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American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, Vol. 5, No.

4, 128-137
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajme/5/4/3
©Science and Education Publishing

Fixed Enclosure Guards and the Safety of Horizontal

Screw Conveyors
Ralph L. Barnett*

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Triodyne Inc, 3054 N. Lake Terrace Glenview, IL
*Corresponding author: rbarnett@triodyne.com

Abstract One cannot overstate the value and ever growing importance of the screw conveyor and one cannot
overemphasize the intrinsic danger associated with this classic monster. This danger can be controlled using fixed
enclosure guards that are not only compatible with the function of screw conveyors but are anecdotally
acknowledged to be the most desirable type of guard. Nevertheless, the speciality conveyor standards promulgate
dangerous guarding systems with features two levels below the fixed barrier guard. This paper revisits the system
of conveyor safety standards to rout out equivocal notions, expose shortcomings, and generally demonstrate that a
foolish inconsistency is not the hobgoblin of small minds. Finally, this paper challenges the notion that a fixed
enclosure guard is an elementary concept whose parameters are settled; e.g. a machine inside of a welded steel
box. The definition of fixity and the duality of operation and maintenance are both explored.

Figure 1. Typical Horizontal Screw Conveyor System [Taken from Figure 8.1, ANSI/CEMA 350-2009]

Keywords: auger, CEMA, fixed guard, screw conveyor, standard

Cite This Article: Ralph L. Barnett, “Fixed Enclosure Guards and the Safety of Horizontal Screw Conveyors.”
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 5, no. 4 (2017): 128-137. doi: 10.12691/ajme-5-4-3.

developed that focus on the dangers associated with screw

conveyors. This paper examines the viability of these
1. Introduction standards.
Presently, available safety standards are classified [2]
The screw conveyor was invented by Archimedes (287 into three categories; A-type standards, B-type standards,
to 212 B.C.) for removing water from the hold of a and C-type standards.
ship built for King Hiero of Syracuse [1]. It has a long A-Type Standards:
history as a conveyor of bulk materials and a reputation Definition: A-type standards specify basic concepts,
as an uncompromising safety hazard with a benign terminology, and design principles applicable to all
appearance. For this reason, various standards have been categories of machinery [2].
129 American Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Examples: a safety problem can be forecast to occur with reasonable

