Pyschological D-WPS Office
Pyschological D-WPS Office
Pyschological D-WPS Office
as well as the institutional responses to diversity, perceptions of racial conflict and attitudes held toward
individuals of different race, ethnicity or background (Hurtado et. al. 1998, 1999).
Hurtado and collegues (1998,1999) assert that who people are and their position within the institution
influence each individual's perception of the campus climate. It is important not to ignore the impact of
these differences, as they are a critical part of the institutional environment.
Educational psychology
Educational psychology is the study of how humans learn in educational settings, the effectiveness of
educational interventions, the psychology of teaching, and the social psychology of schools as
organizations. Although the terms "educational psychology" and "school psychology" are often used
interchangeably, researchers and theorists are likely to be identified as educational psychologists,
whereas practitioners in schools or school-related settings are identified as school psychologists.
Educational psychology is concerned with the processes of educational attainment among the general
population and sub-populations such as gifted children and those subject to specific disabilities.
Educational psychology can in part be understood through its relationship with other disciplines. It is
informed primarily by psychology, bearing a relationship to that discipline analogous to the relationship
between medicine and biology. Educational psychology in turn informs a wide range of specialities within
educational studies, including instructional design, educational technology, curriculum development,
organizational learning, special education and classroom management. Educational psychology both
draws from and contributes to cognitive science and the learning sciences. In universities, departments
of educational psychology are usually housed within faculties of education, possibly accounting for the
lack of representation of educational psychology content in introductory psychology textbooks.
To understand the characteristics of learners in childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age,
educational psychology develops and applies theories of human development. Often cast as stages
through which people pass as they mature, developmental theories describe changes in mental abilities (
cognition), social roles, moral reasoning, and beliefs about the nature of knowledge.
For example, educational psychologists have researched the instructional applicability of Jean Piaget's
theory of development, according to which children mature through four stages of cognitive capability.
Piaget hypothesized that children are not capable of abstract logical thought until they are older than
about 11 years, and therefore younger children need to be taught using concrete objects and examples.
Researchers have found that transitions, such as from concrete to abstract logical thought, do not occur
at the same time in all domains. A child may be able to think abstractly about mathematics, but remain
limited to concrete thought when reasoning about human relationships. Perhaps Piaget's most enduring
contribution is his insight that people actively construct their understanding through a self-regulatory
Piaget proposed a developmental theory of moral reasoning in which children progress from a naive
understanding of morality based on behaviour and outcomes to a more advanced understanding based
on intentions. Piaget's views of moral development were elaborated by Kohlberg into a stage theory of
moral development. There is evidence that the moral reasoning described in stage theories is not
sufficient to account for moral behaviour. For example, other factors such as modeling (as described by
the social cognitive theory of morality) are required to explain bullying.
Developmental theories are sometimes presented not as shifts between qualitatively different stages,
but as gradual increments on separate dimensions. Development of epistemological beliefs (beliefs
about knowledge) have been described in terms of gradual changes in people's belief in: certainty and
permanence of knowledge, fixedness of ability, and credibility of authorities such as teachers and
experts. People develop more sophisticated beliefs about knowledge as they gain in education and
Each person has an individual profile of characteristics, abilities and challenges that result from learning
and development. These manifest as individual differences in intelligence, creativity, cognitive style,
motivation, and the capacity to process information, communicate, and relate to others. The most
prevalent disabilities found among school age children are attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), learning disability, dyslexia, and speech disorder. Less common disabilities include mental
retardation, hearing impairment, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and blindness.
Although theories of intelligence have been discussed by philosophers since Plato, intelligence testing is
an invention of educational psychology, and is coincident with the development of that discipline.
Continuing debates about the nature of intelligence revolve on whether intelligence can be characterized
by a single, scalar factor ( Spearman's general intelligence), multiple factors (as in Sternberg's triarchic
theory of intelligence and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences), or whether it can be measured at
all. In practice, standardized instruments such as the Stanford-Binet IQ test and the WISC are widely used
in economically developed countries to identify children in need of individualized educational treatment.
