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MovNat focuses on natural movements like climbing, balancing, carrying and lifting that would help humans survive. It aims to get people fit through fun and challenging workouts using one's own body weight and natural obstacles.

MovNat is a system of physical conditioning developed by Erwan Le Corre based on movements that would help humans survive. It involves practicing skills like climbing, balancing, carrying while incorporating elements of calisthenics, gymnastics and martial arts. The workouts are unpredictable and done in open, real world environments.

MovNat was influenced by 19th century fitness pioneers like Francisco Amorós and Georges Hébert who developed exercise systems focused on functional training using one's own body weight and obstacles to mimic survival scenarios. Their approaches emphasized imaginative and varied full body workouts.


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52 April 2008 2009

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Who needs treadmills and weights
machines? Natural movement guru
Erwan Le Corre says you can get fit
enough to face any challenge by using
movements that have helped humans
to survive for thousands of years
Words Joel Snape Photography Tom Miles

April 2008 53

rwan Le Corre is did, a change of tactics helps hoist the weightlifting to trail running, Ironmans and
dragging a tree trunk log up the falls. Well, about halfway up. Brazilian jiu jitsu. He cites both Amorós
up a miniature waterfall. I don’t feel too bad. Le Corre not only and Hébert, who he discovered in his
In some places started young, but he’s also part of a Gallic early 30s, as influences, but disagrees with
he props it on his fitness tradition that dates back to the Hébert’s motto, ‘Être fort pour être utile’.
shoulder and heaves it early 19th century and fitness pioneers ‘Be strong to be useful?’ asks Le Corre,
forwards. In others, he Francisco Amorós and Georges Hébert. In snapping into a drill-sergeant salute. ‘Sir, yes
braces his back against the surrounding 1817, Spanish-born former military officer sir! Be strong to be a cog in the machine!
rocks and shoves. At one point, he Amorós created Paris’s first gymnasium, Why not be strong to be free?’ He maintains
leaps upwards to grab a handhold, then the Gymnase Normal, where he trained that modern Méthode Naturelle has
lands with both feet firmly planted on hundreds of soldiers and firefighters with stagnated, and that MovNat represents an
slippery rocks, in swiftly swirling water. bodyweight exercises designed to help evolution that Hébert would happily endorse.
One thing stays the same – however them survive their demanding jobs.
much he pulls or pushes, he’s always In 1902, French naval officer Hébert Survival skills
perfectly balanced, never looking worried helped to co-ordinate the rescue effort Both La Méthode Naturelle and MovNat
that he’s going to lose control of the after the town of St Pierre in Martinique emphasise movements that could come
giant chunk of wood. When he gets to was engulfed by a volcano and the up in a survival situation. ‘We’re not training
the top, not even really breathing hard, experience – along with Amorós’s influence body parts, or even physical qualities –
he gives the log a push with his foot, on French physical culture and Hébert’s we’re training to perform tasks that involve
sending it splashing back downstream own observations of indigenous tribes’ natural movement,’ says Le Corre. ‘Things
and crashing into the pool below. approach to movement and exercise – that are useful whenever there is something
This is a perfect demonstration of at stake.’ A pull-up would qualify, for instance,
MovNat, Le Corre’s system of physical
conditioning. Le Corre smiles down
‘Be strong to be because it could help you clamber to safety.
Walking along an unstable log, improving
at me, looking like a chiselled French useful? Sir, yes sir! Be your fighting skills or learning to swim more
Tarzan. ‘Now you try,’ he says. strong to be a cog in efficiently would fit the bill for similar reasons.
In environments where there’s no
Resistance movement the machine! Why not immediate peril, Le Corre stresses the
I’ve come to a remote village in Corsica to
experience MovNat. Though the log task
be strong to be free?’ importance of ‘situational awareness’, or
imagining how you’d apply the skill you’re
combines elements of climbing, balancing convinced him of the need for a fitness practising to a dangerous situation. With no
and deadlifting, being experienced at regime that would be useful for survival. giant boulders to leap between or caves to
each skill independently isn’t enough to Hébert created La Méthode Naturelle, in crawl through, you could happily practise
ensure success, as I find out on my first, which training typically consisted of a lengthy your precision jumping between markers on
failed attempt. It also demands imagination obstacle course ‘during which, one walks, the ground, or crawl as if you’re in danger
and problem-solving: the key to this runs, jumps, progresses quadrupedally, of scraping your head on a stalactite.
challenge, it turns out, is to float the log climbs, lifts, carries, throws, fights and For training purposes, Le Corre also
in the water until it’s perfectly balanced swims’. Le Corre isn’t strictly trained in La makes a distinction between what he calls
on your shoulder. And it isn’t something Méthode Naturelle, but when he was young ‘essential movements’ and ‘variations’.
you’d do with a stopwatch, or as a regular his father encouraged him to climb trees The deadlift, for instance, is an essential
workout, or even the same way twice. On and swim – ‘to do all the things he himself movement – the most efficient way of
my third go, although I still slither up the did as a child’. In his 20s, Le Corre trained picking something up off the ground with a
wet rocks far less gracefully than Le Corre in everything from sailing and Olympic minimal risk of injury. Other essential moves

