2015 Bookmatter Rate-IndependentSystems
2015 Bookmatter Rate-IndependentSystems
2015 Bookmatter Rate-IndependentSystems
A.1 Ordering
inf.x1 ; x2 / and called the supremum and the infimum of fx1 ; x2 g, then the ordered
set .X; / is called a lattice. Then the supremum and the infimum exist for every
finite subset and are determined uniquely because the ordering is antisymmetric.
The so-called Kuratowski–Zorn lemma [343, 631] says that if every linearly
ordered subset of X has an upper bound in X, then X has at least one maximal
element.1 Having a directed set and another set X, we say that .x /2 is a net in
X if there is a mapping ! X W 7! x . Having another net . xQ Q / Q 2 Q in X, we
say that this net is finer than the net .x /2 if there is a mapping j W Q ! such
that for every Q 2 Q , we have xQ Q D xj. Q / , and moreover, for every 2 , there is
Q 2 Q large enough that j. Q 1 / whenever Q 1 Q .
The set of all natural numbers N ordered by the standard ordering is a directed
set. The nets having N (directed by this standard ordering) as the index set are
called sequences. Every subsequence of a given sequence can be simultaneously
understood as a finer net.2
A.2 Topology
This assertion is unfortunately highly nonconstructive unless X N, and is equivalent to the
axiom ofS choice: for every set X and every collection fAx gx2X , ; ¤ Ax X, there is a mapping
f W X ! x2X Ax such that f .x/ 2 Ax for every x 2 X.
Indeed, having a sequence .xk /k2N and its subsequence .xk /k2N with some N N, one can put
WD .N; /, Q WD .N; /, and j W Q ! the inclusion N N.
A Elements of topology and functional analysis 581
n ˇ o
cl.A/ WD x 2 X ˇ 8N 2 N .x/ W N \ A 6D ; (A.2.1b)
This is equivalent to saying that 8x 2 X, N 2 NTY .f .x// 9M 2 NTX .x/: f .M/ N. Also, it
is equivalent to 8A 2 TY : f 1 .A/ 2 TX . Still alternatively, it is equivalent to that if x is a cluster
point of a net .x /2 , then f .x/ is a cluster point of .f .x //2 .
Equivalently, f is lower semicontinuous if f .x/ supA2N .x/ inf f .A/ for every x 2 X.
B. Bolzano is usually credited with showing (rather intuitively) that a real continuous function of a
bounded closed interval Œa; b R is bounded. In fact, the compactness of Œa; b was not rigorously
known during Bolzano’s lifetime (1781–1848), since definitions of the real numbers with suitable
completeness properties were invented only later. His results were forgotten, cf. also [76], and later
rediscovered in a much more general and truly rigorous context by K. Weierstrass.
A Elements of topology and functional analysis 583
Theorem A.2.2 (Tikhonov [604]). 7 The product X is compact if and only if
all X are compact.
A compactification of .U; T/ is a pair . U; i/ with U compact and i W U ! U
a continuous mapping8 with i.U/ dense in U.
Ordering of compactifications of U is defined as follows: for two compact-
ifications .1 U; i1 / and .2 U; i2 / of U, we say that the former one is a finer
compactification than the latter one (or equivalently, the latter one is coarser than
the former one) and write .1 U; i1 / .2 U; i2 / (or briefly 1 U 2 U) if there is a
continuous mapping W 1 U ! 2 U fixing U in the sense that ı i1 D i2 .
A triple .K; Z; i/ is called a convex compactification of a topological space .U; T/
if Z is a Hausdorff locally convex space, K is a convex, compact subset of Z, i W
U ! K is continuous, and i.U/ is dense in K. If i is also injective, .K; Z; i/ is called
a Hausdorff convex compactification. We define the ordering of convex compacti-
fications as follows: for two convex compactifications .K1 ; Z1 ; i1 / and .K2 ; Z2 ; i2 /
of U, we say that .K1 ; Z1 ; i1 / is finer than .K2 ; Z2 ; i2 /, and write .K1 ; Z1 ; i1 /
.K2 ; Z2 ; i2 /, if there is an affine9 continuous mapping W K1 ! K2 fixing U.
If the Z’s are ignored, the ordering of convex compactifications agrees with the
usual ordering of compactifications. The concept of convex compactifications was
first introduced in [518]; for a comprehensive treatment of convex-compactification
theory, we refer to [520].
The German spelling “Tychonoff” is sometimes used even in the English literature according to
the original reference [604].
In general topology, a narrower concept of compactification, requiring i to be a homeomorphic
embedding, is generally adopted. For our purposes, it appears useful to accept a wider concept.
The adjective “affine” means . 21 z C 12 Qz / D 1
.z/ C 1
. Qz / for every z; Qz 2 K1 , while “fixing
U” means ı i1 D i2 .
A real linear space means that V is endowed with a binary operation .v1 ; v2 / 7! v1 C v2 W
V V ! V htat makes it a group, i.e., v1 C v2 D v2 C v1 , v1 C .v2 C v3 / D .v1 C v2 / C v3 ,
9 0 2 V : v C 0 D v, and 8v1 2 V 9v2 : v1 C v2 D 0, and furthermore, it is equipped with a
scalar multiplication .a; x/ 7! ax W RV ! V satisfying .a1 C a2 /v D a1 v C a2 v, a.v1 C v2 / D
av1 Cav2 , .a1 a2 /v D a1 .a2 v/, and 1v D v. The occasionally used notation x=a is self-explanatory
and naturally defined as x=a WD .1=a/x.
The above-mentioned properties of a norm mean respectively kvk 0, kavk D jaj kvk,
kuCvk kuk C kvk for every u; v 2 V and a 2 R, and kvk D 0 ) v D 0.
584 A Elements of topology and functional analysis
1 1
ujv WD ku C vk2 ku vk2 : (A.3.1)
V 4 4
This means that both u 7! .ujv/ and v 7! .ujv/ are linear functionals on V and .ujv/ D .vju/.
This means that uv D vu, a.uv/ D .au/v D u.av/, and kuvk kuk kvk for every u; v 2 V and
a 2 R.
This means that there exists 1 2 V such that 1v D v for every v 2 V .
A Elements of topology and functional analysis 585
Since R itself is a linear topological space,17 we can consider the linear space
Lin.V ; R/, being also denoted by V and called the dual space to V . The original
space V is then called predual to V . For an operator (now a functional) f 2 V ,
we write h f ; vi instead of f v. The bilinear form h ; iV V W V V ! R is called a
canonical duality pairing. Instead of h ; iV V , we often write briefly h; i. Always,
V is a Banach space if endowed with the norm (A.4.1), denoted often briefly by
k k instead of k kV , i.e., k f k D supkvk1 h f ; vi. Obviously,
˝ ˛ ˝ ˛ ˝ ˛
f ; u D kuk f ; u=kuk kuk sup f ; v D k f k kuk: (A.4.2)
An illustrative counterexample (cf. [141, Remarks 2.3–4]) is k k2L2 .˝/ W V WD H1 .˝/ !
