizontal separation will ensure that all of CFE’s
• Guarantees that market participants will be required to
generation and supply firms will have open access to the
provide to ensure the performance and fulfilment of their
national transmission and distribution grid, which is key to the
obligations pursuant to the guidelines
elimination of barriers to the construction of new power
stations and critical for attracting investment to the sector. In • Provisions for regulating access to the National Electric
this regard, the energy secretariat has announced strict terms System, as well as for the transfer of assets
for the legal separation of CFE. SENER has issued the terms
under which CFE should be organised for participation in the • Components of the short-term energy market, including
market and the electricity industry. general aspects of the offers for sale and purchase of
electricity, virtual offers, bilateral transactions, and offers
The resolution promotes open access and efficient from power plants, among others
operation of the electricity sector and the generation segment
subject to conditions of free competition. • Operation of the short-term energy market, including the
day-ahead market and the real-time market, and the rules
The resolution also establishes rules for the independent
controlling the coordination with the natural gas market
operation of all the companies to ensure healthy competition
in the market. In addition to this, the energy secretary has • Components and procedures for the operation of medium-
also started operating the short-term energy market in testing and long-term auctions
mode. From January 1, 2016, Centro Nacional de Control de
Energía (CENACE), or the National Center for Energy Control, • Rules governing surveillance of the market, which will be
has started receiving requests from parties interested in performed by an Independent Market Observer and a
participating in the market. Market Surveillance Unit
In January 2016, the short-term energy market will operate • Handling of breaches of contracts and resolution of
in test mode and CENACE will track its performance in order disputes, including the procedures for the suspension or
to authorise the permanent opening of this market by end- restriction of a market participant’s activities in the market.
2016. This market will help private generators and suppliers, Under the guidelines, the market will be operated by
and qualified users and dealers, to sell and buy electricity at CENACE, and market participants will be able to enter into
competitive prices, and thus will help in reducing costs and
agreements with CENACE to purchase and sell electric energy,
electricity tariffs.
related services, power, clean-energy certificates, and other
For the smooth functioning of the market, the energy relevant products.
secretary has also issued a resolution establishing the criteria
Participants may enter into these agreements as
and the timing of the entry of players in the energy market in
the short term. Mexico is also planning to launch its first ever generators, marketers, suppliers, non-supplier marketers, or
electricity transmission tender in early 2016, to offer 1,230 km qualified users. The implementation of market reforms will be
of lines to connect the Tehuantepec isthmus with the country’s accomplished in several phases by 2019. Some of CENACE’s
central region. obligations pursuant to the issuance of the guidelines are:
The energy ministry aims to add 25,000 km of transmission • Plan and control the operation of the National Electric
lines and to make investments of USD13.4 billion over the next System pursuant to the provisions of the guidelines, the
15 years. As per the arrangements, CFE will be able to form network code, and the operational provisions issued by
partnerships with private firms in order to procure the the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE)
necessary funds required for the expansion of the grid.
• Report any monopolistic practices among market
In November 2015, CENACE issued the first call for participants, any attempts by the participants to
participation in the auction of a long-term agreement for the manipulate the market, or any other condition that may
sale of power and energy certificates. The entire bidding evidence lack of competition
process is likely to end in March 2016.
• Inform the Independent Market Observer and the Market
Surveillance Unit if it detects any practices or actions that
Electricity market guidelines compromise the effectiveness of the market
In September 2015, Mexico’s Ministry of Energy (SENER) • Inform CRE about any adjustments or amendments to the
published the Electricity Market Guidelines in the Federal guidelines that are necessary to fulfil the objectives of the
Official Gazette. Electricity Industry Act.
The guidelines allow participants to purchase and sell market, thereby improving the quality of the service for the
energy and related products and services in two submarkets, benefit of the country and its consumers.
known as the real-time market and the day-ahead market.
These guidelines will, in turn, give rise to the creation of
The hour-ahead market will be available between 2017 and
rules and regulations containing procedures, manuals, and
processes that are essential to the operation of the market.
Pursuant to the guidelines, agreements [grants? contracts?
Is it acceptable to say that are agreements are awarded?] for
the purchase and sale of power and energy with a term of up Future
to three years shall be awarded to authorised market The Mexican government is taking several steps to encourage
participants through medium-term auctions. investment in the electricity sector. In addition to reforms in
Power and cumulative energy purchase and sale the power sector, the ministry of energy and the ministry of
agreements with a term of up to 15 years, as well as agrarian development have signed a collaboration agreement
agreements for the sale of clean-energy certificates with a to facilitate land-use negotiations for the oil and gas and
term of up to 20 years, shall be awarded via long-term auctions. electricity industries in order to speed up the construction of
Basic suppliers, qualified suppliers, last-recourse suppliers, energy projects.
and qualified users are the entities that are allowed to The agreement seeks to ensure a balanced agreement
participate in the auctions. between both sides in such negotiations and thus to widen
The guidelines also envisage a coordinated effort between cooperation to ensure the success of Mexico’s energy
the gas sector and the electricity sector, although market reform.Further, CFE has also confirmed an allocation of over
participants are not released from applicable penalties. More USD750 million to renovate its transmission and distribution
importantly, the guidelines lay the foundation for the purchase network. CFE specified that this initiative is targeted at
and sale of clean-energy certificates. removing illegal connections and at reducing electricity theft.
Participants will be able to sell clean-energy certificates at The company predicted a loss of MXN42 billion in 2015
any price, but CENACE will not allow any participant to make caused by these irregular activities. Between 2014 and 2015,
a sale offer that surpasses the actual number of certificates in CFE had awarded 11 contracts through its electricity loss
the possession of such a participant, pursuant to CRE’s records. reduction programme. It is planning further projects to
Currently, only CFE sells power to residential and commercial renovate its infrastructure.
users, and is the only buyer of energy from companies that With the adoption of new laws and initiatives, Mexico is
are issued the certificates. But in the future (under the new now looking to expand and strengthen its electricity
wholesale market structure), suppliers will be able to infrastructure. The move towards a more market-oriented
participate and serve consumers. electricity market is expected to create significant investment
The guidelines are a significant step forward in the opportunities for private players. However, Mexico will have
restructuring of Mexico’s energy sector, which is aimed at to make its regulatory system more autonomous to achieve a
creating an efficient, reliable, and competitive electricity more competitive energy sector.
Update on India’s Green Energy Corridors mainly in the states of Rajasthan and Punjab. ADB-funded
components are slated for completion by 2020.
energy intermittency and timing differences, POWERGRID has Green Energy Corridors-II
evolved a comprehensive scheme, Green Energy Corridors, In addition to the GEC-I project, the GEC-II project is planned
comprising measures for the strengthening of both intrastate by POWERGRID for grid integration of renewables by 2021–
and interstate transmission. Under this scheme, USD7 billion 22. In the first phase of the programme, transmission schemes
worth of investments need to be undertaken in a phased manner, for the ultra-mega solar power parks of about 22,000 MW
beginning under the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–17). Of the capacity scheduled to come up during the Thirteenth Plan
total investment, around USD3.6 billion needs to be spent on the (2017–22) period will be developed. These solar parks are part
development of the intrastate transmission network in the of the government’s plans for the addition of 100 GW solar
renewable energy-rich states and another USD3.4 billion of
capacity by 2022.
phased interstate investments need to be undertaken to enable
power flows across states over long distances. Each park will have a minimum capacity of at least 500
MW. A solar park is essentially a large chunk of land developed
for the setting up of a number of solar power projects wherein
Green Energy Corridors-I land that has statutory clearances will be made available to
Under the Green Energy Corridors (GEC)-I project, a total of solar power developers. This land will have in place common
17,000 circuit km and 34,600 MVA of substation capacity is infrastructural facilities such as water supply, transmission
envisaged. Of this, 13,600 circuit km and 16,650 MVA of lines, roads, drainage system, and communication network.
transformer capacity will be at the intrastate level and 3,400 While the details of the GEC-II project are still being
circuit km and 18,000 MVA of transformer capacity will be at formulated, the transmission schemes identified so far under
the interstate level. The entire interstate transmission portion the GEC-II project would cover ultra-mega solar power parks
under GEC-I will be set up by POWERGRID. The intrastate in 12 states.
transmission system, to be set up by the respective state
Of the 22,000 MW of capacity planned to be evacuated,
transmission utilities, involves strengthening schemes
the interstate transmission system will evacuate around 17,600
primarily comprising pooling stations at 132 kV, 220 kV, and 400
MW of capacity, while the balance capacity of 4,500 MW will
kV levels and associated transmission lines.
be evacuated through the intrastate networks. The 22,000 MW
As part of the interstate transmission system, a high-capacity includes a solar plant of 7,500 MW capacity that is planned to
transmission corridor connecting the major renewable-energy be set up at Leh/Kargil (in Jammu & Kashmir). Due to the high
pockets from Bhuj in Gujarat (Western Region) to Moga in Punjab cost of the transmission corridor associated with the project,
(Northern Region) via Chittorgarh/Ajmer/ Suratgarh in the government has, however, decided to go slow on it.
Rajasthan (Northern Region) and Tirunelveli and its
interconnection in Tamil Nadu (Southern Region) is proposed to As of August 2015, POWERGRID had awarded the contract
strengthen the existing interstate transmission network. The for one transmission line corridor in Andhra Pradesh and had
plan also entails setting up pooling stations at Bhuj, completed the tendering process for two others in Madhya
Banasakantha, Chittorgarh, Ajmer, Bikaner, and Tirunelveli, as Pradesh and Karnataka under GEC-II. POWERGRID had also
well as other control infrastructure and facilities for the announced plans to complete the tendering process for the
forecasting of renewable generation, balancing infrastructure, remaining six projects in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
dynamic compensation, Renewable Energy Management Pradesh, and Gujarat by end-2015.
Centres, and real-time monitoring under the project. With respect to the intrastate network, a 7,500 MW
In 2013, Germany’s KfW Bank committed to extending a transmission project in Ladakh and Kargil is yet to take off
loan of up to EUR1 billion for financing the GEC. KfW’s funds due to the high cost of the proposed transmission corridor,
will be made available in three tranches of EUR250 million, while works on the remaining 4,500 MW projects are in various
EUR500 million, and EUR250 million, respectively. So far, EUR825 stages of implementation by intrastate agencies.
million has already been committed by the KfW Bank for the
implementation of interstate and intrastate transmission
schemes under the GEC-I project. Around EUR750 million will
be mainly utilised for the creation of the Bhuj”Chittorgarh/ Renewable-energy sources are fast gaining prominence in
Ajmer/Suratgarh”Moga high- capacity corridor and for the India’s generation mix because of the various incentive
establishment of the Tirunelveli pooling substation and its programmes and policies launched by the central and state
interconnection in Tamil Nadu. Another EUR125 million will be governments. In the past, investments in transmission
allocated for the creation of intrastate networks in the states systems for renewable-energy integration have not kept pace
of Himachal Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Work on most of with the growth of renewable-energy capacity in the country,
the KfW-funded interstate transmission components is but now POWERGRID’s GEC project can help create an
underway, with completion slated for 2016–17. efficient interstate transmission infrastructure that can
address the intermittency and timing differences of renewable
More recently, in December 2015, the Asian Development
energy. When completed, the GEC project is expected to
Bank (ADB) also approved a USD500 million loan to implement
expand electricity access for the population, increase private
several components of the GEC-I project. The ADB aid will be
investment in renewable energy, and enhance energy security
used for the expansion of the GEC in the Northern Region,
in India.
project in 2017. In November 2015, the The project was announced by TDI- that the PUC grant the route permit for
Department of Energy (DoE) released NE in October 2013. It includes the the project with a few variations on
the draft environmental impact construction of 1,000 MW HVDC Minnesota Power’s proposed route.
statement (EIS) of the project. The (underwater and underground)
The project proposes to transport
Department is participating in the transmission line, which will deliver
hydroelectric power generated by
project through Southwestern Power clean, low-cost energy from Canada to
Canadian power utility Manitoba Hydro
Administration, which does not operate Ludlow, Vermont and the broader area
to regions of Minnesota and the upper
in Tennessee. As per the analysis of of New England.
Midwest in the United States. It will be
DoE, the environmental protection
Under the project, about 150 miles developed in two phases. Phase 1
measures that CLE has planned in the
(241 km) of line will be constructed from includes a 220 mile (354.2 km), 500 kV
region would avoid or minimise the
the US-Canadian border to Vermont. transmission line from the Canadian
potential environmental effects of the
About 100 miles (161 km) of transmission border to the Blackberry substation in
line will be buried under Lake Minnesota’s Iron Range, which will be
The proposed project will cross Champlain, with the balance buried constructed by Minnesota Power; and
three states—Oklahoma, Arkansas and underground along existing rights-of- Phase 2 entails the construction of a 50-
Tennessee. While approvals from way (RoW). The line will end at a 70 mile (80-113 km), 345 kV double-circuit
Oklahoma and Tennessee regulators converter station to be built in Ludlow, line between the Blackberry substation
have already been received, Arkansas Vermont, and interconnect with and the Arrowhead substation near
Public Service Commission (PSC) Vermont Electric Power Company’s Hermantown in Duluth in Minnesota,
rejected the proposal in 2011, as the line (VELCO) transmission system. which will be constructed by Minnesota
did not serve any load in the state and Power and ATC. The latter two will also
The USD1.2 billion project will be
again raised concerns regarding the work together to study other
financed by the developer entirely and
availability of eminent domain rights to transmission upgrades in Wisconsin to
will not cost the ratepayers anything.
CLE for the project. facilitate the transfer of renewable
energy in the region.
The USD2 billion project aims to
deliver up to 3,500 MW of low-cost wind An update on Great Northern power In November 2015, ALLETE received
power from the Oklahoma Panhandle project the final EIS from the US DoE and
region to Tennessee, Arkansas and ALLETE, the parent company of the Minnesota Department of
other markets in the mid-south and Minnesota Power, has received Commerce (MDC) for the project, which
southeast United States. To evacuate approval from FERC on its request for followed a certificate of need from the
wind energy, PECL, CLE’s subsidiary a pair of incentive rate treatments for PUC. Manitoba Hydro is in the process
responsible for implementing the the Great Northern Transmission Line, of securing a license for the Manitoba
project, plans to build a 750 mile a proposed 500 kV project that the portion of the line, and Minnesota Power
(1,207.5km), ±600 kV HVDC line. The plan former is considering building in is awaiting DoE action on its application
also entails setting up a converter partnership with Manitoba Hydro. for a Presidential Permit. The US
station in Shelby County, where it will Department of Defense (DoD) and
connect with the Tennessee Valley FERC’s December 17 order the US Department of State (DoS) have
Authority (TVA) transmission system. approved ALLETE’s October 19 advised DoE that they have no
application to allow recovery of 100 per objections to the issuance of a
The line is expected to enable the cent of the construction work in progress Presidential Permit for the project.
development of renewable energy (CWIP) costs and all prudently incurred
projects involving investments of more costs if the project is abandoned due to In its application with the PUC,
than USD7 billion, that otherwise could factors beyond ALLETE’s control. Minnesota Power has mentioned that
not have been built due to the the Great Northern project is expected
limitations of the existing electric As per FERC, allowing recovery of to cost between USD495.5 million and
transmission grid. CWIP expenses will provide ALLETE USD647.7 million, based on proposed
with a steady cash flow during routes and segment options.
construction, relieve downward
Vermont PSC approves New England pressure on its credit rating, and protect In the recommendation, Minnesota
Clean Power Link project Minnesota Power customers from rate Power has proposed two routes – a Blue
shock that would come from the Route and an Orange Route – each of
The PSC of Vermont has approved the which would begin at the US-Canada
traditional Allowance for Funds Used
New England Clean Power Link project, border crossing near Roseau,
During Construction (AFUDC) process.
which has been proposed by TDI New Minnesota and continue south to Grand
England (TDI-NE). The developer filed In addition, an administrative law Rapids, Minnesota, with a few
its application with the State PSC for the judge (ALJ) with the Minnesota Public variations in between.
construction of the project in December Utilities Commission (PUC) has ruled on
2014. As per estimates of the company, January 4, 2016 that Minnesota The factors that favour the Blue
over its 40-year life, the project will Power satisfied the criteria for the Route are that the Orange Route would
create approximately USD1.5 billion of issuance of a route permit for the cross a larger portion of wildlife
total economic benefits to the state and Minnesota portion of the Great management areas and the Blue Route
its residents. The project is yet to Northern Transmission Line. Supporting parallels existing corridors for a greater
receive federal approval. this, the ALJ has also recommended distance than the Orange Route.
ATCO energises EATL project between the Surry switching station in to the Iowa border, along with a new
Surry County to the new Skiffes Creek substation at Kirksville. Recently, the
ATCO Electric has energised the Eastern switching station in James City County. company had announced its preferred
Alberta Transmission Line (EATL) This segment will also include the 3.5 route for the project. As per the
project in Alberta. Construction of the mile (5.6 km) overhead line on James finalised route, the line will connect the
485 km transmission line was completed River. The company has also proposed proposed new Zachary substation in
in February 2015 and reclamation along a 20.7 mile (33.3 km), 230 kV line from Kirksville to the existing Adair
the line was completed in November. the Skiffes Creek switching station to substation. Ameren has chosen the
Approved by the Alberta Utilities the Whealton substation in Hampton route that runs primarily east of
Commission (AUC) in November 2012, Highway 63, as it is likely to have lesser
construction on the USD1.8 billion impact on people.
Texas PUC approves Houston Region
project, which includes a 500 kV DC line In addition, the company has also
and two converter stations, began in Import Capacity Project
shortlisted another route for the project.
December 2012. The EATL project is one The members of PUC of Texas have Both the potential routes cross through
of the largest transmission projects in approved Houston Region Import Kirksville City. As per company officials,
Alberta and will reinforce Alberta’s Capacity Project and its route. A final the project is necessary to ensure
electrical grid to meet increased order authorising construction is stability of the power grid in future, in
demand in a cost-effective manner. expected by mid-January. addition to helping the state meet clean
This marks the completion of North- The project is a 130 mile (209.3 km), emissions standards.
South Transmission Reinforcement, 345 kV transmission line that will run
under which last week AltaLink also from Harris County to Limestone MISO rejects three power transmission
energised the Western Alberta County. This will constitute the southern
Transmission Line (WATL) project. projects
portion of a larger project—Brazos
Under this, the company constructed a Valley Connection. The northern portion The Midcontinent Independent System
500 kV, 347 km line between the Genesee of the transmission line will be Operator Inc. (MISO) has rejected three
and Langdon areas. The project also has constructed by Cross Texas power transmission projects, which as
two converter stations, one each at Transmission, and will run from Grimes per the MISO-SPP Coordinated System
Langdon and Genesee, built to convert to Limestone County. Plan was expected to benefit power
power from AC to DC. network of MISO and Southwest Power
In April 2014, the Board of Directors
The WATL project was operational Pool Inc. (SPP).
of Electric Reliability Council of Texas
at testing mode since November 2015, (ERCOT) approved the project. As per The one project that received SPP
and will help in improving the reliability ERCOT’s analysis, considering the rising board approval was the rebuild of an 11
and efficiency of the provincial power demand, especially from the mile (17.71 km), 138 kV line in
interconnected electric system by petrochemical manufacturing industry northwestern Louisiana called South
adding 1,000 MW of capacity. An in the region, additional power Shreveport to Wallace Lake, which
additional benefit is that the capacity transmission capacity will be required would alleviate congestion on a nearby
can be increased to 4,000 MW in the in the Houston region by 2018. flowgate. The benefit-to-cost ratio for
future without the need to build more SPP was calculated at 11.86, according
towers and impact more land. The developer has scheduled the
to SPP’s assessment, and the SPP board
completion of the project in 2018.
approved the project in October 2015.
Dominion Virginia seeks extension of The second project was the addition
construction deadline for Surry–Skiffes Missouri PSC postpones public hearings of a new series reactor on the 115 kV
Creek project for Mark Twain Transmission Project Alto-Swartz line in north-central
The Missouri PSC has postponed the Louisiana, part of the Entergy
Dominion Virginia Power has submitted Corporation system. It would relieve
public meetings scheduled for Mark
its application with Virginia State congestion on a nearby flowgate, with
Twain Transmission Project, while
Corporation Commission (SCC) to the bulk of benefits going to MISO.
accepting the petition filed by a society
extend the completion date of Surry– Engineering and construction costs
named Neighbors United against
Skiffes Creek transmission project. As were estimated at USD5.3 million.
Ameren’s Power Line. The meetings,
per the application, the developer is
which were scheduled for December 2015, The largest of the three interregional
requesting an extension of 20 months
will now be held during January 2016. projects considered was a 78 mile (125.58
from the date of receiving the
construction permit from the US Army km), 345 kV line running north from the
Ameren Transmission Company of
Elm Creek substation currently under
Corps of Engineers. In February 2014, Illinois (ATXI) filed its application with
construction near Concordia, to a new
the SCC approved the in-service date the State PSC in February 2015 to
of the project on December 31, 2015. But substation on an existing 345 kV line in
receive the CPCN for constructing the
delay in receiving approval from US Nebraska. It would be an extension of the
line in Marion County and an associated
Army Corps of Engineers is hindering Summit-Elm Creek 345 kV line in Kansas,
switching station near Palmyra.
due to be completed this year, being built
the implementation of the project.
The project entails building a 345 kV, in part by Westar Energy Inc., together
The project entails building a 7.4 mile 100 mile (161 km) line between Palmyra with Mid-Kansas Electric Company LLC
(12 km), 500 kV transmission line and Kirksville, and then from the latter and ITC Holdings Corporation.
Members of NY PSC approve first round Northwest and other energy markets. PG&E holds public meetings for Northern
of transmission network replacement Under this, a new substation adjacent to San Joaquin Power Connect project
plan Western’s existing O’Banion substation
south of Yuba City, and a line to connect Pacific Gas and Electric Company
The members of New York State PSC this new substation to the existing (PG&E) has held public meetings for its
have voted in favour of the first round California-Oregon Transmission Project Northern San Joaquin Power Connect
of power transmission network (COTP) transmission line northwest of project.
replacement plan, which will now Arbuckle, will be constructed. The proposed project will bring new
advance to a competitive process transmission sources to the northern
managed by the New York Independent A notice of intent to prepare an
environmental impact statement has area of San Joaquin County and will
System Operator (NYISO). serve more than 50,000 households and
been published to initiate a 60-day public
The first round of replacement does scoping period under the National businesses in the Stockton, Lodi,
not include the planned work in the Environmental Policy Act. Lockeford, Victor, Acampo and
Auburn area. The approved initiative Thornton communities.
includes replacement and upgrading of SMUD will serve as the lead agency
preparing the concurrent environmental The proposed project consists of the
existing lines within existing RoW, and
impact review under the California construction of new 230 kV high-
adding new substation facilities at
Environmental Quality Act. SMUD is capacity transmission lines to connect
several locations, which will reduce or
currently studying two routes for the PG&E’s existing Lockeford substation
eliminate adverse environmental,
project and a segment alternative for the that is east of Lodi, and the 8 Mile
landowner, and economic impacts. The
CoSu Line in Colusa and Sutter counties. substation that is just north of Stockton,
proposed project provides USD1.20 in
to the Lodi Electric Utility’s Industrial
benefits for every dollar that it costs. The Northern Corridor Study Area substation in Lodi; as well as upgrades
The state-of-the-art improvements is likely to be 44 miles (70.84 km) long to these substations.
proposed for 156 miles (251 km) of high- and would be constructed adjacent to
The developer is planning to submit
voltage transmission lines, Western’s existing 230 kV Olinda-
its application with California Public
representing the backbone of the state’s O’Banion and Keswick-O’Banion
Utilities Commission (CPUC) by late-
electric transmission system running double-circuit transmission lines.
2017 or early-2018.
west to east and north to south. This will The Southern Corridor Study Area
help in reducing grid congestion and
is likely to be 27 miles (43.47 km) long
adding additional power production
and would connect to the existing COTP JCP&L hosts public meeting for Montville-
from lower-cost renewable energy Whippany Transmission Reinforcement
transmission line system approximately
projects in upstate New York to flow to Project
eight miles (12.88 km) northwest of
downstate customers.
