Project 5 Icinga
Project 5 Icinga
Project 5 Icinga
The goal of this project is to create a system to monitor the availability of other systems. When you
complete this project, you'll have a way to know if one of your systems or services is unavailable. In
the real-world this is crucial, especially if the systems you are responsible for provide important
functions for the company or organization you work for.
During this project I refer to the documentation for the application. It's located here: You won't need it if you follow the steps in this project, however you can
look at it for yourself to see how I came up with this installation process.
First, start a command line session on your local machine. Next, move into the working folder you
created for this course.
cd linuxclass
Initialize the vagrant project using the usual process of creating a directory, changing into that
directory, and running "vagrant init". We'll name this vagrant project "icinga".
mkdir icinga
cd icinga
vagrant init jasonc/centos8
Edit the Vagrantfile and set the hostname of the virtual machine to "icinga". Also, assign the IP
address of to the machine.
config.vm.hostname = "icinga" "private_network", ip: ""
Start the Virtual Machine
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Install Apache
Icinga provides a web interface where you can check the status of hosts and services that you are
monitoring. This web application, like many, are LAMP based. We'll start out by installing the first
component of the LAMP stack, the Apache HTTP Server.
Install PHP
By reading the documentation for Icinga, we learn that it uses a couple of additional PHP modules.
We'll install them alongside of PHP.
Configure PHP
Icinga makes use of PHP date functions, so we need to tell PHP what timezone to operate in. To
date that, we'll need to update /etc/php.ini. It's a good idea to create a backup of a file before
you edit it. Let's do that first.
Now you're ready to make the required change. Remember that the nano editor is an easy-to-use
command line text editor option.
In the "[Date]" section of the /etc/php.ini file, change the following line from:
;date.timezone =
date.timezone = "UTC"
You don't have to use UTC. Feel free to use your timezone. For a list of supported time zones, visit Some examples include "America/New_York",
"America/Chicago", "America/Denver", and "America/Los_Angeles". For example, you could use
this line of configuration:
date.timezone = "America/New_York"
Now that the web server and PHP are installed, we can go ahead and start it. We want it to be
enabled on boot, so we'll enable it as well.
Install MariaDB
Go ahead and install MariaDB. While you're at it, start and enable it.
Secure MariaDB
Let's secure the default MariaDB installation. The only information you need to supply is the
password for the root database user. For our purposes of practicing our skills we can use a simple
password such as "root123". In the real world I would suggest using a stronger password. For the
remaining questions you can accept the defaults by pressing ENTER.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Enter current password for root (enter for none): (press ENTER)
Set root password? [Y/n] (press ENTER)
New password: root123
Re-enter new password: root123
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] (press ENTER)
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] (press ENTER)
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] (press ENTER)
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] (press ENTER)
Use the mysqladmin command to create a database named "icinga". This database will be used to
store historical monitoring data. Enter the root database password when prompted.
Next, create a database named "icingaweb". This database will be used by the web front end to
First, connect to the MariaDB server using the mysql client. Next, use the GRANT command to
create the user, set the password, and allow full permissions to the "icinga" database. Name the
user "icinga" and set the password to "icinga123".
mysql -u root -p
> GRANT ALL on icinga.* to icinga@localhost identified by 'icinga123';
Create another user named "icingaweb" and grant it privileges to the icingaweb database. Use
"icingaweb123" as the password. Remember to flush the privileges so that permissions for both
users become active.
Configure the Icinga Repository
Icinga provides a repository so you can install their software. To add their repository, run the
following command.
Install Icinga
Now that dnf knows where to find the packages for Icinga, we can install it. Let's install the icinga
service, the icinga web front end, the icinga2 package that allows for MariaDB connectivity and the
icingacli programs, so we can access icinga via the command line.
Earlier we created the Icinga database, but now we need to configure it. What we need to do is
make MariaDB read and execute the Icinga supplied configuration. It's really a series of SQL
database commands. To do that, run the following command.
The less than character (<) causes the contents of the file to be read in by the program. It's like you
started the mysql client and typed in the contents of the
/usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql file.
This is one form of I/O (Input/Output) redirection. It's very common for applications to give you SQL
files that you need to use in order to create the structure of the database for that application. Let's
make sure the command actually created a structure for this database by using the mysqlshow
command. When you pass a database to the mysqlshow command, it returns a list of tables in that
Now we need to tell Icinga how to connect to the database. Edit the
/etc/icinga2/features-available/ido-mysql.conf file.
Remove the double forward slashes (//) from the file in order to set the user, password, host and
database. Make sure the password is set to "icinga123". When you are done, the configuration file
will look like this:
* The IdoMysqlConnection type implements MySQL support
* for DB IDO.
