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книга выложена группой
Use It ! Don’t Lose It !

Daily Skills Practice
Grade 9

by Amy Carlon and Jill Norris

книга выложена группой

Illustrated by Kathleen Bullock
Cover by Geoffrey Brittingham
Copy edited by Stephanie McGuirk

ISBN 978-0-86530-654-7

Copyright © 2007 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
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LANGUAGE DAILY SKILLS PRACTICE 9 to reproduce these pages in sufficient quantities for meeting the
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Don’t let those language skills get lost or rusty!
As a teacher you work hard to teach language skills to your students. Your students
work hard to master them. Do you worry that your students will forget the material as
you move on to the next concept?
If so, here’s a plan for you and your students—one that will keep those skills sharp.
Use It! Don’t Lose It! provides daily language practice for all the basic skills. There
are five language problems a day, every day for 36 weeks. The skills are correlated to
national and state standards.
Students practice all the ninth-grade skills, concepts, and processes in a spiraling
sequence. The plan starts with the basic level of ninth-grade skills, progressing
gradually to higher-level tasks, as it continually circles around and back to the same
skills at a little higher level, again and again. Each time a skill shows up, it has a new
context—requiring students to dig into their memories, recall what they know, and
apply it to another situation.

The Weekly Plan —Five Problems a Day for 36 Weeks

Monday – Thursday ................• one vocabulary or other word skills item
• one spelling or mechanics item (capitalization,
• one grammar or language usage item

Monday and Wednesday .........• one reading item

• one literature item

Tuesday and Thursday ............• one writing item

• one research /information skills item

Friday.......................................• one longer reading comprehension passage

with questions
• one writing task

36 Weeks of Daily Practice, five problems a day........................................... 5–112
Scope and Sequence Charts of Skills, Concepts, Processes ......................... 113–115
(all the details of what’s covered, where, and when)
Answer Key ........................................................................................... 116–128
How to Use Daily Skills Practice
To get started, reproduce each page, slice the Monday–Thursday lesson pages in half or
prepare a transparency. The lessons can be used . . .
• for independent practice—Reproduce the lessons and let students work individually
or in pairs to practice skills at the beginning or end of a language class.
• for small group work—Students can discuss and solve the problems together
and agree on answers.
• for the whole class review—Make a transparency and work through the problems
together as a class.

Helpful Hints for Getting Started

• Though students may work alone on the items, always find a way to review and discuss
the answers together. In each review, ask students to describe how they solved the
problem-solving problems or other problems that involve choices of strategies.

• Allow more time for the Friday lesson, as these tasks may take a little longer. Students can
work in small groups to discover and discuss their answers.

• Provide dictionaries and other resources that may be helpful to students as needed. There
will not always be room on the sheet for some of the longer writing tasks.

• Many of the writing tasks can be expanded into full writing lessons. When you have time
to do so, extend the activity to work on all or various stages of the writing process. Find
time for students to share and enjoy their written products.

• The daily lessons are designed to be completed in a short time period, so that they can be
used along with your regular daily instruction. However, don’t end the discussion until
you are sure all students “get it,” or at least until you know which ones don’t get
something and will need extra instruction. This will strengthen all the other work students
do in language class.

• Keep a consistent focus on thinking skills for reading comprehension activities. Allow
students to discuss their answers, particularly those that involve higher-level thinking
skills such as drawing conclusions, inferring, predicting, or evaluating.

• Find ways to strengthen the knowledge and use of new vocabulary words students learn
in the daily practice. Keep a running list of these words. Use them in classroom
discussions and activities. Find ways to share and show off knowledge of the words.
Encourage students to include the new words in their writing.

• Take note of which items leave some or all of the students confused or uncertain. This will
alert you to which skills need more instruction.

• The daily lessons may include some topics or skills your students have not yet learned. In
these cases, students may skip items. Or, you might encourage them to consider how the
problem could be solved. Or, you might use the occasion for a short lesson that would get
them started on this skill.
MONDAY WEEK 1 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Circle the letters that should be capitalized.

apollo, athena, and poseidon are a few of the 5. Read the passage below. Write a
familiar gods and goddesses associated with
sentence to summarize the differences
greek mythology; but, zeus was the god held
between a myth and a legend.
in highest regard by the ancient greeks.

2. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

Odysseus, who built a giant hollow horse so Although the difference between
that he and his men could surprise the Trojans, a myth and a legend is slight, there
used his clever tactics to win the Trojan War. is a difference. A myth involves
gods and goddesses and originates
3. Which sentence is a compound sentence? from archaic folklore. It attempts to
explain the origin of life or some of
a. The Greeks and Romans believed in gods the strange happenings that occur
and goddesses. in the world. On the other hand, a
b. The Sirens were renowned for their beautiful legend involves human actions and
singing; however, their songs lured many is handed down from generation to
sailors to their demise. generation. A legend may be
considered true even though
4. Circle the synonyms for abdicate. it is usually a mixture of
fact and fiction.
resign seize usurp cede relinquish

TUESDAY WEEK 1 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Choose the term that best describes the statement.

I’ve got my eye on you! 5. Which is an example of
 cliché  jargon  idiom narrative writing?

2. Which sentence uses riding as a verb?

a. Odysseus, riding inside the massive
horse, was able to hide himself well.
b. I think riding on Pegasus would
be exhilarating.
c. All the gods were riding white horses.

3. Choose the best word for the sentence.

The gods and goddesses were ___________
when the mortals did not do as they asked.
 begrudged  amused  enraged

4. Circle the prefixes that mean against.

contradict antiwar expel
postpone oppose suffice
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
5 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 1 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Write three definitions of the word hit. Include

one definition that is traditional and two that
5. Paraphrase the passage below.
have evolved in recent years.

2. Add correct punctuation to the passage.

Indicate words that should be capitalized. Poseidon, the god of water, was
angry with his brother Zeus for
the most powerful greek gods lived atop exiling him from Mount Olympus.
mount olympus there on the mountaintop Poseidon flooded the land to kill
the people who held Zeus in high
the gods renewed their immortality esteem. As Poseidon
watched the games of mortal men and unleashed the waters, Zeus
discussed their concerns heard his people cry and called
upon Hephaestus, the god of fire,
to help. Hephaestus designed a
3. Circle the correctly spelled words. three-dimensional cone. He placed
molten rock inside the cone.
peice calender fiery foreign guarantee
Zeus squeezed the cone, and it
spewed forth liquid rock. The rock
4. What kind of mood does this sentence convey? cooled quickly in the water and
made land for Zeus’ people. Zeus
The black night, a carefully knitted blanket
named this contraption a volcano.
shielding against all threatened dangers,
protected the men as they began their journey.

THURSDAY WEEK 1 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Change the nouns to make them possessive.

Pegasus 5. Write three gerund phrases that
Athena and Medusa describe the journey of Helios, the sun,
as he galloped across the sky.

2. Circle the abstract nouns.

sword love chariot monster
wisdom sandal courage map

3. Which sentence uses farther correctly?

• Odysseus traveled farther than anyone
else to get to Ithaca.
• Zeus’ power was farther advanced
than Hera’s.

4. Choose the reference you would use to locate

Athens, Greece.
 dictionary  atlas  almanac

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 6 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 1 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. List six adjectives that describe Atalanta. Use specific words. For
example, was she retiring or assertive, resourceful or dependent?

2. List six adjectives that describe Hippomenes.

When Atalanta was born, she was taken into the One young man, Hippomenes, watched in awe
woods and left to die. Saved by a mother bear, the tiny as Atalanta won race after race. She was as swift and
girl grew up with cubs as siblings. Years later, a band graceful as a falcon. Her dark hair rippled over her
of hunters found Atalanta living in the bear’s cave. The white shoulders, the colored ribbons she wore
astonished men claimed her and taught her all the fluttered in the air, and her face grew dewy pink as
skills of the hunt. Each of the hunters viewed her as his she ran. Hippomenes fell deeply in love. He wanted
own daughter. By the time she was a teenager, to marry Atalanta, but he knew that he could never
Atalanta was more skillful with a bow and arrow than defeat her in a footrace.
any of her fathers.
Hippomenes prayed to Aphrodite, goddess of
She proved her skill on one hunt when two love, to help him win Atalanta’s favor. Aphrodite
malicious centaurs confronted her. These half-human, answered his prayer and gave him three gleaming,
half-horse beasts laughed at the sight of the young girl golden apples. Hippomenes challenged Atalanta to
alone in the forest. They charged into the clearing a race. Atalanta admired the handsome warrior and
where she stood. Fearlessly Atalanta faced their considered letting him win the race. But as the race
thundering hooves. She calmly fitted a bronze-tipped began, she exploded quietly into the lead.
arrow to her bow and shot it. While the first arrow was Hippomenes threw a gleaming apple to the side of
in the air, she quickly aimed and fired a second one. the path. Atalanta stooped to retrieve it and
Then she turned and walked away. The two centaurs Hippomenes pulled ahead. Twice more Hippomenes
lay motionless behind her, each with an arrow through threw a sparkling treasure and caused Atalanta to
its heart. slow her pace. The delay cost her the race.
Hippomenes crossed the finish line just in front of
Not only was Atalanta a beautiful and skilled Atalanta and won the right to marry her.
huntress, she was also the fastest runner of all
humans. News of her skill and her speed spread And so the two were married, and Atalanta fell in
throughout Greece. Her true parents came forward love with her handsome partner. The pair spent their
and her father urged her to marry. Atalanta did not days oblivious to the cares of the world around them.
want to give up the freedom she enjoyed in the woods. Sadly, the young lovers’ happiness was short-lived.
She consented to marry only if her suitor could defeat Aphrodite, who expected tributes of gratitude from
her in a footrace. Many men challenged her, but they Hippomenes, decided to punish him by changing the
all failed to outpace the stunning huntress. pair into lions and yoking them to a chariot.

Write a persuasive paragraph to support or disagree with the premise.
Ultimately, Atalanta was the winner of the footrace even though Hippomenes
crossed the finish line first.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

7 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 2 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Circle the words that are antonyms for dissent.

agree oppose concur 5. Underline the topic sentence. Number
rebel consent differ each detail that supports it.

2. Circle the relative pronouns Health authorities cite many

reasons for maintaining a
that anyone who he healthy, well-balanced diet.
Eating the right foods
she which all whom increases energy. Individuals
with well-balanced diets
3. Indicate the words that need to be capitalized. excel in sports and
in 2002, 38,000 people took part in la academics. Statistics show
tomatina, the largest food fight festival ever. that when people eat
at the festival participants threw over 120 healthy, they have a reduced
tons of tomatoes. occurrence of heart disease
and cancer, and as a result
4. Write the plural of each noun. live longer. Eating a healthy,
well-balanced diet is one
asparagus squash potato important step to living a
raspberry celery bacon strip long, healthy life.
shrimp escargot grapefruit

TUESDAY WEEK 2 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Choose the correct word for the sentence.

Doctors ___________ people to eat vegetables 5. Combine the simple sentences to form
and nuts that have unsaturated fat.
a sequential paragraph. You may want
 advise  advice to combine several of the sentences to
improve the readability.
2. Which statement represents an opinion?
• Frankie gave Bobby some
a. Eating high-calorie, saturated fat mouthwash.
increases the chance of heart attacks.
• Bobby ate an onion-and-peanut-
b. If people eat fattening foods, it is butter sandwich for breakfast.
their own fault if they gain weight.
• Frankie gagged at the smell of
Bobby’s breath.
3. Underline the subordinate clause.
• Bobby doesn’t eat onion-and-
Peanuts, also used in the manufacturing
peanut-butter sandwiches
of dynamite, are a good source of protein.

4. Identify the case of each pronoun. • Bobby went to school without

brushing his teeth.
whom ___________ their ___________ • Bobby greeted Frankie with a
friendly, “Hi, Buddy!”
they ___________ she ___________

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 8 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 2 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Name the type of poetry.

There once was a cook with a spoon 5. Replace the incorrectly-used
Who stirred by the light of the moon. words on the sign.
Her crumpets were sweet.
They couldn’t be beat.
What dish will she make come high noon?

2. Write a topic sentence for a paragraph that

discusses a nutritious school lunch program.

3. Add quotation marks to the passage below.

Do you know how long the longest
banana split was? asked Jeff. The
people of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania,
do. They made a banana split that was
4.55 miles long.

4. What is the meaning of this statement?

I am so hungry I could eat a horse!

THURSDAY WEEK 2_________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Write two meanings of the verb mull.

_________________ _________________ 5. What is the main idea of the passage?
Can new brands compete with the
2. Choose the literary element used in the sentence.
original? In 1930 Ruth Wakefield
Susan suddenly sensed the sublime aroma made the very first chocolate chip
of warm chocolate. cookie at the Toll House Inn in
 simile Whitman, Massachusetts. When
 onomatopoeia she sold her recipe to Nestle, the
 alliteration chocolate company began to
market semisweet chocolate
3. Choose the type of sentence. morsels. Today you can buy
dozens of different flavored
Caramelizing onions takes lots of time
cookie chips—raspberry, peanut
and requires patience.
butter, butterscotch, mint—as well
 interrogative  declarative as many varieties of chocolate
chips. Recently taste-testers
4. Underline the direct object in the sentence. ranked the original chocolate
morsels a respectable third in a
Grandma’s fresh rolls require
comprehensive taste test.
room-temperature butter.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

9 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 2 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read the paragraph about the breakfast casserole before answering the questions.

Any crisp December Sunday at daybreak you’ll find Grandma in the kitchen
humming quietly as she fixes her special Maple Sausage and Waffle Casserole.
She knows that a crowd will arrive hungry after early church services and she
wants to be prepared. She browns the sausage, smothers the links in a bath of
brown sugar mixed with maple syrup, and pops them into the oven. Then she
combines the waffle mix, eggs, and milk, stirring just enough to moisten the dry
ingredients. With one eye on the waffle iron and another on the frying pan, she
carefully creates the main components of the casserole—waffles and scrambled
eggs. She piles the waffles in a stack and turns off the burner under the frying
pan. Before long the waffles, eggs, and syrupy sausages are layered in a
mouthwatering concoction. Grandma turns the oven to low, places her casserole
inside, and waltzes upstairs to get ready for company.

Compose a clear and concise list of steps (like you would find on a recipe card) for making
a Maple Sausage and Waffle Casserole.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 10 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 3 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Use the context to develop a definition for garrulous.

Old Simon Wheeler was a garrulous storyteller 5. Explain what you think Mark Twain
whose stories went on and on spinning tales first
meant when he wrote:
in one direction and then reversing to continue
in another. —Mark Twain

2. Edit the sentence.

born samuel langhorne clemens mark
twain grew up in hannibal missouri on the
west bank of the mississippi river

3. Choose the complex-compound sentence.

a. When he was 21, Mark Twain fulfilled his dream
and became a Mississippi riverboat pilot.
b. Twain’s pen name is a riverboat pilot’s term for
water that is just barely deep enough for safe
passage: mark twain.

4. What is colloquial language?

TUESDAY WEEK 3 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Divide the word into prefix, root, and suffix.

Explain the meaning of each part: conjecture
5. Combine the short sentences into
longer, more complex sentences. Keep
2. Think of two explicit verbs that could replace
the meaning clear and add transitional
told in this sentence.
words as needed.
Mark Twain told humorous stories.
• The Civil War broke out.
3. Identify the errors and correct them. • The Mississippi River was closed to
a. The characters, a runaway slave and a commercial traffic.
white youth, personifies the injustices of • Riverboat pilots were no longer
a slaveholding society. needed.
b. Each of the characters bring a unique • Mark Twain ventured west to seek
perspective. his fortune.

4. Use the context to determine the meaning of the

underlined word.
Mark Twain’s stories are set in a mélange of
locations: the small mining town of Angel’s
Camp, the capitals of Europe, and a cave
beside the muddy Mississippi.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

11 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 3 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Match the word with the correct definition.

holy • • having holes 5. Draw lines to label the dictionary entry.
holey • • completely; fully • entry word • pronunciation
wholly • • sacred • part of speech • etymology

2. Correct the punctuation and spelling errors. Use • usage example • definition
the proofreading symbols. • syllabication • out-of-date usage

through his final books were filled with the

deprevity of human nature twain is cheifly di•lap•i•date \de-‚la-pe-dat\ vb
remembred today for capturring the brash –dated; -dating [L dilapidatus, pp. of
optimistic spirit of americans dilapidare to squander, destroy, fr. Dis-
+ lapidare to pelt with stones, fr. Papid-,
3. Write single or plural to label the subject. lapis stone] vt (1565) 1: to bring into
a. Mark Twain’s wit and humor enthralled a condition of decay or partial ruin
lecture audiences. <furniture is dilapidated by use>
2: archaic: SQUANDER ~ vi: to
b. Neither gold nor silver brought fame
to Twain, the prospector. become dilapidated

4. Write the comparative and superlative adverbs

for often.

THURSDAY WEEK 3 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain what Mark Twain meant.

“A habit cannot be thrown out the window,
5. Write the genre classification for
it must be coaxed down the stairs one step at
each novel.
a time.” – Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar

2. Choose the correct literary term. A.

The human race has one really effective
weapon, and that is laughter. Real-life events
of 1547
B. England, whe
 simile  metaphor n King
Henry VIII died
 personification son, Edward
and his
VI, took
an is over the throne
3. Add an apostrophe and dashes to make the Hank Morg s
n nsciou
c o
meaning of this sentence clear. knocked u
in 19th-ce
tic u t and
Mark Twains childhood home Hannibal, Connec C.
s in King
Missouri was a frequent stop for steamboats awaken
s E n gland A collection of 11
arriving from St. Louis and New Orleans. Arthur’
in 538. letters from the Earth,
in which Satan
4. Correctly capitalize the following Twain titles. comments on the
• advice for little girls human race to
archangels Gabriel
• the celebrated jumping frog
and Michael.
of calaveras county
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 12 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 3 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Enjoy this except from The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, the 1867 story that brought Mark
Twain his first fame as a writer. Calaveras County is in Northern California. The story takes place in the early
1860s in a general store in a small mining town called Angel’s Camp. Simon Wheeler, a garrulous resident
of the mining camp, is describing how Jim Smiley, a local resident, trained his jumping frog.

a frog
one day
and took
him home, and
said he cal’klated to
edercate him; and so he never
done nothing for three months but
set in his back yard and learn that frog to
jump. And you bet you he did learn him, too.
He’d give him a little punch behind, and the next
minute you’d see that frog whirling in the air like a
doughnut, see im turn one summerset, or maybe a couple, if he got
a good start, and come down flat-footed and all right, like a cat. He got him up so in the matter of catching
flies, and kept him in practice so constant, that he’d nail a fly every time as far as he could see him.
Smiley said all a frog wanted was education, and he could do most any thing—and I believe him. Why, I’ve
seen him set Dan’l Webster down here on this floor—Dan’l Webster was the name of the frog—and sing
out, “Flies, Dan’l, flies!” and quicker’n you would wink, he’d spring straight up, and snake a fly off’n the
counter there, and flop down on the floor again as solid as a gob of mud, and fall to scratching the side of
his head with his hind foot as indifferent as if he hadn’t no idea he’d been doin’ any more’n any frog
might do. You never see a frog so modest and straightfor’ard as he was, for all he was so gifted. And when
it come to fair and square jumping on a dead level, he could get over more ground at one straddle than
any animal of his breed you ever see. Jumping on a dead level was his strong suit, you understand; and
when it come to that, Smiley would ante up money on him as long as he had a red. Smiley was monstrous
proud of his frog, and well he might be, for fellers that had traveled and been everywheres, all said he laid
over any frog that ever they see.
From The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain

1. Identify at least two examples of colloquial language in the story. Explain which rules of grammar,
spelling, or punctuation are ignored in the characters’ speech.

2. What amazing things can Smiley‘s frog do? What personality traits does Wheeler attribute to the frog?

3. What parts of Wheeler‘s description do you find particularly absurd?

Think of a performer who uses colloquial language and exaggeration for comic effect.
How does this person‘s use of exaggeration compare with Wheeler‘s?

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

13 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 4 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Use the context and your knowledge of root

words to determine the meaning of the
5. What made Katzenjammer Kids unique
underlined word.
in the comic strip industry?
Familiar comic–strip iconography—such as
stars for pain, speech and thought balloons,
and sawing logs for snoring—originated in
• Many consider Rudolph Dirk’s
Rudolph Dirk’s strip, “Katzenjammer Kids”.
“Katzenjammer Kids,” which appeared on
December 12, 1897, in the Journal American,
2. Find three compound words and one additional to be the first modern comic strip.
word that are misspelled and correct them.
In the comic strip “Pea nuts,” Charlie Brown
always feels up set after his base ball team • Previously, cartoon panels had no
looses. in-panel dialogue, but in the Katzenjammer
Kids dialogue was directly applied within a
3. Explain the usage error in the following sentence word balloon indicating the speaker.

and correct it.

“Mutt and Jeff“ was one of the most • Also, until then no strip had ever
early strips to appear in color. consisted of more than the single
panel format of the editorial or
political cartoon.
4. What literary device does Garfield exemplify?

TUESDAY WEEK 4 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Define the phrase comic strip.

5. Edit the passage.
2. Edit the following sentence.
In 1924 the adverchur comic stripe
in a famous comment on the
was born george washington
ecological crisis the opossum pogo
tubbs ii the mane character of a
said we have met the enemy and
commic strip created by roy crane
he is us
imbarked on a search for baried
treashure readders were
3. What was Pogo’s creator Walt Kelley trying to
enthralled by the cereal cliff
say when he wrote the comment in problem two?
hangers featuring wash tubbs
4. You must write a research paper about comic
strips. Narrow the broad classification to a
manageable topic and write three research
questions you would answer as part of your
preparation for writing.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 14 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 4______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What is the connotation of flagrant in this

sentence? What inferences can you make about
5. Summarize the message delivered in
the person who wrote the sentence?
this comic.
The comic strip “Little Orphan Annie”
represents a staunch conservative
viewpoint while Doonesbury represents
flagrant liberalism.

2. Edit the following sentence.

the majorety of traditionel newspaper
comic strips now have some
internet precense

3. What is wrong with this sentence?

Rewrite it to clarify its meaning.
First appearing in 1919, Frank King
sometimes drew innovative backgrounds
for his “Gasoline Alley” strip.

4. What is the audience and the purpose of the

comic in number 5?

THURSDAY WEEK 4 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain the term caricatured.

Pogo’s creator Walt Kelly took on Joseph 5. Use parentheses to make the meaning
McCarthy in the 1950s. He caricatured
clear in the following passage.
McCarthy as a bobcat named Simple J.
Malarkey, a megalomaniac bent on taking Some comic strips are
over Pogo’s birdwatching club and routing centered on human beings,
out all undesirables. but a number of strips have
animals as main characters.
2. Correct the following sentence.
Some of the animals are
Readers will often find political nonverbal Marmaduke,
cartons on the editeriel page some have verbal thoughts
of the newpaper. but aren’t understood by
humans Garfield and Snoopy,
3. Rewrite this sentence so that and some can converse with
the meaning is clear. humans Opus in “Bloom
In 1897 the first comic strip appeared in the County” or Bucky and Satchel
New York Journal, called “The Yellow Kid”. in “Get Fuzzy”.

4. Should comic strip characters age over time?

Write a statement that explains your position.
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
15 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 4 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Nevin Katz is a
science teacher in
Massachusetts. He
is also a cartoonist.
He uses cartoons to
present scientific
principles to his
students. Here is
one of his cartoons
about what cells do.

1. What is the main

idea presented in
this cartoon?

2. Explain how
Why Cells? uses
• personification
• ask a question—
provide the
• humor
• context to
define words

3. Why is it easier to
understand a new
concept when it is
presented in several
different ways?

Create a comic strip to explain one rule regarding comma usage. Remember that comic strips
use pictures, a few words, and humor to get their point across.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 16 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 5 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Underline the simple subject in each sentence. Then

circle the verb that agrees with the subject.
5. Summarize the information in this
a. In southwestern Texas (grow, grows) many paragraph in one or two sentences.
kinds of cacti.
b. More like the small, round cactus than one Like other succulents, cacti are
of her invaluable sewing tools, Grandmother’s well-adapted to life with little
pincushion (stand, stands) guard at her elbow. precipitation. For example, the
leaves have evolved into spines;
2. Circle the words that are synonyms for prickly. which, in addition to allowing less
water to evaporate through
thorny briery troublesome
transpiration than regular leaves,
tolerant stinging remorseful helps the cactus defend itself
against water-seeking animals.
Photosynthesis is carried out by
3. Identify the literary device.
enlarged stems, which also store
The chollas grow out of the desert like water. The roots are often extensive
enormous candelabra. and close to the surface of the
ground, another adaptation to
4. Edit the following sentence. infrequent rains.
their are about sixtie of the three thousend
cactus species growwing in west texas

TUESDAY WEEK 5_____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Circle things one could expect to find in a bajada.

Bajadas are shallow slopes that lie at the base 5. Choose the complete sentence.
of rocky desert hills, where materials from
weathering rocks accumulate.
boulders stones rushing water
gravel sand lichen and moss

2. Underline the prepositional phrase(s).

Each aureole on the pincushion cactus has
three straight central spines and a cluster
of radial spines that cover the cactus.

3. Correct the spelling.

The barrell cactus, feircely armed with heavy
spins, is one of the largist cacti of the North
American desserts.

4. Which words would be on the dictionary page with

the guide words rattlesnake and rayon?
raven rawhide razor rational ravine
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
17 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 5 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. List three meanings of the word stock.

Include at least one verb and one noun. 5. Write several sentences to compare the two
2. Identify the literary device used in the sentence.
I hiked hither and yon that day from a
hummock of limestone to a hill of gypsum,
each of which harbored its own bank In battle array, with heavy spines covering
prominent ribs and a chapeau of red petals,
of cactus.
the Ferocactus stands alone in the shadow of
a canyon wall. In times past Native Americans
3. Add a y or an e or both to complete each sought him out, coveting his red petals,
word correctly. spines, and pulp. Today, protected from
destruction by environmentalists, he waits
sting__ troll__ rall__ air__ subtl__ quietly at the edge of the desert wash.

4. Which resource would you use to locate the

range and habitat of the barrel cactus? The barrel cactus, Ferocactus,
a. atlas grows along desert washes, graveled
slopes,and beneath desert canyon walls. It has
b. encyclopedia
heavy spines covering its prominent ribs. Its red
c. periodical guide flowers always grow at the top of the plant and
d. thesaurus can be boiled in water and eaten like cabbage
or mashed for a drink. Today the species enjoys
a protected status in many areas.

THURSDAY WEEK 5 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Add commas to make the meaning clear.

The edible red pulp of the organ pipe cactus can 5. The name pincushion cactus is a
be eaten as is made into jelly or fermented into
metaphor. The round cactus resembles
a beverage.
the cushion in which a seamstress
2. The organ pipe cactus is found in a small area sticks pins. Look at the pictures of the
of the Sonoran Desert ranging from southwestern cacti below and give each a
Arizona to western Sonora, Mexico. Would metaphorical name.
you consider this particular cactus prevalent
or confined?

3. Write who or whom to complete the sentences.

a. ______ would eat candy made from a cactus?
b. To ______ is the spiny branch most dangerous?

4. Write an interesting sentence on the flowers of the

organ pipe cactus. Include these details:
• lavender-white
• 2 inches long
• night-blooming in May–July
• grow laterally near the apex of the stems

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 18 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 5 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

O. Henry was the pseudonym of William Sydney Porter, who wrote colorful short stories with
Read surprising and ironic twists. His best-known titles include “The Gift of the Magi” and “The
Ransom of Red Chief”. In his story “The Cactus,” he describes a gentleman returning from the
wedding of the woman he had hoped to marry.

On the table stood a singular-looking

green plant in a red earthen jar. The plant
was one of the species of cacti, and was
provided with long, tentacular leaves that
perpetually swayed . . . with a peculiar
beckoning motion. . . . As he slowly
unbuttoned his gloves, there passed through -------------------------
Trysdale’s mind a swift, scarifying retrospect “I say, Trysdale, what the deuce is the
of the last few hours . . . in his ears was the matter with you? You look unhappy as if you
low-pitched hum of a thousand well-bred yourself had been married instead of having
voices, and, most insistently recurring, the acted merely as an accomplice. . . . Hallo! here’s
drawling words of the minister irrevocably an old acquaintance. Wherever did you rake up
binding her to another. this cactus, Trysdale?”
Why and how had he lost her? For the “A present,” said Trysdale, “from a friend.
thousandth time he remarshalled in his mind Know the species?”
the events of those last few days before the “Very well. It’s a tropical concern. See
tide had so suddenly turned. She had always hundreds of ’em around Punta every day. Here’s
insisted upon placing him upon a pedestal, the name on this tag tied to it. Know any
and he had accepted her homage with royal Spanish, Trysdale?”
grandeur . . . he had absorbed the oblation as
“No,” said Trysdale, with the bitter wraith
a desert drinks the rain that can coax from it
of a smile—“Is it Spanish?”
no promise of blossom or fruit.
“Yes. The natives imagine the leaves are
He remembered the scene the night when reaching out and beckoning to you. They call it
he had asked her to come up on his pedestal by this name—Ventomarme. Name means in
with him and share his greatness. During English, ‘Come and take me.’”
their conversation she had said: “And —-from The Cactus
Captain Carruthers tells me that you speak O. Henry
the Spanish language like a native. . . . Is
there anything you do not know?”. . . . Alas!
the incense of her admiration had been so
sweet and flattering. . . . Without protest, he 1. Describe the setting and main character of
allowed her to twine about his brow this O. Henry’s story.
spurious bay of Spanish scholarship. . . . He 2. Explain the cause of the misunderstanding
did not feel the prick of the thorn that was to between Trysdale and the lady.
pierce him later.
3. In your opinion is the cactus an appropriate
“I will send you my answer tomorrow,” way to accept a proposal? Why or why not?
she said; and he, the indulgent, confident
victor, smilingly granted the delay. The next
day he waited, impatient, in his rooms for Write
the word. At noon her groom came to the Do you agree with the statement
door and left the strange cactus in the red “The presence of the cactus in Trysdale’s
earthen jar. There was no note, no message,
apartment is ironic.”? Explain your position.
merely a tag upon the plant bearing a
barbarous foreign or botanical name.
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
19 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 6 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the following sentence

in 1802, president jefferson offered 5. List four objectives of Lewis and Clark’s
an challange to his young assistent expedition to the west.
meriwether lewis,

2. Use the context to define pirogue. What is President Jefferson gave instructions to
the derivation of the word? William Clark and Meriwether Lewis.
Besides the main objective of the
Lewis purchased a small boat called a expedition, to find a route to the Pacific
pirogue while he waited for the keelboat Ocean, the explorers were instructed to
Discovery to be built. measure latitude and longitude along the
way and to draw maps of the country.
3. Explain the idiom in the following sentence. They were to learn about the Indian
tribes along the route, studying their
In the spring of 1804, Clark wrote in his
languages, customs, and hunting
journal, “We are fixing for a start.”
practices. If any chiefs wanted to visit
Washington, Lewis and Clark were to
4. Choose the correct word. arrange for them to come to the East.
The paralysis _____________ his limbs. They were also to take careful notes of
the climate and plant and animal life of
 affected  effected the country they passed through.

