q14 Bar
q14 Bar
q14 Bar
(A) a majority vote of the Board of Directors and (C) thirty (30) days after the date the application
authorized by the vote of the stockholders for incorporation is filed with the SEC
representing at least a majority of the outstanding
capital stock (D) thirty (30) days after the date
the SEC issues a certificate of incorporation under Company (Matino) involving a motor vehicle. The
its official seal policy obligates Matino to pay Barrack the amount
of Six Hundred Thousand Pesos (P600,000.00) in
case of loss or damage to said vehicle during the
VI. period covered, which is from February 26, 2013 to
On May 26, 2014, Jess insured with Jack Insurance February 26, 2014.
(Jack) his 2014 Toyota Corolla sedan under a
comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy for On April 16, 2013, at about 9:00 a.m., Barrack
one year. On July 1, 2014, Jess’ car was unlawfully instructed his driver, JJ, to bring the motor vehicle
taken. Hence, he immediately reported the theft to a nearby auto shop for tune-up. However, JJno
to the Traffic Management Command (TMC) of the longer returned and despite diligent efforts to
Philippine National Police (PNP), which made Jess locate the said vehicle, the efforts proved futile.
accomplish a complaint sheet as part of its Resultantly, Barrack promptly notified Matino of
procedure. In the complaint sheet, Jess alleged the said loss and demanded payment of the
that a certain Ric Silat(Silat) took possession of the insurance proceeds of P600,000.00.
subject vehicle to add accessories and
improvements thereon. However, Silat failed to In a letter dated July 5, 2013. Matino denied the
return the subject vehicle within the agreed 3-day claim, reasoning as stated in the contract that "the
period. As a result, Jess notified Jack of his claim company shall not be liable for any malicious
for reimbursement of the value of the lost vehicle damage caused by the insured, any member of his
under the insurance policy. Jack refused to pay family or by a person in the insured’s service. Is
claiming that there is no theft as Jess gave Silat Matino correct in denying the claim? (4%)
lawful possession of the car. Is Jack correct? (4%)
VII. A person is said to have an insurable interest in the
Jinggy went to Kluwer University (KU) in Germany subject matter insured where he has a relation or
for his doctorate degree (Ph.D.). He completed his connection with, or concern in it that he will derive
degree with the highest honors in the shortest pecuniary benefit or advantage from its
time. When he came back, he decided to set-up his preservation. Which among the following subject
own graduate school in his hometown in matters is not considered insurable? (1%)
Zamboanga. After seeking free legal advice from (A) A partner in a firm on its future profits
his high-flying lawyer-friends, he learned that the (B) A general creditor on debtor’s property
Philippines follows the territoriality principle in (C) A judgment creditor on debtor’s property
trademark law, i.e., trademark rights are acquired (D) A mortgage creditor on debtor’s mortgaged
through valid registration in accordance with the property
law. Forth with, Jinggy named his school the
Kluwer Graduate School of Business of Mindanao
and immediately secured registration with the XI.
Bureau of Trademarks. KU did not like the PA Assurance (PA) was incorporated in 1980 to
unauthorized use of its name by its top alumnus engage in the sale of pre-need educational plans. It
no less. KU sought your help. What advice can you sold open-ended educational plans which
give KU? (4%) guaranteed the payment of tuition and other fees
to plan holders irrespective of the cost at the time
of availment. It also engaged in the sale of fixed
VIII. value plans which guaranteed the payment of a
As a rule, an insurance contract is consensual and pre-determined amount to planholders. In 1982,
voluntary. The exception is in the case of: (1%) PA was among the country’s top corporations.
(A) Inland Marine Insurance However, it subsequently suffered financial
(B) Industrial Life Insurance difficulties.