Arbuckle in Colusa County, and continue Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L),
east towards Western’s existing a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corporation,
WAPA and SMUD study environmental O’Banion substation in Sutter County. hosted a public meeting for the
effects of CoSu Line Project Following this route, two new Montville-Whippany Transmission
substations would be built – one Reinforcement Project in Montville, New
Western Area Power Administration adjacent to the existing COTP Jersey on December 8, 2015.
(WAPA) and the Sacramento Municipal transmission line northwest of Arbuckle
Utility District (SMUD) are studying the and another adjacent to the O’Banion This project involves construction of
environmental effects to construct and substation. a 7 mile (11.27 km), 230 kV line in Morris
operate a 500 kV transmission line in County through parts of East Hanover,
Colusa and Sutter counties in California. The Segment 1 Alternative Study Parsippany and Montville, to enhance
Public meetings had been planned for Area is approximately nine miles (14.149 service reliability, add redundancy to
January 12, 13 and 14, 2016, in Colusa km) long and would provide an JCP&L’s system, and meet the growing
and Sutter counties. alternate north-to-south route for the demand for electricity in the region.
Northern Corridor Study Area. It would
The proposed Colusa-Sutter be located immediately west of the The project is part of the ‘Energizing
Transmission Line (CoSu Line) would existing O’Banion substation. the Future’ initiative of FirstEnergy.
enhance the reliability of the electrical
grid in Northern California by providing Instead of following Western’s
a new connection to the existing existing 230 kV Olinda-O’Banion and SCC Virginia to host public meetings for
California-Oregon Transmission Project Keswick-O’Banion double-circuit Haymarket 230 kV Line and Substation
line in Colusa County, California. transmission lines to the O’Banion Project
substation, this segment would extend
The proposed line would link to a The State Corporation Commission
south, at a location approximately 30 (SCC) of Virginia has scheduled public
new substation near the existing
miles (48.3 km) from the Maxwell Series meetings in February and March 2016
O’Banion substation in neighbouring
Compensation substation, and then for the Haymarket 230 kV Line and
Sutter County.
continue east to connect to the O’Banion Substation Project proposed by
The project would increase SMUD’s substation. The new segment would also Dominion Virginia Power. The proposed
ability to deliver clean power to the be located further away from the Sutter project will support the rapid and
Sacramento area from the Pacific National Wildlife Refuge. continued commercial growth,
particularly in the high-tech sector, in The project includes construction of The Electricity Reliability Council of
Haymarket and western Prince William a new 25 mile (40.25 km), 138 kV Texas (ERCOT) is supporting the
County. This will also strengthen electric transmission line stretching from the project. The developer is likely to
reliability for the local area by providing existing North Lake Geneva substation present its route recommendation for
a new source of power in the heart of in southern Walworth County to the the project in 2016.
the growth area. Under the project, the existing Spring Valley substation in
developer has proposed to build a new western Kenosha County.
substation west of Haymarket town and BLM seeks comments on EA of King to
The project also includes the Wood River 138 kV transmission line
an approximately 5.1 mile (8.2 km), 230
building of a new substation near Twin rebuild project
kV line to connect existing transmission
Lakes, a new 69 kV transmission line to
line facilities and the new substation.
connect the new substation to the The Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The company is scheduled to start existing substation in Twin Lakes, and has announced the availability of the
construction works of the project in 2016 rebuilding of an existing 69 kV environment assessment (EA) report of
and finish it in 2018. transmission line from the Katzenberg the King to Wood River 138 kV
substation to the Twin Lakes substation, transmission line rebuild project for
along with other maintenance works in public comments. The Bureau will seek
Columbia Water and Light Department to the area. The project is scheduled to be comments till January 19, 2016.
hold public meeting for Columbia completed by mid-2019.
The North Valley project has been
Electric project
ATC presented two routes of the line proposed by Idaho Power, from Hailey
Columbia Water and Light Department to the Wisconsin PSC. One route starts to Ketchum under its Wood River
is considering an alternative route for at the Spring Valley substation near Electrical Plan 2007.
Columbia Electric Transmission Line Highway C and 98th Street in Salem and
Under this, the company has
Project, despite rising opposition. This travels north to Paddock Lake, proceeds
planned to construct a 12 mile (19.32 km),
is a multi-phase project, which includes west along Highway K, then continues
138 kV power line between Wood River
construction of transmission lines and south along the western border of Twin
Transmission station and Ketchum
a substation. The transmission line Lakes, before eventually turning west
substation to improve the reliability to
project has been in the planning stages and north towards Lake Geneva. The
the north end of the Valley.
since 2007. So far, the city has spent estimated construction cost of this route
USD7 million on planning and buying is USD95 million. The new line would run in place of
equipment for adding the transmission existing overhead distribution power
lines and a new substation to the South The other route starts west from the
lines along Buttercup Road and the
Side. The department will hold a public Spring Valley substation, then heads
highway. It will provide a backup when
meeting on January 19, 2016. north along Highway 83 to about
the existing power line fails due to
Highway AH, jogs a little west and works
weather or technical problems.
Under this project, the company has its way north to Highway 50, where it
proposed to construct 8 miles (12.88 km) largely leads to Lake Geneva. The
of 161 kV transmission line in the estimated construction cost of this route Xcel Energy energises two 115 kV
southern area of Columbia along Scott is USD80 million. transmission projects under Power for
Boulevard, Nifong Boulevard and the Plains initiative
Grindstone Parkway. Along with this, the
company will also place the entire LCRA plans Leander–Round Rock line Xcel Energy has energised two 115 kV
distribution line underground. The entire route through Round Rock and Leander projects under its USD1.6 billion-worth
project is anticipated to become Power for the Plains initiative, which
Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA)
operational by 2017. aims to strengthen the power network
is planning to pass Leander–Round Rock
of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Transmission Line through west Round
Board of Salem Town rejects route for Rock and east Leander, and is thus The Battle Axe–Roadrunner 115 kV
Spring Valley–North Lake Geneva encouraging local residents to transmission line project has been
participate in the route selection completed with an estimated cost of
project process of the project. Under the about USD14 million in New Mexico.
The Board of Salem Town has approved project, LCRA has proposed to build a
new 138 kV transmission line in south- Under this, Xcel Energy has
a resolution to reject the route proposed
by American Transmission Company western Williamson County. energised approximately 19 miles (30.59
(ATC) through the town, for the Spring km) of 115 kV transmission line between
The project consists of a 12.6 mile the Roadrunner substation located
Valley–North Lake Geneva project. (20.3 km) line to connect the new Parmer about 45 miles (72.45 km) southeast of
The Board has further requested substation to the existing Leander and Carlsbad to the new Battle Axe
that the Wisconsin PSC should mandate Round Rock substations, construction of substation located about 38 miles (61.18
ATC to reconsider and resubmit its the 138 kV Parmer substation, addition km) southeast of Carlsbad. The project
application with the commission. The of terminal equipment at the Leander also included the construction of the
Board has expressed its concerns and Round Rock substations for the new Battle Axe substation.
regarding the likely negative impact of transmission line, and upgradation of
the line on the health of the local the 138 kV bus at the Leander Xcel Energy has also energised the
residents. substation. Ochiltree–Cole 115 kV project
consisting of approximately 17 miles Federal bankruptcy judge supports EFH’s This is part of the bankruptcy solution
(27.37 km) of transmission line in restructuring plan offered by Hunt Consolidation to EFH
Ochiltree County, Texas and Beaver in August 2015.
County, Oklahoma. Reportedly, a federal bankruptcy judge
has agreed to approve the Energy
The transmission line is being rebuilt Future Holdings (EFH) restructuring ATC hosts public meeting for Spring
between the Ochiltree substation plan. The approval is subject to some Valley-North Lake Geneva Electric
northwest of Perryton, Texas and the conditions, including approval from PUC Reliability Project
Cole substation about 9 miles (15 km) for the sale of Oncor, subsidiary of EFH,
west of Balko, Oklahoma. to Hunt Consolidated, Inc. The American Transmission Company
(ATC) hosted a public meeting in
The project will help to improve In September 2015, Hunt December 2015 for its Spring Valley-
network reliability and increase load Consolidated, Inc. and Oncor Electric North Lake Geneva Electric Reliability
growth capacity in the area, and has jointly submit their application with Project in western Kenosha County. The
cost about USD12 million to Xcel Texas PUC for the sale of the EFH company discussed two routes for the
Energy. current ownership stake in Oncor, as project with the local residents.
part of EFH’s ongoing bankruptcy
proceedings, to Hunt Consolidation. Presently, the company is seeking
Idaho Power to rebuild aging approval from PSC of Wisconsin for the
transmission line in Wood River Valley If approved, Hunt and its construction of new and upgrade of
consortium of investors would acquire existing lines and facilities along a 25
Idaho Power Company is planning to EFH’s current stake in Oncor and mile (40.25 km) stretch from Bristol to
rebuild an aging transmission line that restructure it into a Real Estate Lake Geneva in the state.
supplies electricity to Wood River Investment Trust (REIT), and Hunt
Valley, which is one of two lines that would assume full operational control Under the USD72-91 million project,
serve the latter. of Oncor by mid-2016. ATC has proposed to construct a new
138 kV line to connect the Spring Valley
The line, built in 1962, extends from First, Hunt and its consortium of substation with the North Lake Geneva
Idaho Power ’s King substation, investors would acquire EFH’s 80 per substation, a new 69 kV substation
southwest of Gooding, to the Wood cent stake in Oncor and restructure it (either along Highway 50 in the Town of
River substation north of Hailey. into an asset company, which would be Wheatland or at an existing substation
The 59-mile-long (94.99 km) line a subsidiary of a REIT, currently known site called Richmond Road in the Town
crosses 28.5 miles (45.86 km) of public as Ovation Acquisition I, L.L.C. of Randall) and a new 69 kV line to
land managed by the BLM. (Ovation). connect the new 69 kV substation to the
This asset company would continue existing Twin Lakes substation in Twin
The developer has submitted its Lakes. The project will help meet the
application for the renewal of RoW to own the physical transmission and
distribution assets currently owned by growing electricity demand in southern
across this land with BLM. Walworth and western Kenosha
Oncor, including substations,
According to Idaho Power, the transmission and distribution towers counties in Wisconsin.
USD34 million rebuild is necessary due and poles, wire conductors, and other The project is scheduled to come
to the age of the structures and the assorted components and equipment. online in 2019.
inadequate older conductor (wires). The
The newly restructured asset
line is facing outage issues.
company would be owned by the Route for Elkhorn River Valley
Idaho Power stated that installing consortium of investors and managed Transmission Project finalised
new conductor at the same voltage will by Hunt.
allow for higher capacity on the line and The final route for the Elkhorn River
Second, a new operating company Valley Transmission Project has been
thereby will be able to meet the power
needs of the valley in case the Midpoint- would be created and would keep the finalised through Washington and
to-Wood-River line experiences an Oncor name, with its headquarters Dodge counties. Omaha Public Power
outage. remaining in Oncor’s existing office in District (OPPD) and Fremont
Dallas, Texas. It would be responsible Department of Utilities are developing
The existing wooden H-frame for the day-to-day operation, the project.
structures are not strong enough to maintenance, and construction of
accommodate the new conductor, and Oncor’s existing system. The project consists of a 161 kV
will need to be replaced with weathering transmission line to be built between
Oncor ’s existing management OPPD’s existing substation 1226 (located
steel ones.
team, its employees, and operating near Hwy 91 and County Road 27) west
The BLM has released the assets would transfer to this operating of Blair, Nebraska and existing
environmental assessment (EA) for the company, which would be owned and substation 991 (located on U Boulevard
project, which states that the project is controlled by the Hunt family through and S. County Road 26) east of Fremont,
likely to have little impact on the Shary Holdings, L.L.C., the same entity Nebraska. A new 69 kV line will also be
environment. The public comment that owns Sharyland Utilities (the Hunt built between substation 991 and
period on the EA ends on January 19, family’s other regulated electric utility Fremont Department of Utilities’
2016. in Texas). existing substation B (located on North
Luther Road and US 30) in Northeast substations. The route is proposed The rest will be split between the
Fremont. along Southeast 16th Street, 148th substations in Gaviota, Isla Vista and
Avenue Northeast and Northeast Eighth Ortega in Summerland.
As per estimates of the developers,
Street, causing contention in the Lake
the project is needed to improve the
Hills neighbourhood due to the need to
reliability of power networks of the
remove nearly 300 mature trees. PSE Alaskan utilities to set up joint electric
region and will also help in augmenting transmission company
has agreed to pay the city USD856,000
renewable energy generation in their
to replace the trees and add more Alaskan utilities, working in conjunction
service territories. This project is
landscaping, with a five-year monitoring with American Transmission Company
included under the regional plan of
plan. (ATC), are likely to seek state regulators’
Southwest Power Pool (SPP).
approval in the third quarter of 2016 for
Virginia SCC mandates seeking approval a new joint electric transmission
Texas PUC postpones public hearing for company.
for 115 kV line of Dominion Virginia
Stonebrook Transmission project
Six Alaskan utilities filed a report
The State Corporation Commission
Texas PUC has postponed the public with the Regulatory Commission of
(SCC) of Virginia has ruled that
meeting for Stonebrook Transmission Alaska (RCA) on September 30 on their
Dominion Virginia Power is required to
Line project from December 17, 2015 to voluntary efforts to develop a business
seek approval from the former before
February 11, 2016. model for a transco for the area of the
constructing the Norris Bridge 115 kV
state known as the Railbelt.
Under the project, the company has Transmission Line Rebuild and
proposed to build a 2.7-4.1 mile (4.4-6.6 Relocation Project. Under this, the line ATC is also working with the utilities
km), 138 kV transmission line in Frisco will be built across the Rappahannock on their effort. A status report had been
City. The line is proposed to run from a River and between Lancaster and expected by the end of the year, and
new substation located east of Middlesex counties. was filed with the regulatory agency on
Lewisville Lake to an existing line December 22.
The SCC found that the proposed
located mostly along Legacy Drive just
line is not an ordinary extension or The report noted that since 1998, the
west of Dallas North Tollway. The
improvement in the usual course of state has sponsored eight studies of the
transmission line will require about 70
business. Thus its approval is required. Railbelt region’s electric system. Utilities
feet of RoW and has been proposed to
serving the area currently share limited
enhance the power network capacity of The proposed 1.9 mile (3 km)
interconnections, and according to
its subsidiary CoServ. transmission line rebuilding project
them, opportunity may exist to reduce
would be Dominion’s longest 115 kV
congestion and improve reliability in an
river crossing project in Virginia, with
King County Judge rules in favour of EBCC 10 steel H-frame structures ranging
economical manner.
for Lake Hills-Phantom Lake Project from 102 to 173 feet tall, and would have According to a timeline in the report,
The King County Superior Court Judge certain attributes related to a higher the design of a business model for the
has affirmed that the East Bellevue voltage line. The proposed project also transco, called the Alaska Railbelt
Community Council (EBCC) has the requires new RoW. Transco, (ART), should be finished in the
right to make decisions regarding a second or third quarter of 2016.
land-use permit for the 115 kV Lake SCE prepares emergency restoration Individual decisions about
Hills-Phantom Lake Transmission Line participation should be made in that
Project proposed by Puget Sound same timeframe. Those decisions are
Energy (PSE). The City of Bellevue has Southern California Edison (SCE) is necessary before the utilities can apply
given its approval for the project, but preparing an emergency restoration to the RCA for a certificate of public
the EBCC is still to announce its final plan in case of losing power as a result convenience and necessity to establish
decision. In June 2015, the EBCC of the upcoming El Nino storm season. the transco. The new entity is projected
cancelled its Conditional Use Permits to be operational in the second quarter
Nearly 50 industrial generators are
(CUP) for the Project in line with the of 2017.
coming to the area, each putting out 2
several legal documents submitted by
MW of power. The fleet will serve as Participating utilities are: Anchorage
local residents against the construction
backup power from Gaviota, south to Municipal Light & Power; Chugach
of the transmission project. The council
Rincon, if needed. Electric Association Inc.; Golden Valley
had awarded the CUP to the project in
May 2015 by the council. According to the company, Santa Electric Association Inc.; Homer Electric
Barbara County has a demand of 250 Association Inc.; Matanuska Electric
Under the project, the developer Association Inc. and the city of Seward
MW. If this emergency plan is needed,
has proposed to construct a loop Electric System. Each will decide on its
the CAT mobile generators will provide
between the Lake Hills and Phantom own whether to participate in the
roughly 50 MW of power, existing 66 kV
Lake substations so that each transco.
lines will operate at their emergency
substation will be connected to two
limit of 150 MW, and the Ellwood plant By net system investment, Chugach
transmission lines.
would generate another 50 MW. The is by far the largest of the six participants,
PSE’s project would run along a 2.89 bulk of the generators will be installed with 41.9 per cent of the utilities’
mile (4.65 km) route to connect the two at the Goleta substation off Glenn Annie. investment. By peak demand, however,
Chugach and Golden Valley have about The government had planned to or annual permitted revenue limit for
the same shares, 25.4 per cent and 25.7 raise about BRL30 billion from the project at BRL701 million for the
per cent respectively, with the Anchorage transmission projects sold throughout project.
utility with 22.2 per cent share. By energy 2016, up from the BRL15 billion raised in
usage, Golden Valley is the largest of the 2015.
six, at 26.5 per cent share.
Abengoa’s financial crisis affects
Altalink energises WATL project development of Belo Monte
Brazilian Copel to invest BRL3.15 billion transmission project
Altalink has energised Western Alberta in power network
Transmission Line (WATL) project, which A bankruptcy application filed by
The board of Brazil’s Paraná-state Spanish-firm Abengoa has halted the
is a part of the bigger North–South
power utility Companhia Paranaense development of power transmission
Transmission Reinforcement Project.
de Energia (Copel) has approved network associated with Belo Monte
Under this, the company has investments of BRL3.15 billion for next Hydro Power project.
constructed a 500 kV, 347 km line between year.
the Genesee and Langdon areas. The company won the concession
Of this amount, generation and for developing the associated lines in
The project also has two converter transmission projects will receive December 2012. As per the contract it is
stations, one each at Langdon and BRL1.70 billion investment and BRL570 liable to construct Miracema–Gilbués II
Genesee, built to convert power from million will be pumped into the (500 kV, 410 km), Gilbués II– Barreiras II
AC to DC. distribution segment. The remainder (500 kV, 289 km), Barreiras II–Bom Jesus
will be divided among the company’s da Lapa II (500 kV, 221 km), Bom Jesus
The line has been operational at
subsidiaries. da Lapa II–Ibicoara (500 kV, 232 km),
testing mode since November 2015, and
will help in improving the reliability and Copel expects its installed wind and Ibicoara–Sapeaçu (500 kV, 254 km)
efficiency of the provincial capacity to reach 664 MW by 2019, up lines. But due to its financial situation,
interconnected electric system by from 332 MW today. the company has halted the work on
adding 1,000 MW of capacity. the project.
An additional benefit is that the The Belo Monte hydro complex is
capacity can be increased to 4,000 MW expected to start generating power in
in the future without the need to build Brazilian Ibama approves HVDC line March 2016.
more towers and impact more land. corresponding to Belo Monte HPP project Between April and December 2016,
The Brazilian environment regulator five additional turbines with 611.1 MW
Ibama has approved an installation of capacity each are scheduled to begin
LATIN AMERICA licence for one of the transmission lines operating, but not all of the capacity is
likely to be delivered to the grid right
of the Belo Monte Hydro project. .
away because of delays in transmission
Brazilian MME to revise transmission The 11.2 GW Belo Monte power line construction.
auction plans for 2016 complex will be located on Xingu River
in the northern state of Pará. To The Brazil’s government is in talks
Reportedly, the Brazilian Ministry of evacuate power from the HPP, a 2,140- with several foreign companies
Mines and Energy (MME) has revised km long, ±800 kV high voltage direct interested in taking over construction
its plans for the auction of energy current (HVDC) line from the Xingu work of new power transmission lines
transmission projects in 2016 based on substation to the Estreito substation in left incomplete by struggling Spanish
the current economic situation, and the Minas Gerais state is being planned. conglomerate Abengoa.
weak result of auctions held in 2015.
The project also includes the The MME of Brazil is soon planning
Previously the government had construction of the 500 kV/±800 kV Xingu to restart the construction works of
announced plans to hold just one and Estreito substations. The line is power transmission network associated
energy transmission auction with likely to start operating by early 2018. with Belo Monte Hydro Power project.
estimated investment of BRL14 billion, Brazilian energy regulator Agencia
but now the government taskforce is The project was awarded in June Nacional de Energia Eletrica (ANEEL) is
currently revising these plans in order 2014 to the IE Belo Monte consortium under discussion with Abengoa to find
to separate projects into lots based on comprising Furnas Central Electric SA a way to resume the development
priority and size, and is focusing on (Furnas) (24.5 per cent), Centrais works of the project.
those projects that are vital for the Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S.A
country and also those that would allow (Eletronorte) (24.5 per cent) and State
for the participation of smaller Grid Corporation of Chine (SGCC) (51 Funai approves 500 kV Lechuga–
investors. per cent). Equador–Boa Vista project
The rate of return for the projects is The consortium offered a bid of Fundação Nacional do Índio or National
unlikely to be altered. However, as per BRL434.65 million, representing a Indian Foundation (Funai), an
MME a 17 per cent rate is adequate for discount of about 38 per cent. ANEEL indigenous communities agency in
the current situation. set the Receita Anual Permitida (RAP) Brazil, has given its approval
to environmental agency Ibama for Electricity will be delivered to Brazil consultancy contract under Ecuador ’s
the construction of the transmission via the Rivera-Santana do Livramento national transmission system
line between Manaus, Amazonas, and transmission link, which allows the reinforcement programme.
Boa Vista, Roraima. countries to share 70 MW of generating
The winner will also conduct a social
Transnorte Energia, a joint venture participation process to inform the
between Brazilian energy firms Alupar No timeframe was given for the public that may be affected and gather
and Eletronorte, is developing the imports, which will be secured by state- their opinions.
project. run utility Eletrobras via weekly spot-
Ecuadoran authorities recently
market purchases.
The JV was formed to construct the signed a contract with Leme Engenharia
400 km, 500 kV Lechuga–Equador and to complete the final project studies.
