Art Q2 G6

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++ Grade
School VI
Teacher ART

GRADE 6 Teaching 2nd

DAILY Dates & time Week 1, Day 1 Quarter Quarter

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes, space,
Standard colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony and contrast
in digital painting and poster design using new technologies.
B. Performan The learner applies concepts on the use of software in creating
ce digital paintings and graphic designs.
C. Learning A6EL-IIa. The learner realizes that art processes, elements
Competen and principles still apply even with the use of technologies.
cies / A6PL-IIa. The learner appreciates the elements and principles
Objectives applied in digital art.
A6PR-IIb. The learner applies concepts on the use of the
software (commands, menu, etc.)


E. LEARNING Learning Materials are uploaded at

A. References
1. Teacher’s K to 12 Arts Curriculum Guide May 2016 Page 49
2. Learner’s Learning Materials are uploaded at
Materials .
3. Textbooks Enjoying Life Through Music, Art, Physical Education and
pages Health 6, pages 138 - 141
4. Additional Jaime, Ernani Ofreneo, Lesson Plan in Arts VI, DepEd Central
Materials Office
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning 2017 Artuz, Ma. Mignon C, Garcia, Ma. Elvira M. Pascual,
Resources Marisa C. Reyes, Irene Feliz. Enjoying Life Through Music,
Art, Physical Education and Health 6

A. Introductio Show to the class photo of TIME Magazine’s person of the year
n and 2013 and let them read the article, “Behind the Person of the
motivation Year Cover.”
Using Similarities and Differences strategy, ask the students to
compare traditional painting from digital painting based on the
information shared by the artist in the article.
Tell the pupils after learning digital drawing, they will learn and
practice digital painting
jason- seiler

B. Establishin Have them read the objectives of the new lesson.

ga Demonstrate how to locate MS Paint in the Windows desktop
purpose and how to create.
for the
C. Presenting Show photos of Incredible Works of Art Made With Microsoft
examples/ Paint.
of the new photos-2017-7

D. Discussing With the Use of the Computer

new The teacher let the pupils watch a video Easy Method of
concepts Using MS Paint.
new skills.
Easy method of Painting using MS Paint ( 360 X 480 ).mp4

(Refer to CD Video A)

Demonstrate how to find MS Paint in Windows desktop

and how they will create a shortcut.

With the video as guide, pupils follow step by step

creating the picture shown on MS Paint.
Then, the teacher enumerates the useful commands
with the following:
1. Clipboard (cut, copy and paste)
2. Image (select, group, resize and rotate)
3. Tools (pencil, fill with color, text, eraser, color
picker and magnifier)
4. Brushes with the different lines and textures)
5. Shapes
6. Size
7. Colors
E. Developing Let pupils do it by themselves.
(leads to
F. Finding Possible questions to be raised in class:
practical 1. What are advantages and disadvantages of digital
applications of painting and poster design using new technologies.
concepts and
skill in daily
G. Making Let pupils enumerate their understanding of shapes,
generalization space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
s and and contrast in digital painting and poster design using
abstractions new technologies.
about the
H. Evaluating Identifying sections of MS Paint’s Interface
learning Look at each section of MS Paint’s Interface. Write its
name on the line. Choose your answer from the words
Criterion Advance Proficie Approachi Developin Beginnin
d nt ng g g
(5) (4) Proficiency (2) (1)
Design Can Can Can apply Can apply Can
apply apply design design barely
design design elements elements apply
elements elements (lines, (lines, design
(lines, (lines, shapes, and shapes, elements
shapes, shapes, colors and and colors (lines,
and and principles of and shapes,
colors colors contrast) principles and colors
and and with fair of and
principles principle skills. contrast) principles
of s of but had of
contrast) contrast) some contrast)
with with difficulties. in the
excellent great digital
skills. skills. painting
Creativity Can Can Can show Can show Can
show show excellent signs of barely
excellent excellent attention to imaginatio shows
attention attention detail. n in some signs of
to detail. to detail. Imaginative parts of imaginati
The The touches are drawing on in the
ideas / ideas / scattered drawing
materials materials throughout
/methods /method the digital
are s are painting.
highly effective.
I. Additional
activities Teacher show more videos to enhance their skills.
How to draw mountain in MS Paint - Part1 ( 360 X 640 ).mp4

Stev Tries to Draw in MS Paint ( 720 X 1280 ).mp4

J. Reflection How can you show shapes, colors, space and contrast in
MS Paint.
How are you doing? Check the box
of your answer.   
1. I can use MS Paint with
2. I can show shapes, colors,
space and contrast in my
3. I can show creativity in my
digital painting.
4. I can pass my paintings on
School VI
Teacher ART

GRADE 6 Teaching 2ND

DAILY Dates & time Quarter Quarter


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,

space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
and contrast in digital painting and poster design using
B. Performance The learner applies concepts on the use of software in
Standard creating digital paintings and graphic designs.
C. Learning Utilizes art skills using new technologies (Hardware and
Competencies/ Software) in digital paintings
Objectives A6PR – II c
II. CONTENT Process:
1.1 digital painting graphic design (poster)
A. References
1. TG /CG Pages K to 12 Curriculum Guide August 2016 page 45
2. Learners
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages The 21st Century MAPEH in Action page 112-132
4. Additional
Materials from (Digital Painting Lesson)
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Laptop, PC Computer, Tablet


A. Reviewing 1. Using a graphic organizer ask the pupils the

previous lesson or following question.
presenting the new a. Who knows a lot about digital painting?
2. Review the concepts on the use of software
(computer commands)

B. Establishing a  Today, we are going to learn the basic steps in

Purpose of the creating digital painting using new technologies
Lesson (laptops, computers and tablets)

C. Presenting Provide the pupils examples of digital painting design.

/instances of the

Scanned Image from the 21st Century MAPEH in Action

 What can you see in the pictures?