TUESDAY WEEK 6 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Be an editor. Correct the spelling and the

punctuation in this excerpt from William
5. Match the synonyms.
Clark’s journal.
Ocian in view! O! The joy!

2. Underline and classify the phrase and clause

in the following sentence.
After a long delay, the keelboat for the
expedition was completed.

3. Lewis took vials of vermilion on the long

journey. What is vermilion?

4. Studying Clark’s journals is

a. without merit, since the spelling and
grammar are so poor
b. utilizing a primary source
c. impossible because the actual journals
were lost

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 20 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 6 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Define the verb provoke. Do you feel the

connotation of the word is positive or negative?
5. Label each statement as fact or opinion.
Explain the reason for your classification.
2. Reorganize the sentence to clarify its meaning.
a. As winter progressed, the hunters had to
Captain Lewis with his dog Seaman walked
go farther to find game.
along the shore by his side on most days.
b. Winter was a difficult time for the
3. Punctuate the following sentence. Captain Lewis members of the expedition.
collected four things. c. Many kinds of vegetation and wildlife live
along the shores of the Missouri River.
Lewis preserved hundreds of cuttings
d. Today’s explorers should follow the
seeds plants and flowers
example of the Corps of Discovery.

4. Picture the explorers around their campfire.

Write a simile or a metaphor to describe
their appearance.

THURSDAY WEEK 6 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What is the difference between a participle

and a gerund?
5. Write a caption for this cartoon.
2. Combine the two sentences using
an appositive phrase.
Meriwether Lewis was born in 1774.
He was the son of a Virginia planter.

3. Circle the correctly spelled words.

incidentally preferrable reccommend
succeed superceed unanimus

4. When would you skim an article?

a. to evaluate the material presented
b. to preview material before a study session
c. to prepare to explain the information to
someone else

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

21 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 6 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read the timeline for the Corps of Discovery’s activities during 1804.

March 10
Lewis and Clark attend ceremonies in St. Louis formally
transferring the Louisiana Territory to the United States.
The Corps of Discovery spent
May 14 every day on the trail or river.
Lewis and Clark begin journey up the Missouri River.

May 21 Lewis and Clark’s expedition

required extensive preparations
Corps of Discovery leaves St. Charles and embarks on journey.

July 4 The members of the

expeditionary force kept to
The Corps holds the first Independence Day celebration west
themselves and simply made
of the Mississippi river.
observations about what
August 3 they observed.
The Corps holds a council with the Oto and Missouri Indians.
Lewis and Clark were
August 20
self-sufficient and managed to
Corps member Sergeant Charles Floyd dies of natural causes. lead their expedition without
outside support.
August 30
The Corps holds a council with the Yankton Sioux. The exploration was quickly
and easily completed in1804.
Early September
The Corps enters the Great Plains and sees animals unknown
in the eastern United States.

September 25
The Corps has a tense encounter with the Teton Sioux.

October 24
The Corps arrives at the villages of the Mandan and Hidatsa.

November 4
Lewis and Clark hire French-Canadian fur trader Toussaint Write
Charbonneau and his Shoshone wife, Sacagawea, to act Use what you know to create
as interpreters for the journey. a list of explicit verbs that might
be used in describing Lewis and
December 17 Clark’s activities.
The men record the temperature at 45 degrees below zero.

December 24
The men finish building their winter quarters, Fort Mandan.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 22 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 7 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Some words have specific meanings when used in

a mathematical context. Define each of these words
5. Write a sentence explaining the
in two ways: as it would be used in geometry and
difference between congruent figures
as you would use it in your conversation.
and similar figures.
• ray • point
Congruent figures have the same
size and shape:
2. Choose the correct word. • congruent corresponding sides
The bank put a __________ on his property. • congruent corresponding angles
 line  lien Note: Figures can be congruent
even if one of the figures
3. Diagram the sentence. is turned or flipped.
Math teachers give students daily homework. Similar figures have the same shape,
but not necessarily the same size:
4. Respond to this poetic thought.
• corresponding angles
are congruent
• lengths of corresponding sides
are proportional

TUESDAY WEEK 7 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Divide the word into prefix, root, and suffix.

Give the meaning of each.
5. Write a title for the figure below.

2. Add a prefix and /or a suffix to the word

symmetry to form an adjective.

3. Edit the following sentence.

euclids book the elements formed
the basis for most of the geometry
studied ever since it was written
in 400 bc

4. Choose the keyword that would be least

helpful in finding the formula for the area of
a parallelogram.
 area  quadrilateral
 formula  parallelogram

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

23 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 7 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Write two sentences using the word segment.

Use it as a noun in one sentence, and as a verb
5. Read the notes. Write a definition
in the other sentence.
for parallel lines.
2. Add endings to the word coordinate • A plane is a flat surface with no
to complete each sentence correctly. thickness that extends without end
in all directions on the surface.
a. _________________ are pairs of numbers that
• Two lines that lie in the same plane
are used to determine points in a plane.
are either intersecting or parallel.
b. _________________ the football team’s
• Intersecting lines have exactly one
plays requires several coaches.
point in common.
c. The press secretary _________________
• Parallel lines have no points in
the information released to the media.
3. Explain the idiom: • Parallel segments lie in parallel
a square peg in a round hole
• Skew lines are lines that are not
4. Complete the sentence with the correct parallel and do not intersect.
relative pronoun. • Skew lines lie in different planes.
The students _________ solved the problem • Skew segments lie in skew lines.
were pleased with their accomplishment.

THURSDAY WEEK 7 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Use the meaning of the prefix equi- to help

choose the equilateral triangle.
5. Read the bulleted information and then
use it to label the two sets of figures.
A transformation of a figure
is a change in its position,
shape, or size.
2. Rewrite this definition so it is easily understood. • a rotation is a transformation that
A polygon is a closed planar path turns a figure about a point
composed of a finite number of • a reflection is a transformation that
sequential line segments. flips a figure over a line
• a translation or slide is a
3. Edit the sentence. transformation that moves every
any poligon reguler or ireguler has as point of a figure the same distance
many angels as it has sides and the same direction.

4. Give the past tense of each verb.

a. intersect b. parallel c. admit

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 24 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 7________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


Pythagoras believed that all relations could be reduced to

number relations. This generalization stemmed from his
observations in music, mathematics, and astronomy.
Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produced
harmonious tones when the ratios of the lengths of the strings
are whole numbers, and that these ratios could be extended to
other instruments. In fact, Pythagoras made remarkable
contributions to the mathematical theory of music. He was a
fine musician, playing the lyre.
Pythagoras studied properties of numbers that are familiar
to mathematicians today, such as even, odd, and perfect
numbers. Pythagoras proved the sum of the angles of a
triangle is equal to two right angles, and he developed the
Pythagorean theorem: In any right triangle, the sum of the
squares of the lengths of the legs (a and b) is equal to the
square of the length of the hypotenuse (c).
In astronomy Pythagoras taught that the earth was a
sphere at the center of the universe. He also recognized that
the orbit of the moon was inclined to the equator of the earth
and he was one of the first to realize that Venus as an evening
star was the same planet as Venus as a morning star.

1. How would you classify Pythagoras’ ideas? Support your classification with facts.
• logical • creative • limited • innovative

2. True or false? Explain your answer.

All of Pythagoras’ ideas have subsequently become accepted truths.

3. In an outline of the important information in the article, what three subtopics

would you choose?

A theorem is an idea accepted or proposed as a demonstrable truth. Think of an idea that you
have that you believe could be a theorem about students of English. Write your theorem and list
at least three facts that support it.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

25 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 8 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. The words below have similar denotations. Tell

whether each word has a positive, negative, or
5. What literary devices does Faulkner
neutral connotation.
use as he describes the house?
haughty __________ proud ___________
arrogant __________ insolent ___________

2. Edit the sentence.

william faulkner was borne in to a
prominent southern family in missisippi

3. Change each phrase to a plural possessive form.

a. the stain made by the blueberry
b. the bite of the mosquito

4. Faulkner said, “The poet’s voice need not merely

be the record of man, it can be one of the props,
the pillars to help him endure and prevail.”
Do you agree? Why or why not?

TUESDAY WEEK 8 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Write a sentence to summarize the information.

• When he was young, Faulkner was 5. Match each compound word with
an avid reader.
its definition.
• Faulkner was influeneced by his great-
grandfather, who was a novelist.
• Faulkner enjoyed tales of the Civil War,
folklore, French poetry, and Bible stories.

2. Circle the misspelled words.

imperviousness vindacate
august obesety

3. Edit the following sentence.

in 1926 faulkner tried his hand at
fiction and published his first novel
soldiers pay

4. What source would you use to find the meaning

of the French expression noblesse oblige?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 26 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 8 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Define the word virulent. Use it in a sentence.

5. Read the lines from the poem “Love
2. Underline the main verb in the sentence.
Song.” What do you think this stanza
Though Faulkner wrote of the describes? How do you think the
conservative rural South, he speaker felt?
experimented with repetition,
inconsistent punctuation, and
multiple points of view.

3. What is a flashback?

4. Write an alliterative phrase.

THURSDAY WEEK 8 _________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. In accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature in

1950, William Faulkner said, “I feel that this
5. Combine the three short sentences to
award was not made to me as a man, but to my
help the flow.
work. . . . So this award is only mine in trust.”
Explain what you think he meant. • William Faulkner experimented
with inconsistent punctuation.
2. Punctuate the following sentence. • He often utilized repetition, long
William Faulkner a southerner and puzzling sentences, and
multiple points of view.
himself wrote about the conservative
rural South • William Faulkner wrote in a
stream-of-consciousness style.
3. Would a shy newcomer be likely to demonstrate
temerity? Explain your answer.

4. List a possible topic for a research report on

William Faulkner and three questions you would
ask to begin your research.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

27 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 8 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read this description from As I Lay Dying written by William Faulkner.
Standing in a litter of chips, he is fitting two of the boards
together. Between the shadow spaces they are yellow as gold,
like soft gold, bearing on their flanks in smooth undulations the
marks of the adze blade: a good carpenter, Cash is. He holds the
two planks on the trestle, fitted along the edges in a quarter of
the finished box. He kneels and squints along the edge of them,
then he lowers them and takes up the adze. A good carpenter.
Addie Bundren could not want a better one, a better box to lie
in. It will give her confidence and comfort. I go on to the house,
followed by the Chuck. Chuck. Chuck. of the adze.
—from As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner,
written in 1930
1. Who is Faulkner describing?

2. What is he making?

3. What observations can you make about Faulkner’s style from this excerpt?

William Faulkner sometimes wrote long puzzling sentences and
used punctuation that broke all of the rules. Try your hand at
describing something happening in your world. Jot down your
thoughts, paying careful attention to descriptive phrases and
words that create “pictures” in your readers’ minds. Don’t worry
about the rules for using end punctuation and commas. Use
punctuation to indicate pauses in your thinking.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 28 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 9 ______________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Rewrite each name using correct capitalization.

a. university of arizona 5. What is the main idea?
b. u. of a.
c. k.s.u.
d. florida state university In high school, it seems like everyone has
e. lewis and clark university an opinion (and a bone to pick) about
what it takes to get into a college. Poor
f. stanford university test-takers think the SATs must be the
most important thing. Those with lots of
2. Edit the sentence. extracurricular activities fear that colleges
will focus more on “numbers.” Those who
Niether hard work nor lack of sleep take difficult courses worry that colleges
deter Benjamin. will only look at grades, and not how they
were earned. In the end, the process of
3. Circle the misspelled words. getting into college is usually quite fair.
With a few minor exceptions, colleges are
pasttime elegible libary legitimately looking for the most qualified
separate occasion efficient applicants they can find, and that means
sifting through as much information as
they have available.
4. What is an adverb clause? —James Brody

TUESDAY WEEK 9 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Which format should be used in asking for

information about a university program?
5. Describe what you think makes a
 friendly letter  business letter student successful.

2. Edit the sentence.

Every period and comma were scrutinized.

3. Pasha is developing a list of adjectives

to use to describe a successful student.
Edit the list for her.

eficient accommadating

disceplined consceintious

humerous versetile

4. Circle the noun clause.

Whoever reads enjoys the library.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

29 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 9 ______________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What is wrong with this sentence?

Javiar, as well as Simone, plan to attend 5. Which college would be the best choice
Columbia University.
for a potential student who wants
personal attention from professors in the
2. Match the meaning with the word.
classroom and doesn’t like math?
Use each word correctly in a sentence.
Tell why.
than • • at that time

then • • in comparison with MIT is possibly the world’s leading university in

the areas of science and technology. While MIT
students can receive a traditional liberal arts
3. Add correct punctuation to this quotation. education, the school draws those with interests
Colin Powell reported I was born in in such scientific fields as physics, computer
Harlem raised in the South Bronx went science, and biotechnology.
to public school got out of public college
went into the Army and then I just stuck
with it. Although smaller than its Ivy League counterparts,
this school is no less competitive. Nestled in the hills
4. Describe a soliloquy. of Western Massachusetts on a sprawling campus,
Amherst is located near Emily Dickinson’s home.
Amherst’s professors spend less time on big
research projects and more time in the classroom.

THURSDAY WEEK 9_________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Which closing is most appropriate for a letter

accompanying a college application? 5. Classify the examples by matching
them to the type of evidence
a. Love, c. Yours truly,
they represent.
b. Most sincerely, d. Awaiting your reply,
• University freshman pay an average of
2. Edit the sentence. $19,000 in fees.

Each of the students write an essay for • More National Merit scholars attend O.U.
their college application. than any other university.

• College is the best time of

3. Correct the spelling. your life.
Hernando read the phamflet • Many students protest the
about financal aide before filing cost of tuition because they
out the questionaire. cannot afford to pay the fees.

• At some universities, out-of-

4. Eliminate the wordiness. state fees are waived for
In my personal opinion, it is necessary that individuals. For example,
at U.N.C., residence hall
we should not ignore the opportunity to think
counselors from outside
over each and every suggestion. Colorado pay in-state tuition.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 30 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 9 ________________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


Most universities have quirky traditions that developed over the years and have been passed on
from one generation of students to the next. At the University of Maryland, students rub the nose of
Testudo, the diamondback terrapin, for good luck. The bronze turtle statue sits in the center of campus
in front of the library, where it was mounted to a cement pedestal in the 1960s to prevent rival students
from stealing it.
Other universities also claim to have statues that bring good luck. At Harvard University, you can
see an aging statue of John Harvard with a very shiny foot. Students and visitors rub the statue’s left
shoe for good luck. Ironically, the statue is nicknamed the “Statue of Three Lies” since all three pieces
of information on the inscription—John Harvard, Founder, 1638—are incorrect.
Many university traditions are linked to sports. At University of Oklahoma football games, each
touchdown is succeeded by an appearance of the Sooner Schooner. The small covered wagon, pulled by
two white ponies, drives onto Owen Field, makes a small loop, and heads back into a tunnel in the
stadium. The Sooner Schooner got its name from the pioneers who participated in the Oklahoma Land
Run in 1889. The “sooners” were the pioneers who sneaked across the line early to get the best tracts
of land.
Another popular football tradition is the Gator Chomp at the University of Florida. Fans in the
stadium open and close their extended arms to intimidate their opponents by simulating the chomping
jaws of their mascot, the Gator.
One of the universities best known for its traditions is Texas A&M University in College Station,
Texas. From Midnight Yell practice and giant bonfires to the largest military marching band, the
traditions of Texas A & M date back to the university’s roots in 1876. The traditions also reflect A&M’s
strong military ties. Every visitor to Texas A&M can experience one of the friendliest university
traditions: simply stroll across campus and wait for every passing student to greet you with a “Howdy!”

1. What is a tradition?

2. How did the Oklahoma Sooners
Describe a tradition at your school
get their nickname?
that has been handed down from
one graduating class to another.
3. Write three supporting details for the thesis: Is the tradition based on superstition
Many university traditions or cultural heritage?
are linked to sports.

4. What do the Statue of Three Lies

and the bronze statue of Testudo
have in common?

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

31 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 10 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Give the meaning of simultaneously. 4. Underline the adjective clause in the sentence.

2. Edit the Disillusioned about the prospect of social

sentence. change in the United States, James Baldwin
moved to Europe in 1969.

5. Choose the pair of words that best

completes the analogy.

3. Replace the homonyms in this sentence with the

correct words.
James Baldwin insisted that everyone must no
his or her passed and present reality, and that
one must commit oneself to act upon that
understanding to.

TUESDAY WEEK 10 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. An essay is
a. the exploration of a topic by summarizing 5. Have you ever known someone who
the opinions of other writers
chose to side with a close friend or
b. a short, nonfiction work that explores the family member even though it meant
author’s opinions and ideas on a topic
breaking the rules? Explain what the
c. an anonymous traditional story passed down rule-breaker chose to do and what
orally long before being written down
happened as a result of his or
her actions.
2. Use loitering in a sentence that shows you
understand what the word means.

3. Edit the sentence.

james baldwins first novel go tell it on
the mountain was published in 1953 and
became an important portrait of life in the
united states

4. What information must be included in a

bibliographic entry for a novel?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 32 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 10 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Choose the example of hyperbole.

a. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. 5. In Nobody Knows My Name
b. bright darkness or wise fool James Baldwin wrote:
c. Did you see the gymnast whirl in the air
like a doughnut?

2. What is a foil in literature?

3. Critics say that James Baldwin exposed his

readers to basic truths about the society in
which they lived with uncompromising realism.
What does the phrase uncompromising
realism mean?
Do you agree or disagree?
4. Write a sentence using each word correctly.
Give reasons for your opinion.
• formally
• formerly

THURSDAY WEEK 10 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain and correct what is wrong

with the following.
5. Write a sentence that summarizes the
He left without saying good-bye. following notes:
His anger apparent.

2. James Baldwin is said to “raise an

eloquent voice in protest and social
outrage against racial inequality.”
What does that mean?

3. Correct the misspelled words.

absense accidentelly

acomodate alot

4. The special dictionary with a

collection of synonyms is called a

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

33 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 10 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read the passage from Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin.

The Sunday morning service began when Brother Elisha sat down at the
piano and raised a song. This moment and this music had been with John, so
it seemed, since he had first drawn breath. It seemed that there had never been
a time when he had not known this moment of waiting while the packed church
paused—the sisters in white, heads raised, the brothers in blue, heads back;
the white caps of the women seeming to glow in the charged air like crowns,
the kinky, gleaming heads of the men seeming to be lifted up—and the rustling
and the whispering ceased, . . . .

1. Use the context to determine and write the meaning of the phrase “raised a song”.
What literary device does its represent?

2. What word would you use to name the mood Baldwin has created with this description?

3. Baldwin goes on to describe the singing saying,

“They sang with all the strength that was in them, and clapped their hands
for joy. There had never been a time when John had not sat watching the saints
rejoice with terror in his heart, and wonder. Their singing caused him to believe
in the presence of the Lord; indeed, it was no longer a question of belief, because
they made that presence real.”

Explain Baldwin’s use of the words—terror and wonder. How can the use of the two
opposing words describe a single moment? Is there another pair of words in the paragraph
that represents a similar conflict?

Think about your own life. Choose a moment that has been with you since you first drew breath—
a constant that you remember. Write a description of the moment. Then tell what the moment
means to you.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 34 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 11 ______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Tell what is incorrect, then fix it.

The team can’t change their score after 5. Read the graph. What was the change
the buzzer. in the record from 1865–1923?

2. Circle the incorrectly spelled words.

eligable physical balet
hygeine versatile conscientious

3. Add endings to the word athlete to match

each definition.
a. characteristic of an
athlete—vigorous, active
b. exercises, sports, or games
engaged in by athletes
c. ringworm of the feet ___________ foot

4. ____________ occurs when a sound, word,

phrase, or line is repeated within a piece
of writing.

TUESDAY WEEK 11 _____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence.

Peanut butter and jelly is a favorite 5. Write a summary of the information
among hungry skiers.
shown below:
2. Complete each sentence with the correct word. Using the Dewey Decimal System
past passed

a. John ______ Jim before the first curve.

b. The team can’t change its __________ record.

3. Change both the subject and the predicate

to make them compound.

Coaches teach players useful strategies.

4. Write an original sentence

using the verbal phrase
putting pads on the floor.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

35 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 11 ______________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Write the following sentences as

inverted sentences.
a. Five prize trophies are there in the 5. Compare an athlete to an object in a
display case. sentence. Your words should “draw a
b. The members of the winning team are picture” for your readers.
waiting here in the gym.

2. Circle the correct verb.

Twelve months (has/have) passed
since the last championship match.

3. Write an antonym for each word.

a. contradict b. agility
c. determined d. stringent
e. benevolent f. dehydrate

4. What literary device is used in this comparison?

Swimmers are human missiles launched
underwater—well-tuned machines pitted
against the clock.

THURSDAY WEEK 11 _________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain why the verb is singular.

The cumulative score of the 5. Combine each cluster of statements
divers surprises the coach.
into one or two sentences.
a–1 The staging area was noisy.
2. Circle the correct word.
–2 The staging area was cramped.
(Who, Whom) do you –3 The chairs rocked back and forth as swimmers
think was the guest of filed in and out.
honor? –4 It was a sea of oiled bodies and latex swim caps.
b–1 Mark sat with seven other swimmers.
3. Add the suffix -able to the –2 He tried to relax.
word change. –3 He felt tense.
c–1 The clerk called Mark’s heat.
4. What types of resources would –2 He scrubbed his hands
you find when you use the on his sweatshirt.
Readers’ Guide to Periodical –3 He pulled the shirt
Literature? over his head.
–4 He adjusted his goggles.
–5 He walked toward the
blocks with confidence.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 36 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 11 ________________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read the famous poem Casey at the Bat by Ernest L. Thayer. It was first published on June 3, 1888, in the
San Francisco Examiner. Actor and speaker De Wolf Hopper recited the poem during a performance at
the Wallack Theater before an audience of baseball players and it was an instant success.

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day; The sneer has fled from Casey’s lip, the teeth are clenched in hate;
The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play, He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate.
And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same, And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
A pall-like silence fell upon the patrons of the game. And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey’s blow.
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,
Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast; The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
They thought, “If only Casey could but get a whack at that— And somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout;
We’d put up even money now, with Casey at the bat.” But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out.
But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake,
And the former was a hoodoo, while the latter was a cake;
So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat;
For there seemed but little chance of Casey getting to the bat.
But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all,
And Blake, the much despised, tore the cover off the ball;
And when the dust had lifted, and men saw what had occurred,
There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third.
Then from five thousand throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
It pounded on the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat.
There was ease in Casey’s manner as he stepped into his place;
There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile lit Casey’s face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
No stranger in the crowd could doubt ’twas Casey at the bat.
1. Use the context of the poem to define
Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt. each of these words.
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt.
• bade • doffed • wonderment
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance flashed in Casey’s eye, a sneer curled Casey’s lip.
• awed • favored • maddened

And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air, 2. How can a tongue applaud?
And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
3. What does it mean to hug third?
Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped—
“That ain’t my style,” said Casey. “Strike one!” the umpire said. 4. When Blake tore the cover off
From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar, the ball what did he do?
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;
“Kill him! Kill the umpire!” shouted someone on the stand;
And it’s likely they’d have killed him had not Casey raised his hand. Write
With a smile of Christian charity great Casey’s visage shone; Which literary device was most important
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on; to Thayer’s poem? Select one and write a
He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the dun sphere flew; paragraph that presents the reasoning for
But Casey still ignored it, and the umpire said, “Strike two!”
your selection.
“Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered, “Fraud!”
• repetition • characterization
But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain, • humor • surprise ending
And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball go by again.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

37 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 12 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

while in chicago I hope to see the 5. Define the following theater terms:
drowsy chaperone hairspray and
the producers

2. What is the subject of the sentence?

Please arrive at least 30 minutes
before curtain time.

3. List four attributes of a play.

4. Fat Joe, the proprietor of a bar in London, opens

Eugene O’Neill’s play The Long Voyage Home.
Use these lines to determine the type of bar.
JOE—(yawning) Blimey if bizness ain’t ’arf
slow tonight. I donnow wot’s ’appened. The
place is like a bleedin’ tomb. Where’s all the
sailor men, I’d like to know?
 hopping joint  deserted dive

TUESDAY WEEK 12 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. John Caird and Trevor Nunn adapted Victor

Hugo’s novel Les Miserables for the theater.
5. Describe these citations.
What does this mean?
• parenthetical documentation

2. Edit the sentence.

• footnotes
Rent a study of young hungry artists in
new york citys east village is a modern • endnotes
interpretation of the opera la boheme.

3. Correct these misspelled words.

directer maneger operater

4. Do you agree or disagree?

Support your opinion.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 38 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 12 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. When you read or see a play, the sequence of

plot events builds to a point at which you feel the
5. Read the ticket. Record the following
greatest emotional intensity or suspense. This
point is called the ______________.
• day of performance
• time of performance
2. What is a protagonist? • cost of ticket
• venue

3. Edit the sentence. • location of seat

the cruicble dramatizes the story of a

historical incident in seventeenth-century
salem massachusetts in which accusations
made by young women sets off a witch hunt.

4. Choose the word that best completes the analogy.

clear : puzzle :: conciliatory :__________
 gesture  threat  success

THURSDAY WEEK 12 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Tell what may be wrong and write three ways to

solve the problem.
5. Mark the seat Orchestra, K-16 on the
A playwright must make careful word diagram of the theater.
choices in his work.

2. A playwright writes stage directions.

Explain what that entails.

3. What is a monologue?

4. Number the list of playwrights in

alphabetical order. (Use last names.)
___Arthur Miller
___William Shakespeare
___Albert Camus
___Neil Simon

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

39 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 12 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

The Phantom of the Opera Lion King
In the role of Christine, Rosie Herman’s The magnificent costumes and enchanting music
effortless soprano voice and agile feet of “The Lion King” transported the breathless
overshadowed John Robertson’s gravelly audience from the Civic Theater to the African
baritone and sloppy depiction of the Sahara for an unforgettable evening. The
choreography as the Phantom. The puppeteers maneuvered the complex animal
swooping chandelier was impressive, as costumes with remarkable agility and realism,
were the costumes in the chorus number blending into the subtle backdrops depicting the
“Masquerade,” though a few more hours dry, arid landscape. Out of these beautiful
in the studio might have helped with the surroundings, the pure voices of classically
dancers’ synchronization. By the end of trained vocalists soared above the stage,
the second act, the audience’s mood was penetrating the hearts and souls of all present.
gloomier than the Phantom’s dungeon. “The Lion King” was truly an out-of-this-world
Herman was the only bright light in an experience and a night to remember.
otherwise dismal performance.
Oklahoma The Corvette Theater Company pulls off a
Grab your lasso, pull on that cowboy hat, mediocre, but entertaining, production of this
and hustle down to the Country Theater to bobby-sock classic. Lily Moon steals the show as
see this fantastic revival of a Roger and a spunky and innocent Sandy who blossoms
Hammerstein classic. From the opening from a prim bookworm into a confident co-ed.
number “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,” Danny, portrayed by Scott Carpenter, and his
to the rousing favorite “Surrey With the gang of buddies, the T-Birds, warble through
Fringe on Top,” Oklahoma feels like a their musical numbers but keep the audience
boot-scootin’ hoe down. Just like the wind laughing with their slapstick antics. Despite a few
sweeping down the plains, this production missed notes and technical hitches, everyone left
will blow you away. the theater smiling after an energetic curtain call.

1. Which Broadway show was the reviewer’s favorite? Give reasons for your opinion.
2. Using the cues from the reviews, think of one classification that would fit all the shows.
3. List three adjectives for each of the following actors: Rosie Herman, John Robertson, Lily Moon,
Scott Carpenter. Then rate their performances as excellent, good, or poor.
4. What writing mode is a Broadway review?
5. Which musical would you rather see and why?

Write two reviews of the same event. Use tone and word choice to make one review positive and
one review negative.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 40 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 13 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Underline the complete predicate.

Species that receive protection under 5. What is the main idea?
the ESA are classified into two categories,
“Endangered” or “Threatened,” depending on
their status and how severely their survival
is threatened.

2. Choose the correct pronoun.

______ makes the final decision about the
classification of endangered animals?
Who Whom

3. Add punctuation to this quotation.

Ever since before the beginning of recorded
history, Jan Goble suggests man has played a
decisive role in the quality of his environment
and the loss of life in it.

4. Circle the correctly spelled words.

reptile fatel shrivle frugal

TUESDAY WEEK 13 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What is the meaning of the prefix para-?

5. Define a secondary consumer using the
2. Write a strong thesis statement for a persuasive
labeled diagram.
paragraph on the importance of protecting
endangered animals.

3. Edit the following sentence.

the shady persuit of endangered bird eggs
made International headlines when Colin
Watson widely considered britain’s most
notoriaus ilegal egg collecter died after falling
from a 12-meter tree while hunting a rare egg.

4. Document the source using appropriate format.

The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution
and Future of the Human Animal

by Jared Diamond

Harper Perennial, 1992, Chicago, IL

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

41 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 13 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Write two synonyms for endangered.

5. Analyze the rhyme pattern in this
2. Change each phrase to a plural possessive.
stanza from Edgar Allen Poe’s
one rhino’s horn
“The Raven”.
the beetle’s shell
a t-rex’s roar

3. Choose the correct word.

Once upon a midnight dreary,
One of the _________ of man’s progress is a while I pondered, weak and weary,
diminished natural habitat for many animals. Over many a quaint and curious
affects effects volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping,
4. Order the four events in a logical sequence. suddenly there came a tapping,
__ Native Americans hunted buffalo. As of someone gently rapping,
rapping at my chamber door.
__ Fur traders supplied manufacturers
with buffalo skins. “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered,
“tapping at my chamber door—
__ Enormous herds of buffalo
Only this, and nothing more.”
roamed the plains.
__ Wealthy Easterners enjoyed the warmth
of stylish buffalo robes.

