List of participants
In order to participate an online registration was requested. All participants officially registered can
be found in the annex. Participants that are not registered and that would like to receive the minutes
of the meeting were requested to contact the secretariat in order to give contact details.
2.1.8 Discussion
Some participants expressed concern related to the fact that market players were in the board. This
was discussed at length by the participants and a number of points were made:
• The board as well as the secretariat recognize that some stakeholders are concerned that
market players serve on the I-REC Standard board. The belief is that these market players
have extra influence over the development of the Standard which could provide an unfair
advantage. The secretariat assured the Advisory Group that the board generally does not
have access to information that is not available to market players who specifically request this
information. The only area where certain board members may have a market advantage due
to early insights is in the review of country reports where certificate issuance is requested for
the first time.
• The secretariat acknowledged the concerns of stakeholders who have raised this issue, but
stated that the secretariat and the board are willing to consider different members for the
board only if additional well qualified individuals can be found to replace the market players.
The secretariat and the board are not willing to sacrifice good discussions in the board for the
sole purpose of removing market players from the board.
There was general agreement on the TOR for the Advisory Group. It was suggested that the TOR be
defined clearly in a memo and shared with the Advisory Group at a coming meeting.
4. Country developments
The country developments will be a regular item on the agenda of the Advisory Group.
4.1 Authorization issuers
The board authorizes issuers to conduct device registration and issuance in a country. In general
there are three types of issuers: (1) governmental body, (2) local and non-governmental and (3)
non-local UK-based central issuer. Issuer authorization is always on the basis of a country report
prepared by market players and/or local stakeholders. Writing a country report is a joint effort of all
parties involved (reviewed by the secretariat and the board). All parties involved in the development
of a country or regional market can form a ‘national I-REC team’.
4.5 Discussion
There was some discussion related to the country developments. The first question was whether I-
REC can provide a guarantee that they will issue I-RECs in the future for a certain country or region?
The chairman of the Advisory Group responded that the I-REC Standard can only provide
guarantees as they are stated in the I-REC Code. For example, if a country outlawed all
voluntary REC certificates the I-REC Standard, as per the code, would be required to halt
issuance in the country.
The Advisory Group agreed with this determination and suggested that market players
should include Force Majeure provisions in their contracts to ensure that they and their
clients are protected.
Another discussion topic was related to the authorization of new issuers in countries or regions. Some
stakeholders would like this information to be released in a way that all market players are informed
Volume issued
- 1.725.980 certificates were issued in 2016
Volume redeemed
- 1.188.327 certificates were redeemed in 2016
Number or Participants/Registrants
- There are 16 registered registrants
- There are 14 registered participants
Number of devices registered
- There are 47 registered devices in 2016
- There are 69 total registered devices on the system as of 1-1-2017
6. General discussion
The chairman of the Advisory Group suggested that the secretariat prepare, together with the board,
specific information for the next Advisory Group meeting. This includes information related to the
Terms of Reference, national teams and publically available information. The secretariat also
suggested that Advisory Group members suggest topics for the coming meeting by contacting the
secretariat directly.
7. Closing
The Advisory Group thanked the I-REC Standard board and the secretariat for hard work and efforts
in developing the I-REC Standard market.
Below is a list of persons who pre-registered for the Advisory Group Meeting of March 22,
2017. It does not reflect the actual attendees of the meeting. The I-REC Standard considers
that anyone who has registered for a meeting of the Advisory Group is automatically a
member of the Advisory Group until further notice is given to the I-REC Standard secretariat.
Therefore, if your name is not on the list and you wish to be added, please inform the
secretariat at secretariat@irecstandard.org. If your name is on this list, you need not take
any further action.
Organisation Contact
ECOHZ Janne Svendsen Moe
ECOHZ Line Riise Jensen
ECOHZ Clement Buffard
CRX CarbonBank Pte Ltd Tames Rietdijk
(Non-member observer) Center for Resource
Solutions Alex Pennock
Fortum Joni Vuorela
Kyoto Energy Pte Ltd Michel Buron
ACT Commodities BV Aleksi Parkkila
ICAP Energy AS Jan Peder Kleppe
Gold China Consultancy International Co.
(GCCI) Zheng Zhaoning
Fortum Power & Heat Oy Juha Ruokonen
Agder Energi Vannkraft AS Sergio Cavallaro
First Climate Markets AG Nikunj Agarwal
South Pole Group Marie Christine Bluett
Statkraft Markets B.V. Aron Simon
Statkraft Markets B.V. Abderrahman Kasmi
Statkraft Markets B.V. Eric Boonman
Enovos Luxembourg S.A. Mr. Roger Ruttze
Statkraft Markets B.V. Saptarshi Pal
Agder Energi Jan Atle Liodden