The Carbohydrates The Jerusalem Artichoke and Other Compositae
The Carbohydrates The Jerusalem Artichoke and Other Compositae
The Carbohydrates The Jerusalem Artichoke and Other Compositae
long been evident (cf. Tanret, 1893a, b) that inulin a dilution of 20 times or more was needed before the TRS
may constitute only a small fraction of the total estimation; under these conditions neutralization of the acid
carbohydrate present in the artichoke tuber, the was unnecessary. Contrary to the previous experience of one
remainder resembling inulin in being composed of us (J. S. D. B.; see Bacon & Bell, 1948) we found that
essentially of fructofuranose units, but having a fructose gave 1-06 times the reduction by an equivalent
greater solubility in water and in aqueous ethanol. amount of glucose. The correction required was usually about
the same as the experimental error because the ratio of
The term 'inulide' has been used by French workers fructose to glucose in the whole extracts was approximately
(Wolff & Geslin, 1918) to describe substances of this 4: 1. The TRS is expressed as hexose; the standard used is
type, which occur also in the tissues of many other stated where the discrepancy between glucose and fructose is
Compositae (cf. Colin, 1919). Lemoigne (1941a, important.
1942) has published a comprehensive review of Estimation of glucose by glucose oxidase. Aspergillus niger
existing knowledge of the carbohydrates of the (National Collection of Type Cultures, No. 594), subcultured
artichoke. on malt-agar slopes, was inoculated into flasks containing a
In the course of an investigation into the trans- liquid culture medium (0.5% NaNO3, 0-1% MgSO4.7H20,
formations of fructose polysaccharides in the tubers 0 3 % K2HPO4, 10 % glucose (wfv)) and the flasks incubated
at 300. The appearance of the enzyme was followed by
we have made a survey of the carbohydrates present,
measuring the 02 uptake of small portions of the medium in
using new methods, in particular paper partition the presence of glucose.
chromatography. Although it was not our main The liquid was poured off, dialysed against running tap
intention to investigate the composition ofthe tubers, water and filtered through a folded filter paper (J. Barcham
and some of the techniques employed are perhaps Green Ltd., Hayle Mill, Maidstone, no. 904j). The dialysed
not the most suitable for that purpose, it is clear material was neutralized with NaOH and concentrated in
from the results presented here that existing ideas vacuo in a water bath at 35 40°. The product was a clear
about the tuber carbohydrates must be modified. A yellow liquid which contained a little invertase activity in
preliminary account of this work has been given addition to the glucose oxidase, indicated by a slow 0,
uptake in the presence of sucrose. Glucose was estimated in
(Bacon & Edelman, 1949). 0-2M-acetate buffer (pH 5) either manometrically (Keilin &
Hartree, 1948) or by difference in TRS before and after
METHODS incubation with the enzyme.
Standard 8olUtions of 8ugar8. Glucose and fructose were Estimation of ketose. This was done colorimetrically using
dissolved in saturated benzoic acid solution (Folin, 1929), the method of Cole (unpublished; cf Bacon & Bell, 1948)
sucrose in water, and the concentration checked by polari-
with a fructose standard. Chromatographic evidence sug-
metry. No glucose could be detected by glucose oxidase in gested that fructose was the only ketose present in the
extracts. The method gave the expected amount of fructose
the fructose sample used.
Polarimetry. The optical rotations of solutions were read when applied to sucrose; it gave the same ketose value with
in 2 dm. tubes using a sodium lamp as light source. the tuber extracts before and after acid hydrolysis, but this
Dry weight determinations. Tubers were cut out into cannot be taken as evidence that it measures accurately
quarters and thin slices taken from the cut surfaces. Samples
fructose combined as in inuln.
with a fresh weight of 8-12 g. were dried for 24 hr. at 1000;
a further 2 t hr. drying decreased the weight by only 10-20 mg. Paper partition chromatography
Deproteinization. Routinely, extracts were deproteinized The apparatus used was similar to that of Consden, Gordon
by adding 0.1 vol. of 30% (w/v) lead acetate (Pb(C2H302)2 & Martin (1944) and Partridge (1948). Strips of sponge
3H20) solution. To the filtrate was added 3 % (w/v) sodium rubber were clipped round the tops of the drainpipes, and
oxalate solution in the proportion 2-5: 16 ml. of filtrate. a sheet of plate glass resting on this gave a satisfactory air-
Occasionally minimal amounts of each reagent were used. tight seal. The pipes stood in lead or aluminium trays con-
taining the aqueous phase. Large sheets of paper were run in transmitted light, often showing better contrast than the
wooden tanks lined with lead (for phenol and collidine). original chromatogram. The procedure was used routinely
Butanol-acetic acid mixtures rapidly corroded the lead, and because the background colour of the chromatograms in-
an aluminium tank lagged with cotton wool was used for tensified with keeping, and made faint spots almost invisible,
this solvent. The troughs were constructed of stainless steel. particularly with the phloroglucinol reagent.
