D7300 en
D7300 en
D7300 en
Valve for sub-plate mounting Section 3 Pressure pmax = 350...500 (700) bar
Valve with individual connection sub-plate Section 5 Flow Qmax = 6...120 lpm
Directional valve bank D 7302
1. General information
Directional control valves are generally used for the direct, leakage free control of consumers and as pilot valves for hydraulically
actuated valves (depending on the flow pattern). They are designed as spring returned ball seated valves. The valve elements are
forced into their respective switching position against the spring force and fluid pressure by various actuation elements via an
elbow lever acting on a pin. A strainer insert in the inlet port prevents the entry of coarse contamination.
The fluid ducts end as holes with O-ring seals at the ground, bottom surface of the valve body. Pipes may be connected either via
customer furnished connection blocks or sub-plates (for individual valves with sub-plates see sect. 5 or for valve banks see D 7302).
These valves do not show any leakage in blocked switching position. Reliable shifting is ensured, as these valves are designed as
ball seated valves where there is no seizing or sticking in working position under full pressure. The leverage between actuation and
valve element ensures low actuation forces and smooth shifting. To avoid interaction, most of these directional control valves are
available with check valve inserts and return pressure stops or orifice inserts to limit the inflow of oil.
Individual valves with sub-plate, enabling direct pipe connection, may be equipped with a by-pass check valve, a pressure limiting
valve, or a rectifier circuit by means of check valves.
2. Overview
(For complete type overview, see sect. 8)
Individual valve for manifold mounting Individual valve with connection sub-plate for direct
pipe connection
Actuation modes
For detailed data. see section 4++.
(Max. pressure rating depending on flow pattern and size. see sect. 3.1 table 2)
Solenoid Pressure Mechanical Manual
hydraulic pneumatic roller pin feeler turn-knob
Code letter G WG H P K T F D
Picture and
3. Individual valves, manifold mounting (For individual valves with connection sub-plate
3.1 Valve for pipe connection, see sect. 5)
Order example: G R2 - 3 R - G 24
solenoid voltage (standard)
Solenoid actuation (acc. to sect. 4.1) G 24 = 24 V DC; WG 230 = 230 V AC
G = DC see sect. 4.1
WG = AC Additional element (see table 3)
For actuation modes H, P, K, T, F, D, see sect. 2 and 4.2 ++ Size and main data (see table 2)
Coding 2/2-way valve 3/2-way valve 3/3-way valve 4/3-way valve 4/2-way valve
R2 3) S2 3) 3 3) Z3 3) 21 3) 22 1) 4 2) 3) Z4 2) 3)
(must be
by actua-
tion sym- 1) Not available for size 4! Note the arrangement of solenoids a and b
bol) in relation to the ports A and B, see dim. drawings sect. 3.3.3
2) Only available for size 1
3) Size 1 also available as explosion-proof version, see sect. 4.1.3
Coding 0 1 2 3 4
Max. flow approx. lpm 6 12 25 65 120
Directional valves (... -way) 2/2; 3/2 3/3 4/3 2/2; 3/2; 3/3; 4/2 4/3 2/2; 3/2; 3/3 4/3 2/2; 3/2; 3/3 4/3 2/2; 3/2; 3/3
Solenoid Type G.. 500 350 500 4) 350 500 4) 350 400 350 350
actuation and WG..
sure Pressure Type H.. 500 500 700 500 500 500 400 400 ---
pmax actuation
Type P.. --- --- 700 400 500 400 400 350 ---
(bar) Mechanical
Type K.. --- --- 700 400 500 400 400 350 ---
actuation Type T.. --- --- 700 400 500 400 --- --- ---
Manual Type F.. --- --- 700 400 500 400 400 350 ---
actuation Type D.. 500 --- --- 700 400 500 --- --- --- ---
4) For max. pressure during shifting, see sect. 4.1
Size 0 Size 4
Back pressure |p (bar)
Size 0
Back pressure |p (bar)
Size 4
3.3 Dimensions, valve only. For the dimensions of the actuations see sect. 4.1 ++
All dimensions are in mm and are subject to change without notice!
3.3.1 2/2- and 3/2-way valves
Coding .R2-.., .S2-.., .3-.., .Z3-..
Port A is internally blocked at 2/2-way valves, but an O-ring must be installed if the valve is mounted on a sub-plate.
Size 0: 6.5 Nm
Size 1: 9.5 Nm
Size 2: 23 Nm
Size 3: 46 Nm
Size 4: 80 Nm
Size 1:
of the mounting
Size L L1 B H a a1 b b1 c c1 e e1 f f1 g k m
0 32 41.5 36 27 10 12 16 18 22 24 24 28 4 4 M5 7 4
1 40 50 45 35 13 14.5 20 22.5 27 30.5 30 35 5 5 M6 8 9
2 50 62.5 56 55 16.6 18 26.6 31 38.8 32 39 43 5.1 6.5 M8 11 10
3 70 91.5 70 70 24 20 40 45 55 45 54 54 8 8 M10 17 10
4. Actuation modes
4.1 Solenoid actuation (standard)
The solenoids are built and checked conforming to VDE 0580.
