Embedded System R 2017 PDF
Embedded System R 2017 PDF
Embedded System R 2017 PDF
Regulation : 2017/AUC
―To develop high quality technical education and personnel with a sound footing on basic
engineering principles, technical and managerial skills, innovative research capabilities, and
exemplary professional conduct to lead and to use technology for the progress of mankind,
adapting themselves to changing technological environment with the highest ethical values as the
inner strength.‖
―To be recognized as an international leader in engineering education, research and the
application of knowledge to benefit society globally‖.
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and Team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.
11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
1. Raj Kamal, ‗Embedded System-Architecture, Programming, Design‘, Mc Graw Hill, 2013.
2. C.R.Sarma, ―Embedded Systems Engineering‖, University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2013.
3. Tammy Noergaard, ―Embedded Systems Architecture‖, Elsevier, 2006.
4. Han-Way Huang, ―Embedded system Design Using C8051‖, Cengage Learning, 2009.
5. Rajib Mall ―Real-Time systems Theory and Practice‖ Pearson Education, 2007.
C314.2 3 3 3 2 2 - - 3 2 - - 3 1 3 2
C314.3 3 3 3 2 2 - - 3 2 - - 3 1 3 2
C314.4 3 3 3 2 2 - - 3 2 - - 3 1 3 2
C314.5 3 3 3 2 2 - - 3 2 - - 3 1 3 3
CO Book No
S.No Topics to be covered Delivery method
Statement [Page No]
1 Introduction to Embedded Systems C314.1 T1[1-7] Chalk & board / PPT
2 The build process for embedded systems C314.1 Material Chalk & board / PPT
3 Structural units in Embedded processor C314.1 T1[8] Chalk & board / PPT
4 Selection of processor & memory devices C314.1 T1[113-118] Chalk & board / PPT
7 Timer and Counting devices C314.1 T1[152] Chalk & board / PPT
8 Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock C314.1 T1[157-158] Chalk & board / PPT
In circuit emulator, Target Hardware C314.1 T1[656] Chalk & board / PPT
Total Periods : 9
10 Embedded Networking: Introduction C314.2 Material Chalk & board/ PPT
11 I/O Device C314.2 T1[130-131] Chalk & board / PPT
12 Ports & Buses C314.2 T1[131-136] Chalk & board / PPT
Serial Bus communication protocols -
13 C314.2 T1[137] Chalk & board / PPT
RS232 standard
14 RS422 – RS485 C314.2 T1[1 38] Chalk & board / PPT
15 CAN Bus C314.2 T1[161-163] Chalk & board / PPT
16 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) C314.2 T1[139-140] Chalk & board / PPT
17 Inter Integrated Circuits (I2 C) C314.2 T1[161] Chalk & board / PPT
18 Need for device drivers C314.2 T1[188] Chalk & board / PPT
Total Periods : 9
Assignment 1 Date of Submission :
19 Embedded Product Development Life
C314.3 R1[622-625] Chalk & board / PPT
Cycle- objectives
20 Different phases of EDLC C314.3 R1[625-636] Chalk & board / PPT
21 Modeling of EDLC C314.3 R1[636-641] Chalk & board / PPT
22 Issues in Hardware-software Co-design C314.3 R1[205-206] Chalk & board / PPT
23 Data Flow Graph C314.3 R1[207-208] Chalk & board / PPT
24 State machine model C314.3 R1[208-211] Chalk & board / PPT
25 Sequential Program Model C314.3 R1[211] Chalk & board / PPT
26 Concurrent Model C314.3 R1[212-213] Chalk & board / PPT
27 Object oriented Model C314.3 R1[213-214] Chalk & board / PPT
Assignment - 2 Date of Submission : Total Periods : 9
28 Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS C314.4 T1[351-354] Chalk & board / PPT
Task, process & threads, Multiprocessing
29 C314.4 T1 [305-308] Chalk & board / PPT
and Multitasking
30 Interrupt routines in RTOS C314.4 T1 [366-370] Chalk & board / PPT
31 Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling C314.4 T1 [392-397] Chalk & board / PPT
Task communication shared memory, T1 [326-
32 C314.4 Chalk & board / PPT
message passing 330,335]
Inter process Communication –
33 C314.4 T1 [330-332] Chalk & board / PPT
synchronization between processes
34 Semaphores, Mailbox, pipes C314.4 T1 [334-341] Chalk & board / PPT
35 Priority inversion, priority inheritance C314.4 T1 [329-330] Chalk & board / PPT
Comparison of Real time Operating
36 C314.4 T1 [453,496] Chalk & board / PPT
systems: Vx Works, чC/OSII, RT Linux
Assignment - 3 Date of Submission : Total Periods : 9
37 Introduction to washing machine and block C314.5 R1[83-85] Chalk & board / PPT
