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Excellence defined. Sustainable Building

with a Systems Approach.
Ensure the quality of your sustainable buildings in planning, construction,
and operation. The DGNB System helps you get there.
Kronprinzstraße 11
70173 Stuttgart
Phone +49 (0)711 72 23 22-0
Fax +49 (0)711 72 23 22-99
E-Mail info@dgnb.de
the German sustainable
Table of contents building Council
The DGNB philosophy 3 These days, sustainability is a crucial topic in the construction and
The DGNB certificate from the investor viewpoint 8 real estate sectors. Increasingly, ecological, economical, and socio-cul-
tural issues are focal points in the planning, construction, and operation
The DGNB certification system 10
of buildings. The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB for
The DGNB‘s expertise and range of services 14
“Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen”) is the partner you
Sustainability from the architect’s viewpoint 18
need to harmonize these aspects. With our certification system,
Using the DGNB certificate 20 we help you optimize and document the quality of your projects.
Sustainable building from the auditor’s viewpoint 24

Creating new occupancy profiles 26

Climate change, resource scarcity, and the financial crisis –
© DGNB September 2010 society faces a wide range of challenges today and has to
Cover: ThyssenKrupp Headquarter Essen, DGNB Certificate in Gold
© ThyssenKrupp AG assume responsibility for current problems, rather than pass
them on to future generations. As a result, sustainability
has become a principal of our age. Nonetheless, sustainable
development is only possible if ecological, economic, and
social goals are simultaneously and equally pursued.

Buildings are responsible for approximately 30 % of raw

SANHA Produktionsgebäude material use and 40 % of energy consumption and carbon
DGNB Certificate in Gold
emissions worldwide. Sustainable building aims to systema-
Occupancy profile: tically reduce these figures by focusing on future develop-
New industrial buildings,
production sites ments in these fields. At the same time, sustainable building
provides social and economic benefits. In the summer of

© JUHR Architekturbüro für Industriebau- und Gesamtplanung

2007, leading experts from various fields in the construc-
tion and real estate sectors therefore founded the German
Sustainable Building Council.

the German sustainable
Table of contents building Council
The DGNB philosophy 3 These days, sustainability is a crucial topic in the construction and
The DGNB certificate from the investor viewpoint 8 real estate sectors. Increasingly, ecological, economical, and socio-cul-
tural issues are focal points in the planning, construction, and operation
The DGNB certification system 10
of buildings. The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB for
The DGNB‘s expertise and range of services 14
“Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen”) is the partner you
Sustainability from the architect’s viewpoint 18
need to harmonize these aspects. With our certification system,
Using the DGNB certificate 20 we help you optimize and document the quality of your projects.
Sustainable building from the auditor’s viewpoint 24

Creating new occupancy profiles 26

Climate change, resource scarcity, and the financial crisis –
© DGNB September 2010 society faces a wide range of challenges today and has to
Cover: ThyssenKrupp Headquarter Essen, DGNB Certificate in Gold
© ThyssenKrupp AG assume responsibility for current problems, rather than pass
them on to future generations. As a result, sustainability
has become a principal of our age. Nonetheless, sustainable
development is only possible if ecological, economic, and
social goals are simultaneously and equally pursued.

Buildings are responsible for approximately 30 % of raw

SANHA Produktionsgebäude material use and 40 % of energy consumption and carbon
DGNB Certificate in Gold
emissions worldwide. Sustainable building aims to systema-
Occupancy profile: tically reduce these figures by focusing on future develop-
New industrial buildings,
production sites ments in these fields. At the same time, sustainable building
provides social and economic benefits. In the summer of

© JUHR Architekturbüro für Industriebau- und Gesamtplanung

2007, leading experts from various fields in the construc-
tion and real estate sectors therefore founded the German
Sustainable Building Council.

Neubau Zentralgebäude
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver
Occupancy profile:
New educational buildings

The future is the present.

Rendering von screen ID Digital, Entwurf: Universität Lüneburg, Prof. Daniel Liebeskind
The DGNB goals.

The DGNB‘s constantly growing community of members As a non-profit and non-governmental organization, the
mainly pursues one goal: the consistent pursuit of sustai- DGNB‘s bylaws stipulate that it serves the general good.
nable, and therefore economically efficient, building. We To practice what we believe in, we primarily focus on deve-
do so by systematically sharing expertise, providing further loping criteria to increase the future building quality in ecolo-
training for market players, and raising awareness about gical, economic, socio-cultural, and technical terms. Building
the issue among the general public. Furthermore, we work owners and investors can then not only plan, construct, and
with our members to gradually further develop the interna- operate their projects affordably and with little environmental
tionally acknowledged DGNB certificate for environmentally impact, but also promote the well-being of building users.
friendly, economically efficient, and user-friendly buildings.

The core of our work.

Developing the DGNB certification system.

The DGNB focuses on establishing and further developing to define sustainability targets during the planning phase.
its certification system. As a high-performance, transparent, The result are buildings for the future with a high quality
and user-friendly tool for the assessment and certification standard documented by the DGNB certificate in gold, silver,
of sustainable buildings, it is one of the leading systems or bronze. This quality label is thus valuable for the const-
worldwide, mainly because of its comprehensive quality ruction and real estate sectors. Outside of Germany DGNB
concept, which takes equal account of economics, eco- can be used. Due to its conformity the present and future
logy, and socio-cultural aspects and is based on a holistic EU regulations it is the perfect tool to ensure a high building
view of the building‘s entire lifecycle. It is therefore possible quality and performance.

4 5
Neubau Zentralgebäude
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver
Occupancy profile:
New educational buildings

The future is the present.

Rendering von screen ID Digital, Entwurf: Universität Lüneburg, Prof. Daniel Liebeskind
The DGNB goals.

The DGNB‘s constantly growing community of members As a non-profit and non-governmental organization, the
mainly pursues one goal: the consistent pursuit of sustai- DGNB‘s bylaws stipulate that it serves the general good.
nable, and therefore economically efficient, building. We To practice what we believe in, we primarily focus on deve-
do so by systematically sharing expertise, providing further loping criteria to increase the future building quality in ecolo-
training for market players, and raising awareness about gical, economic, socio-cultural, and technical terms. Building
the issue among the general public. Furthermore, we work owners and investors can then not only plan, construct, and
with our members to gradually further develop the interna- operate their projects affordably and with little environmental
tionally acknowledged DGNB certificate for environmentally impact, but also promote the well-being of building users.
friendly, economically efficient, and user-friendly buildings.

The core of our work.

Developing the DGNB certification system.

The DGNB focuses on establishing and further developing to define sustainability targets during the planning phase.
its certification system. As a high-performance, transparent, The result are buildings for the future with a high quality
and user-friendly tool for the assessment and certification standard documented by the DGNB certificate in gold, silver,
of sustainable buildings, it is one of the leading systems or bronze. This quality label is thus valuable for the const-
worldwide, mainly because of its comprehensive quality ruction and real estate sectors. Outside of Germany DGNB
concept, which takes equal account of economics, eco- can be used. Due to its conformity the present and future
logy, and socio-cultural aspects and is based on a holistic EU regulations it is the perfect tool to ensure a high building
view of the building‘s entire lifecycle. It is therefore possible quality and performance.

4 5
Certification and further training.
The DGNB‘s core competence.

In its relatively short history, the DGNB has already man- modular training of DGNB auditors, in which we open up new
aged to establish itself as a leading organization in the field perspectives for participants in the promising future market World GBC DGNB partner organizations
of sustainable building. One major milestone on this path of sustainable building. We have come up with a modular • DGNB has a repre-
sentative on the ÖGNI, Austrian Green Building Council
was the successful market launch of the DGNB certification concept that takes account of the individual knowledge that WGBC’s Board.
For the WGBC
system in 2009, followed shortly thereafter by the launch of participants already have, their objectives, and the dyna- European Network
DGBC, Beijing DGNB
its internationalization. For instance, more than 80 projects mic development of the DGNB system. In the process, we the headquarters

International Board
German Sustainable Green Building Consulting Co.Ltd.
will be set up in
Building Council
in Germany and abroad received the DGNB certificate in only work with renowned, third-party educational facilities, Stuttgart and in
the first 15 months. A second factor in our success is the allowing us to offer blanket training. BGBC, Bulgarian Green Building Council

Board mem- EU research

ber at the projects on SGNI, Swiss Sustainable Building Council
Sustainable sustainable
Keep growing. Even as a volunteer. Building building /
Alliance Open House / Thailand Council of
The DGNB‘s members. (SB Alliance) Green Sustainable Construction

The DGNB‘s importance and expertise continues to grow their sustainability goals during the planning phase of their
along with the number of its members. When it was found- projects. The constant further development of the DGNB
DGNB International Network
ed, it already had 40 member organizations from the con- certification system is one major reason for this success.
struction and real estate sectors. By the time the first event Primarily, a number of working groups continue to devel-
was organized at the beginning of 2008, that figure had op the certificate. Currently, more than 320 DGNB mem- Setting standards. Internationally.
risen to 121. Within just two years, the DGNB had around bers from various sectors of sustainable building volun- The DGNB worldwide.
900 members. At the same time, a growing number of teer to contribute their knowledge to these committees.
national and international building owners and investors The strength of our system lies in this broad expertise and As a leading cross-industry organization, the DGNB is the and non-governmental organizations abroad. These or-
have relied on the DGNB certification system to define voluntary work. main driver for sustainable development in its sector in ganizations will handle and adapt the DGNB system in
Germany. The DGNB is the hub at the center of the wheel. their countries. An DGNB international board has also been
Internationally, the DGNB also plays an important role. As established to ensure our high quality standard worldwide.
June 2010 an active member of the World Green Building Council we This board consists of representatives of the DGNB and its
870 Members
played an important role in setting up the European Net- partner organizations. The Austrian Green Building Coun-
Real estate committee
675 work. The European headquarters of the World Green Build- cil (ÖGNI) was the first to adapt the system and awarded
Construction products
committee Board of Directors ing Council in London and Stuttgart supports the work of the first certificates for the Austrian version of the DGNB
Training committee current and emerging European Green Building Councils. system in May 2010. Bulgaria, Switzerland and Thailand
Furthermore, we are integrated as researchers in major Eu- have also founded their organizations. And with the Chinese
certification system Certification
ropean EU projects. DGNB partner, we have entered one of the most promi-
Approval and
Expert groups
DGNB office
review committee sing future markets in the world. Other organizations in
Working groups The internationalization of the DGNB goes hand in hand Brazil and Russia have also entered into such partnerships.
January 2008
121 Founding Members Preparatory groups with the further development of the DGNB certification Furthermore the new DGNB international system offers the
0 system. To optimally fulfill the specific requirements of possibility to certify buildings all over the world without a
Jun 07 Dec 07 Jun 08 Dec 08 Jun 09 Dec 09 Jun 10
different parts of the world, we work closely with non-profit previous process.
(Status June 2010)

DGNB membership growth DGNB organizational structure

6 7
Certification and further training.
The DGNB‘s core competence.