Doing What Comes Naturally

Putting together a MovNat workout isn’t as simple as shinning up the nearest tree. Here’s how to plan your routine

Step 1 Warm-up Step 2 Individual movement Step 3 Combo

Warm up with easy moves such as Now’s the time to work on individual Finally, mix the skills you’ve learned into
walking variations, small jumps or skills that you might be weak at, or lift a longer combination. Time yourself if
moving around on all fours. Think weights that would be too dangerous you think it’ll be motivating, but it isn’t
about how your movements could to attempt in the middle of a combo. essential. ‘People want benchmarks to
help you in a survival situation. compare themselves to others, but that’s
when you get in trouble,’ says Le Corre.

54 November 2009

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Where others may

see a smooth and
unclimbable rock, Le
Corre sees freedom
to move as he wants

April 2008 55

MF ’s Joel (centre) clambers include the correct ways to land from a jump
after Le Corre with MovNat
disciples Giuseppe and Zoe and climb onto an obstacle. Once you’ve
learned these, you can practise ‘variations’
such as deadlifting on uneven ground or
combining a series of jumps. This is part of
what distinguishes MovNat from workouts
such as those popularised by CrossFit.
‘CrossFit has ten criteria for fitness,
including things like “accuracy”,’ Le Corre
says. ‘But they do nothing to promote it. If
you do one hundred box jumps, you get
better at doing box jumps, but you aren’t
training accuracy. I practise jumping at
different heights and distances, across
different obstacles.’ He’s also keen to
distance MovNat from the superficially
similar discipline of parkour, which he
regards as a bunch of teenagers showing
Balance is just off on video. ‘They restrict themselves to
as important as running, jumping and climbing,’ says Le
strength in MovNat
Corre. ‘But what about fighting, throwing,
carrying? You need to work on everything.’

Rock hard
La Méthode Naturelle courses could stretch
for a kilometre without repeating a move,
but MovNat encourages ‘combos’, circuit-
style training both for intensity and the
refinement of specific moves. My first combo,
for instance, involves walking lunges on
a log (‘This is how you’d walk if you were
carrying a heavy load, with a low centre of
gravity,’ explains Le Corre) followed by two
jumps, a scramble across rocks on all fours,
then three Olympic-style clean and jerks
with a medium-sized boulder. Eight times.
Power cleans On my first few goes I’m fairly awkward.
in waist-deep water By the end, even though I’m exhausted,
– trickier than the I’m managing to go straight from the
gym version
jumps to the scrambling. Afterwards,
we dive into the closest pool, drink
water straight from a nearby stream and
munch on berries picked from a bush.
The next day, my combo includes
medicine-ball-style press-ups on a handy
rock, core twists with a boulder and a burst
of front crawl through a mountain lake. The
day after that, it’s a series of jumps across a
beachfront rock formation, followed by a set
of heavy deadlifts and an underwater swim
as far as I can manage, followed by crawling
back to the rocks on knees and elbows.
In between workouts, Le Corre constantly
challenges me to balance on precarious

perches, heft tree trunks or play catch with

A bronzed Gallic rocks the size of my head. He encourages
Tarzan and, er, an
Anglo-Saxon MFer me to hike barefoot to strengthen my feet,
and works on my running style: apparently
I stride forward too far, which is inefficient
and shows that I’ve been relying on heavily
padded trainers too much. He’s disdainful
of the trail mix I’ve brought to snack on
– ‘Sulphur dioxide and too much added
sugar’ – and we go to the supermarket
to stock up on fresh vegetables and fish.
We even have a brief fight because Le
Corre, a former national karate champion,
regards self-defence training as a key
part of his system. I lose, obviously.

