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Accepted Manuscript

Title: Bone metastases from lung cancer: a paradigm for

multidisciplinary onco-rheumatology management

Author: Cyrille B. Confavreux Jean-Baptiste Pialat Aurélie

Bellière Marie Brevet Chantal Decroisette Agnès Tescaru
Julien Wegrzyn Cédric Barrey Françoise Mornex Pierre-Jean
Souquet Nicolas Girard

PII: S1297-319X(18)30048-4
Reference: BONSOI 4703

To appear in:

Received date: 18-9-2017

Accepted date: 14-3-2018

Please cite this article as: Confavreux CB, Pialat J-B, Bellière A, Brevet M, Decroisette
C, Tescaru A, Wegrzyn J, Barrey C, Mornex F, Souquet P-J, Girard N, Bone metastases
from lung cancer: a paradigm for multidisciplinary onco-rheumatology management,
Joint Bone Spine (2018),

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Bone metastases from lung cancer: a paradigm for
multidisciplinary onco-rheumatology management

Cyrille B. Confavreux1-2, Jean-Baptiste Pialat2-3, Aurélie Bellière4, Marie Brevet5, Chantal

Decroisette6, Agnès Tescaru7, Julien Wegrzyn2-8, Cédric Barrey9-10, Françoise Mornex11-12,
Pierre-Jean Souquet13, and Nicolas Girard14.

1) Centre Expert des Métastases et Oncologie Osseuse Secondaire -CEMOS, Service de Rhumatologie Sud,
Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69310 Pierre Bénite FRANCE
2) Université de Lyon, INSERM UMR 1033-Lyos, 69008 Lyon FRANCE

3) Service de Radiologie Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69310 Pierre-Bénite, France

4) Centre Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer Jean Perrin, 63000 Clermont Ferrand, France
5) Département d’Anatomopathologie, Groupement Hospitalier Est, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69500 Bron, France
6) Centre Hospitalier Annecy-genevois, 1 boulevard de l’hôpital, 74370 Metz-Tessy, France.
7) Service de Médecine Nucléaire, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69310 Pierre-Bénite,

8) Département de Chirurgie Orthopédique – Pavillon T, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69003
Lyon, France

9) Département de Neurochirurgie et Chirurgie du Rachis- Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Hôpital Pierre
Wertheimer, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69500 Bron, France
10) Laboratoire de Biomécanique, ENSAM, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, 75003 Paris, France
11) Département de Radiothérapie Oncologie, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69310
Pierre-Bénite, France
12) Université Claude Bernard Lyon1- EMR 3738, 69921 Oullins, France
13) Service de Pneumologie, Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69310 Pierre-Bénite, France
14) Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France ; Institut du Thorax Curie Montsouris,
Institut Curie, 75005 Paris, France
Corresponding author :
Dr Cyrille Confavreux, MD PhD
Centre Expert des Métastases et d’Oncologie Osseuse Secondaires (CEMOS)
Service de Rhumatologie

Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud

165 Chemin du Grand Revoyet

69495 Pierre Bénite Cedex

T : 04 78 86 12 31

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Bone is the third metastatic site after liver and lungs. Bone metastases occur in one out of
three lung cancers and are usually of osteolytic aspect. Osteolytic bone metastases are
responsible of long bone and vertebral fractures leading to restricted mobility, surgery and
medullar compression that severely alter quality of life and that have a huge medico-
economic impact. In the recent years, Bone Metastatic Multidisciplinary Tumour Board

(BM²TB) have been developed to optimize bone metastases management for each patient in

harmony with oncology program. In this review, we will go through all the different aspects of
bone metastases management including diagnosis and evaluation (CT scan, Tc 99m-MDP

bone scan, FDG-PET scan and biopsy for molecular diagnosis), systemic bone treatments
(zoledronic acid and denosumab) and local treatments (interventional radiology and

radiotherapy). Surgical strategies will be discussed elsewhere. Based on the last 2017-Lung
Cancer South East French Guidelines, we present a practical decision tree to help the

physicians for decision making in order to reach a personalized locomotor strategy for every
Key words : bone metastases, lung cancer, denosumab, zoledronic acid, radiotherapy,
surgery, fracture risk


 Bone metastasis biopsy may provide histology and molecular diagnosis in some

 Each location of bone metastasis should be evaluated on three different aspects: pain
neurological risk and fracture risk.

 Bone metastases require a dedicated management in harmony with the oncological


 Bone metastasis management is transversal and relies on bone metastatic

multidisciplinary tumour board (BM²TB).
 Bone metastasis management includes systemic and local treatments.

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Bone metastases are made of tumour cells that left the primary tumour to localize into the
bone tissue. These tumour cells derived from the primary tumour but have specific properties
allowing 1) the journey from the primary site to bone including invasion, epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transition, or homing 2) and the settlement in the hostile environment of the
bone. Once in the bone metastatic niche, tumour cells may remain for a long period in a

dormant state with multiple interactions with the bone microenvironment and the different

cells among which osteoblasts, osteoclasts, hematopoietic cells, immune cells and vessels
[1]. Some cancers are more prone to disseminate to the bone such as breast, prostate, renal,

thyroid and lung cancers. In these tumours, cells do not randomly disseminate but instead
through a guided process named chemotactism. All these properties are currently under

investigations around the world with the hope to uncover therapeutic targets that could be
later used in humans. When tumour cells escape from dormancy, they locally disorganize to

their own profit normal bone remodeling into a « vicious circle » that release growth factors
and calcium [2,3] .
This vicious circle is at the origin of the observed patient symptoms. Indeed, bone
metastases are responsible of a high morbidity – so-called skeletal related events (SRE) - in
patients such as severe bone pain, hypercalcemia and in many cases local bone fragility
leading to pathologic fractures of long bones and vertebrae with frequently medullar


