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Cooling System Notes for VHP Gas Engines

Water Connections for Remote Cooling (WC)

Review Service Bulletin 4-2429-(latest revision), “Cooling System Guidelines and Water Treatment
Recommendations”, in addition to these notes.

A. General:
1. Coolant is 100% water unless otherwise noted.

2. Provide drains at all engine jacket circuit and auxiliary circuit low points.

3. Fill carefully. Be sure to eliminate trapped air. Run at operating temperature and recheck fluid

4. Refer to the appropriate cooling system diagram.

B. Engine jacket circuit:

1. Temperature:
Nominal coolant temperature out of engine:
180°F (82°C)

2. Pressure:
a. Maximum pressure:
50 ft. (15 m) water at inlet to jacket coolant pump.

b. Minimum pressure:
2.5 psig (172 mbar) is the net positive suction head, NPSH, requirement of the jacket
coolant pump. See S-7424-1, “Inlet Pressure Requirement for Jacket Water Pump”, or its

3. Flow:
a. Consult the appropriate jacket water performance curve in the Waukesha Technical Data
Manual. Pay special attention to the maximum system restriction curve which limits the
restriction of the jacket circuit beyond the engine connections.

b. External circuits and controls may change system restriction, which in turn can cause flow
rate fluctuations. Flow rate fluctuations must be less than 5%.

Form PF120A (7/01)

Waukesha DR. SPM 4-8-91

Revision PC
Power CH. SPM 4-9-91 SYSTEM NOTES 141766-00 1260
Systems Water Connections
AP. D 4-12-91 See LastSheet SHEET 1 of 4
4. Expansion tank:
a. Location:
Locate the expansion tank above the highest point of the engine jacket circuit. Note: The
liquid cooled turbochargers are the highest points on the 16 cylinder GSI engine. The
turbochargers should be below the expansion tank minimum coolant level.

b. Air bleed vent lines to expansion tank:

Each line to be run separately to expansion tank.

c. Pressure control:
Loss of pressure when at operating temperature, such as caused by pressure cap
removal, requires shutdown until water temperature drops 50°F (28°C). If this procedure
is not followed, minimum pressure, NPSH, may be insufficient to prevent cavitation and
other cooling problems.

C. Engine auxiliary circuit:

1. Temperature:
a. Maximum temperature:
1.) Naturally aspirated (G) engines:
175°F (79°C) maximum supply to the auxiliary pump.

2.) Turbocharged (GSI, LT, and GL ) engines:

The maximum coolant supply temperature to the auxiliary pump is determined by the
engine rating. 130°F (54°C) rating is standard; 85°F (29°C) rating is optional on some

2. Pressure:
a. Maximum pressure:
1.) Naturally aspirated (G) engines:
Calculate the maximum pressure at the inlet to the auxiliary pump by finding the
difference between the 80 psig (5.5 bar) limit of the oil cooler and the boost of the
auxiliary pump. See the example below.

2.) Turbocharged (GSI, LT, and GL) engines:

Calculate the maximum pressure at the inlet to the auxiliary pump by finding the
difference between the 75 psig (5.1 bar) limit of the intercooler and the boost of the
auxiliary pump. See the example below.

Form PF120A (7/01)

Waukesha DR. SPM 4-8-91

Revision PC
Power CH. SPM 4-9-91 SYSTEM NOTES 141766-00 1260
Systems Water Connections
AP. D 4-12-91 See LastSheet SHEET 2 of 4
3.) Example calculation:
a.) Given:
L7042GSI, 1000 rpm, standard auxiliary pump.

b.) Procedure:
(1) Select the appropriate auxiliary water pump performance curve in the Waukesha
Technical Data Manual: S6543-13

(2) Select the correct curve based on engine speed: 1000 rpm

(3) Read the pressure (head) at the point the pump curve intersects the “maximum
permissible system restriction curve”: 23.5 ∆psi. (This is the maximum allowed
boost of the auxiliary pump.)

(4) Calculate: 75 psig – 23.5 ∆psi = 51.5 psig (max. pressure at inlet).

b.)Minimum pressure:
2 psig (138 mbar) is the net positive suction head, NPSH, requirement of the
auxiliary pump. See S-7424, “Inlet Pressure Requirement for Jacket Water
Pump”, or its replacement.

3. Flow:
a. Consult the appropriate auxiliary water pump performance curve in the Waukesha Technical
Data Manual. Pay special attention to the maximum system restriction curve, which limits the
restriction of the auxiliary circuit beyond the engine connections.

b. External circuits and controls may change system restriction, which in turn can cause flow
rate fluctuations. Flow rate fluctuations must be less than 5%.

4. Expansion tank:
a. Location:
Locate the expansion tank above the highest point of the engine auxiliary circuit. Note:
The liquid cooled turbocharger wastegates are the highest points on 12 cylinder GSI and
GL engines. The wastegates should be below the expansion tank minimum coolant level.

b. Air bleed vent lines to expansion tank:

Each line to be run separately to expansion tank.

Form PF120A (7/01)

Waukesha DR. SPM 4-8-91

Revision PC
Power CH. SPM 4-9-91 SYSTEM NOTES 141766-00 1260
Systems Water Connections
AP. D 4-12-91 See LastSheet SHEET 3 of 4
D. Technical data for a specific application:
1. If your application does not match the parameters listed, consult the Waukesha distributor,
regional office or the Waukesha Power Systems Sales Engineering Department.

2. After an order is placed with Waukesha Power Systems, an “Order Data Sheet” containing order-
specific technical data will be submitted.

Letter Change Description Date By

A Revised format and text. 9-5-91 SPM
B Added reference to S-7424 10-22-91 SPM
C A.6. was A.5., added new A.5., added a. to 3. And added 3.b. 4-23-92 DLT
D A.7. was A.6; added new A.6; modified B.3.b; added B.4. e; added a. to C.3, added C.3.b. 6-16-92 DLT
E Revised A.2, B.2.b, B.4.c, B.4.d, C.2.b, C.4.b, C.4.c, C.4.d., added C.4.e. and A.8. 6-30-93 SA
Added reference to sB 4-2429C, revised by deleting information covered in SB 4-2429C, B.1.
F 8-3-93 SPM
“nominal” was “standard”.
G Retyped in Word; 4-2429D was C, Pg. 1; Sales Engineering was Application, Pg. 3 4-29-99 DLT
H Revised Engine Jacket Circuit Min. pump press. 2.5 psig was 2.0 psig, S-7424-1 was S-7424 5-18-00 SA
J SB 4-2429E was 4-2429D, changed form, was PSA1260 3/5/02 DLT
K SB 4-2429F was 4-2429E 1-14-03 SA
L SB 4-2429-(See ODS for latest revision) was SB 4-2429F 2-24-03 SA
Changed intercooler maximum pressure from 50 to 75 psi in the auxiliary water pump maximum
141766-00 04-05-07 DRO
inlet pressure section.

Form PF120A (7/01)

Waukesha DR. SPM 4-8-91

Revision PC
Power CH. SPM 4-9-91 SYSTEM NOTES 141766-00 1260
Systems Water Connections
AP. D 4-12-91 See LastSheet SHEET 4 of 4

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