315 km, 500 kV Equador–Boa Vista Red Electrica Internacional SAU wins Peruvian grid operator COES’s 2015-
transmission lines project, along with transmission concession in Peru 24 transmission plan highlights
the 500 kV Equador and 500/230 kV Bora
Red Electrica Internacional SAU complementary hydrological advantages
Vista substations.
company has won a concession contract of the 500 kV interconnection because of
The JV filed its application with for the Montalvo–Los Heroes 220 kV construction of large-scale hydroelectric
Brazilian energy regulator ANEEL to transmission line in Peru. plants in Ecuador and the existence of
abandon the project due to delay in important hydro projects in Peru.
receiving preliminary licence for the The award of the concession
projects for the past three years. contract includes the construction of the
new 220 kV, 129 km line and the Chile’s environment regulator approves
Ibama is now expected to issue the enlargement of the Montalvo and Los 500 kV line
licence in the coming days, with work Heroes substations. The project will
able to begin after Transnorte Energia Chile’s environment regulator has
enable electricity supply in the area of
obtains the installation licence. approved a new 753 km power line,
Tacna in the south of Peru.
which will help in opening up huge
The company, however, has called Red Electrica will be responsible for potential for solar and wind energy
for the value of the contract to be the design, financing, construction, generation in northern Chile.
renegotiated, as it has already spent operation and maintenance of the
BRL250 million on the project. The 500 kV double-circuit line will run
facilities for a period of 30 years, in
from the city of Copiapo to the capital
(BRL1=USD0.25) addition to a construction period of 33
Santiago and will double transmission
months. The investment in this project,
capacity between the north’s Atacama
whose commissioning is scheduled for
Roraima state to be connected to Desert and coasts, and the load centres
2019, is estimated at USD40 million.
in central Chile.
national grid of Brazil in three years
This project, which is part of the
The USD1 billion project is being
Brazilian government has announced international expansion plans of the
developed by Colombian infrastructure
that the state of Roraima will be Red Electrica Group, strengthens the
Group ISA and is expected to be
connected to the national energy transmission system in the area of Peru
completed in late 2017.
system within the next three years. near the border with Chile, which is an
important step for the future Currently, a single 500 kV line links
A 721.4 km transmission line crossing interconnection of the electricity the northern end of Chile’s central grid
the states of Roraima and Amazonas systems of both countries. with the rest of the country.
will be built by the Transnorte
consortium, formed of Alupar and Work is already underway on a line
Eletronorte. Environmental permitting process to to link Copiapo with the Sistema
begin in 2016 for Peru-Ecuador Interconectado del Norte Grande
The cost of the project has not been (SING), or the northern power grid,
disclosed. Since the line will cross land
which will supply power to the far-north
owned by indigenous people, the The environmental permitting process of Chile.
indigenous communities agency in Brazil, is scheduled to begin this year for a
Funai, granted its approval on November planned 500 kV link between Ecuador
26, 2015 for the project. Brazilian and Peru under the umbrella of the Chile added 2,315 km line network during
environmental agency, Ibama has also Andean interconnection initiative 2014-15
approved the provisional license for the SINEA Interconnection Project.
project, with validity for five years. According to the recent update of
The work is for the Ecuadorian side Chile’s energy commission, Comisión
of the project, which will connect the Nacional de Energía (CNE), the country
Brazil to import power from Uruguay Chorrillos and Pasaje substations (271 has added 2,315 km of transmission line
km) and run from Pasaje to the border length during 2014-15. This is higher than
The Brazilian government has with Peru (71 km). The Peruvian the addition during 2012-13 (2,219 km)
authorised temporary and exceptional component would run for 329 km. and 2010-11 (1,667 km).
electricity imports from Uruguay as the
country’s grid struggles to meet soaring The Inter-American Development In 2015, total 33 electricity
summer demand. Bank (IDB) will provide funds for the transmission schemes are under
construction, which will add 2,067 km of Mexican CFE to be restructured developing the Cuatro Rios de Cuenca
line length with an investment of Tram.
USD1.53 billion. E-CL and Transmision According to the energy ministry
Sener, Mexico’s state utility CFE will The contract has a budget of EUR20
Electrica del Norte (TEN) and Spanish
create transmission, distribution, supply million and an execution time of 510
firm Red Electrica Internacional are
and generation subsidiaries, each of days. It includes the construction of civil
developing these projects.
which will be managed separately. works, supply of materials equipment,
electromechanical assembly, testing
The restructuring of the utility is
Mexican CFE to invest USD750 million for and commissioning of the 230 kV
stipulated by the electricity industry law, transmission line of 12 km length, and
its power network implemented as part of Mexico’s energy the Duran 230/69 kV substation.
Mexican state-owned energy firm reform, allowing the CFE to participate
Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) in the country’s newly created (EUR1=USD1.08)
has confirmed an allocation of wholesale power market.
over USD750 million to renovate its In addition to the subsidiaries listed
transmission and distribution network. above, the CFE will be allowed to create ASIA PACIFIC
CFE specified that this initiative is more subsidiaries as it deems
targeted at detaching illegal connections necessary, to boost its potential in the China’s NDRC and NEA release T&D pricing
and reducing electricity theft. new market competition, and the new
firms will include at least four generation
The company predicted a loss of subsidiaries. China’s National Development and
MXN42 billion in 2015 caused by these Reform Commission (NDRC) and
irregular activities. The separation of the various
National Energy Administration (NEA)
subsidiaries will ensure that all of the
Between 2014 and 2015, CFE had have jointly released an implementation
CFE’s generation and supply firms will
awarded 11 contracts through its proposal on November 30, 2015, on
have open access to the national
electricity loss reduction programme transmission and distribution grid, promoting power transmission and
and is planning further projects to which is key to eliminating barriers to distribution (T&D) pricing reform, by
renovate its infrastructure. the construction of new power stations putting up a general target of
and attracting investment to the sector. establishing an independent power
transmission and distribution pricing
Mexico to host first transmission auction Colombian ISA completes La Reforma
According to the proposal, China will
in early 2016 substation
gradually expand the pilot power
Mexico will launch its first ever Colombian energy firm Interconexion transmission and distribution pricing
electricity transmission tender in early Electrica (ISA) has put its 230 kV La reform from Shenzhen and Inner
2016, to offer 1,230 km of lines to connect Reforma substation into operation, Mongolia, to Anhui, Hubei, Ningxia,
the Tehuantepec isthmus with the which will supply electricity to the Meta Yunnan and Guizhou.
country’s central region. and Cesar departments.
Other areas qualified for power
The energy ministry aims to add The substation will provide greater reform are also encouraged to launch
25,000 km of transmission lines and security to the local electricity grid and pilot projects so as to expand the power
achieve investment of USD13.4 billion will reduce service restrictions. transmission and distribution pricing
over the next 15 years. reform nationwide.
A subsidiary firm of ISA,
Mexico’s national power utility CFE Intercolombia is in charge of operating The proposal also puts up a proposal
will be able to form partnerships with and maintaining the transmission line to calculate the allowed general income
private firms in order to procure the and ISA will receive an annual income of power grid companies and power
necessary funds to channel into the of USD514,869 from the substation. transmission and distribution price
expansion of the grid. In addition, ISA has also begun the based on the allowed cost and
construction works of Copey substation reasonable earnings.
In another development, the energy
ministry of the country and agrarian in the Cesar department. In order to support the pricing
development ministries have signed a reform, the proposal clarifies the cross-
collaboration agreement to facilitate subsiding policy for different types of
ISA wins contract in Ecuador
land-use negotiations for the oil and gas, electricity prices covering industrial and
and electricity industries, in order to ISA has been awarded the contract for commercial power use, residential
speed up the construction of energy the construction of a transmission line power use and agricultural power use.
projects. and substation in Duran for strategic
public company Corporacion Electrica Meanwhile, during the transition
The agreement seeks to ensure a period of power transmission and
del Ecuador.
balanced agreement between both distribution pricing reform, the proposal
sides in such negotiations and thus to This is the second energy project of stresses synchronised adjustment in
widen the cooperation within Mexico’s the company in this country, where it electricity sale price with on-grid
energy reform. already participates in the consortium electricity price for direct power trading
in areas that have not practiced are applied to cities with economically The project will link India’s Tripura
independent power transmission and developed areas to enhance power grid state with Comilla in Bangladesh. On
distribution price. capacity. the Indian side, the project includes the
construction of a 20 km transmission
The successful implementation of line, which will initially operate at 132
NGCP seeks ERC’s approval for capex of the project will ensure precise control kV, and will be ramped up to 400 kV in
PHP8 billion of Nanjing City’s West core area of future, along with extension of the bay
power transmission, will enhance supply at Surjya Mani Nagar in Tripura.
The private concessionaire of the capacity in the region by more than 30
country’s high voltage grid—National per cent, and will offer economic and The Bangladeshi side entails
Grid Corporation of Philippines social development of the region by construction of a 43 km, 132 kV line from
(NGCP)—is likely to disburse a capital providing strong power protection. the Bangladesh/India border to the
expenditure of PHP8.05 billion for the Comilla South substation, along with
year 2016 and is seeking the Energy (CYN1=USD0.15) expansion of the latter.
Regulatory Commission’s (ERC)
The link will be used for supplying
approval in this regard. POWERGRID conducts test run on 100 MW power from the Paltana power
The transmission system operator Northeast India–Bangladesh line plant located in Tripura to Bangladesh
(TSO) plans to spend the amount to to help ease the power shortages of the
India’s state-owned power utility Power latter.
finance the upgrade of the Tiwi and Naga
Grid Corporation of India Limited
substations, 69 kV Clark–Mabiga
transmission line, 230 kV Bataan grid (POWERGRID) has successfully
reinforcement, 500 kV Hermosa–San conducted testing of transmission line Work on 220 kV line hits hurdle in
Jose transmission line, maintenance of in the Indian part of the Northeast Kerala, India
equipment, revenue metering expansion India–Bangladesh transmission line
The construction of the 220 kV
and maintenance, telecommunications project, on December 16, 2015.
Pothencode–Kattakkada high-tension
and SCADA maintenance and The project will link India’s Tripura transmission line has hit a hurdle owing
expansion, corporate and security state with Comilla in Bangladesh. On the to local protests and the contractor’s
infrastructure, and assets for acquisition. Indian side, the project includes the inability to complete the work.
(PHP1=USD.021) construction of a 20 km transmission line, This line is one of the main links in
which will initially operate at 132 kV, and power transmission networks in the
will be ramped up to 400 kV in future, Trivandrum district of Kerala.
China’s SGCC commissions its first 220 along with extension of the bay at Surjya
kV ring network UPFC project Mani Nagar in Tripura. In February 2015, the Kerala State
Electricity Board (KSEB) had terminated
China’s state-owned grid operator State The Bangladeshi side entails the contract with Utkal Galvanisers
Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) has construction of a 43 km, 132 kV line from Private Limited, leaving the work
put into operation its Nanjing West 220 the Bangladesh/India border to the midway.
kV ring network Unified Power Flow Comilla South substation, along with
Controller (UPFC) project on December The construction of 37 towers,
expansion of the latter. The link will be foundation for six more towers and
11, 2015. used for supplying 100 MW power from drawing of 28.5 km line are yet to be
The project was approved at full the Paltana power plant located in completed.
capacity in June 2015 at an estimated Tripura to Bangladesh to help ease the
cost of CNY220 million. power shortages of the latter. Later, KSEB invited bids for taking
up the remaining works, for which only
The core equipments of the project one firm, Fathima Engineering
involved three direct current (DC) POWERGRID and PGCB complete Company, placed a bid.
voltage source side parallel converters installation of Northeast India– Currently, KSEB is making every
(VSC), with the DC side rated voltage Bangladesh line effort to complete the tender
of ± 18 kV, 1.1 kA at a rated current
India’s state-owned powers utility procedures for the remaining works in
capacity of 2×6 million kVA (serial side)
POWERGRID and Bangladesh’s state- order to commission the project.
and +6 kVA wide area network (parallel
side). owned transmission system developer
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh State-owned KSEB lays foundation stone
This is China’s first independent (PGCB) have completed the erection of
intellectual property rights of UPFC for 110 kV substation in India
the Northeast India–Bangladesh
projects. The UPFC is a combination of transmission line project. Kerala’s state-owned vertically-
a static synchronous compensator integrated power utility KSEB laid the
(STATCOM) and a static synchronous Both POWERGRID and PGCB have
successfully completed the testing of foundation stone for the proposed 110
series compensator (SSSC) coupled via kV substation at Kinaloor.
a common DC voltage link. the transmission lines on both their
sides and found them okay. However, The substation is expected to give a
The main advantage of the UPFC is the supply of electricity would be boost to Kinaloor Industrial Growth
to control the active and reactive power delayed as the two countries are yet to Centre by providing uninterrupted
flows in the transmission line. UPFCs ink a power purchase agreement (PPA). power supply and will be completed
within eight months at a total cost of managed to deposit the amount in three Limited (Mahatransco) is constructing
INR94.5 million. instalments. three new 220 kV substations of 250
MVA in Nagpur in order to meet the
According to KSEB, Kerala State (INR1=USD0.015)
growing power requirements in the city.
Industrial Corporation will fund the
The three substations are coming up at
project and it has already granted
INR31.7 million to start the work. Hyderabad’s circular transmission Mankapur, Pardi and Uppalwadi.
network to be operational by March 2016 These substations are vital for
As per the agreement, the
remaining amount would be disbursed The circular network of the power meeting the power demand of Nagpur
in two instalments as per the progress transmission and distribution system metro railway and reducing breakdowns
of the work. The substation will be with a capacity to meet demand of up at extra high voltage (EHV) level. They
connected to the Kakkayam to 8,500 MW from the present 2,400 MW will be connected to each other to form
hydroelectric plant for power in the Hyderabad Metropolitan a 220 kV ring around the city. The work
transmission. Development Authority (HMDA) area on the substations has been taken up at
is expected to be fully operational by a cost of INR1.19 billion.
Presently, the existing 33 kV March 2016.
Manhapalam substation is handling the At present the city only has a 132 kV
power requirement of the Kinaloor The circular network is a part of the ring around it. There are seven
industrial area and surrounding state-owned electricity transmission substations in this ring — Mankapur,
locations. company Telangana Power Transmission Uppalwadi, Kamptee, Pardi, Besa,
Corporation Limited’s (TS TRANSCO) Hingna I and Hingna II.
(INR1=USD0.015) island mode of operation.
It relates to supply of power from
Work on 110 kV substation delayed in all sides by developing a circular
Kerala, India network of transmission so that a city State Transco’s 132 kV line project faces
remains unaffected from interruptions trouble in India
Work on the 110 kV substation for the
in the national or regional grid. The Maharashtra State Electricity
Aluva water treatment plant, that had
begun ten years ago, is yet to be A ring of substations is formed in the Transmission Corporation Limited’s 132
completed. system to ensure interruption-free kV Mokhabardi transmission line
supply by drawing power from different project is facing problems as it passes
Though the KSEB had laid the
sources, even in the case of main grid through protected areas of the Umred-
electrical cables a few months ago and
failure. Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary.
had also completed overhauling the
panels installed years ago, a metering The circular system of transmission The project will require the diversion
unit is yet to be set up for the plant. is already operational and is being of 8.84 hectare core area and 5,439 trees
strengthened further by adding some will need to be cut for laying and
However, a major portion of the more substations in the next few constructing the transmission towers in
work is to overhaul the two transformers months. around 4 km reserve forest area by the
of the substations, installed by
The network had been connected to Ambhora Lift Irrigation Division,
Transformers and Electricals Kerala
transmission lines from Ramagundam, Bhiwapur.
Limited (TELK) about ten years ago.
Currently, the oil from the transformer Kothagudem, Srisailam and The 132 kV line project involves the
has been sent for testing as per rules Bhupalapalli generating stations to construction of 132 kV Bhandara–
set by Kerala Water Authority (KWA). minimise outages, except for shutdowns Ambhora double-circuit transmission
arising out of maintenance/repairs on line.
The plant currently works on the 11 transmission lines.
kV feeder line and had faced power It will transmit the bulk power from
outage quite a few times earlier as Nearly 78 km of 400 kV transmission the Bhandara (Sunflag) substation to
cables had snapped. lines were laid around the city and an the Mokhabardi substation for the
amount of INR19.20 billion was being
The setting up of the substation had proposed Mokhabardi Lift Irrigation
spent on setting up substations alone
got caught in bureaucratic delays Scheme under Gosikhurd Project.
to develop the island mode of power
between the KWA and KSEB. supply network. As per TS TRANSCO,
Of the total initial cost of INR200 the infrastructure had been developed India’s MeECL inaugurates 132/33 kV
million, about INR70 million were spent to meet the projected growth in demand substation
on installations by TELK. The rest of the at least for a decade.
Meghalaya Energy Corporation
cost and time was involved in laying the (INR1=USD0.015) Limited (MeECL) inaugurated the 132/
electrical cables from the Aluva Power
33, 2x20 MVA substation at Mendipathar
House to the substation.
State transco to construct 220 kV in the North Garo Hills (NGH) on
From the initial estimate of about December 22, 2015.
substations in Nagpur, India
INR120 million raised by the KSEB, the
The North Eastern Council (NEC)
cost of laying the cables escalated to State-owned Maharashtra State
funded the substation project at a total
over INR160 million by the time KWA Electricity Transmission Company
cost of INR145 million. It is the third
substation in Garo Hills after near Kota in Rajasthan to Shujalpur in substation, the 765 kV double-circuit
Nongalbibra and Rongkhon substations. Madhya Pradesh. Warora Pool–Warangal (New) line, the
765 kV double-circuit Warangal (New)–
(INR1=USD0.015) The line will also act as an inter-
Hyderabad line, the 400 kV double-
regional link to strengthen transmission
circuit Warangal (New)–Warangal
systems to exchange power between
Isolux JV commissions 400 kV line in (existing) line, the 765 kV double-circuit
the northern and western grids.
India Hyderabad–Kurnool line, the 765 kV
double-circuit Warangal (New)–
Spain-based construction and India’s Powergrid completes 400 kV Chilakaluripeta line and the 400 kV
infrastructure company Isolux Corsan, (quad) double-circuit Cuddapah–Hoodi
transmission project
in consortium with Karamtara line.
Engineering, has commissioned its Vizag Transmission Limited (VTL), a
second high voltage transmission line SPV owned by India’s central In line with the above, PFCCL also
engineering, procurement, and transmission utility POWERGRID, has established a SPV, Warora-Kurnool
construction (EPC) project for commissioned the 400 kV Khammam– Transmission Limited, which will be
POWERGRID on December 3, 2015. Nagarjunasagar transmission line transferred to the selected developer
project on December 31, 2015. for the implementation of the project.
The contract involved the complete
engineering, procurement and The project is one of the
construction of 180 km long, 400 kV components of the larger project System Indian power majors submit financial
double-circuit quad transmission line on Strengthening in Southern Region for bids for high voltage project in Odisha
the Narendra–Kudgi section in the state Import of Power from the Eastern Six major power companies including
of Karnataka. Region. the state-owned power utility
The line will enhance the process of The project involves the POWERGRID along with private sector
distribution of electricity in the southern development of the 765 kV Srikakulam notables such as Adani Power, Vedanta
region, which is power deficit; as and pooling station–Vemagiri II pooling Resources, Kalpataru Power
when the Kudgi 1500 MW Mega Power station double-circuit line (about 600 Transmission Limited (KPTL), Essel
Plant of National Thermal Power circuit km); and the 400 kV Khammam Infrastructure Limited (EIL) and a joint
Corporation (NTPC) is commissioned. (new)– Nagarjunasagar double-circuit venture of a consortium of Gayatri
line 2 (300 circuit km). Projects Limited and Engineering and
The project has been completed
Infrastructure Limited, have submitted
within the stipulated timeframe despite It involves setting up an additional financial bids for the Common
serious operational challenges like high voltage inter regional alternating Transmission System for Phase-II
inhospitable terrain and inclement current (AC) link between the southern Generation Projects in Odisha and
weather. and eastern regions to facilitate the Immediate Evacuation System for
import of power to the former. Odisha Power Generation Corporation
Sterlite commissions 400 kV RAPP Limited OPGC (1,320 MW) Project in
project in India Odisha.
India’s 765 kV Warangal power project to
India’s private transmission company be awarded in February 2016 The last date for submission of bids
Sterlite Grid Limited (SGL), a wholly- was December 15, 2015. PFC Consulting
The subsidiary of state-owned Power Limited is conducting the auction of the
owned subsidiary of Sterlite
Finance Corporation Limited (PFC)–PFC project.
Technologies Limited (STL), has
Consulting Limited (PFCCL) is likely to
commissioned the Transmission The project involves the construction
auction the Additional inter-Regional
System Associated with Rajasthan of the 350 km long, 765 kV Jharsuguda
Alternating Current Link for Import into
Atomic Power Project (RAPP-Units 7, 8) (Sundargarh)–Raipur Pool double-circuit
Southern Region, i.e. Warora–Warangal
on January 2, 2016, ahead of schedule. transmission line and the 50 km long, 400
and Chilakaluripeta–Hyderabad–
At the same time the completion of Kurnool 765 kV Link project, in February kV OPGC– Jharsuguda (Sundargarh)
project before the scheduled time 2016. double-circuit transmission line.
makes it the first project eligible for the
The financial bids for the project will
incentive programme [(won as part of Laos’ EDL commissions 230 kV northern
be opened on February 5, 2016. Based
Tariff Based Competitive Bidding
on the lowest annual tariff, the name of grid project
(TBCB)] introduced by Union Ministry
the successful bidder will be announced
of Power. Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s
on February 12, 2016.
(Laos) state-owned power company
The project was implemented by
PFCCL is one of the two bid process Electricite du Laos (EDL) has put its 230
RAPP Transmission Company, a special
coordinators appointed by the Ministry kV Northern Laos Power Grid Project
purpose vehicle (SPV) set up for the
of Power (MoP) for awarding interstate into operation on November 29, 2015.
transmission projects through the TBCB
The project will help improve the
The scope of the project involved process.
power grid structure in northern Laos,
the development of an approximately
The project entails the construction improve power supply quality and
200 km long, 400 kV double-circuit line
of the 765/400 kV, 2x1,500 MVA Warangal reliability of the existing grid, and
to transfer power from the RAPP located
strengthen the power grid structure of circuit 2 combined improving circuit 1 NGCP has repeatedly appealed to
Laos. Under the project, five 230 kV lines project. the Philippines’ government and its
will be constructed in the country’s army for assistance in resolving the
The project involves the construction
northern region to evacuate power from escalating security and ROW issues in
of a 46 km long transmission line from
the Nam Ou cascade power plants. Mindanao.
An Khe hydropower plant to the 220 kV
The project also entails the Quy Nhon substation along with a 220 In July 2015, state-owned power
construction of two new 230 kV kV Quy Nhon substation at an estimated utility National Power Corporation
substations (Beimeng and Namo) and cost of VND450 billion. (Napocor) along with NGCP and local
one 230 kV switching station (Bendai), government bodies had sought a
The project will help in ensuring
and expansion of the existing 230 kV permanent solution to the RoW issues
power supply safety and continuity for
Luang Prabang 2 substation. related with the development of power
the Binh Dinh province, while enhancing
transmission projects prevailing in the
The construction work on the project reliability and meeting the increasing
was taken up by Yunnan International power load of the neighbourhood region.
Company, a subsidiary of China In addition, NGCP plans to
(VND1=USD 0.00004)
Southern Power Grid, and is one of the commission its 138 kV Calong–Calong–
China-Laos cooperation projects within Toledo–Colon Transmission Project by
the belt and road initiative proposed by Vietnam’s NPPMB commissions 500/220 April 2016.
China to enhance regional connectivity. kV line project The PHP602 million project includes
The Belt and Road initiative routes Northern Vietnam Power Project construction of a 28 km long transmission
run through continents of Asia, Europe Management Board (NPPMB), line between Colon and Calong–Calong
and Africa, connecting the vibrant East subsidiary of state-owned EVN Group, substations.
Asia economic circle at one end and has commissioned the 500/220 kV Bac The line aims to improve the Visayas
developed European economic circle at Ninh 2 Pho Noi Transmission Lines grid’s capability to accommodate
the other. project on January 4, 2016. additional supply from new generating
The project involved the units.
Vietnam’s NPT energises 110 kV line development of a 30.2 km long, 500/220 (PHP1=USD0.021)
State-owned Electricity of Vietnam’s kV Bac Ninh 2–Pho Noi line to the 220 kV
(EVN) transmission subsidiary National Bac Ninh 2 substation and associated
500 kV grid in the northern region. BHEL commissions 220 kV substations in
Power Transmission Corporation (EVN
NPT) has energised the 110 kV Hai Afghanistan
National Power Transmission
Duong 2–Hoa Phat transmission line Corporation funded the project work India’s integrated power plant equipment
project on December 9, 2015. under the EVN NPT programme, with manufacturer has commissioned two
The project involves the an estimated amount of over VND1,164 220/20 kV substations in Afghanistan on
construction of a 110 kV line from the billion. EPC basis.
220 kV Hai Duong 2 substation to the (VND1= USD0.00004) The substations have been
110 kV Hoa Phat substation at an commissioned at Charikar, around 60
estimated cost of VND33 billion. km from Kabul and Doshi, and around
ROW issues stall Mindanao’s power grid 150 km from Kabul.
