2019-01-01 Classic Land Rover
2019-01-01 Classic Land Rover
2019-01-01 Classic Land Rover
1984 Press
Fleet Ninety
Trayback: 107in
Ute repatriated
from Australia
New for 2019, the fully revised Exmoor Trim Premium Loc and Fold Seat. Designed for easy installation
and simple operation, our new Loc and Fold is a sturdy forward facing, folding seat.
When not in use, it locks securely away on top of the wheel arch with minimal intrusion into the load area.
Available in all of our our standard trim styles as well as a bespoke leather option that can be tailored
to your specific requirements.
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A beautiful rebuild of a One Ton 109in recovery
A restored RAF Series One 80in passes muster
One of Land Rover’s press fleetNinetys
Part One of a comprehensive history of the Australian
Perentie 110s
The Discovery 1 is a lot less common
that it was
The Series IIA 88in recommissioning
continues apace
Greenlaning in One Ton 109ins
Visiting the legacy of World War Two in France
Classic Land Rovers in Norway
Lots of event dates for 2019
The roads of Western Australia offer some fantastic drives through idyllic countryside
pring has sprung in Western motoring before summer hits and a tilt Before returning to Australia though, the
Australia; the temperatures are rising becomes necessary just to offer some shade. owner of that particular vehicle presented
towards the 20s, the canola fields are “I guess it started when I was about two Andrew with his very own model of a red
in bloom and on an otherwise deserted road years old,” he says, “we were visiting family two-door: “I still have it today, and now my
a roofless 88in is coaxed around a sweeping in Dorset in the UK and there was a chap kids play with it,” he added.
bend under blue skies. Sounds like heaven with a two-door Range Rover. Apparently Andrew’s dad stoked that initial fire even
doesn’t it? But for Andrew Rogers this is the I wouldn’t leave it alone - I was obsessed further. Having set out from his London
‘norm’ and he is making the most of topless with it!” roots on a motorcycle and sidecar with
some mates, he arrived in Australia in the he decided to get his own transport for it stood out. That wasn’t necessarily a bad
early 1960s and before the decade was out taking ‘scramble’ ’bikes out into the bush, thing however, and when a local saw him
had his own Series II 88in before buying a he bought a Series IIA. “I’ve still got it,” he driving around in it, he approached Andrew
1970 Series IIA 109in as family transport in confirms, “it’s in the back of the garage - I to see if he might be interested in another
the 1980s. ‘flatpacked’ it a few years ago.” Land Rover.
It was that particular Land Rover that Having rebuilt that initial 88in on a pretty “The old fella reckoned that I’d done a
Andrew recalls along with the British-based tight budget, Andrew gave it a coat of decent job of that one and said that he had
Range Rover, and when as a 13-year-old bright blue paint and it’s fair to say that another in need of a home. I told him that
ravines - day-to-day use is usually about a Land Rover-owning mates often prefer
minimum impact, ‘drive around the obstacle to just help each other out, passing parts
if you can’ approach.” between them in exchange for other bits or
Since swapping a bottle of brandy for good deeds.
Old Bill, Andrew’s passion for Land Rovers That is a refreshing attitude in this day
certainly hasn’t waned. A suffix-A two- and age and one which perhaps keeps the
door Range Rover of his own sits proudly passionate enthusiast at the heart of the
outside his home, as until recently did a movement instead of the bank manager -
Stage One Station Wagon: “We needed a definitely a good thing for the future of old The addition of a Toro overdrive has helped
new patio so I swapped it for the work!” he Land Rover ownership. cover longer distances on various road trips
laughs, although there is a serious side to With several other Series vehicles in to go surfing, camping or even prospecting
this scenario. With the value of Land Rovers his ownership, Old Bill is still the family
going up and up, the appetite for spares and favourite - wife, Anna, frequently in the
vehicles has arguably become out of hand. driver’s seat, as too are the couple’s three
With that in mind Andrew and his fellow children, even if just for the purposes of
‘Andrew gave it a
coat of bright blue
paint and it’s fair to
say that it stood out’
Baskies 2018
Team Moore, brothers Alex and David, represented the Dorset
like yours it had been rebuilt on a
galvanised chassis, unfortunately
a lot of the original County fittings
were not replaced: D rings, super
that even dealers seem to be
automatically tagging ‘County’ to
‘station wagon’ irrespective of age
or even series?
Land Rover Club at the Baskerville Challenge event, and did the 8 spotlamps, and the distinctive Anyway, I wish CLR well on the
club proud, picking up 30 points in the CCV. Only two of the 88in D-shaped rear grab handles that rebuild. If BHD 940Y (Bad Boy)
class 10s (coil sprung) beat them, while they managed to score 38 are quite hard to find. can be of any help for reference
points in the RTV. No other class 10s entered, there were a lot of Similarly I have found the purposes, then I would be pleased
retirements due to rain, but the brothers gave the 90s a good run interior hard to find, especially to assist.
for their money. And then finally they managed to come third over- as, unusually, my door cards Dave Fox, Bury, Lancs
all in the time trial despite having a mare of a first section almost
getting completely stuck! And so overall, team Moore brought
back the Challenge Trophy again!
A classic weekend
The tenth anniversary of the annual meeting of leaf-sprung Land
son’s over. Select and buy your cards
and calendars via www.louiselimb.com
12 JANUARY 2019
Turning back
the years
Here is a pic of me sitting on the wing of my father’s Series II Beau Diesel and Meg
back in the day when he was a head forester with the Forestry This is Beau who loves to go Diesel and Meg, who belong
Commission. The Land Rover spent a lot of time off-road with its for drives in the Land Rover, to Neil Sims from Kent, like
6.00TMs and I remember it recovering fire engines and tractors on
according to owner Cathal to help out on the farm in his
It also had a fire trailer (pump hoses and water tank) which sadly Clarke who writes to us from Series III pickup.
I have no picture but was styled similar to the Series II wings. It Dublin.
didn’t stand up to off-
road use so well and
broke a spring.
My father was a
A legend
among legends
It’s not an exaggeration to say two-year project.
Ken Wheelwright, champion He attended many shows with
restorer of Series Ones, who his Land Rovers both in the UK
died recently aged 86, has left and abroad, winning many prizes
legacy that will endure for many for his work and making lifelong
years to come. He quite literally friends wherever he went.
changed the way that Land Ken restored around 40 Land
Rover Series Ones were viewed Rovers including an early AA
and was one of the first to realise breakdown vehicle. Many of his
their potential, restoring the first restorations have been used by
ones to concours condition. Land Rover and are in the Land
Kenneth Gordon Wheelwright, Rover Heritage Centre (including
or ‘Tim’ as he was known to fam- the DELs) and his name affixed
ily and close friends, was a dairy to a restoration adds many thou-
farmer in Mytholmroyd, Hebden sands of pounds to its value.
Bridge, Yorkshire. In 2003 Ken bought a 1946 Mor-
One of seven children he ris Commercial and he renovated
was born into the Wheelwright it in the livery of Wheelwright Bros
Brothers haulage dynasty, the haulage – it was this vehicle which
family diversifying into farming transported him on his final jour-
when the haulage business was ney, driven by his brother Barry.
nationalised after the war. Ken’s funeral on November 16
Ken’s first restoration was a Tri- was attended by hundreds of
umph 1300 in 1968 before moving mourners, many of whom trav-
onto buying and renovating Jeeps, elled for many miles to pay their
ex-military Minis and his beloved respects.
Series One Land Rovers. The first He leaves behind his widow
two of these were the DELs which Doris, whom he married in 1955,
sat around in boxes for 20 years his daughter Mary, son-in-law
until he and his friends got around Frank and grandchildren Eli and
to renovating them for Land Rov- Grace. His eldest daughter Gillian
er’s 40th anniversary in 1988 – a died in 1992.
A place for
everything… No water - no
We all know that there is a lack of storage space inside a Land
Rover but David Bowyer of David Bowyer’s Off Road Centre has
come up with one solution to this problem.
His Roof Locker, made in Devon using high quality 9mm birch plywood,
Fontus is a great
can be used to store clean clothes or waterproofs when greenlaning or
valuables and personal belongings - in fact anything you would like to
little cordless
Contact us...