(C) Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
(D) Life Insurance On September 8, 2005, PA filed a Petition for
Corporate Rehabilitation before the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) of Makati City. On October 17, 2005,
IX. ten (10) plan holders filed an Opposition and
On February 21, 2013, Barrack entered into a Motion to Exclude Planholders from Stay Order on
contract of insurance with Matino Insurance the ground that planholders are not creditors as
they (planholders) have a trust relationship with Is RN correct? Will your answer be the same if the
PA. Are the planholders correct? (4%) check is dated October 15, 2013? (4%)
To constitute a quorum for the transaction of A, B, C, D, and E were members of the 2003-2004
corporate business, only a majority of the number Board of Directors of FLP Corporation. At the
of Board of Directors is required: (1%) election for the 2004-2005 Board of Directors, not
(A) as fixed by the corporate by-laws one of them was elected. They filed in court a
(B) as fixed in the articles of incorporation derivative suit on behalf of FLP Corporation against
(C) actually serving in the board the newly-elected members of the Board of
(D) actually serving in the board but constituting a Directors. They questioned the validity of the
quorum election as it was allegedly marred by lack of
quorum, and prayed for the nullification of the said
election. The 2004-2005 Board of Directors moved
XIII. to dismiss the complaint because the derivative
Pursuant to its By-Laws, Soei Corporation’s Board suit is not proper. Decide. (4%)
of Directors created an Executive Committee to
manage the affairs of the corporation in between
board meetings. The Board of Directors appointed XVI.
the following members of the Executive In intellectual property cases, fraudulent intent is
Committee: the President, Sarah L; the Vice not an element of the cause of action except in
President, Jane L; and, a third member from the cases involving: (1%)
board, Juan Riles. On December 1, 2013, the (A) trademark infringement
Executive Committee, with Sarah L and Jane L (B) copyright infringement
present, met and decided on the following (C) patent infringement
matters: (D) unfair competition
Which of the following instruments is negotiable if
all the other requirements of negotiability are
met? (1%)
KK is from Bangkok, Thailand. She studies medicine
in the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas (UST).
She learned that the same foreign books
prescribed in UST are 40-50% cheaper in Bangkok.
So she ordered 50 copies of each book for herself
and her classmates and sold the books at 20% less
than the price in the Philippines. XX, the exclusive
licensed publisher of the books in the Philippines,
sued KK for copyright infringement. Decide. (4%)
One important provision in his will reads as
"Ang lupa at bahay sa Lungsod ng Maynila ay
ililipat at ilalagay sa pangalan nila Alex at Rene
CIVIL LAW (2014) hindi bilang pamana ko sa kanila kundi upang
pamahalaan at pangalagaan lamang nila at nang
ang sinuman sa aking mga anak, sampu ng aking
I. mga apo at kaapuapuhan ko sa habang panahon,
Ariz and Paz were officemates at Perlas ng Silangan ay may tutuluyan kung magnanais na mag-aral sa
Bank (PSB). They fell in love with each other and Maynila o sa kalapit na mga lungsod."
had a civil and church wedding. Meanwhile, Paz
rapidly climbed the corporate ladder of PSB and Is the provision valid? (4%)
eventually became its Vice President, while Ariz
remained one of its bank supervisors, although he
was short of 12 units to finish his Masters of III.
Business Administration (MBA) degree. The Roman Catholic Church accepted a donation
of a real property located in Lipa City. A deed of
Ariz became envious of the success of his wife. He donation was executed, signed by the donor, Don
started to drink alcohol until he became a Mariano, and the donee, the Church, as
drunkard. He preferred to join his "barkadas"; represented by Fr. Damian. Before the deed could
became a wifebeater; would hurt his children be notarized, Don Mariano died. Is the donation
without any reason; and failed to contribute to the valid? (4%)
needs of the family. Despite rehabilitation and
consultation with a psychiatrist, his ways did not
change. IV.
