The 15th Malaysian Capital Market Summit - ASLI - Agenda
The 15th Malaysian Capital Market Summit - ASLI - Agenda
The 15th Malaysian Capital Market Summit - ASLI - Agenda
DECEMBER 8, 2010
ONE Mr. Michael Kurtz
(All proceedings will be held at Prince 2, Level Head of Strategy Asia, Macquarie
3) Capital Securities Ltd.
Moderator:- Speaker:-
Ms. Selvarany Rasiah Mr. Ibrahim Hassan
Chief Regulatory Officer, Bursa CEO, Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad.
Malaysia Berhad.
4.45 pm Afternoon Refreshments / Informal Mr. James Beltran
Interaction. Deputy Chairman, Melewar Holdings
Sdn Bhd.
12.15 pm Lunch.
TWO DECEMBER 9, 2010 1.30 pm “Globalization of Sukuks – Where
Does Malaysia Fit In”
(The issuance of Sukuks continued to
9.15 am “Bringing Back Greater Excitement attract investor interest. Islamic Bonds
to the Capital Market – How to Make remain a key segment of the PDS market
the Market Hot?” with Islamic medium-term notes and
(The Malaysian market is chalking up Sukuks comprising a major portion of
new highs. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia total bonds issued. Malaysia has been in
Composite Index recently touched a the forefront of Global Islamic Finance
historic high of 1400. There is renewed and Sukuk offerings by Malaysia attract
institutional interest in the Malaysian global investor interest. How can
market. However, retail side is still Malaysia remain globally competitive and
relatively slow. How can we bring more a market leader in Sukuks? What are the
excitement to the market? How to challenges and issues facing Issuers and
stimulate greater retail interest in the Investors? Where are the growth
market? How to make the market hot prospects? What will be the future of
without being overly speculative?) Sukuks globally and in Asia? What are
the opportunities and risks from investing
in Sukuks?) Note:-
Encik Mohammad Faiz Azmi
Joint Assurance Leader,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia.
Mr. Jeffrey Tan
General Manager, Product
Development, Bursa Malaysia
Derivatives Berhad.
Mr. Meor Amri Meor Ayob
CEO, Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia
Sdn Bhd.
Mr. Ray Choy
Head, Debt Market Research, RHB
Research Institute Sdn Bhd.
Encik Aizham Azlan
CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad.
Mr. Seow Choong Liang
Vice-President / Head of Research,
Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad.