1990 2014 Merc Law Bar Exam Q and A
1990 2014 Merc Law Bar Exam Q and A
1990 2014 Merc Law Bar Exam Q and A
2014 BAR EXAMINATION 2. Bong bought 300 bags of rice from Ben
for P300,000. As payment, Bong
indorsed to Ben a BPI check issued by
1. Carlo and Bianca met in the La Baby in the amount of P300,000. Upon
Boracay festivities. Immediately, they presentment for payment, the BPI
fell in love with each other and got check was dishonored because Baby’s
married soon after. They have been account from which it was drawn has
cohabiting blissfully as husband and been closed. To replace the dishonored
wife, but they did not have any check, Bong indorsed a crossed DBP
offspring. As the years passed by, check issued also by Baby for
Carlo decided to take out an insurance P300,000. Again, the check was
on Bianca’s life for P1 M with him dishonored because of insufficient
(Carlo) as sole beneficiary, given that funds. Ben sued Bong and Baby on the
he did not have a steady source of dishonored BPI check. Bong interposed
income and he always depended on the defense that the BPI check was
Bianca both emotionally and financially. discharged by novation when Ben
During the term of the insurance, accepted the crossed DBP check as
Bianca died of what appeared to be a replacement for the BPI check. Bong
mysterious cause so that Carlo cited Section 119 of the NIL which
immediately requested for an autopsy provides that a negotiable instrument is
to be conducted. It was established that discharged “by any other act which will
Bianca died of a natural cause. More discharge a simple contract for the
than that, it was also established that payment of money.” Is Bong correct?
Bianca was a transgender all along—a
fact unknown to Carlo. Can Carlo claim Answer:
the insurance benefit? No. Bong is not correct. While
Section 119 of the NIL in relation to
Answer: Article 1231 of the Civil Code provides
Yes. Carlo can claim the insurance that one of the modes of discharging a
benefit. If a person insures the life or negotiable instrument is by any other
health of another person with himself act which will discharge a simple
as beneficiary, all his rights, title and contract for the payment of money,
interests in the policy shall such as novation, the acceptance by
automatically vest in the person the holder of another check which
insured. Carlo, as the husband of replaced the dishonored bank check
Bianca, has an insurable interest in the did not result to novation.
life of the latter. Also, every person has
an insurable interest in the life and There are only 2 ways which
health of any person on whom he indicate the presence of novation and
depends wholly or in part for support. thereby produce the effect of
The insurable interest in the life of the extinguishing an obligation by another
person insured must exist when the which substitutes the same. First,
insurance takes effect but need not novation must be explicitly stated and
exist when the loss occurs. Thus, the declared in unequivocal terms as
subsequent knowledge of Carlo, upon novation is never presumed. Secondly,
the old and the new obligation must be alleged unpaid association dues and
incompatible on every point. assessments amounting to P195,000.
DC disputed the claim, saying that he
In the instant case, there was no paid all dues as shown by the fact that
express agreement that the holder’s he was previously elected as Director
acceptance of the replacement check and President of Medici. Medici, on the
will discharge the drawer and endorser other hand, claimed that DC’s
from liability. Neither is there obligation was a Construction
incompatibility because both checks Corporation. Consequently, DC was
were given precisely to terminate a prevented from exercising his right to
single obligation arising from the same vote and be voted for during the 2011
transaction. election of Medici’s Board of Directors.
This prompted DC to file a complaint
for damages before the Special
3. Under the Financial Rehabilitation and Commercial Court of Pasig City. Medici
Insolvency Act (FRIA), the filing of a filed a motion to dismiss on the ground
petition for voluntary rehabilitation must that the court has no jurisdiction over
be approved by: the intra-corporate dispute which the
HLURB has exclusive jurisdiction over.
a. A majority vote of the Board of Is Medici correct?
Directors and authorized by the
vote of the stockholders Answer:
representing at least a majority of No. Medici is not correct. A
the outstanding capital stock. controversy between the condominium
b. A majority vote of the Board of corporation and its members-unit
Directors and authorized by the owners for alleged unpaid association
vote of the stockholders dues and assessments and the
representing at least 2/3 of the prevention of DC from exercising his
outstanding capital stock. right to vote and be voted for during the
c. 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors 2011 election of the Medici’s Board of
and authorized by the vote of the Directors, partakes of the nature of an
stockholders representing at least a intra-corporate dispute which does not
majority of the outstanding capital fall within the jurisdiction of the HLURB
stock. despite its expansive jurisdiction. It is
d. 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors considered as an intra-corporate
and authorized by the vote of the controversy falling within the jurisdiction
stockholders representing at least of the Regional Trial Court designated
2/3 of the outstanding capital stock. as special commercial court.
b. A majority vote of the Board of 5. A corporation organized under the
Directors and authorized by the vote of Corporation Code commences to have
the stockholders representing at least corporate existence and juridical
2/3 of the outstanding capital stock. personality and is deemed
25. In an action for collection of a sum of 26. DMP Corporation (DMP) obtained a
money, the RTC of Makati City issued loan of P20 M from National Bank (NB)
a decision finding D-Securities, Inc. secured by a real estate mortgage over
liable to Rehouse Corporation for P10 a 63,380-square meter land situated in
M. Subsequently, the writ of execution Cabanatuan City. Due to the Asian
was issued but returned unsatisfied Economic Crisis, DMP experienced
because D-Securities had no more liquidity problems disenabling it from
assets to satisfy the judgment. paying its loan on time. For that reason,
Rehouse moved for an Alias Writ of NB sought the extrajudicial foreclosure
Execution against Fairfield Bank (FB), of the said mortgage by filing a petition
the parent company of D-Securities. FB for sale on June 30, 2003. On
opposed the motion on the grounds September 4, 2003, the mortgaged
that it is a separate entity and that it property was sold at public auction,
was never made party to the case. The which was eventually awarded to NB
RTC granted the motion and issued the as the highest bidder. That same day,
Alias Writ of Execution. In its the Sheriff executed a Certificate of
Resolution, the RTC relied on the Sale in favor of NB.
following facts: 499,995 out of the
500,000 outstanding shares of stocks On October 21, 2003, DMP filed a
of D-Securities are owned by FB; FB Petition for Rehabilitation before the
had actual knowledge of the subject RTC. Pursuant to this, a Stay Order
matter of litigation as the lawyers who was issued by the RTC on October 27,
represented D-Securities are also the 2003.
lawyers of FB. As an alter ego, there is
On the other hand, NB caused the
recording of the Sheriff’s certificate of 27. ELP Insurance, Inc. issued a Marine
Sale on December 3, 2003 with the Policy No. 888 in favor of FCL Corp. to
Register of Deeds of Cabanatuan City. insure the shipment of 132 bundles of
NB executed an Affidavit of electric copper cathodes against all
Consolidation of Ownership and had risks. Subsequently, the cargoes were
the same annotated on the title of shipped on board the vessel “M/V
DMP. Consequently, the Register of Menchu” from Leyte to Pier 10, North
Deeds cancelled DMP’s title and issued Harbor, Manila.
a new title in the name of NB on
December 10, 2003. Upon arrival, FCL Corp. engaged the
services of CGM, Inc. for the release
NB also filed on March 17, 2004 an Ex- and withdrawal of the cargoes from the
Parte Petition for Issuance of Writ of pier and the subsequent delivery to its
Possession before the RTC of warehouses/plants in Valenzuela City.
Cabanatuan City. After hearing, the The goods were loaded on board 12
RTC issued on September 6, 2004 an trucks owned by CGM, Inc., driven by
Order directing the Issuance of the Writ its employed drivers and accompanied
of Possession, which was issued on by its employed truck helpers. Of the
October 4, 2004. 12 trucks en route to Valenzuela City,
only 11 reached the destination. One
DMP claims that all subsequent actions truck, loaded with 11 bundles of copper
pertaining to the Cabanatuan property cathodes, failed to deliver its cargo.
should have been held in abeyance
after the Stay Order was issued by the Because of this incident, FCL Corp.
rehabilitation court. Is DMP correct? filed with ELP Insurance, Inc. a claim
for insurance indemnity in the amount
Answer: of P1.5 M. After the requisite
No. DMP is not correct. Since the investigation and adjustment, ELP
foreclosure of the mortgage and the Insurance, Inc. paid FCL Corp. the
issuance of the certificate of sale in amount of P1,350,000.00 as insurance
favor of the mortgagee were done prior indemnity.
to the appointment of a Rehabilitation
Receiver and the issuance of the Stay ELP Insurance, Inc., thereafter, filed a
Order, all the actions taken with respect complaint for damages against CGM,
to the foreclosed mortgaged property Inc. before the RTC, seeking
which were subsequent to the issuance reimbursement of the amount it had
of the Stay Order were not affected by paid to FCL Corp. for the loss of the
the Stay Order. Thus, after the subject cargo. CGM, Inc. denied the
redemption period expired without the claim on the basis that it is not privy to
mortgagor redeeming the foreclosed the contract entered into by and
property, the mortgagee becomes the between FCL Corp. and ELP
absolute owner of the property and it Insurance, Inc., and hence, it is not
was within its right to ask for liable therefor. If you are the judge, how
consolidation of title and the issuance will you decide the case?
of new title in its favor. The writ of
possession procured by the mortgagee Answer:
despite the subsequent issuance of CGM, Inc. should be held liable for
Stay Order in the rehabilitation damages against ELP Insurance, Inc.
proceeding instituted is also valid. The insurer, upon happening of the risk
insured against and after payment to
the insured is subrogated to the rights or phonorecord. Hence, there is no
and cause of action of the latter. As infringement by KK since the said
such, the insurer has the right to seek doctrine permitted importation and
reimbursement for all the expenses resale without the publisher’s further
paid. permission.
KK did not commit copyright
infringement. Under the “first sale”
doctrine, the owner of a particular copy
or phonorecord lawfully made is
entitled, without the authority of the
copyright owner, to sell or otherwise
dispose of the possession of that copy
t and issued an insurance
y effective Nov. 6, 2008. Benny
named his children as his beneficiaries.
P100,000.00 On April 6, 2010, Benny died of
hapatoma, a liver ailment.
Sixty days after date, I promise to
pay Bobby or his designated The insurance company denied the
representative the sum of ONE children’s claim for the proceeds of the
HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS insurance policy on the ground that
(P100,000.00) from my BPI Acct. No. Benny failed to disclose in his
1234 if, by this due date, the sun still application 2 previous consultations with
sets in the west to usher in the evening his doctors for diabetes and
and rises in the east the following hypertension, and that he had been
morning to welcome the day. diagnosed to be suffering from
hepatoma. The insurance company also
rescinded the policy and refunded the
(Sgd.) Antonio Reyes premiums paid.
2.4. As a last question and by way of a Choose the correct statement relating to
concrete example, a delegation these redeemable shares.
member finally inquired—which of
the following corporations or a) ABC Corp. would need unrestricted
businesses in the Philippines may it retained earnings to be able to
invest and up to what extent? redeem the shares;
b) Corporations are not allowed to
a) A lifestyle magazine publication issue redeemable shares; thus, the
corporation up to 40% equity; issuance by ABC Corp. is ultra vires;
b) An advertising corporation, up to c) Holders of redeemable shared enjoy
100% equity; a preference over creditors;
c) A commercial bank, up to 60% d) ABC Corp. may redeem the shared
equity; at the end of 10 years without need
d) A jeepney manufacturing for unrestricted retained earnings
corporation, up to 100% equity; provided that, after the redemption,
e) A real estate development there are sufficient assets to cover
corporation, up to 60% equity. its debts;
e) All of the above are incorrect.
d) A jeepney manufacturing Answer:
corporation, up to 100% equity. d) ABC Corp. may redeem the shared at
the end of 10 years without need for
unrestricted retained earnings provided
that, after the redemption, there are Bumblebee Corp., all of whom are
sufficient assets to cover its debts. Singaporeans and officers of Gawsensit
Answer: Answer:
b) Anton will bear the loss. e) None of the above.
9. A bank may acquire real property 11. Unknown to the other four proponents,
_______. Enrico (who had been given the task of
attending to the Articles of Incorporation
a) By purchase at a public sale of of the proposed corporation, Auto Mo,
properties levied to satisfy tax Ayos Ko) misappropriated the filing fees
delinquencies; and never filed the Articles of
b) By purchase from a real estate Incorporation with the SEC. instead, he
corporation in the ordinary course of prepared and presented to the proposed
the bank’s business; incorporators a falsified SEC certificate
c) Through dacion en pago in approving the Articles. Relying on the
satisfaction of a debt in favor of a falsified SEC certificate, the latter began
bank; assuming and discharging corporate
d) In exchange for the purchase of powers.
shares of stocks of the bank;
e) All of the above; Auto Mo, Ayos Ko is a ______.
f) None of the above.
a) De jure corporation;
Answer: b) De facto corporation;
b) By purchase from a real estate c) Corporation by estoppel;
corporation in the ordinary course of the d) General partnership;
bank’s business; e) None of the above.
estrangement removed Aurelia’s
Answer: insurable interest in Benjalani’s life;
c) Corporation by estoppel— if the term e) None of the above.
“latter” refers to the incorporators.
e) None of the above—if the term “latter” Answer:
refers to Enrico. a) Yes, the policy is valid and binding
because Aurelia has an insurable
interest on the life of Kaddafy
12. Preferred shares cannot vote on the Benjelani.
proposal _______.
a) To include other corporate officers in 14. Muebles Classico, Inc. (MC), a Manila-
the corporation’s by-laws; based furniture shop, purchased
b) To issue corporate bonds; hardwood lumber from Surigao Timber,
c) All of the above; Inc. (STI), a Mindanao-based logging
d) None of the above. company. MC was to pay STI the
amount of P5 M for 50 tons of lumber.
Answer: To pay STI, MC opened a letter of credit
e) None of the above. with Banco de Plata (BDP). BDP duly
informed STI of the opening of a letter of
credit in its favor.
13. In 2010, the PNP declared Kaddafy
Benjelani “Public Enemy No. 1” because In the meantime, MC—which had been
of his terrorist activities in the country undergoing financial reverses—filed a
that have resulted in the death of petition for corporate rehabilitation. The
thousands of Filipinos. A ransom of P15 rehabilitation court issued a Stay Order
M was placed on Kaddafy Benjelani’s to stay the enforcement of all claims
head. against MC.
Worried about the future of their family, After shipping the lumber, STI went to
Kaddafy Benjelani’s estranged wife, DBP, presented the shipping
Aurelia, secured in December 2010 a documents, and demanded payment of
life insurance policy on his life and the letter of credit opened in its favor.
designated herself as beneficiary. MC, on the other hand, informed the
bank of the Stay Order and instructed it
Is the policy valid and binding? to deny payment to STI because of the
Stay Order.
a) Yes, the policy is valid and binding
because Aurelia has an insurable BDP comes to you for advice. Your best
interest on the life of Kaddafy advice is to ______.
b) No, the policy is not valid and a) Grant STI’s claim. Under the
binding because Kaddafy Benjelani “Independence Principle,” the bank
has been officially declared a public deals only with the document and
enemy; not the underlying circumstances;
c) Yes, the policy is valid and binding hence, the presentation of the letter
because it has been in force for of credit is sufficient;
more than 2 years; b) Deny STI’s claim. The Stay Order
d) No, the policy is not valid and covers all claims against the debtor
binding since the spouses’ and binds all its creditors. The letter
of credit is a claim against the debtor commence an action to recover
that is covered by the Stay Order; damages with the court?
c) Grant STI’s claim. The letter of credit
is not a claim against the debtor a) No, the failure to file a claim with
under rehabilitation, but against the the carrier is a condition
bank which has assumed a solidary precedent for recovery;
obligation; b) Yes, provided he files the
d) Deny STI’s claim. If the bank complaint within 10 years from
disregards the Stay order, it may be delivery;
subject to contempt by the c) Yes, provided he files the
rehabilitation court. STI should file its complaint within 10 years from
claim with the rehabilitation court; discovery of the damage;
e) File an action for interpleader to d) Yes, provided he files the
resolve the parties’ competing complaint within 1 year from
claims. delivery;
e) Yes, provided he files the
Answer: complaint within 1 year from
c) Grant STI’s claim. The letter of credit discovery of the damage;
is not a claim against the debtor under
rehabilitation, but against the bank Answer:
which has assumed a solidary d) Yes, provided he files the
obligation. complaint within 1 year from
a) Japanese law;
b) Hong Kong law;
c) Chinese law;
d) Philippine law;
e) American law.
d) Philippine law.
b) Yes, the promissory note is 18. In payment for his debt in favor of X, Y
negotiable even though the amount gave X a Manager’s Check in the
is stated in foreign currency amount of P100,000 dated May 30,
2012. Which phrase best completes the
statement—A Manager’s Check:
16. X delivered a check issued by him and
payable to the order of CASH to Y in a) Is a check issued by a manager of a
payment for certain obligations incurred bank for his own account;
by X in favor of Y. Y then delivered the b) Is a check issued by a manger of a
checks to Z in payment for certain bank in the name of the bank
obligations. Which statement is most against the bank itself for the
accurate? account of the bank;
c) Is like any ordinary check that needs
a) Z can encash the check even though to be presented for payment also;
Y did not indorse the check; d) Is better than a cashier’s check in
b) Z cannot encash the check for terms of use and effect.
lacking in proper endorsement;
c) Y is the only one liable because he Answer:
was the one who delivered the b) Is a check issued by a manger of a
check to Z; bank in the name of the bank
d) The negotiation is not valid because against the bank itself for the
the check is an instrument payable account of the bank.
to order.
Answer: Answer:
c) The life insurance policy is valid b) Existing at the time of perfection and
provided the beneficiary is his estate or at the time of loss for property.
his parents, or spouse or child.
b) The claim shall lie against the 41. X owned a house and lot. X insured the
insurer of the passenger jeepeney house. The house got burned. Then he
driven by Y because X was his sold the partially burnt house and the lot
passenger. to Y. Which statement is most accurate?
b) X is still entitled to the proceeds of 43. The AAA Bus Company picks up
the insurance policy because what is passengers along EDSA, X, the
material is that at the time of the loss, X conductor, while on board the bus, drew
is the owner of the house and lot. his gun and randomly shot the
passengers inside. As a result, Y, a
passenger, was shot and died instantly.
42. X, while driving his Toyota Altis, tried to Is AAA Bus Company liable?
cross the railway tract of PNR along
Blumetritt Avenida Ext., Manila. The a) The bus company is not liable for as
train as it approached Blumentritt, long as the bus company can show
applied its horn as a warning to all the that when they hired X, they did the
vehicles that might be crossing the right selection process;
railway tract, but there was really b) The bus company cannot be held
nobody manning the crossing. X was liable because what X did is not part
listening to his iPod touch, hence, he did of his responsibility;
not hear the sound of the horn of the c) The bus company is liable because
train and so his car was hit by the train. common carriers are liable for the
As a result of the accident, X suffered negligence or willful act of its
some injuries and his car was totally employees even though they acted
destroyed as a result of the impact. Is beyond the scope of their
PNR liable? responsibility;
d) The bus company is not liable
a) PNR is not liable because X should because there is no way that the bus
have known that he was crossing a company can anticipate the act of X.
place designated as crossing for
train, and therefore should have Answer:
been more careful; c) The bus company is liable because
b) PNR is a liable because Railroad common carriers are liable for the
companies owe to the public a duty negligence or willful act of its employees
of exercising a reasonable degree of even though they acted beyond the
care to avoid injury to person and scope of their responsibility.
property at railroad crossings which
means a flagman or a watchman
should have been posted to warn 44. X is a trader of school supplies in
the public at all times; Calapan, Oriental Mindoro. To bring the
c) PNR is not liable because it blew its school supplies to Calapan, it has to be
horn when it was about to cross the transported by a vessel. Because there
railway along Blumentritt Avenida were so many passengers, the 2 boxes
Ext.; of schools supplies were loaded but the
d) PNR is not liable because X was shipping company was not able to issue
negligent, for listening to his iPod the Bill of lading. So, on board, the Ship
touch while driving. Captain issued the Bill of Lading. So, on
board, the Ship Captain issued instead
Answer: a “shipping receipt” to X indicating the 2
a) PNR is not liable because X should boxes of school supplies being part of
have known that he was crossing a
the cargo of the vessel. Which phrase 46. X owns a passenger jeepney covered
therefore, is the most accurate? by Certificate of Public Convenience. He
allowed Y to use its Certificate of
a) The owner of the vessel is not liable Convenience for a consideration. Y
because no bill of lading was issued therefore was operating the passenger
to X hence, no contract of carriage jeepney under the same Certificate of
was perfected; Public Convenience (Kabit System)
b) It is possible to have a contract of under the name of X. the passenger
carriage of cargo even without a bill jeepney met an accident. Who will be
of lading, and the “shipping receipt” liable?
would be sufficient;
c) The only acceptable document of a) Y, the one actually operating the
title is a Bill of Lading; jeepney, will be liable to the injured
d) None of the above. party;
b) X will be the one liable to the injured
Answer: party despite the fact that it is Y who
b) It is possible to have a contract of is actually operating the jeepney,
carriage of cargo even without a bill because while the Kabit System is
of lading, and the “shipping receipt” tolerated, the public should not be
would be sufficient. inconvenienced by the arrangement;
c) X will not be held liable if he can
prove that he is not the owner
45. X took PAL Flight PR 102 to Los anymore;
Angeles, USA. She had 2 luggage d) Public Policy dictates that the real
checked-in and was 2 baggage checks. owner, even not the registered one,
When X reached Los Angeles, 1 of the 2 will be hld liable.
checked-in luggage could not be found.
Which statement is most accurate? Answer:
b) X will be the one liable to the injured
a) PAL is liable for the loss of the party despite the fact that it is Y who is
checked-in-luggage under the actually operating the jeepney, because
provision of the Warsaw Convention while the Kabit System is tolerated, the
on Air Transport; public should not be inconvenienced by
b) PAL is liable for the loss only if the the arrangement.
baggage check expressly states that
the airline shall be liable in case of
loss; 47. X owns a fleet of taxicabs. He operates
c) PAL cannot be held liable because it through what is known as boundary
that is the risk that a passenger system. Y drives one of such taxicabs
takes when she checks-in her and pays X a fixed amount of P1,000
baggage; daily under the boundary system. This
d) PAL can only be held liable if it can means that anything above P1,000
be proven that PAL was negligent. would be the earnings of Y. Y, driving
recklessly, hit an old lady crossing the
Answer: street. Which statement is most
a) PAL is liable for the loss of the accurate?
checked-in-luggage under the provision
of the Warsaw Convention on Air a) X as the owner is exempt from
Transport. liability because he was not the one
b) X as the owner is exempt from
liability because precisely the a) Because X was personally acting in
arrangement is one under the behalf of the Corporation, he can be
“boundary system”; held personally liable;
c) X will not be exempt from liability b) X, as President, cannot be
because he remains to be the personally held liable for the
registered owner and the boundary obligation of the corporation even
system will not allow the though he signed all the loan
circumvention of the law to avoid documents, because the loan was
liability; authorized by the Board;
d) Y is the only one liable because he c) YYY Bank can choose as to who it
drove recklessly. wants to hold liable for the loan;
d) If ZZZ Corporation cannot pay, X
Answer: can be held subsidiarily liable.
c) X will not be exempt from liability
because he remains to be the Answer:
registered owner and the boundary b) X, as President, cannot be
system will not allow the personally held liable for the
circumvention of the law to avoid obligation of the corporation even
liability. though he signed all the loan
documents, because the loan was
authorized by the Board.
