66-C-1 - Set 1 - Main Paper
66-C-1 - Set 1 - Main Paper
66-C-1 - Set 1 - Main Paper
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:3 : 80
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
(i) - 19
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(iii) - 34
Please check that this question paper contains 34 questions.
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Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
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10.15 10.15 10.30 -
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distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the
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(i) 34
(iv) 3 50 75
(v) 4 150
(vi) 6 200
1 20 (MCQ) 1 20×1=20
1. 1998
(d) (a) (c)
- ?
and is one of the largest programmes that enables underprivileged girls
to complete 10 years of schooling. The project has impacted the lives of
over 5 lakh girls from low income group families across the country.
The objective achieved by Shivam and Sohan Ltd. by doing so is :
(a) Organizational objective
(b) Social objective
(c) Personal objective
(d) Both (a) and (c)
2. With rising pollution levels, consumers are becoming conscious about the
harmful effects of polluted air, so the demand for home air-purifiers is
increasing day-by-day. Which dimension of business environment is
discussed here ?
(a) Political Environment
(b) Technological Environment
(c) Economic Environment
(d) Social Environment
(b) -
(d) ,
6. ( )
- ?
66/C/1 JJJJ Page 4
3. From the following, identify the Incorrect Statement as per Consumer
Protection Act, 2019 :
(a) National Commission has territorial jurisdiction over the whole
country for consumer protection.
(b) District Commission entertains complaints where value of goods or
services paid as consideration does not exceed < 1 crore.
National Commission.
(d) District Commission and State Commission are set by the State
5. From the following, identify the statement which is correct about capital
budgeting decision :
(a) These decisions are reversible.
(b) These decisions include committing huge amounts of finance on a
long-term basis, therefore need to be taken with utmost care.
(c) These decisions do not affect the earning capacity of the business
in the long run.
(d) Size of assets, profitability and competitiveness are not affected by
capital budgeting decisions.
9. -
(d) - ( )
10. I:
II : -
(a) I II
(b) II I
11. - ?
9. Providing job security and pension plan, etc. will satisfy which of the
following needs of employees ?
(a) Basic physiological needs
(b) Safety/Security needs
(c) Belongingness needs
(d) Esteem needs
(d) (b) (c)
13. I II
A. (i)
B. (ii)
C. (iii)
14. - ?
(d) - ,
13. Match the features of planning given in Column I with their respective
explanation given in Column II.
Column I Column II
A. Planning is a (i) Planning involves thorough examination
mental exercise and evaluation of each alternative and
choosing the most appropriate one
B. Planning is all- (ii) Planning is required at all levels of
pervasive management as well as in all
departments of the organisation
C. Planning involves (iii) Planning requires logical and systematic
decision-making thinking rather than guess work or
wishful thinking
(a) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii)
(b) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i)
(c) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i)
(d) A-(i), B-(iii), C-(ii)
: 10/3/23 : : 500
: 10/3/25
: < 500 :
16. 2003
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
18. , 2019 -
(b) AmídñV
16. From 2003, all transactions in securities are to be settled within two days
after the trade date. This system is known as :
(a) Rolling settlement system
(b) Rotational settlement system
(c) Automatic settlement system
(d) Mutual settlement system
17. important task
performed by the marketing department. It is included under which of
the following element of marketing mix ?
(a) Product mix (b) Place mix
(c) Price mix (d) Promotion mix
18. Which of the following consumer rights under Consumer Protection Act,
2019 gives the freedom to consumers to access variety of products at
competitive prices ?
(a) Right to be informed
(b) Right to be assured/Right to choose
(c) Right to consumer education
(d) Right to be heard
20. _________
(d) -
22. (a) 3
(b) 3
23. ûm¥§IbmAm|
ûm¥§Ibm ,
, ,
22. (a)
management. 3
(b) 3
pioneered the concept of family-style restaurants. However, over the
years it started losing business to multinational food chains like
McDonalds and Pizza Hut, etc. and soon had to shut down.
The reason to shut down was the inability of managers to identify,
understand, evaluate and to react to the forces external to their firm.