 What are the elements of the arts that you see in
the picture?
 What attracts people to think, work and express
themselves through technology today?
 Do you see yourself influenced by technology?
 If you make a digital painting on the celebration
of BUWAN ng WIKA, what design are you going
to make?

D. Discussing new  Give the lecture on Preparing Digital Painting

concepts and  Discuss the tools, processes and techniques
practicing new involved in doing digital painting
skills # 1

Here is a checklist of materials and pointers for you to

1. Develop some familiarity with the painting
styles and techniques you want to be inspired
with – Look at real paintings. See for example

a. If the canvas peeps through the oil paint, and

if the brushstrokes appear thick or thin on the
board or canvas;
b. If each artist mixes and blends colors to build
forms; and
c. If the watercolor washes can blend and if the
watercolor id deposited on rough paper.
Scanned Image from the 21st Century MAPEH in Action

Observe these technical things closely in real painting.

Appreciate how artist approach and express themselves
in unique ways.

2. Understand how the elements and principles

of artwork on designs
a. Recall lessons on the effective use of the
elements of art, such as color, line, shape,
value, texture, volume, perspective
(foreground, mid-ground, background), line,
b. Remember that when you create a picture,
you are directing the show. Make sure that it
tells the story you want.

Scanned Image from the 21st Century MAPEH in Action

a. What can you say about the picture?

b. What are the elements of arts have you
seen in this picture?
c. Why do think elements of the arts are
important in this art work?

 In this digital painting, the artist placed the

subject far but drawn at the viewer’s eye level
and center. Trees on both sides of the frame help
the viewer to concentrate his/her gaze to where
it is supposed to be. The artist also used varied
sizes and height of the trees, added textures, and
limited the number of colors to create a simple
and unified painting. These elements and
principles of arts still matter even in digital art.
3. Set your equipment and tools – setting your artwork
from paper to computer is known as digitally
formatting your art. To bring the artwork from paper
to computer, you need basic pieces of hardware.

Basic Pieces of Hardware

a. Computer – you need a computer and operating

system to run on to create digital painting. It is
important that your computer is powerful enough
to run software programs. Having as much
can, is a feature to consider in successful digital

Image from

b. Scanner – it is also absolutely essential to digital

painting. Without one you cannot digitize your art
work. It is also useful for scanning textures – like
real canvas and watercolor paper to make the
textures supports or patterns which you can
apply as background for your painting.

Image from

c. Digital Tablet and Stylus – a real-world brush

changes the way it deposits paint when its shape
changes. Push down on the brush tip and spread
out the bristles. Make the stroke larger and the
shape changes.

Image from

Ask the following questions.

1. What software tools are used in digital painting?

2. What is a brush tool?
3. What are the importance of brush tool in digital

 Many drawing and image software are available

to get started with digital painting. It is
recommended that you use GIMP, Photo Editor
Open Source, Photoshop, Inkscape, and Paint
that can be learned easily. These programs have
a wide array of tools and options that you can
manipulate to turn your work into a digitized



Image from

 Your Software has several tools that provide all

the colors you will need and make coloring in
your painting easy.

 Here are the primary coloring tools and you are

recommended to begin with the brush tool,
because after you start coloring your painting,
this is the tool you will probably use the most.

(Let the pupils open the GIMP software in a computer for

them to familiarize the different toolbars)

Primary Coloring Tools


1. Brush Tool - this tool applies color to your work,

similar to the way a traditional paintbrush would
apply paint on a canvas or paper.
2. Burn Tool – this tool darkens an image. To use
this tool, just drag the icon over the image.

3. Dodge Tool – it lightens an image. To use, drag

the icon over the image you want to lighten.

4. Eraser Tool - not all is perfect for beginning digital

artists. There will be smudges, smeared, lines or
other noticeable marks that are not supposed to
be part of the original work. The eraser tool works
very much like common pencil eraser. It cleans
up imperfections in your work, making your job a
lot easier.
5. Gradient Tool – use this tool by dragging the pen
to highlight a color and make it fade from dark to

6. Hand Tool or Move Tool – this tool moves around

an image within an object. Use this with the zoom
tool when you want to adjust the section of the
picture you want to look at.

7. Paint Bucket Tool – this tool fills or make an area

one color. You would no believe how your digital
painting starts to come to life when you add color
to them.

8. Pencil Tool – it behaves much like the brush

except that it has hard edges. The pencil tool
options are basically the same as the brush tool.
9. Free Select Tool – it makes lines and can be
used to create different shapes. To create lines,
use the pen tool to create anchors and change
the shape of the line by moving around the

10. Type Tool – this tool places text in a picture.

E. Discussing new Ask the pupils the following questions.

concepts and
practicing new 1. What are digital brushes?
skills #2 2. What brushes should you use?
3. How are brushes selected and changed in
digital painting?

 Brushes are the heart of all software painting

programs. They are of central importance to the
techniques needed to make the characteristics
that you like to have in your work.

 All the brushes properties can be accessed in the

BRUSHES palette. It can be opened from
Window Brushes on the Menu Bar.

 Here are the Brushes Basics that you need to


1. First you need to define the shape of the brush tip

and size of a brushstroke – tip type and size of
brushes can be changed in the Brushes Palette.
They can be set to either large or small size, or
from fat to thin. They can be handled in these
ways by applying decreasing pressure or vice
Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

2. Brush Strokes Types (Bristle, Smooth, Scattered,

Shaped) can be varied – the pen stylus can be
controlled to change the shape of the brush. It can
be made to scatter the brushstroke and define the
relationship of foreground and background colors.

