Batas Pambansa BLG.232

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Chrystal Ann Rendon

Flovel Mae Naraga

Cinderella Rodemio

1. List your rights and the corresponding duties and obligations as a teacher.

Rights Obligations
1. The right to be free from compulsory 1. Perform his duties to the school by
assignments not related to their duties as discharging his responsibilities in
defined in their appointments or accordance with the philosophy, goals, and
employment contracts, unless objectives of the school.
compensated therefor, conformably to
existing law.
2. Be accountable for the efficient and
effective attainment of specified learning
2. The right to intellectual property
objectives in pursuance of national
consistent with applicable laws.
development goals within the limits of
available school resources.
3. Teachers shall be deemed persons in 3. Render regular reports on performance
authority when in the discharge of lawful of each student and to the latter and the
duties and responsibilities, and shall, latter's parents and guardians with specific
therefore, be accorded due respect and suggestions for improvement.
4. Teachers shall be accorded the 4. Assume the responsibility to maintain
opportunity to choose alternative career and sustain his professional growth and
lines either in school administration, in advancement and maintain
classroom teaching, or others, for purposes professionalism in his behaviour at all
of career advancement. times.
5. 5. Refrain from making deductions in
students' scholastic rating for acts that are
clearly not manifestations of poor
6. 6. Participate as an agent of constructive
social, economic, moral, intellectual,
cultural and political change in his school
and the community within the context of
national policies.

2. Reflect on your right vis-à-vis- your obligations.

- Rights vis-à-vis on obligation as teacher is that the rights as teachers to have their
freedom in making their opportunities to take their choices in their career path in
which they can manipulate their own decision through suitable purposes. While the
obligation as teacher must help students learn the academic basics, but they also
teach valuable life lessons by setting a positive example. As role models, teachers must
follow a professional code of ethics. This ensures that students receive a fair, honest
and uncompromising education. A professional code of ethics outlines teachers' main
responsibilities to their students and defines their role in students' lives. Above all,
teachers must demonstrate integrity, impartiality and ethical behaviour in the
classroom and in their conduct with parents and co-workers. Teachers must model
strong character traits, such as perseverance, honesty, respect, lawfulness, patience,
fairness, responsibility and unity. As a teacher, you must treat every student with
kindness, equality and respect, without showing favouritism, prejudice or partiality.
You must maintain confidentiality unless a situation warrants involvement from
parents, school administration or law enforcement, and never use relationships with
students for personal gain.

3. Study the objectives of elementary, secondary, tertiary and non-formal education

(alternative learning system): You are accorded the opportunity to choose alternative
career path in school administration, in classroom teaching, or others, for job
enrichment and advancement. In which level would you choose to teach (elementary,
secondary, alternative learning system) Why?
- I choose the secondary in which in the objectives as a future educator, we will
continue to promote the objectives of elementary education which – to provide the
knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes, and values essential to personal
development and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing
social milieu and it also provides learning experiences which increase the child's
awareness and To discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interests of the
students so as to equip him with skills for productive endeavor and/or prepare him for
tertiary schooling.

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