Sunday Print
Sunday Print
Sunday Print
Gerhardt School in Kahl, Bavaria. 500 students roomand control the inventory of food. The
in 23 Classes attend elementary, middle or supplies for the following day are not
business school. The bistro has PAULA every enoughthe youngsters inform their three
school day during the long lunch break from supervisors, because they do the shopping.
1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m open. The bistro is run gets the finished food from the kitchen,
by 20 students and students. Your goal is to ”explains Stella
provide customers with good andoffering
Monitor income and expenses
healthy food. "Come over! We are
inexpensive , friendly and our food and drinks In the weekly BWÜ lessons, Stella plans
are always delicious! We offer u. a. Apple together with her classmates the next days of
spritzer, water, various types of coffee, sale. In class they think Students also know
yoghurt,Balisto, crispy bars and liver cheese in whether new products are sold or existing
a wholemeal roll, ”the advertising promises. offers are deleted from the menu should. “We
also set the prices for our goods firmly, settle
The bistro is the only school project at the
the accounts and calculate our income, ”adds
Paul Gerhardt School, at the middle and
Stella. The student company even makes a
business school work together. The middle
profit: in the last school years Stella and her
school students can work as a working group
classmates always have 500 to 600 euros
in the bistro, the business school students in
earned. They invest the money in their small
contrast, from the ninth grade onwards
business: “We have sofas and new kitchen
Mathematics and BWÜ (business exercises)
appliances bought and had our coffee
decide. The subject of BWÜ is intended for
machine repaired, "says Stella.
students prepare for later working life. In
addition to the balance sheets and “market A plus for the application
analyzes”, this also includes this essential
things like friendly customer relations and Stella likes the work in the café and above all
responsible food handling.The 15-year-old the business activities. She was also able to
Stella has been involved for some time show her strengths expand: “Above all, I have
nowTime in the student company. She mine The ability to work in a team improves
attends 9th grade and helps with her elective because we have to work closely together and
subject BWÜ in the bistro PAULA with. “It's have to coordinate well with one another,
fun in our own company. Drinks and snacks to ”she says Pupil. After her middle education
students, parents or teachers toosell, ”says wants they are completing training in the
Stella, who visits the bistro every Monday commercial area. As soon as they found a
cooperates. “We are building the till just suitable profession for themselves she will
before we open and lay out the ingredients apply. "In the application I share my
that we use for our customers prepare experience in the student company. Thereby I
sandwiches and sandwiches. It's fun and not show that I am ready for action and already in
as tiring as others Subjects. " one Business. That will certainly go down well
with the training companies. ” The Bistro
Division of tasks in the bistro PAULA is funded by the Bavarian State
Ministry for the Environment, Health and
During the opening hours, the tasks are in the
Consumer Protection. You can find more
PAULA clearly distributed: "One person is at
information about student projects on:
the checkout, two work in the kitchen. The
fourth person leads forward the orders to the
kitchen staff and Before the pupils go home or
take afternoon classes after the bistro service
1) Unworn tops and stack up in the closet. Who at certain garments, it
closet Jeans, the way still leads the should hang on one keep special
next day off back to the shopping place. So the memory gets a nice
center. And this time too the young place and there is in the closet no
people leave the shops with full Bags. mess. More ideas on
A study by the Chamber of Labor 4) Many joggers like to run with music. It
shows: 28 Percent of Austrians tend are people who can with almost any
to be addicted Behavior. Young music, others only run with the
people are particularly at risk in Age correct beat. That means the Music
between 14 and 24 years. Seduce rhythm (beat) at walking speed
advertising, online shopping, cheap matches. To find such pieces of music
shops and new cult brands to spend that one fallen in addition is not easy.
money that is actually not there.Many Today there is Fortunately free music
young people buy to compensate for programs with which you mix pieces
frustration or suffering. But shopping yourself, shorten them, lengthen
is only satisfying for a short time them, faster or can slow down.
Time, the inner emptiness is not long Running training with music but also
in coming and the vicious cycle begins brings with it dangers: not notice
again. other road users in good time. So the
2) Whether jogging, walking or at home: safest thing is with music on the
when listening to music with the MP3 Treadmill at home.
player, noise researchers warn that 5) Children learn from everything they
turn it up to the stop. Six out of ten do. One area that strongly shapes
bars on the volume scale of a player them are hobbies such as B. sports or
are however harmless. The extent to music. By Exercise increases the
which music can impair hearing also oxygen supply to the brain, which
depends on the type of music: too makes it easier for children to learn
loud played charts with pop and rock the material they have learned to
songs are for that Ear significantly notice. Gymnastics, dancing or inline
more harmful than oldies and jazz. skating train the sense of balance and
Because current pop pieces hardly improve concentration. Studies show
have quiet sequences, and that Noise that children with a good sense of
levels in a song are almost balance are usually smarter than
consistently high. At the At least others. Music too is not only fun, but
classical music is a burden for hearing, supports child language development.
because in Beethoven and Mozart's Singing can do a lot of lyrics can be
pieces are also included in quieter learned well, through musical
sections. education the talents can be
3) The statement "I have nothing to developed and in turn the Intelligence
wear" is more as a mere cliché. Often can be increased.