1) ANSI B11.19-2010, American National Standards frequency [13]. Traditionally, technologists have focused
for Machines – Performance Criteria for Safeguarding exclusively on the expected use of their products with the
[3]. associated safety requirements that derive from their
2) BS 5304: 1988, British Standard Code of Practice function. The judicial value system greatly expand this
for Safety of Machinery [4]. point of view to embrace all the uses of a product.
B-Type Standards: These include the reasonably foreseeable misuses and
Definition: B-type standards deal with specific aspects extended uses of the works and processes of technology.
of machinery safety or specific types of safeguarding that It is startling to watch technologists bristle and squirm at
can be used across a wide range of categories of the new and unanticipated uses that folks find for their
machinery [2]. original concepts.
Examples: As a final safety evaluation tool, this paper embraces
1) JIS B 9702: 2000 (ISO 14121: 1999), Japanese the first canon of ethics of every engineering society;
Industrial Standard; Safety of Machinery – “Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and
Principles of Risk Assessment [5]. welfare of the public in the performance of their
2) JIS B 9714: 2006 (ISO 14118: 2000), Japanese professional duties.” Note that welfare includes economic
Industrial Standard; Safety of Machinery – well-being.
Prevention of unexpected start-up [6].
3) JIS B 9716: 2006 (ISO 14120: 2002), Japanese
Industrial Standard; Safety of Machinery – Guards 2. Fixed Enclosure Guard
– General requirements for the design and
construction of fixed and movable guards [7]. A. Operational Characteristics
4) ISO 14119 (Second edition 2013-10-01), International The theoretical operation of a fixed enclosure guard
Organization for Standardization; Safety of is illustrated in Figure 2 where the protected hazard is
Machinery – Interlocking devices associated with represented by the triangular international safety symbol.
guards – Principles for design and selection [8]. The space giving rise to a contact hazard is surrounded by
C-type Standards: a safety boundary which must not be penetrated by a
Definition: C-type standards provide specifications for person’s body; this is designated “Unsafe Zone.” Between
a given category of machinery. The different types of the Unsafe Zone and the inside of the enclosure guard is a
machinery belonging to the category covered by a C-type space designated “Quasi-Safe Zone.” There are no
standard have a similar intended use and present similar contact hazards in the Quasi-Safe Zone; however, there
hazards. C-type standards may refer to A or B-type may be other hazards caused by missiles, heat, radiation,
standards indicating which of the specifications of the entrapment, and various non-mechanical threats. Outside
A or B-type standard are applicable to the category of of the enclosure guard the space is characterized as a
machinery concerned. When, for a given aspect of “Safe Zone.” With a properly designed enclosure guard,
machinery safety, a C-type standard deviates from the the Safe Zone provides a haven from mechanical contact
specifications of an A or B-type standard, the hazards and missile hazards. In addition, injury is
specifications of the C-type standard take precedence over abated from noise, radiation, pressurized and poisonous
the specifications of the A or B-type standard [2]. fluids and gases, microbes, and perhaps rap music.
Examples (Conveyor Standards): The design challenge of the enclosure guard arises from
1) ANSI/CEMA 350-2009, Conveyor Equipment multiple functional demands to admit, contain, restrict,
Manufacturers Association (CEMA) – Screw and release physical entities. Consider the following
Conveyors for Bulk Materials [9]. examples:
2) OSHA, Title 29→Subtitle B→ Chapter XVII part 1. Admit Into Hazard Zone
1926 – Safety and Health Regulations for • Work pieces
Construction, §1926.555 Conveyors, e-CFR data is • Light
current as of May 14, 2015 [10]. • Tools
3) ASA B20.1-1957 (UDC 621.876 – 783), American • Debris (Vacuum Cleaners, Rakes)
Society of Mechanical Engineers – Safety Code for • Coolants
Conveyors, Cableways and Related Equipment. 2. Contain Within Enclosure Guard
Note: OSHA refers to ANSI B20.1-1957, not the • Shrapnel
latest ASME B20.1-2012 standard (approved by • Swarf
ANSI) [11]. • Welding (Ultraviolet, Infrared, Sparks)
4) ASME B20.1-2012, American Society of Mechanical 3. Restrict Access to Hazard
Engineers, An American National Standard – Safety • Hair
Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment [12]. • Fingers
The internal consistency of these standards will be • Torso
challenged together with the premises behind their • Debris
assertions. One of our approaches is to look beyond the • Clothing
ABC’s of safety technology toward the judicial value 4. Release From Quasi-Safe Zone
system where the concept of “reasonable foreseeable use” • Fluids/Gases
dominates as a definitive criterion for safety evaluation. • Entangled Hair
This concept requires a practicable design solution when • Wedged Fingers
American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 130