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

3. Brushes Opacity ( how much paint is applied and

how transparent it is )can be controlled to show
he manner and extent of the changes to the

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

4. Brush Interaction with Support ( paper/canvas,

etc.) determines whether the brushstroke will be
applied with a texture.

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

F. Developing ACTIVITY # 1 I SPY (Big Group)
(leads to  Guide the pupils to the Menu Bar displaying the
Formative toolbar. Let the pupils identify the Primary Coloring
Assessment) Tool and explain the used of the tools displayed on
the menu

 Show the pupils the different Brush Tools that are

available in the software they will be using. Let them
explore the different strokes they can do for each
Brush Tool.


 Assign a small group of pupils to research or to

give the essential tools needed in creating digital

 Ask them to present a 5 to 10-minute report using

powerpoint to show pictures and explain the
operation of tools such as Lasso Tool, Dodge
Tool, Gradient Tool, etc.

 Instruct pupils to demonstrate in class how these

digital painting tools are applied correctly and


(Independent Practice)

 Guide the pupils in doing the Activity to Try.

 Tell them that the activity:
a. will practice them in using digital brushes
b. practice using brushes to increase your skills
c. help them figure out how the brushes they
have selected can imitate the behavior of any
traditional materials
d. help them find out how they can introduce
them to the effects that can be achieved with
various brushes as well.

Follow the given direction to perform the Activity 3

1. Choose your digital brush with the brush selector

in the upper-left corner of your computer
program’s workspace. Choose your brush in a
dark gray color.
2. Next, move you pen in different ways to create
marks, such as straight, diagonal, light to dark,
thick to thin, wide or broad lines, etc.
3. Then make various strokes by changing your
grip. Make marks with the pen held upright or
tilted at different angles --- like drawing with a
side of a piece of chalk. The way the brush is held
and directed determines the kind of mark/s you
will produce in digital painting.
4. Make your brush pressed down lightly or heavily.
Make them in dabbing, circular, or repeating
motions as well. Dragging any brush quickly
makes the brushstroke wider. Discover how else
you can achieve other kinds of effects with your

Use rubrics to assess the artwork of the pupils.

(Note: Teacher can make his/her own criteria based
from the skills given)

Rubric for Evaluating a Digital Painting

(Suggested format from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6)

Proficient g Developing Beginning
(10) Proficiency (6) (5)
Skills and Excellent Competent Improved Beginner
Craftsmanshi understandin understandin understandin understandin
p g of the use g of the use g of the use g of the use
of the of computer of computer of computer
computer and and and and
application of application of application of application of
artistic artistic artistic artistic
qualities; line, qualities; line, qualities; line, qualities; line,
color, texture, color, texture, color, texture, color, texture,
and balance. and balance. and balance. and balance.
Good Adequate Little
Attention to attention to attention to
detail detail detail
Creativity Excellent Competent Improved Beginner and
approach to development thinking and restricted
original in expression expression in approach to
thinking and of creative development developing
expression, idea with of creative the idea with
with evidence increase idea, but no evidence
of risk taking attempt of limited risk of risk taking
risk taking taking

G. Finding practical ART APPRECIATION

application of
concepts and  Draw your favorite cartoon character using digital
skills in daily design
Ask the following questions:
 In what way does creating digital painting become
useful to us?

 What advantages can you get for mastering the

craft of digital painting?

 How do you express yourselves effectively

through the use of digital tool?

 Discovering that you are skillful in digital painter

what course will you pursue in college? Why?
H. Making  What software tools are used in digital
generalizations painting?
and abstractions
about the lesson (Software tools that we can use in digital
painting are GIMP, Photoshop, Photo
Editor, Inkscape and MS Paint.)

 What are the importance of brush tool in

digital painting?

(Brush tool is important in digital painting

because it provides all the colors you will
need in your painting and it makes
coloring in your painting easy.)

 What are digital brushes?

(Digital brushes are brushes that we

found in Brushes Palette like charcoal
brush 01, chalk 02, Block 01, Block 02,
Hardness 025 and other brushes.)

(Note: Brushes Palette is the engine room

where you will make most of your
modification. It can be opened from
Windows Brushes on the Menu Bar)

 How are brushes selected and changed

in digital painting?

(Using the different brushes that are

available in the brush palette)

I. Evaluating A. Matching Type:

Get the most out of your software program to familiarize
yourself with the toolbar. Match the items in the two
columns correctly.

1. Eraser a. It cleans up
2. Pen Tool imperfections in your
3. Dodge Tool artwork, making your job
4. Gradient Tool a lot easier.
5. Sponge Tool b. It soaks color out of the
c. It makes lines and can be
used to create different
d. It lightens an image
e. It highlight the color and
make it fade from dark to
B. Multiple Choice
Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

1. It is an equipment that known as digitally

formatting your art.

a. digital tablet and stylus

b. computer
c. scanner

2. It is essential in digital painting and useful for

scanning textures – like real canvas and water
color paper.

a. digital tablet and stylus

b. computer
c. scanner

3. This gadget used in making marks and

communicate directions to the computer.
a. digital tablet stylus
b. computer
c. scanner

4. What computer software used in creating digital


a. Microsoft office
b. Microsoft powerpoint
c. GIMP software

5. What software tools are used in digital


a. text box tool, shape box tool, text fill

b. brush tool, burn tool, pencil tool
c. coupon, pencil, pen

J. Additional  Tell the pupils to keep on creating logo or any

Activities for artwork design using the Inkscape software,
application or Photoshop or paint brush 3D.
 Let the pupils to watch youtube video on creating
digital logo for them to enhance their digital art
skills. ( Digital Painting Lesson)

VI. REFLECTIO Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the
N students’ progress this week.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the
A. No. of learners
who acquired
activities for
remediation who
scored below
B. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
C. No. of learners
who continue to
D. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
E. What difficulties
did I
with my principal
can help me
F. What innovation
or localized did I
used / discover
which I wish to
share with other
School VI
Teacher ART

GRADE 6 Teaching 2ND

DAILY Dates & time Quarter Quarter


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,

space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
and contrast in digital painting and poster design using

B. Performance The learner applies concepts on the use of software in

Standard creating digital paintings and graphic designs.

