Trends 4th Quarter
Trends 4th Quarter
Trends 4th Quarter
A land that the Lord your God cares for. The eyes of the Lord your God are always upon it, from the beginning of
the year to the end of the year. –Deuteronomy 11:12
I. Multiple Choice Read and analyze each statement carefully. Write the letter of the BEST answer on
the space. (10pts)
1. Which of the following statements below best describe the concept of Global Networks based on
Robert Holton (2008)?
a. A major feature of contemporary c. A major feature of contemporary
processes of Social Science processes of socialization
b. A major feature of contemporary d. A major feature of contemporary
processes of regionalization processes of globalization
2. Which of the following is not a field where you can see the concept of Global Networks?
a. Terrorism c. Governance
b. Migration d. Psychology
3. Why Global Networks is important to the lives of individuals across the world?
a. Because it builds a dynamic and flexible c. Because it builds a dynamic and flexible
type of terrorism. type of connection.
b. Because it builds a dynamic and flexible d. Because it builds a dynamic and flexible
type of organization. type of institution.
4. How is Border being defined in the study of Global Networks?
a. Navigate in the imagination of c. Navigate in the imagination of
individuals with cultural expression individuals with cultural expression
b. Navigate in the regional of individuals d. Navigate in the imagination of
with emotional expression individuals with physical expression
5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Global Networks?
a. Cross borders and connect to more than c. Movement across a boundary is long
one country term
b. Isolated due to several limitations d. Are not confined within a particular
6. Which of the following best define Technical Global networks as a general type of Global
a. Is a form of global network adopted c. Is a form of global network adopted
from solicitation from Socialism
b. Is a form of global network adopted d. Is a form of global network adopted
from telecommunication from communication
7. Which of the following events below ignited and created the Terrorist Network?
a. 9/11 Attack on the world trade center c. Marawi crisis
b. The 2014 Paris Bombing d. Oakwood mutiny
8. Which of the following best define the nature of climate?
a. Refers to average weather in a c. Refers to average pollution in a
particular place particular place
b. Refers to average climate in a particular d. Refers to average rain in a particular
place place
9. How does Globalization connect with Economics?
a. It involves the perceptions of economic c. It involves the resolution of economic
resources from one country to another resources from one country to another
b. It involves the association of economic d. It involves the movement of economic
resources from one country to another resources from one country to another
10. Which of the following is not an element of Globalization?
a. Liberalization c. Privatization
b. Deregulation d. Civilization
II. Matching Type: Find the letter of the correct answer from the given choices. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the line before each number.
11. _________ the process of integrating policies of another country to a certain country
12. _________ a form of global networks that utilized a variety of satellite, cable, and wireless
13. _________ a primary characteristic of contemporary processes of globalization
14. _________ a form of global network that includes cross-border groups such as migrants, aid or
social workers involved in advocacy work.
15. _________ it is made up of individuals who shares particular values, common discourse, and
exchanges information and services
16. _________ a type of network that deals with the promotion of professionals’ mental and academic
interest to support sociability and friendship.
17. _________ a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments
that happen as technological advancements accelerate.
18. _________ acts as the main catalyst of globalization.
19. _________ it refers to the policies of the government to transfer government-owned corporations
and sell them to the control of private sector
20. _________ it refers to the streamlining of government’s control over the industry for basic
commodities like oil supply, water, and electricity.
21. _________ Process of modifying or abolishing restrictive policies on the importation of products
22. _________ Global network theorist who believes that globalization has led to the erosion of cultural
23. _________ the global flow of ideas, knowledge, and values that homogenizes the cultural
differences that exist between and among nations, regions and individuals
24. _________ refers to both physical and imagined boundaries.
25. _________ the process in which the economies of different countries around the world become
increasingly assimilated over time.
III. Photo Analysis: Analyse the photo below and answer the photo analysis questions. (15pts)
26-30 How would you interpret 31-35 How would you relate the 36-40 What is the implication of
the message of the illustrations message of the text and photos Globalization in the economy
and text found in the photo? with the concept of based on the photo?
___________________________ Globalization? ___________________________
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IV. Enumeration(15pts)
What are the major gases that contribute to the
greenhouse effect (5pts)
What are the Impacts of Climate change in the
41. ___________________________________
Philippines? (5pts)
42. ___________________________________ 51. ___________________________________
43. ___________________________________ 52. ___________________________________
44. ___________________________________ 53. ___________________________________
45. ___________________________________ 54. ___________________________________
What are the long-term effects of global 55. ___________________________________
climate change? (5pts)
46. ___________________________________
47. ___________________________________
48. ___________________________________
49. ___________________________________
V. Essay: (15pts)
55-60. How can you help address climate change at home, in the school and on the road?
60-65. Explain the differences of the mitigation and adaptation approaches to climate change?
65-70. Discuss the relationship between climate change, global warming and greenhouse effect?