Figure 2. Operating Fixed Enclosure Guard

5. Release From Unsafe Zone “9. Fixed Guard

• Finished Product A fixed guard should be used whenever practicable.
• Scrap/Chips The guard should, by its design, prevent access to the
• Heated Air dangerous parts of the machinery. It should be of robust
• Lubricants. construction, sufficient to withstand the stresses of the
B. Fixity process and environmental conditions. It should be
What is the difference between an enclosure guard securely fixed in position when the machinery is in
and a fixed enclosure guard? In the usual way, motion or is likely to be in motion, and it should not be
technologists have relied on consensus rather than possible to remove or open the guard at any time without
research to answer this question. The resulting literature the aid of a tool.” p. 9.
on fixed guards may be broken into five categories; b. McNeil-Watson, D.B., “Some Advantages of
1. Unspecified Fixity Mechanical Guarding Systems,” Sheet Metal
• Great Britain, Factories Act of 1937. London, Industries v. 54 (September 1977): pp.808-814
His Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1937. [17].
“…The Factories Act, 1937…places clear emphasis on “When the Factories Act refers to ‘Secure Fencing’ it
the use of a fixed guard as the primary method of is instinctive to think of fixed guarding, and rightly
attaining secure fencing…When we refer here to a so, because by every process of logical thinking, it is
fixed guard, we mean a static fixed enclosure secured necessary to accept that the best solution to a
to the press so that there can be no access of the dangerous mechanical situation is to enclose it with a
person to the danger area.” p. 6. structure which completely prevents human access.
2. Not Readily Removable by the Operator Unfortunately, life is not always that simple.”
a. “Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and “Access may never be required to some parts, but in
Use of Lathes,” ANSI B11.6-1975 New York: some places it will be necessary to remove the
American National Standards Institute, 1975 [14]. guards occasionally for maintenance, lubrication or
5.9.1 Fixed Guards adjustment, and in others every time the machine is
Fixed guards used to satisfy the requirements of this set up for a different job, or even to clear a jam-up
standard shall do the following: if mis-feeding occurs. So how fixed is fixed?”
(3) Be securely attached to the lathe frame, component, “A school of thought, which is now gaining ground,
or fixture, and utilize fasteners not readily removable by advocates different treatment for these varying
the operator p. 29. situations… but where guards frequently have to be
b. “American National Standard for Machine moved during the normal course of events, then, in
Tools—Single- and Multiple-Spindle Automatic addition to normal fixing, involving the use of hand
Bar and Chucking Machines —Safety Requirements tools, some form of interlocking should be included,
for Construction, Care and Use,” ANSI B11.13- to ensure safety to the person requiring access.” p.
1992. New York, American National Standards 808.
Institute, approved June 2, 1992 [15]. c. “British Standard Code of Practice for Safety of
“6.2.1 Fixed Guards Machinery,” BS 5304: 1988. London, British
Fixed guards used to satisfy the requirements of this Standards Institution, 1988 [4].
standard shall: “Section six. Selection of safeguards…6.1
c. Be securely attached to the machine, its General…In selecting an appropriate safeguard for a
components, or fixtures, and where possible, particular type of machinery or danger area, it should
utilize fasteners not readily removable." be borne in mind that a fixed guard is simple, and
3. Secured Using Tools should be used where access to the danger area is
a. “Safeguarding of Machinery,” BS 5304: 1975. not required during operation of the machinery or for
London, British Standards Institution, 1975 [16]. cleaning, setting or other activities."
131 American Journal of Mechanical Engineering

“As the need for access arises and increases in “The guard should, by its design, prevent access to
frequency, the importance of safety procedures for the hazardous parts of the machinery. It should be
removal of a fixed guard increases until the frequency of robust construction, sufficient to withstand the
is such that interlocking should be used. However, on stresses of the process and environmental conditions.”
some designs of self-propelled and trailed machines, it “If the guard is capable of being opened or
may not be reasonably practicable to fit interlocks at removed, this should only be possible with the aid of a
every guard. The requirements of safety procedures tool. Preferably the fastenings should be of the captive
and/or interlocking will become more stringent as the type. The guard should be securely fixed in position
level of risk increases…” p. 41. when the machinery is in motion or is likely to be in
