Q. 1 Discuss the nature and need of Pakistan Studies and further elaborate its relation (20)
with other subjects.
Q. 2 Highlight the objectives of teaching Pakistan studies at Elementary level. (20)
Q. 3 Critically analyse the curriculum of Pakistan Studies and forward suggestions for its (20)
Q. 4 What are the factors which affect content selection? What is the rationale for (20)
adopting the principles of selection of content for Pakistan Studies?
Q. 5 Compare Activity method and Project method. In your view which is the most (20)
appropriate for teaching Pakistan Studies
Assignment No. 2
(Units: 5-9)
Q. 1 Discuss the classification of assignment. How can a good assignment be written? (20)
Suggest ways of making assignment effective.
Q. 2 Explain the role of Pakistan Studies teacher in national integration. What measures (20)
should be taken for their continuous professional development?
Q. 3 Highlight the need and importance of instructional resources. Discuss the utilization (20)
of library resources in the teaching of Pakistan Studies.
Q. 4 Prepare a four stage lesson plan on "Tehreek e Khilafat". (20)
"" -4
Q. 5 What are the different types of tests used in the teaching of Pakistan Studies? How (20)
are they evaluated?