In its relatively short history, the DGNB has already man- modular training of DGNB auditors, in which we open up new
aged to establish itself as a leading organization in the field perspectives for participants in the promising future market World GBC DGNB partner organizations
of sustainable building. One major milestone on this path of sustainable building. We have come up with a modular • DGNB has a repre-
sentative on the ÖGNI, Austrian Green Building Council
was the successful market launch of the DGNB certification concept that takes account of the individual knowledge that WGBC’s Board.
For the WGBC
system in 2009, followed shortly thereafter by the launch of participants already have, their objectives, and the dyna- European Network
DGBC, Beijing DGNB
its internationalization. For instance, more than 80 projects mic development of the DGNB system. In the process, we the headquarters

International Board
German Sustainable Green Building Consulting Co.Ltd.
will be set up in
Building Council
in Germany and abroad received the DGNB certificate in only work with renowned, third-party educational facilities, Stuttgart and in
the first 15 months. A second factor in our success is the allowing us to offer blanket training. BGBC, Bulgarian Green Building Council

Board mem- EU research

ber at the projects on SGNI, Swiss Sustainable Building Council
Sustainable sustainable
Keep growing. Even as a volunteer. Building building /
Alliance Open House / Thailand Council of
The DGNB‘s members. (SB Alliance) Green Sustainable Construction

The DGNB‘s importance and expertise continues to grow their sustainability goals during the planning phase of their
along with the number of its members. When it was found- projects. The constant further development of the DGNB
DGNB International Network
ed, it already had 40 member organizations from the con- certification system is one major reason for this success.
struction and real estate sectors. By the time the first event Primarily, a number of working groups continue to devel-
was organized at the beginning of 2008, that figure had op the certificate. Currently, more than 320 DGNB mem- Setting standards. Internationally.
risen to 121. Within just two years, the DGNB had around bers from various sectors of sustainable building volun- The DGNB worldwide.
900 members. At the same time, a growing number of teer to contribute their knowledge to these committees.
national and international building owners and investors The strength of our system lies in this broad expertise and As a leading cross-industry organization, the DGNB is the and non-governmental organizations abroad. These or-
have relied on the DGNB certification system to define voluntary work. main driver for sustainable development in its sector in ganizations will handle and adapt the DGNB system in
Germany. The DGNB is the hub at the center of the wheel. their countries. An DGNB international board has also been
Internationally, the DGNB also plays an important role. As established to ensure our high quality standard worldwide.
June 2010 an active member of the World Green Building Council we This board consists of representatives of the DGNB and its
870 Members
played an important role in setting up the European Net- partner organizations. The Austrian Green Building Coun-
Real estate committee
675 work. The European headquarters of the World Green Build- cil (ÖGNI) was the first to adapt the system and awarded
Construction products
committee Board of Directors ing Council in London and Stuttgart supports the work of the first certificates for the Austrian version of the DGNB
Training committee current and emerging European Green Building Councils. system in May 2010. Bulgaria, Switzerland and Thailand
Furthermore, we are integrated as researchers in major Eu- have also founded their organizations. And with the Chinese
certification system Certification
ropean EU projects. DGNB partner, we have entered one of the most promi-
Approval and
Expert groups
DGNB office
review committee sing future markets in the world. Other organizations in
Working groups The internationalization of the DGNB goes hand in hand Brazil and Russia have also entered into such partnerships.
January 2008
121 Founding Members Preparatory groups with the further development of the DGNB certification Furthermore the new DGNB international system offers the
0 system. To optimally fulfill the specific requirements of possibility to certify buildings all over the world without a
Jun 07 Dec 07 Jun 08 Dec 08 Jun 09 Dec 09 Jun 10
different parts of the world, we work closely with non-profit previous process.
(Status June 2010)

DGNB membership growth DGNB organizational structure

6 7
Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver

A strong new economic factor. Occupancy profile:

New office and administrative buildings

The DGNB certificate from the investor’s viewpoint.

Jens-Ulrich Meier
Managing Director
Construction Harald Fischer
ECE Projektmanagement Construction Director
GmbH & Co. KG REWE Group

„As an international firm, the ECE supports the processes of „For REWE, sustainability in practice is especially important, as
all renowned certification systems in order to demonstrate are construction and building operations with little environ-
the quality of its own real estate with measurable criteria. We mental impact. With DGNB certification, we can also convince
believe that the DGNB certificate, which was developed on investors in the retail real estate sector of this necessity. After
the basis of national and EU-wide regulations alongside DIN all, sustainable building will only become the norm over the
standards, is currently the best certification system for shop- long term if providers and users of real estate are willing to in-
ping centers in Germany. It covers the high standards that vest in innovation and the environment. The economic success
the ECE places upon itself for planning, development, and of our pilot market in Berlin and the great amount of attention
operation most comprehensively.“ we have received with certification in industry, politics, and
society at large convince us that we are on the right path.“

© Sauerbruch Hutton Architects

Dr. Joachim Wieland
Management Dr. Reinhard Kutscher
spokesperson Board Chairman
aurelis Real Estate Union Investment Real
GmbH & Co. KG Estate GmbH

„Ecologically, economically, and socially responsible actions „In less than two years, the DGNB certificate has become the
are a sign of conscientiousness and are becoming an econo- label for sustainable building in the German-speaking world.
mic factor. It is even affecting the development of our cities The DGNB certificate is not only indispensable for the plan-
and neighborhoods. Users and investors are taking a diffe- ning process. It is also attractive for investors, mainly because
rent look at things and basing their rental and purchasing it clearly reflects a building‘s overall quality – including its
decisions on sustainability criteria. Certification is therefore economic performance. With the DGNB certificate, we can
becoming an important marketing instrument for developers, offer our tenants proof of security going far beyond the clas-
especially for real estate locations that attract international sic features of „green buildings.“ Demonstration of sustain-
clientele. ability over the entire lifecycle, which the DGNB certificate
With DGNB certification for our urban projects, we pave the documents, will increasingly play an important role in tenants‘
way for sustainable urban and land-use development even decisions. We aim to use this marketing advantage, especially
before actual construction has begun. We thereby provide in our investments in Germany.“
our customers – investors and project developers – with an
optimal starting point to flesh out the concept.“

8 9
Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver

A strong new economic factor. Occupancy profile:

New office and administrative buildings

The DGNB certificate from the investor’s viewpoint.

Jens-Ulrich Meier
Managing Director
Construction Harald Fischer
ECE Projektmanagement Construction Director
GmbH & Co. KG REWE Group

„As an international firm, the ECE supports the processes of „For REWE, sustainability in practice is especially important, as
all renowned certification systems in order to demonstrate are construction and building operations with little environ-
the quality of its own real estate with measurable criteria. We mental impact. With DGNB certification, we can also convince
believe that the DGNB certificate, which was developed on investors in the retail real estate sector of this necessity. After
the basis of national and EU-wide regulations alongside DIN all, sustainable building will only become the norm over the
standards, is currently the best certification system for shop- long term if providers and users of real estate are willing to in-
ping centers in Germany. It covers the high standards that vest in innovation and the environment. The economic success
the ECE places upon itself for planning, development, and of our pilot market in Berlin and the great amount of attention
operation most comprehensively.“ we have received with certification in industry, politics, and
society at large convince us that we are on the right path.“

© Sauerbruch Hutton Architects

Dr. Joachim Wieland
Management Dr. Reinhard Kutscher
spokesperson Board Chairman
aurelis Real Estate Union Investment Real
GmbH & Co. KG Estate GmbH

„Ecologically, economically, and socially responsible actions „In less than two years, the DGNB certificate has become the
are a sign of conscientiousness and are becoming an econo- label for sustainable building in the German-speaking world.
mic factor. It is even affecting the development of our cities The DGNB certificate is not only indispensable for the plan-
and neighborhoods. Users and investors are taking a diffe- ning process. It is also attractive for investors, mainly because
rent look at things and basing their rental and purchasing it clearly reflects a building‘s overall quality – including its
decisions on sustainability criteria. Certification is therefore economic performance. With the DGNB certificate, we can
becoming an important marketing instrument for developers, offer our tenants proof of security going far beyond the clas-
especially for real estate locations that attract international sic features of „green buildings.“ Demonstration of sustain-
clientele. ability over the entire lifecycle, which the DGNB certificate
With DGNB certification for our urban projects, we pave the documents, will increasingly play an important role in tenants‘
way for sustainable urban and land-use development even decisions. We aim to use this marketing advantage, especially
before actual construction has begun. We thereby provide in our investments in Germany.“
our customers – investors and project developers – with an
optimal starting point to flesh out the concept.“

8 9
your system for sustainable quality
The DGNB certificate is indispensable for everyone who plans sustainable Transparent and holistic.
buildings and wishes to document their quality. The high-performance The methodology behind the
system includes all relevant topics in the planning and assessment process DGNB certificate.
based on the knowledge of the DGNB‘s members. Thanks to its flexibility,
The DGNB certificate is a tool developed from practice for The six fields in the DGNB certificate
it is continually being further developed, with new occupancy profiles added
the straightforward assessment and planning of sustainable
all the time. In this process, experts from different sectors work together
buildings. One of its strengths is that it covers all essential
across disciplines to ensure the quality and wide scope of the system. aspects of sustainable building. These aspects were defined
with broad consensus covering six fields: ecology, economics, quality
sociocultural and functional aspects, technology, processes, sociocultural
The construction and real estate sectors are subject to con- and site. Each field contains special criteria that can be de- ecological and functional
quality quality
stant change. In developing the DGNB certificate, we there- signed and weighted differently depending on the occupancy
fore made flexibility and practical application the highest profile; each field is also viewed over the building‘s entire life-
priorities. These two factors not only allow the system to cycle. If the building fulfills the criteria, it receives the DGNB
be adapted to different building types, but also smoothly certificate in gold, silver, or bronze depending on the total technical
process quality
adjusted to accommodate future technical and societal con- performance index. Building owners and investors can then site quality
ditions. Furthermore, conditions pertaining to the climate, clearly document the high quality of their real estate.
construction, the law, and culture in other countries can
also be taken into account. As a result, projects around the
world can be certified on the same basis. That is the most Sustainable planning.
important factor in the successful internationalization of the With the DGNB pre-certificate.
DGNB and its certification system.
The sooner DGNB criteria are incorporated in the planning Assessment chart of DGNB software
DGNB software supports those involved in the planning process. In this chart created
phase, the better. The DGNB certificate therefore covers the with the program, you quickly see how the building performs in various criteria.