THURSDAY WEEK 13 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Correct the sentence.

Each of the animals have specific 5. Classify the following statements as
requirements for survival.
fact or opinion.

2. In Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary the

word endangered has the date
1964 in parentheses after the entry.
What does this date mean?

3. Explain the difference between

incredible and incredulous.

4. Imagine that you must write a research

report on some aspect of endangered
animals. Choose an appropriate topic
and identify three research questions
you would use to begin your research.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 42 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 13 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

I see her every night, her graceful lines and sleek orange and black stripes bleeding
into the shadowy darkness. She is a portentous predator who moves silently and can
appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. I’ve watched her grow from a furry cub to a
lean, independent warrior, just as I watched generations before her.
But there is change in the air, and I am worried. The landscape, once lush and
abundant with wildlife, has been shrinking. Over the centuries, the humans have
extended their villages and towns into towering, chaotic cities. As I make my nightly
rotation around the earth, I see the electric lights multiply. Every night a few more
They are moving closer to her, too. She can
sense it; I see her ears back and her eyes
nervously searching for signs of the human
intruders. Her nightly forays to find food are
longer, and, often, she is still hungry at dawn.
The noise and hunters have driven the animals
farther into the jungle. It will be difficult for
her to find a mate, to have cubs of her own.
I see the lights making their way closer to
her domain from all sides. I only hope that at
some point the humans will stop, that they
will decide their cities are large enough. And I
hope that day comes soon, because I cannot
imagine my passing nightly without glimpsing
her magnificence.

1. Who is the observer in this description?

2. How does the observer feel about the animal?

3. Does the observer approve of the changes noted? How can you tell?
Give specific examples to support your opinion.

4. Define the following words: portentous, abundant, forays, domain.

Choose an endangered animal. Write a description of the animal from the viewpoint of a
partisan observer. Convey the observer’s viewpoint without actually stating his or her position.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

43 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 14 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Read the journal entry in 5. List three sets

of antonyms found in the paragraph.
5. Summarize the thought in Minke’s Journal.
2. Edit the following sentence.
in traditional balinese
mythology batara kala the god Whether light or shadow, nothing can escape
being pushed along by Batara Kala. No one
of the underworld and the
can return to his starting point. Maybe this
creator of the light and the earth
mighty god is the one whom the Dutch call the
Teeth of Time. He makes the sharp blunt, and
3. Classify the sentence. the blunt sharp; the small are made big and
Child of All Nations is the the big made small. All are pushed on toward
second volume in the Bura Quartet the horizon, while it recedes eternally beyond
written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. our reach, pushed on to annihilation. And it is
that annihilation that in turn brings rebirth.
compound from Child of All Nations
written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
complex translated by Max Lane

4. Define annihilate.

TUESDAY WEEK 14 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Which reference would be most helpful in

determining the current exchange rate for
5. Paraphrase headlines to predict what
the dollar in Indonesia? Why?
you think the article is about.
atlas almanac
Internet encyclopedia

2. Circle the synonyms for native.

indigenous simple
inborn natural

3. Correct the spelling.

pupeter _____________________________
paradice ____________________________
humedity ___________________________

4. When is it acceptable to use a dash

in a sentence?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 44 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 14 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Former Indonesian president Suharto was 4. What is the plural of Hindu?

sometimes referred to as a puppet master.
What literary device is used in the statement?

2. Circle the linking verb.

I am studying the fine art of puppetry er mean?
t does the literary review
with an amazing puppet master who 5. Wha es of the 19
makes his own puppets. listic injust
The imperia m e the firmly
ry ha v e beco
cen tu es of the
tio n ali zed injustic
3. What is a Tok Dalang? inst itu untries, as
ry in many co
20th ce n tu moedya
The task of the Tok Dalang requires immense
ce d by the fact that Pra
eviden ned in
skill and endurance, for not only does he
n o ve l w hile impriso
wrote th is dered a
control the movements of the puppets, he
b eca u se h e was consi
also has to provide each one with a Indonesia
distinguishable voice, and at times, to sing, subversive rary Journal
, Lib
all while “conducting” the accompanying –Brian Geary
traditional music ensemble by tapping a
rattle (known as the kechrek) with his feet.

THURSDAY WEEK 14 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What key words would you use to

look up information about traditional
5. Edit the notecard.
Indonesian shadow puppets?

2. Use the context to define

Wayang kulit.
Perforated leather puppets
with movable, jointed arms,
Wayang kulit, are popular in Indonesia.

3. True or false?
Unlike possessive nouns, possessive
pronouns never have apostrophes.

4. Does the author like Wayang Kulit?

Support your opinion.
A spellbinding medium for storytelling, the
Wayang Kulit is a traditional theatre form
that brings together the playfulness of a
puppet show, and the elusive quality and
charming simplicity of a shadow play.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

45 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 14 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

In Jakarta and throughout Indonesia, modern technology
and ancient traditions blend together. High-rise skyscrapers
stand beside historic mosques; high-speed jets land on
runways next to rice fields that are cultivated by farmers
using the same methods as their ancestors. The modern-day
nation of Indonesia is only 60 years old, but the variety of
The nation of Indonesia religious and cultural influences and the amazing architectural
covers a vast expanse of the ruins that are scattered across the islands show the centuries
Pacific Ocean astride and of history that have shaped this remarkable place. From the
south of the Equator. It ninth century Buddhist temple, Borobudur, to the Hindu island
consists of more than 17,000 of Bali, the largest Muslim nation in the world truly takes to
islands, 6,000 of which are heart its national motto, “Unity in Diversity.”
uninhabited. With more than Indonesia’s diversity also extends to its ecology. Komodo
220 million citizens, Indonesia dragons, orangutans, rhinos, and seahorses are just a few of
is the world’s fourth most the animals that reside in Indonesia’s rain forests, beaches,
populous nation. The national coral reefs, swamps, and mangroves. Indonesia may seem like
language of Indonesia is a tropical paradise, but the same geographic and natural
Bahasa Indonesia. Most forces that make it beautiful also make it unpredictable.
Indonesians also speak at Located near three major tectonic plates and dotted with more
least one of the nation’s 700 than 60 volcanoes, the islands of Indonesia face frequent
local languages or dialects in natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and
addition to Bahasa Indonesia tsunamis. One recent devastating event was a tsunami caused
and English. The capitol city by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean. The giant wave struck
of Jakarta is a bustling the island of Sumatra on December 26, 2004. It killed more
metropolitan area with more than 150,000 people in Indonesia and thousands more around
than eight million residents. the region. The area struck by the tsunami is rebuilding, but it
was a major blow to the nation of Indonesia and will go down
as one of the saddest chapters in Indonesia’s long and
fascinating history.

1. List four facts presented in the sidebar.

2. Choose one word that could be the theme of the article excerpt.
Explain why you chose that word.
3. Write a sentence that compares the natural disasters common to Indonesia with natural
disasters that may occur in the area where you live.

4. Explain the meaning of the phrase takes to heart.

Using the word you chose as the theme of the excerpt for your topic, outline the relevant information.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 46 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 15 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Is the verb transitive or intransitive?

A fierce storm blew across the waves. 5. Correct the spelling on the signs.
2. Choose the answer that is the best beginning for
the sentence. It should be clear and precise.
_______ is now a busy teen meeting place.
The skate park, once about to close due to
lack of funds,. . .
The skate park was once about to close due
to lack of funds, it . . .
The skate park that once having been about
to close due to lack of funds . . .

3. List three precise words that describe how

a skydiver moves.

4. What does the word agape mean?

Matt’s mouth was agape and his face
was white as he watched the bungee-jumper.

TUESDAY WEEK 15 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Locate the incorrect word. Cross it out and

replace it with a correctly spelled word.
5. Match the antonyms.
The skier performed three twists and a flip
in the air. That’s inedible!

2. Write a smashing opening sentence for a

soccer newsletter that will command the
readers’ rapt attention.

3. Circle the best source if you’re curious about the

world record for the longest luge ride.
encyclopedia index
The Guinness Book of World Records
biographical dictionary

4. What would you do with a bialy?

plant it cook it
sing to it sign it

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

47 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 15 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Complete the word by adding the root that has

the meaning given.
5. Number the sentences in chronological order.
sus ______________ (hang)

2. Clarify the meaning by rewriting the sentence.

The fans booed the football players ___ Stand up on the board and ride it
down the vertical face of the wave.
in the stands.
___ Paddle out to the area beyond the
breaking waves.
3. Choose the correct word.
___ Start by kneeling or lying on the
Did you and (he, him) survive the
wild raft ride?
___ Wait for the right wave.
4. Think of verbs with the given meanings to ___ If you time it right, the wave will pick
complete the sentence. up your surfboard and carry it along.

The athletes _____ out onto the field. ___ When you see one coming, turn
and paddle furiously to shore.
________ (make them enthusiastic)

________ (make them angry)

THURSDAY WEEK 15 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Are all skateboarders obstreperous?

Why or why not?
5. On what pages will you find info about
cardiovascular exercise?
2. Circle the subject. Underline the direct object.
Tumbling down the hill is not what I
wanted to do today. education, brain function, 87-90
elastin, 253
3. Capitalize words correctly in the lead sentence elliptical machine, 133
for this news article. enzymes, 185, 205
in the marathon leg of the 1989 ironman exercise, 5, 8, 11, 27, 34, 40, 52, 53,
triathlon in hawaii, jim maclaren, a 27-year- 55, 56, 160, 334
old professional triathlete and a former for bone-building , 123-39
linebacker for yale, fell in step with 41-year- cardiovascular, 27, 49-50, 51, 151
old ken mitchell, who played the same position
controlling blood pressure, 310
for the atlanta falcons.
heart rate elevation and, 133

4. Should you run a marathon if you’re obesity as obstacle to, 125

enervated? Why or why not? and osteoporosis prevention, 109

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 48 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 15 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What sport might the author of the poem be describing?

2. The majority of the words in the poem are gerunds. What is a gerund?

3. Complete the analogy.

jaw-bone rattling : scared :: _________ : overjoyed

4. Describe the pace of the poem. It begins quickly. Then what happens?

5. Write a synonym for each verb.

meander narrow pacify satisfy

A few well-chosen words can create a mood and describe an experience Write a poem using only a
few words. Traditional sentence structure is not necessary. You have poetic license to create your
own kinds of sentences.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

49 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 16 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Use the verbal phrase in an original sentence.

scurrying onto the train 5. What conclusions can you draw from
the information on the graph?
2. Identify the literary device used.
The tunnel swallowed the train as it
rushed to take its riders home. Public Transportation
Total Growth in Passenger-Miles
3. Explain the underlined phrase. 1990–2000
Expanding transportation options for
seniors will allow older citizens to Mo
2% tor
“age in place” within their own
ers1 Bu
neighborhoods with easy access to Oth %
essential, everyday destinations.

4. Edit the sentence.

Congeschun and trafic
problems are no longer
confined to only the most
largest of metropoliton areas. Rail 84%

TUESDAY WEEK 16 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Brainstorm possible research topics for a report

on public transportation. List at least three.
5. Summarize the information on the
2. What’s wrong with the following sentence?
Sophie and Martin are riding the ferry for
the first time, they are very excited.

3. Edit the quotation for punctuation.

It seems imperative reports Richard J.
Jackson M.D. that new transportation
options be developed and implemented in
order to help alleviate the public health
problems related to worsening air quality

4. Ridership on one Express line in Atlanta, GA,

increased 121% for November from 2004 to
2005. What might have caused the increase?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 50 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 16 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What is a ballad?
5. Analyze the poster. Explain the idiom
2. Rewrite to change the tense of the sentence from
and the metaphor. Explain whether you
past to present perfect. Add an adverb or adverb
think the slogan is an effective tool for
phrase to show that the action began in the past
persuading people to use public
and continues into the present.
My parents parked in the commuter lot.

3. Circle the correctly spelled words.

commutter transpertation

intersection benefits

4. Does your experience support this statement?

Write a sentence about traffic congestion.
A recent survey reported: Each person
traveling in peak periods wastes, on average,
62 hours a year—nearly eight full working
days—in traffic congestion delays.

THURSDAY WEEK 16 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Write each noun as a plural.

bus ferry trolley taxi 5. What is the main idea of this
introductory paragraph?
2. Circle the word that is correct.
Neither of the buses (arrives or arrive)
on time.
R esearchers combed through
results from the 2001
National Household Travel Survey
and examined walking times for
3. Analyze the columnist’s word choice. Explain
3,312 transit users, finding that
why you think it was effective or ineffective.
their average walking time was
Providing fast, affordable, reliable public nearly 25 minutes on days they
transportation is essential in blunting the used public transit, according to a
effects of crippling congestion, and study published in the November
providing sustained relief. issue of the American Journal of
Preventive Medicine. Some of these
4. Imagine a man who didn’t have transit users may be getting the
enough money to pay the fare. Then 30-plus minutes of daily
explain the premise behind the famous refrain. moderate-to-vigorous physical
He may ride forever ’neath the streets of Boston. activity recommended by the
U.S. Surgeon General.
He’s the man who never returned

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

51 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 16 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. How many stops would you pass by if you made a subway trip from Lincoln Park to Valley
View? a tram trip from Midtown to Washington Square?
2. How are ticket prices for the tram determined?
3. How much would it cost for a family of five (two adults, three school-age children) to take the
subway from Washington Square to West End twice a day for a week? Would it be more
economical to purchase a weekly pass or buy individual tickets?
4. What suggestions do you have for the committee that is revising the transportation guidelines
for Springfield?

Take a position on the statement. Write a persuasive argument for your position. Remember to
state your position clearly and support it with examples or facts.
Public transportation has a positive impact on quality of life.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 52 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 17 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Circle the correctly spelled words.

discepline misspell 5. A euphemism is an agreeable or neutral
word or phrase used in place of another
genious libary
word or phrase that is considered harsh,
receipt versatle insensitive, or offensive.

2. Add proper punctuation.

His mother said Quit talking

3. Choose the correct words.

a. The mayor’s policies have (affected,
effected) every city agency.
b. For the most part, the (affect, effect)
on the agencies has been positive.

4. What is colloquial language?

TUESDAY WEEK 17 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Choose the correct word.

The opportunity (passed, past) him by 5. An English clergyman named William
before he recognized it.
Spooner had the habit of unintentionally
transposing sounds from one word to
2. Write an interrogative sentence.
another as he spoke. These humorous
3. Does the following information require slips of the tongue came to be known as
documentation in a research paper? spoonerisms.
The 1893 Columbian Exposition
commemorated the 400th anniversary
of Columbus’s historic voyage.

4. Write two details to support this statement.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

53 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 17 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Carl Sandburg once said, “Slang is a language

that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and
5. Read the stanzas from Lewis Carroll’s
goes to work.” Explain the metaphor; tell whether
famous poem “Jabberwocky”. Use the
you agree, and why or why not.
context to decipher the story and retell
what happened.
2. Find the word that is misspelled. Cite the rule that
applies to the spelling of the words.
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought —
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
3. What is abstract language? And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
4. Give the past form The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
and the past participle Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
for each verb. And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two!
And through and through
write The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

THURSDAY WEEK 17 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Define and compare these three types of research

papers: a summary paper, an evaluative
5. Read the note. Then match the
paper, and an original paper.
eponyms with the correct words.
2. Make up a new compound word. Tell what it
means and use it in a sentence. e W . G . Ferris,
eor g eponym
Penn, G ms. An
William all ep on y r the
3. Write the plural of each word. is P a s teur are is th e s ource fo
Lou se name erris
a p ers on who m e th in g. The F
is e or so Ferris;
someon e W. G.
name of d for G e o r g
as name to his
wheel w e h is name k;
u is P a s teur ga v
f s t e r ilizing mil
Lo rocess o Penn.
isc o v ery, the p d a f te r William
d name
ate was
4. Classify the clause who are afraid of heights. and a st
People who are afraid of heights, acrophobics,
do not like to look down from balconies or a temperature scale Adolphe Sax
terraces. unit of electricity Gabriel Fahrenheit
a wind instrument James Watt

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 54 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 17 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

“Over here, honey,” Dolly beckoned toward 1. List six idioms from the story and give their
Adam from the back corner of the garden. His meaning. (Choose from the eleven included.)
shoes made sucking sounds in the muddy
2. The author’s use of particular idioms reflects
ground as he made his way across the mossy
a variation of language or dialect. What
soil. “It’s mighty wet, I know,” said Dolly.
setting do they suggest?
“It was raining cats and dogs last night.”
She handed Adam a worn wicker basket and 3. Analyze what the dialogue revealed about
motioned toward the flowering tomato vines. the two characters. Record what you know
“You sure do have a green thumb, Dolly,” in the organizer below.
he said, gazing at the endless rows of
blossoming fruits and vegetables.
Dolly smiled. “It’s that special fertilizer that cost
me an arm and a leg. And all of that awful rain.”
“Yeah,” sighed Adam, “I guess every cloud
has a silver lining.” He pointed to the budding
watermelon plant near the fence. “Dolly, we’re
going to have some delicious melon for the
Independence Day Fair. You’ve got a blue
ribbon winner there.”
Dolly shook her head. “Now, now, Adam,
we shouldn’t count our chickens before they
hatch. It’s too early yet. I’ll be on pins and
needles until I cut a ripe melon off the vine.”
“Don’t worry, Dolly,” reassured Adam.
“Those other melons are a dime a dozen, but
yours are the cat’s meow!”
Dolly blushed and turned to head back to
the house. “Gather up those baskets and come
help me roll out the dough.”
Adam grabbed a basket under each arm and
started trudging back across the moist ground.
“Dolly, I don’t mind picking and hauling, but the
day I bake a pie is the day pigs fly!”

Use the information you recorded to write a description of Dolly.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

55 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 18 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentences.

during his lifetime robert frost recieved more 5. Read the poem.
awards that any other twentieth-century poet
What is the rhyme pattern?
including four pulizer prizes for poetry and a
congressional medal.

2. Choose the correctly spelled word to complete

the sentence. Some say the world will end in fire;
Robert Frost _______ real life experiences Some say in ice.
to academic learning. From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
prefered preferred
But if it had to perish twice,
3. Define the underlined word. I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Some critics consider Frost’s treatment of
subjects superficial. Is also great
And would suffice.
4. Robert Frost encouraged his students —Robert Frost
at Amherst to bring the sound of the
human voice to their writing. What
do you think he meant?

TUESDAY WEEK 18 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence for punctuation, spelling, and

5. What does the word rued mean?
when frost returned from england prominmant
publishers backed his work and americas most
pretegous Universities invite him to teach in
there schools

2. Write an endnote for page 83 of the book

Frost: A Literary Life Reconsidered, by William H.
Pritchard. The book was written in 1984 and
published by Oxford University Press in New York.

3. Combine these sentences for better readability.

Robert Frost was born in San Francisco.
He lived there until he was 12.
His father died.
Then he moved to Massachusetts.

4. What is dialogue?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 56 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 18 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

at age twenty six frost moved to 5. Read this stanza of Robert Frost’s
a farm near derry new hampshire well-known poem Stopping By the
where he got to know the inhabitents Woods on a Snowy Evening.
of rurel new england
He gives his harness bells a shake
2. What is an appositive phrase? To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
3. Write three attributes of historical fiction.
Of easy wind and downy flake.
4. Circle the adverb in each sentence.
Imagine the sound: the sweep of easy
Draw an arrow to show what word
wind and downy flake. Would you hear
it modifies.
the sound as you travel home?
To which senses does Frost’s description
appeal? What kind of mood does the
description create?

THURSDAY WEEK 18 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Define the word embedded.

Robert Frost’s poetry has deeply embedded 5. Read the invitation in Robert Frost’s
itself in the American imagination.
short poem The Pasture. What does his
invitation mean to you?
2. Add the ending -ing to each of the words.
The Pastu
a n th e pasture s
out to cle away
I’m going ra ke th e leaves I may):
top to ter clear,
I’ll only s h th e w a
it to watc e too.
(And wa lo n g .— You com
3. Write three research questions you be gone calf
I sha’n’t tc h the little ng,
would ask when preparing a report g o in g out to fe
o the r. It’s so you
I’m the m gue.
nding by h her ton
about William Wordsworth’s That’s sta lick s it w it
when she ou come
influence on Robert Frost’s poetry. It totters lo n g .— Y
be gone
I sha’n’t
4. Write a short note inviting someone
to join you for an activity.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

57 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 18 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Mending Wall
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun, Read
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair 1. Describe each man’s property.
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding, 2. The narrator says that mending walls
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean, is just another kind of outdoor game.
No one has seen them made or heard them made, What does he mean?
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill; 3. Explain the line, “We have to use a
And on a day we meet to walk the line spell to make them balance.”
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go. 4. Do the two men share a common
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
philosophy about fences?
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
5. Think of a famous wall (the Berlin
’Stay where you are until our backs are turned!’
Wall, the Great Wall of China).
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor game, What do you think walls symbolize?
One on a side. It comes to little more: Compare the “fences” in Mr. Frost’s
There where it is we do not need the wall: poem with your perceptions of a wall.
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, ’Good fences make good neighbors’.
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
’Why do they make good neighbors? Isn’t it
Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That wants it down.’ I could say ’Elves’ to him,
But it’s not elves exactly, and I’d rather Write
He said it for himself. I see him there Take a position. Do you believe
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top that good fences make good
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed. neighbors? Support your opinion
He moves in darkness as it seems to me,
with facts and write a persuasive
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
paragraph explaining your
He will not go behind his father’s saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’
by Robert Frost

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 58 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 19 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Use proofreading marks for capitalization.

baron pierre de coubertin was the founder 5. In a single sentence describe the
of the modern olympic games
inspiration for the modern pentathlon.

2. Rewrite the sentence to make the meaning clear.

The coach told the gymnast that he should
learn a new vault.

3. Circle the correctly spelled word.

forfeit forfiet

4. Use the context to help you match the term to

the correct definition.
____ the snatch ____ the clean and jerk
a. Weightlifters lift the bar to arm’s length
above their head in one movement.
b. Weightlifters lift the bar to their shoulders,
stand up straight, then jerk the bar to
arm’s length above their head.

TUESDAY WEEK 19 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What should you do as you revise a piece

of writing?
5. Use the two glossary entries to write a
sentence that shows you understand
2. Add commas to this sentence.
the meaning of slider and paddle as
Tug of war rugby polo lacrosse used in the sport of luge.
power boating and golf have all
been Olympic events.

3. Correct the capitalization in this sentence.

The international olympic committee (ioc)
is an international nonprofit organization.

4. Read the sentence describing one Olympic sport.

Name the sport. Give synonyms for the
underlined words.
Two rivals stand opposite each other
and feint, lunge, parry, and riposte until
one scores the required number of hits
to win.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

59 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 19 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Choose the correct sentence.

Either the players or the official _________ 5. Compare table tennis paddles of the
a time out.
past with today’s paddles.
signal signals
The first table tennis players used
2. Circle the indirect object. cigar-box lids for rackets and a carved
champagne cork for a ball. Today,
The official gave the hurdler a warning players use specially developed
for leaving the block too soon. rubber-coated wooden and carbon-
fibre rackets and a lightweight,
hollow celluloid ball. Table tennis has
3. Draw an illustration that shows a “Robin Hood”.
become the world’s largest participation
In archery, the term “Robin Hood” refers to sport, with 40 million competitive players
splitting the shaft of an arrow already worldwide and countless millions
in the target with another arrow. playing recreationally.

4. Is this an effective opening for an article on

Alberto Tomba? Why or why not?
Once the skis are on and the sunglasses
readjusted, Italy’s la Bomba (Alberto Tomba)
clears his mind and scans the horizon . . . Table tennis debuted in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul.
the light turns green, and off he goes.

THURSDAY WEEK 19 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Cite the rule that explains why Australian

is capitalized in this sentence.
5. Explain this statement: The Olympic
The crowd stood respectfully as the sport of Judo represents an irony.
trumpeter played the opening notes of
the Australian national anthem.
Judo me
ans “the
2. Write the plurals. Japanes gentle w
e. Of co ay” in
part fro u rse , it is derive
Olympic competitor m jujitsu d in
combat , the hand-to-h
passer-by techniqu and
warriors e of anc
, and ev ie nt samu
er ything rai
3. Edit the sentence. It is the is r
only Oly elative.
the news casters enjoyed telling the submiss mpic sp
ion hold o r t in which
athlets storys before the race began
oppone s allow
nt or bre c ho k ing an
aking a
n arm.
4. How would you find out in which sport
Chun competes?
Chun Lee-Kyung is one of only seven
women to earn four or more career
gold medals in the Winter Olympics.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 60 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 19 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Over the roar of the crowd I strain to hear the first familiar notes of the
melody. The crowd quiets as Old Glory starts its graceful ascent up the center
pole and slowly unfurls in the evening breeze. The chill in the air transports
me back to the pool. I stand shivering on the damp concrete and rubbing my
hands on the rough surface of the starting block. I am nervous, but
confident. Hours of practice have prepared me for this moment. Oblivious to
the murmurs coming from the stands packed with spectators, I hear only the
soft waves of water lapping at the edge of the pool. To my left and right I
spot my opponents jumping, stretching, trying to loosen their muscles and
calm their nerves. The best of the best are here and I am among them.
Stepping up onto the starting block, I adjust my goggles, take a deep breath,
and await the signal from the official starter.
“On your mark, Get set . . . ”
The urgency of the orchestra and the swelling response of the crowd jolts
me back to the present for a second.
“And the rockets’ red glare . . . ”
Tears of pride well up in my eyes. I once again see the crystal clear, blue-
green lane ahead of me. One final turn of my head for a quick breath and,
with the end in sight, I find the strength in my burning arms and legs to
surge ahead. My fingers graze the wall and I emerge from the bubbles,
gasping for air and spinning to see the results. The final strains of the music
ring through the stadium and surge through my veins as I stand tall,
watching the Stars and Stripes wave triumphant in the sky. My dream has
come true.

1. What is a flashback?

2. Highlight sentences that represent flashbacks in this selection.

3. List a verb in the selection that appeals to each of the three senses: touch, hearing, and sight.

4. The second sentence represents another literary technique. What is it?

5. Describe the setting.

Create a time line to show the actual sequence of events in the selection.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

61 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 20 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Define the noun currency.

5. Write four details that support
2. Edit the sentence.
the contention:
Those whom collect currancy Gold-dust is a desirable currency.
are generaly refered to
For more than four-hundred years, the Akan
as numismatists. people of Ghana in West Africa used a
currency based on tiny grains of gold
3. Explain why one currency converter’s called gold-dust. This very desirable
abbreviation for the British pound is GBP. currency made the Akan a valued
trading partner to North African
4. From your experience, give three specific traders who crossed the Sahara
examples of collectible currency. Desert by camel caravan
In recent years, there has been a dramatic and to sea-faring
surge in the demand for collectible currency. Europeans who arrived
Prices have doubled and even tripled on Africa’s Atlantic
for certain examples. Both coins and Coast in
paper money have experienced these ships laden
sorts of gains. with goods.

TUESDAY WEEK 20 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Define the following homonyms.

cent scent 5. Take notes to remind yourself how
collectible currency is valued.
2. Edit the sentence.
Collectible currency is judged on
Foriegn traders did not want to spend several factors. Some factors are based
hours negotiting every transaction on subjective appearance, such as
with waits and scales. coloration, centering, finish, and wear.
Other factors are more objective: date
3. Fact or opinion? issued, series, mint/printing location,
It is possible to buy a house, ink colors, number issued, and rarity in
a ticket, or even a pair of shoes the market.
without ever meeting the seller
face-to-face or passing money
from one hand to another.

4. Read the table to determine

the number of Euro you
would receive for
$250 U.S. dollars.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 62 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 20 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the rules.

Never lie Valuble posessions down. 5. What are the basic tools numismatists
moniter belongings carefuly. use as they study and collect coins?

2. Underline the complete subject.

Circle the simple subject.
The capacity to convert perishable
commodities into money provides
a powerful incentive for people to
produce more than they need

3. In nonfiction writing what is a thesis?

4. Write several sentences describing the

advantages and disadvantages of using
the handa as your currency.
The handa is a solid copper
currency used in the Congo
in Africa. It is an x-shaped object
approximately nine by six inches.

THURSDAY WEEK 20 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. List four important requirements for

a good currency.
5. Alphabetize this list of international
2. In which situation would you skim the guide?
you need specific details
you want general ideas

3. Is the U.S. paper dollar part of a commodity

money system?
Under a commodity money system, the objects
used as money have intrinsic value, i.e., they
have value beyond their use as money.

4. List a synonym and an antonym for each word.




© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

63 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 20 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Starting in the 1990s, several European does not have a one-euro bill. Instead, there
countries interested in coordinating economic are one-euro and two-euro coins. Euro bills
and fiscal policies formed the European also differ from American dollars because they
Monetary Union (EMU). The EMU was a major are brightly colored and vary in size depending
step for those who committed to it. The on their value, with the smallest denomination
members agreed to phase out their national in the smallest size.
currencies and introduce a new regional
The introduction of the euro has eased travel
currency. On January 1, 2002, 300
and commerce within Europe. Travelers used to
million Europeans in 12
have to exchange money at every border. Now,
countries began using the
they can use euro coins and bills in every
euro. Germans gave up the
country that
deutschmark, the French bid
belongs to the
adieu to the franc, and the
EMU. Long-time
other members also began to
residents are still
discontinue their currencies.
adjusting to paying
On January 1, 2007, a 13th
€3 instead of 41 schillings for a cup of
member, Slovenia, also joined in and
Viennese coffee or €150 instead of 300,000 lira
replaced the tolar with the euro. Other
for a pair of Italian leather shoes. But the new
European Union member countries may also
currency makes traveling in Europe and
introduce the euro in the future.
understanding price levels much easier for
The euro is similar in value and tourists and business people. Since its
denomination to the U.S. dollar. The symbol of introduction in 2002, this regional currency
the euro (€) was inspired by the Greek letter has been a tremendous success and has
Epsilon. Euro notes are valued at 5, 10, 20, 50, brought the countries and people of Europe
100, 200, and 500. Unlike the dollar, the euro closer together than ever before.

1. What is a fiscal policy?

2. Why was forming the European Monetary Union a major step?

3. How are euro bills different than U.S. dollar bills?

4. Summarize the benefits of using the euro.

Write an advertising slogan for the idea of one regional currency. Use what you have learned by
reading the encyclopedia article to make your slogan realistic.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 64 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 21 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What phrase does this group of letters represent?

