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Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Version 1.2.0

June 2015
Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference, Version 1.2.0

Copyright © 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they
are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected
by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly,
or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other
independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in
the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free.
Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these
Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any

Your use of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool is subject to the terms of the existing AWS Customer
Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of AWS services, and the Additional Terms
and Conditions for the Amazon RDS Migration Tool located at If you do not agree to
the foregoing terms, you may not use the Amazon RDS Migration Tool.

1 Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Installation Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 1-1
Software Requirements................................................................................................................... 1-1
Windows Software Requirements ....................................................................................... 1-1
Linux Software Requirements.............................................................................................. 1-2
Additional Required Software....................................................................................................... 1-2
Recommended Hardware Configuration .................................................................................... 1-3
Supported Databases....................................................................................................................... 1-4
Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool......................................................................................... 1-4
Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Windows ............................................................... 1-4
Starting and Stopping the Amazon RDS Migration Server on Windows.................... 1-4
Silently Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool ........................................................................ 1-5
Creating a Response File ....................................................................................................... 1-5
Running the Silent Install...................................................................................................... 1-6
Silently Upgrading Amazon RDS Migration Tool...................................................................... 1-6
Creating a Response File ....................................................................................................... 1-6
Running a Silent Upgrade..................................................................................................... 1-6
Silently Uninstalling Amazon RDS Migration Tool ................................................................... 1-8
Creating a Response File ....................................................................................................... 1-8
Running a Silent Uninstall .................................................................................................... 1-8
Changing the Data Directory Location on Windows ....................................................... 1-8
Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux................................................................... 1-10
Pre-Installation Tasks ......................................................................................................... 1-10
Installation Procedures....................................................................................................... 1-11
Amazon RDS Migration Server Procedures .................................................................. 1-13
Uninstalling Amazon RDS Migration Tool ..................................................................... 1-14
Changing the Data Directory Location on Linux ........................................................... 1-14
Accessing the Amazon RDS Migration Console........................................................................ 1-14
Multiple Users Connecting to a Single Console ...................................................................... 1-15

2 Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial

What You Need .................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Open the Amazon RDS Migration Console................................................................................... 2-2
Add an Oracle Database as a Source................................................................................................ 2-2
Add a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Target ....................................................................... 2-4

Add a Replication Task....................................................................................................................... 2-5
Add a Replication Task to the Amazon RDS Migration Console ........................................... 2-6
Add the Source and Target Databases to the Task ..................................................................... 2-6
Select Tables for the Replication Task........................................................................................... 2-7
Run and Monitor the Replication Task ........................................................................................... 2-9
View the Replicated Tables in Microsoft SQL Server ............................................................... 2-10

3 Concepts and Design

Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool..................................................................................... 3-1
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Features ........................................................................................... 3-1
What is Replication ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
System Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
What is a Replication Task................................................................................................................. 3-3
Full Load and CDC Processes ........................................................................................................... 3-4
Replication Topologies ....................................................................................................................... 3-4
One-to-One ....................................................................................................................................... 3-5
Logical Independence ..................................................................................................................... 3-5
Hub and Spoke................................................................................................................................. 3-5

4 Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints

Databases Supported as Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints ........................................... 4-1
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types ...................................................................................... 4-2
Support for Large Object Data Types (LOBs).............................................................................. 4-3
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Supported DDL Statements ........................................................ 4-3

5 Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target

Supported Oracle Database Editions............................................................................................... 5-1
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 5-2
Using an Oracle Database as a Source............................................................................................. 5-4
Supported Compression Methods ................................................................................................ 5-4
Configuration Properties for the Oracle Source.......................................................................... 5-4
Security Requirements .................................................................................................................... 5-5
Additional Source Privileges Required for Disaster Recovery Tasks ............................ 5-7
Oracle Source Data Types............................................................................................................... 5-8
Non-Supported Data Types ........................................................................................................ 5-10
Configuring an Oracle Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source..................... 5-10
Provide Oracle Account Access ........................................................................................ 5-11
Ensure that ARCHIVELOG Mode is On ......................................................................... 5-11
Setting up Supplemental Logging .................................................................................... 5-11
Working with Oracle on Amazon RDS............................................................................ 5-13
Setting up an Oracle Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool ...................... 5-14
Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.......................................................... 5-16
Using an Oracle Database as a Target........................................................................................... 5-20
Configuration Properties for the Oracle Target ....................................................................... 5-20
Security Requirements ................................................................................................................. 5-21
Additional Target Privileges Required for Disaster Recovery Tasks .......................... 5-22

Oracle Target Data Types ............................................................................................................ 5-24
Configuring an Oracle Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Target ..................... 5-26
Provide Oracle Account Access ........................................................................................ 5-26
Setting up an Oracle Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool....................... 5-26
Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Target .......................................................... 5-29

6 Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target

Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 6-2
Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source ................................................................... 6-3
Supported Compression Methods ................................................................................................ 6-3
Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source ................................................... 6-4
Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL Server Source..................................................... 6-4
Working with Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups .................................... 6-5
Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types .................................................................................... 6-5
Non-Supported Data Types ........................................................................................................... 6-7
Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source 6-8
Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery .................................................. 6-8
Setting up Microsoft SQL Server for Replication .............................................................. 6-8
Replicating Tables that do not have a Primary Key.......................................................... 6-9
Defining Microsoft SQL Server Database Settings......................................................... 6-10
Working with Windows Authentication ......................................................................... 6-10
Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source 6-10
Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source Database ................ 6-12
Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Target ................................................................. 6-15
Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target ................................................ 6-15
Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL Server Target .................................................. 6-17
Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types.................................................................................. 6-17
Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Target. 6-19
Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target Database................. 6-21

7 Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target

Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 7-2
Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source ............................................................................ 7-2
Configuration Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Source ........................................................ 7-2
Security Requirements .................................................................................................................... 7-3
SAP Sybase ASE Database Source Data Types............................................................................ 7-3
Non-Supported Data Types ........................................................................................................... 7-4
Setting up a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool.......... 7-4
Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Source ............................................. 7-6
Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Target ............................................................................. 7-8
Configuration Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Target......................................................... 7-8
Security Requirements .................................................................................................................... 7-8
SAP Sybase ASE Database Target Data Types ............................................................................ 7-8
Non-Supported Data Types ........................................................................................................... 7-9

Setting up a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool .......... 7-9
Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Target........................................... 7-12

8 Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target

Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 8-1
General Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 8-1
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Server for Windows ................................................................... 8-1
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Server for Linux........................................................................... 8-2
UsageCount = 1Enable Binary Logging ...................................................................................... 8-2
Cluster Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 8-2
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 8-4
Using a MySQL Database as a Source............................................................................................. 8-4
Security Requirements .................................................................................................................... 8-4
Setting up Amazon RDS MySQL for CDC (Change Data Capture) ........................................ 8-4
Configuration Properties for the MySQL Source........................................................................ 8-5
MySQL Database Source Data Types ........................................................................................... 8-5
Data Types Supported in Full Load Only .......................................................................... 8-7
Setting up a MySQL Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool ......................... 8-8
Selecting a Schema ................................................................................................................. 8-9
Using Advanced Properties for a MySQL Source .......................................................... 8-10
Using a MySQL Database as a Target........................................................................................... 8-12
Configuration Properties for the MySQL Target ..................................................................... 8-12
Security Requirements ................................................................................................................. 8-12
MySQL Database Target Data Types......................................................................................... 8-12
Setting up a MySQL Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool....................... 8-14
Using Advanced Properties for a MySQL Target .......................................................... 8-16

9 Using ODBC to Connect to a Source

Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................ 9-1
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................ 9-1
Using ODBC to Connect to a Source ............................................................................................... 9-1
Configuration Properties for the ODBC Source .......................................................................... 9-2
ODBC Source Data Types............................................................................................................... 9-3
Configuring ODBC Databases to work as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source............. 9-6
Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC Databases as a Source................................. 9-8

10 Using Amazon Redshift as a Target

Introducing the Amazon Redshift Target Endpoint for Amazon RDS Migration Tool ..... 10-1
An Overview of the Amazon Redshift Target.......................................................................... 10-1
The Amazon Redshift Endpoint Architecture ......................................................................... 10-2
Amazon Redshift Endpoint Prerequisites................................................................................... 10-2
Get Started with Amazon Redshift ............................................................................................ 10-2
Sign up for an Amazon S3 Bucket.............................................................................................. 10-3
Open the Required Firewall Ports.............................................................................................. 10-3
Configure the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI (Amazon Machine Image) 10-3
Configuration Properties ................................................................................................................ 10-3

Amazon Redshift Data Types......................................................................................................... 10-5
Setting up Amazon Redshift as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool........................... 10-7
Using Advanced Properties for an Amazon Redshift Target ................................................ 10-9

11 Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source ..................................................................................... 11-1
Source Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................... 11-2
Client Side ............................................................................................................................ 11-2
Server Side............................................................................................................................ 11-2
Security Requirements ................................................................................................................. 11-3
Source Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 11-3
PostgreSQL Source Data Types .................................................................................................. 11-4
Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool................... 11-6
Using Advanced Properties for a PostgreSQL Source................................................... 11-8
Removing RDS Migration Tool Artifacts from the Source Database.................................... 11-9
Using PostgreSQL as a Target ...................................................................................................... 11-10
Target Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 11-10
Security Requirements ............................................................................................................... 11-10
PostgreSQL Database Target Data Types ............................................................................... 11-10
Data Types when Replicating from a PostgreSQL Source .......................................... 11-11
Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool .................. 11-12
Using Advanced Properties for a PostgreSQL database Target .......................................... 11-14

12 Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel

Setting Up Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel Tasks ................................................ 12-1
Local Task ...................................................................................................................................... 12-1
Remote Task .................................................................................................................................. 12-2
Replicating to Multiple Targets (Distribution) ........................................................................ 12-2
Adding Tables to a Running Remote Task...................................................................... 12-4
Working with the File Channel Data Files .................................................................................. 12-4
File-Channel Directory Structure ............................................................................................... 12-4
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Installation Requirements for the File Channel .................. 12-5
Security ............................................................................................................................................... 12-6
Limitations ......................................................................................................................................... 12-6
Using the File Channel as a Source............................................................................................... 12-6
File Channel Source Properties................................................................................................... 12-7
Setting up a File Channel Source using Amazon RDS Migration Tool ................................ 12-8
Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Source ............................................... 12-10
Using the File Channel as a Target .............................................................................................. 12-11
File Channel Target Properties ................................................................................................. 12-11
Setting up a File Channel Target using Amazon RDS Migration Tool............................... 12-13
Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Target ............................................... 12-15

13 Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console

The Tasks View ................................................................................................................................. 13-2
Task Icons....................................................................................................................................... 13-3

Viewing Specific Tasks.................................................................................................................... 13-4
Design Mode.................................................................................................................................. 13-4
Monitor Mode ............................................................................................................................... 13-6
The Server View................................................................................................................................ 13-8
Security Roles.................................................................................................................................... 13-9
Creating Active Directory Groups ............................................................................................. 13-9
Associating Multiple Groups with the Same Role ....................................................... 13-10
Security Roles and Console Elements...................................................................................... 13-10

14 Designing Tasks
Setting up Tasks................................................................................................................................ 14-1
Working with Databases ................................................................................................................. 14-2
Adding a Database ....................................................................................................................... 14-3
Editing Database Configuration Information........................................................................... 14-3
Viewing Database Configuration Information......................................................................... 14-3
Testing a Database Connection................................................................................................... 14-4
Adding a Source and Target Database to a Task......................................................................... 14-4
Adding Tables to a Task .................................................................................................................. 14-5
Search for Tables to use in a Replication Task.......................................................................... 14-6
Selecting Specific Tables for Replication ................................................................................... 14-7
Removing Specific Tables from a Replication Task................................................................. 14-7
Create Table Selection Patterns................................................................................................... 14-7
Selecting Schemas in a Disaster Recovery Task ......................................................................... 14-9
Editing a Replication Task ............................................................................................................ 14-10
Deleting a Replication Task.......................................................................................................... 14-10
Importing and Exporting Tasks ................................................................................................... 14-10
How to: Export and Import a Task .......................................................................................... 14-11
Editing an Exported (json) File ................................................................................................. 14-12
Making Changes to the Database Connection Information........................................ 14-12

15 Customizing Tasks
Table Settings .................................................................................................................................... 15-1
Carry out General Tasks for a Single Table .............................................................................. 15-2
Define Transformations on a Single Table ................................................................................ 15-3
Using the Transform Tab ................................................................................................... 15-4
Creating an Expression for Transforms ........................................................................... 15-6
Using SQLite Syntax with Transforms............................................................................. 15-6
Using Filters................................................................................................................................... 15-7
Limitations ........................................................................................................................... 15-7
Opening the Filter Table Window .................................................................................... 15-8
Creating a Filter Condition for a Specified Column ...................................................... 15-9
Creating a Record Selection Condition for One or More Columns ........................... 15-10
Using the Range Builder .................................................................................................. 15-11
Using SQLite Syntax with Filtering................................................................................ 15-12
Defining Global Transformations............................................................................................... 15-13
Starting the New Transformation Rule Wizard ..................................................................... 15-13
Selecting the Transformation Type .......................................................................................... 15-14

Defining What to Transform ..................................................................................................... 15-15
Defining the Transformation Rule ........................................................................................... 15-17
Rename Schema................................................................................................................. 15-18
Rename Table..................................................................................................................... 15-21
Rename Column................................................................................................................ 15-24
Add Column ...................................................................................................................... 15-26
Drop Column ..................................................................................................................... 15-27
Convert Data Type............................................................................................................ 15-27
Using the Global Transformation Rules List .......................................................................... 15-27
Edit a Global Transformation Rule................................................................................. 15-28
Delete a Global Transformation Rule............................................................................. 15-28
Editing Global Transformation Rules ...................................................................................... 15-28
Using the Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations)..... 15-29
Overview of the Expression Builder ........................................................................................ 15-29
Build an Expression.................................................................................................................... 15-31
Evaluate an Expression .............................................................................................................. 15-32
Test an Expression ...................................................................................................................... 15-32
Using Elements in the Expression Builder.............................................................................. 15-33
Input Columns (Transforms and Filters only) .............................................................. 15-33
Metadata (Global Transformations only) ...................................................................... 15-34
Operators............................................................................................................................ 15-34
Functions ............................................................................................................................ 15-36
Header Columns ............................................................................................................... 15-45
Task Settings.................................................................................................................................... 15-45
Metadata....................................................................................................................................... 15-46
Target Metadata ................................................................................................................ 15-46
Control Tables.................................................................................................................... 15-46
Bidirectional................................................................................................................................. 15-47
Full Load ...................................................................................................................................... 15-47
Full Load Settings.............................................................................................................. 15-47
Full Load Tuning............................................................................................................... 15-50
Change Processing...................................................................................................................... 15-50
Apply Changes Settings ................................................................................................... 15-50
Changes Processing Tuning ............................................................................................ 15-51
Error Handling ............................................................................................................................ 15-52
Error Handling Settings ................................................................................................... 15-52
Environmental Errors ....................................................................................................... 15-53
Data Error........................................................................................................................... 15-53
Table Error.......................................................................................................................... 15-54
Apply Conflicts.................................................................................................................. 15-54
Logging ........................................................................................................................................ 15-56
Logging Level .................................................................................................................... 15-56
Log File ............................................................................................................................... 15-56

16 Working with Tasks at Runtime

Running a Task ................................................................................................................................. 16-1
How to run a Task ........................................................................................................................ 16-1

Using the Run Button Options.................................................................................................... 16-2
Start Replication .................................................................................................................. 16-2
Reload Target....................................................................................................................... 16-3
Use Advanced Run Options .............................................................................................. 16-3
Viewing the Task Status .................................................................................................................. 16-4
Reading Messages about a Task .................................................................................................... 16-5
Viewing Notifications .................................................................................................................. 16-5
Using the Notifications List ............................................................................................... 16-5
View Log Messages for a Task.................................................................................................... 16-6
Using the Log Messages List ............................................................................................. 16-6
Viewing the Log file in the Log Viewer ........................................................................... 16-7

17 Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks

Viewing Information in the Monitor............................................................................................ 17-1
Monitoring the Full-Load Operation............................................................................................ 17-1
General Information for a Full Load .......................................................................................... 17-2
Detailed Information for the Full Load ..................................................................................... 17-2
General Information for Completed Task ....................................................................... 17-3
Information for Each Table in the Task............................................................................ 17-3
Information for Tables that have Completed Loading .................................................. 17-4
Information for Tables that are Currently Loading ....................................................... 17-4
Information for Tables that are in the Loading Queue.................................................. 17-5
Information for Tables with Errors................................................................................... 17-6
Monitoring Throughput in a Full Load Operation.................................................................. 17-6
Monitoring Change Processing Operations ................................................................................ 17-7
General Change Processing Information .................................................................................. 17-7
Detailed Change Processing Information ................................................................................. 17-8
Information about Incoming Changes ............................................................................. 17-9
Information about Applied Changes ............................................................................. 17-10
Information about Change Processing Throughput .................................................... 17-11
Information about Apply Latency .................................................................................. 17-11
Viewing Messages .......................................................................................................................... 17-12
Using the Monitor Tools................................................................................................................ 17-12
Viewing History Information ................................................................................................... 17-13
Working with Task Logs at Runtime ....................................................................................... 17-13
Set the Task Logging Level .............................................................................................. 17-13
Carry Out Task Log File Actions .................................................................................... 17-14
View the Task Log File ..................................................................................................... 17-14

18 Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings

Notifications Settings ...................................................................................................................... 18-1
Defining Notifications.................................................................................................................. 18-2
Creating a New Notification.............................................................................................. 18-2
Using the Notification List............................................................................................... 18-11
Editing a Notification ....................................................................................................... 18-12
Deleting a Notification ..................................................................................................... 18-12
Setting up Mail Parameters ....................................................................................................... 18-12

Creating a Default Recipient List ............................................................................................. 18-13
License Settings .............................................................................................................................. 18-14
Requesting a License .................................................................................................................. 18-14
Using the Advanced License Request Option .............................................................. 18-15
Registering a License.................................................................................................................. 18-15
Viewing a License ....................................................................................................................... 18-16
Error Handling ................................................................................................................................ 18-16
Logging Settings (Server).............................................................................................................. 18-17
Set the Server Logging Level..................................................................................................... 18-17
Configure Log Files .................................................................................................................... 18-18
Schedule Maintenance Operations for Log Files .......................................................... 18-18
Carry out Log File Actions............................................................................................... 18-19
View a Server Log ............................................................................................................. 18-19
File Transfer Service....................................................................................................................... 18-20
Defining a File Transfer Service................................................................................................ 18-20
Editing a File Transfer Service .................................................................................................. 18-21
Deleting a File Transfer Service ................................................................................................ 18-21
Scheduling Jobs .............................................................................................................................. 18-23

A Error Handling
Error Types ......................................................................................................................................... 19-1
Error Handling Properties............................................................................................................... 19-1
Environmental Errors................................................................................................................... 19-2
Data Errors..................................................................................................................................... 19-2
Table Errors ................................................................................................................................... 19-4
Apply Errors .................................................................................................................................. 19-4
Fatal Errors..................................................................................................................................... 19-6
Abnormal Termination ................................................................................................................ 19-7

B Using Encryption
Setting up HTTPS with IIS............................................................................................................. 20-1
Setting up HTTPS without IIS....................................................................................................... 20-3
Creating and Installing a Self-Signed Server Authentication Certificate ............................. 20-3
Setting up the Self-Signed Certificate on the Server ...................................................... 20-3
Removing the Self-Signed Certificate from the Server .................................................. 20-4
Setting Up the Self-Signed Certificate on a Client.......................................................... 20-4
Changing the Server Password ...................................................................................................... 20-5

C Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Cluster Environment

Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Windows Cluster ........................................... 21-1
Preparing to Set Up the Cluster Environment.......................................................................... 21-1
Create a Failover Cluster and a Service to Use in Your Environment .................................. 21-2
Add Storage ................................................................................................................................... 21-2
Define Client Access..................................................................................................................... 21-3
Install Amazon RDS Migration Tool.......................................................................................... 21-3
Add the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Services....................................................................... 21-3

Define the Dependencies for Each Service................................................................................ 21-4
Enabling Different Console Configurations in a High Availability Environment.............. 21-4
Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Linux Cluster .................................................. 21-5

D Control Tables
Apply Exceptions ............................................................................................................................. 22-1
Replication Status ............................................................................................................................ 22-1
Suspended Tables ............................................................................................................................ 22-2
Replication History .......................................................................................................................... 22-3

E Impact of DST Change on Amazon RDS Migration Tool


Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool

The following chapter describes how to prepare your system for Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, how to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool and how to access the
Amazon RDS Migration Console.
n Installation Prerequisites
n Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Accessing the Amazon RDS Migration Console

Installation Prerequisites
This section describes how to prepare your system to use Amazon RDS Migration
n Software Requirements
n Additional Required Software
n Supported Databases
n Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Accessing the Amazon RDS Migration Console

Software Requirements
This section describes what software is required to work with Amazon RDS Migration
n Windows Software Requirements
n Linux Software Requirements

Windows Software Requirements

To install the Amazon RDS Migration Server and Console on a Windows computer,
you must have the following installed on your system:
n Any of the following operating systems:
– Windows Server 2008 x64
– Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
– Windows 7 x64
– Windows 8 RTM
– Windows 8 SP1

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-1

– Windows Server 2012 RTM and SP1
n .NET framework 4 or 4.5

Linux Software Requirements

To install the Amazon RDS Migration Server and Console on a Linux computer, you
must have the following installed on your system:
n Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit version 5.4 or higher.

Note: Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux supports the following

n Oracle source and target
n File Channel source and target
See the corresponding chapter for any additional prerequisites
necessary for working with these databases.

Additional Required Software

To use Amazon RDS Migration Tool, make sure that the following is installed on the
computer where you installed Amazon RDS Migration Tool:
n .NET Framework 4 or 4.5 (you must use this and not the .NET Framework 4 or 4.5
client profile). If the computer with Amazon RDS Migration Tool does not have
.NET Framework 4 or 4.5 installed, you can download and install it from the
Microsoft site using this link:
n To use the Amazon RDS Migration Console, you must make sure that you use a
supported browser. You can use one of the following browsers:
– Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 and above.
– Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 and above
– Google Chrome
n Adobe Flash Player version 10.2.5 or later (for Microsoft Internet Explorer and
Mozilla Firefox)

1-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Recommended Hardware Configuration
This section describes the recommended hardware configurations for using Amazon
RDS Migration Tool. For information on the software requirements for using Amazon
RDS Migration Tool, see Software Requirements and Additional Required Software.
The following table describes the recommended hardware configuration for installing
Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Windows and Linux operating systems.

Table 1–1 Recommended Hardware Configuration

Basic Extra-Large
System Large System System Notes:
Processor Quad core Quad core base 8-core base Additional cores are useful in
any of the following situations:
Dual-core per Quad core
task per task n Many tasks running in
n Full-load performance
n Multiple full-load processes
running in parallel
Memory 8 GB 32 GB 64 GB More memory is useful in any of
the following situations:
n Many tasks running in
n Long-running transactions
on the source database (for
example, monthly batch
n Many active users on the
source system
Disk 320 GB 500 GB 500 GB A faster disk is useful in any of
requirements the following situations:
7200 RPM 10,000 RPM 15,000 RPM
n Using a file-based target,
such as Greenplum or
n Long-running source
transactions that may not fit
into memory
n Using tasks that are set up to
continue processing during
target outage
A larger disk is required in any of
the following situations:
n Using tasks that are set up to
continue processing during
target outage
n Very large source
transactions that do not fit
into memory
RAID is recommended for
system recoverability in case of
disk failure for all configurations.
Network 1 Gb 10 Gb Two 10 Gb

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-3

Supported Databases
To replicate data using Amazon RDS Migration Tool, you must be sure to have a
supported version of the database you are working with available. For information
about the databases you can use with Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Introducing
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool

You can install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on either Windows or Linux platforms.
This section describes the following:
n Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Windows
n Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux
For information about recommended hardware requirements for working with
Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Recommended Hardware Configuration.

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Windows

Install Amazon RDS Migration Tool using the AmazonRDSMigrationTool_1.1.x.xx_
X64.exe installation kit. This kit runs on Windows 64-bit (x64) environments. For a list
of the Windows versions supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Windows
Software Requirements.
Follow the instructions in the Install wizard to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
Later if you need to start or stop the Amazon RDS Migration Server, see the following
Starting and Stopping the Amazon RDS Migration Server on Windows

Note: If you are running the Amazon RDS Migration Server on a

Linux computer, in the Replication Server Location page of the
installation window select Connect to a remote Linux Amazon RDS
Migration Server.
When you complete the Windows installation, then follow the
directions in Starting and Stopping the Amazon RDS Migration Server
on Windows.

All of the data that is created when you use Amazon RDS Migration Tool is stored in a
folder called data. By default, this folder is located in the installation folder where you
install Amazon RDS Migration Tool. If you want to create the data folder in a different
location, select this option in the installation wizard.
If you select this option, all command line actions must be prefixed with reptcl -d
<path to the data folder>

Starting and Stopping the Amazon RDS Migration Server on Windows

In some cases you may need to stop and start the Amazon RDS Migration Server. You
must do this from the Windows computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is

1-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

To stop and start the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Server on Windows
n From the Start menu on the Windows computer where Amazon RDS Migration
Tool is installed, find Amazon RDS Migration Tool then select either Stop Amazon
RDS Migration Server or Start Amazon RDS Migration Server.

Silently Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Amazon RDS Migration Tool can be installed silently (i.e. without requiring user
interaction). This option is useful, for example, if you need to install Amazon RDS
Migration Tool on several machines throughout your organization.
The installation process consists of two stages:
1. Creating a response file.
2. Running the installation.

Creating a Response File

Before starting the installation, you need to create a response file. To create the
response file:
1. Copy the response file text below into a text editor.
Response file text:
szDir=C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool
szDir=C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\data

2. To change the default installation directory, edit the first szDir value as necessary.
3. To change the default data directory, edit the second szDir value as necessary.
4. Save the file as <name>.iss e.g. silent_inst_64.iss

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-5

Running the Silent Install
To silently install Amazon RDS Migration Tool, open a command prompt and change
the working directory to the directory containing the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
setup file. Then issue the following command (where <response file> is the path to the
response file you created earlier):

C:\>AmazonRDSMigrationTool_1.1.x.xx_X64.exe /s /f1C:\temp\1\rdsmigrationtool_x64_
ins.iss /f2C:\temp\1\silent_x64_ins.log

If the installation was successful, the log file should contain the following rows:

Silently Upgrading Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Silently upgrading Amazon RDS Migration Tool consists of two stages:
1. Creating a response file.
2. Running the upgrade.

Creating a Response File

Before starting the upgrade, you need to create a response file. To create the response
1. Copy the response file text below into a text editor.
Response file text:

2. Save the file as <name>.iss e.g. rep_upg_64.iss

Running a Silent Upgrade

To silently upgrade Amazon RDS Migration Tool, open a command prompt and
change the working directory to the directory containing the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool setup file. Then issue the following command (where <response file> is the
path to the response file you created earlier):

C:\>AmazonRDSMigrationTool_1.1.x.xx_X64.exe /s /f1C:\temp\1\rep_x64_up.iss

1-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference


If the upgrade was successful, the log file should contain the following rows:

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-7

Silently Uninstalling Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Silently uninstalling Amazon RDS Migration Tool consists of two stages:
1. Creating a response file.
2. Running the uninstall.

Creating a Response File

Before starting the uninstall, you need to create a response file. To create the response
1. Copy the response file text below into a text editor.
Response file text:

2. Save the file as <name>.iss e.g. silent_uninst_64.iss

Running a Silent Uninstall

To silently uninstall Amazon RDS Migration Tool, open a command prompt and
change the working directory to the directory containing the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool setup file. Then issue the following command (where <response file> is the
path to the response file you created earlier):

C:\>AmazonRDSMigrationTool_1.1.x.xx_X64.exe /s /f1C:\temp\1\rep_x64_un.iss

If the uninstall was successful, the log file should contain the following rows:

Changing the Data Directory Location on Windows

This section explains how to change the location of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Data Directory. Such a procedure may need to be performed if the drive on which the
current folder resides has insufficient space or if you are moving from a temporary
POC setup to production, for example.

1-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

To change the Data Directory Location:
1. Stop the Amazon RDS Migration Console and Amazon RDS Migration Server
2. Move the data folder to a new location. For example:
C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\Data2
3. Open the Registry and perform the following procedure:
a. Browse to:
b. Modify the ImagePath string as follows:
"C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\bin\WebCmd.exe" service -d
"C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\Data2" run
c. Browse to:
d. Open the ImagePath string and add -d <path_for_new_data_directory> after
the repctle.exe path. For example:
"C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\bin\repctl.exe" -d "C:\Program
Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\Data2" service start name=Server
address= port=3553
4. Start the Amazon RDS Migration Tool services.

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-9

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux
This section describes how to install the Amazon RDS Migration Server on Linux. For
information on supported Linux platforms, see Installation Prerequisites. This section
contains the following:
n Pre-Installation Tasks
n Installation Procedures
n Amazon RDS Migration Server Procedures
n Uninstalling Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Changing the Data Directory Location on Linux

When using the Amazon RDS Migration Server on Linux, you must
use the Amazon RDS Migration Console on a Windows computer. See
Windows Software Requirements for a list of the supported Windows
See Linux Software Requirements for a list of the Linux versions
supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool.

Pre-Installation Tasks
Before you begin the installation, you must carry out the following tasks:
n Carry out the Windows installation on any Windows computer. For information
on installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on a Windows computer, see Installing
Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Windows.
n Sign in to the Linux account. The account must be an administrator account to be
able to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n Copy the RPM file to the Linux computer. You can do this in one of two ways:
– On the Linux computer where you want to install the Amazon RDS Migration
Server, open either the Firefox or Chrome Web browser and enter the
A "Read Me" file opens. Click the here link and then save the RPM file to any
location on your Linux computer.
– From the Linux command prompt on the Linux computer where you want to
install the Amazon RDS Migration Server, type the following: $ wget
--user <user> --ask-password
The user name that you enter must be an authorized Amazon RDS Migration
Console user.
Save the file to any location on your Linux computer.

1-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Note: If the Amazon RDS Migration Console is already installed on
machine your local machine, you can do the following to get the RPM
If your computer is called then enter the following
(replacing the name and domain with your computer’s actual name
and domain):
$ curl --get --ntlm --user user@domain
dsmigrationtool-1.1.0-7.x86_64.rpm >

Installation Procedures
You can install the Amazon RDS Migration Server using the
ardsmigrationtool-<n>.rpm installation kit.
The following procedure describes how to get the RPM file from the Windows
computer to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux. Before you carry out the
following procedures, you must carry out the Pre-Installation Tasks procedures.

To install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux

1. At the Linux prompt, type the following command:
$ rpm -i [path to the directory where you saved the RPM file]

Setup will perform the following actions:

n Automatically create a new user and group named “aws” (unless a user
named “aws” already exists).
n Change the Amazon RDS Migration Tool installation folder owner to the
“aws” user and group.
For examples, see Linux Installation Examples.
2. To use a different user, do the following:
a. Create the user that you want to be the installation folder owner.
Create a new file named response.dat that contains the following lines:
b. Save the file to:

Linux Installation Examples

[repctl@lin1~]$ rpm -i ardsmigrationtool-<n>.rpm

-OR- (to specify a custom installation folder)


When installing on SUSE Linux, type the following command:

rpm -ivh --nodeps [path to the directory where you saved the RPM file]

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-11

rpm -ivh --nodeps ards migration tool-<n>.x86_64.rpm

-OR- (to specify a custom installation folder)

rpm -ivh --nodeps --prefix=<FULL_PATH_TO_TARGET_FOLDER> <PATH_TO_RPM_KIT>

You will see an output similar to the following:

arep.ctl: Configured to point to the product directory /opt/amazon/rds migration
Amazon RDS Migration server was started as PID 5071

1-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Amazon RDS Migration Server Procedures
This section describes how to verify that the Amazon RDS Migration Server is running
as well as how to start and stop the Amazon RDS Migration Server.

Verifying that the Amazon RDS Migration Server is Running

To verify that the Amazon RDS Migration Server is running, issue the following
ps -ef | grep repctl

A list similar to the following is displayed:

root 5071 1 0 17:32 pts/0 00:00:00
root 5072 5071 0 17:32 ? 00:00:00
root 5075 4736 0 17:32 pts/0 00:00:00 grep repctl

Starting the Amazon RDS Migration Server Process

Note: Starting the server must be done as a root user.

Before starting the server process, make sure that you are working in the directory
where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
To change to the correct directory, type the following at the Linux command prompt:
cd /opt/amazon/rdsmigrationtool/bin/

This changes the directory to the default Amazon RDS Migration Tool installation
directory. If you installed Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a different directory, enter
the correct path.
Type the following lines as shown, each at a different Linux command prompt:
./repctl service start

source sets the environment variables required by the Amazon
RDS Migration Server.
./repctl service start starts the Amazon RDS Migration Server service.
You will receive a confirmation similar to:
Amazon RDS Migration server was started as PID 5100

For an explanation of how to verify that the Amazon RDS Migration Server service is
running, see Verifying that the Amazon RDS Migration Server is Running.

Stopping the Amazon RDS Migration Server Processes

/rdsmigrationtool/bin/arep.ctl stop

You will receive a confirmation similar to:

Amazon RDS Migration server was sent a stop signal
Waiting for Amazon RDS Migration server to stop (2 seconds)
Waiting for Amazon RDS Migration server to stop (17 seconds)

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-13

Amazon RDS Migration server is no longer running
[service command] Succeeded

Uninstalling Amazon RDS Migration Tool

To uninstall Amazon RDS Migration Tool, type the following at the Linux prompt:
rpm -e rdsmigrationtool

You will receive a confirmation similar to:

Amazon RDS Migration server was sent a stop signal
[service command] Succeeded

To ensure that Amazon RDS Migration Tool was removed from the computer, type the
following to list the sub-directories in the rds migration tool directory.
ls /opt/amazon/rdsmigrationtool

Only the tmp and data directories should be listed.

Changing the Data Directory Location on Linux

This section explains how to change the location of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Data Directory. Such a procedure may need to be performed if the drive on which the
current folder resides has insufficient space or if you are moving from a temporary
POC setup to production, for example.

To change the Data Directory Location:

1. Open the Linux terminal and issue the following command:
cd /opt/amazon/rdsmigrationtool/bin
2. Stop the repctl services on the Linux by running:
./repctl service stop
3. Make sure all the repctl services have stopped by running:
ps -ef | grep repctl
4. Move the data folder from current location (/opt/amazon/rdsmigrationtool/data)
to your desired location.
5. Start the repctl services as you normally would, only this time add -d <new_data_
folder_path> to the command.
For example, to start the repctl services with
/home/amazon/rdsmigrationtool/data as the new data folder, run:
./repctl -d /home/amazon/rdsmigrationtool/data service start
6. Now, each time you need to start the repctl services, you must add the -d switch as
described above.

Accessing the Amazon RDS Migration Console

You browse to the Amazon RDS Migration Console using a supported Web browser
from a computer in the same network as the computer with the Amazon RDS
Migration Server. For information on supported browsers, see Additional Required

1-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

You can access the Console from the Start menu of the computer where you installed
Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
To enable and control access to Amazon RDS Migration Tool, you can create user roles
as described in Security Roles.

To access Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Click Start and from the All Programs section point to Amazon RDS Migration Tool
and select Amazon RDS Migration Console.
If you are using the Amazon RDS Migration Server on Linux, you must access the
Console from a Windows computer in the same network. See the note below for
information on how to access Amazon RDS Migration Tool from a remote computer.

n You can also access Amazon RDS Migration Tool from any
computer in your system.
To access the Console from a remote computer, type the following
address in the address bar in your Web browser:
http://<computer name>/AmazonRDSMigrationConsole
Where <computer name> is the name of the computer,
including the Windows domain name, where you installed
Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n The person logged in to the computer where you are accessing the
Console must be authorized as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool
user. For more information, see Security Roles.

To work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool over a secure connection, you need to set it
up for https and replace http with https in the URL above. In this case, you must
change the default URL address. For more information on setting up HTTPS
connections, see Appendix B, "Using Encryption".
The default URL address is defined in a file called ServiceConfiguration.xml.
This file is located on the computer where you installed Amazon RDS Migration Tool
in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\data

If your organization requires a connection to the Amazon RDS Migration Server using
HTTPS, a member of your IT staff should set this up. For instructions on how to set up
your browser for HTTPS, see Appendix B, "Using Encryption".

Multiple Users Connecting to a Single Console

Multiple users can connect to a single Amazon RDS Migration Console using a Web
1. Install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on the computer that will serve as the
Amazon RDS Migration Console.
2. If Amazon RDS Migration Server is installed on another computer (Linux for
example), on the console machine, edit the Amazon RDS Migration Tool URL ( in the ServiceConfiguration.xml file to point to that

Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool 1-15

By default, the file is located in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\data

3. Open the Windows Services console and restart the Amazon RDS Migration
Console service.
4. Connect as described in Accessing the Amazon RDS Migration Console above.

1-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Tutorial

This chapter provides a tutorial of how to set up a basic Replication task. This task will
show how to set up a task that copies the data from an Oracle source database and
replicates the database in Microsoft SQL Server.
Before you begin to work with this tutorial, see What You Need.
Then do the following:
n Open the Amazon RDS Migration Console
n Add an Oracle Database as a Source
n Add a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Target
n Add a Replication Task
n Run and Monitor the Replication Task
n View the Replicated Tables in Microsoft SQL Server

What You Need

In this tutorial you will need the following:
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool installed on a computer in your network.
n For the Oracle source, Oracle Database with the default:
– Access to the HR schema tables that are part of the Oracle Database
Note: If these tables are not available see your Oracle Database Administrator
to resolve the issue.
– system/<password> for an admin user
n For the target, Microsoft SQL Server database with:
The default tempdb system database (used to store the target tables). This can be
installed on your local computer.
For additional information about installing the components necessary for working
with this tutorial and working with Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see the Installation

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial 2-1

Open the Amazon RDS Migration Console
To start working with Amazon RDS Migration Tool, you need to be sure that you have
one of the following Browsers:
n Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8 and above
n Firefox version 3.6 and above
n Google Chrome

To open the Amazon RDS Migration Console:

From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Amazon RDS Migration Tool >
Amazon RDS Migration Console.

n You can access Amazon RDS Migration Tool from any computer in
your system.
To access the Console from a remote computer, type the following
address in the address bar in your Web browser:
http://<computer name>/amazonrdsconfigurationconsole
Where <computer name> is the name or IP address of the computer
(including the Windows domain name) on which the Amazon RDS
Migration Server is installed.
n The person logged in to the computer where you are accessing the
Console must be authorized as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool user.
For more information, see Security Roles.

Add an Oracle Database as a Source

Once you have attached a server, you begin to add the databases you are working

To add a database
1. In Tasks view, click Manage Databases.
The Manage Databases dialog box opens.
2. Click Add Database toolbar button.
The following figure shows the data that you need to enter in the Add Database
dialog box when you add an Oracle source database in this tutorial.

2-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 2–1 Add an Oracle Source Database

To add an Oracle Source database

1. In the Add Database dialog box, enter the following information:

n Name: oracle_source.
n Description: Leave this blank.
n Role: Select Source.
n Type: Select Oracle from the list.
n Connection string: Type the connect string to the Oracle database you are
working with. Type the connect string in any Oracle format.
For example, if you are connecting to an Oracle database on a computer called
tomato, using the default Oracle port and default service name, the connect
string looks like this:
n User Name: Type SYSTEM. This is the Oracle default administrator user
name. If you know that the Oracle database you are working with has a
different user name, then type that user name.
n Password: Type manager. This is the Oracle default administrator password.
If you know that the Oracle database you are working with has a different
password, then type that password.
n Click Test to see if you entered the information correctly and whether the
Oracle database is available. Then click OK to add the database.

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial 2-3

You can also set advanced settings for the Oracle database, although this is not
necessary for this tutorial. For information on the advanced settings for an Oracle
database, see Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.
For information on adding other types of databases, see the chapter for the database
you are using. For a list of supported databases, see Databases Supported as Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.

Add a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Target

To add a target database, return to the Task view and follow the directions as in To add
a database. This time you will add a Microsoft SQL Server database to use as a target.
The following figure shows the Add Database dialog box with the information
necessary for adding a SQL target.

Figure 2–2 Add a Microsoft SQL Server Target Database

To add a Microsoft SQL Server target database

1. From the top left of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database.

2. In the Add Database dialog box, type the following:

n Name: sqlserver_target.
n Description: Leave this blank.
n Role: Select Target.
n Type: Select Microsoft SQL Server from the list.

2-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Microsoft SQL Server name: Type the name of the computer where the
Microsoft SQL Server database you are working with is installed. For example
if the computer where the Microsoft SQL Server database is installed is called
bee, then type bee.
n Select Windows Authentication. In this case be sure that the Microsoft SQL
Server database you are using is configured to accept Windows authentication.
Leave Username and Password blank.
Note: If the Microsoft SQL Server database you are working with is not
configured to accept Windows authentication, then select Username/password
and type the correct user name and password for the Microsoft SQL Server
database you are using.
n In the Database name type or select tempdb. This is the name of the database
to where you are replicating the data.
Note: You can create a new database in Microsoft SQL Server to use as your
target. If you do this, type or select the name of the database you created.
n Click Test to verify that you entered the information correctly and that the
Microsoft SQL Server database is available. Then click OK to add the database
You can also set advance settings for the Microsoft SQL Server database, although this
is not necessary for this tutorial. For information on the advanced settings for a
Microsoft SQL Server database, see Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL
Server Source Database.
For information on adding other types of databases, see the chapter for the database
you are using. For a list of supported databases, see Databases Supported as Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.

Add a Replication Task

Once you have added a source and a target database, you can begin to define the
replication task. Note that if you have not already added a source and target database,
you have the option to add them when you define the replication task.
In this tutorial, you will define a task that will copy the data from the
HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOBS tables. The HR schema is provided by default in your
Oracle database. You will make a copy of the same tables in your Microsoft SQL Server
tempdb. The EMPLOYEES and JOBS tables created in Microsoft SQL Server will be
identical to the Oracle tables. For information on how to use Transformations and
Filters when creating a replication task, see Define Transformations on a Single Table
and Using Filters.
Adding a replication task has the following steps:
n Add a Replication Task to the Amazon RDS Migration Console
n Add the Source and Target Databases to the Task
n Select Tables for the Replication Task

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial 2-5

Add a Replication Task to the Amazon RDS Migration Console
To add a replication task, make sure Tasks is selected in the upper left corner of the
Amazon RDS Migration Console as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2–3 Tasks

Click New Task to open the New Task dialog box. In the Name field for this dialog
box, type Task_1. Leave the Description field blank and click OK.
The Amazon RDS Migration Console displays a diagram in the middle where you add
the source and target databases used in the task. In addition a pane on the right side
lets you select that tables you want to work with and carry out transforms and filtering
operations. For additional information, see The Tasks View, Viewing Specific Tasks
and Designing Tasks.
You can also make changes to the default task settings if you need to. For information
on changing the task settings, see Task Settings.

Add the Source and Target Databases to the Task

To add a source and target to the replication task, you drag a source database from the
left pane to the Source area and a target database to the Target area in the task
diagram. The source databases icon consists of a database with an orange arrow
pointing away from the database whereas the target database icon consists of a
database with a blue arrow pointing towards the database.
Since we named our databases in a way that we can recognize whether it is a source or
target database we can display All Databases.

To add the source or target databases to the task

1. Drag the oracle_source database to the source area in the task diagram as
shown in the figure below:

2-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 2–4 Create a Task

2. Drag the sqlserver_target database to the Target area as shown in the figure
in the previous step.
When you have added the source and target databases to the task, you can then select
the tables from the source database to use in the replication task.
For more information, see Designing Tasks.

Select Tables for the Replication Task

You select specific tables from the source database with the data you want to copy to
the target database. Amazon RDS Migration Tool lets you copy data from one type of
database to another. For example, in this tutorial we will copy data from an Oracle
database into a Microsoft SQL Server database.
In this tutorial we will explicitly select the HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOBS tables from
the Oracle source. This will take all of the data from these tables "as is" and copy them
to the Microsoft SQL Server target.

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial 2-7

There may be circumstances where you need to copy only some of the
data to the target database. In this case you need to use a filter. For
information on using filters, see Using Filters.
There may be circumstances where you need to copy the data into the
target using different rows or columns than those in the source. In this
case you need to use transforms. For information on using transforms,
see Define Transformations on a Single Table.

To add the tables to the replication task

1. In the right pane of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Table Selection.
The Select Tables dialog box is displayed.

Figure 2–5 Add the Tables to the Task

2. Do the following in the Select Tables dialog box:

n In the Owner field, select HR from the list, then click Search.
n From the Table List, select HR.EMPLOYEES and then click the ADD to select
that table. Repeat this for the HR.JOBS table.
n Click OK.
In this tutorial we will copy the data "as is." There is no need to use transformation,
filters, or select table patterns. For information on using these features, see Adding
Tables to a Task.

2-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Run and Monitor the Replication Task
Once you create the replication task, you can run the task and see the results of the
replication in real time. In this tutorial, you will run the replication task as a full load
and view the progress in the Monitor. Additional run options are also available. For
information on the available run options, see Using the Run Button Options.

To run and monitor the replication task

1. Select Tasks from the list at the top left of the Amazon RDS Migration Console. If
Tasks is already selected, you can click the button.
2. Select Task_1 from the task list. This may be the only available task if you are just
beginning to use Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
3. Click Open from the button bar at the top of the Task list.
4. From the right side of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Monitor. The
monitoring status is displayed using various gauges and graphs. These are
displayed on the left side of the console as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2–6 Monitoring a Task

5. In the toolbar at the top of the console you will see the run buttons. Click Run.
6. Note the gauges and bars as the task runs. You will see the loading and error
information in the bar graphs and the throughput gauge.
The left pane has two tabs. In addition to the Full-Load tab, that we just saw,
Change Processing tab shows information about real-time changes that occur after
the full load is complete. For information on reading the data presented in these
sections, see Viewing Information in the Monitor. The following figure shows the
Full-Load monitoring while a task is running.

Figure 2–7 Task Running

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial 2-9

7. At the top of the Full Load graph area, click the Select all link. A table is displayed
below the graphs with information about each of the tables being processed in the
8. Click Stop to stop all processing for your task.
9. Click the Run button arrow and select Resume processing. Click OK in the dialog
box that appears and watch the data change for each table.
In the figure below, you can see that the HR.REGIONS, HR.LOCATIONS and
HR.JOBS tables completed processing. The other tables are still being processed as
shown by the incomplete bar graph in the Progress column.

Figure 2–8 Status Table

10. Click on the other bar graphs, such as the Completed graph and the Loading
graph to see additional information.
For information about the data supplied in these tables, see Monitoring the
Full-Load Operation.

View the Replicated Tables in Microsoft SQL Server

In this part of the tutorial, you will view the tempdb database in Microsoft SQL Server.
You will note that two new tables, HR.EMPLOYEES and HR.JOBS now exist in this

To view the replicated tables in Microsoft SQL Server

1. From the Windows Start menu, go to All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server, then
select Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. In the Object Explorer, find the Microsoft SQL Server target computer you are
working with. Expand the Databases folder for that computer, then expand the
System Databases folder, then expand the tempdb database. The EMPLOYEES and
JOBS tables should now appear in the list.
3. Right-click the EMPLOYEES table and select Select Top 1000 Rows. Check that
there is data in the table.

2-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

4. Right-click the JOBS table and select Select Top 1000 Rows. Check that there is
data in the table.

Getting Started - An Amazon RDS Migration Tool Tutorial 2-11

2-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Concepts and Design

This section describes the main concepts of data replication and shows the main
components of Amazon RDS Migration Tool. It has the following topics:
n Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool Features
n What is Replication
n System Architecture
n What is a Replication Task
n Full Load and CDC Processes
n Replication Topologies

Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Amazon RDS Migration Tool consists of a Web-based console and a replication server
to replicate data across heterogeneous data sources. These capabilities provide users
with instant visibility to current and historical exceptions, status, performance, and
resource usage information.
Amazon RDS Migration Tool can execute replication between enterprise databases
including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2. It uses a "Click-2-Replicate"
design that simplifies the replication process by automating the steps required to build
a replication solution. The Amazon RDS Migration Tool software is easy to learn and
to implement.
Replication is log based, which means that only the changes are read. This reduces the
impact on the source databases.
Amazon RDS Migration Tool can carry out two types of replication: Full Load and
Change Processing (CDC).

Amazon RDS Migration Tool Features

Amazon RDS Migration Tool is a simple but powerful solution that provides
replication between various databases. Amazon RDS Migration Tool lets you do the
n Load data efficiently and quickly to operational data stores/warehouses.
n Create copies of production databases.
n Distribute data across databases.

Concepts and Design 3-1

Amazon RDS Migration Tool has high throughput, speed, and scale. It is designed to
scale and support large scale enterprise data replication scenarios with a multi-server,
multi-task, and multi-threaded architecture.
When you run an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task, two types of replication can
n Full Load: The full load process creates files or tables at the target database,
automatically defines the metadata that is required at the target, and populates the
tables with data from the source.
n Change Processing (CDC): Change processing captures changes in the source data
or metadata as they occur and applies them to the target database as soon as
possible in near-real-time.

What is Replication
Replication is a procedure whereby two or more collections of computerized
information are kept identically synchronized. Possible reasons for synchronization
n Load reduction: It is recommended that you have a copy of all or of a subset of a
collection on a different server to reduce the load on the main server.
n Improved service: Users of the copy of the information may get better access to the
copy of the data than to the original.
n Security considerations: Some users might be allowed access to a subset of the
data and only this subset is made available as a replicated copy to those users.
n Geographic distribution: The enterprise (for example, a chain of retail stores or
warehouses) may be widely distributed and each node uses primarily its own
subset of the data (in addition to all of the data being available at a central location
for less common use).
n Disaster Recovery: A copy of the main data is required for rapid failover (the
capability to switch over to a redundant or standby computer server, in case of
failure of the main system).
n Support the need for implementing "cloud" computing.
The information used is usually stored as files or in a database. In the case of files, the
structure and contents of a file are known only to the specialized programs that use the
file. Databases are managed by database management systems (DBMS), that make use
of standardized descriptions of the structure of the information (such as tables,
columns, rows, and data types). These descriptions are known collectively as
metadata, and allow a general-purpose replicator to carry out relevant operations (for
example, filtering, data transformations) without need to know anything about the
contents or "meaning" of the data. Because file systems do not contain metadata,
operations available for replication are more limited.
During replication, a collection of data is copied from system A to system B. A is
known as the source (for this collection), B is known as the target. A system can be
either a source or a target or even both (within certain restrictions). When a number of
sources and targets and data collections are defined, the replication topology can be
quite complex.
Since copies cannot be made or maintained instantaneously, and since it is assumed
that the source computer cannot be stopped and the information cannot be kept
"frozen," replication must take into account that the source data may be changing
while it is being copied. This problem includes three main issues:

3-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Integrity: Make sure that the data in the target actually reflects the completed
result of a change in the source and not some intermediate invalid result.
n Consistency: Make sure that if the change affects several different tables or rows,
the copy reflects a consistent state all were changed or none).
n Latency: How out-of-date is the copy?
The first two issues are the responsibility of the replicator. While some latency is
unavoidable in any system, a good replicator will aim not to exceed several seconds of
latency as a general rule.