By the way, Icinga uses "C-Style" comments. A single line comment starts a double forward slash:
//. To comment an entire section, start the comment with /* and close it with */. This allows
you to comment out multiple lines without having to change every single commented line.
Icinga is modular, so you can enable different modules, which they call features. We want to enable
the "ido-mysql" feature so that icigna uses the database we just configured to store historical data.
You can see what features are enabled by running the following command.
Now that we have the service installed, we want to be able to monitor hosts and applications.
Remember that Icinga can use Nagios monitoring plugins, so we'll install those. However, the
packages for those plugins are located in the EPEL repository. First, add the EPEL repository:
sudo dnf install -y epel-release
One of the nagios monitors, check_disk_smb, requires a Perl package that is not in the default
CentOS repository or in the EPEL repository. However, it is in the PowerTools repository. It's
disabled by default, so enable it now:
Now dnf will be able to find the nagios plugins. Install them with this command:
This one time process needs to be completed if you will be using an Icinga client installed locally on
the machines you plan to monitor.
To prepare this server for that purpose, run the node wizard. Because the goal is to perform a
master setup, be sure to answer "n" to the first question of "Please specify if this is a satellite setup
('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]:". Also, answer "n" to the last question of "Do you want to disable
the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]:". Accept the defaults for the remaining questions by
simply pressing ENTER for thos questions.
Start Icinga
Now we are ready to start the icinga2 service and enable it to start on system boot.
Because the web front end comes with some Apache configuration, we need to restart Apache so
that the changes are recognized.
Next, we need to determine what the Icinga API password is. It is randomly generated by the node
Note the value on the "password" line. In this example the password is "a4b5bfd036fecf3c". Note:
The quotation marks are NOT part of the password.
password = "a4b5bfd036fecf3c"
Next, create a setup token. This token is used to prove to the web front end that you are the
administrator of Icinga.
Open a web browser on your local system and navigate to:
Here, you'll enter the token you just created into the web application. Click the button labeled
Now you can simply follow the guided installation process. Below is a list of screen names followed
by any required information. Many times you will accept the defaults. If you don't see suggested
values, accept the defaults.
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
Icinga Web 2
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
NOTE: Ignore the "PHP module Imagick is missing" message. You would only need that PHP
module if you intended to export graphs in PDF format.
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
Database Resource
Resource Name: icingaweb_db
Database Type: MySQL
Host: localhost
Port: (leave blank - the default)
Database Name: icingaweb
Username: icingaweb
Password: icingaweb123
Character Set: (leave blank - the default)
Use SSL: (leave unchecked - the default)
NOTE: If you get prompted for an additional database user with extra privileges, use the MariaDB
"root" user and the password you created for that root user. If you followed these instructions, that
password will be "root123".
NOTE: If you get an error, see the "Database Troubleshooting Tips" lesson for information on how to
correct the issue.
Authentication Backend
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
Username: admin
Password: admin
Repeat password: admin
Click "Next."
Application Configuration
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
Monitoring Backend
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
NOTE: If you get an error, see the "Database Troubleshooting Tips" lesson for information on how to
correct the issue.
Command Transport
Transport Name: icinga2
Transport Type: Icinga 2 API
Host: localhost
Port: 5665
SSH port to connect to on the remote Icinga instance
API Username: root
API Password: (Use the value noted from above. Hint: return to the command line and look at
the /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf file)
Monitoring Security
Accept the defaults by clicking "Next."
After the installation is complete, you can access Icinga via the web at Log in with the username of "admin" and the password of "admin".
Feel free to explore the web interface and get acquainted with the various views.
When you ran the Icinga node wizard, a default zone named "master" was created. In Icinga, a zone
is a trust hierarchy. For example, members of the master Icinga zone are allowed to send their Icinga
check results to the master server. When we start to monitor other servers, which are called Icinga
clients or Icinga satellites, they will be part of the master zone.
All the configuration for members of the master zone will reside in the
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master directory.
Move the Default Monitoring Configuration Into the Master Zone Directory
Icinga includes some default configuration that resides in the /etc/icinga2/conf.d directory.
The /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts.conf file contains example configuration to monitor the
icinga host itself. Because the Icinga host itself is in the master zone, lets move its configuration into
the appropriate directory.