C. Learning Creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g.,

Competencies / Van Gogh, Fernando Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style,
Objectives theme, etc.


II. CONTENT Process:

1.1 digital painting graphic design (poster)

A. References
1. TG /CG Pages
K to 12 ART Curriculum Guide August 2016 page 45

2. Learners
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action page 112-132

4. Additional
Materials from (Digital Painting Lesson)
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Laptop, PC Computer, Tablet
A. Reviewing Review the concept on the use of;
previous lesson  Software commands like toolbars, processes
or presenting new and techniques involved in doing digital
lesson. painting.
 Basic steps in Preparing Digital Painting
B. Establishing Today, you are going to create digital painting using a
purpose for the computer, (GIMP Software, MS Paint, Paint 3D or any
lesson software program available to create digital painting

C. Presenting  Provide the pupils example of Painting of

examples/instanc Fernando Amorsolo, Van Gogh’s or other artist.
es of the new
lesson. (Note: You can provide your own local artist or painter.)

 Ask the pupils to guess the title of the painting

and who painted it.

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

 What do you think of the artist’s digital version
of the painting?

Here is now the digital version of the painting.

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

D. Discussing new DAY 1 – Big Group Activity

concepts and
practicing new Activity 1 – Digital Version
skills # 1
 Choose an artwork created by a master painter
that shows harmony.
 Create a digital version of it using MS Paint,
Inkscape, Photoshop, GIMP, or any software
programs that you can use to manipulate and
manage images in your digital painting.
(Note: You can use a painting of your local painters)

Sample Pictures of Digital Painting

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

Scanned Image from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6

E. Discussing new DAY 2 – Individual Activity
concepts and
practicing new

Over-all art skill I did high-quality creative
Understanding and use of I tried hard to apply all
Art Concept concepts
Use of Materials I used materials
appropriately with no
Behavior I tried to be the very best
pupil and followed all the
Creativity I used my imagination and
thought of different out-of-
the-box approaches

Craftsmanship I patiently did my digital

painting design as
beautifully as I could

ACTIVITY 2 - Express Yourself

 In this activity, pupils will take the lead in finding
productive and expressive ways of using the
software program for digital painting available to

 Allow them to do the digital painting according

to their level of skills and / or personal

 Let the pupils enjoy the abstract quality of their

digital painting – there is less fear of failure to
create a realistic likeness.

F. Developing
mastery Give the pupils ample time to develop their artwork
(Leads to Formative
G. Finding practical
applications of A. Check ( / ) before each statement that describes
concepts and your attitudes and feelings during and after doing
skills in daily artwork. Cross ( x ) if not.
________1. I realize that art processes, elements,
and principles still apply even with the use of new
________2. I did not apply the expected skills for the

________3. I can utilize art skills in using new

technologies (hardware and software)

________4. I can create a digital painting similar with

the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.)

________5. I did not produce good work, and I did it

just to get by.

B. As an emerging digital painter, what consideration

must you bear in mind to become successful in the

H. Making  What are the things to be remembered in

generalization and making digital painting?
abstraction about
the lesson. (In making digital painting you have to
remember the different elements and principles
of art because even in digital version of a
painting this principles and elements are
essential to establish unity and variety of your

 What are the different tools that found in toolbox

that are helpful in creating digital painting?

(The different tools that found in toolbox that are

helpful in creating digital painting are brush tool,
burn tool, dodge tool……etc.)

 What alternative tool should you consider to

make a painting of your own?

(We can use technologies like computer, digital

tablet, laptop and other gadgets to make our
own painting)

 What does the activity tell us?

(We can make use of technologies to have our

skills in painting)

 Create your own design /digital painting using

I. Evaluation
MS Paint or other software program.

Use rubrics to assess the artwork of the pupils.

(Note: Teacher can make his/her own criteria based
from the skills given)
Rubric for Evaluating a Digital Painting
(Suggested format from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6)

Proficient g Developing Beginning
(20) Proficiency (10) (5)
Skills and Excellent Competent Improved Beginner
Craftsmanshi understandin understandin understandin understandin
p g of the use g of the use g of the use g of the use
of the of computer of computer of computer
computer and and and
and application of application of application of
application of artistic artistic artistic
artistic qualities; line, qualities; qualities;
qualities; color, texture, line, color, line, color,
line, color, and balance. texture, and texture, and
texture, and Adequate balance. balance.
balance. attention to Little
Good detail attention to
Attention to detail
Creativity Excellent Competent Improved Beginner and
approach to development thinking and restricted
original in expression expression in approach to
thinking and of creative development developing
expression, idea with of creative the idea with
with increase idea, but no evidence
evidence of attempt of limited risk of risk taking
risk taking risk taking taking

J. Additional  Tell the pupils to keep on practicing with Inkscape

activities for , Photoshop or paint brush 3D
application or  Let the pupils watch (suggested link) youtube video
remediation , on
creating digital logo for them to enhance their
digital art skills.

