Week of February 16, 2020
Week of February 16, 2020
Week of February 16, 2020
361 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. “Hear
this! A sower went out to sow.” (Mark 4:3.) “I often wonder what images Jesus
had in mind when He spoke of sowing seed. He said the seed is like the word
of God and we are the soil. Frivolous distractions and excessive worldly cares
are the thorns and weeds that choke the seed. Jesus assures us that if we are
open and ready to receive His word, it will produce lasting spiritual fruit. Lord, in an
hour of adoration we stand ready to receive your words of life.” (Fr. James McKarns)
Call today for an hour of lasting fruit, Joie 330-745-6852.
We are still trying to fill the vacant hours of Wednesday 2-3am and Friday 2-
3am. Please consider filling one of these spots!
Barberton Area Community Ministry item for the month of February is Peanut Butter. All
donations can be placed in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule of the church.
Donations are picked up on Monday mornings. Thank you again for all your support in
helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in need.
February 17-23
If you are in or have entered the hospital and would like to be visited by one of our
priest’s, please call the rectory at 330-745-0011. If you have a surgery planned and
would like to be anointed, please call prior to hospitalization as to make sure you
receive the sacrament. If there is someone you know who has been returned to
health and can be removed from the sick list, please contact the rectory.
Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson, William Bedford, Carol Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat
Shemuga, Paula Collins, Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed, Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III,
Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott,
Bob & Patty Moses, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver, Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman,
Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie Marino, Cheryl Jackson, Roy Smith, Tara
Ferguson, C.J., Bob Eckert, Paul Moon, James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan,
Carole Ezell-Bell, Julian Gonzalez, Honey Ann Zagar, Paulette Holland, Carol
Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Nick Shirey, Mary Zinkovitch, Ed Brogan, Angela Rollins,
John Anzaldi, Gary Morgan, Pam Schlernitzauer, Sarah Brown, Laurie Shantz, Susan
Cutshall, Margaret Genet, Phil & Alyce Sherman, Kathy Steinwand, Leslie Coffey,
Brian Gortney, Megan Anson, Alice Rhoades, Margo Trenta, Andy Drobnak, Therese
Fay, Stephen Trenta, Michael Yurich, Tod Copaci, Di Vickers, Betty Gombaski, Kirk
Shemuga, Tom McCourt, Mike Yocky, Vicki Cornelius, Deb Messenger, Brian Madia,
Lincoln Rickenbacker, Sharon Magyar, Linda Lansberry, Sarah Hatcher, Judy Purdy,
Chuck Zagar, Mary (Corall) Sobleskie, John Kelly, Terry Steinwand & Denny Hanna
My Dear Parishioners: We are going to be updating the Parish Census records coming
up at all the Masses. We will start our initial effort by having all those who are 18 and
over, and or heads of household to fill out a census card. We will then collate the
cards and compare them to our current records and make necessary changes. If we
do not receive a card on the weekend, we will send out a mailing seeking the census
In addition, we are going to be making a directory with names, addresses, e-
mail and phone numbers, as well as ministry information. These directories will be
distributed to all parishioners. There will be an option to not have your e-mail and
phone numbers included.
I want to encourage everyone to participate so we can have census records that
are as accurate as possible. Also, in the future, if you could please inform us of any
changes in; address, phone numbers, email addresses etc., it would be greatly
Christ’s Peace!
Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern
Europe. This collection supports the Church in more than 20 countries that still
struggle to recover from Communist rule. Funds from this collection support pastoral
care, catechesis, building renovations, and seminary formation. Your support restores
the Church and builds the future in this region. Please prayerfully consider how you
can support the collection next week. More information can be found at
We will soon begin the season of Lent as we celebrate Ash Wednesday on February 26. During
the celebration, everyone is marked with ashes in the form of a cross. There are two prayer
forms that are used as the cross is traced on the forehead; “Remember you are dust and to dust
you shall return” or “Repent and be faithful to the gospel.” One might wonder where we get
the ashes. Ashes come from burnt palms from Palm Sunday. This year I am encouraging any
of you who have old palm to return it to the church/rectory by February 18. A box will be
provided in the vestibule of the church. The palm will be burnt and used in our Ash
Wednesday liturgies this year! Thank you in advance.
Pastors Pick of the Week: “Blessed Duns Scotus: Defender of the Immaculate
The inspiring true story of the holy Franciscan priest and theologian who won a
famous debate against the Dominicans in the thirteenth century, in which he defended
Our Lady's great privilege of her Immaculate Conception. He laid the groundwork for
the Church to define that as a dogma of the Catholic Faith. Filmed in beautiful ancient
monastery locations in Europe, Scotus is revealed as a humble and courageous apostle
of the Faith against the oppressive anti-Catholic government in power. His public
defense of the papacy as the head of the Church eventually got him thrown out of the
Christ’s Peace!