Nante, a registered owner of a parcel of land in
After 19 years of marriage, Paz, a devout Catholic, Quezon City, sold the property to Monica under a
decided to have their marriage annulled by the deed of sale which reads as follows:
church. Through the testimony of Paz and a "That for and in consideration of the sum of
psychiatrist, it was found that Ariz was a spoiled P500,000.00, value to be paid and delivered to me,
brat in his youth and was sometimes involved in and receipt of which shall be acknowledged by me
brawls. In his teens, he was once referred to a to the full satisfaction of Monica, referred to as
psychiatrist for treatment due to his violent Vendee, I hereby sell, transfer, cede, convey, and
tendencies. In due time, the National Appellate assign, as by these presents, I do have sold,
Matrimonial Tribunal (NAMT) annulled the union transferred, ceded, conveyed and assigned a
of Ariz and Paz due to the failure of Ariz to perform parcel of land covered by TCT No. 2468 in favor of
and fulfill his duties as a husband and as a father to the Vendee."
their children. The NAMT concluded that it is for
the best interest of Paz, Ariz and their children to After delivery of the initial payment of
have the marriage annulled. P100,000.00, Monica immediately took possession
of the property. Five (5) months after, Monica
In view of the NAMT decision, Paz decided to file a failed to pay the remaining balance of the
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage of purchase price. Nante filed an action for the
their civil wedding before the Regional Trial Court recovery of possession of the property. Nante
(RTC) of Makati City using the NAMT decision and alleged that the agreement was one to sell, which
the same evidence adduced in the church was not consummated as the full contract price
annulment proceedings as basis. was not paid. Is the contention of Nante tenable?
Why? (4%)
If you are the judge, will you grant the petition?
Explain. (5%)
What is the effect of preterition ? (1%)
II. (A) It annuls the devise and legacy
Crispin died testate and was survived by Alex and (B) It annuls the institution of heir
Josine, his children from his first wife; Rene and (C) It reduces the devise and legacy
Ruby, his children from his second wife; and Allan, (D) It partially annuls the institution of heir
Bea, and Cheska, his children from his third wife.
VI. On March 19, 2011, Tess sent a letter to Ruth, part
Miko and Dinah started to live together as of which reads as follows:
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage "I am offering you to buy the property you are
in 1984. Ten (10) years after, they separated. In presently leasing at P5,000.00 per sq. m. or for a
1996, they decided to live together again, and in total of P7,500,000.00. You can pay the contract
1998, they got married. price by installment for two (2) years without
On February 17, 2001, Dinah filed a complaint for
declaration of nullity of her marriage with Miko on I will give you a period of one (1) year from receipt
the ground of psychological incapacity under of this letter to decide whether you will buy the
Article 36 of the Family Code. The court rendered property."
the following decision:
After the expiration of the lease contract, Tess sold
"1. Declaring the marriage null and void; the property to her niece for a total consideration
2. Dissolving the regime of absolute community of of P4 million.
property; and
3. Declaring that a decree of absolute nullity of Ruth filed a complaint for the annulment of the
marriage shall only be issued after liquidation, sale, reconveyance and damages against Tess and
partition and distribution of the parties’ properties her niece. Ruth alleged that the sale of the leased
under Article 147 of the Family Code." property violated her right to buy under the
principle of right of first refusal.
Dinah filed a motion for partial reconsideration
questioning the portion of the decision on the Is the allegation of Ruth tenable? (4%)
issuance of a decree of nullity of marriage only
after the liquidation, partition and distribution of
properties under Article 147 of the Code. IX.
Spouses Macario and Bonifacia Dakila entered into
If you are the judge, how will you decide a contract to sell with Honorio Cruz over a parcel
petitioner’s motion for partial reconsideration? of industrial land in Valenzuela, Bulacan for a price
Why? (4%) of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P3,500,000.00). The spouses would give a
downpayment of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
VII. (P500,000.00) upon the signing of the contract,
Due to the continuous heavy rainfall, the major while the balance would be paid for the next three
streets in Manila became flooded. This compelled (3) consecutive months in the amount of One
Cris to check-in at Square One Hotel. As soon as Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) per month. The
Cris got off from his Toyota Altis, the Hotel’s spouses paid the first two (2) installments but not
parking attendant got the key of his car and gave the last installment. After one (1) year, the spouses
him a valet parking customer’s claim stub. The offered to pay the unpaid balance which Honorio
attendant parked his car at the basement of the refused to accept.
hotel. Early in the morning, Cris was informed by The spouses filed a complaint for specific
the hotel manager that his car was carnapped. performance against Honorio invoking the
(4%) application of the Maceda Law. If you are the
judge, how will you decide the case? (4%)
(A) What contract, if any, was perfected between
Cris and the Hotel when Cris surrendered the key
of his car to the Hotel’s parking attendant? X.