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the
students’ progress this week.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who acquired
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
F. What difficulties
did I encountered
with my principal
can help me
G. What innovation
or localized did I
used / discover
which I wish to
share with other

I – Study each painting shown below and Identify which of these paintings were
digitally created?

1. 4.

2. 5.


II - Match the items in the two column correctly

1. Pencil Tool a. Places text in a picture
2. Hand Tool b. Soaks color of the image
3. Type Tool c. Cleans up imperfections in your artwork,
4. Pen Tool making your job a lot easier
5. Dodge Tool d. lightens an image
6. Burn Tool e. Use this tool by dragging the pen to highlight
7. Sponge Tool a color and make it fade from dark to light
8. Gradient Tool f. Darkens an image
9.Eraser Tool g. Moves around an image within an object
10. Paint Bucket Tool h. Fills an area with one color
i. Makes lines and can be used to create
different shapes
j. Behaves much like the brush except that it
has hard edges
III. Choose an artwork created by a master painter that shows harmony. Create a
digital painting version of it using GIMP. (10 points)
Rubric for Evaluating a Digital Painting
(Suggested format from 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6)

Ability Proficient (10) Developing (6) Beginning (5)
Proficiency (8)
Skills and Excellent Competent Improved Beginner
Craftsmanship understanding of understanding understanding understanding
the use of the of the use of of the use of of the use of
computer and computer and computer and computer and
application of application of application of application of
artistic qualities; artistic qualities; artistic qualities; artistic qualities;
line, color, texture, line, color, line, color, line, color,
and balance. Good texture, and texture, and texture, and
Attention to detail balance. balance. Little balance.
Adequate attention to
attention to detail
Creativity Excellent approach Competent Improved Beginner and
to original thinking development in thinking and restricted
and expression, expression of expression in approach to
with evidence of creative idea development of developing the
risk taking with increase creative idea, idea with no
attempt of risk but limited risk evidence of risk
taking taking taking
School Grade Level VI
Teacher Learning ARTS
Teaching Quarter Second Quarter
Dates &

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,
space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
and contrast in digital painting and poster design using
new technologies.
B. Performance The learner applies concepts on the use of software in
Standard creating digital paintings and graphic designs.
C. Learning Realizes that art processes, elements and principles still
Competencies apply even with the use of technologies. (AGEL – IIe)
Appreciates the elements and principles applied in
layouting (AGPL – IIf)
II – Content (Subject Matter) Process:
PAINTING – New Technologies
9.1 Digital painting
Graphic design (Poster)
III – Learning Resources Enjoying Life through Music, Art, Physical Education and
A. References Health pages 172-182.
1. Teacher’s Guide Lesson Plan in MAPEH 6 K to 12 Curriculum 2018 Edition
by Olarez, reyes, Aragon pages 462 - 465
2. Learner’s
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pages
4. Additional
Resources (LR
B. Other Learning Laptop, computer, tablet or Android Phone
IV – Procedures What are the art elements and principles?
A. Review Precious Can you still apply this in digital painting using new
Lesson or Presenting technologies? How?
the New Lesson
B. Establishing the What was the most attractive poster you have ever seen?
purpose of the From the poster in our school, which one caught your
lesson attention?
How can you say that poster is effective?
Why are poster created?
What are their purposes?
C. Presenting examples Post an effective and attractive poster on the board. Let
the pupils describe it.
D. Discussing New Let the pupils post the following posters from the google
concepts and image on the board.
Practicing New What kind of posters are these?
Skills#1 Can you still apply art elements and principles in digital
posters? How?
How are art element used or applied in these posters?
How are art principles used or applied in these posters?
E. Discussing New Choose a poster that is posted
Concept and Explain why you think the layout artist effectively applied
Practicing New Skills lines, shapes, colors, texture, harmony and emphasis or
#2 contrast on it.
F. Developing Mastery Write T if the statement is true and F if False.
1. If the poster made you stop and read its content,
that poster is effective.
2. The purpose of a poster is to communicate a
3. Poster can be usually seen on floors and
G. Finding Practical Let pupils present their poster.
Application of a Do you think posters should contain accurate
Concept and Skill in information?
Daily living What will happen if posters contained misleading
information or wrong details?
How can posters help you in your daily life?
H. Making How is painting and other art process can be done?
Generalization (Using New technologies)
(Commercial Art)
Are art elements and principles can still be applied or
posters through the use of new technologies? How?

I. Evaluating Learning Identify the art elements and principles of the poster
How are you doing? Check the box of your choice.
1. I can create posters using MS publisher
2. I can create an effective poster series.
3. I can apply emphasis on my poster/s.
4. I can share important information or
advocate causes using posters.
5. I can pass my posters on time.
J. Additional Activities Search 3 effective posters from the internet. Print it on a
or Remediation short bond paper.
Under each poster, identify and write the art elements
and principles applied.
(from the remarks give the students another chances to
improve their work.)
V - Remark
VI - Reflection

A. No. of learners who _____ out of _____ pupils reach the mastery level
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who _____ out of ______ pupils didn’t reach the mastery
require additional level
activies for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teacher?
++ Grade
School VI
Teacher ART

GRADE 6 Teaching 2nd

DAILY Dates & time Quarter Quarter

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,
space, colors, and the principles of emphasis,
harmony an contrast in digital painting and poster
design using new technologies

B. Performance Standard The learner applies concepts on the use of software in

creating digital painting and graphic designs.