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Highfield Works, 44-50 Heaton St,
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CLASSIC INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM The new Land Rover Classic Infotainment System
is designed to fit the following models*
The new Land Rover Classic Infotainment System fits perfectly Defender 90, 110, 130, Range Rover Classic
with the authentic interior design of your vehicle and is packed (1993-1996), Discovery 1 (1994-1998) and
Freelander 1 (1997-2004)
with modern technology.
Key features include:
Providing route guidance in either 2D or 3D, the GPS Navigation – DAB/DAB+ Radio
System has a choice of up to 32 languages. 4 x 45 watt digital
– BluetoothTM Connectivity: hand-free calls
amplification delivers a rich, complete sound, whether your and music streaming
music is classic or modern. DAB+ lets you enjoy your favourite
– Satellite Navigation
stations with the highest sound quality. Smartphone integration
– Smartphone Integration
enables you to make hands-free calls and lets you transfer up
to 1,250 existing contacts. – 3.5’’ digital Touchscreen
– FM/AM Radio
The Infotainment System comes in a choice of black or silver
finish to perfectly fit your Land Rover’s interior. – 4 x 45 watt digital amplifier
*It is possible to fit the Classic Infotainment System in other vehicles, but this may require an additional bespoke fitment solution. This product should be fitted by an audio specialist.
Reader and regular contributor Series Land Rovers never were; at with a Salisbury rear axle? I have ment or as ‘improvements’ (Fitting
Eric Hayman has made a few least the ones I drove in the UK, had a half-shaft break on pulling LED Bulbs), physics now talks of
observations about the articles in Africa and Australia in the 1960s away from a tar road T-junction – light being bent by ‘gravitational
CLR issue 67: and 1970s. but only after the vehicle had had lenses’: light from a distant source
The difference between the The W4 Challenge brought back a pounding on rocky mountain is bent around any large object be-
power of the pre-Stage One Land memories of back-road driving tracks. tween the source and the observer.
Rovers and the Toyota Land in Western Australia, but not a As for the petrol fuel pump Since such distances are of the
Cruisers available at the time be- place name was mentioned. In jamming, I recall driving a Series inter-stellar range, this is unlikely
came very apparent when using what part of the very large state LWB Station Wagon fitted with two to trouble drivers on the longest
either at high altitude. Lesotho – were the drivers pitting their skills fuel tanks and an electric solenoid of earthly road journeys. But
with its lowest terrain at around against the terrain? pump. On a trip from Lesotho to those piercing beams do dazzle
5,000ft and its highest roads I was very surprised to read of a Durban, it refused to stop pumping when hitting interior and door
at more than10,500ft – readily Series III breaking a half-shaft on because of a faulty float valve in the mirrors; the former can easily be
showed how the 105bhp rated the traverse of the Canning Stock carburettor. The excess fuel found dipped, but not the latter.
Land Rover engines were beaten Route in present times. Admitted- its way into the sump, producing a Looking Back’s mention of Cuth-
by the Japanese165 bhp ones. ly any dirt road can have corruga- very diluted engine lubricant. bertson and railway wheel Land
‘Sporty’ may be the wrong word to tions, but did the half-shaft have Whether one loves or hates the Rover conversions reminded me
describe a 4x4 workhorse, but the the 10 or 24 splines? Since this is latest types of headlight bulbs that there is a short Pathe News
Land Cruisers were lively, which 2018, was the Series III not fitted currently available as original equip- film showing both on You Tube.
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The Showground, The Cliff, Matlock, Derbyshire. DE4 5EW
Arild Hokstad’s grey Series III won a prize in the public vote
It Takes Two
to Tango Drone images of the Vestby Old Rectory
T ‘Old friendships
he Norwegian Land Rover Club has highway system leading north towards Oslo
run respective Land Rover meets was enjoyed.
for both Series and Range Rovers were sealed and new The sun had shone all day but as barbecue
for 13-14 years. This year, for the marque’s time approached the clouds were gathering
70th anniversary, the events were combined ones made as people so a number of tarpaulins were stretched
for a fun-filled weekend. between the vehicles to protect the tables
Saturday morning saw a mixed group of 17 strolled among the from the rain.
vehicles make an early start to meet up at the
old naval base of Karljohansvern in Horten
various cars’ The next morning the rain continued, but
undeterred, a number of participants put
where a tour of the old 1960s navy frigate themselves forward for the all-day Geo-
HNoMS Narvik, now a museum ship, was and took pictures. Challenge, the task was to navigate a route
scheduled. After landing on the eastern side in Moss and answer questions along the way.
On the way to catch the lunchtime Oslofjord the convoy faced its most challenging task At the end of the weekend, organisers
ferry a procession of 20 Land Rovers lined - the Saturday city traffic! Vehicles were agreed that combining the two events was
up for a cavalcade through Horten – which scattered but a rendezvous was arranged for a success, and something to aspire to in
caused great amusement as bystanders waved the last quiet half-an-hour of country lanes future years. a
www.classiclandrover.com JANUARY 2019 19
Dates already announced for 2019
Land Rover Only Event
CLR coverage
Stoneleigh Militaria
Military vehicle parts and militaria expo
The Exhibition Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Coventry,
Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ
07976 777117/info@militariashows.com
Newbury 4x4 & Vintage Spares Day
Newbury Showground, Chieveley, Berkshire, RG18 9QZ.
The biggest Land Rover Autojumble in Europe plus large
Vintage section, over 800 sellers.
£7 per adult. 10am-2pm.
Gaydon LR Show
British Motor Museum, Banbury Road, Gaydon,
Warwickshire,CV35 0BJ
10am-5pm (4pm Sun)
Adults £14, Children £9
www.britishmotormuseum.co.uk 25-27 June
The Overlord Show
23-27 Denmead, Hants 8-9
Three days of military vehicles, living history
Series III & 90-110 Owners Club accompanied by militaria and food traders. Ripon 4x4 & Vintage Spares day
National Rally In support of military and local charities. Ripon Racecourse, Boroughbridge Rd, Ripon, HG4 1UG.
Sibbertoft, Northamptonshire Land Rover & vintage spares autojumble. Classic car
www.thelandroverclub.co.uk show on June 9
£5 per adult. 9am-1.30pm.
25-27 25-26 www.4x4sparesday.co.uk
LRSOC National Rally
Norfolk tba (members event)
Opheers Mark X
Opheers (75km east of Brussels), Belgium
10th anniversary of this classic Land Rover event
Les Series en Helvetia
The Swiss Series meeting
War and Peace Revival
Hop Farm Show Ground, Maidstone Road, Paddock
Wood, Kent, TN12 6PY
Military vehicle and re-enactment show.
Kelmarsh Land Rover Show
24 14-15 27
Ripon 4x4 & Vintage Spares day MROC Major’s Memorial Trial Malvern 4x4 & Vintage Spares Day
Ripon Racecourse, Boroughbridge Rd, Ripon, HG4 1UG. 50th Anniversary Event
Wye Halls, Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcs,
Land Rover and vintage spares autojumble. Classic car Eastnor Castle, Eastnor, Ledbury HR8 1RN
WR13 6NW
show on August 25 £6.50 per adult. 9am-1.30pm.