Ensuring quality. building‘s entire lifecycle; with precertification, the sustain-

Broad expertise and clear processes. ability of real estate can be optimized from the outset. This
approach offers a number of benefits in planning, construc-
In the ongoing further development of the DGNB certificate, tion, and marketing. The early definition of all essential
the DGNB places great store on practicability, transparency, sustainability criteria sets clear targets for everyone involv-
and a constantly high quality level. To this end, we pursue ed, which increases transparency, strengthens risk manage-
a process in which every new occupancy profile in the ment, and provides a safe basis for the planned performance
system undergoes various development phases (preparation, targets. The same holds true for financing. And of course,
pilot, evaluation, and comments) to get the broad expertise the quality label also makes rentals and sales more success- Performance Index
85,3 %
of DGNB members and passes through DGNB committees ful. For you, that means greater financial security at an
to ensure the high DGNB quality. On the basis of this broad earlier stage.
expertise, each occupancy profile is further optimized
incrementally to consistently ensure its quality. At the end
of the process, the new occupancy profile is launched on
the market.

10 11
your system for sustainable quality
The DGNB certificate is indispensable for everyone who plans sustainable Transparent and holistic.
buildings and wishes to document their quality. The high-performance The methodology behind the
system includes all relevant topics in the planning and assessment process DGNB certificate.
based on the knowledge of the DGNB‘s members. Thanks to its flexibility,
The DGNB certificate is a tool developed from practice for The six fields in the DGNB certificate
it is continually being further developed, with new occupancy profiles added
the straightforward assessment and planning of sustainable
all the time. In this process, experts from different sectors work together
buildings. One of its strengths is that it covers all essential
across disciplines to ensure the quality and wide scope of the system. aspects of sustainable building. These aspects were defined
with broad consensus covering six fields: ecology, economics, quality
sociocultural and functional aspects, technology, processes, sociocultural
The construction and real estate sectors are subject to con- and site. Each field contains special criteria that can be de- ecological and functional
quality quality
stant change. In developing the DGNB certificate, we there- signed and weighted differently depending on the occupancy
fore made flexibility and practical application the highest profile; each field is also viewed over the building‘s entire life-
priorities. These two factors not only allow the system to cycle. If the building fulfills the criteria, it receives the DGNB
be adapted to different building types, but also smoothly certificate in gold, silver, or bronze depending on the total technical
process quality
adjusted to accommodate future technical and societal con- performance index. Building owners and investors can then site quality
ditions. Furthermore, conditions pertaining to the climate, clearly document the high quality of their real estate.
construction, the law, and culture in other countries can
also be taken into account. As a result, projects around the
world can be certified on the same basis. That is the most Sustainable planning.
important factor in the successful internationalization of the With the DGNB pre-certificate.
DGNB and its certification system.
The sooner DGNB criteria are incorporated in the planning Assessment chart of DGNB software
DGNB software supports those involved in the planning process. In this chart created
phase, the better. The DGNB certificate therefore covers the with the program, you quickly see how the building performs in various criteria.

Ensuring quality. building‘s entire lifecycle; with precertification, the sustain-

Broad expertise and clear processes. ability of real estate can be optimized from the outset. This
approach offers a number of benefits in planning, construc-
In the ongoing further development of the DGNB certificate, tion, and marketing. The early definition of all essential
the DGNB places great store on practicability, transparency, sustainability criteria sets clear targets for everyone involv-
and a constantly high quality level. To this end, we pursue ed, which increases transparency, strengthens risk manage-
a process in which every new occupancy profile in the ment, and provides a safe basis for the planned performance
system undergoes various development phases (preparation, targets. The same holds true for financing. And of course,
pilot, evaluation, and comments) to get the broad expertise the quality label also makes rentals and sales more success- Performance Index
85,3 %
of DGNB members and passes through DGNB committees ful. For you, that means greater financial security at an
to ensure the high DGNB quality. On the basis of this broad earlier stage.
expertise, each occupancy profile is further optimized
incrementally to consistently ensure its quality. At the end
of the process, the new occupancy profile is launched on
the market.

10 11
DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold
Occupancy profile:
New retail buildings,
shopping centers

Rewarding quality.
Your benefits at a glance.

Focus on performance, not individual actions Risk minimization

The DGNB certificate assesses the building‘s overall perfor- The DGNB certificate promotes integral building planning,
mance, not individual actions. Building owners and plan- thereby capping optimization potential for construction,
ners therefore have the greatest possible leeway in reaching operation, and the end-of-life phase. As a result, the risk of
those targets. Innovative solutions are promoted. not rented buildings is also reduced.

International focus Greater market attractiveness

The certification system can be updated thanks to its fle- The award increases the chance of selling and renting since it

© ECE, Rhein-Galerie, Ludwigshafen

xibility. It can be easily adapted to new technical, societal, demonstrates a building’s holistic high quality to owners and
or international developments. users. Furthermore, the DGNB certificate promotes greater
quality and workmanship, reduces sick days, increases user-
Efficient optimization tool for planning friendliness, and improves re-rental ratios.
Along with precertification, the DGNB criteria can be used
to identify efficient, inexpensive steps during the planning Great variety despite unified basis
phase. Furthermore, the DGNB pre-certificate gives inves- The DGNB certificate offers the right occupancy profile for
tors the confidence during the early planning stage that the every type of building. Nonetheless, all buildings are evaluated
building‘s performance targets will be reached when it is on the same basis, which reduces training time for auditors
finished. and facilitates the application of the system.

12 13
DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold
Occupancy profile:
New retail buildings,
shopping centers

Rewarding quality.
Your benefits at a glance.

Focus on performance, not individual actions Risk minimization

The DGNB certificate assesses the building‘s overall perfor- The DGNB certificate promotes integral building planning,
mance, not individual actions. Building owners and plan- thereby capping optimization potential for construction,
ners therefore have the greatest possible leeway in reaching operation, and the end-of-life phase. As a result, the risk of
those targets. Innovative solutions are promoted. not rented buildings is also reduced.

International focus Greater market attractiveness

The certification system can be updated thanks to its fle- The award increases the chance of selling and renting since it

© ECE, Rhein-Galerie, Ludwigshafen

xibility. It can be easily adapted to new technical, societal, demonstrates a building’s holistic high quality to owners and
or international developments. users. Furthermore, the DGNB certificate promotes greater
quality and workmanship, reduces sick days, increases user-
Efficient optimization tool for planning friendliness, and improves re-rental ratios.
Along with precertification, the DGNB criteria can be used
to identify efficient, inexpensive steps during the planning Great variety despite unified basis
phase. Furthermore, the DGNB pre-certificate gives inves- The DGNB certificate offers the right occupancy profile for
tors the confidence during the early planning stage that the every type of building. Nonetheless, all buildings are evaluated
building‘s performance targets will be reached when it is on the same basis, which reduces training time for auditors
finished. and facilitates the application of the system.

12 13
An overview of the DGNB –
what we can do for you.
Have input in sustainable building in Germany, strengthen your image, Modular and individual.
and set yourself off from the competition on this future market. Training as DGNB auditor and DGNB consultant.
Benefit from one of the largest knowledge pools in the industry and
The DGNB provides training for auditors who wish to gain behind it is. In the variable modules, specific basic topics can
from attractive perks. Get to know us and our range of services.
new perspectives in the future market of sustainable build- be studied further. This modular structure has yet another
ing. Participants benefit from our modular training concept, benefit: as soon as a new occupancy profile or a new version
which optimally takes account of each individual‘s previous is released, participants can take an upgrade course to learn
knowledge. The mandatory modules explain how the DGNB about all the changes quickly and inexpensively. For seminar
certificate is set up and applied and what the methodology dates, contact the DGNB office.

The DGNB thrives on the expertise of its members. Their know-

ledge and practical experience are decisive in making our work Everything a glance.
future-proof – and hence in making our strong community a The DGNB manual.
leader. At the same time, individuals and organizations benefit
from DGNB membership in many ways. They form the basis for Those who plan their real estate with the DGNB certificate in
influence on future developments in the construction and real mind can receive an indispensable tool and reference work
estate sectors in addition to promoting our image and public from the DGNB office: the DGNB manual. On some 650 DGNB Manual
relations. In the process, members can actively contribute to pages, it provides easy-to-read, compact, and up-to-date in-
sustainable building in Germany. Furthermore, you have a lar- formation about our certification system. Step-by-step, read-
ge, interdisciplinary knowledge pool at your disposal. Member- ers can learn all of the details about the various topics and
ship also pays for itself financially. We offer attractive discounts criteria in the DGNB certificate, including how calculations
for training, certification, our products, and our events. and assessments are made. Furthermore, they learn more
about individual occupancy profiles and our training concept.

Providing input.
The DGNB working groups. Sustainable planning the easy way.
DGNB Software
DGNB software.
One of the main benefits of membership is the option of
having input in the DGNB certification system within a wor- With the DGNB software, we have come up with an ideal tool have entered the project data, the program calculates how
king group. Here, members can represent their interests and for architects, planners, and auditors for the planning and well the building performs in the six fields according to the
provide their expertise to help us further develop the certi- assessment of sustainable buildings. The user-friendly pro- individual criteria. The data already fulfill our documentation
fication system step by step. All working groups are inter- gram allows you to run through a number of draft scenarios requirements and are processed with a simple mouse click.
disciplinary to ensure a wide range of expertise. The DGNB and optimize your real estate for sustainability. Just a glance All of this makes the software an indispensable tool during
offices support them in their work. A representative from shows where the design still needs to be changed to receive the certification process. Currently the DGNB software is
the DGNB team takes part in each working group session to bronze, silver, or gold certification. The DGNB software available in German.
provide information and help coordinate content decisions supports auditors during the assessment phase. Once they
with suitable experts.

14 15
An overview of the DGNB –
what we can do for you.
Have input in sustainable building in Germany, strengthen your image, Modular and individual.
and set yourself off from the competition on this future market. Training as DGNB auditor and DGNB consultant.
Benefit from one of the largest knowledge pools in the industry and
The DGNB provides training for auditors who wish to gain behind it is. In the variable modules, specific basic topics can
from attractive perks. Get to know us and our range of services.
new perspectives in the future market of sustainable build- be studied further. This modular structure has yet another
ing. Participants benefit from our modular training concept, benefit: as soon as a new occupancy profile or a new version
which optimally takes account of each individual‘s previous is released, participants can take an upgrade course to learn
knowledge. The mandatory modules explain how the DGNB about all the changes quickly and inexpensively. For seminar
certificate is set up and applied and what the methodology dates, contact the DGNB office.