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide [4] and bone metastases
occur in more than one out of three [5] patients along the course of the disease. Up to now,

patients with bone metastases from lung cancers experiment frequent SRE in line with the
osteolytic aspect of the metastases and had a particularly severe prognosis with an overall

median survival of 9 months [6]. Thus lung cancer perfectly illustrates the impact of
considering simultaneously both bone metastasis care and oncological treatment, in a

multidisciplinary setting. Meanwhile, lung cancer treatment and prognosis are drastically
changing as ever with the onset of personalized medicine based on targeted agents, and the
routine use of immunotherapies with checkpoint inhibitors.
This review relies on the clinical guidelines issued by the French South-East Lung Cancer
Conference group (FSELCC) [7]. For sake of space and clarity, we deliberately decided to
highlight some specific points to help physicians to manage bone metastases in lung cancer
patients around 15 practical questions gathered into three major areas of bone metastases:
the diagnosis, the systemic bone treatments and the local treatments. The bone metastases

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surgical specificities will be exposed in a different review. This focus serves as a paradigm
for the global management of bone metastases from any cancer.

2. Diagnosis: recent advance on extension evaluation and histology

2.1. Histology
The vast majority of lung cancers encountered in symptomatic bone metastasis field are

adenocarcinoma. Nevertheless, the old simple histological classification of lung cancer

divided into small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) gathering
epidermoid and adenocarcinoma subtypes, has been completely updated with the progress

of molecular biology and the development of molecular diagnosis in routine. Molecular
profiling of tumour is currently a key issue to reach a personalized medicine approach

targeting oncologic alteration such as EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangements. In many
situations, biopsies of metastatic sites are preferred while access to the primary lung tumour

is precluded by co-morbidities in smokers or technical issues. Moreover, bones metastases
of lung adenocarcinoma are mostly located in the spine and the pelvis where bone biopsies
are easily performed by trained radiologists under CT-scan [8].
Question 1: Which bone location is the best for bone biopsy and how should tissue
samples be processed?

Selection of the target site is based on its cellular character, its accessibility and the impact

of a potential local treatment such as cementoplasty for pain. It is awarded to target the
border of the lesions, where tumour burden is the most active, in order to obtain multiple

bone specimens and avoid necrosis. For tissular lytic lesions, bones sample from the edge of
the lesion can lead to the diagnosis. Usually, two 1cm biopsies (14G) are sufficient for

histopathological and molecular diagnosis.

Bone biopsies have to be quickly immerged in formalin 10% for at minimum 6 hours. If

necessary, bone decalcification has to be performed by EDTA (0.5M EDTA, (pH 8.0)
Molecular Biology Grade) after fixation process. EDTA decalcification avoids the DNA
hydrolysis observed with acid reagents contained in usual decalcification procedures and is
quite short with these small specimens (less than 48h depending of the calcification density).
Specimen should be treated separately to perform immunohistochemistry – with a validation
of the techniques on EDTA as a prerequisite - and molecular profiling.

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Question 2: What is molecular diagnosis?
Once diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma is established, molecular genotyping – sequencing,
next-generation sequencing, in situ hybridation - could be performed as recommended by
standard guidelines for the management of NSCLC [9]. For best results, DNA extraction may
be performed after laser microdissection in order to increase PCR sensitivity. All biomarkers
should be investigated. Priority is done to EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangement in never
or light smokers, and to PD-L1 expression in smokers since targeted therapies (tyrosine

kinase inhibitors and immune therapies) are available. In case of treatment resistance,

specific secondary mutations should also be investigated. In case of squamous cell
carcinoma, PD-L1 expression should be evaluated. No biomarker has been recommended

yet for the routine management of SCLC.
The POUMOS-TEC prospective project conducted in Lyon, France, has been the first one to

describe the bone metastasis molecular pattern of patients with synchronous bone
metastases from adenocarcinoma lung cancer [8]. In this study, a molecular diagnosis has

been achieved in 96% of patients and nearly half of them presented a mutation. The most
frequent mutations were KRAS (32%) and EGFR (14%). The prevalence of EGFR mutation
was higher than expected from the prevalence observed in primary tumors. Krawczyk et al.
also reported the feasibility of molecular diagnosis on bone metastases and presented a high
prevalence, despite the small number of samples, of EGFR mutations in bone metastases
[10]. By contrast ALK translocations were rare. POUMOS data are consistent with the results

of Doebele et al. showing that KRAS and EGFR mutations were more frequently found in

bone metastases whereas ALK translocation was more frequently observed in liver
metastases [11]. EGFR mutation in bone metastases is associated with an improved survival

as in primary tumor [12] whereas patients with KRAS mutated tumor had a poorer prognosis
[13]. Currently that is no data on PDL1 expression in bone metastases from lung cancer.