R. If it were weakly lower semicontinuous, then it would have to be bounded from below on a
neighborhood N of 0, but each such N contains a line, and this functional is not bounded below on
any line. The sequential (lower semi)continuity is due to the compact embedding H1 .˝/ L2 .˝/
(Rellich’s theorem, Theorem B.4.2) and continuity of this functional in the L2 .˝/ topology.
See Fan and Glicksberg [182] for a thorough investigation and various modifications.
This means, written “sequentially,” that both limk!1 liml!1 h fk ; ul i D h f ; ui and
liml!1 limk!1 h fk ; ul i D h f ; ui if fk ! f weakly* and uk ! u weakly.
A Elements of topology and functional analysis 587
1 1 u C u
1 2
f .u1 / C f .u2 / f : (A.5.1)
2 2 2
Note that v 2 TK .u/ means precisely that u C ak vk 2 K for suitable sequences fak gk2N R and
fvk gk2N V such that limk!1 vk D v.
588 A Elements of topology and functional analysis
For two convex functionals F1 ; F2 W V ! R, @.F1 CF2 / @F1 C @F2 holds simply
by the definition (A.5.2), while the full sum rule
F WD .F / D F: (A.5.7)
This just means the following four properties: u 0 and a 0 imply au 0, u 0 and v 0
imply uCv 0, u v implies uCw vCw for every w, and u 0 and u ! x implies x 0.
A Elements of topology and functional analysis 589
Example A.5.1. Using the notation ı K for the so-called indicator function
defined as
0 if v 2 K;
ı K .v/ WD (A.5.8)
1 otherwise;
holding for every convex closed K. The last relation also implies @ı K D ŒNK 1 , so
that in particular,
Example A.5.2 (Inequality in the sum rule). The equality (A.5.3) indeed needs a
qualification of F1 and F2 . In general, even the very extreme situation
V D @.F1 CF2 / .v/ § @F1 .v/ C @F2 .v/ D ; C ;
Note that F1 C F2 D ı 0 , while the derivative of F1 tends to 1 for v ! 0C and the derivative
of F2 tends to 1 for v ! 0, so that indeed, both @F1 .0/ D ; and @F2 .0/ D ;. And obviously,
Dom F1 D Œ0; 1/ and Dom F2 D .1; 0, so that both Dom F1 \ int.Dom F2 / D ; and
int.Dom F1 / \ Dom F2 D ;, and the qualification for (A.5.3) we mentioned above indeed is
not satisfied.
This ordering can alternatively be defined by saying that v 0 if its spectrum .v/ WD f 2
Here we collect basic concepts and results from specific function spaces and
measure theory used in this book. There are many textbooks and monographs on
this subject, such as [4, 179, 339, 444].
We say that has finite variation if the total variation j j.S/ is finite. The measures
on .S; S/ that have finite total variation take values only from R and can naturally
be added and multiplied by real numbers, which makes the set of all such measures
a linear space. It can be normed by the variation j j.S/, which makes it a Banach
space. We denote it by M.S; S/ (or simply M.S/ if S is to be self-understood).
If S is also a topological space, a set function is called regular if
8A2˙ 8">0 9A1 ; A2 2˙ : cl.A1 /Aint.A2 / and j j.A2 nA1 /". The subspace of
regular measures from M.S/, called Radon measures, is denoted by M .S/; it is a
Banach space if normed by the variation j j.S/. An example of a -algebra is the
S We call S an algebra if ; 2 S, A 2 S ) S n A 2 S, and A1 ; A2 2 S ) A1 [ A2 2 S. If also
i2N Ai 2 S for every mutually disjoint Ai 2 S, it is called a -algebra.
This means . i2N Ai / D i2N .Ai / for every mutually disjoint Ai 2 S.
This is defined as the smallest -algebra containing all open subsets of S.
The integral via is defined as the limit of simple functions, similarly as in Section B.2.
This means that W 2S ! R1 is to satisfy .[1 jD1 Aj / jD1 .Aj / for every collection
.Aj /j2N , and A B ) .A/ .B/, and also .;/ D 0.
This means that every subset of a null set is measurable: S
N 2 ˙ and .N/ D 0 H)
S 2 ˙.
See, e.g., [30, Theorems 8.1.3 and 8.1.4].
Completeness in metric spaces means that every Cauchy sequence converges. In fact, here (and
at some other places too) a specific metric is not important, and it suffices only to assume the
existence of some metric that makes X a complete and separable space. Such spaces are called
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 593
(i) If F W S X is measurable and for each s 2 S, the sets F.s/ are nonempty and
closed, then there exists a measurable selection f W S ! X for F.
(ii) A set-valued map F W S X is measurable if and only if Gr F 2 S ˝ B.X/.
Proposition B.1.2 (Filippov selection, generalized9 ). Let .S; S; / and X be as
in Theorem B.1.1, let F W S X be a measurable set-valued mapping with closed
nonempty images, let G be the -algebra on Gr.F/ that is the restriction of S ˝
B.X/ to Gr.F/, i.e., G WD f C \ Gr.F/ j C 2 S ˝ B.X/ g, and let g W Gr.F/ ! R
be .G; B.R//-measurable and satisfy
9 x 2 F.s/ W g.s; x/ D 0;
8s 2 S W (B.1.1)
g.s; / W F.s/ ! R is continuous:
Then there exists a measurable selection f W S ! X of F such that g.s; f .s// D 0 for
all s 2 S.
Proof. We define the set-valued mapping H W S X via H.s/ D f x 2
F.s/ j g.s; x/ D 0 g. By assumption, each H.s/ is nonempty. Moreover, since g.s; /
is continuous, each H.s/ is closed. Thus, to apply Theorem B.1.1(ii), it suffices to
show that H W S ! X is measurable. For this, we use Theorem B.1.1(i).
Define the function ' W Gr.F/ ! RI .s; x/ !
7 .s; g.s; x//. Then for all S 2 S and
B 2 B.R/, we have
n ˇ o
' 1 .SB/ D .s; x/ 2 Gr.F/ ˇ g.s; x/ 2 B \ .SR/ 2 S ˝ B.X/;
since the first term lies in S ˝ B.X/ due to the measurability of g. Thus, ' W
Gr.F/ ! R is measurable, and we conclude that Gr.H/ D ' 1 .Sf0g/ 2
S ˝ B.X/, which is the desired measurability of H W S X. t
This is a variant of the slight extensions of Filippov’s theorem as given in [30, Theorems 8.2.9
and 8.2.10]. The difference is that our function g is defined only on Gr F and not on SX.
