Cyber Bullying in School Counseling
Cyber Bullying in School Counseling
Cyber Bullying in School Counseling
Response 1
I agree with the author that school counselors should perform to respond to the escalating
incidences of cyber bullying in their schools. School counselors assume a significant role in
reducing or eliminating cyber bullying. They should collaborate with the parents of the victims
and the victims as well as the perpetrators and their families to understand the primary source for
bullying such as aggression, anger, control, and motivate parents to track technology and social
The steps described by the author are adequate since she has adopted proactive measures
rather than counteractive strategies such as partnering with teachers to adopt a more thorough
professional development concerning the issue; undertaking informational night and presentation
concerning cyber bullying to staff and parents which would enhance awareness of the situation;
partnering with school management to revise and review anti-bullying procedures and policies;
and implementing whole-school policy strategies like ConRed initiative to effectively address
bullying, internet dependence, and advocating empathy. These proactive measures highlighted
by the author prevent future occurrence of cyber bullying which should be the sole purpose of
school counselors. Counteractive measures may not effectively address the situation.
However, the author did not describe the risks involved. Based on the steps discussed by
the author, the risks involved may include: the parents may ignore the degree of cyber bullying
and its effects on the students thus undermining the counselor and enforcing the implementation
of the cyber bullying policies will require the goodwill from the school administration which at
times may overlook the significance of eradicating cyber bullying referring it as “not yet a
Response 2
The author has not described the primary role of a school counselor in addressing cyber
bullying. The author has only described the dynamics involved in cyber bullying in the
introduction section. However, I agree with the author that school counselors should involve
different stakeholders to effectively address the issue of cyber bullying including teachers,
school administrators, parents, and the local community (Hinduja & Patchin, 2013).
The author has highlighted proactive measures such as adoption of a core curriculum
lesson related with risks of cyber bullying and internet utilization that targets every students;
conveying the risks involved in communicating with strangers on the internet, sharing personal
information, sharing photos and videos, and sharing passwords; and introduction of new
anonymous reporting system which gives the students the opportunity to report cyber bullying
incidences without disclosing their identity which may subsequently turn them into potential
victims. Moreover, the author advises that the system should be user friendly and safe to access.
The author goes ahead to provide a plan how the parents and school staff should be integrate into
the design by informing them on the anonymous reporting system as well as presenting them
with the core curriculum in schools through newsletters and pamphlets. In addition, the parents
should be motivated to track the online activities of their children and establish open
conversations concerning cyber bullying with their children. I support the author in suggesting
that a no-tolerance policy should be enforced for students identified to be cyber bullying
perpetrators and parents, staff, and teachers should be involved since it is a communal challenge.
A comprehensive wide approach should be adopted by school counselors in order to tackle cyber
bullying. However, the author did not describe the risks the school counselors may encounter.
Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2013). Social influences on cyberbullying behaviors among
middle and high school students. Journal of youth and adolescence, 42(5), 711-722.
Paolini, A. (2018). Cyberbullying: role of the school counselor in mitigating the silent killer