48. The Articles of Incorporation of AAA
Corporation was approved by SEC.
After the receipt of the Certificate of 50. X owns 99% of the capital stock of SSS
Approval from the SEC, AAA Corporation. X also own 99% of TTT
Corporation decided to immediately start Corporation. SSS Corporation obtained
the operation of its business despite the a loan from VVV Banks. On due date,
fact that it has no approved By-Laws. SSS Corporate defaulted. TTT
What is the legal status of the AAA Corporation is financially healthy. Which
Corporation? statement is most accurate?
51. A corporation generally can issue both 53. The number of the Board of Trustees of
par value stock and no par value stock. a non-stock, non-profit education
These are all fixed in the Articles of institution be—
Incorporation of the corporation. Which
of the following corporations may not be a) 5 only;
allowed to issue no par value shares? b) Any number for as long as it is not
less than 5 and no more than 11;
a) Insurance companies; c) Any number in multiples of 5, for as
b) Banks; long as it is not less than 5 and no
c) Trust Companies; more than 15;
d) All of the above. d) Not less than 5 nor more than 10 in
multiples of 5.
b) Banks. Answer:
c) Any number in multiples of 5, for as
long as it is not less than 5 and no more
52. Father X, an American priest who came than 15.
from New York, registered the Diocese
of Bacolod of the Roman Catholic
Church which was incorporated as a 54. X subscribed 10,000 shared in the
corporation sole. There were years capital stocks of AAA Corporation. He
when the head of the Diocese was a paid 50% of the 10,000 shares. X asked
Filipino, but there were more years the Corporate Secretary to issue him the
when the heads were foreigners. Today, corresponding stock certificate
the head is an American again. Y representing the 50% of what he already
donated a piece of land located in paid. The Corporate Secretary of the
Bacolod City for use as a school. Which corporation refused. Was the Corporate
statement is most accurate? Secretary correct?
a) The redemption of the stock 60. South China Airlines is a foreign airline
dividends can be validly approved company. South China Airlines tickets
but hr Board without any conditions; are sold in the Philippines though PAL
b) The redemption of stock dividends as their general agent. South China
may only be allowed if there are Airlines is not registered to do business
sufficient earnings and should not be as such with the Philippine SEC. which
violative of the trust fund doctrine; statement is most accurate?
c) The redemption of the shares may
be taken from the existing property a) Although unlicensed to do business
and other assets of the corporation; in the Philippines, South China
d) None of the above. Airlines can sue before the
Philippine Courts and can also be
Answer: sued;
Examinee should be giver full credit b) South China Airlines can sue but
for whatever answer they gave as the cannot be sued;
question is vague. c) South China Airlines cannot sue and
59. X sold all his shares in AAA Hotel cannot be sued also;
Corporation to Y. X owns 99% of AAA d) South China Airlines can be sued in
Hotel Corporation. As the new owner, Y the Philippine Courts but it cannot
wanted a reorganization of the hotel sue.
which is to include primarily the
separation of all existing employees and Answer:
the hiring of new employees. Which d) South China Airlines can be sued in
statement is most accurate? the Philippine Courts but it cannot sue.
a) The Director General of the 88. Which phrase best completes the
Intellectual Property Office; statement—A chattel mortgage can
b) The Director of Legal Affairs of the cover:
Intellectual Property Office;
c) The owner of the Patent right; a) Only property described in the deed
d) Any agent of the owner of the Patent without exception;
right. b) Can also cover substituted property;
c) Properties described in the deed
Answer: except in case of stock in trade
b) The Director of Legal Affairs of the being a substitute;
Intellectual Property Office. d) After acquired property.
86. The Fair Use Doctrine allows others to c) Properties described in the deed
utilize copyrighted works under certain except in case of stock in trade
conditions. The factors to consider being a substitute.
whether use is fair or not would be the
purpose and character of the use,
nature of the copyrighted work, amount 89. Which phrase best completes the
and substantially of the portions used, statement—The Deed of Chattel
and else? mortgage, if not registered with the
Register of Deeds where debtor resides:
a) Effect of the use upon the creator of
the work; a) Is not valid, hence not binding
b) Effect upon the potential market of between the mortgagor and the
the work; mortgagee;
c) Effect of the use upon the public in b) Is binding between the mortgagor
general; and the mortgagee but will not affect
d) Effect of the use upon the class in third party;
which the creator belongs. c) To be valid between the mortgagor
and the mortgagee, it must be
Answer: coupled with the delivery of the
b) Effect upon the potential market of subject matter of the chattel
the work. mortgage;
d) Is as if a non-existent chattel
purpose of securing the obligations
Answer: specified and that the obligation is
b) Is binding between the mortgagor just and valid.
and the mortgagee but will not affect
third party.
92. X defaulted in his loan with Y. Y
instituted extra-judicial foreclosure of the
90. Which phrase best completes the property subject to a real estate
statement—To bind third parties, a mortgage that secured the loan. X has 1
chattel mortgage of shares of stock year within which to redeem the
must be registered: property. After the foreclosure, X filed an
action questioning the validity of the
a) With the Register of Deeds where extra-judicial foreclosure sale. Which
the debtor resides; statement is most accurate?
b) With the Register of Deeds where
the principal office of the corporation a) The 1 year period within which to
is; redeem will be interrupted by the
c) In the Stock and Transfer Book of filing of an action questioning the
the corporation with the Corporate validity of the foreclosure;
Secretary; b) The 1 year period will not be
d) With the Register of Deeds where interrupted by the filing of the action;
the debtor resides and the principal c) The 1 year period will be extended
office of the corporation. for another year because of the filing
of an action questioning the validity
Answer: of the foreclosure sale;
d) With the Register of Deeds where the d) If the action which questions the
debtor resides and the principal office of validity of the foreclose prospers, the
the corporation. period will be interrupted.
91. Which phrase best completes the b) The 1 year period will not be
statement—The affidavit of good faith in interrupted by the filing of the action.
a Deed of Chattel Mortgage is:
a) An oath where the parties swear that 93. What is the effect if the proceeds in an
the mortgage is made for the extra-judicial foreclosure sale is not
purpose of securing the obligations sufficient to pay for the obligation?
specified and that the obligation is
just and valid; a) The mortgagee can claim for
b) An affidavit, the absence of which deficiency judgment from the debtor;
will vitiate the mortgage between the b) The mortgagee can claim for
parties; deficiency judgment from the
c) Necessary only if the chattel being mortgagor even though it is a third
mortgaged are growing crops; party mortgage;
d) A certification from the mortgagor c) The mortgagee has no more
that he is the mortgagor of the recourse or claim against the debtor;
chattel. d) The mortgagee cannot claim for
deficiency judgment from the debtor
Answer: because it’s an extrajudicial
a) An oath where the parties swear that foreclosure.
the mortgage is made for the
Answer: c) The creditor can foreclose the
a) The mortgagee can claim for mortgage and demand collection for any
deficiency judgment from the debtor. deficiency.
94. X mortgaged her residential house and 96. XYZ Corporation bought 10 units of
lot in favor of ABC Bank. X defaulted in Honda Civic from CCC Corporation.
her loan and so the bank foreclosed the ABC Bank granted a loan to XYC
real estate mortgage on the residential Corporation which executed a financing
house. Y then bought the residential agreement which provided for the
house and lot before the expiration of principal amount, the installment
the redemption period. Can Y now take payments, the interest rates and the due
possession of the property? dates. On due dates of the installment
payments, XYZ Corporation was asked
a) No, because it is still covered by the to pay for some handling charges and
redemption period and the other fees which were not mentioned in
purchaser is not yet entitled as a the financing Agreement. Can XYC
matter of right to take possession of Corporation refuse to pay the same?
the property;
b) Yes, the purchaser is now entitled to a) No, because handling charges and
the possession of the house; other fees are usual in certain
c) No, because there is a need to talk banking transactions;
to X to leave the house; b) Yes, because ABC Bank is required
d) No, because Y was not the one who to provide XYZ Corporation not only
foreclosed the mortgage on the the amount of the monthly
property. installments but also the details of
the finance charges as required by
Answer: the Truth in Lending Act;
a) No, because it is still covered by the c) No, because the Financing
redemption period and the Agreement is a valid document to
purchaser is not yet entitled as a establish the existence of the
matter of right to take possession of obligation;
the property d) Yes, because legally, finance
charges are never allowed in any
banking transaction.
95. Which phrase best completes the
statement—When a debt is secured by Answer:
a real estate mortgage, upon default of b) Yes, because ABC Bank is required
the debtor: to provide XYZ Corporation not only
the amount of the monthly
a) The only remedy of the creditor is to installments but also the details of
foreclose the real estate mortgage; the finance charges as required by
b) Another remedy is filing an action for the Truth in Lending Act.
collection and then foreclose if
collection is not enough;
c) The creditor can foreclose the 97. Which of the following is an exception
mortgage and demand collection for to the secrecy of bank deposits which
any deficiency; are in the Philippine Pesos, but NOT an
d) None of the above. exception to the secrecy of foreign
currency deposits?
a) Upon BSP inquiry into or a) The amount involved is not
examination of deposits or commensurate with the client’s
investments with any bank, when the business or financial capacity;
inquiry or examination is made in the b) There is no underlying legal or trade
course of the BSP’s periodic special obligation, purpose or economic
examination of said bank to ensure justification;
compliance with the AMLA; c) Client is not properly identified;
b) Upon PDIC and BSP inquiry into d) All of the above.
examination of deposit accounts in
case there is a finding of unsafe or Answer:
unsound banking practice; d) All of the above.
c) Upon inquiry in cases of
d) Upon inquiry by the Commissioner 100. The main feature of the Foreign
of Internal Revenue in the event a Investment Act of 1991 is to introduce
taxpayer files an application to the concept of “Negative Lists”. Under
compromise his tax liabilities on the the said law, what is a “Negative List”?
ground of financial incapacity.
a) It is a list of business activities or
Answer: enterprises in the Philippines that
c) Upon inquiry in cases of foreigners are disqualified to engage
impeachment. in;
b) It is a list of business activities or
enterprises in the Philippines that
98. The Anti-Money Laundering Law is a foreigners are qualified to engage in;
law that seeks to prevent money c) It is a list of business activities or
laundering activities by providing for enterprises that are open to foreign
more transparency in the Philippine investments provided it is with the
Financial System, hence the following approval of the Board of Investment.
institutions are covered by the law, d) It is a list of business activities or
except: enterprises that are open to foreign
investments provided it is with the
a) Bank and any financial institutions; approval of the SEC.
b) Pawnshops;
c) Casino operators; Answer:
d) All of the above. a) It is a list of business activities or
enterprises in the Philippines that
Answer: foreigners are disqualified to engage
c) Casino operators. in.
a) Will the extrajudicial foreclosure The “dragnet clause” may not apply
prosper considering that the to other loans extended by the
additional P5 M was not covered by mortgagee to the mortgagor for
the registration? which other securities were given. In
b) What is the meaning of a “dragnet the case of Prudential Bank v. Alviar,
clause” in a Deed of Real Estate the Supreme Court adopted the
Mortgage? Under what “reliance on the security test” to the
circumstances will be “dragnet effect that “when the mortgagor
clause” applicable? takes another loan [from the
mortgagee] for which another
Answer: security was given, it could not be
a) Yes. X executed a REM containing a inferred that such loan was made in
“blanket mortgage clause”. reliance solely on the original
Mortgages given to secure future security with the “dragnet clause”,
advancements are valid and legal but rather, on the new security
contracts, and the amounts names given”. This means that the
as consideration in said contracts do existence of the new security must
not limit the amount for which the be respected and the foreclosure of
mortgage may stand as security if the old security should only be for
from the four corners of the the other loans not separately
instrument the intent to secure future collateralized and for any amount
and other indebtedness. not covered by the new security for
the new loan.
b) Generally, a dragnet clause is a
clause in a deed of REM stating that
the mortgage secures all the loans 9. A, B, C, D, E, are all duly elected
and advances that the mortgagor members of the Board of Directors of
may at any time owe to the XYZ Corporation. F, the general
mortgagee. The word “dragnet” is a manager, entered into a supply contract
reference to a net drawn through a with an American firm. The contract was
river or across ground to trap fish or duly approved by the Board of Directors.
game. It is also known in American However, with the knowledge and
jurisprudence as a “blanket consent of F, no deliveries were made
mortgage clause” or an “anaconda to the American firm. As a result of the
clause”. A mortgage with a dragnet non-delivery of the promised supplies,
the American firm incurred damages. of the corporation, the laws and
The American firm would like to file a regulations governing the business
suit for damages. The American firm of, or otherwise applicable to, the
would like to file a suit for damages. Can corporation, and, in the case of
the American firm sue: officers, the resolution approved by
the Board of Directors.
a) The members of the Board of
Directors individually, because they As the directors have a personality
approved the transaction? separate from that of the
b) The corporation? corporation, they would be
c) F, the general manager, personally, personally liable only if they acted
because the non-delivery was with willfully and knowingly vote for or
his knowledge and consent? assent to a patently unlawful act of
d) Explain the rules on liabilities of a the corporation, or when they are
corporation for the act of its guilty of gross negligence or bad
corporation officers and the liabilities faith in directing the affairs of the
of the corporate officers and Board corporation, or when they acquire
of Directors of a corporation acting in any personal or pecuniary interest in
behalf of the corporation. conflict with their duty as directors,
which acts result in damages to the
Answer: corporation, its stockholders or other
a) No. in approving the transaction, the persons, when they agree to hold
directors were not acting in their themselves personally and solidarily
personal capacities but rather on liable with the corporation, or when
behalf of XYZ Corporation exercising they are made, by a specific
the powers of the corporation and provision of law, to personally
conducting its business. The answer for the corporate action.
problem contains no facts that would
indicate that the directors acted
otherwise. 10. AAA Corporation is a bank. The
b) Yes. The Board approved the supply operations of AAA Corporation as a
contract and the General Manager bank were not doing well. So, to avert
entered into the contract, both of any bank run, AAA Corporation, with the
them acting on behalf of the XYZ approval of the Monetary Board, sold all
Corporation. its assets and liabilities to BBB Banking
c) Yes, F could be sued in his personal Corporation which includes all deposits
capacity because he knowingly accounts. In effect then, BBB
consented to the non-delivery of the Corporation will service all deposits of
promised supplies contrary to the AAA Corporation.
contract that was duly approved by
the Board of Directors. The problem a) Will the sale of all assets and
does not indicate any circumstance liabilities of AAA Corporation to BBB
that would excuse or favorably Banking Corporation automatically
explain the action of F. dissolve or terminate the corporate
d) A corporation would be liable for the existence of AAA Corporation?
acts of its Board of Directors and Explain your answer.
officers if the said acts were b) What are the legal requirements in
performed by them in accordance order that a corporation may be
with the powers granted to them dissolved?
under the Corporation Code, the
articles of incorporation and by-laws Answer:
a) No, the sale of all the assets and the bus, the door of which was not
liabilities of AAA Corporation to BBB locked. At this point, V, a vendor,
Banking Corporation will not result in sneaked into the bus and offered P
the automatic dissolution or some refreshments. When P rudely
termination of the existence of the declined, V attacked him, resulting in P
former. A decision to dissolve AAA suffering from bruises and contusions.
Corporation or to terminate its Does he have cause to sue Sentinel
corporate existence would require a Liner?
separate approval by a majority of
the Board of Directors of AAA a. Yes, since the carrier’s crew did
Corporation and its stockholders nothing to protect a passenger who
holding at least 2/3 of the total remained in the bus during the stop-
outstanding capital stock, as well as over.
the separate approval by the b. No, since the carrier’s crew could
Monetary Board. not have foreseen the attack.
c. Yes, since the bus is liable for
b) A corporation may be dissolved anything that goes wrong in the
voluntarily under Section 118 (where course of the trip.
no creditors are affected) or under d. No, since the attack on P took place
Section 119 (where creditors are when the bus was at a stop-over.
affected) or by shortening of the
corporate term under Section 120, or Answer:
involuntarily by the SEC under a. Yes, since the carrier’s crew did
Section 122, all of the Corporation nothing to protect a passenger who
Code. Dissolution under Sections remained in the bus during the stop-
118, 119, and 120 require the same over.
corporate approvals stated in (a)
2. A cargo ship of X Shipping Co. ran
The SEC has the authority under aground off the coast of Cebu during a
Section 6 of PD 902-A to revoke the storm and lost all its cargo amounting to
certificate of registration of a P50 M. the ship itself suffered damages
corporation upon any grounds estimated at P80 M. the cargo owners
provided by law, including the filed a suit against X Shipping but it
aforementioned Section 6-A. invoked the doctrine of limited liability
since it vessel suffered an P80 M
damage, more than the collective value
of all lost cargo. Is X Shipping correct?
Answer: Answer:
a. No, because the exercise of the b. N, being O’s immediate negotiator of
option to pay lies with A, the maker a bearer note.
and debtor.
12. On X’s failure to pay his loan to ABC a. Those doing business with such
Bank, the latter foreclosed the Real clients.
Estate Mortgage he executed in its b. Unknown principals.
favor. The auction sale was set for Dec. c. The covered institution.
1, 2010 with the notices of sale d. Such clients.
published as the law required. The sale
was, however, cancelled when Dec. 1, Answer:
2010 was declared a holiday and d. Such clients.
rescheduled to Jan. 10, 2011 without
republication of notice. The auction sale
then proceeded on the new date. Under 15. It is settled that neither par value nor
the circumstance, the auction sale is book value is an accurate indicator of
the fair value of a share of stock of a
a. Rescissible. corporation. As to unpaid subscriptions
b. Unenforceable. to its shares of stock, as they are
c. Void. regarded as corporate assets, they
d. Voidable. should be included in the
c. No, since X had no knowledge of the 47. T Corp. has a corporate term of 20
insurer’s acceptance of his application years under its Articles of Incorporation
before he died. or from June 1, 1980 to June 1, 2000.
On June 1, 1991 it amended its Articles
of Incorporation to extend its life by 15
45. A bill of exchange has D as drawer, E years from June 1, 1980 to June 1,
as drawee and F as payee. The bill was 2015. The SEC approved this
then indorsed to G, G to H, and H to I, amendment. On June 1, 2011, however,
the current holder presented the bill to E T Corp. decided to shorten its term by 1
for acceptance. E accepted but, as it year or until June 1, 2014. Both the
later turned out, D is a fictitious person. 1991 and 2011 amendments were
Is E freed from liability? approved by majority vote of its Board of
Directors and ratified in a special
a. No, since by accepting, E admits the meeting by its stockholders representing
existence of the drawer. at least 2/3 of its outstanding capital
b. No, since by accepting, E warrants stock. The SEC, however, disapproved
that he is solvent. the 2011 amendment on the ground that
c. Yes, if E was not aware of that fact it cannot be made earlier than 5 years
at the time of acceptance. prior to the expiration date of the
d. Yes, since a bill of exchange with a corporate term, which is June 1, 2014.
fictitious drawer is void and Is this SEC disapproval correct?
a. No, since the 5-year rule on selection and supervision of the
amendment of corporate term employee by the employer.
applies only to extension, not
shortening, of term.
b. Yes, any amendment affecting 49. X is a director in T Corp. who was
corporate term cannot be made elected to a 1-year term on Feb. 1,
earlier than 5 years prior to the 2010. On April 11, 2010, X resigned and
corporation’s expiration date. was replaced by R, who assumed as
c. No, since a corporation can in fact director on May 17, 2010. On Nov. 21,
have a corporate life of 50 years. 2010, R died. S was then elected in his
d. Yes, the amendment to shorten place. Until which time should S serve
corporate term cannot be made as director?
earlier than 5 years prior to the
corporation’s expiration date. a. April 11, 2011
b. Feb. 1, 2011
Answer: c. May 17, 2011
a. No, since the 5-year rule on d. Nov. 21, 2011
amendment of corporate term
applies only to extension, not Answer:
shortening, of term. b. Feb. 1, 2011
48. B, while drunk, accepted a passenger in 50. M, the maker, issued a promissory note
his taxicab. B then drove the taxi to P, the payee which states: “I, M,
recklessly, and inevitably, it crashed into promise to pay P or order the amount of
an electric post, resulting in serious Php1 Million. Signed, M.” P negotiated
physical injuries to the passengers. The the note by indorsement to N, then N to
latter then filed a suit for tort against B’s O also by indorsement, and O to Q,
operator, A, but A raised the defense of again by indorsement. But before O
having exercised extraordinary diligence indorsed the note to Q, O’s wife wrote
in the safety of the passenger. Is his the figure “2” on the note after “Php1”
defense tenable? without O’s knowledge, making it appear
that the note is for Php12 Million. For
a. Yes, as a common carrier can rebut how much is O liable to Q?
the presumption of negligence by
raising such a defense. a. Php 1 Million since it is the original
b. No, as in tort actions, the proper tenor of the note.
defense is due diligence in the b. Php 1 Million since he warrants that
selection and supervision of the the note is genuine and in all
employee by the employer. respects what it purports to be.
c. No, as B, the common carrier’s c. Php 12 Million since he warrants his
employee, was obviously negligent solvency and that he has a good title
due to his intoxication. to the note.
d. Yes, as a common carrier can d. Php 12 Million since he warrants that
invoke extraordinary diligence in the the note is genuine and in all
safety of passengers in tort cases. respects what it purports to be.
Answer: Answer:
b. No, as in tort actions, the proper d. Php 12 Million since he warrants that
defense is due diligence in the the note is genuine and in all respects
what it purports to be.
a. Already knows of the dishonor and it
makes no sense to notify him of it.
51. X Corp., whose business purpose is to
manufacture and sell vehicles, invested
its funds in Y Corp., an investment firm, 53. “Eagleson Refillers, Co.,” a firm that
through a resolution of its Board of sells water to the public, opposes the
Directors. The investment grew trade name application of “Eagleson
tremendously on account of Y Corp’s Laundry, Co.,” on the ground that such
excellent business judgment. But a trade name tends to deceive trade
minority stockholder in X Corp. assails circles or confuse the public with respect
the investment as ultra vires. Is he right to the water firm’s registered trade
and, if so, what is the status of the name. Will the opposition prosper?
a. Yes, since such use is likely to
a. Yes, it is an ultra vires act of the deceive or confuse the public.
corporation itself but voidable only, b. Yes, since both companies use
subject to stockholder’s ratification. water in conducting their business.
b. Yes, it is an ultra vires act of its c. No, since the companies are not
Board of Directors and thus void. engaged in the same line of
c. Yes, it is an ultra vires act of its business.