Strips (15 x 60 cm.) and sheets (60 x 60 cm. or 57 x 46 cm.) Quantitative estimation. Quantities (5 pl.) of the solution
of Whatman no. 1 filter paper were used. The solvent was to be analysed were put on to strips or sheets of filter paper
removed from the paper by heating it in a current of air using an 'Agla' micrometer syringe (Burroughs Weilcome
in a specially constructed oven. and Co.); the measurement has an accuracy of ± 1 %. The
Solvent&. In addition to the solvent mixtures described by paper was run for a suitable time (usually 2 days) in butanol-
Partridge (1948), i8opropanol-aqueous NH3 (9: 1, v/v), n- acetic and dried at 60 80°. Every second or third strip, each
butanol saturated with N-aqueous NH3 and mixtures of corresponding to one application of the solution, was cut
varying proportions of n-butanol-acetic acid-water were out and sprayed with an appropriate reagent. The positions
used. Of all mixtures investigated, that composed of 40 ml. of the spots in the unsprayed strips were then deduced and
n-butanol, 10 ml. acetic acid and 50 ml. water (called here- rectangles from sufficient strips (usually two to four) to give
inafter 'butanol-acetic') (Partridge, 1948) was found to give enough material to estimate were combined for a single
the most satisfactory results with the tuber carbohydrates, estimation. The carbohydrate was extracted by heating the
and was used for most of the qualitative and all the quan- paper to 75-80' for 20 min. in a known volume of water in
titative chromatography. a glass-stoppered tube, and shaking the tube vigorously to
Reagents for detection of carbohydrates. The developed and disintegrate the paper. The resulting suspension was filtered.
dried chromatograms were sprayed with the appropriate The estimation was carried out on a sample of the filtrate.
reagents and heated in the oven. (i) Phloroglucinol (Horrocks This procedure was found satisfactory for ketose estimation,
& Manning, 1949). Spots containing free or combined ketose as blanks on the paper gave density readings of less than 0-01
show pink when heated at 100-110° with this reagent. in nearly every case; recoveries of 95-100% were obtained
Glucose is not detected. (ii) Naphthoresorcinol (Partridge, with sucrose, but lower recoveries, namely 85-95%, were
1948) and similar reagents made with resorcinol and orcinol found with tuber extracts. Estimation of TRS was not as
were tried. Resorcinol gave a delayed colour production accurate or convenient. The estimation is less accurate than
during a day at room temperature following the usual heating that used for fructose for amounts of material less than
in the oven; orcinol gave green spots on a pink background. 80 ,ug., so more material had to be taken. Blanks were of the
(iii) Benzidine (Horrocks & Manning, 1949). Spots con- order of 10 ptg./spot, varying with the area of paper, and
taining free aldose groups show a chocolate brown colour were not eliminated by washing the paper with cold water
when heated at 100-120°, but glucose in easily hydrolysed before application of the solution to be estimated. Com-
combination gives a delayed colour production after several bined reducing sugar was hydrolysed after extraction from
days at room temperature. Fructose, either free or com- the paper by adding 0-5 ml. 0-5N-HCI to 4 0 ml. of the filtrate
bined, is detected in relatively large quantities only (about contained in the tube in which the estimation was to be
100 itg. or more). (iv) Benzidine-trichloroacetic acid. 0 5 g. carried out, and heating it in a boiling-water bath for 30 min.
Benzidine (A.R.) in 10 ml. acetic acid, 10 ml. 40% (wlv) The tubes were cooled in water and the acid neutralized by
aqueous trichloroacetic acid, 80 ml. ethanol. This was found adding 0-5 ml. 0 5N-NaOH, after which alkaline ferricyanide
to be the most useful reagent for the materials studied. It is was added and the estimation completed by the normal pro-
very sensitive to both free and combined glucose, giving a cedure.
more intense brown colour with this sugar than the benzidine RESULTS
reagent described above, and will detect less than 1 ,ug. A CARBOHYDRATES OF THI ARTICHOKE TUBERS
yellow colour is developed with free or combined fructose,
but the reagent is appreciably less sensitive to this sugar. SourceB of material. At first, small lots of tubers
(v) Aniline acid phthalate (Partridge, 1949). were purchased as they were required, during
Treatment with invertase on the paper. Sugars which are November 1948, but later a sackful was bought and
attacked by invertase can be treated with this enzyme on stored in a moderately cool cellar (7-8°). Although
the paper. Chromatograms run in one direction in butanol- bought at different times these tubers were probably
acetic were sprayed with a 4% (v/v) dilution of 'invertase all from the same batch, variety unknown. During
concentrate' (British Drug Houses Ltd.) in water and hung
in the oven at 50° over a free water surface for 15-30 min. 1949 a crop was raised from some of these tubers,
The products of hydrolysis were separated in the usual way which were planted in a sunny position on the out-
by running the chromatogram at right angles to the original skirts of Sheffield. The plants grew 3-3*5 m. high,
direction. This treatment hydrolysed completely up to and although flower buds formed they did not open.
