Compressible Fluid Mechanics (Masetr: Gas Engineering) /amar Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By: Abdelmouiz - Ahmed
Compressible Fluid Mechanics (Masetr: Gas Engineering) /amar Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By: Abdelmouiz - Ahmed
Compressible Fluid Mechanics (Masetr: Gas Engineering) /amar Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By: Abdelmouiz - Ahmed
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
The fluid is mainly divided into two categories: liquids and gases. The main
difference between the liquids and gases state is that gas will occupy the whole
volume while liquids has an almost fix volume. This difference can be, for most
pressure. Gases are , in general, highly compressible whereas most liquids have a
very low compressibility .Now in flow , there are usually changes in pressure
Fundamental assumptions:
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
1-The gas is continuous, i.e., the motion of individual molecules does not have to
applies in flow in which the mean free path of the gas molecules is very small
compared to all the important dimensions of the solid body through or over
2- No chemical changes occur in the flow field . Chemical changes influence the
Where R is the universal gas constant , which has a value of 8314.5 J/Kgmole°K
b) The specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume ,Cp and Cv are
When the above assumption are adopted , the flow field is completely described
by knowing the values of the following variables at all points in the flow field:
&-Density , ρ &-Temperature T
Therefore, in order to describe the flow field , four equations involving these
four variables must be obtained . These equations are derived by applying the
following principles:
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Although the SI system of units has virtually become the standard throughout
the world , “The English” or “Imperial” system is still quite extensively used in
industry and the engineer still needs to be familiar with both systems. i.e.,
Force=mass x acceleration
the flow. These conservation laws will here be applied to the flow through a
shown in figure below. For such a control volume , conservation of mass requires
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
(Rate of increase in internal energy and kinetics of gas in control volume + Rate
enthalpy and kinetic energy leave control volume – Rate enthalpy and kinetic
energy enter control volume)= (Rate heat is transferred into control volume –
&-Conservation of mass:
(Rate mass enters control volume = Rate mass leaves control volume).
&-Conservation of momentum:
volume – Rate enthalpy and kinetic energy enter control volume ) = (Rate heat is
transferred into control volume – Rate work is done by gas in control volume).
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Conservations laws
Conservation of mass :
Rate mass leaves control volume = Rate mass enters control volume
Where V is the mean velocity in the duct and A is its cross-sectional area ,
It will be assumed that the pressure around the surface of the control volume is
the same everywhere except where the ducts carrying the gas into and out of
the control volume cross this surface. Since the momentum flux in any direction
is equal to the product of the mass flow rate and the velocity component in the
direction considered.
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
In these equations Fx and Fy are x and y components of the force exerted by the
Conservation of energy:
(Rate enthalpy and kinetic energy leave control volume – Rate enthalpy and
kinetic energy enter control volume) =(Rate heat is transferred into contrl
Where h is the enthalpy of the gas per unit mass , Q is the rate of heat
transfer to the system , and W is the rate at which the system is doing work.
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Conclusion: Compressible flows are flow in which the density changes induces by
the pressure changes through the flow field have a significant influence on the
flow. Compressibility effects are usually associated with the high speed flow of
A Steady flow implies that none of the properties of the flow are varying with
time. In most real flows that are steady on average, the instantaneous values of
the flow properties, in fact, fluctuate about the mean value. However, an
analysis of such flows based on the assumption of steady flow usually gives a
good description of the mean values of the flow variables. One-dimensional flow
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
is, strictly, flow in which the reference axes can be so chosen that the velocity
vector has only one component over the portion of the flow field considered.
In one dimensional flow the velocity of the duct will here be given the symbol V,
with acceptable accuracy to flows with variable area provided that the rate of
change of area and the curvature are small enough for one component of the
For example, although the flow through a nozzle of the type shown in figure
above, is not strictly one-dimensional because V remains very much less than U,
the flow can be calculated with sufficient accuracy for most purposes by
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
ignoring V and assuming that the flow is one–dimensional by only considering the
This equation relates the fractional changes in density , velocity , and area
over a short length of the control volume. If the density can be assumed
constant, this equation indicates that the fractional changes in velocity and
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Since no momentum enters though the curved walls of the control volume.
Hence, since conservation of momentum requires that the net force on the
control volume be equal to the rate at which momentum leaves the control
volume minus the rate at which it enters the control volume, the above
equations give :
This is the Euler’s equation for steady flow through a duct, since V is, by
If the fluid enters at section 1 with velocity V1 and with enthalpy h1 per
unit mass, and leaves through section 2 with velocity V2 and enthalpy h2
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Applying this equation to the flow through the differentially short control
When applied between any two points in the flow ( between the inlet and exit of
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Compressibility effects become important in a gas flow when the velocity in the
flow is high. The ratio of the gas velocity to the speed of sound in the gas that
number , M:
M<1 ( Subsonic flow) , M˃ 1 (Supersonic flow), if M near 1 and there are regions
of both subsonic and supersonic flow ( transonic flow), M very much greater
The speed of sound for a gas depends only on the absolute temperature of the
gas .