Close to home
Idyllic as our surroundings are, Le Corre is
keen to point out that access to a beautiful

56 November 2009

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‘Parkour is restricted
to running, jumping
and climbing. What
about fighting,
throwing, carrying?
You need to work
on everything’
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Corsican hillside isn’t necessary for MovNat.

‘If you train in a gym but practise the right ‘Find satisfaction in the
movements, you can train in MovNat,’ he
points out. ‘On the other hand if you go into very process of being
the woods and do biceps curls with a rock, able to move, not just
that can’t be called training in a natural way.’
Le Corre himself travels around in a van how much you can
stuffed with Olympic bars, weight plates deadlift or how fast
and heavy bags, which he uses to set up
impromptu workouts wherever he goes. He you can do a circuit’
shows me video footage of himself doing
a two-man workout with a friend, in which
they haul a 100kg barbell across a man-
made obstacle course. One of his trainees,
an Italian called Giuseppe, tells me that
they recently worked out in an upmarket
hotel, ‘doing sprints down the corridor,
jumping between chairs, everything’.
It’s not long before I get my own taste of
Le Corre’s train-anywhere philosophy first-
hand. Passing a children’s obstacle course,
he points at a 2m-high beam and challenges
me to climb it. I just about manage, mainly
because I’ve recently been doing ‘muscle-
ups’, an explosive combination of pull-
up and dip. Le Corre duplicates my climb
with ease, then demonstrates variations
on ropes, wires and a raised platform.
Finally, we stop by a beachfront café
owned by some of Le Corre’s friends,
where he occasionally trains because
of its fortuitously-positioned ledges. He
demonstrates one of his own workouts,
carrying a 40kg punchbag over one
shoulder as he tiptoes along a narrow
wall. Passers-by stop and stare.

Back to nature
So is this the start of a fitness revolution
or just an interesting workout system with
a charismatic frontman? Le Corre has
already conducted dozens of seminars,
including one week-long session in which
he taught the system’s philosophical and
physical principles to six trainers from
British travel company Wildfitness. ‘About
50 per cent of our course is now MovNat- streamlined way. I do get some strange ‘Find satisfaction in the very process of being
based,’ says Wildfitness founder Tara Wood. looks – which, Le Corre warned me, is the able to move, not just how much you can
‘Our mission has always been to take what biggest obstacle to practicing MovNat. ‘It deadlift or how fast you can do a circuit. If
we call “zoo humans” and turn them into requires a real motivation to train in the open. that’s all you look for, if it becomes a dogma
real humans, but Erwan’s developed the People usually think you’re showing off.’ or an obsessive quest, for sure you’re going
whole idea along precise methodological to lose pleasure at some point. For me, I
principles. He’s a very inspiring example.’ Magical realism just enjoy movement.’ And with an endless
For others who want an instructor Le Corre hopes that in the future, people variety of skills to practise and perfect, the
certification, Le Corre is currently planning will recognise MovNat just as they would fun of moving around in the way the human
the first open course, set to happen in 2010 recognise yoga, tai chi or parkour. In the body evolved to, and the happy side effect
– he’s had nearly a thousand enquiries, and meantime, he offers the following advice. of looking like Tarzan, it’s easy to see why.
his inbox fills up with more every day. Finally,
he’s planning the first MovNat gyms, which
is a less contradictory idea than it sounds.
‘Scalability is rare in nature,’ points out Le
Corre, who plans to fill his workout spaces
Move To Survive
with adjustable beams, boxes and bars to Can’t make it to a MovNat seminar? You can still work on natural movements
allow trainees to work on their essential
movements en masse and in relative safety. Running Swimming Fighting Lifting
‘They’ll be like huge play areas, not gyms.’ MovNat focuses on Terry Laughlin’s Total Le Corre practises Muay Focus on movements
In the meantime, MovNat certainly works POSE-style running, Immersion Swimming Thai for striking and that will enable you
for me. In the days after I get home, I head which advocates ( Brazilian jiu jitsu for to shift big weights
for the park to practise clambering and short strides and practises a version of grappling. Most mixed around efficiently.
precision-jumping around the local adventure landing on your front crawl that focuses martial arts gyms will Deadlifts, power cleans
playground. I take my shoes off and work on midfoot. Learn more on efficiency – perfect offer classes in both. and Olympic lifts are
my barefoot running form, and hit my gym’s about the technique for distance swimming all MovNat staples.
pool to practise swimming in a more efficient, at and open water.

58 November 2009

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