200 jug. of sucrose and did not interfere with RF values or A few tubers were taken out of the ground in mid-
colour development. September, when they were still very small, but the
Photography of chromatograms. After colour development majority were left there until April 1950 when the
the chromatograms were photographed: a sheet of Kodak bulk were harvested and some small tubers re-
Reflex Contact Document paper was placed face downwards planted. In the autumn of 1949 another sackful of
in close contact with the chromatogram, the two being held
between pieces of plate glass, and illuminated by a 40 W. tubers, indistinguishable from the previous year's
electric lamp 35 cm. above the chromatogram. With ex- batch, was purchased; these were named 'Bedford-
posures ranging from 20 to 40 sec. satisfactory negatives were shire Pinks' and had probably been grown in the
obtained from which positives (cf. Fig. 2) were made by Midlands.
Extraction of tubers. The tubers were thoroughly seemed in our experience to be a disadvantage, since
scrubbed in running cold water, cut into pieces and it encouraged the extraction of gelatinous material
disintegrated in a Waring blender with about half insoluble in 50 % (v/v) aqueous ethanol.
their weight of water. The proportion of water re- Deproteinization. When these experiments were
quired depended to some extent on the losses of begun, the use of lead acetate and sodium oxalate
water which the tubers had suffered in storage. When was thought sufficient both to remove protein and to
about 10 % water had been lost the tubers became destroy any enzymnic activity, but it was discovered
rubbery in consistency and disproportionately large that the optical rotation of fresh extracts cleared in
amounts of extra water were needed to get satis- this way fell slowly when they were kept at room
factory blending. The dry weight of tubers was temperature; simultaneously the free TRS increased.
approximately 20 % ofthe fresh weight (see Table 1). If the extracts were boiled before deproteinization
During the blending, and afterwards, the mash they showed no such change in rotation. The change
darkened, presumably through the action of phenol could not be ascribed to a reaction between cyanide
oxidases, but this could be largely prevented either and free reducing sugar in the extracts; a 2 % (w/v)
by adding potassium cyanide to a final concentration solution of fructose in 0-005M-potassium cyanide
of about 0-005M, or by removing the outer layers of showed no change in rotation when kept for 2 days
the tubers. A combination of these two procedures at room temperature. It seems certain that a hydro-
gave almost colourless preparations. The mash lytic enzyme system was responsible, because later
obtained was squeezed through gauze or mada- experiments (Edelman & Bacon, 1950) demon-
pollam, yielding an opalescent liquid. A few ex- strated that the hydrolytic system in the tubers was
tracts, which are mentioned below, were made in relatively stable in the presence of lead acetate. All
other ways. extracts to be used for analyses were accordingly
Examination of extracts heated in a boiling-water bath for 10 min. as soon
as possible after their preparation, usually reach-
pH. The pH of all extracts was about 6-5, irre- ing 80° within 10-15 min. of the beginning of
spective of the maturity and age of the tubers. The blending.
addition of calcium carbonate to the tubers during Optical rotation. The rotations of deproteinized
the extraction process to protect the carbohydrates extracts varied considerably; Table 1 shows typical
from hydrolysis was therefore not necessary. Its results, with details of the maturity and age of the
presence when the mash was boiled with water tubers.
t This extract was made by throwing diced tubers into boiling water and blending the whole when cold.
It is probable that some enzymic hydrolysis had It would seem from these and similar experiments
taken place during extraction, causing a small change that 'inulin' was not present in significant amounts
of rotation in the negative direction. Experiments in extracts of the tubers obtained in November 1948.
in which the time of extraction in the Waring blender It is possible that the solubility of inulin in cold
was varied indicated that differences of the order of water (in itself not a very well defined property, cf.
- 0.50 (calc. for undiluted juice) might be ascribed Lemoigne, 1941 b) is increased by the presence of
to this effect, which is thus small compared with the inulides, but in a qualitative experiment it was
seasonal variations. Alternative methods of extrac- found that a commercial sample ofinulin dissolved in
tion, e.g. by first throwing diced tubers into boiling tuber extract, would still precipitate when the solu-
water, and later blending them, gave solutions with tion was frozen and kept cool.
more positive rotations but otherwise very similar in Extracts made from the batch of tubers dug up
composition (cf. the two extracts made 1 May 1950). in August 1949 showed a deposition of inulin almost
It is by no means certain that the whole of the optical at once; solutions prepared for polarimetry and left
activity of extracts is due to carbohydrate. overnight had to be heated to dissolve the hazy
On hydrolysis the rotation always became more precipitate which had formed even at room tem-
negative, and the 'differential' [M]D calculated from perature. Fresh extracts showed a precipitation
the change in rotation and the change in TRS for when frozen, but after having been heated to boiling
complete hydrolysis with oxalic acid at 600 was point to destroy the hydrolytic enzyme system they
-63.5°; that calculated for inulin (Eoc]D -40.0°) is showed a more delayed deposition of polysaccharide.