Section 7.2 Types of guard 7.2.1 Fixed guard motion. Where guards have to be removed
General. Fixed guard is a guard which has no moving parts. periodically, e.g., for such purposes as setting or
“The guard should, by its design, prevent access to the cleaning, good design reduces the time required for
dangerous parts of the machinery. It should be of robust their removal and replacement to a minimum. Ideally
construction, sufficient to withstand the stresses of the the removal of a single fixing with the appropriate
process and environmental conditions.” tool should give the access required…"
“If the guard can be opened or removed, this should g. “American National Standard for Machine
only be possible with the aid of a tool. Preferably Tools—Safety Requirements for Machining
the fastenings should be of the captive type. The guard Centers and Automatic, Numerically Controlled
should be securely fixed in position when the Milling, Drilling and Boring Machines,” ANSI
machinery is in motion or is likely to be in motion. B11.23-2002. New York, American National
Where guards have to be removed periodically, e.g., Standards Institute, approved June 14, 2002
for such purposes as setting or cleaning, good design [21].
reduces the time required for their removal and "8.2.2 Fixed guards
replacement to a minimum. Ideally the removal of a A fixed guard shall be kept in place (i.e., closed) by
single fixing with the appropriate tool should give the either permanent means (e.g., welding), or by means of
access required…” p. 43 fasteners (e.g., screws, bolts), making removal/opening
d. “Safety of machinery—Guards—General virtually impossible without the use of tools."
requirements for the design and construction of h. “American National Standard for Machine
fixed and movable guards,” BS EN 953:1998. Tools Performance Criteria for Safeguarding,”
London: British Standards Institute, 1998 [18]. ANSI B11.19-2003 New York: American
"3.2 fixed guard National Standard Institute, 2003 [22].
Guard kept in place (i.e. closed): "7.2.6 The user shall ensure that barrier guards are
--by means of fasteners (screws, nuts, etc.) making installed, maintained, and operated so as to protect
removal/opening impossible without using tools.” p. 4. against:
e. Nicholas, Robert, “Keeping Guard,” Safety and (a) Unauthorized adjustment or circumvention;
Health Practitioner, v. 18 n. 12 (December 2000): E7.2.6 Guards installed in such a manner that tools
pp. 24-25 [19]. are necessary for their adjustment or removal may
“Machinery safeguards and/or safety devices must not satisfy this requirement. Training and supervision in
be considered as the first or only option for the the adjustment, maintenance, and operation of the
prevention of exposure to machinery hazards. safeguarding are necessary to ensure its proper
Physical safeguards can only be considered a viable operation.” p. 14.
alternative if attempts to eliminate hazards at the 4. Secure With Special Tools (or Lock)
design stage have been deemed to be impracticable.” a. “Guarding of Machinery,” CP 3004: 1964.
p. 24. London, The Council for Codes of Practice,
“A fixed guard is one which is attached to the British Standards Institution, 1964 23].
machine by simple fixing methods. The guard is not “a. Fixed guards. This type of guard should be
linked with the machine controls, motion of the provided in every practicable case since the
machine or any hazardous situation created.” Factories Act 1961 places clear emphasis on the use
“Where a fixed guard is fitted it should not be of a fixed guard as the primary method of attaining
capable of being casually displaced. Therefore the secure fencing."
method of fixing is of vital importance to the integrity “The guard should by the nature of its design and
of the guard and the safety of the operator. BS EN 953: construction, prohibit access to the dangerous parts
1997 requires that fixed guards should be kept in place of machinery and should remain in position after
either permanently by welding, etc… or by means of installation."
fasteners (screws, nuts/bolts, etc) making removal/opening “Where, for the purpose of production, e.g., to
impossible without the use of tools.” p. 24. remove some obstruction, a fixed guard is removable
f. “British Standard Code of Practice for Safety of without the use of special tools, it should incorporate a
Machinery,” PD 5304: 2000. London, British lock to ensure that it cannot be removed while the
Standards Institution, 2000 [20]. machine is in motion” p. 15.
“Section 7.2 Types of guard “ b. “Principles of Guarding and Transmission Guards,”
7.2.1 Fixed guard Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations,
“ General. A fixed guard is a guard which 6th ed. Chicago, National Safety Council, 1969, p.
is kept closed and in place. 658-689 [24].
American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 132