5. Using the nine letters make as many
words as you can with four or more
2. Anagrams are words that have the same letters— letters.Give yourself 1 point for every
only the letters are rearranged. Find an anagram 4-letter word, 2 points for every 5-letter
for each word. word, 3 points for every 6-letter word,
and 5 points for any longer words.

3. What one word can be matched to the other five to

form a phrase, expression, or compound word?

4. Read the clue and figure out the two-word

phrase. Both words in the phrase begin with
the same letter.
• instructions at intersection
• wild, risk-taking characters

TUESDAY WEEK 21 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Add punctuation to this quotation.

Seneca said Human affairs are like a chess 5. Read this passage about chess.
game only those who do not take it seriously
can be called good players. Today, chess is one of the
world’s most popular
2. Use the context to define the term checkmate. sports, played by an
The ultimate goal in the game of chess estimated 605 million
is to win by trapping your opponent’s people worldwide in clubs,
king, a move called checkmate. online, by correspondence
(mail and e-mail), in
tournaments (amateur
3. Why would you use the castling move?
and professional), and
Castling is a special defensive maneuver. It is informally. It is advocated
the only time in the game when more than one as a way of enhancing
piece may be moved during a turn. The move mental prowess.
was invented in the 1500s to help speed up the
game and to balance the offense and defense. Do you think it possible to enhance
mental prowess by playing a game?
4. Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Write a thesis statement that states your
the first offisial world chess champion position and support it with examples.
wilhelm steinitz clamed his title in 1886
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
65 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 21 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

In the early 1930s alfred butts created a 5. A Scrabble player must be able to
boardless game he called lexico that was the recognize when an opponent is trying
predecesser to another of his games scrabble.
to play an unacceptable word. Cross
2. Name the tone of the player’s comment. out the words on the board below that
are not correctly spelled.
“Well, it is impossible for me to believe that
you would stoop to such a level! Humpf! I
needed that space for my next turn, and now
you have ruined my play. I don’t believe that
I will ever again agree to a game of Scrabble
with such despicable players.”

3. Complete the analogy.

letters: utterance :: notes : ___________

4. Rewrite this fragment as a complete sentence.

Perusing the board to find a play.

THURSDAY WEEK 21 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Would you like the monopoly on miscues?

Why or why not?
5. Review the facts and then write an
opening sentence for an informative
2. Add parentheses to make the meaning clear.
article about the game Monopoly.
World records are maintained for the
longest game played in a treehouse
286 hours, underground 100 hours, in
a bathtub 99 hours and upside-down
36 hours.

3. Edit the sentence.

Most foriegn editions of monopoly adopt their
own currancy and property names—for
example BOARDWALK becomes mayfair in
england rue de la paix in france and
schlossallee in germany.

4. Instructions for many MONOPOLY games are

available as PDF files. How would you access
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 66 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 21 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read the clues and
complete the puzzle
using the words in
the word bank.

Word Bank

Across Down
2. A list of terms and their meanings 1. A reflection of the writer’s attitude
4. More than one toward the subject
5. “He had the heart of a lion,” for example 3. “Dashing Don drove drowsy Daisy plural
11. Buzz, bark, or thud, for example downtown,” for example metaphor
12. A type of literature 6. Biggest, funniest, or saddest, for superlative
13. Exaggeration or overstatement example simile
14. An invented story 7. “She was as happy as a clam,” preamble
15. A word that is written and pronounced for example conjunction
the same way as another, but which has 8. An introductory statement conclusion
a different meaning 9. A word that joins together sentences, onomatopoeia
16. Educated guess or friendly argument, clauses, phrases, or words
for example 10. The end
Do you like crossword puzzles? Make two lists:
one list of reasons that doing a crossword puzzle is time well-spent, and
one list of reasons that working a crossword puzzle is a waste of time.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

67 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 22 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Explain the capitalization guideline for the

closing in a letter.
5. Explain the difference between the
heading of a friendly letter and the
2. Do you agree with poet Sandra Cisneros?
heading of a business letter.
Why or why not?
Letter writing is “listening inside my heart to
how I’m being affected by the outside world.”

3. Edit the sentence.

amazeingly Ive read your book
four times and learn something
new everytime.

4. Which thesis statement is most persuasive

and why?
• Some television programs have really bad
effects on young children.
• Violent television shows cause violent
behavior and nightmares in young children.

TUESDAY WEEK 22 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Classify the letters below as friendly or business.

a. thank-you note to Aunt Maria
5. Sequence the steps for writing a letter
b. complaint about fading to jeans’ maker to the editor.
c. compliment to frozen pizza maker
• Explain how your evidence supports
d. apology to neighbor for breaking window your claim.
• Present evidence in a logical sequence.
2. Use the subordinate clause in a sentence. • Identify your purpose.
before I was halfway through • Conclude by reaffirming your claim.
• State your central claim clearly.

3. True or false?
If the first line of the body of a letter is
indented, all other paragraphs in the letter
must also be indented.

4. Address this envelope to the principal of

your school. Be sure to include a return address.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 68 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 22 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Give two different meanings

for each word.
5. President Dwight D.Eisenhower began writing
a. letter to Prime Minister Winston Churchill on February
b. note 2, 1953, just two weeks after Eisenhower’s
c. stamp inauguration. The private correspondence
continued regularly throughout the time
Churchill and Eisenhower were in office.
2. Add appropriate punctuation to this
salutation for a business letter.
Dear Dr. Crawford

3. Explain the pun.

Claude Severely is an ex-lion tamer.

4. What is the difference

between summarizing
and paraphrasing?

THURSDAY WEEK 22 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain the difference between stationery

and stationary.

2. Circle the correctly spelled closings. 5. Abraham Lincoln wrote to a friend:

Luv, Your firend,
Sincerely, Affectionatly,
Yours truely, Your neice,

3. Complete the analogy.

letter : epistle :: paper :

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined word.

Chester hates water. He hates
sunshine. He hates sand.
Explain how this statement might be considered
Therefore, his friends were
confounded when he wrote a
letter to the editor promoting
development of a new beach.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

69 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 22 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Dear Mr. Frost:
I hope that this letter finds you well and in good health. We’ve never met, but I feel
as if we are kindred spirits. After reading “A Boy’s Will” and hearing about your
recent participation in President Kennedy’s inauguration, I was inspired to learn more
about your poetry and your life. Though I am a young man who is just on the brink of
my writing career and you are an accomplished Pulitzer Prize winner–four times over
no less—we actually have much in common.
Like you, I was born in California and eventually found my way to New England.
We also both spent time at Harvard. I am trying desperately to finish my studies, a
feat that I understand you never officially completed, having been pulled away by
family responsibilities. You have since been recognized, of course, with an astounding
26 honorary degrees and have taught at numerous prestigious institutions including
Amherst College, the University of Michigan, Dartmouth, and even Harvard itself. I
can only dream of such honors and opportunities.
I understand that you traveled across the Atlantic many times and spent three years
in England early in your career. I have traveled to England, too, but I’ve gone only
once and stayed for just a few months. Perhaps one day I can return to visit Oxford or,
if my dreams really come true, I’ll have the opportunity, as you did, to meet influential
poets and creative minds from around the world at the World Congress of Writers.
Having taken too much of your time already, I will close with a thank-you and a
pledge. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and to all aspiring poets. As I
embark on my artistic journey, I will endeavor to find “a time to talk” and, as you
have done, to take the “road less traveled by”.
Best regards from a kindred spirit,

1. What is a kindred spirit?

2. Record the biographical information about Robert Frost included in the letter as if you were
taking notes for a report.

3. Many expressions that we use every day originated in literature. We use the words and
phrases in everyday speech; however, we are often unaware that we are “borrowing” them
from famous writers. Explain how this statement relates to the pledge the letter writer makes.

Write a letter to a poet or writer who has influenced you. Be sure to include biographical
information that shows you know something about the person.
Note: A national program called Letters About Literature, sponsored by The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress awards prizes
each year for letters written by high school students to famous authors. Email for further information.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 70 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 23 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Combine the sentences for readability and flow.

• The American Civil War was a
separatist conflict.
• The war was between the U.S. Federal
government and the Confederate States
of America.
• Eleven states seceded from the U.S. to form
the Confederate States of America.

2. What is wrong with this sentence?

General Lee bearly managed to escape
back to Virginia.

3. Define each of these words. 5. Look at the reproduction of the sheet

music cover and tell
a. the title of the song
casualties b. who first performed the music
confederate c. to whom it was dedicated
d. what year the copyright
4. What is the plural form of crisis? was recorded and where

TUESDAY WEEK 23 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Dissect the word reinforcement into

prefixes, root, and suffix. Give the
5. Tell what you know about the map
meaning of each.
after reading this notation made on
the corner.
2. List two details that support the contention:
There was a strong correlation between
the number of plantations in a region
and the degree of support for secession.

3. Edit the sentence.

The union lead by president
abraham lincoln opossed the
expantion of slavry and rejectted
any right of seccession.
4. Is a fanatical belief one that is carefully
thought out and calmly studied?

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

71 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 23 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Add punctuation to make the meaning clear.

Union advantages in geography manpower 5. Read this note. Use the context to
industry finance political organization and
guess the definition of Casus Belli.
transportation overwhelmed the Confederacy
Then use a dictionary to see whether
2. Stephen C. Foster was a composer during the you were correct.
Civil War. Paraphrase this verse from his song
“Beautiful Dreamer”.
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life’s busy throng,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

3. What is an ode?

4. Paraphrase this statement in South Carolina’s

argument for secession.
“We maintain that in every compact between
two or more parties, the obligation is mutual.”

THURSDAY WEEK 23 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Reorder this sentence for clarity.

Before Lincoln took office, seven states 5. Categorize the subtopics.
declared their secession from the Union
A. Civil War Issues
and established a new government, the
Confederate States of America on B. Major Battles
February 9, 1861. C. Aftermath of Civil War

2. Name three keywords you might use to read • Abolition • Pickett’s Charge
about Civil War conflicts. • Antietam • Shiloh
• Reconstruction • 13th Amendment
3. Have you ever intervened in a conflict? • Slavery • Franklin
What does it mean to intervene?

4. Identify the contradiction in this time line entry.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 72 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 23 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

€ July 23, 1861
I’ve decided to write a bit, to take my mind off my aching feet. The humidity is unbearable, not
to mention the mosquitoes, and I’m nursing blisters sustained during our hurried and shameful
retreat from Manassas. The march was made harder by the shift in mood and the panicked, stunned
spectators who blocked the roads after fleeing their picnic spots around the battlefield. Yesterday’s
confrontation weighs heavy on the minds of my fellow soldiers. It no longer seems that I can plan to be
home at Christmas time to enjoy Gram’s roasted duck. The Confederates have come to fight, and fight
they did at Bull Run. Our numbers were far greater and we made a good start, but then the battle
shifted as we crested Henry House Hill. The Confederates were waiting for us and we lost our
confidence. The battle lines broke; we began to flee. I saw hundreds fleeing. Many were taken
prisoner and others suffered a far worse fate than that. I am grateful to be alive and, save my
miserable feet, uninjured.
The days ahead seem gray, uncertain. There are rumors that the Army of Northeastern Virginia
will be disbanded or merged with another force. If Brigadier General McDowell is replaced, as we are
certain he will be, I pray for a cunning, yet sympathetic leader. My fellow soldiers and I are true of
heart, but green as saplings in the spring when it comes to the ways of war. We have not yet been
hardened by battle, though having survived Bull Run, we can claim one notch on our belt. One thing
is certain—we face a formidable foe in our Confederate counterparts. They were not the ragtag band
of rebels we expected to rout. They were trained and they fought with a passion that the Union lacks.
Tomorrow will bring another day, another march, and another step, no matter how small, toward
the end of this ugly war.

1. What assumptions can you make about the character who wrote this journal entry?

2. Although the entry is informal the writer uses “formal” language—nursing blisters
sustained during . . . . Explain possible reasons for the author’s choice of words.

3. Explain the use of the phrases:

a. “save my miserable feet” b. one notch in our belts

4. What literary device is used in the final sentence? Do you think it is effectively used?

List the attributes of historical fiction. Does this journal entry represent legitimate historical fiction?

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

73 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 24 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Correct the spelling.

Antartica 5. Critique this description. Does it have a
emergancy positive appeal? Would you visit Cabo San
Lucas after reading it? Why or why not?

2. What mode would you use

to write a travel brochure Along the west emba
nkment of
for a South Pacific island? Cabo’s modest bay—
one of
Mexico’s deepest na
tural ports—
3. What is a destination? hop on one of the wh
water taxis for a 15
-minute ride to
4. Add punctuation to this quotation. Playa del Amante. Th
is wide,
pristine, golden expa
nse of sand is
The speaker enthusiastically a marine preserve, so
you won’t be
advocated international travel badgered by beach-
peddlers. Just off th
asserting all who travel overseas e southeast end
of the beach lies a se
learn quickly that understanding ries of coral-
encrusted rocks suita
ble for
and tolerance are fostered by snorkeling, where th
e Sea of Cortez
common experience. showcases colorful
schools of fish.

TUESDAY WEEK 24 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Where would you find the most accurate and

timely information about travel to Aleppo?
5. Paraphrase this warning.
a. U.S. State Department Web site
b. Promotional brochure from Syrian Arab
Republic Board of Tourism
c. Discount travel Web site

2. Edit the sentence.

All customers must carry
goverment issued identification
with him at all times and may
be ask to show identification
during boarding.

3. Enhance the meaning of this phrase with

an explicit verb and descriptive phrases.
The traveler boarded the train.

4. What is a participle?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 74 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 24 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Fact or opinion?
Alliance Airlines is the perfect choice for 5. Explain a reason behind each of these
leisure groups, family reunions, or any important tips for traveling.
groups traveling together.

2. Dissect the word. Give meanings for the prefix,

root, and suffix.

3. Edit the sentence.

How can I chose between barcelona
paris and vienna.

4. Do you think the two men hold a common

opinion about the value of travel?
Why or why not?

THURSDAY WEEK 24 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence

While vacationing Sam caught a marlin 5. Use the airport code information chart
fishing from the yacht.
to answer the questions.
2. Choose the correct word. a. What is the airport code
for Dyce Airport?
The woman felt _______ when on the plane.
b. What country is home to ADD?
indisposed indigenous
c. If you want to fly to Almaty what
is your destination airport?
3. What would you find in a gazetteer?

4. The U.S. State Department issued this travel

advisory for travelers going to Barundi,
Bangladesh. Summarize its message.
The security situation has stabilized in
much of the country, but the risk of sudden
outbreaks of armed violence, acts of
banditry, and cross-border incursion by
rebel groups remains. Private Americans
should exercise caution and maintain
security awareness at all times.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

75 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 24 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Even before you board the plane for an
international flight or cruise into international Another step in preparing for international
waters, you’ll realize that traveling abroad is more travel is making sure that your vaccinations
complex than visiting another domestic location. and immunizations are up to date. You may
Months ahead of your trip you must apply for a need to be vaccinated to protect against
passport or check your existing passport to make diseases such as Tuberculosis, Hepatitis A
sure it has not expired. If it is your first time getting and B, or Yellow Fever. Your doctor may
a passport, you will have to complete an also recommend that you take medication
application, have your picture taken, and present during your trip, particularly if you are
identification such as a birth certificate or driver’s headed to an area where malaria has not
license. A passport is required to enter a foreign yet been eradicated.
country and is a crucial document to identify your
citizenship when you are traveling abroad.

In addition to preparing your passport and consulting

your doctor, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with
the location of the U.S. Embassy or consulate nearest
your destination. Embassies and consulates provide
general information about travel conditions and issue
travel warnings if there are concerns related to crime,
terrorism, or natural disasters. Travelers may also need
to rely on an Embassy or Consulate if they need
assistance, such as a replacement passport, a
repatriation loan, or even a birth certificate, while they
are abroad. Information about U.S. Embassy and
consulate locations can be found on

Mark each statement true or false. Then justify your answer with details from the memo.

1. Domestic and international travel are two names for the same thing.

2. This travel memo was written for a general audience worldwide.

3. Immunizations required for travel may vary depending on the traveler’s destination.

4. International travel requires little advance planning.

5. A government embassy is a good place to get funds in case of an emergency.

Imagine that you are planning an international study trip. Pick a destination. Make a list of the
things you should do before the trip. Prioritize the list.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 76 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 25 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Define the following words. Use what you know

about prefixes and suffixes to help.
5. Explain this German proverb. What
literary device does the comparison

2. Define the noun bias as it relates to

public opinion.

3. Which statement is more meaningful to you?

The country of Germany is slightly smaller
than the state of Montana.
Germany has a total area of 357,021 sq. km.

4. Add punctuation to the sentence.

As Europes largest economy and second most
populous nation germany is a key member of
the continents economic political and defense

TUESDAY WEEK 25 ___________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain the difference On June 26, 1963, President John F.

in meaning: Kennedy delivered a speech in the shadow
beside besides of the Berlin Wall. As he paid tribute to the
spirit of Berliners, he proclaimed, “Ich bin
2. Write the possessive form of countries. ein Berliner” (I am a Berliner).
The _____________ treaty . . .
Twenty-four years later,
3. True or false? President Ronald Reagan appeared at
Scanning is a good way to evaluate the Berlin Wall. He spoke passionately
information as you read. about the advance of human liberty
and challenged Soviet leader Mikhail
4. Combine the sentences. Make sure that Gorbachev to tear down the wall
the verb tenses agree. and commit to change.
The Berlin wall separated the city into two
parts for more than 28 years.
5. Think about audience and purpose of
At first the wall is a system of barbed wire the two famous speeches. Do you think
entanglement and fences dividing the city.
Kennedy and Reagan had similar
Concrete blocks and steel girders were added. purposes? Did their audience extend
East Germans are not allowed free travel to beyond the people of Berlin? Explain.
the West until 1989.
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
77 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 25 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Healthy is to robust as inane is to _____________.

5. Write a topic sentence that describes
2. Edit the sentence.
the division of German territory at the
former president holtz koehler lives in
end of World War II.
the capital city of germany frankfurt

3. What is the theme of a story? _____________________________________________

• Germany had been divided into four

4. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet and occupation zones.
one of the world’s masters of literature, wrote: • 1949—French, British, and American zones
(and West Berlin) form the Federal Republic
of Germany.
• Soviet zone forms the German Democratic
Republic (including East Berlin), same year.
• February 1945—Pomerania and Silesia, and
southern half of East Prussia, are annexed
by Poland.
• Northern half of East Prussia is annexed by
Paraphrase the quotation and tell whether you the Soviet Union.
agree with the sentiment.

THURSDAY WEEK 25 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Rewrite to make the pronoun reference clear.

The Chancellor loved public speaking, and 5. Read the explanation, then explain
that helped boost her popularity.
the evolution of the German phrase
die Wende.
2. Rewrite the sentence, changing the tense of the
verb from past to present perfect. The term “die Wende” has taken on a
Children enjoyed the Grimm new meaning. Before 1990, it simply
meant “the turnaround”. Today the
Brothers’ famous tales.
term is used to refer to events that
led up to the German reunification. It
3. What is an antecedent?
has taken on a cultural connotation
encompassing the time and the
4. Read the notes. Tell why Germany’s telephone
events in the GDR that brought about
system has excellent worldwide service. a “turnaround” in German history.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 78 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 25 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

As Europe’s largest economy and second most populous
nation, Germany remains a key member of the continent’s
economic, political, and defense organizations.

1. How many miles from Berlin

to Stuttgart?

2. Name the major rivers

of Germany.

3. What countries border Germany?

What bodies of water?

4. Why is Germany important

to the continent of Europe?

Compare the size of Germany with
the size of your country in a way that
makes the comparison meaningful.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

79 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 26 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What is an autobiography?

2. Write an antonym
for each word.

3. Edit the sentence.

While living in rocky ridge
missouri laura wilder edited
and writes columns for the
missouri ruralist.
5. How many maternal aunts and uncles
4. Laura Ingalls Wilder earned her teaching did Laura Ingalls have?
degree when she was 15. Could you learn
from a 15-year-old teacher? List arguments
for and against young educators.

TUESDAY WEEK 26 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. How would you change this thesis statement to

make it more specific?
5. After reading the passage below, circle
Laura Ingalls Wilder shared her pioneer the adjectives that describe Laura Ingalls
experiences with generations.
2. Underline the complete predicate.
Circle the simple predicate.
Following in the pioneer
footsteps of their familes, Laura
and Almanzo struggled to
establish homes first in South
Dakota and later in Minnesota. Laura Ingalls Wilder was disappointed
when she couldn’t find a publisher for her
3. Combine the two sentences. autobiography, Pioneer Girl, so she rewrote
• Laura’s sister Mary lost her eyesight a section of the book and called it Little
when she was 15. House in the Big Woods. It was published
in 1932 when she was 65 years old. Laura
• As a result of a stroke, Mary lost her eyesight.
continued to write books about her family,
finishing her 8-volume series in 1943.
4. What does homesteading mean?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 80 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 26 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Add commas to the sentence.

Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born 5. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Award honors an author
February 7 1867 the second daughter
or illustrator whose books, published in the United
of Charles and Caroline Ingalls in the
States, have made, over a period of years, a
big woods 7 miles north of Pepin
Wisconsin. substantial and lasting contribution to literature for
children. Think of an author that you believe will
2. Circle the words that are spelled correctly. make a lasting contribution to literature for
uncomplicated trespasing children. Write three reasons you think the author
should win the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award.
technque manageable

3. True or false?
Place quotation marks around the
exact words quoted.

4. Rewrite the sentence in the future tense.

After they stopped farming, Laura and
her husband Almanzo took care of a
pet bulldog, a Rocky Mountain burro,
and milk goats.

THURSDAY WEEK 26 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Laura Ingalls Wilder documented the

hardships of frontier life in America.
5. If you arrived in Pepin on Saturday night,
What hardships exist in your community?
September 9, would you be able to take part in
Write a paragraph documenting
the Old Tyme Fiddle Contest?
surviving one. (Your writing doesn’t
have to be serious. You may think of
“funny” hardships.)

2. What is a glossary?
Where will you find one? Participate in demonstrations
of traditional crafts such as
blacksmithing, woodworking,
3. Edit this bibliography entry. hand-spinning, and quilting.
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House on On Saturday night we continue with the
the prairie: (HarperCollins, 1935). candlelight traditional crafts demonstrations
accompanied by a bonfire & traditional musical
4. Choose the correct words. performances. The festival’s activities culminate
on Sunday afternoon with the Grand Parade.
a. (Leave, Let) us go to the movie. The 6th Annual Fiddle Contest highlights the entertainment
b. Some vistors who (could have, on Saturday afternoon. Old Tyme Fiddle Contest Registration
from 10:00 to 3:00 p.m.; Contest from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.
could of ) seen the exhibit, (passed,
past ) on the opportunity.
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
81 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 26 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Many others like Laura Ingalls Wilder remember their childhoods and record stories for future generations.

Remembering my mother, Viola Phillips Sutter . . .

What an adjustment Mother must have made! She Mother would set hens on fertile eggs, both
married a farmer and moved to the prairie. Her piano turkeys’ and chickens’, and struggled raising little
and a few treasures were loaded onto a wagon and she broods of chicks. When a storm was
waved good-bye to her family. Within four years she had threatening, we were all
three children, and she lived in a house with no summoned to herd the old hens
electricity or phone. She had to carry water in and out, and their babies into small coops.
make her own soap, and begin to learn how to cook. Those turkeys were largely the means
With a shy smile she admitted that when she was of having new school clothes and Christmas gifts
married she knew how to make only angel food cakes, during those Depression years . . .
white house muffins, divinity—and little else! It must I believe Mother taught me to be caring to
have been a relief when she moved near another large others, to make do with what was at hand, to be
family. Their two elementary-aged girls played house conservative, and never to compromise my principles.
with Mother’s two baby girls—my sister and me. The
capable mother of the family helped cook for threshers —Betty Bagley
when they came to our place, asking, in return, that
Mother teach her girls to play the piano . . .

1. After reading the memoir entry, describe Viola Sutter. What do

you know about her? What kind of a person was she?

2. What can you tell about the place and time where Viola Sutter
lived with her young family?

3. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote about her childhood in the Big Woods
of Wisconsin. How are the memories shared by Betty Bagley like the
Little House stories? What qualities are reflected in the stories told by
the two authors?

4. What is a memoir? Do you have to be near the end of your life to write a memoir?

Write about a person who has taught you something. Describe the person in a way that lets
readers know about his or her values and the context of the lesson you learned.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 82 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 27 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What’s wrong with this definition? Fix it!

Castanets—Percussion instruments consisting 5. Personify music as you write a sentence
of small wooden clappers that are struck
or two about something music does.
together. It is widely used to accompany
Spanish dancing.

2. Whose point of view?

I headed for Nashville at age 16 with
my guitar over my shoulder and a song
in my head.

3. Choose the correctly spelled word.

morgage mortgage

4. Musicians interpret words in special ways.

Write the definition a musician would use for
these terms.
piano (adjective)

pitch (noun)

TUESDAY WEEK 27 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence.

the flutest, went to the oberlin music 5. Check these song titles for capitalization.
conservatory, to learn to play the obo.

2. Which is correct?
Her phrasing improved (alot, a lot).

3. Lists three attributes of punk rock.

4. Take a position on this statement.

Write three research questions you would
investigate to find facts to support your position.
The process of making music is the reward.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

83 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 27 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Explain the mistakes in this sentence.

People, whom are afraid of performing in 5. Read this excerpt from a New York
front of audiences, do not become soloists. Times review. Summarize the review
and tell whether you think the reviewer
2. A crescendo is the dynamic effect of gradually enjoyed the concert.
growing louder, indicated in the musical score
by the marking “<”. Make these action words
crescendo by choosing a “louder”verb.
String players applied vibrato liberally,
offering a warm, fuzzy opulence that
3. What is a ballad? sometimes thwarted precise articulation;
the oboists and bassoonist projected
boldly, while a harpsichordist gently
4. Explain what it means.
tinkled. Bach’s “Orchestral Suite No. 1”
lacked rhythmic buoyancy, but Mr.
Martins compensated with attention
to dynamic contrast.

THURSDAY WEEK 27 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Choose the correct word.

______________ song was a breath of fresh air 5. Write a proverb about music.
in the otherwise dismal evening.

There They’re Their

2. What would you expect to find in

The Harvard Dictionary of Music?

3. Edit the sentence.

sahkira is a artist for who I have
grate admeeration.

4. Complete the analogy.

calm : nervous :: melancholy : _________

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 84 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 27 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Over There (1917)
When the Lusitania Went Down (1915)
introduced by Nora Bayes
words and music by Charles McCarron and Nathaniel Vincent
George Michael Cohan, 1878-1942
The nation is sad as can be,
A message came over the sea,
Johnnie get your gun, get your gun, get your gun
A thousand more, who sailed from our shore,
Take it on the run, on the run, on the run
Have gone to eternity.
Hear them calling you and me
The Statue of Liberty high
Ev’ry son of liberty
Must now have a tear in her eye,
Hurry right away no delay go today
I think, it’s a shame,
Make your daddy glad to have had such a lad
Some one is to blame,
Tell your sweetheart not to pine
But all we can do is just sigh!
To be proud her boy’s in line.
CHORUS: Some of us lost a true sweet-heart,
Over there — over there — Some of us lost a dear dad,
Send the word, send the word over there Some lost their mothers, sisters and brothers,
That the Yanks are coming the Yanks are coming Some lost the best friends they had.
The drums rum-tum-ming ev’rywhere — It’s time they were stopping this warfare,
So prepare If women and children must drown,
We’ll be over we’re coming over Many brave hearts went to sleep in the deep,
And we won’t come back till it’s over over there. When the Lusitania went down.

Johnnie get your gun, get your gun, get your gun A lesson to all it should be,
Johnnie show the Hun you’re a son of a gun When we feel like crossing the sea,
Hoist the flag and let her fly American ships, that sail from our slips,
Yankee Doodle do or die Are safer for you and me.
Pack your little kit show your grit do your bit A Yankee can go anywhere,
Yankees to the ranks from the towns and the tanks As long as Old Glory is there,
Make your mother proud of you Altho’ they were warned,
And the old Red White and Blue. The warning they scorned,
And now must cry in despair.

1. Compare the tone and the message of the two World War I songs.
2. Compare the tempo of the two songs’ lyrics. How do you think the rhythm of the words
affects the tempo?
3. Relate this historical note to the lyrics of “When the Lusitania Went Down.”
In February, 1915, the German government announced an unrestricted warfare campaign: Any ship
taking goods to Allied countries was in danger of being attacked. The international agreements in force
stated that commanders who suspected a non-military vessel of carrying war materials had to stop and
search it, rather than do anything that would endanger the lives of the occupants. The sinking of the
Lusitania by German boats had a profound impact on public opinion in the United States.

Write song lyrics or a rap about an event that is important to you. Convey the way you feel
about the event through the tone and tempo of the words.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

85 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 28 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

the home of the boston red sox is a ball park
known as fenway?

2. The left field wall in Fenway Park is known as the 5. Read the paragraph. Who is the
Green Monster. The name is an example of what intended audience? What is the purpose
literary technique? of the “pitch”? Is the paragraph effective
for the intended audience? for others?
3. Choose the correct word.
Fenway—America’s Most Beloved Park
It is a (real, really) bad idea to eat
so many hot dogs. Visit the park where the Babe
pitched, The Kid hit, Yaz dazzled, and
4. Many sports have specialized vocabulary. Manny and Ortiz still thrill young
Explain the meaning of these words to a fans today. Soak up the rich history;
hear the echoes of the past. Touch the
baseball player.
Green Monster, imagine being one of
the “Knights of the Keyboard” as you
see the view from the Press Box; visit
the State Street Pavilion Club before
strolling around Fenway Park.

TUESDAY WEEK 28 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Add punctuation to clarify the meaning.