- 53.40, and for sucrose - 83.00. It seems possible that the 'inulo-coagulase' effect of
The [X]D of the mixture of sugars produced by mild Wolff (1916) may be due to the addition of nuclei of
acid hydrolysis of one extract was -64.8°, which aggregated polysaccharide to boiled extracts.
corresponds to a mixture of fructose and glucose in Extracts made from tubers grown under the same
the ratio 4-3: 1. This calculation does not take into conditions, but dug up in a more mature condition
account the probable formation of difructose anhy- several months later, showed a slight precipitation
drides during hydrolysis (Jackson & Goergen, 1929). of inulin, but extracts made from the tubers
Spontaneous precipittae.. Although 'inulin' is harvested in April 1950 resembled those used in the
almost insoluble in cold water it can be extracted winter of 1948-9 in giving no precipitate.
from plant tissues without the use of heat, and under In the absence of any method of determining
these conditions it later appears as a dense white 'inulin' these observations may be taken to confirm
precipitate on the walls of the vessel holding the earlier observations (Thaysen, Bakes & Green, 1929)
extract. No such precipitation was noticed with that the amount of inulin in the tubers decreases
extracts made by the procedure described above during the autumn and winter, both relatively and
during the period from November 1948 to the absolutely.
summer of 1949. An extract made by the method of Precipitaion by ethanol. Although many experi-
Green (1888), i.e. by boiling diced tubers with water ments were carried out with a view to preparing
and concentrating the extract in an evaporating polysaccharide by ethanol precipitation, to serve as
basin, deposited a small rather flocculent precipitate a substrate for metabolic studies, it was clear that
in the course of 2 months. The precipitate was centri- fractionation by this means was at best very un-
fuged off, washed with water, and dissolved in water satisfactory. Addition of ethanol to a concentration
by warming to about 800. On freezing, the material greater than 50 % (v/v) leads to the appearance of
reprecipitated; it could be presumed to be inulin a heavy flocculent precipitate, but after this has
(ketose was present), but insufficient was available been removed by filtration or centrifugation, pre-
to characterize it further. cipitation continues for some months at room tem-
Material resembling inulin was obtained from perature. For example, of 23-4 g. of total ketose in
extracts to which ethanol had been added: an equal an extract only 6-6 g. was precipitated by the
volume of ethanol was added to fresh extract and addition of an equal volume of ethanol; but later
the precipitate allowed to settle overnight before the filtrate deposited a precipitate from which a
being filtered off. The clear filtrate, left for several substance resembling inulin was prepared (see
months at room temperature, slowly deposited a above). This slow 'after precipitation' appears to
translucent layer of carbohydrate on the walls of the be characteristic of the carbohydrates of the tuber
flask. When an attempt was made to dissolve this (cf. discussion of the depolymerization of inulin,
material in a little cold water it did not dissolve Lemoigne, 1941 c), and would seem to make it im-
completely, and the insoluble fraction proved to have possible to define any fractions as being soluble or
the properties of inulin, i.e. it was a white, ketose- insoluble in a given concentration of ethanol (but
containing, substance, soluble in water at 800, but see, nevertheless, Tanret (1893a, b), who also notes
slowly separating as a compact precipitate after the the considerable effects of temperature on the
solution had been frozen and left in the refrigerator. solubility of fractions).
Precipitation by acetone. The addition of 7-20 vol. Paper partition chromatography
acetone to extracts produced an immediate floccu-
lent precipitate, and an opalescence which persisted Qualitative. The extracts showed a series of spots,
for several days. Chromatographic analysis (see all detected with either phloroglucinol or benzidine-
below) of the precipitates and supernatant fluids trichloroacetic sprays (see Fig. 1). Free hexoses, when
indicated that many substances are common to the
two fractions.
Precipitation by aqueous baryta (cf. Tanret, 1893 a). Spot n
Aqueous baryta added in excess precipitated 15 and
2 %, respectively, ofthe total ketose offreshextracts,
and of the material soluble in 50 % (v/v) ethanol.
Free TRS. The free TRS of deproteinized extracts
amounts usually to only 2-3 % of the total TRS after
mild acid hydrolysis. Since reducing sugar is
liberated from the carbohydrates by a hydrolytic
enzyme system in the extracts (Edelman & Bacon, Spot 5
1949) the exact value of the free TRS is probably
not of much significance. Values have been found
ranging from 0-25 to 0-75 g./100 g. fresh weight of Spot 4
tubers. In some extracts there has been chromato-
graphic evidence for the presence of monosaccharides,
but in others it seems that the bulk of the free TRS
must either be non-carbohydrate in character, or Spot 3
alternatively due to reducing end groups on some
of the polysaccharide present.
Combined TRS. The greater part, possibly all, of
the combined reducing sugar is in a form liberated by
mild acid hydrolysis. An experiment was carried Spot 2
out to discover whether more drastic acid hydrolysis
would liberate further glucose in the extracts (see
Table 2). From these results it seems that only an
insignificant amount of the glucose can be present in
combination with pyranosidic linkages, or with non-
carbohydrate residues.
After mild acid hydrolysis the ketose content of
the extracts is unchanged, and corresponds to
80-85 % ofthe TRS, the exact percentage depending
on the maturity and age of the tubers (see Table 1). Spot I
The remaining TRS liberated was accounted for as
glucose by the use of glucose oxidase (see Tables 2
and 3).
It is evident from these data that the carbo- Fig. 1. Typical chromatogram of extract of artichoke tuber.
hydrates consist essentially of non-reducing sac- Run in butanol-acetic for 3 days; sprayed with benzidine-
charides, in which the majority of linkages are of the trichloroacetic acid. The position of spot 1 corresponds
furanosidic type. with that of sucrose (see Fig. 3). (Second positive print.)
Table 2. Comparison of effecto of weak and more drastic acid hydroly8i8 on liberation of glucose
from artichoke-tuber extract
(2.0 ml. extract heated with 2-0 ml. of lON-H2SO4 in boiling-water bath for 2 hr. Cooled, and neutralized with lON-NaOH.
Further 2-0 ml. heated with 0 4 ml. 5.5 % (w/v) oxalic acid in boiling-water bath for 30 min. Both hydrolysates diluted
to 25 ml. with water. 2-0 ml. of each solution incubated at 400 in Warburg cups with 1-2 ml. 0-6M-acetate buffer (pH 5),
0-3 ml. glucose oxidase and 0-1 ml. catalase solutions until 2 uptake ceased. Values calculated per ml. original extract.)
Glucose Glucose (by
02 at N.T.P. calculated TRS Ketose difference)
(MA.) (mg.) (mg.) (mg.) (mg.)
Weakly hydrolysed extract 1510 23-4* 97-5 74-5 22-6
More drastically hydrolysed extract 1520 23.6*
* 1 mg. glucose under the conditions of the experiment gave 02 uptake of 64-5
Table 3. Estimation of glucose in hydrolysed artichoke-tuber extract by glucose oxidase
(1-0 ml. hydrolysed extract (diluted x 20) incubated at 400 in Warburg cup with 1-0 ml. 0-2m-acetate buffer (pH 5),
0-2 ml. glucose oxidase and 1 drop catalase (horse-kidney extract), until O uptake ceased. Estimations done on contents
of cup diluted to 50 ml. Values calculated per ml. of original extract.)
Glucose Glucose
calculated Non-ketose calculated as
02 uptake from O; (by disappearance
of TRS
(pS. at uptake Ketose TRS difference)
N.T.P.) (mg.) (mg.) (mg.) (mg.) (mg.)
Untreated 79.5 101 21-5
Treated with glucose oxidase 1510 22.5* 80-5 78-2 22-8
* 1 mg. glucose under the conditions of the experiment gave 02 uptake of 67-5
Table 4. Distribution of keto8e among the components of the tuber carbohydrate
(Where the dates correspond these analyses refer to the extracts described in Table 1. The figures for individual com-
ponents are in some cases the results of a single ketose estimation, but in others represent the mean of several, e.g. spots 1,
2 and 3 for 8 Feb. 1949 are each the mean of ten estimations.)
TRS Ketose Ketose as % total ketose recovered
after as per- from chromatogram
hydrolysis centage r-
Date Date Date
g. of TRS Fruc-
after tose Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot
bought dug up extracted tuber) hydrolysis spot 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 Feb. 1949 8 Feb. 1949 12-3 79 10-8 10-5 11-7 10-9 10-8
16 Sept. 1949 16 Sept. 1949 2-2 2-5 2-5
28 Sept. 1949 6 Oct. 1949 14-4 91 1-5 3-7 3-0 2-8 2-8 3-0
28 Sept. 1949 17 Oct. 1949 13-3 86 4-2 5-4 3.3 4-4 4-1 4-6
28 Sept. 1949 24 Oct. 1949 14-2 90 2-2 7-2 5-3 6-6 3-8 4.3 4-9
28 Sept. 1949 31 Oct. 1949 15-3 82 2-6 6-3 3-9 5-0 5-3 5-8
28 Sept. 1949 7 Nov. 1949 16-0 86 1-3 6-6 4-2 6-3 5.5 5.9
28 Sept. 1949 24 Nov. 1949 19-4 85 7.7 5-0 6-5 6-6 6-7
27 Oct. 1949 23 Nov. 1949 7.3 7-3 8-4 8-0
24 Nov. 1949 24 Nov. 1949 14-4 73 9-4 8-7 10-7 9-9
24 Nov. 1949 24 Nov. 1949 18-9 83 4.9 4-7 6-6 6-3 6-2
24 Nov. 1949 4 Jan. 1950* 7-9 7-1 9-1
24 Nov. 1949 14 Feb. 1950* 82 1-3 8-8 9.3 10-5
24 Nov. 1949 3 Mar. 1950* 1-4 9-2 7.9 9-2
24 Nov. 1949 15 Mar. 1950* 2-1 9.9 8-8 8-8
5 Apr. 1950 1 May 1950 10-6 85 - 11-5 9-9 10-4
5 Apr. 1950 1 May 1950 10-9 83 11-5 10-1 10-6
* Tubers peeled before extraction.
