Coceptual Framwork For Housing Development PDF
Coceptual Framwork For Housing Development PDF
Coceptual Framwork For Housing Development PDF
Deepa.G. Nair2
Bert Enserink 3
G.Gopikuttan 4
Philip Vergragt
Alex Fraaij 6
Rene Dalmeijer
Researcher, Materials Science Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Faculty of TBM, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Reader, Department of Economics, N.S.S College, Pandalam, Kerala, India
Emeritus Professor of Technology Assessment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Materials Science Group, Delft University of Technology, The
Straw Bale network, The Netherlands
Housing development, a basic unit of human settlement is also a crucial component of social development. It
plays an important role in achieving sustainable development. The concept of shelter differs from individual
to individual depending on culture, tradition, profession and way of living. Besides being a basic necessity, it
is also a source of identity that has a significant effect on the overall psychological well being of the
inhabitants. Sustainable- affordable habitat could be described as a way of developing and maintaining the
living environment supporting human health (both physical and psychological), satisfying shelter needs along
with protecting and preserving nature for future generations. This paper introduces a conceptual framework
defining housing problems from the perspective of beneficiaries supporting the development of effective
policies to facilitate Sustainable Affordable habitat. The framework shows the interdependency of different
aspects of sustainability in the process of housing development. It also sets out strategies and identifies
policy initiatives required to realize the goal of a sustainable- affordable habitat. The framework developed in
this paper can be generally applied to analyse the housing situation of the poor in less developed economies.
1. Introduction
Housing embodies many concepts such as comfort, safety, identity and above all it has central importance to
everyone's quality of life and health with considerable economic, social, cultural and personal significance. It
is also a critical component in the social and economic fabric of all nations. No country is yet satisfied that
adequate housing has been delivered to the various economic groups that make up its populace. It is
estimated that there are more than 100 million homeless and about one billion people inadequately housed
through out the world (UNCHS 1996, S. Eeguden, 2001). Although they constitute one quarter of all
humanity, only a small fraction lives in the industrialized countries. Developing countries suffer the most
acute housing problems. About one third of their total population is homeless (The global strategy for shelter
to the year, HS/185). The reasons and nature of these problems differ from country to country depending on
local social, economic and political contexts. The housing problem of low- income countries differs greatly
from those experienced in developed economies, and further rural and urban housing also exhibit their own
peculiar differences. This paper attempts to develop a conceptual framework for sustainable- affordable
housing for the rural poor in developing countries. It tries to understand the problem from the perspective of
the beneficiaries specifically in terms of their basic needs. A holistic approach based on several concepts of
sustainability, has been developed to provide a thorough and comprehensive framework to analyze housing
issues to realize the goal of sustainable habitat. This framework agrees with Keeney (Keeney, Ralph L. 1988)
resembling the structuring of the objectives of the different stakeholders to define the problem field as
illustrated in figure 1.
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requirements and changing circumstances, along with accomplishing present demands, the needs and
wishes of future generations should also be taken into account. The importance of sustainability of housing
comes within this context. It embraces four closely inter-dependant aspects: socio- cultural, economy,
technology and the environment.
2.1 Socio cultural needs
The concept of shelter differs from individual to individual depending on culture, tradition, profession and way
of living. The design and materials used for the house should correspond to the users way of living and local
building traditions (Christel Ebsen and Bjarke Ramboll, 2000). In most communities, houses are treated as
part of the identity of the individuals labeling their status. People do not want to live in a house, which
stigmatizes them as belonging to a low-income class, even if it is all that is affordable to them. The location
and type of houses often reflect social inequalities. This also affects their social relationships, day-to-day
living and ultimately the prospects of future generations. Besides being a basic necessity, it is also a source
of identity that has a significant effect on the overall psychological well being of the inhabitants. It acts as a
matrix that strengthens family and community ties. Different groups of people within the society should be
able to participate equally. Socio- cultural sustainability in housing involves several dimensions such as
adaptability, equality, integration of amenities and services; self help housing or beneficiary participation and
community involvement.
Sustainable housing should respond to the socio- cultural needs and practices of the beneficiary households
and communities. It is focused on housing development that promotes social interaction of individuals and
cultural enrichment of the community and is aimed to reduce the inequality of housing between social
classes (Islam. N, 1996). At the same time it accelerates the improvement in social development, relations
and interactions.
2.2 Economic aspects
As improvement and development of society are closely related to economic development, socio-cultural
sustainability is closely linked to economic sustainability. Economic growth is the key to provide the means to
meet basic needs, to ease poverty and to generate employment, factors that are essential for sustainable
development (Veron, R 2001). Even though housing problems arise as a symbol of poverty, mere financial
assistance usually does not help the poor in meeting their housing needs. The affordability of a household in
any part of the world depends on its command over the various resources required for housing. The
command over these resources must be given right priority while planning for any housing development
programme. The most important financial resources are the actual and potential savings of the inhabitants.