38 Design specification & schematic diagram C314.5 R1[83-85] Chalk & board / PPT
39 Software design of washing machine C314.5 R1[83-85] Chalk & board / PPT
40 Introduction to Automotive application C314.5 R1[85-89] Chalk & board / PPT
41 Classification of automotive embedded R1[85-89] Chalk & board / PPT
42 Advance control of automotive system & R1[85-89] Chalk & board / PPT
car navigation systems
43 Introduction to smart card systems & block T1[593-604] Chalk & board / PPT
44 ASIC for smart card systems C314.5 T1[593-604] Chalk & board / PPT
45 Embedded software for smart card systems C314.5 T1[593-604] Chalk & board / PPT
46 Proteus Simulation tool for Embedded Material /PPT
Systems[ Content Beyond Syllabus]
Total Periods :10
Introduction to Embedded Systems - Structural units in Embedded processor , selection of processor &
memory devices- DMA - Memory management methods- Timer and Counting devices, Watchdog,
Timer, Real Time Clock, In circuit emulator, Target Hardware Debugging.
Q.No Questions BT Competence Course
Level Outcome
1. List the characteristics of an embedded system. 1 Remember CO1
2. List the components of Embedded system. 1 Remember CO1
3. Summarize the difference between Microprocessor and 2 Understand CO1
4. Classify the types of processors in Embedded System. 3 Apply CO1
5. Compare embedded system and non embedded system with 4 Analyze CO1
6. Explain the important considerations when selecting a 4 Analyze CO1
7. Define the terms (i) DMA (ii) Watch Dog Timer. 1 Remember CO1
8. Discuss about (i) Pipelining (ii) Software Timer. 2 Understand CO1
9. Define the terms (i) Real Time Clock (ii) Memory 1 Remember CO1
10. Develop the flowchart of build process for embedded systems. 6 Create CO1
11. How can an embedded system be illustrated? 3 Apply CO1
12. Explain the terms (i) Emulator (ii) Simulator. 5 Evaluate CO1
13. Define the terms (i) Compiler (ii) Cross compiler. 1 Remember CO1
14. Define Embedded system. 1 Remember CO1
15. List out the challenges in building in an embedded system. 2 Understand CO1
16. What are the functional requirements of embedded system? 1 Remember CO1
17. Give the purpose of Watch dog timer. 2 Understand CO1
18. Distinguish between CISC and RISC. 2 Understand CO1
19. Classify the methods of memory manager. 3 Evaluate CO1
20. Justify the Need of debugging and types of debugging. 6 Create CO1
1. (i) Explain the possible steps are involved in build process of 4 Analyze CO1
embedded control systems. (7)
(ii) Discuss In-Circuit Emulator and Watch dog Timer. (6)
3. Explain the following Embedded Hardware Units (i) Power 4 Analyze CO1
Source (ii) Clock Oscillator Unit (iii) Real Time Clock (iv)
Watch Dog Timer (v) Memory (vi) Input/ Output-Port, Bus and
Interface (vii) Interrupt Handler. (13)
4. What is meant by Memory? Explain the different types of 6 Create CO1
memory devices (i) ROM (ii) RAM. (13)
5. Explain the various form of memories present in an embedded 4 Analyze CO1
systems. (13)
6. How to select the processor based upon its architecture and 2 Understand CO1
applications. (13)
7. With a neat diagram explain the working of Direct Memory 1 Remember CO1
Access (DMA) with architecture and timing diagram. (13)
8. Discuss the following terms in memory management 1 Remember CO1
(i) Memory allocation (ii) Memory leak (iii) Methods of
Memory Management Strategy. (13)
9. Discuss in detail about the timer and counter devices in 3 Apply CO1
Embedded System . (13)
10. Explain the classification of embedded systems with examples. 2 Understand CO1
11. Describe the following terms (i) Embedded System versus 1 Remember CO1
Computing System (iii) Classification of Embedded System
(iv)Basic Model of Embedded System. (13)
12. Mention the necessary hardware units that must be present in 2 Understand CO1
the embedded systems. (13)
13. Discuss in detail about (i) In Circuit Emulator (ii) Target 3 Apply CO1
Hardware Debugging. (13)
14. In Embedded System how the microprocessor is distinguished 5 Evaluate CO1
with Micro Controller. (13)
1. Explain (i) Building Process for Embedded System (ii) 2 Understand CO1
Structural unit of Embedded Processor including Hardware
and Software Unit. (15)
2. With a neat diagram discuss the following terms in Embedded 3 Apply CO1
Processor (i) DMA Architecture (ii) Watch dog Timer (iii)