594 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
Measurable sets with respect to this outer measure are called Lebesgue measur-
able.10 Since L d ./ is an outer measure, the collection ˙ of Lebesgue measurable
subsets of ˝ forms a -algebra.11 The function L d W ˙ ! R1 is called the
Lebesgue measure. For a set ˝ 2 ˙ , we say that a property holds almost everywhere
on ˝ (abbreviated a.e. on ˝) on ˝ if this property holds everywhere on ˝ with
the possible exception of a set of Lebesgue-measure zero; referring to those x where
this property holds, we also say that it holds at almost all x 2 ˝ (abbreviated
a.a. x 2 ˝).
A function u W Rd ! Rm is called (Lebesgue) measurable if u1 .A/ WD fx 2
R I u.x/ 2 Ag is Lebesgue measurable for every A 2 Rm open.
with denoting the gamma function .z/ WD 0 tz1 et dt. Note that the infimum
in (B.2.2) depends monotonically on ı; hence the limit exists. It can be seen that
H d ./ is an outer measure. By general theory, its restriction to the corresponding
-algebra of measurable sets is a measure. It is called the d-dimensional Hausdorff
measure [261]. All Borel subsets of X are H d -measurable. If d is a positive integer
and X D Rd , then the coefficient
d=2 = .1Cd=2/ is the volume of the unit ball in
Rd , and H d is just the d-dimensional Lebesgue measure L d .
This just means that A Rd is Lebesgue measurable if L d .A/ D L d .A \ S/ C L d .A n S/ for
every subset S Rd . For example, all closed sets are Lebesgue measurable, hence every open set
too, as well as their countable unions or intersections, etc.
In fact, ˙ is the so-called Lebesgue extension of the Borel -algebra, created by adding all
subsets of sets having measure zero. It has, together with the function L d W ˙ ! R [ f1g,
(and is characterized by) the following four properties: (i) A open implies A 2 ˙ ; (ii) A D
Œa1 ; b1 S
Œad ; bd with
P ai bi implies L d .A/ D iD1 .bi ai /; (iii) L d is countably additive,
i.e., L d k2N Ak D k2N L .Ak / for every countable collection fAk gk2N of mutually disjoint
with j j denoting the Euclidean norm on Rm . The essential supremum ess sup
in (B.3.1) is defined as
Replacing “sup” with “inf” in (B.3.2) yields the essential infimum, denoted by
ess inf.
The set Lp .˝I Rm / endowed with pointwise addition and scalar multiplication,
is a linear space. Besides, k kLp .˝IRm / is a norm on Lp .˝I Rm /, which makes it a
Banach space, called a Lebesgue space.
N 1
R If a measure 2 M . ˝ / possesses a density d 2 L .˝/, which means .A/ D
A d .x/dx for every measurable A ˝, then has a certain special property,
namely it is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure13 and
also the converse assertion is true: every absolutely continuous measure possesses
a density belonging to L1 .˝/. This fact is known as the Radon–Nikodým theorem
[457, 496].
An important question is how to characterize concretely the dual spaces. The
“natural” duality
R pairing comes from the inner Pmproduct in L -spaces, which means
hu; vi WD ˝ u.x/ v.x/ dx, where u v WD iD1 ui vi is the inner product in R .
If 1 < p < 1, then L .˝I R / is reflexive. From the algebraic Young inequality
p m
1 p 1 0
ab a C 0 bp ; (B.3.3)
p p
Here, however, we adopt the usual convention not to distinguish between functions that are equal
a.e., so that strictly speaking, Lp .˝I Rm / contains equivalence classes of such functions.
This means that 8" > 0 9ı > 0 8A ˝ measurable: measd .A/ ı H) j .A/j ".
596 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
From (B.3.4), it can be shown that the dual space is isometrically isomorphic to
Lp .˝I Rm / if 1 p < 1. On the other hand, the dual space to L1 .˝I Rm / is
substantially larger than L1 .˝I Rm /.16
Applying the algebraic Young inequality (B.3.3) to the right-hand side of (B.3.6),
we obtain another important inequality, the integral Young inequality
Z ˇY ˇ X X
ˇ ˇ uk p 1
ˇ uk .x/ˇ dx L k .˝/
with D 1: (B.3.7)
˝ kD1 p
kD1 k
kD1 k
An important geometric property of the norm (B.3.1) is that for 1 < p < 1, the
space Lp .˝I Rm / is uniformly convex; cf. [130]. If 1 q p 1, the embeddings
C. ˝N I Rm / Lp .˝I Rm / Lq .˝I Rm / are continuous; recall that L d .˝/ < 1
is always assumed here. Moreover, for p < 1, these embeddings are dense, and
then, since C. ˝N I Rm / is separable, Lp .˝I Rm / is separable, too. On the other hand,
L1 .˝/ is not separable.
Further, we say that a sequence uk W ˝ ! Rm converges in measure to u if
n ˇˇ ˇ o
8" > 0 W lim L d x 2 ˝ ˇ ˇuk .x/u.x/ˇ " D 0: (B.3.8)
R p R p0 R 0
Just simply kuk1 1
Lp .˝/ kvkLp0 .˝/ ˝ ju vjdx 1p kukLp .˝/ ˝ jujp dx C p10 kvkLp0 .˝/ ˝ jujp dx D 1.
Originally, Hölder stated this in a less symmetric form for sums in place of integrals.
The elements of L1 .˝I Rm / are indeed very abstract objects and can be identified with finitely
additive measures vanishing on zero-measure sets; see Yosida and Hewitt [621].
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 597
Theorem B.3.4 (Vitali [613]18 ). Let fuk gk2N L1 .˝/ be a sequence converging
a.e. to some u. Then u 2 Lp .˝/ and uk ! u in Lp .˝/ if and only if fjuk jp gk2N is
uniformly integrable.
Theorem B.3.5 (Fatou, generalized19 ). The conclusion of Theorem B.3.3 holds if
uk 0 is replaced by uk vk with fvk gk2N uniformly integrable.
From Theorem A.4.4, it immediately follows that bounded sets in Lp .˝I Rm /
are weakly or weakly* relatively sequentially compact, provided 1 < p < 1 or
p D 1, respectively.
Also, the following assertions are useful:
Lemma B.3.6 (Monotone convergence, Beppo–Levi). Let X be a measure space,
and let 0 f1 f2 be a monotonically increasing sequence of nonnegative
Obviously, existence of a common integrable minorant can simplify (but weaken) this assertion.
More precisely, in [613], the integration of summable series is investigated rather than mere
See Ash [27, Thm.7.5.2].
598 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
It should be emphasized that the composition of two measurable mappings need not
be measurable, and thus the continuity of a.x; / is an important assumption.
Theorem B.3.9 (Nemytskiı̆ mappings on Lebesgue spaces). Let a W ˝Rm1
Rmj ! Rm0 be a Carathéodory mapping and let the functions ui W ˝ !