Board of Directors but voidable only, d. No, since the root word “Eagle” is a
subject to stockholders’ ratification. generic name not subject to
d. Yes, it is an ultra vires act of the registration.
corporation itself and, consequently,
void. Answer:
c. No, since the companies are not
Answer: engaged in the same line of business.
c. Yes, it is an ultra vires act of its
Board of Directors but voidable only,
subject to stockholders’ ratification. 54. For a constructive total loss to exist in
marine insurance, it is required that the
person insured relinquish his interest in
52. Notice of dishonor is not required to be the thing insured. This relinquishment
made in all cases. One instance where must be
such notice is not necessary is when the
indorser is the one to whom the a. Actual.
instrument is suppose to be presented b. Constructive first and if it fails, then
for payment. The rationale here is that actual.
the indorser c. Either actual or constructive.
d. Constructive.
a. Already knows of the dishonor and it
makes no sense to notify him of it. Answer:
b. Is bound to make the acceptance in a. Actual.
all cases.
c. Has no reason to expect the 55. The Corporation Code sanctions a
dishonor of the instrument. contract between two or more
d. Must be made to account for all his corporations which have interlocking
actions. directors, provided there is no fraud that
attends it and it is fair and reasonable
Answer: under the circumstances. The interest of
an interlocking director in one
corporation may be either substantial or 57. In case of disagreement between the
nominal. It is nominal if his interest: corporation and a withdrawing
stockholder who exercises his appraisal
a. Does not exceed 25% of the right regarding the fair value of his
outstanding capital stock. shares, a three-member group shall by
b. Exceeds 25% of the outstanding majority vote resolve the issue with
capital stock. finality. May the wife of the withdrawing
c. Exceeds 20% of the outstanding stockholder be named to the three-
capital stock. member group?
d. Does not exceed 20% of the
outstanding capital stock. a. No, the wife of the withdrawing
shareholder is not a disinterested
Answer: person.
d. Does not exceed 20% of the b. Yes, since she could best protect
outstanding capital stock. her husband’s shareholdings.
c. Yes, since the rules do not
discriminate against wives.
56. X, an amateur astronomer, stumbled d. No, since the stockholder himself
upon what appeared to be massive should sit in the three-member
volcanic eruption in Jupiter while group.
peering at the planet through his
telescope. The following week, X, Answer:
without notes, presented a lecture on his a. No, the wife of the withdrawing
findings before the Association of shareholder is not a disinterested
Astronomers of the Philippines. To his person.
dismay, he later read an article in a
science journal written by Y, a
professional astronomer, repeating 58. Apart from economic rights, the author
exactly what X discovered without any of a copyright also has moral rights
attribution to him. Has Y infringed on X’s which he may transfer by way of
copyright, if any? assignment. The term of these moral
rights shall last
a. No, since X did not reduce his
lecture in writing or other material a. During the author’s lifetime and for
form. 50 years after his death.
b. Yes, since the lecture is considered b. Forever.
X’s original work. c. 50 years from the time the author
c. No, since no protection extends to created his work.
any discovery, even if expressed, d. During the author’s lifetime.
explained, illustrated, or embodied in
a work. Answer:
d. Yes, since Y’s article failed to make a. During the author’s lifetime and for
any attribution to X. 50 years after his death.
c. No, since no protection extends to 59. Which of the following indorsers
any discovery, even if expressed, expressly warrants in negotiating a
explained, illustrated, or embodied in a instrument that 1) it is genuine and true;
work. 2) he has a good title to it; 3) all prior
parties have capacity to negotiate; and
4) it is valid and subsisting at the time of a. No, since the correct remedy for X is
his indorsement? a civil action for damages.
b. No, since Y is a prior user in good
a. The irregular indorser. faith.
b. The regular indorser. c. Yes, since X is the first to register
c. The general indorser. his device for patent registration.
d. The qualified indorser. d. Yes, since Y unwittingly used X’s
patented invention.
c. The general indorser. Answer:
b. No, since Y is a prior user in good
60. Where the insurer was made to pay the
insured for a loss covered by the
insurance contract, such insurer can run 62. P, a sales girl in a flower shop at the
after the third person who caused the Ayala Station of the Metro Rail Transit
loss through subrogation. What is the (MRT) bought two tokens or tickets, one
basis for conferring the right of for her ride to work and another for her
subrogation to the insurer? ride home. She got to her flower shop
where she usually worked from 8:00am-
a. Their express stipulation in the 5:00pm. At about 3:00pm, while P was
contract of insurance. attending to her duties at the flower
b. The equitable assignment that shop, two crews of the MRT got into a
results from the insurer’s payment of fight near the flower shop, causing
the insured. injuries to P in the process. Can P sue
c. The insured’s formal assignment of the MRT for contractual breach as she
his right to indemnification to the was within the MRT premises where she
insurer. would shortly take her ride home?
d. The insured’s endorsement of its
claim to the insurer. a. No, since the incident took place, not
in the MRT train coach, but at the
Answer: MRT station.
b. The equitable assignment that b. No, since P had no intention to
results from the insurer’s payment of board an MRT train coach when the
the insured. incident occurred.
c. Yes, since she already had a ticket
for her ride home and was in the
61. X invented a device which, through the MRT’s premises at the time of the
use of noise, can recharge a cellphone incident.
battery. He applied for and was granted d. Yes, since she bought a round trip
a patent on his device, effective within ticket and MRT had a duty while she
the Philippines. As it turns out, a year was at its station to keep her safe for
before the grant of X’s patent, Y, also an her return trip.
inventor, invented a similar device which
he used in his cellphone business in Answer:
Manila. But X files an injunctive suit b. No, since P had no intention to board
against Y to stop him from using the an MRT train coach when the incident
device on the ground of patent occurred.
infringement. Will the suit prosper?
63. Forgery of bills of exchange may be d. Yes, since ABC Bank is bound to
subdivided into, a) forgery of an know the signature of Y, its client.
indorsement on the bill and b) forgery of
the drawer’s signature, which may either Answer:
be with acceptance by the drawee, or d. Yes, since ABC Bank is bound to
know the signature of Y, its client.
a. With acceptance but the bill is paid
by the drawee.
b. Without acceptance but the bill is 66. The rule is that no stock dividend shall
paid by the drawer. be issued without the approval of
c. Without acceptance but the bill is stockholders representing at least 2/3 of
paid by the drawee. the outstanding capital stock at a regular
d. With acceptance but the bill is paid or special meeting called for the
by the drawer. purpose. As to other forms of dividends:
77. T is the registered trademark owner of 79. T delivers two refrigerators to the
“CROCOS” which he uses on his ready- warehouse of W who then issues a
to-wear clothes. Banking on the negotiable receipt undertaking the
popularity of T’s trademark, B came up delivery of the refrigerators to “T or
with his own “CROCOS” mark, which he bearer”. T entrusted the receipt to B for
then used for his “CROCOS” burgers. T safekeeping only. B negotiated it,
now sues B for trademark infringement however, to F who bought it in good
but B argues that his product is a faith and for value. Who is entitled to the
burger, hence, there is no infringement. delivery of the refrigerators?
Is B correct?
a. T, since he is a real owner of the
a. No, since the owner of a well-known refrigerators.
mark registered in the Philippines b. F, since he is a purchaser in good
has rights that extends even to faith and for value.
dissimilar kinds of goods. c. B, since T entrusted the receipt to
b. Yes, since the right of the owner of a him.
well-known mark registered in the d. W, since he has as a
Philippines does not extend to goods warehouseman a lien on the goods.
which are not of the same kind.
c. Yes, as B was in bad faith in coming Answer:
up with his own “CROCOS” mark. b. F, since he is a purchaser in good
d. No, since unlike T, he did not faith and for value.
register his own “CROCOS” mark for
his product.
80. The Articles of Incorporation must be
Answer: accompanied by a Treasurer’s Affidavit
a. No, since the owner of a well-known certifying under oath, among others, that
mark registered in the Philippines the total subscription paid is:
has rights that extends even to
dissimilar kinds of goods. a. Not less than P25,000.00
b. Not more than P5,000.00
c. Not less than P5,000,00
78. A, the proprietor of a fleet of 10 d. Not more than P25,000.00
taxicabs, decides to adopt, as his
business name, “A Transport Co., Inc.” Answer:
May this be allowed? c. Not less than P5,000,00
a. No, since the law declared void the 89. X Shipping Co., insured its vessel MV
contract on which the promissory Don Teodoro for P100 M with ABC
note was founded. Insurance Co. through T, an agent of X
Shipping. During a voyage, the vessel
accidentally caught fire and suffered
87. P authorized A to sign a bill of damages estimated at P80 M. T
exchange in hi (P’s) name. the bill personally informed ABC Insurance that
reads: “Pay to B or order the sum of P1 X Shipping was abandoning the ship.
Later, ABC Insurance denied X c. Yes, since the provisions of the
Shipping’s claim for loss on the ground Corporation Code applies as well to
that a notice of abandonment through its GOCC.
agent was improper. Is ABC Insurance d. No, since the board has the power to
right? oust him even without the new law.
Question No. 8:
Marlon deposited with LYRIC bank a Question No. 9:
money market placement of P1 M for a term Your client Dianne approaches you
of 31 days. On maturity date, one claiming for legal advice on putting up a medium-
to be Marlon called up the LYRIC Bank sized restaurant business that will specialize
account officer and instructed him to give in a novel type of cuisine. As Dianne feels
the manager’s check representing the that the business is a little risky, she
proceeds of the money market placement to wonders whether she should use a
Marlon’s girlfriend, Ingrid. corporation as the business vehicle, or just
run it as a single proprietorship. She already
The check, which bore the forged has an existing corporation that is producing
signature of Marlon, was deposited in meat products profitably and is also
Ingrid’s account with YAMAHA Bank. considering the alternative of simply setting
YAMAHA Bank stamped a guaranty on the up the restaurant as a branch office of the
check reading: “All prior endorsements existing corporation.
and/or lack of endorsement guaranteed.”
1. Briefly explain to your client what you
Upon presentment of the check, see as the legal advantages and
LYRIC Bank funds the check. Days later, disadvantages of using a separate
Marlon goes to LYRIC Bank to collect his corporation, a single proprietorship, or a
money market placement and discovers the branch of an existing corporation for the
foregoing transactions. proposed restaurant business.
Since Armando would have Question No. 12:
collected P5 M from Second Insurance AA entered into a contract with BB
Company, this amount should be for the latter to transport ladies wear from
considered as partial payment of the Manila to France with transshipment via
loan. Armando can only collect the Taiwan. Somehow the goods were not
balance of P5 M. Second Insurance loaded in Taiwan on time, hence, these
Company can recover from Mario the arrived in France “off-season.” AA was only
amount of P5 M it paid, because it paid ½ the value by the buyer.
became subrogated to the rights of
Armando. AA claimed damages from BB. BB
invoked prescription as a defense under the
COGSA. Considering the “loss of value” of
Question No. 11: the ladies wear as claimed by AA, is BB’s
Enrique obtained from Seguro defense tenable? Explain.
Insurance Company a comprehensive
motor vehicle insurance to cover his top of Answer:
the line Aston Martin. The policy was issued No. the defense of BB is not tenable.
on March 31, 2010 and, on even date, The 1 year prescriptive period in the
Enrique paid the premium with a personal COGSA applies only in case the goods
check postdated April 6, 2010. were not delivered or were delivered in a
damaged condition. It does not apply to
On April 5, 2010, the car was damages as a result of delay in the delivery
involved in an accident that resulted in its of the goods. The prescription of the action
total loss. is governed by Article 1144 of the Civil
Code, which provides for a prescriptive
On April 10, 2010, the drawee bank period of 10 years in case of actions based
returned Enrique’s check with the notation on a written contract.
“Insufficient Funds.” Upon notification,
Enrique immediately deposited additional
funds with the bank and asked the insurer to Question No. 13:
redeposit the check. Paolo, the owner of an ocean-going
vessel, offered to transport the logs of
Enrique thereupon claimed Constantino from Manila to Nagoya.
indemnity from the insurer. Is the insurer Constantino accepted the offer, not knowing
liable under the insurance coverage? Why that the vessel was manned by an
or why not? irresponsible crew with deep-seated
resentments against Paolo, their employer.
The insurer is not liable under the Constantino insured the cargo of
insurance policy. Under Art 1249 of the Civil logs against both perils of the sea and
Code, the delivery of a check produces the barratry. The logs were improperly loaded
effect of payment only when it is encashed. on one side, thereby causing the vessel to
The loss occurred on April 5, 2010. When tilt on one side. On the way to Nagoya, the
the check was deposited, it was returned on crew unbolted the sea valve of the vessel
April 10, 2010, for insufficiency of funds. causing water to flood the ship hold. The
The check was honored only after Enrique vessel sank.
deposited additional funds with the bank.
Constantino tried to collect from the Answer:
insurance company which denied liability, Manuel can recover P500,000
given the unworthiness of both the vessel because this is the total of his savings
and its crew. deposit, time deposit and current account.
The trust account and the money market
Constantino countered that he was placements are not included in the insured
not the owner of the vessel and he could deposits.
therefore not be responsible for conditions
about which he was innocent.
Question No. 15:
1. Is the insurance company liable? While vacationing in Boracay,
Valentino surreptitiously took photographs
Answer: of his girlfriend Monaliza in her skimpy
No. the insurance company is not bikini. 2 weeks later, her photograph
liable because there is an implied appeared in the Internet and in a national
warranty in every marine insurance that celebrity magazine.
the ship is seaworthy whoever is
insuring the cargo, whether it be the Monaliza found out that Valentino
shipowner or not. There was a breach of had sold the photograph to the magazine
warranty, because the logs were and, adding insult to injury, uploaded them
improperly loaded and the crew was to his personal blog on the Internet.
irresponsible. It is the obligation of the
owner of the cargo to look for a reliable 1. Monaliza filed a complaint against
common carrier which keeps its vessel Valentino for damages based on,
in seaworthy condition. among other grounds, violation of her
intellectual property rights. Does she
have any cause of action? Explain.
2. Hat is “barratry” in marine insurance?
Answer: No. Monaliza cannot sue Valentino
Barratry is any willful misconduct on for violation of her intellectual property
the part of the master or the crew in rights, because she was not the one
pursuance of some unlawful or who took the pictures. She may sue
fraudulent purpose without the consent Valentino instead for violation of her
of the owner and to the prejudice of the right to privacy. He surreptitiously took
interest of the owner. photographs of her and then sold the
photographs to a magazine and
uploaded them to his personal blog in
Question No. 14: the Internet.
When OCCIDENTAL Bank folded up
to insolvency, Manuel had the following
separate deposits in his name; P200,000 in 2. Valentino’s friend Francesco stole the
savings deposit; P250,000 in time deposit; photographs and duplicated them and
P50,000 in a current account; P1 M in a sold them to a magazine publication.
trust account; and P3 M in money market Valentino sued Francesco for
placement. Under the PDIC Act, how much infringement and damages. Does
could Manuel recover? Valentino have any cause of action?
No. Valentino cannot sue Francesco
for infringement, because he has
already sold the photographs to a Question No. 17:
magazine. The Supreme Court has held that
fraud is an exception to the “independence
3. Does Monaliza have any cause of action principle” governing letters of credit. Explain
against Franceso? Explain. this principle and give an example of how
fraud can be an exception.
Yes. Monaliza can also sue Answer:
Francesco for violation of her right to The “independence principle” posits
privacy. that the obligations of the parties to a letter
of credit are independent of the obligations
of the parties to the underlying transaction.
Question No. 16: Thus, the beneficiary of the letter of credit,
An importer of Christmas toys which is able to comply with the
loaded 100 boxes of Santa Clause talking documentary requirements under the letter
dolls aboard a ship in Korea bound for of credit, must be paid by the issuing or
Manila. With the intention of smuggling ½ of confirming bank, notwithstanding the
his cargo, he took a bill of lading for only 50 existence of a dispute between the parties
boxes to save the more precious cargo. to the underlying transaction, say a contract
of sale of goods where the buyer is not
1. Is the importer entitled to receive any satisfied with the quality of the goods
indemnity for average? delivered by the seller. The Supreme Court
in Transfield Philippines, Inc. v. Luzon
Answer: Hydro Corporation, 443 SCRA 307 (2004)
No. The importer is not entitled to for the first time declared that fraud is an
receive any indemnity for average. In exception to the independence principle.
order that the goods jettisoned may be For instance, if the beneficiary fraudulently
included in the general average and the presents to the issuing or confirming bank
owner be entitled to indemnity, it is documents that contain material facts that,
necessary that their existence on board to his knowledge, are untrue, then payment
be proven by means of the bill of lading. under the letter of credit may be prevented
through court injunction.
Question No. 2:
c) Even if the seller and the buyer in a sale Atlantis Realty Corporation (ARC), a
in bulk violate the Bulk Sales Law, the local firm engaged in real estate
sale would still be valid. development, plans to sell one of its prime
assets—a 3-hectare land valued at about
Answer: P100 M. for this purpose, the board of
False. When the Bulk Sale Law is directors of ARC unanimously passed a
violated, the sale is null and void. When resolution approving the sale of the property
the provision of the said law have not for P75 M to Shangrila Real Estate
been complied with, the sale is Ventures (SREV), a rival realty firm. The
considered as being “fraudulent and resolution also called for a special
void” and even when coupled with stockholders meeting at which the proposed
delivery, the title over the goods does sale would be up for ratification.
not transfer to the buyer. However, the
civil liabilities arising from the
Atty. Edric, a stockholder who owns security his 500 shares of stock worth P1.5
only 1 share in ARC, wants to stop the sale. M in Xerxes Corporation, and his 2007
He then commences a derivative suit for BMW sedan, valued at P2 M. the mortgage
and in behalf of the corporation from on the shares of stock was registered in the
approving the sale. Office of the Register of Deeds of Makati
City where Xerxes Corporation has its
a) Can Atty. Edric, who owns only 1 share principal office. The mortgage on the car
in the company, initiate a derivative was registered in the Office of the Register
suit? Why or why not? of Deeds of Manila. Armando executed a
single Affidavit of Good Faith, covering both
Answer: mortgages.
Yes, Atty. Edric can initiate a
derivative suit, otherwise known as the Armando defaulted on the payment
minority stockholders’ suit. It is allowed of his obligation; thus, Bernardo foreclosed
by law to enable the minority on the two chattel mortgages. Armando filed
stockholder/s to protect the interest of suit to nullify the foreclosure and the
the corporation against illegal or mortgages, raising the following issues:
disadvantageous act/s of its officers or
directors, the people who are supposed a) The execution of only one Affidavit of
to the corporation. Good Faith for both mortgages
invalidated the two mortgages; and
b) Does the illicit cause or consideration The jettison of Romualdo’s TV sets
adversely affect the negotiability of the resulted in a general average loss,
bill? Explain. which entitles him compensation or
indemnification from the shipowner and
Answer: the owners of the cargoes saved by the
enumerated under Sec. 30, RA No.
7653, otherwise known as the New
b) Against whom does Romualdo have a Central Bank Act, leading to the
cause of action for indemnity of his lost receivership and liquidation of a bank or
TV sets? Explain. quasi-bank. There is no requirement
that an examination be first conducted
Answer: before a banking institution may be
Romualdo has a cause of action for placed under receivership.
his lost TV sets against the shipowner
and the owners of the cargoes saved by
the jettison. The jettison of the TV sets b) If the MPBC hires you as a lawyer
resulted in a general average loss, because the Monetary Board has
entitling Romualdo to indemnity for the forbidden it from carrying on its business
lost TV sets. due to its imminent insolvency, what
action will you institute to question the
Monetary Board’s order? Explain.
Question No. 8:
Maharlikang Pilipino Banking Answer:
Corporation (MPBC) operates several The order of the Monetary Board
branches of Maharlikang Pilipino Rural may be questioned on a petition for
Bank in Eastern Visayas. Almost all the certiorari on the ground that the action
branch managers are close relatives of the taken was in excess of jurisdiction or
members of the Board of Directors of the with grave abuse of discretion
corporation. Many undeserving relatives of amounting to lack or excess of
the branch managers were granted loans. In jurisdiction. The petition of certiorari may
time, the branches could not settle their only be filed by the stockholders of
obligations to depositors and creditors. record representing the majority of the
capital stock within 10 days from receipt
Receiving reports of these by the board of directors of the MPBC of
irregularities, the Supervising and the order directing receivership,
Examining Department (SED) of the liquidation or conservatorship.
Monetary Board prepared a detailed report
(SED Report) specifying the facts and the
chronology of events relative to the Question No. 9:
problems that beset MPBC rural bank When is there an ultra vires act on
branches. The report concluded that the the part of (a) the corporation; (b) the board
bank branches were unable to pay their of directors; and (c) the corporate officers.
liabilities as they fell due, and could not
possibly continue in business without Answer:
incurring substantial losses to its depositors a) Under Sec. 45 of the Corporation
and creditors. Code, no corporation shall possess
or exercise any corporate power
a) May the Monetary Board order the except those conferred by the Code
closure of the MPBC rural banks relying or by its articles of incorporation and
only on the SED Repost, without need except such as are necessary or
of an examination? Explain. incidental to the exercise of the
powers so conferred. When the
Answer: corporation does an act or engages
Yes. Upon receipt of the report of in an activity which is outside of its
the SED, the Monetary Board is express, implied or incidental
authorized to take any of the actions powers set out in its articles of
incorporation, the act is deemed to c. Those issued by the receiver or by
be ultra vires. the trustee in a bankruptcy duly
approved by the proper adjudicatory
b) When the Board engages in an board;
activity or enters into a contract d. Those involving the sale or transfer
without the ratificatory vote of the which is by law, under the regulation
stockholders in those instances of the OIC, HLURB, BIR; and
where the Corporation Code so e. Those issued by banks, except its
requires such ratificatory vote, such own shares.
as when the corporation is made to
invest in another corporation or
engage in a business which is not in
pursuit of its primary purpose, the PART II
board resolution not ratified by
stockholders owning or representing Question No. 10:
at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if
stock would make the transaction the statement is true, or FALSE if the
void, as being ultra vires. statement is FALSE. Explain your answer in
not more than 2 sentences.
c) When a corporate officer enters into
a contract on behalf of the a) A loan agreement which provides that
corporation without having been so the debtor shall pay interest at the rate
expressly or impliedly authorized by determined by the bank’s branch
the board of Directors, even when manager violates the disclosure
the act or contract falls within the requirement of the Truth in Lending Act.
corporation’s express, implied or
incidental power, then the
unauthorized act of the corporate
officer is deemed to be ultra vires. Answer:
True. This is contrary to the duty of
the creditor to disclose in detail the
Question No. 10: interests, charges and other figures
What are the so-called exempt indicating in detail the cost of the credit
securities under the SRC? granted to the debtor.