This line has been built with the goal
maintenance works
of providing a second power source for Both the substations are part of the
the Hoa Phat substation, ensuring stable Philippine high voltage grid developer 220 kV Phul e Khumri–--Kabul
power supply, reduction in power National Grid Corporation of the transmission system and will provide
losses, improving safety, and ensuring Philippines (NGCP) has pointed out power to Charikar and Doshi sites and
overall development of regional right-of-way (ROW) issues in Lanao del their neighbouring areas.
electricity grids, in particular Kinh Mon Sur to stall the maintenance works on
district, Hai Duong province and the Mindanao’s power grid and hamper
region in general. optimal power supply in the region. Tajikistan proposes development of 500
kV project
(VND1=USD 0.00004) The grid operator has been
unsuccessful at its attempt to resolve Tajikistan has proposed the
ROW issues that prevent transmission development of an investment project
Vietnam commissions 220 kV line
line clearing operations and aimed at constructing a power
project maintenance, despite months of transmission line from Tajikistan
On December 8, 2015, Power Company amicable negotiations with a landowner through Sary–Tash (Kyrgyzstan) to
Number 3, under the state power who refuses entry to his property. Ulugchat County in China’s Xinjiang
company EVN, has commissioned the Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).
NGCP has been coordinating with
220 kV An Khe–Quy Nhon circuit 2 the landowner for more than 16 months Reportedly, the project involves the
transmission line. now to settle the issue and clear the construction of a 550 km long, 500 kV
This marks the completion of the 220 trees posing a threat to the 138 kV Agus power transmission line from Tajikistan
kV An Khe–Quy Nhon transmission line, 2–Kibawe line project. via Sary-Tash to Ulugchat County in
XUAR at an estimated cost of USD160 The scope of the contract also The submission deadline for the
million. The line would enable Tajikistan includes the supply of towers, hardware contract was January 15, 2016.
to supply upto 6 billion kWh of electricity fittings and accessories for conductors
per year. The last contract is for the extension
and renovation/dismantling of existing
of the 400 kV substations at Farakka,
single-circuit towers for the 132 kV
According to Tajikistan’s State Berhampur, Subhasgram and Sagardigi,
Hatia–Sikidari transmission line (43 km)
Committee on Investment and State including supply, erection, testing and
Property Management, the country under the Jharkhand State Electricity
commissioning of the 400 kV, 1x125
plans to supply surplus electricity after Board (JSEB) consultancy.
MVAr bus reactor at the Berhampur
construction of large and medium-sized The bids are open only for domestic substation under the Eastern Region
hydropower plants on Vakhsh River. contractors. Strengthening Scheme–XV (ERSS-XV).
The last date for submission of bids The contract is open only for
POWERGRID invites bids for Green Energy was January 9, 2016 (Soft Copy) and domestic contractors and the bid due
Corridor project in India January 11, 2016 (Hard Copy). date was January 13, 2016 (Soft Copy)
India’s central power utility (CTU) The second contract is for the supply and January 15, 2016 (Hard Copy).
POWERGRID has invited two bids of tower packages for the 765 kV Ajmer–
under the Asian Development Bank Bikaner double-circuit transmission line India’s POWERGRID invites tower package
(ADB)-funded Green Energy Corridor under the ADB-funded Green Energy bids for high voltage lines
and Grid Strengthening Project. Corridor and Grid Strengthening
Project. India’s CTU POWERGRID has invited
The first bid is for the design, four bids for the supply of tower
engineering, manufacture, testing, The bid submission date for the packages for high voltage lines
supply, transportation and insurance, contract is January 25, 2016 (Soft Copy) associated with the Strengthening of
storage, erection and commissioning of and January 28, 2016 (Hard Copy). Transmission System in Southern
the 765/400 kV Bikaner (New) substation Region Beyond Vemagiri.
(including the supply of 765 kV circuit The third contract is for the supply
breaker and 400 kV bus reactor), and of tower package for the 765 kV Bikaner– The first contract is for the supply of
extension of the 765 kV Ajmer and Moga double-circuit transmission line tower package (including conductor,
Moga substations. The last date for under the ADB-funded Green Energy insulator, hardware fittings and
submission of bids was January 13, 2016 Corridor and Grid Strengthening Project conductor accessories, spacer damper,
(Soft Copy) and January 15, 2016 (Hard with a bid deadline of February 3, 2016 rigid spacer, earthwire and OPGW) for
Copy). (Soft Copy) and February 5, 2016 (Hard the 290 km long, 765 kV Vemagiri–
Copy). Chilakaluripeta double-circuit
The second bid is for the
manufacture, factory testing, supply, transmission line.
The fourth contract is for the supply
unloading, storing, handling, installation of the optical ground wires (OPGW) The second contract is for the supply
and commissioning of the ±320 kV, package for the 765 kV Warora–Parli of tower package (including conductor,
2x1000 MW voltage source converter double-circuit transmission line; 765 kV insulator, hardware fittings and
(VSC)-based HVDC terminals at Parli–Solapur double-circuit transmission conductor accessories, spacer damper,
Pugalur (New) and North Trichur, along line; 400 kV (Quad Moose) Parli rigid spacer, earthwire and optical
with the supply of DC, cross-linked (POWERGRID)–Parli transmission line ground wire [OPGW]) for the 275 km
polyethylene (XLPE) underground cable associated with the Transmission system long, 765 kV Chilakaluripeta–Cuddapah
for connecting it to the overhead line for the Gadarwara STPS (2x800 MW) of double-circuit transmission line.
(OHL). NTPC (Part-B) project under the tariff-
The third bid is for supply of tower
The bid due date for the contract was based competitive bidding (TCBC) route.
package (including conductor, insulator,
January 15, 2016.
The bid due date for the contract was hardware fittings and conductor
January 13, 2016. accessories, spacer damper, rigid
POWERGRID invites various high voltage The fifth contract is for the supply of
spacer, earthwire and optical ground
bids in India the OPGW package for the 765 kV
wire [OPGW]) for the 240 km long, 400
kV Cuddapah–Madhugiri double-circuit
India’s CTU POWERGRID has invited double-circuit line-in-line-out (LILO)
transmission line.
various high voltage bids for tower, point of Seoni–Bina line to Jabalpur pool;
cable and substation packages. 765 kV double-circuit LILO point of The fourth contract is for the supply
Seoni–Bina line at Gadarwara; 765 kV of tower package (including conductor,
The first bid involves the supply of
double-circuit LILO Gadarwara– insulator, hardware fittings and
tower package for the (including
composite long rod insulators) LILO of Warora transmission line; 400 kV conductor accessories, spacer damper,
circuits II and IV of the 400 kV Rourkela– double-circuit LILO of both circuits of rigid spacer, earthwire and OPGW) for
Raigarh double-circuit transmission line the Wardha–Parli (POWERGRID) line at the 143 km long, 400 kV Srikakulam–
(68 km) at Jharsuguda (Sundergarh Warora associated with the Garvidi double-circuit transmission line
substation) associated with the Transmission system for the and the 42 km long, 400 kV
Common Transmission System for Gadarwara STPS (2x800 MW) of NTPC Chilakaluripeta–Narsaraopeta double-
Phase-II Generation Projects in Odisha. (Part-A) project. circuit line.
The last date for submission of bids The bid due date for the contract is Phong Tho–Than Uyen Transmission
(open to only domestic bidders) for all March 15, 2016. Line, while the second bid was for the
the four contracts is January 22, 2016. supply and transportation of steel towers
for the 110 kV Phong Tho–Than Uyen
Thailand’s EGAT invites bids for 230 kV Transmission Line. Both bids are under
Nepal’s NEA invites bids for 220/400 kV lines the World Bank-funded Distribution
line Efficiency Project and their due date is
Thailand’s vertically-integrated power
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has utility Electricity Generating Authority of February 19, 2016.
invited international competitive bids Thailand (EGAT) has issued bids for the The third bid was invited by SPPMB
for high voltage transmission line construction of 230 kV lines under the for the construction of 220 kV Phu Lam–
construction. Transmission System Expansion Project Cai Lay 2 transmission lines (including
Number 12. The scope of the contract supply of steel towers, testing and
The scope of the contract includes
the design, supply, installation and involves the construction of a 230 kV commissioning) under the World Bank-
commissioning of the 220/400 kV New Khlong Ngae substation–Satun substation funded Transmission Efficiency Project
Khimti–Barhabise transmission line transmission line (57.6 km) and a 230 kV (TEP), in two lots. Lot I involves
under the ADB-funded Electricity Khlong Ngae substation–Sadao construction of transmission lines from
Transmission Expansion and Supply substation transmission line (15.6 km). Long An substation to position G14 and
Improvement Project. extension of bay at Long An substation,
The last date for the submission of
while Lot II involves the construction of
The last date for submission of bids bids is March 8, 2016.
transmission lines from position G14 to
is January 20, 2016. Cai Lay 2 substation.
Thai’s EGAT invites bids for 230 kV line The last date for bid submission is
Bangladesh’s PGCB invites bid for 132 kV Thailand’s EGAT has invited bids for the February 23, 2016.
lines construction of a 230 kV line. The scope
State-owned transmission system of the contract involves the construction Afghanistan invites bids for 220 kV lines
developer PGCB has invited bids for the of the 68.6 km long, 230 kV Chanthaburi
substation–Trat substation line under State-owned power company Da
construction of 132 kV line on a turnkey
the Transmission System Expansion Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) is
basis under the Japan International
Project Number 12. seeking international contractors for
Cooperation Agency (JICA)-funded construction of high voltage
National Power Transmission Network The last date for submission of bids transmission lines under United States
Development Project. is April 5, 2016. Agency for International Development
The scope of the contract involves (USAID)-funded Programme for the
Connection of the Northern Electricity
the plant design, supply and installation Vietnam’s SPPMB invites bids for supply
Power System (NEPS) to the Southern
of the 132 kV Saidpur–Jaldhaka and of towers for 500 kV line Electric Power System (SEPS).
B o gr a -Pal a s hba r i –M a ha st ha nga r h
transmission lines. Vietnamese Southern Vietnam Power The scope of the contract involves
Project Management Board (SPPMB), a the construction of five 220 kV lines –
The last date for the submission of subsidiary of state-owned National the Ghazni–Qarabagh transmission line
bids is February 10, 2016. Power Transmission Corporation (NPT), in Ghazni province, Qarabagh–Moqor
has invited bids for the supply of steel (Gelan) transmission line in Ghazni
Bangladesh’s PGCB invites bids for high towers for the 500 kV World Bank-funded province, Moqor–Shah Joy transmission
Second Transmission and Distribution line in Zabul province, Shah Joy–Qalat
voltage substations and transmission transmission line in Zabul province, and
Project. The scope of the contract
lines the Qalat–Kandahar East transmission
involves the supply of steel towers for
Bangladesh’s state-owned transmission the 500 kV Song May-Tan Uyen line in Kandahar province.
system developer PGCB has invited transmission line. The last date for the The bid due date for the contract
bids for the construction of high voltage submission of bids is February 23, 2016. was January 16, 2016.
substations and transmission lines
under the Islamic Development Bank
Power utilities in Vietnam invite high
(ISDB)-funded Power Grid Expansion
voltage bids EUROPE
Three high voltage bids for the
The scope of the contract involves ENTSO-E releases winter outlook and
construction of transmission line and
the design, supply, erection, testing and summer reviews report
supply of steel towers, and conductors
commissioning of the 400 kV, 230 kV and
and cables were invited by power ENTSO-E has released a report
132 kV substations (16) under Lot I.
utilities in Vietnam.Northern Power covering winter outlook and summer
Under Lot II it involves the design, Corporation invited two bids. The first reviews, which provides detailed
supply, erection, testing and was for the for the supply and national, regional and pan-European
commissioning of the 400 kV, 230 kV and transportation of conductors, optical security of electricity supply
132 kV transmission lines (15). cables and accessories for the 110 kV assessments for the upcoming winter,
and a review of security of supply issues In the coming years, there will be more grid can only be offset by imports from
of the previous summer, as required RSCIs established and Europe should the 380 kV grid to a limited extent.
by EU legislation. be fully covered by end-2017.
The ENTSO-E Winter Outlook 2015/ France and Belgium to introduce
16 analyses the power balances of the German TSOs’ network security intraday coupling
whole ENTSO-E area (34 European measures increase
countries) as well as Albania, Malta and The French-Belgian border will
Western Ukraine, on a weekly basis. For The number of measures German implement intraday coupling in the third
the first time, the analysis has been power TSOs have had to take to keep quarter of 2016.
extended to Turkey. the nation’s grid stable have increased
The implementation of implicit
this year, according to a report published
The period covered goes from allocation, where power exchanges and
by regulator Bundesnetzagentur
beginning of December 2015 to transmission system operators
beginning of April 2016. The summer coordinate so that traders can buy
review looks back on the period of June- The intervention in generating capacity rights and the power to be
September 2015. schedules by TSOs (known as delivered in a single transaction, will be
redispatching) has increased by 6 per preceded by a change in the current
The winter outlook identifies risks to cent to a total of 8,453 hours. The TSOs’ method of explicit allocation.
security of supply and the forecast for net intervention costs in
countermeasures proposed by the While the current mechanism is
2014 was EUR186.5 million.
TSOs. It has shown that Europe has based on an iterative pro-rata basis, a
sufficient generation for both normal Germany’s redispatch measures continuous intraday market with
and severe demand conditions for the amounted to 5.3 TWh in the first half of capacity allocated on a coordinated
year 2015-16. 2015, exceeding the total for the whole ‘first come first served’ basis will
of last year. replace it.
Using the interconnection flexibility,
demand side management and Restriction of subsidised renewable The transmission system operators
strategic reserves measures, adequacy energy production from combined heat have proposed three alternative
for the coming winter should be met in and power (CHP) plants for network scenarios for intraday coupling: the
most European countries. However, stability reasons totaled 1.5 TWh in the exclusive use of implicit allocation; the
adequacy in Poland has been identified first half of 2015, compared to 1.6 TWh simultaneous use of implicit and explicit
as potentially at risk. in the whole of last year. allocation; or the use of the explicit
allocation as a fall-back option in the
The German government plans to case of a fault in the coupling
ENTSO-E members sign agreement for increase transmission capacity between mechanism.
northern and southern regions to
regional cooperation The proposal to continue explicit
stabilise its network, but construction
Regional cooperation of TSOs will be of the new lines has been delayed, allocation alongside implicit allocation
intensified according to a multilateral partly due to strong public opposition in would allow cross-border trades to
agreement signed among ENTSO-E some federal states. continue on brokered platforms.
members for participation in Regional Implicit allocation is already
Security Coordination Initiatives implemented on Belgium’s border with
(RSCIs). The agreement ensures that the Netherlands and the French border
RSCIs develop in a harmonised, Swissgrid announces winter outlook with Germany, and is designed to help
interoperable and standardised way. update balancing responsible parties optimise
RSCIs are designed to offer at least and meet obligations in real time.
Swissgrid has announced its winter
five types of services: common grid 2015-16 outlook for the grid. Its
modelling; analysis on system security; predictions show that grid capacity for Norway’s competition authority backs
coordination among a region of outage the Swiss transmission grid, in
planning; system adequacy forecasts;
Statnett’s power line monopoly
particular for 380/220 kV transformers,
and coordinated calculation of will increasingly reach its limits. The Competition Authority of Norway
transmission capacity. has declared that Statnett, the national
A number of special external electricity transmission network
As a result of TSO regional circumstances affecting the 220 kV grid
cooperation, customers can benefit operator, should retain a monopoly on
will make its operation this winter building and operating international
from increased security of supply, more particularly difficult, compared with
efficient networks and markets. electricity lines.
previous years.
The existing RSCIs are Coreso in Statnett is already involved in two
Swissgrid estimates the current grid
Brussels, security coordination power interconnection projects to
situation and the supply of energy for
initiatives (SSC) near Cologne and TSO Germany and the United Kingdom.
winter 2015/16 as tense. Energy reserves
Security Cooperation (TSC) in Munich. are not enough and due to the dropout In 2013, the former government
In 2015, two other RSCIs have been set of nuclear power plants, a large share granted exclusive rights to Statnett,
up in South-East Europe – one in of base load is missing from the 220 kV suspending NorthConnect, a project
Belgrade (SCC) and one in Thessaloniki. grid. The missing feed-in into the 220 kV by Vattenfall and private Norwegian
companies, to build a power operator Crnogorski Elektroprenosni The largest volume of funds will be
interconnection to the United Kingdom. Sistem (CGES) and the Montenegrin invested in the continuation of the 400
electricity market operator, Crnogorski kV grid construction between the
The new government proposed to
operator tržišta elektriène energije Gabcikovo hydro power plant and Velky
change the law in 2015 to allow Nordic
(COTEE). Dur.
power producers to export surplus
power. CGES’s revenue cap has been set at Also, innovation of electricity control
EUR21.96 million, 29 per cent short of centres in Zilina and Bratislava as well
The Norwegian parliament will have
what the company had requested. as construction of several electricity
the final say on the amendments
substations in the country will be
proposed by the Ministry of Oil and EPCG’s revenue cap is set at undertaken.
Energy and a decision is expected by EUR78.8 million, down 18.7 per cent from
mid-March 2016. the requested amount, in line with A major portion of the funds will
regulations imposed on distribution come from the International Fund for
system operators. Support of Decommissioning of the V1
Greece’s ADMIE to remain under state Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
control (EUR1=USD1.08)
Greece’s Independent Power Fingrid to invest EUR13 million in
Transmission Operator Anexartitos Estonian government makes renovation of Koria substation in
Diacheiristis MetaforasIlektrikis amendments to electricity transmission Kouvola
Energeias (ADMIE) will cease to be an grids regulations
independent company as per the Finland’s electricity TSO Fingrid will
decision taken by its creditors and the Estonian government has passed invest EUR13 million in the renovation
government. amendments to electricity transmission of the Koria substation in Kouvola in
grids regulations to optimise EUR1.5 Finland.
As per the decision, ADMIE should million expenditures on installation of
split from its parent Public Power smart electricity meters. The substation’s 400 kV switchyard
Corporation S.A (PPC) and be converted will be renewed and extensive
into a company that will be a 100 per A smart electricity meter would not renovation work will be carried out at
cent subsidiary of the state. be installed at electricity consumption the 110 kV switchyard. Construction
points, which have not consumed work will begin in the autumn of 2016
The plan that has been agreed to, in electricity in three years. and the project will be completed in the
principle, will provide for the state to spring of 2019.
hold on to a majority stake of 51 per The amended regulation would also
cent and a strategic investor to take 20 extend the operating terms of the old (EUR1=USD1.08)
per cent, while the remaining 29 per power blocs of Eesti Energia Narva
cent will be floated on the local stock power plants through 2023.
Macedonia’s MEPSO calls for EUR49
(EUR1=USD1.08) million tender for power link with
After the grid operator is converted Albania
into a state-held company, a tender will Germany provides EUR29 million to boost
be called for the sale of 20 per cent of Macedonian transmission system
Mozambique power supply operator AD (MEPSO) has invited
ADMIE to a network operating company
with the remaining 29 per cent to be The German government will provide tenders for upto EUR49 million for the
listed on the bourse. a total of EUR29 million to support construction of the Macedonian section
projects aimed at improving the supply of a planned 400 kV cross-border
An independent assessment of the electricity interconnection from Bitola
of electricity in Mozambique.
price that PPC should receive as of Macedonia to Elbasan of Albania.
compensation for the grid operator will Of this amount, EUR20 million will
also be undertaken. The project is financed with a loan
be allocated to the power transmission
provided by the European Bank of
line between Mozambique and Malawi,
Reconstruction and Development, and
with the remaining EUR9 million for the
Montenegro’s power watchdog approves grants provided by the Western Balkans
company’s Short-term Investment Plan
regulatory revenue and tariff caps for (STIP).
Investment Framework and
2016 Luxembourg.
Montenegro’s energy regulator has The Macedonia–Albania Transmission
approved the regulatory caps on Project is part of the European
revenues, tariffs and charges for the Slovak TSO SEPS to invest EUR87 million Commission’s initiative to establish an
electricity sector for the period in electricity grid in 2016 East-West electricity transmission
commencing January 1, 2016. corridor between Bulgaria, Macedonia,
Slovakian TSO Slovenska Elektrizacna Albania, Montenegro and Italy, including
The decision was adopted after Prenosova Sustava (SEPS) is planning the planned submarine cable from
taking into account proposals submitted to invest nearly EUR87 million to extend Montenegro to Italy, which are important
by power utility Elektroprivreda Crne its 400 kV and 200 kV transmission steps towards establishing a regional
Gore (EPCG), transmission system networks in 2016. electricity market.
The last date for submission of bids and reconstructed more than 150 km of Crarae near Minard, with an investment
was January 6, 2017. Tendering for the 0.4-10 kV overhead power lines as part of EUR7.5 million.
consultancy contract is expected to of its investment programme.
This will now connect 43 MW of
begin in the first quarter of 2016.
Under this, the company also renewable power to the main grid. The
(EUR1=USD1.08) constructed three new transformer project took just 15 months to complete
substations, installed 83 power and reinforces the network in the Argyll
transformers, and increased the total and Bute area.
Litgrid makes additional investment to capacity to more than 33 MVA. These
protect NordBalt cable (EUR1=USD1.08)
initiatives have led to connection to
Lithuania’s electricity transmission power network of more than 1000 new
system operator Litgrid has made an consumers of privileged category in HVDC transmission line between Åland
additional investment of around EUR10 Slavyansk, Krasnoarmeisk and Temryuk and Finland commissioned
million during the construction of the districts of Krasnodar region.
Finland’s regional transmission network
power interconnection NordBalt operator Kraftnät Åland has
between Lithuania and Sweden. Investment programme of FGC UES to commissioned a new HVDC power
The National Commission for total RUB471 billion in 2016-2020 transmission line between the Åland
Energy Control and Prices has islands in Baltic Sea and mainland
Russia’s transmission system operator
approved Litgrid’s investment in Finland. The contractor for the power
Federal Grid Company of Unified
NordBalt, which totaled EUR223.12 transmission link was ABB.
Energy System (FGC UES) has
million. received approval from the Ministry of The new line will allow integration of
The newly-approved additional Energy for its investment programme renewable energy sources; delivering
amount exceeds the previous estimate for 2016-20. The company envisages an clean power to 28,000 inhabitants.
by EUR18 million, of which EUR9.86 investment of RUB471.12 billion in 2016-
In 2012, Kraftnät Åland selected ABB
million has been invested in the burying 2020. FGC plans to complete 44,338 MVA
to supply a new power transmission link
of transformer capacity and 11,781 km
of the undersea cable at a greater depth, between the Finnish mainland and
of transmission lines over this period.
which is a necessary precaution to Åland, consisting of two 80 kV submarine
prevent damage to the cable. NordBalt (RUB1=USD0.014) cables, with a capacity of 80 MW.
will launch operations in the first quarter
A third 400 kV line between Finland
of 2016.
Scottish Beauly-Denny line and Sweden, with capacity ranging
(EUR1=USD1.08) commissioned between 500-800 MW, is under
consideration in the long term.
Scotland’s 400 kV Beauly-Denny line has Construction is expected to start in 2023
Estonia’s Elering to invest in improving been successfully commissioned. Scottish with commissioning in 2025.
power supply security between islands Hydro Electric Transmission (SHE
Transmission) and SP Energy Networks
Estonian TSO Elering will invest EUR29 Ukrenergo to commission Kakhovska
have jointly developed the 220 km long
million in improving electricity supply
line. 615 steel towers, replacing over 800 substation and 750 kV power line in 2016
security for the islands of Muhumaa,
pre-existing 132 kilovolt towers, support
Saaremaa, and Hiiumaa in the next five The Ukrainian state-run national
the new line.
years. energy company Ukrenergo has plans
The line provides a fully functioning to finish construction and commission
Elering has invested EUR 10 million
power super-highway between the the Kakhovska substation and the 750
in laying a 110 kV submarine power
Highlands and the Central Belt. It is kV transmission line from the
cable link, with a projected capacity of
unlocking Scotland’s renewable Zaporizhia nuclear power plant (NPP)
100 MW, between the mainland and
resources and supporting economic to the substation Kakhovska in 2016.