Rmi , i D 1; : : : ; j, be measurable. Then Na .u1 ; : : : ; uj / is measurable. Moreover, if a
also satisfies the growth condition
ˇ ˇ X
ˇ ˇpi =p0
ˇa.x; r1 ; : : : ; rj /ˇ .x/ C C ˇr i ˇ for some 2 Lp0 .˝/; (B.3.12)
More specifically, this means that for an interval Œa; b, let f W Œa; b ! C be a measurable
function. Then given " > 0, there exists a compact E Œa; b such that f restricted to E is
continuous and .Œa; b n E/ < ". Note that E inherits the subspace topology from Œa; b; continuity
of f restricted to E is defined using this topology.
More precisely, this means that for each A open in Rm , f x 2 ˝ j epif .x; /\A ¤ ; g is Lebesgue
We now consider ˝ Rd open with L d .˝/ < 1; such a set is called a domain.
For a function u 2 Lp .˝/, we define its distributional derivative @k u=@x1k1 : : : @xdkd
with k1 C Ckd D k and ki 0 for every i D 1; : : : ; n as a distribution such that
@k u @k g
8g 2 D.˝/ W kd
; g D .1/ k
u dx; (B.4.1)
@x1k1 : : : @xd ˝ @x1k1 : : : @xdkd
8q p
< p up
p .˝/ C ru Lp .˝IRd / if p < 1
u WD L (B.4.2b)
W1;p .˝/ :
max kukL1 .˝/ ; krukL1 .˝IRd / if p D 1:
where r k u denotes the set of all kth-order partial derivatives of u understood in the
distributional sense. The standard norm on Wk;p .˝/ is kukWk;p .˝/ D .kukLp .˝/ C
/1=p , which makes it a Banach space. Likewise for Lebesgue spaces,
kr k uk p dk
L .˝IR /
for 1 p < 1, the Sobolev spaces Wk;p .˝I Rm / are separable, and if 1 < p < 1,
they are uniformly convex, whence by the Milman–Pettis theorem also reflexive.
The spaces of Rm -valued functions Wk;p .˝I Rm / are defined analogously.22 For
p D 2, the Sobolev spaces are Hilbert spaces, and for brevity, we write
This means that Wk;p .˝I Rm / WD f .u1 ; : : : ; um / j ui 2 Wk;p .˝/; i D 1; : : : ; m g.
600 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
holds for p from (B.4.6). Moreover, for p > d, we have also W1;p .˝/ b C. ˝N /.
Reiterating Theorems B.4.1 and B.4.2, one gets the following corollary26
Written formally, we require the existence of transformation unitary matrices Ai and open sets
Gi 2 Rd1 and gi 2 C0;1 .Rd1 / such that each i can be expressed as i D fAi j 2 Rd ;
.1 ; : : : ; d1 / 2 Gi ; d D gi .1 ; : : : ; d1 /g and fAi j 2 Rd ; .1 ; : : : ; d1 / 2 Gi ;
gi .1 ; : : : ; d1 / " < d < gi .1 ; : : : ; d1 /g ˝ and simultaneously fAi j 2 Rd ;
N for some " > 0.
.1 ; : : : ; d1 / 2 Gi ; gi .1 ; : : : ; d1 / < d < gi .1 ; : : : ; d1 / C "g Rd n ˝
24 N
It is to be understood that each u 2 W1;p .˝/ admits a continuous extension on the closure ˝
or ˝.
The pioneering work of Rellich dealt with p D 2 only.
E.g., W2;p .˝/ W1;dp=.dp/ .˝/ by applying Theorem B.4.1 to first derivatives, and applying
Theorem B.4.1 once again for dp=.d p/ instead of p, one arrives at W1;dp=.dp/ .˝/
Ldp=.d2p/ .˝/, provided 2p < d. Repeating once again yields W3;p .˝/ b Ldp=.d3p/ .˝/, provided
3p < d, etc.
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 601
We call the operator T from Theorem B.4.4 the trace operator, and write simply
uj instead of Tu even if u 2 W1;p .˝/ n C. ˝N /. Then we define W0 .˝/ WD
1;p k;p
f v 2 W .˝/ j vj D 0 g. For k > 1, we define similarly W0 .˝/ WD f v 2
ki;p i
Wk;p .˝/ j r i v 2 W0 .˝I Rd /; i D 0; : : : ; k1 g.
Assuming ˝ a Lipschitz domain, we denote by
.x/ 2 Rd the unit outward
normal to the boundary at a point x 2 ; this is well defined H d1 -almost
everywhere on .28 The multidimensional integration by parts
@z @v
v C z dx D vz
i dS with dS WD H d1 j (B.4.10)
˝ @xi @xi
holds for every v 2 W 1;p .˝/ and z 2 W 1;p .˝/ and for all i D 1; ::; d. Considering
z D .z1 ; : : : ; zd /, writing P
(B.4.10) for zi instead of z, and finally summing over
i D 1; : : : ; d with div z WD diD1 @x@ i zi the divergence of the vector field z, we arrive
at a formula that we will often use:
In fact, u 7! uj W W1;p .˝/ ! W11=p;p . /, where the Sobolev–Slobodeckiı̆ space
W11=p;p . / defined now on a .d1/-dimensional manifold instead of a d-dimensional
domain ˝. Then, similarly as in Theorem B.4.1, we have the embedding W11=p;p . / Lp . /,
11=p;p p]
respectively W . / b L . /.
This normal can be defined by means of gradients of Lipschitz functions describing locally as
their graphs. By Rademacher’s theorem, these derivatives exist H d1 -almost everywhere on .
602 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
Theorem B.4.5 (Green formula [233]29 ). The following formula holds for every
v 2 W 1;p .˝/ and z 2 W 1;p .˝I Rd /:
v .div z/ C zrv dx D v .z
/ dS: (B.4.11)
here is the unit outward normal to the .d2/-dimensional boundary @ of
the .d1/-dimensional surface . Cf. also [484, 600]. The operator divS rS is called
the Laplace–Beltrami operator.
A generalization of Sobolev spaces for k 0 noninteger is often useful for var-
ious finer investigations: We define the Sobolev–Slobodeckiı̆ space as Wk;p .˝/ WD
f u2WŒk;p .˝/ j kukWk;p .˝/ < 1 g with
ˇ Z
Œk;p ˇ jr Œk u.x/ r Œk u./jp
W .˝/ WD
u2W .˝/ ˇ dxd < 1 ;
˝˝ jx jnCp.kŒk/
where Œk denotes the integer part of k. They are Banach spaces. In fact, Corol-
lary B.4.3 holds also for k 0 noninteger.
Putting z D ru into (B.4.11), we get ˝ vu C rv ru dx D v d
dS derived in [233]. In
fact, (B.4.11) holds, by continuous extension, under weaker assumptions; cf. [446].