Also, it's a good practice to name the configuration file for a host the same name as the host with
".conf" appended. So, not only will you move the hosts.conf file into the master zone directory,
you will rename it to icinga.conf:
Because we've reorganized the files in our Icinga configuration, it's a good idea to restart the Icinga
service to make sure that we didn't introduce any errors or make any mistakes. Let's restart Icinga:
You can return to the web interface at and see the same results as
You might have noticed a warning for the HTTP service. This is because the default Apache
welcome page configuration sends a 403 Forbidden message. Apache will only send the 403
Forbidden message if the DocumentRoot does not contain a DirectoryIndex page. We can either
disable this check or address the 403 Forbidden message by creating an index file. Let's do the
latter and create an index.html file in the web server's default DocumentRoot directory.
Add the following contents to the file and save your changes.
<a href="/icingaweb2">Icinga</a>
This simple web page creates a link to the Icinga Web front end. Visit in your web
browser to see that the HTML page is working.
Next, click on the link to visit the Icinga Web front end ( Verify that
the warning message has disappeared. If it hasn't, wait a few minutes to give Icinga time to recheck
the HTTP service.
The HTTP check that Icinga is performing currently ensures that a static HTML file can be served via
the web server. However, the Icinga Web front end is written in PHP. If there is a problem serving
PHP pages, Icinga will not detect it with the current monitor. So, lets monitor the Icinga web front
end at To do that, lets update the default monitoring configuration by
editing the /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/icinga.conf file.
sudo nano /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/icinga.conf
Icinga uses "C-Style" comments. To comment out a single line start it with a double forward slash:
//. You can also comment an entire section by starting the comment with /* and closing it with
*/. This allows you to comment out multiple lines without having to change every single
commented line.
To this:
Now let's add some configuration to monitor the "kanboard" host. Create a configuration file for the
kanboard host by editing it.
The import line causes the configuration for the "generic-host" template to be applied to this host.
That configuration lives in the /etc/icinga2/conf.d/templates.conf file. This allows you to
quickly change a setting in one place and have it applied to multiple hosts. Primarily this
configuration tells Icinga how often to perform checks against the host.
The address line tells Icinga what the IP address of the host is. If you have DNS configured in your
environment you can use a DNS hostname here, but just know that if you have a problem with DNS
then it will cause the checks to fail. Strongly consider using IP addresses as we are doing here.
Icinga allows for custom variables, or custom attributes. When you see "vars.SOME_NAME", it is a
custom variable. Here, we set vars.os to be "Linux." This custom variable is used to group hosts in
the web front end. So, all the hosts that have "Linux" set for vars.os will be grouped together in the
"Linux Servers" group. All the hosts that have "Windows" set for vars.os will be grouped together in
the Windows group. You can create your own groups by modifying
Restart Icinga so that it will read the updated configuration and start to monitor the new host.
Open up a new command session and change the state of the kanboard machine. I'm going to
assume it was not running and therefore I'm going to start it.
cd linuxclass
cd kanboard
vagrant up
Return to the Icinga web interface and watch the host status change from "DOWN" to "UP". This
may take a few minutes while Icinga performs the checks.
For each Icinga client you install, you'll need to create a ticket for it on the master Icinga server. This
is part of the certificate process that allows for secure communications between the master Icinga
server and the client machine.
Make sure you're connected to the Icinga server by switching back to your original command line
session. Create a ticket for the "kanboard" host.
You'll need this ticket number when you configure the client.
Connect to the kanboard VM. Remember to switch to the command line session associated with
the kanboard host.
vagrant ssh
Run the node wizard to tell the client about the master Icinga server. Use the information in bold
below to supply the node wizard with the appropriate information.
[This space intentionally left blank. Instructions continue on the following page.]
Start icinga on the kanboard host so it will load this configuration. Remember to enable the service
as well.
Return to your command line session on the Icinga server. Insert the following configuration on the
master Icinga server in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/kanboard.conf. Be sure to insert it
to the top of the file and leave the existing contents in place.
object Endpoint "kanboard" {
host = ""
When you are done editing the file, it will look like this:
This configuration tells the master Icinga server how to connect to the client and gives it permission
to request remote check commands for that client. What you have done is created a Zone named
"kanboard" that contains one host named "kanboard". You told Icinga that the parent zone of
"kanboard" is "master". This allows the master server to communicate with the kanboard host and
for the kanboard host to communicate with the master server.
Let's check the load average on the kanboard host. Add the following configuration to the bottom
of /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/kanboard.conf on the master Icinga server.
This configuration creates a service called "load" for the kanboard host. Just like our host imported
configuration from the /etc/icinga2/conf.d/templates.conf file, this service imports the
"generic-service" configuration from there as well. Primarily this configuration tells Icinga how often
to perform checks on the service.
The "check_command" line tells Icinga what check to perform. The load check looks at the systems
load and will create warning and critical statuses based on the system's load. A system's load is a
calculation which shows, in general, how loaded or busy a server is.