Valve type acc. to sect. 3.1 Size 0 Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4
G... WG... 1) G... WG... 1) G... WG... G... WG... G... WG...
Nom. voltage UN 12V DC, 24V DC, 110V DC, 230V AC see also sect. 4.1.2
Nom. current IN 2) (A) 0.67 0.08 0.83 0.1 1.1 0.13 2.1 0.26 3.6 0.44
Nom. power PN 2) (W) 16 16 20 20 26 26 50 50 86 86
Switching time on (ms) 40 80 100 100 140 140 175 175 150 150
(guideline) off (ms) 40 100 50 125 55 150 65 200 100 4) 350 4)
Switchings per hour / h Approx. 2000 (G.. and WG.. all sizes); approx. evenly distributed
Protection mode IP 54 acc. to IEC 60529 (readily assembled),
IP 67 acc. to IEC 60529 for explosion-proof version
Isolationsklasse F H
Cut-off energy (Ws) 0.16 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.38 0.38 1.59 1.59 3.4 3.4
Guideline for max. value + approx. 10% according to tests with nom. voltage and 20°C
Connection scheme ; ? < >1) = > = > = >
of the plugs
Plug conf. Type WG...
EN 175 301-803 ; Plug MSD 2 3)
These connectors 3) are part of the order coding as standard. For other connectors e.g. with clamp diode,
economy circuit or LED‘s see D 7163.
Permissible operation The solenoid valves are suitable for normal outdoor use, if the solenoids are installed vertcall (indicated by
conditions for outdoor use previous experience).
Rel. duty cycle 100% ED (stamped on the solenoid), however observe operating duty cycle !
ize ways equipped with louvers! In case
0t of bank arrangement and ambient
temperatures above 40°C the layout
should be designed in such a way that
Time Ve
rsi adjoining solenoids are not energized
on over prolonged periods.
(Cycle time) fo
Rel. duty cycle
tr = · 100 (%ED)
Rel. duty cycle (%ED) Continuous operation
Increased switchable With load cycles Ò 10% ED Valves Valves Valves size 4
pressure (other than listed in Ambient temp. Ò 40°C size 1 size 2 type GR 2-4-G..
sect. 3.1) for size 1, 2 and 4 (not 4/3-way valves type ...22) pmax Qmax 5) pmax Qmax 5) pmax Qmax 5)
Type (bar) (lpm) (bar) (lpm) (bar) (lpm)
Coding G WG A N
Note Central plugs Valve with adapter and bridge Valve with adapter for Valve with adapter
(serie) rectifier (socket) plugs shape A and, plug shape A
The bridge rectifier is incorpo- EN 175301-803 is EN 175301-803
rated in the adapter for size 0 customer furnished
Size 0 MSD 2 MSD 2-MSD 3WG MSD 2-MSD 3 MSD 2-MSD 3
+ MSD 3-309 + MSD 3-309
Size 1 MSD 1 MSD 1-MSD 3 MSD 1-MSD 3 MSD 1-MSD 3
+ MSD 4-209 P10 + MSD 3-309
Attention: Attention: Protect the complete valve against direct sun light.
- Flow pattern 21 and 22 not available Observe the operation manuals B 03/2004 and B ATEX!
with explosion-proof solenoids Electrical lay-out and testing conforming EN 60079, VDE 0170-1, VDE 0170-5
D 7300 page 8
approx. 24
Suited for
leeds #6
For di-
see size 4
Manual emergency
Size 0 and 1
Note Press the actuation pin hid- Push the emergency actua- The manual emergency
den under the rubber cap. tion pin inward by means of actuation may be put out
a screw driver or similar, if of function by blocking the
required tapped hole by means of a
screw M3x5 DIN 921
D 7300 page 9
1) conforming
ISO 228/1
Size 0 1 2 3 1 2 3
Control pressure (bar) max 500 700 500 400 15
min 16 12 9 9 4 2.5 2.5
Control volume (cm3) 0.2 0.4 0.7 6.1 1 2.5 7
D 32 39 49 60 39 49 60
All dimensions are in mm and are
subject to change without notice! H 44 36 52 77 36 39 52
a/f 27 27 32 41 --- --- ---
Temperature (ambient and control medium) -40 to + 80°C -20 to + 70°C
Size 1 2 3 1 2
Switching force range s (N) 25 to 28 42 to 47 55 to 80 51 to 57 95 to 120
Start of function (H + h) 38.5 ±0.5 46.5 ±0.5 76 ±0.5 --- ---
ing path Function path h 10.5 ±0.5 15.5 ±0.5 30 ±0.5 4 5
Switching position range s 3 ±0.5 4 ±0.5 6 ±0.5 --- ---
D 39 49 60 39 49
All dimensions are in mm and are
subject to change without notice!