people face that Wardrobe and are
not in your own chaos cope. You hang
on this or that piece of clothing
because you associate beautiful
memories with it, and at some point it
could fit again. According to a study, it
is primarily feelings that people have
prevent her from cleaning up her
Hundreds of thousands of guests come every Bayern 2 - hear without limits. Radio Micro.
year especially young women and men with
My grandma drives a motorcycle in the
Lederhose or dirndl, on the largest Volksfest
chicken coop and the thing about getting old.
in Munich. It would be 20 years ago
A broadcast by Ursel Böhm. Grandma and
unthinkable for many young people been to
Grandpa are very special for many
attend a festival in costume. Today but Dirndl
grandchildren. I love my grandma, because I
and Lederhose belong to the Dress code at
can tell her all the secrets. It is often the case
the Oktoberfest. Since a few years ago Trend
that older and younger people do not
to traditional costume and it is so strong
understand each other, but it is different with
become that now obviously from the Fad
grandmas and grandpas. What it is like to
became a must. Costume is "Cool" and often
grow old and what else you can do, apart
like to be in everyday life carried. Not only
from riding a motorcycle, should be the
sneakers to lederhosen, but also a modern
grandmothers and best tell granddads
one Handbag for a dirndl. A plaid Boys don't
themselves and their grandchildren: Grandma
have to wear a shirt, sometimes a simple T-
Julia and Philipp. Luise Winstl is a real city
shirt is enough. When the Lederhosen and
grandma. I am an actress. It was a dream job
dirndls out of their clothes closets disappear,
of mine, actually I knew as a child that I
you can currently do not predict.
wanted to be an actress. Yes, and I really did.
Although Grandma Winstl is often on stage or
in front of the camera, she always takes a lot
The Graz city libraries offer you a quality,
of time in between for her grandchildren. So
based on different interests and age groups
it’s no disadvantage for Julia and Philipp that
matched media selection. The offer, which is
grandma is still working, rather exciting. And
continuously updated and expanded, find you
for grandma, her job is only an advantage, for
on In the virtual
example for her memory, because she keeps
You can find out about the latest news from
learning her roles by heart. Grandma Winstl's
the library, research the entire media
age, apart from her white hair and a few
inventory, the return periods of the extend
centimeters, doesn't seem to have left much
borrowed media, download eMedia and much
of a mark. But it also does something for this.
more. The “LABUKA” children's library offers
My grandchildren, after all, have to have a
fun and exciting events for children from two
grandma who can make nonsense with them,
to thirteen years of age almost free of charge.
who can also play football. Grandparents and
Registration is free. Please bring an ID with
their children's children, as the saying goes,
photo and a registration form el *. You can
often have a very special bond with each
find the registration form at
other. It is important that they know that you to download.
are accepted as they are and that you do not
With the city library card you can use all
criticize them much because they have to
offers: in person in the city library, by phone
educate their parents and that is actually the
or on the Internet. In the library rooms
most important thing. And that they accept
themselves, media stocks are available free of
me as I am and I accept them as they are.
charge and without registration. More than
160,000 books, around 500 magazine Grandpa Hermann Böhm is 79 years old and
subscriptions, 47 PC workstations, 11,000 lives in an old people's home in Munich. I visit
digital media, 550 language training packages him with his grandchildren Christopher and
and of course wireless internet access are Tim. How long has your grandpa been here in
waiting for you! We look forward to you the old people's home?
Since last year September. Let's go inside. A Christopher gets to know that Grandpa Böhm
sliding door opens for us and we enter the thinks a lot about earlier and talks about it
entrance hall. Oh, here it is comfortable with three times a week when he
four large orange sofas. Which floor does your
visited him after school. Christopher likes to
grandpa live in? On the first floor. Housing
hear what the grandfather experienced as a
group 4.
young boy and how it happened
Grandpa Böhm and 11 other older women
was growing up in the war. And even if
and men are living group 4. They all have their
grandpa has changed through age,
own rooms,
Christopher likes to come
in which they are also looked after, and to eat
over with him.
and when they are bored, they go to their
common It's also kind of a thank you for that because
my grandpa took care of me a lot where I was
Living room. People also meet there to chat
and read. There are also sofas and a
television. and in times when he's feeling bad, I can take
care of him.
And they eat there very often. In Grandpa
Böhm's small room there is a sofa, a small So I want to be a modern grandpa with a
table, a cupboard, a television and a bed and laptop.
a walker, a walker that Mr. Böhm does not
like at all, but which should make it easier for Grandma and Grandpa Eser don't have a
him to walk. There are three plants on the laptop, but they prefer to go on trips with
windowsill, colorful pictures hang on the walls their grandchildren Elias and
and lots of photos over his bed. Very Ida.
important memories for him, such as a
wedding picture of my father and mine Grandma Helga is 72 years old and Grandpa
Hannes is already 84.
Mom or a family photo, and you're sitting
here next to your grandpa on a nice sofa. He We don't really feel that old. We think it goes
got that from the old apartment too and I on like this. At least twenty
liked the sofa. Now you still like to sit on it. Years. The children keep us so young. They
Are you happy if you get a visit from challenge us and generally with the school
Christopher and Tim? and so on.