The DGNB thrives on the expertise of its members. Their know-

ledge and practical experience are decisive in making our work Everything a glance.
future-proof – and hence in making our strong community a The DGNB manual.
leader. At the same time, individuals and organizations benefit
from DGNB membership in many ways. They form the basis for Those who plan their real estate with the DGNB certificate in
influence on future developments in the construction and real mind can receive an indispensable tool and reference work
estate sectors in addition to promoting our image and public from the DGNB office: the DGNB manual. On some 650 DGNB Manual
relations. In the process, members can actively contribute to pages, it provides easy-to-read, compact, and up-to-date in-
sustainable building in Germany. Furthermore, you have a lar- formation about our certification system. Step-by-step, read-
ge, interdisciplinary knowledge pool at your disposal. Member- ers can learn all of the details about the various topics and
ship also pays for itself financially. We offer attractive discounts criteria in the DGNB certificate, including how calculations
for training, certification, our products, and our events. and assessments are made. Furthermore, they learn more
about individual occupancy profiles and our training concept.

Providing input.
The DGNB working groups. Sustainable planning the easy way.
DGNB Software
DGNB software.
One of the main benefits of membership is the option of
having input in the DGNB certification system within a wor- With the DGNB software, we have come up with an ideal tool have entered the project data, the program calculates how
king group. Here, members can represent their interests and for architects, planners, and auditors for the planning and well the building performs in the six fields according to the
provide their expertise to help us further develop the certi- assessment of sustainable buildings. The user-friendly pro- individual criteria. The data already fulfill our documentation
fication system step by step. All working groups are inter- gram allows you to run through a number of draft scenarios requirements and are processed with a simple mouse click.
disciplinary to ensure a wide range of expertise. The DGNB and optimize your real estate for sustainability. Just a glance All of this makes the software an indispensable tool during
offices support them in their work. A representative from shows where the design still needs to be changed to receive the certification process. Currently the DGNB software is
the DGNB team takes part in each working group session to bronze, silver, or gold certification. The DGNB software available in German.
provide information and help coordinate content decisions supports auditors during the assessment phase. Once they
with suitable experts.

14 15
Effective cooperation.
The central bodies of the DGNB.

The DGNB offices bundles the expertise of our members committee for system development. It is also the central
and processes operations. The executive board answers point of contact for members, new partners, and potential
directly to the Board of Directors and handles coordina- partners. DGNB members elect the Board of Directors, which
tion with all the DGNB bodies such as certification system represents their interests.

Topics: Topic:
The DGNB The DGNB energy, lifecycle costs
building services,
Board of Directors Certification and facility
System Committee management

Prof. M. sc. econ. Manfred Hegger Prof. Dr. Dr. E. h. Werner Sobek Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Bürklin Dr.-Ing. Peter Mösle Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Trinius
TU Darmstadt Universität Stuttgart Hochtief AG Drees & Sommer Advanced Building Ingenieurbüro Trinius
DGNB Chairman DGNB Vice Chairman DGNB Vice Chairman Technologies GmbH Vice Chairman

Topics: Topic:
comfort, building life cycle analysis
and toxins

Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Kreißig Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Rudolphi Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Sedlbauer Dipl.-Ing. Martin Hoffmann Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Fischer
PE INTERNATIONAL GföB – Gesellschaft für Ökologische Universität Stuttgart GföB – Gesellschaft für Ökologische Universität Stuttgart
Bautechnik Berlin mbH Bautechnik Berlin mbH

Topics: Topics:
functionality value retention
and design and location

Dr.-Ing. Peter Mösle Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser Dipl.-Ing. Martin Haas BDA Anja Willmann, B. A., M. sc. Dipl.-Kfm. Dipl.-Phys. Christian Wetzel
Drees & Sommer Advanced TU München Behnisch Architekten Behnisch Architekten CalCon Holding GmbH
Building Technologies GmbH

The DGNB processes

Executive Board

Dr.-Ing. Christine Lemaitre Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Kreißig Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Oebbecke

CEO Executive director ARCADIS Facility Management GmbH

16 17
Effective cooperation.
The central bodies of the DGNB.

The DGNB offices bundles the expertise of our members committee for system development. It is also the central
and processes operations. The executive board answers point of contact for members, new partners, and potential
directly to the Board of Directors and handles coordina- partners. DGNB members elect the Board of Directors, which
tion with all the DGNB bodies such as certification system represents their interests.

Topics: Topic:
The DGNB The DGNB energy, lifecycle costs
building services,
Board of Directors Certification and facility
System Committee management

Prof. M. sc. econ. Manfred Hegger Prof. Dr. Dr. E. h. Werner Sobek Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Bürklin Dr.-Ing. Peter Mösle Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Trinius
TU Darmstadt Universität Stuttgart Hochtief AG Drees & Sommer Advanced Building Ingenieurbüro Trinius
DGNB Chairman DGNB Vice Chairman DGNB Vice Chairman Technologies GmbH Vice Chairman

Topics: Topic:
comfort, building life cycle analysis
and toxins

Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Kreißig Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Rudolphi Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Sedlbauer Dipl.-Ing. Martin Hoffmann Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Fischer
PE INTERNATIONAL GföB – Gesellschaft für Ökologische Universität Stuttgart GföB – Gesellschaft für Ökologische Universität Stuttgart
Bautechnik Berlin mbH Bautechnik Berlin mbH

Topics: Topics:
functionality value retention
and design and location

Dr.-Ing. Peter Mösle Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser Dipl.-Ing. Martin Haas BDA Anja Willmann, B. A., M. sc. Dipl.-Kfm. Dipl.-Phys. Christian Wetzel
Drees & Sommer Advanced TU München Behnisch Architekten Behnisch Architekten CalCon Holding GmbH
Building Technologies GmbH

The DGNB processes

Executive Board

Dr.-Ing. Christine Lemaitre Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Kreißig Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Oebbecke

CEO Executive director ARCADIS Facility Management GmbH

16 17
Skyline Tower
DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold

A great opportunity for construction culture. Occupancy profile:

New office and

Sustainability from the architect’s viewpoint.

administrative buildings

Uli Hellweg Martin Haas BDA

Executive Director Partner
IBA Hamburg GmbH Behnisch Architekten

„It‘s good that architects are increasingly viewing sustainable „The realization that architecture plays a major role in pro-

© Bayerische Bau- und Immobilien Gruppe

building as an opportunity rather than an obligation. This tecting our natural resources has brought about an important
new perspective represents a major opportunity for building change. Now, the goal is to harmonize people with space and
culture. We are living in an age in which the call for sustain- the environment. As planners, we have to develop buildings
ability, and especially for lower resource consumption, can that adapt to changing societal trends and will not be a bur-
revolutionize material aesthetics, building services, and con- den on future generations. We will only succeed if these buil-
struction technologies – just like the invention of reinforced dings fulfill people‘s basic needs and also have cultural value.
concrete did more than 100 years ago when it enabled mo- Architecture will then be defined by the quality of its content,
dernity. Today, architects have to invent the architecture of not by its stylistic appearance. This approach will bring about
the post-fossil era. The foreseeable material revolution will a new trend in architecture that will have a positive impact on
go hand-in-hand with new social demands for the usability all aspects of building.“
of our buildings and urban areas. Sustainable building once
again needs architects that think and design holistically –
a giant opportunity for our profession after decades of think-
ing in disciplines.“

Heinz Mornhinweg
Dirk Theiling Executive Director
Senior project manager KSP Jürgen Engel
HafenCity Hamburg GmbH Architekten GmbH

„In 2007, HafenCity Hamburg GmbH began using the sus- „Sustainability is not only an issue for our social responsibility
tainable building label in HafenCity Hamburg as an incentive as architects; for us, it equally entails social, societal, and eco-
for project developers, investors, and users to become in- nomic aspects as well as questions of who should be involved
volved in Europe‘s largest investment development project for in urban development. Furthermore, flexible concepts are a
sustainable building. requirement for the long service life of completed construc-
Our goal was to enable sustainable urban development in all tion projects. Our competence and more than 15 years of
major spheres – from urban construction to mobility, ener- experience in the field of sustainable planning is reflected in
gy generation, and buildings. It was therefore natural for us recognized certifications and a number of awards.“
to be among the founding members of the DGNB and help
establish sustainable building throughout Germany.“

18 19
Skyline Tower
DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold

A great opportunity for construction culture. Occupancy profile:

New office and

Sustainability from the architect’s viewpoint.

administrative buildings

Uli Hellweg Martin Haas BDA

Executive Director Partner
IBA Hamburg GmbH Behnisch Architekten

„It‘s good that architects are increasingly viewing sustainable „The realization that architecture plays a major role in pro-

© Bayerische Bau- und Immobilien Gruppe

building as an opportunity rather than an obligation. This tecting our natural resources has brought about an important
new perspective represents a major opportunity for building change. Now, the goal is to harmonize people with space and
culture. We are living in an age in which the call for sustain- the environment. As planners, we have to develop buildings
ability, and especially for lower resource consumption, can that adapt to changing societal trends and will not be a bur-
revolutionize material aesthetics, building services, and con- den on future generations. We will only succeed if these buil-
struction technologies – just like the invention of reinforced dings fulfill people‘s basic needs and also have cultural value.
concrete did more than 100 years ago when it enabled mo- Architecture will then be defined by the quality of its content,
dernity. Today, architects have to invent the architecture of not by its stylistic appearance. This approach will bring about
the post-fossil era. The foreseeable material revolution will a new trend in architecture that will have a positive impact on
go hand-in-hand with new social demands for the usability all aspects of building.“
of our buildings and urban areas. Sustainable building once
again needs architects that think and design holistically –
a giant opportunity for our profession after decades of think-
ing in disciplines.“

Heinz Mornhinweg
Dirk Theiling Executive Director
Senior project manager KSP Jürgen Engel
HafenCity Hamburg GmbH Architekten GmbH

„In 2007, HafenCity Hamburg GmbH began using the sus- „Sustainability is not only an issue for our social responsibility
tainable building label in HafenCity Hamburg as an incentive as architects; for us, it equally entails social, societal, and eco-
for project developers, investors, and users to become in- nomic aspects as well as questions of who should be involved
volved in Europe‘s largest investment development project for in urban development. Furthermore, flexible concepts are a
sustainable building. requirement for the long service life of completed construc-
Our goal was to enable sustainable urban development in all tion projects. Our competence and more than 15 years of
major spheres – from urban construction to mobility, ener- experience in the field of sustainable planning is reflected in
gy generation, and buildings. It was therefore natural for us recognized certifications and a number of awards.“
to be among the founding members of the DGNB and help
establish sustainable building throughout Germany.“