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2.2. Imaging techniques and nuclear medicine for diagnosis

Lung cancer bone metastases have variable lytic, sclerotic or mixed pattern. Radiographs
have limited sensitivity and cross-sectional imaging modalities are preferred to screen
patients for bone metastases. CT scanner has good spatial resolution and is able to detect
metastases earlier than standard radiographs, even on the basic thoraco-abdominal scan
images. Nevertheless, PET/CT remains more sensitive [14]. When patients are treated, CT

offers valuable evaluation of bone metastasis volume progression, stability or sometimes re-

ossification. CT thus represents a valuable tool to assess bone strength and mechanical
stability to help the decision if a specific treatment is required or not.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has higher sensitivity than CT to detect bone
metastases. T1, T2 with fat suppression or STIR and post-enhanced gadolinium T1 weighted

sequences present a nice contrast between tumor and background [15]. MRI allows the
detection of smaller lesions, bone marrow infiltration and epidural space invasion by the

tumor with potential neurologic compression. In addition, dynamic-enhanced MRI is actually
tested to predict treatment response [16,17]. MRI scanning is usually restricted to axial
skeleton or focused on a limb specific location based on clinical signs or other imaging
modalities findings (radiographs, bone scan or CT), but whole-body MRI using diffusion
weighted imaging (DWI) is emerging as a reliable technique to screen patients in metastatic
bone disease [18]. Whole body MRI is a cost-effective alternative to 18FDG-PET/CT for

staging patients with primary lung cancer [19].


Tc 99m-MDP bone scan is a common imaging procedure to diagnose bone metastases on


the whole skeleton [20]. This imaging technique is widely available, and delivers a low
irradiation (about 4 mSv) to patients. Tc 99m-MDP sticks to osteoid, bone-forming tissue.

Findings will be presented in the next question.


Question 3: What is the diagnosis performance of bone scan?

Sensitivity to detect bone metastases is high, ranging from 62% to 99%, as even a low bone
involvement (around 5%) is sufficient to capture MDP. Sensitivity is actually higher in
osteoclerotic bone metastases, such as the ones from prostate cancer, than in highly
osteolytic lesions from lung cancer [10]. Bone scan detects bone metastases earlier than
standard radiographs. Bone scan is then a standard procedure in the pretherapeutic workup
of patients with lung cancer presenting with bone-related symptoms.
Specificity of bone scan is low since fixation can be due to multiple disorders including
osteoarthritis, primary bone diseases, infection, osteomalacia, fracture healing. Results

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should thus be interpreted in the light of clinical symptoms and radiographical aspect. Fused
images obtained with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) drastically
improved localisation of the lesions and bone scan performances.

Question 4: What is a “flare-up phenomenon” at bone scan?

As highly osteolytic lesions are more frequent in lung cancer, initial bone scan may not detect
some bone lesions at time of diagnosis, and fixation may appear after efficient anti-tumour

therapy, leading to observe dissociation between responsive non-bone targets at whole body

CT-scan and increased metabolism at bone scan. Fixation intensity observed at delayed
phase is directly correlated to the tumour burden response and usually patients with the best

response to anti-tumour therapy have increased intensity of bone scan fixations [21]. This
early phenomenon called “flare-up phenomenon” corresponds to a hyperosteoblastic

reaction during the bone formation activity recovery after the cancer cell destruction [21,22].
This should not be misunderstood as a tumour progression. The flare-up phenomenon has

been reported with various malignant tumours such as osteosarcoma, lymphoma and lung,
breast, or prostate cancers. A flare up phenomenon is observed in 15-30% of patients. There
is no significant prognosis difference in good responder patients with or without flare up.
Bone scan should not be performed before 6 months on therapy. When an early bone scan
evaluation (before 6 months) is required, interpretation should be cautious and take into
account clinical symptoms and radiological aspects. In blurred cases, MRI will show

disappearance of tumour infiltration in bone.


Question 5: What are the differences between bone scan and 18-FDG-PET for the

assessment of bone metastases ?

The [18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission computed tomography (18-FDG PET-CT)

corresponds to a direct way to detect glucosis influx in cells. Lung cancer cells have a
particularly elevated glucose intake. Thus 18-FDG PET-CT has a high sensibility to detect

lung cancer Mets in bone and soft tissue. To perform 18-FDG PET-CT examination is
advised only for staging localized NSCLC [9]. This recommendation relies on several studies
comparing bone scan and 18-FDG PET-CT in non-metastatic lung cancer. These studies
showed that 18-FDG PET-CT has a higher sensibility and specificity than bone scan to
detect bone metastases [23–28]. Nevertheless, in metastatic lung cancer, there is currently
no recommendation to perform 18-FDG PET-CT instead of bone scan. Further studies are
needed in bone metastatic setting to compare bone scan and 18-FDG PET-CT.

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3. Systemic bone treatments of bone metastases

Question 6: What are the evidence for using bone antiresorptive drugs?
The use of antiresorptive drugs aims at decreasing occurrence of bone events, improving
quality of life and pain, and even survival [29,30]. Two drugs have been approved to treat
bone metastases from lung cancer: zoledronic acid (ZOL) and denosumab (DMAB).
Bone events. The main study regarding ZOL in NSCLC is a phase III study published by

Rosen which randomized 773 patients into three groups: placebo, ZOL 4mg/3 weeks and

ZOL 8 mg/3 weeks for 21 months [31]. The 8 mg arm was discontinued because of renal
safety without any superiority versus the 4 mg arm. The 9 month intermediary report showed

that ZOL reduced and delayed the risk of first bone event (230 days in the 4mg group versus
163 days with a HR at 0.732 p=0.017) [32]. This was confirmed at 21 months (236 days

versus 155 days p=0.009) with the following yearly incidence rates of 1.74 events per year
on 4mg/month versus 2.71 in the placebo group. Data for DMAB (120 mg/month sc) are

more recent and were obtained versus ZOL (4mg/month iv) in a randomized (890
patients/group) double blind phase III study where 40% of the population had lung cancer
[33]. Bone remodeling was more profoundly reduced by DMAB than ZOL (NTXu decreased
by 76% versus 65% and alkaline phosphatases by 37% versus 29%). Time of first bone
event was delayed in the DMAB group compared to the ZOL one (20.6 versus 16.3 months
respectively) with a decreased risk of 16% (HR=0.84 [0.71-0.98] p=0.007). In the lung cancer

subgroup (350 patients per group), the HR was not significant (0.84 [0.64-1.10]). Regarding

tolerance, the rate of osteonecrosis of the jaw was similar in both groups (1.5%); ZOL was
responsible for more flu-like syndromes and DMAB for more hypocalcemia episodes.