C. Learning Applies skills in layouting and photo editing using new

Competencies/ technologies (hardware and software) in making a
Objectives poster
(A6PR – IIg)

Software: MS Publisher
II. CONTENT Process:
9.1 Digital painting graphic design (poster)

A. References
1. TG /CG Pages
K to 12 Curriculum Guide in ART 6

2. Learners Materials
3. Textbook Pages
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action page 134-140
(Work text in Music, Arts, Physical Education and

Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts, Physical

Education and Health (Teachers Wraparound Edition
page 172-177

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 6 K to 12 Curriculum 2018

edition by Olarez, Reyes, Aragon

4. Additional
Materials from Internet / online sources
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Laptop, Computer, pentel pen, cartolina and tape


A. Reviewing previous
lesson or A. Ask the pupils the following questions:
presenting the new 1. What is poster?
2. How important are posters?
3. How is poster designed?
4. What are the visual elements of posters?
5. What is the most attractive poster you have
ever seen? Explain what it looked and why you
like it?
6. What are the purposes of posters?
7. Why are posters created?

B. Review the concepts on the use of software

( computer commands)

B. Establishing a
Purpose of the Today, we are going to discuss on how to apply skills
Lesson in layouting and photo editing using new technologies
(hardware and software) in making a poster.

Let the pupils turn on their computer/laptops. Click MS


Are you familiar with this software?

Who among you uses this software?
What artwork did you create using MS Publisher? Is it
convenient to use?
Do you think you can use it in creating posters?

C. Presenting
examples There are many posters in our school, which of
/instances of the them caught your attention? If it made you stop and
lesson read its content, that poster is effective.

The purpose of a poster is to convey a message.

Some posters are tacked or placed on walls
because the owner of the room likes its visual
appeal or can identify with the subject, it expresses
their personality. Most posters can be seen in
places where there is priority lane, foot traffic like
bus stations and malls. Whether the people are
riding the vehicle, normally walking by, the poster
should be encouraging / eye-catching enough to
capture their attention because it is a powerful tool
to inform, persuade or promote.
MS Publisher helps you make professional-looking
publications easily and quickly. Instead of working
on a design from scratch, MS Publisher has built-in
templates that you can choose for your publication
needs like calendar, brochures, flyers, newsletters,
postcards, greeting cards and posters. You can
also create your own template. MS Paint, MS
Publisher comes in various versions, but it is not
hard to learn its interface. Locate the available
options, ten design and make changes on the file
before printing and making these final products.

The commands that you will frequently use such as

Save, Undo and Redo are at Quick with MS
Publisher, you have more control of your design’s
size, shape, and layout. Below is the MS Publisher


The first object to examine is the Ribbon at the top

of the application window. The tool is where you can
find all the tabs, button groups and commands within
the program.

The “File tab, within the Ribbon, is your access to the

“Backstage View” of Publisher.

In the “Backstage View” you will find the most

common file management commands such as
creating, saving, sharing and printing the
publications you will create.

Above the Ribbon is the Quick Access Toolbar.

You can add buttons to this toolbar for commands
you use frequently and wish to always have readily

Notice that several important buttons are already set

here: “Save,” “Undo,” and “Redo.”

You can also remove buttons you have added to this

At the top of the window, you will see the name of the
current publication you have open.
This appears to the right of the Quick Access Toolbar
in an area known as the Title Bar.

The current publication is displayed below the

This is where you create the content for the pages in
your publication.
Most of the actual work in Publisher will be done in
this area.

To the left of the publication page, you will see the

“page Navigation Pane.”
As you add pages to a publication, a numbered
thumbnail icon of each page will appear within this

You can scroll through the listing of pages as they

accumulate and click one to select it.
The selected page will then appear in the publication
page area for editing.
At the right of the button sides of the publication you
will see “scroll bars.”
You will use the vertical scroll bar to control the
currently selected page up and down.
You will use the horizontal scroll bar to scroll the
currently selected page left and right. If your mouse
has a scroll wheel, you can use it to move up and
down the page as you would with the vertical scroll

You can easily zoom in to increase the magnification

or zoom out to decrease the magnification of your
publication, by using the “Zoom” slider that appears
in the lower right corner of the window.

To the left of that, you will see the “Page Layout

View” buttons that allow you to switch between a
single page view and two-page view of your

The Publisher 2016 User Interface: Instructions

1. When you first start publisher, a list of available
template is displayed.
2. To create a new, black publication, select the
standard “Blank 8.5 x 11” choice.
3. The main work space of publisher is shown in the
centre of the screen.
4. To find the tabs, button groups and commands
used in Publisher, click the tabs within the
Ribbon, located above the work space.
5. To access the “Backstage View” and the most
common file management commands, click the
“File” tab in the Ribbon.
6. The “Quick Access Toolbar” is directly above on
the left side of the screen.
7. The default buttons is the “Quick Access Toolbar”
are “Saving’” “Undo” and “Redo”.
8. The Title Bar spans the rest of the area to the
right of the “Quick Access Toolbar’” across the
top of the application window..
9. The current publication name is displayed in the
centre of the Title Bar.
10. To the left of the main work area, or “publication
page’” is the Page Navigation Pane.
11. Each page of your publication will be represented
by a thumbnail in this pane.
12. To display a thumbnail of a page in the main work
area, scroll through the thumbnail and click one t
select it.
13. To scroll your main work area vertically and
horizontally, use the scroll bars to the right and
below the main work area. You can also use your
mouse wheel, if you have one, to scroll vertically.
14. To zoom the main work area, use the “Zoom”
slider in the lower right corner of the application
15. To switch the view of your work area between a
single page or two-page view, click one of the
“Page Layout View” buttons, to the left of the
Zoom slider. -pubisher-2016-
click also the link for MS Publisher Video Tutorial.