System Architecture
In the initial load process, Amazon RDS Migration Tool reads a filtered stream of rows
(with relevant columns only) and passes them to the transformation process for
further filtering writing to the target database (in the expected output format).
The CDC (Change Data Capture) process obtains a stream of filtered events or changes
in data or metadata from the transaction log file. One of its most important functions is
to buffer all of the changes for a given transaction into a single unit before they can be
sent forward to the target when the transaction commits. During the initial load
process CDC also buffers all of the changes that occur within a transaction until after
all of tables affected have finished being loaded.
The Designer/Console server, part of the Replication server, is a Web-based
application that serves all of the user Interface dealing with designing or modifying
the replication system as well as displaying and controlling its operation.

What is a Replication Task

An Amazon RDS Migration Tool task is one instance of table synchronization activity.
It must be defined by the user or database administrator, using the browser-based
Amazon RDS Migration Console. The definition of a task consists of:
n Specifying the source and target databases
n Specifying the source and target tables to be kept in sync
n Specifying the relevant source table columns
n Specifying filtering conditions (if any) for each source table, as Boolean predicates
on the values one or more source columns (the predicates are in SQLite syntax)
n Listing the target table columns and (optionally) specifying their data types and
values (as expressions or functions over the values of one or more source or target
columns, using SQL syntax). If not specified, the same column names and values
as the source tables are used, with default mapping of the source DBMS data types
onto the target DBMS data types. Amazon RDS Migration Tool automatically takes
care of the required filtering, transformations and computations during the Load
or CDC execution.
The simplest specification of a task may not mention of the target data, with only the
source tables (or ALL, or a mask) specified. In this case, the target tables are identical
to the source tables, using the default mappings between the source and target DBMS
data types. In this way, the entire definition process could be accomplished by a single
click, referred to as "Click to Replicate".
Once a task is defined, it can be activated immediately. The target tables with the
necessary metadata definitions are automatically created and loaded, and the CDC is

Concepts and Design 3-3

activated. The replication activity can then be monitored, stopped, or restarted using
the Amazon RDS Migration Console.

Using Multiple Tasks

Several different replication tasks can be defined and activated. This best if:
n The source tables for the tasks are different
n Some of the tables in the source may be the same, but the filtering conditions on
the source rows are different
n The target tables updated by the tasks are all different.
Updating the same target table and row by two different replication tasks would not
be a good practice and may cause unpredictable results.
The different replication tasks work independently and run concurrently. Each one has
its own Initial Load, CDC, and Log Reader processes.

Full Load and CDC Processes

The full load process creates files or tables at the target database, automatically defines
the metadata that is required at the target, and populates the tables with data from the
source. Unlike the CDC process the data is loaded one entire table or file at a time for
efficiency purposes. It is important to understand that the source tables may be subject
to update activity during the Load process. There is no need to stop processing in the
source. Because of this, and to guarantee the consistency of the data, the CDC process is
automatically activated as soon as the Load starts, but the changes are not applied at
the target until after the load of a table completes. The data on the target might not be
consistent while the Load is active, but consistency and integrity of the target data at
the conclusion of the Load are guaranteed.
The Load process can be interrupted and when restarted it continues from wherever it
was stopped. New tables can be added to an existing target without reloading the
existing tables. Similarly, columns in previously-populated target tables can be added
or dropped without requiring reloading.
The Change Data Capture (CDC) process captures changes in the source data or
metadata as they occur and applies them to the target database as soon as possible in
near-real-time. The changes are captured and applied as units of single committed
transactions, and several different target tables can be updated as the result of a single
source commit. This guarantees transactional integrity in the target database. The CDC
process for any file or table starts as soon as the data load operation for the file or table
CDC operates by reading the recovery log file of the source database management
system and grouping together the entries for each transaction. Various techniques are
employed to ensure that this is done in an efficient manner without seriously
impacting the latency of the target data. If the changes cannot be applied to the target
within a reasonable time (for example, if the target is not accessible), the changes are
buffered on the Replication server for as long as is necessary. There is no need to
re-read the source DBMS logs, which may take a large amount of time.

Replication Topologies
A replication task can be set up in various ways. The following topologies are
currently supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n One-to-One

3-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Logical Independence
n Hub and Spoke

In a one-one topology, there is one source and one target database. Using two different
replication tasks, the databases may switch roles, allowing two-way synchronization.

Note: If the same row in a table is updated by two different

replication tasks, the result of a two-way synchronization may be
unpredictable. A problem can occur even if two different rows are
referentially-related, that is if some application updates a row based
on reading a value in a different row. If the rows are updated
concurrently on the source and the target, the result may be
unpredictable1. Such occurrences are rare, but can occur.
CDC has no way of knowing exactly when a row was read by an application on one
system relative to its having been changed on another system. Read operations are
typically not logged.

When the source and target databases are distinct (one-way replication)
concurrent-update problems do not occur, and transactional integrity and consistency
can be guaranteed.

Logical Independence
Two-way replication works best when updates of a row on a source and on a target are
entirely autonomous and do not affect each other. There is an assumption that any
table or a horizontal or a vertical segment of a partitioned table can only be updated in
one source. We allow the same row to be updated at several places, but in this case the
columns being updated must be distinct. Another assumption is that if a data value in
one row depends on or is derived from a value in another row, the values can be
changed only on the same server but nowhere else (except by the Replicator). This is
called logical independence.
Under logical independence assumptions, no concurrent update conflicts can occur
during replication.

Hub and Spoke

Many-to-one and one-to many can be combined into a hub-and-spoke topology, where
data can be merged into multiple targets and then distributed to other targets. No
cycles or multiple paths for propagating changes are allowed. The replication topology
is actually one of an acyclic directed graph.

Concepts and Design 3-5

3-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Amazon RDS Migration Tool lets you work with many databases that you already
have. There is no need to install any additional software.
This chapter includes the following topics:
n Databases Supported as Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool Supported DDL Statements

Databases Supported as Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints

Amazon RDS Migration Tool can replicate data from many types of databases and
copy it to various targets. To use these databases as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool
endpoint, you do not need to install any other Amazon software. Simply install the
databases and install Amazon RDS Migration Tool. That’s all.
An Amazon RDS Migration Tool endpoint can be either a source or a target. A source
database contains the original data, the data you want to copy. A target database is
where the replicated data is stored. Amazon RDS Migration Tool makes it possible to
take data from one database and replicate the data into a completely different
You can also use a various file types as both a source or a target.
The following chapters provide information on using Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target
n Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target
n Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target
n Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target
n Using ODBC to Connect to a Source
n Using Amazon Redshift as a Target
n Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel

Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints 4-1

Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Source data in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task is converted to an Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data type. Data that is not convertible to an Amazon RDS Migration
Tool data type is not supported and an error is returned.
To see how a data type is mapped from source to target:
1. See the chapter for the source target database you are using. In the section on data
types, see the mapping table to see the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data type.
2. See the chapter for the target database you are using. In the section on data types,
see the mapping table to see how the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data type maps
to the target.
The following example describes this procedure.
When replicating data from an Oracle source database to a Microsoft SQL Server target
database, see the Oracle section to view how the data types are mapped from Oracle to
Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types. For example, the Oracle data type BINARY
maps to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data type BYTES. For the Microsoft SQL
Server target, the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data type BYTES maps to the Microsoft
SQL Server data type VARBINARY (Length).
The following table describes the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types. Some of the
data types have precision and scale information that applies to them.

Table 4–1 Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Description

Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Data Types Description
STRING A character string.
WSTRING A double-byte character string.
BOOLEAN A Boolean value.
BYTES A binary data value.
DATE A date value: Year, Month, Day.
TIME A time value: Hour, Minutes, Seconds.
DATETIME A timestamp value: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute,
Second, Fractional Seconds. The fractional seconds have a
maximum scale of 9 digits.
INT1 A one-byte, signed integer.
INT2 A two-byte, signed integer.
INT4 A four-byte, signed integer.
INT8 An eight-byte, signed integer.
NUMERIC An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
REAL4 A single-precision floating-point value.
REAL8 A double-precision floating-point value.
UINT1 A one-byte, unsigned integer.
UINT2 A two-byte, unsigned integer.
UINT4 A four-byte, unsigned integer.
UINT8 An eight-byte, unsigned integer.

4-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 4–1 (Cont.) Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Description
Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Data Types Description
BLOB Binary Large Object.
This data type can be used only with Oracle or Microsoft
SQL Server endpoints.
For a list of endpoints that support uisng LOBs, see
Support for Large Object Data Types (LOBs).
For more information, see LOB support in Task
CLOB Character Large Object.
For a list of endpoints that support uisng LOBs, see
Support for Large Object Data Types (LOBs).
For more information, see LOB support in Task
NCLOB Native Character Large Object.
For a list of endpoints that support uisng LOBs, see
Support for Large Object Data Types (LOBs).
For more information, see LOB support in Task

Support for Large Object Data Types (LOBs)

Amazon RDS Migration Tool provides full support for using large object data types
(BLOBs, CLOBs, and NCLOBs).
The following source endpoints have full LOB support:
n Oracle (See Oracle Source Data Types for more information)
n Microsoft SQL Server (See Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types for more
n ODBC (See ODBC Source Data Types for more information)
The following target endpoints have full LOB support:
n Oracle (See Oracle Target Data Types for more information)
n Microsoft SQL Server (See Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types for more
The following target endpoints have limited LOB support. You cannot use an
unlimited LOB size for these target endpoints. For information on how to set the LOB
size for a task, see Task Settings/Metadata.
n Amazon Redshift (See Amazon Redshift Data Types for more information)
For endpoints that have full LOB support, you can also set a size limit for LOB data
types. For information on how to do this and on how to configure a task for using LOB
data types, see Task Settings/Metadata.

Amazon RDS Migration Tool Supported DDL Statements

Amazon RDS Migration Tool automatically changes the metadata of the target table to
reflect DDL statements performed on the source endpoint.
Supported DDL statements include:

Introducing Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints 4-3

n Create table
n Drop table
n Rename table
n Add column
n Drop column
n Rename column
n Change column data type
For information about which DDL statements are supported for a specific endpoint,
refer to the chapter describing that endpoint.
For more information about DDL settings, see Apply Changes Settings.

4-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or

Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports two types of Oracle Agents, a LogMiner agent
and a binary agent. The configurations that you make to your Oracle database to work
with Amazon RDS Migration Tool depend on which agent you are using.
This chapter describes how to set up and use an Oracle database as a source or target
endpoint in a replication task. There are three types of replication task: Business
Intelligence or Data Warehousing, Bidirectional Replication, and Disaster Recovery.
For information on setting up replication tasks, see Designing Tasks.
The chapter contains the following topics:
n Supported Oracle Database Editions
n Limitations
n Using an Oracle Database as a Source
n Using an Oracle Database as a Target

Supported Oracle Database Editions

Before you begin to work with an Oracle database as a source or target in Amazon
RDS Migration Tool, make sure that the Oracle database with the tables that are
necessary for replication is available in your system. Amazon RDS Migration Tool
supports the following Oracle database editions:
n Oracle Enterprise Edition
n Oracle Standard Edition
n Oracle Express Edition
n Oracle Personal Edition

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-1

n The Oracle database is supported on all operating systems and
n The Oracle database can be installed on any computer in your
n An Oracle account with the specific access privileges is required.
See Security Requirements for more information.
n If you are using the Oracle endpoint with log miner, you must set
up supplemental logging as described in Setting up Supplemental

Install an Oracle client on the computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is located.
Install the following:
n On Windows systems, install Oracle Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (x64)
Note: Support for the XMLTYPE data type requires the full Oracle Client.
n On Linux systems, install Oracle Instant Client for Linux (x86-64) Version
Note: Support for the XMLTYPE data type requires the full Oracle Client.
In addition, if not already included in your system, you need to create a symbolic
link in the $Oracle_Home\lib directory. This link should be called, and should point to a specific version of this file. For example:
– Oracle Version 11 client:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle oracle 63 Oct 2 14:16 ->
– Oracle Version 10 client:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle oracle 63 Oct 2 14:16 ->
Additionally, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable should be appended
with the Oracle lib directory and added to the script.

n The Amazon RDS Migration Tool Oracle endpoint cannot create a new schema on
the Oracle database. Therefore, if you are replicating data to an Oracle target and
you want to change the schema name, the new schema name must already exist on
the Oracle database. If it does not exist, you must create the schema on the
database, then you can use that schema name in Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool only supports Oracle TDE tablespace encryption. All
other forms of encryption are not supported.
n If you are managing supplemental logging and you carry out transformations on
any of the columns, you must be sure that supplemental logging is activated for all
fields and columns.

5-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n The AR_H_USER header column is supported only for Oracle database version and higher. In Oracle database version 10, the value for this column may
not be correct. For information on using header columns, see Header Columns.
n The rename table <table name> to <new table name> syntax is supported by
Amazon RDS Migration Tool when using Oracle version 11 and higher.
n Data changes resulting from partition/sub-partition operations (ADD, DROP,
EXCHANGE and TRUNCATE) will not be replicated. To replicate such changes,
you need to reload the table. Any future data changes to newly added partitions
will be replicated to the target without needing to reload the table again. However,
operations to UPDATE old data records (in these partitions) will generate a "0
rows affected" warning.
n LogMiner Agent does not support LOB update when only LOB columns have
been updated in the specific UPDATE statement.
n On Oracle 11, LogMiner Agent does not support the UPDATE statement for
XMLTYPE and LOB columns.
n The DDL statement: "ALTER TABLE ADD <column> <data_type> DEFAULT <>"
does not replicate the default value to the target and the new column is set to
NULL. If the new column is nullable, Oracle updates all the table rows before
logging the DDL itself. As a result, Amazon RDS Migration Tool captures the
changes (the counters have changed) but does not update the target. As the new
column is set to NULL, if the target table has no Primary Key/Unique Index,
subsequent updates will generate a "zero rows affected" message.
n Data changes resulting from the "CREATE TABLE AS..." statement is not
supported. However, the new table will be created on the target.
n On Oracle 12c, Log Miner does not support LOB columns.
n When Limited-size LOB mode is enabled, empty LOBs on the Oracle source are
replicated as NULL values. For more information on Limited-size LOB mode, see
Task Settings|Metadata.
n Changes made by the Oracle DBMS_REDEFINITION package - e.g. table
metadata and the OBJECT_ID) - will not be captured by Amazon RDS Migration
n Index-organized tables with an overflow segment are not supported in CDC mode
when using BFILE (i.e. when not using LogMiner to access the redo logs).
n Table clusters are not supported when using Oracle Binary Reader.
n Oracle Target: The Use direct path full load option is not supported for tables
Use Array Load.
n Oracle Target: In Batch Optimized Apply mode, loading into the net changes table
uses Direct Path which does not support XMLType.
Use Transactional Apply mode.
n Oracle Target: Amazon RDS Migration Tool cannot create a new schema on the
Oracle database. To replicate to a new schema, the new schema name must already
exist on the Oracle target. You can then specify the new schema name in the Task
Settings’ Target Metadata and Control Tables tabs as required.

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-3

n Oracle Source: Changes cannot be captured from redo logs larger than 4 GB.

Using an Oracle Database as a Source

The following topics provide information pertinent to using an Oracle database as the
source endpoint in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Supported Compression Methods
n Configuration Properties for the Oracle Source
n Security Requirements
n Oracle Source Data Types
n Non-Supported Data Types
n Configuring an Oracle Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source

Supported Compression Methods

The table below lists which compression methods Amazon RDS Migration Tool
supports when working with an Oracle source endpoint. As the table shows,
compression support depends both on your Oracle database version and whether or
not Amazon RDS Migration Tool is configured to use LogMiner to access the redo

Table 5–1 Supported Oracle Compression Methods

Version OLTP Basic Others
Oracle 10 n/a No No
Oracle 11 and above - Binary Reader Yes Yes No
Oracle 11 and above - LogMiner Yes Yes *Yes

*Any compression method supported by LogMiner

Configuration Properties for the Oracle Source

The following table describes the configuration properties available for an Oracle
source. For information on how to set these properties, see Using Advanced Properties
for an Oracle Source.

Table 5–2 Oracle Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name of the computer with the
Oracle instance you are working with.
This is written in any recognized Oracle
username The name of the user authorized to
access the Oracle account you are using.
password The password for the authorized user.

5-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 5–2 (Cont.) Oracle Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
addSuplementalLogging If true (Y) supplemental logging is Y
automatically configured on the Oracle
database. In this case, you do not have to
manually set up supplemental logging.
For more information on setting up
supplemental logging, see Setting up
Supplemental Logging.
useLogminerReader Indicates whether changes written to the Y
redo log are read using LogMiner.
If true (Y), LogMiner is used.
asm_server The connect string to the Automated
Storage Management (ASM) server. This
is written in any recognized Oracle
This property is used when the Oracle
redo logs you are using are stored using
Automated Storage Management
(ASM). This is not available if you are
using the LogMiner to read the logs.
asm_user The user name for the ASM user.
asm_password The password for the ASM user.
retryInterval The number of seconds that the system 1
waits before resending a query.
numberDatatypeScale The scale used when reading or writing 10
an Oracle NUMBER data type. For
numberDatatypeScale=8 uses a scale
of 8 when Amazon RDS Migration Tool
reads or writes NUMBER data types.
Acceptable values are 0 through 38
Enter a value of -1 to handle a
NUMBER data type in Oracle as a

Security Requirements
In order to use an Oracle source in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task, the user
specified in the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Oracle database definitions must be
granted the following privileges in the Oracle database:

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-5

n SELECT on DBA_OBJECTS - Required for Disaster Recovery Tasks or if the Oracle
version is earlier than
See also Additional Source Privileges Required for Disaster Recovery Tasks.
n If views are exposed: SELECT on ALL_VIEWS
Grant the following additional privilege (for each replicated table) when you are using
a specific table list.
n SELECT on <any-replicated-table>;
Grant the following additional privilege when using a pattern for the table list.
Grant the following additional privilege (for each replicated table) when Amazon RDS
Migration Tool adds supplemental logging automatically (the default behavior) and
you are using a specific table list. For information on how to turn off supplemental
logging, see Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.
n ALTER on <any-replicated-table>;
Grant the following additional privilege when Amazon RDS Migration Tool adds
supplemental logging automatically (the default behavior). For information on how to
turn off supplemental logging, see Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.

5-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

LogMiner Redo Logs Access Privileges
If you are using LogMiner to access the Redo logs, grant the following privileges.
For Oracle versions before 12c:
For Oracle 12c or above:
For information on how to turn on LogMiner, see Using Advanced Properties for an
Oracle Source.

Binary Redo Logs Access Privileges

n Grant the SELECT on v_$transportable_platform privilege if the Redo logs are
stored in ASM.
n Grant the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege in the following configuration:
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool does not have file-level access to the Redo logs
– The Redo logs are not stored in ASM
– The Oracle database is configured to copy archived Redo logs to a temporary
n Grant the READ on DIRECTORY privilege if the Oracle user needs to access
tables created by another user.
n If the Oracle Source is configured to copy archived Redo log files to a temporary
folder, grant the EXECUTE ON DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER privilege. Also grant
READ privilege on the Oracle directory object specified as the source directory
and WRITE privilege on the directory object specified as the destination directory
in the copy process.
See also Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.

Additional Source Privileges Required for Disaster Recovery Tasks

When setting up a Disaster Recovery task the following additional privileges are



Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-7



For more information on setting up Disaster Recovery tasks, see Disaster Recovery

Oracle Source Data Types

The Oracle endpoint for Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports most Oracle data
types. The following table shows the Oracle source data types that are supported when
using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 5–3 Supported Oracle Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Data Types
Oracle Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
FLOAT (P) Precision < or = 24: REAL4
Precision > 24: REAL8
NUMBER (P,S) When scale is < 0: REAL8
NUMBER according to the "Expose number When scale is 0 and:
as" property in the Amazon RDS Migration
Precision = 0: REAL8
Tool Oracle source database settings.
Precision < or = 2: INT1
Precision >2 and <or = 4: INT2
Precision >4 and <or = 9: INT4
Precision > 9: NUMERIC
If precision > or = scale: NUMERIC
In all other cases: REAL8
INTERVAL_YEAR TO MONTH STRING (with interval year_to_month
INTERVAL_DAY TO SECOND STRING (with interval day_to_second
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE STRING (with timestamp_with_timezone

5-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 5–3 (Cont.) Supported Oracle Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Data Types
Oracle Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE STRING (with timestamp_with_local_
timezone indication)
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
BLOBs for a specific task.
BLOB data types are supported only in tables
that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
CLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, CLOB data types are supported
only in tables that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
NCLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, NCLOB data types are
supported only in tables that include a
primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
The LONG data type is not supported in
Batch optimized apply (TurboStream CDC)
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
LOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, LOB data types are supported
only in tables that have a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-9

Table 5–3 (Cont.) Supported Oracle Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Data Types
Oracle Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
The LONG RAW data type is not supported
in Batch optimized apply (TurboStream
CDC) mode.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
LOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, LOB data types are supported
only in tables that have a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
Note: Support for the XMLTYPE data type
requires the full Oracle Client (as opposed to
the Oracle Instance Client).
When the target column is a CLOB, both full
lob mode and limited lob mode are
supported (depending on the target).
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

Non-Supported Data Types

Source Oracle tables with columns of the following Oracle data types cannot be
replicated. Replicated columns with these data types will show as null.
n Nested Table
n User-defined data types

Note: Virtual columns are not supported.

Configuring an Oracle Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source

The following topics describe the configuration requirements for using an Oracle
database with Amazon RDS Migration Tool as a source. An Oracle DBA should know
how to carry out these tasks.
n Provide Oracle Account Access
n Ensure that ARCHIVELOG Mode is On
n Setting up Supplemental Logging

5-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Provide Oracle Account Access
You must provide Oracle account access to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool user. This
user must have read/write privileges on the Oracle database. For information on
setting up access to the Oracle account, see Security Requirements.

Ensure that ARCHIVELOG Mode is On

Oracle can be run in two different modes: the ARCHIVELOG mode and the
NOARCHIVELOG mode. To use the Oracle logs with Amazon RDS Migration Tool, run
the database in ARCHIVELOG mode. If the log is not set to ARCHIVELOG mode, then
execute the following query:
Note that if your Oracle database instance is on Amazon RDS, a different command
needs to be executed. For more information, see Enabling Automatic Backups and
Setting Up Archiving in Working with Oracle on Amazon RDS.

Setting up Supplemental Logging

You must be sure that supplemental logging is enabled for the Oracle database.

Note: You can automatically set up supplemental logging in the

Advanced tab of the Add Oracle Database dialog box. If you select
this option, you do not have to carry out the following procedure. For
more information, see Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle

Set up supplemental logging as described in the steps below.

Step 1: Check that supplemental logging is enabled for the database

a. Run the following query:
SELECT name, value, description FROM v$parameter WHERE
name = 'compatible';
The returned result should be from GE to 9.0.0.
b. Run the following query:
SELECT supplemental_log_data_min FROM v$database;
The returned result should be YES or IMPLICIT.
Enable supplemental logging by executing the following query:

Note that if your Oracle database instance is on Amazon RDS, a different

command needs to be executed. For more information, see Working with Oracle
on Amazon RDS.

Step 2: Make sure that the required supplemental logging is added for each table
a. If a Primary Key exists, supplemental logging must be added for the Primary
Key either by using the format to add supplemental logging on the Primary
Key, or by adding supplemental logging on the Primary Key columns.
b. If no Primary Key exists and the table has a single Unique Index, then all of
the Unique Index’s columns must be added to the supplemental log. Using

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-11

Unique Index columns to the log.
c. If no Primary Key exists and the table has multiple Unique Indexes, Amazon
RDS Migration Tool will select the first Unique Index. Amazon RDS Migration
Tool will use the first index in an alphabetically ordered ascending list.
Supplemental logging must be added on the selected index's columns. Using
Unique Index columns to the log.
d. If there is no Primary Key and no Unique Index, supplemental logging must
be added on all columns.

Note: When the target table Primary Key/Unique Index is different

than the source table Primary Key/Unique Index, the user needs to
add supplemental logging manually on the source table columns that
comprise the target table Primary Key/Unique Index.

e. If you change the target table primary key, the supplemental logging must be
added on the selected index's columns instead of the columns of the original
primary key/unique index.

Step 3: If a filter or transformation is defined for the table, additional logging

might be necessary:

Note: If ALL COLUMNS supplemental logging has been added to

the table, there is no need to add any additional logging.

If the table has a Unique Index or a Primary Key, you also need to add supplemental
logging on each column that is involved in a filter or transformation (if those columns
are different than the Primary Key or Unique Index columns).

Note: If a transformation uses only one column, this column may not
be added to a supplemental logging group. For example, "A+B" needs
both columns to be added, whereas substring(A, 10) does not need "A"
to be added.

One method of setting up both Primary Key/Unique Index supplemental logging and
supplemental logging on specific columns is to add USER_LOG_GROUP supplemental
logging only on the Primary Key/Unique Index columns and on the columns that are
filtered or transformed.
For example, to replicate a table named EXAMPLE.TABLE with Primary Key ID and
filter by column NAME, you can run a command similar to the one below to create the
log group supplemental logging:

5-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Working with Oracle on Amazon RDS
Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports Oracle and above on Amazon RDS
as a source endpoint and in LogMiner mode only. This section details the requirements
for working with Oracle on Amazon RDS.

Setting Up Supplemental Logging

Amazon RDS Migration Tool requires database-level supplemental logging to be
enabled. To enable database-level supplemental logging, execute the following
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging('ADD');

Additional commands that you can execute to change the supplemental logging
attributes include:
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging('ADD','ALL');

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging('DROP','PRIMARY KEY');

Enabling Automatic Backups

In Step 5: Management Options of setting up your Oracle database instance, set the
Enabled Automatic Backups option to Yes.

Setting Up Archiving
To retain archived redo logs of your Oracle database instance (which will allow
Amazon RDS Migration Tool to retrieve the log information using LogMiner), execute
the following command (example 24 hours):
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.set_configuration('archivelog retention hours',24);

Make sure that your storage has sufficient space for the archived redo logs during the
specified period.

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-13

Setting up an Oracle Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You can add an Oracle database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a source. For
information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When you select
Oracle Source as the database type the following dialog box is displayed:

Figure 5–1 Oracle Source Database

n Oracle can also be used as a target database. For information on
using Oracle as a target, see Setting up an Oracle Database as a
Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n You can also use Oracle files as a source or target. For more
information, see Using Files.

To add an Oracle source database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Tool console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Oracle
database. This is optional.
4. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select Oracle as the database Type.

5-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

6. Type the Oracle Connection String for the Oracle Database you want to work
with. You can type the connect string in any Oracle format, for example:
//host:port/service name
n host: This is the name or IP address for the computer with the Oracle
database that you are using. For example, johnboy_W7 or
n port: (optional) This is the TNS Listener Port number for the computer with
the Oracle database that you are using. If you do not enter a port number the
default Oracle TNS Listener port is used.
n service name: (optional) This is the service name for the computer with the
Oracle database you are using. If you do not enter a service name the default
service name is used.
You can also enter an Oracle Net keyword-value pair. For example:

Note: When working with a Multitenant environment, the

connection string should specify a specific PDB.
n Connecting to the CDB is not supported.
n Oracle does not support using PDB with LogMiner. Therefore, if
you want to connect to a PDB, make sure that the Use LogMiner
to access redo logs option is disabled in the Advanced tab.

Specifying Separate Connection Strings for Different RAC Threads

In Oracle Binary Reader, you can use separate connection strings for different RAC
When the redo logs are stored in ASM, the connection string syntax is as follows:
[<common ASM connection string>,] <thread id> <thread ASM connection string>,
<thread id> <thread ASM connection string>...

Note: If no <common ASM connection string> is specified, all the RAC threads
should be defined in the ASM connection.
When using Oracle Binary Reader to access the redo logs, the connection string
syntax is as follows:
<Oracle connection string>[, <thread id> <thread BFILE connection string>,
<thread id> <thread BFILE connection string> ...]

<Oracle connection string> is mandatory. If specified, the <thread BFILE

connection string> will be used instead of the <Oracle connection string>.

7. Type the Oracle authentication information (User Name, Password) for the
authorized user for this Oracle database. If you do not know this information, see
your Oracle Database Administrator (DBA).

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-15

n This information is required. If you are using the Advanced tab to
create a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. See Using Advanced Properties for an
Oracle Source for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the Oracle user entered in the Oracle
Authentication section has the correct access privileges. For
information on how to provide the required privileges, see
Security Requirements.
n If you want to set custom properties for this database, see Using
Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.

Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source

You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box. Use the scroll bar on the right of the tab to scroll through the available
You can set the following parameters:
n Automatically add supplemental logging: Select this to automatically set up
supplemental logging for the Oracle database. For more information on
supplemental logging, see Setting up Supplemental Logging.
n Use LogMiner to access redo logs: Select this to capture change data using the
LogMiner utility (the default). Clear this option if the redo logs are stored in ASM
or if you want Amazon RDS Migration Tool to access the redo logs as a binary file.

IMPORTANT: You must enable the Use LogMiner to access redo

logs option if your Oracle database version is prior to (i.e.
version 10.1.x to

n Secret Store encryption entries: When "Use LogMiner to access redo logs" is not
selected and the Oracle instance uses TDE tablespace encryption, you need to
specify the encryption key (or keys if more than one was used) that was/were
used to encrypt the Redo logs. In order to specify the correct encryption key(s),
you first need to find the relevant entry (or entries in the case of multiple keys) in
the Oracle Wallet containing the encryption key(s). For instructions on how to do
this, see Finding the Relevant Entries in the Oracle Wallet below. After you find
the relevant entry or entries, copy the entry and its value (or entries and values if
more than one) into the Names and Values fields respectively.

Note: To enter multiple values, first copy each entry into a text editor
such as Notepad making sure to separate the values with a comma.
Then, copy the string containing the values and commas from the text
editor and paste it into the Values field. There is no need to do this for
entries. You can paste the entries directly into the Entries field,
remembering to separate each entry with a comma.

5-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Finding the Relevant Entries in the Oracle Wallet
Follow the procedure below to locate the correct entries in the Oracle wallet.
1. If the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter is defined in the
sqlnet.ora file, use the wallet from the directory defined by this parameter.
2. If the WALLET_LOCATION parameter is defined in the sqlnet.ora file, use the
wallet from the directory defined by this parameter.
3. In other cases, use the wallet in the default database location.
Note: The name of the wallet should be ewallet.p12.
4. Use the “list” option in the Oracle mkstore utility to determine the
mkstore –wrl <full wallet name> -list

5. If you know which entry/entries is/are used to encrypt the Redo logs, select
the entry name(s) and use the “viewEntry” option in the Oracle mkstore utility
to determine the entry value, as follows:
mkstore –wrl <full wallet name> -viewEntry <entry name>

Note: If you do not know which entry is used to encrypt the Redo
logs, you can select multiple DB or TS entries and determine their
values as described above (and then copy and paste the entry names
and values into the Names and Values fields as described in the Note
above). If the specified entries are not correct, the task will fail and the
error message will contain the correct entry name.

Note: If the DBA changes the entry while the task is running, the
task will fail and the error message will contain the new entry name.
Add the new entry (name and value) to the already specified entries
and then resume the task.

n ASM Parameters (if redo logs are stored in ASM) - If the Oracle redo logs you are
using are stored using Automated Storage Management (ASM), enter the required
access information in the designated fields (not available when the Use LogMiner
to access redo logs option is selected).
Note: To access the redo logs in ASM, you also need to grant the following read
privilege: SELECT ON v_$transportable_platform
– ASM Connection String: The connection string to the ASM instance if your
Oracle database is using ASM.
– ASM user name: The user name for the ASM user.
– ASM password: The password for the ASM user.
See also Required ASM Privileges.
n To access a redo log as a binary file (i.e. not using Use LogMiner):
Note: To access the redo log as a binary file, you also need to grant the
following read privilege: SELECT ON v_$transportable_platform

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-17

– Use path as it appears in the database: Select this to access the redo logs using
the path as it appears in the database.
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the redo logs: Select
this to access and read the redo logs directly from the file system of the
local computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
– Copy archived redo logs to a temporary folder: Select this to copy the
archived redo logs to a temporary folder and then specify the path of the
archived redo logs on the Oracle machine.
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to
temporary folder: Select this to access and read the archived
redo logs directly from the file system of the local computer
where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
– Access archived redo logs in folder: To enable Amazon
RDS Migration Tool to access the temporary folder (when
it has file level access), you need to specify the path to the
shared temporary folder on the Oracle machine e.g.
– Look for missing archived redo logs in folder: Type the full path to a location
from where you want Amazon RDS Migration Tool to read the archived redo
logs if they are not found in the default location. The folder can be located
anywhere in the network where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is located, but
be sure that the location is accessible to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool user.
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the
specified folder: Select this to access and read the archived
redo logs directly from the file system of the local computer
where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
– Replace path prefix: You can determine whether to read the redo logs from a
different root location while leaving the relative path unchanged.
Type the first part of the path to the current location of the redo logs. For
example, C:\OldFolder.
You can include one folder or directory level or multiple folder or directories
in this field.
By: Type the name of the folder or prefix to replace the existing prefix that you
added in the field above. For example, C:\NewFolder.
Note: The following are examples of how to change the prefix:
If your redo logs are located in C:\OldFolder\archive\logs and you
type C:\NewFolder in the By field, the redo logs will be read from:
If your redo logs are located in
C:\replicate\oracle\logs\archive\RedoLogs and:
In the Replace path prefix field, you type C:\replicate\oracle\logs
In the By field, you type C:\companyName then,
The redo logs will be read from:

5-18 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

In this case, the new folder or directory called companyName replaces all of
the first three level folders that you included in the Replace path prefix field.
– Apply prefix replacement to online and archived redo logs: Select this to
apply the prefix replacement to the online and archived redo logs.
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the new
location: Select this to access and read the online and archived
redo log files directly from the file system of the local computer
where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
– Apply prefix replacement to archived redo logs only: Select this to apply
the prefix replacement to the archived redo logs only (and not to the
online redo logs).
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the
original online location: Select this to access and read the
original online redo log files directly from the file system of the
local computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
– Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the new
archive location: Select this to access and read the archived
redo log files directly from the file system of the local computer
where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
– Delete processed archived redo log files: Select this to delete the copied
archived redo log files after they have been read.
n Retry interval: Use the counter or type the number of seconds that the system
waits before resending a query.
n Archived redo logs location identifier: The destination of the archived redo logs.
The value should be the same as the DEST_ID number in the $archived_log

Note : When working with multiple log destinations (DEST_ID), it is

recommended to specify an Archived redo logs location identifier.
This will improve performance by ensuring that the correct logs are
accessed from the outset.

n Expose NUMBER as: Select a precision, scale combination from the drop-down
list. Amazon RDS Migration Tool always supports a scale up to 38. You can select
a scale up to 38 or you can select FLOAT.
By default the NUMBER data type is converted to precision 38, scale 10.

Note: The "Expose NUMBER" definition in the Oracle database is

used for the NUMBER data type only (without the explicit precision
and scale definition).

n Use archived redo logs only: When this option is selected, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool will only access the archived redo logs. If the archived redo logs
ares stored on ASM only, the Amazon RDS Migration Tool user needs to be
granted the ASM privileges described in Required ASM Privileges.
n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-19

The following is an example of an Oracle connection string:
server is the name of the computer with the Oracle instance you are working
username is the name of the user authorized to access the Oracle account you are
password is the password for the Oracle user.
For information on the properties you can include in an custom connect string for
AIS, see Configuration Properties for the Oracle Source.

Required ASM Privileges

From Oracle 11g Release 2 (, Amazon RDS Migration Tool must be granted the
SYSASM privilege in order to access the ASM account. For older supported versions,
granting Amazon RDS Migration Tool the SYSDBA privilege should be sufficient.

Note: When connecting to ASM, Amazon RDS Migration Tool will

first try to log in as SYSDBA and, if unsuccessful, will try to log in as

You can validate ASM account access by opening a command prompt and issuing the
following statements:
sqlplus asmuser/asmpassword@+asmserver as sysdba
sqlplus asmuser/asmpassword@+asmserver as sysasm

Using an Oracle Database as a Target

The following topics describe what you need to use an Oracle database as the target
endpoint in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Configuration Properties for the Oracle Target
n Security Requirements
n Oracle Target Data Types
n Configuring an Oracle Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Target
n Setting up an Oracle Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Configuration Properties for the Oracle Target

The following table describes the configuration properties available for an Oracle
target. For information on how to set these properties, see Using Advanced Properties
for an Oracle Target.

5-20 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 5–4 Oracle Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name of the computer with the Oracle
instance you are working with. This is
written in any recognized Oracle format.
username The name of the user authorized to access
the Oracle account you are using.
password The password for the authorized user.
useDirectPathFullLoad Y indicates that the OCI direct path Y
protocol for bulk loading Oracle tables is
N indicates that tables are loaded without
the bulk-load API.

Security Requirements
A user must have the following privileges granted in the Oracle database to use an
Oracle target in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task:

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-21

You can add the following permissions to use a specific table list:
n SELECT on <any-replicated-table>
n ALTER on <any-replicated-table>
The following permission must be granted for logon:
The following permission must be granted if you are using a direct path:
If the "DROP and CREATE table" or "TRUNCATE before loading" option is selected in
the Full Load Settings tab and the target table schema is different from the Amazon
RDS Migration Tool user, the following permission must be granted:
To store changes in Change Tables or in an Audit Table when the target table schema is
different from the Amazon RDS Migration Tool user, the following permissions must
be granted:
The Amazon RDS Migration Tool user must also be granted read permissions for the
following DBA tables:

Note: If any of the required privileges cannot be granted to a V$xxx,

then grant them to the V_$xxx.

Additional Target Privileges Required for Disaster Recovery Tasks

When setting up a Disaster Recovery task the following additional target privileges
should be granted:

5-22 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference












Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-23

For more information on setting up Disaster Recovery tasks, see Disaster Recovery
READ permission is required for the following DBA tables:



Oracle Target Data Types

The Oracle endpoint for Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports most Oracle data
types. The following table shows the Oracle target data types that are supported when
using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped from the source, see the
section for the source endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 5–5 Supported Oracle Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Oracle Data Types
BYTES RAW (length)

5-24 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 5–5 (Cont.) Supported Oracle Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Oracle Data Types
STRING With date indication: DATE
With time indication: TIMESTAMP
With timestamp indication: TIMESTAMP
With timestamp_with_timezone indication:
With timestamp_with_local_timezone
With interval_year_to_month indication:
with interval_day_to_second indication:
In all other cases: VARCHAR2 (Length)
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
BLOBs for a specific task.
BLOB data types are supported only in tables
that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
CLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, CLOB data types are supported
only in tables that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
NCLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, NCLOB data types are
supported only in tables that include a
primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-25

Table 5–5 (Cont.) Supported Oracle Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Oracle Data Types
The XMLTYPE target data type is only relevant XMLTYPE
in Oracle-to-Oracle replication tasks. See the
note below.

Note: When the source database is Oracle, the source data types will
be replicated "as is" to the Oracle target. For example, an XMLTYPE
data type on the source will be created as an XMLTYPE data type on
the target.

Configuring an Oracle Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Target

The following topics describe the configuration requirements for using an Oracle
database with Amazon RDS Migration Tool as a target. An Oracle DBA should know
how to carry out these tasks.
n Provide Oracle Account Access

Provide Oracle Account Access

You must provide Oracle account access to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool user. This
user must have read/write privileges on the Oracle database. For information on
setting up access to the Oracle account, see Security Requirements.

Setting up an Oracle Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

You can add an Oracle database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a target. For
information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When you select
Oracle Target as the database type the following dialog box is displayed:

5-26 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 5–2 Oracle Target Database

n Oracle can also be used as a source database. For information on
using Oracle as a source, see Setting up an Oracle Database as a
Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n You can also use Oracle files as a source or target. For more
information, see Using Files.

To add an Oracle Target database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Tool console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Oracle
database. This is optional.
4. Select TARGET as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select Oracle as the database Type.
6. Type the Oracle Connection String for the Oracle Database you want to work
with. You can type the connect string in any Oracle format, for example:
//host:port/service name

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-27

n host: This is the name or IP address for the computer with the Oracle
database that you are using. For example, johnboy_W7 or
n port: (optional) This is the TNS Listener Port number for the computer with
the Oracle database that you are using. If you do not enter a port number the
default Oracle TNS Listener port is used.
n service name: (optional) This is the service name for the computer with the
Oracle database you are using. If you do not enter a service name the default
service name is used.
You can also enter an Oracle Net keyword-value pair. For example:

n This information is case sensitive.
n You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

7. Type the Oracle authentication information (User Name, Password) for the
authorized user for this Oracle database. If you do not know this information, see
your Oracle Database Administrator (DBA).

n This information is required. If you are using the Advanced tab to
create a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. See Using Advanced Properties for an
Oracle Source for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the Oracle user entered in the Oracle
Authentication section has the correct access privileges. For
information on how to provide the required privileges, see
Security Requirements.
n If you want to set custom properties for this database, see Using
Advanced Properties for an Oracle Source.

5-28 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using Advanced Properties for an Oracle Target
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

Figure 5–3 Oracle Target Advanced Tab

You can set the following parameters:

n Use direct path full load: Select this to use the OCI direct path protocol for bulk
loading Oracle tables. This is the default selection.
n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect
The following is an example of an Oracle connection string:
server is the name of the computer with the Oracle instance you are working
username is the name of the user authorized to access the Oracle account you are
password is the password for the Oracle user.
For information on the properties you can include in an custom connect string for
AIS, see Configuration Properties for the Oracle Source.

Using an Oracle Database as a Source or Target 5-29

5-30 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a
Source or Target

This chapter describes how to set up and use a Microsoft SQL Server database as the
source or target endpoint in a replication task. It has the following topics:
n Prerequisites
n Limitations
n Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source
n Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Target

Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports the following Microsoft SQL Server editions.
n Enterprise Edition
n Standard Edition
n Workgroup Edition
n Developer Edition

Note: The Microsoft SQL Server database is supported on the

following Windows platforms:
n Windows Server 2003 and 2008
n Windows XP
n Windows Vista
n Windows 7
n The Microsoft SQL Server database can be installed on any
computer in your network.
n A Microsoft SQL Server account with the specific access privileges
is required. See Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL
Server Source or Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL
Server Target for more information.
n Microsoft SQL Server as a source must be configured for a full
backup to work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool. For more
information, see Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Backup and

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-1

Client prerequisites (for both source and target endpoints):
n For all versions of Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
must be installed on the Amazon RDS Migration Tool machine.

n If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server source database in a replication task, the
Microsoft SQL Server Replication Publisher definitions for the database that was
used in the task are not removed when you remove a task. A Microsoft SQL Server
system administrator must delete these definitions from Microsoft SQL Server.
n Tables with more than 8000 bytes of information in a Microsoft SQL Server source
including header and mapping information, are not processed correctly due to
limitations in buffer size.
n The Microsoft SQL Server source endpoint does not support the use of sparse
n Changes to computed fields in a Microsoft SQL Server source will not be
n Microsoft SQL Server partition switching is not supported.
n When using the WRITETEXT and UPDATETEXT utilities, Amazon RDS Migration
Tool does not capture events applied on the source database.
n The following DML pattern is not supported:
select <*> into <new_table> from <existing_table>

n When using Microsoft SQL Server as a source, column-level encryption is not

n Due to a known issue with Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Amazon RDS Migration
Tool does not support server level audits on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as a source
For example, running the following command:
USE [master]
ALTER SERVER AUDIT [my_audit_test-20140710] WITH (STATE=on)
Will cause Amazon RDS Migration Tool to fail.
n The following limitations apply when accessing the backup transaction logs at file
– The backup transaction logs must reside in a shared folder with the
appropriate permissions and access rights.
– Active transaction logs are accessed through the Microsoft SQL Server API
(and not at file-level).
– The Amazon RDS Migration Tool and Microsoft SQL Server machine must
reside in the same domain.
– Compressed backup transaction logs are not supported.
– Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is not supported.
– Unix platforms are not supported.
– Reading the backup logs from multiple stripes is not supported.

6-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

For more information on configuring Amazon RDS Migration Tool to access the
backup transaction logs at file-level access, see Using Advanced Properties for a
Microsoft SQL Server Source Database.
n Microsoft SQL Server backup to multiple disks is not supported.
n Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Target: When the target table is created manually with
a computed column, Full Load replication is not supported in BCP mode.
Disabling the "Use BCP for loading tables" option in the Advanced tab will resolve
this issue. For more information on BCP mode, see Using Advanced Properties for
a Microsoft SQL Server Target Database.
n When inserting a value into SQL Server spatial data types (GEOGRAPHY and
GEOMETRY), one can either ignore the SRID (Spatial Reference System Identifier)
property - in which case the default SRID will be used (0 for GEOMETRY and 4326
for GEOGRAPHY) - or specify a different number. When replicating tables with
spatial data types, Amazon RDS Migration Tool replaces the SRID that was
inserted by user with the default SRID.

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source

The following topics describe what you need to use a Microsoft SQL Server source in
an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Supported Compression Methods
n Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source
n Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL Server Source
n Working with Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
n Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types
n Non-Supported Data Types
n Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Supported Compression Methods

The table below lists which compression methods Amazon RDS Migration Tool
supports for each Microsoft SQL Server version.

Table 6–1 Supported Microsoft SQL Server Compression Methods

Storage Format
Vardecimal Sparse Columns
Storage Format
Microsoft Row/Page Columnar
SQL Server Compression (at Vardecimal Sparse Structure
Version Partition Level) Storage Format Columns Compression
2005 No No No No
2008 Yes No No No
2012 Yes No No No

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-3

Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source
The following table describes the configuration properties available for Microsoft SQL
Server source endpoints. For information on how to set these properties, see Using
Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source Database.

Table 6–2 Microsoft SQL Server Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Value
database The name of the Microsoft SQL Server database
you are using.
WindowsAuthentication Indicates whether you are using user credentials Y (indicates
from the Windows domain. true)
The possible values are:
Y indicates that this property is true and Windows
authentication is used to access the Microsoft SQL
Server database.
N indicates that this property is false and Microsoft
SQL Server authentication is used to access the
Microsoft SQL Server database.
username The Microsoft SQL Server account user name for
the Microsoft SQL Server user. This is required if
password The password for the Microsoft SQL Server user.
This is required if WindowsAuthentication=N.
safeguardPolicy The policy Amazon RDS Migration Tool uses to See the
prevent truncation of the active TLOG. The values description.
can either be:
(The default)
For more information on these values, see Using
Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server
Source Database.
safeguardFrequency The frequency that the safeguardPolicy will be 300
For more information on this property, see Using
Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server
Source Database.
additionalConnectionProp Any additional ODBC connection parameters that
erties you want to specify.

Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL Server Source

The following describes the security requirements for using Amazon RDS Migration
Tool with a Microsoft SQL Server source or target.
The Amazon RDS Migration Tool user must have the sysAdmin fixed server role on
the Microsoft SQL Server database you are connecting to.

6-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

A Microsoft SQL Server system administrator must provide this permission for all
Amazon RDS Migration Tool users.

Working with Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups

The Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature is a high-availability
and disaster-recovery solution that provides an enterprise-level alternative to database

To use AlwaysOn Availability Groups as a source in Amazon RDS Migration

1. Enable Distribution on all Microsoft SQL Server instances in your Availability
2. In RDS Migration Tool:
a. Open the Microsoft SQL Server source database settings.
b. In the Server Name field, specify the DSN name or IP address that was
configured for the Availability Group Listener.
n When you start an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task for the first time, it may take
longer than usual to start as the creation of the table articles is being duplicated by
the Availability Groups Server.
n After you failover, you will see recoverable errors in the log and the task will
restart. This is normal as the connection is being forcibly closed by the failover. As
soon as the new primary server is available, processing will resume.

Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types

The Microsoft SQL Server source for Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports most
Microsoft SQL Server data types. The following table shows the Microsoft SQL Server
source data types that are supported when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the
default mapping from Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 6–3 Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Microsoft SQL Server Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-5

Table 6–3 (Cont.) Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Microsoft SQL Server Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
DATETIME2 (Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and DATETIME

To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
CLOBs for a specific task.
LOB columns for Microsoft SQL Server tables
are updated in the target even for UPDATE
statements that did not change the value of
the LOB column in Microsoft SQL Server.
During CDC, CLOB data types are supported
only in tables that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
NCLOBs for a specific task.
LOB columns for Microsoft SQL Server tables
are updated in the target even for UPDATE
statements that did not change the value of
the LOB column in Microsoft SQL Server.
During CDC, NCLOB data types are
supported only in tables that include a
primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata

6-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 6–3 (Cont.) Microsoft SQL Server Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Microsoft SQL Server Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
LOB columns for Microsoft SQL Server tables
are updated in the target even for UPDATE
statements that did not change the value of
the LOB column in Microsoft SQL Server.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
BLOBs for a specific task.
BLOB data types are supported only in tables
that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
Microsoft SQL Server.
WSTRING (250) - When replicating to all
other endpoints.
LOB columns for Microsoft SQL Server tables
are updated in the target even for UPDATE
statements that did not change the value of
the LOB column in Microsoft SQL Server.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
NCLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, NCLOB data types are
supported only in tables that include a
primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
GEOMETRY GEOMETRY - When replicating to endpoints
that support this data type.
CLOB - When replicating to endpoints that do
not support this data type.
GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY - When replicating to
endpoints that support this data type.
CLOB - When replicating to endpoints that do
not support this data type.