Real Time Clock. (15)
3. (i) Analyze in detail with suitable diagram for (i) In Circuit 4 Analyze CO1
Emulator (ii) Target Hardware Debugging. (7)
(ii)Compare the Microprocessor with Micro Controller. (8)
4. Explain the following types of Embedded Software (i) 2 Understand CO1
Machine Code Format (ii) Assembly Language (iii) High
Level Language. (15)
9. Explain in detail about SPI communication protocol and its 1 Remember CO4
interfacing techniques. (13)
10. (i) Demonstrate the signal using a transfer of byte when using Apply CO4
the I2C bus and also the format of bits at the I 2C bus with 3 Analyze
diagram. (7) 4
(ii) Explain CAN bus. (6)
11. Summarize short notes on 2 Understand CO4
(i) RS 232 Standard
(ii) CAN bus
(iii)Inter Integrated Circuit Bus. (13)
12. (i)Explain how serial data communication is preferred in I 2C CO4
bus and CAN bus. (7) 2 Understand
(ii)What are the different I/O devices used in embedded 3 Apply
systems. Explain it. (6)
13. Explain with all necessary sketches to enable intra 6 Create CO4
communications among peripherals using I2C bus. (13)
14. Why we need device driver? How do you write a device 1 Remember CO4
driver? List the steps involved in writing a device driver. (13)
1. (a)Explain various communication protocol (i)UART CO4
(ii) RS 232 (iii)RS 422 (iv)RS 485. (8) 2 Understand
(b) With suitable diagram explain the following Protocol
(i) CAN Bus Protocol (ii) SPI Protocol (iii)I2C Protocol. (7) 1 Remember
2. (a) What is meant by serial port ? Explain following types of CO4
serial ports with suitable diagram (i)Synchronous Serial Input
(ii) Synchronous Serial Output (iii) Asynchronous Serial 2 Understand
UART Inputs (iv) Asynchronous Serial UART Outputs. (8)
(b) Illustrate with suitable diagram and explain Synchronous
Communication and Asynchronous Communication. (7) 3 Apply
3. What is the need device driver? How do you write a device Remember CO4
driver?List the steps involved in writing a device driver. (15)
4. Discuss the following terms (i) SPI communication protocol CO4
(ii) Types of serial port devices (iii) Parallel I/O interface (iv) 2 Understand
Synchronous and asynchronous communications. (15)
1. Illustrate with functional description about the different phases CO3
3 Apply
of Embedded Design Life Cycle Method. (13)
2. Mention the essential and objectives of EDLC. Discuss in CO3
2 Understand
detail about the different phases of EDLC. (13)
3. Explain the Object Oriented Model and explain the term CO3
2 Understand
(i) Communication (ii) Abstraction. (13)
4. Generalize the various computational models in embedded CO3
5 Evaluate
design. (13)
5. (i) Write detailed notes on software and hardware interface CO3
techniques. (8) 2 Understand
(ii)Explain about sequential program model for the
development of embedded platform. (5)
6. Compare and explain the various types of modelling of EDLC CO3
(i) Linear or Water Model (ii) Interactive or Incremental or 1 Remember
Functional EDLC Model (iii) Prototyping or Evolutionary
Model (iv) Spiral Model. (13)
7. Illustrate sequential flow model with example. (13) 3 Apply CO3
8. Explain the issues in Hardware and Software Co-Design. (13) 6 Create CO3
9. (i) Describe object oriented model with `example. (8) 1 Remember CO3
(ii) Differences between Data flow model and state machine
model. (5) 2 Understand
10. (i) Describe Data Flow Graph model with a suitable example. CO3
(7) 1 Remember
(ii) Describe State Machine model with suitable example. (6)
11. (i) Describe in detail explain the Waterfall or Linear model CO3
with suitable flowchart. (7) 1 Remember
ii) Describe in detail explain the Iterative/ Incremental or
Fountain Model with suitable flow chart. (6)
12. (i) Explain in detail the Prototyping Model with suitable CO3
diagram. And also write the advantages and disadvantages of Analyze
it. (8) 4
(ii) With suitable diagram explain the Spiral Model. (5)
13. With a suitable example, explain about the State Machine 6 CO3
Model of an Automatic Chocolate Vending Machine (ACVM). Create
14. Explain the Sequential Model Program for seat belt warning CO3
6 Create
system with suitable flow chart. (13)
1. Illustrate the following type of computational state model (i) CO3
Data Flow Graph Type Model (ii) State Diagram Type Model
