Average Gaussian Curvature of Leaves of Foliations
Average Gaussian Curvature of Leaves of Foliations
Average Gaussian Curvature of Leaves of Foliations
2V 2
" /Gft> — *
0, n odd.
Case (ii). Assume / is a hyper sur face of a flat Riemannian manifold W9 and
that / is transversely oriented by a field of unit normals £. Then at each point x
of / let Ax: Txl —» Txl be defined by Axv = -V„£. Then we define K(x) =
det(Ax). (See [3, vol. IV, p. 96].)
REMARKS. In the overlap of Cases (i) and (ii), viz. when / is an even-dimen-
sional hypersurface of a flat manifold, the two definitions of K agree. If n is
even then K is intrinsic to the geometry of /; if n > 3 is odd then K is intrinsic
up to a global choice of sign [3, vol. IV, p. 96].
SKETCH OF PROOF OF THEOREM 1. We consider two cases: n odd and n
(i) The case n is odd:
Here x(W) = 0 and hence by Chern-Gauss-Bonnet [3, vol. V, p. 442] the
constant curvature c = 0, i.e. W is flat. Without loss of generality we may assume,
by taking a finite covering, that W is in fact a flat torus [1, p. 212].
Let Tp « Rn+1 denote the tangent space to W at some point p E W. A
choice of unit normal vector field £ to the foliation F determines (by parallel
translation in W) a Gauss map g : W —> Tp whose image lies of course in the
unit sphere Sn C Tp. Think of dg as a map dg: W —» End(TW) via x h* dgx.
Let ot(Ex) denote the rth elementary symmetric function of the eigenvalues
of Ex, where Ex is any endomorphism Ex: Tx —• Tx.
LEMMA. Kf(x) = on(-dgx), for all x E W.
The proof is not difficult.
Now for each t E R consider ht: W —> W defined by ht{x) = exp(/g(x)),
or in other words ht(x) - x + tg(x) (by slight abuse of notation). A computa-
tion shows that
f Jht vol = f det(7 + tdg)vo\ or
6n+l orthogonal to the leaves of F) and let {coj} be the associated Riemannian
connection forms. Put