Under Sec. 9 of the SRC, the so- b) Under the Warehouse Receipts Law, a
called exempt securities are: warehouseman loses his lien upon the
goods when he surrenders possession
a. Those issued or guaranteed by the thereof.
government of the Philippines or any
of its political subdivisions or Answer:
agencies; True. A lien is dependent on
b. Those issued or guaranteed by the possession. When a warehouseman
government of any foreign country surrenders possession, he thereby loses
with which the Philippines has his lien on the goods over which he no
diplomatic relations, or any other longer has possession.
state on the basis of reciprocity,
although the SEC may require
compliance with the form and c) The Howey Test that there is an
content of disclosures; investment contract when a person
invests money in a common enterprise were duly indorsed by Gaudencio’s
and is led to expect profits primarily from customers.
the efforts of others.
The Deed of Assignment contains
Answer: the following stipulation:
False. The Howey Test requires a
transaction, contract, or scheme “If, for any reason, the receivables or
whereby a person makes an investment any part thereof cannot be paid by the
of money in a common enterprise with obligors, the ASSIGNOR unconditionally
the expectation of profits to be derived and irrevocably agrees to pay the same,
solely, not primarily from efforts of assuming the liability to pay, by way of a
others. penalty, 3% of the total amount unpaid, for
the period of delay until the same is fully
d) A document, dated July 15, 2009, that
reads: “Pay to X or order the sum of When the checks became due, BFC
P5,000.00 five days after his pet dog, deposited them for collection, but the
Sparky, dies. Signed Y.” is a negotiable drawee banks dishonored all the checks for
instrument. one of the following reasons: “account
closed,” “payment stopped,” “account under
Answer: garnishment,” or “insufficiency of funds”.
True. The document is subject to a BFC wrote Gaudencio notifying him of the
term and not a condition. The dying of dishonored checks, and demanding
the dog is a day which is certain to com. payment of the loan. Because Gaudencio
Therefore, the order to pay is did not pay, BFC filed a collection suit.
unconditional, in compliance with
Section 1 of the NIL. In his defense, Gaudencio
contended that: (a) BFC did not give timely
notice of dishonor of the checks; and (b)
e) “A bank is bound to know its depositor’s considering that the checks were duly
signature” is an inflexible rule in indorsed, BFC should proceed against the
determining the liability of a bank in drawers and the indorsers of the checks.
forgery cases.
Are Gaudencio’s defenses tenable?
Answer: Explain.
False. In cases of forgery, the forger
may not necessarily be a depositor of Answer:
the bank, especially in the case of a No. Gaudencio’s defenses are
drawee bank. Yet in many cases of untenable. The cause of action of BFC was
forgery, it is the drawee that is held really on the contract of loan, with the
liable for the loss. checks merely serving as collateral to
secure the payment of the loan. By virtue of
the Deed of Assignment which he signed,
Question No. 12: Gaudencio undertook to pay for the
Gaudencio, a store owner, obtained receivables if for any reason they cannot be
a P1 M loan from Bathala Financing paid by the obligors.
Corporation (BFC). As security, Gaudencio
executed a “Deed of Assignment of
Receivables,” assigning 15 checks received Question No. 13:
from various customers who bought Ciriaco leased a commercial
merchandise from his store. The checks apartment from Supreme Building
Corporation (SBC). One of the provisions of the two corporations. Under either option,
the 1-year lease contract states: the requirements under the Corporation
Code have to be complied with.
“18. x x x The LESSEE shall not
insure against fire the chattels, The receiver seeks your advice on
merchandise, textiles, goods and effects whether the Bulk Sales Law will apply to
placed at any stall or store or space in the either, or both, options. What will your
leased premises without first obtaining the advice be?
written consent of the LESSOR. If the
LESSEE obtains five insurance coverage Answer:
without the consent of the LESSOR, the I will advice the receiver that the
insurance policy is deemed assigned and Bulk Sales Law does not apply to both
transferred to the LESSRO for the latter’s options. Section 8 of the Bulk Sales Law
benefit.” expressly provides that it will not apply to
executors, administrators, receivers, and
Notwithstanding the stipulation in the assignees in insolvency, or public officers,
contract, without the consent of SBC, acting under judicial process. In this case,
Ciriaco insured the merchandise inside the the receiver is acting under judicial process.
premises against loss by fire in the amount
of P500,000 with First United Insurance
Corporation (FUIC). Question No. 15:
After disposing of his last opponent
A day before the lease contract in only two rounds in Las Vegas, the
expired, fire broke out inside the leased renowned boxer Sonny Bachao arrived at
premises, damaging Ciriaco’s merchandise. the NAIA met by thousands of hero-
Having learned of the insurance earlier worshipping fans and hundreds of media
procured by Ciriaco, SBC demanded from photographers. The following day, a colored
FUIC that the proceeds of the insurance photograph of Sonny wearing a black polo
policy be paid directly to it, as provided in short embroidered with the 2-inch Lacoste
the lease contract. crocodile logo appeared on the front page of
every Philippine newspaper.
Who is legally entitled to receive the
insurance proceeds? Explain. Lacoste International, the French
firm that manufactures Lacoste apparel and
Answer: owns the Lacoste trademark, decided to
Ciriaco is entitled to receive the cash in on the universal popularity of the
proceeds of the insurance policy. The boxing icon. It reprinted the photographs,
stipulation that the policy is deemed with the permission of the newspaper
assigned and transferred to SBC is void, publishers, and went on a world-wide blitz of
because SBC has no insurable interest in print commercials in which Sonny is shown
the merchandise of Ciriaco. wearing a Lacoste shirt alongside the
phrase “Sonny Bachao just loves Lacoste”.
c) For injunction in order to stop Lacoste Today, Paterno sues XYZ Corporation
International from featuring him in their for specific performance, for the payment of
commercials. dividends on, and to compel the redemption
of, the preferred shares, under the terms
Will these actions prosper? and conditions provided in the stock
certificates. Will the suit prosper? Explain.
The complaint for injunction to stop Answer:
Lacoste International from featuring him No. the suit will not prosper. Paterno
in its advertisements will prosper. This is cannot compel XYZ Corporation to pay
a violation of subsection 123.4© of the dividends, which have to be declared by the
IPC and Art. 169 in relation to Article Board of Directors and the latter cannot do
170 of the RPC. so, unless there are sufficient unrestricted
retained earnings. Otherwise, the
corporation will be forced to use its capital
d) Can Lacoste International validly invoke to make said payments in violation of the
the defense that it is not a Philippine trust fund doctrine. Likewise, redemption of
company and, therefore, Philippine shares cannot be compelled. While the
courts have no jurisdiction? Explain. certificate allows such redemption, the
option and discretion to do so are clearly
Answer: vested in the Corporation.
a) In 1982, Juancho, the sole heir of one of
Question No. 17: the original incorporators filed apetition
Philippine Palaces Realty (PPR) had with the SEC for the registration of his
been representing itself as a registered property rights over 120 founder’s
broker of securities, duly authorized by the shares and 12 common shares. The
SEC. On October 6, 1996, PPR sold to petition was supported by a copy of the
spouses Leon and Carina one timeshare of Articles of Incorporation indicating the
Palacio del Boracay for US$7,500. However incorporators’ initial capital stock
its Registration Statement became effective subscription. Will the petition be
only on February 11, 1998 after the SEC granted? Why or why not?
issued a resolution declaring that PPR was
authorized to sell securities, including Answer:
timeshares Yes. The articles of incorporation
defines the charter of the corporation
On March 30, 1998, Leon and and the contractual relationship between
Carina wrote PPR rescinding their purchase the State and the corporation, the State
agreement and demanding the refund of the and the stockholders, and between the
amount they paid, because the Palacio del corporation and the stockholders. Its
Boracay timeshare was sold to them by contents are thus binding upon both the
PPR without the requisite license or corporation and the stockholders,
authority from the SEC. PPR contended that conferring on Juancho a clear right to
the grant of the SEC authority had the effect have his stockholding recorded.
of ratifying the purchase agreement (with
Leon and Carina) of October 6, 1996.
b) On May 6, 1992, a special stockholders’
Is the contention of PPR correct? meeting was held. At this meeting, what
Explain. would have constituted a quorum?
The contention of PPR is not correct. Answer:
It is settled that no securities shall be sold or A quorum consists of the majority of
offered for sale or distribution in the the totality of the shares which have
Philippines without a registration duly filed been subscribed and issued. Thus the
and approved by the Commission. quorum for such meeting would be 289
Corporate registration is one of the shares or a majority of the 576 shares
requirements under Section 8 of BP Blg. issued and outstanding as indicated in
178. the articles of incorporation. This
includes the 33 common shares
reflected in the stocks and transfer
Question No. 18: book, there being no mention or
Triple A Corporation (Triple A) was showing of any transaction effected from
incorporated in 1960, with 500 founder’s the time of Triple A’s incorporation in
shares and 78 common shares as its initial 1960 up to the said meeting.
capital stock subscription. However, Triple A
registered its stock subscription. However,
Triple A registered its stock and transfer c) What is a stock and transfer book?
books only in 1978, and recorded merely 33
common shares as the corporation’s issued Answer:
and outstanding shares. a stock and transfer book is a book
which records all stocks in the name of
the stockholders alphabetically
arranged; the installments paid or although he was being transported
unpaid on all stocks for which gratuitously, because he won a free
subscription has been made and the riding pass in a raffle held by CTC.
date of payment of any installment, a
statement of every alienation, sale or
transfer of stock made, the date thereof, b) Do Romeo, Samuel, Teresita, and Uriel
and by and to whom made; and such have a cause of action for damages
other entries as the by-laws may against UTI? Explain.
Romeo, Samuel, Teresita, and Uriel
Question No. 19: may sue UTI on the basis of quasi-delict
One of the passenger buses owned since they have no pre-existing
by Continental Transit Corporation (CTC), contractual relationship with UTI. They
plying its usual route, figured in a collision may allege that the collision was due to
with another bus owned by Unniversla the negligence of driver of UTI and UTI
Transport Inc. (UTI). Among those injured was negligent in the selection and
inside the CTC bus were: Romeo, a stow supervision of its driver.
away; Samuel, a pickpocket then in the act
of robbing his seatmate when the collision
occurred; Teresita, the bus driver’s mistress c) What, if any, are the valid defenses that
who usually accompanied the driver on his CTC and UTI can raise in the respective
trips for free; and Uriel, a holder of a free actions against them? Explain.
riding pass he won in a raffle held by CTC.
a) Will a suit for breach of contract of With respect to Romeo, Samuel and
carriage filed by Romeo, Samuel, Teresita, since there was no pre-existing
Teresita, and Uriel against CTC contractual relationship between them
prosper? Explain. and CTC, CTC can raise the defense
that it exercised the due diligence of a
Answer: good father of a family in the selection of
Romeo cannot sue for breach of its driver.
contract of carriage. A stowaway like
Romeo, who secures passage by fraud, It can raise the same defense
is not a passenger. against Uriel if there is a stipulation that
exempts it from liability for simple
Samuel and Teresita cannot sue for negligence, but not for willful acts or
breach of contract of carriage. The gross negligence.
element s in the definition of a
passenger are: an undertaking of a CTC cam also raise against all the
person to travel in the conveyance plaintiffs the defense that the collision
provided by the carrier and an was due exclusively to the negligence of
acceptance by the carrier of the person the driver of UTI, and this constitutes a
as a passenger. Samuel did not board fortuitous event, because there was no
the bus to be transported but to commit concurrent negligence on the part of its
robbery. Teresita did not board the bus own driver.
to be transported but to accompany the
driver while he was performing his work CTC can also raise against Samuel
the defense that he was engaged in a
Uriel can sue for breach of contract seriously illegal act at the time of the
of carriage. He was a passenger
collision, which can render him liable for Atlantic Bank a confirmed and irrevocable
damages on the basis of quasi-delict. letter of credit which was accepted by X
Corporation in due time. 1 week before the
Since UTI had no pre-existing expiration of the 6 month period, PT
contractual relationship with any of the requested for an extension of time to
plaintiffs, it can raise the defense that it deliver claiming that the delay was due to
exercised due diligence in the selection the fault of X Corporation. A controversy as
and supervision of its driver, that the to the cause of the delay which involved
collision was due exclusively to the the workmanship of the building ensued.
negligence of the driver of CTC, and The controversy remained unresolved.
that Samuel was committing a seriously Despite the controversy, X Corporation
illegal act at the time of the collision. presented a claim against Atlantic Bank by
executing a draft against the letter of credit.
3. Diana and Piolo are famous a) Yes, Alfredo may recover on the
personalities in showbusiness who kept policy. It is valid to stipulate that the
their love affair secret. They use a insured will be granted credit term
special instant messaging service which for the payment of premium.
allows them to see one another’s typing Payment by means of a check which
on their own screen as each letter key is was accepted by the insurer, bearing
pressed. When Greg, the controller of a date prior to the loss, would be
the service facility, found out their sufficient. The subsequent effects of
identities, he kept a copy of all the encashment retroact to the date of
messages Diana and Piolo sent each the check.
other and published them. Is Greg liable
for copyright infringement? Reason b) Yes, recovery under the insurance
briefly. contract is allowed if the cause of
the loss was either the proximate or
Answer: the immediate cause as long as an
Yes, Greg is liable for copyright excepted peril, if any, was not the
infringement. Letters are among the proximate cause of the loss.
works which are protected from the
moment of their creation. The c) Yes, mere negligence on the part of
publication of the letters without the the insured will not prevent recovery
consent of their writers constitutes under the insurance policy. The law
infringement of copyright. merely prevents recovery when the
cause of loss is the willful act of the
insured, alone or in connivance with
4. Alfredo took out a policy to insure his others.
commercial building against fire. The
broker for the insurance company
agreed to give a 15-day credit within 5. C contracted D to renovate his
which to pay the insurance premium. commercial building. D ordered
Upon delivery of the policy on May 15, construction materials from E and
2006, Alfredo issued a postdated check received delivery thereof. The following
payable on May 30, 2006. On May 28, day, C went to F Bank to apply for loan
2006, a fire broke out and destroyed the to pay for the construction materials. As
building owned by Alfredo. security for the loan, C was made to
execute a trust receipt. One year later,
a) May Alfredo recover on the after C failed to pay the balance of the
insurance policy? loan, F Bank charged him with violation
b) Would your answer in a) be the of the Trust Receipts Law.
same if it as found that the
proximate cause of the fire was an a) What is a Trust Receipt?
explosion and that fire was but the
b) Will the case against C prosper?
Reason briefly.
7. In a stockholder’s meeting, S dissented
Answer: from the corporate act converting
a) A Trust Receipt is a written or preferred voting shares to non-voting
printed document signed by the shares. Thereafter, S submitted his
entrustee in favor of the entrustor certificates of stock for notation that his
containing terms and conditions shares are dissenting. The next day, S
substantially complying with the transferred his shares to T to whom new
provisions of the Trust Receipts law, certificates were issued. Now, T
whereby the bank as entruster demands from the corporation the
releases the goods to the payment of the value of his shares.
possession of the entrustee but
retains ownership thereof while the a) What is the meaning of stockholder’s
entrustee may sell the goods and appraisal right?
apply the proceeds for the full b) Can T exercise the right of
payment of his liability to the bank. appraisal? Reason briefly.
a) Under the Insolvency Law necessary 2006 BAR EXAMINATION
funeral expenses of the debtor is the
most preferred claim. However, this
is an insolvent corporation, thus, Question No. 1:
claims shall be paid in the following 1. What is the doctrine of “piercing the veil
order: of corporate entity?” Explain.
1. Debts due for personal services
rendered the insolvent by Answer:
employees, laborers, or Under the doctrine of “piercing the
domestic servants immediately veil of corporate entity”, the legal fiction that
preceding the commencement of a corporation is an entity with a juridical
proceedings in insolvency; personality separate and distinct from its
2. Compensation due to the members or stockholders may be
laborers or their dependents disregarded and the corporation will be
under the provisions of Act considered as a mere association of
Numbered 3428, known as the persons, such that liability will attach directly
Workmen’s Compensation Act, to the officers and the stockholders. It is an
as amended by Act Numbered equitable doctrine developed to address
3812 and under the provisions of situations where the separate corporate
Act Numbered 1874, known as personality of a corporation is abused or
the Employees’ Liability Act, and used for wrongful purposes.
of other laws providing for
payment of indemnity for
damages in cases of labor 2. To what circumstances will the doctrine
accidents; apply?
3. Legal expenses, and expenses
incurred in the administration of Answer:
the insolvent’s estate for the
The doctrine of “piercing the veil of Answer:
corporate entity” will apply when the A bank, which honors a check
corporation’s separate juridical personality wherein the drawer’s signature was forged,
is used: must bear the loss, because it has the legal
duty to ascertain that the drawer’s signature
a) To defeat public convenience; is genuine before encashing a check. The
b) To justify wrong, protect fraud, or liability chain ends with the drawee bank.
defend crime;
c) As a shield to confuse the legitimate On the other hand, if the drawee
issues; bank pays under forged indorsement, the
d) Where a corporation is the mere drawee bank is still liable to the payee as it
alter ego or business conduit of a has guaranteed the genuineness of all prior
person; or indorsements. However, the drawee bank
e) Where the corporation is so may generally pass liability back through the
organized and controlled and its collection chain to the party who obtained
affairs are so conducted as to make the check from the forger and from the
it merely an instrumentality, agency, forger himself.
conduit or adjunct of another
Question No. 3:
Jun was to leave for a business trip.
3. What is the minimum and maximum As his usual practice, he signed several
number of incorporators required to blank checks. He instructed Ruth, his
incorporate a stock corporation? Is this secretary, to fill them as payment for his
also the same minimum and maximum obligations. Ruth filled one check with her
number of directors in a stock name as payee, placed P30,000 thereon,
corporation? endorsed and delivered it to Marie. She
accepted the check in good faith as
Answer: payment for goods she delivered to Ruth.
To incorporate a stock corporation, a Eventually, Ruth regretted what she did and
minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 apologized to Jun. immediately, he directed
incorporators are required. the drawee bank to dishonor the check.
When Marie encashed the check, it was
Yes, the same minimum and dishonored.
maximum number of directors is required in
a stock corporation. 1. Is Jun liable to Marie?
4. Must all incorporators and directors be Yes. Jun is liable to Marie, as she is
residents of the Philippines? a holder in due course. Pursuant to Sec. 14
of the NIL, in order that an incomplete
Answer: instrument, when completed, may be
No. Only a majority of the enforced against any person who became a
incorporators and a majority of the directors party thereto prior to its completion, it must
must be residents of the Philippines. be filled up strictly in accordance with the
authority given and within a reasonable
time. However, if any such instrument, after
Question No. 2: completion, is negotiated to a holder in due
Discuss the legal consequences course, it is valid and effectual for all
when a bank honors a forged check. purposes in his hands, and he may enforce
it in accordance with the authority given and
within a reasonable time. Considering that
Marie accepted the check in good faith and Answer:
for value, she is a holder in due course, who No. As with any crime, the absence
has the right to enforce payment of the of a criminal record is not a defense against
check for the full amount thereof against a charge for violation of the Anti-Money
Jun. That the blank check was filled-up not Laundering Law. Moreover, having a
in accordance with the authority given is criminal record is not an element of Money
only a personal defense that cannot be Laundering Offense defined under Section 4
used against a holder in due course. of the Anti-Money Laundering Law.
2. Supposing the check was stolen while in 2. To raise funds for his defense, Rudy
Ruth’s possession and a thief filled the sold the houses and lots to a friend. Can
blank check, endorsed and delivered it Luansing Realty, Inc. be compelled to
to Marie in payment for the goods he transfer to the buyer ownership of the
purchased from her, is Jun liable to houses and lots?
Marie if the check is dishonored?
Answer: Yes. In the absence of a freeze
No. section 15 of the NIL provides order on the subject houses and lots
that “where an incomplete instrument has pending criminal proceedings against Rudy,
not been delivered, it will not, if completed the ownership thereof may be validly
and negotiated without authority, be a valid transferred to another, and Luansing Realty,
contract in the hands of any holder, as Inc. can be compelled to recognize the
against any person whose signature was rights of the buyer as the new owner.
placed thereon before delivery.” The want of Section 7(6) in relation to Section 10 of the
delivery of an incomplete instrument is a Anti-Money Laundering Law required an
real defense available against any holder, Order from the Court of Appeals for the
including a holder in due course. freezing of any money or property believed
to be the proceeds of any unlawful activity.
Question No. 4:
Rudy is jobless but s reputed to be a 3. In disclosing Rudy’s bank accounts to
jueteng operator. He has never been the AMLC, did the bank violate any law?
charged or convicted of any crime. He
maintains several banks accounts and has Answer:
purchased 5 houses and lots for his children Yes. The bank violated RA No. 1405
from the Luansing Realty, Inc. since he (Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act), which
does not have any visible job, the company considers all deposits of whatever nature
reported his purchases to the AMLC. with banks or banking institutions as
Thereafter, AMLC charged him with absolutely confidential and may not be
violation of the Anti-Money Laundering Law. examined, inquired or looked into by any
Upon request of the AMLC, the bank person, government officials, bureau or
disclosed to it Rudy’s bank deposits office except upon depositor’s written
amounting to P100 M. Subsequently, he permission; in cases of impeachment; upon
was charged in court for violation of the order of a competent court in cases of
Anti-Money Laundering Law. bribery of, or dereliction of duty by public
official; and in cases where the money
1. Can Rudy move to dismiss the case on deposited or invested is the subject matter
the ground that he has no criminal of the litigation. The disclosure was made
record? before Rudy was charged in court for
violation of the Anti-Money Laundering Law. insurance premium can be paid in
Hence, his deposits were technically not yet installments, and the insurance contract
the subject matter of litigation. became valid and binding upon payment of
the first premium. When the insurer granted
Moreover, under RA No. 9160, the a credit term for the payment of the
AMLC may inquire into or examine any premium, it is liable when the loss occurred
particular deposit or investment with any before the expiration of such term. It could
banking institution upon order of any not deny liability on the ground that payment
competent court for violation of the said Act. was not made in full, for the reason that it
In the case at bar, the AMLC merely agreed to accept installment payments. For
requested the disclosure; it did not secure the same reason, it could not validly cancel
the requisite court order. The bank, the policy, more so, without giving notice to
therefore, was under no obligation to the insured of its cancellation.
disclose Rudy’s deposits.
Question No. 6:
4. Supposing the titles of the houses and 1. In several addresses extensively
lots are in possession of the Luansing covered by media since his appointment
Realty, Inc., is it under obligation to on December 21, 2005, Chief Justice
deliver the titles to Rudy? Artemio V. Panganiban vowed to leave
a judiciary characterized by “four Ins”
Answer: and to focus in solving the “four ACID”
Yes. There being no freeze order problem that corrode the administration
over the subject houses and lots, Luansing of justice in our country.
Realty, Inc., is obliged to deliver the titles to
Rudy who is the owner thereof. Explain this “four Ins” and “four ACID”
Question No. 5:
The Peninsula Insurance Company Answer:
offered to insure Francis’ brand new car Chief Justice Artemio V.
against all risks in the sum of P1 M per Panganiban’s vision for the judiciary is
year. The policy was issued with the characterized by four “Ins” as follows: (1)
premium fixed at P60,000 payable in 6 Independence; (2) Integrity; (3) Industry;
months. Francis only paid the first two and (4) Intelligence. He vows to focus in
months installments. Despite demands, he solving the four ACID problem corroding the
failed to pay the subsequent installments. 5 administration of justice as follows: (1)
months after the issuance of the policy, the limited Access to justice by the poor; (2)
vehicle was carnapped. Francis filed with Corruption; (3) Incompetence; and (d) delay
the insurance company a claim for its value. in the Delivery of quality judgments.