£5 per adult. 9am-1.30pm.
www.4x4sparesday.co.uk www.4x4sparesday.co.uk
24-26 November
Leafers at’Pit 6
New Venue! Newbury 4x4 & Vintage Spares Day 8-10
Apedale Valley Light Railway, Chesterton, Newcastle- Newbury Showground, Chieveley, Berkshire, RG18 9QZ. Lancaster Insurance
under-Lyme, Staffs. The biggest Land Rover autojumble in Europe plus large
vintage section, more than 800 sellers. Classic Motorshow
£7 per adult. 10am-2pm. NEC, Birmingham
young man of about 12 or 13 years, who III, as the Series One was not quite ready. I
t’s always a pleasure to see a father and
son working together on the restoration in a very polite way, enquired whether was standing idly by the Land Rover when
of an old Land Rover. It reassures us that my Series One Land Rover was for sale. up came the same young man, accompanied
the custodianship of these historic vehicles I explained that my project was merely by his father. After introductions, it turned
will be in safe hands in the future. When ‘resting’, and that I was soon to begin work out that Harry and James lived just round
I discovered that such a team restoration finishing the refurbishment of the vehicle. the corner from me, and that they were now
effort was taking place within 100 yards of The lad thanked me, and went on his way, working on a 1957 Series One project.
my home, I had to investigate further. and I thought no more of the matter. James Hodgson – the father – was brought
The story began one evening as I arrived Fast-forward to the Leafers at t’ Pit show up in and around Land Rovers through his
home from work and was approached by a later that year. I'd gone there in my Series family links to agriculture. In the main,
The front panel fitted. Hung on the wall is an 86” panel rejected by Harry
landscape gardening business, he bought an The seller had bought the Land Rover for
ex military 90in for use in winter. restoration, but had done little before losing
One evening Harry and James saw a interest and putting it up for sale again.
programme about the restoration of a 1950 Very little is known of the previous history
80in and knew that they wanted to work on of the vehicle. It had once been owned by ‘As their knowledge
a similar project themselves. a farm in Essex, and at some stage a V8
The hunt for the perfect project began engine had been installed, but this was no grew they developed
in earnest and eventually they found an
abandoned restoration in Leeds, which
longer present. James later wrote to the
farm to see if he could learn anything more,
the ability to pick out
seemed to fit the bill and they made a
successful bid.
but received no reply.
With the 1,997cc engine in the rear
hidden treasures’
24 JANUARY 2019 www.classiclandrover.com
tub, the project was put on a trailer and checked and refurbished, Harry and James fitted and bled, attention was turned to the
driven back to the Hodgsons’ workshop realised that many of the smaller parts million and one other jobs that take up so
for inspection. All the major components were missing. They began to frequent auto much time in a thorough rebuild. At first
were present, and the chassis and bulkhead jumbles, looking for Series One parts. This the plan had been to fit a truck cab, and
seemed to be in reasonable condition. The became an enjoyable aspect of the rebuild, one had been purchased. Now, after some
wings were not good, and there was no and as their knowledge grew they developed consideration, views had changed, and the
hard top, but work on building up a rolling the ability to pick out hidden treasures: they decision was made to fit a full hard top.
chassis could be started without delay. quickly found many of the parts needed. One was found on eBay, and although it
The chassis was rubbed down, and In parallel with the acquisition of parts, was located in Kent, was purchased – the
although it needed some welding on the came an accumulation of knowledge. Harry travelling is all part of the fun.
outriggers and rear crossmember, it was read everything he could about the history of
soon ready for a coat of red oxide primer. Series One production, and rapidly became
The bulkhead top rail was too far gone expert at knowing when changes were made.
for repair, although the rest of the structure In an amazingly short time he became the
was good, so a complete new section was arbiter of authenticity, reining in the industry
purchased from Radfords, and was carefully and enthusiasm of his father – if a part was
welded into place. One interesting feature incorrect, it would not be fitted!
on the bulkhead was the existence of two With the rolling chassis fitted with engine
holes on each side, roughly level with the and gearboxes, the engine tested, the brakes
vents. These are about half-an-inch internal
diameter, and have tubes in them, suggesting
that they were intended to be load bearing.
They are well made, with quality welding to
retain the tubes. The best suggestion so far is
that they were made to fit a roll cage.
The engine turned, but was something
of an unknown quantity. Eventually the
decision was made to strip it down while it
was out, rather than run the risk of trusting
to luck. When dismantled, the bores were
found to be in good enough condition for
further service, so the engine was rebuilt Proud owners – James and Harry
using new piston rings, bearings and seals.
The same method was used with the Icons of British farming
gearbox and transfer box. Everything was
checked then rebuilt with new seals and
gaskets. Both axles went through the same
process, and, after being fitted with new
road-springs, were fitted to the chassis -
work was going well on the project.
As these major components were being The nicely worn seats and period farming
Ready for another 60 years of service Stripping paint from the chassis. Nothing too bad was found
Icons of Post-War
When the Land Rover entered the market
in 1948, the management at Rover
foresaw sales to farmers as a potential
growth area. However, the Land Rover
could only drag implements like ploughs or
harrows – it was a motorised equivalent of
a draft horse.
In 1946, the Ulster genius, Harry
Ferguson had negotiated an agreement
with the management of the Standard
Motor Company, to manufacture his TE-20
tractor at their Coventry plant. The TE-20
was fitted with the Ferguson hydraulic
three-point linkage, which meant that
tractor and plough worked as a unit.
The obvious advantages of the three-
point linkage meant that the use of
the Land Rover as a draft engine was
superseded before actual production
The rebuilt engine is tested began. Despite this, it was common to see
both these icons of agriculture together on
The rubber and felt seals for the brake and
clutch pedals are fitted correctly. Many people
‘Some parts were farms for decades after the 1940s
fit them the wrong way found much nearer 60-year-old Series One coped with the
terrain. Since that first big test the vehicle
home, including a has been used regularly, both for green
laning, and in connection with various
full set of seats’ shoots that Harry and James belong to.
The father and son pair are not resting on
well, and again avoids the ‘too shiny’ looks their laurels. Even while the Series One was
of some over-restored Land Rovers. being restored they added further projects,
With new 6.00x16 cross ply tyres fitted, including a 1979 Series III, and a Ferguson
and all the paperwork sorted out, 134 tractor. By the time the Series III is on the
ASV was ready for use. A few gentle miles road, young Harry will be old enough to
around home revealed no major problems, take his driving test, and this will become
so plans were made for longer excursions. his first vehicle. In the meanwhile, the hunt
The first real test of the Series One was is on for another project, for they would like
on a camping and green laning weekend in to own an 80in Series One. Though many
the Lake District. Apart from having a flat have been investigated, the right one has
battery on the Saturday morning – rectified not yet been found, but in time it will be.
by use of the starting handle – the vehicle The torch of Land Rover ownership burns
behaved impeccably, and successfully drove brightly in the Hodgsons, and James can be
over Gatescarth Pass. James, who is used proud that young Harry will be more than
Test run on a local lane
to modern Land Rovers, was completely
impressed by the ease with which the
capable of carrying it into the future.a
26 JANUARY 2019 www.classiclandrover.com
new land rover parts purchased in any quantity
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to Riches
This One-Ton breakdown truck has been on Dan Warden’s radar for some
t Gaydon Land-Rover show last own. You could have eaten your dinner off tilt and used to tow a trailer of some kind,
spring I finally clapped eyes upon any part of this vehicle, or sat in it in your possibly a forensics unit.
a vehicle I had been waiting to see Sunday best without fear of staining it. As It was sold off in 1979 and acquired by
for some time. Bright yellow and standing a well as being an exceptionally high-quality Trevor for his motor repair business and
little taller than other Land-Rovers, Trevor’s rebuild, the vehicle itself had an interesting converted into a recovery truck complete
Essex-based One-Ton 109in breakdown history to boot. with Harvey-Frost crane in the rear tub. It
truck was a real head-turner. It was originally used by Essex Police, gave sterling service for a few years before
You get nice restorations, and you get tidy although there is some uncertainty as eventually being replaced with newer
Land-Rovers, but what we had here was to exactly what they did with it. Trevor equipment.
just something else, really in a league of its believes it was fitted with a three-quarter By the late 1980s it had been rendered
‘It was almost impossible to imagine at The side view shows the overhang of the crane, so
care is needed when reversing!
that time the gem it would end up being’
First Parade
The RAF celebrated its centenary in 2018 with a calendar of parades and events so
it seems right to mark the occasion by inspecting the details on this stunning 80in
he Royal Air Force was established saw the RAF become a true household name
on April 1, 1918, just as World War ‘Nick Sawyer’s through its most significant campaign in the
One was entering its final stages. It is
the oldest independent air force in the world
80in has to be one Battle of Britain.