18 19
Systematic planning.
The DGNB certification system.
To make sure that the DGNB certificate provides a lot of information, Economic quality Process quality

we specified clear principles and structures that are identical for the assess- Building lifecycle costs Quality of project preparation

ment of all occupancy profiles. A catalog of some 60 criteria serves as the Suitability for conversions Integral planning
Optimization and complexity of planning method
basis. The criteria are weighted in accordance to their importance for the
Sociocultural and functional quality Evidence of sustainable aspects in call for
particular occupancy profile and used to design an assessment matrix.
Thermal comfort in the winter and awarding of tenders
Thermal comfort in the summer Creation of conditions for optimal use
Interior hygiene and management
Acoustic comfort Construction site / construction process
Visual comfort Quality of companies involved / prequalification
The criteria in the DGNB‘s core system define sustainable User control possibilities Quality assurance for construction process
building in six fields. The quality of the site does not play a Quality of outdoor space Systematic initiation of operation
role in the assessment of the total performance index. Safety and risk of hazardous incidents Controlling
Handicapped accessibility Management
Ecological quality Space efficiency Systematic inspection, maintenance, and servicing
Global warming potential Suitability for conversion Qualification of operating personnel
Ozone depletion potential Public access
Photochemical ozone creation potential Bicycling convenience Site quality
Acidification potential Assurance of design and urban Risks in the micro-environment
Eutrophication potential development quality in a competition Relationships in the micro-environment
Risks to the local environment Percent for art Image and state of site and neighbourhood
Other effects on the local environment Quality features of use profile Access to transportation
Sustainable use of resources  Social integration Proximity to use-specific facilities
Microclimate Connections to public services (utilities)
Nonrenewable primary energy demand Technical quality Legal situation for planning
Total primary energy demand and share of Fire prevention Extension options / reserves
renewable primary energy Noise, electromagnetic fields, etc.
Other uses of non-renewable resources Quality of building envelope’s heat and
Waste by category humidity technology
Drinking water demand and volume of waste water Building services’ backup ability
Space demand Building services‘ ease of use
Building services’ equipment quality
Ease of cleaning and maintenance
Resistance to hail, storms, and flooding
Ease of dismantling and recycling

20 21
Systematic planning.
The DGNB certification system.
To make sure that the DGNB certificate provides a lot of information, Economic quality Process quality

we specified clear principles and structures that are identical for the assess- Building lifecycle costs Quality of project preparation

ment of all occupancy profiles. A catalog of some 60 criteria serves as the Suitability for conversions Integral planning
Optimization and complexity of planning method
basis. The criteria are weighted in accordance to their importance for the
Sociocultural and functional quality Evidence of sustainable aspects in call for
particular occupancy profile and used to design an assessment matrix.
Thermal comfort in the winter and awarding of tenders
Thermal comfort in the summer Creation of conditions for optimal use
Interior hygiene and management
Acoustic comfort Construction site / construction process
Visual comfort Quality of companies involved / prequalification
The criteria in the DGNB‘s core system define sustainable User control possibilities Quality assurance for construction process
building in six fields. The quality of the site does not play a Quality of outdoor space Systematic initiation of operation
role in the assessment of the total performance index. Safety and risk of hazardous incidents Controlling
Handicapped accessibility Management
Ecological quality Space efficiency Systematic inspection, maintenance, and servicing
Global warming potential Suitability for conversion Qualification of operating personnel
Ozone depletion potential Public access
Photochemical ozone creation potential Bicycling convenience Site quality
Acidification potential Assurance of design and urban Risks in the micro-environment
Eutrophication potential development quality in a competition Relationships in the micro-environment
Risks to the local environment Percent for art Image and state of site and neighbourhood
Other effects on the local environment Quality features of use profile Access to transportation
Sustainable use of resources  Social integration Proximity to use-specific facilities
Microclimate Connections to public services (utilities)
Nonrenewable primary energy demand Technical quality Legal situation for planning
Total primary energy demand and share of Fire prevention Extension options / reserves
renewable primary energy Noise, electromagnetic fields, etc.
Other uses of non-renewable resources Quality of building envelope’s heat and
Waste by category humidity technology
Drinking water demand and volume of waste water Building services’ backup ability
Space demand Building services‘ ease of use
Building services’ equipment quality
Ease of cleaning and maintenance
Resistance to hail, storms, and flooding
Ease of dismantling and recycling

20 21
Precise adjustments. Accurate and clear.
The weighting of criteria. The assessment matrix of the DGNB certificate.

To make the DGNB certificate as informative and precise as it is possible to increase the weighting of each criterion as Score Criteria Points Weighted Points Group Points Group Total
Main- Weight- Adap- Perfor-
Perfor- Group Perfor-
criteria- Criteria Group Criteria ing tation mance
possible, we have clearly defined targets values for all crite- much as threefold or to disregard it entirely based on its so- group Achieved Maximum Achieved
Factor Factor Achieved
Index Achieved
Weight mance

Global warming potential 10 10,0

ria. Each criterion can receive a maximum of 10 points based cietal or political relevance and its importance for the specific Ozone depletion potential 10 10,0

on its documented or calculated quality. At the same time, use profile (see the assessment matrix on page 23). Life Cycle Analysis Photochemical ozone creation potential 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Acidification potential 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Eutrophication potential 10 7,1 10 1 1 7,1 10 71%
Ecolo- Risks to the local environment 10 8,2 10 3 1 24,6 30 82%
gical Effect on the
178,5 200 89% 22,5%
Qual- global and Local Sustainable use of resources 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
ity Environment
Microclimate – – – – 0 – – –

Gold, silver, or bronze. Ressource

Nonrenewable primary energy demand 10 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%
Total primary energy demand and share of renewable
10 8,4 10 2 1 17 20 84%
Performance-based scoring.
Consumption primary energy
and Waste
Generation Drinking water demand and volume of waste water 10 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50%
Space demand 10 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%

Eco- Life Cycle Costs Building Lifecycle Costs 10 9,0 10 3 1 27 30 90%

The points granted by the auditor, planner, or architect for granted. A gold certificate requires a score of 80 percent. ic 47 50 94% 22,5%
Qual- Economic
Suitability for Conversions 65 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%
each individual criterion and the weighting of the criteria The goal is to promote a standard of high quality for build- Performance

Thermal Comfort in the winter 40 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%

collectively produce the score for the overall building and the ings. The performance in each of the topical categories rel- Thermal Comfort in the summer 40 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%
Interior Hygiene 10 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%

six topical categories. The score shows the extent to which evant for the score therefore has to be of a certain minimum Health, Comfort
and User-
Acoustic Comfort 20 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%

friendliness Visual Comfort 70 8,5 10 3 1 26 30 85%

the requirements are fulfilled. If the score is 50 percent, for level for a certificate to be issued. For instance, gold requires User Control Possibilities 60 6,7 10 2 1 13 20 67%
Quality of outdoor space 10 9,0 10 1 1 9 10 90%
instance, the building will receive a bronze certificate. The a score of at least 65 percent in the first five topical catego- cultur- Safety and risk of hazardous incidents 20 8,0 10 1 1 8 10 80%
al and
Handicapped accessibility 10 8,0 10 2 1 16 20 80%
func- 251 280 90% 22,5%
score can also be based on grades, with 3.0 being required ries. Silver requires a score of at least 50 percent; bronze, tional Space efficiency 0,7 5,0 10 1 1 5 10 50% 86,4%
Qual- Gold
ity Suitability for conversion 70 7,1 10 2 1 14 20 71%
for bronze. If the score is 65 percent, a silver certificate is 35 percent. Functionality
Public access 60 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%
Bicycling convenience 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Social integration – – – – 0 – – –
Assurance of design and urban development quality
100 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%
in a competition
Aesthetic Quality
Percent for art 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Occupancy Profile Attributes – – – – 0 – – –
Fire prevention 100 8,0 10 2 1 16 20 80%
Noise, electromagnetic fields, etc. 100 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50%
Tech- Quality of building envelope‘s heat and humidity technology 45 7,7 10 2 1 15 20 77%
nical Quality of
74 100 74% 22,5%
Qual- Technical
ity Ease of cleaning and maintenance 50 7,1 10 2 1 14 20 71%

Easse of dismantling and recycling 100 9,2 10 2 1 18 20 92%

Quality of project preperation 40 8,3 10 3 1 25 30 83%

Integral planning 40 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%

Optimization and complexity of planning method 90 8,6 10 3 1 26 30 86%

Evidence of sustainable aspects in call for and awarding

Quality of 20 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%
Pro- of tenders
Creation of conditions for optimal use and management 40 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50% 189 230 82% 10,0%
Construction Site / Construction Process 40 7,7 10 2 1 15 20 77%

Total Performance Index Nominal Performance Medals Grade Quality of companies involved / prequalification 10 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50%

Index in evaluation areas Quality of

Quality assurance for construction process 20 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%

Systematic initiation of operation 10 7,5 10 3 1 23 30 75%

from 50 % 35 % Bronze 3,0 Standortqualität: gesonderte Bewertung, geht nicht in die Gesamtbewertung ein
Risks in micro-environment 50 7,0 10 2 1 14 20 70%
Relationships in the micro-environment 60 7,1 10 2 1 14,2 20 71%
from 65 % 50  % Silver 2,0 Site Image and state of site and neighbourhood 30 1,0 10 2 1 2 20 10%
Qual- 93,3 130 72%
ity Access to transportation 30 8,3 10 3 1 24,9 30 83%
Proximity to use-specific facilities 80 9,7
from 80 % 65 % Gold 1,5 Connections to public services (utilities) 40 9,4

to be entered Grade 1,0 95 % Grade 3,0 50 % Performance Index from 80% GOLD
will be automatically calculated Grade 1,5 80 % Grade 4,0 35 % 65-79,9% SILVER
fixed value Grade 2,0 65 % Grade 5,0 20 % 50-64,9% BRONZE
not applicable to this occupancy profile

Consistent quality through the consideration of Total Performance as well as Example of an assessment matrix of a DGNB gold certified building, occupancy profile
Nominal Performance Indices across all areas of evaluation ”New office and administrative buildings, version 2008“

22 23
Precise adjustments. Accurate and clear.
The weighting of criteria. The assessment matrix of the DGNB certificate.