d 25 25 35 18 22
H 28 31 46 20.5 25.5
H1 --- --- --- 16.5 20.5
a 42 41 62.5 --- ---
b 21 21 26 --- ---
c 12 12 15 --- ---
D 7300 page 10
Size 1 2 3 0 1 2
Actuation force in the range s (N) 25 to 28 42 to 47 55 to 80 --- --- ---
Switching torque (Ncm) --- --- --- 45 63 98
Actuation travel (mm) hmax 20.5 23.5 45 --- --- ---
s 3.5 4 10 3.5 3.5 5
D 39 49 60 --- --- ---
All dimensions are in
mm and are subject to H 37 43 70 38 40 47
change without notice! B 34.5 32 56.5 43 43 52
0 1 x DS 7300-02 1 x DS 7300-02
2 x DS 7300-03
1 1 x DS 7300-12 1 x DS 7300-12
2 x DS 7300-13
2 1 x DS 7300-21N 1 x DS 7300-21N
2 x DS 7300-23
3 1 x DS 7300-32 1 x DS 7300-32
2 x DS 7300-34
4 1 x DS 7300-42
0 1 x DS 7300-02 1 x DS 7300-02
2 x DS 7300-03
1 1 x DS 7300-12 1 x DS 7300-12
2 x DS 7300-13
2 1 x DS 7300-22 1 x DS 7300-22
2 x DS 7300-23
3 1 x DS 7300-33 1 x DS 7300-33
2 x DS 7300-34
D 7300 page 11
-1 G1 4
Suited for connection in series and in parallel, if the perm. pressure stated in section 3.2. „Operation pressure“ for
P, A, B and R are not exceeded.
Port R may be used only for unpressurized return flow to ensure proper function of the pressure reducing valve. Paral-
lel connection of additional valves is only permissible with sub-plates acc. to ; but not with sub-plates acc. to <
> -1/4 G
-3/8 G
G 1/4
G 3/8
0 and 1
Connection This connection block is only available for 2/2-way direc-
block with recti- -1/2 G G 1/2 3 tional valves!
fier circuit by pmax (bar) and Qmax (lpm) are determined by the installed
-3/4 G G 3/4 4 valve.
means of check
valves Version with G 1 is not available
The rectifier circuit by means of check valves enables both flow directions for the 2/2-way valves. Therefore the port
codings P and R are not stamped on the sub-plate.
1) For male pipe fittings with journals shape B DIN 3852 page 2. 2) Not available for flow pattern 4 and Z4 (table 1)
D 7300 page 12
5.2 |p - Q - curves
Guideline for valve including sub-plate and a fluid viscosity of approx. 60 mm2/s
2/2--way valve
Size 0
Size 1
Size 2
Size 3
Size 4
Flow direction R d P
sub-plates =
Flow resistance |p (bar)
Flow Q (lpm)
Size 0
Size 1
Size 2
A flow of 20 l/min is applied to valve type GR 2-2-1/2C (sub-plate =)
5.3 Unit dimensions All dimensions are in mm and are subject to change without notice!
5.3.1 Connection sub-plates acc. to ; and =
2/2- and 3/2-way valves
Attention: Port A is alsolete with 2/2-way valves, for all other dimensions see 3/2-way valve.
