Rej525 Tobena
Rej525 Tobena
Rej525 Tobena
REJ 525 Combined Overcurrent and Earth-
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
Application The combined overcurrent and earth-fault The protection functions are independent of
relay REJ 525 is a secondary relay which is each other and have their own setting groups
connected to the current transformers of the and data recording. The overcurrent protec-
object to be protected. The overcurrent and tion function uses conventional current trans-
earth-fault units continuously measure the former measurement.
phase currents and the neutral current of the
object. On detection of a fault, the relay will An output contact matrix allows start or trip
start, trip the circuit breaker, provide alarms, signals from the protection stages to be
record fault data, etc. in accordance with the routed to the desired output contact.
application and the configured relay func-
Design The relay consists of a high-set and a low-set The high-set stage I>> can be set out of oper-
overcurrent unit, a high-set and a low-set ation. This state will be indicated by three
earth-fault unit, a phase discontinuity unit and dashes “---” on the LCD and by “999” when
a circuit-breaker failure protection unit. Fur- the set start current value is read via serial
ther, the relay includes an HMI module, a communication.
self-supervision system and a disturbance
recorder unit. The set start current value I>>/In of stage I>>
can be automatically doubled in a start situa-
tion, i.e. when the object to be protected is
Overcurrent unit connected to a distribution network. Thus a
When the phase currents exceed the set start set start current value below the connection
current of low-set stage I>, the overcurrent
inrush current level may be selected for over-
unit will start to deliver a start signal after a ~
current stage I>>. A start situation is defined
55 ms’ start time. When the set operate time as a situation where the phase current rises
at definite-time characteristic or the calcu-
from a value below 0.12 x I> to a value above
lated operate time at inverse-time characteris-
1.5 x I> in less than 60 ms. The start situation
tic elapses, the overcurrent unit will deliver a ends when the current falls below 1.25 x I>.
trip signal.
When the phase currents exceed the set start Phase discontinuity unit
current of high-set stage I>>, the overcurrent The phase discontinuity protection function
unit will start to deliver a start signal after a monitors the minimum and maximum phase
~30 ms’ start time. When the set operate time currents and calculates the difference
elapses, the overcurrent unit will deliver a trip between them.
The phase discontinuity protection stage will
It is possible to block the start and the trip- start when the current difference exceeds the
ping of the protection stage(s) by applying an start value ∆I of the protection stage. Should
external binary input signal to the relay. the phase discontinuity situation last longer
than the set operate time, the protection stage
The low-set stage of the overcurrent unit may will deliver a trip signal which can be routed
be assigned a definite-time or an inverse defi- to the desired output relay. It is possible to
nite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic. block the start and the tripping of the protec-
When the IDMT characteristic is chosen, six tion stage by applying an external binary
time/current curve groups are available. Four input signal to the relay. When the values of
of the groups comply with the IEC 60255 the measured currents fall below 0.1 x In, the
standard: the “normal inverse”, “very function will no longer be in use.
inverse”, “extremely inverse” and “long-time
inverse”. The two additional inverse-time The phase discontinuity function can be set
curve groups are referred to as the “RI-” and out of operation. This state will be indicated
“RD-”curves. by ”---” on the LCD and “999” when the set
start current value is read via serial communi-
The inverse-time function of stage I> can be cation.
set to be inhibited with a switch of switch-
group SGF2 when stage I>> starts. In this
case the operate time will be determined by
stage I>>.
Combined Overcurrent and Earth- REJ 525
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
High-set stage I0>> can be set out of opera- N om inal Sam pling R ecording
tion. This state will be indicated by three frequency H z frequency H z length s
dashes “---” on the LCD and by “999” when 50 800 0,64
the set start current value is read via serial 50 400 1,28
communication. 50 50 10,24
REJ 525 Combined Overcurrent and Earth-
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
The following languages for HMI menu and The REJ 525 is interfaced with a fibre-optic
display texts are available: English, German, bus by means of the bus connection module
French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish and Finn- RER 103 via the D9S-type RS-485 connector
ish. on the rear panel of the device. The RER 103
enables the use of either the SPA bus or the
IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol.
