CIVE378 Exam1 Review

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CIVE 378

Dr. Jiong Hu

Exam I Review

Exam time: Monday 2/17 1:30-2:30pm


 Bring your pencil, calculator, and ruler to the exam

 Type of Questions:

o Part I - Multiple choices

o Part II - Fill in the blank, calculation, and short answers

 Equations of stress, strain, modulus of elasticity, Possion's ratio, density, specify,

CTE, absorption, safety factor, etc. will be provided

Natural of Materials

1. What are the basic atom and subatomic structures (protons, neutrons, electrons; and
2. What are the different kinds of bonds (primary bonds, secondary bonds)? What are
the properties and examples of different kinds of bonds? What are the energy levels
of them, which is higher, which is lower?
3. What are the different kinds of defects? How will they affect material performance?
How grain boundaries and grain sizes impact material strength?
4. What is phase diagram? How to interpret state point in a phase diagram? How to
calculate ml, ms from a binary phase diagram?
5. What are metal, ceramic and polymer structures? How will their structures affect
material performance?

Engineering Materials Concepts

6. What are the major concerns in construction materials selection?

7. What are the different loading conditions?
8. What is the relationship between load/deformation and stress/strain?
9. What are the typical stress-strain curves of common construction materials?
10. How to calculate/identify proportion limit, (0.2%) offset yield stress, ultimate
strength, elastic modulus, rupture strain, modulus of resilience and toughness from
tensile/compressive test and stress-strain curve?
11. What is Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio? How to calculate it and how to use
them to calculate deformation of materials under different loading conditions?

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CIVE 378
Dr. Jiong Hu

12. What is the relationship between work and energy (modulus of resilience,
13. What are the time-dependent response and time-temperature effect?
14. What are the different types of failure?
15. What is factor of safety (FS=Stressfailure/Stressallowable), how to use it?
16. What is corrosion and how does it affect structure performance?
17. What is CTE and how to calculate it? What is the importance of CTE in structure
18. How to calculate unit weight and specific gravity? What is the unit weight of water
19. What are the common mechanical properties (compressive strength, tensile strength,
elastic modulus, etc.) of construction materials? What are the typical values of them?
20. What are the common physical properties of construction materials (specific gravity,
unit weight, CTE, absorption, etc.)? What are the typical values of them?
21. What are the units of commonly used mechanic and non-mechanic properties?

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