Children classified as gifted are often provided with accelerated or enriched programs. Children with
identified deficits may be provided with enhanced education in specific skills such as phonological
Two fundamental assumptions that underlie formal education systems are that students (a) retain
knowledge and skills they acquire in school, and (b) can apply them in situations outside the classroom.
But are these assumptions accurate? Research has found that, even when students report not using the
knowledge acquired in school, a considerable portion is retained for many years and long term retention
is strongly dependent on the initial level of mastery. One study found that university students who took a
child development course and attained high grades showed, when tested 10 years later, average
retention scores of about 30%, whereas those who obtained moderate or lower grades showed average
retention scores of about 20%. There is much less consensus on the crucial question of how much
knowledge acquired in school transfers to tasks encountered outside formal educational settings, and
how such transfer occurs. Some psychologists claim that research evidence for this type of far transfer is
scarce, while others claim there is abundant evidence of far transfer in specific domains. Several
perspectives have been established within which the theories of learning used in educational psychology
are formed and contested. These include Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Social Cognitivism, and
Constructivism. This section summarizes how educational psychology has researched and applied
theories within each of these perspectives.
Behavioural perspective
Applied behaviour analysis, a set of techniques based on the behavioural principles of operant
conditioning, is effective in a range of educational settings. For example, teachers can improve student
behaviour by systematically rewarding students who follow classroom rules with praise, stars, or tokens
exchangable for sundry items. Despite the demonstrated efficacy of awards in changing behaviour, their
use in education has been criticized by proponents of self-determination theory, who claim that praise
and other rewards undermine intrinsic motivation. There is evidence that tangible rewards decrease
intrinsic motivation in specific situations, such as when the student already has a high level of intrinsic
motivation to perform the goal behaviour. But the results showing detrimental effects are
counterbalanced by evidence that, in other situations, such as when rewards are given for attaining a
gradually increasing standard of performance, rewards enhance intrinsic motivation.
Cognitive perspective
Among current educational psychologists, the cognitive perspective is more widely held than the
behavioural perspective perhaps because it flexibly admits causally related mental constructs such as
traits, beliefs, memories, motivations and emotions. Cognitive theories posit memory structures that are
thought to determine how information is perceived, processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten. Among
the memory structures theorized by cognitive psychologists are separate but linked visual and verbal
systems described by Paivio's dual coding theory. Educational psychologists have used dual coding theory
and cognitive load theory to explain how people learn from multimedia presentations.
Three experiments reported by Krug, Davis and Glover demonstrated the advantage of delaying a 2nd
reading of a text passage by one week (distributed) compared with no delay between readings (massed).
Three experiments reported by Krug, Davis and Glover demonstrated the advantage of delaying a 2nd
reading of a text passage by one week (distributed) compared with no delay between readings (massed).
The spaced learning effect, a cognitive phenomenon strongly supported by psychological research, has
broad applicability within education. For example, students have been found to perform better on a test
of knowledge about a text passage when a second reading of the passage is delayed rather than
immediate (see figure). Educational psychology research has confirmed the applicability to education of
other findings from cognitive psychology, such as the benefits of using mnemonics for immediate and
delayed retention of information.
Problem solving, regarded by many cognitive psychologists as fundamental to learning, is an important
research topic in educational psychology. A student is thought to interpret a problem by assigning it to a
schema retrieved from long term memory. When the problem is assigned to the wrong schema, the
student's attention is subsequently directed away from features of the problem that are inconsistent
with the assigned schema. The critical step of finding a mapping between the problem and a pre-existing
schema is often cited as supporting the centrality of analogical thinking to problem solving.
Social cognitive theory is a highly influential fusion of behavioural, cognitive and social elements that was
initially developed by educational psychologist Albert Bandura. In its earlier, neo-behavioural incarnation
called social learning theory, Bandura emphasized the process of observational learning in which a
learner's behavior changes as a result of observing others' behavior and its consequences. The theory
identified several factors that determine whether observing a model will affect behavioural or cognitive
change. These factors include the learner's developmental status, the perceived prestige and
competence of the model, the consequences received by the model, the relevance of the model's
behaviors and consequences to the learner's goals, and the learner's self-efficacy. The concept of self-
efficacy, which played an important role in later developments of the theory, refers to the learner's belief
in his or her ability to perform the modeled behaviour.
