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HP 3478A Digital Multimeter

Service Manual

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Section I, II, Ill

General Information
and Operation


Section IV
and Calibration

Serial Numbers: This manual applies directly to in-

struments with Serial Number 2619A37795 and above. I
Section V
If the Serial Number of your instrument is lower than the one on
Replaceable Parts
this Title Page, the manual contains revisions that do not apply to
your instrument. Backdating information given in Section VI adapts
the manual to earlier instruments.

To help minimize the possibility of electrical fire or shock hazards,
do not expose this instrument to rain or excess moisture.
Section VI
The information in this manual is for the use of Service Trained Per-
sonnel. To avoid shock, do not perform any procedures in the

manual or do any servicing to the 347BA unless you are qualified
to do so.

Section VII

Manual Part No. 03478-90008

Microfiche Part No. 03478-99008

©Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1981, 1987,

P.O. Box 301, Loveland, Colorado, 80539 U.S.A

• Printed: September 1987

Edition 2: E0987
--------------------lfll ~!~;:~6--------------------

Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time vl ship-
ment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to
the National Institute of Standards and Technologies, to the extent allowed by the Institllle's calibration

facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members.

This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of one year from date of shipment [,except that in the case of certain components listed in Section I of this
manual, the warranty shall be for the specified period]. During the warranty period, Hewlett-Packard Company
will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective.

For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by -hp-. Buyer shall
prepay shipping charges to -hp- and -hp- shall pay shipping charges to return the product to Buyer. However,
Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to -hp- from another country.

Duration and conditions of warranty for this instrument may be superceded when the instrument is integrated
into (becomes a part of) other -hp- instrument products.

Hewlett-Packard warrants that its software and firmware designated by -hp- for use with an instrument will ex-
ecute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. Hewlett-Packard does not war-
rant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free.


The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, •
Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmen-
tal specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.






Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for Hewlett-Packard

For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. Addresses are provided at
the back of this manual.

A 3/11/83 •
r---------Ff/~ H E W L E T T - - - - - - - - - - - - .

• Herstellerbescheinigung

Hiermit wird bescheinigt, da{3 das Geri:lt/System __

H_P_3_4_7_8_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in Ubereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen von PostverfOgung 1046/84 funkentstort ist.

Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das lnverkehrbringen dieses Gerates/Systems angezeigt und
die Berechtigung zur UberprUfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeraumt.

Zusatzinformation fur Mef3· und Testgeriite

Werden Me{3- und Testgedhe mit ungeschirmten Kabeln und/oder in offenen Me{3aufbauten
verwendet, so ist vom Betreiber sicherzustellen, da{3 die Funk-Entstarbestimmungen unter
Betriebsbedingungen an seiner GrundstUcksgrenze eingehalten werden.

Manufacturer's declaration

This is to certify that the equipment __ H_P_3_4_7_8_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

is in accordance with the Radio Interference Requirements of Directive FTZ 1 046/84. The Ger-
man Bundespost was notified that this equipment was put into circulation, the right to check

the series for compliance with the requirements was granted .

Additional Information for Test· and Measurement Equipment

If Test- and Measurement Equipment is operated with unscreened cables and/or used for
measurements on open set-ups, the user has to assure that under operating conditions the Radio
Interference Limits are still met at the border of his premises .

r----------[h~ ~!~Klf~6 ---------.. . .

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this
instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates

safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Hewlett-Packard Company assumes no
liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements. This is a Safety Clau 1 instrument.


To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an elec-
trical ground. The instrument is equipped with a three-conductor ac power cable. The power
cable must either be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used with a
three-contact to two-contact adapter with the grounding wire (green) firmly connected to an
electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the
power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards.


Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any
electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.


Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal
adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components •
with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with
the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits
before touching them.


Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first
aid and resuscitation, is present.


Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or per-
form any unauthorized modification to the instrument. Return the instrument to a Hewlett-·
Packard Sales and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are main-


Warnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerous procedures throughout
this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed.


Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument. Use ex·
treme caution when handliRg, testing, and adjusting.



General Definitions of Safety Symbols Used On Equipment or In Manuals.

Instruction manual symbol: the product will be marked with this

symbol when it is necessary for the user to refer to the instruction
manual in order to protect against damage to the instrument.

Indicates dangerous voltage (terminals fed from the interior by

voltage exceeding 1000 volts must be so marked).

Protective conductor terminal. For protection against electrical

..L OR ~ shock in case of a fault. Used with field wiring terminals to in-
- ~ dicate the terminal which must be connected to ground before
operating equipment.

Low-noise or noiseless, clean ground (earth) terminal. Used for a

signal common, as well as providing protection against electrical
shock in case of a fault. A terminal marked with this symbol must
be connected to ground in the manner described in the installation
(operating) manual, and before operating the equipment.

m OR.L Frame or chassis terminal. A connection to the frame (chassis) of

the equipment which normally includes all exposed metal struc-

Alternating current (power line).

Direct current (power line).

~ Alternating or direct current (power line).

The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a pro-

.__ _ _ _. .
cedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly per-
_ formed or adhered to, could result in injury or death to personnel.

The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an

operating procedure, practice, condition or the like, which,if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or
destruction of part or all of the product.

The NOTE sign denotes important information. It calls attention

to procedure, practice, condition or the like, which is essential to
• Section
I. GENERAL INFORMATION .............. 1-1


1-1. Introduction ....................... 1-1


3-51. General .......................... 3-6

1-3. Section I, General Information ...... 1-1 3-54. Number of Digits Displayed ........ 3-6
1-5. Section II, Installation Procedures ... 1-1 3-57. Auto zero ......................... 3-7
1-7. Section III, Operation ............. 1-1 3-60. Self-Test/Reset Operation .......... 3-7
1-9. Section IV, Performance Test and 3-63. Calibration ....................... 3-7
Calibration ...................... 1-1 3-66. Miscellaneous Operations ............ 3-8
1-11. Section V, Replaceable Parts ....... 1-1 3-67. Voltmeter Complete ............... 3-8
1-13. Section VI, Backdating ............. 1-1 3-69. Remote Operation .................. 3-8
1-15. Section VII, Service ............... 1-1 3-70. General .......................... 3-8
1-17. Appendix A ...................... 1-1 3-74. 3478A Response to Bus Messages ... 3-8
1-19. Description ........................ 1-1 3-92. 3478A Addressing ................ 3-10
1-22. Specifications ...................... 1-1 3-96. Talk-Only Mode (No Controller) ... 3-10
1-24. Instrument and Manual 3-98. 3478A HP-IB Programming ....... 3-11
Identification .................... 1-1 3-117. Advanced Programming ........... 3-14
1-27. Options ........................... 1-5
1-29. Accessories Available ............... 1-5
Section Page
II. INSTALLATION ........................ 2-1 CALIBRATION ....................... 4-1
2-1. Introduction ....................... 2-1 4-1. Introduction ....................... 4-1
2-3. Initial Inspection ................... 2-1 4-3. Test Equipment. ................... 4-1
2-5. Power Requirements ................ 2-1 4-5. Test Cards ........................ .4-1

2-7. Line Frequency and Line 4-7. Performance Test Failures ........... 4-2
Voltage Selection ................. 2-1 4-9. Test Considerations ................. 4-2
2-9. Power Cords and Receptacles ........ 2-2 4-10. Front and Rear Terminals .......... 4-2
2-11. Grounding Requirements ............ 2-2 4-12. Specification ...................... 4-2
2-13. Bench Use and Rack Mounting ...... 2-2 4-16. Reference Temperature ............. 4-2
2-14. Bench Use ........................ 2-2 4-18. Accuracy of Standards ............. 4-2
2-16. Rack Mounting ................... 2-3 4-21. Performance Tests ................. .4-3
2-18. HP-IB Interface Connections ........ 2-3 4-23. DC Volts Test. .................. .4-3
2-21. Address Selection ................... 2-3 4-28. DC Current Test. ................. 4-6
2-24. Environmental Requirements ......... 2-3 4-33. AC Volts Test. ................... 4-6
2-25. Operating and Storage 4-38. AC Current Test. ................ .4-8
Temperature ..................... 2-3 4-43. Ohms Test. ...................... .4-9
2-27. Repackaging for Shipment ........... 2-4 4-48. Calibration Procedure ............. .4-11
4-49. General ......................... 4-11
Section Page 4-55. Calibration Messages ............. 4-12
Ill. OPERATION ............................ 3-1 4-57. DC Volts Calibration ............. 4-12
3-1. Introduction ....................... 3-1 4-61. DC Current Calibration .......... .4-13
3-4. General Information ................ 3-1 4-66. AC Volts Calibration ............. 4-13
3-5. AC Power Operation .............. 3-1 4-72. AC Current Calibration .......... .4-14
3-7. Turn-On ......................... 3-1 4-78. Ohms Calibration ................ 4-14
3-10. Display .......................... 3-1 4-84. Remote Calibration ............... .4-15
3-12. Input Terminals ................... 3-3 4-85. General ......................... 4-15
3-15. Input Terminals Cleaning .......... 3-3 4-89. Remote Calibration Example ...... 4-15
3-17. Front Panel Operation .............. 3-3
3-18. DC Volts Measurements ............ 3-3 Section Page
3-22. AC Volts Measurements ............ 3-4 V. REPLACEABLE PARTS ................. 5-1
3-26. Resistance Measurements ........... 3-4 5-l. Introduction ....................... 5-1
3-30. DC Current Measurements ......... 3-5 5-4. Ordering Information ............... 5-1

• 3-34. AC Current Measurements ......... 3-5

3-38. Ranging .......................... 3-5
3-43. Triggering ........................ 3-5
3-50. Shifted Operation .................. 3-6
5-6. Non-Listed Parts ................... 5-1
5-8. Parts Changes ..................... 5-1
5-10. Propriety Parts ..................... 5-1
5-12. 3478A Disassembly Procedure ....... 5-1

Section Page Section Page
VI. BACKDATING .......................... 6-1 VII. SERVICE (Cont'd)
6-1. Introduction ....................... 6-1 7-13. Fuse Replacement. ................ 7-1
6-4. 2136A03480 & below .............. 6-1 7-15. Troubleshooting .................... 7-2
6-7. 2301A08635 & below .............. 6-1 7-16. Introduction ...................... 7-2
6-8. 2301A18860 & below .............. 6-1 7-18. 3478A Self-Test. .................. 7-2
6-9. 2520A19795 & below .............. 6-1 7-27. Service Group Selection ............ 7-2
6-10. 2520A20970 & below .............. 6-1
6-11. 2520A22585 & below .............. 6-2 Service Groups Page
6-15. 2545A24740 & below .............. 6-3 A DC Volts and DC Current
6-16. 2545A26015 & below .............. 6-3 Troubleshooting ............... 7-A-1
6:20. 2619A26305 & below .............. 6-5 B AC Volts and AC Current
6-22. 2619A32988 & below .............. 6-5 Troubleshooting ................ 7-B-1
C Ohms Troubleshooting ............ 7-C-1
Section Page D AID Converter and Logic
VII. SERVICE ............................... 7-1 Troubleshooting ............... 7-D-1
7-1. Introduction ....................... 7-1 E Power Supplies and Reference
7-3. Safety Considerations ............... 7-1 Troubleshooting ................ 7-E-1
7-8. Recommended Test Equipment. ...... 7-1 F Theory of Operation .............. 7-F-1
7-10. Miscellaneous Information ........... 7-1 G Schematics ...................... 7-G-1
7-11. Instrument Disassembly
(PC Board Replacement) .......... 7-1

APPENDIX A ............................... A-1


Page Table Page

1-1. Specifications .......................... 1-2 6-1. Changes to Table 5-3 ................... 6-1
3-1. Shifted Operations ..................... 3-6 6-2. Changes to Table 6-9 ................... 6-1
3-2. 3478A Error Messages .................. 3-7 6-3. Changes to Table 6-9 ................... 6-1
3-3. 3478A Bus Capabilities ................. 3-8 6-4. Changes to Table 5-3 ................... 6-1
3-4. Status Byte Definitions ................ 3-10 6-5. Changes to Table 1-1. .................. 6-2
3-5. 3478A Address Codes ................. 3-11 6-6. Changes to Table 4-1. .................. 6-2
3-6. 3478A Program Codes ................. 3-12 6-7. Changes to Table 4-3 ................... 6-3
3-7. Binary Status Byte Definition ........... 3-14 6-8. Changes to Table 4-5 ................... 6-3
4-1. Abbreviated Specifications Table ........ .4-1 6-9. 3478A Mechanical and Miscellaneous
4-2. Recommended Test Equipment. ........ .4-1 Parts ............................... 6-4
4-3. DC Volts Test Limits ................... 4-3 6-10. Changes to Table 5-3 ................... 6-5
4-4. DC Current Test Limits ................ 4-6 6-11. Changes to Table 5-3 ................... 6-5
4-5. AC Volts Test Limits .................. .4-7 6-12. Changes to Table 5-4 ................... 6-5
4-6. AC Current Test Limits ................ 4-8 6-13. Changes to Table 5-4 ................... 6-5
4-7. Ohms Test Limits .................... .4-10 7-1. 3478A Service Groups .................. 7-2
5-l. Standard Abbreviations ................. 5-1 7-F-1. Ohms Current and Ranges ............ 7-F-7
5-2. Code List of Manufacturers ............. 5-2 7-F-2. AC Amplifier Gains .................. 7-F-9
5-3. Replaceable Parts List. ................. 5-3 A-1. 3478A Device Capability ............... A-3
5-4. 3478A Mechanical and Miscellaneous A-2. HP-IB Worksheet. ............ .
Parts ............................... 5-8

• Figure

Line Frequency Switch ................. 2-1
Line Select Jumper ..................... 2-2
3478A Left Side View ................. 6-13
Bottom View With Cover Removed ..... 6-13
2-3. Power Cords .......................... 2-2 6-11. Top View With Cover Removed ........ 6-13
2-4. Typical HP-IB System Interconnection ... 2-3 6-12. Front Panel Bracket View .............. 6-13
2-5. HP-IB Connector ...................... 2-4 6-13. Front Panel Assembly ................. 6-13
2-6. 3478A Address Switch .................. 2-4 7-A-1. JM403 SA Connection ............... 7-A-4
3-1. 3478A Front and Rear Panel Features .... 3-3 7-B-1. JM403 SA Connection ................ 7-B-2
3-2. Typical Input Measurement Connection ... 3-3 7-C-1. JM403 SA Connection ............... 7-C-4
3-3. Typical Current· Measurement 7-D-1. U501 ALE Signal. ................... 7-D-2
Connection .......................... 3-3 7-D-2. Flowchart A ........................ 7-D-3
3-4. Ohms Connections ..................... 3-4 7-D-3. Flowchart B ......................... 7-D-5
3-5. Autoranging Points .................... 3-6 7-D-4. Flowchart C ........................ 7-D-6
3-6. Status Byte ............................ 3-9 7-D-5. U 462 ALE Signal .................... 7-D-8
4-1. Ambiguous Regions ................... .4-3 7-D-6. Flowchart D ........................ 7-D-9
4-2. DC Voltage Test and Calibration 7-D-7. JM403 SA Connection .............. 7-D-10
Connections ......................... 4-4 7-F-1. 3478A Simplified Block Diagram ....... 7-F-2
4-3. DC Common Mode Rejection Test ....... 4-5 7-F-2. Simplified Schematic of the Input
4-4. DC Current Test and Calibration Switching Circuitry ................. 7-F-4
Connections ......................... 4-7 7-F-3. Simplified Schematic of the DCIOhms
4-5. AC Voltage Test and Calibration Input Amplifier .................... 7-F-6
Connections ......................... 4-8 7-F-4. Ohms Circuitry Configuration ......... 7-F-6
4-6. AC Current Test and Calibration 7-F-5. AC Gain Configurations .............. 7-F-8
Connections ......................... 4-9 7-F-6. Dual Slope Conversion ............... 7-F-9

• 4-7 .


2-Wire Ohms Test and Calibration
Connections ........................ 4-11
4-Wire Ohms Test and Calibration
Connections ........................ 4-11
4-Wire Ohms Short. ................. .4-12
3478A Front Panel View ................ 5-9
3478A Left Side View .................. 5-9

Simplified AID Converter ............ 7-F-10
Integrator (U401) Output Slopes ...... 7-F-10
Runup Slopes (4 112 Digit Model) .... 7-F-11
Runup Slopes For Zero Inputs
(4 1/2 Model) .................... 7-F-12
Slope S+4 Generation ............... 7-F-12
Slope S-4 Generation ............... 7-F-12
5-3. 3478A Rear Panel View ................. 5-9 7-F-13. Slope S+O and S-0 Generation ...... 7-F-13
5-4. 3478A Right Side View ................. 5-9 7-F-14. Rundown Slopes .................... 7-F-13
5-5. Top View With Cover Removed ......... 5-9 7-F-15. Determining the DAC Setting ......... 7-F-15
5-6. Regulator Detail View .................. 5-9 7-F-16. AID Hybrid (U403) ................. 7-F-15
5-7. Motherboard and Front Panel 7-F-17. 3478A Simplified Reference Circuitry .. 7-F-16
Assembly ........................... 5-9 7-F-18. Power-On Circuitry ................. 7-F-17
5-8. Front Panel Assembly, Rear View ....... 5-9 7-F-19. Reset Circuitry ...................... 7-F-18
6-1. Component Locator Rev B .............. 6-7 7-G-1. General Schematic Notes ............. 7-G-1
6-2. Schematic 4 Revision B Boards .......... 6-7 7-G-2. 3478A Block Diagram ................ 7-G-3
6-3. Component Locator Revision C ......... 6-8 7-G-3. Input Circuitry and Ohms Current
6-4. Schematic 1 Input Circuitry ............. 6-9 Source ............................ 7-G-5
6-5. Schematic 3 AID Converter & Control 7-G-4. ACto DC Converter ................. 7-G-7
Logic .............................. 6-11 7-G-5. AID Converter and Control Logic ..... 7-G-9
6-6. 3478A Front Panel View ............... 6-13 7-G-6. Power Supplies ..................... 7-G-11
6-7. 3478A Rear Panel View ................ 6-13 A-1. Interface Connection and Bus
6-8. 3478A Bottom View ................... 6-13 Structure ........................... A-2


WARNING I 1·13. Section VI, Backdating

1-14. This section has information which adapts this

manual to 3478A's with serial numbers below the ones
The information in this manual is for the use shown on the title page.
of Service Trained Personnel. To avoid elec-
trical shock, do not perform any procedures 1-15. Section VII, Service
in the manual or do any servicing to the
3478A unless you are qualified to do so. 1-16. The 3478A's Troubleshooting Procedures,
Theory Of Operation, and Schematics are in Section
1·1. INTRODUCTION VII. The troubleshooting information is in the form of
Service Groups which are symptoms oriented (i.e., what
1-2. The information in this manual is for the Installa- is the failure). The complete theory of operation is in
tion, Operation, Performance, Calibration, and Service Service Group F and the Schematics are in Service
of the 3478A Digital Multimeter. The manual is design- Group G (last group).
ed for the use of Service Trained Personnel. Other users
should refer to the Operators Manual. This manual is 1-17. Appendix A
separated into the following sections.
1-18. The appendix has a condensed description of the

1-3. Section I, General Information HP-IB (Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus) .
1-4. A short description of the manual and introduction 1·19. DESCRIPTION
to the 3478A is in Section I. The section also lists instru-
ment options, specifications, and accessories. 1-20. The -hp- Model 3478A is a versatile multimeter
with de and ac volts, de and ac currents, and resistance
1-5. Section II, Installation Procedures measurement capabilities. The multimeter is excellent
for bench use, and since it is remotely programmable, it
1-6. This section explains how the 3478A is prepared can be used in measurement systems. A feature of the
for use and includes power requirements, line voltage instrument is that the reading can be displayed in either
selection, etc. The section also explains how to connect 5 112, 4 112, or 3 112 digits. Other features are
the multimeter for remote operation. Autozero (for good stability), and an Alphanumeric
Liquid Crystal Display.
1· 7. Section Ill, Operation
1-21. Another excellent feature is Electronic Calibra-
1-8. The condensed operating instructions of the tion. No mechanical adjustments are necessary to
3478A, for the use of Service Trained Personnel, is in calibrate the 3478A.
this section. For more complete instructions, refer to the
Operators Manual. 1·22. SPECIFICATIONS
1-9. Section IV, Performance Test and Calibration 1-23. Specifications of the 3478A are the performance
characteristics of the multimeter which are certified.
1-10. The 3478A's Performance Test and Calibration The specifications are listed in Table 1-1 and Table 4-1
Procedures are in Section IV. The Required Equipment (in Section IV). They are the performance standards or
Table and an abbreviated specification table are also in- limits against which the multimeter can be tested.
1·11. Section V, Replaceable Parts

1-25. Instrument Identification is by a serial number
1-12. Section V lists the replaceable parts of the 3478A. located on the multimeter's rear panel. Hewlett-
It also includes pictures and illustrations of chassis and Packard uses a two-part serial number, with the first
mechanical parts. part (prefix) identifying a series of instruments and the

General Information 3478A

Table 1-1. Specifications

DC VOLTAGE Noise Rejection:

Input Characteristics: In dB, with ·1 k!1 imbalance in Lo lead. AC rejection for 50,
60Hz ± 0.1 %. Auto-zero ON.
Reading Resolution AC AC DC
Range (5Y, Digit) 5% Digit 4Y, Digit JY, Digit Display NMR ECMR CMR

30mV ±30.3099mV 100nV 1J.IV 10J.!V 5% digits 80 150 140

300mV ±303.099mV 1J.!V 10J.IV 100J.!V 4% digits 59 130 140
3 v ±3.03099 v 10J.!V 100J.IV 1mV 3% digits 0 70 140
30 v ±30.3099 v 100J.!V 1mV 10mV
300 v ±303.099 v 1mV 10mV 100mV Maximum Reading Rates: (readings/sec)

First reading is correct when triggered coincident with step input.

Input Resistance:

30mV, 300mV,3V ranges: > 10 10 !1 The reading rates are dependent on the speed of the controller
30V, 300V ranges: 1OM!1 ± 1% being used.

Maximum Input Voltage: (non-destructive) Line Auto Resolution

Frequence Zero JY, Digits 4Y, Digits 5Y, Digits
Hi to Lo: 303V rms or 450V peak
Hi or Lo to Earth Ground: ± 500V peak Off 90 35 4.4
60Hz On 60 20 2.3
Measurement Accuracy:
Off 85 30 3.7
± (% of reading + number of counts) 50Hz On 50 17 1.9
Auto-zero ON

5 Y, Digit Mode:
AC VOLTAGE(true rms responding)
Cal. Temp. Cal. Temp.

±1 c ±5 c
Input Characteristics:
Range 24 Hours 90 Day 1 Year
30 mV 0.025 + 40 0.0275 + 40 0.035 + 40 Reading Resolution
300 mV 0.004 + 4 0.005 + 5 0.007 + 5 Range (5Y, Digit) 5Yz Digit 4Y, Digit JY, Digit
3 v 0.003 + 2 0.004 + 2 0.006 + 2
30 v 0.004 + 3 0.005 + 4 0.007 + 4
300 v 0.004 + 2 0.005 + 2 0.007 + 2 300mV
3 v
3.03099 v
30 v 30.3099 v 100J.!V 1mV 10mV
4Yz and JY, Digit Mode: 300 v 303.099 v 1mV 10mV 100mV
Accuracy is the same as 5% digit mode for% of reading; use
Input Impedance:
1 count for number of counts on all ranges except 30mV
range use 4 counts. 1 M!1 ± 1% shunted by < 60pF
The Cal. Temp. (Calibration Temperature) is the temperature Maximum Input Voltage: (non-destructive)
of the environment where the 34 78A was calibrated. Cali·
bration should be performed with the temperature of the Hi to Lo: 303Vrms or 450V peak
environment between 20°C and 30°C. Hi or Lo to Earth Ground: ± 500V peak

Auto·Zero Off: Measurement Accuracy:

(5% digit) for a stable environment ( ± 1 ° C), for < 24 hrs., add ± (% of reading + number of counts)
11 0 counts to accuracy specification for 30mV range, 11 Auto-zero ON. 5% digit display. Accuracy is specified for sine-
counts for 300mV and 30V ranges, 3 counts for 3V and 300V wave inputs only, > 10% of full scale.
range. 1 Year, Cal. Temp. ± 5°C

Temperature Coefficient: Input Ranges

0°C to 55°C Frequency 30DmV 3V, 3DV 3DDV
5% digit display, auto-zero ON
± (% of reading + number of counts)/°C 20Hz-50Hz 1 . 14 + 1 63 1 . 14 + 1 02 1 . 18 + 1 02
50Hz-100Hz 0.46 + 163 0.46 + 103 0.50 + 102
Range Temperature Coefficient 1OOHz- 20kHz 0.20 + 120 0.20 + 70 0.24 + 70
20kHz- 50kHz 0.38 + 205 0.26 + 140 0.42 + 140

30mV 0.0028 + 5.0 50kHz- 1OOkHz 1.20 + 840 0.87 + 780 0.98 + 780
300mV 0.0005 + 0.5 1OOkHz- 300kHz 10.1 + 3720
3 v 0.0004 + 0.05 (30V Range
v Only)
30 0.0006 + 0.5
300 v 0.0004 + 0.05

3478A General Information

Table 1-1. Specifications (Cont'd)
Auto Zero Off: 2-Wire Ohms Accuracy:

(5% digits) for a stable environment ( ± 1 °C), for < 24 hrs., add Same as 4-wire ohms, except add a maximum of 200mQ off-
10 counts to accuracy specifications for all ranges. set. On the 3M ohm Range, add .0016% of reading and on
the 30M ohm Range, add .0083%.
Temperature Coefficient:
Auto·Zero Off:
0°C to 55°C
5% digit display, auto-zero ON. (5% digit) for a stable environment ( ± 1 °C), for < 24 hrs., add
For frequencies <20kHz, ± (0.016% of reading + 10 counts)/°C 11 0 counts to accuracy specification for 30Q range, 11 counts
For frequencies >20kHz, ± (0.04% of reading + 10 counts)/°C for 300Q, 3 counts for 3KQ through 300KQ ranges, 8 counts
for 3MQ range, and 33 counts for 30MQ range.
Crest Factor:

>4: 1 at full scale. Temperature Coefficient:

0°C to 55°C
Common Mode Rejection:
5% digit display, auto-zero ON
With 1 kQ imbalance in Lo lead, > 70d8, at 60Hz. ± (% of reading + number of counts)/°C

Maximum Reading Rates: (readings/sec) Range Temperature Coefficient

First reading is correct within 70 counts of final value, when on

30Q 0.003 + 5
correct range, triggered coincident with step input. Add 0.6 300Q 0.0009 + .5
seconds for each range change.
3k- 300kQ 0.0009 + .05
Reading rates are the same as de volts using fast trigger (T5). 3MQ 0.0021 + .05
Using Normal Trigger (T1, T2, T3): 30MQ 0.021 + .05
For 50 or 60Hz operation, auto-zero ON or OFF.
3% or 4% digits: 1.4 Current Through Unknown:
5% digits: 1 .0 Range Current

RESISTANCE (2-wire Q, 4-wire Q)

30 ohm 1mA
Input Characteristics: 300 ohm 1mA

3K ohm 1mA
Maximum 30K ohm 1001'A
Reading Resolution 300K ohm 101'A
Range (SY, Digit) SY, Digit 4Y• Digit 3Y, Digit 3M ohm 11'A
30M ohm 100nA
30 n 30.3099 n 100 ~<n 1mQ 10mQ
Maximum Open Circuit Voltage:
300 n 303.099 n 1mQ 10mQ 100mQ
3 kQ 3.03099 kQ 10mQ 100mQ 1 n 6.5V
30 kQ 30.3099 kQ 100mQ 1 n 10 n
300 kQ 303.099 kQ 1 n 10 n 100 n Maximum Reading Rates:
3MQ 3.03099MQ 10 n 100 n 1 kQ
30MQ 30.3099MQ 100 n 1 kQ 10 kQ Same as de volts, except for 3MQ and 30MQ ranges. For 3MQ
range, add 30ms; for 30MQ range, add 300ms per reading.
Input Protection: (non-destructive)
Hi source to Lo source: ± 350V peak
Hi sense to Lo sense: ± 350V peak Input Characteristics:
Hi or Lo to Earth Ground: ± 500V peak
Measurement Accuracy: Reading Resolution
Range (SY, Digit) SY, Digit' 4Y, Digit 3Y, Digit
± (% of reading + number of counts)
Auto-zero ON. 4-wire ohms.
Maximum INPUT LO impedance is 3.3% of full scale. 300m A ±303.099mA 11'A 101'A 1001'A
3 A ± 3.03099 A 101'A 1001'A 1mA
SY, Digit Mode:
Maximum Input: (non-destructive)
Cal. Temp ± 1 oc Cal. Temp. ±S°C 3A from < 250V source; fuse protected
Range 24 Hours 90 Day 1 Year
Measurement Accuracy:
30Q 0.023 + 35 0.027 + 41 0.034 + 41 ± (% of reading + number of counts)
300Q 0.0045 + 4 0.012 + 5 0.017 + 5 Auto-zero ON. 5% digit display.
3k- 300kQ 0.0035 + 2 0.011 + 2 0.016 + 2
3 MQ 0.0052 + 2 0.011 + 2 0.016 + 2 Cal. Temp. ±S°C

30MQ 0.036 + 2 0.066 + 2 0.078 + 2 Range 90 Days 1 Year

300m A 0.11 + 40 0.15 + 40
> 30 M ohm Range accuracy is approximately 3A, < 1A input 0.14 + 6 0.17 + 6
0.002%/M ohm. 3A, > 1 A input 1.0 + 30 1.0 + 30

General Information 3478A

Table 1-1. Specifications (Cont'd)
Auto·Zero Off: Temperature Coefficient:
(5% digit) for a stable environment ( ± 1 °C), for < 24 hrs., add 0°C to 55°C.
11 0 counts to accuracy specification for 300m A range, 11 5% digits, auto-zero ON.
counts for 3A range.
± (0.021% of reading + 10 counts)/°C
Temperature Coefficient: Maximum Burden at Full Scale:
0°C to (Cal. Temp. - 5°C),(Cal. Temp. +5° C) to 55°C 1V
5% digit display, auto-zero ON
± (% of reading + number of counts)/°C Crest Factor:

Range Temperature Coefficient > 4: 1 at full scale

300m A 0.012+5 Maximum Reading Rates:

3 A 0.012 + 0.5 Same as ac volts

Maximum Burden at Full Scale:

Operating Temperature:
Maximum Reading Rates:
0 to 55°C
Same as de volts
Humidity Range:
AC CURRENT (true rms responding)
95% R.H., 0 to 40°C

Input Characteristics: Storage Temperature:

Maximum - 40°C to 75°C

Reading Resolution
Range (5Y, Digit) 5Y, Digit 4Yz Digit 3Yz Digit Warm·up Time:

300m A 303.099mA 1 hr. to meet all specifications.
11-'A 101-'A 1001-'A
3 A 3.03099 A 101-'A 1001-'A 1mA
Integration Time:
Maximum Input: (non-destructive)
Line Frequency
3A from < 250V source; fuse protected Number of Digits 50Hz 60Hz

Measurement Accuracy: 5% 200ms 166.7ms

± (% of reading + number of counts) 4% 20ms 16.67ms
Auto-zero ON, 5% digit display, accuracy specified for sine-
3 y, 2ms 1.667ms
wave inputs only > 10% of full scale.
1 YEAR, CAL. TEMP. ± 5°C Power:

AC Line 48- 440Hz; 86- 250V, (see configuration)

Frequency 300mA 3A Maximum Power:

20Hz- 50Hz 1.54 + 163 2.24 + 163 <25 watts

50Hz-1kHz 0.81 + 163 1. 5 + 163
1kHz-10kHz 0.72 + 163 1.42 + 163 Size:
1OkHz- 20kHz 0.86 + 163 1.56 + 163
102mm H x 215mm W x 356mm D
(4 in H x 8 in W x 14 in D)
Auto·zero Off:

( 5% digits) for a stable environment ( ± 1 ° C), for < 24 hrs., Weight:

add 10 counts to accuracy specification.
3Kg (6.5 lbs.)


3478A General Information

second part (suffix) identifying a particular instrument
within a series. An -hp- assigned alpha character be-
tween the prefix and suffix identifies the country in
which the 3478A was manufactured. Your instrument may have either metric or
English hardware. DO NOT intermix the
different hardware or damage to the instru-
1-26. This manual applies to instruments with the serial ment'sframe and cabinet may result. For
number identified on the title page. Updating of the instruments with serial prefix 2520 and
manual is accomplished either by a change sheet or revis- above, use metric handle/rack mounting
ed manual. hardware (listed above). For instruments
with serial prefix 2301 and below, use
1-27. OPTIONS English handle/rack mounting hardware
(listed above). Contact your local Hewlett-
1-28. The following options are available for the 3478A. Packard Sales and Support Office if addi-
tional information is needed.

Option 315: set for 1OOV, 50Hz Power Source

Option 316: set for 100V, 60Hz Power Source 1-29. ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE
Option 325: set for 120V, 50Hz Power Source
Option 326: set for 120V, 60Hz Power Source 1-30. The following is a list of available accessories for
Option 335: set for 220V, 50Hz Power Source the 3478A.
Option 336: set for 220V, 60Hz Power Source
Option 345: set for 240V, 50Hz Power Source Accessory No. Description
Option 346: set for 240V, 60Hz Power Source
Option 907: Front Handle Kit 10023A Temperature Probe
(For serial prefix 2301 and below, use English hard- 10833A HP-IB Cable 1 meter (39.37 in)
ware -hp- Part No. 5061-0088. For serial prefix 2520 10833B HP-IB Cable 2 meter (78.74 in)
and above, use Metric hardware -hp- Part No. 10833C HP-IB Cable 4 meter (157.48 in)

5061-9688,) 10833D HP-IB Cable 0.5 meter (19.69 in)
Option 908: Rack Mounting Kit -includes one rack 11096B RF Probe
flange and one extension adapter (For serial prefix 34111A High Voltage Probe, DC 40 kV
2301 and below, use English hardware -hp- Part No. 34118A Test Lead Kit
5061-0072). For serial prefix 2520 and above, use 34119A High Voltage probe, AC or DC 5 kV
Metric hardware -hp- Part No. 5061-9672. 03478-10085 Test and Calibration Software (for HP
Option 910: additional set of Operators and Service 85B)
Option W30: Three Year Extended Warranty .

• 1-5/1-6

2-1. INTRODUCTION Option Voltage and Frequency Fuse

Option 315 1OOV ac @ 50Hz 250mAT
2-2. This section of the manual has the necessary infor- Option 316 1OOV ac @ 60Hz 250mAT
mation and instructions to install and interface the -hp- Option 325 120V ac @ 50Hz 250mAT
Model3478A Digital Multimeter. Included are initial in- Option 326 120V ac @ 60Hz 250mAT
spection procedures, power requirements, environmen- Option 335 220V ac @ 50Hz 125mAT
tal information, and instructions for repacking the in- Option 336 220V ac @ 60Hz 125mAT
strument for shipment. The information in this section Option 345 240V ac @ 50Hz 125mAT
is for Service Trained Personnel. Option 346 240V ac @ 60Hz 125mAT

The information in this manual is for the use Before connecting power to the 3478A,
of Service Trained Personnel. To avoid elec- make sure the power source matches the
trical shock, do not perform any procedures power requirements of the multimeter, as
in this manual or do any servicing to the marked on the rear panel (below the power
3478A unless you are qualified to do so. receptacle). If the instrument is incompatible
with the available power source, go to
2·3. INITIAL INSPECTION paragraph 2-7 to reconfigure the multimeter.

• 2-4. The 3478A was carefully inspected both

mechanically and electrically before shipment. It should
be free of mars or scratches and in perfect electrical
order upon receipt. The multimeter should be inspected
for any damage that may have occurred in transit. If the
shipping container or cushioning material is damaged, it
2-7. Line Frequency and Line Voltage Selection

should be kept until the contents of the shipment have To avoid electrical shock and personal in-
been checked for completeness and the instrument has jury, make sure the multimeter is discon-
been mechanically and electrically checked. Procedures nected from its external power voltage
for checking the electrical performance of the 3478A are source before removing any covers.
in Section IV. If there is mechanical damage, the con-
tents are incomplete, or the multimeter does not pass the 2.8 The Power Line Frequency configuration of the
Performance Test, notify the nearest Hewlett-Packard 3478A is set by the leftmost switch in the 8 secion "DIP"
office (a list of the -hp-Sales/Service offices is located in switch on the multimeter's rear panel. Locate the switch
the back of the manual). If the shipping container is and set the rocker to the desired line power frequency
damaged or the cushioning material shows signs of (either 50 Hz or 60Hz). The switch is shown in Figure
stress, notify the carrier as well as the Hewlett-Packard 2-1 (shown set for 60 Hz operation). To set the 3478's
office. Save the shipping material for the carrier's in- input line voltage, perform the following procedure.


2-6. The 3478A requires a power source of 100V, 120V, •1
220V, or 240V ac ( -10%, + 5%), 48Hz to 440Hz single •.0
phase. The maximum power consumption is 25V A. For
the 3478A to meet its noise and normal mode rejection •16•4• 1

specifications, the multimeter must be operated using a '-ADRS-'
line frequency of either 50Hz or 60Hz (dependent on in- [
strument option). A listing of the 3478A's power op- 1-:-50Hz, 0-60Hz
tions, the corresponding power line voltages and fre-
quencies, and fuses are as follows: Figura 2-1. Line Frequency Switch

Installation 3478A

a. Remove the 3478A rear bezel and top cover as

d. After changing the Line Voltage, make sure the cor-
described in Section V of this manual. rect fuse is installed. For 100 V or 120 V operation, use
a .25AT 250 V fuse (-hp- Part No. 2110-0201). For 220 V
b. Locate the Line Select wire (gray) and the line ter- or 240 V operation, use a .125AT 250 V fuse (-hp- Part
minals. The Line and the terminals are located between No. 2110-0318).
the 3478A's power transformer and rear panel.
e. Reinstall the 3480A top cover and rear bezel.
c. Refer to Figure 2-2 and connect the gray wire to the
line terminal corresponding to the desired input line 2·9. POWER CORDS AND RECEPTACLES
2-10. Figure 2-3 illustrates the different power plug con-
figurations that are available to provide power to the
CONI'-iECT THE WIRE 3478A. The -hp- part number shown directly below the
TEST POINT (SHOWN IN individual power plug drawing is the part number for the
THE 120V CONFIGURATION) power cord set equipped with the appropriate mating plug
for that receptacle. If the appropriate power cord is not

~ 0,'~:~
included with the instrument, notify the nearest -hp- Sales
and Support Office and a replacement will be provided.
(f) 2-12. To protect operating personnel, the National
w 0 220V Electrical Manufacturing Association (NEMA) recom-
mendation is to ground the instrument panel and
0 240V cabinet. The 3478A is equipped with a three conductor
power cable which, when plugged into an appropriate
3478. F. 2. 2
receptacle, grounds the instrument.
Figure 2·2. Line Select Jumper 2·14. Bench Use


0 €3 ~•


• L


Country Part Number Opt. Voltage

Australia 8120-1369 901 250V 6A
Denmark 8120-2956 912 250V 6A
Europe 8120-1689 902 250V 6A
Great Britain 8120-1351 900 250V 6A
Switzerland 8120-2104 906 250V 6A
*United States 8120-1378 903 120V 10A
*United States 8120-0698 904 240V 10A

Power cords supplied by HP have polarities matched to the power input socket on the instrument:
• L = Line or Active Conductor (also called "live" or "hot").
• N =Neutral or Identified Conductor
• E =Earth or Safety Ground

NOTE: Plugs are viewed from connector end. Shape of molded plug may vary within country.
• GSA certification includes only these Power Plugs

Figure 2-3. Power Cords

3478A Installation

2-15. The 3478A is equipped with feet and tilt stands in- address of the 3478A is set by the multimeter's address
stalled and is ready for use as a bench instrument. The switch (located at the rear panel). The talk and listen ad-
feet are shaped to permit stacking with other half- dress is a 5-bit code which is selected to provide a unique
module Hewlett-Packard instruments. address for each HP-IB instrument. The 3478A normal-
ly leaves the factory with the address switch set to Decimal
2-16. Rack Mounting Code "23". The corresponding ASCII Code is a listen
address code of "7" and a talk code of "W". Refer to
2-17. The 3478A may be rack mounted by adding rack
Figure 2-6 for the factory address setting of the switch.
mounting kit Option 908. The basic hardware and in-
Refer to the Remote Operation Chapter in Section III of
structions for rack mounting is contained in the kit. The
this manual, for more information on addressing and ad-
kit is designed to permit the 3478A to be mounted in a
dress codes.
standard 19 inch rack, provided that sufficient rear sup-
port is available. 2-23. 3478A Talk-Only Mode. The 3478A has a Talk-
Only Mode which is selected by the Address Switch. The
mode is selected by setting all the address switches
2-19. The 3478A is compatible with the Hewlett- (switch 4 to 8) up (on). Refer to the Remote Operation
Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB). Chapter in Section III of this manual for more informa-
HP-IB is Hewlett-Packard's implementation
of IEEE Std. 488-1978, "Standard Digital
Interface For Programmable Instrumenta-
tion" and ANSI MC. 1.1.
2-20. The interface connection is made by an HP-IB In- To prevent electrical fire or shock hazards,
terface Cable to the 24 pin HP-IB connector located at do not expose the instrument to rain or ex-
the rear panel. A typical interconnection of an HP-IB cessive moisture.
system is shown in Figure 2-4, in which ends of the
cables have both a male and female connector to enable 2-25. Operating and Storage Temperature

• connections to other instruments and cables. As many

as 15 instruments can be connected to the same interface
bus. However, the maximum length of cable that can ef-
fectively be used to connect a group of instruments
should not exceed 2 meters (6.56 ft.) times the number
of instruments connected, or 20 meters (65.6 ft.),
whichever is less. For a pictorial view of the HP-IB con-
2-26. To meet and maintain the specifications listed in
Table 1-1, the 3478A should be operated within ±5°C
( ± 9°F) of the Reference Temperature. The Reference
Temperature is the temperature in which the 3478A was
last calibrated. For example, if the last Reference
Temperature was 23°C (73°F), the 3478A should main-
nector and its pin designation, refer to Figure 2-5. tain its specifications if operated within ± 5°C ( ± 9°F)
of that temperature. The factory temperature is from
2-21. ADDRESS SELECTION l8°C to 28°C (64°F to 82°F). The 3478A may be
operated within an ambient temperature range of 0°C to
2-22. 3478A Address. The HP-IB "talk" and "listen" 55°C (32°F to 131 °F) with less accuracy .

• Figure 2·4. Typical HP-18 System Interconnection

Installation 3478A


16 DI08
17 REN The 34 7 BA contains metric threaded HP-18 cable mounting studs as opposed to English threads. Metric
6 DAV threaded -hp- 10833A, 8, or C HP-18 cable lockscrews must be used to secure the cable to the instru-
7 NRFD ment. Identification of the two types of mounting studs and lockscrews is made by their color. English

- -.
8 NDAC threaded fasteners are colored silver and metric threaded fasteners are colored black. DO NOT mate silver
9 IFC and black fasteners to each other or the threads of either or both will be destroyed. Metric threaded HP-18

10 SAO cable hardware illustrations and part numbers follow.
11 ATN

i =
1390-0360 ==
0380-0643 0380-0644

Figure 2-5. HP·IB Connector

2-27. REPACKAGING FOR SHIPMENT 2-29. If the original container is not to be used, do the

If the instrument is to be shipped to Hewlett-
Packard for service or repair, attach a tag to
the instrument identifying the owner and in-
dicating the required service or repair. In-
clude the model number and full serial
a. Wrap the instrument in heavy plastic, before plac-
ing in an inner container.

b. Place packing material around all sides of the in-

strument and protect the front panel with cardboard

number of the instrument. In any cor- c. Place the instrument in the inner container in a
respondence, identify the instrument by heavy carton. Seal the carton with strong tape or metal
model number and full serial number. If you bands.
have any questions, contact your nearest
-hp- Sales/Service office. d. Mark shipping container "DELICATE INSTRU-
MENT", "FRAGILE", etc.
2-28. Place the instrument in its original container with
appropriate packaging material and secure with strong
tape or metal bands. If the original container is not
available, a replacement can be obtained from your
nearest -hp- Sales/Service office. Hewlett-Packard sug-
gests that you always insure shipments.


Shown at Factory
Default Address
(23). This number

is called the
Primary Address.
16 4

Figure 2-6. 3478A Address Switch

Title Paragraph
General 3-70
3-2. This section has the information and instructions 3478A Response to Bus
for the operation of the 3478A Multimeter, showing Messages 3-74
front panel and remote operation. The information is 3478A Addressing 3-92
an abbreviated description of the operation and is writ- Talk-Only Mode (No
ten for a Service Trained Person, rather than an Controller) 3-96
Operator. For more complete operating instructions, 3478A HP-IB Programming 3-98
refer to the 3478A's Operators Manual. To familiarize Advanced programming 3-117
yourself with the front and rear panel features or for a
review of instrument operations, refer to Figure 3-1. 3·4. GENERAL INFORMATION
3-3. The Operation Section is separated into the follow- 3-5. AC Power Operation
ing major areas: General Information, Front Panel
Operation, Shifted Operation, Miscellaneous Opera- 3-6. Before connecting ac power to the 3478A, make
tion, and Remote Operation (HP-IB). It is suggested sure the power source matches the power requirement of
that you read the Remote Operation Chapters last, since the multimeter (as marked on the rear panel). If the in-
you need to know the other operations to understand strument is incompatible with the power source, refer to
the remote operations. The major areas are as follows: Section II of this manual for power requirement
a. General Information - paragraph 3-4.
3-7. Turn-On

• Turn-On
AC Power Operation

Input Terminals
Input Terminals Cleaning
3-8. When the 3478A is first turned on, the multimeter
goes through an Internal Test routine. During the test,
the instrument displays "SELF TEST" and, when the test
is completed and it passes, the instrument displays "SELF
TEST OK". If the Self-Test fails, refer to Section VII
of this manual for troubleshooting information. For more
information on the Self-Test, refer to paragraph 3-60.
b. Front Panel Operation - paragraph 3-17.
Title Paragraph
DC Volts Measurements 3-18 For 3478As with serial numbers 230JA03760
AC Volts Measurements 3-22 and below or any instruments that have the
Resistance Measurements 3-26 Revision B ROM (U502) installed, the instru-
DC Current Measurements 3-30 ment displays its remote (HP-/B) address for
AC Current Measurements 3-34 about one second instead of "SELF TEST
Ranging 3-38 OK". The address is displayed as "HP/B
Triggering 3-43 ADRS,dd", where "dd" is the address code
of the instrument.
c. Shifted Operation - paragraph 3-50.
3-9. Once the Self-Test is completed, the 3478A goes to
Title Paragraph its turn-on state which is:
General 3-51
Number Of Digits Displayed 3-54 FUNCTION .................... DCV
Autozero 3-57 RANGE ...................... AUTO
Self-Test/Reset Operation 3-60 TRIGGER ............... INTERNAL
Calibration 3-63 AUTO ZERO ..................... ON
d. Miscellaneous Operation - paragraph 3-66.

• Title Paragraph 3·1 0. Display

Voltmeter Complete 3-67 3-11. The Display is a 12 character alphanumeric Liq-
uid Crystal Display (LCD) with 12 annunciators. The
e. Remote Operation - paragraph 3-69.
display is normally used to show readings, however, the
Operation 3478A


~"'FiJ 100V;::::;

.a OFF
~- 3A

D D [' ~REI [4 ~REI EJG 0 ,,~, ~~


~ [ill [QJ ~ ~ EJ B 0 3A/250V


[Q] [Q]
(4 WIRE)
(2 WIRE)


@) @)

HE'o\.ETT PAa<.ARO 00.

ALL TERM 111111111111 !........ I! (§)

±seevpK 111JI1JV 1211JV 2211JV 24~
MAX !I 2619A34899 * t··~~~
1-51Hz.~ 0 • 0 0
[Q] _L
2511JmAT - - 125mAT [Q]


Q) Use the measurement keys along the top row to select the (!)These keys are used to select special operating features of the
type of measurement you want to make. 34 7SA. The blue shift key allows for selecting the "SHIFTED"
functions of the bottom row of keys.
0 The 1 2 character alphanumeric display includes 1 2 dedicated
The Internal Trigger is selected by this key. In this mode, the
annunciators. The display is read directly in engineering units,
i.e., MV for milli-volts, MOHM for Meg-ohm resistance, etc. 347SA triggers itself.

G) If the blue key is pressed before another key, the function Autozero is a function that allows you. to enable or disable the in-
shown above that key is executed. ternal zero correction circuitry.

(D These terminals are used for the voltmeter sense leads when Pressing the Single Trigger key causes the 34 7 SA to take one
making 4-wire ohms measurements. reading and wait for the next trigger impulse. This impulse can
come from either the Single Trigger key or the External Trigger
(D These terminals are the voltmeter and 2-wire ohms input, input (rear panel BNC).
4-wire ohms source current terminals.
The Test/Reset key performs an internal self test, then resets the
C!) Thisis the Amps input terminal and is used with the INPUT 34 7 SA to its turn-on state. Any errors in the self test are noted
LOW terminal. (3 Amp fuse protected) in the display.

Q) When

this switch is out, the front panel input terminals are
selected. If the switch is in, the rear panel terminals are used.

Figure 3·1. 347BA Front and Rear Panel Features

The front panel SRQ (Service Request) key is an HP-IB opera-
tion that enables you to manually interrupt the controller. This
key is enabled by setting the SRQ mask.

3478A Operation

• The 34 78A HP-IB Address is displayed when the Address key is


The Local key returns the 34 78A to front panel control from the
REMOTE mode.

The 34 78A features total electronic calibration. The Cal key is

used as part of that procedure. See Section IV.
@The Rear Input Terminals are only used in the DC Volts, AC
Volts, and Ohms Functions. They are selected with the
Front/Rear Switch in the "in" position.

@The External Trigger connector is used to externally trigger the

3478A, when in the Single Trigger mode.

@HP-IB Connector.

@The Voltmeter Complete Connector outputs a pulse after each

measurement cycle.
(!)The range keys are used to select the proper range for the
measurement. Press any of the keys to select the manual @The Fuse is 2 50mA for the 1 OOV and 1 20V operation, or
range mode. Note theM RNG annunciator in the display. The 1 25mA for the 220V and 240V operation.
Auto/Man key will return the meter to autorange.
@The Option Label shows the instrument's power option.

@The "SHIFTED" functions of the range keys are used to select @These switches select the 34 78A's HP-IB Address, the Power-
alternate numbers of display digits. On SRO feature, and correct power line frequency (50Hz-60Hz).

Figure 3-1. 3478A Front and Rear Panel Features (cont'd)

display can also show alphanumeric messages (sent
remotely). The four characters to the right show the
function (and to a certain extent, the range) and the 8 0 SENSE l NPUT

characters to the left show the reading (e.g. + 12.3657

MVDC). An "OVLD" is displayed if the input is out of
range for the selected range and function.
3-12. Input Terminals =. 111

3-13. The 3478A has one set of Input Terminals on the
front panel and one set on the rear panel. The front 1\LLTERII
panel terminals consist of an "INPUT HI", "INPUT •500V~<

LO", "0 SENSE HI", 0 SENSE LO", and "A"
(Amps) terminal. Except for the "A" terminal, the rear
panel has the same set of terminals. The two sets of ter-
minals are selected by the Front/Rear Switch (located
3478 3-3
on the front panel). The front terminals are selected
with the switch "out" and the rear with the switch Figure 3-3. Typical Current Measurement Connection
measure ac or de current. Refer to Figure 3-3 for a
3-14. The INPUT HI and LO Terminals are used for typical current connection.
measuring de volts, ac volts, and resistance in the 3-15. Input Terminals Cleaning
2-Wire Ohms configuration. Refer to Figure 3-2 for a
typical connection. The n SENSE HI and n SENSE LO 3-16. The high input impedance of the 3478A requires
Terminals (in conjunction with the INPUT Terminals) that the area surrounding the multimeter's Input Ter-
are used in the 4-Wire Ohms configuration. Refer to minals (front or rear) must be free of leakage causing
Figure 3-4 for a typical ohms connection. The A (Amps) paths (e.g. dirt, fingerprints, etc.). The paths can be
Terminal with the INPUT LO Terminal is used to removed by using a soft cotton swab dipped in isopropyl
3·18. DC Volts Measurements
@l DC OR AC 3-19. The 3478A is able to make de volts measurements
SOURCE from .1uV to 300V in five ranges: 30mV, 300mV, 3V,
@dl 30V, and 300V. All ranges are protected from input
voltages up to 450V peak. Select the DCV Function for
a~ de volts measurements by pressing the = v button .