Dorotea leased portions of her 2,000 sq. m. lot to
(B) What is the liability, if any, of the Hotel for the Monet, Kathy, Celia, and Ruth for five (5) years.
loss of Cris’ car? Two (2) years before the expiration of the lease
contract, Dorotea sold the property to PM Realty
and Development Corporation. The following
VIII. month, Dorotea and PM Realty stopped accepting
Tess leased her 1,500 sq. m. lot in Antipolo City to rental payments from all the lessees because they
Ruth for a period of three (3) years, from January wanted to terminate the lease contracts.
2010 to February 2013.
Due to the refusal of Dorotea to accept rental
payments, the lessees, Ruth, et al., filed a XIV.
complaint for consignation of the rentals before A pedestrian, who was four (4) months pregnant,
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila without was hit by a bus driver while crossing the street.
notifying Dorotea. Although the pedestrian survived, the fetus inside
her womb was aborted. Can the pedestrian
Is the consignation valid? (4%) recover damages on account of the death of the
XI. fetus? (1%)
An easement that can be acquired by prescription: (A) Yes, because of Article 2206 of the Civil Code
(1%) which allows the surviving heirs to demand
(A) Right of way damages for mental anguish by reason of the
(B) Watering of an animal death of the deceased.
(C) Lateral and subjacent support
(D) Light and view (B) Yes, for as long as the pedestrian can prove
that she was not at fault and the bus driver was
the one negligent.
J.C. Construction (J.C.) bought steel bars from (C) No, because a fetus is not a natural person.
Matibay Steel Industries (MSI) which is owned by
Buddy Batungbacal. J.C. failed to pay the (D) No, if the fetus did not comply with the
purchased materials worth P500,000.00 on due requirements under Article 41 of the Civil Code.
date. J.C. persuaded its client Amoroso with whom
it had receivables to pay its obligation to MSI.
Amoroso agreed and paid MSI the amount of XV.
P50,000.00. After two (2) other payments, Mr. Bong owns several properties in Pasig City. He
Amoroso stopped making further payments. decided to build a condominium named Flores de
Manila in one of his lots. To fund the project, he
Buddy filed a complaint for collection of the obtained a loan from the National Bank (NB)
balance of the obligation and damages against J.C. secured by a real estate mortgage over the
J.C. denied any liability claiming that its obligation adjoining property which he also owned.
was extinguished by reason of novation which took
place when MSI accepted partial payments from During construction, he built three (3) pumps on
Amoroso on its behalf. the mortgaged property to supply water to the
condominium. After one (1) year, the project was
Was the obligation of J.C. Construction to MSI completed and the condominium was turned over
extinguished by novation? Why? (4%) to the buyers. However, Mr. Bong failed to pay his
loan obligation to NB. Thus, NB foreclosed the
mortgaged property where the pumps were
XIII. installed. During the sale on public auction of the
Esteban and Martha had four (4) children: mortgaged property, Mr. Simon won in the
Rolando, Jun, Mark, and Hector. Rolando had a bidding. When Mr. Simon attempted to take
daughter, Edith, while Mark had a son, Philip. After possession of the property, the condominium
the death of Esteban and Martha, their three (3) owners, who in the meantime constituted
parcels of land were adjudicated to Jun. After the themselves into Flores de Manila Inc. (FMI),
death of Jun, the properties passed to his surviving claimed that they have earlier filed a case for the
spouse Anita, and son Cesar. When Anita died, her declaration of the existence of an easement before
share went to her son Cesar. Ten (10) years after, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City and
Cesar died intestate without any issue. Peachy, prayed that the easement be annotated in the title
Anita’s sister, adjudicated to herself the properties of the property foreclosed by NB. FMI further
as the only surviving heir of Anita and Cesar. Edith claimed that when Mr. Bong installed the pumps in
and Philip would like to recover the properties his adjoining property, a voluntary easement was
claiming that they should have been reserved by constituted in favor of FMI.