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 603
VarV .z; I/ WD sup z.ti /z.ti1 / : (B.5.1)
.t1 ;:::;tn /2F.I/ iD1
Realizing that F.I/ is a directed set if ordered by inclusion, the “sup” in (B.5.1) can
be replaced by “lim.” A subspace of mappings z 2 B.II V / with bounded variation
VarV .z; I/ < 1 is a Banach space if normed by k kB.IIV / C VarV .; I/, denoted
by BV.II V /.32 It should be pointed out that for I a closed interval, BV.˝/ for
˝ D int I as defined in (4.2.98) on p. 306, ignores values on zero-measure sets and
is thus obviously different from BV.I/ as defined here.
We say that z W Œ0;PKT ! V is absolutely continuous if for each " > 0, there
is ı > 0 such that kD1 kz.tk / z.sk /kV " whenever tk1 sk tk T for
k D 1; : : : ; K 2 N, t0 D 0, and KkD1 tk sk ı. The space of absolutely continuous
mappings z W Œ0; T ! V is denoted by AC.Œ0; TI V /. Always AC.Œ0; TI V /
BV.Œ0; TI V /.
A point t 2 .0; T/ is called a Lebesgue point of z W Œ0; T ! V if
R h=2
limh!0C 1h h=2 kz.tC#/ z.t/kd# D 0. Analogously, a right Lebesgue point
t 2 Œ0; T/ means limh!0C 1h 0 kz.tC#/ z.t/kd# D 0.
Note that metrizability allows us to work with sequences and that every Cauchy sequence .zk /k2N
in B.Œ0; TI V / induces sequences .zk .t//k2N that are Cauchy in V , and their limit z.t/ also forms
the limit u in B.Œ0; TI V /, which is attainable by a sequence of simple functions, because each zk
is simple; here a diagonalization procedure applies.
In particular, for I D Œr; s, then Part.Œr; s/ F.Œr; s/.
If I is a closed interval, in view of (B.5.6) below, we can also write kzkBV.IIV / D supt2I kz.t/kV C
k kV dz.t/.
If V D R1 , this definition naturally coincides with absolute continuity with respect to the
Theorem B.5.2. If z 2 L1 .0; TI X/, then a.e. t 2 .0; T/ is a Lebesgue point for z.
An analogous assertion holds for right Lebesgue points.
Every u 2 Cw .Œ0; TI V / WD fŒ0; T ! V weakly continuousg is an
example of a Bochner integrable function. For such u, the Lebesgue integral
0 u.t/ dt can alternatively be defined like a Riemann integral, i.e., 0 u.t/ dt D
lim¿.˘ /!0 Riem.u; ˘ / over all partitions ˘ of Œ0; T the form 0 D t0 < t1 < : : : <
tN1 < tN D T, N 2 N, with ¿.˘ / WD maxjD1;:::;N .tj tj1 /, and where
Riem.u; ˘ / WD u.tj /.tj tj1 / (B.5.2)
is a Riemann sum for the integral 0 u.t/ dt with respect to the partition ˘ of Œ0; T.
This cannot hold for a general u 2 L1 .0; TI V /, which is defined only a.e. on .0; T/.
Anyhow, the following result still holds:
Theorem B.5.3 (Approximation by Riemann sums). 35 For every u 2 L1 .0; TI V /
with V a Banach space, there exists a sequence of partitions ˘ m with ¿.˘ m / ! 0
such that Riem.u; ˘ m / ! 0 u.t/ dt in V for m ! 1.
A generalization of the construction lim¿.˘ /!0 Riem.u; ˘ / yields the Riemann–
Stieltjes integral of a scalar-valued function u with respect to a measure v induced
In fact, [476] works with a general Banach space, showing the equivalence of the Bochner
measurable mappings with a.e. separably valued weakly measurable mappings.
See [149, Sect.4.4]. In the scalar-valued variant, this sort of result dates back to Hahn [252],
recently also to be found, e.g., in [372, Sect.A.3]. Moreover, the assertion holds in fact for a.a.
sequences of partitions ˘ m with ¿.˘ m / ! 0. Note that we rely on the fact that u is defined
everywhere on Œ0; T, and in particular, that u.T/ is defined, although its particular value is not
important, because the term u.tN /.tN tN1 / can always be made arbitrarily small by sending
tN1 ! tN D T.
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 605
by a nondecreasing function v, defined by 0 u dv.t/ WD 0 u dv.t/ D u dv.t/
if there is equality of the upper and lower Riemann–Stieltjes integrals. These two
integrals are defined respectively by the infimum and supremum of the upper and
lower Darboux sums as
u dv.t/ WD inf Darb.u; ˘; v/; Darb.u; ˘; v/ WD sup u.t/ v.tj /v.tj1 / ;
0 ˘
jD1 t2Œtj1 ;tj
u dv.t/ WD sup Darb.u; ˘; v/; Darb.u; ˘; v/ WD inf u.t/ v.tj /v.tj1 / :
˘ t2Œtj1 ;tj
0 jD1
for ˘ again ranging all partitions of Œ0; T of the form 0 D t0 < t1 < : : : <
tN1 < tN D T, N 2 N; cf. [554, Chap. 6] for details. Notably, (B.5.4) bears
a straightforward generalization for v valued in a Banach-space V and f .t; / a
(possibly even nonlinear) 1-homogeneous convex functional on V :
N v.t /v.t /
j j1
f .t; / dv.t/WD lim sup .tj tj1 / inf f t;
0 ˘ 2F.Œ0;T/ jD1 t2Œtj1 ;tj tj tj1
by 1-homo-
D lim sup Darb.f ; ˘; v/
˘ 2F.Œ0;T/
with Darb.f ; ˘; v/ WD inf f t; v.tj /v.tj1 / :
t2Œtj1 ;tj
In the special case V D Rd equipped with the Euclidean norm, the construc-
tion (B.5.6) based on the lower Riemann–Stieltjes integral is known as the length of
the curve z W Œ0; T ! Rd , cf. [554, Chap. 6], and (B.5.5) can thus be understood as
a generalization of this construction. An important attribute is the additivity of (this
generalization of) the lower Riemann–Stieltjes integral, i.e.,36
Z t2 Z t3 Z t2
8 0 t1 t3 t2 T W f .t; / dv.t/ D f .t; / dv.t/ C f .t; / dv.t/:
t1 t1 t3
The inequality in (B.5.7) is a simple consequence of the definition (B.5.5). The opposite
R t relies on the fact that a refinement of a partition of Œt1 ; t2 by including ft3 g still approxi-
mates 2 f .t; / dv.t/ from below, and then on the inequality sup˘ 2Part.Œt1 ;t2 /; ˘ 3t3 Darb.f ; ˘; v/
sup˘ 2Part.Œt1 ;t3 / Darb.f ; ˘; v/ C sup˘ 2Part.Œt3 ;t2 / Darb.f ; ˘; v/; cf. also (B.5.6).
Thanks to the joint lower semicontinuity of f , we have lim infk!1 f .t; / dvk .t/
lim infk!1 Darb.f ; ˘; vk / Darb.f ; ˘; v/ for every ˘ fixed, and taking the supremum over
˘ ’s yields (B.5.8); cf. also the arguments (5.1.106)–(5.1.107) for more details.
