Light PPT 120108205852 Phpapp01
Light PPT 120108205852 Phpapp01
Light PPT 120108205852 Phpapp01
• Light is an electromagnetic wave, namely the
wave the vibration of which is electric field
and magnetic field.
• Light is included into transversal wave.
• Light can spread without medium, so light can
spread in vacuum.
While several properties of light among
other are :
• Spreading according to straight line
• Has energy
• Can be seen
• Radiated in the form of radiation
• Has spreading direction perpendicular to
vibration direction
• Can experience reflection, refraction,
interference, diffraction, and polarization
Bodies that can spread light is
called light source. While bodies
that cannot spread light theirself is
called dark body.
Sorting light sources
Natural vs. Man-made (artificial)
Are these light sources?
moon mirror
Angle of incidence
Angle of reflection
The ‘angle of
If a light hits a reflection’ is
body surface always equal
commonly will to the ‘angel
be reflected. of incidence’.
r = i
Law of Reflection
light light
source source
Incidence ray