Muhumaa Island.
growth in the Highlands.
The work at the Kakhovska
Another 110 kV submarine power
The project involved replacement of substation has been completed 60-70
cable link would be built between
the existing 132 kV single-circuit per cent. The 750 kV transmission line
Muhumaa and Saaremaa islands by
overhead line connecting Beauly near is predicted to be commissioned in
2020 that would function in line with the
Inverness and Wharry Burn near September 2016.
110 kV overhead transmission line
Stirling, with a 220 km long, 400 kV
running on the artificial dam road In August 2013, Ukrenergo signed a
double-circuit line from Beauly to Denny
between the two islands. contract with Spain’s Instalaciones
through Wharry Burn.
Inabensa SA for this transmission line.
This project is of great economic and
Russia’s Kubanenergo constructs over
SHE Transmission commissions new strategic importance for Ukraine.
150 km of power lines in Slavyanskiy
substation to connect green energy The new line will improve the power
power district
Scottish Hydro Electric supply to Kherson and Odesa regions
Russian energy utility Kubanenergo’s Transmission (SHE Transmission) has and will release the locked capacity of
Slavyanskiy branch has constructed constructed a 132/33 kV substation at Zaporizhia NPP.
MEPSO to construct 400 kV line Kafa substation commissioned in 10, 2013. This project included several
connecting Macedonia and Albania Crimea one year ahead of schedule other components such as construction
and rehabilitation of the 500 kV Vardzia
Macedonian transmission system Crimea’s energy system has overhead transmission line and 500 kV
operator AD (MEPSO) will construct a commissioned the 220 kV Kafa Zekari overhead transmission line that
400 kV interconnection line from Bitola substation, which will synchronise interconnected Akhaltskhe, Zestaponi
of Macedonia to Elbasan of Albania. Crimea with Russia’s unified energy and Gardabani substations, as well as
system. the construction of a new 400 kV
The project will be funded from the
loan of EUR37 million taken from the The energy flow creation through overhead line from Akhaltsikhe
European Bank for Reconstruction and this will amount to 200 MW. The substation to the Georgia-Turkey border.
Development (EBRD) and a EUR12 substation has been constructed in 18 The total contract price of the
million grant provided under the months as compared to the standard Akhaltsikhe substation and back-to-
Western Balkans Investment 30 months. back station amounted to EUR158.8
Framework (WBIF) Instrument for Pre- million.
The substation will connect 120 km
Accession (IPA) 2015 funds.
of transmission lines as part of the first (EUR1=USD1.08)
The agreement foresees the phase of an energy bridge from Kuban
construction of 95 km of 400 kV power area. Along with this, four cable lines
transmission line from the southwestern have been laid down across Kerch Georgia’s JSC Georgian State
Macedonian city of Bitola to the Strait, which will carry power to Crimea Electrosystem (GSE) invites bids for
Albanian border with a substation at at 220 kV. supply of towers for 220 kV line
Ohrid, and to implement grid efficiency
Georgia’s JSC Georgian State
Ukrenergo completes repair of power Electrosystem (GSE) has invited bids for
Construction of the new line will line in Crimea the supply of hot galvanised towers for
connect the Macedonian electricity 220 kV transmission line in Sataplia and
market, which is dominated by thermal Using insulator kits, the Ukrainian state- Adjameti under the World Bank-funded
power, to the Albanian electricity run national energy company Transmission Grid Strengthening
market, with predominantly Ukrenergo has completed the repair of Project.
hydroelectric power. This will help the 220 kW Kakhovka-Tytan power
transmission line connecting elevated The last date for submission of bids
improve the balancing of the two
power wires. was January 11, 2016.
electricity systems, reduce operational
costs and boost the use of renewable However, in order to connect the
energy. power line to Crimea’s power grid, an Azerbaijan’s Buzovna-2 substation
The complete documentation for the agreement with Ukrainian activists is commissioned
project is to be prepared by the end of needed.
Azerbaijan’s 220 kV Buzovna-2
2016, while energy facilities are In Russia-occupied Crimea, two out substation has been commissioned with
expected to be fully built by 2019. The of four transmission pylons on the a capacity of 40 MVA. It was built in the
total value of the project is expected to administrative border between Ukraine place of the old 110/10 kV Buzovna darti
exceed EUR65 million. and Crimea were damaged by blasts substation.
(EUR1=USD1.08) caused by Ukrainian activists last week
The new one supplies power to
causing power outage in the region.
Buzovna, Zughulba, Albalilig settlements,
Bulgaria’s Electricity System Operator several government agencies, as well as
EAD invites bids for construction of Georgia completes construction of recreation, tourism, medical and other
transmission lines in South Caucasian facilities with uninterrupted and quality
overhead power lines
countries power.
Bulgaria’s Electricity System Operator
EAD has invited bids for the Georgia has completed the construction
construction of 400 kV overhead power and rehabilitation of transmission lines FGC UES tests new 500 kV power
lines from Maritsa East substation to in South Caucasian countries and transmission line for Novovoronezh NPP-
Maritsa Iztok 3 substation. created an energy bridge in the region. II
The scope of work includes It has completed construction of a Russia’s transmission system operator
architectural and engineering services, 500 kV transmission line to Azerbaijan, Federal Grid Company of Unified
urban planning and landscape rehabilitated a 500 kV transmission line Energy System (FGC UES) has
architecture, scientific and technical to Russia and planned to operate a 500 successfully tested the 500 kV
consulting services, technical testing kV transmission line to Armenia. This is Donskaya–Eletskaya transmission line
and analysis. a part of the Black Sea Transmission intended for the supply of electricity
The estimated value of the contract Network (BSTN) Project. from Novovoronezh nuclear power
is BGN0.4 million and its duration is 180 plant-II.
Under the BSTN project, the 500/400/
days. 220 kV Akhaltsikhe substation was Upon commissioning of the nuclear
(BGN1=USD0.56) officially commissioned on December power plant, the power supply system
will additionally receive 1,198 MVA of by Ust–Srednekanskaya hydropower 220 kV lines between Weißenbach and
electrical capacity for the development plant to the southern part of Magadan Ernsthofen.
of Russia’s Central and Southern region.
The five-month contract has been
federal districts.
The power network construction divided into two lots, which include
The new 216 km long Donskaya project is covered and regulated by the works on masts. The last date for
NPP–Eletskaya power line is located in investment agreement on cooperation submitting bids is January 22, 2016.
Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. for 2014 entered into by the
Government of the Magadan region and
The construction project included DVUEK JSC, as well as by the Federal Poland’s PSE invites bids for installation
the installation of 708 supports, wires Target Program for economic and social services of transformers
and a fibre optical line, and took one development of the Far East and Baykal
year to complete. Polish power grid company Polskie Sieci
region. Elektroenergetyczne S.A. has invited
bids for delivery and installation of 245
Russia’s OJSC ESSK UES invites bids for Russia’s Yantarenergo to construct kV three-phase transformers with a
500 kV substation substations and power lines in capacity of at least 400 MVA.
TenneT invites bids for electric mounting per cent interest in Enovos International Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA (FS)
services in 110-280 kV substations S.A., a power transmission and invites bids for supply of three-phase
distribution company, from German transformers
Dutch TSO TenneT has invited bids for energy group RWE AG and Energy
the provision of mounting services as Company E.ON. Railway transport services
part of electric installation of 110-380 kV provider Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
substations. The consortium comprises of SpA (FS) has invited bids for the supply
Luxembourg State, Societe Nationale de of 66/132/150 kV transformers. The
The scope of work includes planning Credit et d’Investissement (SNCI), City
services, construction, primary and estimated value of the contract is
of Luxembourg, Banque et Caisse EUR2.3 million.
secondary assembly, electrical balance,
d’Epargne de l’Etat (BCEE), and Ardian.
and document management. The
contract will be awarded through a Under the terms of the agreement, Finland’s Caruna Oy to improve
negotiated procedure. BCEE will acquire 12 per cent interest; reliability of transmission network
City of Luxembourg will acquire 7.61 per
cent; SNCI will acquire 4.19 per cent; Finland’s Caruna Oy is planning to
PKP Energetyka S.A. invites bids for Luxembourg State will acquire 2.56 per improve the reliability of its electricity
construction of power lines cent and Ardian will acquire 2 per cent network in Northern Ostrobothnia,
interest in Enovos International. Southern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and
Poland’s power distribution company
PKP Energetyka S.A has invited bids for The transaction is conditional upon
the construction of two cable-overhead the approval by the Municipal Council For this, the company is currently
lines for a 110 kV substation connecting of the City of Luxembourg, the looking for partners for the network
GPZ Latoszyn to PT Grabiny. The Supervisory Board of RWE and the improvement work, which is due to start
contract is a government procurement respective antitrust authorities, and is in the spring of 2016.
agreement and its total value is PLN expected to close in the first quarter of
0.69 million. 2016. Fingrid Oyj invites bids for supply of 400
(PLN1=USD0.25) kV circuit breakers
Spain’s Abengoa seeks to sell stalled Finland’s Fingrid Oyj has invited bids
Enea Operator invites bids for supply of Brazil projects for the supply of 12 units of 400 kV
transformers disconnecting circuit breakers for the
Spain’s multinational Abengoa SA is
seeking buyers to revive transmission Alajärvi substation.
Polish electricity supplier Enea Operator
has invited bids for the supply of lines and other construction projects in The contract is a Government
transformers at various substations. Brazil that the company had suspended Procurement Agreement (GPA) and will
after filing for creditor protection in be awarded through a negotiated
The contract has been divided into
Spanish courts. procedure. The last date for submitting
two lots. Lot-I includes delivery of 110/
15 kV transformers with a capacity of bids is January 22, 2016.
The company is looking for a market
10 MVA, while Lot-II includes delivery solution for projects it has been
of 110/15 kV transformers with a contracted to build and operate in Brazil. Norway’s Lofotkraft AS invites bids for
capacity of 25 MVA. Brazil’s government is also in talks with upgrade of power lines
The contract is a Government several foreign companies interested
in taking over construction work of new Norway’s Lofotkraft AS has invited bids
Procurement Agreement and will run
power transmission lines left for the voltage upgrade of 132 kV power
from March 1, 2016 to October 1, 2016.
incomplete by Abengoa. line between Kvitfossen and Solbjørn.
The section to be upgraded runs from
German Oberhessische The work stoppages are expected Kleppstad to Fygle.
to delay the completion of 1,700
Versorgungsbetriebe AG invites bids for The contract is a Government
kilometres of transmission lines needed
transformers to link the new Belo Monte hydroelectric Procurement Agreement. The scope of
Germany’s Oberhessische project in Brazil’s Amazon with key parts work includes construction and delivery
Versorgungsbetriebe AG has invited of the national power grid. of materials to the power line. The last
bids for delivery and installation of a date for receiving tenders was January
The Belo Monte hydro complex is 15, 2016.
115/21 kV transformer at UW Alsfeld
expected to start generating power in
with a capacity of 40 MVA. The last date
March 2016.
for receiving bids is January 25, 2016.
Greek Independent TSO for Electricity SA
Between April and December 2016,
invites bids for transmission pylons
five additional turbines with 611.1 MW
Luxembourg’s Grand Duchy and Ardian to of capacity each are scheduled to begin Greece’s Independent Transmission
Acquire stake in Enovos International operating, but not all of the capacity is Operator for Electricity SA has invited
The consortium of Grand Duchy of likely to be delivered to the grid right bids for supply of 400 kV steel
Luxembourg, and Ardian, a private away because of delays in transmission transmission pylons. The last date for
equity firm, has agreed to acquire 28.4 line construction. submission of bids is January 28, 2016.
Ukrenergo completes reconstruction of work involves design, supply and The second lot involves supply and
Usatove substation in Odesa region implementation of the project, and has installation of 115/21/10.5 kV, 32 MVA
been divided into two stages. The first transformers at Viskaïi substation.
The Ukrainian state-run national stage involves preparation of detailed
energy company Ukrenergo has The duration of the contract is from
design and the second stage involves
completed the reconstruction of the 330 February 2, 2016 to December 15, 2017.
implementation of construction works
kV Usatove substation in Odesa region, and supply of materials.
which will help to connect it to the 110
The contract is a Government Latvia’s Augstsprieguma tîkls AS invites
kV Marazliyevska substation.
Procurement Agreement (GPA) with an bids for delivery of transformers
The scope of work involved estimated value of BGN0.05 million. Latvia’s Augstsprieguma tîkls AS has
installation of new cells for a
(BGN1=USD0.56) invited bids for the delivery of 110 kV
subsequent connection of power lines
transformers at Lecava and Koknese
to the 110 kV Marazliyevska substation,
substations. This contract is a
which delivers electricity to the central
Croatian HOPS invites bids for Government Procurement Agreement
part of Odesa.
reconstruction of 110/35 kV substation with a total value of EUR0.25 million.
Croatia’s Hrvatski Operator (EUR1=USD1.08)
Macedonia’s EVN Makedonija AD invites Prijenosnog Sustava d.o.o. (HOPS) has
bids for procurement of transformers invited bids for the execution of
reconstruction works of the 110/35 kV Russia and North Korea expected to sign
Macedonia’s EVN Makedonija AD has
Pokuplje substation, along with the electric power deal
invited bids for the procurement of 110
kV transformers with a capacity of 40 supply of equipment. The last date for Russia will sign an agreement with
MVA. The contract has been divided into submission of bids is February 10, 2016. North Korea to cooperate on electric
two lots. Lot-I includes procurement of energy provision to the Democratic
two 110 kV earthing transformers for People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK),
Latvia’s Augstsprieguma tîkls AS invites
the 110/10 kV Kozle-Skopje line. Lot-II according to a Russian governmental
bids for supply of transformer at
includes procurement of one 110 kV decree.
earthing transformer of 40 MVA Daugavpils substation
capacity for the 110/10 kV Bitola line. The agreement will be focused on
Latvia’s Augstsprieguma tîkls AS has
The total value of the contract is MKD increasing electricity supplies to the
invited bids for the supply of a 330/115/
73.8 million, which will be awarded DPRK by upgrading the country’s
10.5 kV transformer with a capacity of
through a negotiated procedure. infrastructure and power stations.
125 MVA at Daugavpils substation. The
(MKD1=USD0.018) contract is a Government Procurement The decree is a part of the series of
Agreement and runs from May 2, 2016 initiatives geared towards economic or
to September 22, 2016. political bilateral cooperation
Bulgaria’s Electricity System Operator throughout the course of 2015.
EAD invites bids for supply of instrument
Government of Belarus invites bids for
reconstruction of 220 kV line MOESK terminates power supply
Bulgaria’s Electricity System Operator agreement with Oboronenergosbyt
Government of Belarus has invited bids
EAD has invited bids for the supply of 110
for the reconstruction of 220 kV line Moscow’s power grid operator PJSC
kV instrument transformers.
from Miradino to Mogilev. The scope of Moscow United Electric Grid Company
The contract has been divided into work involves design and survey works. (MOESK) has applied for the
three lots. Lot I includes delivery of 110 The last date for submission of bids was termination of its contract with JSC
kV current measuring transformers at January 15, 2016. The total value of the Oboronenergosbyt for the provision of
a value of BGN1.53 million; Lot II contract is BYR992.8 million. electricity transmission services.
includes delivery of 110 kV voltage
(BYR1=USD0.000053) Following the contract termination,
measuring transformers at a value of
BGN 0.93 million; while Lot III includes MOESK intends to offer direct
delivery of 110 kV combined instrument Latvia’s Augstsprieguma tîkls AS invites electricity transmission contracts to
transformers at a value of BGN1.14 bids for delivery of power supply Oboronenergosbyt consumers.
transformers Oboronenergosbyt’s debt to
(BGN1=USD0.55) MOESK over the period from May 2014
Latvia’s Augstsprieguma tîkls AS has
invited bids for delivery of power supply to October 2015 exceeded RUB1 billion.
Bulgaria’s MER Haskovo invites bids for transformers at the 110 kV Bolderaja II Throughout this period, MOESK
strengthening of overhead line and Viskaïi substations. provided electricity transmission
The contract has been divided into services to this company to the full
Elektoenergien Sistemen Operator
two lots. The first lot includes supply extent, but the amount of debt increased
(ESO) EAD – MER Haskovo has invited
and installation of 110/10.5 kV, 32 MVA by RUB75 million every month.
bids for the strengthening of 110 kV
Armira overhead line. The scope of transformers at Bolderaja II substation. (RUB1=USD0.014)
Russia launches first line of power Work on 400 kV substation in Dubai CLSG project including the Ministries
bridge to Crimea progresses of Energy, Finance and Development
Planning, Foreign Affairs as well as
Russian power utility Krymenergo Work on the Dubai Electricity and Water donor partners.
launched the first line of a power bridge Authority’s (DEWA) 400 kV substation
connecting the Krasnodar Region with at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al The CLSG project entails the
Crimea on December 2. Maktoum solar park is progressing well construction of 225 kV lines spanning
and is expected to be commissioned by 1,349 km across the four countries.
The power bridge, crossing the
the fourth quarter of 2016. The project also includes the
Kerch Strait, will significantly reduce the
power deficit in Crimea. About 50 per cent work of the construction of 11 new substations and
substation is completed. The 132/400 kV expansion of an existing substation in
The peninsula has been fully Cote d’Ivoire.
substation at the solar park is being built
ensured its own power generation and
at a cost of USD75 million.
flows from Russia’s unified power In addition, an optical ground wire
system after the bridge’s second stage The project includes importing, (OPGW) network and a supervisory
launch scheduled for May 2016. installing, testing and launching of the control and data acquisition (SCADA)
main 132/400 kV facility with four 400 kV system, located at the Regional Control
The first line will allow Russia to
cabling. On completion, the project will Centre (RCC) in Linsan (Guinea), will
transfer around 200 MW of electric power
have a conversion capacity of 1,515 be implemented to facilitate the
from the Krasnodar Region to Crimea and
MVA. operation of the interconnection.
another 200 MW are expected to start
arriving on December 20. ABB is the main contractor of the The project is one of the five priority
substation project. The work on the projects of the larger West African
The additional 400 MW of power,
project has been taken up in four Power Pool (WAPP) programme being
which Crimea will start receiving after
sections. implemented to establish a well-
December 20, 2015, will contribute to
ensuring 80-90 per cent of Crimea’s The first includes a 400 kV substation functioning, cooperative, power pooling
power demand. with 11 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS). mechanism for West Africa.
The project is expected to increase Uganda’s TSO UETCL invites consultancy The last date for submission of bids
power supply to the country’s Eastern bids for 400 kV line is February 12, 2016.
The state-owned Uganda Electricity
The Chinese firm Tebian Electric Transmission Company Limited Eskom invites construction bids for 765
Apparatus (TBEA) Company Limited (UETCL) has invited consultancy bids kV and 400 kV lines
was the developer of this project. for a 400 kV line. The scope of the
South Africa’s Eskom Holdings SOC
contract involves the provision of
Limited (Eskom) invites bids for the
engineering designs, procurement
Ethiopian EEPCO seeks bids for 230 kV line construction of the 765 kV and 400 kV
support, project management and
Masa–Ngwedi (Section D and E)
State-owned vertically-integrated construction supervision for the KfW
transmission lines under the World
power utility Ethiopian Electric Power Development Bank-funded 400 kV
Bank-funded Eskom Investment
Masaka–Mbarara Transmission Line
Company (EEPCo) has invited bids for Support Project.
Project. The last date for submission of
the 230 kV line under the International
bids was January 13, 2016. The scope of contract involves
Development Association (IDA)-
providing access to roads and
funded Electricity Network infrastructure; bush clearing; supply of
Reinforcement and Expansion Project. Uganda’s UETCL invites consultancy bids tower foundations and stay wire
for 400 kV line foundations; fabrication and erection of
The scope of the project involves the
stringing of the second circuit of the 230 The state-owned UETCL has invited structural steel transmission towers;
consultancy bids for a 220 kV line. The installation of hardware, conductors
kV Alamata–Combolcha II-Legetafo
scope of the contract involves the and insulators; tower assembly,
transmission line along with the
provision of consultancy services for the stringing and labeling; conductor
installation of the 230 kV line bays at regulation; and supply of a fall arrest
Combolcha II and Legetafo substations. review and update of feasibility study
for the KfW Development Bank-funded system (FAS).
The bid submission date for the 220 kV Masaka–Mwanza Transmission The bid due date for submission of
contract is March 7, 2016. Line Project. bids is February 12, 2016.
The mission of Global Transmission is simple and modest – to provide you with comprehensive and up-to-date information and analysis
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Table 4: Dominion’s capital expenditure (USD million) DVP is likely to utilise a capital expenditure of over USD2.33
billion from 2015 through 2017 to upgrade or add a new
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
transmission network of which USD847 million was allocated
Dominion Resources 3,837 3,422 3,652 4,145 4,104 5,551 for the year 2015, while USD758 million and USD728 million
– Dominion Virginia 2,488 2,234 2,090 2,288 2,533 3,107 were allocated for the years 2016 and 2017 respectively.
– Capex on T&D 841 1,038 1,091 1,158 1,361 1,652 The company plans not only to spend on constructing new
network transmission lines but also on upgrading the existing ones. In
Note: Capex – capital expenditure; T&D – transmission and distribution this regard, DVP plans to place about 4,000 miles (6,440 km) of
Source: Dominion Resources historically outage-prone electric power lines underground
by 2026, which is about 11 per cent of its power distribution
In 2014, Dominion incurred USD5.6 billion in capital lines. DVP will also spend money to bury 350–400 miles (563"640
expenditure, registering a CAGR of 7.7 per cent since 2009. Of km) of lines a year. Some of the major projects that the
this, USD1.65 billion was spent on strengthening the company plans to complete by 2018 are the Haymarket 230 kV
transmission network of the company, which was about 30 per Transmission Line and Substation Project; the Surry–Skiffes
cent of its total expenditure and 53 per cent of the total capital Creek Project; and the Poland Road 230 kV Transmission Line
expenditure of DVP. and Substation Project.
Table 6: Project-wise planned capital expenditure on Table 5: Dominion Virginia Power’s planned capital
transmission (USD million) expenditure (USD million)
Project 2016 2017 2016 2017 Total
Surry–Skiffes Creek Project 66 25 Transmission 758 728 1,486
Elmont–Cunningham Rebuild Project 62 31 Total 5,622 4,629 10,251
Warrenton 230 kV 55 14 Source: Dominion Resources.
Richmond SOC Office 42 5
The grants for most of its electric lines contain rights-of-
Substation security project 86 89
way (ROW) that have been obtained from the apparent owners
Reliability Upgrades 119 119
of real estate or on publicly owned property, where
Other projects 303 422 permissions to implement are being revoked, thereby
Maintenance 23 23 challenging the company to complete the project within the
Total planned capital expenditure on 756 728 scheduled timeframe. A major example of this ROW issue is
transmission network the Surry–Skiffes Creek Project, on which work has been struck
Total planned capital expenditure of 1,494 1,478 due to environmental reasons and delays in receiving
Dominion Virginia Power approval from US Army Corps of Engineers.
Source: Dominion Resources.
Future plans and investments
Though Dominion Resources has taken up the task of
Under Dominion’s six-year investment plan 2015–20, the upgrading its existing infrastructure along with the addition of
company is expected to spend approximately USD8.9 billion a new transmission network, it will continue to face challenges
from 2015 through 2020 to upgrade and add new T&D lines, due to changing regulatory requirements and ROW issues,
substations, and other facilities to meet growing electricity which in turn will burden the company financially and restrict
demand within its service territory and to maintain reliability. its expansion plans.
Chile’s Draft Transmission Law parts of the country, while the consumption centres are located
in the south. The two systems – SING and SIC – are not
interconnected and have their own operators.
Proposals to merge Chile’s two main grids
Inadequate transmission facilities have rendered several
generation projects unviable. In addition, network congestion
Transmission Developments in 2015 federal government exercises its power to grant eminent
domain rights to developers to acquire private property for
the setting up of projects.