Survival. Data concerning overall survival (OS) are scarce. Lipton et al. showed that the early
normalization of bone resorption (NTXu) with ZOL in bone metastastic patients with initially a

high level of remodeling, was associated with a survival improvement [34]. Nevertheless, the
study by Rosen (ZOL vs placebo) failed to demonstrate an OS benefit [31,32]. Similarly the

study by Henri (ZOL versus DMAB) found no difference in OS and progression free survival
in the whole population [33]. Nevertheless, when focusing specifically on the lung cancer
subgroup, the OS was significant HR= 0.79 [0.65-0.95]). Based on this result, an extension
was conducted specifically in the lung cancer subgroup enriched by 60 additional patients
(no bone events recorded) increasing the effective of each group to 400 in ZOL and 350 in
DMAB) [35]. In this exploratory study, a benefit of OS in DMAB group was found (median
survival 8.9 versus 7.7 months with an HR=0.80 [0.67-0.95] p=0.05). The benefice was
preserved in several subgroups such as patients with associated visceral metastases or
adenocarcinoma/squamous cells. A randomized trial – SPLENDOUR -comparing first-line

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chemotherapy with or without DMAB, aiming at assessing OS, is currently ongoing, under
the auspices of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform in patients with lung
adenocarcinoma metastatic or not to the bone (NCT: NCT02129699).
In term of bone response, the treatment of osteolytic bone metastasis from EGFR mutated
adenocarcinoma lung cancers by tyrosine kinase inhibitors has been associated with
impressive fast and intense re-ossification of lytic lesions [36]. This re-ossification has
certainly an impact on skeletal related events as reported by Sun et al. [37] who showed that

the absence of use of tyrosine kinase EGFR inhibitor was associated with an increased risk

of skeletal related event (HR=1.9 [1.4-2.6] p<0.001) and a shorter time to SRE (median of
3.3 vs 11;8 months). One explanation was that tumoral enzymes such as MMP and

ADAMTS release EGF-like factors from the cell surface that will act on osteoblasts and
decrease osteoprotegerin thus increasing osteolysis [38]. In vivo and in humans there is a

synergy of action on osteolytic bone metastasis from EGFR mutated adenocarcinoma lung
cancer between EGFR tyrosine kinase and antiresorptive drugs [39,40].

Question 7: When an antiresorptive drug should be initiated ?
There is no clear answer to the question if antiresorptive drugs should be initiated as soon as
bone metastases appear or only once it has become symptomatic. It is clear that a patient
with a first bone event is at increased risk of a second one in a short period of time
[31,41,42]. Thus, initiation of an antiresorptive treatment (either 4mg/month IV of ZOL for

normal renal function or 120 mg/month SC of DMAB) is recommended once a bone event

occurs considering the expected benefit in terms of quality of life, pain limitation,
hypercalcemia reduction and prevention of a secondary bone event. Current international

guidelines in lung cancer advice the introduction of antiresorptive drugs at bone metastatic
stage without specification on symptomatic status of the patient [9,43].

Question 8: What precautions should be taken before starting an antiresorptive drug?


Since the use of antiresorptive treatment in profound vitamin D deficient patients exposes to
severe hypocalcaemia, all studies using antiresorptive drugs conducted in malignant
osteolysis included calcium-vitamin D supplementation. Thus, it is necessary to search and
fix a vitamin D deficiency before initiation [44]. The target concentration of vitamin D is
superior to 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l). After, the daily recommended intakes are 800 of vitamin
D/day and 1000-1200 mg/day of calcium for an adult.
In addition, it is also necessary to check renal function and perform dental examination prior
initiation. Except in case of emergency, mouth restoration should be performed when
necessary. In case of tooth extraction, antiresorptive treatment will be postponed until wound

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healing assessed by the dentist. On therapy, bi-annual dental follow-up is recommended.
Dental extractions would be avoided as much as possible and conservative treatment
favored [45] .

Question 9: What is the duration of treatment?

Beyond the 2 years of monthly treatment [31,33], there is no data in literature about the
duration of ZOL or DMAB in bone metastatic patients from lung cancer; this was related to

the historically short OS of patients, that now needs to be revisited with the prolonged

efficacy of new antitumour approaches, including targeted therapies and immunotherapy.
Alongside, the incidence rate of jaw osteonecrosis sharply increases after 24 months [46].

Therefore, it is recommended after two years of treatment to evaluate the benefit/risk of each
patient depending on various parameters such as bone status, age, prognosis, previous

fracture, radiological aspect and bone remodeling [47,48]. By contrast to bisphosphonate,
DMAB is a biologic with no inertia [49] and a good compliance is warranted. The fact that in

osteoporosis after DMAB discontinuation a bone remodeling rebound is observed [50],
suggests that bone turnover markers should be monitored after DMAB discontinuation in
bone metastasis setting. Awaiting results of studies regarding regimen after DMAB
discontinuation, it may be proposed as an option to deliver a unique infusion of ZOL 3
months after discontinuation and a regular follow-up by bone oncologist.
e d

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4. Local treatments of bone metastases

4.1. Interventional radiology

Question 10: What are the percutaneous techniques available?