To make the DGNB certificate as informative and precise as it is possible to increase the weighting of each criterion as Score Criteria Points Weighted Points Group Points Group Total
Main- Weight- Adap- Perfor-
Perfor- Group Perfor-
criteria- Criteria Group Criteria ing tation mance
possible, we have clearly defined targets values for all crite- much as threefold or to disregard it entirely based on its so- group Achieved Maximum Achieved
Factor Factor Achieved
Index Achieved
Weight mance

Global warming potential 10 10,0

ria. Each criterion can receive a maximum of 10 points based cietal or political relevance and its importance for the specific Ozone depletion potential 10 10,0

on its documented or calculated quality. At the same time, use profile (see the assessment matrix on page 23). Life Cycle Analysis Photochemical ozone creation potential 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Acidification potential 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Eutrophication potential 10 7,1 10 1 1 7,1 10 71%
Ecolo- Risks to the local environment 10 8,2 10 3 1 24,6 30 82%
gical Effect on the
178,5 200 89% 22,5%
Qual- global and Local Sustainable use of resources 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
ity Environment
Microclimate – – – – 0 – – –

Gold, silver, or bronze. Ressource

Nonrenewable primary energy demand 10 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%
Total primary energy demand and share of renewable
10 8,4 10 2 1 17 20 84%
Performance-based scoring.
Consumption primary energy
and Waste
Generation Drinking water demand and volume of waste water 10 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50%
Space demand 10 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%

Eco- Life Cycle Costs Building Lifecycle Costs 10 9,0 10 3 1 27 30 90%

The points granted by the auditor, planner, or architect for granted. A gold certificate requires a score of 80 percent. ic 47 50 94% 22,5%
Qual- Economic
Suitability for Conversions 65 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%
each individual criterion and the weighting of the criteria The goal is to promote a standard of high quality for build- Performance

Thermal Comfort in the winter 40 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%

collectively produce the score for the overall building and the ings. The performance in each of the topical categories rel- Thermal Comfort in the summer 40 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%
Interior Hygiene 10 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%

six topical categories. The score shows the extent to which evant for the score therefore has to be of a certain minimum Health, Comfort
and User-
Acoustic Comfort 20 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%

friendliness Visual Comfort 70 8,5 10 3 1 26 30 85%

the requirements are fulfilled. If the score is 50 percent, for level for a certificate to be issued. For instance, gold requires User Control Possibilities 60 6,7 10 2 1 13 20 67%
Quality of outdoor space 10 9,0 10 1 1 9 10 90%
instance, the building will receive a bronze certificate. The a score of at least 65 percent in the first five topical catego- cultur- Safety and risk of hazardous incidents 20 8,0 10 1 1 8 10 80%
al and
Handicapped accessibility 10 8,0 10 2 1 16 20 80%
func- 251 280 90% 22,5%
score can also be based on grades, with 3.0 being required ries. Silver requires a score of at least 50 percent; bronze, tional Space efficiency 0,7 5,0 10 1 1 5 10 50% 86,4%
Qual- Gold
ity Suitability for conversion 70 7,1 10 2 1 14 20 71%
for bronze. If the score is 65 percent, a silver certificate is 35 percent. Functionality
Public access 60 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%
Bicycling convenience 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Social integration – – – – 0 – – –
Assurance of design and urban development quality
100 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%
in a competition
Aesthetic Quality
Percent for art 10 10,0 10 1 1 10 10 100%
Occupancy Profile Attributes – – – – 0 – – –
Fire prevention 100 8,0 10 2 1 16 20 80%
Noise, electromagnetic fields, etc. 100 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50%
Tech- Quality of building envelope‘s heat and humidity technology 45 7,7 10 2 1 15 20 77%
nical Quality of
74 100 74% 22,5%
Qual- Technical
ity Ease of cleaning and maintenance 50 7,1 10 2 1 14 20 71%

Easse of dismantling and recycling 100 9,2 10 2 1 18 20 92%

Quality of project preperation 40 8,3 10 3 1 25 30 83%

Integral planning 40 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%

Optimization and complexity of planning method 90 8,6 10 3 1 26 30 86%

Evidence of sustainable aspects in call for and awarding

Quality of 20 10,0 10 2 1 20 20 100%
Pro- of tenders
Creation of conditions for optimal use and management 40 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50% 189 230 82% 10,0%
Construction Site / Construction Process 40 7,7 10 2 1 15 20 77%

Total Performance Index Nominal Performance Medals Grade Quality of companies involved / prequalification 10 5,0 10 2 1 10 20 50%

Index in evaluation areas Quality of

Quality assurance for construction process 20 10,0 10 3 1 30 30 100%

Systematic initiation of operation 10 7,5 10 3 1 23 30 75%

from 50 % 35 % Bronze 3,0 Standortqualität: gesonderte Bewertung, geht nicht in die Gesamtbewertung ein
Risks in micro-environment 50 7,0 10 2 1 14 20 70%
Relationships in the micro-environment 60 7,1 10 2 1 14,2 20 71%
from 65 % 50  % Silver 2,0 Site Image and state of site and neighbourhood 30 1,0 10 2 1 2 20 10%
Qual- 93,3 130 72%
ity Access to transportation 30 8,3 10 3 1 24,9 30 83%
Proximity to use-specific facilities 80 9,7
from 80 % 65 % Gold 1,5 Connections to public services (utilities) 40 9,4

to be entered Grade 1,0 95 % Grade 3,0 50 % Performance Index from 80% GOLD
will be automatically calculated Grade 1,5 80 % Grade 4,0 35 % 65-79,9% SILVER
fixed value Grade 2,0 65 % Grade 5,0 20 % 50-64,9% BRONZE
not applicable to this occupancy profile

Consistent quality through the consideration of Total Performance as well as Example of an assessment matrix of a DGNB gold certified building, occupancy profile
Nominal Performance Indices across all areas of evaluation ”New office and administrative buildings, version 2008“

22 23
Büro- und Geschäftshaus
Rheinauhafen Köln, Baufeld 10
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver

An attractive future market. Occupancy profile:

New office and administrative buildings

Sustainable building from the auditor’s viewpoint.

Doreen Kruschina Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Trinius

Doreen Kruschina Ingenieurbüro
Planung+Baumanagement Trinius GmbH

„I was an auditor back when sustainable building was just get- „Sustainable building is becoming standard practice on the
ting going, and I have already helped get a number of projects German market – a clear sign that excellent building quality is a
certified. Since the beginning of the first pilot phase, I have good selling point even in times of crisis. I mainly have two hopes.

© Gatermann + Schossig Bauplanungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

witnessed great interest in the possibility of having a building‘s First, I‘d like for the trend to continue so that the sustain-
overall performance assessed. Contact with foreign business ability of buildings comes to represent greater quality on the
partners shows that, in North America and the Anglo-Saxon market. That would be an important incentive to successively
world, a sustainability certificate is part of an investor project improve our buildings and our built environments. Second,
like a registration plate for a car. In industrial construction and I‘d like for the construction sector to play its crucial role in
logistics, where every palette space is valuable, a sustainability European and global targets for environmental and climate
certificate for a building‘s entire lifecycle has commercial val- policy. Through innovative, sustainable building, the construc-
ue by making different buildings comparable and by lowering tion sector can have a greater impact in the development and
utility costs for the long-term, which represents clear addition- implementation of future-proof solutions.“
al benefits for tenants and investors.“

Michael Scharpf Engineer (FH)

Sustainability Director Cornelia Jacobsen
ARCADIS Facility ingenieurbüro
Management GmbH hausladen gmbh

„With training, auditors get qualifications far beyond certifi- „Integral planning focuses on energy efficiency, affordability,
cations. They get comprehensive knowledge about sustain- and comfort. The DGNB certificate broadens that scope to
able building. Whether we are talking about development, include other important aspects, such as the materials used
financing, planning, construction, or operation, sustainability and the quality of the site. The wonderful thing about my role
will be one of the main drivers in a building‘s lifecycle.“ as an auditor is that, on the one hand, I can document that
quality for the building owner. On the other, I also see myself
as a consultant who develops an optimal building concept in
collaboration with the entire planning team.“

24 25
Büro- und Geschäftshaus
Rheinauhafen Köln, Baufeld 10
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver

An attractive future market. Occupancy profile:

New office and administrative buildings

Sustainable building from the auditor’s viewpoint.

Doreen Kruschina Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Trinius

Doreen Kruschina Ingenieurbüro
Planung+Baumanagement Trinius GmbH

„I was an auditor back when sustainable building was just get- „Sustainable building is becoming standard practice on the
ting going, and I have already helped get a number of projects German market – a clear sign that excellent building quality is a
certified. Since the beginning of the first pilot phase, I have good selling point even in times of crisis. I mainly have two hopes.

© Gatermann + Schossig Bauplanungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

witnessed great interest in the possibility of having a building‘s First, I‘d like for the trend to continue so that the sustain-
overall performance assessed. Contact with foreign business ability of buildings comes to represent greater quality on the
partners shows that, in North America and the Anglo-Saxon market. That would be an important incentive to successively
world, a sustainability certificate is part of an investor project improve our buildings and our built environments. Second,
like a registration plate for a car. In industrial construction and I‘d like for the construction sector to play its crucial role in
logistics, where every palette space is valuable, a sustainability European and global targets for environmental and climate
certificate for a building‘s entire lifecycle has commercial val- policy. Through innovative, sustainable building, the construc-
ue by making different buildings comparable and by lowering tion sector can have a greater impact in the development and
utility costs for the long-term, which represents clear addition- implementation of future-proof solutions.“
al benefits for tenants and investors.“

Michael Scharpf Engineer (FH)

Sustainability Director Cornelia Jacobsen
ARCADIS Facility ingenieurbüro
Management GmbH hausladen gmbh

„With training, auditors get qualifications far beyond certifi- „Integral planning focuses on energy efficiency, affordability,
cations. They get comprehensive knowledge about sustain- and comfort. The DGNB certificate broadens that scope to
able building. Whether we are talking about development, include other important aspects, such as the materials used
financing, planning, construction, or operation, sustainability and the quality of the site. The wonderful thing about my role
will be one of the main drivers in a building‘s lifecycle.“ as an auditor is that, on the one hand, I can document that
quality for the building owner. On the other, I also see myself
as a consultant who develops an optimal building concept in
collaboration with the entire planning team.“