Post-war, the RAF underwent significant
and for more than 100 years it has played
a significant role in British military history.
of the best-restored reorganisation, reflecting the development
of jet technology and the rise and
Its mission statement is to be ‘An agile, RAF Series Ones deepening of the Cold War. It is also
adaptable and capable Air Force that, person during this period that it started using
for person, is second to none and that makes out there’ 80in Land Rovers. The Ministry of Supply
a decisive air power contribution in support tested two pre-production Land Rovers
of the UK Defence Mission’. World War Two in 1948, leading to significant military
RAF vehicles were used in a variety of roles and no two were the same
contracts, even though the vehicle was can easily serve as a reference vehicle.
initially considered a stand-in until the Completed in 2008, it remains as fresh
Austin Champ hit full production. When as the day it came out of his workshop and
Champ production stopped, the Land Rover is a testament to his skill as a professional
eventually became the official quarter-ton restorer and custodian. Nick has an RAF
Forward Area vehicle in 1956. Usually we background, having served three years as a
think in terms of military Land Rovers as ground support mechanic, and his decision
standard Deep Bronze Green – after all it to buy this vehicle was based purely on the
was because of the strength of military fact that it was also ex-RAF and happened
contracts that it became the standard colour to be complete and in original condition.
and the army had them by the thousands Over the past few years, he has become
but of course, Land Rovers supplied to the something of an expert on the details
RAF were painted blue/grey. of early RAF Land Rovers: he has been Oil grades marked on all top-up points
Nick Sawyer’s 80in has to be one of the instrumental in knowledge-sharing in the
best-restored RAF Series Ones out there and Series One Club and in getting a batch of
the care and attention he has put into the Ministry of Supply identity plates made up.
restoration and ancillary details means this The Ministry of Supply identification plate
Note extra towing eyes on the rear crossmember – it might have been used as a glider tug
Many hours of research have gone into getting all the details right on this vehicle
number that Nick chose for it, replacing the on a reference vehicle. As with all military
otherwise insignificant number allocated on Land Rovers it has been fitted with a brass
demob. Pyrene fire extinguisher, fitted to a bracket
Walking round the vehicle, you’ll notice a on the bulkhead, just above the transmission
number of codes giving oil grades near the tunnel.
filling points; engine OMD 110, gearbox OMD The engine in Nick’s vehicle has been
330, axles OMD 220, steering box and relay painted Sky Blue which was the standard
OC 600. Look at the front crossmember and military engine colour. It would have been
you’ll see D/T and an arrow which relates to the usual factory dark green/blue colour Original stencilling on the re-built engine block
the drain tap and if anti freeze was added, when it first entered service but repainted in
a white square with a red dot and the date military colours when it was reconditioned possible that Nick’s was used on an airstrip
filled would be added either on the bonnet in service. Otherwise it is a sweet-sounding, to tow a glider, indicated by the extra towing
or on the radiator. As with all military Land standard 1,997cc Siamese bore engine but eyes on the rear crossmember. This vehicle
Rovers, the tyre pressures are noted on the with Nick’s own modification to the oil filter is a superb reference for any would-be RAF
wheel arches. This is fantastic rivet-counting to give it full flow filtration. Land Rover owner and it has also served as
stuff but is important information which Series One Land Rovers would have seen a the inspiration for a Minichamps 1:18 scale
made life much easier for the maintenance variety of roles in RAF service, from aircraft diecast model, one of the most detailed Land
staff and which deserves to be replicated crash rescue to mountain rescue but it is Rover models available. a
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ne evening my phone pinged to tell minutes, he said”. It gave me a chance
me I had received a message via to take in the scenery, investigate the
Facebook. It was my friend Tom, a annoying clicking coming from my driver’s
fellow 1-Ton owner. side wiper, and snap a pic of the ‘tanks
“Do you fancy doing some laning on crossing’ road sign native to the region.
Salisbury plain in 1-Tons?” he asked. Well After a short wait Tom arrived, we had a
naturally I didn't need to be persuaded, so quick chat, did a couple of little jobs that
I told him to let me know when and where two pairs of hands make easier, and then
and I would be there. He promised to do off we went.
some advertising to see if anyone else was I can't offer a blow-by-blow description
interested. It was a long shot considering of where we went on the plain. Suffice it to
how few 1-Tons are left! say that it is vast and pretty much covered in
In the interim I had been offered a set of green lanes.
replacement tyres, no mean feat to get a set Keep an eye out for tank and artillery ranges
of five 9.00x16s, so the plain would end up in use, and follow all warning signs and you’ll
being a nice first testing ground for them. be fine. Instead I'll just let the photos do the
With new tyres on, I set off early one talking.
morning to the designated meeting point Most of the driving was on rough gravel Watch out for tanks! Not
about two hours away by One-Tonner. I roads rather than on what most would a normal laning trip
arrived with no sign of Tom. “I'm having consider green lanes, and after the summer
engine issues, will be with you in 20 heat they were still kicking up a fair dust
that lasts all year round FROM
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The left-hand drive 88in Station Wagon was
marketed in the North American Dollar Area
(NADA) and this one is seen here with a 1959
British Columbia licence plate. As a Station
Wagon was originally defined as ‘a vehicle
providing transport to and from a railway
station’ it is no surprise to see its role in more
modern times widened to include transport to
and from an airport.
This press photo was probably taken at
Vancouver Airport where both Canadian
Pacific Air Lines and Pacific Western Airlines
Ltd were headquartered during the 1950s and
Canadian Pacific Air Lines operated from
1942 to 1987 serving domestic Canadian
and international routes. Pacific Western
Airlines operated scheduled flights throughout
western Canada and charter services around
the world from the 1950s and through the
A fleet of Ninetys was revealed to
the motoring press at an
event at Eastnor in May 1984,
many of which carried A-KRW
registration numbers
t’s May 1984 and period photographs
show the Slate Grey Land Rover
clambering through the slippery
Eastnor mud, the chunky Michelin XCL
750R16 tyres digging in and finding grip
below the greasy surface. At the wheel,
a sideburn-sporting motoring journalist
looks impressed with the performance of Original seats have seen better days
the Ninety, the latest short wheelbase utility
vehicle from Land Rover. He’d probably Coil springs made it far more capable than the
old Series III 88in
started out on the gentle ‘white’ run that
morning before realising that it was no
challenge for the new vehicle and quickly
switched to the most challenging ‘black’
route. No doubt he was delighted by the
way the vehicle just seemed to glide over
the lumps and bumps, the coil springs
ensuring the tyres remained in contact with
the ground.
Like many others of his profession, just
over a year earlier, he’d most likely attended
the launch of its bigger brother, the One
Ten, a vehicle that combined the utility of
the Land Rover 109in with the comfort of
the Range Rover and he knew it wouldn’t be
long before a short version would be added
‘One of my favourite
press images of a
launch Ninety is
of A838 KRW at
the timber yard at
Land Rover’s marketing was focusing on classic car status, and early examples are
the long-term costs given the well-proven now attracting the attentions of enthusiasts.
longevity of the utility vehicles. In the past, original engines were replaced by Early fuel caps didn’t lock
Little did our journalist know that 34 years the ubiquitous 200Tdi and assorted off-road
later, a version of this capable but basic bling and paraphernalia added. Now the trend
vehicle would have only recently gone out is moving towards preserving these vehicles
of mainstream production and would have and indeed putting them back to original
iconic status the world over. Only in the specification. I know all too well of ‘mistakes’
wildest of dreams would he have thought in the past, my own early Ninety has been
that Land Rover would be building a 70th through the same process in my hands!
anniversary luxury version with 400bhp In particular, the vehicles used on the
and a price tag starting at £150,000. launch event and in contemporary press
The original Ninety has recently made images are the ones to find and while they
the tough journey from being an old car to aren’t fetching silly money at the moment,
abuse and modify for playing off-road to they definitely need to be watched. Most Galvanised inner wings in good condition
Chunky XCL tyres were fitted for the launch Avon TMs, the chunky XCL mud tyres gave
additional off-road ability to impress the
motoring press. They were actually a military
specification tyre and are quite difficult to
get hold of these days but they just complete
the look. Interestingly, there is Dymo tape
by the driver’s door striker plate quoting the
pressures – 25psi front and 35psi rear – and
we believe this was fitted for the launch
event. There are plenty of original early
Ninetys out there to find, some are just nice
every day vehicles but there are still a
number out there with factory history that
we don’t know about. Keep your eyes peeled
for VC, RW and WK local identifiers! a
accurately as VIN numbers are mixed in models used at the launch event, evidence
with other vehicle models so this confirmed suggests that it was originally built as a basic
Launch of the Ninety also saw a facelift on the
that it was an exceptionally early vehicle. It hard top. While it is slightly scruffy, the
One Ten
was registered in May 1984 for the launch chassis isn’t too far gone to be repaired to a
and while we’ve not yet found photos of it good standard. The important thing is that
in action, we know it was dispatched to the an interesting and significant piece of Land
publicity department. Rover history has been saved from being
As with many early coil spring vehicles, trashed and picked for parts, a fate that has
A832 KRW has been slightly ‘Defenderised’ befallen a few factory vehicles over the years.