An experiment by Schunk and Hanson, that studied grade 2 students who had previously experienced
difficulty in learning subtraction, illustrates the type of research stimulated by social learning theory. One
group of students observed a subtraction demonstration by a teacher and then participated in an
instructional program on subtraction. A second group observed other grade 2 students performing the
same subtraction procedures and then participated in the same instructional program. The students who
observed peer models scored higher on a subtraction post-test and also reported greater confidence in
their subtraction ability. The results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that perceived
similarity of the model to the learner increases self-efficacy, leading to more effective learning of
modeled behaviour. It is supposed that peer modeling is particularly effective for students who have low
Over the last decade, much research activity in educational psychology has focused on developing
theories of self-regulated learning (SRL) and metacognition. These theories work from the central
premise that effective learners are active agents who construct knowledge by setting goals, analysing
tasks, planning strategies and monitoring their understanding. Research has indicated that learners' who
are better at goal setting and self-monitoring tend to have greater intrinsic task interest and self-efficacy;
and that teaching learning strategies can increase academic achievement.
Constructivist perspective
Constructivism refers to a category of learning theories in which emphasis is placed on the agency and
prior knowledge of the learner, and often on the social and cultural determinants of the learning
process. Educational psychologists distinguish individual (or psychological) constructivism, identified with
Piaget's learning theory, from social constructivism. A dominant influence on the latter type is Lev
Vygotsky's work on sociocultural learning, describing how interactions with adults, more capable peers,
and cognitive tools are internalized to form mental constructs. Elaborating on Vygotsky's theory, Jerome
Bruner and other educational psychologists developed the important concept of instructional
scaffolding, in which the social or information environment offers supports for learning that are gradually
withdrawn as they become internalized.
Vygotsky's version of constructivist theory has led to the view that behaviour, skills, attitudes and beliefs
are inherently situated, that is, bound to a specific sociocultural setting. According to this view, the
learner is enculturated through social interactions within a community of practice. The social
constructivist view of learning has spawned approaches to teaching and learning such as cognitive
apprenticeship, in which the tacit components of a complex skill are made explicit through
conversational interactions occurring between expert and novice in the setting in which the skill is
Motivation is an internal state that activates, guides and sustains behaviour. Educational psychology
research on motivation is concerned with the volition or will that students bring to a task, their level of
interest and intrinsic motivation, the personally held goals that guide their behaviour, and their belief
about the causes of their success or failure.
A form of attribution theory developed by Bernard Weiner describes how students' beliefs about the
causes of academic success or failure affect their emotions and motivations. For example, when students
attribute failure to lack of ability, and ability is perceived as uncontrollable, they experience the emotions
of shame and embarrassment and consequently decrease effort and show poorer performance. In
contrast, when students attribute failure to lack of effort, and effort is perceived as controllable, they
experience the emotion of guilt and consequently increase effort and show improved performance.
Motivational theories also explain how learners' goals affect the way that they engage with academic
tasks. Those who have mastery goals strive to increase their ability and knowledge. Those who have
performance approach goals strive for high grades and seek opportunities to demonstrate their abilities.
Those who have performance avoidance goals are driven by fear of failure and avoid situations where
their abilities are exposed. Research has found that mastery goals are associated with many positive
outcomes such as persistence in the face of failure, preference for challenging tasks, creativity and
intrinsic motivation. Performance avoidance goals are associated with negative outcomes such as poor
concentration while studying, disorganized studying, less self-regulation, shallow information processing
and test anxiety. Performance approach goals are associated with positive outcomes, and some negative
outcomes such as an unwillingness to seek help and shallow information processing.
