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Installation Deb Ian

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Installing !Openmeetings on debian etch¶

First variant (works with lenny as well):

Download the following debian package: http://openmeetings.googlecode.com/files/red5-

And install it using sudo dpkg -i red5-openmeetings_1.0.2760.noarch.deb command. All

additional utilities, such as Openoffice, Ghostscript, Imagemagick and Swftools should be
installed as described below.

Second variant (outdated):

this sample is rather outdated

the installation procedure (if you forget of all 3th party requirements) is as simple as the

donwload openmeetings-package (you can download it into your home-directory)

unzip it
cd /openmeetings-package/webapps/openmeetings/conf and configure the hibernate.cfg.xml
cd up again to /openmeetings-package/ run the red5.sh

that is all!

no copy of any dirs, no /etc/init.d/, ^^ In doubt see what is written down in

here:http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/InstallationOpenMeetings There is no mention
of any init.d-script or other copy actions.

In this how-to I'm going to descript way to install OpenMeetings on debian GNU/Linux Etch
(4.0), Steps are following way:

 What we need!
 Install MySQL
 Install xvfb and OpenOffice.org
 Install ImageMagic & !Ghostscript
 Install SwfTools
 Install Java and red5
 Download openlazslo
 Install OpenMeetings
 Installing must new version?
 Configure OpenMeetings and place files
 Start every thing
 !Troobleshooting
 Author

What We Need¶
In this article I will use aptitude to install packages, if you don't have apptitude please install it
before going forward :

#apt-get update
#apt-get install aptitude

After aptitude we need Debian GNU/Linux, I use version 4.0 (code name Etch), befor installing
any thing else I recommend you to create a directory and manage every thing from there:

#mkdir /root/tmpOpenMeetings/
#cd /root/tmpOpenMeetings/

Install !MySQL¶
OpenMeetings can work with wide range of databases, I will install OpenMeetings with MySQL,
to install !MySQL server:

aptitude install mysql-server

Add/edit the following lines to /etc/mysql/my.conf to enable localization:


Install xvfb and OpenOffice¶

If you would like exchange Presentation and Office documentation in OpenMeetings, you will
nedd xvfb and OpenOffice.org

#aptitude install xvfb openoffice.org

Then edit Setup.xcu:

#vim /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu
You should insert following lines after: <node oor:name="Office">:

<prop oor:name="ooSetupConnectionURL" oor:type="xs:string">


Install ImageMagick and Ghostscript¶

ImageMagick is a software suite for image manipulation and display, supporting close to 100
image formats. It is mainly used to perform various transformation and conversion operations on
images and Ghostscript is a suite of software based on an interpreter for Adobe Systems'
PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) page description languages.

To install this tools run:

#aptitude install imagemagick gs-gpl

Install SWFTools¶
SWFTools s a collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities written by Rainer Böhme
and Matthias Kramm. It is released under the GPL.

#aptitude install swftools

If you get this message: "Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched
"swftools" " please download swftools directly from web with running:

#wget http://ftp.it.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/swftools/swftools_0.8.1-

befor installing this ackage should install "libart-2.0-2 " so run:

#aptitude install libart-2.0-2

and now install SWFTools:

#dpkg -i swftools_0.8.1-1_i386.deb

Install Java and Red5¶

red5 is a Open Source Flash Server that OpenMeetings based on, so you should install it, and
befor installing red5 should install Java Runtime Environment and Java development Kit run:

#aptitude install sun-java5-bin

#aptitude install sun-java5-demo
If aptitude gives you any error, please download all file with wget and then install

#wget http://ftp.tr.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/sun-java5/sun-java5-
#wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/sun-java5/sun-java5-
# wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/s/sun-java5/sun-java5-
#dpkg -i sun-java5-demo_1.5.0-13-1_i386.deb sun-java5-jdk_1.5.0-14-
1etch1_i386.deb sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-15-1_i386.deb

Now download red5 for Debian GNU/Linux and install it:

#wget http://dl.fancycode.com/red5/0.6.3/debian/red5_0.6.3-1_all.deb
#dpkg -i red5_0.6.3-1_all.deb

OpenLaszlo is an open source platform for the development and delivery of rich Internet
applications. to installing it, run:

#wget http://download.openlaszlo.org/4.0.6/openlaszlo-4.0.6-unix.tar.gz
#tar -xvf openlaszlo-4.0.6-unix.tar.gz
#mv lps-4.0.6/ /opt/

Note: there is no need to install OpenLaszlo if you only use the application but don't want
to modify it.

Note: you might would like to have a look at this shell script to start/stop/restart/status, if
yes you can use this how-to.

Installing OpenMeetings¶
Huraaa, making infrastructure is finished, now we are going to download latest OpenMeeting
release and instaling it:

#wget http://openmeetings.googlecode.com/files/openmeetings051.zip
#unzip openmeetings051.zip

To installing OpenMeetings you should tell OM where is your DataBase server and as I use
MySQL as my Server, steps are like this:

#cp openmeetings/conf/mysql_hibernate.cfg.xml

Now edit file and config your database:

#vim openmeetings/conf/hibernate.cfg.xml
Now change :

<property name="connection.username"><DB_USER></property>
<property name="connection.password"><DB_PASSWORD></property>

For example my config look likes:

<!-- User / Password -->

<property name="connection.username">root</property>

<!-- Database Settings -->


Installing Must new Version?¶

If you would like get must new version, I mean the version is under development, you should get
a Snapshot from current source code, to do this follow this steps, if you don't like to have any
thing more than OpenMeetings latest version or don't know what's snapshot, skip this step.

 nstall Subversion if you don't have:

#aptitude install subversion

Get (checkout) OpenMeetings latest snapshot:

#svn checkout http://openmeetings.googlecode.com/svn/branches/dev/

I will rename dev to !OpenMeetingsFromSVN and then replace what updated in snapshot (from
subversion) with what should be out of date in orginal openmeetings file downloaded from
OpenMeetings and OpnLazslo:

# mv dev/ OpenMeetingsFromSVN
#cp -r OpenMeetingsFromSVN/laszlo/client/xmlcrm/videoconference/ /opt/lps-

Configure OpenMeetings¶
Now, first I update my language files:
OpenMeetingsFromSVN/xmlcrm/java/webapp/openmeetings/languages/* openmeetings

Ok, It's time to place my OpenMeting in red5 document root to serving:

#cp -r openmeetings/ /usr/lib/red5/webapps/

Start every thing¶

Now time to start every thing we installed, I will start OpenOffice.org at first and then
OpenLazslo and will start red5 server:

#xvfb-run --server-args='-screen 0 800x600x16' -a

/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice -headless -nologo -norestore &
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
#/etc/init.d/red5 start

Instead of using a virtual frame buffer you may install and use a /etc/init.d/ooomeetings service.

The last part of instalation is web based, with your web browser (Firefox, Opera, IE, ...) and
servers IP address and port 5080 (default):


For example:

after putting information in forms, OpenMeetings will initialize a DataBase (based on

information that we gived to him) and now you can access OpenMeetings first page at:


For example:

Congratulation, OpenMeetings is ready to use :)

Touble Shooting¶
If you get any message about locales or fonts, you can use :

#dpkg-reconfigure locales
#aptitude install xfonts-base

If you would like to change rtmp host, you can use:

vim /opt/lps-4.0.6/Server/lps-4.0.6/videoconference/config.xml

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