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
The above equation shows that the magnitude of the fractional pressure
Next consider the energy equation . Since adiabatic flow is being considered
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
This equation shows that the magnitude of the fractional temperature changes ,
dT/T, induced by a given fractional velocity change , dV/V, also depends on the
From this equation it will be seen that for a given fractional change in velocity ,
for a given dV/V, the corresponding induced fractional change in density will also
III-2) Speed of sound: The speed of sound is the speed at which very weak
pressure waves are transmitted through the gas. Consider a plane infinitesimally
Let the pressure change across the wave be dp and let the corresponding
density ant temperature changes be dρ and dT respectively. The gas into which
the wave is propagating is assumed to be at rest. The wave will then induce a
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
gas velocity , dV, behind it as it moves through the gas . The changes across the
The continuity and momentum equations are applied to a control volume of unit
III-3) Continuity equation : gives for this control volume: (a= Velocity)
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Because a very weak wave is being considered , the temperature and velocity
changes through the wave are very small and the gradients of temperature and
velocity within the wave remain small. For this reason , heat transfer and viscous
Consider a small solid body moving relative to a gas .In order to pass smoothly
over the body, disturbances tend to be propagated ahead of the body to “warn”
the gas of the approach of the body .i.e., because the pressure at the surface of
the body is greater than that in the surrounding gas, pressure waves spread out
from the body. Since these pressure waves are very weak except in the
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
immediate vicinity of the body , they effectively move outwards at the speed of
compressibility effects on a flow. The speed of sound was shown to vary directly
with the square root of the absolute temperature and inversely with the square
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Series of exercises
Exercise 01: Air flows down a variable area duct. Measurements indicate that
the pressure is 80 Kpa, the temperature is 5°C, and the velocity is 150 m/s at a
certain section of the duct. Estimate, assuming incompressible flow, the velocity
and pressure at a second section of the duct area is half that of the section
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Exercise 02:
500Kpa and 60°C respectively. Find the density if the gas is (a) air and (b)
Exercise 03:
difference between two points in a duct through which air is flowing . Under
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
certain conditions, it’s found that the difference in the heights of the water
columns in the two legs of the manometer is 11 inch. Find the pressure
difference between the two points in the flow in Psf, Psi, and Pa. (ρman=62.4
Exercise 4: Air flows from a large chamber through a valve into an initially
evacuated tank. The pressure and temperature in the large chamber are kept
constant at 1000 Kpa and 30°C respectively and the internal volume of the tank
is 0.2 m3. Find the time taken for the pressure in the initially evacuated tank to
reach 160 Kpa. Because of the pressures existing in the two vessels, the mass
flow rate through the valve can be assumed to remain constant and equal to
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
0.9x10-4 Kg/s. Heat transfer from the tank can be neglected and the kinetic
energy for the gas in the chamber and in the tank can also be neglected.
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Exercise 5: Liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen are both fed to the combustion
nozzle. The exit plane of this exhaust nozzle has a diameter of 0.3 m and the
gases flowing through the nozzle are estimated to have a density of 0.1 Kg/m3
on the exit plane. Estimate the gas velocity on the nozzle exit plane assuming
Exercise 06: Air flows down a variable area duct. Measurements indicate that
the temperature is 5°C and the velocity is 150 m/s at a certain section of the
decreased to -20°C. Assuming that the flow is adiabatic and one –dimensional ,
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Exercise 08: Consider adiabatic air flow through a duct . At a certain section of
the duct , the flow area is 0.2 m2 , the pressure is 80Kpa , the temperature is
5°C and the velocity is 200 m/s . if , at this section , the duct area is changing at
a rate of 0.3 m2/m ( dA/dx=0.3 m2/m), find dp/dx, dV/dx , and dρ/dx . Assuming
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Exercise 09:
level . Find the maximum velocity at which this air craft can fly at a sea-level if
Exercise 10: Typical cruising speed and altitudes for three commercial
aircrafts are:
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Find the Mach number of these three aircraft when flying at these cruise
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
Exercise 11:
A weak pressure wave (a sound wave ) across which the pressure rise is 0.05 KPa
is traveling down a pipe into air at a temperature of 30°C and a pressure 105 KPa
Solution: Conservation of mass gives for the flow through the control volume
Exercise 12: A gas has a molar mass of 44 and a specific heat ratio of 1.3. Find
the speed of sound in this gas if the gas temperature is -30°C . If the gas
flowing at a velocity of 450 m/s , Find the Mach number and the Mach angle.
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Compressible Fluid Mechanics( Masetr : Gas engineering) /Amar
Thelidji University (Laghouat) / By : Abdelmouiz.Ahmed
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