Cougar-EVO-SMT Product-Brochure Feb2018 Eng esp-LR

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The best small footprint

X-ray inspection system for
assembly applications

Technology with Passion

Choose a custom-built EVO solution
for premium inspection
Why compromise? As technology meet even the most demanding
advances at an ever increasing rate, requirements. Applications
YXLON has acknowledged that a PCB’s
“one size fits all” X-ray system in As the market leader in the electronics SMT and PTH assemblies
advanced electronics no longer industry, YXLON continues to innovate IGBT’s
delivers the best solution to the where it matters most. Even the most
customer. critical observers agree our images,
produced by proven technologies
We have designed a great new range together with FeinFocus cutting-edge
of systems, each purpose built to solutions, are world-class.
become the leader in each of the
three major market segments SMT, A comprehensive global network of
semiconductor and laboratory no fewer than eight service centers
applications. We have optimized and more than 50 service partners is
both hardware and software to the foundation of our innovative and
provide “best in class” results for modular support solutions.
each market sector.
From Asia to Africa and America to
The systems produce higher quality Europe, highly qualified personnel are
and more consistent results than the on call to help you quickly, efficiently,
current multi-purpose machines and and at minimum cost.

Get the best system, with the smallest

footprint, for demanding SMT inspection
without compromise
The Cougar EVO range of X-ray inspection In addition to imaging excellence, with
solutions was created to achieve a simple Cougar EVO you can look forward to Key benefits for SMT
goal: the very best image in the shortest simple, user-friendly controls and intuitive Accurate, fast and repeatable
time, in each of the market sectors. The FGUI – Feinfocus Graphical User Inter- inspection – manually and
result is sheer visual brilliance. Cougar EVO face – software. Not to mention the automatically
systems harness the combined power of myriad of benefits of comprehensive High-power, high-resolution
many YXLON innovations – FeinFocus automation. One-click solutions make inspection of very small
X-ray tube technology; high-power target manual inspection effortless and live features
technology; a finely calibrated, long-life SMART filters ensure perfect images. Easy to use, dynamic image
flat-panel detector and a state of the enhancing filters e.g. eHDR
art manipulation system. The systems Easy Teach-In makes it simple to
can generate images in extremely high program complex automated routines
resolution, easily overcoming the unique that guide you swiftly through inspection
challenges of the SMT application areas. steps and deliver repeatable, reliable
results and automated reports.
Connectivity is king:
Ready for Industry 4.0
The Cougar EVO includes several new and
improved features that make the system ready
for the exciting shift to smart factory solutions.

1 Auto void calculation on

1 3
a selected interface using
3D Micro-Slice
2 BGA with voids in 3D view
3 Poor PTH fill

One click. Multiple effects. AXI Barcode Management. Extended ADR Interface
Cougar EVO software can be tailored to
One-click solutions make it easy to Now you can trace every inspection individual requirements, with operators
perform the advanced manipulations separately via barcode. Which means free to define their own specific analysis.
required for fast and reliable X-ray every result in the final report can be This also includes customized algorithms.
inspection. So the functions Click & traced as well. Perfect for automotive
Center and Frame & Zoom can be carried and other demanding applications. Upgrade to CT
out with one simple click. Cougar EVO can be easily upgraded for
CT with the optional microCT module.
Enhanced technologies. This enables CT for the next level of
Upgrade to micro3Dslices. sample inspection, with in-depth 3D
Easy operation is worth little without examination of inspection items via
By using Advanced Multi-Slice technology, quality results that meet the required virtual cross sections and layers. With its
the non­destructive inspection of larger standard. Which is why YXLON up­graded user-friendly QuickScan software and
areas is possible and substantial cost a number of trademark Cougar EVO intuitive handling, the module delivers 3D
savings will be achieved as samples are features, while ensuring that it remains images and virtual slices within a minute.
no longer destroyed by micro sectioning. the best device in its class:
Even better, these slice-by-slice images
can be analyzed automatically as easily Extended BGA Inspection