Round up on regulatory and industry activities
Iowa Senate is also discussing the House Study Bill 222,
which aims to restrict the use of eminent domain for
I n 2015, there has been some progress on the regulatory
front in many countries in streamlining the processes for
approval of the electricity transmission projects. Laws and
transmission lines in the state. The law is targeted against
the Rock Island Clean Line, which is expected to cross 16
counties in the state.
regulations have been amended, especially in Latin American
region, to introduce reforms and procedures to expedite the In April 2015, Texas regulators approved SB 933, which
development of the transmission projects. In North America, extends the state regulatory authority over large direct
several important projects have been completed. However, current (DC) transmission projects.
in other countries the pace of development has been slow.
Here we present a round up of developments in the global During the month, the state regulators also proposed to
electricity transmission sector in 2015. repeal the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which
mandates utilities to get a portion of their electricity from
renewable energy sources.
North America
It also ends the process of building transmission lines to
In 2015, the key focus of the power transmission market in deliver power from wind farms to cities across the state. If
the United States remained on strengthening cyber security passed by the House, the Bill will end the Texas Public Utility
norms, regulating power transmission charges, and granting Commission’s discretionary authority under the Competitive
more power to state or local regulators mainly for the Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) programme.
allotment of land for transmission projects.
In addition, the Northeast Oregon Water Association
The Unites States’ Federal Energy Regulatory (NOWA) and the Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB) submitted their
Commission (FERC) is working on improving the cyber proposal to the House Committee on Rural Communities,
security norms for the country’s bulk electric system (BES). Land Use and Water for a Bill that would require power
In this regard, in July 2015, it proposed to accept seven transmission project developers to set up their projects with
critical infrastructure protection (CIP) reliability standards minimum impact on high-value farmland.
and other modifications in Version 5 of the CIP standards
submitted by the North American Electric Reliability This could affect the development of the Boardman to
Corporation (NERC). Hemingway (B2H) project of Idaho Power. In August 2015,
Orange County also amended its zoning ordinance to
With these standards, NERC aims to address risks to mandate all public utilities to have special-use permits for
communication networks and related BES assets. FERC’s utilising any land in all zones (except industrial zones) to
proposal would modify the scope and applicability of certain construct power generation, transmission, and distribution
CIP standards to protect communication links and safeguard projects.
sensitive data among BES control centres.
In contrast to the above initiatives, the members of the
Meanwhile, FERC is working towards regulating the Missouri House of Representatives Energy and the
transmission rates to protect consumers from higher power Environment Committee in April 2015 voted against House
prices. In this regard, it has recommended a reduction in Bill (HB) 1027, which recommended the denial of eminent
transmission rates to 10.32 per cent from 12.38 per cent. domain to certain electric transmission line proposals,
However, the commission staff demanded an even including plans falling outside of ‘a regulated regional
further cut to 9.14 per cent. A final decision on this matter by transmission line planning process’ and proposals for projects
to be ‘constructed with private funds and paid [for] by users
the FERC is expected in September 2016.
of the line’.
Some state-level regulators, such as those in Oregon,
During the year, several projects received regulatory
Iowa, Minnesota, and Arkansas, are showing increasing
approvals. In October 2015, the Board of PJM Interconnection
concern about the environmental and social impact of these
projects. In the past few months, these states have proposed approved 11 market-efficiency projects worth USD59 million.
different acts and bills that can hinder the development of As per the analysis of the regional transmission operator
(RTO), these projects are expected to provide savings of
transmission projects in the United States.
USD15 for every dollar invested.
The majority of them deal with the allocation of land for
Some of the key projects that received various state-level
these projects and provide greater powers to state or local
approvals are the Grain Belt Express Clean Line project from
authorities to assess the need for the given project. A common
the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for the Illinois
concern that the regulatory steps aim to address pertains to
portion of the project; the Creekview interconnection project
the allotment of land to power transmission project
from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC); the
Spoon River transmission line project from the ICC; the Great
In July 2015, the senators from Arkansas introduced House Northern transmission project from the Minnesota Public
of Representatives (HR) Bill 3062 to enable the state to Utilities Commission (PUC); and the North Appleton-Morgan
approve or reject electric transmission projects before the transmission line project from the Wisconsin PSC.
Several companies announced their investment plans to Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas discussed
expand and strengthen their power transmission networks. the enhancing of energy cooperation between the two
Some of the key upcoming investments announcement made countries in the areas of oil, natural gas, clean energy, power
in the country in 2015 include a 10-year investment plan of transmission, and skill development. Both the countries are
ATC worth between USD3.7 billion and USD4.5 billion for strengthening government-to-government, and business-to-
network expansion, Ridgewood Private Equity Partners’ business, relationships to help create jobs and to bring about
(RPEP) USD100 million investment in the Neptune Regional long-term economic prosperity for both countries.
Transmission System, and ITC Holdings Corporation’s (ITC) In 2015, Nova Scotia Power announced its plan to spend
plan to invest USD4.5 billion till 2018 to upgrade and expand CAD36 million over eight years to widen the transmission
its power transmission network in the US Midwest. corridor across the province. Canadian Newfoundland and
The key acquisition deals concluded in the United States Labrador Hydro also plans to invest CAD184 million in capital
in 2015 include the Exelon Corporation and Pepco Holdings projects in 2016.
deal, which received approval from the Delaware PSC in June The key projects commissioned in Canada in 2015 include
2015. the Interior to Lower Mainland transmission project and the
South Central MCN LLC, a subsidiary of GridLiance Merritt Area Transmission (MAT) line project.
Holdco, and Tri-County Electric Cooperative (TCEC) entered
into a definitive agreement to acquire the electric Latin America
transmission assets of the latter.
In 2015, various regulatory developments took place in the
AIA Energy North America LLC completed the acquisition power transmission markets of Latin American countries to
of the Cross Sound Cable transmission system. Energy Future open up the segment to private players, to support the
Holdings (EFH) is still in the process of selling its transmission increased integration of renewable-energy capacity, and to
arm Oncor Electric to Hunt Consolidated, Inc. improve the pace of development of power transmission
The projects completed in the United States in 2015 projects.
include the Battle Axe–Roadrunner 115 kV transmission line In August 2014, the Mexican government passed
project, the Ochiltree–Cole 115 kV project, the Big Eddy– secondary energy reform laws, marking the conclusion of
Knight transmission line project, the Central Ferry–Lower the legislative process aimed at reforming the country’s
Monumental transmission line project, the Central–Tortolita energy sector.
transmission project, the Hampton–La Crosse transmission
The process of overhauling Mexico’s energy sector was
project, the Phoenix– Yuma transmission line project, the
initiated in December 2013 when the Mexican Senate
Susquehanna–Roseland transmission project, the Western
approved a landmark Energy Bill, thereby opening up the
Milwaukee County Electric Reliability project, the Brookings
energy sector to private players.
County–Hampton transmission line project, and the Fargo–
St. Cloud–Monticello transmission line project. The defining of the secondary laws was imperative in
order to initiate the reform process. Mexican energy ministry
In September 2015, the rate proposals, returns on
Sener recently announced that state-owned energy firm
investment, and equity structures of Kanstar Transmission,
Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) will create
LLC, Midwest Power Transmission Arkansas, LLC, and ATX
transmission, distribution, supply, and generation
Southwest, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ameren
subsidiaries, each of which will be managed separately.
Transmission Company, were also accepted by FERC.
Chile is in the process of announcing a new Electricity
Under this filing, the companies separately submitted Transmission Bill to support the increased integration of
their transmission formula rate templates and formula rate renewable-energy resources.
protocols to establish a mechanism for recovering their
costs associated with the transmission projects that they The country also plans to modify its electricity system to
intend to own and develop as part of the Order 1000 create a more robust and secure system by changing the
mandates of FERC. way in which transmission services are remunerated.
Various notable developments also took place in Canada At present, the power transmission cost, which
in 2015. In September, the Canadian Standards Association corresponds to around 10 per cent of the total price of
(CSA) published new editions of two standards for power electricity, is covered by power generation companies,
distribution and transmission networks. although the new proposal plans to pass this cost on to
These are part of Part III of the Canadian Electrical Code
(CEC), which specifies minimum requirements for electricity Brazil is also reportedly considering approving legislation
supply and telecommunication systems in support of public to speed up licensing for power transmission projects and
safety and reliability of service. for attracting investors.
The Canadian government is also exploring opportunities The country’s Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is
to expand and enhance its energy cooperation with India. studying the possibility of including the cost of transmission
lines in the concession contracts for future wind-energy
During the second India-Canada Ministerial Energy Dialogue
in July, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources and India’s
In August 2015, the government of Paraguay passed a power utility Companhia Paranaense de Energia (Copel) also
new decree that mandates that all the metal structures approved investments of BRL3.15 billion for the next year.
(pylons or towers) to be used in electricity transmission lines
Centro de Despacho Económico de Carga del Sistema
and substations must be sourced from local manufacturers.
Interconectado del Norte Grande (CDEC-SING), the operator
The latter will need to produce the entire product within the
of Chile’s northern grid, also presented a proposal for the
country itself.
implementation of 24 power transmission projects worth
The countries are also supporting each other in meeting USD220 million to Chile’s energy commission, Comisión
the rising power demand and in improving the domestic Nacional de Energía (CNE).
electrification rate through power exchange. Bolivia is
Of these 24 projects, 17 are new projects or involve
expected to invest USD622 million in the construction of
expansions necessary to facilitate the interconnection of the
transmission lines with Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Paraguay.
SING trunk system with that of the larger, central SIC grid.
According to the officials of the Ministry of Hydrocarbons
Costa Rica is also likely to use a USD500 million credit line
and Energy, the length of the lines is expected to be 1,400 km
from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to increase
in total.
its renewable-energy capacity and to expand its
In December 2015, the Brazilian government also transmission and distribution networks.
authorised temporary and exceptional electricity imports
Further, Colombian electricity transmission, road
from Uruguay as the country’s grid struggles to meet soaring
concession, and telecommunications company Interconexión
summer demand. In 2015, the 417-km-long, 500 kV Brazil–
Electrica (ISA) plans to invest COP9.49 trillion by 2020.
Uruguay Interconnection Project was also completed.
Limited power availability and rising demand in Latin
In August 2015, the Brazilian Supervisory Agency for
American countries provide vast investment opportunities
Investment in Energy and Mining (Osinergmin) announced
to foreign investors also, which are capitalising on the shifting
that the ±600 kV, 2,375-km-long high voltage direct current
focus of policy makers towards establishing vast power
(HVDC) Porto Velho–Araraquara 2 line can be used for
transmission networks.
exporting power from Peru to Brazil.
In July 2015, State Grid Brazil Holding S.A. (SGBH), a
According to a study published by Northeast Group, LLC,
Brazilian subsidiary of SGCC, won the concession for a
the South American countries are expected to invest USD38.1
second transmission line linking the Belo Monte hydroelectric
billion in the modernisation of their power infrastructure
power plant in collaboration with domestic companies Furnas
during 2015–25.
Central Electric SA (Furnas) (24.5 per cent) and Centrais
Brazil has been reported to be the largest market in the Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S.A. (Eletronorte) (24.5 per cent).
region for smart-grid investments so far. Brazilian utilities The 11.2 GW Belo Monte power complex is located on the
have announced deployments of over 3 million smart meters Xingu River in the northern state of Pará. Some of the other
in 2014 and plan to invest USD25.6 billion in the same over key foreign companies are Red Electrica Internacional SAU,
the next ten years. which has won a concession contract for the Montalvo–Los
Heroes 220 kV transmission line in Peru; Grupo Isolux Corsan,
Besides Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina
which was awarded the contract for the construction of a
are also planning significant investments in grid
transmission line and a substation in Duran by strategic public
company Corporación Electrica del Ecuador; Abengoa, which
Overall, the South American nations are expected to was awarded the engineering and construction projects for
invest USD22.6 billion in smart metering, USD7.2 billion in two new power transmission lines in Argentina worth USD49
distribution automation, and USD8.3 billion in other smart- million, and for the construction of four 230 kV transmission
grid market segments during 2015–25. lines and two 230 kV substations in Chihuahua in Mexico; and
Suzhou Furukawa Power Optic Cable Company Limited
In 2015, Mexico unveiled the Programa de Desarrollo del
(SFPOC), which was awarded a contract to supply 980 km of
Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (PRODESEN), or the National
optical ground wire (OPGW) cable and associated hardware
Electric System Development Plan, as a reference document
for a 500 kV power line project from Proyectos De
for the development of the generation, transmission, and
Infraestructura Del Peru (PDI). In addition, in December 2015,
distribution network of the country. It also aims to increase
Chilean E-CL, controlled by French utility GDF Suez, signed
the share of clean power in the total power mix of the country
an agreement with Spain’s power transmission network
to 25 per cent by 2018.
operator Red Eléctrica de España (REE) to partner in the
In December 2015, Mexican state-owned energy firm development of the Mejillones–Cardones Transmission Line
Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) also confirmed an Project.
allocation of over USD750 million to renovate its transmission
Various funding deals were also signed in 2015 to
and distribution network.
strengthen the power transmission network of the region.
In Brazil, energy firm Eletrobras announced new plans to During the year, France’s Agence Française de
invest BRL50.3 billion in strengthening its power generation Développement (AFD) offered financing of EUR100 million
and transmission network during 2015–2019. This represents to Brazilian state-owned power utility Companhia Energetica
about a 17.3 per cent cut in its previous planned investment de Minas Gerais (Cemig) to reinforce and improve the
amount. In December 2015, the board of Paraná state-owned transmission infrastructure in Brazil; Corporación Andina de
Fomento (CAF), or the Latin American Development Bank, The Chinese government in November 2015 announced
granted a USD400 million loan to Ecuador to support the plans to expand its new power transmission and distribution
power generation, transmission, and distribution network of pricing reform initiative, initiated on a pilot basis in Shenzhen,
the country; the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to Inner Mongolia, Anhui, Hubei, Ningxia, Yunnan and
announced approval of a USD80 million loan to Ecuador to Guizhou, and finally nationwide. Also, in November 2015, the
finance the strengthening of Ecuador ’s National Electricity government of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia awarded
Distribution System (SND); Peruvian transmission the successful lease of NSW’s transmission system operator
concessionaire Consorcio Transmantaro (CTM), a consortium TransGrid to an Australian-led consortium, NSW Electricity
comprising Colombian power utilities Interconexión Eléctrica Network. The move was in line with the government’s efforts
(ISA) and Empresa de Energía de Bogotá (EEB), signed a to raise funds for investments in key infrastructure projects.
USD250 million loan agreement with Peru’s Banco de Credito
China, followed by India, continued to lead in the
del Perú (BCP); and the Development Bank of Latin America,
development of ultra high voltage (UHV) technology in the
CAF, approved a USD100 million loan for the implementation
region. In line with China’s plan to develop UHV projects on
of the Tuy Valleys Expansion Project in Venezuela.
a large scale by 2020, mainly to address air pollution and to
During the year, various acquisition deals were also facilitate the transfer of bulk power, State Grid Corporation
signed in the region. These include acquisition of a 51 per of China (SGCC) continued to implement UHV projects at a
cent stake in four Brazilian electricity transmission steady pace during 2015. The 1,000 kV Xilingol League (Inner
concessions by Colombian Empresa de Energía de Bogotá Mongolia)-–Jinan (Shandong) UHV alternating current (UHV
(EEB) for BRL547.98 million; acquisition of South African AC) project was approved for implementation, and
manufacturer TSS Transformers by Brazilian WEG SA; and construction works commenced on the ±800 kV Jiuquan–UHV
acquisition of a 22.14 per cent stake in Brazil-based local direct current (UHV DC) during the year. Other UHV projects
transmission utility Transmissora Aliança de Energía Eléctrica under construction include the ±800 kV Lingzhou–Shaoxing
S.A. (TAESA) by Colombian state-run utility Empresas UHV DC line project and the ±800 kV Shuozhou (Shanxi)–
Publicas de Medellin (EPM) for BRL1.53 billion. Huaian (Jiangsu) UHV DC line project.
However, the financial difficulties of Spanish Meanwhile, India put into operation its first ±800 kV UHV
conglomerate Abengoa are affecting the development of a DC project, the 6,000 MW Agra–Biswanath Chariyali
high-voltage power transmission line associated with the Belo transmission line in September 2015. Its second UHV DC
Monte hydro power project in Brazil. project, the 3,000 MW Champa–Kurukshetra transmission
line, is under construction and is expected to be completed in
April 2016. During the year, India also announced plans to
implement a third ±800 kV DC project, the ±800 kV Raigarh–
The year 2015 witnessed significant developments in several Pugalur–Madakkathara line, which is expected to be
Asia Pacific countries aimed at reforming and transforming commissioned by 2019.
their power transmission sectors. Taiwan approved a draft
During the year, the spotlight was also on the integration
law and Japan passed a new law to unbundle the respective
of renewable energy. China’s SGCC announced plans to build
state-owned vertically integrated power entities of the two
seven [two extra-high voltage AC (HVAC) and five extra-
countries and to transform electricity transmission into
high voltage (HVDC)] cross-regional transmission routes to
separate units in order to liberalise the sector to facilitate
boost the development of renewable energy sources in the
the entry of new players.
country. These lines will help China provide grid access to an
In Nepal, the proposal for the setting up of the National additional 27 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2020.
Transmission Grid Company (NTGC) by unbundling the existing
India’s Green Energy Corridor (GEC) project, which is
state-owned vertically integrated power company was
approved by the government. Pakistan and Bangladesh aimed at creating an extensive intra- and inter-state network
proposed amendments to their respective electricity laws in to connect major renewable energy pockets with the national
order to reform their electricity sectors. grid, received a major boost with the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) extending USD1 billion for the project.
In Pakistan, the amendments relate to the promotion of
private investment in the electricity sector, which is reeling The development of regional power grids received a
under severe shortages. further push forward with new links being proposed and
accords for earlier proposed projects being signed during
The Bangladesh government proposed a new law that the year. China’s SGCC began feasibility studies for the ±600
would allow the creation of an independent system operator kV Xinjiang–Pakistan high voltage direct current (HVDC)
to operate a unified power system across the country, among
project and for the 1,100 kV UHV AC Henan–Kazakhstan line,
other things.
while Kyrgyzstan’s JSC National Electric Grid finalised the
In India, the proposal of hiving off the central route for the 500 kV line that will connect its grid with that of
transmission utility (CTU) function of state-owned Power Grid China’s. Meanwhile, Tajikistan proposed to set up a cross-
Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) gained border link through Sary–Tash to connect China’s Ulugchat
momentum in 2015. The separation of POWERGRID’s County in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).
planning function from its grid development role will help
promote healthy competition in the country’s power Progress on the long-proposed India–Sri Lanka undersea
transmission sector. link was made with the submission of the draft report on the
project by India’s POWERGRID to the Sri Lankan government. (RegIP2015) along with a list of project candidates for the Ten-
A new 400 kV line connecting India’s Gorakhpur to Nepal’s Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2016.
Bardaghat was also proposed.
The publication of the RegIP2015, the list of project
Meanwhile, the installation of the Northeast India– candidates, along with the TYNDP scenarios marked the first
Bangladesh cross-border line linking Tripura in India to phase of the preparation of TYNDP 2016. In the second phase,
Comilla in Bangladesh was completed in December 2015. which will be completed by the end of 2016, the TYNDP 2016
report will be released.
During the year, the energy ministers of South and Central
Asia (Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Afghanistan and The TYNDP 2016 report will be based on coordinated
Pakistan) signed a final agreement for the implementation project assessment using the cost benefit analysis (CBA)
of the Central Asia South Asia 1000 (CASA 1000) Project. method as well as the 2020/2030 scenarios. The TYNDP, which
is published biannually, is the most comprehensive planning
Also, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical
reference for the pan-European electricity transmission
and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), an international
organisation involving seven South Asian and Southeast Asian
countries, finalised a draft memorandum of understanding for Meanwhile, several member countries of the EU either
setting up power transmission interconnections among the finalised or initiated for consultation their respective national
member countries. ten-year transmission development plans (either up to 2024
or 2025) during the year. These countries include Austria,
Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden,
In 2015, Europe focused on meeting its energy targets with Switzerland, and Ukraine.
respect to strengthening the internal energy market,
Several countries have revised their investment plans
integrating renewable energy sources, and addressing
downwards and made them more realistic in light of the
security-of-supply issues.
current economic scenario in the region. The focus is more
The European Commission announced a 10 per cent on strengthening and renovating the existing networks to
electricity interconnection target for 2020 along with the get the maximum benefits and to ensure efficient operations.
Energy Union Package in February 2015. This was done with
German federal network agency Bundesnetzagentur
the aim of speeding up the process of forming an effective
(BNetzA) announced earlier in the year that Germany may
internal energy market in the continent and of addressing
have to extend the back-up power scheme beyond its planned
the issue of energy islands such as southeast Europe, the
expiry date of 2017 as the country’s transmission network is
Iberian Peninsula, and the Baltic states.
not expanding as planned.
The communication lays down the details about how to
Germany resorted to a back-up power scheme in 2011
bring the European Union’s (EU) electricity interconnection
following the government’s decision to shut down 40 per cent
level to 10 per cent by 2020 and to 15 per cent by 2030. This is
of the country’s nuclear power stations at one go after the
expected to be achieved mainly through the implementation
Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan.
of the Projects of Common Interest (PCI).
Germany’s fragmented market structure and its regional
In this regard, by 2016, the EC will come out with a
specifications pose significant challenges with regard to grid
communication on the progress made towards the
completion of the list of the most vital energy infrastructure
projects and on the necessary measures to reach the 15 per In addition, tedious and lengthy planning and
cent target. authorisation processes, administrative problems, the
reluctance of grid operators to invest, and their preference
Progress was made in identifying projects and in
to construct only overhead power lines are other factors
distributing funds under the EU programme, Connecting
that are hindering the timely expansion of Germany’s
Europe Facility (CEF).
transmission grid.
In April 2015, grant agreements for the first 15 CEF
In efforts to accelerate the slow pace of the development
projects were signed by Innovation & Networks Executive
of transmission infrastructure, in March 2015, the Cabinet of
Agency (INEA), the agency implementing the EU
Germany approved a draft bill to amend the provisions of
programmes. These projects are part of the 34 projects,
the laws related to the construction of power lines.
including 17 electricity projects, selected as part of the first
call under CEF. Meanwhile, new offshore wind grid connections were
commissioned during the year, particularly in Germany.
The selected projects have an EC funding commitment of
These included the ±320 kV high voltage direct current
EUR647 million. In 2015, two more calls involving a (HVDC) DolWin1, SylWin1, and HelWin2 offshore links.
commitment of another EUR650 million were initiated.
In a significant development with regard to cross-border
The year has been critical for planning the future electricity transmission projects, the interconnectors between Lithuania
transmission infrastructure. In November 2015, the European and Poland (LitPol), and between Lithuania and Sweden
Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (NordBalt), were completed and officially inaugurated on
(ENTSO-E) released the six Regional Investment Plans December 14, 2015.
This has led to the creation of the Baltic Ring. The LitPol In another major deal, the European Union earmarked
Link connects Alytus in Lithuania with Elk in Poland, and the over EUR200 million for investment in the energy sector of
NordBalt Link connects Nybro in Sweden with Klaipeda in Zambia to help the industry grow and address various
Lithuania. The two interconnectors will add 1,200 MW of challenges.
interconnection capacity to the region.