Non-Supported Data Types

Tables that include fields with the following data types are not supported by Amazon
RDS Migration Tool.

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-7

Note: User-defined data types are supported according to their
base-type. For example a user-defined data type based on DATETIME
is handled as a DATETIME data type.

Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool

This topics describes the configuration requirements for using a Microsoft SQL Server
database. A Microsoft SQL Server system administrator should carry out these tasks.
n Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery
n Setting up Microsoft SQL Server for Replication
n Replicating Tables that do not have a Primary Key
n Defining Microsoft SQL Server Database Settings

Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery

Amazon RDS Migration Tool consumes changes captured from the database
transaction LOG (TLOG). The TLOG is maintained by Microsoft SQL Server for
recovery purposes. All changes made to a database are written to the TLOG. The
following happens when recovery is required:
n A backup copy of the database is made.
n Logged events are taken and used in a rolling-forward process where the recorded
changes are replayed against that copy.
To prepare for backup and recovery you must make sure that the Microsoft SQL Server
Recovery Model is set up. You select the Recovery Model in the Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio. This should be carried out by a Microsoft SQL Server system
The TLOG data is truncated as soon as it is no longer needed therefore the TLOG is not
persistent. However, Amazon RDS Migration Tool guaranteed delivery requires
persistency in the changed data. To ensure persistency:
n A full database backup must be carried out before beginning to replicate data.
n The Recovery Model must be set to Bulk logged or Full.

To set the recovery model

In the database properties Options tab, set the Recovery Model to Bulk logged or Full.
In these modes, the transaction Log is more durable.

Setting up Microsoft SQL Server for Replication

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server as the source in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool
task, you need to enable your Microsoft SQL Server database for MS-REPLICATION.

In the Microsoft SQL Server’s Management Studio, follow the instructions provided
by the Configure Distribution wizard to set up replication or see the Microsoft SQL
Server documentation.

6-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

To open the wizard from Microsoft SQL Server
n In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the Replication folder
and select Configure Distribution.
The Configure Distribution wizard opens.
You should make the following selections in the wizard:
n In the Distributor step, select <Microsoft SQL Server Name> will act as its own
distributor; Microsoft SQL Server will create a distribution database and log

Replicating Tables that do not have a Primary Key

Note: This functionality is supported only for Microsoft SQL Server

Enterprise edition and is not supported on Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

By default, Amazon RDS Migration Tool automatically sets up MS-REPLICATION for

each of the source tables in a replication task. However, MS-REPLICATION requires
each of the source tables to have a primary key, which may not always be the case.
Therefore, if you need to replicate tables that do not have a primary key, the following
options are available:
n Use MS-CDC
n Do not Use MS-Replication or MS-CDC

To set up MS-CDC, you first need to enable MS-CDC for the database by running the
following command:
use [DBname]
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db

Then you need to enable MS-CDC for each of the source tables by running the
following command:
EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema = N'MySchema', @source_name =
N'MyTable', @role_name = NULL;

Note: Replicating tables that do not have a Primary Key or a Unique

Index may adversely affect performance (since additional database
resources are required to capture the changes). However, you can
prevent performance issues related to the absence of Primary Keys or
a Unique Index by manually adding indexes to the target tables.

For more information on setting up MS-CDC for specific tables, please refer to the
Microsoft website.

Do not Use MS-Replication or MS-CDC

If your database is not set up for MS-REPLICATION or MS-CDC, you can still capture
tables that do not have a Primary Key, but bear in mind that in such a setup only
INSERT/DELETE DML events will be captured. UPDATE and TRUNCATE TABLE
events will be ignored.
It is also important to note that a DELETE statement executed on an UPDATED source
record, will not be applied on the target.

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-9

Defining Microsoft SQL Server Database Settings
Set the following for the Microsoft SQL Server database(s) that you are using as a
n From the Object Explorer in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right
click the database and select Properties. In the Options tab, set the Recovery
model to Bulk logged or Full. In this mode, the transaction Log is more durable
and truncation occurs less frequently.
n Ensure that there is a full database backup for each Microsoft SQL Server database
that you are using as a source.
n When creating a connection string, it is possible to use any parameter supported
by Microsoft SQL Server. The Microsoft SQL Server system administrator must
ensure that the Microsoft SQL Server instance is configured correctly so that the
proper authentication credentials are accepted.
n To be able to work with MS-REPLICATION, each of the source tables must have a
primary key.

Working with Windows Authentication

You can configure the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Microsoft SQL Server endpoint to
log in to Microsoft SQL Server using Windows authentication.
If you choose this option, you also need to make sure that:
n The Microsoft SQL Server instance is set up to allow Windows log on.
n The Amazon RDS Migration Tool user is specified as the "Log on as" user for the
"Amazon RDS Migration Server" service account.
Microsoft SQL Server is configured to allow login for the Amazon RDS Migration
Server service account.

Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source
You can add a Microsoft SQL Server database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as
a source. For information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases.
When you select Microsoft SQL Server Source as the database type the following
dialog box is displayed:

6-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 6–1 Microsoft SQL Server Source Database

To add a Microsoft SQL Server source database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool
1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Microsoft
SQL Server database. This is optional.
4. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select Microsoft SQL Server as the database Type.
6. Type the Microsoft SQL Server name. This is the name of the computer with the
Microsoft SQL Server instance you want to work with.

You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and create a
custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to enter
information in this tab. For more information on using the Advanced
tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source

7. Select Windows authentication or User name/password.

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-11

If you select Windows authentication, you will work with the user credentials for
the Windows domain. This privilege must be configured in the Microsoft SQL
Server database by the system administrator.
Note: When using Windows authentication be sure that the user account that is
associated with the Amazon RDS Migration Server service has Network read and
write permissions. This must be configured by a Windows system administrator.
See also Working with Windows Authentication.
If you select User name/password, type the Microsoft SQL Server authentication
information (User Name, Password) for the authorized user for this Microsoft SQL
Server database. If you do not know this information, see the Microsoft SQL
Server System Administrator.

n The User Name/Password information is mandatory if you select
User name/password. If you are using the Advanced tab to create
a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. For more information, see Using Advanced
Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source Database.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the Microsoft SQL Server user has the
correct access privileges. For information on how to provide the
required privileges, see Security Considerations for a Microsoft
SQL Server Source.
n You can set custom properties in the Advanced tab. For more
information, see Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL
Server Source Database.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If the
connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error information
is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The server
log is displayed with the information for the connection failure. Note that
this button is not available unless the test connection fails.

8. Type the Database name or select one from the list of available databases. This is
the name of the database where you are replicating the data.

Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Source Database

You can use advanced properties and change the default settings for various
parameters in a Microsoft SQL Server source or target by adding them to a custom
connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database dialog box.
You can set the following properties in the Advanced tab:

n Prevent truncation of unread changes from TLOG: For optimal performance,

Amazon RDS Migration Tool will try to capture all unread changes from the active
transaction log (TLOG). However, sometimes due to truncation, the active TLOG
may not contain all of the unread changes. When this occurs, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool accesses the backup log to capture the missing changes. To

6-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

minimize the need to access the backup log, Amazon RDS Migration Tool prevents
truncation using one of the following methods:
– Start transactions in the database: This is the default method. When this
method is used, Amazon RDS Migration Tool prevents TLOG truncation by
mimicking a transaction in the database. As long as such a transaction is open,
changes that appear after the transaction started will not be truncated. If you
need Microsoft Replication to be enabled in your database, then you must
choose this method.
– Exclusively use sp_repldone within a single task: When this method is used,
Amazon RDS Migration Tool reads the changes and then uses sp_repldone
to mark the TLOG transactions as ready for truncation. Although this method
does not involve any transactional activities, it can only be used when
Microsoft Replication is not running. Also, using this method, only one
Amazon RDS Migration Tool task can access the database at any given time.
Therefore, if you need to run parallel Amazon RDS Migration Tool tasks
against the same database, use the default method.

Note: This method requires the Log Reader Agent to be stopped in

the database. If the Log Reader Agent agent is running when the task
starts, Amazon RDS Migration Tool will forcibly stop it. Alternatively,
you can stop the Log Reader Agent manually, before starting the
Amazon RDS Migration Tool task. For instructions on how to do this,
refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio help.

– Apply TLOG truncation prevention policy every (seconds): Specify how

often to prevent TLOG truncation using one of the methods describes above.
Factors that you should consider when determining the policy frequency
include storage availability, backup and log routines, and the rate at which
Amazon RDS Migration Tool processes events.
n Alternate backup folder: The location of the backup logs when using a third-party
utility to back up the transaction logs (i.e. instead of Microsoft SQL Server’s own
backup mechanism). You can run the backup utility yourself or you can configure
Amazon RDS Migration Tool to run it as described in Backup file preprocessing
command below.
Note that the backup files must be exported to the specified location in standard
Microsoft SQL Server format.
n Change processing mode: Choose one of the following change processing modes:
– Read changes from online log - This is the default. Amazon RDS Migration
Tool first reads the online logs for changes and then reads the backup logs.
– Read changes from backup if the same record exists in online and backup
logs - When this option is enabled and the same record appears in both the
active log and the backup logs, Amazon RDS Migration Tool will read the
changes from the backup transaction logs instead of the online transaction log.
This can improve performance when reading from the online transaction log is
slow (e.g due to lock contention) or when using file-level access to access the
backup transaction logs.
– Read changes from backup only - When this option is selected, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool will read the changes from the backup transaction logs only.
Selecting this method results in increased latency due to the interval between

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-13

backups. The actual latency time will remain constant, but will vary according
to the backup schedule.
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the backup log files: Select
this option if Amazon RDS Migration Tool has been granted file-level access to the
backup log files in the Alternate backup folder.

Note: When Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access to the
backup transaction logs, the following rules apply:
n The Alternate backup folder must be a common shared network
folder, for example: \\temp\backup.
n The Amazon RDS Migration Server service must be configured
to log on using the user name and password specified in the
Backup folder user name and Backup folder password fields.
To do this:
1. In the Windows Services console, double-click the Amazon
RDS Migration Server service.
2. In the Log On tab, select This account and then enter the
user name and password.
n The specified user must be granted Read permission to the
alternate backup folder (i.e. the shared network folder).
For a complete list of the limitations affecting file-level access, see

– Backup folder user name: The user name required to access the backup folder
when Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access.
– Backup folder password: The password required to access the backup folder
when Amazon RDS Migration Tool has file-level access.
n Backup file preprocessing command: You can use a third-party utility to convert
the transaction logs to standard Microsoft SQL Server format (if they are in a
different format) and back them up to an alternate backup folder. This option
should be used in conjunction with the Alternate backup folder option described
Prerequisites and Notes:
The command is invoked via the XP_CMDSHELL extended procedure.
– The backup utility is responsible for setting the system return code (0 for
success, 1 for failure), assuming that this code is delegated as the XP_
CMDSHELL return value.
– The backup utility invoked by XP_CMDSHELL must have the same security
rights as the Microsoft SQL Server service account.
– XP_CMDSHELL is normally disabled. It can be enabled and disabled by using
the Policy-Based Management or by executing SP_CONFIGURE.
– Using this extended procedure requires CONTROL SERVER permission (at
Command Usage:

6-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

The backup utility should provide Amazon RDS Migration Tool with the
following parameters:
n {BACKUP_INFILE} - The full path to the original backed up transaction log.

n {ALTDIR_OUTFILE} - The specifications of the target file to transfer to the alternate backup
n {BACKUP_SET} - The backup set to be processed within the backup log.

Example command:
C:\Temp\YourBackupUtility.exe -B{BACKUP_INFILE} -A{ALTDIR_OUTFILE}"

IMPORTANT: Directory names in the command path or file names in the

actual command that contain spaces must be enclosed in double-quotes:
C:\temp\test\"my program"\"new version"\converter.exe -A{"input file"}

n Delete processed backup logs: Select this option to delete the backup logs after
they have been read.
n Select virtual backup device types: When this option is selected, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool will read changes from the specified virtual device(s). Usually, this
option only needs to be enabled when using a third-party backup utility (which
will be recorded as a virtual device).
n Override connection string parameters: Select this to use a custom connect string.
The following is an example of a Microsoft SQL Server connection string:

For information on the properties you can include in an custom connect string for
Microsoft SQL Server, see Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Target

The following topics describe what you need to use a Microsoft SQL Server target in
an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target
n Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL Server Target
n Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types
n Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target

The following table describes the configuration properties available for Microsoft SQL
Server target endpoints. For information on how to set these properties, see Using
Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target Database.

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-15

Table 6–4 Microsoft SQL Server Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name or IP address of the
computer on which the Microsoft SQL
Server database is installed.
WindowsAuthentication Indicates whether you are using user Y (indicates true)
credentials from the Windows
The possible values are:
Y indicates that this property is true
and Windows authentication is used
to access the Microsoft SQL Server
N indicates that this property is false
and Microsoft SQL Server
authentication is used to access the
Microsoft SQL Server database.
username The Microsoft SQL Server account
user name for the Microsoft SQL
Server user. This is required if
password The password for the Microsoft SQL
Server user. This is required if
database The name of the Microsoft SQL Server
database you are using.
useBCPFullLoad Indicates whether full load operations Y (indicates true)
are done using Microsoft SQL Server
bulk copy operation.
The possible values are:
Y indicates that this property is true
and full load operations are done
using the bulk copy operation.
N indicates that this property is false
and full load operations are loaded as
BCPPacketSize The maximum packet size allowed for 16384
Microsoft SQL Server bulk copy

6-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 6–4 (Cont.) Microsoft SQL Server Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
controlTablesFileGroup You can specify a filegroup for the
Amazon RDS Migration Tool internal
tables. When the replication task
starts, all the internal Amazon RDS
Migration Tool control tables (attrep_
apply_exception, attrep_apply, attrep_
changes) will be created on the
specified filegroup.
For an example command, see the
Filegroup for Amazon RDS Migration
Tool internal tables option described
additionalConnectionProperties Any additional ODBC connection
parameters that you want to specify.

Security Considerations for a Microsoft SQL Server Target

The following describes the security requirements for using Amazon RDS Migration
Tool with a Microsoft SQL Server source or target.
The Amazon RDS Migration Tool user must have at least the db_owner user role on
the Microsoft SQL Server database you are connecting to.
A Microsoft SQL Server system administrator must provide this permission for all
Amazon RDS Migration Tool users.

Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types

The Microsoft SQL Server target for Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports most
Microsoft SQL Server data types. The following table shows the Microsoft SQL Server
target data types that are supported when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the
default mapping from Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped from the source, see the
section for the source endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 6–5 Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Microsoft SQL Server Data Types
DATE For Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later:
For earlier versions:
If scale is < or = 3: DATETIME
In all other cases: VARCHAR (37)

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-17

Table 6–5 (Cont.) Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types with Mapping from Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Microsoft SQL Server Data Types
TIME For Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later:
For earlier versions:
If scale is < or = 3: DATETIME
In all other cases: VARCHAR (37)
DATETIME For Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later:
DATETIME2 (scale)
For earlier versions:
If scale is < or = 3: DATETIME
In all other cases: VARCHAR (37)
STRING If column is date or time then:
For Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later:
For earlier versions:
If scale is < or = 3: DATETIME
In all other cases: VARCHAR (37)
If the column is not a date or time:
VARCHAR (length)
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
BLOBs for a specific task.
BLOB data types are supported only in tables
that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

6-18 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 6–5 (Cont.) Microsoft SQL Server Target Data Types with Mapping from Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Microsoft SQL Server Data Types
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
CLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, CLOB data types are supported
only in tables that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
NCLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, NCLOB data types are
supported only in tables that include a
primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server Database as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Target
You can add a Microsoft SQL Server database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as
a target. For information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When
you select Microsoft SQL Server Target as the database type the following dialog box
is displayed:

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-19

Figure 6–2 Microsoft SQL Server Target Database

To add a Microsoft SQL Server target database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool
1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Microsoft
SQL Server database. This is optional.
4. Select TARGET as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select Microsoft SQL Server as the database Type.
6. Type the Microsoft SQL Server name. This is the name of the computer with the
Microsoft SQL Server instance you want to work with.

You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and create a
custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to enter
information in this tab. For more information on using the Advanced
tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target

7. Select Windows authentication or User name/password.

6-20 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

If you select Windows authentication, you will work with the user credentials for
the Windows domain. This privilege must be configured in the Microsoft SQL
Server database by the system administrator.
Note: When using Windows authentication be sure that the user account that is
associated with the Amazon RDS Migration Server service has Network read and
write permissions. This must be configured by a Windows system administrator.
See also Working with Windows Authentication.
If you select User name/password, type the Microsoft SQL Server authentication
information (User Name, Password) for the authorized user for this Microsoft SQL
Server database. If you do not know this information, see the Microsoft SQL
Server System Administrator.

n The User Name/Password information is mandatory if you select
User name/password. If you are using the Advanced tab to create
a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. For more information, see Using Advanced
Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target Database.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the Microsoft SQL Server user has the
correct access privileges. For information on how to provide the
required privileges, see Security Considerations for a Microsoft
SQL Server Target.
n You can set custom properties in the Advanced tab. For more
information, see Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL
Server Target Database.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If the
connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error information
is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The server
log is displayed with the information for the connection failure. Note that
this button is not available unless the test connection fails.

8. Type the Database name or select one from the list of available databases. This is
the name of the database where you are replicating the data.

Using Advanced Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server Target Database

You can use advanced properties and change the default settings for various
parameters in a Microsoft SQL Server source or target by adding them to a custom
connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database dialog box.

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-21

Figure 6–3 Microsoft SQL Server Target Advanced Tab

You can set the following properties in the Advanced tab:

n Use BCP for loading tables: Select this to transfer data for full-load operations
using BCP.

Note: When the target table contains an identity column that does
not exist in the source table, you must disable the Use BCP for
loading tables option.

n BCP packet size: The maximum size of the packets (in bytes) used to transfer data
using BCP.
n Filegroup for Amazon RDS Migration Tool internal tables: Optionally, specify a
filegroup for the Amazon RDS Migration Tool internal tables. When the replication
task starts, all the internal Amazon RDS Migration Tool control tables (attrep_
apply_exception, attrep_apply, attrep_changes) will be created on the
specified filegroup.
The following is an example of a command for creating a filegroup:
NAME = test1dat5,
FILENAME = 'C:\temp\DATA\t1dat5.ndf',

6-22 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference


n Additional ODBC connection properties: Specify any additional ODBC

connection parameters that you want to use.
n Override connection string parameters: Select this to use a custom connect string.
The following is an example of a Microsoft SQL Server connection string:

For information on the properties you can include in an custom connect string for
Microsoft SQL Server, see Configuration Properties for a Microsoft SQL Server

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database as a Source or Target 6-23

6-24 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a
Source or Target

This chapter describes how to set up and use a SAP Sybase ASE database as the source
or target endpoint in a replication task. It contains the following topics:
n Prerequisites
n Limitations
n Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source
n Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Target

Before you begin to work with a SAP Sybase ASE database as a source or target in
Amazon RDS Migration Tool, make sure that the SAP Sybase ASE database with the
tables that are necessary for replication is available in your network.

n Amazon RDS Migration Tool must be installed on any Windows
computer in your network.
n A SAP Sybase ASE account with the required access privileges is

Make sure the following prerequisites have been met:

n SAP Sybase ASE ODBC 64-bit client installed on the computer where Amazon
RDS Migration Tool is located.
n SAP Sybase ASE replication enabled for tables using the sp_setreptable
command or privileges to enable it automatically.
n RepAgent must be disabled on the SAP Sybase ASE database.
n When replicating to SAP Sybase ASE 15.7 installed on a Windows machine
configured with a non-Latin language (e.g. Chinese), Amazon RDS Migration Tool
requires Sybase 15.7 SP121 to be installed on the SAP Sybase ASE machine.

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-1

The following limitations apply:
n Only one Amazon RDS Migration Tool task can be run per SAP Sybase ASE
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool tasks cannot run concurrently with SAP Sybase ASE
Replication Server against the same SAP Sybase ASE database.
n Rename table is not supported (e.g. sp_rename 'Sales.SalesRegion',
n Rename column is not supported (e.g. sp_rename 'Sales.Sales.Region',
'RegID', 'COLUMN';)
n Zero values located at the end of binary data type strings are truncated when
replicated to the target database. For example,
0x0000000000000000000000000100000100000000 in the source table will become
0x00000000000000000000000001000001 in the target table.

n Amazon RDS Migration Tool creates the target table with columns that do not
allow NULL values, if the database default is not to allow NULL values.
Consequently, if a Full Load or CDC replication task contains empty values, errors
will occur.
To prevent this from happening:
1. Right-click the database name and select Properties from the context menu.
2. In the Options tab, select Allow nulls by default and then click OK.

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source

The following topics describe how to use a SAP Sybase ASE database as the source
endpoint in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Configuration Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Source
n Security Requirements
n SAP Sybase ASE Database Source Data Types
n Non-Supported Data Types
n Setting up a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Configuration Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Source

The following section describes the configuration properties available for a SAP
Sybase ASE source.

Table 7–1 SAP Sybase ASE Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name or IP address of the
computer on which the SAP
Sybase ASE database is installed.
database The name of the SAP Sybase
ASE database to which you want
to connect.

7-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 7–1 (Cont.) SAP Sybase ASE Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
username The name of the user authorized
to access the SAP Sybase ASE
password The password for the authorized
Port The port through which to 5000
connect to the SAP Sybase ASE
enableReplication Set to Y to automatically enable Y
SAP Sybase ASE replication.
This is only required if SAP
Sybase ASE replication has not
been enabled already. For more
information, see Prerequisites.
additionalConnectionProperties Any additional ODBC
connection parameters that you
want to specify.

Security Requirements
The following section describes the security requirements for using Amazon RDS
Migration Tool with a SAP Sybase ASE database source or target.
If the Automatically enable SAP Sybase ASE replication option is enabled, Amazon
RDS Migration Tool needs permission to run the stored procedure sp_setreptable.
For information on the Automatically enable SAP Sybase ASE replication option, see
Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Source.

SAP Sybase ASE Database Source Data Types

The following table shows the SAP Sybase ASE database source data types that are
supported when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping from
Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 7–2 SAP Sybase ASE Database Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
SAP Sybase ASE Source Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-3

Table 7–2 (Cont.) SAP Sybase ASE Database Source Data Types with Mapping to
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
SAP Sybase ASE Source Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types

Non-Supported Data Types

Source SAP Sybase ASE tables with columns of the following SAP Sybase ASE data
types cannot be replicated. Replicated columns with these data types will show as

Setting up a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You can add a SAP Sybase ASE database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a
source. For information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When
you select SAP Sybase ASE Source as the database type the following dialog box is

7-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 7–1 SAP Sybase ASE Source Database

Notes: You can also use SAP Sybase ASE files as a source. For more
information, see Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel.

To add a SAP Sybase ASE source database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool
1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the SAP Sybase
ASE database. This is optional.
4. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select SAP Sybase ASE as the database Type.
6. In the Server Name field, enter the host name or IP address of the computer on
which the SAP Sybase ASE database is installed.

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-5

n This information is case sensitive.
n You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase
ASE Source.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

7. Optionally, change the default port (5000).

8. Type the SAP Sybase ASE authentication information (User Name, Password) for
the authorized user for this SAP Sybase ASE database. If you do not know this
information, see your SAP Sybase ASE Database Administrator (DBA).

n This information is required. If you are using the Advanced tab to
create a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. See Using Advanced Properties for a SAP
Sybase ASE Source for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the SAP Sybase ASE user entered in
the SAP Sybase ASE Authentication section has the correct access
privileges. For information on how to provide the required
privileges, see Security Requirements.
n If you want to set custom properties for this database, see Using
Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Source.

9. In the Database name field, enter the SAP Sybase ASE database name.

Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Source

You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

7-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 7–2 SAP Sybase ASE Source Advanced Tab

You can set the following parameters:

n Automatically enable SAP Sybase ASE replication: Select this to automatically
enable SAP Sybase ASE replication. This is only required if SAP Sybase ASE
replication has not been enabled already. For more information, see Prerequisites.
n Additional ODBC connection properties: Specify any additional ODBC
connection parameters that you want to use.

Note: If the user name or password specified in the General tab

contains non-Latin characters (e.g. Chinese), the following property is

n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect

The following is an example of a SAP Sybase ASE connection string:


For a description of the supported connection parameters, see Configuration

Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Source.

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-7

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Target
The following topics describe how to use a SAP Sybase ASE database as the target
endpoint in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Configuration Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Target
n Security Requirements
n SAP Sybase ASE Database Target Data Types
n Non-Supported Data Types
n Setting up a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Configuration Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Target

The following section describes the configuration properties available for a SAP
Sybase ASE target.

Table 7–3 SAP Sybase ASE Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name or IP address of the
computer on which the SAP
Sybase ASE database is installed.
database The name of the SAP Sybase
ASE database to which you want
to connect.
username The name of the user authorized
to access the SAP Sybase ASE
password The password for the authorized
Port The port through which to 5000
connect to the SAP Sybase ASE
additionalConnectionProperties Any additional ODBC
connection parameters that you
want to specify.

Security Requirements
You must provide SAP Sybase ASE account access to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
user. This user must have read/write privileges in the SAP Sybase ASE database.

SAP Sybase ASE Database Target Data Types

The following table shows the SAP Sybase ASE database target data types that are
supported when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping from
Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

7-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 7–4 Supported SAP Sybase ASE Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types SAP Sybase ASE Data Types
TIMESTAMP If scale is => 0 and =< 6, then:
If scale is => 7 and =< 9, then:

Non-Supported Data Types

Target SAP Sybase ASE tables with columns of the following SAP Sybase ASE data
types cannot be replicated. Replicated columns with these data types will show as

Setting up a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You can add a SAP Sybase ASE database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a
target. For information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When
you select SAP Sybase ASE as the target database type the following dialog box is

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-9

Figure 7–3 SAP Sybase ASE Target Database: General Tab

To add a SAP Sybase ASE target database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool
1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the SAP Sybase
ASE database. This is optional.
4. Select TARGET as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select SAP Sybase ASE as the database Type.
6. In the Server Name field, enter the host name or IP address of the computer on
which the SAP Sybase ASE database is installed.

7-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n This information is case sensitive.
n You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase
ASE Target.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

7. Optionally, change the default port (5000).

8. Type the SAP Sybase ASE authentication information (User Name, Password) for
the authorized user for this SAP Sybase ASE database. If you do not know this
information, see your SAP Sybase ASE Database Administrator (DBA).

n This information is required. If you are using the Advanced tab to
create a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. See Using Advanced Properties for a SAP
Sybase ASE Target for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the SAP Sybase ASE user entered in
the SAP Sybase ASE Authentication section has the correct access
privileges. For information on how to provide the required
privileges, see Security Requirements.
n If you want to set custom properties for this database, see Using
Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Target.

9. In the Database name field, enter the SAP Sybase ASE database name.

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-11

Using Advanced Properties for a SAP Sybase ASE Target
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

Figure 7–4 SAP Sybase ASE Target: Advanced Tab

You can set the following parameters:

n Additional ODBC connection properties: Specify any additional ODBC
connection parameters that you want to use.

Note: If the user name or password specified in the General tab

contains non-Latin characters (e.g. Chinese), the following property is

n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect

The following is an example of a SAP Sybase ASE connection string:


For a description of the supported connection parameters, see Configuration

Properties for the SAP Sybase ASE Source.

7-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using a SAP Sybase ASE Database as a Source or Target 7-13
7-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using a MySQL Database as a Source or

This chapter describes how to set up and use a MySQL database as the source or target
endpoint in a replication task. It contains the following topics:
n Prerequisites
n Limitations
n Using a MySQL Database as a Source
n Using a MySQL Database as a Target

Before you begin to work with a MySQL database as a source or target in Amazon
RDS Migration Tool, make sure that the following prerequisites have been met.

General Prerequisites
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool installed on Windows or Linux in your network.
n A MySQL account with the required Security Requirements.
n A MySQL database with the tables that you want to replicate should be accessible
in your network.
The following MySQL editions are supported:
– MySQL Community Edition
– MySQL Standard Edition
– MySQL Enterprise Edition
– MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition

Amazon RDS Migration Tool Server for Windows

The following section describes the steps you need to perform to work with Amazon
RDS Migration Tool for Windows and MySQL as a source or target endpoint in a
Amazon RDS Migration Tool task:
n MySQL ODBC 5.2.6 64-bit client or above must be installed on the same computer
as Amazon RDS Migration Tool.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-1

Amazon RDS Migration Tool Server for Linux
The following section describes the steps you need to perform to work with Amazon
RDS Migration Tool for Linux and MySQL as a source or target endpoint in an
Amazon RDS Migration Tool task:
1. On the Amazon RDS Migration Tool machine, install MySQL Client 5.2 or above
for Linux.
2. Makes sure that the /etc/odbcinst.ini file contains the following entry for
MySQL, as in the following example:
[MySQL ODBC 5.2 Unicode Driver]
Driver = /usr/lib64/

UsageCount = 1Enable Binary Logging

To enable binary logging, the following parameters must be configured in MySQL’s
my.ini (Windows) or my.cnf (UNIX) files.

Table 8–1 Required my.ini/my.cnf Parameters for Binary Logging

Parameter Value
server_id Any value from 1.
log-bin=<path> Path to the binary log file (without an extension).
binlog_format Must be:
expire_logs_days To prevent disk space issues, it is strongly recommended not to
use the default value (0).
binlog_checksum Must be:
binlog_row_image Must be:

Cluster Prerequisites
To be able to replicate clustered (NDB) tables (i.e. by connecting Amazon RDS
Migration Tool to any of the cluster nodes), the following parameters must be
configured in MySQL’s my.ini (Windows) or my.cnf (UNIX) files.

Table 8–2 Required my.ini/my.cnf Parameters for Cluster Replication

Parameter Value
ndb_log_bin Must be:
This ensures that changes in clustered tables will be logged to
the binary log.

8-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 8–2 (Cont.) Required my.ini/my.cnf Parameters for Cluster Replication
Parameter Value
ndb_log_update_as_write Must be:
This prevents writing UPDATEs as INSERTs in the binary log.
ndb_log_updated_only Must be:
Ensures that the binary log will contain the entire row and not
just the changed columns.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-3

n The following DDLs are not supported:
– Truncate Partition
– Drop Table
– Rename Table
n Using the alter table <table_name> add column <column_name>
statement to add columns to the beginning or to the middle of a table is not
n MySQL Source: Changes are not captured from tables whose names contain both
upper and lower case characters.
n MySQL Source: The AR_H_USER header column is currently not supported. For
information on using header columns, see Header Columns.
n MySQL Target: When updating a column's value to its existing value, a zero rows
affected is returned from MySQL (unlike Oracle and SQL Server that perform an
update of one row). This generates an entry in the attrep_apply_exceptions control
table and the following warning:
Some changes from the source database had no impact when applied to
the target database. See attrep_apply_exceptions table for details.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source

The following topics describe how to use a MySQL database as the source endpoint in
an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Security Requirements
n Configuration Properties for the MySQL Source
n MySQL Database Source Data Types
n Setting up a MySQL Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Security Requirements
The Amazon RDS Migration Tool user must have the ReplicationAdmin role with the
following privileges (according to task type):
n REPLICATION CLIENT - Required for Change Processing tasks only. In other
words, Full Load only tasks do not require this privilege.
n REPLICATION SLAVE - Required for Change Processing tasks only. In other
words, Full Load only tasks do not require this privilege.
n SUPER - Only required in versions prior to MySQL 5.6.6.
The Amazon RDS Migration Tool user must also have SELECT privileges for the
source tables designated for replication.

Setting up Amazon RDS MySQL for CDC (Change Data Capture)

To enable CDC with Amazon RDS MySQL, you need to use Amazon RDS MySQL
version 5.6 or higher.
1. Follow the instructions provided by AWS to create a new Parameter Group (see
the Binary Logging Format section):

8-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
2. When creating the new Parameter Group, set the following values:
n binlog_format=row
n binlog_checksum=NONE
3. Save the new Parameter Group.
4. If you have an existing instance of Amazon RDS MySQL, edit the instance to use
the parameters specified in Step 2 above. Or, if you are provisioning a new
instance of Amazon RDS MySQL, reference the new Parameter Group created in
Step 1 above.

Configuration Properties for the MySQL Source

The following section describes the configuration properties available for a MySQL

Table 8–3 MySQL Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name or IP address of the
computer on which the MySQL
database is installed.
database The name of the MySQL
database to which you want to
username The name of the user authorized
to access the MySQL database.
password The password for the authorized
Port The port through which to 3306
connect to the MySQL database.
additionalConnectionProperties Any additional ODBC
connection parameters that may
be required.
For more information, see
Additional ODBC connection

MySQL Database Source Data Types

The following table shows the MySQL database source data types that are supported
when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-5

Table 8–4 MySQL Database Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Data Types
MySQL Source Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
BIT (64) BYTES (8)
BLOB BYTES (66535)
If the FLOAT values are not in the range
specified below, use a transformation to map
FLOAT to STRING. For an explanation of
how to do this, see Using the Transform Tab.
Supported FLOAT range:
- 1.79E+308 to -2.23E-308, 0
2.23E-308 to 1.79E+308
VARCHAR (2000) WSTRING (2000)
VARCHAR (4000) WSTRING (4000)
VARBINARY (4000) BYTES (4000)
VARBINARY (2000) BYTES (2000)

8-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 8–4 (Cont.) MySQL Database Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
MySQL Source Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types

Note: If the DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data types are specified

with a “zero” value (i.e. 0000-00-00), you need to make sure that the
target database in the replication task supports "zero" values for the
DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data types. If they are not supported,
you can use a transformation to specify a supported value (e.g. 1970.)
Otherwise, they will be recorded as null on the target.

Data Types Supported in Full Load Only

The following MySQL data types are supported in Full Load only:

MySQL Source Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-7

Setting up a MySQL Database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You can add a MySQL database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a source. For
information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When you select
MySQL Source as the database type the following dialog box is displayed:

Figure 8–1 MySQL Source Database

Notes: You can also use MySQL files as a source. For more
information, see Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel.

To add a MySQL source database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the MySQL
database. This is optional.
4. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select MySQL as the database Type.

8-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

6. In the Server Name field, enter the host name or IP address of the computer on
which the MySQL database is installed.

n This information is case sensitive.
n You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a MySQL
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

7. Optionally, change the default port (5000).

8. Type the MySQL authentication information (User Name, Password) for the
authorized user for this MySQL database. If you do not know this information, see
your MySQL Database Administrator (DBA).

n This information is required. If you are using the Advanced tab to
create a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. See Using Advanced Properties for a
MySQL Source for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the MySQL user entered in the MySQL
Authentication section has the correct access privileges. For
information on how to provide the required privileges, see
Security Requirements.
n If you want to set custom properties for this database, see Using
Advanced Properties for a MySQL Source.

Selecting a Schema
You can choose which MySQL database to access. After configuring the MySQL source
database connection settings, open the Select Tables dialog box (by clicking the Table
Selection button on the right of the console) and select which schema to use from the
Schema drop down list.
See also: Chapter 14, "Designing Tasks".

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-9

Using Advanced Properties for a MySQL Source
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

Figure 8–2 MySQL Source Advanced Tab

You can set the following parameters:

n Automatically enable MySQL replication: Select this to automatically enable
MySQL replication. This is only required if MySQL replication has not been
enabled already. For more information, see Prerequisites.
n Additional ODBC connection properties: Specify any additional ODBC
connection parameters that may be required.

Note: Amazon RDS Migration Tool assumes that MySQL Client 5.2
for Linux or MySQL ODBC Client 5.2.6 64-bit for Windows has been
installed on the Amazon RDS Migration Server machine. If a later
version has been installed, you need to specify the version number in
the Additional ODBC connection properties field, as in the following
provider=MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver

n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect

The following is an example of a MySQL connection string:

8-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference


For a description of the supported connection parameters, see Configuration

Properties for the MySQL Source.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-11

Using a MySQL Database as a Target
The following topics describe how to use a MySQL database as the target endpoint in
an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Configuration Properties for the MySQL Target
n Security Requirements
n MySQL Database Target Data Types
n Setting up a MySQL Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Configuration Properties for the MySQL Target

The following section describes the configuration properties available for a MySQL

Table 8–5 MySQL Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name or IP address of the
computer on which the MySQL
database is installed.
database The name of the MySQL
database to which you want to
username The name of the user authorized
to access the MySQL database.
password The password for the authorized
Port The port through which to 3306
connect to the MySQL database.
maxFileSize The maximum size (in KB) of a 32000 KB
CSV file before the file is loaded
into the MySQL target.
additionalConnectionProperties Any additional ODBC
connection parameters that may
be required.
For more information, see
Additional ODBC connection

Security Requirements
You must provide MySQL account access to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool user.
This user must have read/write privileges in the MySQL database.

MySQL Database Target Data Types

The following table shows the MySQL database target data types that are supported
when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.

8-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 8–6 Supported MySQL Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types MySQL Data Types
BYTES If length is => 1 and =< 65535, then:
If length is => 65535 and =< 2147483647,
TIMESTAMP If scale is => 0 and =< 6, then:
If scale is => 7 and =< 9, then:
STRING If length is => 1 and =< 21845, then:
VARCHAR (Length)
If length is => 21846 and =< 2147483647,
WSTRING If length is => 1 and =< 32767, then:
VARCHAR (Length)
If length is => 32768 and =< 2147483647,

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-13

Table 8–6 (Cont.) Supported MySQL Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types MySQL Data Types
BLOB If length is => 1 and =< 65535, then:
If length is => 65536 and =< 2147483647,
If length is => 0 and =< 0, then:
LONGBLOB (Full Lob Support)
NCLOB If length is => 1 and =< 65535, then:
If length is => 65536 and =< 2147483647,
If length is => 0 and =< 0, then:
Lob Support)
CLOB If length is => 1 and =< 65535, then:
If length is => 65536 and =< 2147483647,
If length is => 0 and =< 0, then:
LONGTEXT (Full Lob Support)

Setting up a MySQL Database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

You can add a MySQL database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a target. For
information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases. When you select
MySQL as the target database type the following dialog box is displayed:

8-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 8–3 MySQL Target Database: General Tab

To add a MySQL target database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the MySQL
database. This is optional.
4. Select TARGET as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select MySQL as the database Type.
6. In the Server Name field, enter the host name or IP address of the computer on
which the MySQL database is installed.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-15

n This information is case sensitive.
n You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a MySQL
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

7. Optionally, change the default port (5000).

8. Type the MySQL authentication information (User Name, Password) for the
authorized user for this MySQL database. If you do not know this information, see
your MySQL Database Administrator (DBA).

n This information is required. If you are using the Advanced tab to
create a custom string, make sure to include the User Name and
Password properties. See Using Advanced Properties for a
MySQL Target for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the MySQL user entered in the MySQL
Authentication section has the correct access privileges. For
information on how to provide the required privileges, see
Security Requirements.
n If you want to set custom properties for this database, see Using
Advanced Properties for a MySQL Target.

9. In the Database name field, enter the MySQL database name.

Using Advanced Properties for a MySQL Target

You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

8-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 8–4 MySQL Target: Advanced Tab

You can set the following parameters:

n Additional ODBC connection properties: Specify any additional ODBC
connection parameters that may be required.

Note: Amazon RDS Migration Tool assumes that MySQL Client 5.2
for Linux orMySQL ODBC Client 5.2.6 64-bit for Windows has been
installed on the Amazon RDS Migration Server machine. If a later
version has been installed, you need to specify the version number in
the Additional ODBC connection properties field, as in the following
driver=MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver

n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect

The following is an example of a MySQL connection string:

For a description of the supported connection parameters, see Configuration

Properties for the MySQL Source.

Using a MySQL Database as a Source or Target 8-17

8-18 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using ODBC to Connect to a Source

This chapter describes how to use ODBC connectivity to connect to a source database.
It contains the following sections:
n Prerequisites
n Limitations
n Using ODBC to Connect to a Source

The following section describes the prerequisites for working with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool and an ODBC endpoint.
You can connect a database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool using ODBC by indicating
the DSN (Data Source Name). In this case you must be sure that a DSN is defined for
the ODBC database on the computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed.
1. Install a database client on the computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is
installed. The client you install depends on the ODBC provider you are using. For
example, if you are using an IBM DB2 database, install an IBM DB2 client.
Note: You must use a 64-bit ODBC provider client to work with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool.
2. Use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a System DSN.The Data
Source is located in the Windows control panel.

When using ODBC as a source, the following limitations apply:
n UPDATES to primary key fields are not supported. To update the field, define it as
a unique index instead.
n The ODBC Source endpoint supports full-load operations only.
n For providers that do not support batch operations, you must manually add
RowByRow=true to the connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box. See Configuration Properties for the ODBC Source for an explanation
of how to use the RowByRow property.

Using ODBC to Connect to a Source

The following topics describe what you need to use an ODBC database as a source
endpoint in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.

Using ODBC to Connect to a Source 9-1

n Configuration Properties for the ODBC Source
n ODBC Source Data Types
n Configuring ODBC Databases to work as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source
n Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC Databases as a Source

Configuration Properties for the ODBC Source

The following table describes the configuration properties available when using ODBC
databases as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool source database. For information on how
to set these properties, see Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC Databases
as a Source.

Table 9–1 ODBC Source Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
RowByRow When set to true, all DML queries are false
executed row-by-row and not with
array binding.
Possible values: true, false.
This value must be set manually using
the Override connection string
parameters option in the Advanced tab.

BulkArraySize Set the array size for all DML queries 1000
(When using array binding).
Possible values: Any positive number.
This value must be set manually using
the Override connection string
parameters option in the Advanced tab.

GetTableColumns Set the mode for retrieving columns Columns

Possible values:
n Columns: For using the
SQLColumns API.
n DescribeCol: For using the
SQLDescribeCol API.
n DescribeParam: For using the
SQLDescribeCol API (for
parameters only).
This value must be set manually using
the Override connection string
parameters option in the Advanced tab.
For information on how to use this
option, see Using Advanced Properties
when Using ODBC Databases as a
username The name of the user authorized to
access the ODBC target.

9-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 9–1 (Cont.) ODBC Source Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
password The password for the authorized user.
Note that if you specify a password in
your connection string, it will be
revealed as plain text in the task log
files. It is therefore recommended to
specify the password in the GUI
Password field.
syntax Specify either syntax=DB2,
syntax=GenericWithoutSchema or
syntax=SQLMP (AIS) as appropriate.
additionalConnectionProp The method for connecting to the
erties ODBC-supported database. This can
either be a connection string or a specific
to connect using a connection string.
to connect to an ODBC-supported
database using a DSN.

ODBC Source Data Types

The following table shows the ODBC target data types that are supported when using
Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping from Amazon RDS Migration
Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped in the target, see the
section for the target endpoint you are using.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 9–2 Supported ODBC Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Data Types
ODBC Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Note: SQL data types are mapped to unsigned
data types when the UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE
is set to SQL_TRUE for the data type being
Note: SQL data types are mapped to unsigned
data types when the UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE
is set to SQL_TRUE for the data type being

Using ODBC to Connect to a Source 9-3

Table 9–2 (Cont.) Supported ODBC Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
ODBC Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Note: SQL data types are mapped to unsigned
data types when the UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE
is set to SQL_TRUE for the data type being
Note: SQL data types are mapped to unsigned
data types when the UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE
is set to SQL_TRUE for the data type being
The SQL_NUMERIC data type is mapped to
REAL8 when at least one of the following is
n Precision > 38
n Scale < 0
n Scale > 38
n Scale > Precision
The SQL_NUMERIC data type is mapped to
REAL8 when at least one of the following is
n Precision > 38
n Scale < 0
n Scale > 38
n Scale > Precision

9-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 9–2 (Cont.) Supported ODBC Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
ODBC Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
CLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, CLOB data types are supported
only in tables that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
NCLOBs for a specific task.
During CDC, NCLOB data types are
supported only in tables that include a
primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.
To use this data type with Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
BLOBs for a specific task.
BLOB data types are supported only in tables
that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

Using ODBC to Connect to a Source 9-5

Table 9–2 (Cont.) Supported ODBC Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
ODBC Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Provider specific data types If column length is < or = 4000:
Note: If column length is 0 or > 4000 then: BYTES
To use this data type with Amazon RDS If column length is 0 or > 4000:
Migration Tool, you must enable the use of
BLOBs for a specific task.
BLOB data types are supported only in tables
that include a primary key.
For more information, see LOB support in
Task Settings/Metadata.

Configuring ODBC Databases to work as an Amazon RDS Migration Tool Source

You can add a database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool as a source using ODBC
connectivity. For information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases.
When you select SOURCE as the role and then ODBC as the database type the
following dialog box is displayed:

Figure 9–1 ODBC Source Database

To add an ODBC source database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.

9-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

2. In the Name field, type a name for your ODBC database. This can be any name
that will help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the ODBC
database. This is optional.
4. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
5. Select ODBC as the database Type.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
6. Select one of the following:
n DSN: Select this to connect to an ODBC-supported database using a DSN.
When you select DSN you must select the DSN you are using from the list.
If the DSN you want to use is not included in the list, make sure that the
database client is installed on the computer with Amazon RDS Migration Tool
and that the DSN is defined. Note that the ODBC provider client must be
64-bit. For more information, see Prerequisites.

Note: If you are using an AIS CDC Agent as the source in a Amazon
RDS Migration Tool task, you cannot select the DSN for the Amazon
ODBC driver as the target. In this case, to use Amazon ODBC as a
source, you must enter the connection string manually by selecting
Connection String and following the directions for that option in this

n Connection String: Select this to connect to an ODBC-supported database

using a connection string then type a valid connection string in the field below.
For information on how to create a connection string, see the documentation
for the ODBC database provider you are using.
Note that if you specify a password in your connection string, it will be
revealed as plain text in the task log files. It is therefore recommended to
specify the password in the GUI Password field.

n You can use the Advanced tab to add specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC
Databases as a Source.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

Using ODBC to Connect to a Source 9-7

7. Type the authentication information (User Name, Password) for the authorized
user for the ODBC database being used. For example, the IBM DB2 system
administrator if you are using a IBM DB2 provider. If you do not know this
information, see your ODBC Database System Administrator.

n When you select Connection String be sure to include User
name/password information in the connection string that you
type in the box.
If you are using the Advanced tab to create a custom string, make sure to
include the User Name and Password properties. For more information,
see Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC Databases as a
n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the ODBC database user has the
correct access privileges for the ODBC provider being used. For
information on how to provide the required privileges, see.
n You can set custom properties in the Advanced tab. For more
information, see Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC
Databases as a Source.

Using Advanced Properties when Using ODBC Databases as a Source

You can create a custom string using the Advanced tab. The following figure shows
the ODBC Advanced tab:

9-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 9–2 ODBC Source Advanced Tab

Provider syntax: Select the name of the provider syntax if you are using an alternate
provider syntax.
Override connection string parameters: Select this to use a custom connect string.The
following is an example of a string you can enter in this dialog box:
For information on the properties you can use in the connect string, see Configuration
Properties for the ODBC Source.

Using ODBC to Connect to a Source 9-9

9-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using Amazon Redshift as a Target

This chapter describes how to set up and use Amazon Redshift as a target in a
replication task. Amazon Redshift is located in the cloud and is accessed through an
Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.
This chapter contains the following topics:
n Introducing the Amazon Redshift Target Endpoint for Amazon RDS Migration
n Amazon Redshift Endpoint Prerequisites
n Configuration Properties
n Amazon Redshift Data Types
n Setting up Amazon Redshift as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Introducing the Amazon Redshift Target Endpoint for Amazon RDS

Migration Tool
This topic contains information on how the Amazon Redshift target works with
Amazon RDS Migration Tool to replicate data into the cloud. See the following
sub-topics for a general overview of how to use the Amazon Redshift target.
n An Overview of the Amazon Redshift Target
n The Amazon Redshift Endpoint Architecture

An Overview of the Amazon Redshift Target

Amazon Redshift is a fully-managed petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the
The Amazon Redshift endpoint uses Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service to move
the data files created by the source database into an Amazon S3 bucket. Once the files
reside in an Amazon S3 bucket, they are transferred to the proper tables in the
Amazon Redshift data warehouse.
The Amazon Redshift endpoint provides full automation for:
n Schema generation and data type mapping
n Full load of source database tables
n Incremental load of changes made to source tables
n Application of schema changes (DDL) made to the source tables.

Using Amazon Redshift as a Target 10-1

n Synchronization between full load and CDC processes.
Manual control is also available if needed.
See The Amazon Redshift Endpoint Architecture for a description of the system
architecture used with the Amazon Redshift endpoint.

The Amazon Redshift Endpoint Architecture

Amazon RDS Migration Tool reads the data from the source database that you are
working with and creates a series of CSV files. The files are uploaded to Amazon S3
using the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI (EC2 Instance).
Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports both full load and change processing
For full-load operations, Amazon RDS Migration Tool creates files for each table. The
table files are copied to a separate folder in Amazon S3 for each table. When the files
are uploaded to Amazon S3, a copy command is sent and the data in the files are
copied into Amazon Redshift.
For change-processing operations, net changes are copied to the CSV files. The net
change files are uploaded to Amazon S3, then the correct data is copied to Amazon

Amazon Redshift Endpoint Prerequisites

The following sections describe the prerequisites necessary for working with the
Amazon Redshift endpoint.
n Get Started with Amazon Redshift
n Sign up for an Amazon S3 Bucket
n Open the Required Firewall Ports
n Configure the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI (Amazon Machine

Get Started with Amazon Redshift

Once you register for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, you can launch an
Amazon Redshift cluster and download the required SQL client tools. The following
describes what you need to do to get started using Amazon Redshift as an Amazon
RDS Migration Tool target endpoint.
n Sign up for an Amazon Web Services account. Then use the AWS Management
Console to launch an Amazon Redshift cluster. You should note the basic
information about your AWS account and your Amazon Redshift cluster, such as
your password and user name. You will need this information to configure
Amazon RDS Migration Tool to work with the Amazon Redshift endpoint. For
more information, see Setting up Amazon Redshift as a Target in Amazon RDS
Migration Tool.
n Download and install the SQL client tools necessary to connect to the Amazon
Redshift cluster. Amazon RDS Migration Tool requires that you download a 64-bit
ODBC driver.
For a list of drivers supported by Amazon Redshift, see:

10-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

For information on signing up for an Amazon Web Services account, launching an
Amazon Redshift cluster, and installing the client tools, see the Amazon Redshift
Getting Started page at

Sign up for an Amazon S3 Bucket

You need to have an Amazon S3 bucket, preferably (for best performance) located in
your Amazon Redshift cluster region.
For information on signing up for Amazon S3, see
n Bucket access credentials: Make a note of the bucket name, region, access key and
secret access key - you will need to provide in the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Amazon Redshift target settings.
n Bucket access permissions: Amazon RDS Migration Tool requires
read/write/delete permissions to the Amazon S3 bucket.