• l

3478 3-2

Figure 3-2. Typical Input Measurement Connection

3-20. In the DC Volts Function, ranging is done in the
Input Circuitry of the 3478A. The result is that the input
to the AID Converter (which changes the voltage to
digital information) has the same value in all ranges for
Operation 3478A

all full scale inputs (e.g. lOY input to the AID for
30mV, 300mV, 3V, etc. inputs to the 3478A).

3-21. When the DC Volts Function is selected, the right

side of the display shows "MVDC" or "VDC", depen-
dent on the range selected. The reading can be displayed
either as a 5 112, 4 1/2, or 3 1/2 digit reading, depen-
dent on the selected Number Of Digits Displayed (see UNKNOWN

paragraph 3-54). Refer to Table 1-1 or Table 4-1 for the Rx
DC Volts Function's accuracy specifications.

3·22. AC Volts Measurements

3-23. The 3478A uses a True RMS ACto DC Converter

to measure ac voltages from 1uV to 300V in four ranges:
300mV, 3V, 30V, and 300V. The response of the con-
verter is from 20Hz to 100KHz on all ranges (to 300KHz
on the 30V Range only). All ranges are protected from 2-WIRE OHMS MEASUREMENT
input voltages up to 450V peak. Select the AC Volts
Function for ac volts measurements by pressing the ""'v

3-24. The AC to DC Converter changes the ac input

voltage to de volts, which is then measured by the
3478A's AID Converter. All ranging is done in the AC
to DC Converter, applying the same voltage value to the
AID Converter for all full scale inputs. UNKNOWN

3-25. When the AC Volts Function is selected, the right
side of the display shows "MYAC" or "VAC", depen-
dent on the range selected. The reading can be displayed
either as a 5\12, 4\12, or 3\12 digit reading, dependent on
the selected Number of Digits Displayed (see paragraph
3-54.) A .6 second delay is also applied in the ACV
Function before a reading is taken (also, during a range
change). Refer to Table 1-1 or Table 4-1 for the AC
Volts Function's accuracy specifications. 4-WIRE OHMS MEASUREMENT
3-26. Resistance Measurements
Figure 3·4. Ohms Connections
3-27. The 3478A is able to make resistance
measurements from .0001 ohms to 30M ohms in seven ohms functions) from the HI INPUT Terminal. The
ranges. The ranges extend from the 30 ohm to the 30M current values are as follows:
ohm range. All ranges are protected from input voltages
up to 350V peak. Resistance measurements can be made Range Current
using either the 2-Wire or 4-Wire ohms configuration, 30 ohm 1mA
which are selected by the 2 WIRE 0 and 4 WIRE 0 but- 300 ohm 1mA
tons, respectively. Refer to Figure 3-4 for the correct 3K ohm 1mA
ohms connections. 30K ohm 100uA
300K ohm lOu A
3-28. Resistance measurements are made by applying a 3M ohm 1uA
known current (generated by the 3478A) to the 30M ohm .1uA
unknown resistance. The resultant voltage drop is then
measured by the 3478A's de circuitry (Input Circuitry 3-29. When an Ohms Function is selected, the right side
and AID Converter). In the 2-Wire Ohms Function, the of the display shows either "OHM", "KOHM", or
voltage drop is measured across the HI and LO INPUT "MOHM", dependent on the range selected. In addi-
Terminals. In the 4-Wire Ohms Function, the voltage is
measured across the HI and LO 0 SENSE Terminals.
The Ohms Current Source generates the known current
which is applied to the unknown resistance (in both
tion, the "2 0" annunciator is on for the 2-Wire Ohms
Function and the "4 0" annunciator is on for the
4-Wire Ohms Function. The ohms reading c~n be
displayed either as a 5 1/2, 4 1/2, or 3 1/2 digit reading, •
3478A Operation

dependent on the selected Number Of Digits Displayed quency response is from 20Hz to 20KHz. The ranges are

• (see paragraph 3-54). A .03 second or a .3 second delay

is also applied before each reading in the 3M ohm and
30M ohm Ranges, respectively. Refer to Table 1-1 or
Table 4-1 for the Ohms Function's accuracy specifica-
protected from excessive currents and voltage by a 3A
fuse. Select the AC Current Function to measure ac cur-
rents by pressing the "- A button.
3-36. The AC Current Function is similar to the DC
Current Function (see paragraph 3-30); a voltage drop
across a resistor is measured. The difference is that the
resultant ac voltage is changed from ac to de using the
To insure 4- Wire Ohms accuracy when using ACto DC Converter. Similar to the AC Volts Function,
long leads, it is suggested to keep the lead all ranging is done in the converter.
resistance as follows:
3-37. When the AC Current Function is selected, the
I. Ohms Sense Lead: < IOK ohms on all right side of the display shows "MAAC" or "AAC",
ranges dependent on the range selected. The readings can be
2. Ohms LO Source Lead: < I /30 ohms of displayed either as a 5 1/2, 4 1/2, or 3 1/2 digit reading,
full scale on all ranges. dependent on the selected Number Of Digits Displayed
3. Ohms HI Source Lead: < 1/30 ohms of (see paragraph 3-54). Refer to Table 1-1 or Table 4-1 for
full scale on the 3K through 30M ohm the AC Current Function's accuracy specifications.
ranges and < 3K ohms on the 30 and 300
ohms ranges. 3-38. Ranging
3·30. DC Current Measurements 3-39. The 3478A has two range modes: Manual and
Autorange. Manual ranging is selected by pressing the
3-31. The 3478A can make de current measurements AUTO/MAN button (if the 3478A is in Autorange) or
from 1uA to 3A in two ranges: 300mA and 3A. The by pressing either the 0 or 0buttons. The "M
ranges are protected from excessive currents and RNG" annunciator on the display then turns on. The
voltages by a 3A 250V fuse. Select the DC Current following explains the different range modes.
Function to measure de currents by pressing the . :-:: A

3-40. Uprange. The 3478A upranges to the next higher
range each time the 0 button is pressed. The highest
3-32. In the DC Current Function, the current is ap- selectable range depends on the function selected (e.g.
plied between the INPUT LO and A Terminals. Since a 300V for the AC Volts and DC Volts Functions). If a
known value resistor (.1 ohm) is connected between the function is selected with its highest range lower than the
terminals, a voltage proportional to the unknown cur- previous range, the multimeter defaults to the new
rent and the resistor is generated. This voltage is highest range.
measured by the 3478A's de circuitry (Input Circuitry
and AID Converter). 3-41. Downrange. The 3478A downranges to the next
lower range each time the 0button is pressed. The
3-33. When the DC Current Function is selected, the lowest selectable range depends on the function selected
right side of the display shows "MADC" or "ADC", (e.g. 30mV for the DC Volts Function). If a function is
dependent on the range selected. The readings can be selected with its lowest range higher than the previous
displayed either as a 5 Y2, 4 Y2, or 3 Y2 digit reading, function, the multimeter defaults to the new lowest
depending on the selected Number of Digits Displayed range.
(see paragraph 3-54). Refer to Table 1-1 or Table 4-1 for
the DC Current Function's accuracy specifications. 3-42. Autorange. The 3478A selects the optimum range
when this mode is selected. The mode is selected when
NOTE the 3478A is first turned on or by pressing the
AUTO/MAN button (if in Manual Range). If
Current inputs of greater than about I amp Autorange is enabled, the 3478A upranges when the
may cause the current shunt's (.I ohm reading is at or above ± 303099 and downranges at or
Resistor) value to change slightly due to self- below ± 027000 (delete one or two zeroes from the
heating. This may cause inaccuracies in the numbers for the 4 1/2 and 3 1/2 Digit modes, respec-
measurement. Sufficient time should be allow- tively). The numeric range points are irrespective of
ed for the circuitry to settle after the measure- decimal placement. Refer to Figure 3-5 for the
ment is complete and before other critical autorange points (the example is for the DCV Function;
current measurements are made. other functions are similar).

• 3-34. AC Current Measurements

3-35. The 3478A can make ac current measurements

from 1uA to 3A in two ranges: 300mA and 3A. The fre-
3-43. Triggering

3-44. The 3478A has three local trigger modes: Inter-

nal, Single, and External. In addition to these, a Hold

Operation 3478A

range or function, the left portion of the

30V :
display goes blank (except for the decimal
point) until another reading is taken (instru-
ment triggered).


3-51. General

3-52. The Shifted Operation of the 3478A is used to ex-
pand the capabilities of the multimeter using the same
number of front panel pushbuttons. This is done by us-
ing the bottom row of front panel buttons for two dif-
3476 3-5
ferent operations, shifted and unshifted. An unshifted
operation (AUTO/MAN, INT/TRIG, etc.) is normally
Figure 3-5. Autoranging Points
selected by pressing a single button. A shifted operation
is done by first pressing the blue "SHIFT" button (on
and a Fast trigger mode can be selected, but only over
the right end of the upper row of buttons) and then
the HP-IB (remote operation). When the multimeter is
pressing one button (on the lower row). To select a new
triggered, the right most digit on the display blinks
shifted operation, press the blue Shift button again and
(showing that the display is updated). The following
the button for the new operation. Table 3-1 lists the
paragraphs explain the trigger modes.
shifted operations and corresponding buttons. The
shifted operations are also shown in blue lettering above
3-45. Internal Trigger. In this mode, the measurement
the buttons.
cycle is internally initiated and the 3478A makes the
measurements at the maximum reading rate. The Inter-
3-53. When the blue Shift button is pressed, the
nal Trigger is selected at instrument turn on or by press-
"SHIFT" annunciator on the display is on. The annun-
ing the INT /TRIG button.
ciator remains on until a different button is pressed.

3-46. Single Trigger. In this mode, a measurement cycle Table 3-1. Shifted Operations
is initiated each time the SOL/TRIG button is pressed.
When the button is initially depressed, the 3478A in- Shifted Select Description Of
itiates a measurement cycle and then places the Operation Button Operation
multimeter in the Single Trigger Mode. If the button is
pressed during a measurement cycle (while in the Single 3 Digit (Disp) AUTO/MAN Selects 3 Digits Displayed
(see paragraph 3-54).
Trigger mode), the 3478A starts a new measurement cy-
cle. When the cycle is completed, a new cycle can then
4 Digit (Disp) .0 Selects 4 Digits Displayed
(see paragraph 3-54).
be initiated by pressing the Single Trigger button. 5 Digit (Disp) 0 Selects 5 Digits Displayed
(see paragraph 3-54).
Az INT/TRIG Turns Autozero on or off
3-47. External Trigger. This mode is selected by press- (see paragraph 3-57).
ing the SOL/TRIG button and operates the same as the Test/Reset SGL/TRIG Places the 3478A into its
Single Trigger mode. The difference is that the 3478A Internal Test Mode (see
can be triggered from the External Trigger input on the paragraph 3-61).
rear panel. The input is TTL logic compatible and the Adrs SRQ Displays the 3478A's cur-
rent HP-IB Address Code
trigger pulse should be at least lOOnS wide. The 3478A is (see paragraph 3-92).
triggered on the negative edge of the TTL pulse. Cal LOCAL Places the 34 78A into the
calibration mode (see Sec-
3-48. Trigger Hold. In this mode, no triggering is done tion IV of this manual).
by the 3478A (no measurement cycle is initiated). This
mode can only be selected using the 3478A's remote 3-54. Number Of Digits Displayed
3-55. The 3478A can display readings in either 5 1/2, 4
3-49. Fast Trigger. This trigger is the same as the Single 1/2, or 3 1/2 digits. The 5 1/2, 4 1/2, and 3 1/2 digits
Trigger except the delays in the ACV and ACI Func- can be selected by first pressing the blue Shift button
tions, and high Ohms Ranges are omitted. This trigger and then either the AUTO/MAN, 0, orO button,
can only be selected using the remote operation. respectively.


When the 3478A is in the Single Trigger

mode and an attempt is made to change
3-56. The Number Of Digits Displayed affects the
reading rate of the multimeter. This is because the
number of digits determines the integration time of the
AID Converter. In the 4 1/2 digit mode, the integration •
3478A Operation

time is 1/60 second (or 1/50 second for the 50Hz op- displayed during the time of the test. When the test is

• tion), which is called 1 PLC (Power Line Cycle). In the 3

1/2 digit mode, the time is 1/600 second (or 1/500 sec-
ond for the 50Hz option) which is .1 PLC. In the 5 1/2
digit mode, the 3478A takes 10 readings using the 4 1/2
digit mode and averages them together for an extra digit
of resolution. This takes a time of 1/6 second (or 1/5
second in the 50 Hz option) which is 10 PLC. For more
completed, "SELF TEST OK" will be displayed (if the
test passes). The 3478A then resets to its turn-on state
(see paragraph 3-9), not the previous state before the test
was selected. For 3478As with serial numbers 2301A03760
and below or any instruments that have the Revision B
ROM (U502) installed, the instrument turns on all the
segments in the display for about five seconds. The
information on run-up time and the A/D Converter, display then may show a certain message for about 1/4
refer to this manual's Section VII (Service Group F, second. When the Self-Test is completed, the multimeter's
AID Converter theory of operation). displays its remote (HP-IB) address for about one second.
The address is displayed as "HPIB ADRS,dd", where
3·57. Autozero "dd" is the address code of the instrument.

3-58. The Autozero Function of the 3478A is used to 3-62. If the Self-Test fails, an error message will be
compensate for offsets that may be present in the displayed indicating the type of failure. If there are
multimeter's internal circuitry (DC/Ohms Input multiple failures, only one failure will be displayed. The
Amplifier, AID Converter, etc). The method used is to 3478A then attempts to operate normally (even if a test
temporarily connect the input of the amplifier to ground fails). If another failure is noted while trying to operate
(the INPUT LO Terminal) and make a measurement normally, the new failure will be displayed. This con-
(the INPUT HI Terminal is open at this time). The off- tinues until the test(s) passes or the instrument is taken
set reading is then stored into the 3478A's internal out of the Self-Test mode.
memory. After that, the short is removed and a regular
input measurement is made. The offset reading is then Table 3·2. 3478A Error Messages
subtracted from the input reading and the compensated
reading is displayed.
Error Message Definition
3-59. The Autozero Function is enabled when the U.C. RAM FAIL The 34 78A has failed its internal RAM self
3478A is turned on and after doing a Self-Test (see

paragraph 3-60). The feature can be disabled by press-
ing the blue Shift button and then the INT /TRIG but- U.C. ROM FAIL The 3478A has failed its internal ROM self
test indicating an error in the ROM
ton. The "AZ OFF" annunciator on the display will
light, showing that the function is off. After the func- CAL RAM FAIL An attempt to write to the Calibration
tion is turned off, the multimeter immediately takes an CMOS RAM was unsuccessful
offset reading and stores it into memory. This last
UNCALIBRATED The Calibration CMOS RAM has an incor-
reading is then subtracted from the input measurements rect checksum showing that calibration is
that follow. Since no more offset readings are taken, the needed
reading rate of the 3478A is faster (up to twice as fast).
If a range, function, or digit change is made, or an at- A:D LINK FAIL The internal CPU (A/D Controller) is unable
tempt is made to calibrate the 3478A, a new offset to communicate with the A/D Converter
reading is taken. With Autozero off, the 3478A's input A:D SLOPE ERR The A/D Converter is unable to do a proper
circuitry remains in a static state. This is useful when conversion
making measurements in extremely high impedance cir-
cuits where the internal switching transients of the A:D TEST FAIL The A/D Converter has failed its self-test.
3478A may affect the reading accuracy.
NOTE 3·63. Calibration

The 3478A 's long term stability may be af- 3-64. The 3478A does not have any adjustments to
fected if the Autozero feature is disabled. calibrate the instrument; calibration is done elec-
tronically. A known good calibration source is applied
3·60. Self-Test/Reset Operation to the multimeter and the value of the known source is
entered into the instrument. A reading is then taken and
3-61. The 3478A uses an Internal Self-Test to check its compared with the value entered. A Calibration Cons-
display and internal circuitry. The multimeter goes tant is calculated (from the entered value) to correct the
through the test at turn-on and also when the Self-Test reading to the known value, and then stored into

is selected. The test can be selected by pressing the blue memory. The correct readings are calculated using the
Shift button and then the SOL/TRIG button. When the constants and then displayed .
test is selected from the front panel, all the segments of
the display are on except are on as long as the test but- 3-65. There are two steps in calibrating the 3478A.
ton is pressed. After that, "SELF TEST" will be First, the front panel Calibration Switch has to be set to
Operation 3478A

Clear Lockout and Set Local 3-82

CAL/ENABLE. Second, the blue Shift button and the Require Service (SRQ) 3-83
LOCAL (CAL) button have to be pressed for each Status Byte 3-85
calibration step (e.g. press the buttons for the DC Volts Status Bit 3-89
Function's zero calibration and press the buttons again Pass Control 3-90
for the function's full scale calibration). Refer to Sec- Abort 3-91
tion IV of this manual for the calibration procedures.
b. 3478A Addressing (paragraph 3-92) and Talk-
NOTE Only Mode (paragraph 3-96).
The CAL ENABLE Switch on the front
panel should not be in theCAL/ENABLE c. 3478A HP-IB Programming (paragraph 3-98).
position under normal use. It should only be
in that position to calibrate the instrument. Title Paragraph


Program Codes 3-101
3·67. Voltmeter Complete Programming the SRQ
Mask 3-103
3-68. The Voltmeter Complete connector is a BNC con- Clearing Status
nector which outputs a signal at the end of the AID cy- Register (Status Byte) 3-105
cle. The signal is a negative going TTL compatible pulse Power-On SRQ 3-106
with a time period of approximately 1/LS. The Voltmeter Sending Data to the Display 3-107
Complete connector is located on the rear panel. Home Commands 3-110
Reading Data from the
3·69. REMOTE OPERATION 3478A 3-111
3·70. General Front/Rear Switch Position 3-113
Data Ready Feature 3-114
3-71. The following paragraphs gives device dependent Front Panel SRQ 3-115
information necessary to remotely operate the 3478A Fast Trigger 3-116
over the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB).
Directions for mechanical interface connections to the
HP-IB are given in Section II of this manual.
Familiarize yourself with the front panel operation
(local) before attempting to use the multimeter in
remote (HP-IB).

d. Advanced Programming (paragraph 3-117).


Extended Ohms Operation

Reading the Binary Status

Byte 3-120
HP-IB is Hewlett-Packard's implementation Reading the Error Register 3-121
of IEEE Std. 488-1978, "Standard Digital
Interface for Programmable Instrumenta- 3·74. 3478A Response to Bus Messages
tion, and ANSI MC 1.1. 3-75. The following paragraphs explain the 3478A's
response to Bus Messages. The multimeter's Bus
3-72. A general description of the HP-IB is in this capabilities are in Table 3-3.
manual's Appendix A. Refer to the appendix for any
non-3478A related HP-IB information. It is assumed, in
Table 3·3. 3478A's Bus Capabilities
the following paragraphs, that you are knowledgeable
about the HP-IB. Mnemonic Interface Function Nama

3-73. The following lists the different 3478A remote SH1 Source Handshake Capability
AH1 Acceptor Handshake Capability
T5 Talker (Basic Talker, Serial poll, Talk Only
Mode, Unaddressed to Talk if Addressed to
a. 3478A Response to Bus Messages (paragraph listen)
3-74). L4 listener (Basic listener, Unaddressed to Listen
if Addressed to Talk)
Title Paragraph LEO No Extended Listener
TEO No Extended Talker
Data 3-76 SR1 Service Request Capability
Remote/Local Capability with Local Lockout

3-77 RL1
Trigger (GET) PPO No Parallel Poll Capability
Clear (DCL or SDC) 3-78 DC1 Device Clear Capability
Remote 3-79 DT1 Device Trigger Capability
Local 3-80 co No Controller Capability
Local Lockout 3-81
3478A Operation

3-76. Data. The Data Message is used to transfer infor- disabled by the Local Lockout Message, see next
mation between the 3478A and the controller. paragraph).

a. The message is used to send data to the multimeter 3-81. Local Lockout. All the front panel buttons are
and consists primarily of set-up information (e.g. DC disabled with this message, if the 3478A is in remote.
Volts, 30V Range, etc.). The 3478A is the Listener and The message is in effect until cleared over the HP-IB or
the controller is the Talker. power is cycled.

b. The message is also used by the controller to 3-82. Clear Lockout and Set Local. This message plac-
receive data from the 3478A. This includes the ed the 3478A into local and the Local Lockout Message
multimeter's output (readings) and status information. is cleared.
In this case, the 3478A is the Talker and the contrqller is
the Listener. 3-83. Require Service (SRQ). The Require Service
Message (SRQ Message) is independent of all other HP-
3-77. Trigger (GET, Group Execute Trigger). The
IB activity and is sent on a single line called the SRQ
Trigger message causes the 3478A to initiate a measure-
Line. Its state is either true or false (low= true and
ment cycle. It is an HP-IB Trigger and triggers the
high= false). The 3478A must be programmed to send
multimeter in any trigger mode, since it has priority over
the SRQ Message. This is done by programming the
the other trigger modes. If the 3478A is triggered during
SRQ Mask (see paragraph 3-103). The front panel SRQ
a measurement cycle, the cycle is aborted and a new cy-
annunciator is on when the 3478A requires service.
cle is initiated. There may be a delay (up to .5 sec) if a
cycle is in progress when the trigger is received. The
3-84. Since more than one device (on the same Bus) can
multimeter has to be programmed to "listen" to execute
output the SRQ Message, the devices can be polled by
the trigger.
the controller (by a Serial Poll) to determine if the
3478A (or another device) requires service. The 3478A
then outputs a Status Byte (see paragraph 3-85) which
3-78. Clear (DCL or SDC: Device Clear or Selective shows for what reason the multimeter requires service.
Device Clear). A Clear places the 3478A into its turn-on

• routine (see paragraph 3-7). In addition, the

multimeter's address switch (see paragraph 3-92) is read
and the SRQ Mask is set to zero or octal 200 (if the
Power-On SRQ switch is on, see paragraph 3-106). If
during the turn-on routine an error is detected, the hard-
ware error bit in the serial poll register is set.
3-85. Status Byte. The Status Byte is output by the
3478A in response to a Serial Poll. The message has the
same information as the 3478A's Status Register (see
next paragraph), and sets the corresponding bit true for
any true SRQ condition shown in Table 3-4 (whether the
SRQ Mask is set or not). The bit is represented in Figure
3-79. Remote. The Remote Message allows the 3478A to
be controlled over the HP-IB. In remote, the front panel 3-86. The 3478A can require service if any condition in
buttons, except the LOCAL and Front Panel SRQ but- Table 3-4 is true. Since the SRQ Mask must be set to
tons, are disabled. The Local and Front Panel SRQ but- output the Require Service Message (except for bit 7,
tons are only disabled when the 3478A is in remote and which is set by the Power-On SRQ switch), the 3478A's
local lockout (see paragraph 3-81). The instrument state Status Register is used to monitor the conditions. This
in remote is determined by the local state before being way, only the condition that is set by the mask outputs
placed in remote. The RMT annunciator on the display the SRQ Message. Other true conditions that can cause
will also be on with the 3478A in remote. an SRQ Message, but which are not set by the SRQ
Mask, remain in the Status Register as a true condition.
3-80. Local. This message clears the remote operation They will not cause the SRQ Message to be output. For
of the 3478A and enables its front panel operation. example, suppose the Front Panel SRQ condition is the
Pressing the front panel LOCAL button also places the only one set in the SRQ Mask. If the Data Ready condi-
multimeter in the local state (if the button has not been tion is true, but not Front Panel SRQ, no SRQ Message

Ib71 b61 b51 b41 b31 b21 b1 II


Power-On SRQ -----J'I I I I I I I Data Ready

Service Request Bit · '-·- - - - - - Bit Always 0
Invalid Calibration Syntax Error
Front Panel SRQ Internal Error

Figure 3·6. Status Byte

Operation 3478A

Table 3-4. Status Byte Definitions 3-88. The byte is output as shown in the previous exam-
Octal Decimal Bit Definitions
ple with the corresponding octal number of the example
Code Code at 125 shown as follows:
001 0 Data Ready - Indicates to the con-
troller that measurement data is
ready to be output. The Require Ser-
vice Message and bit is cleared when
the controller begins to accept the
data or when the reading is no longer
available. See paragraph 3-1 1 4. 3-89. Status Bit. The 3478A does not respond to a
Parallel Poll. The Status Bit is used only for Parallel
002 2 1 This bit is always at 0 (0 =high). Poll and should not be confused with the bits in the
Status Byte Message.
004 4 2 Syntax Error- This shows that an in-
valid Program Code(s) has been sent
to the 3478A (e.g. F9).
3-90. Pass Control. The 3478A does not have controller
010 8 3 Internal Error · Shows that a failure
in the 34 7 SA is detected. This may 3-91. Abort (Interface Clear). All HP-IB communica-
be a failure in the Self-Test Routine
tion is terminated (including the 3478A's Bus com-
(see paragraph 3-60). the A/D Con-
verter, or a checksum error in the munication). Control is returned to the controller. The
Calibration RAM (checked every Abort Message does not remove the 3478A from remote
time a reading is taken). More infor- control.
mation can be obtained by reading
the 3478A's error register. See 3-92. 3478A Addressing
paragraph 3-1 20.

020 16 4 Front Panel SRQ - This bit is set 3-93. HP-IB requires that each device on the Bus needs
when the 34 78A's Front Panel SRQ to be identified as a Listener or a Talker, in order to ex-
button is pressed. See paragraph ecute the Bus Messages and commands. Because of this,
3-1 1 5.

each device has its own unique "listen" and "talk" ad-
040 32 5 Invalid Calibration · When this bit is dress. The address of the 3478A is set by the Address
set, an attempt to calibrate the Switch on its rear panel. Setting the 3478A's Listen Ad-
34 78A has failed. dress also sets its Talk Address.
100 64 6 This is the SRQ bit. This bit is true
only if a Require Service Message is 3-94. The address switch is an eight section "DIP"
output. switch with five sections used for addressing. The switch
is shown in Table 3-5. The allowable address settings are
200 128 7 Power-On SRQ - Shows that a also listed in Table 3-5. The factory address setting of
power-on reset has occurred. See
paragraph 3- 106. the 3478A is decimal 23 (refer to Section II of this
manual for the switch setting).
Note: More than one bit in the Status Byte can be true (see
paragraph 3-87).

is output (the Status Register's Data Ready bit is true). 3-95. Instrument address commands (sent by the con-
The only way the SRQ Message is output is if the Front troller) are usually in this form: universal unlisten,
Panel SRQ condition is true. device talk, device listen. The universal unlisten com-
mand removes all listeners from the Bus to allow only
3-87. More than one bit in the Status Byte Message can the addressed listener(s) to receive data. The data is sent
be true. For example, bit 0, 2, and 4 are true (remember, by a talker which is designated by the device talk com-
bit 6 is true for any SRQ condition, if the SRQ Mask is mand.
set for the condition) making the resultant Status Byte
look like the following: 3-96. Talk-Only Mode (No Controller)

b7 bO 3-97. The 3478A's Talk-Only Mode allows the

lol1joj1lol1lo111 multimeter to send measurement data to an external
device (like a printer) without a Bus controller. The
multimeter is placed into the Talk-Only Mode by setting

the five address switches (on the rear panel "DIP"
NOTE switch) to 1 (set only the five address switches to the up
position). Measurement data is then output after each
A "1 ,, in this example shows a true condi- trigger. Function and range settings are selected from
tion. the front panel.
3478A Operation

Table 3-5. 3478A Address Codes


? u7 F1 RA T3

"";,..-=~::'~:~; I J

Shown at Factory
Default Address
controller "talk"
IL s;oglo To;gg••
123). This number
address Autorange
is called the
Primary Address. 34 78A "listen"
16 4 address L - - - - - - DCV Function

ASCII Code 3-102. The Program Codes are a series of 7-bit

Character Address Switches
5-bit ASCII characters (the parity bit is ignored). All
Talk A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 Decimal Code
lower case characters, spaces, commas, and
SP @ 0 0 0 0 0 00 semicolons are ignored (they may be used with the
A 0 0 0 0 1 01 codes as separators). All null characters, carriage
B 0 0 0 1 0 02
# c 0 0 0 1 1 03 return, line feed, form feed, vertical tab, and
$ D 0 0 1 0 0 04 horizontal tab characters are also ignored. Other
0 0 1 0 1 05
F 0 0 1 1 0 06
characters which are not included in Table 3-6,
G 0 0 1 1 1 07 cause a Syntax Error (bit 2 in the Status Register
H 0 1 0 0 0 08 set). In addition, a Syntax Error is caused if the
I 0 1 0 0 1 09
0 1 0 1 0 10
characters are sent in a different order than shown
+ K 0 1 0 1 1 11 in the table (e.g. "IF" causes a Syntax Error).
L 0 1 1 0 0 12
M 0 1 1 0 1 13
0 1 1 1 0 14
I ~p 0 1 1 1 1 15
a 1 0 0 0 0 16 Do not send program codes "W" and/or
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 17
2 R 1 0 0 1 0 18 "X" to the 3478A. These codes can, under
3 s 1 0 0 1 1 19 certain conditions, uncalibrate the instrument.

4 T 1 0 1 0 0 20
5 u 1 0 1 0 1 21
The letters "W" and "X" can, however, be
6 v 1 0 1 1 0 22 sent behind program codes "D2" or "D3"
7 w 1 0 1 1 1 23 (which are used to send text to the display;
8 X 1 1 0 0 0 24
9 y 1 1 0 0 1 25
see paragraph 3-107).
z 1 1 0 1 0 26
[ 1 1 0 1 1 27 3-103. Programming the SRQ Mask. The SRQ Mask
< \ 1 1 1 0 0 28
I 1 1 1 0 1 29 must be set for the 3478A to output a Require Service
> 1 1 1 1 0 30 Message. Setting the SRQ Mask will not set the bits in
the Status Byte; these bits are automatically set (except
bit 6) when any corresponding require service condition
is true. For example, you wish to know if the multimeter
3-98. 3478A HP-IB Programming has received an incorrect program code (Syntax Error)
or has an internal failure (Internal Error). If the condi-
3-99. General. The following paragraphs explain how tions are true, bits 2 and 3 of the Status Byte are set; but
to program the 3478A over the HP-IB. The information no Require Service Message is output. The message will
is given using the HP-IB format, rather than controller not be output until the SRQ Mask is set to the cor-
dependent language. If the information is desired using responding bits of the Status Byte (which are are bits 2
controller dependent language, refer to the 3478A's and 3). Since the mask is to be set in octal, the resultant
Operator's Manual. code for the bits is "14". The mask is set by sending
"Mdd", where dd is the octal code for the bits. This is
3-100. Programming the 3478A is done by DATA shown in the following example.
messages. Set-up information (Range, Function, etc.) is
? U 7 M14
DATA sent by the controller and is done using program
codes. The DATA received by the controller (from the
3478A) is measurement data, and other data like the
Status Byte and the five bytes from the Output Binary
Status Byte.
"";'"""' ""';""" oommood
controller "talk" address
34 78A "listen" address
J II L set mask
(where 1 4 is the
octal code for bits
2 and 31

3-101. Program Codes. All the program codes for the 3-104. Only bits 0 to 5 can be set by programming the
3478A are listed in Table 3-6. The 3478A must be in SRQ Mask. Bit 6 of the Status Byte is set whenever the
"remote" and "listen" to receive the codes (the RMT Require Service Message is output and bit 7 is set by the
and LSTN annunciators are on when the 3478A is in Power-On SRQ switch on the rear panel (see paragraph
remote and listening). An example is as follows: 3-106). Because of this, only a two digit octal code (00
Operation 3478A

Table 3·6. 3478A Program Codes 77) can be sent to program the mask. The mask can be
Type Program
cleared by sending: "MOO". Remember, the mask is on-
Code ly set to output a Require Service Message (not the
Status Byte) for a certain SRQ condition.
F2 AC Volts
F3 2-Wire Ohms 3-105. Clearing Status Register (Status Byte). Bits 2
F4 4-Wire Ohms through 5 and 7 of the register can be cleared by sending
F5 DC Current
F6 AC Current program code "K", and by a device CLEAR message.
F7 Extended Ohms (see paragraph Bit 0 (Data Ready) is not cleared since it represents the
3-118). 3478A's current status (the bit is cleared when the
RANGE R-3 most sensitive range on any func- 3478A outputs its reading). Bit 6 is the SRQ bit which
tion can be cleared by a Serial Poll or if the SRQ Mask is set
R-2 30mV DC, or most sensitive range to 00.
on any other function
R-1 300mV DC, 300mV AC, 300mA
DC, 300mA AC, or most sensitive 3-106. Power-On SRQ. This feature is enabled by set-
range on any other function ting the Power-On SRQ switch to On (switch # 3 on the
RO 3V DC, 3V AC, 3A DC, 3A AC, or
most sensitive range on any other rear panel in the up position). When the feature is en-
function abled, the 3478A Requires Service (generates an SRQ)
R1 30V DC, 30V AC, 30 Ohm, or most each time power is cycled or a reset condition is
sensitive range on any other func-
tion generated by the instrument (e.g. due to an instrument
R2 300V DC, 300V AC, 300 Ohm, or failure or selecting the Self-Test).
least sensitive range on any other
R3 3K Ohm or least sensitive range on 3-107. Sending Data to the Display. Up to 12 ASCII
any other function characters can be displayed at a .time by the 3478A's
R4 30K Ohm or least sensitive range on
any other function display. The legal characters are decimal 32 through 95
R5 300K Ohm or least sensitive range of the 128 ASCII characters. Only upper case letters and
on any other function numbers can be displayed. Lower case letters generate
R6 3M Ohm or least :;ensitive range on
any other function characters which do not resemble the letters. Commas,

R7 30M Ohm or least sensitive range periods, and semicolons can go between characters. The
on any other function. ASCII characters can be sent in two different modes.
RA Autorange
The following paragraphs explain the two modes.
DIGITS N3 3 1/2 Digits Displayed
DISPLA YEO N4 4 1/2 Digits Displayed 3-108. In one display mode, the display is continuously
N5 5 1/2 Digits Displayed
updated. This is enabled by program code "D2" (e.g.
TRIGGER T1 Internal Trigger "D23478A DMM" where "3478A DMM" is the
T2 External Trigger message displayed). In this mode, the annunciators con-
T3 Single Trigger
T4 Hold Trigger tinue to be updated. If more than 12 characters are sent
T5 Fast Trigger (see paragraph 3-116) to the display, the extra characters are ignored until a
control character is received. If the control character is
AUTOZERO ZO Autozero Disabled
Z1 Autozero Enabled different than HT (Horizontal Tab), VT (Vertical Tab),
LF (Line Field), CR (Carriage Return), or FF (Form
DISPLAY 01 Normal Display Operation Feed), a Syntax Error is generated. A "D2" code locks
02 Display Text and update Annun-
ciators the display until a "D1" (Selects Normal Display) is
03 Display Text and turn off Annun- sent, a CLEAR message is sent, an error condition oc-
ciators curs, or a front panel button is pressed.
HOME HO Equivalent to "F1T4R-2RAZ1 N4"
COMMAND H1 Equivalent to "F1 R-2RAZ1 N4T3" 3-109. The other display mode is selected by sending
H2 Equivalent to "F2R-2RAZ 1 N4 T3" code "D3". This mode is the same as the previous
H3 Equivalent to "F3R-2RAZ1 N4T3"
H4 Equivalent to "F4R-2RAZ1 N4T3" mode, except the display is not updated and all annun-
H5 Equivalent to "F5R-2RAZ1 N4T3" ciators are turned off. The text on the display remains
H6 Equivalent to "F6R-2RAZ1 N4T3" on for about 10 minutes and then the display goes
H7 Equivalent to "F7R-2RAZ1 N4T3"
blank. The display can be restored by sending any of the
MISC. B Read Status of the 34 7 SA in Binary. display codes (D 1, D2, or D3) or by pressing the
COMMANDS See paragraph 3-11 9. LOCAL button (if not disabled by the LOCAL
c Calibrate (see Section IV of this
LOCKOUT Message).
E Read the Error Register. See

paragraph 3-1 20.
K Clears Status Register 3-110. Home Commands. The Home Commands
M Set SRO Mask IMdd, where dd is (when sent to the 3478A over the HP-IB) are used to set
the oc~al code of the bits)
s Front/Rear Switch Position the 3478A into a predefined operating state. The pro-
(0 =Rear, 1 =Front) gram code is "Hn", where n is the number which

3478A Operation

defines the state. The following lists the home com- ,;t_D.DDDDDE ± D CR LF!EOI!

mands and the corresponding operating states.

a. HO Command. The instrument state for this com- Polarity of reading (a"+"
is sent for ac readings)
mand is as follows:
Reading expressed in scientific
Function...................... DCV (Fl) notation (0 is a decimal digit)
Range ......................... 30mV, Auto (R-2RA)
Trigger....................... Hold (T4) Carriage Return
Number of Digits Displayed.... 4 1/2 (N4)
Autozero. .. ... .. ..... ..... .... On (Zl)
Line Feed (with End o r - - - - - - - - - - - - '
Identify Line set)
In addition, the 3478A's External Trigger is disabled
and the instrument is set into the lowest range (R-2) 3-112. Each character in the output statement (except
before Autorange is selected. Also, any data (reading) EOI) is one byte, which adds up to 13. The exponent
output to the Bus or the front panel is erased when the will be in engineering notation (E-3, E + 0, E + 3, or
home command is sent. The corresponding program E + 6) and the mantissa will always have 1, 2, or 3 digits
codes of the instrument state are: "Fl T4R-2RAZ1N4". before the decimal point (D.DDDDD, DD.DDDD, or
DDD.DDD). If the 3478A is in the 4 1/2 or 3 1/2 Digit
b. Hl Command (DCV). This command is the same mode, the 5th and/or 6th digits will be output as zeroes.
as the "HO"command, except a trigger occurs and the An overload condition (whether plus or minus) will be
resultant output can be read. The corresponding pro- output as: + 9.99999E + 9. If a different output is re-
gram codes are: "F1R-2RAZ1N4T3". quested (Binary, Front/Rear Switch position, etc.), the
other output supercedes the reading. If a data transfer is
c. H2 Command (ACV). The same as the "Hl" interrupted while being output, the 3478A continues the
command, except the selected function is AC Volts. The output wherever it left off, when addressed again. This
corresponding program codes are: partial output (or any output) can be disabled by a
"F2R-2RAZ1N4T3". Group Execute Trigger (GET), Clear Message (DCL or

SOC), sending any valid program code, or pressing the
d. H3 Command (2-Wire Ohms). Same as the "Hl" LOCAL, Shift, and TEST /RESET buttons on the front
command, except the selected function is 2-Wire Ohms. panel.
The corresponding program codes are:
"F3R-2RAZ1N4T3". 3-113. Front/Rear Switch Position. The 3478A's
Front/Rear Switch position can be remotely determined
e. H4 Command (4-Wire Ohms). Same as the "Hl" by sending program code "S" to the multimeter and
command, except the selected function is 4-Wire Ohms. then reading its output. If "0" (CR LF) is output the
The corresponding program codes are: switch is set to Rear, and if "1" (CR LF) is output the
"F4R-2RAZ1N4T3". switch is set to Front.

f. H5 Command (DC!). Same as the "HI" com- 3-114. Data Ready Feature. The Data Ready feature of
mand, except the selected function is DC Current. The the 3478A, when enabled, outputs a Require Service
corresponding program codes are: Message (SRQ) after each completed measurement cy-
"F5R-2RAZ1N4T3". cle. Before the message can be output, bit 0 of the SRQ
Mask must be set. This is done by sending program code
g. H6 Command (ACI). Same as the "HI" com- "MOl" (bit 0 of the Status Byte and Status Register).
mand, except the selected function is AC Current. The When the Require Service Message is sent, the front
corresponding program codes are: panel "SRQ" annunciator turns on and bit 0 of the
"F6R-2RAZ1N4T3". Status Byte is set. The SRQ condition remains until the
data is read by the controller, or a Serial Poll is done.
h. H7 Command (Ext. Ohms). Same as the "HI "com-
mand, except the selected function is Extended Ohms (see
paragraph 3-119). The corresponding program codes are: 3-115. Front Panel SRQ. The Front Panel SRQ feature
"F7R-2RAZ1N4T3". of the 3478A outputs a Require Service Message (SRQ)
each time the Front Panel SRQ button is pressed.
3-111. Reading Data from the 3478A. Data in the form Before the message can be output, bit 4 of the SRQ
of readings can be output by the 3478A over the HP-IB Mask must be set. This is done by sending program code

(other data that can be output is discussed in later "M20" (bit 4 of the Status Byte and Status Register).
paragraphs). To output a reading (if available), the Once this is done, the Require Service Message will be
3478A has to be addressed to "talk". The readings are output and the front panel SRQ annunciator turns on,
output using 13 ASCII characters and are in the follow- whenever the SRQ button is pressed. The SRQ condi-
ing form:. tion remains until a Serial Poll is done by the controller.
Operation 3478A

3-116. Fast Trigger. This trigger mode can only be Table 3·7. Binary Status Byte Definition
selected over the HP-IB. It is the same as the Single
Byte# Definition
Trigger, except the delays in the AC Volts Function, AC
Current Function, and the high Ohms Ranges are omit- Bits Function, Range, and Number Of Digits
ted. The mode can be selected by sending program codes True Displayed
"T5". XXXXXX01 5 1/2 Digits Displayed
XXXXXX10 4 1/2 Digits Displayed
XXXXXX11 3 1I 2 Digits Displayed
3·117. Advanced Programming XXX001XX 30mV DC, 300mV AC, 30 Ohm,
300mA AC or DC, or Extended Ohms
3-118. General. The following paragraphs have ad- Ranges
XXX010XX 300mV DC, 3V AC, 300 Ohm, 3A AC
vanced programming information for the 3478A. It in- or DC Ranges
cludes Extended Ohms Operation, Reading the Binary XXX011XX 3V DC, 30V AC, 3K Ohm Ranges
Status Byte, and Reading the Error Register. XXX100XX 30V DC, 300V AC, 30K Ohm Ranges
XXX101XX 300V DC, 300K Ohm Ranges
XXX110XX 3M Ohm Range
3-119. Extended Ohms Operation. This operation (or XXX111XX 30M Ohm Range
function) is only available over the HP-IB and is used to 001XXXXX DC Volts Function
measure resistance above 30M ohm. The function is 010XXXXX AC Volts Function
011XXXXX 2-Wire Ohms Function
selected by sending program code "F7" or "H7" 100XXXXX 4-Wire Ohms Function
(Home Command, see paragraph 3-110). The 3478A is 101XXXXX DC Current Function
set to the 2-Wire Ohms Function and the 30M ohm 110XXXXX AC Current Function
111XXXXX Extended Ohms Function
Range. A 10M ohm resistor is connected in parallel
with the input. Measure the resistance first and then 2 Bit#= 1 Instrument Status Bits
measure the unknown resistance. The unknown
resistance can then be calculated by this formula: 0 Internal Trigger Enabled
1 Autorange Enahled
Ri * Rt 2 Autozero Enabled
Rx = - - - 3 3478A set for 50Hz Operation
4 Front/Rear Switch in Front Position
Ri- Rt
5 Calibration RAM Enabled
where Rx is the unknown resistance, Ri is the measured 6 External Trigger Enabled

7 Always Zero (not true)
IOM ohm resistor, and Rt is the measured value of the
parallel combination. 3 Bit#= 1 SRQ Mask

3-120. Reading the Binary Status Byte. The current 0 Data Ready - SRQ for every available
reading to the HP-IB
status (or state) of the 3478A can be determined by 1 Not used
reading its Binary Status Byte. The total number of 2 Syntax Error - SRQ if Syntax Error oc-
bytes is five, with each byte 8 bits wide. The bytes can be curs
3 Internal Error - SRQ if Hardware Error
read by sending program code "B" to the 3478A and occurs
then reading its output. A small program to read the 4 Front Panel SRQ - SRQ if SRQ button is
output using the -hp- Model 85 Personal Computer is as pressed
follows: 5 Calibration Error - SRQ if CAL pro-
cedure failed
6 Always Zero (not true)
lO OUTPUT 723 ;"B" 7 Power-On SRQ - PON SRQ switch on
20 ENTER 723 USING "5(1B)" ;Bl,B2,B3,B4,B5 last time power was turned on or DCL
message was received

The bytes are in variables Bl, B2, B3, B4, and B5. The 4 Bit#= 1 Internal Error Information
bytes and corresponding meanings of the bits (when
0 Set if any of the Calibration RAM loca-
true) are in Table 3-7. Program Code "B" clears the Er- tions have incorrect checksums or if a
ror Register (byte 4; see Table 3-7). range with an incorrect checksum is
1 The Main CPU RAM Self-Test has failed
3-121. Reading the Error Register. Besides using Binary 2 The Control ROM Self-Test has failed
Status Byte 4 (see previous paragraph), the status of the 3 An A/D Slope Error was detected
4 The A/D has failed its Internal Self- Test
Error Register can also be determined by sending pro- 5 A failure in the A/D link (between U403
gram code "E" to the 3478A and then reading its out- aild U462)
put. The output is a two digit octal number followed by 6 Always Zero
a carriage return and line feed. The number shows 7 Always Zero
which bit(s) of the register is true (a two digit number 5 Bits A/D DAC Value

can be used since only 6 bits are used by the register).
For example, bits 0 and 5 are true which results in octal 0-7 A decimal value between 0 to 63
represents the setting of the internal
"41" (the maximum value is "77"}: Refer to Table 3-7 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC).
(byte 4) for the definitions of the bits. The Error (Refer to this manual's Section VII for
Register is also cleared by sending program code "E". information.!


4-1. INTRODUCTION equipment may be used. The HP Model3456A Voltmeter

is only recommended if the Standards to be used do not
4-2. This section of the manual contains Performance have the required acuracy. In these cases, the Standard
Tests and Calibration Procedures. The Performance Tests and the HP 3456A are connected in parallel and the
and Calibration Procedures use the specifications listed displayed reading on the 3456A is used as the Standard.
in Table 1-1 and summarized in Table 4-1. All Perfor- A summary of the test equipment required to perform
mance Tests and Calibration Procedures can be each Performance Test or Calibration Procedure is listed
accomplished without removing the 3478A cover. at the beginning of each procedure.

Table 4-1. Abbreviated Specifications Table

Table 4-2. Recommended Test Equipment
DC Volts Function (accuracy = ±(% of raading + number of counts))
Range 24 Hour 90 Day 1 Year Recommended Use
Instrument Critical Specifications Model
30mV 0.025 + 40 0.0275 + 40 0.035 + 40
300mV 0.004 + 4 0.005 + 5 0.007 + 5
3V 0.003 + 2 0.004 + 2 0.006 + 2 Digital Voltmeter Range: 30mV to 300V HP 3456A PCT
30V 0.004 + 3 0.005 + 4 0.007 + 4 Accuracy:
300V 0.004 + 2 0.005 + 2 0.007 + 2 ± .0020% @ 300V
± .0015% @ IV, 3V, 30V
DC Current Function (accuracy = ±(% of reading + number of counts)) ± .0025% @ 300mV
±. 015%@ 30mV
Range 90 Day 1 Year
DC Volts Standard Range: 30mV to 300V Datron 4000A
300m A 0.11 + 40 0.15 + 40 or 4707 PC

3A<1A 0.14 + 6 0.17 + 6 Accuracy ± .005%
3A>1A 1.0 + 30 1.0 + 30
AC Volts Standard Frequency: 20Hz to 300KHz Datron 4200 or
Ohms Function (accuracy = ±(% of reading + number of counts)) 4707 PC
Range: 30mV to 300V
Range 24 Hour 90 Day 1 Year Accuracy: ±1%
30 ohm 0.023 + 35 0.027 + 41 0.034 + 41 Resistance Range: 1011 to 10MI1 Datron 4000A
300 ohm 0.0045 + 4 0.012 + 5 0.017 + 5 Standard Accuracy: ±.03% or 4707 PC
3K ohm 0.0035 + 2 0.011 + 2 0.016 + 2
30K ohm 0.0035 + 2 0.011 + 2 0.016 + 2 AC Current Frequency: 1KHz to 5KHz Datron 4200 or
300K ohm 0.0035 + 2 0.011 + 2 0.016 + 2 Standard Range: 1OOmA to 1A 4707 PC
3M ohm 0.0052 + 2 0.011 + 2 Accuracy: ±.1%
0.016 + 2
30M ohm 0.036 + 2 0.066 + 2 0.078 + 2 Desktop Computer HP-18 Capability HP Model
85B CT
AC Volts Function 1 Year Limits (accuracy = ±(% of reading + number of HP Model 9000
counts)) Series 200/300
Frequency 300mV Range 3V,30V Range 300V Range Bus System HP-IB Control Capability HP Model
Analyzer 59401A T
20Hz-50Hz 1.14 + 163 1.14 + 102 1.18 + 102
50Hz-100Hz 0.46 + 163 0.46 + 103 0.50 + 102 Oscilloscope Bandwidth: DC to 100MHz HP Model
1OOHz-20KHz 0.20 + 120 0.20 + 70 0.24 + 70 1740A T
20KHz-50KHz 0.38 + 205 0.26 + 140 0.42 + 140 Signature Analyzer HP Model
50KHz-1OOKHz 1.20 + 840 0.87 + 780 0.98 + 780 5004A T
1OOKHz-300KHz 10.1 + 3720
(30V Range P = Performance Test C = Calibration T = Troubleshooting

AC Currant Function 1 Year Limits (accuracy = ±(% of reading + number

of counts))

Frequency 300mA Range 3A Range 4-5. TEST CARDS

20Hz-50Hz 1.54 + 163 2.24 + 163
50Hz-1KHz 0.81 + 163 1.50 + 163 4-6. Performance Test Cards are provided at the end of
1KHz-10KHz 0.72 + 163 1.42 + 163
1OKHz-20KHz 0.86 + 163 1.56 + 163 this section. The Performance Test Cards are used to
record the 3478A's test results. It is recommended that
the cards be used as an outline of the Performance Tests
4-3. TEST EQUIPMENT and that they be filled out as the test progresses. Each

Performance Test Card shows the tests required, the
4-4. Table 4-2 lists the recommended test equipment for upper test limits, and the lower test limits. There is a
the Performance Tests, Calibration Procedures, and separate Performance Test Card for the 24 hour limits,
Troubleshooting. The recommended equipment is listed 90 day limits, and 1 year limits. The Performance Test
along with the critical specifications so that substitute Cards can be used as an abbreviated test procedure once

Performance 3478A

you become familiar with the detailed test procedure given .001 %) for a total of ± .005%. This is only true at full
in the text. The Performance Test Cards can be used as scale. The next paragraph describes the case at 1/10 scale
a permanent record of the 3478A. The cards may be measurement accuracy. If the same specification is used
reproduced without written permission from Hewlett- in the 4 digit display mode, the total accuracy becomes
Packard. ± .007% (the percentage remains .004%, but the number
of counts changes to 1 in the 4 digit mode or .003%).