Percutaneous local treatment nowadays belongs to the therapeutical arsenal in bone
metastases of lung cancer, along the medical treatment, radiotherapy and surgery. One

additional advantage is that it may be combined with a biopsy for histopathological and

molecular diagnosis. Percutaneous treatments include cementoplasty, kyphoplasty or other
expandable materials, percutaneous radiofrequency and cryoablation destruction techniques.

These techniques may be combined if indicated and sometimes associated with
percutaneous screw or locked nail fixation to fix bone fragility [51]. A personalized decision

will be discussed during bone metastatic multidisciplinary tumor board involving radiologists,
rheumatologists, oncologists, radiotherapists, orthopedists and pain management specialists.

The bone lesion will have first to be adjudicated as responsible for the clinical signs by
combination of patient interview, clinical examination and imaging data. It is crucial to
consider related pain, stability and location of the lesion and the proximity of “at risk
structures” such as nervous system and medulla mainly, but also joints, vessels or other
organs to determine the scheme to be adopted, and balance the potential impact of the
treatment in terms of risk and benefit compared to radiotherapy or surgical alternative. In

several cases, percutaneous procedures can be combined to radiotherapy or surgery,


always pondered in the perspective of the patient’s survival time.


Question 11: What are the indications and counter-indications for local percutaneous

Cementoplasty allows rapid pain relief in about 80% of cases [32], even if the complete filling
of the lesion is not achieved [52]. It is a good indication when patients are not controlled by

analgesic drugs or encounter poor tolerance of the opioid treatment, especially in vertebral
metastasis stable enough not to require surgical treatment, but with a benefit of stabilization
using cement filling. Kyphoplasty and other techniques with expandable materials are
preferred when vertebral height can be restored, or in conditions where the risk of leakage
must be limited (large disruption of the posterior wall for instance). Cementoplasty can be
used as well in long bone lesions, but mechanical properties of the cement do not allow
sufficient solidity in bending or torsional stress. Thus treatment of bone metastasis at high
risk of fracture implies the association of cementoplasty with percutaneous fixation
technique, and is chosen when surgical fixation technique cannot be performed – 4 patients

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among the 12 had a lung cancer [53]. Acetabular cementoplasty represents a good
alternative to heavier surgical method to fill lytic lesion and restore mechanical conditions
able to relieve pain in a standing position [54].
Percutaneous thermal ablation techniques (radiofrequency and cryoablation) allow
controlling small bone metastasis or reducing the volume of large metastases hardly
accessible to surgery or radiotherapy. It offers pain relief for metastases with large extent in
soft-tissue where stabilization is not needed.

Eventually, combination of cementoplasty with percutaneous thermal ablation or other local

methods such as analgesic radiotherapy may be decided in multidisciplinary board for
immediate antalgic and stabilization [51]. Figure 1 shows an example of percutaneous bone

metastasis ablation performed by initial cryotherapy secondarily completed by radiotherapy.
A volume is destroyed around the active portion of the needle that is placed under CT-scan

guidance in the metastasis. This allows for tumour control or reduction depending on the size
of the tumour and the surrounding structures that must be preserved. Here an immediate

(within 24 hours) relief has been obtained as also reported by others in 70% to 90% for
radiofrequency and more than 75% for cryotherapy [34].
A summary of the main indications and counter-indications of the different percutaneous
treatments are presented in table 1.

Question 12: What are the adverse events of local percutaneous treatments?

The hemorrhagic complications are rare, depending on the treatment site and especially on

the ground.
The infectious complications are rare but dreadful because the cement is regarded as a

materiel on which germs could attach. So, it may be covered by an antibiotic prophylaxis as it
is often an immunocompromised ground.

The main dread complication of cementoplasty is the cement leak, more frequent than during
the cementation for osteoporotic fractures [55] because it is difficult to predict its spread

inside the tumour at the moment of injection. The cement is thick when injected in order to
limit the vascular leaks (even embolism) and epidural leaks in the vertebrae (with the implied
risk of radicular or medullary compression). The discal or extraosseous leaks inside the soft
parts are quite frequent. Most of them are asymptomatic but some of them can be transitorily
responsible for severe hyperalgesia.
Cementoplasty can consolidate vertebra, pelvic and flat bones, but is not able to resist to
bending or twisting forces. Thus, consolidation of long bones needs to be very cautious,
often associated with nails, wires or screws.

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Radiofrequency ablation using monopolar technique can generate electric arc when the
electrode is placed near a metal implant, and is contraindicated when the patient has an
implanted electronic device.
The major risk of thermal ablation is the injury of a structure adjacent to the lesion, like nerve,
cartilage or skin.

4.2. Radiotherapy

RT is an essential tool in treatment of bone metastases. The French Society of Radiotherapy

(SFRO) has recently up-dated its recommendations for bone metastases [56]. The aim of RT
is to kill tumour cells but its efficacy depends on histology. Indeed, some tumours, such as

renal cancer, are radioresistant. By contrast lung cancers offer an excellent radiosensibility.
RT also favors bone regeneration. It is estimated that RT allows re-ossification in 65 to 85%

of osteolytic lesions contributing to a differed stabilization within 3 to 6 months. Thus a local
contention such a rigid corset or unloading may be useful to prevent immediate fracture risk.

Question 13: What are the indications of radiotherapy?