Research methodology
The research methods used in educational psychology tend to be drawn from psychology and other
social sciences. There is also a history of significant methodological innovation by educational
psychologists, and psychologists investigating educational problems. Research methods address
problems in both research design and data analysis. Research design informs the planning of
experiments and observational studies to ensure that their results have internal, external and ecological
validity. Data analysis encompasses methods for processing both quantitive (numerical) and qualitative
(non-numerical) research data. Although, historically, the use of quantitative methods was often
considered an essential mark of scholarship, modern educational psychology research uses both
quantitative and qualitative methods.
Quantitative methods
Test scores and other educational variables often approximate a normal distribution.
Test scores and other educational variables often approximate a normal distribution.
Perhaps first among the important methodological innovations of educational psychology was the
development and application of factor analysis by Charles Spearman. Factor analysis is mentioned here
as one example of the many multivariate statistical methods used by educational psychologists. Factor
analysis is used to summarize relationships among a large set of variables or test questions, develop
theories about mental constructs such as self-efficacy or anxiety, and assess the reliability and validity of
test scores. Over one hundred years after its introduction by Spearman, factor analysis has become a
research staple figuring prominently in educational psychology journals.
Because educational assessment is fundamental to most quantitative research in the field, educational
psychologists have made significant contributions to the field of psychometrics. For example, alpha, the
widely used measure of test reliability was developed by educational psychologist Lee Cronbach. The
reliability of assessments are routinely reported in quantitative educational research. Although,
originally, educational measurement methods were built on classical test theory, item response theory
and Rasch models are now used extensively in educational measurement worldwide. These models
afford advantages over classical test theory, including the capacity to produce standard errors of
measurement for each score or pattern of scores on assessments and the capacity to handle missing
Meta-analysis, the combination of individual research results to produce a quantitative literature review,
is another methodological innovation with a close association to educational psychology. In a meta-
analysis, effect sizes that represent, for example, the differences between treatment groups in a set of
similar experiments, are averaged to obtain a single aggregate value representing the best estimate of
the effect of treatment. Several decades after Pearson's work with early versions of meta-analysis, Glass
published the first application of modern meta-analytic techniques and triggered their broad application
across the social and biomedical sciences. Today, meta-analysis is among the most common types of
literature review found in educational psychology research.
Qualitative methods
Qualitative methods are used in educational studies whose purpose is to describe events, processes and
situations of theoretical significance. The qualitative methods used in educational psychology often
derive from psycholinguistics, anthropology or sociology. For example, the anthropological method of
ethnography has been used to describe teaching and learning in classrooms. In studies of this type, the
researcher may gather detailed field notes as a participant observer or passive observer. Later, the notes
and other data may be categorized and interpreted by methods such as grounded theory. Triangulation,
the practice of cross-checking findings with multiple data sources, is highly valued in qualitative research.
Case studies are forms of qualitative research focusing on a single person, organization, event, or other
entity. In one case study, researchers conducted a 150-minute, semi-structured interview with a 20-year
old woman who had a history of suicidal thinking between the ages of 14 to 18. They analyzed an audio-
recording of the interview to understand the roles of cognitive development, identity formation and
social attachment in ending her suicidal thinking.
Qualitative analysis is most often applied to verbal data from sources such as conversations, interviews,
focus groups, and personal journals. Qualitative methods are thus, typically, approaches to gathering,
processing and reporting verbal data. One of the most commonly used methods for qualitative research
in educational psychology is protocol analysis. In this method the research participant is asked to think
aloud while performing a task, such as solving a math problem. In protocol analysis the verbal data is
thought to indicate which information the subject is attending to, but is explicitly not interpreted as an
explanation or justification for behaviour. In contrast, the method of verbal analysis does admit learners'
explanations as a way to reveal their mental model or misconceptions (e.g., of the laws of motion). The
most fundamental operations in both protocol and verbal analysis are segmenting (isolating) and
categorizing sections of verbal data. Conversation analysis and discourse analysis, psycholinguistic
methods that focus more specifically on the structure of conversational interchange (e.g., between a
teacher and student), have been used to assess the process of conceptual change in science learning.