Food, Fellowship and Faith for Adults -Join us on Monday, February 17 at 7:30 pm, as we
welcome our Guest speaker Fr. Anthony Simone, Parochial Vicar at St. Sebastian Parish,
Akron. The topic will be: Righteous Anger: Is it Possible….For US? Session will be held
at The Tangier Bistro Bar, located at 532 West Market Street, Akron. Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
$10 admission fee includes appetizers – cash bar available. This event is sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish,
Virtus Training - Protecting God's Children for Adults is training conducted by VIRTUS® certified
facilitators on the prevention of child sexual abuse. The training makes participants aware of the signs of
child sexual abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse, and five easy steps one
can use to prevent child sexual abuse. This is a MANDATORY training for all employees and volunteers at
St. Augustine Church, School, and the Diocese of Cleveland. To sign up go to www.virtus.org, click the
First Time Registrant button, and fill in the information. Join us Tuesday, February 18 from 6-9pm in the
school cafeteria. If you should have questions, contact Jaclyn Snyder at 330-745-1080 or
A six-week Bereavement Support Series will begin Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the
Our Lady of Victory Parish Center at 73 North Ave. in Tallmadge. The evenings will provide
insight, understanding and support to those who mourn the loss of a loved one. Many common
issues surrounding grief and healing will be discussed, grounded in faith and surrounded by
those who care and understand. For more information or to register please call 330-633-3672.
St. Augustine Soup Kitchen Crew ~ Mark your calendars now for our next
Soup Kitchen on Tuesday, February 18 at the First Presbyterian Church,
across from the Barberton library, when we are going to celebrate Mardi
Gras ~ St. Augustine style, with a delightful ham dinner and fresh fruit
salad. Beginning at 2:00, there will be tables to dress, fruit to cut and homemade
bread to slice. So, wear your party beads and get ready to have a little fun! Never been
to a Soup Kitchen? Join us. We always appreciate another smiling face 😊. For
questions call or text Carolyn at 330-234-7302.
The 2020 Esther Ryan Shoe Fund Spaghetti Dinner, cooked by the Barberton Firefighters, will be held on
Friday, February 21, from 4-7pm, at the Prince of Peace Hall, 1263 Shannon Ave. The cost is $7 for adults
or $4 for children ages 10 and under. You may pay at the door or buy tickets at the Snowball Bookshop,
564 W. Tuscarawas Ave. or at the Main Fire Station, 580 Wooster Rd., West. There will be a basket
raffle of beautiful items and gift certificates donated by local businesses and Shoe Fund supporters.
Meat or meatless sauce is available as well as carry-out dinners. This school year, over 400 pairs of shoes
have been furnished to children in the Barberton schools. For questions call Elizabeth at 330-745-3358.
Men’s Fellowship will meet next Saturday, February 22 from 7-8:25am in the school
cafeteria. We will continue our study of Mark’s Gospel, and we will pray a rosary for
Marriage, Family, and Respect for Life, and world peace. Any questions, contact Gib
Adolph at 330-634-3738 or email adolphbiz@email.com.
It is hard to believe, The Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower, is Sunday February 23, following
10:30 Mass! All are welcome to celebrate with us. Donations, which will benefit Embrace
Clinic and Care Center are greatly appreciated but NOT required. Items currently in greatest
demand would be baby food, Gerber formula, new born and preemie clothing, diapers sizes 1
and 4-6. Donations of your time in the preparation and planning for the baby shower would be greatly
appreciated also. For more information contact Lynn Willig @(330)472-9452.
A "Caring and Sharing" session for those struggling with divorce, separation or widowhood will be held
on Monday, February 24 from 7:30-9:00pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary's Convent Building, 1945
Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene Maruna, a retired Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This
event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information call Marlene 330-607-6284.
Join Deacon Robin Adair this season of Lent as he presents Bishop Robert
Barron’s next two “Pivotal Players” — those saints, artists, mystics, and
scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of
western civilization. This new program will begin in the Rectory meeting
room, on Thursday February27, 7:00-8:30pm and conclude on April 2, and will
feature Fulton J. Sheen, the Communicator, and Flannery O’Connor, the
Storyteller. Please register for this study program and walk with Bishop
Barron as he traces the lives and contributions of these two pivotal figures. To register, call the
parish office.
Save the date for the Shrove Tuesday Queen of Hearts Card Party February 25
at St. Augustine School from 5:00pm to 8:30pm, presented by the Women of Faith.
Tickets are $10 each and are Pre-Sale only. Tickets can be purchased after Masses
or from the Rectory during regular business hours; they will be sold through the 20 of
February. Groups of 6 or more can reserve a table. Dinner includes a baked potato bar, BBQ
pork sandwiches, salad, delicious dessert and a beverage. There will be lots of prizes, as well
as raffle baskets, gift cards, a balloon raffle, and 50/50 drawing. For questions, please contact
Therese at 330-760-5780 or Mary 330-882-9417. Get your tickets while they last.
Join fellow parishioners for a few hands of Euchre on Friday, March 13 beginning at
6:30pm with dinner. Cards will be held in the school cafeteria. Please bring a
covered dish (no meat) to share…..the more the merrier!
World renowned Catholic theologian and speaker, Dr. Scott Hahn, will be speaking on the
importance of marriage on April 25, 2020 at St Sebastian Parish in Akron, OH, beginning at
8am. Registration and more information can be found at: https://stpaulcenter.com/akron/ We
hope you will join us for this special and blessed event. See the event flier on our bulletin board.