with a 200Tdi engine and a ‘bad boy’ David is collecting parts to return it more
straight-through exhaust. It was originally towards launch specification, the more
built as a 2,286cc petrol (the factory literature notable is a set of standard rims fitted
called it the 2.3) and it retains the original with the original off-road launch tyres,
fuel pump and filter bowl just in front of the Michelin XCL 750 R16. While the original
offside rear wheel. While there were soft top base specification tyre was still 600-16
Bulkhead has survived well
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Perentie In part one of a two-part comprehensive
study, Craig Watson looks at the history and
4x4 variant of Perentie Land Rovers
he Australian Army is currently
conveyor lines at JRA’s Moorbank facility. Only
replacing its ageing leet of Land Through the 1970s four-wheel drive sales
about five vehicles were completed each day.
Rovers, many of which have already in Australia began to grow exponentially as Photo courtesy Land Rover Australia
found their way into private ownership. But the civilian leisure vehicle market grew and
there’s much more to these very special, became mainstream. Vehicles from Japanese
Australian designed and built Land Rovers manufacturers began to dominate the
than meets the eye. market, particularly due to their powerful
Land Rover has been a major supplier of four-litre six-cylinder engines.
vehicles to the Australian Army since 1958, Land Rovers, by comparison, were regarded
but those supplied from 1987 under Project as sturdy and reliable, but lacking in creature
Perentie, and the later Project Bushranger, comfort and highway performance.
are unique to this country and in many ways A diesel engine had been on offer from
superior to what was on offer from the UK. Land Rover (UK) since 1957 but even by
Although only a handful of Series Land the late 1970s, with diesel power gaining in
Rovers were supplied in 1958, some 1,841 popularity following the second fuel crisis
Series II, 4,776 Series IIA and 2,303 Series of 1979, diesel Land Rovers were considered
III were supplied to the Australian Army underpowered for Australian conditions.
between 1959 and 1981. Around 75% were One 1981 report on the 2.3-litre diesel
109in long-wheelbase versions and virtually Land Rover, with 45.6kw, described it as
all the Series III units featured the Rover producing “modest performance but with
six-cylinder petrol engine.
Many were essentially the same as the
civilian version, with some modiications to
meet army requirements, while others were
highly specialised vehicles. These included
184 ambulances, with special integral bodies,
Fitted For Radio (FFR) mobile radio stations,
and maintenance vehicles (mobile workshops).
But the numbers involved and the
fact they were all assembled locally
with signiicant local content, show the
importance of the army contract to Land
Rover in Australia at the time.
British Aerospace also supplied 58 fully-
imported 101 Forward Control models
independently from Land Rover Australia,
speciically for use as tractors for the Rapier
mobile anti-aircraft surface to air missiles
(SAMs), between 1976 and 1978.
Project Perentie
In 1981, the army issued its requirements
for future lightweight and light trucks (one
and two-tonne) and called for tenders.
One of the army requirements, due to
Commonwealth government stipulation
as well as the need for local supply and
support, was that the vehicles had to be
assembled in Australia, with as much local
content as possible. It was also necessary
storage box that also slides out. ABOVE: A Perentie 4x4 FFR being air-lifted
One of the army requirements was that the by a Chinook heavy-lift helicopter during a
Land Rovers had to be air-transportable: in Combined Arms Training Activity (CATA) at
the case of the 4x4 that included being able Townsville, Queensland. Photo by Cpl David
to be transported slung under a Chinook Cotton © Commonwealth of Australia
RIGHT: A Regional Force Surveillance Vehicle
helicopter. They also have to be able to be
easily hoisted on and off ships by crane. Patrol from Norforce’s Darwin Squadron
pose for a photo in Arnhem Land, Northern
Therefore, all Perenties have lifting hooks
Territory. Photographer unknown.
front and rear and the centre of gravity (CG)
© Commonwealth of Australia
is identiied on both sides of every vehicle.
“In terms of the whole development, we
put as much effort into the four-wheel drive heavily armed vehicle with a number of
vehicles as we did to the six-wheel drive”, unique and interesting features.
Habgood explains. “Even though the six- Most notable are the door-mounted
wheel drive is seen as sort of the Australian spare wheels. As the normal positions for
development, but so is the four-wheel drive, the spares in the 4x4 Perenties are either
because we certainly wouldn’t have won the under the rear of the chassis or in the rear
contract with the basic UK Land Rover.” cargo area, neither location was considered
suitable for the requirements of the SRV.
Special Forces SRV Rover Australia developed lightweight
Prior to Project Perentie the Special Air frames to support the spare wheels, mounted
Service Regiment (SAS), Australia’s most to the body using the original door frames
elite ighting unit, had used Series IIA-based and supports, which swing out like normal
4x4 Long Range Patrol Vehicles (LRPVs). doors. Although not providing any sort of
While a unique LRPV would be developed armour protection, they do provide a limited
from the 6x6 Perentie, a 4x4 vehicle of amount of protection from small arms ire.
a similar concept has also been deployed The SRVs also have a forward mounted
since the late 1990s with the Commando machine gun for the front passenger, a
Regiment. Known as the Surveillance rotating heavy machine gun mount in
Reconnaissance Vehicle Special Forces the back, a crew step on the back and the
(SRV SF) it is a highly modiied and capability to carry three or four crew.
Engine: Isuzu
Type: 4BD1
Fuel: Diesel
Displacement: 3.9lt
Power: 66kW (89bhp) @ 3,200rpm
Torque: 245Nm (181 ft lb) @1,900rpm
Length: 4865mm (191.5in)
Width: 1790mm (70.5in) plus mirrors
Height (unladen): 2066mm (81.3in)
Wheelbase: 2784mm (109.6in)
Weight: 2,250kg (2.21ton) unladen;
3,200kg (3.15ton) laden
of 4x4. “It wasn’t a very sophisticated The only member of the team kept on was
production line”, explained Habgood. “We George Fowler, who transferred across to
did them in batches. It was basically to an Rover Australia to head up the maintenance
army schedule, which we sat down with and support for the army Land Rovers for the
army and agreed to, then tried to stick to it.” required ten years of the Perentie contract.
In 1991, with a year left to run on the
Perentie contract, JRA, which had been Follow-on and Bushranger
formed in 1983 following a management Ironically, three years later the army decided
buy-out of the troubled Leyland Australia, to exercise its option within the Perentie
ran into inancial trouble due to two contract for additional vehicles, through its
main factors: follow-on clause and Project Bushranger.
• The introduction of the luxury car tax, Bushranger was for the supply of an
which affected Jaguar, Rover and Range Infantry Mobility Vehicle (IMV), with phase
Rover models – ie, most of JRA’s products, all one, beginning in 1993, being for modiied
of which were fully-imported – and resulted Perenties to be supplied as Interim Infantry
in a severe downturn in luxury car sales. Mobility Vehicles (IIMVs).