Green and red lights on Fenways manual 5. Imagine an unlikely professional
scoreboard signal balls strikes and outs
baseball player. Describe the character.
(Your description should make it clear to
2. Which source would give you current statistics
the reader why the player is unlikely.)
for Red Sox players?—a site where fans buy tickets—the official Red Sox site—an online encyclopedia

3. Edit the sentence.

a red seat in the right feild bleachers marks the
spot where ted williams home run the longest
measurable one hit in the park landed

4. Write a title for a news article about the fact

that Fenway Park has not changed significantly
since Opening Day
in 1912.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 86 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 28 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Add commas to set off the appositive

from the rest of the sentence.
5. If you were asked to guess in what decade
Babe Ruth the famous the biggest crowd gathered at Fenway
homerun slugger was Park would you choose the 1930s or the
a Boston Red Sox player. 2000s? Read the passage below and tell
whether you found the information
2. Change these words to plural possessives. surprising, and why or why not?
base runner’s cleats

coach’s signals

3. Write an antonym for the word triumph.

The two biggest
baseball crowds ever at Fenway Park were
4. Explain the metaphor. for a Yankees doubleheader on September 22, 1935
(47,627 fans), and a Detroit Tigers doubleheader on
The room behind the
August 19, 1934 (46,995 fans). Those crowds will never
manual scoreboard, be equaled under Fenway’s current dimensions. Stringent
a three-dimensional autograph fire laws and league rules prohibited the overcrowding
book, has signatures of famous that was so common in the 1930s. The current capacity
players on its walls. of Fenway Park is 36,108.

THURSDAY WEEK 28 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Circle any correctly spelled words.

confuzion decision 5. How did Fenway Park get its name?
consipicuous magicion

2. Rewrite the sentence with a plural subject.

Boston Globe owner General
The spirit of a legendary hero
Charles Henry Taylor, a Civil Wa
lingers in the Fenway Park dugout. r
veteran, bought the Red Sox for
son John I. Taylor in 1904. At
3. What is an index? various times the team was call
the Puritans, the Pilgrims, and
4. Use the note to determine how much higher Plymouth Rocks. In 1907, Tay
the Green Monster is than the center field changed the club’s name from
wall and the right field fence. Pilgrims to the Red Sox. In 191
he announced that he would bui
The left field wall—the Green ld
a ballpark for his Red Sox. Tay
Monster—measures 37 feet high, lor
dubbed the new ballpark Fenwa
with the screen above the wall Park because of its location in
extending 23 feet. The center field area of Boston known as the
wall is 17 feet high, and the right
field fence is 3 to 5 feet high.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

87 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 28 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Read Fenway Park • Boston, Massachusetts

Ticket Prices
Loge Box....................................$85
Right Field Box...........................$45
Right Field Roof Box ..................$45
Infield Grandstand......................$45
Outfield Grandstand...................$27
Bleachers ...................................$23
Upper Bleachers ........................$12
Standing Room ..........................$20


Field Box ..................................$105

State Street Pavilion Club ........$158
Home Plate Pavilion Club ........$205
Dugout Box (Canvas Alley) ......$130
Extended Dugout Box ..............$260
Dugout Box (Infield) .................$312
EMC .........................................$286
Pavilion Standing Room.............$25

Green Monster ..........................TBA

Right Field Roof Deck ...............TBA

Future Game Ticket Sales ..........FG
Game Day Ticket Sales ..............GD
Game Day Will-Call Pickup........WC
1. What price would you pay for a seat in each of these sections?
upper bleachers_______ extended dugout box_______ right field roof box_______

2. Which section would you like to sit in and why?

3. Which sections should you avoid if you want to be able to read the message board
without having to look behind you?

4. How much would outfield grandstand tickets cost for a family of six?

Write concise directions to the Game Day Ticket Sales for someone arriving at Fenway Park.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 88 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 29 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

John Steinbecks mother a 5. How did Steinbeck’s experiences
former school teacher influence his writing?
fostered his love of reading
and the written word.

2. How do you make an inference?

3. Explain Steinbeck’s personification.

“Perfect live oaks grew in the meadow of
the lovely place, and the hills hugged it
jealously against the fog and the wind.”
—Pastures of Heaven

4. Use the context to define dissipated.

“Gray smoke spurted up out of the
stubby stovepipe, spurted up a long way
before it spread out and dissipated.”
—from Breakfast by John Steinbeck

TUESDAY WEEK 29 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What is compassion?
How can an author show compassion?
5. As Steinbeck wrote East of Eden he
kept this record of ingredients:
2. Circle the explicit verbs.
His heavy horse scrambled and
floundered up the steep slope; the
manzanita reached sharp claws for
the corporal’s face, but he plunged
after his dinner.

3. Add the commas.

John Steinbeck I think is an
interesting man.

4. In 1962, when John Steinbeck won

the Nobel Prize, he wrote, “This prize
business is only different from the Which ingredient do you think was
Lettuce Queen of Salinas in degree.” most important and why?
Explain what you think he meant.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

89 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 29 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Write a metaphor about ideas.

Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and 5. In 1938, Steinbeck’s The Grapes of
learn how to handle them, and pretty soon
Wrath brought nationwide attention to
you have a dozen. —John Steinbeck
the living conditions and exploitation
2. Choose the correct word. of farm workers. Steinbeck wrote:
I felt so (bad, badly) for Lennie that I cried.

3. Edit the sentence.

Steinbeck persured his writting career in New
York, but was unsucessful in geting published.

4. In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech John

Steinbeck said, ”Literature is as old as speech.
It grew out of human need for it and it has not
changed except to become more needed.”
Do you agree that literature is more needed in Think about a time the rolling might of
this age of technology? Write a clear statement hysteria influenced public opinion on
of your position and then list several ideas you another issue. What was the issue?
could use to support the position.

THURSDAY WEEK 29 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Choose the correct word.

The students were (afforded, eager) to 5. Steinbeck toured America in a
get back to the novel. specially commissioned pickup truck he
named Rocinante, after Quixote’s
2. Edit the sentences.
during world war II steinbeck was a
war correspondant for the new york
herald tribune once there was a war
published in 1958 is a collection of
some of his dispatches

3. What does a coordinating conjunction do?

4. Use editing marks to show proper punctuation

and capitalization for the address.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 90 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 29 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Choose b or c and explain the metaphor.

2. Paraphrase John Steinbeck’s belief statement.
3. Give two examples of beginnings of discontent in your life.
How are your examples influenced by time?
4. If pride did not dictate what you ordered for breakfast, what would you order?

Think about Steinbeck’s description of a book (f). Then write your own description of a book.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

91 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 30 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Explain the Chinese proverb.

To understand your parents’ love, 5. Record different types of families on
you must raise children yourself.
this web. See how many you can
think of.
2. What is an ancestor?

3. Edit the sentence.

At my family reunion I meet more
relatives then I ever thought that I had.

4. Write a sentence for each of the different

meanings for the noun family.
a. a group of people living together and
functioning as a single household
b. group of languages that have a
common origin
c. branch of the Mafia
d. category in the taxonomic classification
of related organisms

TUESDAY WEEK 30 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Use the context to define nuclear family.

There are many types of families. The smallest 5. Humorist Erma Bombeck said:
family is that of two persons such as a
husband and wife, a parent and child, or a
brother and sister. These units are kinds of
nuclear families. Nuclear families include any
two or more persons related to one another by
blood, marriage, or adoption who share a
common residence.

2. Choose the correctly spelled words.

allowance allowence
neice niece

3. A research study found that the middle child of a

family of three is usually different from the middle
child of a large family. Use your experience to
hypothesize several reasons this might be true.

4. What is a bibliography?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 92 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 30 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

mom, susans mother is going to take us over 5. The U.S. Census Bureau defines family
to the mall and then her step-dad will bring
in this way:
both of us home

2. Explain what you think George Bernard Shaw

meant when he said,
If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton,
you may as well make it dance.

3. What is the meaning of sibling?

Sibling rivalry has existed as long as families.

4. Write a simile and an explanation that compares

something in the kitchen to a family.
My family is like a stew pot. No matter
what we put inside, we let it simmer
and season it, and the result always
tastes good.

THURSDAY WEEK 30 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence.

Michael will finish the drivers ed class and 5. Summarize the information.
then he can drive father to work.
Frank J. Sulloway, a researcher at
2. Write a title for an article on a family with ten the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, studied the role of
children, each of whom is a record-holding athlete.
birth order in determining
personality and social outlook.
3. What information would you need to know in order
His research demonstrated that,
to answer the research question, “Do children from because of the evolutionary
larger families have lower levels of education?” hierarchy in families, first-born
children are more likely to be
4. Explain why this riddle is considered a pun. conformists, while the later-
borns tend to be more creative
and more likely to reject the
status quo. He suggested that a
person tends to have more
in common with any
randomly chosen person
of his or her own age
than with a sibling.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

93 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 30 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain the relationship between Richard James Smith and Caleb Earl Cobb.

2. Do Ellen and her husband Franklin believe in passing on family names (names handed down
from one generation to another)?

3. What do you know about John Howard Smith and Earl Ray Smith?

Create a family tree for your immediate family and at least two previous generations. Include a
title and a caption for readers.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 94 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 31 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Give three synonyms for ancient.

5. Write a short paragraph to summarize
2. What does this definition necessitate?
the information on the time line.
History is the written story of man.

3. What is an artifact?
Name three artifacts that future civilizations
might use to characterize your civilization.

4. Edit the sentence.

TUESDAY WEEK 31 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence.

one of the earlier civilizations grew up in an 5. Write a thesis sentence about literature
area that stretched from the eastern shores
in Mesopotamia.
of the mediterranean sea between the tigris
and euphrates rivers to the persian gulf

2. Do you agree? Tell why or why not. The finest literary work
from ancient Mesopotamia is the
Agriculture changed the lives of early
Epic of Gilgamesh. Originally recited
nomadic peoples.
aloud, this towering work was
probably recorded on clay tablets
3. Use the context to define cuneiform. around 2000 B.C., more than one thousand
The people of Sumer are credited with years before the Iliad and the Odyssey
inventing the wheel as well as cuneiform, were recorded in writing. Gilgamesh is a long
a form of writing. narrative poem that describes the deeds of a
hero in his quest for identity and the meaning
4. Combine the two sentences for better flow. of life. Part man and part god, Gilgamesh
A king of Assyria founded the first library. deals with such universal themes as
the meaning of friendship, fear
It contained clay tablets with writing on
of sickness, death, and
many subjects. the forces of evil.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

95 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 31 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Circle the correctly spelled word.

acheivement achievement 5. Read the diagram and write a sentence
comparing Athens and Sparta.
2. Edit the sentence.
a powerful babylonian king
hammurabi create a set of laws
hammurabi’s code for his people.

3. Fact or opinion?
The Nile River provided transportation,
food, and wood for the Egyptian people.

4. Use this portion of the outline to write about

the ancient cities found in the Indus Valley.
A. Cities of the Indus Valley
1. large cities—Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa
2. well-organized
3. well-developed drainage and sewage
B. Tools and Crafts

THURSDAY WEEK 31 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Write a sentence about the contributions of this

early African civilization.
5. Compare the two structures.
Kush peoples
• lived along the Nile River south of Egypt
• about 2000 B.C. to A.D. 350
• raised crops and cattle
• mined copper and gold

2. What is the simple predicate?

The Hittites, as one of the first cultures to
successfully smelt iron, were able to make
stronger tools and weapons.

3. Edit the sentence.

Perhaps one might say that the ancient
eyptians would be best remembered and
appreciated for their magnificent pyramids.

4. What key words would you use to find facts

about ancient Greek systems of government?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 96 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 31 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

chine dial at
by setting the time ma the oldest and take us to Egyp
nging t to see
rting back to the Ha youngest of the
600 B.C. and transpo lon ’s On day six, we ancient wonders
. The King of Baby set our time mac
Gardens of Babylon rat es in and sail for the hine to 220 B.C.
ar the River Euph island of Pharos
Gardens, located ne irriga tio n 30 miles away, . Even from
ture a complex we are able to ap
modern day Iraq, fea the se my ste rious humongous Ligh preciate the
yourself if thouse at Alexan
system. Come see for t an exag ge rated closer, you can dria. As we draw
ed or were jus see for yourself
Gardens really exist structure stood why this 40-sto
’s fertile landscape. as an awesome ry
description of Babylon glory and an ef symbol of Egyp
fective marker
dangerous cond to warn ships of
itions near the the

later, to the takes us to Tu

Temple of A rkey, 50 year
rtemis at Eph s
We will adm esus. our tour of the Ancient Wonders of the
ire the amaz
roam among ing marble fa World, we go back in time more than four millennia
the 120 60-f cade and
we’ll apprec oot columns. to 2560 B.C. to find the Great Pyramid of Giza, built
iate this mag Together
Artemis, the nificent trib to house the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh Khufu.
goddess of fe ute to
and wild an rtility, the w While we may never be able to imagine how this awe-
imals. ilderness,
inspiring behemoth was constructed with more than
two million stones, we can appreciate its timeless
design and the staggering manpower that must have
gone into its creation. For our return journey, we’ll
. and the
we journey to 435 B.C turn the time gauge to modern day, but we’ll remain in
ve rn ous
ia to visit the ca
Greek town of Olymp na tin g statue
Giza. In this final magnificent twist, you’ll see that the
the glorious, domi
temple that houses of Mo unt oldest wonder is also the only one still standing. As
y god and ruler
of Zeus. Zeus, the sk on e at on e end unbelievable as it seems, the beautiful Great Pyramid
a massive thr
Olympus, is seated in t an d ga ze up , if of Giza stands as tall and proud in the 21st Century as
at Zeus’ fee
of the temple. Stand fou r sto rie s ab ov e. it did in 2560 B.C. Come see for yourself!
you dare, to his head

to Turkey in the year 350

B.C. Near the Aegean Sea, we will encounter the 1. List the Seven Wonders of the World.
enchanting Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and
admire its ornate statues. This structure was 2. The brochure uses many synonyms for the
built as a burial chamber for King Mausollos, an word trip. Find four of them. Think of one
otherwise ordinary leader who was immortalized more of your own.
in death. The origin of the word mausoleum, in
fact, came from this remarkable structure. 3. Even though this piece is fiction it uses actual
dates, locations, and factual descriptions.
her visit to Gre Is this approach a good way to present
features anot in 28 5 B.C.
e island of Rho factual information? Why or why not?
this time to th to the is land ’s
the entrance
Here, astride e 10 0-foot statue
amine th
harbor, we ex
the sun god H
elios. Revel at
e sigh t
s glimmering
lo ssus of Rho
the br onze Co If you could travel on a time machine to any time
ove the
rranean sun ab
in the Medite and any place, where would you go and why?
bustling port.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

97 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 32 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Explain the difference among these three

newspaper articles.
5. Edit the obituary.
• news article
• feature articles
• editorials

2. What is included in the dateline of

a newspaper article?

3. George Bernard Shaw once said,

“Newspapers are unable, seemingly,
to discriminate between a bicycle
accident and the collapse of civilization.”
What do you think he meant?
Do you agree? Tell why or why not.

4. Explain a possible meaning of this headline.

What literary device does it employ?
Fair Fare for Films

TUESDAY WEEK 32 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence.

good conclusions to an editorial sums up 5. Rewrite the headlines to correct
arguements and spurs readers in to action
2. True or false?
If you can use the word because to show
the relationship between events, the
relation is causal, not just sequential.

3. Format a bibliography entry for an article in

column three on page 27 in the New York Times
of January 11, 2004. The article is entitled
“Minute Tool Directs Enormous Drill in Search
for Natural Gas”.

4. Which argument is more effective and why?

a. Thousands of people thronged the concert.
b. So many people attended the concert that
the crowd formed the third largest city in
the state.
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 98 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 32 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Think of five compound words

that begin with the word news.
5. Write a metaphor that compares a
newspaper to something in a classroom.
2. Sequence the installments of the cartoon strip.
___Recovered Noxvillians Celebrate
___Greater Noxville Stricken With Deadly Flu
___Dr. Nox Discovers a Cure

3. Edit the sentence.

the line of words at the head of a
newspaper story or article usualy
printed in large type and giving the
gist of the story or article that follows
are the head line

4. True or false?
An effective editorial is direct, absorbing, and
can move its readers to reevaluate an issue.

THURSDAY WEEK 32 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Identify the underlined phrase.

To write a newspaper column is 5. Donald M. Lowe, an educator
my secret ambition.
and historian, observed:
2. Write a headline for a newspaper article “Newspapers have a different perceptual
about the effects of record high temperatures impact on the reader than the printed book.
Unlike the linear development of a plot or an
during December in a ski resort area.
argument in the book, the concurrent reporting
of news from different parts of the world make
3. Explain what’s wrong with these headlines:
newspapers a mosaic of unrelated events.”

4. Choose the correct word.

William Randolph Hearst wrote this (advice,
advise) for would-be journalists.
“Try to be conspicuously accurate in
everything, pictures as well as text.
Truth is not only stranger than fiction,
it is more interesting.”

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

99 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 32 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


Dear Mr. Editor: In addition to the errors above, Mr. Gray’s “Botched
The Leadville Post’s characterization of the proposed Road Plan” also failed to mention a crucial component of
changes to Route 64 in the April 4 article “Botched Road the Route 64 planning process. Post readers would have
Plan” was misleading and inaccurate. The Post failed to benefited from the inclusion of the time, date, and location
consult the main developer responsible for the changes, and of the next Public Comment session on the Route 64 plan.
the reporter, George Gray, clearly made no attempt to find The three previous sessions, in December, January, and
out all the facts before writing his story. There were two March, were well attended, and feedback from public
glaring errors and one obvious omission in the article. members shared during the sessions has been incorporated
First, Mr. Gray mischaracterized the genesis of the plan into the project development plan. Of course, including
by insinuating that the developer, Sun Construction, information about the Public Comment session would have
initiated discussions with the Leadville City Council. In run counter to Mr. Gray’s shameless portrayal of Sun
fact, the City Council elicited proposals and a number of Construction as an overzealous, money-grubbing
developers, including Sun Construction, responded. The developer. Those Post readers who are interested in
Post’s suggestion that Sun Construction went “fishing for learning the truth behind the Route 64 project and sharing
business” is dishonest and erroneous. their own suggestions are invited to attend the Public
The second error in Mr. Gray’s article was to overstate Comment session on April 27, at 7 PM in the Elks Lodge
the tax burden of the Route 64 development. The project on Main Street.
will be entirely financed from existing road improvement Thank you for the opportunity to clarify these facts and
funds and will not result in higher tax rates for the set the record straight about this crucial construction
population of Leadville. By speculating about the costs, project. I hope Mr. Gray will be more diligent in his
rather than confirming the facts with Sun Construction or reporting on future capital projects.
the Leadville treasurer, Mr. Gray incites anger and Sincerely,
resentment toward a project that will facilitate growth and J. Little
support business development in eastern Leadville. CEO, Sun Construction

1. Although this letter was written to the Leadville Post’s editor, who is
the audience that J. Little hoped to reach and what is the purpose
behind the article?

2. J. Little uses words with both negative and positive connotations to

make his point in this editorial. List three words in each category.

3. What adjectives might J. Little use to describe Mr. Gray’s

investigative reporting?

4. Does this editorial make you question the validity of the “Botched
Road Plan” article? Why?

Think of a current-affair issue that you feel strongly about. Write a
strong thesis sentence stating your opinion.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 100 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 33 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Circle the correct word.

The speed of the cars (surprise, surprises) us. 5. What qualifies a vehicle as an AFV?
2. List three reasons for using natural gas as a fuel.
Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning
alternative fuels available and offers a number
of advantages over gasoline. Air exhaust
emissions from natural gas vehicles are much Alternative-fuel vehicles,
lower than those from gasoline-powered as defined by the Energy Policy Act
vehicles. In addition, smog-producing gases, of 1992, include any dedicated, flexible-
such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, fuel, or dual-fuel vehicles designed to operate
and carbon dioxide are reduced significantly. on at least one alternative fuel. Alternative fuel
vehicles come in a variety of vehicle models such
3. Yes or no? as sedans, pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles,
The possessive of it is it’s. vans, shuttle buses, medium-duty vehicles
(such as delivery trucks), heavy-duty
4. Explain the contradiction in the quotation. buses, and heavy-duty trucks.

TUESDAY WEEK 33 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Give two synonyms for acceleration.

5. Explain in easy-to-understand language
2. Add dashes to emphasize the comment.
the alternative fuel ethanol.
The sleek new car the first she ever
owned was her most prized possession.

3. Paraphrase the text to explain one of the

problems in evaluating alternative fuels.
There are different benefits, trade-offs,
(ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol,
and considerations when it comes to EtOH) is a clear, colorless liquid.
alternative fuels. It is difficult to Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is made up of a group of
compare “apples to apples” because chemical compounds whose molecules contain a
benefits depend on the vehicles that hydroxyl group, –OH, bonded to a carbon atom. The
use the fuel. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 mandated the sale
of oxygenated fuels in areas with unhealthy levels of
4. New models of automobiles are often carbon monoxide. In the United States each year,
named for animals. Think of a new model. approximately two billion gallons are added to
gasoline to increase octane and improve
List the attributes of the vehicle. Then give
the emissions quality of gasoline.
it an appropriate animal name.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

101 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 33 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Evaluate the names of these hybrid electric

vehicles. Choose the one name you find most
5. Read the notes. Write a thesis sentence
appealing. Explain why you think it is appropriate
about using fuel cells as a source of
for an AFV.
fuel for vehicles.

2. Is this sentence a benefit or a disadvantage?

In actual use, drivers using ethanol can
expect a fuel economy reduction of at
least 15% relative to gasoline.

3. Write an antonym for efficiency.

4. What topic might be addressed in this article?

Advances in Car Technology Bring
High-class Headaches

THURSDAY WEEK 33 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit where necessary.

car and driver magazine 5. After reading this explanation would
how to buy a new car by jeff holden you continue to research hydrogen-
kelley blue book powered vehicles as a positive
alternative to traditionally powered
2. Punctuate the sentence correctly. vehicles? Why? What words
Thanks to the latest electronics cars can influenced your opinion?
tell you the pressure in each tire display
stock quotes or give directions to the
nearest Italian restaurant.
Although they are still
3. List three adjectives that you would use to in development, hydrogen
describe a fast sportscar. vehicles represent an
attractive option for
4. The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) is an reducing petroleum
online collection of data, including more than consumption and
3,000 documents and several interactive tools. improving air quality.
The site is sponsored by the U.S. Department of
Energy. Would you consider the site an unbiased
source for research? Why or why not?

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 102 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 33 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Explain the phrase, “This is not your grandmother’s hybrid.”

2. What important attributes does the exhibitor point out?

3. How does the Flexor differ from automobiles on the market today?

4. What do you think the Flexor looks like? Describe it in words or as an illustration.

Write a note from a new teenage driver to a parent asking for a new car.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

103 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 34 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Endemic and epidemic share a common

suffix. Do the two words have similar meanings?
5. Read the graph. What does this graph
show? What conclusions might you draw
2. Edit the sentence.
after reading it?
tamaras absense was the result of a bad case
of neumonia

3. If you are sick should you take an anecdote? U.S. Life Expectancy At Different Ages

Life Expectancy (Years)

4. Summarize the entry. Is bruxism contagious? life- 75
threatening? caused by a virus? diagnosable? 70
Bruxism is the term for grinding your teeth 65
or clenching your jaw. It occurs most often 60
while a person is asleep. The American
Dental Association says that the most
common cause is stress, but other factors
include sleep disorders, poor jaw or bite 45
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940
alignment, and poor tooth alignment. Year
Symptoms of bruxism include headaches, Birth Age 20 Age 40 Age 60
jaw pain, and painful, loose teeth.

TUESDAY WEEK 34 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Label these words to indicate a negative,

positive, or neutral connotation.
5. What can you
___ unwell ___ under the weather conclude about
• gender—osteoporosis
___ poorly ___ unwholesome more likely in women the risk factors
___ ailing ___ incapacitated • age— longer one lives, for osteoporosis?
___ laid up ___ pale greater the chance Is it possible to
___ diseased ___ peaked • family history— runs in change some
families of them?
2. Circle any correctly spelled words. • body size— small bones
absense symptom and thin build increase risk

disaese physisian • ethnicity—white and Asian

women at higher risk
3. W. C. Fields once said, “The best cure for • diet—calcium and vitamin
insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” Why is D help build strong bones
this a humorous line? • physical activity—exercise
keeps bones strong
4. List as many “aches” as you can that are • smoking—lowers estrogen
compound words. level, boosts risk

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 104 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 34 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Write a sentence that shows you

understand the different meanings given
5. Author Eleanor Coerr wrote a true story
for the word sick.
about a Japanese girl. The tagline on the
a. noun, people who are not well cover of the book reads:
b. adjective, queasy
c. adjective, disgusting

2. Name one cause and one effect of

a headache.

3. Complete the analogy.

penicillin : antibiotic : : _____ : _____

4. If a disease is contagious, what does

that mean? Can you think of something
besides a disease that might be
Explain how this sentence is an example of

THURSDAY WEEK 34 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. What are the implications of the World

Health Organization’s definition of health?
5. Explain how an antihistamine works. Relate
Health is a state of complete physical, your explanation to the meaning of the prefix
mental and social well-being, and not
merely the absence of disease or

2. Edit the sentence.

All infants should recieve the first
dose of hepatitis b vaccine soon
after he is born and before he is
discharged from the hospitel.

3. Give the comparative and superlative forms

of ill.

4. Write three adjectives that could be used to

describe a character who looks:
• healthy
• unhealthy
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
105 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 34 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

For generations, getting the chicken pox was an
itchy, scratchy rite of passage. At some point before their
fifteenth birthdays, most children would endure five to
ten days of a blistery rash, fever, cough, and exhaustion.
Suffering from chicken pox would normally only occur
once, because the body developed immunity after the
first case. But since a vaccine became available in 1995,
fewer and fewer children in the United States are facing
the oatmeal baths and calamine lotion applications that were used for years to treat the bumpy
red spots caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV).
Many states now require the chicken pox vaccine for children attending public schools.
Chicken pox is extremely contagious and, prior to widespread vaccination efforts, entire classes,
sports teams, or families would sometimes be infected at the same time. School absences and
medical costs associated with the chicken pox virus have declined significantly since the
introduction of the vaccine.
Despite the vaccine’s success, there are still serious
cases and even deaths from chicken pox each year.
Complications are most likely to occur in unvaccinated
adults who never contracted chicken pox during
childhood and vulnerable populations such as infants
or persons with weakened immune systems. In rare
instances, even those who have been vaccinated can
get the chicken pox, but these cases are normally very mild.

1. Use the context to define the phrase rite of passage.

2. What details explain why states require the chicken pox vaccine be given to children attending
public schools?

3. What is the purpose of this article and what audience will probably read it?

4. True or false?
Serious cases of chicken pox are a thing of the past.

Write a concluding sentence for the informational article on chicken pox. You might begin with
this sentence starter:
Thanks to the chicken pox vaccine, . . .

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 106 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
MONDAY WEEK 35 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Here is one definition of language.

Language is a system, used for 5.Identify the tone in this excerpt from an
communication—a set of arbitrary
article “What Is Communication?” by
symbols that can be combined
Liza Nova.
productively to convey new information.

Name at least one additional attribute that

should be included in the definition.

2. Write six words that have the prefix tele-.

Give a definition for each.

3. Cite rules for using can and may.

4. What is literal language?

What is its opposite?

TUESDAY WEEK 35 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Epictetus, the Greek philosopher, advised:

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we 5. Edit the quotation.
can listen twice as much as we speak.”
for centuries humans have tried to
Write your own piece of advice for effective teach animals to communicate like
humans said Michael Darre, an
animal science professor at the
university of connecticut and now
2. Edit the sentence. Reorder the phrases if you think
we’re getting to the point where
it will help the flow of the sentence. we’re saying wait a second why
A pioneer in the field of telecommunications don’t we learn their language
alexander graham bell was born in 1847 in instead of making them learn ours
edinburgh scotland

3. Explain the origin of the word telephone.

4. Circle the complete subject.

Advances are constantly being made in the
field of cell phone technology, which means
that there are always newer cell phone models
coming out on the market.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

107 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
WEDNESDAY WEEK 35 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Edit the sentence.

just as the vacume tube and the transister 5. Circle the words that are examples of
made possible the early telephone network the
wireless revolution began only after low cost
micro processors miniture circiut boreds and
digital switching became available

2. True or false?
An exclamation point or question mark is
placed inside quotation marks when it
punctuates the quotation.

3. List three alternatives to “Hello!”.

4. Peter Drucker recognized a communication truth

when he said, “The most important thing in
communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” Write some other onomatopoetic words.
Reflect on how this quotation carries implications
for developing characters in your writing.

THURSDAY WEEK 35 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Anne Morrow Lindbergh observed, ”Good

communication is as stimulating as black coffee,
5. List three advantages of Carhood and
and just as hard to sleep after.” Write your own
three disadvantages.
simile about communication.
Norwegian Designer Lieke Ypma has an
idea to enhance communication while
2. List eight explicit verbs that could be used instead
driving and make it safer—Carhood.
of the verb said. Aiming to engender a neighborhood
spirit among drivers, as opposed to the
3. Write two antonyms for communication. kill-or-be-killed gladiator mentality
out there today, Carhood enables a
4. Define the words plan, anytime, and wireless LAN connection with a 300-
cell as used in the advertisement. meter range. Rather than fume silently,
About how much per minute does drivers can conduct a social roundtable
the 900 Anytime Minutes plan cost? as they sit in gridlock. To communicate
with another Carhood-equipped vehicle,
simply call them using a roof-mounted
module. The driver of the other car
completes the connection and a
conversation is initiated, like a
complicated version of the CB radio.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 108 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
FRIDAY WEEK 35 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

Cell phones are an integral part of students’ lives and should not be banned from
schools. Students need to have access to their phones throughout the school day and
should not be expected to leave their phones in their lockers or cars, or, even worse, at
home. While cell phones should not be used during class, students must be able to have
their cell phones with them in case they need to access their schedules, look up a phone
number or address, or make an emergency call. Many students use their cell phones to
communicate with their parents during school hours, sharing changes in afterschool
plans, passing on information about grades, or confirming pick-up times. Banning cell
phones from schools is essentially forbidding student-parent communication during
school hours. It is time to move into the 21st century and accept cell phones as a
customary and essential part of students’ lives.

1. Make a simple t-chart that shows the

arguments for and against cell phone
Cell phones should be banned from
schools because they are disruptive, use at school.
unnecessary, and potentially unfair.
Students cannot concentrate on learning if
2. The word disruptive has many
ringing and beeping cell phones
synonyms. Rank each word on the
constantly interrupt them. Cell phones are
also disruptive to teachers, particularly if following list from least negative (1) to
students are playing games or sending most negative (6) in its connotations.
text messages during class. There is no ____ bothersome
need for students to have cell phones
____ inconvenient
during school hours. If parents need to
contact their children during the school ____ distracting
day, the school administrative office can ____ niggling
facilitate the communication. Most issues
____ troublesome
can wait until after school hours, and the
truly urgent ones, which are rare, can be ____ riotous
passed on to the student as required. In
addition to being distracting to the
3. Explain this statement.
learning environment and unnecessary,
cell phones could also be used to cheat Both arguments “color” the
during class. The advanced features of facts by using emotionally
many phones, such as camera and photo charged statements.
storage capabilities, make collecting and
sharing information extremely easy.
Students could bring answers with them Write
to tests or share answers with other Do you think cell phones should be
students during class using cell phones banned from schools? Design a button
undetected by teachers. Cell phones are that states your position.
undermining education and have no place
in the classroom.