There are five different clinical indications of RT.
1) Treatment of uncontrolled bone pain.
2) Delayed fracture risk prevention.
3) Treatment of spinal cord compression. RT is commonly used alone in emergency or

after surgery in case of spinal cord compression [57,58]. The Rades score may be

useful to decide management [59] but relies on basic histology that has considerably
evolved with molecular classification of the tumour.

4) Adjuvant post-operative RT. Radiation therapy is systematically prescribed 2 or 3

weeks after surgery, on healed wound to treat the microscopic disease. This strategy

reduces local recurrence, rate of second surgery and the onset of pain syndrom.
5) Ablative strategy on solitary/oligo bone metastases. This clinical situation is

uncommon and use a high dose of radiation delivered for vertebrae by stereotaxy. It
could be discussed in patients with 1 to 3 bone metastases and a controlled primary
tumour without any other metastases [60–62].

Question 14: What is the optimal radiotherapy regimen?

The current standard is a fractioned scheme of 30 Gy in 10 fractions which provides the best
results in terms of duration of antalgic response, rate of second irradiation, bone
reconstruction [63] and toxicities. Usually RT is delivered using 3D conformation technic. For
long bones, the whole pathological bone and the surgical material are included in the

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treatment fields. For vertebrae, the fields should include one vertebral body above and below
the tumoral target except in case of epiduritis where the two adjacent vertebrae above and
below the target should be irradiated. Laterally, bilateral pedicles and transverse processes
should be included in the radiation field.
Single 8 Gy fraction could also be used. It allows a fast management with less mobilization
and journeys for the patient, shorter impact on the global oncological treatment and is
economically favorable. Immediate pain relief is equivalent to fractionated regimen but single

fraction has been associated with more frequent second irradiation for pain (20% for 8 Gy

fraction vs 8% for fractionated regimen) [64]. Thus currently, single fraction regimen remains
an optional strategy discussed for long bone irradiation and location with no at risk organ.

Question 15: What is the optimal schedule between radiotherapy and systemic

oncological treatment?
The same day performance of radiation therapy and systemic oncological treatment in the

management of palliative bone metastasis may not be indicated. The patient personalized
schedule will depend on his global PS, the absence or not of at risk organ (e.g. intestine,
spine) in the radiation field and the radiosensibility of the product. Risks of concomitance
radiation therapy with systemic oncological treatments (chemotherapy, targeted therapy) are
virtually not well known. Acute radiosensibilisation or recall phenomenon can be serious. In
theory, a wash-out of 5 half-life time of systemic product has to be respected before the first

day of radiation therapy. Currently, there are three drug profiles:


- systemic therapy with a high risk of radiosensibilisation where a wash out period has to be
respected to avoid severe toxicities;

-systemic therapy compatible with palliative radiation therapy;

- and systemic therapy with few or no available data where precautionary principles and

expert consensus should be applied. The SFRO has recently published expert guidelines for
these 3 profiles [65]. Table 2.

Interaction between radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitors remains a matter of

preclinical and clinical investigation, regarding safety and efficacy, with reported occurrence
of abscopal effect after the radiation of a single metastatic lesion. The current clinical
practical window is seven days of interruption before and after radiotherapy except in case of
emergency. The ongoing clinical trial NirvanaLung will study in its secondary endpoints
tolerance of concomitant radiation and nivolumab treatment in stage III/IV NSCLC.

Page 14 of 28
5. Toward an integrative approach of bone metastases management

Bone metastases benefit from a comprehensive integrative management taking into account
the global oncological strategy and the management of bone metastases. The initial step is
to obtain the extension of the different locations and the following global oncological
information: the kinetic and the histology of the tumour, the patient life expectancy and the
toxicity obligations set by the oncological treatment. The next step is to assess for each bone

location: pain, chronology of signs (acute vs chronic), the neurological consequences such

as palsy, the adjacent organs (spinal cord, gut, lungs) and fracture risk. Precise fracture risk
evaluation remains quite difficult. Some scores such as Mirels for long bones [66,67] and

Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) [68] for vertebrae have been proposed to help
evaluation of bone metastatic strength impairment and management based on RT and/or

preventive orthopedic surgery. Table 3 and 4. They remain insufficient. Development of
these scores, their clinical use including advantages and disadvantages will be reviewed in

details in the review concerning the surgery of bone metastasis.
This basal evaluation will allow proposing a personalized schedule for each patient using
pain and bone systemic treatments and local treatments as previously described. This is the
additive value of the transversal Bone Metastatic Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (BM2TB)
performed in harmony with the Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (MTB) of the patient. Figure 2.
Molecular diagnosis of the tumour, new targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and emerging

tools to assess bone metastases strength will lead in the near future to more precise

algorithms for bone metastasis management.



We are very thankful to Sébastien Couraud, ARISTOT association, Lecancer website team
who organize the annually French South East Lung Cancer Guidelines meeting and the

French Reviewer Comity of the Auvergne Rhone-Alpes –AURA- Lung Cancer 2017
Guidelines [Appendix A, Supplemental 1; See the supplementary material associated with this
article online].

Conflict of interests
AB, AT, CB, JBP, JW, FM, MB, declare no conflict of interest. CC declares lectures for
AMGEN, CELLGEN and BMS. CD, NG and PJS declare consultancy for AMGEN.

Page 15 of 28
Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data (Supplemental 1) associated with this article can be found in the online

version at …

e d

Page 16 of 28

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Page 20 of 28
Table 1:
Main indications and counter-indications of the different percutaneous treatments.