Open the Required Firewall Ports

Firewall ports 5746 (Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service) and 5439 (Amazon
Redshift Cluster) need to be opened for outbound communication.

Configure the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
A password is required in order to establish a secure connection between the Amazon
RDS Migration Server and your Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI (EC2
1. Log in to your Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI (EC2 instance) using
remote desktop or a similar utility. A shortcut to the Amazon RDS Migration
Transfer Service Configuration utility should appear on your desktop.
2. Open the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service Configuration utility.
3. Either manually enter a password or click Generate Strong Password. Amazon
RDS Migration Transfer Service requires a password for authentication and data
encryption purposes.
4. Click Set Password and then Copy to Clipboard. You will need to enter this
password when configuring the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Amazon Redshift
Note: You can change the password at any time. However, before changing the
password, it is recommended to stop any tasks with an Amazon Redshift target
(and that are configured to use the same Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service
AMI). After changing the password, update any relevant tasks with the new
password and then start them.
5. Close the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service Configuration utility and then
disconnect from your Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI EC2 instance.

Configuration Properties
The following table describes the configuration properties available for the Amazon
Redshift endpoint. For information on how to set these properties, see Using
Advanced Properties for an Amazon Redshift Target.

Using Amazon Redshift as a Target 10-3

Table 10–1 Amazon Redshift Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
server The name of the Amazon
Redshift cluster you are using.
port The port number for Amazon 5439
username An Amazon Redshift user name
for a registered user.
password The password for the user
entered in the username
database The name of the Amazon
Redshift data warehouse
[service] you are working with.
maxFileSize The maximum size of any CSV 500
file used to transfer data to
Amazon Redshift. You can
change the default value in the
Advanced properties tab. See
Using Advanced Properties for
an Amazon Redshift Target for
more information.
driver The name of the default ODBC Amazon Redshift (x64)
driver you are using. See the
Amazon Redshift
documentation for information
on how to download and install
the compatible drivers.
If you are using a different
driver than the default driver -
Amazon Redshift x64 - you
must change this value in the
Advanced properties tab. See
Using Advanced Properties for
an Amazon Redshift Target for
more information.
fileTransferUploadStreams The number of streams used by 10
each subtask to upload a file.
The minimum number of
streams to use is 1. The
maximum value is 64.
bucketName The name of the Amazon S3
bucket where you are copying
files to.
s3Region The name of the Amazon region us-east-1
where the AWS account you are
working with is. This is where
the S3 buckets and folders are
bucketFolder The name of the S3 folder where
you are copying files to.
s3AccessKey Access key information for
Amazon S3. If you do not know
this, see your Amazon Web
Services account or contact your
enterprise system administrator.

10-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 10–1 (Cont.) Amazon Redshift Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
s3Secret Key Secret key information for
Amazon S3. If you do not know
this, see your Amazon Web
Services account or contact your
enterprise system administrator.
amiEc2Address The Amazon RDS Migration
Transfer Service AMI Public
DNS (EC2 IP address). Required
for Amazon RDS Migration Tool
to connect to the Amazon RDS
Migration Transfer Service AMI.

Amazon Redshift Data Types

The Amazon Redshift endpoint for Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports most
Amazon Redshift data types. The following table shows the Amazon Redshift target
data types that are supported when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the
default mapping from Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped from the source, see the
section for the source endpoint you are using. For additional information about
Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 10–2 Supported Amazon Redshift Data Types with Mapping from Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Amazon Redshift Data Types
DATETIME If scale is => 0 and =< 6, then:
If scale is => 7 and =< 9, then:
NUMERIC If scale is => 0 and =< 37, then:
If scale is => 38 and =< 127, then:
VARCHAR (Length)

Using Amazon Redshift as a Target 10-5

Table 10–2 (Cont.) Supported Amazon Redshift Data Types with Mapping from Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types Amazon Redshift Data Types
STRING If length is => 1 and =< 65535, then:
VARCHAR (Length in Bytes)
If length is => 65536 and =< 2147483647,
VARCHAR (65535)
WSTRING If length is => 1 and =< 65535, then:
NVARCHAR (Length in Bytes)
If length is => 65536 and =< 2147483647,
NVARCHAR (65535)
Note about Amazon Redshift LOB support: Full LOB data types are not supported. For
information on including Limited-size LOB data types in the replication, see the Metadata tab
description in Customizing Tasks.
Note: The maximum LOB size in the
Metadata tab cannot exceed 31 KB.
Note: The maximum LOB size in the
Metadata tab cannot exceed 63 KB.
Note: The maximum LOB size in the
Metadata tab cannot exceed 63 KB.

10-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Setting up Amazon Redshift as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You can add Amazon Redshift to Amazon RDS Migration Tool to use as a target
database. For information on how to add databases, see Working with Databases.

To add an Amazon Redshift Target to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Manage Databases to open the
Manage Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to
Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Manage Databases dialog box, click Add Database.
3. In the Name field, type a name for your Amazon Redshift data warehouse
[service]. This can be any name that will help to identify your Amazon Redshift
4. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the Amazon
Redshift target endpoint. This is optional.
5. Select TARGET as the Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the Role.
6. Select Amazon Redshift as the Type.
7. Enter the following Amazon Redshift target information (see Figure 0–2).
n Redshift cluster: Type the name of the Amazon Redshift cluster you are using.
n Port: Type the port number for Amazon Redshift.
n User name: Type an Amazon Redshift user name for a registered user.
n Password: Type the password for the user entered in the User name field.
n Database name: Type the Database name or select one from the list of
available Amazon Redshift data warehouse [services].
The information for these properties is available from the account page for
Amazon Web Services (AWS) with the Amazon Redshift cluster. If you do not
have these values, refer to your AWS account or the Amazon Redshift System
Administrator for your enterprise.
8. Enter the following Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI information.
You may need to click the Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI header to
see the information.
n AMI EC2 IP Address: Enter the IP address of the Amazon EC2 instance on
which your Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI is configured.
n Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service Password: Enter the same password
that you set in your Amazon RDS Migration Transfer Service AMI instance.
The password is used for authentication and encryption purposes.
9. Enter the following Amazon S3 staging information. You may need to click the
Amazon S3 staging header to see the information.

Using Amazon Redshift as a Target 10-7

Figure 10–1 Amazon Redshift Information for S3 Staging

n Bucket name: Type the name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you are copying
files to.
n Bucket region: Select the Amazon S3 region where the S3 buckets and folders
you are using are hosted. The default value is US East (N. Virginia).
Note: The bucket region specified must be the same region where your
Amazon Redshift database is located.
n Folder: Type the name of the S3 folder where you are copying files to.
n Access key: Type the access key information for Amazon S3.
n Secret key: Type the secret key information for Amazon S3.
n Folder: Type or browse to the S3 folder where you are copying files to.
The information for these properties is available from your Amazon Web Services
(AWS) account. If you do not have these values, refer to your AWS account or the
Amazon Redshift System Administrator for your enterprise

n If you are using the Advanced tab to create a custom string, make
sure to include the User Name property. A Password can also be
included but is not required. See Using Advanced Properties for
an Amazon Redshift Target for more information.
n This information is case sensitive.
n If you want to set custom properties, see Using Advanced
Properties for an Amazon Redshift Target.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

10-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using Advanced Properties for an Amazon Redshift Target
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.
You can set the following parameters:
n Max file size (MB): Select or type the maximum size of any CSV file used to
transfer data to Amazon Redshift. The default value is 500.
n Number of threads used to upload a file: Select the number of threads used to
upload a single file. The minimum number of threads is 1. The maximum value is
64. The default value is10.
n ODBC driver: The name of the default ODBC driver you are using to connect to
Amazon Redshift.
n Additional ODBC connection properties: Type any additional ODBC connection
properties if required
n Override connection string parameters: Select this to create a custom connect
The following is an example of an Amazon Redshift connection string:

For information on the properties you can include in an custom connect string for
Amazon Redshift, see Configuration Properties.

Using Amazon Redshift as a Target 10-9

10-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or

This chapter describes how to set up and use PostgreSQL database as a source or
target in a replication task. It has the following topics:
n Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source
n Source Prerequisites
n Security Requirements
n PostgreSQL Source Data Types
n Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Using PostgreSQL as a Target
n Target Prerequisites
n Security Requirements
n PostgreSQL Database Target Data Types
n Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source

The following topics describe what you need to use a PostgreSQL database as a source
endpoint in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
n Source Prerequisites
n PostgreSQL Source Data Types
n Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-1

Source Prerequisites
The following section lists the prerequisites for working with Amazon RDS Migration
Tool and a PostgreSQL database source.

Client Side
n Amazon RDS Migration Server for Windows: The PostgreSQL ODBC Driver
psqlodbc_09_03_0300-x64-1 or above must be installed on the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool machine.
n Amazon RDS Migration Server for Linux: On the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
1. Install unixODBC driver postgresql94-odbc-09.03.0400-1PGDG.<OS
version>.x86_64 or above for Linux, where <OS version> is the OS of
the Amazon RDS Migration Server machine.
For example, postgresql94-odbc-09.03.0400-1PGDG.<rhel7>.x86_
64 is the client required for Red Hat 7.
2. Makes sure that the /etc/odbcinst.ini file contains an entry for
PostgreSQL, as in the following example:
Description = PostgreSQL ODBC driver
Driver = /usr/pgsql-9.4/lib/
Setup = /usr/pgsql-9.4/lib/
Debug = 0
CommLog = 1
UsageCount = 2

n When the Apply Changes task option is enabled, the user specified in the
PostgreSQL source endpoint’s General tab must be granted super-user

Server Side
n The IP address of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool machine must be added to the
pg_hba.conf configuration file.
n The following parameters and values must be set in the postgresql.conf
configuration file.
wal_level = logical

max_replication_slots >=1

The max_replication_slots value should be set according to the number of

tasks that you want to run. For example, to run 5 tasks you need to set a minimum
of 5 slots. Slots open automatically as soon as a task starts and remain open, even
when task is no longer running. Note that open slots need to be manually deleted.
max_wal_senders >=1

The max_wal_senders parameter sets the number of concurrent tasks that can
wal_sender_timeout =0

The wal_sender_timeout parameter terminates replication connections that are

inactive longer than the specified number of milliseconds. Although the default is

11-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

60 seconds, it is recommended to set this parameter to zero which will disable the
timeout mechanism.
For more information on the configuration parameters, see:

Security Requirements
The user specified in the General tab when Setting up PostgreSQL database as a
Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool must be a registered user in the PostgreSQL

Source Limitations
The following Change Processing limitations apply when using PostgreSQL as a
n A captured table must have a Primary Key. In the event that a table does not have
a Primary Key, DELETE record operations will be ignored.
n Updating a Primary Key segment is ignored. In such cases, applying such an
update will be identified by the target as an update that did not update any rows
and will result in a record written to the exceptions table.
n The “Start Process Changes from Timestamp” run option is not supported.
n Change processing is not supported on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.
n Replication of multiple tables with the same name but a different case (e.g.
table1, TABLE1 and Table1) may cause unpredictable behavior and is
therefore not supported.
n Change processing of [CREATE | ALTER | DROP] table DDLs are supported
unless they are held in an inner function/procedure body block or in other nested
For example, the following change will not be captured:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION attu.create_distributors1() RETURNS void
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
create table attu.distributors1(did serial PRIMARY KEY,name
varchar(40) NOT NULL);

n Change processing of TRUNCATE operations is not supported.

n Replication of partitioned tables is not supported. When a partitioned table is
detected, the following occurs:
a. The endpoint will report a list of parent and child tables.
b. The table will be created on the target as a regular table with the same
properties as the selected tables.
c. If the parent table in the source database has the same Primary Key value as its
child tables, a “duplicate key” error will be generated.

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-3

Note: In order to replicate partitioned tables from a PostgreSQL
source to a PostgreSQL target, you first need to manually create the
parent and child tables on the target. Then define a separate task to
replicate to those tables. In such a case, the task settings should be
configured to “Truncate before loading”. For more information on the
“Truncate before loading” option, see Full Load Settings.

PostgreSQL Source Data Types

The following table shows the PostgreSQL target data types that are supported when
using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the default mapping to the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types.
For additional information about Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

Table 11–1 Supported PostgreSQL Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types
PostgreSQL Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
NUMERIC(P,S) If precision is => 0 and =< 38, then:
If precision is => 39, then:
DECIMAL(P,S) If precision is => 0 and =< 38, then:
If precision is => 39, then:
Note: The MONEY data type is mapped to FLOAT in
Microsoft SQL Server.

11-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 11–1 (Cont.) Supported PostgreSQL Source Data Types with Mapping to Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
PostgreSQL Data Types Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types
BIT (n) STRING (n)
POINT STRING (255) "(x,y)"
LINE STRING (255) "(x,y,z)"
LSEG STRING (255) "((x1,y1),(x2,y2))"
BOX STRING (255) "((x1,y1),(x2,y2))"
PATH CLOB "((x1,y1),(xn,yn))"
POLYGON CLOB "((x1,y1),(xn,yn))"
CIRCLE STRING (255) "(x,y),r"

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-5

Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Source in Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You can add an PostgreSQL source endpoint to Amazon RDS Migration Tool, which
can then be used in a replication task.

To add a PostgreSQL database source endpoint to Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Tool console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your PostgreSQL database. This can be any
name that will help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the PostgreSQL
database. This is optional.
4. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
5. Select PostgreSQL as the database Type.
The following settings are displayed.

Figure 11–1 PostgreSQL Source Database - General Tab

6. Type the Server name. This is the name or IP address of the computer with the
PostgreSQL database that you want to access.
7. Optionally, change the default port (5432).
8. Enter the PostgreSQL database authentication information (User name, Password)
of an authorized PostgreSQL user. If you do not know this information, see your
PostgreSQL database system manager.

11-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the PostgreSQL database user entered
in the PostgreSQL database Authentication section has the correct
access privileges.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

9. Type the Database name or select one from the list of available databases. This is
the name of the PostgreSQL database from which you are replicating data.
10. Click OK to save your settings and close the dialog box.

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-7

Using Advanced Properties for a PostgreSQL Source
In the Advanced tab of the Add Database dialog box, you can enable capture of DDL
events and override the connection parameters specified in the General tab.

Figure 11–2 PostgreSQL Source Advanced Tab

n Capture DDLs - When this option is selected, the following actions occur:
– Operational artifacts are created (by RDS Migration Tool) in the database
when the task starts. In order to capture DDL events, Amazon RDS Migration
Tool creates various artifacts in the PostgreSQL database when the task starts.
You can later remove these artifacts as described in Removing RDS Migration
Tool Artifacts from the Source Database.
– Streamed DDL events are captured.
n Create DDL artifacts in schema - The schema in which the operational DDL
database artifacts will be created. The default value is "Public".
n Override connection string parameters: Select this option if you need to:
– Specify internal RDS Migration Tool parameters. Such parameters are rarely
required and are therefore not exposed in the UI.
– Specify pass-through (passthru) values for the specific database client. The
pass-through parameter will be included in the connection sting passed (by
RDS Migration Tool) to the database client.
Note that, apart from the password (which is never revealed in plain text), any
parameters already set in the UI will also be displayed in the edit box.

11-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

username=<user>;database=<name>;server=<IP address or hostname>;<internal_

Removing RDS Migration Tool Artifacts from the Source Database

In order to capture DDLs, Amazon RDS Migration Tool creates various artifacts in the
PostgreSQL database when the task starts. When the task completes, you may wish to
remove these artifacts.
To remove the artifacts, issue the following statements (in the order they appear
below), where {AmazonRDSMigration} is the schema in which the artifacts were
drop event trigger attrep_intercept_ddl;
Note that the event trigger does not belong to a specific schema.

drop function {AmazonRDSMigration}.attrep_intercept_ddl()

drop table {AmazonRDSMigration}.attrep_ddl_audit

drop schema {AmazonRDSMigration}

IMPORTANT: Dropping a schema should be done with extreme caution, if at all.
Never drop an operational schema, especially not public.

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-9

Using PostgreSQL as a Target
This section contains information on how to configure the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool PostgreSQL target endpoint.
n Target Prerequisites
n Security Requirements
n Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Target Prerequisites
The following section describes the client prerequisites when replicating to a
PostgreSQL target.
n Amazon RDS Migration Server for Windows: The PostgreSQL ODBC Driver
psqlodbc_09_03_0300-x64-1 or above must be installed on the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool machine.
n Amazon RDS Migration Server for Linux: On the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
1. Install unixODBC driver postgresql94-odbc-09.03.0400-1PGDG.<OS
version>.x86_64 or above for Linux, where <OS version> is the OS of
the RDS Migration Tool Server machine.
For example, postgresql94-odbc-09.03.0400-1PGDG.<rhel7>.x86_
64 is the client required for Red Hat 7.
2. Makes sure that the /etc/odbcinst.ini file contains an entry for
PostgreSQL, as in the following example:
Description = PostgreSQL ODBC driver
Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/
Setup = /usr/lib/odbc/
Debug = 0
CommLog = 1
UsageCount = 2

n Amazon RDS Migration Server for Windows and Linux: psql -- PostgreSQL
interactive terminal must be installed.

Security Requirements
The user specified in the General tab when Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Target
in Amazon RDS Migration Tool must be a registered user in the PostgreSQL database.

PostgreSQL Database Target Data Types

The PostgreSQL database endpoint for Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports most
PostgreSQL database data types. The following table shows the PostgreSQL database
target data types that are supported when using Amazon RDS Migration Tool and the
default mapping from Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types. Unsupported data
types are listed below the table.
For information on how to view the data type that is mapped from the source, see the
section for the source endpoint you are using. For additional information about
Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.

11-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 11–2 Supported PostgreSQL database Data Types with Mapping from Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types PostgreSQL database Data Types
TIMESTAMP If scale is => 0 and =< 6, then:
If scale is => 7 and =< 9, then:
STRING If length is 1 - 21845, then:
VARCHAR (Length in Bytes)
If length is 21846 - 2147483647, then:
VARCHAR (65535)
WSTRING If length is 1 - 21845, then:
VARCHAR (Length in Bytes)
If length is 21846 - 2147483647, then:
VARCHAR (65535)

Data Types when Replicating from a PostgreSQL Source

When replicating from a PostgreSQL source, the target table will be created with the
same data types for all columns, apart from columns with user-defined data types. In
such cases, the data type will be created as "character varying" in the target.

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-11

Setting up PostgreSQL database as a Target in Amazon RDS Migration
You can designate PostgreSQL database as the target endpoint in an Amazon RDS
Migration Tool task.

To add a PostgreSQL target database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool:

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Tool console, click Add Database to open the Add
Databases dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Working with Databases.
2. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
3. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the PostgreSQL
database. This is optional.
4. Select TARGET as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
5. Select PostgreSQL as the database Type.
The following dialog box is displayed.

Figure 11–3 PostgreSQL Target Database

6. Type the Server name. This is the name or IP address of the computer with the
PostgreSQL database that you want to access.

11-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

7. Optionally, change the default port (5432).
8. Enter the PostgreSQL database authentication information (User name, Password)
of an authorized PostgreSQL user. If you do not know this information, see your
PostgreSQL database system manager.

n This information is case sensitive.
n Important: Make sure that the specified PostgreSQL database user
has the correct access privileges.
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

9. Type the Database name or select one from the list of available databases. This is
the name of the PostgreSQL database to which you are replicating data.
10. Click OK to save your settings and close the dialog box.

Using PostgreSQL Database as a Source or Target 11-13

Using Advanced Properties for a PostgreSQL database Target
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

Figure 11–4 PostgreSQL Target Advanced Tab

You can set the following parameters:

n Max file size (KB): Select or type the maximum size (in KB) of a CSV file before
the file is loaded into the PostgreSQL target database. The default value is 32000
n Override connection string parameters: Select this option if you need to:
– Specify internal RDS Migration Tool parameters. Such parameters are rarely
required and are therefore not exposed in the UI.
– Specify pass-through (passthru) values for the specific database client. The
pass-through parameter will be included in the connection sting passed (by
RDS Migration Tool) to the database client.
Note that, apart from the password (which is never revealed in plain text), any
parameters already set in the UI will also be displayed in the edit box.
username=<user>;database=<name>;server=<IP address or hostname>;<internal_

11-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File

This chapter describes how to use the Amazon RDS Migration Tool file channel as a
source or target in a replication task.
It covers the following topics:
n Setting Up Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel Tasks
n Working with the File Channel Data Files
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool Installation Requirements for the File Channel
n Security
n Limitations
n Using the File Channel as a Source
n Using the File Channel as a Target

Setting Up Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel Tasks

To replicate data using the file channel, you must set up two tasks of the following
n Local Task
n Remote Task

Note: When using file channel, Change Tables can be enabled for the
remote task but not for the local task (enabling Change Tables for the
local task will result in remote task failure).

Local Task
You set up the local task using the File-Channel endpoint as a target. The binary file
created in this task is used as the source for one or more remote tasks using the
File-Channel source endpoint.
The local task replicates data from an Amazon RDS Migration Tool supported
database to the file channel. If you changed the default folder for storing data files
(during the installation), then you must specify the location of the binary file created
by the file channel. This location can be anywhere in your system. For more
information on setting up a local task, see Using the File Channel as a Target.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-1

Remote Task
Remote tasks use the File Channel as a source endpoint. You use the file created by the
local task for this source. You can replicate the data to any database that is supported
by Amazon RDS Migration Tool. You define the location of the File-Channel file as the
remote location where the file was created. The data is pushed over the network to the
defined location anywhere in your system. You can also define more than one location
for the replicated data. In this case, define a separate remote task for each location.
If you want to push the data to a database that is not in your LAN, use the File
Transfer Service to send the files created in the local task to the remote location.
When you run the remote task, data is sent to the target in the following instances:
n The first time you run the task as a full load.
n Each time changes are made to the file. In this case, change processing takes place.
When the remote task runs, it will continuously look for the source file until the task is
stopped. When the file is found, the data is replicated to the target database. If no
source file is found, an error is displayed; however, the task will continue to check for
the correct file. Therefore, it is recommended that you run the local task first to ensure
that the file exists.

Note: To replicate tables that were added to the local file channel
task after the initial full load, you need to reload both the local and the
remote file channel tasks.

For more information on setting up a remote task, see Using the File Channel as a

Replicating to Multiple Targets (Distribution)

You can use the File Channel to distribute from a single source database to multiple
targets, either of the same type (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server to Microsoft SQL Server) or
of different types (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle and SAP Sybase ASE).

To do this:
1. For each of the target databases, define a separate (remote) task that replicates
from the File Channel source to the target database. In the Advanced tab of the
File Channel source settings, make sure to clear the Delete processed files check
box. This ensures that the File Channel files will be available for distribution as
2. Define a local task that replicates from the source database to a File Channel target.
3. Run the local task (this will create the File Channel files required by the remote
4. For each of the remote tasks, select which tables to replicate (from the File Channel
source) and optionally apply Filters and Transformations to them.
5. Run the remote tasks.
For more information on defining tasks, see Designing Tasks.
For information on Filters and Transformations, see Customizing Tasks.

12-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Note: By default, all the metadata for the selected source tables is
replicated from the Local Task to the Remote Task. This allows you to
remove, add and transform tables in the remote task as needed.
However, if you want the tables in the source and target databases to
be identical, you can prevent replication of the metadata (and thereby
shorten the processing time) by specifying
provideremotemetadata=N in the Override connection string
parameters field of the File Channel target’s Advanced tab.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-3

Adding Tables to a Running Remote Task
When distributing to multiple targets, it is possible to replicate a different subset of
tables to each target if necessary. Before starting the task, you can select which tables to
replicate using the standard procedure described in Adding Tables to a Task. However,
if the task is already running, you need to perform the following procedure:
1. Stop the remote task.
2. Add the desired tables (as described in Adding Tables to a Task).
3. Resume the remote task. The newly added tables will be marked as “Queued”.
4. Reload the newly added tables in the local task (by selecting the tables and
clicking the Reload icon in Monitor view).
For information on removing specific tables from a replication task, see Removing
Specific Tables from a Replication Task.

Note: Adding tables to the remote task is not supported in Apply

Changes (CDC-only) replication tasks. For more information on the
available replication options, see Setting up Tasks.

Working with the File Channel Data Files

The File Channel stream data files are encoded in an internal binary format. For
full-load operations, the File Channel binary files contain packed data records for each
of the table records and an end-of-file (EOF) record. For change-processing operations,
the file contains:
n A packed data record for each DDL and/or DML change.
n A begin-load-table record with the stream name that marks the beginning of table
n A packed table-definition record with the table metadata. These records come
before each DDL and begin-load-table record.
You do not need to work directly with the file-channel files, however if you find it
necessary to work with them they are located in the File-Channel Directory.

File-Channel Directory Structure

The file-channel directory contains the following files and folders:
s_msgs: This folder contains messages sent from the source side to the replication
server on the remote target side.
Messages are removed from this folder at the source side when an acknowledgment
message is received stating that the file was transferred successfully or possibly with a
Messages are removed from this folder at the target side after they are read.
This folder contains the following files:
n s_msgs/xxxxxxxx.fcm: This file contains a JSON message from the source side to
the target side.
n yyyymmddhhMMsss.mtd: This file contains the captured tables list.
s_status: This folder contains status updates from the source side to the target side.
Status updates appear as a fixed name file that is periodically updated. This file lists

12-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

the last processed target status file. It receives the t_status/cccccccc.fcs file. These files
are deleted when the file-channel source endpoint finishes reading the file. You can
configure the file-channel source to keep the files, if necessary. See Using Advanced
Properties for a File-Channel Source for more information.
t_status: This folder contains status updates from the target side to the source side.
Status updates appear as an infinite set of data files that are created according to a
specific schedule. These files are sent from the target by the source. The folder contains
also a fixed name file that is updated with the last created status file name. It contains
the following file:
n t_status/cccccccc.fcs: This is a file channel status file (.fcs) where the file name is a
hexadecimal counter of length 8. These files will be transferred in order with the
lower numbers transferred first. If you need to view them, you should order them
by timestamp because alphabetical ordering will not be consistent with the
hexidecimal name.
File channel status files are deleted by the source after being read and by the target
when source status file indicates that this file was already processed.
You can configure the maximum amount of time that the files are kept before a
new file is created as well as the maximum file size for each file. The minimum file
size is 50 MB.
For more information, see Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Target.
n streams/<stream-name>: This folder contains stream sub-folder, one sub-folder
per stream. A stream represents a finite or infinite set of data files being sent from
the source to the target. The file channel allows creating and destroying named
streams dynamically. For example, there can be a fixed-named stream cdc
(streams/cdc) and there could be a dynamically created stream loadXXXXXXXX
that can be removed at the source side when a status update from the target is
received (for example, when processing completed) in the t_status folder.
You can configure the maximum number of streams and the maximum disc space
for each stream. For more information, see Change Processing.
This folder contains the following file:
n streams/<stream-name>/cccccccc.fcd: This is a file channel data file (.fcd) where
the file name is a hexadecimal counter of length 8. These files are processed at the
target in order or in parallel depending on the case. However, the files are
transferred in order with the lower numbers transferred first.
File channel data files are deleted by the source when transferred successfully and
by the target when processed.
You can configure the maximum amount of time that the files are kept before
being creating a new file and the maximum file size for each file. The minimum
file size is 10 MB and the minimum time that a file is kept is 5 seconds.

Amazon RDS Migration Tool Installation Requirements for the File

To work with the file-channel endpoint, you must install Amazon RDS Migration Tool
anywhere on the network for each LAN that you are working with.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-5

When using the File Transfer Service, file-channel files are always transferred over an
encrypted session.
The session is encrypted as follows:
The client and server create an AES-256 session key using the Diffie-Hellman key
exchange protocol (using the OpenSSL library). After the key is created, all file
transfers between the client and the server will take place over a secure and encrypted
communication channel.
However, even though the session is encrypted, communication between the client
and the server may still be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. A
man-in-the-middle in possession of the session key would be able to intercept any data
transferred between the client and the server.
To eliminate man-in-the-middle attacks, a "shared password" needs to be provided
when configuring the local and remote file channel endpoints. Once the session is
established, both the client and the server use the shared password to re-key the
session key during the next packet exchange, thereby preventing the original session
key from being used for man-in-the-middle attacks.
To sum up:
1. Strong encryption is used regardless of whether a password was provided.
2. Providing a password eliminates the risk of a man-in-the-middle attack.
For more information about the File Transfer Service, see File Transfer Service.

n The File-Channel endpoint does not support the use of BLOBs.
n You cannot use the full-load resume function if you are using the file-channel
endpoint. To resume a full-load operation, you must delete the original data and
then run the task again.
n You must delete the file-channel folder before re-starting a task for change
n Control tables defined for the Local File Channel task but not for the Remote File
Channel task will not be created on the remote task’s target endpoint.
For information on defining Control Tables, see Control Tables.

Using the File Channel as a Source

The File Channel source endpoint is an Amazon RDS Migration Tool endpoint that
consumes and applies the contents of a file channel directory structure that was
produced by a corresponding File Channel target endpoint.
This section contains the following topics:
n File Channel Source Properties
n Setting up a File Channel Source using Amazon RDS Migration Tool

12-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

File Channel Source Properties
The following table describes the configuration properties available for the
File-Channel source endpoint. For information on how to set these properties, see
Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Source.

Table 12–1 File-Channel Source Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
path The full path to the location where
the binary file is saved. It should
be in a location that is accessible
from anywhere in the WAN you
are working with.
DeleteProcessedFiles When true, the File-Channel true
binary file is deleted when the
source endpoint finishes reading
the file.
Set this to false if more than one
task must read the same file.
ReceiveTransferredFiles Set to Y to receive the source input N
files using the RDS Migration Tool
File Transfer Service. This value
should only be enabled if the File
Channel Target is also configured
to use the RDS Migration Tool File
Transfer Service.
For more information on the RDS
Migration Tool File Transfer
Service, see File Transfer Service.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-7

Setting up a File Channel Source using Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You use the File-Channel source as a database in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
The Add Database dialog box opens when you click Add Database from the Manage
Database wizard. For information on how to add databases, see Working with

Figure 12–1 File-Channel Source Endpoint

To use the File-Channel source endpoint in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Manage Databases to open the
Manage Databases wizard.
2. In the Manage Databases wizard, click Add Database to open the Add Databases
dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool, see Working with Databases.
3. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
4. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the information
being replicated to the file. This is optional.
5. Select SOURCE as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
6. Select File Channel as the database Type.
7. Type the full path to the Storage Folder where the File Channel files will be
created. The default path when not using the File Transfer Service is:
C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\data\tasks\<task_name>.

12-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

If you are using the File Transfer Service, the default path is:
C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool\data\databases\<file-channel_db_

Note: The RDS Migration Tool File Transfer Service always transfers
the local file channel task’s files to the default directory on the remote
system (C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration
Consequently, if you are using the File Transfer Service, ensure that
the default directory always has enough space for the incoming files.
For more information on using the File Transfer Service, see File
Transfer Service and Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel

This folder should be in a location that is accessible from anywhere in the WAN
you are working with.

n You can use the Advanced tab to define specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

8. Click OK to finish the setup and save the changes.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-9

Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Source
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

Figure 12–2 File-Channel Source Advanced Tab

You can set the following properties in the Advanced tab:

n Input files are received via file transfer service: Select this check box to receive
the source input files using the RDS Migration Tool File Transfer Service.
n Password: The password that will be used to establish a secure connection
with the File Channel Target.

Important: When using the File Transfer Service, an agreed upon

password is required in order to establish a secure connection between
the File Channel Source and the File Channel Target. Accordingly, the
password specified in the File Channel Source settings and the
password specified in the File Channel Target settings must be identical.

For more information about the File Transfer Service, see File Transfer Service.
n Delete processed files: Select this check box to delete the File Channel files after
the data has been replicated to the target database.
You should clear this check box if other tasks need to use the files.
n Override connection string parameters: Select this to use a custom connect string.
The following is an example of a string you can enter in this dialog box:

12-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

For a description of the supported connection string parameters, see File Channel
Source Properties.

Using the File Channel as a Target

The File-Channel target endpoint is an Amazon RDS Migration Tool endpoint that
creates and maintains a file-based directory structure containing replication artifacts
(task definitions, metadata, full load data, CDC data and status updates). This file
channel directory structure is consumed by a corresponding File-Channel source
endpoint in a different task and possibly in a remote location.
This section contains the following topics:
n File Channel Target Properties
n Setting up a File Channel Target using Amazon RDS Migration Tool

File Channel Target Properties

The following table describes the configuration properties available for the
File-Channel target endpoint. For information on how to set these properties, see
Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Target.

Table 12–2 File Channel Target Connect String Standard Properties

Property Description/Format Default Value
path The full path to the location where the binary
file is saved. It should be in a location that is
accessible from anywhere in the WAN you are
working with.
MaxFileSize The maximum file size (in kilobytes) allowed 32000
for the files created in the target.
You can use a value from 1 - 100000000.
MaxStorageSize The amount of disk space to set aside for the 1000000
File Channel files. When the limit is reached,
Amazon RDS Migration Tool will stop writing
the files to the designated storage.
You can use a value from 0 - 1000000.
0 means that there is no limit.
MaxBatchingTimeInterval The maximum time (in seconds) for files to be 120
batched before being written in a single
You can use a value from 1 - 86400.
TransferFiles Whether to use the RDS Migration Tool File N
Transfer Service to transfer files to the source
File Channel.
RemoteDatabases The information required to access the remote 9191
File Channel when TransferFiles=Y.

fileTransferUploadStreams The maximum number of streams to use to 10
transfer the files when TransferFiles=Y. You
can adjust the number of streams to achieve
optimal transfer speeds.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-11

Table 12–2 (Cont.) File Channel Target Connect String Standard Properties
Property Description/Format Default Value
provideremotemetadata Whether to replicate the target File Channel Y
metadata to the source File Channel. If you do
not need to add, remove or transform tables in
the remote task, you can shorten processing
time by specifying

12-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Setting up a File Channel Target using Amazon RDS Migration Tool
You use the File-Channel target as a database in an Amazon RDS Migration Tool task.
The Add Database dialog box opens when you click Add Database from the Manage
Database wizard. For information on how to add databases, see Working with

Figure 12–3 File-Channel Target Endpoint

n The Type is different depending on the type of file you are
creating, however the information you enter is the same for all file
n All files are used as targets, however you can use an Amazon RDS
Migration Tool file as a source only after you created the file by
loading data into it as a target.

To use the File-Channel target endpoint in Amazon RDS Migration Tool

1. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click Manage Databases to open the
Manage Databases wizard.
2. In the Manage Databases wizard, click Add Database to open the Add Databases
dialog box. For more information on adding a database to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool, see Working with Databases.
3. In the Name field, type a name for your database. This can be any name that will
help to identify the database being used.
4. In the Description field, type a description that helps to identify the information
being replicated to the file. This is optional.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-13

5. Select TARGET as the database Role.
You can do this step before any of the other steps if you want, however before you
can continue with the next step in this process, you must select the database Role.
6. Select File Channel as the database Type.
7. If you changed the default data folder during installation, type the full path to the
Storage Folder (e.g. D:\data\tasks\) where the file is being created. Otherwise,
you can leave this field empty. Note that this field will be ignored when the
Transfer files to remote file channel option is enabled in the Advanced tab.

n You can use the Advanced tab to define specific properties and
create a custom connect string. In this case, you do not need to
enter information in this tab. For more information on using the
Advanced tab, see Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel
n To determine if you are connected to the database you want to use
or if the connection information you entered is correct, click Test.
If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If
the connection fails, a message in red that includes the log error
information is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The
server log is displayed with the information for the connection
failure. Note that this button is not available unless the test
connection fails.

8. Click OK to finish the setup and save the changes.

12-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Target
You can set custom properties or change the default settings for various parameters by
adding them to a custom connect string in the Advanced tab of the Add Database
dialog box.

Figure 12–4 File-Channel Target Advanced Tab

You can set the following properties in the Advanced tab:

n Max file size (KB): Click the arrows to select, or type the maximum file size (in
kilobytes) allowed for the files created in the target.
n Limit storage size to (MB): To allocate a specific amount of disk space to the File
Channel files, enable this option and then specify the amount of disk space to set
aside (using the arrows or by typing). When the limit is reached, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool will stop writing the files to the designated storage.
n Max batching time interval (seconds): Click the arrows to select, or type the
maximum time (in seconds) for files to be batched before being written in a single
n Transfer files to remote file channel: Select this check box to transfer files to the
File Channel Source (on the remote Amazon RDS Migration Server) using the
Amazon RDS Migration File Transfer Service. This can dramatically improve
transfer speeds when the source database and the target database are located on
different LANs. For more information about the Amazon RDS Migration File
Transfer Service, see File Transfer Service.
– Remote file transfer service host: The host name or IP address of the
computer on which the Amazon RDS Migration File Transfer Service is

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Tool File Channel 12-15

– Remote file transfer service port: The port on the remote computer through
which the files will be transferred (from the storage folder to the remote file
– Remote file channel database name: The name of the File Channel Source
database on the remote machine.
– Additional remote file channels: When sending to multiple File Channel
Source databases, specify the target destinations using the following format:

– Max transfer streams: The maximum number of streams to use when

transferring the files. Adjust the number of streams as required to optimize
transfer speeds.
– Password: The password that will be used to establish a secure connection
with the File Channel Source.

Important: When using the File Transfer Service, an agreed upon

password is required in order to establish a secure connection between
the File Channel Source and the File Channel Target. Accordingly, the
password specified in the File Channel Target settings and the
password specified in the File Channel Source(s’) settings must be

n Override connection string parameters: Select this to use a custom connect string.
The following is an example of a string you can enter in this dialog box:

For a description of the supported connection string parameters, see File Channel
Target Properties.

12-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console

This chapter describes the elements of the Amazon RDS Migration Console and how
to control access to the console by taking advantage of Amazon RDS Migration Tool’s
built-in security roles. The Console is a Web-based interface that runs in most modern
browsers. (For information on supported browsers, see Additional Required Software.)
You can connect from any computer to the Amazon RDS Migration Server. The
following topics describe the Amazon RDS Migration Console.
n The Tasks View
n Viewing Specific Tasks
n The Server View
n Security Roles

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console 13-1

The Tasks View
The tasks view provides you with a list of the tasks you defined. Use this view to
navigate through the tasks and view them.

To access the Tasks view

Select Tasks from drop-down list at the top left corner under the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool logo.
Note: The task view is the default view when you open Amazon RDS Migration Tool
for the first time.
The following is an example of the Amazon RDS Migration Console in the Tasks view.

Figure 13–1 Task View

This view shows the following:

n New Task button: Click this to set up a new task. See Setting up Tasks.
n Task buttons: Click on the Task buttons to view information about the selected
task. For information about viewing tasks, see Viewing Specific Tasks. These are
available in the Task view only.
n Database buttons (not shown). Click on the database button to view information
about the source and target databases that you add to Amazon RDS Migration
Tool. This is available in the Settings view only. For more information, see The
Server View.

13-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Task List: This shows all of the tasks that were created. You can show the tasks in
icon view (as shown above) or in list view. Note that each icon shows the current
state of the task. See Task Icons for more information.
To change from icon view to list view, click the view from the drop-down at the
top right of the screen, as shown in the figure above.
For information about creating a task, see Designing Tasks.
n Task Map: The task map shows a graphic view of the selected task. Any notices
about the task as it is run is displayed at the bottom. For a more detailed view of a
task, select the task from the button bar to view it in.
n Messages (Notifications and Log Messages): The bottom of the Task Map in the
Tasks pane displays various notifications and log messages about the task. The
message should give you an idea of the problem encountered. For information on
viewing messages, see Reading Messages about a Task.
The messages display the time of a notification and a description of the
notification. You can define the descriptions displayed for a notification. For more
information, see Define the Notification Message.

Task Icons
Icons in the task view show the current status for each task. The following figure
describes the information shown in the icon.

Figure 13–2 Task Icon Information

The figure above shows the following:

n Notifications: This indicate whether there are any errors or warnings when the
task is running. The following information describes the Notifications icon:
– The number indicates the amount of notifications. If there are more than nine
notifications, an asterisk (*) is displayed.
– The shape and color indicate the severity of the most severe error. Red circle
indicates an error, yellow triangle indicates a warning, and a blue circle
indicates information only.
n Status Color: If the database icons in the middle are white, the task is stopped. If
they are blue, the task is running. A running task may still be paused or
suspended due to an error or other situation.
n Status Icon: This icon indicates whether the task is running or stopped or stopped
due to an error. See the table below for a detailed explanation.
The following shows two examples of task icons.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console 13-3

Table 13–1 Task Icons
Task Icon Description
This icon has a status icon that shows that the task is stopped.
This is also indicated by the color of the database icons.

This status icon shows that the task is stopped due to an error.
The red stopped icon shows this and the blue database icons
indicate the task process is still active. You can stop the task from
the task monitor in the Amazon RDS Migration Console. The red
circle shows that there is at least one error notification.
This icon indicates that the task is running. The status icons and
the database color (blue) indicate this.

Viewing Specific Tasks

The task view, in addition to listing the tasks you have configured, lets you view each
task in detail. It is in the task view that where you design each task, then run and
monitor the task.

To view a specific task

1. From the left side of the Task view, select the task you want to work with.
The task diagram is displayed on the right side of the page.
Note: If there are no tasks listed in the task view, you must create a task. See
Designing Tasks for more information.
2. from the button bar at the top of the right pane, click Open.
The task view has two modes:
n Design Mode
n Monitor Mode

Design Mode
You use the design mode to create a task and assign tables to be replicated. To view the
Design mode, click Design from the right side of the button bar.
Note: The Design mode is the default mode displayed when you view a task.
The following figure shows the overview of the design mode:

13-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 13–3 Viewing a Task in Design Mode

The following describes the design mode:

n Database List: This lists the source and target databases that you add to Amazon
RDS Migration Tool. For more information, see Working with Databases. The
database list may be collapsed and the list not visible. In that case, click the arrows
at the top to open the list.
n Task Map: This shows the connection between the source and target databases for
the task. When creating a task, drag the databases to the correct place. For more
information, see Adding a Source and Target Database to a Task.
n Change to Monitor Mode: Click the correct button to switch between design
mode and monitor mode.
See also:
Monitor Mode
Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks
n Run Task buttons: Use these buttons when you want the task to run in real time.
You will not be able to view the task activity unless you switch to monitor mode.
For more information, see Reading Messages about a Task.
n Task Settings Button: Click this to open the Task Settings dialog box to make
specific configurations for a task, see Task Settings.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console 13-5

n Manage Databases button: Click this button to view the databases, edit them, or
add new databases. For more information, see Working with Databases.
n Select and Define Tables: This area lets you select the tables you want to include
in your replication task. In addition, you can use transformation and filter
operations to create new tables or to replicate parts of tables.
See also:
Adding Tables to a Task
Using Filters
Define Transformations on a Single Table
n Global Transformation: Click this link to create transformations for all tables in a
For more information, see Defining Global Transformations.
n Settings (not shown): The settings tab in the Add Tables pane, lets you configure
specific parameters for a task and view the task logs.
See also:
Task Settings

Monitor Mode
The monitor mode lets you view the replication task activities in real time. To view the
Monitor mode, click Monitor from the right side of the button bar.
The figure below shows an overview of the monitor mode:

13-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 13–4 Viewing a Task in Monitor Mode

The following describes the monitor mode:

n Task Map: This shows the connection between the source and target databases for
the task. For more information, see Adding a Source and Target Database to a
n Change to Design Mode: Click the correct button to switch between design mode
and monitor mode.
See also:
Design Mode
Designing Tasks
n Run Task buttons: Use these buttons when you want the task to run in real time.
You will can view the task activity in monitor mode. Monitor mode provides
information on the full load process, change processing, and displays notifications
about events that may occur during a task. For more information, see Monitoring
and Controlling Replication Tasks.
n Task buttons: Click on the Task buttons to view information about the selected
See also:
Viewing Specific Tasks
Designing Tasks
n Change Processing/Full Load: Select the monitor view that you want to see. By
default, the Full Load view is displayed.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console 13-7

Note: The figure above shows the Full Load view.
For more information, see Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks.
n Messages: This displays notifications and logging messages. For more
information, see Reading Messages about a Task.

The Server View

The Server view lets you view and configure options for the Amazon RDS Migration
Server. The following options are available in the settings view.
n Notifications: Lets you create and configure notifications, configure the mail
server, and create a default recipients list for sending notifications.
See Notifications Settings for more information.
n License: Lets you request or register the license for Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
See License Settings for more information.
n Global Error Handling: Lets you set error-handling policy for the Amazon RDS
Migration Server.
See Error Handling for more information.
n Logging: Lets you configure the logging settings for the Amazon RDS Migration
See Logging Settings (Server) for more information.

To access the Settings view

Select Server from drop-down list at the top left corner under the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool logo.
The following figure shows the Amazon RDS Migration Console in the Server view.

Figure 13–5 Server View

For additional information, see Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings.

13-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Security Roles
Security roles allow you to grant Amazon RDS Migration Tool users different roles
according to the tasks you want them to perform. Four predefined security roles are
available: Admin, Designer, Operator and Viewer. Each role has its own set of
permissions, which are described in Table 13–2 below.

Table 13–2 Security Role Permissions

Permission Admin Designer Operator Viewer
Monitor tasks (in Monitor view) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Perform runtime operations (e.g. Yes Yes Yes No
start, stop, reload tasks, and so on)
Create and design tasks Yes Yes No No
Delete tasks Yes Yes No No
Manage databases Yes Yes No No
Edit server settings (e.g. notifications, Yes No No No
license registration, global error
handling, and so on)

Security roles cannot be edited nor can the permissions assigned to each of the roles be
changed. The user under whose account Amazon RDS Migration Tool is installed will
be associated with the Admin role by default.
You can associate users with each of the security roles by adding the user to the
appropriate Active Directory group.

Creating Active Directory Groups

User roles are predefined in the UserConfiguration.xml file as GroupRef elements.
The default location of this file is: C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS Migration
The table below shows the available roles and their corresponding GroupRef element.

Table 13–3 Roles and their Corresponding GroupRef Element Names

Role GroupRef Element
Administrator AmazonRDSMigrationToolAdmins
Designer AmazonRDSMigrationToolDesigners
Operator AmazonRDSMigrationToolOperators
Viewer AmazonRDSMigrationToolViewers

To enable security roles, you need to create Active Directory groups with the same
names as the GroupRef elements listed in the table above.
Any users added to the Active Directory groups will be able to perform tasks in the
Amazon RDS Migration Console according to their group’s predefined Security Role
The following is an example of how these roles appear in the UserConfiguration.xml
file. Make sure that the computer can access the domains where the users are located.
<Role name="Admin" anonymous="false">

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console 13-9

<UserRef name="MY_DOMAIN\Dave.Smith" />
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolAdmins"
useSamAccountName="false" />
<Role name="Designer" anonymous="false">
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolDesigners"
useSamAccountName="false" />
<Role name="Operator" anonymous="false">
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolOperators"
useSamAccountName="false" />
<Role name="Viewer" anonymous="false">
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolViewers"
useSamAccountName="false" />

Associating Multiple Groups with the Same Role

You can associate users from different Active Directory groups with the same role by
adding a new GroupRef element to the UserConfiguration.xml file.
For example, to associate users from an Active Directory group called MyOperators
with the Operator role, you would need to edit the UserConfiguration.xml file as
<Role name="Admin" anonymous="false">
<UserRef name="MY_DOMAIN\Dave.Smith" />
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolAdmins"
useSamAccountName="false" />
<Role name="Designer" anonymous="false">
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolDesigners"
useSamAccountName="false" />
<Role name="Operator" anonymous="false">
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolOperators"
useSamAccountName="false" />
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\MyOperators" useSamAccountName="false" />
<Role name="Viewer" anonymous="false">
<GroupRef name="MY_DOMAIN\AmazonRDSMigrationToolViewers"
useSamAccountName="false" />

Security Roles and Console Elements

In the Amazon RDS Migration Console, users will only see menu items and buttons
that are appropriate for their particular role.
Designers, Operators or Viewers will not see the Server entry in the Tasks/Server

13-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Operators and Viewers will not be able to see the Design tab or navigate to it. If an
Operator or Viewer opens a task, the Monitor view will be shown.

In the Tasks view, only the following buttons will be displayed:

For Operators:

For Viewers:

In the Monitor view, only the following buttons will be displayed:

For Operators:

No action buttons will be available to Viewers, since Viewers are not allowed to
perform any operations.

Using the Amazon RDS Migration Console 13-11

The security role associated with the Active Directory user appears in parenthesis to
the right of the user label in the top right corner of the console.

13-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Designing Tasks

This chapter describes how to design a replication task. To design a replication task,
you must first be sure that you have configured at least one source and one target
database to work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool. Then you can create the task and
add tables to be replicated.
It is also possible to customize a task by creating new tables or columns for the target
database or by selecting only some of the data from each column to be replicated. This
is done using transforms and filters. For more information, see Customizing Tasks.
For more information about replication tasks, see What is a Replication Task.
This chapter contains the following topics:
n Setting up Tasks
n Working with Databases
n Adding a Source and Target Database to a Task
n Adding Tables to a Task
n Editing a Replication Task
n Deleting a Replication Task
n Importing and Exporting Tasks

Setting up Tasks
Before you get started with designing all of the features that you need for a task, you
must define its default behavior.

To get started setting up a task

1. In the Tasks view, click New Task. The New Task dialog box is displayed.

2. Type a name for the task. The name can be anything that is useful in remembering
what the task is doing.
3. Type a description for the task. This is optional.
4. Toggle the task options:
n Full Load: Click this button to enable or disable Full Load options for this
When full load is enabled, Amazon RDS Migration Tool loads the initial
source data to the target database. By default a full load is carried out for this

Designing Tasks 14-1

task. If you want to change this setting after you begin working with this task,
you make the change in the Task Settings, Full Load tab.
n Apply Changes: Click this button to enable or disable Apply Changes
(Change Processing).
When Apply Changes is enabled, Amazon RDS Migration Tool processes the
changes. By default, change processing is carried out for this task. You can
view the change processing in the Monitor view. For more information, see
Monitoring Change Processing Operations. If you want to change this setting
after you begin working with this task, you make the change in the Task
Settings, Change Processing tab.