The Performance Test Cards at the end of this 4-15. The number of counts adder also affects the
section only apply to 3478A 's with serial accuracy specification at less than full scale. For exam-
prefix 2545 and above. Refer to Section VI ple, using the same specifications in paragraph 4-14, but
of this manual if you are Performance Testing only measuring at 1/10 of full scale gives a different total
or Calibrating a 3478A with a serial prefix accuracy specification. The percentage remains .004% but
below 2545. the 3 count adder is .033% at 1/10 scale. The total
accuracy at 1/10 scale becomes ± .037%, not the
± .005% at full scale.
4-16. Reference Temperature (Temperature Coefficient)
4-8. If the 3478A fails any of the Performance Tests, first
attempt the Calibration Procedure for the range and func- 4-17. The ambient air temperature in which the 3478A
tion that is failing. If the failure cannot be corrected by was last calibrated is called its Reference Temperature.
calibration, refer to Section VII of this manual for Provided the 3478A is operated within ± 5°C ( ± 9°F) of
troubleshooting procedures. the Reference Temperature, no correction to the accuracy
specification is required. If the 3478A is operated out-
4-9. TEST CONSIDERATIONS side this range, an adjustment to the rated specifications
must be made. The adjustment is listed in Table 1-1 as
4-10. Front and Rear Terminals a percentage of reading and a number of counts adder.
The application of the adjustment is identical with the

4-11. In the Performance Tests and Calibration accuracy adjustment application given in paragraphs 4-14
Procedures the 3478A set-up is specified for the front and 4-15. It is recommended that the 3478A be calibrated
panel input terminals. For all tests and procedures except at an ambient air temperature similar to the expected
the AC and DC Current Tests and Procedures, the rear testing and operating air temperature.
panel terminals may be used. The signals for the AC and
DC Current Tests and Procedures may only be applied 4-18. Accuracy of Standards
to the front panel terminals. For either set of terminals
make sure the FRONT /REAR Switch is in the correct 4-19. Because the 3478A is able to make highly accurate
position before applying the signals. DC measurements, special care must be taken when
calibrating or testing to ensure that the Standards used
4-12. Specifications don't introduce errors. Ideally, the accuracy of the Stan-
dards used to test and calibrate the 3478A should be an
4-13. The 3478A's specifications are grouped according order of magnitude better than the 3478A. It is important
to instrument function in Table 1-1 and Table 4-1 (DC to be aware of the ambiguities caused by the Standards
Volts, AC Volts, etc.). Within each functional group are used. The next paragraph gives an example of the
one, two, or three sets of specifications: 24 hour limits, ambiguities introduced by the measurement standard.
90 day limits, and 1 year limits. When Performance Tests
or Calibration Procedures are used, be sure to select the 4-20. As an example of the ambiguities caused by the
appropriate set of specifications. The Performance Test Standard used to measure the performance of the 3478A,
Cards, located at the end of this section, are also divided consider the following case. The 3478A's 30V full scale
into 24 hour limits, 90 day limits, and 1 year limits where DC accuracy is to be tested with a certain Standard to
appropriate. its 90 day specification. The 3478A accuracy specifica-
tion is ± .0063% and the Standard used has an ideal
4-14. Each set of specifications includes an accuracy accuracy of ± .0006%. If the 3478A indicates a full scale
specification for each voltage, ohms, and current range. voltage of 30.0021 (.007% high), the reading is within
The accuracy specification is listed as a percentage of the the ambiguous region. If the Standard's output is .0006%
reading and an add-on number of counts. For example, high (30.0018 Vdc), the 3478A's actual reading is 30.0003
the 5 digit display mode 24 hour full scale DC volts Vde which is within the 90 day specification limit. If the

accuracy on the 30V range (see Tables 1-1 and 4-1) is: Standard's output is right on 30.0000 Vdc, the 3478A
reading is too high and out of tolerance. In both cases
± (.0040Jo of reading + 3 counts) the Standard is within specification, but may show the
giving a full scale accuracy of ± .004% plus 3 counts (or 3478A to be in or out of tolerance. This vagueness in the

3478A Performance

test specifications is call the ambiguous region and is

graphically shown in Figure 4-1. The ambiguous region
grows larger when either the 3478A tolerance limits are Leakage paths on the 3478A 'sfront panel area
set tighter (as with the 24 hours specification) or when surrounding the input terminals can affect the
the accuracy of the Standard decreases. It is important input impedance. The paths can be removed
to know the specifications of the Standard and their effect by gently washing the area using a cotton swab
on the ambiguous region of the 3478A specifications dipped in isopropyl alcohol.
when testing or calibrating.

+ Readings above this point show that

+DVM is definitely out of specs
4·23. DC Volts Test
DVM spec~~~::~ l- - - - - - - - - - } Ae~dings in thi~
DVM spec_ std spec f-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ regmn are amb1guous
• thi~ region guarantee 4-24. The DC Volts test limits are printed on the
r Readings in
that DVM is within specs
appropriate DC Volts Test Card at the back of this sec-
DVM spec+ std ~ec
t-- _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Readings in this
region are ambiguous
tion and in Table 4-3. The Test Card also summarizes
the instrument set-up for the test. Each step on the test
- ~ Readings below this point show that card corresponds to a step in the test procedure. In the
DVM is definitely out of specs
following test procedure the Test Card step numbers are
3455- 8-4738
shown in parenthesis (e.g., Step #1).

Figure 4·1. Ambiguous Regions 4-25. Unless otherwise specified, all test signals are ap-
plied to the 3478A's HI and LO INPUT terminals.
4·21. PERFORMANCE TESTS 4·26. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is
required for the DC Volts Performance Test. The equip-
4-22. The Performance Tests are separated into five main ment is summarized with the critical specifications in
tests by function: DC Volts, DC Current, AC Volts, AC Table 4-2.
Current, and Ohms. For a complete Performance Test,
the five main tests should be done in the order they are DC Volts Standard- Datron Model4000A or 4707

• given in this section. The 3478A to be tested should be

turned on and allowed to warm-up for at least one hour
before testing. The Performance Tests are:
DC Volts Test - paragraph 4-23
DC Current Test - paragraph 4-28
AC Volts Test - paragraph 4-33
4·27. Test Procedure. Ensure that the 3478A to be tested
has been turned on and allowed to warm-up for at least
one hour. Then do the following:

a. (Step #I) Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift

button and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button.
d. AC Current Test - paragraph 4-38
All segments of the display will be turned on as long the
e. Ohms Test - paragraph 4-43
button is held. Check for missing display segments. When

Table 4·3. DC Volts Test Limits

3478A 3478A 3478A 24 Hour Limits 90 Day Limits I Year Limits
Input Range Set Up High Low High Low High Low

Short 30 mV DCV +00.0040 mV -00.0040 mV +00.0040 mV -00.0040 mV +00.0040 mV -00.0040 mV

Short 300 mV +000.004 mV -000.004 mV +000.005 mV -000.005 mV +000.005 mV -000.005 mV
Short 3V +0.00002 v -0.00002 v +0.00002 v -0.00002 v +0.00002 v -0.00002 v
Short 30 v +00.0003 v -00.0003 v +00.0004 v -00.0004 v +00.0004 v -00.0004 v
Short 300 v +000.002 v -000.002 v +000.002 v -000.002 v +000.002 v -000.002 v
+ 30 mV 30 mV +30.0115 mV +29.9885 mV +30.0123 mV +29.9877 mV +30.0145 mV +29.9855 mV
+300 mV 300 mV +300.016 mV +299.984 mV +300.020 mV +299.980 mV +300.026 mV +299.974 mV
+300 mV 3V +0.30003 v +0.29997 v +0.30003 v +0.29997 v +0.30004 v +0.29996 v
+1V 3V + 1.00005 v +0.99995 v + 1.00006 v +0.99994 v + 1.00008 v +0.99992 v
-1 v 3V -0.99995 v -1.00005 v -0.99994 v -1.00006 v -0.99992 v -1.00008 v
-3 v 3V -2.99989 v -3.00011 v -2.99986 v -3.00014 v -2.99980 v -3.00020 v
+3 v 3V +3.00011 v +2.99989 v +3.00014 v +2.99986 v +3.00020 v +2.99980 v
+3 v 3V AZ Off +3.00014 v +2.99984 v +3.00017 v +2.99983 v +3.00023 v +2.99977 v
+3 v 3V AZ On,
4 Digit +3.0002 v +2.9998 v +3.0002 v +2.9998 v +3.0003 v +2.9997 v

3 Digit +3.001 v +2.999 v +3.001 v +2.999 v +3.001 v +2.999 v
+ 3V 30 v 5 Digit +03.0004 v +02.9996 v +03.0006 v +02.9994 v +03.0006 v +02.9994 v
+ 10 v 30 v + 10.0007 v +09.9993 v + 10.0009 v +09.9991 v + 10.0011 v +09.9989 v
+ 30 v 30 v +30.0015 v +29.9985 v +30.0019 v +29.9981 v +30.0025 v +29.9975 v
+ 30 v 30 v AZ Off +30.0026 v +29.9974 v +30.0030 v +29.9970 v +30.0036 v +29.9964 v
+300 v 300 v AZ On +300.014 v +299.986 v +300.017 v +299.983 v +300.023 v +299.977 v

Performance 3478A

the button is released, the 3478A will perform it's inter- h. Check the 3478A 30mV range full scale accuracy
nal self-test. The display must show the words SELF
TEST OK for a few seconds. Do not attempt to perform
the DC Volts Performance Test if this display message
is not obtained. If the self-test should fail, refer to Section
VII of this manual for troubleshooting procedures.
by setting the DC Volts Standard to output 30 m V.
Record the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the reading
is within the limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-3.

i. Uprange the 3478A to the 300m V range. Set the DC

Volts Standard to output 300mV and check the 3478A
full scale accuracy. Record the reading on the Test Card.

NOTE Ensure the reading is within the limits on the Test Card
and in Table 4-3.
Following the reset/self-test, the 3478A is
placed in the DC Volts function, Autorange j. (Step #9) Uprange the 3478A to the 3V range. Set
On, Internal Trigger, and 5 digit display the DC Volts Standard for an output of 300mV (the same
mode. output as in step i). Record the reading on the Test Card.
Ensure the reading is within the limits on the Test Card
and in Table 4-3.
b. (Step #2) Short the 3478A's HI and LO INPUT
terminals. The instrument should auto range to the 30mV k. (Step #10) Leave the 3478A as set and change the
range. DC Volts Standard output to + 1V. Record the reading
on the Test Card. Ensure the reading is within the limits
c. Record the displayed reading on the Test Card. on the Test Card and in Table 4-3.
Ensure the reading is within the limits shown on the Test
Card and in Table 4-3. I. (Step #11) Set the DC Volts Standard to output -1V
(change the output polarity or reverse the leads to the
d. (Step #3, 4, 5, and 6) Set the 3478A to the 300mV, 3478A). Record the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the
3V, 30V, and 300V Ranges by pressing the up range but- reading is within the limits on the Test Card and in Table
ton once for each range. Record the 3478A reading at 4-3.
each range and ensure that the readings are within the
limits marked on the Test Card and in Table 4-3. If any

m. (Step #12) Using the same set-up in step I (negative
of the readings are out of tolerance, attempt the DC Volts input voltage to the 3478A), set the DC Volts Standard
Calibration Procedure given in paragraph 4-57. to output -3V. Record the reading on the Test Card.
Ensure the reading is within the limits on the Test Card
e. (Step #7 and 8) Remove the short from the 3478A and in Table 4-3.
INPUT terminals and set the multimeter to the 30mV
range by pressing the downrange button. n. (Step #13) Set the DC Volts Standard for an out-
put of + 3V (change the DC Volts Standard output
f. Set the DC Volts Standard for zero volts output. polarity or reverse the leads as in step 1). Record the
The 3478A should be set in the 5 digit display mode of reading on the Test Card. Ensure that reading is within
the DC Volts function on the 30mV range. the limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-3.
g. Connect the DC Volts Standard output to the 3478A o. (Step #14) With the + 3V applied to the 3478A, turn
input terminals as shown in Figure 4-2. Autozero off by pressing the blue shift button and then

- ,. ,_ ....,
~~r ·,__ HI
}/} ~



HP 3478A
Figure 4-2. DC Voltage Test and Calibration Connections
3478A Performance

the INT /TRIG (AUTO ZERO) button. Record the

• reading on the Test Card. Ensure the reading is within

the limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-3.

p. (Step #15) Turn Autozero on by pressing the blue

shift button and then the INT /TRIG (AUTO ZERO)

Potentially lethal voltages are used in the next

3 tests. Do not touch the DC Volts Standard's
output terminals or the 3478A 's input ter-
minals. Ensure that the DC Volts Standard's
output is turned off before moving any con-
q. (Step # 16) With the + 3V applied to the 3478A, nections.
set the 3478A to the 4 digit display mode by pressing the
blue shift button and then the uprange (4) button. Record
the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the reading is within w. (Step #24) Set the 3478A to the 300V range by press-
the,.limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-3. ing the uprange button. Set the DC Volts Standard to
output + 300V. Record the reading on the Test Card.
r. (Step #17) With the + 3V applied to the 3478A, set Ensure the reading is within the limits on the Test Card
the 3478A to the 3 digit display mode by pressing the blue and in Table 4-3.
shift button and then the AUTO/MAN (3) button.
Record the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the reading x. (Step #25) Turn off the DC Volts Standard output.
is within the limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-3. Disconnect the DC Volts Standard test leads from the
3478A INPUT terminals.
s. (Step #18) Return the 3478A to the 5 digit display
mode by pressing the blue shift button and then the y. (Step #26) Perform the DC Common Mode Rejec-
uprange (5) button. tion test (DC CMR test). To perform the test:

t. (Step #19, 20 and 21) Set the 3478A to the 30V range I. Set the 3478A to the 30mV range.
by pressing the uprange button. Check the 3478A
accuracy at 1110, 1/3, and full scale by setting the DC 2. Connect a IK ohm resistor between the 3478A's HI
Volts Standard to output + 3V, + IOV, and + 30V and LO INPUT terminals.
respectively. At each setting record the 3478A reading on

• the Test Card. Ensure the readings are within the limits 3. Note the reading on the 3478A. This reading will
on the Test Card and in Table 4-3. be used in step 5.

u. (Step #22) With the + 30V still applied to the 3478A, 4. Ensure the DC Volts Standard's output is turned
turn Autozero off by pressing the blue shift button and off. Connect the Standard so that the HI output
then the INT /TRIG (AUTO ZERO) button. Record the lead is connected to the 3478A HI INPUT terminal.
reading on the Test Card. Ensure the reading is within Connect the Standard LO output lead to the 3478A
the limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-3. chassis (use the BNC shield on the rear panel). The
connection is shown in Figure 4-3.
v. (Step #23) Turn Autozero on by pressing the blue
shift button and then the INT /TRIG (AUTO ZERO) 5 . Set the DC Volts Standard for an output of + 450V.
button. Record the reading on the 3478A. Ensure that this
reading is within 450m V of the reading obtained in
step 3.

- ,. ....,

[r- llj~p U1Kn




HP 3478A HP3478.F.4.3

Figure 4·3. DC Common Mode Rejection Test

Performance 3478A

z. Turn the DC Volts Standard's output off. Discon- e. (Step #4) Remove the short from the LO and A IN-
nect the leads from the 3478A. This completes the DC PUT terminals. Set the 3478A to the 300mA range by
Volts Performance Test. If any test result was outside the pressing the downrange button.
limits on the Test Card or in Table 4-3, try calibrating
the DC Volts function of the 3478A. Calibration f. Connect the DC Current Standard output to the
procedures for the DC Volts function begin in paragraph 3478A LO and A INPUT terminals as shown in Figure
4-57. If recalibration will not cure the problem, see Sec- 4-4. Set the DC Current Standard for an output of
tion VII of this manual for troubleshooting procedures. + 100mA.
4·28. DC Current Test g. Record the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the
reading is within the limits on the Test Card and in Table
4-29. The DC Current Test limits are listed on the DC 4-4.
Current Test Card (located at the end of this section) and
in Table 4-4. The Test Card also summarizes the instru- h. (Step #5) Set the 3478A to the 3A range by pressing
ment set-up for each test. Each step on the Test Card the uprange button. Set the DC Current Standard for an
corresponds to a step in the test procedure. In the follow- output of + 1A.
ing procedure the Test Card step numbers are shown in
parenthesis (e.g., Step #1). i. Record the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the
reading is within the limits on the Test Card and in Table
4-30. Unless otherwise specified, all signals are applied 4-4.
to the 3478A front panel LO and A INPUT terminals.
j. Turn the DC Current Standard's output off. Discon-
4·31. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is nect the test leads. This completes the DC Current
required for the DC Current Performance Test. The Performance Test. If any test result was outside the limits
equipment is summarized with the critical specifications on the Test Card or in Table t-4, try calibrating the DC
in Table 4-2. Current function of the 3478A. Calibration procedures
for the DC Current function begin at paragraph 4-61. If
DC Current Standard - Datron Model4000A or 4707 recalibration will not cure the problem, see Section VII
of this manual for troubleshooting information.
4·32. Test Procedure. Ensure the 3478A will pass the DC
Volts Performance Test (paragraph 4-23) before attemp-
ting the DC Current Performance Test. The 3478A
should have been turned on and allowed to warm-up for
at least one hour before testing. Then do the following:

a. (Step #1) Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift

4·33. AC Volts Test

4-34. The AC Volts test limits are printed on the

appropriate Test Card at the back of this section and in
Table 4-5. The Test Card also summarizes the instrument
set-up for the test. Each step on the Test Card cor-

button and then the SGLITRIG (TEST /RESET) button. responds to a step in the test procedure. In the following
test procedure the Test Card step numbers are shown in
b. (Step #2) Set the 3478A to the DC Current func- parenthesis (e.g., Step #1).
tion. Install a short between the LO and A INPUT
terminals on the front panel. The 3478A should autorange 4-35. Unless otherwise specified, all test signals are
to the 300mA range. applied to the 3478A HI and LO INPUT terminals.

c. Record the reading on the Test Card. Ensure the 4·36. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is
reading is within the limits on the Test Card and in Table required for the AC Volts Performance Test. The equip-
4-4. ment is summarized with the critical specifications in
Table 4-2.
d. (Step #3) Set the 3478A to the 3A range by pressing AC Volts Standard- Datron Model4200 or 4707
the uprange button. Record the reading on the Test Card.
Ensure the reading is within the limits on the Test Card 4·37. Test Procedure. Ensure that the 3478A passes the DC
and in Table 4-4. Volts Performance Test before attempting the AC Volts

Table 4·4. DC Current Test Limits

3478A 3478A 3478A 90 Day Limits 1 Year Limits

Input Ranga Sat Up high low high low
Short 300m A DCI +000.040mA -000.040mA +000.040mA -000.040mA
Short 3A +0.00006A -0.00006A +0.00006A -0.00006A
+ 100mA 300m A + 100.150mA +099.850mA + 100.190mA +099.810mA
+1A 3A + 1.00146A +0.99854A + 1.00176A +0.99824A

3478A Performance

Table 4-5. AC Volts Test Limits d. (Step #3 and 4) Record the reading. Ensure the
3478A 1 Yaar Limits
reading is within the limits shown on the Test Card and
3478A 3478A
High Low
in Table 4-5. Check the full scale accuracy by setting the
Input Range Sat Up
AC Volts Standard for an output of 0.28V at 20KHz.
Record the reading. Ensure the reading is within the limits
.028 V,20 KHz 300 mV ACV 028.176 mV 027.824 mV
shown on the Test Card and in Table 4-5.
0.28 V,20 KHz 300 mV 280.680 mV 279.320 mV
0.28 V,20 KHz 3V 0.28126 v 0.27874 v
e. (Step #5, 6, and 7) Set the 3478A to the 3V range
1.5 V,20 KHz 3V 1.50370 v 1.49630 v
by pressing the uprange button. Check the 11IO, \12 and
2.8 V,20 KHz 3V 2.80630 v 2.79370 v
2.8 V,20 KHz 30 v 02.8126 v 02.7874 v
full scale accuracy of the 3V range by applying 0.28V,
1.5V, and 2.8V at 20KHz respectively. At each setting
28 V,20 KHz 30 v 28.0630 v 27.9370 v
record the reading and ensure the reading is within the
28 V,20 KHz 300 v 028.137 v 027.863 v
280.742 v 279.258 v
limits shown on the Test Card and in Table 4-5.
280 V,20 KHz 300 v
0.28 V,50 KHz 300 mV 281.269 v 278.731 v
2.79132 v
f. (Step #8, and 9) Set the 3478A to the 30V range by
2.8 V,50 KHz 3V 2.80868 v
28.0868 v 27.9132 v
pressing the uprange button. Check the 1110 and full scale
28 V,50 KHz 30 v
accuracy by applying 2.8V and 28V at 20KHz respective-
280 V,50 KHz 300 v 281.316 v 278.684 v
ly. Record the readings and ensure the readings are within
0.28 V,100 KHz 300 mV 284.200 mV 275.800 mV
the limits shown on the Test Card and in Table 4-5.
0.28 V, 100KHz 3V 0.29024 v 0.26976 v
2.8 V,100 KHz 3V 2.83216V 2.76784 v
15 V,100 KHz
28 V,100 KHz
v 14.7915 v
27.6784 v
280 V, 100KHz 300 v 283.524 v 276.476 v
25 V,300 KHz 30 v 28.8970 v 22.1030 v Potentially lethal voltages are used in the next
2.8 V,50 Hz 3V 2.81391 v 2.78609 v 3 steps. Do not touch the AC Volts Standard's
2.8 V,20 Hz 3V 2.83294 v 2.76706 v output terminals or the 3478A input ter-
minals. Ensure the AC Volts Standard's out-
put is turned off before installing or removing

the test leads .
Performance Test. The 3478A should be turned on and
allowed to warm-up for at least one hour. The do the
following: g. (Step #IO and II) Set the 3478A to the 300V range
by pressing the uprange button. Check the 11IO and full
a. (Step #I) Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift scale accuracy by applying 28V and 280V at 20KHz
button and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button. respectively. Record the readings and ensure the readings
are within the limits shown on the Test Card and in Table
b. (Step #2) Set the 3478A to the AC Volts function 4-5.
and the 300mV range.
h. (Step #I2, 13, I4, and I5) Set the AC Volts Stan-
c. Connect the AC Volts Standard output to the 3478A dard output frequency to 50KHz. Check the 300V, 30V,
HI and LO INPUT terminals as shown in Figure 4-5. Set 3V, and 300mV ranges full scale accuracy by applying
the AC Volts Standard for an output of 0.028V at 20KHz. 280V, 28V, 2.8V, and 0.28V respectively. Always ensure

- ,. ,_ .....
@ @
[r- ~~~
" "'

ta DDDDDDD ri~

HP 3478A
Figure 4-4. DC Current Test and Calibration Connections
Performance 3478A

the AC Volts Standard's output is turned off or Ensure the reading is within the limits shown on the Test

downranged before the 3478A is downranged. Record the Card and in Table 4-5. Turn off the AC Volts Standard's
readings at each voltage and range. Ensure the readings output.
are within the limits shown on the Test Card and in Table
4-5. m. (Step #22) Set the 3478A to the 30V range by press-
ing the downrange button. Set the AC Volts Standard
i. (Step #16) Set the AC Volts Standard for an output for an output of 28V at 300KHz. Record the reading.
of 0.28V at 100KHz. Set the 3478A to the 300mV range. Ensure the reading is within the limits on the Test Card
Check the full scale accuracy. Record the reading. Ensure and in Table 4-5.
the reading is within the limits shown on the Test Card
and in Table 4-5. n. (Step #23 and 24) Set the AC Volts Standard's out-
put for 2.8V at 50Hz. Set the 3478A to the 3V range by
j. (Step #17 and 18) Set the 3478A to the 3V range by pressing the downrange button. Record the reading. Set
pressing the uprange button. Record the 1110 scale the AC Volts Standard's output for 2.8V at 20Hz. Record
reading. Set the AC Volts Standard output for 2.8V at the reading. Ensure both readings are within the limits
100KHz. Record the full scale reading. Ensure both on the Test Card and in Table 4-5.
readings are within the limits shown on the Test Card and
in Table 4-5. o. Turn off the AC Volts Standard. Remove the test
connections. This completes the AC Volts Performance
k. (Step #19 and 20) Set the 3478A to the 30V range Test. If any test results was outside the limits shown on
by pressing the uprange button. Set the AC Volts Stan- the Test Card or in Table 4-5, try recalibrating the 3478A.
dard output for 15V at 100KHz. Record the \12 scale Calibration procedures for the AC Volts function begin
reading. Set the AC Volts Standard output for 28V at at paragraph 4-66. If recalibration will not cure the pro-
100KHz. Record the full scale reading. Ensure both blem, see Section VII of this manual for troubleshooting
readings are within the limits shown on the Test Card and procedures.
in Table 4-5.
4·38. AC Current Test

I WARNING I 4-39. The AC Current test limits are printed on the

appropriate Test Card at the back of this section and in
Table 4-6. The Test Card also summarizes the instrument
The next test uses potentially lethal voltage. set-up for the test. Each step on the Test Card cor-
Do not touch the AC Volts Standard's out- responds to a step in the procedure. In the following
put terminals or the 3478A input terminals. procedure the Test Card step numbers are shown in
Ensure AC Volts Standard's output is off parenthesis (e.g., Step #1).
before installing or removing test leads.
Table 4·6. AC Current Test Limits
3478A 3478A 3478A 1 Year Limits
I. (Step #21) Set the 3478A to the 300V range by Input Range Set Up high low
pressing the uprange button. Set the AC Volts Standard .03A,5KHz 300m A ACI 030.379mA 029.621mA
0.1A 5KHz 300m A 100.883mA 099.117mA
for an output of 280V at 100KHz. Record the reading. 1A,5KHz 1A 1.01583A 0.98417A

.. ·- """'
II II j~; ~ HI }/} ~
tal DDDDDDD ·[~e

HP 3478A
Figure 4·5. AC Voltage Test and Calibration Connections.
3478A Performance

4-40. Unless otherwise specified, all signals are applied g. Turn off the AC Current Standard's output.

• to the 3478A front panel A and LO INPUT terminals.

4·41. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is

required for the AC Current Performance Test. The
equipment is summarized with the critical specifications
in Table 4-2.
Disconnect the test leads. This concludes the AC Cur-
rent Performance Test. If If any test result was outside
the limits on the Test Card or in Table 4-6, try
recalibrating the instrument. Calibration procedures for
the AC Current function begin at paragraph 4-72. If
recalibration will not cure the problem, see Section VII
of this manual for troubleshooting procedures.
AC Current Standard - Datron Model 4200 or 4707
4-43. Ohms Test
4-42. Test Procedure. Ensure that the 3478A passes the AC
Volts Performance Test before attempting the AC Cur- 4-44. The Ohms Performance Test limits are printed on
rent Performance Test. The 3478A should be turned on the Test Card at the back of this section and in Table
and allowed to warm-up for at least one hour. Then do 4-7. Two sets of limits are shown, full scale and 'IJ scale,
the following: to allow for different Standards. The Test Card also sum-
marizes the instrument set-up for each test. Each step on
a. (Step #1) Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift the Test Card corresponds to a step in the test procedure.
button and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button. In the following test procedure the Test Card step
numbers are shown in parenthesis (e.g., Step #1).
b. (Step #2) Set the 3478A to the AC Current func-
tion and the 300mA range.
4-45. There are several important considerations for
c. (Step #3) Set the AC Current Standard for an out- performing the Ohms Performance Test. These
put frequency of 5KHz. This output frequency will be considerations are:
used for all steps in this test. Connect the AC Current
Standard to the 3478A front panel A and LO INPUT 1) The Ohms Performance Test is only valid in the
terminals as shown in Figure 4-6. Ohms function last calibrated. For example, if the
3478A was last calibrated in the 4-Wire ohms func-
d. Set the AC Current Standard for an output of tion, the Ohms Performance Test should also be

30mA. Record the reading. Ensure the reading is within performed in the 4-Wire ohms function.
the limits shown on the Test Card an in Table 4-6.
2) If possible, the same test leads used to calibrate the
e. (Step #4) Set the AC Current Standard for an out- 3478A ohms function should be used in the Ohms
put of 0.1A. Record the reading. Ensure the reading is Performance Test. This is especially important in
within the limits shown on the Test Card and in Table 4-6. the 2-Wire ohms function where the impedance of
the test leads is compensated during calibration.
f. (Step #5) Set the 3478A to the 3A range by pressing Different test leads will have different impedances
the uprange button. Set the AC Current Standard for an and so create invalid readings.
output of 1A. Record the reading. Ensure the reading is
within the limits on the Test Card and in Table 4-6. 3) The best results will be obtained when the test leads
are as short as possible. Longer test leads are more
susceptible to noise and can cause invalid readings.

- ,.
IEJElElElElElElElEll [8]

"""' IEJElElElElElElEll

II I •• • •• "'



HP 3478A
Figure 4·6. AC Current Test and Calibration Connections
Performance 3478A

Table 4·7. Ohms Test Limits




Sat Up
24 Hour Limits


90 Day Limits


1 Yaar Limits



Short 300K 000.002K -000.002K 000.002K -000.002K 000.002K -000.002K
Short 3M 0.00002M -0.00002M 0.00002M -0.00002M 0.00002M -0.00002M
Short 30M 00.0002M -00.0002M 00.0002M -00.0002M 00.0002M -00.0002M
30 30 30.0104 29.9896 30.0122 29.9878 30.0143 29.9857
(10) 10.0058 09.9942 10.0068 09.9932 10.0075 09.9925
300 300 300.018 299.982 300.041 299.959 300.056 299.944
(100) 100.009 099.991 100.017 099.983 100.022 099.978
3K 3K 3.00013K 2.99987K 3.00035K 2.99965K 3.00050K 2.99950K
(1 K) 1.00006K 0.99994K 1.00013K 0.99987K 1.00018K 0.99982K
30K 30K 30.0013K 29.9987K 30.0035K 29.9965K 30.0050K 29.9950K
(10K) 10.0006K 09.9994K 10.0013K 09.9987K 10.0018K 09.9982K
300K 300K 300.013K 299.987K 300.035K 299.965K 300.050K 299.950K
(100K) 100.006K 099.994K 100.013K 099.987K 100.018K 099.982K
3M 3M 3.00018M 2.99982M 3.00035M 2.99965M 3.00050M 2.99950M
(1M) 1.00007M 0.99993M 1.00013M 0.99987M 1.00018M 0.99982M
30M 30M 30.0110M 29.9890M 30.0200M 29.9800M 30.0236M 29.9764M
(10M) 10.0038M 09.9962M 10.0068M 09.9932M 10.0080M 09.9920M

4) The Ohms Performance Test can be performed at both the input terminals and the sense terminals as shown
either full scale or YJ scale. Because of this, two sets in Figure 4-9). Record the reading. Ensure the reading
of test limits are shown on the Test Card and in is within the limits shown on the Test Card and in Table
Table 4-7. The YJ scale limits are shown in paren- 4-7.

thesis in the step number on the Test Card and in
the input to the 3478A in Table 4-7. c. (Step #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) With the input to the
3478A still shorted, set the 3478A to the 3000, 3KO,
5) This Ohms Performance Test is written to support 30KO, 300KO, 3MO, and 30MO ranges by pressing the
the recommended Resistance Standard. Figure 4-7 uprange button once for each range. At each range,
shows the test connections for 2-Wire ohms. Figure record the reading. Ensure the readings are within the
4-8 shows the test connections for 4-Wire ohms. limits shown on the Test Card and in Table 4-7. If any
readings are not within the limits, perform the Ohms
6) If the 4-Wire ohms function is to be tested, shor- Calibration procedure beginning at paragraph 4-86.
ting the INPUT terminals requires that both the
sense and input terminals be shorted as shown in d. (Step #9) Remove the short from the 3478A INPUT
Figure 4-9. terminals. Set the 3478A to the 300 range. Connect the
Resistance Standard to the 3478A INPUT terminals (us-
4·46. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is ing either the connection shown in Figure 4-7 or 4-8, as
required to perform the Ohms Performance Test. The appropriate).
equipment is summarized with the critical specifications
in Table 4-2. e. Set the Resistance Standard for an output of 300
(may also be 100 as described in paragraph 4-45). Record
Resistance Standard- Datron Model 4000A or 4707 the reading. Ensure the reading is within the limits shown
on the Test Card and in Table 4-7.
4-47. Test Procedure. Ensure the 3478A passes the DC Volts
Performance Test before attempting the Ohms Perfor-
mance Test. The 3478A should be turned on and allow-
ed to warm-up for at least one hour. Then do the NOTE
The test limits shown on the Test Card and
a. (Step #I) Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift in Table 4-7 assume a nominal value for the
button and then the SGL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button. Resistance Standard. If the actual value of the

Resistance Standard used differs from this
b. (Step #2) Set the 3478A to the desired ohms func- nominal value, the test limits will need to be
tion (see paragraph 4-45). Apply a short to the INPUT adjusted to compensate.
terminals (in the 4-Wire ohms function you must short

3478A Performance

f. (Step #10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15) Check the 3000, 4-48. CALIBRATION PROCEDURES
3KO, 30KO, 300K0Hm, 3MO, and 30MO ranges of the
3478A by applying the following resistances to the IN- 4·49. General
PUT terminals: 3000 (or 1000), 3KO (or 1KO), 30KO (or
10KO), 300KO (or lOOKOhm), 3MO (lMO), and 30MO 4-50. The 3478A is electronically calibrated by storing
(or lOMO) respectively. Record the reading at each range. calibration constants in non-volatile memory. There are
Ensure the readings are within the limits shown on the no mechanical adjustments. Calibration requires access
Test Card and in Table 4-7. to the 3478A front panel.

g. Remove the test leads from the 3478A. This con- 4-51. Internally, during calibration, the 3478A averages
cludes the Ohms Performance Test. If any of the test ten readings of the signal applied to the input terminals
results were outside the test limits, try recalibrating the and uses this average to compute a calibration constant.
Ohms function of the 3478A. Calibration procedures Once indicated by the user, this calibration constant is
begin at paragraph 4-78. If recalibration does not cure stored in non-volatile memory and then used to adjust
the problem, see Section VII of this manual for all future measurements in that range and function.
troubleshooting information.
4-52. The general procedure for calibration is to first set
the offset by applying a short to the INPUT terminals
and then set the gain by applying a full scale signal to
the INPUT terminals. This procedure is repeated for each
range in each function. (Some functions and ranges only
require a \13 scale input to set the gain.)

- \ElElElEll -
\ElElElElElElElElEll 8

HP 3478A HP3478.F.4. 7

Figure 4-7. 2-Wire Ohms Test and Calibration Connections

- \ElEJEJEll -
\ElElElElElElElElEl\ 8

HP 3478A
Figure 4-8. 4-Wire Ohms Test and Calibration Connections
Performance 3478A

(e.g., I Ohm on the 30 Ohm range).

2 . A full scale or Y3 scale (gain) calibration is attemp-

ted in the DC Volts function and a negative input
signal is applied. Always calibrate the DC Volts
function with a positive polarity input signal.

3 . A full scale or Y3 scale (gain) calibration is attemp-

LO ted and the input signal is outside the calibration
range ( ± 70Jo ). For example, a full scale calibration
of the 3V range is attempted and the input signal
is + 3.22V.

er- 4. An AC Volts function calibration is attempted with
an input signal other than 3Vac.
Figure 4-9. 4·Wire Ohms Short
e. ACI VAL ERROR -This message is displayed when
4-53. When calibration is enabled, the 3478A display will the 3478A is unable to calculate an AC Current calibra-
first show the currently set value of the offset. This is tion constant. This condition can exist if the calibration
indicated in the display by a zero (or approximately zero) constants for the 300mA and 3A DC ranges are incorrect.
reading followed by the letter "C". When a new calibra- Always ensure the DC Current function is calibrated
tion is requested, the "C" is replaced by "?". before calibrating the AC Current function.

4-54. When calibrating the gain (full scale), the reading f. CAL FINISHED - A calibration cycle has been
in the display can be changed to the exact input value successfully completed.
by using the uprange and downrange buttons. The
reading displayed will increment or decrement as long as g. CALIBRATING- This message is displayed when
the button is pressed. When the exact value is reached the 3478A is calculating calibration constants.

the new value is stored by pressing the SOL/TRIG but-
ton. Note that this is only necessary and desirable when 4·57. DC Volts Calibration
the exact value of the input signal is known. If the calibra-
tion Standard used has a high enough accuracy, this ad- 4-58. Unless otherwise stated, all calibration signals are
justment is not necessary. applied to the 3478A HI and LO INPUT terminals.

4·55. Calibration Messages 4·59. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is
required for the DC Volts Calibration procedure. The
4-56. The 3478A display can show a variety of messages equipment is summarized with the critical specifications
when calibrating. The following list contains the messages in Table 4-2.
that may be displayed and describes the meaning of each
DC Volts Standard - Datron 4000A or 4707
4·60. Calibration Procedure. Turn on the 3478A and allow
a. UNCALIBRATED - This message is typically
a one hour warm-up period. Then, do the following:
displayed following a self-test when the calibration RAM
checksum is incorrect. The accuracy of the 3478A is
a. Reset the 3478A by pressing the front panel blue
always in doubt if this message is displayed.
shift button and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET)
b. ENABLE CAL - This message indicates that a button.
calibration was attempted without the front panel calibra-
tion switch set to the correct position. (The slot of the
switch must be set vertically to allow calibration.) NOTE
c. CAL ABORTED- This message is displayed when Following the reset/self-test, the 3478A is
an incorrect front panel button is pushed during the placed in the DC Volts junction, Autorange
calibration procedure. The message can also occur if an On, Internal Trigger, and 5 digit display
input overload is detected or an AID error occurs. mode.

d. VALUE ERROR - This message will be displayed
when any of the following conditions are true. b. Use a small, flat blade screwdriver to set the front
panel CAL ENABLE Switch to the Cal Enable position
1. A zero (offset) calibration is attempted and the (the slot of the switch must be in the vertical position to
3478A is reading a value greater than ± 1000 counts allow calibration).
3478A Performance

c. Set the 3478A to the single trigger mode by pressing 4·64. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is
the SOL/TRIG button. Take the 3478A out of Autorange required for the DC Current Calibration. The test equip-
by pressing the downrange button (set the 3478A to the ment is summarized with the critical specifications in
30mV range). Table 4-2.
d. Install a short across the 3478A's HI and LO DC Current Standard - Datron Model 4000A or
INPUT terminals. 4707

e. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL 4-65. Calibration Procedure. Do the following:
(CAL) button.
a. Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift button
f. Press the SOL/TRIG button once. When the display and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button.
shows CAL FINISHED, remove the short from the input.
b. Set the 3478A front panel CAL ENABLE Switch
g. Connect the DC Volts Standard output terminals to the Calibration Enable position (the slot must be
to the 3478A INPUT terminals as shown in Figure 4-2. vertical to allow calibration).
Set the DC Volts Standard for an output of 30mV.
c. Set the 3478A to the Single Trigger mode, DC Cur-
h. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL rent function, and the 300mA range (take the 3478A out
(CAL) button. of the Autorange function by pressing the downrange
i. If the actual output value of the DC Volts Standard
is known, use the 3478A uprange or downrange buttons d. Leave the 3478A INPUT terminals open. Press the
to set the 3478A display to the same value. Then press blue shift button and then the LOCAL (CAL) button.
the SOL/TRIG button. If the actual output is not known
or if the Standard has a high enough accuracy, just press e. Press the SOL/TRIG button once. Wait for the
the SOL/TRIG button. display to show the message CAL FINISHED.

j. Remove the DC Volts Standard input from the f. Uprange the 3478A to the 3A range. Repeat steps
3478A. Set the 3478A to the 300mV range by pressing d and e.
the uprange button. Install a short across the 3478A HI
and LO INPUT terminals. g. Connect the DC Current Standard's output to the
3478A LO and A INPUT terminals as shown in Figure
k. Repeat steps e through j on the 300mV range (the 4-4.
DC Volts Standard output should be set to 300mV).
h. Set the 3478A to the 300mA range. Set the DC Cur-

I WARNING I rent Standard for an output of + lOOmA.

i. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL

The next step uses potentially lethal voltages. (CAL) button.
Do not touch the DC Volts Standard's out-
put terminals or the 3478A 's input terminals. j. If the actual output value of the DC Current
Ensure the DC Volts Standard's output is Standard is known, use the 3478A uprange or downrange
turned off before moving any connections. buttons to set the 3478A display to the same value. Then
press the SOL/TRIG button. If the actual output is not
known or if the DC Current Standard has a high enough
1. Repeat steps e through j on each of the remaining accuracy, just press the SOL/TRIG button.
3478A ranges, increasing the value of the DC Volts Stan-
dard output accordingly. The ranges to be calibrated are: k. Uprange the 3478A to the 3A range. Set the DC
3V, 30V and 300V. Current Standard for an output of + lA.

4-61. DC Current Calibration 1. Repeat steps i and j.

4-62. The DC Volts Calibration or DC Volts Perfor- m. Turn off the DC Current Standard's output.
mance Test should be performed before attempting the Disconnect the test leads. This concludes the DC Current
DC Current Calibration. The 3478A should be turned on calibration procedure.

and allowed at least a one hour warm-up .
4-66. AC Volts Calibration
4-63. Unless otherwise specified, all input signals are
applied to the front panel LO and A INPUT terminals. 4-67. The AC Volts function is calibrated using only one
input signal. The signal required is 3V at 1KHz. During

Performance 3478A

the calibration cycle the 3478A will automatically set the calibration constants. For this reason, no AC Current
gain at full scale on the 3V range and at 1110 scale on calibration is required provided the DC Volts, DC Cur-
the 30V range. These two gain adjustments are then rent, and AC Volts functions have been calibrated. The
applied to all other ranges in the AC Volts function. following procedure is provided for cases where only the
AC Current function is to be calibrated or for cases where
4-68. The DC Volts Calibration or DC Volts Perfor- the AC Current Performance Test (see paragraph 4-38)
mance Test should be performed before attempting the has failed.
AC Volts Calibration. The 3478A should be turned on
and allowed to warm-up for at least one hour. 4-74. Unless otherwise stated, all signals are applied to
the 3478A front panel LO and A INPUT terminals.
4-69. Unless otherwise stated, all input signals are applied
to the 3478A HI and LO INPUT terminals. 4-75. The AC Current function can only be calibrated
using full scale inputs.
4·70. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is
required for the AC Volts Calibration. The test equip- 4·76. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is
ment is summarized with the critical specifications in required for the AC Current calibration procedure. The
Table 4-2. test equipment is summarized with the critical specifica-
tions in Table 4-2.
AC Voltage Standard - Datron 4200 or 4707
AC Current Standard - Datron Model4200 or 4707
4·71. Calibration Procedure. Do the following:
4·77. Calibration Procedure. Make sure the 3478A has been
a. Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift button turned on and allowed to warm-up for at least one hour.
and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button. Then do the following:

b. Set the front panel CAL ENABLE switch to the a. Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift button
Calibration Enable position (the slot must be vertical to and then the SOL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button.
allow calibration).
b. Set the 3478A front panel CAL ENABLE Switch
c. Set the 3478A to the AC Volts function and the 3V

d. Set the Single Trigger mode by pressing the

SOL/TRIG button.

e. Connect the AC Volts Standard's output to the

to the Calibration Enable position (the slot must be
vertical to allow calibration).

c. Set the 3478A to the Single Trigger mode, AC Cur-

rent function and 300mA range (take the 3478A out of
the Autorange function by pressing the downrange

3478A HI and LO INPUT terminals as shown in Figure
4-5. d. Connect the AC Current Standard's output to the
3478A LO and A INPUT terminals as shown in Figure
f. Set the AC Volts Standard for an output of 3V at 4-6.
e. Set the AC Current Standard for an output of
g. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL 300mA at 1KHz.
(CAL) button.
f. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL
h. If the actual output value of the AC Volts Standard (CAL) button.
is known, use the 3478A uprange or downrange buttons
to set the 3478A display to the same value. Then press g. If the actual value of the AC Current Standard is
the SOL/TRIG button. If the actual output value is not known, use the 3478A uprange or downrange buttons to
known or if the AC Volts Standard has a high enough set the 3478A display to the same value. Then press the
accuracy, just press the SOL/TRIG button. SOL/TRIG button. If the actual output is not known or
if the Standard accuracy is high enough, just press the
i. Wait for the 3478A display to show the message SOL/TRIG button.
CAL FINISHED. Turn off the AC Volts Standard's out-
put. Disconnect the test leads. This concludes the AC h. Turn off the AC Current Standard output. Discon-
Volts function calibration. nect the test leads. This concludes the AC Current

Calibration Procedure.
4·72. AC Current Calibration
4·78. Ohms Calibration
4-73. The AC Current Calibration Constants are
calculated using the DC Volts, DC Current, and AC Volts 4-79. The 3478A can be calibrated in either the 4-Wire
3478A Performance

or 2-Wire Ohms function. It cannot be calibrated in both. set the 3478A display to the same value. Then press the

• The 3478A should be calibrated in the function in which

it will be used.
4-80. If the calibration is to be done in the 2-Wire Ohms
function, the Resistance Standard is connected to the HI
and LO INPUT terminals as shown in Figure 4-7. If the
calibration is to be done in the 4-Wire Ohms function,
SGL/TRIG button. If the actual value is not known or
if the Standard has a high enough accuracy, just press
the SGLITRIG button. Wait for the display to show the

k. Remove the Resistance Standard test leads from the

3478A INPUT (and SENSE) terminals. Uprange the
the Resistance Standard must be connected to the HI and 3478A to the 3000 range.
LO INPUT terminals and the HI and LO SENSE
terminals as shown in Figure 4-8. I. Repeat steps d through j increasing the value of the
Resistance Standard in step h to 3000 (1000).
4-81. The 3478A's Ohms function can be calibrated using
either full scale or Y3 scale inputs. In the following m. Repeat steps d through k on each of the remaining
procedure the Y3 scale inputs are shown in parenthesis. 3478A ranges, increasing the value of the Resistance Stan-
dard accordingly. The ranges to be calibrated are: 3KO,
4·82. Equipment Required. The following test equipment is 30KO, 300KO, 3MO, and 30MO.
required for the Ohms Calibration Procedure. The test
equipment is summarized with the critical specifications n. Remove the test leads. This concludes the Ohms
in Table 4-2. Calibration Procedure.
Resistance Standard - Datron Model 4200 or 4707

4-83. Calibration Procedure. Ensure the 3478A has been turn- 4·84. REMOTE CALIBRATION
ed on and allowed to warm-up for at least one hour. Then
do the following: 4·85. General

a. Reset the 3478A by pressing the blue shift button 4-86. The 3478A can be remotely calibrated using the
and then the SGL/TRIG (TEST/RESET) button. HP-IB (Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus). This is
accomplished by using a computer to setup the 3478A

• b. Set the front panel CAL ENABLE Switch to the

Calibration Enable position (the slot must be vertical to
allow calibration).

c. Set the 3478A to the Single Trigger mode, 2-Wire

or 4-Wire Ohms function (see paragraphs 4-80 and 4-81),
and the 300 range (take the 3478A out of the Autorange
to the required range, function, and calibration mode
instead of doing it from the front panel.

4-87. Remote calibration uses the same test equipment,

including connections to the 3478A, as is used in local
calibration. In addition, both remote and local calibra-
tion procedures are basically the same in that zero scale
function by pressing the downrange button). and full or 1/3 scale calibration signals are used. It is
therefore necessary to know how to calibrate the 3478A
d. Install a short across the 3478A HI and LO INPUT locally. Read the calibration procedures in paragraphs
terminals. If in the 4-Wire Ohms function, also short the 4-48 to 4-83 before attempting to calibrate remotely.
SENSE terminals to the INPUT terminals (see Figure
4-9). 4-88. The following paragraph has an example on how
to remotely calibrate the 3478A. In the example, the
e. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL 3478A is calibrated on the 3V Range by remotely sending
(CAL) button. the appropriate program codes. Then the value of the
calibration signal is remotely sent to the 3478A's display.
f. Press the SGL/TRIG button once. Wait for the Once this is done, the program code to calibrate the
display to show the message CAL FINISHED. instrument is sent. The example shows how to send the
program codes using a Model HP-85B Computer. For
g. Remove the short and connect the Resistance Stan- information on programming the 3478A, refer to the
dard to the 3478A. The 2-Wire Ohms connection is shown 3478A Operator's Manual or Section III of this manual.
in Figure 4-7 and the 4-Wire Ohms connection is shown
in Figure 4-8. 4·89. Remote Calibration Example

h. Set the Resistance Standard for 300 (100). 4-90. Connect the 3478A to the HP-IB and make sure
the instrument's HP-IB address is set to "23" (see Section

i. Press the blue shift button and then the LOCAL II of this manual to set the address). Using a small flat
(CAL) button. blade screwdriver, set the front panel CAL ENABLE
switch to the calibration enable position (the slot of the
j. If the actual value of the Resistance Standard is switch is in the vertical position). A "C" should now
known, use the 3478A uprange or downrange buttons to appear on the right end of the numbers in the 3478A's
Performance 3478A

display indicating that calibration is now enabled.

c. The 3478A is now calibrated by sending program
Calibrate the 3478A on the 3V Range and DC Volts Func- code "C" to the instrument. The 3478A will then display
tion by doing the following steps. "CALIBRATING", while it is calculating the zero off-
set calibration constant. When finished, "CAL
a. The 3478A is first set to Remote and Listen by the FINISHED" will be displayed for about two seconds.
computer. Then program codes "F1RON5Z1 T1" are sent Zero calibration is then completed. Program code "C"
to the 3478A to set the instrument to the DC Volts Func- is sent as follows:
tion (F1), 3V Range (RO), 5 1/2 Digits Displayed (N5),
Autozero On (Zl), and Internal Trigger (Tl). This is OUTPUT 723 ;"C"
shown as follows:
d. After zero calibration is completed, apply either a
OUTPUT 723 ;"FlRON5Z1Tl" full scale (3V) or 1/3 scale (1V) calibration signal to the
3478A's INPUT Terminals. Then set the display to the
The "OUTPUT 723" statement sets the 3478A to Remote applied value. Since in this example the applied value is
and Listen, and "F1RON5Z1T1" are the program codes + 2.99998V, send program codes "D2 + 2.99998" to the
sent to the instrument to setup the instrument. 3478A as follows:

b. After the 3478A is setup to the desired function and OUTPUT 723 ;"D2+2.99998"
range, apply the zero volts calibration signal to the
instrument. This is done by shorting the HI and LO e. Calibrate the 3478A by sending program code "C"
INPUT Terminals. Once this is performed, the value in (see step c). After the calibration constants are calculated,
the 3478A's display has to be set to the value of the "CAL FINISHED" will be displayed by the 3478A.
calibration signal (i.e., OV). This is done by sending pro-
gram codes "D2 + 000000". Code "D2" enables the f. The 3V Range in the DC Volts Function is now
display to receive "()()()()()()". Since the 3478A is calibrated calibrated. Calibration of the rest of the ranges and func-
in the 5 1/2 Digit Mode, make sure that six zeroes (i.e., tions is similar. Remember, the same rules that apply for
"000000") are sent instead of five or less zeros. Also, local calibration (e.g., AC Volts is calibrated on only one
the " +" between D2 and 000000 needs to be there for range, etc.) also apply for remote calibration. Also, when

the display to accept the numbers correctly. The program calibrating at full or 1/3 scale, make sure the 3478A
codes are sent as follows: receives the correct information. For example, to calibrate
the gain by applying 1V, send program codes
OUTPUT 723 ;"D2+000000" ''D2 + 1.00000'' to the 3478A. The decimal point included
in the number is not necessary; it is only there to show
the value of the calibration source.



• Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

DC Volts Test
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail

Open Press TEST /RESET

2 Short 30mV Range +00.0040mV -00.0040mV

3 Short 300mV Range +000.004mV -000.004mV

4 Short 3V Range +0.00002V -0.00002V

5 Short 30V Range +00.0003V -00.0003V

6 Short 300V Range +000.002V -000.002V

7 +30mV 30mV Range +30.0115mV +29.9885mV

8 +300mV 300mV Range +300.016mV +299.984mV

9 +300mV 3V Range +0.30003V +0.29997V

10 +1V 3V Range + 1.00005V +0.99995V

11 -1V 3V Range -0.99995V -1.00005V

• 12





3V Range

3V Range

Autozero Off

Autozero On





16 +3V 4 Digit Disp +3.0002V +2.9998V

17 +3V 3 Digit Disp + 3.001 v +2.999V

18 5 Digit Disp

19 +3V 30V Range +03.0004V +02.9996V

20 +10V 30V Range + 10.0007V +09.9993V

21 +30V 30V Range +30.0015V +29.9985V

22 +30V Autozero Off +30.0026V +29.9974V

23 Autozero On

24 +300V 300V Range +300.014V +299.986V

25 Open 30mV Range

26 See Below CMR Test

CMR Test

1. Connect a 1 K Ohm resistor between the HI and LO INPUT 3 . Apply 450V de between the 34 78A's chassis (rear panel)
Terminals of the 3478A and HI INPUT Terminal.
2. Note the 3478A's reading. 4. The 3478A should remain within .045mV of the reading in
step 2.

Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

DC Volts Test
Test Performed By_ _ _ _ __

Date, _ _ _ __

Reference Temperature _ _ _ __

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test
3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short 30mV Range +00.0040mV -00.0040mV

3 Short 300mV Range +000.005mV -000.005mV

4 Short 3V Range +0.00002V -0.00002V

5 Short 30V Range +00.0004V -00.0004V

6 Short 300V Range +000.002V -000.002V

7 +30mV 30mV Range +30.0123mV +29.9877mV

8 +300mV 300mV Range +300.020mV +299.980mV

9 +300mV 3V Range +0.30003V +0.29997V

10 +1V 3V Range + 1.00006V +0.99994V

11 -1V 3V Range -0.99994V -1.00006V






3V Range

3V Range

Autozero Off

Autozero On





16 +3V 4 Digit Disp +3.0002V +2.9998V

17 +3V 3 Digit Disp +3.001V +2.999V

18 5 Digit Disp

19 +3V 30V Range +03.0006V +02.9994V

20 +10V 30V Range + 10.0009V +09.9991V

21 +30V 30V Range +30.0019V +29.9981V

22 +30V Autozero Off +30.0030V +29.9970V

23 Autozero On

24 +300V 300V Range +300.017V +299.983V

25 Open 30mV

26 See Below CMR Test

CMR Test

1. Connect a 1K Ohm resistor between the HI and LO INPUT 3. Apply 450V de between the 34 78A's chassis (rear panel)
Terminals of the 3478A. and HI INPUT Terminal.
2. Note the 3478A's reading. 4. The 3478A should remain within .045mV of the reading in
step 2.


• Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

DC Volts Test
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short 30mV Range +00.0040mV -00.0040mV

3 Short 300mV Range +000.005mV -000.005mV

4 Short 3V Range +0.00002V -0.00002V

5 Short 30V Range +00.0004V -00.0004V

6 Short 300V Range +000.002V -000.002V

7 +30mV 30mV Range +30.0145mV +29.9855mV

8 +300mV 300mV Range +300.026mV +299.974mV

9 +300mV 3V Range +0.30004V +0.29996V

10 +1V 3V Range + 1.00008V +0.99992V

11 -1V 3V Range -0.99992V -1.00008V

• 12





3V Range

3V Range

Autozero Off

Autozero On





16 +3V 4 Digit Disp +3.0003V +2.9997V

17 +3V 3 Digit Disp +3.001V +2.999V

18 5 Digit Disp

19 +3V 30V Range +03.0006V +02.9994V

20 +10V 30V Range + 10.0011V +09.9989V

21 +30V 30V Range +30.0025V +29.9975V

22 +30V Autozero Off +30.0036V +29.9964V

23 Autozero On

24 +300V 300V Range +300.023V +299.977V

25 Open 30mV Range

26 See Below CMR Test

CMR Test

• 1. Connect a 1K Ohm resistor between the HI and LO INPUT

Terminals of the 3478A.
2. Note the 3478A's reading.

3. Apply 450V de between the 34 78A's chassis (rear panel)
and HI INPUT Terminal.
4. The 34 78A should remain within .045mV of the reading in
step 2.

Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Test Performed By_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Date _ _ _ __

Serial Number_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reference Temperature _ _ _ _ __

DC Currant Test

Step# Input to Sat-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Open DCI Function +000.040mA -000.040mA

3 Open 3A Range +0.00006A -0.00006A

4 + 100mA 300mA Range + 100.150mA +099.850mA

5 +1A 3A Range + 1.00146A +0.99854A

Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Test Performed By_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Date, _ _ _ __

Serial Number_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reference Temperature _ _ _ _ __

DC Currant Test

Step# Input to Sat- Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail

Open Press TEST /RESET

2 Open DCI Function +000.040mA -000.040mA

3 Open 3A Range +0.00006A -0.00006A

4 + 100mA 300mA Range + 100.190mA +099.810mA

5 +1A 3A Range + 1.00176A +0.99824A



• Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

AC Volts Test

Step# Input to Sat-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


'2 Open ACV Function

3 .028V,20KHz 300mV Range 028.176mV 027.824mV

4 0.28V,20KHz 300mV Range 280.680mV 279.320mV

5 0.28V,20KHz 3V Range 0.28126V 0.27874V

6 1.5V,20KHz 3V Range 1.50370V 1.49630V

7 2.8V,20KHz 3V Range 2.80630V 2.79370V

8 2.8V,20KHz 30V Range 02.8126V 02.7874V

9 28V,20KHz 30V Range 28.0630V 27.9370V

10 28V,20KHz 300V Range 028.137V 027.863V

11 280V,20KHz 300V Range 280.742V 279.258V

12 0.28V,50KHz 300mV Range 281.269mV 278.731mV

13 2.8V,50KHz 3V Range 2.80868V 2.79132V

14 28V,50KHz 30V Range 28.0868V 27.9132V

15 280V,50KHz 300V Range 281.316V 278.684V

16 0.28V, 100KHz 300mV Range 284.200mV 275.800mV

17 0.28V, 100KHz 3V Range 0.29024V 0.26976V

18 2.8V, 100KHz 3V Range 2.83216V 2.76784V

19 15V, 100KHz 30V Range 15.2085V 14.7915V

20 28V, 100KHz 30V Range 28.3216V 27.6784V

21 280V, 100KHz 300V Range 283.524V 276.476V

22 25V,300KHz 30V Range 28.8970V 22.1030V

23 2.8V,50Hz 3V Range 2.8139V 2.78609V

24 2.8V,20Hz 3V Range 2.83294V 2.76706V

• 5

Hewlett- Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number_ _ _ _ __
Test Performed By,_ _ _ _ __

Date,_ _ _ __

Reference Temperature, _ _ _ __

AC Current Test

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Open ACI Function

3 .03A,5KHz 300mA Range 030.379mA 029.621mA

4 0.1A,5KHz 300mA Range 100.883mA 099.117mA

5 1 A, 5KHz 3A Range 1.01583A 0.98417A



• Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

Ohms Test

Step# Input to Set-Up end High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short Ohms Function 00.0035 -00.0035

3 Short 300 Range 000.004 -000.004

4 Short 3K Range 0.00002K -0.00002K

5 Short 30K Range 00.0002K -00.0002K

6 Short 300K Range 000.002K -000.0002K

7 Short 3M Range 0.00002M -0.00002M

8 Short 30M Range 00.0002M -00.0002M

9 30 ohm 30 Range 30.0104 29.9896

(9) 10 ohm 10.0058 09.9942

10 300 ohm 300 Range 300.018 299.982

(10) 100 ohm 100.009 099.991

11 3K ohm 3K Range 3.00013K 2.99987K

( 11) 1K ohm 1.00006K 0.99994K

12 30K ohm 30K Range 30.0013K 29.9987K

(12) 10K ohm 10.0006K 09.9994K

13 300K ohm 300K Range 300.013K 299.987K

(13) 100K ohm 100.006K 099.994K

14 3M ohm 3M Range 3.00018M 2.99982M

(14) 1M ohm 1.00007M 0.99993M

15 30M ohm 30M Range 30.0110M 29.9890M

(15) 10M ohm 10.0038M 09.9962M

• 7
Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

Ohms Test

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short Ohms Function 00.0041 -00.0041

3 Short 300 Range 000.005 -000.005

4 Short 3K Range 0.00002K -0.00002K

5 Short 30K Range 00.0002K -00.0002K

6 Short 300K Range 000.002K -000.002K

7 Short 3M Range 0.00002M -0.00002M

8 Short 30M Range 00.0002M -00.0002M



30 ohm

10 ohm

300 ohm

100 ohm
30 Range

300 Range







11 3K ohm 3K Range 3.00035K 2.99965K

( 11) 1K ohm 1.00013K 0.99987K

12 30K ohm 30K Range 30.0035K 29.9965K

(12) 10K ohm 10.0013K 09.9987K

13 300K ohm 300K Range 300.035K 299.965K

(13) 100K ohm 100.013K 099.987K

14 3M ohm 3M Range 3.00035M 2.99965M

(14) 1M ohm 1.00013M 0.99987M

15 30M ohm 30M Range 30.0200M 29.9800M

(15) 10M ohm 10.0068M 09.9932M



• Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Test Performed By


Serial Number Reference Temperature

Ohms Test

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short Ohms Function 00.0041 -00.0041

3 Short 300 Range 000.005 -000.005

4 Short 3K Range 0.00002K -0.00002K

5 Short 30K Range 00.0002K -00.0002K

6 Short 300K Range 000.002K -000.002K

7 Short 3M Range 0.00002M -0.00002M

8 Short 30M Range 00.0002M -00.0002M

9 30 ohm 30 Range 30.0143 29.9857

(9) 10 ohm 10.0075 09.9925

10 300 ohm 300 Range 300.056 299.944

(10) 100 ohm 100.022 099.978

11 3K ohm 3K Range 3.00050K 2.99950K

( 11) 1K ohm 1.00018K 0.99982K

12 30K ohm 30K Range 30.0050K 29.9950K

(12) 10K ohm 10.0018K 09.9982K

13 300K ohm 300K Range 300.050K 299.950K

(13) lOOK ohm 100.018K 099.982K

14 3M ohm 3M Range 3.00050M 2.99950M

(14) 1M ohm 1.00018M 0.99982M

15 30M ohm 30M Range 30.0236M 29.9764M

(15) 10M ohm 10.0080M 09.9920M

• 9

Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

Ohms Test

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Tast Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short Ohms Function 00.2035 -00.0035

3 Short 300 Range 000.204 -000.004

4 Short 3K Range 0.00022K -0.00002K

5 Short 30K Range 00.0004K -00.0002K

6 Short 300K Range 000.002K -000.0002K

7 Short 3M Range 0.00002M -0.00002M

8 Short 30M Range 00.0002M -00.0002M

9 30 ohm 30 Range 30.2104 29.9896

(9) 10 ohm 10.2058 09.9942

10 300 ohm 300 Range 300.218 299.982

(10) 100 ohm 100.209 099.991

11 3K ohm 3K Range 3.00033K 2.99987K

( 11) 1K ohm 1.00026K 0.99994K

12 30K ohm 30K Range 30.0015K 29.9987K

(12) 10K ohm 10.0008K 09.9994K

13 300K ohm 300K Range 300.013K 299.987K

(13) 100K ohm 100.006K 099.994K

14 3M ohm 3M Range 3.00022M 2.99982M

(14) 1M ohm 1.00008M 0.99993M

15 30M ohm 30M Range 30.0113M 29.9890M

(15) 10M ohm 10.0046M 09.9962M



Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A Test Performed By

Digital Multimeter Date

Serial Number Reference Temperature

Ohms Test

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Tast

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short Ohms Function 00.2041 -00.0041

3 Short 300 Range 000.205 -000.005

4 Short 3K Range 0.00022K -0.00002K

5 Short 30K Range 00.0004K -00.0002K

6 Short 300K Range 000.002K -000.002K

7 Short 3M Range 0.00002M -0.00002M

8 Short 30M Range 00.0002M -00.0002M

• 9 30 ohm 30 Range 30.2122 29.9878

(9) 10 ohm 10.2068 09.9932

10 300 ohm 300 Range 300.241 299.958

(10) 100 ohm 100.217 099.983

11 3K ohm 3K Range 3.00055K 2.99965K

( 11) 1K ohm 1.00033K 0.99987K

12 30K ohm 30K Range 30.0038K 29.9965K

(12) 10K ohm 10.0015K 09.9987K

13 300K ohm 300K Range 300.035K 299.965K

(13) 100K ohm 100.013K 099.987K

14 3M ohm 3M Range 3.00039M 2.99965M

(14) 1M ohm 1.00015M 0.99987M

15 30M ohm 30M Range 30.0225M 29.9800M

(15) 10M ohm 10.0076M 09.9932M

• 11

Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Test Performed By


Serial Number Reference Temperature

Ohms Tast

Stap# Input to Sat-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short Ohms Function 00.2041 -00.0041

3 Short 300 Range 000.205 -000.005

4 Short 3K Range 0.00022K -0.00002K

5 Short 30K Range 00.0004K -00.0002K

6 Short 300K Range 000.002K -000.002K

7 Short 3M Range 0.00002M -0.00002M

8 Short 30M Range 00.0002M -00.0002M

9 30 ohm 30 Range 30.2143 29.9857

(9) 10 ohm 10.2075 09.9925

10 300 ohm 300 Range 300.256 299.944

(10) 100 ohm 100.222 099.978

11 3K ohm 3K Range. 3.00070K 2.99950K

( 11) 1K ohm 1.00038K 0.99982K

12 30K ohm 30K Range 30.0052K 29.9950K

(12) 10K ohm 10.0020K 09.9982K

13 300K ohm 300K Range 300.050K 299.950K

(13) 100K ohm 100.018K 099.982K

14 3M ohm 3M Range 3.00055M 2.99950M

(14) 1M ohm 1.00019M 0.99982M

15 30M ohm 30M Range 30.0260M 29.9764M

(15) 10M ohm 10.0088M 09.9920M



parts by their Hewlett-Packard Part Numbers. Include

instrument model and serial number.
5-2. This section has information for ordering replace-
ment parts. Table 5-3 lists the parts in alphameric order 5·6. NON-LISTED PARTS
of their reference designators and indicates the descrip-
tion, -hp- Part Number of each part, together with any 5-7. To obtain a part that is not listed, include:
applicable notes, and provides the following:
a. Instrument Model Number
a. Total quantity used in the instrument (QTY col- b. Instrument Serial Number
umn). The total quantity of a part is given the first time c. Description of the part.
the part number appears. d. Function and location of the part.

b. Description of the part. (See abbreviations listed 5·8. PARTS CHANGES

in Table 5-l.)
5-9. The parts listed in Tables 5-3 and 5-4 pertain to
c. Typical manufacturer of the part is a five-digit 3478A's with serial prefix 2619. Always refer to Section
code. (See Table 5-2 for list of manufacturers.) VI, Backdating, in this manual if repairing or ordering
parts for instruments with a prefix earlier than 2619. Parts
d. Manufacturers part number. changes for instruments with serial prefixes above 2619
are documented on a separate manual change sheet.
5-3. Miscellaneous and Chassis Parts are listed at the
end of Table 5-3. A disassembly procedure of the instru- 5·1 D. 3478A DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE

• ment is also included with the Miscellaneous and

Chassis Parts listing.

5-5. To obtain replacement parts, address order or in-

quiry to your local Hewlett-Packard Office. (Office
5-11. The following disassembly procedure applies to
3478A's with serial prefix 2619 and above. For serial
prefixes earlier than 2619, refer to Section VI of this

5-12. In the following procedure, all directions are

Locations are listed at the back of this manual.) Identify referenced to the front of the instrument. That is,
Table 5·1. Standard Abbreviations
. . . . . . . . aluminum
... ampere(s)
. . . hertz (cycle(s) per second)

..... inside diameter

NPO . . negative positive zero
(zero temperature coefficient)
. . nenosecondfs) 1 0- 9 seconds
. single-pole double-throw
. .. single-pole single-throw
Au. ... gold impg .. impregnated .. not separately replaceable
incd incandescent Ta. . . tantalum
c. . . . . . . . capacitor ins . . . . . . insulationledl 0. . ohm(s) TC. . temperature coefficient
cer. ..... ceramic obd. .order by description Ti02. . titanium dioxide
coef . coefficient kD. . kilohm(s) = 1Q+3ohms 00 . .. outside diameter . tog. . toggle
com. kHz. ........ kilohertz= 1Q+3 hertz tol ... tolerance
camp. . . composition p peak trim. . ... trimmer
... connection L inductor pA. .. picoampere(s) TSTR . . . . . . . . transistor
lin. pc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . printed circuit
dep. ... deposited log. pF. . .. picofaradtsl 10- 1 2 farads v. .~~
. . . . double-pole double-throw
. double-pole single-throw mA. ...
. milliampere(sl .= 10- 3 amperes
piv .
p/o .
. peak inverse voltage
. part of var .
. alternating current working voltage
. . . . . . . . . . variable

elect. . . electrolytic
MO .
... megahertz
. megohm(s) . 10+6 hertz
pos .
poly .
. ... position(s)
. . . . . . polystyrene
vdcw. . ... direct current working voltage

encap. encapsulated metflm. .metal film pot. . . . . . . potentiometer W. . . . . . . . . . . w=:~tt(s)

mfr. . . . . . . manufacturer p-p. . . peak-to-peak w/. . ........ , . . . . . . . . . . with
F . farad(s) m• millisecond ppm. . parts per million wiv. . .. working inverse voltage
FET. . field effect transistor mtg . . . . .. mounting prec. .. precision (temperature coefficient, w/o . . ... without
fxd. fixed mV. .. millivolt(s) = 10- 3 volts long term stability and/or tolerance) . .... wirewound

GaAs. .... gallium arsenide •' ... ....

. . microfaradlsl
microsecond(s) R resistor
GHz. . gigahertz = 10 + 9 hertz "',v. .. microvolt(s) 10-6 volts Rh. . rhodium
gd . . . . . . . guard(edl my . .... Mylar@ •m• .... root-mean-square •. . . optimum value selected at factory,
. germanium
ground(ed) nA.
. nanoampere(sl . 10- 9 amperes
. . normally closed
So .

. .. selenium
average value shown (part may be omitted)
.. no standard type number assigned
selected or special type
H. . henry(ies) No. neon sect . . . . . . . . section(&)
Hg. . . . . . . . . . . mercury NO. ... normally open s,. silicon @ Dupont de Nemours

A. . assembly FL. filter Q. . . . . . . . . transistor Tti . . . . . . . . terminal strip

B motor HR. . heater OCR ..... transistor-diode U . ... microcircuit
BT. battery IC. . integrated circuit Alp! resistor(pack) V . . . . . . . vacuum tube, neon bulb, photocell, etc.
c. . capacitor J jack RT . ...... thermistor W .. cable
CR. .. diode or thyristor K. . relay s. . switch X. . socket
DL. . . delay line L. . . . . . . . . . inductor T transformer XDS tampholder
OS. . . lamp M. meter TB. . terminal board XF. . . fuseholder
E .. . mise electronic part MP . . . . mechanical part TC . . . . . . thermocouple y. . crystal
F. . fuse p. . . plug TP . . . . . . . . . . test point z. . . . . . . . . . . network

Replaceable Parts 3478A

Table 5-2. Code List of Manufacturers

Manufacturer Nama
United Chemicon Inc
Allen·Bradley Co
Texas lnstr Inc Semicond Cmpnt Div
RCA Corp Solid State Div
KDI Pyrofilm Corp
Motorola Semiconductor Products
Precision Monolithics Inc
Fairchild Semiconductor Div

Milwaukee WI 53204
Dallas TX 75222
Somerville NJ OB876
Whippany NJ 07981
Phoenix AZ 8 5062
Santa Clara CA 9 5050
Mountain View CA 94042

07716 TRW Inc Burlington Div Burlington lA 52 60 1
11236 Cts of Berne Inc Berne IN 46711
12969 Unitrode Corp Watertown MA 02172
14936 General lnstr Corp Semidon Prod Gp Hicksville NY 11802
24355 Analog Devices Inc Norwood MA 02062
24546 Corning Glass Works (Bradford) Bradford PA 16701
27014 National Semiconductor Corp Santa Clara CA 9 50 51
28480 Hewlett·Packard Co Corporate Hq Palo Alto CA 94304
56289 Sprague Electric Co North Adams MA 01 24 7
75915 Littlefuse Inc Des Plaines IL 60016

references to the right side of the instrument refer to the k. Locate and remove the four wires from the rear in-
right side as seen when looking straight-on at the front put terminals.
I. Locate the two cable clamps on the right side of the
a. Locate the cover mounting screw at the bottom rear chassis. Open the clamps and remove all the wires.
of the instrument. Loosen and remove the screw.
m. The motherboard and front panel can now be
b. Locate the two mounting screws on the rear bezel. removed from the chassis as an assembly. Set the 3478A
Loosen the two screws and remove the bezel. The screws on its side with the front pane! facing you.
are captive in the rear bezel.
n. Gently pry the top and bottom of the front bezel
c. Remove the cover by sliding it off the rear of the apart so that the molded tabs on the front bezel clear the
instrument chassis. Most troubleshooting and repair can front panel.

be accomplished with the instrument in this condition.
o. While holding the front bezel apart, gently push the
d. Locate and unplug W502 (the HP-IB Cable) from motherboard and front panel assembly out through the
the motherboard. W502 is located between the power front bezel. Do apply excessive force. The front bezel can
transformer and the rear chassis. be released when the front panel has cleared the molded
tabs. The front panel and motherboard assembly will now
e. Locate and unplug J530 and J531 from the mother- slide clear of the chassis, out through the front bezel.
board. J530 is the purple VM COMP wire and J531 is
the yellow EXT TRIG wire. Both J530 and J 531 are p. Remove the front bezel from the chassis by gently
located near the rear chassis. bending the chassis sides together until the threaded
inserts clear the front bezel molded holes.
f. Locate and remove the screw holding the green-
yellow ground wire to the outside rear left-side of the q. The front panel assembly can now be removed from
chassis. After the screw is removed, place the wire inside the motherboard. Locate and unplug the four wires from
the chassis. the front panel input terminals.

g. Locate and remove the screw holding the brown r. Locate and unplug the front panel brown ground
ground wire to the outside right front-side of the chassis. wire from the motherboard.
After the screw is removed, place the wire inside the the
chassis. s. Unplug the ribbon display cable from the display
board. Be careful. The ribbon connector is delicate.
h. Unplug W3 from U760. U760 is the regulator IC
and is mounted inside the chassis on the left-side. Leave t. Locate and unplug the yellow amps input terminal
U760 mounted to the chassis. wire from the motherboard.

i. Locate the power switch mounting screws on the left u. Loosen and remove the two screws in the bottom
side chassis. Loosen, but do not remove the screws. When of the front panel connector. The motherboard and front
loose, slide the power switch assembly up and out of the panel can now be separated.

v. To remove the display assembly from the front
j. Locate the power transformer mounting screws and panel, loosen and remove the two screws holding the
nuts. Remove the screws and nuts. The transformer is plastic display clamps.
mounted to the motherboard and will stay in place.
H.eplaccahle Parts Replaceable Parts

Table 5·3. Replaceable Parts
Reference HP Part c Description
Mfr Mfr Part Number
Designation Number
D Code

AI 03478-66501 2 1 ~C ASSEMBLY-MOTHER BOARD 28480 03478-66501

AIEtT701 1420-0278 7 1 BATTERY 3V .95A-HR LI/5-DIOX W-FLEX 28480 1420-0278
AICIOI 0160-6839 5 3 CAPAC!TOR-FXD 470PF +2% 630VDC 28480 0160-6839
AIC102 0160-6839 5 CAPACITOR-FXD 470PF +2% 630VDC 28480 0160-6839
AIC103 0160-6839 5 CAPACITOR-FXD 470PF ~2% 630VDC 28480 0160-6839
A1C105 0160-4571 8 23 CAPACITOR-FXD .!UF +80-20:11: ~OVDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC106 01&0-4571 8 CAPACITOR--FXD .!UF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC107 0160-4571 B CAPACITOR-FXD .!UF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AI Cl 08 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD ,!UF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC201 0160-4801 7 I CAPACITOR-FXD IOOPF +-5:11: !OOVDC CER 28480 0160-4801
At C202 0160-3847 7 7 CAPACITOR-FXD .OIUF +100-0% 50VDC CER 28480 0160-3847
AIC203 0160-3847 0 2 CAPACITOR-FXD .OIUF +100-0% 50VDC CER 28480 0160-3847
AIC204 0160-6396 9 I CAPAC!TOR-FXD 470PF + 10% 200VDC 28480 0160-6396
AIC205 0160-6386 7 I CAPACITOR-FXD 24PF ±lPF 630VDC 28480 0160-6386
AtCJO! 0160-5386 5 1 CAPACITOR-FXD . 15UF 630VDC 28480 0160-5386
A1C302 0160-5384 3 I CAPACITDR-FXD 2.7PF 400VDC 28480 0160-5384
AIC304 0180-0228 6 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 22UF+-IOX 15VDC TA 56289 150D226X9015B2
A1C305 0160-4803 9 I CAPACITOR-FXD 68PF +-5X !OOVDC CER 0+-30 28480 0160-4803
AtC306 0180-0228 6 CAPACITOR-FXD 22UF+-!OX !SVDC TA 56289 150D226X90!5B2
AIC307 0!60-5385 4 1 CAPAClTOR-FXD 1.8UFIOOVDC ~~8480 0160-5385
AI C308 0180-2205 3 1 CAPACITOR -FXD .33UF+-10X 35VDC TA 56289 150D334X9035A2
AIC309 0180-0373 2 1 CAPACITOR-FXD .68UF+-10X 35VDC TA 56289 150Db84X9035A2
AI CJ! 0 0180-0291 3 7 CAPACITOR-FXD IUF+-!OX 35VDC TA 56289 150D105X9035A2
AIC311 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD , IIJF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AI C312 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR -FXD .tUF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 284aO 0160-4571
AIC313 0180-0291 3 CAPACITOR-FXD tUF+-tOX 35VDC TA 56289 t50Dt05X9035A2
AI C314 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +80-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
A1C401 0!60-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .!UF +80-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AI C402 0160-4571 B CAPACITOR -FXD .tUF +80-20X 50VDC CER 284aO 0160-4571
A1C404 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +80-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC405 0160-4571 a CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +80-20X 50VDC CER 284aO 0160-4571
A1C410 0160-5391 2 1 CAPACITOR-FXD IOOOPF tOOVDC 28480 0160-5391

AtC411 0160-4814 2 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 150PF +-5X !OOVDC CER 28480 0160-4814
AIC412 0!60-4830 2 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 2200PF +-!OX IOOVDC CER 28480 0160-4830
At C430 0160-4823 3 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 820PF +-5X tOOVDC CER 2a480 0160-4823
AIC431 0160-4831 3 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 4700PF +-lOX IOOVDC CER 28480 0160-4831
AtC432 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .!UF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC433 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .!liF +B0-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AtC463 0160-3847 9 7 CAPACITOR-FXD .OtUF +100-0X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-3847
AIC464 0160-3847 9 CAPACITOR-FXD .O!UF +100-0X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-3847
A1C465 0160-Lo807 3 4 CAPACITOR-FXD 33PF +-5X !OOVDC CER 0+-30 28480 0160-4807
AIC466 0160-4807 3 CAPACITOR-FXD 33PF +-5X IOOVDC CER 0+-30 28480 0160-4807
At C467 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR -FXD .tUF +80-20X 50VDC CER 2a4BO 0160-4571
Atr.4'-8 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .!UF +80-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC501 0160-3847 9 7 CAPAC ITOR-FXD .OIUF +100-0% 50VDC 28480 0160-3847
AIC502 0160-3335 0 CAPACITOR-FXD 470PF +-lOX IOOVDC CER 28480 0160-3335
A1C503 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +80-20:11: 50VDC CER 29480 0160-4571
AIC504 0160-3335 0 CAPACITOR-FXD 470PF +10% IOOVDC CER 28480 0160-3335
AIC506 0160-3847 9 CAPACITOR-FXD .OlUF +100-0% 50VDC CER 28480 0160-3847
AtC507 0160-3a47 9 CAPACITOR-FXU .OIUF +100-0X 50VDC CER 28480 01 b0-3847
AIC508 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR-FXD .llJF +80-20% 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AI C509 0160-4571 a CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +B0-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AlC510 0180-0291 3 7 CAPACITOR-FXD lUF ±10% 35VDC 28480 0180-0291
A1C511 0160-4571 a CAPACITOR-FXD ,!UF +80-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC512 0160-4571 B CAPACITOR-FXD .!LJF +B0-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
A1C514 0160-4807 3 CAPACITOR-FXD 33PF +-5X IOOVDC CER 0+-30 28480 0160-4807
AIC515 0!60-4807 3 CAPACITOR-FXD 33PF +-5X 1 OOVDC CER 0+-30 28480 0160-4807
At CSta 0160-4571 a CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +80-~0X SOVDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AIC519 0160-4571 8 2 CAPAC ITOR-FXD .lUF +80 -20% 50VDC 28480 0160-4571
AIC702 0180-3871 I 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 330UF +20% 50VDC 28480 0180-3871
AIC703 0180-3871 I CAPAC !TOR- FXD 330UF +20% 50VDC 28480 0180-3871
AIC704 01&0-0291 3 CAPACITOR-FXD lUF +-lO% 35VDC TA 56ny 150DI05X9035A2
AIC70 5 0180-0291 3 CAPACITOR-FXD IUF +-10% 35VDC TA 56289 150D105X9035A2
AIC70(, 0180-0291 3 CAPACITOR-FXD lUF +-10% 35VDC TA 56289 150D105X9035A2
A!C711 0180-3876 6 I CAPAC !TOR- FXD IOOOUF ±20t 25VDC 28480 1080-3876
A1C720 0160-4183 8 2 CAPACITOR-FXD 1000PF +-20% 2SOVAC(R~S) 28480 0160-4183
AIC721 0160-4183 8 CAPAC !TOR- FXD lOOOPF +-20% 250VAC(RMS) 28480 0160-4183
AIC760 0160-4571 B CAPACITOR-FXD .tUF +80-20% 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
AtC761 0180-3879 9 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 3300UF ±20% 25VDC 28480 0180-3879
AIC762 0180-0374 3 1 CAPACITOR-FXD IOUF+-tOX 20VDC TA 56289 150D106X9020E!2
AIC763 0180-0291 3 CAPACI.TOR·FXD IUF+-!OX 35VDC TA 56289 150D105X9035A2
A1C764 0160-4571 8 CAPAC!TOR-FXD .IUF +80-20% 50VDC CER 28480 01~0-4571
AIC765 0160-4048 2 2 CAPACITOR .022UF 250V 28480 0160-4048
A1C766 0160-4048 2 CAPAC I TOP. .022UF 250V 28480 0160-4048

AICR201 1901-0849 8 1 DIODE-PWR RECT IN4007 IKV !A D0-41 14936 1N4007
AICR202 1902-0184 6 I DIODE-ZNR 16.2V 5% D0-35 PD=.4W 28480 1902-0184
AlCR401 1902-0945 7 4 DIODE-ZNR 3V 5% D0-35 PD=.4W TC=-.043% 28480 1902-0945
AlCR402 1902-0945 7 DIODE-ZNR 3V 5% D0-35 PD=.4W TC=-.043% 28480 1902-0945
AICR500 1901-vo5o 3 7 DIODE SWITCHING BOY 200MA 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050
AICR501 1901-0050 3 7 DIODE-SWITCHING BOY 200MA 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050

See introduction to this section for ordering information

*Indicates factory selected value
Replaceable Parts Replaceable Parts

Table 5-J. Replaceable Parts

Reference HP Part c Oty Mfr Mfr Part Number

Designation Number 0 Code

AICR502 1901-0050 3 DIODE-SWITCHING 80V 20011A 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050

At CR503 1901-0050 3 DIODE-SWITCHIN~ 80V 20011A 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050
AICR504 1901-0050 3 DIODE-SWITCHING 80V 200HA 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050
AI CR505 1901-0050 3 DIDOE-SWITCHING 80V 200HA 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050
AICR507 1902-0945 ? DIODE-ZNR 3V 5% D0-35 PD=.4W TC=-.043% 28480 1902-0945

AICR508 1902-0945 7 DIODE-ZNR 3V 5:C D0-35 PD=.4W TC=-.043X 28480 1902-0945

AICR701 1901-0743 I 8 DIODE-PWR RECT IN4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
A1 CR702 1901-0743 1 DIODE-PWR RECT 1N4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
AICR703 1901-0743 I DIODE-PWR RECT IN4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
A1 CR704 1901-0743 1 DIODE-PWR RECT 1N4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
AICR705 1901-0743 1 DIODE-PWR RECT 1N4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
A1CR706 1901-0743 1 DIODE-PWR RECT 1N4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
AICR711 1902-0632 9 2 DIODE-ZNR 1N5354B 1?V 5X PD=5W TC=+75X 04?13 I N53548
A1CR712 1902-0936 6 2 DIODE-ZNR 6V PD=5W IR=300UA 12969 TVS505
AICR713 1902-0632 9 DIODE-ZNR IN5354B 17V 5X PD=5W TC=+75% 04?13 IN5354B

AICR714 1902-1000 7 2 DIODE-ZNR 1N5366B 39V 5% PD:SW IR=500NA 04?13 1N5366B

AICR715 1902-1000 7 DIODE-ZNR 1N53b6B 39V 5% PD=SW IR=500NA 04713 1N5366B
A1 CR760 1901-0743 1 DIODE-PWR RECT 1N4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1N4004
AICR7bl 1901-0743 1 DIODE-PWR RECT 1N4004 400V 1A D0-41 01295 1 N40 04

AICR7b4 1901-0050 3 DIODE-SWITCHING BOV 200HA 2NS D0-35 28480 1901-0050

A1CR766 1902-0936 6 DIODE-ZNR 6V PD=5W IRa300UA 12969 TVS505
AIE101 1970-0100 9 SURGE V PROTECTOR 28480 1970-0100

AIF760 2110-0201 FUSE .25AT250V 1.25X.25 UL 28480 2110-0201

<FOR 100V,120Vl
AIF760 2110-0318 FUSE .125AT 250BV 58 1.25X.25 UL 29480 2110-0318
<FOR 220V,240Vl

AIXF760 2110-0642 3 FUSEHOLDER-BOARD HOUNT 28480 2110-0642

A1FX760 2110-0565 9 FUSEHOLDER CAP 12A HAX FOR UL 28480 2110-0565

A!HSK701 1205-0309 9 HEAT SINK SGL T0-220-CS 28480 1205-0309

AIHSK702 1205-0355 HEAT SINK SGL T0-220-CS 28480 1205-Q355

AIHSK703 1205-0318 0 HEAT SINK SGL T0-220-CS 28480 1205-0318
A1 J504 1200-0583 1 SOCKET-IC 24-CONT DIP DIP-SLDR 28480 1200-0583
AIJ70? 1251-4743 0 CONNECTOR-AC PWR HP-9 HALE REC-FLG THRHP 28480 1251-4743
A1 JH403 1258-0141 8 4 JUHPER-REH 28480 1258-0141
AIJII501 1258-0141 8 JUIIPER-REII 28480 1258-0141
A1 JH502 1258-0141 8 JUHPER-REH 28480 1258-0141
AIJH503 1258-0141 8 JUHPER-REII 28480 1258-0141
A1KIOI 0490-1556 2 RELAY-REED 2A 250MA 400VDC 5VDC-COIL 28480 0490-1556
AIKI02 0490-1555 I RELAY-REED 2A 250MA 400VDC 5VDC-COIL 28480 0490-1555
A1KI03 0490-1555 I RELAY-REED ~A- 250MA 400VDC 5VDC-COIL 28480 0490-1555
A1KI04 0490-1555 I RELAY-REED 2A 250MA 400VDC 5VDC-COIL 28480 0490-1555
AIL201 9100-1666 9 I fNDUCTOR RF-CH-MLD 3.6MH 5% 28480 9100-1666
A1Q201 1853-0510 7 4 TRANSISTOR-2N6520 <SELl 28480 1853-0510
AIQ202 1853-0510 7 TRANSISTOR-2N6520 <SELl 28480 1853-0510
A1 Q203 1853-0510 7 TRANSISTOR-2N5b20 <SELl 28480 1853-0510
AIQ204 1853-0510 7 TRANSISTOR-2N6520 <SELl 28480 1853-0510
A1Q205 1855-0298 2 TRANSISTOR J-FET N-CHAN D--·IIODE T0-92 28480 1855-0298

A1RI01 0686-5135 6 6 RESISTOR 51K 5% .SW CC TC=0+765 01121 EB5135

A1R102 0686-5135 b RESISTOR 51K 5% .5W CC TC=0+765 01121 EB5135
A1 RI03 0686-5135 b RESISTOR 51K 5% .5W CC TC=0+?65 01121 EB5135
AIR104 0686-5135 6 RESISTOR 51K 5% .5W CC TC=0+765 01121 EB5135
A1RI05 0686-5135 b RESISTOR 51K 5% .5W CC TC=0+765 01121 EB5135
A1R106 0686-5135 b RESISTOR 51K 5% .5W CC TC=0+?65 01121 EB5135
A1RI07 0811-3435 2 1 RESISTOR .1 .1X 3W PW TC=0+-90 28480 0811-3435
A1R108 0686-1025 5 I RESISTOR 1K 5% .SW CC TCa0+647 01121 EBI 025
AIR109 0683-1655 I 2 RESISTOR 1.6M 5% .25W 28480 068.S-1655
AIR11 0 0698-8777 3 4 RESISTOR IK 5% .25W 28480 0698-8777
A1R201 0698-8093 6 RESISTOR 40K .1% .IW F TC=0+-5 07716 HAR5-1/10-T16-4002-B
AIR202 0757-0472 5 RESISTOR 200K 1% .125W 28480 0757-0472
A1 R203 0757-0472 5 RESISTOR 200K 1% .125W 28480 0757-0472
A1R204 0683-1035 I RESI~fOR 10K 5% .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CBI035
A1R205 0683-4325 8 RESISTOR 4.3K 5%.25W 28480 0683-4325
AIR206 0683-4325 8 RESISTOR 4.3K 5% .l5W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB4325
AIR2071>1 0683-1035 I RESISTOR RESISTOR !OK 5% .25W 28480 0683-1035
A1R302 0698-66?0 1 RESISTOR IK .5X .125W F TC=0+-25 28480 0698-6670
A1R303 0698-6520 0 RESISTOR 24K .25% .125W F TC=0+-25 28480 0698-6520
A1R304 0683-2435 7 RESISTOR 24K 5% .25W FC TC=-400/+800 01121 CB2435
AIR305 075?-045? 6 RESISTOR 47.5K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-1/8-T0-4752-F
A1 R306 0683-1005 5 .RESISTOR 10 5:C .25W FC TC=-400/+500 01121 CB1005

A1R307 0683-1005 5 RESISTOR 10 5:C .25W FC TC=-400/+500 01121 CBI 0 05
A1R308 0683-3015 1 RESISTOR 300 5:C .25W FC TC=-400/+600 01121 CB3015
AIR401 0683-1655 I RESISTOR 1.611 5% .25W FC TC=-900/+1100 01121 CB1655
A1R402 0698-8353 1 RESISTOR 806K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 28480 0698-8353

See introduction to this section for ordering information

*Indicates factory selected value
Replaceable Parts Replaceable Parts

Table 5·3. Replaceable Parts
Reference HP Part c Oty Description
Mfr Part Number
Designation Number D Code
AIR403 0698-4539 7 1 RESISTOR 402K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 28480 0698-4539
AtR404 0757-0472 5 I RESISTOR 200K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-I/8-TD-2003-F
A1R405 0757-0465 6 I RESISTOR I ODK IX .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-1/8-T0-1003-F
A1R406 0698-3228 9 I RESISTOR 49,9K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 28480 0698-3228
A1R407 0683-8255 I I RESISTOR 8.2M 5X .25W FC TC=-900/+1100 01121 Cll8255

A1R408 0683-1 DOS 5 RESISTOR 10 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+500 01121 CB100'5

A1R409 0757-0415 6 I RESISTOR 475 IX .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-I/8-T0-475R-F
AtR460 0683-1525 4 6 RESISTOR I. 5~X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB 152 5
A1R461 0683-1525 4 RESISTOR I. 5~X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 011 ?.I CB 15 2 5
A1R4b2 0683-4335 0 4 RESISTOR 43K SX .25W FC TC=-400/+800 01121 CB4335
AIR463 0683-4715 0 RESISTOR 470 sx .25W FC TC=-400/+600 01121 CB4715
AI R464 0683-4715 0 RESISTOR 470 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+600 01121 CB4715
AIR465 0683-4335 0 RESISTOR 43K 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+800 01121 CB4335
AIR466 0683-5125 8 II RESISTOR 5 .IK 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
A1R467 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR S.IK 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
A1R468 0757-0283 6 I RESISTOR 2K 1% . 125W 28480 0751-0283
A1R469 0757-0472 5 5 RESISTOR 2ooK a.125W 284~0 0757-0472
AIR470 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5 .IK 5X .25W FC TCa-400/+700 01121 CB5125
AIR471 069~-8777 3 RESISTOR IK 5% .25W n48o 0698-~777
AIRSOI 0757-0472 5 RESISTOR 2~0K II .125W 28480 0757-0472
AIR503 1810-0560 7 I RESISTIVE NETWORK- 8 X 5.6K OHM 28480 1810-0560
AIR504 0698-3359 7 I RESISTOR 12.7K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-I/8-T0-1272-F
AI R506 0698-8777 3 RESISTOR IK 5X .25W 28480 0698-8777
AIR509 1810-0126 I 2 NETWORK-RES 14-DIPID.OK OHM X 13 11236 760-1-R I OK
AIR510 1810-0126 I NETWORK-RES 14-DIPIO.OK OHM X 13 11236 760-1-RIOK
A1R517 0683-1525 4 RESISTOR 1. 5K5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB1525
AIR518 0683-1525 4 RESISTOR I. 5K5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB1525
AIR519 0683-4715 0 RESISTOR 470 SX .25W FC TC=-400/+600 01121 CB4715
AI R520 0683-4715 0 RESISTOR 470 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+600 01121 CB4715
AIR521 0683-4335 0 RESISTOR 43K 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+800 01121 CB4335
AIR522 0683-4335 0 RESISTOR 43K SX .25W FC TC=-400/+800 01121 CB4335
AIR523 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR S.IK sx .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
A1R524 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5 .1K 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
AIR528 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5.1K sx .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
A1R529 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5.1K 5X . 25~! FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125

A1R531 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5.1K sx .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
A1R532 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5.1K SX .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
AIR534 0696-1015 3 2 RESISTOR 100 sx .SW CC TC=0+529 01121 EBI 015
AIR538 0686-1015 3 RESISTOR 100 5X .5W CC TC=0+529 01121 Ell!OIS
A1R539 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5.1K 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
AI R540 0683-5125 8 RESISTOR 5.1K 5X .25W FC TC=-400/+700 01121 CB5125
A1R553 0698-8777 3 RESISTOR lK 5% .25W 28480 0698-8777
AlR554 0698-8768 2 RESISTOR 100 5% . 25W 28480 0698-8768
AIR555 0698-8767 I RESISTOR 200K 5% .25W 28480 0698-8767
A1R761 0698-4482 9 1 RESISTOR 17.4K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 03888 PME55-1/S-T0-1742-F
A1R762 0698-3226 7 2 RESISTOR 6. 49K IX .125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-1/8-T0-6491-F
AIR763 0698-3226 7 RESISTOR 6 . 49K IX . 125W F TC=0+-100 24546 C4-I/8-T0-6491-F
AIR765 0683-4715 0 RESISTOR 470 5% .25W FC TC=-400/+600 01121 CB4715
AlR766 0698-8768 2 3 RESISTOR 100 5% .25W 28480 0698-8768
AIR767 0698-8768 2 RESISTOR 100 5% .. 25W 28480 0698-8768
AIR768 0683-1035 1 RESISTOR !OK 5% .25W 28480 0683-1035
AIR769 0698-3444 1 RESISTOR 31b OHM 1% . 125W 28480 0698-3444

AIRP527 1810-0307 0 I NETWORK-CNDCT MODULE DIP; 16 PINS; 0. 100 28480 1810-0307

AIRT507 0837-0223 4 THERMISTOR-PTC 10.30 28480 0837-0223

AIS501 3101-2243 6 1 SWITCH-RKR DIP-RKR-ASSY 8-IA .Q5A 30VDC 28480 3101-2243
AIT401 9100-2616 1 2 TRANSFORMER-PULSE 8IFILAR WOUND; 18.0 MM 28480 9100-2616
AI TSO 1 9100-2616 1 TRANSFORMER-PULSE BIFILAR WOUND; 18.0 HM 28480 9100-2616
A1T760 9100-4201 4 1 TRANSFORMER-POWER 29480 9100-4201
AI TP403 1251-5835 3 1 CONNECTOR 6-PIN H POST TYPE 28480 1251-5835
AITP501 1251-4682 6 1 CONNECTOR 3-·PIN H POST TYPE 28480 1251-4682
AI TP502 1251-4367 4 1 CONNECTOR 8-PIN H POST TYPE 28480 1251-4367
AITP503 1251-5394 9 I CONNECTOR 4-PIN M POST TYPE 28480 1251-5394
A1U101 1826-1056 I 1 IC UP AMP PRCN T0-99 PKG 28480 1826-1056
A1U102 IQF7-0067 6 I PCB HYBRID INPUT 28480 1 QF7-0 067
A1U201 1826-0493 8 2 IC OP AHP LOW-BIAS-H-IHPD 8-DIP-P PKG 04713 MLM308API
A1U202 1826-0493 8 IC OP AMP LOW-BIAS-H-IMPD 8-DIP-P PKG 04713 HLM308AP1
A1U203 1826-0072 9 I IC LIN LM208H 28480 1826-0072

A1U301 1826-0887 4 1 IC-LF412CN<SEU 28480 1826-0887

At UJ02 1826-1010 7 1 IC LINEAR 28480 1826-1010
A1U303 1826-0893 2 1 IC-GIJNV, AU\;36 28480 1826-0893
A1U401 1826-0311 9 I IC 201A 28480 1826-0311
A1U402 1826-0635 0 2 IC OP-07CP 28480 1826-0635

AIU403 1 QF6-0066 3 1 PCB HYBRID AID 28480 1QF6-0066

AIU404 1826-0271 0 1 IC OP AMP GP 8-DIP-·P PKG 01295 SN72741P
AI U40S 1826-0635 0 I IC OP AMP LOW-OFS 8-DIP-P PKG 06665 OP-07CP
A1U461 1826-1249 4 1 IC LINEAR RGLTR-V-REF-FXD 6.8/7.1V 28480 1826-1249
At U462 1820-2726 2 1 IC-MICROPROCESSOR 28480 1820··~2726

See introduction to this section for ordering information

*Indicates factory selected value
Replaceable Parts Replaceable Parts

Table 5·3. Replaceable Parts
Reference HP Part c Oty Description
Mfr Part Number
Designation Number D Code
A1U465 1820-2258 5 1 IC FF CHOS D-TYPE POS-EDGE-TRIG COH 04713 HC14174BCP
A1U41>6 1820-0935 1 1 IC CNTR CHOS BIN NEG-EDGE-TRIG 14-BIT 01928 CD4020BE
A1U46? 1820-1144 b 2 IC GATE TTL LS NOR QUAD 2-INP 01295 SN74LS02N
A1 U468 182&-0 138 8 2 IC COMPARATOR GP QUAD 14-DIP-P PKG 01295 LH339N
A1U501 1820-2718 2 1 IC-INS 8039LN-11 28480 1820-2718
A1 U502 03478-65501 u 1 ROM 64K 28480 03478-65501
A1U503 1820-2549 7 1 IC-8291A P HPIB 28480 1820-2549
A1U504 1820-2485 0 1 IC RCVR TTL LS BUS OCTL 01295 SN75160N
A1U505 1820-2483 8 1 IC RCVR TTL LS BUS OCTL 01295 SN75161N
A1U50& 1820-15?8 0 1 IC SHF-RGTR CHOS D-TYPE PRL-IN PRL-OUT 0192B CD40?1>BE
A1U507 1820-2?02 4 1 IC NHOS 16384-BIT COUNTER 28480 1820-2702
A1U508 1820-1199 1 1 IC INV TTL LS HEX 1-INP 01295 SN?4LS04N
A1U510 1820-1?94 2 1 IC BFR TTL LS NON-INV OCTL 27014 DH81LS95N
A1U512 1818-1 ?54 9 1 IC-RAH HOS 5101L 28480 1818-1?54
A1U513 1820-2102 8 1 IC LCH TTL LS D-TYPE OCTL 0129:S SN74LS3?3N
A1U514 1820-1212 9 1 IC FF TTL LS J-K NEG-EDGE-TRIG 01295 SN74LS112AN
A1U51:S 1820-3080 3 1 IC 74HC20N 28480 1820-3080
At U550 1826-0138 8 IC COMPARATOR CP QUAD 14-DIP-P PKC 01295 LH339N
A1U?01 1826-055! 9 1 IC 340LA V RGLTR T0-92 27014 LI1340LAZ-5
A1 U?02 1826-0214 1 1 IC V RCLTR T0-220 04713 11C?915CT
A1U?03 1826-039& 0 1 IC ?81:S V RGLTR T0-220 0?263 ?815UC
A1W501 8120-34?9 7 1 CABLE-RIBBON 11>P H/H 28480 8120-34?9
A1X52? 1200-08:53 8 1 SOCKET-IC 11>-CONT DIP DIP-SLDR 28480 1200-0853
A1Y460 0410-1331 3 1 CRYSTAL-10.980 HHZ 28480 0410-1331
A1Y501 0410-1330 2 1 CRYSTAL-:S.B56 HHZ 28480 041 c -1330

See introduction to this section for ordering information
*Indicates factory selected value

Replaceable Parts Replaceable Parts

Table 5·3. Replaceable Parts
Reference HP Part c Oty Description
Mfr Part Number
Designation Number D Code

C406 0160-0576 5 1 CAPAC!TOR-FXD .lUF 50V 28480 0160-0576
MP501 1600-0273 4 SHIELD-RF 28480 1600···0273
C764 0160-4571 8 CAPACITOR -FXD .IUF +80-20X 50VDC CER 28480 0160-4571
S760 03478-61905 0 1 SWITCH ASSEMBLY, POWER 28480 03478-61905

U760 1826-0551 9 1 I C LM340AT-5 28480 1826-0551


FlO! 211 0-0003 0 I FUSE 3A 2SOV NTD 1.25X.25 UL 75915 312003

51 03478-61902 7 I FRONT/REAR SWITCH ASSY 28480 03478-61902
W502 8120-3280 8 I CABLE ASSY- 28 PVCRBN 28480 8120-3280
MP202 03478-60202 8 I FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY 28480 03478-60202
DSPl 5061-1166 6 1 DISPLAY ASSY 28480 5061-1166
FC 101 5061-1163 1 JACK ASSY-FUSED 28480 5061-1163

• See introduction to this section for ordering information

*Indicates factory selected value
Replaceable Parts 3478A

Table 5-4. 3478A Mechanical and Miscellaneous Parts
Ref. Part
Des. Number CD Oty. Description
C764 0160·3622 8 1 . 1pF (Included with W3 Assembly)
CVR1 034 78-041 1 1 0 1 Cover
CVR3 5001-0438 7 2 Trim Strip
DSP1 5061·1166 6 1 Display Assembly
FC101 5061-1163 3 1 Jack Assembly-Fused
FRM1 03478-001 11 2 1 Chassis Assembly
HDW1 0380-0072 2 2 Spacer (Power Switch Mounting)
HDW2 0535-0007 2 2 Nut (HP·IB Connector)
HDW3 2190-0004 9 2 Lock Washer (Power Switch Mounting)
HDW4 2190-0577 1 2 Lock Washer (HP-IB Connector)
HDW5 2950-0043 8 2 Nuts (for BNC Connectors)
HDW8 2190-0918 4 3 Lock Washer
HDW9 2190-0016 3 2 Lock Washers (for BNC Connectors)
HSK701 1205-0309 9 1 Heats ink
HSK702 1205-0355 5 1 'Heatsink
HSK703 1205-0318 0 1 Heatsink
KYC1 0370-0603 4 2 Pushbutton
LBL35 7120-4835 0 1 Label, CSA Usage (not shown)
LBL83 7124-2083 4 1 Label, Information (not shown)
MP2 1250-0083 1 2 BNC Connectors
MP3 1510-0124 3 4 Bushing (for Binding Post)
MP6 4320-0370 1 1 Elastomer
MP7 5040-7201 8 4 Foot
MP12 1460-1345 5 2 Tilt Stand
MP13 5061-1164 4 4 Binding Post
MP1 5 03478-88301 6 1 Front Bezel
MP16 034 78-88302 7 1 Rear Bezel
MP26 1400-1 122 0 2 Cable Clamp
MP30 4135-0415 2 1 Push Rod (Power Switch)

MP202 03478-60202 8 1 Front Panel Assembly
MP505 4135-0416 3 1 Push Rod (Front/Rear Switch)
SCW2 0515-0367 5 2 Screw, Power Switch Mounting
SCW3 0515-0368 6 2 Screw, Motherboard to Front Panel
SCW4 0515-0430 3 7 Screw
SCW5 0515-0431 4 2 Screw, Bottom Cover
SCW6 0515-0458 5 2 Screw (attaches display to front panel)
STD3 0380-1289 5 2 Stud (HP-IB Connector fastener)
U760 1826-0551 9 1 Regulator IC LM340AT-5
W3 03478-61601 3 1 Regulator Cable Assembly
W501 8120-3479 7 1 Display Cable Assembly
W502 8120-3280 8 1 HP-IB Cable Assembly


~ MP202

DiM :t'!Mf1-~~F '0-f!:tWOC 1t;!'ltf


Figure 5-1. 3478A Front Panel View

Figure 5-3. Rear Panel View


sews (not shown)

Figure 5·2. 3478A Left Side View



Figure 5·4. Right Side View

e MP26

j "'~
Figure 5-5. Top View With Cover Removed
Figure 5-3. Rear Panel View

Figure 5-7. Motherboard and Front Panel Assembly

SCW5 (not shown)

Figure 5·6. Regulator Detail View

SCW3 (not shown) SCW3 (not shown)


e HDW8

Figure 5·4. Right Side View

Figure 5-8. Front Panel Assembly, Rear View




Figure 5-1. 347BA Front Panel View


Figure 5-2. 3478A Left Side View



Figure 5·3. Rear Panel View

SCW5 (not shown)


Figure 5·4. Right Side View


Figure 5-5. Top View With Cover Removed

Figure 5-6. Regulator Detail View


Figure 5-7. Motherboard and Front Panel Assembly


Figure 5-B. Front Panel Assembly, Rear View


6-7. 2301A08635 & below. Instruments with this serial

6-2. This section contains information used to adapt this number and below have a different side frame and plastic
manual to instruments with serial number prefixes lower shield. Table 6-9 and Figures 6-6 through 6-13 show the
than that listed on the title page. Parts listed in this sec- mechanical breakdown of these instruments. For replace-
tion are recommended for direct replacement in the in- ment purposes, substitute the parts listed in Table 6-2 for
struments affected. Parts not specifically listed in this the parts in Table 6-9.
section should be replaced with the part presently shown
in Table 5-3 and on the schematics. Table 6-2. Changes to Table 6-9

6-3. The following serial numbers and lower are affected

Ref. Part c
Des. Number D Oty. Description
by backdating information:
MP14 034 78-61201 9 2 Side Frame
MP23 034 78-00603 7 1 Plastic Shield
Serial Number Information Begins

2136A03480 Paragraph 6-4 6-8. 2301A 18860 & below. Instruments with this serial
2301A08635 Paragraph 6-7 number and below use INCH rack mounting hardware.
2301A18860 Paragraph 6-8 The METRIC hardware used in higher serial numbers is
2520A19795 Paragraph 6-9 not compatible. Table 6-9 and Figures 6-6 through 6-13
2520A20970 Paragraph 6-10 show the mechanical breakdown of these instruments.
2520A22585 Paragraph 6-11 For replacement purposes, substitute the parts listed in
2545A24740 Paragraph 6-15 Table 6-3 for the parts in Table 6-9.