However, the company denied his claim on
the ground that he failed to pay the premium
resulting in the cancellation of the policy. 2. The Chief Justice also said that the
judiciary must “safeguard the liberty”
Can Francis recover from the and “nurture the prosperity” of our
Peninsula Insurance Company? people. Explain the philosophy. Cite the
Decisions of the Supreme Court
Answer: implementing each of these twin
Yes, Francis can recover from beacons of the Chief Justice.
Peninsula considering that his car was
carnapped before the 6 month period to pay Answer:
the premium installments expired. An
The philosophies of “safeguard the A mutual insurance company is a
liberty” and “nurture the prosperity” of our cooperative enterprise where the members
people are goals which the judiciary must are both the insurer and the insured. In it,
achieve. These twin beacons of Liberty and the members all contribute, by a system of
Prosperity are founded on the faith that our premiums or assessments, to the creation
people enjoy the inalienable right to be free of a fund from which all losses and liabilities
from the bondage of fear, and that they are paid, and where the profits are divided
possess a boundless capacity to redeem among themselves, in proportion of their
themselves from misery, to respond interest.
positively to opportunities as they arise, and
to soar above the challenges of fear and
want. 2. Distinguish between the role of a
conservator and that of a receiver of a
2. Is lack of intent to defraud a bar to the
Question No. 9: prosecution of these acts or omissions?
The Blue Star Corporation filed with
the RTC a petition for rehabilitation on the Answer:
ground that it foresaw the impossibility of No. there is no requirement to prove
paying its obligations as they fall due. intent to defraud. The mere failure to
Finding the petition sufficient in form and account for or return the goods, documents
substance, the court issued an Order or instruments in question gives rise to the
appointing a rehabilitation receiver and crime, which is malum prohibitum.
staying the enforcement of all claims
against the corporation.
Question No. 11:
What is the rationale for the Stay Under RA No. 1405 (The Bank
Order? Secrecy Law), bank deposits are
considered absolutely confidential and may
Answer: not be examined, inquired or looked into by
The stay order is a recognition that any person, government official, bureau or
all assets of a corporation under office.
rehabilitation are held in trust for the equal
benefit of all creditors under the doctrine of What are the exceptions?
“equality is equity”. As all the creditors ought
to stand on equal footing, not any one of Answer:
them should be paid ahead of others. The following are the exceptions to
Furthermore, the stay order will enable the the Bank Secrecy Law under Section 2 of
management committee or the RA No. 1405, viz:
rehabilitation receiver to effectively exercise 1. Upon written permission of the
its or his powers free from judicial or depositor;
extrajudicial interference that might unduly 2. In cases of impeachment;
hinder or prevent the “rescue” of the 3. In cases where the money deposited
distressed company, rather than to waste or invested is the subject matter of
its/his time, effort and resources in litigation; and
defending claims against the corporation. 4. Upon order of a competent court in
cases of bribery or dereliction of duty
of public officials.
Question No. 10:
1. What acts or omissions are penalized The following circumstances also
under the Trust Receipts Law? constitute exceptions to the secrecy of bank
Failure of the entrustee to turn over 1. Upon order of the court in cases of
the proceeds of the sale of the goods, unexplained wealth under Section 8
documents or instrument covered by a trust of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
receipt to the extent of the amount owing to Practices Act.
the entruster or to return the goods, 2. Upon order of the Commissioner of
documents or instruments if they were not the Internal Revenue with respect to
sold or disposed of in accordance with the the bank deposits of a decedent for
terms of the trust receipt is penalized as the purpose of determining the
estafa under Article 315(1) of the Revised decedent’s gross estate.
Penal Code. 3. Upon the order of the Commissioner
of the Internal Revenue with respect
to the bank deposits of a taxpayer
who has filed an application for examination of a bank and is
compromise of his tax liability under specially authorized by the Monetary
Section 204(A)(2) of the NIRC by Board after being satisfied that there
reason of financial incapacity to pay is reasonable ground to believe that
his tax liability. a bank fraud or serious irregularity
4. In the case of unclaimed balances. has been or is being committed and
5. Without need of court order, if the that it is necessary to look into the
AMLC determines that a particular deposit to establish such fraud or
deposit or investment with any irregularity;
banking institution is related to any 7. When examination is made by an
one of the following unlawful independent auditor hired by the
activities: bank to conduct its regular audit
provided that examination is for audit
a. Kidnapping for ransom under purposes only and the results
Art.267 of Act No. 3815 (RPC); thereof shall be for the exclusive use
b. Violations of Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, of the bank;
9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of 8. Upon order of the court in cases filed
RA No. 9165 (Comprehensive by the Ombudsman and upon the
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002); latter’s authority to examine and
c. Hijacking and other violations have access to bank accounts and
under RA No. 6235; destructive records.
arson and murder, as defined
under the RPC, as amended,
including those perpetrated by
terrorists against non-combatant Question No. 12:
persons and similar targets; 1. What is an intra-corporate controversy?
d. Upon order of the court, if the
AMLC determines that a
particular deposit or investment
with any banking institution is Answer:
related to any one of the An intra-corporate controversy is a
unlawful activities under Sec. dispute between a stockholder and the
3(i), except those referred to in corporation of which he is a stockholder, or
Section 3(i)[1],[2] and [12] of RA between a stockholder and another
No. 9160 or a money laundering stockholder of the same corporation, where
offense under Section 4 (Sec.11, the subject of the dispute or controversy
RA 9160); and arose out of such relationship.
e. Inquiry into or examination of
nay deposit or investment with
any banking institution when the 2. Is the SEC the venue for actions
examination is made by the involving intra-corporate controversies?
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to
insure compliance with the Anti- Answer:
Money Laundering Law in the No. Actions involving intra-corporate
course of a periodic or special controversies are cognizable by the RTC,
examination of the BSP (Sec.11, designated by the Supreme Court under SC
RA 9160; see also Sec.4, RA Adm. Memo No. 00-11-03, which has
8791). jurisdiction over the principal office of the
corporation, partnership or association
6. When the examination is made in concerned.
the course of a special or general
In what instance may a mortgage
Question No. 13: extrajudicially foreclose a real estate
Supposing that Albert Einstein were mortgage?
alive today and he filed with the Intellectual
Property Office (IPO) an application for
patent for his theory of relativity expressed Answer:
in the formula E=mc2. The IPO disapproved A mortgage may extrajudicially
Einstein’s application on the ground that his foreclose a real estate mortgage when the
theory of relativity is not patentable. right to foreclose extrajudicially has been
expressly stipulated in the deed of mortgage
Is the IPO’s action correct? or there is a special power in the real estate
mortgage authorizing it.
Yes. The IPO’s action is correct that
the theory of relativity is not patentable. Question No. 16:
Under Section 22.1 of the Intellectual Pursuant to a writ of execution
Property Code (RA 8293), “Discoveries, issued by the RTC in “Express Bank v. Don
scientific theories and mathematical Rubio,” the sheriff levied and sold at public
methods” are not patentable. auction 8 photocopying machines of Don
Rubio. Is the sheriff’s sale covered by the
Bulk Sales Law?
Question No. 14:
In a written legal opinion for a client Answer:
on the difference between apprenticeship No. The sheriff’s sale is not covered
and learnership, Liza quoted without by the Bulk Sales Law. If the sale and
permission a labor law expert’s comment transfer in bulk is made by a public officer,
appearing in his book entitled “Annotations acting under judicial process, as is true in
on the Labor Code.” this case, said sale or transfer is not
covered by the Bulk Sales Law.
Can the labor law expert hold Liza
liable for infringement of copyright for
quoting a portion of his book without his 2005 BAR EXAMINATION
CNI is not stopped from
using ATT’s report because CNI, in
the first place, commissioned it and
paid ATT for it. On the other hand,
ATT has no conflict of interest
because SAM and CNI are on the
same side—their interests being
congruent with each other, namely,
to oppose POS’ claim. It cannot be
said that ATT has used the
information to the disadvantage or
prejudice of SAM.
3. Between the issuing bank and the 3) No commercial bank shall make any
applicant/buyer/importer—Their loan or discount on the security of
relationship is governed by the terms of shares of its own capital stock.
the application and agreement for the
issuance of the letter of credit by the
bank. 5. You have been asked to incorporate a new
company to be called FSB Savings &
Mortgage Bank, Inc. List the documents that
4. As part of the safeguards against imprudent you must submit to the SEC to obtain a
banking, the General Banking Law imposes certificate of incorporation for FSB Savings
limits or restrictions on loans and credit & Mortgage Bank, Inc.
accommodations which may be extended
by banks. Identify at least 2 of these limits Answer:
or restrictions and explain the rationale of The documents to be submitted to
each of them. the SEC to incorporate a new company to
be called FSB Savings & Mortgage Bank,
Answer: Inc., to obtain the certificate of incorporation
Any 2 of the following limits or for said company, are:
restrictions on loan and credit transaction 1) Articles of Incorporation;
which may be extended by banks, as part of 2) Treasurer’s affidavit;
the safeguard against imprudent banking, to 3) Certificate of Authority from the
wit: Monetary Board of the BSP;
1) SBL Rules—SBL (i.e., single borrower’s 4) Verification slip from the records of the
limit) rules are those promulgated by the SEC whether or not the proposed name
BSP, upon the authority of Section 35 of has already been adopted by another
the General Banking Law (GBL) of corporation, partnership or association;
2000, which regulate the total amount of 5) Letter undertaking to change the
loans, credit accommodations and proposed name if already adopted by
guarantees that may be extended by a another corporation, partnership or
bank to any person, partnership, association;
association, or corporation or other 6) Bank certificate of deposit concerning
entity. The rules seek to protect a bank the paid-up capital;
from making excessive loans to a single 7) Letter authorizing the SEC or Monetary
borrower by prohibiting it from lending Board or its duly authorized
beyond a specified ceiling. representative to examine the bank
records regarding the deposit of the
2) DOSRI Rules—These are rules paid-up capital;
promulgated by the BSP, upon authority 8) Registration sheet.
of Section 5 of the GBL of 2000, which
regulate the amount of credit
accommodations that a bank may 6. A. What is a tender offer?
extend to its directors, officers, B. In what instances is a tender offer
stockholders and their related interests. required to be made?
Generally, a bank’s credit
accommodations to its DOSRI must be Answer:
in the regular course of business and on A. Tender offer is a publicly announced
terms not less favorable to the bank intention of a person acting alone or in
concert with other persons to acquire
equity securities of a public company. It investment house and invest in non-
may also be defined as a method of allied enterprises.
taking over a company by asking
stockholders to sell their shares at a 3) Thrift banks—these banks (such as
price higher that the current market savings and mortgage banks, stock
price and on a particular date. savings and loan associations, and
private development banks) may
B. Instances where tender offer is required exercise most of the powers and
to be made: functions of a commercial bank except
1. The person intends to acquire 15% that they cannot, among others, open
or more of the equity share of a current or check accounts without prior
public company pursuant to an Monetary Board approval, and they
agreement made between or among cannot issue letter of credit. Their
the person and one or more sellers. operations are governed primarily by the
2. The person intends to acquire 30% Thrift Banks Act of 1995 (RA No, 7906)
or more of the equity shares of a
public company within a period of 12 4) Rural Banks—these are those which
months. are organized primarily to extend loans
3. The person intends to acquire equity and other credit facilities to farmers,
shares of a public company that fishermen or farm families, as well as
would result in ownership of more cooperatives, merchants, and private
than 50% of the said shares. and public employees and whose
operations are primarily governed by the
Rural Banks Act of 1992 (RA No. 7353)
7. There are 6 classes of banks identified in
the General Banking Law of 2000. Name at 5) Cooperative Banks—these are those
least 4 of them and explain the which are organized primarily to provide
distinguishing characteristic or function of financial and credit services to
each one. cooperatives and whose operations are
primarily governed by the Cooperative
Answer: Code of the Philippines (RA No. 6938)
Any 4 of the following 6 classes of banks
identified in the GBL of 2002, to wit: 6) Islamic Banks—these are those which
are organized primarily to provide
1) Universal Banks—these are those financial and credit services in a manner
which used to be called expanded or transaction consistent with the Islamic
commercial banks and the operations of Shari’a. at present, only the Al Amana
which are now primarily governed by the Islamic Investment Bank of the
GBL of 2000. They can exercise the Philippines has been organized as an
powers of an investment house and Islamic bank.
invest in non-allied enterprises. They
have the highest capitalization
requirement. 8. A. Name 2 characteristics which
differentiate a common carrier from a
2) Commercial Banks—these are private carrier.
ordinary or regular commercial banks,
as distinguished from a universal bank. B. Why is the defense of due diligence in
They have a lower capitalization the selection and supervision of an
requirement than universal banks and employee not available to a common
cannot exercise the powers of an carrier?
A. Two characteristics that differentiate a
common carrier from a private carrier 10. Primetime Corporation (the Borrower)
are: obtained a P10 M, 5-year term loan from
1. A common carrier offers its service Universal Bank (the Bank) in 1996. As
to the public; a private carrier does security for the loan and as required by the
not. Bank, the Borrower gave the following
2. A common carrier is required to collateral security in favor of the Bank:
observe extraordinary diligence; a
private carrier is not required. 1) A real estate mortgage over the land
and building owned by the Borrower and
located in Quezon City;
B. The defense of due diligence in the 2) The joint and several promissory note of
selection and supervision of an Mr. Primo Timbol, the President of the
employee is not available to a common Borrower; and
carrier because the degree of diligence 3) A real estate mortgage over the
required of a common carrier is not the residential house and lot owned by Mr.
diligence of a good father of a family but Timbol, also located in Quezon City
extraordinary diligence, i.e., diligence of
the greatest skill and utmost foresight Because of business reverses, neither the
Borrower nor Mr. Timbol was able to pay
the loan. In June 2001, the Bank
9. Discuss whether or not the following extrajudicially foreclosed the two real estate
stipulations in a contract of carriage of a mortgages, with the Bank as the only bidder
common carrier are valid: in the foreclosure sale. On September 16,
2001, the certificates of sale of the two
1) A stipulation limiting the sum that may properties in favor of the Bank were
be recovered by the shipper or owner to registered with the Register of Deeds of
90% of the value of the goods in case of Quezon City.
loss due to theft.
2) A stipulation that in the event of loss, 10 months later, both the Borrower and Mr.
destruction or deterioration of goods on Timbol were able to raise sufficient funds to
account of the defective condition of the redeem their respective properties from the
vehicle used in the contract of carriage, Bank, but the Bank refused to permit
the carrier’s liability is limited to the redemption on the ground that the period for
value of the goods appearing in the bill redemption had already expired, so that the
of lading unless the shipper or owner Bank now has absolute ownership of both
declares a higher value. properties. The Borrower and Mr. Timbol
came to you today, September 15, 2002, to
Answer: find out if the position of the Bank is correct.
1) The stipulation is considered What would be your answer? State your
unreasonable, unjust and contrary to reasons.
public policy under Article 1745 of the
Civil Code. Answer:
1) With respect to the real estate mortgage
2) The stipulation limiting the carrier’s over the land and building owned by the
liability to the value of the goods Borrower, Primetime Corporation, a
appearing in the bill of lading unless the juridical body, the period of redemption
shipper or owner declares a higher is only 3 months, which period already
value, is expressly recognized in Article expired.
1749 of the Civil Code.
2) As to the real estate mortgage over the Andrew failed to pay the loan on its due
residential house and lot owned by Mr. date on September 1, 2002. When the Bank
Timbol, the period of redemption is 1 attempted to collect from the Obligor, the
year from the date of registration of the Bank discovered that the latter had already
sale, which period has not yet expired in closed operations and liquidated its assets.
this case. The Bank sued Andrew for collection, but
Andrew moved to dismiss the complaint on
the ground that the debt had already been
11. Andrew is engaged in the business of the paid by reason of his execution of the
building low-cost housing units under aforesaid Deed of Assignment which, being
contracts with real estate developers. He absolute and unconditional, was in essence
applied for a loan of P3 M from Ready a dacion en pago. The Bank opposed the
Credit Bank (the Bank), which required motion, contending that the Deed of
Andrew to provide collateral security for it. Assignment was only a security for the loan.
Andrew offered to assign to the Bank his
receivables amounting to P4 M from Home If you were the judge, how would you
Builders Development Corporation (the resolve the motion to dismiss filed by
Obligor). Andrew? Explain.
In the insolvency proceedings in court, the 14. A. Define the following: (1) a negotiable
assignee in insolvency sought to invalidate promissory note, (2) a bill of exchange and
the payment made by Edzo to Integrity (3) a check.
Bank for being a fraudulent transfer
because it was made within 30 days before B. You are Pedro Cruz. Draft the
the filing of the insolvency petition. In appropriate contract language for (1) your
defense, Integrity Bank asserted that the negotiable promissory note and (2) your
payment to it was for a legitimate debt that check, each containing the essential
was not covered by the prohibition because elements of a negotiable instrument.
it was “a valuable pecuniary consideration
made in good faith,” thus falling within the Answer:
exception specified in the Insolvency Law. A. (1) A negotiable promissory note is an
unconditional promise in writing made
As judge in the pending insolvency case, by one person to another, signed by the
how would you decide the respective maker, engaging to pay on demand or
contentions of the assignee in insolvency at a fixed determinable future time, a
and of Integrity Bank? Explain. sum certain in money to order or bearer.
B. Any three of the following acts or a) Could this be legally done? Why?
activities constitute “doing business” in b) Would your answer be the same if
the Philippines under our foreign at the inception, “X” company is a
investment laws: non-stock corporation? Why?
1. Soliciting orders
2. Opening offices by whatever name Answer:
a) Yes, it can be legally done. In corporation and its Articles of
converting the stock corporation to Incorporation or By-Laws are silent,
a non-stock corporation by a mere the corporation is deemed to have the
amendment of the Articles of power to declare dividends under
Incorporation, the stock Section 43. Since it has the power to
corporation is not distributing any declare dividends, “XY” is a stock
of its assets to the stockholders. corporation.
On the contrary, the stockholders
are deemed to have waived their The provision in its Articles of
right to share in the profits of the Incorporation that at dissolution the
corporation which is a gain not a assets of the corporation shall be
loss to the corporation. given to a charitable corporation does
b) No, my answer will not be the not prohibit the corporation from
same. In a non-stock corporation, declaring dividends before dissolution.
the members are not entitled to
share in the profits of the
corporation because all present 3. Suppose that “X” Corporation has
and future profits belong to the already issued the 1000 originally
corporation. In converting the non- authorized shares of the corporation
stock corporation to a stock so that its Board of Directors and
corporation by a mere amendment stockholders wish to increase “X’s”
of the Articles of Incorporation, the authorized capital stock. After
non-stock corporation is deemed complying with the requirements of the
to have distributed an asset of the law on increase of capital stock, “X”
corporation—i.e. its profits, among issued an additional 1000 shares of
its members, without a prior the same value.
dissolution of the corporation.
Under Section 122, the non-stock a) Assume that the stockholder “A”
corporation must be dissolved first. presently holds 200 out of the
1000 original shares. Would “A”
have a preemptive right to 200 of
2. “XY” is a recreational club which was the new issue of 1000 shares?
organized to operate a golf course for Why?
its members with an original b) When should stockholder “A”
authorized capital stock of P100 M. exercise the preemptive right?
the articles of incorporation nor the by-
laws did not provide for distribution of Answer:
dividends although there is a provision a) Yes, “A” would have a preemptive
that after its dissolution, the assets right to 200 of the new issue of
shall be given to a charitable 1000 shares. “A” is a stockholder
corporation. Is “XY” a stock of record holding 200 shares in “X”
corporation? Give reasons for you Corporation. According to the
answer. Corporation Code, each
stockholder has the preemptive
Answer: right to all issues of shares made
“XY” is a stock corporation because by the corporation in proportion to
it is organized as a stock corporation the number of share he holds on
and there is no prohibition in its record in the corporation.
Articles of Incorporation or in its by-
laws for it to declare dividends. When b) Preemptive right must be
a corporation is organized as a stock exercised in accordance with the
Articles of Incorporation or the By- 1. Increase the number of shares
Law. When the Articles of from 100,000 to 150,000
Incorporation and By-Laws are shares with the same par value
silent, the Board may fix a of P10 each.
reasonable time within which the 2. Increase par value of the
stockholders may exercise the 1000,000 shares to P15 each.
b) Three practical reasons for a
corporation to increase its capital
4. In 1999, Corporation “A” passed a stock are:
board resolution removing “X” from his 1. To generate more working
position as manager of said capital;
corporation. The by-laws of “A” 2. To have more shares with
corporation provides that the officers which to pay for the acquisition
are the president, vice-president, of more assets like acquisition
treasurer and secretary. Upon of company car, stocks, house,
complaint filed with the SEC, it held machinery or business; and
that a manager could be removed by 3. To have extra share with which
mere resolution of the board of to cover or meet the
directors. On motion for requirement for declaration of
reconsideration, “X” alleged that could stock dividend.
only be removed by the affirmative
vote of the stockholders representing
2/3 of the outstanding capital stock. Is 6. For the past 3 years of its commercial
“X’s” contention legally tenable. Why? operation, “X”, an oil company, has
been earning tremendously in excess
Answer: of 100% of the corporation’s paid-in
No. Stockholders’ approval is capital. All of the stockholders have
necessary only for the removal of the been claiming that they share in the
members of the Board. For the profits of the corporation by way of
removal of a corporate officer or dividends but the Board of Directors
employee, the vote of the Board of failed to lift its finger.
Directors is sufficient for the purpose.
a) Is Corporation “X” guilty of
violating a law? If in the
5. Suppose “X” Corporation has an affirmative, state the basis.
authorized capital stock of P1 M b) Are there instances when a
divided into 100,000 shares of stock corporation shall not be liable for
with par value of P10 each. not declaring dividends?
Even if he did not sign the ticket, X is
bound by the stipulation that any claim
for loss cannot exceed P250 for each
luggage. He did not declare a higher
1998 BAR EXAMINATION value. X is entitled to P500 for the two
luggages lost.
4. The Batong Bakal Corporation filed with b) Yes. C is not a holder in due course.
the Board of Energy an application for a The promissory note is not a
Certificate of Public Convenience for the negotiable instrument as it does not
purpose of supplying electric power and contain any word of negotiability,
lights to the factory and its employees that is, order or bearer, or words of
living within the compound. The similar meaning or import. Not being
application was opposed by the Bulacan a holder in due course, C is to
Electric Corporation, contending that the subject such personal defenses of
Batong Bakal Corporation has not minority and lack of consideration. C
secured a franchise to operate and is a mere assignee who is subject to
maintain an electric plant. all defenses.