• The fallout from the ive-month pilot’s This took Rover Australia by surprise, as
dispute of 1989 meant that busses (JRA also they no longer had the capacity to provide
owned Dennings coaches at the time) sold the vehicles as speciied by the contract.
in good numbers for a short period, but Land Rover (and the entire Austin Rover
those sales soon dried up with the end of Group, and by extension Rover Australia) at
the dispute and bus sales generally over the that time was owned by British Aerospace
next few years were slow. (BAe), who had a military vehicles division
JRA wasn’t owned by Rover in the UK, at Wingield in Adelaide, South Australia.
but was a locally-owned distributor. JRA’s Rover Australia was directed to liaise with
assets were taken over by Rover, who BAe in Adelaide for the production of the
wanted the Australian arm to become solely extra Perentie and Bushranger Land Rovers.
an importer of UK-built vehicles. This was co-ordinated by George Fowler
However, under the Perentie contract, the in Sydney, with the Adelaide enterprise
vehicles had to be Australian-assembled managed by Graham Fairhead from the UK,
and supported, so Land Rover was forced
to re-establish Rover Australia Pty Ltd, as
a wholly-owned subsidiary, and continue
RIGHT: A Perentie 4x4 Land Rover 110 is hooked
local production until the end of the
up to an MRH-90 helicopter during an external
contract in 1992. load trial for the helicopter. Photo by AC Phillip
At that time, after conirming that no Sharpe © Commonwealth of Australia
more vehicles were required by the army, BELOW: Commandos from 2 Company, 1
Rover Australia closed down the assembly Commando Regiment, on an exercise in
plant at Moorebank on September 30, 1992, South Australia’s Cultana Range, in their
stored away the jigs, sold off the hand tools Surveillance Reconnaissance Vehicle Special
and laid off the production and engineering Forces (SRV SF). Photo by Cpl Chris Moore. ©
staff, including Ray Habgood. Commonwealth of Australia
Land Rover anyway), but Rover Australia at more than four years and as yet none have
the time was not permitted to tender for it. been deployed with the SASR overseas. Acknowledgements
It is also a reality that with Land Rover’s Most of the 4x4 GS are in the process The best source for information on
recent focus on soft-roader vehicles, and of being replaced by the 4x4 Mercedes Perentie, and all Australian military
the recent demise of the Defender, and with G-wagon, while the specialised 4x4 units, Land Rovers, is undoubtedly the website
no local manufacturing facilities, they do such as the SRV SF, will be replaced by the www.remlr.com (Registry of Ex-Military
not currently have the capacity to produce all-Australian Thales Hawkei. Land Rovers) from where much of the
anything of the same standard or to meet The Project Perentie Land Rover was information for the story has come.
the needs of the modern army anyway. undoubtedly the biggest and most successful Two other valuable sources were
So versatile are the Perentie Land Rovers undertaking by Land Rover in Australia.
the thesis by Ray Habgood, former
that it is taking ive different vehicles, from It gave the Australian military a world-
engineering manager at Land Rover
three different manufacturers to replace them. class and highly versatile group of vehicles
Some of the 6x6, including the and was done by a small band of dedicated Australia, for the Society of Automotive
Bushranger IIMVs, will be replaced with Australians, independently from their UK Engineers - Australia, titled: Australian
the Australian-built Thales Bushmaster, parent company. Development of the Land Rover One Ten
while others are being replaced by the 6x6 They have every reason to be proud of for the Civilian and Military Market and
Mercedes G-wagon. The highly-specialised
LRPVs for the SAS are being replaced
what they achieved. a Project Perentie - Phase 2.
These were supplemented by a personal
by the Supacat – the locally assembled interview with Ray Habgood.
versions being named the Nary – LRPV. Also the books: Combat Land Rovers
However, it is understood that the SAS Portfolio No.1 by Bob Morrison and
LEFT: Familiar faces. Patrolman Private Manuel
Regiment wants to keep its Land Rovers Brown from the Tiwi Islands takes advantage Land Rover File - 65 Anniversary Edition
and is resisting the change. The Supacat of the Norforce display at the Oenpelli Cultural by Eric Dymock.
has been undergoing extensive testing for Festival to catch up with, and camouflage his Thanks are also due to Land Rover
nephew and niece, eight-year-old Jaque Gebadi Australia for access to some of their
and four-year-old Jamieleah Taylor. Photographer archives and to the Media Unit of the
unknown. © Commonwealth of Australia. Australian Department Of Defence.
BELOW: A Regional Force Surveillance Vehicle History of Leyland, JRA and Rover
from Darwin Squadron crosses the East Alligator Australia also came from The BMC
River into Arnhem Land, near the top end
Experience archives and newspaper
indigenous community of Oenpelli during a driver
training activity in the region. Photographer
articles sourced through the National
unknown. © Commonwealth of Australia Library of Australia, via trove.nla.gov.au
Though the war had been won, there were many who
struggled to feel the sense of relief and joy that swept
through the Allied nations.
One of the first of the national projects to
commemorate the fallen was the Bond of Sacrifice.
Thanks to the persistence of one man, an enormous
scheme was devised to ensure that those who lost
their lives in conflict would never be forgotten.
With the land for cemeteries and memorials
guaranteed, it was after the Armistice that the
enormous task of recording the details of the dead
began in earnest.
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267 HYP as part of the 70th birthday parade at Goodwood Festival of Speed
long with the realisation that it’s unit within hours of it arriving with them.
been a long time since the Series That meant that the Series II could
II appeared in these pages, came make its way down through France to A mad dash from Le Mans to Caen may have
acknowledgement that it’s been one heck Le Mans for the classic racing and with contributed to a blown head gasket
of a busy summer - aided of course by the temperatures topping 30°C, I was glad
wonderful weather. the cooling system was in good order. A
It was, of course, the usual mix of ups fuelling problem on the return journey
and downs: time spent gently rubbing (just as we were trying to ‘dash’ for
back an area of galvanised coating on the the ferry), resulted in some very rough
chassis slowly revealed the factory stamp. running. But with no time to investigate
This confirmed what I was certain of all deeper, except for trying to clean the jets
along: as well as the engine, gearbox, and filter in the Weber carburettor, we
running gear, body and most other soldiered on and caught the boat, having
ancillaries, the bulkhead and chassis are to keep the choke out to stop it from
most definitely the original items. stalling at every junction - the issue then Water pump rebuilt after play discovered
Does it matter? Not really. Ownership is clearing as we boarded the ferry.
about using, enjoying and maintaining Related to the mad dash or not, a blown Maybe it was the fact that I then
where necessary, but in a world where head gasket followed soon after; the abandoned it and disappeared to Australia
it is not unusual for some Land Rovers contents of the radiator looking more like for two weeks, or that I have just become
to be celebrated for their history despite a coffee shop mocha than a mixture of slightly complacent to its mechanical
perhaps having had most of the major anti-freeze and water. A long day resulted upkeep, but the Series II has now rewarded
component parts replaced in the process of in a strip down and replacement and the me with a difficult-to-trace occasional
a restoration, it is satisfying to know that 88in then completed a test-run the next hesitation. Fuelling seems to be okay, and
good old ‘Trans-Africa’ is, for the most day to Dorset and back - just a couple of it starts on the button so investigations are
part, present and correct! hundred miles to bed it all in! in progress. One thing is for sure though,
Following that train of thought meant In between all of this of course, the Series the time appears to be right to finally get
that when the water pump began to make II ran up the hill at Goodwood as part the original 1959-dated Solex carburettor
unwelcome noises, I opted not to find a of the 70th celebration at the Festival of rebuilt and refitted in place of the Weber
replacement, but had the one that has Speed and cracked on with its usual duties 34ICH that has served the 88in well. At
been on the 88in for at least 20 years of school runs, tip trips and the occasional least it will mean I can confirm that side of
overhauled. SP Water Pumps did an commute, as well as prom transport for our things are OK; after that, it will be the tired
absolutely superb job and refurbished the eldest son and his mates. engine that needs a rebuild.
ow to unwind and de-stress from
the rigours and madness of daily life ‘To travel along
in 2018 is quite a contested topic.
For some it involves an alcoholic drink or at a pace dictated
two in front of the television to consume
whatever shows appeal to them, for others
not by a clock but
it may be feeling the ‘burn’ in the gym or
the flexibility of yoga. These are perfectly
by the vehicle’
acceptable, ‘and it harm none’ so to speak.