24 25
Great variety on a joint basis –
creating new occupancy profiles.
The DGNB certification system is quickly being expanded. To this end, to each other. In this task, it receives support from the profile. This evaluation process provides important informa-
we have defined a transparent system development process to create DGNB’s expert groups, each of which consists of some tion to the working group, which optimizes the targets and

new occupancy profiles and variants as need be. The major strengths 10 proven experts, who ensure the quality of the DGNB cer- reference values used to determine a building‘s performance;
tificate across occupancy profiles. They are also responsible the working group also uses the information to minimize the
of the process are its practicability and the inclusion of the bundled
for the further development of the core system. processing time for individual criteria. Once the feasibility of
expertise of the DGNB and its members.
the new occupancy profile has been demonstrated in the
Once a new occupancy profile has been adopted, the pilot pilot phase, the DGNB uses the expertise of its members for
phase begins. Here, the profile is tested on specific projects further optimization. All members have eight weeks to pro-
to make sure it is practicable. At the same time, the auditors vide comments and suggestions on all of the content and
involved are asked about their experience in applying the results via a special online tool on our website.
Each of the system‘s new occupancy profiles goes through
different development phases. First, DGNB members (and
possibly third-party experts) come together to form a prepa-
ratory group. Without any deadline or other administrative
Preparatory group sets foundations
obligations, they set the foundations for the develop-
ment of a potential new occupancy profile for the DGNB DGNB office reviews results

system. The results of the preparatory group then are passed

Results are passed on to certification system committee
on to the various bodies within the DGNB. First, the DGNB
office checks whether the requirements for a new occu- A working group is founded

pancy profile are fulfilled. If so, the profile is passed on

The working group develops the content on the basis of the current DGNB system
to the certification system committee, which determines
The DGNB office coordinates and supports the content from the working group
whether the profile is a new, overriding type of occupancy
(main group) or a variation of an existing type of occupancy With support from the DGNB‘s expert groups and DGNB office and in collaboration with
the working group, the certification system committee reviews and revises the results
(subcategory). In the first case, the DGNB Board of Directors
has to give its consent. Then, a working group is founded In collaboration with the expert groups,
the certification system committee adopts the profile
to begin the actual development of the criteria of the new
occupancy profile. Each working group generally consists of The DGNB office work up the documentation requirements
and collect registrations for the pilot phase
some 20 interdisciplinary, voluntary DGNB members who
have the explicit expert knowledge. Bundling the expertise The pilot phase begins once a sufficient number of pilot projects
(generally 5-10) come together
of architects, planners, researchers, and other representa-
tives of the real estate sector is one of the system‘s great The new occupancy profile is evaluated

strengths. The experts partly try to see which criteria can DGNB members comment on the results of the pilot phase on the DGNB‘s website
be taken over from the core system and where new criteria
The DGNB office assess the evaluation phase and comments phase
need to be developed. In this way, they can incrementally
formulate a new occupancy profile, which will then be In collaboration with the certification system committee,
the working group reviews the assessment and revises if necessary
presented to the DGNB certification system committee for
adoption. The certification system committee adopts the occupancy profile

The new occupancy profile is launched

This committee is the DGNB‘s central decision-making body
concerning the certification system. It ensures that the focal
points and targets of the DGNB certification system conform An overview of the DGNB‘s system development process

26 27
Great variety on a joint basis –
creating new occupancy profiles.
The DGNB certification system is quickly being expanded. To this end, to each other. In this task, it receives support from the profile. This evaluation process provides important informa-
we have defined a transparent system development process to create DGNB’s expert groups, each of which consists of some tion to the working group, which optimizes the targets and

new occupancy profiles and variants as need be. The major strengths 10 proven experts, who ensure the quality of the DGNB cer- reference values used to determine a building‘s performance;
tificate across occupancy profiles. They are also responsible the working group also uses the information to minimize the
of the process are its practicability and the inclusion of the bundled
for the further development of the core system. processing time for individual criteria. Once the feasibility of
expertise of the DGNB and its members.
the new occupancy profile has been demonstrated in the
Once a new occupancy profile has been adopted, the pilot pilot phase, the DGNB uses the expertise of its members for
phase begins. Here, the profile is tested on specific projects further optimization. All members have eight weeks to pro-
to make sure it is practicable. At the same time, the auditors vide comments and suggestions on all of the content and
involved are asked about their experience in applying the results via a special online tool on our website.
Each of the system‘s new occupancy profiles goes through
different development phases. First, DGNB members (and
possibly third-party experts) come together to form a prepa-
ratory group. Without any deadline or other administrative
Preparatory group sets foundations
obligations, they set the foundations for the develop-
ment of a potential new occupancy profile for the DGNB DGNB office reviews results

system. The results of the preparatory group then are passed

Results are passed on to certification system committee
on to the various bodies within the DGNB. First, the DGNB
office checks whether the requirements for a new occu- A working group is founded

pancy profile are fulfilled. If so, the profile is passed on

The working group develops the content on the basis of the current DGNB system
to the certification system committee, which determines
The DGNB office coordinates and supports the content from the working group
whether the profile is a new, overriding type of occupancy
(main group) or a variation of an existing type of occupancy With support from the DGNB‘s expert groups and DGNB office and in collaboration with
the working group, the certification system committee reviews and revises the results
(subcategory). In the first case, the DGNB Board of Directors
has to give its consent. Then, a working group is founded In collaboration with the expert groups,
the certification system committee adopts the profile
to begin the actual development of the criteria of the new
occupancy profile. Each working group generally consists of The DGNB office work up the documentation requirements
and collect registrations for the pilot phase
some 20 interdisciplinary, voluntary DGNB members who
have the explicit expert knowledge. Bundling the expertise The pilot phase begins once a sufficient number of pilot projects
(generally 5-10) come together
of architects, planners, researchers, and other representa-
tives of the real estate sector is one of the system‘s great The new occupancy profile is evaluated

strengths. The experts partly try to see which criteria can DGNB members comment on the results of the pilot phase on the DGNB‘s website
be taken over from the core system and where new criteria
The DGNB office assess the evaluation phase and comments phase
need to be developed. In this way, they can incrementally
formulate a new occupancy profile, which will then be In collaboration with the certification system committee,
the working group reviews the assessment and revises if necessary
presented to the DGNB certification system committee for
adoption. The certification system committee adopts the occupancy profile

The new occupancy profile is launched

This committee is the DGNB‘s central decision-making body
concerning the certification system. It ensures that the focal
points and targets of the DGNB certification system conform An overview of the DGNB‘s system development process

26 27
Dynamic development.
An overview of occupancy profiles.

The DGNB certification system is constantly being expanded. New industrial buildings: logistics buildings
New office and administrative buildings
Systems are already available for occupancy profiles in high Logistics buildings are used for the distribution, delivery, and
demand, such as office and administrative buildings, education- sale of goods. The service life of logistics buildings is shorter
al facilities, retail buildings, industrial buildings, and residential Existing office and administrative buildings than that of other use profiles at 20 years. Furthermore, the
buildings. While the focus has been mainly on new buildings, location plays a greater role in this occupancy profile. Accessi-
the DGNB is incrementally laying the foundations for certifi- New retail buildings bility for people and goods is also an important aspect in the
Ernst-Ullrich Tillmanns

DGNB core system

cation of existing buildings. The DGNB working groups are assessment.
Executive Director
also currently working up a number of additional occupancy New industrial buildings 4a Architekten

profiles. New industrial buildings: production sites

„The growing interest in sustainable building and such
New educational facilities This occupancy profile covers all buildings where goods and certificates mainly shows that the focus in real estate will
New retail buildings: consumer market commodities are made from raw materials or precursor pro- increasingly be on quality and value growth. We see this
This occupancy profile includes supermarkets and retail chains. New residential buildings ducts with the input of labor and energy. A short service life as a long-term trend that requires competent architects.

The overall performance of the building and its annexes is in- of 20 years is also used to assess such buildings. An impor- This is good news for the industry! And we see the DGNB
as an important partner that visualizes the importance of
cluded in the assessment. The assessment focuses on energy New hotels tant feature of the DGNB assessment of production sites is
planning in sustainable building, enables the sharing of
consumption and utilities because of the high level of such the separate assessment of labor/production areas and of-
expertise, and performs important public relations work
consumption in retail buildings. The aspect of family friend- fices.
... and lobbying among politicians.“
liness was also integrated.
New educational buildings
New retail buildings: shopping centers In the occupancy profile for educational buildings, the DGNB
Shopping centers are defined as centrally planned, large-sur- provides another crucial variant of its certification system for
face facilities with a concentration of retailers, restaurants, kindergartens, schools, adult educational facilities, universi-
and service firms. In assessing shopping centers, the focus ties, and rooms mainly used for seminars, lectures, and as
is primarily on media supply lines and retail areas, including classrooms. The modular assessment also allows for the ad-
Fleur Keller
Hellmuth Aydt
Director of competitions annexes. Changes made by individual tenants are only tak- jacent use of offices, kitchens, cafeterias, libraries, and sports
Construction Department
and drafts
en into account to a limited extent, however. Furthermore, facilities within the same building. In contrast, gymnasiums, State Capital Stuttgart
Hascher + Jehle
Planungsgesellschaft mbH energy consumption and family friendliness play a crucial libraries, and cafeterias in separate buildings are not taken
„The State Capital Stuttgart has some 2,000 municipal
role in this occupancy profile. into consideration. The design of external facilities is of great buildings, including schools, museums, kindergartens,
„We sustainably develop with concepts adapted intelli-
gently to local conditions and the climate in order to take importance for users and is therefore also assessed. hospitals, administrative buildings, libraries, gymnasiums,

advantage of specific local energy potential, which is al- and swimming pools. These buildings have to be construc-

ways different because there is no single solution for eve- ted and operated affordably and with little environmental

ry situation. For us, sustainable architecture thus comes impact in terms of materials, design, the possibility of con-

about where such structural features as the site, function, version, and expenses for energy, cleaning, and servicing.

design, material, and the manufacturing process not only The German Sustainable Building Council‘s (DGNB) certifi-

cover and complement each other, but also merge to cation system has come up with an assessment scheme in

create an overall composition of space, form, proportion, its certification system that also defines our demands for

and meaningful content.“ sustainability and provides answers to decisive questions in

all phases of the building‘s lifecycle.“

28 29
Dynamic development.
An overview of occupancy profiles.

The DGNB certification system is constantly being expanded. New industrial buildings: logistics buildings
New office and administrative buildings
Systems are already available for occupancy profiles in high Logistics buildings are used for the distribution, delivery, and
demand, such as office and administrative buildings, education- sale of goods. The service life of logistics buildings is shorter
al facilities, retail buildings, industrial buildings, and residential Existing office and administrative buildings than that of other use profiles at 20 years. Furthermore, the
buildings. While the focus has been mainly on new buildings, location plays a greater role in this occupancy profile. Accessi-
the DGNB is incrementally laying the foundations for certifi- New retail buildings bility for people and goods is also an important aspect in the
Ernst-Ullrich Tillmanns

DGNB core system

cation of existing buildings. The DGNB working groups are assessment.
Executive Director
also currently working up a number of additional occupancy New industrial buildings 4a Architekten

profiles. New industrial buildings: production sites

„The growing interest in sustainable building and such
New educational facilities This occupancy profile covers all buildings where goods and certificates mainly shows that the focus in real estate will
New retail buildings: consumer market commodities are made from raw materials or precursor pro- increasingly be on quality and value growth. We see this
This occupancy profile includes supermarkets and retail chains. New residential buildings ducts with the input of labor and energy. A short service life as a long-term trend that requires competent architects.

