4 7 53 945 ConsumerBuyingBehaviourAmulProducts
4 7 53 945 ConsumerBuyingBehaviourAmulProducts
4 7 53 945 ConsumerBuyingBehaviourAmulProducts
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ramya N. on 06 August 2018.
N Ramya
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce with
Professional Accounting,
Dr. N. G. P. Arts and Science
College, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu, India
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International Journal of Applied Research
Research Design
1Dr. S. P. Savitha (2017), “A Study on Consumer Preference Towards
‘Amul Product’ in Madurai City”, International Journal of Current
Sample technique Research and Modern Education, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 41-46.
A convenient sampling technique tool was adopted for data 2
Mohit Jamwal, Dr. Akhilesh Chandra Pandey (2014), “Consumer
collection. behaviour towards cooperative milk societies: A study on measuring
customer satisfaction of ‘Aanchal’ milk (A member milk union of UCDF
ltd.)”, IBWL 2020: Needs & Strategies – A Management Perspective.
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International Journal of Applied Research
Akhila D and Dr. C. Boopathi [3],”Consumer behaviour on S. No Factors No. of. Espondents Percentage
Aavin milk and dairy products in Pollachi of Tamil Nadu”. 1 Departmental store 48 32
Tamilnadu state is one of the ten largest milk producing 2 Retail shop 57 38
states in India. The aim of the study is reveal consumer 3 Petty shop 25 16.67
perception over Aavin milk products based on their age, 4 Super market 20 13.33
education, qualification and monthly income of the TOTAL 150 100
consumer’s family. Many people buy Aavinmilk for its Source: Primary data
quality than the price. If the Aavin product is too high than
other brands. The aavin take necessary steps to satisfy their The above table shows 32% of the respondents purchase in
consumers. departmental store,38% of the respondents purchase in retail
Dr. P. Rengarajan, R. Sathya and R. Gothami [4],”Buying stores,16.67% of the respondents purchase in petty
behaviour of selected branded milk products”. Dairy shop,13.33% of the respondents purchase in super market.
products is one of the important thing used nowadays in
urban and rural areas. Although the country has emerged as The survey reveals that most of the respondent’s
the largest producer of milk in 90’s. Market size is purchase Amul products in retail shop for Daily use.
increasing day by day and the demand for that product is Table showing factors influencing the respondents to
araising. So, the companies need a proper distribution buy Amul product
network for avaidability of product at demand.
Mrs. Sonali Dhawan [5],”A study on consumer behaviour S. No factors No. of. respondents percentage
towards various branded and non-branded milk with special 1 Price 18 12
reference to Jabalpur district in Madhya Pradesh”. 2 Quality 44 29.33
Consumer behaviour can be defined as the behaviour that 3 Taste 57 38
consumer display in searching for purchasing, using, 4 Freshness 31 20.67
evaluating and disposing of products and services that they TOTAL 150 100
expect will satisfy needs and wants. But there is a lack of Source: Primary data
awareness among the consumer about milk they are
consuming. The campaign has to be run by the companies The above table shows 12% Influences by price, 29.33%
how they pasteurized the milk and how hygienic it is to use Influences by quality, 38% Influenced by taste, 20.67%
branded milk. Influences by freshness.
Analysis and Interpreation The survey reveals that most of them influences by price
Simple percentage analysis to buy Amul product.
Table showing consumers’ preference towards Amul Table showing the respondents preference of various
product Amul product
S. NO factors No. of. respondents Percentage S. No Factors No. of. Respondents Percentage
1 Price offers 55 36.67 1 Ice-cream 32 21.33
2 Free samples 54 36 2 Cheese 28 18.67
3 Discounts 41 27.33 3 Milk powder 33 22
Total 150 100 4 Curd 17 11.33
Source: Primary data 5 Milk 12 8
6 Butter 12 8
The above table shows 36.67% consumers have preference 7 Chocolate 16 10.67
toward sprice offers, 36% consumers have preference Total 150 100
towards free samples, 27. 33% consumers have preference Source: Primary data
towards discounts.
The above table shows 21.33% of them use Ice-
creams,18.67 of them uses cheese,22% of them uses Milk
The survey reveals most of the respondents make sp
powder,11.33% of them uses Curd,8% of them uses milk,
reference towards price offers.
8% of them uses Butter,10.67% of them uses chocolate.
Table showing the place of purchase of Amul products
for daily use
The survey reveals that most of them uses Ice-cream
very frequently.
