Crude Protein Kjeldahl Method Boric Acid Modification
Crude Protein Kjeldahl Method Boric Acid Modification
Crude Protein Kjeldahl Method Boric Acid Modification
Chemical Methods
5.5 For proteins higher than 22 %, use 720 g (4 2. Corn Industries Research Foundation. 1957.
%) boric acid crystals and 48 ml methyl red-methylene Standard Analytical Methods. Method A18. The Foun-
blue indicator to 18 L bottle of water. dation, Washington, DC.
5.6 To check entire protein method, digest 0.1 g 3. Johnson, A. H., and Green, J. R. 1930. Modi-
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5.7 It is best that Boric Acid modification be used 5. Kent-Jones, D. W., and Amos, A. J. 1957.
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5.8 Use of 0.1253 N H2SO4 simplifies calculation 6. Neill, C. D. 1962. The Kjeldahl protein test.
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7. Reeder, W., and Patton, J. 1957. Standard
titrating blank.
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6 Calculation 8. Rodkey, F. L. 1964. Tris (hydroxymethyl)
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% Protein
sample wt (g) 9. Wagner, E. C. 1940. Titration of ammonia in
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1. Coleman, D. A., Fellows, H. C., and Dixon, 10 Willard, H. H., Furman, N. H., and Bricker,
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