Working with Databases

Amazon RDS Migration Tool requires information to connect to any supported
database you are using as a source or target. For a list of databases you can work with
in Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Databases Supported as Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Endpoints.
You use the Manage Databases dialog box to add databases and edit and view the
database configuration information.
n Adding a Database
n Editing Database Configuration Information
n Viewing Database Configuration Information
The figure below is an example of the Manage Database dialog box. Note that the
connection information displayed depends on the database type that you select.

Figure 14–1 Manage Databases

14-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Adding a Database
Before you can begin to design a task, you must add databases to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool. To use a database you must have access to it somewhere in your
system. When you add the database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool, you must
provided connection information and proper user credentials.

To add a database
1. In the Tasks view, click Manage Databases in the toolbar
The Add Database dialog box opens.
2. In the Manage Databases dialog box click Add Database. The Add Database
dialog box opens.
3. In the Add Database dialog box, select the type of database you are using. The
information that you must enter depends on which database you select. For more
information, see the chapter that describes the database you are using. For a list of
databases supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Databases Supported as
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.
Once you add databases to Amazon RDS Migration Tool, you can begin to use them to
build a replication task. For information on how to add a database to a replication task,
see Adding a Source and Target Database to a Task.

Editing Database Configuration Information

After you add the database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool and provide the
connection information, you can make changes to some of the information.

To edit database configuration information

1. In the Manage Databases dialog box, double-click the database you want to edit.
Select the database you want to edit and click Open from the toolbar at the top of
the dialog box.
The database dialog box opens.
2. Make changes to the information in any of the tabs in the database dialog box. For
more information about the information you can edit, see the chapter for the
specific Amazon RDS Migration Tool endpoint you are using. For information
which databases are supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Databases
Supported as Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.

Note: You cannot change the following information in the database

dialog box:
n The name you provided for the database.
n The database Type, for example Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.
n The database Role, either SOURCE or TARGET.

Viewing Database Configuration Information

After you add the database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool and provide the
connection information, you can view the information in the Manage Databases dialog

Designing Tasks 14-3

To view the database configuration information
Select a database from the database list in the left pane then click on the tabs to view
all of the information. The information displayed is the same as the information
provided in the database dialog box.

Testing a Database Connection

You can try to contact the database to make sure that you are connected ot the
database you want to work with.

To test the database connection

In the Manage Databases dialog box, select the database you want to work with.
1. From the top of the Manage Databases wizard, click Test.
2. If the connection is successful a message in blue is displayed. If the connection
fails, a message in red that includes the log error information is displayed at the
bottom of the dialog box.
To view the log entry if the connection fails, click View Log. The server log is
displayed with the information for the connection failure. Note that this button is
not available unless the test connection fails.

Adding a Source and Target Database to a Task

Once you have added the databases to Amazon RDS Migration Tool, you can begin to
design the replication task. The first step in this process is to define the source
database from where your data is currently stored and the target databases where you
want to replicate the data. Amazon RDS Migration Tool makes this very easy. You just
drag the one of the databases you added into the task map in the Amazon RDS
Migration Console.

To add source and target databases to a task

1. In the Tasks view of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click New Task.
The Task map is displayed, with the available databases listed in the pane on the
left as shown in the following figure.

14-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 14–2 Add Database to Task

2. Drag a source database to the top square in the task map, where it is indicated to
drop the source database. If Amazon RDS Migration Tool does not let you do this,
make sure that the database you are using is a source database. You can see this
information in the Manage Databases dialog box.
3. Drag a target database to the bottom square in the task map, where it is indicated
to drop the target database. If Amazon RDS Migration Tool does not let you do
this, make sure that the database you are using is a target database. You can see
this information in the Manage Databases dialog box.
4. Click Save to make sure that Amazon RDS Migration Tool saves this task.
Once you select the database for your task, you must select the tables from the source
database to be replicated. The next step in creating a replication task is Adding a
Source and Target Database to a Task.

Adding Tables to a Task

This procedure describes how to select the tables from the source database to be
replicated. You select the tables using the Select Tables dialog box.
You access the Select Tables dialog box from the Tables tab in the replication task you
are working with. Make sure you are in the Task view before you begin.

To open the Select Tables dialog box

1. Open the task you are working with if it is not displayed in the Amazon RDS
Migration Console. For information on opening a task, see Editing a Replication
2. On the right side, click Table Selection. The Select Tables dialog box opens.

Designing Tasks 14-5

Figure 14–3 Select Tables Dialog Box

See the following for information on how to work with the Select Tables dialog box:
n Search for Tables to use in a Replication Task
n Selecting Specific Tables for Replication
n Create Table Selection Patterns
Once you have selected tables to replicate, you can run the replication task. However if
you want to make any changes to the structure of the tables in the target database or
only select specific columns, you will need to carry out one or both of the following
n Define Transformations on a Single Table
n Using Filters

Search for Tables to use in a Replication Task

To select specific tables to include in a replication task, you must first select them. In
order to do this, you search for tables that match a specific criteria and then select the
tables to include from the list provided. You can also carry out another search with
new criteria and then add additional tables to the replication task.

To search for tables to use in a replication task

1. In the Source Tables section, do one or both of the following:

n Select a table schema from the Schema drop-down list.

n Type the name or partial name of a table in the Table field.

14-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Note: You can also include special characters in your search string.
For more information, see the Note in Creating a Record Selection
Condition for One or More Columns.

2. Click Search to display a list of tables. Any table that matches the criteria that you
entered in the fields above will be displayed. You can use this table list to select
tables to use for replication.
After you finish searching, you can Selecting Specific Tables for Replication.

Selecting Specific Tables for Replication

This option lets you directly select tables to replicate in full.

To explicitly select tables for replication

1. Create a Search for Tables to use in a Replication Task to get a list of tables that you
want to select from.
2. From the Table List, select a table that you want to include in the replication task
and click Add.
The selected table is entered in the Explicitly Selected Tables list.
3. To select all the tables in the Table List, click Add All.
4. Click OK to close the Select Tables dialog box.
5. Click Save to make sure that Amazon RDS Migration Tool saves the table
information for this task.
When you explicitly select tables, all selected tables are replicated in full unless you
define transformations or filters for the table. If you need to make changes to the table
structures in the target database or if you only want to select specific columns, then
you will need to perform the procedures described in Define Transformations on a
Single Table and Using Filters respectively.

Removing Specific Tables from a Replication Task

This option lets you remove specific tables from the replication task.

To remove tables from the Explicitly Selected Tables list

1. From the Explicitly Selected Tables list, select a table that you want to remove
from the replication task and click Remove.
2. To remove all of the tables from the Explicitly Selected Tables list, click Remove
3. Click OK to close the Select Tables dialog box.
4. Click Save to make sure that Amazon RDS Migration Tool saves the table
information for this task.

Create Table Selection Patterns

Using this option lets you select tables using patterns. For example, you can include all
tables that belong to the HR schema except for one or two tables that you exclude. You
can also only exclude one or more table schemas or tables. This will replicate the entire
database except for those tables you excluded.

Designing Tasks 14-7

To select table selection patterns
1. In the Source Tables section, do any of the following:

n Select a table owner from the Schema drop-down list. If you select this all
tables that belong to that schema is included in the table selection pattern.
n Type the name or partial name of a table in the Table field. Any specific table
that you list here is included in the table selected pattern.
If the table that you type here is a member of the schema you selected in the
Schema drop-down list, then you only have to type the name of the table.
If you did not select a schema or the table is a belongs to another schema,
include the schema with the table name in the following format:
HR.Employees, where HR is the owner.
2. Click Include to include all of the tables that match the criteria you selected in the
Source Tables section.
3. Click Exclude to exclude any tables that math the criteria entered in the Source
tables section.
4. Click OK to close the Select Tables dialog box.
5. Click Save to make sure that Amazon RDS Migration Tool saves the table
information for this task.
The following example shows a pattern that will replicate all tables that are members
of the HR schema except for the HR.EMPLOYEES table.
Include HR.%
When you explicitly select tables, all selected tables are replicated in full unless you
define transformations or filters for the table. If you need to make changes to the table
structures in the target database or if you only want to select specific columns, then
you will need to perform the procedures described in Define Transformations on a
Single Table and Using Filters respectively.

Note: To view all of the tables included when you use a table
selection pattern, click Expand List. The Full Table List lists all of the
tables included in any table pattern you defined and all explicitly
selected tables.
Click Collapse List to return to the main part of the Tables tab.

14-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Selecting Schemas in a Disaster Recovery Task
This procedure describes how to select source database schemas for replication and is
only applicable to Disaster Recovery tasks. Schemas can be selected using the Select
Schemas dialog box. Make sure you are in the Tasks view before you begin.

To open the Select Schemas dialog box

1. Open the task you are working with if it is not displayed in the Amazon RDS
Migration Console. For information on opening a task, see Editing a Replication
2. On the right side, click Schema Selection. The Select Schemas dialog box opens
with a list of existing schemas displayed on the left.

Figure 14–4 Select Schemas Dialog Box

3. To add schemas:
n One at a time: From the Schema List, select the schema you want to include in
the replication and then click Add.
n To add all existing schemas: Click Add All.
4. To remove schemas:
n One at a time: From the Selected Schemas list, select the schema you do not
want to include in the replication and then click Remove.
n To remove all existing schemas: Click Remove All.
5. Click OK to add the selected schemas to the task. The schemas will be displayed in
the Selected Schemas list on the right of the Tasks view.

Designing Tasks 14-9

Editing a Replication Task
You can make changes to tasks that you previously created. You must open the task
and then make the changes in the same way that you did when you created the task.

To open a task
1. Make sure you are in the Task view. If you see Settings in the button bar at the top
of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click on the triangle and select Tasks.
2. Click the task you want to work with. A task map is displayed in the right pane.
3. At the top of the task map, click Open. The information about the task is
See the following for information on how to make the changes to a task.
n Adding a Source and Target Database to a Task
n Adding Tables to a Task
n Define Transformations on a Single Table
n Using Filters
n Task Settings

Deleting a Replication Task

You can delete tasks that you created.

To delete a task
1. Make sure you are in the Task view. If you see Settings in the button bar at the top
of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, click on the triangle and select Tasks.
2. Select the task you want to work with.
3. At the top of the task map, click Delete. The task and all of its defined endpoints
are deleted. The source and target database definitions that you created are still
available to be used in other tasks.

Note: If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database a Microsoft

SQL Server system administrator must delete the Microsoft SQL
Server Replication Publisher definitions for the database that was
used in the task from SQL Server.
For more information see the Limitations in the Microsoft SQL Server

Importing and Exporting Tasks

You can export Amazon RDS Migration Tool tasks to a file. All exported tasks are
saved to a folder or directory called imports, which is located in the folder or directory
where Amazon RDS Migration Tool was installed.
You can import an export file (*.json) to another instance of the Amazon RDS
Migration Server. This will let you use a task that you created in Amazon RDS
Migration Tool in a different environment. For example, if you created tasks in a
development environment and now want to use the task in a production environment.

14-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Importing and exporting a task must be done from the command line. Therefore, you
must carry out this task from the computer where Amazon RDS Migration Tool is

Note: If you need to access the computer with Amazon RDS

Migration Tool from a remote computer, you can use a telnet

When you export at task to a different environment, you may need to edit the task
information. For example, you may need to change the connect string for a database.
The following section describe how to work with export files.
n How to: Export and Import a Task
n Editing an Exported (json) File

How to: Export and Import a Task

Use the command line to export a task and then import it into another Amazon RDS
Migration Tool instance.

To export a task
1. From the Amazon RDS Migration Tool computer where you defined the task you
want to import, open the Amazon RDS Migration Tool command line console by
doing the following:
On Windows: Go to All Programs in the Start menu and point to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, then to Utilities and then select Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Command Line.
A command-line console is displayed with the correct prompt for Amazon RDS
Migration Tool.
Note: You can also open the Windows command-line console and change the
directory to the following:
<Full path to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool root folder>\bin,
for example to use the path to the folder or directory where Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is installed by default type, C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS
Migration Tool\bin.
On Linux: Enter the Linux computer, then type the following before you continue:
source ./
2. At the prompt in the command-line console, type the following:
repctl exportrepository task=<task_name>
A file called task_name.json is copied to the <Full path to the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool root folder>\data\imports folder or directory.
You can import this file into another Amazon RDS Migration Tool instance.

To import a task
1. From the Amazon RDS Migration Tool computer where you want to export the
task, open the Amazon RDS Migration Tool command line console by doing the

Designing Tasks 14-11

Go to All Programs in the Start menu and point to Amazon RDS Migration Tool,
then to Utilities and then select Amazon RDS Migration Tool Command Line.
A command-line console is displayed with the correct prompt for Amazon RDS
Migration Tool.
Note: You can also open the Windows command-line console and change the
directory to the following:
<Full path to the Amazon RDS Migration Tool root folder>\bin
For example to use the path to the folder or directory where Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is installed by default type, C:\Program Files\Amazon\RDS
Migration Tool\bin.
2. At the prompt in the command-line console, type the following:
repctl importrepository json_file=<Full path to the exported
*.json file>
The exported *.json file will be located in the import folder or directory on the
original computer where the task was created and exported. (for example,
c:\finance\replication\comp\data\imports\many_tables.json). If
you are importing this task into a different environment, you should copy the file
to a location on the second Amazon RDS Migration Tool computer and then
import the file from there.
In many cases, when you import the task into a different environment, you will
need to make changes to the task. For example, you may need to change the
connect strings for the databases in the task or change the user password. In that
case, you will need to edit the *.json file. See Editing an Exported (json) File for
more information.

Editing an Exported (json) File

You can open the *.json file in any plain text editor. It is possible to make changes to
any of the sections in the file; however, be sure that you only change the data and not
the field names. For example, the entry "name"::DB_Name" displays the name field
for a source table in a defined database. In this case, you can change the data "DB_
Name" but not the included metadata ("name").

n Make any changes to the *.json file before you carry out the import
n Information about the databases, tables, tasks, task settings, and
logger settings should be changed using the Amazon RDS
Migration Console after the file is imported.
To be able to use the new task, you will need to make changes to
the database password and connection strings by editing the
*.json file. See Making Changes to the Database Connection Information
for more information.

Making Changes to the Database Connection Information

In the "databases" section you can make changes to the connection string and the
password. The following is an example of the "databases" section of the *.json file.

14-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

"connection_string":"server= bee01-xp:1521/xe;username=SYSTEM",
}, {

To change the connect string

1. In the *.json file, under "databases", find "connection string".
For example, "connection_string": "server=
2. Change the information after the equal (-) signs as necessary.
For example, if the database in the new environment is on a computer called B2,
change server=bee01 to server=B2.
Important: Make sure that the connect string remains between the quotation
marks (").

To change a database password

1. In the *.json file, under "databases", find "authenticator".
For example, "authenticator":
Note: The password is presented as an encrypted string.
2. Change the password string to the relevant password for the database in the new
environment. Type the new password using plain text exactly as it is configured in
the database. For example, 8yTkLMt.
When you save the file and then import it to the new environment, the password
is encrypted automatically.

Designing Tasks 14-13

14-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Customizing Tasks

This chapter describes how to customize a replication task. Customizing tasks lets you
create new tables or columns for the target database or select only some of the data
from each column to be replicated. This is done using transforms and filters.
For more information about replication tasks, see What is a Replication Task.
The following topics describe all of the procedures that can be included in customizing
a replication task.
n Table Settings
n Defining Global Transformations
n Using the Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations)
n Task Settings

Table Settings
Table settings lets you define how the data for each individual table is replicated to the
target. To carry out these tasks, use the Table Settings dialog box.

To open the Table Settings dialog box

1. Open the task you are working with if it is not displayed in the Amazon RDS
Migration Console. For information on opening a task, see Editing a Replication
2. From the right side of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, double-click the table
where you want to perform the transforms or select the table then click Table
Settings. If the table you want to perform the transformation on was defined by
creating a table selection pattern, click Expand List to view all of the tables.
For information on how to define table selection patterns, see Create Table
Selection Patterns.
3. You can do the following in the Table Settings window:
n Carry out General Tasks for a Single Table
n Define Transformations on a Single Table
n Using Filters
4. When you are finished entering the information, click OK to close the Table
Settings window.
5. Click Save to make sure that Amazon RDS Migration Tool saves the table and
column information for this task.

Customizing Tasks 15-1

6. If you want to revert all of the changes you make to tables to their default values,
click Reset table to default. This option is available at the bottom of all the tabs in
this dialog box.
Note that this changes the data for all columns in the table to their default and
removes any calculated columns that were added.

Note: This option is available for tables where changes were made.
When you make changes to a table the table is displayed in the table
list with the word (changed).

Carry out General Tasks for a Single Table

The General tab in the Table Settings window displays basic information about the
selected table. See Table 15–1 to view an example of this information. In addition you
can use this tab to rename the target table or schema.

To edit the General table settings

Select the table you want to return to default and open the Table Settings window.
Click General on the left side of the window. The following figure shows the
information in the General tab of the Table Settings window.

Figure 15–1 Table Settings: General Tab

The General lets you rename the table or table schema:

To Rename the table or table schema

In the Map to target table section, type one or both of the following:

15-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Type a new schema in the Table Schema field. This will add the schema name to
the table. For example, if your table is HR.Department, type PERS to change the
table name to PERS.Department.
n Type a new table name in the Table Name field. For example, if your table is
HR.Department, type DEPT2 to change the table name to DEPT2.
Note: If your table name includes a Schema, for example, HR.DEPT, when you add a
value to both the Table Schema and Table Name fields, then the new table name in the
example above is:PERS.DEPT.

Define Transformations on a Single Table

This section describes how define data transformations. Amazon RDS Migration Tool
carries out these transformations when the task is run. Data transformation is optional.
If you do not define any transformations, the data is replicated "as is" from the source
to the target.

Note: Transformations are not supported for calculating columns of

Right-to-Left languages.

Amazon RDS Migration Tool lets you make the following changes to the tables and
n Rename any column for the target table
n Delete a target column
n Change the data type and/or the length of any target column
n Add additional target columns
n Designate which target columns (i.e. segments) will comprise the Unique Index
n Recalculate the data

To define a data transformation for a single table

Select the table you want to return to default and open the Table Settings window.
Click Transform on the left side of the window. The following figure shows the
information in the Transform tab of the Table Settings window.

Customizing Tasks 15-3

Figure 15–2 Table Settings: Transforms

Use this method if you need to make transformations that are specific to only one or a
few tables in your task. For an explanation of how to configure transforms, see Using
the Transform Tab.
To make a similar change over multiple tables, see Defining Global Transformations.

Using the Transform Tab

The Transform Tab in the Table Settings window has the following components:
n Input list: This lists the available columns from the where you are performing the
transforms. You can drag the columns into the Expression column or the Calculate
Expression field to create expressions. See the Transformation Actions table below
for more information.
n Output table: This table shows the defined output for the columns in the table
where you are performing the transforms. It has the following columns:
– Key: This indicates whether the column is a segment of the Unique Index. A
key icon is displayed next to columns that are segments of the Unique Index.
– Name: The name of the column. To change the name of the column,
double-click in the field with the column name you want to change and type a
new name in this column if you want to change the name of the column or if
the column is calculated (added to the table). See the Transformation Actions
table for more information.
– Type: The data type for the column. To change the data type for the column,
double-click in the field with the data type you want to change and select a
new data type. See the Transformation Actions table for more information.
– Expression: An expression using SQLite operators to define the data in the
column. For information on how to create an expression, see the
Transformation Actions table below.

15-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

The following table describes the actions you can carry out in the Transform Table

Table 15–1 Transformation Actions

Action Description
Rename a column Double-click the Name column for the table column you
want to change. Type in a new name.
The top right corner turns blue when the name is changed.
To view the original name, hover the mouse pointer over
the field and the original name is displayed.
Change the data type for a Double-click the Type column for the table column you
column want to change and select a new Amazon RDS Migration
Tool data type from the drop-down list. Make sure that the
data type you select is compatible with the data in that
column. For a description of Amazon RDS Migration Tool
data types, see Amazon RDS Migration Tool Data Types.
For information about data-type mapping from the native
database to Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see the
chapter for the database you are using. For a list of
databases supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see
Databases Supported as Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Add a new column Click Add Column to add a new column. When you add a
column, the Name is blank and the Type is listed as
Type a name for the new column in the Name column.
Click in the Type column and select a data type from the
Add an existing column From the Input pane, select one or more columns and click
the right facing triangle button.
To add all of the columns, click the right-facing double
Note: By default all tables columns are included in the
Output list. To include only some of the columns clear the
By default include all columns check box at the top of the
Transform Table window. This removes all of the columns
from the list. You can then add back any existing column.
Delete a column From the Output list, select the row with the column you
want to delete and click the left-facing triangle button.
To remove all columns, click the left-facing double triangle.
Note that all the columns except for columns defined as a
primary key are deleted.
Add/Remove a Unique Index A key icon indicates which target columns segments of the
segment to/from a target Unique Index.
To add a Unique Index segment, click in the Key column to
the left of target column to which you want to add the
segment. A key icon will appear.
To remove a Unique Index segment, click the key icon to the
left of the target column from which you want to remove
the segment. The key icon will disappear.

Customizing Tasks 15-5

Table 15–1 (Cont.) Transformation Actions
Action Description
Re-calculate the data for a Click in the Expression column in the row with the table
column in the target database column you want to change the data for. Enter an
expression using SQLite syntax.
See Creating an Expression for Transforms and Using
SQLite Syntax with Transforms for information on creating
Once you add a calculated expression, you can test the
expression. See Using the Expression Builder (for Filters,
Transforms, and Global Transformations).

Creating an Expression for Transforms

You use an expression to define the contents of a new or re-calculated column.

To create an expression
1. In the Transform window, select the row with the column where you want to
create a new expression.
Click Add Column to add a new column.
2. Drag column inputs into the Calculation Expression field at the bottom of the
window. This will create an expression that includes the value of the column.
3. Add strings or number values to the Calculation Expression. These will affect the
value of the column after the transformation.
4. Add SQLite operators between the inputs and or strings/number values, for
example ||, which concatenates the strings for the two inputs you add.
The following are some examples of expressions you can use in the transform window.
This combines the string values from each of the columns.
This adds 10 per-cent to each salary value. The salary column should be a numeric
data type.
For information on the SQLite syntax operators you can use, see Using SQLite Syntax
with Transforms.

Using SQLite Syntax with Transforms

Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports the following SQLite operators.

Table 15–2 SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Operator Description
|| Concatenate strings.
PHONE_NUMBER||<Office Only> (adds the string Office Only to the telephone
+ Adds two values together.
DEPARTMENT_ID+100 (adds 100 to each ID number). Any column used in an
expression with this operator must be a numeric data type.

15-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 15–2 (Cont.) SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Operator Description
- Subtracts a value from another value.
MANAGER_ID-100 (subtracts 100 from each ID number). Any column used in an
expression with this operator must be a numeric data type.
% Uses the remainder of a division expression as the value.
%SALARY/7 (Divides the value of the Salary column by 7 and uses any remainder
from the expression as the column value).
/ Divides one value into another.
SALARY/.16 (Divides the value of the Salary column by .16.
Note: If the two values in the division expression are integers (two NUMERIC
columns with no digits after the decimal) and the result is a fractional value, the
result returned will be 0.
* SALARY*.16 (Multiplies the value of the Salary column by .16. This could be used
to calculate taxes that are subtracted from a salary).

For more information about SQLite syntax, see the SQLite documentation.

Using Filters
The filtering operation lets you create filters that define the information from a column
to include in/exclude from a replication task. This lets you replicate only the specific
data that you need.
This section covers the following topics:
n Limitations
n Opening the Filter Table Window
n Creating a Filter Condition for a Specified Column
n Creating a Record Selection Condition for One or More Columns
n Using the Range Builder
n Using SQLite Syntax with Filtering

When creating a filter, the following limitations apply:
n Filters are not supported for calculating columns of Right-to-Left languages.
n When a filter is created to exclude specific rows in a column, the specified rows
will always be excluded, even if the rows that were initially excluded are later
changed. For example, if you chose to exclude rows "1-10" in a column named
"Age" and those rows were later changed to "11-20", the rows will continue to be
excluded, even though the data is no longer the same.

Customizing Tasks 15-7

Opening the Filter Table Window
1. Select the table you want to return to default and open the Table Settings window.
2. Click Filter on the left side of the window.
The following figure shows the information in the Filter tab of the Table Settings

Figure 15–3 Table Settings: Filter

The Filter Table tab has the following information:

n Data Columns list: This list contains a list of the columns for the table where you
filtering data. You can use these to select the columns to use in the filtering
This list has the following tabs:
– Source: This tab lists the original source columns in the table.
– Header: This tab lists the available header columns. You can create filters
using these columns and include them in expressions. For information on
these header columns, see Header Columns.
– Calculated: This tab lists the columns added to the table. You add columns
through transformations. For more information, see Define Transformations
on a Single Table.
n Filter Conditions table: This table has the following columns:
– Name: The name of the column where you are filtering the data.
– Type: The data type for the column.
– Include/Exclude: Indicate whether to include or exclude the filtered data for
this column.

15-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

– Ranges: Click the button on the right of the Ranges field to open the Range
Builder or type a string(s) with a specific value or a range(s) of values to be
replicated. For more information on creating filter ranges, see Creating a Filter
Condition for a Specified Column.
For information on creating a value or ranges with the Range Builder, see
Using the Range Builder.
For more information on typing in the filter ranges manually, see Using SQLite
Syntax with Filtering.
n Record Selection Condition: Enter a complex condition that can include multiple
columns. The condition must evaluate to TRUE to be accepted. You create a
condition using SQLite operators or by Using the Expression Builder (for Filters,
Transforms, and Global Transformations). For information on using the SQLite
operators, see Creating a Record Selection Condition for One or More Columns.

Creating a Filter Condition for a Specified Column

You can create a simple condition for a single column in the table you are working
with. You can include any combination of ranges or specific values in the filter and
determine whether to include or exclude the defined data.

To create a filter condition

1. Select a column from the data columns list and then click the right-facing triangle
next to the Filter Conditions table.
To remove the column, click on it in the Filter Conditions table and then click the
left-facing triangle. Any data entered for this column in the Include/Exclude or
Values columns is also deleted.
2. Click in the Include/Exclude column to select whether to include or exclude the
data that meets this condition.
3. Click in the Ranges column and enter a filter value. You can do any of the
n Click the button on the right of the Ranges field to open the Range Builder.
For information on entering a value using the Range Builder, see Using the
Range Builder.
n Type a specific value, for example 32 or book. Any data of this value will be
included or excluded.
n Type multiple strings of data separated by a comma. For example, APPLE,
ORANGE, PEAR, PEACH. Any data that matches any of these values will be
included or excluded. You can use < or > to find names with higher or lower
alphabetical values. For example, Fruit List > A will list only ORANGE,
n Type a range of values. A range of values is written with .. to determine the
range. Some examples:
23..92 indicates all data from 23 to 92. Therefore if you have ID numbers and
you want to exclude all the numbers from 23-92, enter this value and select
..50 indicates all values less than 50.
50.. indicates all values more than 50.

Customizing Tasks 15-9

n Type multiple ranges separated by commas. For example, 25..30, 35..40,
n Enter any combination of string values and ranges separated by commas. For
example, 1, 5, 10, 25..30

Creating a Record Selection Condition for One or More Columns

You can create a record selection condition using SQLite operators by using drag and
drop or by using the Expression Editor.

To create a record selection condition using drag and drop

1. Drag a column into the Record Selection Condition field at the bottom of the Filter
Table window.
Type in a string value to use in the condition.
2. Use SQLite operators, such as < or = to create the condition. Use any amount of
strings or columns as you need to create a condition.
For example $EMPLOYEE_ID < 100 AND $SALARY > 100,000
In this case only rows that satisfy both of these conditions are replicated in the
replication task.
The following example provides an example using SQL search pattern strings.
Only rows that satisfy this condition are replicated.

Note: You can use the following special characters when entering a
n %: Matches any string of zero or more characters. For example,
Mc% searches for every name that begins with Mc or %bob%
includes every name that contains bob.
n _:Matches a single character (as a wildcard). For example: ’Sm_
th’ includes names that begin with Sm and end with th, such as
Smith or Smyth. To search for an underscore character, use [_]"
n [..]: Includes a range or set of characters. For example,
[CK]ars[eo] includes names Carsen, Karsen, Carson, and
Karson or [M-Z]inger includes all words that end in inger with
the first letter between M and Z, such as Ringer, Singer, or Zinger.
For more information see documentation on how to use Transact-SQL.

For information on what SQLite operators can be used to create Record Selection
Condition filters, see Using SQLite Syntax with Filtering.

To create a record selection condition using the Expression Builder

Click Open Expression Builder. This button is directly under the record selection
condition box. Follow the directions for creating an expression in the section Using the
Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations).

15-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Using the Range Builder
You can add values to the Ranges column using the Range Builder. You can enter one
or more ranges in this column using the Range Builder.
Note that values that match any of the ranges in the list are included in the replication.

To use the range builder

1. In the Filter tab of the Table Settings window, select a column to filter. For more
information, see Using Filters.
2. Click the button to the right of the Ranges column. The Ranges Builder opens.

Figure 15–4 Range Builder

3. Click Add Range. Select any of the following from the drop-down list displayed.
n Equal to: Select Equal to to enter a single value. The following is displayed in
the range list.
Equal to = [N]
Click the [N] and type a value in the field that is displayed.
When the value in the selected column equals the value you enter, the result is
included or excluded in the replication task depending on the option selected
in the Include/Exclude column.
n Between: Click Between to enter a range of values. The following is displayed
in the range list.
Between [N] - [N]
Click each [N] and type a value in the fields that are displayed.
When the column contains the values between the two values entered, the
result is included or excluded in the replication task depending on the option
selected in the Include/Exclude column.
n Less than or equal to: Select Less than or equal to and enter a maximum
value. The following is displayed in the range list.
Less than or Equal to =< [N]
Click the [N] and type a value in the field that is displayed.

Customizing Tasks 15-11

When the value in the selected column is equal to or less than the value you
enter, the result is included or excluded in the replication task depending on
the option selected in the Include/Exclude column.
n Greater than or equal to: Select Greater than or equal to and enter a
minimum value. The following is displayed in the range list.
Greater than or Equal to => [N]
Click the [N] and type a value in the field that is displayed.
When the value in the selected column is equal to or more than the value you
enter, the result is included or excluded in the replication task depending on
the option selected in the Include/Exclude column.

To delete a filter range from the Range Builder

1. In the Filter tab of the Table Settings window, select the column with the filter
condition you want to delete.
2. Click the button to the right of the Ranges column. The Ranges Builder opens.
3. Click the red X next to the range you want to delete. The deleted range is removed
from the list.

Note: Filter ranges that you enter manually are also displayed in the
Filter Builder. You can use the Filter Builder to delete them.

Using SQLite Syntax with Filtering

Amazon RDS Migration Tool supports the following SQLite operators when creating
Record Selection Condition filters.
Note: You must put the ($) in front of each input as shown below.

Table 15–3 SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool for Filtering
Operator Description
< Is less than.
<= Is less than or equal to
> Is greater than
>= Is more than or equal to
= Is equal to
!= or <> Is not equal to
IS Is the same as
$HIRE_DATE IS 2014-09-29
IS functions the same as = unless one or both of the operands are NULL. In this
case, if both operands are NULL, then the IS operator evaluates to 1 (true). If one
operand is NULL and the other is not, then the IS operator evaluates to 0 (false).

15-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 15–3 (Cont.) SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool for Filtering
Operator Description
IS NOT Is not the same as
$HIRE_DATE IS NOT 2014-09-29
IS NOT functions the same as != unless one or both of the operands are NULL. In
this case, if both operands are NULL, the IS NOT operator evaluates to 0 (false). If
one operand is NULL and the other is not, then the IS NOT operator evaluates to 1
AND Both operands are true.
OR Either operand is true.

For more information on how to use the SQLite syntax, see the SQLite documentation.

Defining Global Transformations

Use Global Transformations to make similar changes to multiple tables, owners, and
columns in the same task.

Note: Transformations are not supported for calculating columns of

Right-to-Left languages.

You may need to use this option when you want to change the names of all tables. You
can change the names using wild cards and patterns. For example, you may want to
change the names of the tables from account_% to ac_%. This is helpful when
replicating data from an Microsoft SQL Server database to an Oracle database where
the Microsoft SQL Server database has a limit of 128 characters for a table name and
the Oracle database has a limit of 31 characters.
You may also need to change a specific data type in the source to a different data type
in the target for many or all of the tables in the task. Global transformation will
accomplish this without having to define a transformation for each table individually.
This section includes the following topics:
n Starting the New Transformation Rule Wizard
n Selecting the Transformation Type
n Defining What to Transform
n Defining the Transformation Rule
n Using the Global Transformation Rules List

Starting the New Transformation Rule Wizard

You define a rule for global transformation using the New Transformation Rule
wizard. The transformation affects all of the tables in the task as you define them using
the wizard.

Customizing Tasks 15-13

To start the New Transformation Rule wizard
1. From the Task view, select the task where you want to create a global
transformation, and click Open.
You can click Open from the top of the Tasks list or you can double-click the Task.
2. In the Single-Task view, make sure you are in the Design mode. If you are not in
the Design Mode, click Design at the top right of the screen. For more information
on the Task View and the Design Mode, see Design Mode in The Tasks View.
3. In the Design mode, click Global Settings.
The Global Transformation Rules window opens.
4. From the top of the Global Transformation Rules window, click New Global
The New Transformation Rules wizard opens.
5. Enter the information to define a global transformation rule. The first step is
Selecting the Transformation Type.

Selecting the Transformation Type

In the Select transformation type step, you define the type of transformation you are
carrying out.
The following figure shows the Select transformation type page:

Figure 15–5 Select Transformation Type Page

In this page, select one of the following:

n Rename Schema: Select this if you want to change the schema name for multiple
tables. For example, if you want all HR tables to be renamed PERS.
n Rename Table: Select this if you want to change the name of multiple tables. For
example, if you want all tables named SALARY to be called WAGES.

15-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Rename Column: Select this if you want to change the name of multiple columns.
For example, if you want to change all columns with word MINIMUM to MIN.
n Add Column: Select this if you want to add a column with a similar name to
multiple tables.
n Drop Column: Select this if you want to drop a column with a similar name from
multiple tables.
n Convert Data Type: Select this if you want to change a specific data type to a
different one across multiple tables. For example, if you want to change all Integer
data types to a string.
After you complete the Selecting the Transformation Type step, click Next to go to the
Defining What to Transform step.

Note: You can only create one rule for each transformation type. If
you create multiple rules for a single transformation type, only the last
rule you create will be valid.
For example, if you create the following rules (in order) to rename a
Rename Schema: Add Prefix
Rename Schema: Add Suffix
Only the second rule (adding a suffix to the schema name) will be

Defining What to Transform

In the Apply transformation rule step, you define to which tables the transformation
rule is applied. For example, you can apply the rule to all tables that contain the word
SALARY as part of its name.
The following figure shows the Apply transformation rule page:

Figure 15–6 Apply Transformation Rule Page

Customizing Tasks 15-15

Note: The above figure is for example purposes only. The options
displayed on this page depend on the Transformation Type selected.

The following table describes the options available on this page:

Table 15–4 Apply Transformation Rule if...

Available when
Option type is: Description
Schema name is like % Always Leave the % sign to include all schemas in
your global transformation.
Click the % sign to add a filter. In this case
you can enter any name combination to
include only that schema in your global
transformation rule.
For example, enter HR to include only
tables that have the schema HR.
You can use the % sign as a wild card. For
example, H% includes all tables with a
schema that begins with the letter H, such
as HR, HELLO, or HQ.
The % wildcard can be used in any
position. For example, if you use it at the
beginning, %H, then all table names that
end in H are included in the
transformation rule. The % can also be
used in a middle position.
Note: If you are using an Oracle target,
you must enter a schema that exists on the
target database. Amazon RDS Migration
Tool does not create new schemas on an
Oracle database. If you want to use a new
schema for the target, create the schema
on the Oracle database before running the
task. For more information, see <link>
Table name is like % Always Leave the % sign to include all table
names in your global transformation rule.
Click the % sign to add a filter. In this case
you can enter any name combination to
include only tables with that specific
name in your global transformation rule.
You can use the % sign as a wild card. For
example, J% includes all tables with a
name that begins with the letter J, such as
The % wildcard can be used in any
position. For example, if you use it at the
beginning, %H, then all table names that
end in H are included in the
transformation rule. The % can also be
used in a middle position.

15-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 15–4 (Cont.) Apply Transformation Rule if...
Available when
Option type is: Description
Column name is like % Rename Column Leave the % sign to include all column
names in your global transformation rule.
Drop Column
Click the % sign to add a filter. In this case
Convert Data Type
you can enter any name combination to
include only columns with that specific
name in your global transformation rule.
You can use the % sign as a wild card. For
example, N% includes all columns with a
name that begins with the letter N, such
The % wildcard can be used in any
position. For example, if you use it at the
beginning, %IES, then all column names
that end in with the string "IES" are
included in the transformation rule. The %
can also be used in a middle position.
Data type is Convert Data Type Select a new Amazon RDS Migration Tool
data type from the drop-down list. Make
sure that the data type you select is
compatible with the data in that column.
For a description of Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types, see Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Data Types.
For information about data type mapping
from the native database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types, see the chapter
for the database you are using. For a list
of databases supported by Amazon RDS
Migration Tool, see Databases Supported
as Amazon RDS Migration Tool

After you complete the Selecting the Transformation Type step, click Next to go to the
Defining the Transformation Rule step.
Note: If the global transformation type you are defining is Drop Column, you do not
need to create a Transformation Rule. In this case, click Finish to add the rule to the
Global Transformation Rules list.

Defining the Transformation Rule

In the Transformation rule step, you define what happens to the tables that the
transformation rule is applied to. For example, you can define a new name for the
affected tables or add a prefix to the table names. For more information on defining the
affected tables, see Defining What to Transform.
The following figure shows the Transformation rule page:

Customizing Tasks 15-17

Figure 15–7 Transformation Rule Page

Note: The above figure is for example purposes only. The options
displayed on this page depend on the Transformation Type selected.

Depending on the Transformation Type selected, you define the rule to be carried out
using the options on this page. See the section for any of the following transformation
types you are using.
n Rename Schema
n Rename Table
n Rename Column
n Add Column
n Drop Column
n Convert Data Type

Rename Schema
If your transformation type is Rename Schema, you can do the following:
n Rename schema to (string):
n Add a Prefix or Suffix
n Remove a Prefix or Suffix
n Replace a Prefix or Suffix with Different Characters
n Convert schema name to uppercase
n Convert schema name to lowercase
n Rename schema (expression)

15-18 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Rename schema to (string): Use the Rename schema to: [string] option to change
the name of all table schemas that you defined in the Apply transformation rule step
to a different name. For example, if you have a schema called Human_Resources and
want to change all instances of this name to HR then enter the string HR. You can enter
any string in this field.

Add a Prefix or Suffix Use the Add a prefix or suffix option to add additional
characters to the beginning or end of the schema name for all schemas that fit the
definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step. For example, if the
schema name is HR, you can add a suffix, such as TAR or _TAR to the schema name for
all tables with that schema name. In this case, the resulting schema name will be

To globally add a prefix or suffix

1. Select Add <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters to matching schema names.

2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters you want as the prefix or suffix. If you want to include an
underscore or other legal character to separate the prefix/suffix from the original
name, you must add it as part of the character string.
5. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Note: If you are using Oracle as your target database, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool does not create a new schema. Therefore, the schema
name that is the result of adding a prefix or suffix must exist in the
Oracle target database. If the resulting schema name does not exist,
you must create the schema in the Oracle database before carrying out
this task.
For more information, see Limitations in Chapter 5, "Using an Oracle
Database as a Source or Target".

Remove a Prefix or Suffix Use the Remove a prefix or suffix option to remove a
string of characters from the beginning or end of a schema name for all schema that fit
the definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.
For example, you can use this option to remove the letters _REV from the schema
name for all tables in the schema HR_REV. In this case the schema name in the target
will be HR.

To globally remove a prefix or suffix

1. Select Remove <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters from matching schema names.
2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters you want to remove. If you want to remove an underscore or
other legal character from the original name, you must add it as part of the
character string.
5. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Customizing Tasks 15-19

Note: If you are using Oracle as your target database, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool does not create a new schema. Therefore, the schema
name that is the result of removing a prefix or suffix must exist in the
Oracle target database. If the resulting schema name does not exist,
you must create the schema in the Oracle database before carrying out
this task.
For more information, see Oracle Limitations.

Replace a Prefix or Suffix with Different Characters Use the Replace a prefix or
suffix option to replace a string of characters with a different string of characters. You
determine whether to replace the characters at the beginning or end of a schema name
for all schema that fit the definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.
For example, you can use this option to replace the letters _ORIG with _REPL in the
schema name for all tables in the schema HR_ORIG. In this case the schema name in
the target will be HR_REPL.

To globally replace a prefix or suffix

1. Select Replace <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters by Insert Characters for all
matching schema names.
2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click the first [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters from the existing (source) schema that you want to replace. If
you want to include an underscore or other legal character from the original name
in the string that you want to replace, you must add it as part of the character
5. Click the second [string] to activate the field.
6. Type the characters you want to use in the target. These characters replace the
original (source) characters in the target.
7. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Note: If you are using Oracle as your target database, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool does not create a new schema. Therefore, the schema
name that is the result of replacing a prefix or suffix with a different
string of characters must exist in the Oracle target database. If the
resulting schema name does not exist, you must create the schema in
the Oracle database before carrying out this task.

Convert schema name to uppercase Use the convert to uppercase option to convert
all of the letters in a schema name to upper case. For example:
Schema_cat, becomes SCHEMA_CAT
schema_cat, becomes SCHEMA_CAT
sChEMa_Cat, becomes SCHEMA_CAT

To globally change the schema name to all uppercase

1. Select Convert schema name to uppercase.
2. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

15-20 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Convert schema name to lowercase Use the convert to lowercase option to convert
all of the letters in a schema name to lower case. For example:
Schema_cat, becomes schema_cat
SCHEMA_CAT, becomes schema_cat
sChEMa_Cat, becomes schema_cat

To globally change the schema name to all uppercase

1. Select Convert schema name to lowercase.

2. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Rename schema (expression) Use the Rename schema to [expression] option to

change the name of all table schemas that you defined in the Apply transformation
rule step to a different name. For example, if you have a schema called Human_
Resources and want to change all instances of this name to HR.

To globally change a schema name

1. Select Rename schema to [expression]
2. Click the button to the right of the Rename schema option to open the Expression
Editor. For information on how to use the Expression Editor, see Using the
Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations). Then go
to step 4.
Click [expression] to activate the field and continue with step 3.
3. Type an SQLite expression or a string (in quotes) to rename the schema. For
n "New_Schema"
You can use the following variables in the SQLite expression:
4. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Note: If you are using Oracle as your target database, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool does not create a new schema. Therefore, you must
enter a schema name that exists on the database or you must create
the schema in the Oracle database before carrying out this task.
For more information, see Oracle Limitations.

Rename Table
If your transformation type is Rename Table, you can do the following:
n Rename table to (string):
n Add a Prefix or Suffix

Customizing Tasks 15-21

n Remove a Prefix or Suffix
n Replace a Prefix or Suffix with Different Characters
n Convert table name to uppercase
n Convert table name to lowercase
n Rename table (expression)

Rename table to (string): Use the Rename table to: [string] option to change the
name of all tables that you defined in the Apply transformation rule step to a different
name. For example, if you have a table called EMPLOYEE and want to change all
instances of this name to EMP then enter the string EMP. You can enter any string in this

Add a Prefix or Suffix Use the Add a prefix or suffix option to add additional
characters to the beginning or end of the table name for all tables that fit the definition
you created in the Apply transformation rule step. For example, if the table name is
EMPLOYEES, you can add a suffix, such as TAR or _TAR to the table name for all tables
with that table name. In this case, the resulting table name will be EMPLOYEESTAR or

To globally add a prefix or suffix

1. Select Add <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters to matching table names.

2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters you want as the prefix or suffix. If you want to include an
underscore or other legal character to separate the prefix/suffix from the original
name, you must add it as part of the character string.
5. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Remove a Prefix or Suffix Use the Remove a prefix or suffix option to remove a
string of characters from the beginning or end of a table name for all tables that fit the
definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.
For example, you can use this option to remove the letters _REV from the table name
for all tables with the name EMPLOYEES. In this case the table name in the target will

To globally remove a prefix or suffix

1. Select Remove <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters from matching table names.

2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters you want to remove. If you want to remove an underscore or
other legal character from the original name, you must add it as part of the
character string.
5. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Replace a Prefix or Suffix with Different Characters Use the Replace a prefix or
suffix option to replace a string of characters with a different string of characters. You
determine whether to replace the characters at the beginning or end of a table name for
all tables that fit the definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.

15-22 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

For example, you can use this option to replace the letters _ORIG with _REPL in the
table names for all tables called EMPLOYEE_ORIG. In this case the table name in the
target will be EMPLOYEE_REPL.

To globally replace a prefix or suffix

1. Select Replace <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters by Insert Characters for all
matching schema names.
2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click the first [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters from the existing (source) schema that you want to replace. If
you want to include an underscore or other legal character from the original name
in the string that you want to replace, you must add it as part of the character
5. Click the second [sting] to activate the field.
6. Type the characters you want to use in the target. These characters replace the
original (source) characters in the target.
7. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Convert table name to uppercase Use the convert to uppercase option to convert a
table name to all upper case. For example:
Table_cat, becomes TABLE_CAT
table_cat, becomes TABLE_CAT
taBLe_Cat, becomes TABLE_CAT

To globally change the table name to all uppercase

1. Select Convert table name to uppercase.
2. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Convert table name to lowercase Use the convert to lowercase option to convert a
table name to all lower case. For example:
Table_cat, becomes table_cat
TABLE_CAT, becomes table_cat
taBLe_Cat, becomes table_cat

To globally change the table name to all lowercase

1. Select Convert table name to lowercase.

2. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Rename table (expression) Use the Rename table to [expression] option to change
the name of all tables that fit the definition you created in the Apply transformation
rule step. For example, if you have a table called EMPLOYEE and want to change all
instances of this name as defined in the previous step it to EMP.

To change the table name

1. Select Rename table to: [expression]

Customizing Tasks 15-23

2. Click the button to the right of the Rename table option to open the Expression
Editor. For information on how to use the Expression Editor, see Using the
Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations). Then go
to step 4.
Click [expression] to activate the field and continue with step 3.
3. Type an SQLite expression or a string (in quotes) to rename the table. For example:
n "New_Table"
You can use the following variables in the SQLite expression:

Rename Column
If your transformation type is Rename Column, you can do the following:
n Rename column to (string):
n Add a Prefix or Suffix
n Remove a Prefix or Suffix
n Replace a Prefix or Suffix with Different Characters
n Convert column name to uppercase
n Convert column name to lowercase
n Rename Column (expression)

Rename column to (string): Use the Rename column to: [string] option to change
the name of all columns that you defined in the Apply transformation rule step to a
different name. For example, if you have a table called SALARY and want to change all
instances of this name to EMP then enter the string SAL. You can enter any string in this

Add a Prefix or Suffix Use the Add a prefix or suffix option to add additional
characters to the beginning or end of the column name for all columns that fit the
definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step. For example, if the
column name is SALARY, you can add a suffix, such as TAR or _TAR to the table name
for all tables with that table name. In this case, the resulting table name will be

To globally add a prefix or suffix

1. Select Add <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters to matching column names.

2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click the [string] to activate the field.

15-24 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

4. Type the characters you want as the prefix or suffix. If you want to include an
underscore or other legal character to separate the prefix/suffix from the original
name, you must add it as part of the character string.
5. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Remove a Prefix or Suffix Use the Remove a prefix or suffix option to remove a
string of characters from the beginning or end of a column name for all columns that
fit the definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.
For example, you can use this option to remove the letters _REV from the column
name for all columns with the name SALARY. In this case the column name in the
target will be SALARY.

To globally remove a prefix or suffix

1. Select Remove <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters from matching column names.

2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters you want to remove. If you want to remove an underscore or
other legal character from the original name, you must add it as part of the
character string.
5. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Replace a Prefix or Suffix with Different Characters Use the Replace a prefix or
suffix option to replace a string of characters with a different string of characters. You
determine whether to replace the characters at the beginning or end of a column name
for all columns that fit the definition you created in the Apply transformation rule
For example, you can use this option to replace the letters _ORIG with _REPL in the
column names for all columns called SALARY_ORIG. In this case the column name in
the target will be SALARY_REPL.

To globally replace a prefix or suffix

1. Select Replace <Prefix/Suffix> Insert Characters by Insert Characters for all
matching schema names.
2. Click the word Prefix or Suffix and select one of these two from the list.
3. Click the first [string] to activate the field.
4. Type the characters from the existing (source) column that you want to replace. If
you want to include an underscore or other legal character from the original name
in the string that you want to replace, you must add it as part of the character
5. Click the second [string] to activate the field.
6. Type the characters you want to use in the target. These characters replace the
original (source) characters in the target.
7. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Convert column name to uppercase Use the convert to uppercase option to convert
a column name to all upper case. For example:
Column_cat, becomes COLUMN_CAT

Customizing Tasks 15-25

column_cat, becomes COLUMN_CAT
coLUMnM_Cat, becomes COLUMN_CAT

To globally change the table name to all uppercase

1. Select Convert column name to uppercase.

2. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Convert column name to lowercase Use the convert to lowercase option to convert
a column name to all lower case. For example:
Column_cat, becomes column_cat
column_cat, becomes column_cat
coLUMnM_Cat, becomes column_cat

To globally change the column name to all lowercase

1. Select Convert column name to lowercase.
2. Click Finish to add the rule to the Global Transformation Rules list.

Rename Column (expression) Use the Rename column to [expression] option to

change the name of all tables that fit the definition you created in the Apply
transformation rule step. For example, if you have a column called SALARY and want
to change it to SAL.

To change the column name

1. Select Rename column to: [expression]

2. Click the button to the right of the Rename column option to open the Expression
Editor. For information on how to use the Expression Editor, see Using the
Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations). Then go
to step 4.
Click [expression] to activate the field and continue with step 3.
3. Type an SQLite expression or a string (in quotes) to rename the column. For
n "New_Column"
You can use the following variables in the SQLite expression:

Add Column
When you add a column to multiple tables, you must provide a name, define the data
type for the column an define the data that the column contains. The column that you
define here is added to all tables that fit the definition you created in the Apply
transformation rule step.