Cementoplasty Uncontrolled pain by the analgesic drugs;
Complication or poor tolerance of the
opioid treatment
Counter-indication to other methods
(surgery, impossibility of radiation therapy
Analgesic alternative to other heavier

methods such as surgical treatment (for

instance, acetabular cementoplasty)
Combination for antalgic and/or
stabilization with other local methods
such as analgesic RT or percutaneous

thermal ablation.

Thermal-ablation Pain relief for a bone metastasis with

large extent in the soft-tissues
Local control of a small bone metastasis
Volume reduction for a large bone
metastasis hardly accessible with surgery
or RT.

Counter-indications Absolute
an Relative
 Cementoplasty  Unstable fracture  Asymptomatic fracture
 Non located widespread pains  Breach of the posterior wall,
 Overall infection in progress or recoil of the posterior wall
cutaneous Infection at the puncture site (experience from the team)
 Severe coagulation disorders  Radiculopathy
 Allergy to the compound of the  Ductal extension of the

cement tumour or epiduritis

 Presence of an articular

 Thermal-  Implanted electronic material  "at risk" structure adjacent

ablation (pace-maker…) for monopolar to the ablation zone

 superficial lesion (risk of
 Orthopedic implants near the skin burn)
ablation zone for monopolar


Page 21 of 28
Table 2:
Risk of radiosensibilisation with the different oncological treatments. Adapted from the
French Society of Radiotherapy (SFRO) guidelines [65].

Group Drug Guidelines EBM level Half-life and

High-risk of Gemcitabine 4 wks before RT DGOS Depends on infusion
radiosensibilisation 4 wks after RT duration:
<1hr => 50 mn

>1hr => 5 to 6 hrs

Doxorubicine 8 days before RT Expert 36 hrs*
8 days after RT
Bevacizumab 4 wks before RT Expert 18 days for women

4 wks after RT consensus 20 days for men
Compatible Carboplatin No wash-out Expert 5 days

Cisplatin No wash-out Expert Cisplatin
consensus pharmacokinetic
results of the
combination of free

Vinorelbin No wash-out
an Expert
and bound forms.
Final half-life is 3 to 8
40 hrs
Paclitaxel No wash-out Expert 19 hrs
Etoposide No wash-out Expert 6.4 hrs (3 to 12 hrs)
Pemetrexed consensus
e d

Precaution principle Erlotinib No concomitant

Gefitinib systemic oncological

Docétaxel therapy.
Other targeted A delay of 5 half-lives
therapies between RT and drug

Immunotherapies administration should

be respected (except
with long half-life
treatments whose
interruption is not

* Elimination is initially rapid (5 mn) and then slow (36 hrs).

Page 22 of 28
Table 3 :
Mirels score [66,67] for predicting fracture risk in the management of long bone metastases.
Patients with a score ≤ 7 should receive radiation therapy and patients with a score ≥9
should receive prophylactic surgery. Patients with a score of 8 correspond to an intermediate

Criteria Points

Site of lesion Size of lesion Type of lesion Pain

Upper limb <1/3 of cortex Blastic Mild 1

Lower limb 1/3 to 2/3 of cortex Mixed Moderate 2

Trochanteric region >2/3 of cortex Lytic Functional 3
Total / 12 points

e d

Page 23 of 28
Table 4:
Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) for vertebrae stability evaluation [68]. Patients with
a score of 0-6 are stable whereas the one with a score of 13-18 are unstable. Patients with a
score between 7 and 12 are intermediate.

Item Points

Location Transitions (C0-C2, C7-T2, T11-L1, L5-S1) 3

Mobile spine (C3-C6, L2-L4) 2

Semi-rigid spine (T3-T10) 1

Rigid spine (S2-S5) 0

Mechanical pain YES 3

Non mechanical pain 1

None 0

Type of lesion Lytic 2

Mixte 1

an 0

Alignment Subluxation/translation 4
Harmonious deformity 2

Normal 0

Vertebral fracture > 50% 3


< 50% 2

Osteolysis > 50% (without vertebral fracture) 1

None 0

Posterior arc involvement Bilateral 3

Unilateral 1

None 0
Total / 18 pts

Page 24 of 28
Figure 1:

Sagittal MR T1-weigthed image (A) and axial CT-scanner image (B) showing an osteolytic
metastasis of the patella infiltrating prepatellar soft-tissues and quadriceps tendon enthesis
(white arrow) causing intense pain. C: Axial CT-scanner image during cryoablation treatment
showing the cryode centering a round hypodense aspect filling the whole lesion and
corresponding to the iceball. The procedure allowed immediate pain relief The patient had
external radiotherapy consecutively and image D shows the follow-up CT-scanner performed
4 months later with re-ossification of the peripheral bone.

Figure 2:

Toward an integrative approach of bone metastases care in lung cancer.

