The 15th Malaysian Capital Market Summit - ASLI - Agenda

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Organised By:



“Scaling New Heights, Facing New Challenges”

December 8-9, 2010  Prince Hotel & Residence, Kuala Lumpur


DECEMBER 8, 2010
ONE  Mr. Michael Kurtz
(All proceedings will be held at Prince 2, Level Head of Strategy Asia, Macquarie
3) Capital Securities Ltd.

8.30 am Arrival and Registration of Participants. Moderator:-

 Dato’ Dr. Gan Khuan Poh
9.30 am Welcoming and Introductory Former President, Malaysian
Remarks by:- Economic Association and former
Chief Executive Officer / Director, ASLI, Senior Director, Economic Planning
Dato’ Dr. Michael Yeoh. Unit, Prime Minister’s Department.

9.40 am Opening Keynote Address by:- 12.30 pm Lunch.

Chairman, Securities Commission, Tan
Sri Zarinah Anwar. 2.00 pm “How the New Economic Model and
10th Malaysia Plan will Impact the
10.10 am Morning Refreshments / Informal Market”
Interaction. (The 10th Malaysia Plan aims to transform
Malaysia into a high income country. It
10.45 am “Regional and National Economic will seek to unleash productivity led
and Investment Outlook – growth and innovation. It also seeks to
Challenges & Prospects” enhance competitiveness. The 10th
(Where will the Global and Regional Malaysia Plan identified 12 National Key
Economy head next year? What next for Economic Areas to be new engines of
the Malaysian economy? How sustainable growth. Privatization and Public Private
is the global recovery? What is the Partnerships will be intensified under the
outlook for Regional and the Malaysian 10th Malaysia Plan. The 10th Malaysia Plan
capital markets? What are the investment envisages GDP to reach RM740 bill by
challenges facing Malaysia? How will the 2015, up from RM552 bill in 2010. Total
emergence of China as the world’s 2nd development allocated is RM230 billion.
largest economy impact on the region? How will the projects under the 10th
How will India’s strong economic Malaysia Plan impact on the market? Will
recovery benefit the region?) the New Economic Model bring back
more foreign investors? Are the 10th
Speakers:- Malaysia Plan targets achievable? What
 Mr. Joseph Tan are the key issues to look out for?)
Director / Asian Chief Economist,
Credit Suisse, Singapore. Speakers:-
 Mr. Rajiv Biswas  Mr. Lim Chee Sing
Senior Director and Asia-Pacific Chief Executive Director and Head of
Economist, IHS Global Insight, Research, RHB Research Institute
Singapore. Sdn Bhd.
Moderator:- Speakers:-
 Dato’ Syed Amin Aljeffri  Tengku Dato’ Zafrul bin Tengku
President, Kuala Lumpur Malay Abdul Aziz
Chamber of Commerce / Past Chief Executive Officer, Maybank
Chairman, Asean Business Advisory Investment Bank Berhad.
Council.  Mr. Danny Wong
CEO & Executive Director, Areca
3.00 pm “Corporate Governance & Business Capital Sdn Bhd.
Ethics – How to Make Corporate  Mr. Teoh Kok Lin
Boards and External Auditors More Founder / Chief Investment Officer,
Effective and Accountable” Singular Asset Management.
(What can be done to further enhance  Ms. Clare Chin
corporate governance and transparency? Head of Research, CLSA Securities
How effective are corporate governance Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
practises in Malaysia? How can Corporate
Boards and Independent Directors be 11.00 am Morning Refreshments / Informal
more effective in protecting minority Interaction.
shareholders? How to make external
auditors more accountable and 11.15 am “Wealth Management – Deepening
effective?) the Asset Management Industry:
Where Will New Growth Come
Speakers:- From?”
 Mr. David Berry (Wealth Management is a new growth
Managing Director, Columbus Circle segment with growing interest in Unit
Governance Sdn Bhd. Trust Funds and in ETF’s. What are the
 Ms. Rita Benoy Bushon prospects for the Wealth Management
CEO, Minority Shareholders Industry? How will Malaysian Unit Trusts
Watchdog Group. perform over the next one year? What
 Mr. Nik Mohd Hasyudeen Yusoff are the key challenges and issues?
Executive Chairman, AuditOversight Where will growth opportunities come
Board, Securities Commission from? What are the prospects for Islamic
Malaysia. Asset Management?)

Moderator:- Speaker:-
 Ms. Selvarany Rasiah  Mr. Ibrahim Hassan
Chief Regulatory Officer, Bursa CEO, Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad.
Malaysia Berhad.
4.45 pm Afternoon Refreshments / Informal  Mr. James Beltran
Interaction. Deputy Chairman, Melewar Holdings
Sdn Bhd.

12.15 pm Lunch.
TWO DECEMBER 9, 2010 1.30 pm “Globalization of Sukuks – Where
Does Malaysia Fit In”
(The issuance of Sukuks continued to
9.15 am “Bringing Back Greater Excitement attract investor interest. Islamic Bonds
to the Capital Market – How to Make remain a key segment of the PDS market
the Market Hot?” with Islamic medium-term notes and
(The Malaysian market is chalking up Sukuks comprising a major portion of
new highs. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia total bonds issued. Malaysia has been in
Composite Index recently touched a the forefront of Global Islamic Finance
historic high of 1400. There is renewed and Sukuk offerings by Malaysia attract
institutional interest in the Malaysian global investor interest. How can
market. However, retail side is still Malaysia remain globally competitive and
relatively slow. How can we bring more a market leader in Sukuks? What are the
excitement to the market? How to challenges and issues facing Issuers and
stimulate greater retail interest in the Investors? Where are the growth
market? How to make the market hot prospects? What will be the future of
without being overly speculative?) Sukuks globally and in Asia? What are
the opportunities and risks from investing
in Sukuks?) Note:-

Speakers:-  The Organiser reserves the right to amend

 Encik Badlisyah Abdul Ghani the programme in the best interest of the
CEO, CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad. Summit.
 Encik Zakariya Othman 
Head, Islamic Ratings, RAM Ratings Dated: 23rd November 2010
Services Berhad.

 Encik Mohammad Faiz Azmi
Joint Assurance Leader,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia.

2.30 pm “The Malaysian Debt Market and

Derivatives – What Next?”
(The Malaysian Bond Market showed
strong growth fuelled by increased
liquidity in the market and positive
economic recovery. Bond issuance is
expected to increase in the last quarter.
Demand for primary bond issuance is
expected to increase from RM35 bill last
year to RM45 bill this year. There is also
continued foreign buying of government
bonds. What are the strategic challenges
facing the Malaysian Debt Market? What
are the opportunities? How to minimize
the risks of investors in Bonds? What are
the lessons to be learnt in debt

 Mr. Jeffrey Tan
General Manager, Product
Development, Bursa Malaysia
Derivatives Berhad.
 Mr. Meor Amri Meor Ayob
CEO, Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia
Sdn Bhd.
 Mr. Ray Choy
Head, Debt Market Research, RHB
Research Institute Sdn Bhd.
 Encik Aizham Azlan
CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad.

 Mr. Seow Choong Liang
Vice-President / Head of Research,
Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad.

4.00 pm Closing Keynote Address –

“Attracting Chinese Portfolio
Investments & Funds to Malaysia”
Closing Keynote Speaker:-
 Senator Dato’ Donald Lim
Deputy Minister of Finance.

4.30 pm End of Summit / Afternoon


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