15-26 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

The following describes the information you must enter in the Transformation rule
page for adding a column.
n Column name: Click the [string] to activate the field. Type the name for the
column in the field. A column with this name is added to all tables that fit the
definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.
n Column data type: Click the drop-down for a list of data types and select a
newAmazon RDS Migration Tool data type from the drop-down list. Make sure
that the data type you select is compatible with the data in that column. For a
description of Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Data Types.
For information about data type mapping from the native database to Amazon
RDS Migration Tool data types, see the chapter for the database you are using. For
a list of databases supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Databases
Supported as Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.
n Computation expression: Click the button to the right of this field to open the
Expression Editor or type an expression using SQLite operators to define the data
in the column.
For information on how to use the Expression Editor to create an expression, see
Using the Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global
For more information on creating expressions, see Creating an Expression for
Transforms and Using SQLite Syntax with Transforms.

Drop Column
This option does not require a transformation rule. For this option you complete the
Global Transformation Rule after the Defining What to Transform step.

Convert Data Type

When you convert the data type for a column, use this page to select the data type you
want to convert to. The data type that you define in this step is applied to all columns
and tables that fit the definition you created in the Apply transformation rule step.
Make sure that the data type you select is compatible with the data in columns you

To select a converted data type

Select an Amazon RDS Migration Tool data type from the drop-down list. For a
description of Amazon RDS Migration Tool data types, see Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Data Types.
For information about data type mapping from the native database to Amazon RDS
Migration Tool data types, see the chapter for the database you are using. For a list of
databases supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Databases Supported as
Amazon RDS Migration Tool Endpoints.

Using the Global Transformation Rules List

The Global Transformation Rules List lists all of the notification rules that are defined
for the Amazon RDS Migration Tool instance you are working with. It has the
following information:
n Name: The name of the Global Transformation rule.

Customizing Tasks 15-27

n Description: The description of the rule.
You can do the following in this page:
n Edit a Global Transformation Rule
n Delete a Global Transformation Rule

Edit a Global Transformation Rule

You can make changes to any global transformation rule.

To edit a global transformation rule

1. From the Global Transformation Rules list, select the transformation you want to
2. Click Open (at the top of the list).
Double-click the notification you want to edit.
The Edit Existing Transformation Rule wizard opens.
3. You can make changes when in the Apply transformation rule step and in the
Transformation rule step.

Delete a Global Transformation Rule

You can delete a Global Transformation rule.

To edit a global transformation rule

1. From the Global Transformation Rules list, select the transformation you want to
2. Click Delete (at the top of the list).
The transformation is deleted from the system and no longer is available in the
Transformation Rule list.

Editing Global Transformation Rules

You can make changes to any Transformation rule.

To edit a transformation rule

1. From the Global Transformation Rules list select the transformation rule you want
to edit.
2. Click Open (at the top of the list).
Double-click the transformation rule you want to edit.
The Edit Transformation Rule wizard opens.
3. Make any changes you need in the wizard. For information on how to work with
each of the pages in the New Transformation Rule wizard, see Defining Global

15-28 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n You cannot change name of the transformation rule.
n You cannot change the Transformation Type.

Using the Expression Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global

The Amazon RDS Migration Tool Expression Builder provides an easy way to build an
expression. It provides you with easy access to the required elements for your
expression without having to type out any information manually. You access the
Expression Builder through the dialog boxes where you define Filters,
Transformations, and global transformations when you do any of the following:
n Rename Schema
n Rename Table
n Rename Column
The following topics describe the Expression Builder:
n Overview of the Expression Builder
n Build an Expression
n Evaluate an Expression
n Test an Expression
n Using Elements in the Expression Builder

Overview of the Expression Builder

The following is an example of the Expression Builder with its four main parts shown.
The Expression Builder you are working with may look different depending on
whether you want to build an expression for a filter, a transformation, or a global

Customizing Tasks 15-29

Figure 15–8 Expression Builder for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations

The following sections describe what you can do in each part of the Expression
n A. Elements Pane: This pane contains elements that you can add to an expression.
Select elements and move them into the Expression Builder box to create the
expression. For more information, see Build an Expression.
The Elements Pane contains the following tabs:
– Metadata (available only when working with Global Transformations)
– Input Columns (available only when working with transforms or filters)
– Operators
– Functions
– Header Columns (for Global Transformations, this tab is available only when
you select Add Column)
n B. Build Expression Panel: The Build Expression Panel is where you put together
the expression you are building. You move elements, such as columns or operators
into the box. You can also type all or part of an expression in this box. For more
information, see Build an Expression.
n C. Evaluate Expression Panel: This panel displays the parameters for the
expression. After you build the expression, click Evaluate to list the expression
parameters. You can then enter a value or argument for each of the parameters.
For more information, see Evaluate an Expression.
The top part of the Expression panel contains the Operator button bar. This button
bar contains the most common operators. Click the operator you want to use to

15-30 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

add it to the expression. You can also add operators from the Element Pane,
Operators tab.
n D. Test Expression Panel: This panel displays the results of a test that you can run
after you provide values to each of the parameters in your expression. For more
information, see Test an Expression.

Build an Expression
The first step in using the expression builder is to build an expression. The expression
that you build is displayed in the top section of the right pane. You can open the
Expression when:
n You define Transformations for a single table.
n You define Filters for a single table.
n Use the Global Transformations dialog box to Rename Schema, Rename Table,
Rename Column, or Add Column.

To build an expression
1. In the Elements Pane, select any element you want to include in your expression.
For information on the elements you can use in an expression, see Functions.
2. Move the selected element into the Build Expression box by doing one of the
n Select the element and then click the arrow at the right of the element.
n Double-click the element.
n Drag the element into the Build Expression box.
3. Continue to add elements as needed.
Note: To add operators to your expression, you can use the Operator tab in the
Element pane or the Operator buttons at the top of the Build Expression panel or any
combination of these. See Operators and Operator Button Bar.
For example, to create an expression that will combine the first name and last name,
do the following:
1. In the Input Columns tab drag the FIRST_NAME column into the Build
Expression box.
2. Click the concatenate (||) operator from the Operator bar at the top of the Build
Expression box.
3. In the Input Columns tab drag the LAST_NAME column into the Build
Expression box.

Operator Button Bar

The Operator Button bar is above the Build Expression box. It contains the most
common operators so you can easily add them to an expression.

To use the Operator Button Bar

1. Click the space in the Build Expression box where you want to add the operator.

2. Click the operator you want to add. It is added to the expression.

The following operators are available in the Operator Button bar:

Customizing Tasks 15-31

+ - * / != == || AND OR

For information on these operators, see Operators.

Evaluate an Expression
You can evaluate an expression to determine its parameters and to determine whether
the expression is valid.

To evaluate an expression
1. From the Expression Builder window, click Build an Expression.

2. Click Evaluate.
If the expression is not valid, an error message is written in red at the bottom of the
Expression Builder window. The following figure shows an example of an error

Figure 15–9 Error Message

If the expression is valid, the expression parameters are displayed in the Parameter
column in the Evaluate Expression section. See Figure 15–10, "Test Expression".
Type a valid value for each of the parameters in the Value column to Test an
For example, type John for the FIRST_NAME and Smith for the LAST_NAME in the
Value column. Once you type in values, you can Test an Expression.

Test an Expression
You can use the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Test procedure to display the results of a
test expression. The following figure is an example of a built expression that is
evaluated and contains a test result.

15-32 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 15–10 Test Expression

To test an expression
1. From the Expression Builder window, Build an Expression.

2. Click Evaluate. See Evaluate an Expression for more information.

3. View the parameters that are displayed. If your expression is not valid, an error
message is displayed. See Evaluate an Expression.
4. Type values for each parameter then click Evaluate to see the calculated
For example, type John for FIRST_NAME and Smith for LAST_NAME. The
result displayed is JohnSmith. If you want a space between the words add it to
the end of the FIRST_NAME value or the beginning of the LAST_NAME value.

Using Elements in the Expression Builder

You can use the following types of elements to build expressions for transforms, filters,
and global transformations. Select the appropriate tab to select the elements.
n Input Columns (Transforms and Filters only)
n Metadata (Global Transformations only)
n Operators
n Functions
n Header Columns

Input Columns (Transforms and Filters only)

This section lists the columns for the table you are working with. The table you are
working with is the table you selected when you opened the Table Settings dialog box.

Customizing Tasks 15-33

Metadata (Global Transformations only)
The Metadata tab contains the following variables that you can use in an expression:

The sections below describe the SQLite operators you can use to build an expression
with the Expression builder. The Expression builder divides the operators into the
following categories:
n Strings
n Logical
n Mathematical

You can use the following string:
Name: Concatenate strings.
PHONE_NUMBER||<Office Only> (adds the string Office Only to the telephone

The following table describes the logical SQLite operators used by the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–5 Logical SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool Expression
Operator Description
!= or <> Is not equal to
IS Is the same as
$HIRE_DATE IS 2014-09-29
IS functions the same as = unless one or both of the operands are NULL. In this
case, if both operands are NULL, then the IS operator evaluates to 1 (true). If one
operand is NULL and the other is not, then the IS operator evaluates to 0 (false).
IS NOT Is not the same as
$HIRE_DATE IS NOT 2014-09-29
IS NOT functions the same as != unless one or both of the operands are NULL. In
this case, if both operands are NULL, the IS NOT operator evaluates to 0 (false). If
one operand is NULL and the other is not, then the IS NOT operator evaluates to 1

15-34 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 15–5 (Cont.) Logical SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Operator Description
IN The IN operator takes a single scalar operand on the left and a vector operand on
the right formed by an explicit list of zero or more scalars or by a single subquery.
When the right operand of an IN operator is a subquery, the subquery must have a
single result column. When the right operand is an empty set, the result of IN is
false regardless of the left operand and even if the left operand is NULL.
Note: SQLite allows the parenthesized list of scalar values on the right-hand side
of an IN operator to be an empty list but most other SQL database engines and the
SQL92 standard require the list to contain at least one element.
LIKE The LIKE operator does a pattern matching comparison. The operand to the right
of the LIKE operator contains the pattern and the left operand contains the string
to match against the pattern. A percent symbol ("%") in the LIKE pattern matches
any sequence of zero or more characters in the string. An underscore ("_") in the
LIKE pattern matches any single character in the string. Any other character
matches itself or its lower/upper case equivalent. (By default SQLite only
understands upper/lower case for ASCII characters. The LIKE operator is case
sensitive by default for unicode characters that are beyond the ASCII range.
For example, the expression 'a' LIKE 'A' is TRUE but 'æ' LIKE 'Æ' is FALSE.)
LIKE can be preceded by the NOT keyword.
GLOB The GLOB operator acts in the same way as the LIKE operator but uses the UNIX
file globbing syntax for its wildcards. GLOB is case sensitive.
GLOB can be preceded by the NOT keyword to invert the sense of the test. The
infix GLOB operator is implemented by calling the function glob(Y,X) and can be
modified by overriding that function.
MATCH The MATCH operator is a special syntax for the match() application-defined
function. The default match() function implementation raises an exception and is
not really useful for anything. But extensions can override the match() function
with more helpful logic.
REGEXP The REGEXP operator is a special syntax for the regexp() user function. No
regexp() user function is defined by default and so use of the REGEXP operator
will normally result in an error message.
AND Both operands are true.
OR Either operand is true.
<< Bitwise shift left.
x << n
A bitwise shift to the left of x by n bits.
>> Bitwise shift right.
x >> n
A bitwise shift to the right of x by n bits.
& Unary and
| Unary or
< Is less than.
<= Is less than or equal to

Customizing Tasks 15-35

Table 15–5 (Cont.) Logical SQLite Operators used by Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Operator Description
> Is greater than
>= Is more than or equal to
= or == Is equal to

The following table describes the mathematical SQLite operators used by the Amazon
RDS Migration Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–6 SQLite Mathematical Operators used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Operator Description
+ Adds two values together.
DEPARTMENT_ID+100 (adds 100 to each ID number). Any column used in an
expression with this operator must be a numeric data type.
- Subtracts a value from another value.
MANAGER_ID-100 (subtracts 100 from each ID number). Any column used in an
expression with this operator must be a numeric data type.
% Uses the remainder of a division expression as the value.
%SALARY/7 (Divides the value of the Salary column by 7 and uses any remainder
from the expression as the column value).
/ Divides one value into another.
SALARY/.16 (Divides the value of the Salary column by .16.
Note: If the two values in the division expression are integers (two NUMERIC
columns with no digits after the decimal) and the result is a fractional value, the
result returned will be 0.
* SALARY*.16 (Multiplies the value of the Salary column by .16. This could be used
to calculate taxes that are subtracted from a salary).

The sections below describe the SQLite functions you can use to build an expression
with the Expression builder. The Expression builder divides the functions into the
following categories:
n Strings
n LOBs
n Numeric
n NULL check
n Date and Time
n Operation
n Data Enrichment

15-36 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Other Functions

The following table describes the string functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–7 SQLite String Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Function Description
lower(x) The lower(x) function returns a copy of string x with all characters converted to
lower case. The default built-in lower() function works for ASCII characters
ltrim(x,y) The ltrim(x,y) function returns a string formed by removing all characters that
appear in y from the left side of x. If there is no value for y, ltrim(x) removes
spaces from the left side of x.
replace(x,y,z) The replace(x,y,z) function returns a string formed by substituting string z for
every occurrence of string y in string x.
rtrim(x,y) The rtrim(x,y) function returns a string formed by removing all characters that
appear in y from the right side of x. If there is no value for y, rtrim(x) removes
spaces from the right side of x.
substr(x,y,z) The substr(x,y,z) function returns a substring of input string x that begins with
the y-th character and which is z characters long. If z is omitted then substr(x,y)
returns all characters through the end of the string x beginning with the y-th.
The left-most character of x is number 1. If y is negative then the first character
of the substring is found by counting from the right rather than the left. If z is
negative then the abs(z) characters preceding the y-th character are returned. If
x is a string then characters indices refer to actual UTF-8 characters. If x is a
BLOB then the indices refer to bytes.
trim(x,y) The trim(x,y) function returns a string formed by removing all characters that
appear in y from both sides of x. If there is no value for y, trim(x) removes
spaces from both sides of x.
upper(x) The upper(x) function returns a copy of string x with all characters converted to
upper case.

The following table describes the LOB functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–8 SQLite Lob Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Expression
Function Description
hex(x) The hex() function receives an argument as a BLOB and returns an
upper-case hexadecimal string version of the BLOB content.
randomblob(N) The randomblob(N) function returns an N-byte BLOB that contains
pseudo-random bytes. If N is less than 1 then a 1-byte random BLOB is
zeroblob(N) The zeroblob(N) function returns a BLOB that consists of N bytes of 0x00.

The following table describes the numeric functions used by the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Expression Builder:

Customizing Tasks 15-37

Table 15–9 SQLite Numeric Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Function Description
abs(x) The abs(x) function returns the absolute value of the numeric argument X.
Abs(x) returns NULL if x is NULL. Abs(x) returns 0.0 if x is a string or BLOB
that cannot be converted to a numeric value.
random() The random() function returns a pseudo-random integer between
-9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807.
round(x,y) The round(x,y) function returns a floating-point value x rounded to y digits to
the right of the decimal point. If there is no value for y, it is assumed to be 0.
max(x,y...) The multi-argument max() function returns the argument with the maximum
value, or returns NULL if any argument is NULL. The multi-argument max()
function searches its arguments from left to right for an argument that defines a
collating function and uses that collating function for all string comparisons. If
none of the arguments to max() define a collating function, then the BINARY
collating function is used. Note that max() is a simple function when it has two
or more arguments but operates as an aggregate function if it has a single
min(x,y...) The multi-argument min() function returns the argument with the minimum
value. The multi-argument min() function searches its arguments from left to
right for an argument that defines a collating function and uses that collating
function for all string comparisons. If none of the arguments to min() define a
collating function, then the BINARY collating function is used. Note that min()
is a simple function when it has two or more arguments but operates as an
aggregate function if it has a single argument

NULL check
The following table describes the NULL check functions used by the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–10 SQLite NULL Check Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Function Description
coalesce(x,y...) The coalesce() function returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, it
returns NULL if all arguments are NULL. Coalesce() have at least two
ifnull(x,y) The ifnull() function returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, it returns
NULL if both arguments are NULL. Ifnull() must have exactly two arguments.
The ifnull() function is the same as coalesce() with two arguments.
nullif(x,y) The nullif(x,y) function returns a copy of its first argument if the arguments are
different and returns NULL if the arguments are the same. The nullif(x,y)
function searches its arguments from left to right for an argument that defines
a collating function and uses that collating function for all string comparisons.
If neither argument to nullif() defines a collating function then the BINARY is

Date and Time

The following table describes the Date and Time functions used by the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Expression Builder:

15-38 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 15–11 SQLite Date and Time Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Function Description
date(timestring, Returns the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
modifier, modifier...)
time(timestring, Returns the time in the format HH:MM:SS.
modifier, modifier...)
datetime(timestring, Returns the date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
modifier, modifier...)
julianday(timestring, The julianday() function returns the number of days since noon in
modifier, modifier...) Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C.
strftime(format, The strftime() routine returns the date formatted according to the
timestring, modifier, format string specified as the first argument. It supports the
modifier...) following variables:
%d: day of month
%H: hour 00-24
%f: ** fractional seconds SS.SSS
%j: day of year 001-366
%J: ** Julian day number
%m: month 01-12
%M: minute 00-59
%s: seconds since 1970-01-01
%S: seconds 00-59
%w: day of week 0-6 sunday==0
%W: week of year 00-53
%Y: year 0000-9999
%%: %

Time strings can be in the following formats:

n YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM (T is a literal character that separates the date and time)
n YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (T is a literal character that separates the date and
n YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS (T is a literal character that separates the date and
n now (Converted to current date and time using UTC)
n DDDD.DDDD (The Julian day number expressed as a floating point value).

Customizing Tasks 15-39

Data Enrichment
Data Enrichment functions allow the selected source tables to be augmented with data
from other records located in either the source or target databases. Practical
applications of data enrichment functions include code lookup or master record
lookup (e.g. social security number lookup to find a person’s name).
You can enrich the target tables with supplemental data retrieved from the source or
target database by defining a transformation on the table. For more information about
defining transformations on a single table, see Define Transformations on a Single
Amazon Redshift is not supported.
Data Enrichment Functions
The table below describes the source and target lookup functions, which can be used
both for table transformations and for global transformations. For a description of the
parameters available for these functions, see Input Parameters.

Table 15–12 SQLite Data Enrichment Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool Expression Builder
Function Description
source_lookup(TTL,'SCHM','TBL','EXP','COND', Use to retrieve additional data
from the source database.
target_lookup(TTL,'SCHM','TBL','EXP','COND', Use to retrieve additional data
from the target database.

Input Parameters
The possible input parameters for the lookup functions are described in the table
below. For a usage example, see Data Enrichment Example.

Table 15–13 Lookup Input Parameters for Data Enrichment Functions

Parameter Description
TTL TTL (Time to Live) is the amount of time the 'COND' return value will be
cached. Caching the 'COND' return value improves performance by
reducing the frequency that Amazon RDS Migration Tool needs to access
the source/target database. As there is no default, you must specify a TTL
value, which can be one of the following:
<SECONDS> - The time to cache the 'COND' return value in seconds.
Specify a short caching time (e.g. 3) for data that is frequently updated or
a long caching time for data that rarely changes.
'NO_CACHING'- Specify 'NO_CACHING' if you do not want to cache the
'COND' return value. This is recommended for data that is constantly
updated (e.g. share prices).
'NO_EXPIRATION'- For data that is never updated (e.g. a street name),
specify 'NO_EXPIRATION' to store the 'COND' return value permanently in
the cache.
'SCHM' The schema name.
'TBL' The table on which to perform the lookup.

15-40 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 15–13 (Cont.) Lookup Input Parameters for Data Enrichment Functions
Parameter Description
'EXP' The expression to retrieve data from the lookup table.
Note: The expression syntax must be native to the database it accesses.
The result should be a single column. Possible expressions include:
col1, col1+5, max(col1).
Note: Full LOB columns are not supported. For information on including
Limited-size LOB columns in the replication, see the description of the
Metadata tab.
Input Columns (Transforms and Filters only), Header Columns, and
Metadata (Global Transformations only) can also be used in the
expression and are evaluated before the lookup statement is performed
against the database.
'COND' The condition for the lookup statement.
Note: The condition syntax must be native to the database it accesses.
The COND is a single field referencing all required fields.
Example if the lookup table is located in Oracle:
'Fieldname1=:1 and Fieldname2=:2 and Fieldname3 =:3'
Example if the lookup table is located in Microsoft SQL Server:
'Fieldname1=? and Fieldname2=? and Fieldname3=?'
Input Columns (Transforms and Filters only), Header Columns, and
Metadata (Global Transformations only) can also be used in the condition
and are evaluated before the lookup statement is performed against the
COND_PARAMS Any parameters required by the COND parameter.
The COND_PARAMS (condition parameters) is not a single field, but a
list of fields.
Full example:
10000 ,
'HR' ,

Note: To improve efficiency, the source/target lookup tables should

be indexed for the specified lookup fields.

Customizing Tasks 15-41

Data Enrichment Example
In the following example, Mike needs to add the DEPARTMENT_NAME column to the
HR.JOB_HISTORY table. The DEPARTMENT_NAME column is located in the
HR.DEPARTMENTS table in the source database.
This is how the HR.JOB_HISTORY table appears before the column is added:

To add the DEPARTMENT_NAME column, Mike needs to:

1. Create a new task and select the HR.JOB_HISTORY table for replication.

2. Apply a “New Column” transformation to the HR.JOB_HISTORY table. For more

information on defining transforms, see Define Transformations on a Single Table.
3. Open the Expression Builder and choose Data Enrichment from the Functions
tab. For more information on the Expression Builder, see Using the Expression
Builder (for Filters, Transforms, and Global Transformations).
4. Select the source_lookup function and configure it as follows (using the native
syntax of the source database):
If the lookup table is located in Oracle:

If the lookup table is located in Microsoft SQL Server:


10000 is the TTL parameter.
HR is the schema name.
DEPARTMENTS is the table name.
DEPARTMENT_NAME is the expression.
DEPARTMENT_ID=:1 (or ? on Microsoft SQL Server) is the condition.
$DEPARTMENT_ID is the condition parameter.
5. Run the task.

15-42 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

This is how the HR.JOB_HISTORY table appears after the Full Load completes.

Customizing Tasks 15-43

The following table describes the Operation functions used by the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–14 SQLite Operation Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
Expression Builder
Function Description
operation_indicator(value_ When the operation_indicator function is invoked
on_delete, value_on_update, on its own or as part of an expression, records deleted
value_on_insert) from the source database will not be deleted from the
target database. Instead, the corresponding target
record will be flagged (with a user-provided value) to
indicate that it was deleted from the source. The
operation_indicator function also requires you to
provide values to indicate records that were inserted or
updated in the source database.
Note: The operation_indicator function is not
supported on tables that do not have a Primary Key.
Note: It is recommended to add a dedicated column for
the flag values, for example, OPERATION. For an
explanation of how to add a column, see Using the
Transform Tab.
To specify the function values:
Replace value_on_delete, value_on_insert and
value_on_update with the values that you want to
appear in the target database.
Values should be formatted according to the
corresponding column type.
Example when the column type is INT4:
operation_indicator(’1’, ’0’, ’0’)
Example when the column type is STRING:
operation_indicator(’Deleted’, ’Updated’,

Other Functions
The following table describes additional functions used by the Amazon RDS
Migration Tool Expression Builder:

Table 15–15 SQLite Functions used by the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Expression
Function Description
length(x) For a string value x, the length(x) function returns the number of characters (not
bytes) in x before to the first NULL character.
If x is NULL then length(x) is NULL. If x is numeric then length(X) returns the
length of a string representation of X.
like(x,y,z) The like() function is used to implement the "Y LIKE X [ESCAPE Z]"
expression. The ESCAPE (z) clause is optional. If there is a z clause, then the
like() function is invoked with three arguments. Otherwise, it is invoked with
two arguments.
typeof(x) The typeof(x) function returns a string that indicates the datatype of the
expression x: null, integer, real, text, or BLOB.

15-44 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Header Columns
By default, header columns for source tables are not replicated to the target. You can
determine which, if any, header columns to replicate when you define a
transformation by creating an expression that includes the header field.
You can create a filter using header field values. Header column filters are applied
during change processing. See Using Filters for additional information.

Note: The Header Column tab in the Expression builder is available

for Filters and Transformations. It is available for Global
Transformations only when you select Add Columns. See Selecting
the Transformation Type.

The following table describes the header field columns.

Table 15–16 Header Columns

Header Column Name Value in Change Process Value in Full Load Data Type
AR_H_STREAM_ The stream position value Empty string STRING
POSITION from the source (For example,
the SCN or LSN depending on
the source database).
AR_H_TIMESTAMP Change timestamp Current timestamp DATETIME
AR_H_COMMIT_ Commit timestamp Current timestamp DATETIME
AR_H_USER The user name, ID or any Empty STRING
other information that the
source provides about the
change initiator.
This header column is
supported on the Microsoft
SQL Server, IBM DB2 on
iSeries (AIS), and Oracle
(version and higher)
source endpoints only.

Task Settings
Each task has settings that you can configure according to your needs for replication.
You configure the settings in the Task Settings dialog box.

To open the Select Tables dialog box

1. Open the task you are working with if it is not displayed in the Amazon RDS
Migration Console. For information on opening a task, see Editing a Replication
2. Click Task Settings.
3. In the Task Settings dialog box, select the tab on the left with the task setting you
want to configure. The Task Settings dialog box has the following tabs:
n Metadata
n Bidirectional

Customizing Tasks 15-45

n Full Load
n Change Processing
n Error Handling
n Logging

When you click Metadata in the Task Settings dialog box, you can configure the Target
Metadata Settings for a replication task.

Target Metadata
Target table schema: (if empty, use the schema from the source table): This will
automatically add the owner prefix for the target database to all tables if no source
schema is defined.
Include LOB columns in replication (BLOB, CLOB and similar large object
datatypes): Select this for if you are using tables that include LOBs. For information
on LOB support in Amazon RDS Migration Tool endpoints, see Support for Large
Object Data Types (LOBs).

Note: LOB data types are supported only in tables that include a
primary key.

If you select Include LOB columns, you must select one of the following:
n Full LOB mode (slower unlimited LOB size): If you select this option then enter a
value for the following parameter:
Chunk size (KB): Use the counter or type in the size of the LOB chunks to use
when replicating the data to the target.
n Limited-size LOB mode: If you select this option then enter a value for the
following parameter:
Max LOB size (KB): Use the counter or type the maximum size (in kilobytes) for
an individual LOB. Enter 0 for unlimited size.

Control Tables
Control Tables provide information about the replication task as well as useful
statistics that can be used to plan and manage both the current replication task and
future replication tasks. Aside from the Apply Exceptions table which is always
created, users can choose which of the following Control Tables to create on the target:
n Replication Status: Provides details about the current task including task status,
amount of memory consumed by the task, number of changes not yet applied to
the target and the position in the source database from which Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is currently reading.
n Suspended Tables: Provides a list of suspended tables as well as the reason they
were suspended.
n Replication History: Provides information about the replication history including
the number and volume of records processed during a replication task, latency at
the end of a CDC task, among others.
For a detailed description of these tables, see Control Tables.

15-46 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Create Amazon RDS Migration Tool control table in target using schema: Enter the
database schema for the RDS Migration Tool target Control Tables. If you do not enter
any information in this field, then the tables are copied to the default location in the
Replication history time slot (minutes): The length of each time slot in the Replication
History table. The default is 5 minutes.

Table Selection
In addition to the Apply Exceptions table (required), select which of the following
Control Tables you want Amazon RDS Migration Tool to create on the target database:
Replication Status, Suspended Tables and Replication History.

This tab is only applicable to bidirectional replication tasks. When you click
Bidirectional in the Task Settings dialog box, the Loopback Prevention tab is
displayed. In bidirectional replication, loopback prevention is a mechanism that
prevents the same data from being replicated back and forth in an endless loop. To
enable loopback prevention, you need to specify a source and target Loopback
prevention table schema.
Bidirectional replication consists of two separate tasks: Task 1 captures changes made
to Database A and replicates them to Database B. Task 2 captures changes made to
Database B and replicates them to Database A. When configuring Task 1 of a
bidirectional replication setup, the source loopback prevention table schema must be
identical to the target loopback prevention table schema specified in the Loopback
Prevention settings of Task 2.
Likewise, when configuring Task 2 of a bidirectional replication setup, the source
loopback prevention table schema must be identical to the target loopback prevention
table schema specified in the Loopback Prevention settings of Task 1.

Note: Oracle schemas are case-sensitive. Therefore, when specifying

an Oracle table schema, make sure to use the correct case in the
Loopback Prevention settings in both Tasks.

For instructions on setting up bidirectional replication, see Bidirectional Replication.

Full Load
When you click Full Load in the Task Settings dialog box, you can configure the
n Full Load Settings
n Full Load Tuning

Full Load Settings

Click the Full Load Settings sub-tab to configure the following:
Full is ON/OFF.
Click this button to toggle full load on or off. The initial setting is determined when
Setting up Tasks.

Customizing Tasks 15-47

When full load is ON, Amazon RDS Migration Tool loads the initial source data to the
target database.

Note: Full load can be turned on or off at any stage even if change
processing is on. Once the task begins to process changes, the full load
on/off switch is used only as additional protection against accidental
or unauthorized reload.

Target table preparation:

Note: Target table preparation settings are not available for Disaster
Recovery tasks (any existing target tables will alway be dropped and
replaced with new tables).

If target table already exists: Select one of the following from the list to determine
how you want to handle loading the target at full-load start up:
n DROP and Create table: The table is dropped and a new table is created in its
n TRUNCATE before loading: Data is truncated without affecting the table
n Do nothing: Data and metadata of the target table are not affected.
Resuming an incomplete full load: This lets you set the policy for determining
whether to allow tables to resume processing from the point of interruption during a
full load. Allowing the restarting of tables from the point of interruption can cause a
slowdown in the full-load processing. However, starting extremely large tables from
the beginning may cause long delays in completing the full load. In addition, for tables
to be restarted from the point of interruption, they must have a unique index. It is
recommended that they have a clustered primary key.
For tables interrupted while in full load: Select how you want to handle loading
tables that were interrupted during a full-load operation.
Use the following options to determine the policy for reloading tables after an
interruption of a full-load process:
n Allow resuming table full load: Select this to allow tables loading when a
full-load process is interrupted to begin loading from the point where the loading
was interrupted. When you select this option, you must define which tables can be
reloaded in the Resume interrupted full load only for tables option.
n Always restart table full load: Select this option to restart the loading for all tables
even those that were partially loaded when the full-load process was interrupted.
Resume interrupted full load only for tables: This option is available when you select
Allow resuming table full load. Use this option to define which tables should resume
loading when the full-load operation begins again. You can define the following
n Larger than (rows): Use the arrows (or type) to select the minimum number of
rows that a table must have to resume loading. Tables with fewer rows than the
number entered in this field will restart the full load. The default value is

15-48 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n That have: You must select one of the following. Tables must have a clustered
primary key or a unique index to be restarted automatically.
– A clustered primary key: Only tables with a clustered primary key are
reloaded. This is the default selection.
– Any unique index: Tables with any type of unique index are reloaded. Note
that this may slow down the full-load process.
Create primary key or unique index after full load completes: Select this option if
you want to delay primary key or unique index creation until after full load completes.

Note: When this option is selected, resuming of incomplete Full

Load tasks is not supported.

Customizing Tasks 15-49

Full Load Tuning
Click the Full Load Tuning sub-tab to configure the following:
Tuning settings
n Maximum number of tables to load in parallel: Enter the maximum number of
tables to load into the target at one time. The default value is 5.
n Transaction consistency timeout (seconds): Enter the number of seconds that
Amazon RDS Migration Tool waits for transactions close, if they are open when
the task starts, before beginning the full-load operation. The default value is 600
(10 minutes). Amazon RDS Migration Tool will begin the full load after the
timeout value is reached even if there are open transactions.
n Commit rate during full load: The maximum number of events that can be
transferred together. The default value is 1000.

Change Processing
When you click Change Processing in the Task Settings dialog box, you can configure
the following:
n Apply Changes Settings
n Changes Processing Tuning

Apply Changes Settings

Click the Apply Changes Settings sub-tab to configure the following:
Apply Changes is ON/OFF.
Click this button to toggle Apply Changes (Change Processing) on or off. The initial
setting is determined when Setting up Tasks.
When Apply Changes is ON, Amazon RDS Migration Tool processes the changes. You
can view the change processing in the Monitor. For more information, see Monitoring
Change Processing Operations.

Note: When you turn on apply changes you must reload the task or
position back to the point of the previous reload.

DDL handling policy: Determine how to handle the target table for the change

Note: DDL handling policy settings are not available for Disaster
Recovery tasks (Changes are always applied).

Note: Bidirectional replication tasks do not currently support DDL

statements. When you run a Bidirectional replication task, the DDL
handling policy settings will be disabled and set to ignore.

n When source table is dropped: Select one of the following:

– DROP target table
– Ignore Drop

15-50 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n When source table is truncated
– TRUNCATE target table
n When source table is altered
– ALTER target table
– Ignore ALTER

Changes Processing Tuning

Click the Change Processing Tuning sub-tab to fine-tune the Apply Changes settings.

Change processing mode

Determine which method will be used to apply changes.
n Transactional apply: Select this to apply each transaction individually, in the order
it is committed. In this case, strict referential integrity is ensured for all tables.
n Batch optimized apply (TurboStream CDC): Select this to commit the changes in
batches. In this case, a pre-processing action occurs to group the transactions into
batches in the most efficient way. This may affect referential integrity. Therefore,
you must select one of the following to determine how the system will handle
referential integrity issues:

Note: The following target databases do not support applying binary

data types in Batch Optimized Apply mode:
SAP Sybase ASE and Amazon Redshift.

Note: When LOB columns are included in the replication, Batch

optimized apply (TurboStream CDC) can only be used in
Limited-size LOB mode. For more information about including LOB
columns in the replication, see Task Settings|Metadata.

– Preserve referential integrity

– Allow temporary lapses in referential activity to improve performance

Batch tuning
The following options are available when Batch optimized apply (TurboStream CDC)
Change processing mode is selected:
Apply batched changes in intervals:
n Longer than: The minimum amount of time to wait between each application
of batch changes. The default value is 1.
n But less than: The maximum amount of time to wait between each application
of batch changes (before declaring a timeout). The default value is 30.
n Force apply a batch when processing memory exceeds (MB): The maximum
amount of memory to use for pre-processing in Batch optimized apply mode. The
default value is 500.

Customizing Tasks 15-51

n Limit the number of changes applied per change processing statement to: To
limit the number of changes applied in a single change processing statement,
select this check box and then optionally change the default value. The default
value is 10,000.
The following options are available when the Transactional apply Change processing
mode is selected.
n Minimum number of changes per transaction: The minimum number of changes
to include in each transaction. The default value is 1000.
n Maximum time to batch transactions before applying (seconds): The maximum
time to collect transactions in batches before declaring a timeout. The default value
is 60.

Transaction offload tuning

The following tuning options are available, regardless of which Change processing
mode is selected:
Offload transaction in progress to disk if:
Amazon RDS Migration Tool usually keeps transaction data in memory until it is fully
committed to the source and/or target. However, transactions that are larger than the
allocated memory or that are not committed within the specified time limit will be
offloaded to disk.
n Transaction memory size exceeds (MB): The maximum size that all
transactions can occupy in memory before being offloaded to disk. The default
value is 1000.
n Transaction duration exceeds (seconds): The maximum time that each
transaction can stay in memory before being offloaded to disk. The duration is
calculated from the time that Amazon RDS Migration Tool started capturing
the transaction. The default value is 60.

Miscellaneous tuning
Statements cache size (number of statements): The maximum number of prepared
statements to store on the server for later execution (when applying changes to the
target). The default is 50. The maximum is 200.

Error Handling
When you click Error Handling in the Task Settings dialog box, you can configure the
n Error Handling Settings
n Environmental Errors
n Data Error
n Table Error
n Apply Conflicts
For more information on error handling in Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see Error

Error Handling Settings

In each of the Error Handling sub-tabs, you can decide whether to use the Server Error
Handling settings (the default) or override them.

15-52 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

To override the Server Error Handling settings:
1. Click the Change button in any of the Error Handling sub-tabs.
A window opens allowing you to override the server error handling policy.
2. Click Create task specific error handling policy.
3. Click Change Policy.

To revert to the Server Error Handling settings:

1. Click the Change button in any of the Error Handling sub-tabs.
A window opens allowing you to disable the task-specific error handling policy.
2. Click Global server error handling policy.
3. Click Change Policy.
For information on setting the error policy for the server, see Error Handling in the
Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings chapter.

Environmental Errors
Click the Environmental Errors sub-tab to configure the following:
n Maximum retry count: Select this option and then specify the maximum number
of attempts to restart a task when an environmental error occurs.
Specify "0" to never restart a task.
When the check box is not selected, Amazon RDS Migration Tool will attempt to
restart the task an infinite number of times.
When the system attempts to restart the task the designated number of times, the
task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
n Interval between retry attempts: Use the counter to select or type the number of
seconds that the system waits between attempts between attempts to restart a task.
n Increase retry interval for long outages: Select this check box to increase the retry
interval for long outages. When this option is enabled, the number of seconds
between retry attempts increases each time.
n Maximum retry interval: Use the counter to select or type the number of seconds
to wait between attempts to restart a task when the Increase retry interval for
long outages option is enabled.
For information about environmental errors and the configuration properties, see
Environmental Errors and Error Handling Properties in the Error Handling appendix.

Data Error
Click the Data Error sub-tab to configure the following:
n Policy: Click the triangle to open the list and select what happens when an error
occurs in one or more specific records. You can select one of the following from the
– Ignore record: The task continues and the error is ignored.
– Log error (default): The task continues and the error is written to the task log.
– Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error
record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

Customizing Tasks 15-53

n Escalation: Select the Escalation check box to implement the escalation policy for
data errors. If this is not selected, escalation is not implemented.
n Escalation count: Use the counter to select or type the number of errors that can
occur to the data for a specific record before carrying out the escalation policy.
n Escalation policy: Click the triangle to open the list and select what happens when
the Escalation Count you entered is reached. You can select one of the following
from the list:
– Log error: The task continues and the error is written to the task log.
– Suspend table (default): The task continues but data from the table with the
error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
n Truncation policy: Click the triangle to open the list and select what happens
when an truncation occurs in one or more specific records. You can select one of
the following from the list:
– Ignore record: The task continues and the error is ignored.
– Log error (default): The task continues and the error is written to the task log.
– Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error
record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
For information about environmental errors and the configuration properties, see Data
Errors and Error Handling Properties in the Error Handling appendix.

Table Error
Click the Table Error sub-tab to configure the following:
n Policy: Click the triangle to open the list and select what happens when an error
occurs in the general table data for one or more tables being replicated. You can
select one of the following from the list:
– Suspend table (default): The task continues but data from the table with the
error record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
n Escalation: Select the Escalation check box to implement the escalation policy for
table errors. If this is not selected, escalation is not implemented.
n Escalation count: Use the counter to select or type the number of errors that can
occur to the data for general table data for a specific table before the task is
n Escalation policy: You cannot take any action in this option. The escalation policy
for table errors is automatically set to Stop task.
For information about environmental errors and the configuration properties, see
Table Errors and Error Handling Properties in the Error Handling appendix.

Apply Conflicts
Click the Apply Conflicts sub-tab to configure the following:
n No record found for applying a DELETE: Click the triangle to open the list and
select what happens when there is a conflict with a DELETE operation. You can
select one of the following from the list:

15-54 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

– Ignore record (default): The task continues and the error is ignored.
– Log record to the exceptions table: The task continues and the record is
written to the exceptions table.
– Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error
record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
n Duplicate key when applying an INSERT: Click the triangle to open the list and
select what happens when there is a conflict with an INSERT operation. You can
select one of the following from the list:
– Ignore record: The task continues and the error is ignored.
– Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the record
is written to the exceptions table.
– Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error
record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
– Update the existing target record: The target record with the same primary
key as the INSERTED source record is updated.
n No record found for applying an UPDATE: Click the triangle to open the list and
select what happens when there is a conflict with a UPDATE operation. You can
select one of the following from the list:
– Ignore record: The task continues and the error is ignored.
– Log record to the exceptions table (default): The task continues and the record
is written to the exceptions table.
– Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error
record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
– Insert the missing target record: The missing target record will be inserted
into the target table. When the source database is Oracle, selecting this option
requires supplemental logging to be enabled for all the source table columns.
n Escalate on repeating table apply conflicts: Select this check box to implement the
escalation policy for table errors. If this is not selected, escalation is not
n Escalation count: Use the counter to select or type the number of apply errors that
can occur before carrying out the escalation policy.
n Escalation policy: Click the triangle to open the list and select what happens when
the Escalation Count you entered is reached. You can select one of the following
from the list:
– Log error (default): The task continues and the error is written to the task log.
– Suspend table: The task continues but data from the table with the error
record is moved into an error state and its data is not replicated
– Stop task: The task is stopped and manual intervention is required.
For information about environmental errors and the configuration properties, see
Apply Errors and Error Handling Properties in the Error Handling appendix.

Customizing Tasks 15-55

Note: When you select Fix record you must be sure that you are
using full supplemental logging to ensure that an UPDATE is not
turned into an INSERT. In other cases, FIX_RECORD can cause an
async full load of a record similar to the LOB channel.

When you click Logging in the Task Settings dialog box, you can carry out the actions
in the following sub-tabs:
n Logging Level
n Log File

Logging Level
Click the Logging Level sub-tab to set the logging level for task logs. The level you set
determines what information is written to the log

Note: You can also set the task logging level from the Tools menu in
the Monitor view. For more information, see Monitor Mode. and
Working with Task Logs at Runtime.

The following are the available logging levels. The list is in order from the lowest level
to the highest level.
1. Error
2. Warnings
3. Info
4. Debug
5. Detailed Debug
The higher levels always include the messages from the lower levels. Therefore, if you
select Error, only error messages are written to the log. However, if you select Info,
informational messages, warnings, and error messages are included. Selecting
Detailed Debug writes all possible messages to the log.
For information on how to set the logging level, see Set the Task Logging Level.

Log File
You can manually roll the log file for the task you are working with in the Log File
sub-tab. This lets you stop logging to the current log file and begin to log to a new log
file. The current log file is called reptask_<name of task> and saved (older) log
files have the file name reptask_<name of task>_xxxxxxxxxxxx where
xxxxxxxxxxxx represents a 12-digit timestamp.
Click Roll Log File to immediately roll the current server log file for the task you are
working with.

15-56 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Working with Tasks at Runtime

This chapter describes how to work with tasks that you design. For information on
how to design a task, see Designing Tasks. This chapter contains information on
running tasks, viewing the task status, and viewing messages about the task.
Information on monitoring and working with tasks during runtime is in the chapter
Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks.
This chapter contains the following topics:
n Running a Task
n Viewing the Task Status
n Reading Messages about a Task

Running a Task
After you design a task (see Designing Tasks), you can run and monitor its progress
with one click in Amazon RDS Migration Tool. This simple Click-2-Replicate function
is described in this topic. In addition, the various types of run options available are
also described. This topic has the following sub-topics.
n How to run a Task
n Using the Run Button Options

Note: The task run buttons area available in the button bar at the top
of the console in the following views:
n The Tasks View (In both the Design Mode and Monitor Mode)
n When Viewing Specific Tasks

How to run a Task

Click the Run button to execute a replication task. The task process continues to run
until you click the Stop button to stop the task.

Working with Tasks at Runtime 16-1

When you click Run the following occurs:
n If this is the first time that a task is run, the Start Replication
operation is run.
n If the task has been started and stopped, the Resume Processing
operation described in Use Advanced Run Options is run.
n If changes were made to the database, change processing takes
place after the full load operation. If you do not want change
processing to occur or if you want to start change processing from
a pre-determined point, you must make the appropriate Use
Advanced Run Options selection.

In some cases, task replication may stop due to an error although the task process is
still running. See Task Icons for information on the task status and how Amazon RDS
Migration Tool displays information on the current task status.
The following figure shows the Run and Stop buttons in the button bar.

Figure 16–1 Run and Stop Buttons

The Run button is available in the following views:

n The Tasks view when you select a task from the Task List.
n In the individual task, both the Design mode and Monitor mode have the Run and
Stop buttons available.
Note: You must be in the Monitor mode to view the task progress.

Using the Run Button Options

Clicking the Run button runs a full-load replication task from the source to the target.
This is a first time task that creates the target databases and loads the source data to
the target according to your task definitions.
Subsequent runs allow you to resume processing from a specific point and process
changes. In addition, you can also specify from what point you want the replication to
The following options are available:
n Start Replication
n Reload Target (Full Load Only)
n Use Advanced Run Options

Start Replication
This is available the first time you run the task only. This will execute the initial full
load operation. If CDC is also enabled for the task, change processing will start as soon
as any changes are made to the source database.

16-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Reload Target
Starts the full load and change processing (if enabled) from the beginning. Already
processed tables are handled according to the Task Setting, Initial Table Creation; If
target table already exists. See Full Load Tuning for more information about this

File Channel Note: To replicate tables that were added to the local
file channel task after the initial full load, you need to reload both the
local and the remote file channel tasks.

Use Advanced Run Options

Advanced Run Options provide you with additional options for resuming and
restarting tasks.
To use Advanced Run Options, click the triangle next to the Run button and select
Advanced Run Options. One of the dialog boxes shown below will open, depending
on whether the replication task is Full Load + CDC or CDC only.

Figure 16–2 Advanced Run Options - Full Load

Figure 16–3 Advanced Run Options - CDC Only

The Advanced Run Options dialog box lets you do the following:
n Resume Processing: Resumes task execution from the point that it was stopped.
You can also resume processing by clicking the Run button if the task has been

Working with Tasks at Runtime 16-3

Note: If the schema or a filter was changed after the task stopped,
the task should be reloaded as opposed to resumed (see below).

n *Reload Target: This will re-start the full-load replication process if the task was
previously run. See Reload Target for more information.
*Only available for Full Load tasks.
n **Restart task and start processing changes from current time: This starts the
CDC replication task from the beginning (as if the task has not run before).
**Only available for CDC tasks.
n Tables are already loaded. Start process changes from: Select the date and time to
create a timestamp to define the point from where you want to process changes.
Note: The timestamp uses the local time of the browser machine.
Click the calendar to select the date.

The "Metadata only" options described below allow you to:

n Create empty tables on the target and then manually edit them.
n Create tables during a task.
Enabling the options will also ensure that supplemental logging is set up correctly
on the source tables before starting the actual replication task.
n Metadata only. Recreate all tables and stop: Select this option to recreate the
target tables as defined in the Full Load Settings tab. When "Store Changes" is
enabled, the Change tables/The Audit table will be created as defined in the Store
Changes Settings tab. To use this option, stop the existing task, run the task with
this option enabled (the task will stop automatically) and finally, resume the task.
n Metadata only. Create missing tables and stop: Select this option to create
missing target tables including Change Tables. You can use this option to create
Change Tables on the target after enabling the "Store Changes" option (in the Store
Changes Settings tab) for an existing task. To use this option, stop the existing
task, run the task with this option enabled (the task will stop automatically) and
finally, resume the task.

Viewing the Task Status

In the The Tasks View, you can see the task status by viewing the icon for the task.
After a task is run, the Task Icons in the Task view display the current status of the
task. For additional information on the possible statuses, see Task Icons.
The following icon represents a task that is in an error status.
There are two types of errors:

16-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Recoverable error: A recoverable error indicates that there is a
temporary problem, such as a missing connection. The task icon is
blue indicating that the task is still active. In this case, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool attempts to restart the task automatically. As soon as
the error state is resolved, the task is restarted.
The task remains active but paused throughout the error state. You
can stop the task at any time and resolve the error manually, if
Note: Amazon RDS Migration Tool will continue to check the task
for 30 minutes to determine whether it is no longer in an error status.
If the error is not resolved in 30 minutes the error becomes a fatal
error and you must resolve the error manually.
Fatal Error: When a fatal error occurs, the task stops and you must
resolve the error manually. You cannot start the task again until the
error is resolved. Use the logs or the messages in the Alerts pane to
see the error type.
See also:
View Log Messages for a Task
Viewing Notifications

Reading Messages about a Task

Task messages are displayed in the Messages section of the Amazon RDS Migration
Console. The Messages section is located at the bottom right of the console in the
Monitor Mode and when Viewing Specific Tasks.
The Message section has two types of messages that provide information about events
that occur in a task. Each type of message is displayed in the following tabs:
n Notifications
n Log Messages

Viewing Notifications
The Notifications tab displays notifications about the task. These messages alert you
to specific events encountered by a task, such as the task starting or stopping, a
specific error type, or information about latency and disk space.
The Notifications tab displays the time of a notification and a description of the
notification. You define the notifications that are sent for each task and a description
for each notification in the Settings area. For more information, see Define the
Notification Message.

Using the Notifications List

When a notification is sent, it is displayed in the Notifications tab. You can:
n Open a Notification
n Clear a Notification

Open a Notification When you open a notification, you can see the full message
presented in a dialog box. The dialog box contains a button to copy the text so that you
can use it somewhere else for trouble shooting and the timestamp for the notification.

Working with Tasks at Runtime 16-5

To open a notification
1. In the Messages section of the console, click the Notifications tab. The
Notifications tab opens.
2. Select the notification you want to open from the list.
3. Double-click the notification or click Open from the button bar at the top of the

Clear a Notification You can clear notifications from the list to make sure that you are
seeing only those that are relevant to you.

To clear a notification
1. In the Messages section of the console, click the Notifications tab.
2. Select the notification you want to clear from the list.
3. Click Clear from the button bar at the top of the list.

View Log Messages for a Task

The Log Messages tab displays log messages for errors or warnings from a task. The
errors are listed in this tab with the time of the error or warning and the log entry for
the event. You can choose to view both errors and warnings or only one of them.
If errors or warnings exist in the task, a red circle with the total number of errors and
warnings is displayed. The number displayed may be the number of errors, the
number of warnings, or the total of number of errors and warnings depending on
what you select to view in this tab. The Log Messages tab is shown in the figure below.