Source: Lesson Plan in MAPEH 6 K to 12 Curriculum

2018 edition by Olarez, Reyes, Aragon

D. Discussing new
concepts and  (Teaching or showing the students about the
practicing new means and commands of MS Publisher while the
skills # 1 pupils are having hands-on or manipulate the

The pupils who are advance in the use of computers

and MS Publisher software will serve as tutors to their

How is your experience using MS Publisher software?

Do you think this will help your art skills?
Do you think this software guarantee creativity to its
user? Why?
E. Discussing new
concepts and To open MS Publisher, click the following:
practicing new 1. Start button
skills #2 2. All Programs
3. Microsoft Office
4. MS Publisher

The 2010 version of MS Publisher looks like this. To

create a poster.
1. Click More Blank Pages.
2. Scroll down until you see Publication Types.
Click the Posters folder.
3. Choose the size of your poster.
4. Click Create.

The commands that you frequently use, such as Save,

Undo and Redo, are at the Quick Access Toolbar.

Each tab shows the specific commands that you need

as you work on your design. Home shows the

1. Clipboard (cut, paste, format painter)

2. Font (Font, font size, increase font size,
decrease font size, clear formatting, bold,
italic, underline, subscript, superscript, change
case, character spacing, font color.
3. Paragraph – (bullets, numbering, decrease
indent position, increase indent position,
column, special characters, align text left,
center, align text right, justify, line spacing,
paragraph spacing.
4. Styles where you can import styles or create a
new style.
5. Objects (draw text box, picture, table, shapes)
6. Arrange (wrap text, bring forward, send
backward, align, group, ungroup, rotate)
7. Editing (find, replace, select)

F. Developing
mastery Activity 1 (Group Activity )
(leads to Formative
Assessment) SHOW ME (GAME)

 Allow the pupils to explore using the different

toolbars that being discussed

 Teacher mention a toolbar and let pupils open the

tool mentioned for mastery.

Activity 2 ( Individual)

 Teacher will show a toolbar using a MS Publisher

 Let the pupils familiarize and identify the different
toolbars shown.

G. Finding practical ART APPRECIATION

application of  Teach the pupils to appreciate and develop
concepts and skills their art skills in using new technologies
in daily living
Ask the following questions:
 How can you create relevant posters?
 Why should you create relevant posters?
 What advantages can you get for mastering
MS Publisher?
 Using your knowledge /skills in MS Publisher,
how can you promote tourism in your locality?
(Draw a famous spot in our place using MS
 Discovering that you are skilful MS publisher,
what course will you pursue in college? Why?

H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about Why do you need to apply emphasis in your
the lesson poster?
 What skills do you need in lay outing and photo
editing using MS Publisher?
I. Evaluating A. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Learning 1. Give the steps in creating a poster
2. Create your simple poster using

Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
(5) (4) Proficiency (2) (1)
Design Can apply Can apply Can apply Can apply Can
design design design design basically
elements elements elements elements apply
(shapes and (shapes (shapes and (shapes design
colors) and and colors) colors) and and colors) elements
principle and principle and (shapes
(emphasis) principle (emphasis) principle and colors)
with excellent (emphasis) with fair skill (emphasis) and
skill with great with but principle
skill have some (emphasis)
Creativity Can show Can show Can show Can show Can
excellent great good signs of basically
attention to the attention to attention to imagination show
detail: the the detail: the detail: in some imagination
ideas/Materials the ideas/ imaginative parts of the in the
methods are Materials touches are posters posters
highly effective methods scattered
are highly throughout
effective the posters

J. Additional Activities
for application or Explore, try and practice in layouting and photo editing
remediation using new technologies (hardware and software) in
making a poster.

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the
students’ progress for the day.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who acquired
additional activities
for remediation
who scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did
I encountered with
my principal can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized did I used
/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
++ Grade
School VI
Teacher ART

GRADE 6 Teaching 2nd

DAILY Dates & time Quarter Quarter

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,
space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
an contrast in digital painting and poster design using
new technologies

B. Performance The learner applies concepts on the use of software in

Standard creating digital painting and graphic designs.

C. Learning Creates an advertisement//commercial or

Competencies/ announcement poster.
Objectives (A6PR-IIh)

Software: MS Publisher
II. CONTENT Process:
9.1 Digital painting graphic design (poster)

A. References
1. TG /CG Pages
K to 12 Curriculum Guide in ART 6

2. Learners
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action page 134-140
(Work text in Music, Arts, Physical Education and

Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts, Physical Education

and Health (Teachers Wraparound Edition page 172-

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 6 K to 12 Curriculum 2018

edition by Olarez, Reyes, Aragon

4. Additional
Materials from Internet / online sources
Resource (LR)
5. Other Learning Laptop, Computer, pentel pen, cartolina and tape


A. Reviewing
previous lesson Identify the parts of the interface of MS Publisher
or presenting the
new lesson


How will you create relevant posters?

B. Establishing a
Purpose of the What is MS Publisher?
Lesson What are the uses of MS Publisher learned yesterday?

Today, we are going to discuss on how to create an

advertisement /commercial or announcement poster.

Let the pupils open the laptop/ computer and proceed

to MS Publisher.

Allow also other pupils to open their gadgets.

C. Presenting Show them the photos of the 12 best Philippine Movie

examples Posters of 2012
/instances of the

Let the pupils describe the posters by identifying the art
elements and principles applied.

D. Discussing new
concepts and The teacher divides the class into two (3) groups.
practicing new Each group should choose their leader and reporter.
skills # 1 The reporter will explain the output to the class.