and quickly as a 2D image showing With Cougar EVO, you can quickly select YXLON Life Cycle Service
voiding at interfaces perfectly clearly, and index individual balls, either manually What are your specific require-
the key to reliability. or using automatic grid detection. A ments? YXLON offers a wide
wizard guides you step-by-step through range of service modules and
the workflow and ensures perfectly packages tailored to your needs.
accurate and repeatable results. Plus, the Your benefits include:
feature allows multiple operators to run High system availability
the same inspection routines and obtain Low operating costs
perfectly consistent results. Superior inspection results
Guaranteed operational safety
Prolonged system lifetime
The EVOlution continues:
faster and more precise
In addition to enhancements to established features,
Cougar EVO operators benefit from three advanced technologies.

eHDR-Inspect micro3Dslices Multi Area Void Calculation

Highest product quality is a major Cost-effective inspection is one of the Today’s soldering connections are
competitive advantage in electronics. main factors when reducing overall getting more and more complex.
Developed especially for the elec­ product costs. By using Multi-Slice QFNs and other bottom terminated
tronics market, our eHDR filter high- technology, the non-destructive devices can only be inspected using
lights critical structures with just one inspection of larger areas is possible X-ray. Not using X-ray leads to a high
click. It detects even the slightest and substantial cost reductions will be risk of missing solder joints or large
variances in grayscale and no defect achieved, as samples are no longer areas of voiding which could result in
will be missed, thanks to our software destroyed by micro sectioning. Even product failures. MAVC helps detect
and the enhanced 16-bit grayscale better, you can analyze these slice-by- voids in complex soldering designs.
values. This is a real “game changer” slice images automatically as easily With just four parameters to adjust,
as it allows you to easily see faults and quickly as a 2D image, showing setup is quick, simple, and cost-
that were invisible before. voiding at interfaces clearly, the key to effective. Results are consistent,
reliability. repeatable and accurate.

1 2 4

1 V
 oids in QFP pads
2 BGA ball broken pad
connection in CT
3 BGA Head on pillow
4 D
 isalligned balls and pads

Our record: Brilliance by numbers.

General Product Features X-Ray Tube

Time to first image (typ.) ~ 10 s Tube type open X-ray tube
Reconfiguration time (typ.) < 60 s Target transmissive
µCT scan time ~7s Voltage range 25 –160 kV
µCT reconstruction time ~ 60 s
Current range 0.01–1.0 mA
micro3Ds scan time ~ 20 s
Max. tube power 64 W
micro3Ds reconstruction time ~ 20 s
Max. target power 15 W
System window 380 mm x 200 mm
Detail detectability < 1 µm
New 27” Ultrasharp,
wide viewing angles X-ray intensity control TXI

Manipulation Image Chain

Manipulation control via mouse or joystick Geometric magnification (max.) 2,000x

Inspection area (max.) 310 mm x 310 mm (12” x 12”) Total magnification (max.) 256,000x

Sample size (max.) 440 mm x 550 mm (17” x 21”)

Physical Dimensions
Sample tray axes X,Y, rotation Width / depth / height 1,100 / 1,050 / 2,200 mm
Oblique viewing +/-70° (140°) Weight ~ 1,450 kg
Technology with Passion

Germany – HeadquarterS China USA Japan

YXLON International GmbH YXLON (Beijing) YXLON Sales & Service Location YXLON International KK
Essener Bogen 15 X-ray Equipment Trading Co., Ltd. ­COMET Technologies USA Inc. New Stage Yokohama Bldg.,

22419 Hamburg Middlegate, First Floor, Building 2, 5675 Hudson Industrial Parkway 1st Floor
Germany 103 Beiqing Road, Hudson, OH 44236 1-1-32 Shinurashima-cho
T: +49 40 527 29-0 Haidian Dist. Beijing 100004, USA Kanagawa-ku
China T: +1 234-284-7849 Yokohama, 221-0031
T: +86 10 8857 9581 Japan F: +86 10 8857 9580 T: +81 45 450 1730

YXLON International reserves the right to make changes in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time
without notice or obligation and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this publication.

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