2545A26015 Paragraph 6-16
2619A26305 Paragraph 6-20 Table 6-3. Changes to Table 6-9
2619A32988 Paragraph 6-22
2619A37719 Paragraph 6-26 Ref. Part c
Des. Number D Oty. Description
2619A37794 Paragraph 6-27
MP4 5060-9905 5 2 Side Cover
MP6 5060-9829 2 1 Top Cover
6-4. 2136A03480 & below. Instruments with this serial MP10 5060-9841 8 1 Bottom Cover
number and below use a Revision B 03478-66501 printed MP13 5020-8813 8 1 Front Frame
circuit board. Figure 6-1 shows the component locator MP14 034 78-61203 4 2 Side Frame
for the Revision B boards. Figure 6-2 shows schematic MP15 2510-0192 6 5 Screw (Side
4 of the Revision B boards. Frame)
MP18 5020-8814 9 1 Rear Frame

6-5. Other changes are as follows: Schematic 1 Figure 6-4,

delete R207. Schematic 3 Figure 6-5, delete CR500 and 6-9. 2520A19795 & below. Instruments with this serial
change the power supply connection for U512 (pin 22) number and below used a capacitor and voltage sup-
from CR764 to Q701. presser in the input circuit. A different voltage suppresser
and a surge protector were added and the capacitor
6-6. Material list changes for the revision B printed cir- deleted for later instruments. Figure 6-4 shows the
cuit boards are shown in Table 6-1. schematic that applies to these serial numbers. For
replacement purposes, substitute the parts listed in Table
Table 6·1. Changes to Table 5-3 (Revision B Boards) 6-4 for the parts in Table 5-3.
·hp· Part c Table 6·4. Changes to Table 5-3
Ref. Desig. Number D Changes
A1C765 0160-4048 4 DELETE FROM TABLE Ref. Part c
A1C766 0160-4048 4 DELETE FROM TABLE Des. Number D Oty. Description
A1CR500 1901-0518 8 DELETE FROM TABLE
A1R207 0683-1035 1 DELETE FROM TABLE C104 0150-0012 3 1 CAPACITOR-
A1R766 0698-8768 2 DELETE FROM TABLE FXD .01 uF 1KV

A1R767 0698-8768 2 DELETE FROM TABLE E101 1970-0090 6 1 Tube ELCTRN
A1R768 0683-1035 1 DELETE FROM TABLE 630V
A1CR762 1901-0050 3 ADD DIODE
A1Q701 1854-0071 7 ADD TRANSISTOR NPN 6-10. 2520A20970 & below. The value of R469 was chang-
A1R760 0683-2025 1 ADD 2K 5% RESISTOR ed from 200K to 1.6M in later instruments. For replace-
A1R764 0683-4705 8 ADD 47 5% RESISTOR
ment purposes use the higher value part listed in table 5-3.
Backdating 3478A

6-11. 2520A22585 & below. The voltage reference, U461, 6-14. :\lake the following changes to the tables indicated
was <.:hanged in later instruments. The new reference in Section IV.
allowed the 3478A to meet better specifications for DC
and AC voltage measurements. Instruments with this
serial number and below will nor meet the new Table 6-6. Changes to Table 4-1
s peci fica t ions. IAbbreviated Specifications Table)
DC Volts Function !accuracy = ±I'~ of reading + number of counts))
6-12. l\·1ake the following changes to the specifications
Rang• 24 Hour 90 Day 1 Year
in Table 1-1.
30mV 0.027 + 35 0.030 - 41 0.040 + 41

Table 6-5. Changes to Table 1-1

0.005 + 4
0.0034 ~ 2
- 0.020 + 5
0.019 I 2
30V 0.005 I 3 0.007 I 2 0.020 4 3

DC Volts Measurement Accuracv

300V 0.0055 + 2 0.008 2 - 0.020 I 2

DC Current Function !accuracy ~ ±(% of reading + numbar of counts))

5'h Digit Mode:
Range 90 Day 1 Year
300m A 0 11 + 40 0.15 - 40
Cal. Temp ~
3A<1A 0.14 + 6 0.17 - 6
1°C Cal. Tamp. ±5°C 3A::-1A 1.0 + 30 1.0 + 30
Range 24 Hours go oav 1 Year
Ohms Function (accuracy ~ ±I% of reading + numbar of countsll
30mV 0.027 I 35 0.030 j 41 0.040 + 41
Range 24 Hour 90 Day 1 Year
300mV 0.005 + 4 0.007 ~
5 0.020 + 5
3 v 0.0034 I 2 0.006 I 2 0.019 + 2 30 ohm 0.023 + 35 0.027 - 41 0.034 + 41
30 v 0.005 + 3 0.007 + 2 0.020 + 3
0.0045 + 4
0.0035 + 2
- 0.017 + 5
0.016 2
300 v 0.0055 + 2 0.008 • 2 0.020 l· 2
30K ohm 0.0035 I 2 0.011 , 2 0.016 I 2
300K ohm 0.0035 ·I 2 0.011 I 2 0.016 ·I 2
AC Volts Measurement Accuracv 3M oh,.,., 0.0052 ~ 2 0.01 1 I 2 0.016 + 2
30M ohm 0.036 I 2 0.066 I 2 0.078 I 2
fla ngas
Froquoncy JOOmV 3V. JOV 300V AC Voln Function 1 Year Limits (accurecy ~ ±I% ol raading + number of
20Hz-50Hz 1 14 - 163 1.14 + 102 1.18 + 102 Frequency 300mY Ran111 JV,JOV Range 300V Rango
50Hz·· 100Hz 0.46 - 163 0.46 + 10 3 0.50 + 102
100Hz- 20kHz 0.29 - 163 0.26 + 102 0.33 + 102 20Hz 50Hz 1.14 + 163 1.14 + 102 1.18 + 102
20kHz- 50kHz 0.56 - 247 0.41 + 180 0.55 + 180 50Hz-100Hz 0.46 + 163 0.46 + 103 0.50 + 102
50kHz- 100kHL 1 .74 - 88 2 1.0,; + 825 1.26 + 825 100Hz-20KHz 0.29 I 163 0.26 102 0.33 + 102
100<HZ- 300kHL 10.1 -
130V rnnye only)
50KHz· 1OOKHz
0.56 I 247
1.74 I 882
041 180
1.05 • 825
0.55 ' 180
1.26 •
1OOKHz-300KHz 10.1 3720
130V Range
Only I

6-13. Performance Test Cards for the older instruments AC Current Function 1 Year Limits laccur.cy = t 1% of reading + numbor
are provided at the end of this section. Use these Perfor- of countsll

mance Test Cards when calibrating or rcrformancc Frequency JOOmA Range JA RanAB
testing the 347HA. The Performance Test procedure and 20Hz-50Hz 1.54 + 163 2.24 + 163
<.:alibration procedure given in Section IV of this manual 50Hz·1 KHz 0.81 + 163 1.50 ~ 163
1KHz-10KHz 0.72 + 163 1.42 + 163
still applies. The Performance Test Cards can be 1OKHz-20KHz 0 .86 + 163 1.56 + 163
reproduced without written permission from Hewlett -

3478A Backdating

Table 6·7. Changes to Table 4·3

DC Volts Test Limits

3478A 3478A 3478A 24 Hour Limits 90 Day Limits 1 Year Limits

Input Range Set Up high low high low high low

Short 30mV DCV +00.0035mV -00.0035mV +00.004tmV -00.0041mV +00.0041mV -00.0041mV

Short 300mV +000.004mV -000.004mV +000.005mV -000.005mV +000.005mV -000.005mV
Short 3V +0.00002V -0.00002V +0.00002V -0.00002V +0.00002V -0.00002V
Short 30V +00.0003V -00.0003V +00.0003V -00.0003V +00.0003V -00.0003V
Short 300V +000.002V -000.002V +000.002V -000.002V +000.002V -000.002V
+30mV 30mV +30.0116mV +29.9884mV +30.0131mV +29.9869mV +30.0161mV +29.9839mV
+300mV 300mV +300.019mV +299.981mV +300.027mV +299.973mV +300.065mV -299.935mV
+300mV 3V +0.30003V +0.29997V +0.30004V +0.29996V +0.30008V +0.29992V
+1V 3V + 1.00005V +0.99995V + 1.00008V +0.99992V + 1.00021V +0.99979V
-1V 3V -1.00005V -0.99995V -1.00008V -0.99992V -1.00021V -0.9979V
-3V 3V - 3.00012V -2.99988V -3.00020V -2.99980V -3.00058V -2.99942V
+3V 3V + 3.00012 +2.99988V +3.00020V +2.99980V +3.00058V + 2.99942V
+3V 3V AZ Off + 3.00015 +2.99985V +3.00023V + 2.99977V +3.00061V +2.99939V
+3V 3V AZ On,
4 Digit +3.0002V +2.9998V +3.0003V +2.9997V +3.0007V +2.9993V
+3V 3V 3 Digit +3.001V + 2.999V +3.001V +2.999V +3.002V +2.998V
+3V 30V 5 Digit +03.0005V +02.9995V +03.0005V +02.9995V +03.0009V +02.9991V
+10V 30V + 10.0008V +09.9992V + 10.0010V +09.9990V + 10.0023V +09.9977V
+30V 30V +30.0018V +29.9982V +30.0025V + 29.9975V +30.0063V +29.937V
+30V 30V AZ Off +30.0029V +29.9971V +30.0036V +29.9964V +30.0074V + 29.9926V
+300V 300V AZ On + 300.019V +299.981V +300.025V + 299.975V +300.062V + 299.938V

Table 6-8. Changes to Table 4·5 6-16. 2545A26015 & below. These instruments have a dif-
AC Volts Test Limits ferent cover and frame design. The new parts are not
compatible with these instruments. A Mechanical and

3478A 3478A 3478A 1 Year limits
Input Range Set Up high low Miscellaneous Parts list for these instruments is given in
.028V,20KHz 300mV ACV 028.244mV 027.756mV Table 6-9. Figures 6-6 through 6-13 show the disassembly
0.28V,20KHz 300mV 280.975mV 279.025mV and mechanical parts for these instruments. The follow-
0.28V,20KHz 3V 0.28175V 0.27825V ing paragraphs give a disassembly procedure for these
1.5V,20KHz 3V 1.50492V 1.49508V
2.8V,20KHz 3V 2.80830V 2.79170V instruments.
2.8V,20KHz 30V 02.8175V 02.7825V
28V,20KHz 30V 28.0830V 27.9170V
28V,20KHz 300V 028.194V 027.806V
6-17. 3478A Disassembly Procedure (Serial Prefix 2545 and
280V,20KHz 300V 281.026V 278.947V below)
0.28V,50KHz 300mV 281.815mV 278.185mV
2.8V,50KHz 3V 2.81328V 2.78672V
28V,50KHz 30V 28.1328V 27.8672V 6-18. The following is the disassembly procedure for the
280V,50KHz 300V 281.720V 278.280V 3478A.
0.28V, 100KHz 300mV 285.754V 274.246mV
0.28V,100KHz 3V 0.29449V 0.26881V a. Refer to Figure 6-7. Loosen the screw on the
2.8V,100KHz 3V 2.86765V 2.76235V
15V,100KHz 30V 15.2400V 14.7600V 3478A's top cover (MP6). Turn the instrument over and
28V,100KHz 30V 28.3765V 27.6235V loosen the screw on the bottom cover (MPIO).
280V, 1OOKHz 300V 284.353V 275.647V
25V,300KHz 30V 28.8970V 22.1030V
2.8V,50Hz 3V 2.81391V 2.78609V b. Remove the bottom cover by pulling the cover
2.8V,20Hz 3V 2.83294V 2.76706V toward the rear of the 3478A and away from the

6-15. 2545A24740 & below. Instruments above this serial c. Turn the 3478A right side up. Remove the top cover
number changed the value of C501 and R501 from .luF by pulling the cover toward the rear of the 3478A and
and lOOK to .OluF and 200K respectively. The change away from the multimeter.
allows the display segments to be lit while the front panel
Test/Reset button is held by changing the RC time cons- d. See Figure 6-11. Remove the front and rear panel
tant. The new parts are recommended for replacement wires from clamp MP26.
purposes. It is recommended that both parts be replaced
to ensure the correct RC time constant. The recommend- e. See Figure 6-9. Loosen and remove the screws on

ed replacement parts are listed in Table 5-3 . both the left and right side side covers (MP4). Remove
the covers.

Backdating 3478A

f. Refer to Figure 6-10. Loosen and remove screws k. Refer to Figure 6-11. Using a smaii flat blade
MP21 on the bottom plastic shield (MP23). Remove the screwdriver, insert the scewdriver blade into one slot of
shield. the top trim (MP29) and remove the trim. Then loosen
and remove screws MP20 from the rop side of the front
g. Refer to Figure 6-9. Loosen and remove screws frame (MP13).
MP17 on the left side frame of the 3478A.
I. Refer to Figure 6-10. Loosen screws YIP20 from the
h. Refer to Figure 6-9. Loosen and remove screws bottom side of the front frame (MP13).
MP 17 at the 3478A's side frames (on both the left and
right side). Remove the side frames. m. Remove the front frame (\1P 13) by pulling the
frame toward the rear and away from the instrument. Be
i. Unplug the HP-IB, Voltmeter Complete, External careful that the casting does not get tangled up in the wires
Trigger, and Rear Panel Terminal Cables from the going to the front and rear terminals.
mother board (A I assembly).
n. Refer to Figure 6-12. Loosen and remove screws
j. Carefully remove the rear frame (MP 18) and rear MP32 (also see Figure 6-13), from the bottom front panel
panel (MP7) by pulling the frame toward the rear and bracket (MP33) and remove the bracket.
away from the imtrument.
o. Unplug the cable from the display.

Table 6-9. 3478A Mechanical and Miscellaneous Parts

(Prefix 2545 & below}
Raf. Part c
Des. Number 0 Dty. Description
MP1 0370-0603 4 1 Pushbutton (Power Switchl
MP2 0370-0604 5 1 Pushbutton !Front/Rear Switch)
MP3 034 7 8-60202 8 1 Front Panel Assembly
MP4 5061-9505 3 2 Side Cover
MP5 5061-1164 4 4 Binding Post
MP6 5061-9429 0 1 Top Cover
MP7 034 7 8-00202 2 1 Rear Panel
MP8 03801289 5 2 Stud (HP-IB Connector!
MPB 2190-0918 4 2 Washer (HP-18 Connector!
MP8 20900577 1 2 Nut fHP-18 Connector)
MP9 1250-0083 1 2 Connector RF BNC fVM Complete, Ext. Trig.)
MP9 2190 -0016 3 2 Washer (BNC Connector)
MP9 2950-0043 8 2 Nut (BNC Connector!
MP10 5061 -9441 6 1 Bottom Cover
MP11 5040-7201 8 4 Feet
MP12 1460·1345 4 2 Tilt Stand
MP13 5021 -5813 6 1 Front Frame
MP14 03478-61205 3 2 Side Frame
MP15 0515·1331 5 8 Screw
MP16 5001-0438 7 2 Trim
MP17 051 5-0212 9 7 Screw
MP18 5021-5814 5 1 Rear Frame
MP19 0403-0164 3 6 Guide PC Board
MP20 0515 -0211 8 4 Screw
MP21 0515-0217 5 2 Screw (Plastic Shieldl
MP21 3050-0222 8 2 Washer (Plastic Shield)
MP22 7120-8607 2 1 Metric Label
MP23 034 78 -00604 8 1 Plastic Shield
MP24 7120-3185 1 1 Warning Label
MP25 7120-3530 0 1 Warning Label
MP26 1400-1122 0 1 Cable Clamp
MP27 034 78-61 902 7 1 Front/Rear Switch Assembly
MP28 4135 -0416 3 1 Push Rod (Front/Rear Switch)
MP29 5040-7203 0 1 Top Trim
MP30 4135 -0415 2 1 Push Rod (Power Switch)
MP31 0624-0034 4 2 Screw
MP32 0624-0333 6 6 Screw
MP33 03478-01204 6 2 Front Panel Bracket
MP34 051 5-0226 4 2 Screw
MP35 5061 1166 6 1 Display

3478A Backdating

p. Refer to Figure 6-12. Loosen and remove screws 6-22. 2619A32988 & below. These instruments use a Revi-
MP34 from the front panel connector. Remove the front sion D 03478-66501 printed circuit board. The schematics
panel assembly from the mother board (A1 assembly). given in section VII of this manual apply to these
This completes the disassembly of the 3478A. If the instruments with the following changes.
display is to be removed, continue with the next step.
6-23. Changes to schematic 3. Delete R471. Delete C519.
q. To remove the display from the front panel, loosen
and remove screws MP32 (see Figure 6-13) from the front 6-24. Changes to schematic 4. Delete R769.
panel assembly. Remove the display. This completes the
front panel disassembly. 6-25. U502 was changed to a 28 pin part from a 24 pin
part. The pin numbers of the 24 pin part are shown on
6-19. The front panel assembly was changed to the part schematic 3 in Figure 6-5. Use the part listed in Table
number shown in Table 6-9 and 5-4. On these in- 6-11 for replacement on Revision D printed circuit
struments, if replacing the front panel assembly, it is boards.
necessary to keep the old front panel mounting brackets
and screws. The front panel assembly part number shown 6-26. 2619A37719 & below. The aluminum cover and
in Table 6-9 and 5-4 does not include these parts. If the chassis were modified after this serial number. The new
old brackets and screws are not available use the follow- parts are not compatible with these older instruments. For
ing part numbers. The original front panel assembly is replacement purposes, substitute the parts listed in Table
no longer available. 6-12 for the parts in Table 5-4.

Bracket (2 required) 03478-01204 6-27. 2619A37794 & below. Instruments with this serial
Screws (4 required) 0624-0333 number and below were manufactured using Pozidriv
screws. To facilitate the production process, later in-
6-20. 2619A26305 & below. These instruments use a Revi- struments were manufactured using Torxdriv screws. If
sion C 03478-66501 printed circuit board. Figure 6-4 the Torxdriv screws are not desired for replacement pur-
shows schematic 1 for the Revision C circuit boards. poses, substitute the parts listed in Table 6-13 for the parts
Figure 6-5 shows schematic 3 for the Revision C circuit in Table 5-4.

boards. Schematics 2 and 4 do not change .

6-21. For replacement purposes on Revision C printed Table 6·12. Changes to Table 5·4
circuit boards, substitute the parts listed in Table 6-10 Ref. Des. Part Number CD Oty. Description
for the parts in Table 5-3.

FRM1 03478-00101 0 1 Chassis Assembly

Table 6·1 0. Changes to Table 5·3 CVR1 03478-04101 8 1 Cover
Ref. Part
Des. Number co Oty. Description
C510 0160-4571 8 1 CAPACITOR-FXD .1 uF + 80-20 Table 6·13. Changes to Table 5·4
C761 0180-2394 1 1 CAPACITOR-FXD 3000uF 20V
CR500 1901-0518 8 1 DIODE 70V 41 OmW Ref. Des. Part Number CD Oty Description
L201 9100-1641 0 1 COIL-CHOKE 240uH
R109 0686-2245 3 1 RESISTOR 220K 5%)
R202 0683-2445 9 1 RESISTOR 220K .05 SCW2 0515-0063 8 2 Screw, Power Switch
R203 0683-2445 9 1 RESISTOR 240K .05 Mounting
205 0683-4715 0 1 RESISTOR 4 70 .05 SCW3 0515-0226 5 2 Screw, Motherboard to
R553 0683-5125 8 1 RESISTOR 5100 .05 Front Panel
RT706 0837-0223 4 1 THMS-PTC 10.30 SCW4 0515-0918 2 7 Screw
RT707 0837-0223 4 1 THMS-PTC 10 .30 SCW5 0515-1146 0 1 Screw, Bottom cover
U515 1820-1144 6 1 IC SN74LS02N SCW6 0624-0333 6 2 Screw, Display to Front

Table 6-11. Changes to Table 5·3

Ref. Part
Des. Number CD Oty. Description
U502 1818-1752 7 1 IC MK36000N5 64K

• 6-516-6





R108· __I ,,, ~ -alW}-- ~ LJ CRZ02

--~LJ ~~ .d3i''(j'"
LO --EZDr-
I ~m 0 "'
= RID7

- - "" '~~ "''-~

d"' =Q:::

~ ·::=-----~-=


_ _ -----, 1li "• - "'"' l Al05 A Assemblies

1 t .Locator
B) for 1
Figure 6· · Componen .
j __ ,____ ---------1
1--____:__:_:::_j 03476-66501
- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ANALOG SECTION ==============:::::::;

11.; 39V

10 f JM703

C703 +
'¢* It
CR7111 +1 C705
1+14.4V TO +15.6Vl

~ 330
t 17V 1



.r---.! > - - - - - - +SV
+1 C711
t 1000
C704 1+4.9V TO +5.1VI

t ~ 6V


!.125A AT 2ZoV OR 240Vl

0 240V (~
I I j_C721 220V <~

~ ~--,
E ON~~ I
1000pF "- CR714

J 1~~ I~
J702 S760 OFF
ft I""'' ~- ~
0 RT706 JM702

1 --""----(" '
t' 1-14.4V TO -15.6Vl
330 17V

- - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = DIGITAL SECTION==============:::::::;
I 2K CR762



..... --
+---TO U512122l
REVISION B / ~---.....--+--- +5V
CIRCUITRY - - +..l.. C761 1+4.9V TO +5.1VJ
I l3000 C764
.1 CR766 +..l.. C762
CR761 CR764 -T"
L...-- ------'
I llO

I rh
TO U50114l 3

I R765
BT701 _j_
3.0V .=...

U__ --
--- -- -- -- - 1 - - - - - --
l -- ------ -- -- -- -----

Figure 6-2. Schematic 4 (Revision B Boards)



~ 1'~"1 (:.~·, Im ~~
~ ~
T760 ~ ....
·C502 R529 .... u

R506 . R532 . ~
· R531 "'
= -CSOB-
R528 C762

[!] WRTH

;;:; R523 -R524-

~ I~ I

C512 YSOI ' 8 ·CR764
-R768- _:~Rsg?·
~Jt7- ~~ -c~07
JMSC3 :g~i~ a: -R765-
=Rt~~= -~~~~~~ ~ ~c!'R5s1o\~ EXT.

-csa :~~G. ~
. csoo
·CRS01· ..,. cc tf") a...
a.. a..."-
I- t-
en a...
I- 1-
I -R521- -R538- ·C.fi;\O.f!_:
-cRsas- =c!'ia§-

R501 0 ° o o o MP501 -R540- -
JM502 -R534- ~
o TPG ·CR504· VI
-C518- - C31 0 -
R302 R303
C'30 4 ~M301

-R504- COHP
c=__i~ -::f:tfN~
C463 · :::::>
~ C306 _
m~~'\,6801~ :8~~8~: ~8
-RT505- .J301D U302 -R403-

I .,, R305

,,, ""

- ~i:: , "'"

[!] R465
R466 -R4\12_: 6
[!]W o"":,~,,
U 703 C703
~ :0

", a, D

1 C431 RT707 -CR712-
TPlOOo J110
TPlOto R469 -CR711- Jt1701

[!] m.
- RlOB · R466 -CR7lS- -C704-
- C101 - R201 U203 "CR202 -C705-
R110 R205 C430
J201 UlOl R207 Jt1302
.R204 -C706-

I K103 1 D D R202
D C203
· C433 ·

C104 D R107
J104 czot
L201 CR201
R203 \.9_203\.Q_ZOl
r:-<:> Glos Cl'OG JM401
· C404
C410 -R47Q- F/R SW

C105 R407 :E~~s: -C468-

E101 J103 ClO?
-- Rl05
JHlOZ · C411
· C401
J401 R409 C412

- 3478 7-G-8

I j.
Figure 6-3. Revision C Component Locator


Component Col. Component Col. Component Col. Component Col.

C101 c CR202 E 0202 D R201 c
C102 c 0203 D R202 D
C103 c E101 A 0204 D R203 D
C104 A 0405 E R204 D
C105 E,F JM101 F R205 D
C106 E,F JM201 E R101 D R206 E
C107 c R102 E R207 E
C108 c K101 B R103 B
C201 c K102 B R104 B,C TP100 A
C202 E K103 B R105 D TP101 A
C203 E K104 B R106 E
C301 B R107 B U101 C,D
C314 D L201 c R108 A U102 C,D
/""""-. R109 A U201 E
CR201 c 0201 D R110 B U202 E
U203 E

~ 18 17 15 15 14 13 12 11 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9
OHMS CURRENT SOUJ~R~CE;-:::::::::::~-;:,::-==:::::::::::::::::::::~-~-~::::::::::::::::::::~-;:,::-~::::::-
;= R~~~~~~~E ~
3 FM U40~~~0,~~~ ~NBGU[FRElsttta~
4. 3K


INPUT S W I T C H I N G = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \
lG, 2V
0 .£!_Ql L201 CR201

<>""" :~a f:ri6K f :~~ f :~s
r4w n 1
rzw n 1
·tt 2 TO U301 ~ 81
~ 8
·- ----~
4------ . . 15V

02.0'3 0201

----- 15
R207 .61
P~OS FET •15"V~~J.8K - - - -

P£10 1 FRONT
3oa T .1

.., lB r 1

t....L J101
W -1sv4--1sv

0 [i;"O] )6'
- C103
F I~Pc:ToH:MsP. =._
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I ,__L JlOB
K101 8
w..- JM101
TC~g31Z5J 3
I ~
c: "'
0 1

~ ~~

~ J!;,

. 1'

J1~3 f
' J\07 RDZ3
'-" 3? ' ! 233K

~ '~i=----------t------------"-~~~-jl___
J ,_!, /_ RD90
[fi-s-ENSE: :-r-NPUT-: ,I:
I ,J104
I (4\.J 0] 1 , rz\J n 1 , ROOS

0 ~ B~ ~ "' 'i: i
' ' <--; '""

":: I •: .,
: .· I 0 J102
t ... ROO!
Rt02 Rl01
SlK 51K
a ~ '
_ C102

I TP100 TP101
(it 10 5
11. c MP~UcT 2

), R!OB
'' OATA~FM U4S2133l 3
' +15Y +SV +15\1
d ~


K104 C301
0.15 42 1

TO Rl\.l
2 _j~ r}-
TO U102
~ •SV
1 1
COPYRIGHT 1961 sY Hf:wLETT-PACKARD COMPANY -----o=3478-1..V3

Figure 6-4. Input Circuitry and Ohms Current Source


Component Col. Component Col. Component Col. Component Col.

C401 F,G CR501 A R469 F TP3 B
C402 F,G CR502 J R470 H TP4 B
C404 G CR503 J R501 A TP5 D
C405 G CR504 J,K R503 A TP6 A
C410 G CR505 H R504 A TP7 E
C411 F,G CR507 H R506 A TP8 B
C412 H CR508 H R509 D TP9 B
C430 F R510 B
C431 F J501 A R517 H U401 G
C432 F J504 J R518 H U402 F
C433 F R519 J U403 G
C463 G JM401 F R520 J U404 F
C464 G JM403 H R521 H U405 F
C465 H JM501 c R522 H U461 F
C466 H JM502 A,B R523 H U462 G,H
C467 F JM503 B R524 H U465 G
C468 J R528 A U466 H
C501 A R401 E R529 A U467 G,H
C502 A R402 F R531 A U468 H
C503 A R403 F R532 A U501 B
C504 K R404 F R534 K U502 c
C506 J R405 F R538 H U503 D,E
C507 J R406 F R539 J U504 E,F
C508 E R407 F R553 A U505 E
C509 J R408 F U506 A
C510 c R409 G RT505 A U507 A
C511 c R460 H U510 D
C512 B R461 H RP527 c U512 c
C514 B,C R462 G,H U513 B
C515 B,C R463 G 5501 K U514 J
C518 A R464 G U515 A
R465 G,H T401 G U550 G
CR401 H R466 G,H T501 H
CR402 H R467 G,H Y460 H
CR500 A R468 F TP2 B Y501 B

I ~§

I' ~- H

i: :i}

f--2> I

!<1 W!~F.!


Figure 6-6. 3478A Front Panel View



MP10 MP9

Figure 6-7. 3478A Rear Panel View

MP11 MP12


Figure 6-il. 347BA Bottom View

MP14 MP15 MP17


figure !HL 347BA teft Side View





Figure 6·1 0. Bottom View with Cover Removed

MP27 MP28

MP~ MP20


MP31 MP29

Figure 6-11. Top View With Cover Removed

MP32 MP33

Figure 6-12. Front Panel Bracket View


Figure 6-13. Front Panel Assembly


• Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

DC Volts Test
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

(Serial Prefix 2520A and below)

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short 30mV Range +00.0041mV -00.0041mV

3 Short 300mV Range +000.005mV -000.005mV

4 Short 3V Range +0.00002V -0.00002V

5 Short 30V Range +00.0003V -00.0003V

6 Short 300V Range +000.002V -000.002V

7 +30mV 30mV Range +30.0131mV +29.9869mV

8 +300mV 300mV Range +300.027mV +299.973mV

9 +300mV 3V Range +0.30004V +0.29996V

10 +1V 3V Range + 1.00008V +0.99992V

11 -1V 3V Range -0.99992V -1.00008V

12 -3V 3V Range -2.99980V -3.00020V

13 +3V 3V Range +3.00020V +2.99980V

14 +3V Autozero Off +3.00023V +2.99977V

15 Autozero On

16 +3V 4 Digit Disp + 3.0003V +2.9997V

17 +3V 3 Digit Disp +3.001V +2.999V

18 5 Digit Disp

19 +3V 30V Range +03.0005V +02.9995V

20 +10V 30V Range + 10.0010V +09.9990V

21 +30V 30V Range +30.0041V +29.9959V

22 +30V Autozero Off +30.0041V +29.9959V

23 Autozero On

24 +300V 300V Range +300.029V +299.971V

25 Open 30mV

26 See Below CMR Test

CMR Test

• 1. Connect a 1K Ohm resistor between the HI and LO INPUT

Terminals of the 34 78A.
2. Note the 34 78A's reading.

Page 1
3. Apply 450V de between the 3478A's chassis (rear panel)
and HI INPUT Terminal.
4. The 34 78A should remain within .045mV of the reading in
step 2.

Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

DC Volts Test
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

(Serial Prefix 2520A and below)

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short 30mV Range +00.0035mV -00.0035mV

3 Short 300mV Range +000.004mV -000.004mV

4 Short 3V Range +0.00002V -0.00002V

5 Short 30V Range +00.0003V -00.0003V

6 Short 300V Range +000.002V -000.002V

7 +30mV 30mV Range +30.0116mV +29.9884mV

8 +300mV 300mV Range +300.019mV +299.981mV

9 +300mV 3V Range +0.30003V +0.29997V

10 +1V 3V Range + 1.00005V +0.99995V

11 -1V 3V Range -0.99995V -1.00005V

12 -3V 3V Range -2.99988V -3.00012V

13 +3V 3V Range +3.00012V +2.99988V

14 +3V Autozero Off +3.00015V +2.99983V

15 Autozero On

16 +3V 4 Digit Disp +3.0002V +2.9998V

17 +3V 3 Digit Disp +3.001V +2.999V

18 5 Digit Disp

19 +3V 30V Range +03.0006V +02.9994V

20 +10V 30V Range + 10.0008V +09.9992V

21 +30V 30V Range + 30.0018V +29.9982V

22 +30V Autozero Off +30.0029V +29.9971V

23 Autozero On

24 +300V 300V Range + 300.019V +299.981V

25 Open 30mV Range

26 See Below CMR Test

CMR Test

1. Connect a 1K Ohm resistor between the HI and LO INPUT

Terminals of the 3478A
2. Note the 3478A's reading.

Page 2
3. Apply 450V de between the 3478A's chassis (rear panel)
and HI INPUT Terminal.
4. The 34 78A should remain within .045mV of the reading in
step 2.


• Hewlett-Packard Model 34 78A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

DC Volts Test
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

(Serial Prefix 2520A and below)

Step# Input to Set-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

3478A Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Short 30mV Range +00.0041mV -00.0041mV

3 Short 300mV Range +000.005mV -000.005mV

4 Short 3V Range +0.00002V -0.00002V

5 Short 30V Range +00.0003V -00.0003V

6 Short 300V Range +000.002V -000.002V

7 +30mV 30mV Range +30.0161mV +29.9839mV

8 +300mV 300mV Range +300.065mV +299.935mV

9 +300mV 3V Range +0.30008V +0.29992V

10 +1V 3V Range +1.00021V +0.99979V

11 -1V 3V Range -0.99979V -1.00021V

12 -3V 3V Range -2.99942V -3.00058V

13 +3V 3V Range +3.00058V +2.99942V

14 +3V Autozero Off +3.00061V + 2.99939V

15 Autozero On

16 +3V 4 Digit Disp +3.0007V +2.9993V

17 +3V 3 Digit Disp + 3.002V +2.998V

18 5 Digit Disp

19 +3V 30V Range +03.0009V +02.9991V

20 +10V 30V Range + 10.0023V +09.9977V

21 +30V 30V Range +30.0063V +29.9937V

22 +30V Autozero Off +30.0074V +29.9926V

23 Autozero On

24 +300V 300V Range +300.062V +299.938V

25 Open 30mV Range

26 See Below CMR Test

CMR Test

1. Connect a 1K Ohm resistor betwee·n the HI and LO INPUT 3. Apply 450V de between the 3478A's chassis (rear panel)
Terminals of the 34 78A. and HI INPUT Terminal.
2. Note the 3478A's reading. 4. The 34 78A should remain within .045mV of the reading in
step 2.

Page 3

Hewlett-Packard Model 3478A

Digital Multimeter

Serial Number

AC Volts Test
Test Performed By


Reference Temperature

(Serial Prefix 2520A and below)

Step# Input to Sat-Up and High Reading Low Test Test

347BA Configuration Limit Limit Pass Fail


2 Open ACV Function

3 .028V,20KHz 300mV Range 028.244mV 027.756mV

4 0.28V,20KHz 300mV Range 280.975mV 279.025mV

5 0.28V,20KHz 3V Range 0.28175V 0.27825V

6 1.5V,20KHz 3V Range 1.50492V 1.49508V

7 2.8V,20KHz 3V Range 2.80830V 2.79170V

8 2.8V,20KHz 30V Range 02.8175V 02.7825V

9 28V,20KHz 30V Range 28.0830V 27.9170V

10 28V,20KHz 300V Range 028.194V 027.806V

11 280V,20KHz 300V Range 281.026V 278.974V

12 0.28V,50KHz 300mV Range 281.815mV 278.185V

13 2.8V,50KHz 3V Range 2.81328V 2.78672V

14 28V,50KHz 30V Range 28.1328V 27.8672V

15 280V,50KHz 300V Range 281.720V 278.280V

16 0.28V, 1OOKHz 300mV Range 285.754mV 274.246mV

17 0.28V, 1OOKHz 3V Range 0.29449V 0.26881V

18 2.8V, 100KHz 3V Range 2.86765V 2.76235V

19 15V, 100KHz 30V Range 15.2400V 14.7600V

20 28V, 100KHz 30V Range 28.3765V 27.6235V

21 280V, 1OOKHz 300V Range 284.353V 275.674V

22 25V,300KHz 30V Range 28.8970V 22.1030V

23 2.8V,50Hz 3V Range 2.8139V 2.78609V

24 2.8V,20Hz 3V Range 2.83294V 2.76706V

Page 4



7-2. This section of the manual has information on how

to troubleshoot and repair the 3478A multimeter with
the information given in Service Groups. Preliminary Any interruptions of the protective ground-
troubleshooting procedures to select an appropriate ing conductor (inside or outside the instru-
group are also given in Paragraph 7-27. It is recom- ment) or disconnections of the protective
mended to use the procedures first, before going to a earth terminal can make the instrument
service group. Section VII also has the 3478A's com- dangerous. Intentional interruption of the
plete Theory of Operation (in Service Group F), the protective grounding conductor is strictly
complete schematics (in Service Group G), and the prohibited.
necessary safety considerations. The section is separated
as follow: 7-6. It is possible for capacitors inside the instrument to
remain charged when the instrument has been turned
off or its power source disconnected.

NOTE 7-7. Make sure that only the recommended fuse type
(fast blow, correct current rating, etc.) is used for
The 3478A 's Theory of Operation is in Ser- replacemant. The use of repaired fuses and the short-

vice Group F (next to the last group) . circuiting of fuse holders must be avoided.

a. Safety Considerations - paragraph 7-3.

b. Recommended Test Equipment- paragraph 7-8. WARNING I

c. Miscellaneous Information - paragraph 7-10. The service information given in this manual
is normally used with the instrument's pro-
1. Instrument Disassembly (PC Board tective covers removed and with power ap-
Replacement) - see Section V. plied. Voltage or signals at many points
2. Fuse Replacement - paragraph 7-13. may, if contacted, result in personal injury.

d. Troubleshooting - paragraph 7-15.

1. Introduction - paragraph 7-16. 7-9. The recommended test equipment is listed in Table
2. 3478A Self-Test- paragraph 7-18. 4-2 in Section IV of this manual.
3. Service Group Selection - paragraph 7-27.


7-4. The 3478A has been designed with international 7-11. Instrument Disassembly (PC Board Replacement)
safety standards. To maintain these standards, the cau-
tions, warnings, and other safety related information in 7-12. To replace the 3478A's main printed circuit
this manual must be followed when servicing the instru- board, the instrument must be completely disassembled.
ment. Servicing should only be done by qualified service The procedure to disassemble the instrument is in Sec-
personnel. tion V (Replaceable Parts) of this manual.

7-5. Calibration, maintenance, or repair of the instru- 7-13. Fuse Replacement

ment with covers removed while any power or voltage is
applied, should be avoided as much as possible. If any 7-14. The 3478A has two fuses, one fuse is the main
work is done while power and/or voltage is applied, the power fuse and the other one is to protect the instru-
work should be carried out by a skilled person who is ment in the DC and AC Current Functions. The fuses
aware of the hazards involved. are replaced as follows:
Service 3478A

a. Main Power Fuse. To replace the main power 7-21. Control ROM Fails (U .C. ROM FAIL). This in-
fuse, first remove power from the 3478A. With a dicates that the 3478A has failed its internal ROM self
flatblade screwdriver rotate the fuse terminal (at the test. The Control ROM (U502) is the most likely cause.
rear panel) counterclockwise. Remove the fuse and Go to Service Group D, paragraph 7-D-19, for further
reinstall with a replacement (refer to this manual's Sec- troubleshooting.
tion II or Table 5-3 for the correct value). Reinstall the
terminal. 7-22. Calibration RAM Fails (CAL RAM FAIL). If
this test fails, an attempt made to calibrate the RAM
b. Amps Fuse. The Amps Fuse is located inside the was unsuccessful. Go to Service Group D, paragraph
3478A's A (Amps) terminal (on the front panel). To 7-D-23 (Calibration Ram Failure) to check the CMOS
replace the fuse, first remove any cables connected to RAM.
the A terminal and then turn the instrument off. Use the
side slots on the A terminal to rotate the terminal NOTE
counterclockwise. The terminal and fuse will then pro-
trude from the front panel. Remove the terminal and
fuse, and replace the fuse with a 3A at 250V fast blow The CAL ENABLE Switch on the front
fuse (-hp- Part No. 2110-0003). Return the terminal and panel should not be in the CALIENABLE
fuse to the front panel. position under normal use. It should only be
in that position to calibrate or troubleshoot
the instrument.
7-23. Uncalibrated Instrument (UNCALIBRATED).
Calibrate the 3478A.

7-24. A/D Link Fails (A:D LINK FAIL). The failure

shows that the Chassis Common Processor (Main Con-
The instrument contains CMOS Integrated troller, U501) is unable to communicate with the
Circuits which are susceptible to failure due Floating Common Processor (AID Controller, U462).

to static discharge. It is especially important Go to Service Group D, paragraph 7-D-44 (Isolation
that grounded tools and wrist straps be used Circuitry Troubleshooting) for troubleshooting.
when handling or troubleshooting these
components. 7-25. A/D Slope Error (A:D SLOPE ERR). If the AID
Converter is unable to do a proper conversion, this test
fails. Go to Service Group D, paragraph 7-D-35 (AID
7·16. Introduction Converter Troubleshooting) for troubleshooting.

7-17. The following paragraphs and Service Groups 7-26. A/D Test Fails (A:D TEST FAIL). This shows
have troubleshooting information and procedures for that the AID Converter has failed its internal self test.
the -hp- Model 3478A Digital Multimeter. Before Go to Service Group D, paragraph 7-D-35 (AID Con-
troubleshooting and repairing the 3478A, make sure the verter Troubleshooting) for troubleshooting.
failure is in the instrument rather than from any exter-
nal connections. Also make sure the instrument is 7-27. Service Group Selection
Table 7-1. 3478A Service Groups
7·18. 3478A Self-Test
Service Title
7-19. The 3478A Self-Test is designed to make sure that Group
most of the instrument's internal logic circuitry is opera- A DC Volts and DC Current Troubleshooting
tional. The test is selected when the 3478A is first turned B AC Volts and AC Current Troubleshooting
on or by pressing the blue Shift button and then the c Ohms Troubleshooting
SGL/TRIG (TEST /RESET) button. The following D AID Converter and Logic Troubleshooting
paragraphs have the Self-Test Failures and some E Power Supplies and Reference Troubleshooting
F Theory of Operation
troubleshooting information. G Schematics

7-20. U501 RAM Fails (U.C. RAM FAIL). This test

shows that the Chassis Common CPU's (Main Con- 7-28. The Service Groups have the Troubleshooting In-
troller U501) RAM has failed its internal self test. The formation, Theory of Operation, and Schematics for
failure is normally caused by a defective U501. To make the 3478A. Service Group F has the Theory of Opera-
sure U501 is the cause, go to Service Group D, tion and Service Group G has the Schematics. The rest
paragraph 7-D-21, for further troubleshooting. of the groups have troubleshooting information.
3478A Service

7-29. The correct Service Group is selected according to c. Floating Reading. A floating reading is when the
failure. Once the failure has been determined, go to the 3478A displays a certain reading (with no input applied)
recommended group. The following paragraphs lists which does not change, after an input is applied to the
possible failures, general troubleshooting information, multimeter. This can be caused if there is an open circuit
and corresponding Service Group(s). The Service in the AC to DC Converter or AID Converter.
Groups are also listed in Table 7-1.
d. Noisy Readings. Noisy readings can be caused by
the amplifiers and the RMS Converter in the AC to DC
7-30. DC Volts and DC Current Failure (Service Group
A). Typical DC Volts and DC Current Failures are 7-32. Ohms Failures (Service Group C). Typical Ohms
Overload, Inaccurate, Constant Zero, Floating, or Failures can be Overload, Inaccurate, Floating, or
Noisy Readings. Troubleshooting information for these Noisy Readings. Troubleshooting information for these
failures is in Service Group A. The following explains failures is in Service Group C. Before going to the ser-
the failures. vice group, check and make sure the DC Volts and DC
Current Functions are operating correctly. The DC
a. Overload. An overload is caused when the reading Volts and DC Current failures are explained in
taken by the instrument appears to be larger than the in- paragraph 7-30. The following explains the Ohms
put actually is. This can be caused by a saturated Failures.
DCIOhms Input Amplifier or by the AID Converter.
a. Overload. An overload is caused when the reading
b. Inaccurate Readings. Inaccurate readings are nor- taken by the instrument appears to be larger than the in-
mally caused when the measurement circuitry is not put actually is. This can be caused if the ohms current is
linear. This is because the 3478A is calibrated using zero too large. Since the DCIOhms Input Amplifier or the
and full scale inputs. Therefore, the full scale and zero AID Converter can also cause an overload, make sure
readings must be good, but any other reading can be in- the DC Volts Function is operating correctly (go to
accurate. paragraph 7-30, if the function fails).

c. Constant Zero Reading. A constant zero reading is
normally caused when either the input to the DCIOhms b. Inaccurate Readings. Inaccurate ohms readings
Input Amplifier or the input to the AID Converter is can be caused if the ohms current changes value under
shorted to ground (common). It can also be caused if no different loads. Inaccuracy can alo be caused if the
runup is done by the AID Converter. measurement circuitry is not linear. Make sure the DC
Volts Function is operating correctly (go to paragraph
d. Floating Reading. A floating reading is when the 7-30, if the function fails).
3478A displays a certain reading (with no input applied)
which does not change, after an input is applied to the c. Constant Zero Reading. A constant zero reading is
multimeter. This can be caused by the AID Converter normally caused when the Ohms Current Source does
and if there is an open in the Input Circuitry. not supply any ohms current. The failure can also be
caused when either the input to the DCIOhms Input
e. Noisy Readings. Noisy readings can be caused by Amplifier or the input to the AID Converter is shorted
the Input Circuitry and AID Converter. to ground (common). Make sure the DC Volts Function
is operating correctly (go to paragraph 7-30, if the func-
7-31. AC Volts and AC Current Failures (Service tion fails).
Group B). AC Volts and AC Current Failures can be
Overload, Inaccurate, Floating, or Noisy Readings. d. Floating Reading. A floating reading is when the
Troubleshooting information for these failures is in Ser- 3478A displays a certain reading (with no input applied)
vice Group B. Before going to the service group, check which does not change, after an input is applied to the
and make sure the DC Volts and DC Current Function multimeter. This can also be caused by the AID Con-
is operating correctly. The DC Volts and DC Current verter and the Input Circuitry. Since this is not an ohms
failures are explained in paragraph 7-30. The following failure, make sure the DC Volts Function is operating
explains the AC Volts and AC Current Failures. correctly (go to paragraph 7-30, if the function fails).

a. Overload. An overload is caused when the reading e. Noisy Readings. Noisy readings can be caused by a
taken by the instrument appears to be larger than the in- noisy ohms current.
put actually is. This can be caused by a saturated ACto

DC Converter or the AID Converter . 7-33. Chassis Common Logic Failures (Service Group
D). Chassis Common Logic Failures consists of Turn-
b. Inaccurate Readings. Inaccurate readings are nor- On, Display, Keyboard, Control ROM, Calibration
mally caused when the AC to DC Converter has poor RAM (CMOS RAM), HP-IB Failures, and
frequency response. miscellaneous failures (e.g. Voltmeter Complete, Exter-
Service 3478A

nal Trigger, etc). Go to Service Group D, paragraph 7-34. Floating Common Logic Failures (Service Group
7-D-5, if any of the failures are detected. The following D). Floating Common Logic Failures are normally caus-
explains the failures. ed by the AID Converter or the AID Controller (U462).
Go to Service Group D, paragraph 7-D-31 for
a. Turn-On Failure. A Turn-On Failure is when the troubleshooting. The following explains the failures.
3478A's Keyboard Display, and HP-IB is dead (i.e., the
3478A is completely inoperative). This is most likely a. Overload, Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy
caused by the Main Controller (U501) and associated Readings. Any one of these failures can be caused by the
circuitry. AID Converter or the 3478A's Input Circuitry (Input
Switching or DCIOhms Input Amplifier). Since both
b. Inoperative Display. An Inoperative Display is circuitry can cause a failure, a procedure to isolate the
when part or all of the 3478A's display is inoperative. circuitry is in both Service Group D and Group A. For a
This can be caused by the display itself or the Main Con- definition of the failures, go to paragraph 7-30 (DC
troller Circuitry. Volts Failures).

c. Inoperative Keyboard. An Inoperative Keyboard b. AID Slope Error. This failure can be caused by
is when part or all of the 3478A's keyboard is in- the AID Converter or the AID Controller and shows up
operative. This can be caused by the keyboard itself or as an "A:D SLOPE ERR", after a Self-Test routine.
the Main Controller Circuitry.
c. AID Test Fails. This failure can also be caused by
d. Control ROM Failure. A failure caused by the the AID Converter or the AID Controller. It shows up
Control ROM normally shows up as a "U.C, ROM as an "A:D TEST FAIL", after a Self-Test routine.
FAIL" (after the 3478A's Self-Test). The ROM (U502)
itself can be the cause in addition to the Main Controller d. Input Hybrid (U102) Failure. Since the Input
(U501) and latch U513. A defective ROM can also show Hybrid receives its set up information from the AID
up as a Turn-On Failure. Controller, the controller can cause the hybrid to fail.

e. U.C. RAM Fails. This failure shows up as a "U.C.

RAM FAIL" after the 3478A's Self-Test routine. It 7-35. Isolation Circuit Failure (Service Group D). This
shows that the Main Controller's internal RAM has fail- failure will normally show up as an "A:D Link Fail"
ed its self-test. (after the 3478A's Self-Test routine). The failure can be
caused by the Isolation Circuitry, or either the Main
f. Calibration RAM (CMOS RAM) Failure. This Controller (U501) or AID Controller (U462).
failure can show up as a "CAL RAM Fail" after the Troubleshooting information is in Service Group D,
3478A's Self-Test routine. The RAM (U512) itself can paragraph 7-D-44.
be the cause or the Main Controller Circuitry.

g. HP-IB (Remote) Failure. This failure is most likely 7-36. Power Supplies and Reference Troubleshooting
caused by the HP-IB Chip (U503), but can also be (Service Group E). Service Group E has some informa-
caused by other circuitry in the Chassis Common Logic tion on how to troubleshoot the power supplies and
Circuitry. Reference Circuitry.