Figure 16–4 Log Messages

Using the Log Messages List

When a log error or warning is sent, it is displayed in the Log Messages tab. You can:
n Select the Log Message Type
n Open a Log Message

16-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Clear a Log Message

Select the Log Message Type Two types of log messages are displayed in the Log
Messages List. You can view Errors, Warnings, or both.

To select the log message type

Select the check box or boxes for the type messages you want to view. The check boxes
are located at the top of the Log Messages List.

Open a Log Message When you open a log message, you can see the full log text
presented in a dialog box. The dialog box contains a button to copy the text so that you
can use it somewhere else for trouble shooting and the timestamp for the log message.

To open a log message

1. In the Messages section of the console, click the Log Messages tab.

2. Select the log message you want to open from the list.
3. Double-click the log message or click Open from the button bar at the top of the

Clear a Log Message You can clear log messages from the list to make sure that you are
seeing only those that are relevant to you.

To clear a log message

1. In the Messages section of the console, click the Log Messages tab.

2. Select the log message you want to clear from the list.
3. Click Clear from the button bar at the top of the list.

Viewing the Log file in the Log Viewer

In addition to viewing the log messages, you can view the entire log file in the log

To view the log in the log viewer

1. From the Messages section, click View Log.

2. The log for the task you ran is displayed.

You can select a different log from the Select Log drop-down list in the top right of
the Live Log Viewer window.

Working with Tasks at Runtime 16-7

16-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Monitoring and Controlling Replication

Monitoring and running a task let you use the Click-2-Replicate function to carry out
the replication task and view its functions in near real time. This chapter contains the
following topics about running and monitoring a replication task.
n Viewing Information in the Monitor
n Monitoring the Full-Load Operation
n Monitoring Change Processing Operations
n Viewing Messages
n Using the Monitor Tools

Viewing Information in the Monitor

You access the Monitor view when you open a specific task. The monitor provides
near real-time information for the task you select.

To access the Monitor

1. When Viewing Specific Tasks, select the task you want to monitor.
2. From the button bar at the top of the console, click Open.
3. From the button bar at the top right, click Monitor.
The Monitor opens. To view the information in real time, you need to run the task
(if the task has not already started). For information on running a task, see
Running a Task.

Monitoring the Full-Load Operation

You can view the progress of the full-load operation in the left section of the Monitor.
To make sure you are viewing the information for a full-load operation, select the Full
Load tab.
You can view the following:
n General Information for a Full Load
n Detailed Information for the Full Load
n Monitoring Throughput in a Full Load Operation

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-1

General Information for a Full Load
General information about the full load is presented in a graphical format. The
following figure shows the graphical information displayed when a task is running.

Figure 17–1 Full Load Status Bars

This section has the following information:

n Status bars: Indicates the status of the tables being loaded.
– Completed: The number of tables that finished loading into the target
– Loading: The number of tables that are in the process of loading into the target
– Queued: The number of tables that are waiting to load into the target
– Error: The number of tables that could not be loaded due to an error. See
Reading Messages about a Task for information about error messages.
n Full-load total completion bar: Displays the progress of all records being loaded to
the target database. The bar is located in the Full Load tab at the top of the graph
n Throughput gauge: Displays the current throughput.Throughput displays the
number of events read in the task for a specified amount of time.
You can also view Detailed Information for the Full Load.

Detailed Information for the Full Load

For each of the status bars displayed in the General Information graphs, a table is
displayed in the section below with specific information about the current loading
status. The following information is available:
n General Information for Completed Task
n Information for Each Table in the Task
n Information for Tables that have Completed Loading
n Information for Tables that are Currently Loading
n Information for Tables that are in the Loading Queue
n Information for Tables with Errors

17-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

General Information for Completed Task
This section displays a table with information for all of the completed tables in a task.
To view this table, click the Total Completion bar, shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–2 Total Completion Status

This table displays the following Progress Details:

Table 17–1 Progress Details for all Tables in the Task

Total Completed Remaining Notes
Tables The total number of The total number of The total number of Additional
tables that are tables that completed tables waiting to be information.
included in the task. loading at the current loaded.
Records The total records that The total number of The total number of Additional
completed loading at records that records waiting to be information.
the current time. completed loading at loaded.
the current time.
Time The estimated time The total elapsed The estimated Additional
to load all of the time. amount of time to information.
selected tables in the load the remaining
task. tables.

Information for Each Table in the Task

This section describes the progress of each of the tables being processed for the task. To
display this information, click [Select all] at the top of the page as shown in the figure

Figure 17–3 Select All Tables

The progress is displayed in a table that has the following columns:

n Table: The names of the source tables that are included in the task.

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-3

n Status: This is a statement that describes the status for the table. The following are
the statuses that can be displayed:
– Queued: The table is in the queue waiting to be loaded to the target database.
– Loading: The table is being processed but is not finished loading.
– Completed: All of the table records are loaded to the target.
– Error: The table stopped loading due to an error. See Reading Messages about
a Task for more information about task errors.
n Count: The number of records that are loaded to the target.
n Elapsed Time: The total elapsed time since the table records began processing.
n Progress: The table status and the time the table entered that status.
n Reload: Click the Reload icon to reload the data for selected tables and run the
full-load operation again.

Information for Tables that have Completed Loading

This section displays a table with information for each of the completed tables. To view
this table, click the Completed bar, shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–4 Completed Tables Status

The information is displayed in a table that has the following columns:

n Table name: The names of the source tables that have completed loading.
n Loaded On: The time that the table completed loading all of its records to the
n Transferred Count: The number of records loaded to the target.
n Transferred Volume: The volume of the records (in KB) loaded to the target.
n Load Duration: The amount of time that it took for all records to load to the target.
n Throughput Records: The average throughput rate for the table. Throughput
describes the number of records read per second. For more information on
throughput, see Monitoring Throughput in a Full Load Operation.
n Throughput Volume: The average throughput rate for the table. Throughput
describes the volume of records (in KB) read per second. For more information on
throughput, see Monitoring Throughput in a Full Load Operation.
n Reload: Click the Reload icon to reload the data for selected tables and run the
full-load operation again.

Information for Tables that are Currently Loading

This section displays a table with information for each of the tables that are currently
loading. To view this table, click the Loading bar, shown in the figure below.

17-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 17–5 Loading Tables Status

The information is displayed in a table that has the following columns:

n Table Name: The names of the source tables that are currently loading.
n Load Duration: The amount of time that it took for all records to load to the
current point in time.
n Estimated Count: The estimated number of rows that are to be loaded in the full
load operation.
n Transferred Count: The number of records that are loaded to the target database.
n Current Throughput: The current throughput rate for the table. Throughput
describes the number of records read per second. For more information on
throughput, see Monitoring Throughput in a Full Load Operation.
n Estimated Finish Time: The approximate time the task finished loading the tables.
The timestamp displayed indicates the date and time.
n Progress: The table status and the time the table entered that status.
n Reload: Click the Reload icon to reload the data for selected tables and run the
full-load operation again.

Information for Tables that are in the Loading Queue

This section displays a table with information for each of the tables that are waiting to
be loaded. To view this table, click the Queued bar, shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–6 Queued Tables Status

The information is displayed in a table that has the following columns:

n Table Name: The names of the source tables that are currently in the queue
waiting to be loaded.
n Estimated Count: The estimated number of rows that are waiting to be loaded in
the full load operation.

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-5

Information for Tables with Errors
This section displays a table with information for each of the tables that stopped
loading or suspended CDC due to an error. To view this table, click the Error bar,
shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–7 Error Tables Status

The information is displayed in a table that has the following columns:

n Table Name: The names of the source tables that stopped due to an error.
n Failed On: The time that the error occurred.
n Loaded Count: The number of records loaded when the error occurred.

Monitoring Throughput in a Full Load Operation

Throughput values for a full-load operation provide information on how fast the table
records are being replicated to the target database. The information is displayed in a
gauge on the right side of the full-load graph section. The following figure shows the
throughput gauge.

Figure 17–8 Throughput Gauge

You can set the throughput measurement values either to the number of records
replicated per second, or to the number of kilobytes replicated per second. The display
is always based on the current load operation.

To set the unit of throughput measurement:

– Select either rec/sec or kbyte/sec from the drop-down menu below the
Throughput gauge.
Click the Throughput gauge to display a graph with the throughput details as shown
in the figure below. To view the graph only and hide the status bars and throughput
gauge, click the double arrow above the graph.

17-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Figure 17–9 Throughput Details

Monitoring Change Processing Operations

You can view the progress of the change-processing operation in the left section of the
To make sure you are viewing the information for a change-processing operation,
select the Change Processing tab.
You can view the following:
n General Change Processing Information
n Detailed Change Processing Information

General Change Processing Information

General information about the full load is presented in a graphical format. The
following figure shows the graphical information displayed:

Figure 17–10 Change Processing Status

This section has the following information:

n Incoming Changes: The total number of records that were processed for the task.
n Applied Changes: A circle graph that shows information about the processed
changes. It displays the following:
– The number of INSERT operations processed. Roll over the Insert section with
your mouse to see the number and per cent of the accumulated inserts.

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-7

– The number of UPDATE operations processed. Roll over the Update section
with your mouse to see the number and percentage of the accumulated
– The number of DELETE operations processed. Roll over the Delete section
with your mouse to see the number and percentage of the accumulated
– The number of metadata changes (DDL) processed. DDL changes include
information about events like changes to table names or to column names.
n Apply Throughput gauge: A gauge that describes the number of change events
read per second. For additional details, you can also view a graph with
Information about Change Processing Throughput.
n Apply Latency gauge: A gauge that displays the latency information.
The latency values displayed in the Amazon RDS Migration Console measure the
time delay (latency) between the time when a change is visible to the source (and
committed), and the time when this same change is visible to the target. The
display is always based on the current change being applied.
You should take the following into consideration:
– Latency when applying large transactions:
For example, when the most recent latency value was 10 seconds and now a
transaction of one million rows gets committed at the source database,
Amazon RDS Migration Tool starts to apply that transaction to the selected
target and it will take some time to write all the changes to the target (for
example 60 seconds). During the next 60 seconds, the latency value gradually
grows to 70 seconds for the last change in the transaction. Once the transaction
is committed, the latency drops back to the 'regular' latency (10 seconds in this
– Latency when no transactions are being applied:
When a time period passes with no changes applied to the target, the latency
calculation is based on the time difference between the current time and the
timestamp of the last change event read from the transaction log. This could
happen if, for example, there is high activity on tables which are not selected
for replication in the current task.
For additional details, you can also view a graph with Information about Apply

Detailed Change Processing Information

For each of the status indicators displayed in the General Change Processing
Information section, a table or graph is displayed in the section below with detailed
information about the change processing status. The following information is
n Information about Incoming Changes
n Information about Applied Changes
n Information about Change Processing Throughput
n Information about Apply Latency

17-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Information about Incoming Changes
This section displays two bar graphs with information about incoming changes.
Incoming changes displays the number of change records currently being read from
the source database and written to the target database. To view these graphs, click the
Incoming Changes bar, shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–11 Incoming Changes

The following graphs are displayed.

Figure 17–12 Incoming Change Graphs

The graphs have the following information:

n Accumulating: These bars display the number of records currently being read
from the source database. These records are accumulated in a queue until they are
applied to the target. The following is displayed:
– In Memory: The number of accumulating records that are currently in the
computer memory.
– On Disk: The number of accumulating records that are currently stored on
n Applying: The number of records currently being written to the target. These are
the applied changes. The following is displayed:
– In Memory: The number of records being applied that are currently in the
computer memory.
– On Disk: The number of records being applied that are currently stored on

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-9

Information about Applied Changes
This section displays two tables with information about the applied changes.
To view these tables, click the Applied Changes pie graph, shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–13 Applied Changes

The following tables are available when you select Applied Changes.
n Recent Activity
n Aggregates

Recent Activity
Click Recent Activity at the top of the Applied Changes Details section to view
information about which changes occurred in each table. It has the following
n Table Name: The names of the source tables that are included in the task.
n Insert: The number of INSERT operations processed for the specific table.
n Delete: The number of DELETE operations processed for the specific table.
n Update: The number of UPDATE operations processed for the specific table.
n DDL: The number of metadata changes (DDL) processed. DDL changes include
information about events like changes to table names or to column names.
n Total Applied: The total number of changes applied to the target.
n Last Modified: The time the last change occurred for the specific table.
n Reload: Click the Reload icon to reload the data for selected tables and run the
full-load operation again.

Click Aggregates at the top of the Applied Changes Details section to view
information about total changes for each change type and transaction type.
The Aggregate table displays the total changes (for all tables) applied for each of the
following types of operations:
The Aggregate table also displays the information about transactions. It displays the
total number and volume of:

17-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference


Information about Change Processing Throughput

Throughput values for apply throughput in a change-processing operation provide
information on how fast the change records are loaded to the target database. The
information is displayed in a gauge in the Change-Processing graph section. The
following figure shows the Apply Throughput gauge:

Figure 17–14 Apply Throughput Gauge

You can set the Apply Throughput measurement values either to the number of
change records replicated per second, or to the number of kilobytes replicated per
second. The display is always based on the current load operation.

To set the unit of throughput measurement:

– Select either rec/sec or kbyte/sec from the drop-down menu below the Apply
Throughput gauge.
Click the Apply Throughput gauge to display a graph with the throughput details as
shown in the figure below. To view the graph only and hide the status bars and
Change-Processing gauges (including the Apply Throughput gauge), click the double
arrow above the graph.

Figure 17–15 Apply Throughput Details Graph

Information about Apply Latency

Latency values for apply latency in a change-processing operation provide
information about the time delay (latency) between the time when a change is visible
to the source (and committed), and the time when this same change is visible to the
target. The information is displayed in a gauge in the Change-Processing graph
section. The following figure shows the Apply Latency gauge.

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-11

Figure 17–16 Apply Latency

The latency values displayed in the Amazon RDS Migration Console measure the time
delay (latency) between the time when a change is visible to the source (and
committed), and the time when this same change is visible to the target. The display is
always based on the current change being applied. For more information about
latency, see Apply Latency.
Select the Apply Latency gauge to display a graph with the latency details. To view the
graph only and hide the Change-Processing gauges including the latency gauge, click
the double arrow as shown in the figure below.

Figure 17–17 Apply Latency Details Graph

Viewing Messages
You can see messages sent for the task while in the monitor view. For information on
viewing messages, see Reading Messages about a Task.

Using the Monitor Tools

The monitor tools let you view additional information about the task. The following
topics describe the information available through these tools:
n Viewing History Information
n Working with Task Logs at Runtime

17-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Viewing History Information
The History window displays information for each event carried out in the task. To
access the History information, from the Monitor Mode, click Tools and then select
You can view the following information in the History window:
n Event type: The type of event that occurred, for example Task started or Task
table load finished.
n Timestamp: A timestamp that indicates when the event took place. The timestamp
is in the format, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.miliseconds (to six places).
n Table Name: The name of the table where the event takes place if the event is
related to a table.
n Description: A description of the event. This is not displayed for all events.
You can double-click the description cell to view a window with the full message if
the entire description is not available.

Working with Task Logs at Runtime

Use the Logging window to define how you want to work with logs for the task you
are currently monitoring.

Note: For information about configuring and viewing logs for a

specific task in the Logging Level sub-tab in the Task Settings dialog
box, see Logging Level.

To open the logging window from the Monitor

1. Open the task you are working with if it is not displayed in the Amazon RDS
Migration Console. For information on opening a task, see Editing a Replication
2. On the right side of the button bar, click the Monitor.
3. Click Tools menu in the button bar then select Logging. The Logging window is
You can do the following in the Logging window.
n Set the Task Logging Level
n Carry Out Task Log File Actions
n View the Task Log File

Note: If you want to view the log file, select Launch Log Viewer to
view the log file in the viewer window. For more information, see
View Log Messages for a Task.
To set the log level for the server, see The Server View.

Set the Task Logging Level

You change the logging level for a task that you are monitoring from the Logging
dialog box.

Monitoring and Controlling Replication Tasks 17-13

To change the task logging level
1. Open the Logging window. See Working with Task Logs at Runtime.

2. At the top of the Logging window, move the Task Logging Level slider to the log
level you want. This sets the logging level for all server log modules. Note that all
of the sliders for the individual modules move to the same position that you set in
the main slider.
3. Make any changes to the sliders for the individual modules. This is optional. Note
that if you change the main slider, all of the individual sliders are reset to the new
position. If you want to maintain a different logging level for a specific module,
you need to reset it.
See Figure 0–2, "The Logging Window (Monitor View)" for a list of the logging
modules you can set.
4. Click Apply at the top of the Logging window. Changes to the logging level take
place immediately. There is no need to restart the Amazon RDS Migration Server.

Carry Out Task Log File Actions

You can carry out the following actions for the log file for the task you are monitoring.
Roll Log File
You can manually roll the log file for the task you are monitoring in the Logging
window. This lets you stop logging to the current log file and begin to log to a new log
file. The current log file is called reptask_<name of task> and saved (older) log
files have the file name reptask_<name of task>_xxxxxxxxxxxx where
xxxxxxxxxxxx represents a 12-digit timestamp.
Click Roll Log File to immediately roll the current server log file.
Click Delete Logs to delete the current logs.

View the Task Log File

You can view any of the task log files in the Log Viewer.

To view the task log files

1. Open the Logging window. See Working with Task Logs at Runtime.

2. At the top of the Logging window, click Log Viewer. The Live Log Viewer is
3. To view a different log file, select the file you want to view from the Select Log list
at the top right of the window.

17-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings

This chapter describes how to configure Amazon RDS Migration Tool using the Server
page. For information on opening and viewing the Server page, see The Server View.

Note: Configurations made in the Server page affect all Tasks that
are created in the Amazon RDS Migration Tool instance you are
working with.

You can do the following in the Server page:

n Create notifications, define mail settings and default recipients for sending
For more information, see Notifications Settings.
n Register or request a License to work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
For more information, see License Settings.
n Set the error-handling policy for the Amazon RDS Migration Server.
For more information, see Error Handling.
n Set the logging level for the Amazon RDS Migration Server.
For more information, see Logging Settings (Server).
n Add File Transfer Service hosts
For more information, see File Transfer Service.
n Schedule jobs
For more information, see Scheduling Jobs.

Notifications Settings
The following can be defined in the Notifications settings:
n Defining Notifications
n Setting up Mail Parameters
n Creating a Default Recipient List

To view and edit the Notification settings

In Server view, click the Notifications tab on the left. Then click the Notifications
sub-tabs to enter your settings.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-1

Defining Notifications
To configure and create notifications, click the Notifications sub-tab.
You use notifications to send messages about events that occur when running tasks in
Amazon RDS Migration Tool. Notifications are sent to inform users of any change in
the system state, including:
n A task is started or stopped
n Latency is too high
n Memory utilization is too high
n Disk utilization is too high
n An error or a specific type of error occurred
You can manage notifications that you create from the Notifications list. This list
provides you with information about each notification defined and lets you
activate/deactivate a notification. In addition, you can make changes to the definitions
of existing notifications or delete them.
The following topics describe how to define notifications in Amazon RDS Migration
n Creating a New Notification
n Using the Notification List
n Editing a Notification
n Deleting a Notification

To open the Notifications page

From the Server view, click Notifications from the menu list at the left. The
Notifications sub-tab is displayed.
Notifications are sent by:
n An email message to the default list of users and/or to a custom list of users.
n Writing an entry in the Windows Event Log.
n Displaying a message in the Amazon RDS Migration Console.

Creating a New Notification

Use the New Notification Rule wizard to determine the notifications that are sent and
who receives them.

To start the New Notification Wizard

1. From the Settings page, click Notifications.

2. At the top of the Notifications page, click New Notification.

The New Notification Rule wizard, Notify When? page, opens.
3. In the Notification Name field, type a name for this notification.
4. Continue to work with this wizard to define the notification. You must do the
following to create the notification:
n Define the Action that Triggers the Notification
n Define Which Changes of Status Trigger the Notification

18-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

n Define Errors That Trigger the Notification
n Define the Notification Distribution Properties
n Determine the Email-Message Recipients for the Notification
n Define the Notification Message
n Associate Tasks with the Notification
n Review the Notification Rule

Define the Action that Triggers the Notification In the Operator section of the Notify When?
page, you can determine the action that triggers the notification. If the Operator
section is not displayed, click on the header with the word Operator to display the
options for this section. Select one of the following:
n Task was started: To send the notification when the task starts.
n Task was stopped: To send the notification when the task is stopped.
n Full load started: To send the notification when the full-load process starts.
n Full load completed: To send the notification when the full-load process is
Once you determine when to send the notification, you can decide whether specific
changes in status trigger the notification.
If you want to send a message about problems in latency, memory utilization, or disk
utilization, click Performance/Resources. See Define Which Changes of Status Trigger
the Notification for an explanation.
If you want to send the notification when certain errors occur, click Errors. See Define
Errors That Trigger the Notification for an explanation.
Or you can click Next to Define the Notification Distribution Properties.

Define Which Changes of Status Trigger the Notification In the Performance/Resources

section of the Notify When? page, you can define specific parameters for latency, disk
utilization, or memory utilization that trigger a notification.

To set up notifications about latency, disk utilization, or memory utilization

1. In the New Notification Wizard, Notify When? page, click
2. Select one of the following:
n Latency is higher than Value seconds.
n Memory utilization exceeded Value MB
n Disk utilization exceeded Value MB
3. Define the value for the option you select. See the table below for an explanation
on each of these options and how to set the value.

Note: If you select one of these options, the notification is sent only
when the selected parameter is true. However, you must also Define
the Action that Triggers the Notification.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-3

Table 18–1 Set Values for Latency, Disk Utilization, Memory Utilizations
Notification Set Value Notes
Latency is higher than Click [N] and enter a value in
Value seconds the field that is displayed.
Latency is the time interval in
seconds between the time a
change was committed in the
source system and the time it
is applied and committed in
the target system.
Clear notification when Use this to set the value that When latency is below the value
latency drops below <n> determines when latency entered in this field, it is considered
seconds. returns to "normal limits." to be in the "normal" range and the
notification status ends.
Click [N] and enter a value.
If selected, a notification is sent to
indicate that latency returned to
"normal" status.
For more information, see Define
the Notification Message.
Memory utilization Click [N] and enter a value in
exceeded Value MB the field that is displayed.
Memory utilization is the
amount of memory used by
the task.
Clear notification when Use this to set the value that When memory utilization is below
memory utilization is determines when memory the value entered in this field, it is
below <n> MB utilization returns to "normal considered to be in the "normal"
limits." range and the notification status
Click [N] and enter a value.
For more information, see Define
the Notification Message.
Disk utilization Click [N] and enter a value in
exceeded Value MB the field that is displayed.
Disk utilization is the amount
of disk space used.
Set a value that indicates that
the current amount of disk
space used is problematic to
running a replication task.
Clear notification when Use this to set the value that When disk utilization is below the
disk utilization is below determines when disk value entered in this field, it is
<n> MB utilization returns to "normal considered to be in the "normal"
limits." range and the notification status
Click [N] and enter a value.
For more information, see Define
the Notification Message.

Once you determine the status changes that trigger a notification, you can decide
whether specific errors trigger a notification.
If you want to send the notification when certain errors occur, click Errors. See Define
Errors That Trigger the Notification for an explanation.
Or you can click Next to Define the Notification Distribution Properties.

18-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Define Errors That Trigger the Notification In the Errors section of the Notify When? page,
you can determine whether notifications are sent when an error occurs. You can
determine whether to send the notification for all errors or only for specific error types.

To set up notifications for errors

1. In the New Notification Wizard, Notify When? page, click Errors.

2. Select one of the following:

n Task encountered a non-retriable error and was stopped: Select this to receive
a notification when an error that cannot be retried is returned and a task or
tasks are stopped due to this error.
n Table encountered more than [N] apply errors: Select this to receive a
notification when a specified number of errors that occur in a CDC operation
are applied to a table. In this case, the table is not loaded but the task
continues to run.
Click Value and type the number of errors to trigger the notification. For
example, type 50 to send a notification after fifty records fail to be applied to
the target table. All apply errors are logged in the attrep_apply_
exceptions table. The count of apply errors is reset each time the task starts.
n Table processing suspended due to errors: Select this to receive a notification
when an error causes a table to stop processing during a full-load operation or
suspend CDC. In this case, the table process stops, but the task continues.
n Any Error: Select this to receive a notification when an error occurs in the
n Any Warning: Select this to receive a notification when a warning is issued in
the system.
Once you determine the error types that trigger a notification, you can:
n Define the Action that Triggers the Notification, if you have not done this already.
n Define Which Changes of Status Trigger the Notification if you have not done this.
n Or you can click Next to Define the Notification Distribution Properties.

Define the Notification Distribution Properties In the Notify How/Who? page of the New
Notification Rule wizard, you determine which users receive the notification and how
the notification is sent.

To determine the delivery notification properties

Select any of the following to determine where (how) the notification is sent:
n Replication Console: This selection is selected by default. You cannot change this
selection. All notifications are sent to the Replication Console. Notifications are
displayed in the Messages section for a specific task. This section is displayed in:
– The Monitor for a specific task. For more information, see Reading Messages
about a Task.
– The right pane of the Tasks page. For more information, see The Tasks View.
n Event Log: Select this if you want the notification message to be written to the
Windows/Linux Event log. For information on how to view the Windows/Linux
Event log, see the online help for the version of Windows or Linux you are using.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-5

n Default Notification Email List: Select this option if you want to send an email
message to the all the recipients on the Default Notification Email List. For more
information, see Creating a Default Recipient List.
If you choose to add additional recipients to email notifications or send the email
message only to a custom list of recipients, then stay on the Notify How/Who? page to
Determine the Email-Message Recipients for the Notification.
If you do not need to create a custom email recipient list for this notification, then click
Next to Define the Notification Message.

Determine the Email-Message Recipients for the Notification In addition to sending an email
message for a specific notification to the default notification list, you can also create a
custom notification list of users who receive this notification only or you can also send
the email message to a custom list of users only.
This section describes how:
n To create a custom list of users
n To send notification email messages to a custom list of recipients only

To create a custom list of users

1. In the New Notification Wizard, Notify How/Who? page, click Add. The add
button and custom list are in the middle of the Notify How/Who? page.
The Name field in the first available row in the list is activated.
2. Type the name of the user that you want to receive the message.
3. In the Name column of the activated cell, type the name of the user you want to
add to the list of default recipients.
Note: If you click another part of the Amazon RDS Migration Console, the cell will
become inactive. You can double-click the cell to enter additional information.
4. Press the [tab] key or double click in the in the Email cell, then type the email
address for the user you entered in the Name cell.
5. Click Next to Define the Notification Message.

To send notification email messages to a custom list of recipients only

1. In the New Notification Wizard, make sure that the Default Notification Email
List option is not selected.
2. Create a Custom Notification list as described in To create a custom list of users.

Define the Notification Message You can create a message for your notification. By
default, a standard message is created based on the definitions you entered when
Define Which Changes of Status Trigger the Notification and Define Errors That
Trigger the Notification.

To create a notification message

1. In the New Notification Wizard, Notification Message page, double-click in any
of the table cells to open the Edit Notification Message dialog box. See the Creating
a Notification Message table for an explanation of the information to enter in each
2. Click in the right pane of the dialog box and begin to type your message. In some
cases a default message is displayed based on the information you entered in the
previous pages of the New Notification Rule wizard. You can edit or delete the

18-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

message, or create a new message to be sent with the notification in this dialog
3. Add variables in messages and email headers you define for notifications, if
necessary. You can enter variables in one of two ways:
n Type a variable into the message pane on the right, Use the following format:
For example: {{TASK_NAME}}.
n Use the variables from the left pane of the Edit Notification Dialog box. To add
a variable to the notification message you can:
Double-click the variable. The variable is inserted where your curser is located
in the notification message in the right pane.
Select the variable you want to use and click the arrow key in the middle of
the Edit Notification Message dialog box. The variable is inserted where your
curser is located in the notification message in the right pane.
Drag the variable from the left pane to the location you want to place it in the
notification message in the right pane.
For more information, see the List of variables that can be used to create
4. Click OK to enter the message.
5. After you define the message sent with the notification, click Next to Associate
Tasks with the Notification.
The following table describes how to enter the information in the Notification
Message page.

Table 18–2 Creating a Notification Message

To where: Notification On Message Notification Off Message
This column describes The Notification On Message is The Notification Off Message is
where the message is sent when the replication task sent when the replications task
sent. meets the conditions for the returns to its normal state. This
notification to be sent. type of message is sent for
For more information,
notifications about latency, disk
see Define the For more information, see
utilization, and memory
Notification Distribution Define the Action that Triggers
Properties. the Notification, Define Which
Changes of Status Trigger the For more information, see
Notification, and Define Errors Define Which Changes of Status
That Trigger the Notification. Trigger the Notification.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-7

Table 18–2 (Cont.) Creating a Notification Message
To where: Notification On Message Notification Off Message
Console: In this field, you can edit, In this field, you can edit,
change or delete the message change, or delete the message
The messages in this row
that is sent to the Amazon RDS that is sent to the Amazon RDS
are sent to the Amazon
Migration Console when the Migration Console when the
RDS Migration Console.
replication task meets the replication task returns to the
They are displayed in the
conditions for the notification to normal range as you defined
Messages section for a
be sent. when you Define Which
specific task. This section
Changes of Status Trigger the
is displayed in: Example:
n The Monitor for a [{{SERVER_
This field is relevant only for
specific task. For NAME}}\{{NOTIFICATION_
notifications about latency, disk
more information, NAME}}]{{TASK_NAME}}
utilization, and memory
see Reading replication task latency
Messages about a exceeds defined limits.
Task. Example:
Current latency is
n The right pane of the {{LATENCY}} seconds. Latency is back to
Tasks page. For more normal, latency is
This message is sent to the
information, see The {{LATENCY}} seconds
console when latency reaches a
Tasks View.
value higher than the value you This message is sent when
Note: This message is defined. latency returns to within its
also sent to the Windows normal limits.
Event log if you select
this option. For more
information, see Define
the Notification
Distribution Properties.
Email Subject: In this field, you can edit, In this field, you can edit,
change or delete the subject line change or delete the subject line
This is the subject of the
for an email that is sent when for an email that is sent when
email messages sent for
the replication task meets the the replication task returns to
the notification.
conditions for the notification to the normal range as you defined
See Define the be sent. when you Define Which
Notification Distribution Changes of Status Trigger the
Properties for Notification.
information about [{{SERVER_
This field is relevant only for
sending a notification as NAME}}\{{NOTIFICATION_
notifications about latency, disk
an email. NAME}}]{{TASK_NAME}}
utilization, and memory
high latency
This is the subject for an email
message sent when latency RDS Migration Tool
reaches a value higher than the notification
value you defined. '{{NOTIFICATION_NAME}}'
for task '{{TASK_NAME}}'
This is the subject for an email
message sent when latency
returns to within its normal

18-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table 18–2 (Cont.) Creating a Notification Message
To where: Notification On Message Notification Off Message
Email Message: In this field, you can edit, In this field, you can edit,
change or delete the message change, or delete the message
This is the body of the
that is sent by email when the that is sent by email when the
email message sent for
replication task meets the replication task returns to the
the notification.
conditions for the notification to normal range as you defined
See Define the be sent. when you Define Which
Notification Distribution Changes of Status Trigger the
Properties for Notification.
information about The latency for
This field is relevant only for
sending a notification as replication task {{TASK_
notifications about latency, disk
an email. NAME}} exceeds defined
utilization, and memory
The current latency is
{{LATENCY}} seconds.
Latency is back to
normal, latency is
{{LATENCY}} seconds
This is an email message sent
This is an automated
when latency returns to within
message generated by
its normal limits.
Amazon RDS Migration
server {{SERVER_NAME}}
for notification
This is an email message sent
when latency reaches a value
higher than the value you
Event viewer In this field, you can edit,
change or delete the message
that is sent to the
Windows/Linux event viewer
when the replication task meets
the conditions for the
notification to be sent.
Note: This field is available only
when you select Event log when
you Define the Notification
Distribution Properties.
high latency
The latency for
replication task {{TASK_
NAME}} exceeds defined
The current latency is
{{LATENCY}} seconds.
This message is sent to the event
viewer when latency reaches a
value higher than the value you

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-9

After you define the message sent with the notification, click Next to Associate Tasks
with the Notification.

List of variables that can be used to create notifications

You can use the following variables when creating messages that are sent as

Associate Tasks with the Notification By default, notifications are sent for all tasks that are
defined in the Amazon RDS Migration Tool instance you are using. You can determine
whether to send the notification to specific tasks defined in the Amazon RDS

18-10 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Migration Tool instance you are using. For example, you can define a different latency
rate for a specific task that is replicating from a slow system.

To associate the notification with tasks

1. In the New Notification Wizard, Apply To Tasks page, select one of the following:

n All Tasks: To associate this notification with all tasks that are defined in the
Amazon RDS Migration Tool instance you are working with. In this case all
tasks that were previously defined and any future task will be associated with
this notification.
If you choose to associate this notification with All Tasks, then click Next to
Review the Notification Rule.
n Selected Tasks: To associate this notification with one or more specific tasks
only. Continue with the next step.
2. Select the check box next to any of the tasks you want to associate with this
notification. You can select one or more tasks.
Note: The Task check box at the top of the check-box column lets you select all of
the tasks that are displayed. When you select this check box it is as if you select
each of the tasks individually. Therefore, if you add tasks in the future they will
not be included.
3. Click Next to Review the Notification Rule.

Review the Notification Rule The Summary page lets you review the notification rule that
you defined so that you can determine whether the selections you made in the wizard
are correct. If you want to make changes, click Back and go to the page or pages you
want to change.
When you are sure that the notification rule is defined in the way that you want, click
Finish to close the wizard and add the rule to the Notification List.
After you close the wizard, make sure to click Save at the top of the Settings page.
This will save the information for all settings, not only for the notification rule that you
created. If you made changes that you do not want to keep, click Discard to discard all
changes before you make changes to any of the other settings.

Using the Notification List

The Notification List lists all of the notification rules that are defined for the Amazon
RDS Migration Tool instance you are working with. It has the following information:
n Name: Displays the name of the notification rule.
n Condition: Displays the condition that triggers the notification to be sent. For
more information, see Define Which Changes of Status Trigger the Notification.
n Send Message To: Displays custom users that receive the message. For more
information, see Determine the Email-Message Recipients for the Notification.
n Tasks: Displays the tasks that are associated with this notification rule. For more
information, see Associate Tasks with the Notification.
n Active: Select the check box in this column to activate the notification. If this check
box is cleared, notifications defined by this rule are not sent. This check box is
selected by default.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-11

Editing a Notification
You can make changes to any notification rule.

To edit a notification rule

1. From the Notification List select the notification you want to edit.

2. Click Open (at the top of the list).

Double-click the notification you want to edit.
The Edit Notification Rule wizard opens.
3. Make any changes you need in the wizard. For information on how to work with
each of the pages in the New Notification Rule wizard, see Creating a New

You can only make changes to those sections that you defined when
Creating a New Notification.
n You cannot change name of the notification.
n If you defined a notification to let you know when the task or full
load started or stopped, this cannot be edited. For example, if you
created a notification rule for starting a task and you now also
want to get notified when the task stops, you must create a new
notification rule.
n In the Notify When? page, you can make changes to the data you
defined in the original notification rule. For example, if you
defined a Memory utilization message in the Notify when? page,
Performance/Resources section, you can only change this
parameter. If you want to add information about something that
was not defined in the original notification rule, for example you
want to add errors to your notification or you want to get
information about latency, you must create a new notification rule.

Deleting a Notification
You can delete notification rules that you no longer want to use.

To delete a notification
1. From the Notification List select the notification you want to delete.

2. Click Delete (at the top of the list).

Note: When you delete a notification, it is deleted from the Amazon

RDS Migration Server. You cannot use it anymore. If you want to use a
similar notification, you must create a new rule.

Setting up Mail Parameters

The Mail parameters define the mail server used to send notifications.

18-12 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

To set the Mail parameters, click the Mail Settings sub-tab and enter the following
Mail server: Type the outgoing mail server you are using to send the notifications that
you define in Amazon RDS Migration Tool, for example,
Port: Type the port number where the mail server is located. The default value is 25.
Use SSL: Select this check box if you want to use SSL security to connect to the mail
server for the notifications that are sent.
Anonymous login: Check this to allow an Amazon RDS Migration Tool user to access
the mail server to receive messages without having to provide any user credentials.
User name: Type an email user name for the user account that is sending the
notifications. For SMTP authentication be sure to supply a valid user name.
Password: Type the password for the email user account that is sending the
notifications. For SMTP authentication be sure that password provided is valid.
Sender email address: Enter the email address that sends the email notifications. This
is the address that appears in the From field of the email notification.
Send test email: Click Send test email to open the Send Test Email dialog box.
In the Email address for test email, type an email address to receive a test email
message from the server you configured. Use this to determine that the Mail
Parameters you defined are valid.
When you finish typing the information, click Save at the top of the screen to save all
of the changes you made.

Note: Click Save to save the information for all settings, not only for
the recipient list. If you made changes that you do not want to keep,
click Discard to discard all changes before you make changes to any of
the other settings.

Creating a Default Recipient List

Click the Default Recipient List sub-tab to create a default recipient list.
A default recipient list is a list of recipients that receive all of the notifications that you
define for any task created in the Amazon RDS Migration Tool instance you are
working with. This allows you to use one list for all email notifications without having
to define the list each time you create a notification.

Note: You can choose to send notifications to a different list or to

additional users for any specific notification. You define these
exceptions when you create the specific notification. For more
information, see Define the Notification Distribution Properties.

To create a Default Recipient List

1. At the top of the Default Recipient List settings page, click Add Recipient.
The next row in the Recipient List table becomes available.
2. Type the name of the user you want to add to the list of default recipients.
Continue to enter a name and email address for each recipient you want to include
in the default list.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-13

3. Press the [tab] key or double click in the in the Email cell, then type the email
address for the user you entered in the Name cell.
4. Click Save at the top of the screen to save all of the changes you made.
Note: Click Save to save the information for all settings, not only for the recipient
list. If you made changes that you do not want to keep, click Discard to discard all
changes before you make changes to any of the other settings.

License Settings
You need to register the software before you can use Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
Your Amazon vendor should provide you with a text file called license.txt.This file
contains details such as the product expiration date (if any).
Use the License settings page for:
n Requesting a License
n Registering a License
n Viewing a License

To open the License settings page

From the Server view, click License from the menu list at the left. The License sub-tab
is displayed.

Requesting a License
You must have a valid license to work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool. You can
request a license from the License settings page in the Amazon RDS Migration
Console. In the License Request dialog box, fill out the required information and
submit the request by email. Once your request is approved, the license file is sent to
you by email. To use Amazon RDS Migration Tool, register the license by using the
procedure described in Registering a License.

To request a license
1. From the Server page, click License.

2. At the top of the License tab, click Request License.

The Replication License Request dialog box opens.
3. Enter the requested information:
n Request type: Select one of the following:
– New License: Select this if this is your initial license request.
– Extend License: Select this if you have a license and want to extend its
period of validity.
– Alter License: Select this if you want to make changes to an existing
license. For example, if you want to add additional sources or targets or
change the host computer.
n License to: Type the name of the company or group that is requesting a license
to use Amazon RDS Migration Tool.
n License type: Select one of the following:

18-14 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

– Permanent: Select this if the license will always be valid. Permanent
licenses do not require an expiration date.
– Evaluation: Select this if you are requesting a temporary license to use
Amazon RDS Migration Tool for a trial period.
– Term: Select this if you are requesting a license that is valid for a specific
period of time. In this case you must be sure to include an expiration date
in your request.
n Expiration date: Click in this field to select the expiration date using the
pop-up calendar. This is required only if you selected Evaluation or Term in as
the License type.
n Hosts: Type the name of the local computer where Amazon RDS Migration
Tool is installed. By default the name of the local computer is displayed in this
field. You can change this or add additional computers if you are installing
Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a different or an additional location.
n Source Types: Click Edit to open the Edit Source Types dialog box. Check the
database types you are working with as your replication sources. You can
select one or more database endpoints as necessary. If you need to work with
all available databases, click All.
n Target Types: Click Edit to open the Edit Target Types dialog box. Check the
database types you are working with as your replication targets. You can select
one or more database endpoints as necessary. If you need to work with all
available sources, click All.
4. Click Send by Mail to open an email request for the license. Send the email to the
address entered in the recipient field of your default email client.
Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the information to the computer’s clipboard. You
can paste this information into the Advanced license request and edit it as
necessary. For more information, see Using the Advanced License Request Option.

Using the Advanced License Request Option

The advanced license request option lets you request a license by manually typing the
information. Make sure to include all of the information required as described in
Requesting a License. The following is a suggested format for the advanced option:
Request type:New License
License to: <company name>
License type: Permanent
Expiration date:
Source Types: Oracle
Target Types: SQLServer

Registering a License
You must have a valid license to work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool. If you did
not receive a license.txt file, you can request a license using the procedure described in
Requesting a License. Once you receive the license, you must register it to work with
Amazon RDS Migration Tool.

To register a license
1. Copy the license.txt file to your computer or any computer in your network
you have access to.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-15

2. From the Server page, click License.
3. At the top of the License tab, click Register License.
The Register License dialog box opens.
4. Click Load and browse to find and select the license file.
The license text is displayed in the dialog box as shown above. Check to be sure
that the details are correct.
5. Click Register License to register the license. A message indicating the license was
registered successfully is displayed.

Note: A message is displayed at the top of the Amazon RDS

Migration Console that indicates that you have a valid license and
when it expires. If the license is expired or invalid, the message
indicates this.
You can also click on this message link to request, register, or view
license information.

Viewing a License
You can view the license information in the Amazon RDS Migration Console at any

To view the license information

From the Server page, click License.
The License tab is displayed. All of the license information is displayed in the License

Error Handling
You can configure how Amazon RDS Migration Tool responds to specific types of
errors. You can define error handling on the task level or the server level. The
configurations you make in the Server Settings affect all tasks created for this instance
of Amazon RDS Migration Tool unless you define a task to use the definitions you
create for that task. For information on how to configure error handling for a specific
task, see Error Handling in the Customizing Tasks chapter.

To open the Error Handling page

From the Server view, click Global Error Handling from the menu list at the left.
The following tabs are available:
n Environmental Errors: An error that is caused by an environmental problem in the
source or target database or on the network. Environmental errors can be
The information you enter in this tab are the same as the information you enter in
the Environmental Errors tab for tasks. For information about the options
available in this tab, see Environmental Errors in the Customizing Tasks chapter.
n Data Error: An error related to data processing at the record level.

18-16 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

The information you enter in this tab are the same as the information you enter in
the Data Error tab for tasks. For information about the options available in this tab,
see Data Error in the Customizing Tasks chapter.
n Table Error: An error in processing data or metadata for a specific table. This only
includes general table data and not an error that relates to a specific record.
The information you enter in this tab are the same as the information you enter in
the Table Error tab for tasks. For information about the options available in this
tab, see Table Error in the Customizing Tasks chapter.
n Apply Error: Errors that occur when the target database is not synchronized with
the source database when processing changes. This can cause duplicate key errors
on INSERT operations or zero rows affected on UPDATE/DELETE operations.
The information you enter in this tab are the same as the information you enter in
the Apply Error tab for tasks. For information about the options available in this
tab, see Apply Conflicts in the Customizing Tasks chapter.
For additional information about errors handling in Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see
the Error Handling appendix.

Logging Settings (Server)

The following topics describe the server logging settings:
n Set the Server Logging Level
n Configure Log Files

To view and configure the server Logging Settings

From the Server view, click Logging from the menu list at the left. When you click the
Logging tab, the following sub-tabs are displayed:
n Logging Level: Lets you Set the Server Logging Level.
n Log File: Lets you Configure Log Files.

Set the Server Logging Level

You set the logging level for server logs in the Server view. The level you set
determines what information is written to the server log. This log provides
information about the Amazon RDS Migration Server instance you are working with
and not for individual tasks. For information on configuring the task logs, see Working
with Task Logs at Runtime.
The following are the available logging levels. The list is in order from the lowest level
to the highest level.
1. Error
2. Warning
3. Info
4. Debug
The higher levels always include the messages from the lower levels. Therefore, if you
select Error, only error messages are written to the log. However, if you select Info,
informational messages, warnings, and error messages are included. Selecting Debug
writes all possible messages to the log.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-17

You can set the logging level generally for all log components. In addition, you can
create a separate logging level for each component.

To set the server logging level

1. On the left side of the Server view, click Logging then click the Server Log sub-tab.
The Logger settings sliders are displayed.
2. Move the Logger settings slider to the log level you want. This sets the logging
level for all server log modules. Note that all of the sliders for the individual
modules move to the same position that you set in the main slider.
3. Make any changes to the sliders for the individual modules. This is optional. Note
that if you change the main slider, all of the individual sliders are reset to the new
position. If you want to maintain a different logging level for a specific module,
you need to reset it.
4. Click Save at the top of the screen. Changes to the logging level take place
immediately. There is not need to restart the Amazon RDS Migration Server.
Note: Click Save to save the information for all settings, not only for the logging
settings. If you made changes that you do not want to keep, click Discard to
discard all changes before you make changes to any of the other settings.

Note: To view the log files, open the Log File sub-tab.
For more information, see View a Server Log.

Configure Log Files

The Log File Management sub-tab lets you define how to handle the physical log files
in the system and to view the physical log file. You can define the following.
n Schedule Maintenance Operations for Log Files
n Carry out Log File Actions
n View a Server Log

Schedule Maintenance Operations for Log Files

You can schedule when a log file is rolled over or when to clean old log files from the
system. The following are the scheduling options you can define in the Log File
Enable automatic roll over: Select this check box if you want to determine when to
stop logging to a specific file and begin to log to a new log file. The current log file is
called repserv and saved (older) log files have the file name repserv_
xxxxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxxxxx represents a 12-digit timestamp.
n Roll over the log if the log file is older than (days): Use the counter or type in the
number of days that to use a specific log file. After the specified number of days
the old log is saved with a timestamp appended to its name and a new log file is
The default value is 0 days.
n Roll over the log if the log file is larger than (MB): Use the counter or type in the
maximum amount of megabytes for a specific log file. When the log file reaches
the specified size, the old log is saved with a timestamp appended to its name and
a new log file is started.

18-18 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

The default value is 0 megabytes.
Enable automatic cleanup: Select this check box if you want to define the maximum
number of days or what size a log file can be before it is deleted.
n Delete log files that are more than (days): Use the counter or type in the
maximum number of days to keep a log file. Log files that are older than the
number of days entered are automatically deleted from the system. For example, if
you enter 4, then all log files are deleted on the fifth day.
The default value is 3 days.
n Delete log files that are larger than (MB): Use the counter or type in the
maximum amount of megabytes for a specific log file. When the log file reaches
the specified size, it is deleted from the system.
n The default value is 10 megabytes.

Carry out Log File Actions

You can roll a log file or delete one or more old log files at any time.
To carry out log file actions, from the top of the Server Log sub-tab, click one of the
Roll log file: Click this button to immediately roll the current server log file. The old
log file is saved with a timestamp appended to its name.
Delete Logs: Click this button delete the log files.

View a Server Log

You can view the information written to the log in the log viewer.

To view the log in the log viewer

1. From the top of the Logging tab (Server Log or Log File Management sub-tabs),
click View Log. The server log is displayed.
2. To view a different log file, select the file you want to view from the Select Log list
at the top right of the window.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-19

File Transfer Service
The Amazon File Transfer Service (FTS) is a robust and reliable file transfer engine
designed to efficiently transfer files over the WAN. This can dramatically improve
transfer speeds when the source database and the target database are located on
different LANs.

How it Works
A solution using FTS consists of two Amazon RDS Migration Servers: A local Amazon
RDS Migration Server installed on the source database LAN and a remote Amazon
RDS Migration Server installed on the target database LAN.
A local task on the local server is defined from the source database to a File Channel
target. A remote task on the remote Amazon RDS Migration Server is defined from a
File Channel source to the target database.
The FTS runs on the remote Amazon RDS Migration Server only and transfers the File
Channel files from the storage location defined in the local task to the storage location
defined in the remote task.
Upon file transfer, and before Compression and Encryption, large files are split into
smaller blocks which form recoverable transport units, and small files are merged into
bigger blocks to be sent at the same time. The blocks are then transferred and
reconstructed into File Channel files when received by the FTS server.
For information on setting up a File Channel source or target to use FTS, see Using
Advanced Properties for a File-Channel Source and Using Advanced Properties for a
File-Channel Target respectively.

File Channel files are compressed upon sending using GZIP. You can disable the
compression and control the compression level.

After compression, File Channel files are encrypted using a randomly generated
AES-256 session key. The session key is exchanged between the client and server using
the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol which is authenticated using a secret key
that is shared between the client and the server.

Note:The File Transfer Service should be configured on the remote

Amazon RDS Migration Server only.

Defining a File Transfer Service

Define a file transfer service as described below.

To add a File Transfer Service:

1. Switch to Server view as described in The Server View.

2. In the left side of the Server view, click File Transfer Service.
The File Transfer Service list is displayed.
3. In the Actions toolbar, click New File Transfer Service.
A new row is added to the File Transfer Service list.

18-20 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

4. Edit the values in the Name, Host and Port columns as follows (click the cells to
make them editable):
– Name: The name of the File Transfer Service.
– Host: The host name or IP address of machine on which the remote
Amazon RDS Migration Server is installed. The default is (all
interfaces). If the server has multiple NICs (Network Interface Cards), you
can define a different File Transfer Service for each card.
– Port: The port through which the File Channel files are received.
5. To enable the File Transfer Service, select the check box in the Enabled column.
6. Click Save to save your settings.

Figure 18–1 The File Transfer Service List

Editing a File Transfer Service

You can edit a File Transfer Service as described below.

To edit a File Transfer Service

1. Select the File Transfer Service you want to edit.
2. Edit the values in the Name, Host and Port columns as follows:
a. Click the cell to make it editable.
b. Change the value as required and then click Save.

Note: When you edit a File Transfer Service, make sure that any File
Channel targets configured to use the File Transfer Service are also
updated accordingly. For more information on File Channel Targets,
see Setting up a File Channel Target using Amazon RDS Migration

Deleting a File Transfer Service

You can delete File Transfer Services that you no longer want to use.