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

109 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
MONDAY WEEK 36 _____________________________________ LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. Cross out the words that are unnecessary.

Imagining the envisioned evening ahead 5. In Truman Capote’s A Christmas
the pair of two flushed friends glowed
Memory a young boy describes his
with expected anticipation.
unlikely best friend, an elderly cousin.
2. If a character shows pathos would he be
a good friend?
A woman with shorn white hair is standing at the
kitchen window. She is wearing tennis shoes and
3. Cantus Fraggle, the Muppet character, gave
a shapeless gray sweater over a summer calico
this advice. Expound on the simple statement dress. She is small and sprightly, like a bantam
to relate it to an incident where listening was hen; but, due to a long youthful illness, her
important in your world. shoulders are pitifully hunched. . . . “Oh my,” she
exclaims, her breath smoking the windowpane,
Listening is the first step and the last step.
“it’s fruitcake weather!” The person to whom she
is speaking is myself. I am seven; she is sixty-
4. Write at least six synonyms for friend. something . . . We are each other’s best friend.

TUESDAY WEEK 36 ____________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Edit the sentence.

Mark Twain said good friends good 5. Sometimes friendship exists between a
books and a sleepy conscience this is
character and an inanimate object.
the ideal life
Children often have “friends” that are
2. Write a good title for an article about the stuffed animals or blankets. Others see
experiences of friends at a boarding school. books, trees, or music as friends. Think
of a thing in your life which has the
3. Correct the spelling. attributes of a friend. Write an ode to
a. hopeing the object.
b. choise
c. safty

4. Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets, said,

“I believe that we can use television and film
to be an influence for good.”
Do you agree?
State your position and support it.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 110 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
WEDNESDAY WEEK 36 _____________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

We become just by performing just action . . . . 5. Friends share sorrows as well as joys.
Countee Cullen uses similes to describe
2. Circle the infinitives. Tell how each is used. this exchange. Identify the simile in this
To be a friend is to listen sympathetically excerpt. Then paraphrase the message
to whining and to respond with sound in this stanza.
judgment. Your grief and mine
Must intertwine
3. Complete the analogy.
Like sea and river,
frenetic : friend :: _____ : gravel
Be fused and mingle,
4. Edit the entry in the autograph book. Diverse yet single,
Forever and forever.
– from “Any Human to Another”

THURSDAY WEEK 36 ________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. Write the plural form of each word.

buddy acquaintance ally pal 5. What does the kite
represent in
2. What is hypocrisy?
this passage?
3. Correct the misspelled words.
innacent curteous sympathatec

4. In “From the Hymn of Empedocles” Matthew

Arnold uses a question to make a statement about
the importance of friendship. What is he saying?
Is it so small a thing
To have enjoy’d the sun,
To have lived light in the spring,
To have loved, to have thought, to have done;
To have advanced true friends,
and beat down
baffling foes;

© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

111 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
FRIDAY WEEK 36 _______________________________________LANGUAGE PRACTICE


1. The first poet uses the term “connected” repetitively.

a. Define connected as it is used.
b. From your experience, give an example of a positive connection and a negative connection.
2. Compare any two of the notes about friendship.
3. What color is friendship? Give reasons for your answer.
4. What does friendship sound like?

Write a proverb about friendship. Try to express a big idea in a few words.

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 112 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
Vocabulary & Word Skills
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Knowledge of word meanings √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Word and phrase meaning from context √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Denotation and connotation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify synonyms √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify antonyms √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Words with similar meanings or sounds √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Homonyms, homophones, & homographs √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Multiple meaning words √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Analogies √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Prefixes, suffixes, and roots √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Word origins and derivations √ √ √ √ √ √

Reading Comprehension Skills

Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Main ideas √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Supporting details √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Sequence √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Expository—Identify, read, and comprehend

expository selections √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Find information √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Narrative √ √ √
Cause and Effect √ √
Interpret graphs, tables, illustrations, graphics √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Classify opinions and facts √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Argumentative—Identify strategies √ √ √
Draw conclusions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Make inferences √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Make predictions √ √ √
Compare and contrast √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Summarize √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Evaluate √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Persuasive √ √
Paraphase text √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Make & support generalizations from reading √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Usage Skills
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Subject/verb agreement √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Use singular and plural nouns correctly √ √ √ √ √ √
Proper word choice: who or whom;
affect or effect; can or may; real or really;
accept or except, etc. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Identify and analyze setting, plot, characters,
theme, tone, mood, point of view √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Classify writing genres and modes √ √ √ √ √
Identify literary devices: simile, metaphor, alliteration, puns, rhyme, rhythm, idioms, onomatopoeia, personification, hyperbole, imagery, repetition, oxymoron, paradox, cliché,
allusion, irony, dialect and jargon, dialogue, sensory language, flashbacks, foreshadowing, language structure, colloquial language, and symbolism
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify author’s audience and purpose √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify different types of poetry: haiku,
sonnet, quatrain, epic, ballad, blank verse;
and elements of plays √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify an author’s use of persuasion, bias,
and propaganda √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Relate literary works to their historical
context and culture √ √ √ √ √ √
Analyze an author’s style √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Analyze characterization √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify characteristics of different genre
and modes √ √ √ √ √
Compare ways authors organize, present ideas √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Analyze an author’s word choice √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Make connections with personal experiences √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Grammar Skills
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Parts of Speech √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Pronouns: relative, indefinite, interrogative √ √ √ √ √ √
Verbs √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Subjects and predicates √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Direct and indirect objects √ √ √
Possessive nouns √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Phrases: prepositional, appositive, and
verbal—participle, gerund, and infinitive √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Different kinds of clauses: independent,
subordinate, adjective, adverb, noun,
essential, and nonessential √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Verb tenses √ √ √ √ √ √
Pronoun case: nominative, objective, possessive √ √ √
Subject/verb, subject/pronoun agreement √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Degrees of comparison: positive,
comparative, and superlative √ √ √ √
Misplaced modifiers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Spelling Skill
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Spell words correctly √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Use graphic organizers to organize
information and take notes √ √ √ √ √
Descriptive writing √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Write in different genres and modes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Write topic sentences √ √ √ √ √
Add supporting details √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Use explicit verbs √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Write captions and titles √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify sentence fragments, run-on sentences √ √ √ √ √ √
Write strong beginnings, endings, thesis stmts. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Summarize a written piece or information √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Paraphrase sentences or writings √ √ √ √
Respond to a written piece or thesis statement √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Proofread and use proofreading symbols for
spelling, usage, punctuation, capitalization √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Revise for clarity, word choice,
effectiveness, sequence, flow √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Support a premise √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Combine short sentences for readability √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Capitalization & Punctuation Skills

Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Capitalization of proper nouns and adjectives √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Capitalizations of titles √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Capitalizing words in sentences √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
End punctuation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Commas √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Quotation Marks √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Parentheses, dashes, and hyphens √ √ √ √ √ √
Apostrophes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Capitalization and punctuation in quotations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Study & Research Skills
Skill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Outlines √ √ √ √
Purposes and uses of different reference
materials and reading strategies √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Using reference works: almanacs, atlases,
dictionaries, encyclopedia entries, maps,
charts, graphs, card catalogs √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Document sources using appropriate
citation format √ √ √ √ √ √
Evaluate quality, usefulness of reference mtrls. √ √ √ √ √ √
Identify research topic/questions, narrow focus √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Use alphabetical order and key words, index √ √ √ √ √ √ √
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
Week 1 (pages 5–7) 4. atlas • Mouth-watering steaks grilled to spun, expounded on, recounted
MONDAY 5. Phrases will vary. perfection. A treat for your taste 3. a. subject-verb agreement: The
1. Apollo, Athena, and Poseidon are a FRIDAY buds! characters personify the injustices
few of the familiar gods and 1. Adjectives will vary. Six possible • Delectable desserts—Sure to of a slaveholding society.
goddesses associated with Greek choices: independent, remarkable, enhance your dining experience! b. subject-verb agreement: Each
mythology; but Zeus was the god skilled, self-assured, fast Begin your amazing evening here! brings a unique perspective.
held in highest regard by the ancient 2. Adjectives will vary. Six possible THURSDAY 4. variety
Greeks. choices: resourceful, athletic, lucky, 1. to ponder; to heat, sweeten, and 5. When the Civil War broke out, the
2. strategies or skillful maneuvering handsome, quick thinking, smitten flavor with spices; to pulverize Mississippi River was closed to
3. b Writing will vary. 2. alliteration commercial traffic. Since riverboat
4. resign, cede, relinquish Week 2 (pages 8–10) 3. declarative pilots were no longer needed, Mark
5. Sentences will vary. One possible MONDAY 4. butter Twain ventured west to seek his
correct summary: Myths and 1. agree, consent, concur 5. Statements of the main idea will fortune.
legends both tell stories, but a myth 2. who, which, whom, that vary. One possible interpretation: WEDNESDAY
usually tells about gods and 3. In, La Tomatina, At Today there are many varieties of 1. holy—sacred; holey—having holes;
goddesses, while a legend most 4. asparagus, squashes or squash, candy chips on the market, but the wholly—completely, fully
often involves human behaviors. potatoes, raspberries, celeries, original Toll House chocolate chips 2. Though his final books were filled
TUESDAY bacon strips, shrimps or shrimp, still rank among the tastiest. with the depravity of human nature,
1. idiom escargots, grapefruit or grapefruits FRIDAY Twain is chiefly remembered today
2. c 5. Topic Sentence: Eating a healthy, 1. waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage for capturing the brash, optimistic
3. enraged well-balanced diet is one important 2. Student opinions will vary. Possible spirit of Americans.
4. anti, contra step to living a long, healthy life. advantages include: Preparation is 3. a. plural; b. single
5. b Details: 1) increased energy completed in advance, serving can 4. more often; most often
WEDNESDAY 2) excel in sports and academics be delayed and casserole kept 5. Student should have drawn lines to
1. Many responses are possible: 3) reduced occurrence of heart warm in oven, tastes are mingled for the appropriate words.
something that has become popular disease and cancer 4) live longer a special treat. THURSDAY
(The song was an instant hit!); to TUESDAY 3. Student opinions will vary. Possible 1. Explanations will vary. A habit is
come in contact with (He hit the ball 1. advise disadvantages include: If you don’t hard to break and it may be
with the bat.); to apply forcefully 2. b like one ingredient, the whole necessary to take small steps
(Mom hit the brakes just in time.); 3. also used in the manufacturing of breakfast is ruined; cook must before the goal of eradication is
to make a request of (He hit up his dynamite complete preparations in advance; achieved.
friend for a $10 loan.); to arrive or 4. whom—objective; their— waffles get soggy if not eaten 2. metaphor
appear at (The best time to hit the possessive; they—nominative; promptly. 3. Mark Twain’s childhood home—
stores is at the beginning of the she—nominative Writing may vary. Hannibal, Missouri—was a frequent
day.); to bite at or on—fish (When I 5. Paragraphs may vary. One possible 1. Brown the sausage. stop for steamboats arriving from
used salmon eggs I got three quick combination: Bobby ate an onion- 2. Mix brown sugar and maple St. Louis and New Orleans.
hits.); to reflect accurately (He hit and-peanut-butter sandwich for syrup. 4. Advice for Little Girls; The
the right note.); to deal another card breakfast and went to school 3. Pour over cooked sausage and Celebrated Jumping Frog of
(as in Blackjack); hit it big; hit it off; without brushing his teeth. When keep warm in oven. Calaveras County
hit the fan; hit the ground running; Bobby greeted Frankie with a 4. Make waffles and scrambled 5. a. realistic, historical fiction;
hit the jackpot; hit the nail on the friendly “Hi, Buddy!”, Frankie eggs. b. fantasy; c. science fiction
head. gagged at the smell of Bobby’s 5. Layer waffles, scrambled eggs, FRIDAY
2. The most powerful Greek gods lived breath and gave Bobby some and sausages in casserole dish. 1. There are many examples: ketched
atop Mount Olympus. There, on the mouthwash. Bobby doesn’t eat 6. Return to oven until time to eat. for caught; cal’klated for calculated;
mountaintop, the gods renewed onion-and-peanut-butter Week 3 (pages 11–13) edercate for educate; never did
their immortality, watched the sandwiches anymore. MONDAY nothing for never did anything; set
games of mortal men, and WEDNESDAY 1. Definitions will vary slightly. for sit; learn for teach; got him up so
discussed their concerns. 1. limerick Garrulous means talkative. in the matter of for became so good
3. fiery, foreign, guarantee 2. Topic sentences will vary. One 2. Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, at; im for him. The storyteller
4. The men seem to be protected and possible sentence: Unbelievable as Mark Twain grew up in Hannibal, ignores quotation marks and tends
safe. it may seem, the Summer Lunch Missouri, a small town on the west to speak in run-on sentences.
5. Student responses will vary. One Program is both tasty and nutritious. bank of the Mississippi River. 2. Student responses will vary.
possible correct response: Poseidon 3. “Do you know how long the longest 3. a Smiley’s frog can snatch flies off the
was angry with Zeus so he sent a banana split was?” asked Jeff. “The 4. Colloquial language refers to the counter and jump high. Wheeler
flood to kill his brother’s people. people of Selinsgrove, informal speech that people use in says that the frog is modest and
Zeus enlisted the help of the god of Pennsylvania, do. They made a everyday conversation. straightforward as well as talented.
fire and saved the people using an banana split that was 4.55 miles 5. Responses will vary. 3. Student opinions will vary.
unusual invention—the volcano. long.” TUESDAY Writing will vary.
THURSDAY 4. The person making the statement is 1. con-,with, together; -ject, to throw; Week 4 (pages 14–16)
1. Pegasus’s wings; Athena and famished. -ure,act or process; Conjecture MONDAY
Medusa’s powers; horse’s hooves 5. Stuffed! Features of the Day means to guess or to form an 1. Answers will vary. The iconography
2. wisdom, love, courage • Succulent seafood covered in a opinion without definite evidence. is the pictorial images associated or
3. Odysseus traveled farther than tangy mustard sauce. It will leave 2. Answers will vary. Several correct illustrating a subject.
anyone else to get to Ithaca. you wanting just one more bite! answers are: narrated, described,
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 116 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
2. Peanuts, upset, baseball, loses decides to get rid of undesirables in meanings. Some correct examples: 5. Responses may vary, but should
3. The superlative form of early is the birdwatching club, paralleling main stem of a plant; the long beam include at least four of the following:
earliest. McCarthy’s campaign to get rid of of a gun; the proprietorship element find a route to the Pacific Ocean;
4. personification Communists in America. in a corporation usually divided into measure latitude and longitude;
5. Answers will vary. One possible 2. Readers will often find political shares; liquid in which meat, fish, or draw maps; learn about tribes along
response: The Katzenjammers cartoons on the editorial page of the vegetables have been simmered; an the route; study languages,
combined both the aspects of newspaper. estimate or evaluation of something; customs, and hunting practices;
internal dialogue and multi-panel 3. One possible answer: In 1897, the confidence; to supply; to put in arrange Washington visits for
cartoons, and so were pioneers in New York Journal published the first supplies interested chiefs; and take careful
developing the form of the modern comic strip—“The Yellow Kid.” 2. alliteration notes about climate, plant, and
comic strip. 4. Opinions will vary. Check to make 3. stingy, trolley, rally, airy, subtle, animal life of the different regions.
TUESDAY sure that students support their or subtly TUESDAY
1. Answers will vary. One possible positions with details. 4. encyclopedia 1. Ocean in view! Oh, the joy!
answer: A comic strip is a sequence 5. Some comic strips are centered on 5. Student responses will vary. One 2. after the long delay—adverbial
of cartoon drawings that tells a human beings, but a number of possible correct response: clause; for the expedition—
story. strips have animals as main Information about the barrel cactus preposition phrase
2. In a famous comment on the characters. Some of the animals are is succinct and clear cut in 3. red dye
ecological crisis, the comic-strip nonverbal (Marmaduke), some have paragraph two. The same 4. b
opossum Pogo said, “We have met verbal thoughts but aren’t information is embedded in the 5. a-3; b-1; c-5; d-2; e-4
the enemy, and he is us.” understood by humans (Garfield, personification of the cactus in WEDNESDAY
3. Answers will vary, but should reflect Snoopy), and some can converse passage one. 1. Provoke means to stimulate or
the idea that man is the cause of the with humans (Opus in “Bloom THURSDAY incite. Statements about the
ecological crisis. County” or Bucky and Satchel in 1. The edible red pulp of the organ connotation of the verb will vary
4. Topics will vary. Check to make sure “Get Fuzzy”). pipe cactus can be eaten as is, depending on personal experience.
that the research questions address FRIDAY made into jelly, or fermented into a One possible response: While
the topic given. 1. Cells give living things form and beverage. excite and stimulate seem to have
5. In 1924, the adventure strip was function. 2. confined positive connotations, the
born. George Washington Tubbs II, 2. Personification: The animals talk 3. a. Who; b. whom connotation of provoke is more
the main character of a comic strip and act like humans. Ask a 4. Student responses will vary. Check negative. I often think of someone
created by Roy Crane, embarked on question: The two questions to make sure the sentence is provoking a fight.
a search for buried treasure. “Why are cells so important?” complete and includes the details 2. On most days Captain Lewis walked
Readers were enthralled by the and “So cells actually do things?” provided. along the shore with his dog
serial cliffhangers featuring Wash come before the main ideas. 5. Student responses will vary. Check Seaman by his side.
Tubbs. 3. Answers will vary. Current brain to see that the names suggested 3. Lewis preserved hundreds of
WEDNESDAY research supports this idea. have a connection to the cuttings, seeds, plants, and flowers.
1. Flagrant means obviously Cartoons will vary. appearance of each cactus. 4. Writing will vary.
inconsistent. Its connotation usually Week 5 (pages 17–19) FRIDAY 5. a. fact: Actual distances required to
implies inconsistencies so serious MONDAY 1. The setting of the story is the home find game can be measured and
that they cannot be condoned. The 1. a. many—grow of Trysdale, a man who has just documented.
author of the sentence is probably b. pincushion—stands returned from the wedding of the b. opinion: The general term difficult
not a liberal thinking individual. 2. thorny, briery, troublesome, stinging lady he had hoped to marry. time can be interpreted in many
2. The majority of traditional 3. synonym Trysdale, a handsome, well-dressed different ways.
newspaper comic strips now have 4. There are about 60 of the soldier, is preoccupied with regret c. fact: Actual species can be
some Internet presence. 3,000 cactus species growing over his failure to charm the young counted.
3. The sentence has a misplaced in west Texas. lady. He seems used to getting his d. opinion: A “should” statement
modifier. One possible correction: 5. Sentences will vary. One possible way and is annoyed that she implies judgment and therefore is
Frank King sometimes drew correct summary: Cacti are well ignored his proposal of marriage. an opinion.
innovative backgrounds for his adapted to conditions with little rain. 2. The cause of the misunderstanding THURSDAY
“Gasoline Alley” strip which first They have spines rather than water- is the lady’s belief that Trysdale 1. A participle is a verbal used as an
appeared in 1919. wasting leaves, enlarged stems that understands Spanish. adjective. A gerund is a verbal used
4. audience: adults reading the store water, and extensive, close-to- 3. Student opinions will vary. as a noun.
editorial page of a newspaper; the-surface root systems. Writing will vary. 2. Responses will vary. Meriwether
purpose: to illustrate a political TUESDAY Week 6 (pages 20–22) Lewis, son of a Virginia planter, was
opinion 1. boulders, stones, gravel, sand MONDAY born in 1774.
5. The cartoon shows President 2. on the pincushion cactus, of radial 1. In 1802 President Jefferson offered 3. incidentally, succeed
Lincoln splitting a rail. In this case spines a challenge to his young assistant 4. b
the rail represents the Democratic 3. The barrel cactus, fiercely armed Meriwether Lewis. 5. Captions will vary.
party. with heavy spines, is one of the 2. A pirogue is a small boat. The word FRIDAY
THURSDAY largest cacti of the North American is French derived from the Spanish 1. false
1. A caricature implies exaggeration of deserts. word piragua and the Caribbean 2. true
the characteristic features of a 4. raven, rawhide, ravine word piraua. 3. false
subject. So Walt Kelly caricatured 5. b 3. Definitions may vary. Fixing for a 4. false
Joseph McCarthy as a bobcat who WEDNESDAY start means making preparations. 5. false
considers himself omnipotent and 1. Students will give different 4. affected Writing will vary.
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
117 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
Week 7 (pages 23–25) FRIDAY contempt of danger. Although private thoughts and emotions of
MONDAY 1. Opinions will vary. temerity sounds a little like timid, a the character.
1. Definitions will vary. Ray—Math: 2. False; Today’s astronomers see the shy person would probably not 5. Amherst College; The notes say
one endpoint and all the points of a sun as the center of the solar demonstrate temerity. that professors at Amherst spend
line on one side of the endpoint; system and the solar system as a 4. Topics and questions will vary. less time on big research projects
Everyday: a fish with a flat body and small part of a galaxy in a larger 5. Sentences will vary. William and more time in the classroom, so
eyes on one side universe. Faulkner experimented with students there probably receive
Point—Math: a location; Everyday: 3. Music, Mathematics, and Astronomy inconsistent punctuation; utilized more personal attention. Science
an individual detail Writing will vary. repetition, long and puzzling courses require lots of math; so a
2. lien Week 8 (pages 26–28) sentences, and multiple points of university that focuses on science,
3. MONDAY view; and wrote in a stream-of- like MIT, would require more math.
1. Answers may vary slightly due to consciousness style. THURSDAY
students’ experiences: a. negative; FRIDAY 1. c
b. positive; c. negative; d. neutral 1. Faulkner is describing the carpenter 2. Each of the students writes an
4. Responses will vary. 2. William Faulkner was born into a Cash at work. essay for his or her college
5. Responses may vary. One possible prominent Southern family in 2. Cash is making a box to lie in—a application.
explanation: While the angles and Mississippi. casket. 3. Hernando read the pamphlet about
sides of a congruent figure are 3. a. the blueberries’ stain 3. Observations will vary, but should financial aid before filling out the
equal or congruent, only the angles b. the mosquitoes’ bites reference the long, entangled questionnaire.
of similar figures are congruent and 4. Responses will vary. sentences, rich description, and the 4. In my opinion, we should consider
the lengths of their corresponding 5. personification, metaphor, tendency to break grammar rules. every suggestion.
sides are proportional. symbolism Writing will vary. 5. statistic; fact; opinion; reason;
TUESDAY TUESDAY Week 9 (pages 29–31) example
1. inter- meaning between; sec meaning 1. Sentences will vary. Influenced by MONDAY FRIDAY
to cut; -tion meaning action of his great-grandfather, who was an 1. a. University of Arizona; b. U. of A.; 1. Definitions may vary. A tradition is
2. Responses will vary. One correct accomplished novelist, the young c. K.S.U.; d. Florida State University; an established behavior or action.
response is unsymmetrical. William Faulkner was an avid reader e. Lewis and Clark University; 2. The Sooners were named for the
3. Ever since it was written in 400 and devoured tales of the Civil War, f. Stanford University homesteaders in the Oklahoma
B.C., Euclid’s book The Elements folklore, French poetry, and Bible 2. Neither hard work nor lack of sleep Land Run of 1889 who cheated and
has formed the basis for most of the stories. deters Benjamin. crossed the starting line early to get
geometry studied. 2. vindacate, obesety 3. pasttime, elegible, libary the best tracts of land.
4. quadrilateral 3. In 1926 Faulkner tried his hand at 4. An adverb clause is a subordinate 3. At the University of Oklahoma the
5. Titles will vary. One possible title is fiction and published his first novel, clause that modifies a verb, an Sooner Schooner circles the field
Steps for Bisecting an Angle. Check Soldiers’ Pay. adjective, or an adverb. It tells after each touchdown. University of
to make sure that the title is properly 4. dictionary when, where, how, why, to what Florida fans chomp their opponents
capitalized. 5. a-2; b-1; c-4; d-3 extent, or under what conditions. with extended arms. Texas A&M
WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 5. Although many high school students students practice cheers at
1. Sentences will vary. Two correct 1. Virulent has several meanings: complain about how colleges midnight.
possibilities: Thomas drew the line 1) marked by a destructive course— evaluate applications, in the end the 4. College students rub both Testudo
segment on his paper. Thomas a virulent infection; 2) extremely process is usually quite fair. and the foot of the Statue of Three
segmented the orange. poisonous; 3) very harsh—virulent TUESDAY Lies for good luck.
2. Coordinates; Coordinating; criticism; 4) full of malice—virulent 1. business letter Writing will vary.
coordinates racists. Sentences will vary. 2. Every period and comma was Week 10 (pages 32–34)
3. Responses will vary, but should 2. experimented scrutinized. MONDAY
reflect the idea that some 3. A flashback is an interruption of 3. efficient, disciplined, 1. at the same time
individuals are not suited to some chronological sequence to show an accommodating, conscientious, 2. Born in Harlem during the
situations. event that happened earlier. humorous, versatile Depression, James Baldwin
4. who 4. Phrases will vary. Faulkner found 4. Whoever reads overcame many hardships to
5. Definitions will vary. One possible fame. 5. Descriptions will vary. produce a body of work that is
definition: two lines that lie in the 5. Responses will vary. Faulkner is WEDNESDAY acclaimed in American literature.
same plane and have no points in describing afternoon teatime. His 1. The subject and verb do not agree. 3. know for no; past for passed; too for
common lines “Stiffly erect, decorous as to Ignore an intervening expression the second to
THURSDAY knee Among toy balloons of dignity between a subject and its verb. The 4. Disillusioned about the prospect of
1. b on threads of talk” seem to say that verb must agree with the subject. social change in the United States
2. Definitions will vary. One possible the ritual of teatime is formal and 2. than–in comparison with; 5. starving : hungry
definition: A polygon is a closed rigid. The narrator is not comfortable then–at that time TUESDAY
figure that has three or more line as he sits among the “toy balloons” 3. Colin Powell reported, “I was born in 1. b
segments that do not cross. making small talk. Harlem, raised in the South Bronx, 2. Sentences will vary. The trio
3. Any polygon, regular or irregular, THURSDAY went to public school, got out of developed the habit of hanging
has as many angles as it has sides. 1. Responses will vary. public college, went into the Army, around the local drugstore to pass
4. a. intersected; b. paralleled; 2. William Faulkner, a Southerner and then I just stuck with it.” the time; they called it browsing, the
c. admitted himself, wrote about the 4. In drama, a soliloquy is a long shop owner saw it as loitering.
5. a. translation or slide; b. rotation; conservative rural South. speech given by a character alone 3. James Baldwin’s first novel, Go Tell
c. reflection 3. Temerity means rashness or on stage. It usually reveals the It on the Mountain, was published in
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 118 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
1953 and became an important 4. Repetition FRIDAY endnotes—Endnotes are similar to
portrait of life in the United States. 5. In 1865 the record was about 4 min 1. bade—asked that, the past tense of footnotes; however, endnote
4. title of novel, author, city of 36 sec. In 1923 the record was 4 bid: doffed—removed, doffed his hat citations appear on a separate page
publication, publisher, year of min. 10 sec. The difference is 16 can be a sign of respect or a salute; at the end of a paper instead of on
publication seconds. awed—quieted (inspired with awe); the page with the documented
5. Explanations will vary. TUESDAY wonderment—astonishment, material.
WEDNESDAY 1. Peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches surprise; favored—special; WEDNESDAY
1. a are favorites among hungry skiers. maddened—crazed, enraged 1. climax
2. A foil is a character who is used as 2. a. passed; b. past 2. Responses will vary. A tongue 2. A protagonist is the central
a contrast with a second character. 3. Sentences will vary. Coaches and can applaud by shouting character in a literary work.
The purpose of a foil is to highlight a assistant coaches teach football congratulations. Generally, the audience is meant to
particular quality of the second players and wrestlers useful 3. Responses will vary. A runner hugs sympathize with the protagonist.
character. strategies. third by staying close to third base. 3. The Crucible dramatizes the story of
3. Definitions will vary. 4. Sentences will vary. Putting pads on 4. Responses will vary. Blake hit the an historical incident in
Uncompromising realism means he the floor is an important step in baseball hard. Seventeenth-Century Salem,
pulled no punches; he told it like it is. keeping wrestlers injury-free. Writing will vary. Massachusetts, in which
4. Sentences will vary. My English 5. Summaries will vary. Week 12 (pages 38–40) accusations made by a young
teacher requires that I formally You can use the Dewey Decimal MONDAY woman set off a witch-hunt.
introduce my parents at Parent- System to help find a book in a 1. While in Chicago I hope to see The 4. threat
Teacher Conferences. Sizzling library. Each book is given a number Drowsy Chaperone, Hairspray, and 5. April 5; 6:30 p.m.; $25.00; Johnson
Steaks was formerly called The that tells what the book is about. The Producers. Theater—TPAC; Row A, seat 14
Great T-Bone. Any book on the arts is part of the 2. The subject is an implied you. THURSDAY
5. Opinions will vary. 700s. Recreation books are 3. Attributes may vary. A play is a story 1. The playwright may be a woman so
THURSDAY considered a part of arts and are that has been written to be “his” should not be used.
1. The second phrase is a sentence labeled 790. Outdoor games is a performed for an audience. • A playwright must make careful
fragment. Possible corrections— subtopic of recreation and so a book • story told through actions and word choices in his or her work.
1) Add a verb to make the sentence about outdoor games is further words of the characters • Playwrights must make careful
complete: His anger was apparent. classified as 796. Adding a decimal • includes dialogue, stage directions word choices in their work.
2) Combine the phrase with the first point and more numbers defines • may be comedy or tragedy • Making careful word choices is
sentence: He left, his anger additional categories. For example, • usually divided into acts and important to a playwright.
apparent, without saying good-bye. a book about outdoor games scenes 2. Stage directions explain how
2. Explanations will vary. The requiring equipment is labeled 796.2. 4. deserted dive characters should look, speak, act,
statement means that James WEDNESDAY 5. Definitions will vary. and move on the stage.
Baldwin was an expressive and 1. a. There, in the display case, are onstage—on a part of the stage visible 3. A monologue is a long speech by a
forceful voice protesting racial five prize trophies. to the audience character in a literary work.
inequality. b. Waiting here in the gym are the apron—the part of the stage in front of 4. 3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1
3. absence, accidentally, members of the winning team. the curtain or proscenium arch 5. Students should make an X on the
accommodate, a lot 2. have cue—a signal to a performer to begin a bottom left corner of the Orchestra
4. thesaurus 3. Antonyms may vary. a. agree; specific speech or action Section K–R.
5. Sentences will vary. James Baldwin, b. awkwardness; c. unmotivated; house—the audience in a theater FRIDAY
the grandson of slaves, was raised d. flexible; e. selfish; f. irrigate set—the artificial setting for a scene of 1. Opinions may vary. Both The Lion
in Harlem by a stern stepfather 4. The comparison is a metaphor. a theatrical production King and Oklahoma are acceptable
during economic hard times. The sentence also includes imagery wings—the area at the side of a stage choices.
FRIDAY and explicit verbs. out of sight 2. musicals, Broadway shows
1. Raised a song means began to 5. Comparisons will vary. TUESDAY 3. Adjectives may vary. Rosie
play. It might be considered a THURSDAY 1. The two men rewrote Victor Hugo’s Herman—effortless, agile,
dialect, colloquial language, local 1.
Score is singular. novel in a new form for the theater. successful; John Robertson—
color, or an idiom. 2.
Who 2. Rent (a study of young hungry sloppy, gravelly, disappointing; Lily
2. Suggested words may vary: 3.
changeable artists in New York City’s East Moon—spunky, innocent,
anticipation, ceremony, memory 4.
magazines, journals, newspapers, Village) is a modern interpretation of blossoming; Scott Carpenter—
3. Explanations will vary, but should newsletters the opera La Boheme. amusing, slapstick, singing
reference the use of “almost” 5. a. Chairs rocked back and forth as 3. director, manager, operator 4. A theatrical review is personal-
antonyms to effectively describe a swimmers filed in and out of the 4. Opinions will vary. expressive writing. It may also be
feeling. The second pair of words— noisy, cramped staging area. 5. All are citations used to document considered persuasive and
belief, real. b. In a sea of oiled bodies and latex information in research writing. descriptive.
Descriptions will vary. swim caps, Mark sat with seven parenthetical documentation—the 5. Opinions and writing will vary.
Week 11 (pages 35–37) other swimmers. He felt tense author’s name and a page Week 13 (pages 41–43)
MONDAY and tried to relax. reference in parentheses after the MONDAY
1. The subject (team) and the c. When the clerk called Mark’s information from that author. 1. Species that receive protection
adjective (their) don’t agree. The heat, he scrubbed his hands on footnotes—a reference at the bottom of under the ESA are classified into
team can’t change its score after the his sweatshirt, pulled the shirt the text page that contains the two categories, “Endangered” or
buzzer. over his head, adjusted his citation; Footnotes are numbered “Threatened,” depending on their
2. eligable, balet, hygeine goggles, and walked toward the and match a superscript number status and how severely their
3. a. athletic; b. athletics; c. athlete’s blocks with confidence. following the information in the text. survival is threatened.
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119 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
2. Who are appropriately limited in scope. imperialists have been passed on to 4. Agape means wide open.
3. “Ever since before the beginning of 5. a. opinion; b. fact; c. fact become accepted 20th century 5. Preposterous! Irresistible!
recorded history,” Jan Goble FRIDAY practices. He uses the Indonesian Unthinkable! Absolutely Not!
suggests, “man has played a 1. the moon or some other nightly writer Pramoedya as an example. TUESDAY
decisive role in the quality of his traveler in the sky Pramoedya wrote a novel about 1. Inedible should be incredible
environment and the loss of life 2. Responses will vary. The observer injustice while imprisoned as an 2. Opening sentences will vary.
in it.” respects and admires the alleged subversive. 3. The Guinness Book of World
4. reptile, frugal magnificent cat. THURSDAY Records
5. Statements of the main idea will 3. The observer seems to disapprove 1. shadow puppets 4. cook it
vary. The gorilla population is close of the changes in the cat’s 2. Wayang kulit are Indonesian 5. conjecture–proof; wicked–virtuous;
to extinction due to commercial environment. The connotation of puppets with movable, jointed arms. boorish–polite; arrogance–modesty;
hunting and an outbreak of Ebola. descriptive words are negative 3. true hovel–castle; elude–confront
TUESDAY when referring to humans (chaotic) 4. Opinions may vary. The words and WEDNESDAY
1. beyond or beside and positive when referring to the phrases chosen by the author 1. suspend
2. Thesis statements will vary. tiger (magnificence). create a positive feeling or mood. 2. The fans in the stands booed the
3. The shady pursuit of endangered 4. portentous—impressive, prodigious; (playfulness, charming simplicity, football players.
bird eggs made international abundant—ample, abounding; spellbinding medium) 3. he
headlines when Colin Watson, forays—raids; domain—territory 5. Wayang Puppetry 4. Words will vary. Several possible
widely considered Britain’s most Descriptions will vary. • a traditional Indonesian puppet choices: enthusiastic—burst;
notorious egg collector, died after Week 14 (pages 44–46) play lasts about seven hours angry—charged
falling from a 12-meter tree while MONDAY • gongs, drums, and xylophones 5. Start by kneeling or lying on the
hunting a rare egg. 1. light/shadow; sharp/blunt; small/big; provide background music surfboard. Paddle out to the area
4. Diamond, Jared. The Third annihilation/rebirth • beautiful leather puppets are beyond the breaking waves. Wait
Chimpanzee: The Evolution and 2. In traditional Balinese mythology, neatly arranged, their body-sticks for the right wave. When you see
Future of the Human Animal. Batara Kala is the god of the firmly planted in banana stems one coming, turn and paddle
Chicago: Harper Perennial, 1992. underworld and the creator of the • good character on the right-hand furiously toward the shore. If you
5. A secondary consumer in the food light and the earth. side, bad on the left time it right, the wave will pick up
chain is a carnivore that eats 3. complex • the play begins with a knock on your surfboard and carry it along.
herbivores. 4. Annihilate means nullify or destroy. the puppet chest Stand up on the board and ride it
WEDNESDAY 5. Summaries will vary. Using antonym FRIDAY down the vertical face of the wave.
1. Several possible synonyms are: examples, Minke suggests that 1. Each line is a fact. Some of the THURSDAY
threatened, imperiled, and change is inevitable. He sees life facts include: 1. Obstreperous means unruly. While
jeopardized. as a never-ending cycle. • The nation of Indonesia is located some skateboarders may be
2. two rhinos’ horns; two beetles’ TUESDAY in the Pacific Ocean. obstreperous, being unruly is not an
shells; two t-rexes’ roars 1. Because the exchange rate • Indonesian has more than 17,000 attribute required for skateboarding.
3. effects changes continually and the Internet islands. 2. subject—tumbling;
4. 2, 3, 1, 4 or 3, 1, 2, 4 can best keep up with the changes, • 6,000 of Indonesia’s islands are direct object—what
5. Poe uses an elaborate, rhythmic it is the best reference. uninhabited. 3. In the marathon leg of the 1989
rhyme scheme that uses internal 2. indigenous, simple, inborn, natural • Indonesia is the world’s fourth Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii, Jim
rhyme within a single line, repetition 3. puppeteer; paradise; humidity most populous nation. MacLaren, a 27-year-old
of the rhyming words, and end 4. Punctuate with a dash to indicate a • The national language of professional triathlete and a former
rhyme as well. sudden break or change in the Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia. linebacker for Yale, fell in step with
Once upon a midnight dreary/ while I sentence or to emphasize a word, • The capital of Indonesia is 41-year-old Ken Mitchell, who
pondered, weak and weary, (a, a) series of words, phrase or clause. Jakarta. played the same position for the
Over many a quaint and curious/ 5. Interpretations may vary. • Eight million people live in Atlanta Falcons.
volume of forgotten lore, (b) a. The people of Aceh, who suffered Jakarta. 4. No. Enervated means lacking
While I nodded, nearly napping,/ losses due to a tsunami, are glad 2. Word choices will vary. One physical, mental, and moral vigor. A
suddenly there came a tapping, at least that their country is at possible choice might be diversity. marathon runner must have
(c, c) peace. Indonesia’s people, geography, and physical and mental vigor.
As of someone gently rapping,/ rapping b. The person responsible for cultures reflect diversity. 5. 27, 49-50, 51, 151
at my chamber door. (c, c, b) bombing the embassy is found 3. Sentences will vary. Indonesia faces FRIDAY
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered,/ “tapping guilty and sent to jail. frequent earthquakes, volcanic 1. Answers will vary. Whitewater
at my chamber door—/ Only this, c. The heads of state of different eruptions, and tsunamis; here, in rafting is one possibility.
and nothing more.”c, b, b countries in Asia are campaigning Tennessee, common natural 2. A gerund is a verb form that ends in
THURSDAY for ways to eliminate air pollution. disasters are limited to local floods, –ing and is used as a noun.
1. Each of the animals has specific WEDNESDAY tornadoes, or ice storms. 3. Answers will vary. Hoarse-voice
requirements for survival. 1. metaphor 4. Takes to heart means to consider cheering is one correct answer.
2. The word endangered was 2. am seriously. Outlines will vary. 4. It begins quickly, slows to a
recognized by Webster as a “new” 3. A Tok Dalang is the puppet master Week 15 (pages 47–49) meander, speeds up and builds in
word in 1964. in traditional Wayang Kulit. MONDAY intensity, and then slows down once
3. Incredible means unbelievable, 4. Hindus 1. intransitive again.
while incredulous means skeptical. 5. Students may explain the meaning 2. a 5. Synonyms will vary. meander—
4. Research topics and questions will differently. Mr. Geary believes that 3. Words given will vary. Make sure wander, wind; narrow—taper,
vary. Check to see that the topics injustices of the 19th century that they are precise. constrict; pacify—appease, calm;

Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 120 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
satisfy—please, gratify THURSDAY happiness, and courage are Congressional medal) than any
Poems will vary. 1. buses, ferries, trolleys, taxis examples of abstract language. other twentieth-century poet.
Week 16 (pages 50–52) 2. arrives 4. speak, spoke, has spoken; write, 2. preferred
MONDAY 3. Responses will vary, but should wrote, has written 3. Superficial means shallow or
1. Sentences will vary. Scurrying onto reference the use of blunting and 5. Interpretations will vary. A patient concerned only with the obvious.
the train, the passengers looked crippling which carry negative knight waited with sword in hand. A 4. Responses will vary.
liked ants rushing back to the anthill connotations. creature, the Jabberwock, emerged 5. a–b–a–a–b–c–b–c–b
from a picnic. 4. The refrain tells the story of a man from the wood. The knight slew the TUESDAY
2. personification who spent his entire life riding the beast, left it dead, and returned 1. When Frost returned from England,
3. The author has coined the phrase subway beneath Boston because he triumphantly with the beast’s head. prominent publishers backed his
“age in place” to parallel “march in didn’t have the money to pay the THURSDAY work and America’s most
place”. A soldier who marches in fare to exit the train. 1. A summary paper explores a topic prestigious universities invited him
place marches, but doesn’t move. 5. Statements of the main idea will by summing up the opinions of other to teach in their schools.
The older citizens the sentence vary. Researchers suggest that writers. The author of the paper 2. William H. Pritchard, Frost: A
refers to grow older in their some commuters get more than 30 does not express an opinion about Literary Life Reconsidered (New
communities; they don’t have to minutes of walking on days when the subject. An evaluative paper York: Oxford University Press,
move to retirement communities. they ride public transit. states an opinion and backs it up 1984) 83.
4. Congestion and traffic problems are FRIDAY with evidence found in primary and 3. Sentence combinations will vary.
no longer confined to the largest 1. six; one secondary sources. An original Robert Frost was born in San
metropolitan areas. 2. They are determined by whether the paper is based on the writer’s own Francisco and lived there until his
rider purchases a single or round original research—for example, father died when he was 12. Then
5. Observations will vary.
trip. observation, experimentation, he moved to Massachusetts.
3. Individual ride prices would mount interviews. It leads to new insights 4. Dialogue is the conversation
1. Topics will vary. Check to see that
up fast—$882. Buying weekly or information about the topic. between characters in a literary
the topics have an appropriately
passes (only $85 per week) would 2. Words will vary. work.
narrow scope.
save money. 3. series; blackberries; attorneys 5. Rued means regretted.
2. It’s a run-on sentence.
4. Suggestions will vary. general WEDNESDAY
3. “It seems imperative,” reports
Persuasive paragraphs will vary. 4. essential adjective clause 1. At age 26, Frost moved to a farm
Richard J. Jackson, M.D., “that new
5. a temperature scale—Gabriel near Derry, New Hampshire, where
transportation options be developed Week 17 (pages 53–55)
Fahrenheit; unit of electricity— he got to know the inhabitants of
and implemented in order to help MONDAY
James Watt; a wind instrument— rural New England.
alleviate the public health problems 1. receipt, misspell
Adolphe Sax 2. An appositive phrase is an
related to worsening air quality.” 2. His mother said, “Quit talking
FRIDAY appositive plus any other words that
4. Responses will vary—a new route, foolishness!”
1. raining cats and dogs—raining hard modify the appositive. An appositive
a new light rail, free rides, road 3. a. affected; b. effect
or in great amounts; green thumb— is a noun or pronoun that is placed
construction. 4. Colloquial language is informal
knack of growing plants; an arm next to another noun or pronoun to
5. Summaries will vary. One possible speech that people use in everyday
and a leg—a lot of money; every identify or give information about it.
summary: Individuals 65 and older conversation.
cloud has a silver lining—there is In the sentence Robert Frost, the
see a need for more public 5. spying—intelligence gathering;
something good even in an American poet, was a prolific writer,
transportation in their communities retreat—strategic withdrawal;
unpleasant situation; a blue ribbon the phrase the American poet is an
because they believe that it is fire—terminate
winner—top prize recipient; don’t appositive phrase.
safer than driving alone and TUESDAY
count your chickens before they 3. Attributes may vary. Historical fiction
provides easy access to their 1. passed
hatch—don’t plan on something has a setting that represents a real
everyday needs. 2. An interrogative sentence is one
before it occurs; on pins and time and place, the characters in the
WEDNESDAY that asks a question.
needles—worried or excited about story may have been real people,
1. A ballad is a narrative song or 3. No. The statement is common
something; dime a dozen— and the story includes actual
poem. Folk ballads, which usually knowledge that would appear in
commonly available; the cat’s historical events.
tell an exciting story, were passed most sources on the fair.
meow—the latest thing or style; 4. a. finally modifies ending;
down by word of mouth for 4. Details will vary, but should
picking and hauling—working b. quite modifies deep;
generations before being written reference the many quirks and
hard; the day pigs fly—it will c. almost modifies never;
down. exceptions in the English language.
never happen d. tomorrow modifies shovel
2. Sentences will vary. My parents 5. a. a well-oiled bicycle
2. Interpretations may vary. The 5. Responses will vary. In my car I
have always parked in the b. a crushing blow
setting is a garden probably on a would not hear the sweep of the
commuter lot. WEDNESDAY
rural farm or in a small town at least wind and downy flake. The
3. intersection, benefits 1. Carl Sandburg compares slang to a
50 years ago. description appeals to my sense
4. Responses will vary. working man. Student opinions will
3. Check to see students have added of hearing. It creates a quiet,
5. The phrase get on board means to vary.
appropriate details to the Venn peaceful mood.
board or climb into or onto a vehicle. 2. argument; When adding a suffix to
diagrams. THURSDAY
If you get on board in this instance words ending in e, usually drop
Student writing will vary. 1. In this sentence, embedded means
you recognize that riding public the e.
it has become a part of the
transportation saves energy costs. 3. Abstract language is language that Week 18 (pages 56–58)
MONDAY American imagination.
Public transportation is compared to expresses an idea or intangible
1. During his lifetime, Robert Frost 2. a. dipping; b. repelling; c. resetting;
a key. Opinions on the effectiveness reality, as opposed to a specific
received more awards (including d. developing; e. training
of the slogan will vary. object or occurrence. Safety,
four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry and a 3. Questions will vary.
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121 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
4. Student writing will vary, but should Revising is about content and word hearing—strain, quiets, ring; rot; strong and durable–won’t crush,
include time and place references. choice, organization, and flowing sight—unfurls, spot rip, crack, break off, or bend out of
5. Responses will vary. sentences. 4. Old Glory is personified as it shape; can get wet without being
FRIDAY 2. Tug of war, rugby, polo, lacrosse, ascends the pole. ruined; can be produced in standard
1. The speaker’s property is an apple power boating, and golf have all 5. The excerpt takes place at an sizes so that any two pieces are
orchard, while the other man’s been Olympic events. Olympic awards ceremony. identical; can be marked or made in
property is a pine forest. 3. The International Olympic Week 20 (pages 62–64) different sizes to show different
2. The speaker doesn’t believe that the Committee (IOC) is an international MONDAY values (such as $1, $5, or $10 bill);
wall is necessary and therefore nonprofit organization. 1. The noun currency has several can be easily stacked or stored;
sees the repair of the wall as an 4. The sport is fencing. One synonym meanings. a) a medium of cannot be forged, adulterated, or
unnecessary activity, a “game”. for rivals is competitors. One exchange; b) prevalence; thinned to lessen its value; supply is
3. Since some of the stones in the wall synonym for feint is trick. c) state of being current large enough to be available to
are round, it is hard to make them 5. Sentences will vary. At the start of 2. Those who collect currency are everyone; supply is limited enough
balance on one another. The phrase the course, the slider accelerated by generally referred to as to preserve its value; all users
use a spell to make them balance is paddling with spiked gloves. “numismatists”. believe in its value and agree to
like saying, “I have to hold my WEDNESDAY 3. England is also known as Great trade with it
mouth just right.” 1. signals Britain—Great Britain Pound. 2. You want general ideas.
4. No, the man with the pine forest 2. hurdler 4. Student responses will vary. 3. No, it does not have value beyond
believes that walls and fences are 3. Illustrations should show one arrow 5. Details may vary, but might include: its use as money.
necessary. The speaker questions splitting the shaft of a second arrow has value in more than one country 4. Responses may vary. buy: S—
their purpose and the necessity for already embedded in the target. is easily carried purchase, A—sell; request: S—
keeping them repaired. 4. Opinions will vary but should be can be easily measured demand, A—reply; courtesy: S—
5. Comparisons will vary. The poem supported with logical reasons. is available to West Africans civility, A—disrespect
explores a paradox in human 5. When the game was first played, TUESDAY 5. Birr, Dalasia, Dinar, Euro, Koruna,
nature: that we want a wall, a barrier table tennis rackets were cigar-box 1. cent—a coin representing a Kroon, Kuna, Kwacha, Lek, Leva,
to protect ourselves from others, but lids, but players today use rubber- monetary unit—1/100 of the main Peso, Quetzal, Real, Rial, Ringgit,
also need that wall to break down coated wooden rackets that are unit; scent—a distinctive odor Rupee Rupiah, Taka
so we can interact with others. The specially developed for hitting the 2. Foreign traders didn’t want to spend FRIDAY
poem explores how and why we lightweight ball. hours negotiating every transaction 1. A fiscal policy is a policy relating to
erect barriers between ourselves. THURSDAY with weights and scales. taxation, public revenues, or public
When the wall is broken and the 1. Capitalize proper adjectives 3. fact debt.
speaker and the neighbor repair it, (adjective formed from proper 4. €193.45 2. The formation of a common
they are in contact — “we walk the nouns). 5. Notes may vary. How collective currency system in Europe required
2. Olympic competitors, passers-by
line”, and when the wall is fixed, it is currency is valued: the cooperation, trust, and planning
3. Before the race began, the
back to their individual lives and “I” • subjective appearance:coloration, of many different countries. For the
and “he”. Frost sees the futility of newscasters enjoyed telling the centering, finish, wear member countries to give up their
the wall and questions the necessity athletes’ stories. • objective factors: date issued, own currency and accept the
of the wall. 4. Many sources would include the series, mint/print location, ink regional currency was a significant
Student writing will vary. Check to information. An Internet search colors, number issues, rarity change—a major step.
see that the writing supports the would probably be the most WEDNESDAY 3. Unlike the U.S. dollar there are no
position expressed. efficient. 1. Never lay down valuable 1- or 2-euro bills. All bills are brightly
Week 19 (pages 59–61) 5. Explanations should point out the possessions. Monitor belongings colored and vary in size depending
MONDAY contrast between the meaning of carefully. on their value.
1. Each capitalized word in the the word and the sport. While the 2. Complete subject: The capacity to 4. Summaries may vary. The
following sentence should have word judo means the gentle way, it convert perishable commodities into introduction of the euro has eased
three short underlines on the is the only Olympic sport where money; Simple subject: capacity travel and commerce within Europe.
original copy. Baron Pierre de submission holds allow choking an 3. A thesis is the main idea of a work The people of Europe seem to
Coubertin was the founder of the opponent or breaking an arm— of nonfiction. It may be stated share a common bond attributable
modern Olympic games. certainly not gentle moves. directly or implied. to the ease in travel and the
2. The coach told the gymnast to learn FRIDAY 4. The advantages and disadvantages common price levels.
a new vault. 1. A flashback is an interruption in the students suggest will vary. Slogans will vary.
3. forfeit chronological order of a narrative to Advantages—can be valued, is Week 21 (pages 65–67)
4. a. snatch; b. clean and jerk show an event that happened measurable, not perishable, strong MONDAY
5. Sentences will vary. The inspiration earlier. Disadvantages—size (difficult to fit 1. missing LINK
for the modern pentathlon was a 2. The majority of sentences in the into pocket, heavy), difficult to 2. More than one answer is possible.
19th-century French cavalry officer selection are part of a flashback. manufacture, requires ready supply canoe–ocean; reserve–reverse;
who rode a horse, fought a duel, Sentences not highlighted are the of copper; hard to store robed–bored
ran, and swam across a river in first three sentences in the first 5. a magnifying glass; ruler; bright 3. time
order to deliver his message. paragraph, the first line of the white light; pricing guide 4. stop sign; dare devils
TUESDAY second paragraph, the first two THURSDAY 5. Answers will vary. Some
1. When you revise you review and sentences of the last paragraph, 1. Many requirements might be listed: possibilities: pride, aged, drag,
evaluate your draft to make sure “And the rockets’ red glare…”, and portable–can fit in a pocket; bread, caged, pager, idea, cried,
that it accomplishes its purpose and the final two sentences. lightweight; nonperishable–won’t acre, pacer, paced, bride, grade,
speaks to its intended audience. 3. touch—graze, rubbed;
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 122 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
race, griped, price, pared, raged, Week 22 (pages 68–70) particularly appropriate for an ex- Week 23 (pages 71–73)
brag, brigade, grace, graced, priced MONDAY lion tamer since its meaning may tell MONDAY
TUESDAY 1. Capitalize the first word in the the reason the animal trainer is an 1. Sentences may vary. One possible
1. Seneca said, “Human affairs are like closing. ex-animal trainer. combination: The American Civil
a chess game; only those who do 2. Student responses will vary. 4. A paraphrase is a restatement of War was a separatist conflict
not take it seriously can be called 3. Amazingly, I’ve read your book four someone else’s ideas in your own between the U.S. Federal
good players.” times and learned something new words. A summary is a short government and 11 states that
2. Checkmate is a winning move in every time. statement of the main ideas of a seceded from the U.S. to form the
chess where an opponent’s king is 4. The second thesis is more speech or piece of writing. Confederate States of America.
trapped. persuasive because it is limited in 5. a. The correspondence represents 2. The sentence uses bearly instead of
3. The castling move is a defensive scope and includes details (violent, an unofficial line of the correct word barely.
maneuver where two chess pieces nightmares) so that it is more communication between two 3. secession—a formal withdrawal
are moved during the same play. It believable. heads of state and as such from an organization, state, or
speeds up the game of chess. 5. A business letter includes an inside carries benefits such as allowing alliance; casualties—a person or
4. The first official world chess address in addition to the return the two leaders to get to know thing injured, lost, or destroyed;
champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed address and date. The greeting is each other, discuss possible confederate—one of two or more
his title in 1886. more formal and is punctuated with solutions privately, anticipate people, groups, or nations that have
5. Opinions will vary. Check to see that a colon in the business letter. reactions, warn the other party formed an alliance for some
the thesis statement expresses a TUESDAY about planned developments, etc. common purpose
position and that the examples cited 1. a. friendly; b. business; c. business; b. Eisenhower agreed with every 4. crises
support that position. d. friendly word in the letter. He says that 5. a. “When Johnny Comes Marching
WEDNESDAY 2. Sentences will vary. Before I was even if he wanted to disagree he Home”; b. Gilmore’s Band; c. Union
1. In the early 1930s, Alfred Butts halfway through with my salad, my was unable to find a way to do it. Army and Navy; d. 1863 in Boston
created a board-less game he brother had finished all of his dinner. THURSDAY TUESDAY
called Lexico that was the 3. true 1. Stationery refers to the paper used 1. re-: again as in retell, or back as in
predecessor to another of his 4. Addresses will vary, but should in writing letters. Stationary means recall; inforce (a variant of enforce)
games—Scrabble. follow the proper format. not moving or fixed in position. so en-: means to put into; force:
2. Responses may vary—indignant. 5. • Identify your purpose. 2. Sincerely, energy or strength); -ment: result of
3. melody, song, musical phrase • State your central claim clearly. 3. Analogies may vary; any response action or process. Reinforcement:
4. Sentences will vary. Perusing the • Present evidence in a logical that indicates a long formal piece the act or process of being
board to find a play, I stumbled sequence. of writing, such as a treatise, reinforced; personnel or equipment
across a triple-word-bonus word. • Explain how your evidence is correct. sent to support a military action
5. melinchoy, mogle, las, Li is a supports your claim. 4. confused or puzzled 2. Details may vary. Two possible
symbol for lithium, but not a word. • Conclude by reaffirming your 5. A hyperbole uses exaggeration to inferences: a. Plantation owners
THURSDAY claim. express strong emotion, to make a needed slaves; b. People who
1. A monopoly on miscues would be a WEDNESDAY point, or to evoke humor. Abraham favored secession favored slavery.
monopoly on mistakes. Student 1. letter—a communication addressed Lincoln was poking fun at his own 3. The Union, led by President
opinions on whether they would like to a particular organization or person; appearance by saying that he Abraham Lincoln, opposed the
to be the only one making mistakes a symbol representing a particular realized that he was the ugliest expansion of slavery and rejected
may vary. sound in a language; an award man in the world. any right of secession.
2. World records are maintained (consisting of the initial letter of the FRIDAY 4. Not necessarily; a fanatical belief is
for the longest game played in a name of a school) for excellence, 1. Definitions may vary. A kindred spirit marked by excessive enthusiasm
treehouse (286 hours), underground especially in varsity sports. is someone who shares a similarity and often intense, uncritical devotion.
(100 hours), in a bathtub (99 hours), note—something written down, of character or interests. 5. Additional details may be included,
and upside-down (36 hours). often in abbreviated form, as a 2. Robert Frost but the summary should include
3. Most foreign editions of Monopoly record or reminder; a short written • participated in Kennedy’s these ideas. The map shows the
adopt their own currency and message; a sound of a particular inauguration Battlefield of Shiloh near Pittsburgh
property names; for example, pitch, quality, or duration; a symbol • born in CA Landing in Tennessee. It shows the
Boardwalk becomes Mayfair in representing a sound; a black or • spent time at Harvard position of U. S. soldiers. It was
England, Rue de la Paix in France, white key of a piano or other • 26 honorary degrees drawn after a survey on April 6 and
and Schlossallee in Germany. keyboard instrument; a short written • taught at Amherst, Univ. of MI, 7, 1862. One inch on the map
4. through Web resources comment in the margin; a Dartmouth, Harvard equals 1,200 feet.
5. Sentences will vary. promissory note. • lived in England and traveled WEDNESDAY
FRIDAY stamp—a small piece of gummed internationally 1. Union advantages in geography,
Across 2. glossary; 4. plural; paper that is stuck on an envelope 3. The letter writer borrows the words manpower, industry, finance,
5. metaphor; 11. onomatopoeia; or package to show that postage “a time to talk” and “road less political organization, and
12. genre; 13. hyperbole; 14. fiction; has been paid; a small block with a traveled by” from Frost’s poetry. transportation overwhelmed the
15. homonym; 16. oxymoron raised design or lettering that can This “borrowing” differs from the Confederacy.
Down 1. tone; 3. alliteration; be printed onto paper by inking the everyday speech example because 2. Interpretations will vary. The singer
6. superlative; 7. simile; block and pressing it to the paper; to the use of the borrowed words is is singing a song to the “Beautiful
8. preamble; 9. conjunction; suppress or eradicate something or intentional to honor Frost and to Dreamer.” He asks her to awake,
10. conclusion somebody. demonstrate a familiarity with his put aside everyday cares, and listen
Lists will vary. 2. Dear Dr. Crawford: poetry. while he woos her with a soft
3. Claude (clawed) Severely is Student writing will vary. melody.
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123 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
3. ode—an elaborate lyric poem 2. descriptive, persuasive THURSDAY opinion against East Germany and
expressed in a dignified and 3. a place to which one is journeying 1. Edits may vary, but the sentence the Soviet Union. They both
sincere way 4. The speaker enthusiastically needs to be reordered. While fishing aligned themselves with the
4. When two parties agree on advocated international travel from a yacht on his vacation, Sam German people.
something, they both have the asserting, “All who travel overseas caught a marlin. WEDNESDAY
responsibility to uphold the learn quickly that understanding and 2. indisposed 1. Any synonym of inane is a correct
agreement. tolerance are fostered by common 3. A gazetteer is a geographical answer: absurd, ridiculous, idiotic,
5. A Casus Belli is an event or action experience.” dictionary listing information about stupid, or silly.
that justifies a war or conflict. 5. Critiques will vary, but should places around the world. 2. Former President Holtz Koehler
THURSDAY mention the negative reference to 4. American citizens who travel to lives in the capital city of
1. Sentences may vary. On February beach-blanket peddlers that badger Barundi, in the country of Germany—Frankfurt.
9, 1861, before Lincoln took office, tourists and the positive descriptive Bangladesh, are in danger. 3. A theme is the message or main
seven states declared their words such as pristine and strong Although the security situation has idea of a story. It may or may not be
secession from the Union and verbs such as showcases. recently stabilized, sudden stated directly.
established a new government, the TUESDAY outbreaks of violence continue to 4. In just nine words Goethe says that
Confederate States of America. 1. a. U.S. State Department Web site pose a security threat. life is short and art is enduring, that
2. Keywords will vary. Three possible 2. All customers must carry 5. a. ABZ it is hard to make judgments, and
words: Confederate, Union, War government-issued identification b. Ethiopia that opportunities don’t last forever.
Between the States with them at all times and may c. Alma Ata Airport 5. Topic sentences will vary.
3. Intervene means to interfere; to be asked to show identification FRIDAY THURSDAY
come in or between, e.g., to during boarding. 1. false 4. false 1. The chancellor’s love of public
intervene to stop a fight. 3. Sentence additions will vary. At the 2. false 5. true speaking helped boost her
4. Thomas Jefferson wrote a last minute, the harried traveler, 3. true popularity.
document declaring that all men loaded down with carry-on luggage, Lists will vary. 2. Many generations of children have
were equal while he and others who squeezed through the turnstile and Week 25 (pages 77–79) enjoyed the Grimm Brothers’
signed the document owned slaves. rammed his way onto the train. MONDAY famous tales.
5. A. Civil War Issues: abolition, 4. A participle is a verb form used as 1. reunification: the act of bringing 3. An antecedent is the word or group
slavery an adjective. The girls traveling to people or factions together after of words to which a pronoun refers
B. Major Battles: Antietam, Pickett’s Poland had four suitcases. they have been divided; subsidies: or that a pronoun replaces.
Charge, Shiloh, Franklin 5. Tourists in Iceland should be careful grants or gifts of money from a 4. Germany has made capital
C. Aftermath of Civil War: when exploring glaciers, volcanic government to a private company, investments to transform her
Reconstruction, 13th Amendment craters, geysers, and other natural organization, or charity to help it formerly backward system with
FRIDAY attractions. There aren’t many continue to function; unemployment: extensive land and undersea cable
1. Responses may vary. The journal warning signs and the serious the condition of having no job facilities, satellite systems, and
writer is a Union soldier who dangers are complicated by high 2. bias—an unfair preference for or fiber-optic networks.
respects the Confederate soldiers winds and icy conditions. dislike of something; a prejudice 5. Explanations will vary. The term die
that he faces. He is weary of war, WEDNESDAY 3. Opinions will vary. The first Wende is used to refer to events in
questions its purpose, and is 1. opinion statement includes a reference that Germany that led up to the German
thankful to be alive. 2. trans-: across; port: to carry; -tion: puts the area in perspective. reunification.
2. Any writing during the period of the noun that has been altered from a 4. As Europe’s largest economy, and FRIDAY
Civil War tended to be formal. The process second most populous nation, 1. Three hundred miles as the
language of the time reflected a 3. How can I choose between Germany is a key member of the crow flies.
formality. The author chose formal Barcelona, Paris, and Vienna? continent’s economic, political, and 2. Elbe, Rhine, Danube
words to make the journal entry 4. Opinions will vary. Augustine seems defense organizations. 3. Netherlands, Belgium, France,
authentic. to believe that people need to 5. The proverb is a simile. Switzerland, Austria, Czech
3. a. except for my blistered, tired feet travel in order to know about and Interpretations will vary, but Republic, Poland, Denmark, North
b. experienced one victory understand the world. Robert Louis should reflect the idea that as lies Sea, Baltic Sea
4. The author uses repetition of the Stevenson doesn’t care where he become widespread they grow 4. Answers will vary. Germany has the
word another. The rhythm of the goes, he simply enjoys the act bigger and bigger. largest economy, is the second
word seems to echo the soldiers’ of traveling. TUESDAY most populous nation, and borders
marching feet and the hopelessness 5. Explanations will vary. 1. beside: next to; many European countries.
of the war. a. Passports and visas limit access besides: in addition to Week 26 (pages 80–82)
Attributes of historical fiction: The to different countries and allow 2. countries’ MONDAY
setting represents a real time; the governments to track an 3. false 1. An autobiography is the story of a
setting represents a real place; individual’s travels. 4. Sentence combinations will vary. At person’s life written by that person.
characters in the story could have b. Visitors to a foreign country must first a system of entangled barbed 2. Many words are correct.
been or were real people; the story follow local rules. wire and later a structure of continuous—broken
is about actual historical events. c. In case of emergency friends and concrete blocks and steel girders, eventually—immediately
Opinions may vary. family should know a traveler’s the Berlin wall separated the city survive—perish
A Civil War soldier could have itinerary. into two parts, restricting free travel, persevere—surrender
written the journal entry. d. A tourist who flashes expensive for more than 28 years. 3. While living in Rocky Ridge,
Week 24 (pages 74–76) clothing and cash becomes a 5. Both Kennedy and Reagan Missouri, Laura Wilder edited
MONDAY target for thieves and pickpockets. addressed a worldwide audience. and wrote columns for the
1. Antarctica; emergency; schedule They both hoped to influence public Missouri Ruralist.
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 124 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