Service Group A Contents

Title Paragraph
Introduction ................................ 7-A-1
Pre-Troubleshooting Information .............. 7-A-3
DC Volts Troubleshooting .................... 7-A-5
Overload, Floating, Constant Zero (with input ap-
plied), or Noisy Readings on All Ranges ...... 7-A-7
Constant Zero Readings (with no input applied) on
All Ranges .............................. 7-A-9
Overload, Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy
Readings on Some Ranges ................ 7-A-11
Inaccurate Readings on All Ranges .......... 7-A-17
Protection Circuitry Troubleshooting .......... 7-A-19
Input Circuitry Troubleshooting .............. 7-A-21
Overload Readings on All Ranges ........... 7-A-23
Constant Zero Readings on All Ranges ...... 7-A-25
Floating Readings on All Ranges ............ 7-A-27
Noisy Readings on All Ranges .............. 7-A-29
DC Current Troubleshooting ................. 7-A-31
Checking the AID Controller ................ 7-A-33


7-A-2. This Service Group has the DC Volts and DC

Current troubleshooting information for the 3478A.
The Service Group is symptoms oriented (i.e., what
fails) with two different levels of troubleshooting. The
first level determines the general area of the 3478A that

+ 5V
+ 15V


+ 4.9V to + 5.1V
- 14.4V to - 15.6V
+ 14.4V to + 15.6V
causes the failure and the second level has specific b. Check and make sure the Reference Supplies are at
troubleshooting information for the area that fails. the correct level and quiet. The + IOV supply can be
Unless otherwise specified, refer to Schematic 1 when checked at U405 pin 6, the -lOY supply at U404 pin 6,
using the troubleshooting procedures. and the buffered + IOV supply at JM201 (see Schematic
c. Make sure the Front/Rear Switch is making good
contact and not open.
The instrument contains CMOS Integrated
Circuits (e.g. U102) which are extremely 7-A-5. DC VOLTS TROUBLESHOOTING
susceptible to failures due to static
discharge. It is especially important that 7-A-6. Typical DC Volts Failures are Overload, Inac-
grounded tools and wrist straps be used curate, Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy Readings on
when handling or troubleshooting these all or some ranges. The following paragraphs have the
components. failures and the troubleshooting procedures (see
paragraph 7-30 for a description of these failures).
7·A· 7. Overload, Floating, Constant Zero (with input ap·
7-A-4. Before doing any troubleshooting procedures, plied), or Noisy Readings on All Ranges
perform the following:

7-A-8. If a failure is noted on all ranges, the failure can
a. Check the 3478A's Floating Common Power Sup- be caused by the Input Circuitry (Input Switching or
plies and make sure they are stable, have the correct DC I Ohms Input Amplifier) or by the AID Converter.
value, and are not oscillating. The power supplies are as To determine the inoperative circuitry, do the procedure
follows (see Schematic 4): which follows this paragraph (the same procedure is
Service 3478A

also in Service Group D). If the procedure has been per- 7-A-13. Overload. An overload condition exists if the
formed already, ignore the procedure and go to
paragraph 7-D-21 for troubleshooting. If it has not been
performed, do the following:

a. Set the 3478A to the DC Volts Function and the

3V Range.
DC/Ohms Input Amplifier's feedback circuitry is open.
Since the feedback circuitry is in Ul02, the hybrid is
most likely defective. Before replacing U102, make sure
the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to paragraph
7-A-33 for the SA procedure to check U462, before
replacing the hybrid.

b. Turn Autozero off by pressing the blue Shift but- 7-A-14. Constant Zero Reading. The most likely cause
ton and then the INT /TRIG (AUTOZERO) button. is the Input Hybrid (Ul02). Before replacing U102,
make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to
c. Apply a stable + 3V de to the INPUT Terminals. paragraph 7-A-33 for the SA procedure to check U462,
before replacing the hybrid.

d. With a Digital Voltmeter (like the 3456A) measure 7-A-15. Floating Readings. A floating reading is nor-
for +lOY at JM101. mally caused when an input path to the DC/ Ohms Input
Amplifier is open. Check for the following:
e. Make sure the reading on the test voltmeter is a
stable + 1OV. If the reading on the test voltmeter is a a. If the 30m V, 300m V, and 3V Ranges are defective,
stable + IOV, the AID Converter is at fault. Go to Ser- do the following:
vice Group D for troubleshooting.
1. Short across the contacts of relay KlOl.
f. If the reading on the test voltmeter is wrong
(overload, constant zero, floating, or noisy), unsolder 2. If the ranges are now good, make sure KIOl
and lift the end of jumper JM101 which is connected to is energized (5V de across the coil). If KIOl is
the AID Converter (toward the rear of the 3478A). energized, replace the relay. If not, U102 may be
defective. Go to paragraph 7-A-33 before replac-
g. If the reading on the test voltmeter is now good, ing U102.
the AID Converter is at fault. Go to Service Group D

for troubleshooting. 3. If, after replacing KlOl, the ranges still fail,
U102 may be defective. Go to paragraph 7-A-33
h. If the reading is still wrong, the Input Circuitry before replacing U102.
(Input Switching and DC/Ohms Input Amplifier) is at
fault. Go to paragraph 7-A-21 for troubleshooting. b. If the 30V and 300V Ranges are defective, do the
i. Replace jumper JM101.
1. Short across the contacts of relay Kl02.
7-A-9. Constant Zero Readings (with no input applied) on
All Ranges 2. If the ranges are now good, make sure Kl02
is energized (5V de across the coil). If K102 is
7-A-10. Since the 3478A's 30V and 300V Ranges will nor- energized, replace the relay. If not, Ul02 may be
mally have a constant zero reading with no input applied, defective. Go to paragraph 7-A-33 before replac-
the other ranges will also be at zero if relay K102 is ing U102.
shorted. Make sure the relay is good and is not being turn-
ed on by U102 (zero volts across the coil of K102). If the 3. If, after replacing Kl02, the ranges still fail,
relay is turned on in the 30mV through 3V Ranges, U102 U102 may be defective. Go to paragraph 7-A-33
may be defective. Before replacing Ul02, make sure the before replacing U102.
AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to paragraph 7-A-33
for the SA procedure to check U462, before replacing the 7-A-16. Noise. Noise can be caused by a FET switch in-
hybrid. ternal to the Input Hybrid (U102) and UlOl. Replace
UlOl and then U102 if noise is noted on some ranges.
7-A-11. Overload, Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy
Readings on Some Ranges
7-A-17. Inaccurate Readings on All Ranges
7-A-12. The Input Hybrid (U102) in conjunction with
the Input Relays (KlOl through K104) is used to select 7-A-18. Inaccurate readings normally show up as other
different paths to connect the input signals with the than positive full scale readings. This is because the
DC/Ohms Input Amplifier. The hybrid is also used to
select the amplifier's different gain configurations.
Because of this, a relay or U102 can make certain ranges
3478A is calibrated using zero and positive full scale (or
1/3 scale) inputs. Inaccurate readings can be caused by
the Input Circuitry (Input Hybrid or DC/Ohms Input
Amplifier). Try replacing UIOl and then U102. •
3478A Service


b. Make sure Autozero is turned off (see paragraph
7-A-8 step b) .
7-A-20. This circuitry consists of E101 and various
diodes in U102. If all ranges fail, try replacing ElOl. If c. Using an external power supply with a lOOK ohm
the ranges still fail or some ranges fail, the most likely resistor in series, apply + 3V to pin 3 of UlOl. (Connect
cause is U102. one end of the resistor to pin 3 of U101 and the other
end to the power supply.)
d. Using a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (like the
7-A-22. The Input Circuitry consists of the Input 3456A), make sure the voltage at the resistor end con-
Switching Circuitry and the DC I Ohms Input Amplifier. nected to pin 3 of Ul01 is + 3V.
Before troubleshooting the circuitry, make sure the
failure is not caused by the AID Converter. Go to e. If the voltage is loaded down, the Input Hybrid is
paragraph 7-A-5 to determine the faulty circuitry, if it defective. Replace U102.
has not been done already.
f. If the voltage is + 3V, measure (using the test
7-A-23. Overload Readings on All Ranges voltmeter) for approximately + 10V at U101 pin 6.

7-A-24. An overload can be caused when the output of g. If the voltage is incorrect, the Input Amplifier is at
the DCIOhms Input Amplifier is too high. This can be
caused by an excessive input to the amplifier, open feed-
fault. Replace U101. ..
back, or a defective amplifier. Do the following: h. If the voltage is good, the Input Hybrid (U102)
may be defective. Before replacing U102, make sure the
a. Set the 3478A to the DC Volts Function and the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to paragraph
3V Range. 7-A-33 to check the AID Controller. If the controller is
good, replace U102.
b. Make sure Autozero is turned off (see paragraph
7-A-8 step b).
7-A-27. Floating Reading on All Ranges

• c. Short the 3478A's INPUT Terminals.

d. With a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (like the

3456A) measure for zero volts(± 1mV) at Ul01 pin 3
(U102 pin 10).

e. If the reading on the test voltmeter is other than

7-A-28. A floating reading is normally caused when an
open exists between the DCIOhms Input Amplifier and
the instrument's INPUT Terminals. Before
troubleshooting the Input Circuitry, make sure the wire
connected from the Front/Rear Switch to J108 is not
open. If the wire is good, then do the following:
zero volts (i.e., above 1 m V), the Input Hybrid is defec- a. Set the 3478A to the DC Volts Function and the
tive. Replace U102. 3V Range.
f. If the reading is good, connect pin 6 and pin 2
b. Make sure Autozero is turned off (see paragraph
(U102 pin 3 and 9) of U101 to each other. Using the test 7-A-8 step b).
voltmeter, measure for zero volts (±3m V) at pin 6 of
U101. c. Using an external power supply, apply + 3V to the
3478A's INPUT Terminals.
g. If the reading is good (less than ±3m V), the
amplifier feedback circuitry is defective. Replace U102. d. Connect the 3478A's HI INPUT Terminal to U101
pin 3 (U102 pin 10).
h. If the reading is wrong (greater than 3mV), the
amplifier is defective. Replace U101. e. If the displayed reading on the 3478A is still a
floating reading, replace UlOl.
7-A-25. Constant Zero Readings on All Ranges
f. If the displayed reading on the 3478A is + 3V, the
7-A-26. A constant zero reading is normally caused Input Hybrid (U102) may be at fault. Before replacing
when the input or output of the DCIOhms Input U102, make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good.
Amplifier is shorted to ground. Make sure pin 1 and pin Go to paragraph 7-A-33 to check the AID Controller. If
13 of U102 and pin 6 of U101 are not shorting to the controller is good, replace U102.

• ground. If no shorts are noted, do the following:

a. Set the 3478A to the DC Volts Function and the

3V Range.
7-A-29. Noisy Readings on All Ranges

7-A-30. Noisy readings can be caused by the Input

Service 3478A

Hybrid or the DCIOhms Input Amplifer. Do the 7·A·33. CHECKING THE AID CONTROLLER (U4621
7-A-34. Do the following to check the AID Controller.
a. Set the 3478A to the DC Volts Function and the Refer to Schematic 3.
3V Range.
a. Turn the 3478A off.
b. Make sure Autozero is turned off (see paragraph
7-A-8 step b). b. Move jumpers JM502, JM503, and JM403 to the
"D" position (JM403 pin 1 and 2), as shown in Figure
c. If the reading on the 3478A is quiet with Autozero 7-A-1.
off, the Input Hybrid is defective. Replace U102. If the
reading is still noisy, continue with the next step. c. Obtain a Signature Analyzer. Set and connect as
follows (shown in Figure 7-A-1):
d. Connect pin 6 and pin 2 (U102 pin 3 and 9) of
U 101 to each other. Start: TP401 (JM403 pin 6) ( f )
Stop: TP402 (JM403 pin 5) ( \.. )
e. Apply a stable + 3V to the 3478A's INPUT Ter- Clock: TP403 (JM403 pin 4) ( . / )
minals. Hold: Out
Self-Test: Out
f. Using a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (like the Gnd: Ground Pin (next to C203)
3456A) measure for a stable + 3V at UlOl pin 3.
PIN # 4 5 5
g. If the voltage is noisy, replace the Input Hybrid

h. If the voltage is stable, measure for a stable + 3V
at pin 6 of UlOl. r r r
[]__ 1--

i. If the voltage is noisy, replace UlOl. If the voltage 347[j 7 Al
is stable, replace U102 (Input Hybrid). u (f)

7·A·31. DC CURRENT TROUBLESHOOTING Figure 7·A·1. JM403 SA Connection

7-A-32. Make sure the DC Volts Function is operating d. Turn the 3478A on and check the following
correctly on all ranges, before troubleshooting for de signatures.
current failures. Go to paragraph 7-A-5 to troubleshoot
for DC Volts Failures. If the DC Volts Function is U462 pin 32: 7ACA
good, the only components that can cause a current U462 pin 33: 20FO
failure are an open current fuse (FlOl), a defective U462 pin 34: 666H
resistor R107, or the Input Hybrid U102. Make sure
FlOl and R107 are good. If the resistor and fuse are e. If any signatures are wrong, go to Service Group D
good, U102 may be defective. Before replacing U102, (Flowchart D) for troubleshooting.
make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to
paragraph 7-A-33 to check the AID Controller. If the f. If the signatures are good, the Input Hybrid is
controller is good, replace U102. defective.



Service Group B Contents

Title Paragraph
Introduction ................................ 7-B-1
AC Volts Troubleshooting .................... 7-B-3
Overload, Floating, or Noisy Readings on
All Ranges .................................. 7-B-5
Inaccurate Readings on All Ranges ........... 7-B-8
Overload, Inaccurate, Floating or Noisy Readings on
Some Ranges .............................. 7-B-10
AC Current Troubleshooting ................. 7-B-12
Overload Protection Circuitry Troubleshooting. 7-B-14
Checking the AID Controller ................. 7-B-16

7-B-1. INTRODUCTION verter is saturated. A floating reading can be caused if

there is an open circuit in the AC to DC Converter.
7-B-2. This Service Group has the AC Volts and AC Noisy readings can be caused by any of the amplifiers in
Current troubleshooting information for the 3478A and the converter.
is symptoms oriented (i.e., what fails). Before
troubleshooting for AC Volts or AC Current Failures, 7-B-7. Before troubleshooting the AC to DC Con-

make sure the 3478A's DC Volts and DC Current Func- verter, make sure relay K104 (see Schematic 1) is good
tions are operating correctly (go to Service Group A, if and is energized (5V de across the coil). If the relay is
the functions fail). These functions must be good, not energized, U102 may be defective. Before replacing
before the AC Volts and AC Current Functions can U102, make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good.
operate. Go to paragraph 7-B-16 to check U462. If K104 is good,
do the following procedure.

a. Set the 3478A to the AC Volts Function and the

3V Range.
The instrument contains CMOS Integrated
Circuits (e.g. U102) which are extremely b. Apply a stable 3V at 1KHz sine wave to the
susceptible to failures due to static 3478A's INPUT Terminals.
discharge. It is especially important that
grounded tools and wrist straps be used c. Using a stable Digital Voltmeter (like the 3456A),
when handling or troubleshooting these measure for approximately + 3V de at jumper JM302.
d. If the reading is a stable + 3V de, do the follow-
1. Apply 1Vat 1KHz to the INPUT Terminals.
7-B-4. An AC Volts Failure can be Overload, Inac-
curate, Floating, or Noisy Readings on all or some 2. If the test voltmeter now reads a stable + 1V
ranges. The following paragraphs have the failures and de at JM302, the AC to DC Converter is good.
troubleshooting procedures (go to paragraph 7-31 for a Make sure the DC Volts Function is operating cor-
description of these failures). Unless otherwise rectly.
specified, refer to Schematic 2 for the following
troubleshooting procedures. 3. If the DC Volts Function is good, replace the
AID Hybrid (U403).

7-B-5. Overload, Floating, or Noisy Readings on All
Ranges e. If the reading is other than approximately + 3V or
noisy, measure for approximately .12V ac at jumper
7-B-6. An overload reading can be caused if one of the JM303. Make sure the reading on the test voltmeter is
amplifiers or the RMS Converter in the AC to DC Con- stable.
Service 3478A

f. If the reading is good, do the following: are good, the only component that can cause a failure is
the Input Hybrid U102. Before replacing Ul02, make ·•
1. Measure for a stable 3V ac at pin 4 of U303. sure the AID Controller is good. Go to paragraph
7-B-16 to check the AID Controller. If the controller is
2. If the reading is good, replace U303. good, replace U102.

3. If the reading is wrong, lift the end of 7-B-14. OVERLOAD PROTECTION CIRCUITRY
capacitor C304 which is connected to pin 4 of TROUBLESHOOTING
U303. Then measure for a stable 3V ac at the lifted
end of the capacitor. 7-B-15. All of the ac functions overload protection cir-
cuitry is in U102. Replace the hybrid, if defective.
4. If the voltage is good, replace U303.

5. If the voltage is still wrong, make sure the 7-B-16. CHECKING THE A/D CONTROLLER (U462)
voltage at pin 6 of U302 is a good stable 3V ac.
7-B-17. Do the following to check the AID Controller.
6. If the voltage is good, capacitor C304 or Refer to Schematic 3.
C306 is defective.
a. Turn the 3478A off.
7. If the voltage is unstable or wrong, connect
pin 6 to pin 2 of U302 (use a very short lead to b. Move jumpers JM502, JM503, and JM403 to the
connect the pins, to prevent oscillations). If the "D" position (JM403 pin 1 and 2), as shown in Figure
reading at pin 6 is now a stable .12V, the feedback 7-B-1.
resistors of U302 are defective. If the .12V is
wrong, replace U302. c. Obtain a Signature Analyzer. Set and connect as
follows (shown in Figure 7-B-1):

g. If the reading at JM303 is other than .12V ac or Start: TP401 (JM403 pin 6) ( J)
unstable, replace U301. If the AC Volts Function is still Stop: TP402 (JM403 pin 5) ( ""\.. )
inoperative, U102 may be defective. Before replacing
U102, make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good.
Go to paragraph 7-B-16 to check the AID Controller. If
the controller is good, replace U102.

7·B-8. Inaccurate Readings on All Ranges

TP403 (JM403 pin 4) ( J )
Ground Pin (next to C203)

d. Turn the 3478A on and check for the following

7-B-9. Since the 3478A's AC to DC Converter is signatures.
calibrated with an input voltage at a frequency of 1KHz,
inaccuracy can result from poor frequency response. U462 pin 32: 7ACA
Since the high frequency is compensated by C302, make U462 pin 33: 20FO
sure the capacitor is good. If the capacitor is good, try U462 pin 34: 666H
replacing U301 and if still inaccurate, try U102.
e. If any signatures are wrong, go to Service Group D
7-B-1 0. Overload, Inaccurate, Floating, or Noisy (Flowchart D) for troubleshooting.
Readings on Some Ranges
f. If the signatures are good, the Input Hybrid is
7-B-11. Since all ranging of the ACto DC Converter is defective.
done in the Input Hybrid U102, the hybrid is the most
likely cause for ac failures on some ranges. Before
replacing U102, make sure it is not set to an incorrect
mode by the AID Controller (U462). Go to paragraph PIN # 2 3 4 5 6
7-B-16 to check the AID Controller. If the controller is
good, replace U102. JM403 do ol 0 0 0 0


i i i
[L >-
7-B-13. Make sure the DC Current and AC Volts Func-

0 1-· <
347!1 7 A1 _j (f) >-
tions are operating correctly on all ranges, before u (f)

troubleshooting for ac current failures. Go to paragraph

7-B-3 to troubleshoot the AC Volts Failures and Service
Group A for the DC Current Failures. If the functions Figure 7-B-1. JM403 SA Connection
Service Group C Contents

Title Paragraph
Introduction ................................ 7-C-1
2-Wire and 4-Wire Ohms Troubleshooting ....... 7-C-4
Overload Readings on All Ranges ............ 7-C-6
Inaccurate Readings on All
or Some Ranges ........................... 7-C-8
Constant Zero Reading on All Ranges ....... 7-C-10
Noise on All Ranges ...................... 7-C-12
Floating Readings on All
or Some Ranges .......................... 7-C-14
Overload, Noise, or Constant Zero
Readings on Some Ranges ............... 7-C-16
Ohms Protection Circuitry Troubleshooting .... 7-C-18
Ohms Current Source Troubleshooting ........ 7-C-20
4-Wire Ohms Troubleshooting ................ 7-C-22
Checking the AID Controller ................. 7-C-24


7-C-2. This Service Group has the Ohms

troubleshooting information for the 3478A and is symp-
toms oriented (i.e., what fails). Unless otherwise
specified, refer to Schematic 1 when using the
troubleshooting procedures.
failure on the 3K ohm Range should show up with a 3K
ohm resistor applied to the input. The following
paragraphs have the ohms failures and the
troubleshooting procedures (go to paragraph 7-32 for a
description of the failures).

7-C·&. Overload Readings on All Ranges

7-C-3. Most ohms failures will show up in both the 7-C-7. An Overload is normally caused by a high ohms
2-Wire and 4-Wire Ohms Function with the current (or an open between the INPUT Terminals and
troubleshooting procedure given in paragraph 7-C-4. If the Input Circuitry). Make sure the DC Volts Function
a failure shows up in only the 4-Wire Ohms Function, is operating correctly, before troubleshooting for an
go to paragraph 7-C-22 for troubleshooting. ohms failure. Do the following procedure.

a. Set the 3478A to the 2-Wire Ohms Function and

the 3K ohm Range.

The instrument contains CMOS Integrated b. Connect a 3K ohm Resistor to the 3478A's INPUT
Circuits (e.g. Ul02) which are extremely Terminals.
susceptible to failures due to static
discharge. It is especially important that c. Using a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (like the
grounded tools and wrist straps be used 3456A), measure the voltage between pin 17 and pin 19
when handling or troubleshooting these of Ul02. Connect the low input of the voltmeter to pin
components. 17 and the high input to pin 19.

d. If the reading on the test voltmeter is + 4V de and

7·C·4. 2-WIRE AND 4·WIRE OHMS TROUBLESHOOTING the 3478A displays an overload, the Range Resistors in

Ul02 may be too low. Replace Ul02 .
7-C-5. An Ohms Failure can be Overload, Inaccurate,
Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy Readings on some or e. If the reading is other than + 4V de, the Ohms
all ranges. A failure should show up with an appropriate Current Source is defective. Go to paragraph 7-C-20 for
input applied to the 3478A. For example, an overload troubleshooting.
Service 3478A

7-C-8. Inaccurate Readings on All or Some Ranges 1. Disconnect the clip lead from pin 15 of U102

7-C-9. This failure is normally caused when the ohms

current changes value due to a load change. Do the
following procedure.

a. Set the 3478A to the 2-Wire Ohms Function and

and connect it to the collector of Q204 (junction
of Q204, R203, and cathode of CR201). Leave the
other end of the clip lead connected to the input
terminal for the checks that follow.

2. If the Ohms Function is now operating,

check for an open R205 or an open in Q201

the 3K ohm Range. through Q204.
b. Connect a 3K ohm Resistor to the 3478A's INPUT 3. If the Constant Zero Reading is still
Terminals. displayed, disconnect the clip lead from Q204 and
connect it to the anode of CR201.
c. Using a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (like the
3456A), measure the voltage across R205. Since the 4. If the Ohms Function is now operating,
ohms current on the 3K ohm Range is 1mA, the voltage check for an open CR201.
should be approximately .47V de.
5. If the Constant Zero Reading is still
d. If the voltage is radically wrong, the ohms current displayed, check for an open K103. Make sure
is incorrect. Use the overload troubleshooting pro- K103 is energized ( + 5V across the relay coil),
cedure (in paragraph 7-C-6) to determine the faulty cir- before replacing the relay. If the relay is not
cuitry. energized, U102 may be defective. Before replac-
ing U102, make sure the A/D Controller (U462) is
e. If the voltage is good, remove the 3K ohm Resistor good. Go to paragraph 7-C-24 for the SA pro-
from the INPUT Terminals. Then short the INPUT cedure to check U462.
7-C-12. Noise on All Ranges
f. If the voltage across R205 changes, the Output
PMOS FET in U102 may be defective. Replace U102. 7-C-13. Noise on all ranges is normally caused by a
g. If the voltage remains the same, the failure is most
likely in the Ohms Protection Circuitry. Make sure
Q201 through Q204 are good.

7-C-10. Constant Zero Reading on All Ranges

noisy ohms current. Do the following procedure .

a. Set the 3478A to the 2-Wire Ohms Function and

the 3K ohm Range.

b. Connect a 3K ohm Resistor to the 3478A's INPUT


7-C-11. A Constant Zero Reading is normally caused
when the Ohms Current Source supplies no ohms cur- c. Using a clip lead, connect pin 15 of U102 to the
rent (current at zero value). Since no current goes 3478A's HI INPUT Terminal.
through the resistor to be measured, no voltage drop
across the resistor is developed and the 3478A measures d. If the Ohms Function is quiet, noise is caused by
zero volts (zero reading). A no-current condition can be the Ohms Protection Circuitry. Check Q201 through
caused by an open circuit between the Ohms Current Q204.
Source and the INPUT Terminals, or by a defective
Current Source. Do the following procedure. e. If the Ohms Function is still noisy, do the follow-
ing checks.
a. Set the 3478A to the 2-Wire Ohms Function and
the 3K ohm Range. 1. Using a high impedance Digital Voltmeter
(like the 3456A), make sure the voltage at U201
b. Connect a 3K ohm Resistor to the 3478A's INPUT pin 6 is a quiet + 8V ( < 101-'V change). Replace
Terminals. U201, if noisy. If the voltage is still noisy, try
c. Using a clip lead, connect pin 15 of U102 to the
3478A's HI INPUT Terminal. 2. If the voltage at U201 pin 6 is good, measure
for a quiet + 12V at U202 pin 6 ( < 101-'V change).
d. If the 3478A still shows a constant zero reading, Replace U202, if noisy. If the voltage is still noisy,
the Ohms Current Source is inoperative. Go to replace U102.·
paragraph 7-C-20 for troubleshooting.

e. If the Ohms Function is now operating correctly,

do the following:
3. If the voltage at U202 pin 6 is good, replace
U203. If the ohms function is still noisy, replace
U102. •
3478A Service

7-C-14. Floating Reading on All or Some Ranges b. To check the circuitry operation for negative input
voltages, do the following:
7-C-15. A Floating Reading is normally caused by an
open circuit between the INPUT Terminals and the 1. Leave the same set up as in step a, except
DC/Ohms Input Amplifier. Make sure the DC Volts bring the variable power supply down to OV. The
Function is operating correctly, before suspecting an voltage across R205 should again be .47V.
ohms failure. If the failure shows up in the Ohms Func-
tion only, Ul02 may be defective. Before replacing 2. Reverse the power supply output leads and
Ul02, make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good. apply -lOY de to the 3478A's INPUT Terminals.
Go to paragraph 7-C-24 to check U462.
3. The voltage across R205 should remain at
7-C-16. Overload, Noise, or Constant Zero Readings on .47V.
Some Ranges
4. If the voltage remains the same (.47V), the
7-C-17. Failures on some ranges can only be caused by Ohms Protection Circuitry is operating correctly.
the Input Hybrid U 102. This is because the hybrid is
used to configure the current source for the different 5. If the voltage changes value and/or polarity,
ranges. If at least one range is good, the Ohms Current the Ohms Protection Circuitry is inoperative.
Source is operating. Before replacing U102, make sure it Measure for approximately -.6V at the source and
receives the correct information from the AID Con- drain of Q205. If the voltage is high or zero,
troller (U462). Go to paragraph 7-C-24 to check U462. replace Q205. If the voltage is good, check for a
defective Q201 through Q204.
7-C-21. The Ohms Current Source consists of a Voltage
7-C-19. The Ohms Protection Circuitry is used to pro- Reference, Buffer and Range Resistors, and a Gate Bias
tect the Ohms Current Source from excessive positive or Amplifier. Before troubleshooting the current source,
negative input voltages. To make sure the circuitry is make sure the +lOY reference is good at JM201. To

operational, check the following: troubleshoot the Ohms Current Source, do the follow-
ing procedure.
a. To check the circuitry operation for positive input
voltages, do the following: a. Set the 3478A to the 2-Wire Ohms Function and
the 3K ohm Range.
1. Set the 3478A to the 2-Wire Ohms Function
and the 3K ohm Range. b. Using a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (like the
3456A), measure the voltage at pin 2 and pin 3 of U203
2. Connect a high impedance Digital Voltmeter (U102 pins 17 and 18, respectively). Make sure the
(like the 3456A) across R205. voltage on both pins is approximately + 8V.

3. Acquire a variable 0-lOV power supply. Set c. If the voltages are not approximately the same,
the supply for a OV output and connect it to the replace U203.
3478A's INPUT Terminals.
d. If the voltages on both pins are wrong (other than
4. Measure for approximately .47V de across + 8V), but are approximately the same, do the follow-
R205. If the voltage is wrong, the Current Source ing:
may be defective (go to paragraph 7-C-20 for
troubleshooting). 1. Measure for approximately + 12V at pin 6 of
5. While monitoring the voltage across R205,
adjust the power supply until it outputs + lOY. At 2. If the voltage at pin 6 of U201 is + 12V,
an output voltage of approximately + 6V, the replace U102. Before replacing U102, make sure
voltage across R205 should go to OV and remain at the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to
that level. paragraph 7-C-24 to check U462.

6. If the voltage does not go to OV, replace 3. If the voltage at pin 6 of U201 is other than
CR201. + 12V, measure for approximately + 8V at pin 3

of U201 .
7. If the voltage does go to OV, the Ohms Pro-
tection Circuitry does protect for positive input 4. If the voltage at pin 3 of U201 is wrong,
voltages. replace U102. Before replacing U102, make sure

Service 3478A

the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to Ul02, make sure the AID Controller (U462) is good.
paragraph 7-C-24 to check U462. Go to paragraph 7-C-24 to check U462.

5. If the voltage is good, connect pin 6 to pin 3 7-C-24. CHECKING THE A/D CONTROLLER IU4621
of U201 (U102 pin 6 to pin 7).
7-C-25. Do the following to check the AID Controller.
6. Measure for approximately + 8V at pin 6 of Refer to Schematic 3.
a. Turn the 3478A off.
7. If the voltage at pin 6 of U201 is + 8V,
replace U102. Before replacing Ul02, make sure b. Move jumpers JM502, JM503, and JM403 to the
the AID Controller (U462) is good. Go to "D" position (JM403 pin 1 and 2), as shown in Figure
paragraph 7-C-24 to check U462. 7-C-1.

8. If the voltage is other than + 8V, replace c. Obtain a Signature Analyzer. Set and connect as
U201. follows (shown in Figure 7-C-1):

e. If the voltages on both pins of U203 are approx- Start: TP401 (JM403 pin 6) ( J)
imately + 8V, do the following: Stop: TP402 (JM403 pin 5) ( \._ )
Clock: TP403 (JM403 pin 4) (_f)
1. Measure for approximately + 12V at pin 6 of Hold: Out
U202. Self-Test: Out
Gnd: Ground Pin (next to C203)
2. If the voltage is wrong, connect pin 6 to pin 3
of U202.
PIN " 3 4 5 5
p N
3. If the voltage is now good, replace U102.
Before replacing Ul02, make sure the AID Con-
dL_o_ _ o__j-~--o---;-----:;:---:;:--
0 0 0

JM 40 3
troller (U462) is good. Go to paragraph 7-C-24 to
check U462.
r i i
"'u [L
4. If the voltage is still wrong, replace U202. '31170 7 Al
L) (/)

f. If the Ohms Current Source is still inoperative,

replace U203 and then Ul02.
Figure 7·C·1. JM403 SA Connection
7·C·22. 4-WIRE OHMS TROUBLESHOOTING d. Turn the 3478A on and check the following
7-C-23. The only difference between the two ohms
functions is that the 4-Wire Ohms Function uses the U462 pin 32: 7ACA
Ohms SENSE Terminals and a different input path in U462 pin 33: 20FO
UI02. Make sure the Front/Rear Switch is good and U462 pin 34: 666H
that the wires from the terminals are connected correct-
ly. Also, make sure the lead resistance of the test used in e. If any signatures are wrong, go to Service Group D
the 4-Wire Ohms Function is not excessive ( < 1/30 of (Flowchart D) for troubleshooting.
full scale reading in the LO INPUT lead and < 1/3 of
full scale in the HI INPUT lead). If everything appears f. If the signatures are good, the Input Hybrid is
to be good, Ul02 may be defective. Before replacing defective.


3478A Service

Service Group D Contents

Title Paragraph
Introduction ................................ 7-D-1
Chassis Common Logic Troubleshooting and
Failures ................................. 7-D-5
Pre-Troubleshooting Information ............ 7-D-7
Turn-On Failure ............................ 7-D-9
Inoperative Display ....................... 7-D-13
Inoperative Keyboard ..................... 7-D-15
HP-IB Failure ........................... 7-D-17
U.C. ROM Fails ......................... 7-D-19
U.C. RAM Fails ......................... 7-D-21
Calibration RAM Failure .................. 7-D-23
Voltmeter Complete ...................... 7-D-25
Address Switch Failure .................... 7-D-27
External Trigger .......................... 7-D-29
Floating Common Logic Failures ............. 7-D-31
Pre-Troubleshooting Information ........... 7-D-33
AID Converter Failures and Troubleshooting. 7-D-35
Input Hybrid (U102) Inoperative ............ 7-D-40

AID Controller Troubleshooting ........... 7-D-42
Isolation Circuitry Troubleshooting ........... 7-D-44


7-D-2. This Service Group has the AID Converter and The instrument contains CMOS Integrated
Logic Circuitry troubleshooting information for the Circuits which are extremely susceptible to
3478A. Unless otherwise specified, refer to Schematic 1 failures due to static discharge. It is especial-
when using the troubleshooting procedures. ly important that grounded tools and wrist
straps be used when handling or
7-D-3. The 3478A Logic Circuitry can be separated into troubleshooting these components.
two major circuitry: Chassis Common Logic Circuitry
and Floating Common Logic Circuitry. The Chassis 7-D-5. CHASSIS COMMON LOGIC TROUBLESHOOTING
Common Logic Circuitry consists of the Main Controller AND FAILURES
(U501), Program ROM (U502), Calibration RAM
(CMOS RAM, U512), HP-IB Chip (U503), Display, 7-D-6. The following paragraphs have the Chassis
Keyboard, and associated circuitry. Its purpose is to con- Common Logic Failures and Troubleshooting.
trol the operation of the instrument. The Floating Com-
mon Logic Circuitry consists of an AID Controller 7-D-7. Pre-Troubleshooting Information
(U462), AID Converter (U403, U401, etc.), and
associated circuitry. Its purpose is to control the AID con- 7-D-8. Before troubleshooting the Chassis Common
version, and to control the Input Hybrid. Com- Logic Circuitry, check and do the following:
munications between the circuitry are done by the Isola-
tion Circuitry. a. Check the + 5V Power Supply and make sure it is
good. The supply should be between + 4.9V and

7-D-4. Most of the procedures in this Service Group re- + 5 .IV. If the supply is inoperative, go to Service Group
quire a Signature Analyzer for troubleshooting. In addi- E for troubleshooting.
tion to it, a logic probe and a logic pulser are also re-
quired for some troubleshooting procedures. Obtain the b. Make sure the ALE line at U501 pin 11 is good, as
required equipment, before going to the procedures. shown in Figure 7-D-1. If the signal is missing or wrong,
Service 3478A

make sure the CPU's clock (at pin 2 and 3 of U501) is at 7·0·13. Inoperative Display
approximately 5.856MHz. Try replacing crystal Y501
and if the signal is still missing, try U501. 7-D-14. An inoperative display is when all or part of the
display is inoperative. The failure can be caused by the
display itself or part of the Chassis Common Circuitry.
Before doing any troubleshooting, make sure the 1.1 V,
2.2V, and 3.3V power supplies to the display are good.
The supplies can be checked at R503 pins 9, 3, and 15
2V for the 3.3V, 2.2V, and 1.1 V power supplies, respective-
ly. If any supply is wrong, replace R503 and if still
wrong, replace the display. If the supplies are good, go
to Flowchart B for troubleshooting. In the flowchart,
the control lines to the display are checked, using
Signature Analysis routines, to determine if the display
IlLS Pos. Trig. or another circuit is at fault.
Figure 7·0·1. U501 ALE Signal

c. Make sure the RESET line at pin 4 of U501 is high.

If the line is low, try replacing U550 (see Schematic 4).
Make sure grounded tools and wrist straps
are used, when replacing or checking the
7·0·9. Turn·On Failure display.
7-D-10. The Turn-On Failure normally shows up if all
of the following symptoms are noted. If only one symp- 7·0·15. Inoperative Keyboard
tom is noted, it is not a turn-on failure. The symptoms
for a turn-on failure are as follows: 7-D-16. An inoperative keyboard is when all or part of
3478a operations cannot be selected from the keyboard.
This can be caused by the keyboard itself or by the Main

a. The display is dead or inoperative. Since this can
also be caused by a defective display, assume it is turn- Controller. The following procedure checks the ports of
on failure before troubleshooting the display. the Main controller (using Signature Analysis) that
receive the information from the keyboard. From the
b. The keyboard is inoperative (does not respond). If resultant signatures it is determined if the keyboard or
only the keyboard is inoperative, go to paragraph the Main Controller is defective. Do the following:
7-D-15 for troubleshooting.
a. Turn the 3478A off.
c. HP-IB is inoperative. It may not be necessary to
check for an HP-IB failure if the two previous symp- b. Move jumpers JM502 and JM503 to the "D"
toms were are noted. If only an HP-IB failure is noted, position.
go to paragraph 7-D-17 for troubleshooting.
c. Connect and set the Signature Analyzer as follows:
7-D-11. If the previous symptoms were noted, go to
Flowchart A for troubleshooting. In the flowchart, the
various address lines and data lines are checked, using Start: TP7 ( \..)
Signature Analysis, to determine the faulty component. Stop: TP8 (\_)
The faulty component(s) can be the Main Controller Clock: TP3 ( f )
(U501), Program ROM (U502), CMOS RAM (U512), or Hold: Out
the HP-IB Chip (U503). Self-Test: Out
Gnd: Chassis Ground
7-D-12. Before troubleshooting for a Turn-On Failure,
check the following: d. Turn the 3478A on and check the following
a. Make sure the Data Bus Break RP527 is making
good contact. If the pins are bent, the signatures on the U501 pin 27: P6H5
Data Lines may be good, but the 3478A may be in- U501 pin 28: PF57
operative. U501 pin 29: 08C6

U501 pin 30: 41PA
b. Make sure jumpers JM501, JM502, and JM503 U501 pin 31: 35PU
are in the "N" (Normal) position. The 3478A will not U501 pin 32: 62U5
turn on at all or properly, if they are in a different posi- U501 pin 33: 27H3
tion. U501 pin 34: 6U19
Check latch U513 by Move JM501 to the "D"
checking the following position.
Check the ROM by check·
U513 pin 2: 4U2A ing the following
U513 pin 5: P030 signatures.
NOTE Do the following: U513 pin 6: HA07 Rev C Rev B
U513 pin 9: H62U ROM ROM
U513 pin 12: C21A U502 pin 9: 32FC IP5FPI
The 3478A can have either a Revision 8 (part a. Turn the 34 78A off. U502 pin 10: 192A (P5FP
U513 pin 15: HOAA
number 1818·17528! Program ROM (U502) or a U502 p1n 11: 87U7 (F91FI
US13 pin 16:4442
Revision C (part number: IB18-1752C! Program b. Remove Data Bus Break U502 pin 13: 65C8 IH6F31
U513 pin 19:0772
ROM which make some of the signatures in the RP527. U502 pin 14: 643H 169671
flowchart different. If two sets of signatures are U502 pin 15: 5866 IPAF51
listed in the flowchart, use the signatures shown c. Move JM502 to the U502 pin 16: 67H3 189FHI
U502 pin 17: 0229 IPA7CI
in parentheses for Revision 8 ROMs and the others "D" psotion.
for Revision C ROMs. If no signatures in paren-
thesis are given, the signatures apply to both d. Connect the Signature
ROMs. Analyzer as follows:
Replace U51 3
1 . Start I '-- I to TP2

2. Stop I'-- I to TP2 Replace U502

3. Clock I'-- Ito TP3

e. Turn the 34 78A on.

Check the Data Bus by
checking the following

Check the Address Bus of

Rev C Rev B
Move JM503 to the ··o··
U 501 by checking the ROM ROM
following signatures. U502 p1n 9. lFOC 172731
8751 1300Hl
Check the following
U502 p1n 10:
+ 5V supply: 7 A 70 U502 p1n 11 PHOA 1043FI signatures.
U501 pin 12: H62U U502 pin 13· 8AC1 IA74AI
U501 pin 13: C21A U502 p1n 14 4769 115AOI U502 pin 9: HA05
U501 pin 14: HA07 U502 p1n 15 A4UF IA4541 U502 pin 10: PU2A
U502 p1n 16: 9AA 1 IA0271 U502 pin 11: ClUJ
U501 pin 15: HOAA U502 p1n 17: 476C IH2CH1 U502 pin 13: 6194
U501 pin 16: P030 U502 pin 14: 05HP
U501 pin 17: 4442 U502 pin 15: 5PC5
U501 pin 18: 4U2A U502 pin 16: 9960
U501 pin 19: 0772 U502 pin 17: 16SP

Replace USOl.
Replaca U502

Connect the Signature

Analyzer clock to TP4 Move JM501 to the ""N"
l...rl position.
Replace U502 or U503
Check ports P20 to P2 2 Check the following
of U501 by checking the signatures.
following signatures. Rev C Rev B
U501 pin 21: 9635 U502 pin 9: 1665 ness1
U501 pin 22: 1734 U502 pin 10: 6FF4 18U051
U501 pin 23: 8P54 U502 p1n 11: 26C5 iUC55J
U502 p1n 13: 8989 !8F1AJ
U502 pin 14: 8AOA 18AOA1
U502 pin 15: A008 IA008J
U502 pin 16: UUPA !UUPAJ
U502 p1n 17. 0223 102231

Replace U501 .

Troubleshoot the Display,

Keyboard, and HP-IB by
Replace U502 or US03
going to paragraph
7-0·13, 7-0·15, and
7·D-1 7, respectively.

3478 7-02

Figura 7-D-2. Flowchart A 7-D-3

Service 3478A

e. If any signatures are incorrect, U501 may be at make sure the RAM is defective, go to Flowchart A (see
fault. Replace U501. If all signatures are correct, the paragraph 7-D-11) for troubleshooting.
keyboard or keyboard connector may be defective. The
keyboard can be checked by doing the following: 7-0-23. Calibration RAM Failure

1. Leave the Signature Analyzer connected as 7-D-24. If the "CAL RAM FAIL" message is
in step c. displayed (after a Self-Test routine), the most likely
cause is a Calibration RAM (CMOS RAM, U512)
2. By pressing a certain front panel button, the Failure. The RAM can be checked by sending data to
signature on a port of U501 should change. For the RAM and reading it back.
example, the signature on U501 pin 27 (port PIO)
should change from "P6H5" to "U878", if the A
button is pressed. From this change, it can be
determined if the button (i.e., part of the
keyboard) is inoperative or good. The following
lists the pin numbers of U501, the button to be Make sure grounded tools and wrist straps
pressed, and the change in signature. are used, when replacing or checking the

U501 Press Change Signature

pin# Button From To
27 ""A P6H5 U878
28 "-V PF57 A998
PUF4 The test in paragraph 7-D-24 cannot be
30 4 WIRE 41PA AHUA made without destroying the present data in
30 INT/TRIG 41PA CF39 the Calibration RAM. The 3478A must be
31 "-A 35PU 1C44 recalibrated, after doing the test.
32 :-::v 62U5 2113
32 2 WIRE 62U5 2718
33 AUTO/MAN 27H3 9F9A
0SRO 27H3
a. Turn the 3478A off.
34 LOCAL 6U19 H083 b. Move jumpers JM502 and JM503 to the "D"
7-0·17. HP-18 Failure
c. Connect and set the Signature Analyzer as follows:

7-D-18. Before troubleshooting for an inoperative

HP-IB, make sure the 3478A is operating correctly from Start: TP8 ( f )
the front panel. Repair the front panel operation first, Stop: TP7 ( \...)
before troubleshooting for an HP-IB failure. To Clock: TP6 ( f )
troubleshoot an HP-IB failure, go to Flowchart C. The Hold: Out
procedure in the flowchart checks the HP-IB Chip to Self-Test: Out
determine if data can be written to or read by the chip. Gnd: Chassis Ground

7-0·19. U.C. ROM Fails d. Turn the 3478A on and check the following

7-D-20. If the "U .C. ROM FAIL" message is displayed U512 pin 9: H709
(during a Self-Test routine), the most likely cause is a U512 pin 11: C577
failure in Program ROM (U502). To make sure the ROM U512 pin 13: 4296
is defective and not the Main Controller, go to Flowchart U512 pin 15: 8U25
A (see paragraph 7-D-11) for troubleshooting.
e. If any signatures are wrong, something on the
Data Bus is defective. Go to Flowchart A (see paragraph
7·0·21. U.C. RAM Fails 7-D-11) for troubleshooting.

7-D-22. If the "U.C. RAM FAIL" message is f. If the signatures are good, the RAM (U512) may
displayed, the failure is most likely in the Chassis Com- be defective. The RAM can be checked by continuing
mon CPU's RAM (RAM in Main Controller U501). To with the test in the next step.
3478A Service

• Do the following:

a. Turn the 3478A off.

b. Move JM502 to the

"D" position.

c. Move JM503 to the

"D" position.

d. Connect the Signature

Analyzer as follows:

1. Start ( \.... ) to TP7 ·

2. Stop (\....)to TP8

3. Clock (...r) to TP 3

e. Turn the 34 78A on.

Check latch U506 by

checking the following
+ 5V supply: HF52
U506 pin 3: 8427
U506 pin 4: 5CA6
U506 pin 5: 726U

U506 pin 6: 6PUH


Check ports P24 and P25

Check U501 by checking b_y checking the following
the following signatures.
U501 pin 35: U8HH
U501 pin 21: 6FC8
U501 pin 36: HF52
U501 pin 22: H3CC
U501 pin 23: 8028
U501 pin 24: C90H

Replace Display

Replace U506

• Figure 7-D-3. Flovvchart B

"347b 7 0"3

Service 3478A

Do the following:

a. Turn the 34 78A off

b. Move JM502 to the
"D" position.

c. Move JM503 to the

"D" position.

d. Connect the signature

Check the following
Analyzer as follows: signatures.
1 . Start ( __r ) to TP7 U503 pin 28: 2HH8
U503 pin 29: 5U83
2. Stop I __r) to TPB U503 pin 30: 9458
U503 pin 31: 4C5P
3. Clock L.r ) to TP6 U503 pin 32; 59CF
U503 pin 33: 245C
e. Turn the 34 78A on.
U503 pin 34: HH4H
U503 pin 35: H1U1

Check Data Lines by

checking the following
+ 5V Supply: 2FCO Replace U503.
U503 pin 12: PC84
U503 pin 13: C312
U503 pin 14: 7P1 C
U503 pin 15: C3A8
U503 pin 16: P3P1

U503 pin 17: F114
U503 pin 18: A65F
U503 pin 19:3112

Go to Flowchart A for

Connect Signatures
Analyzer clock to TP5

Take the following


+ 5V Supply: CC34
U503 pin 12: 96PF
U503 pin 13: P4C7
U503 pin 14: 2U6F
U503 pin 15: U06A
U503 pin 16: P288
U503 pin 1 7: 9U6U
U503 pin 18: 6679
U503 pin 1 9: 6AF5

Replace U503

1478 7 04

Figure 7-0-4. Flowchart C

3478A Service

g. The RAM can be checked by reading data back 1. Check for a low at pin 4 of U514.
from it. One caution when checking the RAM, the data
in the RAM will be lost and the 3478A will need to be 2. If pin 4 of U514 is low, replace U514.
recalibrated. Do the following:
3. If pin 4 of U514 is high, replace U503.
1. To check the RAM, leave the Start and Stop
inputs of the Signature Analyzer connected as in c. If pin 5 of U514 is high, using a logic pulser, pulse
step c, but connect the Clock to TP5 ( _f). (i.e., toggle) pin 5.

d. Using a logic probe, check for a high at pin 9 of

2. Using a flat blade screwdriver, set the front panel U514.
CAL ENABLE Switch to the calibration enable position
(the slot of the switch is in the vertical position, as e. If pin 9 is low, replace U514. If the pin is high,
shown on the front panel). while checking the pin with a logic probe, apply a trigger
pulse to the 3478A's EX TRIG connector (i.e., short the
3. Take the following signatures. input of the connector to ground). When the 3478A is
triggered, pin 9 of U514 should toggle high and then
U512 pin 9: H709 low.
U512 pin 11: C577
U512 pin 13: 4296 f. If pin 9 does not toggle, replace U514. If it does
U512 pin 15: 8U25 toggle, U501 may be defective.

4. If the signatures are wrong, the RAM may be 7·0·31. FLOATING COMMON LOGIC FAILURES
defective. Before replacing the RAM, make sure the
RAM's R/W line reads a signature of 4296. If the 7-D-32. Floating Common Failures can be failures in
signature is wrong, replace U515. If the signature is the A/D Converter and the A/D Controller. The
good, replace U512. following paragraphs have the failures and
troubleshooting information.

5. If the signatures are good, other circuitry may
cause the failure. Go to Flowchart A (see paragraph 7·0·33. Pre·Troubleshooting Information
7-D-11) for further troubleshooting.
7-D-34. Before troubleshooting the Floating Common
7·0·25. Voltmeter Complete Logic Circuitry and A/D Converter, perform the
7-D-26. The Voltmeter Complete pulse is normally out-
put after an input measurement is completed. To a. Check the 3478A's Floating Common Power Sup-
troubleshoot the operation, with a logic probe, check plies. Make sure they are stable, are at the correct !eve
and make sure pin 25 of U501 is toggling. If the probe and are not oscillating. The power supplies are a
does not show toggling, U501 is most likely defective. If follows:
the probe shows toggling, make sure R538 is not open,
Power Checked Voltage
and CR504 and CR505 are not shorted. If the resistor
Supply at level
and diodes are good, replace U508.

7·0·27. Address Switch Failure + 5V JM701 + 4.9V to + 5.1V

-15V JM702 - 14.4V to - 15.6V
7-D-28. An address switch failure can be caused by the + 15V JM703 + 14.4V to + 15.6V
switch itself or U510. The address switch can easily be b. Check and make sure the Reference Supplies are at
checked using a logic probe. With all switches of the ad- the correct level and are quiet. The + lOY suppply can
dress switch on (up), pins 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and be checked at U405 pin 6, the -lOY supply at U404 pin 6,
16 of the switch are low. With all switches off (down), and the buffered +lOY supply at JM201.
the pins are high. If the switch is good, replace U510.
c. Make sure the ALE line at TP403 (U462 pin 11) is
7·0·29. External Trigger good, as shown in Figure 7-D-5. If the signal is missing
or incorrect, make sure the CPU's clock (at pin.2 and 3
7-D-30. An external trigger failure can be caused by a of U462) is at 10.98MHz. Try replacing crystal Y460, if
defective U514 or HP-IB Chip. Do the following: the signal is missing. If still missing, replace U462.

• a. Set the 3478A to the Single Trigger mode .

b. Using a logic probe, make sure pin 5 of U514 is

high. If the pin is low, do the following:
7·0·35. AID Converter Failures and Troubleshooting

7-D-36. An A/D Converter failure can show up as

Overload, Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy Readings.
Service 3478A

(U403 and associated circuitry) or the AID Controller
(U462), go to Flowchart D for troubleshooting. The
procedure in the flowchart checks the different ports
(using Signature Analysis) of the AID Controller and
also checks the DAC (U465).
7-0-40. Input Hybrid (U1 02)1noperative

7-D-41. An inoperative Input Hybrid can be caused by

. 5p,S Pos. Trig . the hybrid itself or when it receives wrong information
from the AID Controller. To isolate the circuitry, do
Figure 7·0·5. U462 ALE Signal the following:
Other failures are normally noted when, after doing a a. Turn the 3478A off.
Self-Test, the 3478A display's either "A:D SLOPE
ERR" or "A:D TEST FAIL". If an "A:D LINK b. Move jumpers JM502, JM503, and JM403 to the
FAIL" is displayed, the failure is most likely in the "D" position (JM403 pin 1 and 2), as shown in Figure
Isolation Circuitry (go to paragraph 7-D-44 for 7-D-7.
troubleshooting). The following paragraphs have the
failures and troubleshooting information for the AID c. Obtain a Signature Analyzer. Set and connect as
Converter. follows (shown in Figure 7-D-7):
7-D-37. Overload, Constant Zero, Floating, or Noisy Start: TP401 (JM403 pin 6) ( f )
Readings. Before troubleshooting the AID Converter Stop: TP402 (JM403 pin 5) ( \_ )
for these failures, make sure the failures are not caused Clock: TP403 (JM403 pin 4) ( _/ )
by the 3478A's Input Circuitry. Do the procedure which Hold: Out
follows this paragraph (the same procedure is also in Self-Test: Out
Service Group A). If the procedure has been performed Gnd: Ground Pin (next to C203)

already, ignore the procedure and go to Flowchart D for
troubleshooting. If it has not been performed, do the
following: d. Turn the 3478A on and check for the following
a. Set the 3478A to the DC Volts Function and 3V
Range. U462 pin 32: 7ACA
U462 pin 33: 20FO
b. Turn Autozero off by pressing the blue Shift but- U462 pin 34: 666H
ton and then the INT /TRIG (AUTOZERO) button.
e. If any signatures are wrong, U462 may be defec-
c. Apply a stable + 3V de to the INPUT Terminals. tive. Go to Flowchart D for troubleshooting.

d. With a Digital Voltmeter (like the 3456A) measure f. If the signatures are good, the Input Hybrid is
for +lOY at JMlOI. defective.

e. If the reading on the test voltmeter is a stable 7-0-42. A/0 Controller Troubleshooting
+ lOY, the AID Converter is at fault. Go to Flowchart
D for troubleshooting. If the reading is other than 7-D-43. Do the following to check the AID Controller
+lOY, go to Service Group A for troubleshooting. (U462).

a. Using a logic probe, check and make sure the

7-D-38. A/D Slope Error. When an "A:D SLOPE RESET line (U462 pin 4) is high.
ERR" is displayed on the 3478A, the most likely cause
is the AID Converter (U403 and associated circuitry) or b. If the RESET line is low, do the following:
the AID Controller (U462). Go to Flowchart D for
troubleshooting. The procedure in the flowchart checks 1. Make sure pin 1 of U462 is toggling.
the different ports (using Signature Analysis) of the
AID Controller (U462) and also checks the DAC 2. If pin 1 is not toggling, the Isolation Cir-

(U465). cuitry may be at fault. Go to paragraph 7-D-44 for
7-D-39. A/D Test Fails. If the message "A:D TEST
FAIL" is displayed, the AID Converter fails its internal 3. If pin 1 is toggling, check for a low at U466
test. Since this can be caused by the AID Controller pin 3.
3478A Service

Since the tests on this
Flowchart are performed
in the Floating Common
Circuitry. make sure the
Signature Analyzer is con-
nected to the appropriate
Do the following: ground (GND pin located
near C203).
a. Turn the 34 78A off.

b. Move JM502 to the

"D" position.

c. Move JM503 to the

"D" position.

d. Move JM403 to the

"D" position, as shown in Replace U462.
Figure 7-D-7.

e. Connect the Signature

Analyzer as follows as
shown in Figure 7-D-7:

1. Start ( _r) to Set Signature Analyzer

TP401 (JM403 pin 6). clock to ("""\.... ).