Peachy in their behalf and must now revert back to
them. Will the action prosper? (4%)
After undergoing sex reassignment in a foreign XXVI.
country, Jose, who is now using the name of Isaac leased the apartment of Dorotea for two (2)
"Josie," married his partner Ador. Is the marriage years. Six (6) months after, Isaac subleased a
valid? (1%) portion of the apartment due to financial difficulty.
Is the sublease contract valid? (1%)
(A) Yes, the marriage is valid for as long as it is
valid in the place where it is celebrated following (A) Yes, it is valid for as long as all the elements of
Article 17 of the Civil Code. a valid sublease contract are present.
(B) Yes, the marriage is valid if all the essential and (B) Yes, it is valid if there is no express prohibition
formal elements of marriage under the Family for subleasing in the lease contract.
Code are present.
(C) No, it is void if there is no written consent on
(C) No, the marriage is not valid because one the part of the lessor.
essential element of marriage is absent.
(D) No, it is void because of breach of the lease
(D) No, the marriage is not valid but is voidable contract.
because "Josie" concealed her real identity.
XXIV. Fe, Esperanza, and Caridad inherited from their
Ted, married to Annie, went to Canada to work. parents a 500 sq. m. lot which they leased to Maria
Five (5) years later, Ted became a naturalized for three (3) years. One year after, Fe, claiming to
Canadian citizen. He returned to the Philippines to have the authority to represent her siblings
convince Annie to settle in Canada. Unfortunately, Esperanza and Caridad, offered to sell the leased
Ted discovered that Annie and his friend Louie property to Maria which the latter accepted. The
were having an affair. Deeply hurt, Ted returned to sale was not reduced into writing, but Maria
Canada and filed a petition for divorce which was started to make partial payments to Fe, which the
granted. In December 2013, Ted decided to marry latter received and acknowledged. After giving the
his childhood friend Corazon in the Philippines. In full payment, Maria demanded for the execution
preparation for the wedding, Ted went to the Local of a deed of absolute sale which Esperanza and
Civil Registry of Quezon City where his marriage Caridad refused to do. Worst, Maria learned that
contract with Annie was registered. He asked the the siblings sold the same property to Manuel. This
Civil Register to annotate the decree of divorce on compelled Maria to file a complaint for the
his marriage contract with Annie. However, he was annulment of the sale with specific performance
advised by the National Statistics Office (NSO) to and damages.
file a petition for judicial recognition of the decree
of divorce in the Philippines. If you are the judge, how will you decide the case?
Is it necessary for Ted to file a petition for judicial
recognition of the decree of divorce he obtained in
Canada before he can contract a second marriage XXVIII.
in the Philippines? (4%) Spouses Esteban and Maria decided to raise their
two (2) nieces, Faith and Hope, both minors, as
their own children after the parents of the minors
XXV. died in a vehicular accident.
Ten (10) years after, Esteban died. Maria later on (SPA) appointing his nephew, John Paul, as his
married her boss Daniel, a British national who had attorney-infact. John Paul was given the power to
been living in the Philippines for two (2) years. deal with treasure-hunting activities on Joe
Miguel’s land and to file charges against those who
With the permission of Daniel, Maria filed a may enter it without the latter’s authority. Joe
petition for the adoption of Faith and Hope. She Miguel agreed to give John Paul forty percent
did not include Daniel as her co-petitioner because (40%) of the treasure that may be found on the
for Maria, it was her former husband Esteban who land.
raised the kids.