“Fixed barrier guards Fixed barrier guards may be source for the ‘Fixity Papers’ cited in Section II-B. In
designed with a pivoting, sliding, or removable section spite of their diversity, the sixty papers all support one
to allow ready access to the die…” p. 704 unifying theme; fixed enclosure guards should be used in
“This type of [interlocked fixed barrier] guard should preference to all other types.
be secured to the press frame with fasteners which
require a special tool, retained only by the foreman or
the job setter, for removal.” p. 706. 3. Horizontal Screw Conveyor Safety
c. “American National Standard for Machines –
Performance Criteria for Safeguarding,” ANSI B11.19- A. Description
2010, Leesburg, VA: B11 Standards, Inc [25]. Figure 1 illustrates one of the most commonly used
"7.2.6 The user shall ensure that guards are installed, horizontal screw conveyor systems with a self-contained
maintained, and operated so as to protect against: screw conveyor drive consisting of a fully enclosed
• unauthorized adjustment or circumvention; single or double reduction speed reducer (d) which drives
E7.2.6 Guards installed in such a manner that tools are a low speed shaft (f) through a special mounting trough
necessary for their adjustment or removal may satisfy end adapter (e). This reducer is driven by a V-belt drive.
this requirement. Training and supervision in the (a) powered by an enclosed electric motor (a) mounted on
adjustment, maintenance, and operation of the a motor support bracket (j). The conveyor screw (i)
safeguarding are necessary to ensure its proper is contained within a trough (k) that is covered with
operation. Examples of some types of fasteners that a cover guard (c) held in position with a fastener
should not be used are: (g). A power transmission guard (m) covers the
• slotted or Phillips head screws; belt drive. Finally, a discharge spout (h) is shown
• wing nuts; on the bottom of the trough.
• magnets; B. ANSI/CEMA 350-2009
• latches and hasps; The four C-Type standards identified in the introduction to
• hooks and eyes. this paper provided the most authoritative safety guidelines
The devices should be checked frequently for proper in the U.S. for designing horizontal screw conveyors. The
operation." viability and consistency of these standards is examined
Comment A: Although no one has done it, a special in this section which begins with the 160 page Screw
tool can be defined as a tool not normally available to the Conveyor Book No. 350; ANSI/ CEMA 350-2009. This
community of personnel exposed to the fixed guard. document has been developed and maintained by members
The maintenance staff, of course, always has the means of CEMA, the trade association of the Conveyor
of removing a fixed guard. Equipment Manufacturers Association. Although there is
Comment B: A guard lock key held by the no formal section entitled ‘Scope,’ the safety orientation
maintenance staff is equivalent to a special tool. of this book can be divined from the following excerpts:
Comment C: Instead of defining a special tool, • CEMA Organization Chart…shows a Safety
ANSI B 11.19-2010 describes the devices that are not Committee.
special; e.g. wing nuts and latches. • Disclaimer: “The information provided in this
5. Permanent Fasteners document is advisory only. These recommendations
a. Nicholas, Robert, “Keeping Guard,” Safety and are provided by CEMA in the interest of promoting
Health safety in the work place.”
Practitioner, v. 18 n. 12 (December 2000): pp. 24-25. • Chapter 5, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
“… fixed guards should be kept in place…permanently Safety
by welding, etc…” “Conveyor assemblies or components must be
b. “American National Standard for Machine installed, maintained and operated in such a manner
Tools—Safety Requirements for Machining as to comply with the Occupational Safety and
Centers and Automatic, Numerically Controlled Health Act, all state and local regulations, and the
Milling, Drilling and Boring Machines,” ANSI American National Standard Institute safety code.”
B11.23-2002. New York, American National (Note: Specific Standards are not identified)
Standards Institute, approved June 14, 2002.. • Chapter 4: Trough Covers
“A fixed guard shall be kept in place (i.e. closed) “The functions of trough covers are (1) where
by … permanent means (e.g. welding),…” personnel are not protected by the inaccessible location
c. “American National Standard Safety Requirements of the moving parts of a conveyor, to protect personnel
for Transfer Machines,” ANSI B11.24-2002 New from serious injury resulting from contact with the
York: American National Standards Institute, 2002 rotating screw, and (2) to keep the conveyed material and
[26] dust within the conveyor housing and to exclude
"8.2.2 Fixed guards. foreign materials.
A fixed guard shall be kept in place (i.e., closed) by 1. COVERS AND GRATINGS. Use rugged gratings
either permanent means (e.g., welding), or my means in all open loading areas and solid covers in other
of fasteners (e.g., screws, bolts), making removal/opening areas. Covers, guards and gratings at inlet points
virtually impossible without the use of tools." p. 31 must be such that personnel cannot be injured by
Triodyne, Inc. maintains a collection of sixty papers on the screw.
fixed guards under the title “Fixed Versus Interlocked 2. LOCK-OUT AND TAG-OUT. A formalized lock-
Guards.” The associated annotated bibliography was the out or tag-out procedure must be followed when
133 American Journal of Mechanical Engineering