4. Responses will vary. often written when an older author FRIDAY 5. The paragraph, written to Red Sox
5. Thomas Quiner, Henry & Polly reflects on his or her experience. 1. The tone of “Over There” is upbeat baseball enthusiasts who might visit
Quiner, Eliza & Peter Ingalls 5. Descriptions will vary. and optimistic. Its message is that Fenway park, is meant to
TUESDAY Week 27 (pages 83–85) the Yankees’ arrival is imminent, encourage a visit. The reference to
1. Responses will vary, but should limit MONDAY and “they” (the Yankees) will save The Kid, Yaz, and the Green
either the scope of pioneer 1. Instruments is a plural noun and the the day. The tone of “When the Monster require knowledge of Red
experiences or generations. second sentence uses the pronoun Lusitania Went Down” is solemn Sox lore in order to understand the
2. Laura and Almanzo is the complete it to reference them. The second and pessimistic. Its message is: “pitch”. Opinions on the
subject, all other words should be sentence should read: They are Americans are safe only when effectiveness of the ad will vary.
underlined. The simple predicate is widely used to accompany Spanish protected by Old Glory. The song TUESDAY
struggled. dancing. gives an example of a time when 1. Green and red lights on Fenway’s
3. Sentence combinations may vary. 2. The sentence is written from the first Americans were not safe on a manual scoreboard signal balls,
Laura’s sister Mary suffered a person or author’s point of view. British ship. The lyrics suggest that strikes, and outs.
stroke at the age of 15 and as a 3. mortgage it’s time warfare stopped. 2.
result, she lost her eyesight. 4. piano—quietly; pitch—the level of a 2. “Over There” has a quick tempo and 3. A red seat in the right field
4. Homesteading means to acquire or sound in a scale strong beat. “When the Lusitania bleachers marks the spot where Ted
settle on land as a result of a 5. Writing will vary. Went Down” is much slower and the Williams’ homerun, the longest
homestead law which authorized TUESDAY phrases are longer. Both songs use measurable one ever hit inside
the sale of public lands. 1. The flutist went to Oberlin Music repetition: Over there—over there, Fenway Park, landed.
5. resourceful, persistent, enduring Conservatory to learn to play send the word—send the word; 4. Titles will vary.
WEDNESDAY the oboe. some of us lost a true sweetheart, 5. Descriptions will vary. Check to see
1. Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born 2. a lot some of us lost a dear dad, some that the author has made it clear
February 7, 1867, the second 3. Attributes will vary. Several possible lost their mother, sisters and why the player described is an
daughter of Charles and Caroline responses: extreme, deliberately brothers, some lost the best friends unlikely professional.
Ingalls, in the big woods, seven offensive expressions of alienation they had. The phrases in the WEDNESDAY
miles north of Pepin, Wisconsin. and social discontent, strong beat, second song are longer and more 1. Babe Ruth, the famous homerun
2. uncomplicated, manageable raw guitar flowing, without the “punch” of the slugger, was a Boston Red Sox
3. true 4. Research questions will vary. short, quick tempo. player.
4. When they stop farming, Laura and 5. “Face It, Girl, It’s Over!”; “Fable of 3. The historical note about the 2. base runners’ cleats, coaches’
her husband Almanzo will take care the Rose”; “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave Germans’ warfare campaign to signals
of a pet bulldog, a Rocky Mountain You”; “B Is for Barney”; “Baa, Baa attack any ship taking goods to 3. Antonyms may vary. One correct
burro, and milk goats. Black Sheep” Allied countries contradicted the suggestion is failure.
5. Responses will vary. WEDNESDAY international agreement to search 4. The room is compared to an
THURSDAY 1. Who should be used instead of non-military ships before attacking autograph book. Its signed walls
1. Writing will vary. whom; the adjective phrase them. While the lyrics of the song do become the pages of the book.
2. A glossary is a listing of important describes the subject of the not place the blame on the 5. Student reactions will vary.
terms used in a specific book or sentence. Germans for attacking the Lusitania, THURSDAY
article. It is arranged alphabetically 2. Many explicit verbs are correct: but on those who ignored the 1. decision
and is usually located at the end of dash, race, sprint; berate, harangue, warning (the February 2. The spirits of legendary heroes
a book or article. dispute announcement), it is clear that the linger in the Fenway Park dugout.
3. Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House 3. A ballad is a narrative song or songwriter’s belief that something 3. An index is a list of information or
on the Prairie (HarperCollins, 1935). poem. had to be done to intervene in the items found in a book, magazine, or
4. a. Let; b. could have, passed 4. The phrase is a figure of speech situation (It’s time they were other publication. It is generally
5. No, you would be too late. meaning that the person remembers stopping this warfare if women and located at the end of the resource.
FRIDAY the melody or message. children must drown.) paralleled The information is listed
1. Descriptions will vary, but students 5. The reviewer believes that the public opinion in the United States. alphabetically.
should recognize that Viola was a orchestra’s presentation used Writing will vary. 4. The Green Monster is 20 feet higher
musician, a frontier mother, shy, but volume and instrumental Week 28 (pages 86–88) than the center field fence and
willing to work hard to learn new differences to its advantage, but MONDAY 32–34 feet higher than the right field
skills. wasn’t particularly precise. 1. The home of the Boston Red Sox is fence. The screen on top of the
2. The place was isolated, probably in Opinions on whether the a ballpark known as Fenway. Green Monster adds 23 feet,
a rural area of the West. The time reviewer liked the concert will 2. metaphor making the wall + screen 43 feet
must have been around 1930, vary. His review was lukewarm 3. really higher than the center field fence,
during the Depression. at best. 4. foul—a ball that is hit so as to land and 55–57 feet higher than the right
3. Opinions will vary. It is clear that THURSDAY outside a foul line; field fence.
both Laura Ingalls Wilder and Betty 1. Their strike—a pitch in baseball that is 5. The owner of the Boston Red Sox
Bagley respected and admired their 2. A music dictionary would include swung at and missed or is in the named the ballpark Fenway
mothers and grew up in hard- definitions of music terms and brief strike zone and not hit; because it was located in the area
working frontier families. overviews of specific topics. bullpen—the part of a baseball of Boston known as the Fens.
4. A memoir is an account of an event 3. Sahkira is an artist for whom I have field where the relief pitchers FRIDAY
or period emphasizing the narrator’s great admiration. warm up, or the group 1. upper bleachers–$12;
own experience of it. A memoir may 4. Any antonym of melancholy is of a team’s relief pitchers; extended dugout box—$260;
be written any time about a period correct. (cheerful) pitch—to throw a ball from the right field roof box—$45
that has come before, but is most 5. Proverbs will vary. mound to the batter 2. Opinions will vary.
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125 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
3. sections 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, collection of some of his dispatches. 4. A bibliography is a list of books and the Huang Ho Valley in China.
and possibly 41, 42, and 43 3. A coordinating conjunction joins articles appearing at the end of a 5. Summaries will vary.
depending on seat location words or groups of words that have book or other text. TUESDAY
4. $162.00 equal grammatical weight in a 5. Student interpretations will vary. 1. One of the earliest civilizations grew
Directions will vary. sentence. And, but, or, so, nor, WEDNESDAY up in an area that stretched from the
Week 29 (pages 89–91) for, and yet are coordinating 1. Mom, Susan’s mother is going to eastern shores of the Mediterranean
MONDAY conjunctions. take us to the mall, and then her Sea between the Tigris and
1. John Steinbeck’s mother, a former 4. Museum Store step-dad will bring us home. Euphrates Rivers to the Persian
schoolteacher, fostered his love of The National Steinbeck Center 2. Explanations will vary. Gulf.
reading and the written word. One Main Street 3. A sibling is a brother or sister. 2. Student opinions will vary.
2. An inference involves using your Old Town Salinas, CA 4. Comparisons will vary. As or like 3. Cuneiform is an ancient writing
reason and experience to come up 5. Student descriptions will vary. should be used in comparisons. system used by the people of
with an idea based on what a writer Check to see that the descriptions 5. Definitions will vary. Sumer.
implies or suggests, but does not reflect the personality of the vehicle. THURSDAY 4. The first library, founded by the king
directly state. Making a prediction, FRIDAY 1. Michael will finish the drivers’ ed of Assyria, contained clay tablets
drawing a conclusion, and making 1. b. Steinbeck compares progress to class, and then he can drive Father with writing on many subjects.
a generalization are all examples destruction saying that they often to work. 5. Thesis sentences will vary. The long
of inference. look alike. Does he see progress 2. Titles will vary. narrative poem The Epic of
3. Steinbeck personifies the hills, as negative because it tears 3. A researcher would need to know Gilgamesh, recorded on clay
giving them the human ability to hug down or is it positive because it the incomes of many individuals and around 2000 B.C., represents
and the human ability to feel destroys present eyesores? the level of education each the finest literary work of
jealousy. c. The moisture-laden air becomes individual completed. ancient Mesopotamia.
4. When something dissipates, it fades gray flannel that envelopes the 4. The riddle is a pun because Catsup WEDNESDAY
or disappears. Salinas Valley, and the valley is a (a tomato-based product) is used by 1. achievement
5. Students should recognize that the closed pot with the fog as its lid. a talking tomato in place of the 2. A powerful Babylonian king,
odd jobs Steinbeck held gave him a 2. Students’ words will vary. Steinbeck phrase “Catch up!” Hammurabi, created a set of laws,
firsthand look at the farm laborer’s believed that mankind’s most 5. Summaries will vary. A researcher Hammurabi’s Code, for his people.
desperate working and living important asset is an exploring mind from MIT found that first-born 3. fact
conditions. The observations helped that is free to take any direction that children are more likely to be 4. Student writing will vary.
Steinbeck develop the themes and it chooses. conformists, while later-borns are 5. Sentences will vary.
plots of many of his major works. 3. Personal examples will vary. more likely to be creative and reject THURSDAY
The terrain of his northern 4. The sky’s the limit on this the status quo. He also found that a 1. Sentences will vary. The Kush
California surroundings also breakfast order! people tend to have more in peoples who lived along the Nile
inspired Steinbeck. 5. Student descriptions will vary. common with any randomly chosen River south of Egypt beginning
TUESDAY Week 30 (pages 92–94) person of their own age than with a around 2000 B.C. were farmers and
1. Compassion is sympathy for the MONDAY sibling. miners.
suffering of others, often including a1. Explanations will vary. FRIDAY 2. were
desire to help. An author can show 2. An ancestor is someone from whom 1. Richard Smith is Caleb’s uncle. 3. One might say that the ancient
compassion in many ways. The a person is directly descended, 2. Opinions will vary. The name Earl is Egyptians are best remembered
tone of a piece and its truthful especially somebody more distant the only recurring one which seems and appreciated for their
description are just two possibilities. than a grandparent. to indicate family names are not magnificent pyramids.
2. scrambled, floundered, plunged 3. I meet more relatives at my family important to them. 4. Words may vary—Greek
3. John Steinbeck, I think, is an reunion, than I ever thought I had. 3. They are deceased. government, ancient democracies
interesting man. 4. Sentences will vary. Week 31 (pages 95–97) 5. Comparisons will vary, but should
4. Student explanations will vary. a. I live with my family in a brick MONDAY reflect the information in the
5. Student opinions will vary. house on a quiet street. 1. Synonyms may vary. Ancient means drawings and notes.
WEDNESDAY b. Bahasa Indonesian and Dutch belonging to the distant past. FRIDAY
1. Student metaphors will vary. are from the same family of (antique, old) 1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
2. bad languages. 2. If history is the written story of man, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,
3. Steinbeck pursued his writing career c. In The Godfather Marlon Brando it means that man must have Statue of Zeus in Olympia,
in New York but was unsuccessful in played the part of the head of the developed the ability to keep Mausoleum of Halicarnassus,
getting published. family. records or to write. Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse at
4. Student opinions will vary. d. Tigers and leopards are part of 3. An artifact is an object made by a Alexandria, Great Pyramid of Giza
5. Many examples are possible. War the cat family. human being, especially one that 2. tour, journey, adventure, foray, visit
protestors and civil rights activists 5. Webs will vary but should include has archaeological or cultural 3. Student opinions will vary.
are two groups that showed their many different types of families. interest. Student suggestions for Student writing will vary. Check to see
rolling might in the past as they TUESDAY artifacts that characterize their that students have supported their
influenced public opinion. 1. A nuclear family is at least two civilization will vary (perhaps a cell choice.
THURSDAY people related to one another by phone, an iPod, and a textbook). Week 32 (pages 98–100)
1. eager blood, marriage, or adoption who 4. Archaeologists have found evidence MONDAY
2. During World War II, Steinbeck was share a common residence. of primitive, independent farming 1. A news article is a story about an
a war correspondent for the New 2. allowance, niece communities in the Tigris and event that has just taken place.
York Herald Tribune. Once There 3. Students’ reasons will vary Euphrates River Valleys, the Nile A feature article is a detailed report
Was a War, published in 1958, is a depending on their experiences. River Valley, the Indus Valley, and on a person, an issue, or an event.
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 126 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
An editorial is an article in which the 2. Headlines will vary. that can be added to gasoline to area, region, or locale. An epidemic
author gives an opinion on an 3. Both headlines convey a meaning improve the quality of gasoline. is an outbreak of a disease that
important issue. that is probably not intended. The WEDNESDAY spreads more quickly and more
2. The dateline is the notation at the head is not seeking arms, rather the 1. Student opinions will vary. extensively among groups of people
beginning of a news article that tells head of a terrorist group is seeking 2. If the fuel economy is reduced that than would normally be expected.
when and where the story was armaments. Farmer Bill could be an means the output one gets for a unit The two words share the root
written. (Sunday • October 27, 2007) individual who perished in a house amount of fuel is lower, so a driver demos meaning people.
3. Newspapers often represent trivial fire or the sentence could mean that can go fewer miles on a tank of gas. 2. Tamara’s absence resulted from a
occurrences in the same way they legislators in the House of This disadvantage must be bad case of pneumonia.
report details of earth-shattering Representatives failed to act on a balanced with the advantages that 3. No, an anecdote is a short personal
events. Student agreement will vary. bill dealing with farms. ethanol brings account of an incident or event.
4. The literary device used is 4. advice to the environment. 4. Bruxism, most often caused by
alliteration. The title might mean that 5. Lists will vary. 3. inefficiency, incompetence, stress, means clenching your jaw or
the subject of the films is only FRIDAY inadequacy, wastefulness grinding your teeth. It is not
average. 1. J. Little is writing to the readers of 4. problems in the auto industry contagious, life-threatening, or
5. Chandralekha (78), an Indian the Leadville Post in an attempt to caused by technology caused by a virus. It can be
dancer and choreographer known correct misconceptions about a 5. Sentences will vary. diagnosed.
for her philosophical fusing of the construction project that his THURSDAY 5. The graph shows how life
classical bharata natyam dance company is managing. 1. “Car and Driver Magazine”; How to expectancy increased from 1900 to
form with martial arts and 2. Words may vary. Buy a New Car by Jeff Holden; 1940. The biggest change in
therapeutic varieties of dance, died positive connotation: crucial, Kelley Blue Book mortality is seen if the measure is
on December 30 at her seaside shared, clarify, “set the record 2. Thanks to the latest electronics, taken at birth.
home in the Indian city of Chennai. straight,” diligent, inaccurate; cars can tell you the pressure in TUESDAY
TUESDAY negative connotation: insinuating, each tire, display stock quotes, or 1. Student responses may vary. In this
1. A good conclusion to an editorial “fishing for business,” speculating, give directions to the nearest Italian author’s opinion: positive—under
sums up the argument and spurs shameless, overzealous, restaurant. the weather, pale, incapacitated;
readers to action. money-grubbing, botched, 3. Adjectives will vary. negative—diseased, unwholesome;
2. true misleading, glaring 4. The site includes many sources of neutral: unwell, poorly, ailing, laid
3. “Minute Tool Directs Enormous Drill 3. misleading, inaccurate information so it probably includes up, peaked
in Search of Natural Gas.” New York 4. Student opinions will vary. The both positive and negative 2. symptom
Times 11 Jan. 2004: 27. editorial does cast doubt on George resources on alternative fuels. 3. Insomnia is the inability to sleep,
4. b. While A uses a good explicit verb Gray’s investigative technique and However, since it is sponsored by so if one could sleep, insomnia
(thronged), B’s comparison of the reporting and supports this doubt the U.S. Department of Energy, would not be a problem. The line is
crowd to the size of the third largest with examples. which is concerned with funny, because it states such an
city has a greater impact because it Student sentences will vary. conservation of natural resources, obvious fact.
is a real number to which the reader Week 33 (pages 101–103) it may lean toward a push for 4. headache, stomachache, heartache
can relate. MONDAY alternative fuels. 5. Older white or Asian women with
5. Headlines may vary. Members of 1. surprises 5. Opinions will vary. The words small bones and a family history of
the British Left Party Waffle on 2. Natural gas is clean burning, has attractive and improving are both osteoporosis have a greater risk of
the Issue of the Falkland Islands; low air exhaust emissions, and a very positive. osteoporosis. Women in these risk
Emergency Squad Aids Victim of reduced level of smog-producing FRIDAY groups can influence their
Dog Attack; Two Sisters, Apart for gases. 1. The phrase implies that this hybrid susceptibility by controlling their
18 Years, Are Reunited at a 3. no uses the newest technology. It is not diet, increasing physical activity, and
Checkout Counter 4. In his technological advances, a car that would have been around not smoking.
WEDNESDAY civilized man has sometimes failed when your grandmother bought her WEDNESDAY
1. Many words are possible: to use his basic skills. Man is so car. It may also imply that the car 1. Sentences will vary.
newsagent, newsboy, newsbreak, busy zipping around in automobiles, has characteristics a grandmother a. Marsha visits the sick every
newscast, newscaster, he fails to walk. would not want, for example speed Sunday.
newsgathering, newsgroup, 5. An AFV is a vehicle that uses at and acceleration. b. When Harriet rides in the back
newsletter, newsmaker, newsman, least one alternative fuel (AF) . 2. lustrous exterior; powered by the seat, she gets sick to her
newsmonger, newspaper, newspeak TUESDAY sun; fully gyrating side mirrors; six stomach.
2. 3, 1, 2 or 2, 3, 1 1. rushing, hurrying, hastening, resilient and self-repairing wheels c. The way he wipes his nose with
3. The line of words at the head of a quickening handle any surface; highly his shirtsleeve is sick.
newspaper story or article, usually 2. The sleek new car—the first she responsive steering and braking; 2. Many answers are correct. Several
printed in large type and giving the ever owned—was her most prized autopilot for driving; interactive possible causes—eyestrain,
gist of the story or article that possession. computer system navigates and tension, worry, flu, congested
follows, is the headline. 3. It is difficult to evaluate alternative acts as second set of eyes; sinuses. Several possible effects—
4. true fuels because the benefits and SafetySurround Bubble inability to work, need for sleep,
5. Metaphors will vary. problems depend on the vehicles 3. Student responses will vary. poor work, blurred vision, irritability.
THURSDAY that use the fuel. 4. Student responses will vary. 3. The first word must be a member of
1. The phrase is an infinitive phrase 4. Student names and lists of Week 34 (pages 104–106) the category or set named by the
(an infinitive plus any complements attributes will vary. MONDAY second word. One possible analogy
and modifiers) used as a predicate 5. Explanations will vary. Ethanol is a 1. Endemic is used to describe a penicillin : antibiotic :: vanilla : ice
nominative. clear, colorless chemical compound disease occurring within a specific cream flavor
© 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN
127 Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4
4. A contagious disease can be 2. Many words are possible: television, uttered, whispered, moaned, seven-year-old. The description of
transmitted from one person to telemarketing, telecommute, announced, grumbled, shouted, permanently hunched shoulders
another either by direct contact such telescope, telepathy, teleport, alleged, and stuttered. may indicate a character who is
as touching an infected person, or telegraphy, telegram 3. Many answers are correct: eccentric or in some way mentally
by indirect contact. Many things are 3. Can indicates the ability to do miscommunication, isolation, handicapped. Certainly there exists
contagious—enthusiasm, desire, something. May indicates concealment, suppression, secret. a special feeling between the
dissatisfaction, misery. permission to do something or the 4. plan: a program set up outlining narrator (seven-year-old) and
5. Foreshadowing is the author’s possibility of doing it. charges for phone service; anytime: the woman.
use of clues to prepare readers 4. Literal language is simple, cell phone minutes that are not TUESDAY
for events that will happen later straightforward, and free of dependent on clock hours (They 1. Mark Twain said, “Good friends,
in a story. The reference to dizzy embellishment. It is the opposite of can be used any time.); cell: short good books, and a sleepy
spells foreshadows some figurative language, which conveys for cellular conscience: this is the ideal life.”
upcoming problem. ideas indirectly. 5. Answers may vary. Three 2. Titles will vary.
THURSDAY 5. Ms. Nova’s article has a negative advantages: improves safety, 3. a. hoping; b. choice; c. safety
1. According to the WHO, health tone. The word drone and the engenders a neighborhood spirit, 4. Student opinions will vary.
involves physical, mental, and social phrase communicated to rather than enables drivers to conduct a social 5. Student odes will vary.
well-being. Many see health as only communicated with indicate a one- roundtable as they sit in gridlock. WEDNESDAY
a physical condition. If health is way process. The sentence about Three disadvantages: range is only 1. righteous or conforming to a moral
mental and social as well, then the cubicle dweller and manager is 300-meters, none except drivers standard
individuals interested in their health almost sarcastic. with Carhood equipment may 2. to be (used as a subject), to listen
should cultivate mental and social TUESDAY communicate, unwanted calls result. (used as a predicate nominative), to
health as well as physical. The 1. Advice will vary. FRIDAY respond (used as a predicate
implications could affect insurance 2. Born in 1847 in Edinburgh, 1. FOR: access to schedules; ability to nominative)
coverage and health care costs. Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell look up addresses; make 3. Any word beginning with the letters
2. All infants should receive the first became a pioneer in the field of emergency calls; communicate with gr- is correct.
dose of hepatitis B vaccine soon telecommunications. parents; share changes in plans; 4. To Alta,
after they are born, and before they 3. Telephone comes from the Greek pass on information; confirm Like sunshine on a flower
are discharged from the hospital. word tele-, meaning from afar, and pick-up plans May your path ever be,
3. worse, worst phone, meaning voice or voiced AGAINST: disruptive; unnecessary; And may each future hour
4. Answers will vary. Healthy: robust, sound. unfair; no purpose; tool for cheating; Bring happiness to thee.
fit, hardy, vigorous. Unhealthy: 4. Advances undermining education Your friend, Martha
weak, sickly, frail, unfit, diseased. 5. “For centuries, humans have tried to 2. Rankings may vary: 1. riotous; 5. The simile compares the grief of two
5. The prefix anti- means against. In teach animals to communicate like 2. distracting; 3. troublesome; people to a sea and a river
the case of antihistamine, anti- humans,” said Michael Darre, an 4. bothersome; 5. niggling; intertwining, fusing, and mingling.
means to prevent the histamine animal science professor at the 6. inconvenient THURSDAY
receptors from reacting to University of Connecticut. “And now 3. Neither editorial supports its 1. buddies, acquaintances, allies, pals
histamines. we’re getting to the point where contention with solid facts; both use 2. Hypocrisy is the false claim to or
FRIDAY we’re saying, ‘Wait a second! Why words with strong connotations to pretense of having good principles,
1. A rite of passage is a ritual or don’t we learn their language, influence readers. Examples of beliefs, or feelings. Synonyms are
occurrence associated with a instead of making them learn phrases that emotionally color the insincerity, pretense, and duplicity.
change of status for an individual. ours?’” content are “essentially forbidding,” 3. innocent, courteous, sympathetic
2. Since chicken pox is extremely WEDNESDAY “undermining education,” and 4. He is saying that to have made it
contagious, it can result in school 1. Just as the vacuum tube and the “banning cell phones”. through life as true friends is not a
absences and high medical costs. transistor made possible the early Week 36 (pages 110–112) small thing.
3. The article’s purpose is to inform. telephone network, the wireless MONDAY 5. The kite represents youth and
It will probably be read by parents revolution began only after low-cost 1. envisioned, pair of flushed, agility, memories of boyhood
of children who receive the vaccine microprocessors, miniature circuit expected pleasures.
or who are questioning the need boards, and digital switching 2. Pathos is sadness or suffering. FRIDAY
for vaccination. became available. While a character expresses 1. a. The poet uses connected to show
4. false 2. true feelings of pity when he shows empathy and a continuing
Student writing will vary. 3. Many answers are possible: Good pathos, the character would relationship.
Thanks to the chicken pox vaccine, Morning! Salutations! Hi there! probably be morose and sad. b. Experiences will vary.
the chicken pox rite of passage has Greetings! Yo! Opinions whether those are 2. Comparisons will vary.
largely ended and most children in 4. Responses will vary but should qualities desired in a friend will vary. 3. Check to see that students give
the United States will never have to support the idea that it is important 3. Student experiences will vary. reasons for their statements.
face the itchy spots as their parents to develop dialogue and nonverbal 4. Many answers are correct: 4. Similes or metaphors should make
and grandparents did before them. communication carefully so that the comrade, buddy, pal, sense.
Week 35 (pages 107–109) reader is able to infer a character’s acquaintance, companion
MONDAY feelings and intentions. 5. The woman is not fashion
1. Many answers are possible. One 5. rumbles, roars, bellows, snorts conscious, she is wearing a summer
might have the idea that language Additional words may vary. dress and tennis shoes with a
includes a set of rules that govern THURSDAY shapeless cardigan and has shorn
the use of the symbols and the way 1. Student similes will vary. white hair. Her best friend is a
in which they are combined. 2. Many answers are correct:
Use It! Don’t Lose It! IP 612-4 128 © 2007 Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN

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