5. a) How do you treat a negotiable The bank cannot recover the amount
instrument that is so ambiguous that paid to B for the check. When the bank
there is doubt whether it is a bill or a honored the check, it became an
note? acceptor. As acceptor, the bank became
primarily and directly liable to the
b) X makes a promissory note for payee/holder B.
P10,000 payable to A, a minor, to help
him buy school books. A endorses the The recourse of the bank should be
note to B for value, who in turn endorses against X and its bookkeeper who
the note to C. C knows A is a minor. If C
conspired to make X’s ledger show that Clinton. May Napoleon proceed against
he has sufficient funds. Richard Clinton for the note?
7. For the purpose of lending his name Yes. Richard Clinton is liable to
without receiving value therefor, Pedro napoleon under the promissory note.
makes a note for P20,000 payable to The note made by Richard Clinton is a
the order of X who in turn negotiates it bearer instrument. Despite special
to Y, the latter knowing that Pedro is not indorsement made by Aurora Page
a party for value. thereon, the note remained a bearer
instrument and can be negotiated by
a) May Y recover from Pedro if the mere delivery. When X delivered and
latter interposes the absence of transferred the note to Napoleon, the
consideration? latter became a holder thereof. As such
b) Supposing under the same facts, holder, Napoleon can proceed against
Pedro pays the said P20,000, may Richard Clinton.
he recover the same amount from
9. a) What are the responsibilities and
Answer: primary objectives of the Bangko Sentral
a) Yes. Y can recover from Pedro. ng Pilipinas?
Pedro is an accommodation party. b) What is the principal purpose of laws
Absence of consideration is in the and regulations governing securities in
nature of an accommodation. the Philippines?
Defense of absence of consideration
cannot be validly interposed by Answer:
accommodation party against a a) The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
holder in due course. shall provide policy directions in the
areas of money, banking and credit.
b) If Pedro pays the said P20,000 to Y, It shall have supervision over the
Pedro can recover the amount from operations of banks and exercise
X. X is the accommodated party or such regulatory powers as provided
the party ultimately liable for the in the Central Bank Act and other
instrument. Pedro is only an pertinent laws over the operations of
accommodation party. Otherwise, it finance companies and non-bank
would be unjust enrichment on the financial institutions performing
part of X if he is not to pay Pedro. quasi-banking functions, such as
quasi-banks and institutions
performing similar functions. The
8. Richard Clinton makes a promissory primary objective of the BSP is to
note payable to bearer and delivers the maintain price stability conducive to
same to Aurora Page. Aurora Page, a balanced and sustainable growth
however, endorses it to X in this of the economy. It shall also promote
manner: and maintain monetary stability and
convertibility of the Peso.
“Payable to X. Signed: Aurora Page.”
b) The principal purpose of laws and
Later, X, without endorsing the regulations governing securities in
promissory note, transfers and delivers the Philippines is to protect the
the same to Napoleon. The note is public against nefarious practices of
subsequently dishonored by Richard
unscrupulous brokers and salesmen
in selling securities. Answer:
a) Yes. Juan is liable for infringement
of copyright. It is not necessary that
10. Juan de la Cruz was issued Policy No. Juan is aware that the story of
8888 of the midland Life Insurance Co. Manoling was protected by
On a whole life plan for P20,000 on copyright. The work of Manoling is
August 19, 1989. Juan de la Cruz is protected from the time of its
married to Cynthia with whom he has creation.
three legitimate children. He, however,
designated Purita, his common-law-wife, b) Yes. The private reproduction of a
as the revocable beneficiary. Juan de la published work in a single copy,
Cruz referred to Purita in his application where the reproduction is made by a
and policy as the legal wife. natural person exclusively for
research and private study, is
3 years later, Juan de la Cruz died. permitted, without the authorization
Purita filed her claim for the proceeds of of the owner of the copyright in the
the policy as the designated beneficiary work.
therein. The widow, Cynthia, also filed a
claim as the legal wife. To whom should
the proceeds of the insurance policy be 12. Renato was issued a life insurance
awarded? policy on January 2, 1990. He
concealed the fact that 3 years prior to
Answer: the issuance of his life insurance policy,
The proceeds of the insurance policy he had been seeing a doctor about his
shall be awarded to the estate of Juan. heart ailment.
Purita, the common-law wife, is
disqualified as the beneficiary of the On March 1, 1992, Renato died of heart
deceased because of illicit relation failure. May the heirs file a claim on the
between the deceased and Purita, the proceeds of the life insurance policy of
designated beneficiary. Due to such Renato?
illicit relation, Purita cannot be a donee
of the deceased. Hence, she cannot Answer:
also be his beneficiary. Yes. The life insurance policy in
question was issued on January 2,
1990. More than 2 years had elapsed
11. a) Juan Xavier wrote and published a when Renato, the insured, died on
story similar to an unpublished March 1, 1992. The incontestability
copyrighted story of Manoling Santiago. clause applies.
It was, however, conclusively proven 13. A marine insurance policy on a cargo
that Juan Xavier was not aware that the states that “the insurer shall be liable for
story of Manoling Santiago was losses incident to perils of the sea”.
protected by copyright. Manoling During the voyage, seawater entered
Santiago sued Juan Xavier for the compartment where the cargo was
infringement of copyright. Is Juan Xavier stored due to the defective drainpipe of
liable? the ship. The insured filed an action on
the policy for recovery of the damages
b) May a person have photocopies of caused to the cargo. May the insured
some pages of the book of Professor recover damages?
Rosario made without violating the
copyright law? Answer:
No. the proximate cause of the his creditors. While his liabilities are
damage to the cargo insured was the P1.2 M, his assets, however are worth
defective drainpipe of the ship. This is P1.5. M. May Horacio be declared
peril of the ship, and not peril of the sea. insolvent?
The defect in the drainpipe was the
result of the ordinary use of the ship. To Answer:
recover under a marine insurance a) In insolvency, the liabilities of the
policy, the proximate cause of the loss debtor are more than his assets,
or damage must be peril of the sea. while in suspension of payments,
assets of the debtor are more than
his liabilities.
14. Luzon Warehouse Corporation received
from Pedro 200 cavans of rice for In insolvency, the assets of the
deposit in its warehouse for which a debtor are to be converted into cash
negotiable warehouse receipt was for distribution among his creditors,
issued. While the goods were stored in while in suspension of payments, the
the said warehouse, Cicero obtained a debtor is only asking for time within
judgment against Pedro for the recovery which to convert his frozen assets
of a sum of money. The sheriff into liquid cash with which to pay his
proceeded to levy upon the goods on a obligations when the latter fall due.
writ of execution and directed the
warehouseman to deliver the goods. Is b) No. Horacio may not be declared
the warehouseman under obligation to insolvent. His assets worth P1.5 M
comply with the sheriff’s order? are more than his liabilities worth
P1.2 M.
No. There was a valid negotiable
receipt as there was a valid delivery of 16. In a complaint filed against XYZ
200 cavans of rice for deposit. In such Corporation, Luzon Trading Corporation
case, the warehouseman (LWC) is not allege that its President & General
obliged to deliver the 200 cavans of rice Manager, who is also a stockholder,
deposited to any person, except to one suffered mental anguish, fright, social
who can comply with Section 8 of the humiliation and serious anxiety as a
Warehouse Receipts law, namely: (1) result of the tortuous acts of XYZ
surrender the receipt of which he is a Corporation.
holder; (2) willing to sign a receipt for
the delivery of the goods; and (3) pays In its counterclaim, XYZ Corporation
the warehouseman’s liens, that is, his claimed to have suffered moral
fees and advances, if any. damages due to besmirched reputation
or goodwill as a result of Luzon Trading
The sheriff cannot comply with these Corporation’s complaint.
requisites, especially the first, as he is
not the holder of the receipt. a) May Luzon recover moral damages
based on the allegations in the
15. a) Distinguish insolvency from b) May XYZ Corporation recover moral
suspension of payment. damages?
b) Horacio opened a coffee shop using
money borrowed from financial Answer:
institutions. After 3 months, Horacio left a) No. A corporation, being an artificial
for the USA with the intent of defrauding person which has no feelings,
emotions or senses, and which shows an intention to continue
cannot experience physical suffering transacting with the latter
or mental anguish, is not entitled to
moral damages.
18. The stockholders of People Power, Inc.
b) Yes. When a juridical person has a (PPI) approved two resolutions in a
good reputation that is debased, special stockholders’ meeting:
resulting in social humiliation, moral
damages may be awarded. a) Resolution increasing the authorized
Moreover, goodwill can be capital stock of PPI; and
considered an asset of the b) Resolution authorizing the Board of
corporation. Directors to issue, for cash payment,
the new shares from the proposed
capital stock increase in favor of
17. a) What is the nationality of a outside investors who are non-
corporation organized and incorporated stockholders.
under the laws of a foreign country, but
owned 100% by Filipinos? The foregoing resolutions were
approved by stockholders representing
b) when is a foreign corporation deemed 99% of the total outstanding capital
to be “doing business in the stock. The sole dissenter was Jimmy
Philippines?” Morato who owned 1% of the stock.
Answer: Answer:
No. in the carriage of passengers, No. An intention to pirate is not an
the failure of the common carrier to element of infringement. Hence, an
bring the passengers safely to their honest intention is no defense to an
destination immediately raises the action for infringement.
presumption that such failure is
attributable to the carrier’s fault or
negligence. In the case at bar, the fact 19. Ritz bought a new car on installments
of death and injury of the bus which provided for an acceleration
passengers raises the presumption of clause in the event of default. To secure
payment of the unpaid installment, as or not included in the schedule
and when due, he constituted 2 chattel submitted by, the insolvent debtor.
mortgages. i.e., one over his very old
car and the other covering the new car 1996 BAR EXAMINATION
that he had just bought, as aforesaid, on
installment. After Ritz defaulted on 3 1. a) What are the requisites of a
installments, the seller-mortgagee negotiable instrument?
foreclosed on the old car. The proceeds b) When is notice of dishonor not
of the foreclosure were not enough to required to be given to the drawer?
satisfy the due obligation; hence, he c) What constitutes a holder in course?
similarly sought to foreclose on the new d) What are the effects of crossing a
car. Would the seller-mortgagee be check?
legally justified in foreclosing on this
second chattel mortgage? Answer:
a) The requisites of a negotiable
Answer: instrument are as follows:
No. the 2 mortgages were executed
to secure the payment of the unpaid 1. It must be in writing and signed
installments for the purchase of a new by the maker or drawer;
car. When the mortgage on the old car 2. It must contain an unconditional
was foreclosed, the seller-mortgagee is promise or order to pay a sum
deemed to have renounced all other certain in money;
rights. A foreclosure of additional 3. It must be payable to order or to
property, that is, the new car covered by bearer; and
the second mortgage would be a nullity. 4. Where the instrument is
addressed to a drawee, he must
be named or otherwise indicated
20. An insolvent debtor, after a lawful therein with reasonable certainty.
discharge following an adjudication of
insolvency, is released from, generally, b) Notice of dishonor not required to be
all debts, claims, liabilities and demands given to the drawer in any of the
which are or have been proved against following cases:
his estate. Give 5 obligations of the
insolvent debtor that survive. 1. Where the drawer and the
drawee are the same person;
Answer: 2. When the drawee is a fictitious
The 5 obligations of the insolvent person or a person not having
debtor that survive are as follows: capacity to contract;
3. When the drawer is the person
1. Taxes and assessments due the to whom the instrument is
government, national or local; presented for payment;
2. Obligations arising from 4. Where the drawer has no right to
embezzlement or fraud; expect or require that the drawee
3. Obligation of any person liable with or acceptor will honor the
the insolvent debtor for the same instrument;
debt, either as a solidary co-debtor, 5. Where the drawer has
surety, guarantor, partner, indorser countermanded payment
or otherwise;
4. Alimony or claim for support; and
5. Debts not payable against the estate
(such after-incurred obligations) of,
c) A holder in due course is one who If Fund House files a complaint against
has taken the instrument under the Pentium and CD Bytes for the payment
following conditions: of the dishonored check, will the
complaint prosper? Explain.
1. That it is complete and regular
upon its face; Answer:
2. That he became a holder of it The complaint filed by Fund
before it was overdue and House against Pentium will not
without notice that t had been prosper but the one against CD
previously dishonored, if such Bytes will. Fund House is not a
was the fact; holder in due course and, therefore,
3. That he took it in good faith and Pentium can raise the defense of
for value; failure of consideration against it.
4. That at the time it was The check in question was issued by
negotiated to him, he had no Pentium to pay for a computer that it
notice of any infirmity in the ordered from CD Bytes. The
instrument or defect in the title of computer not having been delivered,
the person negotiating it. there was a failure of consideration.
The check discounted with Fund
d) The effects of crossing a check are House by CD Bytes is a crossed
as follows: check and this should have put Fund
House on inquiry. It should have
1. The check may not be encashed ascertained the title of CD Bytes to
but only deposited in a banks; the check or the nature of the latter’s
2. The check may be negotiated possession. Failing in this respect,
only once to one who has an Fund House is deemed guilty of
account with a bank; gross negligence amounting to legal
3. The act of crossing a check absence of good faith and, thus, not
serves as a warning to the a holder in due course. Fund House
holder thereof that the check has can collect from CD Bytes as the
been issued for a definite latter was the immediate indorser of
purpose so that the holder must the check.
inquire if he has received the
check pursuant to that purpose,
otherwise he is not a holder in b) Eva issued to Imelda a check in the
due course. amount of P50,000 post-dated
September 30, 1995, as security for a
diamond ring to be sold on commission.
2. a) On March 1, 1996, Pentium Company On September 15, 1995, Imelda
ordered a computer from CD Bytes, and negotiated the check to MT Investment
issued a crossed check in the amount of which paid the amount of P40,000 to
P30,000 post-dated March 31, 1996. her.
Upon receipt of the check, CD Bytes
discounted the check with Fund House. Eva failed to sell the ring, so she
returned it to Imelda on September 19,
On April 1, 1996, Pentium stopped 1995. Unable to retrieve her check, Eva
payment of the check for failure of CD withdrew her funds from the drawee
Bytes to deliver the computer. Thus, bank. Thus, when MT Investment
when Fund House deposited the check, presented the check for payment, the
the drawee bank dishonored it. drawee bank dishonored it. Later on,
when MT Investment sued her, Eva
raised the defense of absence of as BUR Bank. This is true even if
consideration, the check having been BUR Bank was aware at the time it
issued merely as security for the ring took the instrument that Vilma is
that she could not sell. merely an accommodation party and
received no part of the loan.
Does Eva have a valid defense?
b) William issued to Albert a check for
Answer: P100,000 drawn on XM Bank. Albert
alerted the amount of the check to
No, Eva does not have a P210,000, and deposited the check to
valid defense. First, MT Investment his account with ND Bank. When ND
is a holder in due course and, as Bank presented the check for payment
such, holds the post dated check through the Clearing House, XM Bank
free from any defect of title of prior honored it. Thereafter, Albert withdrew
parties and from defenses available the P210,000, and closed his account.
to prior parties among themselves.
Eva can invoke the defense of When the check was returned to him
absence of consideration against MT after a month, William discovered the
only if the latter was a privy to the alteration. XM Bank recredited
purpose for which the checks were P210,000 to William’s current account,
issued and, therefore, not a holder in and sought reimbursement from ND
due course. Second, it is not a Bank. ND Bank refused, claiming that
ground for the discharge of the post- XM Bank failed to return the altered
dated check as against a holder in check to it within the 24-hour clearing
due course that it was issued merely period.
as security. The only grounds for the
discharge of negotiable instruments Who, as between, XM Bank and ND
Law and none of those grounds are Bank, should bear the loss? Explain.
available to Eva. The latter may not
unilaterally discharge herself from Answer:
her liability by mere expediency of ND Bank should bear the
withdrawing her funds from the loss if XM Bank returned the altered
drawee bank. check to ND Bank within 24 hours
after its discovery of the alteration.
Under the given facts, William
3. a) Nora applied for loan of P100,000 discovered the alteration when the
with BUR Bank. By way of altered check was returned to him
accommodation, Nora’s sister, Vilma, after a month. It may safely be
executed a promissory note in favor of assumed that William immediately
BUR Bank. When Nora defaulted, BUR advised XM Bank of such fact and
Bank sued Vilma, despite its knowledge that William immediately advised XM
that Vilma received no part of the loan. Bank of such fact and that the latter
promptly notified ND Bank
May Vilma be held liable? Explain. thereafter. CB Circular No. 9, as
amended, on which the decisions of
Answer: the Supreme Court, in the Hongkong
Yes, Vilma may be held & Shanghai Banking Corporation v.
liable. Vilma is an accommodation People’s Bank & Trust Co. and
party. As such, she is liable on the Republic Bank v. CA, et al. were
instrument to a holder for value such based was expressly cancelled and
superseded by the CB Circular No. issuance of the insurance policy.
317, dated December 23, 1970. The They would have affected Good
latter was in turn amended by CB Life’s action on his application, either
Circular No. 580, dated September by approving it with the
19, 1977. As to the altered checks, corresponding adjustment for a
the new rules provide that the higher premium or rejecting the
drawee bank can still return them same. Moreover, a disclosure may
even after 4:00pm of the next day have warranted a medical
provided it does so within 24 hours examination of Juan by Good Life in
from discovery of the alteration but order for it to reasonably assess the
in no event beyond the period fixed risk involved in accepting the
or provided by law for filing of a legal application. In any case, good faith
action by the returning bank against is no defense in concealment. The
the bank sending the same. waiver of a medical examination in
Assuming that the relationship the “non-medical” life insurance from
between the drawee bank and the Good Life makes it even more
collecting bank is evidenced by necessary that Juan supply
some written document, the complete information about his
prescriptive period would be 10 previous hospitalization for such
years. information constitutes an important
factor which Good Life takes into
consideration in deciding whether to
4. a) Juan procured a “non-medical” life issue the policy or not.
insurance from Good Life Insurance. He
designed his wife, Petra, as the If the policy of life insurance
beneficiary. Earlier, in his application in has been in force for a period of 2
response to the question as to whether years or more from the date of its
or not he had ever been hospitalized, he issue (on which point the given facts
answered in the negative. He forgot to are vague) then Good Life can no
mention his confinement at the Kidney longer prove that the policy is void
Hospital. ab initio or is rescindable by reason
of the fraudulent concealment or
After Juan died in a plane crash, Petra misrepresentation of Juan.
filed a claim with Good Life. Discovering
Juan’s previous hospitalization, Good
Life rejected Petra’s claim on the ground b) RC Corporation purchased from
of concealment and misrepresentation. Thailand, which it intended to sell
Petra sued Good Life, invoking good locally. Due to stormy weather, the ship
faith on the part of Juan. carrying the rice became submerged in
sea water and with it the rice cargo.
Will Petra’s suit prosper? Explain. When the cargo arrived in Manila, RC
filed a claim for total loss with the
insurer, because the rice was no longer
Answer: fit for human consumption. Admittedly,
No. Petra’s suit will not the rice could still be used as animal
prosper (assuming that the policy of feed.
life insurance has been in force for a
period of less than 2 years from the Is RC’s claim for total loss justified?
date of its issue). The matters which Explain.
Juan failed to disclose was material
and relevant to the approval and Answer:
Yes, RC’s claim for total loss Robin’s claim. The reason for this
is justified. The rice, which was rule is to insure that claims against
imported from Thailand for sale insurance companies are promptly
locally, is obviously intended for settled and that insurance suits are
consumption by the public. The brought by the insured while the
complete physical destruction of the evidence as to the origin and cause
rice is not essential to constitute an of the destruction has not yet
actual loss. Such a loss exists in this disappeared.
case since the rice, having been
soaked in sea water and thereby
rendered unfit for human b) While driving his car along EDSA,
consumption, has become totally Cesar sideswiped Roberto, causing
useless for the purpose for which it injuries to the latter. Roberto sued Cesar
was imported. and the third party liability insurer for
damages and/or insurance proceeds.
The insurance company moved to
5. a) Robin insured his building against fire dismiss the complaint, contending that
with EFG Assurance. The insurance the liability of Cesar has not yet been
policy contained the usual stipulation determined with finality.
that any action or suit must be filed
within 1 year after the rejection of the 1. Is the contention of the insurer
claim. correct? Explain.
2. May the insurer be held liable with
After his building burned down, Robin Cesar?
filed his claim for fire loss with EFG. On
February 28, 1994, EFG denied Robin’s Answer:
claim. On April 3, 1994, Robin sought 1. No, the contention of the insurer
reconsideration of the denial, but EFG is not correct. There is no need
reiterated its position. On March to wait for the decision of the
20,1995, Robin commenced judicial court determining Cesar’s liability
action against EFG. with finality before the third party
liability insurer could be sued.
Should Robin’s action be given due The occurrence of the injury to
course? Explain. Roberto immediately gave rise to
the liability of the insurer under
Answer: its policy. In other words, where
No, Robin’s action should not an insurance policy insures
be given due course. His filing of the directly against liability, the
request for reconsideration did not insurer’s liability accrues
suspend the running of the immediately upon the
prescriptive period of 1 year occurrence of the injury or event
stipulated in the insurance policy. upon which the liability depends.
Thus, when Robin commenced
judicial action against EFG on March 2. The insurer cannot be held
20, 1995, his ability to do so had solidarily liable with Cesar. The
already prescribed. The 1 year liability of the insurer is based on
period is counted from February 28, contract while that of Cesar is
1994 when EFG denied Robin’s based on tort. If the insurer were
claim, not from the date (presumably solidarily liable with Cesar, it
after April 3, 1994) when EFG could be made to pay more than
reiterated its position denying the amount stated in the policy.
This would, however, be contrary affairs of the corporation, or in
to the principles underlying conflict with the interest of the
insurance contracts. On the corporation, its stockholders or
other hand, if the insurer were other persons;
solidarily liable with Cesar and it 3. When he consents to the
is made to pay only up to the issuance of watered stocks or
amount stated in the insurance who, having knowledge thereof,
policy, the principles underlying does not forthwith file with the
solidary obligations would be corporate secretary his written
violated. objection thereto;
4. When he agrees to hold himself
personally and solidarily liable
6. a) What are the rights of a stockholder? with the corporation; or
5. When he is made, by specific
Answer: provision of law, to personally
The rights of a stockholder are as answer for the corporate action.
1. The right to vote, including the a) When may a corporation invest its
right to appoint a proxy; funds in another corporation or
2. The right to share in the profits of business or for any other purposes?
the corporation, including the
right to declare stock dividends; Answer:
3. The right to proportionate share A corporation may invest its
of the assets of the corporation funds in another corporation or
upon liquidation; business or for any purpose other
4. The right of appraisal; than the primary purpose for which it
5. The preemptive right to shares; was organized when the said
6. The right to inspect corporate investment is approved by a majority
books and records; of the Board of Directors and such
7. The right to elect directors; approval is ratified by the
8. Such other rights as may stockholders representing at least
contractually be granted to the 2/3 of the outstanding capital.
stockholders by the corporation Written notice of the proposed
or by special law. investment and the date, time and
place of the stockholders’ meeting at
which such proposal will be taken up
b) When may a corporate director, must be sent to each stockholder.
trustee or officer be held personally
liable with the corporation?
b) May a corporation enter into a joint
Answer: venture?