Give the pupils exact time they should be finished

with their group work.

Let them open MS Publisher, click the following

1. Start button
2. All programs
3. Microsoft office
4. MS Publisher
2010 version of MS Publisher looks like this. To create
a poster:
1. Click more blank pages
2. Scroll down until you see publication Types,
click on the posters folder
3. Choose the size of the poster
4. Click create

(Let them create its advertisement poster.)

Five minutes before the allotted time, tell the pupils to

save and print their work. Display their poster and say
something about it.

How did you come up with your output?

What skills did you apply?

E. Discussing new Allow the pupils to create a poster informing their

concepts and schoolmates that there will be an upcoming school
practicing new activity regarding “One Health Week” and not everybody
skills #2 is informed about the important details. As a graphic
artist you will make a poster series for this event. You
will apply emphasis and create multiple copies of it then
F. Developing
mastery Hands on activity of the learners.
(leads to Teacher supervises
G. Finding practical You are expert in using MS Publisher especially in
application of layouting and photo editing. Your barangay will be
concepts and having a youth activity, and they are looking for
skills in daily someone to make a tarpaulin for stage’ backdraft.
living What can you do to help them?
H. Making
generalizations How do you create an attractive and effective
and abstractions advertisement poster?
about the lesson
I. Evaluating How can you create relevant posters?
Check(/) the box of your

I can create poster using MS

I can create an effective
poster series

I can apply emphasis on my


I can share important

information or advocate
causes using my poster

I can pass my poster on time

J. Additional From the remarks, give the pupils a chance to fix areas
Activities for for improvement.
application or
remediation Practice making better poster at home or during free
VI - EFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analysing the
pupils’ progress for the day.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who acquired
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
F. What difficulties
did I encountered
with my principal
can help me
G. What innovation
or localized did I
used / discover
which I wish to
share with other
++ Grade
School VI
Teacher ART

GRADE 6 Teaching 2nd

DAILY Dates & time Quarter Quarter

D. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes,
space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony
an contrast in digital painting and poster design using
new technologies

E. Performance
Standard The learner applies concepts on the use of software in
creating digital painting and graphic designs.

F. Learning
Competencies/ Creates an advertisement//commercial or
Objectives announcement poster.

Software: MS Publisher


9.1 Digital painting graphic design (poster)

C. References
5. TG /CG Pages
K to 12 Curriculum Guide in ART 6

6. Learners
Materials Pages
7. Textbook Pages
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action page 134-140
(Work text in Music, Arts, Physical Education and

Enjoying Life Through Music, Arts, Physical Education

and Health (Teachers Wraparound Edition page 172-

Lesson Plan in MAPEH 6 K to 12 Curriculum 2018

edition by Olarez, Reyes, Aragon
8. Additional
Materials from Internet / online sources
Resource (LR)
D. Other Learning Laptop, Computer, pentel pen, cartolina and tape


K. Reviewing previous
lesson or Identify the parts of the interface of MS Publisher
presenting the new

How will you create relevant posters?

L. Establishing a
Purpose of the What is MS Publisher?
Lesson What are the uses of MS Publisher learned yesterday?

Today, we are going to discuss on how to create an

advertisement /commercial or announcement poster.

Let the pupils open the laptop/ computer and proceed

to MS Publisher.

Allow also other pupils to open their gadgets.

M. Presenting
examples Show them the photos of the 12 best Philippine Movie
/instances of the Posters of 2012

Let the pupils describe the posters by identifying the art

elements and principles applied.

N. Discussing new
concepts and The teacher divides the class into two (3) groups.
practicing new Each group should choose their leader and reporter.
skills # 1 The reporter will explain the output to the class.

Give the pupils exact time they should be finished with

their group work.

Let them open MS Publisher, click the following

6. Start button
7. All programs
8. Microsoft office
9. MS Publisher

2010 version of MS Publisher looks like this. To create

a poster:
5. Click more blank pages
6. Scroll down until you see publication Types, click
on the posters folder
7. Choose the size of the poster
8. Click create

(Let them create its advertisement poster.)

Five minutes before the allotted time, tell the pupils to

save and print their work. Display their poster and say
something about it.

How did you come up with your output?

What skills did you apply?

O. Discussing new
concepts and Allow the pupils to create a poster informing their
practicing new schoolmates that there will be an upcoming school
skills #2 activity regarding “One Health Week” and not everybody
is informed about the important details. As a graphic
artist you will make a poster series for this event. You
will apply emphasis and create multiple copies of it then

P. Developing
mastery Hands on activity of the learners.
(leads to Teacher supervises
Q. Finding practical
application of You are expert in using MS Publisher especially in
concepts and layouting and photo editing. Your barangay will be
skills in daily having a youth activity, and they are looking for
living someone to make a tarpaulin for stage’ backdraft.
What can you do to help them?

R. Making
generalizations How do you create an attractive and effective
and abstractions advertisement poster?
about the lesson
S. Evaluating
Learning How can you create relevant posters?

Check(/) the box of your

I can create poster using MS
I can create an effective
poster series

I can apply emphasis on my


I can share important

information or advocate
causes using my poster

I can pass my poster on time

T. Additional From the remarks, give the pupils a chance to fix areas
Activities for for improvement.
application or
remediation Practice making better poster at home or during free


5. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analysing the

pupils’ progress for the day.

B. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
G. No. of learners
who acquired
activities for
remediation who
scored below
H. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
I. No. of learners
who continue to
J. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did this
K. What difficulties
did I encountered
with my principal
can help me
L. What innovation
or localized did I
used / discover
which I wish to
share with other

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