In the light of the above situation, explain with the help of any two
points, how understanding of business environment is important for
managers. 3
(b) 3
25. 2016
26. (a)
(b) : 4
: 4
(ii) -
28. (a) 4
(b) ( ) 4
66/C/1 JJJJ Page 14
24. (a) State any three benefits of staffing function of management to the
organisation. 3
(b) State any three benefits of training to employees. 3
25. Pallavi st
and her target was to be amongst the top 10 companies in this field
within the next three years. For this she employed people having
different skills. She worked hard and united the efforts of different people
to achieve this goal. The requirements of the customers in this industry
changed very fast and the company adapted to keep pace with the
changing environment. As planned, the company achieved its target
within three years. All the employees of the organisation were happy and
satisfied and the effect of management was noticeable in the
The way Pallavi was managing her business highlights some of the
features of management. By quoting lines from the above paragraph,
explain any two such features. 4
26. (a)
function of management. 4
(b) Explain the following as elements of communication process : 4
(i) Message
(ii) Encoding
(iii) Media
(iv) Decoding
28. (a)
(b) State any four functions of Stock Exchange. 4
66/C/1 JJJJ Page 15 P.T.O.
. . .
, ,
31. XII . .
, ,
(b) (a)
33. (a)
34. (a) : 6
(b) ,
33. (a) Explain the steps in the staffing process of management after
(b) Explain the steps in the selection process of staffing function of
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8 If a question does not have any parts, marks must be awarded in the left-hand margin and
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[Type here]
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Senior Secondary School Supplementary Exam, July 2023
BUSINESS STUDIES (Subject Code — 054)
[ Paper Code — 66/C/1]
1. Q. Project ‘Nanhi Kali’ run by Shivam and Sohan Ltd.
was started in 1998 and is one of the largest
programmes that enables underprivileged girls to
complete 10 years of schooling. The project has
impacted the lives of over 5 lakh girls from low income
group families across the country.
The objective achieved by Shivam and Sohan Ltd. by
doing so is:
1 mark
Ans. (b) Social objective
[Type here]
3. Q. From the following, identify the Incorrect
Statement as per Consumer Protection Act, 2019:
(a) National Commission has territorial jurisdiction
over the whole country for consumer protection.
(b) District Commission entertains complaints where
value of goods or services paid as consideration
does not exceed ₹1 crore.
(c) Appeal against District Commission’s order can be
filed in National Commission.
(d) District Commission and State Commission are set
by the State Governments.
1 mark
Ans.(c) Appeal against District commission’s order can
be filed in National Commission.
1 mark
Ans. (b) Impersonality
[Type here]
of the business in the long run.
(d) Size of assets, profitability and competitiveness are
not affected by capital budgeting decisions.
1 mark
Ans. (b) Budget
8. Q. Which of the following functions of management
completes one cycle of management process and
improves planning in the next cycle?
(a) Organising
(b) Staffing
(c) Directing
[Type here]
(d) Controlling
1 mark
Ans. (d) Controlling
[Type here]
11. Q. Which of the following is not a factor affecting
price of a product or service?
(a) Product cost
(b) Extent of competition in the market
(c) Government and legal regulations
(d) Standardization and Grading
1 mark
Ans. (d) Standardization and Grading
Column I Column II
A. Planning is a (i) Planning involves
mental exercise thorough examination
and evaluation of
each alternative and
choosing the most
appropriate one
[Type here]
B. Planning is all- (ii)Planning is required at
pervasive. all levels of management as
well as in all departments of
the organization
C. Planning involves (iii)Planning requires logical
decision-making. and systematic thinking
rather than guess work or
wishful thinking
1 mark
Ans. (b) Labelling
1 mark
Ans. (a) Rolling settlement system
[Type here]
(a) Product mix
(b) Place mix
(c) Price mix
(d) Promotion mix
1 mark
Ans. (d) Promotion Mix
1 mark
Ans. (b) Right to be assured / Right to choose
1 mark
Ans. (c) Subordinates are given high degree of
20. Q. ____________ is a standing plan.
(a) Rule
(b) Budget
(c) Programme
(d) Strategy
Ans. Planning
Planning is the process of setting objectives for a ½ mark for
given time period, formulating various courses of identification
action to achieve them and then selecting the best +
possible alternative from among the various courses
½ mark for
of action available.
Importance of planning (any two):
(i) Planning provides direction by stating in advance
how the work is to be done. +
= 3marks
(vi) Planning establishes standards against which
actual performance is measured.
Q.(a) Explain the first two steps in the process of
‘controlling’ function of management.
(b) Explain the following as elements of
communication process:
(i) Message
(ii) Encoding
(iii) Media
(iv) Decoding
(i) Message:
It is the content of ideas, feelings, suggestions, order,
etc., intended to be communicated.
(ii) Encoding:
It is the process of converting the message into
communication symbols such as words, pictures,
gestures etc. =1x 4
(iii) Media:
It is the path through which encoded message is
transmitted to receiver. The channel may be in written
form, face to face, phone call, Internet etc.