(iii) Concurrent Process Model (iv) Sequential Program Model 3 Apply
with suitable example for each. (15)
BT Course
Q.No Questions Competence
Level Outcome
1. Elucidate the selection of processor and memory for any one Evaluate CO2
embedded applications with suitable diagram in detail. (13)
2. Design architectural hardware and software units needed in smart Create CO2
card. (13)
3. Tabulate hardware units needed in each of the systems: Smart Analyse CO2
card, Automotive applications, Washing machine. (13)
4. Discuss the case study an adaptive crusie control with class Create CO2
diagram (13)
5. List various types of memories and the application of each in the Analyse CO2
following systems: Automotive applications, Smart card, Washing 4
machine. (13)
6. Show and explain basic system of an Automative applications. (13) 6 Create CO2
7. Apply suitable hardware and software to develop the embedded Create CO2
system for a smart card. (13)
8. With suitable diagram explain in detail about the concept of Smart Create CO2
Card System Application. (13)
9. With suitable Hardware and Software explain the case study for an Create CO2
High end CAR using Embedded System. (13)
10. Identify the tasks for an High end CAR. Explain the various Remember CO2
interprocess communication methods required in implementing the 1
application. (13)
11. With suitable diagram explain in detail about the concept of Understand CO2
washing machine application. (13)
12. Elucidate the selection of processor and memory for any one Analyse CO2
embedded application with suitable diagram in details. (13)
13. With suitable hardware and software explain the Digital Camera of Create CO2
the automotive embedded application domain. (13)
14. Discuss case study an ambulance vehicle with class diagram. (13) 6 Create CO2
1. Create the block diagram for the case study of Embedded System Create CO2
for an (i) Adaptive Cruise Control Systems in a car (ii) Smart 6
Card. (15)
2. With suitable Hardware and Software explain the case study for an Create CO2
ATM Machine using Embedded System. (15)
3. With suitable Hardware and Software explain the case study for a Create CO2
Washing Machine using Embedded System. (15)
4. Design and discuss an embedded system solution for a typical Create CO2
automotive system. Your answer must include design and
development of necessary hard wares and software for an 6
automotive system to incorporate efficient fuel management
systems, vehicle performance monitoring systems, vehicle
tracking and navigation systems. (15)
Hard-real time systems: where there is a high penalty for missing a deadline e.g., control
systems for aircraft/space probes/nuclear reactors; refresh rates for video, or DRAM. Soft real
time systems: where there is a steadily increasing penalty if a deadline is missed.
e.g., laser printer: rated by pages-per-minute, but can take differing times to print a page
(depending on the \"complexity\" of the page) without harming the machine or the customer.
30. What are the functional requirements of embedded system?
Data Collection
Sensor requirements
Signal conditioning
Alarm monitoring
Direct Digital Control
Man-Machine Interaction informs the operator of the current state of the controlled object
assists the operator in controlling the system.
31. What are the main components of an embedded system? Three main components of
embedded systems:
1. The Hardware
2. Application Software
32. Define embedded microcontroller.
The benefits of multithreaded programming can be broken down into four major
• Responsiveness
• Resource sharing
• Economy
• Utilization of multiprocessor architectures
29. Compare user threads and kernel threads. User threads Kernel threads
User threads are supported above the kernel and are implemented by a thread library at
the user level Kernel threads are supported directly by the operating system
Thread creation & scheduling are done in the user space, without kernel intervention.
Therefore they are fast to create and manage Thread creation, scheduling and
management are done by the operating system.
Therefore they are slower to create & manage compared to user threads Blocking system
call will cause the entire process to block If the thread performs a blocking system call,
the kernel can schedule another thread in the application for execution