present, occupied positions below sucrose, cf. Fig. 2. series. With butanol-acetic and phenol no evidence
It is convenient to refer to the spot in the sucrose was found for heterogeneity; this is confirmed by the
position as 'spot 1', to the one above it as 'spot 2' and behaviour of fractions of higher RF (mentioned
so on, the spot with the lowest RF beingreferred to as below) originally separated by the use of phenol,
'spot n'. There was very little monosaccharide, none which showed the same number of components
of it pentose. Spot 1 had an R, indistinguishable whether run in that solvent or in butanol-acetic.
from that of sucrose in all solvent mixtures used. It These observations do not exclude the possibility
gave the brown colour characteristic of free or com- that the spots represent mixtures of similar sub-
bined glucose with benzidine-trichloroacetic. Using stances, particularly those of lower R,, which must
this reagent the colour of the higher spots was more be assumed to consist of higher oligosaccharides.
and more yellow as the series was ascended to The spots occupy the same relative positions in
RF = 0, suggesting a higher fructose to glucose ratio. phenol as in butanol-acetic.
To test the homogeneity of the spots, two-dimen- Quantitative. The ketose content of the spots was
sional chromatograms were run. Using butanol- estimated in a number of extracts (see Table 4).
acetic in both directions the spots were found to lie The results demonstrate the even distribution of
in a straight line, and there was no resolution of ketose among the components of higher R,, in-
any spot into two or more components. This ex- dependently of their contribution to the total ketose.
cludes the possibility that the R,'s of the spots are The most noticeable deviation in this respect is
influenced by the presence of other members of the spot 3, which seems always to have a higher ketose
content than spots 2 or 4. Estimations of ketose and action of purified preparations of invertase cannot
of combined TRS in spots 1-3 were made as described be taken as evidence for the presence of sucrose in
under 'Methods' (see Table 5 for some typical results the extracts (cf. Colin, 1919).
with one extract). It will be seen that the ratios of Partial separation of the carbohydrates. A streak of
fructose to glucose in spots 2 and 3, calculated on the 1-00 ml. of boiled extract, 45 cm. long, was applied
assumption that the substances are non-reducing, 9-5 cm. from one edge of a sheet of filter paper
vary according to the basis of calculation. Small (57 x 47 cm.). This was done by hand in four suc-
errors in the calculation of combined TRS have cessive applications from a graduated pipette with
relatively large effects on the ratio, but an alternative a finely drawn tip, the applications being of 0-225,
explanation of the discrepancies may be found in 0-33, 0-375 and 0-07 ml. Guide spots were placed at
slight hydrolysis during the drying process. On the each end of the streak. The sheet was run for 92 hr.
other hand, the assumption that these spots are with phenol saturated with water, and the guide
non-reducing may be incorrect; they may represent strips cut out and sprayed with orcinol. Because of
mixtures of reducing and non-reducing sugars. the large quantity of material put on (101 mg. TRS)
Table 5. TRS and ketose determinations on individual components of the tuber carbohydrate
(An extract made on 14 Feb. 1950 from tubers bought 24 Nov. 1949, deproteinized with Pb, was used. 5 or 7 pl. spots
were placed on chromatograms, and these were run together in groups A, B and C, all in butanol-acetic for 3 days. The
extract was analysed using ordinary pipettes, and also using the 'Agla' syringe: 81-8 (ordinary), 81-1 (Agla) mg. TRS/ml.
after hydrolysis; 67-2 (ordinary), 65-7 (Agla) mg. ketose/ml. All results are expressed in ,g./50 ju. original extract; TRS
is calculated as ,ug. hexose on basis of a fructose standard.) ,Q r
1'.KO OI
TRS TRS sheet Ratio Ratio
before after Glucose as corrected Glucose as fructose/ fructose/
Chroma- hydrolysis hydrolysis Ketose 1-06 (q -p - r) for area 1-06 (q - r - t) glucose glucose
Spot tograms (P) (q) (r) (8) (t) (u) from (8) from (u)
1 A 602 270 76 271 1-0
B 147 658 316 199 1-6
C 178 668 260 245 166 258 1-1 1-0
2 A 494 282 67 156 1-8
B 125 521 328 68 4-8
C 158 542 284 106 124 141 2-7 2-0
3 A 489 322 56 118 2-7
B 118 533 356 60 5.9
C 113 532 315 111 104 121 2-8 2-6
Treatment with invertase. When two-dimensional only the spot in the sucrose position had separated
chromatograms of tuber extracts were treated with cleanly and this occupied the region between 220
invertase between the first and second developrm,ents, and 290 mm. from the point of application. The
spots in the glucose and fructose positions were remaining streak was arbitrarily divided into four
obtained from every component except the material zones by cuts 9, 45, 155 and 220mm. from the
with R. approximately zero. In this case fructose starting line. The corresponding areas from the un-
appeared, but glucose could not be detected with sprayed sheet were then cut out. The strips were
certainty. This was not unexpected owing to the extracted with water in vacuo at 40-45O in a Soxhlet
small proportion of glucose in this material (see extraction apparatus, each being extracted six to
Table 6). Faint spots also appeared with RF values nine times. The volume of water was such that only
higher than that of the original spot from which they about 1 ml. was left in the flask at the last evapora-
derived, but similar to original components with tion. The final liquid remaining in the extraction
higher BR. Thus, for example, spot 2 gave rise to a chamber was tested for fructose by the Seliwanoff
very faint spot in position 1, and spot 5 to spots in method with negative or only very slightly positive
positions 4 and 3. Many such 'daughter spots' were results, indicating a loss of less than 1 % of the total
slightly retarded in position when compared to fructose at this stage of the recovery. The concen-
original components with similar R,, and, although trated extracts, which were yellow in colour, were
it appears that invertase produces shorter-chain each made up to 5 ml. Chromatograms showed that
oligosaccharides from each component, further fraction A (R, corresponding to that of sucrose) was
evidence is necessary to prove them identical with pure, that B contained two spots, and that C, D and
those occurring in the tuber extract. It is obvious E were probably more heterogeneous. An analysis
that the appearance of reducing sugar through the of these fractions is given in Table 6.