This probably represents between 10 to 15% of all personal incomes (Turner, J, F, C 1976). Housing
programmes may be linked to programmes generating employment or income enabling the poor to afford
their own houses and maintain them (Bhattacharya, K, P 1994). The housing sector is employment intensive;
it generates employment during the construction period and also during its life for proper maintenance
providing employment opportunities for skilled as well as unskilled labor (Glaeser, B 1995 and Tiwari, P
Economic sustainability or affordability of housing should be embedded in an economic development
strategy, which strengthens the economic self-reliance of household members. The poor often cannot afford
to accept public housing assistance due to the lack of economic sustainability or affordability of the schemes.
2.3 Technology concerns
Conventional building materials are beyond the reach of the majority of the world population due to their poor
affordability. Besides the escalation in the cost of building materials, rising environmental concerns due to
the extensive exploitation of natural resources connected with general construction and other housing
development activities urges the need to search for alternative technological options. Alternative materials,
methods and techniques of construction replacing conventional building construction can result in reducing
the depletion of natural resources and save energy (Reddy, B, V, V and Jagadish, K, S 2001).
Technology can be said to be sustainable only if, it takes advantage of local resources and can be produced
locally using unskilled labor, utilizing already available materials without the need for heavy capital
investment. It should benefit as many people as possible and should be flexible and functional also, i.e.
adaptable to the changing needs of the community; at the same time it should also be environmental friendly.
It must be affordable and workable at community level. Feasibility, functionality, strength, durability and
reliability are identified as the basic necessities for technological sustainability.
2.4 Environmental aspects
It is now generally agreed that development in the low-income countries must proceed in parallel with a
general global application of new technologies, which are both less resource intensive and less
environmentally damaging (Spence. R and Mulligan.H, 1995). In order to be sustainable, developments in
economy and social changes should be able to sustain ecology and improve potential resources for future
generations. Environmental sustainability in housing can be achieved by addressing resource limits of the
environment through efficient consumption of non-renewable resources, minimizing the impact of waste
materials and pollution by utilizing appropriate technologies and making use of local work forces. The
construction industry is involved in activities, which adversely affect the environment through the over
exploitation of non-renewable resources. It utilizes energy for the development or production and
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transportation of materials and machinery, building and also for maintenance activities. According to the
World watch Institute, building construction consumes 40 % of raw stone, gravel and sand, 25 % of virgin
wood, 40% of energy and 16% of water used annually worldwide (Dimson.B, 1996). The processes involved
in the provision and use of housing have a significant role in the contribution to solid waste. Household
activities also supplement the accumulation of waste further polluting the environment. Reducing material
wastage has several benefits. It reduces global material consumption and in the long term, also the amount
of demolition waste. It also reduces construction costs, making houses more affordable. When properly done,
recycling waste as building materials is a convenient way to reduce the environmental impact of the
construction industry (Agenda 21 for Sustainable construction in developing countries).
CF1 (figure 1) lists out the requirements of the different elements of sustainable- affordable habitat.
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Technology Environment
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The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference,
Tokyo, 27-29 September 2005 (SB05Tokyo)
vi. Community participation should be ensured to speed up the growth of sustainable residential
4.1.2 Policy measures for economic sustainability or Affordability (PES)
Access or command over various resources is an important criterion for affordable housing. Strategies and
housing policies should facilitate the provision of easy loans, subsidies and income generating activities,
which accelerate the repaying capacity of the households. Policies should be formulated so as to achieve the
following objectives:
i. Land ownership, accessibility to resources like materials, labor and infrastructure facilities like
transportation, machinery, power etc. should be ensured.
ii. Affordable housing should satisfy the minimum housing requirements.
iii. Ensure to minimize operational and maintenance cost in the long term.
5. Conclusion
Housing development can be considered as a pioneering step for sustainable development having multiple
objectives and multi- institutional relevance. As the housing needs of individuals differ from person to person
depending on various factors an integrated approach can be very helpful in defining the problem in general.
The framework presented through this paper can be used as a general tool to define the housing problems
of the rural poor in any of the developing economies. CF1 can help to analyze the needs and requirements of
the beneficiaries from their own point of view, sorting them out in different aspects of sustainable
development. The framework also points out the strategies required for sustainable- affordable habitat
through CF2. It helps to initiate new integrated strategies to solve the housing problem as defined by CF1 by
comparing the situation with countries having similar socio- economic contexts.
At the same time, this framework needs some modifications for application to the housing problems of
developed countries having particular differences in needs and requirements specifically in the differing
concept of shelter from that of less developed economies.
Keeney, Ralph L. 1988. Structuring objectives for problems of public interest in: Operations Research, Vol. 36, No. 3
May-June pp.396-405.
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