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 607
RT p
satisfying 0 kz.t/kV dt < 1. This space is a Banach space if endowed with the
8Z 1=p
< T z.t/p dt if 1 p < 1;
z p WD 0
:̂ess sup z.t/V
L .0;TIV /
if p D 1:
pi =p0
a.x; r1 : : : ; rk / .x/ C C r i for some 2 Lp0 .0; T/;
V0 Vi
Generalizing the finite-dimensional case, this means that for a.a. t 2 Œ0; T, a.t; / W
V 1 V k ! V 0 is to be (norm, norm)-continuous and a. ; r1 ; : : : ; rk / W Œ0; T ! V 0 is to
be measurable.
608 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
where again D.0; T/ stands for smooth compactly supported functions on .0; T/.
Then we define the Sobolev–Bochner space W1;p .0; TI V / by
W1;p .0; TI V / WD z 2 L1 .0; TI V / ˇ z 2 Lp .0; TI V / : (B.5.14)
It is a Banach space if normed by kzkW1;p .0;TIV / WD kzkL1 .0;TIV / C kzkLp .0;TIV / .
The abstract setting for evolution problems often relies on the construction of a
so-called evolution (also called Gelfand’s) triple. Assuming that V is embedded
continuously and densely into a Hilbert space H identified with its own dual
H , we have also H V continuously. Indeed, denoting by i W V ! H the
mentioned embedding, we have that the adjoint mapping i (which is continuous)
maps H into V and is injective, because i is just the restriction of linear
continuous functionals H ! R on the subset V , and different continuous functional
must remain different when restricted to such a dense subset. The mentioned
identification of H with its own dual H yields altogether
H V I (B.5.15)
the triple .V ; H ; V / is called a Gelfand triple. The duality pairing between V and
V is then a continuous extension of the inner product on H , denoted by .j/H , i.e.,
for u 2 H and v 2 V, we have39
˝ ˛ ˝ ˛ ˝ ˛ ˝ ˛
ujv H D u; v H H D u; iv H H D i u; v V V D u; v V V : (B.5.16)
The equalities in (B.5.16) follow successively from the identification of H with H , the
embedding V H , the definition of the adjoint operator i , and the identification of i u with u.
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 609
and shows that the function t 7! 2
ku.t/k2H is absolutely continuous and its
derivative exists a.e. on .0; T/ and
1 d D E
u.t/2 D du ; u.t/ for a.a. t 2 .0; T/: (B.5.19)
2 dt H dt
Another important ingredient often used in evolution problems deals with
Lemma B.5.8 (Aubin and Lions [29, 361]). Let V 1 , V 2 , V 3 be Banach spaces,
V 1 separable and reflexive, V 1 b V 2 (a compact embedding), V 2 V 3 (a
continuous embedding), 1 < p < 1, 1 q 1. Then Lp .0; TI V 1 / \
W1;q .0; TI V 3 / b Lp .0; TI V 2 /, a sequentially compact embedding.40
In the context of rate-independent processes, it is important to have a generaliza-
tion that allows for the time-derivative to be controlled only as a measure:
Lemma B.5.9 (Generalization for u a measure [532]). 41 Assuming V 1 b V 2
V 3 (the compact and the continuous embeddings between Banach spaces, respec-
tively), V 1 reflexive, the Banach space V 3 having a predual space V 03 , i.e., V 3 D
.V 03 / , and 1 < p < 1, then
in the sense that bounded sets in Lp .0; TI V 1 / \ BV.Œ0; TI V 3 / are sequentially
relatively compact in Lp .0; TI V 2 /.
In particular, Lemma B.5.9 combined with Proposition B.3.1(ii)–(iii) yields that
every sequence bounded in Lp .0; TI V 1 / \ BV.Œ0; TI V 3 / possesses a subsequence
converging a.e. in .0; T/ strongly in V 2 .42 There is another selection principle
This means that every bounded sequence is mapped to a relatively compact one. In fact,
these original references deal with a slightly different compactness concept and slightly stronger
assumptions, e.g., reflexivity of V 3 or 1 < q < 1.
For L1
w .0; TI V 1 / \ BV.Œ0; TI V 3 / b L .0; TI V 2 /, see also [447].
Indeed, by Lemma B.5.9, the sequence in question, say .zk /k2N , is relatively compact in
Lp .0; TI V 2 /, and thus, up to a subsequence, zk ! z in Lp .0; TI V 2 /, i.e., kzk . / z. /kV 2 ! 0
in L1 .I/, and then, by Proposition B.3.1(ii)–(iii), by selecting further a subsequence, we have
kzk .t/ z.t/kV 2 ! 0 for a.a. t 2 .0; T/.
610 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
See [55, 432] for separable reflexive V , or [143, Lemma 7.2] for the general case.
By Cw .Œ0; TI V 0 / L1 .0; TI V 0 /, there is a subsequence converging weakly* in
L1 .0; TI V 0 /, and in particular, the limit is Bochner measurable. By Theorem B.5.10, selecting
a further subsequence, we get the pointwise convergence weakly in V . At each particular time
instance, its subsequences must converge in V 0 , but their limits must be again the same as the limit
in V .
This proof paraphrases the arguments of the proof of [532, Lemma 7.10], claiming the compact
embedding Cweak .Œ0; TI V 1 / \ W1;q .0; TI V 3 / b C.Œ0; TI V 2 /, which, however, cannot be used
N 62 Cweak .Œ0; TI V 1 /.
directly, because u
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 611
V 1 b V 2 , also uN .t/ ! u.t/ strongly in V 2 for every t 2 Œ0; T. The sequence
f uN W Œ0; T ! V 3 g >0 is “equicontinuous” (although particular mappings uN are
not continuous) because
Z t2 Z t2
uN .t1 / uN .t2 /
u dt
1 u dt
V3 V3
t1 V3 t1
. .
k1kLq0 .Œt1 ;t2 / u Lq .0;TIV 3 / D jt1 t2 j11=q u Lq .0;TIV 3 /
for every 0 t1 < t2 T. Assume that the selected sequence f uN g >0 does
not converge to u in L1 .0; TI V 2 /. Thus k uN ukL1 .0;TIV 2 / > 0 for some
and for all > 0 (from the already selected subsequence), and we would get
k uN .t /u.t /kV 2 for some t . By compactness of Œ0; T, we can further select
a subsequence and some t 2 Œ0; T so that t ! t. Then we have u.t / ! u.t/ in V 2 .
By the above proved equicontinuity, we have also uN .t / ! u.t/ weakly in V 3 . By
the boundedness of f uN .t /g >0 in V 1 b V 2 , we have also uN .t / ! u.t/ in V 2 .