Table 6. Analysis of fractions separated chromatographically from tuber extract
(For details of experiments see text, p. 120. Values calculated/ml. original extract.)
TRS* after Glucose (by Glucose as % total
hydrolysis Ketose difference x 1-06) monosaccharide
Fraction (mg.) (mg.) (mg.) after hydrolysis
A 15-8 7-7 8-6 52-5
B 20-75 13-0 8-2 38-7
C 28-15 22-35 6-15 21-6
D 23-25 21-0 2-4 10-3
b 10-9 10-8 0-1 (1)
Total recovered 98-85 74-85 25 i-45
Total in original extract 101 80-0 22 '0O
Recovery 98% 94% -
0 0
X 0
L- 4 a
E 0
a) O rO 4 L+
Spot 3
Spot 2
Spot I
Fig. 2. Chromatograms of extracts of various parts of artichoke tubers and stems. Run in butanol-acetic for 40 hr.;
sprayed with benzidine-trichloroacetic acid. Extracts made from plant 16 Sept. 1949 unless otherwise indicated (see
Fig. 3). (First positive print.)
fibrous roots) were disintegrated in the Waring
TES MEMERSblender with an equal weight of 0O01 M-potassium
COMPOITHER cyanide for about 5 min. In most cases some diffi-
The storage organs of other arbitrarily selected culty was experienced in the blending because of the
species of the Compositae were investigated chroma- fibrous or woody nature of the material. The most
tographically. Members of both subgroups of the notable exception (except for the dahlia tubers
Table 7. DetaiB of plant8 examined
(All from the Sheffield area.)
Date of
Part of plant collection
Subfamily Systematic name Common name examined (1949)
Tubuliflorae Dahlia sp. Garden dahlia 'Baby Rose' Tuber 1 Sept.
Tussilago farfara L. Coltsfoot Rootstock 15 June
Helianthus tuberosus L. Jerusalem artichoke All vegetative organs
Liguliflorae Lactuca 8ativa L. Lettuce, 'Tom Thumb' Taproot 16 August
Leontodon autumnali8 L. Autumnal hawkbit Rootstock 20 July
26 August
Sonchus oleraceus L. Common sowthistle Rootstock 20 July
Taraxacum officinale Weber Dandelion Rootstock 27 April
Tragopogon pratenss8 L. Goatsbeard Taproot 4 July
which resembled artichoke tubers in their ease of Tanret (1893b) that his 'helianth6nine' and 'synan-
handling) was Leontodon autumnalwi which had thrine' were chemical entities, since in his analysis
crisp, parenchymatous rootstocks with little fibrous these two fractions and sucrose occurred in a ratio of
material. The extracts obtained after squeezing the approximately 1 : 8: 2, the three constituting two-
material through gauze were light-brown or yellow thirds of the total carbohydrate of tubers stored until
in colour, of pH about 6-0-6-5 and more or less June.
opaque. They were heated in a boiling-water bath It is evident that considerable possibilities exist
for 15 min. as soon as possible after preparation. for variation in over-all composition through
These boiled extracts were concentrated in vacuo to variations in the relative proportions of the many
a thick syrup and taken up in water to give sufficientcomponents. In practice this would seem to be the
concentration of carbohydrate to allow of chromato- explanation for the variations in fructose, as per-
graphic investigation, namely 5-10% (w/v) total centage of total carbohydrate, and it seems likely
fructose. When extracts so concentrated were kept that the optical rotation of the mixture will depend
on similar variations, the components with higher
in the refrigerator there was precipitation (to a lesser
or greater degree) of material, presumably inulin, R. probably having more positive specific rotations.
soluble in hot but not in cold water. The amount of It is not clear, however, whether any considerable
this precipitate was small, except in one case. The change could occur within a given mixture of
whole concentrated extract ofLeontodon autumnalis, inulin, inulides and sucrose without an accom-
however, set solid, even at room temperature, and a panying change either in the ratio of fructose to
relatively large quantity of polysaccharide was glucose, or in the proportion of free hexose present.