If you are the judge, how will you resolve the Thereafter, John Paul filed a case for damages and
petition? (4%) injunction against Lilo for illegally entering Joe
Miguel’s land. Subsequently, he hired the legal
services of Atty. Audrey agreeing to give the latter
XXIX. thirty percent (30%) of Joe Miguel’s share in
Timothy executed a Memorandum of Agreement whatever treasure that may be found in the land.
(MOA) with Kristopher setting up a business
venture covering three (3) fastfood stores known Dissatified however with the strategies
as "Hungry Toppings" that will be established at implemented by John Paul, Joe Miguel unilaterally
Mall Uno, Mall Dos, and Mall Tres. revoked the SPA granted to John Paul.
The pertinent provisions of the MOA provides: Is the revocation proper? (4%)
Joe Miguel, a well-known treasure hunter in
Mindanao, executed a Special Power of Attorney
Dr. Taimtim is an alumnus of the College of
Medicine of Universal University (UU), a privately-
owned center for learning which grants yearly
dividends to its stockholders.
Choose the correct answer. Tax Avoidance ‒ (1%) XXV.
Which of the following transactions is subject to
(A) is a scheme used outside of those lawful means Value-Added Tax (VAT)? (1%)
and, when availed of, it usually subjects the
taxpayer to further or additional civil or criminal (A) Sale of shares of stock-listed and traded
liabilities. through the local stock exchange
(B) is a tax saving device within the means (B) Importation of personal and household effects
sanctioned by law. belonging to residents of the Philippines returning
from abroad subject to custom duties under the
(C) is employed by a corporation, the organization Tariff and Customs Code
of which is prompted more on the mitigation of tax
liabilities than for legitimate business purpose. (C) Services rendered by individuals pursuant to an
employer-employee relationship
(D) is any form of tax deduction scheme,
regardless if the same is legal or not. (D) Gross receipts from lending activities by credit
or multi-purpose cooperatives duly registered with
the Cooperative Development Authority
A, B, and C, all lawyers, formed a partnership
called ABC Law Firm so that they can practice their XXVI.
profession as lawyers. For the year 2012, ABC Law Freezy Corporation, a domestic corporation
Firm received earnings and paid expenses, among engaged in the manufacture and sale of ice cream,
which are as follows: (6%) made payments to an officer of Frosty
Corporation, a competitor in the ice cream
Earnings: business, in exchange for said officer’s revelation
(1) Professional/legal fees from various clients of Frosty Corporation’s trade secrets.
(2) Cash prize received from a religious society in
recognition of the exemplary service of ABC Law May Freezy Corporation claim the payment to the
Firm officer as deduction from its gross income?
(3) Gains derived from sale of excess computers Explain. (4%)
and laptops
Payments: XXVII.
In January 2013, your friend got his first job as an of double taxation. On appeal, the Court of Tax
office clerk. He is single and lives with his family Appeals (CTA) affirmed the decision of the RTC. No
who depends upon him for financial support. His motion for reconsideration was filed and the
parents have long retired from their work, and his decision became final and executory. (4%)
two (2) siblings are still minors and studying in
grade school. In February 2014, he consulted you (A) If you are Atty. ELP, what advice will you give
as he wanted to comply with all the rules Doña Evelina so that she can recover the subject
pertaining to the preparation and filing of his local business taxes?
income tax return. He now asks you the following:
(B) If Doña Evelina eventually recovers the local
(A) Is he entitled to personal exemptions? If so, business taxes, must the same be considered as
how much? (1%) income taxable by the national government?
Choose the correct answer. Tax laws - (1%)
Doña Evelina, a rich widow engaged in the
business of currency exchange, was assessed a
considerable amount of local business taxes by the
City Government of Bagnet by virtue of Tax
Ordinance No. 24. Despite her objections thereto,
Doña Evelina paid the taxes. Nevertheless,
unsatisfied with said Tax Ordinance, Doña Evelina,
through her counsel Atty. ELP, filed a written claim
for recovery of said local business taxes and
contested the assessment. Her claim was denied,
and so Atty. ELP elevated her case to the Regional
Trial Court (RTC).