Self-supervision (IRF) unit The use of the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
The REJ 525 is provided with an extensive normally requires the fibre-optic star coupler
self-supervision system which continuously
RER 125.
supervises the software and the electronics of
the relay. It handles run-time fault situations The optical PC-connector on the front panel
and informs the user about an existing fault
is used to connect the relay to the CAP 501/
via a LED on the HMI and a text message on
505 setting and configuration tools. The front
the LCD. interface uses the SPA bus protocol. The opti-
cal PC-connector galvanically isolates the PC
Communication capabilities from the relay. Since this connector is stand-
The REJ 525 can be connected to a substation ardized for ABB relay products, only one
automation or monitoring system using either connecting cable (ABB art. No 1MKC-
the SPA bus communication protocol or the 950001-1) will be required.
IEC 60870-5-103 remote communication
protocol. Both protocols are supported in the The REJ 525 can also be connected to the
same device. Lon bus using a LON-SPA Gateway.
Combined Overcurrent and Earth- REJ 525
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
REJ 525 Combined Overcurrent and Earth-
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
Table 9: Dimensions
Width frame 111.4 mm, box 94 mm
Height frame 265.9 mm (6U), box 249.8 mm
Depth 235 mm (245.1 mm with a protective rear
cover, available as an option)
Enclosure size 1/4 (x 19")
Weight of the relay ~3.3 kg
Combined Overcurrent and Earth- REJ 525
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
Fast transient disturbance tests According to the IEC 60255-22-4 and the IEC 61000-4-4
Binary input 2 kV
Other terminals 4 kV
Surge immunity test According to the IEC 61000-4-5
Power supply 4 kV, line to earth, 2 kV, line to line
I/O ports 2 kV, line to earth, 1 kV, line to line
Power frequency (50 Hz) magnetic 100 A/m continuous
field IEC 61000-4-8
Voltage dips and short interruptions According to the IEC 61000-4-11
30%/10 ms
60%/100 ms
60%/1000 ms
> 95%/5000 ms
Electromagnetic emission tests According to the EN 55011 and EN 50081-2
Conducted, RF-emission (Mains terminal) EN 55011, class A, IEC 60255-25
Radiated RF-emission EN 55011, class A, IEC 60255-25
CE approval:
Complies with the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and the LV directive 73/23/EEC
Block diagram
0 -
- 1
Rx Tx
RER 103
Uaux ~ +
X1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 X2.1 17 18 1 2 13 14 15 10 11 12 7 8 9 5 6 3 4
+ + + Optical Serial
PC-interface port
5 SGB1 SGR2 4 3 X X
Blocking of stage I> TRIP
SGR3 X X 2 1
6 SGB1 SGR4 4 3 X X
Blocking of stage I>> TRIP
SGR7 X X 2 1
8 SGB1 SGR8 4 3 X X
Blocking of stage Io>> TRIP
REJ 525
Fig. 1 Connection diagram of the combined overcurrent and earth-fault relay. The residual current is
measured via a core-balane current transformer.
REJ 525 Combined Overcurrent and Earth-
Fault relay
1MRS 751205-MBG
0 -
- 1
Rx Tx
RER 103
Uaux ~ +
X1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 X2.1 17 18 1 2 13 14 15 10 11 12 7 8 9 5 6 3 4
+ + +
Optical Serial
PC-interface port
START SGR1 x x 2 1
5 SGB1 SGR2 4 3 x x
Blocking of stage I> TRIP
SGR3 x x 2 1
6 SGB1 SGR4 4 3 x x
Blocking of stage I>> TRIP
*REJ525B 415BAA: 2=5A
3=1A SGR9 X 3 X 1
REJ525B 412BAA: 2=1A 1 SGB2 Blocking of stage DI> TRIP SGR10 4 X 2 X
3 = 0.2 A
SGR5 x x 2 1
7 SGB1 SGR6 4 3 x x
Blocking of stage Io> TRIP
Fig. 2 Connection diagram of the combined overcurrent and earth-fault relay. The residual current is
measured via a summtion connection of the phase current transformers.
Table 2: Accesories
Protective cover for rear connectors 1MRS060132
Flush mounting kit 1MRS050209
Semi-flush mounting kit 1MRS050253
Wall mounting kit 1MRS050240
Side-by-side mounting kit 1MRS050241
19" Rack mounting kit 1MRS050257
Optic bus connection module RER 103 1MRS090701
Opto-cable 1MKC950001-1
1MRS 751205-MBG