isolated from it, the yield from 70 ml. of original It is difficult to avoid the assumption that all the
unconcentrated extract being 0-7 g. In spite of con- carbohydrates present in the tuber bear a relation
siderable salt effects (especially in the case of to inulin; that they represent a series terminated by
Sonchu8 oleraceu8), it was obvious that a series of inulin at one end, and bounded by sucrose at the
carbohydrates comparable to that in artichoke tuber other, all members having the typical 1:2-linked
extracts was present in every case (see Fig. 3). fructofuranoside grouping and bearing a gluco-
pyranoside as a non-reducing end group (I). Hirst,
DISCUSSION McGilvray & Percival (1950) have reported the
isolation of 2-2 % of tetramethyl glucopyranoside
The carbohydrate8 of the artichoke tuber from methylated dahlia inulin, and have postulated
These results demonstrate the heterogeneity of the a sucrose-like terminal group for the molecule. In
tuber carbohydrates; they also provide a basis for addition they found circumstantial evidence for
the separation and estimation of the components of 2-6% of 2:4:6-trimethylglucose, which would in-
higher R.. It is to be noted that the latter con- dicate the presence of glucose within the chain (cf.
stitute a cQnsiderable proportion of the total carbo- Irvine & Montgomery, 1933). The total of methy-
hydrate: the five spots with R.'s ranging from that lated glucose agrees well with the percentage of
of sucrose to about 0-025 (in butanol-acetic) contain glucose estimated by their chromatographic pro-
more than half the fructose of some extracts, and if cedure, i.e. 5-7 %, but is considerably higher than the
their higher relative content of glucose is assumed figures given by others (cf. McDonald, 1946; Bell &
from the qualitative and quantitative data available Palmer, 1949) which lie between 1-5 and 2.5 %. We
they would comprise an even higher proportion of have not been able to trace the source of the attri-
the total sugar. The even distribution of fructose bution by Lemoigne (1941 a) to Kiliani of a formula
among these components in all the extracts ex- for inulin, (C6H1005)4C12H22011, in which the group
amined would seem to contradict the claims of C12H22011 is intended to represent sucrose.
Ej Co 0 a
V > 4)
'n SF Q Uu
a t o css
co _ I m u w a
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ po
1! ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Raffinoe
Spot 1
Fig. 3. Chromatograms of extracts of subterranean organs of six species of Compositae. Run in butanol-acetic
for 6 days; sprayed with phloroglucinol. (First positive print.)
Attempts to support this hypothesis by analysis The carbohydrates of Compositae
of spots 2, 3 and 4 in the paper chromatogram have
been vitiated by certain difficulties in the estimation. The general similarity of the chromatograms made
with extracts of other Compositae makes it probable
CH20H that any conclusions drawn from an investigation of
0 the artichoke tuber may be applied tentatively to
all members of this family, and that in this way
OH general information may be gained about the
synthesis and breakdown of inulin.
OH ~ O
OH 0 1
HOCH. 1. The carbohydrates of the Jerusalem artichoke
(Helianthus tuberosus L.) and of several other mem-
bers of the Compositae have been examined by
various techniques including the use of qualitative
OH CH 2] and quantitative paper partition chromatography.
2. The existence has been demonstrated of a series
0 0 of at least seven non-reducing substances with RF's
HOCH, ranging from that of sucrose to zero, consisting
chiefly of fructofuranoside residues, but containing
glucose residues in proportions decreasing with
CH20H R1.
OH (I) 3. These substances are present in the stems,
tubers and roots of the Jerusalem artichoke, and in
The carbohydrateB in other part8 of the the underground organs of seven other species of
artichoke plant Compositae.
4. In all extracts examined fructose residues were
Although no extensive investigation has been distributed evenly among those components with
undertaken (no flowers or seeds were available), it is
evident that inulin and inulides are present in all R.'s sufficiently high for them to be isolated for
organs of the artichoke plant, with the possible 5. In the artichoke tuber the proportion of the
exception of the leaves; this confirms the obser- total fructose residues contributed by the five com-
vations of Colin (1919). In some instances the effect ponents with greatest R,'s varies from 15 % in
of interfering substances in the paper chromatogram September to 55 % in early spring.
distorted or delayed the movement of the carbo- 6. Some of the implications of these findings are
hydrates, and until this difficulty has been overcome discussed.
a satisfactory quantitative study of the whole plant
will not be possible. Until then it must remain an This work was carried out with the technical assistance of
open question, for example, whether inulin is in fact Mr R. Loxley. We wish to thank Prof. H. A. Krebs, F.R.S.,
made in the tubers or merely translocated to them, for his help and encouragement, and Mrs J. H. Sampson for
although in view of the homology of stem and tuber allowing us to use part of her garden to grow artichokes.
it would seem likely that the polysaccharide may be One of us (J. E.) is indebted to the Agricultural Research
synthesized in both parts. Council for grants during the course of the research.
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