Trenchingmachine 190310050513 2 19

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The key takeaways are that trenchers are used to dig trenches for pipes and come in different types like wheel, chain, micro and portable trenchers based on the required width and depth of the trench. The different types are described along with diagrams and their uses are explained.

The different types of trenchers mentioned are wheel trencher, chain trencher, micro trencher, portable trencher and tractor mount trencher. Each has a different design and use case described.

Wheel trenchers can cut harder ground than chain trenchers. Due to their design, they can reach variable cutting depths while maintaining a constant soil working angle with a relatively small wheel diameter. They are also cheaper to operate and maintain.


 Introduction
 Types of trenching machines
 Diagram of wheel trencher and chain trencher
 Companies of trenching machines
 Capacity
 Advantages & Dis advantages
Trenchers, or ditchers as they are sometimes called, are similar to excavators in the
sense that they penetrate the earth, breaking soil and rock, and remove it from the
ground. They differ from excavators in that the soil is removed in one continuous
movement. Trenchers are specifically used for digging trenches for pipes, but other
machines have been improvised in the past to serve this purpose.
Types of Trenchers
Trenchers come in different sizes and may use different digging implements, depending on the required width and
depth of the trench and the hardness of the surface to be cut.
1. Wheel trencher
2. Chain trencher
3. Micro trencher
4. Portable trencher
5. Tractor mount trencher
 Wheel trencher:

A wheel trencher or rock wheel is composed of a toothed metal wheel. It is cheaper to operate and
maintain and can cut harder ground than chain-type trenchers.
Due to its design the wheel may allow to reach with the same tool variable cutting depths while
keeping a constant soil working angle with a relatively small wheel diameter.

These tools which can be easily changed manually allow adjusting different cutting width on the same

They are also used to cut pavement for road maintenance and to gain access to utilities under roads.
Chain trencher
This type of trencher can cut ground that is too hard to cut with a bucket-type excavator. This type of trencher can
cut narrow and deep trenches. The angle of the boom can be adjusted to control the depth of the cut. To cut a
trench, the boom is held at a fixed angle while the machine creeps slowly.
The chain trencher is a great tool for trenching for large diameter networks (telecommunication, electricity,
drainage, water, gas, sanitation....) especially in rural areas. The excavated materials can be removed by conveyor
belt reversible either on the right or on the left.
Micro trencher
A micro trencher is a "small rock wheel" specially designed for work in urban area. It is fitted with a cutting
wheel that cuts a micro trench with smaller dimensions than can be achieved with conventional trench digging
equipment. Micro trenchers are used to minimize traffic or pedestrian disturbance during network laying. Indeed,
a Micro Trencher can work on sidewalks or in narrow streets of cities, can cut harder ground than a chain
trencher, including cutting through solid stone. They are also used to cut pavement for road maintenance and to
gain access to utilities under roads.
Portable trencher
Landscapers and lawn care specialist may use a portable trencher to install landscape edging and irrigation lines.
These machines are lightweight and are easily manoeuvrable compared to other types of trenchers. The cutting
implement may be a chain, or a blade similar to a rotary lawn mower blade oriented so that it rotates in a vertical
Tractor mount trencher
A tractor mount trencher is a trencing device which needs a creeping gear tractor to operate. This type of trenchers
is another type of chain trencher. This tractor should be able to go as slowly as the trenchers trenching speed.
Diagram of wheel trencher
100- Trenching machine
102- Cabin
104- Motor
106- Crawlers
108- Pivoting boom
110- Rock saw
112- Cutting tools
114- Gear train
118- Axis
120- Cylinder
124- Set of bars
Chain trencher
20- Chain trencher
22- Tractor unit
28- Remote drive unit
30- Extention of boom
48- Cutter bar
52- Cutter chain
Companies of trenching machines
Some of the major manufacturing companies are:
 New Holland
 Simex25
 Bob cat
 Rivard
Austin trenching machine, illinos
Size of the trench- 8ft 5”, 4 ft wide, 2974 ft long.
Volume of excavation- 2863 m3
Time of digging- 72 hrs. 30 mins
Time of excavation per day 9 hrs
Rate of digging time- 357.81 m3.
Rate of total time- 168.20 m3.
Advantages and Dis-Advantages
 Minimize trench excavation volume.
 Maximize the reuse of trench soil.
 Continuous excavation of soil.
 Width of excavation is adjusted.
Dis advantages:
 Replacing of buckets in hard rock.
 Cutting chains are always moves and need to adjustment.
 Need regular maintenance.

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