a conveyor is stopped for maintenance or repairs C. Fixed Enclosure Guard v. Enclosure Guard
and before conveyors or guards are removed. All There are numerous admonitions in the ANSI/CEMA
safety devices, covers, and guards shall be replaced standard not to operate screw conveyors without a
before starting equipment for operation. solid cover or a grating in situ. The most important
3. GUARDS. For protection of the operator and other issue raised in this paper is that of fixity. It is
persons in the working area, purchaser should unequivocal that the standard calls for enclosure guards;
provide guards for all exposed equipment such with proper fixity they become fixed enclosure guards.
as drives, gears, shafts, couplings, etc. In this 1. Gravity Based Fixity
publication, some guards and covers are shown
removed to facilitate viewing of moving parts.
Equipment must not be operated without guards
and covers in place.
• Standard Safety Labels

Figure 4a. Conventional Flanged Cover [ANSI/CEMA 350-1971, 2009

(After Figure 1.4)]

Figure 4b. Hip Roof Cover [ANSI/CEMA 350-1971, 2009 (After

Figure 5.9D)]

Figure 4c. Dust Seal Covers [ANSI/CEMA 350-1971, 2009 (After

Figure 5.9B)

Comment A: The covers shown in Figure 4a, Figure 4b,

Figure 4c are held in position by gravity alone. The
covers were illustrated in the earliest (1971) and latest
(2009) editions of ANSI/CEMA 350.
Comment B: ASME B20.1-2012, Safety Standard for
Conveyors and Related Equipment, The American
Figure 3. Typical Product Warning Labels (ANSI/CEMA 350-2009) Society of Mechanical Engineers - this standard is silent
American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 134

on the subject of fixity. The sections of the standard that is ensured whatever the position of the guard (see
apply to screw conveyors are provided in Reference A. also 3.5).
Comment C: OSHA.: Title 29 – Subtitle B – NOTE 3 “Closed” means “kept in place” for a fixed
Chapter XVII – Part 1926 – Safety and Health guard.
Regulations For Construction; § 1926.555 Conveyors - [ISO/TR 12100-1:1992, 3.22]
there are only two references to screw conveyors in 2.2. fixed guard guard kept in place, that is closed, either
OSHA’s Construction Regulations, permanently (by welding, etc.), or by means of
• (4) Screw conveyors shall be guarded to prevent fasteners (screws, nuts, etc.) making removal/opening
employee contact with turning flights. impossible without using tools.
• Referenced by OSHA; ANSI B20.1 – 1972, “Safety [ISO/TR 12100-1:1992, 3.22.1]
Code for Conveyors, Cableways, and Related 2.2.1 enclosing guard guard which prevents access to the
Equipment,” The American Society of Mechanical danger zone from all sides.
Engineers, [27] 3. Fasteners - No Tool Required
Section 21 Screw Conveyor
Troughs or boxes should be equipped with a cover. If it
is not practical to cover the troughs or boxes, other guards
shall be provided.
Observe that OSHA does not require guard fixity.
Comment D: The only three U.S. C-Type standards
covering screw conveyors require only enclosure
guards; they do not specify fixed enclosure guards.
Comment E: The principle of "reasonably foreseeable
use" requires a fixed enclosure guard for screw
conveyors not safeguarded by location or
interlocking. This fixed guard protects personnel
against reasonably foreseeable misuses such as the
• Walking or stepping on the covers or grating that Figure 5a. Angle Flanged Type Trough With Plain Flat Cover Fastened
is warned against in ANSI/CEMA 350. with Thumb-Screw "C" Clamps [ANSI/CEMA 350-2009 (Figure 4. 16C)]
• Failure to replace covers after maintenance.
• Accidentally displacing unsecured covers by
bumping or leaning.
• Deliberate removal of covers for inspection,
curiosity, disposal of spilled product, and for
• Dislodging unsecured covers when conveyed
material bulges up at the ends of the conveyor near
a clogged discharge spout. This scenario is
illustrated in Figure 8 - Photograph.
Comment F: Unsecured covers will not satisfy Type-
A standards such as ANSI B11.19-2010,
Performance Criteria for Safeguarding.
Comment G: Unsecured covers will not satisfy
Type-B standards such as ISO 14120: 2002 (E); note,
[28] Figure 5b. Angle Flanged Type Trough With Semi-Flanged Cover
6.4.2 Where access is not required during use, Spring Clamped [ANSI/CEMA 350-2009 (Figure 4. 16D)]
Fixed guards should be used on account of their
simplicity and reliability.
2. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
terms and definitions given in ISO/TR 12100-1 and EN
1070 and the following apply. [29]
2.1. guard part of a machine specifically used to provide
protection by means of a physical barrier
NOTE 1 Depending on its construction, a guard may
be called casing, cover, screen, door, enclosing guard,
NOTE 2 A guard may act:
• Alone, in which case it is only effective when it is
• In conjunction with an interlocking device with or Figure 5c. Thumb-Screw Cover Clamp [ANSI/CEMA 350-2009
without guard locking, in which case protection (Figure 4. 16E)]
135 American Journal of Mechanical Engineering