A corporate director, trustee
or officer be held personally liable Answer:
with the corporation under the A corporation may enter into
following circumstances: a joint venture. However, inasmuch
as the term joint venture has no
1. When he assents to a patently precise legal definition, it may take
unlawful act of the corporation; various forms. It could take the form
2. When he acts in bad faith or with of a simple pooling of resources (not
gross negligence in directing the involving incorporation) between 2 or
more corporations for a specific
project, purpose or undertaking, or b) Arnold has in his name 1,000 shares
for a limited time. It may involve the of the capital stock of ABC Corporation
creation of a more formal structure as evidenced by a stock certificate.
and, hence, the formation of a Arnold delivered the stock certificate to
corporation. If the joint venture Steven who now claims to be the real
would involve the creation of a owner of the shares, having paid for
partnership, as the term is Arnold’s subscription. ABC refused to
understood under the Civil Code, recognize and register Steven’s
then a corporation cannot be a party ownership.
to it.
Is the refusal justified? Explain.
1. The following are the requirements for
the granting of a certificate of public
convenience, to wit:
1. In order that the contract will not be 1. What corporate approvals or votes are
voidable, what conditions will have to be needed for the proposed investments?
complied with? Explain. Explain.
2. If these conditions are not met, how may 2. Describe the procedure in securing
this contract be ratified? Explain. these approvals.
Answer: Answer:
1. At the meeting of the Board of 1. Unless the power plant and the concrete
Directors of PLATINUM to approve the road project are reasonably necessary
contract, Chito Santos would have to to the manufacture of cement by STIKKI
make sure that: (and they do not appear to be so), then
the approval of the said projects by a
a) His presence as director at the majority of the Board of Directors and
meeting is not necessary to the ratification of such approval by the
constitute a quorum for such stockholders representing at least 2/3 of
meeting; the outstanding capital stock would be
b) His vote is not necessary for the necessary.
approval of the contract; and
c) The contract is fair and reasonable As for the quarry operations for
under the circumstances. limestone, the same is an indispensable
ingredient in the manufacture of cement
At the meeting of the Board of Directors and may, therefore, be considered
of KWIK to approve the contract, Chito reasonably necessary to accomplish the
would have to make sure that: primary purpose of STIKKI. In such
case, only the approval of the Board of
a) There is no fraud involved; and Directors would be necessary.
b) The contract is fair and reasonable
under the circumstances.
2. a) The procedure in securing the
approval of the Board of Directors is as 1. What are the remedies available to
follows: Robert under the Corporation Code to
i) A notice of meeting of the break the deadlock? Explain.
Board should be sent to all 2. Are there any remedies to prevent the
the directors. The notice paralyzation of the business available to
should state the purpose of Robert under PD 902-A while the
the meeting. petition to break the deadlock is pending
ii) At the meeting, each of the litigation? Explain.
project should be approved
by a majority of the Board Answer:
(not merely a majority of 1. Robert can petition the SEC to arbitrate
those present at the the dispute, with such powers as
meeting). provided in the Corporation Code.
2. The SEC can appoint a rehabilitation
b) The procedure in securing the receiver or a management committee.
approval of the stockholders is as
i) Written notice of the proposed Question No. 6:
investment and the time and On October 12, 1993, Chelsea
place of the stockholders’ Straights (CHELSEA), a corporation
meeting should be sent to each engaged in the manufacture of cigarettes,
stockholder at his place of ordered from Moises Lim 2,000 bales of
residence as shown on the tobacco. CHELSEA issued to Moises Lim 2
books of the corporation and crossed checks postdated March 15, 1994
deposited to the addressee in and April 15, 1994 in full payment therefor.
the post office with postage On January 19, 1994 Moises Lim sold to
prepaid, or served personally. Dragon Investment House (DRAGON) at a
ii) At the meeting, each of the discount the 2 checks drawn by CHELSEA
projects should be approved by in his favor.
the stockholders representing at
least 2/3 of the outstanding Moises Lim failed to deliver the
capital stock. bales of tobacco as agrees despite
CHELSEA’s demand. Consequently, on
March 1, 1994 CHELSEA issued a “stop
Question No. 5: payment” order on the 2 checks issued to
Robert, Rey and Ben executed a Moises Lim. DRAGON, claiming to be a
joint venture agreement to form a close holder in due course, filed a complaint for
corporation under the Corporation Code the collection against CHELSEA for the value of
outstanding capital stock of which the 3 of the checks.
them would equally own. They also
provided therein that any corporate act Rule on the complaint of DRAGON.
would need the vote of 70% of the Give your legal basis.
outstanding capital stock. The terms of the
agreement were accordingly implemented Answer:
and the corresponding close corporation DRAGON cannot collect from
was incorporated. After 3 years, Robert, CHELSEA. The instruments are crossed
Rey and Ben could not agree on the checks which were intended to pay for the
business in which to invest the funds of the 2,000 bales of tobacco to be delivered by
corporation. Robert wants the deadlock Moises Lim. It was therefore the obligation
broken. of DRAGON to inquire as to the purpose of
the issuance of the 2 crossed checks before
causing them to be discounted. Failure on 2. Celso has the right to collect from Alex
its part to make such inquiry, which resulted and Benito. Celso is a party subsequent
in its bad faith, DRAGON cannot claim to be to the two. However, Celso has no right
a holder in due course. Moreover, the to claim against Felix who is a party
checks were sold, not endorsed, by him to subsequent to Celso.
DRAGON which did not become a holder in
due course. Not being a holder in due
course, DRAGON is subject to the personal Question No. 8:
defense on the part of CHELSEA Sun-Moon Insurance issued a
concerning the breach of trust on the part of Personal Accident Policy to Henry Dy with a
Moises Lim in not complying with his face value of P500,000. A provision in the
obligation to deliver the 2,000 bales of policy states that “the company shall not be
tobacco. liable in respect of bodily injury consequent
upon the insured person attempting to
commit suicide or willfully exposing himself
to needless peril except in an attempt to
Question No. 7: save human life”. 6 months later, Henry died
Alex issued a negotiable promissory of a bullet wound in his head. Investigation
note (PN) payable to Benito or order in showed that one evening Henry was in a
payment of certain goods. Benito indorsed happy mood although he was not drunk. He
the PN to Celso in payment of an existing was playing with his handgun from which he
obligation. Later Alex found the goods to be had previously removed its magazine. He
defective. While in Celso’s possession the pointed the gun at his sister who got scared.
PN was stolen by Dennis who forged He assured her it was not loaded. He then
Celso’s signature and discounted it with pointed the gun at his temple and pulled the
Edgar, a money lender who did not make trigger. The gun fires and Henry slumped
inquiries about the PN. Edgar indorsed the dead on the floor.
PN to Felix, a holder in due course. When
Felix demanded payment of the PN from Henry’s wife, Beverly, as the
Alex the latter refused to pay. Dennis could designated beneficiary, sought to collect
no longer be located. under the policy. Sun-Moon rejected her
claim on the ground that the death of Henry
1. What are the rights of Felix, if any, was not accidental. Beverly sued the
against Alex. Bento, Celso and Edgar? insurer.
2. Does Celso have nay right against Alex, Decide. Discuss fully.
Benito and Felix? Explain.
Answer: Beverly can recover the proceeds of
1. Felix has no right to claim against Alex, the policy from the insurer. The death of the
Benito and Celso who are parties prior insured was not due to suicide or willful
to the forgery of Celso’s signature by exposure to needless peril which are the
Dennis. Parties to an instrument who excepted risks. The insured’s act was purely
are such prior to the forgery cannot be on act of negligence which is covered by the
held liable by any party who became policy and for which the insured got the
such at or subsequent to the forgery. insurance for his protection. In fact, he
However, Edgar, who became a party to removed the magazine from the gun and
the instrument subsequent to the forgery when he pointed the gun to his temple he
and who indorsed the same to Felix, can did so because he thought that it was safe
be held liable by the latter. for him to do so. He did so to assure his
sister that the gun was harmless. There is the debtor is insolvent, that is, his assets
none in the policy that would relieve the are less than his liabilities
insurer of liability for the death of the
insured since the death was an accident. 2. In voluntary insolvency, it is the debtor
himself who files the petition for
insolvency, while in involuntary
insolvency, at least 3 creditors are the
Question No. 9: ones who file the petition for insolvency
House of Pizza (PIZZA) is the owner against the insolvent debtor.
and operator of a nationwide chain of pizza
outlets. House of Liquor (LIQUOR) is a
retailer of all kinds of liquor. Question No. 11:
Michael withdrew authority funds of
House of Foods (FOODS) has the partnership in the amounts of P500,000
offered to purchase all of the outlets, and used US$50,000 for services he claims
equipment, fixtures and furniture of PIZZA. he rendered for the benefit of the
FOODS also offered to purchase from partnership. He deposited the P500,000 in
LIQUOR all of its moderately priced stock his personal peso current account with
constituting 50% of its total inventory. Prosperity Bank and the US$50,000 in his
personal foreign currency savings account
Both PIZZA and LIQUOR have with Eastern Bank.
creditors. What legal requirements must
PIZZA and LIQUOR comply with in order for The partnership instituted an action
FOODS to consummate the transactions? in court against Michael, Prosperity Bank
Discuss fully. and Eastern Bank to compel Michael to
return the subject funds to the partnership
Answer: and pending litigation to order both banks to
PIZZA and LIQUOR must prepare disallow any withdrawal from his accounts.
an affidavit stating the names of all their
creditors, their addresses, the amounts of At the initial hearing of the case the
their credits and their respective maturities. court ordered Prosperity Bank to produce
PIZZA and LIQUOR must submit said the records of Michaels’s peso current
affidavit to FOODS which, in turn, should account, and Eastern Bank to produce the
notify the creditors about the transaction records of his foreign currency savings
which is about to be concluded with PIZZA account.
Can the court compel Prosperity
Bank and Eastern Bank to disclose the bank
Question No. 10: deposits of Michael? Discuss fully.
1. Distinguish between suspension of
payments and insolvency. Answer:
2. Distinguish between voluntary Yes, as far as the peso account is
insolvency and involuntary insolvency. concerned. Section 2 of RA No. 1405 allows
the disclosure of bank deposits in case
Answer: where the money deposited is the subject
matter of the litigation. Since the case filed
1. In suspension of payments, the debtor is against Michael is aimed at recovering the
not insolvent. He only needs time within amount he withdrew from the funds of the
which to convert his asset/s into cash partnership, which amount he allegedly
with which to pay his obligations when
they fall due. In the case of insolvency,
deposited in his account, a disclosure of his to the damage caused to them and their
bank deposits would be proper. cargoes? Explain.
2. If it cannot be determined which of the
No, with respect to the foreign vessels was at fault resulting in the
currency account. Under the Foreign collision, which party should bear the
Currency Law, the exemption to the damage caused to the vessels and the
prohibition against disclosure of information cargoes? Explain.
concerning bank deposits is the written 3. Which party should bear the damage to
consent of the depositor. the vessels and the cargoes if the cause
of the collision was a fortuitous event?
Question No. 12:
Global KL Malaysia (GLOBAL), a Answer:
100% Malaysian-owned corporation, 1. Each vessel must bear its own damage.
desires to build a hotel beach resort in Both of them are at fault.
Samal Island, Davao City, to take 2. Each of them should bear their
advantage of the increased traffic of tourists respective damages. Since it cannot be
and boost the tourism industry of the determined as to which vessel is at fault.
Philippines. This is under the doctrine of “inscrutable
1. Assuming that GLOBAL has US$100 3. No party shall be held liable since the
Million to invest in a hotel beach resort cause of the collision is fortuitous event.
in the Philippines, may it be allowed to The carrier is not an insurer.
acquire the land on which to build the
resort? If so, under what terms and
conditions may GLOBAL acquire the
land? Discuss fully.
2. May GLOBAL be allowed to manage the Question No. 14:
hotel beach resort? Explain. M. Dizon Trucking (DIZON) entered
3. May GLOBAL be allowed to operate into a hauling contract with Fairgoods
restaurants within the hotel beach Corporation (FAIRGOODS) whereby the
resort? Explain. former bound itself to haul the latter’s 2,000
sacks of soya bean meal from Manila Port
Answer: Area to Calamba, Laguna. To carry out
1. GLOBAL can secure a lease on the faithfully its obligation DIZON subcontracted
land. As a corporation with a Malaysian with Enrico Reyes the delivery of 400 sacks
nationality, GLOBAL cannot own the of the soya bean meal. Aside from the
land. driver, three male employees of Reyes rode
2. Yes, GLOBAL can manage the hotel on the truck with the cargo. While the truck
beach resort. There is no law prohibiting was on its way to Laguna two strangers
it from managing a resort. suddenly stopped the trucks and hijacked
3. GLOBAL may be allowed to operate the cargo. Investigation by the police
restaurants within the beach resort. This disclosed that one of the hijackers was
is part of the operation of the resort. armed with a bladed weapon while the other
was unarmed. For failure to deliver the 400
sacks, FIARGOODS sued Dizon for
Question No. 13: damages. DIZON in turn set up a third-party
1. Two vessels coming from opposite complaint against Reyes which the latter
directions collided with each other due resisted on the ground that the loss was due
to fault imputable to both. What are the to force majeure.
liabilities of the two vessels with respect
Did the hijacking constitute force sell any manuscripts or any record
majeure to exculpate Reyes from any whatsoever thereof;
liability to DIZON? Discuss fully. d) To make any other use or
disposition of the work consistent
Answer: with the laws of the land.
No. the hijacking in this case cannot
be considered force majeure. Only one of 2. a) SOLID owns the mural. SOLID was
the two hijackers was armed with a bladed the one who commissioned the artists to
weapon. As against 4 male employees of do the work and paid for the work in the
Reyes, 2 hijackers, with only one of them sum of P2 M.
being armed with a bladed weapon, cannot
be considered force majeure. The hijackers b) Unless there is a stipulation to the
did not act with grave or irresistible threat, contrary in the contract, the copyright
violence or force. shall belong in joint ownership to SOLID
and Mon Blanco and his son Steve.
Question No. 2:
1. Give a case where a person who is not Jose failed to deliver the newsprint, Po
an issuing corporation, director or officer ordered the drawee bank to stop payment
thereof, or a person controlling, on the check.
controlled by or under common control
with the issuing corporation, is also Efforts of Excel to collect from Po
considered an “insider”. failed. Excel wants to know from you as
2. In Securities Law, what is a “shortswing” counsel:
3. In “insider trading”, what is a “fact of 1. What are the effects of crossing a
special significance”? check?
2. Whether as second indorser and
Answer: holder of the crossed check, is it a
1. It may be a case where a person, whose holder in due course?
relationship or former relationship to the 3. Whether Po’s defense of lack of
issuer gives or gave him access to a consideration as against Jose is also
fact of special significance about the available as against Excel?
issuer or the security that is not
generally available, or a person, who Answer:
learns such a fact from any of the 1. The effects of crossing a check are:
insiders, with knowledge that the person
from whom he learns the fact, is such an a) The check is for deposit only in the
insider. account of the payee.
b) The check may be indorsed only
2. A “shortswing” is a transaction where a once in favor of a person who has
person buys securities and sells or an account with the bank.
disposes of the same within a period of c) The check is issued for a specific
6 months. purpose and the person who takes it
not in accordance with said purpose
3. In “insider trading”, a “fact of special does not become a holder in due
significance” is, in addition to being course and is not entitled to payment
material, such fact as would likely, on thereunder.
being made generally available, to affect
the market price of a security to a 2. No. It is a crossed check and Excel did
significant extent, or which a reasonable not take it in accordance with the
person would consider as especially purpose for which the check was issued.
important under the circumstances in Failure on its part to inquire as to said
determining his course of action in the purpose, prevented Excel from
light of such factors as the degree of its becoming a holder in due course, as
specificity, the extent of its difference such failure or refusal constituted bad
from information generally available faith.
previously, and its nature and reliability.
3. Yes. Not being a holder in due course,
Excel is subject to the personal defense
Question No. 3: which Po Press can set up against Jose.
Po Press issued in favor of Jose a
postdated crossed check, in payment of
newsprint which Jose promised to deliver. Question No. 4:
Jose sold and negotiated the check to Excel Gemma drew a check on Septmeber
Inc. at a discount. Excel did not ask Jose 13, 1990. The holder presented the check to
the purpose of crossing the check. Since the drawee bank only on March 5, 1994.
The bank dishonored the check on the
same date. After dishonor by the drawee offered by ECQ; and MWSS awarded the
bank, the holder gave a formal notice of contract to supply its asbestos pipes to
dishonor to Gemma through a letter dated Celeste. ECQ sought to nullify the award in
April 27, 1994. favor of Celeste.
Is the contention of the beneficiaries The cargo did not reach Manila
tenable? because the vessel capsized and sank with
all its cargo.
No. The incontestability clause does When Toni sued Ichi for damages
not apply. The insured died within less than based on breach of contract, the latter
2 years from the issuance of the policy on invoked the “limited liability rule”
September 23, 1990. The insured died on
April 26, 1992, or less than 2 years from 1. What do you understand of the “rule”
September 23, 1990. invoked by Ichi?
2. Are there exceptions to the “limited
The right of the insurer to rescind is liability rule”
only lost if the beneficiary has commenced
an action on the policy. There is no such Answer:
action in this case. 1. By “limited liability rule” is meant that the
liability of a ship owner for damages in
case of loss is limited to the value of the
vessel involved. His other properties Question No. 13:
cannot be reached by the parties A corporation was created by a
entitled to damages. special law. Later, the law creating it was
declared invalid. May such corporation
2. Yes. When the ship owner of the vessel claim to be a de facto corporation?
involved is guilty of negligence, the
“limited liability rule” does not apply. In Answer:
such case, the ship owner is liable to the No. a private corporation may be
full extent of the damages sustained by created only under the Corporation Code.
the aggrieved parties. Only public corporation may be created
under a special law.
Answer: Yes. In a close corporation, the
a) No. the Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction. restriction as to the transfer of shares has to
This is not a labor case, involving be stated/ annotated in the Articles of
employer-employee relationship. Incorporation, the By-Laws and the
certificate of stock. This serves as notice to
b) No. The RTC has no jurisdiction over the person dealing with such shares like
this case which involves intra-corporate Rafael in this case. With such notice, he is
controversy. bound by the pricing in the By-Laws.
Yes. The trademark registered in the
name of Laberge, Inc. covers only after- 1993 BAR EXAMINATION
shave lotion, shaving cream, deodorant,
talcum powder and toilet soap. It does not
cover briefs and underwear. Question No. 1:
Discuss the negotiability or non-
The limit of the trademark is stated negotiability of the following notes:
in the certificate issued to Laberge, Inc. It
does include briefs and underwear which 1.
are different products protected by Manila, September 1, 1993
Laberge’s trademark.
JG can register the trademark I promise to pay Pedro San Juan or
“PRUTE” to cover its briefs and underwear. order the sum of P2,500.00
Manila, June 3, 1993
2. No. JRT is bound by the terms of the bill Question No. 16:
of lading when it accepted the bill of A became a stockholder of prime
lading with full knowledge of its contents Real Estate Corporation (PREC) on July 10,
which included transshipment in 1991, when he was given one share by
Hongkong Acceptance under such another stockholder to qualify him as a
circumstances makes the bill of lading director. A was not re-elected director in the
binding contract. July 1, 1992 annual meeting but he
continued to be a registered shareholder of
Question No. 15:
A shipped 13 pieces of luggage When he was still a director, A
through LG Airlines from Teheran to Manila discovered that on January 5, 1991, PREC
as evidences by LG Air Waybill which issued free of charge 10,000 shares to X, a
disclosed that the actual gross weight of the lawyer who assisted in a court case
luggage was 180Kg. Z did not declare an involving PREC.
inventory of the contents or the value of the
13 pieces of luggage. After the said pieces 1. Can A now bring an action in the
of luggage arrived in Manila, the consignee name of the corporation to question
was able to claim from the cargo broker only the issuance of the shares to X
12 pieces, with a total weight of 174Kg. X without receiving any payment?
adviced the airlines of the loss of one of the 2. Can X question the right of A to sue
13 pieces of luggage and of the contents him in behalf of the corporation on
thereof. Efforts of the airlines to trace the the ground that A has only one
missing luggage were fruitless. Since the share in his name?
3. Can not the shares issued to X be 2. Can the Foundation operate a
considered as watered stock? specialty restaurant that caters to
the general public in order to
Answer: augment its funds?
1. As a general rule, A cannot bring a 3. One of the original trustees died and
derivative suit in the name of the the other 2 resigned because they
corporation concerning an act that took immigrated to the United States.
place before he became a stockholder. How will the vacancies in the board
However, if the act complained of is a of trustees be filled?
continuing one, A may do so.
The promissory note in the problem
is a negotiable instrument, being in
1992 BAR EXAMINATION compliance with the provisions of Section 1
of the NIL. Neither the fact that the payable
sum is to be paid with interest nor that the
Question No. 1: maturities are in stated installments renders
Perla brought a motor car payable in uncertain the amount payable.
installments from Automotive Company for
P250,000. She made a down payment of b) Is Reliable Finance Corporation a holder
P50,000 and executed a promissory note in due course? Explain briefly.
for the balance. The company subsequently
indorsed the note to Reliable Finance Answer:
Corporation which financed the purchase. Yes, Reliable Finance Corporation is
The promissory note read: a holder in due course given the factual
settings. Said corporation apparently took
“For value received, I promise to pay the promissory note for value, and there are
Automotive Company or order at its office in no indications that it acquired it in bad faith.
Legaspi City, the sum of P200,000.00 with
interest at twelve (12%) per cent per
annum, payable in equal installments of Question No. 2:
P20,000.00 monthly for ten (10) months A Cooperative purchased from “Y”
starting October 21, 1991. Corporation on installments a rice mill and
made a down payment therefor. As security
Manila September 21, 1991. for the payment of the balance, the
Cooperative executed a chattel mortgage in
(Sgd.) Perla favor of Y Corporation. Y Corporation, in
turn, assigned its rights to the chattel
Pay to the order of Reliable Finance mortgage to Z, Inc., a 5% foreign-owned
Corp. company doing business in the Philippines.
The cooperative thereafter made installment
payment to Z, Inc.
Because the Cooperative was The insurance company is not liable
unable to meet its obligations in full, Z, Inc. under its policy covering against “total loss
filed against it a court suit for collection. The only” the shipment of 1,000 pieces of
Cooperative resisted contending that Z, Inc. Mindoro garden stones. There is no
was illegally engaged in the retail trade constructive total loss that can be claimed
business for having sold a consumer good since the ¾ rule is to be computed on the
as opposed to a producer item. The total 1,000 pieces of Mindoro garden stones
Cooperative also alleged that Z, Inc had covered by the single policy coverage.
violated the Anti-Dummy Law.