For me, driving has been my modus
operandi when it comes to unwinding
ever since learning to drive in the family’s
109in aged 11. All the way up to and
beyond getting my first car, driving has
been my passion, my hobby. With driving
came that elusive freedom - the ability
to escape the maddening crowds and just
be me, by myself with my machine. This
‘freedom’ was greatly expanded when I A lane with a view on the
got my first Land Rover, my beloved 1983 way home from work
Series III109in, called Ary, as with it came
the ability to go even further away from no more. I’ve a few times heard people who a wise one not only for the calming relaxing
society and for longer periods. don’t ‘get’ them bemoaning them, the most effect of having one of my favourite vehicles
Calming. Relaxing. Stress relieving. These regular complaint being the inability to here with me, but also because my new
are words not commonly associated with keep up with ‘modern traffic’ commute takes me over the moorland, and
Series Land Rovers but for me they’ve To me this lack of haste is part of the already I’ve encountered quite spectacular
always had a cathartic effect, be it from appeal. To travel along at a pace dictated flooding. Sometimes passions are justified,
greenlaning or even just driving on road. not by a clock but by the vehicle, to arrive regardless of the expense!
Many people have described how a Series when I’ll arrive is part of the experience.
Land Rover imbues every journey with a Because a Series truck is an experience,
sense of adventure, no matter how menial. which some folks won’t enjoy. But for those A supporting video for this
To me every journey done in a Series Land who do, those who ‘get’ it, the rewards are article can be seen on the NoEgo YouTube
Rover has this and more. You cannot be gratifying; the sense of arrival, as already channel: https://youtu.be/uDct59Iroj0
rushed; they travel at the speed they go at, said every journey becomes an adventure!
Mike Flannery
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Half a dozen Canadian Military
Pattern trucks in Kent
A Hagglunds BV206 that has found a
new lease of life after its army use
A desert painted Morris FAT Quad,
limber and 25-pdr from Somerset
January 2019 issue available 20 December
Craig Allen gives a home to an elderly Discovery and he couldn’t be more pleased
hen casting around for a
new project I quickly become
dismayed at the current
trajectory of Classic Land Rover prices.
Even the humble Series III, once available
for reasonable money, is becoming a more
expensive prospect. In fact it would be
hard to find a half-decent vehicle for the
£1,200 I originally paid for my 88in.
It may have been rough and ready but
was drivable and had a current MOT. Now
examples held together mainly with rust
are being offered for £2,000 and more as Jason and Marina po
‘projects’. This relentless rise in prices has se with the Series III in
their new unit
been fed by the highly desirable status
of early Series Ones swiftly followed by
Series IIs making it tough on the average the Discovery 1. and often cited as the key to the marque’s
enthusiast on a budget. I had always hankered after a Discovery survival back in the 90s.
Therefore when looking for something but simply couldn’t afford one back in In fact the Discovery 1, once ubiquitous
usable and affordable to keep the miles the day. Now they are old and worn at on Britain’s roads, is becoming rarer as
off my Defender I decided to take another the bottom of their value cycle with only many have been scrapped or become
course. This led me to one of the few older early three-door and press launch models donors for their engines and running gear.
generation Land Rovers which don’t cost gaining interest. This is surprising as they Others have soldiered on as tow cars and
serious money to either buy or restore - were an important vehicle for Land Rover farmers’ hacks while many have been
The Conran-inspired interior still looks good and cleaned up well with soap and water
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S U B S C R I B E R S C A L L F O R Y O U R £ 1. 0 0 D I S C O U N T !
n the last instalment, CAS 496’s The best type of paint to use is partly down surfaces, but will not last long on a
bulkhead and front panel had been to personal preference and partly down to smooth panel.
sent away to be blasted and hot-zinc the surface to be painted. Once the top coat has been chosen, a
sprayed while other parts were repaired Choosing a modern two-pack (2K) paint is suitable primer must be selected. Different
and shot-blasted. the easiest way to achieve a durable high- primers are suited to different surface
Shot blasting provides an excellent surface gloss finish, however, it is expensive and finishes, will have different levels of ‘build’
for new paint to adhere to, but the metal will contains isocyanates which can pose serious to smooth out imperfections and may not be
quickly corrode if left unprotected, so paint risks to health. compatible with certain top coats.
must be applied promptly after blasting. A good re-spray in 2K paint can give an Sometimes a pre-treatment will be
Choosing the correct type of paint is far more early Series vehicle a finish of a far higher required before priming. Galvanised parts
in-depth than picking your favourite colour. In standard than when it left the factory, some can be treated with mordant solution
this case, the bulkhead and body parts would purists may argue that this is not authentic. T-wash before etch priming, priming and
be painted in satin Deep Bronze Green, the Traditional paints can give a more period- finishing. Alloy panels must be etch-primed
galvanised sill sections would be freshened correct look and cost less, however, some in order for subsequent coats to adhere.
up with some cold galvanising spray and can be slow to cure and colours will be more When selecting paint, consideration must
everything else would get several coats of satin prone to fading. also be given to whether it will be applied
black. A durable finish would take priority A variety of modern single-pack paints by brush, spray or roller. All methods have
over an exact colour match in this case as are also available which can offer a good their advantages and drawbacks: the parts
John, the IIA’s owner, wished to paint the compromise. Some DIY paints provide for CAS 496 would all be sprayed for a good
whole vehicle himself after re-assembly. excellent adhesion to pitted and rusty finish and even coverage.
1. Shot-blasted parts are checked for defects then 2. Galvanised sill sections were lightly blasted to 3. The steering box’s aluminium parts were
sprayed with primer on both sides before applying clean then coated with cold galvanising spray masked before painting the steel sections satin
the satin black top coat black
4. Wheels were refitted to the shot-blasted rear 5. The first coat applied to the rear axle casing: 6. The satin black top-coat is a single-pack (1K)
axle to manipulate it for spraying A multi-purpose two-pack high-build etch primer synthetic enamel which can be brushed from the
which can be applied to steel or alloy tin or thinned and sprayed…
7. …Unlike a 2K paint which must be mixed 8. Front axle casing: synthetic enamel can be slow 9. With the paint dry, the differential’s pinion seal
with a specific percentage of hardener just before to dry and cure but the type of thinner chosen can retainer can be overhauled. This is a separate alloy
application alter drying time part on pre-1970 models…
10. …On later models, the seal must be prised 11. Stub-axle assemblies had been overhauled 12. The re-assembled front axle can be unwieldy
out of the one-piece casing. Here, the seal was when the IIA was last on the road, so were to manoeuvre until the overhauled track rod has
installed while the retainer was stripped checked, cleaned and fitted with new oil seals been installed
13. These semi-elliptic leaf springs had only 14. Springs are handed as well as different 15. Removing each spring’s centre bolt easily
been fitted for a short time before upgrading to front to rear, so were cleaned without removing releases the lower leaves for cleaning and allows
parabolic springs markings space to clean between the upper leaves
16. The centre bolt is coated with copper grease 17. Polyurethane spring eye bushes were to be 18. Springs will be will be wrapped in Denso tape
and the leaves with graphite paste. Some prefer to fitted to match those in the chassis. A bench vice is once fitted: A traditional method to prevent dirt
assemble dry sufficient to press these in ingress causing abrasion between the leaves
19. Freshly blasted and hot-zinc sprayed bulkhead 20. Any surface imperfections are now clearly 21. …Taking care not to sand through the
and front panel from M&H Metal Spraying visible, a little Upol Top Stop Gold finishing filler is hot-zinc coating and compromise the corrosion
(01594 562317) applied and lightly sanded… protection…
22. …Only the exposed door pillars and outside 23. The gearbox diaphragm cover is another steel 24. A gravity-fed high velocity low pressure spray
of the front panel are flatted smooth before the part which needs thorough cleaning and painting gun is used, supplied with air from a 200-litre
high-build etch-primer is applied to keep rust at bay 240v air compressor
25. The easiest way to ensure complete paint 26. …Spraying outside offers excellent light and 27. …Before spraying commences on the engine
coverage is to spray parts on one side, then re- ventilation, but operations had to move inside bay side of the bulkhead. Awkward areas are
position to spray the other… when rain clouds started looming. Tack rags sprayed first…
remove dust…
28. …Before moving across the bulkhead applying 29. Richards Chassis delivery for CAS 496 and for 30. Chassis can be difficult to manoeuvre without
an even coat to avoid overspray or runs. After another 88in. Fresh zinc looks smart but will be assistance, a pair of small wheels bolted to the
several coats, the bulkhead is left to dry painted black for extra protection spring hangers makes it much easier
31. The new chassis is stamped with the original 32. A gallon of mordant solution T-wash is quite 33. T-wash is brushed on then washed off with
serial number. The registration number is also inexpensive and is sufficient to prepare numerous plenty of water. The zinc turns a dark grey as the
stamped in various places as a theft deterrent chassis for paint T-wash works
34. Once the water is blown away, the chassis is 35. After applying several coats of satin black with 36. …Several more passes with the spray gun
left in front of a heater to dry thoroughly before the chassis stood on its side, it is lowered onto the ensure that no parts have been missed. Next time,
spraying with etch primer wheels to roll outside… the re-assembly can begin!
am a rivet counter – there, I’ve said it including the exceptionally rare four-
and there’s probably no cure for it! As and-a-half in rim as fitted to 1948 and
with many Land Rover enthusiasts, I early 1949 year models. In October I
like the minutiae of parts and age-correct was invited to JLR’s Classic Works in
details. While my knowledge of the parts’ Coventry to see the product in the flesh,
books isn’t quite committed to memory, I learn more about the Classic Genuine
can quote a few off the top of my head. Parts programme and get an update A rare glimpse of
the original engin
One of the most memorable to me is on the Land Rover and Range Rover drawings for the eering
231601 wheel
231601 which is a standard rim as fitted to Reborn Programmes.