2. Stop ( """\.... l to TP402 Check the following

(JM403 pin 5). signatures:

3. Clock (_r) to U465 pin 2: A4H7

TP403 (JM403 pin 4). U465 pin 5: 55A1
U465 pin 7: 73F6
f. Turn the 34 7 SA on. U465 pin 10: 8524
U465 pin 12: P261
U465 pin 1 5: 2206

• Check the

+ 5V Supply: 666H
U462 pin 27: 27CA
U462 pin 28: 1 U96
U462 pin 29: 90HP
U462 pin 30: P4CH

Replace U465

U462 pin 31 : C9C6

U462 pin 32: 7ACA
U462 pin 33: 20FO
U462 pin 34: 666H Make sure capacitor
C41 0 is good (not open or
shorted). If C41 0 is good,
try replaceing U40 1 and
then U403.

U462 may be defective.

Go to paragraph 7-D-42
for troubleshooting.

Check the input to the

DAC (U465) by checking
the following signatures.

U462 pin 21 A4H7

U462 pin 22 55A1
U462 pin 23 73F6
U462 pin 24 8524
U462 pin 35 P261
U462 pin 36 2206

"347B 7 De

Figure 7-D-6. Flowchart D

Service 3478A

used as a Floating Common ground (make sure the cor-
PIN " 2 3 4 5 6
rect terminal is used, dependent on the position of the
Front/Rear Switch).
JM403 do ol 0 0 0 0

d. Connect and set the Signature Analyzer as

r i
D ..... <
..... Start: U462 pin 1 ( \_ )
3478 7 AI ..J (j)

TP8 C\.)
u (j)
Clock: TP3 ( . / )
Figure 7-0-7. JM403 SA Connection
Hold: Out
Self-Test: Out
4. If pin 3 of U466 is high, replace U466. If Gnd: Chassis Ground
low, replace U467.
e. Turn the 3478A on and check the signature of the
Chassis Common + 5V power supply.
c. If the RESET line is high, while monitoring the line,
press the 3478A's blue Shift button and then the
SGLITRIG (TEST /RESET) button. The 3478A should f. If the signature is different than "HF52" and the
SA probe is toggling, the Main Controller (U501) may
go through its Self-Test routine, and when the routine
is finished, the RESET line toggles from high to low to be defective. Go to Flowchart A for troubleshooting
(see paragraph 7-D-11).
d. If the RESET line toggles and the 3478A is still in- g. If the SA probe is not toggling (the signature can
operative, replace U462. be the same or different), the isolation circuitry is defec-
tive. Do the following:
e. If the RESET line does not toggle, do the follow-
ing: 1. Using a logic probe, make sure pins 2 and 4
of U508 are toggling.

1. Make sure pin 1 of U467 is toggling.
2. If the pins are not toggling, replace U508.
2. If pin 1 is not toggling, the Isolation Cir-
cuitry may be at fault. Go to paragraph 7-D-44 for 3. If they are toggling, check for a defective
troubleshooting. transformer T501 and associated circuitry. If T501
is good, replace U468.
3. If pin 1 is toggling, replace U466 and then U467.
h. If the signals at pin 38 of U501 and pin 14 of U462
7-0-44. ISOLATION CIRCUITRY TROUBLESHOOTING are good, the isolation logic used to transfer informa-
tion between U462 and U501 may be defective. Do the
7-D-45. The Isolation Circuitry transfers information following:
from the Main Controller (U501) to the AID Controller
(U462) and also from the AID Controller to the Main 1. Using a logic probe, make sure pin 38 of
Controller. A failure in the logic is normally indicated U462 is toggling.
when, after doing a Self-Test, "A:D LINK FAIL" is
displayed. To troubleshoot the circuitry, first determine 2. If pin 38 is not toggling, U462 may be defec-
the inoperative circuitry and then troubleshoot the cir- tive. Go to Flowchart D for troubleshooting.
cuitry. Do the following:
3. If pin 38 is toggling, make sure pin 1 and 4 of
a. Turn the 3478A off. U467 are toggling.

b. Move jumpers JM502 and JM503 to the "D" 4. If the pins are not toggling, replace U467.
5. If they are toggling, check for a defective
c. Connect the Floating Common ground to the transformer T401 and associated circuitry. IfT401
3478A's chassis. The LO INPUT terminal can be is good, replace U550.


Service Group E Contents
Title Paragraph
Introduction ................................ 7-E-1
Power Supply Troubleshooting ................ 7-E-3
Chassis Common Power Supply ............. 7-E-5
Floating Common Power Supplies ........... 7-E-7
Reference Circuitry Troubleshooting .......... 7-E-13

7-E-1. INTRODUCTION tion diode, an open temperature sensitive resistor

(RT706 or RT707), or a defective regulator. The supply
7-E-2. This Service Group has information used to can be checked by lifting jumper JM703 for the + 15Y
troubleshoot the 3478A's Power Supplies and Reference supply or jumper JM702 for the -15Y supply. If the sup-
Circuitry. ply is now good, troubleshoot the Floating Common
Circuitry. If still low, troubleshoot the supply.
7-E-12. A high supply is most likely caused by the
7-E-4. The Floating Common Section of the 3478A has regulators (U702 or U703).
three power supplies which are: + 5Y, -15Y, and + 15Y.

The Chassis Common Section has one + 5Y supply. The 7·E·13. REFERENCE CIRCUITRY TROUBLESHOOTING
following paragraphs have some troubleshooting infor-
mation for the Chassis Common and Floating Common
supplies (refer to Schematic 4). 7-E-14. The 3478A's Reference Circuitry is used to
develop three reference voltages: +lOY, -lOY, and a
7-E-5. Chassis Common Power Supply buffered +lOY. Since the -lOY and buffered +lOY
depends on the + lOY reference voltage, make sure the
7-E-6. A low supply can be caused if zener diode CR766 +lOY is good before troubleshooting the other
and capacitor C762 are shorted, if there is an excessive reference supplies. Perform the following checks (refer
load on the supply (shorted component in the Chassis to Schematic 3).
Common Logic Circuitry), or if regulator U760 is defec-
tive. A high supply can be caused by U760. a. If the +lOY reference is inoperative, do the
7·E·7. Floating Common Power Supplies

7-E-8. + SY Supply. A low supply can be caused by an 1. Measure the voltage at zener diode U461.
excess load on the supply, a shorted CR712, or a defec- The voltage should be quiet and at approximately
tive U701. The supply can be checked by lifting jumper +7Y.
JM701. If the supply is still low, troubleshoot the supp-
ly. Otherwise, troubleshoot the Floating Common Cir- 2. If the voltage is wrong, replace U461.
3. If the voltage is good, short across capacitor
7-E-9. A high supply is most likely caused by a defec- C431. Measure pin 6 of U405.
tive U701.
4. If the voltage at pin 6 is approximately + 7Y
and quiet, replace U403.
7-E-10. + 15V and -15V Supplies. Since the -15V supply
is a mirror image of the + 15V supply, use the following 5. If the voltage is still incorrect or noisy,

procedure for both supplies. replace U405 .

b. If the +lOY is good and the -lOY is incorrect or

7-E-11. A low supply can be caused by an excessive noisy, replace U405. If still incorrect or noisy, replace
load on the supply, a shorted filter capacitor or protec- U403.

Service 3478A

c. If both +lOY and -lOY voltages are good and the 1. Check for a quiet -lOY at pin 2 of U402 .
buffered +lOY is is low, lift jumper JM201 (see
Schematic 1). If the +lOY is now good, replace Ul02. 2. If the voltage is wrong, replace U403.
If still wrong, continue with the next step.
3. If the voltage is good, connect pin 19 to pin
d. If the buffered +lOY is wrong or noisy, do the 24 of U403.
4. If the voltage at pin 6 of U402 is now at
+lOY, replace U403. If not, replace U402.


Service Group F Contents
Title Paragraph
Introduction ................................ 7-F-1
General Block Diagram Theory Of Operation .... 7-F-3
Theory Of Operation ......................... 7-F-7
General .................................. 7-F-8
Input Circuitry ........................... 7-F-10
Ohms Current Source ..................... 7-F-17
ACto DC Converter ...................... 7-F-25
AID Converter ........................... 7-F-31
3478A Logic Circuitry ..................... 7-F-50
Chassis Common Circuitry ................. 7-F-55
Isolation Logic ........................... 7-F-71
Floating Common Circuitry ................ 7-F-75
Power Supplies ........................... 7-F-83

7·f-1. INTRODUCTION HP-IB (remote). The information is received by the

Main Controller which then passes the information over
7-F-2. The following Service Group has the general and the Isolation Circuitry to the AID Controller. The AID
detailed description of the operating circuitry of the -hp- Controller then sets up the measurement circuitry to do

Model 3478A Multimeter. The general description ex- the desired measurement. The Main Controller also
plains the purpose of each operating block of the 3478A sends information to the display to show the selected
Simplified Block Diagram (shown in Figure 7-F-1). The function and range. The following takes place in the
detailed description explains the circuitry in each 3478A's different functions.
operating block.

7-F-3. GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAM THEORY OF b. DC Volts Function. The following occurs if the
OPERATION DC Volts Function is selected.
7-F-4. Refer to Figure 7-F-1 for the following discus- 1. The Input Circuitry is set up to a certain gain
sion of the 3478A's General Block Diagram Theory Of configuration by the AID Controller circuitry.
Operation. The gain depends on the range selected.

2. The input voltage is amplified or attenuated

7-F-5. The 3478A can be separated into two major (dependent on the range) to lOV (for full scale in-
areas, Floating Common and Chassis Common. The puts) which is then applied to the AID Converter.
Floating Common has the cicuitry which does the ac,
de, and ohms measurements. It consists of the Input 3. The AID Converter changes the voltage to
Circuitry, AID Converter, AID Controller, Ohms Cur- digital information and transfers it to the AID
rent Source, and AC to DC Converter. The Chassis Controller. The AID Controller then processes
Common is used to calculate and display readings, con- the information and transfers it over the isolation
trols the Floating Common Circuitry, and sends and transformers to the Main Controller.
receives remote information. It consists of the Main
Controller (the main CPU used with the Control ROM) 4. The Main Controller takes the information
and associated circuitry. Communications between the and calculates the correct reading. The correct
Chassis Common and Floating Common is done by the reading is calculated by using the zero measure-
Isolation Circuitry. ment (see step f) and the calibration constant(s)
(which are stored in the Calibration RAM).

7-F-6. The following paragraphs explain a typical
measurement sequence. 5. The corrected reading is then sent to the
front panel to be displayed and sent over the
a. Set-up. The 3478A receives range and function in- HP-IB (if the 3478A is in remote and addressed to
formation from the front panel (local) or over the talk).

Service 3478A


in~E~sEI ~:
.----..___-.--r-_.J .,.--.--_.J
TL----------- :
r--0 un-L-o-~--.--~ t


1------------------------ ---- __.J

I ~~L_~

!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Figure 7-F-1. 3478A Simplified Block Diagram

c. Ohms Function. If the Ohms Function is selected, zero measurement (see step t) and calibration
the Ohms Current Source supplies a known de current constant(s).
to the unknown resistance. A voltage drop proportional
to the unknown resistance and the current is applied to e. AC Current or DC Current Function. If the AC
the Input Terminals. A regular de measurement is then Current or DC Current Functions are selected, the input
made (see step b) and the ohms reading is calculated by current is applied to resistor R107 (.1 ohm). The result-
the Main Controller circuitry using the zero measure- ant voltage drop across the resistor is then measured.
ment (see step t) and calibration constant(s). An ac or de volts measurement is made, dependent on
the function selected (AC Current or DC Current,
d. AC Volts Function. If the AC Volts Function is respectively).
selected, the input is connected to the AC to DC Con-
verter. The converter changes the voltage to its f. Autozero Function. If the 3478A's Autozero Func-
equivalent (RMS) de voltage and applies it to the AID tion is enabled, an offset measurement (known as a zero
Converter. The AID Converter changes the voltage to
digital information and applies it to the AID Con-
troller. The AID Controller passes it on to the main
controller which calculates the correct reading using the
measurement) is made before an input measurement.
The zero measurement is made by connecting the input
of the Input Amplifier (HI INPUT Terminal is open) to
ground (LO INPUT Terminal). The resultant offset of •
3478A Service

the amplifier is then measured and stored into memory. b. Low Voltage Protection. This circuit consists of
This reading is then subtracted from the DC Volts, DC diodes connected to the individual input nodes (part of
Current, and Ohms readings that follow. If the AC the HI INPUT, LO INPUT, A INPUT Paths, etc.). The
Volts or AC Current Functions is selected, the zero diodes on each node are connected (internally in U 102)
reading is taken differently. The input to the AID Con- to + 3.5V and -3.5V power supplies. If the voltage on a
verter is shorted to ground instead of the DCIOhms In- node exceeds either + 4.2V or -4.2V, a diode conducts
put Amplifier. and keeps the level on the node to the ± 4.2V levels. The
difference between the high voltage at the input ter-
minals and the voltage at the input nodes is dropped
across the resistors which are in series with the diodes
and input terminals (the low pass filter). Figure 7-F-2A
7-F-7. THEORY OF OPERATION shows a typical protection circuit.

7·f·B. General c. Current Protection. A fuse in series with the cur-

rent shunt (Rl07) protects the shunt from excessive in-
7-F-9. The following paragraphs give a detailed put currents ( > 3A).
description of the operating circuitry in the 3478A. The
circuitry is explained as follows:

a. Input Circuitry - paragraph 7-F-10. 7-F-13. Input Switching. The Input Switching Circuitry
b. Ohms Current Source- paragraph 7-F-17. consists mostly of Relay and MOSFET switches, with
most FET switches located in U 102. The purposes of the
c. ACto DC Converter- paragraph 7-F-25.
d. AID Converter- paragraph 7-F-31. switches are to provide five signal paths to the Input
Amplifier and to connect the amplifier for a zero
e. 3478A Logic Circuitry - paragraph 7-F-50.
f. Chassis Common Circuitry - paragraph 7-F-55.
measurement (done in the Autozero Function; see
g. Isolation Logic - paragraph 7-F -71. paragraph 7-F-14). The switches are controlled by cir-
h. Floating Common Logic Circuitry paragraph cuits in U102 which receive their control information
7-F-75. from the AID Controller. The following explains the
various input paths. Refer to Figure 7-F-2 and

i. Power Supplies - paragraph 7-F-83.
Schematic 1 for the explanation .
7-F-1 0. Input Circuitry
a. Low Voltage Range Input Path (Figure 7-F-2B).
7-F-11. General. The purpose of the Input Circuitry is
The path consists of KIOI, R103, R104, RIIO, and
to condition the de input signals to the 3478A to provide
SIDC (SIDC is in U102). The purpose of the path is to
full scale 10V de input voltages to the AID Converter,
connect the HI INPUT Terminal (high input voltage) to
for full scale inputs to the 3478A (the explanation for ac
the DC I Ohms Input Amplifier. The path is used only in
inputs is in paragraph 7-F-25, AC to DC Converter).
the 30mV through 3V de volts Ranges and all Ohms
The Input Circuitry also acts as a buffer between the in-
put and the AID Converter. The cicuitry can be
separated (and is explained) as follows:
b. High Voltage Range Input Path (Figure 7-F-2C).
Overvoltage Protection The path consists of Rl10, K102, S2DC (in 102), and a
Input Switching 100:1 divider (9.9M ohm and lOOK ohm resistors, RD99
Autozero and Pre-Charge and RD98, in U102). The purpose of the path is to at-
Pre-Charge Stage tenuate input voltages by a facter of 100 and to connect
DCIOhms Input Amplifier the attenuated voltage to the DCIOhms Input
Amplifier. The path is used only in the 30V and 300V de
7-F-12. Overvoltage Protection. This circuitry has three volts Ranges.
parts: High Voltage Protection, Low Voltage Protec-
tion, and Current Protection. The two circuits operate
as follows (refer to Schematic 1 for the explanation). c. Ohms High Sense Path (Figure 7-F-20). This path
consists of R105, Rl06, and S4ADC and S4BDC
a. High Voltage Protection. This circuit consist of a (S4ADC and S4BDC are in U102). The path connects
630V Surge Voltage Protector (E101) in series with a the HI OHMS SENSE Terminal (high ohms input) to
220K ohm resistor. The circuitry is connected between the DCIOhms Input Amplifier, only when the 3478A is
the HI and LO INPUT Terminals and conducts with a in the 4-Wire Ohms Function. Switch S4CDC (which is

peak voltage level of 630V ( ± 200fo ), which provides a also part of the path) is used to connect the junction of
low impedance path across the terminals. Capacitor S4ADC and S4BDC to ground. Switch S4CDC is closed
C104 provides a temporary low impedance path and in all functions except the 4-Wire Ohms Function and
R109 provides current limiting, if E101 conducts con- shunts any possible voltage on the S4ADC and S4BDC
tinuously. junction to ground.
Service 3478A



n.sv :utoz

-3. 5V



P/0 U102


' '
R1~7 f TO
AC TO DC --,

P/0 U102
·-----------------. LOO~ CONVERTER
K101 : SlDC HC ''
' '
: TO
: AID , _______________________________________ j ''

G. P/0 Ul 02


c. P/0 Ul 02

TO ''
--------------------------- ------l'

D. P/0 Ul 02


,----------------------------, Rx
n SENSE : SiiAOC S4BDC 11C : --,
HI '

___________________________________________ ) ''
P/0 UlDZ
--------------------------' P/0 U102
E. '''
' I I

s~coc: I
' I

-------------------------'' I


3478 7-FZ

Figure 7-F-2. Simplified Schematic Of The Input Switching Circuitry

3478A Service

d. Ohms Low Sense Path (Figure 7-F-2E). This path measurement (measure zero in the Autozero Function),
consists of RlOl, R102, and. S6ADC and S6CDC this capacitor is at zero volts. After the zero measure-
(S6ADC and S6CDC are in Ul02). The path is used to ment, the input to the 3478A is applied to the Input
connect the LO OHMS SENSE Input Terminal (low Amplifier and the capacitor is charged to the input
ohms input) to ground (LO INPUT Terminal), when the voltage. This charging may temporarily load down the
3478A is in the 4-Wire Ohms Function. In the 2-Wire input voltage and a wrong reading is taken. To prevent
Ohms Function, the low ohms input is the LO INPUT this, the input of the Input Amplifier is pre-charged to
Terminal (which is connected to ground). the input voltage before the input measurement is made.
This is done by the Pre-Charge Amp and MOSFET
e. Current Input Path (Figure 7-F-2F). This path in- Switch PRE (both in Ul02). The operation is as follows:
cludes R107 and S3DC (in U102). The voltage drop
across R107 (which is generated by the current being a. After the zero measurement is made, switch PRE
measured) is connected through S3DC to the DC/Ohms closes (switch MC is still open).
Input Amplifier. This path is used only in the DC Cur-
rent Function. b. The input voltage is connected to the Pre-Charge
Amp using the input paths.
7-F-14. Autozero. The Autozero Function of the 3478A
is used to measure the offset (called a zero measure- c. Since the Pre-Charge Amp is a XI gain amplifier,
ment) of the DC/Ohms Input Amplifier and subtract it a voltage with the same polarity and value as the input
from the input measurement. As long as the Autozero voltage is applied through PRE to the DC/Ohms Input
Function is enabled, a zero measurement is taken be- Amplifier. This pre-charges the stray capacitor to the in-
tween each input measurement. The zero measurement put voltage.
is done in two different ways, dependent on the function
selected. The following explains the two ways to make d. Switch PRE then opens and MC closes. An input
the measurement and the circuitry used. measurement is then made.

a. Autozero (in the DC Volts, DC Current, and e. The same takes place before the next input
2-Wire Ohms Functions). In the DC Volts, DC Current, measurement.

and 2-Wire Ohms Functions, the zero measurement is
made with switch MC (measure customer) open, and 7-F-16. DC/Ohms Input Amplifier. The purpose of the
switch MZ (measure zero) and S8DC closed (see Figure DC/Ohms Input amplifier, in conjunction with the In-
7-F-20). Switch S8DC and MZ connects the DC/Ohms put Switching Circuitry, is to condition the 3478A's in-
Input Amplifier to ground through a 102K ohm resistor. put signals. The conditioning is done to apply the same
After the zero measurement is made, switch S8DC and full scale 1OV de voltage to the AID Converter for all
MZ opens, and switch MC closes for the input measure- DC Volts, DC Current, and Ohms full scale inputs. This
ment. (Note: MOSFET switches MC, MZ, and S8DC is done by configuring the amplifier to a gain of X3.33,
are in U102.) X33.3, or X333. The gains used in the 3478A's different
ranges (in the DC Volts, DC Current, and Ohms Func-
b. Autozero (in the 4-Wire Ohms Function). In the tions) is shown in Figure 7-F-3.
4-Wire Ohms Function, the zero measurement is made
with switch MC (and S8DC) open and switch MZ,
S6ADC, and S6BDC closed. The DC/Ohms Input
Amplifier is connected to ground through the Ohms 7·F·17. Ohms Current Source
Low Sense Path (includes an externally connected lead;
see Figure 7-F-2H) to the LO INPUT Terminal. This 7-F-18. General. The purpose of the Ohms Current
measurement is different than in the DC Volts, DC Cur- Source is to provide a stable current for resistance
rent, and 2-Wire Ohms Functions, since the Input measurements. The current is applied to the unknown
Amplifier is connected to ground through the externally resistance and the resultant voltage drop across the
connected low ohms sense and lo input leads. After the resistance is measured. Since this voltage drop is directly
offset measurement is made, switch MC and S6CDC proportional to the unknown resistance, the resistance
closes and switch MZ, S6ADC, and S6BDC opens. value is determined by the 3478A's Main Controller
Switch S6CDC is used to to connect the junction of from the voltage reading.
switch S6ADC and S6BDC to ground, shunting any
possible voltage on the junction to ground. (Note: 7-F-19. The Ohms Current Source consists of the
MOSFET switches S6ADC, S6BDC, and S6CDC are in following circuitry: Voltage Splitter (Voltage
Ul02.) Reference), Buffer, Range Resistors, Output FET Con-

trol Amp (Gate Bias Amplifier), Output MOSFET, and
Overvoltage Protection. In addition to these, a number
7-F-15. Pre-Charge Stage (Figure 7-F-21). A small stray of MOSFETS are used as switches (to select various gain
capacitance exists in U102 between the input of the determining resistors). All the previously mentioned
DC/Ohms Input Amplifier and ground. During a zero FETs are inside Ul02 which also controls the FET
Service 3478A

the positive terminal of Buffer U202. The reference out-
RANGE -----'V'.'v-------1 put, which is applied to the positive terminal of the Out-
30!), put FET Control Amp U203, is divided down to + 8V,
X333 irrespective of range, by feedback resistors RR3 and
RR4 in conjunction with R206.

b. The output of the Buffer is + 12V (or + 8.4V for

the 30M ohm Range only) which is applied to one side
of either Range Resistor RR5, RR6, RR7, or RR8
(dependent on the selected range). The other side of the
3 0 0 mV --~1Ow2'v-K_ _ Range Resistors is applied to the Output FET Control
300!), Amp.
X3 3 3
c. Since the Output FET Control Amp is a high gain
operational amplifier with its non-inverting terminal at

10K 30, 300, 3K


3V 1 02K
X3. 33
TG IJ\..lM:<

X33. 3
GAIN=. 333

>--t---- GAIN=. 0333
X3 33



Figure 7-F-3. Simplified Schematic Of The DC/Ohms

Input Amplifier

switches. The following paragraphs explain how the lOV

ohms current is generated and how the ohms circuitry

operates. Refer to Schematic 1 and Figure 7-F-4 for the

7-F -20. Current Generation. The explanation on how
current is generated is as follows:
a. The Voltage Splitter's (U201) output is + 12V (or
8.4V for the 30M ohm Range only) which is applied to Figure 7·f·4. Ohms Circuitry Configuration
3478A Service

+ 8V, its inverting terminal must also be + 8V (the in- ·ohm Range only). The gain is selected by either
verting terminal draws little or no current). This makes MOSFET Switch pairs S6R and S7R, S8R and S9R,
the resultant voltage drop across the Range Resistors SlOR and SllR, or S12R and Sl3R. The Range
+ 4V (or + .4V for the 30M ohm Range). Resistors are used to determine the different ohms cur-
rent values. Refer to Table 7-F-1 to determine which
d. A current is then generated with its value propor- switch and resistor is selected for the different ohms
tional to the value of the Range Resistor and the voltage ranges.
drop across the resistor.
7-F-23. The Output FET Control Amplifier (U203) and
e. The current is applied to the unknown resistor the Output MOSFET (in U102) form a feedback circuit
through the Output MOSFET (in U102), High Voltage used to boost the output impedance of the Output
Protection Circuitry, and the HI INPUT Terminal. The MOSFET. The FET is normally biased into saturation,
3478A's Ohms Ranges, Ohms Currents, Range and in conjunction with the open loop gain of U203 and
Resistors, and selected MOSFET Switches are listed in the Range Resistors, results in a high output impedance
Table 7-F-1. of the Ohms Current Source. A high output impedance
is necessary to prevent measurement nonlinearities.
7-F-21. Voltage Splitter (U201). The following explains
the Voltage Splitter (Reference) Circuitry. 7-F-24. Overvoltage Protection Circuitry. The circuitry
is used to protect the Ohms Current Source from high
a. The Voltage Splitter is a X1.5 gain non-inverting voltages inadvertently applied to the 3478A's Input Ter-
amplifier with an output of + 12V (for the 300 ohm to minals (when the multimeter is in the Ohms Function).
3M ohm Ranges) or + 8.4V (for the 30M ohm Range). The following explains the circuitry operation.

b. The gain is determined by feedback resistors RR3, a. If a large positive voltage is applied to the 3478A's
RR4 (both in U102), and R201. Since the total value of HI INPUT Terminal, the voltage is applied through
RR3 plus RR4 is 20K ohm and R201 is 40K ohm, the R204 and L201 to the cathode of CR201. Since the
non-inverting gain is Xl.5. (The gain is: cathode voltage of CR201 is higher than the anode
[20K/40K] + 1 = 1.5). voltage, the diode is reverse biased. This prevents the

large input voltage from damaging the current source .
c. The + 12V output is generated by applying + 8V
to the amplifier input (8•1.5 = 12). The + 8V is deter- b. If a large negative voltage is applied to the 3478A's
mined by the + lOY Reference (from the 3478A's HI INPUT Terminal, the voltage is dropped across
Reference Circuitry, see paragraph 7-F-49d) and voltage CR201, R203, and R202 to diode connected FET Q205.
divider RRO, RRl, and RR2. The sum of RRl and RR2 This makes Q205 conduct and in turn clamps the base of
is 200K ohm and RRO is 50K ohm resulting in a voltage Q202 at -.7V (one diode drop). This voltage along with
drop across the resistors of + 8V and + 2V, respective- negative collector to base voltage forces Q201, Q202,
ly. The + 8V is applied through FET Switch SOR to Q203, and Q204 to turn on. Transistors Q201 and Q203
U201. conducts no more current than the circuit which
generates the ohms current (on a given range). The cir-
d. The + 8.4V output is generated by applying cuit that generates the ohms current cannot tell the dif-
+ 5.6V to the amplifier input (5.6•1.5 = 8.4). The ference between a valid unknown resistance and the
+ 5.6V is also determined by the +lOY Reference (from large negative input voltage. Most of the large input
the 3478A's Reference Circuitry) and voltage divider voltage is dropped across R202 and R203.
RRO, RRl, and RR2. In this case the voltage drop
across RR2 (which is + 5.6V developed across 140K 7-F-25. AC to DC Converter
ohm) is applied through FET Switch SlR to U201.
7-F-26. The purpose of the AC to DC Converter is to
7-F -22. Buffer (U202) and Range Resistors (RRS to convert the 3478A's ac inputs (volts or current) to de
RR8). The Buffer is a non-inverting Xl gain amplifier volts. The converter output is + 3.00000V de for all full-
with its output at either + 12V or + 8.4V (on the 30M scale ac inputs with the output applied to the AID Con-

Table 7-F-1. Ohms Current and Ranges

Ohms Ohms Range Resistor FET Switches
Range Current Resistor Voltage Enabled

30-3K 1mA 4K (RR5) 4V SOR,S2R,S3R,S6R,S7R,S14R
30K .1mA 40K (RR6) 4V SOR,S2R,S3R,SBR,S9R,S14R
300K .01mA 400K (RR7) 4V SOR,S2R,S4R,S1 OR,S11 R
3M 1uA 4M (ARB) 4V SOR,S2R,S 12R,S 13R
30M .1uA 4M (ARB) .4V S 1R,S5R,S 12R,S 13R

Service 3478A

verter. All ac ranging is done in the AC to DC Con-

a. The first amplifier stage (U301A) is an inverting
verter. amplifier with gains of X.OOl, X.l, or Xl (dependent on
the ac range and function selected). The gains are deter-
7-F-27. The AC to DC Converter consists of three mined by resistors RAl, RA2, RA3, and RAll (all in
amplifier stages and a True RMS Converter. The pur- U102), as shown in Figure 7-F-5. Capacitor C302 and
pose of the amplifier stages is to provide the same full resistor R305 are used for high frequency compensation
scale input voltage to the RMS Converter for all full (for flat gains at high frequency). The gain determining
scale ac inputs, and to be a buffer between the converter resistors are selected by MOSFETS SlAC through
and the ac inputs. The True RMS Converter does the ac- S6AC, and SllAC (all in Ul02) which operate as
tual ac to de conversion. The following explains the cir- switches. The gains of the amplifier and FETs selected
cuitry operation. for the ac functions are listed in Table 7-F-2.

7-F-28. Amplifier Stages. Refer to Figure 7-F-5 and b. The second amplifier stage (U301B) is an inverting
Schematic 2 for the following explanation. amplifier with gains of X.4 or X4 (dependent on the ac






X. 1



16K 16K

R303 R303

24K 24K


Figure 7·F-5. AC Gain Configurations

3478A Service

Table 7-F-2. AC Amplifier Gains
Function Stage 1 Stage 2 Total Switches (FETs)
and Range Gain Gain Gain Enabled
ACV 300mV .1 4 10 S2AC,S4AC,S5AC,S8AC,S 1OAC
ACV 3 v .1 .4 1 S2AC, S4AC, S 5AC, S 7 AC. S9AC
ACV 30 v .001 4 .1 S 1 AC,S3AC,S6AC,S8AC,S 1OAC
ACV 300 v .001 .4 .01 S 1 AC,S3AC,S6AC,S7 AC,S9AC
ACI 300mA 1 4 100 S4AC,S5AC,S8AC,S 1OAC,S11 AC
ACI 3 A 1 .4 10 S4AC,S5AC,S7AC,S9AC,S11 AC

range and function selected). The gains are determined selected Number Of Digits Displayed (3 112, 4 112, or 5
by resistors RA5, RA6, RA7, and RA8 (all in Ul02), as 1/2). To help understand Multi-Slope II, first consider
shown in Figure 7-F-5. The gain determining resistors are the operation of the Dual-Slope Conversion method.
selected by FETs S7AC to SlOAC (all in Ul02) which This method is explained in the following paragraph.
operate as switches (see Table 7-F-2). Resistor RA9 (in
U 102) is used for the amplifier to have the same high fre- 7-F -34. Dual-Slope Conversion. In dual-slope conver-
quency response in X4 gain as in X.4 gain. Resistors R306 sion, an integrator capacitor charges for a fixed time
and R307, and C3l0 and C313 are used to filter the + l5V period (as shown in Figure 7-F-6), which is done during
and -l5V power supplies, respectively. runup. The charging rate and the resultant amplitude of
the charge is proportional to the voltage applied to the
integrator. The integrator capacitor is then discharged
c. The third amplifier stage (U302) is a non-inverting at a fixed rate determined by a known reference voltage
amplifier with a gain of X25 in all ac ranges and func- and is done during rundown. Since the discharge rate is
tions. The output of the amplifier is applied to the RMS constant, the discharge time is proportional to the
Converter and is 3V RMS for all full scale ac inputs in amplitude of the charge (input voltage). The amplitude
all ac functions and ranges. Capacitor C305 is used for level can then be determined by the discharge time.
high frequency compensation (for flat gains at high fre-
quency). 7-F-35. Multi-Slope II Conversion. Multi-Slope II is

similar to Dual-Slope in that a capacitor is charged and
7-F-29. True RMS Converter (U303). The True RMS discharged by the input voltage and by known reference
Converter's output is a positive de voltage with its value voltages. The following paragraphs explain the Multi-
equal to the true rms value of the input. For example, a Slope II operation (runup and rundown).
sine wave input of l V RMS ac generates a + l V de out-
put. 7-F-36. Simplified Explanation of Runup. The Runup
operation lasts for 349 AID counts with one AID count
7-F-30. Refer to Schematic 2. The RMS Converter has equal to 30 (36 in the 50Hz option) cycles of the ALE
one major stage that does the actual conversion and a clock (Address Latch Enable at U462 pin 11). Each AID
buffer (used as an output stage). The converter stage count results in one AID ramp (or slope) at the output
and the buffer are externally connected by R304. Pin 9 of the AID Integrator. The same time is used in both the
of U303 is the input to the buffer and pin 10 is the out- 5 112 and 4 1/2 digit mode (349 ramps), with lO
put of the converter stage. The gain of the buffer is X1 readings taken in the 5 1/2 digit mode (making the in-
which is internally set. Capacitor C307 is the RMS Con- tegration time time longer, see paragraph 7-F-40). Only
verter's averaging capacitor and C308, C309, and 34 ramps are used in the 3 112 digit mode. The ALE
resistor R304 are used with the buffer as a ripple filter. clock is generated by the AID Controller (U462, also
known as the Floating Common CPU). Refer to Figure
7-F-31. AID Converter
LARGER ,//// ',,'',,,_ .• ·,,
7-F-32. General. The AID Converter is used to change INPUf.l,./ ',,,
de voltages to digital information. The circuitry consists /

of an Integrator (U401 and associated circuitry), /


Voltage Reference (U461 and associated circuitry), and /


the AID Hybrid (U403). The AID Converter operation /


is controlled by the AID Controller (U462). /



7-F-33. The AID conversion method used by the 3478A

is called Multi-Slope II and has two operating states: ~-- RUNUP -----iof4---RUNDOWN ---~

Runup and Rundown. The 3478A's most significant ~----RUNDOWN ----Dol

digits are determined during runup (see paragraph ~------INTEGRATOR TIHE-------~IIoll

3468 7-FG
7-F-41) and the least significant digits are determined
during rundown. The integration time depends on the Figura 7-F-6. Dual Slope Conversion
Service 3478A

I Ln



I A/0
I -------
---------- -----1------------------------------------------------------

3478 7-F7

Figure 7·f· 7. Simplified A/0 Converter

7-F-7 ~nd Figure 7-F-8 for the following simplified ex- C4~0. in the opposite direction (C410 is discharged).
planatiOn of the runup operation. Thts IS because the applied current is larger than the in-
put current.
a. When runup starts, the input voltage (AID Con-
d. When time T3 is completed, the AID Controller
ve_rter in~ut voltage, not instrument input voltage) is ap-
determines if the output slope crossed zero. If zero
pl_Ied to mtegrator U401. The resultant input current
crossing is detected, a current with the same value and
(Im) then charges integrator capacitor C410 and a cer-
an opposite polarity as the previously applied current is

tai~ slope (output of the integrator) is then developed.
a~plied. This current is the same current as the first ap-
!h1s happens ~t time period T1 (see Figure 7-F-8). (The plied current and is applied to the integrator for a new
mput voltage 1s always applied during runup.)
time period T4 (T4 is as long as T3). This current, in ad-
dition to the input current, then charges C410. Since
b .. After ti~e period T1, a negative going current is both currents charge C410, the output slope becomes
apphed to the mtegrator for a set time period. This cur- steeper and, as shown in Figure 7-F-8, crosses zero.
re~t, in addition to the input current, charges C410.
Th1s generates a positive going output slope (the in- e. If no zero crossing (in step c) was detected (because
tegrator output). The applied current makes sure that of a larger input voltage), the same current as the
~he output slope that follows will cross zero, whether the
previously applied current is applied for the new time
mput current is positive or negative. The current is ap- period T4. The current is reapplied until zero crossing is
plied for time period T2.
detected. (This is shown as the dashed lines in Figure
. c. After time. period T2, the applied current (not the
mput_ cu_rrent) 1s re~oved and a current of opposite f. The operation in steps c and d, or in steps c and e
pola!1ty 1_s then apphed to U401 for new time period T3 continues until the runup operation is completed. The
(T3 1s tw1ce as long as T2). The newly applied current is
total runup operation lasts for 349 ALE ramps (or
the same value as the first applied current (at time T2)
but at opposite polarity. The new current then charge~

Tl TZ '' T3 T4
g. During the runup operation, a counter in the AID
' ...-
.... --.. --.. Co?troller increments during the positive going slope
/1' --.. --.. penods and decrements during the negative going slope
/ '
--.. periods. The counter, in effect, is used to determine the
/ ------ --.. ':
..._,--+---..., amount of charge added and subtracted from the input
'' voltage. From that information, the most significant
' digits of the 3478A's reading is calculated.

7-F-37. Detailed Explanation of Runup. Figure 7-F-9 il-
T3 lustrates the 3478A runup operation in the 4 112 digit
mode. Refer to the figure (and Schematic 3) for the
runup explanation in the following steps. The solid lines
Figure 7-f·B. Integrator (U401) Output Slopes (in the figure) showing the runup sequence is for a

3478A Service

T5 T6 T7

15 5 30
{181 {61 {361
ALE CYCLES AT 60Hz!50Hz1 3478 7-F9

Figure 7-F-9. Runup Slopes (4 1/2 Digit Model)

hypothetical input value. The dashed lines are for a e. When time T2 is completed, an S + 4 current is ap-
larger hypothetical input value. plied for 30 ALE cycles (36 ALE cycles for the 50Hz op-
tion) during time period T3. The S + 4 current has the
a. When runup starts, the integrator capacitor (C410) same value as S-4, but at opposite polarity. This charges
is charged by the input current (which is developed by C410 in the other direction (i.e. the capacitor is
the input voltage). The input current is applied to the discharged and then charged in the other direction).
negative terminal of integrator U401 (see Figure 7-F-7), Time period T3, and the T5, T7, and T9 periods that
and since the integrator is in the inverting configuration, follow are twice as long as time period T1 (30 or 36 ALE
the resultant output of U401 is positive (for positive in- cycles instead of 15 or 18 ALE cycles).
put currents the slope is negative). The capacitor is
charged for a short time period. f. After time T3, the S + 4 current is removed and no

current (slopeS+ 0) is applied for time T4. Time T4 is as
b. During the time period when only the input cur- long as time period T2 (5 or 6 ALE cycles). This is also
rent is applied, no other currents charge C410. Since no the same time for the S-0 or S + 0 slopes that follow.
other current is applied to U401 (except the input cur-
rent), it is called a no current condition and the resultant g. When T4 is completed, the AID Controller then
output slope is called slope S + 0. determines if the output slope has crossed zero. Zero
crossing occurs when the AID comparator's output
c. After the time period, a negative current (called (CMP output at U403 pin 11) changes state. In the ex-
S-4) is then applied to U401. This current develops a ample, zero crossing is detected and current S-4 is ap-
positive going output slope which is called slope S-4. plied for time T5 (30 or 36 ALE cycles).
The S-4 current is always the first current applied to the
integrator after the input current is applied. The current h. After time T5, current S-4 is removed and no cur-
is applied for 15 ALE cycles (18 ALE cycles in the 50 Hz rent (slope S-0) is applied for time T6. Since zero cross-
option) and is for time period Tl. Since the input cur- ing was detected (during time T5), current S + 4 is ap-
rent and the applied current in the example have the plied for time T7, after slope S-0 is completed.
same polarity, both charge C410. If the input current
was at opposite polarity, C410 will still be charged in the i. When time T7 is completed, no current (slope
same direction but the output slope will be less steep. S + 0) is applied for time T8. Since no zero crossing was
This is because the applied current (S-4) is normally detected, current S + 4 is reapplied for time T9 (after
larger than the input current. slope S + 0).

d. After time period T1, current S-4 is removed. A no j. Since zero crossing was detected during time T9,
current condition (slope S-0) will then exist for 5 ALE current S-4 is applied (after slope S + 0) for 30 (or 36)
cycles (or 6 ALE cycles for the 50Hz option) during time ALE cycles. Then S + 4 is applied (since zero crossing is
period T2. The charge rate of Capacitor C410 is again detected) and so on. This takes place until the runup
determined by only the input current. Slope S-0 is also a time is completed (either currentS+ 4 or S-4 is selected,
no current condition, as is slope S + 0. The major dif- dependent upon if and when zero crossing occurs).
ference is that the slopes are generated differently (see

• paragraph 7-F-39). Slope S-0 is selected since the

previous no current condition was slope S + 0. The
slopes alternate with each other (S + 0, S-0, S + 0, etc.)
for each no current condition.
k. Once the runup operation is completed, U462 then
determines the 2 most significant digits of the reading.
For other than a zero reading, the number of S + 4
slopes will always be different than the number of S-4

Service 3478A

T1 TZ T3 T5 T6 T7 T9



15 30 30 30 30
( 181 (361 (61 (361 (361 (61 (361
ALE CYCLES AT 60Hz (50Hz1 3478 7-F10

Figure 7-F-10. Runup Slopes for Zero Inputs (4 112 Digit Model)

slopes. For a perfect zero reading, the number of S + 4 resistor and paths Yl and Y2 to -Vref. Current also
slopes will be the same as the number of S-4 slopes. This flows from the integrator capacitor (C) to -Vref. Thi1:
is represented in Figure 7-F-10. current is generated because the total resistance of tht:
Yl and Y2 paths is smaller than the lOOK ohm resistor
from + Vref. The current from + Vref plus the current
7-F -38. Slope S + 4 and S-4 Generation. The following from the capacitor equals the total current through
explains how the curents for slopes S + 4 and S-4 are paths Yl and Y2. Since the total resistance of paths Yl
generated. and Y2 is 50K ohms, the current from + Vref (11) and
the current from the capacitor (12) is half as large as tht:
a. SlopeS+ 4. Refer to Figure 7-F-11. Note that both total Yl and Y2 current (13). The resultant output slopt:

Yl and Y2 paths are connected to ground. Since the is positive.
summing node of the paths is a virtual ground and Y1
and Y2 are also connected to ground, no current flows +Vref
between the paths and the summing node. Current does ~--- --- 12=123
flow from + Vref (Positive Reference Voltage) through I U403 I lOoK C---Hc·-----.
a lOOK ohm resistor into the integrator capacitor (con- Il=Iz3~ ~ '
nected to the negative terminal of U401). This generates II3=Il+I~ S-4
a negative going output slope. I
b. Slope S-4. Refer to Figure 7-F-12. Note that both I y1 YZ
Yl and Y2 paths are connected to -Vref (Negative
Reference Voltage). Since the summing node is a virtual I
ground, current flows from + Vref through a lOOK ohm I
+Vref I
tOOK ~---H------, 3468 7-Fl2
lsUMMIN~ Figure 7-F-12. Slope S-4 Generation
I N0 0;..=-E--..;,_____..,
I : S+4
I Yl YZ 7-F-39. SlopeS+ 0 and S-0 Generation. Refer to Figure
7-F-13. Note that one side of a lOOK ohm resistor (Yl
I path) is connected to ground and the other side is con-
I nected to the summing node. Since the lOOK ohm
I resistor from + Vref (Y3 path) and the lOOK ohm
I resistor from -Vref (Y2 path) are also connected to the

summing node, no current flows from the integrator
capacitor (C). This is because the resistance value of
3468 7-Fll path Y2 and Y3 is the same and makes the current value
of paths Y2 and Y3 the same (but opposite polarity).
Figure 7-F-11. Slope S+4 Generation This is true for both slopes S + 0 and S-0. The only dif-
3478A Service

• +Vref 7-F-42. Rundown. When runup is completed, the

voltage at the AID Converter's input is removed and the
input is then connected to ground. The rundown opera-
rl lOOK
Y3 tion then starts. Rundown is used to determine the three
least significant digits of the 3478A's reading.
=u S+O
7-F-43. After runup, a voltage (or charge) remains on
the integrator with its amplitude and polarity dependent
Yl Y2 on the last current applied (S + 4 or S-4) and the input
voltage (applied during runup). By obtaining the value
of the remaining voltage, the least significant digits can
then be determined. The voltage value is obtained by ap-
plying various currents to the integrator and counting the
number of times the currents have to be applied for the
resultant output slopes of the integrator to cross zero.
3468 7-F13

7-F-44. The currents applied to the integrator are called

Figure 7·F-13. Slope S+ 0 and S·O Generation
the S-4, S + 4, S-3, S + 2, S-1, and S + 1 currents and the
ference is that paths Y1 and Y2 are switched when the resultant output slopes are the S-4, S + 4, S-3, S + 2, S-1,
slopes are switched (Y1 to ground and Y2 to -Vref, or and S + 1 slopes. Each one of the currents (S-4, S + 4,
Y2 to ground and Y1 to -Vref). etc.) are applied (in the given order) to the integrator a
set number of times until zero crossing occurs. The only
exception is the first S-4 current (see paragraph 7-F-45
7-F -40. Run up Time. The run up time changes with the step c). The first and second set of currents applied are
number of digits selected. For the 3 1/2 Digit mode, the the S-4 and S + 4 currents, respectively. These currents
time is 1/600 second (for both the 60Hz and the 50Hz have the same value as the S-4 and S + 4 currents used in
options) and is called .1 PLC (Power Line Cycles). For the runup operation, but are applied half as long. The

the 4 1/2 Digit mode, the time is 1160 second (1/50 sec- S-4 and S + 4 slopes are each 15 ALE cycles long (30
ond for the 50 Hz option) and is called 1 PLC. The 5 1/2 ALE cycles in runup) and are called half-ramps. The
Digit mode is different. In this mode, 1 PLC is used for next currents applied (in order) are the S-3, S + 2, and
the runup time with the AID operation repeated ten S-1 currents, with S-0 slopes applied between them.
times. The resultant ten readings are then averaged and
the answer becomes a single reading. 7-F-45. Rundown time is separated into five time
periods, as shown in Figure 7-F-14. Refer to the figure
7-F-41. Digit Generation. When the 3478A is in the 4 Y2 for the following explanation on the rundown opera-
and 5 Y2 Digit mode, the first two significant digits (of tion.
the reading) are determined during runup. In the 3 Y2
Digit mode, only the first digit is determined. In run- a. When rundown starts, the polarity of the remain-
down, the three least significant digits are determined in ing voltage on the integrator is determined by the AID
all modes. A total of 5 Y2 digits are developed in both the Controller (U462). The polarity is determined by the
5 Y2 and 4 Y2 digit modes. Since only 4 Y2 digits are output state of the AID comparator (CMP output at
displayed in the 4Y2 digit mode, the last digit in the U403 pin 11). A high output level shows a positive
mode is rounded off to the next higher digit. voltage and a low level shows a negative voltage.