The World Bank’s International Development Association
This means that for the first time the electricity markets approved a USD200 million loan in May 2015 for developing a
of the Baltic states will be connected to the Swedish and Polish regional transmission network among countries in Western
electricity networks. This has laid the technical foundations Africa.
for the synchronisation of the Baltic electricity grid with the
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) agreed to extend
rest of Europe.
a similar amount for the construction of the 400 kV Chimuara–
In the beginning of 2015, the 500 kV HVDC Skagerrak 4 Nacala transmission line in Mozambique.
interconnection linking the power grids of Norway and
Denmark was commissioned. China also has been expanding its presence in the African
region. In December 2012, the Import Bank of China (China
The re-elected government of Greece negotiated a third Exim Bank) signed a USD778 million loan deal with the
EUR86 billion bailout package with the EU and the International government of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) for the
Monetary Fund (IMF) in July 2015. rehabilitation and development of the electricity grid in the
While the government is under pressure to liberalise its country.
energy market and to privatise its transmission system The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) also signed
operator (TSO), Anexartitos Diacheiristis MetaforasIlektrikis a framework agreement with Egypt’s Ministry of Electricity
Energeias, it is looking at making the TSO autonomous without and Renewable Energy for the development of the power
privatising it. transmission network in Egypt at investments worth USD1.8
Turkey’s TSO TEIAS became a permanent member of billion.
ENTSO-E in April 2015 with the signing of the long-term The Southern Africa Development Company (SADC)
agreement forming the legal basis for the permanent operation approved USD3.5 million for the development of the
of Turkey’s electricity system with the electricity grid of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa (MoZiSa)
continental Europe. transmission interconnection.
Earlier in May 2014, the power grid of Turkey was put in Also in the southern region, the Southern African Power
permanent synchronous operation with the power grid of Pool (SAPP) invited consultancy bids for the Botswana–South
continental Europe after trial operations lasting for almost Africa (BOSA) Transmission Project.
three years.
Sudan and Ethiopia signed an agreement for the
construction of a 500 kV power line, which will enable Sudan
Middle East and Africa to seek benefits resulting from the Ethiopian Renaissance
Several countries in Africa continued to implement institutional Dam.
reforms during 2015 in order to improve efficiency in their
Progress was achieved in the case of two interconnectors
electricity markets.
involving Kenya. AfDB awarded a USD145 million loan in
Cameroon created a new company, called Société February 2015 to fund the Kenya–Tanzania Interconnector,
nationale de transport de l’électricité (Sonatrel), to manage and Isolux Corsan and Siemens were selected to design,
the country’s power transmission network. build, and install HVDC equipment for the 500 kV HVDC
The government of Sierra Leone unbundled various Ethiopia–Kenya Interconnector.
electricity providers and integrated them to form two entities While progress on other regional interconnection projects
known as the Electricity Generation and Transmission has been slow, African countries continue to work towards
Company (EGCT) and the Electricity Distribution and Supply strengthening cross-border electricity links.
Company (EDSA).
The Middle Eastern countries are also focusing on
Nigeria decided to extend the existing management
strengthening regional interconnections. The Government
contract for Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) with
of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Kuwait Fund signed a
Canadian firm Manitoba Hydro International (MHI) by one
year – till July 31, 2016. loan agreement worth USD98.7 million and a project
agreement to finance the electricity linkage project between
Multilateral funding agencies continued to support the Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
development of power transmission infrastructure in the
region, with various big-ticket deals signed during the year. The Ministry of Energy of Iran continued a dialogue with
Turkmenistan, Armenia, and Georgia to develop
In one of the region’s largest deals, the African interconnection projects.
Development Bank (AfDB) approved a USD375 million loan
and a corresponding syndicated loan structure for up to Meanwhile, the focus in the Middle East continued to
USD750 million to support the Capacity Expansion remain on the development of a high-voltage network, with
Programme in South Africa. various contracts awarded during the year.
Power generation and consumption in Slovakia has experienced an overall decline in the past five years. In 2014, generation
was 27,254 GWh against a consumption of 28,355 GWh, which were respectively 4.7 per cent and 1.1 per cent lower than the
previous year.
SEPS is investing in augmenting and strengthening the transmission network to integrate new capacities as well as to ensure
smooth cross-border transactions. Based on SEPS’s Network Development Plan 2015–24, it is estimated that 243 km of new
transmission lines, 1,500 MVA of transformer capacity, along with two new substations will be added to the Slovakian grid between
2016 and 2025. Going forward, Slovakia plans to strengthen its interconnections with Hungary through three new links.
ITC Midwest purchases transmission assets of Interstate The funds will be used to build and upgrade high voltage
transmission lines and substations in Rajasthan and Punjab
Power & Light
states, as part of the Indian government’s Green Energy
ITC Midwest LLC, a subsidiary of ITC Holdings Corporation, Corridor (GEC) Project initiative.
closed its purchase of certain transmission assets in Keokuk
In order to increase energy delivery from India’s west to
County, Iowa, from Interstate Power & Light Company, southern region, the project will also include new high-voltage
according to a January 4 notice of consummation. direct current terminals in Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, and
The deal, which was approved by Federal Energy Kerala states, boosting interconnectivity between the
Regulatory Commission (FERC) in early August 2015, was regions from about 10 GW to 16 GW.
closed on December 30, 2015. Under the GEC, the intra-state network will feed
The jurisdictional facilities include transmission assets in renewable energy-based power to the respective state grids,
IPL’s Hedrick substation that are used by ITC Midwest for and the high capacity transmission corridors and inter-state
transmission purposes. network will connect major renewable energy pockets with
the national grid.
IPL, an Alliant Energy Corporation subsidiary, agreed to
sell the assets for USD18,890.02.
Pakistan’s K-Electric signs loan agreements for transmission
system upgradation
LATIN AMERICA On December 22, 2015, state-owned vertically-integrated
power utility of Pakistan, K-Electric Limited executed two
finance agreements structured by Standard Chartered Bank,
E-CL to develop Mejillones–Cardones with Spain-based REE
one for China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation
Chilean E-CL, controlled by French utility GDF Suez, has come (Sinosure) for a supported financing of USD91.5 million and
to an agreement with Spain’s power transmission network another for the Euler Hermes AG, Germany (Hermes)-
operator Red Eléctrica de España (REE) to partner in the backed facility of EUR46.5 million with Industrial and
development of Mejillones–Cardones Transmission Line Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China and Standard
Project. Chartered Bank as mandated lead arrangers and lenders.
Both the facilities are for a period of 10 years.
This deal is likely to cost about USD218 million to REE, as
per which the latter will acquire 50 per cent stake in The financing will be used by K-Electric to undertake a
Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte (TEN), the company comprehensive and transformative upgrade of its
developing the project, from E-CL. transmission system, which will significantly improve the
reliability, stability and efficiency of the power network.
The latter is planning to build a 580 km long transmission
line to connect its power plants in northern Chile to the The project will increase K-Electric’s transmission
capacity by 33 per cent (up to 1000 MVA), thereby allowing it
mineral-rich Atacama region. The USD700 million line is
to deliver more energy to its customers. These financing
expected to facilitate the development of several major mine
agreements are part of USD400 million investment by K-
projects in the region.
Electric into its transmission system, including the installation domestic renewable energy projects and measures to boost
of new substations, transmission line equipment and grid both domestic gas production and imports via the
stations. Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline.
This is the first Sinosure-backed financing transaction for Assistance for building up the human resource
a private sector entity in Pakistan without Government of capabilities of relevant agencies, and to introduce regulatory
Pakistan’s sovereign guarantee. reforms, will also be provided.
On the distribution side, the company will add to and The programme includes renewable energy connections,
strengthen medium and low-voltage network, including and the reinforcement and upgrade of Portuguese electricity
installation of distribution transformers, new connections, transmission network.
and customers’ meter boxes. The programme will also The investment will enable the integration of renewable
provide capacity building and institutional strengthening for energy sources and the connection of additional hydro and
wind capacity. It will also improve network operation and
The programme will help achieve an electrification rate efficiency, and mitigate environmental impacts.
of 90 per cent by 2019 in Sumatra. It will also support the
REN’s strategic plan outlines an investment of up to
government’s national targets for providing universal
EUR900 million in international projects and between EUR700
access to electricity by 2024, which is still in the range of 84
million and EUR800 million in Portugal by 2018.
per cent.
(EUR1= USD1.08)
ADB approves USD1.2 billion for Afghanistan’s power sector
Italian TSO Terna buys Italian railways’ power line assets
The ADB has approved USD1.2 billion grants to reinforce
ongoing energy projects in Afghanistan and to provide new Italian transmission system operator (TSO) Terna has
funds to boost energy supply, improve power sector agreed to buy high voltage power line assets from Italy’s
efficiency, and promote cross-border trade in energy. state railways for EUR757 million; thus strengthening its
position as one of Europe’s biggest power transmission
The assistance will support Afghanistan’s national energy
supply programme of more than USD10 billion, which aims companies.
to expand power supply to boost economic growth and cut The railway assets in the deal include 8,379 km of high-
poverty. voltage power lines, 350 electrical substations and a contract
As per ADB, the funds are to be disbursed in multiple for the housing of fibre-optic cables.
tranches with the first tranche of USD275 million earmarked The assets will now receive tariff remuneration from
for release in 2015. The remaining tranches are expected to Italy’s energy watchdog, which previously set a regulated
follow through to 2025. asset base for the network for tariff purposes of EUR674
In its first tranche, ADB will fund the last missing links for million.
an expanded Turkmenistan–Afghanistan power The Italian government plans to sell part of the railway
interconnection, allowing the country to increase electricity system as early as next year to raise funds to cut debt.
imports for year-round supplies from its neighbour.
This will include constructing over 300 km long, 500 kV
transmission line connecting Sheberghan to Dashte Alwan,
and over 60 km long, 220 kV line from Andkhoy to Sheberghan. Enel may acquire 51 per cent stake in Celg Distribuicao
ADB will provide support to develop a business plan and
Italy’s power company Enel is planning to acquire a 51 per
tariff framework for the state power utility, Da Afghanistan
cent stake in Celg Distribuicao SA, an energy distribution
Breshna Sherkat (DABS).
company, from Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA (Eletrobras),
Subsequent tranche assistance will focus on further which is engaged in the generation, transmission and
transmission network upgrades, as well as support for distribution of electric power.
The transaction is expected to be valued at around mix to support its capital expenditure and achieve the
BRL1,430 million. optimum utilisation of cash resources, and reduce liquidity
and financing costs.
China EXIM bank and Côte d’Ivoire sign USD778 million loan deal
MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA A USD778 million loan deal was signed on December 16, 2015
between Côte d’Ivoire government and the Import Bank of
SEC signs USD3 billion agreement with Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim Bank) for the rehabilitation and
Korea development of the electricity grid in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory
Coast). The financing will fund the construction of 13 new
Saudi Arabia’s state-owned power utility Saudi Electricity transformer substations and the rehabilitation of 14 others
Company (SEC) has signed a framework agreement on as well as nearly 2,000 km (1,240 miles) of new high-tension
December 7, 2015 with Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea lines.
Eximbank) , under which SEC can avail upto a USD3 billion
line of credit from the bank directly or by its support. The project would cost a total of USD854 million, with
the remaining funding coming from the Côte d’Ivoire
The line of credit could be utilised over the upcoming government.
three years in several tranches at the time and sizes of SEC’s
China has numerous projects in Ivory Coast, including
discretion to finance its projects with eligible Korean content.
the construction of a EUR380 million hydroelectric dam, with
The agreement will further strengthen the collaboration its total active financial commitments topping out at about
between SEC and Korea Eximbank as the bank has already EUR1.4 billion.
been part of the financings arranged in the past of SEC’s
The country aims to massively expand access to
Rabigh VI expansion and South Jeddah power projects.
electricity, targeting a doubling of output by 2020, while the
This framework agreement comes in line with the national authorities plan to invest USD18 billion in the energy
company’s strategy and aim to fund its projects with sector by 2030, with a large portion of the investment coming
matching financing solutions. from the private sector.
abandon the project due to delay in receiving the preliminary line packages. The process for the selection of contactors was
licence for the projects for the past three years. initiated in February 2015. So far, tenders for the construction
of 132/33 kV substations at Bhaluka, Mymensingh, Baroirhat,
In December 2015, Fundação Nacional do Índio, or National
and Ramganj; the 230 kV Hathazari–Sikalbaha and Hathazari–
Indian Foundation (Funai) gave its approval to environmental
Rampur lines; the 132 kV lines associated with the Bhaluka,
agency Ibama for the construction of the transmission line
Baroirhat, and Ramganj substations; and the 132 kV Rampur–
between Manaus in Amazonas and Boa Vista in Roraima.
Agrabad underground cable and the LILO of the 132 kV
Ibama is now expected to issue the licence in the coming Halishahar–Khulshi transmission line to the Rampur substation
days, with work able to begin after Transnorte Energia obtains have been issued.
the installation licence. The company, however, has called for
In December 2015, PGCB invited bids for the plant design,
the value of the contract to be renegotiated, as it has already
supply, and installation of the 132 kV Saidpur–Jaldhaka and
spent BRL250 million on the project.
the Bogra–Palashbari–Mahasthangarh transmission lines with
(BRL1=USD0.27) a bid due date of February 10, 2016.
Mejillones–Cardones Transmission Line Project, Chile
Developer: Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte, a subsidiary of E- 400 kV Aminbazar–Maowa–Mongla and 230 kV Mongla–Khulna
CL, controlled by French utility GDF Suez (South) Transmission Lines
Project details and status: The line will connect the northern Developer: Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB)
port of Mejillones, a centre for thermoelectricity generation,
Project description: The proposed project aims to evacuate
to the Cardones substation at the northern end of central
power from the upcoming 1,320 MW Mongla coal-based power
Chile’s Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) grid. It is a 580-
plant to Dhaka. It will also help establish a 400 kV transmission
km-long transmission line that will connect TEN’s power plants
backbone line between the Dhaka and Khulna areas.
in northern Chile to the mineral-rich Atacama region. The
USD700 million line is expected to facilitate the development The key project components include the 400 kV Aminbazar–
of several major mining projects in the region. Maowa–Mongla line, the 230 kV Mongla–Khulna (South) line,
and the 400 kV Aminbazar substation.
Mining companies, including Barrick Gold, Kinross Gold,
and Teck Resources, have plans to invest up to USD30 billion PGCB signed a contract on November 26, 2015, with a joint
in new copper and gold mines in the northern Atacama region. venture (JV) contractor of EMC Limited of India and TBEA
But much of the proposed investment has been shelved, partly Company Limited of China for the implementation of its 230
due to the limited power supply there. Therefore, the planned kV Mongla–Khulna (S) line. The Indo-China JV will construct
line will supply power to the region from the hydroelectric the transmission line at a contract value of BDT1.14 billion in
dams in southern Chile. the next 18 months.
Project details and status: The project is being implemented by In December 2015, Georgia completed another 500 kV
Georgia’s state-owned power transmission company GSE. It transmission line to Azerbaijan, rehabilitated a 500 kV
aims to ensure reliable power transmission to the transmission line to Russia, and planned to operate a 500 kV
southwestern part of the grid, to upgrade electricity exchange transmission line to Armenia.
systems, and to provide economically efficient, The project included several other components such as
environmentally sustainable, and socially responsible the construction and rehabilitation of the 500 kV Vardzia
electricity-sector planning. overhead transmission line and the 500 kV Zekari overhead
The project has four components. The first component transmission line that interconnected Akhaltskhe, Zestaponi,
involves the construction of the approximately 143-km-long, and Gardabani substations, as well as the construction of a
220 kV Akhaltsikhe–Batumi transmission line. The second new 400 kV overhead line from the Akhaltsikhe substation to
component involves the development of wholesale metering the Georgia–Turkey border.
and trading systems. The total value of the contract is around EUR320 million. It
The third component involves the undertaking of strategic is funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and
environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and sector studies. Development (EBRD), the European Commission’s
The fourth component entails the provision of supervision Neighbourhood Investment Facility, German Credit Bank for
services and project implementation support. This component Reconstruction (KfW), and the Georgian government.
will provide finance consulting services for the supervision of (EUR1=USD1.10)
supply and installation contracts for the Akhaltsikhe–Batumi
transmission line.
Albania–Macedonia Transmission Link
The project is estimated to entail an investment of USD62
million, of which USD60 million will be provided by the World Developer: Macedonian transmission system operator AD
Bank through the International Bank for Reconstruction and (MEPSO)
Development (IBRD), while the remaining USD2 million will be Project details and status: This project consists of a 400 kV
provided by the Georgian government. interconnection line from Bitola in Macedonia to Elbasan in
In October 2014, GSE issued a global tender for the design, Albania. The electricity systems of the two countries will be
construction, and commissioning of the Akhaltsikhe–Batumi connected through the Bitola 2 and Elbasan substations. The
transmission line. total value of the project is expected to exceed EUR65 million.
In December 2015, GSE issued a tender for the supply of The project will be funded from a EUR37 million loan from
hot galvanised towers for the Akhaltsikhe–Batumi the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
transmission line. (EBRD) and a EUR12 million grant provided under the Western
Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) Instrument for Pre-
Accession (IPA) 2015 funds. The agreement foresees the
Black Sea Transmission Network Project construction of 95 km of a 400 kV power transmission line from
Developer: Georgian State Elektrosystem (GSE), EnergoTrans the city of Bitola in southwestern Macedonia to the Albanian
Limited border with a substation at Ohrid, and the implementation of
grid-efficiency components.
Project details and status: The Black Sea Transmission Network
is a 500 kV high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) project aimed The new line will connect the Macedonian electricity
at stabilising Georgia’s electricity transmission network and market, which is dominated by thermal power, to the Albanian
facilitating electric energy trade between Georgia, other south electricity market, which is dominated by hydroelectric power.
Caucasus countries, and Turkey. The project is being co- This will help improve the balancing of the two electricity
financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and systems, reduce operational costs, and boost the use of
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). renewable energy. This project will also enable power
interconnection of the Black Sea to the Adriatic Sea. The new
In March 2010, EBRD extended EUR80 million to state- substation near Ohrid will increase the reliability of the network
owned electricity transmission company Georgian State and boost power supply to the region.
Elektrosystem (GSE) for the construction of a 315-km high-
voltage electricity line between Zestaponi in western Georgia The complete documentation for the project is to be
and Gardabani in the eastern part of the country. prepared by the end of 2016. The construction of the energy
facilities is expected to be completed by 2019.
In July 2010, India’s KEC International was awarded the
contract for the construction of 500 kV and 400 kV transmission (EUR1=USD1.10)
lines associated with the Black Sea Transmission Project.
In February 2013, GSE completed the construction and Orotukan–Palatka–Tsentralnaia Transmission Line
rehabilitation of 500/400 kV power lines, a new 500/400/220 kV Developer: DVUEK JSC
Project details and status: The 220 kV Orotukan–Palatka– Finland North–Sweden North Interconnector
Tsentralnaia transmission line was installed in Khasynsk district
of the Magadan region. The power network construction Project developer: Fingrid Oyj of Finland and Svenska Kraftnät
project is covered and regulated by the investment agreement (SvK) of Sweden
on cooperation for 2014 entered into by the Government of Project details and status: This is the third 400 kV single-circuit
the Magadan region and DVUEK JSC, as well as by the most alternating-current (AC) overhead line, with capacity ranging
recent version of the Federal Target Program for the economic between 500 MV and 800 MW, between Finland north
and social development of the Far East and the Baykal region andSweden bidding area SE1. Strengthening the AC connection
for the period until 2018. The project is expected to be between Finland and Sweden is necessary due to the addition
completed by 2015. of new wind power generation, the adoption of larger
The project will provide power produced by the Ust- conventional units, and the decommissioning of the existing
Srednekanskaya hydropower plant to the south part of the 220 kV interconnector.
Magadan region. Hence, the load will be taken off the power According to ENTSO-E’s TYNDP 2014, the project has been
grid along the direction of Kolymskaya HPP–Ust-Omchug– postponed till at least 2025 due to the prioritisation of other
Magadan, which in turn will allow an additional 60 MW of transmission projects in Sweden.
electric power to be supplied to Yano-Kolymskaia province,
which has rich desposits of gold ore. Besides, power The total substation capacity of the interconnector is 1,850
transmission losses in the Central Generation System of MVA. The estimated cost of the project is in the range of EUR64–
Magadanenergo JSC will decrease by 10 MW. 120 million. Construction of the project is expected to begin in
2023 and to be completed by 2025.
In March 2014, the first tower of the HV transmission line
was installed in Khasynsk district. (EUR1=USD1.09)
South Korean LS Cable wins USD57 million contract from PSE&G The USD17 million project in Córdoba department is part
of the government’s plan to optimise power network in the
South Korean cable manufacturer LS Cable & System has region.
won a USD57 million cable contract from New Jersey-based
Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) for the Bergen–Linden The winner is a consortium between Incer, Ingema and
Corridor Project (BLC), on December 1, 2015. Interconexión Latam, which was also the sole bidder. The
project works also include a 6 km link that will connect with
The scope of the contract involves the supply and the 110 kV Chinú-Montería line.
installation of a new 345 kV underground cable system
between Bayway and Bayonne. It also entails manufacturing The entire infrastructure is scheduled to be completed
continuous cables longer than 7,000 feet (2.2 km), well-planned by end-November 2017.
logistics for transportation from the manufacturing facility
to the work site, and special care and handling of large reels
at the site. ASIA PACIFIC
The project is expected to deliver electricity to northeast
New Jersey to address power shortage issues in the region, POWERGRID awards INR1.31 billion substation contract to Alstom
and is scheduled to be operational by June 2018. T&D India
India’s central power utility (CTU) Power Grid Corporation of
India Limited (POWERGRID) has awarded an INR1.31 billion
LATIN AMERICA contract to Alstom T&D India Limited for the supply of a
substation package.
Mexican CFE awards contract to Acciona
The scope of the contract involves extension of the 400/
Mexico’s Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) has awarded 220 kV Bongaigaon substation, extension of the 220 kV Salakati
Acciona Infraestructuras Mexico a contract to design and substation, extension of the 220/132 kV Khuppi substation
build a 117 km transmission line running from the combined- [North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
cycle generating plant Empalme II into the states of Sonora (NEEPCO)], augmentation of the 220/132 kV Balipara
and Sinaloa, along with four substations. substation, and stringing of a second circuit of the 220 kV
Bongaigaon–Salakati double-circuit line associated with North
The entire project is likely to cost USD90 million and is
Eastern Strengthening Scheme-III (NERSS-III).
due to start up in late 2017. Acciona Instalaciones Mexico,
Acciona Ingenieria and Acciona Industrial will also be The work on the contract is expected to be completed by
involved in the development of the project. August 2017.
Paraguay-based ANDE awards contract for Yacyretá–Villa Hayes
project Siemens wins INR1.02 billion contract from WBSETCL in India
Paraguay-based Administración Nacional de Electricidad Siemens Limited has won a substation contract worth INR1.02
(ANDE) has awarded a contract to supervise the 500 kV billion from the state-owned West Bengal State Electricity
Yacyretá–Ayolas-Villa Hayes transmission project. This two- Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL).
year contract to provide technical, social and environmental
supervision services has been awarded to Consorcio Cointec- The scope of the contract involves the engineering,
Electroconsult. supply, installation and commissioning of a 400 kV gas
insulated switchgear (GIS) substation.
The other bidders were Consorcio de Consultores del
Sur (Intec-Tecnolatina-Latinoconsult) and Consorcio Typsa (INR1=USD0.015)
y Asociados (Typsa-Diservel-Ingeneg).
Latin American development bank Corporación Andina Powergrid awards INR1.25 billion contracts in India
de Fomento (CAF) will finance the USD6.66 million contract.
India’s central power utility (CTU) Power Grid Corporation of
The project entails construction of 360 km, 500 kV
transmission line that would connect the Yacyreta India Limited (POWERGRID) has awarded a substation and
hydroelectric dam on the Argentine–Paraguayan border with insulator contracts worth INR1.25 billion.
the Villa Hayes substation in Presidente Hayes Department A contract worth INR1.11 billion has been awarded to
in Paraguay. Neccon Power & Infra Limited for the substation packages
(ARP-SS-01A ARP-SS-01B).
Colombian UPME awards 110 kV power transmission project Under Comprehensive Scheme For Strengthening Of
Colombia’s mining and energy planning unit, Unidad de Transmission Distribution System in Arunachal Pradesh. The
Planeación Minero Energética (UPME) has awarded work on the contract is expected to be completed by November
Consorcio Interconexión Latinoamérica the contract to 2018.