regulations for Bakery Equipment §1910.263

addresses this problem;
(7) Screw Conveyors
(i)(ii) [Reserved]
(iii) The covers of all screw conveyors shall be made
removable in convenient sections, held on with
stationary clamps located at proper intervals keeping all
covers dust-tight. Where drop or hinged bottom sections
Figure 5d. Spring Cover Clamp Welding Bracket Optional are provided this provision shall not apply.
Comment A: The two covers illustrated in Figure 5a • Permanent Distortion…Tightening the thumb
and Figure 5b are both taken from the 1971 and 2009 screw with hand tools such as pliers, adjustable
editions of ANSI/CEMA 350. Each is clamped into wrenches, or lock pliers is a reasonably
position using the fasteners shown in Figure 5c and foreseeable misuse that can yield the C-Clamp.
Figure 5d which require no tools for their installation. In Testing of a 2-inch cover clamp established an
thirty- eight years no safety progress has been reflected elastic limit compression force of approximately
in these standards. 500 lb; hand tightening produces 300 lb. All hand
Comment B: The two Type-C standards, ASME tools over 6-inches in length can develop clamping
B20.1 or OSHA Construction regulations (Part 1926), forces that exceed 500 lb.
place no prohibitions on the use of “tool free” fasteners. 4. Fasteners - Tool Required
Furthermore, no fixity requirements are found in the
OSHA regulations concerning Occupational Safety and
Health Standards (Part: 1910). The specific machine
regulations sometimes refer to ASME B20.1-1957.
Comment C: The previously cited Type-A and Type-
B standards covering general safety principles and
barrier guarding reject “tool free” fasteners.
Comment D: Recall that users are required to give
preference to Type-C standards such as ANSI/ CEMA
350-2009. Consequently, conscientious designers often
create old-fashioned dangerous screw conveyor systems.
Comment E: The thumb screw clamp shown in
Figure 5c has four potential shortcomings that are not Figure 6. Angle Flanged Type Trough With Flanged and Bolted Cover
discussed in the CEMA Book 350, [ANSI/CEMA 350-1971, 2009 (Figure 4.16A)]
• Lost Clamps…Because clamps are regularly The bolted cover depicted in Figure 6 requires a
removed to inspect, unjam, and maintain screw wrench to install or remove the fasteners. Because a
conveyors, it is not surprising that they tool is required to gain access to the auger, the cover is
occasionally disappear when there is no tethering. called a fixed enclosure guard.
The spring clamp shown in Figure 5d can be All of the covers shown in Figure 4, Figure 5 can be
secured below the trough flange by rivets with flat converted to fixed enclosure guards by bolting or welding
counter-sunk heads that lie flush with the top of a grating inside of the troughs as illustrated in Figure 7.
trough flange. The dual system provides proper personnel protection
• Tramp Metal…the clamps can fall into the trough. with the grating whereas environmental protection is
• Relocation…the number and position of reinstalled supplied by the unbolted covers. The grating allows the
clamps is often compromised by primitive conveyor to be safely filled or inspected while the
communications. For example the OSHA machine is running.

Figure 7. Fixed Grating Inside of Trough

American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 136

Figure 8. Material Driven to Dead End - Bulging Lifts Plastic Cover

5. Hinged Cover 4. Observations

The following description of the hinged cover
shown in Figure 9 is taken from the ANSI/CEMA A. The most popular and extensive guide for
standard: designers of screw conveyors is the C-Type
standard ANSI/CEMA 350-2009. This 160 page
book does not require, support, or encourage the
adoption of fixed enclosure guards. In the 38 years
since the last publication of this standard, no
change had been made in its position on guarding.
B. All of the A-Type and B-Type standards on
general safety principles and the theory of
guarding, both national and international,
recognize that the fixed enclosure guard is the
safest, simplest, and most reliable guarding system
and should be used wherever possible. Without
exception, the entire guarding literature supports
this position.
C. OSHA does not require employers to use fixed
Figure 9. Hinged Cover [ANSI/CEMA 350-1971, 2009 (Figure 5.9C)] enclosure guards around screw conveyors. This C-
Type standard refers to the 43 year old conveyor
Hinged Covers standard, ASME 20.1.-1957.
“Hinged covers may be constructed from conventional flat D. The latest C-Type safety standard on conveyors,
covers or other special covers. They are equipped with ASME B20.1-2012, requires enclosure guards on
a continuous (piano) type hinge along one edge. The screw conveyors; but not fixed enclosure guards.
other edge is bolted or clamped to the trough flange. E. The principle of “reasonably foreseeable use"
Hinged covers are used in applications where it is not would reject enclosure guards for screw conveyors
desirable to have a cover that must be completely that are not fixed.
removed such as high areas above walkways or work F. The notion of a fixed enclosure guard which
spaces where a detached cover might fall.” appears straightforward at first blush, becomes very
Comment A: When the fasteners are clamps that do sophisticated when subsidiary requirements are
not require a tool, the system is called an enclosure guard. imposed. These may include some of the following
The use of bolt fasteners provides a fixed enclosure properties: benignity, reliability, transparency,
guard. cleanability, portability, degradation resistance,
Comment B: With an unfastened cover or a compactness, weight, stiffness, strength, cost,
clamped cover the system can be converted to a fixed aerodynamics, aesthetics, fixity, and non- snagging.
enclosure guard by the addition of a fixed grating for
filling or inspecting the conveyor.
Comment C: The hinged cover is ideally suited to References
interlocking when the environment is compatible with
the interlock system. The ANSI/CEMA 350 standards [1] "Screw Conveyors," Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers
do not address interlocking. On the other hand, the Type-A Association, 350-1971.
standards readily endorse properly designed interlocked [2] "Machinery Directive Harmonized Standards," Machine Building.
guards [e.g. ANSI B11.19-2010, 7.1.9]. net, July 2014.
[3] “American National Standard – Performance Requirements for
Comment D: As shown in Figure 8, impeding the flow Safeguarding,” ANSI B11.19-2010.
from a discharge chute may cause the product to bulge and [4] “Code of practice for safety of machinery,” BS 5304: 1988.
lift an unsecured cover.
137 American Journal of Mechanical Engineering