Shortly thereafter, Family Bank filed As between Placido and the bank,
in the same court a special civil action who should bear the loss? Explain.
against the CB seeking to enjoin and
dismiss the liquidation proceeding on the Answer:
ground of grave abuse of discretion by the The bank should bear the loss. A
CB. The court was poised to: (1) restrain the drawee bank must exercise the highest
CB from closing Family Bank; and (2) diligence in safeguarding the accounts of its
authorize Family Bank to withdraw money client-depositors. The bank is also charged
from its deposits during the pendency of the with genuineness of the signatures of its
case. current account holders. But what can be
more striking is that there were marked
If you were the judge, would you differences between Placido’s signature and
issue such orders? Why? the one in the check forged by the visitor.
Certainly, Placido was not negligent in
Answer: leaving his checkbook on his desk.
No. the RTC has no authority to
restrain the monetary board of the Central
Bank from statutory authority to undertake Question No. 12:
receivership and ultimate liquidation of a Socorro received $10,000 from a
bank. Any opposition to such an action foreign bank although she was entitled only
could be made to the court itself where to $1,000. In an apparent plan to conceal
assistance is sought. the erroneously sent amount, she opened a
dollar account with her local bank,
The action of the RTC where the deposited the $10,000 and issued 4 checks
proceeding is pending appeal have to be in the amount of $2,000 and 1 check for
made in the Court of Appeals. $1,000 each payable to different individuals
who deposited the same in their respective
dollar accounts with different local banks.
Question No. 11:
Placido, a bank depositor, left his The sender bank then brought a civil
checkbook on his desk at his house. suit before the RTC for the recovery of the
Unknown to him, a visitor at the time, erroneously sent amount. In the course of
noticing the same, took a check therefrom, the trial, the sender presented testimonies
filled it up in the amount of P3,000 and of the bank officials to show that the funds
succeeded in encashing the check on the were, in fact, deposited in a bank by
same day. Placido’s account was thereby Socorro and paid out to several persons,
debited in the same amount. who participated in the concealment and
dissipation of the amount that Socorro had
Discovering the erroneous debit, erroneously received.
Placido demanded that the bank credit him
with a like amount. The bank refused on the Socorro moved to strike out said
ground that Placido was negligent in leaving testimonies from the record invoking the law
his checkbook on his desk so that he could on secrecy of bank deposits.
not put up the defense of forgery or want of
authority under the NIL.
If you were the Judge, would you safeguard the bank’s security interest.
issue an order to strike them out? Why? Dacion en pago can only be considered as
having taken place when a creditor accepts
Answer: and appropriates the ownership of goods in
No. I will not strike out the payment of a due obligation.
testimonies from the record. The
testimonies of bank officials indicating The mere taking of possession of
where the questioned dollar accounts were mortgaged assets does not amount to
opened in depositing misappropriated sums foreclosure. Foreclosure requires a sale at
must be considered as likewise involved in public auction. The foreclosure, therefore,
litigation—one which is among the excepted has not yet been effected.
cases under the Secrecy of Bank Deposits
Question No. 14:
To guarantee the payment of a loan
Question No. 13: obtained from a bank, Raoul pledged 500
X & Co., obtained a loan from a local bales of tobacco deposited in a warehouse
bank in the amount of P500,000, to said bank and endorsed in blank the
mortgaging as security therefore its real warehouse receipt. Before Raoul could pay
property. Subsequently, the company for the loan, the tobacco disappeared from
applied with the same bank for a Letter of the warehouse.
Credit (L/C) for $200,000 in favor of a
foreign bank to cover the importation of Who should bear the loss—the
machinery. To guarantee payment of the pledgor or the bank? Why?
obligation under the L/C, the company and
its President and Treasurer executed a Answer:
Surety Agreement in the local bank’s favor. The pledgor should bear the loss. In
the pledge of a warehouse receipt the
The machinery arrived and was ownership of the goods remain with
received to the company under a trust depositor or his transferee. Any contract or
receipt agreement. As the company real security, among them a pledge, does
defaulted in the payment of its obligations, not amount to or result in an assumption of
the bank took possession of the imported risk of loss by the creditor. The Warehouse
machinery. At the same time, it sought to Receipts Law did not deviate from this rule.
foreclose the mortgaged property and to
hold the company, as well as its President
and Treasurer, liable under the Surety Question No. 15:
Agreement. In an action for infringement of
patent, the alleged infringer defended
Did the taking of possession of the himself by stating (1) that the patent issued
machinery by the bank result in the (1) full by the Patent Office was not really an
payment of the obligations of the company, invention which was patentable; (2) that he
and (2) foreclosure of the mortgage? Why? had no intent to infringe so that there was
no actionable case for infringement; and (3)
Answer: that there was no exact duplication of the
The taking of possession of the patentee’s existing patent but only a minor
machinery by the bank did not result in full improvement.
payment of the obligations owing from the
company and its officers. The taking of such With those defenses, would you
possession must be considered merely as a exempt the alleged violator from liability?
measure in order to protect or further Why?
I would not exempt the alleged
violator from liability for the following
Question No. 7:
Answer: A. Atty. Roberto took out a life insurance
The court’s decision was incorrect. policy from Dana Insurance Corp. (DIC)
Mr. Pablo and Mr. Carlos, being on September 1, 1989. On August 31,
immediate parties to the instrument, are 1990, Roberto died. DIC refused to pay
governed by the rules of privity. Given his beneficiaries because it discovered
the factual circumstances of the that Roberto had misrepresented certain
problem, Mr. Pablo has no valid excuse material facts in his application. The
from denying liability. Mr. Pablo beneficiaries sued on the basis that DIC
undoubtedly had benefited in the can contest the validity of the insurance
transaction. To hold otherwise would policy only within 2 years from the date
also contravene the basic rules of unjust
of issue and during the lifetime of the Sheryl insured her newly acquired
insured. Decide the case. car, a NISSAN Maxima against any loss or
damage for P50,000 and against third party
Answer: liability for P20,000 with the XYZ Insurance
I would rule in favor of the insurance Corp. (XYZ). Under the policy, the car must
company. The incontestability clause, be driven only by an authorized driver who
applies only if the policy had been in is either: (1) the insured, or (2) any person
effect for at least 2 years. The 2-year driving on the insured’s order or with his
period is counted from the time the permission: provided that the person driving
insurance becomes effective until the is permitted in accordance with the licensing
death of the insured and not thereafter. or other laws or regulations to drive the
motor vehicle and is not disqualified from
driving such motor vehicle by order of a
B. The policy of insurance upon his life, court.
with a face value of P100,000, was
assigned by Jose, a married man with 2 During the effectivity of the policy,
legitimate children, to his nephew, Y as the car, then driven by Sheryl herself, who
security for a loan of P50,000. He did had no driver’s license, met an accident and
not give the insurer any written notice of was extensively damaged. The estimated
such assignment despite the explicit cost of the repair was P40,000. Sheryl
provision to that effect in the policy. immediately notified XYZ, but the latter
Jose died. Upon the claim on the policy refused to pay on the policy alleging that
by the assignee, the insurer refused to Sheryl violated the terms thereof when she
pay on the ground that it was not drove it without a driver’s license.
notified of the assignment. Upon the
other hand, the heirs of Jose contended Is the insurer correct?
that Y is not entitled to any amount
under the policy because the Answer:
assignment without due notice to the No. the insurer is not correct in
insurer was void. Resolve the issues. denying the claim since the proviso “that the
person driving is permitted in accordance
Answer: with the licensing, etc.” qualifies only a
A life insurance is assignable. A person driving the vehicle, other than the
provision, however, in the policy stating insured, at the time of the accident.
that written notice of such an
assignment should be given to the
insurer is valid. The failure of the notice Question No. 9:
of assignment would thus preclude the A piece of machinery was shipped to
assignee from claiming rights under the Mr. Pablo on the basis of C&F, Manila. Mr.
policy. The failure of notice did not, Pablo insured said machinery with the
however, avoid the policy; hence, upon Talaga Merchants Insurance Corp. (TAMIC)
the death of Jose, the proceeds would, for loss or damage during the voyage. The
in the absence of a designated vessel sank en route to Manila. Mr. Pablo
beneficiary, go to the estate of the then filed a claim with TAMIC which was
insured. The estate, in turn, would be denied for the reason that prior to delivery,
liable for the loan of P50,000 owing in Mr. Pablo had no insurable interest. Decide
favor of Y. the case.
Question No. 8: Mr. Pablo had an existing insurable
interest on the piece of machinery he
bought. The purchase of goods under a own behalf and, therefore, the sale
perfected contract of sale already vested to the general public is made by the
equitable interest on the property in favor of dealer and not by the manufacturer.
the buyer even while it is pending delivery.
b) The second arrangement would be
violative of the Retail Trade Law,
Question No. 10: since the sale is done through
Mr. Noble, as the President of ABC individuals being paid strictly on a
Trading, Inc., executed a trust receipt in commission basis. The said
favor of BPI Bank to secure the importation individuals would then be acting
by his company of certain goods. After merely as agents of the
release and sale of the imported goods, the manufacturer. Sales, therefore,
proceeds from the sale were not turned over made by such agents are deemed
to BPI. Would BPI be justified in filing a direct sales by the manufacturer
case for estafa against Noble? itself.
BPI would be justified in filing a case B. Is the Filipino common-law wife of a
for estafa under PD 115 against Noble. The foreigner is not barred from engaging in
fact that the trust receipt issued in favor of a retail business. On the assumption that
bank, instead of a seller, to secure the she acts for and in her own behalf, and
importation of the goods did not preclude absent a violation of the Anti-Dummy
the application of the Trust Receipts Law Law which prohibits a foreigner from
(PD 115). Under the law, any officer or being either the real proprietor or an
employee of a corporation responsible for employee of a person engaged in the
the violation of a trust receipt is subject to retail trade, she should be violating the
the personal liability thereunder. Retail Trade Act.
Question No. 11:
A. ABC Manufacturing, Inc., a company Answer:
wholly owned by foreign nationals, It is possible that the examinee
manufactures typewriters which ABC would have responded on the basis of
distributes to the general public in 2 the basis of the Anti-Dummy Law
ways: exclusively in which case the
engagement by the common-law wife
a) ABC consigns its typewriters to may, by presumption, be considered as
independent dealers who in turn sell having violated the law.
them to the public; and,
b) Through individuals, who are not
employees of ABC, and who are Question No. 12:
paid strictly on a commission basis
for each sale. SONY is a registered trademark for
TV, stereo, radio, cameras, betamax and
Do these arrangements violate the other electronic products. A local company,
Retail Trade Law? Best Manufacturing, Inc., produced electric
fans which it sold under the trademark’s
Answer: SONY without the consent of SONY. SONY
a) The first arrangement would not be sued Best Manufacturing for infringement.
in violation of the Retail Trade Law. Decide the case.
The law applies only when the sale
is direct to the general public. A Answer:
dealer buys and sells for and in his
In order that a case for infringement damage to the goods arising from the
of trademark can prosper, the products on collision is solidary. Neither carrier may
which the trademark is used must be of the invoke the doctrine of last clear chance
same kind. The electric fans produced by which can only be relevant, if at all,
Best Manufacturing cannot be said to be between the 2 vessels but not on the
similar to such products as TV, stereo and claims made by passengers or shippers.
radio sets or cameras or betamax products
of SONY.
b) If M/V Don Claro was at fault, may the
heirs of the passengers who died and
the owners of the cargoes recover
damages from the owner of said vessel?
Question No. 13:
In a collision between M/T Manila, a Answer:
tanker, and M/V Don Claro, an inter-island Yes, but subject to the doctrine of
vessel, M/V Don Claro sank and many of its limited liability. The doctrine is to the
passengers drowned and died. All its effect that the liability of the shipowners
cargoes were lost. The collision occurred at would only be to the extent of any
nighttime but the sea was calm, the weather remaining value of the vessel, proceeds
fair and visibility was good. Prior to the of insurance, if any, and earned
collision and while still 4 nautical miles freightage. Given the factual settings,
apart, M/V Don Claro already sighted M/T the shipowner himself was not guilty of
Manila on its radar screen. M/T Manila had negligence and, therefore, the doctrine
no radar equipment. As for speed, M/V Don can well apply.
Claro was twice as fast as M/T Manila.
If I were the Judge, I would hold charges consisting of interests, fees and
Alejandro as having engaged as a common service charges. It did not, however, submit
carrier. A person who offers his services to to Dana a written statement setting forth
carry passengers or goods for a fee is a therein the information required by the Truth
common carrier regardless of whether he in Lending Act (RA No. 3765).
has a certificate of public convenience or Nevertheless, the conditional deed of sale
not, whether it is his main business or which the parties executed mentioned that
incidental to such business, whether it is the total amount indicated therein included
scheduled or unscheduled service, and such finance charges.
whether he offers his services to the general
public or to a limited few. a) Has there been substantial compliance
of the aforesaid Act?
I will however, sustain the contention
of Alejandro that he is not liable for the loss Answer:
of the goods. A common carrier is not an No. there was no substantial
insurer of the cargo. If it can be established compliance with the Truth in Lending
that the loss, despite the exercise of Act. The law provides that the creditor
extraordinary diligence, could not have been must make a full disclosure of the credit
avoided, liability does not ensue against the cost. The statement that the total
carrier. The hijacking by 3 armed men of the amount due includes the principal and
truck used by Alejandro is one of such the financial charges, without specifying
cases. the amounts due on each portion
thereof would be insufficient and
Question No. 17:
When is a warehouseman bound to
deliver the goods upon a demand made b) If your answer to the foregoing question
either by the holder of a receipt for the is in the negative, what is the effect of
goods or by the depositor? the violation on the contract?
Answer: Answer:
The warehouseman is bound to A violation of the Truth in Lending
deliver the goods upon demand made either Act will not adversely affect the validity
by the holder of the receipt for the goods or of the contract itself.
by the depositor if the demand is
accompanied by (a) an officer to satisfy the
warehouseman’s lien, (b) an offer to c) In the event of a violation of the Act,
surrender the receipt, if negotiable, with what remedies may be availed of by
such indorsements as would be necessary Dana?
for the negotiation thereof, and (c)
readiness and willingness to sign when the Answer:
goods are delivered if so requested by the The violation of the Truth in Lending
warehouseman. Act would allow Dana to refuse payment
of financial charges or, if already paid, to
recover the same. Dana may also
Question No. 18: initiate criminal charges against the
Dana Gianina purchase on a 36- creditor.
month installment basis the latest model of
the NISSAN Sentra Sedan car from the
Jobel Cars, Inc. In addition to the advertised Question No. 19:
selling price, the latter imposed finance
On December 6, 1988, A, an
incorporator and the General Manager of
the PAJE Multi-Farms Corp., resigned as
General Manager and sold the corporation
his shares of stocks in the corporation for
P300,000, the book value thereof, payable 1990 BAR EXAMINATION
as follows: (a) P100,000 as downpayment;
(b) P100,000 on or before September 30,
1989. A promissory note, with an Question No. 1:
acceleration clause, was executed by the The articles of incorporation to be
corporation for the unpaid balance. registered in the SEC contained the
following provisions—
The corporation failed to pay the first
installment on due date. A then sued PAJE a) “First Article. The name of the
Mulit-Farms Corp. on the promissory note in corporation shall be Toho Marketing
the RTC. Company.”
b) “Third Article. The principal office of
a) Does said court have jurisdiction over the corporation shall be located in
the case? Region III, in such municipality
therein as its Board of Directors may
Answer: designate.”
The RTC has no jurisdiction over the c) “Seventh Article. The capital stock of
case. In Boman Environmental the corporation is One Million Pesos
Development Corporation v. Court of (P1,000.00), Philippine Currency.”
Appeals (G.R. No. 77860, November
22, 1988), the Supreme Court observed What are your comments and
that a corporation may only buy its own suggested changes to the proposed
shares of stock if it has enough surplus articles?
profits therefor. On an issue involving
the trust fund doctrine, the SEC would Answer:
be in better position than ordinary courts a) On the First Article, I would suggest
to make an assessment and judgment that the corporate name indicate the
on the matter. fact of incorporation by using either
“Toho Marketing Corporation” or
“Toho Marketing Company,
b) Would your answer be the same if A Incorporated”.
instead sold his shares to his friend
Mabel and the latter filed a case with the b) The Third Article should indicate the
RTC against the corporation to compel it City or the Municipality and the
to register the sale and to issue new Province in the Philippines, and not
certificates of stock in her name? merely the region or as its Board of
Directors may later designate, to be
Answer: its place of principal office.
My answer would be the same. An
action to compel a corporation to c) The Seventh Article must
register a sale and to issue new additionally point out the number of
certificates of stock is itself an shares into which the capital stock is
intracorporate matter exclusively lies divided, as well as the par value
with the SEC to take cognizance. thereof or a statement that said
stock or a portion thereof are without
par value.
Can his father who is a beneficiary
Question No. 2: under said insurance policy successfully
At least 2/3 of the stockholders of claim indemnity from the insurance
Solar Corporation, meeting upon the company? Explain your answer.
recommendation of the Board of Directors,
declared a 50% stock dividend during their Answer:
annual meeting. The notice of the annual Yes, the father who is a beneficiary
stockholders’ meeting did not mention under the accident insurance can
anything about a stock dividend declaration. successfully claim indemnity for the death of
The matter was taken up only under the the insured. Clearly, the proximate cause of
item “Other Business” in the agenda of the the death was the boxing contest. Death is
meeting. C.K. Senwa, a stockholder, who sustained in a boxing contest is an accident.
received his copy of the notice but did not
attend the meeting, subsequently learned
about the 50% stock dividend declaration. Question No. 4:
He desires to have the stock dividend Acme Trading Company, Inc.
declaration cancelled and set aside, and (Acme), a trading company wholly owned by
wishes to retain your services as a lawyer foreign stockholders, was persuaded by
for the purpose. Paulo Alva, a Filipino, to invest in 20% of
the outstanding shares of stock of a
Will you accept the case? Discuss corporation he is forming which will engage
with reasons. in the department store business (the
“department store corporation”). Paulo also
Answer: urged Acme to invest in 40% of the
I will not accept the case. Section 43 outstanding shares of stock of the realty
of the Corporation Code states that no stock corporation he is putting up to own the land
dividend shall be issued without the on which the department store will be built
approval of the stockholders representing (the “realty corporation”).
not less than 2/3 f the outstanding capital
stock at a regular or special meeting duly a) May Acme invest in the said
called for that purpose. Conformably with department store corporation?
Section 50 of the Corporation Code, a Explain your answer.
written notice of the holding of the regular b) May Acme invest in the realty
meeting sent to the shareholders will corporation? Discuss with reasons.
suffice. The notice itself specifies the said c) May the President of Acme, a
subject matter. foreigner, sit in the Board of
Directors of the said department
store corporation? Discuss with
Question No. 3: d) May the Treasurer of Acme, another
Luis was the holder of an accident foreigner, occupy the same position
insurance policy effective November 1, in the said department store
1988 to October 31, 1989. At a boxing corporation? May he be the
contest held on January 1, 1989 and treasurer of the said realty
sponsored by his employer, he slipped and corporation? Explain your answers?
was hit on the face by his opponent so he
fell and his head hit one of the posts of the Answer:
boxing ring. He was rendered unconscious a) Acme may not invest in the
and was dead on arrival at the hospital due department store corporation since
to “intracranial hemorrhage.” the Retail Trade Act allows, in the
case of corporations, only 100% e) May Pablo recover from either Mario
Filipino-owned companies to engage or Jose?
in retail trade.
Explain your answers.
b) Acme may invest in the realty
corporation, on the assumption that Answer:
the balance of 60% of ownership of a) Camilo may not enforce said
the latter corporation, is Filipino- promissory note against Mario and
owned since the law merely required jose. The promissory note at the
60% Filipino holding in land time of forgery being payable to
corporate ownership. order, the signature of Pablo was
essential for the instrument to pass
c) The Anti-Dummy Law allows board title to subsequent parties. A forged
representation to the extent of actual signature is inoperative. Accordingly,
and permissible foreign investments the parties after the forgery are not
in corporations. Accordingly, the juridically related to parties after the
President of Acme may not sit in the forgery to allow such enforcement.
Board of Directors of the department
store corporation but can do so in b) Camilo may not go against Pablo,
the realty corporation. the latter not having indorsed the
d) The Treasurer of Acme may not hold
that position either in the department c) Camilo may enforce the instrument
store corporation or in the realty against Julian because of his special
corporation since the Anti-Dummy indorsement to Camilo, thereby
Law prohibits the employment of making him secondarily liable, both
aliens in such nationalized areas of being parties after the forgery.
business except those that call for
highly technical qualifications. d) Julian, in turn, may enforce the
instrument against Bert who, by his
Question No. 5: forgery, has rendered himself
Jose loaned Mario some money primarily liable.
and, to evidence his indebtedness, Mario
executed and delivered to Jose a e) Pablo preserves his right to recover
promissory note payable to his order. from either Marion or Jose who
remain parties juridically related to
Jose endorsed the note to Pablo. him. Mario is still considered
Bert fraudulently obtained the note from primarily liable to Pablo. Pablo may,
Pablo and endorsed it to Julian by forging in case of dishonor, go after Jose
Pablo’s signature. Julian then endorsed the who, by his special indorsement, is
note to Camilo. secondarily liable.
May the Sheriff proceed with the e) Supposing in problem (a) above,
public auction of Johnny’s jeepeny? Discuss Fortune was able to collect from
the reasons. both Y and Z, may he keep the
entire amount he was able to collect
Answer: from the said 2 insurance
Yes, the Sheriff may proceed with companies?
the auction sale of Jjohnny’s jeepney. In
contemplation of law as regards the public Explain your answer.
and third persons, the vehicle is considered
the property of the registered operator. Answer:
a) Fortune may recover from the insurers
in such order as he may select up to
Question No. 12: their concurrent liability.
a) Suppose that Fortune owns a house
valued at P600,000 and insured the b) One Answer (assuming that the real
value is P1 M):
Fortune may still recover only the
balance of P200,000 from X Insurance What will be your advice?
Company since the insured may only
recover up to the extent of his loss. Answer:
The application for registration by
Another Answer (assuming that the real Turbo Corporation may be contested. The
value is P600,000): Trademark Law would not allow the
Having obtained full payment on the registration of a trademark which, when
insurance policies issued by Y and Z, applied to or used in connection with his
Fortune may no longer recover from X products, is merely descriptive or
Insurance Company. deceptively misdescriptive of them.
Confusion can result from the result from
c) In an open policy, the insured may the use of “Axilon” as the generic product
recover his total loss up to the amount itself.
of the insurance coverage. Thus, the
extent of recovery would be P400,000
from X; P200,000 from Y; and P600,000 Question No. 14:
from Z. Mercy subscribed to 1,000 shares of
stock of Rosario Corporation. She paid 25%
d) In the problem (a), the insurance of said subscription. During the
companies among themselves would be stockholders’ meeting, ca mercy vote all her
liable, viz: subscribed shares? Explain your answer.
Yes, Jorge is liable. Section 29 of
the NIL provides that an accommodation
party is liable on the instrument to a holder
for value, notwithstanding the holder at the
time of taking said instrument knew him to
be only an accommodation party. This is the
nature or the essence of accommodation.