To delete a File Transfer Service

1. In the File Transfer Services List, select the item you want to delete.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-21

2. In the Actions toolbar, click Delete File Transfer Service.

18-22 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Scheduling Jobs
Use the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Scheduler to schedule a one-time job or a
recurrent job for specific task operations. A job is essentially an operation that can be
scheduled to occur once, daily, weekly or monthly.
The following operations can be scheduled:
n Run a task
n Stop a task
n Reload a task

To schedule a new job:

1. Switch to Server view as described in The Server View.
2. In the left side of the Server view, click the Scheduler tab.
The Scheduler tab has two sub-tabs: Active Jobs and Expired Jobs. The Active
Jobs tab contains a list of jobs that are scheduled to run periodically or once only
while the Expired Jobs tab contains a list of jobs that have already run.
3. Click the New Scheduled Job toolbar button.
The New Scheduled Job wizard opens.
4. In the Schedule what screen, specify a Job Name and then choose one of the
following as appropriate:
- Run task to run the task(s) at the scheduled time.

Note: For Full Load only tasks, it is preferable to select Reload task
rather than Run task when the scheduling is set to Daily, Weekly or
Monthly. This will update the table’s load whereas Run task will
replace the existing table.

- Stop task to stop the task(s) at the scheduled time.

- Reload task to reload the task(s) at the scheduled time.
5. Click Next. In the When? screen, define when you want the job to run. The
following options are available:
n Once - The first option
n Daily - The second option
n Weekly - The third option
n Monthly - The fourth option
Optionally, select the Run job as soon as possible after scheduled time is missed
check box. If the Amazon RDS Migration Server is offline for whatever reason (e.g.
for maintenance), any jobs that were scheduled to run during that time, will be
submitted after the machine is brought back online (at the earliest opportunity).
6. Click Next. In the Apply to tasks screen, select which tasks to schedule. Select All
tasks to apply the job to all current and future tasks or Selected tasks to apply the
job to specific tasks. If you chose Selected tasks, select which tasks to apply the job
7. Click Next. Review your settings and then click Finish.

Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings 18-23

To enable or disable a scheduled job:
– In the Active Jobs tab, select or clear the check box in the Enabled column as

To edit a scheduled job:

1. Select the job in the Active Jobs or Expired Jobs list.
2. Double-click the job or click the Open toolbar button and edit the job as required.

To delete a scheduled job:

1. Select the job in the Active Jobs or Expired Jobs list.

2. Click the Delete toolbar button.

18-24 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Error Handling

Amazon RDS Migration Tool must handle different types of errors during its
operation. The way the system should respond to these errors depends on several
aspects, including the component where the error occurred, the type of error, and the
scope of the error. Because different sites may have different requirements for error
behavior, Amazon RDS Migration Tool lets you configure the Error Handling.

Error Types
This topic provides information on the different types of errors that you may
encounter using Amazon RDS Migration Tool. The following is a list of the error types:
n Environmental Errors: An error that is caused by an environmental problem in the
source or target database or on the network. Some examples of environmental
errors are loss of communication with the source or target database, restarting a
database, or network problems.
n Data Errors: An error related to data processing at the record level. Some examples
of data errors are conversion errors, errors in transformations, or bad data.
n Table Errors: An error in processing data or metadata for a specific table. This only
includes general table data and not an error that relates to a specific record.
n Apply Errors (conflicts): Errors that occur when the target database is not
synchronized with the source database when processing changes. This can cause
duplicate key errors on INSERT operations or zero rows affected on
UPDATE/DELETE operations.
n Fatal Errors: An error that is not related to a specific table but is not
environmental. Some examples of fatal errors are incorrect database configuration
or incorrect password information.
n Abnormal Termination: An error that is returned when the task terminates for an
abnormal or unknown reason.

Error Handling Properties

This topic describes the properties that you can set to determine how errors are
handled. For information on how to configure error handling behavior in Amazon
RDS Migration Tool, see Error Handling in Customizing Tasks or Error Handling in
Amazon RDS Migration Server Settings. See the following topics for information about
configuring the error behavior for each type of error.
n Environmental Errors
n Data Errors

Error Handling A-1

n Table Errors
n Apply Errors
n Fatal Errors
n Abnormal Termination

Environmental Errors
When an environmental error occurs, the system will attempt to restart the task if it
stops. You can define exactly how and when the system will try to restart a task.
The following table describes the properties used to determine how to handle
environmental errors.

Table A–1 Properties to Define Environmental Error Handling

Name Description Default
RETRY_COUNT The maximum number of attempts made to 0
restart a task when an environmental error
occurs. After the system attempts to restart the
task the designated number of times, the task
is stopped and manual intervention is
Enter -1 to continuously attempt to restart a
Enter 0 to never attempt to restart a task.
RETRY_INTERVAL The number of seconds that the system waits 5
between attempts to restart a task.
RETRY_THROTTLING When active, the interval between attempts to Y
restart a task gets longer each time.
RETRY_THROTTLING_MAX The maximum number of seconds to wait 1800
between attempts to restart a task if RETRY_

Data Errors
When a data error occurs (to a specific record), you can define what you want the task
to do and how to handle the error.
The following table describes the properties used to determine how to handle data

A-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table A–2 Properties to Define Data Error Handling
Name Description Default
DATA_TRUNCATION_ERROR_ Determine what to do when data is LOG_ERROR
POLICY truncated in one or more records. You can:
IGNORE_RECORD: The task continues and
the data for that record is ignored. The
error counter for the DATA_ERROR_
increased so that if you set a limit on errors
for a table, this error will count toward this
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its data is not
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.
DATA_ERROR_POLICY Determine what to do when an error occurs LOG_ERROR
to the data from a specific record being
replicated. You can:
IGNORE_RECORD: The task continues and
the data for that record is ignored. The
error counter for the DATA_ERROR_
increased so that if you set a limit on errors
for a table, this error will count toward this
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its data is not
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.
DATA_ERROR_ESCALATION_ Set the maximum number of errors that can 0, no
COUNT occur to the data for a specific record. escalation
When this number is reached, the data for
the table that contains the error record is
handled according to the policy set in the
DATA_ERROR_ESCALATION_ Determines the action to carry out when SUSPEND_
ACTION the maximum number of errors (set in the TABLE
reached. You can select one of the following
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its data is not
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.

Error Handling A-3

Table Errors
The following table describes the properties used to determine how to handle errors
that occur to the general data or metadata for a specific table. It does not affect the
error policy for specific records in the table.

Table A–3 Properties to Define Environmental Error Handling

Name Description Default
TABLE_ERROR_POLICY Determine what to do when an error occurs SUSPEND_
to the general table data being replicated. TABLE
You can:
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its data is not
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.
TABLE_ERROR_ESCALATION_ Set the maximum number of errors that can 0, no
COUNT occur to the general data or metadata for a escalation
specific table. When this number is
reached, the data for the table is handled
according to the policy set in the TABLE_
TABLE_ERROR_ESCALATION_ Determines the action to carry out when STOP_TASK
ACTION the maximum number of errors (set in the
is reached. You can select one of the
following options:
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.

Apply Errors
The following table describes the properties used to determine how to handle Apply
errors. Apply errors occur when the source and target databases are not properly
synchronized during a change processing operation. This causes the following
record-level issues:
n DELETE or UPDATE operations occur with zero rows affected.
n INSERT operation occurs with a duplicate key.

A-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table A–4
Name Description Default
APPLY_DELETE_CONFLICT_ Determine what to do when there is a IGNORE_
POLICY conflict with DELETE operation. You can: ERROR
IGNORE_RECORD: The task continues
and the data for that record is ignored. The
error counter for the APPLY_CONFLICT_
increased so that if you set a limit on errors
for a table, this error will count toward this
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
FIX_RECORD: The record is corrected so
that it shows the correct DELETE
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its changes
are not processed.
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.
APPLY_INSERT_CONFLICT_ Determine what to do when there is a LOG_ERROR
POLICY conflict with an INSERT operation. You
IGNORE_RECORD: The task continues
and the data for that record is ignored. The
error counter for the APPLY_CONFLICT_
increased so that if you set a limit on errors
for a table, this error will count toward this
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
FIX_RECORD: The record is corrected so
that it shows the correct INSERT
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its changes
are not processed.
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.

Error Handling A-5

Table A–4 (Cont.)
Name Description Default
APPLY_UPDATE_CONFLICT_ Determine what to do when there is a LOG_ERROR
POLICY conflict with an UPDATE operation. You
IGNORE_RECORD: The task continues
and the data for that record is ignored. The
error counter for the APPLY_CONFLICT_
increased so that if you set a limit on errors
for a table, this error will count toward this
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
FIX_RECORD: The record is corrected so
that it shows the correct UPDATE
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the error record is
moved into an error state and its changes
are not processed.
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.
APPLY_CONFLICT_ Set the maximum number of APPLY 0, no
ESCALATION_COUNT conflicts that can occur for a specific table escalation
during a change process operation. When
this number is reached, the data for the
table is handled according to the policy set
APPLY_CONFLICT_ Determines the action to carry out when LOG_ERROR
ESCALATION_ACTION the maximum number of errors (set in the
COUNT) is reached. You can select one of
the following options:
LOG_ERROR: The task continues and the
error is written to the task log.
SUSPEND_TABLE: The task continues but
data from the table with the conflict is
moved into an error state and its data is not
STOP_TASK: The task is stopped and
manual intervention is required.
APPLY_CONFLICT_DURING_ Determine whether to load the conflicting Conflicts are
FULL_LOAD data when carrying out a full-load ignored
operation after the change processing is
FIX_RECORD requires full supplemental logging in order to ensure that an UPDATE is not turned into
an INSERT. In other cases, FIX_RECORD can cause an async full load of a record similar to the LOB

Fatal Errors
There is no manual configuration for handling fatal errors. In case of a fatal error, the
task is stopped and manual intervention is required.

A-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Abnormal Termination
There is no manual configuration for handling fatal errors. In case of abnormal
termination, Amazon RDS Migration Tool attempts to restart the task five times. If the
task does not successfully restart for at least 15 minutes, it is stopped and manual
intervention is required.

Error Handling A-7

A-8 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Using Encryption

This appendix describes how to set up a secure connection between the Amazon RDS
Migration Console and the Amazon RDS Migration Server and covers the following
n Setting up HTTPS with IIS
n Setting up HTTPS without IIS
n Changing the Server Password

Setting up HTTPS with IIS

The Amazon RDS Migration Console supports working over HTTPS to prevent
third-party eavesdropping on sensitive information that can be exchanged, such as
setting up user names and passwords.
To use HTTPS, the server must be set up with a valid certificate. If your organization
has its own certificate, you can set up the browsers you are using with the Amazon
RDS Migration Console to trust the certificate.
You must do the following for your browser to trust the certificate.
n Create a new certificate:
– Create a new site binding and assign it as HTTPS on port 443. See information
on creating certificates with IIS on the Microsoft Web site (How to: Create
and Install Temporary Certificates in WCF for Transport
Security During Development) or see the information provided by the
developer of the Web server you are using.
Note: If you are not using IIS, see Setting up HTTPS without IIS for
information on how to create a certificate, then Connect using a Web browser
and add the certificate to the browser:
– You need to make sure that port 443 is open on your firewall.
– Make sure that the certificate is installed on the server.
n Connect using a Web browser and add the certificate to the browser:
– Connect to the server using a supported Web browser.
For a list of Web browsers supported by Amazon RDS Migration Tool, see
Additional Required Software.
– When you connect using HTTPS, you may receive a message stating the
certificate was not signed by a known authority.
– For Internet Explorer and Chrome:

Using Encryption B-1

– Select the option to use the certificate anyway. This will be slightly
different depending on the Web browser you are using.
– You may receive a certificate error. Click to open the properties for this
error. This error is caused by a mismatched address. Select the option to
install the certificate.
– Place the certificate in the following store:
Trusted Root Certification Authorities
– For Internet Explorer only, you must also install the certificate in the
personal store.
– For Firefox:
– You will receive a message that the connection is untrusted. Expand I
Understand the Risks, and then click Add Exception.
– In the Add Security Exception dialog box, click Confirm Security

B-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Setting up HTTPS without IIS
To facilitate initial evaluation and development, Amazon RDS Migration Tool is
installed with both HTTP and HTTPS protocols enabled. However, when using
Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a production environment, it is strongly
recommended to use HTTPS protocol exclusively.
The following section explains how to set up Amazon RDS Migration Tool to work
with the HTTPS protocol without using IIS. Working with HTTPS protocol does not
require IIS to be installed on the Amazon RDS Migration Console machine and can be
implemented using a self-signed certificate, thereby eliminating the need for a
certificate issued by a trusted CA.

Note: Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to first check

whether your organization’s corporate security policy approves the
use of self-signed certificates along with the various certificate
parameters (encryption type, key lengths, and so on).

Creating and Installing a Self-Signed Server Authentication Certificate

You can use a self-signed certificate to quickly set up a secure Amazon RDS Migration
Tool environment for evaluation purposes. Such an environment will be secure as long
as the self-signed certificate is trusted only within the context of its usage with a
specific server.

To create and install a self-signed server authentication certificate:

1. Create a text file named self-signed-web-cert.inf with the following contents:
Subject="CN={FQDN of your web server host machine, e.g.}"
HashAlgorithm =SHA256

2. To create and install the certificate, run the following command:

$ certreq -new self-signed-web-cert.inf amazonrdsmigrationtool-https-cert.cer

The certificate will also be available in the file:

amazonrdsmigrationtool-https-cert.cer. This file does not contain any
sensitive information, so it is safe to keep it.

Setting up the Self-Signed Certificate on the Server

To set up the certificate:

1. Retrieve the certificate’s thumbprint by running the following command:
$ certutil -dump amazonrdsmigrationtool-https-cert.cer

The command will output detailed information about the certificate.

Using Encryption B-3

a. Locate the line with the certificate SHA1 hash. It should look something like
Cert Hash(sha1): fc fc c8 be 55 4d ca c4 ac e7 39 01 8e 04 0d 60 f2 3b a1 26

b. To create the thumbprint, remove the spaces from the hexadecimal string. For
example, removing the spaces from the string above would produce the
following thumbprint:

2. To associate the certificate with the HTTPS endpoint, run the following command:
$ netsh http add sslcert ipport=

n The ipport value should match the host:port part of the url= attribute of
the ServiceConfiguration.xml file. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceConfiguration xmlns:xsd=""
displayName="Amazon RDS Migration Console"
description="Web server for Amazon RDS Migration Console Web
url="https://rds migration">

</ServiceConfiguration> means that the certificate can be used with all local IP
n The appid value is the IIS Application ID. The value can also be the Amazon
RDS Migration Console assembly GUID:
{3477c544-694e-46ee-93d8-ba4b9a0d24e4}, or any other GUID.
Note: When setting up a port other than 443 for HTTPS, the IIS Application ID
should not be used.
n The certhash value is the thumbprint value created earlier.

Removing the Self-Signed Certificate from the Server

To remove the self-signed certificate from the server, run the following command:
$ netsh http del sslcert ipport=

Where the ipport value is the same as the one specified when the certificate was

Setting Up the Self-Signed Certificate on a Client

Web browsers connecting to a server on which a self-signed certificate is installed have
no way of verifying the authenticity of the server certificate. As a result, the browser
will warn you that the site poses a potential security threat. To prevent such warnings
from appearing, you can instruct the browser to trust the certificate as described

B-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

For Chrome and Internet Explorer:
1. Either save the certificate from the browser or copy the
amazonrdsmigrationtool-https-cert.cer file that you created earlier to
the client machine.
2. Right-click the certificate file and select Install Certificate.
3. Complete the wizard, making sure to selected Trusted Root Certification
Authorities as the certificate store.

For Firefox:
n Simply add an exception for the certificate when the Add Security Exception
prompt is displayed.

Changing the Server Password

By default, the Amazon RDS Migration Console establishes a secure connection to the
Amazon RDS Migration Server using the default password. The default password
should only be used for evaluation purposes. Before using Amazon RDS Migration
Tool in a production environment, you should change the default password as
described below.

To change the server password (on Windows or Linux):

1. On Windows, run the following command:
repctl SETSERVERPASSWORD <new_password>

2. On Linux:
a. Run the following command:

b. Press [Enter] and then type the following:


c. Press [Enter] again to set the password.

3. Restart the Amazon RDS Migration Tool services (Windows) or the Amazon RDS
Migration daemon (Linux).

Using Encryption B-5

B-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a
Cluster Environment

This appendix describes how to set up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in Windows and
Linux clustering environments and contains the following topics:
n Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Windows Cluster
n Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Linux Cluster

Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Windows Cluster

This section describes how to set up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Windows
Cluster Environment. The following are the required steps for setting up the cluster
environment. Please note that these steps provide a general explanation of how to set
up the environment to work with Amazon RDS Migration Tool. If you need directions
on how to work with specific programs in Microsoft Windows, see the Microsoft
n Preparing to Set Up the Cluster Environment
n Create a Failover Cluster and a Service to Use in Your Environment
n Add Storage
n Define Client Access
n Install Amazon RDS Migration Tool
n Add the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Services
n Define the Dependencies for Each Service
n Enabling Different Console Configurations in a High Availability Environment

Preparing to Set Up the Cluster Environment

You must make sure that your system is ready to use a cluster environment. Carry out
the following procedures before you set up your cluster and services.
1. Make sure that the storage, hardware, and hardware settings on each of your
servers, are compatible with failover clustering. See the Microsoft documentation
for an explanation on how to validate your system.
2. Open the Server Manager console on one of the servers Amazon RDS Migration
Tool is installed. You will need to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on this

Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Cluster Environment C-1

server and all other servers in your cluster environment. See Install Amazon RDS
Migration Tool.
Note: You must make sure that the Failover Clustering snap-in for the Microsoft
Management Console is installed on the server where you are configuring the
cluster. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation.
3. In the left column of the Server Manager, expand Features.
4. Select the Failover Cluster Manager.

Create a Failover Cluster and a Service to Use in Your Environment

Carry out this procedure for as many services that you are using.
The first thing you should do is to create a failover cluster that defines the servers or
nodes that are included in your cluster environment.You must also create a service to
manage the Amazon RDS Migration Tool application and services.

To create a failover cluster and a service

1. Right-click the highest node called Failover Cluster Manager and select Create a
Cluster. Follow the directions in the Create Cluster wizard to create a cluster.
2. Expand the cluster you are working with.
3. Right-Click Services and applications and point to More Actions, then select
Create Empty Service or Application. Follow the directions in the Wizard to
create a new service. If you need additional information on how to create a new
service, see the Microsoft documentation.
4. Right-click the service that you created and select Properties. In the Name field,
change the default name to a name that you want to use for this service. The name
should have a relevant meaning so you can remember it in the future.
Note: If necessary, you can carry out any of the options in the menu displayed
when you right-click the service.

Add Storage
You must define the disk that you use for storage. Use the storage to hold all of the
information in the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data folder.

To add storage
1. Right-click the Storage node and select Add a Disk. This disk will contain the data
in the data folder. The data folder is located in the root folder where Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is installed. This disk is bound to the RDS Migration Tool Services.
This means that in case of failover, this disk will be moved to the another cluster
running the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Services.
2. On the Storage node, you can add the new disk to the failover cluster.
3. Right-Click one of the services in the cluster and select Add Storage. Then select
the new disk to add this disk to the cluster you are working with.
Note: Make sure that there is a disk available on the server where you are adding the
disk. Also, to ensure that the system recognizes the disk, make sure that the storage
configuration for the disk is correct. The disk you want to use must be configured as a
basic disk, not a dynamic disk. For more information, see the Microsoft online help.

C-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Define Client Access
A network name must be added so you can access this service from other machines
using the Network Name.

To define client access

1. Right-click one of the services that you created and point to Add a resource then
select Client Access Point. The services are sub-nodes of Services and
2. Follow the directions in the New Resource Wizard to set the Network Name. The
network name must be the same as the service.
You set the name on the first page (Client Access Point) of the wizard.

Install Amazon RDS Migration Tool

Carry out the following two procedures to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool:
1. Install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on all the computers (nodes) that are part of
the cluster you configured (see Create a Failover Cluster and a Service to Use in
Your Environment).
Note: The Amazon RDS Migration Tool destination folder should be local to all of
the computers that are part of the cluster. Use the default location C:\Program
Files\Amazon\RDS Migration Tool.
In the install wizard, set the data folder location to a shared storage location, for
example, F:\data.
For more information, see Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Windows.
2. To install Amazon RDS Migration Tool on the rest of the clusters when the storage
is not a shared drive and is managed by the Failover Cluster manager, do the
Right-click the service and point to Move this service or application to another
node then select the node to install Amazon RDS Migration Tool. This ensures that
the storage is available on that node.

Add the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Services

The two Amazon RDS Migration Tool services must be added as resources to the
service you added in the Create a Failover Cluster and a Service to Use in Your
Environment procedure.
The Amazon RDS Migration Tool services are called Amazon RDS Migration Console
and Amazon RDS Migration Server.

To add the Amazon RDS Migration Tool services

1. Right-click the service you are working with and point to Add a resource then
select Generic Service.
2. In the Select Service page of the New Resource wizard, select Amazon RDS
Migration Console from the List.
3. Click Next and follow the directions in the wizard to create the resource. For
information on how to use this wizard, see the Microsoft online help.

Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Cluster Environment C-3

Note: Amazon RDS Migration Tool must be installed on the computers where you
defined the service for the Amazon RDS Migration Tool services to be available in
the list.
4. Repeat the same steps for the Amazon RDS Migration Server.

Define the Dependencies for Each Service

You should define dependencies for the Amazon RDS Migration Tool services. This
allows the Storage and the Network names to start before the Amazon RDS Migration
Tool services. If these resources do not start up before the services, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool will not start because it will continue to search for the data location.

To define the dependencies

1. From the left pane of the Failover Cluster Manager, select the Amazon RDS
Migration Console service.
2. The properties for this service are displayed in the center pane.
3. In the Other Resources section, double-click the Amazon RDS Migration Console
service. The Amazon RDS Migration Console Properties dialog box opens.
4. In the Amazon RDS Migration Console Properties dialog box, click the
Dependencies tab.
5. Click Insert. A new line is added to the Resource list.
6. In the Resource column, click the arrow and select the RDS Migration Tool Data
storage resource from the list.
7. Click Insert and add the Network Name resource.
8. Repeat the steps for the Amazon RDS Migration Server service.
9. Start the Services using the Failover Cluster Manager and access the console using
the Network name. See Define Client Access for information on how to configure
the network name.
10. Register the license. The license should contain all host names of the cluster.

Enabling Different Console Configurations in a High Availability Environment

In a High Availability active-passive scenario, it is recommended to install the Amazon
RDS Migration Tool data folder on a shared storage device. The data folder contains
various configuration files in XML format (e.g. LoggingConfiguration.xml,
ServiceConfiguration.xml, and so on). In a standard installation, you do not need
to change the names of these files. However, in a High Availability environment in
which Amazon RDS Migration Console is installed on two different machines, you
may want each machine to have its own unique settings. In such a situation, changing
the name of these files to include the hostname of the Amazon RDS Migration Console
machine (as it appears in the output of the Windows hostname command) will allow
you to store a different configuration for each machine.
The file name should be formatted as follows:

For example, let’s assume that one Amazon RDS Migration Console is installed on a
machine called rds migration tool-main and the other Amazon RDS Migration
Console is installed on a machine called rds migration tool-failover. To set
up a different configuration for each machine, simply create two copies of the
ServiceConfiguration.xml file and then rename them to

C-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

ServiceConfiguration-rds migration tool-main.xml and
ServiceConfiguration-rds migration tool-failover.xml accordingly.
After renaming the files, edit each of them with your desired settings.

Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Linux Cluster

This section describes how to set up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Linux Cluster
Environment. There are several commercially available clustering solutions for Linux
including Veritas Cluster Server, Red Hat Cluster Suite and IBM HACMP for Linux.
When one of the available clustering solutions is already in place, Amazon RDS
Migration Tool can be set up like any other cluster application while adhering to the
following guidelines:
n RDS Migration Tool should be installed on the participating cluster nodes.
For more information, see Installing Amazon RDS Migration Tool on Linux.
n RDS Migration Tool only supports the failover cluster configuration
n Amazon RDS Migration Tool data (the data folder, tasks folder, file channel, etc.)
should be stored in a SAN for shared access between the cluster nodes. To change
the default location of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool data folder, run the
following command on the primary cluster node when the installation completes:
./repctl-d <shared_storage_path> service start

n Only one instance of RDS Migration Tool can be active at a given data location.
The cluster software should be set so that during failover, one RDS Migration Tool
instance is stopped and the other is started.

Setting up Amazon RDS Migration Tool in a Cluster Environment C-5

C-6 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Control Tables

This appendix describes the Amazon RDS Migration Tool Control Tables which are
created on the target database when the corresponding table is selected in the Control
Tables tab.
The following tables are described:
n Apply Exceptions
n Replication Status
n Suspended Tables
n Replication History

Note: All Control Table timestamps are in UTC format.

Apply Exceptions
All task-related errors are recorded in the attrep_apply_exceptions table, which is
described below.

Table D–1 attrep_apply_exceptions Table

Column Type Description
TASK_NAME nvchar The name of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
TABLE_OWNER nvchar The table owner.
TABLE_NAME nvchar The table name.
ERROR_TIME timestamp The time the exception (error) occurred.
STATEMENT nvchar The statement that was being executed when the
error occurred.
ERROR nvchar The actual error.

Replication Status
The attrep_status table contains the current status of the replication task and the target

Control Tables D-1

Table D–2 attrep_status Table
Column Type Description
SERVER_NAME nvchar The name of the machine on which Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is installed.
TASK_NAME nvchar The name of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
TASK_STATUS varchar One of the following:
Task status is FULL LOAD as long as there is at
least one table in full load. After all tables have
been loaded, the task status changes to CHANGE
STATUS_TIME timestamp When the status was last updated.
PENDING_ int The number of change records that were not
CHANGES applied to the target.
DISK_SWAP_ int The amount of disk space is occupied by old or
SIZE offloaded transactions.
TASK_MEMORY int Current memory consumption in MB.
SOURCE_ varchar The POSITION in the source database that
CURRENT_ Amazon RDS Migration Tool is currently reading
SOURCE_ timestamp The TIMESTAMP in the source from which
CURRENT_ Amazon RDS Migration Tool is currently reading.
SOURCE_TAIL_ The POSITION of the oldest start transaction that
POSITION is still not committed. This represents the newest
position that you can revert to, without losing any
changes. There may, of course, be duplicates.
SOURCE_TAIL_ timestamp The TIMESTAMP of the oldest start transaction
TIMESTAMP that is still not committed. This represents the
newest TIMESTAMP that you can revert to,
without losing any changes. There may, of course,
be duplicates.
SOURCE_ timestamp This is the timestamp of the last transaction
TIMESTAMP_ commit. In a bulk apply this will be the
APPLIED timestamp for the commit of the last transaction
in that batch. It will only be changed as part of
the last transaction in the batch.

Suspended Tables
The following section describes the attrep_suspended_tables table.

Table D–3 attrep_suspended_tables Table

Column Type Description
SERVER_NAME nvchar The name of the machine on which Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is installed.
TASK_NAME nvchar The name of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool

D-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference

Table D–3 (Cont.) attrep_suspended_tables Table
Column Type Description
TABLE_OWNER nvchar The owner of the suspended table.
TABLE_NAME nvchar The name of the suspended table.
SUSPEND_ varchar The reason why the table was suspended.
SUSPEND_ timestamp The date and time the table was suspended.

Replication History
The following section describes the attrep_history table.

Table D–4 attrep_history Table

Column Type Description
SERVER_NAME nvchar The name of the machine on which Amazon RDS
Migration Tool is installed.
TASK_NAME nvchar The name of the Amazon RDS Migration Tool
TIMESLOT_ varchar One of the following:
are running in parallel (some tables in full load,
some in CDC), two history records will occupy
the same time slot.
TIMESLOT timestamp The end timestamp of the time slot.
TIMESLOT_ int The duration of each history record in minutes.
TIMESLOT_ int The latency at the end of the time slot. Only
LATENCY applicable to CDC time slots.
RECORDS int The number of records processed during the time
TIMESLOT_ int The volume of data processed in MB.

Control Tables D-3

D-4 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference
Impact of DST Change on Amazon RDS
Migration Tool

This appendix describes how Amazon RDS Migration Tool is affected by Daylight
Saving Time (DST) and provides guidelines for handling changes brought about by
There are two types of DST changes:
n DST On - Occurs approximately when Summer starts (actual date is country
specific). Its impact on local time is that local time is moved one hour forward (so,
for example, 01:00AM becomes 02:00AM). This DST change does not impact
Amazon RDS Migration Tool as it does not result in time overlap.
n DST Off - Occurs approximately when Winter starts (actual date is country
specific). Its impact on local time is that local time is moved back one hour (so, for
example, 02:00AM becomes 01:00AM). This DST change results in time overlap
where local time travels over the same hour twice in a row.
The comments below assume that the customer has not changed the time but rather
the timezone or the DST setting. Changing the actual time (not for minor time
adjustments) is a sensitive operation and is best done when Amazon RDS Migration
Tool is stopped.
Running Amazon RDS Migration Tool tasks do not depend on the timezone or DST
(daylight saving time) for correctly scanning and processing the transaction logs.
Internally, Amazon RDS Migration Tool timers use UTC.
Still, there are several places where DST may have an effect:
1. Timestamps in logs and audit messages are in local time. As a result, when Winter
time starts, the logs will show the time going back an hour; conversely, when
Summer time starts, the logs may appear to be missing one hour.
2. The global and table manipulation variables timestamp and commit_
timestamp are expressed in local time so their use would also be affected. The
impact of this depends on the manipulation done and on the intended use of the
timestamp based data. If the backward/forward change prescribed by the
timestamp may be disruptive, then it is recommended to stop the Amazon RDS
Migration Server for the duration of the first overlap period.
Going in to Winter time, for example, if at 02:00AM the clock is to be set back to
01:00AM then when the time is 00:55AM the Amazon RDS Migration Server
should be stopped and, after an hour and ten minutes (at 01:05AM), should be
started again.

Impact of DST Change on Amazon RDS Migration Tool E-1

3. Statistics shown on the console are also sensitive to local time and thus may also
show confusing/inaccurate data in the overlap period (going in to Winter time) or
for the skipped period (going into Summer time).
4. If the clock on Amazon RDS Migration Server machine is one hour behind the
clock on the Amazon RDS Migration Console (UI) machine, the following issues
are known to occur:
n The Applied Changes circle graph will be updated as the changes are applied,
but the information in the Recent Activity tab will not be updated.
n Scheduled jobs will start according to the Amazon RDS Migration Server time
(as expected), but will remain in the Active Jobs list after execution instead of
moving to the Expired Jobs tab.
For more information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.
In general, it is recommended to avoid non-critical task design changes during the first
overlap period (going in to Winter time) so as to prevent confusion about when the
changes took place.
In addition to Amazon RDS Migration Tool, other components are also involved
n The source database system
n The target database system
n The local operating system
n The task design (specifically using timestamp based variables)
Given the complexity of the topic and the involvement of many independent
components and settings, Amazon generally recommends that customers first verify
the impact of DST changes in their test environment.

E-2 Amazon RDS Migration Tool User Guide and Reference


Change Data Capture (CDC)

Captures changes in the source data or metadata as they occur and applies them to the
target database as soon as possible, in near-real-time. The changes are captured and
applied as units of single committed transactions and several different target tables
may be updated as the result of a single source Commit. This guarantees transactional
integrity in the target database. The CDC process for any file or table starts as soon as
the data Load operation for the file or table begins.

Full Load
Creates all defined files or tables at the target database, automatically defines the
metadata that is required at the target, and populates the tables with data from the

The time interval between the completion of a transaction on the source database and
the appearance of changes in the target. The latency at a target may vary due to
various reasons (for example, the target system may be down or inaccessible), but the
Amazon RDS Migration Tool attempts to keep the latency at a target in the
several-seconds-to-several-minutes range.

Source Database
A collection of files or tables managed by a database management system (such as,
Oracle, SQL Server) that is part of the main computing service of the IT organization of
an enterprise. This source continuously updated, may need to provide a high
throughput rate, may have strict 24/7 up-time requirements, and may reference or
update a number of tables in the course of a single logical transaction while providing
transactional consistency and integrity for the data.

Target Database
A collection of files or tables managed by a Database Management System (DBMS),
which may be different from the DBMS managing the source database. It contains data
that is derived from the source. It may contain only a subset of the tables, columns, or
rows that appear in the source. Its tables may contain columns that do not appear in
the source but are transformations or computations based on the source data.


abnormal termination, 19-7
Accessing the console, 1-14
add database, 14-3
Amazon Redshift target, 10-7
Microsoft SQL Server (source), 6-10
Microsoft SQL Server (target), 6-19
Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-10
Microsoft SQL Server target, 6-19
MySQL source, 8-8
MySQL target, 8-14
ODBC source, 9-6
Oracle source, 5-14
Oracle target, 5-26
PostgreSQL target, 11-12
SAP Sybase ASE source, 7-4
SAP Sybase ASE target, 7-9
add databases
file channel source, 12-8
file channel target, 12-13
source, 14-4
target, 14-4
add schemas, 14-9
add tables, 14-5
advance license request options, 18-15
advanced properties
Amazon Redshift target, 10-9
file channel, 12-15
file channel source, 12-10
Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-12
Microsoft SQL Server target, 6-21
MySQL source, 8-10
MySQL target, 8-16
ODBC target, 9-8
Oracle source, 5-16
Oracle target, 5-29
PostgreSQL source, 11-8
PostgreSQL target, 11-14
SAP Sybase ASE source, 7-6
SAP Sybase ASE target, 7-12
alerts, 16-5
alternate backup folder, 6-13, 6-14
Amazon RDS
Oracle, 5-13
Amazon Redshift, 10-1

advanced properties (target), 10-9 table errors, 19-4
Amazon Redshift target, adding a, 10-7 configuring tasks, 15-45
Cloud prerequisites, 10-2 control tables
configuration properties, 10-3 creating on target, 15-47
data types, 10-5 create a notification message, 18-7
prerequisites, 10-2 create notifications, 18-2
Amazon Redshift registration, 10-2 creating expressions for transforms, 15-6
Amazon Redshift requirements, 10-2 customizing tasks, 15-1
apply changes task settings, 15-50
apply changes tuning settings, 15-51
apply errors, 19-4
apply errors settings, 15-54 data enrichment, 15-40
apply global transformation rule, 15-15 data errors, 19-2
ARCHIVELOG (Oracle source), 5-11 data errors settings, 15-53
Data Types, 4-2
data types
B Amazon Redshift, 10-5
backup Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-8 not supported, 6-7
Bidirectional Tab, 15-47 Microsoft SQL Server source data types, 6-5
browsers, 1-2 Microsoft SQL Server target data types, 6-17
MySQL source data types, 8-5
MySQL target data types, 8-12
ODBC source, 9-3
CDC Oracle
monitoring, 17-7 not supported, 5-10
monitoring tables, 17-8 Oracle source data types, 5-8
processes, 3-4 PostgreSQL, 11-10
certificates, 20-1 PostgreSQL source, 11-4
change processing, 3-4 SAP Sybase ASE
monitoring, 17-7 not supported, 7-4, 7-9
monitoring tables, 17-8 SAP Sybase ASE source data types, 7-3
Cluster SAP Sybase ASE target data types, 7-8
Linux, 21-5 database configuration
Windows, 21-1 Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-8
concepts, 3-1 Oracle target, 5-26
concepts and design, 3-1 databases, 4-1
configuration adding, 14-3
Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-8 Amazon Redshift, 10-1
Oracle target, 5-26 architecture, 10-2
configuration properties editing, 14-3
Amazon Redshift, 10-3 file channel, 12-1
file channel source, 12-7 files, 12-1
file channel target, 12-11 managing, 14-2
Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-4 Microsoft SQL Server, 6-1
Microsoft SQL Server target, 6-15 MySQL, 8-1
MYSQL source, 8-5 ODBC, 9-1
MyYSQL target, 8-12 Oracle, 5-1
ODBC target, 9-2 PostgreSQL, 11-1
Oracle source, 5-4 SAP Sybase ASE, 7-1
Oracle target, 5-20 view information, 14-3
SAP Sybase ASE source, 7-2 working with, 14-2
SAP Sybase ASE target, 7-8 default recipient list, 18-13
configure log files, 18-18 define changes that trigger the notification, 18-3
configuring error handling behaviors, 19-1 define errors that trigger a notification, 18-5
abnormal termination, 19-7 define the notification distribution properties, 18-5
apply errors, 19-4 define the notification message, 18-6
data errors, 19-2 define the transformation rule (global
environmental errors, 19-2 transformation), 15-17
fatal errors, 19-6 define trigger to send notification, 18-3

define what to transform (global mathematical operators, 15-36
transformation), 15-15 metadata
delete global transformation rule, 15-28 expression builder
deleting a notification, 18-12 using variables, 15-34
design mode, 13-4 null check functions, 15-38
designing tasks, 14-1 numeric functions, 15-37
determine email message recipients for the operations, 15-44
notification, 18-6 operators, 15-33, 15-34
other functions, 15-44
E overview, 15-29
stings, 15-34
edit global transformation rule, 15-28 strings, 15-37
editing a notification, 18-12 test expression, 15-32
editing database, 14-3 using elements, 15-33
encryption, 20-1 expression builder for transforms and filters, 15-29
endpoints, 4-1
Amazon Redshift, 10-1
architecture, 10-2 F
file channel, 12-1 fatal errors, 19-6
files, 12-1 features, 3-1
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-1 file channel, 12-1
MySQL, 8-1 advanced properties, 12-15
ODBC, 9-1 directory structure, 12-4
Oracle, 5-1 distribution, 12-2
PostgreSQL, 11-1 file-channel files, 12-4
SAP Sybase ASE, 7-1 directory structure, 12-4
environmental errors, 19-2 file-channel files, working with, 12-4
environmental errors settings, 15-53 installation requirements, 12-5
error handling, 18-16 limitations, 12-6
error types, 19-1 local tasks, 12-1
properties, 19-1 remote tasks, 12-1, 12-2
abnormal termination, 19-7 source, 12-6
apply errors, 19-4 target, 12-11
data errors, 19-2 tasks, 12-1, 12-2
environmental errors, 19-2 file channel source
fatal errors, 19-6 advanced properties, 12-10
table errors, 19-4 configuration properties, 12-7
error handling behaviors file channel source, adding a, 12-8
properties, 19-1 file channel target
abnormal termination, 19-7 configuration properties, 12-11
apply errors, 19-4 file channel target, adding a, 12-13
data errors, 19-2 file transfer service
environmental errors, 19-2 settings, 18-20
fatal errors, 19-6 File_Channel_settingUpTarget, 12-13
table errors, 19-4 file-channel directory structure, 12-4
error handling settings, 15-52 file-channel files, working with, 12-4
error types, 19-1 files, 12-1
export tasks, 14-10 filters, 15-7
expression builder, 15-29 expression builder, 15-29
build expression, 15-31 range builder, 15-11
data enrichment, 15-40 SQLite syntax, 15-12
date and time functions, 15-38 full load, 3-4
evaluate expression, 15-32 monitoring, 17-1
functions, 15-33, 15-36 monitoring tables, 17-2
global transformations, 15-34 full load task settings, 15-47
header columns, 15-45 full load tuning, 15-50
input columns, 15-33 function
inputs, 15-33 data enrichment, 15-40
LOBs, 15-37
logical operators, 15-34

G required software, 1-2
Linux installation procedures, 1-11
general settings
Linux pre-installation tasks, 1-10
default recipient list, 18-13
Linux uninstall, 1-14
mail parameters, 18-12
list of notifications, 18-11
general table settings, 15-2
log file, 16-7
getting started, 2-1
log file actions (task), 17-14
global transformations, 15-13
log file maitenance operations, 18-18
apply rule, 15-15
log messages (task), 16-6
define the transformation rule, 15-17
log viewer, 16-7
delete transformation rule, 15-28
edit transformation rule, 15-28
task log settings, 15-56
expression builder, 15-29
logging file settings, 15-56
new rule wizard, 15-13
logging level settings, 15-56
transformation rule
logging settings (server), 18-17
add column, 15-26
convert data type, 15-27
drop column, 15-27 M
rename column, 15-24 mail parameters, 18-12
rename schema, 15-18 manage databases, 14-2, 14-3
rename table, 15-21 messages, 16-5, 17-12
transformation rules list, 15-27 log messages (task), 16-6
transformation type, 15-14 notifications, 16-5
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-1
H advanced properties (source), 6-12
advanced properties (target), 6-21
header columns, 15-45
backup and recovery, 6-8
high availability
configuration properties, 6-4, 6-15
different configurations, 21-4
data types
history, 17-13
not supported, 6-7
HTTPS, 20-1
limitations, 6-2
set up MS Replication, 6-8
I source data types, 6-5
supported versions, 6-1
import tasks, 14-10
tables without a primary key, replicating, 6-9
input columns (for expressions), 15-33
target data types, 6-17
installation, 1-4
Microsoft SQL server
file channel, 12-5
alternate backup folder, 6-13, 6-14
Linux, 1-10
Microsoft SQL Server file, 12-1
pre-installation, 1-10
Microsoft SQL Server source
procedures, 1-11
add Microsoft SQL Server, 6-10
uninstall, 1-14
database configuration, 6-8
Oracle, 5-1
Microsoft SQL Server source data types, 6-5
Windows, 1-4
Microsoft SQL Server target
add Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server, 6-19
L security, 6-17
license settings, 18-14 Microsoft SQL Server target data types, 6-17
licensing, 18-14 monitor mode, 13-6
advanced license request options, 18-15 monitor tools, 17-12
registering, 18-15 monitoring, 17-1
request a license, 18-14 alerts, 16-5
viewing a license, 18-16 CDC, 17-7
limitations applied changes, 17-10
file channel, 12-6 incoming changes, 17-9
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-2 latency, 17-11
MYSQL, 8-4 tables, 17-8
ODBC, 9-1 throughput, 17-11
Oracle, 5-2 change processing, 17-7
SAP Sybase ASE, 7-2 applied changes, 17-10
Linux incoming changes, 17-9

latency, 17-11 define, 18-2
tables, 17-8 define changes of status that trigger the
throughput, 17-11 notification, 18-3
full load define errors that trigger the notification, 18-5
all tables, 17-3 define the notification distribution properties, 18-5
completed loading, 17-4 define the notification message, 18-6
errors, 17-6 define trigger, 18-3
loading tables, 17-4 deleting, 18-12
queued, 17-5 determine email recipients for notification, 18-6
tables, 17-2 editing, 18-12
througput, 17-6 notification list, 18-11
total completion, 17-3 review the notification rule, 18-11
messages, 17-12 set values for latency, disk utilization, memory
run options, 16-2 utilization, 18-4
running a task, 16-1 using variables, 18-7
status tab notifications settings, 18-1
full load, 17-1
task status, 16-4
tools, 17-12
history, 17-13 ODBC
task logging, 17-13 advanced properties (target), 9-8
view, 17-1 limitations, 9-1
monitoring CDC source, 9-1
tables, 17-8 ODBC data source, 9-1
monitoring change processing, 17-7 ODBC prerequisites, 9-1
tables, 17-8 ODBC source
monitoring full load, 17-1 configuration properties, 9-2
tables, 17-2 data types, 9-3
multitenant ODBC source, adding a, 9-6
Oracle, 5-15 Oracle, 5-1
MYSQL add Oracle source, 5-14
configuration properties, 8-5 add Oracle target, 5-26
limitations, 8-4 advanced properties (source), 5-16
MySQL, 8-1 advanced properties (target), 5-29
add a MySQL source, 8-8 Amazon RDS, 5-13
add a MySQL target, 8-14 ARCHIVELOG (source), 5-11
advanced properties (source), 8-10, 8-16 configuration properties, 5-4
configuration properties, 8-12 data types
source data types, 8-5 not supported, 5-10
target data types, 8-12 installation, 5-1
MySQL source data types, 8-5 limitations, 5-2
MySQL target multitenant support, 5-15
security, 8-12 Oracle source data types, 5-8
MySQL target data types, 8-12 Oracle target data types, 5-24
supplemental logging, 5-11
supported versions, 5-1
N Oracle file, 12-1
new task, 14-1 Oracle on Amazon RDS
notification list, 18-11 working with, 5-13
notification rule wizard, 18-2 Oracle source
notification message page, 18-6 security requirements, 5-5
notify how/when? page, 18-6 Oracle source data types, 5-8
notify how/who? page, 18-5 Oracle target
Notify When? page (changes of status), 18-3 configuration properties, 5-20
Notify When? page (define errors), 18-5 database configuration, 5-26
Notify When? page (define when), 18-3 security requirements, 5-21
summary page, 18-11 Oracle target data types, 5-24
notifications, 16-5, 18-2, 18-7
create, 18-2
create a notification message, 18-7

P SAP Sybase ASE target data types, 7-8
scheduler settings (server), 18-23
PostgreSQL, 11-1
add PostgreSQL target, 11-12
encryption, 20-1
advanced properties (source), 11-8
https, 20-1
advanced properties (target), 11-14
Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-4
data types, 11-10
Microsoft SQL Server target, 6-17
source, 11-1
MySQL target, 8-12
PostgreSQL source
SAP Sybase ASE source, 7-3
data types, 11-4
SAP Sybase ASE target, 7-8
prerequisites, 1-2
security requirements
Oracle source, 5-5
Amazon Redshift, 10-3
Oracle target, 5-21
file channel source, 12-7
selecting tables, 14-6
file channel target, 12-11
server log level, 18-17
Microsoft SQL Server source, 6-4
server log settings, 18-17
Microsoft SQL Server target, 6-15
server settings
MYSQL source, 8-5
error handling, 18-16
MySQL target, 8-12
server view, 13-8
ODBC target, 9-2
setting up a new task, 14-1
Oracle source, 5-4
setting up Microsoft SQL Server for replication, 6-8
Oracle target, 5-20
settings, 18-1
SAP Sybase ASE source, 7-2
configure log files, 18-18
SAP Sybase ASE target, 7-8
default recipient list, 18-13
license, 18-14
R log file actions, 18-19
logging (server), 18-17
mail parameters, 18-12
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-8
maintenance operationsl, 18-18
registering a license, 18-15
notifications, 18-2
remote file channel task
create, 18-2
adding tables to, 12-4
notificationsl, 18-1
replication, 3-2
scheduler (server), 18-23
replication task, 3-3
server log level, 18-17
replication topologies, 3-4
view server log, 18-19
requesting a license, 18-14
software requirements, 1-1, 1-2
advance license request options, 18-15
source database
required software, 1-1, 1-2
file channel, 12-1
review the notification rule, 18-11
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-1
running a task, 16-1
MySQL, 8-1
run options, 16-2
ODBC, 9-1
Oracle, 5-1
S PostgreSQL, 11-1
SAP Sybase ASE, 7-1 SAP Sybase ASE, 7-1
add SAP Sybase ASE source, adding a, 7-4 source databases
advanced properties (source), 7-6 adding, 14-4
advanced properties (target), 7-12 files, 12-1
configuration properties, 7-2 source endpoint
data types file channel, 12-6
not supported, 7-4, 7-9 SQL Server source
limitations, 7-2 security, 6-4
SAP Sybase ASE target, adding a, 7-9 SQLite
source data types, 7-3 for transforms, 15-6
target data types, 7-8 SQLite syntax
SAP Sybase ASE source for filters, 15-12
security, 7-3 supplemental logging, 5-11
SAP Sybase ASE source data types, 7-3 supported browsers, 1-2
SAP Sybase ASE target supported databases, 4-1
configuration properties, 7-8 supported Linux versions, 1-2
security, 7-8 supported operating systems, 1-1

supported platforms, 1-1 customizing, 15-1
supported Windows versions, 1-1 deleting, 14-10
system architecture, 3-3 designing, 14-1
editing, 14-10
filters, 15-7
range builder, 15-11
table errors, 19-4 SQLite syntax, 15-12
table errors settings, 15-54 global transformations, 15-13
table settings, 15-1 importing and exporting, 14-10
filters, 15-7 messages, 16-5
general, 15-2 new, 14-1
transforms, 15-3 running a task, 16-1
target database selecting tables, 14-6
Amazon Redshift, 10-1 setting up, 14-1
file channel, 12-1 table settings, 15-1, 15-2
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-1 transforms, 15-3
PostgreSQL, 11-1 creating expressions, 15-6
target databases SQLite syntax, 15-6
adding, 14-4 tasks view, 13-2
files, 12-1 topologies, 3-4
MySQL, 8-1 Transform Tab
Oracle, 5-1 unique index, designating on target, 15-4
SAP Sybase ASE, 7-1 transforms, 15-3
target endpoint creating expressions, 15-6
file channel, 12-11 expression builder, 15-29
task, 3-3 SQLite syntax, 15-6
log, 16-7 tutorial, 2-1
task configurations, 15-45
task log file
viewing, 17-14
task logging, 17-13 UI Console, 13-1
log file actions, 17-14 connecting to with multiple users, 1-15
set logging level, 17-13 design mode, 13-4
view log file, 17-14 monitor mode, 13-6
task logging level, 17-13 server view, 13-8
task logging settings, 15-56 tasks view, 13-2
task settings, 15-45 viewing tasks, 13-4
apply changes, 15-50, 15-51 uninstall from Linux, 1-14
apply changes settings sub-tab, 15-50 unique index
apply changes tuning sub-tab, 15-51 designating on target, 15-5
apply error sub-tab, 15-54 using HTTPS, 20-1
Control Tables tab, 15-46
data error sub-tab, 15-53
environmental errors sub-tab, 15-53
error handling, 15-52, 15-53, 15-54 variables, 18-7
error handling settings sub-tab, 15-52 variables in messages, 18-7
full load, 15-47, 15-50 view database information, 14-3
full load settings sub-tab, 15-47 view server log, 18-19
full load tuning sub-tab, 15-50 view task log file, 17-14
logging, 15-56 viewing a license, 18-16
logging file sub-tab, 15-56 viewing tasks in the UI Console, 13-4
logging level sub-tab, 15-56
table error sub-tab, 15-54 W
Target Metadata tab, 15-46
task status, 16-4 Web console, 13-1
tasks, 13-2, 14-1, 15-1, 16-1 Web security, 20-1
add filters, 15-7 Windows
add schemas, 14-9 required software, 1-1
add tables, 14-5 working with file-channel files, 12-4
creating, 14-1


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