White Paper Cost To Serve

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Cost-to-serve transparency

White Paper

a required
diagnostic to cure
profit erosion
Cost-to-serve transparency

I t is amazing how few companies are able

to tell what value a customer really brings to
them. And very often, when they think they can,
applying the cost-to-serve approach of Equazion
to improve these insights, the exercise typically
starts with a discussion with the managers respon-
one can have serious doubts whether their insights sible for the different departments in the company,
effectively reflect the reality. It all comes down based on the P&L accounts. This discussion al-
to the way traditional accounting systems are set lows identifying what causes these costs to occur
up. Typically what traditional accounting systems (what activity is being performed, related to a
provide is a quite well elaborated product costing product, a customer, a brand…) and what drives
system. Different however is the way traditional this activity. A driver can sometimes be derived
costing systems deal with costs which are caused from simple transactional data that have been
by customer behavior, typically in the sales and lo- extracted from the ERP-system, like the number
gistics area. Looking at a profit & loss statement, of orders that a customer has placed, or can be
typically the upper part of the statement contains more difficult to obtain and may require some
the product-driven costs, which can be specified specific data collection.
per product, but below the gross profit level, one
can only find the aggregate cost of the sales and
the logistics organizations. This point of view is
made clear in figure 1. B ased on these discussions, a cost calcula-
tion model is set up, in a very different way
from the traditional product costing. Using Activity
Based Costing techniques, the important costs are
Fig.1 Traditional profit & loss statement
assigned to products and customers. In order to
Sales keep the complexity of the model at an accept-
direct cost able level, it is important that the focus is kept on
the important costs only. Moreover this simplifica-
- labour tion improves the sustainability of the model for
- material future re-runs. Translating this approach in a P&L
- energy structure gives a completely different view com-
Gross profit pared with the traditional accounting view (figure
sales 2):
logistics cost
marketing cost
general & admin costs
Ebit (Earnings be-
fore Interest & Taxes Fig.2 Cost to serve profit & loss statement

O ften, it is not an easy task to find out which direct material cost
customers are responsible for the bigger product driven activity cost
chunks of these costs, although everyone in the or- Product margin
ganization probably has an opinion on this. The customer driven activity cost
fact that these opinions may not always align can
Customer margin
be a source of dispute and frustration…
other activity costs
Ebit (Earnings

T his calls for another approach that ultimately

provides this insight which companies are
looking for to improve their profitability. When
before Interest &

Cost-to-serve transparency

T his type of profit & loss structure can be set

up for every individual customer down to the
level of the customer margin. If a customer ends
reasons. In this graph – where every customer is
represented by a bubble whose size is an indi-
cation of his revenue – a split is made between
up with a negative margin at this level, there is the costs driven by the products that the customer
really a call for action: this means that keeping purchases (represented by the product mix margin)
this customer the way he is will drag down your and his cost-to-serve. Customers which fall below
profits; definitely a signal that the bleeding needs the diagonal line are loss making, but this can
to stop… be for very different reasons, as the red bubbles
illustrate. A customer below the diagonal at the
left hand side of the graph is a customer that pays

R esults coming from these exercises are very

often real eye-openers. Whereas the tradi-
tional view often tempts to mislead management
a very low price for his products. Even though
his cost-to-serve may be quite low, he simply does
not pay enough. The customer at the right hand
that sales costs are equally spread over the entire side may be paying a higher price, but then the
customer base, this exercise may reveal that a service he gets may be far too expensive for the
substantial amount of customers are simply being price he pays. This service may take different
subsidized by the other ones. shapes: sales representatives paying too much
attention, high allowances, coop-advertising,
claims, high transportation costs, lots of handling
T he real strength of the exercise comes from
the identification why customers are loss
making. Figure 3 illustrates customers may be
because of ordering in small quantities…

loss-making or profit-generating for very different

Cost-to-serve transparency

I t is important to gain this insight and to make

it clear to the entire organization. As any path
for a cure, starts with a correct diagnosis of the
disease rather than fighting some of the symp-

Author : Peter Verstraeten, Managing Partner and

Koen Cobbaert, Associate Partner S&V Manage-
ment Consultants
Date : 30/8/2010
© S&V Management Consultants 2010

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