SWB Series Land Rovers. The rivet counter The movers and shakers behind the
in me also knows that there are a number remake of the wheels and the general Reborn programme over the past few years,
of variations-over-year models, despite the expansion of the availability of genuine overseeing the build of the finest early
same number - the most notable during parts are Calum McKechnie, global general Land Rovers on the planet.
the early stages of 80in development. manager of JLR’s Classic Parts and Michael Early on in our tour, Calum explained
Land Rover Classic Parts recently Bishop, Land Rover Classic’s product that Classic Parts is committed to
announced that it had started making specialist. Michael has put his heart and improving the availability of genuine parts
wheels to the original specification, soul into developing the Land Rover and to have parts re-manufactured and
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A sobering sig
ne drizzly Saturday morning in began to dissolve the night away. Hues of
mid-October I met up with fellow orange, red and purple greeted us as we
members of the Herts Laning Group arrived at the ferry terminal just before 7am.
at South Mimms services on the M25. As we waited in line for passport control
I was the first to arrive in my trusty I noticed the sign stating ‘no spare fuel
Series III, Mattilda, Rick was next, in his cans’. I glanced at the full Jerrycan sitting
Discovery 2, followed by Paul (aka The in my passenger footwell and hastily slung
Leader Of The Pack) and his teenage son a jacket over it. Mattilda still runs on its
Aidan in the Franken Rover – technically a original 2,286cc petrol engine so I’d already
Series III but so hybridised now it’s hard to used most of a tank just getting there! I
know how many motors have gone into its vowed next time to refill the tank from
construction – and eventually, Jamie in his the can before reaching this point. But the
‘04 plate Defender 110. jacket worked, and we all boarded together.
And so we set off, bound for Dover and The crossing was smooth and the on-board
the 7:40am ferry to Calais. The drive down breakfast was actually pretty good (if a
was uneventful, the roads were clear and tad expensive) and we arrived at Calais at
the Dartford crossing was free (apparently around 10:30am local time.
they only charge between 6am and 10pm, Once passport control had been cleared
bonus!) and as we approached Dover the our first stop was a local Auchan shopping
rain stopped and the sky cleared as daylight centre to stock up on snacks. I took the
A Weekend
to Remember
Keith Smith and friends made a quick dash across
the Channel to visit some of the battlefields of World War Two
opportunity to investigate a mildly ominous views. It’s possible that the glorious weather
rattle suddenly coming from Mattilda’s that weekend helped (sunshine and 24ºC!).
gearbox which fortunately turned out to It wasn’t long before we began
be nothing more than a slightly low clutch encountering World War Two reminders.
fluid level in the reservoir and so was cured A fortified bunker in the middle of a field
by a top-up. served to remind us of this area’s violent past,
The basic plan was simple; follow and though peaceful and agricultural now,
(roughly) the route of the battlefields tour, we each privately wondered what the scene
which Paul had done previously and had was like 75 years ago. In truth it’s not hard
loaded into his mapping software. Generally to picture; the area is littered with such relics
speaking, unpaved roads in France are and, as we were soon to discover, some were
driveable unless marked as private, and more powerful reminders than others.
though none of the routes we encountered After a quick stop for coffee on a beautiful
were in any way challenging, they were hillside with a view of the English Channel,
great fun to drive and offered some great we soon came upon the Cap Gris-Nez,
Coffee stop
The Hourglass
Musee Todt
these, the Batterie Todt, was our next stop. there are a number of graves dedicated to
Originally intended to be called the Batterie British servicemen who fought alongside
Seigfried, it was renamed in honour of Fritz the Canadians to liberate this part of
Todt, a German engineer responsible for the France (the Canadians were instrumental in
‘Leopold’ - a really really big gun Atlantic Wall who died in a plane crash just winning back Dunkirk from the Nazis). If
days before the Batterie went online. you’ve never visited a war cemetery before
Among its vast array of artillery is a – as I hadn’t – it’s quite difficult to prepare
Krupp railway gun named ‘Leopold’ with yourself for the sheer gravity of the place.
a calibre of 15in, which, via the magic It’s one thing to see the lines of headstones,
of quick manual calculations, we figured not in itself so very different to any other
had sufficient range to hit Ashford or cemetery (except for the cleanliness), but
Canterbury from its position on the French what really got to me were the unnamed
coast. The batterie is now a museum which graves, the young ages of the deceased
still has holes in its walls from shelling (most were under 25), and the thought of
and gives a glimpse into life as a German so many young men being killed so far
soldier during the war – one of the more from home and their loved ones. I’m not
chilling aspects is the realisation that you’re usually one to dwell on such things but it’s
standing in a spot visited by Hitler himself! impossible not to be moved by the sheer
Moving on from there and via a few more tragedy of it all, and it is a testament to the
lovely dirt tracks, we found ourselves at honour bestowed upon the sacrifice of these
the Calais Canadian War cemetery. Though men that so many years later the graves
This thing would probably go anywhere off road
(obviously) predominantly Canadian, are so well tended that they look like the
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n a recent CLR I wrote about David way in those early days. Records suggest likely that this is because it was kitted out
Maingot’s Swiss Army 100in trial that there were three soft tops and a truck as a military demonstrator and was sent
vehicle and gave a resume of the cab variant. out to Brittany to compete in French Army
development and ultimate demise of the It seems that while VVC 701S was the trials. It had a V8 engine and LT95 gearbox
100in model. One of the vehicles I referred second vehicle built (it carried chassis as fitted to the Range Rover and Stage I.
to was VVC 701S and it just happens that number LBGAV2AA000002 and engine Careful analysis of the photo shows us
I recently saw a rare photograph of it in number 28-LR-2), it was the first 100in it had a modified Salisbury axle, rear and
Roger Crathorne’s archives. prototype to be road-registered. It is very side-mounted fuel tanks and was fitted
VVC 701S was a semi-engineered 100in with modified Series III bodywork. The
prototype registered in September 1977. chassis was a re-engineered Range Rover
The Stage 2 (coil spring) project had been
signed off at Eastnor Castle in January
‘The Stage 2 (coil unit. The vehicle was fitted with a Stage
I-type front and grille, adorned with a
1977 and by the end of the year four spring) project had Land Rover badge taken from a cut-down
100in vehicles had been built. Series III grille.
At the time, product planning looked been signed off at Note the fact that it is LHD but has been
at building 100in and 110in models and it fitted with headlamp beam deflectors for
was actually the 100in model that led the Eastnor Castle in driving on European roads. Records suggest
January 1977’ it was scrapped in August 1983 but who
knows, perhaps it escaped this fate and is
out there still to be discovered?
Features include:
RE be preserved.
Islands Dream
Paul Bracey’s Ninety was used in the
1986 Camel Trophy. It has seen more life
than most Land Rovers but is still going
Happy Anniversary
Changing times at Land Rover led to
the production of the 40th anniversary
Ninety, the first in a sequence of
anniversary models.
Means of Survival
It takes a special type of Defender to cope
with the inhospitable Icelandic winter.
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