[5] “Japanese Industrial Standard; Safety of Machinery – [18] “Code of Practice for Safety of Machinery,” BS EN 953: 1998.
Principles of Risk Assessment,” JIS B 9702 2000. [19] Nicholas, Robert, "Keeping Guard," Safety and Health Practioner,
[6] “Japanese Industrial Standard; Safety of Machinery – Prevention V. 18, n. 12, Dec. 2000.
of Unexpected Start-up,” JIS B9714: 2006. [20] “British Safety Code for Safe Use of Machinery,” PD 5304:2000.
[7] “Japanese Industrial Standard; Safety of Machinery – Guards – [21] “American National Standard for Machine Tools – Safety
General Requirements for the Design and Construction of Requirements for Machining Centers and Automatic,
Fixed and Movable Guards,” JIS B9716: 2006. Numerically Controlled Milling, Drilling and Boring Machines,”
[8] “International Standard Organization for Standardization; ANSI B11.23:2002.
Safety of Machinery – Interlocking Devices Associated with [22] “American National Standard for Machines – Performance
Guards – Principles for Design and Selection,” ISO 14119. Criteria for Safeguarding,” ANSI B11.19-2003.
[9] “Screw Conveyors for Bulk Materials,” ANSI/CEMA 350-2009. [23] "Guarding of Machinery," CP 3004: 1964.
[10] "Conveyors," OSHA 29 CFR 1926.555. [24] "Principles of Guarding and Transmission Guards,' Accident
[11] “American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Safety Code for Preventional Manual for Industrial Operations, 6th ed., National
Conveyors, Cableways and Related Equipment,” ASA B20.1- Safety Council, 1969.
1957. [25] “American National Standard for Machines – Performance
[12] “American Society of Mechanical Engineers- Safety Standard Criteria for Safeguarding,” ANSI B11.19-2010.
for Conveyors and Related Equipment,” ASME B20.1-2012. [26] “American National Standard Safety Requirements for Transfer
[13] Ralph L. Barnett, "Reasonably Foreseeable Use," Triodyne Safety Machines,” ANSI B11.24-2002.
Brief, Vol. 14 No. 3, November, 1998. [27] “Safety Code for Conveyors, Cableways, and Related
[14] “American National Standard for Machine Tools - Safety Equipment,” ANSI B20.1-1972.
Requirements for Construction, Care, and Use of Lathes,” [28] “Safety of machinery — Guards — General requirements for
ANSI B11.6-1975. the design and construction of fixed and movable guards,”
[15] “American National Standard – Single –and Multiple-Spindle ISO 14120:2002.
Automatic Bar and Chucking Machines – Safety Requirements [29] “Safety of machinery -- Basic concepts, general principles for
for Construction, Care and Use,” ANSI B11.13-1992. design -- Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology," ISO/TR
[16] “Code of Practice Safeguarding of Machinery,” BS 5304:1975. 12100-1:1992.
[17] D.B. McNeil-Watson, "Some Advantages of Mechanical Guarding
Systems," Sheet Metal Industries V. 54, 1977.

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