(iv) Decoding:
= 4 marks
It is the process of converting encoded symbols of the
practices by intermediaries like brokers, merchant = 4 marks
bankers etc., with a view to making them competitive
and professional.
29. Q. Ankush bought a high-end microwave on
Diwali from a leading electronic store. The microwave
had ISI mark and Ankush diligently went through the
instruction manual so that he could use it properly.
However, due to faulty wiring there was a short-
circuit in the microwave. He called up the consumer
helpline of the company many times, but no solution
was provided by the company. Ankush now decided
to file a case in the consumer court.
(a)Identify and explain the right which Ankush will
1 mark for
(b) State two responsibilities which Ankush had identification
fulfilled while purchasing and using the microwave. +
Ans. 1 mark for
(a) Right to seek redressal
The consumer has a right to get relief in case the product
or a service falls short of his expectations. 1 mark for
(b) Responsibilities which Ankush had fulfilled while responsibility
purchasing and using the microwave =1x2
(i) Buy only standardised goods as they provide
quality assurance.
get the restaurant renovated to open a special section
for bakery products. It is estimated that an
investment of ₹5 crore will be required to execute this
plan. At present the cash flow position of the company
is not strong and fixed operating costs of business are
also high.
Keeping in view the above situation, name with two
reasons, the source of finance which Srijan should
choose for modernization and expansion of his
business. Also explain one more factor, apart from
those stated above which Srijan should keep in mind
while taking this decision.
1 mark
Ans. Equity for naming
Reasons the source
(i) Cash Flow Position: Cash flow position of the +
company is not strong, thus, company is not in a
position to repay the principle along with 1 mark for
interest. each reason
(ii) Fixed Operating Cost: Fixed operating costs of =1x2
business are high which result in higher
business risk and in this situation, its capacity to
use debt is low.
While taking the decision to raise finance through
Equity, the company has to take into consideration the
following factor: (any one)
(iii) Floatation Costs: Higher the floatation cost, less ½ mark for
attractive the source. naming
(iv) Stock Market Conditions: If the stock markets another
are bullish, equity shares are more easily sold even factor
at high price. +
(v) Control: Control also influences the choice ½ mark for
between debt and equity especially in companies explanation
in which the current holding of management is on = 4 marks
a lower side.
½ mark for
Ans. Techniques of Scientific Management adopted by
Abhishek (any two):
(i) Method Study +
(ii) Motion Study 1 mark for
(iii) Fatigue Study explanation
Principles of General Management adopted by
(i) Equity =1½ x 4
(ii) Remuneration = 6 marks
framework for the operations to be performed.
(ii) It
does not allow any deviations from rigidly laiddown
policies and may not provide adequate recognition to
creative talent.
= 6 marks
(iii) It is difficult to understand all human relationshipsin
an enterprise, hence it does not provide a complete
picture of how an organisation works.
(If an examinee has only listed the points, ½ mark for
each point should be awarded.)
Q. (a) Explain the steps in the staffing process of
½ mark for
management after ‘Placement and Orientation’.
Ans. Steps in staffing process of management +
after‘Placement and Orientation’: 1 mark for
(i) Training and Development
(ii) Performance Appraisal
=1½ x 4
(iii) Promotion and Career Planning
(iv) Compensation = 6 marks
(b) Explain the steps in the selection process of
staffing function of management after ‘Reference ½ mark for
and Background checks’.
Ans. Steps in the selection process of staffing function
of management after ‘Reference and Background +
checks’: 1 mark for
(i) Selection Decision
(ii) Medical Examination
=1½ x 4
(iii) Job Offer
(iv) Contract of Employment = 6 marks
Q. (a) Explain the following as functions of marketing:
(i) Marketing Planning
Standardisation refers to producing goods of
2 marks
predetermined specifications, which helps in
achieving uniformity and consistency in the output.
Grading is the process of classification of products
into different groups, on the basis of some of its
important characteristics such as quality, size, etc. = 6 marks
(b) ‘The important product related decisions include
decisions about the packaging, labelling and branding
of products.’ Explain these important decisions.
Ans. Packaging
2 marks
Packaging refers to the act of designing and
producing the container or wrapper of a product. +
Packaging is important not only for protection of the
products but also serves as a promotional tool.
Labelling refers to designing and developing the 2 marks
label to be put on the package to provide useful
information about the product, its contents, date of
manufacturing, etc. The label may vary from a
simple tag to complex graphics. +
Branding 2 marks
Branding is the process of giving a name or a sign
or a symbol etc., to a product. It helps in
identifying and distinguishing a marketer’s
products from competitors’ products. = 6 marks