Likert scale
Ahila.D and Dr.C. Boopathi (2015), “Consumer behaviour on Aavin milk
and dairy products in pollachitaluk of Tamil Nadu, IRACST – International
Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM), vol. 4, No.6,
Dr. P. Rengarajan, R. Sathya and R. Gowthami (2014), “Buying behaviour
of selected branded milk products”, EPRA International Journal of
Economic and Business Review, Vol. 2 Issue- 8, pp.105-110.
Mrs.SonaliDhawan (2016), “A study of consumer behaviour towards
various branded and non-branded milk with special reference to jabalpur
district in Madhyapradesh”, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research,
vol.2,issue 12, pp.1582-1586.
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International Journal of Applied Research
The survey reveals that most of the Respondents opinion is hygienic of the Amul product.
Rank analysis
Table showing rank correlation of factors influencing the respondents for the purchase of Amul products.
Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total score Final Rank
Taste 22(11) 27(10) 16(9) 18(8) 16(7) 9(6) 8(5) 8(4) 5(3) 11(2) 9(1) 1084 I
Quality 39(11) 19(10) 16(9) 22(8) 8(7) 13(6) 6(5) 5(4) 6(3) 5(2) 10(1) 1161 II
Quantity 26(11) 16(10) 29(9) 20(8) 13(7) 18(6) 5(5) 5(4) 6(3) 3(2) 8(1) 1143 III
Price 11(11) 18(10) 20(9) 11(8) 20(7) 15(6) 17(5) 14(4) 4(3) 13(2) 6(1) 984 IV
Flavour/ Colour 12(11) 10(10) 15(9) 21(8) 19(7) 21(6) 16(5) 6(4) 10(3) 15(2) 6(1) 964 V
Availability 8(11) 12(10) 19(9) 11(8) 16(7) 14(6) 20(5) 13(4) 15(3) 13(2) 10(1) 896 VI
Product Range 6(11) 20(10) 7(9) 8(8) 14(7) 16(6) 12(5) 25(4) 17(3) 14(2) 13(1) 839 VII
Packing 6(11) 7(10) 10(9) 13(8) 10(7) 8(6) 17(5) 17(4) 20(3) 25(2) 19(1) 730 VIII
Density of Milk 5(11) 5(10) 9(9) 12(8) 17(7) 11(6) 10(5) 19(4) 23(3) 23(2) 17(1) 725 IX
Creaminess 4(11) 13(10) 2(9) 9(8) 9(7) 12(6) 21(5) 20(4) 22(3) 13(2) 25(1) 701 X
Freshness 11(11) 3(10) 7(9) 5(8) 8(7) 13(6) 18(5) 18(4) 22(3) 15(2) 27(1) 673 XI
Source: primary data
The above table out of 150 respondents taste is in rank 34.67% of the person’s reason for buying Amul product
1,Quality in rank 2,Quantity in rank 3, price in rank 4, is Quality
Flavour/colour in rank 5, Availability in rank 6, Product 82% of them shows the brand is more hygienic than
range in rank 7, Packing in rank 8, Density of milk in rank other brand.
9, Creaminess in rank 10, freshness in rank 11. 22% of them uses milk powder very frequently.
78.67% of them will recommend Amul product to
The survey reveals that most of the respondents gives 1 st others.
rank for taste of the Amul product
Findings Likert scale analysis
Percentage analysis It is resulted that most the respondent’s opinion is
50.67% of respondents belong to male hygiene of the product.
56% of the respondents belongs to 21- 40 yrs.
56% of the respondents are not married. Rank correlation analysis
57.33% of the respondents belongs to nuclear family It is resulted that respondents give 1st rank for taste of
52% of the respondents are 4-6 members in the family. the Amul product.
50% of the respondents have 2 earning members in the
family. Conclusion
51.33% of the respondents are UG Level. As per the study done towards the Amul product the
46% of the respondents are Business/ Profession. consumption of the Amul products are high when compared
34.67% of the respondents having Rs.10001-Rs.15000 to other products. The buying behaviour is positive which
as the monthly income of the family. reveals that the buying behaviour of the consumers is high.
80% of the respondents knows through advertisement The promotional strategies of the product can be improved
about Amul product. to increase the sale of the company as much. Thus the
40.67% of the respondents uses more than 5 years. project conclude that the buying behaviour of the consumers
are positive, so the product has a good reach in Coimbatore
36% of the respondents buy Amul product monthly.
36.67% of the respondents makes preference by price
38% of the respondents buy Amul products in retail
1. Dr. Savitha SP. A Study on Consumer Preference
shop for Daily use.
towards ‘Amul Product’ in Madurai City, International
36% of them prefer family packet size of Amul Journal of Current Research and Modern Education.
products. 2017; 2(1):41-46.
38% of them influences by price to buy Amul product.
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International Journal of Applied Research
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