The RTC declared Tax Ordinance No. 24 null and
void and without legal effect for having been
enacted in violation of the publication requirement
of tax ordinances and revenue measures under the
Local Government Code (LGC) and on the ground
(A) Yes, because it is suffering losses for the first
LABOR LAW (2014) I. Linis Manpower, Inc. (LMI) had provided janitorial
services to the Philippine Overseas Employment
Linda was employed by Sectarian University (SU) Administration (POEA) since March 2009. Its
to cook for the members of a religious order who service contract was renewed every three months.
teach and live inside the campus. While However, in the bidding held in June 2012, LMI
performing her assigned task, Linda accidentally was disqualified and excluded. In 2013, six janitors
burned herself. Because of the extent of her of LMI formerly assigned at POEA filed a complaint
injuries, she went on medical leave. Meanwhile, for underpayment of wages. Both LMI and POEA
SU engaged a replacement cook. Linda filed a were impleaded as respondents. Should POEA, a
complaint for illegal dismissal, but her employer government agency subject to budgetary
SU contended that Linda was not a regular appropriations from Congress, be held liable
employee but a domestic househelp. Decide. (4%) solidarily with LMI for the payment of salary
differentials due to the complainant? Cite the legal
basis of your answer. (4%)
Lucy was one of approximately 500 call center
agents at Hamberg is, Inc. She was hired as a V.
contractual employee four years ago. Her Liwayway Glass had 600 rank-and-file employees.
contracts would be for a duration of five (5) Three rival unions – A, B, and C ‒ participated in
months at a time, usually after a one month the certification elections ordered by the Med-
interval. Her re-hiring was contingent on her Arbiter. 500 employees voted. The unions
performance for the immediately preceding obtained the following votes: A-200; B-150; C-50;
contract. Six (6) months after the expiration of her 90 employees voted "no union"; and 10 were
last contract, Lucy went to Hamberg is personnel segregated votes. Out of the segregated votes,
department to inquire why she was not yet being four (4) were cast by probationary employees and
recalled to work. She was told that her six (6) were cast by dismissed employees whose
performance during her last contract was "below respective cases are still on appeal. (10%)
average." Lucy seeks your legal advice about her
chances of getting her job back. What will your (A) Should the votes of the probationary and
advice be? (4%) dismissed employees be counted in the total votes
cast for the purpose of determining the winning
labor union?
Lolong Law Firm (LLF), which employs around 50 (B) Was there a valid election?
lawyers and 100 regular staff, suffered losses for
the first time in its history. The management (C) Should Union A be declared the winner?
informed its employees that it could no longer
afford to provide them free lunch. Consequently, it (D) Suppose the election is declared invalid, which
announced that a nominal fee would henceforth of the contending unions should represent the
be charged. Was LLF justified in withdrawing this rank-and-file employees?
benefit which it had unilaterally been providing to
its employees? (1%)
(E) Suppose that in the election, the unions (C) If due to prolonged strike, Lazo Corporation
obtained the following votes: A-250; B-150; C-50; hired replacements, can it refuse to admit the
40 voted "no union"; and 10 were segregated replaced strikers?
votes. Should Union A be certified as the
bargaining representative?
Luisa Court is a popular chain of motels. It employs
VI. over 30 chambermaids who, among others, help
Lina has been working as a steward with a Miami, clean and maintain the rooms. These
U.S.A.-based Loyal Cruise Lines for the past 15 chambermaids are part of the union rank-and-file
years. She was recruited by a local manning employees which has an existing collective
agency, Macapagal Shipping, and was made to sign bargaining agreement (CBA) with the company.
a 10-month employment contract everytime she While the CBA was in force, Luisa Court decided to
left for Miami. Macapagal Shipping paid for Lina’s abolish the position of chambermaids and
round-trip travel expenses from Manila to Miami. outsource the cleaning of the rooms to Malinis
Because of a food poisoning incident which Janitorial Services, a bona fide independent
happened during her last cruise assignment, Lina contractor which has invested in substantial
was not re-hired. Lina claims she has been illegally equipment and sufficient manpower. The
terminated and seeks separation pay. chambermaids filed a case of illegal dismissal
against Luisa Court. In response, the company
If you were the Labor Arbiter handling the case, argued that the decision to outsource resulted
how would you decide? (4%) from the new management’s directive to
streamline operations and save on costs.
