2008 Computer Solution
2008 Computer Solution
2008 Computer Solution
The 2008 FSFE paper tested the knowledge of students on the understanding of the concepts and
application of the skills in Form 7 Computer Studies Prescription. The FSFE paper accounts for 70%
of the total mark and the other 30% comes from the internal assessment of the student’s project.
This report highlights the strength and weaknesses of the candidates. It also offers some suggestions
on how Computer Studies teachers could improve their preparation of students in future internal and
external examinations.
The questions tested all levels of cognitive domains and markers expressed satisfaction with the
students’ performance.
This section was done very well! Majority of the students scored more than 20, although, a lot of
students found questions, 3, 5, 15, 16, 25, 27 and 30 difficult. In the table below, the correct answers
are indicated with a tick ().
1 A B C D
2 A B C D
3 A B C D
4 A B C D
5 A B C D
6 A B C D
7 A B C D
8 A B C D
9 A B C D
10 A B C D
11 A B C D
12 A B C D
13 A B C D
14 A B C D
15 A B C D
16 A B C D
17 A B C D
18 A B C D
19 A B C D
20 A B C D
21 A B C D
22 A B C D
23 A B C D
24 A B C D
25 A B C D
26 A B C D
27 A B C D
28 A B C D
29 A B C D
30 A B C D
This section was also attempted very well. 250 candidates’ marks were recorded for this
analysis. In this section, over 220 candidates got a mark of at least 20.
This question was attempted very well. The median mark for this question was 7.
(a) Majority of the students managed to identify the two parts but some were not able to describe
data and system software.
(b) Most students answered this very well. Other answers were vague like “give reports to top
level managers or make plans”. At this level, students should be clear in their explanations like
“making tactical plans or implement strategic plans”.
(f) Poorly done. Most candidates wrote the definitions of these terms but not the difference !
This question was answered well. The median mark for this question was 7.
(ii) Poorly done ! Most students gave examples and not the definition of the term.
(b) Majority of the candidates were able to state an advantage of object-oriented database over
network database.
(f) Most were able to calculate the right value of the interest.
(g) While most of the candidates were able to explain what 2 stands for, explaining what 3 means
was disappointing as most do not understand its significance.
(h) Majority of the candidates were able to interpret the program and state the right maximum
(i) Majority of the candidates were able to identify the difference between these two errors.
(ii) Poorly done ! Majority of the candidates could not define beta testing. Just writing
that is a method for finding errors is not enough; candidates need to explain how beta
testing is done.
This question was attempted very well. The median mark for this question was 7.25.
(a) Fairly answered. It was surprising that quite a number of candidates could not interpret the
advertisement and identify the speed, size of the primary memory and the OS.
(e) (i) Poorly done ! Most tried to write the long form while not answering the question.
(ii) Poorly done ! Some could not identify that it is software but a device deceived by the
term device drivers.
(h) This question was very poorly answered as most could not define it correctly.
This question was attempted well. The median mark for this question was 7.
(a) (i) Fair attempt though most candidates were confused between bit and byte.
(b) Majority of the students received full marks for this question.
(c) Most of the candidates were describing the network terms generally like “It’s a connection of
computers, it connects to two other machines, two nodes are connected, it shares
resources/information” thus gaining no marks. Answers need to be specific on the distinctive
features on each of these network systems in order to gain a mark.
(d) Fairly answered question. Students need to understand the term peripheral devices as some
candidates were giving the names of publishing, photo and drawing softwares.
1. Defining terms was poorly done ! Computer terms need to be revised thoroughly throughout
the year.
2. Identifying differences between two terms is not the same as writing the definition of the two
3. When a question asks for explanation or description and is awarded 1 mark, students need to
write more than one point/feature to gain the full mark.
4. Answers are to be written in proper sentences, not in one to two words nor in point form.
This section was also attempted well. 250 candidates’ marks were recorded for this analysis. In
this section, the median mark was 16.
This question was attempted very well. The median mark for this question was 6.
Majority of the candidates were able to explain the tasks done in the different phases correctly. Marks
were lost due to no diagrams and no examples in each task in each phase with reference to the School
book hire scheme.
Note: Compared to Question 2 most candidates answered this question in point form which was
This question was attempted well. The median mark for this question was 7.5.
Most of the candidates were able to identify the four types of network. Describing each type was
poorly done as most just wrote in point form or generalized rather than explaining features that
identify each type exclusively. Similary, advantages and disadvantages were not properly stated.
Lastly, some candidates did not state their recommendation as to which network type the company
should use and others did not give reasons to their recommendation, thus losing marks.
This question was attempted poorly. The median mark for this question was 3.5.
Even though many did poorly, a few did exceptionally well on this question gaining a mark of 9 or 10.
A good number of candidates drew flowcharts which were not asked. Most candidates did not
document their program so they lost marks. There was more than one answer to this question. A lot
of candidates made lots of syntax errors. Some errors are :
Emphasize to students that Section C questions have to be answered in essay format that is in
complete sentences and not in point form.
Students should read the question carefully and answer all parts of the question to ensure that they
can gain the full mark.
Candidates still find difficulty in PASCAL programming so this topic should be covered
thoroughly and revised well before external examination.