Size 0 and 1 Size 2 and 3 Size 4
Type: ..-1/4(C) or ..-3/8(C) Type: ..-3/8(C); ..-1/2(C); ..-3/4(C) Type: ..-3/4 or ..-1
e.g. GZ 3-1-1/4C-G 24 e.g. WG 3-3-1/2-G 24 e.g. GS 2-4-1-G 24
15 deep
* (BSPP)
Size Port
P, R a. A L B H a a1 a2 b c e f g h
0 G 1/4 * 40 36 25 16 16 18 28 4 24 4 M5, 6 deep 12.5
1 G 1/4 * 50 45 30 29 21 20 35 5 30 10 M6, 15
G 3/8 * 50 45 30 27 23 18 35 5 30 10 10 deep 15
2 G 3/8 * 56 60 30 33 -- 33 39 5.5 43 6.5 M8, 15
G 1/2 * 56 60 30 33 -- 27 39 7.5 43 6.5 10 deep 15
3 G 1/2 * 70 80 40 43 -- 40 54 18 54 8 M10, 20
G 3/4 * 70 80 40 41 -- 40 54 18 54 8 10 deep 20
Size L L1 B H H1 a a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b c c1 e e1 f g h h1 i i1
0 75 75 40 25 25 50 20 30 56.5 15 25 18.5 24 8.5 9 66 66 4.5 M5, 6 deep 12.5 14 12.5 7.5
1 92 92 50 30 30 62 22 22 71 21 30 21 30 7 7 82 82 5 M6, 10 deep 15 15 8 8
2 116 116 60 30 30 81 31 31 88 24 38 28 39 12.5 12.5 103 103 6.5 M8, 10 deep 15 15 3 3
3 144 144 80 40 40 92 46 52 110 29 43 34 54 18 18 128 128 8 M10, 12 deep 20 20 10 10
4 162 182 100 63 63 106 40 56 141 31 60 41 82 9 9 144 164 9 M12, 12 deep 38 38 0 0
D 7300 page 14
Manually ad-
justable (..SR) Manually ad-
justable (..SR)
Tool adjust-
able (..S)
Tool adjust-
able (..S)
M8, 10 deep
Size Port
Manually adjustable (..SR) P, R and A a a1 a2 b
0 G 1/4 * -- -- -- --
1 G 1/4 * 21 20 29 --
G 3/8 * 23 18 27 --
2 G 3/8 * 30 -- -- 15.5
Tool adjust- G 1/2 * 37 -- -- 13.5
able (..S)
* (BSPP)
L B H a b c e f g h
0 44 50 30 24 30 10 10 9 M5, 14
5 deep
1 54 50 35 34 25 7 10 9 M6, 12
10 deep
2 60 60 40 35 30 8 12.5 9 M8, 14
10 deep
3 80 80 50 46 40 10 17 10,5 M10, 18
10 deep
4 100 112 63 55 50 15 22.5 4 M12, 21
15 deep
D 7300 page 15
6. Appendix
6.1 Protection of directional seated valves against coarse contamination
Directional seated valves are rather unsensitive to ultra fine contamination always evident in
hydraulic fluids. Nevertheless directional seated valves are fitted with screen filter elements with
0.25 mm mesh width to prevent sudden disturbance caused by coarse contaminations that may
occasionally be carried along in the oil (such as torn off particles of tubing, packing, scale swarf,)
and which otherwise might get trapped at the valve seat gap.
The sub-plates for individual valves (sect. 5) are fitted with fine screen filter discs HFC 1/4F 1 or HFC
3/8 (acc. to D 7235) as standard at A and B with size 0, additionally in P with size 1. Valves size 2,
3 and 4 with port size G 3/8 *, G 1/2 * and G 3/4 * may be retrofitted-. These screen filters are not
available for G 1 *. ( * BSPP )
These screen filter elements must not be understood as a replacement for usual hydraulic filters.
In practice, however, they provide sufficient protection against malfunctions in small hydraulic
systems. If such malfunctions should occur, the filter elements should be checked first.
For the sake of simplicity, these filter elements are not explicitly shown in the diagrams.
Screen filter elements
type HFC acc. to D 7235
Throttles (cascade type or a coiled, small diameter pipe) should be installed at the pressure inlet to limit the flow down to
permissible values for the applied pressure. This is to prevent cavitation and applies to all valves with return connection
(3/2- und 4/2-way valves and 2/2-way valve as by-pass to the tank) or valves in circuits connected to an accumulator.
o Versions equipped with FKM (flour rubber, Viton) seals suited for some HFD type fluids (fire inhibiting, conforming VDMA 24317)
Type coding: WGS 2-0-WG 230 PYD
D 7300 page 16
Act. roll K.. -- 0.4 0.8 2.0 -- -- 0.9 2.1 3.7 -- -- 1.1 5.2 3.8 1.7
Act. pin T.. -- 0.4 0.8 -- -- -- 0.8 2.1 -- -- -- 1.0 5.2 -- 1.6
Lever F.. -- 0.4 0.8 2.0 -- -- 0.9 2.1 3.7 -- -- 1.1 5.2 3.8 1.7
Turn knob D.. 0.4 0.4 0.9 -- -- 0.8 0.9 2.2 -- -- 0.8 1.1 5.3 -- 1.7
8. Type overview
G R2 - 2 R - G 24
Solenoid voltage (standard)
WG 3 - 1 -1/2S - WG 110 - 230
H 22 - 3
Additional information (option)
e.g. special voltage, special fluids, pressure setting
(sect. 4.1; 5.1; 6.2)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Flow pattern
R2, S2 2/2-way valves
3, Z3 3/2-way valves
21 3/3-way valves
22 4/3-way valves (not for size 4)
4, Z4 4/2-way valves (size 1 only )
G Solenoid, DC version
WG Solenoid, AC version (50/60 Hz)
H Hydraulic (not avail. size 4)
P Pneumatic (not avail. for size 0 and 4)
K Roll (not avail. for size 0 and 4)
T Pin (not avail. for size 0, 3 and 4)
F Key levers (not avail. for size 0 and 4)
D Turn knob (not avail. for size 3 and 4)