Luisito has been working with Lima Land for 20 Philhealth is a government-owned and controlled
years. Wanting to work in the public sector, Luisito corporation employing thousands of Filipinos.
applied with and was offered a job at Livecor. Because of the desire of the employees of
Before accepting the offer, he wanted to consult Philhealth to obtain better terms and conditions of
you whether the payments that he and Lima Land employment from the government, they formed
had made to the Social Security System (SSS) can the Philhealth Employees Association (PEA) and
be transferred or credited to the Government demanded Philhealth to enter into negotiations
with PEA regarding terms and conditions of controversy which was within the jurisdiction of
employment which are not fixed by law. (4%) the Regional Trial Court (RTC).
(A) Are the employees of Philhealth allowed to
self-organize and form PEA and thereafter demand If you were the Labor Arbiter assigned to the case,
Philhealth to enter into negotiations with PEA for how would you rule on the company’s motion to
better terms and conditions of employment? dismiss? (5%)
(B) In case of unresolved grievances, can PEA
resort to strikes, walkouts, and other temporary
work stoppages to pressure the government to XX.
accede to their demands? Lito was anticipating the bonus he would receive
for 2013. Aside from the 13th month pay, the
company has been awarding him and his other co-
XVIII. employees a two to three months bonus for the
The procedural requirements of a valid strike last 10 years. However, because of poor over-all
include: (1%) sales performance for the year, the company
unilaterally decided to pay only a one month
(A) a claim of either unfair labor practice or bonus in 2013. Is Lito’s employer legally allowed to
deadlock in collective bargaining reduce the bonus? (4%)
If you were the RTC judge, would you issue a (A) Was Liwanag Corporation’s action valid?
restraining order against the union? (4%)
(B) If, before the DOLE Secretary assumed
jurisdiction, the striking union members
XXIV. communicated in writing their desire to return to
Lanz was a strict and unpopular Vice-President for work, which offer Liwanag Corporation refused to
Sales of Lobinsons Land. One day, Lanz shouted accept, what remedy, if any, does the union have?
invectives against Lee, a poor performing sales
associate, calling him, among others, a "brown
monkey." Hurt, Lee decided to file a criminal XXVII.
complaint for grave defamation against Lanz. The The jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations
prosecutor found probable cause and filed an Commission does not include: (1%)
information in court. Lobinsons decided to
terminate Lanz for committing a potential crime (A) exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases
and other illegal acts prejudicial to business. decided by the Labor Arbiter
Can Lanz be legally terminated by the company on (B) exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases
these grounds? (4%) decided by Regional Directors or hearing officers
involving the recovery of wages and other
monetary claims and benefits arising from
XXV. employer-employee relations where the aggregate
Lizzy Lu is a sales associate for Luna Properties. money claim of each does not exceed five
The latter is looking to retrench Lizzy and five thousand pesos (Php5,000)
other sales associates due to financial losses. Aside
from a basic monthly salary, Lizzy and her (C) original jurisdiction to act as a compulsory
colleagues receive commissions on the sales they arbitration body over labor disputes certified to it
make as well as cost of living and representation by the Regional Directors
allowances. In computing Lizzy’s separation pay,
Luna Properties should consider her: (1%) (D) power to issue a labor injunction
Liwanag Corporation is engaged in the power
generation business. A stalemate was reached
during the collective bargaining negotiations
between its management and the union. After
following all the requisites provided by law, the