The insulator contract worth INR0.14 billion has been The scope of the contract involves the supply of the OPGW
awarded to Jilin Longxin Electrical Equipment Company, package (Package I) under the Wardha Hyderabad 765 kV
Limited for the 765/400 kV transmission line in NRI associated link.
with Inter-Regional System Strengthening Scheme for Western
and Northern-Part-B. The work on the contract is expected to The work on the contract is expected to be completed by
be completed by July 2017. September 2016.
India’s POWERGRID awards INR2 billion contract
India’s CTU POWERGRID has awarded an INR1.89 billion Indian Kalpataru bags transmission orders worth INR14 billion
reactor package contract to TBEA Shenyang Transformer Indian power engineering, procurement and construction
Group Corporation Limited on December 15, 2015. (EPC) major Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited (KPTL)
The scope of the contract involves the supply of a 765 kV, has bagged transmission orders aggregating INR13.95 billion
13x80 MVAr single-phase shunt reactor; a 765 kV, 4x80 MVAr in the domestic market.
single-phase bus reactor for the Nizamabad GIS substation; a
The orders include a turnkey transmission line project in
765 kV, 7x80 MVAr, single-phase bus reactor at Maheswaram
Tamil Nadu worth INR7.7 billion from Tamil Nadu
new GIS substation; a 765 kV, 6x80 MVAr single-phase shunt
Transmission Corporation Limited (TANTRANSCO) and
reactor at Maheswaram new GIS substation; and a 765 kV,
another order from Transmission Corporation of Telangana
6x80 MVAr single-phase shunt reactor at Wardha substation
Limited (TSTRANSCO) for INR4.37 billion.
under the 765 kV Wardha-Hyderabad Link.
The work on the contract is expected to be completed by The company also won an order worth INR1.88 billion
October 2017. from Reliance Gas Pipeline.
Diamond Power wins conductor contract for 765 kV line in India
India-based Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited (DPIL), India’s KEC International bags INR10 billion contracts
a power equipment and infrastructure services provider, has India-based EPC company KEC International Limited has won
received a INR430 million contract on December 23, 2015 orders worth INR10.01 billion in its transmission and
from Powergrid NM Transmission Limited for the supply of distribution (T&D), cables, and renewables (solar) businesses.
In the T&D segment, the company has secured an order
The scope of the contract involves the supply of worth INR6.6 billion for construction of various transmission
conductors for the 765 kV Nagapattinam–Salem double-circuit lines and substations in Saudi Arabia, a INR0.45 billion order
transmission line associated with Nagapattinam Project under for construction of transmission line in Oman, orders worth
Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB). INR0.54 billion in India, Afghanistan and Zambia; and INR0.60
(INR1=USD0.015) billion contracts in India, Afghanistan and Zambia.
In addition the company has also secured an INR1.6 billion
Sterlite wins 765 kV transmission project in India order for the supply of power and telecom cables, while in the
renewables segment it secured an INR0.19 billion order for
India’s private transmission company Sterlite Grid Limited setting up of a grid-interactive solar photovoltaic power plant
(SGL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sterlite Technologies in Andhra Pradesh.
Limited (STL), has won INR25.96 billion project from PFC
Consulting Limited. The project will be constructed for Odisha
Power Generation Corporation Limited (OPGC).
The Common Transmission System for Phase-II
Bangladesh’s PGCB awards construction contract for 230 kV line
Generation Projects in Odisha and the Immediate Evacuation The state-owned Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB)
System for OPGC [1,320 MW] Project, is one of eight key has signed a contract on November 26, 2015, with a joint
power transmission projects put up for rate-based venture (JV) contractor of EMC Limited of India and Chinese
competitive bidding TBEA Company Limited for the implementation of its 230 kV
Mongla–Khulna (S) Transmission Line project.
The project involves the construction of the 350 km long,
765 kV Jharsuguda (Sundargarh)–Raipur Pool double-circuit The Indo-China JV will construct the transmission line at a
transmission line and the 50 km long, 400 kV OPGC– contract value of BDT1.14 billion in the next 18 months.
Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) double-circuit transmission line.
The project involves the development of a 24 km long,
four-circuit 230 kV Mongla–Khulna (S) line (initially two-
POWERGRID awards OPGW contract in India circuit stringing), along with two 230 kV bay extensions at
Khulna (S).
India’s CTU POWERGRID has awarded an INR78.4 million
OPGW contract to ZTT India Private Limited on December 22, The project will be funded by PGCB and will help in the
2015. evacuation of power from the first unit (660 MW) of the
Rampal power plant, now being constructed on a site near transmission lines, thermal power plants and renewable
Mongla port. energy facilities.
(BDT1=USD0.013) Under this agreement, they will bid jointly for engineering,
procurement and construction work in electricity generation
and transmission tenders.
Bulgaria’s Electricity System Operator EAD awards substation
Siemens presents new technology for converter stations contract to Energoremont JSC
German manufacturer Siemens has announced a new “full Bulgaria’s Electricity System Operator EAD has awarded the
bridge technology,” which will be used in the latest models of contract for expansion of the 110/20 kV Cave switchyard
converter stations. substation to Energoremont JSC.
Siemens claims that the use of the full bridge technology The scope of the project involves construction, design
makes it possible to resolve faults in the direct current (DC) and execution of the substation.
sections quickly and flexibly, with no need to switch the system
off, and also stabilises the alternate current (AC) grid at the The total value of the contract is BGN699.84 million.
same time.
(BGN1= USD0.55)
In October 2015, Siemens was awarded a contract worth
EUR900 million to build two converter stations for the
ULTRANET direct current project. Slovenian ELES awards contract for construction work of power
lines to C&G doo Ljubljana
Germany’s Amprion and Transnet BW are implementing
the project, which involves the first of three planned high- Slovenian state-owned peer ELES d.o.o., Ljubljana has
voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) links between awarded a contract for the supply and installation of 110 kV
northern and southern parts of Germany. cable systems to C&G d.o.o., Ljubljana.
The project will have two converter stations with a The contract will be awarded through a negotiated
transmission capacity of 2,000 MW. procedure.
(EUR1=USD1.09) The final value of the contract is EUR 0.17 million.
Poland’s PSE awards power line contract to Chinese Sinohydro
Czech Republic’s TSO awards contract for substation surge
Polish national grid company (PSE) has awarded Chinese arrestors to ABB Limited
Sinohydro Corporation a contract for the construction of a
CEPS AS, the Czech Republic’s transmission system operator
400 kV power line between Chelm and Lublin Systemowa.
(TSO), has awarded a contract for the supply of outdoor single-
The construction is estimated to take 72 months. The net value
pole surge arrestors for 420 kV and 123 kV substations, to
of the contract amounts to PLN154.90 million.
ABB Limited.
The contract is a Government Procurement Agreement,
with a total value of CZK0.5 million and will be awarded
Tauron Distribution SA awards contract for overhead line to through a negotiated procedure.
Energoprojekt Poznañ
Poland’s Tauron Distribution SA has awarded a contract to
Energoprojekt Poznañ for the reconstruction of single-track
110 kV overhead line between GPZ Double and GPZ
Eltel wins substation contract from E.ON
Namys³ów. Eltel Networks Energetyka SA has won a contract for a full
The scope of work includes architectural and integrated rebuild of two substations – Söderåsen and Mörarp –
engineering services, urban planning and landscape belonging to E.ON Elnät Sverige AB.
architecture-related scientific and technical consulting, service The value of this contract is approximately EUR13 million.
testing, and analysis services. The contract is a government
procurement agreement and its final value is PLN1.1 million. The substation contract is a turnkey project for Eltel
comprising design, supply of all equipment, civil works,
installation, and commissioning as well as decommissioning
of the existing substations.
Spain’s Sacyr signs cooperation agreement with Isotron The contract includes rebuilding of the 130 kV substations
Spanish builder Sacyr has signed an agreement to cooperate as well as a step-by-step energisation scheme where existing
with local engineering company Isotron, a member of the parts of the substations are phased out and new parts are
Isastur group in the construction of high-voltage phased in.
This step-by-step energisation scheme is critical in order Super substation. The substation will serve the new
to maintain and guarantee uninterrupted operation of the residential area at Al-Thumama by transferring bulk power
vital substations. from Ras Abu Fontas B and Messaieed Power Generation
The substation connects to Doha South Super as well, which
is the interconnection point of the Gulf Cooperation Council
Romania’s Transelectrica awards contract for power systems
(GCC) power grid.
to Institute for Studies and Power Engineering SA
The scope of the project involved the installation of 220 kV
Romanian transmission system developer and operator
cable for a total length of 183 km and 132 kV at a total length of
Transelectrica has awarded the contract for designing power
systems of 400 kV lines connecting Constana to Medgidia. 58 km, as well as dismantling 54 km of overhead lines at an
estimated cost of QAR788 million.
The scope of work includes architectural services,
engineering services, urban planning and landscape The 220 kV and 132 kV overhead lines linked to Al-Thumama
engineering, technical testing, and analysis services. have been replaced with extra high voltage (EHV) cables that
are buried underground.
The total value of the contract is RON0.95 million.
It includes seven overhead lines linked to Ras Abu Fontas
The contract is a government procurement agreement. A, Ras Abu Fontas B, Al-Wukair Super and Al-Wakra
(RON1=USD0.24) substations, comprising a total length of 54 km.
Croatia’s TSO awards contract for 110 kV line to Konèar Power
Plant and Transportation Inc. Prysmian Group receives cable contract in Oman
Croatian TSO Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. Prysmian Group, a global energy and telecom cable systems
(HOPS) has awarded a contract to Konèar Power Plant and provider, has been awarded a cable contract by Larsen &
Transportation Inc for reconstruction of 110 kV line in Kutina, Toubro, to supply a new high voltage underground cable
Croatia. system for Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC).
The scope of work includes supply of equipment, The scope of the contract involves the design, engineering
execution of works and provision of services. and production of a new high voltage underground cable for
the transmission line between Saada grid station and line-in-
The total value of the contract is HRK97.44 million. line-out (LILO) that includes 85 km of 132 kV cross-linked
(HRK1=USD0.14) polyethylene (XLPE) insulated cable.
The new cable system is aimed at strengthening the
power supply to the city of Salalah. The project will be
MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA completed by the end of June 2016.
Power major L&T wins contracts worth INR57 million in Saudi Consortium of Siemens and El Sewedy wins 500/220 kV
Arabia substation contract
Larsen & Toubro Saudi Arabia LLC, a fully-owned subsidiary A consortium consisting of Egypt’s El Sewedy Cables and
of L&T, has won a USD56.6 million contract for the German manufacturer Siemens have signed a contract with
construction of two 115 kV substations at the Dammam area the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) for
from National Grid, Saudi Arabia, a subsidiary of Saudi the construction of six 500/220 kV substations.
Electricity Company.
These six substations will be located at El Minia, El Beheira,
The scope of the contract involves detailed design, Qalubia, Assiut and Kafr El Zayat governorates and will
engineering, installation, testing and commissioning of 115 transmit power generated by the new Siemens-built power
kV GIS, 115/13.8 kV, 50/67 MVA power transformers, 13.8 kV plants in Beni Suef and Burullus into Egypt’s power grid.
switchgear, control and protection systems, substation
The contract will see Siemens design, engineer, supply,
automation systems, high voltage alternating current (HVAC),
install and commission the new substations, which will
Novec firefighting systems with associated auxiliary systems,
include GIS, transformers and control and protection
and other civil works. equipment.
These projects are in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia El Sewedy Electric for Transmission & Distribution (EE
and are scheduled to be completed in 22 months. T&D) will complete all the civil and electro mechanical work
for the projects.
KAHRAMAA commissions 220/132 kV substation in Qatar The substations form a key element of the Egyptian
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (KAHRAMAA) government’s plan to upgrade and increase the capacity of
has successfully commissioned the 220/132 kV Al-Thumama the country’s national grid.
Closing date: January 22, 2016 Closing date: January 25, 2016 (Soft Copy); January 28, 2016
Contact: Deputy General Manager (TBCB-CS)/Manager (Hard Copy)
(TBCB-CS), POWERGRID, Saudamini, Contact: Deputy General Manager (CS-G10)/Assistant
Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, India General Manager (CS-G3), POWERGRID,
Phone: +91 124 2822372 “Saudamini”, 3rd Floor, Plot Number 2,
Fax: +91 124 2571831 Sector 29, Gurgaon 122001, Haryana, India
Website: Phone: +91 124 -282 2371/2383
Fax: +91 124 2571831
Supply of tower package for 400 kV high voltage line
Country: India
Organisation: POWERGRID
Description/Scope of work: Bids are invited for the supply of
tower package (including conductor, insulator, hardware
Supply of conductor packages for 400 kV lines
fittings and conductor accessories, spacer damper, rigid Country: India
spacer, earthwire and OPGW) for the 240 km long, 400 kV Organisation: POWERGRID
Cuddapah–Madhugiri double-circuit transmission line Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids
associated with the Strengthening of Transmission System are invited for the supply of conductor packages for the
in Southern Region Beyond Vemagiri. The bids are open only LILO of the 400 kV double-circuit lines associated with the
for domestic contractors. creation of the 400/220 kV substations in the National Captial
Closing date: January 22, 2016 Territory (NCT) of Delhi during the 12th Plan period (Part -
Contact: Deputy General Manager (TBCB-CS)/Manager A) in two lots.
(TBCB-CS), POWERGRID, Saudamini, Lot I: Supply of Invar type High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS)
Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, India conductor (397 km) for the LILO of both circuits of the 400 kV
Phone: +91 124 2822372 Bawana–Mandola double-circuit line at Rajghat.
Fax: +91 124 2571831 Lot II: Supply of Invar type HTLS conductor (359 km) for the
Website: LILO of both circuits of the 400 kV Bawana–Mandola double-
circuit line at Rajghat and the LILO of one circuit of the 400
Supply of tower package for 400 kV line kV Bamanauli–Jhatikalan at Papankalan.
Country: India Closing date: February 2, 2016
Organisation: POWERGRID Contact: POWERGRID, B-9,
Description/Scope of work: Bids are invited for the supply of Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai,
tower package (including conductor, insulator, hardware New Delhi-110016
fittings and conductor accessories, spacer damper, rigid Phone: +91 11 26560112
spacer, earthwire and OPGW) for the 143 km long, 400 kV Fax: +91 11 26601081
Srikakulam–Garvidi double-circuit transmission line and the Website:
42 km long, 400 kV Chilakaluripeta–Narsaraopeta double-
circuit line associated with the Strengthening of Transmission Supply of tower package for 765 kV line
System in Southern Region Beyond Vemagiri. The bids are Country: India
open only for domestic contractors. Organisation: POWERGRID
Closing date: January 22, 2016 Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
Contact: Deputy General Manager (TBCB-CS)/Manager invited for the supply of tower package for the 765 kV line
(TBCB-CS), POWERGRID, Saudamini, under the ADB funded-Green Energy Corridor and Grid
Plot No. 2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, India Strengthening Project in three lots.
Phone: +91 124 2822372 Lot I: Supply of tower package for the 765 kV Bikaner–Moga
Fax: +91 124 2571831 double-circuit transmission line (Part-I).
Website: Lot II: Supply of tower package for the 765 kV Bikaner–Moga
double-circuit transmission line (Part-II).
Supply of tower packages for high voltage 765 kV line Lot III: Supply of tower package for the 765 kV Bikaner–Moga
Country: India double-circuit transmission line (Part-III).
Organisation: POWERGRID Closing date: February 3, 2016 (Soft Copy); February 5, 2016
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are (Hard Copy)
invited for the supply of tower packages for the 765 kV Ajmer– Contact: Deputy General Manager (CS-G6),
Bikaner double-circuit transmission line under the ADB POWERGRID, “Saudamini”, 3rd Floor,
funded–Green Energy Corridor and Grid Strengthening Plot Number 2, Sector 29,
Project in two lots. Gurgaon 122001, Haryana, India
Lot I- Supply of tower package for the Ajmer–Bikaner double- Phone: +91 124 282 2384/2323
circuit transmission line (Part III). Fax: +91 124 2571831
Lot II- Supply of tower package for the Ajmer–Bikaner double-
circuit transmission line (Part IV). Website:
Contact: CEB, Office of the DGM (Transmission Construction EGAT, 1202/2, 12th Floor, Building 101,
Projects), No. 98, Fife Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka Foreign Supply and Procurement Division,
Phone: + 94 11 2055942/3 Bangkruai, Nonthaburi 11130, Thailand
Fax: +94 11 2055944 Phone: +66 24360242 50 Fax: +66 24336317/24335523/24344064
Website: Email:
Construction of 115 kV line
Construction of 230 kV line
Country: Thailand
Organisation: Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Country: Thailand
(EGAT) Organisation: EGAT
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
invited for the construction of the 115 kV Nakhon Ratchasima invited for the construction of the 68.6 km long, 230 kV
1 Substation–Phan Substation transmission line (111 km) Chanthaburi substation–Trat substation line under the
under the Transmission System Expansion and Renovation Transmission System Expansion Project Number 12.
Project Phase 2. Closing date: April 5, 2016
Closing date: January 22, 2016 Contact: Natnoi Kijwatworawet, Chief Transmission System
Contact: Natnoi Kijwatworawet, Chief Transmission System Development Area Foreign Procurement Department,
Development Area Foreign Procurement Department, EGAT, 1202/2, 12th Floor, Building 101,
EGAT, 1202/2, 12th Floor, Building 101, Foreign Supply and Procurement Division,
Foreign Supply and Procurement Division, Bangkruai, Nonthaburi 11130, Thailand
Bangkruai, Nonthaburi 11130, Thailand Phone: +66 24360242
Phone: +66 24360242 Fax: +66 24336317/24335523/24344064
Fax: +66 24336317/24335523/24344064 Email:
Email: Website:
Supply of conductors and cables for 110 kV line
Construction and sectionalising of 500 kV lines
Country: Vietnam
Country: Thailand Organisation: Northern Power Corporation
Organisation: EGAT Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are invited for the supply and transportation of conductors,
invited for the supply and construction of the 500 kV optical cables and accessories for the 110 kV Phong Tho–
Chachoengsao 2–Bang Pakong transmission lines and Than Uyen Transmission Line under the World Bank-funded
sectionalising of the 500 kV Pluak Daeng–Nong Chok line to Distribution Efficiency Project.
the Chachoengsao 2 Substation under the Transmission Closing date: February 19, 2016
System Improvement Project in Eastern Region to Enhance Contact: Vu Anh Phuong,
System Security. Power Development Project Management Board,
Closing date: January 27, 2016 NPC, 22/399, 8th Floor,
Contact: Natnoi Kijwatworawet, Chief Transmission System Au Co Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Development Area Foreign Procurement Department, Phone: +84 422161022
EGAT, 1202/2, 12th Floor, Building 101, Fax: +84 43717 0971
Foreign Supply and Procurement Division, Email:
Bangkruai, Nonthaburi 11130, Thailand
Phone: +66 24360242 Supply of steel towers for 110 kV line
Fax: +66 24336317/24335523/24344064
Email: Country: Vietnam
Website: Organisation: Northern Power Corporation
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
Construction of 230 kV lines invited for the supply and transportation of steel towers for
the 110 kV Phong Tho–Than Uyen Transmission Line under
Country: Thailand the World Bank-funded Distribution Efficiency Project.
Organisation: EGAT Closing date: February 19, 2016
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are Contact: Vu Anh Phuong,
invited for the construction of the 230 kV Chachoengsao 2– Power Development Project Management Board,
Prachin Buri 2 transmission line and the 230 kV Prachin Buri NPC, 22/399,
2–Kabin Buri transmission line under the Transmission 8th Floor, Au Co Street, Tay Ho District,
System Expansion Project Number 12. Hanoi, Vietnam
Closing date: March 1, 2016 Phone: +84 422161022
Contact: Natnoi Kijwatworawet, Chief Transmission System Fax: +84 43717 0971
Development Area Foreign Procurement Department, Email:
Organisation: KOSTT ENEA Operator. The duration of the contract is seven months
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are (March 1, 2016-October 1, 2016).
invited for the supply of 2X40 MVA transformers for the 110/ The contract is GPA. The contract includes the supply of the
10(20) kV Prishtina 6 substation; 2X40 MVA transformers for following in two lots:
the 110/10(20) kV Fushe Kosova substation; 2X40 MVA Lot I:
transformers for the 110/10(20) kV Mitrovica 2 substation; • Supply of 10 MVA, 110/15 kV transformer for Distribution
and 2X40 MVA transformers for the 220/10(20) kV Drenasi 2 Branch Bydgoszcz, GPZ Brusy T2.
substation under the EBRD funded-Kosovo Transmission • Supply of 10 MVA, 110/15 kV transformer for Branch
Development Project. Distribution Gorzow Wielkopolski, GPZ Recz.
Closing date: February 9, 2016 • Supply of 10 MVA, 110/15 kV transformer for Branch
Contact: Ilir Shala, Director, Distribution Zielona Gora, GPZ Cybinka Zadanie nr 2.
Department for Project Management & Engineering, Lot II:
Iljaz Kodra Street nn, Prishtina 10000, • Supply of 25 MVA, 110/15 kV transformer for Branch
Republic of Kosova Distribution Poznañ, Garbary GPZ T1.
Fax: +381 38500201 • Supply of 25 MVA, 110/15 kV transformer for Distribution
Email: Department Poznañ, Garbary GPZ T2.
Website: • Supply of 25 MVA, 110/15 kV transformer for Branch
Distribution Poznañ, GPZ Plewiska.
Delivery and installation of 245 kV transformers Closing date: February 2, 2016
Contact: S³awomir Wiœniewski,
Country: Poland
ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o., Ul. Strzeszyñska 58,
Organisation: Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne Spó³ka
Poznañ 60-479, Poland
Akcyjna (PSE S.A.)
Phone: +48 618843088
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
Fax: +48 618561004
invited for the delivery and installation of 245 kV three-phase
transformers (two units) with a capacity of at least 400 MVA.
The contract is a GPA and the duration of the contract is 29
months from the date of award (July 1, 2016-December 31,
Consultancy services for 110-750 kV line
Closing date: January 19, 2016 Country: Romania
Contact: Anna Okraszewska, PSE S.A., Organisation: Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei
Street Warszawska 165, Konstancin-Jeziorna 05-520, Electrice “Transelectrica” S.A.
Poland Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
Phone: +48 222421595/222422035 invited for providing consultancy services for the 110-750 kV
Fax: +48 222422169 overhead lines. The contract is a GPA and the duration of the
Email: contract is 36 months from the date of award.
Website: Closing date: January 27, 2016
Contact: Ovidiu Murasan, Transelectrica, 33,
Supply of 230 kV transformers B-dul G-Ral Gheorghe Magheru, Sector 1,
Bucuresti 010325, Romania
Country: Poland
Phone: + 40 213035986
Organisation: PSE S.A.
Fax: + 40 213035980
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
invited for the design, manufacture, and supply of two 230 kV
transformers of 500 MVA The duration of the contract is 17
months from the date of award of the contract.
Modernisation and reconstruction of 500 kV substation
Closing date: January 19, 2015
Contact: Anna Okraszewska, PSE S.A., Country: Russia
Street Warszawska 165, Konstancin-Jeziorna 05-520, Poland Organisation: OJSC ESSK UES
Phone: +48 222421595/222422035 Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are
Fax: +48 222422169 invited for the modernisation and reconstruction of the 500
Email: kV Pakhra substation under the European Bank for
Website: Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) funded-Pakhra
Substation Modernization Program. The duration of the
Supply of HV/MV transformers contract is 45 months from the date of award.
Closing date: February 25, 2016
Country: Poland Contact: OJSC ESSK UES, Valeriy Semenov, 4,
Organisation: ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. bld. B, 5th floor, Belovezhskaya Street, Moscow,
Description/Scope of work: International competitive bids are Russia, 121353
invited for the delivery, transportation, installation and Phone: + 7 495 7109333
commissioning of six units of high voltage (HV)/medium Email:,
voltage (MV) transformers in the area of operations of the Website:
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