Then k uN .t /u.t /kV 2 ! ku.t/u.t/kV 2 D 0, a contradiction. Thus (B.5.21) is
proved. t
There are further generalizations of Theorem B.5.10 that do not need any linear
structure of V and rely fully on a metric. In [373, Thm. 3.2], a version was provided
for general quasimetrics as introduced in Chapter 2.46
We provide a very general version requiring that the underlying space Z be only
a Hausdorff topological space and, instead of a single quasimetric, using a sequence
.Dk /k2N of quasidistances and a limit D1 , all defined on Z, and then showing that
Theorem 2.1.24 can be deduced from that. In this appendix, we explicitly state at
each instance that all topological notions such as semicontinuity and compactness
are meant in the “sequential sense.” Specifically, we assume
8 k 2 N1 8 z1 ; z2 ; z3 2 Z W
Dk .z1 ; z2 / D 0 ” z1 D z2 ; (B.5.22a)
Dk .z1 ; z3 / Dk .z1 ; z2 / C Dk .z2 ; z3 /I (B.5.22b)
zk ! z and Qz k ! Qz I H) D1 .z; Qz / lim inf Dk .zk ; Qz k /: (B.5.22c)
D1 W ZZ ! Œ0; 1 is sequentially lower semicontinuous: (B.5.22d)
Theorem B.5.13 (General Helly selection principle). Assume that the sequence
.Dk /k2N1 satisfies the conditions (B.5.22). Moreover, let K be a sequentially
compact subset of Z, and zk W Œ0; T ! Z; k 2 N, a sequence satisfying
Various generalizations of this kind have been made in [64, 121] and, assuming, in addition,
continuity over Œ0; T, also in [119, 120, 122].
612 B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces
Then there exist a subsequence .zkl /l2N , a limit function z W Œ0; T ! Z, and a
nondecreasing function ı W Œ0; T ! Œ0; 1Œ with the following properties:
8 t 2 Œ0; T W ı.t/ D liml!1 DissDkl zkl I Œ0; t ; (B.5.24a)
8 t 2 Œ0; T W zkl .t/ ! z.t/ and z.t/ 2 K; (B.5.24b)
8 s; t 2 Œ0; T with s < t W DissD1 zI Œs; t ı.t/ ı.s/: (B.5.24c)
Proof. Let us abbreviate Dissk .z; Œs; t/ WD DissDk .z; Œs; t/. Of course, we have
Dk .z.s/; z.t// Dissk .zI Œs; t/.
We define the functions dk W Œ0; T ! Œ0; 1 with dk .t/ D Dissk .zk I Œ0; t/,
which are nondecreasing by definition and uniformly bounded by (B.5.23b). Hence,
the classical Helly’s selection principle [264] for real-valued functions provides a
subsequence such that d Qk n .t/ ! ı.t/ for all t 2 Œ0; T. Hence, ı W Œ0; T ! Œ0; 1 is
also nondecreasing and bounded. This proves (B.5.24a).
Denote by IJ Œ0; T the set of discontinuity points of ı. Then IJ is countable.
Hence, we may choose a countable, dense subset I0 of Œ0; T with IJ I0 . For
each t 2 I0 , every subsequence of .z Qk n .t//n2N lies in the sequentially compact set
K Z and thus contains a convergent subsequence. Using Cantor’s diagonalization
procedure, we find a subsequence .zkl /l2N of .z Qk n /n2N such that (B.5.24a) remains
true, and additionally, we have
8 t 2 I0 W zkl .t/ ! z.t/ for l ! 1:
each z.tn / lies in the sequentially compact set K. Next we consider tn < t . Then,
using (B.5.22c), we have
Similarly, for t < tn , we obtain D1 .z ; z.tn // ı.tn / ı.t /. Using the continuity
of ı in t , we conclude that
˚ ˇ ˇ
min D1 .z.tn /; z /; D1 .z ; z.tn // ˇı.t /ı.tn /ˇ ! 0 for n ! 1:
B Elements of Measure Theory and Function Spaces 613
D1 .z.tj1 /; z.tj // lim inf Dkl .zkl .tj1 /; zkl .tj //
jD1 jD1
lim inf Dkl .zkl .tj1 /; zkl .tj //
Here we present briefly an analytical tool that yields, roughly speaking, (local)
compactifications of function spaces that are also convex in a natural way, imitating
thereby the most important topological/geometric properties of Euclidean spaces,
and that allow for continuous extensions of Nemytskiı̆ mappings.
The weak* closure of i.U/ in L1 .˝I C.S// is denoted by Y.˝I S/, i.e.,1
n ˇ o
Y.˝I S/ WD 2 L1 .˝I C.S// ˇ 9.uk /k2N U W D w*-lim i.uk / : (C.1.2)
Note that in (C.1.2), we confined ourselves to considering limits of sequences, relying on the fact
that L1 .˝I C.S// is separable because S is metrizable and compact.
7! W L1 1
w .˝I M .S// ! L .˝I C.S//
where ıs 2 M0C .S/ for s 2 S denotes the Dirac distribution supported at s. Let us
denote the set of all Young measures by Y .˝I S/, defined by
n ˇ o
ˇ C
Y .˝I S/ WD
D f
x gx2˝ 2 L1
w .˝I M .S// ˇ
x 2 M0 .S/ for a.a. x 2 ˝ :
The mapping W L1 1
w .˝I M .S// ! L .˝I C.S// from (C.1.3) maps the set of all
Young measures Y .˝I S/ onto Y.˝I S/ and ı i D ı.
Theorem C.1.1. 2 The set of Young measures Y .˝I S/ is convex and weakly*
compact in L1 w .˝I M .S//, and ı.U/ is weakly* dense in Y .˝I S/, and therefore,
the convex compactifications .Y .˝I S/; ı/ and .Y.˝I S/; i/ of U are equivalent via
the affine homeomorphism from (C.1.3).
We see that alternatively, each parameterized measure
D f
x gx2˝ can be
considered a linear continuous
R functional on a suitable space of integrands, given
by the formula h 7! ˝ Œh
.x/ dx, i.e.,
See, e.g., [520].
C Young Measures and Beyond 617
W h 7! h.x; s/
x .ds/ dx : (C.1.8)
˝ S
This is basically the original understanding in the work of L.C. Young.3 Parameter-
ized probability measures contain enough information to describe the L1 .˝I Rm /-
weak* limits of .h ı uk /k2N for h W ˝S ! Rm ; namely, we have h ı uk ! h
Nh .uk / ! h
weakly in L1 .˝/ (C.1.10)
whenever .Nh .uk //k2N is relatively weakly compact in L1 .˝/; recall that h
defined in (C.1.5) with S WD Rm .
The Lebesgue spaces are definitely the most prominent function spaces occurring in
applications. Following [520, 521], we briefly present a fairly universal construction
of their locally compact envelopes that are also metrizable and convex in a natural
linear space, imitating thus most of the important properties of Euclidean spaces
(with the exception that these envelopes are not linear spaces but only convex
subsets of those).