Tl T2 T3 T4 T5




Figure 7·F·14. Rundown Slopes

Service 3478A

b. If it has been determined that the remammg crosses zero. The currents are also removed within 15
voltage on the integrator is negative, S-4 currents are ap- ALE cycles after slope S-1 crosses zero.
plied a number of times until zero crossing occurs (CMP
output changes state). Since the S-4 currents can be ap- h. Once the S-1 currents are removed a positiveS+ 1
plied (during time T1 in Figure 7-F-14) to a maximum of current is applied for 5 ALE cycles and is called one
three ramps, the resultant output slope S-4 will normally sixth ramp. This current is applied instead of no current
cross zero with three or less S-4 currents applied. After and only happens after the S-1 slope. The current has
zero crossing occurs, the current is removed with 15 the same value as S-1, but in the opposite direction. The
ALE cycles (i.e. one half-ramp) after the S-4 slope currents are applied until zero crossing occurs and are
crosses zero. If (after the current is removed) time T1 is removed within 5 ALE cycles after crossing zero.
not completed, a no current condition remains (i.e. an
S-0 slope) for the rest of time Tl. No current is applied i. After current S + 1 is removed, within 5 ALE
to keep the rundown time constant. cycles, current S-1 is reapplied. This new S-1 current is
also applied until zero crossing occurs. After S-1 slope
c. If the remaining voltage on the integrator is cross zero, current S + 1 is reapplied. After current S + 1
positive, current S-4 is applied for a short time and then is removed, S-1 is applied, and so on. This takes place
removed. The current is applied for a short time because until time T5 (and rundown) is completed.
the current develops a positive output slope and the in-
tegrator voltage is also positive. Both the slope and the j. During the rundown time, a counter in the AID
integrator voltage together could saturate the in- Controller counts the number of S-4, S + 4, S-3, S + 2,
tegrator. When Current S-4 is removed, no current (an and S-1 slopes it takes for each set of slopes to cross
S-0 slope) is then applied for the rest of time Tl. Cur- zero. This is then used to calculate the three least signifi-
rent S-4 is applied whether the integrator voltage is cant digits of the 3478A's reading.
positive or negative. This is to make sure that the slopes
that follow (slope S + 4) will always cross zero and that 7-F-46. Integrator Offset Compensation. The AID In-
the same transitions occurs for all readings. tegrator can have offsets which prevent the S + 2 and S-1
slopes from crossing zero. To make sure the slopes will
d. The next current applied is positive S + 4 current. cross zero, the A/D's DAC (Digital to Analog Con-

Its value is the same as S-4, but in the opposite direc- verter, U465 and associated circuitry) is turned on
tion. The current is applied until slope S + 4 crosses before the S + 2 currents are applied. The DAC is used
zero. The current can be applied (during time T2) a to null out any offsets from the integrator. The max-
maximum of three ramps. This makes time T2 the same imum number of times the S + 2 current can be applied
as time T 1. The S + 4 currents are also removed within is seven (as are S-3 currents). Time T4 has the same
15 ALE cycles after the S + 4 slope crosses zero. Here amount of time as T3. The S + 2 currents are also
again, no current is applied (slope S-0) for the re- removed within 15 ALE cycles after slope S + 2 crosses
mainder of time T2. zero. Then no current (S-0) is applied for the remainder
of time T4.
e. After time T2, the next current applied is negative
S-3 current (its polarity is opposite of S + 4). Because the 7-F-47. The correct DAC setting is determined during
value of an S-3 current is 1/10 the value of an S-4 cur- the time when the S + 1 and S-1 currents are applied.
rent, the resultant S-3 slope is not as steep and takes These currents are applied after the first set of S-1 slopes
longer time to cross zero. This makes the maximum have crossed zero (see paragraph 7-F-45, step g). Since
number of times the currents can be applied (during both S + 1 and S-1 currents have the same amplitude,
time T3) seven times instead of three. The S-3 current is the S + 1 and S-1 slopes should have the same magnitude
also removed within 15 ALE cycles after slope S-3 (i.e. zero crossing should occur at a a certain time). If a
crosses zero. Then no current (S-0) is applied for there- difference in magnitude is noted by the AID Controller,
mainder of time T3. the DAC is adjusted until the magnitude of the S + 1 and
S-1 slopes are the same. This is illustrated in Figure
f. When time T3 is completed, positive current S + 2 7-F-15.
is applied. This current is 1/10 the value of S-3 (1/100 of
S-4) and in the opposite direction. The maximum
7-F-48. Rundown Slope Generation. The S-4 and S + 4
number of times the S + 2 current can be applied is seven slopes are generated the same way it is done for the
(as are S-3 currents). Time T4 has the same amount of runup operation (see paragraphs 7-F-38). The only dif-
time as T3. The S + 2 currents are also removed within ference is that they only depend on the applied S-4 and
15 ALE cycles after slope S + 2 crosses zero. Then no S + 4 currents, not the input current. The S-0 slope is
current (S-0) is applied for the remainder of time T4.
generated the same way as the S-0 slope in runup (see

g. The next current applied is negative S-1. This cur-

rent is 1/10 the value of S+2 (1/1000 of S+4) and in
the opposite direction. The current is applied until it
paragraph 7-F-39). The S-3 and S-1 currents use the
same circuitry configuration as the S-4 current (see
Figure 7-F-12), but use different resistor values. The
resistor values are such that the S-3 current is 1/10 the •
3478A Service

DAC VALUE 7-F-49. AID Converter and Reference Circuitry. The
MUCH TOO LOW AID Converter Circuitry consists of the AID Hybrid
(U403), AID Integrator (U401 and associated circuitry),
AID Controller (U462), and a DAC (U465 and
associated circuitry). Since the Voltage Reference Cir-
DAC VALUE cuitry (U461, U405, U404, U402, and associated cir-
cuitry) uses part of the AID Hybrid (for stability pur-
poses) and since it is also used by the AID Converter, it
is considered part of the converter circuitry. Refer to
Schematic 3 for the following explanation on the AID
TOO HIGH Converter Circuitry (except for the DAC, see paragraph
7-F-46 and 7-F-47 for its explanation).

a. AID Hybrid (U403). The AID Hybrid, shown in

3468 7-FlS MUCH TOO HIGH Figure 7-F-16, operates as follows:
Figure 7-F-15. Determining the DAC Setting 1. The AID Hybrid has, internal to it, various
latches, decoders, and a clock generator. The
S-4 current and the S-1 current is 1I 1000 the S-4 current. decoders receive control information from the
The S + 2 and S + 1 currents use the same circuitry con- AID Controller, then decode the information and
figuration as the S + 4 current (see Figure 7-F-11). In pass the new information to the latches. The lat-
this case, resistor values chosen are such that the S + 2 ches then transfer the new information to the
current is 1I 100 the value of S + 4 current and S + 1 is various switches in the hybrid during each clock
1/1000 the value of S + 4. pulse. The clock pulses are generated by the clock

26 25 27 28 24

RAll RA12 RA13 RA14 23
lllK 25K 33.35K 7.SK
RAl 22
----J 99. toK

E SHIFT ---- ~-----i

lOOK 112.5K
11 OF !; I 1M
Vss f---


v 4

• 3468 7 -Flo
Figure 7·F-16. AID Hybrid (U403)

-v REF


Service 3478A

generator which is syncronized by the ALE clock paragraph 7-F-77 for more information on the AID
(from the AID Controller). The hybrid receives all Controller.
its control information from ports PlO through
Pl4 of the AID Controller (U462 pins 27 to 31). d. Voltage Reference. The Voltage Reference pro-
The information is transferred over the A, B, C, vides three stable reference voltages: -lOY, +lOY, and a
D, and E lines (U403 pins 5 through 9) of the buffered -lOY. The circuitry, shown in Figure 7-F-17, is
hybrid. explained as follows:

2. The S-4, S+4, S-3, S+2, S-1, S+ 1, S-0, and 1. The -lOY reference voltage is used by the
S + 0 currents are developed using resistors RA2 AID Hybrid (U403) to develop stable and ac-
through RAIO in conjunction with the slope curate S-4, S + 4, S-3, etc. currents. The reference
switches. voltage is developed by non-inverting amplifier
(U405) using feedback resistors in U403 and a 7Y
3. The AID comparator is also inside the AID reference diode (zener diode U461). The 7Y
Hybrid and its input is connected to the output of reference diode is connected to the amplifier's
the AID Integrator. The comparator updates its positive terminal and determines the stabilty of the
output during each clock pulse. Since the com- reference voltage. The diode voltage is very stable
parator's output is connected to a latch, the out- since the case of the diode has internal heaters to
put is transferred to a TTL driver during each keep the diode temperature as constant as possi-
clock pulse. The TTL driver is a buffer which con- ble. The feedback resistors for U405 are in U403
nects the output of the latch to the AID Con- for good stability.
2. The buffered -lOY is used by the AID
4. Dependent on the function selected, the Hybrid as a stable -lOY power supply. The voltage
hybrid connects the DCIOhms Input Amplifier's is developed by Xl gain non-inverting amplifier
output or the AC to DC Converter's output to the U404 and the -lOY reference voltage.
AID Integrator's (U401) input resistor (RAl in
U403). This is done by the input switches inside 3. The +lOY reference voltage is used by the

the hybrid. AID Hybrid (in conjunction with the -lOY
reference) to develop the S-4, S + 4, S-3, etc. cur-
b. AID Integrator (U401 and associated circuitry). rents. The +lOY reference voltage is also used by
The AID Integrator consists of an amplifier (U401) the Ohms Current Source to develop a stable ohms
with capacitor feedback (C410). Since the amplifier is current (see paragraph 7-F-21). The reference
inverting, the output slopes of the integrator will be voltage is developed using inverting amplifier
positive for negative input currents (and vice versa). U402 and feedback resistors in U403.

c. AID Controller (U462). The AID Controller con- 7-F-50. 3478A Logic Circuitry
trols the operation of the AID Converter. This includes
the control of the runup and rundown operation, and 7-F-51. General. The 3478A Logic Circuitry can be
selecting the correct currents (S-4, S + 4, etc.). Refer to divided into two circuit areas: Chassis Common Cir-



. .22- - - - - - - - - - - - 18
30K lOOK
70K lOOK

">------.!~- + 10v

3478 7-F17

Figure 7-F-17. 3478A Simplified Reference Circuitry •

3478A Service

cui try and Floating Common Logic Circuitry. Com- lower 8 Address bits on U513. The Address bits are then
munications between the circuitry is done by the Isola- sent to the Program ROM, CMOS ROM, and HP-IB
tion Logic. The circuitry is described as follows: Chip.

7-F-52. Chassis Common Circuitry- paragraph 7-F-55. c. Other lines from the CPU are bi-directional Ports.
The ports are used to send data to the display and to send,
a. Main CPU (U501) Circuitry - paragraph 7-F-57. and receive data between the Front Panel Pushbuttons
b. Program ROM (U502) - paragraph 7-F-58. and Isolation Logic. The ports used to send data to the
c. Power-On and Reset Circuitry- paragraph 7-F-59. display (P20 to P23) are also used as the upper Address
d. CMOS RAM - paragraph 7-F-60. bits (A8 to All).
e. RAM Addressing - paragraph 7-F-61.
f. Reading the RAM - paragraph 7-F-62. 7-F-58. Program ROM (US02). The Program ROM is
g. Sending Data to the RAM paragraph - 7-F-63. addressed when its CE Line (Chip Enable at U502 pin
h. Keyboard Operation - paragraph 7-F-65. 20) is low. The low comes from the CPU's PSEN Line
1. Display Operation - paragraph 7-F-66. (Program Store Enable at U501 pin 9). Address AO to
j. HP-IB Operation - paragraph 7-F-67. A7 comes from latch U513. Address bits AS to All comes
k. Rear Panel Switch Circuitry - paragraph 7-F-68. from Ports P20 to P23 (U501 pins 21 to 24). Address bit
I. Voltmeter Complete - paragraph 7-F-69. Al2 comes from Port P26 (U501 pin 37) of the CPU.
m. External Tigger - paragraph 7-F-70. When the ROM is addressed and enabled, data from the
ROM is transfered to the Data Lines.
7-F-53. Isolation Logic - paragraph 7-F -71. 7-F-59. Power-On and Reset Circuitry. The Power-On
and Reset Circuitry are used to reset the CPU after the
7-F -54. Floating Common Logic Circuitry - paragraph 3478A is turned on, when the front panel TEST /RESET
7-F-75. button is pressed, and if the CPU inadvertantly goes to
a non-operational state. The circuitry operates as
a. AID Controller (U462) Operation - paragraph follows:

b. AID Converter Control- paragraph 7-F-78. a. Power-On Circuitry. Refer to Figure 7-F-18, or
c. Input Hybrid Control- paragraph 7-F-79. Schematic 3 and 4. The Power-On Circuitry resets the
d. Digital to Analog Converter Operation CPU when the 3478A is turned on and when + 5V
-paragraph 7-F-80. power supply is low. The step by step operation is as
e. CPU Reset Operation - paragraph 7-F-81. follows:
f. Front/Rear Switch Position - paragraph 7-F-82.
1. When the 3478A is turned on, the positive in-
7-F-55. Chassis Common Circuitry put of comparator U550C goes high after the
+ 5V power supply comes up.
7-F-56. The Chassis Common Circuitry controls the
operation of the whole instrument, including front panel 2. Since the negative terminal of U550C is con-
and remote operation. The major circuitry is the Main nected to BT701, the output of the comparator at-
Controller Circuitry, consisting of a CPU (U501) and a
Program ROM (U502). The operation of the Chassis
Common Circuitry is descibed in the following F==- SCHEMATIC 6 =._
paragraphs. Unless otherwise specified, refer to
Schematic 3 for the explanation.
;====SCHEMATIC 7 ~
7-F-57. Main CPU (USOl) Circuitry. The operation of +5V U501 U512
the CPU and associated circuitry is as follows: CPU CMOS
a. The CPU has an internall28 bytes of RAM memory
and a clock. The frequency and stability of the clock is 6.49K
determined by 5.856 MHz crystal Y501.
b. The Data Lines (DO to D7) from the CPU are used 6.49K
as both Data Lines and the lower 8 bits of the Address
Lines (AO to A7). This is done by multiplexing the lines.

The Address Lines are used to address the Program BT701 '3478 7-FtB
ROM, CMOS RAM, and the HP-IB Chip. The Data - 3V
Lines send and receive data between the CPU and the
Program ROM, CMOS RAM, and HP-IB Chip. The
ALE (Address Latch Enable) line goes low to latch the Figure 7·F·1 B. Power-On Circuitry
Service 3478A

tempts to go high and charges capacitor C763. The the keyboard, see paragraph 7-F-65). This resets the
output goes high since the comparator has an open counter as long as the keyboard is scanned. The
collector output and a pull-up resistor is connected reset pulse is developed from Pl5 using C501 and
between the CPU's RESET line (output of U550C R528.
and U550D) and + 5V (the resistor is internal to
the CPU). 3. If the TEST /RESET button is pressed or the
CPU goes to a non-operational state, the keyboard
3. During the charge time, the RESET line is scanning is stopped.
held low until the capacitor is charged to a high
level. 4. Since the ALE clock is still operating, the
counter keeps incrementing for about 1.3 seconds.
4. The RESET line goes high and the CPU
resets and turns on. The 3478A is now in its turn- 5. After the 1.3 seconds, the Q output of U507
on state. goes high (RESET REQ line goes high). This is
because the counter is not being reset.
5. As long as the RESET line is low, the CPU's
SS (Single Step) line is low (the line is connected to 6. The Q output is connected to the negative ter-
the RESET line). The SS line steps the CPU to its minal of comparator U550D. This brings the out-
first program line. The program line sets the put of U550D low which in turn brings the RESET
PSEN line high, which disables the Control ROM line low.
(CE high). This prevents the ROM from operating
until the CPU turns on. 7. The ALE clock turns off and the counter stops
6. When the RESET line is low, the CE2 line of
the CMOS RAM (U512) is also low and disables 8. The Q output goes low and the output of
the RAM (see paragraph 7-F-61). U550D attemps to go high and charges C763 (see
step a-2).
7. The CPU is also reset when the + 5V power

supply goes low. A low + 5V sets the positive in- 9. Once the capacitor is charged to the high level,
put of U550C low which makes U550C's output the RESET line once again goes high. The CPU
low. This resets the CPU. then resets and turns on. The 3478A is now in its
b. Reset Circuitry. Refer to Figure 7-F-19, or Schematic turn-on state.
3 and 4. The Reset Circuitry is used to reset the CPU
when the TEST /RESET button is pressed or if the CPU 7-F-60. CMOS RAM. The CMOS RAM is used to store
inadvertently goes to a non-operational state. The step the 3478A'S Calibration Constants. The following
by step operation is as follows: paragraphs explain how the RAM is addressed, how data
(constants) is read from the RAM, and how new data
1. During normal operation, counter U507 is (new constants) is sent to the RAM. This is done using
continuously incremented by the ALE clock. the RAM's Address, Input, and Output Lines. The Ad-
dress Lines are connected to the CPU's lower 8 Address
2. Port Pl4 (U501 pin 31) continuously output bits (AO to A7). The RAM's input and output lines (Dl
data to the keyboard (Pl5 is one port used to scan to D4) are connected to each other and to the DO to D3
Data Lines.
;====SCHEMATIC 6 = = = = -
7-F-61. RAM Addressing. The RAM can only be ad-
dressed as long as line CE2 (Chip Enable 2 at U512 pin
P15 17) is high. The line is high when the 3478A is turned on.
Line CEI (Chip Enable I at U512 pin 19) can be high or
11 LE low. This line is used to read the RAM (see next
R7&1 R501
17.4K lOOK
7-F-62. Reading the RAM. The RAM can be read
6.49K under the following conditions.

R763 a. Line OD (Output Disable at U512 pin 18) must be

low. It is low when the RD Line (Read at U501 pin 8)

6. 4 9K
3478 7-Ft9
is low.
'=:SCHEMATIC 7 = f
b. Line CEI must also be low. It receives the low
Figure 7·f-19. Reset Circuitry from one section of the Quad flip-flop U506 (pin 6).
3478A Service

The flip-flop operates like a latch and transfers data b. Before scanning starts, Ports P14 to P17 are low.
from Port P23 during each ALE cycle . When scanning begins, starting with Port P14, each
port goes sequentially high.
c. Once the previous conditions are met (the RAM is
addressed) and line CE2 is high, data from the RAM is c. During the time that the keyboard is scanned, the
transferred to the Data Lines. CPU determines which one and if any of Ports P10 to
Pl3 are high. A high on PIO to Pl3 is used to determine
7-F-63. Sending Data to the RAM. The RAM can the button pressed. For example, the SRQ button is
receive new Data when its R/W line (Read/Write at pressed and turns the corresponding SRQ switch on.
U512 pin 20) is low. This can only happen if the 3478A' s This connects Port P 11 to P 17 and makes P 11 high
Cal Enable Switch (located on the front panel) is on and when P17 is high. Since the CPU knows when it sets P17
the WR line of the CPU (Write at U501 pin 10) is low. high and also knows when Pll is high, the pressed but-
The following explains the operation. ton is determined.

a. The Cal Enable Switch brings one input of NOR 7-F -66. Display Operation. The 3478A Display is an
gate U508C low. alphanumeric display with 12 annunciators. The CPU
sends serial data to the Display Circuitry which in turn
b. The other input of the gate is a low from the WR does all the necessary decoding of the data (to display
line. readings, etc.). The operation is as follows:

c. The output of U508C goes high, and since NOR a. With line PWO high, the CPU can send new data
gate U508D is configured as an inverter, the output of to the Display Circuitry. Data is in serial form and is
U508D goes low. The RAM is now ready to receive new sent on the Data line (U506 pin 4). For the Display Cir-
data. cuitry to receive and decode the data, the other display
lines have to send certain information to the circuitry.
7-F-64. Since the 3478A's Calibration Constants are This is as follows:
stored in the CMOS RAM, the constants must remain
in the RAM when the 3478A is turned off (or power
removed). This is done by battery BT701 in the + 5V 1. The Display Circuitry requires two clock in-

• Power Supply Circuit. In addition, the RAM should not puts to receive data, II and 12. The inputs come
see any possible write commands (R/W low) during the from flip-flop U506 (pin3) and Port P25 for clock
time that power is removed. The RAM must be disabled. inputs II and 12, respectively. (Flip-flop U506 is
This is because a write command may erase some calibra- used as a latch between the CPU and the Display
tion constants. The RAM is disabled by comparator Circuitry.)
U550C (part of the CPU's power-on circuit in the + 5V
power supply). The operation is as follows (refer to 2. The ISA line (U506 pin 5) is used to give in-
Schematic 4 for the explanation): structions to the Display Circuitry.

a. As long as the 3478A is on, the RAM gets its sup- 3. The SYNC line (U506 pin 6) is used to tell the
ply voltage from CR500. Display Circuitry when to look for instructions.

b. When power is off, the RAM gets its supply voltage b. With line PWO (from Port P23 of the CPU at
from battery BT701 through diode CR764. The battery U501 pin 36) low, the Display Circuitry operates
voltage is used for data retention. without receiving any data from the CPU. The circuitry
can operate in this mode since it has an internal clock
c. After turning power off, the RAM is disabled by (capacitor C502 is the frequency reference). With the
setting line CE2low. This is done by comparator U550C circuitry in the internal mode, no updating of the
(see Schematic 4). The comparator senses a low (or no display is done. Line PWO is controlled by the CPU.
+ 5V) from voltage divider R761, R762, and R763. Since
U550C's inverting input is at the battery voltage, the out- 7-F -67. HP-IB Operation. All interfacing between the
put of U550C becomes low. This discharges capacitor CPU and the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) is
C763 before the power supply goes off. This makes line done by the HP-IB Chip (U503) and two Bus
CE2 low and disables the RAM. Transceivers (U504 and U505). The HP-IB Chip is a
microprocessor and changes the data sent and received
7-F-65. Keyboard Operation. The Keyboard's pushbut- by the CPU to the necessary HP-IB information (e.g.
tons are connected in a 4x4 matrix and are continuously Listen, Talk, etc.). The Transceivers transfer and
scanned by the CPU. The operation is as follows: receive the HP-IB information between the HP-IB Chip

• a. One side of the matrix is connected to Ports PIO to

Pl3 of the CPU (U501 pins 27 to 30) and the other side
is connected to Ports P14 to P17 (U501 pins 31 to 34).
and the Bus. The circuitry operates as follows:

a. The HP-IB Chip (U503) receives its clock signal

from the CPU's TO output (U501 pin 1).

Service 3478A

b. When U503 is addressed (by the CPU) and its WR 7-F-69. Voltmeter Complete. The Voltmeter Complete
(Write) line is low, data from the CPU is sent over the pulse is connected to inverter U508C from the PROG
Data Lines to U503. Line WR gets its low from the CPU's line of U501. The output of U508C is connected to in-
WR line. With the CPU WR line low, its RD (Read) line verters U508D, E, and F with their outputs connected to
is high (which makes U503's RD line high). Depending the Voltmeter Complete Terminal. Inverters U508D, E,
on the Address selected (RSO to RS2 at U503 pins 21 to and F are used as output buffers and CR504, CR505,
23, which are the AO to A2 Address Lines of the CPU), and R538 is the protection circuitry. The voltmeter com-
U503 interprets the data as a command (ATN, SRQ, etc.) plete output is a negative going TTL pulse with a dura-
or data (DIOI to DI08) and sends the appropriate in- tion of approximately lp.S.
formation to the HP-IB.
7-F-70. External Trigger. An external trigger pulse
c. When U503 is addressed (by the CPU) and its RD
(connected to the External trigger Input) is used to trig-
line is low, U503 is enabled to send data to the CPU
ger the 3478A, when the multimeter is in the External
over the Data Lines. Line RD gets its low from the
Trigger mode. The operation is as follows:
CPU's RD line. Depending on the Address selected
(RSO to RS2, see previous step), the data may be remote a. When an external trigger pulse is received, J-K
data from the HP-IB (Program Codes, etc.) and status
flip-flop U514B is clocked and its Q output goes high.
information (Remote, Local, etc.). Since the Q output is connected to the INT input of the
CPU, iN'F goes high.
d. The CPU continuously checks (for HP-IB data)
and updates U503. b. If the 3478A is configured to a trigger mode other
than the External Trigger mode, no action is taken. INT
remains high.
7-F-68. Rear Panel Switch Circuitry. The Rear Panel
Switch (S501) is an 8 section DIP switch used to select c. If the 3478A is in the External Trigger mode, the
the 3478A's HP-IB Address, set the Power-On SRQ CPU checks the state of the INT line. If the line is high,
Status Bit, set the 3478A to the Talk-Only Mode, and to the 3478A is triggered. If the line is low, the CPU keeps

set the multimeter to the selected power line frequency. on checking the line until INT goes high or the 3478A is
The switch positions are determined by the CPU when configured to another trigger mode.
driver U510 is enabled. The switches that are on (set)
will then bring the corresponding data lines low. The d. When INT goes high (and the 3478A is in the Ex-
driver is enabled when line Gl (CPU's RD line) and G2 ternal Trigger mode), the 3478A triggers and initiates a
(from flip-flop U506) are both low. The operation of measurement cycle.
the switches is as follows:
e. During that time, the HP-IB Chip is addressed and
a. HP-IB Address. The switches marked AO to A4 set sends out a trigger pulse (from its TRIG output at U503
the 3478A's HP-IB Address. When the CPU determines pin 5).
the setting of the switches, it passes the information to
the HP-IB Chip. (Refer to this manual's Section III for f. The pulse is inverted by flip-flop U514A (which is
more information on addressing the 3478A.) configured as an inverter) and resets flip-flop U514B.
The 3478A is now ready for a new trigger pulse.
b. Power-On SRQ Bit. The switch marked POW
SRQ is used to set the Power-On SRQ Status Bit. The 7.f.71. Isolation Logic
setting of this switch is also passed on to the HP-IB
Chip. (Refer to Section III of this manual for informa- 7-F-72. The 3478A's Isolation Logic is used to com-
tion on SRQ.) municate between the CPU (U501) in the Chassis Com-
mon Circuitry and the CPU (U462) in the Floating
c. Talk-Only Mode. When all AO to A4 switches are Common Circuitry. The serial data from U501 (going to
on, the 3478A's Talk-Only Mode is selected. Here U462) is used to control the operation of Floating Com-
again, the CPU sends the necessary information to the mon Circuitry. This includes instrument set-up informa-
HP-IB Chip. tion (Function, Range, etc.) and AID information (like
changing the integration time). The serial data from
d. Power Line Frequency. The 50/60Hz switch is us- U462 to U501 is the multimeter's measurement data and
ed to set the 3478A for the correct power line frequency. certain self-test data (AID test information). The
The CPU determines the position of the switch and following explains the circuitry operation.

passes it on to the AID Controller (located in the
Floating Common Circuitry). Dependent on the posi- 7-F-73. The data from U501 is output from Port P27
tion of the switch, the AID Controller selects the cor- (U501 pin 38) and applied to drivers U508A and U508B.
responding Integration Time of the AID Converter The drivers apply the data to the input (primary) of
(1/60 second for 60Hz or 1150 second for 50Hz, etc.). transformer T501. The output of T501 is applied to

3478A Service

comparators U468A and U468B. The comparators are of the CPU and are: Data, Mode, and Clock. The lines
used to bring the low level output of T501 up to a TTL do the following:
level. The output of the comparators is applied to the TO
input of U462 (U462 pin 1), which is the same data as
the data sent by U501. This makes the output waveform a. When the Clock input (U102 pin 24) is low, no
of U501 the same as the input waveform of U462. data is transferred into the hybrid.

7-F-74. Serial data from U462 to U501 is sent using b. When the clock input is high, the following oc-
drivers U467 A and U467B, transformer T401, and com- curs:
parators U550A and U550B. The circuitry operation is
the same as sending data from U501 to U462 (see 1. When the Mode input (U 102 pin 25) is low,
previous paragraph). The difference is that the data is data on the Data line (U102 pin 26) is transferred
input to the Tiline of U501 (U501 pin 39) instead of TO, into the hybrid (into an internal shift register).
as is the case with U462.
2. When the Mode input is high, the data in the
hybrid (in its shift register) is used to set-up the
7·f·75. Floating Common Logic Circuitry switches in the hybrid.

7-F-76. The main parts of the Floating Common Logic 7-F-80. Digital to Analog Converter Operation. The
Circuitry are the A/D Controller and the AID Con- 3478A's AID Converter requires a certain offset voltage
verter. The A/D Controller consists of CPU U462 and (see paragraph 7-F-46 for more information). This off-
the A/D Converter is U403 and associated circuitry. set is applied to the negative input of the AID Integrator
Other circuitry includes an Digital to Analog Converter (U401) and comes from the Digital to Analog Converter
(U465 and associated circuitry) and a Voltage Reference (DAC). The offset voltages are developed by resistors
Supply (U404, U405, and U461). For the explanation on R401 to R406, which are selected by Hex D flip-flop
the A/D Converter and Voltage Reference refer to U465. Each time the flip-flop is clocked by the ALE
paragraph 7-F-49. The operation of the AID Con- line, its QO to Q5 outputs are set either high or low. This
troller, the Digital to Analog Converter, and other logic depends on the position (high or low) of Ports P20 to
circuitry is explained in the following paragraphs. P25. The outputs in conjunction with resistors R401 to

• 7-F-77. A/D Controller (U462) Operation. The pur-

pose of U462 is to control the AID operation, set up the
Digital to Analog Converter, and to send set-up (Range
and Function) information to the Input Hybrid U102
(see paragraph 7-F-13 for its operation and purpose).
The CPU also determines measurement data from the
R406 generates a certain offset voltage .

7-F-81. CPU Reset Operation. The Chassis Common

CPU (U501) can reset the Floating Common CPU
(U462) whenever needed. This is normally done when
the 3478A is turned on. The operation is as follows.

AID Converter and sends the data (readings) to the a. Counter U466 increments each time it is clocked
Chassis Common CPU (U501). The CPU (U462) has an by the ALE line (U462 pin 11).
internal 128 bytes of RAM memory, 2K bytes of ROM
memory, and a clock. The frequency and stability of the b. As long as the Chassis Common sends data bytes
clock is determined by a 10.98MHz crystal Y460. The over the Isolation logic, the counter is reset each time
ROM is used to control the CPU operation and the the data byte has a high (a high resets the counter).
RAM is used to store Autozero constants (see paragraph
7-F-14). Since the U462 has an internal ROM, all ad- c. If the counter's Reset line stays low (e.g. no high
dressing and data transfer is done using bidirectional level from the data bytes), the counter keeps on in-
Ports P10 to P17 (U462 pins 27 to 34) and P20 to P27 crementing for about 11mS. The counter's Q14 output
(U462 pins 27 to 34, 21 to 24, and 35 to 38). then goes high.

7-F-78. A/D Converter Control. The AID Converter d. The Q14 output is inverted by NOR gate U467C
receives control data from the CPU Ports PlO to P14 (connected like an inverter) and sets the CPU's RESET
(U462 pins 27 to 31). The data is used to select the line (U462 pin 14) low. The CPU turns off.
various slopes (see paragraph 7-F-49) in the converter.
The output of the AID Converter (CMP, the Com- e. The CPU remains off until the counter's Reset line
parator Output) is applied to the T1 input of the CPU receives a high from the data bytes. This resets the
(at U462 pin 1). The ALE output (Address Latch Enable counter and its Q14 output goes low. The RESET line of
at U462 pin 11) is used as the converter's clock. Refer to the CPU goes high and U462 resets and turns on to a

paragraph 7-F-31 for more information on the AID predefined condition.
operation .
7-F-82. Front/Rear Switch Position. The 3478A's
7-F-79. Input Hybrid Control. The control lines to the Front/Rear Switch position is determined by the state
Input Hybrid (Ul02) which come from Ports P15 to P17 (high or low) of Port P26. A low state is when the port is
Service 3478A

connected to ground (by the switch). This state shows b. Since RT706 and RT707 have positive temperature
that the Front/Rear Switch is in the rear position. coefficients, their resistance increases to a large value due
to high temperature.
7-F-83. Power Supplies c. The high resistance causes most of the supply
voltage to drop across RT706 and RT707, shutting down
7-F-84. General. The 3478A has one set of power sup- the respective supply.
plies for the Floating Common Circuitry and another set
of supplies for the Chassis Common Circuitry. The d. The large resistance value remains until RT706 or
Floating Common Circuitry has three supplies: + 15V, RT707 cool down (the supply draws normal current).
-15V and + 5V. The Chassis Common Circuitry has one
+ 5V supply and a + 3V lithium battery (BT701). The 7-F -86. + 5V Power Supply (Floating Common). This
supply is used by the Chassis Common logic circuitry and power supply receives its raw (unregulated) voltage from
the battery is used by the CMOS RAM (U512) to supply full-wave rectifiers CR703 and CR704. The + 5V is
the RAM when the battery is off. Unless otherwise noted, developed by voltage regulator U701. Breakdown diode
refer to Schematic 4 for the following explanation on the CR712 is used for overvoltage protection. Capacitor C704
3478A's power supplies. and C711 are filter capacitors.

7-F-85. + 15V and -15V Power Supplies (Floating Com- 7-F-87. +5V Power Supply (Chassis Common). This
mon). A full-wave bridge rectifier, consisting of CR701, power supply receives its raw (unregulated) voltage from
CR702, CR705, and CR706, develops the raw full-wave rectifier CR760 and CR761. The + 5V is
(unregulated) voltages for the supplies. The regulated developed by voltage regulator U760. Breakdown diode
+ 15V is developed by voltage regulator U703 and the CR766 is used for overvoltage protection and capacitor
-15V by U702. Breakdown diodes CR711 and CR713 are C761 and C762 are filter capacitors. Comparators U550C
used for overvoltage protection. Overvoltage protection and U550D are used to reset the Chassis Common CPU
of regulators U702 and U703 is by diodes CR715 and (U501). Refer to paragraph 7-F-59 for information on
CR714, respectively. The diodes conduct if the raw the comparators operation.
(unregulated) voltage is too large. Capacitors C702, C703,

C705, and C706 are filter capacitors. Temperature sen- 7-F-88. +3V Power Supply (CMOS RAM). As long as
sitive resistor RT706 and RT707 are used to protect sup- the 3478A is turned on with ac power applied, the CMOS
plies from excessive output currents. The protection cir- RAM (U512) receives its supply voltage from the + 5V
cuitry operates as follows: power supply through diode CR500 (see Schematic 3).
When power is off, the battery (BT701) supplies the
a. If the output current of the + 15V supply is ex- voltage to the RAM through diode CR764. This circuit
cessive, RT707 heats up. If the -15V has excessive cur- maintains the supply voltage on the CMOS RAM to keep
rent, RT706 heats up. the 3478A's calibration constants in the RAM's memory.


Service Group G Contents

n~ ~~
General Schematic Notes ..................... 7-G-1
3478A Block Diagram ........................ 7-G-2
Input Circuitry and Ohms
Current Source (Schematic 1) ................ 7-G-3
ACto DC Converter (Schematic 2) ............. 7-G-4
AID Converter and Control
Logic (Schematic 3) ........................ 7-G-5
Power Supplies (Schematic 4) ................. 7-G-6

7·G·1. INTRODUCTION Diagram and Schematics. In addition, general

schematics notes are also included to gain an under-
7-G-2. This Service Group has the 3478A's Block standing on how to use the schematics.





4. c· :: J



5. --------






Figure 7·G·1. General Schematic Notes

• 7-G-1/7-G-2
------ -------------,

In ~~~sE I ~I
!____() INPUT INPUT ~ A/D
I ,-----
I "':" ~ ~
------------- ---------------'
r--0 LO I

1 .1\C TO DC ;
CONVERTER ~--------J ______________________________
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



3478-7-F-1 L ______ -------- ----- ------~

Figure 7-G-2. 3478A Block Diagram
-R?-67~~ ! FX76~

-R766- ~


C510 -CSll-

R529 .
. R531
o I~ I ""' -~ =


T760 =


R528 -csaa-
"' C762

m ~ LJ D

[!]~ LJNE
-CR760- R523 -R524-

·CR76-4· ·CR507·
-R518- .....
C512 YSO! -R768-

-R517- o
csts· ~ ·CR508·
-R522- 00= -R
7- v
.JM503 t-
·cst4. TP7 0 -R765- J530
. csoo
·CR503 ,,

CRSOl ·CR502

-RSS4- R307 ·CR504·
.JH201 -C467·-
-C51B- C305 R306 -R406- -R464-
-R463- ~ ~ 0
-RS53- - C310 -
R303 C304 ~H301 -R405- C464 ,_ ~

R302 J531
I K104~

-R555- C463 .=a
:E~ 7 R~
0 C306 _ -R402-
-RT505- :.J301D -R403-

C313 U302 [311 -R4Q4- -R
-C503- C312
·CR~6001-= :8R78~:

R305 - C308 - U303 U404 U402 R465

0 -m-
[ C301 ] C302 R308 C314 C303 - R462

~ oi§
:_CRR \0l_: R706·
R304 R466 4
I K101 I I -~0-; J
R467 U703
0~~ =>

TPlOOo J110
- R103 - R104
D RT706 -CR712-
- R108
- [101 - R201
D R206
R4G8 J;lJM403
_ .JM701

R109 - R110 U203 C430 ~
U201 U101 A207 JM302 -C706-
LO · R204 ~

LK103 J D 0 R202 0 C203
JM101 U4@
"' U702
C201 C404 JH703
.J104 ClOG -R470-

R107 L201
-R203- -C205- C105
JM4Ql· C410
:em: -C468-

ElOl J103 - C103 R105 R106 [411
C107 ·Y460
ClOB - C102 - R101 - - A102 - .JMlOZ C401 R409 C412
C402 .J401

3478 7-G-B


Component Locator for Input Circuitry and Ohms Current Source


Component Col. Component Col. Component Col. Component Col.

C101 c CR202 E 0202 D R201 c
C102 c 0203 D R202 D
C103 c E101 A 0204 D R203 D
C104 A 0405 E R204 D
C105 E,F JM101 F R205 D
C106 E,F JM201 E R101 D R206 E
C107 c R102 E R207 E
C108 c K101 B R103 B
C201 c K102 B R104 B,C TP100 A
C202 E K103 B R105 D TP101 A
C203 E K104 B R106 E
C301 B R107 B U101 C,D
C314 D L201 c R108 A U102 C,D
R109 A U201 E
CR201 c 0201 D R110 B U202 E
U203 E

~ 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[P7o-AA--11 Ti"NPi
INPUT CrRCu"i'TRY AND""'HMs-cURRENT sO..iRc_E_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -~~
~ 03478-1515501 ERC: 2717

,== R~~~f~~6E ==_

•15V I t=RA~~[filsl~TDOO~
3 FH U~~~-~~i
4. 3K


;=============== INPUT SWITCHING ================-


"' CR201

;:a f:~f= f:s

r= ~~~E~~i~ ~
0 [B!J 2 TO U301 (8) ---w- I 33
~ +H!V
0203 0201

R308 C314
300 ~ 1 ~

-==; :
R106 R105 -15V~-15V
d.. J101 51K 51K 12:

0 ~ I _l_Ct03

. I
: Rll0 RHl3 K101 R104
+ 470pF ~
~._;, 8 ; "-., Jl08 lK 51K ~ 51K .,.
TOA~3(25) 3
I ~ I L---t-+---l'-------·-~-,--<Jl~ ~ Kl02

1. 6M ~
"' ----

:n·sENSE·: : ..iNPUT : RAtl

:.~~~:'.~.~ .: ~.~~.~.~.;

0 :fii• "'
Rl!il2 R101
51K 51K u:

J100 - C102
! ~ 470pF
0 co. "'
) J110
vaJE~FM U462(34)


(~ ~Rl08 DATA~FM
NOTE lK dsv Jv Jsv
U462(33) 3

r~ r}-'""'"'
A~A~Eo!~.A g~~~ TA~ RI~T
42 :

45Y (27,28,29,3€1)

"' •sv l, l,

Figure 7-G-3. Input Circuitry and Ohms Current Source

7 -G-517 -G-6
00':; , t~ -m~~
JM501 [ FX760 I


0~ C765

m ~~lJ
C50'2 R5'29 u .
11500 R5'3'2

R5'28 -[508- C762
CR706 -CR761- r:JRTH
R523 -R52~-

~ -~~lN- ~" m~ =~~~~=

(512 ¥501 Sfls68~


b __
TP7 o -R7G5- :~li):
~ ::J -C507-
-R538- CR502
CR505 -R539-

-R540- 0 U303

JH502 -C763- -R534- ~
-R554- R307 CR504 (fl

-C518- - C310 - C'305 "30G

-R~OG- -R463-
-R4G4- 00"
.,. ,. . . 0 I OUT
-R553- R302 R303 - CJ04 - -R405- C46~ ,_ 1.0
-R555- [--;;-o;-J :.1301~ -cJo6- Q -R401-
(463 ~
-R504- [-~~
[313 [_____!
0 C31l
- C308 -U303


~ R465 OO: -~~~G~r ~~t~~-

C302 RJ08 CJl~ - C309 - R462 :::~
R304 R4f>f>

R~G7 J;T707
1------ml] ~-- ~~0-7 -, R408

- R103 RI04 -
U202 [~31
D -CR712-

JllO ~ [202
[-,~ L_j R206
RT706 Jr1701
-[704- BUF OUT
- R108
- C!Ol R201 U LR202
R468 ~JM40J

-CR715- -[705-

RllO 203 [430

D 0
U101 R204
R202 0
[203 JM10t U4@ I ! 0 U701 -CR7ll-

HI Q,,GJ, G~D o
[432 JH702
J104 C201
-R205- GJ GJ01 GJos ClOG

D - A107 L201
-CR201- -R203- -C205- [105
[410 -[405- -[468-

EIOI Jl03 [103 - - RI05- RlOG [411

C108 ClOZ - - R101 - R102 _JHl02 C401
J401 R409 C4ll
Y460 +Vs dB

3478 7-G-6


Component Cal. Component Col. Component Col. Component Col.

C301 B C310 c JM303 D R308 D

C302 c C311 E
C304 E C312 D R302 D U102 C,D
C305 D C313 c R303 D U301 c
C306 E C314 D R304 E U302 D
C307 E R305 C,D U303 E
C308 E JM301 E R306 D,E
C309 E JM302 F R307 c

I ,,.,_..,"

, = = = = = = AMPLIFIER=====~
r'""========= AMPLIFIER
STAGE 1 ========:::J... STAGE 2

P/0 U102

---------------------- +15V
: C302 I
: 2. 7pf I
R306 +15V
+ 15V
I 10

1 FMU1021421
I 37 34

+15V 1 C307 1.8
!VACl 39
R305 ~2 JM302
47.5K 35 + TO AID
U403 (27l 3
I C306
I 22 U303
I C312
-15V I
I .1
I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --_I
-15V W R304
lK 40K 16K
68pf t R302

+..L C308
~------------------------------ 36
---------------------------- I


Figure 7-G-4. AC to DC Converter

JMSOl -A7-6:17~ ! FX760 J
-R766- t;

~ ~l ~~j !~ 0~ [765
D ~
T760 ~ ~
[502 R529 ~ u
R506 · R532 D '-'
RS31 "'
= D J702
R528 "'
= -[508- C762 ..J504

CR766 -CR761- r:JRTH


~501- ~I
R523 -R524-

LJ 8
CR764 ·CR507·
-R518- ..--. a:o
C512 -R768- ~

TP7 o -R7G5- -R761-

::::::J -C507-



0 ..--.

JM502 ~-
-C763- -R534- C)

-R554- R307 JH20:i.

·CR504· ~
-R553- - C31 0 - C305 i'i.306
C304 ~M301
-R406- -R464-
-R463- oo-
"T r-- 0
R302 R303
=-'i.":,lb1-=- C464 t-- ...o J531
~Q 0 0 C463 ~ E~fOl

m E~f8~
-RT505- :J301D - C306 -

U302 C311 ·
C313 -R4Q4- -A
-CS03- [312 R465
·CR~g~: ·CR70~­
C308 - U303 ·CR460- ·CR7g4·
[!] -[!]-
-RS04- C302R305 R30B C314 U404 U402
C303 - R462
DD R466 -R461-
~ o~
,- K101~
1- -~~0-; J R408 C405

RT707 C703

1D U405 =>

- A103 - - R104 [431
TPlQQo U202 RT706 -CR712-
.J110 C202
LK1~ R206 R-469 -CR711- _ JH701
RlOB - C101 - R201 CR202 R4G8 r;l~M403 -CR7lS- C704-

R109 - R110 U203 .JM302
C430 ~
U201 UlOl .R204 R207 -[706-
0 JM101 "'
v -CR713-

LK103 ~
D 0 R202

= U702 -CR714-
LZOI -R205- (Qi 03 (Qi 01 Gios ClOG JM401 C410 -R470- BLU
R107 -C465- -C46B-
E101D .J103
- Cl03 -
-CR20 1-
R105 -
- R106

C105 R407
D -C466-
[108 - Cl 02 - R101 - - R102 - C401 R409 C412
C402 .J401

3478 7-G-B

I A I 8

Component Locator for AID Converter and Control Logic


Component Col. Component Col. Component Col. Component Col.

C401 F,G CR501 A R469 F
C402 F,G TP3 B
CR502 j R470 H TP4 B
C404 G CR503 j R501 A
C405 TP5 D
G CR504 J,K R503 A TP6
C410 A
G CR505 H R504 A
C411 F,G TP7 E
CR507 H R506 A TPB B
C412 H CR50B H R509 D
C430 F TP9 B
R510 B
C431 F J501 A R517 H
C432 F U401 G
J504 j R51B H U402 F
C433 F R519 j
C463 G U403 G
JM401 F R520 j U404 F
C464 G JM403 H R521 H
C465 H U405 F
JM501 c R522 H U461 F
C466 H JM502 A,B R523 H
C467 U462 G,H
F JM503 B R524 H
C46B j
U465 G
R52B A U466 H
C501 A R401 E R529 A
C502 U467 G,H
A R402 F R531 A
C503 U46B H
A R403 F R532 A
C504 K U501 B
) C506
R406 F R539 j U504 E,F
C508 E R407 F R553 A
C509 j
U505 E
R40B F U506 A
C510 c R409 G RT505 A U507 A
C511 c R460 H U510 D
C512 B R461 H RP527 c
C514 B,C R462 G,H
U512 c
C515 B,C U513 B
R463 G S501 K U514 j
C518 A R464 G U515 A
R465 G,H T401 G U550 G
CR401 H R466 G,H T501 H
CR402 H R467 G,H
CR500 Y460 H
A R468 F TP2 B Y501 B

~ 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FA-~-~AlDCoNvERTERAND-~LOGIC---- - - -~-;:;:;;;-- --v-- ------------------------ --FLoAi'TNG COMMON... CHASSI_S_COMM<iJ- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~--
- - - - - - - - .;sv--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
03478-66501 ERC 2717 +5 I ;, 2 1
1 I I '
a.J< R 11 R4~2 I +SV U508F CR504 ~~~8 II J~0

I U466
1 I

1501 C507

U5088 C512~ ·~-
W ..

s It

Itt w e -e
I •

J_ C515
e e

TP401 TP402
0h C506
.01 2~
up••• 1 38 )(TAl.2
5. 856MHz J, ,j- C514
.- II U50BD
; '

1 TO Ul02(24)
I 34
'\ R519
36 I (
11 :
0 2 l
1 TO UHI2(26) ~ PIB I WIRE RS l P2 4 3S : : : PV1J
1 TO UHl2(25) I J2 Pl:i I
43K ~ OND

+-----------.----"-1 11
.-l.E I 5 : . 051

+SV ll4S7A C463

t:! .
36 Tt
R509l I
+SV +SV •r~-~SV
I : jR509
rh N.C. ~OS2

~ "-t--s~~~507 te- R522 ~si~ P23 :!4 JM50l 10K - r R532. R.531 4 - t0K u oe c. e 14 ~ SYNC
~ 3V 43K +SV P22 :za 1 N o 5. lK 5. lK 12 ot at s 15 ; !SA

B. 2M ~~~,.o.o.J
..... ~--
J, CR508
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A B c D E F G H J K


Co'"po-1 Col. Campanant Col. Carapoa•nt Col. Companl!lnt 1:.1.

BT701 C766 G CR761 G R762 G

CR762 G R763 G
C702 J CR701 J CR764 G R765 G
C703 K CR702 j CR767 E, F R766 F
C704 K CR703 J R767 F
C705 K CR704 J FX760 J,K R768 G
C706 K CR705 J
C71 1 J,K CR706 J J702 K RT706 J
C720 K CR711 J RT707 J
C760 G CR712 K JM701 K
C761 F CR713 J JM702 J U550 G
C762 F CR714 J JM703 J U701 K
C763 J.K CR715 J U702 J
C765 F.G CR760 G R761 G U703 J
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10K I

470 I

3. 0V

L ___ _ J _____ _j

HP3478:F 7.G6

Figure 7-G-6. Power Supplies

• A·1. Introduction

A-9. HP·IB System Overview

A-2. This appendix contains a general description of

A-10. The following paragraphs define the terms and
the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB). HP-IB is
concepts used to describe HP-IB (Bus) system opera-
Hewlett-Packard's implementation of IEEE Standard
488-1978, "Standard Digital Interface for Program-
mable Instrumentation". The information is non-
controller dependent but, where appropriate, is depend- A-11. HP-18 System Terms
ent on the 3478A.

A·3. General HP·IB Description a. Address: The characters sent by a controlling

device to specify which device will send information on
A-4. The Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) is a the
carefully defined interface which simplifies the integra- HP-IB and which device(s) will receive that informa-
tion of various instruments, calculators, and computers tion. Addressing may also be accomplished by hardwir-
into systems. The interface provides for messages in ing a device to only send information or only receive in-
digital form to be transferred between two or more formation.
HP-IB compatible devices. A compatible device can be
an instrument, calculator, computer, or peripheral b. Byte: A unit of information consisting of 8 binary
device that is designed to be interfaced using the HP-IB. digits (bits).

A-5. The HP-IB is a parallel bus of 16 active signal lines c. Device: A unit that is compatible with the IEEE
grouped into three sets, according to function, to inter- Standard 488-1978.
connect up to 15 instruments. A diagram of the Inter-
face Connections and Bus Structure is shown in Figure d. Device Dependent: An action a device performs
A-1. in response to information sent over the HP-IB. The ac-
tion is characteristic of an individual device and may
A-6. Eight Signal lines, termed as DATA Lines, are in vary from device to device.
the first set. The Data Lines are used to transmit data in
the form of coded messages. These messages are used to e. Polling: This process typically is used by a con-
program the instrument function, transfer measurement troller to locate a device that needs to interact with the
data, coordinate instrument operation, and to manage controller. There are two types of polling, as follows:
the system. This allows you to set-up the instrument and
read its measurement data. Input and Output of 1. Serial Poll: This method obtains one byte of
messages, in bit parallel byte serial form, are also operational information about an individual
transferred in the Data Lines. A 7-bit ASCII code nor- device in the system. The process must be repeated
mally represents each piece of data. for each device from which information is desired.

A-7. Data is transferred by means of an interlocking 2. Parallel Poll: This methods obtains infor-
"handshake" technique which permits data transfer mation about a group of devices simultaneously.
(asynchronously) at the rate of the slowest active device The 3478A does not respond to a Parallel Poll.
used in that particular transfer. The three DATA BYTE
CONTROL lines coordinate the transfer and form the A-12. Basic Device Communication Capabilities
second set of lines.

A-8. The remaining five GENERAL INTERFACE A-13. Devices which communicate along the interface
MANAGEMENT lines are used to manage the devices bus can be classified into three basic categories:
on the HP-IB. This includes activating all connected
devices at once, clearing the interface, and others. A a. Talker: Any device that is able to send informa-

condensed description is available in the Condensed tion over the HP-IB when it has been addressed. Only
Description of the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus one talker may be active at a time; usually the one that is
Manual, -hp- part number 59401-90030. The manual is currently directed to send data. All HP-IB type
available through your local -hp- Sales and Service Of- calculators and computers are generally talkers.
Appendix 3478A




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Figure A-1. Interface Connection and Bus Structure

b. Listener: Devices which receive information over a. Data: The actual information (binary bytes) sent
the HP-IB, when they have been addressed. A device by a talker to one or more listener. The information
may or may not be both a talker and a listener. (data) can either be in numeric form or a character
Calculators and computers are generally both a talker string.
and a listener (at different times). b. Trigger: The Trigger message causes the listening
device or devices to perform a device dependent action
c. Controller: The device that can specify which when addressed.
device(s) on the bus is a talker or listener. There can be
two types of controllers, an· Active Controller and a c. Clear: The Clear message causes the listening
System Controller. The Active Controller is the current device(s) or all the devices on the HP-IB to return to
controlling device. The System Controller can, their predefined device-dependent state.
however, take control of the HP-IB even if it is not the
Active Controller. There can also be only one Active d. Remote: This message causes the listening
Controller at a time, even if several controllers are on device(s) to switch from local front panel control to
the Bus. remote program control when addressed to listen.

e. Local: This message clears the REMOTE message

A-14. HP-18 Messages from the listening device(s) and returns the device(s) to
local front panel control.
A-15. Different types of information can be passed
over the HP-IB to one or more devices. Some of this in- f. Local Lockout: This message prevents a device
foramtion is in the form of messages, most of which can operator from manually inhibiting remote program con-
be separated into two parts. One part can be classified trol.

as the address portion specified by the controller and the
information that comprises the messages. The second g. Clear Lockout and Set Local: With this message,
part can be classified as HP-IB management messages. all devices are removed from the local lockout mode and
These message are comprised of twelve messages and revert to local. The remote message is also cleared for all
are called Bus messages. devices.
3478A Appendix

h. Require Service: A device can send this message at the IEEE Standard 488-1978. The interface functional
any time to signify the device needs some type of in- subset which the 3478A implements is specified in Table
teraction with the controller. This message is cleared by A-1.
the device's STATUS BYTE message if the device no
longer requires service.
Table A-1. 3478A Device Capability
i. Status Byte: A byte that represents the current
status of a single device on the HP-IB. One bit indicates SH 1 Source Handshake complete capability
whether the device sent the require sevice message and AH 1 Acceptor Handshake complete capability
T5 Basic talker, with serial poll, talk only
the remaining seven bits indicate optional conditions
mode, and unaddress with MLA.
defined by the device. This byte is sent from the talking
device in response to a "Serial Poll" operation perform- TEO No extended talker
ed by the controller. L4 Basic listener, unaddress when MTA
LEO No extended listener
j. Status Bit: A byte that represents the operational SR1 Service request complete capability
conditions of a group of devices on the HP-IB. Each RL 1 Remote-Local complete capability
device responds on a particular bit of the byte thus iden- PPO No parallel poll capability
tifying a device dependent condition. This bit is typical- DC 1 Device Clear complete capability
DT1 Device Trigger complete capability
ly sent by deviCes in response to a parallel poll opera-
CO No controller capability

k. Pass Control: The bus management responsibility

is transferred from the active controller to another con- A·18. HP·IB Worksheet
troller by this message.
The HP-IB worksheet (Table A-2) can be used to deter-
I. Abort: The system controller sends this message to mine the HP-IB capabilities of the other HP-IB com-
unconditionally assume control of the HP-IB from the patible instruments in a system. The sheet may be filled
active controller. The message will terminate all bus in with the bus message applicability for your controller
and for each HP-IB device. The bus capability for the

communication but does not implement the CLEAR
message. 3478A has already been filled in. Refer to your con-
troller manual and the manual(s) of your other device(s)
A-16. 3478A Bus Capabilities for their Bus Message capabilities. Once the sheet is
filled out, you should then have the HP-IB capabilities
A-17. The 3478A interfaces to the HP-IB as defined by of your device(s) .

• A-3
Appendix 3478A

Table A·2 HP-18 Worksheet
Message Device















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Printed in U.S.A.

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