The host_name line associates this check with our "kanboard" host.
Finally, the command_endpoint line tells Icinga to perform the check on the "kanboard" host. If you
do not specify a command_endpoint, then Icinga will perform the check from itself. Since we want
to know what is happening inside the client, we use the command_endpoint directive.
Go back to the web front end and confirm that the load service now appears for the kanboard host.
Let's add even more checks. Add the following configuration to the bottom of
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/kanboard.conf on the master Icinga server.
These checks will cause the swap space and disk usage to be monitored for the kanboard host.
Go back to the web front end and confirm that the swap and disk service checks now appear for the
kanboard host.
Process Checks
Let's monitor the processes that are running inside the client. To do that, we can use the "procs"
check command. For each process we want to monitor we can create a new service. Add the
following configuration to the bottom of /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/kanboard.conf on
the master Icinga server.
Many of the plugin check commands allow you to use custom attributes (variables) to control their
behavior. Here we've used the proc_command custom attribute (vars.proc_command) to tell the
monitor which process to look for. Also, we used procs_crititcal to control what constitutes a critical
status. We provide a range to procs_critical. The format for the range is "min:max" or "min:" or
":max". So, if we want at least one process, we use a range of "1:". If we want exactly 1 process we
use a range of "1:1". If we want at least 1 process, but no more than 50 we would use a range of
"1:50". Any numbers outside the configured range causes a critical status to be raised.
You can find documentation on the plugins and the available custom attributes in the Icinga
Monitoring MariaDB
We've already configured a process monitor for the "mysqld" process. We can take this to the next
level and actually start monitoring the service itself because we want to know if the database is
functional. Sometimes a process may be running on a system, but the service that it provides isn't
functioning correctly. Let's cover our bases here and monitor the MariaDB service in addition to its
Note: Some would argue that you only need to monitor the service. If the MySQL process isn't
running, then of course the service will fail too. Also, it doesn't matter if the process is running if the
service doesn't work. In any case, if it causes too much noise, you can adjust your checks to your
We want to create a MariaDB user, so we can actually connect to the database to see if it's working.
To do that, switch to the command line session associated with the kanboard host and start the
mysql client.
mysql -u root -p
Now we create an "icinga" user with a password of "icinga123". Remember to flush the privileges.
object Service "mysql" {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "mysql"
vars.mysql_username = "icinga"
vars.mysql_password = "icinga123"
host_name = "kanboard"
command_endpoint = "kanboard"
Here we are using the "mysql" check. We use the check's custom attributes to tell it what
credentials to use when connecting to the database. Of course, we associate this check with the
kanboard server and run the check on the kanboard host itself.
Now the mysql service will appear in the web front end.
Let's add one final check for the kanboard host. Since it runs a web application, let's make sure the
web service is monitored. This will be an external check that will run from the Icinga server. To add
this check, we can use a custom attribute on the host. Edit
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/kanboard.conf on the master Icinga server and change the
kanboard host stanza to the following. (NOTE: DO NOT APPEND A WHOLE NEW STANZA.
Change the existing host stanza.)
Up until this point we've been using the web front end to look at the status of hosts and services.
Let's tell Icinga to send an email when something is wrong, so we don't have to constantly monitor
the web interface. To do that, update the kanboard host stanza in
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/kanboard.conf to look like the following.
This tells Icinga to email anyone in the icingaadmins group. Let's change the email address in
/etc/icinga2/conf.d/users.conf from icinga@localhost to vagrant@localhost. By the way, if
you wanted to create more users and groups, this is the place to do that.
Stop the kanboard host to create an alarm. Switch to the command line session associated with the
kanboard host, disconnect from the host and stop it.
vagrant halt
Now watch in the web interface as the system goes from UP to DOWN. After the system has been
down for 5 minutes, it will send an email. To check for mail, use the mail command. Make sure
you're connected to the Icinga server by switching back to your original command line session.
To read a message, type the message number and hit enter. For example: "1<ENTER>". To quit the
mail reader, type "q" and hit enter.
If you would like to send email notifications outside the server, follow the steps in the earlier lesson
on email. You will configure the Icinga VM to send emails to an SMTP relay host.
Final Configuration
This is the final and complete monitoring configuration for the kanboard host. (NOTE: This
configuration is continued on the next two pages.)
object Service "swap" {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "swap"
host_name = "kanboard"
command_endpoint = "kanboard"
object Service "proc-rsyslog" {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "procs"
vars.procs_command = "rsyslogd"
vars.procs_critical = "1:1"
host_name = "kanboard"
command_endpoint = "kanboard"