Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Secondary Teacher Education Department) Warning
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Secondary Teacher Education Department) Warning
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Secondary Teacher Education Department) Warning
1. Response to each question should not be less than 1200 words failing which marks will be
deducted accordingly.
2. Please write in your own words after reading the study guides and the related material. Also
avoid irrelevant information, reproduction from any text book render a critical analysis of the
questions asked for.
3. No marks will be given for reproduction from the text book or from elsewhere.
4. Write your assignment in legible handwriting.
5. Give source in case of quoting any material. Use only the latest resources avoid to use ancient
one. Frequent visits of www will be helpful.
6. Submit the assignment on or before the specified date.
7. Late assignment will not be accepted in any case.
Q.5 Elaborate the process of project planning. Also discuss is salient
features and flaws in project planning at school level in Pakistan.
9 - 5
Note: All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Differentiate between direct instructions, monitoring and modeling.
According to your opinion which techniques works better in secondary
school students.
Q.2 Discuss the role of libraries and instructional materials to improve the
teaching learning proces in classroom. Highlight the importance of
budgeting to manage learning resources in school set up.
lerning resources
Q.3 Critically examine the need and uses of different kind sof schools
records which are used at secondary level?
Q.4 Explain functions and responsibilities of school administration. (20)
Q.5 Discuss the scope of CIPP model in evaluation. critically examine
the pros and cons of using this model for evaluation of our
educational system.