Qualitative methods are also used to analyse information in a variety of media, such as students'
drawings and concept maps, video-recorded interactions, and computer log records.
Instructional design, the systematic design of materials, activities and interactive environments for
learning, is broadly informed by educational psychology theories and research. For example, in defining
learning goals or objectives, instructional designers often use a taxonomy of educational objectives
created by Benjamin Bloom and colleagues. Bloom also researched mastery learning, an instructional
strategy in which learners only advance to a new learning objective after they have mastered its
prerequisite objectives. Bloom discovered that a combination of mastery learning with one-to-one
tutoring is highly effective, producing learning outcomes far exceeding those normally achieved in
classroom instruction. Gagné, another psychologist, had earlier developed an influential method of task
analysis in which a terminal learning goal is expanded into a hierarchy of learning objectives connected
by prerequisite relations.
Intelligent tutoring system
Educational technology
John R. Anderson
Cognitive tutor
Cooperative learning
Collaborative learning
problem-based learning
William Winn
Applications in teaching
A class size experiment in the United States found that attending small classes for 3 or more years in the
early grades increased high school graduation of students from low income families.
A class size experiment in the United States found that attending small classes for 3 or more years in the
early grades increased high school graduation of students from low income families.
Research on classroom management and pedagogy is conducted to guide teaching practice and form a
foundation for teacher education programs. The goals of classroom management are to create an
environment conducive to learning and to develop students' self-management skills. More specifically,
classroom management strives to create positive teacher-student and peer relationships, manage
student groups to sustain on-task behaviour, and use counselling and other psychological methods to aid
students who present persistent psychosocial problems.
Special education
Lesson plan
William James
William James
Educational psychology cannot claim priority in the systematic analysis of educational processes.
Philosophers of education such as Democritus, Quintilian, Vives and Comenius, had examined, classified
and judged the methods of education centuries before the beginnings of psychology in the late 1800s.
Instead, aspirations of the new discipline rested on the application of the scientific methods of
observation and experimentation to educational problems. Even in the earliest years of the discipline,
educational psychologists recognized the limitations of this new approach. In his famous series of
lectures Talks to Teachers on Psychology, published in 1899 and now regarded as the first educational
psychology textbook, the pioneering American psychologist William James commented that:
Psychology is a science, and teaching is an art; and sciences never generate arts directly out of
themselves. An intermediate inventive mind must make that application, by using its originality.
According to Berliner educational psychology theorists' attitude to the world of educational practice has
shifted from initial interest to disdain, and eventually to respect.
In 1912, Thorndike, who developed the theory of instrumental conditioning, presaged later work on
programmed instruction, mastery learning and computer-based learning:
If, by a miracle of mechanical ingenuity, a book could be so arranged that only to him who had done
what was directed on page one would page two become visible, and so on, much that now requires
personal instruction could be managed by print.
The following persons were selected and featured in a recent biographical history of educational
psychology as having made significant contributions to the field:
Albert Bandura 1925-
A person may be considered an educational psychologist if he or she has completed a graduate degree in
educational psychology or a closely related field. Universities establish educational psychology graduate
programs in either psychology departments or, more commonly, faculties of education. Psychologists
who work in a k-12 school setting are usually trained at either the masters or doctoral ( PhD or EdD)
level. In addition to conducting assessments, school psychologists provide services such as academic and
behavioural intervention, counseling, teacher consultation, and crisis intervention.
Employment outlook
Employment for psychologists in the United States is expected to grow faster than most occupations
through the year 2014, with anticipated growth of 18-26%. One in four psychologist are employed in
educational settings. In the United States, the median salary for psychologists in primary and secondary
schools is $58,360 as of May 2004.
In recent decades the participation of women as professional researchers in North American educational
psychology has risen dramatically. The percentage of female authors of peer-reviewed journal articles
doubled from 1976 (24%) to 1995 (51%), and has since remained constant. Female membership on
educational psychology journal editorial boards increased from 17% in 1976 to 47% in 2004. Over the
same period, the proportion of chief editor positions held by women increased from 22% to 70%.