Supplemental 1 :
Composition of the French Reviewer Comity of the 2017-Lung Cancer South East French


Supplemental 1 : Composition of the French Reviewer Comity of the Auvergne Rhone-
Alpes –AURA- Lung Cancer 2017 Guidelines

François Arbib (Grenoble), Dominique Arpin (Mâcon), Clarisse Audigier-Valette (Toulon),

Stéphanie Audras Luciani (Bourgoin-Jallieu), Virginie Avrillon (Lyon), Baranzelli A
(Chambery), Fabrice Barlési (Marseille), Mariette Baud (Paris), Sophie Bayle (St-Etienne),
Hamid Belhadj (Moulins), Aurélie Bellière (Clermont-Ferrand), Henri Bérard (Toulon), Marie

Bernardi (Aix-en-provence) Chantal Bertocchi (Annecy), Anne-Sophie Blanchet-Legens

(Lyon), Pierre Bombaron (Lyon), Karima Bouledrak (Lyon), Philippe Brun (Valence),

Fabienne Buatois (Lyon), Olivier Bylicki (Clamart), Jacques Cadranel (Paris), Bruno Caillet
(Lyon), Jean-Baptiste Chadeyras (Clermont-Ferrand), Lara Chalabreysse (Lyon), René

Chumbi-Flores (Lyon), Cyrille Confavreux (Lyon), Marie Coudurier (Chambéry), Sébastien

Couraud (Lyon), Chantal Decroisette (Annecy), Eric Delaroche (Lyon), Sarah Demir (Lyon),

Marine Desseigne (Saint-Priest-en-Jarez), Jean-Marc Dot (Lyon), Philippe Duband (Moulins),

Isabelle Dumas (Grenoble), Michaël Duruisseaux (Grenoble), Lionel Falchero (Villefranche-
sur-Saône), Eric Fauchon (St-Julien-en-Genevois), Jean-Luc Ferrer (Grenoble), Marc Filaire
(Clermont-Ferrand), Clara Fontaine-Delaruelle (Lyon), Pascal Foucher (Dijon), Pierre

Fournel (St-Etienne), Philippe Fourneret (Chambéry), Violaine Frappat (Chambéry), Géraud

Galvaing (Clermont-Ferrand), Béatrice Gentil-Le Pecq (Bourgoin-Jallieu), Laurence Gérinière
(Lyon), Matteo Giaj-Levra (Grenoble), Marylise Ginoux (Vienne), Nicolas Girard (Lyon),
Gilles Gonzalez (Macon), Valérie Grangeon (Roanne), Laurent Greillier (Marseille), Renaud
Grima (Lyon), Aurélie Grouet (Chalon-sur-Saône), Yassine Hammou (Lyon), Stéphane
Hominal (Annecy), Henri Janicot (Clermont-Ferrand), Gaëlle Jeannin (Clermont-Ferrand),
Coureche-Guillaume Kaderbhai (Dijon), Eric Kelkel (Chambery), Lize Kiakouama (Lyon),
Sylvie Lantuejoul (Lyon), Sébastien Larivé (Mâcon), Jacques Le Treut (Aix-en-Provence),
Myriam Locatelli-Sanchez (Lyon), S Luciani (Bourgoin Jallieu), Catherine Marichy (Vienne),
Isabelle Martel-Lafay (Lyon), Etienne Martin (Dijon), Patrick Mas (Lyon), Céline Mascaux
(Marseille), Bénédicte Mastroianni (Lyon), Jean-Michel Maury (Lyon), Bertrand Mennecier

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(Strasbourg), Pascale Meré (Lyon), Patrick Merle (Clermont-Ferrand), Denis Moro-Sibilot
(Grenoble), Pierre Mulsant (Lyon), Luc Odier (Villefranche-sur-Saône), V Paulus (Lyon),
Maurice Pérol (Lyon), Marielle Perrichon (Bourg-enBresse), Emilie Perrot (Lyon), Anne-
Claire Ravel (Lyon), Magali Rouffiac (Dijon), Nathalie Rozensztajn (Paris), Linda Sakhri
(Grenoble), Christian Sanson (Annonay), Gaëtan Singier (Lyon), Pierre-Jean Souquet
(Lyon), Elsie Staub (Lyon), Aurélie Swalduz (Saint-Etienne), Mayeul Tabutin (Lyon), Ronan
Tanguy (Lyon), Louis Tassy (Marseille), Bruno Taviot (Lyon), Dorine Templement (Saint-
Julien-en-Genevois), Régis Teyssandier (Montluçon), Lise Thibonnier (Clermont-Ferrand),
Angelica Tiotiu (Nancy), Claire Tissot (Saint-Etienne), Anne-Claire Toffart (Grenoble),

François Tronc (Lyon), Martin Veaudor (Lyon), Julie Villa (Grenoble), Sylvie Vuillermoz-Blas

(Lyon), Ghyslaine Watchueng (Vienne), Emmanuel Watkin (Lyon), Virginie Westeel
(Besançon), Gérard Zalcman (Paris), Virginie Zarza (Lyon).

e d

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Figure 2 : integrative approach of bone metastases managment

Step 1

Diagnosis of Bone extension

Identification of the different bone locations

Step 2

Diagnosis of Bone consequences for each location :

• Pain diagnosis

• Neurological diagnosis
• Fracture risk diagnosis
• Stability diagnosis

Radiation therapy

Step 3 Cementoplasty
Identification of the location requiring intervention and Unloading
ranking of the priority Immobilization/Contention
an Bone systemic treatment
Step 4

Discussion for each location of the available options


Collection of global oncological information from the

oncologist and Multidisciplinary Tumor Board (MTB) :

- Histology
- Molecular diagnosis, immune profile

Step 5
- Kinetic of the tumor
- Anti-tumor strategy (chemotherapy, surgery, radiation
therapy, immunotherapy, hormonal treatment)

- Toxicities of oncological treatments

Patient status assesment:

- Age and PS

- Vital functions: renal, liver, heart, lung and hematopoietic

Step 6
- Cachexia: body weight loss, sarcopenia, energy
metabolism, inflammation
- Dental status
- Patient wish

Step 7

Personnalized program of bone metastases management proposed by the Bone Metastatic

Mutlidisciplinary Tumor Board – BM²TB- in conjunction with the oncologist and the MTB

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Figure 1


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