The overall performance of the building and its annexes is in- of 20 years is also used to assess such buildings. An impor- This is good news for the industry! And we see the DGNB
as an important partner that visualizes the importance of
cluded in the assessment. The assessment focuses on energy New hotels tant feature of the DGNB assessment of production sites is
planning in sustainable building, enables the sharing of
consumption and utilities because of the high level of such the separate assessment of labor/production areas and of-
expertise, and performs important public relations work
consumption in retail buildings. The aspect of family friend- fices.
... and lobbying among politicians.“
liness was also integrated.
New educational buildings
New retail buildings: shopping centers In the occupancy profile for educational buildings, the DGNB
Shopping centers are defined as centrally planned, large-sur- provides another crucial variant of its certification system for
face facilities with a concentration of retailers, restaurants, kindergartens, schools, adult educational facilities, universi-
and service firms. In assessing shopping centers, the focus ties, and rooms mainly used for seminars, lectures, and as
is primarily on media supply lines and retail areas, including classrooms. The modular assessment also allows for the ad-
Fleur Keller
Hellmuth Aydt
Director of competitions annexes. Changes made by individual tenants are only tak- jacent use of offices, kitchens, cafeterias, libraries, and sports
Construction Department
and drafts
en into account to a limited extent, however. Furthermore, facilities within the same building. In contrast, gymnasiums, State Capital Stuttgart
Hascher + Jehle
Planungsgesellschaft mbH energy consumption and family friendliness play a crucial libraries, and cafeterias in separate buildings are not taken
„The State Capital Stuttgart has some 2,000 municipal
role in this occupancy profile. into consideration. The design of external facilities is of great buildings, including schools, museums, kindergartens,
„We sustainably develop with concepts adapted intelli-
gently to local conditions and the climate in order to take importance for users and is therefore also assessed. hospitals, administrative buildings, libraries, gymnasiums,

advantage of specific local energy potential, which is al- and swimming pools. These buildings have to be construc-

ways different because there is no single solution for eve- ted and operated affordably and with little environmental

ry situation. For us, sustainable architecture thus comes impact in terms of materials, design, the possibility of con-

about where such structural features as the site, function, version, and expenses for energy, cleaning, and servicing.

design, material, and the manufacturing process not only The German Sustainable Building Council‘s (DGNB) certifi-

cover and complement each other, but also merge to cation system has come up with an assessment scheme in

create an overall composition of space, form, proportion, its certification system that also defines our demands for

and meaningful content.“ sustainability and provides answers to decisive questions in

all phases of the building‘s lifecycle.“

28 29
A global focus.
Local adaptation increases acceptance.

New residential buildings The DGNB‘s approach allows its certification system to be eas- major benefit: it can be largely adapted to country-specific
This certificate is awarded to residential buildings with, ily and quickly adapted to the requirements of other coun- building cultures, which increases acceptance and minimizes
ideally, more than six units. The focus of the assessment is on tries and building cultures. The internationality of the DGNB the work required for an international portfolio to be certi-
the comfort and well-being of users. Such criteria as noise core system, which is based on the EU‘s targets, standards, fied. At the same time, buildings in one country can still be
protection, spatial flexibility, and indoor hygiene are there- and regulations, serves as the basis for future developments. compared to buildings in another. One important aspect in
Prof. Holger Hagge fore weighted more heavily. Likewise, low operating costs, This approach offers a number of benefits. For instance, if a the process is that the requirements for a DGNB bronze certi-
Global Head of Building &
value retention, and the quality of the apartments them- country-specific adaptation does not include a standard for ficate are based on common building practice in the country
Workplace Development
Deutsche Bank selves also play a crucial role in the assessment. a certain criterion, the European requirement in the core sys- in question. In contrast, the DGNB gold certificate is based
tem can be adopted. The process is similar to eco-balances. on an international standard that is the same for all coun-
„What is green building? If you want to answer that
question, you quickly realize how useful a scoring sys- New office and administration buildings If there are no country-specific data for a construction ma- tries. In this way, the assessments are still meaningful on an
tem based on professional, state-of-the-art technology This certificate is available for all buildings used mainly as terial, the data records from the DGNB international core international scale.
is. Certification systems like the DGNB‘s are helpful even offices or for administrative purposes. Aside from ecological system are used. For international users, the DGNB has one
in the planning phase for the development of sustainable and economic aspects, the focus of the assessment is on
buildings, environmentally friendly renovations, and the
user comfort – such as in terms of noise, temperature, and
tapping of ecological potential. After buildings have been
appearance – which greatly affects the performance and The DGNB international certificate.
completed, certification also helps us to measure the extra
motivation of workers. Our partner in Austria.
work done and assess the building‘s sustainability. Deut-
sche Bank uses a number of national and international
certifications and was a founding member of the DGNB Modernized office and administration buildings The DGNB‘s Austrian partner organization ÖGNI (Austrian regulations. After just a few months, the certification of the
because we wanted to share our experience from the This occupancy profile was designed for existing buildings Green Building Council) was founded in the fall of 2009 first offices and administrative buildings began. The DGNB‘s
renovation of the twin towers in Frankfurt, now known as used mainly as offices or administrative buildings with mod- by 120 founding members. ÖGNI‘s certification system com- new occupancy profiles are now gradually being adapted to
Green Towers. Our bank was the first building to receive a
ernized façades, building services, etc. The assessment mittee adapted the DGNB system to Austria‘s standards and Austrian conditions.
pre-certificate in gold for a building that was modernized
focuses on operational costs and payback periods; in other
in exemplary fashion for sustainability.“
words, the certification system is especially suitable as an
optimization tool for architects and building owners in the
planning phase. For more information about our international partner network, visit www.dgnb-international.com

image copyrigt

page 3 page 10 page 14 Seite 26

Z-zwo Bürogebäude Friedrichstraße 40 TOWNTOWN Company Building 09 Karolinen Karree
Stuttgart-Möhringen Berlin Wien München
© Jens Willebrand © Petersenarchitekten © Swiss Town Consult AG © Hines Immobilien GmbH
DGNB Certificate in Silver DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver

page 4 page 12 page 20

Neubau Zentralgebäude Leuphana Universität Rhein-Galerie Europe Plaza
Lüneburg Ludwigshafen Stuttgart
© Universität Lüneburg: Prof. Daniel Libeskind © ECE, Rhein-Galerie, Ludwigshafen © Fay Projects GmbH
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold

A global focus.
Local adaptation increases acceptance.

New residential buildings The DGNB‘s approach allows its certification system to be eas- major benefit: it can be largely adapted to country-specific
This certificate is awarded to residential buildings with, ily and quickly adapted to the requirements of other coun- building cultures, which increases acceptance and minimizes
ideally, more than six units. The focus of the assessment is on tries and building cultures. The internationality of the DGNB the work required for an international portfolio to be certi-
the comfort and well-being of users. Such criteria as noise core system, which is based on the EU‘s targets, standards, fied. At the same time, buildings in one country can still be
protection, spatial flexibility, and indoor hygiene are there- and regulations, serves as the basis for future developments. compared to buildings in another. One important aspect in
Prof. Holger Hagge fore weighted more heavily. Likewise, low operating costs, This approach offers a number of benefits. For instance, if a the process is that the requirements for a DGNB bronze certi-
Global Head of Building &
value retention, and the quality of the apartments them- country-specific adaptation does not include a standard for ficate are based on common building practice in the country
Workplace Development
Deutsche Bank selves also play a crucial role in the assessment. a certain criterion, the European requirement in the core sys- in question. In contrast, the DGNB gold certificate is based
tem can be adopted. The process is similar to eco-balances. on an international standard that is the same for all coun-
„What is green building? If you want to answer that
question, you quickly realize how useful a scoring sys- New office and administration buildings If there are no country-specific data for a construction ma- tries. In this way, the assessments are still meaningful on an
tem based on professional, state-of-the-art technology This certificate is available for all buildings used mainly as terial, the data records from the DGNB international core international scale.
is. Certification systems like the DGNB‘s are helpful even offices or for administrative purposes. Aside from ecological system are used. For international users, the DGNB has one
in the planning phase for the development of sustainable and economic aspects, the focus of the assessment is on
buildings, environmentally friendly renovations, and the
user comfort – such as in terms of noise, temperature, and
tapping of ecological potential. After buildings have been
appearance – which greatly affects the performance and The DGNB international certificate.
completed, certification also helps us to measure the extra
motivation of workers. Our partner in Austria.
work done and assess the building‘s sustainability. Deut-
sche Bank uses a number of national and international
certifications and was a founding member of the DGNB Modernized office and administration buildings The DGNB‘s Austrian partner organization ÖGNI (Austrian regulations. After just a few months, the certification of the
because we wanted to share our experience from the This occupancy profile was designed for existing buildings Green Building Council) was founded in the fall of 2009 first offices and administrative buildings began. The DGNB‘s
renovation of the twin towers in Frankfurt, now known as used mainly as offices or administrative buildings with mod- by 120 founding members. ÖGNI‘s certification system com- new occupancy profiles are now gradually being adapted to
Green Towers. Our bank was the first building to receive a
ernized façades, building services, etc. The assessment mittee adapted the DGNB system to Austria‘s standards and Austrian conditions.
pre-certificate in gold for a building that was modernized
focuses on operational costs and payback periods; in other
in exemplary fashion for sustainability.“
words, the certification system is especially suitable as an
optimization tool for architects and building owners in the
planning phase. For more information about our international partner network, visit www.dgnb-international.com

image copyrigt

page 3 page 10 page 14 Seite 26

Z-zwo Bürogebäude Friedrichstraße 40 TOWNTOWN Company Building 09 Karolinen Karree
Stuttgart-Möhringen Berlin Wien München
© Jens Willebrand © Petersenarchitekten © Swiss Town Consult AG © Hines Immobilien GmbH
DGNB Certificate in Silver DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver

page 4 page 12 page 20

Neubau Zentralgebäude Leuphana Universität Rhein-Galerie Europe Plaza
Lüneburg Ludwigshafen Stuttgart
© Universität Lüneburg: Prof. Daniel Libeskind © ECE, Rhein-Galerie, Ludwigshafen © Fay Projects GmbH
DGNB Pre-certificate in Silver DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold DGNB Pre-certificate in Gold

Papier FSC-zertifiziert

Excellence defined. Sustainable Building

with a Systems Approach.
Ensure the quality of your sustainable buildings in planning, construction,
and operation. The DGNB System helps you get there.
Kronprinzstraße 11
70173 Stuttgart
Phone +49 (0)711 72 23 22-0
Fax +49 (0)711 72 23 22-99
E-Mail info@dgnb.de

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