More precisely, this is essentially the concept from [623], while in the original work [622], Young
used functions x 7! C.S/ , which is already close to the concept of parameterized measures when
one identifies C.S/ with M .S/ by Riesz’s theorem. Measure theory itself was not yet launched,
618 C Young Measures and Beyond
More specifically, iH is (norm,weak*)-homeomorphic.
C Young Measures and Beyond 619
every g 2 Lp0 .˝I Rm0 / (respectively g 2 C. ˝N I Rm0 /), then the Nemytskiı̆ mapping
Na W Lp1 .˝I Rm1 / ! Lp0 .˝I Rm0 / admits an affine continuous extension N N a from
YH1 .˝I Rm / to Lp0 .˝I Rm0 / (respectively to M . ˝N I Rm0 /) defined by
N a g dx WD h; a gi respectively
ŒN N a .dx/ WD h; a gi :
gŒ N
˝ N̋
where HN jRis the closure of Hj in Carp .˝I Rm / with respect to the seminorm jhj% WD
supu2B% j ˝ h.x; u.x// dxj.
h.x; s/
h; hi D .dx ds/; (C.2.6)
N̋ S 1 C jsjp
If S is bounded, then one can take S a closure of S in Rm . If S D Rm , one can consider S
the one-point compactification of the locally compact space Rm . For m D 1, the usual two-point
compactification S D R [ f˙1g of R is finer and still metrizable. We note that the celebrated
Stone–Čech compactification ˇRm is not metrizable, however.
620 C Young Measures and Beyond
The set YH; .˝I Rm /Œ0;T is always convex and compact in .H /Œ0;T . The set B is
i W u 7! iH .u.t// t2Œ0;T W B.Œ0; TI Lp .˝I Rm // ! YH; .˝I Rm /Œ0;T H
with iH from (C.2.3). It can be shown that the closure of i.B / in .H /Œ0;T
is just YH; .˝I Rm /Œ0;T .6 Thus the triple .YH; .˝I Rm /Œ0;T ; i; .H /Œ0;T / forms a
p p
Every 2 YH; .˝I Rm /Œ0;T can be attained by a net .u˘;F;k /.˘;F/Œ0;TH finite;k2N with u˘;F;k 2 B
6 p
chosen such that h.t/; hi ˝ h.x; u˘;F;k .t; x// dx 1=k for every h 2 F and t 2 ˘ . Note that
even nonmeasurable mappings IN ! YH; .˝I Rm / can be attained in this way.
C Young Measures and Beyond 621
Since the last integral must vanish and 0 0 and h.x; /=.1 C j jp / 0 vanishes
only at u.x/, we can see that 0 .x; / is supported at u.x/ for a.a. x 2 ˝. Then, since
v 0 is assumed and since always 1 0, we have
lim v.uk / dx D .dx ds/
k!1 ˝ N̋ Rm 1 C jsjp
v.s/ v.s/
D 0 .dx ds/ C 1 .dx ds/
˝Rm 1 C jsj N̋ .Rm nRm / 1 C jsjp
D v.u.x// dx C 1 .dx ds/ v.u.x// dx:
˝ N̋ .Rm nRm / 1Cjsjp ˝
By a contradiction argument, one can show that in fact, (C.3.3) holds not only for
the subsequence selected above but for the whole sequence .uk /k2N . u
The next assertion is about suppressing oscillations of minimizing sequences of
strictly convex functionals, which was first realized by A. Visintin [607], cf. also
[609, Sect. X], although the proof used a different technique for a more general
situation.8 Here, using Young measure, one can prove the following result.
Proposition C.3.3 (Strong convergence of minimizing sequences). Let
.uk /k2N be a sequence in Lp .˝I Rm / such that uk * u in L1 .˝I Rm / and
Without going into details, we can assume that V contains v and is such that f v. /=.1 C j
jp / j v 2 V g is a complete separable ring of bounded continuous functions containing 1. Then Rm
corresponding to this ring is metrizable, and v. /=.1 C j jp / can be continuously extended on Rm .
Analogous arguments can be used also for the functional u 7! ˝ h.x; ru.x// dx on W1;p .˝/,
p > 1, where in addition, the constraint id D ru is to be considered; cf. [520, Chap. 5]. In
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maximally dissipative local solution, 138, 234 mutual uniform ˛-convexity, 146
alternative definition, 139, 376 mutual-convexity condition, 23, 31
example, 141
to damage, 349
maximum-dissipation principle, 17, 137, 374 N
approximate, 158, 379, 383, 410 neighborhood, 580
counterexample, 376 Nemytskiı̆ mapping, 598
Maxwell system extension, 618
rest (magnetostatics), 439 on Bochner spaces, 607
measurable function, 594 net, 580
measurable mapping, 592 Neumann boundary conditions, 241
measurable set, 592 non-self-penetration condition, 242
measurable set-valued map, 592 nonassociative, 211
measure, 591 nonconvex elastic energy, 504
absolutely continuous, 595 nondissipative component, 13
Borel, 592 nonsimple material, 267, 332, 427
complete, 592 norm, 583
Dirac, 592 normal cone, 587
Hausdorff, 594 normal integrand, 598
Lebesgue, 594 normal jump ŒŒ n , 394
outer, 592 normal-compliance contact, 429, 437, 518
regular, 591 normed linear space, 584
Young, 113, 278, 616 numerical strategies
metric, 581 alternating-minimization, 209
metrizable, 581 backtracking, 206
minimal, 579 for delamination at large strain, 297
minimization dissipation potential, 16, 139 for plasticity at large strain, 261
minimization-energy principle, 238 fractional-steps, 207, 465, 501, 548
minor, 245 incremental minimization, 26, 51, 191
minor hysteretic loop, 448 quadratic nonsmooth terms, 208
mixity of modes, 400 semi-implicit formula, 152, 407
angle of, 403 for plasticity with damage, 380
mixture function, 390
mode-mixity angle, 403
modulus of continuity, 64
momentum equilibrium, 238 O
monotone operator, 120 Ogden-type material, 239
maximal, 120 example, 254
Moore–Smith convergence, 581 one-sided limits, 59
Moore-Pollard-Stieltjes integral, 606 open, 580
Mosco convergence, 91, 181 operator
Mosco transformation, 206 adjoint, 586
multiferroic, 453 hysteresis, 172, 175
multiplicative decomposition, 251 Krasnoselskiı̆–Pokrovskiı̆, 176
multiplicative split, 242 linear, 585
multiplicative stress control, 253 memory, 9
mutual recovery sequences, 308 play, 20
mutual recovery sequence, 62, 97 Prandtl–Ishlinskiı̆, 172
for damage, 312, 507 Preisach, 175
for delamination problem, 295, 514 stop, 171
numerical approximation, 301 stop vector-valued, 171
for plasticity at large strains, 259 trace, 601
for vanishing-hardening plasticity, 321 vector-valued play, 21
for viscous problems, 153 optimal jump paths, 225
Index 657